##VIDEO ID:Nlyk2PmyksM## Rec all right all right the meeting of the township of precion Troy Hills planning board for Monday September 9th 2024 at 7:30 p.m. announcement is made that adequate notice of this meeting has been given and that is being conducted in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-6 at SEC of the New Jersey open public meetings act uh if you would call the role please mayor barbaria here Mr dich here C McGrath here Mr mey here Mr Napolitano here Miss Mes here Mr stanel here chairman dinmore here we also have our board planner miss winter our board engineer Mr kiano and our board attorney Miss Diamond all right if we could stand for the Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge of alance to the flag of the United States of America and the repblic stands one nation God indivisible lice this meeting is open to the general public is there anyone here that wishes to come before this tribunal uh that has something that is not on our agenda tonight hearing and seeing none uh we have a bunch of resolutions to go through uh they're listed in your pack here uh see we got it is it such that we can do the group same they're what all the same members ah good all right so I have somebody making a motion approving all of the members all of the items on the res on the uh agenda given to us by Norah or the note given to us by Nora for application number 24 col 512 sk3 centuries Associates LLC 3 Century block Drive block 202 lot 1.7 Zone R soil moving permit and then uh 24 523 and then 24509 do I have uh now if we want to do them separately that's fine too motion to approve application number 24 calling 512 sk3 Century Associates 3 Century Drive block 202 lot 1.7 Zone rol so moving permit application 24 colon 523 Neville R 295 Atlantic Drive block 205 Lot 4 Zone R3 major soil moving permit application number 24509 Paul M Paul Miller 220 250e 46 block 693 lot 12.01 minor site plan to install security gate Nora would you call the roll please we second that second Smith oh yes good idea uh McGrath yes Smith yes denel yes denore yeso yes and Iain on 24 Callum 509 no no which one did I not vote on you can vote on all you voted on all of yeah okay you're good on all yes they all HED the same night all right so we' got our resolutions done tonight we have two items on our agenda but they look to be the same company same applicant so calling application number 24 colon 5 516 and 515 we'll do them separately I guess start with 516 counselor all right thank you Mr chairman uh Mr Mayor members of the board engino of engino Taylor on behalf of the applicants I I guess we're going to try to do them the way we did them last time because they're related so we're we're going to do them together for efficiency purposes uh tonight we're seeking amended preliminary and final site plan approval for two projects known as two campus and three campus I'm sure the board recalls uh these two projects uh both uh from when they were originally approved back in 2021 and uh when they were amended last year uh as we did last year we're providing them together uh for just better efficiency and understanding purposes uh regarding two campus the applicant is Avalon pany 2 campus urban renewal LLC which is a 100% owned subsidiary of Avalon Bay Community Inc uh the subject property is uh lot uh 3.12 block 202 lot 3.7 block 202 and lot 3.8 and block 202 all of which uh we're referring to here as two campus uh the applicant is also the designated redeveloper of the subject property and uh as the bo board recalls uh this property was approved for 172 unit multif Family inclusionary Housing Development back in February of 2021 and on September 11th of 2023 this board granted an amendment to that approval which included among other things exchanging support of housing units for affordable units uh this evening we're seeking a modification to those approvals which we trust the board will view as minor in the major of sense um and uh these uh uh modifications will be uh explained uh by our engineer in a moment uh but essentially with respect to two campus is for the relocation of four Supportive Housing units from two campus to three campus relocation of four affordable housing units from three campus to two campus uh removal of two patio doors uh on two units located on the ground floor removal of screens and gates to the electrical meter alcoves as required by the utility company and uh we're going to slightly modify the the uh parking spaces again you'll hear testimony uh in a moment in more details regarding that um regarding three campus again the applicant is Avalon Bay or Avalon parcion 3 campus urban renewal LLC 100% owned subsidiary of Avalon Bay communities Inc and that subject property is uh uh I mix them up but anyway it's the the three campus um and that applicant is also the designated redeveloper of the subject property as a as a board recalls that that property was approved for 238 multif Family inclusionary Housing Development back on April 5th of 2021 and then on September 11th the board Grant an amendment to that approval which included among other things exchanging supportive Hazard units for affordable units uh this evening we're seeking modification to those approvals uh which again we trust the board will view as a minor in the pejorative sense uh and those relate again to the exchange of uh AFF for Supportive Housing units and affordable housing units uh relocation of a water utility room to below the first story along the east side of the building removal of screens and gates to the electrical meter enclaves as required by the utility company uh and three light poles previously located on seven campus we relocated to three campus uh there's some planting provided in the new additional parking islands that accommodate the shifted light poles and we're modifying the uh again modifying the total number of parking spaces here I think we're losing two parking spaces there are only uh 404 parking spaces required I think the approval was for 416 and we're dropping two to go to 414 so so still very compliant um we have uh three Witnesses tonight Craig Herman of PSS the project civil engineer uh L Delmar Rosado the project architect and Tom Carmen uh of M Bower and Carman who the landscape architect all of what you heard from previously we do have a few waivers uh that we are requesting uh due to the nature of this being a a modification uh to previously approved site plan uh we're we're asking for a waiver with regard to a traffic study Eis the highlands exemption storm drainage and separate sheets from preliminary and final site plan approval I I think that the planner's office has indicated no objection to any of those waivers given the nature of the amendment but uh Mr Winters will certainly um uh address that um the waivers are as Mr witho said uh the highlands exemption drainage truck study environmental assessment study and separate sheets for the combined preliminary and final approvals um we have no objection given that the amend much of this information was previously supplied and assuming testimony shows that no changes would affect those things I have a motion approving the waivers motion second second each all in favor say up I any opposed okay thank you Mr chairman so at this point in time I'd like to call up Mr Craig Herman of PSS who is our project civil engineer um I know that Mr Herman has been previously qualified in connection with this application and a year ago was qualified before the board as an U as an expert in civil engineering i' simply asked Mr Herman well first of all you're going to have to give your name and address it you you please raise your right hand do you swear affirm the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes please state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the record my name is uh Craig Herman uh last name is spelled h e r m Ann uh I work for PSNS at three Mountain View Road Warren New Jersey 07059 and Mr Herman since the last time you test you've testified before this board correct in connection with this application correct uh has there been any change to your license since you last testified and were accepted uh as an expert witness before this board no I'd ask the board respectfully to again accept Mr Herman as an expert in the area of civil engineering questions on Mr Herman's qualifications I don't but I have a question are we listening to these like concurrently two and four and one and three are we doing two and four first we're doing one and three first what what we listening now we're kind of doing two well we're doing the engineer in testimony first so the engineering testimony will be of both of them yeah that do it the same way we did it last time which is that we'll take each professional um to go through both first so the engineer will do two and then three okay and likewise I'm familiar with with two and four also one and three I'm not with number seven what is seven Campus Drive that's not that's not part of the same building so no seven Campus Drive is actually because there's an easement on it it had to be part of the application but seven campus is is actually going to be the warehouse which is next door to three campus there is no five campus I don't know why but there's an easement that um that goes uh encroaches onto the seven campus property so that's why it's kind of lumped in with this but seven campus is not part of the application function No in fact seven campus is a is going to be a warehouse um and that application is going to be coming before the board in the coming months uh and you may recall there's an agreement uh between Avalon Bay and the owner of the warehouse uh with regard to the placement of sound walls all that was reflected in your Redevelopment plan uh and so seven campus is going to be coming in separately but for technical reasons uh it has to be done thank you if CL so Mr Herman why don't you explain if you can first for what we're referring to as two campus and then what we're referring to as three campus and do a little bit better job than I did in terms of uh the loot and block numbers [Music] there so this is a um an aerial exhibit that we had prepared for the last application and it gives uh it's it's here to orientate the board to where the the products are located so um so was this was submitted in the this application packet it was not submit as part of this okay we'll just mark it as A1 um and could you just describe it describe it and give a date September 11th 2023 is a date it is a um aerial photo property boundary overlay okay so just to orientate the board this is 202 Littleton Avenue right here Campus Drive that splits two projects is located right here to the South is Route 10 we have one Campus Drive which is the existing office building and in right next to it is three Campus Drive site and then the seven campus is over uh in this area here and the only uh which I'll talk to about um when I talk about three campuses the shift of the lights from Seven campus down to three campus on the other side of the road we have on said Campus Drive we have two campus right here and four campuses right next [Music] [Music] so two Campus Drive is a block 202 locks 3.1 3.2 and 3.20 and the main change to two Campus Drive that's part of this application is the change in the parking based off of the Rel reallocation of the units that um architect will provide additional testimony to and in the approved application we uh required 283 parking stalls and then based off of the Rel reallocation of the units we now required that 289 and the EV parking spaces went from 48 went from 48 required to 49 required so for the two Campus Drive we have 250 on-site parking stalls and then for the approved application we have 33 share parking stalls with four campus um and the application has changed because of the additional required um parking stalls for this this is um sheets C5 of the plan set that was submitted to the board we have the 250 onsite parking stalls plus now we have 39 shared parking stalls on um for campus so we meet the 289 required parking stalls and then the proposed EV required that 48 and we're proposing 49 as part of this application so we can form with regard to parking yes so one of the I wanted to touch on the engineers letter uh the engineers letter um identified an issue with the uh location of the um generator that was located up here in the 20t wide required buffer uh at the time after this after this um application was submitted to the board we also submitted to the zoning department for an administrative change for a couple of items one was related to Transformer relocation uh the second item was related to moving the center to a pump station from this corner inside the building to outside the building located at this um grass area this grass island in the corner of the parking lot uh with that came a relocation of the generator to that same location so um on the plant that the that the board received we have the generator that was located within that bum the when we're going through the administrative review process with the zoning department they identified the fact that that generator was located within the um buffer so we relocated it down to a and kind of was able to sneak it into that same area of the uh landscaped Island as the pump station so we were able to move it out of the buffer and we since received a revised zoning permit for the pump station the generator and the uh relocated Transformer so that was one item that was brought up by the engineer thank you the second item was related to what are you going to see at grade for the pum station and essentially it's just going to be a um slab onr with an access hatch and then you'll have the um control panel that will be above grade and that's a moot point now since it's been relocated it's been relocated we have the approval for Zing official yes um and then another item that was brought up was is we have a label that shows the 39 share parking spaces on Fort campus and we have a label that also points to the 250 on the site so we'll fix that label as part of the uh resolu compliance package now that that agree I just had a question on that if I may uh that agreement between 3.2 with 3.20 that was 33 spaces now it's 39 spaces uh that's my understanding yes and you have the I'm just confused on the agreement between the two properties that I have to defer to I think that's correct I think that agreement is already in the record by the way so are you changing the agreement at all or or is it already this is old history I think that's old history the zoning permit has 33 so we probably just didn't know about the 39 well the the change now is the 39 based off of the re reallocation of the units okay because it increase the parking requirement so that's one of the reasons we're in front of the board tonight is for that change the change okay okay okay moving right on to um three campus again the reason for uh the changes for the change in the parking number required based off of the Rel reallocated units and also with the fact that um the initial application that was approved had um some lights along uh seven campus that was intended to light the improvements on free campus as part of this application we are requesting to shift those lights from s campus down and put them on three campus lot and as a result of that we had to add two landscape Islands in that parking area so we lost the two parking stalls um so between the change because of the uh additional islands and the re reallocated units in the approved application it was required to have 410 parking stalls we're now required to have 404 parking stalls with 60 EV required and uh now we're required have 6 69 as part of the application so the proposed parking the improved application is 416 which is over and above what was required before and we're now reducing that by the two that we lost because of the of the islands down to 414 so we lose two parking spaces and then we Pro we provide the required 69 parking spaces for the amended site and re reallocated [Music] units again I wanted to touch uh upon a couple things on the engineer's letter number one there was some inconsistency for the plan date so we'll address that with the board engineer when we do resolution compliance there's St um relocation due to the new water room and it slightly increases the impervious cover on the site but it's not significant enough to change our storm water management design and that was indicated by the engineer in his letter and then again I already mentioned it but we had the light light poles on um seven campus that have been now moved down to three campus resulting in the two needed additional [Music] um so you've agreed to comply with both of the board engineers reports for the amended yes so now they're now lot 3.8 which had the light Poes will now have nothing on it correct [Music] [Music] other questions by members of the board I'm assuming you've said what you want to say for now um I said what I want to say okay so just ask a quick question I don't believe I was here for the original ones you guys presented um is there a set aside for sidewalks here or an escrow for sidewalks here similar to what we did counselor for some of the other projects is that included in this I believe it is I'm going to defer to the chairman I don't remember for sure I I believe I believe there is I want to try to make sure that we have the sidewalks issues now that now that we've gone through this in a number of cases and we have this whole Campus Drive area is now becoming a mixture of there there any sidewalks yeah the sidewalk the fle conversation was like 3 four week well maybe two three months ago yeah as I recall it wasn't during this we didn't know which side of the street the sidewalks would be and I believe you promised to put uh money up uh for whever whichever SI is going to be built on you'll pay your I think so I would defer to that I I don't remember we're we're kind of at the pil end this and we're just making a few minor tweaks at this point um so you wouldn't object if we reiterate that there'll be money set aside in escrow for a sidewalk project in the future I I you know I don't know what we agreed to the last time and huh all right my client tell me I think this this application was before we had the got into the depth with the sidewalks on Silva and campus this was heard and approved prior to that um but the question I yeah I guess we're asking to be consistent with the other improvements we'd like the town would like to have sidewalks on escrow uh posted or for future sidewalks along the frontage of these these two properties you know this is the more recent discussion that we had and um albeit this one was prior to that discussion but um I'm I'm sure the township would be interested in having the sidewalks the escro poster for the sidewalks in front of e yeah I I don't know how much and I'd have to discuss it with my client I I just don't know it's not an issue that came up on this I guess well it's it's the the board has become aware of the fact that this area is going from a purely office area to being a a community a residential area and in residential areas we have to have sidewalks we just have to do it for safety because people are going to be walking along here I feel like there was a discussion about this yeah but that one the other applications yeah I definely was on the different ones I just again I was before my time I think you guys started this one so yeah um I I agree with the engineer I think um we should make it consistent and require it on this one too I just I'd have to have a sidebar with my client that's all yeah I I just looked up the resolution for this one's for three campus and there was testimony that there was were no sidewalks proposed on campus drive but there were internal sidewalks to be maintained within the property like the first resolution or the second one that was for three let me no I'm meaning um was that 2021 or 2023 that was for the first amendment I don't that 2023 right yeah I don't know if I have the original one it's not I have the zoning permits with me and I did not document anything about sidewalks and either permit or on the site [Music] plans if someone lives at campus 2 and they want to attend campus 3's pool is that legal are they allowed to do that can they safely get from 2 to three I think by walk across into the crosswalk is there anything there to get them across I mean well again we're not we're not that's all been established uh you guys came back to with other stuff so you know you change your plans we going to help them change them again you know and also if they can't use that pool they want to join Lifetime Fitness on on silv can they walk safely around to on silven way and get to Lifetime Fitness I'm sorry along 202 around sorry we'll have if if you're going to provide testimony we'll have to swear you yeah I mean I obviously the applicant only controls its property it doesn't control anybody else's property so I don't I don't think we can answer that question but at least two and three they're at the same owner right right that's correct well this number uh three hat looks it has better stuff on it than number two does and they're going to be able to use them both and I suggest get them safely there makes sense understood what's let's get through the the rest of the app hear you on the sidewalks I have to confir with my client uh we just want to get the rest of the testimony in because it's very brief and then I'll confirm with my client we we would love love because of the way this neighborhood is changing and we really didn't focus on that in the earlier meetings and we have been very focused on it I know you have Mr chairman I understand meetings because we really do believe it is a safety and Community issue yep understood I just don't have authority to spend their money without their say so also understood also understood it's reasonable for you to consult with your client but I think the sense of this board is we're we're pretty darn set on trying to find ways that we can get sidewalks in here I understand that okay other questions by members of the board in this testimony at this time hearing and seeing none counselor you want to open up to the Public Public oh yeah we can do that there any members of the public who have any questions on this testimony at this time hearing and seeing none now we can move on okay thank you thank you like to call Miss L Del Rosado [Music] [Music] you please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth please state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the record my name is l Rosado and my last name is spell r o s a d o um I work for lar design as an architect and the address is 8521 lisberg height sweet 7 100 VI Virginia 22182 and Mr Rado you've been the architect of record on this project right and you last gave testimony before the board uh about a year ago correct correct uh and your license is still valid have there been any changes in your professional credentials since you last testified before the board there has been no changes okay I'd like to ask for the board to accept M Rosado as an expert in the area of architecture any questions on M rosado's qualifications from the board hearing and seeing none councelor thank you m Rosado and if you could please provide the architectural aspects of the application to the board both for what we're referring to as two campus and then with what we're referring to as three campus um the first thing that the first item I want to address is the reallocation of units um we had actually there are five units not four um reallocation of supporting housing units from two campus were moved to three campus and five affordable housing units were moved from three campus to two campus um the unit total remain the same and the unit uh bedroom distribution remain the same um the second thing that we did um I'll just describe uh two campus in the floor plan um we remove um two patio doors and two units located on the ground floor and we remove the screens and Gates uh to the electrical meter alos as requested by the utility companies and uh I'll just show you in the floor plan where those are located these are the utility rooms here you need the microphone [Music] the utility rooms here they used to have a screen and the gate and the screen on the gate here that was removed um the two patio doors were located and this unit and this unit um that was the door was removed and the location of the affordable units right now are on this location clouded in red and on this location in um every floor here [Music] can I can I just have one more piece of clarification start interrupt so if I remember correctly uh there's a gentleman that was here he said he went to the state and he spoke about getting units for special needs uh uh members of the community and those would be the affordable housing but then they said that a three-bedroom unit would count as three units instead of just one unit is that is that the ones we're talking about here yes okay thank you um the second the third thing I want to address for two campus is um it was brought up that there was a incorrect typle on the square footage of sinage um we will be correcting that uh to represent the 6825 square footage um on the uh resolution compliant package then I'll move to three campus [Music] I'll stay here for this um on three campus um we is same the same revisions we did to the meter ala rooms where we remove the gates and um and the screens are located in this in this occation here um and here then the units that were um swap are located here and here then the uh additional thing we did on three campus was the addition of a water room utility room um to be in this area under the building um that is access via a half a level of steps in here into this room below and uh the same comment about the square footage um typle on the uh sign um exibit we will be correcting that for the compliance submission package um the rest of the architecture remain the same and there has not been other [Music] changes that concludes your testimony that concludes my testimony okay no further questions from me Mr chairman any questions by members of the board on this testimony hearing and seeing none Mr kiano do you have any no no comments witer do you have any just curious why the uh patio doors were [Music] removed it was a design design Direction um from the from the client and we would just coordinated the the paos were not there and we were showing the door so we just went went ahead and corrected that okay so there were no patios existing prior during during the development I I will defer to the landscape architect to to give testimonies about the exterior all right no other questions there members of the public who have questions on this testimony at this time hearing and seeing none counselor thank you Mr chairman I'd like to call Mr Tom Carman [Music] good evening hello could you please raise your right hand you swear or affirm the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do please state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the record sure my name is uh Thomas S Carman c a r m an uh the address is uh 200 Union a l New Jersey and uh Mr Carman you also have been the landscape AR protect involved with this application from its Inception correct that's correct uh and you gave testimony at the about a year ago the last time this was before the board correct I did and if there have been any changes to your uh credentials professional credentials or licenses or anything like that okay uh Mr chairman we ask that you uh accept Mr Carmen as an expert in the area of landscape architecture any questions on the qualifications of Mr Carman by members of the board hearing and seeing none counselor thank you Mr Carman please provide the landscape architectural aspects of the uh application sure so the uh this is an exhibit that I guess we should Mark this is It's entitled rendered landscape plan for two campus with today's date 99 this be 82 so just for orientation on this graphic on the right hand side is campus drive itself um there are really the the the revisions that I'm going to speak about for Landscape and Lighting on both two campus and three campus are very very minor they're all reactionary to the adjustments that you heard from both the civil engineer and the architect um on this two campus exhibit itself I've highlighted three areas where there's a a red um Bubble so to speak around the area of some minor change the first one in the lower right that's just at the entry drive itself where the sign that was previously approved we made some very minor adjustments to the planting in that location at the lobby entrance which is the middle bubble um that again some minor tweaks you heard related to the uh to the utility closet over there and some adjustments that we had to accommodate the the architecture natural adjustment there and we modified some of the planting in that location and then the last one in the upper left hand corner that's where you heard the testimony about the pump station and the generator just U Miss Smith is leaving at the moment just to let you know put it on the record all right at that pump station and Generator location both the planning as well as the engineering memo that we received indicated that we did not reflect that on the landscape plan so this exhibit does reflect that and we've provided some Evergreen screening around this so we will update as part of resolution compliance we will depict that uh Evergreen screening on those ples for two campus the the ultimate net changes are an additional 13 evergreen trees to screen that um approximately an addition 30 shrubs and 15 or so ornamental grasses and ground cover planting were added to two [Music] campus transitioning to a three campus this uh graphic is entitled red landscape plan again with today's date of 999 2024 and I've identified marked it as A3 this again very minor change on plan the right hand side you'll see a a a bubble in red and that shows where the lights that were previously on seven campus we were proposing them on the seven campus property have now shifted into the islands that were just described by the civil engineer those islands have been planted with some ground cover and then we also had uh three trees that were proposed on seven campus property as well that we have since removed so the net change is on this one we eliminated those three trees and then we have added 40 shrubs uh for that ground cover planting at the islands that concludes my testimony those are the very minor changes remember the board have questions on this testimony at this time professionals have any yes so the patios for those two units didn't exist prior that's why you're removing doors that's correct those two units did not have PA any nothing else and there members of the public who have any questions on this testimony at this time hearing and seeing none counselor uh Mr chairman at this point uh I think I'd like to ask for just a f- minute break so I can confer with my client I don't have any further Witnesses okay um but I just like to ask for five minutes so that I can confer with my client regarding the sidewalks all right uh going and take a five minute [Music] break uh Mr chairman uh oh sorry Nora we back on the records yes we are all right we're reconvening at 8:15 Nora could you call the RO please barberio here here here gr here mey here napalitano here stanel here D here all right now councel chairman uh uh please report that the applicant will agree that if the township does the sidewalk master plan and Implement sidewalks that the applicant will pay its Prat share uh towards sidewalks on its property uh you know because it can't uh agree to pay for sidewalks on other people's property uh and if the township you know does one side of the street however the township wants to a portion that we'll pay our Prat a share uh to the township for the sidewalks that sounds very fair and that'll be a conditioned of approval we're fine with that thank you all right your case sir uh I just want to thank the board for listening uh appreciate uh the input from your professionals uh these are minor modifications we think makes the application better we're not seeking any variance relief tonight from the board uh this is all as of right and uh respectfully ask the board for its approval all right are there any members of the public who wish to come up and speak in opposition to this application or these applications there any members of the public who wish to come up and speak in favor of these applications hearing and seeing none counselor I assume you've some already I have Mr chairman all right uh the evidentiary portion of this case is closed uh do I hear a motion Mr chairman can we do both together or I think in the prior applic we did it separately so we'll just do it separately all right then motion to approve application number 24 colon 516 Avalon B communities two Campus Drive block 202 block 3.2 four Campus Drive log 202 lot 3.2 1633 Litt Drive log 202 lot 3.1 amended preliminary and final major site plan to relocate units remove Pao doors remove screens and Gates and parking there second you have the uh conditions yeah any conditions just it was um complying with uh the board engineer reports and reports and recommendations and Revis the architectural plans to correct the signage square footage and update uh also correct the landscape plans to reflect the Evergreen screening around the pump station but also agreeing sidewalk and then to work within any any sidewalk master plan that's that's put in place for this yep to Escrow funds they would participate in that for sidewalks on it its property and would pay the pr share for for sidewalks along Campus Drive okay we've got a motion in a second nor would you call the RO please bario yes yeso yes grass yeso yes stanel yes Dinsmore yes all right now the next one who the second application Mr chairman Mr meley a motion to approve application number 24 colon 515 Avalon Bay communities Incorporated one Campus Drive block 202 lot 3.7 three Campus Drive block 202 lot 3.12 pardon me and 7 Campus Drive block 202 lot 3.8 amended preliminary and Final major site plan to relocate unit types utility room light poles and plantings remove screens and Gates and parking assuming all the conditions are the same same conditions um comply with the board engineering reports the there was wasn't the Evergreen screening on three campus but update the architectural plans regarding sign Ag and all of the and the escrow um for sidewalks second all right we've got a motion in a second nor would you call a ro please barberio yes yes yes yes yes poano yesel yes yes thank you Mr chairman thank you very good thank you is there anything else that needs to come before this board tonight an adjournment so I have a motion to adjourn so move I got a second and the [Music] motion CH congratulations on your designation wi extreme attorney thank you travel wor