##VIDEO ID:a16QQswaPIg## okay on record good evening announcement is made that adequate notice of this meeting has been given and that it is being conducted in accordance with njsa 10 col 40-6 at six of the New Jersey open public meetings act roll call please uh Mr burkowitz I am here Mr josowitz here Mr ready was that chairwoman Yi here we also have our board planner Mr Chadwick our board engineer Mr Lano here and our board attorney Mr John pres would you please join us in the Pledge of Allegiance stes stand na God indivisible liy and justice for all okay Chad can you raise your right hand please you swear or affirm that any testimony that you give tonight should be theth yes swear or affirm that I testimony that give I you the truth whole truth nothing but the truth yes I do is there anyone in the public who would like to speak about anything not on tonight's agenda see none correspondence Nora yes we have correspondence from Joseph O'Neal of Galo O'Neal and O'Neal um they are requesting that application 2204 nul K kadala 130 Troy Road Block 726 L5 or three be carried to October 23rd without further notice and with all required extension through October 31st 2024 thank you second do all in favor of that sure all in favor yes I yes you we will be voting on The Following resolutions application 24 colon 44 24 colon 53 24 colon 54 24 colon 39 24 colon 24 24 colon 47 Nora would you please take the role Some Mo second one one moment please um burkowitz yes dtz yes ready yes great brani yes okay you're here for the record Mr Petty is here application 24 colon 06 jazbar sing 8 Homer Street block 405 Lot 4 Zone R3 C variance to construct a new twostory single dwelling family home with roofed front entranceway and open Deck with stairs contrary to section 430 d101 430-3500 [Music] okay Mr s can you please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you about to give shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth can you state your name and spell your first and last name name name great you could have a seat will other people be testifying as well yes you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do great pleas state your name spell your first and last name frck c Miola m e o l a 28 wh Jersey you swear or affirm the the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth you state your name spell your first and last name i n d e r p r e e k o c h h r okay great you can have a seat Mr miolo would you like to uh tell us why this applicant would like to have uh this home built please I think we qualified you last time you were testified in this matter right yes okay just want to make sure [Music] this is a piece of property that's at 8 Homer Street there's an existing house on the property which client would like to replace with a new home um you think we should have yes well we I I think what we'd like to hear initially is from the applicant as to why he wants to do what is being proposed do I think that would be helpful if we had if the board had some some some idea of what the plan is and and why he he wants to construct what he wants to construct I think that would be very helpful I'm sorry you're gonna have to speak up okay so are you the let me ask you a couple are you the owner of the property yes sir okay and you want to construct the house that um has been designed for you correct yeah why is it that you want to construct that particular house maybe I can help out a little bit the house has a lot of bathrooms compared to the normal dwelling unit that we see here that's right and maybe you could explain that function yeah you yeah you use the microphone [Music] I and what is your relationship to Mr Sing I his cousin and I also I'm the Builder I'll be the Builder as and when you approve this project I'm a local Builder I live in parip I have built multiple houses in parip so I've work very closely with the zoning enging all the boards so one of the key request that we had was that we wanted to put a house and the owner wanted to put a house uh which was uh which was setting a variance on the lot coverage and the reason for that is they had they have an extended family they have their parents they have their two kids that live with them so based on that they put one bedroom with an attached bathroom on the first floor for their older parents there is one office room and they are a local resident they run a big business in the city itself sub M on go to so they wanted to set up a home office you know postco everybody's looking for one and when you look at the second floor I mean I build houses which 40 by 100 Lots 60 100 80 by 100 and bigger lots too they all have four bedrooms so they have four bedrooms on the second floor and then they have a prayer room so the only variance that I see from my perspective is and I'm sure you guys are better judg is that they're putting an office room downstairs and they're also putting one prayer room upstairs other than that it is one bedroom with an attached bathroom and then there are three bedrooms upstairs with attach C and that's not in my professional opinion that's not uncommon now days I'm building multiple houses right now which are under construction where the most of the people who are hiring me to build their houses they're asking for an attached bathroom to each and every bedroom I'm building one in Lakes show drive right now where we have four bedrooms upstairs four attached bathrooms here we don't have here we have rooms which don't have bathrooms there are three and those three are meant for the two sons and for themselves and the downstairs bedroom with an attached bathroom is meant for their parents that's it so how many people are going to live in the house uh my six people Mr J Singh his wife their two sons and uh their parents okay so two parents are going to live on the first floor MH okay um Mr sing and his wife are going to live second floor second floor and two sons they both have a room each have a room each and how old are the sons uh well 125 other one have 19 okay 25 and 9 are either of those Sons married no no they both will have a room to them themselves there is a guest room that they have provision that's the fourth bedroom we an extended family people do come you know to visit them from India so they have kept one guest bedroom and a prayer room that's pretty much it okay and what is the per you said there was a home office yes home office what is the purpose of the home office I mean the intent is that they should have let's say you know they do uh they own a Indian grocery store in the town sub M on 202 so in case they need to do some work from that they can just you know manage their books or something because both of them are not at sub at one point of time if somebody's hand 200 hand purchases they can work from the home office it's just a some facility that they want to create for future in case somebody needs to work and there's also a bathroom a full bathroom off of the study uh there is uh not uh there is uh one full bathroom which is a common bathroom for anybody who's you know coming and visiting their house because they don't want and everybody to go into that uh uh the parents bathroom so they kept another bathroom so on the first floor you will see two bathrooms two full two full bathrooms yes what what is intended for the parents one is intended for the parents use exclus the second is I'm second we not a stickler a bathroom on the first floor yeah the second one we are not a stickler again as a common practice uh last five six houses that I've built in par everybody's requesting me to put one and a half bathroom one full one half and if that's a bone of contention we can replace that bathroom with a half bathroom if that's a fear that town has we can make it I think that would make me feel better absolutely that will be better so is that the bathroom off of the study that you guys are bathroom it's not bathroom one show the shower in it I'm sorry sir the one with the shower it looks like they both have showers one is one is attached to the bedroom that will definitely have a shower that's the parents bedroom the other second bedroom on the first floor which has a shower but we are okay to make it a half bathro if that uh provides any and that bathroom looks like it has a double sink sir that's just for provision we can make it a single sink it's a big space that's what we utilizing but we are fully okay we are all open to your ideas our intent is you know there have been some fears that the public has we want to make sure that all of your concerns and the Public's concerns are addressed today is there's any suggestion that will help us move forward we are very very open to that so make it a simple half bag absolutely we can make it a simple half and to just to make it clear and on the record the home office is not where anybody is going to be coming to the to your premises other than who lives there for the purposes of that business so it's not a CPA office it's not you're going to be doing paperwork for an off premises business that's in town that's right sir okay that's 100% right there will be nobody other than the family members who will be using this we can testify CER you know for the board it's better to make you comfortable that this not an office there is no board that this is office is is a residence it's just a room without any bathroom without any closet uh we don't want to make it a bedroom because we don't need more than that they have four bedrooms upstairs they have one bedroom downstairs don't need more than that and there's an office and that is uh just for the purpose of if they want to work from home they have that facility that's it not just to what we understand is that there's office means the people come and go like a accountant office not like absolutely not not that no business transaction will be conducted out of that uh the only thing as I mentioned they have a grocery store so you know some they do domestic they all the domestic work no official transactions will be carried out of that work no no person no business meetings will be happening in that they have a big store they can conduct all the business meeting all the business from that store sorry is what's Mark the study on the plans is that the office study we calling it a study or an office you know to put some bookshelf and computer table over there that's a and on the second floor you have your prayer your prayer room and four bedrooms that's right and each of those bedrooms have full bathrooms uh three of them have Mr Mr sing's bathroom has there both the sons have one is the common bathroom so and again I'm sure it's a guest if I to put it it's a guest bathroom and anybody who comes as a part of their prayer they can use a common bathroom so we just have un common bathroom when you designed this property you knew what the zoning standards were correct that's right sir and your building coverage is significantly more than a lot I mean the rooms on your proposed plan are generous yes have you thought of making room smaller we did Sir uh but the way we looking at it is and uh it might be a small joke but what they wanted is they wanted the right hand room and the left hand room both to be the same dimension for both of their kids and the back room so if you look at it there are two two rooms which are big sizes and they wanted both the sons to have equal size rooms they are they both have an attach bathroom and a walking closet again that's something that all the new homes that I'm building in the town people are demanding that they want a walking closet and an attached P why you explain the size of the rooms and the sons get equal treatment I guess that's you're saying that's right and after that what what why do the rooms need to be as large as they are and the third big room is for the homeowner and the guest room and the prayer room you know they are they are not that big what's not that big I mean the prayer room I'm I'm bench marking with the rooms that are already there they have made three big rooms one for themselves one for each of their son and those that's what they wanted well wanting and a reason for it are two different things uh sir again the intent I have told you the intent is they want to have some big rooms where they can easily fit a king-sized bed they can have room for dressers if they need to put a you know tomorrow dresser or something they just want to have those Provisions if they want to put a TV on the ball so they just wanted to provision for those things and again one of the key things that uh that I have been doing and uh I've seen some houses at Lakes show tribe and some other other people are asking for balconies they don't have a balcony but they have a big walkway between the two rooms it's just to from an uh aesthetic purposes now with that I understand the building coverage has been going up the size of this home is what uh the first floor is going to be around 3,000 ft the whole house or the first floor the first floor the total square footage of the house is out there uh we have a family room which is sare I'm I'm coming to that sir uh let me answer that the total uh family room is two story so we have kept it open just to give a very Grand feeling so the second floor would be uh second floor second floor I'm sorry I just take it one first yes the way the ordinance is written in prony is you basically take the outside dimensions of the structure do the math and then the second floor if it's the same thing whether you have to theal ceilings or not is equal so we know that first floor is 3,000 sare ft but that does does include the two we're not talking about the fact that it is open through the way the ordinance is written doesn't account for that so we have a so you have bed 6,000 foot house no we don't have it by the ordinance you measure well by the ordiance we're only talking about the first FL only by the ordinance we should not be even talking about the second floor if they stly want to go by the ordinance I'm I'm just trying to get the size of the structure sir it is going to be uh 3,000 ft minus 2C car garage on the first floor again two car garage will not be considered so it will be deducted the living area will be around 2500 ft and the living area would be less than 2,000 ft on the second you gave the 3,000 number though that 3,000 includes the total uh coverage on the ground but I have to take out the garage so living area you're talking living area am I right John I'm no I'm just talking the way the ordinance is written it's the outside including the garages excuse me if the second floor was for some reason or other indented yeah then you would have that second measurement but you don't discount for stairways okay Cathedral rooms any of that so we're just talking about apples the square the bulk of this house is a twostory house with a roughly 3,000 square foot footprint 3,000 footprint yes sir look like a 6,000 square for hours uh it won't be sir we already have submitted the plans to you uh the plans call for 3,000 ft including two-car garage that makes 2500 ft of living space on first FL same thing what he's saying is he talking about bulk just talking about the size of the build you talking exactly living space I'm driving down the street I see the house the house is a two-story house I don't know how the inside is arranged and it's basically a twostory 3,000 ft foot print and a second floor same size no indentation of the walls but that's what it is the use of it in terms of garage space cathedral ceilings Etc that's what you were talking about to some degree but right you you're asking for significant variances you need to show the reason why six people in 6,000 square foot house I understand is not usable 6,000 something less you need to come to grips with that and and that's was sir I'm trying to explain uh they are a local resident they have been living in the town for last 20 years this is their opportunity to build their house and when we look at the houses in the neighborhood uh new construction has only happened on on one street which is Prince Street all the houses have been newly constructed in fact I built one of the houses over there on 15 Prince stre that's an 80 ft wide home because you know those that's the nature of those lots there are very few areas where we can get that Big Lots in parip most of it are for where I were so this is in R3 zone so we kept the variances we're not going into any front and Set uh uh front or side or back variances other thing is yes the house looks wider but if you look at it there is a park behind the house there is nobody who's view is going to be impeded it's going to be more deeper house than more of a wider house The Wider house there was existing house on the on the property which was stear down to build this one that was also a very wider house which is already known it is already documented here so we are putting a wider House of the same width that was there but we're pushing it back the how the lot is a conforming lot correct so there's nothing about the lot that is UND sized correct no sir and the lot is not oddly shaped correct no it's not sir okay so there's nothing about the configuration of the lot that interferes with your ability to design and construct a house correct you're right sir so what is it about this property that makes you need a variance to construct what you need to construct other than the fact that your client just wants it to be this big I mean the whole intent is they need to have one dedicated room and my client is here he's also not getting any younger so they think in the future if there is a bedroom downstairs it's not going to bother them as well they also want that thing the other concern that you had was about the second bathroom which can be used we we are ready to eliminate that we don't want that if that's going to be a deal breaker uh I think I was not in the meeting but what I when I contracted Mr Nashi told me to go to the recording I went to the recording I think you told us to go to the engineer so we went to the town engineer we went uh and discussed the whole drainage plan with them is there anything that we are doing is going to start maybe initiate a runoff to the neighboring properties off the front or back of the road we oversized the pit they already approved all those designs so yes sir it's a bigger house but we have taken our we have done our due diligence and that's why we came to you that based on the parameters that are defined by the various Boards of Township other than the zoning board where we are seeking a variance we are confirming to all the other we're adhering to all the other rules of par Township yes we need a variance on the on the building do you know the size of the houses on your street yes sir what are they did you tell us uh they are uh roughly 2,500 to 3,000 ft on that street and again I have not been in any of those houses this is all of based on thearch the way I look at it I mean there are wider houses but I don't know how deep they are but I'm assuming they are 3,000 around that I mean most of the houses they in 15 % uh building coverage rate so I'm assuming so 15% means some of them are ranches some of them are high levels so it's 2250 that's what we assume this house is definitely bigger than that so because our first floor is around close to 3,000 did you have some involvement in the architectural drawings did you have input in that uh not me sir okay did you have any input in that Mr Mel did you have any input in the architectural designs no they they went to architect and they worked with the architect with what they wanted to build what they felt they needed for their family and for their parents based upon the drawings would you agree with me that it would be possible to design and construct a six-bedroom house and still conform to the zoning requirements I I would agree with you that you can get the percentage down I think you'd be hard pressed to keep it at 15% to still have the bedroom for the parents on the first floor and your normal first floor family room living room uh two-car garage all those things come into play on the coverages um some of the things you have to keep in mind is some of it has to do with the Aesthetics of the house they have a nice front porch that's got a roof over it that's 158 Square ft so that gets thrown into that 3,000 ft number they have have stairs to the basement which I've talked to them about and if the board has concerned about that they'll remove those stairs they just thought it was nice to have access to the basement from the outside so that would be another 75 Square ft so can we shave the square footage yes can we get it down to the 15% I highly doubt it we could probably get it into the 17 18% range with some work yeah that will be I think that would be that will be good um could you please uh talk about the base I see that you have another full bathroom downstairs and there's also area yes Miss one of the concessions that we want you to make here is I understand from the recording that there were concerns that there is an outside stair they wanted to replace an outside bco door with an outside stair so we are okay to remove that we are okay to make the whole basement unfinished and the Dan the the uh basement area uh it will be completely unfished sink in the bar area we are going to make it completely unfinished completely unfinished basement with no outside stairs that's the stairs I'm talking about the interior of the basement uh it will be unfinished so we'll not put any he's going to take out any plans to finish the basement exactly no bathroom nothing I'm not not right now nothing no bathroom no we are okay to take the complete basement unfinished including the plumbing the plumbing will not be there sir because if it will not have a bathroom again our intent is that whatever it takes if there are some concerns regarding the size of the house size of the basement we are okay to let those Provisions be got would you be would you be amable to uh meeting with the architect and explore reducing the footprint of the house in addition to the things that you've already said on behalf of your cousin in terms of not finishing the basement making the bathroom on the first floor a half bath eliminating the outside stairs would you be willing do you think your cousin would be willing to go back to the architect and explore the possibility of reducing the overall size of the house um my submission to that would be yes we can go back but please uh you know just keep this in mind this house was torn down one and a half year back they have been you know working with the board with the architect I think this is what they want right now there have been some Provisions that we proactively made you told us to go to the engineer we did that we get an okay from them we are proactively agreeing to remove the outside stairs unfinish the basement make the first floor bedroom a half bar so that's what uh you know we will request if that would be considered well you've heard a lot of concerns from the board regarding the overall size of the house the the what you have to understand is the board has to have a reason to Grant the VAR and the reasons become harder bigger the ver deviation is right and the deviation for the building coverage is Big so at this juncture they don't have anything to base the reason to Grant it other than it's the desire of the client and desire of the client isn't a basis to Grant the variance so they're Bound by that so I think meeting with the architect possibly reducing the size uh getting closer to that 15% I don't disagree with Mr M's statement he probably can't get it down that size and has the same function but I think it they got to give a little and I think you went into the engineer got the drainage that's what the report says I think that's what you were going to testify to and I think it's worthwhile for all the parties to take an extra meeting if you don't listen to me we won't know what we're talking about what was I going to say you got it sir got it so are you g to ask the board can we carry this in order to meet with the architect and try to address the comments of the board as I mean I still still feel that you know we have made is the answer now U it's a very reasonable attempts to make lot of provisions and concessions from our side by understanding the concerns that the board has uh they'll be willing to go to the architect but it is going to cost a lot more time and effort on each side so so what we are requesting is if we can uh come to a conclusion that will be Ben you didn't listen to me then I said you haven't given any testimony for the board to Grant you this VAR the attorney asked you a C1 variance do you know what that means you do yeah and you agree that it doesn't apply uh not so so we have to go to a C2 we have no testimony on a C2 Mr Johnson I have got a question for you I if there's if they go back and they go to their attorney they go to their architect they make it somewhat smaller and we have the case again and there's people uh you know citizens that are going to say they're against it does it make any sense to get some of that on the record tonight to see what the neighbor's objection is so that these people don't go get the house adjusted and then them face the same consequen consequences that at least streamline that somewhat let the public be heard let them voice if they're for against in some manner so that these people know what they have to do to maybe appease their neighbors yeah if you're asking me the question I think that would be fine I still don't know that we have an answer to the question as to whether the applicant wants to come back right okay I think we need an answer to that question first before we know where the rest of this hearing tonight is absolutely so sir one thing that we are proposing and I was just discussing with Mr mola by taking the we have two variances here one is for the building coverage second for is for the impervious coverage so we are more than 30% we will make sure that uh imperious coverage variance doesn't set in we'll reduce the size of the deck if that means we need to eliminate the deck make smaller steps whatever needs to be done uh on the deck size we will comply on the impervious coverage that's one that we will do by reducing the stairs we are already shaving off 75 squ ft which is bringing it by another 0.5% down so that's something we already proposed we haven't given you the revised plan but if you want we can also submit that plan to the board wherein we are uh by doing this only we shrinking the house but if you want we can still shrink a little more and make sure that we come across less than 20% if that's something that board will consider we are ready to make that adjustment because because now since I'm shaving the size of the bathrooms I might squeeze the bottom uh uh home office a little smaller that will also result in the upstairs being smaller so I can try to bring it under 20% that's something you can and also also the bedrooms are on the second floor they will get shrunk if we shrink the first Flo automatically yes so you you agreeing then you go back to the architect get this picture changed come back but I think you w want to hear what your neighbors have to say at the same time I kind of agree with what Mr Jos say you know where does it end we don't want to be in a loop that we come back with 19.5% and then still we have the same concerns so we want the board to be pleased considerate of the time and effort that has been going from all the parties here uh so we just want a resolution and as we said in good faith we have proposed a few ideas if that makes sense because I and again there is no Benchmark or there is no rule that I can follow but in the same Bo has I'm not getting a clear answer to my question okay so so we are wining we'll come back with less than 20% we come back with less than 20% less than 20% is are there are there any questions from the board to this uh we'll come back with a smaller house I have I'm trying to look at your plans but I have old eyes so maybe you could tell me what the size of the bedrooms are uh that that are on here they're going to revise anyway yeah presently the upstairs bedrooms bedrooms 2 and three are 15 by 20 master bedroom which is shown as bedroom five is looks like 18 by 20 then the bedroom four which is the guest guest bedroom is is coming up if I'm reading it correctly about 13 by I think that's a 16 I'm not 100% sure okay and then the prayer room is it looks like 13 by 16 okay okay do you um Mr M did you have any other testimony you wanted to offer my my my thinking is maybe if we get done with your testimony tonight we wouldn't necessarily need you to come back um I know we kind of skipped around between the witnesses so I don't know if you had anything else that wanted to engine board was that some of this building coverage is because of the Aesthetics of the house you have a front porch which is very pretty but it's got a roof on it so it counts on the building coverage that front porch is almost 160 Square ft them taking off those stairs that go through the basement is another 75 squ ft so they can bring the House Down by 2 35 ft if I did it right in my head you know right off the top and then obviously they're going to have to shave it more to get you to the number that everybody seems to be comfortable with you know and the deck in the back is what's causing the total build not building total lot coverage variant but that deck is large in my mind it was large from the beginning but that's what they wanted we could cut that deck down to keep us under the 30% number because between what we're cutting out plus reducing the deck we can make it work and you still have a nice deck probably I'm going to guess in the ballpark of 15 by 20 maybe which is still a nice size deck yes it is and you you're comfortable with the the change in the drainage issues and yes I I talk to the engineering engineering we're we're on the same with that and you know they think it's going to be fine especially as was pointed out this property isn't surrounded by other Lots we got houses on either side of us but behind us is the town park in Ballfield which is a wide open space so it doesn't have the same feeling as being crammed in there as you would if you tried to squeeze this in the middle of the lot and everybody around you had 15,000 scrip lot okay okay do you have anything else you want to add pardon do you have anything that you want to add right now no okay now why don't you open it up for questions to Mr Leola now and then question I'm sorry it was your last name anyone in the audience have questions of the testimony that we have heard this evening please come up do that questions of these two witnesses regarding the testimony that they gave this evening after that's done you're going to have an opportunity to make a statement either in support of or against the application so hold on if you have a question about the testimony you need to come up and use the microphone and identify yourself and ask your question so this gentleman right here is first come to the microphone please this one doesn't want to come out okay and please state your name Tim Wyman a ionic Court Pary great and what how do you spell your name w y m n okay you have a questions not not in favor of or against but questions of either of the witnesses yeah I would just like to know I haven't heard in the testimony what is the floor area [Music] ratio he don't show a Flor ratio I don't know if has there not I never heard that they do not does do you know what the average floor area ratio is for a single family home in any zone or jurisdiction it differs from town to town every town makes has their own number on a floor area ratio but you don't have it here I I don't have it we didn't calculate it because it's not necessary in pacian what is the square footage of the property the square footage of the lot is 15,000 square ft the proposed home is in the ball park 3180 Square ft which comes out to 21% build wait who that's the first floor right right the the bulk of the building which we spent too much time on yes is roughly about 6,000 6,000 square ft so take 6,000 over 15 is that that number I can give [Music] you that comes out to4 the average is 25 to 35% that is what you will find in most towns is that a question question you're testy don't test you can't testify just do you agree that 40% exceeds the average of most towns that do have a floor area ra ratio requirement he didn't give any testimony that I can think can ask the question % Flor area ratios so it differs from town to town what is the height of this building we don't have 312 ft what is the height of each home on either side and across the street the height to this point to this on either side I'm looking at it they look like from an aerial view they're ranches so they're probably in the bll park 20 maybe 25 okay across the street across the street looks like ranches also but I'm not sure I'm going from an aerial photo trying to see what the floor looks like so you would agree that this property kind of towers over the neighboring properties it's it has a higher ratio point is that tomorrow every single one of those homes will come in for a building permit put a second floor on it and be totally complient it meets the ordinance the ordinance is 35t maximum and they do comply with that thank you does anyone else have any questions of either of the witnesses you can come forward use the microphone [Music] you can come come a little for you can't take the mic on St your name I'm Alexa Lynch I live at nin Homer Street um l y NCH L YMC okay um at the last meeting as well as this meeting initially it was stated that um and you could correct me if I'm wrong that there is a house still on the property not anymore the client got carried away and took the house down okay so why did you say earlier in the meeting that there is because I didn't know he had gone out and demolished it without asking his engineer because I would advise them to keep it okay um and in addition to that how many cars will be there be in the house I mean okay at the last meeting it was three so who answered that question just I just want to make sure the record CLE at least that's what sound like to me say answered that question okay do you have any other questions and again how many people will will be living in the house six okay cuz at the last oh am I not allowed to up you can ask a question okay um why at the last meeting was it the grandparents which is two the parents husband and wife four the two sons six and it was quoted their potential wives which would be eight because but because in their tradition it's very common for families to live together how many families would that be it would be the two sons possibly plus the grandparents plus the other plus the mother and father you know um the code doesn't prohibit that as long as you're living as a single entity you're allowed it's considered a family definition okay and what is the exact square footage of the home the first floor square footage no the total 3189 total square footage is about 6,000 okay why in the plans is it over 7,000 I I don't know which plans you're talking about at the bottom proposed versus um previous you can see I don't see it on the sheets that I have aage 7,000 okay oh yeah drive dve that that number came we have it more specifically for the architect so he's saying it's 7781 does that include the uh that square footage includes the driveway drive and I don't know I'll I I will I will get the answer to you next time I will question the architect how he came up with 7781 you know maybe he was counting the basement I don't know hi my name is Anthony calucci it's c a s t l l ucci and I live at 11 Homer Street um my question was about please speak speak up oh sorry yeah uh my question was about the attic space uh or at least that third level it's pretty high so I was wondering what the plan is for the that space there there's there's no plan for the attic there's no Stairway To The Attic it just has a hatchway to get up there and the windows and the windows I'm being told something that I didn't realize they're telling me that there's a walk upstairs there's a walker p and uh in the building when we submit the plans in the building department the plans will be say the attic is a non livable space it will never have a sheet drop all that submitted does not allow us to the [Music] at it needs it needs to be that high the the way this house is being designed is and again don't have this is a 10 FL and there is a 1 ft of connection in between simar there connection and whatever is a 5 that re I ft so we not exing any VAR the the a it's it's very common today especially people like homes with higher pitch roofs they look pretty so sometimes just because of the Aesthetics that they want the architect wants to get a high pit through instead a low squatty roof like a 4 12 my house is it looks different it's just appearance nor are you picking both of them up on the microphone yes okay I just want to make sure yeah but again the house does comply with the code the town ordinance is 35 ft and we are at 31 A2 if I remember correctly yes thank you I just want to ask a question again the access to the attic is via what a Stairway or a pull down I'll lift the ask because I'm looking on the architectural sir what it's a from the second where is that staircase shown on the plan the it's important for the purposes of the record that the audience members try to keep their comments to themselves it's in the locks how would that work given you have dip roof all the way around you will be we'll be landing in the middle of the attic that will be the only space where a person can stand rest of thetic will be pitching and again a very common practice is I have built house in the same neighborhood 15 Prince Road where there's a walker P I'm building two more houses we go by zoning board we clearly certify I sir I appreciate you telling us what you have built but we're concerned about this plan sure is it something you would uh consider eliminating and having a pull down just a pull down absolutely okay I mean the intent is as we going under 20% now I have to chop off might as well chop off this Loft definitely so I I don't want to interpret the residents's concerns but in hearing cases like this most of the time they're concerned about the home becoming a multi multif family now you haven't shown a another kitchen we've had that before but residents are concerned about it becoming a multif family and then eight cars and it beginning out of hand so that's why I think you probably have a lot of concern out there and anything you could do to allay those fears maybe the base the basement is a good step the attic not having steps up there to prove that you're not going to be eventually building up there to people for more people up there absolutely and as I said we wanted to have this meeting in in good faith M uh we came with that we will eliminate or shorten the deck just to make sure that we don't set up another variant on the imperious coverage we are going to make bring this house under 20% we already have proposed eliminating the stairs outside so there is no outside access the only way to get into the basement is through the middle of the house and why this house looks big we also try to explain and I know it doesn't help but in their family and living area it is a 40 by you know 25 area which they have built second floor we have to put a lot of metal beams but that's the grand look they wanted for their house so whatever it takes to bring it under 20% if that means that we have to take out that attic stairs walk up attic stairs and make it a pull down we will do that is there anyone else from the audience that would like to uh I I just like to say I agree with Mr Chad Rook I looked at it I don't know how they would put that stairs in because it's in the it's in the Gable the end of the roof that's hip you're going to hit the ceiling before you get to the top of steps anyone else in the audience grab a [Music] mic Fisher uh 12 Homer Street uh I just wanted to know uh if you knew the size of the square footage of the house that was previously there I believe the existing home was in the ball park of about 16700 sare ft uh 1791 on the first floor and it was a two story yeah it was a two story it was a six bedroom house and it to that that was my question is if they knew it was a six-bedroom house there previously yes um and did you know that uh it's a violation of New Jersey occupancy law to have more than a single family and two other persons living in a residence uh at any one time for a single family's owned home more than two people one single uh one single family parents and their children and two additional people I'll admit I don't know that the architectural code has that in it but I will tell you that the definition of a family by court has determined that if you're living together as an entity you don't have to be related and it can read town code because they changed their Cod discuss we discussed this today with the architect as the engineer I asked to pull up the code from the township website what is the defination of Camp so with that you know we saw that they can still be considered while they living with the parents and the two be considered as but with the two wives but when it come when eventually I'm going exactly this is exactly the definition out of the pipany ordinance family one or more persons customary living together as a single housekeeping entity whether or not to each other by birth marriage or as distinguish from a group oy as a hotel so as long as you're living together as an entity the way the courts will determine that you're a family if if this whole board wants to live together in one house it's a family as long as you only have one kitchen and you eat you sharing the same eating pills that's just unfortunately that's the way the Law's gone I don't say I necessarily agree with that definition but that's what we have to live with do you have any other questions no thank you hi it's me I'm back Alexa Lynch um so does that mean there will be possibly an unlimited amount of people that could live in this home as long as they're an entity that's the way the state court said determined that yes the answer would be everybody can do that you know the answer is no it's not unlimited there an occupancy requirement fire code yes at Board of Health yes so that that's not the answer any other questions thank you John okay anyone else does the board have any other questions Mr I I didn't ask you if you had any questions uh again Madam chair I don't I don't review the single family uh plans so I'm not entirely familiar with this I think I did see them last week or last time and the only the question that comes to mind is the building height is is computed as the from the midpoint of the Gable to the average grade but I didn't see any average grade calculations on the plans and I didn't see any topography because the average grade is computed 6 feet away from the building and I didn't see anything to justify the building I can add that to the pl yeah that we do have a grading plan on the right hand side but I'll add the average grade okay nor may we have a date hold on I'm sorry I think do you want even though you're coming back do you want the benefit of maybe hearing from some of the Neighbors about what their concerns are as we want to go back to the with some resolution we don't want it to be an endless BL we don't want it that way it has to be clear we have made our concessions we have more than happy to understand what public views are in good faith we try to incorporate some of them if there are that will help Elevate the fears of neighbors we'll try to do that so abely having said that we also want to know I mean can put ation to that that they can give us a appr that we will not miss cr% okay you you you're going to me you're kind of saying two things to me that you actually want a vote tonight with conditions or you want to come back you've got to make up your mind we want to vote with the conditions you want to vote tonight with the conditions the conditions we proposing as you understand you make get a Deni you do you do understand you haven't given one reason for the variances yeah okay sir we'll we'll wait to hear from the uh from the public what are their views and then we that can give us some time to make our decision but can we at least hear from okay so you're still undecided about whether you want to come back or not yes is that right yes okay then that is going to to put this board in a position where they're going to have to hear from everybody that wants to speak either in supportive or in opposition to this application tonight and will that us an opportunity to come back and let you know our decision after sure but but this this board is now going to open it up to the public for anyone that wants to speak either in support of or in opposition to this application and do they expect the vote to should be clear just I don't think they're decided yet okay so they want to hear them and then decide it sounds like that's what they want okay they want to change any plans accordingly they can my intent is that you know where does it end okay multiple other Loops we proposed lot of suggestions which we felt were good some of them that you recommended like the Walker ptic sinking the size of the house trying to getting under 20% we ending to that so that is what we were hoping and I we wanted to plead that Bo please consider it as our good faith suggestions and we are still willing to work more but we just want to know you know how does it end and where when does it end we don't want to come into multiple meetings and then get pushed back last time we were told to go to the engineer we went to them of course if we have a smaller house with the same trage pit we'll we'll be okay we went to them if I I just want to make sure I understand the applicant's position okay you're willing to make the changes that you've suggested make the the first the bathroom for the study a half bath yes sir um no basement no no not finishing the basement including not putting Plumbing in the basement yes removing the outside stairs yes attic stairs removing the attic stairs walk up attic stairs yes we have pull down but we will not have walk up reducing the impervious coverage to so it's conforming at 30% yes reducing the building coverage to what under 20% under 20% and reducing the size of the deck to what so de we will limit 300 a very massive over that we want to make it under 3 okay overall you have to make it under 20% overall uh the building coverage 20% in so will that leave you with one variance only that's it be no they still need VAR won't that be the only one there was a they're getting rid of the impervious they're going to reduce that they're getting rid of a deck to get rid of that they're going from 21.25 to less than 20 that'll be the only one left that would be the only variance left okay and you want to you want to you want to agree to all those conditions without speaking to your architect first uh sir we will make sure that the any plan that is submitted will be conforming to all those conditions we can we are okay to put it in the if I get an approval that there will be no walk up attic stairs all the things that we discussed they will be in the but when you say that you're but when he says that it sounds like he's ex wants to vote tonight do you agree with me it sounds like you want to vote tonight with all those conditions and you want the board to make to take that vote with without seeing a revised set of plans something correct Mr Johnson the only thing I want to correct is on the basement you said no Plumbing they have the mechanical equipment down there so we're going to need some small amount of Plumbing otherwise mechanical isn't going to work I was referring to the bath I just want to make sure it's clear on the record no b no B those things but have a water sof or whatever water soft water in the basement water and SE connection will be there the mechanical will be there but there won't there will be water heater there will be water softener but no bathroom no unfinished basically unfinished unfinished basically I think the board would be much more comfortable with you coming back with a revised set of plans before we I think it's only fair to us that we see exactly what we're voting on I know you want speed but you want right and you want a house yeah and I don't I don't believe this board will approve until we see the new plans we have to see the new plans and the public also see the new plans got public first yes we're going to hear from the public tonight as to their uh concerns uh in opposition or in support of this application um okay let's hear the public fine is there anyone here that would like to speak in support or opposition in opposition to this application please come forward a question if I have a question please come forward will they answer now or did I need to speak before the you open hurry up you can come up I have no problems answering questions so if you have a question I'd be happy to answer if I can got to grab a mic tell us who you [Music] are Richard fantino 32 Homer Street spell your last name please yes F like Frank i o r e n t i n o and I'm sorry what is your your address again what 32 Homer Street so I heard the gentleman in the yeah turb this who was sitting here say at one point two bedrooms on the first floor but then I heard other times that it was one bedro one bedroom and a den little study whatever you want to call it use it for a little office if you record this I thought I'm 99% sure I heard him say two bedrooms at one point my question is the bedrooms have each have their own full bathroom and the study has a full bathroom with a double sink but the one bedroom on that floor is for the the grandparents yeah right their bathroom has one sink the study has two sinks not anymore we just oh now it's going to be a half bath CH half bath all right and that was really the whole bath for anybody who's there if they have a function sure that's the bathroom that all the people you would agree that a full bath doesn't isn't necessary for a bedroom right you my I have my children have bedrooms with no bathroom attached okay yeah I mean I've seen a lot of houses right so this study will have a a half bathroom there's no closet in the room but there is a walk-in closet immediately outside of the room to me that suspicious to say the least like to avoid calling okay well my contention is that could very easily be another bedroom not to mention the The Loft which I'm not looking at the right P right now here I am the LOF also has a walk-in closet right there which closets and rooms to me means bedroom questions can I answer that sir yes of all U again it's a very cultural thing use a microphone there is no walk-in closet on the first floor the only closet they have is basically Sho closet and uh a closet to hang their quats as a part of the culture to which this family belongs they don't take the shoes inside the house they keep it they have created a walk-in closet where they can keep the shoes and hang their coats so it's a not a walk-in closet it's a coat closet secondly the den does not have an attached bathroom it is a common half bathro so that whenever somebody comes to their home they don't get into their parents we already agreed to make it a one sync half bathro I'm going to shrink the size of that bathro to make sure that we under 20% if we are looking at the same plans yes sir that says right there wi I which means Walkin closet uh okay this is a mistake from an architect my apologies will get it corrected But please understand this is the only closet that they have where they can keep their shoes and closet and not interrupt that's why we need a new set of plans because I think it will make your neighbors feel better got it you're doing a lot to get them on your side but nothing's concrete and you're more importantly or as importantly the board might feel feel more favorably no absolutely all these are very valid points uh I think we are also leaning towards coming back to the board with all these changes some of them have been typos we just want to make sure that all of them are corrected that there is uh the board and the general public feels comfortable about it and I hope the board is able to see that we are very open to all the changes here just to get this thing going with the same Spirit we'll go back make these changes what are these nomenclature changes which are causing these concerns we'll eliminate that okay do you have any other questions sir two that walk-in closet or closet that you're referring to looks fairly large for shoes and coats I don't know the size the square footage of that closet there is no restriction to sizes of closet if I build a house on a 60 by 100 lot I generally put two walk-in closets in a confirming house here we have only one which is a little bigger just for shoes and closets we'll call it the shoe and uh uh coat closet we'll call it the coat closet the second question I have is answer your question walking closet has a width dimension looks like 8.6 8 and 1/2 ft and it almost looks like a perfect square so it's maybe 8 by8 it's that and and a least 64 ft and there is no other core closet on the first floor so if that you're saying that 64t closet is not a walk-in closet correct it is not meant to be a walk-in closet it is a coat closet I think it's there they just wanted a bigger closet now since we shaving the house I'm sure it can be reduced but if we can Nick keep you see my position my my opinion though is that a closet of that size adjacent to a study with a bathroom could easily be construed as a better I hear what you're say the reason it's not in the room a separate you know what we're going around on a plan that's not going to exist anym think you pointed out I only have this to go by it's opposite adjacent to the entrance door so they can come in and go right to the closet take your shoes off take your to off and change you know it's it's a comfortable area I'm not going to argue with you on that you know but that's the reason why it's in that location I'm sure that's what the architect is going to tell okay my last question is the Loft also shows that it has a WIC or walk-in closet in the hall yes that's a hallway closet yeah the know the architect took all the dead space and made something out of it when he did and now since anyway we're going to redo the walkup attic I think that would be renamed as a hallway closet sure and or maybe it will get eliminated as we going under 20% now because of the way the doorway opens it's in the hallway but if the doorway opened from within the Loft area that would be a closet enter opening into the Loft into or the bedroom or the bedroom you know the architect just threw things where he had Dead Space right but just because the door is in a different place it's in it's not in the room so it's a loft but if the door was facing the loft be apply for building permits we cannot be changing doors like that we'll be applying the building inspectors going to look at everything how we build it sir just as we to I understand what you're saying but the plans will be changed well we'll see what they will be yeah anyone else would like to come [Music] up hi Karen ellman 12 Trojan Avenue are you asking name um I comment or a question can you spell your last name oh I'm sorry e l s and Sam m a n and I'm sorry 12 what Trojan good ask we love our are you asking a question or making a statement I I just need to know well I I think that um you know it seems really good tonight you know everybody's like going through and we'll agree we'll agree and that's wonderful if that's how the world really work and I'm just concerned because everything Sor I I don't mean to cut you off if you're making a statement either in support of or in opposition to I need just swear you in that's the only reason I'm asking um are you if you're asking a question go ahead and ask your question if you're making a statement I need to swear you [Music] at okay do you swear or affirm that the testimony they you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes 100% oh it was lovely everybody agreed and you know it's a lovely neighborhood we love it the the park behind it and um you know based upon the backyard area so it's great and we so appreciate how wonderfully you agree to everything my concern is how do we know because yes we can still come back with the plans and and the last thing you mentioned was the building inspector but everybody knows like you know sometimes you have to redo this part in your home nobody's going to see it how do we know that's my question well hopefully when he do when they do the the new plans you will be able to see it just as we will be able to see it understand that goes for anybody that goes for anybody to be honest with you no I know that so I know that that's what I'm saying how do we know even after the plans what happens after well the building department wouldn't give a a CO to plans that weren't that the house was not built to those plans the the city comes to the inspects what the plans say to what is built now what when they get a CO and when they close that's you know but you could have finished your basement without telling anybody this guy could have done something else I did not do that one oh wow guys I did not do that that's fine that's fine [Music] that's I did not do that you're okay you okay you're bleeding so please yeah you ask so I have [Music] a understanding that they come that it looks like they'll be coming back with new plans do you have any other comments no I I hope that it all works out just like [Music] everything thanks thank open thank [Music] you are you here to make a comment I'm no I I I do that part but do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I you to state your name spell your last name and tell us where you live hi my name is Kathy Lynch l y NCH and I live at nine Homer Street before I begin maybe I could just hand this out to you this will show you what the current neighborhood looks like us what you're handing us yes I'm tell you right now you got only one or you got I'm going to give you okay um this is a rendering of what the current neighborhood looks like as well as a picture of the home that was taken down and what the lot currently looks like you have multiple copies of that okay we're going to mark this we're actually going to mark this 01 [Music] [Music] this is just the majority of the homes on Homer Street okay more down there another one Bernie may I have one please we have one I have we have one another one okay so these look like they're a number of photographs on a single page is that right yes I just noted every address there and there's no home at two Homer Street I guess it's a double lot okay did you take these photographs um they are off of Google okay yeah and do these photographs accurately and fairly depict the um configuration of the houses in the in the neighborhood uh yes okay great okay go ahead um I just want to start by saying that I live directly across the street from where Mr Singh wants to build his home home um my husband and I bought our home we were 24 years old and we lived there for 35 years some of my neighbors have lived in their home for 50 and 60 years and we bought our home because we love the community all the like homes and the mature trees they were built by the same Builder so everything is pretty much uniform if you can refer to the the picture that I gave you um we all know Mr Singh Is proposing building a huge home and what's bothering me after listening to everything we need to again look at the the front of this home this is a gigantic home that is going to be in the middle of our street when I open my shades in the morning I am going to be looking at a hotel this home yes he's sitting here saying he's going to shave off this he's going to shave off that we're talking about minimal square footage just to make note we had said earlier that this is a 4,000 square foot home but it's astonishing that it's 7,781 total Square ft for all floors the proposed building coverage of 21 and A4 the house torn down was 12.6% the impervious coverage the house turn torn down was 23% we could sit here and say we're going to take a staircase off we're going to eliminate a sink inside and we're going to take we're going to put in a pull down adct stairs what is that doing for us when we have to stare at this home does not belong in the middle of the neighborhood he was stressing the fact that he's going to shorten the deck and he also mentioned something to the effect that there's nobody really in being infringed upon because there's houses next door and there's a park in the backyard there is a beautiful Park in the backyard with a walking path people are going to be walking around in this beautiful neighborhood and all of a sudden seeing this mcmansion in the middle center of the street again we're referencing all these little cuts to the plants but please look at the front of that house again that looks like a three-story house with a 32t roof that is going to be next to a two houses over a ranch that's sitting at a 15 16t roof and also a trle by Lev that's not even a 20 22t roof and he's going end to ends on the property it's not like okay he's he's 40 ft back from the street but he's also 11 ft from the property line he's taking the current or rather say the previous owner's print and extending it to the maximum the main concern I have and I'm sure a lot of my neighbors have is this home does not belong in our neighborhood just like some of you board members had mentioned the last time this is not a home that belongs in our neighborhood this is a house that should be built in an area where he bought a piece of land and he has it made and set up and built along comparable homes we're sitting here saying it's okay for him to come in we're going to Grant him a variance to ruin our neighborhood that's what we're saying this is not a single family home a single family home without many people living in there and again like we said we're going to see new plans how do we know what's going to happen later on inside that home right now we currently do not have one car that parks on the street overnight in our neighborhood earlier in the testimony from the last meeting we talked about having our prayer groups and possibly using the basement for when we had large family gatherings because we had a large extended family once this Varian is granted and this house is put through there's no going back cuz it's just going to set a precedent for the next person to come in and say you know what he got his variance for this house we can build another one so I hope I really hope that when you're sitting there you'll think about me when I'm opening my blind in the morning because I've lived here for 35 years and have loved my neighborhood raised my children here along with a lot of these wonderful people and we feel as though we are not being heard and that our entire life has just been uprooted thank [Music] [Applause] you anyone else would like to come up use the microphone please can you raise your right hand push anything you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do state your name spell your last name and tell the board where you live please my name is inz pro p r o s t I live at 11 Grecian Street and just looking at not all these concessions that have been made tonight but looking at what I had seen before it looks like we're having a bed and breakfast okay and bed and breakfast should not be in our regular neighborhood that's it what was thank you [Music] anyone else like to [Music] speak can you raise your right hand please just swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth state your name spell your last name and tell the board reist Claudia dveo g a l v a o 8 Paris Place I'm sorry what what Street Paris Place Paris and I'm sorry what's your first name Claudia Claudia yes um I just wanted to make a it's not really statement it's as a reminder I you mentioned it at the beginning of the meeting the reason why does New Jersey have what is the legis regarding the sea virus in order to get it approved that it seems like it's very hard to understand on their side it is the proof of hardship in order for a virence to be approved especially the sea virus you have to prove hardship not by the land not by in regular law right you don't have any of that so it's just the will of big building something bigger again like Kathy said that has nothing to do with our neighborhood I moved into this neighborhood four years ago in the middle of a pandemic I live on the cesac in the neighborhood my children are 15 13 and 12 they look at that Park like a heaven they go down the street they play their bikes like they said there's really no cars in the street it's only really our single family homes that everybody knows everybody and we have the Peace of going to the park let it be to walk at 6:00 a.m. with our dogs or 5: in the afternoon with our kids riding our bike then I even my daughter asked Mom what happened here and I showed her the picture of what the house that is planning to be built there and she goes wow it looks like one of the hotels we stayed in Wildwood it is that feeling and unfortunately it's sad that they don't understand that the proof of hardship is due to the land you are building in The Irregular Lots not simply the will that I want something bigger and [Music] better anyone else would like to come up [Music] speak could you raise your right hand please do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes state your name spell your last name and tell the board where you left please luy Gandhi g d spell your first name please can you can you spell your first name please R USI what's your address 56 R mon Montville okay and you do what would you like to say okay what I wanted to say that I'm in a real estate over 40 years and number one then when they knock down their house and put up a new homes that is better for the neighborhood because that increase the value of the property and secondly better for the town because it gives them more Revenue so there should not be any conflict of that and secondly I've seen I I have sold around 10 houses in that on the in that section from D Paris former for including this in ulis so what I'm saying to you all that they should meet all the requirements of the for the square footage but there should not be any discussion about they building a big home or like that because theot the lot size and the building size they are done according to the plan so that is my are you Mr Sing realtor yes I will just checki from remix I just wanted to make sure I understand yes okay do you have anything else to say no so I would S suggest that the you should consider the application with all the changes tonight that's all thank you thank you anyone else like to get up and [Music] speak you swear you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth state your name by your last name and tell the board your address Tim Wyman 8 ionic Court Pary w y m an uh I have a prepared comment I'd like to read um but before I do that I I'm a little concerned that I feel like the board is giving the applicant the impression that if they come back with new plans that are under 20% it's a slam D that will be approved and that's not the case and like correct I think the board would have to consider the plans as am you have to vote on they haven't seen any amended plans at this point but I feel like you're giving them the I feel like they may be going away with the impression that if they're at 19.5% it's going to be approved I said to the applicant you haven't given any DET testimony in support of this variance at least three times I'm now saying it to you now and I heard that loud and clear and the board knows exactly what I'm saying okay all right I'd like to read my statement if that's [Music] okay I live at ad Court par siany my wife and I have lived at this address for the last 46 years we are now within the 200t notification Zone however we're just two blocks away from the subject property I appear before you this evening in strong opposition to this application over recent years we have W witnessed many undesirable changes in the neighborhood that we were originally attracted to 46 years ago with little or no local government enforcement these include unpermitted work being performed on properties illegal two family homes illegal short-term rentals up to 10 automobiles for one home with cars parked in the street all hours of the day and night uh creating obstructed Ro uh views for vehicles and finally a lot of referred maintenance I recognize that this board does not have the power of enforcement but those that do in this town are failing uh this board does however have the opportunity tonight or perhaps next meeting uh to prevent yet another addition to this growing list coming from a real estate background I have a I am a strong advocate for property rights I'm also sensitive to issues that seek to maintain the visual Harmony and character of the neighborhood the application you are being asked to consider proposes a structure which is totally inharmonious with the neighborhood and the surrounding properties strict adherence to the current zoning requirements would reduce this impact considerably the applicant seeks to deviate from the permitted maximum building coverage by an amount approaching 50% in my opinion they have not met the requirements of NJ sa 40 colon 55d 7dc there is nothing about the size shape or Topography of this property that would cause an undue hardship on the owner in developing the property within the zoning ordinance they have also in my opinion failed to persuasively or at all uh meet the negative criteria requirements that the board uh for the board to approve this application the applicant in their own application claims that they have attempted to purchase neighboring properties without success I think that demonstrates that they truly do understand this neighborhood hood and this lot in particular is not suitable for the type of structure they seek to build there are other zones and lots where this structure would fit nicely but they chose this neighborhood we welcome them to the neighborhood but they must be required to build within the limitations they should have been aware of when they made this investment the application refers to a prayer room the size of this structure and additional undedicated space allows for much more than in a simple prayer room is this house actually going to double as a place of worship where others will be invited to worship on a regular basis if so the property falls far short of the minimum 2 Acres required by granting this variance would completely undermine the purpose of the ordinance I respectfully request that you deny this application that require the applicant to redesign the structure in compliance with the current zoning requirements or build their dreamhouse in a zone that actually permits it thank [Music] [Applause] you is there anyone else that like to speak good evening can you raise your right hand please do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth I do please state your name spell your name and tell us where you live please de Chand you want me to spell the name yes d e e p a k last name c h a n d a k address 28 cwell road yeah I came here just for a regular evening but listening to all the people I have realized few things and that's what I'm going to share uh first thing from what I've heard good thing is that you're not building on the park and you're probably also not creating a garage on the street well everybody has family gatherings and I would want to understand if this neighborhood has never seen any car park and nobody has had any kind of family gathering inde of that what I am also noticing is insensitivity to understand culture you know family values taking care of your elderly I think I come from a culture which I feel very blessed because our children want to live with us and support the parents when they need us we have good relationship overall and continuing further because there was comment made earlier the US Supreme Court has recognized several family related rights and indicated that there may be a constitutional right to live together as a family Town ordinances and everything I think Supreme Court supersedes that I also want to be able to ride a horse and buggy but the world has moved on so what may have happened 50 years ago or 30 years ago or even 10 years ago may not be relevant because the world keeps changing around me all the time well overall good thing is if you are not violating any height height laws or anything like that and trying to make house in compliance with ordinance or whatever The Bard suggestion is I'm in support of this overall property rights matter so do family values and whatever we can do to support overall thank you sir you were wrong you were wrong stop stop please stop I'm sorry stop can you raise your right hand please I do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth nothing state your name spell your name tell us your my last name is m a n k o m and first name is sinder s a t v i n d e r and I leave on 27 Farmingdale drives farming is I never raise a question where is C well where is that thing you can find out farming Drive is farming Drive everybody no no no everybody has everybody has addresses to know I don't have to answer that where is fing faring Drive is Sir would you please address the board sure I would like to Simply say one thing that people are misc consuming Mis they confused about the family family mother father Sons what happens in any culture lately not lately my time once they got married sons are gone out with the wife so the family is not keep on increasing in the house the second thing people are confused about the Gathering how many times do We Gather in one house maybe once in a Thanksgiving or sometimes there is a prayer but that is not going to bother the Neighbors when I live in my street we never bother anybody or I go to friends house in other town we never bother we just go there during the daytime and come back in the shortest possible time so I don't think there should be any objection or problem about the family or gathering matters beside that two sons they'll get married they'll go out they will have their own house so left over is what husband wife and grandparents grandparents how long they going to be my question is Family Matters as long as we are supporting our family and family supporting us that should be the best I'm sorry about the addresses but pip has the town pip is a big town lot of stor we don't know but we Google right away and you got the street the house everything so I'm sorry if I mistake I so say anything wrong just take it easy thank you very much ma'am you've already had your opportunity you've already had You' already you've already had your opportun anyone else would like to come up and speak you asked questions before correct okay but now you want to speak please raise your hand I'm sorry you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I state your name my name is Anthony calucci c s t LL UCI I reside at 11 Homer Street in Pary uh you board members first I'd like to uh at least give acknowledgement and appreciation to the folks who have traveled outside of our neighborhood to to give uh their support for this but I am strongly opposed to the construction of the home mostly for the reasons that are my esteemed neighbor uh had stated earlier uh the variances and all that and uh for the most recent comment in regard to family and culture we're not opposed to any anything or against any type of cultural issue this is a this is a ordinance issue that we're trying to work through the size of the house house uh and what's permitted it's it it's against the ordinance and I'd like to just get focused back on that and remove the cultural and family issue uh whatever happens in someone's house is up to them uh but at least build the build the structure the way that it fits the guidelines and the Aesthetics of our neighborhood that's and thank you [Applause] did she already get ttim did she just asked questions you just asked questions before yeah I just asked questions can you raise your right hand please do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes state your name spell your name and tell us the writing Alexa Lynch Alexa like the Amazon Alexa and Lynch l y NCH N9 Homer Street um I would just like to briefly say that I've lived at nin Homer Street my entire life um and I consider my myself extremely blessed to have done so um I even still live at home with my wonderful parents um and when my boyfriend and I talk about you know eventually wanting to buy ourselves our own home we say we want something just like this neighborhood we've said it a million times we absolutely love this neighborhood and we keep coming back to the fact that all the houses look like they belong in that neighborhood there's no Outcast there's no huge house in the middle and yet now if this is approved that's saying that it's okay and who's to say that the next house that goes on the market doesn't get knocked down and a mansion gets built and the next house and the next house it's just allowing it to snowball time and time again and that is a major major concern for us so this beautiful uniform quiet neighborhood that we have will ultimately end up being a couple nice houses mansion couple nice House's mansion and that is our main concern and I really want to stress the fact that I I don't know if any board members live in our neighborhood I don't believe so my mom knows literally everybody but if it were the case like would you be happy with having this monstrosity built next to your normal home I'm sure that's probably not the case and I also want to just circle back to the house that was originally on the property the woman that lived in that home lived there her entire adult life I assume um she was the original homeowner it was a six-bedroom home because they had an addition above the garage and it was it was a nice really really nice home that could fit a bigger family with a large extended family so how come that house needed to be knocked down in order to accommodate what you're saying is only going to be six people possibly eight with the wives so after all that said it just really doesn't make sense in my perspective the issue isn't the fact that they want to build this gigantic monstrosity the issue is that they prematurely knocked down the home because if you wanted to resell the home that would have been fine now it's a gigantic dirt lot with a huge hole in it because the basement's still there so now we just look out the window and we see kids in the neighborhood playing in this big dirt pit which is not only a safety concern but it's aesthetically horrible so I just I really see an issue with the fact that if the original six-bedroom home wasn't accom wasn't able to accommodate this family this huge mansion is going to accommodate who and also I know the culture thing was brought up we live in parity I mean really we all are accepting of all different cultures we have every single type of nationality living in this neighborhood we have a wonderful um neighborhood association we all get along break that has absolutely nothing to do with it the problem is the look and my mother passed out the pictures of the houses on our street anyone literally anyone could look at those pictures and then look at the plans and say it doesn't work it does not work and that's all I have to [Music] [Applause] say anyone else [Music] let hope I don't drop this can you raise your right hand please do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do state your name spell your name and give us your address please first name sigment s g m u n d last name Balaban b a l a a n 10 Grecian Street I feel obligated to address a few comments that were made on culture we all have a culture okay we all have family we all have integrity okay what is happening here is people are trying to reach a sense of balance all right to to say that we look negatively on a group of people or any group of people is out of line and disrespectful and I take that personally I'm sorry I apologize we are the hills of Troy and we are a family all of us do we agree yes absolutely not we have our disagreements we have our points of view we look at things through different eyes but we have respect and to presume that any of us disrespect one another is completely wrong I personally I wave at people I don't know when they pass my house and I go like this I don't go like this all right there is a difference and every body should understand that regardless of where they come from regardless of whether we agree or not we're looking at things through different eyes and a different perspective so please please understand that thank you [Music] can you raise your right hand please do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth back yes state your name spell your name and Gan Singh g r d a r s h n last name sing i s s i n g h and what is your address a 77 Fairfield Road in parney I I own that property I live there I strongly this new govern in the in the the town TR improve the Val of the old neighborhood uh ster sou no doubt it looks little bigger but if you look if I compare the house which was there before and which is right now is proposed front elevation is exactly the same there's no change there on when you see from the front it's only the height it's a it's a two Flor they are adding on it's not it's not e anything like somebody say yes it's bigger it's just height is going up but we are Mr say he going to be as for the audiance they they all the a Ain whatever the changes they are you guys are proposing so they are agreeing to it so I strongly recommend that you guys should approve this application thank you very much [Music] anybody else anyone else like to come up and speak he speak [Music] before sir would you like to come up and speak yes please I just want to refer to some information you can you raise your right hand please do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do can you please state your name spell your last name and tell us your address Alfred Chambers c h m b RS one uiss Street in par [Music] siany uh I've heard two comments here tonight that I disagree with uh the Builder represented that the homes in the neighborhood were 2500 to 3,000 sare ft um in this particular area around the park and all up and down uh Homer Street there are no 3,000 ft houses they are probably 80% of those homes are ranches or split levels and the ranches are about 1,600 ft and the split levels are about 2,100 um so this house would not uh look like any of those and we uh Miss Lynch was kind enough to give you some pictures of of the houses in the area you can see from these pictures that they are ranches and split levels was the house on that picture okay so um eight homer which is on this print out that you were given which which is identified as 01 for the record uh on exhibit 01 uh it's the lower left side is the home that was knocked out and the uh picture of the plans that were submitted this is prior to the uh changes whatever they're going to make and these houses don't look anything the same in opposition to what the last person had spoken about so I disagree that um that this house should be approved they we have no problem with culture um I've had five children went through schools in parpy uh we've had no problem with diversity or getting along with people in the neighborhood uh family is great um but just build the house in accordance to the rules we've all done it so we'd like you to do the [Applause] [Music] same anyone else would like to come up to speak sir you have heard the audience speak do you still want this board to vote on your application this evening come back to the board with the revised plan and again U the intent here I want to reiterate one last time is to work with the board Elevate some of the fears of the neighbors uh we'll try a level best we'll come back with a Revis plan and give it to you all the changes that we proposed today will stand we are not going to go back on any of these changes all that we agreed making the bathroom half bathroom uh stairs from the outside they will go deck will be conforming the imperious coverage will be less than 30% the only uh The Loft will go it will be walk up ptic will be gone so all those changes we have agreed yes when we are tapering off we will definitely see a shrinkage of the house uh we will try to see whatever best we can come uh and then come back to you with the rice B you you've received the U the pictures that Miss Lynch has given us from you also is there any possibility that the front of this home and the home the Complete Home can mimic possibly some of these homes the uh not necessarily the architecture but the building materials for the you have this is a full brick home uh we have put stle but we are open to that if the neighborhood has a vyl vinyl flooring combination of vinyl and stone absolutely absolutely one of the things that this home is much more orate than are the homes in the neighborhood besides the material being different so I think you should take a look at that although no one commented on it also the fit issue is a major issue here and also you should re just to make it a point again because someone raed it before and John has told you you need to show proof of why you need that variance because I might agree with you on a lot of things but if you're not going to show me proof of why you need that variance for me it's going to be difficult I'm just telling you now 100% agreed sir but again hardship is a very Loosely defined term with no specific definition for them not able to commodate their parents on the first FL is a big I think you should discuss this with your engineer right and maybe discuss it with someone else's discipline that would have a different opinion that you're offering may an attorney I was going to tell him why don't we just wait on this I think you have agreed to come back with the Revis plan yeah okay what how long is you think the architect will take together uh will we already discussed these changes before coming to you and that's what we proposed in good faith we're going to get going on this and if you give us the next date uh we'll be back with you how long do you need that's what he asking um when one week we'll be ready with the Revis plan I I am I hate to say this January 15th I am full and this one application has taken up most of the night and I have a bunch of applications that we're not going to be able to hear tonight so I apologize that it's so far out but I am both for the year and that's where precisely we were that you know where do we go and where does it end it keeps on snowballing it keeps on getting pushed we talking about January now which is more than 3 and a half months away y can we request any accommodation if there's any cancellation there is any that's being pushed can be request if can heard you have to notice again sure absolutely what are we doing January 15th is when your application with new plans new notice and new notices okay sir they need a new notice for January 15th this is their everybody here I just wanted to request if there's any cancellation anything pleas can we be moved [Music] the absolutely absolutely we'll give a 10day notice we'll put it in the new right now we're putting the case on for January 15th 2025 which would not require new notices got it but you're granting the board extensions to make their decision through at least that date correct we are requesting if there is any other date prior to that let me just give me an answer to the question I just asked yes yes yes okay now if for some reason there happens to be another date between now and January 15th that happens to come available okay and and uh and um we we happen to agree to put the case on that date you will have to Ren notice for that date do you understand that that is extremely likely unlikely to happen do you understand that absolutely okay so assume it's January 15th unless there's another notice okay thank you thank you so much thank you everyone for your time thank [Music] you good night could you give me a one minute break please sure we're going to take a five minute break please we're requesting an adjournment uh because of the length of the first application uh we have a very short presentation so we were hoping to do a special 7:00 meeting in next meeting if you're agreeable to showing up a little early for that we've got basically one exhibit to show you with we're proposing so what date is that I'm kind of waiting for nor I'm sorry October uh 9th will be our next me me and we can do a special at 7 October 9 we' ask that that be done with no further notice we'll give extensions through the end of October so that's October 9th October 9th at 7 o'cl 7 o'cl thank you thank you just find out m is there anyone here for the uh application 2310 Klein Outdoor Advertising 99 Fanny Road well that will be carried for October the 9th at 7 p.m. Some Mo second Jos SZ take a vote all in favor I I opposed no application 2310 Klein Outdoor Advertising will be carried October the 9th at 700 p.m. Mr Farley application 2451 James Farley 275 Lakes Shore Drive block 581 lot 30 Zone R4 see variant to construct construct an open Deck with stairs contrary to section 430-3500 SP your last name and James Farley f a r l y and I am at 275 lak Shore Drive L wats Mr Cary you can sit down please could you tell us a little bit about your application and why you would like to have uh um I'm applying uh to build a de a exterior deck attached to the house with stairs going down to an existing concrete pack IO reason I was denied a um initial application was because of the amount of coverage of my lot my lot is oddly shaped uh I think just about a fifth of an acre as you can see like uh you have my survey um it's going to be the deck is uh proposed to be installed over the existing uh half of the concete patio it's going to be 16 ft wide by 14 ft long and it would extend approximately 2 feet beyond the existing concrete patio impious C so it's a DI Minimus impervious cover so most most of the coverage is there anyway yes it's concrete correct and you're having no issues with what to run off your neighbors nothing no okay I I need to uh working on installing drainage from the house to you know take take water away from the foundation which is currently just dumped like dumping on the ground but no it wouldn't it wouldn't change um I wouldn't be adding any other impervious coverage are you going to leave the concrete patio there yes okay any other questions from the board no is there anyone in the public who would like to ask questions of this witness see none would uh one of our members like to oh this is a many wait hold on hold on one second she's got one more question she I afraid there might be a yes is there anyone in the public who would like to support or in opposition of this application okay anyone like to frame a resolution yeah this is a minimum request and uh I'm in favor of this application 24 col 51 James parley 275 Lake Shore Drive block 581 lot 30 Zone r-4 to Grant issue C variance to construct an open date with stairs contract to section 43-35 column 30 second yes yes yes ready yes uh Rani yes so your application has been approved uh soon as you uh soon as the application is uh approved it is approved and as soon as we announce it at our for a resolution then uh you will be getting uh information from the township you can start your project okay thank you very much you're welcome screw that application 2456 a 2 ZRX llc22 North beverick Road lock 513 Lot 29 Zone B5 a d variance for a pharmacy use good morning Mr chairwoman Steven tomakin from weer uh Law Group Preity on behalf of the applicant a remon A2Z RX uh uh which is the proposed Pharmacy on uh North Qui can you raise your right hand please do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes please state your name and spell your name and give us your address please my name is at ran last name r h m an and my address is for Rockway Place par in New Jersey and what's your relationship to the applicant uh I am the applicant you're the owner of the LLC I'm the I'm the owner of the LLC yes gotta again I want to thank the board for hearing us and it was a tough evening thus far but we're going to try to keep this as simple fast and easy as possible this is a use variance for a retail pharmacy in Lake haaka the reason we're here is that this particular Zone the business Zone on North feverway allows plenty of uses but Pharmacy Retail Pharmacy is not one of those uses so that triggers use variance which is why we're here tonight um it's a th000 ft store it used to be a hair salon um ATA has leased that shop it's half of the building the other half is a restaurant I believe um and um he's just proposing it's a use fence with waiver of sight plan because we're not making any changes other than we're going to repanel the front sign with the pharmacy sign and we're also asking if a second additional non-illuminated sign could be added to the side of the building it's a request uh we're going to show you pictures of it small sign just announcing that it's a pharmacy uh and the phone number for the pharmacy um so what I'm going to do is uh ATA um just introduce yourself I mean you've lived here they probally know you explain your history in in parp and how you've been a pharmacist in particip for many years yes of course thank you very much um I have a little prepared statement if you don't mind you one more a couple minutes uh actually I forgot why I was here because it took so long all right um good evening board members and fellow resident uh my name is atar ran uh I have been a parne resident for 33 years alumnus of parne high school class 1993 I have been a registered pharmacist in the state of New Jersey since 2002 uh with local work experience at the drug fair when he used to be next to Cost Cutters also at the Walmart and Walgreens in bhen uh but most recently um I was uh the manager and the owner of hawaa pharmacy from 2010 to 2021 which is located on North peric Road in Lake hawaa I am proposing to open a pharmacy at 122 North peric Road in Lake hawaa within the pharmacy you'll see basic structure of Pharmacy a counter about you know the counter space about 150 to 200 square ft which is required by the Board of Pharmacy you'll have an overthe counter section you'll have um you know everything that that a local mom and pop Pharmacy uh would have uh a prescription section a nonprescription section uh will have products uh you know home home home products will have uh you know over the kind of medications uh your everyday use products uh but nothing ginormous uh like a Walgreens or CVS uh within obviously the the square that we have uh the proposed Pharmacy hours will be within far within hours of local businesses we propose hours of 9 to 7 Monday through Friday and 9 to 4 on Saturdays um and as far as employees working there and parking there um we plan on having uh maximum of two employees in the beginning uh at at any one time time as business grows we'll hope to have add another employee um the Board of Pharmacy regulations require us limit us to basically having uh two technicians for every one pharmacist um obviously that that plays a part in parking which I'll talk about in a minute and um hopefully my statement will kind of already answer some of your your pending questions um my employees will be inqu will be required to park on North peric Road or side streets and will be encouraged to park as far as is feasable from the pharmacy to allow our customers adequate parking uh I plan on I myself plan on walking at times because I live less than a mile away from the location uh which I've done before when I used to have my other Pharmacy um depending on weather and health related things uh apart from my customers who will require home delivery of medications uh by the way we we we will offer home delivery we actually thrive on home delivery as far as my previous business venture um all walk-in customers will be required and encouraged to park on uh North I don't say required but they are encouraged to park on North beverick Road or the side streets such as Onida um iroy uh Chesapeake um I'm also willing to have a sign displayed within the pharmacy uh to remind my customers to be mindful of parking spaces that do not belong to the pharmacy uh part of my commitment to service is to reduce the weight times of our customers so then mostly in and out um when you join my Pharmacy you are automatically enrolled in our weight loss program wait loss program uh a lot of people they do complain about sitting there the pharmacy waiting for the prescriptions for 30 minutes 45 minutes we thrive on basically cutting weight times as as low as possible so we intend to have our customers coming in taking their prescriptions and leaving and you know if they're in a parking spot on bever or on the side streets you know they're not taking up the space for too long um I am confident that an overwhelming majority of our customers will experience very short weight times uh which will reduce street parking concerns uh basically the gist of it is parcion needs another Pharmacy in Lake hawaa um we need to go back and remember how things were in simpler times we know we have other pharmacies in the area bigger chains um but we want to go back to a time when you you walked into store into a pharmacy you talk to your druggist um he knew you and your grandma he knew everything you were taking he knew all your health conditions um you know he was like your second doctor he or she was like your second doctor uh and when you walk out of that Pharmacy you want to know that you're in good hands and that's what I want to bring back to Lake haata um and I know there are a lot of concerns about the parking which maybe we can touch upon a little bit but um uh we want to make sure that our customers are respectable respective of respectful of the other businesses in the area um and that's something that we you know we will continue to uh monitor as as we are in business um so let's bring that feeling of you know small town Pharmacy back in Lake hawwaa especially after the fact that rate had closed recently and there is news that uh pending closure of other chain pharmacies within parci and The Bu area so um that's uh pretty much what I have to say uh if there any questions oh I got some more for you now all the the the medicines and drugs that are being stored on set are stored securely and according to state regulations yes of course uh basically there are scheduled there are non-scheduled control there non scheduled medications and there's obviously C2 C3 C4 and c5s c2s controls those drug substances C2 C3 C4 and c5s will be secure in uh locked uh steel cabinets you sa safety Locker yes now deliveries when these medicines or the products they going to sell they're coming through the front door correct yes uh most of our deliveries all of would be through the front door we usually get deliveries from UPS from from F FedEx uh from local wholesalers if they have private Vans but we don't have any kind of deliveries of from large large you know 10- wheelers or things like that coming on to beverick Road ever now let's talk about you're you're not throwing out any hazardous medicines in the trash are you no never we basically have reverse Distributors that take back uh any expired medications uh pharmacies usually as far as my my practice I usually every quarter we go through our stock our inventory to make sure we remove any type of expired medications and prepare them to for returns okay now in the board Engineers report he noticed that there's some uh the site in the back it's really not well kept have you spoken with your landlord about dealing with that yes uh we got news from them just recently that they will take care of uh any type of uh rubbish in the back uh to clean it up uh to make it uh you know at least to make it nice and clean for the and they will notify the tenant of the next door yes they'll also notify the the restaurant tenant next door okay now I understand under state law you're required to have a pharmacy sign is that correct yes okay I pass out and marked as exhibit A1 is a simple sign plan which depicts the propos front signage which is when the board takes a look at it it's just uh refacing the existing light uh panel exactly with the dimensions that are there now just with A2 uh Z's uh logo and Pharmacy information and then the board will note on that that on the side of the building There's an opportunity to put a small second sign that requires a variance because already the building has two signs for both businesses and this would be a third sign it's just Mr ran thinks it would be helpful for his business to have a small sign it's not going to be illuminated the front sign is illuminated um but just have a small sign on the side to help help with visibility again non-illuminated and as to the illuminated sign in front right now it's operated with a switch but uh the landlord is willing to install a timer to allow that sign to automatically go off in the evening when the pharmacy is closed and what is the time that will be proposed 7.m uh at the moment uh we are proposing uh our hours of operation to be Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and he would be avilable to having the when the store closed let's go okay um anything explain this picture again where it says air happening is is that you going to be part of your space no that is the space hair hair happening is the current space that's the that's a that's the picture of the existing and it's going to be repanel with his with his Pharmacy yeah and the bever work Rx Pharmacy that's the new sign that you'll be putting up yes sir what what is the third sign yeah well it's one building that's split into two so there's two businesses each one has a sign oh so the third the third signs the other a business yes two signs for Mr Ramon's business one for the other p and the one the one showing on the side of the building will be UNL yes yes um again we're trying to keep this really quick because I know the board's busy and has I suggested you also discuss various other variances to go with his property but I don't think we can because he's a tenant we need an application from the property owner and that old things sorry that and otherwise you've addressed all my CS okay great thank you well fortunately we have Mr MCD is going to come up and give the the use variance proofs that the board really needs to hear to help support it Varian own use Varian own okay yeah so um let me just say to the board I understand there's only five members here tonight and it is you expence and you know we need five affirmative votes if any board member feels uncomfortable or has any issues please let us know and then perhaps we'll address any of those concerns or ask that any vote be carried to have other members just just to avoid any unfortunate circumstances thank you unless you have any any questions from Mr Bo have any questions I do are are you aware of uh there are a lot of robberies happening in the phaces unfortunately yes control RS yes very well aware safety yes of course we'll take precautions as far as you know our basic precautions that we do take are recently in par two times Pharmacy robberies 2 2:30 3:00 in the morning and we we basically and the the property itself the the the pharmacy itself at closing is the whole entire uh property is alarm there will be an alarm system in place uh which will obviously if something happens will be notified immediately um that's a standard procedure they will respond within 5 minutes but these robers are leaving in 3 minutes we we try have a video yes we with everything we try to take the the most the most precautions possibly can and we try to minimize any loss any kind of loss is is obviously our goal be very carefully secured that's what I yes of course well not in the cabinet and lock that's the requirement from the state just you can put in the closet and lock you need to have a like a metal kind of you know safety then you can keep it that is a safe my suggestion the Board of Pharmacy the requirements of the Board of Pharmacy is one one option that we do have is to disperse the c2s and to the c5s within your normal inventory what that does is that it makes a little bit more difficult for someone to come by and know exactly where to go for example if you know let's say take for example morphine if you have a morphine pill under M it's going to take some time for the person to figure out or don't put under M put it somewhere else within the normal inventory and that take that that deter that that basically gives you a little bit more time to catch anyone that that's trying to do something but like I said there's the option of keeping the inventory within the regular inventory and obviously there's the option of securing this the control substance within a a safety cabinet uh that's usually secured to the floor would your alarm system be connected to the police station infor yes of course my previous Pharmacy had had um um the uh security system uh with with we claim to the police uh we actually did have a few occurrences unfortunately and we were able to um uh deter any type of theft okay and the police was was there within minutes there is a u a common driveway between your your property that you're renting and the doctor's office next door yes um you do have some parking facilities in your backyard uh once the uh debris is uh cleaned um how many I know you mentioned that you're going to be having some uh uh your employees will they be parking in the back area no we will not have anyone parking nor myself parking in that area behind the pharmacy behind the behind the building uh we know it's a common driveway for the doctor's office and we don't want to disturb that we don't want to have our patients using our driveway to to attempt to park in the back or nor our employees attempt to park in the back using their common driveway how many designated parking areas you have uh right now we're depending on street parking absolutely and and the and the reason why I had picked this location on North beverick Road is because the traffic kind of tends to dissipate towards this side of North beverick Road uh it's still kind of in the middle of the town which you want to be but you're not where you know you're not in that area from let's say for example um uh you know Lake Shore Drive to let's say you know Lakes Shore Drive to you know hawaa Boulevard was very congested on the street and if you go further down towards let's say you know Cherokee you still have people a lot of cars on on on the street but once you kind of get past that we did notice that um uh there is more High North beverick Road parking available in the area and then there's two two or three side streets that are very conveniently very close to you know where our location is would you be willing to speak to the doctor to see if you can use I already did and what did he uh they basically uh I did not even I did not even uh request that from them I basically told them that we don't plan on using your parking space well I think if you could perhaps use your the back area your yard your back back area for your employees to park that would alleviate some of the parking in the street so that when your clients do come there is ample parking for them yeah but then the doctor's people will going to park on the street now the doctor has his own parking if if that's something that that the that the board allows then I'm all for it but otherwise you know we're going to we're going we're not going to disturb the the the doctor's parking but there is a Poss we can always go back to the doctor and come to some kind of agreement that after they close which might I think they close at 5: and our Pharmacy will be open past that if there's an agreement we can come to as far as parking after their hours uh that's something we can talk to them about but at the moment uh I'm going to depend on uh you know everyone being respectful of of the other if it is a nice summer nice weather we agree you can walk to the store and your employes can but what about in the winter that's what uh you know right as I said before it was weather permitting and health permitting any other questions from our board any questions from the audience in the testimony that has been given by this applicant sure I just have a question if I would yes um we with respect to the par with respect to the parking in the back the only way to get to it is by that common driveway the only survey submitted is 40 years old it doesn't show the parking and it doesn't show any easement for that common driveway does this property have any rights to that driveway um did did your landlord and you discuss the possibility for you using the rear parking spaces for your business they did discuss using the the the the empty space behind the building yeah uh for our parking and the Landor will allow that they discussed it with us and they they said that that is a parking spot for us but at that point too we we were very reluctant to say okay yeah we'll go ahead and do it why yes why well my my my question is is there a legal way for you to get from North beverick Road to that parking area because it's not your it's not your landlord's property so there would have to be an easement or something so what I'm what I'm asking is is there an easement to get to the parking in the first place we don't have that research we don't have the title we'd have to check with the landlord and if if the landlord is willing to authorize it and permit us we of course we going to explore it right but it's not the landlord's issue it's the neighbor's issue that you're driving on if the landlord has M rights and then then he can promise US things if he doesn't then uh but it's as of now the landlord said he could try but he hasn't committed to it all right thank you that's all I have Madam chair thank you thank [Music] you thank you uh Mr McDonna thank you again Mr MCD needs no introduction but John MCD professional planner just swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to be the truth the whole truth nothing about the truth yes I do John uh you've been qualified by this board many times we would ask that the chair uh the board acknowledge Mr McD's expertise in professional planning or he could provide you his qualifications for the record John McDon licensed professional plan in New Jersey current good standing we've heard you many times Mr thank you very much now John has done his usual terrific job preparing exhibits um and then he'd be happy to provide the plaum rationals [Music] and Madam chair as this is being handed out it's going to be two pages one exhibit a A2 for the [Music] record you get to use out this gr I we're keeping him busy you can you apply it no I don't touch that thing check and with the purpose of the exhibit is of course to establish site suitability particular suitability I think this is one of those applications where the site will speak for itself it's a single tax slot we put a little arrow in there where the unit that the applicant is going to occupy uh will occupy it's going to be approximately half of the building it's a very small space less than a approximately a, Square ft just to give a little scale to that a typical 7-Eleven is about 3,000 ft or McDonald's three this is a third of that so this is going to be a very very tiny space uh very small in scale um it is a necessary land use as you heard through our applicant now and the statistics back it up as well um according to the statistics seven out of every 10 people in the United States take at least one pill per day um if you're one of the those three out of 10 that don't consider yourself lucky CU most people do so this is a a necessary land use uh in certainly in today's environment we've given you a view in the bird's eye the 3D to show the mass and scale of the building the access to the back which again through your uh expert will establish that the applicant does have um lawful access to the back there physically the connection is there for sure something that's been there for a very long time you can see that in page two on the second sheet that it is sort of an L-shaped to that parking area in the back and that shared common driveway um in terms of the zoning relief it is simply change of tenancy here taking the former nail uh hair salon which actually had a higher parking demand from a land use category standpoint than what the applicant is proposing here a salon as your engineer Mr L manowitz pointed out has a parking requirement of one per 150 square ft this has a requirement of one per every 200 square ft so a lesser parking demand from a zoning standpoint than that which was formerly there we're in the B5 local business district this is certainly a local business type of use and the zone does permit a wide variety of retail uses and services you can have an eery here you have one right next door that actually has a parking requirement of 1 per 75 Square ft so in terms of the sliding scale of intensity of parking generation this is on the lowest end of the spectrum compared to other things that would be permitted in the zone The Zone also permits medical offices and we know the medical offices flank both of uh both buildings that flank this site are actually Medical in nature as well so there's a nice symbiosis if you will to have a pharmacy proxim to medical uses as well we're looking for D1 use relief to allow the retail pharmacy which is just not an expressly permitted retail use in the zone the application satisfies the statutory criteria for Relief on the positive side and negative side under Michi in terms of sight suitability we're going to let the um visuals speak for themselves condition-wise it's a retrofit of an existing building that requires no site modifications uh contextually it's complimentary and compatible with the other uses in the area including medical clearly there are special reasons in the land use law that are Advanced here purpose a the promotion of the general welfare convenient access to medicines and the like purpose G to provide for a variety of uses in appropriate locations again given that complimentary nature of the use purpose ey the promotion of a desirable visual environment because this application keeps what's there there it's familiar in the local eye and the local landscape and then finally purpose M the planning goal for efficient use of land because it's going to entail adaptive reuse of existing space no construction issues related to what the applicant is doing here with this fit up uh on the negative side all relief can be granted without any substantially adverse impacts to the public or to the Zone plan I think you've got good solid testimony through our witness here that addressed my concerns when uh this land use can and as we typically see with this land use security safety and certainly efficiency here in terms of taking existing space it's very small scale again 1,000 square ft a CVS is typically 13,000 Square ft so this is nothing on that type of a scale and again the parking demand is less than a permitted use that could occupy this space all said given that extremely small scale of this land use the degree of departure from The Zone scheme is not going to be substantial as for that little sign that third or second sign whatever you want to call it related to this endcap unit you can see in that first photograph a little Notch created by the building to the left which is a skew from the front edge road um that will give a little demarcation if you will of where that driveway is that provides access to the back and just lets the Northbound traffic know on northbound approach that this is actually the pharmacy building a pharmacy is one of those land uses where you have to actually have the word Pharmacy on it uh so the public knows so um again that becomes a visual aid in that regard and I think is Justified on the flexible C balancing test where the benefits of clear and safe site identification would outweigh any detriments and with that I would offer that this applicant has has met its burden under the law and approval is warranted variances for both of the signs right because only just the side sign right the front the front are rep paneling of what's there okay make sure I understood and it's the signs otherwise comply other than the existence of the one of the side right they're otherwise comp it's a it's a good question I don't know if there's any dimensional relief related to that existing panel a pretty small size you need need the size the front facade the side one the side will comply in terms of size the side is not permitted period so there will be no Dimension requirement correct so you would how big is that sign on the side2 what 24x 42 2T by it's a little bit bigger than what you saw in the easel before which would be a 2x3 you sure it's 42 in long you yes uh I measured it myself uh it's 24x 42 and there's actually uh there's a frame already there that may have been assigned there previously it looks like a wire going to it's basically it looks like this I'm sorry interrup I'm sorry but there's two there's a there's 2x4s and and they're 24 sorry 24 okay know it's it's uh uh 2 by 3 and A2 Four 3 and A2 yeah it's going to be corre correct yes all right and you greed who's cleaning the trash up in the back the landlord but it's going to get done we'll accept that as a condition but the landlord represent test that it's going to be cleaned up have variances for anything historically but do you need a variance for the fact that you have no parking you know what Mr Chadwick's memo suggested given the history of the site that the board should consider effectively an Omnibus approval that whatever pre-existing conditions exist whatever pre-existing variances are recognized and and contined but I don't know that I think you just made the point that we don't have an application from the property owner for that we have the property's consent to allow this to apply for this apply for experi I don't think the noes covered everything we put we put the standard cover your we're just complicating right okay does the board have any questions of Mr mcdunn no is there anyone in the audience that have questions of Mr mcdna of his testimony this evening see n thank you I have nothing further I I believe the application s to itself again we want to thank the board for hearing us at this late hour don't want to delay Joe o' Neil's application any further but okay we really appreciate an approval so Mr Ron could return L uh are there any comments from this board no I think it's uh something that seems to be needed in town and he's a longtime resident and I'll be voting for it is there anyone in the public that would like to speak in support of this application or in opposition of this application sen you want would like to frame a resolution please sure application 24 call 56 A2Z RX LLC 122 North ever road block 5113 Lot 29 Zone B five recommend granting a d variant for pharmacy use second ver yes Teddy yes ready yes grani yes thank you very much we really appreciate great [Music] night okay thank you very much guys I'm sorry but I do have to leave yes oh yeah my wife is a waiting I'm sorry it is 10 I agree thank you have to J yes Mr O'Neal you have an issue Mr Mr O'Neal there's an issue Mr jitz has to leave I have to leave it's not going to be 10 minutes I'm afraid and I'm I I got to go my wife is ping me well I could I'll be here early for the next week I'm sorry there's only four of us sir I'm sorry Nora Joe would miss I'm sorry Mr O'Neal how's everybody feel about 6:30 on October 9th I'm Ava half an hour okay gentlemen on the board has everyone agreed 6:30 on October the 9th you're going to get everybody here well as long as we have five Mr Patty can you make it 6:30 uh the next meeting October 9 I'm being told by my people they can oh you they okay then we'll what can't they make I don't know all right back to 6:30 on October 9 Mr Petty can you make I'll confir to you tomorrow because I'm I already have some all right work thing going oner the it it might work for me but no I need a definite answer defin answer because they come here two other people right right Mr burit are you able to make 630 sorry yeah all you have to do is remember to come we could carry to 6:30 and if if we have to carry it again from there we could do that yeah I mean at worst it would be the following I carry it from 7 o' you may have you may have more members too yeah poy it will work out we're going to carry it 6:30 October 9th so move second we need a second please second Burger all in favor I all opposed thank you everybody really app really app thanks sorry thank you I might be coming but thank you thank you [Music] a motion to close the meeting please some Moe second all in favor closed