##VIDEO ID:Efi8QE0HSLk## a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's because I don't want all be on consent okay I'd like to call the meeting to order and we'll start by uh standing with a moment of silence and the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance I to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands Nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay m have a roll call please Jamie Gerard here Christopher P John Moody here Matthew Ms here D here Richard here chairman Charles here and proof of publication please the items are advertised time on May 1st 2024 July 24th 2024 August 21st 20124 August 28th 2024 and September 4th 2024 by Aid certified mailing and fight posting all right thank you very much uh there's no minute there will be no minutes to approve so we'll start with the instructions we have uh for those of you who haven't been here uh before I'd like to welcome you we are the plan commission we're appointed by the board of County Commissioners we meet twice monthly we serve as a local planning agency and hold public hearings chit to the board of County Commissioners are recommendations on comprehensive plan Amendment Land Development code amendments reson and conditional use requests the Planning Commission is the final decisionmaking body for special exceptions certain appeals variance requests certain alternative standard requests however final decisions may be appealed to the board of County Commissioners if anyone is in opposition to any development code Amendment resoning condition uh conditional use or any item where we make a recommendation to the board County Commissioners be important for you to attend the appropriate Board of county commissioner meeting we have those dates available if anybody needs them later for those of you who aren't familiar with the U protocol we have three areas that we deal with one are first one is continuances it's our accustomed to Grant continuance if it's been requested by the applicant or the staff uh unless there are some extenda Serv circumstances and then we have consent agenda those are items that have on the agenda that where we have not received any written or Rob contacts with regard to uh items that they want to discuss today we'll go through those items one at a time if there are items on consent that you would like to have heard today then uh please as I read it off raise your hand and we'll pull it from consent and put it on with the regular items the um um the next the final section is are the regular items and those will be fully heard today uh the applicants will have an opportunity to make their presentation they'll have five minutes and respondents the people in the audience that have questions about it will have three minutes to ask their questions we try to stick to those time so it doesn't take us all day and all night um so we um um um there's been I don't think there's been requests for additional time is there Mr chair there are no requests for additional time okay so uh if anybody uh has a phone on your possession this would be a good time to put it on the silent position or turn it off whatever you wish to do just want to try not to interrupt anybody the speaking uh as we as you you come up and speak we'll ask you to state your name and your address and so that we can get it on the microphone so the uh the clerk can record it properly and um so that's why we ask not to speak from the uh from the floor from the audience because we can't get that on tape so uh we appreciate that so before we one one thing I will mention too is the as you're addressing if your concerns if you have concerns that you want to address just address them to the entire board in general rather than any individuals we want to and we also try to make sure that we treat each other in a courteous manner so um uh I think that's the best policy before we uh start the regular meeting there may be people here that are here to speak on an item that is not on today's agenda are there any of those people here I see no one okay so I guess we're ready Mr chair Denise Hernandez Planning Development and E economic growth we're going to start with item pc1 which is pde 2444 it's a comprehensive plan Amendment CPA 2401 Hudson Industrial Park this item is withdrawn from consideration so there's no further action required okay moving on to item PC2 pde 2477 eight3 zoning Amendment Deon and Gordana vujinovic it's for a change in zoning from an AR district with conditions to an AR District the request is to continue the item to the October 17th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie okay is uh the applicant present anyone here to talk about this one okay and for the record I don't have anyone signed up to speak on WebEx for any of the items on today's agenda okay thank you you're welcome next the the next continuance is following item is PC3 it's pde 24781 18 to zoning Amendment HCM Hospitality LLC this is a request to continue the item to the October 17th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie okay 10 1 all right is the applicant present anyone here to object okay see anyone following item is pc4 pde 24 7779 zoning Amendment sadiki rafat Ali this is a request to continue the item to the October 17th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie is the applicant present anyone here to object okay Mr chair we're going to move move on a little bit in the agenda because item pc6 there we got a request to continue that item as there were issues with the noticing on that item okay which that item is pc6 which is pde 24781 0 it's sr52 realy I'm I apologize that's not the one that had any issues with with posting I apologize take that back there's a request to continue the item has nothing to do with posting or noticing that's pc12 and we'll talk about that in a second sr52 realy LLC sr52 is for change in zoning from an AR agricultural residential district to an AR agricultural residential district po2 professional office district and C2 General commercial District again the request is to continue the item to the October 17th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie and if you would please uh call to see if there's anyone here on that item and that is PC what pc6 six okay is the applicant present anyone here to object okay seeing that one we're going to move on to PC2 which is the request for continuance that I stated D to there was an issue with noticing on that item that is pde 2403 87 0387 it's a comprehensive plan Amendment CPAs 2407 Little Road commercial for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map 2 2-15 and Sheet 10 from res one residential one dwelling unit for gross acre to Comm commercial and the request is to continue the item to the October 17th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie okay is that applicant president anyone here to object okay and that was all the continuance items all right uh go hear a motion motion to continue items PC2 PC3 pc4 pc6 and PC2 to October 17th Newport Richie second have a motion and a second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I oppos like sign okay motion carries okay um on item pc5 that item will be pulled which is PD 24781 N I will say that for um housekeeping purposes there are there's an expar uh form from John Moody and one from Jamie gerardi to the extent that those have not been provided to the clerk's office we will be providing those that's pc5 so that's pulled okay so moving on to pc7 um pc7 is pde 24781 7 zoning amendment in the name of anine 54 LLC it's for a change in zoning from a C1 neighborhood commercial District to a C2 General commercial district with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction that um states that the uses are those uses to be consistent with the C2 General commercial District it's also known as a live local lack deed restriction comes you with a recommendation of approval all right is the applicant present anyone here to object okay item PCA which is pde 24779 5 that is being pulled as is item pc9 which is pde 7478 26 that will be pulled as well okay so we're going to move on to item pc10 item pc10 is pde 24179 it's a comprehensive plan Amendment C Pas 2324 Diagonal Road Business Park it's for a smallscale comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-15 and Sheet 03 uh changing it from Ro retail office residential to iil Industrial light on 16.84 acres for a property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Diagonal Road and new New York Avenue and on that item there is an expart communication with Mr John Moody that that was presented to us and that will be uh sent over to the clerk's office uh shortly the requested that you find it consistent with a comprehensive plan okay there's the applicate present pardon me oh that's okay anyone here to object okay following item is item pc11 that is pde 24340 is a comprehensive plan Amendment C pass 2406 Massachusetts commercial for a comprehensive plan amendment to Future land use maps 2-15 and Sheet 18 changing from res 12 12 dwelling units per gross acre to Comm commercial on 3.05 Acres of property which is located on south of Massachusetts Avenue approximately 1300 ft west of the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Rowan Road uh the request on that one there is a change needed your attach attachment to there's an issue with your callout box it's being moved forward and that information was presented to the clerk's office that correction it's just your map exhibit for the comp plan Amendment and um on that one there is a voting conflict Mr John Moody has submitted that and that would be will be submitted to the clerk's office as well we're asking that you find it consistent with the comprehensive plan all right the applicant present anyone here to object okay do you want to take that one separately since John can't vote on that one um is that let see is that all our consent consent no well just separate separate vote separate vote yeah yeah that's the last consent that is the last consent because item pc13 is um a presentation Okay so uh we want to make a motion to approve those items left on consent with the exception of pc11 motion to approve pc7 and pc10 on the consent agenda second okay any further discussion not all favor signify by saying I I I Clos like sign okay I'll move approval of pc1 on the consent okay and we have a second Mo motion second uh noting that uh commissioner Moody is uh staining the U so we have a motion in the second all in favor signify by saying I I oppos like sign very good and we'll move to item pc5 which will be presented to you by Liam dine Liam Divine Planning Development and economic growth Department Department I know Denise went over some experise Communications already for some housekeeping purposes um for other housekeeping purposes there was a revision to the memo in condition number six I know you were all sent that and so was the clerk um basically that was revising condition six um to say after dedication rough proportionality um adding the language unless otherwise determined by F Dot and then after that it should also say um the owner/ applicant shall instead of May so that would be the r Vision to condition number six and this is pc5 pde 24- 7819 it's a special exception request for self storage facility in C1 neighborhood commercial District in the name of Lake Thomas Plaza LLC the future land use is RO and the comprehensive plan and the applicant um the applicant's request is to develop the property with a self storage facility in conformance with C1 neighborhood commercial District District standards the conditions of approval for the special exception and um the Land Development code section 1105 um self storage facility design standards and the subject site is on the west side of Lando Lakes Boulevard approximately 185 ft south of dter road it's also located in the Central Market area and is outside the urban concentration in areas here's an AAL view of our map there a zoomed in aerial of the subject Site Area um this is only a portion of the entire parcel the surrounding futuring future land use to the north Is Res six to the east is RO to the South is RO and res 6 and to the West Is Res 3 and res 6 the surrounding zoning to the north is mpud the little Lake Thomas mpud to the east is R2 and C2 to the South is R1 R3 and C2 and to the West is R3 and in mpud Little Lake Thomas mpud the subject site is undeveloped on approximately 21887 Acres again that's only a portion of the entire parcel um access to the property is from Lando Lakes Boulevard which is an f. maintained arer roadway here is the applicant's um conceptual site plan and this is coming with recommendation for approval with condition I from Planning Development and economic growth Department I'm here if you have any questions okay any questions from up here yet okay the applicants present Mr chairman Clark hobby hobby and hobby PA 109 North breast Street Tampa Florida did we do swearing in today Mr chairman no you did we did not don't recall being sworn in you you're worried about yourself is that it as we've discussed many times I'm used to being sworn at but I feel like maybe I need to be sworn in too that's a good idea so right now for anybody who plans to get up and give testimony if you please stand raise your right hand and be sworn do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give is the truth so help you God I do thank you Mr hobby excuse me Mr T can we use a Elmo instead this thing does got it the Elmo doesn't work ELO do you need my oh here it is Tech issues sorry uh Mr chairman you heard from staff the the subject properties on 41 it's about equidistant between Tower Road and School Road and it's a small property that already has Ro and C1 and would allow some pretty intense retail uses our client wants to build a self- storage facility on the site and as you'll see in just a minute uh the site benefits from a planning perspective by a couple of things that I think are making the site easier on our neighbors for this type of use one is uh Lenard recently developed a town home site immediately to the north and on that site they chose on their site to put a park on the South 100 feet or so and so there's already a vegetated heavily vegetated effectively 100 foot area between our site and their two-story tow houses on the south side of the site um there is a small partial that's about 100 ft in width that's undeveloped that's heavily vegetated and a C2 site that's also there and so as you'll see in a minute from staff the the upshot is that we basically have about either 120 to 150 ft from any residences from the site the overall site that we have I want to say is around 5 AC this is just the front edge partiel the rear of the parcel has office zoning on it and so it's intended over time that it would be developed if at all as office and I'm very much aware that our neighbors to the South are part of The Preserve that's one of our Premier communities um and very well thought of with a strong HOA out in that area so we wanted to make sure that we had an adequate buffer or distance between them and as I measure it we are essentially uh from the first area you might be able to see this site about 500 feet from a residence's lot so um this is just showing you some of the stuff we can go on past this site that's we can go maybe the next page there Patty it's got to go on the right on the PDF I'm sorry for not doing this in a PowerPoint it's it's not yeah it's oh wait maybe I yeah it's not letting well don't worry about that you've gotten the the upshot of it um as I said I think we require to install a type B buffer on the south there is already a type uh B buffer with an 8ft fence along the north side so I think we've got a lot of buffering and and I've talked with I think three of the neighbors who are here and what they're concerned about is some drainage issues that started with a development to the north and I you know will tell the Planning Commission as I always do we're happy to meet with them after the hearing and have them meet with our engineer more importantly who's not here we have a good local engineer and if there are issues going on with some some drainage feature not being maintained or something like that that maybe causing an existing drainage issue we'd like to help solve it if we can or at least point out to them what the feature is that maybe needs some maintenance so I'm happy to listen to their comments but I think the project in general is a proving a use that's less intense than the C1 uses that are already out there so thank you okay thank you any questions for Mr hobby no okay all right anybody from the public wish to speak please come forward and state your name and address please my name is Katrina maidwell and I own the property directly to the South uh in in front of Lake Thomas which I know there all a lot of the residents are also here that property is zoned residential I didn't get the notice from the attorney even until yesterday so I do have some concerns obviously in a lot of questions uh flooding is definitely one of them we've noticed a difference since the town homes were put in and this property has not flooded before another thing is I'm not sure how tall this building is supposed to be and I'm unfamiliar with what a type B buffer is and so obviously with a residential property right next door have a lot of concerns and questions I've also not had a chance to talk to counsel or anything on how this might affect me or the value of the property okay um well we he's making notes I see back there about your question so we'll he'll come back up when everybody's done and try to re answer those questions and then he can also have more discussions afterward he's he'll make himself available is that right Mr hobby Mr hobby yeah could be available after the meeting okay all right thank you thank you very much who would like to speak next again if we could just have your name and address hello my name is Debbie gunlogson I live on marshhawk Drive which is in The Preserve at Lake Thomas and that's the uh the road that AB buts um the lake Thomas town homes that were just built a couple of years ago we were assured as a community then that we would not have any flooding problems any standing water problems that their Engineers had the Retention Ponds um planned um so that there would be a flood plane avoided for us and that has proven false already now I've lived on my property for 20 years and we've had Rising water in our 20 foot easement before and it would last maybe two or three days and go it would drain properly the way it's supposed to Along Came hurricane Debbie on on the third or fourth of August and that water has not gone away and a couple of weeks after Hurricane Debbie we had a couple of bad storms mhm the water from the Retention Ponds of of the whatever they're called Lake Thomas towns came right up to the to the fence and was laughing and it was maybe a distance of this much before it hit my ditch that was already full and then it would hit my pool my seaw wall pool and I'm in fear and it's stand it's still there and I'm in fear of losing the foundation and it's not just me all the other homes along marot it's the same thing now my concern with the storage facility is if we're already having a problem rining from pond to Pond however it's supposed to go it's not working now and I I need to be assured and I and I don't know engineer talk that this won't get worse we won't lose our pools our foundations our homes right and um I'm not convinced is my well we'll again we'll try to answer those questions and good thing is we have like three Engineers on this board so they they're they'll be very well versed on those issues so we do have tons of footage um many of the neighbors took videos and showed the the water where it was and how it's you know almost joining with that retention pond on the other side where where is your property in Rel to where that lake is and all do you see the Marsh Drive yes okay where it straightens out um yes there I'm backing up right to that retention Pond oh okay that's the one of concern huh yes okay and we have another neighbor here who's who backs up right to the Barkley Lake which is where the storage facility is going to be that's another flooding issue okay yeah thank you thank you very much for coming hello my name is Deborah Lynn Gillis I live at 21347 Marsh Hawk Drive and have lived there for 22 years uh first of all let me say that I think that you could probably step out your front door and go to anyone in land lakes and ask them if they wanted another storage unit I am you probably know better than I do how many storage units we have on Lander Lakes Boulevard and I do realize that storage units do not create as high of a traffic problem as for example Condominiums but I also believe that the board is putting in place um businesses to support Condominiums and apartments hence the car washes and the storage units and that is really not what lakes is about and lakes is called Land of Lakes because it's already full of of lakes and it is a marsh land and it floods almost at every turn uh particularly during heavy rainy Seasons um my house first of all to comment on the flooding you will see Lake Barkley which is the lake on the right this is a natural Florida Springfed Lake it is not a retention Pond you can get out in a canoe and you can see the spring boil which is on the north side of the lake now it appears to me that these uh storage units have the square is drawn all around that so it looks like to me they're going to own all of the lake okay but back on to the storage units when they were put in we came to this this meeting we were guar guaranteed that there would not be flooding the long skinny Lake that's on the other side of the what she was just talking about that has drainage into the big lake Thomas 276 acre ski Lake down there our property all has Frontage to that but the smaller retention pond on the right is the one that's causing the problem now this the long narrow one has gone down but the one on the right has not and that when Swift Mud was out two days ago they told our people that met with them that that Lake what has or that retention Pond has been designed to drain into Lake Barkley we are concerned that if more flooding or more runoff comes from the storage units that Lake Barkley it's very high it's very very high right now so that is the problem that second one there my complaint is not about flooding I have put in a seaw wall on the back of my property to Lake Barkley 20 years ago because I was zoned when I moved into the house flood zone and I came over here and I got that lifted because we put in a a seaw wall my concern is and I brought my cell phone if you want to see the view off of my swimming pool straight out to the back of my that property it's just beautiful but I will be looking if it's going to be 35 ft High that's what I'm going to be looking at the backup storage units and I'm I'm concerned that it's going to affect my property value tremendously I want to know from the developer what they're going to do as far as building up the fill of course it was built a way up when they put in our development some of our Lots slope way down if they put in a lot bring in a lot of fill Katrina midwell the first gal that just spoke to you she's going to be in a gully because she's got that small piece of land just to the south of them and if they put that real high and then our development's real high she's going to be right in a gully so that's all I have to say there are several concerns about this not just the flooding not just the flooding and her husband has been trying to maintain the drainage on the front between these two pieces of property he's ill right now and he's not been able to keep up with it there's already problems so thank you I know I'm over time thank you that's okay questions any question do you want to see the picture out my backyard do you want to see the deer that have been there and are no longer going to be there thank you who would be next anybody else like to speak have any questions I I can't hear you when you're back there okay I thought I was loud enough name and my name is Gina ficaro I'm at 14 140 peeps Boulevard Spring Hill Florida I run an animal rescue and Sanctuary um I am not here today for this storage unit but I am for another one how many storage units and how many car washes do we need is what I want to know I think is that the cheapest way for the developers to build the things that they're supposed to build to um bring in business for the people I don't know so how many do we need we can't we can't tell people what they can build as long as they qualify under the zoning laws so uh we just need to we're we're we're tasked to find out is this the proper use of the property under the zoning law that exists we can't deny somebody the opportunity to do build something that maybe maybe it's not the best economic way to do it it's that's that's their property they've been paying the tax taxes on it but it'd be an eyes saw to everybody else around the community well we try to take those things into consideration you know and the flooding yeah I'll come back up when it's my turn again okay now you've already had a turn just teasing I'm just teasing okay okay anybody else Mr hobby got all those notes there yes sir I was making notes Clark Hobby again for the record I'll try to answer these questions um the our neighbor to the South who I've told we will meet with after the the hearing today because I do want to I want to hear from The Neighbors about what they're experiencing on the drainage front um a mutual friend of ours is engineer of record on the project to the north so I want to make sure he knows what's going on there uh but I also want our engineer to know as I mentioned before so if there are any problems if something's blocked that was you know normally would be in the design if it needs to be fixed we need to know so and I'll be happy to put them together on that um on the drainage front I do have a bit of good news for them um our client representative had spoken with our uh engineer of record and we will not need to import any fill on this site so we will not be further raising the site and exacerbating the drainage issues that the neighbor mentioned again I would also point out there's a larger site and in the back of this site where it's zoned for office and I believe for the neighbor who lives across the lake it'll be a good transition they're probably not going to be able to see a lot of this building because there'll be Office Buildings there'll be a lake and there's some trees and Cypress trees there then an office building and then this uh storage facility the the height wouldn't be higher than 40 feet that's what our current plan shows um let me just see the other questions we had obviously as you all know there's not a whole lot I can do I'm not a PE about the drainage stuff that will have to be addressed during the site plan uh period when when that occurs but I this is not a site that previously has had observed flooding it's not in a closed Basin so it's really a matter of our engineer just doing the job that they do every day uh when the engineer sites to make sure that they're following the criteria of the county and Swift Mud so that they don't discharge uh higher volume or rate of uh storm water than the pre-development flow was and you all are well aware of that um let's see obviously the board has already created special standards for storage facilities and they actually have architectural standards in the ordinance we'll have to follow all of that and the reason why we're sitting here today is that the board decided that this had to be a special exception in this zoning District so that's why we're here today we feel like this is a completely appropriate use and uh we're following all the rules and uh again that for the one neighbor to immediately to the South she did admit she got our notice um and I have the uh certificate of mailing from the post office that it was within the time so I don't know if she was out of town or whatever the deal was but I do have one other thing that I do want to offer for her benefit if you'll IND indulge me Mr chairman as I said we're required to have type B is in boy buffer on the south side but what we find with a lot of our neighbors is it's not clear which side if you do use a fence or a wall which side of your project the Landscaping would go and so if it's okay with you I was going to read in a condition we would agree to to clarify that and it would read as follows applicant SL developer shall install a type B buffer with an 8T vinyl fence along the South side of the subject partial and the required shrubs or other Landscaping shall be installed on the south side of such fence words that way that the neighbor will get the benefit of the Landscaping that the code requires so with that I'm happy to answer any other questions you may have yeah I mean I think the biggest question that they seem to have is the nature of the drainage so I mean I I know that we've got Engineers on this board I mean I just think maybe there needs to be some more explanation about what the requirement is in terms of not flooding somebody else's property sure AB absolutely and again I'm happy to put together because that's a site planning function I'm happy to have a meeting with these folks with our engineer um at a time in the future so that they can make sure they're working through that to hold our feet to the fire to follow the rules so that we don't exacerbate whatever their problems are I also I I think those of us who are from here which includes almost everybody you know behind the dis today knows that we've had an extremely unusual amount of rain in the last four or six weeks I was in Southwest Florida last weekend and I was on a piece of property that had more water on it than anybody has ever seen in 50 60 years so it's just been an highly unusual period of of rainfall and that but that doesn't mean they don't have legitimate drainage issues and we will do our best following the rules to make sure we don't cuse a problem yeah one thing that I think we've all seen is that sometimes these uh drainage canals and areas and where the connection points are get clogged and they're not properly maintained right and that's that's what happens they back up the water backs up and has nowhere to go so that's right um and and sometimes the county ining it sometimes it's a CDD or an HOA and The Preserve has been there long enough there could be something on their side I'm not saying that that's what they is is there could be a problem with this small Lake that she's talking about that R goes around the other ones that it's something is clogged between there and Lake Thomas I don't know but again we'll look at that because I know you know that we're using Scott standard on this and he certainly does not want to create a project that floods his neighbors no engineer in our area wants to do that I do know the amount of rain that came down during Debbie was beyond what most Engineers would design storm water systems for and some of the rain that we've seen over the last few few weeks so we got 10 we got 10 inches of rain in two days in our area and that's not customary we're used to getting a lot of rain the summer but that was a lot so the the general rule is that when a property is developed the amount of discharge of storm water after development can't exceed the amount of storm water that discharged prior to de development yes sir all that being said these ponds are designed to operate at the average wet season high water table elevation so when you get a tropical storm like Debbie on top of a summer rainy season the wet season water table is now higher than the average wet season high water table which slows the the release of the water out of these storm water systems and I think that's why there's a lot of folks right now that are experiencing flooding problems until those water tables recede as we get into the dry season they're probably going to see these ponds stay at elevated levels that I think that's probably true and interestingly Mr M I saw a thing uh on the news the other night they asked the the one of the utility directors for the City of St Petersburg if you know that it could rain one time as much as it has you know the last month or so why don't you design all of your storm water systems to account for that and his answer was I thought was it was refreshing he was very direct he said we could do that but it would take up so much land and be so expensive that it's not worth us meaning the City of St Petersburg designing to that extreme and that's why the rules relate more to averages as opposed to extremes so anyway I just found that interesting yeah thank you man can control the flow of water but he cannot control how much falls out of the sky if the Lord wants to make it rain for 40 days and 40 nights doesn't matter what size retention Pond you designed right right that's true Brad did you have something sorry no I'm sorry I just I have a question about the notice that was raised what was the address for the person who did not who said she did not receive notice I'm looking at your list she said she got it but she said she got it later she told me before the meeting the what was the address uh okay but she said she got it Elizabeth it just I think she was out of town that's all I could get it yesterday my mail address not a whole lot I can do about that anyway if the board is so inclined again I would ask that you uh include that condition that I had and there all right all right thank you Brad Brad Tipp uh Planning Development economic growth uh regarding that condition to put the Landscaping on the outside of the fencing um since we just have a single property owner here that that's going to be benefiting I was wondering if we could confirm with her that she's going to be okay with that because uh one of the issues that we run into is that that Landscaping is maintained by the storage facility so there's going to be people coming on her side of that fence to do that work and it can often appear like in her yard and and a lot of people prefer to have the fence on the edge of the boundary rather than Landscaping when it's up against Residential uh so I just since this one person I was wondering if she wanted to just confirm would you come forward please CU we got to get you on record I was thinking while they're there they could just do your whole yard what you again I'm Katrina Madewell 15903 Lando Lakes Boulevard um this stuff that I'm seeing on the screen is the first time I've ever seen this and so I have some concerns because I thought in the earlier part when I was hearing this being presented they said there were no Residential Properties next to this and it's not true because my property is zoned residential and I and if you scroll in to that small little sliver of property which is mine you'll see there's only six feet from the edge of the house to the property line and I really feel like I should have the opportunity to talk to an attorney about this before it can I don't know if you have to file a continuance or how this works clearly I'm not an attorney but I am a property owner in pascow county and I've I've lived here my whole life and I should have the opportunity to consult with an attorney about this before we move forward I'm not saying you can I'm not trying to fight whatever is built on it or not built on it I'm just saying I should have a right to talk to an attorney and just understand how this might impact my property value or me as a homeowner and then go from there I understand people are going to build what they're allowed to build on the property so I'm not trying to stop it I'm just trying to understand and I think it should be fair to me that I have the opportunity to talk to an attorney about this before it gets approved so your is this your home on 5903 yeah see if you scroll in there it's right where the numbers are if you scroll in even further and I have my survey with me you will see there's only 6 feet it's built at a little bit of an angle the house was built in 1941 we spent a lot of money in it it's been completely rehabbed it was a terrible property you can ask the neighbors before we bought it but we've own owned it for quite a while and we like she said my husband's been ill and we've been trying to maintain it including mowing the ditch because otherwise we get water on our property and there's been it was so much water I couldn't even get out of the car to go in the front door the other day could could you explain what you said about your address changing I'm what what do you mean this is on a major road and we have another property so I moved my mailing address to our other property yeah see 59 And1 is the other one well no this property has two addresses that's what I'm saying 901 is the other address no I move it to another address it's another home that I own where I live okay and um we store our boat and some other things on this property because we live in a community and there's no room so so what is the address that the notice went to I'm sorry the my address is on skagle oning so the so you received the notice at your skagle own address yes I got it forwarded by the post office but I didn't get it till yesterday I understand okay thank you but it was forwarded from the previous correct it was but I mean you can't retain it in 12 hours I mean that's kind of unrealistic quick question for you Brad what's what's the width of a type B buffer type is generally 15 feet wide okay uh so typically when they when they put a fence uh they will put it on one side of that buffer or the other uh when they put it against residences uh we tend to have a preference from the residents that that that be actually the fence be towards them because that gives them a more sense of closure of their proper property whereas when you actually put it back and have Landscaping in front of it the Landscaping Crews that come and maintain that or all those people will actually be coming in it there's a there's a kind of a perception that they're on your property and especially with a property that's as close to the boundary as this one it's going to feel like they're right up there next to her house it looks like your based on the area it looks like the driveway is kind of they on the edge of that too so you may have to move your driveway over a little bit but yeah there's there's not a lot of room because if you notice there's a little cutout Square in the front that property is owned by someone else and there's nothing they can really do on the property they just are storing trailers there like boat trailers and stuff so our access to the property is already very limited so obviously I'm concerned about if we move it where is it going to go we're going to have to cut down trees and all kinds of stuff just to get into the property so are you ad meable to their suggestion that the tip B buffer be reversed where the fence is 15 ft from your property line and then there's a 15t landscaping area that on their side I think that would be better yes to have the landscaping and then the fence I know that they're going to build something we're not dumb we know it's going to be built up of some type I'm not trying to fight them on it but I do want to understand what's being built here I tried to take a picture of where this was going to be so I could see where it was in relation to my property in the house but it went so quick I couldn't even get a picture with with my camera and like I told you I didn't see this before today well we I think we have pictures of the site plan do you have can you get that up there or Clark can you help with that you have a site plan if you got the answer you needed about the Landscaping yes I think is there any way for me to delay that answer do or do I have to give you an answer on this today well I I think you said just a minute ago that you'd rather have the foliage on this your side of the fence didn't you Mr chairman two things I would say number one I think the type B is at 15 feet we're willing to increase that to 25 in any event and our latest plan actually shows the driveway going further away from her site and we actually are trying to keep all of our improvements further away from her site I if I need to strike the motion I I previously asked for I'm fine and I will delay it we'll meet with her and if she wants it on her side we'll put it on her side if she wants it on our side we'll put it on our side I we're we want to be a good neighbor here so we're happy to do whatever she would like is that so you want to continue is that something you can iron out between now on the board County Commission special extion that's right I I don't I don't believe we need a continuance Mr chairman yeah we would we would address this prior to site plan again I'll meet with her as soon as she's ready and you can bring a lawyer what or engineer that's that's all fine with us really a sight planning issue as I see it right yes I think that makes a lot of sense that's really what you concerned about is a site plan right that's right it's how we lay the S she's concerned okay thank you very much all right okay no I'm sorry right we only have you one up one one time we'd be going all back and forth um okay anything else if not hear a motion Mr Mr chair yeah I did also want to add that there's um I did mention that there was an expar on this item uh with Mr John Moody and with Jamie gerardi there's also one with Mr Derek pontz as well you want to state that for the record okay move to approve item pc5 and to includ to we're not going to deal with the landscape buffer then they're going to deal with it at site plan yeah are you going to put something in there that would be my contention is the regardless of whether this property's de developed as a self storage or in accordance with the C1 neighborhood commercial District a type B buffer required one way or the other so that's a site planning issue okay yeah I'll second that motion and I I mean I think it's important to note as as the adjacent property owner and we hear your concerns and we understand um but understand that that property is is Zone C1 can get developed without anybody coming in and asking for and even offering you anything further that they're offering you I mean there are Provisions additional Provisions in the code for the storage um uses that he's acknowledged he's also agreed to meet with you prior to site plan so I mean that I think you I mean all when all things are considered I think you've got it pretty good that they're willing to work with you and try to make sure that your concerns are met and addressed so just wanted to make sure that was added okay we have a motion second any further discussion if not all in favor signify by saying I I post like sign okay motion carries Mr chair the following item is item PC8 I believe that will be presented by Mr William Vermilion okay William good afternoon William Vermillion Planning Development economic growth before you today is a substantial Amendment to the north Ridge MPD pte 24 7795 this substantial amendment is to add an additional 70 dwelling units to the previously approved 700 residential dwelling units and 60,000 square feet of non-residential that was approved in 2022 this project is a budding County Line Road North and is 1.25 miles from the Sun Coast Parkway here's a rough location map showing this substantial Amendment to the master plan unit development a location map the zoning map reflecting its current impuy zoning a future land use map which I believe is not updated because that says res one looks like it was prior to this is it now PD it it is a PD flu now so here's a rough contextual map showing you County Line Road as well as the existing North Ridge MPD you do have the Pasco mine that exists to the east as well as one currently approved MPD which is land trust number 76 which was approved for 120 multif family units 55 single family detached and 70,000 ft of commercial office uses here is the proposed master plan the commercial is on the Frontage of the county lne road and this is a binding conceptual plan but only for the additional seven units which are being added you can see those additional 70 units that are being added there in purple and in yellow in the middle of this conceptual plan currently these addition 70 units are subject to the recently amended policy memo 26 that was approved by the board of County Commissioners this was a previously approved variation from the code from 91611 the applicant uh didn't uh provide a connection to the South that's in accordance with the previously approved mud in which that variation was approved by the BC they do provide an emergency access to the South with this this comes to you guys with or this comes to the Planning Commission with a recommendation of approval with conditions to the board of County Commissioners all right any questions thank you very much good afternoon Barbara will height 6327 Grand Boulevard Newport Richie 3 You' been sworn and I have been sworn thanks to Clark um so we saw you with regard to this project in 2022 at that time it was before you for 770 single family residential units and 40,000 square ft of commercial couple things have happened since we saw you and you recommended approval to the BCC we got to I got to the board meeting and commissioner Mariano said I think 60,000 sounds better than 40,000 so we only did our traffic study for 40,000 so but I'm trying to always work something out which is what I do you all know that I said all right well we'll agree to 60,000 we'll reduce our units to 700 then we'll do the traffic study to justify the 60,000 requested by the commissioner and the 770 which is what we were proposing for our project and still are so we have done that the other thing that happened interestingly enough was that Hernando County terminated the sewer inter local and said we're not going to provide sewer to this area so and that was went back and forth for a bit and my client said you know we're going to actually construct this project sat down with the county through Mike carala ultimately David Allen and worked out a utility services agreement utilities C bring utilities up Shady Hills Road over County Line Road North to this project area is an $8 million project which the county is is funding a part of it so we certainly don't want now to be under you know not providing density in this area because County needs those those payers ultimately they're making investment in bringing Water and Sewer to this area so that's what brought us to where we are today which is we did the traffic analysis now for the 60,000 square feet of commercial that's already approved the 70 additional units to make it 770 so that the paperwork was done properly um probably could have just agreed to the 60 and 770 and not nobody not say anything about the traffic analysis was only done based upon 40,000 but I wanted to do it right so we're back doing it right here before you um and then we've also wanted to tell you about the update so there's no longer a Reliance upon an interlocal with Hernando County there's actually been a partnership between a developer a substantial partnership between a developer and this County so the county is providing Central Water and Sewer to its side of the county the Hernando County side's growing and our side until until that was commitment was done by this developer in the county our side was just blighting so so I think it's um it's a good thing and that's the history it's a little bit different uh than normally what you so I wanted you to make sure you understood that history not sure exactly what the uh public comment is but we'll be ready to discuss it depending on what it is thank you okay thank you all right who do we have uh on the list um on this one I have Mr Ken rowski Mr Bowski are you here sor uh previously we met on this about the U name and address for the record this development we need your name and your address okay sorry kenri kowsky 17835 oxenham Avenue Spring Hill okay it's in the Leisure Hill subdivision 1,000 Acres 651 Lots the big concern here and it was and Miss Barber did not mention it is that County Line Road never did get the funding to go ahead and make it into a four lane fot has gone ahead and done numerous studies and recommended that it' be done but for some reason the county just can't come up with the money to do it so we're stuck with a traffic problem also we have the issue of their um West exit which goes onto our carisimo which four teenagers had died previously in a car crash when they came over the hill and impacted oak tree my other concern is the fact that it's on an an an ecological protection unit and that property my property and all the properties around there do not have a drainage issue we're at 100 feet elevation dropping down to 80 and there are multiple depressions in that property that are direct drainage through conduits to the weaky watchi springs so my concerns are what's going to happen happen with all of the water that is now just going to flow because there is no such thing as flooding there every time it rains it just disappears Debbie can come through it's gone I wonder you know since the the flow from that goes at a rate of one mile per day it's been geological surveys has already done it it shows two conduits from two depressions that are on the property so if we go ahead and change the the um the Contour of the land what is going to happen with all that especially since the fact that we're all on we're all on Wells every single property is on a well so all the fertilizer all the insector sides run off from Cars buildings roofs it's going straight into the ground there is no drainage I mean there is no filtering I understand my time's up one oh you got one another minute okay but I'm I'm just saying you know we have issues with the traffic right now you can't turn on the County Line Road to go westbound off of Alexon Alexon is the main road to go out of our subdivision to there and it would intersect with carisimo and you come over the hill for it and when you get up to the corner you have to sit there and wait and hopefully but now leano has opened up so what people are doing now is going right and going to make a use new turn so you sit there in their turn lane with your turn signal on then a car waiting for a turn a chance to go and they're coming up out of theirs with their turn signal on and two cars go out onto the road at the same time while they're flying over County Line Road so the extra extra homes we're talking 10% more which doesn't sound like much unless you're trying to fill up you know a bucket okay all right thank you thank you who's next that is the only person I had had signed to speak okay Barbara will height so I have Mike Razer here but let me just say a couple things overall I forgot to update you on the other thing which happened was although the county was unsuccessful in reaching an interlocal agreement with Hernando County on the sewer they were successful finally moving forward a uh interlocal agreement between the county and Pasco regarding County Line Road North now do I know all the details no staff from sure can update you regarding the status of County County Line Road North but the fact that they got the two jurisdictions working together and doing interlocal agreement seems like a positive sign for me the ecological planning unit um yes it's an ecological planning unit but there's no significance of that unlike a corridor ecological Corridor the planning unit just says you'd follow the same regulations um that you follow normally in the code that's how that was implemented the answer regarding drainage is the same one that you guys just had the conversation regarding of how does drainage work in the development review process um so but with that we actually did the study for these 70 units and um Mike Razer can uh tell you about his analysis all right thank you uh good afternoon uh Michael Razer with Razer Transportation Consulting and I have been sworn uh our firm prepared the uh traffic study the timing and phasing analysis for this project um approved by staff um in regard to traffic there is a good amount of traffic on County Line Road Michael could you just State your address oh sure absolutely uh it's 1 19046 Bruce B DS Boulevard number 308 Tampa 33647 thank you thanks for the reminder um so as I was saying there's a good amount of traffic on County Line Road um the way that our traffic study is done or any traffic study is done we look at segments we look at intersections the segment is bound by intersections to the east and west that are four lane segments at Mariner to the West at Anderson Snow to the east the level of service that results from that analysis meets the county standards I do agree that it's difficult to turn out onto County Line Road at a full for full access if you're not making a right turn um this project proposes and has been conditioned with a traffic signal that will alleviate that for this particular project and with that I'm happy to answer any specific questions thank you okay any questions just maybe one from staff that you don't know if there is an update on um I I heard the same thing that Barbara heard that we have reached some sort of common ground on the county line widening project but if there's any more updates about that that anybody knows oh well heard it's moving forward but I haven't heard the details okay so if there's no further questions then I have a motion I'll make a motion for approval PC8 a motion for approval and do we have a second second have a second all in favor signify by saying I I oppos like sign okay motion carries Mr Cher the following item is pc9 and that will be presented by Miss Tammy Snider okay good afternoon Tammy Snider Planning Development and economic growth I have for you today the Sun Coast Lakes MD pde 24 7726 here is a location map I'm sure you're all familiar with it the proposal is a zoning Amendment from mpud to mpud to modify the master plan and conditions to reflect and memorialize various revisions that have occurred since 2009 the South the location is the southwest corner of the intersection of State Road 52 and silver pollen Boulevard extending East to the Sun Coast Parkway here's the location map the zoning map it's mpud and has various zoning districts around it context map nice big ctoa Ranch Park here's the proposed master plan and this is a staff initiated modification uh to ensure that all mut documents reflect the intent the entitlements and growth pattern of the mpud and to memorialize and approve changes to the BCC approved Sun Coast Lakes mpud approval in 2009 so there has been a few changes since 2009 um there was a substantial modification to the Sun Coast likes mpud in 2009 um there was uh another modification submitted approximately 2014 that for some reason didn't go anywhere and it was just it fizzled out kind of withdrawn um a subsequent non-substantial modification appeared to build off of the 2014 not approved plan and conditions and made some non-substantial modifications but then there was another modification after that made some more non-substantial modifications so long story short we just want to clean this all up and make sure that this mpud knows exactly what it's doing where it's going and all that gets stuff there are some site plan approvals and some site plans under review currently um based on this proposed plan that we're presenting today because it there has been the assumption that it was approved so um hopefully your agenda packet explains these changes basically a lot of them are just moving some stuff around so that the mped itself makes more sense there are is an existing area to the South that is 5 15 platted residential lots they're there nothing's happening to them um there's some existing commercial it's there nothing's happening to that we just want to clean up the vacant spaces and make them actually more usable for developers with that we recommend approval with conditions all right there any questions here all right is anybody in the audience would like to speak please come forward with your your name and address please document to submit sure motion to receive and file second motion to receive and file motion first and second so all in favor I I I Paul BBY 11544 Grovewood Boulevard we can help you pass them down if you want got it all right very good thank you thank you than so they've added a lot of Hotel on here you know they say there's not many changes but there's about 20 changes as you can see the red is my property I bought it about a decade ago and we built our home took me a couple years built it designed it myself for my family uh you see number three okay is now they want to put a hotel there it was slated his office before if you look at the map where it says Palm there's like a natural bowl there in the road all the water collects there Sun Coast Lakes residents can't exit when there's a decent storm my well pump goes underwater it is right by the PE in Palm it floods often there's a Springfed Creek that circulates through the property and impes out onto Hall land Griffins most of the residents against that that little area the wetlands there they flood into their garages when there's a good size storm the the roads are bad we can't get out of there either with all this stuff going on with the U-haul that was built four story U-Haul which I can see from like most of my windows now in my house it's great they put all the drainage in near that bowl all the Retention Ponds were built South in into that bowl area so now my water tables the whole neighborhood's water TBL is about 2 and 1 12 3 ft right now and it's getting worse and worse we're seeing a lot more flooding in the whole County and it's mostly in older neighborhoods like mine I feel like if we keep building stuff there especially a hotel on three where's the water going to go it's 2 Acres what kind of Hotel they GNA fit there I know you can get a the Marriott over at 54 and the toll road is on like an acre and a half so it's doable yes but where's all the water going to go is it Car Wash already there's people moving because the noise is just echoing Over The Preserve area into our neighborhood there's I can hear it from inside my house I called the Commissioners several times before it was built in just asked them to turn it around the other way put the exit the other way I couldn't get anybody to respond that was during the Fitzpatrick transition to Gary so whatever but my concern is the two and four there's no there's nowhere else to put Retention Ponds it's just it's all Retention Ponds they pumped out a natural lake 50 yards south into a another hole killed all the fish everything I I was fishing that pond when I was like 15 and they just moved it South 50 yards makes no sense and we're running out of room and I'm running out of time appreciate you got plenty of time I keep going now you're ran out see I'll give you a little extra well can I ask him a question yeah absolutely so you mentioned the issue with two and four is there something changing that's new today that wasn't approved back in 2008 or n whenever this was originally done let's say in hotel and office from commerci commercial four from commercial to office Hotel three to commercial SL hotel from Office John I circled everything in red that's new my concern is footprint of these larger complexes the U-Haul already has four Retention Ponds that are massive I don't know where they're going to fit all this stuff especially in that bowl it's a substantial elevation change I can understand there are issues of a hotel versus commercial maybe from a height perspective or one might try to claim noise perspectives I'm trying to figure out how that changes from a storm water flooding perspective if I pave an area of land it doesn't matter whether I put a hotel on it or a shopping center or it's just a parking lot it's paved it generates runoff so that's what I'm trying to figure out why the storm water objection because of the change of use um I don't see one being developed any less intensely than than the other square footage wise I would assume that certain things take up more space so well can maybe I'm going to ask the staff so if they develop velop a hotel or they develop a commercial are they required to do that in accordance with for instance like the C1 or the C2 District standards which have certain lot coverages that kind of thing that would be accurate yes and floor area ratios and floor area ratios so that's where I'm having a hard time drawing a distinction as to why there would be an additional storm water problem I could understand if you were trying to make a compatibility argument but I'm just not seeing it from a storm water but maybe you can comp as well well traffic too that's a whole another thing out of there in the mornings John additionally on the storm water side you know mentioned Parcels two and four and I don't frankly I don't know enough about the the status and how the stuff was designed but if I look at where Parcels 2 and four are I mean that looks to me like all the storm Waters been put in place for the development and if I look over there by parcel three there's a triangular parcel that's a standalone parcel that appears that was probably done has the same ownership that that was done in a similar way now that's just my speculation but I think all the storm water's in place is what I'm saying yeah that's that's what I'm having a hard time trying to figure out okay that I understand there may be a change of use argument I'm just not seeing it from a storm water INF argument the Triangular retention Pond that you're speaking about is on the south of three on the corner of Silver Palm there right that floods into the creek which goes around and it's built up massively the sand and the runoff so it's it's doing its job but it's really not there's one Culvert that's old metal one that goes under our Road's private sort of responsible there's one CT that goes underneath the road and it's metal and it's old and that's the only thing that transfers the water from our properties to Hallelujah lands lake so on this area where is your property uh pretty much where it says silver on the map there to the west of it right there it's almost 10 acres most of it's conservation land I going to say it looks like a wetland from the aerial yes water to flow so you access merot that's how you get in and out yes sir uh previously the original turn in was where the uh Car Wash is now and we made a deal to give that up that piece of land and then run mercot behind the gas station and they paved our roads but then they built a car wash on it and pointed it towards the neighborhood the blowers so that's nice well that's something we can't undo yeah I know you know so basically uh I think what I'm hearing from the engineers here is that is the based on the way they have this drainage set up even if they buil build a hotel on that property it's not going to affect your drainage because they have a certain amount of coverage they can't they can't build a a bigger footprint simply because their hotel it's still still still the same lot coverage still the same setback requirements you know from the roads from the sidey yards from the back so that what they build doesn't so much matter it's what the restrictions are so the restrictions are the same for any building that goes there the footprint well and you're going to be buffered by that wet Wetland that's there too right you're you're at the very southern tip of that property right and the side yeah you just you have Silver Palm Boulevard that's right next to the house and yeah but I can walk all the way to where the hotel would be and I have a shed up to the west side of three with lawn tools and stuff for maintaining the creek and mowing the front of the property there's also a little ditch there that was created by some of the neighborhood guys to try to alleviate and it's probably 20 foot in diameter and it's just like a little overflow and it works and they'll just since it's not probably legal they'll probably just fill it in I'm assuming yeah well you ever want to assume anything because I've made that mistake before yeah it looks like looks like it's about 700 ft to that number three from the back of your house there yeah I already have the U-Haul eyes store so sitting out in my back you are looking at a hotel Anu hul wouldn't it be great well the problem is is nobody wants to build a home on on 52 yeah you know so no matter what we do somebody's going to end up building something commercial there yeah I understand that I just was hoping it would be like some small doctor's offices or something like that you know one story yeah the traffic is awful too getting in and out of there especially in the morning morning the racetrack crowd you can't even turn left on the silver poem it's crazy yeah there's a lot of that going on all over the place so well any other questions for for uh Paul it's Paul right yes sir yeah appreciate you coming and St your concerns and uh you any other questions from from here anything okay thank you so much is the party affiliated with this project here like attorneys and whatnot are they present yeah okay thank you okay thank you very much came Stander again if I may just clarify the hotel entitlement just real quick um back in 2009 it was just lumped into commercial is an allowed use um it was further clarified because hotels we generally allocate by beds and so like the it trip manual will use that sort of information they calculate the square footage and then they can do the comparison to other sorts of things so they separated out Hotel just so that it could be compared to the rest of the commercial okay all right so do you have anything to answer back there if you just come forward Please Mr chair and Planning Commission members I just want to make sure that you understand this is a county a staff initiated but okay I thought he wanted to say something so get on the record I just said that there's a traffic signal that we put in at Silver Palm and 52 so there shouldn't be any reason why you can't turn in and out of that property okay all right very good I just want to make sure I gave you an opportunity to speak if any questions yeah could your name and address please George Nicholas 12 322 Castle Lane Shady Hills Florida all right George thank you very much thought you in trouble there for a minute huh well we haven't voted yet that's all right okay any further discussion if not I have a motion uh this is number move to approve item pc9 a second motion a second any further discussion not all in favor signify by saying I I oppos like sign okay carries all right Mr chair Planning Commission members Denise Hernandez Planning Development and economic growth as my um colleagues bring up the PowerPoint presentation for this item this is item pde 24442 this is the second set of minor modifications to the Pasco County Land Development code for 2024 this is the 74th Amendment to the Land Development code since the Land Development code was restated in 2012 these proposed amendments were presented to the horizontal round table and interested parties meeting yesterday September 18th 2024 so we're going to go through these uh amendments fairly quickly um so the first section that is being modified is chapter 200 decision- making bodies and officials 204. one Planning Commission so this section uh we're modifying it so that if a Planning Commission members term expires or member shall remain on the Planning Commission until such time as a new appointment is made following section is 300 procedures 304.8 Point D public notice posted some of these changes are based on the border of County Commissioners has asked us to modify our public notice signs the way the signs look so that the signs could look more like similar to those signs that are uh posted by Hillsboro County where that the sign is is larger it's easier to read it doesn't have handwriting on it Etc I did note yesterday when I presented this to the horizontal round table and interested parties meeting that um Elizabeth Blair and I will work on an effective date to this section because it probably doesn't make a lot of sense for this section because the sign the signs haven't been deployed yet per se it would not make a lot of sense for this section to be effective shortly after the adoption which is October 22nd so that was noted and stated to the horizontal round table and interested parties meeting so as continuing on this section it basically states that the sign should be posted um in accordance with a development manual currently that section specifically states that the sign is to be purchased by from Pasco County and we will no longer be selling signs we will have uh policies and procedures uh directing our um our stakeholders our applicants as to where they can purchase these signs from and have a lot of clarity and that will will be in the development manual um continuing on 305.5 B clarifies that the posted sign is to meet the specifications in development manual 30 5.2b talks about the neighborhood the neighborhood meeting posting so the border of County Commissioners also wanted that the same type of signs the same size of signs uh to actually also be for the neighborhood meeting notice this was all discussed during the conversations when um sat the Saddlebrook MPD came came to being so that's another section that we're modifying the next one is 307 continuance procedures I don't know if you've uh driven down the road and seen how Hillsboro signs has this red tape that says continued to well the board of County Commissioners wants for um transparency for noticing requirements for the public hearing signs to state that the item has been continued that way the folks who drive through that area can see can continue on noticing as to when the actual uh public hearing for the specific item will be held um the following sections uh 310 and 311 are it just adds clarifying language to the section some of the changes in both 310 and 311 talk about how um they they actually Implement um 177 Florida Statutes which is Senate Bill 812 so it allows uh folks to um submit some of this information prior to the the final plat additionally there's some corrections in the language so um our uh transportation engineering department Ted used to be called um um a different had a different name so we modified the name throughout um there were some some items stricken in 3 310 which should have been in 311 so they were taken out of 310 placed into 311 the uh following section is 43.5 construction plans that was noticed to be changed there are no changes that are being made to that section so just wanted to let you know about that the next sections um have to do with um signs so there are some clarifications in there that um this came from our Code Compliance officers who had who were going out and taking a look at signs and like well this sign kind of has some some um some characteristics of a snipe sign so we clarified what snipe signs are and what snip signs are not additionally um the section regarding temporary signs because of Reed versus town of Gilbert where we have to treat all signs the same way we um and and ran into some concerns during the election season where there were several so more than one temporary sign on a parcel so during this during this time you are uh applicants are allowed to have or property owners are allowed to have a total of five signs per parcel and that is the 30 days prior to an an election and it has to be removed um after that time and additionally it removes a Prohibition of double pH signs so double face signs are allowed um section 4061 point9 additional standards for signs and residential districts we also um added the allowance for a 10% architectural feature which is not unlike what is allowed in commercial this is for residential districts um second section uh the following section is ground signs in in um in commercial districts we wanted to add the the word architectural because it's said ornamental so it now says ornamental architectural section 40610 C2 signs wall signs it removes the the term sidewalls from the disallowance of projection for a for a wall sign following s following section um is the section on Marquee canopy and Awning sign it clarifies that signs above canopies are not considered roof signs this is something that came to us from our building construction services Central Permitting team that they were just concerned that perhaps this was a roof sign and that was not the intent of the Land Development code moving forward on that this is a uh this next item which is chapter 1,000 miscellaneous structure regulations 10003 Gates fences and walls um this came from the board of County Commissioners in that we had they had requested a Prohibition on chain link fences uh but the board of County Commissioners wanted that prohibition to be removed so as long as the chain link if the chain link fence is being placed on an industrial property so as long as a chain link fence is um vinyl coded that they were fine with that so we made that modification to the uh to the Land Development code the following section is non-conforming signs this is something else that also came from our Board of County Commissioners uh the board of County Commissioners basically said we we would like for the county to enter into a into an agreement for the removal of a non-conforming sign but allow the applicant some time to do that so that then they can have signage in the in the interim and we did make those changes um we do have a uh one of our stakeholders who's here and I thank them for their patience because they've been here quite some time they had requested some they they like the changes that we had made but s made additional suggestions and we did make that we did take those suggestions into consideration and did change the code and included their suggestions that that information was sent to you uh yesterday and today and it was also sent to the clerk's office uh let's see the the next section is the mobility fee section having to do with the uniform procedures and Provisions it clarifies the timing of the process for which the county must be informed that development W will be a community or subdivision that provides housing for persons who are 55 years of age and older this came to us from our folks in building construction services apparently there was an instance that was very um it is very difficult to work through that they told us that there were going to be a um a 55 and over after and then there was some refunds that had to be done and that was just very confusing so we modified the language in that section and then finally appendix a definitions we're modifying the definitions of canopy sign Marquee sign and wning sign additionally we're um modifying the definition of community residential home for it to be consistent with the state of Florida's definition in Florida Statutes and then we're also modifying the definition of veterinarian clinic as there was a scrier error in that definition so we are asking that um you find these changes these minor modifications to Land Development code consistent with the Pasco County comprehensive plan these items will be going to the board of County Commissioners for first reading on o October 8th 2024 at 1:30 in Dade City and for adoption on October 222nd uh 2020 20 22nd sorry 2024 at 1:30 in Newport Richie and I am here for any questions that you may have okay any questions I just have one yes Denise I was just looking at that 13021 a yes and I don't know if I'm missing something but it goes the last line should be Det prior to and I don't see anything else so it's like it stops there am I missing it or don't see it 1321a the county shall be informed at the pre-application meeting for for the project that such Community or subdivision is intended to provide housing for persons who are 55 years of age or older should this decision not be made prior to the pre-application meeting notice to the county of the intent to provide housing for persons who are 55 5 years of age or older may occur at the time of an mpud resoning but must be determined prior to okay so it should say the submitt of the construction plan application okay I struck that by mistake I will fix that thank you Chris had for reason Chris would have never CAU it is a great catch I apologize that was my mistake I I hit the the stri it it is bold underline and then strick it at the same time so it is very confusing yes I agree with that thank you okay any questions that's it that's it y all right anybody from the audience questions or comments good afternoon my name is mcair King I'm with the the office of um iard Merill our office is located at 2033 Main Street sweet 600 Sarasota Florida 34237 and I have been sworn I'm here today representing Benderson 851 trust and 95 F lrpt LLC they are the owners of Ridge Plaza which is um at 8601 Little Road we're here today in support of the proposed amendment to LDC section 1203.4 um we want to thank staff and the county attorney's office for the work that they've put in on this and for working with us um we feel that these um um we feel that these amendments better protect the rights of a private property owner specifically for multi-occupancy parcels and we would urge you today to vote in approval for those amendments to that section 1203.4 um of the LDC I'm happy to answer any questions that you may have but I want to respect the rest of your time anything very good thank you thank you is there anyone else if not um I hear a motion I'll move approval of the uh ordinance with the correction noted by Mr tanel finding it compatible with compreh finding it compatible with the com consistent with the comprehensive plan second by mat and so all if all in favor signify by saying I I I oppos like sign very good carries all right that was the end of agenda but I do want to mention to the Planning Commission members that the board of County Commissioners on Tuesday approve the public hearing schedule for 2025 it was kind of too late and I couldn't we couldn't add that to the uh Civic clerk record but I will send those schedules to the Planning Commission members um and you of course do not reply all type of a thing okay thank you thank Youk thank everybody for coming today and now motion to adjourn there you go second second all in favor I [Music] glutens directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy environment for fish water foul and other Aquatic animals storm drains are meant for clean rainwater most other discharges are illegal if you suspect an illicit discharge please contact Pasco County Department of Public Works at 72783 43611 hey I'm Kevin Jenkins water quality supervisor for Pasco County what you see behind me tends to create a lot of questions for our department people ask all the time why are you wasting all that water War why is that thing still running the answer is simple we're [Music] not what you see happening right here is a state regulated process called water quality flushing it happens every day to keep your drinking water safe our team is responsible for checking more than 122,000 connections all over Pasco County as you can imagine it's a daunting task but it's work we do proudly and take seriously we service both residential and Commercial connections and flush water mains periodically for preventative maintenance it helps get rid of impurities sediment and biologic growth this work can be done by a team member or by an automatic flushing device known as an afd afds can flush pipes remotely so there you have it and now you know that's our flushing process in a nutshell Pasco County works hard to maintain the best water quality this is just one way we get to that point to learn more about this and other Pasco County Utilities information please visit our website at my [Music] paso. if you qualify as a special needs client your emergency go- cut should include everything you need to maintain your care regimen and Optimal Health this includes all your medications once a disaster is declared Floridians May obtain an extra prescription refill even if you have recently filled it that's important since you should bring 10 days of medications to the shelter ideally bring the original pill bottle since it has your name the prescription number the medication name and dosage as well as the names of both the pharmacy and your physician if you need special food or medical supplies bring those with you have enough oxygen to get you to and from the shelter safely and don't forget bring your concentrator or nebulizer while packing grab your glasses hearing aid and batteries wound care supplies Prosthetics Walker or wheelchair along with a pair of socks and closed toe shoes it's very important to carry copies of contact information with you as well include the names and numbers of family members doctors your Pharmacy Home Health provider and your oxygen supplier bring your insurance card your photo ID and a copy of your care plan if you have a do not resuscitate form pack the yellow original form the most important thing you can bring is your caregiver a cot will be assigned to you so ensure the person taking care of you brings their own small air mattress bring supplies for your service animal if you have one and watch our pet inclusive kit video so you know what to pack for them planning and preparing ahead of time can help lower your stress level and will keep you organized that allows you to remain healthy during an emergency there is no bedside Nursing Care at the shelter but there will be assistance available planning on your part ensures a smoother stay so pack that special needs go kit now if you have any questions call the Pasco County Emergency Management staff by dialing 727 847 8136 seven mon [Music] I [Music] here in Florida we're no stranger to rain and Pasco County Public Works wants to show you how we're working to improve drainage along your roads our crews work hard to keep your roads in great shape and you'll notice after a heavy rain we often see ponding or standing water on the road that doesn't easily drain away ponding can be a problem for a couple reasons most importantly it can be a safety issue because when you drive through standing water you can start to hydroplane and lose control so why does ponding happen in most cases it's because the shoulder doesn't slope away from the road so the water doesn't have anywhere else to go Pasco crews are always on the lookout for these problem areas and have a relatively easy way to to fix them most Pascal roads that have water ponding problems have a sod curb where the Grass Grows Right up next to the road our crews use this machine called a grater to shave off about 3 ft of sod running along the road this creates a slope allowing water to run away from the road our crews also use a loader to scoop debris and a sweeper to clean the work site then finishing touches are added like new sod or stone to Prov vent the fresh soil from washing away and just like that ponding is gone and your roads are protected this easy cost effective fix doesn't alter the rights of way or affect your property in any way thanks for watching and please visit my paso. to learn more about how Pasco is working for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and shifting so you sign up for Pasco County's special needs registry that means you have a bed at the special needs shelter if you want one right nope registration does not guarantee you a bed at a special needs shelter it's simply registration not a reservation you should register with the Pasco County Special Needs program before hurricane season begins and you can register right on our website just go to Pasco emergency management.com and click on the special needs link then if Pasco County calls for evacuations and you live in an evacuation Zone we will call you to find out if you plan to stay in the special needs shelter and Pasco County Emergency Management will provide transportation to and from the shelter if you need it so remember planning ahead is the best way to keep everyone safe the special needs shelter should really be your last resort if you think you'll need to stay in a special needs shelter watch our videos about who qualifies to stay at one and what you should bring make your emergency plans before you need to evacuate don't wait until a disaster is heading our way to register as a special needs patient [Music] n [Music] n [Music]