##VIDEO ID:k72--wbXlU4## Township of precipi Troy Hills regular Township council meeting of September 24th 2024 introduction posting of notice adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with the retire with the requirements of the open public meetings law by filing the notice in the office of the Township Clerk and by posting the meeting notice on the bulletin board at the municipal building on January 4th 2024 which remained posted since that date a legal notice appeared in the daily record of the nework Star Ledger on January 8th 2024 may ask everyone to please stand for the flag [Music] salute to the flag the United States of America and to the repic for stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for [Music] all roll call Mr Hernandez here Mr McGrath here Mr Mella here Mr neglia here Mr kifi here also in attendance are mayor James barberio Township attorney Mike lvery business administrator Jamie cry and Township Clerk CED Madden council president we have a you may begin thank you yes please upcoming meetings October 8th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. is the agenda meeting October 22 2024 at 7: p.m. is the regular meeting moving along to ordinances second reading and public hearing ordinance 20245 Bond orders providing for the various sewer utility Capital Improvements in and by the township proci Troy Hills in the county of Mo state of New Jersey appropriating 5,726 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 5,726 th000 bonds or notes to finance the cost thereof the notice for ordinance 202 415 was published in a daily record the official newspaper that attach to precip Troy Hills on August 27th 2024 and introduced at the August 20th 2024 regular meeting motion to accept ordinance 20245 be heard in its second and final reading motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr uh Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella yes Mr neglia Mr K yes moving along to the public hearing motion open up the public hearing for ordinance 20245 motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr McGrath roll call Mr herandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella yes Mr neglia Mr kifi yes floor is open to the public on this ordinance only evening Kowski pany I am speaking tonight uh for Nick homc our friend who unfortunately had some oral surgery and is not able to attend so imagine if you will that Nick can't talk however he asked me to pass along some thoughts uh that are related to this ordinance no infrastructure improvements will have any effect as long as our streets especially in commercial and business districts are allowed to remain in substandard and unattended states of pollution and Litter with no actual clean Community mandates or cooperation from business store owners and residents in improving sanitation and Source separation practices cleaning some of the areas like parts of North Borth Road one day a week with a machine is not the answer store owners must be encouraged and if this is not sufficient then mandated by law to clean their premises sidewalks and gutters at least once a day this is a minor task for the good of the community the volume of plastics especially along North beverick Road are saying to everybody that nobody cares about this litter and garbage if we allow all these products of convenience to exist and be used then we must hold the sellers and consumers to some standard of citizenship storm drains along the length of the Rockaway River and in its River sensitive areas need to be given special attention as many are outdated with Widemouth entrances the highwat pool area is in need of more frequent and caring attention and policing trash including along River Drive and the end of veil road which is another area of trash blight in need of more frequent attention lastly the volume of trash and litter in these and many other areas makes a mockery of the slogan pride in parpy there's clearly no Pride when it comes to preventing or cleaning up litter thank you thanks thank you anyone else okay seeing uh no one can I get a motion to close the public hearing for ordinance 20 2415 make a motion second motion made by Mr Mella seconded by Mr neglia roll call Mr nandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr Ki yes whereas the above orance was read entitled on second reading and a hearing held thereon now therefore be it resolved that said ordinance be passed on Final reading and that notice of final passage of said ordinance be published in the newspaper according to law uh motion to approve the resolution motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes okay so the motion passes at this time we're going to take um we're going to before we move on to the next ordinance we'll allow the mayor to go ahead and make a proclamation yes just so this fine gentleman doesn't have to sit through the rest of the meeting yeah I'm so 15 old coming [Music] off all right next to me I'm going to be reading uh you're going to find out about this young gentleman in a moment how how bright he is how smart he is and I wish I was as bright as you considering your number one person in the state and I'm going to read um basically what this man young man achieved this Proclamation by the Council of P Troy Hills whereas Evan Schwarz age 15 is a lifelong P resident and the alumni of Lake Katha Elementary School and Central Middle School and he begun his sophomore year at the Academy for business administration at Morris County School of Technology hous at Randolph High School and whereas part of a very rigorous schedule Evan attends classes at both Randol high school and County College of Morris to who will finish his high school career with both a high school diploma and associates degree in business and whereas subsequent to taken required Microsoft certification courses and testing Evan was notified by Pearson test and the Microsoft that he received a perfect score in Microsoft PowerPoint in addition to completing the test in the fastest time in the state whereas Evan Schwarz was named by both Pearson and Microsoft as the Microsoft Office specialist New Jersey state champion let's get a Round of Applause well Evan continued his to competition in the Microsoft Office specialist ml National Championship at Disney World Orlando from June 17 to the 19 where he represented New Jersey in competition against the state champions from across the country meeting with Executives from both Microsoft and Pearson and attending leaderships and seminars whereas upon graduation from this program Evan plans on continuing his Collegiate Experience as a business major at the waren School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania now therefore I James Al barbar the mayor of the township of P TR hols to hereby present this proclamation to Evan Schwarz as a token of respect and admiration command him on his outstanding academic accomplishments and wish him well as he continues his academic academic Journey dated this 24th day of September that's for you Evan [Music] take first of all um to show you a good public speaker as well now real quick your dad called me up he was all excited um that we present this to you that's a lifelong resident of course as well I don't know if you're a liong resid but you can be for this amount of money also I have a little token a little gift for make myself to you um so you know spend it wisely on your parents cuz you know I'm sure they and I wish you the very best in your in your career young man 15 years old you imagine getting an associates degree and everything on one shot so you know so maybe we be hiring you here thank [Applause] you thank you counc okay thank you mayor okay so we're moving back to the ordinances the uh second reading in public hearing ordinance 20246 Bond ordinance providing for various improvements and upgrades to the wastewater treatment plant in and by the township proci Troy Hills in the county of Mo state of New Jersey appropriating 9,500,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 9,5 ,000 Bono notes to finance the cost thereof the notice for ordinance 20246 was published in a daily record the official newspaper of the township Pacific Hills on August 27th 2024 introduced at the August 20th 2024 regular meeting motion to accept ordinance 20246 be heard in the second and final reading motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr muella roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr negam yes Mr yes motion passes public hearing motion open up the public hearing for ordinance 20246 make a motion second motion made by Mr Mella seconded by Mr neglia roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes and Mr Ki yes the floor is open to the public seeing no one can I have a motion to close uh the public hearing for ordinance 20 2416 make a motion second motion made by Mr Mella second by Mr neglia roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes whereas the above ordinance was read en titled on second reading and a hearing held thereon now therefore be it resolved that set ordinance be passed on Final reading and that notice a final passage of set ordinance be published in newspaper according to law motion to approve the resolution above for ordinance 20 2416 motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr K yes motion passes ordinance 202 2417 Bond ordinance amending and supplementing Bond ordinance number 20239 here to4 finally adopted on September 5th 2023 by the township forany Troy Hills in the county of MOA state of New Jersey to increase the appropriation therein to 1,700,000 and to increase the authorization of bonds or notes therein to 1,700,000 to increase costs provided in njsa 40a Colon 2- 20 the notice for ordinance 20247 was published in a daily record the official newspaper of the township precip Troy Hills on August 27th 2024 and introduced at the August 20 2024 regular meeting motion to accept ordinance 20247 be heard in it second and final reading motion second motion made by Mr Hernandez seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes motion passes public hearing motion open up the public hearing for ordinance 202 2417 motion second motion made by Mr McGrath seconded by Mr melum roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes floor is now open to the public on this ordinance only seeing no one can I please have a motion to close the public hearing for ordinance 2417 motion made by Mr Mella second seconded by Mr McGrath roll call Mr herandez yes Mr Mella yes Mr McGrath yes Mr neglia yes and Mr kifi yes motion passes whereas the above ordinance was read entitled on second reading and hearing held thereon now therefore be resolved that c ordinance be passed on Final reading and the notice the final passage of set ordance be published in a newspaper according to law motion to approve the resolution above for ordinance 20 2417 motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr melum yes Mr neglia yes Mr Ki yes motion passes okay now we're moving on to the public session I'd like to a uh a motion to open up the public session motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr McGrath roll call Mr herandez yes Mr uh McGrath yes Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr kifi yes floor is open to the public you can speak on any matter you have five minutes to speak hi my name is Sandy Hall I'm from Leighton New Jersey um at your last meeting uh I believe Mr um Carl Journey had made some comments to you about the uh resolution sitting in Trenton right now that support the opposition to the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area change after Mr Journey had made his comments another gentleman has stepped forward and made some other counter comments to that and I would just like for the record to uh leave information with everyone have copies for everybody on the Town Council about this particular issue um first of all thank you for the opportunity to address the town Council I'm a founding member of the Delaware Water Gap uh defense fund we actively oppose the Delaware River National Park and lenpy preserve alliance's proposal to change the designation of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area to a national park and preserve and I'm not here to debate the issue I'm addressing designation comments made by a resident at your last town meeting there are two important facts to know first request to the alliance for impact statements have been ignored secondly approximately 58,000 acres in this leny preserve will be open to Forest to field conversion and that could lead to possible Timber degradation habitat disruption land clearing urbanization soil erosion and resource extraction we are not anti- government as the other gentleman said we were we are working with the local legislators in Sussex and Warren counties pikon Monroe and Pennsylvania to fight this designation proposal the turtle Clan of the ramico Lenny lenapi opposed the proposal as as does the lenpy nation of Pennsylvania it is the anad Darko lenpy from Oklahoma supporting the proposal hunting will not be allowed in the National Park only in The Preserve the national park designation does not guarantee more funding or staff the National Park Service suffer to 12 a half% budget cut last year and to be clear this proposal did not originate with the National Park Service we have met with the National Park Service and offered cooperation for events and volunteer projects currently there are two resolutions in Trent in opposing The Proposal ar133 in the New Jersey assembly and Sr 93 in the Senate are waiting for a vote we ask you to contact your local legislators Dunn baranco and Buco to support these resolutions that oppose the designation proposal Pennsylvania Congressman cartright uh supports our efforts New Jersey Congressman Cain supports our efforts and Congressman goheer recently added an amendment to Appropriations Bill HR 8998 opposing the designation change and this bill just passed in the house this past Senate this past August rather uh I'm providing each council member with copies of the proposal our objections and concerns the resolution in the New Jersey Senate and the list of opposing and sporting environmental organizations we now have over 5,200 concerned citizens and groups in our opposition Network and I have extra copies um for the gentleman who actually made those comments um and you can contact us at any time with your uh questions or concerns and I just like to add that we did contact uh congresswoman shelle's office and she uh kind of said this doesn't affect her folks so she's not going to take any motion on it but we have very strong support within the uh our Congressional area right now uh if you all have any questions or concerns and again these were just for to make your record clear that's it thank you okay thank you very much thank you can I leave this with sure absolutely is your phone number on there yes sir it is all the information you need all right thanks very [Music] much pass this down to the council [Music] my name is Bob ledia and I live in par siany unfortunately the topic of Pilots popped up again at the last Town council meeting I disagree with several of the statements that were made at the meeting in favor of Pilots but because of time constraints I'd like to respond to only one statement that was made by council member neglia and that is that some Pilots are necess necessary because projects won't get done without them in the case of residential p uh projects and I emphasize the word residential Pilots are never never necessary to begin with residential Pilots are huge money losing propositions for municipalities because of the educational costs associated with them let's suppose that a large residential Pro uh project doesn't get built because a pilot is not granted the township wins because it won't be losing money annually on the property for the next 30 years and if the developer decides to build a project anyway without a pilot the township is a winner again yes we're still stuck with the affordable housing units and the cost to educate the students coming from the apartments but instead of collecting $1 million in Pilot payments we'll be collecting $3 million in conventional taxes and that's just an example I have never heard a reasonable explanation of how a residential pilot is beneficial to a municipality in my opinion any member of the governing body who promotes or votes in favor of residential Pilots is not acting in the best financial interests of parity taxpayers thank you kski pipany uh I would just like to quickly ask that since I see there's a resolution to join the uh lawsuit against the state on the piure housing issue that somehow we be given a copy of the brief I assume it's now public yes that's been filed so we can see what the arguments are and what the legal strategy is so he how can we get copies of that council president goad uh Mr jsky I'll make sure that I get you a c email you a copy and then we'll also post it on the website as well great thank you [Music] coun sir ton persono 41 Robin Hood Road Mars Plains New Jersey uh first off I owe a public apology to Mr Gill as I blew through his article and made a misstatement on Facebook I also corrected my statement uh previous town hall meeting it was brought up that certain things are private what you have in front of you is a d qualification list it also turns around is uh most people don't understand it's if you haven't driven for 30 days your employer has to pull all the information and now since the new CSA act which has been an act for about 15 years it's all on record electronically transferred so if you turn around and get notice from your security person they're correct it's all electronically transferred second thing is uh which we can go over some other time is uh if you have multiple employers you required a manual log and I'd like to thank mayor roberio for a program he's starting about Public Safety uh Judy I just get to it because uh we thought we'd go BS over helmets yes thank you we got the B anyone else okay seeing no one I'd like to entertain a motion to close the public session second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr herandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes floor is closed moving on to the consent agenda be resolved all items with an asri are considered routine and noncontroversial by the township Council be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a council memb so requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered its normal sequence on the agenda motion to approve the consent agenda motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr Hernandez yes M Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes and Mr kify yes motion passes approval of minutes for the agenda meeting of 8624 and regular meeting of 82024 can I get a motion to approve the minutes please make a motion second motion made by Mr Hernandez no uh motion made by Mr Mel second about Mr Hernandez uh roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr um McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr negam yes Mr kifi yes motion passes moving on to presentations and reports mayor uh thank you um Ked um before I read my report I'm going to be calling up um Mr arold mandelo to do a presentation on cannabis now as you know a lot of individuals in town you know were I'm not saying for me to get this ordinance going um with regards to Canam that I did not feel comfortable with um I didn't feel comfortable with it the way it was written the way even other towns have it I felt that porcion is it's a big town um you know the bottom line is this and I said this at the last meeting and I'll say it again um there are residents that are concerned about dispensaries in pipany so I felt it was my job to meet with a professional that handles this where can make me feel comfortable with any ordinance that we put up for dispensaries for you know for cannabis in general as all the classes that we have and that gentleman was Ron Mandela he did came to my office did a presentation for me for uh Jamie and for our zoning officer not zoning officer our planner and I felt very comfortable with regards to putting an ordinance forward um and I want to thank you Ron for you know presentation that you gave us um but I did have some you know concerns and um he addressed them so I mean I'll be honest with not everything is going to be perfect um but you know the bottom line is that all the surrounding towns around us are going to have dispensaries eventually and they're going to go drive through pany and we're not going to get any of the revenue so and I know a lot of the council members probably feel the same way I feel with regards to it so um I present to you tonight Ron mandelo may I appreciate the invitation if we could just have a couple minutes to set up the technical aspect of this be too long [Music] ever fails I usually bring my own equipment so I know exactly what I'm doing how many attorneys does it take to set up a projector six should get we should get Evan back in here I think Microsoft is going to hire computer's on so so when you going the day before did you make reservation you just add they like is it on nice show you everything I got give you a little well I think you're going to have to increase the budget for uh yeah well next year I I hope The Hourglass hasn't been flipped over isct possibility the burnt down though I've had mine for 5 years and we don't they use this at zoning and planning me good there it is there you go there it is got stuff lights and now you got to just push it forward the cart yeah there you go that's good okay with the uh mayor's and the governing body's permission may I remove the microphone I work better on my feet moving around a little bit all right so thanks again for the invitation I appreciate it I am uh Ron mandelo and unlike many of the attorneys that may speak to you in this particular area uh cannabis I only represent municipalities most of the other attorneys that you have probably spoken to represent cannabis businesses and they've got a vested interest in to make sure that porcion jumps into cannabis now I don't live here I don't govern here I have no idea if cannabis is right for parpy however there are a few guiding posts if you are a bedroom community you are flush with cash meaning you've got 20 20% of your Surplus in the Surplus uh budget and you have no vacancies it's absolutely positively not right for your town I'm going to make the assumption that um all of those factors probably do not apply to uh parcion can you guys see this or am I blocking anybody all right so um I have done this presentation many many times there is about 80 slides we are not going to get through all of them I am stopping in about 10 minutes so buckle up but please stop me if you have any questions all right so uh this is cannabis businesses in New Jersey all right I am a member of the New Jersey Institute of local government attorneys I am the New Jersey State Bar Association the Cannabis law special uh committee executive I am the New Jersey State Bar Association cannabis Municipal land use co-chair uh and again a trustee of this particular organization that is my card people always ask me if it's a scratch and sniff it is not so leave the card alone these are some of the towns that I represent that we need not spend a lot of time on this I as I mentioned I was a councilman in two different towns not at the same time uh burrow attorney uh in a particular Town zoning and planning board attorney zoning and planning board chairman so I am uniquely suited for this particular cannabis role with respect to municipalities don't ask me to do your application for the uh CRC I have no idea how to go about doing that looks like I lost my pointer but anyway uh my son says it's very important you know which bands that I like so these are my two favorite in this order the Almond Brothers and the great Deb all right so this is America's views on legalizing marijuana and ironically it's called marijuana when you don't have a license it's called cannabis when you do go figure but in any event I suspect that those numbers are going to uh greatly increase over time uh we're at I would say that says 68% I would say that that's probably on the low side we're probably about 85% as we we see now that's 2020 um all right so we're speaking recreational Cannabis there is another form of cannabis it is medicinal alternative treatment centers we're speaking recreational these are the folks that uh are on the um uh the Cannabis Regulatory Commission however uh this particular fella uh down at the bottom here uh Mr Barker I although he resigned I'm told he gently got pushed out and he has been replaced by um the wife of the mayor of plain field all right so how did this get how did this get passed New Jersey has always been about home rule and it will remain that way forever now we know that New Jersey has 564 municipalities California has 482 this got pass because all of the decisions remain up here with the governing body if you want a particular cannabis bus if you don't want cannabis you you can opt out and remain opted out um if you want a particular cannabis business over some other business all those decisions are made with the mayor and the governing body so home rule continues especially with cannabis you have complete control over how it is uh authorized how it is planned how it is carried out so who should be involved certainly the governing body the executive meaning the mayor they provide the 10,000 foot view they've got to set policies on number of caps distance ing Community impacts Etc and of course you want as we already have your uh planner and any other construction code official that may be involved so interested groups local businesses schools universities law enforcement citizens and of course uh the Law Department all right let us let us go through the various classes of licenses very quickly so we've got a cultivator obviously those are the folks that are growing cannabis that's what it looks like we've got a manufacturer they take the raw product they turn into gummies tinctures extracts chocolates etc etc um there you go they take the raw flow and put it in that Machinery which is extremely expensive cultivation the odors can be very very strong they need really strict Odor Control mechanisms to a much lesser extent manufacturing because it comes in those types of sealed bags and goes right into the equipment all right wholesaler those gentlemen they're ordering a 100 of these 500 of those etc etc they probably own a cannabis dispensary uh a distributor well that transports items in bulk from one cannabis establishment to another that's what he's doing uh all right now this is the most sexy class class five the cannabis dispensary everybody seems to be much interested in a dispensary versus some of the other and that's what they look like um many folks have asked me and they concerned about what is this going to look like I'm seeing most cannabis businesses are investing a half a million upwards in their businesses assessments go up property taxes go up and they are beautiful stores let's talk about some Myth Busters now uh everybody's concerned about this fella at the top there I'm going to get rid of that I look like that guy that that's got to go away but everybody's concerned about this fell hanging out out on the street and a blight on the uh neighborhood queuing it all hours uh and looking like this bottom right hand corner weed world I am not seeing that and again remember I represent municipalities I don't represent cannabis businesses that ombody skin in the game um this is what we're seeing they are professional buildings they really look U uh very very nice tidy organized every single window is opaque nobody can peer in to see what's going on children can't get into these facilities it is much easier for children to get into liquor stores uh speaking from practical experience I think when I was 18 I borrowed my brother Bobby's license once you cannot get into these cannabis dispensaries they are gauntlets if you are under 21 you're not getting in there are at least two checkpoints with very sophisticated machine Machinery to try to figure out if your license is a fake all right um this is uh I guess you would call it an offshoot from Uber Eats weed delivery is basically what it is um folks that have this license can deliver to your house uh essentially 24 uh7 let's hope it doesn't look anything like this vehicle all right this is one of the outliers it's not a class of license it's my favorite cannabis business it is a Cannabis Testing Lab now it's not very popular because there is no tax to the municipality with respect to a cannabis lab however our friends uh professionals that we know doctors lawyers accountants I don't despite what I look like I don't smoke pot I prefer Scotch but in any event those folks are smoking uh cannabis and it needs to to be tested we want to make sure there are no Metals in the Cannabis we want to make sure there are no pesticides all right we're not going to get into the differences here a micro business is just a scal down version of the other six licenses uh all right so what is the process at the state now somebody could apply for what's known as a conditional license uh they don't need any approval for for from parpy to go to the state but within 120 days they have to have the all important resolution of support uh if they do a state annual license they first need the all important resolution of support from the governing body in order to get that state license uh we're not going to talk about the time frames this is a very important slide it is a two-tiered process that resolution of support it's from the governing body it's the most important piece of the puzzle the CRC will not Grant a state license without it the local licensing occurs here no need to reinvent the wheel you already have uh licensing processes in Place uh simply use that um all right so municipalities can create their own local licensing uh what else we have here are the Cannabis statutes in a nutshell a municipal a municipality cannot enact ordinances not in conflict with the Cannabis Crea act you can govern the number of cannabis uh establishments but not the delivery to your town what does that mean so if partan decides to opt out and if there are surrounding towns that have opted F in and have either a Class 6 uh delivery or a class 5 that also delivers they can deliver to your residents 24/7 you can't say anything about it and you don't get any of the revenue the state has preempted this fi I had a May a mayor in a town which I will not mention he said I don't like marijuana I will never allow it in my town I'm going to put police officers around the perimeter of my town and make sure nobody comes through selling it I said mayor you going to lose the next election and you're probably going to get indicted that would be against the law it is preempted you cannot stop folks from delivering 247 you can govern the location the times of operation uh most importantly establish civil penalties for violations if for some reason they are not using the technology they're supposed to and folks that are under 21 get served shut them down and find them and municipalities can impose a separate local licensing we spoke about that now most of the towns opted out years ago because the New Jersey Institute of local government attorneys of which I am a trustee they were concerned about the regulations we don't know what the regulations are going to be so you have that proforma uh opting out resolution or ordinance that you got from the league of municipalities so did everybody else use it however there was no Epiphany the regulations are just more details on the statutes there's nothing else there everything we mentioned in the statutes before is up there in the regulations so you want to make sure that if you are permitting it make it feasible you don't want to say well we want it 5,000 ft away from every school you have essentially uh opted out and uh made cannabis uh inutility you just there's no way it would be permitted make it a permitted use or conditional use figure out where you want to put it the number of licenses I hate this slide but I can't tell you how many governing bodies insist that I do this so there are a dozen factors that go into these numbers how many cannabis establishments are in your town and the surrounding town so this is shooting from the hip but retail typically could make 9 million to 12 million a year so that would be 180 to to 240,000 to the municipality cultivation about 12 million to 15 million for about 15,000 square ft uh understand that it takes 16 about 25 months for them to ramp up you put the seeds in the ground it takes a while but you could see revenues of a quar million to 300 manufacturing of Highly profitable if you've got the capital to buy that equipment 20 million to 25 a year uh 400 to about a half a million a year uh all right some other potentials local employment most of my municipalities require that a cannabis business try to hire parpan residents 80% 50% and explain why you can't if you can't um you you will see a uh a positive Community impact cannabis businesses are required to show that positive Community impact through education donations expungement clinics volunteerism uh local businesses there usually is a typical increase in sales for local businesses everybody jokes yeah the pizzer isn't fast food because of Munchies right commercial vacancies if they are uh uh um that they are here now there will be a significant decrease in commercial vacancy all right we're not that's the uh process I put together for hobok and we're not touching that that's Jersey City interesting uh Jersey City was in and Hoboken inundated with telephone calls I suspect you will too and they put together this interactive map where you could just punch in an address and it would tell you whether or not it was in the green zone so you may want to set up a a web page um no more applicant scoring there's some case law that says it is Big Smoke versus West Milford as as long as your decisions are reasonable the judge is not going to touch it not going to overturn it so don't get into scorecards and all that other stuff uh understand that cannabis applications are not operable we shouldn't be sending somebody else's business plan to another competitor um all right uh we're not going through any of that uh limitations grocery stores delies can't have it indoor food can't have it anything that engages in food you cannot have a cannabis business all right local support resolution by the governing body it has to include determination that the town has authorized this class of license sought by the applicant and if there's a numerical limit let's say three it shouldn't be resolution number six um proof of local support this comes from your zoning officer I get three calls a week from zoning officers I'm not doing this I'm waiting for the planning board to give me a thumbs up no it's a simple letter you can charge for it um it basically says this particular class of license is permitted in this particular green zone end of story it's less than a paragraph uh so this is how a municipality handles a cannabis application uh we want to look at odor we want to look at location signage Neighborhood Impact security is big uh prohibiting sales to miners no consumption on the pre premises traffic Municipal incurred cost of enforcement that's a big one for for me you want to make sure that none of this falls on the taxpayers shoulders and there's ways to do that there are reasonable host Community agreements where if the CFO has to audit that gets passed to the Cannabis business opening day you may need seven police officers that gets passed to the Cannabis business we don't want the taxpayer on the hook for this now the Cannabis business may say why not other businesses don't have to pay this stuff what other business in New Jersey pays a vig a municipal tax to a municipality none this is not a typical business that's extremely and highly regulated uh th those are the percentages by the way you'll see that there is nothing for cannabis Labs um Cannabis Testing uh very innocuous nobody's allowed in and there's only a couple folks with white lab coats uh very innocuous all right uh we already saw that we saw that um you may or may not want some type of a cannabis subcommittee a cannabis review board those are policy decisions that uh you folks will make and if you are going to have it the go does the governing body have the knowledge and the bandwidth Jersey City needed a cannabis control board why because there are up to a 100 applications and the governing body and the mayor would simply collapse if they had to review all of those applications I know Paran is going to have a lot of interest but probably not 100 applications uh recordkeeping for those boards uh there should be some level of recordkeeping all right this is host Community agreements I'm simply going to say that our pellet division said it's okay you're allowed to do it just make it reasonable it should not be give us this amount of money and um we will or or buy us four fir trucks and we'll give you your resolution of support um it should include the applicant to sponsor job hire Hing fairs attract local residents women people of color re-entry candidates engage in community outreach uh maybe contributions to um Charities First Responders etc etc it's not a money grab we're not going to go over that require some level of site control you don't want applications coming in for the same site we don't want six applications saying oh I've got that site get a lease a deed a binding letter of intent uh you want to make sure the ordinance has host Community agreement Lang in there but it should only be negotiated after the Cannabis business has all the approvals so no judge could say come on that was under duress and you hung that resolution of Support over their head in order to get that resolution of support the Cannabis border subcommittee um and the planning board they'll going to vet that cannabis application but again the final Authority is with the uh governing body uh there should be some appeal process for the disgruntled or AG grieved applicants that didn't get it let of support have no place in this process the medicinal ones a simply a letter from the mayor sufficed but uh we don't have any atc's anymore the last were 2019 uh your your licensing process should be annual so you could keep tabs on the uh the Cannabis business all right uh we know this don't solicit anything of value worst statute I've ever seen they copied the casino statute and basically said that any member of the governing body the judge any planning board member etc etc uh can't have an interest in a cannabis business anywhere in the state notice they excluded attorneys Senators assemblymen um but those Folks up there can't um that is it I'm sorry we don't need not go into litigation that's more time than I expected to spend on this and I apologize any questions can you uh can you own and I I think we I think we touched on this um I don't quite remember CU it was pretty detail when we spoke it's a lot of stuff can you own a dispensary a manufacturing cultivating company all just one ideally those are the kinds of in my opinion cannabis businesses that you really want it's a vertical business and if there's a big building and they want to do manufacturing and cultivation there um you've got control that's one site and you know exactly what's going on at that particular site you don't you you can but you don't usually see cultivation manufacturing and a dispensary at the same site it is uh an anomaly but I have seen it what is separate licenses those are separate licenses separate fees uh yes absolutely separate resolutions of support yeah anything [Music] else all right well I thank you very much and apologize once again for going over my time well I I I first I'm just want to say time coun I appreciate it we're going to have more meetings with Ouran to over policy because that's next um with regards to how many dispensaries how many manufactors cultivators if any in pany so Ron thank you once again thank you for the invitation appreciate okay um I have just a few things to announce here council president um I'm going to read into the record two things here tonight one is um I spoke to Michael Collins the attorney for the fora housing litigation that towns are um opting into and tonight there'll be a resolution on for the township of parcion to um opt into with I had a really good conversation with him um because you know ppy will be get impacted probably the most when it comes to um the amount of affordable housing but I want to read into there's this notion that only m p against the recent affordable Housen bow excuse me I have allergies are affluent Suburban towns or ultra wealthy communities trying to keep the poor out that is not poony we have diversity and we have economic diversity here in Paran I myself I grew up in Colonial Heights Apartments um I'm a product of moderate income housing growing up here my mother and father did not make much money but that being said it was the best and I cherished my time there and this is where my love for this great town grew we are not trying to keep poor people out of our town but rather ensure fairness across across all municipalities and the cost of new developments are addressed most importantly and new requirements should prioritize keeping our hardwork and longtime residents who could no longer afford to live in New Jersey we are very much in favor of affordable housing but it needs to be done in a sensible way there are ways to produce affordable housing that that that do not have to create the problems that is going to that it's going to create the current law imposes excessive mandates on municipalities without fully considering local conditions and resources are ways to help address the cost Associated to development as it stands our taxpayers have to cover all the cost for the entire building of additional infrastructure impacts the schools the police and Public Safety no one disputes there is a value and need for affordable housing there's no doubt a housing affordability crisis in is in New Jersey the dispute is how to go about addressing affordable housing and this law is not the way to go about it it needs to be more thoughtful and include those at local level they are not addressing the cost and who's paying for it it's critical that our voice as Township is heard I hope that joining this delegation allows the state to take a deep breath and step out and provide the opportunities to get all the important stakeholders at the table including local Municipal leaders to craft regulations that will be effective and efficient at meeting our state supportable housing needs it should start with creating an Avenue to keep paron residents in Paran and not forcing them to move out of the state because they cannot afford New Jersey after retirement and should continue with ensuring that affordable housing obligations are shared fairly and proportionately between all New Jersey municipalities not exempting over 60 municipalities from the Mandate it should end with ensuring that there is a clear consideration addressing the infrastructure Public Safety cost and school imp impacts that will be created I believe in diversity I believe in economic diversity I believe that the Corr current law is terrible and I mean it terrible for parity terrible for municipalities and terrible for New Jersey so I'm going to move on to my next um well first I'll get into the summer concert Our Last Summer concert will be uh this Thursday and the group is um rated R for rock now last week um myself and the Board of Education president took it upon ourselves to meet to talk about and there will be a press release that will be put out with regards to our meeting um that we had on Thursday and I'm going to read some of it and I and I mean this wholeheartedly we had a really great conversation uh and Andy TR and I with regards to meeting and discussing pilots and just other things not just Pilots shared [Music] services today is a historic day for p Lippy as Community leaders Andy and I re recogniz that we must work together for the betterment of our community at large and not permit those with our own agendas to divide us or course us to lose focus on our current mission to make parci the best as a product of our school system I know firstand how important our schools are to thousands of families in town while the Board of Ed and the municipal government are separate bodies we must work together as one for Pony as I stated all along Pilots are not a Panacea but they are useful tool which can and should be used to effectuate code development projects where needed or that provide a significant Community benefit I've always stated that I will work with the Board of Education to determine a fair and equable way to use a portion of pilot funds for the direct benefit of our schools but also of our Township the Board of Education president stated I am delighted to announce this work in partnership with mayor Barbaro and appreciate his recognition that is a fair and appropriate to use portions of pilot funds to receive for the direct benefits of our schools now what I'm going to read now goes to the affordable housing we have significant financial needs in our schools we have cost that are increasing far greater than the 2% cap what permits us to address we must plan for increased demands for space teachers and staff that will be cus by the state of New Jersey's affordable housing program we cannot overstate the impact that the state mandated affordable housing will have on our schools in the coming years the mayor and I agree that although we are separate areas of government we must work together as one for the benefit of parpan and he States I look forward to scheduling these meetings and getting to work and the reason why those statements were made we had a really in-depth conversation with regards to Pilots to a to affordable housing everybody keeps saying that Pilots great school age children they don't they don't at all what creates School a children is the mandated affordable housing and I think once we get past that Pilots create School a children when they don't and Andy and I did that the conversation was great I'm looking forward to working with Andy um we're going to change the perimeters and how we're going to meet and discuss um and I'm we going to speak to those individuals um Council vice president Frank neglia and Matt McGrath on the committee there'll be dialogue between the superintendent schools and the business administrator Andy and myself and then I'm going to be reaching out to our committee that we formed and they have an ad hoc committee as well and I'm glad that Andy and I could put things aside because that's what you're supposed to do as Leaders you're supposed to put things aside not make it political to move forward I move forward was best not just for parping but for our children for our seniors there's a lot of things here that take effect um and and I can tell you right now growing up in this town living in this town I know very well but I also know we have a very very very large senior community here in Paran large and we need to get the best bank for our buck um after speaking with Michael Collins of affordable housing I felt very comfortable I don't know which way this lawsuit's going to go but I'm encouraging other townships throughout the state to get involved because the more numbers that we have the more pressure is on the state the more pressure that's on fair share of housing it's kind of funny and I don't mean this anything towards fair share housing but it's kind of funny how they are just pretty much that powerful that they control they can control so much in municipalities that our government body our Administration really doesn't have a say and that's why I believe that this lawsuit is something that needs to be done to let them know we need to be heard we need to have a voice you just can't come here and say you have to build all this and then tell us okay like they did with um excuse me one minute with land index well you're going to have to build two new wells well each well cost $6 million who pays for that taxpayers okay well you have to redo your infrastructure which means what your roadways we get no mandate it's mandated we have no funding from the state but yet there are 60 municipalities that are exempt and with kind of with kind of strange on that these are the areas that need affordable housing okay they need it significantly so we should all share in the burdening together not that it's a burden of course we want people to have affordable housing I can tell you I'm an affordable housing administrator you've heard it how many times I got to see how many people can't afford to live in New Jersey they have to have this type of housing I get all that but our infrastructure our Police Department our schools are going to be affected drastically because as you see we have companies that are going to be vacating in the future um next year we're going to have a big one that's going to be vacating so and I'm going to bring this up tonight for one reason for one reason only and I know there's been some meetings in your area Paul with regards to housing with regards we're only catch 22 so if we have hous come in and we try to avoid it by putting warehousing in we get yelled off for the warehousing but we're trying to stop the pain now the warehousing is positive rable it's it's no school AG children are going to the school so we're going to catch 22 we have to make a decision I have no problem making that decision I'm sure the the governor body has no problem but that's what you're left with you're not left with these companies coming here knocking your door down cuz they're not anymore in fact some of them you're going to be leaving and you know when you hear and you read the sky you know you know in one of the letters to the editor which is fine by me I don't really care when they say you know may by the sky is not falling down well no it's not falling down it's collap and I can tell you this much right now I've spoken to many many many of our corporate they're going to believe in Pary so when someone wants to write a letter to the other that's fine you you know you can do it and there's rebuttal I get all that um and they compare us with other town you can't compare prony to other towns you just can't you can't say that you know and and they are a lot of companies are from Suburban areas are going to the urban areas now used to be the other way around you can't compare person you can't compare whole boken the Pary you can't compare any of these towns to purany why is that well we're third largest Corporate Center in the state of New Jersey and we're the number one corporate suburban area in the state of New Jersey which means what we have the most to lose we have a lot to lose so when we lose these ratables and we lose these companies that that are going to most likey will be leaving and then we being told by the professionals that the Market's not coming back to possibly 2040 and they don't even know that 2040 we have to we have to address these issues and I think I hope this lawsuit does that I hope the state comes to its senses um with regards to towns like paron and all the surrounding towns we're not an AF in community because we have 7,000 Apartments um and I I consider them not low income but moderate income in the sense that but we don't get to count those numbers so that's why par is going to have a big numbers going for it and hopefully hopefully that this lawsuit um addresses that and um everything else has been done cannabis and council president thank you for um letting me have your time thank you just a just a followup mayor thank you for you know kind of giving us an overview and I'm glad that uh we've taken the first steps and trying to proactive L work on a new Revenue Source together which is which is cannabis and seeing how that can benefit the municipality um and be a new source of revenue for uh for this Township I just want to ask you a question about the uh press release I'm really glad to hear that uh we've met with the Board of Education and trying to lay their concerns about the impacts of pilots on on the school district but what are the specific details of of this agreement that is going to be uh is going to be um worked on can you comment that yeah first there is no agreement first first we're going to make sit together talk give the the facts out the logistics of what a pilot some that we have and logistic of um and we did meet with regards to shared services with regards to projects that the schools um and capital project that the schools need to get done and of course we're going to have to address some of the needs that we have here in part syphony um that's going to be the starting um point for Andy and I to discuss in detail I have a list of what they need done which is um and and I kind of in all reality it's it's a lot of stuff and I don't know if the township can handle it all but we we're going to get to the table we're going to see what's PRI prioritize and see where we can go from there and that's where Andy and I are going to meet on a regular basis and I'm not going to sit here and and tell you everything because it might not happen uh but you will know we can have executive sessions because now going forward there going to be negotiations and and negotiations you know you until you have an agreement you really don't to you know discuss the negotiations out in public so that just so I understand this press release is just announcing that we're going work together okay okay pretty much what I read into the record is what's going to be in the press release you ready Frank okay any um Township Council yeah I had a a meeting with the library as liaison and uh I just want to announce that um it was decided that uh regarding the Lake highwat Library they're not going to give up the construction Bond and we'll go ahead with plans for renovations using the approximately 3 million the town committed in matching funds and the library will apply for a substantial change and see if the state is willing to give the bond money or possibly a reduced amount uh so they can move forward with some type of renovation um they said they need to check with the bond Council to see if the bonded funds can be used for renovations and that's being looked into also they discussed the roof was also discussed and agreed upon to do um and um they I believe they've gotten four quotes and they just recently they said uh sent it to the purchasing director Susan Taylor I think her name is yes and she just received those so I guess the town will look over those and then uh I guess talk to the library make recommendations and get that done that's pretty much all they really discussed regarding just just a follow so um the project I I recall was supposed to be 6 million so they're now going down to 3 million well actually no the project was originally you're right 6 million but then with all the went up to 9 million so now what they're looking to do is utilize the funding that was bonded from the town which is probably around 2.8 million left and they're going to utilize what they can out of that along with any funding they can get with to the state to renovate the lake highwat the library you did they um foro the $3 million Grant no that's they're trying to they're trying to get it into the renovation thinking that if they redo it along with um you know some new architectural drawings to renovate they're hoping they can get a good portion of it okay that's what their hope is thank you you're welcome what's their time frame for this um they they're they're not going to lose the bonded amount because they they reapply for an extension so um they didn't really say they said they can reapply for the extension every year so I guess they really don't have a time frame but they would like to get it done as soon as possible so so basically what's going to happen um going forward um with regards to the time there will be a time frame that they're going to get from the state as well probably just even though they get an extension so it's going to come down to the government body um and the library and the administration deciding um on the funds um right now like we do have a certain amount of money left and up on 2.8 million like the council vice president said but they have to actually they get get it to exact because I mean I don't know how much more money the council would be able to put out that's really where it's at the reason why I asked about the time frame is because um sometimes the Congressional office does offer grant money and they had mentioned the library might be a program that the next time this comes it comes around that if we apply for that project for grant money from the Congressional Congressman Cheryl's office that it might a possibility we could I believe we applied for that already yeah okay yes any other member from Township Council yes I just want to make some uh comments around economic development team so uh alongside mayor Barbaro we welcome new businesses Dunkin Donuts on September 7th at 1980 Route 10 West premium digital Office Solution on Tuesday September 17th at 141 New Road in Premier classic cars on Saturday September 21st at 3460 Route 46 uh economic development team collaborated with the New Jersey Economic Development Authority to offer several Grant grants tailored for local businesses these grants aim to assist businesses in offsetting leasing expenses for newer extra space ranging from $250 or sorry 250 to 10,000 sare ft at street level there's a provision for 5,000 to 50,000 to reimburse business Proprietors for expenses linked to interior exterior enhancements and the acquisition of installation of new furniture fixtures and equipment and this is a program we talked quite a bit about working with Frank kahill there's been over 20 parci businesses uh have applied for these grants and upon approval they're expecting over 1.3 million in grant funding um they've been very proactive and informed numerous real estate agents as well so people that are looking to fill their local businesses that these grants are available to people and make sure that they're understanding how to go and apply for them and it's a valuable incentive for potential tenants to consider Paran as a new Landing home so for further details please contact Frank kahill at 97355 96000 and just a reminder that October 1st at 6:30 is the next economic development meeting so if you're interested in coming and attending please reach out to Frank and RSVP and also the transparency committee is scheduled meet on October 15th at 6 o'clock here at Town Hall so after a bit of a summer off that is back on the agenda as well thank you any other member from Council Council pres this one more comment um and has to do with development in town I on Sunday I met with about over 100 residents and one of the discussions we had was and they said to me about overdevelopment and I said and I said to them and you know it's not overdevelopment there's no overdevelopment here in P siany it's Redevelopment cuz everywhere that's being built is being redeveloped it's already built out you got ladex which was built out you had the 2030 ladex across the street was an office building these are all Redevelopment Pro uh projects um so far there's been no new and anybody that's coming here is same thing they're taking properties in poron that are developed and then of course there's a process and Redevelopment that's what they're doing so there's no new ground breakings or anything like that they they demolish the buildings but that's because was developed already and and there was a different need and I explained that to the residents and they they they really they got they got it they they understood that hey it's not overdevelopment it's Redevelopment overdevelopment would be if you have vacant land and you start building on it that's not what we have here in pany so and that's why when I talked about affordable housing that's why our numbers might be big because they're eyeing and these fair share housing individuals are going to see what can we redevelop and where can we redevelop it and that's that's where our numbers are going to come in on all Redevelopment in parity so thank you C patney uh no report this evening council president business administrator thank you thank you council president just uh real quickly uh moris County uh recently announced the development of a countywide local Safety Action Plan um it's to identify and prioritize Transportation safety the improvements to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes on our County and Municipal roadways um por residents are urged to visit morris. safety plans nj.com that's morris. safety plans nj.com to participate in the survey and web mapping activity Paran and the county have mutual goals of reducing traffic fatalities and serious injuries and this is one Avenue to do so uh we'll be eligible for additional grant funding um if you know the more people that apply the more people that that fill out the survey the more opportunity we have to uh get grant funding so please uh take part and uh the county has been a good a great partner to us uh in this and they're looking to do what they can to help um just want to thank the residents uh think there's about 7,000 of them that came out to the um Fall Festival uh it was a great day uh also want to thank the uh employees who worked hard and and did um uh uh their best to prepare for what turned out to be a really uh beautiful day um Trunk or Treat is on October 26th from 1: to 4: p.m. at Smithfield uh so save the date on that uh there'll be more information on the website uh also want to uh uh congratulate Frank Kel um being elected governor congrats can you lower our taxes definely it's um know 33 years dedicated service in the quanus is uh uh pretty amazing and um uh great community service on your part so thank you for that um the uh state of New Jersey lowincome household water assistance program can help you pay if you're in a rears on your water sewer bills uh program may be able to help address tax leans due to water and SE aers as well so to get more information go to water assistance. nj.gov or call NJ 211 um and last but not least uh the forers market continues on Friday so that's it thank you Mr K you mentioned the Smith Field for trunk Retreat yes okay I have no report moving along to ordinances first reading there are none moving along to the non-consent agenda r224 154 providing for the issuance of special emergency notes in the amount not to exceed 1, 12259 3.74 to fund contractually require required Severance liabilities resulting from the retirement or termination of employees in the township motion to approve resolution motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr muella roll call Mr nandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr KY yes motion passes are 2024 1555 authorizing Township officials to undertake certain actions in connection with the issuance and sale of a 6 66,6 5,000 Bond anticipation notes series 2024 tax exempt consisting of 25,5 169,000 General Improvement notes 26,2 40,000 water utility notes 13,9 156,000 SE utility notes and 1 million Golf and recreational utility notes and B 2, 422,000 special emergency notes series 2024 federally taxable motion to approve the uh resolution motion second motion made by Mr Hernandez seconded by Mr neglia roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr neglia yes Mr Mella yes and Mr Ki yes motion passes r224 156 authorizing the removal of dead and diseased trees to tree King Incorporated motion to approve the resolution above motion second motion made by M Hernandez seconded by Mr muella roll call M Hernandez yes Mr mcrath Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr kifi yes motion passes r24 1557 authorizing change order number five for the Craftsman Farms log house kitchen restoration Annex project awarded to prco Incorporated motion to approve the resolution above motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr M Mr neglia Mr K motion passes R 24 158 authorizing change order number two for the mount taper phase 1 water main replacement project order to Regal utility Service Incorporated motion to approve the above resolution motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella Mr neglia yes Mr Ki motion passes r224 1559 authorizing change order number one for the media replacement program phase one awarded to National metering Services Incorporated motion to approve the resolution above motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr K yes motion passes r224 160 authorizing a contract for the purchase of one Toro multi Pro 5800 Turf sprayer with accelerate and accessories motion to approve the resolution above motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr herandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr kifi motion passes R 2024 161 authorizing the purchase of two 225 2025 Ford Explorers active four-wheel drive vehicles with options from neelson Ford of moristown motion to approve the resolution above motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr yes auth r224 162 authorizing the settlement of litigation with Reva Contracting Corporation can I have a motion to approve the resolution above motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr muella roll call Mr herandez yes Mr McGrath Mr muella Mr neglia Mr kifi yes motion passes r224 163 authorizing the execution of an agreement with William a Gluckman do for medical director Services motion to approve the resolution above motion second motion made by Mr Hernandez seconded by Mr neglia roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr Ki motion passes R 2024 164 authorizing the participation and litigation to address the constitutionality and or validity of New Jersey's affordable housing mandates motion to approve the resolution second second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr McGrath roll call Mr herandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr kifi yes motion passes move along to approval of payroll and bills list CFO Leonard ho recommends authorization for payment number one authorizes payment of September 27th 2024 regular miscellaneous payroll estimated at $1,650,000 and number two payment for bills from voucher list of September 15 2024 through 917 2024 $2,673 1873 can I have a motion to approve the authorization for payment above please make a motion second motion made by Mr Mella seconded by Mr neglia roll call Mr nandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr kifi yes motion passes can I please have a motion to adjourn the meeting second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr herandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes okay we're adjourned have a good night everyone thank you