breathe in no he all right shall we is that kind okay there still GE we have a have a few minutes before we get to the presentation they're going to go first Su official at least for the next 15 minutes after happens in 15 minutes maybe as president you can have got it thank you all right everybody I'm going to call the meeting of the Board of Education of Pary Troy Hills to order on Thursday May 23rd 2024 in compliance with chapter 231 Public Law 1 1975 entitled open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as specified in the act in the following manner a meeting notice was published in the newspaper and the district website on January 17th 2024 in addition the notice of the meeting was posted at the municipal building in the schools and a copy of the notice filed with the Township Clerk and transmitted to the newspapers on May 10th and May 20th 2024 these include Daily Record Star Ledger parci Focus happen to parity and parity pack and of course the district website this regular public meeting is being video recorded as per bylaw 0168 the recordings of these meetings will be available on our district website and our vot YouTube channel we ask that you please refrain from using student or staff names and your statement professionalism is expected at all times may we have the roll call please Robin Mrs abam here Mr baros here Mrs kogan here Mrs mayor here Mr Rea here Mrs Chappelle here Dr Wright here Mrs Golder here Mr Choppa here please stand for the pledge to the flag I to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indis andice for come on into the meeting um oh they are can we have our committee reports Sena please hi everyone um on May 2nd phhs had the World Language Honor Society induction ceremony the ceremony was for new inductees and seniors receiving their cords two students in the digital photo class had their artwork selected to be displayed at the CER theater at Montclair State University for the 2024 New Jersey Congressional Art competition on Friday May 3rd we had a military Fair on the patio where students had the chance to meet with representatives from the Marines Army Navy and National Guard to explore post High School options for City jacket fittings were happening during lunch on Wednesday May 15th uh 2024 and then on that same day we had um seniors wear their commitment um sweatshirts or shirts for Commitment Day phhs is going to start an Esports program for 2024 to 2025 and will be um qualified as a sport they will be competing within the Garden State Esports against other high schools graduation will be held on Thursday June 20th at 1:30 at the stadium and practice will be on the 18th and 19th cap and gown pickup will be held um June 14th through the 19th senior internship started this week with internships celebrating uh internship students celebrating last Friday as their last day of school project grad will be at Adventure Crossing USA at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday June 20th class of 20124 lawn signs are being sold for $27 the Bandon choir spring concert was held on May 21st yesterday was the NHS Junior induction and Senior chord um ceremony today is the nahs induction and Senior Court ceremony next Wednesday is the student council njasc field trip to Six Flags um next next Thursday is senior prom at Valley Regency and then today we had the Festival of the Arts um from blocks 3 to 5 on the patio students in the Arts and Design classes display their work created throughout the year thank you thank you very much any board members have any questions for Sena oh thank you hi Emily hello did did your computer fire up yes okay just in time just in time um the sushi tea dance tickets were sold on sale last week for the asan American club's annual dance which is at 700 p.m. today uh junior dinner was on the 17th at Handover Manor and also on the 17th the peer buddies Club went on a trip to dve and Busters for a day of gaming and fun cheerleading tryouts were held in the PHS gy on the F 13th 14th 15th and 16th at 3:15 p.m. senior interns had their last day of school on Friday and have been working their new jobs all week the PHS choir cavaret concert was held on the 15th at 7:00 p.m. in in the auditorium the students sang a variety of pop and Broadway songs both individually and as a choir last week on the 16th the girls lacrosse team won their last game against Hoboken in a first score wins overtime the final shot was taken by senior Ava teresi giving her 100 scoring shots on goal for the season on the 21st Spanish classes took a trip to New York City to visit the Museum of Natural History and learn about mesro American tribes and Empires the interact Club held a Dating Violence awareness service night on the 21st the africanamerican cultural Club was selling chocolate today from 9:36 to 9:44 and 11:45 to 12:15 by the security desk in the main hallway the National Honor Society had a practice after school today and if you want to support your local liaison the induction ceremony is on the 30th at 700 p.m. in the PHS Auditorium and the best news AP exams are over any board M have any questions for Emily no seeing none thank you and thank you for uh those reports I really appreciate it I was remiss and welcoming Dr M roone as our standing for Dr Suter tonight so welcome any board members have uh any very technical questions uh please feel free to address them Dr my middle name technical we're going to suspend the regular meeting we have a special special presentation on the tiers of support through instructional coaching we have our presenters here so whenever you're ready can I can I just say something real quick would you ask the instructional coaches to make a presentation oh they make a presentation awesome so this the um packet is incredibly thorough and um while they may not speak to everything on the packet we do encourage you to take a look at it because they don't mess around and they work really hard and they're proud proud of the work that they do and so are we so um I'm eager to uh to hear the presentation guys so good luck on the eve of Memorial Day weekend let me add that in there hi everyone uh my name is Marissa Rosa I am the elementary supervisor for language arts with my counter Port Anna Marie Russo who is our math math and science supervisor um but I just wanted to start by introducing our the coaches that work directly with me we have two literacy coaches that work in our 10 elementary schools so so Alison O'Brien and Courtney breslauer each work across our 10 Elementary Schools they're going to talk a little bit further in a few minutes and I'm going to let Anna maray introduce her coaches so hi my name is Anna maruso I am the supervisor of k35 math and science and grow and basic skills as Marissa said um my two coaches are Tara sellings on the east side of town and Susie scholes on the west side of town um so today's presentation is going to be on how the tiers of support are being given um through our instructional coaches um the agenda is our math and language arts framework and programming our roles of the instructional coach within the district the tiers of support for math the tiers of support for language arts and then teacher testimonials so like Dr Mone said and some of you might remember last year Anna Marie and I presented on a whole bunch of of data at the elementary level so this is slightly different but the next few um slides that we're not going to get too deeply into I'm going to go tap it in a few seconds but no it's okay I'll go over there yeah thank you um our our Frameworks for math both math and language arts so those have not changed since we spoke about them last year everything is stabilized but the most important thing to know about that is that these coaches are leading the way in all those instructional areas and they're going to get um into all the conversation about the the details of what that looks like for them so I'm going to hand it over to I believe Tara first and we're going to start with our math coaches hi good evening this is our second year having math instructional coaches in the district and last year when Susie and I started we were looking for a way to help Define our role to the teachers that we were going to be working with so we created this menu of services to show them the different ways that we were going to be available to support them we told them we were there to be their resource provider instructional partner sounding board learning facilitator curriculum specialist and data coach and tonight as we talk about some of the activities we've done throughout the schools that we work in we're hoping that we illustrate how we've served in those different roles good evening um so Ally and I this is both of our first year as literacy coaches so we followed Susie and Tara and we also made um a little menu here here to share out with the teachers to introduce ourselves as well as the roles that we could serve and how we could support them um the roles are similar to what Tara just went through um and we were working throughout the year to support teachers through uh Reading Writing phonics and word study okay we are going to be talking about the support that we've offered Through Math and Ela at different levels starting with the District level then moving on to the school levels the classroom levels and then the community and on each slide we're just going to give you a little bit of a highlight so that we're not here for a very long time but the main goal or I should say the main way that we supported teachers at the district level this year was the roll out of our new math program so our new math program called Invision math was one that was chosen by a committee last spring and last spring anamarie Susie and I were able to visit some other schools that utilize enVision Math as their program this was valuable to us because we were able to meet with administrators and teachers in those districts ask them questions about their experience with the program and that helped to inform our roll out as we move forward with the program this year we ended last school year by doing a presentation in all 10 of the elementary schools um showing the teachers had to to navigate the online platform for Savas which is the online version of Envision and showing them some valuable planning resources that they might want to review in preparation for this school year then at the beginning of this school year we did a refresher and also Pro provided them some guidance with the most important resources to get them going because they were definitely overwhelmed with all of the resources and components to the program at first and then throughout the year as Susie and I went to each school we continue to support the teachers each time highlighting some more components and resources for them to weave into their math instructional block so focusing on the resources we wanted a place that would be a central location for all the teachers and all the schools and all the different grades to have access to so we created the math coach resource library and that's on it's a shared drive and we just provided all different activities for all of the skills and standards that are covered from all the grades K to5 and we found that it is such a helpful tool that people continue to revisit good evening so at the district level for English language arts uh one of our main focus this year was the integration of a new grammar resource called patterns of power and so at the beginning of the school year Courtney primary marily spoke to uh kindergarten through second grade teachers and I spoke with uh grades 3 through five and we really took a deep dive into this new resource we looked at the new instructional format that teachers were being asked to try out uh we talked to the teachers about the benefits of teaching grammar in this new way um it is not the way we learned grammar uh when we learned grammar it grammar was really like an editing or revision tool you picture like a red pen uh now grammar is really seen as a crafting tool it's a way to be creative and a way to become real uh writer and authors um so we also talked about what this new instruction might look like in the classroom similar to math uh the same teachers that are trying to learn the new math program are also being asked to try this new grammar program so we thought a digital Hub of resources and lessons um would be beneficial for them we created this lesson Library where teachers have access to lessons and they can also create new lessons and share them across the 10 elementary schools and the sixth grade levels which was great because a promoted collaboration across the district um another key Focus this year was to provide continued support in word study instruction um in case you don't know the goal of word study is to create strong readers and strong writers so to continue that support in this area we focused on um best practices we created new resources and we also focused on differentiating in the classroom um whole class small groups and literacy centers now on a school level we initially started holding lunch and learns to break down the new math series and introduce it to the teachers the way we would like a new series introduced um I was a classroom teacher for 26 years and you you're 25 23 um and so we took the new series and we broke it down to introduce it to the teachers in a way that was not overwhelming and it really helped them to grasp every aspect of it um and so I truly feel as if the lunch and learns and how it was rolled out really contributed to the success of the new series uh once we had uh introduced the different components of the new series we then had lunch and learns based on topics that the teachers would request uh maybe they wanted help with their mini lesson or maybe they wanted help with small groom instruction so we molded our lunch and learns according to what the teachers needed another way that we provided support at the school level was by working with our basic skills Math teachers in each building to apply for a parcion Education Foundation Grant this grant was called the building blocks of mathematical understanding and our goal was to obtain the funding to buy math math stackers which you can see in the pictures in the bottom right with the students with those building blocks that have numbers on them so essentially they are blocks with numbers but they are um proportional in size to the value of the number so it allows the students to work on composing and decomposing numbers handson with those manipulatives so you can see um the two girls in the picture they have the number 10 on the one block and then they showed that next to it there's a nine and a one and it's the same height and a five and a five so these kits are allowing us to really work Hands-On in the primary grades building mathematical understanding the kits were $329 each so for 10 elementary schools it was $3,290 that we were able to help the ba SI teachers obtain and we have one for each of our 10 schools now um for ELA similar to math we also hosted lunch and learns and we were able to uh pick topics that we were finding that teachers were really needing the most support with so um one of the ones that we conducted this year was small group reading instruction Ally and I attended a conference where we learned a lot of great strategies we gained a lot of great resources so this was a good way for us to be able to share that out with the teachers um and also Target those needs um that they were asking us for and then another project Ally and I took on this year was creating a monthly newsletter we called it PD on the Run we kind of had a running theme this whole school you see like the little shoe graphic um in on all of our Pages um so this PD on the Run we would pick topics that we were working um with teachers on or it might have been a followup to certain things that we have been doing or um just anything that we felt would be great to just pass out to all of the teachers um so we would send that out each month it would go out to all of the teachers and principes um and we'd also include links with different resources on there that they could access so another quick way for us to just get out some professional developments to teachers based on topics that we felt would be most beneficial at the classroom and teacher level we focused on the guided math format and the guided math format focuses on a mini lesson and then it's followed with small group instruction which is then differentiated according to the students needs and so we spend a lot of time taking the whole group instruction model and tailoring it towards the guided math model which we have found to be much more successful um we are able to meet the students needs much better another way we support teachers is co- teing lessons with them and so this I find them to benefit from this because a lot of people trying something new are looking for that side by side support so we're kind of like their co-pilot and this year when we've been trying something new it most often has been a component of the math program so when I go I'll say to them have you tried out the let's investigate yet if you haven't when I come in on Thursday why don't we try the let's investigate for that topic or um the guided problem solving reading mats that we have but also the co- teing sometimes involves something that I've recently learned so if I was on a training for Desmos at the elementary level when I go to visit the school I'll say to the teacher when I come in can we try this activity that I just learned about on Desmos it's something I really think that you could use in small group on your own when I'm not here but let's try it together so I think it takes a little bit of the intimidation out of them because we're doing it together and I also can bring some insight maybe I've experienced at another building with a different teacher that has tried it and I'll say oh this worked for that teacher why don't we try it this way and it's beneficial to me but also to them so I begged Courtney to be able to do this slide um truthfully though this is where all of the support we've given teachers at the district level and the school level come together um this is really the classroom teacher level is the heart of our work and as instructional coaches is where we spend the vast majority of our time if you think back to those initial menus where U we had the road and the sneakers is where we get to put on those hats or sneakers um and really act in many different ways alongside our teachers so we meet with teachers in coaching cycles and then we choose goals they choose goals for themselves and then we work side by side and that might look like um planning units planning lessons demonstrating lessons co- teing lessons helping um looking at small groups um a lot of times we are looking at student strengths and identifying our next steps to help meet students where they are are and move them forward a lot of times teachers just need resources and sometimes we find them and sometimes we create them and we share them out across the 10 schools um whether it is a first year teacher or a year 25 teacher um when we are able to meet teachers and support them in meaningful ways the teachers grow and when the teachers grow the students grow and final is the community level and throughout the year we had three parent Mathies and we had the first one in October and that was an overview of the math program and it was a really great opportunity to explain to the parents why we did change to a new math program um just the theories behind the new program and a little bit of a dissection about the program so this way when the work comes home they have a better understand understanding of the driving force behind it um we found that having that initial meeting was super helpful um we had uh over 300 we had over 300 parents attend so it was just a wonderful opportunity for all of us um they they didn't want to leave true you had to keep saying thank you everybody for coming um the second one was held in January and that was was more about fact fluency and how to help your child at home using uh everyday objects around the house and so we were explaining to parents that you don't have to have necessarily math manipulatives you can use all of the things that you have at home and make math fun um and then finally we just had one uh May 16th on problem solving and it was great because our Focus was taking the fear out of problem solving and helping people understand that there are many different strategies to solve it so it was a really great opportunity to extend ourselves to the community and work together to achieve a common goal so we find in general that our parents are always looking for ways to support their children at home with math but in particular this year because we had a new math program they were looking for a little bit more guidance so at back to school night and parent teacher conferences we created as coaches some flyers that teachers could share out with parents with some information that they would find helpful we hoped the flyer that was shared out of back to school night was information about the family engagement portal which is part of the savis Envision platform and it provides lesson level support for the parents which I think they're finding invaluable because the lesson video that the teacher can use during class is then linked on this family engagement portal and the parents can see at home exactly how it was presented to the child class um there's also activities that they can do at home for extra practice with their children and it also provides them a worked example of some of the problems that their students have done in class to give them an understanding of what's expected on the homework and then at parent teacher conferences we were looking to reiterate the that family engagement portal was available at parent teacher conferences a lot of times parents are voicing concerns with how their students are doing in different subject areas so we thought this was a good opportunity to remind them that resource was available and then also to share with them the success maker program that was um a partner program for Envision this year it's an online individualized adaptive learning program that they can use at home but we're also using in school and we're finding it to be super helpful because it not only helps students that need intervention but it also is helping the kids that are on level with a spiral review of of skills throughout the year teachers commented that this was super helpful with test preparation because the students have been spiraling the content throughout and it also provides enrichment opportunities for students that have been identified by the program as in need of intervention or enrichment specifically to different skills um we were able to host two parent literacy nights this year uh we Ally and I collaborated with Marissa the reading specialist media Specialists um to put on a really great night um with informational sessions there was nine different sessions on various skills and geared towards K2 and 35 so parents were able to pick sessions that they felt would most benefit um either you know themselves at home to help their child or to better understand what their child is doing in school um Ally and I were both able to present we collaborated with different reading specialists in the district um Ali presented on vocabulary building vocabulary for year towards uh grades 35 I presented on um blending strategies geared towards students in K2 um both the parent academies and the parent literacy nights were really great way for us coaches to connect what's happening in school with what's happening at home so if that doesn't give you enough about how amazing amazing amazing these coaches are um they pulled together some teacher testimonials and this speaks volumes for for the support they provide to our teachers in our 10 schools but I also wanted to note that anamarie and I have the opportunity to be present at many of the teacher evaluations their Summit of evaluations at the end of the year and candidly teachers just will constantly say oh my gosh the coach helped me with this I love the way the coach helped me with that and the teachers are just so happy to have a partner like like the coaches described it a partner in in just confirming that they're doing the right thing or answering questions about something they might be unsure about and and for us I know I speak for Anna Marie to too their eyes and ears are everywhere and they can come back to us and talk to us about hey this is a trend we're noticing going on we need to fix this or this is going well let's keep going with this and it's it's so helpful to us as administrators to get a pulse on what's happening in both language arts and math which is huge in 10 elementary schools so thank you so much for listening to us tonight thank you so much for being here and and sharing in our presentation and thank you guys for for doing this because you're amazing they're the best so much [Music] I'm I'm I'm sure there may be some board members with questions so I'll open it up to the the floor Mrs mayor I I was amazed at what you all do so I I thank you for working with our teachers because as a former teacher it was always good to have somebody to kind of call back on for help but I do have just a few questions um when you went to the other districts that were using the envision math program did they have do they use instructional coaches as well or you didn't ask that I'm just curious I think there was one District that used instructional coaches and one that didn't um and the one District that did share they said that it was instrumental to actually have the coaches and the administrator be a part of the implementation um they found that if they brought in outside vendors um it was a bit it was more difficult to gather all of the information that a teacher would need to start the school year so yes it was one of the districts out of the two that we visited um another question um this was the first year for this bath program correct and I know how hard it is when you get a new math program and you got to go hit the ground with it so I'm sure that having that time to kind of own it was important next year it's not the first year in the world what what are you going to do are you going to do a refresh I'm really thinking of math because that I was a basic skills math teacher what are you going to do with that are you going to have you know you've already introduced it to the teachers that are using it how will you use your so resources yep have a plan already um the series is wonderful can I actually just digress for a second that I worked with uh Judy mayor when I first got hired in 98 and she was on my grade level so if we're going to talk about support this is someone that I got support from in the very beginning but I digress so I'm sorry but um there is so much to this math series and I'm thrilled to be a math coach but I was a fifth grade teacher forever and I'm really sorry that I didn't have the opportunity to use the series as a second or fifth grade teacher because there's so much and we presented everything but there is absolutely no way you could integrate every single aspect of this series there there's no away just learning the format and just learning how to take the mini lesson and and the small group instruction we were telling them let's say there's 20 resources to use right we were saying get your mini lesson get your small group instruction pick one good you know you got a h got the hang of that great adapt you know get another one great you got that so there are still so many more resources out there that we have not not help them to implement yet because it would be an unbelievable task to say here you go here's 20 of them good luck so I think it's just like a scaffold day was that okay I think also um we touched upon it lightly on one of the slides but this year Susie and I were primarily working with the teachers in K1 and two and the literacy coaches were focusing more with grades 3 four five and last year it was the opposite so the teachers in grades three four and five although they've received our support through the lunch and learns and just the collegial support we provide when we're in the building when we're not meeting with the K2 teachers next year we will actually be meeting with them every week when we go to their school and going in and doing the co- teing and planning with the three to five teachers this year 3 to five was working mostly with the literacy coaches we didn't want to come at them from both both sides and then in addition um I just want to add that in our end of year Summit of meetings with teachers a lot of them brought up that they want to continue as their professional development plan with enVision Math um but along with that our Focus next year for literacy and math is small group instruction and the interventions that are being provideed in the what I need period the win or RTI intervention period so we're going to take and put all of our brains together and use all of the programming that we have and see what resources can be provided for the intervention periods so it'll be a little bit of everything I do have a couple more questions sure you're getting all these accolades and you know thanks for people so go ahead I had to talk to her beforehand um your basic skills and your reading specialist how do you work with them I mean how do they you do the whole classroom with the teacher right how do you work with the basic skills teacher or the remed or the reading it depends um just as every teacher is on their different path of of teaching it really depends on what the teacher is asking us for so we didn't go in with a h set um mini lesson so if a teacher asks for support with struggling students I might go talk to the reading specialist um if a teacher um asked about small group instruction struggling students um I might we might talk about ways of strengths that we see that students have and then areas that they need support in and then um we might set up lessons or small groups during their Ela block that would support those needs um so we had we were always having conversations with media Specialists and reading Specialists but really we were able to help the teachers with what they asked us for um I only had a couple uh opportunities this year to to really help with specific students uh our Focus this year was more on instruction and planning and and modeling um but you know we do it all so if they ask for it we'd be willing to is math basic skills math is that still push in is that a still they come into the classroom or basic SK skills math is a pullout program oh it's pull out now it's pull out yep so right before I was then it was push in now it's pull out again right so immediately before becoming a math coach last year I was a basic skills math teacher for three years at nolwood and just as we're kind of the point people for Marissa and anamarie I'm finding for Susie and I the basic skills Math teachers are our Point people in the buildings okay we're only we're each at five schools so we are on a week like a five-week cycle so I'll be at nolwood one week then the next week I'm at rockco Meadow then the next week Lake hawaa then Northville then Troy Hill so potentially it's 5 weeks in between when I'm back at a building I'm having lots of communication with teachers via email texting um but ultimately it's the BSI teacher that will sometimes send me an email and say I'm noticing what that this is coming up as a concern of teachers when you come back if you would bring some resources to help them out with this they're kind of our Point people um they're also our collaborators so when we're in the buildings A lot of times the lunch and learns that we are offering were offering in collaboration with the BSI teacher so the ones that we offered related to the success maker program and reading the data and using it to inform our instruction that was one that we did in tandem with the basic skills math teacher in each building we were able to bring a more Global Perspective having more experience to play around with the program but they were able to tell us what the needs of their specific building were in terms of the data they needed to pull from that in addition to the reading specialist and the um uh the basic skills math we're also in constant communication with the building principles right so it's kind of like a triangle between us all what when are you noticing what do you see what do you need and so it changes from um the fall to the winter to the spring as the the children's needs change as well my last question I promise the the last question was your last question or yeah one more one more you have one more no this is okay coming up um you had your meetings uh mat had three meetings and you know reading now next year are you going to have the same meetings just maybe change the topics but keep parents very much involved because you're GNA you started grade one or so the parent Mathies and the literacy uh nights were all for K5 parents okay so you're going to have new parents coming in so they going to be at the overview issue okay so but you're still going to be working with parents to keep them in the loop absolutely thank you very much I love your program I wish it was in effect when I was teaching it sounds great to have that support thank you Judy thank you any other questions Michelle so the tools and resources that you have found and are facilitating are incredible I thank you so much for doing this I know it takes a lot of effort but it clearly is making a difference for our teachers our students and our community so thank you you um just wondering about the lunch and learns so um you're giving our teachers so many different resources in order to learn how to use these tools um were the lunch and learns something that were mandated or is it something optional they were optional and so they were optional how many teachers took you up on the opportunity to sit in on those lunch and learns be surprised um again we would visit a school um so I'm on the west side so I would have east lake inil lake par so let's say I was at East Lake I would send um you know um an email out to the teachers and I would say I will be with you during the weeks of is there anything in particular you would like me to talk about or I have these topics that I can present to you and then people that are interested which ended up being everybody because it was a new series and they appreciated our um our take on it and how we could convey it they attended and and it was so great and then we could say here these are my thoughts on the mini lesson this is how I would teach it I can commod it for you I'm going to be gone in other schools for five weeks you let me know how it goes and then we'll catch up again when I'm back and it was a constant how did it go great what were the pros what were the cons what can we work on go to the next school same thing try this how did it were pros and cons and it was a constant learning cycle wherever we wherever we went I will say too it it wasn't every time we went to a building that we did a lunch and learn so we weren't overwhelming them with sessions a lot of our TurnKey training was done in one-on-one sessions or sessions with a grade level during their prep and planning periods so we weren't monopolizing their lunchtimes with these sessions but when we did offer them they knew it was useful information and like Susie said pretty much everyone attended and I think because it was a new series and that was different and then in addition muris and I have the supervisor meetings after school so if they did not attend the lunch and learns they had the opportunity from our supervisor menu and in that menu we have math literacy science Health social studies um so they have the opportunity to watch a or view a session but additionally apply what they learned during that lunch and Lear thank you very much Yeah Wendy um I was just um hey thank you this is great work and you know teachers leading teachers is fantastic in exactly what the profession needs and I'm so like thankful to be in a district that values your labor um I want was thinking about different like models of assessment and like what how do you know this is working and I was thinking that we might think about things like teacher satisfaction or teacher e teacher self-efficacy um or like things like program Fidelity or even you know down the line like test scores I was wondering what just what you're thinking about assessing your own Effectiveness and like what the time frames might look like in that and if you're doing it formally or informally what that might look what that's looking like to you we start when is it we started off the beginning of the school year one I'm new to the district this year um and I'm a new coach so it was a a new a new year for me um and I would like to say um I can tell I can say that I enjoy my job and I don't think that all of my friends can say that um so when you say thank you thank you um it's really an honor to be up here working um with with the teachers in the district um so at the beginning of the year we sent out a survey um based off of the district goals and the needs that our supervisors told us uh they're looking to support teachers with but we asked teachers what do you need help with um and then we spent the rest of the year designing professional development lunch and learns uh one-on-one coaching sessions with those teachers and at the end of the year we sent out another um an evaluation if you will uh what were the topics it was um were we friendly and approachable were we helpful um did were resources were they useful set out for yeah um are there CER it was it was anous you watch them do it right it's like actually I was watching them come in but that's where the teacher testimonials came from there was a a a slot at the bottom where they could write in you know if there's any feedback you'd like to give us especially on my first year that's where these came from um um as a former literacy coach in a in a previous District the number one thing that a coach can do I think that's most beneficial is build a relationship with the teachers they're with build that trust start with that framework Nobody Does it Better than these guys and when anamar and I are having conversations with teachers and they hear you know the rumor about a cut that might be coming or a change immediately they're saying things to us which is a an awesome assessment you're not getting rid of the coaches right because they find such value in the work that these four individuals do and I I truly mean that and and for Anna Marie and I we find so much value because they are the eyes and ears we cannot be in 10 buildings it's two of us sort of doing a lot doing most of the elementary instructional support and and and they they do it for us so well so so as a kind of candid evaluation of their work teachers are constantly begging us for more with them they can only divide themselves so much they're each in five schools and they are working day and night texting us all hours of the evening with their Amazing Ideas so that and itself speaks speaks volume so um you know we just love them add something truthful but funny so it's my first year in the district and I don't I'm learning about our district so teachers that are new and not new would ask me questions and I would say ask me anything I'll just ask because I don't know anything about this District yet so we have teachers who have been here for many years un Shore or just verifying that they're doing the right thing and I'd say just let me ask you know so it's that trust and that relationship that I think really makes this work any other questions sheel sure thank you and just to Echo everyone else's sentence you guys were wonderful thank you so much for putting this much effort in um I was able to attend the parent literacy night so I wanted toate you for just as a parent but it was really helpful and I love the fact that you had um these QR codes so that we can go back and visit other ones that we were not able to participate in so I just wanted to uh Acom you know uh let them know that I appreciated that and I just want you CA because if you haven't used canva a shout out to canva it's amazing get yourself on there and give it a try and free to Educators which is even more amazing we get the really cool features of it I hope that um you'll be able to I know you only did this uh in March but is there any uh plans to do it more than once a year or is that a tremendous task to ask for yes and yes um yeah I mean we of course need to change things every year figure out what our our parent Community needs but certainly um we've had lots of brainstorm both before and after about what it might look like do we do it more at a school level do we involve in some of our family reading nights that happen at our school levels versus um you know versus the district level I think sometimes parents get a little intimidated by going to a larger event beyond their school level um especially when it comes to literacy um math I think being new was was was more well attended anamary won that one unfortunately um but yes I mean there's always opportunity to to find great ways to involve the parents um the individual classrooms were very intimate and you could ask and if you're shy about asking it was you know there was very it wasn't like there was less people but it was enough of a and um the other question I had for you guys was I saw all the wonderful testimonials that are here but was there any challenging feedback that you guys got back they want more of them I have one uh so I work with a lot of resource teachers as well and I do not have a resource background um so for our special education students I'm constantly talking to the other coaches and to other teachers on how to best support the needs of of those teachers and I asked if we could also have a special education coach and I was told no uh so I will continue to learn uh myself um but it's a it's an ongoing process that was I think my biggest feedback was that the special education teachers valued um my efforts and our relationship but the resources I was giving them didn't necessarily fit into their hole right so then they had to take it and tweak it but that's what teachers do um so going into next year I will probably tweak my instruction a little bit thank you I think um one of the challenges that Susie and I faced this year was at the beginning of the year we were tech support um with the with the new math program and a new platform and getting students on the new platform and teachers on the platform and helping students and teachers navigate the platform we had to train ourselves very very quickly and become experts on navigating the savis site um which we didn't originally I guess Envision having to do um but that was a challenge and I think we like we Rose to the challenge we did any other questions yes Susie please hi um like everyone else thank you very much for your time thank you very much for the presentation for all you do it's important for us as a district not only to support our students but also the staff because you know you guys get out like you were saying you go to you go to um you know different uh classes and you learn and you bring and that in itself is a tremendous help because the teachers themselves can't do that so it's always It's always important to learn some you know to bring in the new stuff what is you know what's out there you know to to find out and not become stagnant so keep on it with uh with Dr Mone if you need more people you know I have the two people right here this is the purse and this is the person that can okay for the next 45 minutes you're got but no but but thank you and um you know and and in fact you know that is this these are the type of programs that we have to support to to help you to help our students and the rest of the staff so thank you so much and if you ever have a problemsolving learning class invite me please because let I went problem Sol it's a problem okay I I don't know how I got straight A in math in school because math problems were not my the strong suit thank you Judy you have one more thing one more thing remember when we switched to Goat oh and it was at the end of the summer when we got it and teachers the biggest criticism that was throughout our schools was we didn't have enough time to get to know what it was so I just remember everybody frantically trying to catch up so I can see the value in your help at the beginning well thanks lots of great ideas die they never make it anywhere and for whatever the reason so I love the fact that you guys developed a great program you thought about how to roll it out you you got people your your audience to buy what you were selling now you've got this critical mass who've really embraced it so I think it's going to be a fantastic probam it's only going to continue to grow so thank you so much for this really appreciate it thank you thank [Applause] you have a nice weekend yeah so we're going to move on uh is there any correspondents that come before the board no no no okay good uh is there any UNF unfinished business to come before the board seeing none no okay uh committee reports and it seems like there's a lot of them tonight um so why don't we why don't we if you have a committee and a liaison why don't you do both at the same time so we're not going around the table uh multiple times uh so we'll start with Dr Wright but I don't I think he might be the only person with that e I'm all good thank you okay than you Michelle okay um so uh on the 21st of this week uh the human resources Labor Relations Committee met present were myself um Susie golderer Judy Mayer Ty Ricker and Bob Suter um there were really two concentrations of topics that we spoke about uh there there were some personal matters that were uh confidential in nature uh that we worked our way through um uh Mr Ricker was very well versed on all the information that we needed so we were able to uh make the decisions that were necessary um the uh second topic was around the job descriptions which you have in your packets tonight um so there are four that you should um that were reviewed and are there for approval uh the health benefits corer the director of early childhood and the director of school security and the school security officer that is my report any questions question you want do you want to briefly mention the um meeting with the town yesterday just be very top level sure um wait wait wait wait let's not get past this just real quick oh you have questions I I well yes okay okay I'm sorry go ahead Susie I just want to make sure that that the board knows that for example on on a couple it's not that it's a new position and and in addition to but it's a name change on a couple of them right some some revisions to that yes so that the public if they're listening it's not that we're hiring more people it's a name change of a couple of positions that's right yeah thanks for making that point any any qu I'm sorry any questions for Michelle on the HR report no okay thanks yeah thank you for that clarification uh so uh last night um uh um we met uh so uh president chafo vice president gold and myself met with the town Township and the mayor uh to discuss uh the um the different to continue the discussions we've been having around the pilots and the uh the profit sharing as well as other things that we could be collaborating on um it continues to be a very positive uh collaboration and partnership with them um we walked away from that meeting with some clear follow-ups uh and the intention to meet again very soon um so that we can start to make some progress on some of the the things that we've been discussing is that fair that's fair uh thank you any questions for Michelle on that no okay thank you sheel Communications a very very robust report and I have questions too on it all right let's go so thank you um Communications met on May 13th present were myself Mr rehea Dr Wright and Mr beros and as president chafo said it was very comprehensive and I love having these meetings because um sometimes it looks like we might not have much of an agenda until we sit down and then um things just start flowing out so the first thing we discussed was scheduling additional podcast recordings and there was quite a few bullet points about that um the Q&A in augural podcast was really great it was very informative um discussed some additional podcast topics um such as committees such as TLC on how books and curriculum are chosen created and exact and also how policies are reviewed and updated in our committees we talked about rotating other board members and administration for future podcasts also about proposing new content for additional podcasts especially in the summer months uh ramping up for back to school with a podcast with additional Insight from Dr Sutter on how the district and administration prepare for a new school year some of the topics that would be um up for back to school would be Transportation schedules teacher assignments and new teachers something called Snippets um A Day in the Life at East like school for example going into schools and giving an idea of their day their real life um tasks and how to incorporate that into a podcast uh we also T spoke about in the same realm of who do we imagine in these podcasts and what kind of information do we want to convey about our schools an intro to kindergarten was also um suggested for families that are brand new to this district and an intro to crossing guards in addition to that we spoke about hibs uh from the middle school and up for parents to understand the Hib process the legal side terms Etc spoke about a high school prom video and coordination an Avenue for discussing Pilots including Q&A displaying transparency to our community and making sure that it's on the radar for our district parents we also spoke about Littleton construction phases and updates and progress and I'm really sad that Bob is not here because I wanted to call him Bob the Builder which is what we were discussing um inviting the student reps to the committee meetings like they used to in years years past the second topic that we discussed was developing topics for upcoming meetings um Mr beros had mentioned that something called board bites used to be a part of uh one of the topics that used to be part of our meetings um a synopsis of the public meeting by just the board by a separate PR person or students uh an example of that would be students at the pal discussing or sharing updates collating a list of all the district social media pages and sites into one place so that you can find games activities concerts the calendar updates Etc uh demographer updates were also discussed uh for upcoming meetings architect updates such as can the ad hoc and uh Billy and grounds committees look at the architect updates and send a rough draft to the board also with biling and grounds can The Five-Year Plan for facilities be discussed in the future and retirement incentives like they do at some colleges to keep Staffing levels up um the third topic we talked about was updates on the previous meetings we had talked about making an update a statement or a press release on the State of the Union of our district especially regarding the redevelopments and from the ad hoc and Communications to the general public about the board and District or both to make sure that they understand that our district nor the Boe are dropping the ball on anything and it has been a while since the public has heard from us so that was why that was suggested hoping that there are also no delays before we see something such as Revenue sharing and not scraps since a lot of items are reliant on Revenue sharing such as but not limited to Littleton project structural impacts and personnel and there are a lot of possibilities that would also benefit the mayor and the council that should be discussed without additional burden or cost to the taxpayers and last but not least we did speak about the canva chart um that Dr Wright had helped put together and the questions surrounding that was can the printouts of the original canvas chart and the key numbers and funding our school district uh be made available for the table for people to take home with them as they or leave the public meeting uh Mr baros had also had this same chart blown up into a poster size with the intention to display it on an A-frame at the board office during the public meetings for our community and the questions were when can it be displayed and if there is any issue with that what parameters do we need before this can happen is there any reason that it cannot be displayed why or why not and if is there any hesitation or controversy due to the fear that mayor Barbaro would be upset or mad by the data on the chart why or why not and that is my report thank you okay thank you any questions for Susie okay um with I mean these are excellent excellent topics kudos to you guys it it really was seems to have been a an excellent meeting um I guess my question is at the canvas chart chart I thought that we had already agreed to that I mean why um that we were going to display it and and because it it just shows numbers it has nothing you know it it's it's on our website so it's not like we're and if we already have the poster where is the poster I believe it's the Dr suter's office so just uh like to see affirmatively do we want to because I guess it would be put like right back here doing our public board meetings in the as we come in no cuz I think they want it on the I want they want it on camera they want yeah sure uh yeah all in favor okay yeah I thought we did yeah Robin perhaps you can mention to Dr Suter that at the next meeting we'll have our our chart up at the uh the board yeah Jude um regarding the Snippets I found that interesting because years ago um I did when I was president of the union we did a day in the life of the teacher and we went around at all the different schools and on the teacher and what they did and it was really a great example to put out there and unfortunately that tape has long since been lost I know but it was a it took a whole it took I think two days to do it but it was well worth it was a great activity for the teachers to see them after but they got to see the whole thing so when you say Snippets are you referring back to the board bites a day in the life that okay I don't recall you got recall board bites either I don't recall them board bites was a topic coming out of a school boards that we the board at one time were looking at putting in post board meeting that would do a selective highlight that would be either emailed or sent out to our community so they wouldn't have to go to the website and um I think at the time there was an issue with um you know who was going to do it it would be the board's responsibility back then we had asked about getting um a student uh maybe almost like an internship to the board um I talked a little bit when I was board president with Dr Sergeant about it she didn't object to but we just never got around to it and I brought it up in getting Communications because I just think it's a way of not only um talking about what happens our meetings and some of the on on the positives but um you know we've got a lot of talented um uh kids out there that especially are technology Savvy if you remember I think it was either last year or two years ago Dr Sergeant started engaging some of our students uh helping her with her Powerpoint present presentation so I just thought it was an extension of doing that and it was a kind of a giving back a little bit to the community uh since many many years our board goals is to enhance Communications to our community that sounds good okay I'll certainly bring that up with Dr Suter and see if he has any ideas and perhaps Dr M roone being um want to have our students involved with uh presenting that kind of material we'll see how we can get it done any other questions can you speak in the microphone oh I was saying that um the student reps used to be part of the committee meetings in the past I noticed that they were in the photos before but I don't know if they were always in the committee meetings but I thought that was go ahead historically um we had students attend committee meetings um not necessarily the more confidential meetings but like you know there were selective meetings in which the board represent our our student reps were invited to because technically they are a part of our our board even though they represent the students but you know I think that and and Dr sergeant and I talked about that last year I believe was to enhance role like they used to do because really um I don't know and I love these students so it has nothing to do with the students but for them to come in give a a five minute report and then leave you know I'm not not sure if we're helping them in their educational process in um government and um boards and and and what it is they're looking for I think that that's something that we've done in the past I like to talk about resurrecting it for the future I again I don't recall what ever happening did did um having students in in committees I I never don't recall that at all wasn't um Anthony Mancuso's son involved I don't I mean we're talking years ago no it was definitely he was leison to the board yeah but I don't I don't recall but I mean again it's it the point being was is that in in 20123 I believe it was when Dr sergeant and I discussed it um it was to enhan you know it was something that we didn't it wasn't Reinventing the wheel we had done it before we don't know we couldn't figure out why we hadn't done it why we stopped doing it but nobody thought it was a bad idea you know obviously there were certain committees that they couldn't go to and you know if we had a committee meeting and they couldn't go to it you know obviously unlike a board member we can't hold them responsible for coming to committee meetings but we just thought that it was an enhancement to their experiences to representing their Community they're sitting on they're sitting at the board table so you're suggesting the two people who are liaison from the high schools attend these committees that's how that's because how would you select who goes to a committee no it would be those who are rep are Representatives okay yeah I mean now again maybe at this point in time it would have to be if this was something that to do um it would have to be a 2024 25 initiative interesting I must have got a whole bunch of stuff over the years I don't remember that at all um I vaguely do remember you know them taking a more um Hands-On approach okay yeah please I think that's something you'd have you you definitely want to advertise to students before they run for those positions yes yeah because it becomes a larger commitment and as students are participating as sports or plays you might even want to think about multiple students for the job you know can we put them in the group photo also like yeah sure yeah I'm not sure why the liaison the student liaison are in the group photos anymore that's a good question that I do remember yes um this looks good yeah so regarding the podcast I I'll reach out to Dr Suter um as I was reminded by Mr satch tonight we had we had one it was it was I think well done uh we have a lot of material for future podcasts so we just need to have because this is the superintendent's podcast podcast we need to have Bob select the topics he wants to um tackle next and perhaps we um pick a day and film three or four at the same time so we have a a library of material to send out um you you you had a CH on here demographer updates um Robin is there any update about the demographer study are they working on it do we have any update on timeline um yes so I did email um the demographer to find out what the timeline was he was working on our report he was gathering information he had reached out to some contacts and pipany to get information and that's where we are right now so he is in the middle of working on it okay thank you um so on number three updated statement press release on the State of the Union of the district especially regarding redevelopments uh does the committee recommend that go out as a podcast or in some other way what's the other way I me you could always come up with a statement uh to put out or press release like we have done in the past it's just been a while since we've had any updates for the public in case uh we want to keep it in the Forefront of their minds and not you know at the end of the year it's very busy and uh there's a lot of things going on so it's not in the Forefront of the parents and community at the time okay during graduation season and whatnot so just something something that um spoke about you know we're open to all kinds of suggestions it doesn't necessarily have to be a press release or podcast it could be um any kind of um communication back uh that would be you know more than welcome to have all kinds of s suggestions um to the ad hoc and Communications committee on how to go forth with it okay thank you all right moving on any liaison report no no okay Timothy oh go yeah go ahead I just wanted to briefly mentioned that the parsipany Education Foundation had their golf outing last week and I'll let doc Mr Chao um continue on that uh thank you Tim thank you Mr President um I attended the uh py Town C meeting on May 21st um the basic uh there was a series of topics but mostly centered around the uh Township uh budget um Communications um I mean me uh a lot of the convers that was the bulk of the conversation um other than I can let you know that the property behind um atlantex that's behind East Lake School but um they got its second approval so it's it's progressing forward again still no still no uh idea if it's going to be a pilot or a non-pilot it's still has not been been brought up but it has moved forward um as relates to the uh report on the uh the butt Township budget um it's going to be uh just a little bit north of 3% increase um it has made um it has gone through this I guess you call it their second read or second vote so it's progressing to the next meeting um a lot of back and forth a lot of uh conversations about the budget and where they can trim um you know so that was not a um um the recommendations that were again made by uh one of the councilmen uh was uh rejected in a vote of 3 to2 so the current budget as it stands is moving forward um I would for those board members who did not have the chance to see the video I don't know if she's available yet but um there was a uh item brought up and honestly anybody who knows um one of our fellow citizens Mr Clarken who attends a lot of the uh Township Council meetings I don't think I've ever necessarily seen in a board meeting but um the Council made mention as uh many of the folks uh attended and voiced their concerns about the current Municipal budget increase um that the council council president the more precisely um suggested that um the citizenry should um go home review your tax bill and then go visit the Board of Education uh and talk to them about why their tax bill so High um Mr Clarkin uh to his credit stood up for the bard of Ed and said you know hey uh bard of Ved has only raised their budget 6% over the last three years the municipal budget has risen by 21 plus per in the same three-year period so although I agree with the idea of the number I did call our business administrator Mr descco and said can you remind me and she did and thank you very much in 2022 the district raised our budget by 2% 2023 the district raised the budget by 2% and this year's past budget was raised by 3.18% which is a total of 7.18% um so I want to make sure the board was aware of that um on the new course with our uh our friends at Town Council uh just on a personal note I found that very U disheartening to hear that um we would do that but we did so the Board needs to be May aware of it I hope uh some of the folks who attended that council meeting do come to our board meeting and ask questions because uh this team here is never um shy to answer a question and they work very hard and um so anyways that's my report thank you thank you questions for Tim no yeah I I uh did listen to the recording and you know I'm always underwhelmed when we take shots at each other either either us at the council or mayor or vice versa I I do believe we're going to accomplish more for the residents of this community by working together and I uh you know being I'm no even not even too trusting as I hear all too often I I am hopeful that the recent discussions with the mayor and some members of the council will continue on on a positive trajectory I I think we are um seeing that so far and um you know the council president as we all are are free basically to say what they'd like when they're at the de um I I don't agree with that I I think um you know pointing fingers and casting dispersions isn't the right thing to do uh we all have our own set unique set of challenges yeah and we're we're we're hiring administrators professionals to run the district we're being elected with the trust and faith of the community to do the right thing um by the community um and I and I I hope it doesn't devolve again into a war of words I'm not looking forward to that I'm looking as I always say the uh the the windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror Robin because we want to look forward not backwards that's that's where I'm looking so I remain hopeful uh Allison I hope you talk about the delegate assembly because it seemed like it was very interesting well it was and school boards had a good write up on it so I would encourage all the board members to read their write up the only real surprise was that the one of the resolutions passed that was not suggested by the subcommittee and that was to have school boards mandate uh advocate for mandating kindergarten so that was a little bit a surprise because usually school board members are not um in favor of asking for unfunded mandates um but other than that you know all of the other uh resolutions passed as suggestion Allison um we just had a little difficulty hearing um what you had said can you can you go back to um the thing you were disappointed about the uh on full day kindergarten the there was one resolution that did that um was passed that asked these State School Board basic uh uh State Association [Music] to mandate that they their charges now to ask for mandated kindergarten so that is obviously an unfunded mandate which usually the majority of school boards are not for but this passed so now the school boards Association will be charged with um you know asking the state legislature to mandate kindergarten uh and I think they amended that that motion right they took out the word full and didn't they also put in language that it had to be funded or am I am I incorrect they did they took out full and they asked for it to be funded but nobody in the room made any pretense that that would actually happen thank you uh please continue I'm sorry what uh please continue with your report no that's it thank you okay and wasn't wasn't there another resolution at fail that would mandate uh a 2% cap on other than public schools that are sent students by public school districts for special education yes um out of district schools yes yes there is already a cap on those schools so it did not pass because there's already language in there that um those schools are already under different caps so essentially that would have been a cap on a cap which shouldn't be necessary okay thank you any questions for Allison on the delegate report uh Judy it's not really a question but we were email a copy of the delegates assembly and all of the information which ones passed um and you know which one they talked about mandatory can you use your microphone Judy can you use your microphone CL sorry my voice usually is pretty strong um let me just go back real quick capital reserve accounts school cancellations you know when you can use for you know go online use of AI use of schools of polling places which I thought was really interesting they believe the determination as to whether the close of public school building used as a polling place on an election day should be made by the local Board of Education and that's not how it is so I think you know we all got this click on it it'll give you a summary of each one Alison anything else that's it thank you thank you Jack thank you Mr Chao um I met with the pal board on May 16th and uh just a couple of uh bullet points U one of the things they covered was uh they've got roof damage uh water damage from on the roof and they're working on fixing that and they're getting a couple of potential uh free work done by these couple of construction companies there a couple of points there's there is a pasta dinner fundraiser on June 8th for a 2-year-old named Theo who was fighting brain cancer so even if you know even if you can't make it you know could buy a couple of tickets and contribute that to that uh worthy cause um um and let's see U there are two two board members have resigned and they're looking for new board members so if anyone knows anyone that thinks they would be a good fit for the pal then please reach out reach out to me or reach out to uh Tom bushakis who's the executive director at the palal um there is a blood drive on June 4th at the pal and then there was a little bit of excitement on I guess this Monday night uh um during one of the uh league basketball games a one of the players uh collapsed uh with uh cardiac arrest and the young lady her name is Emily I don't know her last name but she works at the front desk and she sprang into action and brought out a defibrillator an AED and was able to between CPR and she was trained in CPR between CPR and the uh defibrillator they were able to revive him and they brought him to uh moristown Memorial where uh you know I'm I'm not sure where he is now but apparently she did save his life believe that's a par High Alum oh yeah it is okay yeah and uh it was one of our par High fathers who was a firefighter that helped them plent the AED oh yeah Louis ran great that's a great story yeah yeah that's it any questions um do you have a flyer for that fundraiser the pasta fundraiser I I have one I could forward it to you um electronically I don't have it I don't have a hard copy can you send it to Jon and she'll send it out to the board okay yeah send it follow to Jo out y okay Judy I nothing okay uh Susie okay um so critical issues met and president myself and this was a a bit of a different type of um critical issues meeting because we were reviewing the superintendent evaluation so a couple of the members were not able to attend uh be because they're conflicted so I do have to say uh thank you to um Mrs Chappelle Mrs mayor Mrs Abraham for helping us out Mr Rea was one of the members present but uh the other three ladies did help us out and um and even so it still took about three and a half hours to to get through it so um so thank you and that you know that is what we will be discussing later on today is the superintendent evaluation at our next meeting for sure we will then discuss the board self- evaluation but everyone should have received a copy of the board self- evaluation so you'll have plenty of time to read through it and when I say fill in I meant either print out you know the print out the document or um if you have the PDF the the advanced copy you could go in and fill and sign you know fill fill in whatever any additional comments that you may have to the ones that were made by the committee okay if anybody has any questions on that Judy I I'm I'm unclear why are we discussing um superintendent evaluation when we all saw the board self- evaluation so I thought we would discuss that because we've all seen it and then at the next meeting discuss the superintendent Okay the reason why that happened was because it we we had a very packed meeting tonight and we had to choose one evaluation and we figured that it was more important to move forward with the superintendent evaluation because that's also going to dictate a couple of other things that have to be done towards it versus our evaluation um you know we don't have to talk about giving ourselves any more raises like 0% you know things like that 0% raise that's what we get we will when we get when we get to uh because that's confidential so right so we couldn't we couldn't send that and um and and this just happened yesterday where we had to we had to say okay we can discuss all five things or just three yeah I think the uh superintendent's also uh evaluation is also time bound so I think it's important to get that one um done first so next meeting if memory serves is an award ceremony uh in addition to the board meeting so uh we may want to start close session early again and try to do the board self- evaluation prior to the meeting Mrs benos said that she was going to arrange an earlier um so instead of coming in at at um I guess it would be at 6 5 o'clock again I know look at Mrs Chappelle I mean if anybody has a pro I mean we could do 5:30 yeah nothing says we have to get get it done in that one meeting it would be nice but I mean we don't have to get it done in that one meeting we can you know but um we can start it and then we can come back I mean it's it's not a confidential document to us so it's it it could leave the room with us so we could we could at least start it so if we if it makes it easier we could do 5:30 to 6 and then 6 do our regular um close close session close session if we could do 5:30 to 6 I'd be very grateful because that is the evening of the PHS senior prom my daugh isend absolutely so I would like to be there for her photos absolutely thank you no we could definitely do 5:30 um one other suggestion would be if you wanted to have the meeting just for the evaluations on a separate day but then you would have to advertise that and all that so that's it's just a well we could start it we could start it um and we can then continue it again it's again it's a it's going to be a working document so any other questions for Susie great I just got a couple of things um we talked I think in detail about the ad hoc committee the residential development projects and some information about that um a few months ago uh Dr uh Dr Suter and I met with h four students from phhs regarding an anti-vaping PSA which uh they did with the help of Mr satch create that it was on YouTube um their their message was very very good about the detriments of vaping um so thank you Brian for creating that video then I think Dr morun facilitated a presentation at the Paran Public Library which also um was very well received and now these uh students are on a road show visiting each of our elementary schools instilling in our younger students the um the dangers of anti- vaping so they've really embraced that and have moved forward with anything you want to add to to that this is part of uh their AP Capstone research so um it's a two-year um AP course that we introduced three years ago when Sarah towns and started as our language art supervisor and uh they're in year one of this they've been so inspired by the process that they've uh taken to share the message so great kids yep absolutely uh just a reminder there were some invitations by Community groups uh for upcoming celebration so please get back to Mrs benos if you intend to uh intend to attend those uh somebody mentioned the PF dinner um there were a number of us who were there uh Jack was there Shiva was there uh Al Allison was there Susie was there I was there it was it was a great celebration it's their their main fundraiser and they've done so much for our district over the years um it was good to see people who had played golf that day um in the in the you know banter about uh about who scored what um but it was very good a very good celebration and I think that's it so we'll move on to approval of executive session one and two minutes and regular minutes of May 9th 2024 may I have a roll call please a motion please sorry Judy seconded by Jack R call please yes Mr baros yes Mrs kogan it's telephone for yes two rigs for a yes say hello part is we solve our technical difficulties please leave your message for sorry youre leave your message okay looks like Allison has lost service and uh will not be able to uh to vote soain is yeah she's going to abstain yeah Mrs mayor yes Mr Rea yes Mr Chappelle yes Dr Wright yes Mrs Golder yes and Mr Chapo yes superintendent report U I'm sorry superintendent bulletin number 20 uh Dr m roone assistant superintendent SP the assistant superintendent thank you president chafo uh good evening I'm going to read verbatim What Dr Suter had left for me okay wow I am surprised how comfortable I feel in this seat while I'm sitting here does anyone want a raise Dr Suter also said how excited he is for the uh that we're breaking ground in the pool at prony Hills just kidding um he did he did mention the P Education Foundation um and how wonderful the event was again this was mentioned a few times so I won't uh be too repetitive but it was great to see so many alumni and so many current and former staff members involved in that uh program it's it was really was a fun event and something I won't be missing in the future um we want to thank Alison caravano Melissa KCCI and the art staff and students at par high for putting on a wonderful art show on May 17th great show a great year for visual Performing Arts uh program and and again we expect big things in the future from them uh tomorrow is a uh day off school is closed due to our two unus snow days we'll have about tomorrow Monday the 24th and Tuesday the 28th and we wish everyone a safe happy and healthy Memorial Day weekend I'm going to editorialize now on June 30th we have our minig grant presentations here so the um the district sponsored minig grants will all be presented teachers have done a great job been able to see a lot of them in person so if you can make that is at 3:45 after school the there will be snacks um two days ago it's nice it's nice when we have cross town collaboration some students from the par Hills aace Club came to Central Middle School to talk about um equity and being an upstander and um how we treat each other and the kids did a fantastic job and their par Hill par High I mean par Hills gear at Central it's like it was kind of a nice nice moment um and then and one last thing uh rockow uh had some State the state police visit their school and they had two horses and two two police dogs and it's just a really great great event and that's just a tiny sampling of the awesomeness that's happening in District uh but I wanted to add that as well so um I would like to offer you for your approval superintendent bullin items 1 through 76 with addendum and reading items 77 to 90 thank you are there any questions for Dr Moone just real quick uh what was that dat again on the June 20th it's Friday and Tuesday they're off no the the gr June 30th June 30th Thursday June 30th not me many Grand oh June 30th I'm sorry May 30th May 30 June 30 imagine being imagine being married to me right always one off May 30 May 30 get invitation yes I I didn't see any other questions for uh Dennis um just one is the pool going to be called maron's M with some alligators 100% okay good uh Mr Sesco would you please give us a secretary's report hi everyone um on tonight's secretary's report we have our regular business motion including the approval of several contract for services for the 2425 school year does anybody have any questions okay Timothy thank you Mr Desco just a quick question number 40 the health health insurance consultant this is just a pro forer right yeah for Doyle yes yeah thank you any other questions Robin no any new business it says None okay uh we're up to the hearing of the public at this time if there is anyone who would like to address the board please come up sign your name and address in the book uh at the Le turn and state your name for the record uh and please address the chair each person will have three minutes to speak to the board it would be helpful if you would like to address the board to please come up now and sign your name in the book so that you're ready when the first speaker is finished as a reminder we are video recording this meeting if you are a student who wishes to speak we ask you not provide your home address but rather give only the name of the municipality in which you live if you are a parent wishing to discuss a specific matter pertaining to your child during this portion of the meeting you may request that the board temporarily suspends the video recording alternatively please consider speaking privately about the matter to the superintendent after the meeting speakers should refrain from using specific student or staff names in their comments and are referred to BW 0168 for further information regarding the videotaping of our meetings would anyone like to address the board would anyone else like yes Mr DeVito please hello there we go uh yeah too uh president of since 2014 um just a few few items um that I want to bring up to you U excuse me Mr can you just hold the is that better no no just take it out and hold it because you look very uncomfortable thank you thank you um so I was want to bring up about was part of communications about the podcasts uh I so I heard one of the suggestions was uh a podcast video on the uh integration of uh of news uh parents into kindergarten uh if I might have a suggestion I think the also a one about uh the transition from fifth grade into middle school and additionally from 8th grade into high school is very important I think having a few children in the district still that kind of transition is kind of can be very very uh scary for some of these kids and I think that would be helpful as well this a thought um I also was lucky enough to tell to attend the PF dinner as well um was a very well attended event it was a lot of uh a lot of fun I want wanted to thank the board on the passage of the budget on May 9th that was a unanimous vote it was a fiscally responsible budget I want to thank the administration on drafting it and then the word passing it um the the the student of committee voice don't get really talk about too many things outside of the high schools so um I was lucky enough to attend The Wizard of Oz play at brookln and it's on video on the go now too so you can watch it at your leisure but it was very very well tended and uh kids did a great job and uh moving on I also was able to watch um wasn't able to 10 strings concert for the for book laon and I was interested in hearing it and I saw that it was actually being live streamed as it was occurring so I was able to watch it on my phone a little bit and catch some of the some of the numbers and the kids are really doing a great job it's no wonder that we have a received an award for our music program these past couple years you could tell by just even the middle schoolers how much they've improved in in these years um last day U Monday night I was able to attend the uh Coral concert for brookln and had it at the hills because it was so large of attendance they couldn't fit in the brookln uh middle school anymore to do the coral concert when we had a sixth grade that was twice as big as the seventh and eighth grade combined um so it was very well attended event it was a lot of fun again that video is up up there I think yesterday Brian yeah today thank thank you Brian very good um um one last thing uh I wanted to I didn't want I couldn't correct her while she was here and I didn't want to do that while she was thing uh Sia mentioned the um Festival of the Arts at the hills um that was postponed this morning because of the rain so um it's going to move to June 9 uh June 3rd my daughter's in the art Honor Society obviously she was made aware of that so didn't get past the Alan to Ana there so just that's uh that's about it thank you very much have a good night thank you hello hi good good evening uh my name is Victoria Stockell and my son Zachary attends anata District school in regards to the comments made regarding uh preschool um I've lived in a variety of different states and one of the states that I lived in was Boston and my experience with my son Zachary is is that it was identified when he was in Head Start that he needed services so the data says when you whenever you you receive data and it says that different children have deficits you can identify and provide those services for better outcomes and so my recommendation based on that data and based on my experience is to provide those services for the children because uh the outcomes will be better thank you thank you very much are there any other members of the public that like to address the board seeing none we will close the public session uh Dr M would like to address anything that was said this evening not at this time okay thank you so much uh we will have a roll call vote of superintendent's bulletin number 20 items 1 through 76 with addendums 77 through 90 and readings may I have a motion please Sho second Michelle thank you roll call Mrs a yes Mr baros I need to recuse on 12 16 33 and yes to everything else is the here she's not here any Mrs mayor yes Mr Rea yes Mrs Chapel yes Dr Wright uh abstain on item 2C and no on 78 yes to the rest Mrs boulderer yes Mr trappa I recuse on appendix Q yes to everything else thank you we will need uh to go into closed session and onc conflicted boards to discuss the um Personnel issues no action will be taken at the conclusion of the the executive session uh I do need a motion to go into close session Michelle second in by Judy all in favor I thanks everybody uh T Tim and I are conflicted so we will not be joining you