##VIDEO ID:yySixy0fap8## uh may I call the meeting of the Pary Troy Hills Board of Education to order on September 24th 2024 compliance with chapter 231 Public Law 1975 entitled open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as specified in the act in the following manner a meeting notice was published in the newspaper and on the district website on January 17th 2024 in addition the notice of the meeting was posted at the municipal building in the schools in a copy of the notice file with the Township Clerk and transmitted to other newspapers on September 13th 2024 these include The Daily Record The Star Ledger parpy Focus tap into parpan parci patch and the district website this regular public meeting is being video recorded as per bio 0168 the recordings of these meetings will be available on our district website and on our video on the Go YouTube channel we ask that you please refrain from using student or staff names in your statement professionalism is expected at all times may I have a roll call please Mrs Abraham here Mr baros here Mrs Hogan here Mrs mayor here Mr Rea here Mrs Chapelle here Dr Wright here Mrs Golder here Mr Choppa here uh please stand pled Pledge of Allegiance pled allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay one of the uh action items from our board self- evaluation was provide the community with transparency into board operations and the action item in particular was to hold certain committees as Committees of the whole in public with the entire board um our first committee that we will do that with is transportation chaired by Dr Wendy Wright and with that I'll turn it over to Dr wght thank you so much president Cho um we have uh five agenda items on on the list today and we can get going uh Miss Pizza Hils um we just wanted to get the mic's right there it's not going to bite you got it um so so we work on our routes all the way through July and August um our drivers drive all of our routes for accuracy before make sure everyone's on the correct side of the road um the map is pretty good I know most of the roads I know all of the roads but just in case we make sure that everyone's picked up correctly um our Academy and votch passes for anyone we drive or we we have driven um were mailed about in the middle of about August 21st um our high school and middle school passes went out around the same day our elementary and preschool passes were on Genesis on 8:26 um we did send emails to parents asking them to check their passes as quickly as possible so that there was an issue they didn't see a pass we could make the corrections quickly um we had our opening meeting with our drivers on 8:28 so everyone came back we go through all our procedures again same thing every year we do all of our training well some of our training we do our state manded mandated training that we send out to the county um we did some um EpiPen training tring epilepsy training to make sure that we're in compliance with different laws that we need to before the school year starts um we visited a couple of elementary schools just to go over when they have their kindergarten socials we go over seat belts and some bus safety with them for the kids who have never driven the bus driven on the bus before um I meet with the sca drivers once a year who are our contracted drivers just to make sure that they know our rules you know what our expectations of of them is when they're driving our kids our students so um and then this year most years but we do work throughout Labor Day weekend just to answer emails make sure everything gets done and everybody's answered and you know all their Corrections are made if needed and everyone knows what's going on for the first day of school which makes the first week much smoother so got the roll of those emails and the first week of school was very smooth this year which is good um so that was for our opening of school um give you guys some info on our IND District routes SCA does 86 routes for us so they have four triple four triple tiered routes where they do high school middle school and Elementary School they have 34 double tiered where they either do high school and Elementary or middle school and Elementary um it's very difficult to do high school and middle school the four the three of them together so it's more of the shorter routes where they just go to say like the apartment complex here that's one pickup there's like 48 students here so they can come and just do one and then that gives them time to do another um we have one single Brook Wan route that's all by itself because it is somewhat far up in pow Mill and then we have five single um votech routes with them they do Denville for us and one CCM so that's five routes with them um our in District drivers we have 38 morning routes so we do tier them but we have 38 single routes in the morning um we do 16 midday routes so in the middle of the day we do three preschool for Lake AA three for East Lake we also do the middays so anyone going share time at in Denville or in CCM Panic we pick up and bring back in so we do 16 of those in the midday and then in the afternoon we only have well only we have 34 routes two are combined so one of them in the in the morning when we have four we've combined them to 3 in the afternoon and the two panics we didn't have anyone going in the afternoon so in the midday we're done with that um we do during the day just so everyone was about 20 work programs depending on the day so we have that going on during the day all of our community based instruction trips field trips and shuttles and and Athletics in the afternoon just so everyone knows what we're doing during the day and then we have late buses in the afternoon for our district Monday through Thursday um see good to go on Academy and votch routes so like I said we have five buses going for Denville four of them go to the actual Denville campus one of them goes to CCM they offer their senior students to go to CCM we don't drive all of them there's about 17 kids on that route it's only the kids that actually ask for transportation um we have four Mars Hills routes that our drivers drive one Mars nolles Route One Roxberry two Panic those are all our drivers um the ESC does one trip to Randol for us for an Academy there and one to Madison which has about five students and I think Madison has two and then we have the 10 middays in the middle for those votch routes um we have 44 a. share time students 18 PM students and 331 full day which is down from a little bit from last year um let's see on to our Township contract so I think it was two two years ago the township called and asked us to help them do their summer camp so we do all of the field trips for the Township summer camp they give us their you know all of their schedule we put it in because we also do wide world of Summer and the summer and things like that um they give us how many they need it gets updated right before we have a contract with them that allows us to build them for summer camp we buil we build them for all their summer camp trips everything went great with that they came to us for the Fall Festival and asked if we could help shuttle so they did use the two pin buses but then they asked us if we could use 254 passengers for us so in doing that we spoke to them I know Robin spoke to the insurance company we were able to fix our contract which I think going forward we'll do that every year this that way so we can do both um so that we can do any event they ask us to do throughout the year so we don't have to do separate contracts so I know that went really well um we had two drivers working all day doing that um and then we have a contract with Mars County votek we've always done athletic trip well the last two years three years even done athletic trips for them they're very short drivers it's easier for them to pay us to do their trips than to keep looking for drivers when everyone is short so they come to us once a week for the next week asking us about their athletic trips we've already done several of them for for them this year um we also do a lot of field trips for them we have three quotes in already with them for this for this next two weeks coming up so we're waiting on those and then this year we're doing two late runs for them they do all their own late runs even though we drive well I thought they did all their own late runs um they contract them out so this year when they needed two of them done one of them is actually in Paran which is good it goes to paron and marown and the other one is Lincoln Park and botin so it was easy enough for us to do that and they're paying us per day for that so that's for I think it's 117 days for the year 113 days I don't know the exact but we do that Monday through Thursday for them every day um that's it we have in efficient presentation you have questions from the committee yes I have a question with the you said you'd have 20 work programs is that we have our our students in District that go to work programs um to learn to do outside jobs we have students that go to Walgreens we have students that go to the pal and work there during the day we have students who come here to the board office so they give us a schedule most days we have about seven or eight of them that we do during the day just depend on where they're going on a on a given day okay so so we we're the ones that transport them they don't do their own transportation from the school to the location oh okay Tim good afternoon quick question with the um now that we're in full swing with fall Sports how's uh how's that going with the fall Sports fall Sport full swing yes we had I think we had 15 trips today I don't even know I even know we had 15 teams yes we had we're in full swing with sports everything is going well middle school started this week um so that really doubles us up but our drivers are all helping out excellent everything's been going well cool thank you hi Tiffany you said there were 86 sta routes 80 hold on you again there [Music] are four 34 doubles yes how many routes total including St if you added it what the district is doing I'm doing math here hold on I'll tell you to school home to school routes home to school routes yes home to school okay so this is just for the morning because like I said there's a couple that are different in the afternoon um 24 about 124 in total thank you wow mayor are we are we in good shape with how many drivers do we have enough drivers we do we just hired two new drivers um we had someone retire last year we just hired two new drivers we're in good shape our drivers are great they are all not you know they're all here they're coming to work every day we haven't had a problem we're getting we're getting applications so we have actually three more in there Robin and I spoke about that we have three more people that applied recently um I know our drivers usually will reach out and say oh I have a friend who works here the only thing I'm careful of is a lot of them some of them not a lot some of them are sta drivers and they already drive for us so I have to be careful about taking them um but yes we're in good shape good any other questions from the board I just uh just kind of curious the S is st's contract year to year or is it under is year to year so when would you start looking at the next round I guess for 25 26 not until the spring okay thank you I don't have a question I was just going to say thank you I know that this job is not easy um and every year there's new complications to this so thank you very much for all the great work that you do thank you and it's 24 yes 247 having called the transport office at like you know 7 o'clock in the morning I can attest that they are ready for us and Tiffany I you want to say just thank you so much for your hard work and this opening is a chaotic time and it is very appreciated and you're serving our families beautifully thank you thank you uh at this point turn to the public uh at this point for the committee the whole we open it to questions from the public uh would our public like to comment hearing none uh thank you Wendy uh you did a great job our first Committee of the whole in quite some time uh just a a point of order uh Janie did we advertise the regular public meeting to begin at 6:30 okay so we need we need a 15-minute recess okay well we had it an interesting start to the meeting with our first Committee of the whole in quite some times and we're going to move right into student committee reports uh Emma please good evening school started on September oh sorry good evening we're so excited to share the past two weeks events with you we had our fall college fair on September 20th with a huge turnout from a majority of students schools like Boston University and Hofer University sent Representatives that many students were happy to speak with the fall drama has started their practices for Little Women after school a majority of our school's choir clubs have begun their rehearsals as well prepping for our school's Winter concert the French Club had their first meeting on Monday September 23rd our school's gamer Club had their first meeting on SE Friday September 20th the hack Club had their first meeting has their first meeting Thursday and this year picture day makeups are on this Friday on September 27th for any students that either missed picture day or unhappy with with their photos prior to homecoming our student council set up a spirit week to get students excited about the homecoming game and dance Monday we had anything but a backpack day where students brought a variety of different bags like suitcases Tuesday was pajama day Wednesday was twin day Thursday was Hawaiian day and Friday was red out for our homecoming game we cannot wait to do our next spirit week because it was so much fun for our student body our red carpet homecoming was a huge success many students attended with positive accounts our student council worked hard to put together a gym and we could not be more proud we can not wait until next year this year we could not be more pleased with our homecoming Court winners for freshman year we had Michaela Cabrera and Eric Von Ain for sophomore year we had AJ chitty and Ariana ZJ for juniors we had Andrea Lopez and Michael Melvin and then our proud senior homecoming winners were Frankie Deary and Marissa crest hello my name is Shia parar good evening um the PHS soccer team will be facing West Morris tomorrow and the varsity will be the guests for their senior night the girl soccer team lost 4-1 to Handover on the 23rd and reverse H the hills on the 26th the volleyball team lost two to M Olive and will be preparing to defeat Mo beard on the 27th the hocky team versus whipy park today and they won the cross country team attended a meet today and there were many people at the homecoming game on Friday there was a lot of kids a lot of parents but unfortunately we lost 13 to 41 and next game we will win against Hover Park no matter what on the 2 it is and the peach CH uh Marching Band plays second place with a score of 76.9 that's it thank you thank you very much do any board members have questions for our student our students okay thank you so much we appreciate your time and your volunteering for this thank you so much you you're welcome thank you thank you thank you good to well done and at any point that you feel that you would want to stay and actually listen to our to the whole meeting to report back to your your school you're welcome to do that as well but you can also leave um is there any correspondents to come before the board no there's not thank you very much uh unfinished business or unfinished business to come before the board I actually do have some um it's regarding our pilot negotiations with Township uh mayor barberio and I have had three discussions since September 19th uh regarding how to best resume Communications between the township and the Boe in consultation with Dr Sutter we decided to resume these talks with a smaller team to better facilitate meeting dates and discussions for the township it will be the mayor and the ba uh no longer will count the council members be involved for the board it will be the superintendent the ba and the board president as you know an adoc committee was created to negotiate pilot funding and coordinate efforts regarding facilities and classroom space and Communications efforts and with the boe's approval we have an updated demographic study that's been completed uh we have a classroom capacity report that was completed and we have additional classrooms at Littleton that that are being constructed regarding negotiating pilot Revenue sharing the role of the ad hoc committee will change from a negotiations role to a review and Report role this is the way most Boe committees are currently structured where the superintendent and or administrators wor with with specific Boe committees that committee then approves the recommendations or suggest suggest changes to the administration's recommendation and this will be the new role of the edoc committee the adoc committee either in executive session or in public session will report on the status of these negotiations should a matter need board approval it will be voted on by the full board as the ad hoc committee has no authority to bind the board the mayor will issue the following press release affirming his willingness to work with the Boe to positively impact the students and residents again this is Mayor barbaro's press release this is a joint press release from mayor James Ario and Board of Education President Andrew chafo dated September 24th 2024 this will be released tomorrow Pary mayor James Barbaro and Board of Education President Andrew chafo announced that they will be conducting a series of meetings to work together on a wide range of issues including an agreement for how to fund uh for how funds sorry for how funds received by the Township from Pilots will directly benefit the parsipany school district mayor barbaros stated and I quote today is a historic day for parsipany as Community leaders Andy and I recognize that we must work together for the betterment of our community at large and not permit those with their own agendas to divide us or cause us to lose focus on our Central mission to make parcion the best as a product of our parcion schools I know firsthand how important our schools are to the thousands of families in town while the Boe and the municipal government are separate bodies we must work together as one for parcion as I have stated all along Pilots are not a Panacea but they are useful tool which can and should be used to effectuate good development projects where needed or that provide a significant Community benefit I have always stated that I will work with our Boe to determine a fair and Equitable way to use a portion of pilot funds for the direct benefit of our schools unquote Bo Boe president Cho stated I am delighted to announce at this working partnership with mayor Barbaro and appreciate his recognition that is fair and appropriate to use a portion of pilot funds received for the direct benefit of our schools we have significant financial needs in our schools we have costs that are increasing for greater than 2% cap permits us to address we must plan for increased demands for space teachers and staff that will be caused by the state of New Jersey's affordable housing act we cannot overstate the impact that state mandated affordable housing will have on our schools in the coming years the mayor and I agree that although we are separate areas of government we must work together for one as one for the excuse me we must work together as one for the benefit of pricepony I look forward to scheduling these meetings and getting to work unquote so that uh I believe provides some direction on where we are with our Pilots happy to take questions Jack so was the first meeting it's actual date set up uh no uh my schedule for October is very tight so I will I'm most likely the the impediment to scheduling the first date so I have to get dates to uh the superintendent did I did I catch you wrong that it was the first meeting was going to be with the mayor and it will be the mayor and the the township business administrator and then with Dr Sutter Mrs Desco and myself okay Mrs mayor um so your discussion will be how funding from future Pilots correct is that what you're going to be talking about all residential Pilots okay but Pilots that have been approved already all residential Pilots okay so the wish list that we gave is that still on the table it is okay thank you Mrs Golder I'm sorry could we interrupt for a minute yes was at AER hiss was okay he interrupt his report yeah without objection from the board of course certainly first how'd you do in your soccer game we lost 21 no yeah yeah extremely sorry sorry for the delay to begin with the bus was six minutes late so I'm directly coming from the soccer game all right so to begin with student council they held their first event freshman fun night on September 20th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. this event was a great success this event was a great success and has has said has said the right tone for the rest of the events we had approximately 65 freshman part participants and 22 senior volunteers to host them our next focus is to move forward with our homecoming preparations homecoming will be on October 26th 7:00 p.m. after the football game furthermore the spirit dat themes for each day of that week also have been finalized um so the week of respect will be held from 9:30 to 10:4 Monday will be Pajama Day put bullying to rest Tuesday will be where Sports Jersey team up against bullying Wednesday will be where blue first spec and Friday like usual will be Viking Nations day another upcoming event is the fall pep rally on October 26th second half of the school day not much preparation or planning is needed for this event for now as we have hosted this countless times and preparations will move forward a little closer to the date so that is everything in terms of student council in terms of overall school events freshman Funday will be held this Friday September 27th the entire school day and if you're not familiar with freshman Funday it is an event designed and hosted by plaque to help freshman accumulate acclimate to high school through funs social games and activities this event is hosted by seniors and juniors as they have spent the most amount of time in the building and would want to ensure the Freshman also settle well and have a fantastic time this will be followed by a club fair to help freshmen conveniently find their clubs they are interested in or new clubs or interest they might want to explore in addition Senior Open campus started yesterday September 22nd for all seniors Zoom at all the requirements such as a attending a meeting and turning in permission forms all right on to phhs Athletics Vikings football played their latest game away at Riverdale on September 20th 6 p.m. and lost the game 290 the Vikings football excuse me the Vikings boys soccer played their game just an hour ago and lost 2-1 against Pop John girls tennis continued their amazing Streak still going undefeated winning their latest game against moros High School 3-2 making their new record 11-0 that is everything for this report thank you so much for your time you that's awesome thank you very good board members have any questions okay thank you so much yeah sure enough thank take a breath yes I think Mrs Golder had a question okay based on the on the press release that you read to us I didn't get a that there was going to be any discussion on a percentage per se but more of a discussion on on just paying for things that we would need but no but no percentage I mean I may have well let's start off with this per statute how much percentage of a pilot funded project is the school district entitled to currently Zer correct so zero right so we're we're entitled to no funding okay okay and I'll read and Janie I'll provide a copy of this to you to provide to the board okay thank you I have always stated that I work with the Boe to determine a fair and Equitable way to use a portion of the pilot funds for the direct benefit of our schools I think it's premature to determine how those funds will be allocated to the schools at this point okay I'm not saying so there's no percentage at that's that's available right now it may not be a percentage it may be a percentage okay but before you go in and speak to him I think that the full Board needs to be in you have no leverage to negotiate with the township you're entitled to nothing okay if the mayor wants to give us a percentage we're not talking may excuse me I'm speaking if the mayor wants to give us a percentage that's up to his discretion if he wants to pay for capital projects that's up to his discretion when those things are presented to the ad hoc committee the board can vote on them right now no the yeah but we can direct you to to we could still direct you as as the president as the person that is representing us to say you know we're looking for a percentage no we tried that and it failed so you're saying he is agreeing to he's he's saying no I read the Press I I'll write a copy of the press release to you you can you can interpret that as you will had conversations that's why I'm asking you the conversations were between the mayor and I okay the conversations could be between you but you you're not the board you know it's and I am not committing the board to anything I'm simply doing my best to to reignite dialogue between the township and the board which is stopped there's been no meaningful dialogue with with the township since uh well he asked you gave him two dates he never responded to those two dates Susie I'm not getting into this argument with you right now I'm just we have a way forward aru the past is the past you know I always say the windshield of a car is bigger than the rear mirror for a reason and I'm looking forward okay so as long as I'm president that's my direction any other questions okay thank you oh Jack um more of a comment that I think we do want to continue any political heat that might as part of our we you're right we have no negotiating leverage at this point but what we do have is some political leverage which we've tried to exercise wherever we can and I think we can continue to do that as individual citizens you have the right to do what You' like to do okay I I for one will no longer be attending Town Council meetings and speaking publicly on this topic that's my that's my decision okay all righty commit reports however we have Dr suter's presentation so some some some good news thank you hello everybody and welcome to my presentation on our district goals for the 2024 2025 school year they're part of our fiveyear strategic plan and which we are in year three of so if you look uh at our opening my opening page it's up there and I'll I'll read off my uh sheets here because I my eyesight's not that so I can't really see from there but I'll I'll go along as uh as we can so goal number one is our members of our Learning Community will design student centered opportunities that engage active that that require active engagement and the authentic connection to real life experiences that straighten creative problem solving critical thinking leadership community service and social impact how are we doing that well as I said we are in our third year and in our second year accom accomplishments we've created and facilitated a deeper learning committee to serve as District learning team which continues to research teaching strategies and promote deeper thinking in the classroom we facilitated administrative book study using the book creating cultures of thinking by Ron Richard our administrators have completed our Harvard mini courses on deeper thinking theory and strategy we've assessed and continued to assess current practices in the classrooms via teacher obser ation pdps and walkthroughs and we researching best practices and we continue to do so in other learning communities by a site visits virtual visits professional readings Etc also in our second year we continue to utilize facility and grade level meetings to discuss teaching and planning strategies we continue to utilize curriculum revisions to embed deeper thinking and critical thinking strategies we continue to utilize District professional development days for the study of deeper thinking facilitated deeper thinking PD to approximately 400 teaching staff members during our June PD and we provided collaboration time for educators to create and develop opportunities in their classrooms we've also expanded our dual enrollment opportunities with fdu and NJIT and I have a link here in the presentation however as I explained to the board that's something that our supervisors Rachel Villanova and Brian mccort have given me this data and they I've asked them to come to a future board meeting to discuss this data with you it's their data and I would feel more comfortable if they were presenting that so those are some of the things that we've done for our gold in our in our second year we're going into our third year so what we're going to do is we're going to be building on our accomplishments by including our media Specialists to embed guided inquiry and information literacy skills into our English language arts lessons we're going to continue to train admin ators on various Concepts and strategies related to deeper thinking evaluating past observations and goals for guiding teachers we're going to expand the academic Pathways program to include Humanities pathway and a Visual and Performing Arts Pathways which is underway now we're going to expand our senior internship program to include approximately 100 seniors exploring five-week internship programs in the spring and the introduction of a full year internship program as I explained to the board um I did a podcast today on our senior internship with the hosts being uh Liz o Bole and Chrissy Russell and that podcast will be out shortly I know you guys are dying to see that podcast it's probably going to go viral I think it might you know you never know but they were very happy with that and so uh I was happy to get it out and I wanted to thank the community members especially the businesses that participate um we're also expanding our Target teach program to include multiple Shadow Days and added teaching opportunities and what we really are proud of is the implementation of a win period and the win period is what I need for our grades K to3 teachers that will be a 30 minute period each day where they will be able to uh provide students with additional instruction in areas of academic and emotional need math support enrichment activities seal activities Etc so it was an interesting idea when our elementary principles are very happy to get that into the schedule and we're also facilitating professional learning communities plcs for teachers to explore deeper thinking based on their own passions and perspectives does anybody have any questions on goal one yeah Alison um did you me or Alison Alison okay sorry I wasn't looking mine sorry is just a basic one on the there's a acronym in here that I just not sure what it is pdps and walkthroughs professional development plans professional development plans and then observation walk through is when we walk through with our administrators into the teachers classrooms for observations okay the 30 minute can't the 30 minute win period correct that's just in in in addition to that's embedded into the Elementary schedule now okay so that's that's also included in English language arts that's included in math it's included in the daily schedule of the Elementary classrooms okay so it's during those periods it's its own separate period I'm asking it's its own separate period right so we could work on remedial skills at that time we can work on okay so it's just like a catchup kind of wind period yeah yeah okay thank you Dr Maron if you want to add absolutely go ahead so um it's really it's really databased instruction so we're looking at where students are efficient uh in math language arts in giving them using that 30 minute time to those specific skills we used to catch up we we went to each building um in the last two weeks for lunch and learn to train all the teachers and we don't want to be catch up someone's behind in like a history lesson that's a different time this is what they need academically some kids might need enrichment some kids might need some social emotional support some kids might need to at this specific skill our math and literacy coaches at level put together some terrific PD and resources where they looking at the data and specific um activities that can support the development of those skills because for a teacher this is like so this is a curveball you know this is the classroom teacher it wouldn't be I'm glad you asked that yeah so the principles um have been really teaching how they schedule this period ideally you want to book it at a time where you can pull other teachers in so you can use your meeting specialist right that's what I was going to ask your teer so you can drill down into just smaller groups what they need so basic skills map all hands on deck some some schools have opted to do it at at one band for all three all four grades okay others have done it stagger throughout the course they to maximize okay thank you that does sound thank you um just on the same uh bullet point how many students do you expect in one win period it's everyone it's everyone it's everyone so that's why it's not um it's not likeed basic school program it's it's for every student so it's in their home room Advanced right okay they're going to you know get some more challenging um the en okay so there's no like for that particular period there's not a maximum of how many kids they can no I mean it's their class it's their class more staff you get help help thank you so it's really differentiating during that period That's EX exctly what and it's just the that's going to I hate to sound you know but that's going to give the classroom teacher a lot more work to prepare for something like that no we we agree and that's that's why I mention before the coaches have did a great job trying to can a lot of that stuff for them okay based on literacy and math okay they've done a really good job they're going to be at our elementary council meeting with the administrators next month to share that with the administrators again um because they recognize that bur put on the teachers they want to make it as easy and as possible so those are our literacy and math support yeah okay thank you sorry M um uh are they do they like call it the wi period in like to the kids like if I ask my daughter like what did you do during wind period will she like sure right that's the only way I get anything out of her is like I have to like ask a targeted question and she like looks at me she's like how do you know but then ansers there you go well it's nice to have Dr here because that's how I know too and Dr Mor is big help having him on my back um goal number two members of our learning oh sorry Susie in um under the continued for the expansion of the target teach program um do we have any numbers or information on how many the number of of students that we have in that program and how many we hire back you know like of the teachers that were hiring how many have gone through the program or how many have continued to go on to I I don't have that data with me um Mr Ricker I think we hire three this year from Target right but how many are in the on are in the prr we have to take a look I I'd have to I'd have to take a look M Miss Golder I couldn't tell you off the top of my head so we'd have to we'd have to get that information and get that for you EX you know no no I I I understand that it's happening but in in terms of in terms of being able to see how it's working or how successful it is you know it's like how many how many of those students do we hire back in our district or how many continue you know um in the teaching field or or so just to have a a basis you know of yeah again I don't have that information but I'll I'll get that for you yeah okay thank you to get the kids we hire students who generally speaking once kids graduate they're like Into The Ether and we tried to when I was high school person keep track ofni right but if we have a hundred students and we hire three every year let's say then we have some right we can see them this yes um I just want uh are the um professional learning communities like already up and running um yes and what kinds of What kinds of topics are folks chesing around and how big are these communities sure so um supervisor running them in their departments so they break like The English Department will break out into groups of three or four based on their interest all are s around critical thinking deeper thinking so it might be you know a deep di into a shared what shared inquiry looks like and how to implement that in their classroom there's a group that using Mo trials as a way to encourage deeper thinking um so they're kind of just as opposed to administrator dictating what the topics will be they researching on time uh some of the supervis have been present at the end of the year I think we're going to inod some of those presentations into to that shares thank you any other questions on goal one goal two members of our Learning Community will receive support for social and emotional awareness and mental and physical health in order to flourish demonstrate empathy and celebrate the diversity of all again we're in our third year last year our accomplishments in our second year we implemented service opportunity as part of our PD days donating blood and preparing PBJ sandwiches we've continued to implement student advisory at Central in Brook law middle school that's a period we continue to implement Sanford Harmony seal programs now called Harmony Academy at elementary level I put a link in there for you to look at some of the lessons continue to provide articulation and planning time for elementary teachers counselors to discuss common seal lessons and best practices and we continue to incorporate transition programs orientation assemblies for Relevant grade level 6th and 9th at the beginning of the school year to outline expectations introduce key people Etc also in our second year which we'll continue to build on is we develop and initiate a middle school required elective class 21st century skills for sixth grade students to prepare their them for Middle School study skills resources expected behaviors and Etc continue to review each upcoming month for cultural celebrations that might warrant no homework or no tests due to holidays communicate this to the to the faculty is what we have been doing we continue to Run High School elective classes Lifetime Fitness as a semester course for grades 10 through 12 which we've gotten good feedback and we continue to teach new staff the five competencies of seal and the subcompanies for personal growth and how to include these in lessons with students what we're going to be doing this year is we're going to be continuing yes sorry I have a question sure um it's really for Dr Moone are you still working with that inclusion I think it was called inclusion diversity where you'd meet with kids at lunchtime from the high school you remember you would bring kids from the hills to the high and yes that will resume it will okay so we'll be building on our administrative book study on Wellness titled The Happiness Advantage by Sean acre our administrative tabletop exercise and presentations about the psychological and productivity advantages of a positive demeanor which we did in our administrative Workshop this year and we'll continue to do continue with classroom observations to assess classroom environments engage and expectations provide teaching staff with multiple excuse me with professional development Workshop opportunities via the moris Union jointure which is an excellent an excellent opportunity really uh provide professional readings via Journal articles online resources seminars and professional conferences which we have in Google classrooms we're also to continue to develop professional development menu ofal strategies and lessons mental health Trends in students and other critical issues continue to provide school-based service opportunities for our students and again implementation of the win program it's part of that do you have any questions thus far Dr do you have anything that you'd like to add to goal to um no I think these goals are really important to us absolutely we devel them as a community big committee and we want to keep these a topic of conversations as we have faculty meetings and new oration and observations and department meetings these should be at the Forefront what we discuss and I think doing a good job of that the deeper thinking um concept I think takes time you know it's it's a shift from a traditional teaching model and um we feel we've exposed the majority of the district to it and now um we're making sure administrators are having those conversations that you know doing those things in the classroom challenging students and creatively and collabora collaboratively so we're happy with the progress and you know we continue to for more exciting opportun awesome I'd like to thank Dr for the hard work and I like to thank our administrative staff the district's teaching and support staff members and all the employees of the parip nroo school district we are well on our way to accomplishing our goals which include providing our students with social emotional and academic success and uh I thank you for your time thank you thank you thank you thank you good job we are at committee reports I do not believe there are any committee reports for this evening am I correct okay approval of minutes from executive session and regular minutes as of September 12 2024 may have a motion to approve the minutes please please Mrs mayor second Mrs Chappelle roll call Mrs Abraham yes Mr baros yes Mrs kogan yes Mrs mayor yes Mr Rea yes Mrs Chapelle yes Dr Wright yes Mrs gold yes Mr choa yes Dr Suter you're up again uh with superintendent bullet number four all right um thank you president chafo good evening everyone um our district principals supervisors assistant principles and I are busy continuing to film The beyond the bell podcasts which highlight various topics and provide helpful insight into our various practices procedures and the events which are happening in our schools along with Mrs Chappelle I attended the nolwood back to school night last week on Thursday September 19th the event was extremely well attended and Mr lindol and his staff did a great job welcoming and informing parents oldwood school I'm happy to report that my next Focus article will highlight four very special students at barany Hills High School who are truly deserving of recognition I don't want to spoil the surprise so make sure you pick up the October edition of the focus and finally our PHS band Mrs carvano and I wanted to extend our sincere congratulations to miss Shannon and her dedicated student musicians for the PHS marching band their outstanding performance at their first competition this we weekend where they took second place thank you for the hard work and commitment you put into the program we look forward to continuing um placements and tonight for your approval we have superintendent boltson items 1 through3 with addendum and reading items 31 through 43 are there any questions for Dr Suter oh seeing none uh secretary's report Mrs Tesco please hi everyone on tonight's secretary's report we have our regular business motions including the approval to submit two applications to the New Jersey Department of Education for roof Replacements at Mount tabber in Littleton does anybody have any questions okay thank you is there any new business to come before the board I have actually two things um I will be traveling and not in the state on October 10th and unable to attend the board meeting vice president Golder has graciously agreed to preside over that meeting so thank you Susie for that um we need to schedule a Boe work session for goal setting a date of October 17th was put forth if you could by the end of this week provide uh whether you're available or not on October 17th to Mrs benos that would be that would be great okay thank you at this time if there is anyone who would like to address the board please come up sign your name and address in the book at the Lector and state your name for the record and please address the chair each person will have 3 minutes to speak to the board it would be helpful if you would like to address the board to please come up now and sign the book so that you are ready when the first purse when the first speaker is finished as a remainder we are video recording this meeting if you are a student who wishes to speak we ask that you not provide your home address but rather give only the name of the municipality in which you live if you are a parent wishing to discuss a specific matter pertaining to your child during this portion of the meeting you may request that the board temporarily suspend the video recording alternatively please consider speaking privately about the matter to the superintendent after the meeting speakers should refrain from using specific student or staff names and their comments and are referred to by Lo 0168 for further information regarding the video recording of our meetings thank you sir hi good evening my name is Mike Theo I live at 20 Oakridge Road uh we moved here this past weekend and my daughter's in eighth grade at uh Brooklyn Middle School uh so I did come before you with a request but before I do that I just wanted to let you know that I came here specifically because pipy has a very good reputation outside of town here and the you guys have far exceeded our expectations so I just wanted to compliment you and the school staff and let you guys know you're doing a great job um so the request I had I had wanted to make I did send an email out yesterday morning but I know you guys have a lot on your plate so many of you may not have seen it all of you may not have seen it but uh where we live is considered a walking area um however there is a bus that comes through the pickup uh on many of the students for Brook lawn in the neighborhood um the bus is picking up students based on their walking path so if students are required to walk along lak Shore Drive to school uh it's deemed to be too dangerous and so that the district does pick these students up um where we are I did speak to the transportation department before coming here uh where we are we have a side street uh so we have two exit paths a Lakes Shore Drive and then another Street which iside street um in order for us to walk to school uh it requires us to go across Hy Road the only crosswalk available to us at Hy road is at the corner of Hy Road and l llo Road um the shortest distance to get there is a long lore drive so that would be the distance that would be the path my daughter would choose whether I told her or not to or not um if if we went through the side streets it requires us to zigzag out of the way through narrow streets that don't have sidewalks crosswalks or crossing guards so we can take the longer path she's not going to so um on top of that uh the crosswalk at Holo doesn't have a a a crossing guard station reason being is that there aren't enough students using that crosswalk to justify the cost of guard um the bus does stop at the corner of our street to pick up students on our side of lak Shore Drive uh so I come before you asking for I'm requesting eligibility to buy a pass on this bus there's six seats available um I I would never go to the town I don't want them to pay to install crosswalks or crossing guard or sidewalks uh I'm asking you guys if I can pay you guys for a bus pass uh to fill one of these seats for the bus that comes to the corner of our street anyway based on our circumstances uh the email I did send out has two images that illustrate uh better what I'm disc what I'm what I'm describing um so yeah I'm just I'm trying to approach this with humility I respect your decision either way and I just thank you guys for considering the request so thank you uh if the superintendent cares the comment he'll do so after the public comment portion is over sure thank you thank you Matt DeVito parpan resident um it's interesting you brought up the the goals tonight uh Dr Suter because um especially with Goal number two actually kind of merges into gold number one a little bit uh celebrating the diversity of all um I was at the for Fall Festival uh last Sunday and or a week week ago Sunday and there we had spoke to a number of parents you know about different educational education and things in Paran and one parent spoke to and I don't recall her name now unfortunately um had an elementary student um and she was concerned her son is pretty bright almost in um almost in the um the gifted program and such just like by a hair but she was concerned about even at his age he's like a second grader I believe she said um that um she would wanted him to learn a language and you know obviously Spanish is very prevalent here in New Jersey you know she was saying specifically Spanish and such and it struck me to think about that it made me think about it too cuz my children are now in 8th grade when they finished finished up in um in fifth grade you know we were in the middle of Co they kind of stopped the the languages that they were doing there at the time and never never saw it again until they got into uh into Middle School of course so I'm wondering has there still um is there still language taught at the elementary level even some basic kind of Spanish for some of these students so that they can kind of communicate with some of these other students that are not you know that are not English language uh English language Learners and such where they can be able to you know understand them and and be able to communicate them at least basic level obviously not would make them fluent in Spanish yet but it's a good Bas Baseline for a lot of these kids to learn the other languages going forth thank you thank you is there anyone else who would like to address the public okay thank you I'm going to close the the public session yeah Mr Cho thank you for coming out I am in receipt of your email and um uh I've reached out to the district director of security to inquire about the crossing guard Atley and lllo which the town removed we do have also uh sleo officers that Patrol that area in the morning so he's going to get back to me on that um and I'll I'll I'll send you an email that with your other request um Mr dito we do have you know Elementary language arts in our curriculum we we don't have teachers at that level teaching that we have them at the middle school and high school level but we're looking into some online services for the elementary schools thank you uh thank you Dr Sutter all right we're up to the superintendent's bulletin number four items 1 through3 with addendum items 31- 43 and reading may have a motion to approve the superintendent both Mrs mayor second Mr rehea roll call please Mrs Abraham yes Mr baros recues on 38 yes to everything else Mrs kogan yes Mrs mayor yes Mr Rea yes Mrs Chappelle yes Dr Wright yes Mrs B yes Mr Choppa uh yes seeing no other business a motion to adjourn please Allison second it by Susie all in favor I hi have a nice evening everyone thank you