##VIDEO ID:4XbSDx3Uai8## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how you guys do we are getting a did you go that Mone like I guess [Music] can Wednesday doesn't do man you weren't alone Mr chair uh Jeff's Park Lot okay we'll just wait a second yeah what if I need it Tuesday Wednesday when's there going to when's the really bad rain Tuesday and Wednesday morning will I still be able to be packing up my house in Gulf Harbors on Wednesday I would say I would say be with prepatory action by Tuesday afternoon when am I supposed to put it in all right I'll cancel this don't do me any good on Wednesday got pict was no somewhere else not trying to read it could go down the Cuba be okay it says tomorrow made it I didn't want to start till you got here yes so welcome you wearing there he's connected there he goes connected where we at here uh good afternoon I would like to call to order the Pasco County Board of County Commission 2:00 p.m. emergency meeting of October 6 2024 at this time please silence all electronic devices and please rise for the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God invisible liy and justice for all Madam clerk please call the RO District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky District Four commissioner joer here District Five commissioner Mariano here district one chairman Oakley here let it be known we have a quorum present all Commissioners are here um this afternoon we are here to discuss the board's uh coordination of declaring local state of emergency okay Mr FAA good afternoon Commissioners uh we're here to request a local state of emergency as you know we now have hurricane Milton it was just declared about five minutes ago it's a category one hurricane and currently its projected path is going to put us In Harm's weight um currently by the time it makes landfall is projected to be a very strong cat 3 hurricane even though it has wobbled a little bit to the right and shifted down a little bit we are still going to get sustained Hur tropical storm force winds uh starting into Tuesday evening and exiting late Wednesday afternoon um we can switch it over to the storm surge so that's what our surge looks like um it's not going to be quite as bad as Helen but we are going to get up to 6ot of surge um on the coast um so we're very concerned about that um Mike is going to touch on debris and what our status is but we are going to have issues we are going to have debris floating we're going to have missiles FL flying everywhere um with the debris so we're asking for this local state of emergency and then we're going to follow up also with a request for an evacuation order any questions folks okay any questions from the board Mr chairman yes sir so if you would just for people understand the storm surge we just had let's compare that to aalia um just to get people perspective like how important is to evacuate so it's extremely important to evacuate um we preach that through Helen we preach that during through idalia uh when we issue an evacuation order for surge it's not because we're it's we're doing it to save people's lives and fortunately Pasco County was one of the few counties that had Zero fatalities um pelis is up to 12 fatalities so far when we issued these orders we want the citizens of Pasco County to heed the warning and evacuate and you don't have to evacuate hundreds of miles go tens of Miles go to a hotel go to a shelter we keep these shelters open for these reasons and if the citizens that we plucked out we did over 200 water rescues for Helen and I was out there for some of them and it's horrific to see that site but when we issue that order please listen to us we're not doing it just to get people to move we are doing it to save lives so but the storm surge during Helen was what uh we measured areas the official one is about 12T but we had a couple of instances that we had up to 15 ft and that was the mainly in the very low-lying areas so we've sorry and idalia we had 7 foot so houses that were impacted this time but Helen got five six foot of water in their houses ID Delia they were getting three or 4 foot The Surge is going to be the same for Milton that it was with idalia okay so we're going to get impacted so I want to say that there's a lot of good things going on out there Kathy's team is right now working to evacuate I think four trailer parks right now which is good um and I think this storm is like going to be so much more dangerous because all the debris that's floating around that's not going to get picked up and there will be some of that if you're trying to get flying around stop well that's what I mean so if you're trying to get rescued or you're trying to escape and you get debris flying around with the high winds it is so dangerous right now that you really need everybody needs to just get out get safe we got and we've got great uh recovery centers for people to go it's it's important that they go there and yeah citizens also need to remember with all this debris in in on the ground right now First Responders are not going to be able to navigate those roads because it's going to damage their vehicle and put them In Harm's Way also yeah okay any other discussion um I'll just say in Gul Harbors we are um we understand there's only one Road in and one road one way in and out so we are are working very hard today to um to clear that road to be sure that people can evacuate so you're going to be inconvenienced Maybe by one-way traffic or stop and go traffic uh but we it is just Paramount that we keep that at least that road clear so people can get out and get back in all right Mr chairman if I could too okay I just want to say I just saw John Batista in the back there this guy's been working like crazy doing a phenomenal job Kevin is doing a Kevin F doing the phenomal J Branford your team is like doing great we we were on the phone last night from 8 9:00 10:00 at night talking about how we can get some things going on out there and uh I'll tell you it's it's happening so thank you guys for the great work you're doing um Mr chair okay did we um did we start using any front loers in our own trucks or is that something that we can't do we have we have not grappling you know some of our beach trucks or other kind of trucks that we have I just trying to think of everything we could get to be used uh we have not yet we have grapple trucks we have dump trucks we have rollof trucks uh teams of people going out more so North we have the contractors in the South uh well your area Gulf Harbors and and that area in there we need your name for the record too uh John Batista operations director but um how are you getting the debris in the rolloff truck with Pickers oh with the grapple yeah grapples yes okay so so using a payloader doesn't help uh with the traffic it's impossible um we've thought we talked about that uh last couple of days if we and we have now started to come in and clear streets with the the aid of the sheriff's department so that will be a huge help uh we have a lot of uh people coming in starting tomorrow we have haulers uh commercial haulers coming in uh throughout the entire uh and commissioner jger made some calls thank you and they called me and said yeah but but do they have grappling hooks or how are they picking up they're it's going to it's going to be three man teams so they'll they actually be residential trucks coming in two men on the back taking as much as they can uh compacting them and and going back forth probably 30 to 35 back breaking work right there it is but we want to get the garbage or the debris the storm debris off the road so um so to so Monday are we going to have regular garbage pickup and you can fill your garbage cans like with stuff as much as possible so what we have going on Monday and Tuesday uh it's going to be regular garbage service on the east side of 19 on the west side it's going to be all storm debris we're sending air oh no garbage no no garbage on so don't load those blue garbage cans don't no I already got mine pulled out to the street but okay we'll take care of you well if you don't have that truck that lifts it off and puts it in then it's not going to be it won't be um um won't corado trucks there it'll be all rearload trucks coming in there so are we letting the residents know not to fill those and put them out by the street we uh we have Pio U putting that out now so okay well I'll okay I have a comment I just have a comment um one I want to say thank you to Kathy who have on speed dial her and her team have been amazing and JP and JJ um thank you and Branford I know I'm totally um blowing you up and you guys are always answering so I appreciate that and just a shout out to our community because we put a call out there and they answered the call and it's just really awesome to see our community come together and everybody helping everybody and it's just been a huge movement so I'm just really proud to be uh living in TCO County well I I I got to add to JP and Branford cuz I or or is it JJ who was I lighting up yesterday sorry about that um was prepared but um yeah thank you so much I mean we didn't have any trucks in go Harpers like barely for a week so um they answered the call yesterday and I got a text this morning three trucks in Gul Harbor so they are so happy and I'm very grateful uh to you guys for jum jumping on that and helping out so thank you yeah we also have uh a bunch of local haulers as well you added Mr jger uh and you as well uh have gathered those and so we're we're working with them as well we'll have plenty of those on the street uh starting tomorrow and it's important for them that you want them to get weighed right I mean they've got to go to Hay that's why the delay is now because we're waiting we're weighing everything coming across the skel so that's why you're seeing they have to be a little patient there because we got to capture that hopefully we'll get our FEMA money you know so we have to weigh it that's why there's a delay my um my adjuster who came to my house yesterday from um my for my flood insurance asked if we if our FEMA 60-day deadline had been waved and that's what I was asking you Andy and I don't know if I asked it right um and I don't know who waves that and that's for getting the the I think that's for getting your damage reports in individually president has to wave the 60-day rule okay from what I saw I'm not 100% sure they're supposed to be open till December 2nd that's the deadline that I saw on the table so um I will go back and research it and I will definitely get you an answer okay and um and we were going to have that FEMA Workshop Monday night uh but we didn't so I don't I I have a question I'm a little nervous to ask this question but I was able to have my adjuster there yesterday and they documented my damage and that is a helan damage and now we have Milton so if you have damage from Milton that's a whole different that's a whole different declaration and then so what do our citizens do if they have damage from Milton so they'll have to go through the same process all over again get with FEMA do the application get the damage assessment done by FEMA and then the the adjustment the adjuster from you and bring your property damage and whatnot how much it's going to call Cost a repair at a house and they will sit with you and make those calculations so if you haven't um had your adjuster to your house yet and you want to differentiate your damage between Helen and Milton do you videotape it or with your phone what what's the best advice tons and tons of photographs of what has happened in helain okay keep those photos so that way when Milton comes through you can capture the difference in those photos okay good all right I just like to shout out um Mike uh certainly appreciate your leadership and all your leadership team for all they're doing and Mr Stein Steiner and his group all the staff members that are working all of our employees basically we certainly appreciate all they're doing because they're they've had a real training in in Helen and now they're able to follow all in line cuz they know what they got to do so without a doubt so I'd rather not have this kind of training and be talking about it rather than uh having it so been a lot better but I sure thank the world of all our employees and everything you've done so it's been very good Mr chairman yeah I I do want to our our folks to know something and I even I keep forgetting this but you know my kids's house in P County got 5T of water and it and is destroyed and and they live in the inter Coastal near near the uh you in it's called yach Club of States near that um big hotel on the beach their trash pickup doesn't even begin until the 7th and we're already one week into it and we're all freaking out um but we're one week into it and they haven't started in in penales county yet which I don't I don't understand maybe their roads were blocked but I'm very grateful that we jumped on it we've got one week in right even even though you know we have 250,000 yards of of crash out there that needs to be removed you know it can't happen in in a few days much less five or six months to take to get rid of all that and now we're probably going to get addition to that plus plus more and plus scattered around that's got to be regrouped and and done so there's a lot of work ahead so I just support everybody that's out there working and and hope that we get through this and we will get through it it just take a little time um may I ask oh go ahead I just want to say um I I appreciate staff has been absolutely phenomenal I mean JP from your guys in the tent Brandford your getting team getting together JJ keep C and everything going and mik just the overall has just been absolutely phenomenal and I want to thank my Commissioners too you guys have been great out there just getting information in helping everything go for Andy to to keep on rolling and and been it's been a very positive thing and I think commissioner Stark you're right compared to what our neighbors are doing to what we've done when you don't open up your landfills and you slow everything down backs everything up it's tough enough even now but literally I think the way we're performing is phenomenal um I want to tell you what I'm doing right now over in Leisure Beach and I'm trying to get even up to the others as well um called Coastal landfill and they were able to get a bunch of um dumpsters now Leisure beach has got a wide open area we can put dumpsters right in the street going on through the bike Lanes whatever even like down one street where they're getting filled up we've got a Hudson soccer team the wills family is out there going crazy they're filling the dumps up faster they can unload that's not a bad idea it's working great so and I'm I'm saying that just because each one of us should look in our own districts right now but wherever we can go and put those dumpsters out and have a company pick them up literally the citizens you know as you mentioned are coming together to help and just like they're picking up the trash they started out with the Eagles bringing them down and then we put them out there on the streets and they're getting like I say filled up and the ones that can do the work are doing it the ones that can't are getting help and it whatever's going to be left over the next couple of days could be really light for the grappling trucks to finish off but I'm going to tell you the citizen participation phenomenal all our restaurants the guys that do the cooking of the food the donations like we're struggling where where you put the food I mean I a Colleen she does nothing but that um just trying to find out where it's going to go so it's such it's such an awesome Community we live in coming together at a time like this I think it's been just an uplifting thing for everybody around it so you know I'm we are Premier I'll just say that yeah so if we've moved the Comfort station from Ben Herold I had um Lunch hot lunch coming there Monday that's not a good place to do it anymore not at all okay also had lunch coming there dinner coming Tuesday and lunch coming somewhere else Capitol Taco is going to be doing something so um what is the feeding situation at the shelter and should I send it there so right now at F at 5A at uh the Fano shelter the Red Cross is feeding both the general population and the special needs folks that are there is it a hot lunch or is it hot meal every night um so if I have um I don't even remember who it is right now maybe my staff will text me if they're watching I will say they will take any extra food oh yes they will because yesterday I brought a ton of sandwiches and they were gone even though it was just about lunch time I can't remember who's doing the food um Monday but I can send Capitol Taco up there y absolutely Tuesday yeah we'll have some additional discussion after the resolution so okay all right so right now uh Adam clerk would you please uh read the resolution yes sir all right resolution number 25-6 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring a state of local emergency related to Tropical Storm Milton whereas the governor of the state of Florida issued executive order number 24-24 on October 5th 2024 and Modified by executive order 24-25 on October 6 2024 declaring that a state of emergency exists for certain counties in the State of Florida including Pasco County due to the current forecast models for nest 92l now known as tropical storm Milton Hereafter referred to as the event and whereas atmospheric and oceanic conditions are anticipated to support rapid intensification over the Gulf of Mexico and tropical storm Milton is forecast to become a hurricane by early Monday and whereas this system could become a major hurricane near or at landfall along the west coast of uh West Florida coast by the middle of next week and whereas current forecasts predict heavy rainfall high winds and storm surge impacting the West Coast of Florida as the storm moves forward and the event poses a potential and continuing threat to the lives and property and of residents of Pasco County requiring Advanced preparation and mobilization of resources as well as flexibility and Authority from the border County Commissioners to act in a timely manner to mitigate damage and render assistance to affected residents and whereas chapter 252 Florida Statutes provides author for political subdivision such as Pasco County to declare a state of local emergency and to wave the procedures and formalities otherwise required of political subdivisions by law pertaining to one performance of public work and taking whatever action is necessary to ensure the health safety and Welfare of the community and two entering into contracts and three incurring obligations and four employment of permanent and temporary workers and five utilization of volunteer workers and six rental of equipment and seven acquisition and distribution with or without compensation of supplies materials and facilities and eight the transfer Amendment appropriation and or expenditure of public funds now therefore by the board of County commissioners of Pascal Pasco County Florida in emergency session this 6 day of October 2024 hereby declares a state of local emergency pursuant to section 252 Florida Statutes and sections 30-29 and 30-30 Pasco County code of ordinances effective immediately for all territory within the legal boundaries of Pasco County including all unincorporated and Incorporated areas and authorize the County administrator or his designed to order evacuations make emergency purchases or take any other actions he deems necessary this state of local emergency shall be effective upon enactment and shall remain in effect for a 7-Day period thereafter unless otherwise rescinded or extended as provided by law further to the extent Allowed by law this declaration retroactively applies to ratify expenditures made and actions taken prior to the effective date of this lsse by County staff in connection with preparations in anticipation of the event be it further resolved by it is expressly authorized that the County administrator or the Emergency Management director are each delegated the authority to one extend this initial Declaration of a local state of emergency as many times as necessary and two dissolve this local state of emergency or any extensions thereof and the event no longer poses a threat to the lives and or property of Pasco County residents or to public property this delegation of authority to the County Administrator and or the Emergency Management director to extend or dissolve this local state of emergency does not require further board action by this board and is granted whether or not a quorum of the board is able to meet the procedure set out in sections 30-29 and 30-30 of the Pasco County code that may be interpreted to be in conflict with this grant of authority are hereby waved be it further resolved by the board of County Commissioners that it is the intent of this for that given the possibility that episodic rainfall or high winds may result in only localized damage or flooding that the County administrator or his design shall have the flexibility to Institute modify amend terminate or restate reinstate evacuation orders as conditions and affected areas change and without further action by this board be it further resolved by the board of County Commissioners that it is the intent of this board that to the extent the County Administrator has already expended public funds in preparing for the event all such such actions are hereby ratified and approved be it further resolved that the border of County Commissioners desires to facilitate the cleanup of debris on private property by those residents affected by wind rainfall and or flooding and there therefore this board directs that the cost of debris disposal tipping fees otherwise charged to residents for debris disposal related to this event shall be paid from the general fund rather than by the affected residents be it further resolved by the board of County Commissioners that said board hereby exercises its Authority and waves the procedures and formalities required by law of a political subdivision as provided in chapter 252 Florida Statutes and sections 30-29 and 30-30 Pasco County code of ordinances done and resolved on the sixth day of October 2024 move to approve second and a second it will fix the first be it further resolved it should have said by the board of County Commissioners I oh so I read correctly you read it correctly and I noticed that we had left out the the board of County Commissioners there so we'll insert that okay all right thank you all right so I've um taking a properly moved motion and a second uh Madame clerk would you please read the r uh yes District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner joer hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I let it be known that the vote pass 5 to zero okay with that we're adjourned oh no motion excuse me um I would like the board to take up the the matter of the board meeting on Tuesday that's what I was going to do yeah that's not almost R okay sorry about that yeah we would just we would just move Tuesday's business to the second meeting in um October thank you what month is it uh into October and make make necessary adjustments for the land use items to to be heard you know at their appropriate locations okay accept make motion on County administrator's recommendation second all right got a motion in second all those in favor I I I motion pass 5 Z any further action uh yeah I have I have a question on um how many meals would would be appropriate for Fano for Tuesday I and quick math I would say Andy okay thanks I would say about a 100 between staff and clientele there 100 should be adequate okay it is going to be TexMex rice and beans chicken and pork and all the toppings I'll be there for once do all Mr chairman okay yes sir that to send the first time go just okay to piggy back on the the meal conversation I have pretty large concerns with the period of time that schools are being closed and all the kids that aren't getting you know breakfast and lunch throughout the day I don't know if there's anything that can be done or the school system might be willing to do but but um you know when the closing of schools happen there's a lot of a lot of kids that rely on those two meals Monday through Friday and they you know probably a low likelihood that they eat again until that next Monday so um I don't know if there's anything that we can do or or or learn from when when these weather events happen that we find a way to at least ensure meals are available to to kids across this County uh not just the impact areas cuz um you know these declarations impact everyone so just a general thought thank you that that's a good good question and do the school districts handle a food distribution no no so can we get um feeding Tampa Bay or one of those groups to do something at the schools where the parents can go get some food and I can talk to our volunteer services you know representative in the EOC as well as the school board but you know there's there's the logistics of where these folks are and where those sites would be you know to the commissioner's point it is something that uh is is often understated in these in these decisions and you know and pretty much those those kids will go without those meals as as a simple fact of that I have no doubt that this County would step up and if the school districts would have someone I mean if there's some way that they can have someone there for donated food I mean I drive a carload of food to one of the schools so yeah that's a big operation the fact of it is kids are all scattered out and they may have left town even yeah I just have one comment that a lot of our schools um have the pacac program so when we know there's going to be a storm or something like that we send extra food home with those kids um with that program and on the east side it's called something else it's not called pisac but you do have it on the East Side okay Mr chairman yes sir just want to clarify the Hudson uh the Fano shelter is going to be closed as of tomorrow except for special needs is that correct yes they're moving everybody to so correct the general pop uh folks will be moved to 5A high school and then fan will become solely a special need shelter okay and what are the schools are we using for shelters so we're using 5A riveridge Centennial uh Wesley Chapel and then fcan for special needs um sorry is that where I should send Capital tacos should I send them to one of the other shelters if anything I would send them to the Fano I because those residents will be there uh pretty much till late in the afternoon till be able to get them bust over I just don't want them all leaving when they're set no it won't happen first thing in the morning was 100 meals so so if you get them there at lunchtime no no they're coming for dinner for dinner I would send them to 5A okay I'll change chairman thank uh and or Mike um do you want to touch base for folks on the record about what uh the wi grass rent Sports campus is going to be used for depending on the track of this storm uh that place is probably going to become pretty dog on important so so wi grass Sports Complex is has been uh the state has taken control of it for right now it is being used as a regional uh special need shelter so we will be getting clientele from Hillsboro pelis um south of Panella Charlotte County um and they will be placed in there for the duration of the storm now our special needs clients will also be able to get in there but there's only going to be the ones that are bedbound and ambulance driven that can get in there Unfortunately they don't have a Reception Center in there to register people so those folks right now are still going to have to go to the facade and Andy are are all the hospitals in that area are they notified that what that facility is going to be used for yes they could be taking patients potentially yes yes sir I have one question and then um where are we on the pallet homes since we have this storm now are we going to be ordering more pallet homes just because we're g might have more displaced families so uh we do have a resource request into the state for for lack of a better term would be kind of a Rapid Deployable type of encampment I believe those are 750 each times two so we we're looking at a couple of bed down sites to set those up should the need arise regarding the pallet homes yeah we we cut that purchase order you know several days ago and we'll we're we're waiting for to take delivery many in with them how many like between the pallet homes and what we have from the state what are we looking numbers wise uh if if we get the numbers from the state that's 1500 plus another hundred so 1600 16 20ish okay and we have lot land for all of that yes ma'am Eric uh you recall the sites right um how many pallets I'm sorry did we order 50 ma'am that's yeah Eric Bo assistant County Administrator the the two 7 750 person base camp locations one is uh the district school board property and Odessa off of gun Highway the other one is near our Fleet and go Pasco facility in mckendry uh we have land at both of those locations but if you if they house 7 I'm sorry but 50 pallets is 50 people or maybe 70 people but so why are we not ordering that's correct ma'am that's in addition to the 750 person base camps that were well what are those people sleeping in what I'm asking is did you order 750 pallets what's happening at a base camp no so okay so two different things that a tent hold on let me so two different things the um the the initial plan during Helen was to handle the displaced population through two sites right the Grand Boulevard site that we have uh for our homeless transition camp and they're going to be in the pallet those are where the pallet homes will go as well as some some trailers that we had requested from the state okay and then at our our youth Lane site just up the road from here we had additional trailer sites going in there that was to handle the Helen population if there is a uh significant displacement as a result of this storm we've put a resource request into the state uh for base camps as Mr Brighton Bach says and those those base camp kits house 750 individuals through trailers I I I I don't know krina Cottage whatever they have whatever it is and then we have the necessary acreage to deploy those assets already in in the county so that's staging and there's no guarantee that we get them or we don't get them it just depends but we've we're prepositioning and putting that in the the pallet homes are things that we have already requested just as a result of Helen because we knew that we were going to have some displaced folks and I bet every county is ordering those pallets so um so we do have a confirmation they're going to be because I I have an in with that company so I'm happy to squeak the wheel so let me know when we placed the order man they said we'd have them at the end of the week okay do we need to order more of those I'm sorry just it's it's just a matter of setting them up and understanding the need that was you know if if we did not have Milton to deal with I would tell you that Kathy Pearson's group uh Eric's group uh Emergency Management were monitoring what that surge or what that need would would would potentially look like um that that plan's kind of out the window at this point in time and so we're we're preparing for more mass Sheltering should the storm maintain the track that that it that it comes through okay so we order the pallet is that just the physical box that you put in place what about the AC the bed the chair so yeah that that all they're all self-contained units and and in fact if we were going to have a Tuesday board meeting I plan to show you where we were where we were with those plans our our Public Works our utilities folks our facilities folks are doing site prep work I I was out observing it last last week or whatever day today is it was it was a couple days ago and they were there already putting putting water lines in sewer lines in to set that up so there's certain infrastructure that is necessary to to run these things and that you know ordering we can order we could order thousand pallet homes but that's in process rather you state resources at this point but the pallets come as a kit I guess is my question yeah besides just the walls we've ordered a kit okay yeah do do we have staff enough staff to put those together or do we need volunteers from the community I'll ask cath pearon to come up and talk and I we're into your 230 call is that okay Kathy Pearson assistant County Administrator public services so yes the pallet companies put those together oh um so they have electric all of that in there and I will tell you these same pallet companies that we use were used in Catholic Charities down in Tampa uh their Tampa hope and Pasco hope for the hurricane Helen they didn't budge yeah they're hurricane Pro they doain I think 170 mile um wind so I might need one hold on stay right there come all right I just want to say with Kathy's help and her amazing leadership it doesn't matter what time it is um combined with our staff we help save four lives we which um is pretty amazing so I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for just answering the call and um helping and working alongside us because it's it's pretty pretty amazing where these people could have been and where they're at right now so thank you thank you for your passion out there thank you Mr chairman yes sir good question for Andy too uh sandbag locations goodies oh yeah sir sandbag locations and goodies are they going to be out there yeah sandbag locations are all set up um there's four of them right now there is actually five of them now there is the um I just call it Maggie Valley vets Park uh station 29 on the east side um we put one where else what was the other one JV Harold Park and then D city has opened up one up I believe New City of Newport Richie opened one or so did Port Richie thank you very much okay thank you anything else okay that we're adjourned but are we going to do the call right here you got the call yeah what [Music] waterways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these