[Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] good afternoon I'd like to call back to order the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners meeting of April 23rd 2024 please silence all electronic devices and mute your microphones I will receive a public hearing with ordinances Adam p41 all right p41 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times March 6 2024 good afternoon Commissioners Denise Hernandez uh planning and economic growth Department item p41 today this is the adoption on this item so I will read the title um I did provide a full presentation at the 410 2024 um first reading for this item and um after I read the title if you would please take public comment and adopt the ordinance by roll call vote so this is Peg 24283 an ordinance by the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners amending the Pasco County Land Development code section 304.8 types of public notice table 304-1414 2.1 point B zoning amendments ukan submittal requirements section 44.3 Point D mining operating permits application requirements section 44.4 pointd construction and demolition debris disposal facilities operating permits application requirements section 4046 Point C yard trash processing facilities application requirements section 46.1 point6 per permanent signs exempt from obtaining sign permits and temporary signs section 46.5 Point d right ofo use permit application requirements section 46.8 pointd Garden plant permits application requirements section 51.6 RMH mobile home District yard regulations Section 51.8 RMH mobile home District streets and Roads section 83.2 listed species impacts to listed and protected species section 91.3 Point e access management access access management analysis traffic impact study 91.3 access management sample problem number one appendix a definitions and other sections as necessary for internal consistency providing for applicability repealer for providing for severability inclusion into Land Development code and an effective date again if you would please accept public comment and adopt the ordinance amendment by roll call vote okay do we have anyone here signed up for public comment there is no one signed up no one signed up no one on WebEx correct um is there anyone in audience wish to speak to this item public comment seeing no one um Mr chairman um I I had my conversations with Denise and I'm all set so I no one has any questions I'll move for approval I got a motion in a second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman hi District three commissioner starky hi District 5 commissioner Mariano I District 1 chairman Oakley I motion passes 40 thank you move on to p42 p42 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times April 10th 2024 morning Commissioners Adam Thomas uh Pesco County tourism director uh before you today is a public hearing for an ordinance update um and we request that you take public comment and a recommendation to approve the ordinance update um but before you today is a small presentation on the history of Tourism uh for Pasco County but I will read the item the item is an an ordinance by the border County Commissioners amending ordinance 910 9010 as amended and codified in chapter 102 of the Pasco County code of ordinances by amending Section 102 to 190 to amend and update the tourist development plan for Pascal County providing for an inclusion in the Pascal County code code of ordinances cability conflicts and an effective date uh just a little background on where we are come from or where we came from for the tourist development uh plan in 1990 uh the bard of County Commissioners adopted the first uh tourist development plan according with the state statutes that that have established the tourism Development Council and adopted the first de tourist development plan uh by ordinance 9010 um and since that adoption of 1990 the first plan has been amended on several occasions uh on November 15 2023 the tourist Development Council um has recommended that the Border County Commissioners approve the first five 5year plan usually this was a three-year plan but we have done robust projects initiatives programs so we're looking at a 5year strategic plan moving into 2024 to 2025 of the tourist development plan so the ordinance Amendment today is to update uh chapter 102 of the Pasco County code of ordinances by amending Section 102 to 190 to amend and update the tourist development plan for Pasco County for providing for applicability repealer cability inclusion into code and effective date so this is again the Strategic plan for the next five years and within that plan are four core goals that we are going to focus on for the next five years the first goal in which we've done a really good job over the past three to five three to five years is destination Marketing sales and programs and services the second goal is the destination development really enhancing the impact of what our product is uh I will note that there is a date that needs to be updated that Destin destination development strategy is a 10-year strategy and actually the Strategic plan reflects a five-year so it's actually a 10-year strategy not a five-year the third goal is actually to influence DMO advocacy and stakeholder Rel relations and uh the last one is to attain optimal demo resources and Performance Management results excuse me so the the the tdt revenues that will be generated from the tour development tax um will support and Implement four strategic goals by funding the 15 priority based programs and issues identified within the plan the second one is to operate the tourism Bureau or tourist information centers the destination management organization which which will include indirect administrative costs for services performed by the county on behalf of the DMO and the last uh um allocation of the tourist development tax would be to um fulfill the debt services at the W grass Ranch Sports Campus of Pasco County as amended the revenue shall also be allocated to capital projects special events and marketing these are the core activities that we do on a daily weekly monthly quarterly basis uh for the TDC um the six is um media Co-op advertising and advertising generally those assoc number seven is those associated in customary expenditures of the DMO employees and other authorized persons in the exercise of their employment duties and consistent with the travel expenses hospitality and purchasing policies for the DMO and the last one is allocating the percentages will be presented within the proposed expenditure budget for each fiscal year so we were requesting today to um for board action to wave introduction and accept public comment to the amendment of chapter 102 article 4 section 102 to 190 adopt the ordinance amended chapter 102 article 4 section 102 to 190 of the Pasco County code of ordinances by roll call vote authorize and execute of the ordinance by the chairman and the board board records to transmit the ordinance to the Department of State electronically mail within 10 days after the adoption of the ordinance okay all right this is a public hearing um has anyone signed up for to speak on this item no sir and no one on WebEx no one on WebEx correct anyone in the audience wish to speak to this item see you no one Mr chairman Mariana I would like to make approval not noting the change that Adam made from the appropriate priority initiatives to include the destination development strategy plan and recommended objective strategies that's listed from the chart that was given us from 2024 to 2033 okay I have a motion did that have the change to 10 year I didn't it's the same same presentation we had just just what just talk all right that covers it I'll second it yeah okay had a motion and a and a second lots of work uh by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 4 zero thank you I'll see on on May 9th thank you okay uh big surprise on that day Mr Stein Steiner would you please go over a public hearing procedures I'll be happy to Mr chairman there are two resoning agendas regular and consent staff will present each application to the board of County Commissioners if staff or Planning Commission has recommended approval and there is no opposition the application will be considered by the board board without further presentation if staff or Planning Commission has recommended denial or if there is opposition to the application the applicant will be given five minutes for presentation the opposition will be given three minutes for each individual or five minutes for a group representative and the applicant will be given three minutes for rebuttal any individual disagreeing with staff rep Planning Commission recommendation or anyone wishing to object to any condition of the rezoning May at this time request that the petition be pulled from the consent agenda in which case that application will be heard under the regular agenda later on during the meeting otherwise all resoning applications on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion and vote if you wish to speak to any petition please give your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record these are Quasi judicial public hearings the law in Florida is that mere public support or opposition of an application is insufficient for this board to take action please limit your comments to those criteria found within the board's Land Development code for rezoning Madame clerk would you like to swear the public in yes if you're planning on speaking on any of these items please stand raise your right hand so you can be sworn oh boy a lot okay everybody standing all right do you swear affirm the testimony you're about to give is the truth so help you God thank you all right um first items p43 p43 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times February 7th 2024 and was um continued from the March 26th meeting to today good afternoon Denise Hernandez planing on economic growth item p43 is Peg 247740 it's a zon Amendment the residences at Rolling Hills mpud master plan unit development Dan NCO Properties LLC the request is to the request is to continue the item to a date uncertain move to continue time uncertain second a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 4 zero move on to p44 p44 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times February 21st 2024 and was continued from the April 10th meeting to today item p44 is Peg 24777 5 says zoning Amendment Thomas Lee and Kimberly and sck the requests is uh it's a different date is to continue the item to the July 9th 20124 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in dve City move to continue time certain second got a motion and a second all those in favor say I I I I motion pass 4 Z move on to p45 p45 was advertis in the Tampa Bay Times February 21st 2024 and by appid of certified mailings and site postings and was continued from the April 10th meeting to today p45 is peg2 24772 Eno River Resort MPD master plan unit development the request is to continue the item to the May 7th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in D City move to continue time certain second I'm under discussion Mr chairman I will not be here at the May 7th meeting okay Mr chairman yes on this continuance I mean shouldn't we hear this on this anyway though maybe we should make it the 25th meeting or if it's that's the right date well if they speak today they can't speak then no no make the continuing date instead of May 7th where commissioner starky won't be here anyway just move it to the next one in Newport Richie is May 7th dat City it is U yeah on this side May 7th will be dat City but I don't know that there's any controversy on this I think the reason it's it was actually here is there's no controversy is okay if youse I'll stick with my motion okay all right so I've got uh Motion in a second all those in favor say I I pass for zebra move on to p46 p46 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times February 21st 2024 and was continued from the April 10th meeting to today okay this item a consent item go ahead it is p46 peg2 24 7718 a zoning Amendment Circle K and sr52 and Prospect mpud stream fruit LLC is for a resoning from an AR agricultural residential district to an mpud master plan unit development to allow for 11,330 Ft of non-residential entitlements on approximately 3.63 Acres Cons with a recommendation of approval with conditions as included in your agenda packet from the Pasad Hills planning and policy committee um and the planning and economic growth Department there is a specific condition of approval uh which is number 44 that addresses the live local act okay uh this is a public hearing is there anyone here to speak against this item and there's no one signed up and no one on no one signed up corre okay so this item remains on consent we move on to p47 p47 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times mark 6 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p47 is Peg 24776 three it's a zoning Amendment Sandra Marie Brown Stephanie F and Derek L pontet for a change in zoning from an AC agricultural District to an R4 high density residential district for a total of 47 single family detached units there are um exp party Comm Communications with commission Commissioners starky Mariano Oakley and waitman I believe that the ones for starky Mariano and Oakley have already been um submitted to the clerk's office the one from commissioner waitman will be submitted to the clerk's office after this meeting or during the time we're at this meeting comes here with a recommendation of approval from the planning and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay this is a public item is anyone here to speak against this item there is no one signed up and no one on WebEx no one signed up okay let it remain on consent move on to p48 p48 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times March 6 2024 and by affid of certified mailings and site post item p48 is peg2 24777 1 is for zoning Amendment the names of Douglas and Kelly midling it's for a change in zoning from an AC agricultural District to an AR agricultural residential district the applicant proposes a total four potentially a for total four dwelling units comes here with a recommendation of approval from the planning and economic growth department and the planning commission okay and this public item is there anyone here to speak against this item and there is no one signed up no one on no one signed up Let it remain on consent move on to p49 p49 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times March 6 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p49 is p24 cu13 conditional use requests for the word of Life Fellowship Word of Life Group living arrangement it's for a group living arrangement in an AC agricultural district there is a um experte communication on this item with commissioner waitman that will be um uh sent to the clerk's office uh shortly after this meeting or during the time we're at this meeting comes here with a recommendation of approval with conditions from the planning and economic growth and the Planning Commission okay this is public comment anyone sign up for no sir okay no one signed up for it is there anyone here to speak against this item seeing no one remains on consent we move on to p50 p50 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times December 20th 2023 and by affida of certified mailings and site postings it was continued from the January 9th meeting to February 6th to March 12th to March 26th to today item p50 is Peg 2424 uh today is the transmittal hearing for this item so we're asking that you please take public comment on the item and you authorize transmitt of the proposed amendment to the Department of Commerce and other reviewing agencies it is a comprehensive plan Amendment CPA 2301 Fletcher it's for transmitt of a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-15 and Sheet 12 from res 3 residential three dwelling units per gross acre and AG agricultural to PD plan development on approximately 100.8 Acres of property located at the southeast intersection of us41 Lind Avenue um and 1.1 miles north of State Road 52 and a text Amendment creating sub area policy flu 7.1.7 two Fletcher and a map Amendment to the Future land use map 2-9 adding sub area map 2- 972 Fletcher and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for a repealer severability and an effective date this um in the future this will come to you with a an MPD resoning uh which is slated to go to the Planning Commission on May 16th and to the board on June 18th um do you want a presentation on this item does board wish for a presentation okay um this is Fletcher yes where did we end up with those um is this is this this is not the site plan this is just this is not the mpud the mpud will be coming to the board of County Commissioners on May 18th okay I'm okay okay Mr chairman yes so I did talk to Spencer brass from Pilot country to he's comfortable with everything as well one there I talked to Spencer brass from Pilot country he's comfortable with everything as well oh okay all right yeah same here chairman he called for is we don't have to do X part with it so it's a public item it's own consent is anyone here to speak speak against this item seeing no one may remain on consent and this time I uh entertain a motion for the consent items move approval second you got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 40 we move on to P51 is a regular item and a public item here today P51 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times March 6 2024 and by a day of certified mailings and site postings good afternoon this is Orlando vas can you hear me is it better yes perfect this is Orlando vas with planning Services um before we start uh this presentation I if I may um add into the record an exper with commissioner Mariano okay I need receiving file moov receiving file second got a second all those in favor say I I motion this is going sorry this is going to be P 2477 um 33 blackw mpud this is a proposal from AR and AC to an mpud to allow 321 single family detach units approximately on 107 U 107 Acres and it's located north of Hudson Avenue and east of cway and hael Avenue as you can see this is going to be the location of the property which is going to be on the north side of the county this is going to be the location map and this is the context map and this is my opinion very important to discuss essentially because the applicant will be extending I mean will be constructing the sidewalk on H on Hazel Avenue all the way to COBRA way which is going to be connecting all the way to the school to the schools that are going to be right over here as you can see uh this is going to be Hudson Avenue sub right over here the subject property over here and then again the sidewalk construction from hael Avenue all the way to COBRA way the fusion land use of the property is going to be rest three and the current zoning districts as I mentioned before are AR and AC so during the Planning Commission um the applicant was proposing and I'm going to go right ahead to the master plan um an emergency access over here to Edwards Road since the Planning Commission staff has found that the applicant can have that emergency access so since they are not proposing anymore the emergency access there is no variation requested however if the recommendation is for approv uh an emergency access to hael Avenue let me go back to the master plan real quick right over here then that would need to be having a A variation from the Land Development code same if we approve uh an emergency access to Hudson Avenue that being said this is going to be the concept plan and it's going with recommendation back to that concept plan absolutely okay the recommendation comes with approval with condition from um planning and economic uh Department however uh that's taken in consideration either the full vehicular access or the emergency access uh on hael Avenue if you have any questions more than happy to answer them now where's where's the entrance at the main entrance show me the main entrance and then show me the main the uh emergency exit so right over here on Hudson Avenue it's going to be the main entrance and then the second access either full access or just emergency access is going to be right over here on hael Avenue okay but that's emergency exit only right sorry or access that's up to you it's we have to have one planning staff is recommending a full access on ha you have they're also saying that at a minimum you're going to need an emergency access on Hazel if you don't per if you don't do the full access oh gotcha okay all right okay any other questions um is the applicant going to make a presentation yeah okay good afternoon Commissioners Cammy corporate with the law firm of Hill Ward and Henderson 101 East Kennedy Boulevard Suite 2700 Tampa Florida and I have been sworn I do have a brief presentation for you uh the applicant is Meritage Homes many of you are familiar with them they are a national home builder they primarily focus on our first-time home buyers first-time move up a very important Market segment in this community they've won several Awards and U many of you are familiar with their project s again this is the aerial uh this subject property is located in an area that's kind of a hole in the donut in between two developing areas of the county which are already develop either planned for Suburban development or already approved for Suburban development and you can see the surrounding PDS and we're sort of in the middle of that area project details as Orlando said 321 homes we're doing 55 ft Lots around the perimeter uh we are asking for 45t Lots but no more than uh 50% and then we are asking for up to the ability to do up to 100 Villas but that's included in the 45 so again it can't be any more than uh 50% of the project being 55 uh 55t Lots this was our first site plan uh we went with code minimum buffers uh since we're AB budding residential all around which was basically zero where we're abing residential property and 10 where we're buffering where we're budding AEG we had no fence or minimum screening cuz it was not required by the code and then we had three access points at that point and then we had two parks two in the Northwest and no Park in the Northeast we did have a neighborhood meeting it was a very well attended neighborhood meeting we received a lot of feedback and we've had subsequent meetings lots of detailed one-on-one meetings with the affected property owners and we have agreed to enhance buffers in the entire PD and specifically in some areas where we've had specific discussions with the neighbors uh so our buffers now range from 30 ft to 80 ft uh particularly in the Northwest areas where we're having the 80 ft uh we're agreeing to shade trees every 60 linear feet we've got a 50ft undisturbed buffer up there um and we're providing a 6 to 8ot visual screening fence um we relocated the parks you can see now we have one over in Northeast and we made the one in the Northwest a little bit larger and then we did modify this uh access points to reflect what staff's recommendation was which did include that full access onto Hazel this is just an up close uh picture of that Northwest boundary with the 50ft undisturbed buffer and the additional 30 ft and then the screening and then along the southeast we have specific conditions regarding the types of trees that will be planted in the buffer that we negotiated with that property owner as well uh we are following PM 26 your most recent standards for single family um same thing with the paired Villas and so we are fully compliant with that that memo in your most recent memo we are going to have an amenity in open space that is uh themed similarly architecturally to provide a nice feel for the community and providing three and 3.2 Acres of total parks and overall we've been found consistent with the comprehensive plan in the Land Development code and what is remaining is some of the discussions you've already started asking questions about so the first thing we are doing as Orlando mentioned we're providing a an sidewalk along Hazel Avenue to the Hudson School ways we are that is something we agreeing to build concurrent with our development and we think that will provide good pedest safe pedestrian access uh to and from this community to those schools one thing we've talked about a lot is whether or not we could extend the a sidewalk along Hudson Avenue not just along our project boundary which is required by the code but also further uh to the west to extend to COBRA way of to ex to connect to the existing sidewalk Network and what you're looking at is on the western side the county undertook a project and did actually install uh sidewalks but you had to acquire quite a bit of RightWay to do that because of the swes and this is the existing condition on the other side and so that sort of made that project somewhat infeasible for us but we what we are willing to do is make a contri an additional contribution monetary contribution in the amount of $250,000 to contribute towards that sidewalk Improvement should the county uh undertake that Improvement in the future and then we're also going to be contributing about $3.8 million in Mobility fees in association with this project and if you so wish we certainly wouldn't object if you utilize those Mobility fees to make any intersection improvements that might might be necessary at Hudson and Cobra way and we're here to answer any questions should you have them we have our whole team here environmental traffic's uh civil planner any questions Mr chairman yes sir I like to say I when I met with the applicant we we talked about a lot of different things one one being access and uh I'm glad you did the neighborhood meeting to find out how the people felt about it much as we do like to connect I think it was good to to hear with the resents had to say how it was going to affect their quality of life um we also looked at trying to make that sidewalk happen all the way along Hudson Avenue and not so much for this development but the developments coming behind it that are coming coming along the way and I would just want to make sure that the students from other areas would be able to walk along and have a place to go because there connectivity to it the connectivity right because their connection so so small on on Hudson Avenue they're not required to build a lot but that $250,000 is going to go a long way to work with our engineering department because they're going to need rideway swales and things to be put in and all that can get worked out and they're willing to even make that contribution once they take uh ownership of the property okay um the $3.8 million in Mobility fees you're going to hear from the residents if if the same ones speak at the Planning Commission about how the the right inss the right outs maybe left turns need to be done that could make it safer we've made some major improvements from the Hicks Road and Hudson Avenue intersection where we improved all that we put the sidewalk all the way down Hicks Road a few years back made sure it went up to Veterans Park but I think you'll hear from the residents about some of the improvements they want to see as well but I I want to say I want to appreciate that you're willing to make that extra contribution which we could make you do you're just doing that to help uh with the project and just want to share that thank you any other question from the board well um I listened to um I listen to the Planning Commission and I listen to the residents who live on on um Hazel um that they didn't want anyone driving on their road but I went and drove that road yesterday and I drove the drove the neighborhood and um I am in agreement with staff that we need a full access on Hazel i' like to you to see the pictures that I just sent to Sonia um I 300 how many homes 321 yeah I mean our rule is after 100 you have to have two so with that number I just feel very strongly that um they need another road and this is actually a very wide Road and and I I did I took a video but I I couldn't send it and so I just want to show you the the progression now those trees need to be trimmed back there but it's pretty clear that Hazel was meant to continue on um because it's not a culde-sac at the end when if I have another picture uh there are there are those signs that you see when when you have a stubbed Road and you know with the red that hey this is going to be a road one day um so I just put all just to have all these subdivision neighborhoods just open on to Hudson is just going to make Hudson a real problem and so so I think that we should go with what the staff said um these are really Big Lots here on Hazel um and the road is in good shape and and um and then I then if you see if you go across I didn't see where on your map there you can see this is a this is a road that was meant to continue um um on the other side I want to be sure that that um we're continuing the the road on the other side and I don't know where that stub out was um is it on Pinkus where's it going to be but people are going to be very unhappy on Hudson if we just load everybody up on there so the the more the more connections we have this is just basic good planning the more connections we have the less traffic problems we have so so the So the plan is to have two entrances exits to so from our perspective as the developer Meritage we're sort of Switzerland on the Hazel Avenue access point our main access is off of Hudson we originally did not uh provide a Hazel access because in talking with some of the neighbors we knew that there was a concern there but when staff asked us to put a full access on the plan we went ahead and complied with that so there is the plan that shows that and there was further discussion at the Planning Commission about that uh Planning Commission decided to recommend no access at all including emergency access we would probably argue that an emergency access makes a whole lot of sense at a minimum if you're not going to do full access that a minimum you should have emergency access there it's good for everybody's safety it allow it goes both ways it really is allowing it's not it's not day-to-day traffic it's emergency vehicle traffic and it protects those on Hazel as well as those who live within anywhere in the vicinity because if there's ever an accident that blocks Hudson and Cobra way you'd at least want the fire vehicles to come in through our neighborhood can can we clarify something that that the Planning Commission said emergency there and they thought that you could connect to Edwards the at the time we were unclear as to whether we could connect to Edwards and we were not willing to say we absolutely could not there's a debate fire has told us we could use Edwards as an emergency AIS but the reality is we don't have a right to construct anything on anyone's property there so it's it's problematic and the Hazel Avenue fire access because of the reasons you just stated commissioner starky about the roadway being a a roadway in great condition a wide uh condition and something that's easy for emergency vehicles to travel it is really the more logical place for the emergency access point well I I think it should be a full access um I don't think you'll see a lot of traffic on there except for those maybe who are going to school um taking kids to school or coming back but I I think it'll be a safe route for kids older kids to be riding their bikes to school and um and so I don't think that's going to be a big inconvenience on Hazel personally which one are you're talking about now that the staff is recommending a full access to Hazel okay um I don't know if you want to put your map back up that one or the other one showing Haz um n that one's not so good to to see Hazel can't see it close up we did this showing Hazel just where we were going to put the sidewalk well I do think you need the sidewalk yeah no that's not definitely need the sidewalk then kids can easily get to school by by bicycle um so best to see it from the but I'm sure we're going to hear from residents yeah we are sure would you go back two slides back that way uh one more that way U maybe right there okay so I the way this is laid out for down the road Comm starky is is I think going to the north this one this one's the revised one sorry okay so on the far right side the one one road connecting to the north what what road is is that connected to anything at all or just it's stubbed out it's stubbed out okay so I mean later on a North South Road is what's really important if some new development comes in we can make that connection going up there which may may eventually get the kitten Trail which would be a good North South Cross access to it which is more important right now everybody's going to go if they're going to go they're going on COBRA way the the biggest heartbreak is really if anybody's going to be coming in there they're going to come out from this development they're going to take a right turn and another they going to have to take another right you're going to load up Hudson and Cobra and one of the things one of the things they say right now is the intersection at Cobra way and Hudson Avenue should have been already a right turn lane should have been put in there I I would think that a right turn out should have been in there or maybe even a left turn in which is part of what if we're going to go further with this down the road is that using those Mobility fees to improve that whole intersection is is much more critical I I I am just a proponent of the more connections the better I we're going to have traffic jams on our collector arterials if we don't have a grid so that's where I am with it I I think it's I say it all the time so all right so gu let's um let's have public comment people have signed up for public comment today let's hear from them and then we'll come back okay so um there are 1 two three four six signed up so I'm going to ask the first two to come up just um Sally Harkness is first followed by Sarah brendam um um when you come to the podium please give your name and address and state whether or not you've been sworn hi I'm Sally herkus I have been sworn in and your address ma'am 13350 Meadow Golf Avenue Hudson Meadow Oak subdivision thank you so my motivation of coming today was because I'm concerned about all the development in Pasco and I saw the zoning sign at Fair Winds and Colony months ago and they just went in and just leveled every tree there and it just looks like a Barren land and then another area in Fair Winds just happened again and then I saw that the some members of my community were concerned about the development now at the end of Hazel and I went out and looked at it it's pretty because it's there's cows out there grazing but then there's also trees and I'm concerned about how we're just clear-cutting all of our trees and the air quality Hillsboro County last week had two days where the ozone was high and it was people with respiratory ailments were required to St they suggested they stay indoors but when we have the trees that helps give us better air quality it absorbs CO2 it provides habitat for birds and other animals that eat insects so I just wanted to let you know that me and a lot of my neighbors are concerned that we are changing agricultural zoning very easily in Pasco for Family Housing Development and I feel like we're losing some quality of life in our community for those choices and ask that you reconsider them more seriously when the agricultural areas in the trees and I heard that there are some penalties for taking down trees but I don't think it's significant because they just take every one down so if they have to plant a new tree but what about the tree that was 25 years old with a a nice diameter that had a lot of foliage and housing for the birds and the animals so it's going to take a long time to have another tree grow to that size so I'd rather see them have a stiffer penalty on taking down trees so they could keep some may may I answer her Mr chairman yes I'm in 100% agreement with you and we are you're using up her time so oh I think she was done so we we are um we do have a somewhat of a tree protection ordinance um we did it 25 30 years ago and we are updating it and we're GNA make it a little harder to take down some of those trees when you know they don't need to take down everything and and if they will if they do then the the fee will be higher um but but know that a lot of times sometimes it's pasture land and then the houses come in and we're we're making everyone put at least one tree in the front yard and then Street trees now and so I I I'm with you we want to put our tree canopy backs very important and um I tell I tell my fellow board members for every an oak tree will support 500 species and a palm tree will support just let her finish her she's done I'm done you're done three or four okay and uh in Treasure Island and I lived there 15 years but I came up here and I love the quality better because trees I'm with you and we're we're we're working on it thank you thank you Sarah brandom hello I'm Sarah brand um address that's okay address for the record and then State whether you've been sworn I live at 10832 Hazel okay um and yes I've been sworn okay thank you very emotional um my house is two Parcels away from this neighborhood and you saw the little red Treehouse when you went there so it's it's quiet it's peaceful it's Serene it's the reason we bought this house to raise our family thinking about thousands of cars going in front of my house every single day when there's maybe to a month right now is terrifying um I will say that sidewalks yes we need it we need it on Hazel my child walked to school for her freshman and her sophomore year I refused to let her walk in the morning because it's 6:40 a.m. that she would have to leave to get to school by 7:00 it's dark there are run down trailers there are Woods there are animals and they are registered sexual offenders on Hazel so I did not let her walk in the morning um on her way home she was run off the road by kids in cars leaving the school she was pushed into the ditch she would had things thrown at her and she had to call me as she' passed certain Woods because she was afraid um so we do need some help on that road a sidewalk street lights cuz the only street lights are on my property um and I pay for them monthly in my electric bill because I want my family safe the the traffic four times a day I have school traffic to come in and out of my house because I need to leave through Cobra um Cobra and Hudson it needs help it needs something I'm I'm not a traffic person I don't know maybe some right turn Lanes from Hazel onto Cobra from Co I'm sorry from Hudson onto Cobra from Cobra onto Hudson would allev some of that traffic but alls I can see is everyone skipping that line because they want to race past my house to race through that new neighborhood to make the left turn onto Hudson to skip that traffic I see them do it to go to kitten and again that's not safe for children walking home the school traffic is at the same time um we're also concerned about the construction and I have so much more of a list but I know that I'm out of time no you're not out of time I can go okay sorry um you know we're concerned that the construction for the new development will come in front of my house uh very early in the morning very late in the evening um destroying my road I'm not sure how that's going to work I don't know I'm just it's just a concern of mine um also the school zone I talk to I see numerous businesses that are have their logos right in their car that speed through that school zone anyone I've had a discussion with has told me it's because the school's nowhere near the school zone so they don't have to do 15 and a lot of the reason the traffic backs up from the school is because people cannot turn left I understand we want to make hazel that cut through but they're going to race down to beat that traffic um I don't know if a traffic light is the right thing I don't know if a school crossing guard is the right thing um I'm not sure but also when my daughter walked to school she had to cross Cobra twice just to get to the school um because the sidewalks on the West Side okay thank you your time up now thank you very much I appreciate you guys listening to us good job okay okay next is Amber Tucker good afternoon my name is Amber Tucker I live at 10502 Hazel Avenue and I have been sworn in you I was born and raised in Pasco County and I have lived on Hazel Avenue since 2005 I'm here today because I feel that this county is not appropriately prepared or proactive in planning for the growth that we have been been seeing and as commissioner Mariano pointed out at Hudson Avenue and Cobra way we have needed turn Lanes at that intersection for decades I'm a graduate of Hudson High I've seen that traffic for many years aside from living on Hazel Avenue I also oppose the Blackwell mpug resoning on Hudson Avenue Hudson Avenue and Hayes Road are not up to the demand as it is let alone adding all of these houses onto Hudson venue in 2023 the US Census Bureau listed Pasco as the number three fastest growing County in the country what changes if any has Pasco made to respond to this growth if this resoning and development is allowed to proceed we do not want this development to have access to the roads in my neighborhood Hazel Patrick and mayor these roads would still be Lime Rock if not for the home owners who paid out of pocket to have these roads paved through peas in the late '90s and early 2000 our neighborhood roads are busy enough with drivers speeding down them to cut through between Hudson Avenue and kitten Trail and a constant stream of school buses accessing the Pasco school's Northwest Bus Garage on Patrick Avenue we do not need any additional traffic cutting through our neighborhood from the board of County Commissioners website one of your values is service Excellence we serve to make the community better our neighborhood is still zoned as agriculture residential how does a owing traffic from a subdivision of 321 homes into our neighborhood make our community better during the March 21st Planning Commission meeting the fact was touched on by the Planning Commission that perhaps the growth factor calculation that is due used for traffic might be inadequate if the county is in fact using outdated formulas that do not properly calculate growth how does that make our community better from the Pasco County Office of economic growth website Target IND indries do not have to pay Mobility fees to the county when they locate or expand their business in Pasco during the March 21st Planning Commission meeting residents were told that we're in a chicken and egg scenario where the county can't build infrastructure before it is needed giving incentives to businesses while telling residents we can't get improved infrastructure unless there are heads and beds another quote from the Planning Commission how does that make our community better the only reason we have seen any improvements in our neighborhood is because residents are paying more in sales tax through the penny for Pasco that's why we have that nice sidewalk from Hudson Avenue to the Hudson schools complex because taxpayers are paying extra the penny for Pasco the penny for Pasco generally brings in more Revenue than projected can Penny funds be used to make any improvements on the roads and intersections in our areas we aren't asking for extravagant we are asking for adequate to bring our roads and intersections up to current demand thank you all right thank you all right the next individual signed up is Kath Catherine broa hello I'm Katherine broa um have been sworn uh live at U 10837 Patrick Avenue okay hson and uh like this young lady had more information than I had but um to open up um hazel to um complete access um and 321 houses everybody's got basically two two cars so 600 and some extra cars on our roads our our roads out there are not like Highway 19 they will deteriorate with that much extra traffic um the side rock is nice along Hazel um emergency vehicle with a gate you know whatever that would be great but all the extra traffic and like somebody said earlier oh it's just going to be school traffic no you get all those people they're working people they're going to be traveling down there racing out to a kid Trail we can't at school time we can't even get out on the Cobra and sometimes we can't even get out on the kid Trail and we don't have all the extra traffic right now so that is one of our main concerns that and the noise the light and the water pollution that we're going to get from this cuz we're downhill from the downhill from that subdivision so we're going to get all this extra stuff so but it's mainly the traffic our roads will not hold up to it and then when the roads go bad what I understand is we're going to get we're going to get charged for under leans on our property so it's not fair for us to have to pay for extra traffic to destroy our roads so that's one of my main concerns thank you thank you what was your I'm sorry what was your address 10837 Patrick okay she's got it thank you okay um and then the last who signed up are Alicia wanis and Jason wanis I hope I Cor pronounce that correctly joannas I [Laughter] guess before I begin um I was told by Joanna Chesire that if I had um documentation that I could submit it here for the record you can move to receive and file second you just give it to but can you give your address and state whether or not you've been sworn um Alicia joanis 10816 Patrick Avenue Hudson Florida 3 3 4669 and yes I've been sworn and this is just what I'm subm have I have a motion a second oh I'm sorry all those say I I I um all I'm submitting is I um requested additional time I was granted additional time at the Planning Commission meeting I did not realize that the rules were different um so it was denied but um I'm just submitting my statements from that meeting yeah thank you okay sorry Mr chairman and the end of the mic B bends down if that makes it thank the end very end appreciate that okay M Mr chairman P um just like to make a request she did get 9 minutes at the Planning Commission we spoke very eloquently I understand that but that's I didn't take that long either I uh I was able to bring that down to about six okay good afternoon Commissioners since we were first informed of the proposed development I have tried to gather information to Aid me in trying to stop or slow the intensity of this development I do not wish to have a community especially won this Den to be built behind my home unfortunately we have no rural protections because someone drew an arbitrary line on a map one mile north of my home any Community being built should more accurately reflect the surrounding area I have filed several public information requests and this is what I have found in the Last 5 Years 289 mpud applications have been filed and approved not a single project was Mark as denied there are 10 subdivisions being built or approved to be built near my home these along with this project is just shy of 5,000 new home sites within a f mile radius of my home we were elated at the conclusion of the Planning Commission meeting last month when a motion was approved 4 to2 to deny full vehicular access to Hazel Avenue however in reading the agenda memorandum for this meeting I can see that it was determined that there is not an easement over Edwards Road and it cannot be utilized for emergency access therefore it is being recommended to again Grant full access to Hazel Avenue so I would like to repeat to you my objections the connection to Hazel road is not something that should be allowed not all code can work in practical application and this is one of those instances from what I understood from the Planning Commission meeting there are two codes used to address Road Connections this one was for only the purpose of interconnection and not because the proposed Community would surpass the number of units needed to require the connection the addition of 600 plus cars down Hazel Avenue will make it impossible for current residents to make their way out to Hudson Avenue it is already extremely difficult to do so several times a day especially when the school zones are active our roads are already used as a cut through from Hudson Avenue to kitten Trail and we have the additional traffic from the school buses going to and from the bus depot several times a day if you connect we will no longer be able to get to either major roadway in a timely manner and may God help us if we have an emergency because no emergency vehicles could get to us if we needed them the proposed community's roads will be private and maintained by an HOA or a CDD all of our roads are public and when the additional traffic inevitably damaged our roads the county will want to put 10year leans on all of the properties to repair them it should also be noted that a good number of current residents already paid 10year leans to have all of those roads paved in the late 90s just as we wish to maintain safe and clear roads in the event of an emergency we would never wish to deny anyone the same consideration so if no other emergency access could be made I would support Hazel being made into an emergency access only only and only if this access was gated at all times unless being used by eer emergency Personnel excuse me I still strongly oppose full vehicular access to Hazel Avenue we hope that you will take our opposition um seriously and that you would take the recommendation made by the Planning Commission not to allow full access to Hazel Avenue thank you thank you last person Jason joannas is next you have this map hi will you look address yeah Jason joanis 10816 Patrick Avenue I have been sworn in I don't have too much to say I thought I could donate my time to my wife but I was denied that so um just okay going off of what let her come back well now I listen to something said she for an hour on this um okay I mean I agree already with what most of everything with the residents have said here I disagree with some of the statements that were made um by others um as we saw from the applicant this is an area that is away from but between highly um densed areas um so this is kind of the last area that isn't um filled with homes which is why we all move to this area if I wanted to live in a neighborhood I would live in a neighborhood uh like they're planning on building here um this is an area where every home is it's a home per two or three acres and we're looking to develop um three homes per single acre that is a drastic change there's a lot in between you can do one home per acre you can do two homes um per two acres um spacing it out a little bit of a transitional area um between highly dense the traffic is already a problem um obviously with people already mentioning Money's been donated money's being needed to fix the roads for just what's currently there not to mention an additional 300 and Plus Homes um 500 homes just a mile down the street talking about extending the sidewalk to another neighborhood that's still being built it's just going to magnify what's already a problem the best way to stop the traffic problem is not to build so many houses that require the traffic so just keeping this area the way it's supposed to be um Open Spaces vibrant places you're taking all of that away um you got tree problems there's thousands of trees there leave them and then you don't have to worry about knocking down the trees for the other neighborhoods I'll stop there I don't have that much more to say so yeah you did a good job no I didn't okay thank you there's no one's signed up is anyone uh in the audience wish to speak that has not signed up if you have come and line up behind a Podium and then I think you're getting the drill but when you come to the podium name address and state whether or not you've been sworn thank you okay hi I'm Kathy rer just pull that down to you yeah 10908 Patrick Avenue okay um and you been swor yes I have been um I've lived there since the early 1980s and I'm absolutely opposed to rezoning thank you rezoning the property that runs completely along the back of my property we've have several Parcels there um or are opening Hazel Avenue for through traffic if we have to do this for emergency I I understand that in the safety of the children but it certainly I don't care what they put there is not going to make it any safer for these kids going to school there's a bus depot that they come in and out back there in a maintenance building they fly back in there they cut through there go down mayor Avenue connect and go out to kitten Trail it's an issue a terrible safety issue no matter what they're going to put there at Hazel and Cobra um you know we all bought in this Pro the property in this area so that we wanted to get away from exactly what is proposed here today we didn't want to live in communities like this houses on top of houses I I respect that the Builder has tried to make the buffer a little bit bigger and we appreciate that but we really don't want this in our backyard um we're the only ones losing the people who have lived here all our lives and raised families here and have grandkids here and the young ones coming up too and we're the ones who are going to suffer for it now it's going to be taken away you're going to open this road up and we're going to have a whole new community for us um I know that a lot of our neighbors couldn't be here today and I was looking online for the packet today and I could not find their opposition letters and I couldn't find mine on there maybe I was looking in the wrong place but there were a lot of opposition letters sent in um we're telling you our Representatives we don't want this we don't we live there thank you very much can excuse me did you say your address was 10908 yes weird it might come up 10936 there's a couple Parcels there okay and 109 there was nothing on 10908 10936 yeah okay thank you the properties have been combined so there might just there's a bunch of that out there yes I drove all around yes thank you thank you good afternoon Clinton win 1279 win Lane I apologize I was late so I want to pay my respects to Mr Bradford and the family I didn't get the sign in um guys this is you sworn yes I was sworn okay thank you thank you this is another one of my areas of passion that I was working on with the West Market okay um my property is now the only green space on Hudson Avenue between Meadow Oaks and palm wind so and we have since 1953 I'm not here trying to stop development or cease it or pick it what I'm saying is let's do smart development with infrastructure I've been asking for infrastructure from day one Hudson Avenue is a nightmare my friend was killed in his go-kart yeah he was at night and he shouldn't have been riding like that I've asked for the vision Road at Colony Road to be to come to fruition crickets the development at Fair Winds and Colony Road there is now flooding on Fair Winds and you're now flooding the backs of the houses on Barney Road these people on Hazel they're going to get a bunch of water cuz there was 5T of dirt put on at Fairwinds and Colony that was not originally planned so please go by there on a 1hour rainstorm and Fair Winds got flooded something I came to you guys again and let you know ahead of time because I've been on the road my whole life now is this development going to be gated cuz that can help eliminate people from cutting through Hazel from Hudson Avenue and then causing a nightmare at Cobra way and please go to COBRA way on school exit time in Hudson Avenue you can't get out you can't get out so this is our neighborhood and you guys are elected and you have your neighborhoods we're here communicating and sharing with you yeah the connection roads are great krisher starky but now we're cutting Hudson Avenue to 52 through Meadow Oaks people are going to be riding their golf carts trying to avoid cars cutting through which isn't fair to the to the residents of met Oaks nor Fair Winds either and colony where the Dunkin Donuts is going um is Palm wood going to have to um the sidewalks commissioner Mar great idea we need to have sidewalks on Hudson Avenue from Palm WID all the way to COBRA way almost done I'd like to thank Joe and Betsy with the development for sending me the paperwork for this right away but again please go to these traffic areas during the day school enter and exit time go to Fairwinds and and see what 5T of fill will do to the neighboring houses and they got flooded thank you thank you no clapping anyone else that would like to speak that didn't sign up come forward state your name and address for the record and if you're been sworn good afternoon my name is William Cromer I live at 10908 Patrick Avenue that's in Florida okay any you been sworn have you been sworn I've lived there since I'm sorry have you been sworn I have been sworn all right thank you okay I have lived there since the early 80s I put up with the potholes on COBRA way being patched for 30 years thanks um why don't you look into uh putting an exit from Hudson High School parking lot out to the rec center on Hicks Road it's a major road it's only going to get larger instead of running any traffic through our neighborhood the gated community that was a good idea because now nobody's going to cut through there unless you live in there as far as an emergency you could go there four times a day with a fire truck and you're not getting through there you're just not going to get through there I've tried it with all kinds of equipment for a lot of years and you avoid it four times a day so there's other options let's direct the traffic out of there another way we don't need a thorough Fair going down Hazel from the high school and that's what it's going to be I know you enjoyed our road Miss starky because we paid for it and we we maintain the road we cut the grass on the side your county mowers come down there they don't even come down our road we take care of that we maintain that we hang flags on our polls we live in the United States and we want to be able to have a say in what goes on and all of you people that are part of Pasco County we're not here to give you a hard time we can't stop the development you know that but this road is a nightmare you're asking for trouble if you open it up for through traffic you want to open up for emergency God bless is not a fire or an accident there at school time you're not getting in but you could open up for emergency only and walk in and a bicycle riding I I'll go along with that if not bring it out in the Hudson half we pay enough money bring in another access into this development you want to put 321 houses on we bought property for there for a reason so we don't have 321 houses behind us develop it why you going to cut all the trees down as an ex arborist I'm going to go in there and measure all the trees I don't want three trees on the lawn I want inch for inch from beneficial trees you want to go that way we could play that game I'll go measure every tree on my own and I'll give you a per inch of tree that you can replant you go in you bulldoze everything down and you put up buildings comeing here today I'm some I don't even know where I am anymore it's terrible we don't want the traffic we don't deserve it we didn't ask for it there's aot lot of other things I could bring up in Pascal County that goes on like the baseball field up in Hudson it took seven years to get a light for the batting cages and the pitching mound wonder whose fault that was I don't want to point no fingers at anybody but we were there with cranes and diggers and and poles to put in the ground all right thanks and the commissioner wouldn't answer it wouldn't answer his phone your time's up and then then they wouldn't give us a permit so we had to cover the holes back up that we did for free we donated thank you thank you is that uh is that the last person I wish to speak to that hadn't signed up um Mr chairman I don't feel that the planning staff adequately adequately conveyed why they think that it should be a full service so I'd like to hear from planning why they recommended full service okay good afternoon Mr chairman notario pitos planning and economic growth Department um full access full access not full service yeah full access on Hazel Avenue is recommended um commissioner starki made a few of the points earlier that with the more connection points that you have in residential developments traff to each other and to the surrounding Road network uh the more opportunities there are for traffic to disperse and reduce congestion within the area absent the connections full access connections to neighboring streets roads developments um what you're asking for is all the various homes within a particular development to come out out onto one collector or artial roadway that does contribute to the congestion that uh is experienced Additionally the Land Development code requires uh two connection points um which in our original recommendation would be Hudson Avenue and Hazel Avenue we would get additional connection points uh to the north of in this development along the northern boundary uh when future properties is further north North uh come in for any sort of Redevelopment or re excuse me any sort of De development um and this is basically following the board policy the comprehensive plan policies as well as the Land Development code uh to interconnect neighborhoods to provide again more opportunity for residents to move between developments from one point to another the board has mentioned at previous meetings also that they would like us to be making those types of connections when developments are proposed so for those reasons we recommend that hael Avenue be uh a full connection connection um the applicant did not do a traffic study of how many trips would be generated on Hazel if it was a full service or full what do you call it full access full access oh there he is right there y about the applicant because we heard 600 cars um and then I do want to talk talk about who's going to be responsible for maintaining that road because that's going to change for you all sure Steve Henry links Associates 5023 West Laural Tampa 33607 and I have been sworn uh so the the analysis that we did so one is in the code because we're less than 600 residential units we only required one functional access and one emergency access so our analysis was based on that criteria which is one act full access to Hudson so that that's what the analysis was based on so we did not evaluate the impact to Hazel uh from from a standpoint of traffic on Hazel the reality is for the most part as far as from our development it would simply probably be the people students that are going to the one of the schools there which would be you know somewhere in the neighborhood we I think we estimated about a 100 students a little over 100 students between the elementary middle and high school so from that standpoint because the reality is Cobra you know just goes out to Hudson so from that standpoint we wouldn't expect it to be a s significant amount of traffic that from our development that may go that way because we'd have direct access to Hudson but that's why our analysis did not look at it because it's not required per the code to have two functional accesses well I I think personally think when staff was recommending the access you should have you should have done the study you should have should have looked at it but I think you can just extrapolate like you did from the numbers it's not 600 cars a day corre um also there will be uh one day may be a benefit to Hazel PE folks on Hazel to go other ways if there's an accident out there on COBRA and to avoid the to avoid the pile up at Cobra and Hudson during the day um they can go out they would be able to go out another way and get on Hudson rather than get stuck in the mess of that intersection during school hour so it's beneficial to both however I I know high school students students um I've had four of them and I'm not saying mine ever did this but I could see where some kids may inappropri drive too fast on Hazel um and I wonder if a speed bump put in by the county would help slow down um slow down traffic on Hazel so we don't have high school kids speeding until some of these other maybe some of these other accesses are um put in but um that's a thought because I don't want to see anyone speeding down Hazel and it's a straight road and it's very wide and so um people could speak when I drove on it I drove on it twice I was the only car I I think there was a truck leaving the first time I was on it but I drove all around the neighborhoods say a little County maintained Road oh it is a County Road um [Music] yeah it's a local Road it's not an arterial collector so they um and it it is in beautiful shape and it's a beautiful neighborhood with lots of beautiful trees um we are changing the way that's all and I don't know our staff thank you unless you have a question no but I I would like to have the applicants rebuttal before you get you're absolutely right commissional com okay AFC come back forward for then you can have all the discussion you want yeah cor again I just want to talk about the prass Cammy Corbett again for the record I just wanted to the last several speakers actually live along the Northwest uh area of the subdivision and so I want to pull this slide back up and just to show you what we've done uh this is actually the hanes's house um we're at 95 total distance 95 ft total distance from their home we've got the natural buffer we've got enhanced plantings we're actually putting the fence you can see that where that fence is located at the 80ft buffer so the fence is on the outside so they're going to have Landscaping uh between the fence and so we've tried our best to preserve their rural look and feel and worked really hard to do that and again the code would require almost no buffering and screening in that area and so we have tried to be respectful of that um and again just wanted to remind everybody of the commitments that we are making with respect to transportation we are essentially um required to U make about 7 $150,000 worth of improvements and we've agreed to between Hazel Avenue and Hudson Avenue contribution are agreeing somewhere in the area of another million dollars and then the $4.2 million for uh the the impact fees or Mobility fees that can be directed towards this project and this area is planned residential 3 and I think you all have the opportunity to not make the same mistakes Hillsboro County has made which is not allow the allowable density within your comp plan which then pressures because of concerns about development in the surrounding community and then that forces your rural areas that you have designated as a ro to have development pressure in the future you really it is a good idea to follow your future land use plan and allow for plan densities um that are consistent with that comprehensive plan and your staff has found that this proposed development is consistent with that and with that we' respectfully request your approval and again we are here to answer any question have you considered uh in the buffering areas have you considered leaving the the main trees in those areas rather than push them out cuz I've suggest that to other builders and other areas and it's hard to like gentleman said it's hard to replace a 25y old tree or even a 50 year old tree yes but uh if that was all possible where you stay back and and leave that buffer with the natural landscape of of trees and all that you have it's a much better product so and that is in the condition that requires that is one condition we can't leave it 100% undisturbed because we may disturb it but if we do disturb it we have to plant it back but that is in the conditions already Yes okay all right thank you um me ask a question on that okay because um I I think the language should be maintain a buff a a a um buffer with trees in case trees come down if the trees come down in the storm or whatever and then they have no more trees that there needs to be a requirement that it be replaced replaced yes so and I I don't know if we've done that in the past but but we want to make sure that that buffer stays natural weather and natural happenings happen so planted yeah Mr chairman yes sir question for the applicant um so we just heard Steve Henry say we didn't you guys didn't need to put in a you need all you need is a one entryway in and the one emergency access correct and you try to design your project that way correct when you submitted that did staff have any objection to it yes not I mean the comments process is iterative so as we were reviewing it we didn't initially receive comments of that but later on in the process we did much prior to the Planning Commission okay but after but it wasn't like initial thing there was an objection to it because you were you were following the code thereby you were okay in the initial methodology for the traffic study yes that's the case that was the set of assumptions we are operating okay thank you any other questions well I was going to go over the P um what the the road maintenance changes that are coming but that's for not for her um did you say that this is res 3 and what you're proposing Is Res 3 you're not asking for any increased density no okay okay the future land use Is Res three and their proposal is within that classification requesting additional density just to what is zone for not right yes no additional density other than what it's own for now but not additional density other than what's in the comprehensive plan right okay okay Mr chairman yes I'm anyone I'm I'm good with the applicant if everyone else was good yeah I just want to ask I just want to inform about the road maintenance no I want to talk other things Mr chairman okay Mr chairman yes so you know Hudson is a very difficult District in the sense of you've got a lot of rural there's a lot of growth pressures I've had a a vision road on the map from Hicks Road connecting from New York to Denton Avenue you've heard us talk about with other development up there spent on that road for 15 years never been put as a Noth salt road which would connect actually an arterial from 52 to Denton all the way through never been put in um you know Clinton wi who just spoke a little bit bit ago used to serve with us I believe um talk about smart development putting the infrastructure in place and we struggle with that in Hudson because there's so much pressure down to the southern part of the county these districts as they go down the Hudson doesn't get as much growth as down south thereby infrastructure improvements happen more to the South than they do up here right and what it's led to is a vastly uh under infrastructured area that that that that we have right now I I I came to you guys two years ago when we had the project up in Denton Avenue I showed you on kitten Trail the issues we had on that roadway I showed you on Hudson AV the same way you got business people that are right on that major roadway that can't get out to the east because all the traffic it's there it it it happens for at least a half an hour 45 minutes every single morning and it happens to the north as well we've got an opportunity here it's going to be it's going to take a strong effort to go make it where we can go fix the intersection at Cobra way in Hudson Avenue it's dramatic it needs to be done and someone made mention of a all the way down to Hudson Avenue at Hayes Road where we have the waste utility you've got Southwind you've got jobs coming out with gar Plastics down the road that intersection needs to be fixed I mean it's not safe the way it is you can actually drive through if you aren really paying attention when the changes were made to to how it goes there's no right turn lane left turn Lanes or anything else there we need to make those improvements to take this development which doesn't need to have any more than one access point but you create a safe way for people to go across the students to go across on Hazel I think is very appropriate and it doesn't disturb the ruralness that's already around us we're putting all these buffers in place right that emergency access is there if needed but it doesn't have to flow with traffic and all the traffic that cuts in and around you don't need that there what we should be focused on as well is for the same people that all these children that be going through there is right now they've got a cross over you heard two times to get to the what two times to get to school to get in there we need to go make sure we could put a sidewalk in on the east side so when these kids get in now they can walk into school one way to get in and not worry about the traffic that circles around that whole place to get in and out it'll make it much safer that's what we should be looking at doing for infrastructure uh Hudson Cobra we Hudson and Cobra way we need to go put a right turn in right turnout right now I think staff has mentioned that it's it warrants it right now and I guarantee you if you do more study on just that intersection you'll find even more need for left turn in left turn out that would free up a lot of the traffic there um to take um if the if there's ever a way and and I know the kids used to cut through Hudson High School going across to get Veterans Park we need to go look and find if there's a way to go do that now some of these things that are Transportation oriented we can pay for that with the impact fees we've got um between the impact fees going to be needed to do put the sidewalk in Hazel I don't know you're going have enough money for that but I want to say that with 250,000 put forward to do sidewalk improvements we can do some of those improvements that have immediate effect in safety and let's face it we're all about safety right we want our kids to be safe it's tough to go through regular financing mechanism to get them done but we got an opportunity here to try to make something better and I'm going to implore the the the land use we're inside the land use category for what looking for density but I says but I think that we really need to make sure that we protect that nabhood from everybody from Patrick and Hazel that may be working tday that couldn't come here that would be speaking the same way we don't have to destroy their quality of life and putting everything through and commissioner starky there's other aises that can happen later on that we can connect that these guys were setting up that can make those connections when it's more appropriate later on when another devel development comes in to the North or to the uh east side then let those connections happen there and let the traffic flow better but not just you to just generate traffic all the way through that neighborhood that doesn't need to happen taking a right turn in and a right turn up is just as well and most of the kids there I think they going to want want to travel in a nice safe sidewalk so commissioner would that's my thoughts would the uh folks that want to leave Hazel in the morning going to work and not want to deal with all the cars on COBRA not better benefit from coming out on whatever Road this is going to be in this community they say cuz we saw this you know and I've heard this a lot um but when the when it's really built it ends up benefiting everybody and we we fought this when we built long leaf and we have one two three four five maybe five entrances through the community of long leaf that that connect to the neighborhoods around it and they they all fought it they were sure that everyone was going to die um but in effect it helped the people who live in the neighborhoods on the outside of long leaf to be able to get to starky Boulevard without going out to 54 making a U-turn come around sit in the light and go north on starky so I look here and most of the neighborhood is I mean there are grids here I mean the people from Hazel if they're going north they're driving up mayor so they're going in front of all those houses I mean um and then you're going on Patrick so if you live on Hazel you're driving through mayor you're driving through Patrick to get to kitten so you're going in front of all those other houses so I I I don't understand the hesitance reluctance to um to put to continue working on a grid um I think the whole thing should be connected Ed and then again you won't have these backups at these intersections that's just better better planning better design so is there um can I say one more I'm sorry can I finish on the road M so we are changing the way that we maintain the local roads so your private road the road that say Hazel um in the past as you said you guys did a pvas um that will change and we are going to go to a system where everyone pays a fee per year and the county is going to maintain all roads and all sidewalks and to a road fund that into a road fund and um your road will be maintained in a in a better condition um for forever you won't have to go through that again yeah so all right Mr Whitman thank you chairman yeah listening so I have I I have concerns Hazel was paved in the 90s and with the volume of traffic coming in and out of the community whether it be school traffic or residential traffic adding that much more traffic the road's nice today but I'm I'm concerned about you know what's the quality of that road how long will it last how many trips until that road starts to fall apart and then it goes from a nice road today and then two years from now it's on a list and we've got to figure out how to pave it unintended consequences if you will so I've concerns with that I appreciate Mr W coming and sharing the the flooding issues I want to make sure on our staff level that flooding with this project is not going to impact neighbors and it's concerning to hear that project around the corner if that's happening I'd really like staff to take a look at it and make sure something didn't go wrong somewhere there um based on you know if this neighborhood comes to frish and just as the folks on Hazel don't want neighborhood and school traffic going down their Road the folks moving into this neighborhood probably have the same concern so I'm tending to align with at least start off with a gated access for emergency access on Hazel with pedestrian with a gate so school kids and parents can walk their kids to and from school I think that's a happy medium and we figure out the sidewalks once we know the condition of the road and as you know progress happens in this area a gate can be tempor and then if it's appropriate to remove the gate uh for full access with both communities agreeing to that then I think that might be a good fix there for at least you know short short term um going back to your point and some some one of the residents brought it up there absolutely should be no construction traffic on Hazel um and I'm and I'm sorry did you say that would be a turn lanane into into this neighborhood is there a name for the neighborhood did you say you were making turn Lanes yeah so that's that's where the construction traffic should be construction traffic doesn't need to be we don't know the condition of this this rout to even handle yeah I would say it's I'm pretty concerned about that too you know let's let's have the applicant come back up and tell us what the Restriction is on construction you got out of your seat too early yes yeah so when we are building left and right turn Lanes on Hudson into the project driveway that is that in in the traffic analysis and we meet the warrant the main entrance you got right and left turns correct yes okay thank you another question so is uh is there a um to answer the second construction is are specific that it'll travel you'll answer the question there is not a current condition in the mpud that restricts construction traffic on Hazel but we would accept a condition that read that let's do that yeah okay well while you're up can we go back to the map that just shows all the interconnection for the future I think that one shows it the best so earlier when we first met were were there more connections that were potential that were just not connected but going have to ask Joe Simo to answer the question about iterations of plans and where we showed accesses and why because right right now I see I see the one on the right side a little bit I thought we had one even going the far right I say we do have one down low here another one down low but were there any other connections that were proposed for later on in case of development did come in afternoon everyone uh Joe s with W engineering 12363 Hampton Park Boulevard Tampa 33624 and I have been sworn um there was never uh that culdesac you see on the east side that never poked through I think initially we only had one access to the north but because of the width east to west of the project we added the other one that's um that that upper lobe on the right hand side so I think we've actually added stubs sorry we've added cross connects as the plan is iterated um this illustrates the before there were three access points and then this shows the four the traffic will go so and the reason I just bring out those points is for later on as you mentioned commissioner wait as we do build out around and things do come in if you disperse it with three or four different connects instead of just one which is going to go all to the same place then it can make sense but right now I think the emergency access being closed makes the most sense right now for everything and let's focus on improving what what is already crowded out front with traffic let's go fix that stuff with the infrastructure and let's use the impact fee money we've got coming in from the project that do that stuff and let's go improve what's there before we open up a can of worms we don't have to open up um Sonia can you put my picture up with the end of that road please I just want to remind you that the way this road was built is it's part part of a system okay no that's a perfect now go back go back the other way um see I don't know if that is that fence still there yeah um that is that is a road that was meant to continue that is not a culde-sac or a three-point turnaround that is a road that's going into the property to the next of it to the next one so um again I think it benefits the people on Hazel to be able to get out to Hudson without going on COBRA so that's you know I'm not going to keep going there yeah thank you yeah commission St I'm not disagreeing that this road isn't is isn't meant to not be used for a larger purpose I don't think it's ready to be used for that greater volume of traffic today agree that's what the gate so if we have access so if folks have access that live in this community to Hudson hav and they have access to come and go to take their kids from school be by foot or car just for them it's VIP gated access if you will then over time and we see the wear and tear on the you saying gated not emergency V for emergency but people on Hazel don't go in and out of there potentially but the folks that live in this community to get their kids to and from school I didn't hear objection you're saying putting a gate there talking about pedestrian traffic yes to get to and from to get to and from school in emergency access for they're not I I don't think these people are going to walk their kids to school you don't know we don't know golf we don't know how they're going to get their kids to school it's the parents' Choice how their kids get to school it's our job to okay provide the means for that so I think a gated at least for the this point in time is appropriate okay Mr chairman I'm trying to understand Mr Mariana I'm ready to make a motion you want I'm ready okay all right I'm going to move approval with an emergency access only at Hazel that's not what you say I'm going to look for staff to use the $250,000 contrib contribution for sidewalks uh to be looked at where the best place to put them and that could be on the east side heading up to the school uh to wh they where they look I want to have staff take a look and maybe bring it back to us at a better time we can actually study it to go look at those improvements on Hudson and Cobra way the right turn right out left turn Lanes um and possibly the Hayes Hudson Road okay chairman yes sir Comm Mar would you consider amending your motion at ability for The Pedestrian folk gate or however we want to design it so folks can get use Hazel to walk or bike to school with yes I think that was I thought that was in the development but if not we'll it I want that confirm okay yeah that is okay I'll second commission Mar motion Mr chairman that what you what neither motion or seconder has done in my Tally is um restrict construction traffic on Hazel Avenue I will add that to my motion to restrict the construction traffic on Hazel AV second and then I think the end of of what you said about the the intersection is probably not a development condition but is direction to staff direction for staff yeah okay all right clarifications I'm fine thank have a motion second um all those in favor say I I I all opposed like sign nay okay we got it pass 31 um I I did want to say to the residents if you want to petition there is a way to get street lights on your light poles I don't know how that happens but there's a way you can get that done all right that ends the public hearing and we move on to back to uh regular agenda item which is P40 I believe R40 R R40 oh R40 excuse me R40 close the right number the right number right wrong letter indan e who's on first this right hello everyone before I get started I'm Spencer con the assistant director with Pasco County Animal Services and I feel very blessed to be here today although I've been with the county for over six years uh this the first time I've ever presented in front of the board so I feel blessed to be here take it easy on me but today we're talking about the propos fee schedule update for the animal services department adopting a new fee schedule um the fee schedule SCH sets reasonable fees for services provided to pet owning public uh the fee schedule was last updated in June of 2022 during that time it was some minor adjustments just to cover the cost of medical increases for services that we provide uh the fee schedule update reflects the increased costs associated with the care treatment sterilization of animals as part of our save90 program uh the fees that we're looking at increasing are pet licensing for dogs and cats owner surrender fees boarding fees quarantine boarding fees annual registration cost for those large kennels breeders and pet dealers and a new convenience fee for medications for pets returning to their homes basically in the past we had done allak cart costs for medical things we're looking at one convenient cost for pet owners to get them out the door a lot quicker so as you can see this is current pet licensing cost as of this year as compared to some of our our surrounding counties and our surrounding friends uh these fees have not been increased in over 10 years although cat licensing was introduced in 2017 uh these fees have not been increased in over 10 years and so our proposal is looking at our fiscal year 23 costs and the new cost in fiscal year 24 those would be incremental increases based on the type of animal whether it be a cat or a dog and whether that animal is altered or unaltered whether they're fixed or not fixed this uh graph shows uh based on 2023 sales what the increased Revenue to our organization would be it would be approximately if we were to change this tomorrow approximately an additional 420 $2,000 annually uh for the Department although we are very excited to share the vast majority of that with our friends in the general fund we are more excited uh to have it help our programs as well we're looking at uh various programs like deeper investigations for bites if you guys haven't seen um bites in Pasco County have been on the rise lately and we're looking at um better investigating those helping stray dogs get back to their owners because of more people or animals uh there's a lot of different reasons it's both yeah it's that's a lot of different reasons it's actually both uh as recently as September of 2022 uh there was 130 to 140 bytes in our County every month last month there were 320 bytes in Pasco County so it's almost doubled in the matter of two years um and last but not least as you all know the 100% of cat licensing goes to fixing cats in our community through our snit program so any increase that you all see for that um that cat licensing it's going to go directly back into those calls that you receive about cats in people's yards which we're excited to take care of as well some other fees that we're looking at increasing are the boarding fees and the quarantine fees these are simply because it is getting more expensive to care for the animals while they're in our shelter these are the fees that are charged to pet owners for picking up their stray animals looking at doubling that uh fee for the application for breeders pet dealers and large kennels as well as their renewal fees every year those costs have gone up and then we are looking at deinen diviz people surrendering their pets to our shelter and so owner surrender fees uh by own by people who are looking to surrender them to our shelter would go up as well and then as you can see next to medication fee for return owner pets there is no fee for that now because once again we were doing allaha cart basically charging people for individual medical costs getting very very complicated when you're figuring out how much you have to charge per pill and so we're looking at a blanket $20 we will help your pet out and give you the medication to go home if it's on any medication while it's in our shelter so our recommendation is approved proposed update to the animal services department fee schedule for services by authorizing the chairman execute the original resolution provided and direct board records to distribute and set forth under the distribution section and I'm happy to answer any any questions from the board Pleasers of the board move to approve I'll second further discussion though okay I got I got a motion second and discussion yeah I don't I don't mind the fees but I don't want to see the money just go to the general fund if you guys are doing projects that you're trying to do so be it build that new building but I'm not um but but I think the money is kind of like an Enterprise should be like an Enterprise fund where you're going to you collect what you need to go yeah if there's a way that we if you find your overal collecting then we come back we take a look at it to go in their new building that they need whatever it may whatever it may be as long as it stays within I don't want to see it just like be abor so typically funds thank you sir so typically funds like animal services are funded out of the municipal Services fund which is backstopped by the general fund so typically we look to like I tell my my children here reduceed the subsidy of mom and dad uh to to run to run your business and so we'll we look at that through the budget process on on what makes sense and and look at the overall health of the general fund and the subsidy that comes into the 104 fund so these fees needed to be raised so presumably that will offset some of the subsidy that the department currently has but we'll we'll certainly look at programs and look at what these fees are intended to unless you know during the budget process the board wants to give some additional guidance on that but I would suest we take that up at the budget process if that's okay okay good we good any other discussion seeing none I have a motion and a second all those in favor say I I I all oppos like sign motion pass 4 Z thank you at this time we will move to um our miscellaneous business um Mr Whitman thanks thank you Mr chair um so I'd like this I don't know if Branford or whoever is in charge so we had a busted a waterline at 41 uh W call street from l l high school and uh it CED significant damage and we accidents happen uh but it's all in how you respond to those accidents David Allen's here and um it was pretty pretty significant and I just want to commend the contractor and and County staff for working as timely and as quickly as dig dig long day diligently as they can emergency director Andrew fossil was there on board I mean it was all all hands on deck and it was quite impressive by the time we got there uh to visit the site the following day after our meeting at uh starky library for the budget Workshop back filling was taken place hole was about halfway done the red light was stabilized just quite impressive and wanted to say good work and recognize everybody for all of their their efforts there and um so floor is yours oh thank you commissioner waitman and fellow Commissioners um yeah so thank you for that that you know it's it just really demonstrates um our preparedness in terms of responding to those kind of situations I think the one that that happened about a week and a half ago was was significantly larger than we what we typically experience and as such it takes a little bit longer to get things quite back to normal so our goal has always been to really restore the water first and foremost to the customers we were able to minimize that and then just to restore conditions just because of the nature of the damage that we've um had with this particular Break um we're coordinating with fot on the repairs and I think uh you know we're slowly and incrementally getting things back to normal I think the um overall plan will probably take about another two to three weeks to fully get that entire intersection back to where it was before the break but again we thank you for your acknowledgement as staff and and I really appreciate your support absolutely thank you Mike carala any other try picture up right now on it I I appreciate that yeah the um yeah the staff worked tirelessly for those of you that aren't aware that that intersection is actually very critical it's near our interconnect with Tampa Bay water if so if I'm not mistaken there's there's probably an 8 inch a 16 inch and a 30in line under there we're glad he didn't hit the 30in line that would have would have been a very very bad bad bad day I think Sonia here's got a got a couple pictures here that are going to come up on it that just show uh the piece of equipment that actually got taken down so that guy earned his submarine badge um but we're we're thankful for the utilities team being able to get out there shut the water off and and David I believe we only had uh it was just that shopping plaza in terms of customers that were affected correct yes thank you Mr car carbal yeah we we only had about 20 customers that were out of service um because we were able to isolate the area um and and it was primarily the shopping center where the Dunkin Donuts is and there's kind of a strip mall um on that Southeast corner there and um you know we had to shut off water for the afternoon when this damage happened and you could see the piece of equipment that actually hit our line uh pretty extensive there and it kind of got sucked into the ground there oh wow um and we were able to get temporary service restored to those customers by the next day um and then um we had precautionary boil water notice that then which was subsequently cleared um within a few days after that had occurred and as Mr clarb said this is a very critical intersection because on the other side is the entrance to the Pasco uh County School District and and Pasco County high school as well thank you and I also believe that uh Engineering Services and traffic Ops are working with do too to make sure that the signals and everything there are still safe so we good they didn't hit the 30in line right amen yeah I was just saying that when you were you had stepped away yes sir and and I'd be just lastly I'd be remiss not to mention Public Works in the other County support staff that that helped with us so thank you very much so F fantastic fantastic response to a to somebody's uh bad day and um yeah so next piece I have I'll pass this down and so we talk about you know the amenities and and neat things that happened in the Pasco and so our family we have a camper and I'll pass it down and we go and spend time at Margaritaville over in Auburn Dale and I'm not sure how we go about this but as we look at Sunwest mine in the park and opportunities around for tourist development and then exciting things to do in Pasco um to to see something like a a Margaritaville type RV resort to come in in Northwest Pasco or down in Southwest Pasco it'd be pretty pretty dog on neat we got one coming they' got continued today but it's right but it's there's there's opportunities out in the world and if if P County can make it happen why can't we we're a coastal County and we have pretty blue water and so I figur I'd just share the brochure if you want to take a look at it and see kind of what their model is as we're going through our Economic Development tours and meeting with folks and just bring everybody's attention and get some general General thoughts on maybe we should um Pitch margarita to come to up to the sun west area let's send them a letter matter of fact um at the at the scallop Fest coming up uh one of the people we have up there is like a Jimmy Buffett tribute band oh F so maybe we'll invite him up for that yeah I've heard nothing but great things about margaretville it's it's fun and uh they do it on a couple of ski Lakes but I think Pasco if we were able to attract you know the Margaritaville Jimmy Buffett brand to Pasco County on our Coast uh we actually have a coast uh I think be just a fantastic draw let's start a petition you know I'll tell you what know they do that for a the the Trader Joe's yeah that's a good idea let's and let's let's let's maybe have the administration drop a letter that we can each each of us sign to say we're in support of you guys coming we welcome you welcome you to come it's it's worth a day trip it's not but from here an hour drive if they'll allow tours to take a look take a look at it but it's I think it was an old blueberry farm that's grown into this and it's it's pretty neat you know I I think we should set that up let's go set up a Day Tour yeah yeah perfect yeah and then lastly I think chair chairman I want you to know I'm running the show fine I wouldn't I wouldn't have it any other way got that hammer in her hand folks I appreciate my fingers uh and then lastly I believe Cher Oakley probably has pictures but uh to the library team I don't know if anybody's here Sean m Harvey Kathy stepped out but everybody who went to the groundbreaking for the Wesley Chapel Library uh everybody's just so incredibly excited and um great that everybody came and and showed up and chair chair did did a great job kicking us off and I'll leave it to him um well he's gone he's gone oh he left left yeah oh well I'm very upset because I had a lot of stuff that I'm going over but uh hopefully we get this get this thing kicked off and excited to see it come to fruition and uh um you know good work on my predecessor commissioner Moore we got a commissioner wnab be right there and Andy Taylor for working working his way through the budget uh from what I understand and um folks are just so excited so excited to cut the ribbon hopefully everybody can come in what 2025 is when we're thinking 2025 so good work on the library team for a successful kickoff looks like a beautiful day it was a chamber of commerce day for sure that's it okay well I was going next but now that I'm chair I'm last I guess so um commissioner Mariano oh good I see an opening I have to really be on my toes remember everything I want to thank the board today we had uh uh put a sidewalk project together on Ranch Road which I think was critical so I appreciate everyone's support for just letting that fly right through uh Gul Highlands is a upand cominging area as far as between there and Palm Terrace that storm water project is moving along I hear we're getting to Paving coming up starting tomorrow which is going to really help the neighborhood up the PIP pipes are already in uh so it's going to be a great thing and I know I want to thank Mike and Jason and all the storm water team because we had a meeting uh and David Allen as well we we shut down the pawns for for for the treatment of water at Palm Terrace so they've been dry but we're still in the decommissioning process and we won't be done that till July so it's kind of there's a delay there to we can actually use for storm water but they are looking taking everything along the edge for the spray field that runs along uh near arberdale runs all the way around the whole spray field there there's a lot of land that can be taken where they're going to try to look at minimizing and taking down some of the dirt where water can go in there percolate and actually drain out they're also checking out the other drains so I'm very uh pleased that we have that cooperation and that quickness to to move quickly before storm water season um I'd also like to say that you know I I want I know we I mentioned this last meeting so let me go a little further with it I really want to see us get some signs together for people that are out there panhandling um the ones that come to me and I think if we all if you have them as well Katherine I know you do uh let's let's get these signs made up let's let's take a look at it and bring it back beon woods at Walmart and us19 there's always someone there uh State Road 52 any quadrant there they're out there and recently I just saw one this past week over at Regency in Ridge uh that they hide by the sign so we're hard to see but they're out there and if there's any other any others you guys 19 always 54 Bruce me downs okay so let's get some signers out there so people know as they're coming up they cannot transact business in our RightWay ordinance and there's a fine not only for the person who's accepting but also giving and I think that awareness might help a little bit to dissuade uh the behavior and that's all I have all right who's next I don't have a script Mike Mike I'm good now thank you oh uh je um I would ask um public infrastructure and the county attorney's office have been working on with uh outside Council Bond outside Council and the financial advisor on a liore settlement some of the old Investments of the county um there's a class action um we found that we had some of the qualifying Investments um and I would would like the board to delegate authority to the County Administrator to sign the claim form approval what's the number how much is the claim that I don't know at this point it it's it's a formula of what your what your investment was and whatever minuscule percentage you end up with it maybe a just one square saw second so you need a motion got a motion okay sorry I'm sending pictures of Sonia um okay all in favor I opposed all right thank you that's it okay yes um so I know the board is very passionate about veterans so I thought it'd be a good opportunity to report out on operation standown that was held this last Friday um was this last Friday it was yeah it was this last Friday so it's um you know veterans court and it's a collected e Collective effort between the courts the state attorney the public defender our office the tax collector's office um and it's organized by one Community now um and we were able to help 26 veterans um and um dealing with 42 separate charges um that um would have potentially had their license suspended um so we with the tax collector coming right out there they were able to reinstate their licenses and help rehabilitate them and um to get them on their way to Rehabilitation um and get them set back up um and and so it was a great event and just thought I'd report out on it thank you all right um I don't know where to go photos first well um Sonia before we can you go to Google Maps and go to the intersection of Mayor and Hazel please so um as I mentioned I did go out to this area I'm not in this area very often but I was pretty surprised at the code violations that I was witnessing so that's perfect um see that house right there um well go go up uh go up mayor please and this is residential I want you to know keep going that's that's a residential lot there on the right and commissioner yeah oh look what's going in as we're sitting there and and okay that's good um it's blocking the sign that says RV and Boat Storage but they're actually storing um all kinds of stuff uh can you can you go back out for a second so I mean Jack is just a humongous Cod violation right there um you can see it right there see it to the right all the stuff they're stor on their residential property um and then go north on mayor and there's another one residential zoning so I hope that maybe uh we can get code up in this area to do sweep but um I think I sent you some pictures Sonia there there's a literally a boat so that's me driving by I meant to get the sign but I didn't um oh there's a boat on the rideway at Hudson and Cobra right near there um and an old decrepit boat no motor just it's on on COBRA it that's on Hudson but do you see the crosswalk there to get to COBRA I know that is yeah I mean it's just sitting there on the right public RightWay South no one's stolen it it's nasty looking but um maybe they're trying to give it away I don't know this is Hudson um they have a continuous junkyard sale apparently but they weren't open today darn um the day I went by but that's not legal either so I would really hope that we can get someone up there to pay attention because that's not fair to the neighbors in the neighborhood um okay um we had a lectures on the lawn at starky TLC and um we had the Tampa zoo up it was wonderful and the the um your kids would have loved it the discussion was um about the manatee rescue but we learned all kinds of stuff about the zoo I I wasn't very good at taking pictures but these are the two girls who go out with fish and wildlife and FWC and get the manatees that are having issues out on the water so I mean and this is the truck that they transport them in and um it was just a really nice event I think we had 40 50 people there pretty good um so it was very nice instead of calling it lectures on the lawn We Now call it lectures at the ranch which is fun so we'll we'll have more but um maybe one day some of you guys can can attend it but it it's lifelong learning happening at starky TLC all right what what do else do I have up there um oh that's part of the lecture yeah okay and I'm going to go by your photos my order all right so I had my um uh meeting on the anoat River Park we pretty much had standing room only um and we you know we had a group of people who wanted to run the meeting but we wouldn't let them run the meeting and we we had a great meeting I thought Kathy thank you so much for coming and Keith presented and um there were a lot of Voters there and that were happy to hear what we were doing because there there are issues there on a Saturday morning and they they all attested to that of course we had some people who who didn't want anything to happen um but I think the meeting went really well and we got a lot of complimentary emails afterwards so I just want to thank staff for putting this on we were we were a little nervous you can see we had a lot of news news uh channels there um Bay news9 was there and I don't remember who the other one was and then yeah and then one of the other ones came and interviewed us the next day um I don't think we have the letter yet from Mr Overton saying he is we had we had word from his attorney that he was going to get out of the contract but um or whatever the right word is County attorney but terminate yes yeah but um but I don't think we have that yet so I don't know where that's going all right then um then I had my TR Trinity Odessa leadership council meeting back at the starky TLC so I had 16 um folks there from different HOAs and cdds in the Trinity Odessa area um and we had we had just a great meeting um this is David David did a masterful presentation on economic development in the county and um um I got a compliment compliments on that yesterday I can't remember who that was from um oh I know the person from Arista was telling everyone at the aresa picnic how wonderful that was and Michael Cox told me commer Cox called me to tell me that he had heard it was wonderful so we had code you see you see um Chase up there speaking we and then we had um Tina Russo going over Trail the trail that's coming in in the neighborhood and David speaking do was supposed to speak I'm glad they didn't make it because we wouldn't have been able to fit them in but because of the incident that occurred at their offices they were in lockdown and and they weren't able to do anything so all right um Okay I uh last week I toured the new uh Construction Services building with JP JP if you haven't toured that yet yeah it's wonderful and um they're really doing a great job over there and yesterday we toured the sheriff's two floors um I don't know I thought they was working okay the in the lawyers the lawyers rooms which are on the west southwest corner they were freezing in there but maybe they like it like that I but I am hopeful that you really want lawyers comfortable keeping them awake with that that that big temperature um I do hope that we can work out the access for the uh people who have um ad issues uh and we met with JP and he seems to think that you should be able to get a um mag lock mag lock entrance very easily on the front right door because he thinks the lock is already there up top because we were quoted that it would be $350,000 to to add a an access to the front with a card but I hope someone can get together with JP and maybe find that solution we're working on a solution to that yeah but it looks good over there um there okay there are a couple things that I wanted to let me see if I got all this oh Mr Stein Snider yes ma'am five years to do the RightWay on Mitchell on Wesley Chaple Bard for me that's too long and that wasn't accurate okay um right away it may have been it may have been accurate but it wasn't complete um it was two and a half years for the county attorney's office acquisition and that was after um the plans were modified and we got all the legals and sketches which two years is about right for that that size project for for acquis for taking all that property well two years I'd be okay with but 5 years I'm I'm I'm a little uncomfortable with cuz then the price is going to go up so I don't know if we need to get more attorneys when that's going on or it's or whatever we can't do anything until the permits are final and the and the uh sketches and legals are prepared I can't I can't take somebody's property without knowing what it is well I'd like to see that timeline again okay um okay um yesterday I listened to the Supreme Court uh with which was grants pass the Johnson on homeless camps y'all should listen to it it's first time I've ever listened to the Supreme Court argument I don't know I I'm hoping they give us some tools to help with our issues but I'm not too hopeful after what I heard yesterday so you can uh access that by just going to I went to the US Supreme Court I went to the date and then you can listen to the audio so you know I think it's about an hour or maybe a little longer um um and at amskills um we just we finished a boot camp a couple weeks ago and I just want to thank our utilities department because we had three people out of the 27 that did did not get signed up for interviews two of them were pretty autistic and they they are much harder but one gentleman was a gentleman of of color who had been in prison for 30 years and no one was willing to take a chance on him um but during the closing ceremony and I don't know if any of youve been to one yet we we offer people who want to come up and say something about the program or to anybody or their fellow boot camp teammates if they want to say anything and so this gentleman got up and gave the most wonderful heartfelt speech about his life and how you know he paid his debt and he was so happy to have this opportunity and that if he didn't get a job he just still was so grateful to learn something to meet all the people and feel part of a team and he felt very positive about his life it chokes me up that our utilities department went back and interviewed in and hired him nice so I mean it's beautiful um lastly oh oh I didn't get that picture to you I'm going to talk about this at the next meeting I have a house and I've showed picture you pictures of this house on Flamingo before the one that has all the junk on the trucks they Metal scrappers and they just always have their yard full of junk and this the guy who lost his wife or no that's my hoarder um these are they're from another country and they don't speak English and they they I don't understand what's going on in that house but there's every inch of the front yard is is parked with trucks and I just want to I'm going to take a few pH photos of houses in my district and how many H how many trucks or cars should be allowed to parkk in the front yard of a house I I feel that maybe we need to think about some kind of Regulation um you're not going to believe this when I show you what they do in their in their house it's not it's not fair to their neighborhood and um lastly at some point we're going to have to discuss our food truck ordinance because I don't think I think we have an ordinance that we're not following and if we don't want to follow it um then we need to change our ordinance but we need to have some kind of plan because I'm seeing them pop up everywhere and there's there are a lot of them that are popping up where there's no W way to wash your hand or a restroom they're staying there um on people's property 247 they're starting to set up they're growing they're setting up tents and chairs and they don't come down and so we we've we're letting it get away from us and we we need to have discussion on what's going on okay I think that's it for me okay yes one more thing uh I don't know if they were recognized this morning but uh just want to commend the work that Todd and Paula have done for commissioner Bradford and and and their family uh and and managing his office and in the district uh and the folks at District 4 and um know just commend them for their dedication of uh service to Pasco County to their commissioner and um you know anything that we can do to to help them as we go to next steps that my office and I think all of us are are here for them so best best to both of them yeah um I'm talking about next steps in case people are wondering what the process is I don't know if we've heard yet if the governor's made a decision but my understanding is be and Jeff maybe you can chime in if I get this wrong my understanding is because um Commission Bradford Ser served less than two years the governor cannot appoint it has to be a a special election or he just lets it go to a regular election I'm sorry can appoint but the term would only be until the next general election yeah okay are you sure because I heard that that only mattered if it was after two years but no he can up the statute says the stat the statute David is right this is what Senator Hooper and Sean told me well I've spoke to the appointment's office yesterday and they said that he can appoint oh he can appoint in fact they gave me the website to file applications for the replacement very interesting okay okay so and Ralph is that what you know as well so we can appoint W the term but the term would be limited to the next general election in November right since so whoever the point person could run the pointed person could run right so I think the misinformation or or the or the Mis the confusion is that what you are saying is true if you're a state official ah the statute on County Commissioners is very clear okay so then but to be clear none of that happens until the governor issues an executive order declaring the seat to be vacant which he has not done that will probably happen sometime in the next week at that point he could start taking applications for the replacement position okay interesting and then but there would still be an an open election for that seat they would have to qualify in June right get through a primary if they have a primary opponent it would three and five yeah yeah okay all right with that we are jined [Music] [Music] Pasco County waterways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollutants directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy environment for fish water foul and other Aquatic animals storm drains are meant for clean rainwater most other discharges are illegal if you suspect an illicit discharge please contact Pasco County Department of Public Works at 72783 43611 [Music] the average shelter return to owner rate for cats is less than 2% that means if you bring a community cat to our shelter it's not likely they'll end up being returned to their caregivers cats in our communities often have one or more caregivers and they usually hang up in their home area the best thing to do for these cats is to leave them be share that message and you two and help battle pet overpopulation if you're concerned the kittens have really been orphaned meaning they haven't been moved or you're sure mom hasn't been back in at least eight consecutive hours then you can step in and care for the kittens Animal Services offers resources on our website about kitten fostering span neuter Services trap rentals and vaccinations whether you have a single Community cat or a bunch of kitties we encourage you to contact us at 813 929 1212 or through our website for more information on our --------- [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning I would like to call to order the Pasco County Board of County Commission 10:00 a.m. meeting of April 23rd 2024 at this time please silence all electronic devices and mute your microphones uh prior to proceeding join us to take a moment of silence for commissioner Gary Bradford who has recently passed thank you commissioner Bradford has served our County with uh dedication and passion since 2022 a testament to his strength and his Spirit commissioner Bradford never missed an opportunity to attend important events and meetings representing Pasco County even while in taking his cancer treatments his loss gives us a significant void in our organization and in our community during the difficult time let us come together as a team to support one another and honor commissioner Bradford's memory our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and his loved ones and remember one thing we're not promised a tomorrow but we are uh given today and if you would join me and I advise you to in the future to make sure each and every day you tell your loved ones you love them cuz we're not promised tomorrow thank you at this time raise rise for invocation and Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen PL to the flag of the United States of America and to the which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Madam clerk please call the row District Two commissioner waitman present District three commissioner starky uh here District Five commissioner Mariano here district one chairman Oakley here uh now is the time for public comment citizens are given an opportunity to comment on any current or future agenda item coming before the board and their business under their business and board's perview today's public comment will be handled as follows first we will take public comment from those who have are here in person then we will take public comment for those who are on webx and on Q we request that when you address the board comments are not directed personally against a commissioner or team member but rather directed to the issues this provides mutual respect between board members and the public after uh stating your name and address for the clerk a three-minute timer will be activated after 2 minutes a single beep will indicate you have one minute left when your time is is up two beeps will sound and you should close your comments WebEx participants will be automatically cut off so Madame clerk do we have members signed up for public comment Mr chairman yes um while commissioner Bradford's family is still here and we did have some others here I think it's appropriate for us to say something okay I I just I just want to say that um it's just tragic that commissioner Bradford um um passed away before he really got to fulfill his dream of of serving the people of Pasco County and um I know that he was so so happy to be sitting over here and um ready and willing to work hard with us to make this community a better place and um I just I'm just going to miss him very much and he was a fine man and he he left us wai too young so okay thank you chair you Mr chair very same sentiments is commissioner starky it's you're on a campaign Trail you build a rapport with someone hitting going to a lot of the same events and seeing folks everywhere you go and when you go through a campaign before coming to elected office you build some of a somewhat of a special bond taking taking the lumps good and bad uh along the way and to be sworn in in the same year as Vice chair badford was was pretty special um you know we get to see our families out there on the campaign Trail and family interactions and Mrs Bradford and the whole the the the Bradford team and you know it's it's a a kind of like a brotherly Bond if you will uh once you win and to be to be sworn in together and see how happy by chair and his family were for earning the post and your family earned that post um it's pretty special and something I'll I'll never forget and I hope you guys won't either and looking back through pictures um just just quite special so y'all keep hanging tough you've hung tough through this whole thing and anything that we can do as a board and colleagues please don't hesitate to holler at us God bless you Mr Mariana yeah I like to say Gary was a great man um I remember sitting with Mr Mrs Bradford a bit ago and he was thinking about contemplating his run this time and he just had that passion he wanted to do it wanted to serve and uh he felt he do a good would do a good job the joy that he had after winning um was phenomenal just to see everybody just so happy and um so proud that he was going to get to serve the citizens of Pasco and and the way he did it from the get-go I mean he elevated all our staff people um with his passion about how we want they have the right people working for him and how they need to be taken care of and um that passion just didn't wne and he just wanted to make a difference and he did make a difference every step of the way and we're we fortunate to have served with him very fortunate to know him and we know he's in heaven he's in a better place and um and I I wish the Bradford family all the best as as they carry on because they do have a great family um you know one of the best things about Gary as well as all the things he did polit politically and and his in career he was a great family man and and led his wife life in a great way so we'll miss him thank you Mr carbal wants to say something caral thank you Mr chair just just to add on to that from an administrator's perspective and from the team Gary was always just so vibrant and upbeat and and genuinely curious you know especially as a as a new commissioner about what what the team did and and why and that and that positive disposition was just was just contagious I just recall several times even when he was undergoing treatments he would pop into the office he would make it a point to to make rounds and and still see folks and and that gives you know I think that still still holds true with us here you know today uh I'd also just if I could and commissioner Marana kind of Vault off of yours to really thank Todd and and Paula too uh for for really working a lot of the District 4 issues you know through this and supporting Gary through all that so I think they deserve some special recognition as well but uh thank you okay anyone else I would yes um so clerk Nikki is not able to be here today but she did ask me to pass this on to um a few notes to her family um so she said you know commissioner Bradford cared about Pasco County Citizens and um he focused on public safety and First Responders and he knew that to have a premier County uh you must first take care of the men and women who keep us safe and um he courageously fought his health battles with his wife Debbie um by his side the whole time and um he will be missed and our thoughts and prayers really go out to your family um and I will add that he was such a kind man he came and um even after he was diagnosed he came over to our office and really wanted to learn what the clerk's office did and I know I I heard that here already today um and we he just will be missed I want you to know that thank you echoing some of the other sentiments um I can recall the first meeting that we had with commissioner Bradford daav and I even before he was sworn in his attitude was he wanted to do a good job he wanted to know what it need what he needed to do to be effective and be legal um and we spent a you know a good bit of time discussing the you know the the operations of the county and what uh his goals were for being a commissioner um and he'll be missed yeah I um I know I've had his his support from myself um I know 12 years I ran the first time I ran I I lost but I had his support and it meant the world to me and I knew how he felt about serving as a commissioner and how he how much he really wanted to be a commissioner um it just dear to my heart that his struggle he went through and finally got to be a commissioner and then no no one can judge or tell you know what we're dealt the cards we're dealt we have to deal with and he did it very well he he worked very hard with the struggles he had with taking his treatments and being at meetings and it hadn't been that long ago we were inl lakes and uh cut the ribbon on the the new fire station there that went in between a couple other stations that did so much and he just did so much and wanted to do so much for the citizens of Pasco County in public safety um and our firefighters he he really wanted to serve and do all of these things and again we're not we're not giv a tomorrow so we've got to remember that every day we need to tell our loved ones that we love them and continue to do that because there's no promise for tomorrow so with that we'll okay thank you um at this time do we have anyone signed up for a public comment yes sir we do um okay so we have two individuals signed up uh Pastor Troy Peterson is the first um on the list Pastor Troy Peterson 8114 Leo kid Road Port Richie Florida I do have some flyers for the National Day of Prayer move to receive in file second I got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass first off uh I really app appreciate Mr chair what you just spoke because we really never know what tomorrow brings and um we always have to be prepared to give an answer of the hope that's in us and that hope is eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord um and that's what I want to share today is we have an opportunity to come together like in the book of Hagi uh the high priest Joshua came together with zerel the governor of the of the land and they seek God's guidance together and really that's what the National Day of Prayer is not just a a one day thing and it's done it's continuing to work the body of Christ the pastors the leaders in the area the governing authorities to really to be ready for every good work to obey our governing authorities and to work together as a team one body in Christ and I've been honored since I've been here in Florida eight years to be a part of the National Day of Prayer um last couple years uh leading in in um handing out the specific prayers that we're going to be praying to the different leaders and so that will once again like every year be the first Thursday in May um both right out here on this side of the county right out here several congregations will be coming together um I would encourage everybody you know even department heads I I know we had a department head uh commissioner starky I really appreciate last year you even just stopping by and and getting to pray over you before you went to fly out and see your daughter and also May 4th we have a huge opportunity commissioner Mariano thank you for coming last year if you can imagine South Koreans Coming to America to pray for Revival well that's what's happening last year happened in 41 cities this year it's happened in 21 cities um it's happening in pelis and Hernando County for a whole week and they will be in Pascal County at light of the world May 4th so if you can stop by come and go as you please it'll be from 2: to 5:00 uh we'll be praying over our government leaders uh the South Koreans will be praying for us and then we'll have a meal in our fellowship hall from 5: to 6 and then we'll have worship from 6:00 to 9: as well in prayer thank you for your time all right thank you and Mr chair they pray with intensity okay the next individual signed up is Craig Pearson name and address for the CL yes uh my name is Craig Pearson live at 5781 Colonial Drive Newport Richie Florida since 1987 with my wife Joanne uh since ' 87 I come from a family of contractors and building inspectors and the other side of the family are Educators um once I moved to Florida brought my whole family here uh we invested in Pasco County I purchased several pieces of prod property and I said I'm getting a little too old for this but my last purchase uh wasn't uh great um I'm regarding the purchase at that 1218 Ember Avenue I spoke before your commission uh back in February um I'd been trying to uh put an end to a uh uh I guess a demolition order that had been issued uh to or to owners prior to myself uh back in according to the pictures that were taken uh at that time by the county that they were good enough to extend to me that was on uh in March of uh 22 and uh somehow that got started when we checked we got free excuse me not free but we got Title Insurance the title insurance said that there were no leans or activities on the property we checked the the Manifest if you will that the county had and it showed that there was uh in the past there were problems with debris on the property but that those had all been settled and closed uh they then sold the property to another gentleman who quickly I guess sold it to me um but when we checked on it the reference at the closing was something to do with a shed that there was a shed that had no permits taken out well when we looked at the pictures from the county that were taken there was a slab next to the well uh with uh uh it had reinforcements and this around it um and then when we purchased the property we went over there and all those reinforcements were gone so we assumed that that whatever was happening was gone unbeknownst to me I guess parallel to our efforts we made 31 trips of household debris to the county landfill um I have a picture of the property here if I may did you um give us the address of the property pardon me uh yeah yes the address there is 12018 would receive in file 188 what oh I'm sorry Marino that was Ember Avenue Ember yes it's in the Moon Lake section of Newport Richie um and uh so I finally gave up because none of the people would meet to me they they the best I could do was talk to them on the phone and the legal department said well it's not our job to make sure you get the notices it's only our job to send them out which being a former government employee myself as a director of environmental health um and taking I'm not an attorney but I took enough law courses that um they need to obtain a signature well what happened is in January my wife goes to the mailbox and we get a general mail there and the mail was from the county we opened it up we called people and everybody said again well too bad yeah all our legal paperwork is done so it has to be taken down it's literally the nicest house on a motion is rece all those in favor say I and people couldn't believe all I'm asking for is that somebody to sit down with me and and show me what happened later on I said all right forget it I'll hire my own license company we hired the company I said ask him if we have to get it down something different than the permit allows you the six months for me to clear all the items out of the property they said no it's a six-month permit yes sir your time's up so if I can have your permission to at least meet with someone that's commissioner Bradford's District or is Comm BR Mr maybe Mr could look if if I may that this would this was an item that was slated for it a de demolition order was issued before this gentleman purchased the property my office has spent several hours over the phone on this issue um as um I understand the building official has the the structure that is slated for demolition has was built with no permits or expanded with no permits um and um at this point the the time he the gentleman has two options either we're going to take it down or he can take it down and save the save the costs of of that demition I realized that but we had a permit to take it down that's how found out it was missing because I called him I said no I'm tired of fighting let's just set a date we set a DAT date for the 12th of May to take the structures down I called the electric company to have the power turned off and she goes oh the power's already off and I said how can it be off I own the property I got a bill from you right here she says well we can't tell you who did that I said okay I said take a test you know so I finally found out it was a county so my nephew went over and he said you were right Uncle he said there's nothing here they took down everything they even wrecked all the fences took the fences away so that now some of the people that that live unfortunately in the the woods on that street I guess can have a nice park for themselves to hang out in um and also you know what and here's the real irony is that our permit was nailed my permit was nailed to the the tree to take it down okay your time didn't hire any company to take it down but I was in my time frame sir if if you if you would when you go back out go into my office ask for uh Sonia Walling and I'll I'll get with you in the attorney's office we'll talk about it further well thank you very much I don't mean thank your time thank you have another person signed up there's no one else signed up anyone on WebEx no sir is anyone in the audience wish to speak that did not get a chance to sign up if so come forward line up in front of the podium I see one coming okay yes sir hello um name and address for the clerk um do I I don't have to State my address it's protected but I can that's fine okay uh my name is Marlo Jones I am a community organizer here in Pasco County with faith in Florida and uh today I come here with members of the Arline family and the Thomas family uh the Thomas family and the Arline family um are one of the oldest African-American families on the West Side here in Pasco County migrated from Georgia in 1925 been living in the Pine Hill Community for over a hundred years and we love this community uh about four weeks ago we suffered a tragic death in our family and um not long after that uh the trash service waste connections came and took the family's dumpster this dumpster has been with the family for over 55 plus years in the same spot 55 plus years they haven't give in sufficient reasons why um so we wanted to reach out wanted to First send my condolences to you all and to uh commissioner Bradford's family this is commissioner Bradford's District I've been working with commissioner Bradford 's office on some public safety issues in the Pine Hill area where we had a young man hit and killed by a car um but this time we're coming because residents in the community you know deserve to have some Fair representation and uh the trash hauler Service Waste Connections has been very rude to the um customers haven't had any issues for 55 plus years I mean the dumpster is older than I am so we're coming today to talk to the county because this is a County area the county has control of this area it is commissioner Bradford's District so uh we just want to come here with the family today to see if there can be some type of resolutions because I read the ordinances I've talked to other trash hauler companies and um there's really no reason for what happened you still have you still have a minute oh I still have a minute wow so you know I'm used to uh going down to Newport Richie where it's very quick okay um I think I'll come here more and speak I'm just kidding but um well you're welcome here so thank you I really appreciate it commissioner um but I do want to thank while I have this time I really want to thank commissioner Bradford I've heard everybody speak warm kind words about him and I'll say um when the young man was hit and killed a homeless person who was walking to a shelter he was hit and killed last April we reached out to commissioner Bradford's office we reached out to the city of Port Richie and Newport Richie and it was the county who first responded Todd came down we walked the streets we we seen how dangerous it was there's kids out there there's a baseball field out there there's a church out there the African-American club and uh I just want to thank him and his office for showing compassion and caring for the constituents in this community thank you thank you Mr chairman yes sir Hey sir sir already on okay never mind uh administrator is working on for you she's gonna she's GNA meet with you okay so is anyone else to speak seeing no one they will close the public comment section and they will move to our resolutions our first resolution Madam clerk yes sir um so this is resolution number 24- 099 for the National Day of Prayer so if if anyone is here for national day of pray please come to the podium I'm assuming Pastor Peterson all right uh a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida observing Thursday May 2nd 2024 as the National Day of Prayer in Pasco County whereas the National Day of Prayer is an event deeply rooted in our country's history dating back to the First Continental Congress in 1775 in 1952 Congress passed a joint resolution recognizing a National Day of Prayer in 1988 President Ronald Reagan signed a law setting aside the first Thursday of May as the day on which the National Day of Prayer is officially observed and whereas the National Day of Prayer unites Americans from all socio economic political and ethnic backgrounds in prayer for our nation this diversity was intended by Congress when it designated the National Day of Prayer not that every faith and Creed would be homogenized but that all who sought to pray for this nation would be encouraged to do so in any manner deemed appropriate and whereas during this important time in our nation's history we continue to give thanks and pray for the brave members of our Armed Forces who are defending our freedom and their families we humbly ask God for their protection for the recovery of the wounded and for peace throughout the world which we all seek and whereas on Thursday May 2nd 2024 Americans will unite all over the country in prayer for our nation state and local communities giving thanks for the many blessings we have received and asking for protection and blessings upon our nation and our nation's leaders now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby observes Thursday May 2nd 2024 as a National Day of Prayer and encourages all citizens to join and observing this day with appropriate programs ceremonies and activities done and resolved in regular session with a quorum present and voting this 23rd day of April 2024 move approval second got a motion second all those in favor say I I motion pass yes sir I just appreciate the opportunity of sprad for okay I'm a combat vet so I know the importance of prayer my family praying for me and that's one of the things we do the National Day of Prayer we pray the Seven Mountains the influence we pray for our veterans we pray for our police departments we pray for our governing authorities and I just appreciate the opportunity to be a part of it okay thank you yes sir Mr way thank you chair it's um great honor to to lead the National Day of Prayer at the historic Courthouse where chairman Oakland I I work and you know our our board we all recognize Faith bait community events and in some sort of way over the course of the year and I think that's very important and I think it's very important that you all come and you you take time out of your day to come and pray for us to help support us in making the many many decisions we make two board meetings a month and not just for us but for our our staff as well that we're we're using proper discernment and in guiding this County and all the hundreds of thousands of people that live here and the folks that are moving here from young to old and so it's very grateful that you take time out of your busy schedules and and care enough uh about our County and us as decision makers to to pray for us and and help support us where we where we're needed so thank you you want to go down for a picture or yeah let's go down for picture Okay so go down front I'm going stand stand on the end young lady's name is Abigail look it that way thank you all appk you [Music] okay Madam clerk resolution two yes sir um yeah yeah is Dr Tiffany Bogart here can you please join us at the podium all right so this is resolution number 24-100 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida recognizing Dr Tiffany Bogart for receiving the 2024 Florida animal protection and advocacy Association employee of the year award wow great whereas each year the Florida animal protection and advocacy Association representing 72 agencies and over 1400 Animal Control Officers and Animal Welfare professionals Statewide recognized as outstanding individuals in the field of animal control and services that have distinguished themselves as leaders in their profession and shown outstanding achievement in their organizations and communities and whereas the Florida animal protection and advocacy Association has selected Dr Tiffany Bogart Pasco County Animal Services shelter veterinarian as their 2024 employee of the year award recipient for her outstanding achievements and strong commitment to service Excellence to the citizens and pets of Pasco County and whereas Dr Bogart has excelled as the shelter veterinarian for Pasco County Animal Services exemplifying Innovation and process Improvement leading her team to accomplishing over 6,000 surgeries and 150,000 Medical Treatments in 2023 while also hosting two public lowcost vaccine clinics each week and whereas Dr Bogart went above and beyond her duties with the Pasco County Animal Services by assisting in a cruelty case involving neglected skunks Dr Bogart was able to provide full medical exams on all animals and assist the prosecuting attorney's office with the case to ensure no further animals were at risk of being harmed and whereas Dr Bogart provided Humane euthanasia technician certification training for several Florida animal protection and advocacy Association agency members mentored veterinarians and Veterinary students for the University of Florida shelter medicine program program and provided training and coaching for students and local high school veterinary technician programs at Pasco and Hudson High Schools as well as St Petersburg College and Hillsboro Community College now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that set board hereby commends Dr Tiffany Bogart for her achievements and selection as the 2024 Florida Animal Control Association employee of the year done and resolved in regular session with a quorum present in voting this 23rd day of April 2024 congratulations second got a motion second all those in favor say I I Dr Bogart welcome thank you Commissioners for recognizing my award I'm like congratulations proud I I made a speech but now I can't really say because I that were listed and I've said to Mike on the side there I'm I did a lot of work yeah thank you so much for recognizing me I am honored to represent Pasco County and its citizens and all the animals it's I'm glad to be a voice for them thanks Mike and Spencer for making a wonderful work environment that makes me want to come to work every single day I have a great team without them we couldn't do all this amazing work but thank you very much yep [Applause] congratulations Mike you want to say some words about yes I do she's uh she's an amazing individual um her career um I I can't even imagine how many animals she Hy sterilized in her time does it uh sometimes on the weekends we have what we call popup clinics for tmbr cats and stuff and she works with the people that do that um as well um but I I just want you to know how blessed I feel um to have both of our veterinarians receive this award from the agency um and then also we had uh one of our employees take the Pasco County you know uh employee of the year award this year so been a great year for us uh starting out and we hope to continue that but um Dr Bogart has just done some amazing work and she comes in every day ready to go Bri and early she's on it so we are so thankful for her and for what she does for us thank you that's that is great we we certainly congratulate you on your achievement and continue the good work through the county so I mean it's it's great things that are happening you got team members here with you bring them up we'll all come down and have a picture so hey Mr chairman yes before we get on Mike I I just want to say you know since you came to the County Commission uh as the Director you've done such an amazing job surrounding yourself with great people providing such a great environment uh it's led to all these great servants Dr bats thank you for your all your great service and your team as well because that's the type of leadership we need to get things done and what you guys are doing is absolutely phenomenal so thank you all thank you [Applause] Shel here somewhere good thank [Music] you ulations thank you okay that concludes the resolutions we will move on to our next item which is um our consent agenda where's that and on the consent agenda I have um one item pull to revise is C8 are there any other items the board wishes to pull at this time from the consent if not I'll entertain a motion move approval the remain of the consent agenda second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 4 Z all right uh C8 good morning board Andrew Baxter Facilities Management director C8 uh mentioned in the original documentation and the budget amendment a software system that we use which is actually confidential and so that has been removed redacted and with that we seek approval move approval second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 4 Z all right thank you that concludes the consent agenda we will move on to regular item Mr chair Mr Cronin is here for 36 a Time certain but he's ready to speak we'll move forward with with regular item 36 there he is all right good morning thank you for seeing me early this morning and uh first of all let me say my our condolences from the Pasco EDC for the entire Gary Bradford family each of you and each of our citizens too it's a sad day for us um especially as I I sit here and and see the flowers in his remembrance he was such a a stalwart for positive growth in our community we're sadden to see him go um it is uh my honor to to present to you our second quarter update for the Pasco edc's results for our memorandum of understanding and our penny for Pasco uh agreement with the County's Board of County Commissioners um in your packets and I made sure I think we all have have this are the metrics that go behind this but I do have an abbreviated PowerPoint so that we can get there fairly quickly and then if you have questions about the uh metrics we can go into details but always like to start with business recruitment I think people like that as the good news Department because that means people chose us they intentionally moved here uh we celebrated not too long ago uh Global Electronics uh testing services which is on your cover slide with their uh SE expansion in Pasco County but also since then we've had a total of three more wins uh totaling four out of our goal for 12 for the year so things are moving around moving forward fairly quickly and if you look at the the mix uh well first of all let me say we're almost at our capital investment goal of $250 million we're at 238 million right now and just over halfway on the job creation 765 new jobs to Pasco County but if you look at the mix of what we've got coming in I think that's really telling because uh years ago we would not have these types of companies looking at Pasco uh right now the majority of our projects are in the advanced manufacturing but look quickly at the life sciences is quickly a second coming up behind them uh with over 20% of the activity and Then followed by high-tech who would have thought that uh uh Pasco is leading in high-tech in life sciences uh but especially the fact that these are all jobs that will uh multiply each one of these types of Industries create other jobs in our environment too so these are good jobs for our people 125 projects right now and 117 leads you guys know that always makes me nervous that when we have uh more projects than leads that we got to focus on our pipeline but 125 projects again that's about four times what we had uh last year at this time yeah we're busy um as far as retention and expansion and this is where we work with our existing business and we still spend about 80% of our time on existing business and helping them grow we feel that's the best advertisement we can do for our economy is to show how well we take care of our existing economy um company visits we're out knocking on doors working with the companies seeing their facilities understanding what their needs are so they can grow looking under the hood um and also that includes our Workforce Development effort so our talent is still our most precious commodity that we have here we're one of the few communities that has land but we've got land and people and making sure that we get the talent pipeline right is extremely important um before I go on this slide reminds me that uh in the last week we also had an announcement that you're going to see uh again soon uh one of our team members you might remember last year Mr Turner Arbor won the the award from Florida Economic Development Council uh as the workforce professional of the year uh considering he was very young at the role uh most people wait a lifetime to get that status well this week I'm happy uh to report that um one of our youngest in in in the position Miss Sarah alwe was awarded the Daniel Webster scholarship and recognized as the young innovator of the year and that's one of only three individual awards that the Florida Economic Development Council gives each year so uh we're thrilled to have backto back representation from Pasco County uh from our team and especially because it's our future generation it's the ones that are coming we're leaving you in much better hands in the future someday I'll retire I guess um media coverage we continue to get great coverage and earned media value and again this is people telling our story not us just telling our story uh over 1 5 million the last quarter and then the top landing pages of where they're hitting for us uh on our website of course they're still coming through the homepage but they're looking at the news like Gary plastic they're looking at Smart Start um they're looking at those announcements and where are they looking from well California New York Georgia Virginia and Illinois out of those five top locations they're looking at us you might notice that three of those are very high tax States and that indicative of the great environment we have here are people that are looking to continue to move to Florida because of our our low tax environment still have uh good following on each of our social media uh platforms 12 almost 12,000 followers and again a lot of that is our small uh startup Community entrepreneurship programs they use social media like we use email sometimes so um we get a lot of traction with that and it's important also for our community to know what we're doing and what resources are available for us uh getting out on the road uh we had 18 industry and trade events that we attended this last quarter busy time of the year uh five conferences and seminars and then presented to eight business groups and local groups here and that's everything from uh rotary to fedc and anyone in the local region so getting the word out making sure that um uh people know what we have to offer here marketing Pasco as a great place to do business and investors uh still hovering right around 88 um and our goal though for fundraising for the private sector were almost there so our goal is uh 557 we're at 404,000 as of halfway through the year uh and usually the second half of our year is when we've got uh more events like uh netfest and um uh the annual Awards and things like that that help out um speaking of which um we've got some new investors uh reant which is a uh company that works with relocations uh for companies that are moving here uh also Hancock Whitney I think a lot of you all know them and then uh Clifton Larson alen which is one of the largest CPA firms in the United States has taken an active interest in what we're doing here um so that they can actually help some of these large companies that are moving here upcoming events uh Pasco 50 coming up uh and that is June 13th I'm using my I don't have my reading glasses with me guys sorry um and that's where we bring in the HR professionals and the leadership of companies from around the county to understand what their challenges and obstacles are uh also the industrial update coming up on July uh 17th it looks like is that 14th 17 17 thank you 17 and then uh uh and that's at the Hilton Gard in that is what used to be almost a soldout event pretty regularly and and that's really for a lot of the Brokers and people in the community that don't always get up to Pasco and sometimes we've got to educate our region of what's going on up here because each time they come up they say wow I had no idea um and then annual Awards I mentioned will be at the ipac again and that'll be the Thursday following uh Labor Day uh at the phsc institutional Performing Arts Center uh um also this was sent to youall Prior I think to the netfest uh activity we had half of netfest uh a couple weeks ago with the U uh rain and storms that came through the first half of the day the shooting event has been postponed to May 3rd there's still opportunities for youall to come out uh and shoot and the lunch is included but we did still have a couple hundred people that came for the evening event um which is pure networking and that's a great way for people to get to know you guys and get to know other leaders in our community um I'm going to segue right into the penny for Pasco unless anybody has any questions on the M part are you okay with that chairman y okay uh ready sites again uh these are the sites that uh thanks to the penny for Pasco we were able to assess and evaluate uh we're getting inquiries all over the United States and again we're one of the few places that has land and people but we had 12 presentations on those sites uh already this this uh uh year Advanced manufacturing again seems to be the one that they're most interested in for the sites and those are factories and uh things that make things uh companies that make things um and we're on the short list for a couple of those projects already too so uh we've had two of those sites go off the market already one was the Amazon robotic Center which you see is uh restarted and then the bedo site uh near the Zep Hills airport here's a list of the inquiries 18 inquiries 15 responses to rfps uh in including the ready sites in the RFP uh presentations to consultants and developers 12 and then actual site visits where they get out and kick the dirt and see the site which is that's a really good sign that means you've made it through a couple layers of vetting if they're going to get in the car or airplane to come see those sites inter ational uh a lot of international activity that part of the year the second uh second quarter um went to Austria to meet with life science companies out of 12 meetings 11 of them became projects or leads uh that's really really high uh uh transition rate for us usually if we get one or two good projects out of a a trip like that it helps to justify and pay for it uh this is a lot and almost all of those were life science uh companies that want to locate around mafa and if they don't locate around maet we have plenty of other places uh that they can put them all throughout the county uh we also joined uh in our Consortium with global Tampa Bay on a trip to England uh were members of the British American Business chamber and this was a followup to the trip that we took uh two years ago and commissioner Mariano and commissioner that two years ago oh my God I think it was yeah going um and and that also met with business service companies but but also defense sector so we we we're not forgetting about those other sectors that we have as well too sopic is right around the corner sof week uh we'll be there looking for companies that want to be somewhere near uh centcom Socom and mcdill uh and then international business and tourism day was celebrated uh as part of the growing Global event and that was at Florida Avenue Brewing in Wesley Chapel in the second quarter which also seems like it was ages ago but it was just the other day right uh met with 37 companies on exports uh over this last quarter that is um uh to help them find export markets overseas so they're not just selling to people here in Pasco but selling to people abroad um that's more money that comes into our community instead of just us recirculating it here uh trade missions nothing during that time of the year which is not surprising uh that is the time of year that uh most of our trade goes to places like Latin America uh and that time of year is their vacation time so um we will have a trade Mission coming up to Vancouver um in September of this year uh trade related events we had three different events that were for export trade promotion and then enhanced marketing again marketing those penny for Pasco programs over and above what we already do for you for theou uh continuing to see uh more more information about the International activities and concert with global Tampa Bay but Smart Start you Smart Start the incubator system tends to still be one of our leaders in uh social media but also um the onesie toy activity of the small businesses the people that want to start uh their own company and may not necessarily want to work for somebody else and we see more and more of that especially as more people move here with trailing spouses uh and as kids that want to live here stay they want to stay here after graduation they're starting companies as well so uh that's an important part of of why we work with the incubator systems and the startups and then the target industry snapshots uh we update those each year to make sure that we're including all the different successes that we have when companies come here and they look at um Advanced manufacturing for example one of the first questions they have is who else is here so we show them on those brochures of who else is here to show that we have the ecos system we have the workforce uh and that paints a much better picture than me just saying yeah they're here um so it gives them a good visual uh and Workforce Gary Plastics has had two job fairs um one of them was over a thousand people I think you all had already heard about that lined up around the block um that's going to be a huge uh employment generator for the Northwest portion of the County uh Workforce connect assist in stem uh fair at Angeline at the new Academy of innovation and the uh hug guys actually approved the jci for gets uh that quarter as well and gets was the global Electronics testing services and I think everyone was a little surprised of his reach and where that company is I mean six locations all around the world and even some of the companies when we're abroad meeting with companies we find out that they send their their chips and their cards to be tested by gets here in Pasco County great success story and speaking of success the executive success program so uh that's where we bring bring our leadership of our companies through understand things about Pasco EDC Pasco County uh it's kind of like a leadership Pasco on steroids um they just finished their listening s uh session and uh attended growing Global as a class co-starter for causes kicked off during this quarter and actually it's going to be finishing uh here in a couple weeks so you might recall during our annual Awards uh we announced that we were going to uh host and sponsor the very first co-starters class for um nonprofits as we saw the county was growing so rapidly a lot of our nonprofits were not scaling at the same rate to be able to take care of the people here um so we sponsored the very first class out of our own pocket to say let's get this going and we picked some nonprofits from all around the county in areas of anti-human trafficking homelessness addiction foster care uh recidivism and we brought them together to teach them how to run their nonprofit more like a business and our goal is that somebody else and I'm saying this very intentionally that maybe somebody hears this uh sponsors the next cohort and so on um so that we can continue to roll out this program for all the nonprofits throughout Pasco County uh to help them scale and meet the demand of the the services and the growth that uh is required here so I'm really proud of how people came together for that one and the mix that we have that um uh graduation will be coming soon and you'll each get an invite for that uh also we hosted our second annual microloan success lunch and this is again a great Penny program uh where we help those companies that are otherwise unbankable and could be a company who just got a big order from Publix but they're only a year old and they don't have credit yet and they need money to get that second machine to be able to fulfill the order or it could be someone that has had a a past track record that doesn't demonstrate you how well they could actually do in the future so these are high-risk loans um but they're also very low default because these companies are very loyal uh that somebody has given them a chance and we like to bring those to potential investors so that the banks and lots of times through their CRA funds uh invest in that fund to help it to become a revolving fund uh and that way the the onus isn't just on the penny dollars uh and to date we have over3 million out on the streets right now that equates to over $5 million in activity that was generated out of that so that is one of my favorite programs that probably doesn't get a lot of u a lot of Mr chairman yes sir just to touch on that because as you highlighted you know a few several months back we were working with Point Distillery and they need to put the second line in place to get it running to have a chance to get the Rolling Stones in their hurricane rum brand that has led to this success of getting it put the put the bottles out have been shipping out like crazy all over the world uh great success and what it's done for them is kind of like a a starting for them because now so many other groups now come to them saying well we see you're doing it for them on this high end we want to see what you can do for us so that's opened up many many doors for them they're looking to expand across the board in this County as well so that's a classic thing of a small company having an opportunity and we helped them take that step and it's been paying off big time for them right yeah you guys helped direct with with that one that wasn't necessarily part of the micro but very similar situation that uh uh somebody's going through Rapid growth and um you know it's it reminds you of the the car that caught the ambulance you know what what what do they do or the uh the dog that caught the ambulance um so uh um we had the um our second Big Grow I'm sorry third Big Grow Pasco event uh which is a daylong event and it was the biggest that we've had thus far uh and that was at the wellness center at St Leo very well attended and uh uh the guest speaker the keynote speaker was Colonel J Powers uh he was head of the fifth Special Forces and you all might remember the uh 12 strong movie with the uh yeah so he was the uh the colonel over all of that Special Forces Group but he's also the COO of Tampa Bay wave so he totally gets what we do and understands what we do from in an Trum preneurship aspect and they're great Partners in the region for us 90 events uh seems like a lot uh for for Smart Start but they're out there almost every week they've got something going on 500 86 event participants 55 incubator members we have now between the three locations uh I think that's the most we've ever had and two microl loans uh total in 40,000 were issued during that quarter and 193 one-on-one counseling sessions with those individual companies so that's the team it's not me that does it um I I'm really happy for everything that they continue to to do and as I mentioned earlier earlier uh we'll definitely have one of them back to um to to brag about her and the recent award that we got from the Florida Economic Development Council but with that I'll stop and see if you all have any questions um I have uh I just want to thank you again for a great report it's always so exciting um I'm hopeful that one of the uh pitches that we gave that I worked on uh comes comes through I've heard there's been a little movement but I'll leave that silent for now um I did want to tell you and I'm uh my staff has reached out to him I had a a meeting the other night and I'll tell the Commissioners about it um in a little bit um uh but one of the gentlemen who participated he's from starky Ranch he sits on the CDD board and um I've asked him to call me because we've reached out to him he's in the tech industry and he holds twice a year a big Tech Symposium similar to that coverse or what is the one yeah yeah but he does his own and he and he wants to do it in Pasco County but there is no place large enough so he goes down to Tampa now when I saw that picture of St Leo and I went you know I went to that um for a little bit uh what was that event that was there gr Pasco yeah Gro Pasco um would they let this gentleman use that space because I think that might fit oh yeah yeah know that is a that is a space for the community um they've got U catering service and things like that the Boy Scouts are going to be using it for upcoming event uh uh for the sheriff that uh getting an award from the scouts and I think their capacity is well over 250 or 300 um that they can do there I think uh the the breakout sessions and the ability to host in classrooms or in the rooms around there lend really well to those type of tech events where you've got more than on stage out there but this isn't the first time we've heard about events and not having a place uh and he brings companies in from all over the place and they go to Tampa because there's no place here so that is a problem for us um I as soon as uh um I've asked I've emailed him to call me I did not get his phone number but I'd like to connect him with you and oh please do and then and certainly with David Engel and um and our team and you know see what his needs are and I I'm hearing this more and more so I think we have to start talking about figuring out a way to have a centrally located event space large enough for us to have you know our own kind of Convention Center opportunity and and and our TTC our our DMO uh gentleman back there is saying yeah he wants that too right I was just going to suggest that that uh you know this events definitely fall into the the tourism Department's area but it's something that we all see as a big asset business too yep you bet bu too big asset and then it would be nice to have somewhere to graduate our kids from as well too yeah and this year the Cinderella Ball uh which is the big fundraiser for the Pasco Education Foundation we were in Tampa we were at The JCC you know in South Tampa so um we we need something but I'm ex I was wanting to act on this guy's problem so we'll get together sounds good thank you for everything thank you for a a good report oh I think he called me I was glad to see those results at the front you make you get that pipeline full and seeing the results really uh makes a difference here in the county so and you and you've noticed too that more and more businesses are coming to Pasco County and um we're not just a residential uh County anymore but we are actually probably getting in twice as many businesses we our residential projects so it's really been good for Pasco County and will be good for our citizens help keep our taxes lower that's that's exactly right they take care of bigger own us on the tax space and uh um and I think we're almost at a point now because of the growth and because of what we've got coming in we can be picky about what types of jobs and what types of companies that are coming in here and really make sure it it dubv tales with our comp plan and the strategy that David Engel and his his shop is working on for economic development too yeah Mr Mariano thank Mr chairman bill it's always great to hear from you because you always give us great news of how how great we're doing but your leadership your team has been phenomenal um recently we heard some stats where we're like third in residential growth but we're number one commercially yeah and I think it's a huge tribute to what you've done in the opportunities here I love the line that you used about we have land and people they show a picture and I don't know how you carry that even further but that is just like such a great uh combination to work with well I'd love for everybody to take that sound bite home with them because you all I'm the hired help you know if you guys on the street say the same thing it means so much more but you're you're you're right we're one of the only places that has land and people in most of Florida if you've got people you don't have land and if you've got land you don't have people um we're sitting in a really good situation right now and it's and it's not just people we got great people yes we do and you're making the most of it and we appreciate it thank you thank you commissioner okay all right thank you Bill okay well thank you again for the yes sir thank you we'll move on to uh regular item 37 good morning Mr chairman nario pitos planning and economic growth department so at the August 88th uh 2023 Board of County Commissioners meeting the BCC directed The Planning and Development Department to implement PM 26 single family detach and attached lot sizes and allowances and MPS and at the time the board of County Commissioners was primarily concerned with the proliferation of lot sizes that were 40 ft wide and thus we had to create a policy memo that clarified the circumstances under which uh we would support um those lot sizes recent development activity however has seen proposed lot sizes that are less than 40 feet wide and questions have Arisen as to the applicability of PM 26 and how to handle those lot sizes that are less than the bcc's uh tolerance for 45 foot wide Lots or in some circumstances even for 40 foot wide lots and so the specific issue is regarding lot sizes in the 30 to 40 foot wide range today so we're bringing forward policy memo 26 to do a small tweak a revision uh basically PM 26 is going to be revised uh and amended to state that the lots that are essentially 30 to 40 ft wide or another way to say it is 40 ft wide or less um will be allowed only if they are rear loaded Lots so these are the proposed text edits to uh PM 26 just to see the exact language uh in addition to making the revision for the lot range lot size range that we that I've just talked about um we're also making two small edits to the uh town home portion of policy m126 one is to clarify that town homes shall be platted and uh a second revision is as it relates to the architectural appearance of town homes currently uh as Illustrated on the overhead the revision is to say a two or more story Town Home Building shall not be entirely stucco but shall have a different first floor architectural veneer such as brick or sighing with stucco reserved for the upper levels of the building uh the intent for this provision uh to be is to be applicable for the front facade of the first story or first floor elevation of the town home and we can make this clear in the articulation of the memo um with confirmation from the board um my suggestion to make it a little bit more clear is to break it up a little bit uh to something to this effect uh a two or more story Town Home Building shall not not be entirely stucco on the front facade of the town home the first story architectural veneer shall be different from the upper levels of the building heavier architectural elements shall be on the first story and lighter architectural elements allowed on the upper levels these veneers can be brick stone sighing or other material that is identified by the Builder uh and so that's the three V revisions very narrow uh focus on uh policy memo 26 that's before the board today any question for this you're talking about stucco if it was stucco on the top but then it' be some board or some other kind of texture on the bottom is that on the sides front sides and so the idea is not to have a full facade of a town house building to be all stucco but rather the first floor might have brick let's say and then the upper level might have stucco right or it might have brick and siding or it might have siding and stuckle or might have stone and St any combination just the heavier element ought to be on the does that include the sides of the Town Hall no this would just be for the first or the front the front the front what about the rear uh it wouldn't it we don't see as I've suggested not necessarily for the rear although one could contemplate if a townhouse did a rear of a townhouse did face um uh a road a collector Road let's say or an arterial however uh it's most likely to be the case that the rear is going to be fenced or there may be a rear garage that'll block the facade of the rear so the primary focus is has is the front facade okay Mr St um I think this is a very good clarification um but there's a couple things that I might suggest um I don't have any issue with Hardy plank or uh something similar being on the top top I'm designing a house and it's Tabby or stucco on the bottom and Hardy plank on the second so um I wouldn't put rock or brick on the second but I would do allow a Hardy plank you know that's the lateral um sighting I personally um I did get a call from tbba and I know there's some hesitation for um putting it on the sides but I think that we should wrap the corner um maybe 4 feet or something I don't I don't know what the good number is for construction material if things come in a certain size but just wrap the corners um and I I have some I have a photo here of a town home product where um the windows were put in flat I mean they are on the same plane as the building and that that is really like mobile home construction and I think that the windows we need to not allow that kind of window un um but I I would allow I would say I think there should be an exception in all of this and that is um if someone is building a um 40 or 60 to 80 Ami say say 80 Ami and under I think they should have some relief from some of the AR architectural um restrictions that we have because because we do have a need for for that product and uh I don't think we'll get a lot of it but we need to be able to help that part of the industry um build build their build their product but okay so here are some of the photos that I have I just wanted to show you guys these are these ones up top are in Longleaf and they're on 32 foot wide Lots so you can build a very cute product a a very attractive product on a a a smaller lot as long as they're real loaded but you see what they did on on the sides um the the uh material continues now now you were talk you were talking about town homes they don't have to wrap um and I think you uh I'd like to get a picture of what I'm talking about with the windows but you can see these windows have bandings around them the there's some there's some Builders out there who aren't doing that um anywhere on their houses and I I feel the windows need to have some kind of banding otherwise it's really really looking cheap um there might be another picture are the are those uh rear loaded town homes that's what they were uh those are rear loaded single families single families okay yeah um now here's some rear loaded town homes in Asteria and you can see these Town Homes wrapped they did put the um uh treatment on the side they didn't and this is what I'm talking about where you have stucco on the bottom and siding on the top um and they they did turn the corner so you know I don't know I don't know if you really want to not have anything on the sides um but the garages they just have the banding around the door but not none none of the uh treatments so let's see if there's any other pictures um these are a Taylor Morrison product this is um 35t wide homes and they have um shingle on the top and stucko on the bottom and I think I personally think that's okay I don't think you would ever put rock or brick on the top but shingle and sighting in my mind is okay um now you can see they didn't put it on the side well they did wrap the the the area by the front door but they did band somewhat band the windows and and there's some relief in [Music] um they don't look like they're just flush with the with the wall I'm not a builder I don't know if there's any Builders here but I think we should at at the very least have some kind of trim around the windows on the side that's kind of my my point and here's the houses from the back these are rear loaded houses and um they don't have any of the treatment in the back but they did ban the windows on the second floor thank you commissioner I've uh taken the notes um in the uh original language of the memo I could see how there would be this conflict between the upper and uh lower level uh in the revised language we're we're noting that heavier architectural elements shall be on the first story so the brick and the stones and lighter architectural elements a lot on the upper levels and then I made a a note to say that sighting and shingles Etc may be on the upper levels and I noted all the other um ideas if the if the board would confirm those as well and and I don't think they should be painted shingles I think they have to be like real shingles I mean I don't mean they have to be operable shingles but and and going through some of my photographs of driving around the county yeah there's some Builder that's painting just painting it so it looks like a shingle but it really isn't I didn't noce sh shingle or shutter shutter shingle I don't know what's the difference say Shing I'm not sure well there there's shingles there's shakes shakes yeah shakes and then there's shutters shutters are oh yeah the shutters I'm saying they're painted on shutters I can I can send the picture over yeah okay okay all right chair yes thanks chair Terry 4.5 talks about 44 to less our board policy is nothing less than 45 ft so when it says less than 40 ft uh support developments single family detached lot what are we saying here so in PM 26 uh we put our red line as 45 foot wide Lots anything less than the 45 foot wide Lots needed to have over a certain threshold which I believe was 50% needed to be rear loaded we also make allowances in PM 26 to allow 40 foot wide lots for example in the 55 plus Community you could still do a 44 wide lot um other developments more recent developments have uh proposed less than 40 foot wide Lots as re as rear loaded um product and this was unclear in the PM 26 memo because the focus at the time back in a last summer was what to do with the proliferation of these 40s uh and so we didn't really think about single family detach lots that were less than 40 because 40 was the the hard line that we would that we stopped at last summer um this memo is clarifying that we would be supportive of lot sizes that are less than 40 ft wide if they're only if they're real loaded so similar to to the picture that commissioner starky just showed in long leaf you can get single family homes detached homes on lot sizes that are less than 40 ft wide but they would have to be rear loaded as that example showed that's that's what we're trying to get well for that for that specific type of product I'd want more stringent architectural design standards such as what commissioner starky mentioned for the towns I'm okay with what you're talking about towns because that's really a more affordable product versus a single family home right now in this market so I'm okay there but if 4.5 I think you know they're going to be selling as a single family home product I think that product needs to be you know looking really really nice for that lot size I think that should be the be the compromise um okay thank you chair is there is there a certain percentage of the um rear loaded units that can be in a project or can the whole project be those uh in the original PM 26 discussion um we noted that an entire project could be say 40t wide Lots uh if it was rear loaded so you could do 100% 40 foot wide Lots only if they were rear loaded um otherwise you had to do 45 ft and there was a threshold that to meet uh in this with this revision you could still do let's say all 35t wide Lots again the only way to do that would be through being rear loaded so you could do 100% but it would all have to be Aly loaded product right okay that leads me to another question ter with this sooner or later um that's my window issue with with this type of of product I like to get with industry stakeholders and we figure out the parking aspect of this that way we don't continuously have you know debates healthy but we actually set a standard on what town home project comes in and if parking's sufficient for folks because more and more folks are living the number of people living in a town home is growing um so I'd like to get with the the stakeholders and maybe have some conversations and keep evolving um this Mo to make it the best that it can be and we get the best product out of folks and livability and you know all the assurances that you can you live here but you're able to park also absolutely too we've uh We've started the discussion on the town home parking question um as you know parking standards are currently being revised we're in process and uh there are upcoming commissioner briefings on the parking standards and uh we can give you a heads up on that ahead of coming to the board of County Commissioners with those Land Development code amendments and we'll try to incorporate the town home parking uh updates directly into the Land Development code with that with that Land Development code Amendment and the next subject that I would like us to talk about is rear loaded Town Homes because you know I'm not a fan of front-loaded town homes and I've showed you many projects that I don't think we're going to be very proud of when they all come up with all that was where we had all the concrete in the front yeah or just all driveway yeah this well depending on how far we go I think that still needs to be a market driven decision whether it's you know rear loaded or the way that they've been built historically to put a mandate on the type of product I think we really need to be considerate of that for what the Dem Market demands are um I think the market will seemingly shift we've started to see it as the rear loaded product drum has been beaten by this board um but I think that's a slippery slip to mandate only you know reared Town Town Homes yeah I just don't want us to I'm cautious to go and force it I think the market will say what people can have and you know and what it goes back to affordability too so well and that's why I thought it was important to talk talk about having a lane for affordable truly affordable um 80% Ami and under that that um we don't um have we don't take out the ability for that that market to exist in the county Mr chairman yes sir so I think we bring up a several good points I'll say as far as like to the sighting issue I think commissioner starky I think you're you're you're fine with um the sightings going across the side my my house actually is all Hardy Board Siding all the new stuff not the old stuff um and I think it looks fine I think the elevated part whether it be shingles or that is fine um I do think it's important to make sure we make these things look good for a long time otherwise you're just creating some slums of the future and I've driven by you know several projects that are really old that just have no designs whatsoever and they look terrible yeah um so it's going to bring down value if you want to really help and help a neighborhood up the architectural things that we can do I think is brilliant and I don't think it costs that much more money to elevate it the incentive that we put in place from this year if it's rear loaded to have a 5 foot wide small lot it's a it's a nice carrot that's out there so I think it's it's it's it's not pushing but it's incentivizing what we like to see if you're going to go smaller then go re loaded like we're trying to get and we've seen the market doesn't go unless it's an incentive forward I think that might be enough incentive for those that want to go yeah tighter can go and make it work so and whether you do Town Homes the same type of way I think it's it's it's critical to go both both ways okay anything else have you got direction from us or you need um and just to confirm uh with regard to some of the discussion points that were made by commissioner starky um we're going to uh clarify to enable or allow horizontal sighting shakes and that sort of thing on the second levels or the upper levels wrap the corner four feet so just bring it around the corner uh Windows should not be on the same plane as the facade of the building and need to be framed or trimmed and that's all the way around all the way around um uh and then craft an exception to the architectural restrictions or requirements ments for the single family detached houses that are 60 that are serving the 60 to 80% Ami uh range for affordable housing I I I have a problem with that you what I have a problem with that oh really yeah discuss that okay well maybe they need something but if you put too much if you put too much on them they they won't be able to build them but well let's do something we can we can talk about it we can revisit we can table that for now to at the board's pleasure of course uh and revisit that perhaps at the affordable we could ask that industry I I agree yeah okay yeah okay wanted some more stringent architectural standards on rear loed single family I don't know if that Mr wa thank you chair yes so 4.5 if we're going to allow I mean these are single family detached so these are houses on smaller Lots than the for you know what we have rules now at 45 ft that type of product really I think needs to be heavy on the landscape and Architectural design standards I think that's the the incentive if you will for having us approve potentially a smaller lot size um and then I want to be sure that with the wrapping of the four feet and the other points and wrapping of the windows I think is important if that's not what when you worked with the stakeholders if those if those points weren't discussed with them I think we need to hear what they have to say before it becomes set in stone so if those are new to it I you know I think there a lot of stakeholder time put in this so a few more minutes discussing if they were okay with what was offered here or or not I think it's important that they sure I can reach out to the tbba okay and speak with them all right okay anything else got some direction thank you Mr chairman okay thank you move on to uh R 38 good morning Commissioners and members of the board Panos cones assistant director for Transportation uh engineering department or Ted as we call ourselves um before I go ahead with my presentation I would like also to express my condolences for the passing of commissioner Bradford to you and to his family um this presentation is about the Construction contract for the westle Chapel Boulevard um the limits of the project are from South of from north of State Road 54 state road 56 to Pasco Road uh typically Ted presents construction contracts through um the consent agenda however because of the size of the contract the uh significance of the project to the county and also for the his because of the history of the project our County Administrator suggest that we give you a brief presentation that's why we're here today um so as you see here the limits of the projects are shown um through its path westle Chapel Boulevard provides access to many community unities and also commercial businesses also provides an alternate route a relief route to I75 uh presently uh South at the South End uh westle Chapel Boulevard the six Lanes it's posted at 45 miles per hour and it provides uh 5 foot sidewalks on the west side and an 8ft pathway on the west side it also provides 5ot bicycle Lanes in the middle in transitions to a two-lane rural uh roadway posted at 55 mil hour there are no sidewalks or Pathways but there are five to five foot shoulders now as we move north uh north of uh progress Boulevard uh the uh West Chapel Boulevard widens to four lanes again it's posted at 45 mph it provides 5 to 6 sidewalks on both sides and also provides 4ot bicycle Lanes uh project history this project has a long history longer than we want it and also went through several project managers I just happened to be the last one and we just have to say that we're very excited to bring this project to its last stage its construction uh the original route study was approved in 2003 and the recommendation was for a four-lane rural uh Road within 150t right of way the design started at 2008 uh between 2008 and 2014 the new Tampa Bay Regional planning model became available and it showed us that the four lane typical section wouldn't be able to accommodate the projected volumes that area as you very well know is going through explosive growth so the volumes the projective volumes were almost double so the recommendation was made to take the road to six Lane typical section but keep it within 150 ft right away which meant we had to condense the typical section to an herban no digits on the sides no depressed median just herban which meant closed drainage system sidewalks on both sides and I will go through the typical section later but it was it became an urban six lane roadway um after that uh we did the updated uh route study between 2015 and 2016 M mainly to assess drainage needs because of course the Clos drainage system required additional ponds and additional drainage facilities uh there were additional impacts to Wetlands Etc so we did an updated route study that concluded 2016 the board approved the rout the uh updated route study we resumed design in 2016 and just about when we started to move along in 2017 the updated model uh for for PL flood planes became available from swiftmud the final uh model up to the time we were using the draft so we thought to do a a uh diligence uh study and find out if the updated flood planes were compatible with our design we didn't want to any adjacent properties to experience any additional flooding so our design team did an analysis a drainage analysis and found out that one drainage Crossing had to be upsized but nothing would be become to the adjacent properties so we were glad about that so we resumed the design after that and between 2019 and 2023 we did the design we also under took the right of way acquisition uh we had um let's see here um that seems like a really long time it took a long time but we had at some points to stop and redo things and five years so uh we had to acquire 43 parcels and we had to deal with 25 different Property Owners so that was an extensive uh effort for our resource resources um we also had to undergo through several plan re revisions because as we were doing the design new developments came to to light and there were new connections we had to add new turn Lanes Etc so we had to update our design constantly plus we had to go through several reviews by fdot because they contribute funding to the project so they also had an input in the design so we finished the design and then we went to buit solicitation in mid December and the bids were opened in uh end of January 2024 so here we are now with uh uh having a contractor uh on board and ready to award the contract uh as I said before the approved by the board typical section for the uh widening of Westley Chapel Boulevard is for six Lanes three Northbound Lanes three southbound Lanes five fo bike Lanes on both sides uh 5 to 6 ft sidewalk on the uh west side and an 8ft pathway on the uh East side this graphic here shows the uh um Pathways and sidewalks at the end of the construction as you can see on the uh West Side we have a continuous uh 5 to six foot sidewalk uh that's the blue line and on the east side we have an uh 8ft pathway from the south end where we match the existing 8ft pathway all the way to approximately Mia Boulevard except for a short thousand foot segment between Royal Palm Boulevard and Pet Lane what happened there is our design team found out that uh there were issues with offside uh storm water storm water management uh impacts to Westlands close to Pet Lane uh impacts to the uh power lines and also we would need additional right of way in order to uh connect with the driveways uh a couple of developments there so to avoid all those impacts they reduced the uh pathway width from uh 8 ft to 6 feet uh now nor going north from there we transition back to what's existing out there on Wesley Chapel Boulevard North of progress which is uh 5 to six food sidewalks on both sides so are we going to have a trail on Old Pasco Road on all Pasco Road yeah you you only have a you have a sidewalk going up to I don't know what road it is there and then aren't we putting a multi-use path on Old Pasco what happens is um I drove that segment of West Chapel Boulevard from uh north of Boulevard all the way past I75 in both sides of w Chapel Boulevard is 5 to 6 ft sidewalk there is no multi-use path or pathway now on on all Pasco Road we have a 12 foot uh multi-use path coming down from overpass all the way to uh um uh Oakley Boulevard and from there we tie to an existing uh um multiuse path on Oakley Boulevard so we have that on uh all Pasco and Oakley Boulevard comes around a f for Westley Chapel yes exactly but the multiuse path terminates at Westley Chapel Boulevard mm I yes you understand well no I don't understand I don't understand if he said that I thought there I think I heard him say and I don't know all road so I don't know where Magnolia is cuz not nothing here says Magnolia um um my understanding is that there is a multi-use path on Old Pasco Road yes but you're not showing it here yeah because the Fus that's not Old Pasco is W West Chapel Boulevard that's so but it turns into Old Pasco as it goes north right the road changes name uh I'm trying to bring it up here if you go to Google Map so it ties in oh I'm in the wrong place if you're coming south down Old Pasco and you go through the residential areas and it then it turns down Oakley into the Grove where all those folks live into the amities it's a te it's kind of a tea turns in okay so so you have a way you're going to have a way for these people to access the Old Pasco Road Trail that's going to be tricky the South and what you're saying is the South End doesn't have any between Wesley Chapel Boulevard and say Oakley that won't have it but it ties into Wesley Chapel Boulevard constrained there an existing double backs S's and then hits where the this project is down to 7056 75 down there to yeah so it does a big backwards s it's too bad there's not another way to get over there um question for you looking here can you put that map back up can you go down to where it's says um Oaks Boulevard okay Oaks Boulevard is um it's where the L is on Wesley Chapel Boulevard you see see that area is that part of a wildlife Corridor it looks to me like that is a a slew or a wetland continuation from one side to the other is a bridge there it's the um uh cage uh swamp and that's where we're providing a bridge over so you have a a critter Crossing underneath I don't think there is a uh Animal Crossing but there it's it's a bridge how high is the bridge off the elevation of the ground um I'm not sure uh I have with me our design uh consultant PM Rachel cuz it looks to me like that connects to a lot of wetlands I mean a lot of corridor there Westward goes to wellfields and that goes all the way down that quarter goes all the way down into Tampa into I think that might go into long long long leaf or whatever that Flatwoods so I just want to make sure we're it's probably um too late to consider going uh up and over with a pedestrian underpass but um that would have been a good spot to do it so people could get from one side of the road with without having to cross the traffic but seems to me we we need to be sure that we're letting the critters travel safely underneath there well we have a traffic signal at Royal Palm and we also have a signal at comp par uh so there will be two signals providing uh the ability for people to cross safely from one side to the other okay um I know that the um person who's selling the property where it used to be the RO coffee roaster um which is down on 54 and is that wesy chapel and Westy Chapel Boulevard it's on the south west side they've given up quite a bit of land there for the a wildlife Corridor and and and there is a bridge there as well but I think we should be mindful that we're going to have animals going under the bridge there yeah for sure we can provide you the information about how high the bridge is we will talking about to the cop's rant side I mean that's not protected of anything they're going to be coming right through there but if they're already elevated that's that's just what we need yeah but you can see that system it's coming all the way down all the way down into Flatwoods so um in summary uh the improvements include six travel lanes and five foot bike Lanes through the entire Corridor uh five to six foot sidewalks on the West Side through the entire Corridor six foot pathway on most of the theast side as I mentioned between uh Grand o Boulevard and Pet Lane we transition to 6 feet uh and and uh we will provide lighting for the entire Corridor on both sides of the of Wesley Chapel Boulevard and we have two new traffic signals uh the one at Stage Coach Village Boulevard it's currently as a temporary signal we will uh change it to a permanent signal with Master arms and we will provide another new signal at comp Park Drive wonderful MH and I do think that Wesley Chapel Boulevard is one of the roads that will will is on the the landscape median landscape list it's going to take a few years of course it's not even fin being finished but I think we go Little Road Coler Parkway Wesley Chapel I don't I I don't know if that team is here but I just had a meeting with them and I do think you'll get median Landscaping I think I think we also provide limited Landscaping at the intersection of overpass and Old Pasco Road as part of the widening of fullas Road there's a landcaping there too yeah that's good Mr chairman Mr Mariano so if you would discuss the Landscaping because once this contract's done and signed you're not going to be able to change it un let's you get back with a change order and I understand sometimes it's tough if they're just going to put grass in there that's what you're going to stuck with until you rechange it well the the LA the uh architect that's working on it for the county they've only gone as far as designing for I think they're at 30% of little roads so they're nowhere near um there but how long is this project going to take three years three years time how many see little three that's they had a thing here you know we could was it was it Branford you weren't in that meeting were you with me I think it was Jason no I'm not I'm not sure who was in that meeting I had a meeting with um Public Works and and the architect the landscape Architecture Firm J it was Jason is Jason here um well we can I think we can come back to that let's let's look at what what they had proposed in what year and see maybe it makes sense to time this one because it might have been Bruce bowns and not this one but I think we should put it on here M shman yes so if I'm looking I'm looking at grass in the center and when we did us41 I was trying to get them to up change it when they were like getting closer and closer but they said it was too far down the lane to switch back and put the peanut grass in but the peanut grass is doesn't have to be maintained as much so it's much better the mowing Etc you can put trees in with a lot more ease so if we're going to do this I think we should I mean if that's all we're going to get is grass that that should get addressed right away we could even put oak trees like we did on 41 which looks lovely but anyway okay we'll we'll look at the schedule with Jason we look at amending the contract and adding that that uh those items and also maybe irrigation too if we are looking about landscaping irrigation would be also included okay yes absolutely put the irrigation in while you're doing the road I mean I'd rather use something be drought tolerant that we would have to put Irrigation in why why spend the money on that if you can avoid it well they're putting they're putting it in in places so we're going to make the commercial properties put in irrigation I'm consider we don't have to make a decision we'll we'll revisit it and and report back yeah okay all right uh so the construction Court we expect we recommend approval of the Construction contract today uh we intend to give ntp within the next couple of weeks uh we anticipate the construction to take approximately 36 months so we anticipate completion by May 2027 and the Construction contract the cost is for 6944 million and we have an independent contract for CI services with a a different firm for $4.5 million what's CI construction engineering inspection $4 million to see if they built it right yeah you're talking about a $69 million spend so that's still a lot of money cost both of them are so I think we should just put in our contract they had to have built it right or it's on we hope so T typically when we do estimates the CI contract we estimate to be at at uh 10 to 15% of the construction cost so according to that this is $45 million is we're getting a bargain mhm there you go for a bargain so today you need a motion from us approving this yes please move go ahead your District move approval second all right got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 4 Z thanks sir very much move on to 39 or a [Applause] 39 oh it's going to look so much better and it's so needed oh my God Mike's back with us good morning commissioner Mike schumate director of Animal Services R39 is a introduction um of an ordinance Amendment U to the code of ordinances chapter 14 section 1427 definitions 1436 disposition of animals 1442 danger dogs division to Animal Services advisory committee section 147 6 vaccination of dogs cats and ferrets against rabies section 14100 microchip required section 14103 impoundment section 14106 appeal of revocation suspension or denial of a permit section 14108 prohibition uh on the retail sale of dogs cats and rabbits providing for applicability providing for repealer providing for separability providing for inclusion into the code and providing an effective date um so the definition section that's going to be changed um we had a adoption based business model still left in our ordinance uh we did away with that at the last time the board visited the retail sale of rabbits and we no longer had any retail pet stores in the county the one that we had that we grandfather Dan the gentleman passed away sold his business um or ended his business bus and his wife moved back to Canada so we no longer needed that section we just need to take that out of the uh definitions we're also removing rescue tag we no longer use rescue tags the rescue organizations purchase their own tags for the dogs that they take from the county um and we also had uh retail establishment added to the pet store definition seems like there was some folks that wanted to try to bypass that thinking that they could sell dogs cats and rabbits in their businesses uh but we want to make sure they understood that pet store was meant retail store um and clearly defined harborer uh we've used it in the the um the ordinance quite a few times but we never clearly defined it and all it really says the harbor is a person that owns cares for um provides for um animals uh while they're in their care um the next section is uh 1436 uh this said dispos of impounded animals and we're changing the title to disposition in other words we're not disposing of them we're we're actually putting them somewhere else or giving them to somebody else and we want to just clarify that a little bit um but also U we want to talk about the whole times in uh sub paragraph D um currently if uh we find a traceable ID or we know the owner of an abandoned animal um we're bound to a 10-day hold period um we'd like to drop that down to the um six day hold period or we go by hours whether it's 240 hours for the 10 days or 144 for 6 days uh chances are if we know the owner we don't have to wait that long to get in contact with them and make arrangements with them to get their animal out of the shelter as quickly as possible and that's what we want to do is keep the flow of animals moving in and out of the shelter and so we can we can do that and if we do contact them and they have truly abandoned the animal and not coming back for it then we can get them to sign it over to us and we can adopt it out so um section 1442 dangerous dog section M Mr chairman yes sir so let me just go back to that Mike okay if if you let's say you have a person like we had a few years back some lady that she had issues healthwise she couldn't take care of the dog and we had our limits to hold on the pet do we have the fle do you have the flexibility to hold on to what longer if you know something oh you feel something's going to happen yes okay and even in those situations where people have abandoned for some reason uh what we call involuntary abandonment sometimes when people die and there's no next of kin that can make it down soon we know who the owners are going to be we contact them we can hold on to their dogs as long as we know they're coming for them okay right so in situations like that where people work things out with us we're pretty reasonable with that as well I just want to make sure you have the flexibility for those situations absolutely yeah uh the dangerous dogs section um we do require certain requirements for people that um retain dangerous dogs in the county and we want to add to those State U the state law and dangerous dogs does give us that flexibility um we want to include two photos so that we can readily identify those animals uh we also want to mandate sterilization to prevent breeding of those traits in future animals or the owners uh training their dogs with those be behaviors so uh that's one stipulation and along with the sterilization there is exemptions that do apply for medical condition of the animals things like that the next uh section we're going to be changing or asking to be changed is division two which is the animal services advisory committee here we're asking the board to actually Sunset the committee um I do not think the committee has had a predominant function or role um either in serving the board or serving Animal Services as they're designed to do uh in a number of years uh we actually have pretty good relationships I hope with each of the Commissioners uh we receive phone calls and we we handle the issues uh we advise the board as much as we can we also have great relationships with all the partners that are on this committee we work with them almost every day so um we feel like when we try to have these meetings with the committee number one it's also a lot of work on us to try to get them all there many times we don't have a quorum many times they have nothing for us we're just downloading information to them basically telling them how we're doing and things like that uh the board does have the option of course if they do sunset to bring it back at any time they would like so um interesting enough at the last meeting where we had a quorum which was February 28th they reviewed vied our presentation to the board and they voted 100% to uh push it forward so with that I I'll I'll move to the next item um Mr chairman yes sir that's that's a great sign that you're doing a good job that you get the trust of the community to say that absolutely and I want to say yesterday I was I was tied up in the morning um and a phone call came in and you told the people you didn't overpromise you said we'll try to get out there in a day or two uh you guys were out there an hour and a half and the people were just amazed thrilled and happy yeah so okay thank it's great when it works out that way sometimes it does take us a day or two but yeah yeah we get hopefully we get it done though so uh 1476 vaccination of dogs cats fets against rabies required state law and County ordinance requires veterinarians to provide us the rabies certificate because that's what we use to actually put the rabies license um to make sure everyone has a rabies license um or vac or County license for their pets and also to make sure that uh those animals are vaccinated against rabies for the safety of those around them um we're actually adding that when they give those to us they need to do it by the 10th of the month after they've uh you know completed the rabies vaccination we need to get those into our system a little quicker uh we're pretty good about it and um we want to make sure that the officers in the field will have that information in our system so that they're not issuing citations that aren't warranted um the next section is um 14100 microchip required currently every dog that leaves our shelter and every dog that's adopted um or sold in the county is required to have a microchip but uh we also would like to incorporate all Strays leaving our shelter also have a microchip um one of the reason reasons they're stray and they may not find their way home is the fact they have no identification we all know it's difficult sometimes to keep those tags on collar uh so microchip would help us get them home a lot quicker um 14103 impoundment this is animals brought into the shelter um we have the same uh 10day hold or two 240 hour hold for litters of puppies and kittens um we'd like to change that and make them exempt from that um been in this business a long time I've never seen a litter of kittens in a box go stray um or puppies uh they typically don't however if they are with their mom and they come in the shelter we will hold them for the the full um 240 hours if need be um we also request um for the sake of some of our citizens really is to be able to uh have a sterilization option when we return them after a stray hold so somebody comes into the shelter their animals been stray um and uh we'd like the option of being able to wave certain fees in Le of them having their animals sterilized at the shelter uh that way we can get them back out there and hopefully they won't have the Stray tendencies that they normally do it'll reduce over population in the county and actually sterilization is is better for their health in the long run uh and finally 14106 um if we do uh decide to Sunset the uh advisory committee which I hope we do um we need to amend the uh appeals uh process for any kind of revocation suspension or denial of a permit we do issue permits for breeders pet dealers and large kennels and um tomorrow recall I don't think we've ever denied one yet but uh that we do have to have appeal process in place and we'd like to change that from the advisory committee to the dangerous dog hearing board uh to be that uh committee that does that and then finally 108 section 108 uh it's the prohibition uh on the retail sale of dogs cats and rabbits uh we simply want to uh make sure that that retail establishment including a pet store uh is placed in there to remove any uh doubt on people people's minds okay so the recommendation would be to accept the proposed amendments to the Pasco County code of ordinance chapter 14 direct board records to advertise the proposed uh amendments for public hearing before the Board of Commissioners on May 21st of this year uh in Newport Richie um at 1:30 p.m or soon thereafter as may be heard be happy to answer any questions second got a motion and a second all those in say I hi hi motion pass 4 Z that was easy thank you right thank Bob Barker be proud now uh we're going to take a break for lunch and be back at 1:30 for a public hearing [Music] [Music] CCO County waterways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollutants directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy environment for fish water foul and other Aquatic animals storm drains are meant for clean rainwater most other discharges are illegal if you suspect an illicit discharge please contact Pasco County Department of Public Works at 72783 43611 [Music] the average shelter return to owner rate for cats is less than 2% that means if you bring a community cat to our shelter it's not likely they'll end up being returned to their caregivers cats in our communities often have one or more caregivers and they usually hang up in their home area the best thing to do for these cats is to leave them be share that message and you to can help battle pet overpopulation if you concerned the kittens have really been orphaned meaning they haven't been moved or you're sure mom hasn't been back in at least eight consecutive hours then you can step in and care for the kittens Animal Services offers resources on our website about kitten fostering span neuter Services trap rentals and vaccinations whether you have a single Community cat or a bunch of kitties we encourage you to contact us at 8813 39291 1212 or through our website for more information on our snip trap neuter vaccinate release program this means healthier and fewer Community cats in your neighborhood healthier because we can prevent diseases like rabies and fewer because all of the cats that we treat are also spayed and neutered cats are eligible for the program at 8 weeks old CCO county is a strong and growing community and through our combined efforts we can help save lives with three simple words leave them be [Music] [Applause] go Pasco and Pasco County libraries are perfect Partners perfect place to buy your bus pass I'm very excited to introduce our newest Library where you could buy bus passes we listened to your requests and you can now buy your bus passes at the downtown Newport Richie Library it's very convenient to come from where I live to the library to pick up a a bus pass before I would have to