[Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay thank you I will now call back to order the Pasco County Board County Commission meeting of June 4th 2024 please silence all electronic devices and mute your microphones um we will proceed with public hearings starting with ordinances um and item 44 I plan so the board knows I plan on this public hearing lasting till around 3:00 and uh an hour for finish the meeting around 4:00 hopefully with your help Mr chair um I have publication on p44 item p44 was published in the Tampa Bay Times on April 17th 2024 thank you Mr chairman item p44 is drd 24 36 this is an ordinance with a long title so I'll just summarize it it is the invasive species Management program to address invasive plants in Pasco County uh this would be the first reading of the ordinance or the first presentation to board County Commissioners however it is being continued to the August 6 2024 board meeting in date City at 1:30 p.m. move to continue okay I have a motion second and a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 uh p45 item p45 was published in the Tampa Times on February 21st 2024 item p45 is uh p24 0011 uh this also is an ordinance amending the Pas County comprehensive plan providing for text amendments to the Future land sment pertaining to Industrial compatibility adjacent to Wetlands it is essentially the Omnibus Amendment to the comprehensive plan this is a continuance request to the June 18 2024 B County Commissioners meeting in newp Richi at 1:30 p.m. move to continue motion motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 go to p46 item p46 was published in the Tampa Bay Times on February 21st 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p46 is p eg2 24124 this is an ordinance amending the Pasco County comprehensive plan providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use M map 2-15 and Sheet 06 from AG agricultural to AGR agricultural rural on approximately 92.6 Acres of real property located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Bellamy brothers Boulevard and Johnston Road and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repeatability and an effective date this comes here with a recommendation of approval by ro there's a presentation if so desired okay this is a public meeting um has anyone signed up to speak to this item no one has signed up for this item uh I recognize uh Miss hawood come forward state your name and address for the record no fancy H 34110 a nice place um so I I read through all this and I I had heard some concerns about but I wasn't sure what I should be concerned about the only thing I saw was maybe it was going to be higher densities than 1 per five per acre so I just want to be reassured that it cannot be any denser than one unit per F 4 58 ERS thank youall all right thank you anyone El wish to speak this item yes ma'am thank you Mr chairman address I'm the applicant I represent the applicant Cindy terapan the address is 128 East Tarpon Avenue in Tarpon Springs Florida represent the applicant this is your adoption hearing on this plan Amendment Planning Commission recommended unanimously to approve it uh you are recommended the unanimously to approve it to transmit it we had no comments back from any the state agencies um and I'll just confirm um uh lady's comment the request is for a plan category that the maximum density is one unit for five acres each lot must be a minimum of five we're currently at 10 so we're asking to go from 10 10 10 acre lot to a 5 acre lot the difference is nine units Al together it's a very Minimus di Minimus change we will upon approval of this if we are approved today we will start through the rezoning process um to confirm that it will be a 5 Acres zoning lot and then of course subdivide as we go forward happy to answer any questions you might have I I have one question question um I don't recall what the plan is for Bellamy if there's a multi-use path going up the side of it but is there a reservation on this um we have there is a RightWay reservation on the on well on both sides and we we're aware of that I don't remember that there's a path I don't believe there's a path on Bellamy I think the path is down on State Road 52 but I would refer defer to the staff there's no path on B like going to be in the road let me ask ter Terry the the nearest Trail is 5.7 miles south of this site at 52 so that the trail does not go up B Brothers board it doesn't go up on B but there there is one south of it yeah right there yes yeah south of it yeah just so if if whoever moves in there wants to get to the trail they're going to be in the road yes there they'll probably be Road or shoulder that's not always the best plan just saying yeah Mr chairman well Terry's up Terry down to the south at lenar we're 52 in Bellamy hit we have we have a trailer a path along the frontage of that road yes how that development on the north side of 52 fot installed a multi-use bath I mean it comes up Bellamy to 52 from the where the orange belt Trail is coming along is going north I'm was pretty sure it's going north on Bellamy at least 2 52 um I mean it's got to go up I I don't think that's right I think it goes up and then crosses through the project that hin is doing so I was just going to add one thing again Cindy terany for the applicant um there's no plans even in the lrtp to expand Bellamy Beyond its two lane uh uh situation today so with the rideway that's being donated by this property and the RightWay that is there if you elected to to do a trail seems to me there would be enough RightWay to put it in I mean enough RightWay to put a trail in your rideway that you're getting from this applicant are we when are we hiring that this Trails person that will know these answers to these questions like the uh I can answer the the um the advertisement is active right now we've gone through uh one round of candidates and had to go back out in search of a candidate again so it's an active application that we're looking for active Transportation planners um at Bellamy Brothers The Pedestrian infrastructure that's moving North from 52 is sidewalks that are associated with development that's taking that will take place in the area um a p the a multi-use path crosses 52 North to South at Old Pascal Road just to the east of here of delaman 52 that is uh keep in mind that this particular site is 5 m almost 6 miles north of the nearest and that this is on the borders of the rural area between the rural transition area and Northeast R all right yeah that Road's never planned to be a four-lane road so oh well hopefully we get good improvements on belly that we do need in that area so okay Mr chairman I'd make one more call for public comment since sort of been destroyed is there anyone else in audience wish to speak to this item seeing no one move approval Mr chair there's no one on WebEx for this item okay I've got a motion second and a second roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner joer I District Five commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 move on to p47 item p47 7 was published in the Tempe times on May 22nd 2024 all right good afternoon Justin Grant director public infrastructure fiscal and business administration item p47 is pipa 24- 0326 an ordinance creating the Road rehabilitation services Municipal Services taxing unit providing for boundaries of the unit providing for Levy of aor tax providing for municipal services to be funded repealing and placing CCO County ordinance number 2264 and ordinance number 23-35 providing for severability providing for the inclusion of county code of ordinances providing for correction of Errors providing for limitation on actions and providing an effective date all right so quick uh recap on the timeline uh pun intended it's been a long road to get here um and so quick uh quick review of some of the actions that we've taken here uh to go through this back in December uh we adopted ordinance number 2264 originally called the local Road mstu was established then in April of that year after much diligence uh we worked and and realized that there needed to be structural and legal changes required because of uh you know regulations and and law on the state books it required us to delay that by a year and so we came back in September uh and and brought forth ordinance number 23-35 uh we amended boundaries and provided for any appeals process uh and then in January as we really started digging into that uh and the foral one there was a number of exclusions and and small area that was targeted in what we were trying to do revealed a number of significant implementation challenges and so now we're coming uh with what we hope to be the final revision to this ordinance and we have a repeal and replace ordinance here before you today so a quick comparison on on what the two ordinances are doing right the former ordinance that we had in the numbers that we're just seeing on the prior slide focused only on local roads uh so it was intended just to be a replacement for the pat program and so uh there was multiple exclusion classes that were created and when that was done right that created quite a few challenges uh to implementing that uh and one of the big things that we noted is require an pellet board to be formed separate from this board um to be able to process that so when we went through this um our proposed ordinance now uh expands it to uh be applied all to all Parcels all unincorporated Parcels within Pasco County and expands the services to Arial and collector roads whereas before it was just local it now also adds a provision for low-income assistance for select active P part and removes most of those implementation uh challenges that we had with the former version of the ordinance so one highlight we'd like to to state here is the P relief assistance and so when we went through and and redesigning this we wanted to make sure that we offered some kind of assistance to uh to PS folks that are still in the PS program and so we're working with Community Development to implement a process that would be effective here this coming tax year uh should the ordinance be approved uh that would uh would provide some assistance to families earning less Le than 80% of the area mediate income and and would be eligible for those uh those PS projects within the current year of their assessment and now for the next part of our presentation I'm going to bring up our Public Works director Jason michl and he'll talk a little bit more about the implementation process okay good afternoon uh again I'm Jason Mel Public Works director um thank you Mr chairman members of the board I appreciate all the um support that you've given our program uh we talked a little bit last last time about storm water here we're talk we're talking about roads Road rehabilitation um do want to you know appreciate the guidance that Mike and Branford um have have provided throughout this whole time and we work really closely with a lot of different folks to get here including fiscal including County attorney um so I don't want to leave anybody out but our engineering team is here as well and those guys have put in a lot of great work to to get us here so um with that said I'm I just want to give you a couple big picture things right right up front before I even get started you know this plan that we're presenting you today um is as I State here right Road right time right strategy I'll talk a little bit about about exactly what that means but in the end the big take- home message I'd like to give you now I'll talk a little bit about it in the presentation and then I'll end with it as well um on average every year we pave about uh re rehabilitate about 20 Lane miles of uh roads through PS about about 20 Lane miles what I'm going to show you here today is going to get us to about 130 Lane miles um which is a significant increase at a very um great cost so um let me I'll walk you through it a little bit if you have questions for you I'll stay um if not I'll turn it back over to Justin at the end for a recommendation so as you remember the P program uh that was a citizen driven program that we we had no input in what roads got paved citizens petition they came to you they got it approved we went out and got those roads paved it's not the most efficient program in the world it's not very cost effective um and it's not really based in science it's who petitioned themselves and who wanted to pay the money and who was getting paid our new program based in science um I'm going to talk a little bit about that on next couple of slides um very cost- effective um we'll get to all the roads in the network as well that's one of the key things about this program um and it allows us to be able to plan it allows us to predict and plan where what roads where you're going to pave so how do you start you inventory all your roads you inspect all your roads you develop what's called a PCI or a pavement condition index you'll hear a lot about that you probably already all know what that is but I'm going to show you a couple examples of how we use that uh after you after you have your pavement condition index you then you have a database you have all your roads within the database um you want to maintain that database you got software you got new roads that come online you got roads that have rehabed you want to bring that on to the database and make sure your PCI is accurate you have a budget you analyze your budget you able will predict what roads you want to pave by the amount of money that you have prioritize those roads based on the PCI and those other conditions and then you look at what are your best strategies so this slide uh this is really just a big picture show you how the PCI breaks out okay so the PCI ranks in these different categories good satisfactory Fair poor and failed right and what I what I want to bring to your attention here is if you invest in these roads early on right so good satisfactory and even fair if you invest in them early in the roads life cycle you're able to spread out your investment over a longer period of time and I I'll just give you a quick example if you look at a good road which we could all imagine what a good road looks like no potholes smooth surface the you know nice asphalt you could rejuvenate that road at less than $8,000 $118,000 per mile that's that that's not a lot of money to extend the life of a road by another four or five years if you move on to the next C category which is satisfactory you could spend about 70,000 per mile to microsurface T and then the last one I'll talk about is fair fair you can millonary Surface that's a little bit more expensive about 350,000 per mile but as you can see each one of these categories allows for to extend the life the earlier you get to the road and I'll show you this on a graph so here's here's the average life cycle um of a road this is untreated 20 years so after the first 75% which is about 15 years right of the road it'll drop about 40% in quality over the next 2 and 1/2 years or so it's going to drop another 40% so just in those first 17 years 18 years you've now lost about 80% of the roads quality but if you would have invested not you specifically but if we would have invested in the in the road at the right time with either Rejuvenation micros surfacing or Mill and repave you could extend the road by at least 40 more years so you can get a lot more life out of the road if you invest in the right times and by investing in the right times I want to I'm going to show you what we call the complaint line so anything that falls below this complaint line pushes below a fair Road potholes alligator cracking things that our citizens and our customers complain about right things that our drivers um get get damaged tires they it's unsightly and safety issues rise so we don't we don't want those complaints we want to keep we want to reduce our maintenance we want to decrease our costs to invest in the road we want to keep our customers happy our tourists happy our businesses happy and keep those roads in the best shape we possibly can for the longest amount of time so here's a tale of two counties all right I want to say the one on the right is a county called let's say Lasco right and the one on and the one on the left is we'll call that Bernando right I'm just totally making the right so those two that you look at one side one one side is one that has invested in their roadway Network and you could see that's actually Joseph there Park taking a picture now I'm just kidding but that but you that seriously is two counties one road yeah it's actually cities I believe it's not us but it is a picture that a lot of people like you know ustin Public Works show to demonstrate how an investment in a roadway Network could pay off so moving into uh the actual program itself so these these are these are the lane miles that we have within our Network so as you can see here about 4,200 Lane miles within our roadway Network much of that is local roads about 3,000 Mi or about 73 75% somewhere around there uh major roads is about 1,00 um but what I what I did here just to just to show you and this is a base case this is these numbers are just numbers I use you still have plenty work to do on your end as far as um workshopping goes but the $20 million that I used here um you could see how it would go about 14 million to local roads and about 6 million to Major roads and the way we did that is just simply breaking down the percentages um of of our roadway Network so PCI I mentioned helps us drive the process but we do take all this and put it into a matrix with some other things as well safety is a big concern um traffic volumes land uses are a big concern um we take all that these VAR various um criteria put it into a matrix and then we're able to build our plan and our plan is going to look something like this now I know it's a lot of numbers in the table it's hard to read but what I want to point out here is this is a three-year plan actual work that the engineers did using all the criteria I talked about using a $20 million base case using our five different strategies they're able to show on average we could we could um rehabilitate about 130 Lane miles roads every year and then what they further did was they took this and they broke it down by District so they're able to show you what what we can get done per District over that three-year period and then real briefly um the plan advantages we're we're going to be able to get a lot more roads rehabilitated for a lot less cost um we're going to focus on the early strategies preservation micros servicing Mill and repay through that we're going to dis disrupt our roads a lot less so our our drivers will stay safer they won't have a lot of inconveniences we won't have a lot of downtime on our roads um as as Justin mentioned uh provides for a low income past relief program and then finally just to bring it all back it this balances affordability with Miles PID and I I'll stay up here for questions and if not I'll Advance aside for Jus to do the recommendation any questions for the board Mr CH Mr Maron Jason would you talk more about what the Rejuvenation actually is so we have um and if if you want a little technical I could bring up either Joseph or Chris if you want to come up give you a a two-minute technical on the Rejuvenation I think you would want to hear from from one of them rather than me good afternoon commission uh Chris hanning senior engineer with public works good afternoon uh Rejuvenation is it's kind of just uh it's an emotion of asphalt uh that actually gets sprayed on in a pink color so that you can tell it's actually been sprayed on and what it does it just kind of um brings new life to the uh asphalt that is there um so it's very uh there are certain uh instances that you can use it um has to be you know basically Less Than 3 years old about 3 years old or so and uh really void of any kind of cracking at all and basically it just kind of rejuvenates and um reinvigorates the asphalt that is in the pavment to kind of give it a harder structure so that uh it'll be a longer time before it starts crafting would would that be anything similar to you might use in a parking lot or is it just a thinner thinner material it's a much thinner material it's it's it's about the consistency of a paint almost maybe a little bit thinner than that um what they normally would do on a like a parking lot is some sort sort of a a seal um with it's a much thicker um asphalt and it has uh like some some fine Aggregates in it as well but Rejuvenation is basically just a really thin um Emulsion asphalt emulsion that they they pour on the road to uh affect the asphalt binder in the in the roadway and you think it adds how many more years of life I'm part sorry you think it adds how many more years of life yes sir yes sir um generally about three to five more years of life we can extend it out before it starts dipping to where um little bit of cracking start showing up and then that's when we come in with a little harder preventive treatment uh like microsurfaces and that's that's closer to what a seal is um what you see on uh so so what I see is the fact we're going to attack the roads that are failed we're going to attack all of those roads but you're going to have those that are in a process of starting to fail that we're going to attack with this system to lengthen that three to five years so we'll be on different Cycles but we'll get the worst roads actually taken care of first but then by using this seal to keep a road from failing then it rejuvenates a 3 to five and you move that through the process a lot better sounds like exactly sir um I think uh we might not see the uh benefits of it in the next couple of years or so but I think down the line 10 15 years we'll really um see those benefits the real benefits when we get all those failed roads taken care of and start in that cycle where we're doing this Rejuvenation which is a lot cheaper and our cost to come way down and faving our roads so which needs I think we're kind of going for the top to save the top and then we're going to try to bring up the bottom as that's right yeah I understand that it's a good process okay well and and I would say we will save money by not sending our pothole fillers out over and over over again because we know every time it rains those poth holes pop out so it's just taxpayer money going right down the program will help us reduce our operations maintenance cost okay sounds good yes sir um another question currently I got a road Diagonal Road up in Hudson it's a Sugar Sand Road not even Lime Rock Sugar Sand uh got some calls where starting to look look about what what can be done to that road to rebuild or to build that road is going to be very expensive yeah coincidentally just the same as a dirt road it's going to be more expensive yeah one of the things we talked about with a Paving assessment at least when you're doing that the per person who's on that dirt road or Sugar Sand Road or even a good road proportionately pays a certain amount of money I'm a little concerned that if we do too many of these dirt roads we don't have enough money put in that that can get eaten up pretty quick and just because staff may feel it needs to be done more so than another road um when we used to do pro program maintenance the Commissioners would pretty much decide or reference each of their districts where the money was going to get spent um I've got a road called Coyote Road that would run um in the northern part of Hudson go all the way to conand Road it could be like an arterior road which would have extra benefit compared to a local road so I don't address that and maybe that's something Justin will cover later but those two issues are a little bit of concern how how we're going to get picked and then you know is there going to be an extra cost for the people that live in a dirt road or sugar s road compared to someone who's going to finally pave Road already see that that cost is pretty much going to go away like a p bass was before they're not going to have it you're going into a fund if I'm not mistaken Justin uh this money is coming in a fund and they're not going to do all those dirt roads at one time there's no way in the world we can afford to do that so I I'll I'll just um see if this helps uh we we do have the the vroad program that we've you know been tackling now for years um our plan is to slowly take those B- roads in um put them under our maintenance and you can see here on this chart um we don't have and then the bottom one is called reconstruction that's the lane miles we anticipate Paving um or or building constructing and Paving um over over those those yearly Cycles it's not a lot cuz it's very expensive so we we slowly want to bring them in okay okay commiss SAR I'm sorry well I've always voiced my little objection to this because people who bought on a dirt road paid less for their property being on a dirt road and if they if their Road's going to become paved I think they need to help pay for it to be paved and then they can just go into the maintenance program but I don't think we should be Paving pay the rest of the taxpayers in Pasco County should be Paving paying for someone's road to go from dirt to pain that's there should be a I thought we always said there was going to be a one time some kind of assessment to go from dirt to P so just I'll transition over to uh Justin but I just wanted to mention as well um what our guys that that select these roads what they'll be looking at um is some connectivity right so if these roads have some other public use right if there if they could be used as a you know um you know another road that you can get to another major road another arterial collector Road um then they have a benefit to the overall County so that those are the ones we started to look at first as a priority um that if if that helps at all if not Justin yeah right sorry I'm not sure he answers answered what I was saying yeah so so you're addressing right in some cases right there could be roads that would call for reconstruction which is what a dirt road or Sand Road or something like that would call for right that they don't want to have it paid right and I go back or they well they may want it but they don't want to PID for it right so so and and we go back kind of to to the slide that Jason presented right that there's a mult multitude of factors that they take in in into effect and so they were going to go through and have a scoring program and everything like that and then you go back here and you see the vast majority of the lane miles are in the the top three tiers of Road uh conditions that Jason talked about and that's where we're going to be able to get the most of the miles so you talk about folks that say Hey you know I know there's been significant discussion over the past year plus right on how do we handle the significant higher cost right we saw you know that graph that had you know $4 signs for reconstruction versus $1 sign for the stuff that Chris was describing uh that's essentially a clear coat on the road um those folks are going to end up paying you know the way the mstu is design from a legal standpoint is it has to have a uniform assessment across all the that participants in it so we don't have an ability to to say hey you're in a parcel based on road classification which was part of some of the challenges we had to go away from the first version was trying to have different types of Assessments within one Municipal service taxing unit in mstu and so the to try and answer your question commissioner right it those same folks that hey I have a dirt road and we look at how much more it costs and how little in comparison to Total Lan miles that we can do with the money that we're going to get over the whole whole Road Network those same folks may end up paying into the system for anywhere from 10 to 20 years before they ever see their Road get touched whereas some of the folks that are have roads that are in good in good condition or better might see that attention of the program that Chris was talking about relatively soon right so that tries to kind of balance those scills can we leave a door open if th if some of those people want to get their Road paid that they can have some kind of assessment system to go ahead and get it paid yes to answer your question yeah so I think we should make sure we keep that option open and second I think we need to be very careful on what we're approving um say for example uh the property we approved today um with the five that went with the five acres so because they so they put in a dirt road and then then the the taxpayers of Pasco County pay for their new paav road so that's a private road well so not if they did it over to the county I'm just I'm just playing devil's advocate here and I just think we need to be careful okay what were we going to say Jeff there are some jurisdictions that taking roads from dirt to Asphalt is a special assessment process I think it should be um much like you've been doing P but but it's it's only to those conversions um yeah and this what I was going to say was this would only affect what we're talking about is only those that Jason is currently sending a great grater out to now as a dirt road it would not be anybody who has a private road that's private I look at Moon Lake those are those are County roads in most cases they were dedicated to you by plot yeah you've had those a long time so I can try and answer both sides that if we can right so the first part is you talked about developments coming in on roads and trying to say okay great if they're coming in especially on a dirt road or even a road that doesn't meet current County standards like you mentioned we have Land Development code that defines that that bottom right corner there on this slide right here substandard roads right there's a provision in our in our Land Development code that requires uh that department to go through and work with the developers that are applying and assess the condition of the road and there are Financial metrics that require developers to say hey if you're going to add this amount of traffic and it's all defined in our code right of course and if you're going to add this amount of traffic and and dilapidate a r road that is not at County standards there's Financial consideration that has to be placed in that it also ends up in here where if those things are coming in and developers having to make that payment into the process Jason is is his team have to take that into account when they're prioritizing roads if there's going to be some major development that's getting built on a road that's substandard we have to look at going okay great developer is going to make a contribution we also need to look at making sure that the road can get to standard to handle the anticipated traffic that's coming in so that's the first part of your question I believe yeah well I just think if dirt roads coming into pave roads there should be a special assessment unless they're explanation color orial status yeah there's no way a dirt road is going to come in this new process and happen right away being a PVE Road I think Mike mentioned it and Jason certainly step in if I don't describe this adequately enough right we talk a little bit about B roads right and that the B roads are going to be a process to come in right so Public Works and our public infrastructure brands has talked a lot about the strategy to bring that in that's something that the county has dealt with for a long time uh and those are roads that that the county owns but doesn't maintain it's an interesting classification that's been there and so there's an overall strategy that's built into this to start filtering them in that is not commissioner you you mentioned it correctly that is not an overnight process there's a lot of mileage there there's a lot of dilapidated conditions and so depending on you know the level that the board you know chooses to approve this type of a vehicle to go through with this then we go through and systematically try and Tackle those and bring them into the system that's what public work is going to do okay anything that just good all right Mr chairman yes sir so to be clear the roads that are listed as private right now are not part of this assessment no sir but this will still facilitate a way they can get in they've just got to assess themselves to go forward just like in old days with P so at least they're going to be separate all right so this ordinance applies countywide to everybody everybody no to everybody everybody be you will not be maintaining private facilities with dollars that are generated by this ordinance so those private are still out of the mix even though even though they pay it in if if that yes okay because there are because this is we've moved away from the concept of this just dealing with local roads this is this is the countywide network so everybody is is part of the will get a tax bill for this mstu if in the and I don't foresee this happening but if [Music] a private road were to be um the county was willing to accept it into the system and all of the fee simple title was G granted to the county and we and it was brought up to County maintenance standards then and you agreed to accept it then this process could then take it in but it's it would have to be part of your County Road system and then at that point if we're going to take it in can we have a preset up thing where they're going to pay this extra number of dollars to get the road brought the standard you're yes the short answer is yes but you're but you're but you're that's a policy decision well aware well down the road and not really part of this or no no but it's it's good to know where we're going to go for these special I said to commissioner starky you could you could do it as a special assessment process MH if and when that eventuality came and then take it into the system but like I said this this ordinance is not designed to deal with that contingency and that's important to get that because that's what we wanted to separate out now the other situation just to be clear if somebody is in a county maintained Road meaning we're maintaining the lime rock Etc we'll spend next number of dollars on that but it doesn't as have asphalt it's a lot more to repave that road than it would be a regular road to do a simple repaving can we put an assessment on that dirt road compared to a regular pave road again that's a that would be a policy decision that you should you should talk about when you're establishing rates M but legally yes we can set a process up that a road that is below a certain standard would still have a special assessment or a road that was a conversion from dirt to ASA was a special assessment but that again that the the process that this was designed to cover was the things that you that are currently dedicated to you and then to bring those B- roads into the system because they've been dedicated to you but they were supposed to be maintained by a homeowners association we didn't quote accept them for maintenance back in back in the day um this is really designed to start bringing those roads into Modern Times And if I'm going to look at a road and I I'll I'll give the name Coyote Road just to give you an example where it is it runs from let's say County Line Road all the way down to Denton even to the South I think it connects a kitten Trail uh it's a road that would actually connect to arterial to go forward much like Hicks Road of vision Road would connect from uh New York Avenue to Bolton again connecting two our tial all the way from 52 to Denton now when we look at those the way you have this set up we can give extra consideration to those getting done even though it may be a dirt road that's got the extra arterial benefit to give it a break as far as what the people would get charged if they're going to get charged something more extra so so I'll try to unpack Al's commentary right and go back to yes commissioner you're absolutely right all those things would be considered so connectivity is one of the factors that's here right does it connect a different roads um County attorney described it very well we've had a lot of discussions back and forth on how to deal with some of those things and i' be careful to say that the way the mstu itself is design we're talking about separate assessments those would be handled separate from the the any millage that is chosen uh you know as a a part of this taxing unit it would have to be a separate assessment that would be done but let's get I just want to forget the other two scenarios just the last one if I'm dealing with let's say a road that's going to be a a dirt road that's going to connect arterials normally be charged extra would we be charging an extra do we factor that into that that road uh in and of itself no I think that goes back to the question I attempted to answer from commissioner starky right is that that odds are right and it may not be this case in every single one of them right but when you go through the prioritization and we look and we look at all these different factors and then we go back to uh the slide that Jason presented a minute ago and you look at the smallest percentage of total Lane miles being done is that reconstruction or Andor FDR right the bottom two right you look at you know a less than 10th right out of 130 Lan miles being done are in that classification that you're talking about odds are because they're so little lane miles right they're going to pay into the system for a significantly longer amount of time than folks that live in those top three that have better conditioned roads they're going to see results far far you know sooner than that so when you talk about the net input in into the system in terms of taxes paid into this system right the hope is that in a lot of cases that comes out the LA so here's here's what I think is going to be part of a key coming up um you know for for a long time let's say four years ago we had trouble in Little Road from 52 down to Fox Hollow roads delaminating falling apart we did it it took it took a lot of public outcry to finally get it done we got it done people are happy we just did the section from Fox Alo down to Embassy down south of Embassy down to uh Ridge Road we still have D elimination going on it's just getting started same thing's going to happen again if you are a local commissioner and again commissioner Bradford couldn't watch over it so I was kind of pushing that road hard to get that done and thank you guys for getting it done and had the resident commissioner pushed harder maybe he would have been driving all the way to Embassy from the get-go but getting it done as quick as we could in the budget we struggled with that every commissioner is going to feel differently about what road is important to his people right well it's it's scientific they just need to go by the the facts I don't think a commissioner should be pushing anything I think it should all be science based I am against the commissioner pushing things well let me give you an example if I get a vision then we're all just going to be up here going like this all the time and I don't think that's healthy I don't have a problem with it as long as I get my 50% roads so I I I I this has got to work by the it's got to work by science by science or I'm not in on it that's it and all of us share in the Mount of Paving happening during that year we all share in our districts well and again we when we do do them all at one time and we do all these things sometimes it's going to give you you have an engineer making a decision but you might have a constituency that says you know what I really need this road it's got some benefits to it scientifically no I mean all right so tell me scientifically I got a dirt road or I got a road that's needs to be rejuvenated and let's say Obviously one's a lot less expensive when does a trigger get pulled to get the dirt road down it's not on you it's on them but who how do they decide for transportation not engineering just Transportation what roads most important to your people well so if I get a road that let's say I get Hicks Road you get a kind of like like Ridge Road before that was built you had everybody coming down little road cutting over going back up back and forth use everywhere Ridge Ro comes in it freed up traffic tremendously and if a district commissioner has got some roads that would connect our materials freeing up the traffic from that tals it's not going to show on their engineering but it's going to show on my my my citizens what they want to see done well I'll give you an example you got if you got two different roads in in your district one of them may be more important than the other so that's what would should be shown and should be taken care of by P commissioner but you're going by engineer Transportation Mr cabal I mean if I may the the the selection criteria that the team have come up with actually I think commissioner really accounts for that if you start looking at something that's important to the community right that's going to be a lot of people that are very interested in something so I think you look at traffic impacts commercial residential land use volume in density I think a lot of those things are going to come out now this doesn't mean that if you you have a tie and you've got a you know a 70 and a 70 that there is some some subjectivity that may have to come in in judgment there are probably opportunities for us to look at things from a judgmental perspective but but for the most part you know having an objective process that looks at the condition of the roads and especially if we're going to start talking about reconstruction reconstruction is vastly expensive vastly expensive and I think uh the team here have shown that really we're putting a lot of the dollars into Rejuvenation um and things above the complaint line I guess um that'll keep those roads from getting there and then we we work on those roads as we get to them depending on the level of funding I mean this is and and that's I mean they could I can tell you our road problem in this county is probably over2 billion dollar so we're going to be chipping away at it for a very very long time but I do think that the objective criteria does have some of the things that you're concerned about and you know if if there are things that need to be Capital programs or other things we can have other discussions on those but I think for this we really want to focus this on on maintenance yeah just my my two this program will improve over P greatly than what we've been going through and there were a lot of roads will be taken care of of and a lot of roads I mean doing this the seal to improve that road to move it on down the road 3 to 5 years is much well needed and probably easier to take care of than doing a regular Road you know from from ground up so I think you'll see those things move a lot quicker and those those items are cheaper so you'll move forward and every year you're you're drawing money in this fund that be able to help take care of these roads well as far as I can doing Rejuvenation i' say something we I think we need to really take a close hard look at is the spray jet Paving we've done that now a few times that's going to stretch I think every road probably at least 3 to 5 Years anyway just with the extra Bond Etc don't know that just a state uh no scientific basis any more than Rejuvenation but uh that's something I think we need to work into this thing as well down the road Mike said it very well I just wanted to add that this board has invested in that science um we have we have had third party vendors help us with that science and I want to come back to you in the future and ask you for more money to invest in that science so it's an ongoing process um what what you've already invested in has got us here to this point so we have our staff that are working hard to to work with the science that we have and interpret that and come up with a really detailed list for you um but we we're not done we're going to keep we're going to keep looking at it we're going to keep coming back for reinvestment into understanding our road Network on a on a you know probably a 5 to 7 year period we're going to look at that science um but but that that's an ongoing thing so we'll keep we'll keep on top of our road Network as it ages okay just one last thought even if a commissioner doesn't decide how the money is going to be spent I still want to see a transparent breakdown of where the money is being spent District to District I think we'll have that along the way yeah how how will that work will you report to us every quarter or you know will we so we have a um we have a plan for our website um to transparently have um every road that we plan on Paving over the next 3 years um will be will be published um and available for our customers to be able to see uh if if it's the board's pleasure to come back and and report to you on our progress on a quarterly basis whatever that um you know period of time you'd like to see I'm obviously more than happy to do that for you I mean it may make more sense to do it as part of the annual budgeting process as well as you're setting it so you can see that in advance and then we can report we still have I mean we still have a say in them but it is a science and we're going to do it by the science and it's going to make the program work so we are but Mike that's a perfect comment because we through our budget process we've worked with the Office of Management and budget to make sure that we are setting up systems that should this uh you know msdu be enacted we do want to make sure we can report on those things as a part of the annual budget process okay all right let's move forward all right so that brings us to the the last and simplest slide right which is to accept public comment um and adopt the ordinance you see here before you uh that repeal your replace replaces um number 23-35 and 2264 and then also confirm this board's um intent to uh put this assessment on this coming year's tax bill okay um do we have anyone signed up speak this item I have no one signed up and no one on WebEx for this item is there anyone in audience wish to speak to this item uhoh you have the tax collector wait a minute wait a minute how'd you sneak in the room name and address yes sir good afternoon Commissioners thank you Mr chairman I won't stay up long um first of all I want to thank Justin for getting with us and uh speaking to us over the phone the other day um whatever you decide that's up to you God bless you I'd rather be in my position than yours right now but I want to stress to you that the tax collector and the property appraiser becomes the messenger of a message uh the tax bill and we would ask you that you educate the public about this and the other one that's coming before you because when a tax bill is sent out they get it from me they don't get it from you they don't get it from the clerk they get it from me so I would ask you that the importance of educating the public about this before whatever decision you decide I'm not here to oppose it or support it I'm here to just ask you to meucate the public because our phones will ring off the hook especially for those who already have a PS now I know there's a program that's been put together wisely and I think will help some let me let me stress the word some of those who have already pay pvest that will see a double taxation on their notice our bill will our bill our T our uh call centor Will heed those problems we'll hear from those who live in cdds as to why they're being assessed for maybe the roads are taken care of by the CDD I don't know if that's been addressed that's been has been that's great so that's less phone calls but please educate the public so my staff will not have to deal with it and neither will the property appra your staff it becomes overwhelming because again when someone gets a tax notice it doesn't say commissioner Mariano or joer Oakley or starky or waitman it says mike Fano we planned it that way yes I can PL some really your friend I I can plan some some things too by putting your mobile number on the tax notice so anyway I would appreciate that and I appreciate uh you listening to me God bless you all thank you all right thank you Mr chairman can I just address that anyone with a pvas is not going to be affected by this correct while they're paying the PS so first of all thank you to the program's covered all that so I'm sorry Comm I said your program is covered the P are in action they're already yeah so so I'll first first I like to say thank you both to the tax collector and the proper preser they've been absolute professionals to deal with and we've been working closely with both of those offices to try and address all of their concerns and make sure that we have a uniform implementation should the board elect to move forward with something like this so uh thank you very much sir and thank you to um your office as well um to address your your question um PS is still going to be in existence so that was one of our biggest uh so when I say in existence I mean active PS is currently being assessed and those projects that were elected by this board about a year ago go right to continue moving forward that methodology they will continue to receive their assessment um and so that is part of why we wanted to make sure we put that low-income assistance on there so that folks that are in a low-income bracket they can apply for assistance they can have their past bill handled their mstu bill would still follow normal millage parameters and there are certainly other programs that can handle overall taxation on those individuals that they can apply apply through Community Development and such like that U but active pvas would continue we were not able from a legal structure to remove them as an exclusion from the mstu it includes all unincorporated partials in the C so someone's going to pay the PS and this tax no yes they pay both yes at the same time yes unless they appli for that unless they if they qualify for the assistance program then yes they would have Bill handled through the through the assistance program so and that that's part of the reason why this is a a Paving mstu it started out as local roads but everyone uses all of the roads that is you know and essentially you need to look at your your P almost as a way of kind of getting to the front of the line in in this program if you will um you know I Equity was always a very difficult challenge I think for this board when trying to look at doing away with the past program and and part of that is is how it was originally structured was to have certain carve outs and those carve outs proved just to be unmanageable you you could not you could not effectively um generate you know the the dollars that it was that was needed to do the do the paving assessment this this program here is pretty much how it's done uh it's it's unfortunate it was never started this way in in a you know in a county like Pasco but I believe that the pvas program uh as many of you on this board know is is it's it's unwieldy as well um it's a disaster it's it it it really is and so if we're going to tackle the roads um there there will be there will be some issues now again part of the the olive branch on on the existing P was to look at those folks that were having a you know they qualified to provide a program which we could steer and and provide relief to those citizens but yes you know for for a there was no legal way that we could forgive those pvas loans using this mstu well today's the first day I've heard that U they would be charged at the same time they're paying into this system and I always thought we allowed them the time that they had left to pay on their Bas they would not be charged on this system until they were done with taking care of that I I can try and unpack that under the the former version before this ordinance before we transform the taxation unit to expand and and like Mike said into all Road types right local arterial collector to the entire Road Network when it was just a local program this board did give directive to say hey we want to try and give that type of an exclusion right for P say we work very closely with the county attorney's office uh determin that hey you know there were too many legal challenges for us to be able to do that and cut out certain portions and not others and so when we expand it you know again the County Administrator uh stated it perfectly that all parties are benefited right so yes those folks did end up getting their roads paved on you know and they paying an assessment but they've also gotten an immediate benefit uh for their local Road being paid um our current mix of Tiff and gas taxes and other funding mechanisms that fund the road Bridge Department to rein invest back into our two collector roads is insufficient to meet the demand of what the road network is and so this is now the balance of hey let's expand the notion of what this taxing unit is to do is to also buoy that problem right and be able to invest there as well so those folks that are paying PS yes those tax dollars would also go to benefit The archero Collector part of the network and at that point everybody benefits from the entire Ro can can I make a suggestion and and we can use the money Fano gives us back he's where'd he go he's back there he's listening oh over there okay I'm got to spend it for you um not all of it cuz you give us so much back um can we um think about and I think I talked to you about this before setting up a little fund you know we do it with our utility bill I got us to we do that Roundup and we help people one time a year who can't afford to pay for their electric bill um and we have some other monies I I want to suggest that we set up a little fund for um income challenged people who may run into a TR trouble paying the two you had that cover so commission if you're that's what that's the one thing that this ordinance does do is oh does do that it helps it assists P active PS I missed that that are income that are that meet the criteria that that you use for for where was that sorry I missed I'm getting there yes ma'am right here okay oh yeah right we could legally do that we we did look at seeing if we could just retire all the P vases right the the idea was well we could take the first Year's money forgive those and and move on but we legally we were constrained we legally could not do that okay well I think this is important make sure we have plenty of money to do that Mr chairman yes sir so just so I understand CU you just that last sentence might have elated my idea sure but to be clear can we eliminate the P right now and if we did that I just want you to remember those people that were going to eliminate their payments on are still going to pay us just through a different mechanism not an additional mechanism can can that be can you reframe that question term can you wipe out the PES that are there right now and just let them pay into this new system so our the new tax the legal opinion is you cannot that that the active pses that have already have gone to lean there is no valid public purpose to an expenditure for to pay those off because there there's already there's already a lean on that property to repay the county for well the what we felt was defensible was the same sort of assistance that you would be doing for other lowincome project how we still have how do we still have some on the lean program because we changed over to taxes you know on the tax bill versus the lean that is that is huh that's lean is against tax bill you changed from the unit you changed from mailing bills to the uniform collection that didn't change the status of the specialist Le oh I mean that I thought we the answer the answer is yes to what the county attorney said we do still have a few projects that are wrapping up the end of their terms the general year we switched over was around 2016 2017 the majority of them switched over we call that anniversary billing that are still on so how much is left in that process I'll have to get you an exact number on almost left in the annivers side of things uh anniversary in terms of total principle looks like we have about $4 million 4 million that's it in principle that doesn't include interest with interest that number is around 6.2 Mr chairman yes sir can we wipe out the interest H can we wipe up the interest I don't so I can I'm not too sure the interest is a problem no it's only part of it but I'm just want to know I really can't give you an answer on that um I so I'll ask County attorney right um I do know that um in the anniversary billing that we've done previously right so commissioner sh you mentioned that um those were bills that were not placed on the tax bill we have done this board has elected to run a couple of programs um we just did one I want to say it was 3 years ago preco uh that we went into it uh an interest forgiveness program where it did offer an opportunity for folks that were receiving those bills to um within a specified time frame pay off the principal um and get interest forgiven if they were to do that that was done within the pbass program not with consideration obviously this mstu was not in existence in that time at that time the board elected that measure isolated to the P program so County attorney we haven't eliminated the P program is that something the board is allowed to consider is if I understand your question correctly yeah so so there is precedent for you waving interest in the P program um based based on that I I do believe that the that the rationale was that those older peases would need to were likely going to be written off if they were not forgiven so so yes there there was a a great deal of discussion around that that collection percentages in the anniversary program because they're not on the tax bill are significantly less significant amount of staff time you send a lot of that to collections right the ability of the county to recruit principal on expended projects and so yes that is part of the rationale was brought to the board to say hey this is why we think this program was a good idea so that that would still hold valid if you were to try and do that for any projects yes sir Mr White could the number of families earning less than 80% go up to families earning less than 120% commissioner Mariano we chose 80% to be consistent with our position in L local doesn't my question though well what does if if sure if if we are taking the position that affordability is below 80% and 120 is not that's why we we we be we're being consistent with our position um on on General affordability and that is much higher than Community Development would I mean I'm just trying to find a way because one of the things that as commissioner o chairman Oakley said is we weren't expecting PVS people to pay this on top of it and I'm trying to find a way around this not comfortable raising goad thank you chairman you know President Joe Biden forgave how much in student loans and we're talking $6 million and there still going to be tax if we wipe it out anyway and I hear Stein Steiner say legal opinion I like the direction that commissioner Mariano is going forgive the current P Money sounds like it's less than $10 million even with interest wipe that out immediately put those folks on this particular plan I mean there's no easy way to transition over right it's a tax and taxes are uncomfortable but the direction that commissioner Mariano is going and in the scheme of things it's a lot of money to those people who are paying it but in the big picture of this $2.5 billion dollar government we have we might be able to work with that so I'm of the mindset wipe out peos if we can we have quite a bit of money in general fund add forgiveness to those folks who are on it and then add everybody on to this mstu program and you know just start clean there's no easy way around it but this is the future of Pasco County need quality pave roads so one clarifying point I'll make commissioner when I answer the former question I was speaking just to anniversary projects which were projects that are housing on PS program before it went on the tax bill uh the numbers the stats I've got from staff here were more in the neighborhood of 13 to 14 million that exists within the program when we include tax BS well if we pay them off what do we say an interest so the interest is is money that is due back to us right for principle that we've expended so it's I think if we were to explore that uh I'd like to bring this back on 618 then and we can talk about that yeah I think we are to continue it to them because I can tell you right now I I have a hard time double charging people for a rad so I I couldn't vote for it the way it sounds now but I before this day I didn't know we were actually doing that and for items like this coming before this board I want a oneon-one to each commissioner from from the group so everybody understands exactly what they're looking at okay so so I get a motion to continue Mr chairman this is a public hearing and I would suggest you take public comment okay is anyone here to speak to this item come board NY hawood 34110 a nice place state city I've got a dumb citizen thingy going on here so this is going to be taxing un Incorporated Pasco so um I'm assuming the roads they're working on are only in unincorporated Pasco right that's that's correct okay that's my question also just for your information it' be nice if you did find a way for those poor people to get around past thank you okay anyone El wish to speak to this item Mr chair I have I have no one on WebEx for this one on WebEx I do have a question question I don't want to miss getting this done because I think this is really important that we get this done how's our timing because I think we're getting close June so so we are has to be done by July 1st right so if we wanted to move forward on this year's tax bill it would have to be approved by July 1st so I would ask directly attorney right our public notice this is a public hearing if the item were to be continued with the notice that we have put out in the paper serve sufficient to have the item continued and then hear them okay yes all right entertain a motion um I move to continue I just want to make a f further comment though we're done public comment public comment's over okay yeah I just like to say uh thank you tax collector fan for coming forward you brought up a point that we were not clear on the understanding I know that you and uh tax uh property appraiser wells work very closely with Justin and Justin you've done a fine job on this uh but it's a critical point you guys all working together to make this work for the citizens is critical but it's a very big complex thing that again there's a struggle hereit a figure out what's the best way to make it happen right okay entertain a motion move to continue second move to continue to June 18th at 1:30 or soon thereafter say may be heard please okay got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 move on to p48 item p48 was published in the Tampa Times on May 22nd 2024 Mr chairman members of the board good afternoon I like to think that my item is going to be a little more straightforward than that me too if not if not I called libraries and we're going to bring Raymond back from the Rays and hopefully can help out seemed to work really well this morning so we'll give that all right uh quick recap so back in April um actually my assistant director presented the needs assessment for the board you requested that we bring back an ordinance so the ordinance for the parks mstu with a focus on Capital maintenance is in front you also realize that if you have trouble yeah we want Christina back Fair that's fair and I'm sure she's watching right now so she she knows um anyway so yeah April 10th we presented the direction was to bring back the ordinance here we are quick recap just in history uh Parks master plan adopted back in 2016 identified a series of needs both in deferred maintenance um improvements in existing facilities and then new projects uh most of all of you know I gave commissioner jger an update recently obviously the impact fees address the growth element which which is a huge Victory I think for Pasco County and the youth and everyone that use Parks this is kind of the the other side of the business in the Parks universe so the one thing that the parks master plan did not do is it did not contemplate the long-term operation and maintenance of said Capital facilities so as you can see I'm not going to list all that out there but that's basically what is currently in your existing inventory it is a ton of facilities estimate is around 500 million plus plus or minus so the current budget for the Department is in operations is $22 million that's around $32 per capita we did get a few years ago a a million dollar for non- Capal improvements which we did add to the operating budget uh we try to create a reasonable Benchmark with similar uh jurisdictions that have the same inventory same populations and that that goal that Benchmark is around $58 per capita uh so you can see where we are at 32 uh back in 2018 we had the general Bond or general obligation bond that was funded uh by the public which was amazing and but unfortunately those funds are basically running out so going into fiscal year 25 the parks department has zero dedicated funding for ongoing Capital maintenance and facility maintenance so how we got here very similar we didn't quite dive into all the detailed science that Public Works did very impressed with that presentation made me a little nervous coming up here quite honestly social pictures that's yeah well I took I took the pictures out because I felt like we we addressed that in April but um so we we we created basically a standardized assessment replacement schedule we worked with facilities management team we basically identified life expectancy of all the amenities that we have in each Park and that ultimately is rolled up into an annual budget request and on average that's around $8 million a year pretty much what we need and again we have we do not have that in the existing budget that's funded from the general fund these are just some examples of what this mstu would fund series of Park Renovations and playgrounds fencing lighting residing uh the list goes on and on this is just a quick overview of what the costs would be eligible for as identified in the in the ordinance in front of you so routine maintenance daily housekeeping uh that's replacing clay and ball fields to basically just doing all kinds of routine weekly and daily items and then the capital maintenance piece the non- capital anything under 50,000 U basic improvements and repairs equipment Capital Equipment what we're trying to figure out is is how we actually standardize our inventory at each Park and then of course the actual salaries to certain individuals specifically focused in the maintenance operation so that's it um basically the recommended action is to AC accept public comment and uh adopt the ordinance and as I understand it will be talking um determining the actual number at next week's budget Workshop so I'm here for any specific questions any questions and it looks like I don't need Raymond quite yet Seth Seth Mr Raymond poor Keith poy uh that does not sound good so in in principle I like the direction we're going with roads and with Parks but what I do have issue with with the parks and I shared this with you all before is the structure of the mstu I'm just just want to put this on the record I really don't want to tax our businesses for the parks mstu even though the mstu I think legally it will have to I think the emphasis needs to be on residential single family and on the multif family housing product and I think the multif family product should pay more than single family uh within this program to support our Parks uh and all the needs that that come with it so I just don't necessarily think it's it's the right thing to do to tax our businesses who are already you know paying a lot of money to the county and everything else to keep our economy going I think this is pretty much a residential benefit overall and um that's just my my statement on the parks in this Mr chairman yes sir the only thing I'm going to comment on of the commissioner's statement is you can't create a different millage rate for different classifications I I noted that um this is how Hillsboro pays for their parks and this is how it's done I mean I mean and we are so done that way for years yeah and um commissioner jger you you weren't here years ago but I will never forget when the parents from the Little League complex here in D City came to us and pleaded for help because they had to turn their lights on and off their complex with a 2x8 so they didn't get electrocut I mean they were literally using a board to flip the switch um so uh I know you've had kids go through the programs here and I have had to been coach for many years and we just can't have bleachers falling apart and Nets falling down on people's heads and the grass at the fields be dirt the dirt okay Fields instead of grass fields we just and you are going to find that the parents of Pasco County need their need more athletic fields and we have got to find a way to catch up um I tell the story that I moved to uh West Pascal in 1992 and uh we didn't get any new soccer fields there until starky rant District park opened up a few years ago this 30 years we didn't get any new soccer fields look at all that growth yeah we still haven't had a Lally complex open in the 32 33 years I've lived here we're trying to get one in Bexley I ran into I we're working on it the I ran into the starky Little League parents at the lowash concert at the market like where's our Fields where's our Fields so um we need we need to help out this parks department and as far as I'm concerned when we invest in our youth then the sheriff doesn't have to deal with them later yeah this is important but um we've had ever since I've been elected we've had at least 20 years of deferred maintenance on our Park system and we I hate to thank Co for this but fact of it is Keith was able to get a lot of that M deferred maintenance taking care of them in covid times when the fields weren't being used and he had the assistance of his all of his folks to be able to do that at the time so thanks for that we've picked up a lot of that deferred maintenance and brought them up to speed and this new system with with the money's coming for the new parks and they're based on people coming in building houses and that money that impact fi will go toward these parks for the future for the new kids coming into town and not not charging the people that are already here on that and there's older kids like me um but I love to use the parks and so I don't want you to only think of the little ones uh I rode my bike on the coastal lanco Trail I'm show you some pictures here at the boat ramp in a second um but yeah I want parks for for for my age kids too okay Mr I also want to add that when we invest in our Parks too um it helps with our area like our our businesses because you have teams coming in um you're bringing in you know competition from people drive two or 3 hours for their kids games to compete so you're also bringing in uh you know people to support our small businesses and things like that absolutely okay Mr chair comment yes sir commiss dieo sounds like you're one of those parents yeah um Keith on your numbers you said that 58% $58 per capital yes is what is spent elsewhere and we're spending 32 yes do you factor the impact fees that are in place that we collect that others don't no sir no it's a separate the impact fee would be you know Capital Revenue so it's just not that's just the operation it's a little different so per per the per capita using is just on maintenance alone it's not nothing to do with building Fields either correct yes okay all right um it's a difficult situation but you need the Parks when we had the economy drop back in 0607 uh we definitely felt the impact and everything was cut down 30% for parks and Library so there was definitely a l lag there um it's important to get caught back up because again the better quality of lives for our families the better it is for all of us just a matter how we make the numbers work okay I'd like to make the motion after you take prop uh public I got public comments so do anyone sign up for this item Mr chair no one has sign up for this item I have no one on WebEx but here we have anyone in the audience wish to speak Nancy Hazelwood looks like she's coming to the mic I'm sorry I'm a jumping jack today I'm getting my exercise though Nancy Haywood 34110 a nice place um this one I want to remind you their environmental Parks nobody talked about those but those are important too and this will help those also so I think this is a very important part to what yeah Mr Wy does and I think he's done an admirable job on a lot of things he has done over the years especially the lamps program and those environmental LS thank y'all okay thank you anyone else any wish to speak to this item if you're wanting to come speak come forward I don't see you okay we'll close public comment and okay I will move to approve got a motion second and a second roll call vote District Two commissioner weitman hi District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner joerger hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z see you should have done it last year thank you yes sir no I was just saying thank you okay thank you I thought you want to add a bunch more for us so so uh um they've been messing up my schedule of finishing you know by by three anyway uh count would you like to do procedures I can do that Mr chairman uh there are two resoning agendas regular and consent staff will present each application to the board of County Commissioners if staff or Planning Commission has recommended approval and there is no opposition the application will be considered by the board without further presentation if staff or Planning Commission has re commended denial or if there is opposition to the application the applicant will be given 5 minutes for presentation the opposition will be given three minutes for each individual or five minutes for a group representative and the applicant will be given three minutes for rebuttal any individual disagreeing with staff or Planning Commission recommendation or anyone wishing to object to any condition of the resoning May at this time request the petition be pulled from the consented agenda in which case that application will be heard under the regular agenda later on during the meeting otherwise all resoning applications on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion and vote if you wish to speak to any petition please give your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record these are Quasi judicial public hearings the law in Florida is that mere public support or opposition of an application is insufficient for this board to take action please limit your comments to those criteria found within the board W Land Development code Madam clerk would you like to sore the public in please yes if you are here to speak on the items this afternoon please ra stand and raise your right hands do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give is the truth so help you God I do thank you okay we start with the first it is p49 item for item p49 my office did not was not provided proof of publication for this meeting date however what we do have is publication in the Tampa Bay times for September 20th 2023 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and sight postings the item was continued from the November 14th 2023 BCC meeting continued to the January 9th 2024 BCC meeting where it was continued to the March 12th 2024 BCC meeting where it was continued to April 10th 2024 BCC meeting where it was continued to a date uncertain good afternoon Mr chair Commissioners Denise Hernandez planning and economic growth item p49 is Peg 24 7683 it's the zoning Amendment Crossways MPD Crossways 301 LLC the request is to continue the item to the July 9th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in D City Mr Hernandez was this read advertised the item um the reason it's being um brought to you today is because the applicant actually sent out letters indicating that the item was going to be heard today okay so it was not advertised in the paper but the applicant did send out letters so the public is under the impression that it would be heard at some point in time today gotcha should we accept public comment or no no you it's it's a continuance I I just was trying to figure out whether this read needs to be read vertis it it clearly needs new newspaper notice it it will need news new paper notice okay board so we going to move to continue this would be to July 9th 2024 at 1:30 or soon thereafter yep I got a motion second and second all those in favor say I I I I motion pass 40 move on to p50 item p50 was published in the Tampa time on February 21st 2024 this item was continued from the April 10th 2024 BCC meeting to the April 23rd 2024 BCC meeting where it was continued to July 9th 2024 BCC meeting on item p50 which is Peg 224-7775 it was a similar situation the applicant also sent out notices uh to Property Owners within 500 ft stating that it would be heard today uh so it's Thomas Lee and Kimberly and sck it's a Zone zoning Amendment the request is to continue the item to the July 9th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in dat City move to continue July 9th I got a motion second and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 40 move on to P51 item P51 was published the T Bay Times on March 20th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and postings the item was continued from April 10th 2024 BCC meeting to today okay on item P51 is p24 cu2 is conditional use in the name of Pasco Landing Cattle Company LLC Skyway Towers Verizon Wireless the request is to continue the item to July 9th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in D City move to continue July 9th okay second got a motion in second all in favor say I I I motion pass 4 [Music] Z p52 Item p52 was published in Tay times on April 17th 2024 p52 is Peg 24262 a comprehensive plan Amendment C pass 2325 Sr 50 I'm sorry 52 realy Commercial the request is to continue the item to the June 18th 2024 for the county commissioner's meeting at 1:30 in Newport Rich move to continue June 18th second okay got a motion second all those in favor say I I motion pass 4 Z okay move on to p53 and this starts the consent items item p53 was published in the Tay times on April 3rd 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings the item was continued from May 7th 2024 BCC meeting to today item p53 is pg24 7720 it's a zoning Amendment Harvest Commons vop religious capacity and the hills master plan unit development Galvin vop LLC it's for a rezoning from AC to M AC agricultural District to mpud master Planning and Development district and a substantial modification to add 11.05 acres and 584 dwelling units and Associated infrastructure to the Harvest commment vop mpud for a total of 8 60 dwelling units on approximately 233.356 it remains on the consent agenda and move down to p54 item p54 was published in Tampa Times on April 3rd 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings the item was continued from the May 7th 2024 BCC meeting to today p54 is Peg 24777 2 it's a zoning Amendment Grand View mpud master plan unit development G Galvin vop LLC this is substantial modification to allow for the devel Vel M of 500 multif family dwelling units 400,000 ft of commercial uses 100,000 ft of office uses and Associated infrastructure on approximately 50 acres located within Village D within the Villages of Pasadena Hills this comes to you with a recommendation of approval with conditions as included in your agenda packet from the planning and economic growth department and from the pasaden hills planning and policy committee okay anyone signed up to no one has signed up for this item and no one on WebEx has anyone in the audience wish to speak against the sign seeing no one leave it on consent Mo to p55 item p55 was published in times on April 3rd 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings the item was continued from the May 7th 2024 BCC meeting to today item p55 is pg24 7773 the zoning Amendment Harvest Hill South Bop mpud master plan unit development Galvin Bop LLC it's a substantial modification to consolidate two previously approved vop vop muds into a single vop mpud and to allow for 515 single family dwelling units 375 multif family dwelling units 6273 ft of commercial 40,000 ft of office and Associated infrastructure on approximately 161 Acres located within Village D within the Villages of Pasadena Hills comes here the recommendation of approval with conditions as included in your agenda packet from the pl planning and economic growth department and the Pasadena Hills planning and policy committee is anyone on WebEx no one's on WebEx for this item okay is anyone in the audience wish to speak against this item seeing no one leave it on consent item p56 item p56 was published in Tampa Times on April 3rd 2024 and by Affidavit of certificed mailings and site postings the item was continued from the May 7th 2024 BCC meeting 2 today item p56 pg24 7774 ton Amendment Harvest Hills North vop mpud master plan unit development Galvin vop LLC it's a substantial modification to consolidate two previously approved um vop muds into a single vop mud to allow for 923 single family dwelling units 700 multif family dwelling units 10781 ft of commercial 60,000 ft of office and Associated infrastructure on a approximately 41718 Acres located in villages B and D within the Villages of Pasadena Hills comes to with the recommendation of approval with conditions as included in your agenda packet from the planning and economic growth department and the Pasadena Hills planning and policy committee okay is anybody on WebEx for this item no one is on WebEx for this item okay uh do anyone wish to speak against this item seeing no one leaveing on consent b57 item P57 was published in the Tampa Times on April 17th 2024 and by AFF of certified mailings and site postings item P57 is Peg 24777 it's a zoning Amendment trust 12304 Happy Hill it's for a change in zoning from an R2 low density residential district to a P2 professional office District comes here with a recommendation of approval from the path from the Planning Commission and the planning and Economic corrup Department okay anyone sign theone no one has signed up on WebEx for this item okay is anyone here to speak against this item seeing no one I leave it on consent and then I'd entertain a motion uh for the consent items move approval the consent agenda okay I got a motion second and second I I have a question what where is this one located Happy Hill and where this is that Happy Hill in Lake View Drive 52 in Happy Hill is right it is 52 in Happy Hill well it's actually north on that the one block in from 52 yeah from County Road 52 it's on the right there on the east side of it says here it's not near any trails and that's not to no okay could be a trail there could be a trail on the other side okay I'm good I understand but that's good okay yep all right so I got a motion and a second all those in favor is consider set item say I I I'll pass 5 move on to p58 is the first regular item item p58 was published in the Tampa Times on March 20th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings good afternoon Le Divine planning and economic growth Department this is item p58 um Peg 24-7 780 in the name of um Russell K and lean Finley this is a ukan zoning Amendment from AC agricultural District to C2 General commercial district with a future land use classification of Comm commercial under the comprehensive plan the applicant proposes to develop the property with a small commercial center with approximately 21,000 ft in conformance with the C2 General commercial District standards for development and the subject site is located on the east side of US Highway 301 approximately 200 ft north of marquet Drive the location of the subject is in the North Market area area 3 and Rural characteristic area and is outside the urban concentration areas here's the context map here is an aerial view and here's a zoomed in aerial view the surrounding um future land use Is Res six under the compreh comprehensive plan on Northeast South and West the surrounding zoning to the north and east is AC to the South is RMH and R2 and to the West is AC and two the subject s is undeveloped on approximately 3.49 Acres on April 10th 2024 the BCC approved a comprehensive plan Amendment um changing the future land use from res 6 to Comm commercial access to the property is from US iway 301 and that applicant has volunteered to record a deed restrictions deed restriction um I'm going to review the deed restrictions um and I'm going to summarize them but they are on your screens um the following uses shall be prohibited Standalone car washes pre-owned vehicle Sales and Leasing auto repair garages lumber yards Standalone on lawn mower sales and repairs um funeral homes propane sales setit tank Sals and self storage facilities um restriction number B is at the time of site plan review approval the owner/ applicant shall locate the parking lots along the rear and side um with buildings close to the RightWay to Pro promote um pedestrian access reduce visible clutter and increase increase store recognition um condition sorry not condition restriction number c um is a restriction for Dark Skies since it is in the north um Northeast Ro area and then looks like my slides have been removed so I will go over them and them one more time so restriction number D is if Pasco County has an approved um greater Luchi plan um at the time of site plan submitt the applicant shall comply with those um all relevant um design criterias and then the last restriction restriction e is um your standard live local deed restriction so there's five restrictions altoe um go back yes go ahead so on April 4th 2024 Planning Commission disagreed with PEG staff and recommended on the subject application remove the deed restrictions a through D um which is in finding fact number two in your agenda packet um Planning Commission did recommend not to remove the live local deed restriction so that is still in there um this is coming with two different recommendations for approval one from Peg staff um recommending approval with the deed restrictions as I discussed a through e in finding effect number two and planning commiss 's recommendation is coming with you with only the recommendation for the deed restriction for Li local to not deed restricted from live local live local is not restricted from this property no that's so currently right now no but if the resoning is approved there will be a deed restriction for a live local either going with Peg's deed restrictions which is a through e and you're finding back number two or um we would come back with a new resolution in deed restriction just listing live local deed restriction well won't be supporting this if live local is not addressed yes both recommendations are coming with a live local deed restriction you spun me up Liv local is the only one that Planning Commission left in yes so both recommendations have the live local deed restriction and and I will say staff and and Planning Commission is very well aware of the board's intent to have the little local deed restriction I don't think we would come forward without that um and if we did there would be big red arrows letting you know that it did not have it thank you I'm here if you have any questions any other questions we got anyone signed up for this item for p58 we do not does anyone in the audience wish to speak to this item or the applicant wish to speak name and address for good afternoon Anne Pollock uh 433 actually 200 Central Avenue St Petersburg Florida uh representing the owner and applicant and have you been sworn I was yes thank uh my client is uh Russ and Leanne Finley who own this property Mr Finley owns a HVAC repair business and would like to open a shop there to sell parts and and repair uh he'd like to use the remainder of the project to lease out to other small businesses like himself small trades neighborhood commercial Office Professional um because of the type of use that he would use he needs to to reone to C2 um the flu was changed as you saw uh last month um by the board uh to C the proposed change we feel is compatible with the area it's on 301 a wide arterial with a wide variety of uses including pastures and residential but also a wide variety of commercial uses uh East are homes and pastures residential to the South uh but to the West is 301 and C2 zoning with a combination of uses across the street to the north is us98 there's a church and several commercial uses there at the intersection and Beyond further uh North is the Luchi Town Center the property is within the Luchi um greater Luchi community plan area uh commercial development is consistent with that plan and staff have uh confirmed that the proposed use and the flu Amendment and the zoning are appropriate for the site and don't conflict in the proposed plan um as I said we're requesting C2 so that he can have his particular business there he employs four people and expects to have to hire six more people if he can open up his business we also expect uh additional units will encourage other small businesses to locate there creating further jobs in there uh this is supported by the office of economic growth that is looking to bring commercial to this area uh we had a meeting with uh the neighbor and we have agreed to modify the access on the North side so that we don't conflict with uh the neighbors's driveway uh in addition we're going to provide uh buffering and fencing on the um side that buffers the residential in order to protect them there also will be a storm water Pond there to provide additional buffering um I wanted to uh briefly address the the deed restriction um longrange planning staff really wanted that deed restriction um to uh wanted the the owner to voluntarily agree to that deed restriction limiting uses and providing other development restrictions that Liam mentioned and um you know we of course uh want their support but at the Planning Commission uh the commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of this project without any of them except for the live local one they didn't like the idea of restricting uses um and in fact um one of the commission uh Commissioners put up a really a PowerPoint to show the attractive developments that have been done that do have these uses that would be prohibited the the thought was really the code should be changed if you want these uses restricted and while the area is becoming more commercial it still is generally a residential um rural area I I don't think um the planning staff or zoning staff think that commercial development is inappropriate here the question is whether it's appropriate and necessary to have these deed restrictions there um undoubtedly I staff had mentioned that they really saw this project as a model for future commercial in this area undoubtedly that would mean having more property owners in the area as they come forward with projects also having to have similar deed restrictions so as this is a kind of an unusual situation for us to be in We Are you know we feel this is at the pleasure of the board but we wanted to just address the points of as to why the deed restriction may not be appropriate at this time but otherwise I'm here for questions um appreciate your support thank you okay any questions for the applicant um well I just want to say I I did listen to the Planning Commission meeting on this and um I I do think they put an awful lot of restrictions on here that maybe aren't necessary but I do think some are important but when I look at it at if you look at it at the map here um it is a lot of residential there is there there's a lot of residential around it where's do we have a map showing the ACT actual location on 301 is it before you go to the 98 Bypass or it is just south of it just south of it on the right so um what's that road name right or is that a road this is 301 on the west okay but to the north of it is that that's a driveway that's the driveway share with the neighbor who lives directly to the east there okay that's the one that we um won't be using to access how large is a parcel it's about 3 and a half acres okay what's south of it south of it is some uh residential the commercial generally is um across uh to the West and then to the north though there is Pockets um all along 301 and I I think it is appropriate to go to commercial um and I think it's appropriate to do some restrictions for example 100% not a used car lot or a boat in RV storage yeah you know there there are some uses that shouldn't be in that area so what's he actually planning to do with it um it would be it would be a a small commercial center um allowing um you know trades uses uh office commercial um and that sort so nothing with a lot of noise or anything because yeah the uses that um he's proposing and certainly the ones that are not in the deed restriction are all and I think generally um require everything to be inside I what what the deed restrictions had um were some uses that included some outdoor um products maybe not necessarily noise but for instance you you can't do a standalone outdoor potteran statue sales we can't have propane sales septic tank sales um you know those types of uses are not noisy uses they just are showcasing things yeah so so that's why this kind of seemed to be MH excessive okay any other questions for the applicant well did um did your applicant um was he okay with these if I heard he was okay with these restrictions I I don't understand the funeral home because that's we've agreed to that the way the list came to us was by County staff saying here's a list of uses we don't think are appropriate we took off a few that really directly affected what he was proposing to do and didn't really feel the ability necessarily to push back on many more of them and given that we're not proposing to do them you know that that's kind of where we came from but that doesn't necessarily mean you know if if he has a business come in in the future or something that they might want it so so on this list the the one that I would that I would take out of this restrictions that are here um would be a funeral home um is a Mor is a mortuary a funeral Al is that the same thing yes I think so it is I think aor might be pushing it in when there's houses around it but a funeral home I'd be okay with what about you all I wouldn't restrict it from funeral is very quiet place yeah and they can contractor as a building so okay but generally not in strip shopping center but not in a not never know you won't find them like that I don't think so I yeah I don't think that's in the the cards right now that's okay all right uh so this is a public hearing is anyone signed up for in WebEx or for um item p58 yep no sir okay is anyone in audience wish to speak to this item seeing no one pleasure of the board uh I would move to approve I got a motion with my with my One Cop so you're staff recommendation or Planning Commission recommendation staff recommendation um but without mortuaries funeral homes yeah a second okay so I got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z move on to um e58 is it or 59 59 yes sir yeah item p59 was published the Tampe times on March 20th 24 and by affid David of certified mailings and site postings the item was continued from the April 10th 2024 BCC meeting to the May 7 2024 BCC meeting where it was continued to today good afternoon William for Millian planning and economic growth this is item P eg2 24 7726 the Cherry Hills West impute this board has heard this impute before and we've made several modifications before coming back to the board okay she may be here for are you waiting for us no we're having some technical difficulties jeez two three you guys want to talk about peases some more that's we don't have time perfect there's a Sheriff back there we all right I guess that's all my time two out there yeah perfect all right looks like uh are we good to go perfect all right here is the overall location map in Pasco County just outside of date City on County Road 52 the current zoning is AR agricultural residential they're proposing to go to master plan unit development for the maximum development of 160 single family detached units previously they had come in for 40ft lots and after some discussions with Commissioners they have upped that that overall lot size to a minimum of 50 ft and this is on approximately 34 Acres 275 ft south of County Road 52 here's that aerial location map showing it just south of County Ro 52 along VFW Road the current zoning map reflecting AR it's west of the fairground so you know where it's at the future land use indicating residential six here is an overall contextual map with the subject site in red showing the school over to the west and the future orange belt trail to the north along the south side of County Road 52 and I would like to point out that there is sufficient ride of way that has already been given from County Road 52 to accomplish that trail here is the revised master plan you'll notice that the the lot layouts have changed a little bit since the overall lot sizes have gotten bigger and this overall master plan change has allowed for there to be a connection internally if you see the orange D line that is an internal pathway that will lead the residents out to the Future Orange Belt Trail on County Road 52 pass the VFW that's good it also activates the uh the Retention Ponds as an active Green Space and with that that comes to you with a recommendation of approval with conditions from the Planning Commission as well as planning economic growth Department I'm here if anyone has any questions I have water and sewer on this property absolutely so absolutely no no so absolutely I will address that concern okay so I I know that there has been some utilities concerns with this project and we have modified condition number 30 in this mpud which states that the applicant prior to any submittal of site plans has to demonstrate to the county that they have sufficient capacity in a form acceptable to the county from dat City prior to that submitt I have included as exhibit a in this agenda packet um a form that was unacceptable to the county previously as well as email conversations indicating as such okay I have a question and I I can't tell it on here but um if you could remind me the property that's just to the north is that commercial or or residential you see that property with the residential yes ma'am that is uh that's currently zoned uh C2 I've actually been in contact with Mr Jim he's reached out to me during this resoning process for wanting to do something with his own property when this comes in okay so so how do you do the buffering there I mean what do we have to do it it would just be what whatever the LDC tables say commercial and residential need to be to be buffered I don't remember off the top of my head exactly which type of buffer that would be the type D or I don't know I saw I know Brad's here so from residential to commercial it's what 12et or so I mean is there going to be a fence there or a masonary fence or a fin the the the guy the guy that currently owns that property currently has a fence constructed but whenever the applicant comes in uh per their conditions they have to comply with the LDC for any buffering that they do on the outside they will have to they they they'll be constructing the buffering if they're the why does the other one have to construct it why do these guys not have to construct it I I don't believe he has an existing business on it right now it's not it's not developed Denise behind you Denise do they have to put a who puts the buffer in the residential to the commercial or the commercial I don't know who this should answer I'm going to answer this question for Brad unless I don't see him coming up here so so basically um your applicant today is going to be the applicant today if this is approved and once the applicant goes through the preliminary development plan for their project they will have have to install a buffer as as uh Mr vermillian was explaining the parcel to the north is zon commercial from what he was explaining C2 but they're not developing it currently so when they develop it they will be required to also install buffering in accordance with the Land Development code for the for the use okay okay did did that answer the question yeah I just want to make sure the applicant knows they have to buffer yes any other questions yes for Mr Whit um I don't necessarily have any questions we spent I think we've seen this item several times I'm still not comfortable with the level of density on this on this on this lot especially because we don't have sewer um and the neighboring properties are much larger residential lots so I just think the density for for this particular project and not having a commitment to at least having sewer is too high I'd be comfortable with half the density as it stands today um don't they have to have sewer did I there's not sewer on we confirm what city dat City and well they can't have septic on lots that size so what's the story they won't go forward until they are available right they they they cannot submit site plans until they acquire capacity from date City so essentially they'll get this resoning done and it'll just sit in limbo until they get that capacity and either they get it or this MPD would expire in 6 years and theyd have to come back in for another resoning I just have a problem with with approving a project when it doesn't have water and sewer available at this time and somehow that slips through the fingers or somebody on staff or whatever hopefully not but it could slip through and get approved and and not necessarily have seore and water and I I just have a problem approving it without soar and water being available and I know that City's working on it but it's it's not available at this time yeah chair with today if we were to vote on it today I would be comfortable supporting essentially you know half of what's being proposed here yeah this way I would support this as of today okay this Mr Engle I just thought David Engel uh economic growth and planning director so just to simplify things uh commissioner waitman is proposing to decrease the density so the minimum lot size meets Our Land Development code allowing swer and uh I mean septic and well corre so that that was the proposal to reduce the density to bring it into compliance uh the density currently proposed is too dense for septic systems so it would move to what what density would allow sewer and and whale R2 R2 R2 R2 okay so David before you get too far away so are you you're recommending it be an MP or or to address the commissioner's concerned not what you're recommending it would be still be an mpud at R2 densities well or because I think you have to this would have to go back you couldn't just change it from an mpud to a ukian zone no no I understand it's a it's really just kind of inserting a a different type of condition format if there's no water in sewer then it would be a R2 type of density where be accommodating a septic system for each lot that was that was the commissioner's proposal I'm just paraphrasing okay okay so this is uh a public hearing so we have anyone U you take the applicant first oh applicant come forward good afternoon Shelley Johnson 6400 madon Street and I have been sworn um I did have a map William was going to have them put it up that kind of shows you the density that's going on around this site um because it is a res land use and everything that's developing out around this site is res 6 actually at 40ft Lots I think if you look at this I have an aerial as well after this one but if you look at this you can see like Summit View one and two those are developing out at 40 foot Lots you've got Rolling Hills 1 which is next to Cherry Hill West that's got 50s Villas Town Homes condos um all at the red six levels you also have Aben 1 and two um which are obviously under construction or is have been built and those are 40s so and then you've got to the you know to the east you've got or to the West you've got you know vop and um Lake Javita so this is actually if you could could you go to the next map I'm sorry thank you the aerial that might help as well this is the aerial so you can kind of see you can see where Summit Lake View one and two is getting cleared you've got abig those are all 40s all built out at res 6 so this is literally just proposing what the existing land use allows for nothing beyond that inity yes since sh is looking at me these in what you're saying that's in the city of dat city correct so Cherry Hills West is not in dat City but you're what you're showing is in the city of D City and you're here before the county and our policy is different than that of the city of dayt well I mean the policy has always been with regards to zonings I know that came up in this particular development with regards to connection to utilities because of the issues that day city was having all the time that went into that but there are many developments where you know the utilities don't have to be shown to be in place when we're at this level they typically will look at them at site plan when the sites are engineered because at that time when they go into engineering which maybe another year from now capacities changed connections changed you know all those kinds of things but the way we decided to address it because we are in the you know we are next to dat City and we are going to potentially get service from dat city um was to include that condition that says which none I don't know I think this is the first development that's had to do it to be honest with you that I'm aware of unless I'm wrong um that we will agree to connect you know and have that in place before we even get our plan approval so um I think we've kind of gone above and beyond that issue compared to what other developments do I respectfully disagree with you the the examples you're citing are in a different jurisdiction in there and pretty different geographical locations comparatively you can't compare your project to Lake Javita and your project likely probably won't necessarily compare to vop I say that respectfully I think you can have a really nice project with this location and based on BFW road if approved today at a lesser density we we don't have sewer we don't know when we'll have sewer so to me this truly defines that a project at this site is not ready for game day so I think you could have a really nice housing product here um but B based on what you're proposing today I'm just not com quite comfortable with it yet any other questions um well I okay um I'm looking at the map and from what I can tell there are a lot of oak trees on that property it's covered in oak trees so um I hate see are you would they be clear cutting the whole property yeah look at the site M oh huh the site map yeah that's a little we got a new ordinance that's not in that tree ordinance is not improve you have no the new one's not that's a tough one deal we have a tree ordinance coming for but it's not approved yeah it's not approved yet but I think I almost want them to agree to abide by the new tree ordinance when their site PL comes mhm which they will have if the ordinance is in in place they're going to have to it's not in place but we're working on a better one and and with these oak trees I'd want them to to have to abide by yeah I mean they're aable to do I mean they obviously you know whatever they're required to do I'm sure they're fine with that when they come in at site plan I mean we do believe that this is a you know everything else is developed out at resed six around this property so I don't know why this property would you know and I I respect your comments commissioner I do um I I just don't understand why they would be singled out to be down Zone you know to to do less than red sixs I mean that's what all the properties around there are doing so they're not singled out this is the conditions surrounding the project are completely different than what you're citing or as examples you take them as kind of a project by project basis so um vop which is right next door to Cherry Hill West has Villas town homes and condos in it also investing $70 million worth of infrastructure to be put in it's a completely different scenario I mean is in date city correct but I was just talking from a planning perspective you know it's Mr developing out a little bit even denser than you know some of the other properties around there I'm just a little confused I don't have a problem with the density so much but you got to have water and sewer to be in Lots the size what and I know we we talked about it I saw the emails to it but what's the hold up with the city given it to you are you still negotiating or what's so the city has w the city has water capacity it's just waste water that they have an issue with right now and they're working through and I'm involved in it quite a bit because we have other developments over there um with the city attorney but they're working through different options depending on sizes of developments that was the last you know option I'd heard that potentially they'll go ahead and let um usas go to some of the smaller developments versus some of the largers there's all different things going on um some have usas there's questions about amending usas to add capacity or transfer there's 's all kinds of different options um there's another Wastewater Plant that at the old likes plant that they're looking at to potentially try to convert to add capacity so there's an emergency valve in the event that you know there isn't capacity when some of these places come online um so you know that we think that we'll be okay and really they're kind of moving forward at their own risk because they're agreeing in these conditions like I said which I don't know that there's any other ones that have done that that they will have that capacity in place or be able to Pasco County that they have you know service from waste water from uh D City at the time of site plan approval not even you know plat or you know anything like it's literally site plan approval before they get their approval they have to show they have it so they're really proceeding at their own risk but here here the problem I have if you're doing a master plan unit development project and part of your plan is you have to have water and sewer I'm thinking before you come to us you got to have that in place I don't see how I mean there's many many one thing this is a master plan unit development I I I understand what you're saying and that's that again is why we agreed to this condition because but there are many I can promise you there are many many developments that come before you that you know aren't confident that they're going to have water and sewer and where they're getting it from and that's why most of the time it just gets pushed down to site plan and at that time they deal with it at site plan when they engineer the sites when they know exactly what's going on on the ground at that time because so much changes as these things move through process so that was why we thought that the good solution would be to just agree you know we will have we will have that service before they even get site plan approval which again isn't even something that normally is required but we thought that addressed it you know addressed the question because it really puts the burden on them was we don't know when the city's going to have sore available for customers so they're all on hold but there's no timeline or anything coming anytime soon M Jagger do you know you said there's other developers or other areas do you know exactly can you name some people that are having issues right now and are they in that general area I mean anybody that's in the Dade Ser that is looking for service from Dade City right now as far as Wastewater um unless you have a USA set in stone and approved by the commission it's still a question of where you're going to get the service we have a USA on on Rolling Hills one which is the development next to this one um and there are a couple other ones in the count in the city that have States but there's not a whole lot right now so there's there's a many projects that are in this position several I should say so sure good Mr White you cited likes Pasco you come to the office any morning you can smell that likes Pasco treatment plant it concerned the heck out of me if that's the solution is to tie this project into the lights Pasco plant which is under D violation and has fines leved on it and it smells pretty ripe some mornings I think you can smell it for quite a ways so if that's your solution then you're that's telling me that this again this is confirming that this project is not ready to have proper sew sewer well Wastewater capacity that's just one of the options that the city's looking at I don't necessarily know that's the option that they'll go with but um I know that you know they would have to get all their de pering and all that stuff in place they wouldn't be able to you know do that otherwise so my understanding is they may were working with um kimley horn or somebody to try to work through that I don't know you know I have no idea if DP would permit it I don't I don't know anything about that I just know that's one of the things that was being thrown out there yeah all right this is a public hearing so let's we have I have um WebEx first or um you want to do anyone in person let's do everyone in person first people who have signed up for this item name and address and if you've been swarmed I have been sworn my name is Mary mcnight 36210 St Joe Road um in Dade City Welcome commissioner jger um uh one of the questions I have about this project when I have talked to um when I when you look at the map there's a the VFW owns two partials one is the square one that they're going to sell to uh miss lyans and miss burkhall or Miss bkop and the other one is the long one that has their building and it goes all the way down to County Road 52 when I've talked to the people at uh the BFW they say nothing is going to be on that strip that whole strip I said well the map shows a a lake and he said no that's not going to be there we're going to have all of this property I don't know if that's true or not maybe Miss Johnson can help with that but my question is if there's nothing in uh of the input on that property why is it why is that partial included so it it seems strange that you would give the the VFW property an imput status or designation when we know it's not going to be part of the the input uh they said the liquor license will remain inp uity that and uh the um the parking will be the same all the way down so I don't understand why that partial is even included that's one of my questions my other question is um the developers on this are are um miss burkha and miss Lykens and I'm wondering do they have to pay taxes before they come to you for entitlements so my concerns are I know uh they own next door to this is uh Rolling Hills those taxes were not paid by the owners for two years some of them have tax leans um I've got a lot more to say um is that one minute or three yeah one minute one minute one minute one more minute one minute left okay anyway those developers own owe about almost a half a million dollars in taxes and I don't see how they can come to you asking for entitlements of this nature when they haven't pay their own taxes like we have to pay our taxes I am concerned about the noticing uh I can't say I've driven by there every day and not seen a sign but every time because I I'm really keyed into public noticing so every time I drive by there I look I've never seen a sign posted and that's since September until T tonight this weekend I went out there there are no signs and I know they say people steal them but I'm not buying that we're trying to get the signs up we're not trying to get them down so I don't know what's going on with that okay that's your time okay I did want to mention the water and I guess that's all thank you all right thank you you have some sign yes I don't anybody else if you could state your name name and address and if you've been sworn for the record George walls 12621 BFW Road I have not been sworn I can swear if you could uh raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give is the truth so help you God I do thank you the public notice sign I have screwed to the light bolt multiple times and I'd have to come back rescrew it back up and every time I come back it's gone so I am also the commander of the BFW so all the property there is under my watch and I also live on the road so that sign has been posted it's not my problem that somebody keep ripping it down so that's all I got to say about that okay all right thank you someone else um I do have two individuals on WebEx we we have Christinia rener if you hold on just a moment you'll be elevated and miss rener you are um able to communicate if you could please state your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn Miss fener if you could unmute your mic and try again we still do not hear you you're not coming through Eric is is her mic okay okay so you are available to talk on our end however there must be an issue on yours to see if you can unmute or use your microphone no Mr chair would you like to go to the next individual go to the next individual okay we have um the next individual is Andrew rener same location perhaps hopefully he won't have an issue and we're elevating you now Mr rener hold on you are elevated you can go ahead and state your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn yes we can Mr Runner thank you Mr rener you cut out can you hear me now yes maybe after the time you could let her speak an address if you um able to give her what the microphone afterwards yes that would be fine I I will absolutely do that I I'll go directly to my phone so if you could put the masterm back up that was up there could you go back to that if while we join that if you could state your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record thank you and Andrew rener 1271 crer Road and I did raise my hand when y'all went through the swearing okay uh can you put the masterm back up the the the one that was originally up before the developer came up hold on just a second they're working on it sure thank you it's it's I guess the very first one okay from yeah okay go back sorry right there right there so you see the northeast corner that white little square right there you see the white square in the northeast corner next to the property um do you mean the one below the arrow to the right like if you look at the green square the the northeast corner there's there's a white square right there that that's r two and a half acres okay so I I want to thank the commissioner for what he said if you go back to when we moved there over 20 years ago all around us was 30 Acres on one side 7 and a half acres on the other side 40 acres on the third side and two and a half acres on the other side okay and now we're being given a map that shows all of this dense population around us that was not there and we're using that to justify even more densely populating the area so I just want to speak from my heart that it's like we didn't move there with ever the intention that they were going to take all of these areas and develop them to this density so I appreciate the commissioner that spoke on that and said that you know this is too dense for the area we keep using the the over development and you know it's back to what I had spoke on before is we're not reasonably developing our are we have plenty of areas in Pasco County where we can put a lot of homes why are we putting them in an area if you live in this area you would know that the traffic is terrible we have a high school on one side we have another school on the other side we have the fairgrounds right there it's already getting very difficult just with Abby Glenn and those other developments that that the developer put the picture of to to justify I do want to speak to the notification we live we we are now going to be surrounded by three properties on three sides if all of these get approved and yet we haven't been notified we haven't got anything in the mail since last year nothing to tell us when the meetings are so we can come it's as if they don't want the citizens to speak out and if it is true that they're not paying their taxes we've been living here for over 20 years we pay our taxes every year and it seems like there's more emphasis on people coming in than there are the existing residents that pay their taxes and and are are the reason why our town is is the enjoyable town that it is so I wanted to speak on that and I appreciate it and I do appreciate the commissioner that said we need to lower the density because if we're going to go forward with that one we would like to have some kind of a buffer to go from 30 Acres 7 and A2 40 acres on one side of two and a half to thousands of homes wrapping around us we would prefer to have a wall and some kind of a buffer at a very minimum but definitely left density and uman and my wife is here she is available she can speak on my phone if that's good for you and thank you I appreciate it okay okay so um if you want to hand the phone over to I have it yes for some reason my my mine wasn't working name and address oh thank you name and address and whether you're not been sworn and then you can proceed um Christina rener 1271 prer Road and yes I have been sworn thank you may proceed and I'm a little horar because I've been hollering with h children at baseball tournament so I will try my best um I have I have never been so proud to be listening to a County Commission meeting to have quite a few of you stand up for our community and for the type of density that this kind of development is pushing um you're responsibly challenging this which I really appreciate and at this incomplete stage it's it's just it's just frustrating that they would continue to keep pushing forward with this without all the boxes checked um like my husband said we drive past multiple times a week almost every day um past the VFW the only sign that we saw was last year and it was on the sign that's further onto the BFW property not on the main road not where it's visible to us as we pass by or any other um citizens um you can only see it if you were to turn down that way you would never see it passing by I visited again today there was no signage um not on the road not on the VFW Post not on any of the property at all um we again um the incorrect dat I had an issue as well I wanted to report and quite a few of our neighbors did as well um the web X form was showing incorrect date of May the 7th not June the 4th so people that had attempted to try to fill in the form um were not able to or thought they were not able to because it didn't give it June the 4th date um I made that after multiple calls this week trying to figure out what to do um because we could not be at the meeting today um Tina Jeffers and she did um confirmed that there was an issue and contacted it but it was only like 10 till 5 yesterday and people were not able to speak um and then that being said with the signage being missing that in of itself has has um quieted people being able to speak out um we love our area of Florida that's my two minutes I have one minute left one minute left thank you sir um I'm imploring you as a longtime Pasa resident land owner a homeowner we love Dade City we love Pasco County not to approve Cherry Hills and its current high density without proper conditions as some of our leaders as my husband mentioned before in Florida government PA rener wi Wilton Simpson governed scientists have mentioned let's protect our floral lands and develop Florida responsibly like the rural family lands Protection Program we should mirror these type of things and protect our day city land as was mentioned earlier The Oaks this property has Oaks Galore there are eagles there are kestrels there are goers and we know because we are surrounded by this property it is heavily wooded with Old Oaks um and we just would love for you to try to develop it as responsibly as possible if at all um with larger lots and with the property um utilities thank you so much for your time and God bless thank you okay anyone else there's no one else no one else no one in is there anyone else in the audience wish to speak to this item would the applicant want to come back up and review thank you again Shelley Johnson 6400 Madison Street and I have been sworn um my client they were talking about the taxes the client doesn't own the property yet um but if they're talking about the taxes on Rolling Hills one which is the property adjacent to this property those taxes are paid um so I'm not really sure why they're thinking that they're not but we don't own Cherry Hill West I believe the taxes are paid on Cherry Hill West or we can't actually come forward that the staff actually checks that so but we don't own Cher West right currently my client doesn't um so that's the answer to that question uh you know the utilities again we tried to address that by agreeing to this condition um you know that we would ensure that we have service before you know one bit of dirt gets moved um which is typically you know how how we how we've done it in Pasco I understand things are changing now with this concern with st City and Wastewater but um I thought this was you know a fair resolution that staff proposed so and we are in agreement with that um again everything's res six that's the air I understand your concerns commissioner and you know respect your concerns on that um you know with Abby Glenn and Summit View and all that going on around it at res six levels and in smaller Lots at 40 foot Lots you know we would just act ask that we be treated you know similarily so with the 50 foots because we did start with 40s and we moved to 50s so okay thank you all right pleasure of the board Mr chairman I think you you've got you've really got four options you can approve it as tendered by staff with allowing them to move forward um with a stipulation that says they have to have their utilities committed to before any further approvals are done um you can continue the matter and say you want to see a utility service agreement with Dade City before you're going to approve this project um you can lower the density if as the commissioner suggested um or you could deny it based on um both 4021 e13 adequate public facilities are available to the site including but not limited to Water and Sewer facilities 4022 f to adequacy adequacy of existing public services and Facilities serving the proposed development including Transportation Systems utilities fire and police protection um and comprehensive plan policy F l1101 compatibility review which also talks about um in addition to the general compatibility and evaluation of of densities um appropriate timing based on the analysis of available adequate public facilities and services including Water and Sewer facilities Mr Maron I move to continue time uncertain until they get the water and wastewater agreement in place with the same density and everything like it is well it would just continuing he's he's basically continue until they continuing until you get that piece of paper from from Dade City and then you continue with your eval your evaluation but if they solve that problem right then we have the hearing then you yeah question can so if we continued how long could we theoretically continue this this could be years well you can you continue to a Time uncertain um so we wouldn't see it on an agenda when they would not you'd not see it on an agenda until they got their agreement and they read vertis it for that for that hearing okay basically that I mean the the difference between a denial and a continuance in perpetuity is that you don't have to have them they don't have to pay a new application fee to re refile with you and there's no litigation with regard to the deny I'll second commissioner Mar's motion okay I got a motion in a second those all in favor say I I I well I'm a little we' never done that to anybody I mean they can't do anything until they get it well they got well that's true so I guess so is it the same either way or but now we now they now they can't sell it whoever is that selling it I I'm more concerned about the density I'm more concerned about the density because they're they can uh I just think we should just go ahead and face the density issue personally Mr Marana yeah Mr chairman and the reason I made the motion to continue because if they decide and they get that agreement in place they can come back to us I I I can't recall ever have improved an mpud without that in place in this case with all the sensitivity around it if the city I don't want to drive them to the city either if they're going to come back and get that density I'd rather them stay in the county but right now because they don't have the agreement I don't see the need to move it forward until they figure that figure that out you if this project were in the county service area in unincorporated County staff would have demonstrated that there was adequate Water and Sewer capacity in your facilities the only time that you're going to have this particular particular scenario is because it's up to another governmental jurisdiction and they've already flagged us that they're not sure so so what' we do up on County Line Road when we didn't have any facilities on those projects that we approved in the hopes that Hernanda would let him provide was that different we had we had an interlocal agreement that that was for another year when Hernando terminated it yeah so we haven't improved any since then not that I'm aware of no I don't think so I think it and and one of the commercial projects went the alternate route of septic yeah which isn't great um I do want to say I've been looking here at the maps and it looks like this property is Cil culture it looks like it's planted maybe planted Pines um not necessarily just a bunch of old light bugs so I just want to verify okay let me go back we have a motion in a second yeah I just didn't all those in favor of the Motions SP I I all oppos like say motion pass uh 5 move on to item 60 p60 item p60 was published in the Tampa Times on April 17th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site post St item p60 is pg24 cu14 is conditional use for a 199 ft above ground level monole Wireless communication facility and an R2 the names of Beverly and Vesta James Elliot Coral Towers Ang rizon Wireless as stated the applicant proposed 199 ft above ground level which is 195 ft wireless communication facility with a 4ft lightning rod and it's monol style which is suitable for the collocation of three additional carriers which will have a total of four carriers and it is proposed to be located within A600 s ft fence compound area which is on the northeastern portion of the property uh the property is approximately 1.88 Acres it's located in North Central Pascal County on the north side of Spring Valley Road approximately 87 ft west of Adell Street this is uh showing the location within Pasco County the subject zoning on the property is R2 which is a low density residential uh District to the north is R2 to the West is R2 to the South is a agricultural residential um to the east of the property is a Tampa Electric Company electrical substation and to the east of that is the Blanton Lake Park uh subdivision so it's um the surrounding areas has a low density residential it includes a Tampa Electric Company substation some agricultural Pursuits some uh undeveloped property and the glanton Lake Park Subdivision the surrounding uh land uses are res 6 to the north east and west and res one to the South here's the subject property access to the to the cus from Spring Valley Road which is a county maintained road with 50 ft of r away and access to the compound is proposed through a 20ft wide access easement trying to be a comedian here is the context map showing um what is in the area um I know it's showing that there is a trail but I have clarified with the team that there is not a trail proposed in that area the trail is actually U being proposed to the north um more along lanton Road this is the proposed site plan for the property and on the right hand side you see what the tower will look like the Land Development code requires the applicant to provide um at least four photo simulations of what the what the actual Tower will look like so you'll see a before and after so without the tower and with the tower over at position one that's within the Blandon Lake subdivision uh so that's looking Southwest and it's at the intersection of blocker Street and Backer Avenue um we position what is existing and uh the monopole proposed it does not show the the tower visible from that location the other location is also within the Blanton Lake Park subdivision and it is uh Lo looking Southwest at the intersection of blocker Street and asley Street and again uh the tower is not visible from that location this is looking directly on the property so the uh the photo simulation was taken um from Spring Valley Road looking North on the property so obviously the before and after you will see the the proposed communication Tower and as you can see uh there's a an electrical line um being shown along the front and then the fourth position this is looking um Southeast on Spring Valley Drive and um you could see the the monopo and uh this uh application comes to you with a recommendation of approval with conditions from the planning and economic growth department and the Planning Commission and I'm here for any questions that you may have everybody knows where the locations is I'm looking at it aroundon Denise isn't it isn't it true the wuchi River Electric site right next door without any permission from the board they could put the cell tower on that side also um actually they would not be able to under the Old Land Development code so the pre 20102 Land Development code we used to have uh something called an excluded excluded facilities which are basically like for example a Tampa Electric or Duke or something like that wanted to place a tower on their property they could do so without going through any approvals um but once the uh Land Development code was changed in 2012 it would require so I'm I'm sure you've seen you know uh recently within the last few years Duke coming to you asking for a Communications Tower for instance so you're you're correct and under the pre- restated Land Development code that would have been allowed but after the restated Land Development code uh was adopted um the concept of excluded facilities was removed from the code it doesn't matter who the owner of the side is it's just general I think this is too actually okay yeah and and um I did also contact too to ask for any comments and they say that they don't have any objections to the request and this this actually is ined re property I mean area area of but it's an actual it's an actual tampo electric company uh substation oh it is that's adj so they lines right there close there must be yeah okay I know um since we started getting uh Wi-Fi and all that and a lot of that coming to the county is coming into district one in our area uh it's been needed for many many years and a lot of people have very very poor coverage out in that area uh this will improve a lot of people's lives out there in that area having a having a bow there to give the Wi-Fi um I'm I'm sorry I stepped out to the restroom do you have a proposed a preferred because I see I see four sites here which is your preferred no the these are just um the Land Development code requires the applicant to provide photo simulations where they actually uh float a balloon up in the air and they basically then just just toose what the tower would look like so these are the simulations at um come like in the first one for example is looking Southwest and it just basically shows before and after and in that case you wouldn't be able to see the tower um the second uh site location is uh looking Southwest it's also within that subdivision called Blandon Lake Park and um again before and after doesn't uh show the tower uh this is looking directly at the property so this is uh the uh the Vesta Elliot property so you're looking directly at the property and this is before without the uh monopole and after with the monopole and then the last one is looking Southeast on Spring Valley Drive so before is without the monopole and after is with the monopole so those are photo simulations that the Land Development code requires for the applicants to submit and I just wanted to show that to the Commissioners as how big is the proper presentation how big is the property is 1.88 acres and they're buying the whole thing they are actually um the it's going to be within a, 1600t fence compound area um and this is the site plan showing uh the compound area so it's 70 by 70 that seems kind of big it's 1600 ft so it's not 70 by 70 well what would I I have it in my findings okay cuz it looked like 9 we have an applicant to speak on this the applicant is right behind me I can't read that little print so it's actually one of the smallest compounds I've seen in the in in the past actually all right well let he from the applicant good afternoon good afternoon I'm Mana John 935 Main Street Suite C4 Safety Harbor Florida 34695 um I know that um your day is long in the tooth so normally I would try to give an abbreviated presentation but I also know that we had some citizens who uh spoke at the um Planning Commission hearing so I will give a little bit more than abbreviate it if that is okay uh before I go into my presentation though uh commissioner starky the difference that you're seeing between the 40x40 and the 70 by 70 is the actual lease parcel area where the landscape buffer can be replaced so your code requires area to be set aside for the landscape buffer and 15 ft has been set aside on all sides okay as you heard um I come before you today with staff County engineering consultant plan and Planning Commission recommendations of approval for a conditional use to provide a 199t tall monopol sty telecommunication Tower and that's on partiel 07 to 4 21 0020 00500 0020 in the Blanton Area Office Spring Valley Road as has already been and in all maps I show you today up willby North this is an areal from the County property appraiser and so in this map you can see Blandon road kind of snaking its way through from the lower right hand or Southeast side com coming around to the north of the blamon subdivision and then proceeding off to the West towards I75 uh where we are actually located is right here where Spring Valley Road curves and turns North and that is a right of way with lines serving the too Ser the too substation there um other the other important thing to note is immediately to the East and I've applied an orange Arrow showing the location of the Tower yeah this is just a closer view what I'd also like to point out to you is that there's mature trees throughout the area and that helps break up view sheds obviously I can't make it invisible I don't have the Romulan cloaking device or I would not have student loans uh but what I can do is minimize the physical presence of the structure and keep it as short as possible 199 ft is the minimum height for Verizon they're at the top so it's not like you would be approving a tower with additional height above it hanging out the only thing up there is um the lightning rod that gets you to 199 and then the physical design is a monopole and that's a tower with a single support pole with no guy wires or Iron Works extending out from it but it does have external head frames um you may have heard me before in other uh tower sites but basically the industry requires these external head frames so that way they have the air flow necessary to operate uh these antennas with the integrated radios so they can keep up with the traffic in the area and then this is the um this is just the closest aial and you can see as we go off to the north there's actually land that's owned by the Catholic dases that's wooded we have trees along the perimeter and of course we have trees out along um blocker Street immediately to the east of me is that um too power substation we would respectfully submit that from a compatibility standpoint you would expect to see an infrastructure type use and that's very much what this is because as we go along and cut our uh wired connections we are increasingly relying on wireless connections to the point where the past two presidential administrations have been supporting efforts to bring um to bring um High Wireless connectivity to rural areas so this isn't really about so much trying to urbanize anything this is about bringing service to the people who are already there it's very similar to rule electrification I would suggest of course you have your current zoning of R2 there is AR zoning to the South and then of course your future uh your future land use designation of residential six this is an example of a monopole style communication Tower just against a clean Open Sky so you can see what they look like this is sheet C1 from the site plan set overlaying um the line work from the site plan to the um to an aerial of the parent parcel so basically the monopo will be and its compound be located where on the Aerials before you were seeing a dead tree and then um the driveway would extend to the West the access is one trip per carrier per month typically in a pickup truck size vehicle um also these structures are designed with they'll be designed to the 2023 Florida building Cod and they'll be designed with fall zone technology which means that in the unlikely event of structural failure they fold over upon themselves I do have a picture of a lattice tower that Hurricane Matthew bent over in the um Panhandle and basically the picture shows the tower in one piece and everything around it in very bad shape but the tower is still one piece um for monopole technology the only example I have for you are the um are the towers are the lamp posts that were along King's Highway exit on I75 in 2004 uh when um Hurricane Charlie came through the closest houses are to my Northwest and to my East and we're over 100% tower height this is sheet C2 it's the same line work except without the aiel in the background and my landlord does live on the property that is the house to the South all right this is sheet C3 it is the equipment compound and this just shows that as um that the compound has adequate capacity to support collocation your code requires collocation to avoid the proliferation of towers in general so Verizon will be located on the southern portion um immediately to the southeast of the monopole and then you would have three additional collocation pads Coral Towers has provided a we don't we don't allow that you're going to say you can put more Towers on this property no ma'am uh this Tower is designed to support multiple carriers so as to avoid multiple Towers all right this is the elevation so are those the what those are your equipment box correct that not okay so I'm sorry that's I don't I don't know that I've ever noticed those squares so if another carrier comes on there they put some kind of equipment at the bottom as well correct so you have um antennas with radios up top with their own comp and then you have the back hul um computers down at the bottom and Once Upon a Time back when I I started um practicing you would actually have little concrete structures with like a shell finish on them now we have uh traffic signal sized cabinets that are there with computers inside of them so they're usually shorter than the fence okay interesting thank you uh speaking of the fence this will be enclosed by a completely opaque fence as required under your code you saw the photo simulations so I will not run you back through those I do want to bring your attention to the RF package and and this establishes in building an in vehicle coverage you can see we have Towers along the I75 Corridor to the west and then down on State Road 52 and then along the 301 Corridor this is consistent with previous use when 1G 2G 3G you're using it and you're using it for connectivity and L pay phones the area that would be provided Service uh would be in the Blandon area uh of course all lter Road along there and um the uh lands around it green is reliable red is unreliable service the blue dots are existing Verizon towers just for clarity in the record and then this is just a picture of the cover to be provided from the monopole by itself they do work together much like um as a network much like the spotlights that are above your head they have to be evenly spaced out in order to light this room so to must Towers be evenly spaced out in order to provide a network of reliable service housekeeping I held a community meeting at um on March the 27th at St Leo University I had four I had three members of the public attend and then I would also like to bring your attention to um I would also like to bring your attention to the fact that we have an FAA determination no Hazard to air navigation this this will be completely dark at night and I would like to show you 911 call statistics uh for Pasco County showing that 2021 over 83.9% of all 911 calls uh by the received by the Pasco County Sheriff's Office came from cellular phones this just shows how far we've switched over to wireless service I will not um suffer you my recit a recitation of the conditional use elements you have your staff's expert analysis as well as my written analysis um I I am available for any questions that you may have we agree to all staff's proposed conditions of approval and I am available for any questions that you may have I save remaining time for everybody thank you any questions that see we have anyone signed up Mr chair I have no one signed up and no one on WebEx for this item okay does anyone audience wish to speak to this item seeing no one MO apprach okay I got a motion and a second second all those in favor say I I motion pass thank you for your time today he thank you all right I think it all be that easy M yeah she wish that too you got off easy on that one Lisa did a good job so a time got thrown off we're supposed to be done by now but anyway we're going to start um that's got an hour and a half what I just kid you got to what you got to leave in an hour and a half but no she no I said I have you're not going to be here okay so we go to ordinary business Mr wman yep couple of things really couple of thank yous last one pictures that's Oakley yes I know we look similar but I told you to go ahead anyway so wait for anyway I want to thank uh Chief grao David grao and station 13 for having a field trip for uh my middle son and I Oliver we went and visited and he loves fire trucks and I've talked about it several times and just you know very grateful to the Chief and uh Chief G and station 13 for having us um be something pretty fun if the school kids are out and looking to do I know um Captain sorry Captain grao will host any school kids touch of trucks you name it uh their stations there on Old Pasco Road and just just a wonderful time couple hours spent with he and and his team uh and then next like I don't know if the code guys are are still here uh but the Patrick's e code for helping me capture some 57 snip Steines up and down 5654 call your Parkway they did a great job same day service and uh just want to show and share my appreciation for the code team I know they go through quite a bit and often aren't aren't recognized so very grateful to the code guys and for uh Captain grao for for having us that's all I have well I have I have a long list but um I'm going to first call up Mr Engle but you can't start until commissioner Oakley's back um so let let me just say do you mind bringing up that last picture I sent over there um this is um the orange belt trail from when I went from the slides and that's coming right there at 52 in Happy Hill right on that corner so I'm not really happy happy that in our packet it said it was nowhere near the trail because it's actually on the trail we just don't we just don't know if it's on the North side or the Southside so I really think it's important that every time that we need to have that context when we see projects coming through um I'm sorry commissioner Oakley isn't here but and and Lisa this is like a major Trail coming through the county it's called the orange belt Trail it's similar to the pelis County Trail as a matter of fact it's it's on the same same route that the pelis trail um used which is the vacant orange belt railroad um so I'm told it was ukian zoning I don't know what that means as far as reservation for the trail for any land and again I don't know if the trails on the North or the South at 52 in Happy Hill uh but I know it's coming up also from 52 um so the new the new 52 do you want to answer that yeah he's coming up to Li I I do want to mention that uh the reason why it wasn't picked up in the context map is it's not an official alignment yet it hasn't been approved so it doesn't exist on our Pasco GIS system and I believe that's being studied now as to where the alignment will be okay because that that other project that we had today is on 52 and we had a reservation well we made sure that there was right away for the Trail on 52 uh as it goes east so um commissioner Oakley I know you I know you said there's no Trail plan on Happy Hill but well as of yet well when yeah when I we talked about one and I don't know I'm not saying that has to be on Happy Hill um as a matter of fact I think they're better when they're not on busy roads but I hope someone in date City and maybe needs talk to the the council people um and I'm I'm told that we we don't don't have um Sunshine with no members if we're not talking about money um but it seems to me that somewhere those residents that live north of 52 are going to want to come down and get on that trail and so someone needs to be finding a way that they can get down there without riding on Happy Hill cuz that's a dangerous road for for kids and cyclists you know because of the yeah goes up and then down well that was one of the the alignments we had for Happy Hill is it would go up Happy Hill hit St Joe Road go over to Ramsey Road go across to Blandon Road and then on up to Blandon to Trilby road and trby road across to 301 where it ties back into that trail so I I I think the route now sadly is along Old 52 um but what I'm saying is the people that live around it are going to want to get to it not that you need another 12 Trail around there but you need something where so that their kids are on the road getting to the trail yeah and part of that when it hit 41 on the Blandon Road when Happy Hill came across and hit 41 it would also go back into Dade City to tie in there also so you have a loop there loops are great but then you'll also have a a big loop going to Trilby back down trby road back to Blandon and back to yes I know blandon's a big road for um so David's going to make a presentation on a trip that we did is that one minute or L uh we're time constrainted so David Engel planning and economic growth director I'm here to make a very quick but concise presentation of lessons learn and commissioner starky and I went to the 32nd CNU conference in Cincinnati Ohio so I'm not going to read slides I just wanted to let you know that my per ction of this Congress of new urbanism has made a dramatic Improvement I really felt initially that and I read a lot of their stuff that they were kind of fringy and maybe a little bit out there in architecture and land planning but when I attended this conference with the commissioner I was so impressed with the level-headedness and the context related recommendations that we're making uh one size doesn't fit all with the CNU it's to kind of create better places to live and to function as a community and they did a great job and it was very well attended so the first place with we went on a Wednesday we went on a tour it was probably about 10 hours I believe we left at 8:00 in the morning and didn't get back until uh 7:00 at night and we we visited some interesting places the uh we went to Louisville Kentucky the home of Muhammad Ali and also the Slugger I guess he was a slugger also and we visited a place called St trams at Belgravia it was a historic community in neighborhood in Louisville Kentucky and this is from we got this from the Smithsonian this shows a linear uh Park Road system that was put down the middle of this neighborhood and this is how the project looks today the traditional Urban Design that was used in this project has sustained value and is adapted to modern contemporary living a lot of those bigger homes are now converted into Apartments quadruplexes there's a tremendous pride of ownership here and the value of these homes is far beyond the rest of the surrounding area so good design is sustainable and an endures value to a community over over a century and uh it's interesting that Fountain was gorgeous very historic so the next place we went was right next door it was in Orton Commons which is part of the Louisville suburb it's 575 acre brand new Green Fields development so traditional neighborhood design doesn't have to be just Redevelopment it's new development and you can see that the road system there has that same linear caror and it's almost like it's the same neighborhood one built 124 years uh before this one and um this is this is the land plan here again 595 Acres about 2700 housing units and they have a radial Road system there with uh with predominant collector Carters with linear parks and open space it almost looks like a miniature of lonon Plaza in Washington DC's master plan it's that it's that traditional and even though there's Cur linear components of the road you can see it's at a grid based system so there's Open Access that's important to say it's grid based so I I called the slide all along all along the transit what is the transit it's a evolution of land use over a distance you start from Urban then uh and then the density lessens out until you get into a rural suburban environment so there are two commercial notes Here with activity centers wait we're going to start all over cuz I have two Commissioners not what's that okay I got to get Seth over here his eyes on the screen oh well be before I get to that I just want to let you know you know when you when you drive through Pasco neighborhoods you have certain emotional reactions if you go through a track neighborhood or missioner starky drives through one of our town his neighborhoods there's a certain reaction and response I want to tell you when I when Katherine and I visited or Mr starky and I visited this property I was I was felt so welcomed and so in America because it was Americana and its best and those are the type of neighborhoods that we think we could have here so this is your high intensity activity centers and the nice thing about this community there are people that are School teachers and firemen living here and there's multi-millionaires here and they go to the coffee shop and they go to the bakery and whatever in these nodes and nobody is asking how much your net worth is they all get along it's safe and very orderly and along the TR uh transect the next phase is your um your form based design building taking a whole block vertical mixed use and all of all of these retail buildings or a few buildings that are still under construction the project started in 2004 uh are all occupied heavily heavily used and heavily appreciated by the residents is that is that that one that you just showed there is that the hotel I think that's the hotel now no I'm sorry trouble with this here we I believe that those are slides are R out go the other way know what's wrong yeah hit the other button start over all right um keep going keep going some of that remind I mean d City could have some of that you just need more density around the downtown um so there was a hotel over stor also yeah next picture I believe that's the hotel that's that is correct commissioner starky that that's a hotel that's over those stores there it doesn't have have a Lobby and doesn't have a check-in desk you check in online and you go to your room you go to your room with a a key that un unlocks the door uh next slide please and uh there was also senior citizen housing and this this this kind of remind me of the uh the I like I like Ike Century of the 50s this this design but that's a brand new building but if you looked at the other side this is the back side on the other side it's stores underneath it's all shoing underne so it's vertical mix here well you know I was still in the back Mr starky moved so quickly I was rushing to catch up with her all time I have a picture yeah next one please and this is the missing middle housing and as you can see um it it's really almost a a it's a form based code it's even though there single family homes it almost is a continuous uh development along a block with very little separation between buildings and there's quadruplexes in there and other types of attached housing that allow for affordable affordable attainable housing next so right next to that area are upscale executive homes so the wealthy residents of the community have no problem being by density no problem being part of uh a community with mixed uh different socio and economic backgrounds they just Embrace this lifestyle and here is uh in the build the single family homes go up to $2 million and here it is the next slide is the $2 million version and you can see it's almost attached to the house next door and it's uh commanding a a very premium price David yes if you go back to slides sure that's tell me this is their their Li product it isn't um well relative to the development itself it's not live local there there are metal there are affordable housing units in this project and they're very nice but these aren't these are this is the missing middle it doesn't look that different but you'll houses that look like this that are quadruplexes so right now the price neighborhood the price is in I said in this in this development um condos are going for 2 and A4 250 starting missing middle houses are 450 to 5 and that's all relative and the singles are from a million to 2 million on this on this trans set but it's all on the same street and it's all very compatible um all right so I wanted just to also let you know that just because something's multif family it doesn't have to be ugly and affordable units are integrated into this uh Apartment project and it looks very much like the traditional townhouse design that's in the blocks next to it um one of the things and one of the biggest Lessons Learned for me yes we we appeared at a uh seminar given by Urban 3 Joe MOSI was the speaker Joe is one of the most produc dominant planners in the country uh he is probably the top 10 urbanist in our in our in our country right now and he has a methodology that actually uses empirical analysis to quantify the benefit and or the cost of your land use policies some land use policies generate a lot of Revenue to the county and he's able to use a scenario based analysis and actually model the County's future land use and tell us if we're being responsible custodians of the public welfare when it comes to fiscal policy so land use and FIS are very attached and we have a methodology that we could use to be part of our comp plan effort so we can make sure that we have a coste effective as well as a beneficial land plan in the county and to that end um we have contacted uh Urban 3 and they would be available to present provide a lecture here to the board board which was one of the most phenomenal lectures I've been to in years and he has 150 case studies of how he's worked with cities and counties to improve their financial outcome with their new master planning so I I'd like to you know tee him up and have him come to the board for a brief U presentation yeah we it'll be so beneficial now there were a lot of other things that we visited and learned it was uh 3 and 1 half uh days of 10hour days of intensive instruction and experience um heard saw some great things that I'll be sharing with you that we're going to be utilizing here and bringing you better planning and more Innovative projects we're working on some form based projects now that we're going to for redevelopment and one of the things that really struck me and it was very similar to what we heard from uh the women Affairs group that was before the board and getting recognized today need to know which one uh they in Cincinnati they have an affordable housing project that consists of single parents raising kids and these parents if they're in some type of degree or certificate program they get they get subsidized housing and free daycare child care right on the premises to allow them to be empowered and to grow organically with that type of assistance so those are you know we could be very creative with affordable housing it just doesn't have to be just income qualified we can do more things for empowerment when we do that seems to be a lot of quality of uh construction all in this and we need to do that for our area too well that's what we're working on we're working on a traditional neighborhood development performance ordinance if you want density you got to build it nice and be acceptable to the community and secondly we're using the form base to open up and create better opportunities uh commissioner starky and I also went to a great uh last minute seminar on Saturday Saturday on our way back and we we listen to the probably the most famous uh square and Parks planner Urban Parks planner in the country and we we brought back a lot of information and knowledge that we'll be introducing to you thank you very much if there's any questions or any comments from the commissioner I do I did have to use a box of Tiger Bomb because she wore me out so much but I David by chance did you get a name of any of the builders that participated in what you showed us oh yes matter of fact um so we we had the opportunity to actually talk to the developers of Norton Commons we're we have contact information on them we talked to the architect we talked to the developer I went into Cincinnati to a place called Chestnut Hill the next day I went into a Redevelopment area I talked to three developers there and two Bankers so we learned about financing not just design but putting together a project getting all the components and uh some of the lessons learned because mistakes were made and there was a lot of valuable Insight we have all that information um one of the um to me uh most important things that um I took out of this was um about the alleys because what what the developers around here have been complaining about to go to rear loaded because everything in here is rear loaded and that's what makes these communities special um is that is the cost and so they said that um Gina I'm saying sending you a few here they said that they don't uh allow the fire trucks in the alleys and their alleys are 12 ft wide uh but um because they do a safety a safety action plan for the whole community and they give it to the fire department and every house can be accessed by a fire truck in the front and there are a few that are on a muse and a muse is is when the house is on a green space and you have to walk to it you park somewhere else and you kind of walk to it and in those instances and I think there were like eight or 10 they have um hardened the grass on the other sides on each side of that 12T alley so that a fire truck goes in the back that it doesn't damage the the grass and they can get in there safely and put out a fire so I I've I've said this all along I don't know why we have these rules in this County with the F with the fire department that they have to have a 25- ft driveway in the back I mean alley in the back when there's a road in the front we don't require conventional front-loaded houses to have another access for the fire truck in the back and we shouldn't be double charging um good design you know we we're hurting ourselves by by having this this um land use requirement or whatever development requirement Comm Mr sty orted the comments of the architect as she walked them through alleys yeah you got to design the place so um this is a row of um lower pric houses that were came in at two this you were gone when I went when we went on this this house here these all of these they they they came in at about 250 these ones actually kind of back up to the highway so um and they had the same Builder come in and took all eight units and um I just think they're so attractive but they they made it affordable uh next picture pretty nice yeah for 250k yep now they're worth like 400 um this what's another picture Gina no um I don't that was I'm not going to go through all mine CU it's late I just oh I know but I want I was going to show you that senior Senior Living um um so that's the senior living when I said you were looking at the the one side of it this is the other side so it's right above shops and restaurants and offices and if you notice all the buildings uh screen out parking there is surface parking there are no parking decks but you can't see it all the parking is behind and they wrap it with with um housing or Shops and and they have what they call skinny housing so it's that's where some of the less expensive housing is and they they're narrower buildings um but I didn't send all the pictures anyway it was it was a really good that's the senior housing right there that's yeah that's that's another picture of the senior housing they have this outside deck up there on the second floor and there's offices underneath and and they do have Workforce housing um we didn't see a picture of it they have you didn't see one income restricted housing built into this as well when we visited there was nobody there they were all working so we we look forward to uh bringing Urban 3 here and you sure wasn't working from home and I the property appraiser wants to be notified uh when Urban 3 is coming CU he's very interested because the property appraiser values was very much a big discussion yeah the discussion specifically was uh a lot of cities and counties are leaving a lot of money on the table with their ADV valorum tax because of the proliferation of buy to rent uh those homes are being valued through the appraisal process as residential but they're really incom producing properties and uh we kind of kind of stress tested that idea we looked at a couple of the publicly traded companies that own properties here in Pasco and rent the houses out and they use the income approach for their balance sheets on their quarterly filings so the uh the thesis is if we deal with it as income producing property we we we'll probably be uring tens of millions of dollars in additional tax revenue uh with uh build the build to rent and to buy to rent so that's just an idea that we're going to bring forth anyway we'll we'll look forward to his visit yes ma'am thank you very much is that it um I'm going to skip on mine and I'll I'll um oh great I'll over them next meeting thank you okay M Jager well um I attended the fir fighter graduation where they graduated um 32 Cadets so that was awesome uh I also attended with um commissioner Mariana and commissioner Oakley and commissioner s Seth waitman sorry long day uh we um we're at the topping out ceremony at the Pasco County Jail and that was um really interesting and um that's about it for district four good barbecue be very good barbecue yeah all right good sets of pictures this is a homeless site it's over by State Road 52 with the flea market um this site had caught on fire back February 8th this year I think I showed pictures and said how we need to get that cleaned out we had to work with getting trespass agreements in place Etc and carry on the next pictures there's a couple more pictures of how it looks looked so there's a fire that happened there that caused a few people to show have to show up there and then just the other day uh this is on 52 same location a homeless person who they caught uh set fire to this whole area so it was like one homeless person trying to like hurt the other homeless people there and you've heard about the machetes and the other things that go on there but look at the traffic look at the the smoke there were numerous uh firefighters that were out there I think we had at one time looked like about six or eight trucks I go off I think is there another picture is that one it I think it's great how this where this location is is described the new car wash new yeah um so with that when we had the first fire I was trying to uh eliminate having this happen again and it didn't happen uh I think we've you've heard me talk before but I think we need to take our uh Deputy that we have under our um unlicensed contractors expand his work to actually take the burden off the sheriff's regular deputies regular patrols and have that person work with us work with code enforcement to go get the trespass agreements in place get these sites cleared out when we find them there um take care of the people violating our safety ordinance pan handlers uh that we have put in place because right now you know as busy as they are and they'll tell you they don't have time to go deal with the panhandlers if they're going to be able to keep on Panhandle and making money they're going to keep on staying in the woods doing all the things that they do and that's just going to keep on going and going and going and I think we've got an opportunity to go change that if this fire had happened in another neighborhood and you can go up one mile to Leisure Beach you'd to had homes everywhere and I think we saw last year with all the demonstration about how many firefighters it takes about 21 three sets of to try to fight a fire if you're going to especially protecting homes it takes a tremendous amount of resources to go through this one here only cost us about 10 grand for the day but 10 grand 10 grand if we lose homes we lose lives we change all things if it affects businesses you lose jobs we've got to go deal with this and I think now's the perfect time to go do it we've got a perfect ordinance that works for the the RightWay safety ordinance to keep the panland from doing it it it finds the people that give as well as the people collecting our dep our our code enforce people don't want to deal with them because they think they're dangerous if I've got a deputy that's armed with them walking step by step they're safe everybody's safe you can get rid of the problem but if you just keep on letting this keep on going going so I think in the upcoming uh budget conversations that we work on and I know Roy Missour was looking at it uh let's go work on that unlicensed Deputy that we have that we pay for and change it use some ad Bora money to offset it and let's go deal with this problem because it's just going to keep on coming and coming um we had the Moon Lake cleanup uh is that your District or her District it's actually on the borderline so it actually touches both of it SP Lisa so you know we each get one cleanup per year in our district so Jack's claiming that one so you have another well keep keep mind oh so that you're stretching out in other districts now let's look at the bottom of the flyer in loving memory of commissioner Gary Bradford right look at the bottom of the flyer and matter of fact I did call commissioner Yer she just had places she had to go with the family so go but uh no the cleanup went very good staff was phenomenal out there uh matter of fact there was one gentleman in the neighborhood that there's an old fire station that we had that had quot all sorts of trash that's collected up Etc uh he went out with his tractor cuz I went out there with him to look at it He piled everything in one place and they brought a grappling truck out the week after picked that all up cleaned it all up wait a minute wait a minute I want to talk about this because they won't let us do that and when we cleaned up one a Vista and that area they let the residents put everything out in front and they came through with you know something I mean they picked up a wave runner nasty old Wave Runner and all kinds of stuff but I was told we couldn't do that anymore well keep mind it was our property so no fire station that we own it's our they brought it there and then they well no no it wasn't bring it was already stuff that was dumped there oh by others so we're just cleaning up the site so he just showed it to me as as an issue that we should fix our own site so he helped put it plot it all together and a grappling PR went out there and cleaned it up but uh it was it was a great success they were very happy that we're out there um next page now just some pictures so that by windix was being held oh the Palm ter stor Water Project I think I showed a picture of that before but they did some great improvements out there yeah I showed the ditches that were done there before they even went into that pond that's right there where they replaced pipes underneath they found a whole bunch of silt that was in there they brought the mcky MS they call it went in there and they've now cleaned it all out and the drain in front cleaned it out uh Jason team just did a phenomenal job out there absolutely absolutely phenomenal cuz these people here we couldn't get this is a stor M project that' be coming up later on now that we shut down the f2a Plant that's there but they still flood all the time all the water comes from all the streets down to this area now it's got a place to go to at least hold it for a bit as we as we study the storm water plant with the water now to flow out uh everybody should be in much better shape for the summer so this is like I got some questions on the edge of that road look at it Sal cheat up uh it's been SED now it actually looks better that that might be some just dirt that's left over but they did a they did a good job cleaning up they SED it in it looks great good the next set of pictures look at this other side yeah good side too they they really did a great job not C grass so you know working tell working with a great administrator Mike you you're letting us get the whole team together working with Branford and Jason and everybody they put put our heads together and they come up with a great plan to make it work and I think these people in matter fact along Arbor deal there they are very happy Nancy bonitz who runs the uh neighborhood watch was got a couple of calls and talked about it so the thrilled what's going on out there I keep on going that's all you have great let's it well I I I something weird it's ugly miss out on some of his pictures you forgot him I I I'll just say it I had I went to the uh Oasis Pregnancy Center that just opened up what a phenomenal phenomenal team there we had some leftover from my grandson some diapers Etc so we brought them down there but what a great facility they have put together uh it's right off of um the what's the road I get my pictures it's right new P almost downtown but uh but great great facility great people down there really uh Peter's done a pet C done a great job bringing uh it over to this side again so very very happy for him right that's good commissioner that's all I I forgot a few things no you can't forget and this is one that uh help me with that I was talking to yesterday so I think I was talking with David Goldstein Gina do you have those photos um so this is happening in starky ranch it's um Pine Gap pin spur Gap they're parking all their trucks and there's boats and there's um commercial it's commercial vehicles all along the side of this road um and and talking with Chase you know we didn't we don't know how to deal with this is is this a if it is it a CBD road is it a County Road who would ticket them um I think was it you David or Brad there's no signage there maybe it was chase that was saying that do we need to put no commercial parking no out I mean how do we how do we deal with this this is people that live here that no I don't even know if they live there I don't have no no idea where they live they just found this road and decided to park on it and I I I have a video but I I couldn't um send it it was too big but the whole road is lined with commercial vehicles what's the name of the road Pine Gap spur yeah this is Pine Gap spur it uh SP runs behind uh from gun Highway uh Westward right behind uh the new businesses are there the World of Beer the 7-Eleven all of those businesses right along that stretch uh it runs between those and the apartment comp complex that is behind there but those all those Street on street parking is part of kind of that town center parking area so it's not necessarily the apartment complex's responsibility to Monitor and to commissioner Stark's point I don't know that we have a system in place to to monitor it currently so so I need help trying to figure out who's how do we deal with this is it tickets do we have to put signage so if you could You' helped me with that one um also June 12th is the ribbon cutting for the Metropolitan Ministries um Derek Mitchell I think it's the Derek Mitchell Welcome Center or the Derek Mitchell Center the Mitchell family was very kind and donated um money for the uh uh and they named this first building after them so if you're free and want to come we we'd love to have you I think it's going to be a pretty big deal um very impressed with the building and that's June 12th I don't I don't remember what time but I'm you can get it to us yeah we'll get we'll get it yeah that'll be good if you could get that to us cuz I don't have my calendar either yeah and I I wasn't at the uh fire depart uh the fire top off jail top off cuz I was at a Habitat for Humanity house oh that's what you were doing cuz they said you were at a ribbon cutting yeah it was for a habitat house um yeah well you missed a good time really yeah I'm sure I'll see that jail but um this family wasn't allowed to be photo so I can't really have any photographs um that that's it we can only do that but we have to cover the name um but five bedroom house really really nice neighborhood and um so congratulations they're good homes that's good deal okay that's it okay you sure all right Mr cabala thank you sir um just real quick I want to uh thank leave that up that good I didn't talk about this this is my clean oh next it's Saturday all right good clean up Sunday it's coming this weekend okay Rich kabala sure I'm thanking I'm sure uh I'd just like to take a moment to publicly thank Sonia too as you know uh she's spreading her wings and moving to uh Public Safety Branch Administration so she's been our admin our agenda coordinator for the past 10 months months and it's done just a lot of great things to advance the ball so we just like to give her a round of applause and thank her for her service then I would like to welcome back a familiar face Miss Gina Jeffers who will be sliding right back into the role as agenda coordinator um she was our previous agenda coordinator so we're happy to have her back so welcome back Gina um the only other thing I have sir is I've spoken with board members individually about the private Direct Direct payment provider program with local hospitals uh it's a program that enables uh enables hospitals to recover additional Federal matches um for the underinsured and uninsured that they have to treat and so really what I was just looking for is just a uh a motion to direct myself and the County Attorney to develop an ordinance that will enable the county and the hospitals to take advantage of the direct uh payment provider program and wave the introduction which will help enable us to implement it uh in time for the new fiscal here okay I need a motion for that so move I got a motion second and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 thank you sir that's all that it you're getting ready to talk I am I'm bringing you one of your your very most favorite things to do oh um I would like to set a litigation assessment meeting for the June 18th board meeting for the case of Nikki Alvarez Souls as Clerk and comproller versus Pasco County case number 2021 CA 2635 um we can do it either before the board meeting at lunch break or after the board meeting but I need to need to have your Indulgence when is it when did you want it next next board meeting time the 18th you do you can do it at uh 9:00 how will it take probably half an hour 45 minutes okay say say 9:00 before the meeting starts or we can do it lunchtime or it's that's the that's at the board's discretion okay so what you want to do morning it's good morning 9:00 I'm good for that we'll have repor got to get up early I won't be around okay I'll set it for 9:00 a.m. um that does mean you're going to have to do a special board meeting announcement though because we've got to convene it in but we we'll make that work yeah okay okay thank you all right appreciate it thank you what' you have Mr chair I I don't have anything we eating candy I am anybody want any welome to it we're so happy we uh got to make your staff come forward today so to wish her well so thank you I um I have about 100 things to do here which is not me um I tend ribbon cutting for the splash pad if you'll see this right here here in dve city it's right over here on Church Street you should have seen the little kids lined up to go in that splash pad that day so it was pretty amazing uh but it it's it's a great facility and it's got a it's got a playground park along with it it's the spoke right next to the trail here in D City it's right over on Church Street just pass where the chamber office is it's very popular yeah and it's it's been doing real good so that's something we enjoyed doing I was also with the graduates the other day and and I wanted to mention this in public safety this year for the entire year we lost three people three you know what's really great about that is we that that class was 32 so we added 29 members I thought you were three no no no I was going to say that lost to um other agencies lost they went to other places no not lost in that but I thought we're up to 70 this year total normally we lose 7 but this year we only lost three got so we saved from losing those but then the three we lost we've of course got 32 more and then so we improved our numbers by 29 this year which is very unusual but a great yeah for the first time this year Mr chair I think we will finally have achieved our minimum Manning levels um the first time in quite some time as a result of the board's action it's a great thing really so it's yeah uh and then of course I went to uh the topping out ceremony we had there at the Detention Center beautiful facility we toured that and I mean just just a great facility great I don't know exactly where that barbecue places but I got I got to find out where it's at so but it it was great to be able to be there and also one last thing I have is I want to uh I want to do I want to thank and and uh the fact that we are continuing with our County Administrator because his contract renewed on Sunday and so we have him for at least two more years and hopefully more more than that so but look forward to working with you the next two years I mean he had about enough of us but he decided to stay so but we're we're proud to have you as our administrator and you've done a great job and you've got great staff that works for you so couldn't agree more thank you sir and it's it's been a pleasure serving this board serving our community serving my community uh you know I mean it's it's it's really a fantastic honor so uh but uh you guys you know make it make it worthwhile and and the team is simply amazing you know so yeah can't find a better team that's right and you got to give David off a half a day somewhere so he can improve his golf game he's been so busy lately his golf he's lost weight his golf game's gone to heck and I mean just own and on so sure I still hit the ball straight into the lake yeah right there you go all right with that meeting's adjourned [Music] --------- [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] order for the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners uh 10:00 a.m. meeting of June 4th 2024 at this time please silence all electronic devices uh please rise for the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen to FL of the United States of America and to the republ for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy Madam clerk please call the role District Two commissioner waitman present District three commissioner starky uh present District Four commissioner joerger present District Five commissioner Mariano here district one chairman Oakley here make me noted we have a quorum here at the meeting uh now is the time for public comment citizens are given a opportunity to comment on any current or future agenda item before the board and and on business under the board's perview today's public comment will be handled as follows first we will take public comment for those who are here in person then we will take public comment for those that are pre-registered for a WebEx link and are currently on que we request that you address the board um please do not direct any personal um items against the Commissioners or team members but rather direct them at the issues this provides mutual respect between the board members and the public after uh stating your name and address for the clerk a three minute timer will be activated after 2 minutes a single beat will um indicate that you have one minute left when your time is up two beeps will sound and you will close your be able to close your comments um uh WebEx uh participants will also be uh disconnected when they're through with their time uh Madam clerk do we have anyone signed up for public comment Mr chair we have four people who've signed up for public comment I have Cindy I think it's Burl buckle buckle thank you um the next person didn't put their name but the agenda topic they want to talk about is c27 liquid sodium hypoc chlorite and Then followed by Nancy Hazelwood followed by Lisa Moretti so miss Buckle do you please come to the podium thank you state your name and address for the clerk Cindy c n d Buckle b u c ke L 5938 Frontier Drive Zephyr Hills Florida 335 5 4 and what I am up here to talk about are our water resources and the lack thereof I do not understand how development can continue with the lagoons and the water features when we are clearly very very short on water to the point where we will be purchasing water from t ampa Bay water which there are a couple of Commissioners that are on that board as well for a total of $510,000 so I imagine the city people the city water will probably go up the other issue I have is the same day the water restrictions came out for us to once a week there was notification that any water features um need needed to be had of a sign saying using reclaimed water only now I drove up and down state road 56 yesterday and I noticed the huge waterfall is still running and there is no sign for reclaimed water one of the other subdivisions completely changed Theirs to planning but there are several fountains there are several irrigated men made ponds on State Road 56 you can tell this because the ponds in the subdivisions are lowering because of no rain yet these ponds that were created with the concrete pumps to be able to pump in and out are perfectly level every time you go by I am on a well and right now our pressure has dropped we've had to put a submersible well in to follow the aquifer down because because it is several inches below it is lower than it has ever been the other issue that could happen with this is sink holes I have spoken with a lot of new residents and a lot of the new subdivisions and they are also concerned about the water that's all I have to say all right thank you for your comments the next person they did not put their name but again it's um c27 liquid sodium hypochlorite that would you mean okay oh a different item okay she was on c25 before that uh that concerns me because of the volatility of this chemical um it is highly volatile unless it's kept cool there's a possibility of actual explosions due to this it is also a cancer causing carcinogen um the county is spending I believe it is $610,000 to buy 12.5% to put in all of the water treatment plants to I imagine make the water safe to drink but at this point um I have someone who has a master's in chemistry and not only that but you can just go and read about this chemical it is not safe it is corrosive and it's most likely to cause damage to a lot of the water lines um once again we're spending money buying water and we're putting dangerous chemicals in it to make it portable yes ma'am if you will I'll let uh D David Al would you come up go outside with her and explain to her about the water and just answer real quick on part of it we're not out of water or shorter water we're out of what they call free water because it comes out of a well they call it free but we have plenty of water with Tampa Bay water for our region but David Allen will explain some of that information for you if you step outside with him he he'll do that right now next person U Mr chair the next person is Nancy Hazelwood followed by Lisa Moretti good morning see a new face hello Nancy Haywood 34110 a nice place it's nice to see y'all again so I noticed on the agenda that you're getting ready to approve for uh uh different villages in vop villages of Pasadena Hill and uh I was thinking that's 3,597 units how many cars is that going to put on the road close to 10,000 do we really need that amount when they put on vop there was a set number of units agreed upon for that whole area and I I just find it kind of odd that we're going back and granting them more because they did have a large amount already agreed upon uh so I was wondering if y'all wouldn't take some of this into consideration and maybe make that a bit lower I know you you got to take each one individual but alog together that's 3,597 more units in the cars that are being dropped on us uh your citizens are kind of suffering from this thank y'all Thank you Lisa mer thank you good morning my name is Lisa mer 16331 Iola Woods Trail dat City 33523 I've been reviewing the documentation on forgivable loans made by Pasco County from our Penny to p penny for Pasco monies and over turn over I see out of develop out of area developers being given really favorable loan rates and then having them wiped clean and in many cases that we've reviewed they don't appear to have met the percentages of jobs they were to have brought to Pasco in exchange for free money from Pasco taxpayers but it gets worse over and over we also see that they receive an ad Borum rebate this is really mind-boggling on many levels penny for Pasco monies that the that 1% tax that the good people of Pasco voted for to be invested in schools and land preservation and infrastructure is estimated to have generated over a billion dollars in the last 18 years but right now we have kids sweating away in portable classrooms in some schools who have had those temporary classrooms on site there for more than 10 years and some of our own school board members currently seated don't even know that kids are stuck in Portables why is there such a huge disconnect we don't need to be giving away free money from one hand to Big corporations who can afford to invest in Pasco while baking our kids in substandard learning conditions and hot Portables and now from the other hand you're about to add two new adalum taxes to the backs of Pasco County taxpayers on today's agenda if there was ever a tax and spend scheme this is it you have Cherry Hills on your agenda this afternoon the developer on that project who also has numerous other projects in the county hasn't paid their taxes on the properties that they own you're going to increase their property values in a very lucrative racket that they have running on the county and municipalities of Pasco is the rule in Pasco that developers just don't pay taxes just we regular citizens get the honor of paying property taxes and these added ad vorum taxes that we don't even get to vote on I urge you to reconsider adding more taxes to the backs of Pasco taxpayers today stop rebating and erasing the very same taxes from the developers who are creating our infrastructure problems with your help I hope you realize that Pasco residents have had enough and vote no but here's what I find truly sad you've been doing this all with very little thought to the very longtime families your neighbors the kids you went to school with your teachers when you were in school people you know not just us little squawking chickens as I think you like to call us you are taxing the people that once mattered to you out of their homes and out of this County and I have to wonder if you really care thank you all right thank you anyone else Mr chair I have no one else signed up I do have no one on WebEx I don't know if you make a is there anyone else in the audience that did not sign up wish to speak this time see a no one we will close public comment uh see where I'm at here sheet okay next order of business is uh can resol no resolution so we go um to resolutions next consent so resols um it is 10 a little after 10:15 but I've got a Time certain at 11:00 for one resolution so we'll move for resolution rs1 so we'll move to rs2 Peter Hansel if you are in the audience please step up to the podium sir he's here welcome yes sir Mr H welcome all of you here too well we're glad to see you I hope you're signing back up so U Mr Hansel I'll go ahead and read your resolution first thank you ma'am okay could I inter interrupt I brought my grandson he can come stand with you and my wife and your wife yes sir he said no we real we realized uh that that you wouldn't have had such good service without their support you're absolutely correct on that 100% plus I gave 20 bucks to show up so now I won't well 20 bucks is 20 bucks that's okay I think I think now you have to take them to lunch too yeah that's right okay resolution number 24-135 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida commending Peter Hansel for 9 years of service as a member of the pas County Planning Commission whereas Pete Hansel is a well-respected resident of Pasco County who earned a bachelor's degree from Northern Arizona University and a master's degree from Emporia State University andrz Peter proudly served active duty in the US Army and served 20 years in the US Army Reserves and whereas over the years Peter has been involved in several and many boards including the Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce pass Pasco County School District Vision committee the Pasco County voter Outreach ambassador program the Pasco County Metropolitan planning organization citizens advisory committee and served on the Lexington Oaks Community Development District board for 19 years andas in 2015 Peter was appointed to the Planning Commission by former Pasco County Commissioner Mike Moore as a re and was reappointed by commissioner waitman in 2022 an razza Planning Commission serves as the local SCH planning agency holding public hearings and transmits to the board of County Commissioners recommendations on zoning District amendments conditional use applications proposed master planned unit development I'm sorry unit districts mpud zoning amendments operating permit applications and certain appeals and whereas in 2008 he proposed to name the new Elementary School in Wesley Chapel veterans to honor all veterans in Wesley Chapel in which the school board voted and agreed upon and Raz the dedication and experience Peter brought to the Pasco County Planning Commission has been an asset to Pasco County his knowledge loyalty and dedication will be sorely missed by all who had the pleasure of working with him now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pascal County Florida that SBO hereby commends Peter Hansel for his nine years of exemplary Service as a member of the Pascal County Planning Commission and wishes him well in his future endeavors denan resolved in regular session with a quorum present and voting this for day of June 2024 move approval second I got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z thank you yes sir um should I make a comment you certainly can this is your time it has been a great pleasure serving the citizens of Pasco County some of you I know very well Mr Jack over here I met almost 22 years ago when he first ran and I'm so glad you are still here Jack I watch uh you folks on TV and I contend continue to uh respect all your comments and your concern and the work you do for the residents of leg o Kathy starky I met you when you were a member of the school board and I always thought you did a fantastic job with the school board but when you come over here you did a fantastic job and and we're we the residents of this County are very grateful for you and your endeavors and and how you work to ensure the quality of life tries to remain at an acceptable or Beyond level zth what can I say I met you many years ago when you and I were out there with sign wavings for various candidates and that's some of them are still active in the community and in the state and a few have gone on to the private Enterprise so I won't belor that point but you have done a fantastic job too Mr Oakley I met you several times too over the years and I just appreciate you too you are the salt of the earth for Pascal Ken you are doing an exceptionally great job and I appreciate you as a person and as a member of this board and you do a fantastic job I admit as a chairman you really do so with no ma'am I don't know you at all this is commissioner jger love to know I knew you're you're the person who you replaced not well and sometimes I mispronounced his last name but I will stop there thank you I appreciate it Mr Whitman thank you Mr Hansel and this Hansel it's been what about four 14 years yeah we've met and worked together I I can't thank you enough for your service not just on the Planning Commission but everything that was described in your resolution uh and working with our school system and naming schools and your community involvement and your constant passion and care for Lexington Oaks and the greater area in Pasco County it's truly a team effort you know I'm sure Mrs Hansel right behind you giving you a swift kick in the rear from time to time uh if you if if you needed it but you know together you all help make Pasco become a better place so thank you both for your service and dedication to a place we all call home and I'm very grateful that you all came here this morning thank you iate all of you so I Peter I remember when you pushed to name that school Veterans yes I do your comments too ma'am yeah so um yeah we go back a long way and I remember when I needed um volunteers to help at the RNC Drive the golf carts around we got to drive the Big Wigs around Tampa uh where where it was all fenced off Peter and his wife stepped up we had a great time and um just a lot of great memories and I I want to Echo that I have so much respect for those who serve on the Planning Commission because you know we get paid to be up here but you guys donate your time there so and I listen to all of them and I I just think you did a great job and I'm sorry that you're you're leing it and thank you for your service it was his choice for the record I'm sure of that the rest of us don't want him to go um Mariana yes Peter it's been 22 years amazing I remember I think we we're we at Lexington Oaks and I drove down those roads roadways were like falling apart we're trying to figure out it's a brand new neighborhood you get beautiful homes what's going on here and we work together with the county uh studying the road see what happened and we kind of work with the developer and that got the developer repave the road so uh we studied the Landscaping as well but um you just a man who was out there out in front serving your community from the CDD to getting involved with reclaim water the school renaming uh you're just an asset to the community and we greatly greatly appreciate all your service for not just the Planning Commission for everything you've done uh Karen you're you're a doll and uh great to see you grandson here too you know the I wish my wife would come up because without her well she needs to come up she she was the backbone as some of you may know the wife was the backbone all the time oh yeah and the sounding board and I know Miss Ary and I had a conclud uh we came to an agreement on the name of that school over there it it was important yeah cuz I was a veteran myself and some of you may have served too and to recognize County you cannot throw a rock in any direction and not hit somebody who has served in the military well yeah I probably spoke the enough okay I just want to say thank you for your service to our country and also to our County so congratulations on the job well done thank you I appreciate thank you now I get to add lib a little bit so what I get to tell stories on I remember one time one of my favorite stories was the fact that there was only three members that day at at the plan board and you ended up being chair correct and I was amazed I was down in my office and I had my speaker on and I was kind of listening to what was going on and there was only three so one of them made a motion the other person was against the motion and he actually second in that motion which means he knew Robert's Rules very well cuz he had the ability to second the motion he can't make it but he can second it so but that meeting went very well and he did a great job run that meeting and he did a great job for citizens of Pasco County uh I I just want following your steps and do the best job I can for our citizens of Pasco County and I can tell you that he never saw an item that he didn't look at and put himself as a citizen of Pasco County and vote for what was best for the citizens of Pasco County and that's only way to be a part of a board like this that you vote for your citizens oh thank you I appreciate that thank you but so we want to come down and get a picture everybody sure yeah right will you Le come with a picture we going to get his wife up now I and one last thing too I I I know you have some attorneys out there in the audience and I have to say the the the may not always AG with the attorneys here but they do I I really feel this sincerely that they do a fantastic job especially the County attorneys okay all right here we go three two and one got it thank you [Applause] [Music] what I'm pulling c14 I'm going to pull c14 just so David people come up and correct the what I'm pulling c14 oh you go yeah is there a problem with it no what's it on you know that lady I was talking to you I mean you want me to take over probably be better no I don't think so yeah keep her away from the G seen that before yeah last why they got it way over here I think so okay now we'll take uh what time we3 RS3 will the Hudson High School cheerleading team please stand up and come to the podium it have [Applause] the International Champions yeah spread out where we can see you so all right I will go ahead and read your resolution first Okay resolution number 24- 137 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida congratulating nine athletes and the coaching staff from the Hudson High School ch cheerleading team for winning the ICCU World Championship whereas the Hudson High School cheerleading team coaches coaching staff was selected to be the coaching staff for the US National Junior co-ed team and nine cheer leaders from Hudson High were selected for the team and whereas the coaches who served on the US National Junior Co team were Chelsea Hatcher Sarah is it ke c c I was going to to say what was a k Canan and Parker Jud and the nine athletes who competed were George Malik malakos okay James Conley nir n uh Nome sha Rivera Riley Rodriguez is it ton ton STS Haley Stevenson Holly is that correct Castillo Castillo and kayy Watson an Raz the US National Junior co-ed team competed from April 25th to the 26th 2024 against other Junior co-ed national teams from around the world in the ICU World Championship at the ESPN worldwide of um Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando and Raz the US National Junior co-ed team won first place at the ICU World Championship in their division with Team Finland winning second place and team Norway winning third place and Razzi athletes on the US National Junior co-ed team completed the hardest Junior co-ed routine in the history of the junior co-ed division meaning that the skill level was an all-time high Andra the athletes from Hudson High School were able to meet people and make friends with athletes from all over the world andr cheerleading now has an Olympic bid meaning it can be picked by Future Olympic uh by Future games to be become an official Olympic sport now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby congratulates nine athletes and coaching staff from Hudson High School for winning the ICU World Championship Dunner resolved in regular session with a corn present and voting this fourth day of June 2024 Mo approval second got a motion in second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z welcome now do you have a spokes person he's standing in front of the podium how come the boys are backing up they're always hiding some um thank you guys so much for having us here and celebrating these kids they're super super hardworking um athletes I always get emot talking about them because they truly truly I know they're used to it they work so hard and especially at a school that doesn't always get the recognition other schools do in our County um for them to make it to this level and so many of them go on like into college and be successful athletes there it's super super special what we've created what we're doing um a couple of them today On's at orientation at UCF we have two attending UCF next year these two are attending the University of West Geor Georgia next year the rest are still stuck with me but um they all leave us and become super super successful individuals outside of Hudson cheer which is really what we've wanted to create um and the athletic abilities just kind of like the cherry on top of the cake for what we've been trying to do ja thank you well congratulations this is uh something else it was a few years ago we had a local baseball team from Hudson that actually won the state and then they were going to go for the Nationals and as I mentioned I think last time here that they went on to one the Nationals uh you guys have taken a Step Beyond not only the national champions the International Champions to to compete with all those people and have the hardest uh routine out there has got to be a lot for your courage and skill level to actually make that step and have the courage to go do that and I understand talking to Mike Melos after the first day you guys were like way ahead and just kept the lead strong so uh thanks for representing so well we're proud of all of you um Hudson's got great spirit always has always will so we appreciate you keeping that Firepower going and making all of Pasco County proud so thank you and congratulations thank you m Jagger now I want to watch your routine how do I find that on YouTube they have lots of videos yes it's on YouTube so if you Team USA junior coat semi-finals is their favorite performance that was a little bit better um but yeah so it's on YouTube and then um we have lots of stuff all over social media if you follow any of the Hudson cheerleading social media accounts it's on the Olympic Channel we post a lot of their videos and stuff on there well awesome I can't wait to see it and congratulations guys thank you m Marky so so I was a cheerleader myself though didn't receive any of that kind of recognition um so congratulations builds great um leadership skills I think and I I really look forward to to looking at your video of I I'll actually do it at lunch time so congratulations keep it Mr White thank you chair welcome back how long when were were they here last couple months ago couple months ago yeah so we're really truly rooting for you to come back and celebrate you know becoming Champions I was uh you know I'm a graduate of Pasco High and a proud pirate but today a proud supporter of the Hudson cobras so congratulations to you all and if there's any parents here today congratulations to you guys and your dedication and traveling and to those graduating best of luck to your future and uh hope you guys tremendous success in the next chapter of your lives well great job great representation of the Hudson area and your high school and uh the citizens of Pasco County were all very very proud of what you've done and you've achieved great things but that's just the start there's a wide open world out there and a lot you can do if you tell yourself you can do it you can do it you're in America um God bless America and God bless you each each of you for what you do thank you thank you hey Mr chairman um wait a minute I was going to say oh you thank you for the okay well they pull it up here we're going to see [Music] it oh that's our final oh this is National this is good wait why is it there not there here here we go the USA [Music] one let me see this you speak all right here we [Applause] go wow wow go [Music] [Applause] or wait they're not done they're not done they're not done the [Applause] finale MD this three things and the [Music] and we own the Finish Line don't forget it what down wow wow wow [Applause] wow okay wow now we have two more people who want to say some words to you um our Clerk hi I'm I'm blown away at the talent so young representing our country um I'm so impressed I'm so proud now I know why you get teared up cuz I'm getting teared up too that was absolutely amazing um who are the Flyers you guys Flyers okay uh you're not a flyer we now know why you're on the team though yeah so brave the Flyers wow and then the bases you know I saw you guys making sure you were so strong and keeping them up and um I'm just so blown away by your talent um and and to have eight of you from Pasco and then from the same high school I also think that's pretty incredible um uh like C lady must be huge over in your area um commissioner Mariano because to have such talent and be selected to represent your country is such an honor and you did it so well and you are champions world champions at your age like you will have that for the rest of your life and I'm so happy for you and so proud that you are are here in Pasco and thank you for representing us and our country thank you Mr camar we'll just pile on with the accolades but that was impressive guys holy cow I'm I'm wincing in my chair thinking I could never be that flexible so just amazing work well done you've you've made your county you've made yourself your your parents yourselves uh you know and your community proud so just thank you keep it up uh and to your teachers and your instructors thank you thank you for helping helping the Next Generation to do great things and and you know showing them that they can believe and that they can do so thank you let's uh get a picture Jack you want to go down and we stay up here because there's quite a few of us to get in a picture I just want to say my wife Shelley had a pick that you guys would win too oh are we all come down St here kids yeah we're going to stay there's quite a few to get incture you go down they got over there they've got it down there waiting on my daughter Maddy did competitive this is so impressive yeah she had the car well no we didn't do that when I was we didn't have gu [Music] another yeah y' gota leave a wall somewhere to put all this up so yeah you got a shadow box you can try out in college too may be scholarships to do that so yeah those two are on scholarship oh wow congratulations yeah that's great to think of sport you took in high school get get you a college degree so that's very good so very important all right for RS so we do r one okay there we've had some fun ones today okay it cleed for me so okay so they're ready a little bit early so we will call rs1 all right if anyone is here uh from the Tampa Bay Rays or Pasco County libraries could you please come to the podium we need to go it's great to see so many kids here today okay welcome Mr chair you want me to read the resolution yes do the resolution resolution number 24136 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring the week of June 2nd through the 8th 2024 as reading with the rais week in Pasco County whereas at Tampa Bay Rays have established and supported the reading with the Rays presented by Sun Coast Credit Union well step up come on [Applause] [Music] in oh cute I should have also asked if anybody's from Sun Coast Credit Union to also please step up to the podium all right um I'll I'll start over whereas the Tampa Bay Rays have established and supported the reading with the Rays very good presented by Sunco Credit Union since uh program since 2020 I'm sorry 20 2008 Paso County Libraries has been an active member in the program since 2009 and R reading with the race presented by sunos credit union is an incentive based reading program that helps students in prek to 12th grade prevent summertime uh learning loss by reading around the bases to earn Tampa Bay raise themed prizes after rounding all the bases and successfully lodging 20 logging 24 hours of reading students win the grand prize a voucher for two tickets to see the Tampa Bay Rays play [Applause] [Laughter] an res the Tampa Bay race understand the importance of fostering reading and lifelong learning in the Pasco County community and continue to support libraries and literacy throughout all nine counties in the greater Tampa Bay Area helping readers log over 3 million hours of reading andraz the Tampa Bay Rays and Pasco County libraries have hit a home run to offer a special edition Pasco County libraries and reading with the raise incentive by Sun Coast Credit Union branded library card that will be available to all Pasco County residents this summer where and ASAS the collaboration between the Tampa Bay Rays and Pasco County libraries promote literacy Community engagement and a love for reading among Pasco County residents and Raz the crack of the bat the smell of hot dogs and pretzels and the sound of children opening bookmarks and beginning of Mark the beginning of summer reading program now therefore be it resolved by the board of County by the board of County commissioners of Pascal County Florida that said board hereby declares June 2nd through the 8th 2024 as reading with the Rays week in Pasco County [Applause] done and resolved in regular session with okor president and voting this 4th day of June [Music] 2024 Mo approval right got a motion got a motion second second all right got a motion and second all in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z it's almost it's almost hard to carry on a meeting watching him that might have been my favorite reading of a resolution I've seen in a long time man that was excellent um thank you very much uh Commissioners uh this is a really great thing for Pasco County the Rays uh the library system uh the program that you have read this resolution for today uh logged over 1 million minutes last year of of children reporting that and that that um that summertime slump is a real thing and this program is incredibly talented at preventing that and helping turn it back also we cannot thank our partners at the Rays enough uh they were incredibly willing one to do this resolution two to get Raymond off of his busy schedule right now to come in um and three to do something really incredible that I am aware of no one else in the Tampa Bay Area getting the honor to do uh and I'm trying to make sure we're the only ones in the country uh have partnered with us to have specialty library cards this year for uh families adults children that come in you can trade in your old library card to new ones you can also just get a new one fresh uh because we cheated for you the board of County Commissioners and the county attorney and clerk we have specialty library cards for all of you here today as a little gift they are numbered for your districts and we even included um the County Administrator as well in so uh I don't know if that as I'm staed that as a motion to receive but uh we have those rece well we got to have Raymond you got to come this you got to you got to do your job you came in we there's no free loafing around here so [Laughter] oh so we had a motion yeah go ahead whacky don't tear up the furniture great job so I had a I had a motion and a second say hi hi motion pass 5 Z how you doing you can't just get off that easy go ahead uh we'd also allow we'd love the our partners to raise to speak about how wonderful this program is for the Tampa Bay area as well thank you I don't know what I can say that Raymond hasn't already thank you done a tough act to follow uh but no on behalf of the Rays and the ray baseball Foundation uh thank you for this honor this is absolutely humbling and incredible the reading with with the raised program is the raised baseball foundation's oldest program thank you we partner with libraries in the nine County Tampa Bay Area to offer this program and as was mentioned accumulated more than 3 million hours of reading with the goal to eliminate summer reading loss that kids have seen over uh summer when they're not in school so this program addresses that because the race baseball Foundation mission is focused to improve the lives of those in need through education Wellness social responsibility and Youth Development and reading with the raay is a perfect example of that but none of this is accomplished Alone um while we're honored to be here today I want to be take the time to be grateful and thankful to you all without enthusiastic Partners like Robert spike in the Pasco County [Applause] libraries and County leaders like yourselves who value and uplift educ none of this program can be accomplished so thank you all for setting the example of educational values partnership and Community leadership um the Ray's goal is to energize the community Through The Magic of raay baseball so this summer hopefully everyone starts reading and we'll see you all at Tropic Canfield but thank you all again chairman Oakley Robert Spike the whole Board of County Commissioners uh thank you for your support and Leadership all right thank you [Applause] now I would say it's uh oh well don't let them go yet whoa whoa come back we got pictures ah you can't get away that light no you're in jail once you come in that door so so everybody's going to want a picture with you so so it's a spr all the good that we've done here with the library system and uh reading for all our kids in Pasco County so it'll be all over the county it's already all over the county because people are watching from everywhere just to see this today so we certainly appreciate all the hard work you've done so um anyone else want to say something or I think it's a you a former School Board member we have some Educators sitting over there um uh I think having this program encouraging reading through the summer is is wonderful I don't know if they still do it but I remember a lot of schools have required reading list and but when they're this young they I don't think they get that as much so it's a a great um benefit to everyone to encourage reading all summer so we're really grateful to the Rays for partnering with us and you for showing up today yeah Mr White thank you chair you know Sean and team you guys do tremendous work work all over the county and this just is another fantastic example of what you guys do and to the parents out there who you know stick with your kids and engage your kids in Reading over the summer when they could be doing you know a whole lot of other things thank you for sticking with them and guiding them and helping our next generation of leaders and and and folks around United States and Florida so guys hopefully this is uh fun for you all to be here today sometimes commission meetings aren't very exciting for little kids but we're very happy that you all are here great great group of of young folks showing so Sean thank you for all your work and a lot of fun thank you okay M Jagger well we have a special little raise fan in the building today Tristan wave your hand Tristan that's the birthday boy he's going to be six in five days so I just want to say happy birthday to CHR and thank you so much um for partnering with the raise and giving our kids this opportunity it's amazing all right Jack thank you Mr chairman I was tipped off by my assistant to bring my hat today so got an edge on you guys sorry about that aren't you a Mets fan aren't you a Mets fan I didn't know you were still here Jack put the Hat on it didn't recognize you you know the razor brought a lot of excitement for for many years all the way around I I was there on game 162 when he won the division that year was like unbelievable the place just erupted just just great memories all the way through um my uh my rotary club uh Newport Richie Rotary Club is going to be going down Friday which happens to be my daugh my wife's birthday so we're going to spend the day down at Tropic can of field so we're looking forward to that and what an appropriate week for all to play out which is good stuff um but but I thank you so much for what you're doing to help a reading um you know it was the Hudson Library where I take my kids down once a week I've been I I won't say exactly but I incentivize them to read and uh every week we go on pick out different books whatever the library's great about having it nice and easy grab your books bring them back every week you turn them over and uh uh just a just a great thing and if kids are reading early and they get the skill level up um it just makes life so much easier as uh I think representative steel says something like I'd rather work hard when I'm younger now so I don't have to work as hard when I'm older later and reading is a great way to start to to build that whole future so thank you for all that you do yeah Mr cabala yeah thank you sir uh Sean and team thank you you guys continue to do Innovative things and and and push the push the envelope so thank you for that uh Raymond thank you appreciate you uh showing up today and and helping out here with with helping kids uh you know learning to read over the summer and appreciate the partnership with the ray overall in fact actually this Saturday I think we'll have about 85 employees showing up uh for for a raise game on Saturday against the Orioles so we're looking forward to that uh and also with the partnership of donating $5 of every ticket to United Way of Pasco so a lot of great things that you guys are doing in the community so we thank you for that partnership okay I'm going to come down front if all of y'all come up here we'll get a picture and then rest of you guys stand up there behind us look look at our C Isn't that cool it's so cute it's got Rond On It wait yeah scoot down this way Jeff's got a big we got thank you all [Applause] right that the other one [Music] one two and got it okay all right all right so the next resolution is so if you don't some fun today yeah yes we reading Donald Le I just want to make sure going to first yes got it yeah that's normal yes that is normal all right that's pretty exciting we might make the front page of the paper with this instead of some of the other things we get all right now it's time for the consent agenda I have two pulled items I have U first one is C4 pull and discuss and then the second item is and that's by Nikki Alvarez souls and then the second item I have is C4 14 pulled by Miss starky to pull and discuss so Mr chairman yes I'd like to also pull c37 for a quick discussion which one c37 c37 okay pull c37 is any other items to pull if not I'll entertain a motion for the balance of the items on consent approval second okay got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 now we'll move on to C4 Nikki yes um will miss Donal Schmidt please come up to the podium be careful what you say you're being taped I'm not going to I'm not going to look at you cuz I'm ready going to start to chist so I'm going to go ahead and read your resolution resolution number 24-38 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida expressing appreciation to Donal Schmidt Deputy clerk for the office of the clerk and controller for her 35 years of outstanding service to Pasco County whereas Donal Schmidt was hired on July 21st 1989 by the Pascal County Clerk of Circuit Court and County controller as a secretary in the support services department and during her career with the clerk and controller Miss Schmidt served under three Clerk and controllers as secretary lead support secretary board records lead clerk records Clerk I'm sorry board records operations lead and board records operations supervisor an Raz Miss Schmidt's proficiency and knowledge in the performance of her duties demonstrated exceptional professionalism leadership and exemplary work ethic while leading the board records team and had a positive impact on the success growth and positive reputation of our organization andras M Miss Schmid has been instrumental in ensuring seamless integration of multiple Information Technology applications Miss Schmidt led the board records team through the successful implementation of for the record FTR gold digital recording software bis digital recording software and board records management system brooms electronic contact management em ECM sire Technologies and the Civic clerk management system resulting in improved efficiencies productivity and Effectiveness in managing the board records and whereas in recognition for an extraordinary commitment to public service we extend our sincerest appreciation to Miss Schmidt who attended over 1,500 Board of County Commission meetings and Associated committees as an excellent liaison to County staff and other constitutional offices Miss Schmidt's positive disposition effective collaboration and outstanding attention to detailed ensured all agenda items were properly recorded for the board of County Commissioners an Ras mmid was always willing to take on extra tasks when needed as well as sharing her knowledge with her teammates her dedication to Excellence innov Innovative thinking and commitment to continuous Improvement have set a high standard of professionalism and inspired her her teammates and peers enduring her to all and Ras mmid demonstrated outstanding enthusiasm creativity and team spirit by encouraging her teammates to dress up for Halloween fostering a sense of camaraderie and fun contributing to a vibrant and engaging workplace culture some of her favorites were JP Hogs biker chicks RV parks nuns clowns under the sea the Oompa Loompas from willly Wonka and the holidays of Nikki an Ras mmid has exhibited unwavering commitment in to her duties responsibilities and deadlines consistently delivering high quality work with precision and professionalism and her dedication and dependability in the performance of her job duties made her a valuable asset to the office of the clerk and controller and res during her 35 years of service mmid diligently and conscientiously served Ser the citizens of Pasco County and customers of the clerk and controller in her positions ensuring Integrity while providing outstanding service and res as of July 1st 2024 Miss Schmid retires from the office of Clerk and controller and has plans to travel around the country alongside her husband who is retiring from the Pasco County School school board in June and the board of County Commissioners and the clerk and controller deem it appropriate to recognize her contributions to both the customer customers of the clerk and controller's office and the citizens of Pasco County now therefore be it resolved by the board of County Commissioners in Pasco County Florida in session duly assembled that said board hereby expresses its deepest appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to Donna Schmidt for her 35 years of dedicated service commitment and invaluable contributions to the citizens of Pasco County done and resolved in regular session with theorum president and voting this fourth day of June 2024 Madam clerk are you sure you want a motion I do not want a motion approval do I have a second you got a second well both of them said move approval so okay I got a motion second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 thought you was going to get away without talking to us didn't I tried she was did um thank you to everyone especially Nikki and my team that's it I'm used to sitting over there yeah hiding so this is difficult um I am grateful for the office my husband um come up come up with um my directors and everyone in the office my team is here and I'm just grateful and Nikki thank you for keeping me oh absolutely I want to keep you more but you won't stay we got things to do I think so I think so yeah Mr chair you speak first I'm going to try to speak and not cry because um I want to honor you but um I um Donal is one of those special people um you're just a wonderful human being and such a kind soul and a great leader and she is fun and funny um I'm going to miss um working with you so closely I'm going to miss us going to lunch um maybe we can still do that that would be nice um I I wish you all the wonderful happiness you and and your husband um hope you enjoy wonderful travels and get to see grandbabies and enjoy enjoy retirement like you so well deserve 35 years of service is absolutely incredible and to do it in our office I feel like our office is blessed Pasco County is blessed because of what you've done and um I I have no worries about your area because you have she's created wonderful knowledge sharing in her Department the board will be taken care of for years to come because of Donna Le's leadership and making sure that her team is prepared for when she was going to retire so you've done an amazing job I am honored to have worked with you and get to know you um I wish you all the best but um I still get to see you because you're not done just yet congratulations Don Mr W thank chair you knowk thank you both for your service to Pasco County it uh you know being a government employee sometimes thankless and um you know your dedication 35 years and to not just this board but to the clerk's office and you with the school system you know fantastic professions thank you for taking time and and investing in Pasco like you have and you know signing parchments just won't be the same just won't be the same M Ary 35 years I just that just amazes me um I I'm just so grateful that you gave all that time to your county and and you as well I I envy you on your next um opportunities and my brother's out traveling the country with my sister-in-law in their RV having a great time so I uh hope you have a wonderful retirement and I'm sure we'll see you around okay M Jagger I'm going to Echo that 35 years wow um just thank you for your service to your county and everything you did um for us and your support um of your husband because you can't do what you do without that love and support so thank you and I hope you enjoy your vacationing and this next chapter welld deserved Donal congratulations in 35 years you've been phenomenal um anytime we're doing resolutions anytime we're chairman as far as even signing plots whatever he always made sure we sign we had to sign and get it done before uh lunch breaks whatever but uh greatly greatly appreciate all your great service and congratulations on traveling enjoy have a great time Mr cabala I tried but I didn't talk to Nikki before so you know it got pulled Don Le so um but but at the end of the day thank you you know the the work that is done just just to put on this meeting alone is is it's all inspiring to me and then the work that goes on on the back end and on top of that you make sure it's right it's accurate it's it is you truly are uh you do Yan's work and are an unsung hero so just thank you for that thank you for passing that along to the to the next uh to the next group because I know you got things to do but uh we are happy and blessed to have had you so thank you thank Mr ster you don't normally give me an opportunity to speak um well i' kind of keep you at Bay a little bit board records is historically one of those unsung hero departments and and our office couldn't live without you um it seems like anytime we're asked a question on historical documents if we can't find it you'll turn it up um and it's been great working with you for the 16 years I've been here thank you it's been great you tried to slip through the cracks but that's all right Cabala's fault he showed that to me so but actually I I really wasn't going to let you get away with just sit back they said oh well she's bashful I said well she's never been bashful here in the meeting before that's okay we all see you so know but it's a lot of times to keep your mouth closed during these meetings but I'm going to tell you you make when your chair when we see you the most cuz we're working on things we have to sign and do everything right you make it happen for us and each and each commissioner that wants something from the clerk's office you see to it that that happens I'm not concerned about the future of what's going to happen in OS if you trained them well uh the staff is a very good staff that we have there behind you that you help lead the way for them to carry on in your absence even though we don't necessarily care for your absence so but we wish you the very best cuz 35 years is a long time I spent 51 years in in my job and before I came and was elected I'm on my eighth year now but I don't think I'm going to make 35 years so I don't think I'm going to make 35 years at all so but uh but I'm in my eighth year and it's I if you feel the way I do about working for the citizens of Pasco County I know that that you were caring for what's important for the citizens of Pasco County and I I truly agree with you and and want to make sure that all those records are kept just the right for our citizens so thank you for all your service and um I don't know what else today Mr there's just there's not enough words to say so of thanking you for what you've done thank you both so cuz uh you've done a great job thank you um we'll all come down and we'll get a picture and then if you don't mind getting a picture with the team as well so we'll do a picture Commissioners and then we'll we'll do the Commissioners then we'll do the team okay okay nice to meet [Music] you you two very good got any [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] all right here we go three two and one we got it all right [Music] if we going to get oh y um I want to I just want to talk about 34 after we do I'll yeah there's no problem can I say one other um can say one other thing can I one other thing yes you can okay all right than Mr chair um I just wanted to say that um um we are in good hands um Donal we do have a replacement and it's Miss Shannon Eggbert she's sitting there she has been trained by Miss Schmidt um for quite a few years now and she's ready to take the rain so that we are in good hands um but I also o want to mention her husband Russell um he is also a wonderful public Ser servant in Pasco County Schools 39 years wow oh good and yes so his retirement or his replacement for his retirement is his son correct which one Michael the middle one Michael so they have three sons all three sons are also um teachers in pasel County schools and so his replacement will be his son Michael is that nice all right thank you I appreciate it thank you okay um music teacher oh now I have pulled uh 14 c14 c37 and also we've already voted on it but M sty wants to speak what's the number c34 c34 I'll let you go ahead and do c34 we've already voted on um thank you Mr chairman for do for doing c14 um you know we we had someone speak this morning um about uh villages of Pasadena Hills and there was incorrect information given I I I find it frustrating sometimes that people can come up here and say things that aren't correct and just a shout out there that's why one of the reasons why we have the Citizens Academy so you can really learn about factual information about this County and the things that we do and why we do the things that we do um cuz I think it can be dangerous to to stand up and say uh information is not correct so I just wanted David to come up and correct the record for some of the things that Miss Moretti said thank you good morning David Engel planning and economic growth director there was a discussion today regarding the entitlements over at vop and the potential of overwhelming our street systems I would just indicate to you first off that the special planning district is designed to mitigate traffic impacts in the future because the infrastructure is staged and phased with the uh entitled development number two uh we are running behind on uptake of the entitlement density right now our current uptake is 66% of the entitlements the Galvan projects in particular are um a reapprovals and in each Village that Galvin is coming in they're leaving over well over $1,000,000 units on the table and uh it is below their actual entitlements so in some uh the road system is designed for full buildout our uptake is 66% currently of the full buildout and the Galvin project is less than they could have come in for thank you and and you know we see things in the paper about numbers and um rarely does a developer use all the numbers they're entitled to rarely rarely rarely so um we just really need to get that information out there so thank you very much and with that I move for approval of c14 second further discussion yeah and I just want to say that you know we've got this particular developer coming forward to talk about that project is actually putting at least $16 million extra of his own money into the road project and I know that Mr carbella is hiring tindel Oliver are looking at doing that uh to actually do a study in there to make sure that their money they're charging for their fees is enough to support all the infrastructure so I think I'm glad you pulled it I I I pulled c37 for the same type of reason so thanks for doing that oh I've got c34 no no I know C3 now this one we're talking about right now c14 c4 and I and I did make a motion for approval seconded it I got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 5 on c14 now c37 you have something to add to that yeah I I just wanted David Allen to come up and kind of put the citizens at ease as far as the chemicals we're buying and how long they've been used and how safe they are good morning chair um good morning board members uh David Allen Pasco County Utilities director and you the the item here on the consent agenda is to purchase treatment chemicals that we utilize in our treatment process for our drinking water systems and all of our water meets or exceeds both the state and federal standards for drinking water um the the use of this particular chemical helps to eliminate um the growth of virus pathogens and bacteria within the water systems and we're actually required to maintain a certain level of chlorine residual within our drinking water systems and so the concentrations that we're purchasing are significantly higher than than what is delivered to the customers I would say probably on the order of um 100,000 times stronger than what we're actually delivering to the customers and so our staff for trained in the use and handling of of all those chemicals okay and I I appreciate you coming to full with it and I just wanted to again same reason just get get the the actual facts out there so thank you so you got a motion no wait I have a question okay which I was going to bring up in commissioner items but I just since he's up here I'd like to go ahead and um so I've been contacted by um I think it's starky rant CDD um but there's or our story yeah there's been a few about using um reclaimed water and um I think that we went and switched it so that the reclaimed water rules are going to follow the Swift Mud rules is that correct what far as yeah commissioner starky right right now just very briefly um because of the increased or because of the lack of rainfall that we've been having regionally in the hot weather our demands on the the reclaim system increased significantly so it's really it's not necessarily A Supply issue it's a demand issue where folks are just using significantly more than they typically have and so we have asked those that are on the reclaim system to voluntarily step back to the one day per week which all of the other customers within Pasco County are required to follow but if we're following the Swift Mud rules if you put in new Landscaping you can water it yes yeah I just want to make that that's true cuz starky rant CDD just landscaped the heck out of rangan Boulevard and so they're allowed to water that um following the Swift Mud so I just I just don't know how we're getting that word out but I just want to make that point here well I can tell you uh the word when it goes out going from two days water in a week to one day the difference is and it's hard you can't hard see it but at Tampa Bay Water we see it because there's actually a savings of 30 million gallons of use taken away when you go to the one day you take that one day off and just left for one day you're saving 30 million gallons a day that's not being used for irrigation during that time Mr chairman big number I I always just water one day a week I've done that in the 30 years I've lived in my house um but I do have a question who is uh but I do see people watering on the weekends which is not I don't think you're supposed to be that's corre huh depends on the address and and the use and okay what okay I'm not going to rat on any of my neighbors um but who is enforcing the one day a week watering rule that would be our code enforcement officers in in the police department okay yeah you said it all right thank you okay I got a motion move approval 3 c37 second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 and then you also wanted to pull C 34 for discussion yeah and we've already voted on we have already voted on it but I was you know digging into it here like I do and um I just wanted to note that when I started looking at the dates on this and this is a a bid that we approved this morning but it first said that it was going out on the street August 23rd then it moved to October and here we are in June approving it so it's it's not as bad as what I've seen in the past but I I think my fellow Commissioners are with me that we are really hopeful that this bid and contract timeline is streamlined a lot it cost us money when um when it takes so long to get some of these done so I just wanted to draw that to your attention and and say I I know I'm hoping to see it you know in in months not like under 6 months not 9 months a year 3 years so I'll be all right okay thank you all right thank you you David thank you and um that's the end of the consent items we will now move to regular agenda what do we have r43 yes you are correct it's a Time certain and you're right on time oh I'm right on time it's 11:30 time certain you're at 11:28 well good for me [Music] there it is right there welcome ladies good morning good morning how is everybody good as the chair um for the commission on the status of women I'm Jenny Yingling and I'm going to just bring you guys through what we've done over the last two years and update you so we have this great PowerPoint but first I'd like to introduce um the other ladies that are on the commission with me that have joined me today so to my left is my coach chair I'm Vanessa Hilton co-chair I also work for Pasco County Schools okay I'm Michelle Chamberlain I'm the career specialist at Mitchell High School longtime friend of mine mine too Lauren melli I'm the marketing and communications director for Pasco EDC I'm Stephanie poet CEO for Lighthouse for the wine and thank you for appointing me to the commission today yeah all right it's me Leona schula Secretary of csw and representing the africanamerican public awesome Denise Nicholas and thank you so much for having us here today okay all right now that you know who all we are we all know who you are um if I can direct everybody's attention to our amazing PowerPoint that our amazing um member Lauren put together so obviously this is us for the status uh of women um again I'm Jenny I'm the chair Vanessa is our co-chair this is our mission and our vision um next slide please um this is us as a whole so we do have some individuals that aren't here today um for those um in the room that don't know exactly everything the commission does some of us are appointed so each County Commissioner has the opportunity to appoint um a woman um in the community to the commission so I appointed by um Seth waitman um and then we also work to fulfill spots um within the community Through nonprofit minority groups and other interest groups um law enforcement um to ensure that we're um evenly represented through the community for the needs that face the women in our community next slide please okay so what do we do on the status of women so um back in December we did um our strategic planning session and what we did is through through our work plan is we work to identify key areas in the community um that were important to um women in our community so the first one as you can see is economic development which I think we could all agree is on everybody's top number one um the second was education and Workforce Development um the third was Healthcare and wellness and then the fourth was women in leadership now these four um points are going to become really obvious when we share our survey a little later in this um in the slideshow so just remember those four points so um we meet monthly we meet the first Monday of every month it is always um posted on the County website everybody is Welcome to our meeting um and what we try to do is we try to find a group a guest speaker to come in and to share um with the commission um and we try to pick guest speakers that will provide um a little insight and and then provide us or arm us with um information that we can push out to to our community so some of our great speakers that we had over the 23 24 um year um War um bridging Freedom so we had the CEO from bridging Freedom come to speak with us um for those of you that don't know what bridg and freedom is is it's a um undisclosed location um that provides um safe haven for young women um under the age of 18 that have been um victims of human trafficking and that is a local um organization in addition to that we had the affordable housing panel come we had the Pasco County Department of Health and available Services come that was really interesting to see what services were available um across a spectrum um whether you had small children you were middle-aged or you were looking for um senior programs so that was very informative for us um um in addition to having bridgin Freedom come we also um had um Pasco counties human trafficking commission come um to speak with us so that was also um obviously human trafficking is a big issue and a concern in our um community and it is as well for the commission um I think my one of my favorite um Hidden Treasures was when parks and Rex came and they shared with us about the Pasco Outdoor Adventures program um and so I recently ran into a dad in the neighborhood and he's like I'm off for a week with my kids what do I do and I was like oh do you know that just on the other side of the county you can go over and you can write kayaks and you can write bikes so it was really um exciting to to learn about affordable opportunities for us to get our families out and into the community so those are just a couple of the highlights do you have any questions so far no you're doing a great job okay all righty um so then let's talk about what we really did and how much fun we had this here on the commission um so when I first joined the commission there was a lot of talk about we have to do something um so that we could continue to grow and um bring awareness to the commission so um just a couple of short weeks ago we hosted our second annual women uplifting women luncheon and you might recognize some people on the slide we had this amazing keynote speaker um none other than U Miss Nikki Alvarez was our keynote speaker um we held an amazing event at the phsc porter campus um the event very quickly became sold out now it was a free event but it was still sold out um within and I'm going to look over to Lauren to give me some quick facts um we generated all all the attendance and hyp for the event through our social media page and within the first 24 hours we were sitting at somewhere at like 4050 55 participants had registered within the first 24 hours so Lauren gets on the phone with me she's like what's our capacity and I'm like let's see if we can get a hundred well it didn't take us but a couple of days and she calls on the phont she goes so we're sitting at 100 do we know the capacity for the room and so what what what I will share with the commission and and your friends here with us today is that not only did we meet our goal but um leading meting up the Monday Tuesday and Wednesday prior to the event were these phone calls from all sorts of people on on both sides of the county that wanted to know how they could get a ticket wow um and what a great problem to have but not to have enough room tells us that we're doing something right so um we hosted 144 um women with a with a wide variety of age race and interest in the community at the at the porter campus um it's a 90-minute presentation um there's an opportunity for women in our community to mingle and men men are welcome too so um there were a couple um that's overrated men are always welcome we don't discriminate um this is our wild gang dinner yeah there you go I'm still I can imagine the wild part without the Crown Royal so as as you can as you can see from the pictures we have a packed house um we had an amazing MC which was Dr Dita Jones who's the pro best at phsc she's a dynamic woman um who was able to not only um facilitate for our keynote speaker but our other three panelists can you go can you go back to slides so I can highlight our other panelists real quick one more okay one more I didn't realize there were so many pictures oh one more there he is okay so we were we were very strategic on how we picked um the amazing women that we were going to have because the title for our event is women uplifting women so it was really important to us on the um on the commission that we had the right women in the room to help uplift energize and motivate other women in our community um so what we did is we looked at some results from the survey from the um first ual event and um we're able to kind of figure out where are women in our community we're looking for resources so of course we had none other than Rosie Rosie sits on the state commission for the status of women um she is inspirational um she shared with the group about some great opportunities for women to nominate other women to be named um for the commission and for recognition for women in service and leadership in in the State of Florida so she shared that um when we had um ebony Perez ebony um came to us um from St Leo she oversees the social work department and she handled our mental health um component that was um a big concern of women that wanted to attend the event and then we had Rebecca and Rebecca is the CEO uh for bake here Wesley Chapel so we kind of really focused on um on areas that um were concerned for the women in our community and I will tell you that it was jamack I know Nikki when we're done I'm hoping you'll you'll tell everybody what a great time you had and how you can't wait to come back next year um but it we'll go through the picture so everybody can just see it was a packed event um we had some great sponsors so if we can get to that sponsor page I'd like to recognize two very special people that are in the room with us today um we were able to pull the event off and and provide an event at no cost um to the women at attending because we had great sponsors so I would like to thank um commissioner Oakley for always supporting us on the commission and commissioner starky as well thank you so much for your sponsorship um along with as you can see we have a plethora of other individuals in our community some big some small that um that also felt important to support what we do on the commission so I mentioned earlier in in my present ation that we perform a survey um so we're going to show you the comparisons we'll just run through the slides you guys have them there you can look at them later um but we just did some surveys to kind of find out um where we go from here so on the top you can see it's our 2023 on the bottom it's our 2024 and ladies if anybody wants to jump in you jump in um so when it asks how you'd rate today's event as you can see um our fives are very high um so we we were very excited to to see that obviously um for all of us on the commission we're all just volunteers so we were able to pull off a phenomenal event um all volunteer because all of us on the panel um do have our own full-time jobs as well next slide please um this um as you can see was you know would you attend again um you can see it 100% both both years um they wanted again and they wanted to come back um so we're very excited um again here are some comparisons um age so that's one of the um questions on the survey so we can get a good idea um I just want to point out one area where we saw a lot of growth and that was that um 35 to 44 years of age um if you compare the two years you can see a significant amount of growth which tells us that the new families moving to our community are looking um as women for services um and opportunities to connect um and this is our ethnicity breakdown um and then this is our household income breakdown I will point out um that we really noticed just women just women this is not the husbands this is just the women or or a Partners um I wanted to point out the number of um women that attended our event um that were in that 50,000 to um 74 999 um because that's a big bracket and that's um that that's a a good medium income so we wanted to share that with you you can um obviously go through the survey and see where everybody fell according to income um this one was very interesting because in 2023 um number of people that had children under the age of 18 was nine and then this year it's 22 and so um being able to see that that know that shows us that that we we are truly reaching a broad um spectrum of everybody in our community um and then this one um talks about um what um challenges impact um women in our community the most um so you can just go right down the line obviously finances are always High um time management energy and motivation um were important to them along with mental Health um and you can compare that to um 2023 and you can see where they all kind of align as well so the concerns or um impactful challenges that women see in our community really haven't shifted okay so um this was what what what are some challenges um that are impacting the women in our community so the number one one was retirement um and then affordable housing and then self Healthcare and then these are um health related challenges and how they impact you and I would have to say the biggest one is accessibility um to health care and then these were just some other um unrelated challenges that impact um individuals in our community um um how does this one went down it did go down I'm noticing um sorry I I am not responsible for the results just sharing them um how responsive do you think your local government is to the needs of women in your um City SL or County um and they did go down slightly um and so one of the things that we talked about is how do we add a probe question um to to another survey and a little further in our presentation you're going to see where we're going to we're going to ask for a little more help and that'll be able to um add some additional questions that would fall in um so that we could get a little more information to find out why they feel this way um so these are positive impacts on women and again you can see go back it's okay this is the um what's like one one thing that you can change that you think would make a positive impact so this kind of is a little bit more of a probe into the government question I think prior to so um you can see the majority of people answered employment and education and then you can follow it and then it looks you kind of jump down and on both sides it's like the health care um sorry the child care and affordable housing those are like the two large areas we got a plan coming yeah we're working we're ready for it um prior to today how familiar were you with the status um and so you can kind kind of um see um we have a lot of work to do and I think um our our women uplifting women event is a great way to to get the word out but we know we need to do more um how would you rate the average price of child care um so you can see and you can look at 23 and you can look at 24 and and you already know that in 24 we had um almost half as many with children under the age of 18 attend the event um this is public education system and how it was rated and then this is an interesting question because it asks how how we as women feel um about the opportunity to have leadership roles now as I look at the commission um I I think we've got a pretty good split going on here it got better we got it right we got it we've got it figured out we're going to bottle it and sell it um but you can see that um out of the 4 7 women surveyed 16 were on Shore um and 12 and 23 which tells us that um we have to do a better job of communicating opportunities that exist in our community um but in in in 13 17 people had no idea what roles um existed but then when you come over and you look at 24 some something has changed in our community um because the um knowledge is definitely leveled off when you look at the number of people that completed the surveys okay so resources um obviously um we've talked about it throughout our presentation um employment and training and education are um pretty big priorities to the women in our community and the women that took the survey um public programs and assistance um and then public policy and um political leadership ship you can kind of see top off child care assistance um affordable housing um and then assistance for violence against women so you can kind of see that it's a good um even slice of where um where we're looking for resources in our community and you could compare the two years and um they they they're pretty steady um and um stay pretty consistent with each other okay additional survey comments so I'm not going to read them all but some of them are really good and um where was my favorite one I absolutely loved this event the panel discussion and keynote speaker were excellent um and when when I read that um I just think that that's somebody who went to an event they weren't quite sure what to um expect and they left there and anybody that was at the event that day um the energy that you can get in a room when you get that many women together I can only imagine Len I can only have one in my house and this thir but when when you get that many women of leadership together and the who's who of women in in our community were in that room that day and to watch the room just collaborate and slide and go together um is is truly a work of art and we we were able to do that and provide the opportunity to allow other women to uplift other women so what's next I thought bigger meeting in the future yeah yes so one thing the commission has really worked on um since I joined the commission was trying to create a a woman um owned business directory and so we are working on um I'm trying to figure out the best way to do that we did have some um talks um with Mike Fan's office and finding out how we could do um women-owned business Registries through taxes um and so there is some conversation we would definitely have to be the Pioneers for that if um if that's the Avenue we're going to um to go down um the second piece that we'd really like to see um and just from the surveys think would be helpful would obviously be a vis uh a digital um platform but somewhere where we could store resources um for women in our community um and so how could we capture the data and the information when our guest speakers come and have it on a platform for others to access um how do we um continue to grow our surveys to truly get the responses we need to provide an inspiring Community for the women that live in our community and then um working with our current Resource Partners so where does H how do we push that information out um is it through um nonprofit organizations um who are going to be our key Partners to make sure that people know that these resources are available and then um who creates that final project um so who who's going to create that publication who where is that going to live who's going to own it and obviously the publication would not be um bounded it would it would definitely be something that was um digital because as we all know as soon as you would print it it would be at a date um so that's kind of um what we on the commission are looking forward to um tackling this year any questions yet I um I think Joanna might be able to help in getting some of that news out I actually looking at your group and I know there's I mean how many total and your whole group membership well 11 11 we're at 11 now we have a couple vacancies but we are working hard to fill them right get get us the list of what the but there's a there's I know for a fact there's a lot of women that are in business or whatever that are not attending for some reason or other but would be very good groups for you to reach out to and I I'll use my um my social media page to put it out too and the County's social media page would be really great uh to help you know get that word out cuz y'all done a very good job I mean this started from nearly nothing and I mean look what we got here so and it's just bringing more and more smart women up up front where they belong and uh I always put mine up front so I think that's what you have to do and and y'all have great ideas and we need to be sure we back and give you the sport you need so from my office I know I will do that for you so speaking of support M sty oh sorry U something that comes to mind you know when I started this I because I found out about the one in Hillsboro County and I don't know if pelis county has started a commission on the status of women do we know I do well I think we'll talk to some of the Commissioners over there and get one started and then I think it would be really awesome to have a joint Tampa Bay meeting of all the commission on staff's women we'll have a a big event I know the first one we had here dve City with Genie and aew's my appointment we had it over at cell's in the Citrus room and I think it was 23 total count was 23 so but it's grown from that I mean you done a great job yeah great job very excited about the progress yeah any other you have some check so obviously we would not be able to pull off what we do from the commission if we didn't have great people that kept us organized um kept us in line with the rules um and so I I I think dereck's here um poor Derek I mean he got assigned to a group of us and and he helped he was instrumental and pulling off our first annual woming uplifting woming event so if it would not be inappropriate I'd like to give Derek a huge round of applause for and we just we just get so lucky to get great people and so Derek comes to us and he's like well I got a new position you guys are really good at moving people really good at promoting very talented people and um so very quickly dererk introduced us to Sonia who's here and Sonia Sonia took the ball and and she didn't even dribble it she just ran with it and it's it's been such a joy to work with her to work with Derek and to work with the Commissioners as well well and your staff cuz that's who we are constantly on the phone with trying to um check schedules and make sure that we can pull off events like um we pulled off just a couple of weeks ago so um we would be remissed if we didn't truly recognize the people that support us so again to dererk and Sonia thank you guys so much Speak oh I was wondering if we need to put this report do we bring this in for the record or you can receive in file I think that let's do that make a part of the record I move to receive this report second on the got a motion second to receive and file U all those in favor say I I I all right I motion pass 5 Z thank you and I I guarantee along with that comes the support of this board to you so we uh very much appreciate all the hard work and it's hard work it's not easy to put on a function so it is hard work Mr chairman Mr Mar so I'm sorry I missed the LT of support I would have been glad to step in if you do another one coming up soon I'm happy to do that for you um I'll remind you you it well I'm going to I'm going I'm I'm going to incentivize you to think about something a little bit quicker um you know my daughter Amber is very active in a lot of different things retired State Rep to start her family as well as helping our husband go to law school we just graduated Magnum lad they just had to move up to Pensacola and to try to find child care now they were lucky the first 11 months we helped raise our grandson my wife was home so she was able to do it and it was a great benefit for them getting started to take that burden off now she goes up and she's just in there and she's got some struggles with it it's very difficult to get it's very expensive to get Etc to have a career to get started to have to take that break is like tough to do correct so she mentioned to me she says I wish you'd bring it up and take is like the perfect time uh about you trying to improve our uh our woman's time off after after birth right and I think if you guys could get a group together and I'd help sponsor that as well I'm sure the others would as well um I'd love to see some that discussion brought out because it's so much of a struggle to have a career and to try to raise a family it's just such a tough balance especially with a newborn so if you want to com commence some committee do it do it quick so we maybe even look up for this budget year maybe we can look and lead in the county to try to improve the lives of our families coming forward because others are doing it maybe we should look at it to but I think if you guys took a look especially with your new uh demographics a little more balanced now especially that maybe you can kind of help us lead the way uh to help with that time off yes you can speak to that I was going to ask if you wanted to speak to that the resident youngish mom of the group so I just wanted to make note um in speaking when I dropped my son off at VPK and talking to parents you know I'm in the office 3 days of the week so I'm in by 8 out by 5 don't see his teachers and do drop off Thursday and Fridays I get to do drop off and pickup and I talk to other moms and um those especially who have two or three kids do not go back to work because they can't afford to because if you have two kids I have a girlfriend I think um she said she makes about $400 a month after she sends her kids to school and she's so she's working putting her kids in school just so that um she can work to make an extra 4 $100 but then the kids are sick and then she's having to take that time off so it's very very hard um balance it's very expensive to get your kids into these programs um so it's it's hard out there so it's definitely something that should um be looked into further well especially with the newborn CU if you're at a certain point and you don't fit their parameters to what's going on that kid can get bumped up too if it's not working and now you got two in one out and how do you how do you make B in the newborn sometimes there's like six-month weight lists um to get into some of the schools to get your kids in there and then if they call you you have to be there in like 30 minutes to pick up your kid if they get a little bit of a fever or anything's going on um so it's hard on both parents it's not necessarily just the women but obviously the women tend to be the ones who she did mention about with the dads take a little time off a little more time off too and maybe maybe it's a partial of not just like full time of like extra time off but maybe it's a balance of help having you work from home to do your job if you can do I follow um quite a few different movements for National things that they're working on right now um at the federal level for some of these things to be implemented and improved on for parents but um I can't quote any of the numbers right now but they're staggering numbers about certain parents not returning to work because of those costs or because of the burdens that it puts on the family so and then you have one of the parents that's going to have to overcompensate and overwork and then they're missing their family time so it's definitely a national issue but it would be great for our commission to address we were Lu in my family where my wife was able to stay home but she actually then when the kids were school then she worked at the same school so it worked out perfect when she was off they were off everything was good but it's tough to find that situation but now with the new technology we have that we learn from Co all these Zoom technologies that things we can do to work from home which so many are doing around the country that's why a lot of people come to Florida because you work from anywhere I would like to have us look at take a look at that technology part the time off part and if you guys could lead the way that would be phenomenal yeah thank you Nikki thank you Mr chair um I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to be part of the luncheon and um I'm so humbled to been asked to be the keynote speaker for this amazing event and um I was so stressed out because you I'm in a room with amazing women and um what am I going to say to inspire them right um but I have to tell you I felt so welcomed by everyone and um I felt connections it's such a beautiful event so I'm saying this because if you're listening and you're a woman or a man apparently too you can come um this event is amazing please put it on your schedule to come to this event every year and I was amazed at the turnout you ladies do a fantastic job and what You' have planned for the future is wonderful and I'm so excited um but thank you for inviting me in and letting me be part of just just a beautiful program um and the other panelists are also amazing women I learned so much from them being there and um you know now I'm friends with them and we're going to do lunch I mean it's just that's how it works right at these things so I just thank you for that opportunity you do a wonderful job thank you for your volunteering on this important important effort M Jager I just want to say that I look forward to your next event and I will definitely be there in help any way I can and also I just wanted to add kind of to what uh commissioner Mariana was saying too when women have to take that Gap you know to stay home there's a gap of employment you know and that that could be several years if they can't afford child care so um I'm all about trying to help in any way I can as well to come to a solution Mr waitman thank you best for last talk uh you know Janie it was interesting your statistics Pasco we mentioned we talked about this number of board meetings we went from one of the oldest counties by age per capita in all Florida and postco we're now one of the youngest and average age of 46 so it was very telling when you were going through your stats that the new age bracket that was growing and that's fantastic it's you know folks in that age bracket were working by raising kids after school activities and you know fortunately for me have Denise and you and other folks Stephanie out in the world who are you it's big County a lot going on and feedback comes to us and we're very grateful to capture the information but it's just kind of subjective right what you're seeing what you're feeling so how we can help with a surveys to capture more Dynamic information of where we can all do better maybe we should invest or look for resources um happy to to help and support there and as far as you know with working parents you know it's true without my parents both just retired we have three without them my wife and I would be drowning trying to figure out how to work and and everything that we juggle and uh that's a real that's a real Challenge and especially now with labor shortages of qualified people in the workforce you know can't have people necessarily sitting out and who wants to kind of put their life on pause right if you have Ambitions to be successful in in business but still be a good parent to your kid so no Solutions today but happy to help work with you all and whoever we need to to to figure out what a plan that that might work so thank you for not just volunteering here but in all the Endeavors that you all volunteer in and spend your time and investing in our community glad you're here today Mr cabal could we make one request the girls would like a picture oh the girls want a picture girls want a picture well let me get about I got some on the wall there yes we'll all come down for a picture Mr Kabal you want to say that you're good no I think I would just I would just add that your your work is phenomenal it's it's great to hear the the great words about our team members that kind of helped help guide this along and and just continue to do uh do the good work that you're doing you're really doing a lot to to to elevate um things and we just we just love to see it it's a fantastic work Mr you want to add something pleas you sure good I'm good I'm giving you opportunity all right let's go down [Music] wait to no [Music] [Music] EXC so resolution lot of on lot of [Music] no