his affiliate by underpaying the percentage under the pilot based on the artificially lowered Revenue by the affiliate uh structure the operations with a lower base rent and separate invoice and separately invoice tenants for uh reimbursed expenses the developer then based on the definitions in need agreement for rent exclude the reimbursed expenses from a revenue to under pay the city uh Pilots require an extra level of oversight and scrutiny to avoid cheating and uh you said or the mayor emphasized we're in some kind of competition to get a pilot would seems strange to me it's like more like throwing in the town but if we are in competition it's going to be with the fiduciary of the billionaire developer against this town's account who do you thinks going to know all the loopholes and and to the advantage by the mere definition of a produci by law he's mandated to manage the personal money and the property for the benefit of the property owner not yours so we're we're in competition here uh uh I also went to a site for experts in pil all we heard was how great Pilots are we didn't hear anything negative so this is what another municipalities not ensuring that all required documents are received for construction projects and cost supporting information no consistent audit standards relative to what the municipality requires in order to consider it uh consider an audit complete limited ciary review of audits by the municipal Administration Reasonable Doubt as to whether this review is adequate because the lack of indepth professional accountants and Auditors who are experienced and trained no outside third party revie conducted to ensure the appropriateness of the submitted entity audits so we didn't hear any of this and not for anything but I want to remind you our last president Mr Trump read about how he was attached Che because he said I'm doing it all legally so what makes any of you think that these developers aren't in in un with that same uh mindset the thing in a in a in a capitalist Paradigm is profits this developer admitted it wasn't just about him he never mentioned py he said it's about him and his stockholders so if if any of you could eventually answer any of the questions and beware and if we have to compete with this accountant are we prepared to do that and if not how muches but everything K Kent said and I'm saying here I I hope you'll uh consider and we got 30 years to uh to keep on top of this so I'll leave it at night and welcome uh two council members to uh Pacific thank you Nick uh anyone [Music] else good evening mayor and council members my name is cassera grao I am a lifelong precip resident graduate of the precip school system and owner of Happy Days Boutique an aspiring cannabis retailer in pipan it's been nearly a year since my husband and I petitioned the previous Council to amend the Cannabis ordinance so that my business Happy Days Boutique can operate in town at that time there were approximately 20 dispensaries supplying both medical and Adult Ed consumers for the entire state of New Jersey now there are closer to 100 with two to three dispensaries opening on a weekly basis throughout New Jersey the Cannabis is an an Emerging Market but it's estimated that within the next 2 to 3 years the market will mature with an estimated 350 operational dispensaries newer dispensaries see around 100 customers a day while established dispensaries can see upwards of 500 to 700 customers a day in Montclair their anticipated tax revenue in 2023 was $250,000 and Philips ber $600,000 and Belmar a million these numbers don't reflect revenues from other businesses in these areas that also benefit from Cannabis consumers visiting them in fact there is a 1.3 to 1.7% economic multiplier for these other businesses that are located in dispensaries in areas where dispensaries operate in August of last year a presentation was given by Robert sheerer the chief of police in Morris Township the video of it is actually posted on Morris Township's YouTube channel that I can provide the council to summarize he contacted multiple Chiefs of police from towns where canvas businesses exist to determine if there are in increased instances of crime in the area these towns include Rockaway burrow botin and West Milford the Chiefs in Rockaway burrow and botin reported that there was not an uptaken crime due to the fact that these licensed establishments had security measures put in place that were in line with the state in local towns regulations however in the case of West Milford where unregulated businesses were popping up everywhere they had increased instances of medical calls due to unsafe and contaminated products the reason that this happened in West Milford is because these establishments do not have the Safety and Security measures that a licensed dispensary has in fact they have none at all for example they don't check IDs at the door which makes accessibility for miners easier nor are their products being tested in State Labs before being sold and that opens the consumer Market to contaminated cannabis which in some cases can include fenol additionally these unregulated businesses don't share their revenues with the town they don't care about the community and they definitely don't have plans to give back these unregulated businesses exist everywhere in pany and they exist in pipany in New Jersey I'm sorry and they exist everywhere in p without licensed cannabis retailers these illegal establishments will continue to grow and Thrive it's already out of hands I hope that my company Happy Days Boutique will be given the opportunity to build a safe and secure establishment where cannabis consumers can produce or can purchase clean products I know we've spoken on this previously but our company has a dedicated budget towards Community focused efforts because my husband his family and myself are all pry residents who care about our town I'm once again petitioning the council to amend the current canvas ordinance to allow licensed retailers to operate here thank you thank you cassar can you just please sign in sure and I also have handouts with the information you can you can provide those to [Music] me all right thank you hello mayor you're on is it on yeah it's on okay hello mayor and all the council members uh my name is Bala samaga I live on 8 Winterset drive and my Township is called Glenmont Commons okay we have 250 plus town houses and 150 single family home total of around 400 houses totally from 400 houses we are paying almost $5 million property tax to the pipen township we get the service Water Service seage everything from the par Township in the year 2004 the developer handed over the he sold all the houses and he said okay everything belongs to the township okay in the last 20 years our roads is a complete mess okay we are filled up with lots of potholes okay no one can go out for the evening walk children when they get on from the school buses parents are worried that they may fall down some injury may happen happen okay they are scared and they wait for the school bus to come so that they can take their children okay last time when we had a meeting with the mayor uh mayor's team I think the township Arney said the road is still a private road okay and then the association also yeah and then we talked to the moris county Township okay we put up Oprah request and the lady what she said was okay we even contacted the records manager he looked at all the records using the tax records tax documents tax maps what he said was he gave us two important information any area within the parip township or Morris County or within the US okay any land if it has a lock number and the block number then it is private okay but when he looked at all these roads they do not have a lot number on the block number if there is a lot number on the block number then there will be a root Deeds on it that's not true okay okay do me a favor just take the time and then once you're finished we'll have the town attorney respond okay so what he said is okay for all these 12 roads there are no lock number or the block number okay so they are not private roads okay if they are private roads if you see on those Maps then the resp then it belongs to a person or it could be a company and they have to pay the property tax as there are no Lot number and block number from 2004 or whenever it was handed over that particular Builder is not paying a property tax if the township says it's a private then is the township taking the property tax from the Builder from the last 20 years that's a question mark so so far from the moris county records manager what we got confirmation is all these 12 records based on our Oprah request they are parp Township records uh roads it's been handed over it's not a private roads and he even showed me some images okay these are private roads it has a lot number and the block number so if you look at any of our Township roads there is no Lot number or block number there block number on okay so that is the information what I got so I would request the mayor the new council members and all the council members this is serious problem 5 million property tax is being paid and if you are not having a proper road then what's the use of giving the property tax to the township so 20 years I mean we have 12 streets is filled up with lot of phos so I would request to look at it and consider that they app public roads and please work on it and we are even following up with uh Mikey Sher team they are looking at for the grant option from the federal government so please work with the teams and see how you can improve these 12 roads we are almost residents of 2,000 people with 400 houses I appreciate your IND thank you could just sign in sir please for sure thank you um Mr lab if you'd like to respond you can so first I just wanted to ask you the name of that person from the county that gave you that information do you have name of person the count man his name is Alan Allan records manager okay thank you sir okay council president yeah please all right so the way it normally works is the town doesn't own a road most roads I would say 90% of the roads are easements that run through people's property so what happens is if you vacate a road for instance the people on this side of the road they get halfway of the road the people on this side get the other half of the road so you wouldn't put a lot and block number on a road because that road belongs to whatever lot and blocks run you know are are up against it we met with some residents over there at Glenmont I don't know months ago and the merid said listen we're going to see what we could do but we made it clear that these are roads owned by the homeowners association now we can debate this all night but the fact of the matter is their attorney the the association had to change their bylaws because in their own bylaws it said that they could not dedicate those roads to the township so why would the developer do that because he wanted to develop lands that were around there so but in any event your own bylaws prohibited you from dedicating those roads to the town so and I have the letters from your attorney who who wrote and said hey we've changed the bylaws now now we can dedicate these roads to the township well the problem is in the interim as you said they haven't been maintained for 20 years the association did not maintain those roads there's other problems too the single family homes those houses are also those roads are also owned by the Association how that happens well you can shake your head no but until somebody shows me some I saw all all the material yet I'm just telling you that in your own bylaws in the association it says that all of those roads are theirs and up until August of this past year you couldn't have dedicated those if you wanted to so there's no dedication of the roadway so I mean we've been through this a number of times we talked to our engineering department to see if there's dot grants available to try to help out up there um I was just looking at my email I sent letters to the developers attorney in November in December in January asking for a meeting to see if we could get them to contribute I think the amount to repair those roads when our engineering department did it a couple years ago was like $2.4 million so you know there's a question of fairness is like should the rest of the taxpayers of parcion pay for the up upgrading those roads when the association hasn't maintained them for 20 years so we have a meeting with the devel I think next the 13th February the 13th so we're going to try to see if we can get some movement there to see if they will contribute money towards those roads but the town's doing what it can but the fact of the matter is and I've been in contact with the association's attorney I probably talked to him at least five times Rich Bean nice man but I mean they're the homeowner association's road you can come on up Sir just state your name for the record and after you're done please sign in thank you thank you uh congratulations Paul on reelection and Welcome Matt welcome Judy thank you mayor Frank so uh I did ask that question specifically also just your name for the oh sorry my name is Pradip kinani I live in the greater Glenmont community and so I did we did have a meeting uh of the HOA about two or 3 weeks ago I did ask the HOA attorney do the roads which are belonging to the houses have anything to do with the town homes he says that's the most absur thing you'd ever heard now if you want a formal letter a secondary letter I can reach out again and he said he's had a conversation with you on this fact so there are I think so let me finish and then you can feel free so let me understand so I mean you can tie the roads of the houses to the ones in the town home for the attorney of the h8 that does not work the reality is the roads of the to uh single family homes should be already taken care of by the city of Paran they are not not I understand I appreciate the fact that you are trying to meet with the developer res said February 13th so we'll be back at the next uh Town council meeting to see what the progress was but that's I asked we asked specifically the question does the road for the single family homes have anything to do with the town homes and the answer from our attorney was absolutely not so I'm not sure why there's a disconnect there but definitely there is a disconnect I'm not sure why there's a disconnect either because I've had that Direct conversation with him and this is the first time I've heard that they've said that the roads for the single family homes the one thing I can tell you is that those roads were never dedicated to the township and they were never accepted by the township and he has provided information that shows that those roads are in fact controlled by the Association why I have no idea but he's never said never said that they did not belong to the association okay thank you and the town is trying to help because they aren't our roads so we're trying to bring the developer to the table we're trying to find out if there's any grant money available in order to get those roads fixed but they're the association's roads and the association should have been maintaining okay anyone uh I'm sorry sir once you come up I apologize anyone else would like to come up and speak you can come up Sir just take your name for the record and sign in after you're done please yeah hi um my name is Satish R and I also live in the Glen mod Community um I live on the um the single family house section and um now I understand and thank you for all the efforts that you're putting in and we did meet a couple of months back um I know Mr Mayor said you're going to work with um some grants um I'd like to follow up and understand if there are any progress made towards that um and then to um the gentleman's question the attorney's question on um the roads being maintained are not but regardless the town homes are maintained by the HOA single family homes are not we're paying our taxes so as an owner as a resident for 12 years in the same house right in the same Community how would one have to go through the process right the roads are not maintained it's causing a lot of issues to our vehicles our roads you know our children you can walk in fact people are walking on the side and cars will have to move because they're trying to avoid Pooles I was walking my dog this is a true story two days back I was walking my dog um and elderly couple were walking on the other side and because it had rained um the water was filled on the potholes a vehicle went by they can't see it's almost like Twilight um it hit the um the tires went through the potholes and the water splashed on the older gentleman's eyes they were not wearing glasses and that's a safety issue right they it could have seriously injured them and the car is going at 20 25 mph speed so you can imagine in the force I'm not a physicist but there's um a Sor damage that can happen to your res okay um so there there are concerns like that every day and I can site numerous incidents so as a resident been there so what do we do like how do we approach this it seems like we're he said she said that's what we're we're going towards but there's no concrete next steps and that's what we would like to you know discuss and see what happens thank you sir appreciate yeah go ahead sir just um just so you know I I know it's frustrating we are well aware of the conditions of the roads up there I've been up there um as you know and we did meet with a group of residents from from your area up there um and we are you know we are working on trying to obtain grants so that we can get some money this meeting um unfortunately it's taken a little bit longer than we anticipated to meet with the developer to try to uh come to an agreement on that um but you know we did we did explain we can't we can't have a back yeah we can't we can't we did you know we did it we did um do that I know it's taking a little while but we did when we had that meeting we did explain to that group that you know this wasn't going to be something that was going to happen tomorrow but we are working on it we are well aware of the situation up there the roads are horrendous we know that we do know that but you know as a town attorney said unfortunately the way it was done the association and somehow even though those are single family homes in that part of the development it's still falling under the uh you know the association up there for whatever reason that's the way it was done but um I can assure you I know the mayor if the mayor wants to speak on this we are in you know in the process with the applying for the grants um when we had met on this at that time I believe you apply for your grants at the beginning of the year correct me if I'm wrong right mayor um and then so now that's we're in the process of doing that we're we're trying everything we can I know the May uh the attorney actually informed me and I did uh sent a message uh as soon as he sent me to vany in reference to um that meeting that's going to be set up for next week it's it's set up for next week um so we're waiting to see how you know what comes out of that as well um and as we explained even if we have to do it piece by piece we want to get it done you know we may not be able to do the whole thing all at once we've explained that to the group too um but you know we want to get something done we we totally get what you're saying believe me start with a PW well yeah I'm going to wait till the public sessions CL so I can answer U okay other questions okay anyone else I'd like to come up and speak please state your name for the record and sign in after your yeah my name is Jo bad from the same commment uh this is my first time uh uh I was really wondering what why nobody was doing the roads uh and I really appreciate some of the people from there have already taken up the case so I don't understand one thing it's like 20 years now uh uh okay there is some problem isn't there any way to resolve the problem I mean we are living in a civil society under rule of law can if somebody is not doing something can not be taken care of I mean uh we are paying taxes cannot the city take care of us I understand you are doing something can you get some timeline please so that there is a solution because it's going day by day it's going on and any any person can go there and see how bad the situation is it is really really bad it doesn't look like we are living under rule of law where somebody who is has some responsibility is doing their job so please take care of it Mr lab anything you want to say no I was just going to say the problem right now is that the homeowners ass Association is responsible problem we can't have it back and forth Sol if you're finished you have to take a seat sir then allow them to to speak but we cannot go back and forth I understand the concerns and they're all legitimate concerns all I'm saying is that legally those roads are owned by the Association so if the town was to do anything there the town does not is reluctant to sue the homeowners association where residents in the town live in order to do that now I also understand that some of the single family homeowners own units in the homeowners association so that would also explain some reluctance on holding the homeowners association responsible but I'm just telling you who owns the roads so I understand your concerns they're in bad shape I've seen the pictures the town's doing all it can to try to compel people who may or may not be responsible for them to do something about the roads so it doesn't come out of the homeowner association pocket so but it's a lot of money anyone else like to [Music] speak all right Bob thank you don't expect anything less Bob [Music] my name is Bob vedia and I live in Paran um I understand that everyone on the Das has received a copy of the report from former New Jersey state comproller Matthew boxer it's entitled Municipal tax abatements the report contains comprehensive information about pilots and understandable language and offer several recommendations to assist municipalities in the decision of whether to Grant a pilot or not ideally I would like the governing body to follow all of the recommendations in the com trollers report but for now because of time limitations I'd like to discuss the recommendations that appear on page two and reads as follows a thorough cost benefit analysis of community impact should be undertaken before awarding an abatement in my opinion if parcion had done a thorough cost benefit analysis for the residential pilots on Campus Drive and silven way they never would have passed performing a thorough cost benefit analysis before voting on future residential Pilots is essential for the governing body to make an informed decision and to convince a very skeptical public that your decision is the correct one com troller did not go into detail about what these cost benefit analyses should look like but I have a list of cost benefit related questions that I'd like the governing body to address on pp's website each time a residential pilot is first introduced to the public members of the governing body should add to and improve the following list what is the street address of the property and how many acres does it occupy what is the year one annual net pilot payment versus the year one conventional taxes that parcion would receive if if there were no pilot What's the total amount of conventional taxes that parcion will be foregoing over the 30 years of the pilot in exchange for giving up tens of millions of of conventional property taxes over 30 years what are the non-monetary benefits that parcion will receive in return list the estimated number of students that are going to come from the residential pilot development and the facts used to calculate that number including total number of apartment units break down of the total units into number of affordable units and number of market rate units break down of affordable units and market rate units into the number of one two and three bedroom units in each category and then show a calculation for the estimated number of students using year One Pilot amount compare in detail the net pilot Revenue to the sum of the municipal and educational expenses that pany must provide to the development is the result a net gain or a net loss what is the profit margin that the developer estimates for his or her project with a pilot versus without a pilot and finally what happens to the pilot when the property is sold to a new owner or when rental units are converted and sold as in individually owned Condominiums thank thank you Bob anyone else okay seeing no one else I'd like to entertain a motion to close the public session motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by M Hernandez uh roll call M Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr Ki yes all right floor is closed at this time time I'd like to ask the council take a moment to just review the items on the consent agenda and the approval of minutes uh where action will be taken on at the next meeting any questions okay seeing none we're going to go ahead and move right along to uh presentations and reports uh [Music] mayores [Music] [Music] thank you okay I have a proclamation here Mr honor whereas Richard M amly Esquire is celebrating his 40th year business having open a general law practice in Lake KYW 1983 upon his graduation from St wall law school admission to the New Jersey bar and where as Richard specializes in real estate closings traffic ticket remediation lone ATT tenant matters debt collection ction Wills in the state Administration and has also argued cases before State Trial and appell Court as well as in the Jurg Supreme Court where as a member of the parpan Rotary Club for 33 years Richard served as its president in 1992 and was recognized for his service twice with the prestigious Paul Harris fellow award and rotarian of the year in 2001 Richard also coordinated rotary Safety Town program for 9 years helping hundreds of children and safety Essentials and whereas Richard is a member of the New Jersey State Bar Association serves on a real estate property trust in the state law section as well as its Municipal Court practices section he's a member of the Morris County Bar Association which he serves on its real estate committee and during mayor priorties Administration Richard served as panese public defender for six years now therefore I James Al barar mayor of the township of pan tro Hills to hereby congratulate Richard honoral Esquire as he celebrates 40 Years of business commend him on his commitment to the community and to his clients and I wish him many more years of success dated the sixth day of February 2024 come we have some more want to come [Music] up come on up Economic [Music] Development Frank speak up [Music] so on behalf of the precip Troy Hills Economic Development advisory committee we present this plaque to Richard in recognition of your 40 Years of dedicated legal service and unwavering commitment to the precipitating community we proudly acknowledge uh Richard M hovar attorney at law his expertise in real estate traffic law and Community leadership including the roles in the precipi Rotary Club and scouting Andy his exceptional contributions to Lake hawaa and Beyond pride in ppy thank you for being part of our community Tuesday J February 6 [Applause] 2024 Paul you're [Music] next I have a I have a certificate here from congresswoman Mikey Cheryl the 11th congressional district of the great state of New Jersey celebrates Richard M anali be it known that the unassigned member of the United States Congress The Honorable Mikey Cheryl of the 11th congressional district of the great state of New Jersey celebrates Richard M anali in recognition of his 40th year in practice in Lake hawaa [Applause] [Music] [Music] congratulations [Music] [Music] oops state of New Jersey the Senate and general assembly joint legislative resolution by Senator ponacho and assemblyman Weber and Bergen I'm not going to do the whereas and the whereas has already been done I just want to say that I know Richard for many many years we shared not office space but a building space for over 15 years and uh it is my pleasure all of your all of your years for supporting Pony and for also your concern about North bever gr absolutely yes yes it's an honor to present this to you my pleasure [Music] commissioner Seline and master Angelo would you want to come [Music] up so well Richard uh Thomas strell County Commissioner pleasure to meet you and uh uh we heard about your bio I read about your bio and uh uh your background and your contribution uh to Pary and and um you I I really want to thank you not only what you've done for Pary but what you've done have done for Mars County uh because it's also a contribution to our County uh it helps build a a strong County a a uh a a county that uh really really shines around the around the country and uh uh because of people like you that's the reason why it does uh and and we've got some similarities you graduated Ram poo College I so did my daughter who went on to law school okay but she went to Brooklyn law I went to se I went to seeden Hall law my twin brother's name is Richard okay and uh I had a Marie in my my life which was uh uh my mom and you got a beautiful wife Marie so maybe we're related Richard I don't know I'm going to have to go back and look but uh congratulations uh so so the board is on ing you and we have Proclamation at typhoon we'll say a few words and thank you commissioner uh Master Angelo I appreciate we appreciate it and I just want to add one other thing one just other thing that I'd like to congratulate the Mrs onali for making you successful for 40 years and congratulations and congratulations and would you please join us with the for the picture that's why you got mayor [Music] mayor Mars County surrogate Heather darling this is the uh last but not least presentation um so Richard congratulations 40 40 years is a long time and you Maria as well I I understand that retirement is something you'd look forward to but Richard does not um so you and I also Sharon alma mater you graduated in 1982 I graduated in 1982 but it was from middle school so uh close no close but not quite uh so um then congratulations too you you made it all the way before the New Jersey Supreme Court which it's it's always an honor to appear there and you've got a quite a deep practice field which I assume happens when you have friends and family call you and say can you handle this for me well I really don't do that but right that's how that goes so uh and I appreciate the fact that you are Will's trust and Estates attorney as I'm a surrogate so I I appreciate that um and what you've done for pipany over the years has really benefited as Tom said our entire community and what you've done with scouting which is a a tremendous organization uh in in our world in our community and you've worked with the youth to help them you work with your church and I guess if if somebody doesn't get their prayer answered from God they could talk to you the church attorney and see if they can get an appeal on that so I I too have for you a proclamation from the Mars County surat's Office so uh Frank I'll give this back to [Music] you [Music] thank you just briefly um Marie and I first of all I need to thank my wife Marie for all the 40 Years of support but we we bought our first house in Lake kaiwaa in 1983 we closed in May I was admitted to practice law in June we love Lake kataa and I still go there obviously every day we just enjoy the Main Street concept of bwick Road and all the businesses that are there and we try and support them every week of the year um but I want do want to thank Paran through all the activities that have supported my efforts over these years and and made um my practice a success I look forward to a couple more years yet before retiring but um if you're not familiar with Lake high do come down and visit uh the downtown the businesses that are there we can always use your support and again on behalf of all the presenters tonight uh this was a little bit overwhelming I really didn't expect all of this attention but thank you very much for all the [Applause] presentations have a nice day [Music] thank all right uh up next is uh T Council I have a report I still got to give oh okay okay um as we um I'm going to read into the record or the newsletter as we have entered the days of February I encourage everyone to be aware of the many health awareness observances are in the month and to take opportunity to re-evaluate your relationship with good health habits February is American Heart month National cancer prevention month National we Red For Women day and Alzheimer's and Dementia care education week among others let's take the step towards healthier eating exercise and education to protect ourselves from these serious de debilitating and often deadly diseases awareness prevention and mindful actions are key to Leading a long and healthy life February is also a black history month I time to Comm memorate the many remarkable contributions of black individuals throughout history and within our community the township parpan is one of the most diverse communities in the state and we welcome and celebrate all our residents and their stories educating ourselves about each other's history and accomplishments can only Foster a strong stronger Community I would like to throw out a challenge for all the that participate in random acts of kindness week from 11 from February 11th to the 17th kindness is such an easy way to connect with others be it by something as simple as spending time some time conversing with an elderly neighbor who you may not see too many people out there during these cold winter months bringing up the neighbors trash can from the curb or volunteering a few hours of your time to at the food pantry as Henry James stated three things in life are important first is to be kind second is to be kind and third is to be kind before I read in another report um I do want to go over some some of the things that have taken place um residents have raised crucial concerns about speeding on our residential streets police presence will will on our will be on our residential roads and it will continue please slow down our streets are shared spaces for our children pedestrians and psychist let's ensure everyone's safety during your daily commute um council president uh I would like to set up a finance committee meeting with regards to the budget um and with that we can make some dates uh so the public can have a opportunity yes and we're looking um we're looking at Saturdays um but of course at your meeting you can decide what days you want to have them okay but um I'll have the you can contact the business administrator so we can set up a a meeting date also today I had a conversation with our uh supervisor with regards to North bever Road it looks like and if I'm wrong looks like that's uh North bever Road streetcape is going to be underway during the next few months I know Mr honor you've been waiting for that um and that creates a dilemma and the Dilemma is the parade the Memorial Day Parade will probably have to switch to um 202 and um I don't we don't think it'll be done by the street fair so we're going to figure another uh place to have our street fair um as you see the chief pantin is here tonight um and our residents are the things that have we been experienced the good news is that regarding the publicized issues that are prevalent in the area crime is down I want to thank Chief pantina and all the hardworking men and women of paf police department for their hard work you all are you are all appreciate Chief and I mean that um you know when I came back my first um course of business was to bring our Police Department back up and although we're not there yet it's a commitment I'm going to be continuing to make that being said it's important to acknowled excuse me I want to get into the um kyal converter incidents we're at 103 in 2022 and in 2023 are at 64 residential and Commercial burglaries were at 81 and 2022 and 78 in 2023 stolen Motor Vehicles were at 43 in 2022 and 32 in 2023 that being said it is important to acknowledge that there is a problem not just here in Pony but in mois county and Statewide New Jersey is played by an epidemic of auto theft and safety must be our number one priority without it we have no quality of life protecting the hardworking people of parpan and their property is a commitment I will continue to honor the Pim Police Department devotes a significant amount of resources towards investigating vehicle thre and we need to help them to help you we need to provide our Police Department with necessary resources to stop auto thefts to protect our residents and to ensure Public Safety in par siony that is my commitment and the reason why I have been so focused about eight and more officers to protect our residents it is why we are leveraging proactive measures like license plate recognition technology to protect our residents curb Auto Effects and create a safer Community for all the prity residents our network of licens plate recognitions LPR cameras have proven helpful by providing realtime alerts for stolen vehicles and vehicles displaying stolen license plates we currently have five Around Town and County has six in Pary we have LPR trailers budgeted that can be moved to hot spots around town as needed we are adding more and will be looking significantly to increase the number that we have in 2024's budget whether it be on the front end responding to real time time alerts are in the backend building and advancing investigations there are few law enforcement agency around using LPR more effectively than us people deserve to feel safe and secure in their communities but that isn't possible when the threat of property left looms over them but these crimes are bigger than one town and cannot be addressed exclusively where the thefts are recurring it must be addressed throughout the whole cycle by the cities where the kids are recruited to the subs like parcion where the cars are stolen to the final destination of the vehicles and right up to the organizers Behind These crimes offenders do not have to worry about remaining in custody when they're arrested and they can get back on on the streets to commit the same crime again and again apping the courts to close the door on repeat car thieves will help put an end to the time cycle in New Jersey and I'm going to get to that in a moment and it's been stated many times by council president Paul kifi making matters worse criminals are employing juveniles to carry out their theft because they know miners face little to no punishment if they are caught I strongly encourage you to demand changes from our state lawmakers please reach out to Governor Murphy Senator ponacho assemblyman Bergen and assemblyman Jay Weber to address and catch and release policies that have enabled car theft rings to flourish our officers will continue to aggressively seek out these thieves and we will continue to support them by providing the Manpower and the tools they need to slow the criminals down um on many occasions uh since 2022 I do remember council president Paul kifi stating Bond Bond Bond reform bail reform I mean yeah bail reform and um this is the problem that we're having here in par siany as you heard uh I just said what happens is we'll lock somebody up and within an hour they're out back on the street um that has to be reversed because if we don't reverse it it's just going to continue to continue that's a yism continue to continue on the table I have this protect your vehicle prevent catalytic converter theft so uh members of the public if you would like to grab something that would be good I would appreciate it also as you heard a resident come up here to discuss cannabis we are in the process I just want to let you know we're in the process I've had several meetings of amending the ordinance um and once uh we get the written language that I feel comfortable with I'm going to present it to the council president who will present it to the um Council and we will have discussions about it um you know there's several ways the township has to look now going forward and raising revenue one and you've heard some comments made tonight one of is Pilots everyone wants to talk about conventional way to get taxes we're not going to see them conventionally because um some of these companies with or devs don't get Pilots they're going to tear the buildings down and they're going to wait for the next round of affordable housing that's what's going to happen um and if we allow that to happen then the shift of taxes right now I think is 40% commercial 60% residential well if these properties go vacant and they're going to some of them we have 40 tax appeals um to be thir you're going to see that shift go from 70 to 30 and the the tax burden will go strictly on the taxpayer residential taxpayer okay um that being said and we can't allow that to happen another way to collect added revenue is through cannabis there there's I've seen some of the studies I've seen some of the areas and we have to be very careful we decide to put them but they do bring in in in all reality a significant amount of Revenue to towns there's no doubt about that um I struggled with it I'm not going to lie I I struggled with the fact that um which I'm not educated enough and I am now on cannabis I'm a lot more educated with regards to cannabis than I was before I became mayor and um there are benefits healthwise and there are benefits to the township and here's why I say this as one member said tonight with the pil program about competition believe me there's competition and I'm going to get to that in a moment when it comes to cannabis there's competition between other towns um other towns will take the pilots um so we got to make decisions and if we don't want Pilots That's fine then then be prepared for your taxes to go up because that's what's going to happen so when you look at it conventionally on a good pil of that that we have is UPS and I can explain UPS to you very simply I negotiated that and I'm going to going forward we're going to negotiate very hard but I negotiated that pilot program probably with the next 5 years they're going to opt out of the pilot because they're going to pay less conventionally than they would with the pilot so we're monitoring that and they're probably going to pull out that's my opinion and they're going to go to the conventional way of being taxed and that's a benefit so that's a benefit and both ways were a benefit to the town um but if you want to ignore it and the council doesn't want Pilots then we don't have them it's that simple but I will tell you you're you know we need to we need to have a budget here we need to um enforce our Police Department we need to do all these things we need to uh we have contracts that we're negotiating um so we need to bring Revenue in um so and that's very important to the township revenue revenue new revenue and I can continue to say that because the commercial property is drying up in parcion the last study that was done by Co I think it's co-star sh parity is going to go above 40% to 45% vacancy rate that is astronomical if you see a vacancy rate of 45% that's that's going to be a tough nut for the town to crack so we do have to look at other avenues of Revenue and that is cannabis um I don't know how the council feels with regards to it but um we're working on that and um we don't really have much of a choice but another thing Public Safety Public Safety is very very important here in Pary but Public Safety doesn't come for free you have the budget for it you have to do all those things everybody likes their way um sanitation our garbage everybody likes our water department everybody likes but we need to generate Revenue and these are the ways we're looking at doing it now not every Pilot's good I understand that I have turned down other um developers on pilots and I'm sure I'm going to be turning other developers um also away with regards to Pilots um but there was a benefit in Paul Ki the president can talk about if he wishes we have to be stac here in pipany and and I'm going to tell you what I mean by competition to other towns the to which was a 100 Kimble drive went to moristown that's a big accounting firm they went to moristown and they got a pilot um I spoke to the other Mayors uh there's 15 of us that speak regularly and they've done Pilots Mount Hon's done pilots and they've had agreements with their school board which I'm hoping to have with our school board as well um because when when you look at it whatever money we give them from a pilot is um not it's it doesn't count towards a 2% cap so they benefit from it um so that being said I'm looking forward to having these meetings I'm also looking forward to our budget I think we have a pretty good budget this year if I'm correct um going forward there was a lot of things that we had to tackle we tackled them and we're going to continue to tackle them thank you council president the chief a chief would you like to come up and speak with regards to the [Music] know my name St your name for the record please Chief uh Rich pan police for siany uh thank you Council and mayor mayor I couldn't have said it any better all the points that you hit um with stolen vehicles and the catalytic converters um you know we have discussions all the time uh about how to solve these problems it is a Statewide problem and it's actually it's a nationwide problem between um uh bail reform releasing people left back onto the street with no money behind it you know to prevent them from uh being the deterrent um I was looking at the stats today we get something from the rock uh Statewide in the last two weeks there's been 244 cars thefts in the in just a 24hour period uh on the 5th of February there were 29 so uh where our numbers have gone down a little bit from 22 to 23 uh it's still unacceptable and we understand that so the way we want to prevent it from you know talking to my group of uh administrators over at work and the unions and everything we want to saturate the streets that's why the community we hear it a lot but they see more police officers on the road um the mayor has hired 20 people in the past 2 years uh that's a big plus right now we're at 96 officers we have 83 that are Deployable so we have a handful in the police academy we have some uh that are in field training we need to go higher with all the development that's coming into town uh we are going to need more officers every year we're losing more to retirement um it's more beneficial to the officers now to leave at 5 12 when we started you know there was more of an incentive to stay later uh now it's they're they're getting more of an incentive to leave at the 25 years so that's a little bit of a burden for us um you will continue to see police officers on a road we're that's where they're going right now we only have uh four detectives we have our SRO in the schools and we're adding one extra person to traffic so we have four people there the rest of the department is literally supervisors in Patrol and officers in Patrol so that's the way I feel is the best way to come back this um you might not see it on paper that that prevents these crimes but when the numbers start to come a little bit lower it might be a deterrent because we are getting juveniles coming in from the cities um there there is no fear of being caught um between the rules with bail and our uh restrict we have with car thefts I mean with uh chasing cars uh Pursuits it's uh very difficult even if you're catching somebody fling it's very difficult to uh um solve that problem that way uh we had a um uh home burglary last week two cars were stolen key fobs were taken out uh we recovered both vehicles but how we recovered the vehicles was through the AL uh the automatic license plate readers right they're a big help like the mayor said we have five we have mobile ones in the police cars so as soon as that hits on a stolen car we get notified now a lot of times there's a reason for it um you know might be somebody just didn't return their plates and they reported stolen or something like that but they do help us so in this case with this one uh burglary we recovered the vehicles in North two people were arrested uh our county is looking into to it now so they were charged I think out of newth for possession of stolen property and we're going to look into the burglary aspect and uh and that in that area but it's going to go through the county uh we work we work with the county uh the sheriff's department very supportive Sheriff Ganon is fantastic his men and women that work for the county are fantastic uh prosecutor Carol we get support from them so where we don't have anybody in the um different task force right now because we are concentrating on putting people on the road um as we build up the department we're going to put people into those positions again so we'll assign somebody to the county as a a detective also with the stolen car uh Task Force Through the state we'll throw somebody in there and that will help but we need to build up our numbers um and I know I think we're all on the same page with that um but it is it is visibility and VIs ability is the is the way to handle any of these crimes um we don't have thank God we don't have areas that are you know drug areas that they're dealing in one specific area where you could concentrate on that one area this is as I said Statewide countywide and all over the the township so you can't really pinpoint one specific area uh we're sending out literature I know we're doing a town hall meeting coming up in a couple of weeks um um we we are we have our officers that do crime prevention if anybody needs uh somebody to check their house out for security purposes we'll send somebody to them businesses we do businesses we do Residential so that's a big help um you know I never want to put it on the on the citizens who are fantastic you know we get a lot of calls when they see something suspicious um the mayor loves driving around at night he likes to call up when he sees something going on which is is great we need that we need the help from the community and this community is fantastic I mean I I I say it all the time we have a great police department but they're the luckiest people around because they get to work for the people sit and everybody's helpful and very supportive so uh just in closing I mean I have you know the numbers from the last couple years like the the mayor said um we're getting there it's it's difficult but we're getting there and we're our off officers are driving around constantly so if you see them that's that's what we're doing um I know something mentioned traffic issues we did add another officer which is going to start in a couple weeks to the traffic and we're hitting the hot spots with uh speeding um I know we had a couple of complaints up on um Fox Hill Fox Hill which we I'm going to bring that up once this Don and you know we have our our boxes up there to speed boxes and everything like that so you know we're here to do the job it's just a little bit more difficult with uh the legislates passing different laws and um you know the restrictions that we have on us so I don't know if anybody has a yeah uh you know Chief appreciate you being here tonight less so for you but more so of a a general annoyance I think it'd be helpful if we got some notice that the chief was going to be here tonight because there's a lot of people when I go around town that are concerned about what's going on you you know specifically you know what the PPD is doing so I'm glad that you're here but I wish we got some notice that you were going to appear well I'll tell you what I'll apologize for that because it was a last minute thing and I thought with all the stuff going on and I wanted to give out these flowers I asked the mayor to come so um yeah that's a good idea in the future will oh what we can what we can also do is who's ever um reaching at you have them call my office and I'll I'll direct them right to the chief myself yeah you know because I guess some of the general some of the general themes I guess you're glad here tonight uh some of the general themes when I talk to Residents that that they bring up um you know where are we at with fixed LPR I know that we have mobile LPR but we have five fixed uh we want to get more uh we'll go through the budgetary process and whatever grants we can get um how how do those perform versus mobile LPR the fixed ones so I give you a quick story if you got a minute uh on 46 the other day um and a car was doing some crazy moves behind me and it passed me going about 80 M hour so I went to the next light it kept going I turned on my lights and sirens and it kept going right so I went into the Mountain Lakes made a right onto the Boulevard and went past boo Road I thought it was enough the guy wasn't stopping right so I came back to headquarters I had the license plate gave it out over the air we checked the alprs exactly what the description was of the car we got the license plate We R up finding out the address and then uh deal them with that so they work they work and we're online with the county so we get alpr hits from other towns also and and do we have the bandwidth to produce heat Maps so we can post publicly of where a lot of these crimes are are occurring throughout town so if people live in a Zone where there's a high density of crime people can know that's a great idea um although these are not happening in one specific area they're all over so they're they're so spread out everybody has to be alert to it um you can't say well you know just use Pary Road as an example there's residential there oh all the burglaries are happen on for Road that's not the way it's working you know they're they're in areas throughout the town uh I know in the past uh few months I we were thinking that they were related to somebody on the inside somewhere that knew what kind of cars these people were driving and they were specifically going to those locations so that's a little bit more difficult because it's not just a drive into the neighborhood they're going specifically to this house looking for this car because we saw them on the on the ring doorbell cameras looking at the plate first and there were two cars in the driveway so you know um they're they're just as hard as we work to prevent crime they work very hard to to do their job right what's the you know I saw that one of I read the I read the police blot which I appreciate that we're producing more awareness of you know what we're doing what the steps that we're taking to deal with these crimes but um I see sometimes these cars are going to Newark what's the cross coll collaboration between us and Newark and Essex County look like can can you speak to how how that works the the the availability of the roadways for us is the problem right um we communicate so like I said I get uh I get information from the rock which is the county um crime stat um which is stay by so you know I'll get a report you know of cars that are stolen um and where they're stolen and what what the reason was that they were stolen so we're working with the state through the state police we work with the county like I said prosecutor's office any anything anything we could that we could utilize we use um parpan is a geographically is in a tough spot right we have 10 we have 280 80 you know it's very easy to come into our Township and then just go on the highway and they know the rules and The Rules of Engagement because they're they're well publicized throughout the state um they have an idea what they can get away with and what they can right so it makes it difficult but we're we're collaborating with anybody I go to the chief's meetings once a month I get information from them they're constantly sending out questions or solutions to problems that are going on throughout the state so or throughout the county so I deal with that pretty regularly and are you able to share with us I don't know if this is something you can share to the public or if it's something just members of the governing body could receive privately are we able to receive uh you know reports on how investigations are progressing or arrests that get made and you know specifically you know what happens post crime because you know often times we'll see the post about you know from the focus or the other uh newspapers about the crime has been committed but it would be helpful and you know to to show to the public what we're doing and give the updates to these newspapers showing that we did make an arrest in the end we did find this individual this is sure we could send out arrest information after it happens um and we could also you know the original arrest that happens but if they're charged later um you know papers usually don't care about stuff that happen down the line and that's usually if they're charged with a crime it's usually like a county issue that the county will send it out um but the investigation we're not sending out any because it's just it it puts us behind the a m right we don't want anybody to know what we're doing no of course no I I get that yeah but the the original arrests we usually send out um or we're starting to do it more often now and then uh yeah if we get a case where uh you know it's a big drug arrest or there's an arrest that or charge that was added on later you most definitely can send it out but like I said those are usually organized through the County prosecutor's office is there the charge agency so it's usually in collaboration with them and that's usually blasted out for papers I guess just my last question would be in light of the new officers that that we've hired um can you walk us through how you've maybe changed man Manpower or how Manpower is being utilized to match the time period when these crimes are being committed which is generally late night early morning is that something that's happening can you walk us through that so we actually used to have um three day shift tours and three night shift tours and they were pretty spaced out one would start at 3:40 in the morning 5:50 in the morning and then 8:00 in the morning and then um uh the the nighttime shifts or afternoon shifts would start at say roughly 3:30 5:50 6:00 and then 8:00 so what we did in the last few months six months or so is that new schedule um uh we eliminated that earlier Shi and we bolstered up the midnight ship to put more officers on so it's been working very well it works well for a number of reasons overtime is one um which we were running into a little problem with that and also uh that's when we looked at the stats where our crimes are coming in um you know a lot of these bures happen at different times but they're reported you know in the morning so it sometimes shows up that they're early morning incidents but they're really not so we bolstered up the night short um and like I said they're they're out there just driving around you know they're doing the main highways not not the county or the state ones 46 and then all residential that's where that's where we want to focus on thank you Chief can I just um one more um Chief not it's not for you um this is two simple things um just so you know rainbow Lakes it's having a fishing chip on March 1st I figured that if anybody want to go and I can't eat greasy food but it's actually pretty good um but um I'm sure the council got received a complaint with regards to Fox Hill Road and I just want to let you know that the township and the police department and our engineer we've been on this since November of last year maybe before that um so I just want to give you a little U background on it the P Police Department trafficing section has taken the follow action to improve safety on Fox Hill Road around major curves yellow curves Chevrons and a 15 M PR yellow speed advisory signs were installed these uh 50 m power signs are for advisory purposes only and cannot be enforced as the actual speed limit School Bus stoper head signs were placed in both directions of foxville Road in an area of Highwood Road and Oakdale Road at the request of the residents a new 25 M speed limit sign was placed at top of rout 80 overpass to avoid driers approaching from R 53 the speed trailer was placed on foxo road ult road on May 5th 2023 and remained until November of 2023 the only time the speed trailer is moved is when it needs to be fully charged and then it's returned to boxill Road these speed trails are utilized between spring and fall only speed Trails do not go out in winter months due to inclement weather and roadway conditions Speed trailer risk being damaged by plow salt spreaders during the winter months the speed Trails will be redeployed to the location in early spring over the past 2 years there was 144 motor vehicle stops were made on foxville road and 135 summons and warnings were issued to motorists in the area 26 radar specific details were also conducted on Fox Road there have been many times officers deployed to various locations on Fox Road and did not observe any motor vehicle violations the complaint also expressed concerns with Landscaping Vehicles school buses and commercial trucks traveling on foxville road although foxville Road has a 4 ton weight limit post it we cannot limit these vehicles from traveling on Fox Hill Road as many of them are providing services to the residents of Rainbow Lakes they also suggested making Fox Road residence only foxville is a public roadway and we cannot limit people travel on a foxille road to Residence only and I bring this up because I got this report from the traffic um Paul Levy patrolman Paul Levy uh the the Pity Police traffic session will continue to conduct enforcement on foxille road and will address all police related concerns um I've gotten many complaints with regards to speeding in areas of Lake Shore Drive in Lake Paran Lake Shore Drive in Lake kwaa um I'm also next the next meeting I'm going to get the reports on Mountain Way and metal Bluff Road um because we've done studies on that during the school year and that's been an issue uh of speeding on that road as well uh I have a commitment I'm going to make I made a commitment to the residents that we want to keep our public streets as safe as we can from those that are speeding in residential areas um I do want to thank Paul Levy I want to thank the township engineer and I also want to thank the business ministrator for handling this matter on Fox Road uh Paul's been been fantastic he actually went out today and spoke to the resident um and uh so we have a commitment to control speeding on our roads um because uh Public Safety like I said comes first thank you council president thank you just uh real quick under Township Council it says Uh there's a presentation from Craftsman forms that'll actually be on March [Music] 5th Mr Madden any other member from uh Township Council yeah uh since council president just brought up uh Craftsman Farms I'll provide a couple of updates uh I did as liaison to the Craftsman Farms I uh I met with uh V given and Barbara Weiss Kettle over the weekend for tour uh as you may or may not recall last year we went out um the uh they received a grant and the town put up M matching money uh to rehabilitate the annex and the the visitors Pavilion and the uh the construction there is going on pretty well and they anticipate that finishing by the end of summer uh with a ceremony in uh in early fall that of course all the members of the governing body will be not notified about secondly I met with the historical advisory committee and I'll submit my update to the Township Clerk um they received notice that there's going to be a uh uh that all towns are being encouraged um to plan for the 2026 uh which is the 250th year um uh uh year of you know the United States and and so they're asking to form committees um and coordinate efforts to promote and celebrate um the the historical um the historical sites that they have pertaining to the to the Revolutionary War and um that's going to be something they'll they'll probably be asking the township Council to support um and then uh third uh I spoke with Senator Buco he is the Senate minority uh Republican leader and um he's been pretty pretty vocal about trying to stop um s50 which is currently a bill in the legislature right now which is overhauling the Fair Housing Act but in reality it's going to make things much worse for the uh the the towns uh all throughout the state so I think councilwoman Hernandez has the same resolution that I was going to submit to our town uh our town attorney uh or our Township uh council president for us to vote on I gave a copy to Mr lab yes so we could do that um and then you know I guess just lastly it's you know it's been a recurrent theme of uh the administration and the Board of Ed supposedly um going to sit down to discuss the pilot money and I just wanted to follow up on you know when that meeting is going to happen the meeting will happen if to have discussion with the council president and the business administrator with regards to um budget issues um with regards to the uh school budget as well okay uh any other member from the township Council I'll have a couple of committee report should I wait until we get to the committee reports uh no you can go ahead now I uh as Lea's on to the Board of Ed I met with the board of at president uh last evening and we went over some items which I'll be sharing with the administration in add addition to that I uh also had a library meeting with the library committee and um they did ask I bring to the administration um if they could set up a meeting to discuss Lake high waa uh regarding the 3 million Grant as well as the 3 million they have to see what they can possibly do and so I'm bringing that to the administration's attention okay well um I'll reach out to Melissa thank you any other member from Township Council I I do have two committee go ahead M Fernandez on February 5th we met uh Loretta and I met with the Paran child daycare center and they're doing fine while and lman is still low since covid they are doing well financially they are looking to update their accreditations and and get more accolades um so they're doing well but they do need people so if you know anybody responsible 18 and older who need some Administration work or child care just because it's a very hard and long day um um that was the posty child daycare and then on January 10th I met with the posty environmental advisory committee they're working on the tree or a tree ordinance which will be coming down the road we talked a bit about storm water um there's a lot of Ines I'd like to bring to the Council on storm water how to manage blueacre funding to help people in the in the township that might need help with their properties and there's a lot of other ways we can get Revenue you to by um working on different grants and opportunities in the state and that we also have a green Fair coming up in the spring um we've been successful with a few in the past I'm I'm not sure if we hold in on a date yet April maybe mid April there's going to be a poron um some of the young high school kids are doing a poron clothing swap what else are they doing and I'm a native plant sale in May so all good things on the environment and I think that's it for today thank you thank you mandez so clerk mad go as well so for the economic development committee U economic development team and mayor bararia will extend their congratulations and officially inaugurate the new business A3 digital media located in 90 East Hy Street or Harley Road excuse me join us for the celebration on Saturday February 10th at 10:30 and please feel welcome to attend it's open to the public join us in extending our congratulations and celebrating the first anniversary of opna swad restaurant Loc at 81 North beverick Road Lake hawaa celebration will take place on Saturday February 10th at 1:00 this event is also open to the public so please come and join and be a part of this joyous occasion and join us celebrating the grand opening of aad argentin Argentine Grill uh at 229 Littleton Road on Saturday February 17th at 5:00 economic development team alone with mayor barberio will be present to extend their congratulations this is also open to the public and we'd love for you to join us and then the next meeting on the economic development committee is Wednesday February 14th at 6:30 at 90 East Hy Road Third Floor conference room public is invited please RSVP with Frank kahill at uh real quickly I just wanted to mention that uh right now the first quarter uh property taxes are due on February 1st there's a 10-day grace period that is happening right now payments not received in the tax collector's office by February 12th will be charged interest back to February 1st uh sorry to be the be of bad news but I wanted to make sure that uh other people are aware that we are in the grace period and you can still take advantage of that grace period um the other thing I want to mention is that the Paran Transit bus system the free transit system uh has upgr at their schedule and made some changes added uh 17 new stops and um the route is on uh the website so you can see it it's it's something that uh we hope residents can uh continue to take great advantage of uh also there are some on our website you'll see some postings for employment opportunities we uh in a number of different areas and across a number of departments please uh uh take a look share with your friends we're uh interested in having good people join uh the good people who work for parp and work for you thank you thank you Mr cryan I do not have a report we've already gone over the township office committee's reports and there's no correspondence at this time we're going to go into ordinances first reading ordinance 2024 col 01 in ordinance of the tup of precip Troy Hills Morris County New Jersey amending and modifying chapter 4 administration of government section 4- 81 third party payment plan for Emergency Medical Services provided by part try EMS chapter a445 fees compilation section A 445-1911 Emergency Medical Services of Dakota of the township prity Troy Hills in the county of Morris New Jersey be it resolved that the above ordinance be introduced read by title and passed on first reading at a meeting of the township Council of the township pipany Troy Hills held on February 6 2024 and that set ordinance be further considered for second reading and final passage at a meeting to be held on February 20th 2024 at 700 p.m. prevailing time or as soon thereafter as the matter may be reached at the municipal building in set Township at which time all persons interested shall be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance be it further resolved that the clerk be authorized and directed to advertise said ordinance with the notice of introduction thereof being published in the official newspaper according to law motion to approve the above resolution please motion make a motion okay motion by Mr Mella seconded by Mr neglia roll call Mr herandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr K yes okay at this time i' just like to ask the council to just review uh number two and three seeing there's no questions we're going to move on to the non-consent agenda number one r224 d10 resending the renewal of a pocket liquor license for bath Mah motion to approve the resolution above second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mel roll call Mr nandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mel yes Mr neglia Mr K yes motion passes 20241 approving a retail liquor license renewal for the licensing term July 1st 2023 through June 30th 2024 for Mr barrath Maha motion to approve the above resolution yes make a motion okay we'll go with we'll go with yes that sounds fine and second is Mr neglia I thought you made the motion roll call Mr herandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr kifi motion passes number three R 2024 12 authorizing the execution of a monument display operating in maintenance agreement with 199 pomoy uh East parpan LH LLC motion to approve motion second motion by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr herandez Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr kif yes R 20244 approving an emergency agreement with online Contracting Incorporated for the replacement of the East heading Place retaining wall motion to approve motion second made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr Hernandez Mr McGrath Mr Mel Mr neg Mr K r 20245 regarding purchases of goods and services utilizing various Cooperative programs motion to approve motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mela roll call Mr Mr herandez yes M Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr Ki yes motion passes um next we move on to applications for licens and permits R 20243 2024 renewal of licenses tourist ation and Amusement Games motion to approve make a motion second motion made by Mr Mella seconded by Mr negle a roll call Mr herandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr Ki yes motion passes moving on to approval of payroll and bills list CFO Leonard ho recommends authorization for payment number one authorized payment of the February 2nd 2024 regular and miscellaneous payroll estimated at 1, 650,000 and number two payment of bills from vacher list of 2124 through 2322 uh 2324 is at $532 4688 motion to approve authorization for payment made by Mr Hernandez I'll make a motion we got you don't worry we got you covered who's a second M who's the second I second okay Mr Mella with a yes roll call Mr herandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella Mr neglia and Mr K yes okay uh now we're going to go ahead and move on to Executive session resolution whereas the open public meetings act uh PL 1975 chapter 231 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the township council is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist and whereas the township Council wishes to discuss attorney client privilege information regarding potential litigation and whereas minutes will be kept and once the matter involved in the confidentiality of the above matter no longer requires confidentiality the minutes can be made public now therefore be it resolved by the township council at township PRP TR Hills that the public be excluded from this meeting now please have a motion to adour to close session motion okay motion made by Mr Hernandez seconded by U Mr neglia roll call Mr Hernandez Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes for the public uh we don't anticipate to be in there for more than about 5 minutes uh so we'll see you in just a [Music] few all right can we please have a motion to go back into Open Session make a motion second motion made by um Mr Mel seconded by was it Mr kifi Mr negli Mr neglia okay a roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes okay I'm just going to direct your attention to Township attor ly for a brief report sure uh we emerged from executive session at 8:42 p.m. uh where the committee discussed a pending litigation matter um no official action was taken copy of these minutes will be available at such time as the council determines there was no harm to the public interest and then if the council so inclined we did a motion to authorize a settlement in uh wheat versus Town paci Troy Hill at this time I will ask the council to make a motion authorizing resolution number 20246 authorizing settlement for wheat versus Township pipany may I please have a motion motion motion made by Mr negli a second second second by Miss Hernandez roll call Mr nandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr K yes motion passes okay at this time may I please have a motion to adjourn make a motion second motion made by U Mr Mella seconded by Mr neglia roll call Mr herandez Mr McGrath Mella Mr neglia Mr Ki yes we're adjourned have a great night everyone everyone child or administrator