##VIDEO ID:4p_QcsNgZh0## okay okay we're on record we're on record good evening announcement is made that adequate notice of this meeting has been given and that it is being conducted in accordance with njsa 10 coling 4-6 ET SEC of the New Jersey open public meetings act roll call please miss Jolie Mr burwitz not here oh sorry I didn't mean to say Mr jtz here Mr Quinn here Mr ready Mr willings here chairwoman grani here we have our board planner Mr Chadwick board engineer Mr Lono and board attorney Mr Johnson here would you please join us in standing and saying the Pledge of Allegiance flag of United States of America the stands nais with liy and justice for all for the record Mr Petty's here Mr chav can you raise your right hand please just where or affirm that any testimony that you give tonight should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes Mr Lano you swear affirm that any testimony that you give tonight should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes thank you [Music] the meeting is open to the general public agenda application 2310 we're doing COGIC application 2460 COGIC 200 weeo road block 737 lot 2z s-5 a a minor site plan with d variant for fuel storage capacity Paving and stripping Mr than you everybody Joseph O'Neal of here follow O'Neal here on beh of the applicants coic what COGIC is basically is a data center you're an existing dat Center down on weo road by uh liid Church what they're looking to do is they're looking to expand the capacity of the generators to have backup generators and that of course necessitates storing F uh fuel and this is a tier 2 Wellhead protection so for that reason we are here for you this evening for the storage of the fuel I had a b presentation prepared when we were scheduled the other night but we have only a half hour so I now have a very small and on Point presentation from here cologix is a wonderful company does data storage there they take a lot of pride in what they do the uh site is very secure when with that i' would like to go right into description of the tanks themselves which is probably what everybody would have to hear about so I do [Music] have sorry can you raise your right hand please do you swear or affirm that their testimon you abouted to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth can you state your name spell your last name please yes my name is John Jacobs J OBS Mr Jacobs can you give the board please the benefit of your experience yes uh I am an architect with a company called Corgan I have been designing data centers almost exclusively for the last 17 years uh We've performed work all across the country and even globally COGIC is a client of ours we've deployed facilities for them in multiple States and we're doing work within this Legacy facility at webro Road I would submit uh Mr Jacobs as an expert for architectural purposes as appears to be qualified Mr Jacobs could you please describe for the board what EX exactly we are doing here on the site we proposing to do sure so uh the facility being a data center uh the the client's customer requirements involve uh maintaining power and connectivity for their servers and it equipment uh if there should be an electrical failure uh with the utility grid they would require generator backup for those purposes to maintain operations continuously the way that we deploy generators for COGIC they have a gen an engine a diesel engine for backup power it's mounted on top of a fuel storage tank we refer to colloquially as a belly tank uh and that is what we're proposing for this particular site the construction of the belly tanks is double walled so there's a primary storage tank there's an outer tank should there be any kind of leak within the primary tank itself unlikely but again just for safety reasons and also for the cost of diesel fuel our clients are highly motivated to ensure that there isn't no link U as a tertiary measure for this particular facility all of these belly tanks are being located at within a sump so that is actually a slab depression within the building footprint itself uh where these tanks will be stored and then all diesel storage will will be essentially within the envelope of the building and not out on the site so it's indoors that is correct now these are not pressurized correct so we refer to these tanks as atmospheric and what that means is the fuel within the tanks is under no more pressure than say water within a glass sitting on your table uh the contents are not pressurized diesel is flammable but it is not explosive like gasoline uh it requires compression for it to combust so if you're familiar with diesel engines uh it requires a lot of pressure within the Piston to actually achieve combustion so in this case it's actually pretty safe well known uh and then we've also classified the building appropriately for the storage of diesel uh for building construction purposes NIS levels I beg a pardon noise uh there is noise however there is sound attenuation on the gener U on the generator so there is a Muffler that would go with the Gin set and then it exhaust upward and outward so if you look at the existing building there are actually Legacy generators you have I kind of call them Stingers but they're essentially an exhaust pipe that comes up and then goes up above the building so it's not necessarily just blasting noise um at at the property boundary and then also the site is bounded by commercial properties on all sides I believe it's the is there a requirement for any kind of fire suppression system there is uh so there is actually a fire suppression system within the generator plant room so uh what our clients deploy is what we refer to as a double Interlock pre-action system so these are systems that remain dry the pipes don't have water in them they don't charge until there's actually an alarm or a need for that to occur but there will be fire suppression within that space and it's water will event will go into the system when required that's correct okay when the system alarms pipes are charged and then heads fused to release water within that space how often do you have to exercise these uh generators are required to be exercised potentially monthly or bimonthly depends on the U on the maintenance scheme that the client adopts uh the other part that limits this is there are actually Federal uh emissions requirements that restrict the amount of runtime for generators outside of Emergency Operations so they're not running constantly usually I think in most cases you'll see them run once a month uh they might run them for you know 20 30 minutes again just to make sure that the engines are in working order uh that's that's to make sure that when there is a power failure the engines will reliably start and deliver power to the client daytime daytime exercise I assume daytime exercise yeah we don't want to do it at midnight I think most staff are present during the day any other questions from the board is there anyone in the public that would like to speak on the information that was given by this gentleman tonight I just have just one more question surely how many generators are we proposing we are proposing in this trench of work six generators in total how how many total generators would be on site oh I'd have to go back and count again but I we did do a a quantity take off of the fuel that's on site so um basically with this variance that we're requesting would bring the total storage of the facility to 54,500 gallons of diesel on site that's with the 6 36,000 additional correct that's the total storage on site cor yes and the fact that it's stored inside I guess is a little weird to me but that's a common practice it's so it was a very common practice I'd say about 10 to 12 years ago uh to have diesel storage that was uh within kind of entirely contained underground or indoor diesel storage more commonly now generators are actually deployed outside the building but in this particular case because of the site constraints and the way that this building was designed it's it's kind of a legacy design from from about a decade ago so fuel is going inside and that's actually how this facility has been deployed with all the previous phases as well and with your expertise you wouldn't consider this any more dangerous than outside or would you no I wouldn't because again the the gas itself the I should say the diesel excuse me uh while it is flammable it is not of an excessive quantity for building code okay yeah if you were building that structure today would you build it inside or outside what would be preferable we would build it outside but not because of safety it'd be more out of economy so it's what out of economy it's just cheaper to to locate the generators outside the building uh on a site on a pad putting them inside the facility actually costs more time and money uh building this sump is actually going to be a bit of a burden for this client but in this case it's the right choice for this particular site because they're already there you're taking up space basically you say exactly right thank you no further questions other questions are there any other questions from the board someone like to uh you ask question question oh sorry I think I did is there anyone in the audience that would like to ask questions of this witness on his testimony only seean uh would someone like to frame a resolution please done uh no I don't have any further with this I've got some site questions if your site engineer is present yes you can bring him up for questions up [Music] you swear ourm the testimony that you're about to give is the truth the whole truth about the truth I do you please state your name spell your last name please um my name is Joseph yuchi last name spelled y a n n u CCI uh can you give the board please your qualification sure I'm a associate principal with Langan engineering and Environmental Services located right here in parsipany I've been with the firm for 24 years and been practicing civil engineering the entire time your licenses are all current yes I would submit him as an expert for engineering appears to be qualified and you're familiar with the reports prepared in association with this application yes I believe we have a [Music] question um with respect to the outside facilities in the back in the corner there um what how what are we see as footprint how big or how tall are those units sure I'll uh I'll give a two-minute overview of what the improvements are happening outside of the building that's what I was responsible for um the there are proposed six new Transformers located in this uh corner of the rear of the property I'm going to zoom in here here are the six Transformers um that is is really the only new equipment that is happening on site outside of the building uh there will be new concrete underground concrete duct Banks going from each Transformer back into the building so we are digging a bit of a pit here to locate all these underground conduits uh located within the existing asphalt area um we are not altering the current limits of the vehicular use area all the maneuvering the vehicular maneuvering back here will be made as is um the Transformers will sit on concrete pads and I believe your question is how high are these Transformers correct don't 6 ft approximately 6 ft High they're all the same height it looks different on the chart uh the Transformers are located here and they would all be the same same size and height where's the biographer look out above those I'm sorry sir the Biograph that goes above that what that the conduit under ground the conduit under that's all underground got it thank you about and you're going to have a fence or some sort of protection uh around this around around them that they're not going to be exposed to the you'll have a fence or some sort of there's an existing fence in the rear of the property but there will be ballards placed in front to protect them from thank you now that area is elevated right now is that going to be brought down to Pavement level you're leaving it up there or so there's uh we're stepping the Transformers uh there's about a 2 to 3T elevation difference from the asphalt to where the back of the property is so uh we will be proposing some minor grading to flatten the area that's stepped up I believe the uh the uh the elevation of the concrete slab is about 18 in higher than the than the asphalt I'll confirm that in two seconds and did uh just for the boards where I have a memo October 7th that the town engineer has already uh reviewed the soil moving permit for this so that's already in hand um the other issue that I have one of the issues I have is that in Prior applications there was one in uh one silven for a generator uh the generator was considered an accessory structure if this is if these Transformers are considered accessory structures there's variances required so I'm not sure how that because there I don't think we have any precedent on determination of a uh Transformer however the way I read the land use law they talk about a structure could be on or below the ground which would bring tanks into the being and based on Jennifer's interpretation of uh the [Music] ordinance I think it is an accessory structure the Transformers the tanks are in the building we're talking about the this is equipment you consider air conditioner equipment accessory structures yes she does I I believe the terminology is the generator was considered an accessory structure but uh there was no mention of the Transformers these are Transformers back here the generators were inside did you meet with the zoning officer to discuss that no we I that I misunderstood what you just said there there is a letter somewhere that mentions the generators being considered an accessory structure but the gener are are located bu inside the building corre but there's no discussion on the Transformers correct well see that uh you know they're they're somewhat unique I mean there are Transformers that are on commercial property because they needed the the power source and I don't recall ever dealing with a Transformer that was considered an accessory structure no I I I believe equipment is not considered accessory structures the town does consider air conditioners we've had a number of cases this year where people changed old air conditions but new ones in the same location and we dealt with them quickly so why why don't we do this my interpretation is after the discussion that it is is not a uh power power facility that it would be Noel in this type of use I don't disagree with that uh the other item is there's a rolloff container in the parking lot is that going to be removed it's already been removed uh the increase impervious cover triggers under 22598 a minor development um for storm water have you looked into that at all as how you want to address that or sure so our plan to address that is to remove four existing parking spaces to provide a net zero impious service right right now there's about 621 Square ft of new impervious surface being generated by the six new Transformer PS uh that was the nature of the comment so in an effort to eliminate that we're looking to eliminate for existing parking spes what is what is the required parking versus parking on site now versus the site is uh significantly over parked right now the uh provided parking is 92 parking spaces uh the required parking is 13 so we have plenty of opportunity to reduce the parking spes and the required is based upon the ordinance correct number of plant employees number of managerial personnel number of V Vehicles station at the site um it was all based on our current operational needs at 13 okay um there were some numbers in the Burgess report spill prevention counter The Spill prevention control and countermeasure plan appears to indicate that the current fuel storage is 15 15584 and the current oil storage is 281 so the um prior Township action permitted 4,000 gallons of fuel and again the plan says there's 15,000 now and we're going up to 36 so I guess my question is are we adding 36 to 4,000 or are we adding 36 to 15,000 we're adding 36 there was an error in the prior approval that it didn't take into account existing fuel storage That was supposed to be an additive number so the number we just provided to you was total fuel storage on site so let's not make that mistake that's why I did it that particular way 36,000 is the additional fuel storage and that other number was was that again the total fuel storage was 54458 gal so that's total fuel storage what was that number 54458 CU I didn't I don't remember seeing that number but that's so we're at almost 55,000 gallons of fuel um and just the the applicant should update that plan if if there's approval all the fuel numbers are changes so that plan's going to have to be updated okay do and that's all I have Madam chair update the spill plan sorry update the spill plan is that it's called The Spill prevention control and countermeasure plan okay I will include that language any other questions from the board are there any questions from the public in regard to the testimony from this gentleman only see that but someone like to uh form a a uh thank you thank you are there any comments for or against this application you had no Witnesses had no other Witnesses thank you Mr O'Neal thank you Mr Johnson so I I think that you've answered for me any concerns about safety you have an ongoing business that needs to prepare for the future and it seems the Minimus in nature so I will be uh voting for it thank you want me to keep going yep yes please application 24 col 60 col 200 web road block 737 Lot 2 Zone sc- 5A minor Sunny plan Grant the W uh with a d variant for fuel storage capacity Paving and striping do we have need any other the language in there Mr Johnson we're going to remove four parking spaces removing four parking spacing and adding the proper fuel number and the uh update of the spill prevention plan and an update of the fuel spillage prevention [Music] plan second second J yes py yes Quin yes ready yes Williams y [Music] yes thank you everybody thank you um your your resolution will be is approved and uh will be uh approved at the upcoming meeting and mail within 10 days and you can then apply for your zoning and construction permits thank you application 2310 clein Outdoor Advertising LLC 99 Fanny road block 449 lot one zone sd3 site plan with CD variants to construct a bill voard okay good evening once again everybody J oal here follow O'Neal here on behalf of the client on this continuing matter we are here this evening with additional exhibits showing the board the reduced visual impact of the proposed sign with elements being Incorporated that basically limit the view to the size we provideed show you a very clear exhibit we just take few seconds to get fast [Music] with me again is Mr vote who previously sworn and qualified Ro correct yes thank you still LIC New Jersey Mr H yeah so why don't you walk through what we've got here now sure good evening good evening um sure to the right is our uh site plan uh rendering that was uh testified at our our previous hearing I believe that's exhibit A2 um and on the left is our new exhibit uh showing uh some of the lighting um proposed for the billboard and the viewing angles I can label that a new exhibit for you so that was not part of the package that that was not part of the package exhibit A3 definitely had an A3 we had we had other ones before had an A3 we had an A4 I think we were all the way up to nine I think we're up to nine yeah I have a note on an A8 so I think you're right I think we're A9 A9 make A99 okay so A9 A1 A10 okay A10 okay so A10 is a uh aerial view of the property with the location of the billboard um located in the middle it's it's a it's basically the Red Dot I have smaller handouts if that's easier for the board if you'd like to have them in front of youe [Music] we'll hand it up sure thank [Music] you sure so this exhibit A10 while that's being passed out it's it's labeled ex-02 it's aerial view exhibit bit rotated and it has a date of 87 2024 what are we looking sure so John how does this relate to okay so to the top of the page is north to the bottom of the page is South uh what we did is we superimposed the billboard location uh on the aerial and we presented the angles out from the face of the board and what we're using with this uh Billboards technology is a light mitigation uh screen so it limits the viewing angle to a 30° viewing angle on each side okay so it goes out you go out 30° from Center on each side so it's a 60° viewing angle from left to right on both sides as opposed to um it as opposed to it being uh almost double that 120° so we're limiting that uh down to half the size so what we did is we basically grayed out what you see in a dark color is beyond the 30° Mark where the screen goes black and you cannot see it from your viewing angle so all of the properties that are in the dark hatched areas are beyond the 30° viewing angle and will not see the message on the billboard base yes it's dark so you won't see any residual light is that what you're saying you won't see any residual light beyond the beyond the 30° you may see the structure itself but not the message now I noticed down bottom on this exhibit around Intervale Road there's still some houses in the lighted area about how far away are those houses sure so those rings that are on the page they go out in increments of 100 feet so the last ring is 500 ft just as a scale of reference so if I if I come down you're at easily a th000 feet to interval Road sure there are I received in the as a result of a question with Mr O'Neal and aial photograph do you know Mr O'Neal when this was previously provided I do not believe that was previously provided that was done at my request um I was told I did not make copies of it I'm going to send it down the board and they could just quickly look at it uh because yes there sure do you want to do you want to see that I I have concern the houses across I have handouts of that why did you just put that up as opposed to little one around yeah the hand we got oh you got a hand up and this is a11 correct this will be a11 the reason I I interrupted their presentation is because I had some concern and I think it came up prior meeting about the impact in the interel road neighborhood but I think a th000 foots reparation uh with the stipulations they put on uh i'ms satisfied so while that exhibit a11 is being passed out that that again is another aerial photograph very similar to A10 uh what and what we did is you'll see there's a white line that shows a distance from the point of the billboard location on the subject lock and then down to Intervale Road and if you look close enough and I can read it to you because I know it is small where the end of that line is the distance from the billboard is 1,167 Ft approximately so you're you're definitely at the 1000 foot and better Mark and it's going through multiple properties multiple areas of trees over a building over a building building correct right right correct and what I also did on exhibit A10 I put elevation numbers on those drawings so you'll see little flags that have elevations on them so our billboard the ground level underneath the sign is elevation 401 so 401 Intervale Road I have a I have a ler going down there I it varies anywhere between elevation 389 to 395 so it is several feet lower than our existing [Music] property and then I have other elevations throughout scattered throughout just to give you a an idea of what the different elevations are on the surrounding Mr chadrick you're comfortable that this is going to have next to no effect on any residential correct okay I before the meeting I made a point of going up again and looking at it after having received what is now A1 okay great and what I what I also did on this exhibit is the the the Northbound side or the left hand the leftand read what I did to take it farther out of view from the residential uh development is I basically took the angle off of that face so the the the sign had a v on that one side I just made it a flat face so it pulls the viewing angle farther out from that condo complex cat house complex okay change shown on any submitted plan um it it is not but I think we should write it on the site plan the angle of the uh the billboard and it specs what were the other thing besides the 30 Dee you said you were putting something on the bill were you put Wings on the billboard or no no it's the the light mitigation technology on the board limits the viewing angle it it's already on the board itself are these bulbs inset into the board that's correct we had shown a video for those who were here at a prior application um basically what they do is they recess the diodes into the base of the billboard and it basically acts as a uh a houseside shield if that terminology rings a bell with with standard lighting that you would have in a site was the Drone it was the Drone video on the site on the site plan why don't you put that information so we can check it and hopefully the building department gets it sure I can I can certainly do that it's it's a very simple change on the site any additional questions from the board anyone in the public have any questions of this gentleman and his testimony only do you have any questions any more questions no okay sorry Mr O'Neal do you have any other we do not any other gentleman that like to talk no okay speak thank you would some would like to frame a res res Solution please can I just you got all the planning testimony in at the last hearing right I believe we did yes okay so I think because you have uh adapted the plan to the concerns of the board and the people I will be voting for this do you want me to continue please okay why not okay so uh it's this low one which one oh application 23 col 10 client out advertising LLC 99 fany road block 449 lot one zone s-3 uh recommend granting a site plan with a c and d VAR to construct a billboard do we need any other language Mr Johnson just want to confirm you removed the requirement for a height variance right you're no longer looking for a height variance is that looking for the height variance you still are looking for the height variance right okay got would you reduce that by 5T right no [Music] noce the uh no the the height is from the original submission no the the height 60t the height is 60 ft on that board wasn't it higher than that when you started it was higher it was higher we were playing around it's 60t it's 60 feet we were playing around with a couple different heights and no that's it 60 thank you thank you okay we're good did you need I'm sorry did you need any sight any c variances at all or just the the the D for the use and the D6 for the height did I don't think you needed any did you ask for any C's I just want to make sure here for yeah cuz you're you're obviously yard yeah set back I just want to make sure I have everything correct in the resolution I'll get it for you yes there was a rear yard of 5 ft where 50 ft is is uh required required so the C Varian stands and do okay so it's the use the height and the rear yard setback yes okay okay thank you thank you second that's it second yes Teddy yes ready yes yes will y yes after you voted all of the standard Community participation that was discussed way back disc approval access by the municipality and nonprofit groups in be given a dedicated number to call for their messages all the conditions discussed about light litigation Etc all included I I'll send Mr O'Neal a draft resolution for p and I to make sure that we've captured everything that was discussed both at this meeting and the last meeting yeah we'll work on that language about the contact information make it's on resolution Mr O'Neal your resolution will be approved at the upcoming meeting and mailed to you within 10 days you can then apply for your zoning and construction permits thank you thank you have a great night thank you Mr Johnson can we do a close session now yeah we can go into the next meeting sure we can have that conversation efficiency sir okay love good sports we can't do the 7:30 meeting yet oh okay okay I'm going to ask you to read something so that we can have a discussion about a matter that we're going to excuse public we need to close the room off we need to close the room on your agenda I'm throwing you just go out please I don't need any I'm still in alerting phras okay all right what you're going to read you're not going to say Pacific outo you're going to say Danny [Music] to be today no I would agree want me shut the door you want me to shut the door sure please Mr O'Neal thank you Mr O'Neal is doing it it's Clos it's closed okay hold on you got to read the thing yeah she's got to read yeah got she's got to read this first whereas the open public meetings act PL 1975 chapter 231 I know after they we go in a session off thank you Jeff appreciate that permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the township of pany Troy Hills Board of adjustment is of the opinion that such circumstances president exist and whereas the township of parcion Troy Hills Board of adjustment wishes to discuss attorney client privilege regarding Danny realer pth boa and whereas minutes will be kept and once the matter involving the confidentiality of the above no longer requires confidentiality the minutes can be made public now therefore be resolved by the township of pany Troy Hill Board of adjustment that the public be excluded from this meeting do I need to vote on this yes U vote please I second I Mr willings yes Pani yes yes SOS yes okay you're in executive session now thank you open the door okay all right [Music] now November was because the notices [Music] were and they were concerned about Park and it was in and they got an agreement with the church next door during the weekday they were going to parking spaces at the church of I [Music] guess again you don't have to do that no else just you don't have to refer that we did lucky finally yeah okay here we go Pledge of Allegiance was said at our previous meeting this meeting is open to the uh general public if they would like to speak about anything not on tonight's agenda see no one correspondence please Nora yep the correspondence received from Zachary cinon request in application 2457 32 Asberry Place block 63 Lot 2 be carried from October 9th 2024 to November 6th 2024 without further notice except for the public utilities within the township correspondence from Mii request in application 2436 26 Avenue block 562 lot 16 be carried from October 9th 2024 to December 4th 2024 without further notice and with the grant of any necessary extensions through December 31st 2024 for the board to make decision on the case lastly we have correspondent from received from Ursula Leo of uh lady Clark Ryan request an application 2327 328 Kingston Road Block 21 lot 11 be carried from October 9th 2024 to February 12th 2025 without further notice and grants some extension for the board to make decision on Cas through February 28 2025 thank you Nora I'm going to um ask for a vote uh on application 2451 and 2456 application 2451 James Farley 275 Lakes J Drive block 581 lot 30 Zone R4 for a c variance to construct an open Deck with stairs contrary to sections 430 -35 column 13 and application 2456 A2 Z RX LLC 122 North bwick Road Block 513 Lot 29 Zone B5 D variant for a pharmaceutic pharmaceu pharmaceutic pharmacy Pharmacy thank you Pharmacy second J who who was the uh made the motion the chairman okay um josowitz y Petty yes ready yes grani yes okay thank you after application 1921 Pacific outdoor advertising 299 Littleton Road Block 395 lot one zone B2 preliminary and final major site plan with CD variants to construct the billboard with the proposed no mo modifications from the original application as follows the height of the billboard structure shall be reduced by 5et for a total height not to ex exceed 55 ft only the Eastern facing or right facing billboard shall be static and the traditional billboard with traditional lighting to be turned off at midnight and turned back on no later than 6:00 a.m. the other side shall remain a digital billboard as proposed with conical lights to diminish the distri dispersement of lights and impact on surrounding neighborhoods the billboard shall be equipped with the approp technology necessary to limit visibility from the site you're asking for that motion correctol may we have a motion please motion second JT yes Petty yes Quinn yes ready yes that's that make motions the chair make motion I don't have that the chair okay all right thank you uh application 2452 Mr caala 275 Beachwood Road BL 203 lot 1.02 Road Zone R3 C variant to construct a new two-story single family dwelling with attached garage covered porch and open Deck with stairs contrary to section 43035 column 3 and section 43027 H good evening can you raise your right hand please sure do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you about to give shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but I thanks can you state your name and spell your first and last name please sure first name naku n a k u l last name kadala k a s a b w a l a thank you you can be seated thank please sure tell board why you would like to uh have this application approved for your home yeah uh so basically uh this lot is in R3 Zone uh it is complying from all the angles uh other than the front width of the lot as for the R3 Zone it needs 100 ft and the lot is 91.8 Ft so that's the one of variance uh and the other is uh I'm making a three car garage there so uh maximum allowed uh in the front is 2 24 ft and I'm requesting the 30 ft there one of the reason is like 202 is near there and in front of it there is a school so I want a broader driveway to enter and exit as such so those are the two request for the variance two guante is there a house on your north side of your property the other side from the school so basically uh if I'm facing the house on the right side is the board of uh education property and on the left side there is another lot and after that there is a house and immediately 202 comes is there a house on that lot on on the left no there is no house just there's no house it's awaken lot [Music] are there any questions is that that's your testimony sir yes right any questions from the board on this application I just have one so you're the one issue you have is the three car G is that the issue you're looking and you need that because of what you didn't tell us why you need uh because uh if the multiple car is parked there the entry becomes small and I want enough parking space and another thing is the right of way is not 10 ft it's very deep I think it's 20 or 30 ft there so the front uh entrance will be narrowed to 24 ft and then it will expand to 30 ft as because of the three car garage so I thought that if I can get the 30 ft straight line uh it will be helpful from the car movement perspective and the uh start that over the driveway when it connects to Beachwood will be 24 ft wide yes so it's allowed widen out as you go back to your property is that what you're saying yes so by default it is allowed 24 ft but when I go in there are three car garage so the driveway will be wide for the three car garage so it will be 30 ft so I thought that if I can make from the front 30 ft it will be more help you want to keep it uniform 30 ft all all right you have any questions on the board no of this witness I don't see anyone in the public to ask the questions any other questions from the board no no would uh a member like to uh frame a resolution Please Mr Josh sure this is uh request is the Minimus in nature he's building a nice home uh we're not really bothering anybody so I'll be voting for it so application 24 col 52 nakel cadal Vala 275 Beachwood Road Block 203 lot 1.02 Zone r- stre recommend granting a SE variant to construct a new twostory single family dwelling with attached garage covered porch an open Deck with stairs contrary to sections 43-35 columns 3 and section 43-27 H second ready Jos yes Eddie yes Quinn yes Freddy yes Yani yes sir your application is approved uh at the upcoming meeting uh and it will be mailed to you and within 10 days you'll get your approval and you can then apply for your construction and uh Zone permits okay thank you very much really appreciate that wonderful lots of luck sir good luck we have a motion to close the meeting some well the other two on the agenda what's the deal on them do we carry them or did I miss something