##VIDEO ID:wb5QgKLZHMQ## so we have been informed uh by the fire marshal that we have exceeded the capacity for this road um and we have assumed that most of you are here for one of the applications on tonight the is Islamic Cultural Center the third application on the on our agenda so it looks like we are not going to be able to hear that application tonight because we simply don't have the room uh to be able to accommodate uh all the members of the public who wish to either hear this application and be present while it's being heard or wish to make comments either in support of or in opposition to the application so the application is going to need to be carried the other items on the agenda will still move forward tonight but that one particular application is going to need to be carried and we're going to need to move it to a different location in order to accommodate all of you fine people who want to hear the application yeah Mr shepis that's your application correct good evening everyone for the records purpose my name is Steven shepis of the applicant attorney uh Council has stated that there is a life safety issue associated with having uh the number of people that are here this evening uh and uh has advised us that uh because of this life safety issue the fire marshal will not permit this meeting to go forward with this number of people in this room and I know there's people out in the hallway as well so this is something certainly it's not our doing it's not the board's doing it's not the Public's doing this is just one of those unique situations which arises when public interest is of such a great you know sorry either Pro or or against for an application that we find ourselves in this unsavory situation because I'm sure everybody has better thing to do so that being said we would like to have the soonest date possible at a location that's appropriate right we we have to do some Logistics in order to get an additional location to accommodate which uh which Nora will go through that exercise that's correct so um at this point I'm going to say the application's being carried to Fe February 5th but only for um to you know you could come back or you could call me to let you know when and where this application will be heard so I need some time to get permission from wherever I'm going to if it's a school uh there has to be an application it has to go through a Board of Education meeting to be approved so it takes a little bit of time so February 12th uh what I say February 5 February 5th I hope to you know be able to tell you what day and where if I don't have it at that point then I'll push it to the you know next meeting so ask on the fth so on the 5th I yes the 5ifth it will be announced when and where and if I don't have that full permission yet because if it goes to school and it hasn't gone through a board of Ved meeting then I'll push it to February 12th and hopefully I'll have it then so okay okay and you'll Grant the board all reasonable extensions yeah if I'd ask everybody leaves ask hang on a minute folks a couple more minutes please let the council talk for one minute I'd ask that the notice in this application be preserved and be carried the board I'd ask that the notice in this matter be preserved and carried to the board's hearing of February 5th 20125 and further I consent to an extension of time for the board to act until February 28 2025 you probably don't even you probably go way beyond that why would say March 31st sure 2025 so you have sufficient time to find an appropriate location and then and if the Board needs additional time after that I'll certain I appreciate that Council thank you good even members of the board and chairman Mr Johnson my name is John Mills I wanted to enter an appearance on behalf of two objectives to the application Mr Mrs trti and Mr Mrs CR uh in the point of order do we have a physical location for the replacement meeting we don't have that yet that's why we need the time I just raised the issue not to make L difficult for Mr sheffice who I greatly respect but I I don't know that it can be carried to a time date and place with an unknown location without a new not we're carrying it to a time date in place here to February 5th we may carry it further beyond that date once Miss Jolie has an appropriate location understood all right thank you all right so everybody's clear then the next scheduled meeting for this application is in this room on February 5th 2025 where it will formally be determined where we're going from there correctly and going have to renew the new location yeah you're going to have to when there's a new location you're going to have to not for that but we'll we'll talk about that great thank you thank you okay so um reorganization agenda it was carried to the fth but that's not our next Hi how are you yes good I'm just H tonight my first night yeah you know everybody came to see me thank you be there no I don't I I can't I don't know what the capacity is by the fire marshall it should be Happ is we're carrying it to February so you call me email thank you it's a bad weather with the Devils we can't change it not now no we're good everything's well how's everything to you family and family good evening and welcome to the reorganization meeting at the township of parcion Troy Hills Board of adjustment today is Wednesday January 8th 2025 and it is 7:43 announcement is made that adequate notice of this meeting has been given and that it is being conducted in accordance with njsa 10 column 4-6 at set of the New Jersey open public meetings act we are going to be begin with appointment and reappointment then the swearing of board members the uh appointment and reappointment are Bernie burkowitz Davey willings regular members for a term of four years ending December 31st 2028 and Betty ludic gross a regular member um fill in a three years of a four-year term end in December 31st 2027 and if we could do this SAR it in sure we'll do Mr could you please rise and raise your right hand repeat after me I I Berard bz do Solly swear or from to SW Solly swear or from that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of right and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and to the government's establish in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people so help me God under the authority of the people so me God I do further solemnly swear or affirm I do further solemly swear that I will impartially I will impartially and justly perform all the duties of the office of impartially and justly perform the duties of the office of board of adjustment regular member office of board of adjustment regular member Township of precip Troy Hill Township ofci Troy Hill according to the best of liability so helpul congratulations sign on the I want to sign the copy sign the original you keep the copy as your souvenir yeah put it on your basement wall put it next to the thank you an extra okay Mr will please rise your right hand and you after me I dve Willams I dve Willams do Sol me swear do Sol me swear and I will support the Constitution of the United States will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constition of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allusions to the Saints I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saints and to the governments established in the United States the government in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so helping God so helping God I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will impartially I I will impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of board of adjustment regular member of the office of board of adjustment regular member Township of Paran Troy Hills Township of Preity Troy Hills according to the best of my ability according the best of my ability so helping go to helping go [Music] thank you thank you what is [Music] that okay now you can be member on the now I can talk okay raise your right hand please I that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersy and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the that I bear faith and Ali to the same unto the governments unto the governments established in the United States and established in the United States and in the stat and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I do further Sol where I do further solemnly swear that I will impartially that I will impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of board of adjustment regular member the office of the board of adjustment regular member of Township ofing to the best of my ability to of my ability so help me congratulations thank you welcome aboard welcome [Music] thank you that's fine okay okay uh now if I can have a nomination for chairperson of the board like to nominate L grani okay okay second D thank you sorry dude uh are there any other nominations motion to close nominations second all in favor roll call for Mr bani to serve his chair Mr burkowitz yes Mr CR yes Mr joso yes Mr mozarella yes Mr Petty yes Mr Quinn yes Mr ready yes Mr willing yes chairman gani congratulations thank you okay uh so if I can have a nomination for vice chairperson of the board nominate Mr mazarella for vice chair any other nominations move to close all in favor I uh B call for Mr masella burkowitz yes CR yes jtz yes Mella yes pedy yes Quinn yes fry yes L yes grani yes and then uh confirmation of board secretary norly second any other nomin no didn't have to ask for that all in favor okay and then appointment or reappointment of board of adjustment professionals we have Mr John Chadwick planner Mr Tom L manowitz engineer and Mr Bill Johnson attorney some second uh burwitz yes CR yes rwit Mella yes Eddie yes Quinn yes ready will yes Rani yes okay uh motion to adjourn the weor meeting Mo second paper sorry I forgot you going to open the you want me to open the regular yeah she's going to do it y announcement is made that adequate notice of this meeting has been given and that it is being conducted in accordance with njsa 10 colon 4-6 at SEC of the New Jersey open public meetings act roll call please Mr burtz here Mr CR here Mr Jos here Mr mozarella here Mr Petty Here Mr Quinn here Mr ready Mr will here chairwoman grani yes we also have our board planner Mr Chadwick board engineer Mr L manowitz and our board attorney Mr Johnson present flag salute would you please stand and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance and I ask you to please stand for a moment for the people of California the state of California for our family and our friends I pr to the flag of the United States of America and to the stand Nation godice Chad sorry thank you get tonight should be the truth truth yes Mr you swear orir the truth about the truth I do thank you we're going to move into correspondence uh correspondence was receiv received from Joseph O'Neal Galo O'Neal requesting application 2459 uh ja dish Patel block 763 lot 1901 be carried to April 23rd 2025 without further notice and with extension of time for the board to make decision on the case through April 30th 2025 so we have 423 and 42 430 okay second you moved it right okay and then we're going to move into resolutions uh those who can vote on all of them would be uh burich dich Petty ready and grani we have application 2442 uh Andre N moin application 2427 Russell and Jan th for Wildwood Trail application 2461 Greg verante 3 Brook Lawn Drive application 2462 aw contractor and application 2463 um Andrea goswin second josa first Brit yes uh JT yes Petty yes ready yes bani yes is there anyone in the public who would like to speak on anything other than what is on our agenda this evening see application 2457 Zachary C I'm always pronouncing your name in correctly please excuse me s s please okay before you said I'm sorry can you raise your right hand are you both going to testify properly just in case um you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay can you state your name spell your last name starting with you sir [Music] great you can have a seat just make sure you use the microphone and speak up okay you got it um so we submitted paperwork for a permit to expand uh existing driveway uh we were here a couple months ago uh we got some engineering comments I worked with the engineering uh department and they approved our water mitigation plan um and uh that's yeah we're here for approval for the driveway expansion sure why do you want to expand the drive I why don't you to tell the board why you want to do that sure uh we purchased the home last year um the driveway is uh it has a curb in front of it right now the old homeowners were just driving over the curb to park on the gravel driveway we yeah so uh we're just squaring out the driveway um right now it's you know it's pretty much gravel on part of the front lawn just to make it look more uniform and getting a depressed curb so that that's no longer so you're going to change the curb so that you could actually pull into the driveway easier correct correct okay and you you said you met with the township engineer and he approved your plan for water mitigation yes we got a letter of approv from that very important yep yes got it and so you did that because when you were initially here I think somebody on the board suggested you check and see if you could afford to be done what needs to be done yes and so your plan now you can do that and it's been approved by the engineer correct so you're ready to go correct thank you very much I have any questions of this witness no I do not is there anybody in anyone in the public that has questions to this applicant in the testimony that he has just given see anyone would like to speak in favor or in opposition to this application I believe the applicant did what was requested went to the engineer come up with a plan that they can afford and do and meet with the engineer guidlines and I'll be voting in favor of the application okay one of the board members care to frame a resolution please application 24 col 57 Zachary Sirion 32 Asbury Place block 63 loot number two zone3 to Grant a c variance to construct the driveway expansion cont to section 43035 column 13 in compliance with the engineering report second J burit yes J yep excuse me Mella yes yes yes ready yes your application has been approved and you will be receiving a notice and at that time you may uh you may apply for your permits okay okay wonderful Lu thank you all so much thank Youk you good night worked out well right okay good night happy New Year application 2469 kral LLC 233 Lakes Shore Drive I wonder why you stay oh okay yes I was wondering why yes I just wondering why you were here well good evening everyone nice to see you all again my name is Steven shepis I'm the applicat attorney may I have be seated please of course to my right is sha Mr sha is the proprietor or the main member of the company that's the applicant and property owner so you raise your right hand please you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and state your names SP your last name please s h and your first name again I'm sorry H R I got you okay you can have a seat just make sure you're speaking to the microphone and if you need to move it closer go ahead okay tonight's application regards the request for two bulk variances associated with the Demolition of an existing single family dwelling and replacement with a new single family dwelling on the property located at 263 lak Shore Drive desp despite the name there's no Lake in the immediate vicinity there is a Lakeshore Drive uh next to Lake Pary but this is the one uh off of veil Road by um in Lake haapa so uh the subject property uh was created by way of a recorded map in 1932 so in order to justify the relief requested under Section 7 C1 of the ml I prepared an exhibit which I submitted to the board and the board secretary I believe already has copies it's my certification which gives the history of the property so I I took the liberty of submitting it in advance it's kind of lengthy I figured read in Advance SP having to read it at the meeting so I'd like to formally introduce that as exhibit A1 I have one that's marked accordingly I'd like to hand it the board secretary and just confirm everybody has a copy of my certification sure if you submit it as part of the package we don't necessarily need to mark it but yeah it wasn't it was subsequent okay okay so just to walk you through it's exhibit A1 I uh conducted a title investigation into the subject property as I noted uh initially the applicant seeking relief from two bulk standards of the ordinance relative to lot width lot width required in the ordinance is 60 ft this lot is 50t wide secondly we're asking for a DI Minimus front yard setback deviation and uh we have an exhibit to substantiate that the property was acquired by the applicant uh by deed of March 20th 2024 reported uh shortly thereafter it was delivered on March 22nd the copy is next to exhibit a I also have the adjoining properties on either side which are referenced is exhibits uh B and C and all of these properties were created by way of a filed map in 1932 which was approved by the township and each one of the uh Lots referen the uh recording of that map in 1932 it's actually part of the exhibit it's exhibit B and the subject property is highlighted on exhibit B and lo located on the lower right hand side of exhibit B is the signature line of the uh chairperson of the countship at the time and the countship clerk signifying the municipal approval of this configuration as Bears out on a blowup page of exhibit B all of the locks on this street on both sides are 50 ft in width so you can see that there was a pattern that was created as a result of the filed map uh the descriptions and the Deeds on either side are likewise 50 ft so that prohibits us from acquiring property from an adjoining owner in order to bring the lot into greater compliance with the ordinance and then lastly I have on that exhibit on my certification is a copy of the um GIS map from the Mars County Board of Taxation and you could see the aerial photograph how all the lots are exactly the same size and width and uh and likewise how they all have single family dwellings on them the subject property is lot number five and is highlighted in blue so the basis of this is to demonstrate that the lot was awfully created that it was approved by the municipality in 1932 the descriptions and the Deeds on this property and the enjoining property all reference 50 foot in width and it all draws reference back to the 1932 maap so I would submit to you that the evidence demonstrates a lot of lawfully uh existing as a 50 foot wide uh map lot secondly we have for you an exhibit uh photo array which this is where Mr Shaw is going to have an opportunity to talk uh it's a series of photographs which depict the existing uh property and existing dwelling I have enough here for everybody so I'm going to ask that uh subject to Mr Shaw testimony that you can receive these photos is exhibit A2 great start [Music] on Mr sha you familiar with property yes okay and everything I said so far J with your recollection now you've had opportunity already to read what I or see what I've marked as exhibit A2 no I think they now the photographs that are part of exhibit A2 that they fairly and accurately reflect the condition of the property and the enjoining properties the houses on either side as anybody need so Mr sha the the house this is subject to the applications 263 lak Shore drives that correct yes and that's that I'll say little house sitting in the middle yes okay and then likewise the next photo over photo number two shows the house immediately to the left photo three shows the subject house plus the neighbor to the right and then likewise you can see the house on the left once again 261 now we have a series of photographs of the house that's there today correct yes so you have the side the rear and the uh and the front correct so in your own word can you just briefly tell the board what it is you want to do to the property and why you need the VAR I would like to demo the house and I would like can you pull the microphone a little bit closer thank you I would like to demo the house and I would like to bigger footprint for the house since we have um like my family and my parents living with us so I would like to use a little bit bigger footprint so we can enjoy the community and we can enjoy the the house thank you now in conjunction with this uh effort to build this house you had to go to the D cor and it was determined that there's a wet land behind the house and the transition area that kind of encompassed where the house is yes so you're somewhat limited because of the condition uh in order to rebuild on this lot yes so your footprint is constricted by the D yes and the permit was included as part of the application yes so you're willing to to construct in accord with the D's requirements yes I do right now also in conjunction with this application you're asking for front yard setback varing yes now you've submitted detailed plans prepared by a licensed professional engineer and a licensed architect correct yes now I have another exhibit which I've marked as A3 which shows pertinent portions of the architectural plan and the and the engineer plan have you reviewed this exhibit A3 yes is it accurate as relates to what it is you're proposing and how you need a front that back there yes all right so I'm going to take A3 and I'm going to ask you to take one and I'm going to hand out other copies to the board and then we can show them where the deviation [Music] sure a one page exhibit already submitted so this is just way you don't have to dig the H stack to find the [Music] needle now Mr sha on the on the bottom of the page is the perent portion of the site plan correct yes now it shows that your front yard setback which is supposed to be 25 ft is listed as 24 .3 ft correct yes to the overhang yes the building itself comports with the 25 ft setback correct yes now on the top section of exhibit A3 is uh basically a segment of the architectural element yes and the overhang which creates the encroachment is highlighted is that correct yes now why is it that you want that little roof over the driveway garage so I can I can put the uh softw light over there so the car can go in so we can able to see uh proper way is it also helpful to keep rain from going in there getting out of the car that's true too yes so this is the only extent of the front yard set back variance that you need yes okay so that's basically the nature of the request so it seems that the relief can readily be uh granted as a hardship variance as relates to the lot wiip you don't have the ability to acquire any adjoining property everybody else's sufficient and likewise due to the fact that every other lot on the Block is 50 foot wide certainly it's not going to represent a deleterious impact on the neighborhood and this uh front yard setback uh deviation uh if if the Minimus is to be defined I think what you see here in exhibit A3 qualifies and it would seem that due to the fact that the houses on either side as you can see from the photo array seem to be a little closer to the street than we are not by much maybe a foot so it certainly wouldn't be anything that would be an imposition on the adjoining property so it seems like we've made out the proofs for a hardship variance and likewise uh since we're taking down this house which really doesn't do much for the neighborhood and building a new house seem to be an improvement for everybody involved so we asked to Grant the approv so I I have a question do we have anything from engineering I don't see do we have any issue with water from his property going on do we have anything about coverage or anything like that yeah what is behind this property so if you take a look at the aerial photograph it's looks like I was there it's a large wooded area and I can tell you know who own it I'm sorry do you know who [Music] sorry it looks like the whole thing tilts to the back oh so so you look at those areals okay I just wonder whose property that is though if you just for as far as the drainage question goes if you look on the plan up in front of the property in the uh the town on this exhibit here the last exhibit that went out the lower right corner you'll see a two rectangles with lines running through them those are in uh infiltrators so it's essentially a dryw so that the drainage has at least been addressed but I'm sure that the township engineer is going to look at it as part of any further permitting so should we put that is a a condition for approval you it looks like it's already been anticipated so okay um so yes we talked to the town engineer as well and we're going to put the cpage bed okay to make sure all the rain Waters going to go directly there so you agree that this yes and we talked to the engineer we got approval from engineering before we came here next water minut yes okay that's my only concern and and there's nothing addressed here on any impervious coverage issues no the project otherwise conforts with all of the other requirements of the ordinance and a lot is pinched as it relates to due to the Wetland little lot right no it's not a little lot the lot complies with the minimum lot area requirement yeah 6,000 is 9,000 yeah the only problem is is that behind us is a wetland and the D imposed the transition area we had to get a general permit number eight in order to build in a transition area it's like a Redevelopment from how many bedrooms in this um downstairs one bedroom and upstairs three bedroom and you need two air conditioners because uh air condition yeah we need the air conditioner like uh for regular use but she was asking there's two there think you have two you have two pair yeah one for downstairs one for upstairs two zones two zones I guess my only question is is there any plans that show the rooms that are going to be put in here I just like to see Aral plans were submitted with the application so this exhibit was just to highlight the uh extent of the [Music] deviation have prepared by paba architecture John paba I guess a question I have is is is the uh the DP requirement preventing for moving the house back yes yes so you can't make up the difference with 4.3 yeah but I would note that it's like seven in and it's only for that I know I just I just curious why back probably should be on the record I know no I appreciate that yeah if you take a look at the uh sheet one of two of the Dy The Walker plan you can see how that transition area comes knocking on the back door and and most likely it's uh well the house itself is have you filed the permit that you got from the yes they were recorded with the county CL and they on file with this application they were on file with this so's a permit issued July 28th uh 29th 2024 so any approval the board should have should be subject to the condition uh Express the D per correct so I know I know they asked the about how many bedrooms um how many bathrooms um downstair three bathrooms all and and and one kitchen one kitchen yeah one PR one PR yeah and just uh for clarification too to me looking at the structure that's now there that you're going to tear down and the one you're proposing put up it looks like a pretty nice addition uh Improvement to that coery bot right in the neighborhood however just helped me here it appears on too 4 okay the the second house down from you on the right is a a fairly new structure uh rebuilt uh your structure will be similar to that in size in stature yes it's May little bit similar to that yeah [Music] here thank you thank you are there any questions from the board there any questions from the audience testimony that this applicant has made see anyone would like to speak in for approval of this application or in denial witness is this your only witness yes sir I guess we have people here just like to see us work [Music] than board member like to brame the resolution please sure I think it's a nice upgrade for the development for the area I think you're uh going about it the right way uh you're agreeing that everything that the engineer wants will be done as far as water mitigation if necessary and do we have to put anything thing about the DP in there John or not really all included all included resol okay so I'll be voting for it thank you application 24 col 69 LLC 263 Drive block 596 block 5 R zone r-4 to issue gr to construct a new two story single family dwelling open de and stair contrary to section 43- column and four second josz Bitz yes yes Jos yes Mella yes PD yes Quin yes ready yes will yes yes okay thank you everybody appreciate it thank you your application is approved and you will be receiving notice and at that time you can apply for your construction thank you you had a double dip tonight huh thanks to the folks that showed up earlier that's no dip that's ack motion to Second hi hi you want a photo oh 25 where do you you want you GNA [Laughter] goting a brain the operation too why can't we all stand come [Laughter] on down big camera thank you thank you all right congratulations thank you all