all right so you're on Radford okay thank you I'd like to call uh this meeting of the minor site plan and subdivision uh subdivision Committee of the township parci Troy Hills to order uh announcement is made that adequate notice of this meeting has been given and that has been conducted in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-6 XC of the New Jersey open public meetings act uh Pledge of Allegiance please oh wait roll call First sorry Mr D here Mr Nano here Smith here presid oh Smith sorry sorry go ahead Mr M pres we also have our board planner miss winto our board engineer Mr kiano and our board uh attorney Miss dley okay like to pledge allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic stands one nation indivisible liberty and justice for all okay so who's appearing for I guess first we have uh oh is if any the meeting is open to the general public so if anyone has any business not on tonight's agenda please step forward seeing none uh our first application is and only application is application 24-5 502 196 to 200 Route 46 West LLC um who's here representing is it you John okay um our orders are clear we got to have this done well before 7:30 for the general meeting Mr chairman we will not be long okay good thanks okay without any further Ado good evening to everybody uh John engino here I'm a partner with the law firm of engino and Taylor here in pany we represent the applicant 196 through 2000 46 West LLC the applicants proposing to convert a currently vacant building on the subject property located on the westbound side of Route 46 at 200 R 46 AKA uh lot 14 and block 693 to a safe light windshield repair facility the building previously contained a convenience grocery store and again it's now vacant satellite uh safe light has been in existence since 1947 it's the industry leader in the field of windshield repair services you may be familiar with its ad jingle safe light repair safe light replace I would sing it but you know probably not my highest and best use uh it is uh renowned for providing excellent convenient windshield repair services that are designed to get drivers back on the road as soon as possible safe light has operated out of Montville uh on changebridge Road in Pinebrook for the last 20 years and it now wishes to close the Montville facility and moved to a more desirable location here in Paran on Route 46 montville's lost pares gain oh well um as you'll hear safe flight is seeking minor site plan or the applicant is seeking uh minor site plan uh approval to convert uh this vacant building it's about 8,500 or so square feet into a uh the repair uh and replacement facility size is not being changed there are no variances or design waivers associated with the application proposed use is permitted in the B2 Highway development Zone District uh as an automobile uh repair service use and uh we have three Witnesses tonight uh we have Mark Walker who is the project engineer Seth Lee who is the project architect and if need be we have operations testimony available through Glenn Howard who is the uh safeel district manager and again he can provide operations testimony needed so without any further assistance Mr chairman I'd like to call Mr Walker okay do the waivers real quick yes waivers um just a handful of waivers Rel to it being an existing site for on form three Contours um floor plan wasn't completed by an architect uh existing Utility Services uh storm drainage side illumination um Landscaping traffic study and the Environmental estiment report we don't have any any objections to those waivers okay um anyone have any concerns about waivers all right I'll take a motion to uh approve the waivers so moved second Smith okay um all in fav all uh all in favor I I I I any oppos motion carries all right okay thank you Mr chairman now we'll have Mr Walker you please raise your hand do you swear from the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do please state your name provide your last spell your last name and provide your address for the record uh Mark Walker w k r uh business address is 21 Bowling Green Parkway Lake pack I know Mr Walker has been Ved before this board several times uh so I just ask him whether his licenses are still valid yeah as an engineer in the state of New Jersey correct so I would offer him as a witness expert witness okay any anyone any concerns all right you accept it okay thank you uh we do have one exhibit uh here tonight um which is on a 24x 36 in board I've also handed out individual 11 by 17s uh basically it's the site plan uh that we've submitted to the board and we colored uh in yellow the items that have changed on the uh on this survey um for this minor site plan submission um I've labeled the exhibit as A1 with today's date April 15 2024 um which is tax day today um and uh so I'll just briefly go over the the changes and maybe we can get into some of the zoning and other other items as well um so starting left to right we have an existing freestanding sign um the only changes to the freestanding sign will be just resurfacing the signage uh that's it the size will stay the same um at the front of the building facing uh Route 46 we will be uh proposing a new sign that'll be 3 foot uh by 16 and a2t building mounted sign meeting the ordinance requirements um currently today uh against the building there are two uh areas where there are large windows in both of those area those areas are going to be removed and replaced with garage doors um so those are those two yellow areas on the side of the building and then we are proposing uh two drive up areas in there so the Vans saf light Vans can drive in there and also uh automobiles as well that are getting service could drive uh into the building now as as a result of those two drive up areas we are losing uh four parking spaces uh in that area and then also just further to the north there's a larger uh yellow rectangle which is a proposed loading space which uh meets the size required for the site which is 12 by 26 uh and as per the ordinance we need to have another area that's 12 by 26 extending beyond that area that allows room for maneuvering the vehicle so we've shown that we comply with that and then order to comply with that we had to modify the island slightly which is on the opposite uh opposite parking aisle so converting the space uh to a loading space we also lost another parking space and then modifying the island also required us to lose another parking space so in total we've lost six parking spaces which sounds like a lot however the previous use was a grocery store which had a much higher uh parking requirement we were at 83 parking spaces for the whole site and now we're only at 54 parking spaces so there's a substantial reduction that's required you mean required 54 required parking right so substantial uh reduction of parking spaces going from 83 to 64 uh and that we're showing that we only need 54 parking spaces so Al although we lost six parking spaces we still have 10 extra parking spaces uh on the site um which is a big uh change from the previous site where we needed a parking Barrow on the previous site so we've effectively removed that parking variance um we had in going through our reviews with the planner and the engineer um we were informed that we had too many signs so we had to remove a sign from the side of the building to conform and then also we were informed that even though we got a variance for not having a park or loading space for the grocery store if we came in with this application we didn't have a loading space that would have triggered another envir so we've provided that uh that space um so uh with that said we don't need a variance um and we are more than conforming with our parking I know there was a there was in one of the reports there was a discussion about traffic um obviously with the reduction of this many parking spaces this type of use compared to a grocery store where people are coming in buying goods and leaving this is this is a much less gen traffic generating type of use where the customers come in and getting their windshields done if they're deciding to stay they're going to be there for a half an hour an hour or more uh to get their their windshield done so definitely a reduction in activity on the site and as well as the surrounding uh Road system uh so it will be a reduction in traffic uh impact to the surrounding area so that was my brief testimony I'd be glad to take any questions uh anybody has so um any any board members have any questions how about uh any professionals Miss witer just confirm that um there's no proposed changes to lighting nor Landscaping besides on one Island that's correct yes thank you Mr kiano and I I I saw your submission last week where you agreed to uh uh you know uh the trash enclosure put the gates on that and that you'll restripe the lot is that that is correct the entire lot would be restriped not just the modification of the parking spaces in the front and the gate may actually already be on okay we working on that all right very good thank you good um Mr Walker just one question on traffic the um did you have you obtained a letter of no State interest from the state on the change we did I think you I think you need to I mean I think you're right about I believe you are right about the change in traffic being lower but the state of New Jersey used to let any professional iner write a letter to that effect I don't think they do anymore so I think you got to basically go to them because you're changing the use and you have an existing access to 46 so all right so uh even though we're decreasing the number of trips that should be formality you just got to go through the motions but you have a if this site this site either has an access permit you the timing on that it's already interrupt probably is we're happy to do it um but we have a a lease transaction that has to occur within a certain period of time because if we're going to capture them here they got to get out of there and so out of Montville so yeah I have no idea what the turn around time is Mr kiano any idea or not not tomorrow yeah I mean our uh we we wanted listen we want to do whatever you want us to do I'm just saying that um the hardship to us is going to be that they have a lease expiring in Montville and well it's another agency approval we don't have the authority to Grant a variance from requirement so all I mean it could be something you need to get by the COO I guess I don't know we could just say that you'll provide proof of that by the time this before the co is issued yeah okay all right got heads nodding in agreement so I guess that'll work so all right um all right coun I just have one question where's the the front door facing 46 or see the door is actually on the the side of the building near near Route 46 there's a little uh triangle black triangle black triangle here yeah right right here oh okay that's the front door that's the front door got it Y and there's Doors by the waiting area there there are our our architector walking through the side okay yeah all right quick question just just for confirmation so you mentioned we losing six parking spaces but we are not losing any Ada or handicap parking spaces we are losing one Ada parking space but we um we are required to have three ada8 spaces and we're providing six okay total on the side thank you all right councelor okay thank you Mr walker uh at this time I'd like to bring up our architect Seth Lee [Music] [Music] if you please raise your right hand you swear affirm that the testimony that you're about to provide will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do and please state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the sure it's Seth a Lee architect Le B and I'm located at 1719 Route 10 East in par siany New Jersey sweet 100 thank you Mr Le you've appeared before this board numerous times correct I have and your licenses are still valid yes I am you're registered architect in state of New Jersey yes I am chairman okay okay would you please describe the architecture so anybody have any issues no okay you're accepted all right can you please describe the architectural aspects of the project for the board just real quickly um there was a question2 I guess we use microphone I'm sorry was this previously provided to the board was this submitted I think I think it was I'm dated 129 24 pb1 yes yep right so we don't need a mark okay so uh um Flor plans this is the way it exists today is a naked space um the previous tenant the market moved out it's got two Laboratories proposing two more Laboratories it has a waiting room area here just to give the orientation this is Route 46 uh westbound here's the parking lot over here so the entrance is in the front there's a waiting area some offices and a break room and then where the uh uh cars are are uh rehabilitated we'll call the the glass and as Mark said um basically there's glass and I'll show you here there's glass right here we are removing the glass and putting overhead garage doors um please disregard uh the extra sign um the drawings were made before it was determined that we needed a variance for that there was a sign there so this sign on the side it's no longer there but basically we're taking out this set of doors and windows this set of glass putting in a garage door here garage door here that's the project okay um any questions from the board members just uh a question the first one you you brought up can you put that back up please certainly I'm sorry this was uh pb1 uh two of three it's drawing I guess I didn't see that one one of these says uh 152 US 46 not 200 Route 46 this is this say 200 I don't know what you're looking here that's not my drawing not your drawing got it I'm just trying to orient all these I'm sorry okay all right um the only other thing also is uh the color on the outside of building is changing the color yes what color is it going to be it's going to be we have a uh a r here and again disregard the sign on the side it's going to be black oh that's a problem no I'm Kidd you like can no okay any mark this say exhibit a to um colorized again disregard the safe light sign on the side and did your office prepare this or is this actually a safe light did sa and I'll just date it today all right any board members have any questions on the architecture all right miss witer anything no Mr kiano anything nothing okay and I have none thank you nothing further Mr chairman unless you have questions was there another copy I don't me to interrupt the the A2 exhibit do we have different set of drawings that are done by somebody else that are in the packet that show a different that's why we were trying to figure out where the door is where the road is yeah all the drawings yeah if you have questions ask them yeah I figured it out okay okay so does anybody feel like we need to hear from operations all right yeah I'm sorry can we quickly learn a little more about the traffic flow how the cars are coming in I mean I see too many cars on the drawing so I'm not sure how that's works yeah [Music] well is it this witness or we need the operations person to answer that can answer and I can just uh what's your question specifically yeah so how is the the traffic flow happening inside the facility so inside the facility uh the cars come in this way and go into individual Bays depending on the type of vehicle it is so if it's a van or an SUV it's a little different than uh we call it a sedan um so and it's just set up differently so the the equipment so when they bring the cars in uh they know how to orient it in the building so they come from the one door and then one two doors okay yeah so this way this way and these go like this okay and they just back out right once they're done they have it down to a science um so but I believe they back out okay and are the customers driving into the bay or is it the safe flight workers I would leave that to Safe Light but I'm 90% sure represent to safe light workers okay and to confirm all storage of materials is inside the building correct there's no storage outside no generators needed anything else we could add now AC generator no there's there's existing AC units right now on the roof the roof um I had designed the original building uh so there are all uh units on the roof and it's a usual 8 to5 type of thing no no overnight stuff happening there it 8 to five is their hours of operating okay all right I was negligent in not opening the to the general public to question Mr Walker so right now I'm going to ask if anyone from the public wishes to ask any questions of Mr Lee or Mr Walker all right seeing none uh counselor would you like to summarize uh thank you for hearing the application and we appreciate the board's support of it uh I think it's a good project to occupy some vacant space on Route 46 and put it to good use for detachment okay any members of the public wish to make any statements for or against this project seeing none I will close the public portion um can I entertain do we need to go into conference do you think or just go to just to clarify Mr chairman the um the one drawing has 152 US 46 does that need to be updated to say 200 US 46 uh I I would say first of all we don't even apparently we don't know who made this drawing it wasn't Mr Lee right else it's a different layout of the inter a totally different interior disregard it disregard this one well I think maybe we can add a condition that uh Mr Lee provides his drawings to our for application which will be as represented okay all right um with that can I entertain a motion on this application Mr chairman motion to approve application number 24 col 502 19600 Route 46 West LLC 200 Route 46 block 693 lot 14 Manor site plan for a windshield repair and replace facility and signage secondo okay we have a motion and we have a second um Nora can you call a vote for a roll can Mr did yes uh napalitano yes yes M yes your applications approved thank you very much can I just ask real quick there were no changes to the plans correct technically there's no changes right so once resolution is approved we won't need compliance review for a revised Mr theat the loading with loading okay just okay perfect [Music] thank you oh I guess I I gotta close the meeting April 2nd 2024 okay can I have a with that can I have a motion to adjourn the minor site plan committee motion to adjourn secondi all right all in favor are you ready you're on record all right ladies and gentlemen we're about to begin the meeting of the township of precip Troy Hills planning board Monday April 15 2024 at 7:30 p.m. announcement is made that adequate notice of this meeting has been given and that it is being conducted in accordance with njsa 10 colon 4-6 at SEC of the New Jersey open public meetings act nor would you call the rooll Please Mr dich here Mr deero here Mr McGrath here Mr matth pres Mr npan here Mr Shaw here Miss Smith here chairman denore here we also have our board planner miss winter our board engineer Mr kiano and our board attorney Miss B all right if we could stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I to the flag of the United States of America to the repblic stand one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice all right like to welcome back miss winter since she had an indication that she might not be back but she's back thank you for being back all right uh this meeting is being open to the general public is there anyone here who wishes to speak on something that is not on our agenda for tonight hearing and seeing none uh we have resolutions there are two resolutions one that's in your packet the other that was emailed to everybody um and actually the resolution on who can vote uh has both which is good so do I have uh somebody willing to make the resol uh move the uh resolution and application number 23 colon 531 Mr chairman Mr a motion to approve resolution for application number 20 23 colon 531 sk3 Century Associates LLC 3 Century Drive blog 202 lot 1.7 Zone R preliminary and final major site plan with C variant for construction of a warehouse and related site improvements all right now before I ask for a second our attorney has told me that there may be some minor adjustments to the language here yes there were some minor edits um but nothing substantive um one of the significant ones but it's still minor is on page four um and also in the list of conditions and what was approved was that the steep slopes were marked um slightly incorrectly instead of the 10th of 100th place it was supposed to be 100th place so um where it said 0.12 Acres it's now 012 Acres 34 acres is now 034 Acres and one Z 01 acres oh I guess that one was correct so was those are some minor ones and then a few typos that were corrected um but everything else was just minor and then there was a clarification that the existing the steep slopes were created by man-made and existing detention Basin an existing detention Basin so that was just clarified um but other than that no other substantive change changes is everybody comfortable with that all right do I have a second second go ahead second Mr Shaw thank you very much uh nor would you call the role please did yes MRA yes meth yeso yes Shaw yes SM yes yes next we have application 23 col 533 T-Mobile um is there somebody willing to move uh that motion for that application I got it chairman motion to approve application uh resolution for application 23 533 T-Mobile 1269e 46 block 729 lot 6.01 Zone 03 minor site plan with C variant to construct a temporary monopole with antennas and electric service do we have a second second d uh Nora would you call the role please yes yes yes yes yes yes all right that leaves us with the one application we have on our agenda tonight uh application number 23 colon 530 onx equities to Hilton Court block 202 lot 3.10 an amended preliminary and final major site plan major soil moving permit to construct a warehouse facility thank Mr chair uh Sten Steven tomakin from we l par siany on behalf of the applicate [Music] okay Mr chairman of the board we're going to try to keep this as as uh as simple and straightforward as we can this evening if the board recalls slightly over two years ago we appeared before the board for site plan approval for a proposed Warehouse to replace the office building that's now at two Hilton which is kind of on The Jug Handle at Dryden by Route 10 the we know uh in an effort to develop the building there's been considerable Market input uh to Onyx as to certain tweaks and changes uh potential users would like to seat of the building before they sign on the dotted line and either buy it or rent it so we've taken that feedback from the market and we've revised the plan slightly but but was substantively we've we've modified it and you're going to hear about the substantive changes tonight both in terms of the size of the warehouse the orientation of the warehouse um how it functions because that's what the market told us is a better layout for us so uh we're going to have several witnesses for this evening um because the board is is basically familiar with this Warehouse application having gone through a two years ago we're going to start off kind of unusually with the architect we have Brian De Barbary go through the proposed changes to the the building and then after architecture we'll go into site plan testimony for France lacky and L reaz we have our traffic engineer Craig Parago who was the same traffic engineer from two years ago if the board has any interest traffic hasn't changed uh in terms of patterns and loading and things like that but he's here tonight to provide an update as to impacts of traffic uh from the site based on the the revisions that we're making and then last but not least we have our planner Michael celano to talk about several bulk variances that are triggered by the revisions that we're proposing this evening so miss winter do we go to waivers first before we get into yes so there are a handful of waivers um we have on form five for the floor plan which was submitted but is at a larger scale than required uh propos Landscaping which was also submitted but was done by an engineer instead of a landscape architect the environmental assessment study which we do not object to that it's given the amended application nature of this um and the combined preliminary final approval uh site plans me separate sheets and again on form 10 the floor plans and that's all we don't have any objections to those all right do I have a motion to approve the waivers as presented by the uh board planner motion to approve math do I have a second second all in favor say I I I any opposed all right very good so for my first wi I called Brian De Barbary architect [Music] you please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to provide will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do please state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the record yes my name is uh Brian uh d barbery uh d e b a r b i e r i I'm an architect at the firm The barbery Architects located at 97 Chestnut Street in Rutherford New Jersey I received my bachelor of architecture from Virginia Tech in 2012 and I became licensed in the state of New Jersey in 2017 uh I am also licensed in three other states New York Rhode Island and New Hampshire uh I've provided testimony at other planning boards in the state including parcion a couple years ago for this uh application now Brian you were involved even though you're father testified during the first hearing you were involved with the design of this project from pretty much day one correct that is correct yes and your licenses remain in good standing yes we would ask that Mr debarber could be treated as an expert in architecture any questions on his qualifications hearing and seeing none thank you very much all right Brian uh you know why don't you go through um I mean again the board has familiarity with the design but since you've changed it can you kind of reorient kind of give a an idea of what was previously approved and what you're proposing to change as part of this amendment in for architecture knowing that fron and Lewis will talk about the engineering certainly I I did bring some handouts of the of what my exhibits are uh so why don't we mark one to hand them [Music] out when you mark them I'll hand them out okay so a as mentioned we were here a little over two years ago uh for this site and just to give an overview uh of the building and its Uh current orientation on the site uh we now have the loading area um facing north um Northwest toward Hilton Court um and the main entrance uh to the building is now facing Southeast toward dren way uh Campus Drive is to the to the north um of the building and Route 10 is to the Southwest ran can I interrupt you sorry that what we're looking at right there that's an seesi exhibit do you know if that was part of the package or are we marking that this evening uh it wasn't okay so let's mark that one as a A1 with today's date if you could identify that for the record that would be [Music] great does it matter where I mark [Music] it Nora do you prefer to have it in the upper right corner that's fine thank you i' worked with planners before Mr chz Board of adjustment always wanted in the upper right corner thank you thank [Music] you thank you [Music] all right uh so yes I I have marked this uh exhibit as A1 dated uh 4:15 2024 um uh as as mentioned the civil engineer uh will get more into the site layout and circulation uh and I'd just like to start by discuss discussing um the the building design so this uh overall floor plan here this was submitted uh as part of as part of the package um the the footprint uh did increase uh we're now at a total footprint of 122,00 square ft we were previously at 108,000 and as you can see in this floor plan we are proposing um two areas of uh speculative office space uh each at 6,150 FT um and the building is designed so each each office area would have their own entrance um there's no current plan to subdivide this building but the building is designed to support that that flexibility if uh desired in the future uh as far as the building height uh the building height did not change we're still fully compliant with the um with the maximum Building height of 45 ft uh the interior clear height is designed at um to be 36t uh clear which is which is in line with the the current trends and Market demands for these building types um and just to go through some design features uh of this building uh the building will be constructed of pre-cast concrete uh wall panels and we did change the the uh the color uh scheme of this building um we've changed it to more uh to feature more of a a cooler Earth Tone color palette so the main color is actually remaining the same light gray but um we we've added accent colors of medium gray and uh a blue a bluish gray at the corners to define the entrance areas and also the the building corners and also break up the facade [Music] um the the panels are designed to have recess score lines um to to further break up the facade and they are located to align with some of the facade elements such as uh the windows and uh canopies and so starting at the let me bring up the drawing A2 which was also submitted as part of the package we've added some color uh for Clarity since you've added color that wasn't in the U package can you mark that as exhibit a-2 [Music] yes so starting at the South elevation which is the top elevation here um we have the entrance areas highlighted uh by using um High curtain wall glass and uh metal canopies to provide weather protection um we also uh distinguish each office area um by by using the the blue accent panels on the exterior um facade which span the width of the office areas on the inside um and between the two office areas is uh we have high clear story Windows which allow natural daylight to to enter the warehouse [Music] area uh turning the corner to the to the East East Elevation uh we we wrap the the entrance Glass and Metal canopy around um and we I I really think doing this by doing this we create a nice um attractive corner entrance and we've depicted that in a 3D rendering which I will Mark as [Music] A3 I think that's a little different than what was given to us so if you could just correct so I I I wanted to um hand out the original design um so basically it's the orientation and also the color palette where the main difference is we we wanted to lighten the color palette um we thought the previous design was a little bit too dark we wanted to lighten the color palette um to to kind of help reduce the the size the mass the scale of this building especially when viewed from the ground um against the sky background so this exhibit was prepared by your office correct okay thank [Music] you um I just wanted to mention that wrapping this entrance feature around does provide the opportunity for a nice Lobby on the interior uh of the building and also also provide some means of wayfinding as you're driving down Hilton Court towards the building um and allows you to see the the uh entrance canopy in in in glass um and we we continue the um the scoring pattern on this facade as well and then we come around to the north elevation which is where we have our our loading our loading activity our loading doors um and our Drive-In ramps um and again you could see we we continue the the scoring pattern around with the high clear story windows and the Windows here obviously allow for the light inside the warehouse but also help to light up the interior loading activity on the interior of the [Music] building um and we we continue the same uh design around to the west elevation as well I I I do want to point out that um I think the civil engineer did a did a great job in um designing the the Landscaping uh around this building and this site um the uh I think the Landscaping um both both softens and enhances the the your visual transition between site and building and I think they they did a good job at that and we've we did uh do our best to represent that in these in these 3D renderings both in the the aerial views and the the ground views uh we have also we did also add a monument sign detail to the to our drawing A2 um it's the same um pretty much the same size uh dimensionally as the existing sign but we we want to update it to to tie into the building design a little bit more it's got the same coloring and it's a a concrete uh Plank and it'll have this a score line um to to to the building design as [Music] well and just to go through some uh construction and safety features of the building the building will be um state-of-the-art uh fully compliant with all Building Life Safety fire safety uh energy um codes um it will be constructed of all non-combustible materials um pre-cast concrete wall panels and interior steel frame uh roof structure in columns um these precasted wall panels can actually provide a fire resistance of up to 4 hours depending on the thickness you end up going with um other fire safety features include uh upgraded sprinkler system uh it will be an esfr which stands stands for early suppression Fast Response uh and this is an upgraded sprinkler system that's usually desired for these buildings because it's it's provides the best protection for the high-piled um racking that's typically installed uh in these in these buildings um you see along the uh elevations we have Personnel doors um located about 100 to 125 ft on Center uh and these provide erress from the building but they're actually more for the fire department access uh into the building it's a fire code requirement um and they will be painted to to to match the the wall panels um as far as roof equipment these buildings for for as big as they are they they don't require that much uh mechanical roof equipment for a building this size um we'll probably have two to three uh Heating and ventilation uh units on the roof um and each office area would would have a a packaged each and cooling uh HVAC unit and we we locate these um typically 50 fet away from the building perimeter so in no way would they be uh visible from the from the ground and they would of course be uh fully compliant with all uh state and local noise uh requirements um just some some energy uh features these exterior wall panels um they they have an insulated core and they they can provide a fairly High thermal resistance value um and the roof will be fully insulated so the entire building envelope will uh fully conform with the latest energy codes um the roof structure will be designed to support uh future uh installation of solar panels uh if a future tenant or owner uh opts for that um all the uh lighting will be led and will be on occupancy sensors um that the clear story Windows as mentioned they allow uh natural light daylight into the warehouse and that would helps reduce the amount of artificial lighting that that these that these uh buildings require um and uh yeah that's uh pretty much it thank you thank you Brian if the board has any questions for for Brian as to the architecture be happy to answer members of the board of questions on this testimony at this time Mr Nano thank you uh all right I read the fire uh Department's report um I guess they had no problem with it but uh all those trees in the way there there what's the best way for a fire Tru to get to that corner of the building I guess that would be the southeast part of the building uh to the to the left of office 2 you know if the fire is in the middle of that and the end is there going to be enough space for fire to get as close as possible I'm not I I mean I think this question might be better served answered by the the uh site or or traffic engineer but um I wasn't clear on the question what was yeah Mr Reyes who is our next witness other members of the board have any questions on this witness this testimony I just had a question on Building height um it says less than 45 ft correct and that includes measured the average perimeter grade including the loading dock area yep yeah on our A2 uh elevation drawing we've on each facade we indicate what the average grade line is and uh have the have the height um measured measured to that all right there were some other documents passed out are they going to be they're going to be discussed and if they're not then they have to be discarded and okay there's no signage proposed on the building itself uh currently no that would be the uh responsibility uh of the of a future tenant only one sign would be permitted so if you do end up with two tenants and two signs you need to come back to the board all right now you said that you intended to uh stay and uh fit in within all the noise requirements and the like you've got a loading dock that's now facing a hotel whereas before it was to the side I believe I I I was referring specifically to the rooftop equipment okay I'm now referring to the use and the trucks that come in with backup Keepers I mean that's not my expertise as the architect Mr R is going address that Mr Ray is okay because you're going to have to stick with the uh the state law on noise so that you're not competing with people trying to sleep and uh from the architect's point of view is the area where the trucks are going in within that area that's that's uh requiring a variance for from the uh setback uh I'm sorry well there's a variance required uh the front yard setback the front yard setback that's from the rear of the building where from dried and white yeah okay okay so you're not any closer to the hotel although the loading docks may actually be closer I'm saying this so that your planner can hear me m and he can talk to me and discuss how it's not going to be a problem for the hotel to have an active 24/7 365 loading dock operation facing the hotel okay okay we'll get to it thank you br thank you thank you U any members of the public have any questions on this witness and this testimon hearing and seeing none thank you very much I like call my next witness L Reyes and Lewis is a professional engineer with cesi seesi engineering so L let's get you sworn in first and then you'll give the board your qualifications if you please raise your right hand do you swear firm that the testimony that you're brought to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do and please state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the record um my first name is LS l i s my last name is Reyes re Ys um I live in Clifton New Jersey you want to give the board uh the background of your education and your professional experience because we're going to qualify as an expert yep so I've been working as a civil engineer in the industry for about nine years I've worked on numerous projects across New Jersey um I have my Bachelor of Science in at the New Jersey Institute of Technology I got it in 2015 I'm a licensed uh professional engineer in the state of New Jersey and I have previously testified in New Jersey as an expert for this and are your licenses in New Jersey in good standing that's correct I would ask that Mr RP uh treated as an expert in professional engineering any questions on the Traffic Engineers qualifications hear and traffic no civil civil I'm sorry very good thank you now leis you were involved with the design of this both the earlier iteration and this iteration can you as as Brian did can you go up to the board and then kind of give the board an overview of what the substance they have changed as to the Civil site design kind of highlighting the orientation and then we'll get into the substance of uh reliefs that we're asking for okay so um basically as the architect um testified on um the building and the site layout in terms of where the loading dock and the car parking are have been flipped so front uh in the front previously used to be car parking now it's loading in the front and there is car parking along the east and Southeast portion of the building um the building did get slightly larger um it's now uh increased by about 15,000 ft and the building is now 123,000 Square ft approximately so why don't you go in term talk about each of the disciplines that you worked on in terms of how the parking is going work the circulation um and again highlighting what's changed compared to the the warehouse that was approved two years ago yeah so um the proposed use of the warehouse um stay the same it's a permitted use in the specialized Economic Development district 10 Zone um and that was what was approved in the uh the approved application um now the so [Music] there's 25 loading docks uh in the front and two Drive-In ramps along the east and south portion of the building there's um 111 car parking spaces and 11 trailer parking spaces on the west side of the [Music] building the east and south car parking uh will have 48 ad uh sorry four Ada spaces three EV Make Ready spaces and one ada8 EV make ready space um this is a spec Warehouse um attendant has not been secured yet but a sample distribution table was provided to calculate the required number of parking spaces the number of employees proposed number of shifts and the maximum number of employees on each shift will depend on the tenant um based on our experience with warehouses and the feedback we got from the in Industry 111 car parking spaces is sufficient for the use um as for Sight circulation so we are now proposing um two driveway entrances which are delineated um separated by a striping and a 10t wide landscape area so the previous application had one share driveway for trucks and cars so this provides uh better circulation and better driver safety so the trucks come in from the Northeast driveway and then they get to the loading dock or make their way to the trailer um spaces and then they make their way out similar to the car um parking area the the car the employee parking lot they'll go through that Northeast Entrance and then make their way to the southeast and East par lot um and now so for the emergency access only there is an eer there's two emergency access only driveways which are existing access points to the site now um but they have been repurposed for emergency vehicles in an emergency situation so that's the only time those two driveways to the west and to the east will be used are those chained up or yeah yeah we have a proposed chain on the on the s plan um the project architect already talked about the amous sign but just so you know it's located adjacent to the truck only access driveway um as he mentioned um this no other sign is proposed at this moment um and it will be compliant with the ordinance um I want to talk about the so the proposed development um is proposing retaining RS um one of the retaining walls that I want to mention is on the western side of the property um by the in between the trailer parking and the loading docking and that a portion of that retaining wall is um proposed to be greater than 4T in height the reason for this is that I think it's about uh maximum 5 5 ft so the reason for this is that the loading dock area is um is typical for w for warehouses that they're lower um 4 ft lower than the Finish floor elevation and the car parking area so in order to properly construct the truck or area and to feasibly tie into the um surrounding existing Gres um just retaining o was designed leis knowing that I mean there shouldn't be anybody walking around that area but is the applicant amendable to putting in a safety fence to the extent required by code for that wall yeah we can put a uh 4 foot high fence how high was the retaining W 5T I I believe this one is this the one that's technically in the front yard because you have um um DED in and Route 10 there no it's this one uh yeah I don't think that's the fun because it's in the Jason lot next to us in that point if oh okay there is an area um it it might be the one retaining wall on the west side I have it so it could be the one that is the part of the access R for GR 10 okay so we needed that um that retaining W in order for a fire truck to be able to come into this Southeast um parking lot and make this H this Hammerhead was designed for a turnaround area um the retaining wall is to help support that emergency [Music] turnaround is that retaining wall in the front yard St um yes that that one so that one has a has a variance correct over four feet I think it's four feet yeah it's four [Music] feet um as for utilities we're taking the same approach um for this one the we got approval from the water department of Pappi for this amended application we work with them to get an approval um we will be reusing the water Water Service connection to Hilton Court and rout 10 as uh as feasible as depicted on the plans that were approved by them um there was a question from GPI regarding a sampling detail on our detail sheet so I'll just go into that um the sampling details shown on the detail sheet on the S plan set um was so that is um the water department required that a temporary sampling tab be provided on each new section of waterm for the purposes of taking total chloroform bacteria samples so once that sample's done it it will be taken out but they required this to be on our detail sheets um as for landscaping there will be a mixture of lawn Wild Flower deciduous and never green trees and shrubs to provide a aesthetically appealing site the loading area in the front will be screen from Hilton Court by a combination of grading and Landscaping so Hilton Court is at elevation 301 the loading dock is at elevation 292 so it's about 9 ft down um and also trees and shrubs will be provided along the front here on um the cuis act of Hilton Court uh so we don't see an issue of for screening of the loading [Music] docks as for as for lighting it's similar to the old projects LED fixtures mixture of pole mounted and building mounted lights um they they will no spillage over the property line except for in the locations where safety of the like vehicular access areas um the entrances as for stone Water Management uh the project will be designed to meet the township and njd stone Water Management regulations um Stone water is collected treated and detained at the proposed bio retention bases located on the Southeast portion of site and then there's prvious Payment Systems along the car parking area and also on along the western portion uh the the trailer spaces uh these are green infrastructure practices and the proposed B retention Basin and proposed paven system will discharge to topographically to the same area south of the site as existing conditions um I want to jump into the circulation plan now so I provided two um circulation exhibits I'll go into the fire truck that one was that submitted with the with the application package or so it was a part of the plan set but now it's highlighted and it has um with some colors yeah so I can I can mark it yeah so I think we're up to A4 if you bark that A4 with today's [Music] date so A4 is going to be a colorized circuit plan so this is the colorized um fire truck circulation plan um hopefully this answers your question but the top left inser is called is labeled the fir Truck west side so a fire truck is expected to come in through the truck access only driveway and then they will make their way into the fire AIS L and from there um there's maximum 150 ft from where a fire truck can back out and also the fire truck from this distance can pull the hose for the to if if there's a fire along the southwestern portion of the building you can get to it um for the Northeast inset label fire truck inside there was uh I I already spoke about this but it's the Hammerhead so fire trucks can go through the car access area through the parking lots and when they hit the southeast car working they can make this turn around at the Hammerhead and then exit the site um the Southwest uh sorry the the bottom left inset fire truck entrance just shows a fire truck entering and exiting the the property and then I I want to make a note of the bottom right inser so just so everybody understands the configuration of this landscape SL striped area so a fire truck uh this area that is delineating and separating the the fire uh the truck only access and the car parking access a portion of it is stri before becomes this 10t landscape buffer and the reason for this is that it allows for a fire truck to be able to do this turnaround maneuver to go to the car parking area and they can um easily do that without needing to exit the site and vice vers so they could go from car parking to truck only um I want to I'm going to flip this board to to the other [Music] exhibit I'm going to Market of 85 and if you could describe it well after your [Music] market so A5 is the circulation plan which was submitted but highlighted and have um it's the colored circulation of the WB 67 trailer so the top left inside and the top right labeled as WB 67 trailer storage um the trucks make this so in order for the truck to back into the trailer storage area they needed to they need to do a 180 turnaround maneuver and then they back into the trailer spaces so that that in combination with the firetruck axis and this and this fing is what determined the configuration of this trailer storage area it's back it's set back a little bit so that a A wb7 can make this maneuver the bottom left inside just shows um tractor trailer WB 67's going into the loading area and then the loading docks and then the bottom right and so shows um tractor trailers exiting and entering the site using the truck access area [Music] um that's the end of my but was there a question that I missed no no question that you missed but I would like to just we run through uh in Christine's most um recent Rie letter she gives the entire bulk summary so I'd like to just go through and if you can provide technical testimony as to the several variances that are triggered now we've talked about the front yard setback we talked about the Wall height now when the variances that we're seeking tonight involves the maximum driveway size um there's a 24t requirement and we're proposing 40 and 26 ft can you explain why those Dimensions were chosen yeah so I think because the so the the driveway on the North portion of the site um the reason why it's so wide was to allow for this fire truck to make that turnaround area versus having the landscape Island bump out all the way through the RightWay which will make it more difficult for the fire truck to make that maneuver one of the also there's a um a parking setback on the sidey yard that where 20 ft is required we're only proposing 18 can you explain why like that TR Fe couldn't be met yeah so we will meet it and the reason why is because we originally had 112 car parking spaces and we're going to eliminate one in order to meet that requirement and the last one I think you already C covered as to why the parking is proposed for the um for the side in the front yard um but unless the board has any questions or Mr re I don't I think he's covered most everything have members of the board have questions on this witness okay I do I do uh have the question of access to vehicles all around the building from the fire department's report cuz he very specifically says he wants clear access for emergency vehicles around the building now he didn't make it as clear as it he might have but how do you interpret that so what I recollect from the fire officials comment is that they had they didn't have any comments on site circulation their comments were regarding the movement of some minor movement on some hydrant I I just quoted from the letter I'm going to pull up the [Music] letter chairman is this the October 23rd letter uh yes and there penultimate sentence yeah Le I have the letter here okay this I the October 23rd um Memo from district 6 fars chief he says and I'll read the the penultimate sentence also keep clear access for emergency vehicles around the building can you explain how you're satisfying that yeah I mean um [Music] so what we um providing CER access um I didn't take that as that the fire truck needed to come around the Southwest Building is that you're not putting obstructions in the way of that area because they can still get to it with a fire hose and we're keeping that area clear we're not proposing any TRS or any other instructions for them to get to that portion of the building that's awful tight was the the past application didn't didn't they require to go all the way around the building and it did go all the way around the building I recall from the last application you regular cars couldn't drive on it but the fire truck could I thought in the first the first approval correct so the original application did have have a an Emergency um uh what do you call a grass papers that wrapped around the Southwest portion of the building for Access then but we are meeting code because we are um allowing for a fire truck to be able to come up to the point where they need to get the hose around to the southw portion of the building we uh measured it and to us it didn't seem like the buyer official had any comments on this I feel like he would have been more direct in his com um we I will in the be speaking with them tomorrow um I'm the director of fire prevention also so uh I will speak to them about being more clear because you're correct if he wanted it to be all the way around and you didn't propose that he should have said he wanted that versus telling you that he needed you know he wasn't very specific and and um I think wasn't one of the comments at the end said looks good so you're so it it didn't make it sound like he was denying it so you're right kind of unclear is exactly what he wanted Le just to kind of go into this assume that um the fire department reconsidered and wanted is there a way to put grass pavers in as in the prior proposal to in theoretically allow emergency vehicle to travel around the inter uh circumference of the building um the answer to that would be no because uh we will then be going into the 2 25t repairing Zone required by D and we can't uh place any any type of uh vehicle access in that area okay so what changed between applications did the building get bigger the building got slightly bigger Yeah by 15 15,000 the ability to circulate around the road around the building because of the riparian buffer correct okay did it also get pushed to the east like farther [Music] farther B were on the other side of the building in the previous so the building it got shifted back for the loading docks and then it got made uh it got shifted the location more to the uh back end of [Music] just a follow up on the fire department letter so they have in this packet there's a letter from them from October 23rd there's a copy of your plan in that and then I see a December 20th correspondent from the district 6 fire chief so what kind of Correspondence or have you had with the fire department after the October letter so we um our plans currently have the fire hydrant um to the locations that they wanted them and they have the fire department connection um we haven't done a formal resubmission to them we did that plan was to REM resubmitted to the water department so we just need to package this up and send it to the fire chief should be conditional on fire department any additional fire department com yeah Mr Keno there was I I noticed it's kind of separate but the fire protection subcode official Mr fener wrote a memo he he's responding as the As for the construction Department he's the assist he's the fire sub code official but he's also the assistant construction official so he's commenting as our construction official not in the capacity of fire got it that is separate that's your fire chief who's a volunteer who's separate than the construction employees so they're like separate agencies yeah and I I took a look at this uh cter we're happily going to comply with the yellow striping should be identified as firelines we're trying to in more applications have the construction Department comment in case there's something afterwards when you've been you've done with the board you're done with zoning you're in construction and they make comments we said to them well if you want to make those comments then you should be reviewing now so nor is now getting those applications to them so you'll see that but it's not as the capacity of the fire chief who has the the say as a volunteer for the fire uh Department Mr any other questions by members of the board just one do you have any figures that show this ran buffer I'm just curious um they are on the site plan set um that was submitted to G yeah and uh just follow up on that question can you give us some feedback you mentioned meetings with the D um but I've not seen any documentation of uh discussions with them um the repairi and buffer is a a 50 foot required yeah so we got this project previously approved with the njd so these raran buffers that we have shown are what the NJ DP want we will be going back to the NJ DP with the major modification and what permits did you get from them or what what documentation you have uh we can submit the documentation of the approved uh old site plan yes that should be a condition of this yeah but site plan correct but we're going to also get a major modification from them so we'll have two perits one for the old warehouse and one for the new warehouse thank [Music] you well just tell me what it is so that the whole work in here yeah so it's located it so all right I should be more is it labeled to top of bank that's the top of the stream so let me be more clear there's a stream that um hugs this the north the Southwest to the south portion of the property that stream in existing conditions is piped underneath the existing parking lot and then it runs Southeast underneath renway um we are St uh as part of this application the top of Bank the raran in it is there's a inner yeah 50 feet from the from the top of bank but then there's a inner 25 so there's a a 25 and a 50 distance from the top of bank I'm sorry I follow yeah sorry so the only difference is just that what is regulated so the emergency access vehicle that was discussed there are things you could do in the the last 25 ft but in the inner 25 you can um put it put anything are you saying that like you have to get permits to do the other 25 too right yeah we're going to get the permits oh see okay so you're going to get U okay yeah we're going to go back to D with a maor major modification permit but the bottom line is there's 25 ft of the top bank it's inviolet you can't touch yeah we can't touch that okay I got a couple questions uh just a followup on the emergency or the secondary access points um I see the one going to the Hilton lot 309 is labeled emergency access and chain um the other location to the North Lot 311 is that is that uh a cross access uh easement or is that emergency as well so that's only for the purposes of emergency okay so I update your plan to chain that and uh it should be chained on the plan if it's not we will it does it says on this one on the site plan it should say that it's chained okay not okay but it's chained within the site you should have it near the so that they don't get caught in the throat you're saying chain it by the property line yeah um yeah we'll do that and then uh moving on we talked about the d uh oh EV spaces you'll have to revise your EV spaces and your Ada parking spaces um as as it's proposed you're combining your a appears that you're combining your Ada handicap uh van space with the uh EV space you need to separate them understood so we'll just add an extra Ada space um you answered my question about the um uh sampling that was very interesting I've not seen that before uh do you agree on the utility plan we had several comments on the utility plan adjustments as well on the storm water management report and drainage uh will you um agree to comply with those revisions request it yeah we will um we will work with you and we will um work on getting those complied EV has to be right and uh the EV Spa one EV space needs to be 8 we have that you're what you were saying was that the Ada EV space can't be counted towards the regular Ada so yeah we we already have an ADA EV space we just need to add one more to comply with just the Ada part they need to be separate think you understand yeah um and then going back to the Landscaping plan and that the loading docks are fronting um or facing uh the frontage on two hilt or at Hilton Court um can you give it a little bit more detail doesn't look like it's very elab looks like you can use a little bit more screening landscape screening along the frontage near Hilton um along the frontage of Hilton Court what do you have for the Landscaping there it doesn't I see you have low wild flowers on the slope can you just go into that a little bit I have it written now yes so we are proposing Red Oak Eastern White Pine and white flowering dog wheel trees in the front also Wild Flour and coralberry red choke chokeberry traditional pink aelia and bear Berry so as I discussed before the H court is that like elevation 301 the loading dock 292 so even the shrubs are providing enough screening cuz it's 9 ft down from Hilton Court what's the spacing and location of your white fine um I can get you the answer right [Music] [Music] now thank you for bringing a scale [Music] [Music] about 50 ft yeah itn't that screening I mean 50 ft apart doesn't really give you the visual screening um we're happy to prop some more screening in the front I know planner have any comments on that as well but I'd agree more screening 50 ft apart is Street tree spacing it's not buffer spasing that that's fine with us um I think that was everything thank you thank you getting back to something that the chairman commented on Andrew is hotels do they count for residential for the um for this the uh noise impact it's a good question I don't know the answer uh maybe our planner knows I I would lean toward their commercial I mean there are still standards for noise for commercial though if I could add some flavor to this uh within the past six months I think the town and and this board have rezoned uh the other property diagonally across from us uh seven Campus Drive that's now going to be a future Warehouse so the Hilton is going to be at least on two sides pinned in by uh warehouses yeah well on a different application we spent a whole lot of time on noise and that's why I'm asking it's uh I guess in the warehouses I've done when the refrigerated warehouses those are those can be noisy because not only do you have the refrigeration equipment cranking away you have the trucks that are this is not a refrigerat warehouse so it's um well I mean let's put it this way we had another application that was next to a residential townhouse development and it was not refrigerated and without an a noise wall had to be added to ensure compliance with the state regulations on noise and so miss I mean I guess my question was to what extent has that been explored in this case and I'm I am curious if Hotel counts as residential I'm not aware that it's residential but um because the state standards cannot be varied I mean they are they you have there are performance standards if noise becomes an issue at this site it has to be addressed either by screening the equipment by putting in acoustic buffers around the air conditioning equipment if that's the cause of it or and I think it was done in Wayne there's an acoustical wall that was done at a refrigerator warehouse in Wayne they're not the prettiest things but that's one of the things where it had to be built um I'm I'm pretty sure that the source for the noise on that other application was the trucks not again that's one of the things where from becoming a refrigerated Warehouse nothing but if but if it does crank up the noise the noise has to be met it can't be you can't exceed it otherwise the count this board can't stop it so once it's built it in theory can become a refrigerated Warehouse it could um but then the place has to be modified to make sure you don't exceed the 50 or the 55 at night otherwise we're shut down there's that's that's not even li you can't bury that so there'll have to be a lot of thought put into modifying this if that's the direction this this looking is that something this would come back to this board if they Chang that no if we're changing the S plant to ICL walls if you if you submit to zoning as two new tenants with interior Renovations and you don't change the site plan I will issue the permits and I will not stop a we did if you change outside if you change the the anything on any of the parking you change anything but if say you have a tenant who goes in and changes nothing and just becomes a new tenant with renovation it wouldn't trigger a site plan because there's nothing on the outside the use is permitted that's possible but refriger warehouses have different dock doors it's just laid out differently laid out and and like we did 100 jeffon it'll have to come back before this okay oh l l you want to add something yeah so what I would like to add is as I described before about the previously approved s point is that the building was closer to Hilton Court and we we did in the previously approved have loading docks on the northwest corner of the building so it's not that much further from where the loading docks are proposed in the front we unfortunately it's been a long time since so I don't remember exactly and without having them side by side to compare what we approved I couldn't remember exactly what we no it's fine I'm just stating that it's hard to remember right again if if the trucks are beeping away and it's becoming an issue and it's it'll have to be addressed there's no I can we can't talk our way out of that we have to deal with [Music] it thank you Mr chairman uh thank you for all this testimony by the way the trucks uh that are parking are they only the ones that are delivering and leaving it's not like no outside companies no okay it has to be someone that delivers there or takes out correct okay and then there was another note from the Morris County planning board that mentions that your the the firetruck plan it says that uh a single axle firet truck with a length of approximately 39 ft was used uh in your analysis but then they said it's recommended that the larger tandem axle uh Tower ladder that services that there should be used in circulation analysis did you guys change that um not for this presentation but we were aware of the of the comment and we did run it with the larger truck and we had no issues so we're going to resubmit to C the county thanks anybody else Christine you have y um just to note we're going to revise the plans to remove a parking space will be at 111 and can we also revise plans to show that it's a front yard setback along Dryden and Route 10 and not a rear yard setback know it's looks like the rear yard but technically it's a RightWay so um the other question I had is regarding the parking the previous approval included 127 spaces and a smaller building this one you're proposing 111 can you tell me how you got to that different calculation yeah so I mean the so the previous approved application was um it was overp parked a bit so I mean the industry is always changing we always get feedback from the industry and our experience with experiences with Warehouse keeps um expanding I mean 111 spaces is it's more than enough for um this size of a warehouse we don't see an issue all right that's all okay anybody from the public have any questions of this witness on this testimony at this time hearing and seeing none counselor thank you um Mr Parago from Dynamic traffic is here this evening and I'm going to ask the board does the would the board like to hear from Mr Parago as to of his updated traffic uh comments he submitted a two-page updated memo I'm going to look down to the engineering side of this board here and see I'm actually interested in circulation of the double driveway and any conflicts that you see I know it was testified it was uh optimized or um um well laid out can you from a traffic standpoint can you comment let's get Craig up let's let's we're in Craig Parago from Dynamic traic sounds like we're going to make him earn this [Music] pay usually somebody says do you want to hear from the traffic engineer the board you forget Gord he was the first one saying it if you please raise your right hand you swear affirm the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do please state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the record sure my name is Craig perago p r e g y business address 245 Main Street Chester New Jersey now Craig you've previously testified for this board and you've been qualified but just for since it's been a while can you give the board a benefit of your qualifications and testified this evening as a traffic engineer and let them know if your license remaining good St uh sure I have a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Virginia Tech I'm a licensed professional engineer in New Jersey been doing traffic engineering for 24 years now testified in parsipany many many times and pretty much every night throughout the state and license remaining my license is current any questions about his qualifications hearing and seeing none counselor thank you Craig now you did the original traffic impact statement for this design you provided an updated report when it was modified you heard Mr kenen he wants to hear from you concerning the circulation and the the how well those driveways will function can you at least address Mr kiano's concerns and then if the board is interested they can run through your numbers yeah sure I won't Bo with the numbers if I2 you're you're talking about the the access to Hilton Court where we sort have the car and the truck yeah I think it's a better plan to have that separation of the cars and trucks because in the other plan you you would have had truck backing Maneuvers where passenger vehicles could have been which makes me a little you know a lot of times you have that with a warehouse and you have to this we were able to take advantage of the ability to separate it so I think it's an improvement the the downside I guess is the limited Frontage and having those driveways proximate to one another but you heard from the prior testimony that we we're not extending that Landscaping Island all the way to Hilton Court so you're going to have perfect visibility of one or the other if this if these were if this was a shopping mall a really high volume we would look for to get a little bit more separation but in this case they're going to sort of function as one driveway it's it's a fairly low traffic generator particularly in terms of trucks and they're they're sort of Offset you usually have the office employees coming in the morning and leaving in the evening and the trucks eared out throughout the day so I think at the expense of those two driveways being proximate to each other on a very low volume Road it's a much better plan to have that separation of the cars and trucks thank you Craig since you're up you want to just give a brief overview of what's changed with respect to the traffic impacts of this design versus the previously approved design sure uh what what we do um when we have a revised plan like this we obviously came before you we had a full traffic impact study a big thick document and analyzed several intersections we looked at a bunch of other developments that were improved in the area so we come when we come back and see a revised plan the first thing I do is how much different is the traffic generation of what the site is versus what was approved uh the building size did get bigger but in the scheme of a warehouse it's a very small amount of uh increase in size and what's kind of interesting is the the manual the trip generation manual that the It or The Institute of Transportation Engineers publishes that we use to forecast traffic um is based on the building size for a warehouse like this since we did the original report they've issued a new addition so if I rerun the numbers even though it's a slightly larger building it actually comes out to one less trip during the morning Peak period the busiest hour in the morning and exactly the same in the evening so the reason that happened is between it was the 10th edition was the last time now we're on to the 11th between those two more warehouses were studied and counted so obviously they brought the numbers down so we're seeing less traffic generated from warehouses either way if I compareed Apples to Apples 11th 11th 10th to 10th the increase in traffic is minimal you know you you wouldn't notice the difference and part of that you remember the prior approval there was a two-story Warehouse I believe so the footprint got a little bit more bigger than the actual square footage of the building I think the approved building even though the footprint was 8,000 or so the building was 113,000 ft and now we're up to 122 664 so that that little bit of a difference is all it is and in per for purposes of truck movements like during construction for saw moving demolition those types of things has anything changed with respect to the routes that type of intensity or is it really just remain the same no everything is the same as what was previously approved in terms of anything beyond the boundaries of this site is the same as what was already I had the question Mr par came up earlier you had to have one the parking in terms of how much you got um are you comfortable that this park is above the average or close to the 85th percen off from it data yeah it absolutely is I think we're almost at 1 per thousand I think it's 093 or so per thousand and the the average Peak uh for uh it East is 37 per th and that's down from 39 so again the parking requirements are even coming down for uh these types of uses so I think where we're at here is more than enough and you know good for them to Market to different tenants okay anybody else from the board have questions on this testimony at this [Music] time anybody from the public have questions of this testimony at this time hearing and seeing none counsel thank you I have one Final witness Michael pasano professional planner to just kind of give the board an overview of the planning perspectives of the the several B variances that we're asking for this evening [Music] good evening good evening um justwe affirm the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do please state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the record gladly uh I'm Michael J pesano that's spelled p SS o l a n o licensed professional planner in the state of New Jersey licensed in 1984 licensed still in good stand um I was recently before this board and qualified as an expert planning witness I can go over the details again if you wish but if you want to catch some TV tonight maybe you don't I leave it up to you I I could describe my credential in Greater detail I'm not trying to be flipped I'm not sure that microphone's on I'm barely okay um sorry [Music] okay am I coming across better now thank you appreciate you pointing that out any questions on his qualifications anybody who wants to go deeper into his qualifications I don't hear or see anybody thank you Mr chairman Mr M you heard Mr Rees go he we ran through the several bulk variances that were triggered by this iteration of the design compared to what was approved years ago can you kind of run through and give the planning rationals uh whether they're C1 C2 and whether the board can comfortably Grant these variances without any substantial detriments to the neighborhood or impacts on the Zone plan yes I will come to that but it's my usual practice to distribute a planning exhibit that helps set the stage for my comments if we can do that now then everybody will have the benefit of what I consider so you we Mark these as one exhibit which just as the planning plan one mark this is exhibit A-6 thank you [Music] thank you uh to prepare for my remarks tonight I looked at the application materials uh visited with the applicable zoning regulations re-reviewed the master plan uh as it relates to this particular uh type of use and location um and reviewed the uh review memos uh by the board's professionals um so as stated uh by our engineering witness Mr Reas um we have four bulk variances that are requested one is for slightly higher uh Wall height in the the wall between um the proposed building and the Hilton hilt Hotel property we have uh all all of this is uh type- C bulk relief of course um the next one is for driveway width a 26t wide driveway for the cars and a 40ft wide driveway for the trucks where 24 ft is required uh as a maximum we did eliminate one uh offending parking space in the sidey yard so that's now uh compliant and then the parking location uh in the front yard is the fourth item uh the exhibit A6 now that everybody has it shows on sheet one uh an overview the U site and the surrounding area uh this was prepared in collaboration with John McDon professional planner um and this exhibit shows the the subject property um in a yellow outline um obvious to see um on this front aial image next we have a a drone shot taken by Mr McD's office showing uh the existing office building that sits on the property today this was taken in uh 2021 then we have the similar um drone perspective uh taken today and it shows the same uh office building and its grounds but interestingly U an emerging U mixed use property across Route 10 um that being a Redevelopment site and indicating just the nature of of Life today uh demand changes things change uh site utilization changes so we we come forward with this application to um make the best fit possible for U this time and place for this particular project and modifications have been proposed I won't redescribe them but uh they've uh triggered some zoning relief as I described uh I believe that all the all four elements of of the zoning relief can be approved uh pursuant to the C2 balancing test where the benefits need to be found to outweigh the detriments and um the benefits U may be obvious but um for the the sake of the record there are several public benefits that would ACR to uh the approval of this project as designed and presented uh purpose a would be Advanced purpose a of the municipal land youth law that is um this project uh promotes the general welfare because it delivers a permitted use that's a critical Link in the logistic supply chain uh the Amendments here have been described as responsive to market demand uh in the current moment purpose G would be Advanced and that is to uh provide for a variety of uses in appropriate locations according to the needs of all New Jersey citizens and this is Advanced because this project provides a logistics facility at a transportation node I'm talking about the intersection of Route 10 and 287 um just a short distance away with excellent connectivity to the regional Highway Network work overall purpose m is uh also Advanced this is uh to promote the efficient use of land uh the project U clearly promotes the efficient use of land because it involves Redevelopment of a pre viously disturb site and puts uh an underutilized property commercial property back into productive use purpose I is the final purpose um and that is to promote a desirable visual environment we're offering a a contemporary Class A institutional grade building with a static appeal and great Landscaping um you heard that that can be enhanced even further um for Mr uh Reyes uh and it will have the appeal of of a newer office building it will definitely smack of newness as to the U detriment that might occur to the granting of these variances um the width of the driveway was I think adequately addressed as to its need um and it is certainly uh appropriate uh for this type of use to have wider um entrances so that trucks uh can maneuver um in and out of the site appropriately um I also don't see it as particularly impactful uh to any property nearby given its location uh on the site right at the end of of Hilton Court the uh front setback relief um is an issue that is kind of hanging on how you interpret the the frontage and I accept that the uh board professionals uh believe that Frontage lies within any roadway um in fact the the definition of front yard says as much um so I'm not disputing that but uh we have a a building that is U closer to D and way um there is uh a ramp that um joins D and way with Route 10 um not sure if that is quite counting in the same way as dren way the purpose of of setback regulations are so that there's not a sense of crowding and this very nominal U point where the building folks into the 100 foot I'm sorry the 150 ft setback uh oriented to dying way um is uh nominal I think and the fact that it can be buffered by uh fast growing Evergreen species um it will be very hard to perceive that that is is a deficiency um once the building is is built and the Landscaping uh in place I think the [Music] um the parking location being in the front yard again um that is an issue that comes from the the need to have parking and loading uh around a building that will sit in the center of the site uh this particular site is unusual in that it's surrounded on three sides uh by um public ways so uh there's a great difficulty in putting um parking in a complying conforming location what's interesting to note though is that um in the corner of the site closest to to dren way um today there's there's parking pretty close stra up to the lot line there um and because of the the placement of the building turning that into a front yard instead of a sidey yard um we have actually less parking than is there today in that particular corner so it's an interesting U swap out I see but I I don't see the um placement of parking there again with adequate screening rising to the level of a substantial detriment for anyone you might see it you might not um very there's no building on the other side of dren way that would be uh observing that the next building is quite distant um going down dren way so there's really U no neighbor to be substantially impacted by that um setback deviation the final item is the the Wall height relief um this is an engineering um question more than a planning question the Wall height uh to address the grade changes uh is needing to to pop above the the 4 uh foot height limit um by 89 ft um I regard that as a dominous uh deviation and so it could not possibly rise to the level of something substantial uh in my professional opinion um as to the impact on the The Zone plan and the zoning ordinance the second pra of the negative criteria uh we're offering a uh permitted use which on its own advances the general welfare and the Zone plant uh of the township of pipany the minor bulk relief that's required um has been explained uh for its need so I see uh no basis for finding that any of this relief would U produce a substantial impairment of the intent and purpose of the Zone plan or zoning coordinance in conclusion the application remains uh in substantial conformance I didn't mention but uh most of the higher tiers of compliance are satisfied by this application um so I want to underscore that in my final remarks uh the plan amendments respond to market demand and enhance the efficacy of this development itself I submit to you respectfully the statutory criteria for all relief have been met and approval is warranted thank you I'm ready for your questions members of the board have any questions on this testimony at this time Christine you have uh no I don't thank you you're welcome thank you anything there I'm just assuming and I guess this goes more to the lawyer that that you're going to agree to comply with uh the REM any future remarks from the from the fire officials because we want to clear up that to make sure that that's satisfactory and that you would work with the uh the Forester on the Landscaping and trying to attenuate any sounds that might be coming from there to the hotel uh again I don't know what the requirements are with the hotel versus residential I know what residential requires yeah yeah um those aren those are not problems okay um any members of the board Gordon you have nothing nothing no no one else all right there any members of the public who have any questions of the Planner on this testimony at this time hearing and seeing none uh I assume that that's your case that is our case this closes the evidentiary portion of tonight's well like wait a second I got are there any members of the public who wish to speak in opposition to this application in support of this application hearing and seeing none now this closes the evidentiary portion of tonight's case uh do people want to discuss this or somebody willing to make a [Music] motion I can make a [Music] motion Mr dich a motion to approve application number 23 colon 530 onx equities to Hilton Court block 202 BL 3.10 amended preliminary and final major site plan major so soil moving permit to construct a warehouse facility as per the conditions noted and what conditions so the conditions I have is that the applicant will install safety fence of 4T on top of that the retaining wall um that was 4.9 ft so that's that'll just be in addition to that variance um the applicant will comply with any additional fire department comments and with Township Department reports as discussed tonight the applicant will provide the previous njd permit for the prior approval and will be required to obtain any additional njd permits um the a chain will be installed at the property line for the emergency access dra um the applicant will revise the EV and AD a spaces will comply with the GPI comments and will work with the board engineer to address same additional landscaping and screening along the frontage of Hilton Court will be installed uh and will the applicant will work with the township Forester on that and we'll com applicant will comply with the Morris County planning board letter regarding fire track turning radiuses will provide revised plans regarding parking spaces and the location of the front yard setback and I think that's it one thing that often goes without saying but should probably be stated is that there'll be no off-site parking that nobody no stacking of trucks out on Hilton Court or anything like that you could even Park in there but that's fine right I mean it's it's I Mr chairman I I I know Mr DPR always asked us about which way the trucks are going to go for demolition that they don't go to uh uh North on 202 they go right to Route 10 to 287 avoiding the schools I think he usually he usually has a question those are good questions we represented time we're not going to use Route 202 it's not going to go up on campus it's going to go towards Dryden Route 10 and on the highways not not 202 appreciate it thankk you okay and anything that was previously approved that's not inconsistent with this application will still be required to comply with it good that's a good thaning about that all right you happy with that I'm good all right do I have a second second meth nor would you call a ro please yes yes yeso yes yes yes yes thank you very much really appreciate [Music] it just not in love with [Music] that is there anything else that needs to come before our board tonight anybody have anything they need to bring before us I've heard rumors that we might be uh missing our Board of adjustment chairman soon uh he may be moving on June 1st he you didn't hear it from [Laughter] me so just you made Tas with something CU he's uh I don't think he's made it official yet got a free night on Wednesdays ready to all right nothing else to come before the board is there a motion to adjourn tojn yes anybody opposed enjoy the evening