##VIDEO ID:qWrU2kT1iNQ## won't be here tonight um his wife is having some medical problems there at UAB and he didn't want to be uh he asked me what I thought don't drive all the way back from UAB for us we can handle this so all right welcome everybody to the city of Parker council meeting for the uh 20 16th of September is how you want it right 16th of September yes sir um the invocation today will be Pastor Danny Davis if you don't mind everybody please stand yes thank you Heaven father we come to you with grateful hearts that we can come to you and ask you for your assistance your guidance your wisdom God for this meeting tonight God be over us give us wisdom God guide our thoughts and our words that be accepted on your sight these things we ask in Jesus name amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stand one nation under God indivisible Liberty all don't mind please be seated all right let's see would you call the role please miss Barrow here miss bford here Mr Chapel here Mr Haney here mayor Kelly I'm here and we have three items on our regular agenda tonight so this will be a relatively short meeting I do believe um we have ask um Suzanne the auditor to U be the reader for Mr Sloan tonight the first item is uh the second reading uh and I'm going to open the floor to the public for public comment this is going to be on the second reading of the adoption and resolution of number 2024 401 for the 3.00 millage for the city of Parker for this fiscal year um is there anybody in the audience that would like to come to the podium and speak to them Podium nobody okay very good the public meeting is now closed we need a first and a second to open this for reading got a motion to read we have a second we have a second we call a roll please M Barrow no Miss bford yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly absolutely yes thank you Council ma'am a motion okay good ready okay this is resolution 24 sorry 202 24- 41 for 3.0 millage rate a res resolution of the city council of the city of Parker Florida authorizing the adoption of the tenants of millage rate for the tax year 2024 2025 levying an advalorium tax of three Mills $3 per thousand valuation on all real and personal property within said city which is not exempt under the law for the purpose of providing funds for the the ordinary and regular requirements of the city of Parker for the fiscal year 2024 2025 providing an effective date thank you ma'am uh we need a first and the second to adopt make a motion to adopt have a motion do have a second it's just it says public hearing on I can't hear you ma'am says public hearing on there I open the floor for public hearing already yeah but this one says it too okay I open the floor I open the floor again for public hearing because that was 401 this is 402 we have to vote on each one individually right yeah yeah that was 401 this is this is the motion to adopt yeah that's right there's no public hear for that I close the public hearing so we need a motion in a second to adopt it made a motion to adopt we have a motion do have a second I'll second we have a second call a roll please miss Barrow no Miss bford yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney no mayor Kelly yes thank you Council item two is the second public hearing and Adoption of the resolution 24-42 for 2025 24 uh this the budget for the city council I open the floor to the public floor is closed Council we need a motion in a second in order to read this second hearing this is for the uh CRA no this is for the budget item two is for adoption and resolution of the budget from the city council item for c yeah item three is a cra so item two is for the budget for the city council we have a motion on the floor do I have a second second got a first and a second you call the RO please M Barrow no M bford yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney mayor Kelly yes resolution 20 24-42 a resolution of the city of Parker Florida adopting a budget for the fiscal year October 1st 2024 through September 30th 2025 and providing an effective date okay we need to vote this in now so we need a first on the second to accept the budget as written motion to adopt motion to adopt do we have a second second we have a second when you call the role please miss Barrow I'm gonna say no because I'm totally confused here I don't I thought we were number two item two no no okay good Miss bford yes this is to many Mr Chapel Mr Haney yes may Kelly yes thank you ladies and gentlemen this is the third and final item which is the second public hearing uh and Adoption of the resolution for the CRA for this fiscal year and next I open the floor anybody in the public if you'd like to come to the podium at this time and we talk about the uh C the CR has what the council intends to do with it or anybody else okay I close the public comment we need a first and a second to read it I'll make a motion to read motion to read got a second get a second call roll please miss Barrow yes Miss bford yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly yes thank you very much if you would please read that for us CRA resolution 202 24-28 C resolution of the city of ER community redevelopment agency adopting a budget for fiscal year October 1st 2024 through September 30th 2025 providing an effective date very good um yeah second got a second call roll please miss Barrow yes Miss bford yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney mayor Kelly absolutely yes thank you very much Council um I will tell you in this next fiscal year um we will be doing something slightly different because we never had money in the CRM before um we will have a couple of meetings annually so that the city council who are the elected people to uh be the custodians of this Revenue that we've never had before because we never had value of property that generated the CRA so now that we're able to generate a significant amount of money we want to be able to spend that money inside the CRA like I said we never had it before I don't know what the dates will be I will leave that to Suzanne to see what's best fiscally but I know when will we start collecting that Revenue October 1st October y so we'll probably have a meeting four or five months from now and we'll look at what potentially we're going to have and we will look at what potentially we will need to buy using the CRA money anything else okay uh council do you have anything you'd like to talk talk about that CRA money is it exclusively just for that area for the area of the CRA yes sir okay yeah so like what um the melind pond was in the CRA so we use some of that CRA for the melind pond and there may be other decent sized projects where we could for example we could use that money and use it as a match so if there was let's say there was a grant out there for 500,000 and we could put up a quarter of it from CR and the project was in the CRA we could have a half million dollar project for just the percentage that the CRA covers in that area would cover equipment okay yep it will cover equipment y but um equipment like the excavator he uses that throughout the whole city and he don't know this but one of the things I want him to have is I want him to have a trailer to put it on because currently in order to take it anywhere we have to borrow it from White and I like Bubba does a great job but he's we own the equipment we should have our own trailer to move it around on and I know Tony needs a new dump truck and a couple other big things and if it's used in the CRA we can buy it to spend in the CRA so you got CRA now John and we got Ador be the second year full Ador so my my goal my goal is to get this pipe in the ground and then when that pipe is in the ground we will start generating revenue from the lots that are empty because people will start to build on those and once they start to build then we'll see some we'll see some funds generated and then maybe as we move forward in the future we could think about possibility of having a adval for commercial and not adval for residential we can we talk about it so okay Miss bar you have anything you want to talk about okay no nothing M anybody okay I would Tony yeah Tony is it's probably off the subject but is there a machine or something that goes along the beach and picks up seaweed yeah is most of the time we uh I rely on one of the guys I have right now that basically says we can remove the seaweed it's not a problem they say it's the water will come back and take it take away those machines were on they got one in Mexico Beach it cleans the beach is what it's really for not to clean up seaweed it cleans up trash trash CU a lot of people dig down in the sand to put their garbage down in there it's covered up and that machine goes along like a a plow and scuffs it all up and then throws it in the barrel then drive on down the road with it you know I was out there this morning looking at the beach and uh it just looks messy that's all I just okay I'm sure we could buy you a yard right you could rake it out I mean really well I was thinking about that and put it around my plants sea waterer and no no old mullet throw a mullet in there whatever you can find no that salt will kill it it kills the grass when it comes up in cont you could you could you could have meat will probably give you a goat to pick it up well I have nothing ladies and gentlemen thank you very much I appreciate you just got go home and have a good dinner