I mean not at this meeting but doesn't he have the office downstairs okay okay I'd like to call the meeting to order welcome everyone today if we' start out uh for with standing for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance and uh let me just say that today I think it's appropriate to acknowledge during our moment of silence the passing of commissioner Bradford thank you very much I pledge aliance to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice so before we do the roll call today um we're going to be swearing in a new member of the Planning Commission um and I'd like him to come forward Matt if you would come forward here on this on the floor and uh Seth uh waitman that's our County Commissioner that's going to appoint the replacement for Pete uh when he was here and um I think it's fitting and I think it's a great choice by the way I think it's fitting for us to to bring on board sort of Full Circle because uh Matt's father was a very integral part of the county as assistant uh administrator for the accounting um real great a great guy Bill Ms so Matt muns welcome and uh we're going to SAR him in and then Seth if you want to say a few words about him uh you can do it uh now or after he sworn in maybe before it was better have I change his mind you sure you want to do it before no thank you uh chair gray and plenty Commissioners first you know I'm extremely grateful that you you all volunteer your time to face the issues before the board of County Commissioners do and to vet the projects that come forward and and Challenge and ask questions and dig into detail and offer you know practical advice and Solutions on everything that's coming our way it's no secret we're under a time of unprecedented growth not just in the State of Florida but in the Tampa Bay area and in Pasco County and so for you all to take such time out of your day where you all could be focusing on your businesses and your families and anything else in life I I can't tell you how grateful I am and with that with Matt Ms here extremely grateful that you're willing to spend your time and serve and serve our our County and work to help us make County make Pasco County the premier place that we all want it to be and as we go into the next generation of what Pasco County become you know your decisions and and what you your recommendations to board of County Commissioners uh will be you know wait heavily upon and you're leading the way on the decisions that we may or may not make at our level so thank you for your willingness to serve congratulations to you I hope and uh anytime our office can be a resource please please holler at us and uh you know I'm sure this is a bit sentimental for you and um congratulations my friend thank you than you yeah and uh Seth's Uncle uh I went to school Under Seth's uncle and uh as that many people and friends of mine and I would have to say that uh I did get paddled a couple of times so yeah couple didn't didn't hurt me that bad cuz I had the book in my bottom here Matt you want to give us a little background on you and before we get that' be great I'm really glad to take this and honor to be able to serve the county as s said you would mentioned you know got a long history with the county my dad was an assistant County Administrator utility director before that uh much of the County's first comprehensive plan as I understand it was really worked on in my house while I was sleeping as a kid uh back when this this uh panel was the uh DRC I got shoved under the desk for a lot of those meetings so it's nice to be able to sit in the chair now um for sure um I myself have got three little girls love Pasco County it would be my home forever um so I'm really glad to be able to help shape where the county goes and like Seth said making this a premier place to live so very glad to be appointed look forward to the work we've got ahead of us and and joining you all in doing that so thank you great and what what do you do for a living oh so I am a u I'm a civil engineer by uh education uh I work for a firm called Kennedy Janks and we do mostly focus on water and wastewater treatment uh do a lot of uh pipeline work and that sort of stuff so right C certainly relevant um we're taking on a bunch of challenges as growth affects most of the State of Florida uh it's a big part of it so happy to bring that knowledge as I can I'm glad we have another engineer on the board I assume we'll be the board of Engineers yeah don't don't get carried away thank you man okay if we could uh swear Matt in so we can start making the big money I state your name I Matthew Ms a citizen of the State of Florida and of the United States of America a citizen of the State of Florida in the United States of America and being an officer of Pasco County and being an officer of Pasco County you will hereby Solly swear or affirm do hereby solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of Florida cool very good okay Seth we appreciate you coming and being part of it thank you very much great choice all right so now let's have the roll call jamy here Christopher Co here John Moody here Matthew Ms here D here Richard here chairman Charles R here and then we have proof of publication of uh today's applicants the items advertised in the Tampa Times on February 2st 2024 March 20th 2024 and April 17th 2024 and by app a certified mailing all right thank you and do I have a motion to approve the minutes so move I'll second okay so these are the uh minutes for February 22nd 2024 we have a motion we have a second any further discussion on the minutes all in favor signify by saying I I I oppos like sign okay motion carries okay Denise let's see here get through the rest of this so I'd like to welcome everybody today with the Planning Commission we're appointed by the board of County Commissioners we meet uh twice monthly once here and once in Newport Richie we serve as a local planning agency and we hold public hearings and transmit to the board of County Commissioners um recommendations on compain of plan amendments Land Development code amendments rezonings and conditional use requests Planning Commission is the final decision-making body for special exceptions certain appeals Branch requests and requests and certain alternative standard requests however final decisions may be appealed to the board of County Commissioners if anyone's in opposition to any development code Amendment pres zoning conditional use or any item where the Planning Commission transmits a recommendation to the board of County Commissioners it will be important to you to attend the appropriate Board of County Commission meeting those of you are not familiar with the format of our meetings they there are three sections one our continuances and that's a request that we usually get from staff or the applicant for a continuance for any number of reasons it's been accustom to approve uh requests for continuances unless there are extenuating circumstances then there are consent items those are the items that we have on the agenda that where we have not received any objections uh from the public or from the staff um those items will be gone through one at a time if there's something on consent today that You' like to have heard or pulled then when I call it out raise your hand we'll pull up from consent and put it on the list of regular items and those are the items that will be heard inv Ved fully today with the applicant and with the responses applicants will have 3 minutes to be um to be heard and make their presentation questioners will have 3 minutes to ask their questions and then the applicant will have an opportunity to come back up and respond to those questions if there has been a request for uh extra time at least 24 hours prior to this meeting uh such time may be granted except with the approval of uh the board here uh this is a good time if you have a phone please put it on the silent position so we don't interrupt anybody that's speaking and before we start the regular meeting I would like to invite anybody that's here to speak on an item not on today's agenda to please come forward take your name be sworn in and uh let us know what's on your mind is there anybody here to speak something not on the agenda okay let's uh get everybody sworn in before you come up then so anybody that plans to speak today if you would please stand raise your right hand and be sworn okay thank you all right NY hazewood 34110 a nice place um got a couple of things on my mind first um I want to say that I hope the there is a Slowdown in uh the high density developments and let me be clear I don't mean in places that they might belong like Newport Richie Wesley Chapel and those I'm talking about the ones that are coming before you and there might be one before you pretty soon on Highway 98 out there where there's nothing there that's just fro so if it can stay in places that it's meant to that would be good and not spread out um the next thing is uh I went to storm water meeting last week do you all I'm hoping you know that the county had storm water meeting you hired some Consultants I'm sure they meant well but I was not impressed you had a lot of people out there that really had storm water problems they were flooding they want had to kayak to his house they were in D City they were in Zephyr Hills they were all over and some of them were concerned about problems that would occur because people are building around them and they really needed help but these guys were just there to apparently take data and that was kind of sad um also I had experience I was looking at one of the maps of Northeast Pasco and it said wetlands and I looked at and there was no Wetlands swamps weren't on there for Wetlands so I got somebody from there to to talk to me and I said well where are your swamps at wetlands and she told me that swamps weren't Wetlands I was kind of surprised that was news to me so I talked to her a few minutes more and I said well here's the green swamp are you told me that's not a wet lamp and she she's kind of backed down started backing down then but the whole thing you just came away with the feeling like okay we just put in our data of all this and that was it why why don't these people get some help I if they're flooding that means all of a sudden they've got a place they got to play a mortgage with and they have they can't really live there much anymore thank you'all all right thank you very much anyone else all right so Denise are we ready we are ready Mr chairman um Planning Commission members Denise Hernandez planning and economic growth um I do also want to say for the record that there was no one signed up to speak at public comment on WebEx nor anyone signed up to speak on WebEx for any of the matters other than the applicants on some of the matters okay so the first item is item PC2 which is peg2 24777 it's a zoning Amendment Thomas Lee and Kimberly and sck for a change in zoning from an AR agricultural residential district to a C2 General commercial District the request is to continue the item to the June 6 24 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 p.m. in Dave City all right is the applicant present anyone here to speak on this item okay next following item is item PC3 p24 7683 it's a zoning Amendment Crossways mpud Crossways 301 LLC for rezoning from an AC agricultural District to an mpud master plan unit development District the request is to uh continue the item to the June 6 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 p.m. in dve the city all right and the applicant presid anyone he'll to speak on this item next we did have someone um signed up to speak on the item but we explained to the person that the request to is for a continuance and he just left okay thank you you're welcome item pc4 is pg24 2694 zoning Amendment sr54 and Crystal Lake mpud master plan unit development Interstate homes LLC and others it's for a resoning from a C2 General commercial District to an mpud master plan unit development District the request is to continue the item to the June 6th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 p.m. in D C all right is the applicant president anyone here to speak on this no one okay and on this next item you are sitting as the LPA the local planning agency it's Peg 24262 comprehensive plan Amendment C Pas 2325 52 realy Commercial for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map 2-15 sheet 12 from res 3 and con um to Comm office I'm sorry res 3 Comm res 3 to Comm office and conservation the request is to continue the item to the May 16th 24 planning LPA meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie all right ises anybody here to speak on this item that one's okay and those are your continuance items and the remainder is your consent agenda okay do you want me to continue on consent agenda okay no no let uh let's vote let's make a motion on the continuous items so moved I'll second have a motion to Second any further discussion I I did have one question though so Crossways is Staff initiated this time um we are we are going to hear it in June right Crossways as far as I believe it is the applicant requesting the continuance at this point it's the app yes okay so just to clarify the motion PC 2 3 and four or to the June 6 meeting in state city and pc5 is to the 516 meeting in newort correct is that correct correct that is correct okay okay so we have a motion in a second forther discussion all in favor of the motion signify by saying I I oppos like sign okay motion carries we're going to move on to item pc6 that is Peg 2477 eight8 it is a zoning Amendment and then the name of tus LLC it's for a change in zoning from a C2 General commercial District to an AR agricultural residential district it comes to you with a recommendation of approval all right is the applicant present the applicant is virtually present okay is there anyone here to speak on this one I don't see any hands so all right so let's go to the next one item pc7 is Peg 24777 it's a zoning Amendment under the name of trust 12304 Happy Hill it's for zoning from an R2 low density residential district to a P2 professional office District comes you with recommendation of approval all right the applicant present anyone here to speak on this one see no one okay following item is PC8 that is p24 cu14 it's conditional use to the names of Beverly and Vesta James Elliott Coral Towers LLC Verizon Wireless this is for a 199 ft above ground level monopole wireless communication facility in an R2 low density residential district comes to you with a recommendation of approval with conditions as included in your agenda packet okay is the applicant present yes sir okay anyone here to object or to speak against it okay pardon me yeah that's where we are yeah okay we'll pull that one from consent then okay and that uh concludes your agenda all right so let's uh have a motion on the remainder of the consent it approve consent agenda pc6 pc7 we have a second second F discussion on the motion okay all in favor saying I I poos like sign and we'll move to PC8 then okay okay all right so as my team uh brings up the PowerPoint I'll start it up it's pg24 cu14 it's for a conditional use for a 199 ft above ground level monopol wireless communication facility and an R2 low density residential district the uh the subject site is located on in North Central Pasco County on the north side of Spring Valley Road approximately 870 ft west of Adella Street what is being proposed is a 195 ft uh actual masked masked uh Tower with a 4ot light lightning rod and it will have the um it will be suitable for the collocation of three additional carriers so they're going to be a total of four carriers and that's being proposed within a 1600t fence compound area on the property um on the screen uh NE for you is the zoning map and it basically shows you that to the north of the property is zoned R2 low density residential as is the west side on the east side is a Tempa electric um Communications um I'm sorry Tempa electric company sub electrical substation and to the South is AR agricultural residential where's the substation I'm sorry substation is on this property right here right here East okay just directly to the East and the surrounding uh future land uses are res six res six and res one to the South see this uh shows a better photograph or picture of the electrical substation to the East and the the proposed Tower location will be in on the northeast portion of the property okay so yeah put in that corner like or is it right in the middle or what I'll show you I'll show you the site plan is coming up this is basically showing that it is on let's see if if it's there's a larger view so the actual Communications Tower will be placed on the northeast portion of the property so this is showing the the actual compound are area and together with the uh Communications Tower showing the Four locations where antennas will potentially be placed so there's a total of three cocats and the actual um anchor tenant Verizon Wireless on the top so it's only 1,600 ft footprint basically 1, 1600t is the actual fence compound area yeah with the tower in the center of the compound okay and these are photo simulations um of the where the towers so photos taken where a balloon has been floated up into the air and showing where um how the property would look with the tower gotcha so this is the first view which is looking Southwest and it's taken from the intersection of blocker Street and Baxter Avenue and this is showing existing and proposed and you'll see that it's not visible from that location okay this is looking Southwest at the intersection of blocker Street and Ansley so it basically shows um where the so the first one would be existing without the tower the second would be with the tower and it wouldn't be visible from there either okay this is looking North on Spring Valley so this is actually where like the the um the homite of The Elliots is the house with the with the solar panels on the roof and that's showing the actual Communications Tower okay this simulation is Southeast on Spring Valley Drive and as you could see it's visible from that location looking Southeast and that's position four and uh the recommendation is approval with conditions as included in your agenda packet the applicant um did hold a neighborhood meeting as is required um uh in in con consistent with what the Land Development code requires and uh the summary package is included in your in your notes okay let me know if you have any questions are there any questions for Denis no okay very good you want to would the applicant like to come up first or yeah okay good afternoon I'm mat John 9:30 Main Street Suite C4 Safety Harbor Florida 34695 just as a couple points of order before we get going I did send over a PowerPoint presentation if we could bring that up if not I have a copy of it on my if not I have a copy of that on a thumb drive and then Mr chair if you'll be willing to indulge I did request additional time in case you'd like a full presentation um I did request up to 20 minutes if you want the full presentation well I'll tell you what I think might be best why don't we I did get that message so you can have the extra time if you need it but my suggestion is maybe just give us a brief overview right now let them let's hear what their concerns are then you can come up and do as much of a presentation as you think you need to do understood sir okay for I hope you won't be interrupted by gunfire outside so you know it all right as I said I'm Matt n John and just to move through this presentation more of a summary format um this is the this is a conditional use for 199t tall monopol Style communication Tower as you heard from M Hernandez it's 195 ft to top of Steel and an extra 4 ft uh for lightning rod in all maps I show you today up will be North uh this is just an aerial showing the area around Blandon you can see Blandon road going uh roughly East West and then curving South the green marker is the monopole and I've added an arrow this is just a closer view uh the one thing I want to bring to your attention is the siding of this so since we have an electrical substation to the east the siding was to place the monopole which is a simple gray structure off in that northeast corner there's mature trees in the area around it on the property and to the north you have a larger parcel up to the north if we were to go west there's a house off in that direction so we're maximizing separation and I respectfully submit that we're placing it in a location that's logical when you think about it having an infrastructure use next to an infrastructure use instead of spreading out footprint the very base of the monopole is a 40x40 square uh that's fenced in with the opaque fence as required by Your Land Development code this a closer view of the property um we all the code required landscape buffer um we did request to uh perhaps wave it on the South and West sides but there is space provided there and we're perfectly happy to provide it uh this is just a closer aerial again it shows the location of the mon of the monopole uh in that northeast corner there and you can see that there's trees to the north to the west to the South this is just a zoning designation for the area this is the future land use map from your County GIS showing residential 6 this is an example of a monopo style communication Tower so when I say monopo that's a term of art that means that there's a tower with a single support pole with no guy wires or Iron Works extending out from it it does have external antennas on the head frame at the top uh the reason that those are mounted externally is so that way there's um adequate space for the antennas and adequate air flow this is a copy of sheet C2 or C1 from the plans just showing um the uh monopole overlaid you can see the gray Square I do my apologies I do not have a okay you can see that there's a gray square that is the model pole itself you can see a circle a yellow circle around it that's the fall zone and the unlikely event structur will failure the monopole will fold over upon itself be completely contained on the parent parcel you can see the driveway extending off to the West this is sheet C2 it's the same Line work without the aerial and then this is just a closer view of the equipment compound it will be 40x40 fenced landscaped um it has space for four sets of equipment that meets the collocation requirement under your code this is an elevation showing the monopole um as with the Verizon antennas at the top and the three future collocations this is the this is the opaque fence at the bottom it' be a woodboard fence 6 feet tall these are the photo simulations that Miss Hernandez showed you our visibility generally consists to the South and that's our my landlord's house right there and then off to the west and you can see even off to the West um the lower portion of the monopol is buffered by the oak trees working through the RF package this is for variz and wireless they are trying to solve a gap in service basically there's six towers um you have them up along the um I75 Corridor on the west side so I75 up by the county line and then um as you come down um we going to call it the Handcock seed exit and then as you are coming down towards St Joe Road on this side you have Dade City then as you head up along 301 Corridor this is Verizon's current coverage from those six towers green is reliable Red's unreliable if there's no color they're not having um coverage in this 4G band the yellow dot which they conveniently put on the light cream background um is right there in the middle and I do apologize for the visibility issue and then here's the proposed coverage from the monopole so what it does is it gives us coverage it gives Verizon coverage throughout the Blanton area um houses that extend further out and then along Blandon Road and then this is just a map showing uh the coverage T proposed along the way okay and the last thing I'd like to bring to your attention is 911 call statistics um so anyways uh the vast majority of our of our 911 calls that we received today are from uh wireless phones because we don't have wirelines anymore with that I'm available for any questions that you may have thank you all right thank you very much any questions at the moment all right thank you we'll uh see what questions come from the audience here and we'll deal with that thank you so you'd like to come up and speak who else would like to speak on this anybody else okay uh my name is Carol Cruz and I live at 17500 Spring Valley Road Dave City Florida and I just want to say one thing I am not against cell towers I believe we need them but they should be properly put in the right places a cell tower has radio frequencies which go out from this Tower I don't care if it's a tower with one pole 10 poles seven poles whatever it's a cell tower and it sends out radio frequencies radio frequencies are measured in hertz which is equal to a number of isolation cycles per second that is the periodic motion and the repeats itself over and over again it has known for many years that exposure to H high levels of radio frequency energy Heats biological tissue known as thermal effect the radio frequency at cell towers is higher than the human body can tolerate the radio frequency levels of a human being that can tolerate anywhere from 300 from 30 to 300 Hertz a cell tower sends out over 700 Hertz which is almost 2 and 1 half times higher than the human body can tolerate the World Health Organization on cancer research has classified radio frequency electromagnetic fields as a possible cause of some types of cancer in humans the electromagnetic field heats the body tissue including the brain which can cause cancer of the brain the World Health Organization also says that there's a strong evidence that exposure to radio frequency waves from cell towers can cause other health issues the result of some studies of maternal exposure during pregnancy is more than 50 hertz of a radio frequency have shown risk of congenital malformations fetal childhood development disorders and other fetal Cancers and conditions other effects of radio frequency documentations of scientific research studies include headaches sleep issues memory deficits ma'am can I just interrupt you because I want to make sure you have adequate time the Planning Commission is not a lot to consider health effects from C Towers we're actually preempted by Telecommunications Act and our own code we can't consider that if you have other reasons why you're objecting to this tower that are more aesthetic based or compatibility based then I'd rather you focus on that because this body cannot consider that any alleged health effects from the cell tower well the cell towers that is being placed the singular monop pole is right next to a development with many children many children and they play on that road right around that area and that is a safety issue that's for children I mean come on and it's just it a cell tower should be not placed in within any residence within a quarter of a mile because of its radio frequencies that are sending off okay you're still arguing about the health effects of the tower I'm asking do you have an objection to the tower unrelated to its health effects no no because that's the main issue and I think that's one of the most important issues that I could bring up is Health okay unfortunately the federal government has told us we can't consider that so I just want asked if you had anything else okay thank all right all right you like to uh come up and address whether you wish to or not the any of those pardon me something said I asked if you wanted to speak she raised her hand earlier she did okay she did yeah sorry I just wanted to ask um when the neighborhood meeting was because I think and I could be wrong that I saw it was in um uh St Leo that's a long away from where this was put up none of us knew there was a neighborhood meeting so uh I maybe it was advertized but word certainly didn't get around so and if they're going to have it it'd be nice if they had it close by The Neighborhood somehow you know St Leah's a bit of a ways out thank you all right good afternoon Matt Nia John uh just to start um as uh Council gold scene brought to the planning commission's attention and I would be laps in uh my practice if I didn't mention it there is a federal preemption of um of local government considering RF admissions under 47 USC section 332 it's not competent substantial evidence uh just to Circle back around to the community meeting uh we it was properly noticed we held it my office manager spent several days looking for a for a compliant place to locate it um notice was sent out so I I mean I I followed the code and I would hope I considered unethical in my practice there like March 26 and there was four people that signed in on the neighborhood meeting sign and we had discussion and I had neighbors that were there so um anyways so um I would draw you back to the zone to The Confident substantial evidence of this application which is before you today you have your staff's expert recommendation of approval you have the RF Consultants expert recommendation of approval we have taken care to site this in a location where um it should be you know next to another uh utility use to try to create a logical locationing for those types of uses um I've shown you that our that Verizon does have a need to serve the area and I would respectfully request that uh you recommend approval to the board of County Commissioners with staff's proposed conditions of approval thank you thank you thank you for your time Miss John would you the testimony we heard was related to safety of the Tower of falling would you address that issue again I know you address it already in your presentation absolutely so to begin with the monopole will be designed to the eighth edition of the Florida building codes the 2023 version and um also the I'm going to get the code I'm going to get the abbreviation wrongs a c-22 wind exposure uh which basically means the monopole and everything designed the monopole and everything attached to it is designed to meet both our Florida building Cod and our wind loading if there was to be a structural failure it's actually designed with a pre-engineered crimp point so that way it folds over upon itself um and this is this isn't new technology uh monopoles are basically a derivative of the design of structure that we use for Interstate lights so my example that I normally give people is the interstate exit for Kings Highway in Charlotte County in 2004 if you remember Charlie went down there and across that Interstate exit and all those lights were folded over upon themselves that's fall zone um technology in action basically the lamp post folds over upon itself so it doesn't block the travel Lane exact same engineering okay all right any anything else any other questions okay thank you very much okay so I a motion please just want to make a comment to um U Ma I forgot your name but um what what you were talking about was basically the it's how microwaves were discovered microwave oven were created and so in radio frequency that creates heating but it's has to do with proximity to it um so so you have see now I'm sorry we don't speak in floor so so you you have that same thing in your house the microwave oven and that's what that's what that does it heats up but you know and that's one of the reasons why we can't um why we preempted by federal law to to consider those health effects because you know there's there's no competent evidence out there that says that those frequencies of radiation creating kind of cancer any other kind of health effects from we use them every day in our own our own homes so I understand where you're coming from in terms of the the concerns but um so far we we've been living around cell phone towers for quite a while and and so far everything's okay so well the other main point is that if we denied the application based upon a law that we said we can't we can't base it upon then it would have no effect so it wouldn't accomplish what you want anyway so um we have a uh we have the presentation do we have a motion yeah i' move approval of PCA any further I'll second it second any further discussion yeah I just want to point out to the lady I I heard the comment about we the people that's you need to go talk to your congressmen and your Senators we didn't make that law we are preempted by that law our hands are tied I'm not saying I don't believe you there are some things I do believe but in our capacity we have no ability to take that argument into consideration as as they say it's above our pay grade when it comes to federal laws so we have a motion and we have a second any further discussion from here all in favor signify by saying I I I oos like sign motion carries thank you for your time thank you thank you betterle oft phone itself yeah I've been told by a lot of experts this is more dangerous to than any this go this goes to the board yeah yeah for for just for your information I think the question from the floor was does this go to the board of County Commissioners the answer is yes this is a recommendation from us so you can attend the appropriate Board of County Commission meeting and we have a list of those many meeting dates and and this is scheduled for the board of County Commissioners on June 4th 2024 at 1:30 p.m. in the same chamber okay thank you all right Mr Ms that not all Planning Commission Mee I I I was about to I was about to make the honeymoon speech because I think this is the record for 2024 by the commission you're welcome okay he's our good luck charm ex yeah see how long move move move toour Mr chair okay motion second second all right all in favor okay thank you very much out h [Music] [Music] County waterways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollutants directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy environment for fish water foul and other equire animals storm drains are meant for clean rainwater most other discharges are illegal if you suspect an illicit discharge please contact Pasco County Department of Public Works at 72783 43611 hey Tampa Bay let's come together to conserve water when it rains or rain is in the forecast skip a week of watering and save up to 2500 gallons of water once a week watering restrictions are in effect know your day Tampa Bay go to mywater day.org [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh a [Music] [Music] a [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] me they've helped me keep my home uh raising my two grandboys uh if it wasn't for them I wouldn't uh I don't know where we would be purpose of Human Services is to see how we can best meet the needs of the Pasco County Citizens there are various needs um housing food medical needs various things mental health at both offices we have four core programs one is the eheat program which is the emergency home home energy assistance program and we help with P du electric bills for that in addition we have something called The Cremation burial service we can help Indigent families in Pasco County uh bury their loved one if they are not able to afford cremation and burial um we have a program called hicra so if someone from Pasco County has Emergency Services provided to them outside of the county we can help assist them in paying for those bills um we also have something called Roundup so we could pass pay help pay for p do um water bills to come here when they have the funding they will do everything in their power to help you if we don't have the funding or the ability to help them we try to connect them with agencies around the county that can help them with um whatever they need but we're a group of 10 very friendly helpful willing to support our citizens as best we can um we're very resourceful so if you want to reach us you can go to my paso. um you can also call the offices or stop in we're happy to help we want you to come and you know see us [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] attention all dogs and cats did you know you need a pet license to live in Pasco County that's right if you are 4 months or older you need to be like liced but don't worry there are so many easy ways your owner can get your tag you can purchase one from your local veterinarian you can grab a tag online order by mail or schedule an appointment to visit Pasco County Animal Services and getting a pet license is very simple you only need two things to get it done a current rabies vaccination and a small license fee still have questions that's okay we're here to help for more on how to purchase your tag what items you need to get one and the fees just have your owner visit my paso. s we want to welcome you to the Human Services collaboration [Music] station the collaboration station is basically an idea of bringing Community Partners together with the Human Services team through the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners so we can serve the citizens in one Hub or one facet to really create the connectivity between our partners and our not for-profits in the community as well as our case managers and the work that they do our Community Partners play a massive role in serving our community um they conduct certain services that you know we don't have funding for or that they have specific funding for our Human Services I feel is the heartbeat of the Public Services Branch they provide case management and connect resources to our citizens in need so having this collaboration station and bringing in Community Partners is going to make it so much easier for them to connect those Services right here on the spot so I think that collaboration station really feels a good voice right we're able to bring everyone together uh to to provide the needs for for