##VIDEO ID:FMjDR6JGU44## [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to the uh Board of County Commissioners meeting um we are in our afternoon session and we are going to start with p52 please uh silence your cell phones if you have not done so already p52 we have proof of publication in the September 18th 2024 edition of of the Tampa Bay timeses thank you madam chair chairman uh item p52 is uh an ordinance to amend the comprehensive plan to remove an area along Old Pasco Road uh from the rural neighborhood protection area uh which is within the urban expansion area and to include it into the urban service area however this item is being requested for a continuance the March 11 2025 for County Commissioners meeting in date City at 1:30 p.m. Mo to continue second all in favor I I I okay p53 have proof of publication in the November 27th 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay Times supplemented by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings U madam chairwoman there are two continuances if you'd like to they were on the addendum agenda say that again there were two other continuances okay we can do the continuances first which is the next one uh AP 139 139 the addendum yes okay P we'll take up p139 on my book it's a pink tab I don't know what you guys have there but it should be [Applause] in do you have it I have it okay what is it it's um Terry why don't you describe the the project sure uh item a139 is a zoning Amendment uh in the name of tall Tamers mpud by Extreme Team 41 LLC this is a master plan unit development within connected City to allow 380 multif family units and 180,000 ft of non-residential uses on approximately 38 acres however however we are uh requesting a continuance to the February 11 2025 Board of County Commissioners meeting here and Dade City at 1:30 p.m. we approved the publication of the hearing of this matter in the October 23rd 2024 is tap b times is it advertis as a continuance it was added to the addendum as a continu it wasn't on your original agenda okay and so let me ask a question on that because that's what was spoken about this morning right um what what are the legalities of of no proper notice is it okay since it's a continuance or well so it was originally scheduled to be heard at this meeting oh it was you continued it to this meeting in your from your October meeting okay so you have to take some action on it it's more appropriate to continue it than to than to bring it up and hear it because you didn't it wasn't on your regular agenda so continuance is is really the only thing you should be doing with it today but we didn't have to notice it again just continuing it to this date counted as a notification if we were to hear it today you continue items all the time and yeah but don't they show up on the agenda they normally do show up on the agenda yes but anybody who was who had been at the first continuance would attend today thinking that it was going to be heard okay it wasn't part of your agenda package though in my my view a continuance is appropriate at this time okay should we public comment you can call for public comment if they decide that they wish to speak then they won't be able to speak when you're really going to take the matter up so but that is there anybody in the audience that that had come for tall timers Tall Timbers MPD see one see no one to move to continue I need a second second all in favor I okay and Terry you had one more continuance yes uh item a AP 140 okay uh which is the resoning amendment Crossways mpud uh this is an a requ resoning request from AC agricultural zoning District in mpud to allow for up to 40 single family detached dwelling units and Associated infrastructure in about 30 Acres will requesting this be continued to a date uncertain this was originally scheduled for the November 12th 2024 board accounting Commissioners meeting and scheduled to today at that time proof was uh noticed in the uh was previously noted all right now just in case is there anyone here to speak to this okay I'll take a motion move move to continues second all in favor I I okay now we're back to p53 we already did item p53 is an ordinance amending the Pasco County comprehensive plan providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-5 and Sheet 21 from res 12 residential 12 dwelling units per gross acre to O office and con conservation lands on approximately 0.95 acre of real property located on the north side of State Ro 54 approximately 150 ft west of the intersection of Camp Indian Head Road and State Road 54 and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repeater severability in an effective date this comes to you with the recommendation to approve the comprehensive plan Amendment okay any questions for Terry does anyone want to see a presentation um is the applicant here if they want to speak or do they we have multiple members of the applican team I believe online if needed all right let me see if there's anyone here to speak against this project p53 okay seeing none Mo approval second all in favor this is an ordinance so it's Roll Call district one commiss I District Two commissioner won I District Four commissioner jger hi District Five commissioner Mariana hi District 3 chairman starkin I p54 I approved the publication of the hearing of this matter in the December 25th 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay Times item p54 is an ordinance amending the Paso County ordinance number 20-23 as amended Contracting the boundaries of the north ar1 of Pasco Community Development District pursuant to chapter 190 Florida stat stat providing for miscellaneous Provisions providing for an effective date this is file number PD 25004 and this comes you with recommendation to approve by roll call vote all right um this is a county initiated no this would not be a county initiated okay these are these are all changes to change establishments or amendments to CD CDs CDD boundaries um the next couple any okay um I'm going to guess no one's here to speak against this anybody anybody wish to speak to the p54 p54 the north AR CDD contraction we have no one signed up or um online okay I'll take a motion Mo approval second all in favor I roll V oh I'm sorry roll district one commissioner Oakley hi District Two commissioner wman hi District Four commissioner heer hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi District three chairman starky I thank you p55 p55 we have proof of publication of the hearing at this time of this matter on the December 25th 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay Times item p55 is in ordinance amending the Pasco County ordinance number 18-01 as amended Contracting the boundaries of the erson ranch to Community Development District pursuant to chapter 190 Florida Statutes providing for miscellaneous Provisions providing for an effective date uh this comes with a recommendation to adopt the ordinance by roll call vote okay uh anyone wish to speak to this item we have no one signed up or online I'll take a motion move approval second all in favor it's a roll call vote roll district one commissioner Oakley hi District Two commissioner wman hi District Four commissioner Jer hi District Five commissioner Mariana hi District Four commissioner Stark I three three three El I parked in the wrong parking space um p56 we have proof of publication again uh Tampa Bay Times December 25th 2024 um for this time item p56 is pte 23042 this is an order ordance amending pasal County ordinance number 16-7 as amended Contracting the boundaries of the marata Community Development District pursuing to chapter 190 Florida Statutes providing for miscellaneous Provisions providing for an effective date and this comes to you with the recommendation to adopt the ordinance by ro call all right anyone wish to speak to this one okay take a motion we approve second Roll Call district one commissioner Oakley I District Two commissioner W District Four commissioner jger uh she's not here okay a step down uh District Five commissioner Mariano hi District three chairman Stark I next P57 we have proof the publication of the hearing at this time of this matter in the Tampa Bay Times December 25th 2024 item P57 is in ordinance amending Pasco County ordinance number 18-33 expanding the boundaries of the marata 2 to Community Development District pursuant to chapter 190 Florida Statutes providing for miscellaneous Provisions providing for an effective date this comes you with the recommendation to adopt the ordinance by roll call vote anyone wish to speak to this item take a motion second Roll Call district one commissioner y Oakley hi District Two commissioner waitman hi District Four commissioner heer hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi District three chairman Starker hi p58 p58 we have approv publication of Tampa Bay Times in addition of November 27 2024 supplemented by an Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p58 is pde 2547 this is an ordinance amending the Paso County comprehensive plan providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-15 and ch22 from res 6 residential 6 dwelling units per gross acre to Comm commercial on approxim 94 acre of real property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of vidiian way in State Road 54 and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repeal cability in an effective date this comes to you with a recommendation to uh adopt the ordinance and by roll call vote and there is a presentation if NE if designed I don't need one but does anyone else need one okay um is there anyone here to speak against this ordinance the only person we Show online is appears to be representative of the applicants all right um seeing no opposition I take a motion move for second Roll Call district one commissioner Oakley hi District Two commissioner W hi District Four commissioner jger hi District Five commissioner Mariana hi District three chairman Stark hi and p59 p59 we have proof of publication in the December 18th December 25th 2024 January 1st 2025 and January 88th 2025 editions of the Tampa Bay Times item p59 is pte 25008 this is an ordinance establishing the Newport Corners Community Development District purs to chapter 190 Florida Statutes providing for Authority and power of the district providing for powers and duties of the district providing for the Board of Supervisors of the district providing for the District budget providing for functions of the district providing for miscellaneous Provisions providing for an effective date this comes to the board of County Commissioners with a recommendation to adopt the ordinance by roll call vote um there was an updated ordinance that was submitted and circulated uh to be consistent with what was uh advertised for this item so an updated revised ordinance should be with with you all okay um so is there anyone here to speak to p59 against p59 right I'll take anyone online we have uh no one online for this item okay approval second roll call vote district one chairman Oakley commissioner Oakley District Two uh commissioner waitan hi District Four commissioner Jagger hi District five commissioner Mariana hi District three chairman Stark I okay we're now going to move on to our public hearing items is that correct we're done with the addendum there then our County attorney will read the procedures including explanations of our flow there are two two resoning agendas regular and consent staff will present each application to the board of County Commissioners if staff or planning Commissioners recommended approval and there is no opposition the application will be considered by the board without further presentation if sta if the staff or Planning Commission has recommended denial or if there is opposition to the application the applicant will be given five minutes for presentation the opposition will be given three minutes for each individual or five minutes for group representative and the applicant will be given three minutes for rebuttal any individual disagreeing with staff or Planning Commission recommendation or anyone wishing to object to to any condition of the resoning May at this time request that the petition be pulled from the consent agenda in which case that application will be heard under the regular agenda later on during the meeting otherwise all resoning applications on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion and vote if you wish to speak to any petition please give your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record these are Quasi judicial public hearings the law in Florida is that mere public public support or opposition of an application is insufficient for this board to take action please limit your comments to those criteria for rezoning found within the board's plan development code Mr clerk would you like to swear the public in if there is anyone who intends to speak to these items uh any of these resoning items please stand at this time or if you're online right pay attention yes or online if if there is anyone again if you're in ention is to speak for or against any of the upcoming items under the rezoning please raise your right hand do each of you swear or affirm that the testimony you will give these matters is the truth so help you got please be seated when you come forward to speak to this item please announce your name and address and whether or not you have been sworn thank you okay today we have four public hearing items on the consent agenda and we will start with P6 p60 is we have proof of publication in the Tampa Bay Times edition of November 27th 2024 item p60 is a comprehensive plan amendment to amend in the name of CPA 2406 which is to amend the wells well fields and wellhe head protection areas map providing for transmittal of a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future L map 2-1 Wells well fields and Wellhead protection areas and providing for additional text amendments is necessary for internal consistency this is PD 250061 I'd like to note that we can do a presentation if so desired this will result in a county initiated ordinance which will be subject to the state's requirements for business impact estimates according to State Statute one section 125 663a there was a a slight typo in the agenda memo noting section 126 6638 Madam chair yes I'm going to pull the item just for some positive discussion so I don't think think we need a presentation but if you pull it we'll just discuss it quickly we'll move on to p61 p61 we have proof the Publications in the Tampa Bay Times edition of November 27th 2024 thank you uh item p61 is pde 250062 this is the transmittal hearing for CPA 2411 which is the Adu text Amendment to the comprehensive plan um this will be transmitting the item to Florida commerce uh the amendment would be to chapter two of the future land use Element appendex Section flu A6 the official land use map and chapter six the housing element the glossery and providing for additional text amendments as necessary foral consistency um there's a presentation if so desired board members do you need a presentation this this will come back to us the ordinance will come back to us I'm good for now okay all right we'll leave it on consent P 62 you need to see if there's any oh so anyone wishing to speak to this speak again we have no one pre signed up or online for this matter okay p62 proof of publication in the Tampa Bay Times November 2724 supplemented by Affidavit of certified mailings and site [Music] postings item p62 pleas PD 27839 this is a zoning amendment in the name of Sarah Jones Barnyard resoning which is a change in zoning from a AC agricultural District to a AR agricultural residential district in Northeast Pasco County on the east side of Power Line Road approximately a quart Mile North of frazzy Hill Road containing approximately 6.03 Acres this with a recommendation of approval from the Planning Commission and and the Planning Development economic growth does anyone have any questions on this one okay is there anyone from the public that wishes to address p62 speak gu or no yeah we have no one signed up the we have two people online one is the applicant the second person I believe is the applicants or is a representative for the applicants all right see let's let's check and make sure that that's um is it Miss Hep Hillary Hep okay are you raising your hand that you want to address p62 oh you're the applicant okay but I if if no one uh wishes to speak against it we'll leave it on consent okay I don't believe we have anyone okay p63 p63 we approved the publication in the December 25th 20124 edition of the Tampa Bay Times item p63 is teed 250018 this is a development agreement in the name of Hawk long leaf LLC it's to design permit and construct worldway widening in exchange for cash reimbursements in West Pasco on starky Boulevard from south of Marshall Drive to north of Fanning Springs Drive North this comes with a recommendation to approve the development agreement any questions all right uh is there anyone to speak against this either here or online as I see the applicant's attorney we have no one online speak uh pre sign for this matter okay um let's leave it on consent and I'll take a motion for p61 62 and 63 second all in favor I and now we'll take up p60 Jack yes mam chair if I could just the people from Hudson Waterworks drove all the way over here to kind of show appreciation for what we've done um this was an industrial piece of property that are a piece that I thought would be great for the use um it came up that the uh concerned about Hudson Water Works and the water supply so for that reason uh I want to thank the applicant uh Terry uh David Allen the whole team as far as putting together doing a study doing it right so that now as we make our next steps uh we know we're going to protect the people from Hudson Hudson Water Supply and I think the gentlem from Huts would like to speak so I just want to give him the opportunity he drove all the way over here so give him the opportunity to say a few words hi my name is John Henry I'm the utility director Hudson Waterworks and uh like to say that pasal county has been a great help with this getting this taken care of and we really appreciate the help and uh and would like to continue to work with Pasco County and really appreciate everything they've done it's been a very good experience for us thank you that's excellent with that all move approval one second I need to know if I need his address yor well you're not at the mic so one second no that's can you did you pick that up okay they're good but you need to call for public comment because you didn't all right I will it was pulled off does anyone else wish to speak to this item we have no one signed up in advance or online okay and then we move approval and this is a roll call vote no it's not all in favor I okay so we are on to P 64 64 gosh we're ripping through today we approved the publication of this item in the Tampa Bay Times uh September 18th 2024 it was originally scheduled for the November 12th for County Commissioners meeting where it was continued to today good afternoon Amy with Planning Development and economic growth so the item before you is the transmittal hearing for a county initiated map Amendment um this is a comprehensive plan map amendment to map 2-13 and 2-22 uh map 2-3 is your rural areas map 2-22 is the urban service area so the purpose of this comprehensive plan Amendment um is to remedy a conflict between between policies and maps that are embedded within the comprehensive plan right now um so here's a little project overview so in June 2006 the rural areas uh or Board of County Commissioners approved map 2-13 which essentially created the rural areas the rural areas comprises of four Geographic areas rural area 1 2 3 and four uh this amendment is specific to rural area 4 uh additionally August 2010 the BCC established urban service area so the urban service area Urban concentration area is intended to prioritize uh density and intensity within that area to ensure that there's adequate infrastructure in place to accommodate that level of density and intensity so essentially What's Happening Here is in the rural areas there's a conflict with your urban service area so what we're proposing is to amend this portion remove it from the urban or from the um rural areas rural area 4 which is your neighborhood protection area so we're recommending to remove that from uh the rural neighborhood protection area and amend the urban service area currently as you can see on this map it is a hatched area that is um uh symbolizing that it is considered the expansion area which means the county has envisioned this area at a later date and to ensure adequate uh public facilities are in place to accommodate levels of density and intensity in this area and then amend the future land use to incorporate it from the urban expansion area into the urban service area so that's what's occurring here so uh the rural area is consistent with policy flu 2.3.2 the establishment of the rule neighborhood protection areas it is important to highlight that the intent of this policy is to preserve areas that include existing rural neighborhoods that deserve and require special protection from intrusion of urban uses so this is going to be the area that's on the west side of old or east side of old pass Road here's just a zoomed in version to show that this is the only portion of the rural area that we are uh proposing in amendment to so this is a general um depiction of the rule area 4 so the intent of this visual is to highlight the existing neighborhoods that are in place the uh neighborhoods that will be highlighted predate the establishment of the rural areas which means these neighborhoods were in place prior to 2006 so the overall intent of the rural neighborhood protection area is not being diminished or impacted by this change um Additionally the Cypress Creek preserve runs through the uh rural neighborhood protection area which further provides that buffer and protection to the existing established neighborhoods so um in the red circle is one of the neighborhoods that has been identified we also have an existing platted neighborhood as well here here and here so these are essentially your rural neighborhood protection areas as you can see the development pattern that is uh currently in place on the west side of Old Pasco Road which is predominantly the uh rural neighborhood protection area is not the same type of development pattern that has already been approved with the higher levels of density compact development design on the east side of Old pascot Road additionally um the Wetland map kind of further depicts those levels of protection so as you can see this area is predominantly uh category one Wetland which means it's not impacted so that level of buffer is going to remain in place these are the areas that were previously identified so this is the map that's embedded within the comprehensive plan that's required to be updated um so the amendment is proposing just to remove the subject area as highlighted on this map and then we'll go into the urban service area so that was kind of your briefing on the the rural areas and now your urban service area so the urban service area is actually under an umbrella of your Urban concentration area so your Urban concentration area includes the urban service area and the urban expansion area again as noted this was considered the urban expansion area the urban expansion area is included to accomplish through a comprehensive plan amendment that basically demonstrates compliance um with provisions of state and local law and ensures that adequate public facilities are in place when we uh make that change into the urban service area this area is predominantly uh highway or or I75 as you can see to the north it is State Road 52 we also have overpass that kind of is is to the South um so the levels of intensity and intensity that occurs within this area has essentially already been approved and planned for um as well as adequate public facilities have been analyzed with those projects that came in to ensure that that's in place in this area so this is what the map would look like um with the proposed change so the all the red area would now be the urban service area instead of the urban expansion area it is consistent with policy flu 9.1.0 this is the overall map 2-2 with the proposed change as you can see uh the green area you'll notice on 301 that is considered the expansion area for the purposes of this amendment we are only focusing on the area that is north of um overpass south of north and south of State Road 52 um around the I75 Corridor these are additional policies that the proposed amendments are consistent with and again this is the uh transmittal hearing so um we would recommend authorizing ing transmittal to the Department of Commerce AKA Florida State or Florida Commerce and other reviewing agencies um also to put on note this did uh because it is Staff initiated there was a bie established with this um it is pursuant to section 12566 3A in the agenda memo it does say 126. 663a so that's just a uh to let you know that that's the actual Amendment and if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer uh commissioner Marana thank you m chair um one of the things that concerns with this are is all to the South part all the way down to 54 all the apartments that are approved that are coming out of the ground right now um those who are out in the camp those of us who out in the campaign Dr got to hear about a lot about infrastructure being in place before development gets done um years ago when we were looking at setting up these uh areas all over the county one of the areas we looked at was Bexley and Bexley was going to be coming in there was nothing there but we're going to take Bally all the way up to 52 and then it was says well let's go all the way above 52 into Shady Hills uh you've heard many times from people in the past two years now probably all about Shady Hills what's going on there even heard it this morning when an initial conversation I just got an email about the Dell web development that's going in that's crowding that whole roadway so I've got uh all sorts of families there now with no sidewalks in place or very little sidewalks in place and it's a very dangerous situation with two narrow roads with a lot of construction going on when trucks are pulling in trucks pulling out it's causing issues that are that are out there never mind the wor about impacts as far as what what else is going to happen around it so I I know in time this is the right thing to do but right now there's a development we approved at the last month's meeting last month's meeting here where we had an I think an uh 60 or 70 foot lot uh project right above this uh in in the midst of this area here you okay okay someone fell I just wanted to uh give everybody Adrenaline Rush watch these people um now where were we commissioner so with that development we approved uh with the 60 or 70 foot Lots the single family home thing we tried to find a way to like get the road built up to that point and there's another developments going on down below it on the on the other side of the road that's coming up but there was no way to make it happen now when I look over here at at uh item 62 no 63 we just approved somehow was the development agreement to make sure the roadway widening was done with that Development coming in um I've talked with Nick uran I've talked with both developers coming in to try to get this done ahead of time and we couldn't so what's going to happen is that first ofel is going to come in the other one may come in they're going to come talk to us and if I don't have a way to build these roads I'm going to create more congestion uh than ever and and I don't have the infrastructure in place or a way to make it where I can build it up and I know it's a CH priority to this commission but it's not done yet and if we allow this I'm just wondering how we going to allow these floodgates to open before we're ready for it thereby getting more of the wrath of our citizens saying you should have had the infrastructure in place before you opened up so I I hesitate open this up and I understand it's going to come and probably not far away but I just wonder if it might be a little bit too soon or is there a way that we can start making these roads to be built instead of being built with a turn lane here and turn lane there get to out isra way we can stop making this happen to get these things done together so it doesn't impact the residents the way it's going right now sure um so I can speak to the CIP currently I don't have a visual aid here unfortunately um but the data that's being worked on in Pasco map or what we're calling right now is being updated um however there are uh already funded widening of Old Pasco Road I believe into 2026 um for about half way through the urban service area um or the addition of the urban service area Additionally the northern extension of Old Pasco Road is coming in with the Gateway Hub project and so um essentially the infrastructure for at least the transportation network will be in place within the next couple years I'd say at a minimum with the widenings that are occurring that is completely different from the information I'm getting from our count here when when this stuff's cominging together sure so it's it's it's like public hearing item Barbara you'll get your opportunity I know she represents Del Web so so yeah the D web is a is not part of this as well sure so anyway so I have these concerns about making this change right now when we're not not set to have this road built out the way it should be I just don't want to go through another uh situation like I'm go through in Shady Hills right now and I and I haven't got that insurance from staff yet maybe get Nick G on the line he can talk about a little bit but um it does it does concern me I can give you an answer go ahead Barbara will height 8627 Grand Boulevard Newport Richie so I would say that this is a a staff is bringing this forward because you have an error inconsistent mapping we're not going to move anything forward if we don't correct our errors but you're asking questions regarding specific projects which I do represent yeah the project and this doesn't have anything to do with that project although clearing up your mapping will certainly help projects move forward um but to your specific concern I share your concern commissioner and uh we met at noon today with a project that's on the east side of Old Pasco Road and I was directed to put together a meeting with your County engineer and your county attorney's office to work on a development agreement to improve that road so we understand clearly um but this is an important step to be able to move forward it's an important step so you can clear up a mistake in your plan but um you heard loud and clear all of you are regarding infrastructure needs and we take it seriously so if you please move this forward um we will continue to work on that development agreement I saw the one for starky and sent it to my team we talked about it at our meeting at noon so didn't know you were going to bring it up commissioner but I'm on top of it and I would hope you'd move this forward thank you and Barbara you've been good working as we try to work with you gentleman just like we're with Clark's people as well so again I just want to make sure the board's aware that we need to make sure we're going to fix this otherwise we're just going to C but the money to fix it comes from the impact fees not from commercial or not from office not from industrial the the way to get the money to widen roads and put in infrastructure comes from the impact PES paid right well we used to do pipeline projects it worked pretty good the what pipeline projects the developer would help us they' build them up front they' get reimbursed with the fees down yeah and I think that there's going to be some discussions with County Administration and others on how to feed that pipeline a little better at least we had a conversation on that yesterday the County Administrator and I and again that's why I'm bringing it up it say something that I know we need to focus on I know staff's doing the right thing bringing it Forward I know the developers want to help us but somehow we got to find a way to make it all happen and and um I do think it's important that we fix this mistake um and move this forward but but I also like the wisdom in being a little more um proactive on how we get these roads done more quickly anyone else have any comments um does anyone from the public wish to speak on this item okay see no one move approval second any more discussion all in favor I I oppos okay that one passes um but I think you've heard us on that okay all right so we are back to commissioner items right no I didn't do mine and he didn't do his and he didn't do his we're done don't leave we're done um after the county administ were you done cuz Okay then we will move to I think it's the is it County attorney okay yeah um picking up where Mike left off um just want to remind the board that that cdbg Dr program the administrator and I have had these conversations is not um it's not like arpa it's not like several of the other ones there are many more strings many more Hoops to jump through um so so that's an important part of how we're going to be bringing this forward so that we spend the money pursuant to the federal code of federal regulations and nobody claws anything back right and it's a reimbursement yes so you have to spend the money and then you Bill them and then you get the money so um we have to be very careful because we don't want to spend money and not get it back cuz where else is that can come but from reserves right that's it thank you madam uh chair and Commissioners U clerk Alvarez hes wanted me to bring one item uh to your attention um on today's agenda is the under item n102 is the 2025 annual audit plan uh the plan was established after conducting a risk assessment uh with your staff as part of that assessment the Attorney General interviewed I'm sorry the Inspector General interviewed the County's management team as well as clerk's office management team uh the clerk would like to express her appreciation to the county and the clerk's management team for their efforts during the risk assessment and the Inspector General looks forward to working with your teams the your County uh Administration Management teams throughout the year on these audits thank you what number was that uh n102 okay I'm going to look at that in a little bit okay so now we're on to me I have no idea if we sent pictures or not but um okay uh before the holidays uh this my staff and um the commission on the status of women attended the Women's Conference of Florida at the Tampa Convention Center and it was absolutely wonderful they had great speakers uh it's the second time I've attended this event there was thousands of of of women at this conference and um and I hope that we can um send uh people again next year uh to to this event um also uh we volunteered at the Metropolitan Ministries we always we always like doing this and I my staff uh went out and bought a whole bunch of Christmas presents for me and we also delivered those to met men tent um earlier but it's um it's an amazing well oiled machine the way they they uh work this tent during the holidays and we always love participating in it and actually commissioner jger through your influence um when we were doing food out in the holiday area on M stretch um you know um I can't remember his name now but he was doing his barbecue uh Joiner Gary Joiner we weren't getting a good good amount of people coming up to it because it was behind this in the back of the St Paul D church so I actually loaded up my car and Jenny and I went door too um on those streets there in the Mile Stretch and I and I found a um a gentleman who had no car no food no food stamps no nothing we have we have to get with him want to make sure our County goes and visits him and um I've been bringing him food ever since uh but um yeah so um you've set a great example for all of us to follow um I would like to reappoint Bobby D Philip I don't know what that was what was that oh sorry oh so we have a date okay um I hadn't seen this so this is our first County initiated uh Community Food Distribution and um we are putting this on ourselves and as you see it's down at Mile Stretch so I'm going to guess that's again at the St Vincent dep Paul Church um everyone will be contacted and your staff and it's you know volunteer County volunteers and we hope that we will uh um have a very productive distribution for the for the area Okay um because that's not on my notes sorry um so I want to reappoint Bobby def Filipe to the tour Development Council so move second all in favor I um and you all should have got your list I thought there's very few changes I believe in continuity commissioner Oakley I don't know why you think thought commissioner Marana was not on Tampa Bay water on the list you know it's they my staff did it a little differently I don't know where it is it was on one but not okay um but um I don't need to read this out you all got this down and okay with everything um we took off the the one that was on here which was the with Luchi State trail because there is no with with Luchi State trail Council um but I am going to ask you uh for updates important updates from the Committees that you serve on and I will say this when I'm on my committees uh I don't represent me I represent us and so Jack and I gave ours today this morning yeah yeah okay so we don't need another Tampa Bay water up um but I would ask that if something important is going on you know it's like a a minute for committees and let us know what's going on I am very curious what's going on in Springs the Springs Council because that's there's money there and that affects our Northwestern part of the county so um and you know I think commissioner waitman is on that one that's that's how that works is the committee it's CF CFI funding essentially with a little bit of money comes down CFI so the Springs committee is made up of myself Kelly Rice's owners with mud uh mayor of city of Crystal River and you know conglomerate and then that board vets uh the CFI funds at the Swift governing board come down and then we vote it that way so it's not when you guys discussed it last meeting the the funding I think what you think's available was misinterpreted so there was septic to sewer conver but again that's dictated by the swi governing board and then they hand it like we we go through it and bet it and bless it and then ultimately swi governing board vot but anything important it was interesting like we learn all sorts of different things like where uh bull shark uh one of the leading areas of bullshark meeting grounds are so I won't say into this might because it might impact some tourism that's close to us uh but there's some interesting fun facts for trivia that come out of that group I talked to Carval about that last year uh so yes I'm happy to share those aren't the happy smiley ones those are the just those are just the the garbage disposals of they'll just bite you to over say yeah but I hear you gu have any kind of funding opportunity I'll okay bring for because I I thought they had sub to sewer money um in a certain shed area Okay so if there's I guess I think that's it I think then you got your committee assignments um I'll see some of you on Friday big meeting Friday shortest meeting you've ever had by the way thank you thank you all for for a great meeting all right we are done that's true out [Music] [Music] [Music] their ways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy --------- ##VIDEO ID:kaJXBeVQ6cc## County Board of County Commission 10:00 meeting of January 14th 2025 at this time silence all electronic devices and mute your microphones please rise for the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amened Al to the FL of the United States of America and to the rep stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all thanks it they hav in back okay great okay um Madam clerk could you please call the role district one commissioner Oakley here District Two commissioner waitman presid District Four commissioner jger here District Five commissioner Mariano here District three chairman starky here you have a forum thank you um okay so at uh now is the time for public comment citizens are given an opportunity to comment on any current or future agenda item coming before the board and on other business under the board's purview today's public comment will be handled as follows first we will take public comment from those who are here in person then we will take public comment from those who have pre-registered for a WebEx link and are currently on Q we request that we request that when you address the board comments are not directed personally against the commissioner or team member but rather directed at the issues this provides mutual respect between board members and the public after stating your name and address for the clerk a 3-minute timer will be activated after 2 minutes a single beep will indicate you have one minute left and when your time is up two beeps will sound and you should close your comments WebEx participants will be disconnected automatically when their time is up and Madam clerk do we have anyone signed up for public comment yes Madam chair we do I three individuals signed up we'll start with Nancy Hazelwood followed by AA Moore followed by by Lisa Moretti move approval second all in favor I hi Nancy hazewood 34110 a nice play Stay City you know I'm all about the Northeast protected area plan that says we are supposed to have well and septic out there that helps to keep us Rural and it's if you haven't read the comp plan on it I would appreciate it if you'd read what it says on the northeas roal area plan so you're familiar with it uh in your packet on the wellfield you should have one by Michael and robera Stark they both have backgrounds in water management and Swift Mud and I'm wasn't sure so that's what I'm passing out to you I highlighted a couple of places I've got a bunch of talking points uh the r49 is the test wellfield study for Northeast Rural and uh some of this might not be covered in your presentation I wanted to make sure you're aware of it Tampa way Waters website does not include this that the site is in the protected area plan or that's near the green swamp which supplies Three Counties with water I don't know whether Tampa B were just didn't think it was important enough or what but they missed it uh and also Al Tampa Bay water's website also indicates water is for growth in Pasco County this state makes statement makes me wonder why the Well site is so far north of the county if the majority of growth is to the South the protected area in the comp plan has very reduced growth and we are all in on well and septic so is this project bring growth to Northeast pass putting a well this far away from the growth in Pasco County will make the project more expensive PES going from that far north end of the county to the South Pasco will not be cheap Tampa Bay water only looked in the Northeast protected area for this wellsite when it's for the growth of other sides of the county why not look why look just in the protected area Tampa day Bay water does not Supply water to Zephyr Hills and Dade City so it's not for them if there are problems with Tampa Bay Waters wellfield Supply uh they said they'd help the people with the water but that does not include their livestock and maybe their livelihood if you're in another business that needs water a question at the public meeting about the wellfield area was will there be a was to our treatment plan the answer was it's under consideration uh my understanding that the test field for this site is not large enough for the accurate uh detail for a test well that you need to expand it to a much larger area and you'll read that in that letter I presented my off um go ahead 30 30 seconds more Nancy okay my understanding is the test field for this site is not large enough and the county is also renting the site for $10 I was wondering if you got any more sites we can rent for $10 and maybe run over with large trucks my conclusion is this Project's major goal is not to supply the rest of the county with water but to open up the Northeast rural protected area to development thank you please take this under consideration with your 11:00 meeting with Tampa Bay water thank you thank you next AA Moore it is Asia Moore Asia thank you oh your guys's microphone does not move so we need your name and address for the record y got you my name is Asia Moore I'm actually a resident in Brooksville Florida but I am now Vice President of a Florida not for-profit based out of Pasco County called Florida uniting manity awareness I'm coming before you guys today to give you a moment of education I recently watched one of your guys's Workshop videos and my jaw was on the floor and my stomach was a knots I spent 15 minutes puking after I heard Jack Mariana make a statement that he didn't know what the nature excuse me we're not going to say disparaging things about any commission I didn't I just said he didn't know what the Nature Coast was which is public record please go back and watch your meeting I'm not also addressing him directly I'm just making a statement in General on what I heard and who I heard it from so for what for those of you that don't know what the Florida Nature Coast is it covers nine counties from Pasco County to wakula County it's a 980,000 acre stretch known as Florida's Nature Coast it's a sanctuary to 19 endangered species and Native American archaeological sites it's also home to over 50 of Florida Springs if you don't know about Florida Springs please learn about them Florida's Nature Coast needs protection now more than ever as every County in these nine counties has done nothing but overdevelop and put huge strains on our Coastal lines we've allowed people to chop down our softened coastlines to make them Harden and there's been no plans especially in Pasco County to do anything about softening while I'll agree with you guys you guys do need to be able to dredge the existing canals I will disagree that leer Beach needs to be connected to Hudson I was a Pasco County resident the last time I stood before you guys was about 10 years ago when you guys were doing some stuff on sun west that I didn't agree with and well it stopped it stopped right there with my push on that the only thing out of that meeting that was true is that Pasco County is the sports Coast but it's not a sport and an activity where people get together and play with balls and sticks it's the sport of destroying every part of wild Florida and wild nature and not giving to cares about any of the animals that call our Coastline home we have a huge water pollution problem we have a red tide problem I don't know if you guys know but Pasco County scallop season gets closed down all the time thus why Pasco County was included in the Aquatic preserve because you are failing to take care of it I understand that you guys don't see what we see on a regular daily basis that's why I invite each and every one of you to take off your hats if I'm a politician and join us in the real world I'm gladly willing to take you guys out on a paddle and show you what makes your Nature Coast special and beautiful and why you need to spend more time protecting it rather than destroying it let's talk about Shady Hills rout as a Hernando County resident and previous Pasco County resident Shady Hills Road is used by everyone I don't know whose Road studies you're using but on my way here as you you can see I'm still shaking because I had a semi- TR almost take me out I'll be sending you guys the dash cam footage for those of you that don't believe me because I have one now because of an accident that happened in Pasco County you guys do nothing to take care of that road it is treacherous to travel at most times of the day and all it takes us sitting there for one hour to see just how bad it really is I invite all of you to sit on Shady Hills Road and see how it is and then ask yourself if you move to a rural community with two acre minimums would you want that in your backyard if not do something thank you least I'm ready pmer ready 16331 Iola Woods Trail I'm actually here to talk about a larger issue that I see developing and that is today yes yesterday afternoon Tall Timber shows up on the agenda and I realize that it's for continuance but we as residents have no opportunity what if we wanted to object to that continuance we we can't get on the WebEx we have to come here we didn't even know about it we have to change our schedules and I wish I could say that that was unusual and that that was an anomaly but I see us developing a habit of bad sharing of information the last Planning Commission meeting the agendas weren't available until 48 hours before the meeting and then the Commissioners didn't get the maps regarding Tall Timber ERS until 10:00 that morning this is ridiculous how do you have open and transparent government that involves citizens and seeks Civic engagement if we can't get our hands on the information that we need to know when we need to be there if you had experts that you were paying to come in and then all of a sudden it's continuance in our land use code it says that you have to request a continuance 5 days prior to that event we aren't we ar adhering to that so I'm wondering why we have rules if we don't follow them and I'd like to encourage the commission to encourage all of its departments and the County Administrator to step up and do things the way that we've all agreed they should be done and give residents a fair State at the table thank you m chair that's all that I had signed up I do have one person logged in online and I believe there is is someone didn't sign up that would like to speak okay first we'll take uh inside here if there's anyone else who wishes to speak um please uh line up thank you come on up good morning my name is anry winter with the Area Agency on Aging I actually did sign up so I'm not sure why my name isn't there but um I want to thank you I I want to thank Pasco County for their partnership with the Area Agency on Aging and the thousands of seniors that we serve together I want to thank commissioner waitman for serving on our board for the last year and for um the guidance that he provided for those meetings he was able to attend and we look forward to having commissioner joerger serve as the Pasco County county commissioner seat on the Area Agency on Aging board I also wanted to take this moment and this was the primary reason I came today was to thank commissioner Oakley who made a very generous private donation of $5,000 to our agency for our unmet needs fund it was the largest donation that we received as part of our year-end appeal and it suggests not only his professional but his personal commitment to the seniors of Pasco County and I just want to assure him that 100% of his donation will go back out into the community to serve the seniors that we serve um no pressure on anybody else um but I do want to thank commissioner Oakley for his generosity and I look forward to working with Pasco County to continue to provide meals to seniors at home um and at congregate dining sites for transportation to doctor's appointments and for utility payments um as well as the case management program that you undertook in 2023 so thank you very much um happy New Year and God bless thank you can I ask you a question um before you go certainly we used to have a congregate dining Center on in a holiday next next to SouthEast Personnel Leasing um but then he knocked down that building so do we still have one over in the holiday area do you know I know that we're opening I know that you guys are opening one in elfers um okay that's where it's moving to okay but I that's good that's fine it's already opened okay that's all I needed M yes I know it's unusual during public comment to speak back to a person commy um Amry I certainly appreciate all that you're doing doing for the Aging and and the residents in Pasco County and pineals County uh your work is greatly needed and and you do a great job in what you do for our agent it's a team effort we couldn't do it without everybody involved but thank you very much thank you thank you have a great day you too come on up name and address please stff say 16230 ca drive I'm here today to discuss a significant challenges that I've been facing since construction started with the ca Estates I was informed that portion of my 35 in foot ing Eis for utilities was deed to ca Estates my deed indicates otherwise then I called code enforcement due to the work going on Day and Night Code Enforcement stated it was up for grabs that it's a public road this raises serious legal concerns for me um they raised my iner seet for utilities at least 7 ft with no permit uh per the building department my home is lowest on the street and is increasing the risk of FL flooding my driveway has already been washed out when they redid the road for Mary G they have also put a three-sided retention pond in my buffer in my backyard um they came in and it and just started tearing everything out on the Ingress all the way up to my fence they didn't leave one tree one Bush um anything in my buffer uh on the rear of this the rear of my house or the side of the property I have no fence in areas of the Ingress ESS due to the load loads of dirt washing down into my yard this has compromised our privacy as well as security my dogs have gone up there due to them destroying our property and having no fence now in spots the constant construction noise occurring 7 days a week sometimes in the middle of the night which I will say has stopped um as well as Thanksgiving Day um has caused significant stress physical mentally and emotionally for me I'm still responsible for paying my property taxes which includes 35 ft of the in eess for utilities these people have just been able to do as they please if I wanted to sell my home I I wouldn't be able to at this point um CA States took it upon themselves or the county has let them use my Ingress ESS for utilities without my permission effectively land loocking their development on purpose when their entrance and exit was to be on Shady Hills Road given these circumstances I'm requesting compensation for the damages to my property as well for the use of my Ingress erress I believe the County's actions or lack of have contributed to the situation I feel the county is responsible whether it's permitting construction without proper oversight or the lack of addressing my previous complaints um I have met with several people um in regards to this and sent emails and I haven't heard from anybody and this hasn't been addressed and they're it's going full seam ahead up Madam chair okay I was going to have the attorney address it but goad I was going to recommend that one of the attorneys either David or Jeff talk with them I would like JP Murphy's been out on site I don't know if JP's here but uh I think David Allen should get fully briefed on this and I think even a sight visit David to take a look at it County attorney my understanding is that you're represented by Council no you were represented by Council I had a consultation and he wrote a letter but I'm not represented no because our office contacted your lawyer and explained the position the County's position to him at that point he said he was your lawyer if you not if you no longer have a a relationship with them we can we can speak to you but we can't speak to you if you've got honest to God I have no councel right then we can we can have our real estate lawyer contact contact the the woman um but this is a private legal matter between the two Property Owners I'm going to say I think I should look at very intensely and that's why I want David Allen to look at it with our attorney because I think it's more than that we have looked at it very intensely well then I would like a discussion with you afterward okay all right so I I just need her name for the record please we didn't catch it I didn't think so what what's your can you say your name a little more clearly please Daphne SE thank you we just needed it for the record I appreciate okay so um someone from the county will be getting in touch with you okay thank you so much thank you guys all right and we have someone online yes uh we now have uh two individuals online the first one is Ava Russo we are going to elevate you she ready Miss Russo you're ready if you want to stay your name address and then you can begin your comments hearing cases okay so I'll go to the next individual uh for public comment it's Julia bartonek just hold on a moment while we Elevate you miss Bart you should be good to go state your name address and then you can begin your comments got Julia Bart 2345 meow new P Chief Florida 34655 good morning I want to say that uh nura the Northeast rural Pasco area is an area of outstanding Beauty agricultural significance and environmental importance being that it is a carbon I understand that a feasibility study V for a wellfield what is that study going to be for some of us hope not for new development what we need now in Pasco County is a moratorium on new development there are many that have not been able to get back into their homes yet or just have recently got into their homes from the Hurricanes we need right now to focus on helping build our resiliency and sustainability because we are only five months away from yet another hurricane season thank you thank you okay at this time if no one else is coming that's going to close public comment oh we got one more all right come on up hi my name is Christa how aret and I'm here regarding can we get your address too please 6421 brenwood Drive in Zephyr Hills Florida um we've been displaced from a hurricane continue to be displaced when we're going to return to the home is unknown at this time you know we're paying out of pocket $3,000 a month um I'm here just trying to find out where the county is at improve in the infrastructure in particular The Zephyr Hills Silver Oaks area and where that process is because as the person before me said we're 5 months away from the hurricane season I spoke to a few people at the city and basically I'm getting nowhere they're saying that they're working with the county but I feel it's just a kind of pushing aside the they're just basically just not answering the questions and where we're going to be at because we have to make a lot of decisions before we go back into our home if the Count's not going to fix the problem I understand prior to the storm and several years ago there was money that was allocated to fix the problem in particular is the Silver Oaks area and that money was in turn moved to other projects in the county and in the meantime you know we're told that houses are being and these developments are being built at standards however when Silver Oaks in particularly my personal investment when that was built that was at standards so because standards change doesn't mean that the communities that already established should be flooded out or should be impacted because of these new regulations and I'm not sure how many people here have been affected where we've lost a whole storm in my situation my father passed away last year my mother's home they've lived here for their whole life she's lost everything in addition to that the Restoration Team that came in to demo our team stole over $20,000 worth of things this is an outside outside agency we're also meeting with them today to find out what they're going to do to resolve this problem so it's not just the development it's the impact on people's actual lives you still you still have another okay it's the impact on people's lives and you know you hear these continued developments continued developments Simon's Road in particular the the tennis courts I mean there's money aside they've already started phase two of that the tennis courts look like it's going to be a two-story tennis court where is that going to run that's going to run straight over to where we are nothing is being done to update this infrastructure and it's really frustrating because it seems like nobody cares and nobody is doing anything except saying we're working on it we're working on it well that's not helping the people that lives that are affected you know my mother's 86 years old she doesn't need to start over her and my dad worked their entire lives and she has lost everything and it is not okay to sit here and talk about development and do nothing and have no plan for what you all are going to do and I know it's not just you guys it's at the state level there's someone at the state that finan 1 point something million dollars to the in to the second phase of this tennis development so thank you very much and I'm so sorry for your loss and losses I haven't been back into my home since September 13th so I understand um I um sure I am sure that there will be some kind of meeting for the community over here to give them an update on on what's going on and I mean the FEMA and insurance it's just a battle between the two of them no money's being issued if you have insurance you I I I can tell you that I I had flood insurance I applied right after the hurricane and I have yet to hear my number so it they are very backed up um um but we will try and address some of your questions at and and the community's questions we this this County's been through a lot and we we do want to help all our citizens so I just thank you take solace in that right thank you okay that concludes um public comment and at this time we will move to resolutions we have rs1 if you are here for Arbor Day please step up to the podium okay I will go ahead and U read the resolution resolution number 25- 095 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring January 17th 2025 as Arbor Day in Pasco County whereas Arbor Day was first observed in 1872 with the planting of over 1 million trees in Nebraska anras Florida has celebrated Arbor Day on the third Friday in January since 1886 anras trees are important in that they remove CO2 and pollutant therefore reducing the heat island effect trees also preserve soil by decreasing storm water runoff and provide shade and shelter for many animals and Ras trees are renewable resource giving us paper wood for our homes fuel for our fires and be and be and beautify our our community andr trees in our County increase property values and enhance the Vitality of our County's business areas and as the steps we take to protect our natural environment through education Partnerships and positive actions should be encouraged in Pascal County andas the citizens staff and elected officials of Pascal County are committed not only to the protection and pres preservation of our trees but also planting additional ones and R in the mission of keep Pasco beautiful to improve Pasco County by engaging the community in sustainable efforts to reduce litter promote waste reduction and encourage beautification and as there are there will be tree distributions on January 17th 2025 in East and West Pasco County where citizens can receive a native tree to plant funding for these tree giveaways is provided by keep Pasco beautiful and the Florida Forest Services Urban and Community forestry Grant to promote and enhance local participation in Arbor Day activities now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby declares January 17th 2025 as Arbor Day in Pascal County and encourages all Pascal County Citizens to join in efforts to plant and preserve trees in all its diversity done and resolved in regular session with the quum present and voting this 14th day of January 2025 I take a motion move approval second all in favor I this is one of my favorite things I'm so glad we're back uh giving out more trees in this County um so i' love to hear from you guys and you know what I I would like I know some of you have been with this organization for a long time yes so I want you to say how long you've been with with with good morning um l Kelly with three roadways 14230 Hayes Road I've been a board member for 25 years yeah um either the president vice president or just an actual board member doing all the work of cleaning and planning and um it's something that we really believe in at reor waste and something I believe in personally so we're happy to be once again giving out our trees for Arbor Day so it's a great thing to get people involved and plant native plants and educated and I love it yeah and um and you anyone else come on up I'm liia I'm Pasco beautiful cordinator h i I started as an intern in 2021 and I would like to inform you all as you mentioned first of all thank you all for your support but also inform you all if you want more information for the IB birth Day celebration please go to keep Pascal beautiful. org and you can see how you can register for a fruit tree or to participate in our two events that will have one in partnership with the UF if as extension past coun in date City we will be having uh 30 minutes free H three planting work workshop and we will also have a celebration in partnership with the city of newportri H in Frances Avenue Park all on January 17th Florida Arbor Day and now officially Pasco County Arbor Day as well thank you very much and um what kind of trees are we giving out this year uh we have two types of tree we have our County Arbor here hi Mike W Pasco County arborist we're going to be doing two species that are native we have The Fringe Tree which will bloom in springtime it's a deciduous little tree you'll see in our forests underneath all the large trees in Spring you get little white flowers on it and then the fire bush which is usually grown as a shrub for ornamental purposes but can be a small tree with time and they're both good pollinator plants and host plants for Native species so um last year we gave some money to increase the number of trees that we were handing out and I'd like um for the board to consider a motion someone to make a motion to add was it $3,000 week about $3,000 to um add to their their number of trees that they'll be handing out on both sides of the county move second all in favor I thank you very much so a quick question when is your um tree giveaway at fris Park Francis Avenue Park is going to be from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. on the 17th on the 17th 17th but there celebration begins at 2 p.m. then there's a celebration from 2 to 3 then our giveaway starts at three okay two to three and then 3 to five for the tree giveaway on 117 and three experts will be Al side and and I would ask our arborus can you quickly um tell the uh County why trees are so important some of the benefits well I think the biggest one during Hurricane Milton my property is about 1 acre and it's mostly forested and when the high winds came through they hit the trees first all the trees the groupings and the top suede I had a few broken branches that were dead come off and I had no tree damage in the front where I had to clear out for my home uh some branches came down some larger branches and the gust took my well pump shed blew it right over and damaged my well so if I had had full trees all around my home it wouldn't have been able to damage my well and I would have come through unscathed and when we have the new developments the trees are really important but the other thing about them is the right tree in the right place and the right care after it's planted and planting so one of the goals with these is to encourage people to know how to plant it right from the start and we pick two smaller species so that homeowners can easily take care of it at home themselves without having to call to have someone come out and pay that extra money for a large branch that needs removed they can go out with their snippers and just take care of their little tree they can sit out and enjoy it and they can be underneath it still for the shade because as we know summertime it's brutal those the shade is number one I can be out in my garden summertime because the shade when I lived in penel impossible whenever I go to a parking lot I always look for the the Shaded spot and I can tell you we have one shaded spot at the County Commission parking on the west side and um there's always a car in that one I try and get there first but sometimes this one takes it okay um I do not have anything to give you so it's over there it's over all right guys you want to come down for a photo yes you perfect and just look at me keep looking perfect get this okay we have another resolution rs2 um if you are here for um human trafficking prevention month please step to the podium I'll go ahead and read the resolution resol resolution number 25- 094 resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring the month of January as National slavery and human trafficking prevention month on January 11th 2025 as National human trafficking Awareness Day in Pasco County whereas human trafficking is a crime against a person whereby through exploitation an individual is compelled to work or engage in a commercial in a commercial sex act through Force fraud or corrsion thereby being stripped of their rights and Humanity traffickers typically use multiple means to control their victims including beatings rape isolation forced drug alcohol dependency withholding of documentation and phys physiological and emotional abuse and Ras the international labor organization conservatively estimates that there are over 49.6 million victims of human trafficking worldwide and that this crime is second only to the illegal drug trade in terms of the speed of its growth and the profits that it generates as human beings are being sold repeatedly anras human trafficking has been reported in all 50 states Florida consistently ranks third in the nation in both the number of calls made to the National human trafficking hotline NH and the number of case cases identified in Florida in 2023 there were 680 identified cases of traffic tring involving 1,172 victims with 181 being Children andras Human Trafficking is occurring in Pasco County through the C Pasco County Commission on human trafficking our community has United to combat its horrific crime and restore dignity to Survivors by bringing together the sectors deemed critical to effectively combat human trafficking such as law enforcement schools child welfare nonprofits businesses faith-based organizations survivors and more anras despite these dedicated local efforts more awareness education and advocacy are needed to eradicate human trafficking every resident of Pasco County is called upon to declare the exploitation of people for profit has no place in our world and that we need to work together to restore Freedom dignity and justice to all an Raz January is annually declared as National slavery human trafficking prevention month on and January 11th as National human trafficking awareness day now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pascal County Florida that said board hereby declares January 2025 as National slavery and human trafficking prevention month in Pasco County Florida and that all citizens are encouraged to participate in education awareness advocacy and prevention efforts to combat human trafficking done and resolved in regular session with Corum present and voting this 14th day of January 2025 take a motion appr second all in favor I hi welcome and um commissioner jger this is yours so I am pleased to sponsor this resolution recognizing National slavery and human trafficking prevention month this important initiative serves to raise awareness educate the public and Empower individuals families and our community take a stand against these horrific crimes together we can strengthen our Collective efforts prevent human trafficking and support survivors on their path to healing and I just want to add that this group is absolutely amazing the work you are doing in our County and all over to spread awareness is is truly admirable and um I've enjoyed my time with you guys and um it's just they're just amazing they're they're great so thank you um go ahead address the the county um well first of all good morning uh my name is Laura Henderson and I am a lived experience expert and Survivor of human trafficking I'm also the vice chair and Survivor representative for the Pasco County Commission on human trafficking it is my pleasure and honor to stand in front of you this morning on behalf of the commission to say thank you and express our sincerest gratitude for recognizing that January is National slavery and human trafficking prevention month in Pasco County I would also like to thank each of you for your continued support of the commission last year marked the 10th year since this commission was formed and our very existence would not be able to thrive or succeed without its dedicated members and your unwavering support as we continue our efforts of spreading awareness continued education and stronger prevention it is imperative that we continue listening to survivors being Survivor L and being Survivor informed the survivors voice is the most important one but we including myself cannot stand alone and push forward in this fight without everyone taking a stand and doing their part thank you again so much for your ongoing support of the commission's work it is very much appreciated and valued we could not do any of this without you thank you so much um Lanna which do you have anything you want to say good morning morning I'm lyanna Dean on the chair of the commission and um we wanted Laura to have the floor today just as our survivor representative just to bring Focus to survivors um everything that we do is geared towards um helping them to thrive and to grow after they leave the life and to support their efforts to lead this movement so we thought it was absolutely critical that you all hear from Laura the value that she has brought to this commission her input on every initiative that we undertake when she talks about being Survivor Le and Survivor informed we live that we rely on her for her guidance and her expertise um so that we're delivering an appropriate message to the populations that we're trying to reach um so thank you very much for allowing her the opportunity and again on from me thank you again for all of your support over this last decade it's really been invaluable commissioner Oakley yeah I thank each and every one of you for the work you've done you been there it seems like forever cuz youve been on that board running that how long's the board been in existence 10 years 10 years 10 years long time I was on there for my first four years and uh I continue give my support to that board because they not only are doing a great job here in the county but they actually have made a difference throughout the nation and have recognized for a lot of things that they've done and uh speakers that you've sent off and Allan done the work he's done in the past too so very well done and certainly appreciate you and support you so thank you commission Marian I'd like to thank you all ladies for all the great work you're doing um it is so critical it's it's such a big issue that's out there so every bit you're doing is great and uh I give a little shout out to Kelly that great we had a great golf tour over Lake J last month it was phenomenal so hopefully we get everybody there for next year because it was it was great so keep up keep up all your great work if you thank you um well I want to thank you for being such a inspiring leader uh and this is such an important group and it just pains me to hear that we still have sex trafficking going on in our County with all the awareness we've tried to bring um to this issue that it still goes on here um is upsetting uh I wanted to let you know I don't know all the details but I know at amskills which is our manufacturing training program that we we help support here at the county they've started um a uh well there there are a group of survivors who are starting businesses um and amskills is helping them get started and they're they're making things and and selling them so um I'll have Tom one day come talk to us more about what they're doing but I'd love for you to get in touch with him um I've seen some of the the um products that they've made so I think they come in once a week so it's pretty cool um all right Lisa you want to give your yep who has no they're they're down on the end okay um we have room for everybody I think let's go down are they down here right here she'll get it to you than okay let's see where we are I've covered my scripts up okay uh we are now on to the consent agenda um so we have an addendum I'm not sure how this runs so we have some additions to the consent agenda AC 137 AC 138 AP 139 and AP 140 is that correct yes ma'am so um I would add that to the consent agenda and we will look at the polls I have C9 withdraw c28 withdraw c38 withdraw um so we are not pulling AC 138 I take it um we are pulling and revising C5 we are pulling and revising c33 and we are pulling and revising c47 so I will accept a motion I'll move motion for accepting all the other items on consent agenda second all in favor I I we will take uh C5 Terry pitos thank you madam chairman um nario Pito Planning Development economic growth item C5 is the task order for we Oliver P LLC to do the Villages of Pasad Hills financial plan 2025 update uh there's a revision to the amount uh for the overall uh cost of the task order from $246,800 to do the study to $247,800 it's a $1,000 discrepancy there um and uh this is all being paid for out of villages of Pasadena Hills development administration review fees okay and how long do you think that's going to take I believe August August yes okay this year 2025 all right um I'll accept a motion Madam chair can I see a little bit more of a presentation on it though to what what's exactly you're going to do sure I was going to pull it myself for okay you want to talk do it now or yeah let's do it now okay so the uh proposed task order is divided into five uh tasks and I'll walk through each one in brief uh task one is regarding a methodology for financing and task two is a transportation impact analysis task three is development forecasts task four is the update itself to the financial plan the actual U drafting of that and then task five is the public hearing process so um last year around May or so the board of County Commissioners asked the Planning Development economic growth Department to evaluate the performance of villages of Pasadena Hills and the muds and this was a preliminary study that was conducted um that uh alerted the department uh to seek out an assessment on the financial plan what this chart is essentially showing is that we are uh under entitling properties within Villages of Pasadena Hills and ere extending or overe expending the land committed to those developments so what I mean by that is if you take Village a as an example it'll say planned according to the financial plan 898 units um we have approved 207 units thus far in villages of Pasadena Hills but over on the on the uh on the right you'll see that the acreage that is intended um for uh the plan is 46 Acres but we have approved 73 so we're using more land with less numbers keep in mind that the original financial plan in Ed uh 80% build out so it's not the full 898 that we would get in order to uh develop the infrastructure within Villages of Pasadena Hills through Mobility fees Etc um but it would be 80% of that nevertheless the column in the far right is sort of indicating the general overage in acre Acres that is happening so this study uh prompted the T the development of the task quar to assess the financial plan it's also a good idea to uh go through the financial plan after two years of higher inflation rates which has increase the costs of road construction significantly um and part of what we're going to do in the in the proposed task order here is to evaluate the current methodology that's used in the financial plan that was set up back in 2008 and amended uh one or two times ahead of the high inflation that we had back in postco 22 23 um and then if the current methodology is appropriate we'll continue on to task two which is study study of the transportation impact analysis if not um the consultant will provide an alternative methodology to County staff so one idea is to um consider you know do we have to increase the D the overall density within vop and the remaining land that's one option another option is do you keep the density levels where they are and do you reduce the size of infrastructure that uh that is currently being planned those are some options some ideas that will be uh discussed during the uh financial plan update task two is the the conducting of the traffic study regarding existing residential land uses and their trip generation so we'll look at vehicular trips we'll look at bicycle trips pedestrian trips golf cart trips all that will play into the assessment of what kind of infrastructure is going to be uh needed in those fa Hills task three uh is an update of the development forecast Tas three also includes a workshop with the board of County Commissioners to gain feedback uh and uh facilitate the assessment of the financial plan so we'll be talking to various stakeholders in that part of the task no uh Planning Development and economic growth um the board of course and various developers within the Bop uh task four these are the uh technical tasks associated with task four and what we're going to be looking at uh basically comparing uh compare the updated development forecast against adopted infrastructure plans are the forecasts going to pay for the infrastructure essentially is what we're trying to get at um update those infrastructure costs uh accordingly update the revenue forecast for the for infrastructure financing and develop three new infrastructure plans based on updated cost and projected revenues so that an informed policy decision can be made moving forward and then conduct five minimum stakeholder meetings in in the uh workshops finally task five is the drafting of the actual task of the financial plan the the amended or updated financial plan and bringing it to public hearing to water counting Commissioners so basically we we need to I'm so glad we're doing this because if we don't generate the money to um build the infrastructure if that development does then it's on us so we need to stop and see what's happening on because if the densities aren't there to build those roads and we don't do something we're going to be paying for a lot of the the roads so commissioner Mariana yeah I think this also the aspect the aspect that Terry brought up we should be looking at too if the density is not going to be there then may not need all the infrastruct that's been planned yeah uh when I look at the commercial office employment center um I'm not I'm not thrilled that we don't have enough enough of that going on that may be something needs to get looked at as well do we need to help that more because I don't think the answer is just to build our way out of it with more Apartments out there I mean we need to look at what's going to create jobs because you create jobs now people are working where they're living it actually cuts down your traffic anyway and I I will say we've done a great job all around the county doing getting jobs created but I think we need more work here and that should be a big part of the focus and maybe David enkle needs to be involved a little bit in the in absolutely planed for the future as far as how that can looked at what he can bring to the table say here's what we can do to bring more in clearly it's not just about building homes and and apartments out there we got to get the job aspect too and and I'll just note too to commissioner's Point um parallel to this study there will be a Mobility fee study update that will also be happening this year that'll be coming to you all on January 28th so which which will consider a lot of those ideas as well so uh industrial pays no Mobility fees correct that's correct um what about commercial commercial does pay Mobility fee rates they are subsidized however to a certain degree off top my head I don't know what that is but they do get subsidized they're not 100% subsidized and what about office office is 100% subsidized so we need to relook at that because you know so the residential part of our development is what's building all the roads and um I I just think I'm so glad we're looking at the impact fees as well because I think I think everyone needs to be paying a little bit to build out the roads that we need or we're going to be in trouble okay anyone else all right approval of C5 there's a motion you have okay are we under discussion did you make a motion um I just made motion before okay I'll second okay all in favor I I okay C3 c33 excuse me good morning Commissioners Madam chair uh my name is Alex parns County Surveyor c33 belongs to me there was a very very small error that was caught on the agenda memo uh went through all of our eyes and missed the review and thank goodness the clerk's uh office caught it so all of the uh the documents have been updated already delivered this morning and so we recommend to pull and revise move to approve second all in favor I thank you thank you and lastly c47 good morning Commissioners Paul ralo Support Services we're correcting uh scrier s on the memorandum it should have referenced fiscal year 25 and not fiscal year 26 okay need second all in favor I thank you okay um so we are not not going to have R50 because Bill is out sick today um but we are going to go 2 minutes early to r48 oh I did the consent agenda before the yeah this is good morning board Madam chair I am Chuck Cen I am the general manager of Tampa Bay water your Regional water supply Authority uh with me today is Warren hog who is our chief science officer and he's going to uh talk a little bit later in my presentation on one of the projects the Eastern pasc wellfield feasibility study uh as you know currently Commissioners Oakley and Mariano sit on our board and they're doing a a fabulous job it's a tough job you're balancing pasco's needs with the needs of the region for water supply so they're doing a great job and I know um commissioner starky and commissioner waitman has served previously on our board Tampa Bay water's mission is is simple it's uh to reliably provide Clean safe drinking water to the Tampa Bay Region now and for future Generations uh we were formed in 1998 to and uh the decades old water wars and to reduce groundwater pumping that affected the surrounding environments we are a nonprofit special district of the State of Florida and we provide uh water to more than 2.6 million people through our six member governments uh that includes Hillsburg County Pasco County pelis County Newport Richie St Petersburg and the City of Tampa uh we blend water from three different sources uh that is the groundwater surface water and also from the the bay the seawat we have 163 employees and we charge a wholesale rate to each member uh the same it's $22.62 per thousand which is a little more than a quarter of a penny per gallon uh Pasco County is budgeted this year to uh purchase from us uh almost 38 million gallons a day which is about 18% % of our total system demand since my last update to you last year uh we've been working hard to address new water quality parameters uh also meeting the region short-term water needs and also looking at the longer term growth issues and needs this graph represents uh the total amount of water we delivered uh for the fiscal year 23 versus the fiscal year 24 and as you can see uh they're very close in numbers and uh it does make you think about that uh with the the drought that we had last year and the tremendous growth uh them being the same is pretty incredible um but a lot of that had to do with the the district uh and the one day a week watering restriction that they enacted last year and so that was a tremendous help uh in uh reducing what we're you know our Reservoir usage uh in fact the the res War which is 15 billion gallons it's pictured in the on the right side uh when it's full but it got down to 2.3 billion gallons in uh in July mid July which is never happened in all the years that I've been here uh our goal is to fill that Reservoir by the end of September every year up to 15 to be ready for the dry season coming up so sitting there in July at 2.3 uh it didn't look good and so uh unfortunately and fortunately we had a lot of rain uh I understand there's a lot of flooding and I'm and I'm sorry about that but it did allow us to fill the reservoir up and currently it's uh at 96% full right now we've just started uh using it uh currently uh and also our diesel plant our diesel plant was down last year as well at the worst time uh it was down uh it is currently running between 12 and 15 million gallons a day uh to our system but regardless of the source that we're using uh we Supply water to our members that meets or surpasses all the drinking water standards uh we are taking steps to ensure that we keep Pace with these new water quality standards uh as you may recall the the new regulations were established for six per and poly floral alkohol substances they're known as posos in everyday terms are the forever chemicals um they are now regulated and the compliance is uh four parts per trillion which everyone needs to be under that uh by the year 2029 uh we have completed uh quarterly testing events starting last year with our members uh we wanted to find out if posos is present in our regional water supply and to what extent uh the data that we've collected shows that there's uh two primary areas in our system where we are right at the four parts per trillion or just below it or just above it and those are uh at the Brandon wells in the Lithia area and also at our surface water treatment plant in Brandon um we have hired a consultant and we're working uh with them on a report uh to be presented for recommendations to our board later this year as our region continues to grow uh so does the the demand for water uh so we're developing new water supplies to come online uh by the year 2028 and as well as we're looking at the 2033 time frame we are working uh to expand the surface water treatment plan by about 10 to 12 million gallons a day and the expansion is currently in the design phase we are hopeful going to construction over the summer and the project uh completion is for the year 2028 at the same time we are also designing a new South Hillsboro pipeline uh the pipeline is 26 miles long and it can provide water from our regional site to the southern Hillsburg County region uh the project is uh broken into two parts segment a and segment B uh Tampa Bay water is responsible for Segment a and uh Hillsburg County is paying for Segment B uh the pipeline is also scheduled to be complete by the year 20 28 uh and it will be uh able to provide an additional 65 million gallons a day of regional water to that area but it doesn't stop in the year 2028 uh this is a process graph of uh what we follow when we need to expand our system and it typically takes about 10 years to complete and it uh it includes the four steps shown on the graph uh we have finished updating the long long-term Master water plan last November and uh several projects are being moved into the feasibility program which is the burnt orange phase on the graph there you see last November our board also approved seven projects that came from that Master water plan uh they're shown here on the graph uh to be studied further in the feasibility stage the projects are ordered from the north to the South and you can see they are spacially diverse and they also are using differing supplies including fresh groundwater brackish groundwater surface water and additional seawater uh we have just uh recently started the feasibility studies on these projects and those projects that are shown to be technically feasible environmentally sound and economical will be recommended uh to our board in uh the time frame 2027 2028 to meet the de the the demand time time frame uh post 2033 um and now at this point I will turn it over to Warren um and he will talk to you a little bit more about the eastern Pasco wellfield on here uh labeled as a war good morning Madame chair board members thank you for the opportunity to update you this morning as Chuck mentioned the master waterer Plan update you'll did some projects for us to evaluate and for that we need to perform feasibility studies we need to see which ones are technically economically and environmentally sustainable for our system before we recommend any projects to our board we have um started feasibility studies on all of these projects and that gives us more certainty before we make recommendations to the board on the yield the permability the cost and any environment m al issues related with a project and through the feasibility studies and the data we collect it could identify fatal flaws that pull one or more of those projects off the table completely as I talk about the East Pasco wellfield project uh I would like to I'll be talking about an estimated yield But please understand that's an estimate at this point until we complete the DAT data collection and Analysis we don't know what that firm yield might be could be higher could be lower and we could find a fatal flaw that pulls it off the table completely and I've lost my slides that's the one thank you for the East Pasco wellfield feasibility study we are exploring the potential option of a fresh groundwater or a brackish groundwater wellfield in eastern Pasco County could be individually or could be in combination at this point we believe the estimated yield to be about 9 million gallons per day but based on testing and Analysis of the aquafer that could be higher or lower we won't know until that data is collected the study includes drilling some test Wells and monitor Wells and Coring down into the aquifer uh to find out what the water quality is the water quantity and so we have data that we can model the response of the aquafer two pumping levels in order to do that work Tampa Bay Water needs to uh needs to obtain property we began our property search in uh Eastern Pasco County in an area where we believe that fresh or brackish groundwater may be available and pumping from that area would not not influence the Hillsboro River groundwater Basin our site selection looked for areas that are protective of the environment protecting of the cultural natural resources of the area could be constructed in an economical way and also uh is supporting the regional mission of water supply we reached out and pulled 270 citizens for their input as we started the process we did that back in July and we had 158 responses we asked the public to weigh different criteria to see what was the most important for the community and rank those options or those criteria one to four with one being the highest we took their feedback which said Environmental Protection is the highest criteria that should be considered we gave this feedback the criteria and the waiting to our consultant black and Beach who performed a property search in the area of public and private Parcels the county property that's on consideration today on your agenda ranked very high in the the criteria search using these weights and ranks the parcel in bright green up in the upper leftand corner of this map is the county-owned parcel that's uh subject to just board discussion and vote today uh these are the public in green and the private Parcels that were considered and in consideration of this the use of the county-owned parcel would expedite our feasibility study and will help to reduce the overall cost of that study if the agreement easement agreement for this parcel is approved by the board today we would begin to mobilize in the first quarter of this year to drill test Wells and monitor Wells so we can see what the actual uh performance performance of the aquafer would be in this area we would perform those aquafer performance tests or pumping and monitoring test on the freshwater part of the aquifer uh in the fourth quarter of this year and the deeper brackish part of the aquafer would be about the third quarter of 2026 we have the aquafer performance test using these new wells scheduled for uh the third quarter of 26 and then we would analyze that data and bring it back to the public and the board for consideration and review we should have the final feasibility study report for this and other projects completed by the second quarter of 2027 so that we would have more certainty with all of the remaining projects for our board consideration in late 2027 at the request of commissioner Mariano we held a public meeting on December the 4th at St St Leo University for citizens in the area we uh we met and we had good attendance it was about 60 participants many of the people spoke or they left us written comments uh their main concern was development and growth in the area and they their understanding was that this project was a foregone conclusion that would become a project but we believe after the public meeting we were able to give information that helps them understand t Bay water's mandate to meet your and our other members demands 24/7 now and in the future and also that this is only a feasibility study no projects have been selected and that time frame for decision would be later in the year 2027 we will continue to meet with the citizens and uh provide input for them and to them we will have another public meeting as we have results of the drilling and testing and feasibility study well before our board board considers any projects in late 2027 I'll turn this back over to Chuck to conclude thank you Warren uh so as we close uh just to let you know we're very busy at Tay water uh we take our job very seriously of providing Clean safe drinking water uh to to everybody it's uh worked uh since 1998 26 years and uh we've been a very very big success and so I'll close there and and uh we'll be happy to take questions okay commissioner Mariana thank you can you go back to the slide showing the usage of all the uh areas are you there perfect than and by the way I want to I thank you for listening and and calling that meeting together I think it was very important for the citizens to hear it get up front so thank you for doing that um so on the usage slide it shows who's using what water Newport rich is pretty low Tampa is low but 2043 they're going higher can you explain why they're going to go higher uh well currently in the arrangement they are allowed to self-supply 82 million gallons a day so as you go out the green shows the year 2043 that shows them tapping out of their 82 which is in the next couple years the next two or three years they'll be no more than 82 they'll have to buy all of their water in excess of 82 from us so that's what that shows on that graph uh in the year 2043 they will be buying quite a bit of more water than they are currently okay and and right now at the Howard curent plant they're trying to look at doing something with that water is that like an injection well is that they're talking about down the aquaair uh I don't know if they've gotten that far they've done several different uh Concepts over the years um they they have about 50 million gallons of of Highly treated reclaimed water uh currently they pipe it and it it is going out into the bay um they they've been uh always looking to do something else with it and uh also there's Senate Bill 64 that was past three years ago that's already uh kind of that's going to stop by the year 2032 I believe they have every one of us have to stop uh supplying water uh into the surface water bodies so they are looking at different things I don't know about uh the Deep Well I don't know the details of that but they are currently looking at that uh at Tampa Bay water as a part of our Master water plan we do have a uh development Alternatives concept where we have recently started meeting with the members looking at their inventories of the reclaim water how much do you have uh into the future and uh we are working together to try to figure out maybe there's something else we can do with it as a as a region uh as a project a regional project so we haven't got you know very far with it but that we are looking at uh what we can do with reclaimed water with all the members so way back when 20 years ago when I was first elected I went to a chamber Workshop when we were talking about the Howard current plant dumping 50 $60 million a day granted High not dollars gallons MGD you said dollars but I know you meant gallons thank you uh so all that water going in there I says isn't there something better we can do especially with what happened up at crossbar get the water up there and and maybe that would work with replenishing that even more so now since that we did the 4G project which gets it a part of the way I still at that time still today want to see that carried up further um at the time the mayor said he was going to try to do something else with it maybe go to uh Eastern Hills Road to go hasn't developed and we've pushed that even at Tempe water to try to go so when I look at all that um if you would go to a couple more slides with the project sites that you we've selected and I think it was commissioner Oakley that might have mentioned at first that was a brilliant idea about looking for a Reservoir in the Zer Hills area now with the storms that we've just had and from what I've learned from our own staff working uh with possibly Swift Mund coming up with the Army Corps there was a project that was going to be done years ago I don't have all the details to it but I know our team is going to be working on it in the future uh it's not on this list and I suggested we get something like this on the list and I will tell you at this moment in time I think it probably would be like one of the top priority projects would be done you heard the lady talk about how she was flooding out her she had her mother here today uh I get that story all over Z Hills even before the two last hurricanes hit us driving through zeppe Hills you had water here water here it was tough to move around all the way through those people are suffering knowing that project is out there I think and and and I'm I'm a bigger fan of the uh surface water treatment the Howard the uh CW young plant has been phenomenal and again we had a big hurricane that came through and we're able to get the water to replenish now I wasn't as scared as maybe some cuz I just figured the storms were coming but I I knew the way it's designed that plant's going to be high at at this time of year and it's going to get lower as we go by the end of summer it should with a few storms a little bit of rain it's going to get filled back up and it works for a great little storm water project uh I think we should be working on that as a top priority project rather than working on this well field um I think there just so many opportunities and we had a gentleman from like up at DIS the Disney World when we had a previous meeting when all the flooding was going on commissioner o we're there for that too uh and when that we're going you listen to the people about all the flooding about what can be done and as they set up in Orlando with Disney World they did so many things to prevent the storm water you never heard about Disney World flooding not any projects same thing thing can go right here and I think that project being the Army Corps has got it on the books it's already laid out is something that I think Tamp Bay water with swift mut with the Armic cor with us and the cities should be looking at that project as a top priority project compared to the rest of them I think the great success we had from the reservoir we can resonate back up here rather than groundwater pumping which is the worst thing we can do yes sir thoughts oh I think commissioner Oakley wants to speak thank you for your report and warn thank you for all that you added also um I'm I'm not sure the test well is going to prove out to be a a big thing for water I think another on on my priority list I look at another Reservoir um one very near the one we have now it could be as much as 15 billion gallons this year because of the extra storms and all the extra water we could have feel that both of them without any issues um the fact of is we use a lot of people don't realize we use 200 million gallons a day out of the reservoir and we also can put 200 million gallons back every day in the reservoir so with a lot of water flow and all that uh it makes a lot of difference to have a big reservoir for that supply and where it's at we gain a lot of water in that area that we can pick up and put in in the reservoir uh Reservoir smaller than that of some um I don't I don't believe we can take any water out of uh hillsbury County cuz that that water belongs the city of Tampa so if if this other project that we were hearing about from the feds comes in with Army Corps of uh the bypass Canal that wasn't finished way back in Lake Den noasa that was a possibility and we had a place we could gather water for a reservoir that would be a very important project for us so we gain a lot of water but um uh also deep well desalination would would booster our way of getting cheaper desile water for for our program that's that's a project we're looking at ahead of course the reservoir like the one we have is also a project that we can do these are very very expensive these I I'm talking like they're just a few chump chains or something but the fact of it is it's millions and millions of dollars to do these projects and because of these projects and the reservoir and the desel and the way Tampa Bay Water handles and maintains our water system for the Tri County the fact of it is the entire system works and we've been able to provide very good water for all our customers I know you've heard Zill say they're out of water well they're out of cheap water cuz Pasco County have offered them the the water they need to back up any growth they have and we've been on on record of saying that to them but they sent the message out they're out of water they're not out of water they're out of water they can pump out of the ground that's where they're that's cheap water so they we've offered them water they need for the future so that message was kind of wrong but fact of it is Tempe water is doing a great job I think we've got some great projects uh on the board to come forward with us with the board and Tampa Bay water and I think they will prove out we've actually environmentally redone all the environment around our wellfields to where there's actually a lot of water available like it was several several years ago uh before we started pumping we do not over pump our wellfields in anymore we actually are able cuz the diesal and the reservoir we're actually not over pumping those those sites so there's not a big change and the water table around and and it affects our citizens very little but the fact of it is this water in the future for Tampe water and the amount of water we can produce is way farther than what we can even think about but we can get them done but it cost millions of dollars so but thank you for your report today thank you so so um thank you so much for coming today and um Jack uh I remember the discussions that you were talking about because I served for six years on one of the Swift Mud boards and my husband was on that 7 years prior to me and um the uh the Howard Curran has water discharge has been a discussion for decades um and I'm I'm glad the Senate's forcing them to uh our legislators forc them to do something with that my my own opinion is um I think we have very capable Folks at Tampa Bay water and um they are going to look at the best um investment for the Tampa Bay Area the best Roi um for the next you know water source and um I just look forward to the results of all of these um I know that some people are afraid that if we do this a that means we're going to change our development pattern um around but I don't agree with that because um just because we're getting water from there doesn't mean we're going to suburbanizing if there's some way you know we had so much flooding over here on the east side that there was some way to redirect that water um but I can't imagine what that bill would be uh but that's something to think about commissioner Oakley did you say something more yeah they talk about all the reclaim order by 32 I think they've got a not pump into the bay and other places county has that Hillsboro County has that the fact of it is Pasco County needs reclaim water we only have enough reclaim water to do uh partially those that are on uh well system so that we can pump that recla claim water and irrigate yards we are it takes four homes to produce enough reclaimed water to do one home four houses so we have a use in Pasco County we'll take our water if there was a way to get it to Pasco County uh I'm sure there' be a cost to it because it cost money to get it here we looked at that project when I was on on the PA Basin board I mean we were we had the money for it but it got redirected to the I think to the diesel plant um yeah there was a project back in the which you're talking about in the city of Tampa was offering the sale uh to Pasco and U I think it was an economical decision it was not feasible that you could not negotiate it at price um and so uh things have changed um Senate Bill 64 has changed a lot of things and I have commissioner Mariano and I spoke several months ago and I have talked to to David Allen about maybe we can take a look at that again part of the development Alternatives there's there's U some solutions out there maybe that we can come up with uh years ago there was a water issue uh and we came together and we formed Tamp Bay water and so you know reclaim water is not not a major issue but there's some counties and cities that have a lot of it and some don't and they have to take care of it so maybe there is something uh of a regional solution out there and so um I'm just saying out loud my brain has been thinking about that a little bit we solved the water issues and so maybe uh at some point in the future this could be uh solved in in a similar fashion regionally yes you know and I want to say you gentlemen do a great job the Tamp water does a great job looking at Alternatives Etc and you you explore everything possible um I just think that with all the groundwater pump we have in Pasco it should be like the very last thing on the list not the top of the list I think that we have opport unities to get funding uh for this Reservoir we're talking about in the SE Hills area and I think with the Army Corps they may they may fund the whole thing or a great portion of it it's a storm water project as well as a water project so I think there's mutual benefits around to get all these agencies together with the great work that Tamp Bay Waters done and the region coming together I think it would carry a lot of Merit to get a lot of this funded but again it solves two things number one you'd solve a big flooding issue that we're dealing with right now and we don't want to do it again I mean you know years ago West Pasco was on the news every storm was coming up right now we don't get too many stories because we fixed a lot of the stuff I think there's an opportunity to fix this here in a great way and as a great opportunity to go forward rather than spending and dying on doing that Eastern Pascal wellfield I would rather have you spend a little bit more time researching what our team already knows what the Army Corp knows and what they suggested we should go do work with swift take all the money you're going to spend on a and let's go look at take it a and move it over to zephra Hills and make that a new project and put that on the list I would have voted against this before but I didn't know of this project it was so far down the line if this was to be in front of me in front right now at tampion Water I would have went against it because I didn't know how speculative it might be but what I know now is this is a very viable project it's the Army cour has got all the history of it it just got stopped I think it's time to resurrect it and I think take an RA and make it as zeper Hills and I think where we should be going what what is the project is it to a Reservoir in the Zephyr Hills area cuz I I don't know what the Army Corps project not is is the fact that the bypass Canal never got completed and it actually was supposed to go to Lake to not sass my understanding and it was going to provide for what's that got to do you have any knowledge of that Warren or I do it was a study from the Army Corps back in the 1960s I believe it was the four rivers Basin project yes the one project that was constructed and you're correct commissioner it was not completely constructed was the T a bypass Canal there was a concept of a reservoir for Lake thona sassa to hold water also a series of reservoirs starting which the Cypress Creek well field was going to be a reservoir with three smaller ones going down towards the Hillsboro River uh at the time the Army Corps put their money into building the Tampa bypass canal and they stopped I'm not sure the result of the other studies or why it stopped at that point but that was the only piece that was most closly completed all right our County Administrator wants to speak yeah I just want to weigh in real quick on that Four Rivers project we have actually been in talks with the core of engineers to resurrect portions of that so just that's that's underway right now it's not really ready for prime time but just know those conversations are happen and again just knowing that I would much rather have us pursue that than they're I think they're fairly far along to get ready to test this one um but I'm certainly interested in that one and then um let's get the numbers and you know I think the testing will will prove out to tell us what's really there and actually a know more about the quality of water we have in Pasco County also so a lot of water comes out of Pasco in into the Tri County Area and the cities St Pete and also City Tampa so well I would say that Hillsboro River Waters really pasos but Tampa's using it so so just knowing that that belongs to them we're not going to touch that I know I'm just saying it starts in our County I think it came from Pasco though yeah with all the water that's being pumped out of Pasco now we have the supplier granted the water flows to the cell so it's all to be shared we're doing a great job doing that um I'm going to say this full River Project and thank you for for bringing that I trying to think of the name I couldn't come up with it but they have looked at it that is something it's a possibility that should even be on this list over and above even a um and if there was a reservoir to be built along the way so be it if there's something can be done out in zeph Hills with it so be it but rather than go building another whe on Pasco County I've got six seven six other things to do elsewhere I'd rather see those go first anyway okay um I I couldn't let you leave without talking about trails and um we already had our discussion on uh the orange belt but um Jack and Ron you might Ron you might recall when I was on Tampa Bay water and and you were talking about this new um line going in in southern Hillsboro County I just want to remind you that your Corridor makes for a wonderful public purpose if you put a trail on top of it whether it's paved or not paved um it allows for the public to go through some pretty some pretty Urban Suburban areas in a corridor that um will have a lot of investment so I hope someone over there is working on that yes um we heard that back in the days of the planning and our hopes are to incorporate that where we can on the on the route uh so that is very much part of the planning and the development of that pipeline but excellent it is a very congested area which makes it yeah I went through that area in the early 2000s is in my early career and and here I am back Brandon so they're going to be very happy to see us through there but it's uh it's a needed line and if we can do anything to help out in that regards with trails and everything we will do so excellent I think it' be benefici for a lot of citizens in that area yeah because it's there's no other way to get one there yeah so it's a a good you know they're going to have some disruption they'll get something really good out of it besides better water pressure all right thank you so much if there's no more questions thank you okay um I think let me see where we are 49 our 49 uh good morning who's this guy oh yeah yeah who's thisy good morning Bo yeah we have sh starky um we oh David Allen utilities director currently um hope that changes here shortly but um you know the past presentation by um Mr hard Mr hog from Tampa Bay Water kind of spilled into this item here so I'm just going to briefly uh present this um for your consideration um today um again this is a temporary construction easement that would allow Tampa Bay water to uh move forward with drilling two exploratory wells in the East East Pasco area and a couple of things I do want to clarify I know in the staff memo talked about growth in East Pasco County to this project would help support not only just this project specifically but the menu of project projects that Tampa Bay water has outlined previously and for us in Pasco County when we're we're talking about East Pasco County that's really kind of um the area just uh to the west of D City and Zephyr Hills so our wire grass erson uh maradas Village of Pasadena Hills Two Rivers that's really where our foreseeable growth is happening right now and that's where um the supply projects would really support the growth in those areas um and then secondly I just want to mention that again this is the temporary construction easement the data is important for Tampa Bay water as well as Swift Mud to get additional data in this area there's not a whole lot of uh groundwater data particularly in the Deep Florida aquifer and the results of this investigation um will help decide whether or not this is a viable solution or long-term um water supply alternative could very well be that other projects would um rank higher in this process but again I think that the the information gathering the information is is valuable not only for today but also potentially further down the road in the future so was that site the 300 acres that we bought right when I was becoming commissioner in 2012 um for the Luchi it was for a wastewater treatment facility uh and we needed like 30 Acres but the seller wouldn't sell a portion so we bought the whole thing is that that 300 acres y yes okay from chisan right 301 yeah I I know commissioner shrer before I took office drove me around that area but I I don't remember where it was okay um so we don't need a mo do we need a motion yes we do need a motion I move second okay all in favor I opposed all right thank you um now we will go on to R51 so just stay right there oh no it's not you wait Oh I thought they were coming up to the podium threw me off as as as well so um good morning Madam chair members of the board um so before I get into the uh the the confirmation request I I did want to take an opportunity to publicly thank uh Mr JP Murphy uh for serving in the interim role as assistant County administrator over development services it certainly was a time of transition in fact that entire Branch I feel like since I've taken this position has been in a state of transition and so uh we're we're looking forward to you know rectifying that but uh JP kept a steady hand uh on on the branch uh during that transition as well as provided exceptional leadership and Innovation through two major back-to-back hurricanes uh he he has returned uh to his Department of Building Construction Services uh where where the structure is now set up to allow him to leave so the chains have come off over there there and uh actually as at this as we speak he is working very very hard to not only help us comply with the law but help get people back into their homes as quickly as possible as a result of these storms so uh at this point then i' like I could yeah certainly sir I I just want to say you know I work very closely with JP and I know we we all did um he was a he is a great man I'm glad he's staying with us and uh I know he'll do great things down the road for us too but I just want to give him a shout out but it didn't matter what the situation was whether it was a one-on-one intense conversation or a Civic whatever he was there working with the people trying to get get things going so the work he did for the county is greatly appreciated I'm glad he's staying with us and we're going to keep on moving you know just do some great things together so I'm I'm glad that that's all going on too 100% thank you sir appreciate that uh so uh Mr David Allen of course is a familiar face uh currently our our utilities director uh he's uh often known in Pasco circles here is having uh an ability to lead think strategically as well as has a great reputation for for uh being a collaborator and that reputation has followed him through the development Community uh the development services assistant County Administrator is a role that I typically like to look outside to get feedback as well we don't typically do that as as a rule uh but with development services because of the impact into the development Community we want to bring folks in uh David enjoyed broad level support from from those in the development Community as well as uh the team members that that went through the interview process uh as you know he's a professional engineer with over 30 30 years of experience he's served in utility director roles he's also served as an assistant County Administrator in other other jurisdictions and even I think an interim city manager I think at at one point in time too during during the course of his career so I have the utmost when I when I hired David originally two years ago we we never really had the opportunity to work closely but uh uh we you know I knew that uh this this would be a a person that we would eventually want to bring forward in a role like this in in the county and so uh again I'm I I offer him up and appreciate the board's consideration for his confirmation as our next development services assistant County Administrator Mo approve second I'm under discussion I I also want to say I really where is JP here he's busy getting people back in their homes okay uh I really enjoyed working with JP I thought he did a great job um um and uh congratulations to you I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job too and with that I would oh go ahead I just want to say with with working with D to I work on David many projects when we had that project in ranch road trying to get that pond dug out so it didn't flood during the storms that were coming up uh he was great to work with Branford Jason the whole team they worked together to make that happen and then even after the fact the other pawns that D was like fighting us on even with all that was going on David still worked with d to go through and Swift Mud uh to go through and be able to take out the bad stuff that was in in the aquatics that were in there for the vegetation chop it over and now was a sitting with d to hopefully get that project done where we can then take that whole 2 and a half extra acres of land where the water can percolate and put those people in great shape uh working with him on many complex things we've had he just like he gets into it he studies it we get the wellwater item coming up later on today he jumped into that so I I think he's going to do a phenomenal job for us I'm I'm excited for it as well with that I'll call a vote all in favor I oppose okay congratulations thank you so so thank you commission for the support I just want to say a couple of words real quickly first I want to thank Mr carala County Administrator for for considering me for this position and and bringing um me forward as a recommendation for this this role I I would also be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the team that I had in utilities I think you know my success is really based on uh the team that I have working for me and I I really want stress that in terms of you know I'm kind of the face or maybe the the the front man of a band that has no talent I can't play any the instruments but but that's who who everybody Associates with so so I think it's important to mention that um a couple of other things real quickly you know I'm I'm really excited about this role and opportunity I'm I'm really looking forward to strengthen strengthening the relationships I've already established both externally and internally here at Pasco County and looking forward to developing new Partnerships within the community is in this new capacity and then lastly I do want to acknowledge you know you as the board um your mission vision and values for this County to make Pasco a premier County I'm really looking forward to help um en enhance that and bring that forward um in my new role with with the new team and looking forward to that so thank you very much thank you thank you okay uh we're going to go on to miscellaneous business and it says here to start with commissioner Maran know I don't know why um but I'm going to switch from my agenda here and go to commissioner Oakley well I uh actually don't have anything a lot to bring forward but I would like to say something with with all the issues and fires and problems we have on the west coast of the United States and First Responders are out there each and every day I would like I know that we thank them for all they do even even their First Responders but I also want to support our First Responders and all the work they did here when we had flooding and all those issues and they put their life on the line to go out and save people in flood and all that but you know thinking of the supporting of their First Responders on the west coast for fires we're we're real grateful for First Responders here at has County to agreed that's all I that commissioner waitman thank you similar to commissioner not a whole lot just decided for a fund 2025 under the board leadership of uh chair starky and you're in you know new committee assignments so thank you and look forward to a good year with everybody commissioner jger okay we're doing commission right yes okay can I have a slide please okay so um there was a bunch of us there for the prayer breakfast that was amazing and and um we had a great guest speaker next slide please so we had um we had a we surprised the senior center the two different senior centers along with Kathy Pearson with Santa Claus and me sang Christmas carols and gave out candy canes and um it really made their day some some of the elderly they said their family doesn't celebrate Christmas so that was their that was their Christmas and those the cute little kids in the picture these grandkids ah next slide they're not in Disney clothes what's wrong no so we had a um like a a Christmas event out at Moon Lake where we fed 250 families and the parents got to go shopping so um that was that was an amazing event blessed by the community and um Metro Ministries Ryder Gaston um Grace's food pantry we had the riveridge uh basketball team there help helping for a gazillion hours um and this was tunnel to Towers this was my first um tunnels to Towers event and it was so emotional I couldn't stop crying um and I was uh pleased to offer their Co for them to their house so that was an amazing event if you've never been I encourage you to go to one so that's all I have for District 4 there we busy commissioner Mariano all right so I'm not sure what the agenda item was mov me up there but it's yeah I don't know must be uh so I want to address uh in in public comment today um I think we're unfairly shot at uh myself included um you know Pasco County changed from being part of let's say the Nature Coast it's all natural we made we we rebranded ourselves to yes the sports Coast um when I look at Hernando County I think they made themselves the adventure Cod so I don't know what changes were where the offense was but I want to say this board I think has done a phom job working on the Restorations up and down the coast but not only that the water quality effort that we put in and I'm frankly I'm very proud of the regional planning Council and now I'll be the estor chair um I think it means something that I'm actually doing something for environment positive way to bring $8 half million to go get some things done for water quality so I think what we're doing and working closely with fish and wildlife to actually improve where we've actually improved the water quality so much we went from 10 days to 40 days and I will tell you the only time we've had any issue with the scalloping season is the dredging was done on the ancl river that had some things that spewed up to the bottom that's the only part I thought that so so that was like so misguided the the statements that were made today so I just want to make sure I address that and cover with you now I did say way back when when they wanted to make us part of the Aquatic Reserve what it was going to do to parts of our coast and one of them was very key was down at the Leisure Beach channel that channel goes out just to the end of where the development is it stops if you're at low tide you cannot use that channel CU you can't get out so it's almost useless so those people find their way to go across to go to the north to get the Hudson Channel Marcus 12 and 13 would allow a straight shot going right into what fronts up in front of Lonnie Lee getting out to the Hudson Channel and that would actually minimize the impact because if you look at all the props cars and I can tell you can talk to many many people we've heard about them before all the props that get torn up running through there when when they tearing that up they're tearing up either seagrass or dirt or whatever if you put in a 5-ft depth Channel you can actually replanted like they did in homo sassa they did a great job at Kings Bay and they brought all sorts of sea life back and we got that opportunity come down up and down the coast so when I want to pull out us from the Aquatic preserve I want to get it to the where the parts are that we need to to go forward so we can do improvements like that that'll improve the life of our citizens i' like to go out and boat I mean let's go take care of the humans at the the same time when we do this water quality improvements when we do these Channel Restorations and we if we can get that other channel done which we need to get out of the Aquatic preserve it'll improve water water quality as well and provide more cigar so I don't want you to be afraid of what she was saying it's very important Leisure Beach people to get that done signal Cove will tell you the same thing they both share it so I'm going to go real strong with it but I don't want you guys to be scared of what you heard this morning because it was completely out Bas and I want to say I want to reach out to like JP David M uh Jason they have been so phenomenal work through these storms uh getting people back in their homes now we're making the steps forward and I'm going to put out to to Kevin Guthrie who I think the I hope Donald Trump's listening but I think he should become the head of FEMA I think is happen what he could do out there would be phenomenal uh and hopefully that'll that'll help us and help the whole nation thank you thank you commissioner Maran uh uh not superintendent I brought back my school board no County Administrator keep that job uh first I you know on that note I would like to thank the board for approving uh addendum item 138 that was consent item that was uh an emergency road access response kind of team there and that was uh with with the State Department of Emergency Management um we CCO County will be one of three agencies in the state with this capability and ability to go in and do quick Road clearing advance search and rescue with with our so again I think this again makes us Premier brings positive press and notoriety to Pasco County and again will show us as an agency leaning forward so just appreciate uh yes Mr guth's um trust in in Pasco County to to deliver those services to the citizens of the State of Florida um just real quick uh you you did have put in front of you a laminated copy of the Strategic plan again we're about a quarter behind on this simply because this was adoped in October and then we got whacked um so these are here they're out there for you uh just just know that the implementation is formerly working here uh and we'll be integrating these elements into our day-to-day work so more to come on that we'll be discussing that with the team tomorrow uh and more importantly uh how we're going to measure measure and Report out on progress towards that plan the big item that I wanted to mention and we we've talked about it and and we still continue to get information uh as you are aware um uh and it will be formally announced tomorrow pas county is a direct recipient uh of an amount of $585 m74 th000 uh from HUD uh this is a direct allocation and I want to that's special I'll tell you why that's different it's because most of these allocations are given to State agencies to then distribute and run the fact that it's a direct allocation means that we actually can access these funds quicker and we're able to to put them to good use um there are some restrictions of course it has to tie back to to the natural disasters so Helen and Milton uh primarily on this and they generally have to benefit low to moderate income uh individuals uh Marcy and her team and again I would be remiss if I did not thank Marcy for her for her efforts and call this to our attention you may recall a very small letter that we had asked uh the chairman to sign at the time um we I thought it was going to be a $250 million letter and gave it a 50-50 shot of going forward never did I would I have imagined 600 million coming to our County um in terms of a direct allegation but I'm glad Marcy brought that forward to us and and helped us and thanks to Ralph and the team to working through legislative folks to to really kind of bring this across the the finish line so we are developing an internal administrative structure on how to manage this I think it will be probably kept a little closer uh to my office uh in order to uh to keep tabs on that um but we're a lot of a lot of a lot of moving parts so we are working on a onepage summary for your offices so you can work with your constituents um and so that you know what what qualifies and what may or may not qualify but we'll be setting up individual meetings with you in pretty short order because we have to have an action plan put together uh within the next few months on this and it will require Public public meetings stakeholder engagement um with with folks across our community because this is an investment in our in our community here at Pasco uh typical things that that these dollars are used to pay for it's it's used to address housing needs uh so that that is simp that is certainly one infrastructure activities as well as economic revitol revitalization are some of the big buckets that those that those dollars can be put in and I don't want to get premature and publicly start talking about projects because that's what the process is that we'll have to go through and and we'll get there but we will be looking for your input public input and citizen input so I'm just excited uh for us as Pasco County quite honestly I think it's the largest uh amount of money that we've ever been granted in our history um and and we're excited to uh to put it to good use so thank you mam chair yes Mike U I'm glad you're taking the approach are I think it'd be important to meet with the Comm Commissioners individually as quick as you possibly can just so we can like talk we all get some good ideas I know that we do so I think and that might help you as as you take the steps forward for as where to go with it um I think moving fast uh and let's another shout out for Marcy to actually put this forward and get this this is amazing it is just incredible to go forward and there's great opportuni for us to do the some of the things we've always wanted to do and again help with that housing which I think could be absolutely huge so thank you um one of the um things I said to um Mr carbal is that first of all um it's well it's my committee at no that handles this money it's the community Economic Development and Workforce C that deals with cdpg and HUD and FEMA and all those folks and um we can I really feel we can thank noik and all the work that they did during the covid um era to be to convince the higher ups that it is okay to send money directly to some of the counties and you know they do it by population and so that that has opened the door for direct deposits to us and I think that um I have not heard anything yet negative about um how the money uh was spent with these with these counties and the responsible and the very responsible way that we all um engaged in our communities with the federal money so I actually thanked um uh the committee during our national call last week and have suggested that uh if if there are any questions or any issues that we use na um you know those guys are lobbyists actually uh to to make sure that we know all the rules and and and what the you know how far the boundaries can go and and if we have any issues and I know Lee count I know you've been talking also with Lee County because Lee County got some of this money last year yeah Lee County received about $1.1 billion doll after Hurricane inan in terms of direct allocation and uh they actually have a phenomenal website we will be looking to Model A lot of our activities off of u a lot of lessons that Lee County has learned and so yes we're we're in touch with with them and other communities as well and again Marcy's team uh is is doing is doing great work we're assembling things right now and look forward to to making it happen and uh and I to been watching the uh California fire my cousin lives in Pacific Palisades as we were sitting here I just got a text that her building's probably going to her her condo did not burn down but the building was damaged and they're probably going to condemn her building so she has has lost you know they've lived there for I don't know 20 30 years thousand yeah it's it's it's heartbreaking um heartbreaking um but it makes me grateful for how we how we deal with disaster and maybe it's because we go through it almost every year that we're so well prepared um but it is it it's of course I don't I'm not going to cast any blame um on on why and how and uh who fault anything was I will say that Katherine Barker who's the chair of LA county is is a friend of mine she's very involved in no do you know Katherine yeah so it was great to see her up there and um she's invited president Trump uh President elect Trump to come um visit uh California and I know our hearts and prayers go out to them it does lead me to a question and I meant to ask this to you Kathy this morning um I'm just curious I I saw them you know a lot a lot of sites are pushing the Red Cross to donate to the Red Cross and i' had asked this question earlier um during our efforts I know I know Red Cross made a big push to collect money to help our citizens here in in Pasco County and I just I just don't know what they did so I'm very curious uh if we I used to be a Red Cross board member but um I'm curious how how did Red Cross help our community and I I know I did see United way out there um United Way was providing a lot of meals uh for our our people that um you know lost the ability to cook in in in communities but I just would be interested if someone could ask Red Cross what their response was in our County yeah I mean I think we can provide some information back to the board I know personally uh they they they assisted with some of the shelter management during recovery during the recovery piece and and I did uh did have the occasion to speak to some of the representatives in the EOC but certainly we can spell out a detailed account with Kathy and Emergency Management if that's what the board would like to like to say um did did you want to talk about um the Tri County or for Friday or do you want cuz I was going to but I feel it should come from before we leave this topic if it's okay uh I did have drafted a letter for our federal delegation it's just a thank you for any work that's done behind the scenes to help bring this money to Pasco so I do have it addressed from the chair so Bo would like to they to vote on that je all in favor I thank you thank you um so regarding I'm sorry the the top TR County work I think yes TR count and then we'll break for lunch after that so yes the so the uh the Tri County uh uh it's called Regional Roundtable be at Ruth eard Hall uh that is on this Friday the 17th I understand Commissioners jger and commissioner Oakley do have a preemption event um but are looking forward to meeting with the rest of our boards uh there will be a presentation from Tampa Bay water not to be redundant that's just how the how the timing worked um there will be a brief discussion on the noo TPO merger um and then we're going to talk a little bit about opioid funding and what the various uh counties are doing with their opioid money so Paula barl from our shop will will be presenting a very brief presentation but we'll also hear from from Hillsboro and pellis County and then probably the most the juiciest topic will be the legislative discussion and what uh what we're doing in concert and maybe what we're what we're doing individually as as as groups for the region and then uh we always like to close it out with some uh with some remarks and a round table where all the elected officials kind of kind of say some things and these the next one after this um presuming we keep up with this will be here in Pasco we will host uh but I think it's a great opportunity again to promote regionalism and just to kind of show united front uh in the Tri County Area yeah um I think these are incredibly valuable um I I would encourage you guys um and you know I we all have things that pop up on our calendar so you can't always do it but these are super important so please put a lot of importance on these on your calendar um um because there are a lot of things that we can do in the Tampa Bay area working together and this is where we have that that opportunity to promote those ideas and meet our fellow Commissioners and and work together commissioner Mariana yeah I I agree wholeheartedly I think it's is of all the outside committees this is probably the could be one of the most significant ones for down the road because we've never had this level of interaction before this communication usually you meet with one commission and not the other one now you get a chance to meet with everybody there and talk about significant projects if you could Mike what I'd like you to do is U Warr Warren was familiar with the Four River Project I would like our team to get with them and let them incorporate that into what they may say because I'm going to ask questions about it and make comments about it I would like to get them fully vers to what we know and kind of like give them prepped I don't want to catch them flat voted uh but I think as much information as they have ahead of time might be helpful okay um you know uh something to think about on one of these meetings I think it happened one time and it might have been on transportation and we did it down at the Port um but maybe we should consider inviting say City of Tampa councilman and one or two of the other cities I and the reason I bring that up is we have one city council woman should we invite her Friday huh should we invite her Friday yeah let's invite at least that one but we have we have one s you know we have some folks who may not speak for their board that they that they sit on and and there's really not another opportunity to talk to the other members and so maybe it would be good for regionalism if if there were more people at the table sometimes so maybe we should consider one giant big one um somewhere and you know let's all put our cards on the table commissioner Mariana yeah it's not a bad idea but I don't want to take it away from what we have right now this very you want to set something separate and go so be it but let's keep we got right here I don't know if they'd agree to it but I'll have to meet Barry and Bonnie at the bar to discuss that yeah exactly exactly okay we're going to break for lunch we'll be back at 1:30 cther yeah oh