##VIDEO ID:_lph8EE69h0## oh was I wasn't all right good evening everybody we are at 6:30 so we will um call the meeting to order in compliance with chapter 231 Public Law 1975 entitled open public meeting Z adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as specified in the act in the following manner a meting notice was published in the newspaper and the Daily Record I'm sorry on the district website on January 17th 2024 in addition the notice of the meeting was posted at the municipal building in the schools and a copy of the notice filed with the Township Clerk and and transmitted to other newspapers on October 1st 2024 they include a daily record Star Ledger parcion Focus tap into Paran parpan patch in the district website this regular public board meeting is being video recorded as per violo 0168 the recordings of these meetings will be available on our district website and our video on the Go YouTube channel we ask that you please refrain from using student or staff names in your statement professionalism is expected at all times may we have the roll call please Mrs Abraham here Mr baros here Mrs kogan here Mrs mayor here Mr Rea here Mrs chipal here Dr Wright here Mrs gold Mrs Golder is not here she's absent um Mr choa uh yes uh please stand and join me for the Pledge of Allegiance Al of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all okay we have our student committee reports I see Shia good evening how are you tonight I'm doing good thank you for asking you're welcome good evening all I hope you all are doing well today sorry starting this month's phhs Report with student council updates we're currently in the midst of preparing for the upcoming fall pep rally which will be held on October 25th the second half of the school day as of now we're working on sending out pep rally game signups for the student body and finalizing the script student council is also simultaneously working on the homecoming dance which will be held on Saturday October 26th we've started to circulate homecoming forms and started to sell tickets as well furthermore the student council exploring advertising SL promoting home promoting Homecoming on Tik Tok along with our already effective methods such as the Daily wiking News posters emails the board in the front of the school and of course Word of Mouth student council will also start preparing for Halloween at the hills soon which will be held on Wednesday October 30th 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. additionally student council attended the fall njac conference at TCNJ on Tuesday October 8th and there are also two spirit weeks coming up violence awareness week which will be held from the 14th to the 18th and then the Homing Spirit Week from the 21st to 25th that is everything for student council moving on to individual class offices the senior class the senior class has their first has their senior Sunrise scheduled for tomorrow October 11th the field Gates will be opened at approximately 6 a.m. and students will be directed to exit the field around 7:15 to 7:20 a.m. all right moving on to phhs Athletics bar Hills football will host West Morris today October 10th at 700 p.m. girls tennis remains undefeated winning all 13 games the latest one being against Mount Olive on October 4th beating them 3-2 boy soccer lost their second round counties game away against Randolph High School 2-1 girls volleyball had their senior night on Wednesday October 9th against parney high school and won the game 2-0 that is everything for today's bhhs report thank you uh thank you so much do you any board members have questions or sha okay thank you so much much thank you thank you all right we're going to suspend our normal agenda for presentations this evening uh we have uh two the first by um Miss Rachel vowa coordinate supervisor or 6 through 12 science and Industrial Arts Mr Brian mccort coordinating supervisor of 6 through2 mathematics business um and they will give a presentation on the dual enrollment and early admittance program to NJIT so thank you thank you so much it's great to see everybody um believe it or not we have some fun data I know that's not always the case but we're excited to be here we have been in contract with NGIT for two different agreements a dual enrollment and advanced admissions for the past four years so we just had our first cohort graduate from Advanced Admissions and we're heading into our fifth year so we just wanted to share with you the progress and and what's been going on and some of the next steps that we're looking to take just as a reminder dual enrollment is offered only to 11th and 12th grade students that's an NGIT rule it's where they can take classes here at par siany Troy Hill School District and earn college credit um it's we have 10 different courses that we offer now AP stats forensics honors engineering design calculus just to name a few and the students can take those classes they have an NGIT transcript and they have the ability to potentially transfer those credits to the University of their choice they'd have to look and see if that University would accept them but it is a possibility and we do know that many students are able to transfer those credits um in addition we have an advanced admission contract and that is open to ninth graders this contract is where students apply in their nth grade year they need to have a 3.0 GPA and NGIT will guarantee them a spot in any major of their choice if they maintain that 3.0 through their four years of attending um Paran Troy Hills School District and the application is 5 minutes it doesn't cost a thing it's non-binding and the average GPA to get into NGIT is 3.7 so it really does help a lot of our students along the way so as we go through our presentation tonight we're going to talk a little bit about credits earned money saved and just who who's actually attending NJIT hi everybody um I'd also like to just I'd also like to say uh just last night we met with the parents and uh the stud student uh in the cohort of the 2025 um there's roughly approximately 80 students that uh are part of the advanced admissions so hopefully all 80 take advantage of it um but we'll get to the data from last year's cohort um that actually committed to NJIT um but the parent Outreach we have a bunch of meetings throughout the school year as well um and it really is a great opportunity come I'm new to the district I started last January um this is an agreement that is not in many other schools I couldn't tell you what other schools have the advanced um admissions couldn't tell you so Rachel and my predecessor did a great job um bringing this to the district this is my job that's your job all right so why NJIT um so we actually when we were meeting with uh Steve e um from the admissions he happened to have this information for us readily available so uh NJIT is the number one National Public School according to the New York Times college ranking Tool uh the Wall Street Journal also ranks it as the number two Public University in the US and the number 19 best colleges in the US and then the other two accolades are there for you guys to read as well um so we think it's a great opportunity it's a great school and we hope that again all 80 of those students take advantage for next year um maintaining that 3.0 all right now to look at some data um so we're talking about the dual enrollment to start so in 2000 2021 there was one course that was offered in this agreement um and that was just pre-calculus now there's 10 courses um and Rachel will talk about it at the end but we're always looking to add um and working with our teachers but that's great growth in terms of the number of courses in just a uh short 5 years the success rate um if you look at the pie chart in the top right hand corner you can see that the average is 97% across the 5 years um so that's the students who sit for a dual enrollment course and achieve the credit so almost every student is guaranteed if they take the course at pipany Troy Hills and they'll get college credits and then our student participation um so over the 5year period 260 students enrolled in the dual enrollment and they've earned a total of 1,335 credits um which again it's just a great opportunity to go into college and some of these students have almost a full semester full year under their belt um which again it's just it's incredible I wish I had this opportunity when I went through school so um turn it back over to Rachel still more money still more money want talk I'll talk about money I like money all right so savings the title says it all so the significant savings for families if a student wish to go to NGIT um one credit is approximately $800 and that doesn't include the technology fee and all of the fees um we charge with our agreement it's $150 per credit so most of our courses are three credits so a student is looking at $450 versus $2,400 plus fees um it's great savings great great savings and you can see um look through the bar chart how much money so again the result total savings it's it's a big number $765,000 saved over this five years and uh we look forward to offering more opportunities for our students and we we're on calls with the parents all the time we offer a lunch and learn for the parents and we try to sell it to them because we want as many people to take advantage um as possible anything else there you sure you sure all right so now we're going to shift over to early admissions this is that ninth grade contract that um comes about once they enter high school so if you look at that bottom right chart you're going to see that the growth um our 2024 class there are 35 students that attended njt that is incredibly higher than it was the uh prior year with 13 students and do think that's attributed to both contracts not just one or the other um of that 35 uh 15 students were part of that early admissions cohort which doesn't sound like a lot but if if a 100 students were in the cohort 15 of them choosing to go to the same school is actually a pretty high number um of those 15 students who were Advanced admissions five had a GPA under that 3.7 that's generally accepted so I think with this contract we could probably surmise that that really did help them get into this school uh one of the other interesting facts that Brian um didn't mention is that uh NGIT is one of the only three universities in New Jersey to be rated as R1 or research level one the only other two are Princeton and ruers they have 140 plus research labs and they're working with hacken stack medical I've had the luxury of going to see all their labs and they do I've seen stem cell research they are working with Pharmaceuticals and hip replacements and they're working with Hack and Sack Medical the time so their facilities are really becoming state-of-the-art it's pretty impressive um if you ever get a chance to go it's it's actually mind-blowing how much they've improved their facilities um besides those five students um we also calculated how many of those students took advantage of the dual enrollment as well because if you can take advantage of both contracts you're really going to benefit and 50% of the students took advantage of the en uh dual enrollment who were in early admissions um you could see that we increased their enrollment by 115% which we're hoping to use to our advantage as we kind of partner with them further so that leads us to our next steps now we have our first set of data we have to decide what we're going to do with our data where do we go from here so Community awareness yes we do the lunch and learns the emails the presentations but I think that we still can reach more families to show them the savings show them the benefits so we're trying to find creative ways to maybe get out into the community and educate them a little bit more about the opportunities that we have here in District um continue to work with NGIT maybe get our field trips over there get them into the maker space uh and just Foster that partnership a little bit more to get students a little bit more experiential learning and then also um I think one thing that was staggering to us is that we noticed a lot of the students that were uh are attending NGIT those 35 students took forces that qualified for dual enrollment but didn't actually pay for the credits so how do we make that connection because that was a a lost opportunity for saving money so we want to look into that and make sure that we can get all the families to take advantage and save as much as they can uh for the future because we know College is very very expensive so those are the things we're going to start working on um we're excited to continue to build this and hopefully you change some students lives get them into a university that maybe they didn't think they could get into uh the last little bit on here is really just the breakdown of each year and a little bit more data that you guys can take a look at on your own of the different savings per year anything else you'd like to add all right thank you so much for your time any questions Michelle please um so I have so thank you very much for this it is a fantastic program um my daughter got to partake in it so I'm very grateful for everything that you did um I have two questions um one this may be naive so please bear with me do you know the 529 plans that parents invest into I know they are typically used for college education is that something they can apply to high school credits too I think we've had that question asked before and I believe the answer is no because they're not actually enrolled in college but we could double check with STC on that okay I mean just because like you were saying you know any way that we can help our parents you know pay for college and if it means that they can apply it to while they learning college credits in high school that would be a fantastic opportunity absolutely and I think we should double check and definitely look into that okay love that thank you try to find selling points yes absolutely um and then the second one is um when I was at the board Booth um at the Fall Festival I had a number of students and parents come up to me asking me about these programs if you did not have a dedicated booth that might be a prime opportunity for you to raise awareness good thank you I love the ideas keep them coming thanks Michelle uh Wendy thank you so much this is great um I know uh you know I work at William Patterson and we love our dual enrollment programs and are always kind of looking for more so this is a really robust one it's fantastic um I think I had two questions um one do we know how um those 17 who enrolled in 2021 are they doing are they still there do we do we have um like the so from this Slide the 17 they would be what they'd be Juniors or seniors this year yeah I would' have to check to see if they would even release that type of information for us that that might be beyond our scope but we could look in to see if we can get any um information from alumni great um and the other one um I was thinking about um when what is the timeline on which students like decide to take the dual enrollment course and when they have to pay that $450 so what happens is around scheduling time in January we send out a communication saying hey heads up scheduling is coming out all of these courses qualify for dual enrollment keep that in mind when you're going through that scheduling process we send out we spam their email just to make sure that we try to get it out there and then we generally open payment between April and July 3rd because what happens is is we are actually the middleman for collecting the payments so we have to collect the payment process the payment then we send it over to Robin to invoice and it's it's a lengthy process so we have to collect it in the summertime in order to to prep it for fall but so ideally like they have from January to July to know about that correct and then if they we send the emails out um to you know middle of 10th grade so then they already know way ahead of time for if you're going into 12th grade great thank you so much we sent an email out to the students that they registered for that qualifi and are you interested move forward um and there's also we disclosed this year too when they had they could have signed up and then they could have backed out certain or if there was aing change we were able to make the adjustment I think by September um which was you know firstday school so had the time to do that yeah we use the summer to double check their schedules because sometimes they sign up for a class and they're not even in the class and we want to make sure that they get their refund Timmy thank you this is uh excellent thank you very much a lot of great work um and uh compliments I have two questions there it's pretty straightforward when you're doing your um your Outreach um what's in general what's the feedback that you get is it mostly positive do you have anybody going like oh $450 well that's a lot of money I mean like what's the General I think people are really excited about the savings of money I think that that that's a big selling point yeah absolutely I I think some people would love to see even more dual enrollment contracts that's just limited based on different uh universities and their policies but we're always looking for new opportunities so generally it's a it's it's positive feedback whether or not it transitions into an actual enrollment or not but it's positive in general correct yes excellent that's good news I you may have covered this and I may have missed it but on the the first slot not the first one the one that says NG NJIT data from 20 through 21 on that one uh chart it's not the chart actually it's a bar graph you um I see a a market here loss of credit what is that exactly so that would be where a student um unfortunately lost credit for the course so they either did maintain the minimum grade okay credit or sometimes student might move out of the district reps that information all right so I that's fine yeah that that would make sense to me okay great thank you very much thank you pleas I just had a question on the communications you said you send the students the emails and obviously the parents get involved somehow because they came to your program but Does anything go out on Genesis because I know I've had my share of schoolers go through and I get maybe one out of every 10 emails that comes through so just cuz you send it to the students doesn't mean the parents we send we send it to the parents as well in the communication when we flag who's taking the classes when we send out the scheduling email it goes out to students and parents Jack please um yeah um Tim Tim's question begged another question the loss of credit is it trans if somebody moves say they leave the district can they transfer it to another District or no that's why they lose the credit so it the courses have to be taught by our teachers so our teachers applied got vetted our curriculum was vetted okay suppose if the other District was contact with then they would probably still accept it sure anyone else great program Rachel Brian thank you so much for than Rachel than great job and we have a second presentation by Dr Suter and Mr Cory waza and it's a long title so it is uh on student safety data system report Period 2 2023 2024 and the program determining Hib grades thank you Mr Chao I don't think mine's going to be as exciting as theirs was uh on tonight's bulletin you'll notice the student safety data systems report for period one or excuse me period two which references incidences from from January 1st 2024 through June 30th 2024 the report is a culmination of harassment intimidation bullying incidences substance abuse incidences as well as incidences of violence vandalism and weapons in our 14 district schools uh it's important to note that the Boe reviews asks questions and discusses incidences of HIV and suspensions at each board meeting so they can be proactive and provide suggestions and helpful ideas while we we would like to see Zero incidences in our schools the reality is the district has 14 Schools and almost 7,000 students anybody has any questions I'm going to turn the presentation over to Corey rasa now who is our HIV specialist Cory I wanted to have like a fun sidekick after watching Rachel and Brian like I need um good evening nice to see you all so through its school safety and school climate teams each school is required annually to complete a self assessment to check its compliance with the anti-bullying Bill of Rights so the self assessment scores that you have before you are for the 2023 2024 school year and the maximum grade that a school can receive is a 78 the self assessment tool includes eight core elements that address the requirements for the anti-bullying Bill of Rights um examples of some of the core elements include hi programs approaches or initiatives trainings on policy and procedures hi personnel and incident reporting within each of the core elements there are specific indicators which the team assesses and those are from a scale from 0o to three for each indicator please keep in mind that a two means that you have met the requirements a three means that you have exceeded the requirements so the scores in front of you even though there's a small range between them those are all very very strong scores and all of our school schools met the requirements on all of the indicators with a huge majority of them exceeding on the majority of the indicators so core element number four indicator b reads the school observed the week of respect during the week beginning with the first Monday in October of each year recognizing the importance of character education by providing age appropriate instruction focusing on hip prevention so this is the week of respect and there's a lot of wonderful things going on throughout the District so I'd like to just share a few highlights of some of the things that we have going on because it's really fun to to watch and hear about so at Northvale School in addition to daily respect challenges spirit days and the Candy Corn conundrum activity members of the student council are going into all the K2 classrooms to speak with those students about respect and read the book The Recess Queen by Alexis O'Neal Mount Taber had respect themed spirit days and respect Choice board that went home with the students for them to do at home and work on with their families and discuss respect um they also have a monthly seal calendar and this week was dedicated to respect and included challenges for the students such as invite someone new to play with you at recess try to complete three acts of kindness over the weekend one for a family member one to a friend and one to yourself BMS is engaged in catch a great night so teachers and staff are always finding ways to highlight the good that students do so they're paying even closer attention right now and watching for students being kind being respectful and all of those students were entered into a lottery which they can then earn a pizza lunch with the BMS administrators um which they will use to enjoy a great lunch together but also to talk about ways to make improvements to the BMS School Community um PHS hosted a week of respect Spirit Week today's theme was tie-dye treat everyone with peace love and kindness they also held a service night in which students wrote positive messages unposted that were then posted all over the building so some of the messages included you are loved and you are worthy appreciate every moment in life and you are destined for greatness um in addition the districtal committee also started a positive pumpkin initiative in all 14 Schools so our staff members can secretly decorate and fill out a positive pumpkin one of their colleagues which states why they are grateful for that person the pumpkin gets hung outside their classroom or office door and the chain continues with the goal of every staff member getting pumpkin picked so we're off to a great start this year thanks to the strong collaboration of our staff and students and looking forward to a great year that's great any questions any questions for M Gaza no you need me a sidekick for this did great oh thank you cuz I was getting a little jealous of them they had a cute thing going on Cory thank you so muchy appreciate thank you thank you okay is there any correspondents that come before the board no thank you Robin is there any unfinished business to come before the board okay seeing none um technically there's no committee reports but I think uh Tim wanted to uh speak to uh um a marijuana seminar that you went to and I think Judy has a couple of things that she wanted to address so why don't we start with [Applause] Tim thank you so um towards the end of September um I attended it was uh a session uh that was given um for the town um on there's been a lot of discussion about the Cannabis and um dispensary especially in parsipany um if anybody's had the pleasure of attending any of our Council meetings is usually a topic of conversation and um you know there's been a lot of information out there a lot of feelings pro and con so um the two folks who are are looking to uh open this business up want want to actually have a session in where they could uh do a presentation uh the presentation was not a presentation to change anybody's mind uh was just basically give information and I wanted to go because um I needed to educate myself on the on the topic and I I really felt it to be beneficial uh fellow board members the packet is up on the um your board packet on the website so you can uh look at it if you choose um basically um Cassandra Grasso who is a co-founder and CEO of Happy Days Boutique uh she's also also with her husband Dr Sean EST torga hope I said that right um they are the entrepreneurs and they are looking to open the business and in their presentation they spoke about um some of the stereotypical um pictures that we all have in our mind um and what it is that this is and is not um how there are benefits they share their own personal life stories um so it was a lot of good information um and like I said it lasted about an hour and it was not meant to you know change anybody's mind no matter which way you were leaning was just more to say is here's what this is and and let me tell you what it is not I was very appreciative and I appreciate them putting it on because it did um it did um make me aware of things that I wasn't aware of um and um you know it's um there's still a long road to hope for these folks um at the council level but um I wanted to bring this uh information to the board educate yourself um if uh you would like to know more I'm sure these folks would be more than happy to talk to you so that's my report thanks have any questions for Tim on that um both both the individuals that Tim referenced Cassandra and Sean have attended board meetings and they attend quite a few of the council meetings and and Tim the the the council is considering an ordinance to approve the dispensary at some point is that is that where that stands um yeah it's uh on a slow walk but yes okay and they they were going to hire an expert or commission a study this as of two Council meetings ago the council or no the mayor's office hired a uh an attorney who was um who was whose um suit was on this subject matter seems to have a lot of background so he was going to help um and also is it would be an ordinance and a resolution because there's currently a resolution or an ordinance on the books that doesn't allow this um one of the one of the things they came out is like for example a vaping shop which does it falls out of the category of a cannabis dispensary um there is a workaround in the process in which they could probably sells some type of CBT or CB uh products um without calling it a um you know a dispensary so I think that some of this um the current laws or current ordinances and laws on parsipany need to be looked at and updated and then um I believe that if it were to go through the council and pass and the ordinance and would go through um my understanding is it would still take them about a year from the time I got approved uh to actually uh open the door so there's a long road to go and they're still working on it but uh the township has hired an expert in the field so um we should hear more in the future thank you questions for Tim no Michelle did you have something no I no I have I have a committee to report on when you're okay we'll go to we'll go to dudy on um the PTA Council and NJ cusac yes thank you um PTA council meeting was on the 8th um I think all of the schools were represented except for one I think but it was well attended by the principles and by the presidents of the ptas it started off with um start of the school year Bob was telling them that he'd been to all the schools and that the Littleton project will be done in a month okay I just want make sure okay and he talked about the um AP Capstone project on vaping that he had already told us about but he told them about it and that you know they went to libraries they' gone to the elementary schools they formed a company called perer Aid company I believe so they're really coming forward with that information which is great um then he talked about Bob Lenahan being our new security director that he would be checking all the schools he was retired but now he's back doing that um he was an our SRO he's in charge of the drill so he will be monitoring all the schools um then there was a very large conversation about graduation for the fifth graders um how much of a fund should be for each student um it was right it was set at 1:25 and there was much discussion about different programs that different schools put on and you know it it was just a whole lot of talk and so I remember when Dr Sergeant discussed this with the ptas it was more or less to make sure that the schools were kind of on the same level of Celebration you know one school didn't have breakfast and breakfast and parties and 20 million things or another school didn't have as much so they talked about that they talked about buyouts for parents that they could just flat out give the money but some of the principles were saying that that really was not Equitable because some parents might not feel comfortable doing that so the long and the short of it was that Dr Suter agreed to up it to 130 per student because the bus was up to $5 more for the field trip that they would take so and then to review it later on to see how that worked but um principal walk was was kind of like you know is anybody having a problem and nobody said yes so why are we even having this conversation so that's the way it was left so hopefully everybody will be comfortable with that any questions on that okay um yesterday I guess it was yes um the qaf committee met um for the first time um the administrative staff was Dr Sutter Mr Ricker Mr Courtright and Mrs BOS Robin um Don Dr and then we had two teachers there Mr Hill and Tara snellings and then somebody from the um collective bargaining rep was Janette DJ yes that one okay so it was just good that there was representation by all um it talked about what CAC was um the national you know it just it's done every 3 years and there are different there are instruction and program fiscal governance operations personnel and they go and they talk to like they'll talk to um Mr Ricker about Personnel they'll you know do him and then they'll talk to Dr Mo roone about curriculum so they really come in strong so they gave us you know how how they're grow you know this gr grading system where the district now goes through it and puts down what they believe are the values that like you can get a 10 for you know an indicator there's there's Point scores okay so they do that and then there's a timeline after they do that it's sent to the board for review okay just to see how we how they scored then it goes back to the committee the cusac committee and then board approval will be the end of October and then it's submitted on no in November and then we have in March they actually come and that's the whole day of you know Dr Suter was saying they could ask for anything randomly pick a teacher to see what what that teacher you know observations make sure they've had observations make sure they have a physical folder you know for health as well as their you know their teaching folders so each teacher has to have two folders little things that you really have to make sure you've covered the bases and Dr Suter has been through this so he kind of has a handle on it what needs to be done um you know we've always scored very well with qac so I I can't imagine that we're not going to do as well but it's an interesting process and I was glad to see that we have we've come together and we all are on the same page how it works and then we'll kind of work through it to see to the final day on that final day they can the teachers are asked questions you know they pull them aside um have you had observations you know just kind of questioning make sure that they've done what we say they should have done and then maybe they'll ask me some questions I remember when I did it last time it was more of a conversation it wasn't really questioned you know it was I don't remember what it was but it was very relaxed there wasn't anything to get you you know I don't think their job is to punish a district just to make sure you're doing what you're supposed to do which isn't a bad thing so and I'm very confident that we do do what we're supposed to do so I I'm not concerned any questions for Judy Michelle so I have the utmost confidence that we're going to come through this with flying colors I mean I know we go through uh with great diligence in everything that we do across our schools so I have no concerns just wondering how long does it take to get the results of this I believe last time we got the results uh via a letter in I think it was June in June so if they do the visit in March us it will come by June we'll know all right thank you and we get five areas of scoring thank you and and as Bob had said you know the two two times ago we had a very rigorous person came to observe you know get the information La last time it it was somebody who was a little more relaxed and not as you know I don't know demanding different style right yeah a different style is a nice way to put it so yeah so it's the New Jersey quality single accountability Continuum I get that right yeah so and it as you said they're not out to use your language get you know get anybody but it is the report card for the district so it is an important metric that we use it's every three years I know Robin historically has loved going through um through qac right absolutely okay another one to go through but um thanks for participating in the committee appreciate it my pleasure do you did you have a you did have comme report yes so no worries uh so last night the Educational Services Commission of Morris County met um and it was you know business as usual nothing uh abnormal but there was one success story to write to highlight for everyone um so about two years ago uh the superintendent set the goal of having the state sell the Centric Park School um to the ESC of Morris County and that has officially gone through um so that it was a great success that they wanted to recognize um and it's a great achievement um that they I know it took a lot of effort to make happen um and I I so I just wanted to pause here and and recognize their success in that thanks Michelle appreciate that and I just had a couple of things um local 32 is the association representing the district's custodians maintenance Personnel custodians maintenance personnel and bus drivers and negotiations with them will commence uh next week on October 16th um the negotiating committee is Jack Tim and myself and we will have a um an initial meeting with them to establish ground rules and determine um what they might be looking to negotiate about and we'll do the same uh once the committee has an information we'll report back to the full board in close session um update the board on what uh we think the parameters we should establish for negotiations so we have board approval and we'll Pi negotiations in Earnest after that did you uh Leon oh okay I'm sorry um let's see we have uh next uh Thursday a board of education work session to establish board goals for the upcoming year that'll be in this building at 5:30 um also on the 17th the uh superintendent reached out to Mayor roberio um regarding um a school walkthrough so we will be doing a school walkthrough to four schools um in the morning of October 17th the annual njsba Workshop will uh be uh on October 21st 24th Mrs benos will send out information uh shortly and you should be on the lookout to via email uh for your Workshop passes that'll be sent directly to you by the uh njsba and next board meeting will be on October 29th at 6:30 and we will continue with our um Committee of the whole um committee meetings with Finance schedule for that evening I'm sorry Wendy please not um and I don't know if you would like to comment um the uh CPAC the special education par and advisory committee uh had a virtual meeting on September 25th attended by Miss Abraham and myself um was led by Dr Keith corite who um really was an introduction to the year uh and it was very much appreciated I thought it give a great amount of information about the breadth of services offered to special education students um and particularly useful I thought was kind of a walk through of all of the different specialized classrooms um that are offered in The District in the ways in which um special services is kind of imagining how to get targeted services to the students that need them in the best environments possible while also attending to making sure these students are also in the least restrictive environments and so I would just want to comment that it's a it was a really appreciated presentation and I look forward to more from CC she do you want to add anything to that no I just want to say thank you for her for taking notes as well because I was driving at the time but thank you so much Wendy great Alison sorry I yeah I attended two meetings that I just want to make sure the information is in the packets but the legislative committee was last Saturday I did not attend the meeting but the legislative updates were provided so those are now in your board packets so that you can see what the State Legislative committee has been doing and then I also attended the burg County meeting which was on AI in schools and it was very interesting obviously many schools are doing different things and are accepting different things about AI but he gave a pretty comprehensive um presentation on on what different schools were doing and how they were using it in the school so that will be in your packet too I just emailed it to Joanie today so it wasn't in there before but it will be in there and it was it was was a good presentation so if you're wondering how schools are using AI it might be worth you know looking at his presentation okay well thank you for that um just as as a reminder from what Allison just said uh the um County School Association still are holding virtual meetings you can sign up for them by going on the njsba website and looking um at what meetings you might like to attend and uh attend virtually during covid um I I think all of them for for quite some time were were being scheduled that way and it was interesting as Allison said to see what people in you know Salem OR Camden County were doing um with their uh with their County Schoolboard Association so if you have the opportunity that's also um helps you get credit for uh board member certification so it has a dual purpose Let's see we are at the approval of the executive session regular meetings of September 24th may have a motion to approve those meetings Judy seconded by Wendy roll call please Mrs Abraham yes Mr baros yes Mrs kogan yes Mrs mayor yes Mr Rea yes Mrs Chappelle yes Dr Wright yes Mr choa uh yes thank you uh Dr Suter would you care to uh update us on superintendent bullettin number five this evening thank you president Chao you you can call me doctor that's F doctor um uh our math our supervisor of science industrial Arts Rachel Villanova and our supervisor of mathematics and business Brian mccort are meeting with Joe Flynn a senior associate at h2m Architects and Engineers to discuss parpan Troy Hills High School students joining the ace Mentor New Jersey program which is an initiative to provide high school students with me interships in the fields of architecture construction and Engineering Mr Flynn explained that in reviewing the programming offered at the parcion troyo school district I see there are several programs in place such as the stem program so I thought it would be appropriate to open the opportunity up to the students of Paran Troy Hills so which we're excited about that uh I would like to welcome and introduce our new assistant business administrator Miss Colleen Briggs to her first o meeting welcome Colleen Miss Briggs has been on the job now for a few weeks and is doing an excellent job um congratulations to Sarah Munson and her choir officers at parsipany Hills High School for creating a podcast titled the practice room the podcast was designed as an outreach program however it is really special to listen to these kids talk about how important it is to them to be part of such a special choir program and finally as Miss mayor mentioned we had our first PTA council meeting on Tuesday Tuesday October 8th and we had a very good turnout of principles and PTA presidents tonight for your approval we have superintendent bulletin items 1 through 39 with addendum and reading items 40- 61 thanks have any questions sir Dr Suter no okay seeing none move on the secretary's report Mrs Tesco hi everyone on tonight's secretary's report we have our regular business motions including the approval of the purchase of cafeteria equipment for pariy high school um and that will be funded through Child Nutrition program funding does anybody have any questions thank you thank you uh is there any new business to come before the board no seeing none uh hearing of the public sorry I have to read this again because um at this time if there's anyone who would like to address the board please come up sign your name and address in the book at the lecturn and state your name for the record and please address the ch each person will have 3 minutes to speak to the board it will be helpful if you would like to address the board to please come up now and sign the book so that you are ready when the first speaker is finished as a reminder we are video recording this meeting if you are a student who wishes to speak we ask that you not provide your home address but rather give only the name of the municipality in which you live if you are a parent wishing to discuss a specific matter pertaining to your child during this portion of the meeting you may request that the board temporarily suspend the video recording alternatively please consider speaking privately about the matter to the superintendent after the meeting speaker should ref refrain from using specific student or staff names in their comments and refer to BW 0168 for further information regarding the videotaping of our meetings what any like to address the board lamia um so PTA was theth grade P chair last year actually we had a lot like a hard time to oh that's okay all right is that better um so it was like hard like oh we cannot accept zel we cannot accept VMO and it was so hard to kind of like keep running all these fundraisers and at the end of the day you're making pennies and we're like okay parents can you know can we donate or whatever but then we can donate from local stores or you know if they're saying you know so it was kind of like a lot even though my son is a sixth grader and I didn't go like I'm not going through that this year but really I think like the parents are having a fifth grader this year they're going to have even though if you raise it to 130 where is all that money comes from because at the end of the day we want locks we want chirs we want this we want that but it's not making it and then the parents like it's a lot of work to just so that was one thing I wanted to just um bring up the other thing um I'm not sure what committee Tim was attending for that meeting because I didn't actually um get like I didn't understand what you were reporting about the can like are you agreeing with it or you you're saying that we should like I wasn't sure like I didn't get what oh yeah okay um the other thing I wanted to um to ask if there was any like Shadow a board member kind of thing to kind of see what you guys do um to learn more if not or it's always like a closed um based on who are the board members so it's kind of like to get some information to learn what's going on and just educate myself more but I was asking if there's such a thing other than that I don't have anything you know good job to everyone and good luck to everyone who's running thank you have a good night anyone else like to address the public okay we'll close the public session Dr Suter Sure Mia thank you for your questions um as much as I hate to pass the buck with the PTA I might you might want to reach out to miss Kaden about that information U because she she'd be better served to to answer that Freer than I would coule it was a lot with regards to your question to Mr baros I don't want to speak for Mr baros but I believe he he was at a town council meeting and he was reporting back on the information that was given at the Town council meeting corre oh Town my AP yeah um I'm sorry it wasn't a Town Council what this was was a a this was GI information session given at the library okay that was open to the public so it was open to all par SI residents um as obviously a taxpaying citizen as member of the board I wanted to go to educate myself and uh with regards to shadowing we we are having an open committee once a month so you can come lamia to see how the committee meeting Works um if if that's something that you're interested in I believe I believe we have that out right Miss benos we have it's on the meeting notices so you can see how the committee process works yeah if you go to the district website the meetings are there and one of the things we did this year to as you as you said understand what board members do um we have the Committees of of the Poll for certain committees throughout the year and then next Thursday we have the board goal setting meeting here from at 5:30 to 6:30 so you feel free to attend that um you know other than that board members tend not to to talk to each other a whole lot outside of board meetings or committee meetings for a number of number of reasons so there's not like this secret society where we're all meeting outside of you know the public eye um so you want to come to work with me I'm I work down in Warren you can you know hang out at work and get shout on me at work but you know the role of a board member it's um while it does take a lot of time it's most of it's done either in committee which we report out on or in the public there's not there's not a lot um of discussion you know beyond that don't it'sing thank you can I just add last not this may but the last may we had a whole presentation on how to be a board member and that was and that's on the website yes yeah High School right there was a whole yeah Michelle sorry and just to add um if you go back uh our meeting one of our meetings in September we actually had our first meeting of the whole um where we had uh the transportation and Dr Wright love that so it's a good example so you can see how that works okay thank you okay public session is now closed we're going to move on to uh superintendent pool number five items 1 through 39 with the denim items uh 40 through 61 and readin may I have a motion please Michelle second Allison roll call please Mrs Abraham yes Mr baros okay this is going to get complicated okay recuse number 29 recuse on addendum item 60 and reading item number 1129 yes to everything else Mrs kogan yes Mrs mayor yes Mr Rea yes Mrs Chapelle yes Dr Wright yes Mr Choppa uh yes seeing no other business uh motion to adjourn our meeting sheel second it by Judy all in favor I have a nice evening everyone