equipment yes you're on record I'm on record all right meeting of the township of precipi and Troy Hills planning board for Monday March 18 2024 at 7:30 uh Nora would you call the rooll Please Mr did each here Mr Deo here councilman McGrath here Mr mey here Mr meth present Mr Nano here Mr Shaw here Mr Stan Al here Dinsmore here we have our board planner miss winter our board engineer Mr kiano and our board attorney miss dley all right announcement is made that adequate notice of this meeting has been given and that it is being conducted in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-6 at SEC of the New Jersey open public meetings act if we could have the Pledge of Allegiance please iedge of Al of the United States of America the for stands one nation indivisible liy and justice for all all right this meeting is open to the general public is there anyone in the public who wishes to bring something to the board's attention that is not on our agenda for tonight hearing and seeing none we will move first to our resolution we have uh a resolution in our packet for application number 23 col 527 Alpha Investments do I have somebody willing to move that motion Mr chairman Mr a motion to approve resolution for application number 23 col 527 ala Investments LLC 52 Navajo Avenue block 525 Lot 21 minor subdivision with C variance 4 a two lot subdivision all right do I have a second second NE thank you very much nor would you call the roll please yes yes mcrath yes yes ma yes yes yes yes all right we have two items on our agenda tonight we'll be listening to application number 23 Co 511 sir Pary first uh this meeting is carried from February 26 2024 application number 23 colon 533 T-Mobile will be heard if there is time left after this I was told to make time for them by them Mr chairman so we'll do our best good evening folks nice to see everybody for the record lar Cali on behalf of the applicant um Mr chairman members um where we left off matters is our case and chief concluded at the February public meeting if you recall we had testimony two and through all cross examination by the board staff and public of our project architect then our project planner um at that point we left it for our uh neighbors representative uh Mr doery representing the homeowner association of Mazda Brook to present any comments Witnesses anything he might like we deferred and carried the meeting to this date we have no more affirmative witness testimony that we proposed this evening we might very well recall a witness we've got a few of our Witnesses here but testimony with all Witnesses has concluded and all we intend to do tonight is listen to our neighbors perhaps ask some questions and then once we hear from everybody we'd like to briefly sum the case up and we plan on turning it over to the board to deliberate this evening um not too long from now Mr chairman very good is the council for the Neighbors prepared to uh present their case please come forward if you could give them the table I guess unless he doesn't need it sh good evening ladies and gentlemen again my name is David doery do c k r y from the law firm of Becker on behalf of mosbrook homeowners association um just uh to clarify for the record my representation and um what I'm about to put on the record tonight is only on behalf of the association as the corporate entity I do not represent individual uh members of the association which uh May provide comments uh or or questions um this evening um my client um has made a decision that it will not be presenting any objection uh testimony this evening but in speaking with applicants Council would just like to confirm uh some of the conditions approval that I believe were already on the record um so I apologize for any redundance and then some minor um uh conditions that we would like uh to make us a condition of of approval uh first and foremost um it was put on the record um that a landscaping buffer will be installed before construction uh begins and clarifying this with applicants attorney uh we just understand that um uh that will be for construction and it may not be viable uh for that to be done during demolition um if possible there would be some remediation efforts but um I think for the most part my client understands that um demolition may be prohibitive to any installation of of that Landscaping work uh there will be signage plac to prohibit truck idling believe that was put on the record last time and no C storage will be uh permitted the following additions condition of conditions of approval that we would request um is more of a clarification um that the building elevations uh will have a combination of dark gray and light gray panels and that the elevations will not have any white panels that's really to address any light reflection that may be an interference uh with the owners um the second the other uh condition of approval is um we would like that the sound wall be inspected on an annual basis to make sure that there isn't any damage obviously pragmatic concern of you know trucks coming in and out if they were to hit it or anything that at least would be inspected and the applicant make uh an effort to make sure that the wall is in good working order to provide the maximum uh sound uh attenuation and lastly simply that uh Mazda Brook uh be provided with a construction schedule um so that they uh would be alerted to um any activity at the site um and um so they can inform their residents um I believe that's all we have on behalf of the association councel do you have a response to that we are agreeable to that Mr chairman all of the all of the items that the the council asked for yeah already in the record stipulated between the applicant of the board um the few new ones we discussed tonight are are acceptable Mr chair all right that's all I have thank you very much for your time sure other members of the public who wish to come up and speak on this case beyond what has been presented by the homeowners association at this time please come up and identify yourself and uh give us your thoughts hello we need to square them in actually hello yes um so please state your name and spell your last name for the record yeah my first name is Sachin last name is brah b r a h m e I'm the resent of man since last almost like 15 years and so we'll need your address and and then I'll swear you in okay okay address is 66 M okay so if you please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yeah all right thank you so I would like to request the planning board and stress on this point that uh the nighttime operation should not be allow there are a bunch of like kids elderly people which are like which are in the vinity of 200 fet even if a truck Idol is there right that that disturbs the sound and the peace and the sleep so my request is not to allow the truck operations after 700 p.m. in the night that's it okay thank you very much thank you are there other members of the public who wish to State their opinion or their give us facts that we need to decide the case please come forward identify yourself and be sworn in if you give us any facts that you're testifying to we may be questioning you my name is dsh n r s last name n n 43 ran D all right if you please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony that you're about to give with the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you yeah so uh one of the the requests to the board is uh we have went through the sound uh evaluation and and uh the applicant has confirmed that the sum level is going to stay within the 40 to 45 de limit that's what it is there so one of the thing that we wanted to enforce is during the demolition during the constructions and during the operations we can uh make sure that there is something to to check that that stays within the 45 40 to 45 deciel because one of the things that we want to avoid is it get approved and then all of a sudden it changes and then it becomes a a major nightmare for the the residents so something we wanted to add uh to um to to to verify and make sure that it's it's staged within that councelor do you want to respond to that yeah certainly so the applicants required whether or not this board granted relief to comply with the state noise regulations in title 7 they're mimicked in the Township Code the applicant needs to meet those standards for all acoustic impacts including several related to construction and buildout in the township General ordinance they will all be complied with if the township has the the requirement that there be some acoustic measurement in the field during construction that's often the case when you're blasting but not typical of of average construction when you're not D digging any well or or blasting Rock um if the T doesn't required the applicant should not have to supplement their construction activities with a type of a monitor in a field the township requires it the applicant will have it and will certainly make data available to our neighbors that's if it's required by code which I don't think it will be in this case have have you decided on hours of operation for the Demolition and the construction work they'll have to meet Township code standards so typically it's nothing before seven or guessing nothing for 7 or 8 a.m. nothing after a certain time there's probably prohibitions in weekend hours whatever the requirement is the applicant has to comply with that thr in build out do we know what those Andrew do we know what those might be um not offand but it's somewhere between 7 AM and 8 8 am typically to four or five but again if you you have to follow the the hours of operation um during construction yeah there wouldn't be any deviations proposed we'd have to comply with the letter of the law and that's right in the Township Code yeah and uh only other thing I want to add is such mention you know it's repetitive but the nighttime operations is a major concern uh as a resident so something whatever we can do to minimize or no nighttime operations at all that's something that we would like request you to consider because the large number of L is St there thank you thank you there other members of the public who wish to comment on this or bring us information that [Music] matters all right yes sir please come forward identify yourself and be sworn in you have to speak up yeah can you hear me now no it's Noto okay y yeah okay m is moan krishnaraj k r i s n r AJ 37 Ryan dve P all right and will you please raise your right hand do you swear affirm the testimony that you're about to give the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do you yeah in terms of the quality of life I still wanted to Echo the other time of um the members have mentioned it that still you know the loading dock to be in the front portion of it still think about it as Mr before has already mentioned that um for the betterment of the community of the people and betterment of the life okay of the people who resident in that community and uh at the same time the hours of operation needs to be considered in terms of it like um even after the construction or during the construction as well to be limited to be only during certain time frame not in the night including the constructions during and after that so that's the my one of the concerns are there to be do you have any response that you wish to make on that or not just time Mr chair okay any questions by members of the board no all right thank you very much any other members of the public have any uh anything they wish to uh State Hearing and seeing none counselor do you wish to Su and uh briefly Mr chairman please first I want to thank the board again for your time on this application we've been here for a number of hearings I think the dialogue is always incredibly helpful we've had with the board your staff and even members of the public throughout so on behalf of B office and the applicant I want to thank the board for your um assistance in sheering this application um to the Finish Line uh and hopefully a vote shortly just to take it back to the first me we had here we introduced the applicant as a longtime property owner within the township the applicant is not a Fly by Night developer they did not acquire this property recently onpc and not a contract purchaser this applicant has had this asset in their portfolio for a number of years as well as other properties within the township the township has seen a major shift in office demand particularly since the pandemic parfan has always been at the Forefront of Class A office space being developed um that sort of went away for a while for a few years by office needs office demands and then the pandemic sort of really crushed it and we're now seeing a lot of dormant office space around the township around the state the state stat has even recognized that there's a need to redevelop offices um it's a whole different metric out there now whole different type of programming that's needed this office is dormant it's underutilized it's a site that's out there today on Jefferson Road it's a very large structure it's got an expansive parking area much of this is already within the residential buffer so what the applicants here doing and we're going to take you through that at a high level shortly what we hope to do here is wholly consistent with you know what is really essential adaptive reuse efforts and the trend that you're seeing around not just the township but New Jersey and Beyond uh in M the mid land so the commercial site development in this Corridor predates buding residential zones we talked about that as well so along this Corridor on Jefferson Road you've got larger uses in the zoning District they're all there they're all there on a committed basis or either by way of right under the code or by way of ratification of the board at some point but this commercial development that we're talking about particular on this property of 299 Jefferson it predates the ab budding residential zoning District to our rear at the time of the implementation of that lower intensity use that we've got behind us the township through legislation and ordinance enactment created measures to sort of temper that in congruent zone line impacts that there might be to reconcile those Zone in consistencies between heavier uses commercial committed on Jefferson Road and the Lesser intense residential uses that now are creating forming a cluster development behind us if you will to our to the rear of our property on PL South so the way that it was tempered and reconciled was through a heighten buffer standards enacted in the ordinance and that's what we're here talking about for the entire first year was the heighten buffer standards that we're dealing with between our use on 299 and the residential use to the rear and through it all the proposal that's been before this board we have to remember is a permitted use warehouses are allowed without conditional limitation in the zone they're principally permitted in the zone and principally permitted on this property where an office building is there today warehouses as this support knows is a use that's very much in demand within the state um applicants not proposing anything that's think compatible with his own use it's allowed again not withstanding the fact that from day one the applicant has brought forth a proposed permitted use on a property where an existing commercial use is going to be adaptively reused for many reasons that go beyond local code but just needs of society in general uh the applicant's been responsive to the board to your staff to the members of the public throughout some of the applicants efforts um and the evolution of the project I want to just highlight again the members of the board you if you recall we started this application many many months ago we've had lulls and hiatuses of months for plan revisions for plan reconsiderations for discussions with one of our neighbors discussions with another one of our neighbors and reaction to board commentary the applicant protracted this process by choice at a number of different points and it was to consider board and staff design concerns it was to work with our butter to our plan West the other property owner that's commercial along Jefferson and then to collaborate with the Brook HOA which we've been doing throughout the result of all this was a lot of significant effort by the applicant and you've seen relief eliminated and mitigated in connection with the site's most sensitive details that's our residential abund eliminated that relief is gone that we were talking about being in that buffer area it's no longer there neither the loading nor the building are in that rear buffer area it fully complies the only activation at the rear of the site now is remarkably improved and the intens IFI from the current development that's there the activation of the rear is really the fire Access Lane which we're masking and muting by making it look as grass areas and we're also still providing providing wayf finding to make sure First Response can see it as they go through this Mass area that just looks like green there's no bulk relief that's creating an impact to the abing residents now nothing at the rear is creating any type of relief from this board it's fully compliant um with the exception of the wall right but that wall the whole purpose of it is to mitigate impacts for the residents that's sound wall it's another aspect the applicant undertook was when there were concerns about acoustic impacts we know all along we have to comply with the acoustic standards under title 7 and of the countship code but the applicant endeavored to hire you know essentially the preeminent acoustic expert witness in the state who helps write the legislation at the state level to ensure that it would comply and he's modeled it and we've shifted the building forward and it works it will comply the applicant is not asking for any relief from acoustic standards at nor could they is the reality of it um something to remember also we discussed this I believe the last meeting or maybe two meetings ago this can all be field reviewed you know once this is built out there can always be a look back at any point in time whether there's a complaint or not from an AB budding neighbor whether it's a commercial or residential neighbor the township can always be tasked with coming out and determining what the current acoustic level is and whether or not it's in compliance with the state regulations or not so this is not a one-time review period where the board or the town divested of jurisdictional authority moving forward this is a requirement the app has to a perpetuity complying with the noise levels this is not something that we say we're going to satisfy today and tomorrow if we don't You Can't Hold Us in there are enforcement mechanisms and there are measures to test this in the future in the field the township has that Authority at any time that's fully within their discretion moving on to other infrastructure improvements storm water controls you heard extensive testimony from our project engineer Ben carer of berer engineering that the stormw improvements are remarkably improved under the proposed conditions than they are existing in the field today the site's getting refreshed in a number of ways both just you know not just aesthetically with the new structure the new skin of the building it's very nice articulations and penetrations but it's also the infrastructure the property is getting improved moving on from the storm water very generous planking buffer is proposed these were all things that were discussed during that applicant's protraction of the hearing process where they went back to the drawing board and said what can we do to enhance what can we do to be responsive what can we do to consider board concerns and public concerns the planting buffer at the rear now we've talked about this at length through the rendering testimony you've seen from our architect our project planner as well as the Civil testimony mature trees are being installed at planting firms being installed where there's you know where it's helpful and Ne and necessary to and there's a significant separation between the structures and the planting area and then the property line and then the residential structures Beyond we're looking at it from multiple different points the renderings that we introduced the prior public hearing it's an accurate reflection of those field conditions the building and wall were barely visible under those proposed conditions and when you look under a 5-year buildout you're not going to see anything but that's not the standard that we shouldn't have to see it you're allowed to see and develop a commercial structure and it can be within viewshot of an adjoining property that's not the standard is it has to be invisible I want the board to take notice that the applicant has gone over and above to make sure they address and satisfy the concerns of their neighbors not with just the acoustic impacts by implementation of that very expensive wall with the acoustic studies that confirmed Conformity with the regulations the storm water improvements the lighting improvements the deactivation of activity at the rear of the structure pulling everything out of that buffer loading parking in structure which you don't have today in the field but also a lot of landscape offering to add to all that to add to a brand new building you've heard expert testimony board members from the beginning um we've had civil architecture traffic acoustic and planning the request of your Consultants have been taken into account and generally agreed to at all points um I note the last hearing we talked about fire access um to the rear the applicate returned at that meeting and through planning testimony we showed you an updated exhibit plan from bowler engineering saying exactly how you going to do the wayf finding around the property exactly how they're going to get the back of the building if First Responders need to get there to battle the fire the applicant's been really responsive throughout Thea the applicant has responded at every turn to the board and our neighbors they're going to continue to be good neighbors good owners of the property like they've been doing for years that's not changing with an approval here um we talked about relief concerning the residential use being holy eliminated um but even still the applicant offered several proactive conditions to L public hearing for Mr toia planning testimony we confirm no outdoor storage we confirm no hazardous material storage we confirmed that it will be a maximum two tenants here it's a small structure not withstanding the fact that there's been a lot of discussion by members of the public that this is a big operation relatively speaking this is a small Warehouse um the sound wall is going to be designed so that it can um get over that drainage pipe issue there was a conflict on the plan detail we had to clear a drainage pipe issue with the installation of the sound wall Foundation that's going to be met and your board engineer can review that um we confirm the building's not going to be used for Cold Storage that does tie tie into acoustics and also no refrigerated trucks will be stored Outdoors um correspondingly um we're installing Evergreens to the east of that fir Lane that was all in the prior exhibit plan that you folks have seen we talked about trying to get as much Landscaping in during the construction phase as possible some of it might be feudal because some of it could be damaged or destroyed none of it's likely to really be installed properly during demolition but the applicant is going to Endeavor to get the screening up as best they can during the construction phasing um and then tonight we just discuss a few more the applicate has to and will comply with the hours of operation acoustic measures dust control measures during site Demolition and throughout construction these are Township ordinance requirements the applicant has to comply with them any which way you cut it again this is not a Fly by Night applicant the general contractor who's installing this is not going to be you know one guy swinging hammers this is going to be a Class A operation two and through throughout construction and then operation thereafter and then of course you know compliance with the state Township noise regulation is a must right there's no way around that and the applicant certainly will um and that essentially is our case Mr chairman and members what I want to do is I want to thank you folks again for your time um and the last thing I do actually want to mention is you know we've heard a few neighbors tonight again mention that the overnight operations again going back to the beginning of my close it's a permitted use there's no limitations in the code on this use nor arrows of operations for such a use uh the case law is very clear and I can cite the seino case for your Council it's told Brother County of Burlington 194 NJ 223 there needs to be a Nexus between the relief sought and a condition imposed by the board here the relief s on this application involves no impact to the residential Butters we are not within the proposed uh Development Area that complexs with the buffer area we're outside of that setback the loading area is well beyond it the structures Beyond it parking areas are Beyond it and the sound wall is a belt and suspender is acoustic dampening measure that will ensure that uh there's compliance with the noise level regulations that do apply but there is no relief related to that residential setback there's no relief reled to acoustic levels or the like so you know the overnet operations is a hindrance that the applicant really cannot accept um and and really shouldn't apply gring case law with that Mr chairman I want to thank you and the board members again for all retirement this application I want to thank the members of the public that work with us and we put in your hands folks okay um just for reference the construction demolition activity would be permitted between 7 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekends in federal holidays thank you and that is [Music] 2585 thank you very much all right this closes the evidentiary portion of the hearing um I'm going to ask for a sense of the board do we want to move to go into conference or do we want to move a [Music] resolution let good with conference do I hear a motion to go into conference motion to go into conference do I have a second second all right all in favor say I any opposed all right Gordon I guess you volunteered to start I recognize that the applicant has is complied with the minimum requirements in the rear of the property next to the residence I cannot get past the 40% front yard setback when their own architect admitted the building could be smaller so I'm I'm afraid I can't support approving this application all right who would be next here Mr chairman Nick thank you um I just want to say that we we see many developers and many uh applicants come to the board and they can care less about their neighbors they just want to build and move on in my opinion this um these applicant developers have made many accommodations uh including adding an extra natural barrier uh which includes more trees they said no cold storage there would be signs put up they say no idling trucks uh they're adding a 16t sound wall uh that move the building towards the front uh uh Jefferson Road so further away from the M Brook com uh Commons um I mean in all seriously there's no way to block out all the sound I live about a mile and a half rout 80 and I still hear Route 80 every morning in the middle of the night I still hear those trucks um and also I I'm just I'm I'm going to vote in favor of this any other volunteers for further discussion Mr mey even with all the testimony given I'm still concerned about the quality of life of the people nearby so I'm this way and that way as far as how I would vote on this thank you okay Mr deiro well I would have been happy if they rotated the building 90° counterclockwise then there would be no no discussion about the sound their own sound engineer diagram showed that the the opposite side of the terminal the trucking terminals had no sound that would have been better in my opinion um I appreciate the effort to to mitigate the sound with the with the sound wall that second best I guess um but it is a legitimate application if if it were to be turned down we have round four of aable housing coming up in 9 months um I'd rather see the warehouse than um affordable housing to go back to go back there so uh I'm going to support it other members of the board Mr uh Mr chairman thank you um just want to make quick quick comment um yes there are definitely concerns regarding the acoustic uh uh measurements uh I do appreciate the effort from the applicant in terms of meting most of those um I think we are at a point where it's more of enforcement of those uh standards or the code I hope we we we as a Township we will be able to reinforce those uh and keep keep um keep the disturbance at the minimum um I'm with the Mr diio that is we rather have Warehouse there versus no activity uh in the town um I think the office space uh is out of equation at this moment in the economy and as as a community as a Township we need to move forward and look at other avenues um so I'm going to support this application uh keeping all of that in mind Mr sha do you have some comments no any other members of the board have any comments I want to thank the board for their thoughtfulness I want to thank the applicant for working hard on this I want to thank the public for bringing us their concerns because I think that your being here made this a much better application in the end I think that the state and local requirements on the noise if we can keep them enforced will prove to be uh make it a much nicer neighborhood than it would be otherwise um I agree with Mr deiro that we're kind of in a tough place place at the moment with regard to how space that used to be offices and we always thought was going to be an industrial park is now looked at by some as being a possible residential area and it would make it very difficult for the town to absorb that many extra residences so I'm going to vote in favor of this application at this time and do I have a motion to move a resolution Mr chairman Mr D a motion to approve application 23 col 511 s parip LLC 299 Jefferson Lo block 736 lot 7.3 preliminary and final major site plan with C variance major soil moving permit to construct a warehouse with Associated improvements along with all the conditions you want to give us the conditions before we uh I can go through this original application was was before the board in June but no testimony was heard the first testimony was taken in September 2013 the conditions from that meeting were that a burm of plantings would be added to for toward the residential buffer which has been agreed upon the applicant will comply with njd and Township noise requirements which is agreed the applicant will not permit idling um and will compl with the state and Township noise requirements and comply with the township and state and federal laws regarding storage on the property um same with Dem Demolition and construction the applicant agreed to comply with monitoring for noise compliance including a six-month look back after the construction uh or the certificate of occupancy is issued for to review for acoustic testing um and if the numbers are not sufficient then additional mitigation will be installed um the applicant agreed to comply with runoff standards um and njd storm water requirements that's everything from the first meeting the meeting on the February 5th the applicant agreed to install signage for Emer for the delineation um of the Geo web for emergency vehicles and signs for snow removal as well the applicant agreed to prioritize the burms and noise and Landscaping buffer um between the residential prop neighbors um during construction and appli and agreed to reduce the lighting to match the planner's report the height of [Music] lighting that's everything I have from the 5th of February and then from the last meeting on the 26th of February the the applicant agreed to update the plans to show the sound wall designate um freestanding signage for trucks um this is on Dan's handwriting so I'm not exactly sure what that one was if you could help me out Larry I don't know if you remember um I'll look through the YouTube video and just confirm that but it has to do with the freestanding sign um no idling signage will be installed maximum of two tenants no outdoor storage of goods no hazardous storage of goods no cold storage and no refrigerated trucks I think that covers everything I'm actually going to turn to the homeowner's attorney and oh and oh yes we have the ones from today yes Landscaping buffer before construction but not during the demolition signs to signage to prevent truck idling no cold storage the building of elevations will include D dark and light gray panels but no white panels sound wall will be inspected on an annual basis and the HOA will be provided with a construction schedule now I think that's is that everything that you recall counselor is that uh all acceptable and of course with regard to the uh mitigation features and the Landscaping the applicant is agreeing to work with the town Township professionals on how that will work I'm assuming that is your understanding as well that's right Mr chman all right so now we've got a motion with embedded with all of those uh qualifications there do I have a second second Theo nor would you call the role please did yes deer yes McGrath no Milly no math no Nano yes Shaw yes stanel yes dinmore yes six yes three no thank you very much folks we appreciate your time good seeing you see you soon all right thank you thank you on the okay should we take a few minutes break so we can look the sure we're going to take about a f minute break at this point and we'll be back for uh case number 23 col 533 [Music] [Music] TMobile SC scarper left you that's all right tell I've been watching a lot of British get there mystery shows yeah learning some new lingo a lot ofbody should I have the break I wouldn't be able to be roll I know roll more scared about pushing I know I don't know each other SM they have to like do like you know special massage yeah exactly actually have another member com so what's next Monday March 18th is reconvening uh Norah would you call the role please may here Mr here here M here here pres here Mr here Mr here here all right we're back together again and our agenda now concludes UD application 23 col 533 t- excuse me T-Mobile 1269e 46 block 729 lot 6.01 Zone 03 uh this is for minor site plan with C variant constructed temporary monopole with antennas and electric service enjoy thank you very much I think you can hear me better with the microphone close well that's one way to clear a room huh got nobody left with my team um Jennifer caner from Price mman andr man on behalf of the applicant T-Mobile Northeast LLC um this application T-Mobile has an existing approved and operating Wireless Communications facility on the existing building on what is known as 1269 Route 46 also known as block 729 lot 6.01 T-Mobile is proposing to deploy a temporary facility at the subject property which will include a 49 ft monopole installation of nine temporary panel antennas on the temporary pole and to extend temporary electric service to equipment installs it should be noted that T-Mobile obtained prior approval for a rooftop facility way back in December of 1997 specifically to install roof mounted antennas with an accessory equipment cabinet on top of the existing building which is currently now vacant and uh pretty much um a lot of most of most of the demo work being done on that property because of the demolition we're seeking approval for the temp facility to Main Service to maintain service to our customers so that a permanent replacement can replace the temporary facility continuity of service is extremely important especially during emergencies as many people rely upon their mobile phones as their only means of telephone Communications according to the most recent Federal Government survey approximately 70% of a adults and 80% of children live in a wireless only household as a result we're seeking to operate this temporary facility to maintain service to our customers until the um a new facility can be constructed the applicant is seeking minor site plan approval other Associated variance relief included is minimum setback from another Zone that's the B1 Zone where 300 ft is the minimum permitted and 35.3 ft is proposed minimum front yard step back where 75 ft is minimum permitted and 27.1 ft is proposed minimum side yard step back where 75 ft is permitted and 35.3 is proposed and lastly for the location proposed in the front yard I have three Witnesses with me this evening I have uh Francis balte of Pier cons Solutions who was the RF consultant I have Joshua crelle of French and pillo who will be testifying in his capacity as a professional engineer and lastly I have Tim Kon of TKA design Design Associates who will be testifying in his capacity as a professional planner just a few housekeeping items we received Township an agency report including planners reports dated January 5th and March 12th we also received your board engineer report dated February 21st as well as the police and Sewer no comment letters um if there's no further items that the board has any questions on I can bring up my first Witness have waivers do you have any waivers yes we do have waivers um so as far as the waivers go there a few uh from appendix a the Mars County planning board um approval the highlands exemption determination um the scale of the map which uh Contours uh propos spot elevation existing post utility services from form those were from form three uh location description of existing proposed landscaping and from form 10 again the scale of the map uh existing and proposed Contours and existing and proposed utility service and I believe most of these are related to the fact that it is just a uh temporary poll and you're not looking at the whole site so we don't have any objections to them thank you very much all right um move uh is there a motion to approve the waivers as presented in the AR me Memo of what's it March 12th yes all right do I have a motion Mr chairman a motion to approve the waivers as discussed do I have a second second all in favor favor I any opposed all right we're up [Music] yep swear me yes not all right you please raise your right hand do you swear affirm the testimony that you're about to give we the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do please state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the record yes Francis baly b o s c h u l t employed by peer cons Solutions in Lincoln Park New Jersey 63 Beaverbrook Road I hold a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering I've been employed as a radio frequency engineer for over 20 years I've designed sites throughout the state of New York New Jersey and I've testified before many boards in the state of New Jersey including this one many years ago many years ago any questions on the qualifications hearing and seeing none actually just one I mean I know you're not requ ired as an RF engineer to be but you're not a professional engineer are you I I don't have a PE license correct okay thank you this is the one this is I think this is the one profession that is permitted to not be licensed to testify that is correct you are right okay thanks we're good yes you're good thank you very much um why don't we first before you get into your exhibits why don't have you go through um FCC compliance which T-Mobile is licensed by the FCC correct correct and I just want to have you go through for the board just so they have an understanding of how how the system works in terms of compliance with FCC rules regulations so the FCC gives guidelines I prepare to report using the very conservative calculations according to the FCC um 100% being the maximum limit based on T-Mobile's equipment and Technology of LTE 4G and 5G and all the frequency bands that T-Mobile is currently licensed they will be in compliance so the calculations worked out to be approximately 15% of the the worst case for general public and so it's 6.6% 6.6 times below the fcc's limit of 100% so the site will be in compliance is there any questions as to that aspect before I move on to the exhibits any questions on that nope hearing and saying none great thank [Music] you thank you um I'm sure you've seen these exhibits before so I'll give us um a basic explanation before I have you before can I just uh have you mark those in for the record those were those were not submitted before so each one of them has to be marked okay what would you like be A1 you want them all marked separately or as one one two and three basically there's M all right and then just describe each please the first map is in is titled T-Mobile existing LTE 2100 MHz coverage this is T-Mobile's midband it handles the majority of the capacity on their Network what you have here on this map are T-mobile's existing sites which are identified as the blue dots and white wedges you have a topographical layer showing the major and minor roads you have Route 80 and Route 46 going from east to west and then overlaid on top of this map you have a propagation coverage map so the area in green defines T-Mobile's INB building service for residential and Commercial the area is in white doesn't mean that there's no signal it just means that it's not providing in building service so you may have signal on the street but you don't have adequate signal strong enough to penetrate inside the buildings in the center of the map you have the existing location which is identified as nj0 6049 c as a pink dot in the center and as you can see it is located very close to Route 46 and Route 80 in a commercial area handling a good portion of the businesses in that area as well as traffic vehicular traffic that was A1 the next exhibit is A2 this is a demonstration of what happens to T-Mobile's in building service when the site is no longer on the air it's titled T-Mobile existing LTE 201100 without nj0 6049 c as you can see see without this sight you begin to have areas that are now showing in white you have less areas in green indicating that you are losing INB building service to these commercial buildings that are in the Clos vicinity of this site the third exhibit is a propagation demonstrating what the temp site will bring that is exhibit A3 and as as you can see it's basically a replacement of what is existing today is to ensure that T-Mobile is going to have continuous service providing INB building communication to the residents and people that work in the area today and all of these exhibits were prepared by P con Solutions LLC that is correct and we'll give them the date of today's date of March 18th Believe Dat correct yes they may have the dat yeah okay thank you thank you and just uh one more question uh with regard to the height of the tower that 49 ft is the minimum necessary in order to provide the coverage that you just described yes it is I have nothing further of this the members of the board who have questions of this witness on this testimony I have a question Mr sure just more of a comment um from A1 to this is this is with the tower up right yes why does it look like there's a huge swwa of residential area that's that's not sticks out because I used to live on T Oaks Road and I can see that clear as safe from here so there's no change from what is existing so this is the existing footprint so you still have this small residential area to the north of rout 46 in coverage but the areas in white what it's indicating is that you're like marginal so you may have good signal good communication uh you may not drop you may not get the spinning doll that you see in your phone trying to connect if you're close to your window but maybe if you're in your basement you may have connectivity problems your data throughput it's going to be slower so um this is where T-Mobile would would like to improve their service but right now the areas in green are where they can say that they're supplying their you their users with adequate data service gotcha Mr npal yes thank you Mr chairman um how tall is this Paul again the antenna Sun line is 46 with a top height of 49 ft okay thank you and then uh you this map that you sent us here um aerial photograph TK design this one here no that will be our planner he hasn't testified yet okay um anyway the there's a white square building uh I guess that is north of the tennis courts and basketball courts that's a daycare center uh is there any danger to the children that are there with this pulling up no the site is fully in compliance although it's a low site it's six times below the FCC limit um side is already existing so the the emissions today are going to be very comparable to what the temp site's going to provide than thank you very much any other members heing and seeing none Andrew yeah I just had a question on the on the timing so the the the current Tower uh is is being removed this is going up and you mentioned there's going to be a future permanent one correct there will be a future permanent one that hasn't been identified yet any idea on timing how long this will be an operation this temporary one I know they're hoping for for for two years but I don't know for sure just off on this uh I'm sorry I'm sorry sir you you'll just have to wait to be sworn in unless you want to do that now he's not one of my way thank you okay all right and then who's testifying on the actual uh structure itself how it's constructed and that'll be the engineer the thank you just to follow a previous comment my house is pretty much in the middle of that white snowball but it's right underneath a great big water tower that has all sorts of uh telecommunication antennas on it that the town would be more than happy to rent I we'll take that back no I don't have TMobile so are there any members of the public who have questions of this witness on this testimony at this time hearing and seeing none yeah on on a lighter note that green has nothing to do with the greenery or the trees right that green has nothing to do with the trees or Greenery the green isly coverage to do with foliage just light alone yep that's a good point all right so hearing and seeing no uh members of the public who have any question questions on this witness at this time counselor if you wish to move on sure my next witness is ell thank you very much P [Music] [Music] Associates you please raise your right hand you swear affirm the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do please state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the record Joshua catell c t t r l l I'm with French and parello Associates 1800 Route 34 Wall New Jersey Mr ker will you please provide the board with the benefit of your qualifications and experience for the record sure uh bachelor's and science um civil engineering from Ruckers University approximately 16 years in the wireless industry preparing site plans such as this one uh testified before numerous boards within New Jersey uh I hold a valid um New Jersey professional engineering license and that license is in good standing yes it is any questions on the qualifications hearing and seeing [Music] none [Music] Mr Cal you prepare those plans that you're presenting for this evening correct yes yes I did these are the these are the plans submitted to the board and this was uh part of the submission package did you want to mark that separately or that'll be just as long as it these are dated November 17th 23 yes they are okay then we're good okay uh so I'll just describe the site um uh site's located 1269 us46 East um it's block 729 lot 6.01 it's a 4.81 acre tract uh situated between US Highway 46 and US Highway Route 80 grp 80 on the plan is running along the top left to right and US 46 is on the bottom existing on the property currently is two two-story Office Buildings Associated parking uh currently the building closest to Route 46 is uh being demolished and that where that's where the current T-Mobile attendant are situated on that roof um basically that building right now is gutted just waiting for the t- mobile an Tennant to come off to fully demolish it the building to the rear uh closest to Route 80 um is currently still in use uh behind that building is where the proposed T-Mobile temporary T-Mobile facility will be situated uh just flipping to the next sheet I'll describe the installation uh actually I'm going to go sheet sp3 [Music] so team's proposing to install a 49 ft High monopole the monopole is going to be supported by uh a steel frame at the base 15t x 15 ft on top of that steel frame there'll be concrete Bast blocks I believe it's about 50,000 lbs of concrete block and that Al that's the foundation for the pole uh um that that Ballance frame will be installed within the 20t X 20t lease area uh on top of the tower T-Mobile will install a total of nine panel antennas in three separate sectors along with a uh microwave antenna for their back hole um on top of the concrete Bast box at the frame they'll install their equipment cabinets and their electric cabinet uh cables will be WRA Ed from the equipment cabinets to the pole up the pole within the interior of the pole so the cables won't be uh visible uh the only utilities that'll be required for the site is electric and we're proposing to route that on grade from Route 46 from the existing utility P Route 46 back to the proposed T-Mobile cabinet and that'll be installed on PV what they call them sleepers which is basically a 4x4 4 in by 4 in block it could be wood or PVC and basically that block lays on grade and the conduit gets fastened to that sleeper uh the site will be visited approximately once every four to six weeks um there's existing access will be utilized um the technician will show up in a typical SUV vehicle um there is sufficient parking on site but in reality the technician will probably Park in back of the building on either side of the compound um there'll be no odor no glare no noise no dust associated with the installation um the visits will take place during daytime hours in the event there is an issue and the technician needs to go during nighttime hours they took install a light on the that utility cabinet which is basically two flood lights two LED flood lights Mount about 10 ft above the uh working surface and there'll be a 4H hour timer on there in case the technician does come at night turn it on and he forgets to turn off when he leaves it won't stay on inde definitely anything else I missed um just I just want to recap just a couple of items if I may so the what's the um height of the chain fence that's going around the equipment compound right so on top of the ballast box we're we're also surrounding equipment with a a temporary chain link fence uh it's a 6ft nominal fence but in reality I believe it's about 6'2 in um and it's a temporary fence so it's not fastened but there there's a footing um at the base and so that's what and every all the fence ties into each corner and that's what supports the fence and uh with this proposed temporary Tower will there'll be any ground disturbance or excavated or excavation related to the proposed Tower itself no there will not be okay and um there's will be no trees removed either for for this proposed correct we're not proposing any treatment all and as you mentioned no water sewer no noise to be generated there's no generator proposed no generator correct no order smoke glare dust um [Music] what do we envision in terms of timing uh on for the uh temporary tower for the installation uh these towers go up pretty quick um you know I wouldn't think it would be more than two weeks to install it from start to finish okay and when the temporary Tower is eventually removed after um it's had its usage Um T-Mobile would restore all the areas back to the way it was correct correct yes and just one last question with regard to um having usage of the tower at the end of its usage um you can confirm to this board that for whatever new site we get up permanently we'll appear back before the board for that for that approval yes absolutely if it's a new site not a collocation correct new T thank you I have nothing further this witness members of the board have any questions this what this Gordon just one and I'm sure the answer is it's not an issue um so this is the top golf s say correct yes so this proposed location can exist well that that is being constructed is that a problem yes this location was selected by the owner because it will not interfere with the current demolition or the proposed Redevelopment of it right that was selected by them and I know there's still a planner to testify but that in many respects justifies the um the setback there is correct um I would say so just because this is the location needed to not interfere with his site okay thank you any other Michael yeah just just one are there negotiations going going on now to locate the permanent site on the top golf oh Top Golf I'm I'm going to have my planner speak to that um he has um direct knowledge of that okay Nick yes thank you um you said this runs on electricity yes what happen if the power goes out in the whole town you backup generator is on site there's no backup generator per um on site but the their their electric cabinet is equipped with a plug so they can roll up a generator and plug it in okay how would they know the power went out on that particular poll they get alert everything everything every this site is monitored by the nearest switch station so if there's power goes out sets off an alarm and and they get notified so the inspector guy would come so and put the generator myself um herself yeah I mean a T-Mobile technician okay who I don't know if it's yeah yeah someone from T-Mobile okay um does that need a a variant or any sort of documentation or that's just no okay all right uh and then I did have one more and I probably forgot what it was oh is this gated like gated defense is there a gate on there and locked right so on top yes the equipment is gated okay and there's a um yeah so there's a fence with a gate and it'll be lock thank you other members of the board have questions I'm going to Res Reserve mine for conditions of approval for later on okay all right do our professionals have yeah just thanks for the testimony so this whole assembly here the fence the cabinets the pole the ballast is all like a packaged preab system the the ballast frame and the tower is the ballast blocks are cast to fit within the ballast frame depending on what weight they need the and the fence sits on top of those ballast blocks so all of it is kind of trucked in placed and then can be removed without excavation oh yeah absolutely yes um so yeah I was confused on it so thank you um and now you have about a looks like about a 700t run from Route 46 is that where you're taking power from yes utility pole on 46 and um you where you show the electric run is right on the easterly property line adjoining the target property there looks like it's a very steep 2 to1 slope have have you guys thought about it engineering wise about I was curious about your sleeper system because you were just laying PVC or 4x4s down on a steep slope I don't know what the Integrity of of staying in place so I just looked at the site before I came here and there already some site work being done um so there is a steep slope uh at the base of that slope there's about a foot flat area where they installed the silt fence um and so that's about all we need to install those sleepers is about that one foot so there is a flat area to install those sleepers um and then as you know this is not the perview of our board but this is uh you know 200 volt uh voltage regular uh industrial voltage coming down on these uh sleepers act raade um just all all your work has to follow Electrical Codes NEC codes and everything else to make sure that the public is sayate absolutely they'll have to get their electrical permit from the building department and that'll have more detail of what size of the wire as size as a conduit thank you do you have any questions Christine can you just talk about um visual impact and what it's being done to mitigate it in any way I think the planner might handle that okay any other questions no hearing and seeing none counselor thank you very much Mr chair my next and last witness TK [Music] Associates [Music] please raise your right hand do you swear affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do please state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the Timothy M cron k r o n k business address is pbox 465 mendum New Jersey Mr COC would you please PR the board with your qualifications and experience for I have a bachelor of assign from the University of Massachusetts I have 33 years of land use experience predominantly in New Jersey I am a New Jersey licensed professional planner and aicp certified planner uh I have been accepted by over 300 boards in the state of New Jersey including parcion and I remember the last time I was here was during Co because we had to wait in the parking lot to be brought in on the applications had that flashback when I pulled in today thank you Mr thank you you had an opportunity um to review the materials that have been presented this evening yes I have and um if you could give the board um your summary of U criteria for granting of variance relief and the proofs to be presented certainly uh subject property 269 R 46 as was mentioned the property is 4.8 Acres we are in the 03 Zone um the 03 zone is a zone that does uh that does permit Wireless telecommunications facilities uh this one is a little different in nature because it is only a temporary facility um and um uh T-Mobile has been uh located on the existing building on the property since 1997 or they obtained their approval in '97 and they have built up a wireless network that you know completely surrounds the site and uh due to the building being removed uh we need to find a temporary home for that little puzzle piece that's coming out of the T-Mobile network uh most importantly because the subject property fronts on two major roads Route 46 and Route 80 as the as the board is aware so that's why this is a very important site that for T-Mobile and uh need to work on the u a temporary solution uh the uh proposed temporary pole is 49 ft or it's 50 ft tall um and as the engineer testified to the base is 15x 15 B structure steel with ballis blocks on top of it uh in the 03 Zone um Wireless Tel commmunications are actually permitted to a height of 125 ft uh but based upon the uh the height of the existing site um n in the network um TMobile is able to say that this is the minimum height they need to replace that uh the existing coverage that we have here uh we do have four bulk variances and uh I actually didn't see which of the board members asked the question about uh how the uh location of the proposed temporary was related to the the uh bulk um uh variances we're seeking but certainly as you can see on uh my aerial photograph which is the same that was submitted to the board only it's mounted yes do I need to mark this this is just a larger version of what was in the board members package sure we can mark it as exhibit [Music] A4 and it already has the date today yes it does okay a4s Google Earth aerial photograph is as I mentioned it's the exact same one that is in the application package and just uh blown up to a larger size um uh aerial date photo date is April 29th 2022 on here uh so relatively recent uh obviously the most predominant feature Route 80 running East West uh subject property uh 4.8 Acres with the Target shop Center just to the east a big red dot where the proposed temporary facility is proposed uh this is the existing building where the T-Mobile installation is on the rooftop and as the engineer mentioned this uh the structure has been pretty much gutted and the only thing left to uh um remove before they can finish is the is this installation uh this subject building in the rear corner here this one has already been removed a pile of rubble now and these other two two buildings on site uh are still in operation as I mentioned the property does front on Route 46 and Route 80 uh the fact that we are in this lower uh property Corner uh this was the location that was mentioned that the property owner has chosen uh for the temporary installation because that um this location uh can stay in place during the demolition of the existing buildings as well as the construction of the new Top Golf so yes we are up against the uh the the side property line and we're up against the front yard setback of Route 80 so it's purely being driven uh by the loc the only location that the property owner had uh that we could locate during uh the construction process and that's That's the basis for all our for all our variances uh this exhibit also has the four Photo locations they correspond directly to the uh photo simulations that were in the package if the board wants me to go through those or you have any questions on those no okay I'll skip them [Laughter] then um so um as I once again as I stated uh we have the the four Varian is all um related to the setbacks and being close to the side and front yard property lines and uh those are certainly variances that I do believe the board can uh Grant under a flexible C2 and in this case the benefits certainly outweigh any detriments here the benefit is T-Mobile uh gets to continue their service of their Wireless telecommunications set network in this portion of harpan most importantly covering 46 Route 80 and then also the commercial uses and the residential uses um I do believe the board can grant these variances without a substantial impairment to the Zone plan zoning ordinance um as I mentioned the O3 Zone does permit this use it permits Towers up to 125 ft we're only taking 50 ft because that's the minimum that's required to replace this uh Network piece and um uh and since it's uh permitted in the zone I certainly do not believe that this temporary facility would uh certainly impair The Zone plant or zoning ordinance so I do believe board can grant these both variances for a temporary Wireless Communications facility for T-Mobile thank you Mr CK just um to follow up on the two questions that were raised by the board members um M winter had a question about um mitigating the Aesthetics um I think our biggest mitigation Factor here is that we're keeping this thing as low as possible if you look at the photo simulations um you know very little visibility this from all you know all the surrounding en environs especially the locations where these uh uh these photos were taken it's just above the tree line there's really no camouflage type structure that can be used in the temporary in a temporary nature so we have we have no camouflage options available to us for this type of thing and basically we did just kept it as low as possible to to reduce the visibility also if you look in the photo simulations I think or the photo package you'll see you know the larger structures um in the area are actually the light Pooles in the shopping center as well as the light stanions over the ball field so this this Tower is is being powered over by the existing structures in the area thank you and there was a question raised um I believe Mr Nano about the if there's a lease negotiation with top golf um currently um we don't Top Golf did not have interest in the uh locating the antennas there so we are actually pursuing lease negotiations with other property owners in the area if they come around we certainly would be interested so my question is this um a bond approval I would like to see moved within 30 days to the temporary site if possible and and do you know with it like up to six months to move to a permanent site well 30 days considering we need to file for permits you use me file for permits once you get the permits in oh yeah 30 days once we have a resolution we will be ready to file for permits that's not a problem we certainly uh we do have a property owner who's eager to take that building so he doesn't let a day go by without reminding us that we need to be moving on it okay and up to 6 months to find a permanent site correct well up to six months um you're saying just to find the site or are you saying to find it file into zoning get through the zoning process get permitted and pretty much to move it within six months what that pretty much to move it within six months that's going to be that's going to be very difficult I mean this application here was was filed 6 months ago and just getting you know getting to the zoning board so it's you know we have in that one we I'm sorry planning board so we do have we have we have you did go in front of the zoning board right was that did you go in front of the zoning board I know I I made a mistake when I said zoning I meant planning uh I'm just saying the process is a little longer than that so um to be able to you know finish the leasing file for zoning get our zoning approval file for building and then move into the construction process and of course of construction process on a new facility does take a little longer than the temporary so we really do need more time than 6 months if the board wants us to come back and give them an update in six months we can do that but um it would be very difficult for me to say we can get this done in less than a year to be honest but we'll do our best we'll take yeah we'll do our best I'm me say shoot for the six months all right and I was actually going to say I I've worked on some of the temporary facilities for with the MUA in town and I know how we had to get permits for that and or approvals for those Temporaries and those were okay to do in six months because you're coming off the water tank you're installing on the temporary Tower then going back we didn't have the issue of having to get a new lease and then going through a full zoning process in that six months so that's where I see this is a little different than the normal temporary process that we've been involved in in Paran okay so upon approval then um the permits and all that kind of stuff 30 days to move to the temporary site absolutely and we'll discuss the 6 months yes you will and again we're happy we work with you what we're come give an update you know after the six months you know believe me we want a permanent site as much as you guys do as far as the permanent site are you aiming for another building a new tower collocation uh right now we're looking at buildings yes believe our chairman said that he's got a water tower we got a great water tower which is where you put at the last temporary poll I saw are you looking in the same vicinity or okay y same thing we need to we need to take and replace that same puzzle piece that was presented by the radio frequency engineer we're we're looking to replicate that coverage all right any other members of the board have any questions any members of the public have any questions of this Witness or of any of the previous Witnesses because I don't think I asked for that hearing and seeing none counselor I can provide a very information if that pleases the board that makes sense thank you very much for your time and attention uh chairman members of the board board professionals you heard a testimony from our engineer regarding the site plan and overall design you also heard a testimony from our RF engineer confirming the need for the temporary site due to the decommissioning of the current existing Wireless installation on the building she also provide a testimony that emissions from the V facility will be well within all state and federal standards and that the site will operate well within the law for frequency exposure pursuing to FCC guidelines you finally heard testimony from our planner regarding the positive benefits of improved Wireless telecommunication service and that this site is particularly suited seeing that there is already existing facility at the site uh we submitted that there's uh no traffic no noise no blare vibration uh proposed with this subject uh application and finally we submit that the applicant has met the statutory criteria for the grant of minor cycline approval with Associated barrance relief for the installation of this 49 foot proposed temporary Tower weighing the evidence presented in support of the application and based on the proofs presented to the board we would respectfully request approval of the application and asked that the board Grant approval for the same as testified to throughout the hearing this evening thank you very much Mr chair any m MERS of members of the public have any questions or have any objections uh to this application at this time Mr chairman William rerio hearing on behalf of I'm sorry could you use the the microphone um use the microphone and please state your name spell your last name can you hear me it's so William s rerio r u g g i e r IO I'm with the firm Galo O'Neal vieria I'm a appearing tonight for one reason just maybe to emphasize what the uh May hold the microphone closer use the microphone just hold it closer to your mouth yeah yes um I'm appearing tonight to just emphasize one thing the mayor alluded to it we contacted Jennifer today and understood that the uh permit would be issued for 6 months then speak up I'm sorry yes we understand that the per having trouble hearing yeah is that good yeah yeah okay is that good okay people say I talk but I didn't think I but maybe um anyway uh we talked to Jennifer today and understood that the permit would be issued for 6 months we represent the property owner that's in accord with what we expected so I just wanted to make that known to the to the board and I I reiterate what he said I spoke to um Jennifer about 2 3 hours ago with regards to this in the same ex our thing we spoke about up to 6 months um so I'm just reading what I have conversation that I had as well just to be transparent well and they basically told us that it's most likely to take a full year all right if they move quickly so thank you any other members of the public who have any uh wish to State any objections or in favor hearing and seeing none uh this closes the evidentiary portion of tonight's hearing uh is there a motion and qualific and uh conditions um so I had the conditions were that the applicant would comply with all FCC um and state guidelines regarding the equipment um the applicant would comply and follow all electrical codes and permitting requirements for the township the applicant um shall file permits to move to the temporary site within 30 days of this memorialization and within six 6 months um will'll provide an update regarding moving to a permanent facility right do I have somebody willing to move that motion I will thank you Mr napalitano uh motion to approve application 23 533 T-Mobile 1269 Route 46 lock 729 lot 6.01 Zone uh 03 minor site plan with C variant to construct the temporary monopole with an tenant and electric service do I have a second second second all right Mr Mayor nor would you call the role please yes yes yes Grant yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you very much everybody have a wonderful evening thank you well thank you all for long thoughtful consideration of the previous motion to adjourn you're not going to let me go into a long winded winded speech do I have a second on a journey second second all right everybody in favor get up and leave I wait for the adment