[Music] call and order the Pasco County Board County commission's constitutional offices budget Workshop of April 16th 2024 at this time please silence all electronic devices and mut your microphones uh please stand for the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Madam clerk please call the RO District Two commissioner wait Pres District three commissioner Sparky here District Four commissioner Bradford District 5 commissioner Mariano district one chairman opening here thank you and we have a quorum here special thanks to the staff for setting up the event um very nice facility to be used I was hoping we had one of these on the east side somewhere that we could use just like we use this one we need to get you one so I'll have to get enough votes to do that but I believe I can work that out hopefully with with some money so but uh at this time um Mr cavala our County Administrator uh you can start us off sure well thank you thank you Mr chair and I just want to say thank you for everyone for attending today you know this is as I I mentioned to a lot of you last night when we were talking this is is just an opportunity to provide more transparency through the budgeting process the board is has asked to have more touch points and and this is something um you know the Constitutional budgets are are part of of what the board of County Commissioners has to make decisions on when it comes to funding and so the point of today is just to allow an opportunity for us to have a dialogue on your challenges and the things that you're seeing in your your various operations because they provide valuable um services to our citizens and just help provide a little more transparency and understanding of of what those are this this leads us then into a budget workshop with the board in June as as we continue to put together budgets and I know you continue to put together your budgets as well so we know this is not a budget review this is not anything like that it's it's more of just a sharing and and information exchange uh here here with with the board um I know some of you do have other speakers that that you may want to present certain aspects of your presentations we we have a couple of chairs over there so I would just ask if they could come forward and and sit there when it's their turn to speak and you know recognize them from there so with that um Mr chair I okay we're we're good so we're ready um first up is our clerk good morning good morning okay yes uh for the record Nikki Alvarez HS Pasco County Clerk and controller thank you Commissioners for holding the workshop I greatly appreciate it to be able to have the dialogue as Mr carala said and I wanted to thank uh Mr carala and also so Mr Brighton Bach and the team that um put this together today and also recognize my team here to record it and make sure that it's covered for the public record um uh is this is the presentation up I just click the button I'm clicking okay okay okay it's fine the CAU up all right just um uh just a few words um I'm glad Mr carala you mentioned that this a good dialogue because that was what we prepared for um I'm not prepared to talk specific numbers because we're still fine-tuning those quotes are still coming in but I wanted to give you an idea of what to expect that to see in in the budget so I I greatly appreciate those words um so the the first topic I'm just talk about an overview and then I'm going to kick it off to my team but um right now our offices are in settlement negotiations for the U multi- agency sieges portion for the declaratory action and I'm not going to go into detail with that other than to say that if we um are not able to get to a settlement in time before the May one deadline of the budget that I will be submitting um the reimbursement amount for the sieges for fiscal years 2021 and fiscal year 21 to 22 um but if we are in middle of settlement and we've got an agreement going it's not going to be in the budget um the other items that we're going to talk about I'm going to have my my team uh present those to you uh one is the increased cost for goods and services so probably the SLE of things that you are seeing in your office for increases are the the typical increases that uh we are seeing um there's an issue was inflation for the cost of goods and services and also um we're trying to focus on Information Technology security because there are concerns of local government um getting um uh hacked by hackers I guess is a great word to say it um and next we're going to also talk about uh Personnel cost increases um you know the we've told a 5% increase with the county so we'll put that in there there's also increases um to F FRS and salaries so to kick it off I have um to talk about the good C for goodness services and it that is Tim Jameson my director of Information Technology following him will be Heather Grimes my chief administrative officer to talk more about Personnel cost um in the records area of the office at board records and then um finally will be Matt Lazar he's my chief uh he's my I'm sorry my information he is the director of our finance department and he is also going to talk to you about some Personnel cost in finance all right so I I've got the controller in the clicker just let me know if I need to go forward good morning everyone my name is Tim Jameson information technolog director CLT so is your mic working here's on yes working okay so you know one of our big challenges is you over the prior years during the early part of the pandemic we had a lot of discounts and stable prices but unfortunately that is not held true over the last couple years uh so we are experiencing price increases and and at the same time we're in experiencing need increases especially in the in the cyber security realm I'm sure you've all heard of the issues in fando and Leon and St John's and it's just seems like it's endless in the in the newspaper so we are you know increasing our capabilities we're increasing the amount of assistance we receive for those things uh so for over the past two years the increase cost for cyber security is up about 96% wow so good news has been last year at least we had the uh State local government cyber security Grant we were able to get some assistance for that we've applied for that again this year however their their process is not that it's be an ongoing forever thing their concept is it's a it's a bootstrap to get local governments quickly up to where they need to be and then they're expecting us to gradually assume that full cost so in the application this year one of the things they were asking for is okay if this in calendar year 25 um what kind of matching funds can you give us and they that's part of the scoring mechanism to make sure that recipients are on board with okay we're going to up our cyber security level and then we're going to maintain it eventually through local funding so that's an important aspect for us um and then you just look at the labor costs that that go with that security is part of almost every technical position now and every project every workflow has security concerns so just the increase in labor in general to get those things done so those are that's one big Focus the other one is of course the the inflation I mentioned uh so for instance it's kind of it's kind of partially inflation and kind of partially improved capabilities but on our Microsoft Enterprise contract uh like the county now all of our team is on Office 365 which means we have have the ability to to operate in Cloud which gives us more resiliency and redundancy uh should things go A Miss locally and those things now costs more money so for instance uh just the Office 365 component from 2021 when the last contract was signed in 2024 February when we just signed the current one it's 167% increase for the Microsoft Office cost so that was that was a big jump for us also just general maintenance costs um we're seeing increases where we didn't see them before vendors feel free to go ahead and pass those costs on knowing that it's an inflationary environment so factoring in the increase that we've already seen over the past couple years and then projecting next year um we're looking that you know a 19% increase in maintenance costs and Contract Services uh same thing with the capital expenditures as as we replace Ag Equipment those are up about 15% and then of course we still have the obligation to make things better for the public um for instance we're streamlining our jury check-in using uh automation streamlining the payment process so they can receive their their U juror payments also the the juror system itself has an upgrade that's due um driven primarily by dhsmv's plans to change the driver's license number structure so we want to be compliant with that what we do not want is to have two different versions of the driver's license in the system and have you know the public receiving multiple jury summons uh one for each version of their license that would that would not reflect well on our on our system and finally um we're talking about also making compliance um more efficient and more proactive for our customers so for instance uh having Mobile payment options having Auto uh reminders of text messages that you have a payment that's due so they can make compliance with payment plans um because that compliance is important because it helps them maintain their their driving privileges not end up with a suspended license so those are just some of our big themes for for this coming year any any questions yes sir just the general a see you know percentages can look pretty bloody I prefer to see whole numbers MH um I think that puts puts the dollar value in in real perspective because you know percentages can be good and bad but 167% what's that truly equate to right so sure I can give you just with how I think this is generally across our budget and I'm with with our staff and what's the percentage really so just a general comment thank you for your presentation okay would youman um one of the things that I mentioned in the beginning is um I'm not ready to talk specific numbers we're still fine tuning numbers but wanted to kind of give you an idea of um where where we are what's what's happening but you're right 167% on $1,000 isn't as much as 167% on a million dollar right but um just so the theme is there's going to be increases and these are technology increases that you're also going to be seeing and and being presented by your staff as well um but I I hear you I completely understand um we will have those numbers in our budget on May one um if you have questions off that I'm happy to meet with you with my team I'm happy to meet with your team you know whatever it is that you would like to know about those numbers thank you another I guess this would be an a right question statement does each constitutional office have their own it security vendor or is it one procurement countywide they're separate sir they're separate sir would it be more economical for the taxpayer to have one security platform across the entire County versus others no I I don't think you I apologize no you're fine you have the microphone I wish I get I'm just making sure the record is kept Mr um I can't speak for the other constitutional we couldn't do that at the tax collector's office because we're we have a system that through the Department of Motor Vehicle um and they would totally object for us to be to share that information with anyone else uh you know so we wouldn't be able to do so great idea I could add at the state level we're somewhat accomplishing that one of the things that the grant is hopeful to do is as that as we assume local funding we hope to assume it at the had leg we discounted State contract price that they've negotiated for this what they're telling us is that they're getting basically a 10 to1 discount on it so uh and I'm I'm pretty sure that the county has also received uh grant funding in that manner let's hope so that's sounds like a pretty good coupon to me so thank you Mr Mariana so looking at what that 96% increase would be I think is important and I think the 167 as well are there any other Alternatives out there where you can look for cost reductions that would go for us as well later but yeah I mean I guess if there's any other grants available or even another vendor yeah um I am curious did we also then see a 96% increase cuz why cuz if they did then we probably did yeah it's my understanding that are we're tracking right okay yeah the 96% increase for cyber security isn't price increases alone but they're they're added capabilities over the over the prior two years so when you're talking about things like you know endpoint detection and recovery and then you have Network detection and Recovery and then you have collecting the data that's coming in at the border whether it's the email or this firewall so there's different systems that are dedicated to doing that and then the state Grant has also helped us and I believe that it's helped the county as well to pull that data together into a single Source that's monitored 247 so you in that cost you have added Services com at the same time yeah that was not that was not 100% um um inflationary it was added services so so back to as far as let's say Microsoft and the 167 you get in the cloud they raise up the price once you're in there is there another alternative that's out there yeah what we used to do is we used to use the Perpetual license that was on PR void didn't have any cloud services and what would happen is about every four years you would spend about 50,000 and then you would maybe if times were really tight you might try to stretch that until you're like now you're behind a version or two and now security patches aren't flowing and so that stuff yes there was ways to save money on that before it's probably a little more expensive to be in the cloud versions but you stay up to date and you have a lot more capability and in the long run you spend almost as much okay I was going to add something something similar to that it departments constantly look at U kind of offloading old products and adding new products and and renewals and and that's you know you can you can take one thing off the books but you end up having to add other things so they they really work very hard to try to balance that out and taking advantage of the grants I know that's something that that we've done at the County as well to to leverage cyber security to make our system even safer and more resilient so I I'm here validating what he's saying here yeah have question well um I understand maybe how it's harder to share the same cyber security contract but couldn't we all share the same Microsoft contract and is there um savings and maybe we're talking peanuts here but is there savings if we had one contract for all all the constitutionals in Pasco cuz Microsoft um I think 365 is Microsoft 365 for all of us I'm not positive um but I'm pretty sure that the Microsoft Enterprise agreement that we have is from the state level right okay so the state gets a discount for all it we're all achieving savings yeah yeah okay now we need a us one another [Music] level okay all right let's see what else all right thank you Tim um next up is Heather Grimes my chief administrative officer and one thing I forgot to mention when I was intro was that I had already scheduled an appointment at 11:00 a.m. before this one was scheduled and that's why I asked to go first and I greatly appreciate the opportunity to do that so I am going to head out a little after 10: but my team will still be here if you have questions for my office so thank you Miss good morning everyone good morning um so I'm going to talk to you about a position that you'll see in the budget we're going to add it's an entry level position for a records Clerk um and our board records team so Shannon is one of those members and um and so you see them very visibly at board meetings um committee meetings board workshops um there's another component that we probably don't see as much they also are the clerk to the value adjustment board so that's where citizens can contest their property values um and in both cases so board meetings um held in the number of hours and and when we say board meetings that's also committee meetings um the number of hours held is um increasing we've seen that but um even more in value adjustment board the number of petitions have just um skyrocketed so we've seen a 69% increase in um bab petition since 2019 and since 2013 um that increases 357 so um now not all petitions make it 100% through the process part of the process is um there's a hearing that's held with a special magistrate um and our team has to schedule all those clerk those um and we work in conjunction with the property appraisers office um uh but about you have to restart the process with the scheduling and about on average 50% of those make it to um an actual hearing uh where where um the special magistrate uh you know hears what they have to say so um uh it has caused a a a huge increase in work for this very small team so we used to have six people Plus or six teammates plus the supervisor but in 2009 when everyone was having to cut we we cut the position um and uh it is time to add back the sixth person um to be able to keep up with the workload um you know things are are they often have to decide especially during the bab time you know do they who are they sending to a meeting or you know someone's out sick they're they're struggling to to get things done um so we will be adding um a position in the budget I do think it's important to note though to this board um because I I think there's a legislative change that's potentially needed so there is a filing fee for B petitions and that fee was set in 1983 for $15 and nothing that cost $15 in 198 still cost $15 um you know and and so it doesn't cover the cost I think we um only collected about $21,000 uh this last year and and if if it was increased it would have cover the cost of this position so I I think that that's probably important to not for the board too um but that's that's really all about I have unless you have any questions any question we're good thank you you oh I I had a question now's a question um how many total employees do you guys have in the clerk's office y um we have about 320 positions um currently stand about 300 V and you're only at you're adding one new position for next year one for board records Matt's going to tell you about one for finance but two total okay those are additional additional employers right yes sir yeah okay thank you coming up is Matt Lazar the director of our finance department good morning um this is going to be very strange for me because I am the finance director and I was told not to talk about num so I I will do my best not well we probably won't have any questions I'm sure are um so I do have some numbers though that you're going to see on the slides and I don't think anything up there is going to be new to any of you um you're seeing since 2019 you're seeing an increase in leveraging debt to meet the capital needs of the citizens of Pasco County and what we're looking to add in specifically the treasury management Capital Asset Division is a operations lead um and the goal of that position is to manage the expectations of not only the citizens and the county but the clerk's office and that is to be that troubleshoot that Frontline uh subject matter expert to work with the day-to-day operational uh individuals as well as the high-end decision makers yourself the clerk uh the finance team goes well we are all involved in reinvesting funds or managing debt we do need those experts to be that go between to help us develop those procedures Implement those procedures um and really improve them and and really have those trainings that are going to go along with those procedures and development um big key things we're seeing is as we continue to acquire debt that is something that is also occurring Across the Nation a lot of local governments are doing that um outside parties are taking a very close look at that from different auditing standards so um in the past three years we've seen uh four different uh imple pronouncements from the governmental accounting standards board and they have uh three of those have been focused on long-term debt Acquisitions and Reporting and the financial transparency that comes with those it's not an easy process it could take uh years to implement uh some of them they're two years out um but then there's a process Improvement it takes a couple years to perfect perfect that and that isn't just a finance taking the lead we may help with the implementation but then County departments need that guidance from the clerk's office to continue whether it's the financial transaction action component or simply just how they're going to report it to bond holders that may have questions so the goal of this position they're not going to be the ultimate decision Authority but they're going to be involved in reviewing those doc the documentation that comes across and helping the leadership team and the day-to-day uh Team uh make the necessary improvements to make sure those processes are completed timely accurately uh and ultimately have our the endgame and in financial services world is have for the September 30 financial reporting period not have findings or any issues and continue to appease both Bond holders the citizens and yourselves that is all I have before I do start talking numbers any questions about anything but numbers nothing numer okay all thank you thank you that concludes our presentation um you know the county is growing and as you can tell the vol volume is growing in your office and in in mine as well and um you know cost for goods and services with inflation we are seeking we will be seeking to add the two positions and then the added costs um for May one budget um a question to Nick some of the percentages we were getting were from like 2019 what's the percentages look like for within this year I mean from 24 to 25 so so the um the slide with it was year over year those percentages so the 96% is which have been over the prior two years and then there's the year-over-year for the maintenance and the the capital um and then the contract with Microsoft is a multi-year contract so it's up for Renewal and um I don't know exactly how many years that is but it's up renewal so that is the cost of the increase or the from so that contract started a few years back it did okay we used the I understanding is we did have we're on the state contract for the Microsoft Office 365 and um now there's a big increase I think that the time that it was entered into we have to look at into it was the time when Co hit and there was big reductions in costs uh for that to help um local governments get back on their feet and now we're seeing that go away with the renewal contract I think we find that in a lot of different areas that that we've had contracts in place for two or three years and now they're they're fixing to renew and that renewal is uh escalated quite a bit from the time we did it before so yes okay thank you thank you okay your honor right well thank you all right well I join our our our clerk uh Nikki and thanking you all for inviting me to be here and inviting me to have this opportunity to uh present to you um uh what I believe is probably one of the most significant things to uh the the Pasco County needs in the upcoming uh uh kind of centuries if you will the uh what we have here thank you we have the growth in PCO County and if you notice here uh and this is kind of lwh hanging fruit I know you know a lot of this but nonetheless I thought it was important to emphasize this because as the county grows so do so does the Reliance upon our court system remember our court system deals with everything from from Criminal Justice to probate to family law issues to guardianship issues I mean I could keep going on and on but we handle a myriad of offens you know a myriad of issues civil cases we want to attract businesses into our community businesses needed to have access to the Cor SPS and that and that is an important part of making Pasco and keeping Pasco a premier County um as we all wish to do and I guess this is probably not a good time as any to emphasize to you all although I am the chief judge in penelon Pasco County I grew up in PCO County I'm a graduate of goai um so I sit here as someone who's been here quite some time just we were just sharing with Brian uh it's changed a little bit since I got here in the early 70s uh as you might imagine uh so uh I am I am certainly Pasco County uh in my roots and and the first Pasco County Judge to be elected chief judge which I think says a lot about the uh how Pasco County is viewed within the court system and within our circuit as you can see we are the third fastest growing County in the country according to this uh Tona News Journal Source in with USA Today in which they cite our census um I know this is all just thank you um um I've got the best clicker person going here known to mankind like I said I know this is a kind of the low hanging crew but you all you all know everything that you've been approving all the people that have been moving in I mean uh just go south of the Court courthouse and the court complex on Little Road and you all have approved 3400 houses just in that area alone we have this incredible growth and I think it says a lot about our community and it says a lot about our Board of County Commissioners and once again I want to thank uh Mike carbal and his staff for for working with us on on the the issues as well they've been fabulous to work with um we have once again this growth is just uh and we can go to the next one even yep you're ahead uh you know you can see the number you all know this like I said this is kind of the easy stuff but with all this with these people come come issues come issues in which the court in which a courthouse is necessary and which is an integral part of the the uh infrastructure really of Pasco County maintain it as a Premier Community can um judge can you can you wait one second sure and some of us can't read that at all sorry I don't know if it's my contacts are not right I Swit no I don't think sitting here I can read so can we is this all right thank you very much commissioner Oakley I appreciate it um as I said when we start this when we start this process out and and Shannon tell me if I'm doing okay okay thank you good as we start this process um when we start talking about this Central Court complex we just talk about the growth of Pasco and I know this is kind of the easy part of this the lwh hanging fruit what we really anticipate and you all know the growth of our County as the one slide indicated early on third fastest growing uh county in the state of Florida or in the country I'm sorry according to the census now so what happened was way back in the early uh I mean this started back in the 80s 90s with John Gallagher uh Dan Johnson uh the the the prior uh administrator for pasor County uh they purchased land out in Landa Lakes out on 41 for a jail and for a courthouse and uh and because of that they got they started going on they they put together a committee a committee of all the stakeholders and you'll see them on the next slide but of all the stakeholders and said you know we need to uh get together we need we know Pasco is going to grow we know we need a centralized Courthouse I think at one point in time that then uh the then Sheriff Bob White said you know the people of Pasco are going to demand a centralized kind of Court uh facility um during one of the meetings and uh because I believe me I've read through 23 years of notes meetings minutes and everything else and if we go to the next slide uh you can see these are the folks who are on it you can see the court the state attorney's office the clerk I mean uh the sheriff and hilderbrand person near and dear to my heart uh at that time the Pasco County chairman the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners um and as you can see it was well represented this committee gets together and decides yes we need to really start working on having this Central Courthouse built Everyone's an agreement that that it needs to be done way back then early even into the early 2000s okay if we can and uh so what happens is uh they start working on trying to decide how to fund this Courthouse um because you know this is this is going to be a fairly significant Capital Improvement project so they're talking about uh they recognize the need and support and we and the courts are always been willing to work with the county in any way we can to try to secure uh this Courthouse um for the future growth of Pasco County um uh once uh we got to the point in 2010 and some of you may recall this that we got green lighted for the project that we that they were going to uh we were going to uh hire the architectural firm and uh started receiving proposals to build the courthouse house on that campus and we have a spot marked on the campus we're ready to go like you said we've been um very grateful working with the with Mike and his team as far as uh uh you know knowing where this Courthouse would need to be put on that property at one point in time the courthouse is going to be joined with the jail and it was going to be a single project if we go to the next slide um we then hire heri International the County Board of county commissioner selects heri International for the design and build uh we uh contract with them that is the contract amount 7739 and um after a great deal of work at for for that basically two-year period of time uh they presented design package with uh uh and and we're kind of ready to go on that so then um what happens is after that the jail and it's determined that the jail and the courthouse because of the the campus and apparently a number of other issues uh cannot be connected so the the jail the courthouse becomes removed from the jail and the jail is a standalone issue as you all know and and the jail is being constructed Pasco County contracts with cgl about in 2014 so so we moved from 2012 to 2014 and say okay what is our master plan going to look like what are we going to build out and basically at that point in time uh the the folks you contracted with says well the the the jail and the court house the central Courthouse are the two top Capital Improvement projects they are they are a priorities they are they are the two top priorities within Pasco County that needs to that that that will satisfy the needs of our con of our constituents of our citizens for the 1 to fiveyear build out plan there's an RFI issued by Pasco for the central courthouse and and the language you see there is really from the the county RFI that talks about the main workload indicator for judicial departments is population growth we have that court filings you'll see those are up crime well I don't need to say anything more about that in juvenal referrals and uh it talks about both juvenile uh I'm sorry Bo judicial Center buildings are in overall good physical conditions but are stressed and that is the present courthouse in dat City and the present courthouse in in newp Richie they they are stressed um uh so it makes sense to build that Central uh complex um uh um to take the stress off those two later on you'll see if we're able to do that we're able to extend the life of those two side cour houses the one in dat city of New perie by 20 years and that will accept the anticipated growth for probably as indicated by through through through these studies for about the next 20 years so what really helps us a great deal in in in in the life expectancy of the East and West Pasco courthouse and I I think it's important to note even today the East Pasco Courthouse because of the lack of security and a lack of number of other issues would not even qualify as a criminal Courthouse because because the security issues because when it was initially built kind of way back when you know that that wasn't necessarily a primary concern but certainly it is and I think the the sheriff's uh office uh deals on security issues and we'll be coming before the uh Board of County Commissioners with regard to some of those concerns they have Within those cour houses but most specifically East Pasco um once again the uh the most recent study once again uh they cgl determined that a centrally located Criminal Justice Center um would is really the most efficient use to extend the life of the two East Pasco West Pasco cour houses the one in newor and D City and and also to centralize the the work that can be done at the at the criminal courts complex and we really need to just look South because in pelis they did exactly the same thing and it really has been a a a a very efficient way to serve the community there um and I'll get to more of that in a little bit but um it so throughout time pretty much this committee has determined uh and and even the the people that you all have hired to do your studies for your your management and and your population growth and your projections have all pretty much said that this this courthouse is in need we go from 2016 where they actually rate priorities a priority once again I mentioned that earlier the 22 uh update says yes it's it's number four on the list of uh and I don't know if they kind of prioritized it but it's certainly number four on the six to 10e plan it is number four on that list for the needs for the citizens of Pasco County as you can see so even like I said the Consultants that the county is is relying upon recognize the importance of this kind of central ized courthouse and I just threw in the little thing at the bottom because as we all know if anybody has ever tried the park at the West Pasco Courthouse the parking's am messed when they opened it up for the first time so it's really tough to even say that we can even build on to that to that for instance the um uh because because of the limitation in space and that sort of thing and and when the when cgl and the other companies did the uh analysis they looked at the they looked at the the the possib ility of building on to the two side ones and determine that really wasn't a viable opt that wasn't really the best option to serve our community and because of the growth and the manner of the growth the cour houses themselves that it was really far more efficient to serve our community to have a centralized courthouse and and a lot of communities are are going to that if we go to the next one um uh uh and I want to thank we have here our public defender SAR Malo I cannot thank her enough we have a representative of the state of attorney's office as well Adam Ross Bruce Bartlett wanted to be here but had a prior commitment and uh if you had any questions for them they will tell you that the economy for them to uh uh economy of scale and efficiency the better uh to better um assist of the the citizens of Pasco County would be greatly enhanced by being able to consolidate their two their two offices from D City and New parichi into a centralized complex and and I don't want to speak too much for them but I feel very comfortable and confident that they are that they are um in agreement with that like I said I think they'd certainly answer any um any uh uh conversation you may have with that or any questions you may have with regard to that um and once again it it extends by the by the county Zone metrics it extends the life of the two side cour houses because they're less stressed so really we get we get we get better usage out of the out the new out of the new p in D city courthouse for civil matters and then we uh and then we consolidate into uh uh into uh the central uh facility if you look at this this is this is what we should have by The Matrix like I said of of counties of our size cour houses uh and these are the numbers that we get kindly from the county and from from the studies done by cgl and and some of the other updates for our master plan we are already 228,000 ft under what the courts system should have we're already down 228,000 it's really right now that was 2022 now I think it's like 236 is you can see in uh 2026 we'll be under 253,000 uh Square fet what we need and it obviously just goes up as the county grows so we're already these are and and they're in red on these graph for a reason this is all what we would be in deficit of of what we would need to to better serve and to really serve at a minimal the the folks of our community so I mean as you can see we're already kind of in the whole start now um so certainly that that Courthouse would be a big uh big help if you look at this this is our ratio of Judges the courtrooms uh as we conf as we uh compare to the rest of the State of Florida uh the six circuit we have 22 judges in Pasco County we have 13.5 courtrooms you'll see on this many other circuits within the state are one to one one judge to one courtroom or maybe even greater than that more courtrooms than they have judges in Pasco obviously we have a significant deficit of of once again 22 judges 13.5 courtrooms and you can imagine that affects scheduling it affects the ability when you're doing a for instance a family law case that has some uh uh contentiousness to it you know here you are trying to do it in Chambers people are sitting 3T across from each other it's ugly situation it can get very ugly um you know so there's there's certainly advantages and meaningful and it really makes the process much more meaningful and important when you do it in a courtroom as compared to just trying to do it in Chambers so once again our ratio as you can see is much different than than many of the other uh we've kind of grabbed these numbers uh um from other jurisdictions and this is kind of what they're telling us is that our our numbers are certainly not comparable to the other ones if you look in the in the next uh in the uh suar building judicial Center over in Dade City the suar courthouse 4 and a half courtrooms nine judges and just trying to juggle um um courtrooms and and juggle uh hearings and and everything to just try to schedule all these things can really become a very difficult task I mean because you need these courtrooms to conduct court yet you know we just don't have the space we don't and and kind of an interesting antidotal story that I was talking to judge PA about he he came out of his Chambers turned the corner the other day and came face to face with somebody who's on trial for murder um because uh that's just the way the courthouse is set up as he tried to get to his courtroom so um uh you know sometimes those things could potentially be very ugly and those are some of the security concerns I I previously mentioned new parichi uh nine courtrooms 13 judges same issues um we we do our best to try to juggle those courtrooms we've built out as much as we can within that I can tell you my office for instance in new par Richie was was just a regular staff Staff office um uh I can tell you that one of our judges was in a prior server room for the computers um my office is sometimes referred to as the broom closet um and I feel fine with that but my point is we've kind of built out as much as we can we've done the same and and try to be very efficient us you know uh stewards of of of of the funds of the county and and done our best to try to build out and be really fiscally responsible within the each Court each courtroom uh and each courthouse on both sides of the county if we go to the next one you can see our filings up I mean this is a theme we've heard from everybody that the county is growing there's more uh pressure on the uh uh there's more pressure on the clerk's office because they're hearing more and more and more more and more uh filings cases coming through their office well those cases have to go somewhere we built we built a new jail because we we needed that because the the growth in the county well pretty much everyone who's in that jail has to come through the court system so you know we build we build a jail to house more because we need more but then we need to also understand that there's a trickle effect to that that literally every single one of those people in some way shape or form comes through the court system so so we need to recognize yeah our filings are going up they're going to continue to go up as uh as our as our population continues to grow uh benefits of CCO County it's really just going to be a good convenience for our citizens to be able to split the the way we we've talked about Transportation uh right now they have to drive from the jail to both sides of the county in Vans and sometimes there'll be nine and 10 and vans full of inmates being transported all over the county well I don't have to tell you the liability that's sus you all to all it's going to take is one one van to get in an accident and all of a sudden the County's going to be subject to 12 different suits you know so or 15 or however many people they they put in those vans uh longterm it's a Once Again long-term cost saving for the k for the county and we talked about as the county grows as the case load grows as the as the number of Judges grows the anticipated in in 2035 in one of the studies that was done uh by your Consultants it was anticipated that we would have to have uh 31 uh judges up here just to handle the increased workload as opposed to the 20 that we have now so and also we talked about security so I mean these are obviously in the security is to keep our citizens who use the courthouse safe our jurors who come in to use the courthouse safe the staff the the Judiciary the BFFs to keep everybody in a much uh safer situation uh than than we really have now so we we keep kind of putting Band-Aids on that trying to do our best to maintain that safety to maintain our citizens uh safety but at some point in time you know the growth is going to just overwhelm us um I would also point out um commissioner Oakley if you want to hopefully if we build this if you want a nice room to have another hearing near East Side you know we I'm I'm volunteer in the courthouse for that right now so we can go ahead and have that I'll volunteer that right up front and um uh but once again and like I said we have the Good Fortune to have both our our public defender here and the representative of the state attorney's office and they've been gracious enough to answer any questions are how this would affect them in a positive way uh this everybody uh everybody sitting here is going to talk about the growth of our County how that impacts our County how that how and and the difference in the importance that is to being a Premier Community I will share with you that I'm in the process of talking with the folks in pelis because they're moving uh their a bunch of their government they're consolidating once again consolidating uh some of their their uh uh constitutionals into another um area of pelis County that would include the courthouse so they're going to be building a courthouse down there as well and they're going into some of the same funding issues that that you all are going to be addressing with regard to this so I suggested and I and I talked to to um Mr Bach and and Mr Gala about you know maybe talking to them to see how they're going to do it because they've already they've already committed to that and they already know that there's going to be some debt in incurred as a result result of that the the the reports are the media reports on that are that their their campus is going to be anywhere from 280 to uh $330 million for them to to consolidate and and build a new courthouse and build a new have a place for the tax collector and the clerk and property appraiser and all the other functions down there uh County Administration you know permits and all that sort of thing down there in one spot on 22 Acres uh hton road so uh so they're going to be going through a lot of the same kind of issue as you are as far as financing and that sort of thing and you know uh it's uh I'm kind of available for any kind of questions you may have I think it's interesting to note as we sit here I believe and y'all can correct me if I'm wrong but this is the campus of the school that that a school was approved the school was built and by the time the school was finished being built now there's going to have to be a $10 million Wing built on it because the growth has already surpassed what you what was anticipated so I mean and so even if we put a shovel in the ground today this wouldn't be built for a while and there's still going to be incredible growth of Pasco and it says a lot about you all it says a lot about Pasco County it says a lot about the the government and how we work here because if if if that wasn't true people wouldn't want to move here and people wouldn't want to live here and people wouldn't want to make this their their their kind of forever home and clearly we're the third fastest growing County so I think it says a lot about the county and how how it's administered uh but it also you know it's you take the good with the bad we're doing really well so more people want to move in but by virtue of more people want to moving in it causes us to have more issues and and have to keep up with that growth and that's literally I think probably for everybody sitting here at this table um are there any uh any questions I can answer I'd just like to thank you for bringing that forward we've talked I've been a county commissioner I'm in my eth year and for this perod in time we've talked about this Courthouse many times U I don't think we've ever come up with how to pay for it but that is an issue we're going to have to look at we looked at detention I mean it detention had been deferred for years and years and finally we put out a bond issue and got money won't we hope to be addition of a th000 beds and we only because of inflation and all the other cost coming because all the growth we were only fighing about somewhere between 550 and 600 BS uh with that same money so I mean inflation all hit and it really cost to do a lot of things and this courthouse is going to cost more than it would have if we built it 10 years sure oh sure so it just continues to grow um our population I know somewhere in the 700,000 now we're moving toward milon people and and the more we move the more people that come in that want to live here want have what people have had here for many many years and they're going to come yeah and I mean we've got to figure out a way to be able to afford to do this and actually to because a certain percentage of those people that move in are going to have a problem MH and it causes a problem and it caus a problem ripple effect uh the more you that come in the more problems you'll have for the judicial system the sheriff's going to have more issues coming and the clerk's got more people to to deal with was just on and on when I first got elected we had uh all the parks were had deferred mten for 20 years but I mean that's because it wasn't taken care of for the 20 years prior to us getting here right but then we presented that and citizens of Pasco County actually voted for those B issues to take care of all of these issues to bring them up up to stuff but even that our Parks were behind our parks are growing like crazy because all the people that are coming and we still have more and more cost to our Park systems and our Sheriff's having the same issues I know judicial system is having an issue but we can't keep kicking that can down the road for these items not to be taken care of because we need these items to come for now it's easy to say that but it's very hard to get that money to be able to to attack that we need to be looking at that and do that and and as I said I've had conversations with with your our neighbors to the South and they're like well this is the first time we're going to go into debt because we're going to have to build these things and and so they're they're kind of recognizing exactly what you pointed out commissioner that this needs to be done regardless how we you know we can't just keep ignoring it so there so and I really appreciate your words because I think you've really nailed it yeah I mean it's a great place to live but that with that come certain responsibilities and and and the responsibilities also fall upon us as the court system as well to try to do our very best uh to manage that and uh and we're going to continue to do so we want to be good partners with you all we want to work hard with you all and and do our very best to to uh you know have a County Commission that's is bold enough and has the courage enough to want to put their names on the side of a building like this that's going to serve the community for decades to come that is a that's going to be a great thing and that's I think something that that is kind of we're we're really fortunate here in Pas County we probably have the greatest citizens that will step forward knowing it's going to cost them money but they're willing to step forward and vote for those Bond issues those things that that puts us for knowing they're going to be paying that back um our citizens have done that before now I'm sure they're there to do it again because we I think we have the best citizens in in all of Florida well I'm a little biased too so I still look here and everything so I understand what you're saying that's right Mr thank you chair something to think about at a later discussion for a later day maybe have chief judge and his team come as we go through our got a little history lesson from Ralph our legislative ask if we narrow this to a big ticket item and maybe we come to a consensus that we we add it add it to the list that way it's not such a big big bite for us here locally um but just something I think that might be worth discussing at our legislative delegation meetings and as we move forward and if there's consensus it might be might be a fun conversation to have and we're willing to work with you in any way we can I and I think I think uh I think uh mbalo agree we you know we've always been open to try to work with you all the best we can and to be and also candidly to be good stewards of the taxpayers money I mean I think that's another important part of this to be fiscally responsible did you um couple of couple of questions I I have many friends who are attorneys and I have close friends who are going through court issues and they're all online so how is that is is the online Zoom Court hearings helping you deal with your problem and do you see that as with technology helping you to deal with this crunch yeah that's a great question we we've kind of had to do had to do some of that we had to do some of that during covid and now just because of space we we kind of have to do that the difficulty is I have lawyers coming to me now saying look we're not accomplishing what we normally would accomplish when you come to court you know the lawyers are there they talk together they're not sitting in their spare bedroom you know somewhere else in Orlando or whatever trying to do these things we they come together the judge can you know talk to them go out in the hall talk about this resolving so I have Jud lawyers coming to me going look we got to stop doing as much as this but I say we can't because we have like you say you great point we you know we don't have enough courtrooms we literally cannot do this so we're doing some things by zoom and if you think about it it just makes sense if you're just sitting there you know and they say well can we resolve this case and you're sitting there in your living room and somebody's sitting off there next to you go you know coaching you or doing whatever we can't see them on camera so we're so these cases are even taking longer but it's like domestic violence cases you know the new boyfriend or girlfriend sitting over there you know we can't see that and so we're not resolving the cases like we like we could um and so you know there there's really something to be said for for coming to court res you know getting uh cases moving through the system resolving them in an appropriate manner that's that that may not be satisfactory to everybody but you know many times you know as I used to tell people when I did family you're not going to get everything you want it's just not going to happen but we can at least try to reach a resolution that people can live two more questions um and don't get mad at me my buddy over here but um I remember when we um had a facilities update cuz I think we just did a facilities master plan um it showed that the clerk had a surplus of place I'm not saying the judges in the courts I'm saying the clerk so had a surplus of place square footage and it was fairly significant so um I wonder if there's some opportunities there well we've already in in we've already I don't know I want to don't want to say taken we've already had the opportunity to work with the clerk in Dade City and we actually that's where the half cournet room came in we took the law library there and we were able to make a a small Corum that we can use for like injunctions and things like that and like I said some of these things like you said perfect example of things that need to be done in court domestic violence injunctions stalking injunction you know Dating Violence all these things should be done in court because you know we need to make sure that we impress upon the person not to have any further contact if that's what's appropriate and uh the clerk's office we are now able to really work with them as good partners and we we built that other little courtroom out and that really helped us quite a bit in Dade City I mean it's still four and a half but that half helps us you know every little bit helps um and my last question and and uh I hope it's a a quick answer because I know we have a lot to do um are there do you are you aware if there are grants available either federal or a state to help build these cours we've been kind of looking into that the best we can uh there's some difficulty with that but I like the idea of maybe trying to work with the legislature a little bit and trying to get some additional funding there um I I like that idea um like I said I'm we're we're we're open to working in any way we can we have not found any grants truly uh that would fit that bill a good example is just this year they funded the um uh the courthouse the Bernie mccave Second District Court of Appeals fund for the it was on the do it was on for three years and they finally funded it this year and that was uh so it took kind of some time to get that done but the legislature did kick in the money for that and uh as far as I know that has not been vetoed at this time okay thank you all right anything else thank you you said that um you didn't have to get the at the jail didn't want to connect to what would be well we it was initially going to be connected and but then the decision was made that that because of the footprint of the jail for possible future jail expansion that it be that it be removed from there and to be more convenient for the public it was going to be put further out toward the road and that was hold done unfortunate a meeting that I the one meeting I didn't attend apparently that was decided at that meeting um I know Bernie MCC was there I know Bob Dillinger was there um uh but I I wasn't able to attend that meeting and uh but they determined that it was better to move it out toward the road like I said for potential future jail expansion and just I guess the the layout I don't know I think there were many reasons but I can't really speak to all of them but I I wish it stayed I wish it was connected so you're speaking of this let's say a virtual communication with the prisoners and the family well that we we can do that but also just the transportation now like I said they'll drive from pretty much the front of that lot to to the courthouse the front of that lot in the courthouse so that minimizes certainly the liability for the county as far as driving them all over the county you know you know literally van upon you'll sit there and you'll see and and and I I know Nikki has seen this as well van upon van upon van upon van coming to the courthouse cuz you know people are in custody and we need to resolve their cases now the old the old Courthouse here of the courthouse here used to have the jail right they shut that down years ago yes what was the impact on that well the impact on that was obviously much the same all a sudden now we're now we're because it was determined that it was I guess uh more efficient to have the jail in the central location uh that they that uh we we weren't able to bring people over I guess one of the best analogies I think your question is a good one is in pelis if you need someone because the jail and the courthous are connected you know someone needs to come in for their cases or you need to bring Witnesses in or whatever they literally walk through a tunnel and they're in the courthouse there they are and and so there's no Transportation there's no hey we got to get on the phone and maybe we get this person here this afternoon or they have to run a special van or maybe Court runs late the Vans leave some Deputy now has to drive the person to land a legs they they were able to uh avoid kind of all of that by being connected to it and that's why initially I thought that was really the best plan and the best idea because it really it really streamlined everything and made it that much more efficient so yeah that's a great question do you think with the new jail Edition going on could we build a p that would make that connection smooth I was told before that that that was that they that the decision had been made to move it out toward the further out toward the road for the public for parking because I guess that's a big issue there as far as how the parking lot is configured and the and and and people would the jurs without the park so far away that you know at 96 Dees in August by the time they got in you know we'd be showering them off just to try to get them to to be a little cooler so that's why it was my understanding that they moved it out more toward the road to have the parking around it to make it more accessible for the public I I think it's be good for us to have a full presentation from the board go through this whole thing uh maybe in a site visit well go out there and go look at it as a group at some point um to get whatever you need I am I am at your be and call um when the airport was built um they built it for themselves but they also built some extra office space you mentioned like a private partnership do you see especially with I I got to think there's a bunch of attorneys that would like to be right there other folks as well do you see the benefit to building a bigger structure than we would even need to kind of accommodate that and help offset some of the costs I I think that's once again they looked into that previously because I thought that was a good idea back then we were we were all in on that as well and you know the other thing that that they did you know kind of south of here is um when they built that Courthouse they shelled some courtrooms so because you know once you get the big building built you can just shell some them out and then as as the population grew they didn't have to add on they didn't have to add another Wing they just said okay we're going to build this one out we're going to build that one out and eventually they they filled that Courthouse up to the Justice Center and anybody wants to take a tour of that and they've had to build an Annex onto that because of the growth even even in pelis the growth they had to build an Annex with addition courtrooms and Chambers and staff positions and all that sort of thing so they had to build a whole separate Annex uh kind of on that campus as well that's connected to the other building I think it's' good for again for you to come to see us let's go talk about let's go on site and maybe we some State legisl out there as well I'm just going to talk whatever you need I'm like the bad Penny you're not going to get we're not going to get rid and you guys know that I mean so I'm not telling you anything you don't know it's like oh here he comes again thank yeah Mr chair I was just going to say this is you know great great layout your honor thank you for that uh it's it's clear this is a several hundred million dollar capital capital investment um and and so we're going to need to develop a funding strategy for that I think it will be a combination of Grants which we're already looking into that um legislative asks Appropriations at the state and federal level as well as yeah and maybe even some cash so um we can sit back and you to your point commissioner as as we go through the budgeting process uh you know May we start looking at that so we can hear that out because it will take several years for that to come fruition and it's obviously a need today so we don't start taking action to develop a funding strategy then we won't make any progress to I just like to make sure that's a shortterm flood so we get started I don't like long projects at my ageiss and I'm right there with you I'm with you on that one that's for sure and as I even suggested I said you guys may even want to kind of see what they're doing because they're going to be funding 330 million south of here so say hey how are you guys going to be funding this as well AB see if there's some good strategies like you guys talked about kind of economy of getting together on some of these contracts and things like that hey you know you know dialogue's good communication's good thank you for your presentation no thank you but and I sincerely mean it I know that Mike I think will verify that because we had some really good meetings with he and his team and and Eric and everything and you know whatever you guys need I'm there I'm going to be there for you like I said this is my community I grew up here I think this is an important part of what we do so I do this not only as the chief judge but also as somebody who lives here and grew up here I think it's important to to see Pasco grow and and Thrive and be that Premier Community thank you now time for uh Mr Brian cour soon fin elections I'm passing the clicker thank you I don't have a p point just me is all I got this morning good morning Mr chairman Commissioners thank you for hosting this workshop and I truly appreciate the opportunity to be here today I'll keep it brief in interest of time um I do want to speak to some some bragging rights about us before I speak to our challenges if I may I'm especially proud of our partnership between my office and the board of County Commissioners as well as my fellow constitutional officers President Reagan once famously said the eight most Beed words in the English language I'm from the government I'm here to help not in Pasco um I think back to it was just over four years ago when we were um our past presidential preference primary and Co had just come upon our Shores um we lost about 350 pole workers uh and elections aren't a suggestion that the show must go on and they were scared and I reached out to County Administration and my fellow constitutionals and I asked for help I need election workers and you all came through and saved me we had election workers who had never been election workers before had no training and they got a battlefield training on Election Day and we pulled it off and so I'm forever grateful for that um that resulted in What's called the civic league program so we have County Employees giv back to the community while serving as election workers that's I'm truly grateful for that I could go on and on I could I could list every office uh to speak about the individual Partnerships for the in time I will pass on that um with regards to our budget uh ordinarily we would have our budget done I want that noted we're usually pretty early but uh we've been laser focused since late last year with with our March presidential preference primary as well as we just wrapped up our statutory uh duties for the six Municipal elections that we had one race had a one vote Difference by the way so every vote does count and uh I want to thank you all Commissioners for serving on the campus board thank you commissioner waitman just served uh that's that's a huge huge help uh with regards to our budget I will say I'm very very proud that we are consistently one of the lowest cost for voters of any s soe office in the state we continue that and and hopefully that Trend continues of course um while we are still finalizing our budget submission for the upcoming year I do estimate a reduction in our current fiscal year so it'll be a negative so that's a good thing you all know the way my my budget works we live our life in twoe cycles and so now we're in the heavy year where we have the presidential preference primary the primary and the The Upfront money for the general so going in the next budget year will be solely just the general and our general operations as well um couple things with with uh several of our ongoing challenges um this is not going to be a A New Concept but growth and the impact to I I think of our office um you know our staff of course facilities you know the our election service center that um not quite as long as you've been dealing with it we had we had to beg and beg and beg for years and we got our new building that we share with the county data center um and I believe we went in there in 2014 and we're already Beyond capacity uh with 120 precincts we literally have nowhere else to put stuff and that's only a 10-year-old facility so uh and also with early boting you know um our vote by mail numbers are down requests are down substantially from the past so if we're expecting a vibrant turnout for the upcoming general election which we do if if voters are not going to uh vote by mail they're going to vote in person of course um one of the one of the theories is that it's really going to be heavy on early voting that's going to be problematic for us because we use facil County facilities for early voting as you all know uh and just the presidential preference primary which had pretty low turnout it was only one party mind you but the Wiregrass Ranch complex the parking was just there was no parking to be had uh first day early voting I went over to land Lakes Recreation Center and it was just baseball games going little league there was not one spot in the entire thing so I have concerns we can we have to work with with Mr carabal and staff going uh forward into into the general election for that the second thing is aging technology also recurring theme um we are election day and early voting tabulators our DS2 200s they are on borrowed time we've been using them for 16 years we implemented most of them in 2008 they are end of life and then some quite honestly um and then also our um what we refer to is our electronic Pole books or evids we have a few years left we have about four or five years on that for end end of life but that you're talking several million dollars uh at a minimum for those two so that's going to have to be addressed sooner than later um again thank you for the opportunity to be here and I promise I keep it brief and I did I'd be happy to answer any questions y'all have thank you good good good I don't have well I guess I would ask um do you know about how many square feet of storage space you need is it is this for papers I what it's for everything it's our election Service Center or we refer to our warehouse affectionately where we keep all of our boning equipment uh it's where the data center is where it's the merge building with the data Center's upstairs um I don't have a number commissioner uh we more than we have that's know this point i' serious I have to go back the east side or would it make sense for you to have equipment stage from the county no for a variety of reasons for for uh economies of scale Logistics we need to have it in one place cuz there's a lot of things that there's so much that we do behind the scenes I confess I had no idea before it came supervisor there's a lot of things we do behind the scenes like testing each equipment having that one place security uh the everything involving elections now with perception Securities everything so we need to have that one spot so so how much square foot square feet you think you I'd have to I'd have to I'd have to confirm with my folks I I don't know U I'd have to do an analysis I get back to youall we we can check facilities was your building designed to expand not to my knowledge no yeah okay let us know what that be we'll do yes sir thank you for being here thank you appreciate next we have Mr mik Wells good morning Commissioners um appreciate the opportunity to give you a brief update um on the Property Appraiser's office I'm joined with uh Chief Deputy Brenan fiter and finance HR Director Lisa Gonzalez in case you have any questions that I cannot answer um just thr um I'm excited to share some improvements and a brief overview of our position in the marketplace and how we compare to other agencies Statewide and of course where we're headed in the future um since I took office our budget has undergone steady predictable increase despite pasco's explosive growth I know the judge brought it up we're all talking about about the growth I mean it it's crazy um we now have we now have more than 317,000 parcels and a real estate market value of 80 billion it's no secret that property assessment and ultimately property taxes are the sing Single largest funding mechanism for local government so here's some insight of just how efficient and effective um we're serving the citizens of Pasco County our office budget per capita is $122 um per reference that's the third lowest of the state 67 counties the Statewide average is $20 per capita for property appraisers our budget per parcel is $21.30 that's the fifth lowest in the State of Florida and our Parcels per position is 5,100 that's right more little bit more than 5,000 Parcels per team member that's the fifth highest in the state the Statewide average is 3,400 per parcel and I might add that we are the reigning Champs of the Kickball Championship throw that out there's team wasn't there but next year's a new year we out there so but seriously so what does that mean I'm very part of my proud of my team every single day we're doing more with less to be good stewards and the taxpayers money um some of these efficiencies have come thanks to Partnerships with County ad administrator and of course Eric and and his team I can't tell you how often we meet with them it's weekly on on several things with Todd Bailey I mean seriously it's neat to be on this side of it because I was on that side but truly the partnership that we have with the county I could not ask for anything better if we need something they need something we're there it's it's it really is awesome so thank you all um as commissioner starky knows I'm just saying that because she's the one who brought it to our attention we're using true roll to weed out exemption fraud and put value back on the tax roll and real dollars in hands of this board last year alone these efforts accounted for more than 1 million in recovered Revenue um we're working towards state-of-the-art aerial Imaging capabilities as we speak with it um because the way it works now we do like one we got one flyover every four years the new technology will be three to four flyovers a year which not only help us it will help you I believe it help the Sheriff's Office it's going to it's going to be unbelievable for Pasco County but I understand the bid process is taking a little bit but we'll we'll get that done U but it's it's going to help us to be even more efficient where our team's not out there because the way it works now we do rechecks the days of walking on properties are over we do not do that um so this is going to be able to help us this new technology will pick up structural changes on a building which which will help us it's actually certified survey wise so we can actually do it inhouse in the office and and figure out that square footage and add that value it's going to be a great thing for the county for folks that I know there's no one that does inerting stuff but if they do we can catch them with the unper permanent stuff just saying um we are we are pushing to be paperless integrating multiple vendors with our camo system into tablets for our field team as well um and again make no mistake there will be costs associated with this with with all the growth Personnel technology and capital expenses um with time I'm trying to be quick but I want to make sure we go over this this is great you all are doing this to highlight a few things we're looking at over the next 5 years we'll undergo server upgrades and maintenance in the next 36 months as required Safeguard at back of our systems these are capital expenses it secur is a major expense I know somebody else brought up Hernando and what they're dealing with I can it's it's good that we don't I don't want to say we don't need to worry about it we're working together to make sure that doesn't happen um we now have two but we may need four programmers to deflect continual Rising software costs um we're streamlining process to keep programs inhouse and provide an efficient tax role with less Reliance on vendors um we have no way to predict future legislation which which really dictates our budget um a change in Homestead could change entire process just like the senior exemption did which we've already added to two additional employees we're getting it up to speed so they're ready as soon as this rolls out um it's going to be a great thing for our seniors in Pasco County um I don't really have anything else again we appreciate your time um I don't know if you all have any questions but apprciate um I'm so glad that the true role is working like that I have a couple questions on that Revenue um so finding people who were um illegally homesteaded whether on purpose or not um were Their fines paid or did they just get added to the tax no they fines we legal you know statul we able to go back 10 years you know there's every Situation's different but but 99% of the the time they're paying back taxes penalties late fees and I'm sending you stuff all the time yes and we we've gone 10 years yes we we take it very seriously especially the ones that are blatant okay so where did that where does that money go does that come to the county justes go to the state you know goes back to you goes back to board of County Commissioners so it went back to us and to our general Rue Brendan is that yes fedal fund essentially we're recovering the value so then the revenue is in turn recovered back on the PO just as the entire funding mechanism there so um so it comes in as you get it or does it come in in one big check how does it come we everything money we don't collect anything col I want to make it very clear assess is I collect y all right so um so not only is did we get money uh in fines and so that's a onetime payment and it's a large find yeah 10 years that's a big one um we actually had a house in ARA that somehow got missed although it turned out to be your fault but for 3 years big house it was not on the Texas and they were paying as a undeveloped land um okay so not only did we get the finds but we added those people back onto our town absolutely so so that's what one um on your fly over with the drones I think this is brant no drones it's planes but yes no no drones airplane why can't you use drums which are cheaper than planes is that a legislative this issue this technology this company has with the planes is unbelievable it can pick up like I want to say down to three in um it's it's pretty amazing what and we can go over it more I mean I know Mr cabal is up to speed on it um but we could we spent a lot of time meeting with several vendors and we picked one that we all thought would help you all as well as us um just just um for information that company that we've hired to um do permitting uh with kind of artificial intelligence um they also have a drone application that can go go over property and catch code violations but apparently we're not allowed the count is not allowed to do code violations by air which I think is something we have to look at legislatively because when new technology comes up and get save the taxpayers a lot of money I don't know why we can't use it um but if you can use it for for taxer I mean for property phaser why can't we use it when people are you know doing things that's just kind of question and um good okay well that those are my thank you so much thank you Mr May years ago when this technology was first be used a lot of push back on what might happen What on by a um Google Earth I do it all day long question on the previous slides we saw VAB numbers s appeals were up any any reason for that I mean the more houses the more appeals I mean we've got 3177 parcels and I can just tell you and I know Nikki Heather spoke on it we spend with them hours I mean when I tell you hour days on this stuff it's it's a they're their team's unbelievable I think there's five of them they do an believable job helping us cuz it's important I mean these are you know 50% are the only ones that actually come forward but it's it's still a huge BR if you want to add something no commissioner to that point it's also a product of the marketplace in the past two years too we've had historic increases as far as value so even folks who are capped um you know combined with other assessments that have come along the way uh that you know they've seen more fluctuation in their tax bills in the past two years than they have over the past many years yes so that's I think that's going to good drive Mr thank you CH yes no secret I'm I'm only for the government taking what it needs absolutely what it only needs to operate but I I appreciate especially during tax time our office gets number of calls people wanting to understand your values think that they've been over bu and what have you and I just appreciative to M your office and BR your staff and taking time to meet our folks and help them understand U their obligation to the county and and make it clear what they're what they're paying for folks call us in a panic and we're very sensitive to that and appreciate work you do to help them understand thank you any other questions see n thank you Mr Wells for being here today thank you chairman appreciate Now we move on to our yes f well just think about it you're not glass thank you thank you Mr chairman uh welcome and um just a point of information for the sheriff we're doing this a manual way because these miks don't work they that's good we're having to use our voice a little loud Mr thank you thank you Mr chairman good morning everyone um tax collector uh one of the things that uh of course we do is collect property taxes along with many other assessments that are put on to the people of Pasco uh We've expanded our offices from four to five since I've been here uh we put one office in the Wesley Chapel area because we knew the growth and it's worked out very well in fact uh when we first put it up 10 years ago I was concerned uh will people come uh and uh the first couple of days was about 60 or 70 we see now 6 to 7 00 people in that office each day um it's overwhelming we see between 50 and 60,000 people in our five offices uh we are now uh we ex have expanded every one of our offices for the potential of growth the continuation of growth uh we are now purchasing land we should be closing by the end of this week or the beginning of next week next week for land in the angelene community to build a new office there um so um uh very quickly when I became tax collector I should say we became tax collector I'm blessed to have 225 of the best employees I call them Second To None throughout the states um uh we were in we were in the old days aric back then uh maybe a few people had voicemail like two two people in our whole entire organization had voicemail maybe a half dozen people had access to email that has changed dramatically uh our staff was made starting salary was $920 $5 cents an hour it's now at $20 an hour um uh we have a call center uh we we hear from about fact I just got the not the message that we we took 1,60 calls yesterday at our call center uh something to stress um we have an unbelievable relationship with the county Mike carbal and his staff Second To None uh the County Commissioners you have brought this County to the 21st into the 21st century like like never before um we have 625,000 people living in Pasco County now um and one of the things that we have strived to do and we've been very successful is to work very closely with our constitutional officers uh especially with Mike Wells and his staff because uh uh we get about the same phone calls when the tax notices go out and uh we share stories but we also share ideas and assist each other Brian Corley of course um uh I kid him because we probably register more voters in our offices than he does in his uh it's called the Motor Voter law that was passed many many years ago Clerk of the Court the same thing we work very closely with our Sheriff as well and and um uh one of the things that that we we don't rely on is money from the state the federal government and from the county although the County's very generous whenever we need something they're there helping us um we rely on Services uh we provide a service to someone we we charge a fee for that service whether it be a driver's license renewing a registration collecting property taxes tourist development tax we do fingerprints now we do concealed weapon permits we do Florida bur certific we call ourselves a One-Stop shop uh our budget does not go to you of course it goes to the Department of Revenue each year uh they look it over they have some questions sometime but most of the time it's approved without any problems um we're trying to do we're doing our best to keep up with the growth in this County uh we expect to see of course over the next um te years we're going to see about 750,000 people in in this County and we're prepared um I think that's about it I'm sure you may have some questions for me uh we're excited and uh love what I do uh I served in the Florida legislature for almost 20 years but uh someone asked me other day would you ever want to go back I said absolutely not uh I learned something new here as the tax collector and uh anyway that's about it questions concerns if you have any criticisms wait till I leave judge has a question well I just wanted to point out Mike from the Court's perspective we have the veterans stand out yes you do veterans get their driver's license back we work with veterans that are in the criminal justice system to get out of that system and help them get back on their feet and we work very closely with Mike's office as far as as far as that goes and processing those drivers like many times that's all they need is that driver's license to get a job to get a job and so we work together closely with that and I just wanted to we're doing that again this Friday and I wanted to just extend a thank you for you and your office for being so uh gracious about working with us on being so effective thank you judge and we'll be there again one of the things that we brought into our County recently is a um a mobile a mobile unit we are now able to take this mobile unit to our Assisted Living fac facilities uh to our nursing homes out to when we have uh programs helping our veterans we can take it there and get them their ID and get them their driver's license especially with our seniors seniors who might be in a nursing home that's they're not capable of coming to our office uh so we go out there make sure they get the that ID at least that ID renewed so they can get their pharmaceutical drugs and of course our veterans our veterans are key uh helping them make sure they get they take whatever tests they need getting that license so they can get to work the next day yes sir and judge by the way I went to Gul high school as well but a lot lot more years before than you went I'm sure so Mr White thank you to yeah just my first budget cycle I sure glad that I had a bell to ding for yes yes return our budget and excited to see it's really a sign of how well you operate much you bring back to us and since you guys have taken over service is just impeccable morale within your organization is high and uh just appreciate the level of service and Outreach and and accessibility to all the folks in Pasco County you guys touch everyone hats off to your team and thank do bless you yeah our our average weit time is under 10 minutes as we see six close to 60,000 people each month and I'm blessed and truly blessed with the staff we have we have fun we enjoy what we do and uh happy to see that the uh the the the governor signed a bill the other day that the tax collectors can out bonuses to our employees now and offer them some uh some State uh programs if they adopt a child they're going to get they're going to get assistance from the state uh so that's going to help as well as our staff who want to get involved more involved so so yeah well I I I why am I not surprised if you for running just a stellar Stell program I mean we hear it from our constituents all the time how how how efficient and wonderful your program is and this m unit is amazing yeah and I want to suggest that this be one of the um programs that we offer up to make uh for their uh Awards can't remember what they're call back um oh yes so the National Association of counties is coming to Tampa this this year meets once a year around the country and um that's such a an Innovative idea that I want to share with the other counties from around the country and certainly want to nominate that for one of our absolutely thank you very much yeah thank you it's worked out very well we've already been to several nursing homes uh and our senior citizens are so grateful and it's wonderful meeting with them and uh and making sure they have that most of them it's IDs getting that ID renew renewed so they can uh you know they have it and that's key because every everyone needs an ID I mean they just do God forbid they have to go from one nursing home to another go to the hospital go to a new doctor the first thing they're asked for is their ID and they'll have one now and do you register them to vote or well I'm going to tell you a story this is a true story uh we do not unless unless they requ well we have we are by law by law we have to ask them a a list of questions one of them is do you want to register to vote or do you want to change your voter uh registration similar questions like that we ask them all kinds of questions do you want to be a pole worker uh things like that it is required under the motiv motiv voter law that was passed many years ago I had a call from someone which was absolutely amazing to me um it's wild out there that they read where we have this motor vtic I mean this mobile unit going to the nursing homes and she was quite upset quite upset that and she and her friends had read this in the paper they were very upset and I said why are you upset Ma and she kept saying well this is you don't need to do this I said well it's for our nurse nursing home our elderly and those who can't come to our office and it came down to and I won't tell you um uh what party she belonged to but she said well really what's going to happen is you're going to get people who will get registered to vote and the such and such party will get them to vote at vote absentee that's that was her rationale and you shake your head because we want to help senior citizens and the invalid who can't get to our office and getting an ID card this person and her friends were more concerned about in someone registering to vote and ordering absentee ballot it's wild but yeah y that's it thank you very much God bless you yes commissioner yeah you um thanks for all you've done um and and I appreciate especially the seniors that need a handicap yes TI how easy you guys make that y I got one from my mother a few months back very good it was really nice um but I also would like to say between you and judge crane between Career Central H skills whatever you get those people that are working to get the license that looking for a job yeah we're happy to put resour together get them all the work there's plenty of work out there absolutely yes sir yes sir thank you you well since I'm last join the team I would like to thank you uh for all you do for the citizens of Pasco County thank you I am very grateful and thankful of what you do for your employees and for the Outreach you have to accept new employees yes sir and how you mentoring them to do their job and I far as PR work and everything inside your office law and social beings of those folks they're they're the best thank you very much thank you I think so last to the top and I think it's because the way you work with it well I'm blessed I don't want to take I don't take the credit it's I'm just you know when I got to the office I wanted to make some changes and we've been successful with uh with the people that we that I you know I guess uh many leaders many leaders talk about it's important who you surround yourself with and you've all done the same thing you have a wonderful staff whether it be our constitutions and uh we're we're all very blessed but thank you very much sir really I mean as the county commissioner and we only we only uh hire two people and the rest of them work for o and yes Mr caval yes so the fact that it is we all have to St and thank goodness that we do because we couldn't carry on the business we have to do Pasco County without good staff and people with good attitudes good work yes sir so it takes all of us absolutely yes sir thank you very much thank you for being here God bless you yeah all right we Mr sure I appreciate it so separately then uh Mr Fano we cannot charge for services I thought you did I don't know what a business model be a business model yeah no so um and yeah it's interesting we always get that well you write tickets we we did 20,000 traffic stops last year and people say like oh that money goes to you like to law it doesn't does not go towards law enforcement that's a big misnomer just like when we approve a gas station that does not go in our pocket so I want to thank U I want to start with thanking Mr carala um JJ Murphy I don't know if JJ's here and um Chief Perez so for probably at least six years we've been trying to get the tacm program tactical medical program fire rescue was partnered with SW team for some reason it can not get done I mean it was just one block after another block but finally we had graduation last week and I think probably had at least eight nine 10 guys from fire resue that came over so that was huge but I'll tell you um and I'll get into this couple scenes later on but we've had major incidents going on where um you know D City there was a guy that was shooting at us we had the guy U probably about a month ago with propane tanks that was going to blow blow up uh wanted to blow us up blow his house up everything and fire rescue was staging so that partnership um it has never been like this it's unbelievable and at the first Training Center you know you can constantly find fire rescue out there all the time we actually got them now linked up so Arcanine was the first one the nation that have a Coast Guard helicopter um and so now we're getting a fire rescue that partnership so that partnership has been unbelievable so I don't want to go unrecognized that I want to thank him for that um so we're going to start off you know hopefully if we can hold off any questions and I know one big thing is the mstu I'm going to bring that up but if we can hold off it's going to be part of presentation but if we can hold off on questions and talk about that till afterwards I greatly appreciate it because um we got a lot of slides to go through because a lot of information like I know commissioner o consist hey how many deputies you got how many deputies so I want to get into that and explain a lot of these things because it's critical and I get it you got a tough job deciding and making priorities so as you go along to understand things so here's a number and I can I can understand Mr carala and his team and or your team probably realize this you know Pasco County is served as one of the largest populations in the State of Florida um you know pul county P are right by us but we still serve a larger population uh even the you know Hillsboro Sheriff's Office is larger but it goes down to one thing we don't have municipalities we have four municipalities and you know we're roughly 92% unincorporated so if they want to Annex I'm all for it annexation is a good word for me I like that they take things over that's good because if you take a county like bbard County a lot of annexation Sheriff's offic is kind of comparable but you know when our budgets are the same they can do so much more because I'm relying on because they have municipalities that have police departments and they are able to assist I'll say you right now Wesley Chapel is it's probably one of the greatest they won it's not incorporate it but it's probably one of the fastest growing areas in the country and it could be a city on itself if that was an incorporated area the amount that it would take off of your fire rescue your services our services would be unbelievable so I'm not sitting there saying oh you know start the movement but I'm just saying these are things we look at when we look at passord County and we look at the sheriff's office so here's the budget numbers as you're aware of $150 Million last year and that hopefully that will be our starting point this year pass government is 2.1 billion and you know we're roughly 7.1 7.15% of all of it but you know the whole thing is it's $2 billion as taxpayers I know a lot of it we had a good conversation with Mr caral a lot of it goes to roads those type of projects those big projects but it's all comes down it's taxpayer dollars and how do we use it so you know we're grateful for the 40% of the new avalum but when you look at the whole overall thing when citizens are saying hey what's your percentage we're 7.15 of the entire budget um you know this is the one number you know I know the citizen survey is critical we the county does it every year and it always keeps going back to the same thing it's Public Safety they want to feel safe no matter what else comes down to Public Safety is always the number one issue you can have the greatest amenities in the world but if people don't feel safe in those amenities they will never go to them and it will DET and honestly I remember years ago I think it was um Bill cron with the EDC had mentioned that one of the biggest issues he gets questioned on is how safe is the community when people want to move here because they have to bring their families they have to bring you know to the schools they want to know that so Public Safety is critical here's the agency profiles you're aware 697 certified deputies that is from the newest member that just came in the door to myself detectives everybody who has a badge 697 certified 414 ion so and you're going to see in some of these sides I know it's hard to see with the red but it said not provided by the county and the reason why we put that is just so you understand that's not coming out $150 million budget so just want you to understand is that hey look at this look at that just so you have apples apples oranges oranges you understand what comes in and what comes out you know we're fortunate to get the Citizen Center but you know there's still some issues with ADA compliance the hbac system and security measures so we have to get them get them um addressed and that was something we met with Mr K follow with yesterday uh you know the Grove substation they able to give us some space that's provided by The Grove Tampa Bay PR Outlets gave us space provided it by them and so those are the type of things that yep oh if it was yeah sorry we should have g red red does not no it's just that I've got the slide because I can't really read that but the whole slide doesn't show up for some reason we okay hold on um something in the technology so here's some misperceptions and I know the worst thing we ever have this is one thing we do in the Sheriff's Office and let me start I should have start with this like you everybody say being blessed to have a phenomenal team and the women amend this organization I cannot be more proud of and I think we're all blessed to have great teams and the culture that's been created that you know what it's not just putting on a a uniform it's not just being a part of the sheriff's office but it's about being part of a family and you know what we all go to work for how many hours a day but we go home and we have have other lives and things happen those other lives that will affect your professional life and that's why we built that culture around the Family Support Network about agency resiliency is the fact that if we do not make things good at home and help them at their home and their personal lives then professionally they're not going to do they're not going to be able to succeed and I can tell you when you look across the nation when bad things happen with law enforcement there was probably something that happened in their personal lives that was never addressed and that's what led to Major incidents and so that's something that we do as an organization but going back to the slides the common misconception so the liso program so unfortunately Mr Biden um is doing everything he can to get rid of the liso program if you're not familiar with the liso program so and I'll get into it but agency helicopters all our agency helicopters except for one that came from the state of Florida have come from the military surplus liso is the military surplus um the mrap the armored vehicle it's um high water vehicle recovery vehicle came from the military I believe fire rescue has some liso Vehicles also but all is that all is that all of that is going away from law enforcement I believe it's probably going to go away from fire rescue it may not but all you know when we have those storms and we're able to roll in there and save people and rescue people once those vehicles are done there's nothing to replace anything right now so we're we're say we're facing a major issue with that uh the helicopters so I'll talk about the helicopters I know I mean it's down time yep currently we have six helicopters so I know sometimes there's misconceptions out there is that we have a fleet of helicopters they're all Vietnam a helicopters um one Huey came from the state of Florida the rest are all from the liso program uh the smaller ones are 58s they're Bell they're they're little helicopters and they do cost a lot of money to maintain so our plan is to the the Huey helicopters we want to keep we're going to maintain them we're going to keep them because because they serve several purposes one is if there's ever a big search and rescue and we have to go out to ank we have to go somewhere to se rescue somebody and the green swamp we can repel somebody down and get them if we have to send people out to go to the rooftop we can send them on the rooftop if there's go for a bit of fire I remember years ago we had the fired starky had we had the Hues then we would have been able to drop water now we're able to drop water and brush fire we're the only agency in the region that has that capability because the State of Florida was gracious enough to give us one and we got one from the military Surplus the rest of them we're going to be phasing out over the next several years as we go to a drone first responder program we're one of the first ones in the nation to look at this it's it's it's a responder so not proactive we can't just fly over and that's state law commissioner I want to say I want interr some El this time state law will prevent prevent proactive but it's it's reactive so what we're partnering to do is you know having nests they call them over different locations and if something happens that drone will go out first look out for somebody and and um advance that search and I can tell you it's critical because and you'll see one of the slides coming up we've had over a thousand people go missing a year you know runaway suicidal if we get those drones up immediately then we're going to be much better that's what the helicopter is primarily for is to search and rescue that's that's what do but we're going to phase them out over time but please note more than happy to show anybody those 58s one's usually cannibalized or two's usually cannibalized to get parts to put in the other ones but 58 Vietnam error helicopters they're all older the Huey you'll know because it's the you the bigger helicopter but the other ones are the smaller ones I think you went up in without any doors so you can see we we are not flying the most prestigious of equipment no um uh so that's the problem that we're facing is that you know these are going to go away in the future um so many other things so the sheriff's office has not had a purpose-built building facility since 2004 that's something you know now we're able to new Administration and and we have investigators in there so had we not gone for State dollars because of the growth over the past since 2004 we would had nowhere to put anybody so that's why that first buildings getting those state and federal dollars have been critical to what we do um the first center training I said it all came from state and federal dollars something that's unique about our Sheriff's Office I think our deputies wear more hats than a lot of other organizations so they're not just flying able to fly drones they're detectives um they're not just able to on a swap team they're Patrol uh they're not just you know and our team besides being you know mental health um uh TR cyber they do multiple things that's where first comes in that's why with fire rescue it's so critical now that we're doing these trainings together we had FEMA down we I would say our First Responders because of the partnership that's being created at first I'd put fire Pasco fire rescue and Pasco Sheriff's Office against anybody right now if it had something God we don't want anything bad happened but if something bad happened their teams are working so so well together in such critical situations I think we would be more successful than have we not been in these situations I know we'll be more successful so some other misconceptions 10 deputies added each year through the bccc we appreciate those 10 deputies but here is the issue we have and you'll see later on we're not keeping up with the growth so since July the bccc has approved 10,000 residential units in the past 6 months so roughly that's you know you look at the r IO FD numbers if we wanted to go for two two deputies per th ratio that should be 40 deputies since July that should have been allocated with those residential and I understand that the residential it's not going to go up tomorrow it almost seems like though with the way our county is grooming but and I'll show you the lag time by the time these are being built we still won't have enough but I'm just telling you we appreciate 10 extra deputies but it's not if only in the past 6 months we would need an additional 40 we are falling way behind the curve um some other common misconceptions that canine you know I know everybody's going wow you know so many canines it's absolutely true and you know what we look at everything not for the fact that it's a public safety issue and we're saving lives but it's a business model and so all of our canines have been donated by local businesses and uh citizens they've given us the money for the canines and so they're a force multiplier so I'm going to explain very briefly how they're a force multiplier so so pick one of those squares up there and so in the middle of the square would be I'm just going to use it the Walmart at little and 54 a little kid goes missing from that Walmart and 54 somebody commits a robbery that Walmart and 54 you set up a perimeter around the Walmart so you have a large perimeter deputies are on that perimeter while that is going on you're waiting for a canine so if there's only one canine work in the entire County the probability of you finding that kid very quickly that suicide a person very quickly or that suspect very quickly diminishes the faster we're able to get somebody the faster we can catch somebody but there's a monetary value to it also if we have that perimeter you have now deputies set up on that perimeter those deputies are costing you money because they're sitting on a perimeter rather handing calls for service people don't stop calling us because they know we're busy I'll show you that on another slide I mean it almost seems like we get more calls because we're busy so that's the issue that we face is that from a business model we have to say get the get the suspect get the missing child get the person who's suicidal as quick as we can hey deputies appreciated high five get to your next call so that's where we see why canine is so critical to what we do uh the vehicles so I know sometimes you go out there and you see wow there's a lot of vehicles at Atlanta Lakes on Central Boulevard and so good bless you and so um one of the things with the penny for Pasco is that the penny for Pasco does not fulfill the amount of vehicles that we have that we need why do we have tahos the tahos are actually probably the same amount as explorers the difference with the Tahoe is the amount of equipment we can get into it we have to give our members equipment think about they have to have shields for an active shooter they have to have equipment to break into the doors in case there's an active shooter they have to have health equipment in case they're the First on scene for a medical call um someone on a dive team so you have to have dive equipment if you're on the SWAT team you got SWAT equipment um a Dodge Charger or Chevy andala would not fit anything like and so the other part too is there's a business component to it to bring back more money at auctions now I'm not sure compared to to explorers what they're going to be right now but tahos were doing better at the auction the other one too is you probably noticed that we don't put lights on the top of our vehicles we stopped doing that several years ago it's CU we were losing money at the auction because they were holes you had to plug holes and everything like that and just people didn't want to have a car who had like four white holes on the top and then plugged in so that's why we put everything interior so that we would get more at the auction so those are things I want to make sure you're aware of but it isn't actually a safety issue for deputies why we have those vehicles but we actually return them um we get money back at a higher rate back but it still will not fulfill the amount of money needed at a penny for pasc so just going through some safe ratio and I know you guys probably hate the FDLE numbers I hate these FDA numbers I get that but look here's the thing I don't want to create numbers because then oh you created your own numbers if you all created numbers oh you created numbers it's an arbitrary it's FDLE we can't argue because they make their own numbers up themselves they have their own formula and it's it's not biased so pelis County 1.88 deputies per thousand uh you know Hernando County 1.28 and so if we were at the pelis ratio we would get we would be an additional 478 deputies Hernando ratio we'd have another 151 deputies the Hillsboro is at 1.18 we'd have 96 and pul County Sheriff God bless Sheriff jug but um we had that same level of funding as him we would have 85 more additional law enforcement deputies so right now we are currently 63rd out of 67 and we're hovering right at that one Deputy per thousand ratio so and I'll go to this later on I'll tell you the most important thing for me is to keep the salaries High uh I remember I know several of you were on the commission when we had we had over a 100 deputies leave to go to Tampa and so our salaries are critical to what we do so out tell you right now um as we Rose so the other agencies Rose and so you can see you know Tampa of course is 68,000 you know but those are in the F FRS pelis County 65,000 clearw um Hillsboro Sheriff's Office pul Sheriff's Office is starting you know roughly $2,000 more than us and even the passco Corrections Officers are starting more than the Pasco deputies and the one thing is that they receive gap insurance and that's the one thing I will ask is that above and beyond our budget I wish our deputies were tra treated the same as fire rescue and the Corrections Officers and receive the gap insurance so if you're not familiar with gap insurance is that right from where gap insurance is yes maybe no when they retire when they retire if they retire 25 years they able to go to third they're able to get their retirement so yes you're than thank you um I listen so uh so here's a this m uh commissioner Oley I know you always ask hey how do we compare what's our numbers like so these are the numbers from 29 19 to now if you look at the population so you know 2019 we're roughly you know you could see where we were on the pattern I don't have to explain this much you'll see that the growth is exponential but the growth for deputies is not and so we went from 1.08 deputies per th000 to in 2022 we're at 1.0 deputies per th000 I I wish we have better numbers but FDLE is usually about 18 months behind but I I looked this up as I was going through notes and just to put things in perspective um Seattle Washington which was anti-law enforcement for they went crazy on anti-law enforcement they're at 1.3 officers per th and Portland Oregon is at 1.26 officers per thousand so those are the sep of things when we look at these numbers and we look to a growing County you know how do we compare so and this is a chart that I apologize you probably won't be able to see it hopefully I'm not sure able to see it so this goes back to something that to me where our biggest issues are lined is that we are a booming residential County there is absolutely no doubt about it um it's been that way for a for a while now and I remember we had these conversations and I'll get into that a little bit later on about the zones but when you look at the residential counties we lose 16 cents on the dollar and so when you're losing 16 cents on the dollar that affects not not just the Sheriff's Office not just a fire department but anything but an Enterprise so that's the one thing that you know I just want to bring the light is hey I'm glad we're getting Mo it I'm glad Amazon is coming up on board but we are so far behind that L and I'll get into lag time too catching up um it's some serious decisions that have to be made over the next several years because this to me you know when citizens say what's going on say look I understand priorities have to be done but when there's so much residential growth and I know a lot of things are out of your hands when you have to approve certain projects but the projects that have been improved for over the past Dozen Years are leading us to the problem that we're having today so reality residential growth and this is something I talked about um since you know July of 2023 those 40 new residential I mean the the 10,000 units would be 40 deputies and I know dates city has been talking about I'm I think they implemented it is that when they approve residential they when they Annex they actually say how many officers are you going to need to chief chief Walters and then they come up with that ratio and they give them that so that's part of the conversation as people are approving projects they're saying what's this going to take and I can imagine you know with us fire rescue and other public First Responders that is critical to this conversation pieces they have done that they have yet yeah so here's the lag time and this is what I want to explain if anybody's not familiar with it and this is where it comes to us when residential growth comes in and how this affects us so new development comes in anywhere in the county in February 2024 somebody opens their door like this is beautiful I love my new house great they don't pay taxes until January 2025 so then in January 2025 Mr Fano Mr Wells did his job Mr Fano gets his money um then Mr Fano you know goes over and it comes to the uh the board in October of 2025 so one year and 8 months after that person had moved in that house that money is now dispersed to the different agencies so the sheriff's office gets its money Fire gets its money everybody gets its money so then in October of 2026 I'm sorry let me get so in October 2025 we start planning ahead okay we're getting we got the money hire recruit train so now we're at October of 2026 which is 2 years and 8 months after that person moved the in their house in February 2024 is now a deputy out on the street to handle that growth I joke but the reality is that you know that person still gets to call us even though their money has not gone and so that's the issue we have is we have two years and eight two years eight months of a gap by the time we can catch up if the money is there and that's the one issue we are facing and then then it compounds in the fact that we're losing 16 cents on every dollar that came into Mr Fano on residential so it just keep compounding the issue for everybody so this is some sort of tax watch I know uh commissioner starky I know you like tax got up over here huh you got it up I got it up so that's why we went to tax so you can see per ratio spending Per County so you see penelo said today this is for Public Safety expenditures uh Hillsboro pulk does very well at 42 42nd so again great to sheriff Jud um Hernando gets 56 and we're at 57th so you can see even and Sheriff neis has a phenomenal job and I'm happy for him up there and I know he told me the same thing he's he's struggling with growth so even if you look at their number and like oh okay they're only roughly 30 there are $37 more but multiply that out by our population if you our population I think theirs is roughly 180 to 200,000 people ours is what what do what should we go off today 650 or seven seven so if you look at that number how much more would be in that in the in the ability for Public Safety that is huge if we were able to look at that as a ratio so you all know this one unincorporated growth we are leading the way 88.7% um poke 8.1 Hillsboro Hernando and canel so and honestly only be soon enough before we pass canel we're we're going to be bigger than them soon enough so the summary of the surrounding counties you know Pasco serves the second largest population in the Tampa Bay Region our unincorporated Pasco is experiencing the most rapid growth of all surrounding counties annexation is a good thing um Pasco County has the lowest per capita Public Safety funding of all the surrounding counties Pasco County has the lowest starting salary of the surrounding counties Pasco County has the lowest ratio of Law Enforcement Officers per thousand of the surrounding counties and with Pasco continued growth and larger per capita budget funding by surrounding counties we continue to fall further behind the surrounding counties in regards to our capabilities so here's this is bad too because mine's dark and this is dark but I know up by the numbers so roughly it's 177,000 uh calls for service in 2018 and I can tell you those cost for service have gone up 20,000 in the past several years so with the growth and everything we can see it 20,000 um calls for service increase and so the units that's how many units roughly you know it fluctuates how many units on call I I'll tell you all this right now we send two deputies per call for service the reason why we send two deputies per call for service is because when the attack started on law enforcement and the ambushes we had to make sure the deputies were safe uh they have they have spouses and we do not want to be um putting them at any risk and so it could be a person that has uh dementia and saying something we never know going up on that house does that person have a shotgun waiting for that Deputy so that's why we go two deputies per thousand because it's not worth a law enforcement officer's life because you know we are because we're far behind but at the same time is there I don't want to go to another funeral because we didn't have two deputies going to a call so so Mr waitman I know this is the part you've been waiting for mstu time so I'll just tell you my thoughts on mstu and and I appreciate if you let me go through I have a couple slides left but I'll tell you this is where I talk about the mstu I'm fine theoretically with an mstu I'm fine with the philosophy I'm fine with the fact that and I to me this is if if I were in your issues and looking forward is that every constitutional has their own taxing this is this is your taxing this is your taxing and then we come to you and say Commissioners um I need 2% increase and then you all decide as the governing board to say yes or no and so but we come forward and then you can say hey Nako this is what nak needed this is what and this is what um you know sorry Wells this is what Mr Wells needed I saw you over there Mr Wells is so efficient he probably will never need anything um so that that's how I believe but this is my issue going forward right now is that there is such a gap we could not go to our citizens and ask them to fill that Gap right now that would be probably one of the largest tax increases in pasco's history so that's where it goes down to priorities like figuring out in the next year or two or three or four years how do we stop how do we fix that Gap and I'm not saying we're going to get up there 100% I'm realistic I had and I get a conversation with Mr carbal had yesterday about being realistic I get that but at the same time is we have to fill the gap before we can talk about an mstu so here's a something I want to bring out about efficiencies and I got two slides I got another slide on efficiencies later on but one here I just want to show you so this is about the County Detention Facility and I was asked during the transition to hold certifications law enforcement certifications for Corrections Officers and I said no problem I said I will but are they going to pick up the workload in the jail absolutely they will pick up the workload that's why you hold their law enforc certification I said okay great between October 1st of 2022 and September 30th of 2023 there were 2,763 calls requiring PSO at the jail I have no idea why and we've asked but we get zero response back that is adequate to understand they keep saying we're short staffed but we are sending deputies in for Warrant Services drug possession things that things that law enforcement officers are supposed to do they're not doing and so I don't know why we're holding certifications for people that aren't using them but I will tell you and first first and foremost I hope they use them I have no problem if they want to keep the certification but at least do your job um it's absolutely absurd what do you mean I so okay so there's two types of certifications there's a correction certification and a law enforcement certification as a correction certification you can watch inmates make sure they're safe do that as a law enforcement certification you can serve a warrant you can uh arrest somebody for drugs you can charge somebody with battery so we gave or like we're holding so the corrections can't hold the law enforcement certification the Sheriff's Office can so I was asked can you hold their certifications and actually came from the board member does that mean hold like hold like it's under our umbrella like they can't under their umbrella they can't have a law enforcement certification um they can only have have a correction certification because they're not a law enforcement agency they're a Corrections agency we're a law enforcement agency so only law enforcement agencies can hold law enforcement certification so we are like holding it for them which means they have to go through certain trainings for us they have to do certain things to uphold those standards why don't we just have a deputy assigned to the correction speci hey no problem will you pay for it so here's the thing it's it's 2763 hours which is equivalent to one of our zones so when I show you our zones for our population it's equivalent to a Zone but it's not just going to be one Deputy because one Deputy only works 12 hours you have to have shift work you have yeah it's multiple so or the jail can just do their job and and and handle those calls for service mean so have a corrections officer that also has a law enforcement certification and there's 20 of them that have it okay so they could already be doing it now they can be doing it now theyve been doing it since October October 1st of 2022 so yes if they would do their job it would alleviate at least a Zone from the pasor sheriff's office so another thing that you probably often hear about is school threats our school threats have risen dramatically uh 340 in 2023 so we can't just take a oh it's no big deal it's not an issue they are all issues they're all important that's somebody's parent that's somebody's loved one so you know for resources wise that that takes a lot of resources it's just like when somebody goes missing it's a lot of resources um overdose deaths fentel everybody knows fentel is the number one driver 75% of deaths one of things that Major Crimes has done are Major Crimes unit and I give them a lot of credit they've actually been working with the state attorney's office and I give a plugin for um Mr Ross I know they're trying to get the axon program so it's $200,000 but it will absolutely speed up the efficiencies in the court system it is something that is critical um axon it's so basically what would happen is our information from the Pasco Sheriff's Office goes seamlessly right over to the state attorney's office without having to deal a paper without having to do a printers anything like that it is an absolute efficiency and I'm not sure how many FTE full-time employees they would have reduced but I know they begin with but it would yeah but it would absolutely make things more efficient but what we do at the state attorney's office is we've actually been charging people with um homicides so we go out there for a overdose we find out as quickly as possible where they got the drugs our detectives everybody starts working a homicide case and we're able to make cases and start arresting people for homicide because arresting and charging with possession narcotics which we do a lot is important but when you charge a drug dealer with homicide it makes a huge difference and I know judge cranwood drug court um what he had done there and started and handed it off has been great but what we need to do is try these drug dealers because the drug dealers are it's like the it's like the the guy selling candy at the candy store unless we do something about them it it's going to keep falling falling apart for us um here are some other numbers so Trinity increase uh time spent on calls increased 20% since 2021 to 2023 So 20% more time of dep is being spent down in Trinity Land of Lakes I seen an increase of and Wesley Chapel land of lakes and Wesley Chapel an increase of 34% more time going out there um increase in time spent on calls for services is due to increase in CS for service our call numbers as you sold at 20,000 it's going up and you're seeing a growth area Trinity Atlanta Lakes Wesley Chapel and I know somebody can say well why don't you just move deputies and I'll get into that to our call and I'll show that on our screen but you can't move deputies because nobody's left Pasco County they've just come in so it's not like the other areas where deputies were the Cs have gone down it's no it's just we're seeing an increase this is something staggering I know um for commissioner Oakley and um commissioner waitman this is critical to to you both uh travel time has increased 54% that's our response time out there on District 2 some from 41 over tra think of just traffic alone getting from one place to another that's how much a response time has slowed 54% so efficiencies I know commissioner Stark this is big for you you're like Hey how do we find efficiencies so our desk officer program what we uh we were able to do is they handle 16.2% of every call for service so if you're not familiar with a desk officer they sit at a desk um they're not sworn they are civilians which is good because they don't get the highrisk retirement and so they sit at a desk and they type up the notes if somebody says hey I I think I lost my w or something happened I need a driver's license but to go to Mr Fan's office I have to have a police I have to have a um police report they type it up and they send it over um the sheriff's office so we looked at other efficiencies what can we do so if we stop going to a lot of the delayed property crimes and some we were able to but to for all of them we would only save one full-time one full-time person but the amount of negative impact for customer service would be through the roof and so we said hey look we just like you we're all elected by the citizens we have to make sure that they realize that hey we serve them and if we're not giving good customer service like our other constitutionals in the commission you know they're going to be upset so we're going to provide they pay taxes and so we're going to give them Services these our zones so apologize I'm going to get up real quick is that try car the mic off no I'm good that mic's not working oh other thing so I'm going to show everybody this real quick and I I know the Commissioners have seen this because I remember um around 2013 2014 I said uh with commissioner Stark and commissioner Mariano and so when commissioner o when you were coming in office I was able to sit with you and then commissioner waitman about a year ago I was able to sit with you and explain so these are our zones so these are the zones throughout the entire County this is where people you know when deputies are sign zones is where you go Zulu 4 so that's gun highway coming down over so that's west of gun highway to the Sun Coast to us41 apologize US 41 and Zulu 3 put Zulu 3 used to be a lot of cow P passers used to be nothing really on the north side of the road now we're on the north side of the road now we are our population has boomed over here because we've not been able to keep up with the amount of deputies we can't bring these zones down to make it smaller so cows don't bother us unless they get loose which is very rare but citizens call us and hey that's what we do we respond to calls for service but because we weren't in the allocation when 10,000 residential come up and that's going to need 40 deputies we have fallen further and further behind you know for the Commissioners on the east side of County that's Yankee 2 Yankee 2 goes basically Bell Lake Road all the way up the county line 41 over that count that that zone is unbelievably huge going from one place to another yes we have ships so we have multiple people on ships but I'll get into this in a second on another side but when you see calls service going on so say a kid goes missing down in Yankee 5 at the outlet mall we're converging Yankee units we're converging zo hopefully bringing some Zulu units over bringing everybody we can it's hard to fill those gaps so that's the issue that we're facing right now so actually oh this is good I got to cck so let me show you this is a typical and I kid you not God is my witness I looked at the call screen while I'm out there and I said hey somebody take a picture of this because this shows what goes on this is not 7 8:00 at night this is 2:40 in the afternoon on a Wednesday where were deputies at suicide attempt in progress everybody was Hing that missing a doll um Baker Act child abuse case stolen tag um suicide other suicide threats and progress things were goinging on sex offense this was happening what was also happening was 32 calls were holding those are 32 plus people that were panicked scared upset didn't know what was going on but we're being told sorry we have nobody available because we're tied up on a Wednesday at 2:40 this is the reality of what we're dealing with this is the reality of what we see and that's why I thank you you know please what is our priorities as County it should be responding to to those 32 plus 650,000 residents that when they need us we can get there so what do we need finally got it it's like commissioner oi had enough he's like I'm out of here running me yeah yeah so what do we need I will always say this salary has to be the priority I never want to get back to a point where we lose members to other organizations because if we lose members to other organizations you now fall back to the fact that we have to hire train recruit and build people up the other part too is we have members that you know inflation impacts them just like your staff like everybody we may get a pay increase but the federal government has incre has created an inflation problem and so that's to the issue that we're dealing with the second thing is deputies we need more deputies to go out and Patrol and handle those type of situations the other one too is and this is what Mr carbal and I were talking about yesterday Mr Murphy is and the colonel Harrington I would love to get to a point where yeah you know what I know we're not going to get to pelis numbers I absolutely understand that I know we're not going to get to Hillsboro numbers um I hope to get to pulk numbers at least but at the same time is we have plans in place to say Hey how do we become more effective without 100 you know 400 more deputies forensics I would love to be able to just send forensics text out to delay calls because forensics people are he of a lot better at dusting fingerprints than a deputy hands down um so I would love to be able to send forensics out to those delay calls our analysts have become critical to investigations I I analysts are not high-risk but I will tell you they are without without them the detectives could not be as effective as they are Patrol cannot be effective they are I mean to be able as a call is coming out to have an analyst telling the deputy this is where you're going oh by the way this person has threatened to kill law enforcement two months ago oh this is what's happening hey we're looking up that missing person now this what's going on they are air traffic control for deputies that are screaming trying to get to a call because it's a priority Public Safety Liaisons um I would like to get to the fact of us hiring 18 to 22 year olds that are non-sworn that can handle the things that deputies don't shouldn't have to handle like hey go to the store and go get evidence so that you know we can take care of it sending a sworn person to a store to pick up evidence is not the most effective use of time I would love us to be able to get those Liaisons to be able to do that but we can't do that first we got to get the money then we have to get a ratio that's decent to to cut those Yankee zones down to cut those Zula zones down then move forward to gap insurance um I will say that is a morale issue it's a morale issue and to me it's personal too because if it's good enough for fry rescue and good enough for Corrections it could be good enough for us and it wasn't like that money was found it was I mean it was found it was as soon as the corrections went over they got gap insurance and our members go whoa what happened here like why did they get it not us and so I I think for the young guys they have no idea the young young women and men they think retirement is like that's La La Land like that but for those that have been here and have stuck with this organization when people left to go to other places for higher salaries they've earned it um and the other one too is a new armored vehicle I know it's one of those things are like you know it's crazy it is crazy but with everything else we need but it it proves a point the liso program's going away um things are falling apart you know some of our equipment if we had a new armored vehicle right now we have one that's from two it's 13 years old it breaks down we have to ask Hillsboro for it we have to ask Hernando for theirs we have to ask other organizations we get have multiple targets at the same time that we're going after we went after a drug dealer had multiple targets we go after child porn we go after people have multiple things going at the same time for us to have a vehicle that really works would be very helpful for us and so I I just throw it up there because I'm just telling you these are the safety issues that we deal with and the calls for service the threats against law enforcement are real we see it when people no longer give themselves up and they say I'm going to blow myself up like we had that's a real day this is really we had a threat and I'm not going to go into it publicly we had a threat against a major establishment here in this County had it not unraveled the way it did and we were able to by the grace of God stop this it would have been a horrific day in our County and that's what we train for it was those worst days with fire rescue and so um that's the presentation so appreciate your time questions things Mr Wells anything Mr Corley I have some question okay um let me see um okay I thought we figured out something on the gap insurance but maybe that was something different that we figured out so I'll I'll have to look into that sheriff and I discussed that yesterday I we we show that savings on our side of it so I I just I'll have to go in and see you know how the numbers work on the sheriff's side verus versus ours and to Mr Coral's point we did we talked we brought up yesterday and there was a misunderstanding that was going on but we have emails back and forth we want we would love to have a sit down meeting with Mr carbal and everybody and just say we know how you do it but that's not what we see so let's see how you're all doing it is that our HR department working with this HR department that that's already happened so I'll I'll engage um a question for you um and I I've never asked this question of any Sheriff um uh does anyone count for the number of deputies versus civilians is there a a industry standard no so that that's where so you have 697 to 414 M and so we went we we've gone over the years because there I don't ever want to diminish um because salar should not salaries and retirement benefit numbers should never determine the worth of a person and so let me just say the worth of our civilians is astronomical and we are blessed by them and I will say I will put our analyst up to anybody but for years we've recognized that for the amount of detectives we have if we're able to force multiply the analysts which are at a cheaper rate that's why you see so we've been we've been adding to civilian ranks because we know adding five sworn is not as effective as adding 20 civilian and so we would add 20 to analysts to desk officers to reduce those calls for service so that's why we would do all those things because we're trying to become as effective as possible and so that that's it's a force multiplier so that's giving them better information when they get to the call so they can handle that case absolutely quicker I guess yes sir okay so um on the 10 additional deputies I thought that was a little bump on top of the money we were giving you for deputies so are are you not are you so are you adding 10 deputies a year or are you adding more than 10 deputies so so we were looking at the numbers and we'll get you to 100% numbers we were talking about it earlier so over the past 5 years we think we've added roughly 70 deputies the 10 deputies were two years so the past two years you've adding 10 deputies we've added 10 deputies so that's 40 and additional we've added 10 they've added you you've added 10 from above and beyond the budget we added 10 from within the budget and then 30 came from the cops gr so we think in the past 5 years it's been 70 but those numbers are in in those ratios okay so you're adding if you keep this up if you keep um with the new money that we give you besides the 10 you take 10 you're funding 10 deputies out mhm so so at this rate we're add in 20 a year mhm and we would need 40 just to keep up with the past six months um I love that going to find out about these corlection officers um what else oh on first so do we know I mean has that you know I always thought this was a great thing that we did when you came to us and asked us to do first but um the revenues from first we you know what are the revenues and how do we can we use that towards deputies so the re the re here's the thing the revenue is not like it's um we're not uh I'm trying to think we're not Amazon we're not creating those type of reeven basically the revenues are going in and what we hope to do is just the revenues to pay for the salaries of administration people in there it's not that we're going to get you know we're not making millions of dollars we're bar you know we're barely at the point now we're breaking even but the reason why first is so important is because when you don't have that many people you have to force multiply and our Force multiplication of having deputies go into to learn different different things has been tremendous the fact that you know uh border patrol tactical operation group so you're not familiar with bortex so you're familiar with B Patrol yes so B Patrol's top tier one level team comes into train with us um we have a partnership with skyo but do they pay huh are they paying no because they we they're they're giving us equipment they'll say oh here's some equipment here's some they're giving us training for free so they're training Us for free where it could cost us tens of thousands of dollars for training but they're training Us for free skyo so I'll give you if you want something for free skyo if you ever come out there you'll see skyio gave us a nest for free because we're we're learning a nest is where the Drone will come in and and Zone and Dock and then we're learning how to use the we're we're learning how to utilize that so that was free uh the the training that we get from organizations coming in there you know for FEMA to come in they don't charge us we get free slots for training so people will come in and train and yes there are money that we do receive I mean it could be $500 per person per class and if the class is 10 people you know it's $5,000 but you know we understand it goes towards salaries to different things and that's actually a high number $500 but where first is getting its bang for its Buck is the fact that we are paser Sheriff's Office is Far and Beyond where a lot of organizations are because of our technology our training our ability I mean to have Secret Service come in and train our people on Cyber I mean we all know these cell phones being able to learn how to U like digital evidence is through the roof that's where had we not have first and training centers we would be sending people off to different locations to learn this and that's now you're sending them off to heads and beds other heads and beds and we're bringing heads and beds here we have people that are you know the last group that came in we had a group from Sarasota that we were teaching tactics to they spent the week in um US 19 down holiday and they ate here they stayed here and so that's I holiday no offense that's that's where that's where their person had them stay at so yeah um listen and you know I always love person and I brag about it but just you know we we just have to be transparent on on the funding and the money because that's our responsibility oh I get it and um at the end of the day we're going to be accountable um so I mean there's there's no doubt and I was looking at my Florida tax bik for my batteries about to die here uh as I've said in the past we're a cheap County I mean the the total per capita property tax levies that we have that we raise here were 4 second so um uh and I I hear you I hear you on the residential issue and I think that this board is really starting to um think twice when we're adding density it's a real conundrum because people can't afford to buy a house because there's it's a supply and demand thing so um when we have less density then the price is going to go up and then none of our deputies and our employees are pble afford to live here so it's a really hard balance that we have to find on on where where do we where do we hit that line but I can tell you we're we are we push back more than any other board ever has on on a lot of development so I bet you'll find I'll add to what you're saying and you're talking about a lot of residents coming to Pasco and building a lot of Residential Properties at the same time we're doing that we're we're taking in and doing more and more businesses than we ever have before right and so we're we're the process of trying to change that where people can live here and work here right and don't have to travel as much and that's happening even though we're taking in a lot of residents we are getting a lot of uh businesses coming in warehouses and things of this nature and they're they're just coming and grows a lot of that going to happen in the east side right a lot of Commercial Business a lot lot of them that's going to bring Adon taxes into the county that's going to help change this of so much cost that we have for resid so and as I say I'm not I grew up in a row home in Philly I know what it's like to live in a high density neighborhood like that to me that I get it um and so that's the thing anything we can do to sell this County I'd be more happy to s for more more Warehouse districts more it yeah we need it Y and we want a lot of business and a lot of commercial coming in uh and then we going have but also going need some affordable housing somewhere because we don't have the places right now that afford to these workers that are going have to work in these large businesses for them to live well the the issue a good point Mr uh commissioner o is that we have to it's a federal thing but we have to raise the um salaries for affordable housing because I can imagine majority of your workers and the majority of members rust cannot go into affordable housing because the numbers are so slow however they're in a conundrum because they can't afford regular housing 40% of the citizens pass County and 40% of our workers uh need affordable housing and what they some people call Affordable housing right now and P it's not affordable housing people cannot live in the place but I know cost too much I know what you're saying because we're getting ready to break ground soon I hope on a um a complex out out of ano and it's 60% Ami and our our teachers can't AFF they make too much to live in there unless they have a couple of kids and no husband um so um but but gosh they sure would benefit from being able to live there and walk to be able to get to all the schools out there so um I don't know how those I don't know who changed those numbers but that's my committee at no so I will ask those questions maybe housing um it's HUD I'm sure so I'll I'll ask them if how often they adjust those and see if we can't do something Mr Marana thank you Sheriff thank you for the presentation um you know for years I think commissioner Wells when you were on commissioner Mo was on you kind of put something together with the previous administrator and kind of like set it up where we kind of like gave you the percentage of the growth we went on and you had a lot of flexibility do and and I'm glad to see all the Innovative stuff that you've done and what you got coming up uh and we never wanted to keep gap insurance from you but at the same time if you think it's applicable to put in there I mean I think it's a good thing I know we worked together very closely a few years back about a three-year plan to get the deputies pay up again and again this thing to Skyrocket probably time to take a take another look at that so we're definitely here to work with you and you know we are the fastest growing commercial County in in the nation as well as well as like number three residential number one in commercial um on the on the calls in the jail that is something we need to look at because that was something that we talked about from the GetGo that we wanted to certify them so we could take those so I'm not sure where the breakdown was no I appreciate it we will we will jump on that uh and I I like your point about the drug dealers if we got a drug dealer they need to be away right right yeah just Gally speaking we don't accept if it's somebody who's just personal use kind of little tiny bits as one thing but of somebody who's a legitimate dealer they don't come in the drop okay very good now L you we worked on that a bit too zoning is tougher because they got certain rights that are in place that you come you can't slow it down land usually do a lot flexibility I would and I know you reached out to try to like get more involved in in that part and we' worked with I worked with Chase closely and Alex before um to try to get comments from you guys to be put in there but I don't I want to I want you to I mean just take a strong stand with that every step of the way every one of those land use comes in we have flexibility right we can we don't have to take it and frankly as we say affordable housing you saw we just went through live local by the way for the future with live local we can use your help up there too to make sure that we have the options so we don't get sett right we have like prime prime development so we don't want to go we want to keep the jums coming in um and I appreci I really appreciate you're showing us about the helicopter situation cuz that was I know I'm sure you get a lot of conversation to it going to go so I'm glad you brought it out to what you're doing and what the future is with the drones I think it's phenomenal um I'll say the mstu so we looked at that probably 12 years ago maybe 16 years ago and what we found and there was one gentleman made the come lived actually in Beacon woods and we were going that way looked like the Mast was going to be set up years ago but we found that if we put that forward that was going to fall in the burden of just the county not the cities and we want everybody to share cuz you do work together so we need to share that in together so just like we talked about Parks the other day that was my objection to taking everything over right but as far as working that I think we it can be a balance right oh yeah yeah but again that's the only way we're going to get um but again for for all the stuff that we're doing um you know Car Wash storage JS Apartments we need to kind of shift away from all that so that's good and uh again appreciate you no appreciate and commissioner Mar do one thing when those houses like when they're coming up and say hey we have this many the only thing I would ask the same as they do in day City well how many deputies is this going to take if that's brought up into the conversation that would be fantastic because then at least the plans are in place and people know hey what's this going to take for law enforcement to address these issues so yeah that' be great for us thank you well I guess we've pretty well got that number far as how many deficit it takes for a thousand if you know how many houses going you'll know that pretty quickly and we go on the low end we just go yeah I'm sorry sir I was going to say we go on the low end of like for every two um I know for every one just say two people and you know we know now that from handle CER service there's multiple families living in a lot of locations because they can't so we know those numbers are much high I would say our population is much higher so that's something we uh right yeah I think that's why the number about 600 that's that's we think it is we think we're up in the 700,000 okay all right question Wow have we hit new 123 anyone else M Mr wa yeah thanks sherff thank you on your last slide of your priorities are those ranked in order from first to last appreciate appreciate you sharing that with us and something chew on your budget time and appreciate your guys time and chasing your team so ain't tough out there I appreciate it thank you sir all right thank you for presentation I certainly appreciate it I know everybody else does too so appreciate it hopefully Wells is have good numbers for us it's good going last i' like to thank the staff for setting us up course