[Music] [Music] oh [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and mute your microphones now we will have uh proceed with the public hearings will the County Attorney please uh go with the procedures for Z that came up quick came up um there are two resounding agendas regular and consent sta will present each application to the board of County Commissioners if the staff or Planning Commission has recommended approval and if there is no opposition the application will be considered by the board without further presentation if staff or Planning Commission is recommended denial or if there's opposition to the application the applicant will be given 5 minutes for presentation the opposition will be given three minutes for each individual or five minutes for a group representative and the applicant will be given three minutes for rebuttal any individual disagreeing with staff or Planning Commission recommendation or anyone wishing to object to any condition of the rezoning May at this time request the petition be pulled from the consent agenda in which case that application will be heard under the regular agenda later on during the meeting otherwise all resoning applications on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion and vote if you wish to speak to any petition please give your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record these are Quasi judicial public hearings the law in Florida is that mere public support or opposition of an application is insufficient for this board to take action please limit your comments to those criteria for resoning found within the board's Land Development codee Madam clerk would you like to swear the public in yes if you are here to speak on the matters that'll be before us this afternoon please rise and raise your right hands okay do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give is the truth so help you God thank you okay this is public hearing the first item is P5 4 item p54 was published in the Tampa Bay Times on March 13th 2024 good afternoon Commissioners Denise Hernandez planning and economic growth Department item p54 CAO 243501 uh the request is to continue the item to the May 21st 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie as I understand that the item has not yet been signed by the governor actually he signed it this morning according to Mr Mr Lair um but we can't take action on it today because it was noticed as a continuance and we need four members to do that to do this one so thank you Mr County move to continue time certain second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I motion pass 30 Z all right move p55 item p55 was published in Tampa Times on March 20th 2024 item p55 is pg24 7694 Aon amendment sr54 in Lake Crystal mpud master plan unit development Interstate homes LLC and others the request is to continue the item to the July 9th 2024 board County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 p.m. in D City to continue time short second got a motion and second all those in favor to say I I I okay uh I and motion pass move to uh p56 item p56 was published in the 10 times on April 3rd 2024 item p56 is pg24 7720 it's a zoning Amendment Harvest Commons vop master plan un development Galvin vop LLC the request is to continue the item to the June 4th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in D City move to continue second I got a motion and second move continues all those in favor say i i i a motion pass 30 P57 is it yes item P57 was published in Tampa Times on April 3rd 2024 item P57 is pg24 7772 it's a zoning Amendment Grand View mpud master plan unit development Galvin vop LLC the request is to continue the item to the June 4th 2024 board to County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in dat the city move to continue time certain second got a motion in second all those say I I I motion pass 30 move on to p58 item p58 was published in Tampa Times on April 3rd 2024 p58 is Peg 24777 3 on this item there is an expart um communication with commissioner waitman and to the extent that that has not been submitted to the clerk's office we will um shortly after this meeting or during this meeting and that is Harvest Hill South vop mpud master plan unit development Galvin vop LLC the request is to continue the item to the June 4 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in dat City we be continue time service second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I motion pass three Z move on to p59 item p59 was published in Tay times on April 3rd 2024 p59 is PG 24777 4 on this item there is an expart communication with commissioner waitman to the extent that that has not been provided to the clerk office that will be done so during this meeting or shortly after it's a zoning Amendment Harvest Hills North Bop mpud master plan unit development Galvin vop Peg 24777 4 the request is to continue the item to the June 4th 2024 Board of County commission's meeting at 1:30 in date City move to continue time certain thanks time certain y i uh second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I motion pass 30 move on to p60 Mr chair can we please move on to item p65 this is our first consent item no p65 is the zoning item regular Cherry Hills West which I understand is also being continued that's why there a request to continue which came in yesterday okay U Mr chairman this is was advertised for Action um but as been requested to be continued by the applicant if any as is the normal process that I recommend you take public comment if the public cannot attend the June 4th meeting that this is being continued to um if they choose to speak today they wave their right to speak on the fourth Mr chair I do have two people that have signed up to speak on this item we have folks signed up to speak to this item yes sir we did did we do okay um did you you need you still need to do no um aage public publication yes right item P 65 was published in the Tampe times on March 20th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings I'm going to read the item title it's Peg 24772 six a zoning Amendment Cherry Hills West mpud Master Plan unit development Veterans of Foreign Wars of us major Francis e Day post 4283 and others it's for resoning from an AR agricultural residential district to an mpud Master Planning Development District to allow for the maximum development of 160 single family detached dwelling units on approximately 34.072631 and commissioner waitman and those are from 1:12 of 2023 um I will to the extent that those have not been provided to the clerk's office we will do that after this meeting or during this the meeting's time and the applicant has requested a continuance to the June 4th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in D City okay this item is going to be continued to June 20 uh June 4th 2024 do those that are signed up for this item do they wish to speak today or they want to wait and speak on June 4th okay if you speak today you cannot speak on on June 4th you understand yes sir okay come forward okay name and address for the record and if you've been yes I have been Andrew rener 1271 Pro Road D City Florida I'm going read this to try to get through this in my 3 minutes my wife and my kids could not come but imploring you as a longtime pasal resident not to approve Cherry Hills as it's been improved been requested in its current density um you know local leaders Paul rener is a family member of mine speaker of the house I know many of you know wi Simpson they've talked about recently protecting our Florida land developing responsibly when we moved to Pasco County almost 20 years ago we fell in love with the am the um just the beautiful hillsides we call it Tree City uh Open Spaces vibrant places everything we love about it you know we purchased the land and the home we live on prer road it was Z AG residential everyone around us has property no one has huge subdivisions around us people have horses chickens Liv stock different things it really to us is like Bedford Falls it's like a Wonderful Life okay the the high density that they're proposing with Char it doesn't fit into the area okay you know why why are we just giving to what the developers want why are we not requesting them to be lower density people would still come they would still love the area like we do but it it just seems like when it's requested that that is what happens you know so to us and and I speak for my wife my family my kids other neighbors who can't come because it's in the middle of the day and and many of us are working right is that they agree that this does not fit into the community and for us we're already there's already proposal on the other side of us so if this goes through we're going to be surrounded on three sides by hundreds of homes hundreds of homes um so we would ask at least we have setbacks we have some type of a wall some type of protection from the noise and the development very similar when in Fort Kings of State many of you probably know about that right crime has gone up since then we've even been personally affected by someone coming through our property to go to Fort King Estates my wife didn't feel safe and those are the kind of things that are happening because of that uh we love Florida specifically our area Florida um we just ask that you would not vote as it's currently being proposed trying to stay within my 3 minutes here I'm cutting out most of this um um so please do not approve it or if we do approve it please reduce the density make them put up some kind of buffers and protection for those of us that live there we're the people that have voted right to put yall in the positions and I feel like you know we need to make sure that we're being represented as well not just future residents of of this development and other developments of Pesco County okay any questions for me I know I read that very fast we don't talk back and oh you don't okay no okay thank you thank you anyone else to speak today on this item hello my name is Terry Saxon I reside at 36640 Opportunity Way dat City 33525 I have to agree with the gentleman uh I too you've been sworn did did you get in yes okay you just have to be on the record yes sorry about that this is kind of new to me but I've kind of been out of the loop because we were recovering from a hurricane at my business but nevertheless I agree 100% with what he said I've told the city commission the same thing people move up here and it's for our our homes we spent our last retirement dollar to be able to have a home that we can stay in and we have woods and D city is known as the tree tree city um and you have developers just coming in and and popping up anywhere and anywhere because it's all about the money and again it's no consideration to the people that's already here here um Cherry Hill specifically I would like to know if there is an on the record if there is an erress Ingress other than the one coming up by the BFW on uh BFW drive because I've seen plans or something that first originally it was fictitious and now it's being said that they're going to come across our easement for our neighborhood and our community which I would strongly recommend our our request that you folks deny and that's really all I got to say it's it's just ongoing everywhere you turn it's it's coming up I don't know if anybody's doing anything with the infrastructures you know I thought Z Hills was out of water so you know obviously that's a big issue and there's some people that they don't care what it takes to get it done whether they tell the truth or not but there's some of us seniors that have been here we love our we love our property we love being in Florida we moved I was Lakeland I moved out of there cuz it's gone nuts but um um please consider the people around you you know if they want to go on a pastor out there with doesn't inflict on anybody more power to you but please consider the people that they're infringing on and uh encroaching on when we we abide by the rules we abide by the ordinances when we bought the property and intend to do so in the future and we would really love if they did the same thank you thank you thank you is anyone in audience wish to speak to this item Mr chair I have no one on WebEx for this item nobody on web okay now I entertain a motion for continuance move to continue time Ser second I got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 30 Z Now what number are we on p60 p60 which one 60 yes sir okay so I item p60 was published in the Tampa Times on February 21st 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site posting the item was continued from the January 9th 2024 BCC meeting to the February 20th 2024 BCC meeting where it was continued to today item P 60 is Peg 24773 7 zoning amendments orange State mpud master plan unit development orange orange State Enterprises Inc it's a substantial modification to the approved orange state mpu master plan in development to allow the development of 11 town homes on approximately 3.07 Acres this comes to you with a recommendation of approval with conditions from the Planning Commission and the planning and economic growth Department there was a um an issue with the proof of publication but we provided that to the clerk's office um prior to the meeting yester we provided it yesterday okay does anyone in audience wish to speak against this item Mr chair I have no one signed up and no one on WebEx okay seeing no one leave that on consent agenda and move on to p61 item p61 was published in the Tampa Bay Times on February 21st 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings the item was advertised from the um April 10th 2024 BCC um meeting to today it was continued not advertised item p61 is Peg 24 7639 it's a zoning Amendment Timber Ridge MP master plan unit development Timber Ridge State City LLC it's a rezoning petition from R3 medium density residential district to an mpud master plan unit development District to allow a maximum of90 single family detached units on approximately 4842 Acres um there is an expar communication um for this item with commissioner Mariano and to the extent that that has not been provided to the clerk's office it will be provided uh the item comes to you with a recommendation of approval with conditions um as included in your agenda packet from the Planning Commission and the planning and economic growth Department okay is anyone here speak here to speak against this item seeing no one uh leave it on consent move to p62 item p62 was published in the Tampa Times on February 21st 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings the item was was continued from the April 10th 2024 BCC meeting to the April 23rd 2024 BCC meeting where it was continued to today item p62 is Peg 24772 it's a zoning Amendment for the ankot River Resort mpud master plan unit development and clo River Resort LLC it's for a resoning request from an AR agricultural residential district and mpud master plan unit development District to an mpud master plan unit development District to incorporate 2.57 acres into the existing an clo River Resort mpud it does not add any additional entitlements to the mpud uh the the uh recommendation is approval with conditions as included in your agenda packet comes to with at recommendation from the planning and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay is anyone uh here that want wishes to speak against this item and is there anyone signed up there's no one signed up and no one on WebEx okay all right seeing no one it remains on consent move on to p63 item p63 was published in the Tampa Bay Times on March 6 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site posting the item was continued from the April 10th 2024 BCC meeting to today item p63 is pg24 7712 on this item there are several ex party Communications that have been already provided to the cler's office uh two from commissioner starky one from commissioner Mariano one from commissioner Oakley one from Comm commissioner waitman and then there's also exper Communications from all Planning Commission members again it's Peg 24771 to it's a zoning Amendment KD 52 mpud master plan unit development M landco liquidating company LLC and others it's for resoning request from AC agricultural R1 MH single family mobile home and C2 General commercial districts to an mpud master plan unit development District to allow for the development of 190,000 square ft of retail commercial 3 million ft of light industrial 500,000 ft of office a 250 room Hotel um or 250 rooms of Hotel 1,550 Square uh multif Family Apartments 150 Town Homes 600 single family homes 27 single family estate homes and Associated infrastructure on approximately 785 Acres this comes to with a recommendation of approval with conditions from the Planning Commission and the planning and economic growth Department um and the appr and the conditions are as included in your agenda packet okay is anyone here to speak against this item see no one it remains on consent move on to p64 item p64 was published in the Tampa Bay Times on March 20th 2024 item p64 is Peg 24295 it's a development agreement um mod modification Chapel Crossings mpud master plan unit development Thornwood Associates LLC it's a modification to development agreement for the chapel Crossings mpud to clarify terms and conditions therein comes to you with a recommendation of approval um from the planning and economic growth department and also from the local planning agency who found it consistent with the comprehensive plan and recommended approval to the board of County Commissioners okay is anyone here to speak against this item see it no one may it remain on consent and then I entertain a motion for the consent item we approve the consent agenda second got a motion in second all those in favor say I I I I motion pass 30 we move on to thank you p p64 66 or 66 excuse me and that's a regular item item p66 was published in the Tampa times on March 31st 2024 and April 7th 2024 good afternoon Heather wolf real property division the real property team has received a petition to vacate a portion of platted undeveloped and unmaintained RightWay along Sunset Lane as submitted by Jason and Sarah Baker the purpose of this vacation is to unify the petitioners par which include all of the parcels to the North and the South of the segment of Sunset Lane which the petitioner seek to vacate as a condition of De of approval the petitioner will grant with luch River Electric a replacement easement there were no objections to this approval and team there were no objections to this petition and the team recommends approval okay this public hearing is there anyone here to speak to this item I have no one signed up and no one on WebEx for this item okay move approval second got a motion and a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 30 thank you now we had a lady this morning was going to speak to us on the public comments and we could not understand her because of the phone connection we had we have an email from her and we're going to read that in record now okay um from Golf Coast signs aol.com sent Tuesday May 7th 2024 11:11 a.m. to Sonia tulos CC Joanna Chesire subject regarding virtual signup for 57 BCC meeting letter good morning I am sorry for the technical difficulties I was having my name is Ruth Clayton Golf Coast signs and Services LLC 14803 us19 Hudson Florida 34667 women own business for 24 years 9 years in Pasco County this is in reference to the sign ordinance I just found out through a competitor about these changes I was never notified of this ordinance and we are licensed insured bonded in Pasco County while abiding by the new ordinance I have turned down 12 to 15 jobs that have been completed without pulling permits since no permits are pulled there are no inspections being done on these signs as well this is a big concern of mine as well since the signs can fall and or catch fire since this change I am down to one full-time employee and one part-time employee from eight employees before this change my Revenue has decreased by almost half since this has taken place when customers come in wanting to do business in Pasco County and that sign requires a permit to be pulled I tell them to call Pasco County building department to confirm what I am telling them and that they can only have 32 square foot Banner their response is mostly I can't have a lit business sign I'm totally con I am totally against hanging a banner on a storefront due to the high winds we do not get we we do get here and Golf Coast signs and services would be liable for any damages that might occur the thought of a banner coming loose and flying onto a major road like Highway 19 could possibly cause an accident as well I have removed closed up three businesses in Pasco County and they relocated to Hernando County Paso county is also losing Revenue I'm also being approached by shopping center owners who have leases with their bigger tenants like Publix wind Dixie Etc this required a certain amount of square foot of sign signage just for reference a few weeks ago Hernando County had a Dollar General remove their Monument Al sign due to a distra a distraction of Motor Vehicles and seeing oncoming vehicles I have had a meeting with Paso County building department and one commissioner I would like if possible to meet all Commissioners and discuss my concerns in more details thank you for your time Ruth Clayton president of P of Golf Coast signs and services 4808 US Highway 19 Hudson Florida 34637 Sonia can you please confirmed youve received this email thank you for your help as well okay all right thank you Mr chairman yes sir to to comment um I I did meet with her um I think she's got some real concerns that are good I think it would be good if she did meet with the board members so if you guys could do that and then maybe we can bring it back for a boat item okay all right um so that's the last item we've had did anything come up for the benefit of all okay if not no we're Jing and that's a record what time is it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] we chipping you probably really heard the term but you might not know what it is or why it's so important the chip has the same information as the tag on your pet's collar but it's easily injected just Under the Skin So a quick scan of the Chip And we know who they belong to when a lost dog arrives at the shelter a microchip implant can triple its odds of being reunited with its owner we know how important getting lost dogs back to their owners is for our community and we're here to help you can schedule an appointment to visit our lowcost microchip clinic and in just about 10 minutes get that microchip implanted and you're good to go once your pet is microchipped or if they already are make sure to keep all of your contact information updated like your phone number your address and your email address and make sure it's updated with your veterinarian as well remember one simple microchip can get your Lost Pet back to your home and make sure it's safe with you and your family for more information on microchipping or microchip appointments visit my paso. pasas if you live in Florida you know it's not a matter of if a storm will come but it's a matter of when Pasco County prepares sandbag stations like the one behind me in several places around the county before each potential flooding event sandbag locations are posted on our website and on the my Pasco app so you can be prepared for any storm that heads our way just head to myas.org and sand at each sandbag location leading up to the storm just remember all sandbag sites are self-service only now there's one really important thing you'll need to bring to the sandbag site it's one of these guys don't forget your shovel fill each sandbag about 2/3 but no more than 3/4 full so it will lay flat and act as a barrier make sure you don't overfill the sandbag you'll need enough room to tie off the opening remember Pasco Supply 30 sandbags per household and that should be enough to protect a garage door and two smaller doors to protect doors first lay down a layer of heavy plastic sheeting available at any hardware store make sure it's as high or higher than a stack of sandbags and that it covers the ground underneath the sandbags to create a waterproof barrier Place sandbags lengthwise along the width of the door overlay bags to build the next layer to make a higher barrier you can use this method for all types of doors following these steps can help create a barrier to protect your home from flooding damage remember check out our website my pasco.com [Music] wondering why planning is so important to the health and prosperity of Pasco County some of of these pictures represent historical sites that have been preserved some represent New Growth that is changing our County from the present and into the future and some represent the reality that Pasco is a diverse and cultural County significant to our state and our citizens what are the possibilities for Pasco County only you along with our planning and development team and elected officials can decide the outcome of Pasco for years to come follow us on social media for ideas on how you can participate in making Pasco the perfect place to live work and play hello everyone my name is davia tacis and this is Carolyn Johnson and we are from Pasco County Senior Services we will be presenting a presentation today on turning reaction into to action a senior center Survival Guide to crisis operations we have three objectives today that we will be focusing on handling the crisis keeping the seniors fed and staying in contact while observing social distancing requirements we have found these three objectives critical to maintaining a high level of service when faced with a crisis handling the crisis in our line of business business one of the first things we focus on in any emerging crisis is the food security of our seniors and how it is being threatened when determining this we focus on four pillars of food security availability access utilization and stability with availability we are trying to determine if enough resources are available to sustain the program through the crisis next we look at access do seniors have access to the resources required for a nutritious Diet before the pandemic many seniors relied on our senior centers for a nutritious meal for some seniors this is the only meal they would receive let alone one that meets their daily nutritional requirements next we have utilization do the seniors have the ability and knowledge to prepare food safely do they have Clean Water Sanitation and Health Care needed to reach a state of nutritional well-being where all needs are met finally we have stability we need to make sure that the supply chain is not threatened by economic political or environmental issues let's take a look at the covid-19 pandemic and how we moved through our decision-making process by using the four pillars of food security did the crisis have an impact on food security this crisis did have an impact on food security due to the food shortage the supplies were difficult to Source locally and backup plans were needed where economic activities disrupted the answer for that question during the pandemic is yes grocery store hours were reduced and many restaurants closed their doors as a result of the pandemic many seniors in our community rely on going to restaurants every day for some of their meals since some seniors struggle to prepare food for themselves going out to restaurants help them get the full balanced meal they need this stopped abruptly during the pandemic covid-19 immediately presented new Complicated new challenges that we had never faced before we had to innovate and get ahead of the crisis and incredible new ideas came from all levels of our organization some of the most innovative ideas came from Carolyn Johnson and her team at the Dade City Senior Center focusing on how to continue providing service to our congregate diners once a senior centers were closed as a result of the pandemic I'll turn it over to Carolyn to talk about some of the Creative Solutions they have came up with on March 16 Pasco County senior centers were closed in accordance with the guidelines set by the CDC the guidelines recommended social distancing at least six foot apart and no groups exceeding 10 people they also recommended that anyone over 60 years old to self-isolate and not not leave their homes unless absolutely necessity with our seniors being the most vulnerable group to covid-19 we had to rethink our operations from every angle and make it a priority to find a way to continue services for our aging adults I called my manager and ask if McDonald's and Burger King can serve their clients through a drive-thru why can't we he like the idea so we drafted a proposal and submitted it to every Agency on Aging who in turn submitted it to the Department of Elder Affairs for approval within 24 hours the oea had approved the proposal and we three fully operational drive-through sites was up and running by March 18th in order to accomplish this we had to set up standard operation procedures and an incredible amount of work had to be completed to transaction the program to this format the staff called clients setup clients or pickup meals and possible and planned for delivery with these clients that did not have transportation to minimiz risk clients are remain in their vehicles and a staff member would place the food in the client's vehicle while wearing gloves a mask and maintaining the social distancing humans are social creatures drive-thru Services provides an opportunity for clients to leave their home in a safe Manner and accomplish small degree of socialization with our staff self isolate can be dangerous for our our seniors loneliness causes depression premature death and an increase of chance of developing dementia it's tough because we don't see the people from here anymore and we can't come in and you know you miss all the getting together and socializing uh for me it's the biggest thing besides not being able to see local friends as family I've had uh grandsons cancel trips twice coming down here from then there two of them in college one in uh high school and they were all coming down as a family and they had to cancel and that's been hard cuz I haven't seen them in year and a half right if nothing else it's lonely you know cuz I haven't been able to get out much so um I think the biggest thing about the pandemic has been the loss of Social and having to just be able to talk and see people yeah uh I get like $17 for a month for food stamps mhm I don't have any other income except my Social Security and that goes for doesn't take much to eat that up I'm a Korean vet and so that's been it's been hard on me from that standpoint and even though it's a bad time for all of us the nutrition Center is making sure the seniors are well taken care of getting their meals and giving them something to do during the day so appreciate center it's allowed me to make friends and uh appreciate the uh other uh people who come here and and the staff has been supportive and helpful in a lot of lot of ways so really enjoy it here I like it I love it because I see all the people here and everybody's so nice and they're smiling and they're waving so it's like I'm in a parade every day oh the activities here have been uh uh fun I mean there's different groups and I know my wife has been getting more active and bringing up more more type of activities for everybody to participate in games that you're giving us to do the Bingo and it's very nice because you're not leaving us just out on the edge we're here with you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] taking into consideration the importance of communication with our clients face to face while social distant in the Drive-Thru enabled our staff to maintain Rapport while providing a nutritious meal to our clients a partnership with area of Agency on Aging and local restaurants was a result of this pandemic we rolled out the dining out at home program this program had the combined purpose of invigorating the local economy by partnering with local restaurants to prepare nutritious meals tailored to the specific needs of a senior that could be provided to food insecure Pasco County seniors the dining out at home program goes hand inand with operation Feed Pasco which provided a similar service to Children families homeless and other individuals in need here are some of the delicious meals provided by our dining out atome partner restaurants we now have a short video that highlights some of the successes from the dining out at home program and operation Feed Pasco [Music] thank you thank you for providing meals when I couldn't go out for helping us help those in need during [Music] covid-19 thank you thank you for keeping us in business for keeping me working [Music] [Applause] when a crisis is identified our priority as a nutrition provider is to ensure we're able to continue providing nutritious meals to our clients regardless of the crisis older adults are typically going to be more at risk of of food insecurity than any other age group the importance of taking action cannot be overstated here because every minute you don't take action you are potentially putting a senior at risk we need to educate and prepare our seniors for the crisis increasing their understanding of the situation can help their mind at ease in stressful situations people often will be frightened but if we prepare them with information and what can be done to stay healthy and safe it will go a long way to alleviate some of that stress to accomplish this during the covid-19 pandemic we had issued shelf stable emergency meals ahead of time and printed newsletters with CDC best practices to educate and minimize the risk of transmission finally it is critically important to preserve your continuity of operations and maintain the supply chain having a contingency plans for different vendors and staff is important to make sure you can sustain operations through the crisis some observations for our home delivery meal program as seniors began to follow the stay-at-home guidance we began to see a significant increase in hom delivered meals and drive-thru meal across in the month of January prior to the start of the pandemic we delivered 14,43 meals to Pasco County seniors just 6 months later we had an increase in our hom delivered meal program by 66.5% delivering just over 24,000 meals in July of 2020 some observations for the drive-through meal program in the month of January prior to the start of the pandemic we served almost 3,800 meals to congregate participants throughout Pasco County with the closure of our senior centers and the transition to drive-through operations we experienced a massive increase in service providing over 9,000 meals through our drive-through program a 142. eight% increase in this graph the orange bars will represent the month of January of 2020 and the maroon bars will represent the month of July of 2020 which was during the pandemic The New Normal we continue to provide our aging adults with nutritious meals to maintain physical health and well-being all centers have collaborated to plan new activities for the seniors in the new environment to maintain mental health and some semblance of normality cognitive thinking contributes to A Healthy Mind Health prevent memory loss activities include drive-thru Bingo word search trivia coloring contest and more most activities are also rewarded with a prize staff is continuously coming up with new ideas that keep the seniors active when a client comes through and it's their birthday the staff goes out and sings happy birthdays some ideas for the future are a drive-thru resource fair and a parking lot Bingo which we call Bingo what you see here is our drive-through activities during the covid-19 pandemic we noticed that the community really came together to help those in need many donations were provided including handmade face mask from our Pasco County librar toilet paper from the Tampa Bay Rays when it was in very short supply personal High je kits from Bay care for every client we serve and distill water from Publix for CAC machines Chef stable meal bags from the Rotary Club and many many more these are just some of our donations [Music] received Pasco County has always welcomed volunteers or many of our volunteers choose to self-isolate many more have stepped up from the community and other organizations to lend a hand in this time of need with their Helping Hands we've been able to increase our client counts to the highest numbers we've seen in years volunteers have brought fresh ideas to the program to help improve the lives of our seniors volunteers for seniors in service and with Luchi River Electric out there making a difference by delivering meals to needy [Music] [Music] seniors we've reached out to Becky McKenzie at the Area Agency on Aging of Pasco and penales to get her perspective on providing crucial Services during a p pandemic in her words we didn't realize the possibilities we had with nutrition Services until we forced to adapt the flexibility that has been provided to us during this pandemic has actually allow the PSA to think of more creative ways of delivering meals that clients seem to love example drive-through meals services are a big hit this model has never been seen before in Florida but might be something to consider continuing with in the future the particular crisis has forced everyone to reev out their service models is shown that we are capable of but also given an opportunity to take a better look at our vulnerabilities and where we can make processes more efficient even outside of a pandemic and in conclusion a strong team can take any crazy vision and turn it to [Music] reality hi I'm Insley with Pasco County pavement management people always ask why can't you pave roads faster well the process isn't as simple as it seems we use two methods which you can see here they're called milling and Paving and full depth Reclamation and soil cement what does that mean exactly let's break them [Music] down 90% of our Paving projects are done through milling and Paving which takes about 2 weeks depending on weather and the length of the road we start by grinding ending and removing 2 to 3 in off the road then we sweep --------- [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you good morning good morning I would like to call to order the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners meeting uh at 10:00 a.m. meeting May 7th 2024 at this time please s silence all electronic devices uh please rise for the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all Madam clerk please call The rooll District Two commissioner waitman pres District three commissioner starky District Four I'm sorry District Five commissioner Mariano here district one chairman Oakley here there be known that we have a quum present uh now is time for public comment citizens are given an opportunity to comment on any current or future agenda item coming before the board U and on their business under the board's prview today's public comment will be f as as follows first we will take public comment from those that are present and then we'll take public comment from those who are on Q for WebEx link and currently and are currently on Q we request that when you address the board comments are directed not personally toward a uh commissioner or a team member but rather to the issues this provides mutual respect between the board members and the public after starting stating your name uh for the clerk and address uh three minute timer will be activated after 2 minutes you will have a single beat after 1 minute uh meaning you have 1 minute left when your time is up two Beats for will sound and you have to finish your comments WebEx participants will be automatically um their time is uh cut off Madam clerk do we have anyone signed up public comment Mr chair I have two individuals signed up I have Adam I think it's tly and Lee Hansen Adam tally thank you Commissioners my name is Adam tally 183 390 towns and House Road dat city um I'm here today on behalf of residents of Middle lake U Middle lake is a 200 acre Lake in the northern border of Pasco County um it's close to the Hernando border and um it's managed by Pasco County we're really appreciative of the County's management of the lake and have very few complaints about that actually want to compliment you all um we when I moved out to the lake a couple years ago with my family we bought a farm in most of the lake just just demographically to give you a perspective is agricultural historically it was orange groves and now it's mostly cattle um the the residents of the lake have gotten together and have worked to get to know each other we help each other when a cow gets out or when a trespasser is on someone's proper some we don't recognize and so we do a good job as a community and um and together we've started to notice a couple issues as it relates to the public boat ramp that allows Pasco residents access to the lake and we're very grateful that they get to come and enjoy the lake and fish the boat ramp hours are the dawn to dusk but there's very little management of those hours and there's nothing really stopping someone from coming there at midnight and um and running their airboat on the lake um and that's really um That's the basis of some of the challenges we're having out on the property um and and the residents of the lake are having so just generally speaking our lake is in um in chairman Oakley's district and what we wanted to do today was bring a public comment forward as the residents work with our local chairman Mr Oley to try to get a gate in installed that would close at dusk and would open at dawn and it could be managed by FWC or by Pasco County Park and Rex for opening and closing so that the hours that are posted are actually regulated um we've noticed probably four major issues um most annoyingly probably is is a nice Saturday night at 2: a.m. being awakened by airboats or people gigging frogs or just fishing um it's it's quite bothersome to the residents and the residents on the lake um granted it used to be all orange groves but it's more recently becoming homes and people are living there and and so there's probably 15 residents and we have overwhelming support from the residents in my email chains to bring this public comment to see if we can do something about this um in addition to noise but complaints in the after dawn to dusk hours there's theft that's been occurring on construction sites um I don't mean to be crude but like my I had to explain to my kids while we were camping in January um because someone was having sex out on the boat ramp and we heard it and it was weird um I shouldn't really have to explain that to my kids at 10 years old um and then lastly we've had kayaks and canoes stolen and um and there's just there's a lot of problems most recently even a month ago someone died down there and their car and the police are still investigating whether it was a suicide or a homicide I think that a gate which is very cheap and can be open and closed would help regulate the hours it would be a very simple solution and I'm going to follow up with an email to you Mr Oakley um with the res on it so we can just work together to solve the problem I just wanted to bring it to your attention I appreciate all of your time all right thank you all right next up I have Lee Hansen do we have a timer because I can't see it is um there's the paper on it the papers on see good morning hson 6803 Moss Drive Newport Richie I have been a resident of Pasco County for more than 30 years and can appreciate the seriousness you take concerning fiscal responsibility within this County and for the residents of Pasco I unfortunately cannot say the same for Pasco County Mosquito Control District since the current director came on board a few years ago the amount of waste and incompetence is absurd a budget showcasing an $18 million deficit is unheard of and thought the $37 million unnecessary campus is also absurd I'm currently running in hopes that I can initiate a change but would really appreciate if it was a program the county could take over to make sure the irresponsible spending and blatant neglect in duties is better handled thank you thank you Mr chair that's all I have that signed up in person I don't know if you would like to make or has anyone in the audience wish to speak at this time if so come to the podium seeing none are there any any on WebEx I do um we have Ruth Clayton on WebEx hold on Miss Clayton um we are elevating you and you are ready to talk if you could remove yourself from mute and um state your name and address for the record and then you can proceed with your comments Miss Clayton Clayton yes Miss Clayton I'm sorry there is feedback I don't know if there is um perhaps two speakers uh on your end but there's bad feedback we cannot hear you okay there's an echo yes everything you're saying is coming in as an echo you have you have there's two microphones picking up your voice and that's what the echo is if you could figure that out um Mr Peppers do we have anyone else from WebEx online is was it just miss Clayton okay Miss Clayton would you like to try [Music] again I don't know do okay it's just an echo here we're not able to hear what you're saying [Music] years now I've been years um I like other sign compies that work for and this is the new County I have a lot of future clients that want to do business in county and once I tell them they not sign business time and one full time I've turned down 15 jobs now there's no INSP building legally um it's just m Miss Clayton yes I hate to interrupt you but everything you're saying is coming through as an echo and understand what you're saying [Music] so we can't understand you I'm sorry we can't understand that Mr chairman yes maybe maybe she could send an email and I can read it at the committee reports yeah if you do if you'll send us an email then we'll take care of that we'll read it out loud for you at some time okay all right thank you all right thanks Jack so I have uh no one else is on WebEx okay so then we will close uh public comments and then we will um here this resolution all right weing forward with the resolutions um we have so everyone knows you know some room is very full today it's a reason because everything in the country that anyone does where Fire Department police Cattleman on and on is being announced today and recognized throughout the country because I've heard on the radio when I came in to work and we have seven resolutions to be read here so we'll move through them as quickly as we can but actually give them all the benefit that that they deserve and to be recognized here today uh Madam Clark would you start with the first yes so uh the first resolution I have is regarding Hospital week if you're here for Hospital week if you could come to the podium please okay Mr burges if you'll bring your Advent group forward or if there's other groups other than Advent in here that's fine too bring them forward so come to the podium all right I will go ahead and read the resolution resolution number 24-11 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring May 7th through the 13th 2024 as Hospital week in Pasco County whereas the Advent Health connorton Advent Health date City Advent Health Wesley Chapel and Advent heal Seer Hills teams consist of more than 3,000 Physicians nurses staff in Pasco County an Raz Advent Health delivers unparalleled consistent healthc care including clinical expertise in cardiology Emergency Care surgical Services OB how do you say that obstetric easy for you to say level two NICU neurosurgery stroke care long-term acute care Rehabilitation weight loss surgery Imaging laboratory Home Health wound care diabetes and Women's Services anras Advent Health has been a steadfast pillar of healthc care excellence in Pasco County providing Compassionate Care Innovative treatments and unwavering support to individuals and families in the community anras Advent Health D City Advent Health Wesley Chapel and Advent Health zepher Hills have been recognized with an a hospital safety grade from the leap frog group a national nonprofit Watchdog that sets standards for excellence in patient care and RAS a core mission of Advent Health Organization is investing in the community and Healthcare with 4 1 billion last year towards charity care coverage shortfalls Community Health Services and cash in kind cash and in kind contributions to other organizations and Raz Hospital week provides an annual opportunity for individuals and communities to Express gratitude appreciation and support for healthc Care Professionals recognizing their tireless efforts and profound impact on the lives of others now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pascal County Florida the said board hereby declares May 7th through the 13th 2024 as Hospital week in Pasco County and ask all Pascal County Citizens to join in honoring the healthcare heers who are who care for our community every day denan resolved in regular session with a quorum present and voting this 7th day of May 2024 how how do you want to play this today commissioner Mariana Mo approval second I got a motion to Second all those in favor say I ition so who is the spokesman for the hospital Mr Mike or whoever is the chief well we don't I guess I will be today um on behalf of my colleagues here in the thousands uh who are not here taking care of patients both in the hospital and in the community we'd like to thank uh the commission for this honor would you mind stating your name for the record please uh Eric wangsness I serve as the president of Adan Health Wesley Chapel thank you okay well I can um I can tell you I appreciate ADV been Heth I spend time from here and there with it and I've spent a lot of time on the foundation boards different boards and helped with different hospitals over the years but they won't let me off the foundation board so not that I want to get off but it's been very good in my life but Advent health or the hospital system that advent health is in now uh which changed names but I mean way back in the 80s you were in that zeph Hill's hospital that my family gave a lot of money for that hospital to to do and there's been a lot of people getting good care there and only fact that you're one hospital and we have other hospitals that all the hospitals worry about the next hospital that comes in because they going take their patients but I I look at it a different way cuzz the fact of being several hospitals in our County and Community is the fact that the benefactor of that is our citizens of Pasco County because no matter where you go you get the best care you can get here in Pasco County so I appreciate everything y'all doing for those terms so Jack you want to say something thank you Mr chairman I wore this tie when Wire Grass got opened up so it was kind of symbolic your neighbor from Wesley Chapel especially right there uh seeing Advent Health come in from that point in time what you guys have done to the community has been phenomenal not just the care and I've been a pleasant recipient of it as well as well as family members but what you've done in the community has been phenomenal from backing Advent Health uh our buildings uh our firefighters family day I I showed pictures last time we're here uh of the Family Day presentation that you guys helped sponsor to let all our firefighters go out there and enjoy themselves and it's a great group here but they greatly appreciate it we greatly appreciate it so not only for your care but your presence and uh your generous generosity to our our people is fantastic so thank you thank you chair thank you chair yeah had to Echo chair Oakley and commissioner Rano not just the economic impact you provide to Pasco County with jobs and great health care for everybody who lives here traveling through but there's often not an event that you all won't step up to the plate and help uh so your reinvestment and to the market that you guys service is just tremendously appreciated at all levels and more importantly you know your foundation of of caring through people through Christ and your faith-based approach to health care and serving our community is just admirable so honor to recognize y'all today and keep hanging tough out there uh if the other Commissioners always step back here and I'll go down and that okay everybody right here please okay here thank you thank you for what you doing okay Madam Clark would you read the second resolution well I I think that there's a couple people here for this um International firefighters day do you mind stepping up I see a couple out there a few come on I you can step up behind if you'd like to it's up to y'all bring them all up bring bring [Applause] them I'll go ahead and read the resolution resolution number 24-19 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring May 4th 2024 as International firefighters day in Pasco County whereas in recognition of our firefighters International firefighters day honors the sacrifices made by past and present firefighters to ensure their Community is as safe as possible an Raaz International firefighter day begins began in 1999 when Lieutenant JJ Edmonson set out to honor five firefighters from the gong West fire brigade of Australia who lost their lives while fighting a fire on December 2nd 1998 and is observed on May 4th because that is the feast day for St Florian who is considered the patron state of firefighters anras the national Fallen firefighters Foundation recognizes the week of May 4th through the 5th 2024 as the national Fallen Firefighters Memorial weekend and created light the night for fallen fire firefighters which encourages fire departments families and businesses to to turn their porch lights red to honor and remember those firefighters who have lost their lives in the line of duty andrz International firefighter day aims to raise public awareness about the invaluable role that firefighters play in protecting lives and property and to serve as a solemn reminder of the danger increased health risk the sacrifices they make and the toll their profession takes on their physical and mental well-being and Raaz International firefighters day is a worldwide day to recognize Express appreciation and salute the men and women of the fire service for their incredible dedication to Public Service their bravery in keeping us safe and protecting our properties communities natural natural preserves and wildernesses and Raz we reflect on their heroism show our gratitude and thank them for their extraordinary commitment exceptional courage selfless Duty and offer our support to those firefighters on the front lines every day now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board recognizes and proclaims May 4th 2024 as International firefighter day in Pasco County and encourages the citizens of Pasco County to join in expressing appreciation for the hard work extreme diligence exceptional service and dedication provided by the individuals who work in Pasco County fire rescue done and resolved in regular session with a Corum present and voting the 7th day of May 2024 move approval second the motion second all those in favor say I I motion passed welcome gentlemen and ladies excuse me so we appreciate everybody being here and chief I guess you're going to uh speak to us here yes uh myself and um John Michael from local 442 showing the unified front first and foremost thank you for taking the time to honor the men and women of Pasco County Fire Rescue and all firefighters throughout our state our country uh globally every day we come to work and we put on that uniform to serve our community here in Pasco County our residents and we provide that level of service that's Second To None I myself along with the leadership staff are so proud of the men and women cuz they do it we would not be here without them and to all the support staff that are behind the scenes uh doing the work that is it doesn't go unnoticed and we just want to thank you all really truly to to uh to just acknowledge acknowledge that to the men and women and two fun facts here real quick first I want to say thank you to Eric and Advent health and his team because they stepped up like commissioner Mariano said show support for our Pasco County fire rescue family fest and they were a huge they were our main sponsor there to help give back and say thank you to the men and women of Pasco County Fire Rescue and I want to thank them and my last uh fun fact here is just to show you how far Pasco County has come we have a chief from Sacramento Fire Rescue that's in town with us today looking at our our cancer initiatives looking at our decontamination process in our Decon Depot that was unheard of five six seven years ago so we are being the industry leaders and stepping out to the Forefront collectively with the union and as well as the rank and file and really spearheading this tremendous initiative so I just want to that fun fact out there um but thank you very much again and thank you to the men and women of Pasco County fire rescue Mr waitman thank you chair or John Michael I gu you your name go ahead good morning on Saturday May 4th the members of the fire service family worldwide celebrated the 25th anniversary of international firefighter day this day serves as an opportunity to reflect on the selfless devotion of firefighters to their communities and the life-saving work they perform every day as were many of you I was moved by the stories and personal testimonies offered by friends and colleagues of commissioner Bradford last week he embodied the ideals of service to others and a life dedicated to supporting First Responders so in his honor I would like to recognize those that have committed to a life of service supporting our pasal County Professional firefighters to all of the 40-hour support Personnel both sworn and civilian that work tirelessly behind the scenes day in and day out we appreciate all that you do for us the divisions of EMS Logistics personnel Technical Services resource management operations health and safety training Special Operations Community risk reduction and the ambulance billing team are all vitally important and an integral part of our mission's success we cannot fulfill Our obligation to serve the residents of Pasco County without you to Our Community Partners and external stakeholders Chief Perez Chief Gwen and the entire senior staff the Pasco County public safety branch and most importantly to the County Administrator and the board of County Commissioners we are grateful to have your support this board continues to lead the way and by your example have created a culture that promotes a passion for Innovation and service Excellence we are proud to call Pasco County fire rescue our home so again as we celebrate the commitment dedication loyalty and heroism of our professional firefighters on this special day each year let us not forget those that support them including their families that sacrific so much throughout the year on behalf of the more than 700 professional firefighters that I am elected to represent thank you to all of those that continue to support us each and every day thank you Mr Whitman thank you chair yeah Chief I really appreciate your fun fact anytime somebody comes to Florida from California to learn something uh let's welcome them and and and teach him teach him something great to take to take take back West so welcome to that that Chief if if he's here in town no look it's no secret y'all have a tough job you got to be resilient your amilies have to be resilient you know it's a true Family Affair and so thank you all for choosing the profession that you do and greatly appreciate your families who go along the rides with you and worry and stress you know while you're you're serving the many residents and businesses and visitors of of Pasco County um so just thank you and very happy that all of you are here today and as you know doors open coffee need anything Mr Mariana thank you Mr chairman you know years ago when commission waight was a weed little one in the 80s we had put a uh an identity we want to be Premier in this County and I I got to say what your performance does for our citizens you guys leading the way in Premiere so thank you for that um you know you go out there you fight fires you do Emergency Services you're on the line helping people at that moment and it's critical moments it's critical times and you guys are on the line every sing single time we greatly appreciate it uh we're so glad that the whole working a partnership with the union and the administration to get everybody duly trained so that everybody's on the same page and everybody can get the work done that needs to get done to save people it's it's phenomenal uh what you do for safety is incredible and I got to say I just love the Brotherhood that you guys have with each other it's it's phenomenal it was so nice to see family day we can all get together hang out a little bit looser uh some of you guys are a little bit crazy but you know uh but uh great to great to see you guys have that camaraderie coming up so really appreciate all that you do for the citizens of Pasco Mike you want to add something we just like to thank you know the the collaboration and the cooperation between Administration uh the the the uh the union and and the troops in general this has just been fantastic I have never seen just a a greater um uh just a greater Brotherhood a greater working together towards achieving common goals here uh with with this agency and where where it stands today you guys have just you continue to raise the bar you continue to do just great great work and I'm I'm just proud to be able to you know participate in even some limited way to to the success that you bring and I know it's important to our citizens um and and what you do because you help people quite honestly on the worst day worst day of their life probably and um it's truly a calling and I just I just thank you for that a chief JT I mean all of you uh I support you each and every day I I get up and walk through this County and been there my entire life and firefighters are always I hate to say they've been the same but they think alike no matter whether they're volunteer or if they're in another County they all have the same mindset of doing the right thing for the citizens of their County and we we are very appreciative all that you do and all the hard work you go through and and the just bring and your families and all together and the Brotherhood that y'all show is greater than any I've ever seen and it's very strong and it and it really stands out in our County so I certainly appreciate everything I do and I will always completely uh support your group and keep trying to make the things better for you and and where you can make it better for us so thank you if um y'all would come up I'll come down front and we'll get a picture and you guys stand up here behind us you know Marana I'm this close wearing a was this close the CH real booking [Music] thank you [Applause] just two the third okay um if you're here for National Alcohol and Other Drug related birth defects Awareness Week could you please thank you right now agree thank you I will go ahead and read the resolution resolution number 24108 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring the week of May 12th through the 18th 2024 as National Alcohol and Other Drug related birth defects Awareness Week in Pasco County whereas the health and well-being of all Pasco County Citizens are of Paramount importance to the prosperity Vitality of our communities andraz drug and other Alcohol and Other Drug used during pregnancy can lead to birth defects developmental disorders and other adverse outcomes impacting countless lives and communities and res about one in every 100 children Bor Nationwide are adversely affected by prenatal alcohol or drug exposure andr National Alcohol and Other Drug related birth defects awareness reek is an annual observance aimed at raising public awareness about the risk associated with substance use during pregnancy and promoting healthy pregnancies and babies and Ras Pasco County Alliance for substance addiction prevention ASAP substance exposed newborn a newborn committee aims to raise awareness and provide resources on Alcohol and Other Drug related birth defects as Florida reported 934 cases of neonato abstinence syndrome Nas in 201 21 Anne Raz the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners recognizes the importance of Education support and resources in preventing Alcohol and Other Drug related birth defects and aims our commitment to the health of mothers infants and families within our community andas it is critical for healthc care providers families Educators and Community organizations to collaborate in disseminating information and resources to prevent substance abuse during pregnancy supporting affected families and advocating for policies that promote maternal and health and child health and raas through Collective efforts we can decrease the prevalence of Alcohol and Other Drug rated birth defects and ensure a brighter and healthier future for all children now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby declares the week of May 12th through the 18th 2024 as National Alcohol and Other Drug rated birth defects Awareness Week in Pasco County denner resolved in regular session with a Corum present and voting the 7th day of May 2024 approval second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass welcome thank you respectfully request permission to receive files for the Commissioners move approval second got a motion second uh all those in favor say I I I okay good morning Commissioners um first and foremost I would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the pas County Board of County Commissioners to for recognizing critical importance of national Alcohol and Other Drug related birth defects week this Proclamation not only highlights the ongoing issues related to substance shes steering pregnancy but also reinforces Pasco County Alliance for substance addiction prevention um commitment to educating and empowering our community this week serves as a crucial reminder of the lifelong impacts that substance misuse can have on the most vulnerable um Among Us our children it's sobering to realize that nationally approximately one in every 100 babies is born with a um substance related birth defect underscoring the urgency and importance of about the dangers of alcohol and drug use during pregnancy and to support those that are struggling with addiction Pasco County substance exposed newborn committee along with healthy stor Coalition of Pasco Pasco County is steadfast in our commitment to reducing the number through comprehensive education prevention strategies and Community Support initiatives with your support we are making strides towards a healthier pregnancy and futures for our children this recognition by the board invigorates our resolve and broadens our reach to the effect to affect positive change in closing we thank you once again for this honor and for your support together we will continue to make a positive impact and uphold the well-being of our community ensuring a b a brighter future for all and again we just thank you all thank you could you I don't think you got you stated your name uh and and and the organization for the record so Pasco Alliance for healthy um communities and Pasco ASAP along with in partnership with Pasco County Healthy Start or Pasco Healthy Start Coalition I always give the two words myself thank you and your name my name is Missy coil 8373 Matthew trive coordinator for Alliance for Healthy Communities thank you okay Mr wa thank you chair Missy thank you all for coming today you really do Yan's work with folks who who are troubled then all of a sudden they find find out they're pregnant and how they manage that situation and you know they're very vulnerable folks out there so thank you for your work and dedication to that segment of our population to help them through to become a better person hopefully a successful parent and that they can teach their kids hey you can have some challenges in life but we can get over it and have a really good life here in Pasco or whatever they may do throughout their their course here on Earth so pleasure to have you today Mr Mariana i' like to thank you all for the great work you do it's a big big issue uh the drugs nowadays are just so lethal uh if they even make it alive uh to go through and go through what they're doing so we greatly appreciate all your work you're doing I think you know this Council of this commission strongly put the you money where we thought in place so there's more coming to so we'll keep the resources going but keep up the great work that this was designed to go do so thank you all yeah thank you for all all that you do for citizens in Pasco County I mean any little thing you can do to help anybody is greatly appreciated by them and by by us here because we do all we can to try to make life better for people that are in our County so thank you for what you do okay all right um y'all want to go down in front take picture I would just like to the files you receive we are having a um town hall on um the 15th of May and just I'd like to personally invite you guys to come and hear what the community has to say regarding substance misuse in our community and how we can make those changes you have a conference com up as well M can you have a conference coming up as well yes we do have thank you so much I didn't want to take too much time so I had to pick and choose yes we do have a conference coming up and um we have a keynote speaker Lamar Odum who will be um if you are familiar with Lamar odm so he will be our keynote speaker and um it's going to be a great day of learning breakout sessions and we really just you know would love to have you guys there right thank you okay everybody camera first please right here thank you [Music] St on St okay next resolution okay and the next resolution if you are here for the correctional officers and employee week please come to the podium thank you JT or JJ's getting her work out today the chief is on uh vacation so uh captain Ron's going to speak a little bit and uh he's uh he's got a lot of support with him so great well I'll go ahead and read the resolution first so resolution number 24-11 0 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring the week of May 5th through 11th 2024 as Paso County correctional officers and employees week whereas on October 1st 20122 Pasco County assumed all duties and responsibilities of the management and operation of the Paso County gel in Lander Lakes Florida and whereas the Paso County gel is documented as the 10th largest County Correctional Facility in Florida due to housing over 1,000 offenders and whereas Correctional Facilities across the United States both public and private military and civilian are run by highly qualified and experienced men and women with a deep understanding of the challenges and difficulties within their profession and Ras correctional officers are highly trained professionals dedicated to maintaining secure Correctional facilities and ensuring and ensuring Public Safety for our communities an Raaz correctional officers and professionals serve admirably in many different capacities including gel administrators supervisors officers and support staff and they work in very in a very demanding and stressful conditions face many challenges and put their lives at risk every day andrise correctional officers and employees are responsible for the custody care safety security and reform of thousands of offenders every year as as well as the maintenance of safety and secure facilities andras correctional officers and employees guide counsel Mentor teach train treat and assist in Rehabilitation of offenders and provide offenders with Direction guidance and a new Focus while preparing them for Community re-entry andr correctional officers and employees raise rise to meet many challenging sorry let me try that again and Ras correctional officers and employees rise to meet any challenge faced with courage on honor and Excellence now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby proclaims the week of May 5th through 11th 2024 as Pascal County correctional officers and employee week and encourages the citizens of Pasco County to join in expressing appreciation for the hard work extreme diligence exceptional service and unsurmountable dedication provided by the individuals who work in our County correctional facilities done and resolved in regular session with oorum present and voting the 7th day of May 2024 approval second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I motion passed who's our spokesperson here good morning um yes good morning first I'd like to thank uh commissioner waitman for bringing forth this resolution as well as chairman Oakley and the rest of the County Commissioners for recognizing dedication the tireless work and professionalism displayed by the correctional officers under their watch uh Nationwide there are over 1,200,000 individuals incarcerated across the United States uh Corrections is not a publicly visible job and not many people truly understand the work and dedication displayed by these officers it is a difficult and often dangerous job so I just wanted to uh extend our appreciation and gratitude for your support thank you okay Mr waitman thank you chair yeah captain my you know since the County's taken over the jail it's been quite a learning experience for a whole lot of people right and can't appreciate you all enough the corrections team uh and staying around to service the folks in the jail to service the county uh you know we're working to get get you staffed up I'm assuming that probably some of you may have taken a day off to be here so if you did thank you it shows your dedication to your job and to servicing Pasco County and the visitors in the jail so you know it's dangerous you never know what's going to happen inside there uh and um you know just glad that you're here today to be recognized coming out of the Shadows if you will we we appreciate you we recognize your efforts and your work so again to JJ and your team doors open you have questions concerns help us understand what we're doing as five new jailers essentially uh just holler at us and happy to learn from you so good to see you today M Mar yes oh to thank you all for your service as well uh it's a dangerous position that you're in uh it's a very important position that you're in uh I know all the things you got to deal with as far as watching a contra band fights Etc so greatly appreciate we wanted to give you all the resources we can starting with a new building so hopefully we get the right number of employees for you too so thank youall I'm going to take it that y'all left some folks on duty while you came here which would be normal to do JJ would you like to say something because go ahead real quick Mike right before I just want to point out um in the year and a half since we've taken over uh control many of the people the men and women standing behind me were on mandatory overtime meaning when their family scheduled birthday parties they had to miss them when they had doctor's appointments they had to miss them they stopped up for this County when we were the most vulnerable so I like to take a moment to give them a round of applause because is what they sacrificed uh not a lot of people he mentioned behind the scenes it wasn't behind my scenes I I I noticed it and I I'm really am appreciative of their efforts so I just want to thank you all mral yeah I'm going to Echo a lot of the sentiment here um you know we've learned a lot in about the past 18 19 months since Corrections has has come over to the county and uh just have have learned so much from an administrator perspective and even as a citizen you know the behind the scenes work that you guys do to not only carry out sentence but but rehabilitate and you know the clerk had listed a laundry list of of other duties you know caregiver mental health court I mean you guys really do a lot of of unsung hero work so we're just very happy to be able to um you know recognize the Corrections Department for all that you do I had a fantastic uh fantastic talk with the lieutenant and one of your sergeants on on Corrections week so that podcast will come out learned learned a lot more about what was going on and learned a lot about learned a lot about you guys and so just just so thankful that you are there keeping us safe a lot of our First Responders you know they get in they get out you guys are in it for the long game and so we really truly appreciate that I'd like to say that um not only this group of people appreciate appreciate you all being there and doing the job you do for us but you got to be real thankful when you think about the money or the bond money that was raised based on the citizens of Pasco County voting to make sure we had extra beds in our our jail system to where we could take care actually we weren't taking care of the Detention Center at the time we did that but we do have it there and that's that's what provided uh the extra beds and we were hoping to get lot more beds but due to inflation and uh supply chain things got changed around a bit and it cost a lot more to provide what we're doing but we're here to support you and we will continue supporting you for the job you do for all of us so thank you uh I believe I'll just go down and y'all stay up here this time so you [Music] thank you I don't even have to ask you know what to do well trained y time this is time certain so okay he's early that's good we're ahead of time you are all right I'll go ahead and read the resolution resolution number 24-13 resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring the week of May 6 through 10th 2024 as economic development week in Pasco County whereas Economic Development week is an event created by the international Economic Development Council to celebrate the achievements of economic Developers an Raz since 1926 the international Economic Development Council has been a leader and driving force in advancing Economic Development initiatives with a steadfast commitment to fostering growth and prosperity in communities of all sizes through Equity inclusion sustainability resilience and Innovation and Rise more than 100,000 Economic Development or related professionals worldwide are committed to creating retaining and expanding opportunities that facilitate long-term Equitable Community growth an Raz the economic development profession cultivates thriving neighborhoods Champion sustainability and resiliency boost economic Prosperity enhances quality of life and builds robust tax bases anras economic developers are engaged in a wide variety of settings including rural and urban local state provincial and federal governments private public private Partnerships Chamber of Commerce universities and a variety of other institutions and Ras Economic Development professionals serve as stewards bridging connections between Community stakeholders such as residents Business Leaders elected officials industry Executives and educational administrators to collaborate in promoting job creation Community investment infrastructure advancements and an optimistic future and R since 1987 the Pasco County the Pasco Economic Development Council EDC has served as the lead Economic Development organization dedicated to the overall growth and prosperity of Pasco County through the development of a sustainable and diversified economy andr since 1996 the Pasco EDC has assisted companies through business expansions and relocations resulting in nearly 3 billion in capital Investments and over 21,000 new jobs in Pasco County and Ras economic developers attract and retain high quality jobs develop vibrant communities and contribute to the betterment and progress of Pasco County now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby declares the week of May 6 through 10th 2024 as economic development week in Pasco County and recognizes the importance of this community celebration which supports expanding opportunities bettering lives and moving Society forward in Pasco County done and resolved in regular session with a Corum president and voting this 7th day of May 2024 second a motion second all those in favor say I I motion passed Mr Crome well thank you again let me first say it is a great week in Pasco County as we continue to to celebrate successes today with so many people in the room that make up a part of what we do as you mentioned there's over a 100,000 people that are involved in Economic Development around the United States um I'm a board member of the iedc the international Economic Development Council we have 4,500 members and we're all competing for business but we're all doing it with the heart of our community in mind um it is a team sport I'm here uh together with our our County Partners with uh uh David angel from the office of economic growth but also included our all of you and everyone else in this room when we look at Economic Development I think this week gives us the opportunity to really talk about what economic development is and I think a lot of people see ribbon cuttings and groundbreakings and things like that and that's what they think about economic development but they forget also about the the time that we spend with our existing companies with our startups with our Workforce Development um with our safety partners and security with our utilities and our County Partners um and then especially our elected officials as well too you all have a part of this in keeping cost low and making sure that it's not just about jobs it's ultimately about our citizens living the kind of lives that they want to live so when you hear jobs and you hear capital investment think about the life of your neighbors and everyone here that's able to do that what they want to do and live the kind of life that they want to live and and prosper while they're doing it so we thank you guys as well too and salute U uh the board for uh keeping our costs low and being efficient and being pro business uh but it's not just about about us our team is out uh doing Economic Development today um I've got someone at uh the S soir show the world plastic show and I'll be heading to sof week as soon as I leave here uh today so we're out uh doing the work for the county i' like to ask if David Engel our partner would like to say a few words as well from the county perspective Mr Engle thank you Bill David Engel planning and economic growth director I wanted just to thank the board for the support you've given over the six years I've been here when I first walked in the door um back in 2018 we had a very specific focused economic growth and development program through our job creation incentives and our partners at the EDC uh facilitating businesses moving into the county but in that time uh our portfolio of tools is expanded greatly because of this board we support small business we focus on job skills creation we even are training and educating homeless people and getting them into jobs and off the street we do so many things and our new chapter there is going to be Redevelopment and revitalization of our Rural and uh and depressed areas so thank you so much and uh and it's been great working with Bill for the six years I've been here thanks okay Mr Maran thank you Mr chairman you know from uh Pasco County from years ago to the economic Powerhouse that's going now as far as being number one commercially uh as far as development goes is is a big Testament to both you gentlemen and the whole team behind you um listening to your membership numbers are staggering uh that's out there um but I think the focus that you brought to Pasco County bringing business in Opportunities Galore and you keep on bringing those opportunities home so greatly appreciate all your great work thank you Mr Whitman thank you chair yeah you know we wouldn't be as as successful as we are without the formula how it works Corrections fire you name it business seor a a folks here it's really it's truly like you said a team effort across across all levels all functions and it's no secret that Pasco County is the place to be now the fastest growing Tampa Bay Area the fastest growing area in the nation for young families our average age is 46 years old now it went from what one of the oldest counties in the state to now we're a little less gray-haired but uh you know it's it's an exciting time important decisions to be made yours is a solar panel uh exciting time big decisions to be made and we thank you all for guiding us and giving us the tools and the due diligence that we need to make the best decisions so thank you all yeah uh Mr cabala thank you Mr chair I I guess I would just like to underscore it's so important to have a diversified economy for just a ton of reasons and I can really think of really no no greater public investment in trying to you know you know make these things come along and so you know when we when we put forward these public Investments uh we we create jobs we create a vibrant economy we create just a you know a wonderful society that our citizens can enjoy their liberty and prosperity so I just thank you thank you for what you do on that and I thank this board too for making those public Investments I I think we've got one coming up here later later this morning as well so yeah y thank you uh Bill thank you David the work both of y'all do it um kind of coincides and and it grows together cuz U forever residential development we bring in we bring in not not only two or three businesses that come in along with it but more than that that actually are helping pay and keep the ad tax down on our citizens on their houses and all but um it it's a lot of good things that pasco's never seen before where you you can actually other than the Cal folks they can work and live here because they they've got that they've got to keep their property together to be able to do that so but um the fact of it is like citrus and other AD products have gone away so these things coming in to keep our taxes on our residents uh houses and things of that nature down and AD them coming in to uh do the things we need to do for our citizens while they live and live and work and play here in in this C great thing so thank you both for for your part of all this thank you okay uh move on to you take a picture picture picture picture what you going to do a picture oh I better do a picture everybody I thank you all [Applause] okay next out all right um our next resolution um if you are here for Public Works week if you could please step to the podium thank you I will go ahead and read the resolution resolution number 24-17 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring the week of May 19th through the 25th 2024 as National Public Works week in Pasco County whereas Public Works professionals focus on infrastructure facilities and services that are of a vital importance to sustainable and resilient communities and to the public health quality of life and well-being of the citizens of Pasco County andas these infrastructures and services could not be provided without the dedicated efforts of Pasco County's Public Works professionals who are Engineers managers and employees responsible for rehabil fa itting improving maintaining and protecting Pasco County's Transportation Network public buildings and storm water infrastructure that are essential to Pasco County Citizens and Raz it is in the Public's best interest for um Civic leaders residents and children of Pasco County to gain knowledge of and to maintain Progressive interest and understanding of the importance of Public Works and public work programs in their respective communities and ra efficiency of the qu qualified dedicated and talented employees whose staff Public Works is materially influenced by their can do attitude and an understanding of the importance of the work they perform and Raz National Public Works weeks became an educational campaign in 1960 and 20124 marks the 64th annual National Public Works week sponsored by the American public works Association andrz in 20124 National Public Works week's theme is advancing quality of life for all which pays tribute to to our Public Works professionals and recognizes their substantial contributions they make to protect our national health safety and quality of life now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pascal County Florida that said board hereby declares the week of May 19th through the 25th 2024 as National Public Works week in Pasco County and and encourages all citizens to support Public Works activities this week and throughout the year done and resolved in regular session with a Corum present and voting this 7th day of May 2024 move approval second got a motion second all those in favor say I I motion passed so who's our spokesman here today good morning good morning all members of the board thank you so much I really appreciate being here today thanks to the board for all the support that you give Public Works um I'm Jason ml director of Public Works and and I do want to extend another thank you to uh commissioner Mariano for supporting and sponsoring this uh resolution want to thank um Mike carala has been very supportive and of course everybody knows Branford um he is um sort of passing the Baton on to me you know it's it's been a little bit of a a little little bit of a tug but it's happening but I do I do want to um you know thank the team here so I wanted to bring everybody right but all 260 or so folks couldn't be here someone's got to fill the potholes you know someone's got to be out there you know handling uh flooding issues um the team does amazing work it's kind of like the male right their work never stops they're always always doing something um for anybody who doesn't know I'll just briefly you have a lot of your Frontline people here um these are the the folks that deal directly with our customers they do an awesome job dealing with customers on a daily basis um doing it politely professionally and effectively um the team here does does a fantastic job I couldn't say enough about them um the other thing I want to mention just real briefly is you know when a storm comes we're about a month away from from our hurricane season which we're all you know many of the folks in this room are all part of um but you know we don't just deal with hurricanes and and major storm events we deal with fronts that come through anytime there'll be a slight flooding issue these are the guys that are out there filling sandbags maning sandbag stations getting pumps ready mowing ditches cleaning out storm drains they're the ones that are out there sacrificing um their time away from their families to make sure that our community is safe so I I again I appreciate all the great work that they do I appreciate all the support from our leadership and from our board um and you know and and today's a great it's a great week to have Public Works week but it's always Public Works day right we're we're always we're always doing something in public works and I'd like to also extend thanks to our Branch um overall you know we work closely with our branch and and the safety team um just keeping everybody safe and keeping our community safe so Branford you like to say you said it all oh you always can say more so well said it all uh in public works it's I've always said that um Public Works interacts with the public you know uh and that is the reason why everybody gets a whole lot of calls right right the storm water the roads the traffic signs you know if something is not working citizens are interacting with it and it's a very challenging job you know and I think the team has been doing very wonderful Jason has just taken off just like that uh to get things done and and um we do really appreciate the work that you do you all thank you well while I've got you at the podium don't step away sidewalk I want my folks from district one the CLE people that are here today hear you tell me that yes because you have 50% of land mass of the county you get 50% of all the paving I hear that put [Laughter] uh Mr Marana thank you Mr chairman you know I'm going to I was going to talk about what I'm showing pictures of right now of a project was just done just because under committee reports it was such a a great thing that that everyone did out there um the people in the irar gra BR area for years were always flooding out flooding out and I felt bad every time we went to emergency services coming in and you guys have to be there because we got so much stuff going on we got to keep everybody there to go fix the stuff and even talking to to your crew about trying to like what can we do ahead of time um from putting the msdu together where we studied everything uh the maintenance activity the the performance that you guys are doing out there is fantastic uh it's so great when we get such a professional team that I could look at a problem coming up where we had this this whole neighborhood that's right there that was shown goes underwater consistently with with a big storm we found out by talking about it looking at it and the team U Branford Jason um uh I'm going a few more names Tim Jess Tim Wes Mike Alison Gina uh Jonah fig getting everybody together in the room to talk about okay what can we do instead of the whole process to get something done so we had opportunities around this Aqua plan on jasine from Jasmine Palm Terrace around the whole thing there's like potential we're on the RightWay we could actually dig some stuff out get the water or at least can percolate instead of going in the road sitting there and then you saw the long stretches of long spray field that's there there's no long of pump in cuz it's been disconnected but there was an opportunity there to to get all that drainage I don't know how many square fet we got but those two long stretches there the whole neighborhood all the water comes down that stretch and goes right in there and puddles in the last storm we had probably two months ago they were all flooded out and I know you guys don't want to be out there putting those sticks in the ground saying orange barricade saying you can't drive here we'd rather like beat these situations this right here this Improvement is going to I think get us through the storm season where these people won't flood by cleaning out some pip were down there I know there's a little more work to do out there but the work you've done even right now is going to be a dramatic Improvement for these people and the difference it makes is one of the ladies who used to live in the end of that used to work for E emergency room and when she would flood out she'd have to go like a day early hours early just to get there all those other people had different inconveniences so what you guys do to help people stay in their homes not flood out I I can't thank you enough because I used to have a loop it take me like eight hours in a day to go check everything was flooding up and down the coast it's so short now it's it's awesome because I know we get the right things in place doing the right thing so as someone who's watched over this closely over the years I greatly appreciate Branford what when you first came on you you took a tri trip with me to go look at everything was going on Jason you've been great working with getting things done how do we get things done and Mike uh for the great work you do with so many things this is just another one of putting the right people in position and empowering them to get the work done so I just want to say I I can't thank you guys enough for the great work you do okay Mr Whitman thank you chair e going same sentiments Branford Jason fig team you know not all heroes in this County where Kevlar VES carry a gun and a taser you guys and gals take care of some of the most valuable assets people have which is their homes and their property here in Pasco County and keeping keeping them from being flooded help their cars stay healthy because our roads and pows are fixed and they're fixed Timely so the work that you all do is 247 365 while general public might not see it all the time they see a problem and it just magically gets fixed right you guys step up to the plate day in and day out good weather bad hot or cold and take care of the work that needs to be done so it's an honor to recognize all of you today and all of your efforts and and all of your your great work throughout our County because you you really help keep the quality and the value of our County at the highest standard it can be uh with such a large task at hand so pleasure to have you all today well I tell you it wasn't for y'all we wouldn't see what was being done sometimes for all the work you do but uh Mike you want to say something to public work yeah if you don't mind Mr chair thank you and I just again thank you you know public infrastructure specifically roads it it underpins modern economies and Society because without it nothing gets done and uh just what you do day in day out we we we've hit on you know protecting protecting property you guys do that ensuring that that folks can get to point a pointb and do it safely uh is is just it's a calling and I just thank you all for answering that call because it's hard work often dangerous work and uh and you put yourselves out there for it so thank you yeah I uh I tell you that they were joking about poos earlier but the fact of it is when Branford put in that system system where uh if you called it in today tomorrow the next day you definitely had your potho filled up and and you're going about Business Without You Know knocking your alignment out of your car or your truck or whatever so but it happens and it works and one of my neighbors is one that told me that process was being done I said you got to be kiding so we call it in the next morning it was done so it it's been a good good system and it works I mean years and years ago I used to call Casco County's Paving system was where they had three or four guys behind a truck with pavement and and they had shovels so uh some of our roads still look like that which were going to get changed in in the near future so it's all good and I appreciate everything that you each of you are doing your job so makes a difference in Pasco County so and thank you I'll come down and take a picture with you and uh rest of you stay up here what is it my resolution going we'll keep it balanced [Music] honorary professional engineer way your certificate going to do it [Music] thank you all [Music] may you may be last but you're not forgotten I can tell you that so uh this one's on consent this one was on consent but we're reading it yes just on the record if you could say we're pulling it from consent record you can say this is this is on the PLL sheet for C7 to be pulled from consent I agreed I need it on the record okay all right um so resolution regarding International beef Bond if you are here for that please step to the up we good GRE that's right was supposed to bring State dinner but I don't know what I know was there any samples I will go ahead and read the resolution resolution number 24-12 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring the month of May 2024 as International Beef Month in Pasco County whereas International beef month is a time to recognize the importance of the beef industry and to celebrate the farmers and ranchers who work hard every day to raise and care for cattle while also preserving the land and environment and Raz the beef industry involves thousands of American farmers ranchers and processors who help keep the economy strong and food on our tables and Ras beef is an important source of nutrients that are vital for supporting good health such as protein vitamin B12 zinc iron phosphorus and selenium and Ras the United States is the world largest beef producer and is the second largest consumer of beef in the world with an average of 58.8 lounds of beef consumed per person in 2023 andras Florida ranked 18th in total inventory of cows on January 1st 2024 with a count of 1.56 million Cs and whereas by choosing to buy local and highquality beef products we help support the livelihood of those directly involved in the industry this support helps pave the way to a more suitable and ethical industry prioritizing the welfare of animals and the environment andr Pasco County Farmers and ranchers work hard every day to provide us with highquality beef products helping support the local economy and creating more jobs for Pasco County Community now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby declares the month of May 2024 as International Beef Month in Pasco County done and resolved in regular session with the Quorum present and voting the 7th day of May 202 far approval second a motion second all those in favor say I I motion passed now who is the spokes person for this group I guess that will be me so hi my name is Ben Bartle I'm the current president of the Pasco County Cattleman's Association U and behalf on the C the county Cattleman Association the uh today we also have the cattle women Association we have Farm Bureau with us as well and we also have IUS in the back with us and uh did I forgot anybody epex brother here thank you mred but uh thank you very much for the recognition it uh it means a great deal to us um we got to hear some pretty fun facts earlier but uh one thing that I'd like to share with you is yes uh Pasco I think you said or rather Florida is uh we're not in the top 10 anymore but we were the first state in the country and actually the continent to have cattle so with that we uh we're proud of our product and uh we're proud of what we've been able to produce and we really thank you very much for all your support thank you thank you you may um Pasco County cattle women's Association is the largest cattle women's Association in the State of Florida we have over a 100 members and we get out there and promote the beef industry every day in Pasco County tomorrow we're going to our we're going to Wesley Chapel high school and speak to the students and do live cooking demonstrations we had a really big dance last Saturday for our youth so our really out there with the youth and really sharing our story with the county of Pasco County thank you all for having us today thank you could you also state your name for the record please yes my name is Casey Holloway I am the President of Pasco County Catwoman thank you okay Mr Mar yes I'd like to say thank you guys if there's some anything we can do in the county to to help you grow grow your business or stay stable I mean please let us know a reliable food supply is critical it's great for the economy so in keeping a diversified economy you know your industry is huge to us so whatever we can do at help please let us know thank you Mr waitman thank chair was nice to hear all the vitamins and beef but I never ate it for the vitamins tastes good so it's a pleasure to have you both cattle woman in cattle men here today and see some familiar faces um I think it's important that we you know often times as Pasco countyy is moving forward we recognize all these high te businesses and what have you that come into town and all along you all have been there as you know ground ground floor for Pasco County for many many generations and decades and to see several generations of you still here working and farming in pasu county is just pretty incredible to see and we hope that that continues to happen so I Echo commissioner Mariano's sentiments if there's anything that Pasco County can do to help you get out of your way bring eyes to to your attention just help solve a problem holler at us uh let us be a resource for you and um pleasure to have you today well welcome glad to see you folks in here um I'd rather be out by the barbecue grill and y'all cooking a steak right now but uh fact of it is uh the best thing we can do is keep your prices up so you can stay in business out there and uh be able to afford cuz people when the price prices sometimes drop so low it's just unbelievable how low they get but right here lately if they'd stay like they are now I think be worthwhile to stay in the cattle business and and be able to prosper like other businesses do so but like Growers always were we were always last on the the draw of the ticket for the money and it seemed like everybody got the bigger money when they got to the the market and when they sold it at uh the stakes got got way more than what you got when you when you sold it to begin with to go to be Stak so but I appreciate everything I've done you I've been a very strong calans Association in in the State of Florida not just Pasco County but this Pasco County calans have been very strong for many many years and uh the women's uh catoms have been the same way so they you don't get something done get the cattle women to get get something started they'll get it done so no doubt about it so I appreciate appreciate each and every one of y'all for what you do and and really uh want to try to keep your your part of your world together so uh so hopefully we get more keep more prices as I won't bail out in southern land because they're tired of getting nothing for their their hard labor so thank you okay um I'll come down y'all want to come down with me too might as well come on [Music] everybody's going now okay everybody right here first please thank you thank you all thank you [Applause] than I got to figure out where am I we move through that pretty well so now it's time for the consent agenda where's my sheet C7 is done okay I have a pool sheet I have um well C7 we've already we P discussed and taken care of that was Cal I believe that right that is correct yep that was C and then uh c16 is withdrawn c34 is pull and revised and then n 124 is withdrawn do I have a motion for the or is there any other items that wish to be pulled at this time from consent agenda from anybody move P the remaining consent agenda second you got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I uh motion passed okay we'll take up um c34 morning Commissioners chairman Alex parns County Surveyor uh c34 yes uh it is our recommendation for a quick pull and revise there is a error in the sub subject line in the agenda memo uh we've got the revised document here quick swap out Switcheroo and we don't uh impede the process or or the schedule of this agenda item at all move approv with the amended page second got a motion and second uh all those in favor say I I I motion passed all right thank you thank you that concludes the consent agenda we will move on to to um Believe It or Not regular items before noon oh wait a minute what we got oh we got a regular item yes R 53 that's that's correct it's it's it's a small matter I'll be done okay I just I don't want to look over you so good morning uh David Engel good morning planning and economic growth director and I am very proud today to present the last piece of a puzzle up at i7 5 and 52 this area is a very important Regional employment and tax generating area we're going to have 12 to 13 million square fet in and around this intersection and this is one of the most important components of that development did you put up got you sir I have so much patience I should have been a doctor thank you all right thank you very much the the developer and the counterparty in this Economic Development uh agreement is uh landco liquidating uh mult mixed use and also residential it's a partnership the lead partner is the Hines group they're a national developer located in Texas they currently have about $100 million worth of real estate assets on in their management portfolio they develop they they provide expertise um Real Estate Management Services and also um Master developments the company has fingerprints here in Tampa Bay they built our wonderful Estoria mpud over in adessa on State Road 54 and they also are a lead and instrumental partner in the new race stadium and Redevelopment area in St Petersburg so they're they're notable and they provide excellent development the property um the property's located again in the South the Northwestern quadrant of I75 and State Road 52 the property is 785 Acres it is located in the I75 Gateway employment center and this proposed development consists of 3 million sare ft of industrial uh 500,000 ft of Office 190,000 Square ft of retail a 250 room hotel and about 2,300 dwelling units the idea is to create a vibrant mixed use destination that's focus is job creation and tax generation the benefits of this project are as follows the uh developer will install key infrastructure including roadways and utilities to Service as major employment center the incentive uh that we're going to propose today will accelerate the development and create pad ready or development ready areas of the project and might I add it's very important because the demand now for that area of the county is very robust um and we want to speed up the development so we can be uh capture all of the economic development that will transpire in the region now that I4 is getting built out this is the next place to to create jobs and to pay taxes also uh it'll accelerate design and construction of critical on and offsite roadway uh work especially relieving the congestion at I75 and State Road 52 for the future the project um you'll note uh is several fold on road infrastructure the first phase is Vision Road AE which is the extension north of Old Pasco Road going northbound over State Road 52 there'll be a four-way intersection and it'll extend North in a Northern Direction into the gateway employment area where you have your 32 million square ft of job creation development and most importantly Vision Road ad which is the Aussie Murphy bypass will construct a two-lane passenger vehicle and orange belt Trail under I75 interconnecting the target facility which is owned by North Point development now this infrastructure is critical because during peak hour for vehicles inbound or outbound whether it be AM or PM Peak and not using I75 there's a clear way of getting around that intersection and avoiding the I75 area so we're relieving the future conest with all the employment that we have in the area the the project uh will consist of about 75 million square feet of infrastructure and the incentive request is 29.3 million using ADV valorum equivalency Grant where we pay the developer back for taxes paid in the previous year uh the construction schedule is is uh before you their construction start date on on and off site improvements will commence on 3:30 138 I have a feeling it'll start quicker and they're targeting completion at the mid midyear calendar year 29 so the impact of this project is very significant net the 29.3 million incentive the general fund will capture $17 million in 20 years that that's equivalent to an average of $5.4 million a year flowing directly into the general fund and we've we've accounted for Debt Service for bonds and the mstu and all the additional charges this is net cash flow the project once completed will generate in today's dollars and Present Value $327 million to the gross domestic product and I believe there'll be more than 2800 jobs but that's the minimum in our model so I will always project a conservative number and here are the features with this incentive package before you no incentives will be paid out we'll be collecting tax dollars but not paying out incentives until the project receives 500,000 square feet of certificate of occupancies all County Economic funding is performance-based the developer will have to submit invoices after they install and do the work we check the work we check the invoices and then we release funds so there's no automatic uh distribution of funds without deliverables lastly and very important we're not allowing in the mpud the ability to loom out of the Employment Development with residential and Retail so that is the uh That's the basis of my recommendation um I would just uh tell you that in your packet you have some very detailed exhibits and one exhibit which is the offsite Improv Improvement you'll see there's an extensive amount of water and seore work that has to be done to create this employment opportunity for the county uh any the I I'm here for questions and in the audience is CL kabi and his client if you have any questions or maybe we could introduce them and get to know them a little bit Lane Gardner is the Hines representative Mr waitman thank chair it's a angle question when we're going through this is I believe the largest one I've seen since my time here as we're going through projects like this we're looking at these incentives you know we're coming into budget time and the the battle for dollars is there and with all the all the business and folks that are coming in is a part of this formula going to capture enough funds for policing in these projects how does that work within your formula well the formula doesn't account for local Services the formula accounts for net coverage of uh of their tax plus providing enormous Revenue in and now there was another project I believe in the beginning of your term sir that was the Pasco Town Center now is called double Branch this project is more cost effective and and and efficient than uh than that double Branch project which was a little bit larger so um I believe since it's dominated by um employment generation that uh that the police requirement for this project will be very minor okay okay chairman Mr Mar yeah I really I really like this project um 3 million square ft of uh industrial is huge the office use of a half a million retail of 190 and the hotel I think is going to fit out perfectly uh and I think have to balance with the residential but I really love the estate residential that's going to be up for the higher Executives to come in as well so this project will be I think a great addition to us and until they build all the good stuff they're not going to get any money anyway and it's all the net offsets so huge that over time it's it's it helps them get the project through brings jobs quicker it's it's a good thing for us y thank you it's a good project for us so have no problems with it so thank you sir okay uh move approval second I got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass three Z thank you all right thank you okay now we'll move on to U that's it uh miscellaneous business Mr waiting um good to go I think you might share some of the things we were at so I'll pass okay all right good I might need the room what are you going to do you got what sign you have what picture you have for he had a big smile there chairman I do it's kind of I don't usually have that many things but I have a few this week so this two weeks all right so we had uh at Merl Brothers I don't if you remember years ago we used to have trouble with how to deal with the biosolids or how to deal with the waste we had trouble taking it down on Miami the costs were going through the roof so we brought Mero Brothers in and they have done a phenomenal job uh they're just releasing now the Florida green fertilizer which should be a a great boost for us and in the in inim of the uh government USA program they've been working with the country of Jordan and they brought in some very high level people from Jordan to go see what we were doing so um my brothers did a great job pres presenting our our team did a great job presenting uh I was there to greet them and it was very impressive and really cool to be able to tell them all the great things that we had done and how they want to copy us uh so there's a whole delegation that was there that that's in the new building that Mar's just got coming up now um had different talking things to go through we talked about how we started with the waste energy plant how we then looked to convert those big piles to Road Basin cement the very cement where it standing on was from our waste energy plant and there's uh uh Mr Merill there talking about what they're doing on their end and and literally when you do a public private partnership there's always a risk of what it's going to happen uh that's uh one of the the Excellency there and his assistant that was phenomenal they gave us a nice gift and by the way we'll talk about this at some later point but a really nice gift kind of like we had from the German folks they gave us a nice little plate well they have a nice one of their own as well and I think Pasco County should probably look at getting one of those ready for dignitaries like this here as they Comm in um this kind of shows you the final stage with taking the bio solids that little trip up there is the final stage that actually takes all the pathogens out to where it's like 10 when you could be a thousand components of it that was such a low number and that's what they really like because they really wanted deal with it they love the soil aspect that comes out of it um that was the plate that they had given me that will hang in my office proudly but it was really neat to have this presented to us uh it was it was a impressive way to say thanks um so we're going to look to give them all the information we can they said so far it's the most impressive facility theyve been to yet so I think it all all in all internationally we look good Mike yeah I just wanted to jump in on that because was one of the first projects we worked on when it came here into the county and I will say what is impressive about it is it's a bio bio solids facility that actually works um because it's so simple and uh and and the what what Marl has brought in in terms of innovation to the county help solve our biosolids problem it it and it uh provides just a it's Innovative but simple way to really get to class dble A biosolids where others have tried and and failed often times so it's something that Pasco truly be proud of yeah tell years ago when we first looking at what to go do we just threw our ideas out there for the RFP but when uh went down to Lee County and watched what they had done is they had done a big outdoor facility which lets the fumes go away gets a little smelly so we had plenty of room around them this facility here is kind of like a greenhouse that takes all the Heat come in so you don't even solar panels the Sun comes right through and it Heats everything up there and I I will tell you they have kept the facility it looks you know I won't say brand new but it looks fantastic shape they really maintained it well but by taking that um that last step with the heater the way we do it we can actually get it at such a low level it's very easy to sell which we're going to start doing now and it's easy to to promote anywhere around so my brothers has done a phenomenal job for us saving us a bunch of money that costs to dispose now going like through the roof so we are protected by all that for for a very long time and we're a good shap um next set of slides permitting day so we passed a resolution last month trying to help those people that needed help getting permits that maybe were stuck uh they had maybe done work on done work that didn't get permitted we kind of waving the double fees to bring them in it also took situations where they couldn't get it resolved as far as what to do in the house they already bought to get it resolved I want to say I'm going to do a resolution the next meeting coming up but all these folks that are out here they they all volunteered to go out and help our citizens for the day on Saturday they gave up their family day Saturday to be out there and I tell you there was a lot of smiling face of this gentleman here he was there first thing in the morning uh he was nervous as can be and left with a huge smile the lady right beside him was raving all all the great work was done I think we got a couple more coming in here um there there was the the sign that was out there and I really think we should probably do another one at maybe Regency Park Library uh just to kind of create this awareness but what it did for all these people that are all like that one guy thumbs up four years he' been struggling for a little rail for a little steps going into his house to try to find a way to get it approved because it was done before he was there or done without a permit they got him through the process the folks in the center there again thrilled technology that top of the screen there that's something that I wanted to see staff bring back it is a timesaver uh it helps not only our people get through things quicker but they can even show citizens if need be to what needs to be done and what's going on out there what was wrong with that guy's steps um they weren't permitted so to were they to code oh they they were to C but you got to get the engineering to prove it and all that stuff oh yeah okay so it was like this and it was only that high I I thought it was like an elevated one was like going up like 12 ft but it was literally on the ground so they found a way to get it done uh he's doing a contractor owner a permit fart and he's getting through the process now yeah so I think it's a great thing for us to help help the people that don't know how to get out of the situation they're in and it goes through there's a picture at the end which again it was so great all those people there volunteered to help our citizens and I think it's a message I want to I want to resonate with the attitude of every one of those people there and I think the whole pering part they want to get things done they want to help so um I'm very proud of them very happy it was it was great hanging out with him for the day yeah that's good and went to a conference um that was put on by the Tay build Association and had a great number of speakers blaz gie was there lar holes had a big representative and they had a lot of good people from around the world talking about different things about how to work with housing not affordable housing which housing and one of the things that came up they tried this a a while ago and you probably here see it on TV was additional dwelling units uh in California they tried it they put so many restrictions in for the first 3 years they hardly did any then they lightened up the restrictions and they started bringing more uh I would like our team to go take a look at it bring something back to us to go take a look at these I think done right they can be a great addition for a family that let's say wants to have mother or father grandmother move in you can add a unit on make it work uh so many times we have big residential lots I could actually work with these as well so I think we got a great opportunity and if it helps a family stay together I think it's a great thing if it helps a person that wants to make a little bit of extra income with the property they have and many other assets in this time day of time uh keeping you small enough to make it work can be a great benefit too so we could could make that come up I'll share this document that I got with me uh that we can take a look at and I think that's all I have okay and I get I just put a shot on the on the ranch road project at Palm Lake terce right they did a phenomenal job and iron bark Whatever by in the next two weeks that whole area is going to be in so much better shape and so our team's doing a phenomenal job right and that's all I have thank you okay yeah Mr Cal U nothing nothing big I just want to thank the board again for the various recognition of the the team members uh I think as commissioner waitman put it was really interesting we had so many resolutions today but Health Care food supply infrastructure First Responders there's there's a lot of unsung heroes out there that quite honestly uh deserve recognition so I just uh on behalf of the administrative team just really appreciate you recognizing our folks the great work that they do day and day out I I look forward to it too as we go through I'm beginning my weeks now of of reviewing their various budgets before we come to our Workshop in June so it's it's always great to have that recognition going in so thank you Mr I don't have anything for you today thank you not at all not at all all right Madam G yes I have something fun okay um my office partners with the Pascal County School Board and um students from K through 12th grade um donate artwork well actually their teachers pick out artwork I should say and we display their artwork in our judicial centers in both the east and west side in the courthouses and if you ever come to the courthouse it's probably not a great day in your life you know it's a pretty pretty tough times and it's very stressful um and having their artwork on the walls um changes the entire atmosphere of the courthouse and it's just a beautiful artwork and what we do is we change out the artwork every year and we change it out um late in April and we host a artist um reception and we have cake and punch and um we invite many to come and it was a beautiful beautiful um recognition of our student artist so if you are in the cour houses if you would love I would love it if you'd look around at the beautiful artwork and we have comment cards available so when we give it back to the students next year we also send the comment cards and what their artwork meant um to individuals coming to the courthouse so um good things I just wanted to to to say that and I greatly appreciate the partnership with P County Schools to do that so that's it thank you that's it yes white to the clerk I'm sorry I missed this year I had soccer that's okay you were there last year but to see how excited the the kids are to show off their work to their parents and their siblings and they have some some of the teachers go superintendant there and walk around and they their friends show each other their work and what they did um it's a it's a happy time and it's a wonderful program that that you all do and uh I think that the kids and the families really do appreciate it more more getting that opportunity than maybe even the cake but just great great job there thank you okay all right I'm not going to do mine now I'm going to wait till the end of the day and do mine and only well maybe I'm going to do it now throw that picture back up put it back you're forcing me but put it back yeah the we uh last Last Friday at 10:00 they had the uh law enforcement memorial service right out here on the corner of the courthouse grounds and um at a point where we're very close of having the memorial done we are waiting on a statue of a angel lifting up a fallen officer inside of bronze and my friend Sheriff Grady Jud said our artists that we're using because the pop county is getting one of those statues also he is the best to get that artwork and that bronze statue from but he's also the slowest so since I started helping out with that PL I've been waiting two and a half years for that that statue to come and is still not here yet so hopefully uh in the very near future we'll we'll be seeing that and uh it'll be a great day I don't I don't know if it's going to come when the days are um shorter and if if it has to wait that long I hate see it wait that long but if my whole plan was like in November or something the days be shorter and getting dark around 5 or 5:30 and have a uh dedication of that statue and that Memorial at that time like 4:30 or 5:00 in the afternoon where when we light it up it would be very bright here on the on right in front the courthouse so I look forward to the day we do that whether it be short days or long days now I'm I like all of you I get impatient about waiting on good things happening so but uh The Reef was different I I'd never seen a reef made like that but it had the nine different individuals pictures on it that are on that Memorial so but that's basically that's all I had so with that we'll uh we'll bring break for lunch and then we'll come back at 1:30 for public hearing [Music] oh [Music]