##VIDEO ID:JXehfBzul-Y## here for me I see a I now call back to order the Pasco County Board of County Commission meeting of November 12th 2024 please silence all electronic devices and mute your microphones we will proceed with public uh hearing starting with uh ordinances items P57 through p64 I appr proof of publication P57 Tampa Bay Times October 27th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings okay all right we're ready for P57 okay um Patrick dutter uh Planning Development and economic growth uh item P57 is PD e 2524 a comprehensive plan amendment in the name of Fletcher the memorandum States a continuance to December 10th 2024 however staff is requesting continuance to the January 28th 2025 board county commissioner meeting at 1:30 p.m. in Newport Richie to continue time certain second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z p58 pref of publication p58 Tampa Bay Times July the 28th 2024 in September the 18th 2024 uh item p58 is pte 2520 is a Land Development code amendment to increase the Northeast pasal County Rural protection overlay a continuance of the adoption hearing is being requested to the December 10th 2024 board county commissioner's meeting at 1:30 p.m. in Newport Richie this item was affected by the cancellation of the 10824 BCC meeting to further note p62 on this agenda is the first reading of this item Mr chairman yes so this is a Northeast Pascal Rural and you want to have it Newport Richie should we have it should have it over here um I think it's just updating the Land Development code to match a comprehensive plan Amendment that's happening I think is the plan Amendment happening I think in Dade City the first reading of of the plan amendment is here in Dade City right right now it's going to be happening later okay so the Land Development code just be needs to be modified to match what what's happening in that comprehensive plan Amendment move to continue time sir second I got a motion second all those in favor say hi I motion pass 5 uh p59 PR of publication Tampa Bay time September 4th 2024 the item was moved from the October 8th 2024 BCC meeting to the October 22nd 2024 BCC meeting due to Hurricane Milton it was then continued to today I do have a speaker on this item okay okay um all right um item p59 that one's a mouthful is a pte 25003 an ordinance by the pasu County Board of County Commissioners amending the Pas County Land Development code section 204. one. A Planning Commission Section 34.2 pointd public notice section 305 point2 pointb neighborhood meeting coordination and notice section 307 continuous procedures section 310 performance security section 311 defect security section 43.5 construction plans section 46.1 6. b.1 and three temporary signs section 46.1 point9 pointa additional standards for permanent signs in residential districts section 46.1 point10 Point b c and e additional standards for signs and non-residential districts ground signs wall signs and regulations for Marquee canopy and Awning signs section 103.1 Gates fences and walls General car ments section 103.4 Gates fences and walls non-residential requirements section 1203.4 non-conforming signs section 13021 pointd uniform procedures and Provisions reduction of Mobility fees and waivers of school impact fees appendix a definitions and other sections as necessary for internal consistency providing for applicability repealer providing for seab separability inclusion at the Land Development code and an effective date this comes with the recommendation to accept public comment and adopt the proposed ordinance by roll call vote okay all right um we have someone signed up for this item we do McCary King welcome name and address for the record good afternoon my name is mccare King with the law firm of iard Merill our address is 2033 Main Street sweet 600 Sarasota Florida 34237 I'm here today on behalf of my clients Benderson 851 trust and 95 FL lrpt LLC who are the owner of brige Plaza we want to thank you for the amendments in front of you today um and urge you to vote approval of specifically LDC Amendment 1203.4 related to non-conforming signs we want to thank staff for their hard work on this um and again urge you to vote and approv thank you okay is anyone else to speak that's no one else has signed up is anyone in audience wish to speak this time see another one Mr Chim yes I'd like to make one uh change um under Section 46161 it's about the temporary signs time of [Applause] display and it's ask it talks about right now as far as the timing goes but it doesn't really address as far as and I think we're trying to put in political sence here but as far as a time for political science I should think it should be like from day of qualification till 5 days after and I think 5 days after probably could be 10 mine AR getting picked up I promise it just it just just takes time so I trying to get down to where the commissioner is referencing 4061 what was the reference six and then one six right there so what part are you trying to change so in in the midst where it's lined out it talked about uh temporary political campaign signs may be posted nowh early than 15 days prior to the date of the candidate qualification to may just make a candidate qualification it must be no later than 5 days I think it put that line back in there but just make it from the date of qualification and then I would say even like 10 days after election unfortunately I pulled up the nonu Str through version is this for political SS it was and then they cross it out so you don't see it but I might want to make sure it works with that because the way it's worded right here it doesn't deal with what what we had going on I think when you immediately prior to an election okay I don't know why we wouldn't why would you put out signs if you haven't qualified so it says 15 days prior to qualification No it should be after that's right yeah after qualification or at qualification yeah I day day of qualification but whatever ver what does it mean four of said signs why isn't all of said signs shall be removed four off of there so you leave one one political sign that could be could be a different sign on someone's property well okay um because you're you're not dealing with political signs you're dealing with all temporary signs so you can you can have one temporary sign in a non-election cycle okay I I I understand that that work around but no one's enforcing this sadly I I hope one day and maybe now we have someone in code who will help educate our code people that you can't have F five flapping signs on your property you only can have one I I just want to let the board know that um Miss hernandz is here she's our lead of our ordinance development team and could answer any questions pertaining to the work this item well I I agree with Jack that we take out that becomes aond qualification maybe if Denise comes up and explains that to us she has a good understanding of this ordinance I believe Denise herandez um Code Compliance department so uh what you're reading now um commissioner Mariano the stricken area that is what our um our item currently says our code currently States so that basically contemplated just having one sign obviously that doesn't make any sense with you know there's several candidates there's partials that are larger Parcels Etc so the way it current it reads now what we are proposing is to have a temporary sign each residential non-residential a vacant lot um to have up to a total of five temporary signs uh that are displayed on these Lots um you know PRI immediately prior to an election and then four of those sign have to go because you're only allowed as commissioner starky was stating and um our County attorney was also stating that you're only allowed one temporary sign per establishment so there's going to be a period of time during the election where you will see a multitude of signs because remember we cannot we have to treat all signs the same way we can't specifically state that these are the way we treat election signs the these are the way we treat other types of signs because of the Supreme Court decision that came down in 2015 so if you want to State the time prior um prior to or at you know at the time of qualification we can we can state that I suppose yeah I would pref if you want to play with a larger time frame in front of the election 60 days 90 days whatever I that would be a better way to address it than to put the language back in about qualification okay because this is we are really trying to walk the line with Reed um and not have a content-based code provision um but we are creating an amnesty period in front of an election for other temporary signs whatever they may say so what ver she want to put so so if if you think 30 days is too small a period of time I would go to 60 or 90 you can you can probably but understand that it may not just be political signs that show up during that amnesty period it may be Banner signs advertising whatever um because we can't look at the content so we can't just limit one or the other just have to all the match bit in the same cat All Temporary signs are treated the same however however long you want to allow that is the board's call well you've got a primary you got a primary you got signs already out how long is it for the primary to the election so so get from June to August or the primary but but you've got yeah so you've got that's an election the primary would be an election so there there's a it's period for that it's period of time for that and then you've got then it would be because you don't take your signs down right so it's 60 days between the between the primary and the and the general so do so so if you change that 30 to 60 I think you're you're covering the issue that I think you're looking at but okay and I think if you put at day of qualification as opposed to or just you want leave that out completely yeah we w't leave that out completely so it it'll be it because the election primary or general is the election that would be the the thing that we would count from and then yeah if the board is okay with 60 days in front of the election then that that would you make that change and I think 10 days is a better amount of time to pick up the signs so that's your motion that is a motion so for clarification um it should say duration of 60 days IM immediately prior to an election and then the removal is 10 days after the election perfect thank you that's good okay so I have a motion so move a second okay so this is by roll call vote all right District Two commissioner waitman hi District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Jagger hi District 5 commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z thank you Commissioners thank you thank you now we move to uh p60 proof of publication Tampa Bay Times October 27th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings okay uh I mp60 is pte 25002 in ordinance amending the P County comprehensive plan providing for a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map maps 2-15 and Sheet 23 from Comm commercial to PD plan development on approximately 29.11 at the Northeast and Southeast corner of the intersection of us301 which is Gall Boulevard and r Oak Riverway and a text Amendment creating sub area policy flu 7.77 which is the 301 East PD and map Amendment to the Future land use map 2-9 adding sub area map 2977 301 East PD and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repealer severability and an effective date this comes to you with a recommendation to approve the proposed comprehensive plan Amendment and adopt the ordinance by roll call vote and there's a presentation if one is wanted sign up please no one signed up for this item is anyone in the audience wish to speak to this item seeing no one with pleasure of the board approval second got a motion second all by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman hi District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Jagger hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z move on to p61 proof proof of publication Tampa Bay Times October 27th 2024 okay uh item p61 is pte 25 9 an ordinance amending the P County comprehensive plan providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-15 and Sheet 14 from res 3 residential 3 dwelling units per gross acre to Res one residential 1 dwelling unit per gross acre on approximately 41 Acres of real property located 1.5 mil north of the intersection of State Road 52 and belly Brothers Boulevard amendment to map 2-3 rural areas and 2-21 market area 5 North Market area adding the subject parcel and amendment to Maps 2-18 market area 2 South market area and 2-22 urban service area and urbus expansion area removing the subject parcel providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for a repealer severability and an effective date this comes to you with the recommendation to approve the proposed comprehensive plan Amendment and adopt the ordinance by roll call vote okay is anyone signed up speaking no one signed up okay is anyone in audience wish to speak to this item see no one uh pleasure of the board approval I got a motion second second this roll call this roll call or not yes yeah District Two commissioner waitman hi District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner joerger hi District Five commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z move on to p62 publication Tampa Bay Times October 27th 2024 no action required correct uh item PD 2520 is an ordinance by the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners amending the Pas County Land Development code section 604 Northeast Pascal Ro protection overlay District figure 604 D1 Northeast Pasco Ro protection overlay District boundry figure 6042 Northeast pasal R Scenic roadways figure 64-4 limits to topographic alterations and other sections as necessary for internal consistency providing for applicability repealer separability inclusion into Land Development code and an effective date uh this comes to you with a recommendation to accept public comment there is no action required by the board of County Commissioners at this as this is the first of the two public hearings the second hearing which is the adoption hearing will be held December 10th 2024 at 1:30 p.m. in Newport Richie a presentation is available okay does anyone sign up for signed up is anyone in the audience wish to speak to this item see not you want to speak to this item 62 right come forward you speak today you canot speak that no this is she gets two shots at this point oh two shots on this okay all right I'll take that back all rightwood 34110 a nice place dat City Florida um I'd just like to request a short synopsis of what is involved in this particular ordinance thank you okay and that should be covered in the presentation yeah because I I don't think anyone's talk to me about this okay Amy hiler is coming up to give that thank you okay here we good good afternoon Amy hiler with Planning Development and economic growth um I can go ahead and go through the presentation just to give you some summary so this is the companion to the comprehensive plan amendment that was just adopted what's happening is is this is adding 41 acres to the Northeast rural area the amendment that you just adopted amended uh various maps that these were impacting the issue or the challenge that occurred was that this proposal was in conflict with the urban service area in the rural area so this is just the LDC companion amendment to make sure it's all clean between the two uh guiding documents except they didn't adopt the plan Amendment they continue muted uh the one that was just adopted by roll call vote previously to this the rage parcel oh okay gotcha yep okay so property is located in the North Market area here's your aerial view so this is what's what we're calling the rage parcel it's 41 Acres off of Bellamy Brothers It's a modification to simply just the figures of 6041 6042 and 6044 what we're doing is uh with these uh figures we're going to add the 41 acres to the figures that are embedded into to the Northeast rule 604 uh code Land Development code okay so they were heard together on 822 uh the accompanying rage parcel was an amendment from res 3 to Res one uh the reason why they were going from res 3 to Res one was to allow for a minor rural subdivision um so again this is just the companion to that so this is 6041 we added the 41 acres to this visual or this figure here is the area that was added so you what did you add I'm sorry can you go back cuz it's hard to so it's on the bottom uh far right hand or far leftand corner so this is the original existing figure and then the 41 Acres have been added for requesting to be added just the corner yeah little little corner on the side on the bottom okay uh this is the existing figure uh 6042 for the scenic roadways and we've also added and extended the scenic roadway so they will be subject to those sections of the code and then this is your existing uh limits the topographic alterations okay so they're so now they have to follow yep okay all yeah so these are so this is now the LDC component of it okay so because they're added excuse me added into the Land Development code for the Northeast protection area they are now following or subject and just for some of our new people can you do you are you able to quote what those rules are that we put in place uh about the topograph Topo topographical uh not off the top of my they can't change the um HS the height only certain off the hills is that not the same thing yeah you can't see it here but in the legend uh you'll see the slope grades and so they're going to have to honor those slope grades so they can't impact those slopes yeah like in Claremont they sold off their Hills and we didn't want that to happen here yeah um you will also notice that based on the topographic changes so this map was previously altered in 2023 so this is another rendition to it um so some of the data have actually changed based on the Contours and so you notice the green areas uh in the previously existing one so this is the updated map which shows that there's a substantial change in some of the slope areas in the center of the map so they will have to be bound by that but the 41 acres is not impacted by these Contours okay okay all right so then with that we accept public comment and happy to answer any other questions all right so no one sign up sign we've already had one person speak does anyone else wish to speak to yep come forward name name and address good afternoon my name is Lynn Johnson with the Johnson Pope Law Firm I represent the applicant the rage family just by way of further explanation this whole process that we've gone through for for quite some time with staff's help is simply to build an additional house there's one house on 41 Acres want build another house for the Sun and that's that's what this whole thing has been about okay any questions I can help right thank you so much thank you all right no action today so we'll move on to uh p63 CA publication Tampa Bay Times October 30th 2024 good afternoon commissioner is Brian hobin director of community services joined again um by lyanna Dean from Bay care Lanna is the chair for your Advisory Board um the uh Pasco County Commission on human trafficking and today is the public hearing for the adoption of an ordinance that I will go ahead and read into record an ordinance by the Pasco County Board of County Commission ERS amending sections 21036 and 21037 of the Pasco County code of ordinances pertaining to posting of human trafficking public awareness signs providing for service serab ility providing for inclusion into the code of ordinances and an effective date this ordinance amends the current required human trafficking signage and it updates the contact number for victims and others so to be consistent with a recent change in Florida Statutes we prepared a short presentation detailing that uh would the board like to see that okay pleasure the board I'm good okay move to uh public comment I guess do we have anyone sign up for public comment no one has signed up is anyone in audience wish to speak to this item on public comment see no one pleasure of the board approval second got a motion second roll call is this roll call District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner joer hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi District One chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 thank you uh p64 proof of publication Tampa Bay Times October 30th 2024 good afternoon chairman commission counselor Justin from Fire Marshall for Pas fire uh p64 is referencing FR 25-10 79 an ordinance amending the pass county code of ordinances chapter 46 Article 2 and chapter 18 article 3 to update those ordinances Rel relating to the County fire marshall clarifying the County Fire Marshall's role and responsibilities updating the fire safety inspection provisions of the code of ordinances to reflect current state law and current County organization providing for new procedures relating to the submitt fire inspection report to the County fire marshall providing for other amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for cability providing for inclusion of the code and providing for an effective date we also have a short presentation prepared if needed pleasure of the board it I would it we have anyone to sign up to speak no one has signed up does anyone in the audience wish to speak I think I'd like to see you're going to do a if you're going to do a presentation let's do the presentation before we I've got someone back here want to speak all right do the presentation so we can advance to the next side so uh previous slide please so under State Statute 633 312 12 and Ford Administrative Code 69a uh that brought us to a position where any third-party fire protection contractor is required to report their findings and reports to the local Authority having jurisdiction uh we recently found a software that would uh process andove the means and mechanism that statute 321 subsection 3A references by means of reporting to the authority having jurisdiction uh that'll streamline that process for all of our customers and there'll be a consistent flow for all of our employees and staff on getting those um this software that we found has a direct Interlink to our current RMS system so real time our many and women in the field will have those third party reports as well regarding fire protection systems alarm systems sprinkler systems any deficiencies that any third party uh contractor may find uh we reached out to Mr Stein Snider and his SNF to uh seek their recommendation and in those conversations attorney Parks we discovered several areas that didn't parallel the language of our local ordin into State Statute in Florida Administrative Code so your strikethroughs and markups as reference changes to uh what we originally had as fire safety inspector to the Fire Marshall as the authority having jurisdiction um and then identifying fire safety inspectors as the uh reports to the fire marshal for carrying out their roles and responsibilities next slide and it's the the changes to article or chapter 46 Article 2 as those language changes referenced um the addition of the 12 subsection 12 collection reports from the third party inspections to include that uniform summary inspection report and next slide is uh chapter 18 article 3 uh this was under the building permit section and it again just changing that language from fire safety inspector to Fire Marshall and correcting the spelling on Marshal to Marshall is that your Alias sir is that your Alias sometimes sir and that concludes anything that we have question speak did I see a hand raised or not okay Mr chairman yes sir so the way it's set right now you guys have a system as far as when you're going to go out and check on these systems like maybe once every two years three years four years five years how does that work that that's correct so we're we're charged statutorily by code ordinance and statute um to perform routine fire life safety inspections part of that inspection process is ensuring that the business owner or the property owner is keeping all their private Protection Systems inspected and certified through a third party uh So Hood suppression systems into kitchens commercial kitchens sprinkler systems uh fire alarm systems extinguishers have to be certified and inspected annually that's beyond the scope of of our staff and our team U part of our process is ensuring that they are doing that um that that third-party contractor whenever they perform that on an annual or even uh every six-month period they are charged with reporting that to the authority having jurisdiction and we've get those in the means of telephones emails facts transmittals um this system that we' like to to put in place would streamline that for all of our customers there's one single platform for reporting and it all funnels to our RMS system on that location or the property now from what I understand talking to a citizen who just went through a inspection um went through it and certified as fire extinguisher then lasts for a year and the company third party company comes out to go certified again the next year doesn't mean they change the fire extinguisher and from what I understand those things can last like 5 years correct depending on the type manufacturer um every 5 to 10 years they are due for hydrostatic testing um on their annual inspection they're ensuring that it's intact it's labeled appropriately it's charged and it's hung correctly um we ensure that they have the right number for that type of occupancy um and that their their sticker is current um and then if it needs to recharge if the tamper seals replaced that's all in the third party is it a is it a state mandate that makes you do it every year or is it us yeah state so every every year someone's going to have the fire under State Statute administrative code and the Florida fire prevention code those are required annually now so then if this third party inspector of the fire extinguisher was to go check it and certify it yes sir can he just said the third party now send it to you so that you know so you have to go out there and go check it so be beyond the extinguishers we're checking for means of Ingress ESS um any other outstanding Fire and Life Safety hazards such as electrical hazards um any interor build outs that would re re reconfigure the Fire and Life Safety floor plan um uh access as far as KNX assess for after hours access for our crews um our fire department access around the building uh private Protection Systems hydrants um it so it's beyond that the the component of the an extinguisher being certified is a small component of our overall the totality of our overall inspection but so is your plan to go so by State Statute you tell me you have to go out there every single year to every single business and check them all over for the extinguishers or for our our your own inspection for our own inspection our goal is annually yes sir wow um that's that's your goal what I'm saying is is the state mandating you do it every year this the state in the state statute and fortifier prevention code it says periodic um there is an industry standard that the the goal and The Benchmark is annually but to afford uh to for a mechanism for jurisdictions that are underst staffed um and the NFPA changed that standard to a one two or threee review um two in in that technical committee it was all spoken by the ahj that that was charged with doing them annually and didn't have the resources we are fortunate enough a few years ago with full support of the commission to implement the fee schedule that increased our FTE counts and we're able and we're on track to to provide those annually all right so again I don't know if I want to you guys think about this do you want to have your business people to spend $100 every year for every inspection and then another $75 $200 how much is the isn't it $200 for our our fee your what is your fee our minimum is $100 but what is it that's the minimum but what do you charge $100 covers up to 15,000 sare ft yeah I thought it was $200 no ma'am it's 100 so this is every for 50,000 you're doing this to every business every year is that correct yes sir and Commissioners if I could just interject for a second we we've we've recognized that U you know that we have some some rub with some of the business owners and we are working with fire mster right now to prioritize some of the low occupancy lowrisk buildings to where we attend those every two to three years and then of course the highrisk high occupancy buildings expecting those every year so we are working with at this time to kind of prioritize the scheduling so that we can kind of because because the thing that bothers me about it is you can do an inspection every year you can pay the 100 pay the 75 and it can go on and on every year and all you're changing is someone marking a a stamp on a fire extinguisher front another the 5 years to me those things should be if they needed if the state mandated every year for the fire exting so be it but if that was the case it was mandated they should just even send that quick email saying this thing's been checked over save our guys from coming in there and deal with other bigger issues yes sir and we agree and you know that that would fall on place if you know we inspected a business and they were compliant they had their everything you know their fire extinguishers were certified and everything was uh up to code then we would probably revisit those in a threeyear Time twoyear Time depending on their occupancy level and and their risk level sounds like a better way to go thank you part of part of the issues we've had with some of our citizens they feel like they're being U maybe they feel like they've been targeted or something because they seem like they're getting these inspections all the time and other people are not getting inspected and that's that's an issue we have out to other people think that um if where it be true or not they they still think that they're maybe being targeted on some of that but fact of it is this this inspection is more than just a fire extinguish up to up to par the fact of it is we have to have make sure nobody's done additions inside that break where they did not get a permit for electrical and things of that nature that may cause a hazard in that business and that's that's the purpose of the inspection I believe so absolutely yes sir and that's that's our ultimate goal is is safety of the the citizens inside of a public building so um you know Chief from does a fantastic job I don't know if he told you or not but he was elected Fire Marshal of the Year this year because of the job that he does so um but we are going to look at prioritizing some of those processes that we have um the businesses that are compliant we can you know look at EXT sending out their periods of inspections if we have to and then you know those who aren't you know of course following through with the life safety codes that we are required to follow through with but the state actually requires you to do once a year annual inspections or is that our it's one to three year they leave it up on the state yes sir for clarification it is periodic by the state language and then there is a standard set by the NFP that that affords that flexibility okay any other questions here I like to say congratulations yeah holding back on us Chief so it wasn't my award it was a team award it was welld deserved and works I to be recognized by the state and then in the spring by the by the at the capital right and who's that guy standing next to you he didn't announce who he was in this is the the fire chief of pass County fire resue right and uh we also thank you for your confirmation that but he's dressed down for the afternoon it's hot sir oh and um well we just want to make sure it's right and we want to make sure our citizens are treated right and we're doing the right thing to keep our all of our Citi and that's the overall interest chairman the protection of the citizens as well as of the property owners you know when we find ourselves in the business and it is year after year um and it's the same violations year after year something as simple as the extinguishers um you know it's a matter of time getting in those businesses keeping them educated informed and the accountability component making sure they're complying for the El ENT they all right I understand that any other question about the board see one audience wish to speak to this item no one has signed up no one signed up okay seeing no one pleasure of the board Mo appr second it's a roll call it's a roll call vote District Two commissioner hi District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner joer hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z thank you gentlemen uh we move now to public hearings uh Mr Stein Steiner would you give us the procedures I will be happy to Mr chairman there are two resoning agendas regular and consent each staff this reg consent staff will present each application to the board of County Commissioners if staff for Planning Commission has recommended approval and there is no opposition the application will be considered by the board without further presentation if staff or Planning Commission has recommended denial or if there is opposition to the application the applicant will be given five minutes for presentation the opposition will be given three minutes for each individual or five minutes for group representative and the applicant will be given three minutes for rebuttal any individual disagreeing with staff for Planning Commission recommendation or anyone wishing to object to any condition of the rezoning May at this time request that a petition be pulled from the consent agenda in which case that application will be heard under the regular agenda later on during the meeting otherwise all resoning applications on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion and vote if you wish to speak to any petition please give your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record these are Quasi judicial public hearings the law on Florida is mere public support or opposition of an application is insufficient for this board to take action please limit your comments to those criteria found within the board's Land Development code for rezoning Madam clerk would you like to swear the public in please yes if anybody would like to speak this afternoon please stand raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony you are about to give is the truth so help you God all right the first item is uh P p65 or we have approve we have approved Tampa Bay time September 18th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings okay uh Patrick dutter uh again Planning Development economic growth Department uh item p65 is pd25 cu3 is a conditionally use for a wireless communication facility uh Cynthia M barthal Anthem net Inc Verizon Wireless this the agenda note sorry the agenda noted that this was a continuance item however the applicant has withdrawn this item and no further action is required okay what that takes care of that item let's try all right we'll move on to p66 p66 PR publication Tampa Bay time September 18th 2024 uh item p66 is pd25 0018 is a comprehensive plan Amendment rural area 4 an urban expansion area a continuance is being requested to the January 14th 2025 BCC at 1:30 p.m. in date City move to continue time sh second got a motion second all in favor say I I okay move on to p67 p67 Tampa Bay Times October 27th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site posting item p67 is PD 27683 is a zoning amendment in the name of Crossways mpud Crossways 301 LLC applicant is requesting a continuance to the January 14th 2025 BCC at 1:30 p.m. in date City would to continue time certain second got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z move on to p68 Tampa Bay Times October 27th 2024 uh item p68 is PD 27738 is a zoning amendment in the name of Evans county line ad0 mpud applicant is requesting continuance to the February 11th 2025 BCC at 1:30 p.m. in date City move to continue time certain second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 move on to p69 grp of publication Tampa Bay Times October 27th 2024 uh item p69 is PD 25 7739 is a zoning amendment in the name of Fletcher MPD the memorandum States a continuance to December 10th 2024 however staff is requesting a continuance to the January 28th 2025 bard of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 p.m. in Newport Richie would to continue time short second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 move on to p70 Tampa Bay Times October 27th 202 24 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p70 is PD 25776 4 is a zoning mment in the name of 301 East mpud master plan unit development 301 East LLC resoning from R1 sorry RMH mobile home district and C2 General commercial District to an mpud master plan unit development District to allow for the development of 200 Town Homes and 3600 ft of commercial on approximately 29.1m to approve with conditions from the Planning Development and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay is U this is the first item on your consent agenda do what now this is the first item on your consent agenda oh yeah this is a consent item is anybody here to speak against this item no one has signed up no one has signed up here hear no one leave it on consent move to p uh 71 proof of publication Tampa Bay Times October 27th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p71 is PD 27795 is a zoning amendment in the name of Northridge mpud Master Planning Development Northridge 829 LLC a substantial modification to increase the residential density from 700 units to 758 units which is going to be detached and Villas on approximately 1785 Acres this comes with recommendation to approve with conditions from the Planning Development and economic growth department and the Planning Commission is anyone here to speak against this item no one has signed up hear no one leave it on consent move to p72 proof of publication Tampa Bay Times October 27th 2024 item p72 is pde 27814 is a zoning Amendment in the name of 39 and chansy LLC 39 and chansy change in zoning from a C1 neighborhood commercial District to a C2 commercial district with a voluntary agreed upon deed restriction limiting the use of the use limited the uses to the uses that are consistent with C2 District also known as the live local act deed restriction this comes with a recommendation to approve from the Planning Development and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay is there anyone here to uh speak against this item no one has signed up no one has signed up all right leave it on consent move on to p73 proof of publication Tampa Bay Times October 27th 2024 item p73 is pde 27815 is a zoning amendment in the name of 4802 Southeast 122nd Place LLC Mitchell landal Lakes Boulevard and Gator Lane change in zoning from an AR agricultural residential district to a C2 General commercial district with a voluntary agreed upon deed restriction limiting the uses to the uses that are consistent with the C2 District also known as the live local act deed restriction this comes with a recommendation to approve from Planning Development and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay is anyone here wish to speak against this item no one has signed up no one signed up chair yes sir question for staff real quick I think we talked about this right Mike because it's it's proximity to the school I just hope the use this complimentary for school safety and you name it not a lot of high density traffic running through there that just want to make sure that it's complimentary use with its proximity to the school a for saf de restriction in terms of uses and obviously those uses would be designed in accordance with our site plan process which would which count for your question C2 has more traffic than C1 generally it should does answer question from Mr White yes okay leave it on consent move to uh p74 proof of Publications Tampa Bay Times September the 18th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p74 is pde 27816 this is UN amendment in the name of Old Pasco West mpud Master Plan unit development Mar Elaine sharp and Maxine green a resoning petition from mpud Master Plan unit development to an mut master plan unit development to allow 99 single family detached dwelling units on approximately 76.5 Acres with the variations as stated in your agenda packet I'd like to note that there was an expar communication with commissioner joerger commissioner waitman commissioner Mariano commissioner starky that didn't make your agenda packet these will be provided to the clerk's office this comes with a recommendation to approve with conditions from the Planning Development and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay ises anyone here wish to speak against this item no one has signed up I have someone rais on hand but hold on we'll pull that item p74 is pulled we'll move on to p75 priv publication Tampa Bay time September the 18th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p75 is pde 27823 is is z amendment in the name of anine 54l l c and aine 54 LLC East change in zoning from a C1 neighborhood commercial District to a C2 commercial district with a voluntary agreed upon deed restriction limiting the uses to the uses that are consistent with the C2 District also known as the live local act deed restriction this comes with a recommendation to approve from the Planning Development and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay is anyone here wish to speak against this item no one has signed up no one signed up see no one leave it on consent move on to piece 76 for of publication Tampa Bay time September 4th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p76 is PD 27826 is a zoning amendment in the name of Sun Coast Lakes MPD master plan unit development Pasco County Planning services division a modification to the previously approved master plan and conditions of approval to reflect the reflect and memorialize subsequent revisions thereto on approximately 4 83.5 Acres this comes with a recommendation to approve with conditions from the Planning Development and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay is anyone here is anyone signed up speak no one has signed up for 76 is anyone in audience wish to speak against this item seeing no one uh leave it on consent move to p77 Tampa Bay time September 18th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p77 is pde 27827 is a zoning amendment in the name of citex andr holding LLC change in zoning from AR agricultural residential district to a C2 General commercial district with a voluntary agreed upon deed restriction limiting the uses to the uses that are consistent with C2 District also known as the live local act deed restriction this comes with a recommendation to approve from Planning Development economic growth department and the Planning Commission we do have someone signed up on the web to speak Tyler this item on this item okay we'll pull this item and we come back to it are you sure that that's not part of the applicant team Ty Tyler suth is shown as is shown as sud civil Tyler suth sud Cil LLC I can't really tell maybe I'd have to ask Mr suth Mr suth are you in in support or opposition this application so that's p77 okay all right uh that will remain on consent and now I'll entertain a motion for all the consent items that we kept on consent move approval second motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 we will go back to p74 and the person that was come forward was to speak against this item name and address for the record hi my name is Tara Castro I'm at 26 445 Lawrence Avenue in Wesley Chapel Florida 33544 I'm concerned in regards to all this planning and de and the development in regards to our plan and development code I feel like we are not following all the codes that were enforced including infrastructure that is 901 we always jump from the infrastructure and then we go to storm drainage and then we go to flooding we have had consistent horrible flooding for my citizens here in Pasco County I want to ask you is there no countywide storm management plan because the longterm the Land Development code or the Planning Development code 1104 I should say says development will hold the 1% or 100e storm but we now have proof that did not happen so again when we start approving all these buildings for these developers we're not considering the existing homeowners and the building codes that were required when they built their home it says in 1104 that the developer has to prevent neighborhood neighborhoods and adjacent use to be free from flooding or rescues there was 2,000 evacuees by fire and rescue and 188 rescues during Milton unacceptable we are behind the time in our infrastructure I want to give you a personal note calling 911 from my house with my son having a medical emergency you know how long it took Pasco 13 to show up at my door from the time I called 22 minutes that's dep seconds matter coming from Phoenix from the time you call 911 to the time they show up at your door 2 minutes that's a huge difference seconds matter again our storm drainage our storm water we keep pushing it off and saying it's your fault it's the homeowner's fault but you know what none of these communities that were built got flooded out except for existing homeowners and I want to urge you to please vote no for any more development until you get Army Corps of Engineers that you said you requested or there was a request from Pasco on October 26th town hall meeting that they were requested to come in here I've dealt with Army Corps of Engineers in my other property in another state I know what it takes it didn't take me a week to fix the problem it took me two months to fix a problem this big so the M the flooding that has happened here in Pasco County it's not going to take a few weeks why continue to contribute when you are behind the times traffic is unbelievable as I mentioned earlier in my me in my at the public saying we cannot continue to add more cars to these roads Old Pasco is not two ways all the way through to Wesley Chapel Boulevard from 52 you're stopping at Sunny please consider infrastructure um comments did you say 26445 Lauren Avenue in hson l a w r e n c e I'm in the back of Quil Hollow by Cypress Creek and I'm in a high flood zone AE so I'm very concerned okay thank you okay pleasure of the board Mr chairman yes sir I had talked with the applicant and one of the things we talked about was uh infrastructure out front um could we have staff explain a little bit about what's the progression for Old Pasco Road getting paved that's happen yes sir good afternoon commissioner it's Nick uren County engineer U the question was when is it going to be widened I think you said paved but we're we're talking about when will be widen it to four Lan two to four lanes from say so we're currently under contract with brw to widen it to four lanes up to the entrance to the school and then we have design and construction funding in our 5-year capital Capital program to widen the southern piece from Wesley Chapel Boulevard up to Sunny drive we do not have the widening of Old Pasco Road in our Capital program for the next five years from the school to State Ro 52 okay so going up to the north of this property you've got this Development coming across the way that may be coming forward we I think we've talked about this one uh this one here they're both going to be entitled to putting turn Lanes in place which could go to winding of the road is there any way we can look at trying to work with them to try to bring that infrastructure instead of doing it then redoing it and just doing it one shot we can certainly discuss that with the developers and the idea would be instead of building turn Lanes on a two- Lane Road that would eventually be torn out when we build the four-lane road we would put some of the money they would expend toward the widening of the four-lane road the challenge we have is timing they're ready to go soon and we're not queued up and ready to go with a widening we don't have design plans established we don't have construction funding in place to pay the additional cost that would be incurred by the shortfall between the total cost of the project and the amount they would contribute for their turn LS so we can have the discussion but we would have have to do some internal digging to determine how to reallocate resources within our Capital program if that were the board's Direction now do we have RightWay on both sides J know now you're testing the limits of my memory I I don't think we do continuously I think there is a RightWay acquisition component as well okay part of this i' have to verify that part of this project one of the things we're going to do is build a pond that was going to be to be anticipated for the road that was going to be needed in that property are you familiar with that yes okay so that should help with the storm water up front it absolutely helps with storm water management for the widening of the road yes okay um as far as the elm land above above is there something that we we've looked at maybe to increase even more storm water capacity up there in our own lands that's could you Reas that question I'm sorry so to the north of this property on the west side of the road right buting this property and above we own like two pieces of el property is there ways to maybe improve the stor M retention up in that area boy that's outside of my expertise to answer on the Fly we have not considered that to my knowledge but it's certainly something we could look into further okay um so to the board this developer mentioned they were flexible in for going if we choose to and would take more conversation with Nick the the left turn lane monies and just give us the money toward building the road I think the other developer that I talked to a year ago referenced the same type of thing um there's a sidewalk going on the left side of this road left being West on the West Side yes correct yeah West Side okay okay yes so can the developer Build That Sidewalk and not have to worry about it being Tor out uh to the specifications that we're looking for at this point let's if we can have the applicant team come for a rebuttal and and talk to us about those s i I can but I want to while while you he so what we've said is is that we would like that the applicant to construct the sidewalk as a 5-t sidewalk presuming we are not ready to build the ultimate section of Old Pasco up to 52 or at least up to their entrance commensurate with their schedule we've asked them to build a 5-ft sidewalk because it is difficult to know exactly where to build the wider pathway that we would like to have in that segment of vol Pasco Road without doing the design for the entire Road and establishing both horizontal and vertical location for the pathway so we don't want to to put 12T down and then have to tear 12et out we're willing to let them do 5T as a temporary condition and then when we come in and do the 12 fo later we would have to potentially remove the five and conct the full 12 yeah and I'll say to the way this project constructed there's some homes out toward the end to the northern part of the parel that a certain number of homes off to walk a little bit further to get to a sidewalk going to the South but to build a sidewalk and spend that money and then tear it back out I don't that's the best thing to do yeah I wouldn't think so e so maybe we should hear from the app a little bit she can talk about it well and commissioner it's a question of timing so similar to your suggestion about the turn Lanes we've said to the applicant if we know we have a Capital project coming in the near future in the years one two or three of our Capital program for construction we would allow them to pay us for the sidewalk in lie of constructing a 5 foot and then us tearing it out and place and placing a permanent larger facility in its location same thing with the turn LS if we have a project coming soon that will allow for us to put their contribution as cash toward the construction of a wider road then it makes sense for them to pay us if the uh Capital project is years away then we sometimes need to spend some money on the short side even if it's a throwaway Improvement because we're going to use that throwaway Improvement for 5 years until that Capital project comes to fruition well especially if you're talking about sidewalks for sidewalk connectivity is very important so is safety for the community the people entering the community that need to make that left turn we want to make sure that that turn lane is in place when people start to reside in the community so that that's where we really struggle with you know we we can we can accelerate when we know we have a capital project that can catch up in a very short amount of time but we don't want to leave we want to measure that that lag time in months not years if you will if we said hey maybe in a few months we'll have that turn lane in place in the four lane road that's a that's a reasonable condition if we say we'll get there in three or four years that's a long time for residents to be making left turns from a through Lane and and frustrating motorists in both directions along the corridor which tends to lead to people behaving in less safe ways when they're traveling on our roadways okay all right I'm good thank you okay now if the applicant to come forward with our team to reut do you want a presentation from the staff shman should we hear a presentation from Staff first we have all staff can come up I mean this was a consent item that was pulled for one speaker it it's up to the board whether they want a full presentation or they just I was going to pull it myself until there was an objection to it so I I wouldn't mind seeing having the board see the presentation okay good afternoon William vermillian Planning Development economic growth this is the Old Pasco West MPD pte 27816 here is a rough location showing the the subject site just to the west of I75 on the west side of Old Pasco Road this is a zoning Amendment from Mudd to Mudd this is the site of the previously expired Grantham impuy with a future land use of residential one and residential 3 for a maximum development of 99 single family detached dwelling units on 77.8 N acres here is the subject sites location map the zoning map reflecting the Grandam and Bey the future land use showing res one and Res three here is the applicant master plan you'll see a large portion of the site is category 1 Wetland here is an overall context map showing the orange belt trail to the north in the central Pasco employment villages with eagles one and two as well as mango Hill and still well to the north along Old Pasco Road the purple indicating Old Pasco Road a large majority of the western portion is Swift Mud property within a state residential neighborhood and then two the South you can see the school site Cypress Creek which the applicant would be constructing the sidewalk from their entrance down to that that School site they are seeking one variation from the code from 901 1611 to not provide interconnections to the north to the West like commissioner Mariano said this subject site AB buts elant property and El lamp land Acquisitions um properties in the future as shown by this exhibit here in your agenda packet the red indicates acquired eamp land the purple is other public land Acquisitions and the Orange is currently on the Acquisitions list so staff is in support of that variation for the applicant and with that it comes to you with a recommendation of approval with conditions from the Planning Commission as well as Planning Development and economic growth Department I'm here if anyone has any questions any questions chair yes sir thanks will so what M C's concern is after living through a pile of rain that we have like we've heard so many times before just looking for reassurance that this project the water that's going to be you know moved around manipulated on this project that it's going to stay where it is and it's not going to flow West into further into the Quil Hollow area they're going to see more water they already know that it's a wet place to live they're looking for reinsurance out of this staff and you know that the regulatory bodies that it's going to be a good project that water is going to mind its own business and it's not going to have any potential impact as it flows Downstream and compound their concerns that's what she was getting at um so she's looking for reassurance I think I asked the question correctly uh from staff that all the professionals are doing all the professional things to make sure that uh Project's built correctly absolutely and this applicant will be following all the LDC Provisions for storm water management as well as the the state requirements so everything is above board respective thank you any other questions also oh one more chair well is my understanding the county is not going to build this sidewalk towards the school the applicants volunteering to build this sidewalk to Cypress Creek yes sir correct correct so I think it would be in our best interest should this be approved that we take them up on sidewalk get sidewalk built because this proximity to the school think this project will be a very nice place for for folks and kids will probably likely be going to and from the high school and middle school and maybe even the college so thank you okay our thank you applicant will come forward and tell us a little more about your project I think it's all 60t wide Lots if I'm not mistaken Barbera will high 6327 Grand Boulevard Newport Richie 34652 for the applicant yes we are 60 foot Lots move up product um our land use allows up to 107 we're only doing 99 the prior approval Grant the ranch on this property allowed 50 foot Lots we could have said we'll just reapproved that again but the client really listened to what the district commissioner wanted to see for his district in this location and he wanted to see 60ft lots and so we are my client came back and said said we'll do 60ft lots we are doing we are in front of the infrastructure we worked with staff to come up with Pawn G which is your a pond for Old Pasco Road widening I personally think by looking at it and our and our team looking at it I think you probably have all the right of way when you look at Old Pasco Road on Pasco Mapp or you'll see right away and there's actually when you look at this project you'll see there's a cutout for a pond so there has been work on this segment so maybe this is a good segment for if you confirm that you have the right away now you have we're constructing a pond and I think it's the last Pond that you need right away for pond G I think you may have it right away for this road and maybe it's something you can move up on your appropriation list um but that is obviously things that you have much more expertise in than I do um I can tell you that that pond is not a cheap Endeavor we're getting some Mobility fee credits but there's a lot of money that that my client's putting into getting that pond done for the widening and then of course we've got ahead of the the sidewalk issue uh worked with your staff we we knew we needed to get our kids to the to the school and we moved forward and worked very diligently to come up with a condition um that you heard the County engineer explain to you about how that works it's construction or if he's ready we'll give him the cash um so I'm happy to entertain any questions thoughts um we're looking forward to getting this approved we worked well with staff and carried along and it's a good project this is also uh you have public water and sore at this this location that's correct yes we're consistent with the land from Pasco County I guess yeah Pasco County Water Pasco County Central sewer Central water Central sewer okay any questions I'm happy to see a 60 foot subdivision coming it's better yes any other questions for that plge of the board I just chair I just say I appreciate you guys taking my such critical questions and um you know working working through this and making it making it something good for folks to live so that I'll move approval second little discussion okay got a motion in a second and discussion I just want to say commissioner W I appreciate you working on this one KN your District I'm obviously as Commissioners we can't talk to each other I think we're going to vote on but I think it's a better product than we would have had before I'm happy to hear more about that St project being ahead of the game as well right and and I'm happy to hear that we're buying the land all around it I wasn't aware of that so yeah already a lot of like if you look in front of our project you'll see there's a strip of RightWay actually we were putting the sign up when my son was putting the sign up and then putting it back up with the hurricane he's like Mom what do I do there's a stripp of County property in front of this property that's your future right away it already sits in front of this property so look at that because I think you've got a lot of you right away for that for that Expansion Project already so thank you yeah this this property is sitting nestled in right in with a lot of elant property for taking care of a lot of water issues and things in their area so it's very good okay so I got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 we'll move on to go back here uh p78 with publication Tampa Bay Times October 27th 2024 by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings we do have a speaker signed up for this item Li Divine Planning Development and economic growth department just some housekeeping before I begin um for p78 um there is a typo in the memo it's in the background summary section it currently reads petition number CU 25-01 AKA cu2 24-15 It should read petition number CU 25-2 AKA CU 2450 so again item p78 and I'll just wait for the PowerPoint it is PD 25-cu um 02 um it is a conditional use conditional use requests for 185 ft above ground level monopole wireless communication facility an AR agricultural residential district it's in the name of Southern Southern 1 LLC Coral Towers LLC Verizon Wireless um the applicant proposed originally 185 ft above ground Tower which includes a 5 foot lightning rod the site would be suitable for collocation of three additional carriers proposed for the location it's on the north side of St Joe Road approximately 1 half mile west of Roberts Barn Road at the June 6th um 2024 Planning Commission meeting PC requested the applicant SL owner um to consider an alternative location on the subject property explore alternative locations on the surrounding properties provide site selection information and have both the site selection expert and radio frequency engineer available at the next Planning Commission meeting on July 19th the owner/ applicant modified the compound location moving the fence compound area approximately 255 ft north of the original location and approximately 230 ft East onto the adjacent parcel which is under the same ownership um with the proposed placement at the approximate 390 ft from the front property line um prior site plan proposal was for 140 ft from the property line and approximately 230 ft east of the original location the applicant did um revise and modify their application from an 185 ft Tower to 195 foot Tower so 190 ft of communication Tower and then 5 ft for the lightning rod this was due to the lower grade elevation with the new proposed site um it's located in the North Central Pasco County um it's on the north side of St Joe Road approximately half a mile west of Robert's Barn Road the surrounding zoning is ar ar um the surrounding future land use Is Res one access to the overall site is from St J Road the facilties compound would be accessed through a proposed 30 foot wide access utility easement this was the original proposed site plan for the location which was closer to St Joe Road with 185 ft Tower and this is the new proposed location and the proposed Tower the applicant did provide four photo simulations um here are the subject sites the first photo simulation is looking west southwest at the intersection of reing Road and Roberts Barn Road um to the right is to the top right um position one would be the existing and then proposed position two is looking Southwest from Rings Road and just north of St Joe Road Again same thing position two on the top right would the existing and then below it is the proposed position three is looking Northwest on St Joe Road we the existing proposed and the last position position four is looking Southeast on Swift Road Again top right is the existing below is the proposed and this is coming with recommendation for approval with conditions okay we do okay John Terry okay you need to take the you need to take the applicant first may have the applicant first and then we'll we'll take the person sign up okay good afternoon I'm Mana John 935 Main Street Suite C4 Safety Harbor Florida 34695 I apologize if I sound rushed today I know you have a full agenda um um so I will try to move as quickly as possible and Not Duplicate the items that staff showed you uh if I'm and you have been sworn I have been sworn um I have David Smith with Verizon Wireless available to testify should you have any questions as to Verizon's RF need I also have James McNichol who oversaw the or who head up the team that handled side acquisition um and he's available to answer any question questions on the side acquisition agent uh challenges that in bringing this finally I do have David tlby a certified property of appraiser available and they have all uh taken a oath all right and all maps I show you today up will be North unless I stayed otherwise so just working through our base project information um you can see a map from the Property Appraiser's website you can see a line that's sneaking through the pro through the map from west to east and that's St Joe Road and I have applied an orange uh arrow to the property that was the original location of the monopo tower as it was brought to your Planning Commission back in June you'll also notice a North a north south um Line running through commissioner starky that's the old orange belt Railway but that does not coalign with the current proposed alignment of the trail sad sadly this is just a closer area and again you can see St Joe Road running East and West you can see Roberts Vault road on the Eastern side of the pro or off to the east of the property and you can also see on the parent parcel an arrow pointing to an to a um pasture that is the proposed location as it is now previously it had been proposed further to the South and the West in this old remnant of an Orange Grove uh that was significant to your neighbors to the west and also to your Planning Commission because on these wooded Parcels to the West I do have some single family homes and you can see properties along St Joe Road uh one thing that you will notice is that the residential uses in the area have tree coverage intervening between them and the parent parcel and the orange arrow points to the location of the monopole this is just your Zone future land use map I won't waste time on it this is an example photo of a monopol stle communication Tower you've probably heard me say this um more times than you care to recount but a monopole is a type of communication Tower with a single support pole with no guy wires or Iron Works extending out from it it does have external antennas up top so there's adequate space and airflow necessary to operate the antennas and the radios this is the original sheet C1 that was brought before your Planning Commission in June you can see the location of the monopo in that lower southwest corner of the ranch property at that time there was the nearest residential structure was 1.2 Times tower height to the west southwest of the proposed monopole your Planning Commission asked us to go back relook at some of our site acquisition and also look to see if this project could be modified to provide additional spacing from residential units and from uh St Joe Road we're pleased to be able to say that we were able to do that at this time the nearest residential structure is 2.8 Times tower height to the West so we've more than doubled it of course you have the intervening uh trees in between and it's moved to over 400 feet north of um the St Joe Road Corridor this is the original site plan sheet that was provided and then this is the new sheet C2 that is in the record again that's just context to show the move Verizon will be the anchor tenant they will be located with in the equipment compound this is sheet C3 of the plans on file the red arrow just shows Verizon's equipment pad and then you have three green arrows just to show that the monopole is designed to collocate up to four users your code encourages this so as to minimize the need for additional Towers in the area so the idea is that Verizon comes along they need this Tower this Tower gets approved but once let's say AT&T comes along they are your code encourages them to collocate on existing towers and then this is the elevation sheet Verizon will be located at the top on the left hand side is the original U monopole as proposed on the right hand side um is the monopole as it stand as it's proposed now it is 10 ft taller but 15 ft downgrade for a Net 5 ft shorter essentially Verizon's trying to keep their antenna height the same above ground to keep their coverage area it's no different than if I took these lights over your head and brought them down closer to the floor they recover a smaller area of the floor it will have the code required um opaque um fence at the base I'm going to skip over the photo simulations those were just presented to you but I am available to answer any questions that you may have on them we did also provide line of sight analyses for these properties to the West since I can't get on to private property and take photos and the first one is to my South Southwest and along the side analysis is basically just applying I want to say trigonometry but it's probably just basic geometry to um to the view shed so they know the loc they have the average height of the trees in the area in the topography and then also the average he of a person they can plot the view the um view field and I've highlighted that in blue you can see the viewfield is generally blocked by the tree lines and then also off to my Northwest same story this as I stated this is for Verizon Wireless uh you can see a map showing Verizon's existing Towers in the area the blue dots are existing sites so you can see I75 off to the West you can see d Road off to the east Blandon is just out of screen off to the North and the yellow dot with the orange arrow applied is the proposed St Joe site you can see the existing Towers there's also a yellow dot at the very far north that's the Verizon's uh proposed Blanton site that was approved earlier this year and basically what Verizon is trying to do um is provide coverage along St Joe Road with this property um and also soak up traffic from Lake J to the South and that has the benefit of making well first putting the coverage in is just like when you added Ridge Road as areas developed up you have to add the road to hold the traffic but then as the area developed so when I was young I used to uh I remember State Road 54 was a two-lane road you had to add Lanes capacity uh does the same thing on our front and so approving this Tower makes the additional Towers to the South or to the west and the South function better because it frees up lanes for them all right this monopole will have a dull gray finish and be completely dark at night um as I stated I do have my side acquisition agent available though that those granular questions were more dealt by your Planning Commission um and and I would respectfully remind you that communication towers are an essential service it's part of our um everyday life um matter of fact in Hillsboro County over 80 actually in Pasco County in 20121 83.9% of all 911 calls received by your 911 Center came via Wireless numbers and that's before I go into economic and educational impacts from the internet of things and how we are continuing to connect to the network that concludes my presentation and I'm available for any questions that you may have thank you any questions okay John Terry John Terry John Terry yes sir name name and address for record yeah my name's John Terry it's uh 3437 St Joe Road dat City Florida and I just happened to and you've been and you've been sworn you've been sworn yeah I was sworn with the rest of the group you need to say that for the record that's um I'm not a public speaker so bear with me but you know I I bought this land 20 years ago and I would expect you know it's an AR residential and I kind of hope the government would you know keep it that way but I understand you know growth but I just I'm opposed to the to the cell tower for just you know personal reasons you know health reasons nobody really knows about that but just the Aesthetics of it all and it just appears that I mean just recently in the last 10 years in this County it's I mean the you know the unbridled growth it's uh it's just I think it's detrimental cuz that one lady was talking earlier it says Pas was is known for its quality of life maybe not so much now you know but you know the the thing busts all kinds of it it's it's not um consistent with the the neighborhood you know this cell tower and that it's it's three times as tall as the as the supposed you know height restrictions so at the end of the day I I just you know I know it's I'm just not going to get anywhere with this but I just want you to know I'm opposed to it I'm sure that there's some other place they could put it I mean hell they were trying to put another one down a mile down the street so that's all I got okay thank you for your comments is anyone in the a else in the audience wish to speak to this out so you know one you know um I helped write that cell tower ordinance and I guess and I'm just dismayed at how high they have to go now but I guess if we don't have them as high then we have to have a lot more of them lower so it's it's an unfortunate situation that we all use ourselves and um most of the new homes don't even have landlines anymore so uh it we depend a lot on Wi-Fi I know where where um my house is in aresa nestled into the woods there many of y'all have called me I I have to walk outside half the time to uh be able to make a phone call and we've kept our landline even though we don't answer it I I don't the same messages have been on there for the last three years I've never even listening listen to the messages that are on there but I I have to keep it for 911 purposes because if my cell phone isn't going to work how am I going to make a phone call if we have an emergency so it's really frustrating that I don't have better cell service and have to waste all that money for for an emergency um I understand the uh no one no one would choose to have one you know right next to their home I think just for especially for the Aesthetics we're not allowed to even discuss what health risk there might may be that's that's taken away from us but um so it's it's just a fact that we need to have these as part of our infrastructure um did you sorry did you mention if you were landscaping around it and then and this is match and I John and yes this will have the codes required Landscaping buffer but uh is is that going to be around the fence around the site or is there anything on the road looks like there's looks like that's that's an improved pasture and there's no Landscaping where you're putting it now is that correct it is on an improved pasture yes um the Landscaping is proposed around the base of the monopole um at the fence line the thing that I find that helps these and you know this is not a requirement but maybe the land owner will think about it is if you have Landscaping along the front of the road you put in a few oak trees or whatever then when you're driving along at least that you know that can soften your view of seeing that Tower from far away so that's that's a suggestion I would have to keep the the the um site a little bit um camouflaged but other than that I'm going to be for approval chair you have something yeah question is this is this this another location that was running parallel with the hell Road location so like if this go I mean so this is we all looking at two different sites as those fallen through Planning Commission so this if this would approve that would make up for that other site commissioner waitman um mattch and I John again and while this will not replace the other site that was planned the site I believe was called Vista Walk um that was planned as the Eastern handoff as they are trying to pick up more tra traic you can imagine there from the Vista Walk Community primarily um it's even more critical now that Vista Walk is not happening so um they weren't meant they weren't applied through some form of gamesmanship well if we get one we'll you know go with the other they were planned as part of Horizon's overall commitment to improving its Network in eastern Pasco County like you see with the Blandon site up to the north but but it's even more important now that fista walk has gone away did I give you a $5 answer to a $1 question I apologize okay so Liam Divine Planning Development and economic growth Department um I believe you were referring to the tower that's on St Joe and Mount Zion Road that item was withdrawn from consideration that was p65 so so that one's not even under consideration anymore that applic application is withdrawn so this this will ex that and then the customer there he's asking what kind of sound does this do these cell towers radiate I can answer that match n Chan again and um the only sound that a communication Tower makes is from its emergency backup generators so the idea because these are part of the e911 system they have to be able to operate when the power goes out when we have something like a storm event th those generators um are tested once a month at most and they are compliant with your noise ordinance so usually they're enclosed in sound proofing and they're rated for 65 DB uh usually at the compound fence for um reference 65 DB is akin to a conversation thank you if you have rebuttal you might as well do it now while you're at the podium yeah absolutely uh so um I would respectfully um I would respectfully submit that mere opposition to growth in the State of Florida is not sub uh competent substantial evidence the case that goes back to that I apologize I don't have that citation memorized is called a PKA um I will take in place a copy of the Telecom Act of 1996 codified at 47 USC section 332 into the record just for my malpractice purposes that states what the Das has acknowledged that communication Towers cannot be regulated on the basis of RF emissions um re receiving file um thank you second got a motion second approach I I motion pass 5 one last thought if I may uh just because of the remark about how you know some people you know how you have to keep a hard line um in your house commissioner Starkey for 911 purposes I had an RF engineer down in Coler County remark about that because we had people say coming up saying well if I go in my if I go outside in my front yard I'm just fine and the RF engineer is thinking well what if you hurt yourself in your house and you can't drag yourself outside what are you going to do so um having reliable service where we use it is important that concludes my presentation I would respectfully request that you grant approval of this thank you what am I doal with this any other that's what the sticky note says you go is it to us okay um move approval okay I got a motion I'll second it's um typically sport cell towers are a unfortunate part of the way we communicate in today's world and um there's really not a way around them maybe in couple of decades we can get rid of cell towers and we use them a different way but I'll stay consistent and second the motion and under discussion we do have a provision in our code that if the tower is not being used they have to lower it because there was a time when those we call they're called pwss right um were lower and um now all of a sudden they've gone back higher but there was a time when they were lower and we could we could have had people take off the top 20 or 30 ft but okay all right I have a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I I motion pass 5 on to p79 proof of publication Tampa Bay time September 18 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings Li Divine Planning Development and economic growth Department um p79 just some housekeeping um staff has received two expart Communications for this item um from commissioner Oakley commissioner waitman those have been sent to the clerk's office um this item was inadvertently um put on the agenda as a regular item I don't believe we have anybody signed up for public comment um so if you would like a presentation I can certainly go through a presentation this is pde 25-7 824 in the name of s berine LLC would the board like a presentation chair yes I don't have I'm good with this project Liam I am confused you know I'm a I I really like to see these modor subdivisions um happening I think they're a great product and value add to Pasco County and it adds a real quality of life for folks to have a little piece of property and and and do what they want on it but I am conc concerned that within the and I learned through this project that I am concerned that through this the the monor rural rules you know we we kind of struggle as a County on how do we do these but they're capped at 16 homes on a minor Ru subdivision from what I'm told and I don't know how in the world you you have 100 acres or 200 acres and you you can only get 16 Lots out of it I I don't understand the history if it's arbitrary I don't know if carbal has looked into it even further but as we just hopefully we see more of the r minor rural subdivision projects that that come through that we don't accidentally hurt ourselves in in bringing forth a good good housing product by some capping 16 5 acre lots or whatever it might be throughout the course of that project so that's all I think David has something to add uh David Engel planning and economic development director I'm I uh did a little bit of Investigation on the 16 lot restriction you know cap and we couldn't find any clear record but from what I understand it was based on the road improvements if you had 30 or 40 homes then you have to upgrade to a county standard road crosssection so uh we'll take a look at this and we'll put it on the uh priority list if you like and we'll get back to you that that would be good CU that's part of the the hurdles that when a monoroe comes these trigger points right like this example that you just cited we really need to get out of our own way and make you know allow these minor Ral subdivisions to come to fruition and that way folks aren't discouraged with bringing that type of product forward I I think that's what this board we want to see more of throughout the entire County if it's possible and uh we just kind of work together to get out of our own way sometimes thank you thank you Mr chairman thank yes and to add to add on to that earlier we heard a presentation added added property in the uh protection Zone all the all the long process you had to go through the whole thing and if I think if you got a large piece of property maybe it's 5 Acres maybe it's less maybe it's 10 but if someone wants to have a family member one or two add on to it I think we need to make that easier to do yeah well these this is a good rule uh product right here so yeah area I live in I don't remember exactly how many total Acres it is but there's only about I think there's only about 12 houses but we're all I think there's one that's actually bought two lots which they're on 10 but rest of them are all 5 acre tracks makes a very nice rural area to to live in so all right Pleasers of the board U I do have a question okay question um is there a plan for multi-use or anything going up Bellamy cuz I know is further south so what what is the plan for bellam this so I don't know R yeah but the the the trails having to deviate from the rail Corridor so I'm just not sure where it's going all around here and people are going to want to be able to get there so just what what's going on here good afternoon commissioner it's Nick uren County engineer we're talking about belly Brothers North of 52 yeah I know Clark's project and at Bellamy and 52 is putting their Trail in to get under the 75 right that's that's KD 52 that's on the west west side of I75 you're right that's on West and then and then a lot of the vision Road Network connecting east to west has not it's all future it's has not been constructed but the projects the residential projects along belly brothers are constructing their portion or dedicating right away to us for construction of their portion of the vision roads Network that's going to go east to west if you're talking about sidewalks on the on Bellamy brothers Road itself the developers are obligated to construct sidewalks along their Frontage right and then we as part of the as part of the Safety project that we're doing to widen out the corridor with the paved shoulders and the edge treatments we'll be installing connected filling the gaps for the sidewalks all the way down to 52 and we did that because our Land Development code did not give us the authority to obligate those developers to build sidewalks outside of their Fage so we're going to be coming along and making sure that there are connected pedestrian facilities to the state R 52 Corridor for all the residential communities that are happening on both East and West sides of the road okay so uh so they're they are reserving right away Along the front of bellam yes they they're conveying RightWay consistent with our ultimate Vision Road Network and the RightWay footprint in our comp plan and there will be some improvements on on Bellamy coming widening on both sides of Bellamy to strengthen the shoulders and widen the B road to make it safer too that's that's coming in 27 I think yes yeah we are activ we negotiating the design contract the board already approved our short list and we're in negotiations with our number one consultant to get that design contract underway that was my only concern that there was going to be some way that someone could get out of their subdivision and head somewhere safely not in a car indeed I share your concern and we are taking steps to ensure that that possibility will come to fruition it can be a hor should be able to but something other than a I would ask before you make a motion if you can at least accept public comment because this was a regular item okay all right is anyone anyone signed up for public comment no one signed up no one signed up anyone in the audience wish to speak to the I didn't sign up oh you you can come and speak doesn't matter that you signed up or not you still allowed the chance to speak give us your name address and if you've been sworn Daniel rman 27131 Johnston Road Dade City 33523 yes I have been sworn okay thank I appreciate the time um I uh own the 50 acres uh just east of the subject property um it's a dedicated wetlands lowline area and all of the water from not just the subject property but the surrounding area west of Bellamy comes flooding into this area when it's when it's um when it's raining if you've driven through this area recently you know that that part of the property probably about 10 acres is still flooded they just removed the last of the stranded vehicles from Milton um last week um so it is an area that's known for flooding as I'm sure you all are aware Bellamy brothers was shut down uh for you know a handful of days post Milton um I was sent something in the mail I think many of us were about a proposed site plan uh of the 16 houses but you'll notice that the they're selling lots right up to B me Brothers uh on the area across from my property it seems to me that um considering the the grade issue the Western most part of the subject property is probably on a 2% grade and if you you start capping that with hard surfaces um houses pool decks driveways sidewalks you're not only increasing the velocity of water into that dedicated wetlands area but also the volume of water so it seems to me that the way that they've proposed this there no um you know water containment uh Provisions for this and there needs to be because we already know this is an area that's subject to flooding um and I think just you know anecdotally I think there's an Austin Woods development that's just south of um St Joe's on Bellamy I think they did a great job in how they um set that development back off of Bellamy they created BMS um you know for partially for privacy but partially for grade considerations they have the uh storm water waste Palms beh ponds behind those BMS they did a wooden picket fence and I think if um we could propose something like that I think you know from a practical standpoint it's needed but also from an aesthetic standpoint I think it be greatly appreciated thank you thank you good afternoon Mr chairman and members my name is Cindy terapan I'm the authorized agent for this application I didn't sign up to speak because I didn't know if there would be any concerns or comments I just take a few minutes if you don't mind first of all been sworn yes sir I have been sworn thank you Mr chairman um first of all with regard to the rideway yes it is we are well aware that belly Brothers is a vision road we've already um accommodated the new rideway the additional rideway on the project um as we are you know starting to move through more detail design although we're not far into that at this point because we're waiting your hopefully your approval of this the site plan that is was reference um can we turn on the Elmo bir so just to orient you on the right side of this screen that's Bellamy brothers that's the roads Frontage and the site is about 92 Acres total um we have drawn this site plan to reflect um what 16 Lots would look like because as uh commissioner white mentioned um 16 Lots is the maximum number of lots you can do through the minor rural subdivision as you'll note there's only two lots that front on Bellamy brothers we did that specifically so that it would you know as people are driving by would retain the feel of a rural area and their Road um that Serv a project goes right through the middle of the site generally that access road um has already been um designed and approved by the county and we constructed it at this point um my client is well aware that he still needs to go through the minor rur subdivision process and do all the requirements um that the county and Swift Mud would require which would include of course any um um storm water management process or design that would be needed um Mr roderman that lives directly across the street he is correct the front of his property is a wetland um and that Wetland is pre-existing it's there today it's on his property it is not on this site but again we're well aware we have to go through the resoning process the site plan process and then meet all the construction standards of the county and I would just remind you also um in June of this year uh this board uh unanimously approved the plan amendment that went from a 10 acre plan category to a 5 acre plan category this reson is now matching that ex exactly we're going from a 10 acre zoning District to 5 Acres oning District so um that's what we're requesting there are two existing homes um on the property today so it's only 14 New Lots we could have done eight under the old plan category so you see it's a very diminus um Improvement and we're um will certainly follow all this all the County's requirements for construction as we move forward if you should Grant this be happy to answer any questions Mr chairman yes sir how long going east to west are those back Lots about 7 to 11 um the back Lots you know I didn't bring the one that has all the dimensions on it there've got to be I'm guessing they're probably 600 ft at least east to west you're talking about the runs that are ones that are running on the very back edge of the property back yes sir I'm guessing 6 700 ft just from the proportions of the other Lots so hearing about the storm water issues along the side um and I'm not familiar with the top topographical aspects of the property but what what would it be if you would be able to take and maybe add 10 or 20 ft going off those lots to now they're 590 or 580 move it back a little bit make them a little bit shorter and then create more storage up to the front where you get even landscape it better well I I think that that's a good idea and I'm certainly not an engineer I don't don't know all the details of the Topography of the site so I would defer that to when we go through the the process with the county and let the applicants engineer work that out with the county as the best way to do that that that may be the best solution um but I think it's appropriate for us to do that during the site plan review process right but the site plan is not going to come back to us but I do want to make sure that it gets looked at and try to get worked in these are five acre lots though commissioner so you're going to have you're not going to have storm water ponds required in the in a minor rural subdivision it it the there are good size Lots here there are there is a sale along each side of the entrance Road driveway um running pretty much the whole length of that and as again that that driveway that starts at Bellamy and runs through the property was designed and then approved by the county and actually constructed so um if we need to make does that driveway have a CT underneath it I don't know the answer to that I'm not an I'm not an engineer I'm sorry commissioner need I don't know do we require covers like on something like this I don't necessarily know I don't know they can impede normal the the historic flow and so if that would require a culvert they would have had to have installed one yeah um but if there's no Swale system there I they wouldn't need c if that if that's already been through the regulations on on that being approved by the county of that road they were told them then it had to have a cover or not so yes sir I believe so I'm sorry I can't answer that question Mr chairman yes sir can staff on map pages to see if there's any existing flooding there do one now mapper yeah Pasco mapper M Pages whatever yeah we P PPP yeah this hadn't been fled don't think Prett can you bring that up that's not it let you just had it down below all right actually are those wedland areas that where it says a yeah so pretty close what the gentleman says yeah yep so now you take the extra run off from the roadway going all the way down if it flows that way I can tell you that on the road there that's that flood light there from many many years yeah always been there this doesn't necessarily change that does the water ever get toppled over does the roadway oh I think it's sometimes but it recedes fairly quickly I think if we add more to that I said I'm just concerned if we add more to that will it receive quickly north of it no I said if if we add more well why would we be why would they be adding more it's on the opp side of the land it's not that's you've had one of you've had a 200e storm and it's it's basically where where they're showing so so that shows on both sides of the road yeah that was from the alino of 03 we do actually have some Aerials that we shot that's interesting After the Storm I don't know if we added as layers that's place can you throw the too list too 2024 is going to be interesting be like one foot too please well if they could get another 10 ft across the front there that would be helpful shown on that map make the sale bigger but I'm no engineer there you go Mr chairman yes sir um you have as the as the applicant has pointed out to you you've changed the comprehensive plan that this is the only this is really the only appropriate zoning classification that can go here so if uh I think the question just is if we put that restriction with you can't put a restriction on it because this is straight zoning so this is ukian zoning so you can't condition it um you can express your concerns to the applicant um I have a quick followup question did I understand that there does have you already spoken yes he are that that was your only speaker for this okay I just okay one a clarification you got to give me your name and all again because you've left and then come back so give me your name again Daniel rman 27131 Johnston Road D City Florida 33523 I have been sworn in my followup question is did I understand it correctly that there does not need to be any storm water engineering considerations with development of the size then with the density I guess ulture you don't require that ult right I you need to have somebody from your storm order Department answer the question yeah that's what was confusing to me I just I didn't know if I misunderstood that or my comment was that that a five these were five acre lots so they traditionally would not require any addition based on our code they wouldn't require any additional storm water Pond ponds they're designed to absorb you know our large lot development doesn't require that that addition the the same sort of storm water bonding but the planning staff should be answering these questions okay yeah because if not we've got a big we've got a big problem then with the storm water no I got a 5 acre track and I don't have to put storm water on mine okay Brad I was going to let this play out and see where it went I was interesting uh Brad tippen uh plane development economic growth um uh yes you're you're correct that this is a you know these five acre lots typically are considered D Minimus and these subdivisions that are minor rural subdivisions there are some storm water considerations that are taken into effect mainly regarding the amount of impervious that is installed uh can trigger some of the Swift MD requirements um so we have to we have to take all those different things into account but at this particular phase we do not have a plan in front of us we we don't have any way to look at anything to say that this is going to require something or not require something uh this is a straight res zoning as uh the county attorney said that there's no way to condition it to require extra things at this point okay so thank you Mr chairman yes sir so looking looking at the Topo from the back part of the lot it's as high as 130 goes down to 125 120 115 110 105 100 that roadway going all the way in is going straight in everything that gets run off on that roadway all the way down is going to go back to that down to that low spot it's going to it's going to make it worse on that land it always has I know but now we're going to make it worse by putting wor road's been there they're not is that a pave road now it's not changed that's been a pave Road that's a pave Road we're not making it worse we're just changing the size of the Lots here and again I'm happy with what what I see but it is a concern when I see the flooding right along the roadway well I understand that that's on everybody's Minds about flooding and these kind of properties are not creating that I mean the world receives rain and the Topo of rural areas water moves to low areas off Hills and where they are you have ponding on different properties all over the county based on the fact that you have Hills and we're we're in country where have a lot of Rolling Hills not a lot of people come to Florida think that it's flat but it's not it's not flat yeah but my my concern is this we're building a road we have a roadway Road that's there it's already there and I'm thinking you know when I when I look places like at Oak Bridge down by Trinity that area is after all the flooding going to Trinity Oaks but because of the channeling that they have Oakridge doesn't flood never see them in the map because they've got the channeling in there so Mr County attorney is there a way we can ask even though it's ukan Zoning for staff to work with the applicant to try to put in some type of channeling there to to control some of that water you can always ask okay I don't know whether you can require but you can always ask I'm going I'm going to ask we need to we need to act so I need I support your ask okay pleasure of the board on this item so we have an ask I'll uh move for approval um could I get my ask in first please oh sorry he he asked for he asked for something I we delighted to see the I'll second that the 5 acre SES right which I but I'm concerned and I think your people might be as well if we can prevent as much water going the roadway on big storm events to go in there would you be willing to work with us to try to create some type of channelization some type of holding of the water to store a little bit more on along the edge well my client unfortunately he not here so I can't make a commitment one way or another what I can say knowing knowing him knowing the property owner is that we will go through the county process for the minor Ral subdivision and is there something that we can do on that deals with the water on our site we will certainly consider that we cannot fix the problem that exists today there's a lot of water that goes into Mr Rodman's property that goes into his Wetlands today it has absolutely nothing to do with with my client's property or frankly it's just a historic situation so we can't fix that so if you're asking us to fix the whole world's problem with Mr rman no I don't think we can do that but if we can look at something that that is a simple solution that would help with the water on our site we would look at that I appreciate that understand thank you so much I have a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z move back to uh regular items find find out where it was um r54 I believe Mr chair uh assistant County Administrator Kathy Pearson is online um and available to give the presentation for R 54 soote her R4 Kathy can you hear us Mrs Mike God two more you're on mute perfect thank you turn it up you're live and on thank you for allowing me to do it virtually today Kathy Pearson Sian County Administrator public services and we're here to bring round two of the opioid C allocation recommendations so next slide please uh we just wanted to show next slide that next SL there we go I just wanted to thank the opio task force the m l right here all the great work that they've been doing reviewing all these applications uh next slide please so for this second year allocation we received $5 million we received 18.4 million total for year two just to break down on the bottom is where the funding comes from we have the city county funding and then of about 374 and Regional funding about 4.6 for a total of 5,754 to remind the board a few ago we did uh carve out 750,000 appr project so the next slide please these are the allocations that The Advisory Board had recommended and these are one hey Kathy this is Kathy this is Mike Kathy Kathy this is Mike can I get you to speak a little louder and more directly into your microphone it's coming in a little quiet we can still hear you but it would be better if you did that I apologize uh is that a little better can you hear me now yeah it's about the same we'll we'll we'll we'll we'll go through it go ahead apologize for this so let me just see if I can turn my volume up really quick um so screen will see for you now to start the funding recommendation list this is what the Advisory Board have recommended and it is an annual allocation only so as you will see the amount that requested and amount to fund is different these are one-year allation next slide please after we have all of the Commissioners there was some revised recommendations that some of you had felt that maybe should have been funded and I'll go through some of those now there was the $850,000 for the um for the sheriff's department for his Wellness Center there was $100,000 for the school board uh for their Ving uh uh pilot program $300,000 for Premier for their um renovation of their da city office and then 25,000 for case opportunities so with that said what we did is we reduced B's recommendation of a million 36 we allocated those funds those are the revised recommendations as you can see the revised recommendation is a little bit more than the 5 mil7 and how we are going to paper that will be the next slide how we're going to pay for that Capital back back one more sorry back one more so how we're gonna make up the difference we have Capital contingency from year one of 271 we have remaining funds from approved budget allocation of 55 that is 750 we didn't use it all we 55 left the recognized interest of the OTF funding of 286 for a total of 61358 so that is how we're going to make up the difference of a little bit more allocation they re the next slide I do want to remind the board out of the five million 3.3 million was used for Gen savings to the general fund these were projects that you had to fund through General funds and with the soio funding we were to save 3.34 $421 I'm sorry for the stattic I'm here in the stattic too but I don't know where that status coming from so apologize for that but that said um we would like to make the recommended um recommendation for the board to approve the revised opioid ref propos project awareness is recommended by task force with the revision delegate full Authority and the count administrator to execute the Project Specific agreement and substantially similar form with review and approval from County Attorney's Office on behalf of the board of County Commissioners additionally delegate full authority to the County Administrator to act on behalf of the BCC for any purpose described in the approved subsid agreement I'm sorry I'm hearing that savoc too and I really don't know what it is including but not limited to the authority to provide any necessary notices to exercise the right to terminate the agreement terminate the agreements um to extend the agreements for 12 months if necessary and to execute any and all documents by the Department of Children and Families related to The Project Specific agreements for the use of the opioid settlement fund and like thank you can I answer any questions for you that was really hard to understand and hear but I had a meeting with her so I okay I heard it all in my meeting I hope everyone had a meeting Mr chairman yes sir so so C Kathy I appreciate the meeting as well and I appreciate um you'll listen as far as what what I was thinking as far as from the budget all the way through this is a set this is settlement money and I first didn't like the settlement where we had very little control of where it's going to go but when I look at we're spending money for opioid treatment I think the first allocation should be to offset our budget for our taxpayers so I'm glad you've modified it to go to that so for that I'm very pleased that's in it that's already okay it was a little bit hard to stand stand in tune with it because of connection that she had so all right any other questions um um let's see so our fire rescue and the Sheriff's Office JJ can you come up here looking I just looking over this and just everything we've been through do you um are you guys good with what you're getting yes this is uh collaboration between the staff Kathy and her team Mike and his team and and we think it's fair we're going to be able to Roll Out impactful programs and support the sheriff and and fire rescue with uh a true werness facility especially after what happened and uh I should note we should probably uh I know we said some prayers for uh an employee earlier there's still a Sheriff Deputy who's responding to the storm who's still in the hospital I wondering uh uh I think it's I was just going to ask Chase come up to so so um is he still out of county is he still he's he's still still in the hospital but I I think he uh I don't want to speak count uh what they take you to Lakeland or something he in I I don't know what hospital he's in when I Lakeland general where he was you know our Our First Responders uh were out there in the heat of the battle and even during the storm going around doing site evaluations uh it's dangerous cuz you know roadways wash out things like that and um so I think a facility that's going to be dedicated to you know some they can get mentally stronger and then focus on their mental health I think is good but yeah yeah Chase Daniels unders Sheriff community outreach operations with the Pasco Sheriff's Office I apologize about the voice I think I had what uh what commissioner starky had last week um but no we we appreciate the uh the board support on this uh and as JJ noted um funding this project is a is a big deal for our members uh and fire rescue as well we're excited to to further strengthen our partnership with them um but we are very appreciative so thank you very much okay with that I move approval second chair U I got a a motion and a second and a discussion yes just going going forward so we've gone through two years of this this funding cycle I talked about this with carala and I mentioned to Cathy I'm willing to go along with this as it stands today but next year I'd really like to narrow how we fund this I think there's probably a lot of Staff time I mean how many how many people on there firms on there were going to have to audit uh make sure they're in compliance with these with the monies so I don't know if there's a way to you know fund have two or three major I'll call them Prime contractors and for this for sake of this conversation then they can pick you know whoever their subs are to do their work or wrap around Services whatever the appropriate vernacular is for this type of thing uh that might be better I'm also when looking at this you know I view my responsibility in this job of how do I maximize the taxpayer dollar and to me this year this is a $5 million coupon this 5 million bucks that if the county used it internally that we could save our taxpayers $5 million if we chose to restructure the way these funds are doled out um I appreciate what the nonprofits do I I I think they you know their missions are fantastic but it's also at the same time we're fiduciary to the taxpayer and I view these monies that come in that if we we maximize it the right way that we can save money for you know if we had 5 million bucks on this for example we could use it for something in the jail or what have you and then that gives us 5 million free up for Parks or whatever other needs we might need to be due we just maximize the efficiency of the monies that we have that we get from our our taxpayers so just going forward next year that way staff understands how I'm going to be viewing this and uh you know can only you know improve this is a second year yeah and um you know just get the most we can out of it and and and try to save our taxpayers a few bucks that's all thank you chair Mr P if I could wait a minute I got a question so Mike would would we um this is not recurring money so to me it's hard to hard to save on taxpayer dollars when it's not re we don't know that how long we might get it next year but we may not I mean it might just go away and we not get that kind of money is that right that is corre or is it going to be recurring and we can use it in place of taxpayer it's recurring but on a declining scale so it seems we don't we we target certain numbers that we think we're going to get um but there there is no there is no guarantee of it of course I I do agree with that Kathy is there anything to add to that next 18 years we're already in year two so we'll have 16 more years of funding coming in though it will be reduced every year Sor it is recurring in the sense that that I said but the the funding amounts vary somewhat on a downward decline it sounds like okay all right commissioner yes I I just want to be sure that um no this money is for opioid treatment prevention and recovery and that we don't stray too far from the purpose of what these lawsuits what what the settlement is supposed to do is help people who have these issues so they're not expensive for us so they're not going into our jail and not causing harm I I was uh online yesterday or this morning and there's someone showing a video where this guy is breaking into their house and the comment was oh yeah we see him all around he lives in Moon Lake and he's a you know he's got a that problem and I mean I I want to I'd love to see us really um work on um not having that kind of community and so I you know I'm looking forward to that bay care discussion to see what they're doing they're talking about the Indigent care money but I also want them to talk about because they're getting a lot of our money and I want to see how it's used how it's being used and you know hopefully we're going to be keeping a lot of people out of the jail That's My Hope okay all right I got a one one last comment please one more uh and i' just like to say you know I think we're all thinking the same way we want to try to maximize the dollars for our taxpayer right we all want to do that we also want to fund everything that's opio related that makes sense too um I would like to see Kathy in the future as well work with with uh JJ to to to go in further to try to find what things we can get from the state for better matching Monies to stretch the dollars fur further uh as we keep on rolling and that could be working with the nonprofits too wherever we can get a bigger chunk of the money CU there's still a third of the chunk it's up there in the state okay all right I got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 we now go to r55 and that's our last uh regular item [Applause] I know it's been a long day I think this is one of the last items um this item has to do with the $500,000 uh for the contract with Tampa Bay psychology uh that started as a fire rescue initiative it grew to include our correction officers and now also includes our 911 dispatchers so this allows them Tampa Bay psychology just focuses on uh providing Mental Health Services for First Responders for First Responders they're throughout the region they have offices in clearw Tampa Bay they're looking at Pasco County and uh this initiative would be to uh continue provid providing those Services where uh in our current EAP system our employees get five visits for free uh but under this program they have unlimited visits for free and they also are able to get a neck up checkup every year and we encourage that uh for our employees um so I can answer any other questions but I have a question yes ma'am um Does it include um 911 operators as well yes awesome sorry than no I I might have missed this I would move approval second so I got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z sorry Raider sleeping so I back all right thank you okay we go to um old business jar we need to hit C 17 h oh the water water C7 oh excuse me yeah C7 David come on forward good afternoon again Commissioners and chair oakle um I David Allen utilities director I did get a chance to speak with Mr Carden um general manager Tampa Bay Water um earlier this morning and he will he has agreed to have his his staff come to the December 10th meeting and present an overview of their developmental Alternatives um project which the easement that was presented to you ear this morning um to um go over their developmental project development Alternatives project how this particular piece of property fits in with that larger picture and then also um highlight what they're looking to get in terms of their study um I also did mention um the request to have um a public informational Workshop or something of that sort in advance of that meeting they were already planning to do something like that following um the Board of County Commissioners approval however I communicated that desire and Mr cardens got a check with his staff on um the viability of of being able to do something before that next meeting and then so with that um it would be staff's recommendation to continue this item until the December 10th Board of County Commissioners meeting okay so move all right second all right got a motion second all in favor say I hi all right that's what happen did so you said Chuck is coming on that no no Chuck Chuck will not be available uh but he will have someone from there'll be a Tampa Bay Water there'll be an R Tampa Bay Water okay cuz I just need to talk to yes ma'am that's just the the item you're talking about is just a big part of a a big picture for the future work so uh I think it's low on the list we've got higher I think another Reservoir and I think more uh deep well brackish waterer Wells for diesal and probably some others that are much more viable than than that water out there so but that's my opinion so thank you that $5 to get a cup of coffee Starbucks so all right or old business Mr waiton thank chair I don't think we have any I don't think we see any pictures but just wanted to we had a groundbreaking about 120 days or so ago at the um new advent health r at 54 meta Point very similar to the one that's at 54 and um the veterans and had a beam signing last week and they're on their way to be being open uh hopefully into q1 next year so they're moving right along and just congratulations to the Advent team for Zephyr Hills and Wesley Chapel there seems to be a tug of war who's going to manage that site but it's another piece of nice Health healthc Care infrastructure coming our way and um just U glad to be a part of it thank you um okay starting with Veterans Day I um enjoyed the veterans lunch I think number of us were there at Newport Rich it's always a wonderful event uh where do they get their veterans list do you know the membership the membership yeah their members go well can you're not a you're not a member and you got one right I was canvas by M years ago so I think it just I just have a few that maybe I want to ask if consider send to my way yeah okay so the members submit is that how that works okay I also uh spoke at the Country Place um veterans event uh Sunday so that was nice that they invited me um I did not know I was the keynote speaker so I know I let them down I wasn't prepared for that but you know we're not like number 30 or 30 5 in the state for the number of veterans uh per capita I did not realize that I thought we were much higher um and when I looked at the stats then these were as of 2022 it said we still had 1,222 or something like that World War II veterans in Pasco County so that's that kind of surprised me two at lunch in two or three and they were like pushing 100 I think so um I don't know where they're all hiding but that was interesting um but I need to appoint uh Kelly Hackman to the tourist Development Council um to fill the vacant seat from Wendy who left us so um i' I'd like to make that motion move approval good second we got a motion on second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 z Mr caral I sent you a photo because I didn't know who to send it to I I couldn't tell who was sitting over there are you able to forward that um do you have it uh stand by I'm sorry okay so while he's moving that over um um I want to talk again about burying power lines and I there are many communities in the state that require I'm not talking about the big ones but require all the other ones to go under don't they do that do they do that in Manatee I know Miami day did it the regulations are in Manatee are virtually the same as here the all all subdivision uh Power needs to be underground what does that mean once you get into the subdivision but not in front of it so transmission lines down local transmission lines down the roadway corridors are above ground but once you get into the subdivision they're underground because I'm trying to understand it when I drive down starky and I I know number of you do go down starky when you're going to from work and and David maybe you noticed this the the new um long Lea for 400 homes to the north neighborhood four they put all these power lines right in front of the neighborhood where all the other parts of long leaf which our family developed there's no power lines in front of the neighborhood so it looks so bad and um but also All these power lines go down and people without power I know people in Gul Harbor there's people you know wanting to come together to put our our power lines down I know it's expensive to do it um after the fact but I wish we had stronger regulations requiring power lines to go underground and we wouldn't be without without power like like we were no you still would be no not not as much well the they got there through the air going like my all mine uh based on underground in my neighborhood but they came there by above ground all I have to get damag is that's what cuts off my fire well in aresa another one that my husband did he did not put the power lines under he could have and maybe we didn't have those rules then but we'll lose power because of a squirrel or something I mean it yeah we got a lot of squirrels on our just be careful with that because if it's a coop for somebody if you're going to force them underr they got to look at their rate structure and it may force them to raise r they may not want to that's you know that's you going to pay a lot of money for under all way I just see other Communities going to it as a matter of fact City clear water is looking at going under um okay so I wanted to talk about these street lights these are the Metro street lights that are solar powered I don't know how much these cost but I I wondered and I think they have different versions of these I think these are the big ones and then they have a smaller one that goes on the side streets but they don't require any electricity I think they're just solar powered I would I was wondering if there if we shouldn't strategically put some of these at some of our school bus stops cuz I'm going by now especially with the time change I'm seeing kids in the total darkness at some of these bus stops it seems to me this might be a good little project for um for some of our bus stop cuz those are our responsibility not the school district so just something to think about then I as I drive Trouble Creek often I I'm still in total darkness I think there's two lights on light poles on Trouble Creek and I think they actually belong to the subdivision to the South and they're not literally on Trouble Creek trity has no lights Boulevard has no lights until you get to the bridge what what is our re Road lighting program so it is part of our Capital program we do have lighting requirements I'm pretty sure Trouble Creek is on that list uh we can present the board with where where it currently is I mean this these are things that we we fund through our you know additional funding sources so we we do set aside dollars I think it's from is it from the penny uh in terms of Penny funds that are allocated towards roadway safety improvements which which would include lighting so it's just a matter of prioritizing and getting them done so it isn't built in when we build a road like when we widen Old Pasco won't have lights built into the cost of it uh I'm not sure I think when we do them we do with lighting well we didn't put them on Trinity and we didn't put them on starky well there's a lot of Roads P East Pasco that I wish we had some of these kind of lighting cuz it's awfully dark out in the scary especially older you get okay go ahead Nick if I may commissioner County engineer nicken um this is a timely comment we absolutely I I've already directed my staff to develop a policy on when and where we will will prioritize the construction of new street lights we're looking at the solar powered option as well as powering them traditionally powered street lights with underground electric we can go one of two ways we can construct the poles and buy Power construct and own the poles and buy Power from the utility company the power provider or we can lease the poles and allow that utility provider to provide us both the electricity and the operation and maintenance basically changing out the bulbs making sure that they function properly so we're looking at all three of those options and we're also identifying how do we score the corridors for installation and how do we put forward projects for your consideration as part of our Capital program so Mike's absolutely right we are we're taking aggressive steps to um nail this down so that we are not being asked when do you do it and where and why you'll have the policy in your hand shortly all right and that reminds me I I know um we lock did start a lake blanch drive and I don't think the county has accepted it yet um but for a year now Matt um call there has been telling me they're waiting on the street lights for Lake blanch drive that they were putting them in so let's make sure we don't accept Lake plance Drive until the the street lights sorry um let's see uh a question as I wrote around on my boat this weekend and I saw the destroyed docks everywhere except mine um and I talked to one of the companies out there what is the process for dock permits I've not he heard us talk about this at any of the meetings and I know when I built my dock if you remember Jeff it was at that time when we weren't actually doing it right and I just got a code enforcement permit but now we require building construction permits and engineering and so I'm assuming all those people are going to have to get in line to get re-engineered docks so and is it 50% damaged or what what's the rule on docks yeah the uh the 49% rule does not appli to accessory structures in docs so they would just get a regular uh repair permit or alterations permit for that doc um so yeah but back then they were not engineered and they didn't have to have a permit so what what is what is the process and how do we communicate it I need you to be a little more specific okay I'll have to provide you get you very specific details for for docks that were pre-engineered my assumption is you can still repair like for like um but I'll get you very detailed instru non-conforming structure though wouldn't they yeah see I don't think and they fall on your nonconformity rules I'll have to I'll have to evaluate that yeah I have a great answer for you on that but otherwise docs would go back through the regular um permiting process but okay my point is they didn't do that before so the regular permitting process is engineered uh an engineered dock permit correct that's going to be interesting that's bureaucratic yeah but that's the law I mean we were break we weren't doing it right before somehow it slipped through our Florida building code rules so it's just going to be a surprise for some of these guys I think okay so we'll get that out we'll get that decided and get that message out um all right uh lastly uh my uh office is working on a farm share um event we need to have uh 30 30 people signed up I wanted you know was hoping it would be the County Commissioners and their staffs and start there so um please uh you're going to get an email from Katie and Jenny and um and we'll work on our RS because you know everyone else does theirs but they had approached me a number of years ago to do one from the Commission office and we didn't act upon it so we'd like to get that going all right so look for an email um from the for the County Commission all especially this year there's so much need with commissioner lighting point with with commissioner starky's lighting Point does the school district obviously the school district determines their bus routes and where those bus stations are so what kind of coordination between where the bus stops are and where there may or may not be lighting from the county is there any kind of communication between our two organizations for that specific specifically to Lighting in my experience no that may have changed I've been removed from the day-to-day operations of that but specifically it was usually Case by case and private property owners would have to just because of who's paying what in the start on on the light bill if you will so and and bus bus stops change all the time so um but the solar the solar power thing might work but well that's that's that's why I I made a mental note of commissioner starky's idea in which case then there's Capital cost and then we'll just see although I'm not sure they're completely we we'll certainly look into that um I have one more thing and I as had asked Keith Wy to be on um Kathy you were at the meeting that we so we had Kathy Keith and I and David Goldstein had a meet meeting uh last week or this week whenever it was on um um The Joint use agreement between the the K8 at starky and the cultural center and U we did get some resolution they' locking the pl the parking lot too early now they're going to lock it later right David that's what the email that we got um and um also you know wanting to be sure that we're able to access that meeting room um cuz sometimes it's kind of tough for us and also we're looking at using the gym a little more cuz we have we really haven't programmed the gym that is a shared gym so that was that was a good meeting but while we were there they brought up the um that parents are dropping their kids off in the park and then they're walking through to get to the school well we started finally going really under construction on the multi-use fields there and all of a sudden I have all these parents contacting me because we've stopped we've blocked off the roads to the back part of the park and I get it um cuz there's construction trucks going in there to work back there David do you remember this came up at the meeting um I told the parents I don't believe that it was ever intended that they were supposed to drop their kids off in the park and have them walk to the school that way uh apparently the school drive line is only you you have to have permission to be in the drop off line at the school which this is new to me um and so some of those people are afraid to for whatever reason to have their kids walk or ride their bike to school so they're all using the park um they wanted me to see about opening up those Gates uh and but then we'd have construction traffic and pedestrian user so I said I'd bring it up here I don't see Keith on here I called him yesterday um I'm assuming that's why they blocked those Gates Keith no we'll have to bring something back okay we need okay on that one I brought it up there's Jagger okay I'll make it super quick we attended a Angeline Country Day School I was a ribbon cutting and um we had a really cool experience and rode in a hot air balloon something wow yes and commissioner Oley was a little skeptical but he did it so I did go in it very proud of you and that's all for didn't fall out or anything so and I missed the balloon ride CU I stuck a 52 a truck tipped over and blocked three lanes of traffic so it took me an hour and a half to go six miles good down and around I we could have seen you at the from the balloom right they only let us go up 50 50 ft anyway so you're okay and I got some pictures here from the uh Seven Springs Rotary Club uh veterans annual veterans dinner uh I was very lucky there's two World War veterans that were there uh the guy on the right is name is Fritz uh Fritz is 99 years old uh February he turns 100 and he will be here uh go great great guy uh his brother next picture Ros river is there that was brother yeah do you have more pictures there we go okay so there they are with the plaques that they got which gave to all the all the uh veterans first time through and there Charlie and his wife that come out to see us and uh so the gentleman on the far right that's Frank he's 97 years old his birthday was that day so we had the the thrill of everyone is saying happy birthday to him was pretty cool and just want to give a shout out as well for the rotary 6950 disaster relief team the district goes Veterans Day what's that was that on Veterans Day no was the wed Wednesday last week okay day after the election it was a great event yeah so disaster relief team uh you see a picture coming up uh Chris cassella at the ster aparts right there a Planning Commission member myself and a gentleman uh Dan from Idaho I believe uh he just comes in to try to help with this lady had her house flooded it sat for a while she was kind of like not sure what to do Etc and uh I said you got to get it cleaned out so they cleaned cleaned it out with Wy with some volunteers and then these guys showed up yesterday did a phenomenal job took out the drywall to a great extent so now she on her on her way back to her house um that like go for pictures okay there a picture a hold of that okay so in front of you I asked these what kind of a letter from uh the Commissioners Senator Scott is up for looking at for majority leader Senate Majority Leader right now and the group from uh Taran County Republican party put a letter out rejecting uh John cor as a senator say that again they the republ ter County Republican party out of Texas rejected John Carin as a possible Majority Leader uh suggested Senator Scott as as one of the possibility so his own people didn't want him his own people didn't want him so I uh is that where JD is from from na uh I think he is I think he is yeah so anyway with that said um I then texted Senator Scot I says would you like a letter of support from us and he said he would so I drove I just asked son to kind of write up a really positive letter no negative just straight positive letter with the opening line saying Pas board County Commission strongly supports the selection of Senator Rick Scott of Florida for the Senate Majority Leader U so if everybody likes this letter we can send it up have the chairman sign it and just put our show we should be the swaying reason why we could be the Difference Maker so I'm sure if the board's comfortable with this I'll make a motion that we send this letter strally second sign the letter and we send it forward to the appropriate people second okay I got a motion of second all those in favor I I I and last thing um pass thank you um last thing the 49% rule FEMA causing a lot of grief I'm sure you're starting to feel it now it's going to get stronger and stronger uh people at Senate manner have gone out where they've had two different people go out and get appraisers to come in to apprais property to see how the values come out to see if they can make get over the 49% uh I think it's going to be a positive thing signal Cove is another area where they're going to be in a similar situation they may do the same uh SE Ranch I think is in better shape Sea Pines as well and I think Westport too but I'd like to have us be able to set up something with our staff to be able and down to the South as well um I'm just talking about those dire in my area um but I think we need to put a presence out there to put people at ease because as a realtor sent me a email today she's worried about so many people that don't want to deal with this and don't want to they just want to go work and get get stuff done without getting a permit they're going to get caught I know they're going to get caught and I'll let JP talk about how they're going to get caught it would be helpful for the people to hear but I think it's important that we try to make every uh bit of information we can out there get a presence out there with these people so they can relax literally at Senate mayor they called the meeting within 24 hours and the whole room was full and 100 people on the waiting line the zoom call Jack um and I did I forgot to mention this I apologize because it was magnificent JP and a lot of the building department um put on we put on a meeting at Gul Harbor last week I don't know it's all Thursday it's all much together standing room only um and and they did a phenomenal job in answering all the questions giving out information um educating them on why we have the 49% rule and not like 30% like pel County and um I just want to tell you you you guys did a great job but thank you and I want to thank you all for coming yeah and I I want to say JP is doing a phenomenal job I mean I I've seen him with people fired up and that man St SCH of cucumber explaining it out and letting people know look we're trying to work with you we have rules we got to follow we'll work with you but we got to follow the rules yeah so what you're doing out there as JP that's why I got so much confidence you and get in front of the people and your team they did a great job at se wrench all that time as well and I hear great things down G har so I get confidence in you I'm not trying to put you on the spot but I think these people could use your help and your guidance just to kind of like show them how to go through the process and again if and if you would highlight as well what would happen What could happen if they go through don't get a permit deliberately and then what they they could be faced with yeah so what we'll talk about you please state your name for the clerk yes uh JP Murphy inter assistant County Administrator de development services uh so commissioner Mariana your your question is what happens if they don't get a permit essentially um and understand that for all of the affected areas we've done our own individual assessment everyone's going to get a letter whether there's substantially damaged or not substantially damaged we also have some information sharing that works with FEMA and we've got debris photos we have a lot of we have we have a lot of data points that point us to when it comes time 90 180 days we start reviewing where certain properties are at in their process and we find that we have no permits for certain properties there was 3T of water on this side 3ot of water on that side yet here is this structure we're going to assume that that structure was automatically damaged and would be going through a compliance process there'll be a door knock and we're going to have to go through that through a process that probably looks a lot like after the fact permitting and only then it's going to be a much bigger headache because fees won't be waved then they'll be double the fee they'll be after the fact some of the stuff has to get torn out and some of those folks may find themselves on the wrong side of the 49% rule and I'd hate to see them throw good money after bad for not getting a permit that's one of the reasons we incentivized waving permit fees yes there's some time some some uh increased permitting times because of the inspections and the evaluations that were required and and we're working diligently on that we double double the size of our staff um through contract means to be able to help these folks but we want to handle all those problems that could be really bad in the future now um so again waving the permit fees come see us um of course we have now the four three locations countywide plus the two remote sites we are going to try to find a way to get some folks out into individual neighborhoods um once letters start going out and then we can work with them unfortunately I just don't have the the size of staff to be in every neighborhood we'd love to be able to do that but um uh we're also looking at working with our facilities Department to create just a substantial damage Center where folks could come in and get detailed um analysis and work through their permitting uh stuff I've heard great things about people who have gone out to the Gul Harbor site and were able to work with our flood folks and actually fill out their application together um but in in in some instances we're seeing values too low property damages uh being valued too low and there's some delay going back and forth so absolutely getting that Hands-On touch to to get it right the first time so we don't have a lot of back and forth is is what we're striving to do right now as well as is trying to put more folks on the phones to call folks back to get information to shrink that permitting time and and I and I think like especially with this Senate manner folks these folks are all in that meeting uh the vice president went and got an appraisal another person want get another appraisal and they're looking at the appraisal see how they can work out and going through it if if it works with let's say one then the rest of them can probably do the same type of thing and go forward I just I just think that if if you're on site existed for them pretty much uniform as far as condition to properties et u it might save you guys a lot of time by being out there and just eliminating right from the get-go and take away some of the doubt that others may have and one explanation may take care of the whole room instead of doing that explanation and we we still plan on doing that when the letters go out um Kathy Pearson and I are going to go out into the neighborhoods um conduct a session not only with the local leaders the HOA um the Civic board that may be out there um but also some of the religious leaders because we're getting a lot of feedback from those folks as well trying to get information so we'll host those sessions absolutely understand we still have to look at every parcel uh you know take a parcel by parcel look and and my key message for the board and for anyone who's asking for help is detail detail detail whatever details you can provide receipts pictures quotes estimates adjustments the the more detail you give us actually the quicker the review time is because there's less doubt in our mind that says okay we have to fill in this blank that we don't we don't understand your pricing or your value so so detail detail detail is is absolutely key and I just like to say you know um it's been great working with you through this thing through these hurricanes I mean our whole team has been phenomenal um you this week they're still picking up a lot of sticks Uh Kevin pker John Batista the whole team is doing a great job as well uh and that's all I have for my committee reports but I do want to make one comment unless anyone make any comments for them well do you want to you want to tell how many people are working from Title Basin and how many permits you're doing a day inspections you're doing a day it's amazing yeah so for for the Title Basin potential damage evaluations we have over 60 additional inspectors going out and doing evaluations we're doing about a thousand a day uh on the west side of 19 we had over 12 to 13,000 effective structures we should be done with that work in probably the next 2 three days at that rate um if somebody comes in and applies for a permit and they need a substantial damage evaluation and EV Valor will go out there and in some cases we've gone out two or three times once we got some information back and said okay uh their information said this we'll send an evaluator yet we confirm that um so some folks have had a couple different ones we expect those letters for substantial damage to go out sometime this week as well but um that's just on the evaluation side we've also brought in additional permit texts plans examiners and we we've got a mission requesting for some more flood review folks cuz that's where the the choke point is now is now that all the package packages are coming in it's taking us about 10 to 15 minutes per package that there it is right there I need your help I'm almost done wait on one more number and we only got six or seven qualified professionals to do that so they're they're turning through those things as fast as possible well thank you very much appreciate it um let's see I had another question for no I have another question for you how are you uh I'm just thinking there was a gentleman on my street who just went through remodeling I tried to go to his house on online to see if he had when his permits were pulled but I I don't know how to do that do you do that on the property appraiser because I was just curious on the property appraiser site the most accurate data is going to be on the Asel site okay well I have no idea how to do that don't want to do that but are you guys correlating permits that were pulled within the last calendar year and your 49% because they're going to get caught up and that's and that's the law and we can't wave the law after the fact and I'm really concerned that PE these people may not know that so what have you done to yeah you're you're you're spot on there commissioner so the 49% is cumulative whether it's substantial damage or substantial Improvement you can have a combination of both that puts you over the 49% um that time frame runs from the issuance of a permit a year ago through the current day um and I won't get into the details if you forgot to close that permit if you forgot to close that permit just close it so we go back to that original date um but that is is something that we've we've been messaging since the beginning in fact if you look at our rebuilding uh in a flood zone flyer that's one of the asteris at the bottom that says if you had recent Improvement it may affect this number um and we're reviewing those just when we get the package we're reviewing those individually as they come in but unfortunately that's correct that that is how what if they didn't pull permit for anything well then I don't have anything to to prove that off of unfortunately unless they somebody provides some other information well if it's someone that was where there was 3 to six ft of water they just recently remodeled and they didn't pull permits to refix their house you're going to we'll we'll still go through the if they didn't pull permits for the repair or they didn't per pull permits for the original alteration for the yeah certainly for the repair we they'll have to go through that process understand that because we have an evaluation of every parcel and if we have reason to believe that that property was damaged and we don't see improve you know permits for any improvements we're going to assume the worst case scenario and then go back out and take some enforcement action on that property I actually saw um yesterday a a house at Gul Harbor is already knocked down it's already demoed it went fast um yeah we've got a growing list of folks who do want to demo their property so that they can prepare for elevation yeah so um my last one let me think what it was on oh let me think was on the permitting um shoot I can't remember what it was I'll have to come back to it okay but it was on JP so don't go far it it was on this whole process well are you through J I just one more comment yeah hey it's it's a big deal sure tell okay so I'm all J thank you very much no but I have one more for him I hope it comes back to me all right Jack just calling back Len to miss e but I I just want to say running this campaign was long um and we just worked so hard all of us to to keep just doing we have to go for the citizens but uh I want to say wherever I was I was saying this is the best board I've worked with I'm proud I'm happy we all get reelected I'm proud to Ser it all yeah thank you yeah that's good is that it I I had one more thing that includes Mike staff I know I I forgot that the county staff also wants to be in our Administration and wants to be in on our farm share so this is a this is a uh a joint effort and do we even have a date you know Joanna we do not we're working on it okay so um I'm looking forward to it we talked about early next year yeah when I and we'll we'll get our own going okay Mr caval thank you sir I appreciate the moment of silence there for for Matt seore he's a labor supervisor 3 in our public works department uh on the concrete cre was here for 22 years um sadly missed a a dedicated um you know family member and leader on our team so he will be Miss but thank you for the moment of silence um I have some good news um that we received a grant uh so our efforts are paying off a $5.3 million USC for um um unsignalized crosswalks so safety improvements for un signalized crosswalks in the county wow so yes so we uh great job thank you how many of those do we have uh we need more but we're I'm sure we have a lot how many is that going to fund 5 million well how how many is that going to fund let me put it that way sure and what's the prioritization answer that afternoon one more time County engineer Nick uren um around 85 is what we asked for and and that's what we received funding for so we have a number in in Pasco County we were looking at higher speed roadways and trying to provide visibility for pedestrians at Crossing locations so we're excited to see this come to fruition so while you're up there um I understand that the road paving list has been published I have not seen it um and along with that then comes the storm water improvements on those roads so tell we're one on the road that wouldn't be Nick huh that would be that's not Nick yeah well the an engineer he's not I'd like to know where to find him I'm throwing you Lifeline take it he's skipping away I'm I'm sure Branford can produce that for us I'll I'll have to take a look can email to me ma' please thanks i' I'm getting complaints from Sunray from everybody well I can tell you um County Road 41 is looking real good cuz it's being paid right now so almost finished with it uh the last thing I have is we did have a request for mosquito control to allow Department of Agriculture to come in and do sprain in the San Antonio area for adult mosquitoes again uh I think this is this is a great way to take advantage of State resources to help us combat potential VOR control and things like that so if I could just get a motion have the chair why just there I'm just okay well I've got a motion I need a second second and a second to uh send the letter back out mosquito I've already just given letter expanded well they have all those in favor say I I I I pass five so you got the letter right there at your hand you got a question over there can we please St exactly what the motion was because everybody was talking on top of everything sure I believe the motion was to authorize the chair to sign a letter to the Department of Agriculture requesting um adult adulticide treatment in the East San Antonio area for mosquitoes they're doing the work the spring that wasn't the letter you signed what is that the right letter or not yes so I don't know why they need permission get in here that's the same letter I sign before I have two letters I gave them okay one of them was what Jack was asked for for Scott and then I had one for mosquito I think that's the same letter I had before we added just a little bit of language to the to the first letter to create this one okay another one Jeff just the description of the letter are they still spraying out in Moon Lake so here's my here's my the one that I just reviewed that the chair signed said please accept this letter of support for operation of low flying aircraft and application of mosquito P pesticide application that's fair response activity over Pasco County it does not limit it to San Antonio that's that's why I'm questioning the description even better so is that for all I mean is that the right letter so that's the letter I had one time before I think I think this letter would probably serve as is a generic letter the the request from the operations director at mosquito control um was specifically out in the East area in fdax which is Department of Agriculture is requesting treatment request so as uh County attorney Appley points out it's to support operation of low-flying aircraft to apply the adulticide countywide in this particular case according to this letter which would include San Antonio East so I think this is kind of kind of covers of cover future requests which I so that's what that's what the chair was just authorized to sign yes that's what I was just authorized you want to repeat that made the motion oh I don't know do what who made the motion who seconded it for that discussion I think commissioner starky seconded it I didn't catch who who made it did you make the motion I for the record I'll make the second I'll make the motion okay thank you there we go Stark madej a motion waitman second and then we all 5 yeah we all voted I and it pass 5 Z okay thank you Mr chair that's all as clear as anything Mr St following up on Mr Murphy's conversation and with commissioner Mariano I just want because we haven't really talked about this which is important in my opinion um I went through not a not a storm event but I went through an enforcement action while I was with Manatee County um where FEMA came in and said that a very high-end Waterfront community in the county um gated community um had enclosed their lower levels they were they were built up and they enclosed their lower lower levels um the county was threatened to lose its flood insurance it was uh put on probation um they did they was not a fun time um so the other end of this coin is if we don't take the step and they held the county accountable for unpitted work it wasn't like mhm okay the building department had permitted all this stuff underneath so I realize FEMA changes over the years they may get Kinder in genter I doubt it um but what your building department what the assistant County Administrator is saying that they have to do on the legal side of this they have to do because we'll we'll end up in a fight with FEMA trying to protect the rest of the residents of Pasco County um to maintain their flood insurance and so I thought that was important that's all I have yeah we can't mess around with that Tarpon Spring do you have anything we have nothing okay sounds good um I did have a couple of things I was happy to go out to uh Pasco hope as you see here we all got to visit there and see those those homes being put in and all I did get a few calls on this project that uh people didn't want homeless coming in these homes but in fact homeless whether you lost your home to the flooding or lost your home some other way is still homeless so um but I think they forget fact of people coming into these places uh really are coming in there to get help and we're going to give them that help and give them a step up and into their lives where they'll move on out of these out of these homes like this so one way or the other I think it's a good good project and good for the the county the other thing was uh we went we had a um the police City uh down here had this uh decorating of these uh Jack lanters I guess so all these pumpkins and all chief of police was very upset he actually didn't receive much recognition for their painted uh pumpkin but you know they were part of it whe whe they got a vote or not they didn't so but it was all good all for fun so good good things happening in the community around here and then uh the other thing was we were at Ang Angeline and I actually spoke there and I got to speak um besides riding this air balloon which I really didn't really want to go on that thing but they make me nervous I don't know how you you don't really guide you don't guide these things they get up and they let them go well they had them tied by three ropes but it didn't go anywhere but yeah yeah it was but I did meet a resident while I was there and and she's enjoys Angeline angelene she said every property or every house looks out on The Preserve which I thought was and it's I think it's 5500 Acres if I'm not mistaken but that's pretty remarkable for every home to be looking out on a preserve so that's a pretty nice Community when you think of it in those terms so but it's good for the the school coming there and the kids that'll educate in the future for the you know to be C good citizens here in Pasco I think it's all great stuff when we broke ground for the new school they're going to have there so um only other thing I have is uh I did get to speak to um the doctors of business administration at St Leo University uh Friday a week ago and um it was pretty interesting when I first went in it kind of strange and I don't somebody here might know the movie or whatever but when I first went in and everybody I met was do doctor doctor just kid I remember a movie somewhere that this guy all he did he met all these doctors so it was pretty amazing but uh they had gotten their business doctor of business administration at St Leo University and they had asked me to go speak I'm not a doctor so but uh it was very enjoyable being there and and seeing how they enjoyed you know working for their degrees and and the efforts and all the some of them didn't didn't make it right away but they kept trying might might have took them instead of two or three or three years it took them five or six uh but the fact of they still finished and they got to be called a doctor at the end of it so uh very interesting so but with that um only thing I I can think of that that moves anything better is the fact that our country is I think headed in the right direction and which means also our count is heading the right direction also we got a lot of things we need to be concerned about and and try to do to help our citizens and uh I think we'll all be aware of what we need to do at the right time to to do it in the future so with it Mike you and your team and guidance for all our staff and all that help us out we do our jobs to uh help helping leading that and giving youall the support you need to get you know make the right decisions for our citizens so I think we'll all be uh much better off for all of it in the future so with that uh we journ [Music] Pasco County waterways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollutants directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy environment for