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80s comment after after you second I'm older than it he's just been here longer all all in favor say I I I and it's not senior as to age it's senior years on the board tenure tenure okay I'm the Elder and the first order of business of P39 do we have proof P39 we have proof of publication in the February 7th edition of the Tampa Bay Times along with affidavit is C certified mailings and site postings thank you Mr chairman item P39 is an ordinance amending the Pesco County comprehensive plan providing for a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future Landing map map 2-15 in sheet 03 from Ro retail office residential to I industrial Light on approximately 16.84 Acres of real property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Diagonal Road and New York Avenue and providing for an additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repeal cability and effective date uh this item is recommended for a continuance to a date uncertain move to continue second all in favor say I I P40 do we have proof we have proof of publication in the November 22nd edition of the Tampa Bay Times this item was continued from the December 5th uh 2023 Board of County Commissioners meeting to time certain this day item P40 is in ordinance amending the Pasco County comprehensive plan providing for a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future Landing M map 2-15 sheet 03 from Ro retail office residential to Il industrial Light on approximately 10 acres of real property located on New York Avenue and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repeat cability and an effective date this item also comes with a recommendation of a continuance to a date uncertain move to continue second all in favor say I I I any opposed p41 b41 uh was published in the January 3rd edition of the Tampa Bay Times supplemented by Affidavit of certified mailings and site posting item p41 is an ordinance amending the Pasco County comprehensive plan providing for a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land ement map 2-15 sheet 05 from res one residential one dwelling unit per gross acre to Comm commercial on approximately 4.00 Acres of real property located at the intersection of Shady Hills Road and Helen K drive and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repealer cability and an effective date and this is a this comes with a recommendation to approve the proposed comprehens clment and adopt the ordinance I will cover this is a small scale comp okay commission waitman thank you chair uh Cherry I know it's only four acres so it doesn't fit really in the live local bubble but it's not contous to another commercial piece that doesn't have any deed restriction on it is there uh I believe there will be a deed restriction placed on the property it doesn't happen at the comprehensive plan stage so make sure that in the bigger picture of this that it wasn't tied into a neighboring parcel where we could find ourselves in a vulnerable situation yes we it's been the common practice now to deed restrict okay propert at the zoning zoning phase all right want hear any more from staff this is a public hearing is anyone here from the public like to speak to this item we have no one signed up in advance okay anyone on WebEx no sir we do not okay so is there any anyone in the audience want to speak to the this well I did have a question for staff okay I'm looking forward to let me just finish public comment at this point so I'm going to close public comment seeing no one come forward commission starky um I know we talk about widening Shady Hills Road in the future is there someone from Terry or someone um my question is are we reserving property to put a multi-use path in front of this do we know which if we're widening this road do we know which side of the road will have a wider pedestrian opportunity and are we reserving that I'm looking to see we've asked for those kind of things to be in here so I'm looking to see if it's in here because I didn't have access to this yesterday so good afternoon commissioner Nick Ren County engineer U comp plan does call for a four-lane facility and the typical section we would assume to build on this Corridor would include a 12ft multi-use path presumably on the east side of the corridor and that would be because of the location of three schools on the east side and the typical sections say put it on the East Side unless there's reason to locate it on the west well there is a park is the park on the west side is Veterans on here or is that on Cru Cruise legs on the right hand side and nothing else east side is Veterans on Hayes which which road is Veterans on oh that's on Hicks Road on hick okay well I just want to make sure we are taking care of future Mobility so Nick if I could so to to follow so if it's on one side of the road it's a 12T path the other one will at least at least okay yep by typical section one of those two the next stage will address that on the west four vehicle travel Lanes 12T on the East but um multimodal connectivity throughout the whole Corridor okay and any RightWay conveyance conditions we impose on development along the corridor is consistent with the desired um RightWay identified in our comp plan the 124 ft but do we show that anywhere in here well this is at the comprehensive stage you see it in zoning resoning but I want to make sure the applicant is aware that it's coming very good Mr chairman if I may answer uh Mr Whitman's uh question more directly the petitioner has indeed recorded a voluntary deed restriction on the local so it's already been done thank you very good all right public comments closed any other questions for staff if not we need a motion approve second all in favor say I I I item p42 proove and publication Tampa Bay Times January 3rd 2024 Edition item p42 is an ordinance amending the Pascal County comprehensive plan providing for text amendments to chapter 2 future land use element repealing future land use element map series map 2-2 Coastal High Hazard areas and evacuation routes and replacing with map 2-2 Coast Coastal High Hazard areas and adaptation action areas text amendments to chapter 4 Coastal management element repealing Coastal management element 4-1 Coastal area Coastal high-hazard area and providing for additional taxt amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repealer cability and an effective date um with this item the planning and economic growth department is going to actually request a continuous with date uncertain to address certain stakeholder interests wait did you say you want to continuance yes oh are good with that I'm very move uh to continue to is it a Time certain a date uncertain date uncertain second all in favor say I I I Mr chairman I believe we neglected to do a roll call vote on that previous ordinance uh you need tooll on ordinances so going back to mp41 p41 roll call Vote Yes thank you District Two commissioner Wan I District three commissioner Starker I District Five acting chair Mariano I staff caught it thank you staff very good1 passes roll call vote now where were we on the vote for this one roll call for 42 is it a roll call not for continu we're all set with 42 move to 43 did we vote we did vote he called the vote okay sorry 4 uh the December 20th 2023 edition of the Tampa Bay times and then by supplemented by Affidavit of certified mailings and site posting there are no one signed up okay item p43 is an ordinance amending the Pasco County comprehensive plan providing for a comprehensive plan amendment is the future lus map map 2-15 and Sheet 05 from resan uh residential one dwelling unit per gr acre and AGR agricultural rural to con conservation lands on approximately 38 acres of real property located north of State Road 52 between Sun Coast Parkway and US Highway 41 and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repal cability and an effective date this comes here with a recommendation to approve the proposed comprehensive plan mment and adopt the ordinance by roll call vote there's a presentation if so desired okay then we care for a presentation okay all right let me call for public comment anybody here to speak to item p43 no one signed up no one signed up no one on WebEx no one online so we'll close public comment for p43 to the board move to approve p43 have motion a second roll call vote District Two commissioner Wagman hi District three commissioner starky I District Five commissioner Mariana M Mr chairman just for uh people that are here and list in we've just added 318 Acres of property into the um Wildlife Corridor and uh is preserved so that's a good thing thank you very much okay now we go to the public hearings Mr County attorney Mr chairman there are two resoning agendas regular and consent staff will present each application to the board of County Commissioners if staff or Planning Commission has recommended approval and there is no opposition the application will be considered by the board without further presentation if staff or Planning Commission has recommended denial or if there is opposition to the application the applicant will be given five minutes for presentation the opposition will be given three minutes for each individual or five minutes for a group representative and the applicant will be given three minutes for rebuttal any individual disagreeing with staff or Planning Commission recommendation or anyone wishing to object to any condition of the rezoning May at this time request that the petition be pulled from the consent agenda in which case that application will be heard under the regular agenda later on during the meeting otherwise all resoning applications on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion and vote if you wish to speak to any petition please give your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record these are Quasi judicial public hearings the law in Florida is that mere public support or opposition of an application is insufficient for this board to take action please limit your comments to those criteria found within the board's Land Development code for resoning Mr clerk would you like to swear the public in so those of you who are wishing to present testimony in any of the upcoming cases we'd ask that you please rise and raise your right hand do each of you swear or affirm that the testimony you will give in that matter uh is the truth so help you got all right please be seated and again when you come forward to the podium just reconfirm that you were sworn okay Denise item p44 we have proof of publication in the February 7th 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay times thank you good afternoon Commissioners Denise Hernandez planning and economic growth Department item p44 is peg2 247740 it's a Zone Amendment the names of the residences at Rolling Hills mpud Master planning of development Dan Niko Properties LLC the request is to continue the item to the April 23rd 2024 Board of count County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie have a motion would you continue second all in favor say I I I p45 do we have proof I have proov publication again in the February 7th 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay Times p45 is pg24 cu conditional use in the name of Word of Life Fellowship Word of Life GLA the request is to continue the item to the to the April 23rd 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie have a motion Mo approval second move the continuance please move to continue move to continue sorry okay move to continue with a second or and I will second it all in favor say ibody else I I I item p46 on item p46 this item was continued from the January 9th 2024 BCC meeting to February 6th at which time it was continued to March the 12th where it was continued to today okay so p46 is Peg 2424 it's a comprehensive plan Amendment CPA 2301 Fletcher and the actual continuance date is the April 23rd 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie where you continue second all in favor say I I I any opposed motion passes and now we go to the consent agenda item p47 start we approv publication of this matter in the February 7th U 2024 Edition T Times supplemented by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings P4 7 is Peg 24171 it's a development agreement for CA Estates LLC it's a development agreement for the construction of the multiuse path and for the award of Mobility fee credits for the the design permitting and construction of the offsite improvements of the multi-use path and for the difference between the cost of the required 5- foot sidewalk on site and the constructed multi-use path comes here with a recommendation of approval uh from the planning and economic growth department and the local planning agency who found it consistent with the comprehensive plan okay is there anyone in the audience online to speak in opposition to item p47 think no one leave it on consent item p48 brief of publication again in the February 7th uh Tampa Bay Times and supplemented by certified mailings and site postings p48 is pg24 7770 zoning Amendment Bina M Hicks it's for a change in zoning from an RMH mobile home District to a P1 professional office District comes you with a recommendation of approval from the planning and develop planning and economic growth Department sorry and the Planning Commission okay do anyone here to speak in opposition of item p48 leave it on consent and that concludes your consent agenda okay we have a motion move to approve the consent agenda second all in favor say I I I any opposed motion passes item p49 do we have proof we have proof publication again in the February 7th 2024 Edition Tamp Bay Times supplemented by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings good afternoon William Vermillion planning and economic growth this is item p49 p24 7734 the jar Palms MD here's its location map in the Northwestern portion of the county along us19 just south of County Line Road this rezoning is from imput to imput the previous mwd is expired it was to allow 499 RV spaces at the time this new MPD will be allowing for 250 platted town homes on approximately 42.8 acres and we'll have two access points on uh us19 and an emergency access there on Cher Lane to the north here's that location map the existing zoning reflecting MPD the existing future land use of residential 24 here is a contextual map to show some other projects in the vicinity you'll see the Heritage Pines MPD and drri uh there to the north as well as U us19 and County Line Road um air Pika Heights imput as well and the SunWest Harbor Town imput and to to give you uh commissioner some contacts on the development within those muds the Heritage Pine drri was approved for uh 969 dwelling units and 45,000 ft of non-residential the arpa uh Heights MPD was approved for 235 single family detached and the SunWest Harbor Town drri was approved for 30 50 single family detached 2150 multif family dwelling units 250,000 ft of Comm 50,000 ft of office 250 hotel rooms 18 hole golf course and 50 slips on a marina here's this Project's master plan uh as you can see here those two accesses on us19 as well as the emergency access there to the north on Cher uh the applicant is also going to be connecting their internal sidewalks to those commercial out Parcels that you see there with the numbers 21 22 and 23 on them as well as sidewalk connections to the existing sidewalk on us19 that takes you North to County Line Road and to the 12ft multiuse path that runs along County Line Road here is the uh non-binding conceptual plan and the applicant informed me that after meetings with conditioner Commissioners they made changes to this um to allow for more parking within within this Mudd for the town homes and this is reflected here on this plan the applicant is requesting one variation from 91611 that is to not provide interconnects to the East and East and the South and that is due to the existing uh platted residential homes there was uh one additional change that happened to Planning Commission from the original proposal we changed the language uh on the buffering for this imput to reflect an opaque fence to uh to ensure the residents that this uh this fence would not be able to see through the applicant is also giving an increased buffer uh above and beyond the LDC requirements to mitigate some of those concerns on the south and east from those residential ODS and with that that comes to you guys with the recommendation of approval with conditions from planning and economic growth as well as the Planning Commission I'm available for any questions okay any questions for staff I just have um one one comment I think um it used to be that everyone did brick or masonary walls and now I know we're getting to these vinyl walls um my only issue with those is is that if you don't clean it or keep it maintained they stop falling apart and so I would want a condition in there that that it has to be kept clean and um I don't know what the right word is but doesn't do anyone any good when a wall is falling apart and it has mold all over it because I I see those around the county okay because otherwise I'm going to start going back to requiring masonary your brick walls I don't know if you put that in the code or not in the condition we can put these in the condition conditions of approval that's absolutely and uh the applicant is here and can speak to the their consent on adding that condition okay any other questions uh no that's it okay all right the applicant good afternoon Cammy Corbett with the law firm of Hill Warden Henderson 101 East Kennedy Boulevard Suite 3700 Tampa Florida and I have been sworn we do have a very brief presentation William did a great job so I don't want to be repetitive to his slides the applicant is mar homes they're one of the fifth largest home builders in the United States their target market is really that firsttime home buyer and first time move up so they're important in the market for our Working Families and they are industry leader in Energy Efficiency they also have a reviewed many awards for customer service um and they are rank highly against especially this Tampa division against National home builders in the area again this is the subject property you can see the future land uses in the surrounding area this property is unusual it is has a future land use of res 24 and it is surrounded by res 6 res 6 res 12 and res 9 and again the project details are it's 42.8 acres and we're asking for 250 likely Town Homes but we are asking for an option for Villas as well and on the left is the existing site plan for the 499 RV units that were approved for this location and on the right is our proposed plan which takes the density down to about half of that and we are offering uh fee simple uh single family ownership opportunities um this was our original plan that we filed and that we shared at our community meeting we only showed a 20 foot offset buffer uh and no fencing whatsoever there um we had our dog park located towards the north of the site and then we had our neighborhood park in the Central and then at that time we only had uh 81 visitor parking uh SP spaces and a total of 105 after input both from the residents and commissioner meetings we have made changes we have increased that buffer to a 35 foot buffer um and agreed to shade trees every 60 linear feet with shrubs in an outside fence uh and the fence is a six foot fence visual screen we would be amable to conditions that require us to keep them clean I think we already have a condition that the HOA has to maintain that but if there's additional language that the commission would like to add um we certainly would be willing to entertain that and then again we've upped those parking visitor parking spaces to 125 um and we offering a total of 149 parking spaces now these are elevations of the Town Homes uh we do have all of the conditions from your PM 26 memorandum even though we were under review uh prior to the adoption of that we did agree to all of those conditions that Implement PM 26 we do want to uh understand your vision and have heard your concerns loudly and clearly about things looking like barracks and not wanting that to condition to exist in your community and again comparing the prior approved to the proposed we're going down from 500 499 RV spaces and we're doing 250 single family attached units uh and again going from 24 units the acre to just under six units the acre and then we're increasing the buffering and uh fencing requirement um and so overall uh the feedback that we received at the community meeting we did have people that were concerned but we did receive a lot of feedback from people who are happy that we were not no longer having the RV spaces that we were providing a more permanent living opportunity here um on this site uh the neighborhood commercial to directing AB buding us was very happy about the opportunity to have a thriving Community located right behind them to help uh their businesses survive and in the end uh we've been found consistent and compatible by uh your staff uh we we believe that we enhanced the area and complement the existing residential development pattern in the surrounding area full compliance with PM 26 and then we're providing those two access points onto US 19 and we have no Wetlands on site um and then we have the conditions that we have reviewed in our agreement with and we are here to answer any questions you might have we have our civil engineer our enir environmental scientist and our planner and our traffic engineer so do you have any questions okay I want to say I do appreciate the meetings we had you helped move that parking number up CU as we've talked before about so many times you get these town home projects that just don't have enough and try to squeeze everybody in so I appreciate that and um any any questions from well I just just goingon to say as everyone knows I wish they were rear loaded because I just don't think Town Homes work well front loaded um um can you go back to those pictures the elevations so what are we doing as far as trees and when I look I I see there's a magnolia there are we what kind of trees are we putting in in the front of the Town Homes I'm gonna ask Betsy Jolly who's the planner okay for May James hi I'm Bessie Jolly certified planner uh Ford planning manager from merid homes the applicant um we're adopting all the standards of PM 26 including the tree requirements for Town Homes I think it's a shade tree in the front okay and the shade tree is not a crepe myrtle no I think we took out the substitution language that was previously available um then we're meeting the current uh staff approved and a a palm tree isn't a shade tree either so what what are I'm just curious what we're putting in because I've been driving by and granted I may not have seen come to any of the new ones with the new restrictions yet I'd like to see some some some someone will tell me where some of the new ones are I'll show you a picture when I went through at Oakley grov the other day but um it's under construction that's that site looks pretty heavily wooded and so um I'm sure if you're taking out more trees than you're putting back in you're paying into the tree mitigation trust fund which is kind of our typical deal sorry not the landscape architect the engineer I will do my best yes we'll be playing we'll be paying the $500 a unit for the tree mitigation fee on this one for sure yeah but um I really hope that in the spaces where you have um say in between the buildings or in any open spaces and I'm guessing now that we're adding more parking spaces in that's taken out some of the places where you could have put some trees back but I for one it's it's hard to watch all the trees go down so I'm just going to start asking for putting in you know nice trees wherever you can back onto the property not crpe myrtles not palm trees some some of our oak trees or Magnolias or something that makes a tree canopy um would be great fa enough that makes sense and also just just to point out we do have a lot of extra parking spaces on the site typically we count the parking spaces in our Park credits or in our Park required Park acreage in this case because that gets a little messy during the review we actually took all the parking spaces out of the Park acreage which means we've preserved open green actual park space and we're not trying to double dip and get sidewalk and parking space credit for it so we actually have a little bit more green space than you normally have for this many units which will be places plant trees and are you doing um single car driveways for single car garages we'll be back to you in just a second okay we are yes because I just have a thing against double carard driveways for single car garage okay great excuse me sir could you go ahead and just put your name on the record yes uh Joe Simo W engineering 12363 Hampton Park Drive or sorry Hampton Park Boulevard Tampa Florida 33624 thank you and and it's good to see that these are not stco top and bottom they've got some exterior um additions enhancements whatever commissioner snarky if I could condition 14 deals with the shade trees it doesn't specify which type of trees but if you would like to exclude certain types of trees as additional language in this condition we'd be Happ yeah I I think we just really need to clarify that a crpe martle is not a shade tree okay okay well I I see them all over so um yeah okay all right we're here to answer any other questions thanks any other questions okay this is a public hearing anyone else was anyone from the public he to speak to item p49 Dr Mar Y is the first one signed up he sent us something good afternoon my name is Dr Mark yot I am the retired director of the Pasco County Health Department and have always appreciated the county Support of Public Health in Pasco County but I'm here on a different matter uh I I would like to say that uh we also spoke and I represent the committee uh for the Highland so maybe I get my full five minutes but uh I I would say that uh we all several of us spoke at the zoning meeting and uh you should also have on file our letter of objection and also uh a uh concise copy of what I'm going to talk about at the moment which shouldn't take too long uh we we basically feel uh and we do appreciate that jar the owner by the way is Miller not jar yet I guess that's all in negotiation but we we do appreciate the fact that the uh that jar has tried to accommodate some of these issues that we raised uh and we appreciated the zoning committee for taking our letter and uh applying some of those conditions that we requested uh but you got to look at the big p uh picture here this is uh 250 units multi-story uh tearing down an entire Forest uh where that will be gone when this uh uh project if it is approved we we still feel very strongly about denying this project uh because the big picture is what it does to the character of our community it just doesn't fit there okay uh so we still feel the zoning should be denied however we do appreciate uh that conditions a number of conditions we recommended were addressed so we pleased with that and we fully support those conditions if it is in fact approved uh uh we're suggesting uh that if it is approved you might consider uh continuing it to be sure that the conditions that are requested and including some that are add or if you agree with those additional conditions or fully met uh so you may want to consider continuing uh this request uh for the permit uh we appreciate the the the buffer zone that was very important and frankly the original designs had this community uh fence right up against the back of our property so we really appreciate the zoning committee making that recommendation uh we we really feel uh that with this buffer uh it there will be uh significant reduced impact on our community but we are looking at shade trees at every 60 ft seems to be a little sparse and we would like to see it more heavily uh more heavily uh planted uh behind that fence uh and we're looking at at least every 20 ft and get some decent shade and hide that uh fence but that's something you'll have to think about the fence in our opinion and and I appreciate what commissioner starky said plastic fences don't hold up and require a lot of Maintenance they also don't do anything for noise abatement we recommended to the zoning board and we recommend again that that perimeter fence except for the exits be constructed in cinder block with Stucker o overlay and should be 8 ft High to me that would again uh work to minimizing the impact of this community uh on the highlands and on the Highland properties abing it all right so PE PVC I give that a lot of thought that really is not going to be a very adequate fencing now crer road which is their emergency exit need we need to wrap it up I'm sorry I think we're pass the three minutes I don't say the timer on I'm almost finished I thought I had five minutes because uh I'm representing the committee but whatever uh it it won't take long honestly Cher Road should be paved that is unpaved and uh commissioner Mariana knows what condition that road can get into so if they're going to use that as an emergency exit uh I I think fire and and rescue should take a hard look at that road to make sure it's in a condition that they can get in and out uh we recommend traffic studies during Peak traffic hours uh because when mding is the pretty much the sole entrance and exit to our community and when we want to go south on 19 we have to go north on 19 first go over three lanes make a U-turn to go south on 19 and anybody that's familiar with that Community understands that now uh that traffic can be very nasty and that crossover can be hazardous you're adding a, family uh you're adding 250 families with a potential of a thousand residents that are again going to be accessing 19 and adding to that traffic uh on 19 and we know what 19 is uh well Waters wellwater serves Highland residents it is important to fully understand the impact of this project on the aquifer particularly their irrigation uh of great concern to community residents is the effect of this project on the rural character of our community that concern cannot be emphasized enough and that's really all I have to say is there any questions for my comments we don't do question and answer I'm sorry we don't do question and answer on public comment we don't do public uh do question answer on public comment so I'm done you're done thank you thank you Dr Linda Bell hello my name is Linda Bell I'm a retired Pasco County school teacher um and thank you Miss starky I heard about the fence that was one of my my concerns uh your your address man pardon your address your your home address oh I'm sorry 18329 Branch Road Hudson and you you been sworn pardon and whether or not you've been sworn have you do you acknowledge that you were sworn oh yes thank you okay um one of my biggest concerns uh is of course the water we're all on private Wells and I happen to see this article in the um Wall Street Journal about this Lagoon with 37 million gallons of water in Pasco County the largest in the United States and I just have a concern where the water is going to come from the new subdivision in back of us we just had to put in another well $8,500 um and I also talked to the one gentleman over there and he assured me the last time they were not going to clearcut the trees well I'd like to see that in writing and Miss starky thank you again for bringing up the tree situation um and as far as defense yes we also are worried about that uh that there will be access to Emer Mercy builds and back we've lived in that place our 5 acres for 50 years and we've had people that set fires in the back and we've had to have the fire trucks come back there so we're very concerned that there's going to be access to emergency field uh uh vehicles in the back so that's pretty much my concern of course and uh there's a family of foxes living back there there's all kinds of uh animal life we have a uh camera set up in the back a kind of a sporting and we saw see all the animals at night that walk around back there and that's our concern too and uh one gentleman mentioned about property rights when we were here before and I can agree with property rights if you have agricultural land why don't you have the right to keep it agricultural you don't have to constantly make every single agricultural into residential we really need some green on the ground and some blue in the sky oh I have one minute yes okay well that's about all I I don't know that what we can do at this point of course we'd like to keep it whoops we'd like to keep it pristine like it is now but we would appreciate any help you could give us as far as the water situation I did not hear where the water is coming from where are they going to get all that where did 37 million gallons of water for this uh this Lagoon thing 14 acres so water is my concern sewage is my concern and the animals and the trees are my concern so thank you very much thank you anyone else you had to speak to this item chairman uh we just been I believe there was an exp party communication that needed to be made uh accepted to the record uh from Dr yacht to staff is that correct than okay anyone else from the public want to speak to this item anyone on WebEx uh no sir no no one on WebEx we'll close public comment back to the applicant so you could address some of the concerns were brought up yes sir Cammy Corbett again for the record I'd like to have Steve Henry come up and address the condition of Cher Road and its suitability as emergency access and its current and and can you answer the water question real fast I think I heard you're hooking up to the county yes yes so so it's not well W there won't be Wells all right so to be clear water and ser will be set up with Pasco County Utilities okay good afternoon Steve Henry lson Associates 5023 West Laural Tampa 33607 and I have been sworn as far as the emergency access to Chrysler road so that is one is it's an emergency so it'll be gated so other than emergency services but the reality is from a code standpoint we don't need it we have two accesses to US1 19 so for this number of units we'd only be required to have one access and one emergency access we actually have two full accesses to your directional meeting openings to us19 so the reality is if the board decides that we don't need that access or don't or the because of the residents we're happy taking that off that was really a request from staff to put that access on there as an emergency access but again it would be gated and used solely for emergency services thank you I also heard some concerns about uh species and wildlife of course we already have conditions in our PD um that require us to do the requisite studies prior to any kind of construction development and to follow All State uh Federal and local laws regarding that there's a concern about twostory residences our maximum height here is 35 ft just like the adjacent residential they can build 35 twostory 35 ft on their uh side as well um I did hear the request to move the trees to 20 ft apart instead of the 60 ft apart according to our civil engineer that is too close but if the board would like to consider having them 30 feet apart instead of 60 feet apart that's something the applicant is willing to agree to that'd be nice I'd like that okay and the um condition 11 is the condition uh open space and buffering condition that talks about having to have the fence maintained by an HOA or a CDD um and if there's anything else you'd like us to address anyone on our team can do so but otherwise we just respectfully uh reiterate that we are a significant reduction in density that's much more compatible with the area than what's already approved and we would respectfully request your approval Mr chairman Mr County attorney um so while that condition 11 references open space it has no reference to the fence itself it can be included so yeah so I was I was going to recommend that it be added to maybe we we modify both the linear feed in 10 and add uh developers conditions covenants and restrictions shall provide for maintenance repair and replacement of the opaque fence since the opaque fence is referenced in that condition that would be more than acceptable to us thank you okay to the board um for me I I think the um emergency gate is good um one day the county will come in and fix Crasher um so so that'll that'll take care of that because we're changing the way we M maintain the roads um and it is a significant reduction um I just want to make sure that fence is maintained and that the trees as much as possible are put back in so with that um you know this gentleman this property cannot stay egg uh coming from an EG family um you know we tried it with our blueberry farm but it's not profitable and you can't ask a person to do something that costs him money and and this just is not the right place for egg we do buy land this owning is actually MPD it just doesn't have a site plan approval yeah so I mean there they were asking why can't it be and it's res 24 as your this is a this is an improvement over what could have been there that mobile home park had been there there would have been no trees um but just making the comment on egg that because we we hear it a lot um and whenever we can in the county we're buying people's land who are willing to put a conservation easement or just sell it to the county and just before this we did buy I think it was 381 Acres 341 Acres so um we do that with our El lamp money and thank you very much that's from our penny for Pasco and um we'll buy up all we can um but uh uh This Land is going to get developed and I think this is a good plan I just wish it was rear loaded um but for me uh I will vote Yes with the changes and I'm I'm happy to see that they're going to move the trees to 30 feet actually that was the number I wrote down because I thought 20 would be too tight uh I'm happy to see that um this density again res 24 could have been a lot stronger a lot worse it is a big step down instead of 24 units per acre they're at six that's a that's a pretty good and you're right on US 19 they're right on US 19 so I think between that and the buffer it's it's probably the best situation you'd see coming out here for development yeah agreed yeah so I'll second commissioner starky's motion with since we're hooking the county water and sud sewer moving trees every 30 feet and that the HOA or CDD is going to regularly maintain the fence okay so I have a motion a second all in favor say I I I it's not do not to be roll no okay I okay all right motion passes 3 I do uh have some concerns about the property to the north of prer um I'm always up here looking around on my iPad uh when when I'm looking at rezonings and things and um I'm not sure those businesses up there are legal and if these people are on Wells and they're storing all these trucks up there um I just want our staff to take a look and make sure that the properties and the businesses to the north of ker have the proper zoning and approvals to be there okay don't want anyone with contaminated Wells moving to item p50 do we have proof we have proof of publication in the March 13th 20124 I'm sorry correction February 7th uh edition of the Tampa Bay Times okay good afternoon Tammy Snider planning and economic growth Department we have item p50 is zoning Amendment for Beacon Woods East mpud Peg 24 7742 zoning Amendment from MP to mpud to amend the master plan excuse me and conditions of approval to set forth passive uses that may occur in Golf Course areas um location is West Central Pascal County north of 5A Road and extending west of little road for approximately 1 and a half miles and there is the location map current zoning districts future land use context map we have several schools Parks hospitals here's the revised master plan um the conditions of approval were revised to include additional specific areas that may be allowed specific uses that may be allowed in the golf course areas um neighborhood park the entrance Road utilities flood plane compensation drainage and the most recent change that occurred since the last BCC hearing is controlled plants Gardens trees palms or Sil silver culture and with that we recommend approval with conditions ttim would you explain the conditions as far as um the golf course properties if that's going to be have the opportunity to be given to the HOAs yes Golf Course um areas will U it should the HOAs be able to and be amenable to accepting them they will be gifted to them um for their use as parks and open space and drainage and all that good stuff um and if they do accept the properties they'll be able to then even ask the developer to come forward to take out trees that in the storm water Pond that will be up to the HOAs yes that that that is in the conditions of approval okay very good any questions for staff no I am good with this one I'm sorry that have to wait so long all right so I know we have some speakers here well applicant first oh I'm sorry applicant sorry good afternoon Barbara will height 6327 Grand Boulevard Newport Richie I can't imagine what else could be said about this one um Planning Commission went very well everything's been very well received I think we finally got all the solutions here um to work for everybody so I'm kind of proud of it and hopefully public common will go well and you'll support uh staff's recommendation thank you thank you we have some public here Carol we have uh the first one signed up is Karen Crow hello Karen Crow 9140 water hazard Fairway Oaks and I have in I'm here representing our HOA finally I'd like to thank you for the time and flexibility from commissioner Mariana and the entire board it has taken a very long time for us to be able to get through our paperwork um and thanks to the county attorney Goldstein we are now in the process of getting another opinion to allow our residents to vote on acceptance of this property until this time we have not not been able to do that thankk you very much thank you uh also signed up would be Jeff bomgardner Jeff bomgardner 7612 silven Drive Huds of Florida uh thank you commissioner for taking the time you've been sworn Mr Bard you've been sworn yes I've been sworn thank you uh thanks Commissioners for taking the time to look at this one one more time uh I just think uh after looking at the last proposal and everybody talking about the trees and the beauty of a new development where this already has a real nice buffer of pine trees around uh I've been noticing a lot more nature and birds and things like that so I think you should take the uh the the advantage that we have right now of already being put in place and uh thank you for your time uh Jack brt I have been duly sworn in good afternoon Mr chairman and fellow Commissioners and legal counsel as well and Jack your address my name is Jack brummit I'm sorry and I live at 8542 Coral Creek Loop in Hudson Florida I am the President of our local HOA for the Estates and reserve of Beacon woods and I represent 480 homeowners there's an old Mo motto that states take things as you find them but leave them not so our community has been trying to do this for five years in 2000 uh excuse me in 2019 uh uh when the golf course closed um we've been trying to get this to today uh for that for that amount of time on January 21st 2023 our community devoted 87% to accept the offer of 25 acres of the O leaks golf course and the responsibility to REM maintain it of the set property because of those delays of getting to today uh in Jan in November 1st last year we signed a short-term lease agreement with Mr lman to lease this property so that we could take care of it uh accordingly we have purchased the necessary liability insurance we've also purchased a commercial lawn mower to take care of this property uh I say all this to let you know that we we have skin in this game uh we have had countless hours of volunteer labor from our people to prepare the golf course for mowing and uh every time we have one of these sessions the first thing they asked me at the end of it when can we do this again so our attitude the attitude of our people are I couldn't ask for more from them uh i' would like to take this opportunity public to thank also the lman family for their Journey generosity and allowing this this property to become our property we look forward to using this to enhance the value of our properties as well in addition to the 25 acres being gifted to us old Fairways 1 2 5 7 8 9 10 and 18 will be taken care of by the new HOA for The Enclave of at Beacon Woods this is a uh green area for for them to take care of and the people that live on those Fairways look forward to that being taken care of equally today's vote will finalize the planning for this project and has been waited for by our residents for many uh mon months now since the closing of the golf course in 2019 this isue has been one that has divided us and today it's one that unites us we are backed by the by the people in our community and they're looking forward to having this property transferred I'm here today to ask you to vote a positive for this amendment uh planning Amendment and uh I hope that that vote will be unanimous among you in closing I would like to say although this process has been frustrating at times because it's taken so long I respect the process I do and uh I know that we eyes have to be dotted tees have to be crossed and I'm I'm good with that and I thank you for the service each of you rendered to the people of Pasco County thank you for your time uh Joe Sears honorable commission commissioners I have been confirmed happened a long time ago it was also happened today so my name is Joe Sears I'm a property owner and live at 13915 Tage Loop in Hudson this is in the reserve in the Estates it's adjacent to the development proposed by NVR Incorporated Ryan Holmes and referred to as the Enclave of Beacon Woods your approval and I hope is unanimous approval today is key to the success of our community and home values and we thank you for your Collective Vision in doing so I'd like to also to thank Ben Wilson uh of NVR Incorporated for the time he has spent meeting with our community the Pasco County also the Pasco County Planning Commission for their review and approval last month and especially the lman family who incredibly generous ous land gift to our community will impact our community today and for future families it's been as Jack mentioned a 5year journey since our community golf course ceased to operate by golf golf course standards it was marginal but it was ours and we spent many happy hours teaching children and grandchildren how to play it was a course that supported the Hudson High golf team and while we saw golf support Wayne we hoped it would always be there it was no surprise however when Mr lman offered memberships like many other small courses throughout Florida to keep the course alive and even those who originally purchased homes on the fairways declined his offer indeed five years ago I attended meetings with the then County attorney enforcement supervisor and a member of this board promising Mr lman would be offered a choice to keep the proper property mode or he would face consequences this was a to me a low point in our negotiations we saw the fight between the county and landowner drag on despite this Mr lman agreed to meet with a small group of us at our home for a brunch one option proposed was a conservation easement which uh we followed up on which was considered in 2021 2021 from the information provided through Katherine starky's office and we followed up with Bill Bibby of the Florida land and Recreation Grant section in Tennessee I mention all this because this was not something that was a one andone for us this has been going on and we have been working hard on this for five years and looking for Solutions we outlin a plan which had required hundreds if not thousands of Sweat Equity person hours to keep originally Fairways 2 three and four cleaned up they were the first the first group that you when you drive down Hudson Avenue you see that and by the way it was the homeowners that did this at this time with Mr Mr Lan's approval that was also at no cost to County taxpayers um unlike other golf course in the county over 50,000 evergreen trees were planted on the property by the lman family in 2020 this followed up by an additional 500 trees donated from the state and planted by property residents including yours truly in early 2021 the trees we nurtured like children and we are proud today of what we have which is chirer with owls wild turkeys and singing birds and yes coyotes which has always liveed there this results in an Aesthetics and neighborhood morale boost we believe that our home values have improved in part due to the Aesthetics of a well-maintained Pine Forest and serves as a vehicle traffic sound in site barrier Hudson Avenue when Ben and Matt offered 25 acres to our community our HOA leaders asked homeowners to vote their preference with 87% saying yes in January 2023 in closing I urge you to approve this change it'd be great to see it you animous because it's been been for me personally a a long a long road um the road modification is the best traffic option for safe access into and out of our new homes being built adjacent to our neighborhood and families we welcome them thank you again thank you anyone else to speak uh that was the last person signed up okay I see someone in the audience please come forward like this speak good afternoon my name is Alvarez hyaki Alvarez 9218 water hazard Drive in Hudson yes I was warning thank you and thank you for the time um very quickly I'm a homeowner I'm not representing anybody else except other homeowners so we're a group of Home homeowners that want to see this project go forward we look favorably upon it and agree with the presentations made by Jack and his group our neighbors the reason I'm speaking now is because a statement was made about uh pending on voting and and uh and one of the reasons why the voting has not occurred yet is because there was misinformation given to the homeowners and so I'm stating that I'm worried that if we don't approve this or somehow continue to move forward and we wait on voting based on misinformation that that will continue and the rest of the residents will not get the right story so I'm not sure how that comes across to you I'm sorry I don't mean to be negative but uh we've been dealing with this now for years I live on the golf course it's my backyard um and I'd like to see that cleaned out and have nice walking space for our neighbors and so on thank you thank you is there anyone else in the public like to speak to this item is there anyone on line no sir okay we're going to close public comment back to the applicant applicants good all if I could I'd like to talk about this a little bit and five years ago I was with the people from um the whole development and it was a scary moment as far as what was going to happen a lot of things were talked about we had staff there attorney's office there to go through what could what could be done what could be done um I want to say the leadership of Jack brummit was phenomenal uh brought his people together uh pushed forward to try to make the best of the situation uh Karen you're doing a great job with Fairway Oaks as well bringing them together and uh I appreciate your taking the time to listen and and I'm glad you asked for the advice of what our attorney would be able to take a look at it to get that because I think it's going to help you guys take that step forward um when this first started Fairway o was kind of like left out but um they are now back in the mix to have the same options to get the property just like the Estates does they'll have the same options in the storm water ponds to take out the trees if they so choose that the developer will take out as well so as much as this situation has changed dramatically for the folks I think through the long run through the work um our staff I think did a great job working step by step by step uh I asked a lot of tough questions and we did a lot of digging to try to make things happen um I even looked to to a point where in case Fairway Oaks had trouble getting the property actually have the county be able to do an mspu to take it over we cannot do that as Guided by the attorney so we've got the best situation we can possibly get to benefit all the people to bring a positive project forward uh nice thing is the open space that's on our map H here uh that's all going to be lots that'll be 70 feet large uh so they're not small homes either it'll be a good quality home like in is in the neighborhood well I I'm for it you don't have to sell me no I'm just I want the I want the people to he um so with with all that said it's been a long haul but I'm glad we're to this point to actually put this behind us and let life go on so um so we've seen similar things happen around the county like um in my neighborhood of golf harbors where we had a golf course go under um we didn't have an HOA we had a voluntary civic association so we had to to a neighborhood vote and um do an msbu uh was contentious it's you know half the people hate me in there and uh half some of the people are grateful I think that it took us years to get it but we finally have um our park and um we're just getting ready to cut a ribbon on it I think it took seven years and eight years and six years of lawsuit or I I don't know a long time um I just think you have the best possible resolution out there I think it's wonderful I thank the land owner and um and Barbara and your client for all working together it's a great resolution um and I think you'll all be very happy with it I think this is always a risk when you belong to a golf course Community where it's not an equity Club um someone else owns it someone else you can't force someone to lose money um so this was a great resolution so I don't if you want to say anything or I would make a motion I I make a motion to approve second okay any further discussion okay call the vote all in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously thank you all for the people in the HOAs especially did the uh can I ask the County Administrator a question um I talked to you about P-51 are we going to wait Mr chairman we're going to pass the chairmanship U well I asked him a question so maybe I'm going to bring it up oh you it's it's the next item come up on normal normal routine all right okay all so P51 we have approved the publication of this matter uh in the March 13 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay Times Mr chairman this is an item that Mr Goldstein put on the agenda it it follows the the procedures that were outlined in the um Senate bill um however that Senate bill has not gone over to the governor's office yet for Signature and so I would recommend that you take public comment and continue this to your April 10th uh meeting at 1:30 or as soon thereafter as same may be heard in Dade City um that would be my recommendation as well is that a motion I can't make a motion but we have to hear public comment first so I'll make it after you do that is there anyone here for public comment we have no one signed up in advance anyone on line anyone on the line no sir I'm sorry I make the motion to continue this item to April 10th second that no we we we need to we're still good I'm just having fun with [Laughter] you we have to go somewhere I could have been there second all in favor say I I you come out of your chair I don't want to mess that up anymore that'll close our regular business now we'll go to committee reports Comm W pass I uh sent Sonia some photos um I don't know which one's going to come up um okay I did my uh CEO tour I guess I'm not getting my picture from my husband I know he sent it to me somewhere so um this is us actually on the roof of the Duke power plant over there on Eno we first went to um amp skills because some of these manufacturers had not been there you might recognize danant Tang from uh yeah yeah and um art Hadi who used to be vice president of Westinghouse Corporation um so former uh manufacturer um and uh we got metler to we've got a lot of other companies represented the woman in the front is uh us water Salia and um at amskills we're working on tailoring a program for us water and other water utilities so that they can keep their talent pipeline going um that was pretty crazy going up that high and uh so after amskills and after the Duke power plant um which is now a natural gas plant it used to be oil um we went to the ankot uh Eno um Lighthouse and okay this just blew my mind that is the bulb that runs the lighthouse the the beam which you can see for 14 miles 16 miles on a clear day is that isn't that insane nuts I I I just had to take a picture of that um so uh these are some Town Homes after our last meeting uh I was went to shops at Oakley Groves um I just I actually went to look at the apartments that have been added back there and um I saw these Town Homes they're not connected in any way to all the retail there which is a very set I think there's a pedestrian gate um but I had to drive all over the place to figure out how to get into these but I wanted you to see what a single car garage with a double car driveway what that kind of community ends up looking like and I want you to notice the trees that are in there those are crepe myrtles and so if if this is you know if this was 60 to 80% Ami Workforce housing I'd say h but this is market rate and this is not good for us these These are the old rules these are just uh wait uh can you go back these are Under development now I think Brad looked it up um um but I think we allow the great myrtles right now so so brpp play I don't know where I am anymore Department um yes uh CRP myrtles are not allowed in the buffer along the roadways as a shade tree but they are still allowed on Lots where they want to use them as decorative trees or understory trees okay so I don't even call that even shouldn't be a tree so I would like to say now we need to strike that from that opportunity because that's what that looks like there only have leaves on it through the summer and the rest of the year they are bare and bald um and that is just I for me that's a that's a okay I'm known for just hitting it with the hammer not the most attractive town home complex um then this is in Wesley Chapel there's another picture not the not that one didn't I send another one you don't like that one uh there so there's another view of it and you can just see what we've done and okay now you can go to their marketing one which is the one with that's what they that's what they show is what they're going to look like that's not what we got um so just to if I can just clarify that I understand your concern in that but these were literally just constructed and those are under brand new plants they take time to mature that's not what it's going to look like forever Brad they only have leaves on them during the summer crepe myrtles drop in September October and they don't come back till May June I have a I disagree with that because I do have a CR myrtle tree in my front yard that is higher than my house and drops things on my cars year round but there are there are certain species that there are a few species I have one in my front a queen and sadly got um cost me you know $400 for that tree that's not what they're putting it in here um it did get hit by the frost but I just our our our issue in these types of spaces and we we've talked about this pretty repeatedly is we've we've tried to move the the powerful root trees to places they won't destroy the infrastructure um which pretty much leaves you with the understory trees and Pals things like that yes the roots we don't have a way right now to say it has to be a palm or it can't be a CRP Myrtle in in the way our code is written so if that is something that you want to pursue this board wants to pursue we can do that I will say the development Community generally pushed back on us when we kind of talked about that originally because they're they are a very useful tree and they're very colorful tree and and they work as an ornamental tree in lots of locations where other trees just can't work um so uh you know if you want to pursue that we can certainly I do because when it's the only thing it's not enough okay it's just not enough um um palm tree will fit just fine right there is that a I mean I can we can talk does anyone else agree well I'll agree with you as far as I think if if it is a understory tree that doesn't carry height that loses its leaves I mean I look at there's you you look at US 19 they got all these trees they're dead in the prime of the winter season right and I I like that we put all the palm trees we did because they look better all year round so I I I do agree with that point I will say this though as Brad you just touched a little bit when you have limited amounts of concrete around you or limited amount of open space around you the palm trees work better and frankly I think that's a great look right there yeah makes a huge difference so we're okay with palm trees and up front yeah that's what I'm saying put make that a palm Tre there you heard that yeah I was I just want to make sure I got it the best the best if we make it as an option you know I think I think it's worthy of discuss to mandate as you saying mandate uh and or well or if they wanted to offset every other I like this look but I mean both of them work for whatever reason I I think you could I think there are understory trees as well that don't drop their leaves like a lustrum tree um there is a bottle brush tree there's other well I have them yeah know evasive we don't want them want bottle brush ours okay but lustrum isn't and um I you know but certainly not a crepe myrtle not a tree that drops their not a under story that drops their leaves and um but if you know they can do it with palm trees there's there's little maintenance in this kind of situation I think that's what they should be doing so we can we can start working on that as as far as a a code change um that will take time so the way to address that would be in the muds as they come through yeah um you know adding that language to say that you know in these spaces in front of town homes they should be something else whatever it is the board wants but Mr chairman if I can add on on to this because there's another issue that that is is been bubbling up which is what you're and this is a perfect example what you are shown in pictures at hearings what Brad is shown on Final site plans when it gets over to Nick section at survey and Engineering well transportation engineering department um they only Bond the Land Development code required Landscaping they don't bond what they are showing on their plans yeah so there's [Music] no if they don't put it in other than a code violation for not fining their site plan there's no there there is no bonding mechanism for those trees to be installed and when the inspectors go out they're inspecting not what's I'm what I'm told is they're inspecting for what is Land Development code required not what they have promised on their M so what I'm here is we might need a bond for the separate bond for the Landscaping well most of them are posting separate bonds for landscaping but what they're posting is only that which is required I see engineering estimates all the time that it's only only that which is required for the land by the Land Development code so how do you recommend we fix this problem I this is a this is a pretty large scale problem because the the bonds would be related to individual properties that are sold with those homes uh those unit well no they're posting they're posting for their subdivisions right but they have to carry that Bond until it's all done right and all done and they may be selling units before their last building is done they're not going to do really Bonds on these very individual units like that uh it's a complicated issue we've had some discussions about how to deal with it how to deal with Street trees too uh in front of these locations where you have driveways because they get damaged in the construction of the home if you put them in early if you Bond them you can't get rid of the bond until everything is built at the very end uh so there's some kind of complex issues and we've been working with the the stakeholders on how to figure that out we don't really have a good solution yet but we're still working to try and figure that out you know um I get that it can be very hard for staff to go back out make sure every tree front has a I mean a tree in it look look what happened in our County Administrator development in Bexley where blocks of trees never made it in right I mean no one caught it so how do we hold someone accountable until everything is done so I'm not sure exactly where you live in Bexley but most of most of Bexley was actually done back when our code still allowed for those lot trees to be anywhere on the these were Street trees I think and they never put them they went back in after we py came back and put them in but it was years later so can you guys work on that commissioner Stark asking a great question how do we make it so that when someone's going to move into one of these homes that the Landscaping at least in front of their house is done is that is that what we want and have well we'll work with the building construction I see Roy got some thoughts right now we're checking to see if 34 is picking you up there I think we need to change those I don't know why you have to press the button I want that [Laughter] too rolling the bus our structural inspectors go out and get that plot plan out of the permit box and go there's three trees ones sidewalk there's your sanary clean Etc but obviously not doing that they are doing that oh what is missing and we had this discussion with the builder Association this this past Monday or excuse me Monday was the plot plans don't go in the right of away they go to the back of sidewalk oh and so the street trees that are included on the engineering plans aren't captured in that plot plan so we had a discussion with the four or five people from the Builders Association and asked what you know what's the expense for you to extend your survey to take in the whole lot including that 4ot or 6 foot collar around the street is technically in the right of and the answer was the cost is like an extra 8 so we're working with the builder Association to get the word out to when they make their plot plans it will have those Street trees on the plot plans so our final inspection or capture them okay that's good now that's just one step I'll tell you also a major discussion point we're having right now uh we're having this this this process mat through my team is is to how do we create a database everybody can see when mpud conditions are are made how are those then transferred and accessible to the people doing the horizontal construction plan review and then how are those conditions and the approval letter that those be seen by the BCS people who were doing the final uh the final assessment of the mobility fees so we want to have a unified condition of approval database that is accessible for everybody and and right now we we kind of have that but it's not great and so that doesn't answer your entire question but it gets us moving in that direction sounds good I'm happy good good job thank you all of you uh before we go a little further I me just item R38 uh Keith I was going to be presenting that today but with commissioner Oakley not here Mr Bradford not as well he's going to bring that back another time yeah um okay and then I have Trails let me think what I was going to say about Trails gosh I can't even remember what I was going to say oh yes so I went and had a lunch with my with Charles Hines from Trust for Public Lands and and Nick joined us and I and how many people does Sarasota County have population yeah are they as big as us no they're not as big as us they they never were as big as us I think there they were 400ish okay so I said you know that was a really pretty bike ped overpass that you showed us how did that get who paid for that and he said that they paid for that one with Obama dollars CU they had a shovel ready project and I said is that the only one you have in your county he said no no we have at least four or five with two more getting ready to go and I said and who paid for those and he said do because they don't they they they don't want their people crossing at grade on busy highways and Roads so what is wrong with us what is what is it about us are we not asking right that our citizens have to pay out of our own penny for Pasco to get these Trails over these State Road 52 State Road 54 um it's just I don't get it and I'm really hoping something's going to change here and if we have to go to Tallahasse and speak to the head of do actually I'm having dinner tomorrow with secretary prad who used to be head of do and I just want to understand what why we have three times the population maybe twice the population 489 is there is there their current population they are the 14th largest county in the state I mean but they're behind us yeah so he's getting me all the information on who paid for those Nick Nick's going to work on that and um also in pelis County where they have more of them under construction as we speak and I think the state is paying for them um on the uh Coast to Coast Trail and so I just really am going to bang that gong until the cows come home or whatever um so um I did drive State Road 52 with um do last week uh we started in angelene and went all the way almost to 301 looking at the kogan grass and um they're going to come and make a quick presentation to us in Dade City and I already talked to the County Administrator and we'll have some staff there and they're talking about how they deal with it and they had some good ideas for us and um and you'll hear their plan for how to deal with it but the problem is getting worse and worse and worse and we really have to address it I put holiday oh Holiday Park okay so um we did get our 30% uh drawings now of the anklet River Park as I mentioned before and um Keith and I will be holding a um what's probably going to be a very rockus Town Hall um at the Civic Center on April 15th so and we'll go over the plans and I think everyone will be happy to see 400 parking spaces have come out of there and there's a lot less pavement and a lot of trees going in being saved and um so we'll try and move that ball forward good yeah is that all I I think there was something else but I'll reserve the right to come back in a second oh yes Ralph Lair can I can I go on go um I heard from Katie who I think left left a little early she went to the Kona meeting and she said there is a bill going through that preempts us from regulating trucks and commercial vehicles and people's front yards and I wondered if you had a chance to do any more research on that one okay that was the HOA Bill I'm not sure if that's it is it is okay because what if you don't have an HOA it only addressed HOAs for the first time ever the legislature actually addressed an ho HOA issues uh and within that they did put um an issue in there regarding parking that HOAs could not um deny uh individuals bringing in their work Vehicles crazy I think it was geared toward law enforcement vehicles but the way they wrote the uh the legislation was up to 26,000 and a certain class category but I think it's you know it's going to be your individual that may have like a County car or a work car or or police you know like I said a police vehicle uh those were being denied by HOAs in their neighborhoods okay so I thought Katie uh and that Kona they had they were alarmed because it could be the front cab of a uh it could go up to that height because it went up to 26,000 feet in a certain category that they allowed to so if you drive you know what do they call those long haul cab things yeah I don't know what that it had to be uh it had toact trailer no like if you you're you're hauling um merchandise but it had to be a two actual vehicle not if it's over two axles it was not you could have the front of it in your driveway now in a neighborhood I think we should oppose this Ralph yes was it a preemption strictly on HOAs so so their Land Development code would still control right it all it mentions HOA you know within it so so we can still say they can't be in a any neighborhood if it only preempted HOAs from regulating it then then your Land Development code wouldn't be affected if they if they did both of us then yeah but I'd have to look at it I mean and she said school buses and I mean great these are pretty big things I mean the Kona was very alarmed so I I I don't want to see that in the neighborhoods all right County Administrator Mr gella coule it the first item is by taxor with regards to 77 which makes some modernization here the 14y old yeah some more consumer protections and he was asking if the board would not mind sending to the governor's office a letter of support in order to know sign theill has made it way desk yet 770 expands consumer protection for which include or not limited to additional disclosure requirements and increased contractor oversight while providing more information to the property owner to ensure they have better access to information about the cas program before deciding whether or not that financing option is right for them to recall basically allows cont tax upon himself to provide a lot of additional disclosure but sen 770 actually codifies some of those so he asked that I have a support the governor's office that like chair sign it so we can okay yeah I'm okay with that good with that okay I'll sign it the other item I had was just a reminder that uh we'll be bringing a resolution forward on April 10th with regards to the next Tri County Workshop from County that is scheduled for April 18th we will be doing it at Rucker next one I think we'll have it up in Tasco County but it'll be 9:30 to 12 it should be on your calendars uh right now we'll be talked about the legislative wrapup um which may include some discussion on live local uh opioids uh the no merger Tampa Bay water as well as just idea exchange so more to come but just wanted to remind you that that is coming uh April 19th 19 when when did you book that oh boy don't start with me sir no no well it's calendar cuz I look had my calendar clear I didn't see it now I changed my plans so it's okay now but I was almost like planning to go away from like a month ago back me up here it's all right I'm just saying okay anyway it's I'm okay with the date all right thank you sir do I have anything else so uh I do I I do need the board to um authorize us to issue a Jeff if I'm messing anything up here let me know a notice of intent to award we uh at the jail we needed to change food vendors and so we have uh we have gone through a another process to hire a new food vendor uh that contract will be coming back before the board but if we get the notice of intent to award out now that gives the the vendor some assurances that this will be coming back to the board for for approval of the contract uh but uh it's it's a purchasing formality is my my understanding that I need board authorization for Mr chairman I would also authorize the County County Administrator to sign a contract if one is is available before your next board meeting that would allow us uninterrupted Service uh to to provide food to the inmates okay Mr sty uh just wondered if you wanted to share if there was anything um any updates on Wire Grass R let's let's deal with this issue we got right now yeah oh so so they they need he needs the authorization be to sign a food contract with the vendor oh you need a motion yes uh so moved what's the price the price difference is less than two cents a meal um over the current vendor over the current vendor what is the annual we had an annual cost hold on Eric I don't know if you have it it's it's under $2 million I believe I can talk about Wire Grass if you want while we wait for that if that's all right so I'm sorry did you have a specific question ma'am no I just thought you were meeting with them I just wondered there no uh so so our I know attorney Goldstein and some of our staff met met with with the porters the meeting went very well it was very collegial and cordial and uh I think we're all working together uh towards Mutual Mutual same Mutual end so um I think we're on the same page um and also I wanted to say I had mentioned to the administrator that no is here this summer in July in Tampa and if we have any good projects to put up for Awards in any of the Departments this is the best one to really put something good forward I don't know what that might be but because then you can be here present to to be there to get your award so um they always do best practice Awards which I always love going to and listening so um that is in July in Tampa if you can come back to me on the other matters that would be great we'll just all right and Miss County attorney Jeff um would you want me to bring up the procedural rules uh sure so uh the the acting chair and I were talking at the lunch break um it is probably a good idea to add a second Vice chair to your procedural rules um so that there is somebody to step in should the chair and vice chair not be available in person for a meeting um there are many five member boards that have a have that additional second Vice chair shair for those contingencies uh we haven't for for whatever reason over the years you don't go beyond that because you wouldn't have a quorum if you had had to have a third vice chair um so we can we can amend your rules and um we can provide a draft amendment to your rules for your April 10th meeting if that's the desire of the board I mean probably not a bad idea it definitely was needed today yeah so okay bring back we'll be do we'll do that for you all right that's all I had thank you that's all okay Mr Clark uh we have nothing at this time okay still digging over there okay so I'll do my committee report U do you have the pictures of the derc boats perfect so we had a great work done with uh Curtis Franklin with the parks and wreck and Fish and Wildlife uh that is the last derc boat uh out of single Cove done last week March 20th so a big steel hell boat that was sunk uh took it out um I'm going to ask if we can bring up uh maybe in a very short Peri of time Mr County attorney updating our County deric boat ordinance um we've got St Petersburg that's the City of St Petersburg is done one um I can get that to all of us so we going take a look at it and get the county attorney's office but it may maybe one we want to adopt or at least consider it maybe at the next meeting we can have a further discussion on it so what your thoughts are all right and you have the pictures of the Chasco parade so the Chasco parade that's U myself there with my dad8 82 years old just having a good time out there I was noticing the barricades I was going to say notice a notice a barric it's all about the barricades but I tell you what uh keep on rolling through pictures Mr mow there uh Roc I love it big praise it was great weather I was waiting to catch beads as they're coming but yeah great weather great turnout and everybody was safe all it's such a nice parade it is yeah and I want to tell you the holiday rotary all the rotaries all the business people that have to use put so much time and effort into it were just thrilled that we put those out there and uh our team JJ did a great job with this team getting out there Eric thank you very much uh coordinating all that to happen because once we get the barricades in the bases that they stand on they still had to be put together so it was still a major major effort but I think it was last Thursday driving through the city I'm driving down that very stretch right there looking at all the barricades that were up that uh no one was all going to happen so I just want to thank the board again thank uh Mr carbella Mr Stein Sneider for in purchasing for working with us to go through to take the steps we can move so quick and again holiday rotary took some steps to do the uh initial leg work to to get us to this point but uh great success for the oldest I think event we have in the county so and that's all I have do we have a number yes sir we'll that up to 2.1 million for the 12- month period second all in favor say I I I and commissioner starer do you have anything else I could find something if you want me we Jour thank you sir I need your [Music] [Music] sign [Music] --------- [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you want to leave that there because we're not going to stop the meeting anyway okay got you know if you want if you want to give the option of making their public comment now we'll run the we'll run the Tes explain off good morning everybody Welcome to the board of County Commissioners March 26th meeting we're going to delay the start of the County Commission meeting to 11:00 we have um three commissioners that have uh issues that dealing with on health issues so they won't be available till probably tentatively 11:00 so the meeting won't stop till then being that we have several resolutions today we're going to read the resolutions we can take pictures and then later on in the day when the commission is fully activated we'll then read them by title only and then at that time we'll give you another copy to the resolutions so could we start with rs1 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida recognizing Pasco County fire rescue Captain David gapo and his crew of dedicated firefighters including um stand by for just a moment [Music] please we go uh including David or Jason Frip frin close Okay Justin beny Mark Anthony marzan Kesler Dixon and Henry n Nunes um for their honorable actions and service to Pasco County whereas the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners is committed to ensuring the safety and overall Wellness of all those living in and visiting Pasco County and whereas Pasco County fire rescue encourages fire rescue Personnel to build impactful and strong relationships with the Pasco County community and whereas Pasco County fire rescue utilizes that encouraging and guiding the youth in Pasco County paves the pathway towards a better future and whereas Captain David gapo and firefighters Jason Fran Justin beny Mark Anthony marzan Kesler Dixon and Henry Nunes have consistently gone above and beyond to engage support and motivate children throughout Pasco County on numerous special detail and educational opportunities and whereas Pasco County fire rescue is request to provide standby services for several Sports and public events across the county for emergency medical care should medical attention be needed during the event and whereas recently as well as in years past Captain David D garolo and P Fighters Jason price Leon Justin beny Mark Anthony marzan Kesler Dixon and Henry nunz were scheduled for Courtesy standby details at at multiple Special Olympics events and whereas the crew went Far and Beyond to ensure that the children with special needs bu included encouraged capable and inspired and whereas Pasco County fire rescue prioritizes the relationships with all members of the Pasco County community and aims to show our community it is there show our community it is there for them Beyond just emergencies and whereas Pasco County fire rescue would like to recognize captain David garolo firefighters J uh Jason fresan Justin beny Mark Anthony marzan Kesler Dixon and Henry Nunes for the embodiment of committed to Excellence and an extraordinary Showcase of Pride and ownership now therefore now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby commends Captain David garolo his crew of dedicated firefighters including Jason frison Justin beny Mark Anthony marzan Kesler Dixon and Henry Nunes for their honorable actions and service to the Pasco County Community well thank you very much uh gentlemen would like to comment um do greatly appreciate your service and your involvement in the community good morning Captain David Garo for the record Pasco County fire rescue I I just want to thank you for this acknowledgement I want to thank Chief Perez for acknowledging us and he uh he's known to lead from the rear and that's what we do at station 13 this is my crew I'm accepting this on behalf of my crew my Battalion Chief's not here he you know we your leaders are who you admire and who you look after and he is the one that we do this for we do this for our community because of our leadership and this is a heck of award did not expect this thank you Tony Perez Fire Chief and good morning Commissioners this is just one of many great stories that our men and women here in Pasco County are out and about uh you know connecting with the community and we just wanted to acknowledge Him uh Special Olympics is very close to my heart I had I had a special needs son and uh we were involved in these activities growing up throughout our life so they went above and beyond I do have three very short videos that I would like you all to to see and witness as well as the um as well as everyone here in this chamber so if if you can if you can play the [Applause] video [Music] [Applause] [Applause] how does the metal and and just just so you know they were were there to stand by for medical just in case anything happened they were there to be able to provide that level of service but they went above and beyond they interacted they got involved and they were helping and um it just it it just shines a positive impactful light on the community and what we do every day for our citizens here in Pasco and thank you again for recognizing that thank you thank you all appreciate it commission waitman thank you uh inam chairman Mariano uh Chief and Captain you know we're all guilty of it in this room we forget what it's like to be a little kid and the Viewpoint of people and professions Through The Eyes of little little kid my son he's two and you know have a six-year-old 2-year-old and a and a seven-month-old and watching them grow and the viewpoints when they see a fire truck when my son sees a fir trck he gets so excited and says firetruck and he makes up a song fire truck and police car and to hear and see you know how excited he gets not knowing the job that you all do but just seeing the trucks you drive and and the uniforms that you wear I'm sure that's a universal excitement for every little kid in Pasco County and across the country and so when you guys are out about doing things helping these kids and you know what you might just see is volunteer and helping them feel good about themselves their perception of you all is probably something way way way greater than what you're seeing and I just think that's fantastic and I think it's something important that we all remember as you guys are out there that when you're out working with these kids at how special you are to them and what their little minds are thinking so thank you for taking time and volunteering and especially those kids who you know have some challenges getting around you know they're they're just as special as every other child that that we we have here so thank you guys now Echo the same sentiments you're you guys are so well perceived in the community that you does such a great job everybody appreciates the great work you're doing it's it's just gets better and better so that involvement in the community we appreciate it and uh we acknowledge it as well want to go take a picture that [Applause] thank have a wonderful day now we go to rs2 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Porta declaring the month of March as National procurement month Pasco County your mic on how about now I got it whereas the public procurement profession plays a significant role in the efficiency and effectiveness of both government and business and whereas in addition to the purchase of goods and services procurement adds value to the organization by performing functions such as executing implementing and AD administering contracts developing uh procur strategies and cultivating working relationships with suppliers and other departments within Pasco County and whereas public procurement professionals at the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners and in other public and private organizations have tremendous influence on the economic conditions in the United States with billions of dollars of accumulated purchasing power and whereas the purchasing department at the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners is committed to providing High caliber strategic logistical and Operational Support of all departments within Pasco County and whereas the purchasing department at the Pasco County border County Commissioners receiv received the achievement of excellence in procurement award in 2023 from the national procurement Institute and whereas the purchasing department of Pasco County border of County Commissioners recognizes supports and practices the public procurement values and guiding principles of accountability ethics impartiality professionalism service and transparency established by The Institute for public procurement as fundamental tenants of the public purchasing profession and whereas The Institute for public procurement has proclaimed the month of March as National procurement month to further expand the awareness of procurement professionals roles uh to government officials the public businesses and corporate leaders now therefore be it resolved by the border of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby declares the month of March as National procurement month in Pasco County and urges all Pasco County Citizens to join in recognizing the role of the procurement profession within business industry and government well I want to say thank you for the work you guys do in procurement uh it has been great to watch different things happen when we come across different purchases like we had the major purchases for a lot of buildings that were coming up and want to make sure they divided out you guys went back to back to work set it all up so it flowed nicely and and gave the counil a nice balance set of contracts so we know we can get done and if one fails we don't have everything falling down on one and we didn't want to see that you guys did a great job um on the agenda today we got a few Cooperative purchases that saves money that saves time and usually provides Great Value so we appreciate that as well you taken advantage of those before looking at other ways to go by by uh and I will tell you all the children that were in the Chasco parade this past week uh were very appreciative that we're all safe all the parents were even thrilled the fire uh the police officers out there were like thrilled that the barricades were in place that was a big discussion that was a big conversation and you know when they had asked me about it from back in December they did some work on their own to do three different bids or whatever but uh working with you um with working with Mr carbal and commissioner Stein Sider and commissioner waitman for hanging in there and and we got that project done made a big difference so again I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you did to make all those people thrilled uh and very happy all the volunteers that would normally travel to go get barricades down in Tampa didn't have to do that so all the work you do is greatly appreciated so we thank you all very much commission waitman yeah thank you you know procurement is one of those departments especially if you're a vendor oh procurement gotta go through procurement but you're very important not a roadblock but you know managing the process and making sure proper goods and services are provided to our public and at the same time making sure we have people who want to bid on our projects to come in and want to do business with the county and making that experience a good one where folks want to come back and participate in the procurement so you really you know you kind of wear two hats uh and managing the process and making sure we have folks who want to come in and do do work force and I know it's tedious and um you know very detail oriented so thank all of you all for for you know taking on this profession and uh making a a a hopefully seamless and streamline process and keeping Board of County Commissioners and others out of trouble if you will by following the process so congratulations on today and keep up a great work thank you sir we prefer speed bump to roadblock we're not there to stop you we're there to make sure you do it safely and properly and make sure everybody's safe um but thank you very much for the kind words thank you for the recognition um the team behind me Works tirelessly day and night to uh keep this County Running smoothly and keeping the projects going so we very much appreciate their recognition and um we thank you okay right take a pictureit here and IRS three a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida commending Martin P pente for 35 [Music] [Applause] years looks like it's creation looks like to have fun looks like it's Marty's party yeah there we go commissioner Mar whereas Martin pente began his career with Pasco County Parks Recreation and natural resources department department on July 31st 1989 and whereas during the past 35 years Marty has dedicated his career to the prnr department as a recreation leader to Parks and Recreation manager and program manager continuously uh provi proving to be a loyal and dependable team member and whereas the department focuses on providing a balance of athletic recreational cultural and educational opportunities for the citizens of Pasco County Marty helped coordinate many of the Department's first programs such as adult softball league Jolly Bean jamere fall Spooktacular and an extremely successful summer day camp program and whereas Marty an Engaged and professional employee passionately served and advocated on many boards and committees over the years such as the American Softball Association the Americans with the disab uh disabilities Association Florida Parks and Rec Recreation Association standown Chasco Fiesta and served as a sterling examiner and whereas Marty has supervised or managed teams at almost every Recreation Complex athletic complex and Community Center in the Parks system and was an essential player in the establishment of initial operations at Veterans Memorial Park J Ben heral Recreation Complex and the Land of Lakes Recreation Complex and has contributed substantially to the Department's aquatic programs and lifeguard operations and whereas Marty is an avid advocate of teamwork and assisted in the creation of the annual celebration of lights holiday event at JB starky Wilderness Park and in recent years served as an event leader on the celebration of lights festival at The Concourse that raised thousands of dollars for local not for-profits and scholarships for the summer day camp program and where Marty has dedicated hundreds of volunteer hours to causes such as Paint Your Heart Out Toys for Tots and students working against tobacco and has continually demonstrated caring leadership for his teams and colleagues Marty will always be remembered for his playful fun and loving personality humor and for all the great stories he is shared and whereas Marty's career is an outstanding example of what it means to be a public servant focused on enhancing the lives and quality of life of the citizens of Pasco County now therefore be it resolved by the board County commissioners of Pasco County Florida says board hereby commends Martin pente for his 35 years of dedicated service to the Pasco County Parks Recreation and natural resources department and wishes four Mar's continued success happiness and good health in the years to come all right Mar so you started when you were eighth grade pretty close I tell you you're um got to be the longest 10e employee right for Parks uh tremendous what you've done your enthusiasm has been absolutely phenomenal I think contagious um the groundwork you've laid as as Parks invested the county did many years ago into the parks people like you helped Implement them all the parks that were that came in along the way and you just did a phenomenal job the team we have in Parks is like phenomenal Keith Wy your whole team is like tremendous the great work you do for our citizens always been near and dear to me I know with raising my kids in this area the busier I kept them the better they behaved the better they did in school the better their life was and uh Parks has a lot to do with that so I greatly appreciate knowing you working with you and all the great work you've done thank you commissioner waitman thank you I don't think we've met maybe we have but you know I'll date myself too so I guess I grew up in your Parks you know and it's such a tremendous asset that we have in Pasco County and people like you making our Parks a great place to be and have fun and kids can go run around and be safe and in a clean environment just thank you you know Jelly Bean jamere that's your idea that's a fantastic fantastic event and um we en we enjoy it as well so congratulations on 35 years maybe a few more left in you and uh you know interim chairman they don't make them at 30 for 35 years anymore so maybe if you want to stick around we're happy happy to keep you so congratulations I just would like to say thank you it's been a great opportunity a great career for me um like you said I started in 89 where we had what maybe Pine Hill was the only field we had Grove Park Land of Lakes out on 41 uh Odessa Shady Hills um I'm really proud and happy to see um where our directors have taken us with this department and how we've grown um just not 35 years with an organization is a little bit more than that it's like a family you spent my whole half of my life here and I do I'm walking away feeling great with the direction we're going and thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to serve thank you Mr chairman if I could I had the opportunity to be uh the department head well actually the assistant County administrator over Parks and Recreation back in those days when we were you know implementing some of the proceeds of the bond issues and uh doing part of that huge expansion had the opportunity to work with Marty back then he was a shining star back then actually worked with his dad over in facilities you know had a period of time earlier in in uh in the80s but Marty just don't do as I do go ahead and take your retirement and run all right so maybe get Marty's friend Club up here [Music] too there we are that's the perfect thank you [Applause] all Mar all right RS4 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida commending David Jay for 36 years of dedicated service to Pasco County and congratulating him on his retirement whereas David Jay began his career with the Pasco County Parks Recreation and natural resources department on May 9th 1988 and whereas David started his career in the department as a groundskeeper and later as a crew leader labor supervisor and park Supervisor over overseeing the grounds of Maintenance of up to six Parks consecutively and whereas David lived on site at Cruz Lake Park for 27 years and has in uh been involved in the development of the park installation of various Campground uh locations the addition of a historic cabin the implementation of miniature train operations and the recent replacement of the observation tower and whereas David was has displayed tremendous leadership throughout his career is always willing to Pro to train and provide professional guidance to team members both within and outside his area of responsibility which resulted in him working with over 33 years in supervisory positions at more than 35 parks within Pasco County whereas David worked closely with organizations such as the Florida Department of Transportation and The Concourse Council and was involved in developing and operations of the sunos bike trail and the original Environmental Center at The Concourse helping develop standards and operational procedures to maintain these amenities and have them available for public use whereas David has always volunteered to work with organizations like Pasco County School Board Central Pasco and Gulf railro railroad various co-sponsored youth organizations Friends of the parks organizations Local School athletic teams and outside user groups to host events EV such as Pasco County staff appreciation days Cross County meets holiday train rides youth league play tournaments Earth Day events Battle of the Bands weddings corporate events and reservations and whereas David took on numerous project that has saved the county thousands of dollars in Contracting work by using his carpentry and mechanic skills to build and repair County infrastructure rebuild countless pieces of equipment and preventing the department from spending additional maintenance funds and allowing his team to have minimum downtime without equipment that is vital to their daily operations and whereas David Jay has dedicated his career to serving the citizens of Pasco County and is a shining example of a parks recreation and natural resources department professional mentor and leader now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby commends David Jay for 36 years of dedicated service to the Pasco County Parks Recreation and natural resources department and to the citizens of Pasco County David I apologize that whipper snapper be behind you with only for 35 years you get to 36 one of your friends was correctly pointing out you so started about the same time actually yeah I think Marty was closer to 36 too by we greatly appreciate your uh resume just like Mars is absolutely phenomenal um tell us how you feel about watching your experience going all the way through from the bond issue as Harold mentioned all the way through to see the improvements I came on board when the bond referendums came in for the first set of parks and gosh when I started I think we had 11 Parks or 12 Parks or something like that so it's been a long time but I get emotional it's been a long time yeah uh spent half my life here so I just turned 61 and I've been here for 36 years so been at Cruz Lake for 27 it's been a long time really neat really no regrets at all awesome well we greatly appreciate your service commission wman thank you well Keith I don't know what you're what you're going to do here losing get bonus losing such 10e maybe some part-time check big institutional knowledge no Mr Jay thank you I can't imagine how Wonder a wonderful work experience to live in Cru Lake for what 27 years yes sir and maintaining just the beautiful grounds that's there I mean what a fantastic career perk I guess you could say not many of us have that opportunity to live in such a beautiful place and get paid for it and and have fun every day but um you know like your colleague with institutional knowledge that we're losing uh would certainly be missed but uh well earned and congrat gratulations on on your retirement and hope you enjoy your years not working and uh I'm sure if there's ever an opportunity to come back to help us out I'm sure there'll be some openings so um congratulations thank you like to come up we do a picture [Applause] again conratulations here please than [Applause] [Music] a what RS5 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring the week of April 1st through the 5th 2024 as National Community Development week in Pasco County whereas the Pasco County Comm communities are the found whereas Pasco County's communities are the foundation of providing a high quality of life for its residents and Pasco County's Community Development Department has developed a dedication to homeless initiatives and revitalization of NE of neighborhoods and production of affordable housing and whereas the week of April 1 through 5 2024 has been designated as National Community Development week by the National Association of counties and the national Community Development Association to celebrate the Community Development block grant program and the home investment Partnerships program and whereas in 1974 Congress enacted the Housing and Community Development act making this year the 50th anniversary of the cdbg program and whereas the cdbg program and the home program provide annual funding and flexibility to local communities to provide decent safe and affordable housing and a suitable living environment for economic opportunities to low and moderate income citizens and whereas over the past 10 years our community has received a total of 30 million $853,000 Urban Development and whereas a grant of over 1.1 million utilizing cdbg funding was used in partnership with the Florida Department of Education the Florida Department of Labor and several others to create the M skills Workforce Innovation Center designed to introduce people to careers in the manufacturing industry and provide training and job placement opportunities for low to moderate income citizens and whereas this past January the amskills workforce Innovation Center received the 2024 Audrey Nelson Achievement Award for Community Development from the community uh from the national Community Development Association as an exemplary and Innovative cdb project and whereas in addition to this award there were several significant accomplishments reported for this past year over 200 individuals ban their began their careers in manufacturing 61 special needs households were provided affordable housing units and 100% of funds expended benefit benefited low to moderate income households now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby declares the week of April 1st through the 5th 2024 as National Community Development week in Pasco County okay well Marcy thank you and your team for doing such a great job for the county um we are working as a commission I think to get more and more affordable projects coming forward to help you and uh help people with with the housing issue that's out there um helping people with am skills what a what a tremendous group met them from day one they they came in from way back in Coastal quesa Way long time ago um we want to try to keep G bringing great projects like we did at Lake Lisa Westy Chapel um M of fact I might have a line on some new artificial turf that someone's going to be not using that we can probably use to help cut down the cost for another part coming up so I know there that's very special to you and we want to make sure we have those happen so commission waitman thank you yeah you guys take on the projects and the challenges that are tough you see things that can hurt your heart and thank you for taking on you know carrying that torch to to help those who are struggling and to get in there and and and really do some dirty work to figure out how can we as a government find a way to help folks who are in a difficult time or may not just have the ability or the means to bootstrap up so the work you guys that all all of you do are incredibly important for our community and thank you for your your dedication it truly is a servants heart and a calling when you're in a department like yours so so thank you all and thank you for hanging hanging in there especially with some of the politics that that come around that come with budgeting and whatnot with your department but uh just know that we are all I think the entire board is incredibly grateful for the work you do and um keep hanging in there thank you thank you commissioner Mariano for sponsoring the resolution uh for the record Marcy esberg director of Community Development thank you to the Commissioners I'd also like to thank our County Administrator carbella and our assistant County Administrator Kathy Pearson for the support that we do for the support that the work that we do here in Community Development and for celebrating National Community Development week and next week we're going to be joining with uh organizations like na the National Association of counties and the national Community Development Association uh communities all over the country celebrating uh Community Development week recognizing the important work that we do commissioner waitman to your point of serving our low and moderate income citizens here uh in our County with the cdbg Community Development block grant and home investment partnership uh we are making a difference every day with homeless initiatives affordable housing uh neighborhood rization and behind me are the incredibly professional dedicated and pass passionate team members of our department and please join me in giving them a round of applause so 50 years ago President Ford signed signed into law the Housing and Community Development act and we were talking yesterday in my office what did you do in where were you in 1974 and there's some people here that weren't around in 1974 but we've talked a lot about people that have been here for 30 and 35 years so there are people that have been here for 50 years and um and that's what implemented cdbg and what uh incredible history and impact that's had on our community since then um while our team does work individually with households uh we also work a lot with our Community Partners and we talked about today our work with am skills and uh that is very critical to our mission and we are very proud to recognize amskills as this year's uh Award with us uh the 2024 Audrey Nelson award and uh uh for those of you that don't remember both Tom mudano and commissioner starky came to Washington Wasington DC to accept the award we did a panel discussion and people are still talking about about what we did um so it was really kind of exciting uh I wanted uh to give Tom a chance to say a few words but before I do that where's my Vanna we wanna we want to draw your attention to this National poster that communities all over the country are using to celebrate Community Development week there are four projects noted here what's of them and skills nice so how cool is that we're just really excited about the mark that Pasco County is making around the country uh we have a week full of activities next week uh that we'd like to invite people to including a kickoff on Monday downtown Newport Richie a lot of people don't realize that we do work with economic opportunities uh with our partner um Department planning and economic growth so we'll be kicking off uh the time at one of the businesses that has been invested in with Community Development blgr funds on Wednesday Tom and Hillary are going to be doing uh a lunch and learn about our am skills project and on Friday we'd like to invite you all to Community Development for an open house uh and those will be all of our activities to celebrate Community Development week again thank you so much for your support Tom would you like to say a few words good morning um what I first wanted to say was uh thank you to Pasco County for your vision uh because you all established at am skills and helped to establish am skills back in 2014 and I know you were uh uh commissioner Mariano very big part of that so we want to thank the the Pasco County for for your support and helping us to get started um we're just a small part of what you all are uh Community Development is doing but but clearly it's a big part of what we're doing and we are just so thankful for them as well because we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the Community Development and we're just so thankful I want to thank you and your entire team because it's been a a fantastic experience getting us to this point where we are you know we've got four and a half acres of property on Darlington Road uh over $2 million of renovations to our building and we're debt free and that's pretty amazing so uh we're very excited we've got uh you really to conclude our missions transforming lives and strengthening communities through Workforce training and apprenticeships and this project and you are helping us to achieve that we want to thank you for that thank thank thank you Tom I just add in is you know cdbg is so important and marity thank you for having the vision to work with them skills because let's face it you can put someone in a home but if they can't afford to pay for it doesn't last long the the groundwork of giving a place to live a roof over the heads number one thing in life is to have that um that in the belief in God but to have a job to go to afterward that can be very productive uh is great and that builds a community up because the more manufacturing uh people we create the more opportunity for more companies to come in as well so you work together is is D Dynamic so we appreciate it do a picture we love it if you your mug little by way I you take what you take one more res the last res Evolution and then we're done I think that was it and then you break for yeah then you break until oh yeah High School yeah rules that's what I'm talking about is there's your okay okay RS6 and I believe we have our team coming in from the back of the room there feel like we need some walk-in music as they as they approach commissioner wait minut um I found out they were going to the big competition coming up and I wanted to kind of give them a boost before they go to congratulate them there's more still still more to come a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida recognizing nine athletes and they're coaching staff from the Hudson High School uh cheerleading team for being selected to represent the country at a world championship whereas the Hudson High School cheerleading team coaching staff was selected to be the coaching staff for the US National Junior co-ed team and nine cheerleaders from Hudson High School have been selected for that team and whereas this is the first time a US national cheer team has been based out of Florida as well as the first time any athletes from Pasco County Schools have been selected to represent their country at a world championship and whereas the coaches chosen from Hudson High School to serve on the US National Junior co-ed team are Chelsea Hatcher Sarah ceni and uh Parker Jud and whereas the nine athletes chosen are George malacos James connley sir Nome sha Rivera Riley Rodriguez tonche Starks Haley Stevenson Haley Castillo and Kylie Watson and whereas over 175 athletes aged 15 to 18 from across the country applied to be on the US National Junior coed team with only 32 selected to be on the team and whereas the competition is is held by the international cheer Union the recognized World governing body of cheer the ICU comprises uh is composed of 10 million athletes around the world host World Championships that welcomes over 70 Nations and continues to grow as a unified for uh voice for all of those who are dedicated to the positive advancement of cheerleading throughout the world and whereas the US National Junior coed team will be competing from April 25th and 26 2024 against other Junior coed national teams from around the world in the ICU World Championship at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando now therefore be it resolved by the border County commissioners of Pasco County Florida the said board hereby recognizes those chosen from the Hudson High School cheerleading team to represent their country on the US National Junior co-ed team and wishes them luck in the upcoming ICU World Championships well con congratulations um this is something that uh when I first heard of it um I wanted to make sure we recognize you as quick as possible normally we'll only do like four or eight resolutions with the whole group but I wanted to make sure we got to you before you actually made the big trip for your next move it's congratulations for some great work every step of the way um commissioner waitman yeah to represent our country the greatest country on the face of the Earth at the national level at your age is an experience that you know hopefully you have again but most of us in this room probably never will have so we're the red white and blue with tremendous honor and pride your hometown is here to support you normally you know being a Pasco highr I say go pirates but today you know go cobras and uh just extremely excited for all of you I hope you make memories of a lifetime I hope you kick butt and uh we can have you back with trophies and medals and and celebrate the accomplishments of uh representing not just Pasco County but the United States of America so chair I guess they want to say a few words and I just want to add one more thing to that so years ago we had uh a local Hudson baseball youth team go out and when they won their state championship we gave them an award gave him a resolution that led them to go to the Nationals and they won the national thing too so I'm betting you guys can do the same thing we done to take a picture up we thank okay everybody the camera first please right here want awesome thank you all [Applause] is now we wait that is the last resolution we have we're going to resume the meeting it looks like 11:15 thank you e e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] minut I'm here how we doing Kevin I'm good all clear yeah I'm good well no but I'm good we don't know what's going on with me but we'll see good morning we're going to call to order the board of County Commissioners March 26 2024 meeting please rise for the indication and pledge oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the accounting that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation indice Mr clerk please call the role uh District Two commissioner wakan pres District three commissioner starky here District Four commissioner Bradford is not present for the record uh district one chairman Oakley is not present for the record District Five acting chairman Mariano here and for the two Commissioners not here they've had illnesses so they're excused now is it time for public comment citizens are given an opportunity to comment on any current or future agenda item coming before the board or on other business under the board's purview today's public comment will be handled as follows first we'll take public comment from those who are here in person then we'll take public comment for those who have pre-registered for a WebEx link and are currently on que we request that when you address the board comments are not directed personally at a commissioner or team member but rather at directed at the issues this provides mutual respect between the board memb MERS and the public after stating a name and address for the clerk a 3-minute timer will be activated after 2 minutes a single beep will indicate you have 1 minute left when your time is up two be beeps will sound and you should close your comments WebEx participants will be disconnected automatically when their time is up Mr clerk I know we have a few people signed up I know tax collector Mike Fano is here Mr Fano would you like to come forward good morning Mr chairman members thank you just be a couple of minutes this morning uh there's something on the consent agenda uh that will um allow us to purchase a piece of property uh it's now been platted if you will just a few people I'd like to thank for making this happen um boy it's it's what your staff has to deal with is amazing and I learned a lot through this whole process but people like uh Wayne raty uh raty I'm sorry Lisa crawl uh Bill Williams Kelly Bernard uh Dennis wobble Matt Matt Cook um very very helpful in making this come to fruition special thank you to our uh County attorney Mr Stein Snider and his staff along with two people that you have in your uh on your staff uh denth Hernandez and and Heather wolf Heather was just has been extremely helpful and helping us find this piece of property and uh hopefully we'll be able to close now in about 45 days and then shortly after that uh start building our our Angeline office so thank you so very much God bless you thank you very much appreciate it that's your consent 29 okay uh Linda Martell if you would please give your address for the record please yes my name is Linda Martell I'm at 3309 Kilburn Road and Holiday um good morning um I have started a petition on change.org against the plan to build a Restaurant at anlo River Park we have over 5,300 signatures that are opposed to this restaurant this should be making a difference because it should be about what the people want and not about money not only with this disrupt sacred land but also nature with taking down our trees and disturb marine life dolphins and manatees swim through the river on a da daily basis and I have been a regular at the park for many years lots of people I've talked to aren't aware of the restaurant plan in the first place when I pass out flyers and talk to the locals the sadness disappointment and anger is overwhelming I wish you could see the looks on their faces when I tell them the restaurant plan because then maybe you would find it in your heart to do what's best for anllo Park we like our peaceful and relaxing Park after a hard day at work and it should remain the way it is I bought my home in 1998 and anlo Park is the main reason I bought my house if you want to make changes to the park our bathrooms and changing rooms could use updating also new picnic tables benches and Nice Landscaping to add even more Beauty to the park if there are fights happening at the boat ramp now what do you think will happen with the restaurant that serves alcohol since there are more people living in Holiday area crime rates have gone up what we really need a more deputies along with better roads in our neighborhoods a restaurant taken up 3,000 Square ft is not what we need and is still unacceptable we are happy with the food trucks and prefer helping the small business owners we also have Miss Vicki's restaurant located right next door it to the park it's not fear that uh we have about this restaurant it's frustration because we want what's best for anlo Park thank you for your time Linda before you go we we generally don't respond to public comment but this is a very big issue with 5,000 petitions I know commissioner Stark you probably would to add something to that yeah um so we've done new um Park plan um no one no one here wanted to see a 40,000 ft anything um and so I'm very pleased with all the trees that will be saved and the the new design and if you go out here into my office you can get a copy of the new design and we'll be having a meeting the 17 15th okay out at holiday W to talk about it okay good thank you thanks thank you next person uh David Cruz your address for the record please 6611 Carnation way Port Richie Florida thank you good morning I have a prepared statement that I'd like to read my parents moved here to Port Pasco County Port Richie in 1977 at that time my dad's retirement living in New York and staying in their home in New York would have put them $400 a month in the whole moving here my parents would not be in debt they purchased 6 611 Carnation way the first house in the neighborhood my father was the second youngest of 17 brothers and sisters which all chose to move in the Tampa Bay area with the exception of two that stayed in New York they stayed here and mostly stayed to themselves except for family I stayed in New York volunteering in fire rescue on Long Island every year coming to visit my parents I had a chance to watch the other homes being built in the area and the changes that happened here in Pasco County I never saw myself moving here as a matter of fact I moved moved further north to New Hampshire working as a police officer in Conway I stayed deeply involved in volunteering in Fire and Rescue and with the Red Cross and in disaster services and training in 2005 my mother uh with mis Medical Care and treatment developed cancer and died at 83 uh this was during the time of Katrina hit New Orleans my dad at 90 was left on his own and started thinking of where was going to live he still was driving which wasn't very very smart thing to do or safely when it warmed up I would bring him to New Hampshire from April to the end of September this continued until 2009 his home here in Newport Richie was broken into because of my past training we knew to back out of the house and the Sheriff's Office was able to get a good set of prints which tied the individual that broke into the house to 45 other Home break-ins uh the individual spent 7 years in prison the decision was made I had to move here my mom died after 64 years of marriage to my father and my dad wanted to die here also to be with her this meant I had to give up a lot I was deputy director of Emergency Management working for Raymond ambulance I had to short sale my house in New Hampshire to move here to Pasco County my dad wanted to make the home better for the two of us he put up a better fence and a shed at the end of a driveway on the Robble way side of the home this was put uh as a gate to the backyard having both door doors on both sides of the shed making it a pass through my dad wanted to make things better unfortunately due to poor Medical Care shortly after moving here that my dad cracking his hip he became septic and died on December 5th of the same year over the next year according to the will the property was left to my sister and I and we had to split it at this time the property values were at their lowest here in Pasco County uh my sister had to obtain a lawyer and it took a year for the two of us to settle and then during this time I had to obtain a job to get on with my life so I also wanted to continue in volunteering all we got to wrap it up um I know you've got a problem with your house and the fence and all so um Roy could you meet with him actually Pat Patrick is right back there and I called him about this yesterday okay okay he'll meet you all right so Pat would you raise your hand and he'll meet you in the back great okay thank you so we got to wrap it up I'll talk to them thank you very much I appreciate it and I hope I can stay in my house all right thank you jacine thery hello my name is Jacqueline ther 29129 Johnston Road Dade City Florida and I have a letter which is my third third letter in the last 5 months or so regard rece file second thank you all in favor say I I and this regards our roads which are determined to be Class A which we thought did not know until recently and uh they have not been paved in 40 years and our particular road is Bush Lane is a hill downward to the north uh that I know that makes sense uh that seems to uh be crumbling more than some of the rest there are other places also that are in distress there are homes that are being threatened by the water that comes surging down that road every time it rains and there is a very big dip in that road as well as a a drainage site in the road behind us so there are issues that need to be looked at as well we did get an appraisal before we knew we were Class A and we had someone willing to do some of this maintenance and it was significant money that we thought we were going to expend ourselves I have been a taxpayer for 20 years we've resided there for that long and we visited for four years prior uh intermittently so I just wanted you aware of our situation this is my third letter I got no responses from the first two so I wanted to make sure you received it and I thank you for your time and please reference this to the appropriate Department with some attention thank you thank you before you go Branford would you mind spend some a few minutes with her and just kind of review thank you uh that concludes those that have signed up Mr chairman okay anyone on WebEx none on WebEx okay uh anyone else in the audience like to speak address the board okay we'll close public comment uh next order BS will be the consent agenda I have a pull sheet um c14 pull and revise C32 is withdrawn and c21 is withdrawn are there any other changes to the consent agenda Mr chairman if I could get a motion for you to add to the consent agenda rs1 RS rs2 RS3 RS4 RS5 and RS6 so moved second all in favor say I I I so those that'll that will take up the resolutions that you read right before the board meeting okay thank you very much all in favor say I I I I we need a motion to I need a motion for that sorry I'll move approval to approve a cons as amended with the noted items from second all in favor say I I I any opposed [Applause] okay so the next item we have is r37 C c14 up sorry see sorry thank you Mr chair for the record JP Murphy uh building construction services director the uh PLL and revise for you was do the diligent work the clerk's Department noted that the memo reflected a 5year term we just revising it to reflect the actual term of the contract of 3 plus 1 plus one for our view specs video inspection services and I want to say I wanted to pull this item as Mr Cabell and I had talked about yesterday because I think it's such a great project see great to see more life being put into it uh for those who don't know vew specs allows a remote inspector to zoom take pictures and video capture geolocation data comment interact with a contractor and post a result of inspection simultaneously in the Accel application vew specs has now alive and offline capabilities view specs office scheduling for over 70 inspection types though mechanical and electrical are the most popular many are eligible inspections can be conducted scheduled and conducted on the same day generally within a few minutes of contacting the inspector a perfecta use case is an equal equal change out of AC a halfday job executing the same day service call for the contractor rather than waiting a day for inspection they can call in for the view specs and close out a permit quick permit and a view spec inspection is a onew punch for a job like this it saves homeowners from res scheduling in multiple days off and view specs cost nothing to the owner contractor it's great technology uh I started when it was first coming on board with my assistant we're kind of watching one of the inspectors do five inspections in about a 20-minute period of time as things were going on so I'm glad to see J J you bringing this forward uh got a a new contract for a longer term yep second all in favor say I I I all right thank you that will bring us to our 37 we are caught up so the Florida Gulf Coast Trail benefits of the trail and Trail connections so as my friend is walking up this is um Charles Hines who actually was a frat brother of my husband's at University of Florida and is uh an attorney and a former County Commissioner in Sarasota County yeah served many many years in the Gulf chair may I approach I just want to hand a couple things out if I could sure move to receive and file someone make that motion move rece file second looks like he wants you to keep them so I'm not sure that what's that the I don't know that reference got one from clerk thank you thank you sir thank you okay good again good morning and thank you for the introduction and it's good uh to be back in the chamber is what you all did this morning and those resolutions really uh bring back a lot of good memories and what makes serving on a County Commission so meaningful so that's that's very nice um and let me just say before I get started congratulations to County I don't know if it's good fortune or good planning but what's nice to see when we're going to talk about Trails is you guys are really the Confluence of three great Trails panel's Trail the Florida GF Coast Trail and the Coast to Coast Trail and with looking at those Maps like I handed you that's the state map you're in a really unique position to take advantage of all the great benefits that Trails bring to a community so one one of the thing I wanted to kind of discuss today with you all all right see if I don't mess this up hey there we go all right um are some of those benefits and then also you know why am I here and why is TPL doing what it's doing so some people may be familiar with my organization but it's a national nonprofit and our mission is to connect everyone to the outdoors and we work very hard to do that and why is that why do our donors say to us you know go forth and work with local government work with state government work with communities and it's as simple as it we believe access to the outdoors is is a fundamental right and a lot of times through growth and planning and Roads um sometimes that gets left out in the equation and so as a nonprofit we're out there always promoting this and the main reasons is why um we believe that communities that do this and emphasize this are healthier more resilient more Equitable and some points that I'll get to a little later you know also safer so um that's kind of why we are here and why I'm here then obviously you're very familiar with the Coast to Coast Trail that's pretty much done at this point my knowledge is it's about 95% done there's a couple little gaps but when you see this and the opportunities that exist for your community if you support Trails which I believe you do but I want to say support them more um this is a real economic driver that you can have tourism all across the state people come to St Peter Tampa and they're going to take this Trail and they're going to come through your community and same thing with the Florida Gulf Coast Trail um you know we're going to hook up with this and I know I believe this is one that's under consideration or proposal which uh would really link up your County uh a lot of citizens and a lot of opportunities um with what I've just described as the trails that are to your North and South so before I jump into the Florida G Coast Trails as was mentioned I was a county commissioner from 2012 to 2020 and we had to make a decision do we invest in trails and we did and we invested in the Legacy Trail which if you look at our county is that dark straight line right through Sarasota County and looking back there are no regrets in those Investments at all and actually what we're doing in Sarasota County is continuing to fill in that orange Gap um to the north there I don't know if I have a pointer but that's our connection to Manatee County then that's our connection to Hillsboro County and then that's our connection to you and we're doing the same thing to the South uh to get into Charlotte County and all the way down to Lee and cure County so my goal from the trust Republic land is I've been tasked as their program director to complete this 420 miles now obviously it's not me that's doing it but um I'm working very closely with all of our County governments and I appreciate the invitation to come here because when we look at Southwest Florida and the Florida Trail system as a whole uh this is very very important I go back to access to the outdoors and let me commend you all also I saw your Awards outside for the adoption of Mobility fees I think we did that in Sarasota County maybe 20145 so we're a little behind you all but to be creative and find other sources of revenue uh to be able to do trails in addition to the state money that's available and then obviously Federal Grant so I talked about this you know a little bit why are Trails needed and you know safety and access so when you look I don't know how many points of contact that you have uh in Pasco County but one things that trust Republic lands does is always looks at a 10-minute walk 10-minute bicycle ride and we have the technology to be able to put those reports together and show particularly how many schools that to give children a safe way to get to schools how many potential job opportunities where people who maybe can't afford a car or just say I'm you know tired of the congestion or I want to do something that's better for the environment I'm going to take my bike to work or I'm going to walk to work so um we always study all those and I think in the Golf Coast Trail there's almost over 400 schools that are within that 10minute walk and that's so important to be able to have I don't know if your rules are the same here but I think if you live within two miles in Sarasota County you have to provide your own transportation so being that close to a school and having a safe way to get there and a safe way to get maybe to after school activities like a boys and girls club or YMCA is very important so here's the here's the sad bitty or the sad slide um and there you are number one now I've not personally confirmed these numbers but even if they're wrong right behind you is my county and Manatee County pelis County and Hillsboro County in the country that's sad and so I believe as leadership we have to do a better job because you know some people say well trails are just an amenity you don't need that um you know we need more roads and so forth but they provide for safety and I know FDO is adopted Target zero and you all probably involved with that through your npos and understand that and it's because our state has been car Centric for so long with its development and even with Trails or even bike Lanes along roads they think well bikes have the same rights as cars but you're creating conflicts there that really aren't safe so we got to work on that um and there it is there's the target zero that fdot when I first came on the County Commission really they just kind of oh there's no one here from them but you know you probably experience this fdot would do what they wanted to do and say hey we got you a new road and there wasn't a lot of local input that has changed at least in my experience now and they're working much more closely with local government to be partners and think about planning and how to provide safer Merz multi-use recreational Trails the key is separated from the road and you know you have that throughout here but keep doing that so the I'm just particularly about the Florida Golf Coast Trail is when you saw the map the problem with it and a problem with a lot of trails across our state um is they're just disconnected local governments do their own little trails and you get a five or six or a 10 Mile Trail but it doesn't really serve the bigger purpose and it creates gaps and it out and back trips nothing that really you could do for tourism or true Economic Development so and then also if you do you got two trails that are separated by three or four miles it it causes people to get back out in that dangerous Street before they get to the next one and so we're working across the state to try to strategically fill those gaps and uh what I would ask you all as Leaders to you know continue to do that as well so this is a good example of local government um this was a trail head that opened up I would say about three years ago in our community and this was a site that was our old DMV office and when they built a new building was about five acres uh we didn't need the land anymore the county owned it it was kind of isolated it was at the end of a street it what are we going to do with this thing and so we put it on the Surplus and we're going to sell it well you know you probably can't see it but right behind there is the trail when the trail came through there all of a sudden this property became very useful because it had connectivity and access and right now I mean the little balls that are on there are pickle balls but you know we created like 10 pickle ball courts basketball courts bathrooms you know on this land that we were going to sell now you you got to get there pretty early to get a pickle ball spot but it it it was just I'm using it as an example of how a trail suddenly can change your planning and design of property that was maybe abandoned even businesses that suddenly now have a change of use um become useful again fitness centers brew pubs restaurants suddenly now because you have this little segment behind here will probably get close to a million Riders this year and this segment is very close to to downtown Sarasota and so having places to go is is key and so you know Trails really do that so you know how do we get to ribbon cuting one thing that I I put in your bags there is what our organization does is we work very closely with local governments to try to help them to get to ribbon cutting sometimes it takes expertise in in purchasing rail corridors we've done that all across the state and all across the country helping with um ballot measures uh heard that was mentioned earlier in bonds we do a lot of polling TPL actually ran and was working with uh a pack in Sarasota County that ran our ballot measure to extend the trail when I say r i mean Sarasota County um to borrow $65 million to extend the Legacy Trail and because of our organization's help um you know local government doesn't get involved in that but and your Grassroots organizations they may be well Mee mean but it takes some expertise to get that to the finish line and then also helping local governments find other sources of funding whether it's state or federal so the one thing about the Legacy I'm sorry about the GF Coast Trail is when I became involved when I said Florida GF Coast Trail every one said never heard of it well we've heard of the panel's trail we've heard of the Legacy Trail so we' got involved with the office of Greenways and trails just this past year to Brand This Trail and hopefully some of you all maybe voted on it it was a nationalwide vote and this was the logo that was picked and um so we're going to try to get that out there so that we have this idea of a regional project and and that's what it is and you got to name it first and you got to be recognized so that's it so again together um and I see you all as partners here with what I'm working on the Florida GF Coast Trail is to connect our millions of Floridians to the these benefits that that are brought and just I'll remind you health resiliency it's Equitable it's safe and then it's just fun you know get out and and hit the trail even if it's just for a mile and you go to a artfest or you know downtown um you know cookout food trucks all these different types of things a playground that's hooked up so again there's the closing of of the why and and so I'm going to keep working oh I'll go real quick on these um the one thing that I said you know Trails really create a sense of place you know more than a road roads are always needed they're always going to be needed soon as you build them they're full and you get the complaint we need more roads Trails really provide a return and an economic benefit and a sense of place so this is in Venice uh that was a train depot that was going to be torn down and you know it was from the 1920s 1930s and uh there was just no use for it anymore the train had left there was no more train service but now it's it's a centerpiece in in Venice where many many events are held you know bikes bike rallies 5Ks wine tastings all of that you know you have a lot of views like this up here on yours uh but I we don't have any of those yet actually that's one and right now partnering with fdot they're building two more of those on our overpasses on the state every County gets them but ours for some reason well I'm here I'll help you with that my engineer back there hiding his face again that's that's these are gateways you know these bridges are gateways into communities and create a sense of Pride and uh you know water access and Views uh that's the Ringling bridge in Sarasota that connects up Longboat Key to Sarasota um you know that's a rural area out in Northport beautiful and again again this was an isolated park it was in way down that's the inter Coastal Waterway and it was a neighborhood park now when the trail connected it up it gets a lot more use so I think uh that's it I just want to say thanks and I just ask you and I can help you in any way to build your trails and take advantage of your location as a county you're going to see some great benefits as all this gets connected up yeah Mr shy um well a couple things first I'm so glad that you're here and I had my uh director of environmental lands and Parks I make that might be this title I don't know um here to listen um well a couple of things can you talk about safety and then I want to show you our Coastal enk Trail because I truly believe that should be part of this of this trail and I want to show maybe they can pull it up there on the map but um some of our residents were very concerned if the trail was coming near them of rape and murder and so I'm happy that's one of the things that are always a concern of the unknown and change is safety and property values how they're going to change and there study after study after study across this country of that's just not the case property values go up crime either goes down or stays the same because usually like in a rail Corridor situation it's an it it's not being taken care of it's abandoned those people that you're fearful of of doing those types of things they're there but then when you put a trail there you create a situation where good elements come law enforcement has access and so that's one thing that I have to do and work very closely with communities hear their fears listen to them and sometimes through design fencing Landscaping setbacks and share them with with actually have a group from Lee County because we have a rail cor or a contract down there right now coming up to Sarasota County next month to show them the existing Trail so they can actually see it can talk to Residents and understand that Trails aren't being pulled up because of crime they're not being closed because of crime they're actually being expanded and they're supported and sometimes um well don't show me a study from Seattle or Washington we have the penel trail here we have the Legacy Trail Coast to Coast Trail so there's studies that are local that we can share with them and hopefully address those concerns okay now I want to show you um she hasn't got it up there yet the coastal an cloak Trail um which is over by U strawber Memorial and um this so we have a penny for Pasco and um some of that money goes to build the trails and this was um built with the penny money because when the starky Gap got funded by the state when they rolled out the uh money for the coast to coast we were able to Pivot that funding and build this Trail so here it is um can you zoom out a little bit it goes through some land that the county owns it connects a high school um but if you can you go so you can see ano Boulevard keep going keep going so there's ankot Boulevard and and that trail it comes down ano it goes into pelis County can you move it where you can see yeah and it goes across the river and it connects into Tarpon Springs to the pellis trail so it's our it's our second connection to the pellis trail um which your your trail goes up to pellis County and to the penell trail but we would love for you to consider this part of your um Coastal Trail yeah so on the you know when you look on on this what I would suggest and happy to help you is to with the office of Greenways and trails and uh their annual meeting is tomorrow oh so um in Winter Haven and I'll be there and you know the the the thing about our trail system is these Maps can be changed and things are added right so that's what they just did a whole review last year and it was funny the Florida Gulf Coast Trail which was on their prior map was like 360 miles now it's 420 well we can add to it why loops and connectors like that were added and what you just described on you know schools downtowns connectivity in a safe way to get from there to tarp and Springs uh to go have some great food down there that's what you want to promote yeah and it's that when it goes over the river there it's an old railroad Corridor um I we have to check where the city of tarpet Springs and pelis county is because they had to do some Shoring up of some of the Footers of the bridge going over the river but um uh so I served three governors on the state Greenways a chars Council and Ralph over there Ralph Lair how long were you on eight years when Weatherford came out I think he pointed whether did did Will Appo you yeah so Ralph just came off of the green waste and trails Council but um it it seems like it's a good addition for that trail and uh we you know we don't I don't know if we have one sign in the county that identifies any of our Trails being part of the coast to coast because every county is responsible for the signage in their County there was a time when we had some money set aside for Branding and for wayf finding but it went to uh actually went to the wire grass Sports Complex for tables and chairs because they needed it so that is something that we have to bring back um and um with those little things that you do on your phone on the um I don't know what you call that geocaching yeah um it's easy to put those on those signs and let those folks who are writing the trails uh know where restaurants or other services or other amenities are around you so I hope that we get maybe this is the year we get going on some branding and that that trail that you saw going across the county uh is called the orange belt Trail and that that somewhat follows the orange belt railroad right away which sadly this County did not hold on to we have some of it um but it was actually auctioned off on our Courthouse steps decades ago when I became a commissioner I I think I stopped it I tried to stop it so um we have to do some work arounds uh but we uh it's just another route for the coast to coast and it it has more Economic Opportunity in our County because it goes through some some areas uh where the where there is opportunity where the the current Sun Coast Trail just goes up the highway and there's not a lot on it so you make a very good point and it's one thing that I keep running across is you know our state it's you know it's always growing you know booms and bust of Florida I was born and raised here so I get did it but right now we're really growing for a lot of many different reasons and if you don't have someone that's dedicated or aware of of our trail system and watching it and Leadership of like what you're describing that this is important to our community opportunities are constantly being missed oh yeah and the rail CT or is one and what I'll say to you is the developers the large developers the dris which I that's the term anymore but um across our area love Trails they want the connectivity it's a selling point and so they're always looking for ways to align so working with large developers that say you know okay do you want me to dedicate some land or how how do we do this and constantly staying with fdot so that a road project comes in and you go oh gosh wait a minute only if we would have and it it takes leadership to con stly be there uh to promote those things Charles when you're at the meeting tomorrow um something that we're kind of a little late to the game here in the county but something that we're asking do to do is consider uh when they're widening a state road is to put an underpass because they're so much cheaper and safer than an overpass right and we're trying to get one on 52 in this last section that we're widening it well we have Critter Crossings and they would just go you know 4 Ines higher it would legally let us go through on a bike and that's another thing we have to discuss with the state and I'd love TPL to help and that is um we could go under the Sun Coast uh you know which divides our County East and West O over here on the West Side those who are living on the just east of it cannot safely access the trail um and there are Critter Crossings going underneath it and when we were developing Bexley I tried and tried and tried with the state uh and they and the developer willing to pay for the spur that would go under the Sun Coast and connect to the trail that's on the west side of it and it was 7 fo6 and they wouldn't let us do it um and I can tell you around the country there are many trails that go under a Road State Road that are under 8 feet yeah one thing you know again another great point and this is advocacy um it said well we've dealt with this well that's what it says in the book yeah and sometimes we got to change the book we got change rules yeah and you know that comes through leadership uh from the work that we do we with the state and say we need to change some rules and and you know fdot is getting better uh but I think you just hit some examples of you know where we as representatives of our community say we need to change those rules a little bit Yeah and safety it is right where they want to be and so when you hit them with that that's their own words yeah I'm delighted you came to see us it was good to see you at fac and uh I know we talked about coming and sent Katherine over to see you and all and I'm glad you made that great connection it's kind of interesting with Trey and him yeah yeah we're going to go of lunch at a restaurant right on the tril won't share any stories those old days but at least publicly but uh thanks and I appreciate the opportunity Keith would you introduce yourself to him when he when he watchs back okay okay thank you so much thank you very much well we got 30 seconds left till noon so let's break for lunch [Music] okay Pasco County waterways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollutants directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy we want to welcome you to the Human Services collaboration station the collaboration station is basically an idea of bringing Community Partners together with the Human Services team through the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners so we can serve the citizens in one Hub or one facet to really create the connectivity between our partners and our not for-profits in the community as well as our case managers in the work that they do our Community Partners play a massive role in serving our community um they conduct certain services that you know we don't have funding for or that they have spe specific funding for now Human Services I feel is a heartbeat