District Board of Ed on November 20th 2023 um I would ask that um Yas call the role Mr Blondo here Mrs bares here Dr blundy Miss Calderone here Mr Lisi here Mrs Martin Mr Stanis here miss stepin here Mr Weaver here okay I ask that everyone join me in a salute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all this away adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by mailing copies of said notice to the record filing copies of said notice with the municipal clerk of Hillsdale Montvale Rivervale and Woodcliff Lake and Publishing said notice in the record on July 21st 20123 we do have uh routine matters we have monthly excuse me monthly reports we'll start with Olivia good evening everyone my name is Olivia G and I'll be presenting the pascy hills student report for the month of November for our first classroom item Our World Language departments in both schools invite you to our celebrate languages ceremonies pasag Hills High School will hold this event on Thursday November 30th at 7 p.m. here in the Pasa Hill's Auditorium to celebrate our multilingual students we will officially recognize our outstanding students who earn the seal by literacy and also those who will be inducted into the Chinese Italian French and Spanish National Honor societies for co-curricular item number one the students who were accepted to the Bergen County Choir for the year 2023 to 2024 are the following Raina Alo Camila ambio Elijah Chen chrisan Lee Sophia Padilla cor patelski and ion swine congratulations to the students's acceptance it is an honor and a privilege to perform in an ensemble made up of the best singers in the county for co-curricular item number two the Trailblazers attended the Garden State Scholastic press Association or gspa conference in late October at which student journalism workshops were offered and award winners were announced on October 30th gspa announced the 2023 award contest winners at its annual fall press day the Trailblazer won five Awards and one honorable mention in its fourth year entering the Statewide contest pasc Hills Trailer staff won the following awards from the GSS gspa conference for media Awards they won honorable mention for overall online Excellence first place for social media presence and first place for Broadcast News show AKA Bronco breakdown for individual Awards the Trailblazer won third place in in-depth reporting fifth place in review writing and eighth place in news writing congratulations to the Trailblazer for the last coch regular item on November 13th the pasy kill's history Club hosted its second annual Veterans Day panel panel with American Legion 153 of Park Rich throughout the morning history classes visited the library and listened to the stories of Veteran volunteers and for our first athletic item congratulations Joey gardano Jake Waka and Peter prer on continuing their athletic careers at Division 1 programs and for my joke of the day why shouldn't you write with a broken pencil because it's pointless there you go good very good okay meline good evening uh my name is Maddie Gibbs and I will be giving the October 2023 student report for pasek Valley uh to start with classroom items item number one the PV history club and Social Studies classes welcomed local veterans on the Monday before Veterans Day who shared their experiences being in the armed forces it was an enjoyable morning for both students and Veterans and we look forward to continuing this tradition every year item number two Valley French Classes continue virtual connections with our partner School in southern France which began working together in 2014 on November 7th the students interacted on Google meet and are currently creating videos in English and French in a collective flip grid classroom we thank the administration board and Community for their continued support of this cultural program and Global Connection item number three Matt Marone Jeff Jasper and Ken sarajian brought their classes together to discuss politics ethics and morality resulting in a 100 students talking about choices and how we determine our choices thanks for the opportunity that both supervisors Val matuch and Joe orlac offered us and their support to experiment with this seminar item number number four senior tronis minl Lang chin performed with the NJ Allstate jazz band in Atlantic City and at the NJ p pacc in nework the PV chamber Jazz Ensemble performed at the PV Multicultural Festival as well as the Hilo Library the group is now preparing their entry for this year's Mingus competition and National High School competition if accepted the group will be invited to perform in New York City lastly four PV band students will audition for the searsburg county band Carolyn Eddie gerch Isabelle Zampino and Ned ranan good luck item number five on November 15th students from Mr Jasper and San's history classes joined with students from ksari Secondary School in hinski Finland to present projects both schools had collaborated on since early October PV students worked diligently to create Pro projects with their finished counterparts and that examined each country's stereotypes of the other shared their cultures and learned more about each other for my co-curricular items item number one the PV executive Council held its annual fundraiser for home for our troops an organization dedicated to helping our returning wounded veterans during the week of Veterans Day each grade participated in the fundraiser thanks to the exem extreme generosity of the PV Community we were able to donate $450 to homes for our troops thank you to all who donated to this wonderful cause item two the PV beekeeping Club welcom certified Master beekeeper John got who Tau the club how to perform a thorough Hive inspection trouble troubleshoot issues in the hive and prepare the hives for winter PV video production student Jada Martinez filmed the experience and is creating a documentary that will be used for beekeeping education through throughout the state item three members of the PV National Honor Society and PV Network raised $465 for Josephine's Garden during their day of gold fundraiser the the donation will be used to fund research at HC for childhood brain cancer thank you to everyone who donated and purchased a gold bracelet for this extremely worthy Clause item four the PV Network and interact Club will be holding their annual toy drive for the children living in the shelter at the center for Hope and safety the to the toy drive will run from November 27th to December 14th they are accepting new unwrapped toys the shelter is also asking for items for the women living in the shelter as well collection boxes will be in the front hallway at PV and outside of room 20 228 thank you in advance for your support item number five the PV Habitat for Humanity met with the Bergen County Habitat for Humanity affiliate who shared several initiatives that PV helped with on November 8th club members made cards expressing our heartfelt thanks to Veterans for their service to our country the cards were delivered to the NJ Memorial Home at pamis Additionally the club will be participating in a fundraiser at htk Hot Chicken on Route 17 South in pamis on November 30th and December 3rd and lastly the members are designing t-shirts as an additional fundraiser for our athletic items item number one congratulations to Colin Foley for being named the pasic valley representative for the super football coner conference Steve D Gregorio young man of the year award congrats to Colin and the entire football team item number two congratulations to PV soccer players Amanda piac and Tera Stewart for being named first team Alber County this is Amanda's thirdd consecutive selection to the team Amanda signed her National letter of intent to Cornell University for women's soccer congrats to Amanda and terara for these remarkable accomplishments item number three class of 2023 PV grad Tory criscola will be honored at the YMCA sports awards banquet on November 21st with the YMCA high school student athlete award this is a tremendous accomplishment and very well-deserved recognition for all that Tori achieved while at py for our fun fact py will be hosting their second Valley cup uh the week of beginning November 20th this the week will culminate with the valley cup assembly on Wednesday November 22nd events include a volleyball tournament a Thanksgiving Day themed relay and a classic game of musical chairs with entertaining twists good luck to all the grades in this week's Valley cup and now for my joke what do a tick and Eiffel Tower have in common they're both parasites ah there you go very good all right thank you um great great updates for both of you uh let the record show that uh trustee Kelly blundy has been able to join us so you weren't that late um okay I'm going to table the minutes because I understand that uh we need some refinement to them we've had uh somebody out the last few days uh on a on a bement and we're going to ask that we do that next month okay um and next is the student recognition we have uh quite a bunch of students here to recognize this evening um you're going to do the the presentation okay I would that would be great um so our our first and they did spell these out phonetically for me so I hope I do better with some of the name pronunciations than I have in the past but uh I apologize in advance if I don't so our first one is whereas Amanda pinc a senior at pasag Valley High School at Fred Lim a senior at pasak Hills High School completed the Governor's School of new Jersey program in The Sciences this past summer this is a 3-week residential program where each student completes Three core CL courses one laboratory one group project and all project all in the Sciences on the final day the groups presented their projects Amanda and Fred were on the same biochemistry project entitled exploring the kinetics and inhibition of yeast Aldo ketto r Duke t uh that was spelled phonetically for me um now therefore be it resolved that the pasag Valley Regional High School District Board of Ed recognize and commend Amanda and Fred for their outstanding [Applause] achievement okay AP scholar with distinction whereas the following students from pasak Hills High School are advanced placement Scholars with distinction these are students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken and scores of three or higher on five or more of those exams nadep Singh Bala tol wani ba CD Rachel Chow Alexander debiasio our own Olivia G arry hersfield Eliza krigsman and Fred limb now therefore be it resolved that the pasag Valley Regional High School District Board of Education recognize and commend these students for their outstanding achievement closer don't sh you great [Applause] job hey P scholar With Honor whereas the following students from pasak Hills High School are advanced placement Scholars these are students who received scores of at least 3.25 on all advanced placement exams taken and scores of three or higher on four or more of these exams Michael chelney Ashley Chun Dylan damonian Justin Diamond Kieran dudy Adrien height Leandra Pinto Amanda penc minl Lang Quinn Rebecca Rodriguez Jillian Suarez coochi taziki Isabelle valz now therefore be it resolved that the pasag Valley Regional High School District Board of Education recognize and commend these students for their outstanding achievements I I want to add that um see I'm I'm reading to verbatim these are students from both pasak Valley and pasak hills and uh so it's both schools well represented in these distinctions [Applause] an AP scholar whereas the following students from pasak hills and pasak Valley high schools are advanced placement SC these are students who receive scores of three or higher on three or more AP exams Mi hairbath Julia bang Sophia bovino William Bramley Nicole Choy Juliet Cohen [Applause] Le Fair s darame Luke dargan Julia du Stephanie hang Reese yuse Danielle Jong Samantha kleene Sophia KX Michael croner Ryan croner Carly malamut chisha MAA AR agu Mina panapen Ethan Pearlman Christina Riki Maya linger Anna diglets Nathaniel vit Michael wear Isaiah wescot Juan zapatio now be it now therefore be it resolved that the pasag Valley Regional High School District Board of Ed recognize and commend these students for their outstanding achievements come we're straight ahead stra [Applause] okay the National Merit scholar semi semi-finalists whereas the following students from pasak Hills High School have been recognized as semi-finalists in a 2024 National Merit scholarship program the National Merit Scholarship Corporation announced the names of more than 16,000 semi-finalists in the 69th annual National Merit Scholarship program these academically talented High School seniors have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 7,140 National Merit Scholarships worth nearly $28 million that will be offered next spring as Le Chun Olivia G Adrien height and Fred limb I'm trying to the car [Applause] okay now for the National Merit Scholars commended students whereas about 34,000 commended students throughout the nation are being recognized for their exceptional academic promise commended students placed among the top 50,000 students who entered the 2023 competition by taking the 2021 preliminary SAT National Merit Scholarship qualifying tests Julia bang nadep singala tou bidd William Bramley Bethany Chen Alexander debiasio Kieran dudy Julian Gugino Gino Ari hershfield Danielle Jung Chase Miller Leandra Pinto Ming Lang Quinn coochi tazaki Isabella valz Isaiah Westcott Brian Yang now therefore be it resolved that the pasag Valley Regional High School District Board of Education recognize and commend these students for their outstanding achievement you see r no we'll just keep going he shows oh okay we could table it come back to [Applause] it okay the uh Bergen County Choir where whereas the following students from pasak Hills High School were accepted to the 2023 24 Bergen County Choir The Bergen County Choir is an ensemble made up of the best singers in the county the Bergen County Choir will perform on January 14th 2024 at Bergenfield high school at 3 pm Reena Alo Camila Ambrosio Elia Chen Elijah Chen Christian Lee Sophia Padia cor patelski and aan swen now therefore be it resolved that the pasc Valley Regional High School District Board of Ed recognize and commend these students for their outstanding achievement [Applause] yes great job to everybody tonight let's give them one more round of applause is Rob here we need him right yeah so why don't I just go through and I'll I'll table and then just we'll get as much perfect okay folks you're you're welcome to stay um but we won't be offended if you leave you're absolutely welcome and wanted but I get it so I think this is easier how Joe set it up and it everybody just sit in one section it worked was much easier it's going to be somebody else's problem next year I'm sorry you're probably tired of me saying it's not funny anymore but it's very very funny to me think that is not funny I'll still be here sitting in a corner quietly if I can do it um board trustees um we we do need to wait for you attorney for one item but we're going to go through other things and we get to that point we'll table it and then come back to it later is that sufficient to everybody yes okay all right so don't let me skip here oh yeah so we are now going to be open to the public for comments um on the first section this is for agenda items only and citizens are invited to make comments regarding this School agenda items and are limited to 3 minutes per policy uh persons wishing to speak must upon being recognized rise sign in state their name in town and which agenda item they are referencing so we are open to the public seeing no hands I'm going to close to the public we are going to skip for now um uh executive session we will come back to it and we will go to policy let me just make sure what what section is that on so I don't miss it I don't no I'm just okay yes thank you thank you um so I'm looking for a motion for um to for items one two four and five we will skip three for the time being and come back to it is there a mo is there a second second any discussion roll call Dr blundy yes Miss Calderon yes Mr Lisi yes Miss Mr Stanis yes Miss stefins yes Mrs varis yes Mr Weaver abstain Mr blundo yes okay and just repeating we will be revisiting number three later in the evening for Education we have two consent agenda items is there a motion so moved any discussion roll call Dr blundy yes Miss Calderone yes Mr louisi yes Mr stankis yes Miss stefins yes Mrs varges yes Mr Weaver yes Mr blundo yes all right on finance we have 18 consent agenda items oh did I miss one oh this so much paper here I'll get it how many are right so uh we do have 15 items for human resources consent agenda is there a motion so moved second any discussion roll call please Dr blundy yes Miss Calderone yes Mr louisi yes Mr Stanis yes Miss stepin yes Mrs Vargis yes Mr Weaver abstain seven yes to everything else Mr blundo yes all right so under Finance we have 18 consent agenda items is there a motion and we have just to point out that there is a new number 14 replacing what's in the original agenda 14 it's just verbiage and I'm being advised it's just verbiage nothing on content on that so a motion 1 through 18 with the new language on 14 so move second I know the superintendent has some comments she'd like to make I did I just wanted to mention on the agenda under Finance there are two motions for uh regarding properties uh I just wanted to just clarify what they are one is to purchase the property we currently use for our Milestones program um that's so that we can make the necessary ada8 changes to the structure of the of the building itself so that we can continue to house our very successful program there for years to come the other is an application to the state for approval to purchase land that's adjacent to Hills High School we'll have more information about both properties once we're farther along in the process any other discussion uh question question on number 10 sure we just get an update on where we are with that project I just know I was on the track this past weekend and looks like certain areas are are are getting a a beating and wondering how that impacts because I know we redid the track and then that project and when's that project going to be done and the timeline and could that impact the use of the facility so the report I got from Robert um which I believe I shared was that uh the bleacher company that's do going they need to remove the bleachers so they can take care of the soil erosion is almost a year out so it won't it probably won't happen for another year um so that's kind of where we are but we need the proposal they're going to do everything get it all set and then um we need to go out to bid for it and then who's responsible for any damage to the track because we redid the track prior to the project being done and if there's long-term damage who who's well we're hoping that there is no damage there with the track I mean we'd have to revisit that and that's probably a question we'd have to ask uh our board attorney okay has anyone been out to look at it uh not that I'm aware of I mean we we redid it and then after that we repainted it so aside from that you know from time to time I know Robert's taking a look at it along with uh our building coordinator yeah the area in front of the grand stand is you can tell where the soil is coming on to it so I'm just curious to know what yeah we're supposed to have um I know that Robert was looking into that and putting something else there to prevent that soil coming down onto the track any other discussion on any Finance items roll call Dr blundy yes M Calderone yes Mr louisi yes Mr Stanis yes Miss stepin yes Mrs varis yes Mr Weaver yes Mr blundo yes does anyone have any old business they'd like to bring up could we get an update on where we're at with the um wrestling position for the girls Sarah what uh what specifically were you looking for an update on on where we're at with the position has it been advertised was someone hired it was on the agenda for part-time and there was questions about whether there was even interest on the part of the females we had that discussion maybe two months ago so is has anyone been hired was it advertised is there any interest among the girls uh yes it was advertised we did appoint a part-time uh coach for that position and there continues to be interest among three females up at Hills what would require it to be elevated to a full-time position the way that it's set up right now uh you know what hold on one second because I don't know the numbers off the top of my head the way that it's set up right now the girls are practicing with the boys as a co-ed team and they're competing with the boys as a co-ed team on Saturday this position is specifically to um add to occasional practices but to Shaun those girls on on Sundays um if we had more girls that warranted additional numbers right now our total numbers at Hills don't warrant a full-time additional assistant coach um let me see if I have it I'd have to look I can follow up in the Friday update with the numbers of what would be but it looks like we've got about 30 to 40 total wrestlers um with two full-time assistant coaches one head coach three volunteer coaches and now this one halftime coach that will be assigned primarily to chaperone the girls for those female only uh non-co events so we would have to have a a total increase or an increase in the total number of girls do we have a standard number that would trigger the hiring of a full-time coach when the golf team reached 10 girls we hired a a uh an additional coach to oversee them and I think that we're looking at right now 15 girls total on the hills golf team which would likely trigger a second head coach we would never have a second head coach for wrestling it would only be a full-time assistant coach um I don't know what the number is for wrestling my guess is it's around 15 if we have 30 wrestlers with two assistant coaches right now but it might be a little bit more than that any committee updates I know we had a finance committee update uh that Mike and I attended Yas you want to give the update from that uh yes so we needed to get um our audit finalized um and then that's also going to be discussed at at a future finance committee meeting um but we talked about the excess Surplus from the 2223 budget and the number was um 5,2 $3 3,911 so we had to decide where we wanted to allocate some of those funds like into our Reserve accounts um the recommendation I gave was $3.3 Million into capital reserve $500,000 into maintenance reserve and then the remainder which is 1,439 to go towards the 2425 budgeted fund balance okay so that helps offset taxes um in all likelihood we're probably going to have to use some of our um money that we keep away we keep that's unassigned um there's also unassigned Surplus that we keep for things such as funding the budget and also for any kind of emergency rainy day situations so that was presented to the finance committee um it was agreed upon uh about the recommendation and just want to inform the board that we'd like to go forward with that and finalize the audit any questions for Yas were there any other committee updates or any other old business anyone have any new business no um okay I'm going to at this point uh ask for a motion for a oh wait what do you want we should do this you want to do that first okay okay that's fine so we'll open to the public one last time on any topic any member of the public have any topic seeing no hands will close to the public and now I'll entertain a motion to go into executive session I will say that there will be action taken after the executive session uh one item the item that we tabled um uh folks the student reps are you don't have to stick around and wait for us um but there will be action um One Way or Another after the executive session so is there a motion to go into executive session how moved second any objection okay we're in executive session thank you okay we are back in Open Session uh after coming out of executive session and we have one item in front of us which is under policy and it is number three which is an HIV and I want to make sure we do this right uh so the resolve that the board approve the action taken to the Hib reports listed a through e uh is there a motion on that so moved is there a second second is there any discussion hearing none Rod handled that correctly yes okay roll call please miss Calderon yes Mr Lisi yes Mr Stanis yes Mrs varis yes Mr blundo yes okay that's the end of our business this evening is there a motion to adjourn so moved any objection we are adjourned