[Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he [Music] [Music] St [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] I [Music] [Applause] oh if I can get board members up here we'll get started that work Mr chair yeah maybe guys should consider W and support like they do with the legisl you're waving in support that when you're in the legisl when they having the reading those people waving yeah because then if they're here to support they could just waave you know how get a they they're here in support should beern wait but we have agreed but they're still signing up if they but sometimes they sign up anyway yeah but we take care of that I hear you I'm just it's it's I'd like now call back to order the uh border County Commission meeting of April 10th 2024 for public hearing um uh the first public hearing is P39 Mr chair I have publication okay item P39 was published in the Tempe times on January 24th 2024 thank you Mr chairman item P39 is an ordinance by the pasal county fora County Commissioners amending the pasal County Land Development code chapter 500 zoning standard section 525 neighborhood commercial District chapter 900 development standard section 9007 on-site parking loading stacking and all and excuse me lighting standards section 97.1 on-site parking appendix a definitions and other sections as necessary for internal consistency providing for applicability repealer providing for cability inclusions into the Land Development Cod and an effective date this is being requested for a continuance to a date UNC okay any a motion who continue continu second got a motion second all those in favor say I I with her absent do I need to do roll call or no okay we got a and everybody's physically present move on to P for and but for continu you don't need it for an ordinance oh you don't need it for okay you're fine all right P40 item P40 was published in the Tampa Times on February 21st 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings thank you Mr chairman ATM p 40 is an ordinance amending the Pas County comprehensive plan providing pull that mic over to you if you providing I don't know it's yeah providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-15 in sheet 01 from res 6 residential six dwelling units per gross acre to Comm commercial on approximately 3.49 Acres of real property located on the east side of US Highway 301 approximately 750 ft south of us98 and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repeater cability and an effective date this comes to you with a recommendation to approve the proposed comprehens of plan Amendment adopt the ordinance by roll call vote we can do a presentation if the board would like okay would the board like to hear a presentation I'm okay I'm good good um so this public hearing is any more we have someone speak to this is that I ask for the public yeah well this this this would be an applicant presentation so or there there should be an applicant for this one it's not County initiated so you call the applicant first and then members okay all right if action would like to come forward name and address for the record uh good afternoon Ann Pollock uh 433 Central Avenue in St Pete representing the applicant uh we're here today uh requesting this comprehensive plan Amendment uh the owner um owns a small HVAC business here in the county and would like to open up a small uh retail Center to sell uh uh parts and and do repairs um he'd like to use the remainder to lease out uh the um the the spaces to other small businesses um small trades neighborhood commercial office and and that sort um we feel that the the application is uh consistent with the comprehensive plan uh the intent of the comp designation is to encourage job creating uses uh m Mr Finley expects he has about four employees now he expects to have to have at least another six to run this business and uh with the addition of the other uh spaces we expect more jobs to come in to this area uh the area is surrounded by uh pastures and residential as well as significant uh commercial uh to the north is 98 which has shops and um other businesses including um uh used car and uh open storage and and other small businesses this will allow for an improved uh development in the area while more fully satisfying the commercial and business needs of the surrounding residents um the applicant is uh working to um work with the neighbor to modify the access uh to the north so that we're not intruding with the the neighbor's access to get out onto 301 and the owner plans to build fencing and buffering um on the rear uh including uh storm water and and that sort in order to provide a good bumper uh the issue that I wanted to raise today is that as part of this uh application uh Planning Commission staff uh I'm sorry longrange planning staff uh requested that we voluntarily agree to a deed restriction limiting uses and providing uh some other um development restrictions as well as the live local act uh deed restriction uh the applicant volunteered to comply uh those uses are not uh planned to be used here um but you know certainly um agreed in order to gain the staff support and uh the county Support of this uh this was presented at the Planning Commission um on this matter we are also going through a contemporaneous uh resoning request to see2 and we had our Planning Commission meeting last week and at the Planning Commission the plan commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of the rezoning but without the deed restrictions other than live local they they kept that um feeling that it was inappropriate and unnecessary to include the deed restrictions for this owner um in order to comply with the requirements of code and the appropriateness of the um uh the commercial use going forward I don't think that longrange planning staff thinks that um I do think commercial is uh longrange planning staff thinks uh commercial is an appropriate use for this property uh but I did want to raise the issue with regard to the deed restrictions and um we we're of course at the board's pleasure regarding that but I wanted to make you aware of of what sort of the chronology of what had happened with those deed restrictions and with that I'm deed restrictions on this property I'm sorry there deed restrictions on this property there would be as part of these approvals ones that agreed with with staff I'm going I have some questions for staff when about the de restrictions okay staff the staff come back up I don't see comp that's up luch all right Terry question my questions were um wait a minute if I can ask Terry which is the companion resoning on this on this not on this agenda so this wouldn't even be an appropriate the board can have the discussion but it wouldn't it would this is a zoning issue not a comp plan issue that's correct okay oh okay well what's that you can you can you can ask your question I but the but the issue of the deed restrictions and what planning commissioner recommendation is would be an issue that you would take up next the the applicant implied that it they had a companion rezoning which usually means it's on the same agenda it's not um so that'll be back before you at some this the comp plan not this is the comp plan okay I think you had that said that all right well then I have plenty of time to ask you about the restrictions so I I won't bother to okay thank any other questions all right is anyone in the audience here this is public heing anyone in the audience here just speak for this item I have no one signed up and no one on WebEx for this item all right CL the board move approval move approve second got a motion in second all those in favor say I this year do need a roll call vote because it's an ordinance oh I need a roll call vote thank you District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky um do you mind ask a question real quick um and I I didn't hear it is there a a multi-use path going up this side of this road little piece of property did they talk about that does that and and maybe this isn't the place to ask that question this Road's being uh redone 8 there's existing pedestrian infrastructure along the front edge there's a sidewalk my understanding but as you can see from the uh map on the overhead there are a number of trails that are crisscrossing the area that are not yet fully reached into the southern parts of the Ruchi so um but we would talk about that at the rezoning not at this well making sure there's a reservation the resoning would be a ukian resoning so the C2 zoning so uh we would we would not be able to condition them on that resoning but there would there would be discussions about that when they submit for site plans and kind of uh connectivity but they're only a small portion of the 301 Frontage so it's not it's not a it's a 3 Acre Site so it's not a major project I just want to make sure that they know there's probably a multi-use path come on one side of the that road will need to be accommodated that conversation will come up later he said that that we couldn't bring it up later it won't be in your rezoning but they will have that discussion in the site plan stage okay yeah all right okay so I got a motion in a second by roll call vote I'm going to redo it District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Bradford District 5 commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oley I motion pass 4 Z move on to p41 item p41 was published in the Tampa Times on March 6 2024 good afternoon Commissioners Denise Hernandez planning and economic economic growth Department today we're going to go over item p41 which is amendment 68 to the Land Development code today is the first reading on the item the it is scheduled for adoption on April 23rd 2024 at 1:30 in Newport Richie so I'm going to read the title and I'm going to do a presentation on the item this is an ordinance by the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners amending the Pasco County Land Development code section 304.8 types of public notice table 3041 required public public notice for development approval applications section 42.1 B zoning amendments ukan submittal requirements section 44.3 D mining operating operating permits application requirements section 44.4 D construction demolition debris disposal facility operating permits application requirements section 44.6 c yard trash processing facilities application requirements section 46.1 point6 permanent signs exempt from obtaining sign permits and temporary signs section 406 5.d RightWay use permit application requirements section 46.8 pointd Garden plan permits application requirements section 51.6 r Mobile Home District yard regulations Section 518 51.8 r Mobile Home District stre streets and Roads section 83.2 listed species impacts to listed and protected species section 91.3 Point e access management access management analysis traffic impact study section 91.3 access management sample management sample problem number one appendix a definitions and other sections as necessary for internal consistency providing for applicability repealer providing for severability inclusion into Land Development code and effective dat so stated this is Land Development code Amendment 68 these amendments were previewed by the horizonal round table interest interested parties um on February 21st 2024 at that time they were placed also on the Pasco County website so they could take a look at them they were presented to the hor horizontal round table and interested parties meeting on March 20th 2024 and this went to the local planning Agency on March 21st 2024 who found it cons who found it consistent with a comprehensive plan and recommended approval to the board so we're going to start by chapter 300 procedures section 304.8 types of public notice again I should mention that these are what we consider minor amendments um uh they're basically uh basically to handle some Legacy issues so in this case uh in the in that section we're moving developments of regional impact as there will never be a new application for development of regional impact we're also removing drri substantial substantial Amendment and OPC removing Dr non-substantial Amendment nopc and NPC from the development order Amendment also it adds a line for County initiated comp plan amendments to con conservation to be published only and County initiated complant amendments other than con to be published and posted only the next section is section 42.1 zoning amendments ukan it removes a requirement to submit a wetland delineation that is way too early in the process to be submitting a wetland delineation uh we still do a um a a distribution to Natural Resources who provides comments but the W Wetland delineation would be submitted at time of site plan next section is 44.3 mining operating permits um application requirements you're going to see this quite a bit throughout we remove traffic traffic impact study as there's no requirement for traffic impact study in our code that was removed many many years ago and we're replacing with tying in phasing analysis pursuant to section 90 1.12 Mr chairman yes sir Denise explain the difference between the two um so perhaps my colleague David Goldstein might be able to um talk about this in a better way than I would because uh we eliminated this is part of eliminating concurrency years ago so there is traffic impact studies doesn't exist the section that traffic impact study was under which is 905 was actually remov from it's actually a rever reserved section so it's no longer in the Land Development code so timing and phasing analysis took took over what a traffic impact study would have done and we may also have uh um subject matter expert colleagues on on the uh on the uh WebEx to answer the question as well okay um Mr chairman as well on section 51.8 height regulations I haven't gotten to that yet I that yeah just give me a few minutes so I'm going to move on and and whoever on that's on because this is going to come up a few times so whoever is on here who can explain the difference between traffic impact study and timing and phasing analysis if you please chime in I would really appreciate that thank you so again this is again in uh 44.4 construction demolition to Red disposal facilities again strikes traffic impact study doesn't exist replaces it with with time and phasing same in 44.6 yard trash processing facility um replaces traffic impact study with timing and phasing this next section this is a a a mistake that we made when we and I take responsibility for it when we did the sign section that we should have not put window signs and sandwich signs together with signs that have limitations because obviously window signs are there as there is a promotion and that could be more than 15 days more than that and the sandwich style signs that people put outside of their business that's also something that people move in and out throughout the throughout the day or after the store is closed um this is again uh 46.5 ride of way use permits removes traffic impact study and replaces it with timing and phasing same in 46.8 Garden plan permits this is uh getting to this next section that commissioner Mariana was asking about right can we just go back to the previous slide go back a slide just one slide yeah so on the temporary signs um I had a request from a realtor and I know we allowed signs and yards for Real Estate signs to go on but I had a recent request from this person who's sometimes try trying to sell a home they want to put it on a busier road to direct them into to see a home a lot of times you're doing it anyway different real weekends like open house exactly so do we want to allow that as long as they pick up the sign cuz most of them pick up the sign anyway cuz they're not going to waste the money on the sign to just direct them do we want to allow that so that they don't feel that they're breaking the law is that is that written in that's considered an offsite sign and also it's a sign in the right of way and those two things are prohibited in our code the only offsite signs that are prohibited in our code are billboard signs and those you know that you you'll never see a new billboard sign thank you okay no I mean you'll see conversions but you won't see anyone so again knowing it's a violation yeah I don't not sure you want to open that door but I I don't know that any realtor open house sign on the weekend's ever been take look up yeah okay okay uh going to 511 RMH mobile home District um coverage regulations and height regulations so this section of the code was actually silent on the maximum Building height and also silent on lot coverage so we did uh to make it similar to our most dense zoning District we added that lot coverage is a maximum of 65% and we also added similarly to the change that we made a few years ago for residential districts so if you're doing a detached modular Factory built modular or site built on RMH the maximum height is 45 ft it's consistent with all the other maximum Heights and then for um mobiles and manufactured homes we made that 15 ft I did consult with my colleagues in BCS they had suggested 10 feet but I just um made it a little bit more um open to 15 ft for and that's only for mobiles and manufactured homes all the others uh dwellings would be 45 ft okay so this uh this is this next section 83.2 A impacts to listed species uh removes The Mention Of developments of regional impacts we won't have any new developments of regional impacts and also clarifies that zoning amendments to mpud are the ones that require preliminary habitat assessment this next section again uh removes traffic impact study and uh removes the mention of traffic impact study in the reference in the sample problem number one in that section 91.3 e and then in appendix a definitions we modify the definitions of window signs and temporary signs and um this is just showing the strike through sections in case you wanted to look at any of them specifically and again this is if you would just please take take public comment and there's no action by the board required today this is scheduled for adoption on April 24th 2024 at 130 in Newport Richie and I'm here for any questions that you may have Mr chairman yes um son you can you put up the pictures of the water tower over in Beacon Woods a while ago there was a water tower that was a real isur when uh Kmart went out of business years ago it deteriorated over time um um when U-Haul came in they inquired about being able to put a sign up they were going to try to work with Florida Sports Coast maybe Pasco County do something nice in addition to the sign do you have the the pre- signs where where showed to this lousy condition has it been recently painted or yeah it's been recently painted now but I I think we had some pictures sent over that showed graffiti on it down below it showed even stuff above people were climbing up that thing um that water for the community here no it just it just is just a Remnant piece it's just it's a Remnant piece I don't think it's has any value or any any use oh as far as working so they were contemplating tearing it down or not they thought they could do something good if they painted it so they I think spent probably over $300,000 to go paint it then they go through the process not understanding what might happen uh they go through the process and because our code doesn't allow for this and because of the height of it um they don't allow it to happen um and I'm just wondering if we can take a look at maybe somehow allowing them to do something it's some type of approval process through us because again they spent a lot of money on the sign I mean on on the water tower to make it look really good for the community thinking they could put a sign up there that would be a little bit of U-Haul but something else for the county as well and I'm just wonder if we want to take a look at we look at that and add that into this to allow something to happen there bring it back to the board so how much did it cost to paint it about $320,000 how much one of the prices was $320,000 to paint it remember you had you had to treat it clean it they get the heights involved yeah so and it looked it looked absolutely terrible I had many many emails and phone calls from my residents coming out asking to do something would ever get painted everybody was happy and then these guys have to spend all the money we like who spent the money for 320,000 for the the the U-Haul place I mean they they rent they put Landscaping in they dressed the whole place up well that what's the problem is right now they have a water tower that was there there W to use it was in terrible shape had a lot of complaints on it they looked at what to do they thought they'd be able to work with us to go do something to make it look better on for advertising for them as well as for us and after they painted it they were then told by staff no you can't do anything yeah that's a that's a billboard water tower billboard it's on site so it's it's not it's not consider but it is but it exceed you are correct exceeds where's the Landscaping yeah but I mean it's not it's not noton wasn't this place Reed to put in landage oh Goa this is an they have this it's been landscap this is an old this is just an old simulated picture what they C since then they put P also it's a nice it looks a lot better now um but again as it detated the reason they said they couldn't do anything was the tower exceeds the height and size of the County's uh Land Development code sign regulations so now's the time before we're going to have take a look at changing it I I bring it the change I I think we should yeah no drive up drive up into Georgia and take a look at what they did to their Sky they got all the scrap up there you can see it for miles it's I I'm not okay with doing that I mean this so this it's okay to paint it I mean I think they should be required to maintain it not let it um be in disrepair is that is that used that Tower it's there it's not it's why don't we require them to take it down probably should be taken down it should be taken down that could be a dangerous should be taken dangerous thing for the neighborhood if the metal is not being painted and maintained have they checked it out to see if it's a safe structure I'm sure they found it to be safe I mean water towers are all over this state and a lot of them have nice things on and say like welcome to so and so say bra and they say all sorts of nice things that could be on that thing they could paint flowers on there or trees but I don't know not advertising in the skylet but I I personally worry that is that what it looks like now no that's what it looked like before they painted it now okay it now looks shiny saying now it's I just think it's been painting I think it's come down personally so is that part of the we don't allow that to have signs on it so I mean it's been painted do we have something in our code that requires it since it's not in use that it should be taken down we do for our I am not sure it's not being used for a for a water tower so I just don't understand what the you know the use of it is so I think we discussed this a couple of years ago that should be demolished they could sell up the metal for scrap make some money yeah I don't know the answer to that CH go ahead thank oh I just have a Joe DIY song just play and I'll rewind through my head they talking about this water tower a what Joe DIY song I don't know John Deere Green was worth to listen to after this conversation I'm not uh I'm not looking for for making a code that's going to require this company to spend you know to force the company to spend money to take a tower down that they don't have to or really they bought a side it's on there but I'm not looking to make a make the code to where they have to have an unnecessary expense I don't know what that answer is but being forced to tear it down if they're not ready to or the funds aren't there for whatever period of time you know I'm not opposed to them cleaning it up we don't have an awful lot of water towers running around Pasco County like this I'm not necessarily opposed to what commissioner Marian is saying but I just don't want to create the code that creates an additional expense on this business they bought property they've done a great job cleaning it up they took a bled building right and they turned it into something so there's significant investment made there yeah just a business friendly decision is all I'm getting at I mean it it should come down if it's in disrepair though if if it's not then it's fine if it's a hazard take a look at it but if it's not a hazard it's okay then I think it's just recently been painted right it was paint was probably about a year ago a year ago okay but I I wouldn't uh change our sign rules to make that a sign well think of you you might have a thing on there could you say welcome to Florida Sports Co welcome to Pasco County uh on the top part of it to incorporate what they want to try to to get a little bit of well then I I would think we would need to um have someone in our then it becomes a billboard yeah then it becomes a billboard but fact of it is we don't it's not in our code now we don't need to make one where we're going to end up more of these around the county that oh I don't think I was going to build one of anywhere we got we got a lot we got to keep okay we got it okay and this is the first reading we don't if you just you know take public comment okay and Mr chair uh we do not have anyone signed up and no one on WebEx okay no one's here is anybody here wish to speak to this item if so come forward seeing no one this was the first reading so nothing else for us to do on yeah set for adoption on April 23rd 2024 at 1:30 in Newport Reggie okay thank you so at this time uh Mr finer would you uh go through procedures on public hearings be happy to Mr chairman there are two resoning agendas regular and consent staff will present each application to the board of County Commissioners if staff or Planning Commission recommended approval and there is no opposition the application will be considered by the board without further presentation if staff or Planning Commission has recommended denial or if there is opposition to the application the applicant will be given five minutes for presentation the opposition will be given three minutes for each individual or five minutes for a group representative and the applicant will be given 3 minutes for rebuttal any individual disagreeing with staff or Planning Commission recommendation or anyone wishing to object to any condition of the rezoning May at this time request a petition be pulled from the consent agenda in which case that application will be heard under the regular agenda later on during the meeting otherwise all resoning applications on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion and vote if you wish to speak to any petition please give your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record these are Quasi judicial public hearings the law in Florida is that mere public support or opposition of an application is insufficient for this board to take action please limit your comments to those criteria found within the board's Land Development codes Madam clerk would you like to swear the public in yes sir um if you're here to speak on any of the items in the afternoon please stand and raise your right hands do you swear to do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give is the truth so help you God thank you you may be seated all right we'll move on to p42 item p42 was published in the Tampa Times on February 21st 2024 item p42 is Peg 2476 39 it's a zoning Amendment Timber Ridge MPD master plan unit development Tiber Bridge dat City LLC the request is to continue the item to the May 7th 2024 Board of County Commissioner's meeting at 1:30 in dat City move to continue time certain second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I passes 4 Z move on Mr chairman I just want you to know to know I will not be at that meeting I'll be at my no Board of director's meeting so no one can get sick I'm sorry have a meeting I'm sorry but I I proved that wrong move on to p43 item p443 was published in the Tampa Bay Times on February 21st 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p43 is Peg 2476 683 zoning Amendment Crossways mpud Crossways 301 LLC the request is to continue the item to a date uncertain move to continue to a date uncertain second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I motion pass 40 move on to p44 item p44 was published in the Tampa Times on February 21st 2024 p44 is PG 2476 70 7702 sorry zoning Amendment an cloat River Resort mpud master plan unit development the request is to continue the item to the April 23rd 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie um I have a question on this why why is this why is this even here this is a Westside issue I believe it had been continued uh to this date um so that I believe that's the answer to that that it had to continue to the state so we're now continue it to the 23rd quick question Mr chairman yes so this is still continuing forward this is the this is the camp this is the fish yes it's incorporating some acreage into that that area into the mpud move to continue time certain second second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I I uh motion pass 4 Z move on to p45 item p45 was published in the Tampa Times on March 6 2024 p45 is Peg 24771 two zoning Amendment KD 52 mpud master plan unit development landco liquidating company LLC and others the request is to continue the item to the May 7th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in dat cting move to continue time certain second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I I motion pass 4 Z move on to p46 item p46 was published in the Tampa Times on March 20th 2024 p46 is Peg 24772 6 zoning Amendment the name of Cherry Hills West MV Master planning of development Veterans of Foreign Wars of us major Francis e Dade post 4283 and others the request is to continue the item to the May 7th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in D City move to continue time sh second got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 40 move on to p47 item p47 was published in stampa times on November 22nd 2023 the item was continued from the January 9th 2024 BCC meeting to the February 20th 2024 BCC meeting where it was continued to today item p47 is Peg 2477 37 it's a zoning amendment in the name of orange State mpud master plan unit development orange State Enterprises Inc the request is to continue the item to the May 7th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in dat City mve to continue time Shon second got a motion and second to be continued um all those in favor say I I I motion pass 40 move on to p48 item p48 was published in the Tempe times on February 21st 2024 item p48 is pg2 24777 5 it's a zoning Amendment the names of Thomas Lee and Kimberly and samon the request is to continue the item to the April 23rd 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in Newport riching move to continue time certain second motion second all those in favor say I I I Mr move on to p56 please uh okay p56 item p56 was published in the Tampa Times on February 21st 2024 excuse me item p56 is peg2 24771 18 it's a zoning amendment in the name of Circle K at New State rout 52 in proect MP steam fruit LLC steam fruit LLC it's for resoning from an AR agricultural residential district to an mpud to allow for 11,330 Ft of non-residential entitlements on approximately 3.63 Acres the request is to continue the item to the April 23rd 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie um if you would please call for public comment because it was not advertised as a continuance on this item there there have been expart communication with commissioner Mariano and commissioner waitman and those have been uh submitted to the clerk's office but to the extent that they have not they will be after today's meeting yes sir Denise I know David will take one last look the watching Planning Commission uh and after public comment I think it's time to bring this Elevate this decision up to our level and bring this thing in for a landing what is this David Engel planning and economic growth director uh thank you commissioner waitman we we asked the applicant to come in and do some refinement and tweaking regarding their landscaping and and some of the pump orientation and we feel confident we'll have a resolution and be back on the 23rd with a consent agenda item than you appreciate the third thank um I did want to say I had a meeting with them so I should be on the expert there should be an exp parte with me too okay thank you commissioner starky we'll get that from your legislative aid but thank you um that it's on the record thank you and for the record I've met with him twice I don't remember how many times yeah once I think once or twice yeah we've all met with them so okay thank you so we we'll look for yours commissioner Oakley as well thank you so much for letting us go Okay so I need a motion no Mr chairman if if you would call for public comment for anyone who cannot be at the April 23rd uh bard of County Commissioners hearing at 1:30 in Newport Richie is there anyone here wish to speak to this item that cannot be at the continued meeting time Mr chair I have no one signed up signed up and no one on WebEx for this item Mo to continue time certain second so I got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I I motion pass 40 uh we go to next 57 is that P57 okay item P57 was published in the Tampa Times on March March 20th 2024 and August 23rd 2023 and by affidavits of certified mailings and site postings this item was continued from the October 10th 2023 BCC meeting to the November 14th 2023 BCC meeting it was then continued to the January 9th 24 BCC meeting where it was continued to today thank you um item P57 is peg2 24 cuu 02 there have been um 15 expar Communications with all Commissioners uh since um April 8th so they did not make the agenda packet those have been provided to the clerk's office additionally there's exp partes with commissioner starky commissioner Mariano commissioner Oakley and commissioner waitman and those have also been um um submitted to the clerk's office as well and that item is pg24 cu2 pasal Land and Cattle Company LLC Skyway to Towers Verizon Wireless for a 155 ft above ground level monopine wireless communication facility in an ar1 agricultural residential district um the request is to continue the item to the June 4th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in Dade City and if you would please take public comment on the continuous request Mr chairman yes sir um I'm not sure that there's need to take public comment on this one because it was supposed to have been a closed public hearing um however um this is the one I discussed in public comment this morning I would strongly advise that this be read vertis and that you have a full public hearing on it based on the um exp parte based on the EXP parte Communications that occurred after the public hearing was closed um so I think just a motion to continue would be fine for this one move to continue time I the attorney answered my question pretty much so oh okay all I got a motion a second to continue uh and that's being continued till June 4th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in dat City okay thank you all right thank you all those in favor say I I motion pass 40 okay now we go where 58 we're doing 58 yes are we going to continue this we are we are going to continue it item p58 was published in the Tamp Bay Times on March 133 2024 the item was continued for March 26 2024 BCC meeting to today so item p58 is CAO 24 um 3501 sorry it says resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida pursuant to section 1961 9783 or 0 Florida Statutes electing not to exempt property under Section 1961 1978 3D 1 Point a Florida Statutes commonly known as a live local act property tax exemption the request is to continue the item to the May 7 2024 board County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in D City and the reason for that is because as I understand that the governor has not signed the bill into law yet move to contined time certain got a motion so move move to uh I got a motion second a second sorry okay a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 4 Z now going to go back to p49 go back to p49 yes okay so item p49 was published in Tampa Times on November 1st 2023 that was continued from the January 9th 2024 BCC meeting to Fe 6 2024 BCC meeting it was then continued to March 12th 2024 BCC meeting where it was continued to today all right item p49 um that one we have EX pares for commissioner with commissioner Oakley and commissioner waitman and to the extent that they have not made it to the clerk's office we will get those over to the clerk's office so that is item peg2 24 7708 it's zoning Amendment St Leo Commons B MP Rd pd5 LLC a resoning request for from AC agricultural District to an MPD master plan unit development to allow for 796 dwelling units and 75,000 ft of non-residential uses on approximately 101 Acres um comes to you with a recommendation of approval with conditions as included in your agenda packet from both the Pasadena Hills planning and policy committee and um the planning and economic growth Department uh there is is a specific condition related to the Liv local act um and that is condition number 80 in your conditions of approval okay um I'm pretty sure I met with them as well so there should be an experte for me I'm checking with my staff why these aren't going in I would think you have been talk to about it so Commissioners I know you're in the middle of a public hearing but if if it's okay with you would you please ask for your legislative um staff to or team to please send all the EXP partes over my way because then I will forward them to the appropriate team members yeah thank the reason you're talking about that today is because you're not getting them well there have been two so far that it appears that I have not received I know I met yeah that's that's kind of strange CU I've been there eight years we've been sending those out thank you I've met with them as well yeah so it's strange but we'll check with our assistant to make sure that's done okay um this is a public hearing this is not the consent item um I do not have anyone signed up for this item and no one is on WebEx for this item oh okay so is anyone here to speak against this item well I I'd like a presentation do what now she wants it pulled off the consent agenda and wants a presentation okay pull p49 off we'll come back to it go to p50 going on with these little things up here she's a court reporter she was recording that was recording rep recording that one and she's just taking her stuff she was here for another item it was on P57 I think I thought she came and got she got part of it she got her part so item p50 was published in Tampa Times on February 21st 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p50 is Peg 24 7743 it's a zoning Amendment Serene preserve mpud master plan unit development EC Willow Bend LLC spr resoning from an ER estate residential district to an mpud master plan unit development District to allow the development of 37 single family detached homes on approximately 26.6 Acres comes here with a recommend recommendation of approval with conditions as including included in your agenda packet from the planning and economic growth department and from the Planning Commission okay is there anyone from the public wish to speak to against this item I have no one signed up and no one on WebEx okay let it remain on consent move to P51 item P51 was published Tampa Times on February 21st 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item P51 is Peg 24776 zoning Amendment new Clinton LLC for change zoning from an AC agricultural district and R2 low density residential district to an mf1 multiple family medium density district with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction to limit the use to a total of 105 town homes and also um the the use the similar it it's actually Incorporated in the items that may be incorporated into a ukan zoning in a deed restriction for PM 26 those are have that have all been incorporated into the voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction on this item there are expart Communications with commissioner Mariano commissioner starky and commissioner waitman this comes to with a recommendation of approval from the Passad Hill planning and policy committee and from the planning and economic growth Department okay is uh is there anyone this public hearing is anyone here to speak against this item I have no one signed up and no one on WebEx for this item and I see no one coming forward so leave it on consent I have a qu I'm sorry I I have a quick question for this applicant and actually for the one before p50 so can't keep on consent sorry well but they won't be long question you are I understand but the fact of it is these are all on consent because there's no opposition to them right and that's why they're on consent I right but I have a very quick question but it seems like the last couple meetings you've been asking for them to be pulled off yes so you can talk about them but yes I would ask you that before look at her consent item so you go over them before we get here it's it just helps and moving the time okay okay so we'll uh since you have question um with 50 51 have well you already we've already put it on consent on 50 I know now you have so F put 51 over to the side then let's move forward to the next consent item of 52 chair we pull 50 and 51 yes it's a very quick question she's got a question so we've already moved for but okay pull both of them move on to p52 item p52 was published in the Tampa Times on January 24th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings the item was continued from the March 12th 2024 BCC meeting to today item p52 is Peg 24776 5 it's a zoning Amendment Dempsey and daughters Inc Dempsey and daughters for a change in zoning from an R2 low density residential district and a C2 General commercial District to a C2 General commercial district with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction related to the live local act comes you with a recommendation of approval from the planning and and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay this is a public hearing is anyone here in the audience wish to speak against this item I have no one signed up for this item and no one on WebEx okay yes I I'm okay with leaving this on consent for commercial zoning I just want to go on record that I I really hope this doesn't become a car wash I'm just going to say that leaving it on consent I'm leaving on okay no one speak against it and leave it on consent move on to p53 item p53 was published in the Tay times on February 21st 2024 on p53 this is um the adoption for your I'm sorry this is your Omnibus Amendment um this is we are asking on this item that you transmit it to Florida commerce and other reviewing agencies I'll read the title it's peg2 24001 1 it's comprehensive plan Amendment CPA 2212 it's an Omnibus text Amendment providing for transmitt of the comprehensive plan text amendments to the Future land use element pertaining to Industrial compatibility adjacent to Wetlands commercial infield development and Commercial location limitations providing for text amendments to Future land use element appendix sections flu A4 calculations of residential densities and flu A6 the official land use map providing for text amendments the conservation element pertaining to Industrial compatibility adjacent to Wetlands we ask that you uh trans take public comment and authorize the transmitt of the amendment to the Department of Commerce and other reviewing agencies okay this is a a public meeting on this item um is anyone here to speak against this item Mr chair I have no one signed up and no one on web ads okay seeing no one coming forward leav it on consent move on to p54 p54 is being pull there's someone here to speak on that item so if we can move on to p55 I also have someone signed up but I don't know if they're in opposition I believe they may have left but um we can we can double check okay um item p55 was published in Tampa Times on March 20th 2024 item p55 is Peg 24289 it's a drri development of regional impact recision is to uh it's River Ridge drri Development of regional impact NG Development Corporation it's a request to resend the resend the River Ridge drri number 074 located generally north of to cubis and east of little road um we're asking that you approve the recision okay did we do 54 um we asked for it to be pulled because there's someone here in oh it's pulled okay I didn't even I didn't hear that part sorry about that okay all right so we're on 55 is anyone here to speak against this item I have three people signed up um Mr chair I don't know if they're here to speak against are you here to speak against it or if you're here to speak against it come forward if not it'll stay on consent seeing no one come forward um that concludes your consent agenda that concludes the consent agenda and move approval the consent agenda okay got a motion second to approve consent agenda all those favor say I I I pass 4 Z now let's go back we pulled um 49 P 49 so we want to take each one of them as we we got p49 p50 P-51 M 54 and that's it okay good afternoon Gavin Kobi playing in economic growth um I know we asked for a presentation speak in the mic I can't hear you I'm so sorry can you hear me a little bit better now yes sorry do we want a full presentation or is there some questions I can answer for you just that um I think I've worked on this one a bit with the applicant is she here yes they're here so um uh we did a layout right um I want that layout to be binding and if it's not it's not in here anywhere nowhere does it talk about that that I can see I I was trying to see the updated um plan and I all I see is um colors but no no layout site plan whatever whatever Mr chairman commissioner starky Clark hobby hobby and hobby PA 109 North bre Street Tampa Florida have been sworn uh commissioner starky we don't have enough on this particular project to make the site plan binding but what we did do and what you saw uh the reason why that's relevant in this one is we've basically created about five pages of conditions to force the form of development to meet that style I'll give you just a few examples and I can go through a bunch of these if we need to but we have to meet the mutum block okay cuz I don't have any of that in here it it's in our conditions of approval there which I didn't get oh you didn't get our conditions well christe's telling me condition 58 just just so you know we have a mutum requirement for Block sizing and no gating that's one of the ones that we have so you don't have the conditions at all no I don't that's why I wanted to presentation conditions of approval are exhibits a b and c in your agenda okay maybe my sta print it out but I I I I would assure you it's 23 Pages yeah we've spent four months creating the conditions to get what you want out of it and and I'll just give you just a few of them I won't bore the commission but you must have vertically mix use buildings we created we used the most Urban crosssection and vop for the entry Road off of curly we then required certain buildings up off of that road and just to give you a sense of what we're dealing with the sidewalks are 17 ft wide on this crosssection with on street parking so we've created about a page and a half of regulations if there is any gas station or if there is any uh uh Car Wash we're following the standards that staff is proposing on that and the ordinance that's going to be coming before you so we've worked a lot with Gavin Terry and David on this to implement that can I ask you on when you say the sidewalk is 17 feet wide you mean there is enough space so that they can have outdoor seating and all that yes yeah it's called a sidewalk area and the typical I believe is 56 AA or something like that and it basically what it does is it puts the buildings up on the edge of the curve then you have 17 ft of patio and sidewalk area and then it goes directly to on street parking I wanted the other Commission to kind of hear what you've done to make this a great corner for for that area so um and I think that from what you first showed us to where you ended up is so much better and that's why I wanted the public to see it I I I know this going to seem self- serving but I'll give our client credit on this one christe and I told our client that in our opinion this is the most important corner for everything going into vop and it has to be done right and so staff worked us over to be sure we spent many hours you know discussing these conditions but our client ultimately agreed to all these design standards so we're making sure it's being done the right way yeah so we understand and we appr I went I went over this project I think yesterday yes sir I think and a very good project it looks very nice it's so much better than SE talking about it's a good project yeah it's the corner of uh M curly curlyy and McKay northeast corner so it's got a little kind of town center in a way got a urban edge with like a town center and and and non-gated grid style uh mixed juice uh multif family area behind it yeah right cuz they you know they're not you can't expect us to read 26 pages of of conditions for us to really understand what we're voting on so for send it a picture sends a th000 words and if we just had the picture is the picture in here uh it's in one of the exhibits in the presentation but it's not in the MPD conditions itself no okay well that they've actually got on this corner they've got an actual road going in between the retail commercial and it really fits in and it's very walkable for the people that are be living there also it's a great Improvement oh were you was someone getting ready to show something let's show it oh no I want picture we don't need to go to the condition I think we're okay we don't need to 23 pages I hope you're not putting a gas station on that corner I don't know that we're going to but if we do be right up against the urban Edge and walkable on the side yeah he's got the gas station that's all you need okay all right anyway we're good I think I need a I need a motion on this item did you take public comment oh there we go is there any public comment U on this item I have no one signed up for p49 and no one on WebEx okay none pleasure of the board Mo approval second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 4 Z move on to p50 all right I have a quick qu question I don't need a whole presentation um um I listened to the Planning Commission meeting I just have a question of the applicant and and and I guess I have a question of Staff uh on Willow B Parkway I just pulled it up on my map is that um right now it's a two-lane non- mountable curb road but it looks like we have land is that is that road going to be a four lane road eventually I can answer that question okay Barbara will height 6327 Grand Boulevard Newport Richie 34652 when I was Chief assistant County attorney here you did a permit with Swift Mud for four lane road it was contested my only DOA hearing I ever have done in my life into what I was doing I had to wr's testimony I had to write Greg Risky's testimony but you've been sworn at J barar I've been sworn at okay thanks that road pered as a four-lane road we did all the permit you guys did all your impacts for four lanes you mitigated your Wetlands for four lanes I know that's like a long answer to a short question but I thought it was interesting history about that road so so it will be forlane one day whenever you all ready to do it but you have the permit because I went and fought for the permit I hope there'll be a multi-use or a wider sidewalk whatever we have we are giving 10 additional feed even though I think we could have made the case that the all the RightWay is there but we're giving 10 additional feed um so I listened to the Planning Commission meeting but I couldn't give it my full attention because I was doing other things at the time and um I heard that you're going to be putting up a fence we were we were asked to do a wall because when you go down Willow Bend Parkway all the Willow Bend is Walled so the thought was to have this consistent instead of doing a PVC fence we committed to do the wall is it a brick wall or a it is a masonary wall I'm not it's a pre it can be preast but it's still ornamental but it's okay so my question is and I've had this discussion with br and I don't know when it applies if it doesn't apply but simple question are you going to be putting Landscaping in front of that wall yes okay that's my question move to approve second did you take do you have to take public com uh has anyone wish to speak to this item Mr chair I have no one signed up and no one on WebEx for this item and I see no one coming forward so we have a motion Mo to approve second chair okay motion and second all those in favor to say I hi motion pass 40 Mo on to P51 and I have a very quick question on this one too and I don't remember if I asked it when I had my meeting with this app and um you don't have to do the whole presentation I just wanted to ask the applicant I don't think they're doing are they doing rear loaded it is not in the deed restriction this is a ukan rezoning uh so we don't get too in depth with that at at this time so if the backyards are facing saying Clinton are we putting a fence or a wall cuz I don't think we want the back yards exposed to Clinton it's my guess thank you Shelley Johnson 6400 Madison Street and I have been sworn um we the conditions will require what we do whatever the Landscaping code requires along that RightWay but if there's a request that we put up a wall or a fence I don't think that the applicant has an issue with that at all well commissioner this is your District you know it better than me but don't do you think there should be a masonary wall if it's rear if it's not so front Lo I'm looking at a different picture they had the old picture up now where is this located on Clinton Clinton Avenue oh it's uh across from the Waller property yeah the Waller proper yep exactly it's right across there and so the back side of that is against homes on the back side there's a buffer back there yeah how much buffer um I don't know what the natural buffer is but it'll be if it's residential back there it'll be what 10t or do you have to do buffer to residential residential I guess you don't even have to buffer residential to residential but um they'll be doing whatever the landscape code requires whether something that's to be along Clinton do these houses back up to Clinton they'll the frontage is on Clinton that's the insurance is off of Clinton yeah they'll be pulling that's where the front of the property will be fronting Clinton well okay I think that we could say maybe if if their if the houses are rear loaded and the fronts are on Clinton there does not need to be a fence if that the houses are front loaded and the rears are on Clinton I feel like there should be a masonary wall not a PVC fence a decorative masonary wall of some sort with the Landscaping I I agree with commissioner cor on that ch okay let's hear what yeah he was saying that all of the ones on Clinton will be facing the road so they're rear loaded yes okay well then that's fine it's great be right on the trail the kids can have lemonade stands make L money the the houses will be but there will be no the entry for these houses be in the rear right yes that the front the on Clinton Avenue those will be all rear loads because the front the front of the houses will be the front of the Town Homes will be facing Clinton all right and that that'll look very nice okay yeah I just didn't ask that question when I was with you guys public hearing public hearing so is anyone wish to speak against this or for this not necessary for against it I have no one signed up for P51 and no one on WebEx okay move approval got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 4 Z move on to p54 item p54 was published in the Tampa Times on February 21st 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings good afternoon Amy tol with planning and economic growth the item before you is uh peg2 24-12 it is a comprehensive plan amendment in the name of CPA 2311 sander Ben so the item before you is a comprehensive plan Amendment it is a large scale Amendment um currently the future land use is AG agricultural the applicant is proposing a future land use amendment to AGR agricultural rule to develop 18 single family residential homes uh which equate to approximately five acre lots on around uh 92.6 Acres subject sites located northwest corner of Johnston Road and Bellamy brothers Boulevard there is an accompanying uh rezoning petition that will follow the plan Amendment here is a vis visual representation of where it's located in the North Market area uh here is our transportation map as denoted it is located on Bellamy brothers Road um with the 52 uh State Road 52 to the South approximately 5.75 miles the context map here is to highlight the proximity to the rural areas um so as you can see it is located in rural area 2 which is your rural transition area um so on the west side of Bellamy brothers rural area 2 on the east side of Bellamy brothers is going to be your rural area one the Northeast rural area what this visual is showing is um the different green shades are your agricultural zoning districts um currently it is AG so the light colored is your AG agricultural zoning District or I'm sorry future land use um the darker green is going to be your AGR so it does highlight within proximity that the area does take into consideration both Ag and AGR land use classifications in the area it is important to note too that this is the rural area 2 rural area 2 is your rural transition area which is intended to be a transition from your rural area one Northeast rule um the context of that meaning the Northeast rule area allows for density between AG AGR and a res one um rural transition area is intended to transition from that therefore the AG and the AGR in the rural transition area is an appropriate transition from rural area 1 into rural area 2 so your existing future land use being AG your proposed future land men us being AGR your existing zoning district is AC and these are the following policies that the proposed amendment is consistent with and with that we recommend uh authorization of the transmittal of this project or this package to the Department of Commerce and other reviewing agencies um I can answer any questions if necessary I also have the project planner here to answer those questions as well and I I can add on this um this particular property has got a hard Road right down the middle of it um very wide very good hard road and these lot these 5 acre lots have come off that hard road so on the property yeah thank you uh this is a public hearing so uh oh applicant come forward um I hope there's a next parte because I did meet with the appli she didn't say so Cindy ter pany representing the the applicant I don't I defer to your attorney but I believe a exp parte disclosure wouldn't be required this is a legislative matter not a quas Judicial that's correct okay thank but we require we we asked them to do it for everything so it's Neer yes but you're right it doesn't thank you I just want to double check I wasn't losing my mind and having forgotten something basic to uh my understanding of planning U my name is Cindy terany address is 128 East Tarpon Avenue and Tarpon Springs with terany planning strategies I represent the property owner who is also the applicant for this plan Amendment and ma'am you've been sworn yes ma'am I have been sworn legislative oh thank you uh as the staff stated this is a plan amendment is a request from one agricultural plan category to another agricultural plan category the the intent of those two categories the existing category and the proposed are very similar they both suggest a u the intent to maintain the agricultural character of the area and to minimize infrastructure public infrastructure the primary difference and that's why we're here today is the size of the lot in the current plan category it's a lot size of 10 acres the proposed is a minimum lot size of five acres so on this 92 Acre Site it's a difference between nine lots that we could do today and 18 lots that we could do if you so approve the plan Amendment there are two homes existing on the property today um one was the original Homestead um and that's been renovated by U my client the property owner the second home is a newer home and it's in pretty good shape both homes are planed to remain on the site um the lot layout as uh chairman Oakley alluded to um we've done a conceptual lot layout that does not obviously accompany the plan Amendment but just to uh show to you and to the staff um it can accommodate 18 Lots the two homes um can be accommodated on their lot meeting the lot size and the setbacks and with the new lots that would be added to it um the proposed change was so di Minimus with regard to traffic that your staff did not even require traffic study obviously we're only adding nine single family um homes to the property the site is in the rural transition area and I think that's an important thing to do this is what we are proposing that transition so that the the urban scale development that you have all along has been approved all along that 52 Corridor with 8,000 residential units and and hundreds of thousands of commercial and office development um will uh is is to our South along that Corridor extends pretty far north of 52 as you're well aware um to the east is the Northeast rural area so at 5 acre lots we are that transition between the urban scale you have along 52 and the Northeast Pasco area to the East and in fact one of the residents of the Northeast Pasco rural area stated at the Planning Commission public arean that this is exactly what they were looking for in the rural transition area and was in support of our application we are going to preserve the agricultural rural land with no extensions of sewer and water no impacts on public services little impacts no impacts on on natural resources I just one correction to the agenda memo the amount of wetlands on the site is point about a third of an acre um slightly less than this is listed in the report um and it meets the other criteria of the plan amendments we do know that we have right away to be reserved along belly Brothers Boulevard and that'll be accomplished during the site plan process your staff has recommended approval and the Planning Commission also recommended approval at their hearing in March um i' respectfully request your approval and i' be happy to answer your questions okay any questions for the applicant I'm other this public hearing is uh is there anyone here to uh speak against this item Mr chair I have one individual signed up Daniel riderman are you here to speak against it or for it you're in a full you pulled it off consent it's either way oh so you P okay come forward we'll let you speak anyway thank you Daniel rman 27131 Johnston Road Dade City um after speaking with members been SW doesn't need he doesn't need to be oh he doesn't need to be okay that's it all right thank you um after speaking with a couple of members of the County Planning Department um we do have many concerns about this um but as I understand it this is not the right venue to express those concerns um and for that reason for the most part I'm going to table my concerns until the June 4th meeting um the the representative recently made a comment though about the environmental impact I would like it noted that um on the area that I own that property is right across from the proposed property and uh it is a dedicated Wetland area it's a low-line wetland area there are some grade considerations for this property that the applicant um is requesting this change for um and when we consider capping off some of these Sandy absorbent pasture lands with hard surfaces uh that will certainly impact that Wetland area directly across from Bellamy brothers um the other issue is I just like it um on record that just to add emphasis to the comments that I made at last month's meeting uh my neighbors and I including the fal are um you know very much opposed to this on the grounds that it the the density that's being requested is very out of character um with the surrounding area and I understand this is what's described as a transition zone in the master plan don't fully uh understand that or um you know probably appreciate that as just a normal property owner because if you live there you spend any time there there's nothing transitory about this area uh for as far south on Bellamy brothers until you hit 52 it's either um horse farms or pasture land you can go as far north on Bellamy to Powell it's horse farms and pasturel land you can go east on Johnston until you get to the mobile home park it's horse farms and pasture land so um I just wanted that on record and um I'll be back at the next meeting thank you very much all right thank you okay uh just s War's aware that a 5 acre uh one house for 5 acres is a transition over rule acreage so I live on that other people live on the same thing in in this area so there are large ranchers out in the same area so just so you know so all right pleasure of the board approve did you close public comment call for public comment again okay is anyone else here wish to speak to the side I have no one else signed up and no one on WebEx okay seeing no one coming forward who appr second got a motion in a second yeah I I I think 5 acres is a good transition from one to the other okay so I got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I motion passed 40 that ends the public hearing part of our meeting today and we'll move back to uh regular item uh P38 all right you're right move R38 R3 R38 okay this is when you're ready okay good afternoon Commissioners Christina cordone assistant director parks recreation and natural resources I'm I'm going to pinch hit here for Mr Keith Wy who couldn't be here today so um I'm here um to present a uh Capital maintenance mstu for the parks department so during the fiscal year 25 budget Workshop uh our department received um recommendation to present a capital maintenance mstu for Parks so this is what I'm here um to do today a little bit a little bit of History um and 2016 the board approved our Parks master plan and that Master Plan identified $14.1 million in deferred maintenance $22 million in improvements that needed to occur in existing um Park facilities and $185 million uh to New Capital maintenance projects or capital projects um in 2018 we went out for the go Bond referendum the uh General obligation Bond so the public approved 22 million um for Parks deferred maintenance that was a ballot initiative and it passed by 73% margin that funding source uh is not a recurring funding source it was for one-time Capital maintenance projects um last year the board approved the increase to the park impact fee so that increase went from approximately $900 per single family dwelling and um 627 for multif family to$ 3,450 um per dwelling unit cost that fee increase was approved under a plan-based approach so there's approximately 19 projects that are going to be occurring countywide um for a total of a for a total of about 267 million and that's anticipated to be completed um by 2045 um these projects are essential to maintaining our level of service standards um that is outlined by the comprehensive master plan as the population of the county continues to grow um the parks master plan that was adopted in 2016 um did not contemplate a long-term um operation it didn't contemplate the long-term operation maintenance uh needs for our existing and our proposed facilities so um on this slide you'll see this is currently what our department manages so 23 active Parks 14 par uh passive Parks W complexes Community Center swimming pools athletic fields boat Rams multi-use Trails conservation land park land we have approximately 200 employees um 180 seasonal positions that are coming here soon um to help us with summer camp and and all of our summer activities uh weekly monthly annual programming we also do community events and special events and so to kind of manage and oversee all that this is currently our operating and maintenance budget um I think I went one over maybe um so during the um fy22 uh we received $1 million for non- Capital Improvement projects so that amount was added to our operating um our operating budget um B based on that information um our department compared to the size of other jurisdictions across the nation compared to the National Recreation the National Parks and Recreation Association um we've been able to establish a benchmark of about $58 per capita um currently with our $22 million budget we have about $31 per capita for operating and maintenance um the go bond that was approved in 2018 um that funding is either going to be expens Ed or encumbered by the end of this fiscal year so starting in uh fiscal year 25 the parks department does not have any funding for Capital maintenance um so um our department has created a um a standard asset replacement schedule so we have 20e plans for all of our facilities um when you add all of our amenities that we have that and and when we need to replace them that's on average about $8.2 million um that we need a funding every year to upkeep with the replacement of our um capital projects so some of the capital maintenance examples that we need are replacing playgrounds rep replacing fencing repairing irrigation doing Park Renovations things uh of that nature um so we are here um basically to recommend um that we have a dedicated Capital maintenance mstu for Park um if we are to do the $8.2 million that equates to about. 1768 millage so about $27 um for an average taxable househ home value of1 150,000 um as I mentioned with our 20-year plans what we've done is we've taken the asset value of all of our amenities and Parks so we estimate approximately 500 to 700 um million doll in asset value so um if this dedicated capital mstu for maintenance is um established what we're asking for results approximately 1.64% um the of the replacement value the standard business practice is about 2 to 5% for the replacement value of all the assets that you have so um for a quick reference for our execution um the 2018 uh General obligation Bond we've done an annual um execution of expenditures of about $3.6 million um so these are some examples of projects that could be completed with a capital maintenance mstu these are projects that we were able to complete with a general obligation Bond so this is the lake Lisa playground this is what it looked like before um it got replaced um this is what it currently looks like now little bit different that's awesome that's good yeah um this is Strickland Boardwalk on the North End um on the left side you'll see what it used to look like what it currently looks like today mhm very nice uh the cruise Lake Tower uh this is what it currently looks like today and with the cruise Lake Tower we did add a sidewalk leading to it so that way it' be accessible by all nice good it's a beautiful view up there yes um this is the Land of Lakes fishing dock that's in the back part of the of uh the park this is what it currently looks like today um and this is the sari Wilderness Park the resurfacing of the multi-use trail we don't have a before picture but this is what the uh Trail looks like after it was resurfaced and I've written it as it's fabulous with obligation bonds I've rollerbladed it a lot um so this is an example of what the potential millage rate could be for a dedicated Capital maintenance mstu for Parks um based on the total budget amount um what each um taxable household value would be um um so um one of the benefits for the parks department to have a dedicated mstu is that it will allow us to address the future maintenance needs of um as the basically the county population and the tax space grows um it will also reduce the future needs for the park maintenance to be coming out of the general fund um and in addition it'll remove competition with the public services Branch for new funding through the bpis for the general fund So currently for the FY 25 budget we have approximately $2 million in bpis that we are requesting that could come out uh out of that list and go into a Parks um Capital maintenance mstu so the next step potentially could be for the parks department to prepare an mstu ordinance for BCC consideration then set an mstu assessment and then the mstu would be included within the standard fiscal year 25 County budget approval timeline um so in conclusion um we're basically here to receive guidance from you guys on how we address the capital maintenance needs for the parks department Mr chairman okay yes I have been waiting for this day for a couple years um I've been asking and asking for this this um you know I can show you pictures of starky uh starky Regional Park or whatever we call that um where the grass now in the fields is gone because such overuse because we don't have enough and um Christina ppatrick sent me the photos because her kids were out there playing soccer and she said it was almost at dangerous levels that the kids are going to twist their ankles because they've overused overloved the soccer field so um I know that we have a little league um Charter in starky ranch that I know Keith asked them not to Charter it because we don't have fields for them they're going to be in your District No in Bradford's District um in Bexley but we don't have the money to build it yet um so the last time we added a little leagues complex holiday wreck mhm yes ma'am in the 80s yeah so we are way behind um on on getting these projects out of the ground and and the mainten and then we need to maintain it I can tell you that the trail going up starky Boulevard which is part of the Coast to Coast Trail it needs to be repaved but when I came when I came on board as County Commissioner in 16 we were 20 years behind on maintenance for all parks I don't think and that was a reason for the bond that came about Comm and you got to be very very thankful it wasn't this group or the group prior Commissioners that were here before we would have done it and approved it but the fact of it is our citizens approved that bond issue that brought us out of that of course covid came along and and actually helped us finish a lot of that work quicker than we could have otherwise so commissioner Oakley um commissioner wman wasn't here but I remember when um your constituents came here I don't know the name of the ball field up here par uh the little Le bur the yeah the little leag parents came to us from that field and said they were turning the lights on and off with the 8ft 2x4 so they didn't get electric some prir County we are I'll never forget that we moved past that so oh my gosh so I hope that was the first thing we got fixed but I am 100% now they're remote controlled I think you know our parks are integral to providing a quality of life and um and grateful that I know it took a lot of work to get here and I'm sorry Keith couldn't be here I know he wanted to be here to present this but um I'm all for moving forward we're not to can we go back to the slide where it showed the rates I guess it is so at one day in a future we'll be asked to approve some rate on here you'll be asked to approve an ordinance first ordinance first correct yeah the order of operations is you'll you'll you'll what we're asking for direction today is is to go ahead and prepare the ordinance and hold the public hearings um if all that goes in advance of the budgeting process then we would we would budget appropriately and then bring a the MST will be established and then in July when you set the trim you can decide at what rate if any the board would like to like to select on that for the upcoming for the upcoming tax year Well we all I don't want to speak for and everyone but I I can say the majority of us feel that we definitely need this for our our citizens in Pasco CU they're growing and growing and and more being born in our our County and more hitting the fields so it's it's well needed and we've got a great parks department and I commend all of yall for the work you do and to bring about all the successes we have through our Sports area in our Parks so yeah any other questions or yes thank CH yeah when we hear our office here's it daily just about we need more fields we need space we need land we need this batting Cas we you name it uh and I think I like to see this mstu go further I like I think we need to we can look a little bit longer longer term and evolve this mstu to where the Parks really has its its own funding source and its own uh funding mechanism through the mstu and not rely on the general fund should times get tough and eventually I'd like to see the vast majority of the park budget tied into an mstu and pulled off the general fund that way essentially the Park's budget they don't have to worry about I mean there'll be a public hearing process so there'll be processes if they miss you or reduced or increased or what have you they don't have to worry about our citizens and our the folks who use these fields so often have to worry about general fund budget Wars right so just something to think about as we go further maybe expand the mstu the role of this mstu and while while while funding that mstu to the right number could pull the burden of parks off the general fund and then Parks have its own longterm stand Lo budget source that way our Parks team can really think longterm and really think 20 years ahead maybe 30 years ahead um cuz you heard her say 2045 well further than that and I mean well that's what I mean that some of the money from the bond they're not going to expend it the bond the bond is done I don't want to have to it with parts dead before we see those like what's our average 46 is our average age now in Pas so I'm getting Young we see so we see we see our demographic changing and the need changing so um just something to think about as we move forward on the mstu process here and fully supportive of mstu for our Parks our residents are clearly demanding it and wanting it and U happy to happy to work through this process and and find a healthy number Mr chair so that's the the the 2045 date is build out of the facilities plan oh and that's that's tied that's tied to impact fees your bonds have to be done in 3 years three years okay um another advantage to doing this this way I believe is that this can be bonded where impact fees can't really no well and MSU can be bonded right you would have to have a referendum you to bond any taxes you'd have to go after ref up to any amount or after a certain amount the the general law is that if you are going to pledge adum taxes of any of any kind you have to have a referendum that's why Bonds were done okay by referendum okay what what would it be required of this MSU to take over all the needs of of parks so if so the parks's budget I I don't know it's probably roughly 20 to 30 million 22 million 22 million annually so you if you were to back that math out I'm going to speak rough water magnitude probably half a mil um under operating revenue is what that what that's currently what that is what that currently looks like thank you yeah 0 4625 not not too bad here so that that is what the current share if you will of the parks budget is of the general operating millage so there's not necessarily a one for one correlation in terms of millage just because you're cutting cities out and and there's there's definite ways to look at that but right now in that millage there is no allocation for what we're talking about here today right we talked about the impact fees if I use the house analogy the impact fee builds the house the general operating millage here sort of funds the operations of the house right pays the light bill buys the food um this here is for replacing the air conditioning the hot water heater the roof when when those times come so that's the piece that's currently missing and Christina hit on that you know we've we've we've been managing to take about a million dollars of General Revenue we've been able to put it towards that but that that can't be guaranteed so as commissioner waitman puts out you know wanting to try to guarantee a dedicated funding source for Parks is something but what this mstu currently today stands before you is to do the do the maintenance Capital repair so we're not looking necessarily at doing reping any the entire operation of the park budget unless the board you know wants to direct us to to move in that direction but that could also be a longer term Vision as well or a subject of of budget workshops or however the board wants to proceed I think this phase we're in right now was going to move in the right direction because we haven't been able to have monies like this to to do that maintenance keep up with it Mr Mariano thank you Mr chairman and I was in the boards that were struck by the recession way back when 0607 and we had to cut our BD budget from Parks and libraries and they even put fees in parks so uh it's a long battle back from that right um I am very optimistic from what I'm hearing from the board um and I think Parks is doing a phenomenal job with everything they're doing um the inflation caught us from some of the project we want to get done but wa it is I would caution the board though from getting too heavy to putting all the parks budget to the MSU and too much into that you've got two cities on the west side that are blighted to like 90% one's 99 one's probably 90% those people aren't paying into that and I don't think this Ms to you is going to be paid by the CI too are they no so you going to throw all the burden on just the county when everybody uses this thing so I think we need these conversation about what's really blighted what's not let's go relook at that again yeah because it's not right for the county to have to pay for all of it when the city cities are using it as well so I think you got to kind of look closely where you're going if you want to get caught up that's one thing but again you're throwing that burden on all the County residents not the cities as well who do benefit from it so as we take the next steps I think you need to to really look at that I think we need to I agree with you and need to be careful how we move toward something like that but at the same time you got to remember um I had a call from a couple of my citizens here around East side of Pasco and and actually they were concerned about the uh impact fee that was coming out on the parks he said oh I don't know if I can afford to pay that well he's already living here a couple of three years and fact of it is he was kind of elated when I told him I said well that's not going to be charged to you you've already built your house you've already paid your impact fees this is for future homes that are coming in that are going to have to pay this fee so he was glad to hear that because he was assuming that we were putting a big burden of tax on our citizens are already here and we're not doing that at all so uh all we're doing is adding something that will help maintain our fields for the future so yeah any any other questions or I'm good direct any more Direction I think this is the right way to go I uh I'm not quite sure of the number right now so well I think if the board would just like to formally vote direct us to bring back an ordinance for public hearing we certainly can do that move to bring the ordinance back to the county okay I got a motion I'll make that motion I got a motion I got a motion I need a second second second got a motion second I can hear that uh all those in favor does this have to be roll call or not no all those in favor say I I I motion pass 40 okay um thank you for your presentation so I took it very good now we'll go to Old business believe that's where we're at you are correct so with old business um Mr wait thank you I have uh couple items to bring up today I'm not sure what order they're on the screen okay so we have a bit of an interactive map here and what is that there's a whole lot going a whole lot going on so my team we have mapped outes and storage facilities Nas thank you Brian Holmes for being patient with me as we work through this for the vast majority of the major corridors throughout our County and I'd love to share the working document with your offices and if you see them in in your neck of the woods add them to it because this goes to my point of the densities of the store the car washes in blue and the storage facilities in yellow and to really have a visual they're so on top of each other I know staff is working on this but it's just pretty eager to have some sort of idea of what we're doing here I wanted to show everybody what were oh you're missing a bunch in my ear right well we went we figured we cut off at 41 the the Veterans Expressway but as we're working our way through the county you'll see how dense they are and uh Brian remind me of the qualific what the the qualifications to have a car wash is uh specific language Bri I'll tell you there's no there was no separation distance for some and this was pretty General um for some of the franch standards for some of the franchises there were no separation distances it was more all about outp positioning their their competitors yeah so there's no with a car wash franchise distance to another car wash doesn't matter it's all about pure traffic count and you know really comp out competing your competitor in the market so they don't care if you're 10 ft apart so when you draw you know radius around areas they're so close to one another but I just wanted to show the board a visual because we hear it all the time from from our you know folks in the community we probably all get emails we see it online here's a real life map that we have and we're still adding adding to it as weeks weeks go by um just told everybody might find this interesting but yeah but what can we do I mean that's zoning y uh D I mean it's like uh you could say how many fast foods do you want on a road how you how you going to keep uh places for storage when you got many many homes coming yet and seems like everybody needs one a storage building besides their own well there's very few attics and no basements around uh David Engel director of planning and economic growth we are working on a number of initiatives uh the first one that'll be here in front of the board in the next month or so is going to be the car wash ordinance we're addressing the freequency and distribution of car washes we realize that the board is very concerned about consuming these commercial Carters which is these low paying low job creating uses uh we didn't want to be arbitrary about the spacing so we have a we have a plan and we're we're relying on data and information to make it and we'll have a recommendation to you shortly uh we do have uh some regulatory refinements that we presented and the board's approved on third party storage and if you need further work there we'll certainly look into that I know it's it's it's good to have the evolution of some of the storage FS coming in really doing a mix space office office on the bottom floor of their storage facility and maybe even evolve it to some instances you have you know a residential component to the the storage facility there's just there's so many more options but taking Prime commercial real estate and if we can challenge them to think bigger and and add more job creating spaces within their within their product that be that'd be fantastic so anyway if anybody like to have a copy of this and add to it I'm happy happy to share it's been kind of eye opening project Denise you like it we'll get all to to send it over send it over to every Everybody Mr Ang you can see where everybody lives um the next article we sent out an article uh the times actually M and I were talking about this I think the day before carbal article popped up about um our seniors going back to work in the workplace but they're for f mainly for financial reasons to keep up with their cost of living um in this inflationary Market and sitting on the Aging board and talking with amarie and listening to the services they provide but 65 and older persons are working longer and longer or they're having to go back into the workforce if you haven't had a chance to read the Times article it's it's it's really eye openening and uh next week at the Area Agency on Aging meeting coming up and I'm going to get a meeting with Kathy here I'd like to find a way if seniors or folks are having to come out of retirement to help them not be as intimidated to come back into the workforce we have am skills that provides training to a younger Workforce career sources out there um and other technical institutes but find a way to capture those folks who may need to come back into the workforce and help them feel comfortable coming back into the workforce and to give them upskilling or modernization of their skills uh to be able to to get to get back to work um I think they're they'd be a great asset back to our employers because everybody's looking for a good employee and a lot of these folks have a lifetime of skills and have acquired tremendous knowledge and I think still have great value in our in our workplace then the piece to add to this too and we approved today several different funding sources for the area agency or accepting some funds is maybe add a piece of I guess a form of financial literacy if you will on how to navigate the money struggles of this really expensive world that we're in as folks are having to step out of retirement come back to work to make enough to pay off of my daal mentioned some windows appliances that sort of thing so as we look through and we promote our our our job skills training programs I'd like to capture you know our older older Americans who may need to come back to work and help them feel comfortable coming back into into the work place so just something to think about through out there I don't know if am skills commissioner starky does something for older folks but if they oh yeah love we just put a lady in her 60s into a career in Mar in manufacturing yeah to Market to them somehow Mr Ang thank you again David Engel planning director economic growth director uh I just wanted to applo the board because back in 2018 the board ini iated a pilot program called the Pasco re-entry program we are funding Career Source directly to and provide a source of non-who related funding that actually upskills and gets people back into the workforce it's been highly successful not only are we focused on people that are older and want to get back in the workforce we work on um veterans homeless and they've had over 180 placements of homeless people off the street into jobs and we are working with Career Source on a multi-year uh continuation because it's been so successful it's for Pasco residents only yeah so I think as we we go through this expense of time that we have a renewed interest and effort and take a look at it and maybe Mark a little bit broader to to that group of folks and then the last item I have is um i' like to appoint uh Matthew muns to the Planning Commission uh for Pete Hansel retired recently Matt is make Bill Ms County engineer for a long time Matt's an engineer uh for a private firm and he's currently on the day City Planning Commission um and he has an interest in serving in a higher level and um Chris P uh serves on the Planning Commission he's east of 41 Matt would be east of 41 and between those two and other three on the west side of 41 have a real good grasp and understanding of Pasco count from Hernando County Line to the Hillsboro County Line and so I'd be grateful for the board support to appoint Matt Matt would start on the Planning Commission uh in May on the what commission Planning commiss Commission second place who uh Pete Hansel who retired oh he's still not he hadn't been replaced Pete dropped off so this is your person okay I made a sec I'll second a motion all right got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I thank you board members and that's all I have it passed 40 so that'd be good we move on to miss starky um I sent Sonia some pictures um I uh attended the Uli conference and so did our County Administrator in Tampa I really wish some of you all would have gone to the summit I think it's was invaluable um you have known a lot of people there um I think I think you enjoyed it right I don't you speak about it in your notes yeah um I took some slides here uh some photos of some slides from John Burns um this is who's moving here um folks from New York Miami Fort Lauderdale Chicago Long Island um I can tell you when when I run into these people they just say how can you run your go government the tax is so low here I I hear that all the time from people moving down here from up north um next one um this is the number of retirees are going to grow over the next 5 years um The Dark One is the Tampa MSA and the the light one is the Sarasota MSA um but you can see it's uh between the biggest numbers are between let's see how would I rank that 63 to 22 so we're getting younger and younger and younger but a lot but we're going to have a lot of folks retiring with with income here I didn't put the income slide here but that was amazing okay um the 25 to 44 year olds comprise the largest age cohort of the single family renters so they they were talking about how the rental market has just blown up and a lot of it is because of these guys and a lot of these this age group they work they can work anywhere in the country they're working from home I my daughter's friend he's a geologist works for a company out of Texas he was living in Denver and and now he's living in St Pete but you know he doesn't go into the office um girlfriend of mine works for an ad agency in Tampa she lives in Scotland they can live anywhere they want which is why we see these apartment complexes with these amenities going up everywhere okay next one um um and here's about here's affordability so again it it's harder and harder for the young ones to buy anything the younger ones and um here's the remote and hybrid work uh this is why the suburbs are growing in why Pasco one of the reasons Pasco is growing so fast and uh I don't know if I put the slide here so hang on for a second on that one one of the things they said with the build to rents is one of the reasons they think they're so popular is because some of these folks who've retired and I see it at starky Ranch I there's people in Longleaf that have done this um they they're buying something a little smaller or they're renting just to be near their grandkids they don't want to leave where they are full-time but they they're renting something closer they so they could be closer to their to their grandkids in the area so um and this this kind of shows you about the um about the US work from home home uh share that next one is something that really caught my eye and I actually saw this project when I went to Lakewood Ranch and it's something we might look at and you think about um I I saw this when I was on a bike ride in in Lake Travers Michigan and think about the sidewalk in downtown Tampa and think about the park in downtown St Pete the P the edge of the amenity of the lake is reserved for the public so the apartment complex is set a little bit back from the edge of the lake and that makes that an amenity for everybody not just the people in the apartment every Lake in Michigan has access to public yeah yeah exactly I've rode my bike all along Lake Michigan so um I think this is something we should be thinking about when the development comes in and how can we just improve quality of life and reserving that little Edge might be something we want to be talking about yeah isn't the uh Black Lake projects similarly laid out like this we have a bike trail uh the orange belt trail goes along the back side of it along the park because it's the old railroad right away oh no Black Lake I'm sorry that's so Black Lake Black Lake does across from the R so so we we asked them to make sure they had a public space in their layout where because there's a couple of restaurants where it could be a shared outdoor space between the restaurants that are going in there right with a little walkway to a dock on a lake just to use the use your Lake or Pond or whatever as an amenity and and and increase the ability to have more opportunities to sit outside or whatever you know you could be having dinner if your kids are done they can run down and be on the dock looking at at the lake or whatever something like that but um lastly I'm not saying I oh I attended the uh firefighters the the fire department's party at um Safety Town that was the cake wow that's impressive isn't that amazing um but they had a they had a great event down there U Mission Barbecue uh served up some great barbecue very impressive um and uh I I think that's a a nice event and maybe I'll can make it out there uh next time but great event um so I think I'll say I'll save these for next time this is on homeless but I'll save it for next time that's it for me okay Mr marianao yes I got a couple of pictures matter of fact some of them from the fire event as well which I thought was fantastic it was a great great family event that everybody got there and uh it was a great chance for them out to all get together and and hang out which was was really cool EV event Heth what a great group they are to step up in from them great sponsor for us there your firefighters that cake commission starky you also even donated a basket for that's so cute was that fire engine cake also they were taking this picture when I arrived I love that picture wow big time it was it was the weather was just perfect right yeah big dog on the left and then look at our sidewalk oh is that is that your sidewalk from before Jack that's C okay and do you have pictures for LMA Avenue there's a neighborhood where they've got a I think it's a 1.2 acre piece of property and they got all sorts of code violations actually just were killing snakes out the other the day so it's gotten kind of dangerous but it looks like they're just bringing yard waste in and I don't see any stockpiling of the facility actually do any compost or anything else but uh oh that's horrible where's that this is up in Hudson God so we have a Land Development code that says if you're going to do this type of work you have to go through a process they're trying to hang this on as far as the Right to Farm Act and if this person if this person gets away with it's going to keep on going so no that's horrible um you know Mike I think you need to work with staff and we need to work with the attorney's office Etc because they're even throwing the hands up on it but there's just no way you can allow this to happen this this will continue you on and on and on oh that's hor and again if you're going to go do this wouldn't you have to go through site development on I think the citizen complained about a vector nuisance with snakes and things like that as well the snakes just showed up fire too yeah so again I I need Jeff your office and Mike's office to get together and find out what we can do about this because there's just no way this is like designed for this and they haven't gone through any of the processes if they wanted to do something for farming they haven't done any of that either all right um on another note I just got an email from someone that told me that uh EPA has now got standards for p yes I saw that this morning so I think we need to get a report on that for the next board meeting to bring it forward to see what we can go do and uh start working on that especially with our fgs uh because I know we have a few levels down there and I think in Tamp Bay Water commissioner Oley that we need to make sure we're looking at the two that we have trouble to if we have standards we got to figure out how going handle that uh lastly I am still facing all sorts of um handh handling going on and even the gentleman who we just arrested one in court with the one that says I why Li I need a beer out there again the other day I mean it's just absurd I I I have said you know when we look at Code Enforcement Officers you want to like deal with your issues that you may have Etc uh I'm going to tell you we've got to do a better job and more intense job when we said we're going to bring code people on we're going to keep them on Till Dusk to go through to go look at these panhas and I'm going to tell you if our code people are out there people aren't going to donate to these people it's going to chase them away we got to go back at this issue again we got a great ordinance in place copied from Lee County they're doing great with it but we got to have our people out there wasn't it you that showed the sign I mean we don't have any signs that say it's illegal someone showed a a county sign it said panhandling and whatever you know Street shouldn't say well whatever the word is you cannot transact business in the safety whatever we should have be putting a sign on those on those Corners so let's go put some signs out we got all the trouble areas we know where they are let's go put signs up but I still want bodies in the sheriff's office they'll say they're too busy doing other things I get that I'm okay with that this is not a big high crime thing we need to go but someone needs to go out the Cod for them do out there and I'm not going to say anything more than just being out there as a ter deterrent to get them away and when you don't do that what happens is they keep coming and coming and coming it's it's not Premier and we got stuff in place but I need the resources in my district I don't care if they look at anything else right now let me get my people out there and code just to do that it's the most important I of my district and that'll that'll probably slow on the camps that you have because they know they can go by the way there's another issue that just came up there was a church on Old Dixie Highway and again I just got to called this afternoon so the break so haven't even talked to anybody from staff about this whatsoever but there's an old church that that was at Old Dixie Highway in Hudson Avenue uh we've got now we we allowed this for when the church was there to have our showers go out there for the people to go out and take a shower the church has now left and gone to 5A road so there's no church there they're still giving away food there and conducting business there I don't think they're permitted to go do all that so if we could i' like to get code out there to go take a look at that right away and that's all I have that's all you have okay Mr cabala Mr chair actually just just really one one good news item you know is we try to get more grants into the county to leverage tax money that our citizens have already paid into we had a wonderful event and I'd like just to have uh Dr B us come up and speak for maybe 30 seconds to a minute about it about the federal agency funding Workshop we held a few weeks back thank you good afternoon Commissioners have you ever heard me say anything in 30 seconds never no okay just a hair more uh so so yeah this uh we uh you established this uh about a month and a half ago so some very big uh bodies of work are going on I just want to share with you real quickly here uh one is that our vulnerability assessment that has been going on for about a year now is wrapping up which is going to cover the entire County I think I mentioned that to you before it's it's going to point out areas that we may already uh think or know are vulnerable but it's going to point out some blind spots too uh and concurrently with that and we're going to share the results with each of you concurrently we are working in our new team to network and create relationships with local state and federal agencies and funders and we've had great meetings already with folks like the Arman Corb Engineers uh Noah uh we actually had uh the um uh the a group from the Feds that we talked to the other day which was kind of a surprise for us but we're trying to build a good Network good relationships uh part of that was on the 22nd we did hold an event in uh in cooperation with the Tampa Bay Regional planning Council and uh we had expected to have a couple of funders come in a few people attend and see we go from there Well turns out it was a pretty good event we had 109 people show up we had 16 state and federal funders there all of them sharing their inside secrets on what they were funding and what they needed from us we uh literally put Pasco on the map during that same time we able to we able to hand them 23 project sheets of things that were already going on in the county because although we're new to this a lot of folks in the county have been working on this stuff for a long time really without a lot of support they now have the ear of these funders and we're following all of that up so real good start for us it's just a beginning these two P big pieces are going to come together very soon so all the information we know about what's happening in the county the information from the vulnerability assessment and all the relationships we now have with the funders to build an adaptation plan which will prioritize all of the actions and activities we start moving forward to uh guarantee the future of Pasco County so that's uh that's our update support Mark go ahead I want to tell you at Regional planning Council they were raving about how great the meeting was awesome uh up and down um so definitely had an effect uh at the restore Council we had a great meeting uh Mr Thomas is doing a phenomenal job for us yes very excited that he's going to try to do all the leveraging you can as well and uh one more thing as far as legancy goes you're talking about it uh May 910 I believe is the uh Summit for regional planning Council for the resiliency um I will tell you I looked at the agenda there's a few really good things on there there a few things that kind of I'm not crazy about and we'll deal with those things down the road but it is the summit that's coming up there for resiliency if you can make it uh it would be real good and one thing with the regional planning Council too we had our audit done you know the executive director resigned a little bit ago um nothing was found out of the ordinary it just kind of uh he did need to go from his own family reason Etc so there was nothing found the A's done everything's clean everything's in good shape down there great partnership with cool thank for your support thank you uh the only other item sir I would like to add is a shout out to Kathy Pearson uh Senior Services Group they were recognized uh by Congressman Gus Bill AR acis's office with the 2024 Heroes Among Us award uh for for taking over a number of programs that affected up to 400 of our vulnerable seniors so just a shout out to them for the great body of work that they do for our seniors day in and day out that's all I have very good yes sir all right Mr Steiner oh wait you've got something I have something um though you don't necessarily have to act on it today um on this morning's consent agenda you approved revised procedural rules which added the second Vice chair to your rules that second Vice chair can be appointed or uh can be voted on at any any given board meeting okay any interest sure sure what's the tie between both of you interest all right y'all rock paper scissors you want now I'll nominate nominate commissioner star I'll second commissioner Mar commission starky for second thank you very much so I got a motion in a second for commissioner starky to be second vice president or vice chair second vice president yeah whatever that is uh okay all those in favor say I I I motion pass 4 Z welcome thank you welcome just just remember for the May meeting no one can guess it um why is that to Recons you can't you now can't be out Mr seider if so I'm I'm going to the na Board of director meeting yes um if you need me to zoom in what are the rules on that or do we need to take care of that now if if we needed me just so we don't have what Happ um the rules are that you have to be unavailable and that's the legislative decision of the board um if you needed if I I think it's fair if if you could if you well the problem is when you get to the point where you don't have a quorum physically present you can't have video you can't have a remote a remote person so at the point where at the point where that would be a problem we couldn't could solve we could solve it that way anyway yeah we couldn't have a meeting at that point right yeah sorry that's problem that's the that there has to be a physical Quorum present to do the remote uh attendance is this someone's Eclipse photo uh I'm bringing that up but I was waiting to see that's thank you thank you Mr chair yes I have good news um you know every year um we go through a comprehensive Financial audit um we have a firm CRI um that goes through it and audits all of our financials and I wanted to let you know that well every year we create a comprehensive or annual comprehensive financial report and we submit it to the government officers Finance Association gfoa and we have won the Excellence in financial reporting for fiscal year ended in 2022 and that is the 40th consecutive year of excellence and financial reporting so um congratulation goes out to um your team all of your departments work with my financial department as well so big congratulations to my financial department as well and I wanted to give a shout out to Jess Jessica blesser on your team she really did a lot of heavy lifting and she's pretty pretty amazing so thank you to Jessica and and Matt Bazar from my team um and Richard vansteen from my team as well they worked really well together um we had great collaboration and yesterday we just submitted to gfoa the fiscal year ended 23 uh financial report so we hope to make it 41 consecutive years in the near future yep sounds great congratul I have Clark hoby and the hind folks waiting on me so I'll listen to you as I'm walking back there hey so don't think I'm walking out on but I'm walking out on yeah I know you we still got a quum we'll take care of some things in your District while you're in your District while you're gone we'll take care of I'm just walking over there I'm not sure where they are we're good um that was you'll see the uh solar eclipse for those of you that didn't drive to Missouri and couldn't see that my assistant did and her husband did drive to Missouri and they came back and arrived back home on Tuesday morning around 7:30 in the morning to get back here to work so but that's she actually her and her husband went out there they they thought they'd rather see that one they couldn't believe they'd wait 200 more years and wouldn't be able to see so yeah there you go put her INR but I have a couple of things um uh one of one of them concerns being it it's I guess it's to me it's in Ralph's Ralph's area is the fact that when we have local independent businesses reaching out through Consultants that work with us and other people and they're doing that in Pasco County we get credited for money that they get that we really don't get and it's knocks out because they've given us that for an independent developer has gotten this money and they count that as going to passco so when we're asking for things we really want to ask for we're not asking for that item sometimes we get knocked out of our items based on the fact that an independent business is asking for for the same kind of money as for the state which I don't think that's right they should get that money anyway that's my opinion but um I I didn't know if y'all realize that or not but we're getting accredited for those asks even though they weren't asked by our board so we need to somehow we need to work with that cuz when it when it goes to Tallahasse they think it's f Pasco County asking for and it's not Pasco County asking at all now the money's come back and go into Pasco yeah but they go into a private developer firm yeah Mar m maybe we need to put in we do put our s in that we put in these are the things we're asking for we're not asking for anything else that's not on this list just to be clear yes sir yeah I think that's probably something we can address through our next legislative Workshop as we come into that yes whether we can bring folks to the table earlier because some of these items that come forward uh you know they they could have a public benefit that maybe we want to explore may not be the board's priorities but could be a priority for for the citizens so I think we we should discuss that and and how we want to approach that so I think that's fair and legislators they don't realize it they they just think that's a Pasco County ask they don't know the difference so you know not being told that so something I think need look out for and and just watch and I've made Ralph aware of it too so and then another thing I've had was the fact that in some issues that's happening with our Planning Commission I've noticed that sometimes they they're making statements toward policy which this board has already set aside our policies that we want to move forward that we want to happen for our citizens but the it seems like some members of the Planning Commission are acting like they're policy makers and they're not so maybe in satisfying some of that is and David Engle maybe step up to the podium um maybe and I don't know whose responsibility that is of the Planning Commission but maybe they need to be retrained to what their duties really are cuz it seems like they're step I heard one time and this is several months back that one Planning Commission decided he he wasn't sure he wanted to um vote on this particular development because he wasn't sure we had he had heard zeph Hills didn't have water and he figured we didn't have water anymore and he couldn't put that many homes on a piece of land not knowing if we had water or not well we have water that's not our issue so we have plenty of water so what do you think well Mr chairman we we have had a workshop in the pass to uh to educate the Planning Commission with their role and Robert's Rules and their duties um I also feel that there's a desire amongst the Planning Commission to consult the board regarding planning items and I've approached the chair about establishing quarterly workshops so they could have discussions and make recommendations to the Commissioners I think that would be good because I me they're just some are just kind of get out of place when they're not doing what we're asking them to do for us and I appreciate all they do cuz they don't get paid for that job and they're tied up in meetings kind of like we are at times but they don't get paid for it so there's a lot of knowledge time is very important too yeah I mean it's my my my take is we got some Engineers on there some pretty skilled people on there that I think all I all I've and I've listen to several Planning Commission meetings with different things but if they're fir enough with the ordinances in place Etc that's good if they're fighting what maybe staff's policy changes are to be and they're implementing those and they're pushing back on that I don't mind they having a debate on it you if they're saying like you know like today we approved one for 1.9 had a lot of walkability we kind of R through it that's why i' Let It Go CU I don't like those either I want to see at least two or better but I want to give them the freedom to go look at the code and we got a county attorney sits in that office that in that room when it's going on if they're out of line he can call them out but I haven't seen any issues like that that would wouldn't qually meetings and I I think we all have enough meetings to go to don't get me wrong we we have some smart individuals on on we're very lucky to have those individuals there I appreciate that but the fact of it is when when they kind of leave what their role is to possibly trying to make policy then I think they're going too far and I think that's the attorney's office office at that meeting to call it out for specifics unless you get some specifics you want to bring out I think I I I mean David's the sharpest can be if he sees something I've seen him do it he's jumped over the top of them plan commission I'm well aware of that right Dave so I mean I I don't I don't see any need to if asked that's right if he gets asked then he steps in yeah so but I've just noticed some lately that kind of concerns me a little bit anything to say Mr th well it's a fine line for us um we're not we're not really there to chastise the Planning Commission I know David has in the fact reminded them that there has been board Direction on something that they were going in a different direction on um and to a certain extent their role is clearly not policy in developments um their role is recommend is to make you a recommendation on policy for when the code and the comp plan right um so that without knowing the specifics I don't I can't say they've stepped over they haven't stepped over but but that you know between the county attorney's office and the planning director we should be able to to get the Planning Commission to stay in their Lane and and I think with the chairman and and you yourself Mr County attorney should should have a disc discussion and kind of delve into it further if they need Bring It Back bring it back yeah and I mean it's it hadn't come to the point they've changed policy but their staff knows our policy so if I guess if it's riding on the edge to to moving away from what our policy is and it needs to be spoke to so and we don't do that we're not there to do that so and and other other than that that Planning Commission is we're adding new member too which be very good for that that group to uh move forward they do a good job yeah I agree yeah all right with that um other than my dog turning two yesterday I think that's all I've got so we will be [Music] adjourned [Music] --------- [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] a [Music] la [Music] la [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the County Board of County Commission meeting at 10 10: a.m. on April 10th 2024 at this time please silence all electronic devices and mute your microphones please uh rise with me for the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen of the United States of America to the for stands Nation God indivisible liy and justice for all Madam clerk will you please call the RO District Two commissioner waitman pres District three commissioner starky up here District Four commissioner Bradford District Five commissioner Mariano here district one chairman Oakland here thank you recognize we have a quorum here today now is the time for public comment citizens are given an opportunity to comment on any current or future item on the agenda uh under the board's review U today's public comment will be handled as follows first we will take public comment from those persons here in person uh then we will take public comment from those on pre-registered on WebEx link and are currently on Q uh we request that when you address the board uh comments are to be made um not not personally toward any commissioner or team member but rather uh directed at the issues this provides Mutual support for both between the board and the public after start stating your name and address for the clerk a three minute timer will be activated after 2 minutes a single beep will indicate you have one minute left when your time is up uh two beeps will sound and you will need to finish your comments at that time WebEx applicants will be uh disconnected uh electronically when their time is up uh Madame clerk do we have uh people signed up for the public comment session yes Mr chair I have four people signed up um I was also told there's probably others that um did not sign up that they would also like to talk so we'll go through the list first all right we have Brenda Scarboro followed by Nancy Hazelwood followed by Merl forani Miss garbor and when you get to the podium please state your name and your [Music] address rece file second and a motion second all those in favor say I I hi my name is BR scarber 17826 Palamino Lake Drive D city thank you sorry I'll have to read right off the paper good morning commissioners I don't know what the final Luchi plan will look like but I am concerned about the residential transitional neighborhoods that seem to be proposed this would disagree with the Northeast rural protected overlay from LBC and make this area transitional doing this changes the ratio from one house on 5 Acres which is the current rural Northeast protected area to one house per acre this is a very slipp slope especially if they begin to Cluster homes which would require sewer systems which completely goes against the rural system it would become denser and suburban and no longer rural the Northeast rural plan was created so that we had a protected area and that destroys that you have all repeatedly been saying that we need to protect the rural character but this obviously does not do that I would ask you all to take into consideration when finalizing the Luchi plan all those constituent land owners like myself who purchased 5 acres of land in the protected area because your team created the overlays of those homeowners who wanted to live rurally this is what we call Rural guys I understand this is what it will turn into which is the cluster homes thank you for allowing me to be heard and not just myself but for so many others who have had the same concern thank you thank you thank you Nancy Hazelwood followed by Merl forani followed by Cynthia Elia good morning commissioner it's Nancy Haywood 34110 a nice place you didn't have to tell me this time sir um good morning again uh the person that spoke before me Echoes many many of our our feelings out there I would say about 95% of us out in the Northeast rural area moved there because it is a protected area and we wanted to re live rurally once you had somebody here that developed a plan that said there's something for everybody in Pasco if you want to live rurally you've got that if you want to live in a city you have that or anything in between we had something for everyone I'm hoping you will sustain the rural area plan for all of us um also I I wanted to thank you for having a workshop on storm water uh it's nice to be able to help with County planning for the areas we live we'd like to see a lot more of that and a thank you for the board and staff another thanks to planning and growth and Parks and Recreation Department for trying to do the right thing thing we know that they have very very large work roads and really need more employees and to encourage you to get those thank you all very much thank you thank you Merl forani cythia ellia cop move to receiveing five there's one I got a motion in second all those in favor say I I motion pass hello my name is Merl fman um I'm at 8810 Quil Run Drive Wesley chood Florida uh I'm speaking on item P57 from the afternoon schedule um I made a presentation that I said Mr chairman yes it's not appropriate to take comments on a public hearing at in public comment in the morning are those requ our judicial hearings I can't speak during public comment on a okay not if you not if you not if you're addressing the the land use matter that is on the hearing okay is scheduled for hearing but there's no public hearing for it in the afternoon so the only other option was the morning yep if it's one of the if if the public hearing has been closed then it's not appropriate for public comment at all the public hearing has been closed I see okay so what do we do with this so should we it should not be part of the record okay all right is there any way that I can submit more material to be part of the record no the so the I'm not trying to be disrespectful I'm just asking clarification sir so my understanding is that P57 was the public hearing was closed you didn't have sufficient you it was deadlocked at 22 it was continued to today to hoping that there would that commissioner Bradford could review the record and participate in the vote my understanding is commissioner Bradford is not going to be attending so it's going to be continued again I it's also been brought to my attention that there were exp parte communic ations by both the applicant and um the public with board after the with board after the public hearing was closed that's correct which in my opinion you're going to have to reopen the public hearing for that matter because you took you took public comment in private basically um I had an attorney with me you didn't say that I had a c with me too does does that mean it's open for June sir I didn't or does that mean it's up for discussion about J my recommendation to the board would be that it would be that the public hearing would be reopened and then new and a new public hearing be held at that time based on the the events that have occurred okay well thank you for clarifying and thank you for your time thank you but it's continued for today is that say well that that's my understanding is that the applicant has has agreed to a continuance okay you let know not wasting that it's not continued until you continue it this afternoon but my my understanding is both the applicant and staff are are in agreement that it will be continued till uh I believe it's June 4th um hold [Applause] on I believe it's your first meeting in June which should be the June 4th meeting which would be here back in dat City yes yeah so it would it would be on your afternoon calendar with the 130 calendar on computer will come up June 4th in D City okay um I have a question for um okay County attorney there was the motion to receive and file um is that to be removed I would reconsider it and I would I would not make it part of well it can be part of the morning record it's not going to trans it's not going to transfer into the public hearing okay record thank you um so we need to have a motion well we've already accepted it right it can be part can be part of it can be part of your the the record the record for the proceedings of public comment it's just not going to be part of the unless it's reintroduced when the public hearing is reopened it's not going to be part of that record right okay and next person okay we have Cynthia [Music] ellia name and address for the record yep just your name and address Cynthia laa the address is 8810 Quail Run Drive Wesley Chapel this the same subject no it's administrative okay I would like to point out that the different deadlines that have been made um a aware of us trying to get in literature emails um requests they've not been included in um the agenda a number of our emails a number of our letters that we've sent in have either been past deadline deadlines that we have not been made aware of or they in-house deadlines for you people and we don't know about um the zoning administrator has has not included a number of our letters so I would just like you to be made aware of that that sometimes even audiovisual um presentations we're not able to present because we have missed a deadline that we're not even aware of so it's more administrative I'm not talking about any topic but you need to be made aware that you're not hearing from your constituents thank you good thank you Mr chair that's all that I had that's all have is anyone else here to speak to public comment this morning if you already come to the podium seeing no one coming forward okay uh anybody on WebEx no one's on WebEx no one on WebEx so at this time we'll close public comment for this morning and uh move on to let's see here public comment period is closed uh now it's time for Resolutions sir um please read read the first resolution Madam clerk okay um if you are here for the 135th anniversary of the benedic Benedictine Sixers of Florida please step to the podium I see them here on the front row come to the podium you can all come up behind sister rera I'll go ahead and read the resolution first Okay resolution number 24- 091 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida recognizing the 135th anniversary of the benedic te sisters of Florida whereas the benedic te sisters of Florida have F were founded in 1889 where mother do do scandin sister Josephine fed sister Agatha Geisler sister bonfice Feldman and sister Agnes Bei be um came from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania to East Pasco and Raz the Benedictine sisters created a legacy Staffing St Anthony and St Joseph schools and opened Holy Name Academy a boarding school for girls from 1920 to 1959 the Benedictine sisters operated St Benedict's prep school for boys until they closed to focus on providing services for St Leo University andraz in 1970 the Benedictine sisters brought in their educational ex Legacy with the opening of the monu school they served as teachers and School principles in public private and peralal schools throughout the State of Florida Texas and Louisiana and whereas the benedic tee sisters have a solemn responsibility to pray daily for individuals and the World by using special intentions they strive to be a resource for those in need provide spiritual guidance share their mon Monastery home for those who seek peace from a stressful world and help the elderly hungry children those with special needs and the abused and Ras Benedictine sisters at Holy Name Monastery serve as guardians of tradition living and preserving the monatic way of life generously opening their lives to others in hos Hospitality an Raz the Benedictine sisters of Florida have a history of serving on many boards Pasco County boards as St Leo Town Mayors and Commissioners Parish Ministries locally and Catholic schools throughout Florida and volunteer at organizations such as Habitat for Humanity Sunrise domestic violence shelter and the Florida elderly children childhood Coalition and raas the Benedictine sisters historic achievements have enriched the count the communities of Pasco County and Raz the Benedictine sisters at Holy Name Monastery continue to extend a welcoming hand kind heart and listening ear to those seeking to live their lives in harmony with others now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pascal County Florida that said board hereby recognizes the 135th anniversary of the benedic te sisters of Florida done and resolved in regular session with a COR pres and voting this 10th day of April 2024 a motion appr second all right a motion second all those in favor say I I motion passed sister Roberta thank you welcome you know where we live I hope I certainly did it's a well it's a well-kept secret in Pasco County though Pasco County was very small when we when our sisters first came I think it had been an independent uh County for 2 years maybe when we came in 1889 I say we it's the generic you know all-encompassing we we were not all here some of us are have been here though almost half of that history so if you divide 135 and you get get the number that's a little around what my age is so uh I appreciate that summary of of our existence here in Pasco County we came to educate the children who were being taught on the pastor's back porch and immediately the very next day opened three different schools St Joseph Holy Name Academy and St took over the administration of St anony school and many of you I'm sure know people or yourself have have been in touch with people at that some of those schools I have some business cards here if you allow me to give them to clerk here for anyone who is interested in having one of them right now we are 10 at Holy Name Monastery we do offer Hospitality as was mentioned uh so if you have an overflow of guests give us a call the numbers on the business card there and we can house you we can feed you whatever it takes um we started out in a wood frame building some of you may know the history it was a wood frame hotel for Catholics only there weren't too many Catholic tourists in the 1880s so they gave the building to the sisters who lived there until 1911 when we got the property up on Lake Jovita it was moved on logs drawn by oxen up to the edges of the the lake now today if that happened you'd have the TV cameras out and everything else moving a wood frame building we lived in that until 1959 when it was condemned by the fire department the bishop did not immediately give us permission to rebuild so sister janto went for the third time sat down in the bishop secretary's office and said I'm not going home until he said yes and then she began to cry when the bishop left his office he said to the secretary not to the sister tell that none I said yes so we built the building that is now Benedict and Hall the chapel there is a blackbox theater the first performance in the blackbox theater was um nuns on the move and it was written by the students of St Leo and produced by them about the sisters coming from Pennsylvania and the rest has really just been history we've opened schools we've closed schools but to our credit I believe we've been able to successfully pass on any of the Ministries we've been involved in have successfully succeeded even after we left so the Benedict and charism Carries on here in Pasco County and we we appreciate your calling attention to our 135th anniversary we're very grateful for that we feel welcome in Pasco County on both sides of the county so thank you very much yeah well thank you and um you've been a part of my life my entire life since I'm not 135 I'm getting I'm getting closer hopefully I'll get there but uh but 78 years of my life you've sisters and your schools and all of the St Leo the prep school just on and on has been a part of my life and y'all have upheld a great part of the community in district one for all this time and I guarantee you it doesn't stop here it keeps going so but uh we certainly appreciate all that you do in our community and I I can't be more grateful for all that you've done in my community to to help things be better we appreciate that and you gathered a lot of Catholics in the community uh if you go calling out names you almost have to be like you're in Kentucky and have to have blood work done to see if people get married out I mean there's so many nathy baros shers and just it just keeps on and on but there's large families Catholic families that have come here because of the work y down and I understand mother Rosemary used to check in church who was present and on Monday mornings she would go out to the ranches and say I didn't see you in yeah thank you very much commissioner um any commission want to say say well I W I was uh born and raised Catholic went to Catholic school for uh a bit of my youth so um I just am really honored to have you all here today I think it's the first time um I've been up here for 12 years now it's the first time so um pleasure to to see you all and congratulations the first I spoke to the commission one of the Commissioners kept doing this and I thought she meant keep going keep going she really meant stop that's cute again M Mariana thank you yeah the the work you have done has been phenomenal over the years I've talked to many people have gone to your schools and been thrilled I will tell you my daughter graduated from St Leo and the education she got there just propelled her life to to great new heights um so greatly appreciate everything you guys have done thank you Mr waitman thanks CH you know the Sisters of St Leo our community really we need to thank you you all not you all thinking us you are truly woven into the fabric of Pasco County Society for so many generations and you're probably larger than you know such a significant part of the character of Pasco County and East Pasco County and what you all bring and have brought and and given to our community is unmeasurable and I don't think any of us here anybody in in Pasco could ever show how appreciative we are for you all doing what you do in the great works and just keeping a Christian Foundation alive and well uh in Pasco County so congratulations on 135 years and hopefully another 135 years there'll be another board that celebrate you all so congratulations I don't think I'm going to make that so if y'all would like to enjoin me down below and we'll get a picture I don't have it I'm taller look at okay everybody right here please thank you excellent thank you allk [Applause] than you [Applause] I was sitting on my second pen oh I was wonder what's going on there but she has a brace on I thought that was gr yeah how sweet are they next next resolution all right um if you are here for National Crime Victims week please step to the podium great I'll go ahead and read the resolution resolution number 24 -94 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring the week of April 21st through the 27th 2024 is National Crime Victims week in Pasco County whereas surviving a crime can be can have a myriad of lasting effects on victims including physical psychological social and financial issues and Ras we know that countless survivors never tell anyone about what happened to them and whereas victims of crime deserve to be treated with dignity and respect by the criminal justice system and should have access to the services they need to rebuild their lives and Ras victim Services providers community members businesses places of worship colleagues neighbors and family members can provide victim centered trauma informed and culturally responsive support and ASAS we must listen to survivors and be willing to create new options for support to ensure that all victims of crime can receive the help they need and seek Justice and res it is necessary to create safe environments for survivors of crime providing not only support but also access to critical services andas in 2024 theme of National Crime Victims week um Crime Victims rights week is how would you help options services and hope for Crime survivors and is a call to action to create safe environments for Crime Victims to share what happened to them whereas Pasco County encourages all Pasco County Citizens to participate in lighting their homes and public buildings in purple to commemorate the passage of Marcy's law in Florida and for recognition and support of all Crime Victims now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby declares the week of April 21st the 27th 20124 as National Crime Victims week in Pasco County and expresses our gratitude and appreciation for our community members victim service providers and criminal justice professionals who are committed to providing our response to all victims of crime so that they may find assistance support Justice and peace done and resolved in regular session with the Corum president and voting this 10th day of April 2024 motion second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion passed yes sir thank you so much well my name is Joshua Gable I'm here on behalf of Marcy's law I just want to say thank you to commissioner waitman uh for filing this resolution and support of National Crime Victims week uh which will be April 21st through 27th um it's also especially uh especially special I guess um in that we are celebrating 5 years of the implementation of Marcy's law here in Florida which helped uh enshrine those protections for victims of crime uh in the state constitution so um it's a very important uh week for those folks who are victims of crime um often times their voices are not heard um so these rights give them those protections that they need uh moving forward in their criminal cases um so any support that you can give to uh victims of crime is greatly appreciated anyone who can uh light up their buildings in purple uh business owners homeowners uh that would be greatly appreciated as well and thank you to the county for lighting um the government center and also the historic Courthouse as well uh for for that week so thank you so much for your time and appreciate that thank you Mr thank chair yes yeah Josh you know we press there's not a single person in this room who hasn't been impacted by somebody doing some bad thing at some point in time in their life so Marsh's law is it's an important passage and happy to recognize it here in Pasco County uh and with that I guess in order to light up the the building's purple uh I'd like to make a motion to light up the West Pasco Government Center in D supp house purple and recognition National Crime Victims week for April 21st through the 27th of 2024 second Motion in second all those in favor say I I I motion passed thank you okay that's it you want to take a picture with it want Pho yeah come back come back here I'm like what happened well I would I would like to say it just kind of walked away so but I would like to say that uh we certainly appreciate all that you do in in our community and it's more than needed I mean and sometimes even as much as you can do it's not enough sometimes so but we certainly appreciate you being here so everybody join me we'll get a picture hey everybody the phone and then the camera right here thank you okay Madam clerk another resolution resolution number three um if you here for National County government month please step forward National County government mon all right administrator come on up there you go all our employees are here for National don't be don't be bash don't be bashful now I can't wait to hear what you have to say I don't we'll figure it out do all right resolution number 24-9 resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring the month of April 2024 as National County government month in Pasco County whereas a nation's the nation's 3,69 counties serving more than 330 million Americans provide essential services to create healthy safe and vibrant communities andas counties fulfill that range of responsibilities and deliver services that touch nearly every aspect of their residents lives anras Pasco County and All Counties take pride in their responsibility to protect and enhance the wealth well-being sorry the health the well-being and safety of their residents in efficient and cost-effective ways and res under the leadership of National Association of counties president Mary Joe McGuire no is highlighting County leadership through the lens forward together celebrating the role of the county governments in connecting inspiring and leading as intergovernmental partners and Ras the role includes a responsibility to inspire County residents to engage with their communities and to lead by highlighting our strength as intergovernmental Partners andrz each year since 1991 the National Association of counties has encouraged citizens or has encouraged counties across the country to elevate awareness of County responsibilities programs services during the month of April and whereas Pas county has been a proud member of no for over 10 years and is dedicated to serving the community to create a better future through the vision of becoming Florida's Premier County and creating a thriving Community enhancing quality of life stimulating economic growth and improving organizational performance now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby declares the month of April 2024 as National County government month in Pasco County and encourag All County officials employees schools and residents to participate in County government celebration activities done and resolved in regular session with a quorum present and voting this 10th day of April 2024 move to uh approve second and a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass so um so this is something that n is doing um all across the uh country and um looking up here at the no website with a little information of our 3,69 counties um it's interesting that counties are one of America's oldest forms of government dating back to 1634 when the first County governments and they were called shes were established in Virginia and um as we noted here there are 3,69 uh counties and four 40,000 County officials that are elected and 3.6 million County employ employes across the country so some interesting stats so um just a time to celebrate what what who and what we are and so we'll just let you say a few words yeah I'll be very very brief uh it's it's wonderful to be in our Shire here in um and I've always thought that local government is really the the the has the most effect and the most impact and can be the most meaningful on on a citizen's life you know we we often times get caught up in what goes on on at the federal and the state level but so often overlooked is what happens at at your local local government level and so we all play a role as as elected officials you you set the policy in the direction as as administrator we we execute that policy right down to you say 3.2 million uh employees that do the work day in and day out um as public servants and so we're all public servants and and I think that you know as a citizen as as as an employee and and just as a as a just just a person of the world I think I think it's amazing work that we do here at local government so I think we all should be applauded uh team members board Etc on on this on this entire thing so thank you for bringing it Forward I think it's a great thing I'd like to Echo that about our all of our employees and uh the good work we do we're all basically uh working to do things for all of our citizens I mean we open the door and we're welcoming and and changing things to make them better for our citizens so we have a lot of work like that to do and we're the like you said we're very close to our citizens when we make uh agreements and to go forward on building and things of this nature uh the state gives them the right to you know divide their properties but the fact of it is we have the ability to make it look the best it can look and it takes more than just our County Commissioners it takes all of our staff and we have got a good staff that's out there helping us do these things more and more so we're in we're in U County's uh Personnel Service to everyone in our County because that's what we do we're here to help them work through the things for if we miss the fact of making the Landscaping PR is it should be in our County the architecture of buildings being the nicest they can be and what we really want we're missing it and the care of our Y and the care of our community for our safety and I mean just in hospitals in our County right now all the different hospitals that are coming here in Pas it's the best thing in the world and the benefactor of of that is they're all going by to be the very best they can be each and every hospital and our citizens are the benefactor of that result of that health care so they get the very best healthare here in Pasco County so but our staff we can't do any of this work without our staff and we certainly appreciate all of our staff that work with us and do the things they do uh and try to help our citizens get through the daily chores of different buildings and developments that we have coming in to make them the very best they can be so you like to say something Jack or yes sir um you know and I think County Government Mike you say is the most connected to the people I think it's critical especially in Pasco County the responsibility we have that wi 91 92% unincorporated so we've got to provide a lot of services that most counties don't even get involved in the Parks the libraries I think the intensity storm water improvements we made over the years have been uh definitely helping our citizens every step of the way the connectivity between our citizens in getting these developments that are coming through giving them the voice to to come forward and and Comm communicating with them sometimes overly so Jeff um but I mean that responsiveness is key I think for people and I think they want to see it and I think it should be done that way across the whole nation but I think with counties where we're definitely more responsive yeah Mr way thank you CH just goes to Echo the fact of firm believer in State's rights and firm believer in home rule in our in in local government cities and counties alike being able to make decisions for the citizens that elected them into into those seats and so it's imperative that we work together and continue to have a common goal of providing the best service we can to our taxpayers and uh try to find a way to hire the best and brightest to serve our taxpayers that we all all communities across this country have just the best places that they can live work and play so thank everyone here who who uh taking a probably a pay cut to work for Pasco County Government uh your service is not in vain very much appreciate you and uh continue the great work thank you would we like to go down and have a picture with our administrator long time okay our next resolution Okay resolution number four uh Christopher Low are you here come on up to the podium did I pronounce your last name correct okay just want to make sure it's your time I'll go ahead and uh read the resolution first Okay resolution number 24- 092 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida recognizing Christopher Low for 34 years of service to Pasco County and congratulating him on his retirement whereas Christopher Low began his career with Pasco County in 1990 working for Road and Bridge for 9 years until he landed with ambulance billing during a stint on light duty and found his forever home as an ambulance billing Clerk and RZ the pasel County Board of County Commissioners is committed to ensuring the Safety and Security of all those living in and visiting Pasco County and Christopher Low has been an integral part of building the successful ambulance billing division of the Pasco County fire rescue Department Andres Christopher was instrumental in developing the process and procedures while the ambulance billing division grew and digitized ensuring Pasco County residents get the quality they deserve and as Christopher provided Stellar assistance to each ambulance billing supervisor throughout the years with commitment and loyalty andras Christopher was selflessly has selflessly assisted in training each new hire and the next generation of certified ambulance billers andr Chris has come to a time in his life and career to pass the Baton onto the rising generation of dedicated individuals serving Pasco County and its residents as he embarks on Great Adventures in his favorite Pastime cruising the ocean an Ras Christopher's daily presence and knowledge will be immensely missed not only with his immediate colleagues in the ambulance billing division but also by the Pasco County fire rescue family as a whole andrz the ambulance billing division Pasco County fire rescue department and everyone who knows Christopher would like to express their best wishes for the cruising of a happy and healthy retirement now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby expresses its sincere gratitude to Christopher Low for his 34 years of dedicated service to Pasco County D and resolved in regular session with a quorum present and voting this 10th day of April 2024 move approval got a motion in second all those in favor say I I motion pass welcome thank you I just like to say it's been an honor and a privilege uh serving these last past 34 years working for Pasco County and especially for fire rescue they have made uh become like a second fan way to me and I'm going to really miss them no yeah thank you thank you Mr started uh I came to Fire Rescue five years ago as a an assistant ambulance building supervisor and I'm now the ambulance building manager Christopher has been a big part of my career here at the county and has guided us all for 34 years going from the stone ages to where we are now so we can't thank him enough for all that he's done right of course like to say 34 years what a great career uh um we're getting a sense that you were passionate about what you were doing um and that that passion radiates with your whole team as it seems uh Fire EMS has been very important to the county and it's it's such a a great burden for our Fire EMS responders to go out and do it but we need people as well in the back making sure the collections happen the ideas about how do we charge the insurance companies how do we make the collections happen because if you don't have the funding coming in it's hard to give them the resources they need every step of the way as well so what we did for over these past 34 years been phenomenal we greatly appreciate it we're happy to give you this resolution and honor to you thank you Mr W thank you chair yeah Mr L we just went to my Chief's first graduating fire class and sitting next to County Administrator and all the Fire EMS uh class was coming up and receiving their graduation certificate and then came the next class of of billing clerks and you know tone kind of changing the room a little bit not as many cheers what have you but I told Mike I said these folks right here don't know how intrical and important they are to our organization in making sure uh fees are collected to ensure that our fire department our es EMS services are are able to have the funding to run efficiently and and and get what we need to to get the job done so thank you for all your work I recognize your team the generation that's coming after you congratulations on 34 years and I hope you get all the sunburns you can capture from from now through your retirement so congrats M sty so um you started at the county in 1990 and that's when I started dating my husband actually and so my gosh you've seen a lot of change um um just congratulations and I think they're still your family and I'm sure um that you can hang out with them anytime you want so don't think it's the end it's it's just beginning of something different I'll be visiting yeah so congratulations Chris for 34 years is a long time I spent 51 years in my business before I walked away but I didn't cry I guess I didn't have the same feeling there every time I wasn't playing on it when I walk away from this when I walk away from this job working with the people and the staff we have like you have worked with you for 34 years the short period of time that I'm here when I walk away I believe I'll cry too so I uh certainly appreciate all the staff I certainly appreciate all that staff that helped you go through that 34 years without having too many heart attacks or issues of that nature but to help you get through what you had to get through and in the process I know that we've trained someone to maybe step in and hopefully do as good a job as as you do and for the staff that's what we're here not everybody's a supervisor not everybody's the leader but that's why those people behind us are learning every day to be able to do the job that you've done for that 34 years and we got to be thankful for them learning and willing to step up when it's their time to come into that type leadership and do that kind of job so we certainly appreciate all the work you've done in 34 years and um I just applaud you for for for being here and doing what you did it makes a lot of difference and the Brotherhood of the fireman there's none better none better than the EMS and the fireman i' I've seen it and it it's just amazing what you see the Brotherhood that you have and when Miss sty said that you come back and visit with them they they'll welcome you back anytime to visit with them I'm sure so would y'all like to join me down below want to take a picture yeah Mr chairman excuse me up JJ JJ wants to speak I just want to say something real quick um you know I really appreciate his time uh we treated him so well we kicked him out of his office last month after all these years we're doing a rehab of the facility but let's not forget it is one team the chief says one team one team but the ambulance billing clerks brought in over $3 million over projected budget last year so these people work hard for the county and that allow allows us to do all of our work right so I just want to say thank you on behalf of public sa it's wonderful all right that's great M Mr chairman oh yeah Mr chairman if there's if there's additional people please come up yeah what you want I was going to say Mr chairman let's get all our uh fire Executives here as well let's give give the picture congratulations all the white shirts I retired one day to it's down there right [Music] here like wondering look at these two guys oh my gosh you need to stand behind them think so talk JJ I think sandbag of the revenue projections oh now you know no all right thank you all [Applause] app another go ahead and get started on that wonderful yes how about you nice to see you again how are you all right 6 school one more here it is okay we got stuff coming up this morning so we got to get going I can't have the do gu come back go okay do to call the next resol do the next resolution yeah you can go ahead and start resolution okay um so resolution number five if you're here for building safety month in Pasco County please step to the podium wonderful I'll go ahead and read the resolution resolution number 24093 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring the month of May 2024 as Building Safety month in Pasco County whereas Pasco County is committed to recognizing that our growth and strength depend upon the safety and essential role of our homes buildings and infrastructure play both in everyday life and when disaster strike and whereas our confidence in the resilience of the buildings that make make up our community is achieved through the devotion of diligent professionals such as building safety and Fire Prevention officials Architects Engineers Builders trades people design professionals laborers plumbers and others in the construction industry who work year round to ensure the safe construction of buildings and ASAS these professionals are dedicated members of the International Code Council a nonprofit that brings together local state territorial tribal and federal officials who are experts in the building industry to create and implement the highest quality codes to protect citizens in the buildings in which they live work and play an RZ modern building codes include safeguards to protect the public from hazards such as hurricanes snowstorms tornadoes wild Wildland fires floods and earthquakes andr Building Safety month is sponsored by the International Code Council to remind the public about the crucial role of our community's largely unknown Protectors of Public Safety our local culture codee off officials who assure us of safety sustainability and affordable buildings that are essential to our prosperity andrise in 2024 theme for building safety month is Mission possible which encourages us all to raise awareness about building safety on a personal local and global scale andras each year in observance of building safety month people all over the world are asked to consider the commitment to improve Building Safety resilience and economic investment at home and in the community and to acknowledge the essential service provided to all citizens by local and State Building departments fire prevention bureaus and federal agencies in protecting lives and property now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby declares the month of May 2024 as Building Safety month in Pasco County and encourages all Pasco County Citizens to join in participation of building safety month activities done and resolved in regular session with a COR presid and voting this 10th day of April 2024 move to approve second motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass thank you yes sir thank you madam clerk for your eloquence um Mr chair Commissioners Mr Stein sneer and carala thank you for your uh your flexibility and getting this on the agenda we've got some stuff special stuff planned this year for building safety month and I'd like to talk about that quickly um Pasco County Building Construction Services is proud to take part in the inter interational code council's observation of May as Building Safety month um we do this to raise awareness about building safety building codes and the men and women who keep us safe um this campaign reinforces the need for the adoption of modern regularly updated building codes and helps individuals families and businesses understand what it takes to create safe and sustainable structures this year we're focusing on how Building Safety is a personal local state and Global initiative that begins with you we use building codes as a tool to protect citizens from everyday disasters like the ones you mentioned in the resolution I think in Florida we had all of them last month including those snowstorm and the Panhandle um as well as property maintenance standards which help prevent deterioration of our structures over time leading to structural collapse or Worse other property loss these codes ensure that the places that where we live work worship and play are are safe and they accommodate the needs of all people of all abilities um this year to increase our Outreach efforts one of the things that we are doing to celebrate the building safety month is taking our show on the road um born out of a meeting with the the Shady Hills Community Association one of the things we're doing and I don't think we've ever done previously is we're going to go out to the LC Logan Center on Friday May 4 or excuse me Saturday May the 4th from 10:00 to 3: and we're going to have a development services day that focuses on both community outreach question and answer but also to help our folks who are who have transportation issues or difficulties navigating some of our electronic resources they're going to be able to come to us right there in their neighborhood and get the questions they need answered and and possibly leave with a permit if they can so we're going to have everything from a permit Tech plans reviewer building officials minimum standards folks to kind of help sort out all the issues that anyone might encounter with BCS we're very proud of being able to do this we don't know what we're going to get but we're hopefully to excited to get the word out and we have some great Community uh Volunteers in the area that are going to help us do that um we're going to bring our 18 we're about 12 to 15 people will be out there again that's that is 10 to3 at LC Logan on Saturday the 4th um and then finally as a new request this year in order to increase awareness and increase compliance with billing codes we are requesting the board wave all after the fact permitting fees for the entire month of May um for those uh who don't know an after the fact fee is when you have unpermitted work and we find out about it after the fact that fee is there as a little bit of a penalty or a fine to uh to ensure that you don't make a habit of doing that typically what happens is our minimum standards folks will go out and generate a violations case and that process can take some time well one of the things we'd like to do is clear out some of the backlog but really entice folks to come into compliance with our building code because at the end of the day Public Safety is our number one priority not not penalizing folks for maybe not doing doing it right the first time um so we're asking the board to wave that in in an upcoming resolution I think later in the agenda and uh we just as by way of the numbers since 2016 we've had over 2100 building permit violations for unpermitted work with about a thousand possibly outstanding in 2023 we had 544 uh cases of unpermitted work and so we really would like to clear that out and I think that if we get we cross that threshold over 100 I think I owe the minimum standards team lunch personally um but we're very excited to to see and and try something new and try to do that increase those Outreach efforts and work with folks to have our buildings come into compliance and be safe so with that thank you for your support and I'm happy to answer any questions Mr chairman just some comments and uh I'm I'm delighted that we're doing uh this amnesty program uh it runs the enti meth of of May the benefit to bring in everybody into compliance is huge the incentive that's out there I think is hopefully something we can promote and and have a lot of success so I appreciate you guys bringing that forward that is under the consent on the C6 so I'm sure that'll be coming right through yeah I um that kind of goes against my grain is give forgiveness I'm not doing a permit begin because I'm I'm a stickler about I want people to do the permit so but I'm okay with doing that uh given for one time we we need need not do this every year agreed yeah you can't wait till right because I want them to do it the right way to begin with I know other Commissioners want the same thing so but it's it's a good thing here in in Pasco that we do see that we've had this issue before we're going to correct it we're going to go forward with a better step forward with getting our permits on time on timely basis any other well I I just think it's very Innovative what you're doing um I'm really glad that we we have you here I think you're doing a great job and um uh it'll be interesting to see how many come forward so and how many you forgive so please give us a report so then thanks for all the work you're doing Mr White thank you yeah good good luck with getting folks to tell on themselves so be curious to see the the data on that but no it's important a PR campaign is commissioner commissioner interim chairman Marano stated earlier uh especially if they're businesses right getting applies get your permit you don't want something to fail or get in trouble and then all of a sudden you have 50 work comp claims because your employees were hurt in your building because you tried to take a shortcut so I hope especially our businesses if they have have a couple of violations that they can use this time to reflect and get back into compliance and take advantage of of the Goodwill of the counties uh extending out there that way for for their sake and for the take their employees that uh everybody can be healthy and happy and continue on so thank you very good did you want to say something stay up here we're going to take a picture Roy did you want to say something to this or I see you sitting up on the front row so I'm just watching my man's back you know well that's good that's good support well with the the the pr campaign is important very important but to my staff's credit I believe there's like little league baseball going on next door and that's kind of why we planned it on a Saturday so that we got you a little league ball going on so people might see this as they're driving by who knows this came out of a discussion uh just an organic collaborative discussion with the Shady Hill civic association folk Pastor Jen had this kind of idea we started to kick it around and boom here here we are we're doing this and so um let me also say this is also a nice rehearsal for Emergency Management if we are in a situation where we have to to mobilize a group of people and and go and set up somewhere else to conduct business this is a small dry run to that effect and so there is some value there as well so really hats off JP uh my internal project manager Melissa wener for putting this idea together and making it happen Okay thank you let's uh go down and get a picture so everybody here please good thank you all app okay that was our last resolution this morning so the next order of business is our consent agenda I have a pull sheet that has uh C9 to be withdrawn c34 withdrawn c113 pull and discuss and c14 Pull and discuss is there anything else the Commissioners would like to pull at this time Mr chairman yes sir if I may C6 um while it can stay on consent shouldn't have really been under District 5 that should should be under de development services building construction services it is a resolution uh it is not a ceremonial resolution it is basically waving the the building fees as you just heard in the previous ceremonial resolution so it just it's just in the wrong place in the consent it should be added to this no it I'm just noting for the record that it should be it should have been on under development services building construction services rather than commissioner Mariano it as long as that's on the record it can stay oh okay we're fine all right thank you any other items need to be withdrawn or pulled at this time Commissioners we approve the remain consent agenda second got a motion a second to approve regular uh consent agenda all those in favor say I all uh like sign R so pass 40 uh Now we move to uh c9's withdrawn c34 withdrawn pull uh C13 to pull and discuss yes Mr chairman pulled this item I had to send a few pictures over did they come up just okay um 5 is a great uh addition to the trail system we have in the county alongside is on Beacon Woods East there's a linear trail that was given to to the county we never accepted it so um there was an accident there this past year the pictures will show you kind of see some gaping holes that are there some gaps underneath if you can keep on Flipping sidewalks got we got signs up there saying it's closed people are still riding on it uh see the signs of on the sides of those there's like Gap underneath mhm with his air could collapse at any time we're going to be building a trail to the side of it you can kind of see those gaps into there on the first left side that's what it's like so it's dangerous that's where someone has gone so it's not our responsibility to fix it because it's not accepted by us but I'm going to say if we're going to build this Trail before we build that we should be tearing part of that out working uh with the association to do it Carl mckisco was looking at this know they try to to look at it I don't know if we had done anything with it to make that happen but as this is coming forward now the urgency to get this done before we put our trail and I think is critical so if Mike if you can work with our team and the association to kind of come together for what to do with this uh it'll be I think in the benefit for all the citizens and with that I'll move approval second a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 40 uh next item c14 Mr Maron yes I just want to highlight this sidewalk project along kitten Trail which is uh much needed and appreciate staff moving so quickly to move it up the line to uh to get it done quickly and I'll move approval with that second okay got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 4 z um that ends the consent agenda and we'll move on on to [Applause] I go to the regular agenda and it's r36 I believe yes [Applause] okay morning my name is Tyler Matthews I'm here to represent Florida Department of Transportation I'm the Brookville operations engineer uh that maintains and uh does roadway construction on state roadways for Pasco orando and citrus counties uh on a on a quick personal note I was really great to see sister Roberta up here I went to the Holy Name Academy in San Antonio St wow so that was really cool um and then also um deputed Chief um Sean whiteed I was part of his firefighter explor program so uh want to let you guys all know that that Pasco County and and how it looks and and how we operate is important to me um and so also a public servant with fdot uh so real brief um history on why I'm up here talking about invasive species I did not uh you know this is not a passion project for me so uh on March 19th I joined commissioner starky um on a ride along along State Road 52 uh we noted areas of invasive cing grass on private property and within the state of uh Florida RightWay uh some of these areas were also identified in active construction projects so during this ride along I uh was invited to discuss how the Department of Transportation handles invasive species in state rway FD recognize a list of top invasive plant species on our website and in our standard specification handbook uh the top two of these species being Cen grass and tropical soda Apple which we encountered on our right along nasty um so to protect the right away of these invas species we require our construction and maintenance contracts uh to follow specifications for identifying and removing such plants since our right along the areas can you can you repeat that sentence again sure to protect the RightWay of these invasive species we require construction and maintenance contracts to follow specifications for identifying and removing such plants yeah so since our right along those areas that we've noted are being handled as part of the program so those that were in the construction projects were sent to the contractors to eradicate that c grass and then areas without outside of construction projects um our maintenance folks have begin to address that uh for construction we use our um standard specifications handbook uh while holding contractors responsible uh for providing the best product as possible uh with respect to vegetation we reference section 570 of performance Turf uh this is just a chapter in our specifications that outline placing sod in the RightWay and what our expectations is for that side uh contractors require to monitor it for exotic and invasive pest plants um if a invasive or exotic pest plant is uh found within 30 to 60 days contractor is required to eradicate it at no expense to the department if it's after the 60 days we still tell them to eradicate it but the department May compensate them for that so either way it is our plan to eradicate it and not let it live uh if um so part of uh part of that section 570 is Turf establishment so we expect um when you throw a square Assad out it's not going to grow quickly so it does have some time to establish if there's any kind of latent seeds or anything that could grow they're also expected to monitor that um if um if dur an establishment there is no we make sure there's no uh competing vegetation exotic or inv basic plants um you must monitor the turf areas and remove all competing vegetation um uh such remove such vegetation regularly by acceptable Meats um and then follow further on in section 570 we talk about the responsible party uh being the contractor once the construction project is over all maintenance is handed over back to uh the Department of Transportation or the maintaining agency if it is on a County Road or a city Road um but the turf establishment remains so if they laid sod two days away from final acceptance that 60 days Still Remains so they must monitor it and then eradicate anything that's invasive after that uh for our maintenance division we're held to a standard of the maintenance rating program which we call MRP uh that is three periodic inspections per year of all of our state roadways um and it's random we pick about 35 points uh within each of our areas uh in district 7 uh these inspections evaluate all aspects of the roadway and include vegetation ele elements Landscaping Mowing and turf conditions uh Turf in the mowing area is required to be 75% free of undesirable vegetation alone or in combination Cogan grass and tropical soda Apple are included in the undesirable vegetation list in the MRP handbook if it's greater than 25% consumed with these invasive species it fails that point and it affects our MRP score uh for areas of invasive vegetation that are found within the RightWay fdot has an inventory of these locations it's a spreadsheet that stays on my computer which is fun to provs occasionally uh on this inventory we track the area uh if it's isolated and also if it's encroaching encroaching on from public or um private property which we witnessed plenty of that um we track the square footage previous treatment dates and we also document the type of herbicide we used and we've uh we discussed it on our ride through we use the glyphosate uh herbicide for our treatment fdot uses a combination of contracted support and iner uh in-house herbicide applicators uh that are certified through the Department of Agriculture uh and required continuing education hours uh we recommend you know poor application can hurt the applicator and the environment so it's important that you get certified application uh that's all that I've got that concludes what I've discussed if you've got any questions um so we have well I very glad that you're here and I see my administrators making lots of notes we have some staff that's going to talk about what we're doing and then I think we could take questions does that work like does that because I have some questions in comments that sounds good I'll have our Public Works team come up first and then uh development services but I'm very encouraged from what I hear is there I probably if I was really on the ball I would had Swift Mud here as well cuz they are very on top of their COC grass you have a little bit better with Ed blumel from the commissioner agriculture's office here today well I'm going to ask him for money I'm glad he's here good morning Mr chair good morning to the board and staff um good to see you all again my name is Barrett doe and I serve as the assistant director for the public works department over operations and Technical Services uh so we had a great meeting with commissioner starky uh on the 28th of March uh to discuss a landscaping project and kogan grass came up so very uh excited for the opportunity to share what we're doing internally at the staff level here so as you all know um Cogan grass came into the US in the early 1900s and has been named one of the worst weeds in the world it's invasive it spreads easily it outcompetes other species for resources which is key um and nothing eats it so it's it's definitely a problem while there's no single one treatment that can effectively eliminate the grass uh we feel that with unified effort we can at least mitigate the spread of the species so um last summer what we did is uh public works created a kogan grass or invasive species standard operating procedure which trains staff how to identify kogan grass what to do when it's encountered and how to make sure that that it does not spread once it's it's encountered because that is a a big deal once it's ENC once once you encounter it what do you do to make sure it doesn't spread U herbicide and soil removal removed to the county landfill um have been our practice once encountered and we are still monitoring and tracking we have a database um indicating the areas where we found and treated kogan grass within the County Ride of way so we are making sure it doesn't come back once removed well you've only treated a few spots a few spots correct that's correct yep um in addition to uh what Public Works has done with the standing operating procedure we have added language that applies to all applicable contractors uh during the solicitation process kind of echoing what uh fdot is doing so once we are going out to bid for a new mowing contract or Landscaping contractors we have now added language saying that you must provide us with an invasive species action plan which is an umbrella that covers krass um the same thing can be said um uh as well as a the same thing can apply to our Capital Improvement projects for example a landscaping medium project when those contractors come on board we need to make sure that that they address invasive species so we've added that to the solicitation to the bid process um also I'm happy to report on February 9th a kogan grass action plan meeting was held with the Department of Public Works planning and E economic growth growth uh Parks wreck natural resources and the development review Department the purpose was to collaborate what the county can do as a whole to to tackle this because it involves um it's going to take a multi-pronged effort to to tackle this um and I I'll let the um the team uh the department speak but in in in summary uh the zoning administrator from Peg is working on facilitating a CH a change to the Land Development code which addresses the handling of invasive species incling including kogan grass natural resources has also added a condition of approval to zoning approvals that can be uh conditioned during reviews and site plan approvals processed by the Dr drd team so this this effort will be huge in the mitigation of the of the spread um once that has been completed uh Public Works is going to take the lead on including other departments like the tra traffic operations uh traffic engineering department as well as utilities because there out and about a lot too um they they can come across this stuff at any time of the day or night and so we're going to include all applicable departments we feel like that's going to be key to U mitigating the spread and lastly uh what will also be key and the most important is a public private partnership um during the fdot presentation private property was brought up several times so we will need the Public's buyin to help the county mitigate the spread and we've already had talks of developing some sort of an incentive program um there there's going to be uh kogan grass uh awareness brochures um things like that going out so um we we're currently exploring those options um and we will reach out to all municipalities as well um as we share borders with them um to to see what kogan grass action plans they they have what they're doing so we can all get on the same page we'll be in communication with fdot throughout the process um making sure we have a unified effort on all fronts and Public Works will share the finalized countywide action plan or package to all stakeholders including the board once it's completed and um just want to thank planning and E economic growth parks and wreck natural resources development review Department County attorneys have been involved of course our team at Public Works Mr aduma for his guidance and Mr carala for his support and uh happy to answer any questions thank you and if we could get our F do gentleman back up um thank you go ahead and stay up there I'm glad we're addressing this you know commissioner Mariano has heard me talking about thisle times since I got elected and now we've got a huge problem one you know 10 years ago we had a little problem um just driving here today I think marada is full of it in their entrance feature um so um I'm really encouraged to hear what f does um and I know that Swift Mud does not you know as soon as they find it on their property they they take care of it as well um one of the thoughts that we had uh was you know it's going to be tough to how do we deal with the private landowner and the public right away when they butt together um one of our thoughts was maybe doing a like you know Swift does fire braks um that maybe there needs to be a clear zone between the private land owner's land if it has an invasive grass and the public right away because if it's not then the Ryon go underground and they just every time you mow it it spreads and makes it thicker um it it blocks out every other plant correct I mean that's kind of what you were saying um and I wondered you know with the commissioner of agriculture's uh staff staff for here I'd love to see if there would could be some State funding and our lobbyist is over here uh for some kind of program like this because unless the state helps we're not going to get rid of it it's it's it's a big big lift and if we don't get it under control it's just going to cost us more and more and more um do you have some thoughts no I wanted I wanted Roy to come up real quick and talk about some of the things because I think the private side that you mentioned to and and Land Development some of the stuff that they're working on it just contributes to this discussion that's okay Roy morning Mr chairman Commissioners Roy masjer development services so um thank you oh so I just have a one just a one one pager here and just to detail what what we're going for um and that's based on Land Development code amendment that we have we have underway um our Land Development code amendments is based on on on Research provided by ifus and also the Florida invasive species Council the fisc guidelines um my group also did research on what's going on in the state of Alabama they have a pretty aggressive uh invasive control program you know also the state of Georgia uh we're approaching this again through the through the Land Development code procedures we uh we have Land Development code that's gone through the the ODC ODT process where we're changing the code in 24 different places everything from preliminary PL submittals to Community Gardens to many different places in the code uh 24 in total uh we're targeting the Planning Commission on May 16th for this amendment uh the bccc first reading is targeted June 4th and what you see on this on the screen right here is just an example of how we're changing the code and I would Point toward um we're asking for for BMP guidelines types of treatment providing for the appropriate method of disposal to prevent propagation ongoing maintenance and monitoring controls of invasive plant species so we're not only asking for a for a identification of these species on your property but we are asking for how you're going to collect it and dispose of it that's the key how are you going to dispose of it I would also add that we are referencing the FC guidelines and that's not only for kogan grass that's going to be lodium soda Apple Air potato yeah that's so bad you know you know uh Brazilian pepper you know all the all the big invasives I think it's important that we reference this group's guidelines they this is the see the central Authority in the State of Florida forace for for invasive control as they update their list then the people who would be doing Land Development will have to know what that list is and respond to that list rather than us calling them out one by one and having to revise our code we're just referencing this list as it gets updated Land Development Community will have to have to respond to that updated list you know something that comes to my mind as I'm driving here I know there's a whole pasture of kogan grass on the right hand side and I can tell you that that's not egg there is no agriculture benefit to have a pasture of coke and grass so they could very easily lose their egg exemption because cows don't eat it nothing eats it no trees can grow in it it just there's people could be in I think you be losing their egg exemption if they have a field you'll find property owners that are neighboring some of our developments and all that' be more than happy to also get rid of it at the same time yeah yeah um but I think this is this is really good and um and I wish we had done it a while ago but better late than never well I think the most came about when you brought it up about over overpass Road after we developed overpass road we spotted it there right close to the park so that's where it's first noticed here I've seen it along 5 I'm sure there's other places but yeah driving over here is what really gets my blood boiling R you know so I'm kind of behind but I had a I had a question for the do uh gentlemen this is not to kogan grass but this is on your swes um when they grow up and and they get really thick do you ever mow them or is I have some businesses on 54 that you know have some issues but I've spoken to a couple of those businesses so um it depends if it's a Swale or if it's a pond so some of those areas are linear ponds so they do hold water like most of the time of the year um we don't typically trim those down or manicure them unless it's a permit violation with Swift Mud or there's a safety concern um but we have been speaking with some of the business owners that have asked if they want to come out into the RightWay we usually send them an email and says if you're comfortable with that we we allow that so that they can they can address it to their liking okay they can at least trim it so that it's not a wall in front of their business y um well you guys have any thoughts I mean I think this is great that um to learn what's going on what the state does and then what we're planning on doing so okay that's good thank you CH bar maybe I'll be Happ but mosquito controls always running around spraying and treating things maybe we could reach out to them partner with them oh good idea get them certified and have them chemical on their trucks and they see it and document it and spray it they might be a a nice partner to have could be in Sp Tre okay it' be good to reach out to them and find out they could be a partner on that so and I just want to make sure you all share information there because there was a lot of good data with the EP Mr chairman yes sir I just want to say um you know Mr carbella when you came on as the administrator one of the key things was you getting the right people in the right position uh bringing Roy and and Jason in were like huge uh to spot Talent like Barrett doe who is doing a phenomenal job um you know thank you for what you're doing and bar keep up to great work thank you yes thank thank you very much very much yeah fto ft has been a great partner Pasco County tell you and they still are and as I'm bringing Ralph up I've got one item I need a a vote from the board on and it has come to my attention that fdot has asked for a letter of support for a federal rural grant for the State Road rural safety and economic Mobility project of the widening 52 from 41 oh yes to Bellamy move to approve to for bellany to actually this grant will allow us to do the entire section at one time with the sidew which will speed up with the sidewalk with a 12T shared use path to encourage uh alternative to Transportation that's on the North side but wherever wherever we need it cuz in some places the developer is going to put be able to put it on the southide so I actually need that vote I've got the letter ready to go and uh with my modification modification all right we'll we'll talk to fdot on that modification so but uh so I have a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I I and that passes 40 and my assistant Marie can go ahead and get that started it's ready to go all right with that Ralph you got the floor thank you Mr chairman Commissioners uh good morning Ralph Lair intergovernmental Affairs officer today we're going to have a 2024 session uh legislative session recap and uh I'm going to have our State Legislative Lobby team Sunrise Consulting Sean Foster and Andrew khil come up and uh give a presentation for you about all the wonderful things that the legislature did to us this year you say all wonderful things wow they got to come out wonderful now sh are in up wonderful nice little bow tie there yeah thank you all for letting us have the opportunity to to come speak before you all want to say too that Workshop that we did Mike was very helpful a lot of the issues that we worked on that we talked about came before session and I would just no one forget because maybe we can talk about setting a date of doing that again over the summer uh but I think that was very helpful for the session and of course I think can help plan for next year's session with some ideas and issues I think that'll come up uh Andrew kle uh has done a phenomenal job on on the local issues I do want to say I can't bring that he actually because of how well he's doing on uh the type of issues for counties and cities the Florida League of cities tried to hire him from me a a few months ago so I'm glad he stayed with us he is he is uh I am not kidding you he has really come in rolled up his sleeves on these issues and uh when we go into these me meetings in Fair where I think uh Jack you guys came to me a couple of those meetings we had in Tallahassee you kind of see some of the the lead that Andrew and our firm kind of takes in this because obviously we represent you and a couple of the counties but we are very interested in these issues uh this session did not get extended we got the budget done all time there's always a rumor that the budget's not going to get uh done on time but it did 2025 sessions coming up March April as you know it changes January febrary March April I always kind of give you an update 2,000 bills passed uh 16% a little bit higher than average actually twice as much and uh there's other significant legislation that was very leading which the leaders had in the house and the Senate healthc care and social media uh that they had uh kind of the areas in and around Pasco County that were a great benefit to us as you can see some of the items the Pasco County Sheriff's Office Wellness Center 1.65 million we're just talking about the fdot uh got the Pasco County Bridge construction 25.3 million Newport Richie got a mobile Library not all these of course yours but ones around Newport Richie Fire Fire Station 1 million and even right here in our backyard not too far zepher Hill septic to sewer 1.5 million kind of gives you an idea right here in your backyard want to give you before I go into the budget real quick just kind of yes sir what was it what was a bridge can you go back yeah that one too am I messing it up the bridge is a state project that just Pasco County Bridge construction I details 23 23 the pedestrian bridge I'll double check a separate Bridge 25 pedestrian bridge could you repeat that into the microphone so that yes I was saying it must be and Ralph might be able to confirm I believe commissioner that am I'm looking at the amount that was yeah I'm I'm going to double check that number right now and I'll we get money for a pedestrian that's not the one one you're thinking about okay he's going to look that up actually he carries his computer everywhere goes you know this is why he brings it overall budget $17 billion um things in the session went around as you communicated we've saw in our reports very very well between the house and the Senate right at the end uh the governor came back in and had some initiatives that he wanted so it kind of escalated the budget uh live local as you can see ship 174 million affordable uh sale 84 um I will say this we have been a very healthy spot for our for our budgets but I do want to give a couple indications to moving forward this budget is is quite higher about four billion higher than it was just a few years ago and so a lot of those indications are are inflation right the price cost of building roads and others uh but I do want to give you something that was really significant just a few months ago the first time since July of 20120 sales tax expectations did not meet expectations so what does that mean meaning the revenue estimated conference meets every single month and quarterly to give you ideas on how it's going to be for the next year or next five years for the first time sales tax revenue did not meet expectations after covid it's kind of yes ma'am isn't some of this money from the feds as a kind of a padding from Co so we're not talking about these sales tax revenues no Sal tax so a great question of that entire budget 50 million is General Revenue meaning 50 million is what we collect through the state the rest of that 50 to 117 is trust fund and passed through the federal government so the part that I'm talking about right now is just the the 50 billion that we have seen grow um we're seeing some slowdown in sales you're seeing some slow down in in home sales right the dock sales tax some of the items that have come up higher than expectation were our investments were higher and so were our corporate but it was just pretty significant the first time that we've seen sales tax revenue not hit their expectations for almost four years so it's kind of giving some Revenue estimated in conference folks some caution uh looking at what some of our Revenue collections could be next year that impacts you all if we're seeing a lower sales tax revenue collections counties will see it um commissioner Mariano so there is an as I put on the slide fdot Pasco County there is an a direction to fdot and I don't have any further details for you but $25.3 million for Bridge construction in Pasco County oh okay is it pedestrian does it spell out what kind of brid get conf Sean what what percent did we miss getting that Revenue that tax revenue how much will we short on that for well their expectations I'm not reading my glasses were 30 million short um what we have seen what was so significant go commissioner is that we've generally have exceeded it by over a 100 million so and any other quarter any type of time that we've seen that they've actually exceeded their expectation we actually didn't exceed it but actually came below it so pretty significant yeah I mean 100 million a year is you know over 1 billion some reason it was delayed right yeah but um and I'll just say water projects going back to this real quick I want to give you a little bit update this is not in our our update but um we're going to see probably some major changes in how water projects are done Ralph uh I've met with Senator all Britton he's an incoming Senate President he doesn't really like the way the Water Project are done he sees sometimes that areas who have leadership get more preference so obviously if you have leadership you're happy he'd like to see more of a a priority driven process when it comes to water projects and um he spoke to me about it actually spoke to some other groups I understand recently also so we may see some changes I would still say though that may be one of the priorities we want to look at again for next year and kind of dividing that up as we did in the workshop U but expect a different process if he's successful on how Water Project right now water projects are submitted through a legislative request they go through the committee process and they're approved by the committee leadership within that uh committee and then above that so it's one of the last items I always get asked about that as robal knows it's one of the last items that comes out of the budget because they're holding that for negotiation so that may be one of the reasons why they're wanting to make a change um P County Appropriations we got the the Park Way by uh Boulevard we're just talking about that sidewalk project the Wilton Way Extension uh to pedestrian overpass pass the Pasco fire radio replacement and the senior center so I'd say for a tough year we came out pretty good in some of those areas I feel we could have done a little bit better and um this was pretty contentious I know you worked a little bit on this if you want to talk about this one for just a bit um so I I know that um get get out good morning Commissioners um so this is the uh public camping the homeless bill um this was a very uh um contentious Bill Sean said in the legislature and what this bill does is it limits people just can't be sleeping everywhere loc local governments will need to designate uh for recurring normal use of sleeping public camping it has to be um someone you know a person who's sleeping somewhere in a right away one or two times that's fine it's it's the ongoing their local government probably not Pasco County the ongoing allowance of people that just sleep all over the place on public lands is kind of where this bill came from so you as a commission will have to designate if you have public uh land and public buildings that you'd like to allow uh people who are homeless to sleep on you'll have to designate that land you have to get that land certified that area certified through DCF there's going to be a program that you're going to have to apply to DCF get DCF to give you a certificate that this land can be used for um I'm not sure what the word I want to use housing the homeless that's that's not the term I want to use um and then that's only good for a year and then you have to reup it um during a state of emergency uh people who are displaced well you know that this this law will be suspended um and that bill was already signed into law by the governor okay lots of questions on this Kathy and I talked about this yesterday what does this mean preempts local governments from authorizing we don't authorize people to sleep on public property unless they're you know in our one of our parks in a cabin or a regulated campsite so so there are some and that's where this came go ahead so there were some local governments and County governments in the State of Florida that were allowing public camping uh in their under a bridge in Miami that kind of that would be an example on sidewalks near beaches uh right away so that's what uh what they were referring to when they uh when they put that language in the bill the California model um so does let me ask question question the bill allow you to purchase property to make sure they're on a certain area the only can no you can use property and set it up for an area uh for camping if you so choose to do it's not telling us we have to and although they did put a small portion of money it's not going to be used for that all right and and I'll give you an example I think pelis County I'll ask there is has something looking at your Chief of Staff did they do that when you were there the one next to the jail facilities that they have next to the jail in penel County Safety Safety Harbor so some of the people are saying that they were looking at expanding that area some tents and everything outside for other folks instead of keeping on of jail and I I was being told that this was a law that they were looking at putting some Provisions if you decide to do this you're setting up you know these tents and you're trying to house folks so some of these Provisions would have to be there through DCF so okay question yes um because um and Kathy I don't know if you want to ask these questions too but we so somewhere someone has the idea that if um some we've got someone living on on the side of the sidewalk in commission of Bradford's District on Massachusetts um and not only that yesterday when I was driving into my office a 100 yards past that gentleman who's got a village around him now um I saw a a U-Haul rental van where a gentleman was unloading his stuff into the woods right next to some offices on State Road on Massachusetts and I don't know what you guys did about that um but I you know I really I was on the phone so I text texted my staff to do something immediately and they forwarded it to Bradford's staff so I'm anxious to hear what they did but um so so the difference on that Comm how do we you know does the sheriff arrest someone if they're living on a sidewalk and can we what do we do I mean can we or what do we do the difference between what you're what you're saying folks down the street in behind somebody's property and otherwise this is where you are setting it up and saying come here or this is a space that you can allocate as a homeless and if you're going to do that and if communities are going to do that these are the provisions so the difference is you know you're you're never going to stop overall homelessness people buy a park people buy you know a force this is saying if communities are going to do this they're going to set it up these are the regulations that they feel that make it safe for the for them and for the community at large so part part you know what's challenging is if someone's trespassing they're breaking a law there's a law against trespassing but all we do is make a move um and I was wondering you know and if we put them in jail that's a big expense to the taxpayer and we don't have room so is it possible or or maybe do we want to look at a law allowing this and I don't mean for this to be inhuman but if someone is repeatedly caught trespassing and they want to live outside can they live outside on our jail property not in the jail and their tent on our property and if we put a a porta poty that's the idea behind if you all if the county uh chooses to uh to Camp certified a host DF but that's that is voluntary no that that well that is voluntary but by doing that what do we do when they don't want to come out of the woods that's the problem is what you just mentioned if somebody was arrested when pelis is trying to do a diversion they're building that camp next to the next to the Sheriff's Office and these are some of the provisions that you'd have to do by it so in other words they don't think that people should be in jail for for some of these but they also want to make sure they get the resources so I think you all have to that's a conversation um and tax doll to commissioner we're we're obviously you for the last budget working on a number of of of items Pasco hope project is we're trying to bring that into fruition that's voluntary I correct but it's also a low barrier shelter that that could Absol you know contribute as assistance to the program obviously the board we we need to have the conversation on you know what what the next move would be if if Pasco hope is or isn't successful um or needs to be expanded and how we want to handle that this this is authorizing the tools now Sean there is a provision in here about litigation or right there is so that the part that I think you know we and other municipalities and counties are worried about is there is that provision that was put in there that businesses and residents could sue a local government uh if this law or or if public campign occurs in public areas near businesses um could occur uh and so I've had this discussion uh with our County attorney this they didn't put any enforcement in there and and ways that we can address that um it's a catch 22 as as he uh as he mentioned um but one thing that um a possibility that we could do uh addressing with that issue is is show what we can or or or have within our ordinances uh I I had a meeting with uh Kathy Pearson our assistant County Administrator and Chase Daniels with the sheriff's officer office uh we we I looked around at the state at the counties the municipalities and and they have strong loitering ordinances ours is is pretty simple it kind of aligns with the state uh with that and and what what these local governments have done is they they they call out public camping and rideways near businesses on beaches uh they give warnings uh to the individuals they give documentation uh and what's provided in the county for homeless uh if they are caught doing it again they could be fine and and serve time that is already covered in the loitering law uh so that would be one suggestion is to look at the ordinance and posi U Beef It Up so so we have some language but ultimately and I've even had this discussion uh with Sean and Andrew I think uh this is one if that happens we'll go to court and and then possibly have the the the language or the or the bill tossed out or sent back to kind of put some enforcement in there and uh and protection in there to the local government uh so they aren't sued because if if you have signs up say no ordering you have an ordinance that says no ordering and after hours there are people doing this you don't have the manpower to go around and and and make sure that people are abiding by the law in public areas um so so it's concern and I think you know it's like I said it's we all local governments fear that concern yeah and I I don't think our issue so much is the on public land as it is they keep going on private land in our County well that's yeah that's a Marana has a question yeah I I think this conversation is something I want to talk about anyway panhandling in Camp so I think under committee reports we're can get into this a lot a lot more yeah um I don't want to tie these guys up for because we still got Park signal do question yeah if if I may meeting so yeah thank you and on uh May 14th is our workshop on on affordable housing so I think there's some there's some parallels here homelessness that we can discuss y we have and I'd love to hear what some other counties are doing you sure okay and in the interest of time quickly um last year we passed Senate Bill 170 any ordinance that the county adopts must do a business impact statement any business stakeholder who doesn't like it they can sue you over it last year Land Development code was specifically Exempted from Senate Bill 170 uh Senate Bill 1628 adds the Land Development code to that provision okay so 328 we've got two Provisions in here where we going to have some conversations one I'm going to leave 773 uh at the end when it comes to the taxation bill there were some changes in here you'll see um as you know very familiar with this bill local government must reduce parking was one of the requirements uh clarifies density I don't need I know you guys of any of the bills you guys were very very much involved in this there were some clarifications on affordable units and quality qualifying development units there was also some language that the Florida I don't know if you all were aware this finally changed the Florida Housing Finance Corporation is really just as we discovered ministerial in and in handing it over when when the studies done by the developer it's ministerially you know goes through they actually gave the right and the power to the property appraiser uh to maintain the ultimate authority to Grant those exemptions so there was some clarification in in that language um you also know about some of the other language we'll talk about when we get to 7073 about the amendment uh through the shimberg study also um so these are two building permit pieces of legislation I put them together on one slide they are related but but not the same your bill on the left Senate Bill 812 that um let me back up just a second when Senate Bill 267 was filed um 267 relates to residential construction and permitting also just generally permitting generally 812 relates specifically to plan developments um when 267 was filed it had some of 812 in it they kind of the legislature separated them into two different bills um so Senate Bill 812 relates to any kind of track home developer um who's applying to develop many homes by October 1st of this year the the county will have to have a way that they can request up to 50% of their permits for a subdivision in a planned Community um the local government will need to start maintaining a list of private vendors who are available when there's excessive development going on lots of houses being built private vendors who are available to function as a staff Aug to get the permits and the plans reviews through the local government um applicant can use a private provider to expedite the permit process um generally um the developer can go ahead and contract for sale but he can't actually close on the property um until the final plat is approved that's 812 267s building permits generally um residential uh commercial there's time frames that are now there were already some time frames in statute these are much shorter time frames um used to be like 10 days uh if you receive an application to determine if it's complete or not now you have 5 days to determine if it's complete or not um and then so many days to either approve uh deny or approve with conditions or deny the permit of those time Fram frames are all shorter um Senate Bill 280 vacation rentals um I know we talked a lot about this during session with Ralph um pre 2011 ordinances were already grandfathered in every other part of vacation rental regulations uh preempted to the state um this was their legislator's idea of providing in in in May I quote some tools to local governments allows for a registration fee so not actually lenser at the local level but at least a registration where the vacation rental will have to provide you with um who's on call 24 hours who who owns you know some some some some requirements or some threshold to get your quote unquote registration the local government then can suspend the registration if the vacation rental has so many um deficiencies and delinquencies go ahead can Mr chairman yes can we do that even with the ordinance we have now that doesn't preempt our grandfathered ordinance to have ORD adopted huh oh okay so the ordinance is is vested say what sir the vot the ordinance that they have on the books is vested pre 2016 right so so then you then you are fine with your current ordinance but you're specifically say regist not lure so the bill allows for a local government to have a registration that's probably a question for your county attorney but I would think if it's registration not lure um any and all ordinances that were pre 2016 are are fine anyways well that solves a lot of our problem so you can call your friends at uh County up on the northeast side of the state thank them um uh dpvr will be in charge of of uh they will be the regulator from now on and there's a way that a local government now can contact dbr and say oh we've had all these issues can you suspend the license but I can talk to you more detail about the bill if you have any further questions um 479 this is the transportation impact fee Bill Mobility uh funding system long story short they want local governments who interact who overlap in a development to work together to calculate what what the impact fees should be the local government who is the one issuing the permit the actual permit will be the one to necessarily collect that impact fee divy it up back with the other local government who's working with them um using you have to use certain data when you're developing the impact fees it has to be data that was within past within past four years um and provide again you know proportionate distribution it it's really I don't want to use the word forcing but requiring local governments to work together so that people aren't charged mult times for impact fees I'm not sure where that happens but that's what is said um it happens in South Florida but a question for you on this one um would this affect us say uh if we if there was a Pasco County development near the county line or the border of Pasco and the nearest grocery stores in Hernando County um could they take some of our impact fees since maybe their roads are impacted so I off the top of my head will not tell you yes from reading the bill but I will tell you yes from a conversation that happened in a committee and we'll have to rev con there was a specific example of Sarasota County and Manatee County working on a project I can't remember the details but that was discussed in a committee while this bill was being heard so I will get back with you I'm sorry yeah okay uh 73 had to do with Special Districts itive Control District it creates a 12-year term limit for elected board members um I would expect some more items to come out there's thousands of they found out of these Special Districts one of the items that they didn't was pretty simple they didn't have on their strategic goals and working on those a few of the districts they all went through an audit and nothing crazy came out of any of the audits that they did for the districts around um but they were looking at seeing some of the capacity that these Special Districts had to increase millage rates on folks and you could see some of the reductions that they made on that also Pace we all know about Pace loans Bad actors in Pace loans um pce loans are for various energy efficient items energy items they've expanded The pce Loan program to include uh water treatment as well so you can you know if you're getting some kind of specific on-site sewage treatment center septic tank uh you can use a pace loan and then they also put in some extra regulations and oversight because a lot of these Pace loan folks I guess from my understanding um can be potentially Bad actors and predatory on homeowners um so that's what this bill does um C no go back cyber security um oh jumping over okay okay yes surprised so a little bit of information obviously first I want to to thank uh David Goldstein with your staff your County Administrator um and all of you all really this was a uh very difficult session I know Pasco County was very much targeted at times but I think we did a very due diligent job representing not only our County our cons but also many around the state so one of the items that we'll talk about real quick is how do we allow a uh a taxing authority to move forward and we talked about the provision that we put in the shinberg study um just to go again the shimberg study is used to detail the surplus of of deficit uh or surplus of affordable housing and rental units through through a region so there was even some discussions about regions and and how they come to that number some of those areas aren't able to get those regions so I would say first I want to say the president's office really had an open door with us our legislative delegation was very very helpful on this um it's going to provide some of the information beyond the shimberg real quick just let you know those who still when you find out you have a surplus uh in 2025 2026 those who already receiv received it are obviously grandfathered in uh the taxing Authority the county upon adoption of an ordinance or resolution is going to have to be approved by 2third of the vote of the governing body when they can show through the schimberg study that the need is being met I think that is in the simplest terms that we can put put it out there um it it was very taxing I just want to I know a lot of us there was conversations and things in the newspaper from the Senate President um but I would say we kept to it um I had many F times we're running into the office to go talk to Jennifer as you all know very much and many times that your County Administrator and I were on the phone quickly and talking about this this this amendment I want to thank first of all the Senate president's office they had even major push back in those Final hours and the final day of saying you know they weren't happy with this developers and and lobbyists who represented these de um developers were pushing back for more severe changes because they knew that it would push the need to not be there as much when I when I say that I think we're very fortunate now from getting to look at it and I was told if we weren't happy with 100% of what was in that bill that they would come back and help us change it and make sure that we got the information from the shimberg study that we needed so right now we felt we weren't getting everything that we needed from it uh but they promised to work with us meeting the president's office and you know the funding comes from the legislature to the shimberg study uh to do the shimberg study so I'm pretty confident that they're going to be able to work with us um I know this was a sensitive subject but I really think for the best for the county we came out this resolution came in there and I want to thank you all again um thank you all very very much for coming to Tallahassee talking to your legislative delegation talking to everybody that you could to help get get this across uh commissioner waitman I know you were waving the flag on this you know a long long time ago we saw this coming and um I think there's going to be both benefits one I think you're going to see affordable housing is going to be increased in the areas where there's a need and where is the need the need is truly under that 80% right we don't have a need between the 80% and 120 Ami the 90% meets what's already happening with rents um and all of a sudden when you had this picture when you showed them what an 80% Ami was with your delegation the not in the president's office but other legislators the light went on all of a sudden of what nonprofits are truly trying to do for Amis uh below 80% for folks so thank you all again I'll take any of the questions that you have on that I think that was really our last slide I know we took a little bit of side last thing sovereign immunity uh reill local business taxes uh under chapter 2005 did not pass uh tourism development tax changes did not pass as you all know and County Commission term limits so those are some items that we will be following up with you over the summer kind of give you an idea just like we did with Senator Ben Albritton on his emphasis being on uh how they do water uh projects in the future and I see a finger pointing this Mr Mr Mar has some questions yeah tell this was in my years the most difficult situation to go through with the state legisl of all the things we had to go through by far the the results could have been devastating uh commissioner waitman you're your early leadership and picking on about checking every single uh Development coming in if we had Provisions Jeff you and David together making sure that we had the right Provisions going denu you as well helping everything go through but uh the work up there Sean was was amazing on your end uh you and Andrew were like incredible to work with teaming up with Ralph working with carbella probably back and forth in the phone just trying to look at all the things David being a a leader in the in the state as far as you know the go-to guy to find out what's really going on but the the meetings you gave to us uh the communications you kept going even after the session started and we're back here uh for you to keep on pushing and pushing and pushing it got better and better and better and uh without you and Andrew up there fighting for so hard and doing so effectively wouldn't happened so thank you for your great service well I I appreciate it like I said it was a very uh difficult time I know for everybody and I appreciate you all's communication and willingness to work with us it kind of made that job a little bit easier up there uh we have the benefit we don't represent any developers any builders you know there's no conflict of interest with ours we have one focus in mind and that's serving your interests very well thank Youk thank you yeah I know we're I know we're out of time today I we have a big lunch meeting but um and we have a little more time before we have to have our ducks in a row for the next session but certainly want to take a look at Appropriations around the state and see how we fared and see if we're you know on the right track for the plans that we we have I mean I know this is out there but do you have any idea when it's going to get signed so I was told two different scenarios one I was told in the next two weeks and the next one I was told at the end of June so I will tell you when the one I was told it was just in two weeks hasn't happened yet so that one so yeah and it was it was so it was it came from the governor's office expect everything to be signed in the next two weeks he was actually even holding off on some appointments and some uh the governor is holding off an appointments and endorsements on folks until the budget got passed um so I hope sooner than what we have seen in the past okay that that's a big one he just said we did send him the retirement bill which is a pretty big bill on the budget so that could give us some indication when we see it come through so and so when when is the deadline to sign the bill if there's well a couple years ago if you recall he did it the day before your fiscal year started is that July July 14th or something July 1 July 1 start it was June 30th and you had July 1st he literally did it two days before and that's only time I've ever seen that happen in my recollection and I know you're taking a deep breath right now there was other money that is going to passco through our nonprofits um yes I know I encouraged as I I encouraged nonprofits and the cities to please ask for money so there's there is more money coming to the county may not be through us so we were I was going to I was just going to say we just set up h a time where we're looking at doing our Workshop uh for our next legislative session and we'll probably toss around some ideas uh I'll get with Sean and maybe we can even have our um delegation uh interact with us on that I mean it is an election year uh all of our uh State reps have to uh go up for election um but it's something we'll consider but but no we'll be having a a workshop and we'll be playing it way in advance for next year's session great all right all right all right thank you we got a break for lunch so we're going to break from lunch we're going to recess for lunch we'll be back here at 1:30 to carry on with public comments public [Music] hearings storm drains are meant for clean rainwater most other discharges are illegal if you suspect an illicit discharge