##VIDEO ID:4mYxtQMMzwA## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] good afternoon I'd like to call back to order of the Pasco County County Commission meeting of October 22nd 2024 please um silence all electronic devices and mute your microphones we will proceed with the public hearings starting with ordinances uh p73 I believe we have proof of publication of the hearing of this matter in the September 4th 2024 and October 13th uh 2024 additions of the Tampa Bay times thank you Mr chairman rarus pitos Planning Development economic growth good afternoon item p73 is an ordinance for a Land Development code Amendment uh this ordinance uh was actually scheduled initially at the October 8th Board of County Commissioners meeting which was canceled due to Hurricane Milton uh this item would have been the adoption item that would have been heard today but given that October 8 was cancelled this is this item is being continued to November 12th uh at 1:30 p.m. in Dade City okay do we need a a motion or anything do we do move to continue time certain second got a motion a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 z uh move on to p74 Mr chairman um Mr Snider yes sir for the for the purposes of the record is that was the the first reading at the last meeting are you continuing both the first and the second hearings or first would been good so the first would have been I could answer the the last meeting go ahead um item p77 on this agenda is the first reading item which will happen today understood thank you okay that clears it okay so the publication on S on p74 uh 74 first public hearing here also was uh moved from the October 8th meeting uh to the meeting today it was orally published in the August 7th 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay t okay all right and this is continues thank you Mr chairman uh item p74 is PD 25007 uh this is an ordinance amending the Land Development code for tree preservation and replacement uh standards we're currently working with uh stakeholders and wrapping up uh a new version of the ordinance which will be brought back therefore this is being requested for continuous with date uncertain we will republish to bring this back why date uncertain why not like the next in two meetings I I don't want to leave it date uncertain we got to get this fixed it maybe because it's been continued a number of times already so we have to re republish anyway yeah okay all right move continue dat certain second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 move to p75 publication approve the publication in the Tampa Bay time September 4th uh 24 and supplemented by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p75 is PDA 25179 this is an ordinance amending the Pasco County comprehensive plan providing for a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-15 and Sheet 03 from Ro retail office residential to Il industrial Light on approximately 16.84 Acres of real property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Diagonal Road and New York Avenue and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repeal observability and an effective date this comes to you with a recommendation uh to approve the proos comprehensive plan Amendment and adopt the ordinance by roll call vote and there's a presentation if so desired chairman yes sir hey Terry you know my question just on a record we have the live local provision on this one yes sir thank you okay board Mr chairman yes just to talk about this uh Terry have we looked at closely what this if the road structure can handle this change you mean the pavement surface yeah uh we from a comprehensive plan standpoint we have not looked at the pavement surface um we've looked at the road capacity and uh you know its location along arterials and and its relationship with tals and collectors but not necessarily the construction of the road all I'm I'm going to say I just went through a situation up in Shady Hills where we made an approval on something coming in without seeing the site plan the site plan come in and because one decision was made before the other decision decision made there's a big issue with the connection dag Road I think is a very Sandy Road tough to travel on it's a very important road so I I'm going to say that I would rather hear this at the same time the the uh zoning amendments going to come come and change in I mean we can do it so it doesn't slow it down but I think if we hear them together I'd be I'd feel much more comfortable because I don't want to take a land use chain has already been done and now I got to go deal with something else I'd rather look at it look at both together it is a it's been a very tough area for years to develop industrially I think it should but I think we should be looking at both of them together this coming in as a a plan development or a um ukian zoning uh my understanding is that it would be coming in as a ukian rezoning later and you can't take them together yeah that be separate the comp comprehensive plan Amendment must be effective before you can reone ukian haven't we done it before where not since I've been your county attorney well just just let me finish let me finish my question okay we've had sometimes where we have a land use coming in and we'll see the land use then we'll hear the zoning and then we'll rule on the land use first and then look at whether deci side to go with the zoning on an MPD you can do that because you can make the zoning effective subsequent to the plan amendment being being effective so you can delay the effective data to rezoning you can't do that with ukian unfortunately that's that's the law if we approve this this it gets sent to the state then it's going to come back to us for a final approval correct nope no this small SC small well I want to I want I want well all right so what what things can we look at with this project so I mean I'm I'm I'm concerned about the infrastructure in place especially on Diagonal Road so the question is have you is whether or not the team has looked at whether there is adequate infrastructure to support this this comprehensive plan Amendment um and even if the current if if there're sufficient right away um whether the right of way can be upgraded to to handle this and that would be a site plan so I do have a suggestion Mr chair um they do have to do a standard roadway analysis in connection with the resoning so I don't think there's anything preventing the board from having that substandard roadway analysis presented as part of the plan Amendment if you wanted to continue the plan Amendment until that analysis has been done okay I really think it's that's up to the board I'm just saying that that dat Terry's right the data on the sub or rway analysis is typically not presented with a plan Amendment it's usually presented with the resoning but I don't think there's anything preventing the board from wanting to see that analysis before you take action on the plan Amendment but I'll let Terry and the applicant comment on that further the applicant wishes to address okay theard M will good afternoon Barbara will height 6327 Grand Boulevard Newport Richie 34652 for the applicant um we are happy to continue it you this has been a long journey trying to to take this property to Industrial um when I was hired my client said the staff was going to initiate this complain Amendment so I'm glad to hang in for the journey and make sure that any uh issues are addressed we can agree to a month continuance and we can uh work with staff thank you would you continue Mr chairman since it was advertised for approval i' see if there's any other people who want to comment knowing it is a public hearing so is anyone else here wish to speak to this item no one has signed up on this item okay no one signed up nobody on WebEx no sir no sir okay anyone in the room wish to speak to this item see no one move to continue time certain um so you only have one the question is are you going to continue it to your D City meeting on the 12th of November or whether it's going to the 10th of December in Newport Richie I'm okay to the next meeting in Dade City uh there's no one here speaking in opposition of it and I think that will give staff enough time to bring it back a little bit quicker which I'm okay with that be good so the motion would be to continue the item to November 12th at 1:30 or soon thereafter a say may be heard so move can I ask can I ask a question um okay can staff comment on whether they're going to have a substandard roadway analysis done by then because I have no idea if they will so good point deadlines are for November 12 are this week actually we wouldn't have time to bring it back for November 12 okay what's the December date then December 10th the 10th is on my calendar is it yeah that's right move to move to continue to December 10th I got a motion second got a second by roll call vote NOP this you can just take a you can just take simp a motion a second those in favor say I I those oppos like that hear none motion pass 5 Z okay move on to b76 b76 we proof for publication of the hearing of this matter in the September 4th 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay Times uh supplemented by CER certified mailings and site posting affidavit okay uh item p76 is p pde 250012 um it is I'll complete the uh the title there an ordinance amending the Pasco County comprehensive plan providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use maps 2-15 and Sheet 18 changing from res 12 dwelling units per gross acre residential 12 d go acre to Comm commercial on approximately 3.05 Acres of real property located south of Massachusetts Avenue approximately 1,300 ft west of the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Rowan Road and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repealer cability and an effective date this comes here with a recommendation to approve the proposed comence of plan am Amendment and adopt the ordinance by roll call vote we have a presentation of so desired want to hear a presentation okay uh is there anyone this is public hearing is anyone here to speak to this item see you no one anybody on WebEx no sir okay not for this item all right Mo forward move Ru I have a motion second and a second uh this is not a roll call this one is a roll call all right this is a roll call vote just District Two commissioner wman hi District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Jagger hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 move on U move on to p77 And to clarify this item was published for hearing on October 8th in the Tampa Bay time September 4th uh and October 13th of 2024 again it was continued due to Hurricane Milton to be heard at this time okay and there's no action required on this item but a reading of it I guess we do have one signed up for this oh you have one signed up yes okay thank you Mr chairman item p77 is pde 25003 this is an ordinance by the PES County Board of County Commissioners amending the pesel County Land Development code section 204. 1.a planning Commission Section 3042 D public notice section 3052 dob neighborhood meeting coordination and notice section 307 continuance procedures section 310 performance security section 311 defect security section 43.5 construction plans section 40616 B1 and three temporary signs section 4061 94a additional standards for permanent signs in residential districts section 4061 10 b c and e additional standards for signs in non-residential districts ground signs wall signs and regulations for Marquee canopy and Awning signs section 103.1 Gates fences and walls General requirements section 103.4 Gates fences and walls non-residential requirements section 1203.4 non-conforming signs section 13021 D uniform procedures and Provisions reduction of Mobility fees and waivers of school impact fees appendix a definitions and other sections as necessary for internal consistency providing for applicability repealer providing for severability uh inclusion into the Land Development code and an effective date uh this is the uh first hearing uh and the board is requested to accept public comment uh the second hearing will be held on November 12th at 1:30 p.m in Dade City we have a uh presentation if so desired uh so this is presume so this is Land Development code amendment number 74 it's proposed amendments were presented to the horizontal round table and interested parties on September 18 of 2024 and the LPA found the proposed amendments consistent with the comprehensive plan on September 19 2024 uh as I can't see the screen from that far um I'll walk through each of the Amendments very briefly um they are fairly straightforward all of them in chapter 200 uh we add Provisions if a Planning Commission member term expires the member shall remain on the PC on the Planning Commission until such time as a new appointment is made um chapter 300 in procedures we clarified that posted sign is to meet the specifications in the development manual this item as well as the next two items are referring to the public hearing uh notice signs um that weal that we've talked about previously um chapter 300 clarifies the post assigned to meet specification development manual um chapter 3 on procedures section 310 performance security we added clarifying language to the section to make it internally consistent chapter 300 procedures in the in section 311 defect security we added language to the section again for internal consistency uh no changes were made in the chapter 4 and permit types and applications um section 43.5 in chapter 400 permit type and applications in section 40613 prohibited signs we clear verify that science having characteristics of snip signs are not necessarily prohibited as snip SS uh chapter 400 permit types and applications uh we provided for the allowance of additional temporary signs 30 days prior to an election and removes the prohibition of double face signs uh chapter 400 permit types and applications provides for the allowance of an architectural top feature for ground signs uh similar to the allowance in non-residential districts uh chapter 400 permit types and applications 406 1110b ground signs it clarifies that top features architectural and considered part of the sign structure when calculating sign height uh in chapter 400 40610 C2 signs wall signs we removed sidewalls from disallowance of projection for wall signs in chapter 400 406 1110e regulations for Marquee canopy and Awning signs it clarified that signs above canopies are not considered roof signs in chapter uh 10 100 miscellaneous structure regulations we add language that chain link welded wire or similar fences and gates are allowed on Industrial Zone properties if they are vinyl coated with a color that blends into the adjacent Landscaping per the direction of the board of County Commissioners on June 18 2024 excuse me Terry chairman may I to th to this section Terry which is why when we brought this up to make this change understand for the type of fences on Industrial if you look all around Pasco County right now you see the vinyl PVC fences blown out looks like a a toothless smile is what these look at and if you go by and you look at the industrial properties and other commercial style properties it has kept their work and their product safely and more securely in their on their property in their workspace so that's why I think it's important that you know chain link is approved and usable on these industrial zones ownings and you know some commercial sites so anyway uh just real life example and appreciate this change Sir Mr chairman yes sir so let me ask CU bring you bring that up in so many vinyl things are just like thrown everywhere look like crap and will for a while right so and and I like the colored part and you know whether it be black green whatever it may be how how would you feel if we then looked at changing what's along the arterials as well I'd be against that I I knew that but I was talking to him question was a little bit the question was a little bit to the left asking for an answer right my my question I'm I'm all for practical Common Sense application right not just necessarily what something looks like and vinyl fences are weak they they blow over and in normal rainstorms and they become a hazard they're dangerous and I almost think that to be on a we need to have a a wiggle room in there depending on what the type of business is of what the appropriate style fence would be if they came in and asked a variant say hey this is my type of business vinyl will not be secure we take a look at it and then we could agree to put chain length or you know masonary something other then so I'm I'm not I'm not opposed I'm all for you know Common Sense practical Solutions here that that don't break the bank either so uh the other application that they can use because I don't think we should be lining our arterial roads with chain link fence um is vertical metal fencing which is what they do everywhere else um where they don't allow chain link on their main roads and that is very safe frankly that's what I would have gone for um in in a lot of places I tried to do that with the school district when I was on there and that's what Tampa does around their schools is vertical and I I showed what that looks like it's not that much more um I I kind of agree with you on the vinyl fences that we're letting all these developers put up back in the day before we had all that they all did masonary fences if you look at a a long starky Boulevard on a long leaf it's all it's all it's all masonary it's either brick or concrete block and the vinyl fences in my mind don't hold up they get dirty you go to clean them you ruin them they're a problem so um but I wouldn't I I I'm I'm okay I I B on the industrial for chain link as long as it's coded but you can't do that on on the other kind of businesses and what was it you suggested vertical maybe you can show a picture where a decorative a vertical metal fence looks like it's where the the rods go they're usually um square and they're tall and frankly they're much more yeah they're much more secure security wise and a chain link fence because chain link fence you just put one foot in and hop over too yeah with a vertical metal fence you it's much harder to climb over and has a lot more security yeah well those are those are um there you go that yeah and that's a fine alternative mhm so what's the procedure in can that be CH is he done well they can they can do that already they can put so that so we're changing to allow chain link for industrial and a commercial can use that metal fence right there rather than but most most commercials don't even put up a fence really true very rarely does a commercial put up a fence is there something we need to change right now Terry nothing precludes a commercial from putting up a vertical metal fence like that and if if we miss that then we should make sure they're allowed to put that kind of fence I don't believe so but I'd have to go back and check to be fully clear on that are you looking for an option or are you looking for a Prohibition so and so if you're looking to move to the to that style fence along the arterials they're going to make they're going to have to make a change to the the code if it's just an option I would think that they had it's a fence so right they have the ability to to do that right now although we can clarify that between the first and the second hearing here we'll get an answer I think Brad's going to answer some hi Brad tippen uh we have code currently that says chain link fence cannot be visible from the rights way so this is actually allowing chain link fence as long as it is coded uh in the indust industrial areas but it doesn't supersede the other code requirement outside of the industrial areas and they are allowed to use any of the other metal types of fences that they want to use okay so this is not chain link no correct no I just say that's how the two things kind of interplay and overlap uh the the chain link would be allowed by this uh as long as it's the coded type in the industrial Parcels uh but it would not be allowed with invisibility of the RightWay in other areas of the county that are not industrial Parcels they could still use the vertical metal and other decorative metal styles of fence okay Brad before you leave is there a another option I don't know what the state of the technology is vinyl coded was historically all you could do do they now have a different way to color chain L I just don't want to if it's powdercoated let's say I don't know if that's possible or that's even cheaper I don't want to just say coated I don't want to I just didn't know whether you I don't know paint you're limiting yourself to vinyl coated I just want to make sure that that's not a change we come back for later I believe the most common is the vinyl coated um there is always an AB you can powder coat anything uh in a color but it also will uh chip and show where uh over time so it doesn't it doesn't end up as as long lasting as the vinyl Cod there are other options um if you wanted to say color colored to match the environment instead of vinyl coated maybe that would work but or using vinyl cating or a similar means we can we can work with that kind of kind of language and maybe tweak something I I'm fine with black brown or green after that I don't want any red or orange or you don't want blaze orange no maybe maybe Garnet maybe gold about that I don't see nothing wrong well um were you through so can this be done can this be done without stopping this ordinance from going through it's already there that's what he's saying it's it's already there yeah it's already there so we're okay yeah I think we're we're fine um hang on Mr chair so I'm okay with putting the word colored in there you could put vinyl coated or colored but to just limit it to the vinyl coating might hurt you I don't if you want to get into the specific colors but I think just colored makes it look better one way or the other I don't know if there is powdercoated vinyl well it wouldn't be vinyl it would be I mean powder coated metal it would be metal yes they do that why is it scrape right off when it rubs I I don't think we should do that when it breaks I think it'll be a problem I think it'll look bad really quickly I think they'll be able to work through it so we're okay with the language as is I think so if it's in there then we're okay just everybody knows that that's what we need to be asking for so chairman so the switch commission may you just want to add the word color what's your language specifically it would be or colored VY coded or colored Brad is there such a thing I mean are we going to have people stand on there spray painting their fences so yeah that that may be the the issue is you might have I think do it jobs but I don't know how economical that would be that's there there is always in this situation we always have the alternative standard process that if somebody does come in with a different idea as to how they want to do it we can we can work through that process and get that approved as long as we know the intent is to have that color there it could be something other than vinyl we can we can work with that too yeah so through staff we can get that accomplished okay that's good to hear all right um is there anything else you got to read or because I got person speak to this item just two more things three more things uh chapter 12 100 nonconformities we clarified when a non-conforming sign and sign structure is to be removed and added allowances of multi-occupancy owners to enter into agreements with for future removal of non-conforming signs so that tenants May apply in the interm for permanent signage oh good that was in here I'm glad we're fixing that yeah and then the last two amendments for chapter 1300 concurrency Mobility impact fees had clarified the timing of the process for when the county must must be informed that a development will be a community or subdivision a providing housing for persons who are 55 plus 55 years of age so a lot earlier in the process for example and then in appendix a definitions modify the definition for canopy sign marqueis sign and awning signs and modify the definition of community residential homes in the actual definitions um the following slides are just the actual text Amendment themselves if you were if you were to care to peruse that um otherwise that's the complete set of amendments on this package okay Mr chairman yes sir would you go back to the part where you talk about the sign uh Dimensions where if you had a design outside where the lettering was going to be that would be counted against architectural yeah architectural yeah you want to see the actual language sure temporary science there we go so the the actual language says each sence structure area shall not exceed 10 ft in height and may contain an ornamental architectural top feature that is sculp Cal or artistic in nature that exceeds the 10t height limitation the ornamental architectural top feature shall not exceed 10% of the overall height of the sign structure and shall be considered part of the sign structure when calculating sign height and that's for residential districts those are like correct subdivisions yeah I mean I'm just thinking of let's say you were in a certain neighborhood like I'll give example Fairway Oaks just had their whole sign crushed over I think by the storm it looks like oh I didn't right so it's falling over they they got to redo it the nice thing about the sign was they had a nice big sign with the lettering in there about it and the brick was part of it but if it's over that height and you're going to take away their sign it takes away the thing I think Trinity's done some gorgeous signs of the Florida Le Etc that look good with that extra little bit of height I don't think it's a detriment but I think it adds something to somebody's creative ability to make this sign look better than just a standard box so I really don't want to penalize him for making it look nicer the big ones are the ones that went down mind that but Denise you have something to EAS to read though come forward sorry Denise Hernandez um I just wanted to make a clarification to the section so commissioner Mariano the section that Terry read from that is a section that already exists which is in for ground signs for non-residential districts if you look at the above section 46.1 point9 it now allows additional architectural features so previous to that you could not have an increase now it allows the actual sign to be taller because you now can add this architectural feature on the top of the sign okay so it gives them more flexibility and a taller sign potentially I like that thank you we wanted to do we wanted to do this the residential section similar to the commercial section okay thank you thank you all right do I have to take public comment yes yes darn okay um M [Music] King name and address for the record good afternoon my name is mcair King with the law firm of iard Merill 2033 Main Street sweet 600 Sarasota Florida I'm here today on behalf of my clients Benderson and Benderson 851 trust and 95 F LR PT LL C they are the owners of Ridge Plaza which is located at 8601 Little Road we're here today in support of the proposed amendments to LDC section 1203.4 specifically related to non-conforming signs um we feel that the new addition of subsection 3 allows multi-occupancy parcel owners to fulfill their contractual obligations to their tenants um and we I just want to take a minute to thank staff for all of their hard work and time on this item um I will seed the rest of my time unless you all have any other further questions but again we urge you to vote um approval of this item thank you all right thank you okay there's no action required move to approve no no action required no first hearing first hearing you can do that on the toour all right all right to procedures Mr chairman if I may point to p78 it is an item that should have been in the in this top section that we're currently in on the agenda um it's an ordinance uh well I'll let the clerk but it would be an ordinance amending the PES County comprehensive plan for this first section here and it's a continuance so I can read the official title if you'd like and then we might as well go ahead and continue it since it should have been in the ordinance section correct so um item p78 is an ordinance amending the Pasco County comprehensive plan providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use maps 2-15 and sheet1 changing from res one residential one dwelling unit per gross acre to Comm commercial on approximately 3.02 Acres of real property located at the northeast corner the intersection of Jasmine Boulevard and Little Road uh this comes to you with a recommendation to continue the item to the December I believe 10 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 p.m. in new POI and for the record there was proof of publication on this in Tamp B time September 4th 20124 okaye move that okay motion to I need a motion to continue this item move to continue second motion second all those in favor say I I I motion passed now would you give us the procedures I'd be happy to Mr chairman there are two resoning agendas regular and consent staff will present each application to the board of County Commissioners if staff or Planning Commission has recommended approval and there is no opposition the application will be considered by the board without further presentation if staff or Planning Commission has recommended denial or if there is opposition to the application the applicant will be given five minutes for presentation the opposition will be given three minutes for each individual or five minutes for a group representative and the applicant will be given 3 minutes for rebuttal any individual disagreeing with staff or Planning Commission recommendation or anyone wishing to object to any condition of the rezoning May at this time request that the petition be pulled from the consent agenda in which case that application will be heard under the regular agenda later on during the meeting otherwise all resoning applications on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion and vote if you wish to speak to any petition please give your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record these are Quasi judicial public hearings the law in Florida is that mere public support or opposition of an application is insufficient for the board to take action please limit your comments to those criteria found within the board's Land Development code for resoning okay swear man at this time if any party in the audience is wish and intends to speak to any of these resting items we'd ask that you please stand any other party that intends to give testimony uh relating to these rezonings if you please raise your right hand you swear or firm that the testimony you will give in these matters is the truth so have you got thank you and when you come forward please just state that you were sworn previously okay all right item p79 we have proov for publication of this matter in the tempay times August 28th 2024 Mr chairman for item p79 but also for p80 and p82 the agenda memo headers were changed to read bard of County Commissioners agenda memorandum and the recommendation section header was changed to read recommended board action so the corrections have already been sent to the clerk's office I just wanted to put that out there ahead of p79 uh and that was for p79 p80 and p82 but but for p79 uh this is a zoning amendment in the name of sidiki RA rafat Ali it's a change in zoning from C1 neighborhood commercial District to a C2 General commercial District in South Central Pasco County at the southwest corner of the intersection of Black Lake Rog in Geneva Drive containing approximately 0.57 acre this is recommended for a continuance of the December 10 2024 border County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 p.m. in newp Richie okay all right do I have a uh a motion move to continue say second motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 z uh move on to p80 this item was uh published in the Tampa Bay [Music] Times May 1st of 2024 it was continued from the June 18th board meeting where it was continued to August 21st where it was continued to today item p8 is pde 27783 this is a zoning amendment in the name of dijan and Gordana vujovich change in zoning from an AR agricultural residential district with conditions to an AR agricultural residential district in the Northwest Pasco County on the northwest corner of C Biscuit Lane and gidy up Lane containing approximately 5.07 Acres this is being recommended for continuance to the December 10 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 p.m. in no Richie Mr chairman yes can I ask a question about this before we make a comp Terry how far along are we to do this um is there ordinances are zoning laws keeping us from allowing this to happen or how do we make this happen this is where we can actually have an an additional dwelling unit or property what what do we need to do to address this is there something we need to do up here sure that question you're referring to the accessory dwelling unit ordinance yes so that is current a draft of that ordinance has been prepared uh it's currently been submitted to the county attorney's office and they're actively reviewing it right now and that will help us with this correct okay all right move to continue second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 move on to p81 approve publication and Tampa Bay Times July 24th 2024 for the meeting of September 17th where it was continued to today okay item p81 is a zoning amendment in the name of 52 realy LLC State 52 realy it's a change in zoning from AR agricultural residential district to AR agricultural residential district P2 professional office and C2 commercial District in West Central Pasco County on the south side of State Road 52 approximately Half Mile West of land Lakes Boulevard containing approximately 8.84 Acres this is a request for continuance to the December 10 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 p.m. in newort Richie okay move to continue second I got a motion second all those in favor say I I I I motion pass 5 Z move on to p82 approv publication temp B times August 28th 2024 for today's meeting uh item p81 is PD 27818 it is a zoning amendment in the name of HCM Hospitality LLC it's a change in zoning from a C2 General commercial commercial District to mf1 and mf1 multif family medium density District to an mf1 multif family multiple family medium density District in West Central Pasco County on the east side of us Highway 19 approximately 950 ft south of State Road 52 containing approximately 4.44 acres is a request to continue to the December 10 2024 border County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 p.m. in New porich move to continue okay I got a motion second and a second all those in favor say i i i m pass 5 z Mr chairman yes I would mind me with the staff on this even the applicant at some point so you can get with me when you get a chance well next okay all right we move on to p83 p83 was published in the Tampa Bay Times August 21st 2024 and there was supplemented by certified mailings and site posting affidavits uh for the October 88th meeting at which point it was continued to today due to Hurricane Milton item p83 is pte 27795 this is a zoning Amendment Northridge mpud master plan unit development Northridge 829 LLC it's a substantial modification to increase the residential density from 700 units to 758 units detached and Villas on approximately 178.6 Acres located south of an AB budding County Line Road North 1.25 miles Northwest of the Sun Coast Parkway this is requested for a continuance to the November 12 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting in Dade City at 1:30 p.m. uh Mr chairman yes why would I hear that in D City and not over here uh this item was uh scheduled for today but there was a break in continuity due to the cancellation on October 8th requiring a read vertisements uh to the next available B County Commissioners meeting I mean I I think I want to have this item over on this side of the county can can we move it to the next it is the pleasure of the board to put it for December 10 May I is that a problem yes Barbera will height 6327 Grand Boulevard for the applicant um so do no fault of our own we were supposed to have this done in October there is a CDD running at the same time this project is already in construction needs financed needs money it's going to die on the vine there's no reason why we can't have it heard in in uh in Dade City instead of Newport Richie I would ask for your to please please it's not our fault that this is the way all the hearings are running out what's happening on the project we're this project is increasing the density from 700 to 770 units did they add land to it no yeah that's true it was actually 770 now it's 753 no what what happened was when this project initially came forward at the board meeting there's a request to increase the commercial intensity from 40,000 ft to 60,000 ft we didn't want to delay at that time because it came up at the last minute so what we did was we went ahead and increased the commercial to 60,000 decreased the residential 700 because we needed to do a traffic study to make those adjustments so now we've done the traffic study to get back to our 770 we've now reduced it to 753 because negotiating with staff we increased the size of the Lots um from 40s to 50s for those 53 units so it's been a cedal mess from the day we were here trying to get approved um we're trying to get back get this project moving we've got an utilities project underway um to extend your utilities six miles on sewer a couple miles on water in conjunction with the county we really need to get going we're going to lose we're going to lose all of that we put together on this project if we can't have this hearing next month okay so what's the date you want November 12th move to continue when they're in the middle they flipflop move to continue November 12th thank you second I got a second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 z uh p84 and I will inform you that this is a consent item we have proof of publication in the Tampa Bay Times August 28 2024 supplemented by Affidavit of certified mailings and site post thank you Mr chairman p84 is pde 27817 this is a zoning Amendment an oine 54 LLC change in zoning from a C1 neighborhood commercial District to a C2 General commercial District in the southeast of Pascal County northwest corner of the intersection of State 54 and point Cypress Boulevard containing approximately 1.31 Acres this comes here with a recommendation of approval okay this is consent item is there anyone here wish to speak against this item no one signed up no one online okay seeing no one pleasure of the board move approval second I got a motion in second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z move on to uh P85 a consent item have proof of publication in the September 4th 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay Time supplemented by certified mailings and site postings this is the first hearing the adoption hearing is scheduled for November 12th inade City Mr chairman item P85 is a zoning amendment that has been initiated by the county uh it is in the name of Sun Coast Lakes mpud master plan unit development um by the pasal County Planning services division it's a modification to the previously approved master plan in conditions of approval to reflect and memorialize subsequent revisions there too on approximately 4835 acres in the South and Central Market areas this is the first of two board County Commissioners hearings no action is actually required for this first uh hearing or reading of this ordinance we there can be a presentation if so desired I'd like to see it okay I want to I want to see how they're laying it out curious do we take public coming on act good afternoon everybody Tammy and Snider Planning Development and economic growth department and here we have item P85 pde 27826 a zoning Amendment for Sun Coast Lakes mpud Master planed unit development here is the zoning map and the future land use map the context map this is the proposed master plan this is a staff initiated modification to ensure that all the mpud documents reflect the intent the entitlements and the growth pattern of the mpud and to memorialize and approve the changes to the last BCC approved Sun Coast Lakes mpud approval which is in 2009 the PC heard the item at the September 17th 2024 hearing and unanimously recommended to vote um to recommend approval to the BCC um and this is the first of two BCC hearings as Terry mentioned and so there's no action required at this time um there has uh it was discovered by our esteemed zoning administrator that there were some documents that had not actually made it to the BCC for approval after the 2009 approval and there were some non-substantial modifications made to the mpud using some of those documents and so we just wanted to clean everything up and make sure that everybody was on the same page and all of the um um assigned entitlements were where they were supposed to be and all of that good stuff okay and this a consent item so it's this is a public hearing is anyone here to speak against this item come for I thought it said was on State Road 54 if you can please give us your name and address for the record and were you sworn Paul BBY 11544 Grovewood Boulevard and have been sworn thank you have some papers to submit uh move to receive and file second got a motion to second to receive and file all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z yes sir on the map uh they have section three it's right behind the race track gas station they're adding hotel to that I think it doesn't align with the current landscape and it's a misuse of the land there's got significant issues as you can see on the map there uh everyone leaving the car wash the racetrack and the U-Haul have to go East to the intersection of Silver Palm and Mot way to get out and go out 52 West all the residents in Grovewood Estates are already sitting there forever trying to get out partially the reason is if you see that Thin Blue Line coming south off of 52 right next to number one where the car wash is there's a median there so everybody leaving the car wash has to come out make a uturn in that intersection of Silver Palm and merot so all the residents from Grovewood mixed with the people coming out of the racetrack and the people coming out of the car wash and out of the backside of the racetrack all converge there and now the U-Haul anyone wanting to come out and go west is going to come out at that intersection also so a I believe that'll create a lot of traffic issues another thing is you see the red area SE that's all conservation land you can see the outly the little line of what's actually wet or not that little dock by silver that's my house we flood already when somebody spills a tea I'm more concerned than ever about stuff being built right there if you're going to put two acres of asphalt and concrete right there that's all going to flood in noted in three the little line where it says Palm that's the lowest line area like in the whole the whole section there all the water pulls right into that big bowl and if we don't drain out properly underneath the road it actually goes out to Griffin's land our conservation leads out there and it drains out it's a small metal culvert it's a private road it's not going to be able to handle that once the water goes over that covert we all flood in and it floods over Silver Palm too which traps the residents in Sun Coast Lakes many times can we pull that up on the is it Pas map or p we've had a lot of new construction the car wash I had called several times it was with the change of hands between Fitzy and Gary nobody got back to me all I won was a car wash to be spun the other way so the exit was facing 52 where all the noise would be but now it just blow blows into our Conservation Area like seven people have moved out already cuz it's so loud so we get the noise from the car wash I can see the U-Haul from every window of my house just about and I love the fire station don't get me wrong I took a tour not too long ago but they fire up the lights and Sirens right when they leave that's another thing like maybe somebody could call them maybe let them know not to crank it up till they get to the gas station at least m noted thanks there's really not a lot of traffic on that road is uh what's under construction right there is that the storage facility no no to the left of the gas station that's a Paul J's car wash that was the car yeah oh that's the car wash I had to resort to getting jal's phone number myself talking to him about turning it around but it was too late nice guy I like Paul okay so what are you saying they they do u-turns what what's the what's the path of the car wash so the car wash has a one-way exit on the you kind of see where those shipping containers are yeah mustered there there's one way exit there there's an exit out the gas station you come out to merot and right where it says Silver Palm Boulevard all that is median so people coming out of the gas station from that other exit have to come out and make a U-turn so we all converge in that one spot and now the U-Haul people coming out where that road right where the cursor is they're going to be coming out too that's for everybody that wants to Head West on 52 everybody has to go out that way you put a hotel on that small lot that's going to create a lot of problems not just flooding is that a light is that a lighted intersection or not yes sir you oh that's interesting it's not a li not here but up on Silver Palm and 52 is that a lighted intersection yes that is Silver Palm and Merk is the intersection that I'm worried about so isn't um that a retirement community to the South no no it's oh no oh no never mind that's for James M loose HOA thing okay I was thinking a I was thinking of uh the one at 75 and 52 Tamp Tampa Tampa bag off yeah yeah that's a lot of people coming out there and look it connects to nothing well where the cursive is my is that where the hotel is supposed to go uh where those shipping containers are mustard that's where the hotel it's going there 2.15 acres and it backs up to that conservation you can see the creek outline so that Creek runs ran behind Kenny's house and then it dumps out onto the Griffin's property or that first Lake on the left I don't know if you've ever been in to the Griff I've been in there so it feeds there's a spring out there there's two Springs and it it's always full and it Feeds out through the swamp and onto their first Lake there going to be a lot of water displaced right there well they have to deal for that deal for have to compensate for that previously before the car wash was built our neighborhood conceded that land and that was our original entrance into the neighborhood we turned the land over and in exchange they paved all of our neighborhood which was nice but then they built a car wash there and aimed it towards us so it's like uh I've talked with a bunch of people in the neighborhood um we have a petition going and they'd like to see some sort of concessions if this goes through hopefully it doesn't but you know we can work out some sort of deal W that hotel buffer the sound of the car wash it's probably too far to the east maybe depending I don't know Poss is this the first reading on this yes yes and and and what are they trying to do they're trying to do a fast food my favorite and what else so what is in the little square that you have labeled two uh two is oh that's where the median is that runs north to south blocking everybody coming out of racetrack okay so that forces everybody to make a U-turn there so the U-Haul is behind that uh it is to the southeast just a little bit where all those Retention Ponds just north of all the where that Sandy patch is there but what's going on that corner on the on that on the corner of Silver Palm and 52 that on the Southeast corner right there as far as I know there's three lots that are for fast food or something like that that'll be right in front of the U-Haul the largest storage unit I've ever seen well uh Terry will they exit out on the 52 from those three lots on that these are uh it's a three lot commercial subdivision um they would they likely would have access but you could see on the on the Pasco mapper that there's a a tract that's been established for Ingress egress for the commercial so the access point is to the to the east towards the detention Pond there for 52 it's noted on it's the purple line on my map that's the oh right there's the oh that's another road that's going to go between the U-Haul and the other commercial and also exit onto 52 right I guess right turn only correct um what what someone saying that it's not right you can't talk from there are there any other um exit points from the property on the left no merot is a residential Road narrow residential Road and people dump out coming to and from out of they'll come in and they'll Lo they'll Loop out of the racetrack and they'll hit mkot and they'll come to the stop and then they'll cut across and then go left to get to get out and it's the same for uh the car wash there so this residential road is what it is this SE that segment of road has become you know heavily trafficked from the commercial activity that's going on here and then it it it's the only way really in and out with the residents on merot is that a private road yes well so the the access through there is you know when you come around past krack Cliff's old place then you start you know it probably wasn't as bad before that where the car wash was set vacant for a long time and then when the racetrack came it just an easier way for people to come in and out with the flow of of of traffic cuz you come in hanging right if you're coming in from the light if you're coming east you have the entrance in next to rat rat Cliff's place and then you sneak out the back it's just kind of the natural flow of how people move but it's stacked up cars for the residential folks Paul is there a bus stop in there it's they moved I'm going off memory from when my grandmother lived back in there so so they moved it to the corner of Grovewood in okay where the loop starts okay so it's just it's a choke point really it's you know it's an older community it's been around a long time everybody that's even on the property hadn't been developed yet if they're going back West on 52 they have to come out to this intersection and go and take a left turn right and that's what causes the issue you going to add more commercial to it so it's going it's not going to get better it's going to get worse there there is not an Excel line lane either I think coming out of silver pal turning right is that right I see a you just go right on to 52 yeah there's a right turn line are we I know but people go pulling be pulling U-Haul trucks out of there they're going to pull right out on the 52 or wait for a light I I can see it I can see it being a problem getting out of there there is an easement in the back of my neighborhood if you see on my map I believe it says 40 says 41 and 42 just south of my house you see those little clocks I'm not sure exactly what that is there is that's how I that's my private drive but it's I guess so I drive down there to get out and that's where the median ends on Silver so I used to just hop the curb and gr do that anymore okay we have some other ideas Brad you have something to add to this that front portion there it is that runs behind the businesses is actually Pasco County owned but maintain privately oh so can't that's something that we do a lot of times in these types of well I feel like we should be our road are we sure because because you've been here long enough to know that the property appraiser shows us on multiple private roads somebody in real estate needs to run it down and make sure because I don't see a dedication on the plat public Mr chairman it may be but I don't see it on the plat yes Terry if I may um as a county initiated amendment to this mpud we're working with and will be working with uh stakeholders within this mpud uh a lot of the issues that have been brought up thus far are site plan related um we're going to be requiring binding concept plans for the developments that are um that are out standing within this mud if we could bring up the exhibit um that illustrates the it's a colorful exhibit kind of shows you uh what's happening within the development right now so this this image shows you the U non-residential Parcels within the mpud the pink and the orange colored Parcels are essentially Parcels that have been spoken for they have either approved uh preliminary site plans and Designs uh or their drainage plans are underway Etc so that those are already spoken for in terms of their planning and design the green Parcels which the subjects that we've been sort of focusing on parcel number three here it was designated for either office or hotel entitlement we don't know which um will come in however we are placing a condition of approval into the mpud that will require a binding concept plan for that parcel as well as the other two green Parcels that are further to the south in order to help mitigate some of the uh design concerns within the development additionally when they do come in for preliminary site plan review they'll have to go through access management and all those types of reviews as well uh and then lastly we are also working on the blue Parcels um there we are requiring a binding concept plan when they have to come in for the for a substantial modification the condition of approval for the green Parcels will essentially say some something to the effect of what we're working on right now is for preferred uses such as office and hotel uh The Binding concept plan may be uh administratively included into the mpud and then brought to the board of County Commissioners as a noted item uh to to uh illustrate what what update has been made the mpud whereas in the blue Parcels the condition of approval will say uh Thou shalt get it approved by the board of County Commissioners as with a binding concept plan well if if I could ask I mean you you say a site plan but is that does that include any road improvements for like it'll talk about the when the site plan is under review they will take a look at the impacts to the local rways okay so we're too early here yes so on the orange and the pink actually they'll be talking about Road improvements also the on if they had any they've already they've already looked at that so the orange and pink is things that are already that have moved through Brad's shop already Mr chairman yes so so as I look at the site when I heard Hotel my first thoughts were and I've always thought this intersection would be a good place for it I just think they're picking the wrong side I'm dealing with a residential development right now next to another residential development and with the hundreds of homes coming in the impervious that's there the drainage system they got I don't think I'm sufficiently protecting the people right beside it right now and I'm dealing with that with the engineers right now I don't know that just because of our code that we have in place is going to sufficiently hold water especially if we get any major storm events even though it meets the code it doesn't mean they're going to be protected so you could be making the situation worse secondly com on out of Racetrack and I've gotten gas there many many times everybody there is going to go out to the right do the loop around because you want to take the right turn to get on the Sun Coast that's the way they're going to go yeah so you throw the hotel into that too on that side you you're looking for a disaster um just just just it's just the wrong side for that to go in the office makes a lot more sense hotel and I love hotels as you know I just think it's the wrong side of the road that's going to cause these people never mind drainage issues they could face having the frankly having an elevation of a hotel in your backyard probably not that good either I mean I had a lady on 58 road call me with the town homes across the street she doesn't like people looking in now I get a hotel looking over so the Privacy goes away the nice character of this neighborhood which which is a beautiful neighborhood uh it really goes downhill real fast uh so I'm not going to support what I see Mr chairman yes sir well this is a county initiated rezone it was on consent it really hadn't got hasn't gotten pulled off consent we've just had a bunch of discussion but you probably need to hear from property owner's lawyer at this point so no then you need to then you need to sit down Bara will height 6327 Grand Boulevard I have had the pleasure of representing this um the master developer of this project this Project's been going on for 30 years when I was in high school and I've been representing it for about 15 years so the idea for parcel 3 was to add to it's already approved for office use it's contemplated as multi-story office use today it's been that way 2009 the idea of the master developer was to allow for a hotel use on that parcel they have talked to Hampton in we're not talking about we're talking about a very nice hotel um it would go through all the reviews it would go through access management review to answer commissioner starky's questions it's a right in right out that additional um driveway up to 52 is a right in right out um and then there is a new Dell XL Lane there were improvements that to the road when U-Haul came through there were improvements that had to be made and you just can't see it on Pasco mapper but my client has advised that those are have gone in already so again back to the hotel approved as a an office multi-story office was what contemplated um we have to go through access management review at site plan we have this extra step of a binding concept plan which the county wants us to go through but at the end of the day you know if the county doesn't want to see a Hampton Inn at the location of very close to the Fort at The Interchange you know my my client's not going to armr my client not going to arm wrestle with you all over it if that's not what you want to see there but as long as everything is done thoughtfully we go through access management we go through binding conent review we go through storm water review both with the county and Swift Mud it might actually end up being a very nice location for a Hampton in um so that's what I wanted to add um if you had any other questions that that I can answer on behalf of the master developer of 30 years of this project I'd be happy to do that chairman yes I tend to I've not been briefed on this project that I recall this neighborhood I mean you put multistory there it's going to be overlooking whether it's office or hotel I just have a little bit of heartburn and agree with commission Mariano about the side of the road that it's on and then I also want to know if they plan on flowing that water West and adding more water if if it's if I I want to get some expert opinion if you're going to flow that water West and and have it lean more on the Hallelujah land we need to know that so we need I I need to understand what what the plan is here um so Comm I have to say be happy in between we have two hearings because this a staff initiated be happy to talk about drainage um again if if the board doesn't think that hotel is a good use there let's not let's just leave it like it is today it's office and the client can continue to try to um be able to sell it for an office use it's the multi for it's it nether one of the it's the multi the multistory component to this site which with you know it'd be in everybody's backyards that live here and this is a more World style neighborhood there's folks with horses and everything else so it's it's you're sticking of you know be like a unicorn coming into their neighborhood so I just I'd like to understand this a little bit more um before making a decision on it so what do that what is our asked for you if you could move forward if you want to give direction on the hotel we can certainly that would be fine we'd like to move forward we do have a $6 million closing pending on this um on this action um that's in Jeopardy I seem to stand up here and talk about in Jeopardy a lot um but that's you know we have two hearings to go through we have another hearing before the board that's not look I haven't been briefed on this fully and so in Jeopardy or not that's that's unfortunate situation y'all are in well yeah I didn't create that situation but okay this item got on consent because there's no no one's come before the board or anything saying that they were against this happening not to our not to staff's uh knowledge but no action is required today oh no action required so what happen this is the first of two public hearings so okay the discussion is what so this discussion with Barbara NC on this project will go forward until it comes back to the that's correct we would like to continue moving forward and I would I would think that we can between now and then you're going to try to make some changes to make sure this fits and check with every commissioner loud and clear about hotel and drainage okay and office height the office height today in the in the in the condition is a minimum of 35 ft so it's always supposed to be multistory that again my client's been really clear we're not going to arm wrestle over this parcel 3 um right you know if there's concerns regarding it's the neighborhood now that has grown up around I mean this has been going on for 30 years we get that addressed we just ask if we could just stay on the hearing schedule please yeah because you don't have to take action I don't have a problem with that but up to the board for motion or does or he doesn't take a motion doesn't take a motion just stays in and I mean then you promise to get with all the Commissioners and make sure absolutely their concerns are if they're not addressed then at the next hearing you could not take action or continue it again but okay and can we find out about mercot way with um if it's ours or theirs and um coming out of merot onto Silver Palm is that a traffic circle stop signs what what is what controls traffic right there four-way stop two-way stop morot stops going on to Silver pal yeah the traffic circles are to the South it's just a widened area for a U-turn yeah all right car with cars parked in it yeah but Mr chairman I'm sure it looks different now so if you so try to imagine all those 8 12 gas pumps whatever it is every one of is going to be taking a right pretty much they're coming down to that Circle and they're going to swing back out and around and I'm going to ask you if we're going to look at this to go down the road if you think that the best of the Swift Mud and stormw Regulators we have in order are going to protect the people beside it I'm going to actually you go down to carella drive go talk to the residents there that just having a road built beside them where Kella drive it's over on Shady Hills they've raised the road up about 6 feet from what I can see it's now blocking any water flow from going around it it's now trapping all the water from around in the pond that they built three giant ponds in the back crosses the road connects underneath to a level with only two foot of storage for all that overflow that may happen there's no pipes the road there's no there's pipes going underneath but it connects from one pipe to the other pipe and the bottom is the same height if a big storm hits when a lot of impervious out there like we just had to me that's going to go in there it's going to go right over to the yard please go look at K Drive you'll see what I mean that's not this project no it's not but what the I'm bringing it up to you is because you we always hear about the code's going to protect our people from flooding besided because we got these storm water protections I'm telling you right now if you go look at that you go look what could happen here you could get the same thing our codes our regulations do not protect us enough we got to take an extra step to really look at this to see if it fits and I promised you and I promised you that we will do that we've heard we've heard your concern about the use on parcel 3 I'm waiting I'm waiting to hear your concerns are our concerns be met and I didn't swear myself in but I you need to be sworn in right here do you swear firm that the testimony you are about to give is the TR so have your god thank you your name and address for the record please Mr George Nicholas I live at 12322 Castle wary Lane Shady Hills Florida on 52 we've owned this property we closed on it in 1988 we've carried this thing an awful long time we pay lot of taxes to this County we put in a four lane road into into silver Pond to get back to the houses that we built in the back there so we've got adequate roadway you know you got four lanes coming in that goes to three lanes goes in front of the fire station that y'all put in so the project that we want to get closed on was already approved by the county because they made an error in the zoning they said and they wanted to fix it okay I didn't create the error staff created the error for some reason we don't know some people left some somehow that somebody dropped the ball all right our developers already spent almost a million dollars in design bu you know doing and it's been approved and we wanted to close this thing in June now it's costing us a $1,000 a day to carry the the debt that we the money we would have had $1,000 they plus expenses so six months of that it gets costly all right we try to do everything the way we're supposed to do it I don't we propose to do a hotel on that site I don't care whether we do a hotel on that site or not if that's a problem we won't do that okay but we're just trying to come up with the highest and best use for the land like any person in the development business we're not here to D to flood anybody but we've put drainage if you look at the drainage ponds we put in there take a look at that stuff move it over you can see now is those drainage ponds or not there's like 25 acres of it plus the plus plus you got um the the state put a pond on our side when they took the ride away from us years ago so we've got a lot of drainage here the problem with a lot of the stuff that's to the to the east of it or to the west of us is a lot of its old built stuff and it's not built to the right height I can't make that work I if they had a flood issue before how's it going to be any better now I mean I understand but we're g we have to hold that water on our side we can't just pour dump it over and we can't prevent it from going where it's supposed to be going because you can't change the flow right Mr engineer you cannot change the flow of water it's got to go there but we don't want to flood anybody so if it needs another a bigger pipe maybe that galvanized pipe is probably crushed or is not clean that may be where the problem is you know I don't know that anybody looked at that but we could sure willing to take a look at it and see if it needs anything it's galvaniz it probably needs to be replaced and I've already got pipes sitting on on the supposed Hotel site that we couldn't use out on 52 because we had a conflict we had to use a plastic pipe instead of the concrete pipe so if if they need to improve that drainage we don't have a problem trying to help them out with that but we have a pending contract that we need to get passed we can argue about all these issues later because they really has nothing to do with the project that we already we already have that you already approved okay thank you thank you okay there's no action today move forward to U p86 or 80 excuse me yeah p86 yep which that concludes the zonings corre that concludes the zonings correct yeah p86 proof of publication in the Tampa Bay Times September 11th of this year here's unders sherff coming to see us welcome Chase hey good afternoon Commissioners uh Chase Daniels Pasco Sheriff's Office 8661 citizens Drive Newport Richie uh we appreciate your uh your consideration of this grant today this is a grant for $118,000 or 8,530 which includes all cost overtime and benefit for a gang suppression detective uh there is no cash match required by the county this is uh provided through the US Department of Justice it is a grant that we've pursued and and taken part in for the last several years and again specific to uh gang suppression activity in Pasco County and we appreciate your consideration legislatively uh public comment is required and that's the that's the step we're taking today so we appreciate your consideration okay Mr chairman yes sir you notice he only comes up for the easy stuff I I I'm always here for commissioner always here for you what's a what's a suppression uh so it's a gang suppression gang suppression yes yes ma'am so so it'll specifically work with our vice in Narcotics uh on gang suppression and limiting gang recruitment yes ma'am but they have to have a public comment time and that's what this is today they have to go through that and inform everybody what's happening yes sir thank chair Mr Daniels what's your what's your title for the record uh unders Sheriff community outreach operations I think that's the first time I wasn't I wasn't I thought under sure that's that's a weird title well that's okay we haven't we have under administrators right here under administrator Mr chairman why don't you take public comment this yes okay thank you is anybody here to speak to this item we have no one signed up and no one on signed up no one online move approval okay I don't do we need action or do we I don't think we do do we yes they need approval of the public okay I got a motion a second all in favor just say I I I it passes 4 Z we'll go from there now ordinary business and if you got a lot trim it down to a little we're getting out of here earlier than I thought we would well we're not through your stuff yet so I don't know I can keep you as long as you want I'm sorry I'm to the point all right Mr waitman thank thank you chair um well first I'll just start with just saying to uh Mike County Administration County Attorney's Office Commissioners everybody in here thank you for all your hard work there is no stuff stud no class really you can take to prepare for how to manage uh one hurricane let alone two within a couple week time period but there's a lot that I think there's a lot of you know as much as there's been all the challenges and turmoil and loss there's there's an opportunity for this government to learn quite a bit from living through a 100-year rain event and how to plan in the future moving forward and just watching everything that was happening my PR in the morning were beginning you know Lord willing and the creek doesn't rise and the creek kept keeps rising and so when we look at the the path of the water we pumped thanks to Jason mckl and his team out on air and cut off we've moved a million and a half gallons of water since Thursday just to keep Aaron cut off open and that's a main vein to get from 41 to 52 in the water flowing through conon and conon is one of those projects I just use this as an example it's it's in its final believe it's its Final Phase it's a project that's been approved years and years ago but I think we need to take a look at these these projects that aren't finished yet to see the path of this water and determine uh if it's still appropriate to continue moving forward what we might need to do how we understand you know what needs to happen I mean for example if if Aaron cut off for to have a failure like Curly Road and other roads there's you it's the long way around because the Cure Parkway extension you know is not necessarily scheduled to be built to connect Parkway and 41 to 52 so when you look at the flow of water we need to I I'd really like to understand and you know while it's still up there if we get the the experts and the engineers to take a look at hey is it appropriate to continue on this direction here in this particular area and other projects that are going on so when we look at qu Hollow I mean we had Rapids running through qu Hollow and we know water flows through there pretty heavily it was pretty wild to see Cypress Creek as heavy as it was and we know the water flows South through Cypress Creek flooding an enclave and on down through the mall but there's also a th000 Acres the Soho project for example uh that Swift Mud does have an interest in and maybe the county zand property might be having in how's that play into the bigger picture of to alleviate flooding within the area is there a potential that hey these are these properties that don't have anything going on on them are they the solution to our problem and we can now I think if we get that right people in the room the experts that we can really see in real life application with how water flows are hey if we put some something we don't put something there what's you know is it going to is the water going to stack up what's the natural flow we're not going to impede the flow of water or is it appropriate to build new things or how we finish or close out projects that are currently approved I know there's a bunch of sticky wickets in those because the the the legal nuances of approvals and everything that goes in into them State statutes but I think it's really important that we use this time not just in a cleanup effort but we find find a way to go on offense and to take a look at how this water is holding and puddling I mean there's houses that are flooded that aren't in a flood zone and the water's just pulled there and that's at no fault to that homeowner I don't know if there's a fault to blame anywhere it's just something that happened but if we identify Mike whatever the the technology you have that overlay that you're seeing where water is puddling and flooding how do we use this information in the future to make the right decisions and then how do we manage it going forward so tough situations all the way around I think obviously I think there needs to be a renewed effort into uh commissioner starky's volume on her phone to turn it down but but a But A Renewed effort into you know I don't know if we who we partner with and talking with all the cdds and HOAs to have an idea of the county should understand as a partner government when last time you had your storm water system scoped and looked at and renewed is it is it a problem that's not necessarily the County's lines that are backing up water is it in this in the cdds I think communication within our our water infrastructure system I think there needs to be a new level of of communication and how the cdds that we have communicate with the county because when we have these major storm events and all a sudden water pumps up but there's no record of I'm not going to name any specific community that hasn't been clean the the the infrastructure hasn't been maintenanced or cleaned out in 10 15 20 years you know in Lake pageant uh East the folks all along the creek side I've talked to folks that lived there for 43 years and they've never had water now they got six feet of water in their house we go and we try to understand the culs along the sides of the road some of them are galvanized some of them are supposed to be homeowner maintained the county said what's on County right away but homeowners have to do it and it cost the homeowner a pile of money it's just old stuff that's been there a long time and uh the action came and there were failures across the board and so we see it and we understand it and I think we need to find a way to to to the older communities and even the newer communities find a way to schedule and understand where these sticking points are it's a big big job it's probably going to take several years to to understand and connect all the dots but I think we need to have a renewed effort in doing um you know that best management practice across the board and then also um East Pasco landscape has lost a tremendous amount of Oaks generational oak trees that your grandkids my kids you know my great grandparents saw my grandparents grew up with they're gone and so I've reached out to Ed bluml commissioner Simpson's office to try to find out if there's a way way uh programs out there to help with replanting efforts of Oaks and to have people not be afraid because there's folks all around they want to chop down every oak tree in their yard now because of this and uh I don't necessarily think that's a healthy approach um so to restore you know trees and hopefully you know a couple Generations from now we'd be able to replant some some trees some good Oaks Live Oaks that to replace the ones that we've we've lost lost um you know Pasco County's it's its Landscapes forever change from this storm uh if you go east and it's it's sad to see but there's opportunity to replant replant in the right way so I'd like to find a way Grant monies or whatever uh to have people you know replant or the county replant and you know they're expensive but to find a way to not put that entire cost on the homeowner so as we're going through Grant applications and trees soak up water they drink a lot of water too and I think a lot of people don't realize with those trees is these trees probably saved quite a bit of homes cuz they took the beating from the wind and they took the hit for the homeowner if it didn't fall on their house it could have protected them in ways that we'll never know so anyway just a lot of big big picture thoughts and out there to to look at going forward and I hope rest of the board members have similar thoughts and kind of agree to go through this exercise um you know you know and just appreciate everybody hanging tough and working hard and cleaning up the mess and you know and um thank you to your families too for allowing you all to do your jobs and uh hanging tough with you as they may be cleaning up your own mess and your own lives while you're out here serving serving the people of Pasco County so it doesn't go unnoticed by me and uh appreciate all of you all very very much thank you chair um Mr before we go to the next person yes yes uh I was just notified by the team that you didn't take a motion on 84 what the item that was one that was on consent then you got we got tied up with the objector to 85 so I don't think you've taken action on 84 which was the consent item that nobody objected to move to approve item 84 did but okay second I got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z thank you and for we did it so oh I forgot one other thing uh before I let Mr Wayman speak um we've been through a an event of 200 years or more and unprecedented water that nobody ever expected and a lot of things don't work the same as they always did because of that unexpected storm events that we've had uh I've been here for 79 years and I've never seen anything like this ever so a lot of things play into into this disaster we've just had in our County so and with that I limit everybody to five minutes um Gina I I was trying to keep IDE I was trying to keep the volume off of my phone but were you able to get my okay you don't have to were you really you don't have to I I don't know why every time I hit it the volume would shoot back up again it was getting Lou it doesn't matter if you play the volume or not it's just but this is my flooding photo I didn't I can show you my Gul Harbor's house but no not that I just sent you a video not no that's not it either okay it's an email that just I would have just came but when I look I can't tell if it went through or not all right um okay I'm going to uh continue with you on the tree situation and of course you know I've always been the tree Advocate um and last year we started back on giving trees out on Arbor Day and um I paid for some and the county paid for some um but I would suggest that we you know double our efforts they're not very big and maybe we can talk about getting bigger trees but uh um there is money for tree giveaways and it typically happens on an Arbor Day all around the country so something we can build on um but I'd love to see those oak trees come back uh okay so you can't show that video okay um this is a fact when um we did a field trip to look at the living shore line that they got grant money for after of the The Spill um do you have the picture of the water no there so um that was our Veterans Memorial Park that's along the waterline there um this is what they have two of these and they got they got grant money for this and they built they built up these little islands and then they um brought in these um I don't know what you even call them there's con these line looking things there's concrete on there and then they put other stuff on top that got um oyster beds to grow on it and it has totally Protected Their Shoreline and they they have two of these and they're getting ready to do another one very successful full of fish and it um Jack have you ever seen these because I know we've talked about them but this is the first time I've ever I ever saw one I have I I wouldn't mind seeing one now that the storm's gone through though to see what actually what the effect was yeah and uh well this is in this is in Pensacola um do you have the video of the of the water so that's just a short little video of this water what P or picture that that's that's it looking out um those are the grass beds uh interesting birds don't make a nest Nest on there because they said it's Critters come would come and eat the eggs so they so it's Bird free but um anyway they have two giant installations of that in Pensacola and it's pretty yeah and it's done a great job of protecting them um so that was very interesting okay I got a um I got this is a a trip we did to The Institute for human and machine cognition and um those are like it's like an Iron Man suit some some of them have obviously have defense capabilities and we didn't go into that section but this is for people who have um injuries and so they can walk and move around again and also for for certain kind of jobs uh very very fascinating stuff and um they were very interested in amskills and and partnering with us too so we're going to um invite them down and they're very interested in maet they've got this whole other section that does very uh Advanced SCI scientific research and um I've been reading about them for years that they got a lot of funding from the leg legislature and I always heard about them so I was excited to uh to be able to go visit them okay what other pictures are on there that that's that I don't know I have those pictures keep going I don't if I oh so uh commissioner joerger and I um got into some some Swift boats with our firemen from Long View Texas and um uh Jimmy petronis I guess he's not in these pictures this is kind of a Miss Mash of pictures um so on the left is us going down elfers Parkway and once again we have homes where the water was up to their windows and above an alfor Parkway and this has happened multiple times so I don't know how those mobile homes are still there um but it you can't you can't even tell that's a road you could not tell where any of the roads were they had these sticks in front of them big poles and they were you know trying to keep us safe as we were we were boating down the road commissioner Jer I did not put the picture in here of you and the chickens do you have that I do have that I accidentally deleted mine um but while we were getting ready to go into our boats um uh up comes a little John Boat with a a couple and about I don't know how many chickens were in there um that they rescued out of a tree and since this one used to have chickens she just grabbed a chicken and put it right into the truck I'm not touching wild chicken so um it was it was really funny uh but it was so cool to meet those guys from Texas and um and uh we're we're just grateful that all those First Responders came that's um Governor DeSantis up above when he came to zeper Hills and uh and that was my first view of some of those oak trees you can't see it in this picture but you can see that one oak tree standing up there but behind him was mass destruction of oak trees in that in that that area um so um I got a I got a request from a resident who lives on buddy Lake also I it connects somehow to Lake Pasadena yes M Oakley it does yes um we have an ordinance against airboats on some Lakes on Bell Lake Cruz lake lake Thomas and cherry lake you know that's getting ready to be a a park uh on Lake Pasadena and Buddy Lake and um a passive and active Park in apparently someone's zipping around there in a very loud airboat and I wanted to um know how we go about adding that Lake as a lake that has airbats prohibited on frankly I don't think any boats inside the County District I I'll check that up yeah I I don't think any Lake should have an airbat on it personally do you know how loud those things are disagree with that I so loud I believe you're preempted well these like these legs don't have them on there I believe you're preempted by state law to regulate air boats but I will check on that okay how old's the ordinance I don't section 11447 it should say at the air boats prohibited on certain lakes does it say at the bottom B I don't have a date what was the number again uh section 11447 okay we had someone come in an airboat behind our house in Gul Harbors about 10:00 at night one night just doing donuts and was out there for about an hour everybody came out of their houses and yelling at him which kept him from doing more and more um and uh I had said my comments this morning but I just wanted to um thank everybody for all the hard work we're not done yet um but um wow I think we came through with flying colors when you think about two hurricanes in 13 days I mean has anyone ever gone through anything like that that's why we have all this water and we're unique in our County that we have three Lakes Three Rivers going through it is there any other County that has three rivers going through it maybe up in the Panhandle maybe so we stand out in that regard thank you very much thank you m Jagger I'm just waiting see what pops up first okay so we went out to Moon Lake um the first time we went out we just were delivering supplies and food and everyone kind of stayed in their cars and kind of received us at a distance and then um this Amy sari she donated 30 pizzas and and fed everyone and then later Ed from Grace's food pantry delivered um 150 m so we were able to like give them dinner for the next night so then fast forward the next week I think it's the next slide um uh red tree landscaping and AirHeads donated a food truck oh that's awesome so everybody came out we had a speaker they were having like lips sync battles and um everybody having a great time music was playing and um it was like the whole Community came out and um it was just it was was just really a a magical night and they had a great time um just to kind of forget about everything they had gone through so very excited to be doing um work in Moon Lake um oh yeah this was also that's my little buddy there Maverick I just saw him last week okay and um I recently had the pleasure of spending the morning as a guest speaker at Discovery child care and learning which is part of seroma speech and hearing Foundation literacy program so that was super fun and I had all my little preschool friends which I love so I want to go back and do it again all right and this guy Bob so he was a veteran in one of our mobile home communities our team really focused on mobile home communities and um my poor girls they were seven days a week but um We rescued this guy his name is Bob he's a veteran and he uh actually went to the hospital and they said an hour later he would have died so um he is now he's doing amazing do we have another slide of Bob that's how we found him got him a haircut and this is what he looks like now so he's a totally different person um he's full of life super happy um and he's just thriving so he went from not doing well to doing amazing so um our team we've just been focusing on um finding pockets of people so there's a lot of people in mobile home parks and that's a whole other battle because they are um the the the people that own the parks aren't letting um the county in to pick up the garbage and um they're trying to evict their citizens so it's it's really a mess they don't know if their units are going to be condemned or not um a lot of them don't have power I think we're going to have a a big issue uh with our seniors and Kathy and her team to say they've been amazing is not even it doesn't even do it justice so um as Kathy says I give her friends and they have been housing them and kind of just um doing wraparound services so I really appreciate that and I look forward to um helping more of our seniors in our County so um and that's it for district four all right thank you y Mr Marano thank you Mr chairman and I want say Lis I do appreciate your stepping in to fill that pocket for both Katherine and I in our districts were just just so much going on so you're filling that in you're doing a phenomenal job so we greatly appreciate that uh with our district going up and down it's just we just kind of go from spot to spot uh I think all our our our our team members are doing a great job helping coordinate meals and whatever and uh the community just been amazing our staff has worked so hard all they just keep going they just keep and nobody they just keep going it's awesome uh I just want to show you a quick picture here this is over in Beacon Woods you can see it from 5A going uh Hudson Avenue going across I told you like some if I was worried about the trees that may fall in a storm event when they got really big well at the bottom of the Lakes right there with the water coming in they're even falling now so um I haven't talked with uh the president there but I will and I'll talk with farway O to have him just kind of take a close look at this because they still have time to talk to the developer about clearing those things out but just so you could see this is the type of thing I was worried about if those trees were a lot bigger it'd be a lot more expensive to get rid of so I'm just trying to protect them but uh all in all I just like to say you know uh Kevin Kevin plisa new to the position uh what a phenomenal job he's been doing John Batista Tim Trester in the EOC getting stuff done coordinating with everything that's going on and this coordination effort is going to keep on going they are doing a phenomenal job as is all the team Kathy I know you're slammed JP I know you're busy as heck and um you know just with with everybody doing everything they possibly can I'm going to tell you I and I'm sure you guys see it as well the community just appreciates it uh everybody wants more more but I think we're we're really tracking the right way so I'm proud of everybody here everybody that that works with us and again the community that we have coming together with an event like this is just it's just so inspiring two events two events yeah um commiss Oakley I had two photos that I neglected to show I'm sorry you can't see the video but I sent it to all of you to your phones um so five minutes right five minutes uh I've been help helping feed uh the folks in A Place in the Sun and and we we are connecting with a Christian organization that will go in and help them clean up uh because their Clubhouse they haven't even begun to remediate there was mold they had all these books that were getting moldy and in their bookshelves they didn't touch anything and it it it was horrible but that's their Clubhouse you can see the water line kind of on the side there um I really didn't want to spend a lot of time in there i' got them to eat their lunch outside of the building but my son and I actually made them a curry and um a chicken curry and uh brought it over Sunday um and our staff was in there two days thank you joh I think John John has left but um it was a private road but it wasn't gated and let me tell you the people were walking down the street on their walkers and the stuff was blown into the road so I'm just so grateful they went in there and they got most of it but some of the people like put the trash in their carport and there was no way no way for the arm to get in there so we'll have to get community people to go in there and help them but um Lisa thank you for keeping an eye out on that Community too yeah so that's oh here it is this is my this is my Arista house um so you know people Thousand Oaks people you got nothing on me um and that's filled with my stuff from my boat house that I had to evacuate so you can't tell that's my driveway it got 14 inches in my garage but you know what I'm not blaming the county that the River overflowed its banks did it get in your house no I built my house high I went three foot I I did three courses of brick High to get out of the 100-year flood plane so um you can see it covered my first step and but but it did not get in the house but you know I don't expect you to find an answer to hold back back a river I don't and um so I just I just wanted to show you then the storm start sure you couldn't control that 15 ft coming in there's no way to control but I'm I'm going to be building a new house out there and I'm going to be build it to the FEMA flood regulations and I'm not going to have a heart attack and have to pack it up next time I'm going to build up and build safe um you know we're at 49% penel county is at went a FEMA CRS rating to they're at 30% so if your house received 30% of of damage you're done so imagine all those homes on the bar is I which my son's house was one of them so oh uh did you find out what that foam was was that poisonous that foam in Gulf Harbors that was coming out of that storm drain fire retardant coming off the golf course okay the people there need to know right away because it's blowing down the street if it's if it's toxic or not for some reason they're saying it's toxic guys there's a there is a um I didn't send you a picture but where they're draining the water off the golf course uh where it goes into a a storm drain pipe and it and it's supposed to flow under the street into the canal on the east side where the storm drain is across the street it is foaming like a bubble bath and just blowing in down the street in people's yards i' never see anything like it yeah for record Jason Mel Public Works director um CHR starky I received the information this morning um we sent crews out this morning and I I haven't heard back yet as to what what they found normally I'm not saying that's this what it is but in conditions like this you could see detergents that leak um into the community that then can get agitated and foam you could also see that were fire retardant Solutions like where you have fires in a neighborhood put the fire out the stuff gets coming from the golf course agitated also for lack of a better word dead stuff when it decomposes can cause foam as well like fish and other things in the system so we're looking into it um right now I don't know I don't I don't have an answer for you but I'll get i'll get but someone's checked it out today we are yep crew are out there today what do you do take the foam and then do a they'll probably work with our with our lab to try to get a to try to get a sample all right thank you okay y okay all right Mr cabala thank you uh first board I appreciate all the accolades towards the team here I I know it's it's certainly appreciated and they they know you support them so I thank you for that three three really quick things first commissioner waitman to your earlier points and your comments I think it was very very thoughtful conversation and you're right it is a Sticky Wicket when it comes to uh approved development and and those things on the books however I would just like to remind the board too that we have the storm water master plan that is underway Mr ML and I spoke extensively during the during the course of the storms about accelerating the pace of of that to try to get answers and projects on the books that hopefully we will be able to bond in the future to to to make real real progress but also I wonder and I'm just I'm just kind of throwing this out to the board here is that there are a number of storm water regulations Swift Mud regulates and things out there if it would be good to perhaps use one of our Workshop sessions to sit down and talk about storm water regulations what's out there and educate and and you know learn because as times change and things evolve you know I'm I'm looking at Living shorelines as examples of things that are resiliency projects and you know perhaps The New Normal is Shifting in terms of strength and severity of Storms and it's just an opportunity to have a conversation and education and and perhaps throw new ideas out there um to talk about because as you point out commissioner I do think this is something that does take years to evolve but and that Evolution has to start somewhere so perhaps that is something the board may be interested in and if so happy to try to facilitate that M chairman yes yeah I think I think it's a great idea I I think and and we talked and commissioner wa I'm glad you brought it because this is a great time to get information like you'll never get again and this may be the extreme of everything but at least you know from the core you can look at I mean I when I first started every time we looked it was after 2004 I looked at every every zoning was coming in I was looking what flooded what didn't every single time it came on there and finally we I think things got addressed fairly well but I think it's really good to look at it because literally uh going out to that Kella Drive I encourage all of you to go there when I look at that site and I have this engineer telling me how this is okay and that's going to be protected when they don't factor in any of the uh pervious that can absorb the water and now that's going to be gone and I'm going to have a few hundred homes in there creating more impervious it's going to come it's going to come quick on a rapid storm I I I don't buy the formula that they're going to be okay and for them to be able to raise a road to one side go to the other side it's something really we need to like pay attention like never before because I I know we've all heard it you heard about froma people from eron cut off you know too much going on too much going on we can make it all work extreme events are going to be blown up but at least Le we got to make sure we're making every event we can to the minimal and I'm just saying from what I saw what this engineer was telling me he says he's Justified I'm G to have my team look at it our team look at it but I I I suggest you guys look at it too I think it's a great idea Mike yeah I appreciate what you're saying and the fact is and Mike knows this too that GIS reports on on where we are right now with the waters and the flood waters uh we're taking note of that and we we're taking pictures to know where it's at so that's going to help us in the future I think so with a lot of things because we haven't seen War this height so okay thank you sir uh the last last two items I don't think I necessarily need a motion but other than just maybe some tacit head nods on a letter I'd like to send um worked with Jeff's team to pen a letter to uh state Florida Department of of Emergency Management kind of just codifying our understanding of certain actions that we've taken with solid waste and debris Management in terms of our contracts uh we just like to pen it uh just to make sure we've we've kind of sent our our understanding forward to the state uh with regards to that just have it signed by the chair there something yeah you you need a motion to authorize the chair to sign the letter to Mr gri in that case I would I would seek a motion to have this letter that we've pinned and I'll get a copy of it to all of you to it's basically factual documentation of what we've understood through conversations with the state regarding some of our debris uh contracts so move p a motion so moved Mar y I got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z next thing thank you sir and this the last one is is more of a walk-on agenda item you have a copy of this um um there it's it's um file number CD 250023 delegation of authority to execute satisfaction of mortgages so um on November 1st we are slated to close on the car's facility in Dade City right uh the board recently approved that in August you've also approved $1.3 million from the state which will take over to complete construction of that there are still a number of leans on the property uh that need to be cleared so in order for carers to clear those leans they are selling another asset their facility on clock tower um so they have some liquidity to go ahead and and pay off those leans among other among other business debts the county does hold sublimes through some former CBG um mortgages that are on the clock tower facility one for 260,000 which dates back to 2006 a couple of recent ones for 30,000 but um those were those were federally donated dollars I think the the the purpose of those mortgages has been satisfied and I'm I'm basically asking uh the authority to be delegated to me to satisfy those mortgages uh that way those incumbrances can be released and we can move on with the closing M chairman yeah I have a question so I saw I saw that and I wanted I'm glad we're discussing cuz I I didn't I don't know if I'm really fully comfortable with just forgiving it as you're I think as you're saying to wave it I'm not even sure that's legal it so we go ahead Kathy all right so what we're looking to do is on the mortgages for the cares in in Clock Tower we're not looking to get paid on it to forgive it so we don't own the building at clock towers but we do have these leans on it and in order for us to close on the other property over in Dade City they they need to pay these leans off and so they're using some of the sale money to pay these leans off and therefore we are going to forgive these on them so wait can can you not use they can you not use pronoun so I'm I'm clear cares cares we're buying a building from cares in dat City no this is the this is the building that was that they didn't get that we got that they transfer are going to be trans transferring to us to complete it for a senior center okay which building has the mortgages on it the clock tower has this particular cdbg mortgages on it but the cdb whatever um my understanding from using th getting those grants is they have to be it has to be used in for the same purpose um I'm not Mar maybe you can come I mean we have a cdbg Grant on skills and if we ever sell that building it has to go to be used for the same purpose the loan is the mortgage is Forgiven in 30 years this was I think we have 18 years on it right now so it isn't a full 260 I think when you say we do you mean the cdbg grant still has County yes the county the cdbg county okay and who and we're buying out that Grant on the clock tower that's Mr Mr chairman it's not making if I let me let me let me try Okay they ran into trouble in the senior center the state asked us to take it out city in dat city right take it over right it is lean to the hilt they are trying to sell Clock Tower to pay off those leans otherwise those leans become yours okay but to the with the cdbg grants those have restrictions on them that's true the the the Marcy you can come up and explain but she can waiver these at the board of the county commissioner's direction we can waiver these otherwise we're going to have to go through the court process oh I did not know you could wave those I haven't ever heard her say that I thought that was a federal thing Marcy esberg director of Community Development so the mortgages that we put on any cdbg Grant over a certain amount uh is part of the way we do business here in Pasco County it is not a HUD requirement we do it because uh that's the way our our office has been funded for years and we turn the money back into the community so that it could continue to be used for low and moderate income persons so uh so the board has the right to forgive those uh so you know so yes the restrictions that are on the building in clock Tower are just the same as you would have seen on the amp skills and so that's why this is coming to the board is because the then the board has the right to say We'll forgive these okay I never heard that we could forgive Mr chairman yes sir I mean I have a problem putting both of these together so let's talk about just Dade City first so Dade City we we took over the building did we take over the leans too we haven't so in City they need to sell their Clock Tower to pay off the leans so we can take the building over on November 1st free and clear all right so let's talk about why are we doing these two separate transactions help me so we are not so yeah to answer your first question we have not taken over yet the boards agreed to the sale and purchase agreement that was back in August to purchase or to take over the facility that transfer comes with all of these leans the state went through a special appropriation to provide 1.3 million to the county uh to complete the construction essentially of of the facility and pay the leans the leans are separate no the leans were not part of the calculus so so cares is leveraged to the hilt and so you know if they don't sell the clock tower facility I will tell you this they again they will likely end up in Bank bankruptcy that this was discussed previously uh if they end up in bankruptcy then all assets become part of the bankruptcy proceedings in the court and you probably won't see the car's facility in Dade City coming to us as well because they can do I think a 90-day look back I think too right so we'll we'll be stuck in this the most expedient thing at this point is to forgive the leans is to forgive the mortgages and move on so we can accomplish the the um I don't like it you don't have to like it but it's it's quite honestly the most pragmatic thing to do under the circumstances yeah yeah it's it's not something you have to do but I would not advise closing on the senior center in Dade City unless those leans are cleared because you inherit more liability than you do so so about paper thing really so the so Theo the proceeds from the closing at KES and clock tower is going to pay off the leans over in dat City that's right San Antonio Credit Union and the contractor will be PID will be made whole on the senior center that title will come to us clear free and clear at least that's the way this transaction is set up if we don't take our 260,000 and and 30,000 or whatever those numbers were uh on clock tower because then they can use 100% of the process proceeds from that transaction to pay those two creditors off on Dat City cares can be another conversation about what what what are they doing what are they going to do because I don't want that money disappearing either to some of their thing Park Tower sold the building to a sober house living facility we take over the date city building during closing November 1st and they have nothing to do with that senior center in date City anymore we take over the seniors in they area because that that would have stayed with them forever and then eventually goes away so I I I get it and I would move approval yeah I need I got a motion I'll second I got a second all those in favor say I I I I I okay pass 5 Z is that everything mik yes sir Mr Stein Steiner to answer commissioner starky's earlier question um the ordinance was passed in 2006 at least its last revision uh chapter 32760 local regulations state [Music] says that you can adopt a local ordinance but you may not discriminate against Airboats for ordinances adopted after July 1st 2006 and here's the caveat unless adopted by 2third vote of the governing body enacting such ordinance so I recall there was a preemption the preemption can be overridden by 2third vote so you could act you based on what I'm reading here I think we could add that PL I think a lake that's a bordering a park should be airboat free and most of that I mean and that that lake is in a bowl so it must just reverberate like crazy in there so well there's a in buddy Lake there's a sinko yeah so it took a lot of water out of that yeah it's not that's not a water body I think be having an air boat on it so I would like for us to suggest that well I don't want to fight with my rural Neighbors in East Pasco County because a lot of them have air boats a lot of them have air boats on that lake is it no I'm just talking about that one Lake not other Lake there there's public access to that Lake there is public access for fishing in that Lake pass I don't care I'm fine with fishing I know you don't fish in that uh an airboat well there's there's a lot of people that legally have air boats should be able to use them that's going to be one heck of a park out there it's not going to be in the park so be abing the park um can I just share it's two seconds go ahead um we cannot end this meeting without a big thank you to this guy who visited 911 and uh everybody in the Emergency Center so he brought brought a lot of smiles and um I think he brought a lot of Joy so and he brought 5 lbs to everyone's waistline with ice cream on his birthday yeah is he gonna have training and I believe he's the official County dog now um that reminds me do we have an update on our our Deputy excuse me Mr Mariana I believe you raised your hand uh I was just going to ask that maybe it'd be good to have that ordinance sent to all of us so we take a look at it yeah we can all look at it see you I want to see it just see it okay as as it exists we're not oh as it exists you don't want me to draft one no no no no no just as it is yeah not not a problem okay and I've allowed myself 30 minutes no I'm not spending 30 minutes talking about things but the fact of it is we went through hurricane Helen hurricane Milton everybody knows it everybody's heard it uh just on and on I've been out talking to people I went to The Enclave where that area in The Enclave development is a bowl and that water rushed in there and we were able to with the help of State guard to save a lot of people in that area like 288 people I think they moved out of that area when it was flooding and no one was injured and I there may be some houses in in flood waters I mean in the got flooded but when I was out there that day most people said they didn't get flooded there so but the war was up it's like a bowl inside the development so and that water came over in and then flooded like a pond so but 288 people were moved and then I was over at the U outlet mall and I got be in one of those I think they call a fat truck or toy truck but I was able to travel on one of those with the state guard went out in through the pond to the backside of the Allen Mall the water at that point in time that we were in was u a part of those flood waters but fact of it is it had to travel or gain five or six feet before it got up to Road level and I at that point I just never realized that uh that actually the mall would flood and it looks like they built them all up enough that that that didn't happen so but the Builders of that were I guess looking at the 100e flood plant whatever but it was well taken care of so I'm not going to say it'll never flood before again because there's always that chance of getting a 300 year or 400 year storm in our area but uh it hasn't this time um I've worked with the people there they live in Hickory Hill been trying to pump water over the old railroad track bed over there I've worked on that since I was at Swift mut in 2007 till now and um I think when it's all first started I was the only one there are some people in east side of the county seab barn that realized we put we put pumps here at one time or other to pump water over because there's a there's a call there that if it would if it was and I try to get permission from the EV Evans Family if it was set even a foot lower those homes would have never got flooded if that covered but that didn't happen but they gave me permission to pump over and we did that up and the point of all the river was flowing into date City and we couldn't pump any more over because we would just continuously uh flood neighbors out there and we didn't want to do that and we didn't do that so but a lot of people even though it's happened on the west side with everything they have is kind of a little different than on the east side where we're bit higher in some areas cuz we're on the Brooksville Ridge um so we got Hil Hills and things of that nature even though we got the river and that over there too we um have a lot of beautiful 150 year old Oaks and all that didn't make it through the storm and it's this is not the first time we've lost a lot of big Oaks but a lot of Oaks have been planted before and they'll be planted after this so they're very Majestic and very beautiful oak trees um and they're they got to be 150 to 200 years old as huge as they are and just to let you know that uh my plans at U historic Courthouse will be to take the oak that I was afraid to was going to come down on the World War II Memorial after we kind of settle the dust here with we're going to take that oak tree down and then needs to it's fixing the following a World War II Memorial keep it from I mean a big limb a big limb came off I heard about it I was afraid it was going to be in that Memorial and I got there and it was not so be thankful then that it didn't happen we can take that tree down and uh it looks like we're going to come back in with some uh maybe some cabbage Palms that's a state tree we look back in history and and in front of the courthouse in history back maybe 50 years ago or so it had cabbage BMS in front of that Courthouse you go and they're in the picture so we might to straighten that up but we got to take that tree out we've been told by by AR yeah that actually that tree has been needing to come down for quite a while so we we going to have to do this just letting you know so but um then we all went to went to a uh had a big discussion at St Leo University and discussed a lot of things happening around the state in the county and uh very very informative U presentation from myself Danny Burgis Randy magard uh Seth you were there too right yeah Seth was there also yeah but it was very informative meeting and and a lot of people got information they didn't have it so those kind of things are very important um I I can't thank each and every one of you my board members and county attorney's office Mike and all your staff and all of our employees all over the county for what they've done during this time because um thank you just doesn't sound good enough but I'm telling you it's it it's well noticed not just with us but but others in our Tri count or I guess Tri County Area of uh are the stampa Bay Region with with Hillsboro Pine housee and Pasco County people notice when you carry out the right kind of job for your county and they have noticed Pasco County has done just that so uh I think I don't know what to form I want to ask one question then I'll be done but one question is on the FEMA meeting on Thursday night at the historic Courthouse which I will be there what is the plan I mean is it going to be just like this other one they had and cuz people I'm afraid people are going to go there looking for County information more than just FEMA but County information they need both but yeah yes sir so that and that was the intent that was kind of the lesson learned from FEMA meeting that they had at the Hudson Library is that folks really kind of want information from both so it's my understanding Fimo will will be there as part of that but we will have County Personnel on hand to discuss County specific issues and matters for for the county all right sounds good there's also a there a virtual option as well that'll be through teams or WebEx that that will allow folks to the opportunity to to watch and yeah question okay well when he had it over in Hudson there was over a 100 people watching that on uh one of Troy's trucks that he had it he had broadcast over there there was over 100 people in the parking lot there at the judicial Center that that watched that going on so I mean you'd think well they wouldn't be interested but over 100 people gathered to see it there's some interest there so yeah lots of it yeah so I expect knock on wood I expect a big crowd but the fact of it is I expected a much bigger crowd here today too but it did didn't come to be but I know we've done a lot of uh messaging out there uh I than Troy many times for the type his trucks are and they going down through and broadcasting that message to everyone it really paid off uh from Helen to Milton it really paid off a lot for our people moving y and it did a good job so can I thank you many times yes sir so I know years ago we we trying to put um a swamp out for Billboards and I know there's at least two or three on 19 alone that have been just ripped off their Foundation what happens to a buildo after the fact can they put it back up I do not know the answer well if it's non-conforming and it's no if it's nonconforming it can go back up but if it's just their signs you know I mean the whole I mean Foundation like the support system split yeah oh good give me the address there a lot of signs there we'll be changed um I just got a little notice about red tide do we know what's going on off our Coast with red tide I do not but uh I'll certainly get back to the weather channel is showing a map and it's got us with red tide off the coast yeah but I I you know I'd like to know okay also what I'm sorry pardon me uh but I forgot to ask the clerk what he would like to say and then ask about the den fever stuff what the den fever go ahead come on go ahead nothing on behalf of uh the clerk but just an anecdotal type thing because I mentioned earlier about 200 2004 when the Charlie and two others crisscross P County and the east side of the county had a little more impact and again being city manager at the time and everybody was hugging that tree canopy of those stately Laurel Water Oak and Live Oaks that they wanted to be preserved well right after those three storms all of a sudden there was much more interest in we need to do something about the trees because it made spaghetti out of and and having lived on the uh east side of the county and experienced probably 100 mph winds and downburst from the what I think is probably that cold front hitting that caus that caused the 14 Ines of rain I'm not a meteorologist just play at it but um if you notice in the Dade City area the trees for the most part are pushed South the winds at that point should have been out of the East uh when that storm so we think a lot of that but regardless of all that uh the very tall overmature lurs and others that just are down all over as as commissioner wman just said and while the canopy in Dade City was changed in 2004 it's been changed tremendously again and uh it's amazing you drive down the street and the sky is open and uh it's uh it's a little it's a little Shake I'm not looking forward to see M Dy what were you talking um I missed the call about where we talked about Denay fever um there are I know of at least one and really two stores on 19 that of exposed tires um the health department supposed to be kind of all over that I thought but deay fever is transmitted through mosquito bites so we have an ordinance in the county that tires cannot be left uncovered and I just what's going on with the D fever and do we need to be vigilant with code enforcement on getting those those tire stores to cover their tires so two things real quick I'll answer your question on red tide we have pinged I'm trying to see if there's any update on D fever um I'm on fish and wildlife's uh red tide status sampling map which is the most recent eight days of sampling there is a what would be considered a high hit of of um concentration probably about 15 miles Due West of Caladesi uh lowering as you go south um but there's it's not present in other other sampling spots that would be more relevant to Pasco so up around ano key uh so I mean there does appear to be some samplings that that suggest that uh we'll we'll have to look into that and provide more information regarding Denay fever of course the Department of Health was concerned about that especially post rain I know mosquito control has ramped up efforts and I know that there was also the Department of Agriculture has an intervention team as well that is working on spraying for mosquitoes I'll have to look into our tire ordinance in terms of that but there's there's plenty of breeding ground uh for that so we have H 14 cases of Denay fever as of last week well that's a lot all right that's a lot um and don't forget Thursday Kathy can you talk about um the event at the at the Grand Boulevard and um William koser who was at the White House with Trump and is now the lobbyist for the company that sells those pallets um he contacted me and uh he's heard about our event and they're sending someone to that event did they get in touch with you okay that's taken care Kathy Pearson assistant County Administrator public services this is a media event so it's a little bit of different uh it's going to be from 9: to 11: on uh Thursday morning and what a media event is joina probably can talk better than me but it's an opportunity for the media to come and visit to come and tour to take pictures take videos interview some of the teamate um members that have been instrumental in in getting this done and uh that's Thursday morning at the 2654 Grand Boulevard I want to personally thank the Public Works team the public infrastructure um facilities County attorneys I am simply Blown Away by what they did in a few weeks to create what they created down there and so thank you all from the bottom of our hearts and hopefully we're going to have some great success stories come out of that and one more when will we start uh filling the so we are almost at the end of our agreement and so Mike has the authority to sign that agreement and the plan is to open on Monday if all goes well so we're planning on Monday and youth Lane will be about another two weeks so we're looking at Mid November they're still putting the infrastructure in there okay all right that I'm going to journ [Music] --------- ##VIDEO ID:pwjdg7p3Xvc## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning I would like to call to order the Pasco County Board of county commissioner meeting of 10:00 a.m. meeting of October 22nd at this time please silence all electronic devices and please rise with me for the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your head is open wi to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful of your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen to the flag of the unit States of America and to the it stands one nation God indivisible justice for all uh Mr Clark would you please call the row District Two commissioner wman pres District three commissioner starky here District Four commissioner Jagger here District Five commissioner Marano here district one chairman Oakley here that be now we have a quorum presid all Commissioners are presid at the v um i' would like to remind people that this is time for public comment this is one of the times that we the board do not speak back to the public so you have your three minutes to speak we listen to you I have extra staff members here today to follow you out of the room and answer any questions you have directly to that staff member so but we're prepared to be able to hopefully answer all your questions so so uh now public comment say are given a uh opportunity to comment on any current or future agenda item coming before the board and on other and on other business under the board's perview today's public comment will be handled as follows first we will take public comment from those people here and signed in um then we will take public comment from those who are pre-registered on web webx link and currently on Q we request that when you you address the board comments are directed not personally toward a commissioner or a staff member but rather direct your questions to the issues this provides mutual respect between board members and the public uh after stating your name and address a 3 Minute Timer will be activated after 2 minutes a single beat will sound and you will have one minute left to finish your comments when your time is up to Beats will sound and you asked to finish your comments um okay Madame clerk do we have a oh excuse me Mr clerk my script never knows or man you never know okay but uh would you please uh call those to that have signed up to speak yes sir first up The Honorable Mike Fano tax collector welcome Mr Pano Mr chairman thank you very much Commissioners good morning uh I won't take but a couple of minutes I go past my three minutes I apologize couple of things I just want to bring up to dates if I may first to thank you thank you all our County Administrator Mike and his staff uh EOC um it's been a rough three weeks there's no question about it uh you all have stepped up to the plate amazing ly but your staff has done an outstanding job and um um I don't know what more they could do and they continue to do their best and uh hopefully God willing uh some of those who are still hurting uh some way they'll be able to uh get back I have great concerns great concerns about those who are uh have been put out their home uh maybe not able to fix their home or maybe their home is unhabitable that they have no insurance zero insurance and I was concerned about this when I was a legislator of uh of the mess that would be when we got hit with a major storm and I think we're going to see a lot of people uh not having a home uh to go back to with that said uh congratulations on a job well done to everyone and thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart um couple of things we did over the past year um uh we bought a piece of property in the angelene community uh right on the uh uh north side of 52 at angelene for $2 million we're already in the process of doing our architectural work and our uh engineering work will start uh groundbreaking in next year and I tell you this because uh it's going to cost us several more million dollars to build it we're not asking for any money we'll do it from the tax collector's uh um uh uh budget uh we also purchased which was outstandingly helpful in uh this year we purchased a $400,000 generator for Orlando Lakes office that kept us going to keep an office open to Ser serve our Pasco residents um we um we are plans and the great help of Heather uh and others at your county staff and there goes my three minutes um no that's just I have a check to give you you one more um that next plan on moving our Wesley Chapel office uh which we're uh uh staying right now and doing a lease uh we're moving into going to build a new office in the Wesley in the Wesley Chapel area that the county has donated to us and we'll build a new office there um our starting salary now is at $20 an hour uh something that we've moved uh from 15 I'm sorry from uh uh from $19 to I'm sorry uh from uh gosh salary that I think started at $9 an hour now we're at $20 an hour our turnover is almost little to none uh we were able to just give out uh significant retention bonuses to all our employees recently just about a week or so ago and we're looking good at the tax collector's office um your EOC director is second to none in the State of Florida and that's what I hear throughout the state from other counties and other legislators with all of that I think I'm done um I want to give you a check for $5.6 million today okay so I hope that will be helpful so I'll give it to Harold I know he'll he'll take good care of that check yeah well thank you for coming and um the reason you have such good help is they've got one of the best bosses they could have in Pasco County so thank you very much you do a great job and and we watch you and we all appreciate everything you do do so just to reiterate it's 5.7 million we're giving today and that's because my staff does an excellent job but also I need to you know make it clear that that check is going to start depleting over the next couple years as we build our Angeline office okay so uh this way there's no surprises okay I hope that will be helpful towards whatever you need to use it for God bless you have a great day God bless you thank you um I'm not sure this name shumi Greer state your name and address for the record hello my name is shamisha gr I live at 8205 changes Square Apartments um Newport Richard 33 655 new Resident Pesco County and my concern is that um I was impacted by the storm hurricane two hurricanes bik the bike my industry is that I'm a caregiver um I haven't been working since October because everybody evacuated I evacuated with my family so my apartment filed eviction on me you know they're not trying to work with me cuz I told them I was impacted by the storm so also I'm kind of like Advocate with flut Rising so I'm from hillsb County so that's why I'm here so I know about coming to the County Commission to speak for our resident and um also the office told me one resident had gave her her key because she was impacted by the storm no negotiating nothing just playing you evicted you know what I'm saying it's like I'm came here for a new change to get on my feet cuz I was impacted by um I had covid-19 I I was on oxygen I was very sick so I lost a lot so I came here for a new start now it's turning bad because of the storm I'm going to get evicted because I can't find resources to help me I'm not familiar with this County so it's like um I'm speaking for me and other people in the community that need help you know that's what I do so if y'all see me on the news I speak for a fun is um if you pull up Bay News 9 I speak about the fun is to help P that's impacted by um disasters also okay I think Mrs Pearson's going to speak with you okay Kathy Pearson will meet you in the back there she's going back there she's amazing she'll she'll answer your questions okay thank you um Tangier Square I think is one of our um lowincome communities that is run by a nonprofit pretty sure on 54 Old 54 got an next person uh Bridget andot is her phone oh oh might have been hers good morning okay and address for the Bridget andelot 1620 tberry Court um I'm a resident of Thousand Oaks I'm here today to address the reoccurring flooding issues that continue to plague several of our communities including Thousand Oaks 2.5 2 to5 6 to9 Thousand Oaks multi Trinity Oaks Windgate Chelsea place and the business district behind Walgreens on Mitchell Boulevard which also includes the church property and that's only to name a few during Hurricane Milton we were told this was a 100-year storm but this explanation Rings Hollow when our communities flood during regular storms and heavy rain Seasons this isn't a once in a century problem it's become a regular occurrence that threatens our homes our safety and our peace of mind I'm here to ask three critical critical questions first what is your concrete plan to address these reoccurring floods we need more than temporary solutions about exceptional weather events second regarding the little road pumps um were they all operational during the last flood and if not why because this is basic infrastructure that should be functioning when we need it most um third and most Cru crucially how do you plan to ensure that emergency access during storms when these areas flood that although we're not just dealing with property damage you're potentially cutting off emergency services from reaching the residents in crisis at the time um let me be personal for a moment um I invested my entire life savings to move here I chose this area specifically because it was marked as a non-flood Zone high-end Community my neighbors and I believed that we were buying into a secure future but instead we live in constant anxiety every time rain is forecasted this isn't just about property values although they're certainly important this is about an emotional toll of watching our neighbors hes homes flood repeatedly it's about going to bed during storms wondering if we'll wake up to water in our living rooms it's about wondering if our retirement investments in these homes were a terrible mistake we need a comprehensive solution that number one addresses the root cause of these flooding issues ensures that all the pump stations are properly maintained and operational provides better Emergency Management during these storms and restores our community to their intended non-flood Zone status with remediation the residents of these communities myself in this area choose this area carefully we want to stay here we want to thrive here but we need your leadership and action to make that possible I look forward to your specific plans to address these issues thank you for your time we got someone to speak to you okay thank you okay that's all that have signed up and Advance is there anyone in the uh room that did not sign up wish to speak did she leave a phone number for come forward and state your name and address what was her name let me WR Pastor Jen Kwak 15925 Green Glen Lane Spring Hill Florida the pass ghost Spring Hill um I just was moved to come today and I wasn't going to come but it was really on my heart today for a few things after seeing the incredible Devastation and and you know all that this young woman just brought forward um so many people do the same thing I did the same thing I spent my life savings to move to Florida from Illinois mainly if I'm honest for the weather not so much about the investment in a physical thing in a home but in myself and and to thrive and to live in a place where I believe that I could Thrive I lived in pelis county for many years and after the congestion just honestly squeezed me out because it was just incredible the the vast number of people that retire to Pasco County and I understand that we're trying to do something similar in our own way in Pasco County um you know I think that the congestion and the rate of development and all the things that people previously had been concerned about uh we find oursel in a position today in Pasco County where people are flooding even Inland where they might be in um an xzone a non flood non evacuation Zone and that they're being flooded there are many many issues that I know that are going to take time to address but you know this is what was on my heart today I don't usually bring a word from God to y'all but today I just needed to share Psalms 145:17 the Lord is righteous in all his ways gra gracious in all his works the Lord is near to all who call upon him and to to all who call upon him in truth and if we're truthful with ourselves and with one another I would encourage you what I am receiving from people that have reached out to me in many different ways many different formats you know social media wherever it doesn't matter I don't even know some of the people and they are very concerned about the lack of uh what appears to be the lack of oversight with regards to the building and P perhaps we should consider a moratorium in the same way that Zephyr Hills did to identify these storm water issues to identify the issues of the current residents the people who have already invested all of their life savings into this community and look to you for your leadership and seek you for WI counsel and so I just pray that each of you do seek wise counsel um not just from men okay your time's up thank you Kathy you want to speak to her or you got somebody there okay okay there's someone in the back that can speak to you outside there there yeah that's good anyone else in the audience wish to speak that was not signed up come forward if you're want to speak yes sir state your name and address for the records my name is Edward SE and 5852 SE Forest Drive Newport rich in Pasco County uh I just wanted to come up here just to thank uh the whole board for the organization and the help uh that was out there for everyone who suffered through these past two uh hurricanes um it was amazing to see so many boots on the ground um coming from the Commissioners all together so uh I just wanted to say we appreciate that and uh and thank you very much because um it just showed the UN that uh the board has with the community and and how uh they're reachable and and easy to speak to and it was just a wonderful coordinating uh situation that was done really quick and fast very fast so um as resident of Pascal County we I just want to thank you okay thank you sir thank you for all you did too y okay anyone else in room wish to speak see no when we have anybody on WebEx we do not have anyone on calling okay all right then we'll close Public public hearing and uh move in to consent somewhere I've got a full sheet uh I have uh C3 pull and discuss c38 pull c54 pull C63 pull uh a ac52 pull uh C C15 withdraw c22 withdraw c49 withdrawal c64 withdrawal and c65 withdraw do I have um a motion on the rest of the items on consent move the res of the Cent agenda second I got a motion in second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 z uh we'll start with uh C3 commissioner Mariana yes I'd like to uh present this resolution um Mr sepi was just up here and his mother Grace was um have done just so many great things in Comm I just wanted I wanted them recognized today so appreciate the board's IND deligence if we could read the resolution bring that to you would we do that now or after we approve the consent why don't you finish the consent agenda and then and then yeah we can do that do the resolution next okay we we'll wait on reading that and we'll move on to c38 to pull uh Mr chairman uh c38 was pulled on our request uh just as part of the copies weren't there and just ask that to be contingent on Clerk's final review okay so that item plus these other items are the same thing because they're well we can handle them together uh C you're going to have to need you're going to need individual motions any we got to do individual move approval c38 with the clerk's final approval second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 c54 PA c54 was just received received um a short time ago and again with the combined agendas there was a little bit of volume this time so we'd ask it to be contingent on clerk review so moved second got a motion and a second all those in favor say I I I I motion pass 5 Z can can I ask a question on that one I mean we've been doing that for a while so what's what what's the issue on it I mean this isn't the first year we've done this right no ma'am this is the first renewal however it's uh there was a error we had a change in leadership in the fire department so there was a oh just change of change of leadership yeah okay that's understand change yeah C63 C63 again this is a situation where you've delegated authority contingent on Final documents being prepared to the County Administrator for uh his execution uh as this is board document we just asked that we coordinate for U attestation as a board document and then will be distributed in normal process okay move appr second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 z uh c152 this is a agenda this was on the agenda and again just contingent on clerk uh having a chance to review and and we' recommend approval okay pfm is obtain obtaining signatures of the uh folks who were awarded under this under the multiple multiple vendors which is why it didn't get to the clerk's office on time okay move approval second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I I motion pass 5 the other items on the back are all withdrawn so that that ends the consent agenda except we'll go back to C3 thank you Mr yes I wanted to pull this because I I really wanted to recognize um matter of fact Ed and Gracie come on up please I wanted to recognize gracious Pantry they they do a phenomenal job for us seniors um I get this first experience probably a couple months ago and I just wanted to at that point bring them forward to to show everybody what they're doing and fortunately I think the rest of the board has now seing what they've been doing as we've been going through this and uh um again to just I I can't tell you how many time how much I appreciate what you do for our seniors every step of the way and I told you I want to try to give as much help as I can so I think uh starting with the recognition is probably a good way to go CL resolution uh resolution number 2513 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida commending Gracie's food pantry for their service to the citizens of Pasco County whereas Gracie's food pantry was founded by Gracie pronounce yes oh good in 2013 and since then has successfully op opened six pantries and feeds approximately 2,000 to 2500 people per month and whereas Gracie's food pantry provides High high quality nutritious food at no cost to those struggling with a wide range of issues and whereas Gracie's food pantry depends on volunteers to help sort pack and distribute food and relies on sponsorships from local businesses to help alleviate or alleviate operating costs those sponsors also provide information to patrons regarding health benefits pharmaceutical benefits Medical Offices Home Improvements and more and whereas Gracie's food pantry values the lives of every everyone who comes to receive Food all their pantries are set up to provide a dignified shopping experience where the patron can choose the items that they would like to bring home and whereas since 2013 Gracie's food pantry has fed approximately 51,000 excuse me 840 people not including additional families and the homeless population and has been recognized by several organizations such as the Pasco County Chamber of Commerce excuse me and West Pasco Border Realtors and whereas Gracie's food pantry has a mission to eleviate hunger and Foster food Security in the community by providing healthy and nutritious food essential resources and supportive services to seniors veterans and families in need and whereas Gracie's food pantry believes that everyone deserves to have access to food that nourishes their body and they are committed to creating a community where no one goes hungry now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby commends Gracie's food pantry for their service to the citizens of Pasco County done and resolved in regular session with the Quorum president voting this 22nd day of October 2024 move approval second got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 welcome thank you thank you very much Mr chair before I let them talk and I want them to talk but I just want to say the um to give you an example you know I I went to their different places they do the distributions of this at different places I was amazed that it was so seamless and so well-run um and the people are so appreciative of it when I recently just came across them um I was called them because I knew the Pasco Brave down in new p r was going to be shutting down so I gave him a call to go down and uh you know take a look at whatever you might need which you can fit with your different pantries uh to make it all work so they go down there and uh going to say grace outw worked him loading up the truck uh she was she was phenomenal she just like gets right in there and goes um when we got done one of the things that was in there was they had a a pallet of produce apples ready to go and uh he said to me he says I can't take those but you might want to call the volunteer way so no only does he think of himself and what he's doing but he wants to help funnel it and I'll I I will tell you that CEO came down met with me probably like a half an hour later and we brought out the whole pallet we unloaded the whole thing actually end up put my truck but we dra it all over to the volunteer way it was gone the next day so all those people get that extra nutrition from good healthy stuff because of you're great thinking and then give me a great idea and um that CEO to to jump on down the volunteer way to to make it all happen but I I just can't thank you enough I know it's I've just seen you guys with your passion going through it and I just wanted to recognize you and and show your appreciation and just thank you for what you're doing I'd like to add something too if that's okay I just want to say that I I had Ed on speed dial and it didn't matter if it was 8:00 at night he would and Grace if they would come and help serf 200 meals and they were there in a hot second so um also we spent several days together the entire day we didn't know each other at all and uh Ed would just open up his car and they would have tons of fresh like you said Fresh Food Water Supplies and they are they are truly amazing and Miss Grace I found her her secret to her beauty regimen because she is absolutely gorgeous in her 80s and uh she outruns uh circles around EDS so um just thank you guys for everything thank and I first met them at a trinity chat luncheon and um they were the featured speakers I guess so um and I was able to visit their the pantry yesterday in um what's the name of that location you were atanda Janda Village yes and um and on Thursday in holiday they will be providing um their pantry and we're bringing I think 200 or 150 lunches oh my staff's not here yeah so um uh so if you want to come over if you haven't seen them in action you can go from the dedication on Grand Boulevard over the holiday um Lakes to the clubhouse and um bring bring your own donations I brought them some yesterday I'm going to bring more up Thursday so what a blessing you are to the community and um I'm just so grateful that you're doing what you do thank you thank you chair wa 51,8 40 meals that's probably way short from what I'm hearing I tell you I mean it's God's work right there and without you all and your mission we'd be in a lot worse shape your organization and so many others that have stepped in to help people just get something to eat and and uh help them gather their thoughts before they figure out what their next steps in life are going to be so thank you for your love and your compassion and your care for Pasco County and for each other so we're very grateful that you live here thank you yeah ID like to thank you for what you do for for your community and the people in your community so when you work so hard sometimes you get tired but the reality of it is if you love your work it never seems like a job so I'm sure you love your work and you've really helped a lot of people in Pasco County we certainly appreciate that so thank you if you would please tell a couple of stories about what you find when you're taking care of these seniors what it means to them some of the things you tell me about it gets them through the next cycle from payment well um so many of them are so grateful when when I first started the a food pantry um I I I was uh I went to my manager where I live and I said we need a food pantry and said did you ever rent a food pantry before I said no but I learn and the reason why I wanted to start it is there were several residents that were having crackers with water for breakfast lunch and dinner or yogurt breakfast young lunch and dinner or whatever they could afford some of them even shared their pets food and um I I felt that because their pen their social security didn't last them till the end of the month I felt that if I could subsidize that time and give them something to eat they could be healthy and stay longer and they were my friends and um I feel that everybody is my friend and I love them all and um in all my in all my pantries but I want to also say that without God we could not do any of this okay yeah we uh we experienced we also help families on the besides the pantries they call us up and uh especially when families have uh young families have children it's kind of heartbreaking to we we went to this one uh young lady's house she had three children one was a little girl and uh I could hear her in the background and as we're talking on the phone with the grandmother please we need food we need food and I said to her I said who who is that she says oh that's that's my granddaughter she's 3 years old she says I didn't coach her to do that she just knew I was calling a food pantry so I said well you let her know that we're coming and uh so we got together about nine bags of groceries uh and uh we went to the house and here's this little blonde little girl little chunky cheeks you know and oh thank you thank you it it was heartbreaking because the young this young girl was happy to see bags of food as if they were toys you know that's how excited she was and uh that's what that's what keeps us going and yeah if it if it wasn't for uh god um he guides us we're just tools you know he helps us to go in the direction we need to go and with these past as I said before uh with these past two storms that passed by um the organization and the ability to uh take the lead from the Commissioners offices um and be able to guide us in the directions we need to go was it extremely helpful and we were able to feed and help so many people um it didn't matter the age it didn't matter where they came from the fact of the matter is they went through a trauma and we were there to help so again I want to thank everyone here too yeah we thank you thank you very [Applause] much come back we're going to do a picture come back come back oh okay thank you so thank you foring [Music] back one more one more ready one two and [Music] three we'll see you [Music] you for your help more less before we go to the next item I'd like to thank all of our staff and and all our employees and staff throughout all departments and our leadership and our EOC uh all commissions for all what you do CU it is very amazing what we've come through in the last three or four weeks and everybody's held up very well so it's hard work but when you're doing the right thing it's it's not that hard we know we try our best to serve every citizen that we can can so I appreciate each and everything you do with that Mike thank sir I can look well it certainly is nice to see everyone in I don't know Jeff dressed up d uh with ball caps on we're in um you know to to Echo your your comments there commissioner Oakley yeah it and just to add on this this was quite historic and and what what an event and what a what a trying um um test of of our team um both you know at the board level and we thank you for the leadership I mean we we have been in touch daily for the past uh for the past several weeks on this matter so your your leadership in that with our our team of course both my executive team and our emergency management team pulling together various groups across this County to prepare for um weather and and recover from two storms you know back to back as well as our constitutional teams we would not be anywhere if it weren't for the support too with with the sheriff our First Responders as well as the school board amongst a whole host of other other players as as we move through that and let's not forget our not for-profits and and our engaged citizens too as they as they continue to help and so I wanted to give a a brief um discussion here on on both of these hurricanes both just so we can pull it all together and well just as an example Mike what you're talking about what I was talking about is today we expected a lot of people from the public here yes sir and you'll see the room's got extra chairs everywhere you can see and we reached out to staff to have members behind our OAS to take care of those questions and answers and get people the right answer we prepared to do that for this meeting knowing that a lot of people have been through hard times but that's some of the preparation you've seen over the last three weeks that the staff and everyone's been doing also through the EOC so it's just an example of what we do to reach out to our citizens and do the right thing yes sir with that I'll let you yes sir yeah and we we will and there still is a lot to do no doubt right this is uh this this state is is kind of a new normal for for the short term uh for sure uh but our team will continue to work tirelessly so I want to just really recap a few things of the events and then just talk about a little bit about what we have done and if the board would like to have any other discussion on that we we can it's it's not necessarily just to rehash the past but A lot's happened in the past month we actually canceled a board meeting uh in in the middle of this and it all started with hurricane helain which made landfall September 26th uh I think that was a Wednesday or a Thursday in September I I don't recall it came right off the heels of us passing a budget um and uh came with shores of category 4 near Perry it was not a direct hit but it was a large storm and pushed an unprecedented amount of storm surge to to our County we saw instances of storm surge 12 to 15 feet in some areas affecting mostly our communities west of us9 in fact actually closed US 19 but this was a national level disaster too not just the Pasco County State of Florida this storm pushed all the way up and over 200 people lost their lives as a result of of Hurricane Helen um actually just probably one of the one of the worst in in our history we barely caught our breath and we had hurricane Milton bearing down on us making landfall just south of Us near CS as a cat 3 was a extremely strong Cat 5 at one point in time 185 miles per hour if I remember seeing some of the some of the reports um very scary scary storm um this we saw your typical hurricane uh impacts wind we saw hurricane forc winds in our County uh in our in our entire region actually um you know Millions lost power as a result of this but more more more ATT tuned for Pasco County unprecedented levels of rainfall 15 18 inches in in some areas and that's a lot of rain in in a very short period of time uh which has led to prolonged riverine flooding and and you know this just sets the stage and I say unprecedented because this is unprecedented uh you know we we often you hear us talk when we build infrastructure the the hundred-year flood event this and that and the other and you know a 100-year flood event is only something that has is a storm that only has a 1% chance of happening that's what that is um and and it's kind of been the standard at the state and you know as we talk about resiliency and things in the future there may be conversations about about how we look at those types of things but but until then that is that has kind of been been the standard with that and these hurricanes have basically turned that on its head they've turned a lot of things on on their head and we're seeing more and more of these storms um I want to shift to the response of these storms because you know when you you do a lot of work to prepare for a storm uh you know you you you pump down in areas where you can you ensure floodgates are working the way that they're supposed to work uh you ensure residents have access to sandbags perhaps and and the ability to uh protect their property as well as evacuation orders and things so we as a County uh for these two storms issued to local states of emergency in fact we have three local states of emergencies that that I sign every week right now to maintain our are that one for Debbie back in August and then one for helain and one for Milton and we we contined to do that because that makes us eligible so our taxpayers don't have to bear the brunt of these costs um we issued evacuation orders for both storms and I will tell you the evacuation orders in the first storm in Helen um it's you know we we should have had more heating of those evacuation orders fortunately we did see um a ten-fold increase in evacuations at least in terms of our shelter populations when when Milton came through um but again as as I mentioned before the storms were were catastrophic and our Emergency Services teams were inundated uh with calls I was in the OC on both both nights when when these hurricanes came through I remember specifically Helen uh because the calls for service kept popping up and popping up and as I'm sitting there in the 911 Center watching the calls for service that our guys cannot reach to and and same with with Milton hundreds of calls that were backlogged I think even up to 800 probably at one point in time I think during Milton of just calls for service that we could not get to and so uh our First Responders um ended up plucking approximately 12 provided 1,200 rescues uh from both storms so We rescued 1,200 individuals uh from flood waters or or dangerous situations as a result of these these storms these storms also uh Force road closures whether they were through wash outs through extended rain periods or just simply rain Waters or flood waters over topping evacuation routes US 19 was inundated and we it had to be closed during Hurricane hilling we had portions of of many Road state roads out out on the east side too that are that are closed as a result of the riverine flooding Little Road also yes and and Y and and over over top there just just south of Mitchell uh yes and and and we witnessed that and these are these are major routes thank goodness we have Ridge Road you know in a lot of cases so again these are these are ways that we do that I want to I want to just if I if you could indulge me here for a second I've got two short videos of just just to demonstrate some of the conditions that our First Responders were working in uh to rescue people can you play I don't know if I can do that here or not maybe I can so you can see there's an individual literally holding on to a stop sign as our as our make it there you know how tall those stop signs are where is this I Hudson Hudson yes I don't understand people we need to replay this when the next warning comes to evacuate and then the next one here um similar similar instance oh these are dark areas it's night um there's no electricity people are scared y a palm tree is there someone holding on to the bottom of that tree yeah yeah the first responder is kind of keeping the boat steady on the on the tree as they as they rescue the folks out of the water it's amazing we didn't have anyone perish it's just to one more amazing like how soon after throw your legs up the storm did folk did our team start going out there our Our First Responders responded immediately commissioner as long as the the wind situations and and I'm sure I've got reports of of folks probably bending the rules a little bit to preserve life and safety um they um we we we will continue to operate as long as those those winds remain below I think 40 miles per hour is is that and if you've ever been in 20 or 30 m per hour winds I can tell you the difference between 30 and 40 you really can't tell um but our First Responders with the Sheriff's Office our our our dive our dive teams our our our um uh trench rescue we had everybody out there and and they performed marvelously out there in those conditions and in fact there there was there were some conditions even too when you looked at the power loss of of Helen where where we had to make the decision to actually cut power in certain areas our first respond was going in even in insulated suits feeling tingling in the water you know and so having to make those make those decisions to to reduce reduce the power yeah Mr chairman yes you know I got I got two slight stores I had two G two two families that were getting ready to go they were packed up did the stuff they were getting ready to go and one gentleman was so tired doing as an elderly senior citizen Donna jire he fell asleep after it got done and they get trapped uh another another former deputy with his with his son they were getting ready to go out of Sea Pines and they got stuck because it came in so fast so for us to be able to take care of these people that maybe were going to get ready didn't get ready they were probably probably doing the right thing it was just a fast moving storm and all of a sudden bam you were trapped it so that was a great move going I know we said we're not going to be able to go get you but that was phenomenal work for the whole team to go out there and just save lives that was awesome and your your Point's well made sometimes it comes fast and these these evacuation orders we issue them days in advance or as far in advance as we can and we and it's a balancing act because you know pelis evacuates through Pasco Pasco Evac you know so there is a little bit of orchestration when we when we time our our evacuation orders too so sometimes if you do wait till the last minute you you may not get out but our but our team perform marvelously and and I forgot to mention too we we had support too of not only our our Pasco County Sheriff's Office as I had mentioned and our First Responders here but we had folks from Ohio Louisiana um Texas that came and and supported us too with with uh both during the rescue piece and urban search and rescue post storm as Waters were receding through both storms so uh just a fantastic showing as as a country out here do you want to add something commission before I on you know I um as as I've done for the last three hurricanes but this one much more for two and a half for well almost three days until Thursday at 2 or 3:00 where I just couldn't do it anymore I packed up my golf Harbor's house and moved it pretty much myself to my ESA house um into a storage but I was the only person that I saw in Gul Harbors doing that and even my husband know it's not coming we'll be fine and um you know and all the other ones the water went out but uh I I think it'll be different in the future um I have a question on these two and this this amazing rescue how did how did you know they were there how did we know they were there because they're not calling from holding on to the tree so um and then thank I'm just so grateful to our First Responders but I I hope so much that our our folks evacuate next time I think Chief Gwyn can shed some color on that go ahead hi commissioner Ryan Gwyn uh interart pasal fire rescue this actually was uh spawned from a a 911 call that came in and both of these rescues were actually found as they were still searching for the individual that made the 911 call so it's kind of you know by happen stance that these two individuals were even picked up to begin with and as you can see it's very dark there's no power anywhere in the neighborhoods to be able to recognize these people to just be able to hear screams in the background is you know you know an act of God that we that we made these rescues so is it raining in this photo I think I saw pounding rain coming by you could you can't always tell and uh she's holding on to something oh my I wonder how long she was holding on to that sign probably for quite a while oh breaks my heart what a nightmare yeah and again you know the the Investments that the board has made uh in in these uh in these operations and quite honestly we've identified areas where uh we were short of equipment and maybe we need to invest in some different different types of things we're able to save life and property as a result of that so just thank you uh thank you for that I want to switch now a little bit to um the riverine flooding aspect this is a video that was put out by the uh Southwest Water Management District to talk a little bit about it so we haven't really covered uh a lot but listen the ankot River flooded uh on this side and uh you know as the public comment talked about Thousand Oaks uh again that all drains into the ano Basin and the anod Basin which is tily influenced as well you know pushed back and then also a lot of the a lot of the tributaries flooded in and again unprecedented amounts of rainfall that that we saw through through those areas so I just want to show you this quick video just again perspective on the flooding and what we are currently even experiencing now the with Luchi River it's still at Major flood stage and will be for a long time uh weeks we believe but go ahead and hit play please thank you many rivers in the Tampa Bay Region have been severely impacted by flooding from Hurricane Milton the only floods of record higher than what we're experiencing now you'd have to go back to 1933 and 1934 I'm Dr Mark Fulkerson I'm a chief professional engineer with the southwest Florida Water Management District I'm pretty sure we probably got trillions of gallons of water that hit the Earth's surface that water's got to go somewhere a portion of it evaporates a port portion of it tries to soak in the ground where we stand near the town of Trilby the wuchi river crusted above what the 1960 Peak was because we had hurricane melon in early October which is right at the end of the wet season all of our Creeks lakes rivers Wetland swamps everything's full or aquifer our ground waterer levels are full so that just causes that rain to not really have anywhere to go really soak in the ground and it's going to run off the surface a lot more the wuchi river is 160 Mi long and its Watershed or the area of land that collects that rain and and runs it into the river is over 2,000 square miles it's all or part of eight different Florida counties we get a lot of rain across the whole thing it takes time for that that rain to hit the land surface and to make its way to the river when we get flooding like this we send Crews of folks out into those affected areas we're doing inspections and assessments of the flooding we're looking for debris making sure a lot of the rivers are flowing there's not down trees that are maybe holding those flood waters back on someone worse we're also out there trying to document the flooding and to gather elevations from those Peak flood levels so that we can better understand how a rainfall like this has affected each of these Weds so that we can then share that with the public and help everyone make better decisions there we go and so of course we continue to experience that flooding but early on from both storms uh I'm I'm very very proud of our team we were able to deploy immediately and begin damage assessments and in fact including aerial assessments which uh which are kind of a new product for us which which will bolster our capability to both understand what what happened from a flood perspective and and calibrate models but also uh to help us help us continue to assess damage uh we estimate over 400 structures were destroyed as a matter of hurricane Helen those basically become uninhabitable uh but over 5,000 structures considered to have with major damage that will require repairs you know and as Milton continues to re wreak havoc with not only riverine flooding but closed basins we have closed basins that are popping off into other closed basins just because the water has nowhere else to go that will take time as well uh because we cannot pump those closed basins out until there is a place to pump that water too um and and it does have to percolate naturally but but over close to 30 structures destroyed right now that we know of we we still we still continue to to assess 1,600 structures with with major damage and of course you know the the big change the big difference is Hurricane Milton provided widespread power outage unlike Helen where that power outages were were contained mostly to the west side of US1 19 we're estimating uh probably and this number will probably go higher a billion dollars worth of worth of damage just just in this County alone and again we talk about power restoration that obviously is kind of the first step to help our citizens feel normal again right uh hot shower or lights on at night air conditioning right these are these are things that that come through and as I mentioned you know during Hurricane Helen we we had two two stories of two very different types of power outages in Hurricane Helen we were hampered a little bit because of the um saltwater intrusion into electrical into electrical components actually this is a picture of an actual fire that that started um in in one of the in one of the neighborhoods I think over in in SE Ranch area actually um you know power power was restored breaker was clicked snap spot fire and so we we were able to uh use best practices and while it may have taken an extra day or two to help folks get their power back on uh I I feel like we did a very good job of educating the public and making sure that we got power back on the right way and of course Milton with the widespread Regional damage our our power companies were were out there working tiously W wreck uh did a phenomenal job I think they were they were first done and then offering to help uh both uh especially with too who too had widespread damage throughout their entire service area both Hillsboro pulk and and Pasco County and and Duke Energy again uh did did did what it needed to do so um very happy to report that the any power outages now at this point are strictly related to to property damage um on the recovery side again we provided early resources during both storms and this was hampered right we we this was kind of a start and stop we we just when we finished with with hurricane Helen we had points of distribution that were established and a point of distribution or a pod as it's called is a place where we can hand out water where we can hand out food uh to those who need it um we try to collocate um comfort stations with those pods where we can and those Comfort stations include trailers modular trailers that have clean restrooms showers the biggest the biggest draw laundry facilities right and so making those for those that are displaced or have their their homes damaged is great but we also recognize too that this is also straining on folks mentally and so we made it available immediately uh and thanks to our partnership with with Bay care A Mental Health Resources uh hotline which is still available to folks uh we made it available of course to our employees because getting through a crisis like this for some people it could be the last straw for a lot for a lot of folks so it's it's very difficult to deal with this our Human Services folks took in over 1300 request requests for service and so these are folks that that may or may not need case management but these are folks that are desperately in need of of things whatever they whatever they may be that could be housing that could be meals that could be uh a whole host of of Human Services um activities and of course we started early with debris management uh and again I know debris management can be a touchy issue depending on on where you're at in the county and and the timing but I will say that Pasco County uh was was first out of the gate our our debris Crews with our Public Works and solid waste team were out there working within 24 to 36 hours of both storms uh trying to clean up and as we as we waited for our larger contracts uh to get into place and I I'll go can I say one thing yes ma'am before we get it really too deep into debris is just that so many people of our own employees had flooding and had damage and didn't they weren't even touching their own homes to be able to serve the public and work tiously to do that so I think that needs to be said and just a huge thank you to them because they were they put the county and the citizens before their own needs I think director fosa just started taking his shutters down this weekend um I I still like can't even move in my house so correct yes and and there's there's a lot of that uh and thank you for that for that comment um as I mentioned before we had more folks take advantage of our Sheltering opportunities during Hurricane Milton tfold as you can see roughly 485 and during Helen over 5,800 during her hurricane Milton and look at those pets um you know it's we we have a chuckle about it with the number of pets but pets are like family to people and so our Animal Services team really stepped up to not only handle the dogs and cats tortoises and the Flying Squirrel I'm even told we're in there so um but but nevertheless right there there are people that will not evacuate because they don't want to leave their pets behind so it's important uh and again so we have numerous uh numerous federal state county volunteer organizations working together uh again to help to help recover Senior Services provideed shelf stable meals to folks uh and again our our team members in Community Development are getting folks in hotels we're case managing throughout the storm our public transportation teams offering free rides trying to get people to comfort stations or to shelters back and forth uh did did Yan's work and again we're now looking at temporary housing this is the next step right and so you can see we've got a number of of of sh of people that are still in shelters folks that require case management and uh we have we have set up something we're calling Pasco hope so you remember a couple of board meetings ago we we purchased a property on Grand Boulevard um and uh we are we are adding what are referred to as pallet homes as well as um uh trailers um our Public Works uh teams utilities teams uh facilities teams went out and and prepared the site in an expedient manner I and I think that by Monday we will be able to begin uh temporary uh Sheltering housing temporary housing for for residents displaced uh by by the store storm so we already have 100 candidates potential candidates that that meet certain qualifications already identified and this this again uh is to help people get back up on their feet so you know just a lot of team effort you know Kathy Eric Jason you know from you know JP the the whole the whole team here really pulled together to uh to make make this happen it's one of a kind and I think on Thursday we will be doing a little more of a of a public outing on this because it it is it is something that we should be proud of it's something that we have provided to our cens even when Kevin Guthrie from the state was here on Sunday he was impressed blown away at how well this this county is responding to this disaster and you mentioned our our employees well we also had employees hit and hurt by the storm as well and so we we had to decide that there has to be something that we can do for them and so as a County uh we we do have a disaster leave leave pool so we have a pool of ours that have been donated over time and so we're allowing folks to draw off of those hours uh we also you know we we we usually do a buyback so we allow folks to to sell some of their PTO time but recognizing that if you've got bills to pay if you've got things that you need to get done to repair and recover your life from a storm because I need these employees to work for us right as as commissioner points out they're trying to get their life so they're kind of stuck stuck between two competing priorities right um we could at least provide them with a little liquidity and allow them to sell back some of their PTO time and of course we we have offered offered uh you know the ability for our constitutional officers to do similar programs because these public service you know we we we need them now and and we need to give them the peace of mind that their homes and families are going to be taken care of we also offered uh free again the the mental health through Bay care um and and an employee Resource Center this is a Pasco County um employees helping Pasco County Employees through through donations um and and thank you to PA Paula Barac who has really kind of led the effort uh from our Public Services branch in setting this up for our employees debris so debris is something that um will be with us for a very very long time um you know we we did some things um during the Helen Milton transition as I'll call it because we were extremely concerned about um the debris from from Helen becoming missiles or uh underwater hazards to our First Responders going in to do to do rescues and things like that and so uh we moved very expeditiously with some expedient very expedient Contracting uh to try to get as much of that up as we could within the span of less than 72 hours um we we did very well um I'm very proud to say that that it worked uh we we had very little of that debris move around which is which is fantastic um so debris pickup is going to be a combination of forces it's going to be combination of our County forces and then augmented by our larger contractor uh resources and I'll get into that in a little bit but there are significant challenges when it comes to debris removal 1.4 million cubic yards of debris the scale of this event is like none that we have ever seen that that is 10 times larger than what we experienced under hurricane Irma in terms of just total amount of debris and quite honestly I think that number is probably higher you just you you know you're these are estimates at at this point but uh the scale just that alone is enough to litter 700 football fields right of just you know one yard deep worth of worth of garbage across across so the scale is high but Maxim in Fe FEMA reimbursement rates because the cost of that cleanup will be in the tens of millions of dollars and so the federal government um through FEMA is is stepping in providing some additional reimbursement opportunities for us which we need to take advantage of I think the governor made that very very clear in a statement that he made here in Pasco County and uh and I think we're we're we're up to the challenge um but but we want to maximize FEMA reimbursement otherwise those costs will just be borne by our citizens at the end of the day and come come from reserves and uh then we'll we'll have to make make bud bu AR decisions uh resources again this is a regional event so post Milton Post Helen is now a regional event and the competition for resources is high uh Sarasota counties manate County Hillsboro pinelis were all competing for the for the same for the same folks and then of course the expectations of the public and the public um has a right to want to you know re re recover relive their lives and so we want to make sure that we do that as expeditiously as possible but but understanding that golly man my my trash can be picked up every week why why can't I be on your street and and it's just again it's the scale of an event but we are trying we're working very very hard to to stay on top of this we've collected 143,000 cubic yards of debris that was as of Sunday uh I'm sure those numbers are higher now we continue to make gains in efficiencies as we learn more in how to operate as as we kind of move into the 10th day of of debris removal so a little more on debris removal uh we wave tipping fees so if you're a resident and you have storm related debris you can come across the scales no problem whatsoever we are not charging for that um we have a GIS tool that's coming out for debris reporting so if there's areas that that you know you think maybe we don't know about there there's a tool that's out there that that's that's coming that's forthcoming we're also going to have a GIS tool come forthcoming in the next day or two they tell me today but I'll temper expectations say maybe tomorrow um that that will kind of try to set expectations on where where we are operating and where we are going to be within the next 72 hours uh so that is coming and so we we we do have a plan we had a plan when we came up with Helen um that got turned on its head with Milton um so but we we continue to figure out prioritization pickup scheduling and duration of of this for debris pickup countywide recognizing that some areas of the county aren't even in recovery yet they are still weathering the disaster and so we know that there will be more as a result when those flood waters receed a quick question on that Mr chair um how long do we know know how long we're going to keep those tipping fees waved um is it a 90day thing I mean probably started out we're going to we're going to we we monitor everything and and when things seem to decline then we'll we'll look at it but right now it's waved as a part of the the local state of emergency so as long as we're still into the state of emergency I I I intend to keep those fees waved for residential right so if you bring it bring it across so yeah Mr chairman yes I like I like to say because I think it's been such a great thing that we did with be preon by hiring those people to go out there they did a phenomenal job they were like all people in the neighborhood used to live there wanted to help out so the passion was there to do a great job and they cleaned up in a phenomenal way and it was like across the board what I've also seen this past week or so past few weeks when they go out and take care of their trash if they can that frees up the other stuff to keep things progressing soone go down the street they're not having to hit every single house so I I I saw so many trucks out the past week so by making that free for them is is a critical thing thank you thank you yeah so we're going to we we recognize that that that needs to happen and and we are working to augment our contractor forces unfortunately uh we had one we we have two debris contractors I'm not going to name names one of those debris contractors unfortunately um I'll just say kind of let us down and so we we need to augment and that that was really affecting more the Northwest portion of the county which was the area that that we we provided to them and um we're we we have an RFP out currently on the street and uh and uh it closes close the business on on Thursday so uh we intend to move very quickly to try to augment and bolster these contractor forces and I know the state has been very receptive too in trying to see if we can find a solution for more small and medium uh haulers to be able to to to work and augment within within the system there there there's efficiencies in management that that come with with Milton bearing down on us I think we all had a very singular point of focus uh of a of a pending disaster with a certain timeline we're now in a in a in a different in a different stage Mr chairman um I saw you I talked to you about um glass and everything in the street and how how are we going to deal with that I literally saw a lady yesterday with a shop vac on her yard because there's glass all in that grass and nails and stuff so I'm concerned we're going to see effects from this for a long time yeah I mean basically turn the whole County into a giant construction site yeah I just want to also just give a shout out to Branford and his team uh for his pilot program if you want to go into that for for a minute I I think that um certainly definely yes yeah thank you thank you commissioner for bringing that up I I don't know did I have a picture of that operation yeah that was actually if you go here that first picture is is some of that operation so what it is is we we took our Public Works and solid waste Crews and now we actually have some augmentees from the state to basically work at night one of the one of the hardest things that we were figuring out is we have these uh large grapple trucks and there's reasons why we do that for FEMA reimbursement purposes there's compaction and there's there's efficiencies that that are gained by that but at the same time they can't operate everywhere and folks want to we we had some neighborhoods with one way in one way out traffic so we just said hey look if we if we work after hours uh and we can close roads and we can get heavy equipment onto roads and load things differently uh I think we can put a dent in this and so the first the first we we we tried it over a series of three or four nights and now I think we're doing it on a regular basis um we captured about 94 tons of of garbage uh the next night it was about 110 the next night we're we we did we did 200 uh on Sunday night with with with this with this and so kudos to our team uh for really making that work and kudos to to to the leadership of that team for coming up with these ideas that are that are leading the way and so our landfill operates 24 hours for that for that side in order for us to continue to make those make those things efficient so yes thank you for bringing follow up with just one second is that also I'd like the community to know that the whole floor a delegation work together to try and get this garbage reimbursed by FEMA yes that it took the entire all of the everybody and there's a lot of behind the scenes work I know you all were we're instrumental in that as well as our our delegation at the state level and the federal level to really kind of say hey we've got back-to-back disasters here we need to think about things a little differently and can we free up some of this administrative bureaucracy stuff that'll help us get things done and so uh I just appreciate all of that help and support because it is making our jobs uh easier out there Mr chairman yes yeah and don't forget to look this way youum first time relax since y are talking a lot I have a Time certain at 11:00 however the I can continue how many more slides do you have I know we interrupted you I tell you what I'm not trying to cut you short let me finish with debris and then and then we'll talk about kind of the next phase which is building building back better I I think it would be a logical stopping point if I I have a question on one thing on the debris yes ma' um just um driving around yesterday I I drove all the way down through Bailey's Bluff and everywhere and I noticed that some people put the debris way up close to their door where that Claw is not going to reach so um they may have cleaned a whole street but that house that put all their stuff way up by their door and in front of their garage or wherever how legally can we go get that without driving on their yard and just destroying we w't the answer is we can't we can't and we won't and you won't get reimbursed if you do yeah okay so we need to get that message out there because I saw quite a few houses that I saw they got left behind and I'm sure that's the reason why yeah there there there is information that's out there and again of course we we we continue to beat the drum on that Mr Mar I just want to say Mike you have been so phenomenal in this whole thing uh and I know from the past week with me and the calls we've had between femur and uh congressman bakas who did a phenomenal job getting the letter Senator Scott pushing pressure and I I know I bombarded with you guys just forwarding on emails that I got textas going on what was going on at my district but I got to tell you when I walked into the in the meeting yesterday with the board would me to go talk about this as calm as you were I thought I was going to get a glaring look but he was so professional every step of the way and we got all the discussion and your actions that you made to like get the IP out already coming up on Thursday I'm just going to say you're a tremendous leader and what you've done through this is phenomenal we've got a ton more work to do but I just want to give you some Kudos cuz you're not getting enough of them what you've been doing through this whole thing has been absolutely phenomenal so thank you for that I appreciate the kind words and it's it is a team effort we are backed you know that we can't we can't do this alone and uh I just appreciate everything that this group has done uh to support uh me and my team so we can go out there and do the things that they do they make it happen at the end of the day so as long as you you know I forgot I need to interrupted he'll be fine and you know I got to give a shout out to Jeff as well Jeff's team has been phenomenal through this uh we we've actually I feel like we have we we've we've we've got a we've got a different model working and and things have been phenomenal so the support that we have gotten from the county attorney's office Jeff I would just say thank you uh to you and your team as well for that and and did this not show and maybe to all our federal supporters out there how much we need our new EOC yes yes and hopefully we're you know that's got to be our gift to all our First Responders who worked so hard now that we've seen what other Counties have and what we're dealing with you know we we've really got to um lift that up and get get going on our new E Yeah so just the last couple of things here with with debris removal and then I'll I'll pause the presentation Mr chair we allow do who to come up um interlocal agreements we've entered into interlocs or in the process of entering into interlocs Zephyr Hill state city in San Antonio where we would assist them debris removal I believe the Westside cities have piggybacked on our agreements so they're kind of handling their their debris and again we continue to evaluate additional sites because we know we're going to need them um and and looking at ways and then this is just a map you you know kind of showing that we we've broken the county down into zones and this is the type of interactive thing that you will see online here where it kind of shows which zones we're working in and then there will be sort of a 72h hour look ahead so you'll know when we'll be in your neighborhood but just because we're in in your neighborhood may not mean we hit your house because as quick as we get stuff cleaned up I'm seeing stuff get pushed more stuff coming right back out so process thank you Mike and the team for Contracting John power to come back to help in that clean up because he's in his past he's been there doing that and knows how to do it so I think it'll make things move he's on the contract so but he's uh going to help with that removal of that debris and he went through it right after I first got elected so thank you sir thank you I'll step person for that I I'll pause I only have a few more slides left but let's do the time sir okay good morning David Engel planning and economic development director it's my pleasure today to introduce the board uh you you know him but reintroducing Dr Patrick who uh doctor who is the CEO and president of maford mfet uh cancer treatment and research center and he's here to give an overview and EST report on Spiros thank you thank you thank you David welcome yes sir thank you Mr chairman thank you to the Commissioners we're just very excited about our partnership together and what we're building here in Pasco County uh we do feel that we will develop treatments here that will go across the globe uh and we're excited by what's happening together we could not do this without uh the county Support uh from the county to the Sheriff's Office to the EDC we've had nothing but support we've been to with the EDC to Japan to try to drum up business uh together we've uh been to Europe with them and so it's just been very exciting to be here uh with all of you we think there's tremendous potential uh for the future so we feel is as you know this a Spiros campus Spiros means hope in Latin hope for patients hope for cancer patients hope for patients with autoimmunity with infectious diseases we think we can develop this with the state of the science today um with mfet anchoring that down it's a 775 acre campus we have phase 1A which is uh a number of buildings already going up uh with all of your help uh that we're excited about we feel there are a number of focuses in this campus uh one is uh delivering the best care to patients today so we have Pat patient care facilities we want to get them closer to the patients so they don't have to drive in to our other campuses and so that's uh one of the major focuses we have Partnerships coming along with other Hospital systems and then we want to uh work with biotech uh to develop the treatments for tomorrow it's uh very important to develop things in the lab but unless we have a company behind it it's not going to scale across the globe so we do feel that bringing in biotech companies and big Pharma small Pharma is going to be important to this in order to scale our influence uh and third we want this to be a great place uh to work so we want to attract the best and brightest uh employees throughout the country notice the cyclist down there on the right I just wanted to draw your attention to that thank you commissioner so um uh we do feel everyone wants one of these in their backyard a big biotech cluster uh and so what's going to distinguish us and number one it's we're all working together it's we've had such tremendous support we don't think that happens in every Community uh by the county by the state uh we think um Florida is a very business friendly Community uh and we have a strong anchor in mafa Cancer Center uh we do look around the country and where these are successful it's where you have a very strong anchor and uh we have uh we we work very hard with our uh patient care we have uh over 600,000 uh outpatient visits a year at 990,000 unique patients see us um every year so that provides a a background not only for patient care but for research we do $300 million worth of research a year which is funded through our operating margin federal grants and state grants as well as um philanthropy and we think this is going to be a very very strong anchor uh to develop this biotech cluster and and we're really excited about one particular technology that we're experts in and treated 13300 patients more than anyone in the world on and that's te- Cell Therapy te- cells are an immune cell of the body that can go out and see cancers in this uh video the te- cells are the little blue cells it's like David versus Goliath the tumors are the big green cells and when the uh te- cells see the tumor they do what I call the kiss of death uh and they secrete proteins to poke holes in the tumor and the tumor dyes as indicated by the orange dye when the orange dye comes in that's the dead tumor and then the immune cell will just go to another uh tumor cell and kill it and go to another tumor cell and kill it well we've learned to take these immune cells out of the body put genes in them to help them even uh kill the cancer better recognize the cancer function better uh we've learned to grow them to billions and give them back uh to patients uh and so uh with this and the important part is these immune cells also live for decades in the body so giving the patients what they want every patient that comes to us wants a long-term durable response and so we do feel that uh these treatments will help to Anchor and start to uh um Galvanize our biotech Community this is cell therapy companies there are thousands of cell therapy companies out there they want to work with mafa cancer center and these are the first biotech companies that we think we're going to be able to attract it's very important that these immune cells live for a long time in the body uh a couple weeks ago I had a patient come to me we had treated him when he was just out of high school we had to wait till he was 18 so we'd be eligible for our trial uh we gave him immune cells um and at that time uh his melanoma it started in the skin went throughout his body including his brain he had a bleeding brain mat uh he um pretty much wiped out his cancer a few uh a couple years ago he came to my clinic with his baby uh that he had after going to College getting married have a job and now I just saw him a couple weeks ago his wife is pregnant with her with her second child and so it's just very fulfilling that these uh kinds of therapies can have the impact that they have and we feel that by bringing in biotech companies uh that can uh produce these therapies innovate them they already FDA approved for a lot of the malignant leukemias the the blood tumors but now the next step is to get them to work work for all the solid tumors which cause 90% of the deaths from cancer and so that's where we're going to head um and that's why it's very meaningful what we're doing together so we really appreciate that um this is just what we're building there if you go there uh we'll welcome you anytime I know a lot of you have been there uh we have uh a proton Center uh going up a proton uh is a particle that we can hit at the Cancer and it also stops so if the patient has left breast cancer it will hit the breast cancer but won't go further into the heart that's why it's so important to have proton for certain diseases uh where the disease is close to a structure that you don't want to hit and the proton there a lot of people have proton centers this is a state-of-the-art really best in the country uh a machine that we're going to get from uh a very high-end place in Belgium that's going to be able to do and deliver all of the proton energy energy that would normally take 30 minutes and less than a second with that it would just Shred the cancer so we're very excited to get this up the walls are going up walls are very thick for something like this and pretty soon we're going to have the equipment in a few months coming in through the port and shipped up to Pasco our our our our property there and so we're really excited about that we have an ambulatory Treatment Center that will have IV Therapy radiation therapy everything that the patient will not have to travel um out of Pasco County for now we have have a a 300,000 square foot Research Center there uh that's going to help to innovate we're going to have uh dry Labs we we're moving our engineering team there it's um really important to have uh the hard Sciences mixed with the bi biological sciences so we're bringing in we have we've had a machine learning group uh for uh four years now way before it was fashionable and so AI machine learning very important uh we're going to have that house there as well as our Engineering Group our head engineer Greg Sawyer he should come here and talk to you guys sometime he's very special he's had melanom himself throughout the body came to mafa cancer center 10 years ago got a Curative immunotherapy trial and then he switched from working on the Mars rover to cancer W and so he a very compelling story and and so um he's watched his boys grow up and he's just dedicated to cancer he's already started companies he's bringing in engineering companies he's going to do things like scale cell therapy because to grow billions of immune cells it's hard to do that for the 10 million people across the globe that die of cancer every year so we're um he's going to help us scale that it's really going to be an engineer that's going to help us do that so that's all going to be be happening in our Pasco campus I want to thank you again um when I have a number of people from mafa get today here uh Jamie Wilson our head of uh government relations John aler our VP of construction operations out there we have uh Meritt Martin uh my chief of staff as as well so happy to take any questions and I want to again uh just tell you how much we appreciate your help and collaboration M sty well I don't have any questions I just want to uh thank you for coming and giving us an update um I actually have not made it to one of the tours so I I need to get that scheduled uh but we're just so excited that you're coming and of course we we are here for anything that you need so um I'm I don't know my I'm just so proud that's it's in our County and we we talk about it around the world how how special this is and how special you are so Mr Mariana thank you it's just amazing what you have for technology coming our way and and the facility of building out here and what a great addition you're going to be to this County so greatly appreciate you coming and share shareing us what's going on thank you Mr commissioner very impressive I I love that we're going to have this right in our own backyard because if I understand correctly it's it's Miami and Jacksonville right with the proton therapy therapy they have proton therapy and I think this is going to be probably the the most upto-date state-of-the-art machine in the country so really excited about that yeah and also just like recruiting you guys are going to be able to recruit The Best of the Best because who who wouldn't want to live work and play right here in Pasco absolutely it's uh it's wonderful to be in the heart of one of the fastest gr counties uh in the country with bicycles and everything uh that people want uh to have it's going to be a wonderful area to live in Mr wa I'm serious you got to give them a good quality life they want to live bicycle brought off at to Pasco County but no but it'll bring their the quality of life that will will bring help bring their employees here anyway Doctor Who I you know just incredibly grateful out of all the places you all landed you landed close to home and landed in Pasco half of what you said went way over my head uh as far as the medical ease of what you're talking about but just incredibly grateful that moffett's here and to speaker Moffet who really kicked off you know what Moffet Cancer Center has become today and very grateful for your partnership and having USF in our backyard and um just to see what the future holds not just for employment and economic benefit and National and international notoriety but for the lives of of uh you know folks of all ages that we might be able to save and uh you know see what their Futures might be able to do uh because they had an opportunity to live so thank you for all of your work you know what you're doing uh you know you're going to bless generations to come so thank you Mr chairman I I had one more thing um so we have a program that we we help Fund in the county that um I was involved in starting called am skills it's American manufacturing skills we used to call it skills initiative but now we just say am skills it's a it's um right now it's a 13,000 foot training center in um robotics mechatronics all things manufacturing and we are we got money from the legislature to expand our high school program so we will be opening up um um a uh we're not going to call it a Manufacturing Academy I don't recall the name of it um but we're going to be in um the high school in Angeline with our amskills Academy that will be uh a feeder for um workers for you so we're excited to have that relationship with um amskills and Moffet and I'd love to give you a tour uh over here it's over here on holiday but we go out into the communities but certainly we'd love to give you a tour and we've been called one of the best one of the best in the nation as far as a training PR program goes so well thank you uh we're going to need that we are going to need uh for example to grow these immune cells to billions we're going to need um workers um we're going to need workers with twoyear degrees with foure degrees with six-year degrees with 8year degrees we're going to need the whole gamut of workers to help us save these lives uh not only in Pasco County but we're going to develop the treatments that we think we can go scale throughout the globe so thank you yep Dr Hugh I can't I can't tell you enough how grateful I am for you and the mfet team to be here in Pasco County um cancer disease is is very terrible to everyone it doesn't doesn't eliminate anyone anyone can get this disease and it's very harmful to all all our citizens so you being here and the fact that they have the being close close to my and be able to get the right kind of cure in the future that we hope that one day we see a total cure which I know you're working toward but um it's it's so grateful that I am of of what y'all do and and being here and being close to our citizens so uh it will pay dividends and I hope you come up with that cure sooner than later so but thank you thank you Mr chairman and the death rates are starting to come down and we do think working together we can drive them down further faster so thank you very much y okay thank you okay Mr and and we we all want to come out when that uh proton machine is coming up from uh the airport we're going to get out there and wave Flags or do something shoot fireworks I said we need to have a proton cam so we can yeah I'm sure they'll have a drone following it right Merritt you're gonna have a drone over that um proton yeah it's going to be an exciting day might open up a wormhole we got to be careful okay Mr Kabal thank you sir I've only got five more slides left here just want to talk a little bit about recovery efforts so again our Public Works team uh continues uh continues to work um we have uh over 26 storm water pumps currently deployed I know the state's providing more assets as well uh and again these pumps will pump and will deploy when it is appropriate and safe to do so so they are monitoring water levels daily I I I don't even think I mentioned the Cypress Creek Watershed Cypress Creek Watershed in the center of the County uh certainly uh some unprecedented levels of flooding there too um but as such we even had Road wash outs or full-on collapses of Roads uh I think at least at least six roads uh are completely washed out that's a picture there of of curly Road uh actually uh here here in the is that North of 52 uh yes yes yes yes on the East uh Northeastern portion of the county um and we're currently getting quotes we have contractors in our stable uh that we can work with and I know our team is already out getting quotes to do to do uh repairs yes sir one thing I would like to bring out I've heard some from some contractors that they're asking for bids for some projects but they we I don't know if we've given them all the parameters they need to come up with the right price for those fixing those roads so sure and and and again they need to meet and be sure they have the parameters to give you I think there's a balance between how much information we can give to the contractor based on the expediency right I mean if I spend nine months designing The Fix You will be very unhappy with us oh yeah uh so we we we certainly will have to you know we we compensate contractors for the risk I can talk to you later about of course absolutely um so we again um Fallen trees and roadways pump trucks we have moved water and again we have we have gone through and done an evaluation of our public damage as a result of this and and we we have received uh uh the green light for FEMA reimbursement so there's there's different categories of FEMA reimbursement category a is debris removal which we have at 100% for 90 days uh when that 90 days ends we're still having some discussions on that because of the two storms uh but then uh B is your Preparatory actions and then you've got cat C through which handle various things such as utility damage road damage damage to Parks public facilities and we've qualified uh for those usually on a 7525 uh type split so um it's great news federal government uh has heard all the work and so we're we're we're looking forward to uh not breaking the bank in responding to this storm which kind of leads us to building back and building back better if you will um we we in the local state of emergency have waved building fee permit payments right so the the permits are free but they are still required so so again we have we have team members out there in the public we've tried to go to where the hardest hit areas are to to make uh these these pop-up permitting sites to encourage folks to to do uh to permit um we are putting them to the front of the line so they do get expedited review so if you have storm damage uh to your property uh you don't it's not going to sit there and and and wait forever to to get approval often times I think they're even doing it on the spot at some at some points Mr Murphy shaking his head so excuse me um and again we have these pop-up permanent sites at Gulf Harbor's SE Ranch Excuse Me Maybe presentation's over I don't know um popup per sites over at Gul Gulf Harbor tax collector office so thank you uh to tax collector for allowing us to collocate on a few few of those aisles up there uh C rank civic association and Luchi Boys and Girls Club and we'll continue to re-evaluate uh the need for those but this is an addition to online permitting as well as our our our usual spots we wanted to add this by Statute temporary structures are allowed for up to three years so if your home with storm damaged and you are repairing it there there are some thresholds that need to be met you can by law uh key have a temporary structure there uh to live in while you are making repairs to your Prime residents so I just wanted to make sure folks were aware of that Florida Department of Emergency Management began individual uh damage assessments and so that's basically kind of going door too and kind of validating certain things and so there's there's a procedure and a process to do that uh residents can use those estimates that that come out come out of that for their substantial damage estimates so that's that 49% rule you you hear us you hear us talking about um to dat we've issued more than 600 permits uh four demolition permits as well as plenty of re roofs Electric mechanical permits uh so far in excess of $13 million worth of worth of work has already started and so again I think the uh the uh development services team for going out there and being ready to help folks rebuild um um as quickly as possible and so on that uh on the 14th uh FEMA uh held a meeting uh virtual and in person over at our Hudson Library it was it was well attended online um but there were a lot of questions too about what's the count doing and so we've decided to go ahead and push a town hall style uh meeting at the historic courthouse on the 24th that's this Thursday that's at 6: PM I believe um where we'll have County County team members on on hand to do that but you don't have to go to Dade City to do it there is a virtual option as as always we we are a big County with with a lot of with a lot of different needs and so that that will be there FEMA will be there prior to that I believe from 400 p.m. to 6: p.m. um check our website with the times but to to answer FEA type related questions to reach out to those folks on the east side that are just currently even still experiencing uh this This Disaster and with that I will Avail myself to any other questions I have team members here too if the board would like to discuss anything else on this matter Mr Maran uh I just want to say the uh the response has been phenomenal um the team has just dedicated and and the debris there's one gentleman out there I saw yesterday picking up in Hudson and uh made a difference when the other company failed and he says I've worked 27 days in a row and it says I'm doing it because my County needs me I thought it was just the heart and soul of the way this whole County staff has been has has operated everyone from the EOC you call in things happen Andy which you've got with the tremendous team you put together and uh JP I tell you the the extra calmness you show through this whole thing the organization of your people and when they're out at these places that they're they're looking also if if they see there's a need for someone to get help with some food or some ice whatever I mean those guys are out there just serving the people and it it just so impressive it's meant so much to the people that I just like down and out so you know with our community coming together in so many ways but our team here doing it as well the food that's been donated over and over again I mean uh it's just just been incredible the outpouring support and I and I will tell you as bad as this has been so far and as much work I'm going to tell you when these storms start coming down and then the water start receding a bit the east side is going to take a tremendous amount of work to get that back get that back together too because that's just uh it's going to be it's going to be a it's be a long journey to get through to take care of that too but I think if we get the high focus to get rid of this trash that's out there right now that's uh in the way we can start working on the bigger debris and then helping people on the on the east side ESP special recovery because it is going to be a struggle yeah they've started moving some of that debris yeah we are we are hyperfocused on that we we understand that debris removal is is a is a top priority as well as getting getting those things um reimbursed by FEMA as well and and you do mention it you know 27 days and I mean I've got team members here quite honestly who have who have done the same thing tirelessly often times through long long 18 to 24h hour shifts and and I I see a lot of EOC folks and our our media team and folks here as well I if you could just indulge me I'd just like to give them a round of applause if that's okay thank you we recognize there's still a long road ahead and they'll they'll continue to work tirelessly uh you know for for the citizens of this County so again thank you for that the last thing is just to remind FEMA will actually be available through our town hall as well uh for additional question questions too so I think it's going to be a great resource for folks okay all right any other questions well I I I just too want to say thank you to everybody um I'm finally not feeling 100% exhausted I I can't tell you how many times I went to bed at 8:30 um having two houses impacted by the storm and my son losing his house and moving in with us um it's been a lot but I know some of you have gone through it as well and I I'm just really grateful to everybody and when this is I don't know it's going to take a month a couple months but we need to have a a big celebration when it's all over yep thank you everyone and there's another fact too is the fact that we're uh taking pictures of this where we see high water and this so it'll help us in the future with developments to make sure we set them at the right Heights and possibly avoid some of this uh flooding that we're have in some issues and and some developments now uh we want to not have those flooding issues so um it's pretty good I I I was wondering if we could get a map because I'd love to I don't know the start and finish of I have an idea of Cypress Creek I think it goes under 54 um because I think we've been buying part of that as one of the wildlife corridors but I'd love to see um on a map the the flow of the with Luchi through the county it's hard to see it when you're looking at the satellite so I just want to understand more where these watersheds go with Luchi is out of spank about a half mile each way I mean with Luchi is actually up in Georgia right now so go ahead Andy yeah but so when you look for it on the map it's good time for you to speak sir I knew we'd work into having a presentation by you no sir uhuh it's all no um we can get a copy of the Watershed and have it display we'll get it on a big map for y'all and and get it out to youall it'll take a little bit of time cuz we got to use GIS and we got to use NWS and nowhere to get that map done but we can do it great I understand that GIS is working on taking a map of how this looks right now so that we can use it in the future for the benefit of uh developments and people that are going to be building in future for some reason we'll avoid some of the mistakes we've had in the past so well unfortunately this time it was Mother Nature that took over oh yeah so that's right Mr chairman if I could back in 2004 I was city manager in Dade City and last time that Dixie Avenue area in around 23rd Street really flooded like it was and uh the um learned a lot about the outflow from Javita through denlinger and around uh behind uh 20 21st Street 23rd Street by the high school out Royal Oaks under the old railroad bed uh around to you know south of Dade City and around to around Jared Ford and boiler Pond and all of that chain to the Larin canal and the problem is that's all very flat and it's very slow flow and when the river's up and it ain't going nowhere and that's what we're seeing now I had the opportunity to drive around East side of Dade City yesterday and the water around people's homes and the streets still flooded there on the east side of um the bypass and 301 and up in those areas so it's uh there was a graphic that you all put out that explained that outflow from Javita on around which I thought was excellent and I tried to capture it so that at a point in time which I hope would never use in the future um but that was an excellent graphic explaining a lot of that out flow around the uh and through D City yeah and fact to add to that is I hope in the future when we get U Morningside Drive coming across from 301 over to Fort King by the hospital that some of that flooding is happening in that area there around Hickory Hill some of that will go away with the right cover height and it'll take water out before those homes get flooded so I've been working on that since uh since I was with swift blood in 2007 to 2011 I've been trying to get that covert lower yes the building of morning Side Drive is hopefully going to give me that opportunity to have that done so um yes a a a question uh was how did the Moffet property hold up does anyone know David knows I don't know what up David you got the answer no excellent excellent good um you know the woman who came from Thousand Oaks and Trinity Oaks just and I don't I've got her name and I yeah um I hope that she I hope that my assistant went out and got a phone number because I want to call her but I don't I don't recall how long ago she said she moved into that area but I know before I was a commissioner and during my first early years we had massive meetings with the it's called the Trinity flood task force with congressmen Senators Swift Mud Army Corps everybody uh monthly to try and figure out how to help with that flooding and um the the state in the county went in and spent millions and millions of dollars frankly cleaning up some of the waterways there that the neighborhood did not keep up like that BMP 5 There Were Trees growing in it and you know what guys I haven't been out seems to me I drove by that road the other day and I don't think it may have grown in again so we need to look at that BMP 5 and see if it's been made tained as a clear Waterway um however we will never be able to keep water from going out of a bowl it's just a question of how quickly can we empty that bowl um and I know every time a storm a big storms coming I just want those residents to know that I call staff but they're already on it we're we're lowering the water levels we are opening the gates and we are trying to move as much water out as we can but sadly that Community is really a 15inch lower bowl and uh I a resident recently contacted me and asked me what happened to the PACE program and I don't know if we ever really formally said that the the resolution of that PACE program where they were looking at holding the enclo river back and storing it on the starky Wilderness preserve um is that it was so costly that it was cheaper to buy the homes out that repeatedly fled and I do believe we had some neighbors contact the County about being bought out that get water in there and the answer you so so we either need to buy those residents out or find a way to help them to elevate their houses uh and some of them it's just it's really a matter of 6 inches or a foot and they will be out of the water and so um maybe we have a t a meeting for that Community again and with FEMA and insurance people and um and let them know their options but we will never be able to stop a river from going in there yeah we just can't it's just that's Mother Nature there m and and the HOAs are in those areas uh their job is to keep those uh areas clean yeah but when I got elected eight years ago they were having the same problem then yeah yeah so we need to keep them clean so I I and I'm not sure whose responsibility frankly bmp5 is sometimes when we take on a a a Swale or a pond or something maybe it's our responsibility and we're not doing it so I I don't know the answer to that but we need to go look and make sure that you know what I'm talking about Jack that long one I walked it with Congressman Bill Swift Mud has the contractors that can clean those ponds but the HOAs have to pay for it for those communities well I I I think sometimes we take over responsibility yeah you know and I started with those meetings long ago uh and when we had the Army Core there Swift modes there Congress bakus had people there we had all the HOAs that were there and I I think you know Dr gills and L Friedland laid it out with Dan wayar it's a matter of conveyance getting it out there and sometimes not going to convey either but what we did for the improvements were great but I think what what why that HOA suffers so much is maintaining it is when the drought happened from years ago all these sugar Maples came in and multiplied and all of a sudden the wetlands got higher than the river flow so it couldn't even drain into them like it was even designed it may be a good thing to go take a look at with the storm water team to let's go try to see if we do some emergency thing like we did over in Palm teras draining out that you know di out that spray field to go dig that trench that we know where it's supposed to go and maybe this is the time to get it done because the Army Corps kept a lot of that work from getting done this may be the time to go do it under the storm event because as they're going to suffer because when we looked at like the reserve passed away when we cleaned that one out cuz that was like plugged in and that was something was like a was a foot wide it's probably like8 feet wide now yeah where the water could flow and get it out there and you look at oid oid is after that and what is oid oakd is dry as can be because all right all the covers and everything else all the drains are open if we can help that HOA get that thing dug especially where we have the advantage of the storm that's in right now and the flooding itself right now I think it's the ultimate approach cuz that may this may be the one time to get that fixed once and for all because all the great things we did we got permitted this is one they wouldn't let us go in and do might be the perfect thing to go take a look at the other suggestion that had come out of some of the engineering um work around that whole mess was to put a very large Culvert under the um Center of Mitchell Boulevard and you know maybe maybe we can look at those numbers again and see if it makes sense and maybe get some if we can get some federal money for it okay the other thing I want to uh I brought this up on one of our 130 calls after Irma I think it was was Kevin here Kevin was here Irma um we got a federal contract to clean up part a part of anklet River and I went and watched them a couple days they were pulling they were using inmate labor with a a contractor and they were pulling the trees out of the river and allow clearing the flow um but they only did a section of it I believe they went from starky Boulevard bridge to little road so if you've ever looked at any of that River going further south it is filled in with trees and um and so maybe we can um get on that and maybe there's some out on the other in other rivers that you know we can expand this and CLE clear out some of our rivers and get that flow going better Mr Stein Steiner Mr chairman I'll remind you again that if the court told you you couldn't do it you still can't do it in a state of emergency now I'm flip side of that this may be the time to approach the core I'm saying and see whether well wasn't all together clear um I just want to make sure that that you know that the state of emergency doesn't give you the doesn't give you permitting Authority so if you've got issues with either D or the core you still got to go through those processes uh but now may be the time that the core might be willing to take a second look at what they had denied several years ago um and allow it but just that caveat for the record right thank you for the clarity Mr chairman yes Mr Stein Snider I actually appreciate that opinion that's the first actually uh Andy FAA does tell me that we are looking at that with tetratech and and it could be something that's reimbursable so we're we're we're exploring that legally all right we're in point uh let's uh recess for lunch and be back here at 1:30 [Music] [Music] [Music]