Council agenda Township of pony Troy Hills regular Township council meeting of March 19th 2024 introduction posting a notice adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings law by filing the notice in the office of the Township Clerk and by posting the meeting notice on the bulletin at the municipal building on January 4th 2024 what has remained posted since that date a legal notice appeared in the Daily Record and nework Star Ledger on January 8th 2024 I can I ask everyone to please stand for the black salute flag the United States of America the rep One Nation indivisible and jusice for [Music] all okay uh roll call Mr Hernandez here Mr McGrath here Mr muella here Mr neglia Mr Ki here also in attendance are mayor James Barbaro business administrator Jamie cry Township attorney uh Michael Avery municipal clerk colad Madden council president we have a quorum can I begin yes upcoming meetings uh April 2nd 2024 at 7: p.m. is the agenda meeting April 16th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. is the regular meeting ordinances for second reading and public hearing we have ordinance 20242 an ordinance establishing 2024 salary ranges the notice of the notice of ordinance 20242 was published in a daily record the official newspaper of the township PRP Troy Hills on March 11th 2024 introduced at the February 20th 202 24 regular meeting can I please have a motion to accept ordinance 20242 be heard in it second final reading by only who made motion Frank and seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr herandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes and Mr K yes okay public hearing motion can I have a motion to open the public hearing for orders 20242 please make a motion second motion made by Mr Mel seconded by Mr negli roll call Mr herandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mel Mr neglia Mr kifi yes okay the floor is open to the public on this ordinance only you have five minutes to speak seeing no one may I please have a motion to close the public hearing motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr Ki yes whereas the above ordinance was read entitle on second reading in a hearing held thereon now therefore be it resolved that set ordinance be passed on Final reading and that notice the final passage of set ordinance be published in the newspaper according to law motion to approve the resolution above ordinance 20242 motion motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr Ki yes motion passes ordinance 20244 Bond ordinance Prov providing for various 2024 Capital Improvements for the township paci Detroit Hills in the county of Mor state of New Jersey the township appropriating 4,200,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $4 million in bonds or notes of the township to finance part of the cost thereof the notice for the ordinance 20244 was published in a daily record the official newspaper of the township precipi Detroit Hills on February 26 2024 and introduced at the February 20th 2024 regular meeting motion to accept ordinance 202 2404 be heard in the second and final reading motion second motion made by Mr Hernandez seconded by Mr negam roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr melum yes Mr neglia yes Mr Ki yes public hearing motion to open the public hearing for ordinance 20 2404 motion second motion made by Mr McGrath seconded by Mr neglia roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neg Mr gy yes okay the floor is open to the public on this ordinance only you have 5 minutes to speak hold on I think mic is [Music] on uh Nick nickak from Lake Kath uh it's more of a question exactly like in is there an item itemized list of these uh improvements and or is one of the improvements the uh what's going to happen up there on North beverick uh [Music] Road capital is that your only question nick uh and if if it includes the North beverick Road I hope there's some expectations up there about the business and owners uh in in reference to clean community and keeping their uh uh spaces uh uh policed in appropriate matter because it makes no sense to make improvements if we don't have a human uh Improvement in Consciousness toward uh respect for the community in a in a clean sense and especially with Source separation you walk into a lot of them places everything goes into one bucket and there's no Source separation at all and if you walk up and down there and you look in in cans everything's all mixed up so there's a a lot more Improvement in just infrastructure but the behavior so that was my question thank you okay go Ahad yeah sure okay um Nick I I did take a look at it yesterday because somebody had asked me that and a lot of it is infrastructure curbs and sidewalks The Heading wall and mount Taber that collapsed so you know if you want to look at an idiz list we can talk about that but storm water oh can't go back it's not okay storm you got a lot of yeah you can't go back thank you okay uh seeing no one else may I please have a motion to close the public hearing forance 244 okay motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr Ki yes FL is closed ver as the above ordinance was read in the en tile on second reading and hearing held thereon now therefore be resolved that set ordinance be passed on Final reading and that notice of final passage of set ordance be published in newspaper according to law motion to approve the resolution of buff ordinance 20244 motion second motion made by Mr Nea seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez Mr McGrath Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr K yes motion passes at this time we're going into public session uh I'd like to a motion to open the public session please motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr negam yes Mr kifi yes okay the floor is open to the public you can speak on any matter you have five minutes to speak hi uh this is J B I'm from Glen mon commment We are following up on our problem with the road so just like to hear what is the update I believe that there we are waiting for a meeting with the builder between the Builder and the council so if you can please update uh what is the situation thank you go ahead um we met with the Builder and his attorney uh and another representative from the developer uh last week we discussed the condition of the roads I think everybody agreed that they're in bad shape uh we also had uh someone from the sewer department there because eventually they're building another development in Denville the cast Carina States that's going to use those same sore lines or that's what they plan to do so those have to be videoed the sewer lines and then the water lines have to be checked before we'll over you know take over that infrastructure and then we gave him a copy of the which I think I believe we'd given to you the estimate for the roads and then we agreed to split out uh the roads from the homeowners association has control of some but then the single family home roads so that's what the developer would be responsible for so um our engineering department has prepared that I'm going to to send that over to their attorney tomorrow and then they're going to get back to us but we have to it's going to take a little while to get those lines tved or videoed and then just just to make sure that they're in good shape because I don't believe all of them go in the roads but some of those lines may be in the road and if they have to dig those up then obviously those roads are going to have to be paid no matter what no matter whose responsibility they are so I think we had a pretty productive meeting I thought it went better than I thought it would have gone um so we're hopeful well well that's our position so so I have to stop you here um I apologize we can't go back and forth and I can talk to you tomorrow after the meeting anyone [Music] else hi sud here this is first time I'm here actually and same concerned about us common I'm in single family house moved in from 2004 five area and I'm surprised actually that roads are still not sorted out so I don't have much background I guess I didn't an earlier meeting but really are to understand why it's taking that long sir and what the timeline which you foresee when we expect to get it result or actually get fixed thank you sure can I answer that sure so I would say the delay is the fact that the homeowners association had in their filed uh covenants and conditions and bylaws that they could not dedicate the roads to the town or anybody else so it was pointed out to them that their own bylaw said that they could not dedicate the roads to the town so they didn't have the ability to do it and they were told that in 2021 and then this past August of 2023 the homeowners association changed their bylaws to allow to take that out so that they could dedicate him so for the last 20 years they couldn't dedicate those roads to the town because their own covenants and conditions prohibited it now there's an issue about the ownership of you know who owns has control of those roads because the town's never accepted the ones in the single family homes nor the ones in the homeowners association so the the qu the answer to your question is they have to be built to a to the township specifications for the town to accept them so there has to be an affirmative action by the town through ordinance to accept the roadways that was never done and I would say that's never that was never done because they were never offered up because at least the homeowners association didn't have the ability legally to do that so they just changed that this past summer thank you sir you got but what about single family house we can't okay once you're done yeah sorry I'll talk to you hello uh dear Council pami punla um Glen Association um I I want to be very clear uh it's our position that Glenmont Commons HOA never received any dedication from the Builder when they completed the construction so uh also it's our position that all the um approved plan documents zoning documents the last and the latest uh uh developer agreement also as we could see from the Oprah request uh the position is that all these roads were supposed to be dedicated to the uh Town um so I'm surprised to hear that there is a Association involved somehow yes uh from what I've seen uh the covenants indeed had that language which got corrected as of last year August 2023 August so uh my request and my uh position is that um both as somebody uh as a homeowner uh also representing some of the single family home owners is that um the uh the roads are to be dedicated to the town um between the Builder and the developer and the town um whatever discussions have to happen they have to happen whatever standards are to be met that is agreeable to the town has to be uh agreed by the relevant parties and if that compromise is reached then it would be the best uh for everyone end of the day um any construction in any uh any construction is going to be governed by uh because individual homeowners who are yet to buy will not be able to represent themselves before they even buy the property there is a reason why this entire process exists there is zoning board there is planning board there are Developer developer agreements there are bonds performance bonds to which the uh construction standards have to be met there are inspections there are uh uh those inspections have to be closed by the uh engineering department to the specifications and codes as said by the state as well as the various other standards bodies so end to end this entire process is uh expected to be followed uh anything any position anyone takes we would like to see entire documentation whether it has been followed by the town uh before uh any statement is made that it has to be owned by any other entity other than either the developer or the um um town thank you you me to respond to that sure so so the fact of the matter is I think we're on the same page with regard to that that we believe the developer is responsible for those roads but I don't think we want to be debating this whole thing out here because they watch the meetings too so um I would say I think we're on the same page as far as what we would like to see happen ultimately thank you my name is Bob vedia and I'm from pipany we all realize that the collapse of the office real estate market has seriously reduced the tax revenue that parcion receives from Office properties that has made aggressive measures such as Pilots necessary in order to generate positive re revenue from these properties many of which are now vacant I would like to emphasize the words positive Revenue under the right circumstances a non-office commercial pilot can be a useful tool in attracting positive Revenue businesses into parcion in contrast we now know that residential Pilots generate negative revenue for the township mainly because of the high educational costs that the townships must absorb prohibiting residential Pilots as was done by the previous administration not only ensures that parcion will not be stuck in one of these money losing agreements but may also help Pary avoid an apartment real estate bubble that I believe is destined to to occur and that the tax assessor alluded to in his presentation to the Council on no November the 21st 2023 as an incentive to construct affordable housing developers are allowed to build apartment complexes consisting of 20% affordable units and 80% market value units there will never be a problem in renting the deeply discounted affordable units however the population of the state of New Jersey as shown in the census chart that I handed out is not growing fast enough to absorb all the market rate units that are being built in fact three of the years on that chart 2019 2021 and 2022 reflect negative population growth in the state as the tax assessor said in his presentation the first for the first words out of your mouth when you see all of the apartments under construction is who's going to live there if parci places a ban on residential Pilots three things can happen and in my opinion all three are good for the township one the the developer May abandon the project two the developer May build a project without the pilot and in this case precip will at least collect three times the money in regular taxes as it would from the pilot and three the developer may move the project to another municipality any municipality that is willing to offer a money losing pilot in order to attract more people more traffic and more students as well as assuming the risk of causing an apartment glut in their Township will be doing Pony a huge favor knowing that pony is under no legal obligation to Grant a pilot I would now like to hear your comments on whether you would consider a ban on residential Pilots or not if you are agreeable please issue the ban as soon as possible thank you anybody yeah I think you know my position I think I've made it very clear I would be happy to support a ban on residential pilots and draft an ordinance to that effect but I believe we've learned through other issues that you can't ban you can't handcuff future Council to uh to you know prior agreements I think we learned that correct me if I'm wrong yeah and the other thing is there's nothing that stops you I mean you treat them on a case-by Case basis every one of them has to go through the process has to come before the council so and I don't know maybe none of them make sense maybe they do that's not from that's not my call that's for the council to make but you know it it may be that there aren't any for the next God knows how many years that make any sense but um you can always vote no every time they come you know so yeah that's a nuisance what what I think is what well what I think could be a better solution than an outright ban if we don't have the votes to do that is formulating a committee you know a uh pilot Review Committee that's made up of the key stakeholders that should opine on whether a pilot makes sense and having some mechanism and process in place that is made up of obviously Municipal stakeholders from the administration from the council from the public uh and along with independent experts that would be able to weigh in so I think that's a pro I think that's a better way to get to where you want to go an outright ban because that can last and and stay as an ad hoc advisory committee all right I'll s for that add Bob I don't think you can ban it um and there's several reasons I'm going to state that with this new affordable housing rules and regulations that are coming up uh that got voted on yesterday and was approved uh so that being said that if you have a developer that comes in with affordable housing um unit they can actually shoot the town for the um pilot and oh they they can I don't think so well they can they can and they can shoot the town for pilot and if they win in court the it's the courts that decide on the percentages going forward now I I I was in the town as an administrator and um the council and the mayor fought it to the nail the courts the courts no the court said you have to allow the affable housing they took away their immunity they took away all the things that they they would have at at the zoning and the planning board so you know I I do agree with the councilman with regard to's other ways to do that but if you think you can you're going to be able to stop them you're not going to be able to but like the attorney said it's case- by case basis that's really what it comes down to I've turned Pilots down what came Timmy I said no I don't think it needs a pilot so but they they can still move forward with a pilot even though I don't agree with them and so that's pretty much how it works the affordable housing I I know you don't want to agree with me on this and admit it the affordable housing we just got hit with that we just got hit with on Monday it's going to be devastating 10 now we have to have a plan they never going to get built may we have to have a plan by the end of 2025 and if we don't we don't have a plan by the end of 2025 we lose immunity and the stakeholders which are legislators and the legislators should be the ones fighting this uh it's hard for us to fight it at the local level but they're not they're actually giving it uh pretty much um free reign and that's that's what this did it it it it speeds it up and don't forget poran is going to carry over 463 affordable housing units from the last round on top of what we're going to have going forward which is probably going to be over a th units and you take the 4 63 um that are going to be carried over and just and you times it by four that's how many units could be cost possibly coming to Paran so thank you got up I don't think it cuz I believe they held that up in Oprah the Oprah Bill I know the oah I think the affordable housing was a part of it good evening Vijay Pancha I was here you know four weeks back first of all I want to thank you mayor and Council for doing the you know emergency patchwor it's highly appreciated it has really made worse situation bad not good but it's it's going in right direction um and maybe uh you know at some point we may have to do patching again because some of the patches you know coming off but it's a welcome sign and we highly appreciate so thank you for that I do understand I joined a little bit late but I got input from my colleague that a meeting has happened with the Builder and we are you know keeping our fingers crossed that it goes in right direction um so we'll really look for you know some positive update on that and we'll we'll kind of you know wait and see how things are going so I I you know mainly I wanted to come and say thank you for taking care of emergency issue all right thank you thank you okay seeing no one else oh can I U bring up a topic other than a pilot yeah you can bring up whatever you like no I came late I apologize guys good evening everybody and part of my thing here tonight your name sir oh Carl Journey most of you guys know me anyway um my thing is to get people to actually watch this um board on YouTube instead of watching Netflix so they learn a little more about their town and what's going on cuz I work in town I hear people moaning grown I'll use the other term too but it's court of law whatever so I'm not going to say that so basically what I'm going to do is say I'm here tonight to believe that one person can make a difference you see it internationally different organizations groups and I'm trying to get more people involved in what goes on in the town cuz you hear rumors this that everything else so anyway made a speech hopefully I won't screw it up um what I want to do is prove a point that the silent majority that feels government is going to do whatever it wants and the only way to change things is to vote people out and put new ones in and hope but I don't necessarily believe that I believe that if we all work together we could all solve problems so maybe if you guys get a chance you could help explain the duties of the Town Council basically for the audience and who's ever watching and the duties of the Town counsel the town planner and the township attorney my second question is to you James were you ever able to talk to the do about the construction I I spoke to our um engineer to contact them is that your last question oh yeah I'll wait I'll wait till you get done oh this is the second qu oh my second question I was going to direct to James then you can you know answer either question in however order you want um I had talked to James and a couple council members about the construction yard on 202 that was put in during Jam's first Administration was supposed to be a temporary ramp and it was stated that it would be restored to its natural state once the ramp was complete it's been a lot of years and in the past year it's expanded they pounded gravel in there I mean if I wanted to build my driveway an extra foot wider you know I'd have to go through all kinds of applications this that I mean they probably have about three acres of land air and there's at least 20 vehicles in like the 6500 class or larger not counting pallets of junk there they planted Seven Trees I think it was so that maybe they could use it as a restroom till they put restrooms there well six of the trees are gone now there's one pine tree left and I was just wondering if we had a contract or did somebody drop the ball when the state put it in and if they're doing it illegally can we go after them could we perhaps close off their yard chain it off put police cars there so you can't use this yard you have to eliminate it probably got off topic on this but I want you to know like I said it's been there for quite a few years and I don't know maybe we have to go after the Attorney General to go after the dot I'm not sure but like I said it's an isore if I didn't know it was a construction yard I would think it was a junkyard or I was looking for his cheap car parts as I drove past I mean anybody that lives by Park Road or whatever and drives this way you you know you can't miss it and it's an isore and thank you for your time and I'll sit there and you guys can answer your questions however you wish thank you you want to answer I can answer well basically um with regards to the site he's talking about um the do2 has has been reached out to um it seems to pretty much fall on deaf ears uh my experience with the state and the do is they have they have a project that they're doing they're going to finish the project before they move the that equipment that's that's that's my opinion on it um but what we'll do is is unless the township attorney to call down with regard uh to the dot and ask them thinking uh what what can we do and all that kind of stuff I've been through this before um at one point they did listen um with regards to making things a little bit better but what what um what Carl's saying is absolutely correct um when you when you come off of uh on 202 you can actually see clearly how they've they made almost their own yard and it was supposed to be temporary now I can say this because I know D I've dealt with d over in um Intervale but um the Prime Administration dealt with them for 10 years and I dealt with them for 10 years and then finally they allowed us to fix the pond over there as you know um the state moves slow we and we we try the best that we can Carl um and you know we're going to continue to try I think shut down night time operations byis so they sto doing it at 2:00 in the morning sorry sir well usually I know these type of projects they start them at night um usually they start them at night because I don't want to create congestion and traffic on the highways during the daytime can't have back I'm sorry sir we can't have back forth once you done the attorney to uh call up the do and I I I'll for on we'll do the council could explain their function so that the people that are watching get a better idea what guys do you know what you do you can come to a a Girl Scout or a Boy Scout thing and pretty much I tell what it is I'm only kidding you Carl but basically you have a legislative branch and you have an executive bran very similar to the way the United States government works we're for the E former government strong mayor um we Council and it's and usually in this form of government it's it it doesn't mean weak counsil in the sense of they're weak it mean means that you know they're they're legisl they make the laws the bills they create all that um I have veto power but never have to have use it uh and if you look up faul e for of government that's what that's what pipany is we run it just like the United States government um we have an executive branch which is the courts over there and we have a Jud that's judicial no executive is me legislative and judicial is our courts so it's very similar uh Nick comak again I'm here for two uh matters uh last month Michelle Gainer from an Jack came and she talked about a storm water utility I have a a thing here if anyone would take it the the tax on the corporate impervious uh payment is really negligible the cumulative effects though bring big benefits um this is I'm going to I have a copy of this for each one of you and the second letter of my uh concern here this is what storm water does to the Troy Brook which is our uh greatest natural resource here in the town you notice all the place six diaph I have a lot of pictures that are a lot worse than this but this when you don't clean your streets and have all this Les Fair Plastics all over the place this is the end end result so if if uh we can Pro uh improve uh our storm water uh situation at all through the [Music] utility uh I'd like someone to look into that and the second matter I have a letter here which I brought up at the last Council it's and I want to leave a copy with the attorney of ly and I want to know I believe that our Zoning Board of adjustments and perhaps our planning board are rogue uh conformers in the highlands conformance and what I mean by that is the highlands provides expert science tools for such boards or the public to be used in L land use matters in precipi before the conformance the boards rejected anything from the highlands now we're in the highlands and they still reject the use of the Advanced Property reports and uh interactive M Maps but the reason is bizarre they say that they're internet hoaxes they come from ours they don't come from the official website secured website of the state of New Jersey so if you're a citizen in pppi and you want to defend a certain uh area or landscape short of hiring an attorney your voice as a citizen Advocate is being uh curtailed or eliminated with the best tools available now the citizen may not be an expert but he certainly probably more versed in the subject than most but the the con the um the situation is the information provided is expert information and for a board a zoning or planning board to reject that and reject it as an internet hoax that's something wrong here and uh it's an independent agency but they're appointed by by the town officials so I think that something uh has to be uh done about that so I'm going to leave you uh a copy of what what storm water does and I want and a copy of the letter for each of you Mr Lavery and the next time I'd like to know why any planning board has the right or par ative to reject an official state Advanced Property interactive uh reports in matters of land use uh you have to hire an attorney well you know people are not rich and they shouldn't have to do that so I'll I'll leave it at that and I got a little old button here remember the days when the Republican Party had the green elephant so I found some old buttons here thank you sir and [Music] [Music] the see no one else come forward entertain a motion to close the open public make a motion second motion made by uh Mr Mella seconded by Mr neglia roll call Mr herandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr negli Mr Ki yes floor is closed moving on to the consent agenda be it resolved all items listed with nasri are considered routine and non-controversial by the township Council will be approved by one motion there'll be no separate discussion of these items unless the council member still requests in which case item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda motion to approve the consent agenda please motion second motion made by Mr Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call M Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes motion passes approval of minutes agenda meeting of uh 22624 and regular meeting of 22024 may I please have a motion to approve the minutes motion motion made by Mr Mella seconded by Mr neglia roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr kifi yes moving on to presentations and mayor yeah thank you um clerk Council clerk I just want to give uh a shout out to our Police Department um with regards to this past uh well last week into this week with regards to a missing person um here in Pary how um they kept me notified throughout the whole process and and uh worked diligently on it and um uh of course the person was found and uh stuff like that but I have to tell you they were you know Friday the Thursday Friday and I I got a really nice message back from the community in Lake Pary thanking uh myself and the administration and the police department for the hard work and um you know cuz you know I'm a father so I know I know what that could be like you don't want anything like that happen so I thank the chief I thank the detectives cuz the detectives are on it 247 notifying me what was going on and and that that's important so thanks to them please um also um I want to just uh announce about the successful Collective baring agreements with three unions uh the PBA and the S SOA and the blue colge supervisors I signed the memorandum agreement at two weeks uh about two weeks ago um and we signed the actual contract with the um PBA and sway we're just waiting on one more contract uh going forward and I'm not going to get into that right now um and but I got to tell you these list these these three negotiation were very respectful and um they had a very clear understanding uh where the township stood financially and and I thanked all those three unions for um their their concern for the town and also us being concerned for them as well um also on Monday we have our finance committee meeting with the finance committee with regards to the budget the budget looks uh to me it looks good I we see what the council thinks but um over the course of the years we worked hard to get this budget to where it is to where it is now um when I came back back and I I repeatly say that we're in a bad situation um last year we were you know the the actual auditor said that we turn things around and then this year we're we're doing very well um our our our fund balance which is considered Surplus is um extraordinary it's back to where it needs to be um with that being said I you know I want to thank those that worked hard uh with regards that the only way you can do that is by um having the right uh types of budgets um we had meetings with regards to our Farmers Market which I'm pretty excited about and the reason why is because um I think it it grew last year near the end of the year and it's going to grow again this year the farmers market it's going to be on Friday nights but I moved the actual concerts from Thursday night to Friday night uh because what was happening was a lot of the residents when they we had some conference on a Friday night they loved the fact that they could go to the forers market you had food trucks and they can also enjoy the our concert during the um and have food during the concert so we're going to do it that way this year we got some really good pans coming for the residents um you know there'll be a mixture of music and stuff like that but I think it's something that it it works out very very very well for the township so I'm looking forward to those concerts um and I am going to play with one of the Bands eventually so on the fourth of July we got a really really great band that comes out from California um they grew up in the area here in Paran um one summon whipy but you really got to come to our concert and you get to see this band play they're literally phenomenal um and this this is good that we can do this for our Township for our residents it's an important it's important that we can do this um so we did have the Easter Bunny come so as you see you got some chocolates up here uh it's a big rabbit but you know that's okay I also want to talk about one thing we're preparing to do a presentation uh within the next month or so hopefully the next month on the Cannabis um and um which way we're going to go in pany here and I think I know the way it's going to be uh but it has to have discussion we have to have criteria I spoke to a a planner that um because that's the most important part of it it's a planner the planner will know the zoning the proper places to put dispensaries and stuff like that so we um we had a we have a plan on that is specializes in that and we'll do eventually do a presentation with regards to the dispensaries and stuff like that here in the town I know the council's eager as well to to hear it and and get things rolling as that also on Monday we have a meeting with uh regards to Earth Day um now Earth Day is um I April 22nd something like that so um so that that actually I was there last year it was actually pretty well attended to be honest it was actually was cleanup day around the reservoir I know there was a gentleman that came Mr clarkon came here with regards to the trail and stuff over there by botin Reservoir um that is right now from you have any information on that yeah I know it's basically um they have to go in front of the Zone board they came for a Curtis review with the plan and board they were approved but they still have to go for the Zone board because of parking um there's two areas where they want to park so they have to get the you know impervious coverage approvals and all that kind of stuff so that's it that's my report I'll probably forgot a few things but that's okay okay uh Township Council including Township offices uh committees and reports I just want to make a a comment um I don't know if it's been in the media yet or in the papers but you know we've brought up the topic of bail reform before over the weekend there was an incident occurred in the I believe it was like the Floren Park area um there were four individuals that were attempting to steal vehicles uh multiple Mutual Aid police departments responded um and wound up catching all four of the subjects and two of them had wrap Sheets if you're not familiar what a wrap sheet is that's your criminal record as long as a person's arm okay as long as a person's arm and all four individuals were released within a few hours of being arrested and there were multiple towns Municipal agencies police departments in the area that responded from what I understand it was over 20 police officers that apprehended these four people that ran in and hid into the woods um and again within a few hours they were out and two of them had wrap sheets that were longer than a person's arm so again bail reform it's the problem this is the problem so yeah thank you council president I would just like to give uh a shout out to the water department yesterday morning before their shift started I had the opportunity to bring some coffees and bagel just to express my admiration and to thank each and every one of them for what they do for our Township Township so wanted to just to make sure that I express my appreciation for the visit and for what they do for the town any other member from Council including uh of committees okay sry there so uh I have three for you so we'll go Economic Development first the economic development team alongside mayor James roberio will host a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially welcome code Ninja on Saturday March 23rd at 11:00 a.m. code ninja location is 190 Baldin Road the public is cordially invited to join in the celebration the next meeting for the economic development committee is Thursday March 21st at 6:30 p.m. at 90 East Hy Road Third Floor conference room please note this is a change of date public is invited please rsbp with chairman Frank Cahill at 97355 96000 and I keep bringing this up each week that we're here um Economic Development Committee collaborated with New Jersey Economic Development Authority to offer several grants tailored for local businesses these grants aim to assist businesses in offsetting leasing leasing expense for a newer extra space ranging from 250 to 10,000 ft there's a provision of $5,000 to $50,000 to reimburse a business proprietor for expenses linked to interior exterior enhancements the acquisition and installation of new furniture fixtures and equipment as we brought up we have a lot of work coming to beverick this is really important to make sure those folks know that these opportunities are available to them and the economic development committee has connected with 12 parci businesses eligible for these grants two recently established businesses are already applying and upon approval each of these businesses could potentially secure around $75,000 in grant funding so again large amount of money to ensure that people have access to funds as they're gr looking to do some improvements and then uh we're also practicly uh informed numerous real estate agents about the grants highlighting them as a valuable incentive for potential tenants considering par siany and this initiative has already led to to a meeting with a new restaurant owner so for further details please contact Frank kahill at 973-559-6787 the 22nd and then lastly on the 11th we had our transparency advisory committee meeting uh this was the first one now that I'm on the Le I'm the liaison to it uh I thought it was an incredible opportunity to start to bring the public and a lot of the things that we talk about every other week here uh some of the things we talked about you actually brought up what I said last week which is you need to attend these meetings or rewatch them things like zoning board uh planning board there's a lot of information that goes by very quickly for people that aren't watching a lot of these sessions so in this transparency meeting we're trying to bring those things together we're trying to provide a unbiased view into things like financials into things like Pilots into all the different information that people are looking for so the next meeting is going to be on the 25th it will be at 90 East Hy uh same location as the economic development meeting it's open to the public and again highly recommend if you have an opportunity you should definitely attend thank you Mr McGrath uh Township attorney uh no report tonight council president thank you uh business administrator thank you thank you council president I just wanted to talk about a couple of things first the um incident in Floren Park I I live there uh so I I experienced it state troopers uh state trooper helicopters were also involved as well so he had state localy to County everybody was involved um it was a great job it really was it was incredible again they got out two hours later there was three minors and one person of age um that's a lot of that's kind of what's happening with uh these incidents these criminals are using miners uh because you know B reform gets these uh individuals out quicker um and when you're a minor it's it's all they got to do is release it to your parents and that's it it's it's really a shame um but it was uh a large part due to that you know uh Focus from all the different agencies and also a resident a resident was in their backyard and saw this and uh saw some individuals going over a fence and they called the police and kept on the phone and kept calling and kept being involved so if it wasn't for residents uh input um that would have been much more difficult so you know that old saying if you see something say something it's very important um wanted to Echo mayor barbaro's sentiment with the uh Mo uh Mo MOA with uh that's on the agenda for your consideration um for the uh uh blue collar supervisor's unit it was this is the third of the four units um that is being finalized and uh it's a great thing just like the other two units that have been finalized uh we started far apart and came together but it was done professionally without politics involved without uh you know uh uh someone trying to absolutely win and someone trying to absolutely lose so really kudos to the men of in that unit and especially their um negotiating team of Eric uh cers John nney who's now retired Robert Campbell Matthew palmary and wakin uh Kayo I'm sorry if I'm mispronouncing his name um they did a great job they were concerned they were interested and it was important to uh represent their unit to get as good a deal as they possibly could um we worked through some challenges that were necessary uh with this unit and came out with uh a contract that is great for everybody involved which is uh rare you know it when you look at these negotiations have a winner and a loser realistically everybody loses so the way that this was done should be uh used as an example for um how we do things in the future uh and and on our side uh like to thank Hank sonc um Jimmy Walsh uh John WKA um uh and um know Sean Andrew who was there too um also wanted to mention that uh there was an article in the paper uh last week where they looked at the uh tax uh average property taxes in Morris County all over the state but they were comparing Apples to Apples in it and out of the 39 municipalities in uh Morris County uh parcion came in 23rd so that's towards the uh lower end that's a good thing um if you're the highest number one it's not good you're down by 39 we the absolute lowest that's you know Victor gens and the smaller places we're towards the uh back end of that so uh I believe it what it shows is the incredible value that our residents are getting for their tax dollars and nobody likes paying taxes nobody likes uh the amount of money coming out of their pocket and you can always argue against certain things that I don't use that road so why should I have to pay for it my kids aren't in the school system why should I have to pay the schools but all in all um there's good value here uh in pory and you have great employees who work really hard for you uh from top to bottom and um that's all I have thank you I have no report moving on to engineering report 2021 Road resurfacing curb and sidewalk program the annual Road resurfacing curb and sidewalk project is on hold pending legal negotiations with the contractor no council action required rockco River flood wall Levy inspection our consultant is working on preparing design details and a cost estimate for the maintenance and repair work to the flood wall and Levy recent site inspections were made to Aid the design of the repairs once the design and necessary permitting is complete the project will be advertised forbid no council action required North beverick Road streetscape Project phase one the first phase of the North beverick Road streetscape was awarded once contracts are executed a pre-construction meeting will be scheduled and the construction schedule provided no council action required drum line uh drve stream cleaning and JD permits have been issued for this project our consultant is finishing the design and we intend to bid the project in the next few months no councel action required putting Stone Heights Road Improvement project phase two the second phase of pting stone Heights Road Improvement project is in designed we anti iate bidding the project next month no council action required Jefferson Road improvements the njd permits and construction plans for the Jefferson Road Project are in design perit permit applications and plan will be sent to the njd the project will be bid once njd permits have been issued no counsel action required Lake Intervale area Street improvements the first phase of the lake Intervale area Street improvements project is in designed we anticipate bidding this project in March 2024 no council action required siling way CT improvements we are working with our design professionals on the preparation of plans and njd permit applic apption we anticipate bidding this project in 2024 no council action required Edward roads improvements phase two the second phase of the Edward roads Improvement project between 46 and new road is in design we anticipate bidding this project in March of 2024 no council action required North beverick Road streetcap Project Phase 2 the second phase of the North bever Street streetcape is in design we anticipate bidding this project in May 2024 no council action required roadway design projects the following projects are designed or proposals have been requested Mount Taber Street improvements uh phase8 Tony Brook stream cleaning silvin way sidewalk improvements River and stream D snagging plans and permits Anon road traffic study no council action required moving along to ordinances first reading ordinance 20245 ordinance of the township Council the township PRP Troy Hills County amorea state of New Jersey naming streets within the park development and remaining landex Plaza to Park Lane be it resolved that the above ordinance be introduced read by title and passed on first reading at a meeting of the township council at the township recipi Troy Hills held on March 19th 24 and that s need be further considered for second reading and final passage the meeting to be held on April 2nd 2024 at 700 p.m. prevailing time or soon thereafter as the matter may be reached at the municipal building and set Township at which time all persons all persons interested shall be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance be it further resolve that the clerk be authorized and directed to advertise set ordinance with the notice of introduction thereof being published in the official newspaper according to law motion to approve the above resolution please moot second I'm sorry who made the motion council president and second by Mr Mel okay uh roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mel yes uh Mr neglia yes and Mr K yes motion passes okay moving on to non-consent agenda R 2024 051 authorizing the award of contracts for Professional Services with various firms of special legal councel for the 202 4 year before I ask for a motion to approve I just want to make a note for the record that uh on the resolution r224 051 um D Richard d'angelus uh conal Foley unfortunately had not submitted during the RFQ process so they will not be included on the resolution and that is just for the record uh with that being said I'd like to ask for a motion to approve the above resolution motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez Mr McGrath Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr Ki motion passes R 2024 uh 52 authorizing a contract with Pro Phenix Corporation for maintenance and support of the police and fire software may please have a motion motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr kifi motion passes r224 053 adopting memorandum of agreement between the township Detroit Hills and uh abme uh Local 2 2867 motion to approve the above resolution motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes and Mr KY yes motion passes r224 54 establishing a green team as an ad hoc advisory committee pursuing to Sustainable New Jersey motion to approve the above resolution motion second motion made by Mr herandez second by Mr neglia roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr M yes um Mr neglia yes and Mr kifi yes okay motion passes okay r224 55 supporting New Jersey state legislature Bill a 3806 and s28 2819 establishing establishing reable presumption of pre-trial detention and increasing penalties for motor vehicle theft defenses authorizing home detention for minors adjudicated delinquent from M of vehicle theft defenses establishing grants for underage auto theft risk deterrence pilot program and Juvenile Justice Commission appropriating $7 million motion to approve the above resolution motion second motion made by Mr kifi seconded by Mr McGrath was it Mr negle okay Mr negle roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mel yes Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes moving on to Applications for liur and permits uh R 2024 50 authorizing a person to person in place to place transfer of plary retail consumption license for Top Golf USA PS LC DBA Top Golf motion to approve the above resolution yes second okay motion made by Mr Mella seconded by Mr neglia roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr Ki yes motion passes approval of payroll and bills CFO Leonard H recommends authorization for payment number one authoriz payment of the March 15th 2024 regular miscellaneous payroll estimated at 1, 650,000 and number two payment of bills from voucher list of 4124 through 4324 which is 3, 26275 182 motion to approve the above authorization for payment motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr muella roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia Mr Ki yes motion passes man please have a motion to adjourn the meeting motion well that was a lot that was very everybody's so quick for that motion huh okay everybody upz so we'll do Mr neglia and Miss Hernandez uh roll call Mr uh M Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes we're adjourned to have a great night everyone yeah