[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now I call back to order the Pasco County Board of County Commission meeting uh June 18th 2024 please silence all electronic devices and mute your microphones uh this time is time for public hearing starting with ordinances uh item P39 okay P39 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times April 17th 20124 good afternoon Mr chairman marcario Pito planning and economic growth uh P item P39 is an ordinance about the invasive species Management program to address invasive plants in Pasco County this is being requested uh for a continuance to the August 21 2024 board county Comm meeting in newp Richie at 1:30 p.m. August 21 2024 okay so this is a continuous need a motion move approval to continue to uh date August 21st yes sir I need a second I'll second okay I got a motion to Second for continuous to August 21st 2024 all those in favor say I I I motion passed 3 z uh going to P40 okay P40 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times December 20th uh 2023 item P40 is an ordinance amending of the Pasco County comprehensive plan from res 3 and AG to PD plan development uh this is the plan development with a sub policy to flu 7112 known as Fletcher uh this is a request for a continuance to the August 21 2024 BCC meeting here in newort Rich at 1:30 p.m. August 21 2024 yes okay I need a motion can August 21 okay a second I'll second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 30 Z p41 p41 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times February 21st 2024 item p41 is in ordinance amending the Pasco County comprehensive plan providing for text amendments to the Future land use element pertaining to Industrial compatibility adjacent to Wetlands commercial infi development and Commercial location limitations providing for text amendments to the Future land use element appendix sections flu A4 calculations of residential densities and flu A6 the official land use math providing for text amendments to the conservation element pertaining to to Industrial compatibility adjacent to Wetlands and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repealer severability and an effective date uh this comes to you with the recommendation of approval uh from the local planning agency and uh we request that the board approve adopt the ordinance by roll call vote and if a presentation is desired we may we can make one okay is there a uh a sheet up there for people to sign up because I haven't we haven't got one nobody signed oh okay okay nobody signed up that's what we need to know okay all right is there anyone um does anybody wish to have uh go through the whole list or I'm fine a presentation you okay all right is anyone in audience wish speak to this item this is a public hearing seeing no one motion move approval second got a motion and second all those in favor say I a roll call vote call vote excuse me District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner joer hi District Five commissioner Mariano district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 4 [Applause] z um p42 p42 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times January 3rd and June 5th 2024 item p42 is peg 24115 this is in ordinance amending the Pasco County comprehensive plan providing for text amendments to chapter 2 future land cement repealing future land cement map series 2-2 Coastal High Hazard areas and evacuation routes and replacing with map 2-2 Coastal High Hazard areas and adaptation action areas text Amendments of chapter 4 Coastal management element repealing Coastal management element map 4-1 Coastal area Coastal High Hazard area and providing for additional txt amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repealer severability and an effective date this comes to you with a recommendation uh for approval and a request to adopt the ordinance by roll call vote there's a presentation if so desired and I wish for presentation see another one it says the public hearing there's no one signed up but is there anybody on web web act at all no sir nobody on web Act is anyone in the audience wish to speak to this item see you no one uh no no no you can't speak from there come up here come forward this is item 42 item 42 did you want to speak the mstu is item 45 okay all right uh since no want us to speak pleasure of the board move approval second motion second all those in favor roll call Vote Yes sir District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner joer I District 5 commissioner Mariano district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 40 move to 43 P 43 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times April 17th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings okay item p43 is peg2 2498 this is an ordinance amending the Pasco County comprehensive plan providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-15 and sheet 03 from ilil industrial Light to Comm commercial on approximately 4.82 Acres of real property located on the north side of New York Avenue approximately. 3 Mile East of Diagonal Road and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repealer cability and an effective date this comes you with recommendation of approval and to adopt the ordinance by roll call vote okay and there's a presentation if desired and no one signed up for is anyone in audience wish to speak to p43 this is a public hearing okay seeing no one pleasure of the board approval second all those in favor say I I I roll call excuse me roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky District Four commissioner joer District Five commissioner Marano district one chairman Oakley all motion pass 4 Z move to p44 p44 was advertised in Tampa Bay Times May 1st 2024 and by affida of certified mailings and site postings item p44 is peg2 24262 this is an ordinance amending the Pesco County comprehensive plan providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-15 and Sheet 12 from res 3 residential three dwelling units per gross acre to Comm commercial o office and con conservation on approximately 8 .84 Acres of real property located on the southern side of State Road 52 approximately 3,300 ft west of landel Lakes Boulevard providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repealer cability and an effective date this comes to you with recommendation for approval from the local planning agency and request to adopt the ordinance by roll CVO okay uh this is public hearing anyone on no one signed up anyone on website no sir okay no one on uh anyone in audience wish to speak to p44 see a no one closure of the board move approval got a motion second um and under discussion I just second in discussion make sure that that we they are putting a sidewalk uh on their property this is a comprehensive plan Amendment yeah you deal you deal that with with your site planning okay just make sure site planning someone make sure okay my roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Jagger hi District Five commissioner Mariano district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 4 Z now we come to p45 okay p45 was advertised in Tampa Bay Times May 22nd 2024 um this item was continued from June 4th to today okay good afternoon Justin Grant Public infrastructure fiscal and business administration director FIFA 24- 0326 is an ordinance creating a Road rehabilitation services Municipal taxing unit providing for boundaries the unit providing for Levy of avalor tax providing for the municipal services to be funded repealing replacing Pasco County ordinance 22-6 4 and ordinance 23-35 providing for severability providing for inclusion in the Pasco County code of ordinances providing for limitations in on actions and providing for an effective date the full presentation from our June 4th meeting is attached here we'll go through the first couple slides we've got three or four slides here added um as a result of the board's continuance and direction that we received okay so brief uh brief uh recap here on the timeline right back in uh December 22 ordinance 2264 uh started us down this journey uh and and established uh the local road mstu then in April of 2023 structural and legal changes uh delayed that implementation by a year due to some challenges uh back then in September uh ordinance 2335 amended boundaries and provided for an appeals process with the structure that was outlined in that ordinance and then ultimately in January as we started to work to implement that uh tax data revealed some additional implementation challenges which has led us to the ordinance that is presented to here today so a quick comparison between those two ordinances the current ordinance that is adopted focuses only on local roads uh multiple excluded classes created some challenges there um and we've discussed those at length in Prior sessions and this would also require the formation of an appell board to deal with appeals uh with some of those excluded classes so there in the blue we've got the proposed ordinance and in brief here this applies uniformally to all unincorporated uh parcels and expands the services uh to artero collector Road types and it removes most of those implementation challenges so now we get to uh what happened last time in on June 4th right on June 4th uh we presented this ordinance and and ultimately uh the board voted to continue that item till today and directed staff to create an option that would retire the pvas program um and would eliminate Billings and balances so I'll give a quick quick synopsis here of the financial impact uh if the board chooses to take those options so you see the graph here um this is uh 8.5 million is presented here before you which is 8.1 is composed of current principal um and 400,000 is current interest and so this waiver would also mean that we would cease collection uh efforts on these assessments that are current the next set of actions that the board would have to take uh to implement this would be would also require the board to uh cease placing unbuild past projects on future tax rols we have an item after this in this hearing uh that ultimately we' recommend be continued uh to the July hearing um and that would be composed of 16 projects uh totaling an estimated uh principal amount of about 4 and a. half million and this would be this would not be build to Residents this is an annual process that every year when PS projects are completed uh the team Works to aggregate all those costs and then ultimately put them on the tax rols pursuant to the entire pvas process here in number three there's three p projects that have an estimated of 2.2 million in expenditures that were approved under the methodology these have not yet uh that horse has not yet left the barn right so we haven't issued ntps and so the recommendation here uh under the set of actions that would need to be done would be that we would pause that and shift that over to the mstu finally uh the board would need to direct staff to take the necessary steps uh to adopt an ordinance extinguishing current Paving assessment debt and in preparation for this item uh staff is already working on something should the board direct us to do it to come back in the July hearing to provide the board with that ordinance that would provide them the authority to do this so I'll pause here because the rest of the presentation here is what was heard and presented at the last board meeting and feel questions if there are any okay thank Mr Whitman thank you chair just appreciate all your and the whole team's work on this post last board so to confirm in layman's terms this proposal that we're voting on today we're going to forgive all existing posos payments owed to the county so the proposal today uh and what we've worked very closely with the county attorney's office to draft is to eliminate all current debt and so we would stop assessing anything moving forward so um so say someone was in a 10-year assessment right and they were in year seven right we would not uh pursue collection efforts on the remaining three years and so I know one of the the goals that was outlined by this commission was uh was in consideration for this mstu was the appearance of two items for like purposes right albe it different on the same tax bill right this would eliminate that and then we would also th for those that paid and full upfront would receive essentially a reimbursement we're outlining a process to do that yes sir okay two good points second thing and we would still have the ability to work with the cdds and potentially some HOAs individually on a caseby casee basis to work through some of their potential concerns and challenges with ro if I can we would not be working with HOAs we would we could work with cdds um the HOAs roads would be private and so there's not unless you were going to take their roads and make them public roads which I don't think is in the cards that wouldn't be that wouldn't be a choice but um cdds roads are Quasi Public public roads um we could as I discussed with the commissioner we could enter into interlocal agreements to take collectors from them if that was the board's desire um because there are some some cdds that are maintaining what function as a County collector that are ungated that we could fund through this MST okay thank you for clarification County attorney that's it okay anyone else any other questions I'm just glad we're here today um you know we are one of the only counties in America who does it still this oldfashioned way and um it was not a good use of our staff's time and the Public's time to go through that petition process neighbor against neighbor and and to come up here and then do all that work and then have it fall apart um so I I'm glad we're moving on to more more uh a better way to do this program right exactly so this is a public hearing so uh no one signed up for it but I believe we have some people that would like to speak to p45 and if they will they'll come line up behind the podium and to speak to p45 anyone in the audience wish to speak to this item and I can't can't be sure but I think we've answered most of your questions so you got to wait till you get here so give me your name and address for the clerk yes sir my name is angelene Middle pull that pull that mic down right right on the end just turn it down okay can you hear me that's good yes ma'am okay my name is Angeline middle initial ZZ and zebra last name Figaroa and I'm here to object to the paving assessment I don't know what he mentioned I didn't understand what he was talking about I don't know if he was against it or for it we need your address ma'am I'm sorry address oh I'm sorry it's 8822 Huntsman Lane Port Richie Florida 34668 that's in the Bear Creek subdivision I received a letter uh accepting taxes to pay for the paving assessment and the amount was for to collect from me but that's if you guys uh okay that's accept it that's not this item but it's not the paving assessment this is this collec this ordinance is to do away with the paving Assessment program okay which I assume we be in support of my apologies but that's okay I oppose it I'm not I wrote a letter and I uh submitted it and I had it notorized at the uh so your item let's yeah I put a letter would be the would be the addendum 91 um but if you wish to go ahead and make your comments now we can probably take them well I so you received the letter it was just basically uh I'm disabled I'm a senior citizen okay I live by myself at home and uh I pay property taxes which again I oppose that as well because we all know it's unconstitutional and uh said as I wrote on the letter I am a disabled senior with limited income and do not own tangible assets but I had but had I my financial strain could have been eased why is the Department of Public Works Paving Assessment program in times of hyperinflation also economic crisis want to enforce these costs on property taxes bill under your uniform tax collection method thus compounding more hardship to lives of families with children and disabled seniors why not create positive constructive Solutions and not inflict the brink of Destruction adding more Misery we pay for absolutely all in this world and feel the pressure as well as are awake to this corrupt governments no disrespect to you but we mean this to the corrupt governments this is not freedom I object to this in just we the people want to live a free peaceful and loving caring compassionate world please remember that graduated taxation is unconstitutional I digress respectfully Angeline Z Figaroa okay thank you thank you thank you for your comments yes ma'am he's in love thank you is anyone else in the room wish to speak to this item seeing no one pleasure of the board oh my goodness move to approve okay got a motion second on a second roll call vot roll call vote it's a Big E all right District Two commissioner waitman hi District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner joer hi District Five commissioner Mariano District district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 4 z y great people be happy with that's a milestone in this country of Pasco County County you will have another ordinance you'll need to vote on in your July meeting to there's another one compl to complete this right but now we'll start can uh Mr Steiner will you go over the procedures be happy to Mr chairman there are two resoning agendas regular and consent staff will present each application to the board of County Commissioners if staff or Planning Commission has recommended approval and there's no opposition the application will be considered by the board without further presentation if staff or Planning Commission has recommended denial or if there is opposition to the application the applicant will be given five minutes for presentation the opposition will be given three minutes for each individual or five minutes for group representative and the applicant will be given three minutes for rebuttal any individual disagreeing with staff for Planning Commission recommendation or anyone wishing to object to any condition of of the rezoning May at this time request that the petition be pulled from the consent agenda in which case that application will be heard under the regular agenda later on during the meeting otherwise all resoning applications on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion and vote if you wish to speak to any petition please give your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record these are Quasi judicial public hearings the law in Florida is that mere public support or opposition of an application is insufficient for this board to take action please Adit your comments to those criteria found within the board's Land Development code Madam clerk would you like to swear the public in yes sir all right if you plan to speak on any of these items please stand and raise your right hand no one I do not think she's speaking okay do we need to do it well I don't see anybody we'll wait until until they come up okay we'll be sure if they speak to Okay uh the first item I guess is p46 yes sir p46 was advertised in Tampa Bay Times May 1st 2024 good afternoon Denise Hernandez planning and economic growth Department item p46 is Peg 2477 39 it's a zoning Amendment Fletcher MP Mary L Fletcher revocable trust and Richard D Fletcher the request is a staff uh requested continuance to the August 21st 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie okay this is a public hearing it's a continuance item continuous so I need a motion continue I move to continue second what's the date August 21st 2024 1:30 Newport Richie okay so I've got a motion a second all those in favor second a i i i motion pass 40 move on to p47 p47 was advertised in Tampa Bay Times May 1st 2024 p47 is Peg 24773 it's a zoning amendment in the names of Theon and Gordana banovic and the request is to continue the item to the August 21st 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie move to continue second a motion second to continue all those in favor say I I I I I motion pass 40 p48 p48 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times May 1st 2024 and by affida of certified mailings and site postings p48 is pg24 7784 it's a zoning amendment in the names of William J and Brent a Norwood Norwood irrevocable trust and Norwood Workshop LLC it's for a change in zoning from an R1 single family mobile home district and C2 General commercial district with conditions to a C2 General commercial district with a deed restriction reserving the uses for commercial uses also known as a live local act deed restriction comes here with a recommendation from the planning and economic growth and the Planning Commission of approval okay all right this is our first consent item uh which number is this this is item p48 48 48 P 48 first consent item uh anyone here in AUD wish to speak against this item see a no one leave it on consent move to p49 p49 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times May 1st 2024 and by affida of certified mailings and site postings p49 is Peg 224778 6 it's a zoning amendment in the names of w Wilson jader and Matthew Hernandez For Change in zoning from an mpud master plan unit development District to an AR agricultural residential district comes you with a recommendation of approval from the planning an economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay is anyone here to speak to this item p49 seeing no one leave it on consent move on to p50 p50 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times April 17 2024 and by appid of certified mailings and site postings item p50 is pg24 7788 zoning amendment in the name of tokus LLC from for a change in zoning from a C2 General commercial District to an AR agricultural residential district comes here with recommendation of approval from the planning and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay is anyone here to speak against this item see no one do we have another item or two agenda but it's a continuous that that ends your consent agenda I believe yeah this one here yep agre okay so I'll entertain a motion on the consent items which are move to approve second p48 p49 and p 50 50 second I got a motion in second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 40 okay your last public hearing item is p AP 91 um which is the resolution of stat establishing special assessment leans and staff is requesting a continuance to your July meeting which is what they okay now we're going to hear it good afternoon Mr chairman members of the board I'm Jason ml Public Works director um the the item we have here is a request for continuance uh resolution of Pasco County Florida establishing special assessment leans for certain Paving assessment projects Bear Creek pvest number 3197 Holiday Drive Bita road to Lang Road pvest number 3481 Michelle Avenue pvest number 3469 Palm Lake pvest number 3406 SE for Drive pvest number 3461 Seagull Drive past number 3471 sunfist Drive pvest number 3476 winry Boulevard pest number 345 authorizing and providing for the collection of special assessment for each of the name projects by the tax collector in accordance with the uniform method for the levy collection and enforcement of non-ad assessment pursuant to section 19 197 3632 Florida Statutes and providing for an effective date and again that's U recommended recommended for continuance before you say that this was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times May 22nd 2024 okay and the motion is continue to the July 9th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 or soon thereafter as same may be heard in Dade City yep okay accept uh my motion as county attorney's statement and I'll second that and that is to move it to July 9th if I'm not mistaken correct 2024 okay I got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 40 that ends our public hear hearing now we uh moved back to ordinary business and we left off with Miss starky yes who was going to finish in a couple minutes I am um so on that Landscaping program I just want you to know so far we've logged in this is these are kind of old members actually these are from June so they've continued on we have a month more but um 145 total cases 67 are in compliance 39 are in uh have received a citation um 15 of those are working to come into compliance with the county attorney's office 21 were closed administratively nine are currently in warning status and nine are pending on receiving plants um and I think some of those ones that were closed have to be opened back up because the they were an error on not citing um businesses who are cutting trees into little lollipops and little pyramids because they're supposed to be trees not little pyramids so they they've got to go back to those also we made it really easy for the businesses we said if you can't if you can't find your site plan and um you can instead of using the original landscape plan you can just use the current one um which I think we've improved upon so um so that that makes it easy for them and also we have Landscaping grants available that are are matching grants so I want to put that out there to Industry and to businesses that we are here to here to help you uh along that line I've been meeting with people in the sign industry and um when a when when you have a strip center say and it's an old strip center and and we actually had this at the Holiday mall at moo and 19 that Mark gold bought um if you have a nonconform in sign and you have a tenant who wants to put a new wall sign on the building they cannot put a sign up until they've taken down their non-conforming sign um so uh we want to make that a little easier for businesses I still believe in that rule um we're get we've gotten a lot of signs down um but but it does make a bit of a hardship for some of the businesses that have moved in and are reliant on the um L the the property owner to get that done in a timely fashion so um this is language from the county attorney's office from my meeting with them and and and people in the sign business yesterday we want to request staff to consider making an amendment to the non-conforming sign Provisions to allow signs on site while the non-conforming sign is being taken down so if if there is a plan to take the old non-conforming sign down we want to and they've signed an agreement that that will be coming down we want to let the businesses go ahead and get their Wallside so I it's very Pro business so I figured you guys would be okay with that I also want that's to bring back an amendment to the ordinance yeah they'll bring it back under one of those glitch deals um I I also want to um publicize that we do also U through our economic um development office have money available for companies who want help want or need help in changing those signs out that are on the street so there are grants available we because we we we want to encourage um that cleanup and so so uh people may not know that we're in the process of making a brochure so that the um companies know what resources are available to them if would you be opposed if if we're going to kind of run a quote unquote glinch bill on signs could we do that with fences particularly around with chain linking the industrial properties that we've run in challenges with kind of run those parallel with each other what's what's the problem uh cabal help me articulate this I think the issue is some industrial folks have complained that ornamental fences aren't exactly pragmatic to their to their business and that things like chain link provide added security stability and things like like that for certain types of businesses well uh chain link doesn't provide any security you climb right over that more visual Visual and it's sturdier doesn't blow in a rainstorm and it's less of an expense on the business when we changed the rules there's B there's several businesses in our office was contacted and we've run them through uh our bureaucracy on trying to figure out a way to fix it and the fences were there before they were on the property but because the business changed use those businesses got hemmed up in our new rules and they had to go through preap site plan they had to hire land use attorneys um and the cases that came to us chain link made perfect sense instead of like PVC or or vinyl fence and it was one of these issues where the one size fits all captured certain businesses where that type of of safety product if you will just didn't make sense and you bring this up kind of brings back an opportunity if you'd be meable to it to open it back up and have staff take a look to try to be more flexible with our fence rules there so if we can run them together okay um How about if it's um if they if there's a special exception so it's not everybody that it's coated and it doesn't have Bob wire on it cuz we don't want our yeah bar barb wire is not wasn't the is was not the concern they weren't want they were wanting the higher fence they could see in potentially mess have the F like lands they weren't necessar even opposed to the landscape they have to have landsape it was the this the quality of the fencing to protect what they have inside of there and then in a wind storm it doesn't blow away it could keep I mean these are work sites keep are you talk whatever blowing away no no no there's there's several I guess I'd be okay if uh they came in and ask CU I don't want to just blanket um no it would be surgical kind of like what you're doing here with your it need would need to be coated and maybe um you know make sure we have very good Landscaping so so this is only on collector arterial and important roads in the county it's not on every road we're just trying to get away from Bob wire and chain link on our main assets so so we need them in the motion to run these kind of glitch Bill scenarios in tandem yeah well one is the LDC and one is we normally Run glitches together anyway it's a package if the if the board's direction is to to deal with that previous amendment to fences and refine it a little more for certain businesses is I think staff can do that so speaking for for my team more than Denise but I think that I don't think that that's problem Denise here but caral you're familiar with the cases I've SE we've talked about right are they large Parcels is that why they're objecting to the vertical metal fence miss that last part commissioner I'm sorry are they like larger Parcels because larger industrial type users I mean what you're suggesting is a special exception and maybe we can work and craft language that would provide relief to a certain segment yeah because it currently we don't have the flexibility whatsoever and there's mounting penalties from code enforcement and Etc and it's to to me it's a bit bit much just you know I'm I'm look at I drive by that site on um Rowan you might know it Rowan and pine Ranch Road all the time chain length bob wire and now they you know it's supposed to be a visual barrier so they've got that green fabric on it that should never have been in that place at the be at the first place but it's at the entrance to Nature's Hideaway and um it's very very inappropriate to be out in front of a neighborhood on a major collector like that so um I'm just would be selective um certainly no B wire but I'll give into the coded and maybe some kind of extra Landscaping yeah the on larger Parcels yeah the sites that I'm referencing these businesses this the fencing has been there for probably a decade or more well then it's already there uhuh because it was a change in use they had they've been put through the the fencing ringer uh it's been a learning experience so I figure it's a good is it on 41 okay because go I hope we get that road cleaned up before while we're trying to Ru International companies so I I'll I'll second commissioner starky's amended motion I guess you have to amend your motion to into the glinch what's your motion now have bring back um well we'll see it in the glitch bill um will you brief us before the language before how does that work I mean what should the motion be I don't I don't know if it's a motion I think it's just board Direction actually we would we I think that I think we'd like a motion basically that staff that the board is authorizing staff to proceed with adding fencing and The Limited issue on fencing and The Limited issue on signs as the Commissioners have described to the next to the next round of glitch bills that's second ltdc thank you commissioner St motion second I'll all those in favor say I I I okay motion pass 4 zero oh Denise is in what we done are you done did you need us did we do okay I I was talking to a customer so if you told me what we were talking about oh well we just added a little work for you problem on signs a little glitch on the signs and a little glitch on fencing um I'm completely familiar with the glitch on the signs what is the glitch on fencing we're the new the the most recent amendment to fencing oh no chain link the noain AR that there are certain exceptions that okay for with conditions um coded extra landscaping and not a big parcel got it okay where' you go wow we weing through this meeting today okay are you done I think so I reserve my right to remember I reserve my right right to remember something no no more right all right Miss Jagger um let's see well we exciting things in District 4 um we went to the sun sunrise breakfast oh never mind we Let's see we went to the Magnolia um Magnolia Oaks veterans groundbreaking so that was exciting commissioner Oakley and commissioner r with me um so that's very exciting that's going in right down the street and then we went to the ribbon cutting for the Metropolitan Ministries daycare um commissioner starky mentioned that and commissioner rman and commissioner Oakley you were there too right which one was no he was no he wasn't there no I wasn't at that one no so um was very excited I um asked if any way we could help with the daycare and uh we also attended the sunrise breakfast for domestic violence and that was uh what's happening in District 4 okay um Z's not here we'll go to Mr cabal thank you Mr chair just a couple of quick items here um I've spoken to uh board members about some of the opioid task force dollars and making some allocations uh to some of our um um Public Safety needs of that and so I I've my team has worked with county attorney's office and I'd like uh i' like the board to to adopt this motion if possible to um allocate uh some some of the some of the monies off of the top to use for our Public Safety needs so I will read this since it was uh crafted for me here motion would be to recommend that the opioid taskforce allocate $750,000 per year of the opioid settlement funds for years two three and four for Public Safety needs as determined by the board of County Commissioners related to opioid use disorder substance abuse disorder and co-occurring mental health conditions consistent with the uses specifically authorized under the Community abatement plan and the Florida opioid allocation and Statewide response agreement did you need a motion uh I'll make that motion okay I got a motion I'll second on a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 4 Z thank you uh the other item I have is actually a bit of a urgent uh urgent matter with respect to a fire alarm system at the West Pasco judicial Center um so subject to County attorney review of of the task order I'd like to uh have the board delegate the authority to me to award a contract or task order in the amount not to exceed $300,000 to replace the fire alarm system at the West Pasco judicial Center uh facilities does have the funding to replace the system in their uh working capital budget uh and is working with a vendor on a Cooperative contract to have a replacement quote but uh we really want to make sure that we don't end up with firat or any other items out there at the West Pasco judicial Center okay how does a fire alarm system go bad I'll let Mr Brighton buck answer [Laughter] that can I say I went through that security system the other day that's a pretty crazy security system over there it's worse than the airport your key card lets you in all sorts of doors oh thank you just FYI I remember that he needs a motion on that but I think he wants a his question answered first the typical um component failures that occur circuit boards will overheat and go bad and there are also uh sensing devices will will um fail over time and this particular system is so old the team cannot find replacement parts to to repair Mak sense all right move approval second motion second all in favor say i i i motion pass 4 Z thank you thank you uh the other thing I wanted to mention is actually it's been a couple meetings I wanted to I wanted to hit this in time with graduation but uh we've had some truncated uh comment time but uh uh Pasco County Board of County Commissioners uh has participated in the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay School to work program for the past two years um and so a lot of these uh really the the the idea behind this program is that a lot of young folks uh leave high school without really having a clear plan whether that's College whether it's going into vocational studies or or schools and so what the school work program does is it takes folks uh takes students um and gives them exposure to workplace environment and so matches them with with mentors who encourage them to to reach their full potential um and and so it basically helps them you know prepare for life and so we were I think Joanna we were the first agency here in Pasco County to to you know Embrace Embrace this program so it's a little bit beyond your your um the Big Brothers Big Sisters program where where you adopt a little through throughout you know different different types of Youth but uh this partnership was was fantastic so uh I started in it actually uh my My Little Jacob uh is is actually graduating and and I think actually may be pursuing a career in public safety JJ if I'm not if I'm not mistaken as a as a result of this um but we had uh many many folks we exposed them to County government uh and and a lot of the things that we do for our community so it was uh actually a huge success I think we're going to try to do it again um my thanks to the volunteers within the county these are all busy folks that that volunteer to uh to work and and assist these uh assist these folks um as as they moved on so I don't know Joanna did I miss anything regards to the program I I don't know if we have any bigs here that are Paula right so is that the jaws of life right there yeah they're battery powered now wow yeah those are very heavy that's a wi okay that it I think that's it for now sir yes sir okay I remember mine what I got one right here well I can go before after you have to wait what's your pleasure you have to wait all right all right Mr to Center Mr chairman members of the board um last night I sent you out a notice that canceled the litigation assessment meeting for today and it also had attached to it a settlement agreement that was reached in the matter of uh Nikki Alvarez Souls uh Clerk and comproller versus Pasco County um the budget dispute uh litigation um both outside Council and I have reviewed it um we believe that it is in the best interest of the county to um execute it and so I would like a motion to have the uh chair board board authorized the settlement agreement and authorize the chair to sign it move approval second all right got a motion in second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 4 z um and I based on the you board's adoption of item 45 the mstu ordinance I would be remiss if I didn't reach out and thank uh Mr Goldstein and Miss wolf Graham for all of their work work in late nights in trying to come up with the board's Direction at the last meeting and revising the ordinance to be presented to you today that's all I have thank you that's everything all right um I don't have anything except a proud parent moment because there's maybe some alumni of boy state in here but my son was just elected city clerk of Williamsburg at boy State and is running for the House of Representatives oh he's up there this week in Tallahasse so that's pretty [Laughter] cool great um let me see I have a few items most of them been covered um where my paperwork here one item we of course um made no yolks was great outing yesterday morning I told him it was it was great and a real warm feeling for East Pasco Dade City born resident to come over and be met in the morning at Magnolia Oaks for housing for Veterans uh with the fact that all the W people and their trucks and their American flags were all sitting there waiting as we're coming in so it was very uh remarkable for me and a very warm Gathering once I saw that I felt like I was writing d City because uh the presence of w is so much in the East Pasco County so but it was it was a great thing that day there a milestone for Pasco housing authority to be building houses for veterans affordable housing for patterns um then I went uh the week before I went to the 50th anniversary celebration of Area Agency on Aging um that was held on uh June 7th and it was at the what was this the hell hell senior activity centers where it was hell so very very good program very good uh oh you see some pictures Gus was there of course and uh but they do a great job for our seniors and we need to be very thankful for uh for you know the opportunity to work and help as many seniors did I think they came up with a number since there have been existence in the 50 years a million 7,000 seniors that we've helped in Pasco County and in P County so was great for that agency okay and um that's it nope me that's it for me I'm back up This concerns representative jger all right go ahead um so on sadly the governor um vetoed the project that wasn't even in representative jer's district it was in representative Steel's District but it's Riverside Village there are I think about 50 homes who who when it rains um their sidewalks turn brown and their streets from the failed septic system that can't be fixed so um it is fgua territory and um they've been trying for two years to get a um an appropriation to help fix it but um we need to do something and um representative joer and his staff found a grant that we can apply for so I he pinged me again this morning to make sure that we are on top of that Grant because it it closes very quickly but he called up to because when the governor vetoed that appropriation he said there's $500 million set aside for projects like that and um he wanted and so we dug into it and you told me we were on it so I told him we were on it and we're going to get that application right so just making sure we're on top of that um also um the County Administrator and I met with Brian what's his name from Swift Armstrong Ryan Armstrong out at um starky Ranch to talk about um a couple of issues I want to make sure that's moving forward um getting that gate and that easement um back into good public use and what it's what's happening with that with that gate easement now and and um also that piece of property that's out there at The Preserve that we talked about with him and with you um I haven't seen anything on it yet um then I've been asked by one of the land use attorneys if there's been movement on that and um lastly um oh yeah the and then bridge over the anklet river that connects the northern part of the Wilderness Park to the southern part of the Wilderness Park and um I wanted to remind my fellow board members and staff that no is in Tampa this summer um and July July like 13th to the 16th or something like that at the Marriott so this is a very great opportunity for our County and staff to partake of all the wonderful things that you can learn about and participate in at n is Ralph Tampa Ralph here Ralph are you bird dog in that event is that on your last send out an itinerary maybe to everybody something like whoever corbal or has it if you want to if you want to see it we can get it on the calendar I mean it's right here so and commissioner starky um I also talked to Mike about that same neighborhood the other day as well um the uh the uh Riverside Village yep yeah so I sure hope we can find a way to help them that's good well you brought it up about Brian Armstrong and and Swift I would like to say that we going to call them and at times they are very helpful in getting some projects and issues uh taken care of and just lately had an issue with u some mitigation area and and they got it settled so the company in behind one Pasco Center project will move forward and be a big part in Pasco County right there in 75 and at the northeast corner of 75 and 52 so so and that's on the move so they're Northeast or Southeast Northeast it's a different project right behind one passco Center um the other project that we need um to be working on with Swift Mud is the um ability to put uh a uh sidewalk or Trail through Connor preserve um with 52 with that sidewalk um by the way we we were successful and getting do to um widen and heighten the Critter crossing that's that's near the Conor preserve so that we could now have a bike trail going under 52 the new part of 52 instead of trying to go over 52 um so so we'll have because there are plans in the county to have a trail go from I think that's your District uh who has Shady Hills and 4G Ranch that's Jack 4G ranch or 4G is mine but okay so the other side of East the west side of 41 is Jacks north of this on the east side of 41 okay is it on the Southeast side that's my side well it's Conor preserve all the way up to crossbar and albar that's that's where the trail is going to go okay both you so there will be a multi wonderful multi-use Trail going up that route and now we're going to be able to go right under 52 instead of trying to go over it with a pedestrian bridge or or something is everything okay um at the no meeting we did bring up the um saying this for the AAS not just for she here for all of you because you were there you know they they kind of moved 54 and 41 out like three or four more years and we are not happy about that so um I I had talked to Senator Hooper about um about this issue and he said you put it in the fiveyear work plan I will find the money so um so they said that the design part of it is in the fiveyear work plan not not much more but we're going to work real hard to help get that money to accelerate the 544 one overpass because we can't wait till the middle of 2035 for them to start building that thing so is Linda har in the audience Amanda Amanda excuse me Amanda come forward Amanda but also I misunderstood what she was telling me so this I got to hear names and they don't work and I can't hear thank you chair um my name is Amanda Hart it's um 12438 citation Road in Spring Hill Florida um I've met with many of you over the past 13 years my company black Media Group has um the current contract for Transit advertising for Basco County and I had a meeting with um purchasing this morning and it was shared with me that they are not going to be renewing the um Transit advertising contract and there's a problem as far as I see it because we have current advertisers that are um advertising on the buses and in my current contracted state that if let's just say the RFP were were to go out as scheduled that if a new company came on they would inherit those advertisers so I was informed about an hour and a half ago um that I am to remove all of the advertisements off of the buses and that all the current contracts even though my contract currently stays that this would continue to go on that I'm supposed to remove every Advertiser off of those buses um right now um we're netting approximately approximately 100 I write the county a check for approximately $117,000 every month and my contract's for 5 years so it's about a million dollar project and I asked um purchasing who made this decision today and they told me that staff did okay you take that with staff cuz I mean so I here to to speak to the board to ask for a 6mon extension to my contract until we can figure out how this is going to go for my current advertisers these current advertisers are small businesses within Pasco County that I have contracts with it's a reflection of not my company but also the county well that's something you have to take up with that staff so and then they go through the right channels Mr cabala yes Mr chair thank you um commissioner Mariano did Express an interest of joining in on the meeting I think he had an opinion I think I think we sent him a WebEx link is he no no no not yet okay um this has kind of come come to my attention here very very recently again it's it's my understanding that the it's a five-year contract right and so like all contracts the the board votes on them they they end some contracts we renew uh through rfps other contracts we don't for for operational decisions I I I will say and I'm you know I would defer to Kathy Pearson or Nina if they're around but you know I mean I'm I'm looking at the at the business case for it again I don't know what was in your contract or what was what was put forward but I mean the contract as a whole is is essentially meeting only the minimum guarantee uh it is it is falling short nearly 60% of what the revenue projections were when the county entered into this contract it's my understanding that staff are actually looking at other Revenue generating opportunities more more modern type Revenue opportunities uh perhaps looking at I would say inflight service or those those types of things they had some branding concerns as well since we reband branded is go Pasco um to provide more awareness to the go Pasco brand versus making them mobile ads um you know again it's an operational business decision I'm looking to the department heads to uh you know make up that Revenue through other through other means but uh you know I look at it it's been a fiveyear run uh contract looks like it was anticipated to generate just my rough numbers to two and a half million so making a million over five years still falls short of what the revenue expectations would be for the contract that's what I have here in front of me okay um I have not had an opportunity to sit down and delve into this deeper or or have a conversation with missart but I'll defer to whatever the board wants have to go back through the staff chairman yes sir uh M caral I had a uh she's not here her procurement your our procurement head car Carrie uh Miss Hart shared her concerns about her existing contract with me and she stated that the RFP I wish she was here she's in the building uh was to not be renewed because of some potential decisions or opinion coming out of the state legislature okay uh and it was a concern it wasn't there was nothing statutorily that was passed and um so that was really the the mechanism that's led to I think to this point today so I ask that you get with her and discuss whatever that means before we just ask a contract from a Lo a long longtime contract from a good business here in the county well I mean not we can't we're not I'm not prepared to talk about this at all I mean I have no so we can't I don't know take action here I'm sorry so Kathy when does the or Miss har you probably know as well when when does the contract expire the contract does expire June 30th and the reason that I brought it to the board today and I understand if the if staff wants to go in a different different direction I'm 100% and we'll Embrace that my concern is with the advertisers because I wasn't made aware of it before the end of my contract I'm more concerned about the advertisers such as Advent health and the large advertisers that we have on the buses is to make sure that we live up to our end of the contract because I wasn't given any notification that this was going to end which is fine again if the staff wants to go in a different direction I again will Embrace that but I'm concerned of in regards to the advertisers within our County these are small business businesses that have made sacrifices and able in order to advertise on these buses with all due respect your contract said that it was a cumulative five-year deal and then it was over yes sir yes yes sir yes sir Mr County attorney if you entered into contracts that extended beyond that time that's on you no sir according to my contract it states that I can write I can write contracts up until contract says if you're terminated for convenience the new vendor would have to pick up this contract is going to expire that is correct that's not termination for convenience you're relying on a provision that doesn't apply I I think it's based upon however you see it as well how we've been doing this we've been doing Transit advertising in Pasco County for over 15 years and the contract is written that if another company were to take on this RFP they would they would take on the active contracts and nowhere States in my current contract that I am no longer allowed to write contracts for Transit advertising no that's your business decision and if and your liability that's not how it was explained to me and that's not how it's been done that's not IND industry standard either all right thank you that's thank you anything else to add here anything else Mr cabala yes sir good to everyone thank the staff for everything they do um I always want to remember that you know in this team it's no eye there's there's teamwork all the way around so every department is at the top so we certainly appreciate everything all their employees too thank you with that we adjourn why emergency [Music] e --------- [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning good morning and welcome to the uh County Board of County Commission meeting 10:00 a.m. on June 18th 2024 call to order at this time and please silence all electronic devices and uh now stand with me for invocation and Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen I pledge Ali to the flag of the United States of Amica America and to the for it stands one nation indivisible withy andice for all Madam clerk would you please call the RO District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky District Four commissioner joerger here District Five commissioner Mariano district one chairman Oakley here and I'll let it be known that we have a quorum present and and now is the time for public comment citizens are given opportunity to comment on uh any current or future agenda items coming before the board and uh on other business under the board's preview today's uh public comment would be handled as follows first we would take public comment for all those that are here in person then we would take public comment for those that are registered on WebEx and then currently on Q uh we request that when you make uh address the board comments are not directed toward personally toward a commissioner or a team member but rather directed at the issues this provides mutual respect uh between board members and the public after after stating your name and address for the clerk a three-minute timer will be activated after 2 minutes a single beep will sound giving you one minute minute left when your time is up two two beeps will sound and you should end your comments uh web exp participant will be disconnected automatically Madam clerk do we have people signed up to speak this morning yes sir we do um the first one is Charlie Rogers name and address for the clerk yes uh Charlie Rogers 4650 Bab Boulevard Unit 1028 Port Richie thank you good morning Commissioners and staff my name is Charlie Rogers and I serve as the president of San Pebble 3 Condominium Association comprised of buildings number 10 11 and 12 located at 4650 4620 and 4550 Bay Boulevard Port Richie in Pascal County each building is six stories in height with 40 units per building for a total of 120 unit owners in addition I serve as the treasurer for our Master Association at Sand Pebble point which is comprised of more than 400 owners and almost 1,000 residents our buildings are constructed with conventionally reinforced concrete slabs beams and columns with masonry exterior walls our private units are accessed by exterior elevated walkways which are finished with a painted texture stuck of veneer after the failure of the Surfside condominium South Florida our state legislature has mandated that all Condominiums of three stories or more in 30 years of age must complete a milestone and structural Integrity Reserve study s report prior to the end of this year and establish the funding mechanism to address any deficiencies noted in this report we have engaged Karen's engineering to assist us with these mandated state requirements we invited six local contractors to bid on our exterior building envelope restoration including but not limited to reinforce concrete repairs stucco and masonary restoration guardwell replacement walkway and select balcony waterproofing membrane application sealant application painting and other work is directed and defined our preliminary estimates exceed $1.1 million per building which would require a $3 to $35 special assessment per unit we have many retired residents who are living on on Social Security and fixed incomes that are very concerned as to how they will be able to pay for these required items as taxpayers in Pasco County we were asking you all as our County Commissioners to assist us in addressing these concerns uh by contacting and supporting our state legislature to grant us additional time to come in compliance with these mandated regulations many of our residents are fearful of losing their homes due to these required mandates by Year's End which would result in a significant loss of tax revenue to the county and declining values of the properties going forward we do understand the importance of these new requirements but are appealing to the state for some assistance in the timing required to adhere and enforce these mandates we are seeking your assistance and guidance in asking our legislators to give us some additional time to address these issues and prepare for the costly improvements that are being required for us to address thank you for your consideration and any assistance you can provide to us our residents going forward thank you for your comments May the record show that uh commissioner starky has join joined us at the day okay okay thank you Monica sep when you approach the podium uh start with your name and address for the record thank you my name is Monica sep my address is 13117 Lauderdale Street in Hudson thank you good morning Commissioners and guests a couple of my concerns as well as other residents is we're just wondering why the sheriff's department is not enforcing the trespass agreements that were set in place by the County Commissioners on vacant properties um I still see some trespassing going on on a few properties around the area one by Windsor Mills the post office and as well as 19 in 52 behind McDonald's where there's been several fires and one of our other concern concerns is it's been 14 months since April of 2023 since the town hall meeting with a couple of the County Commissioners I think it was Mr Jack Mariano and Mrs Katherine starky um that we were talking about putting up uh tiny tents or tiny homes or and purchasing a property to where some of these um homeless people can be relocated to get them off of private properties who are owned by other residents here um and I haven't I was wondering where that might be standing as I haven't seen any signs of any of that moving forward um I would also like to uh thank everyone and recognize count code enforcement officers who are out working in the areas um as diligently as they can to get Pasco County back to the great place it was okay thank you uh Kathy you want to meet her in the back there so Kathy parison will meet you out back and give you some information okay okay so the last individual signed up in person is ly trpy and again name and address for the record thank you my name is Linda tripy my address is 17636 Hickory Tree Court loots Florida in the Sierra Pines mebrook Estates neighborhood and we could we have the picture of the of the map of the neighborhood please instead Gina thank you our neighborhood is located our neighborhood is located just east of uh the Sun Coast Parkway bordered on the North by State Road 54 on the south by uh the County Line Hillsboro County Line you can see the two access roads into our neighborhood we have just the two from L Lake Fern 1.3 miles into our neighborhood and then continues on for ways and then met Brook Drive from the north from State Road 54 our neighborhood uh started being planted in 19 in the 1970s by reader development and they had bought the two uh Parcels making up the sier Pines portion of Hillsboro County back then and paved it so our road uh and the access road the southern access road is 52 years old at this point it's never been repaved and I completed the petition form and the old past program back in 2015 asking our County to um include serin's Boulevard the uh Hillsboro County portion in the pvest program of course that's been suspended now so I'm here asking the Pasco BCC to include it in the new program and then I have pictures of the road if you'll put those up again Gina pictures of the road uh this is typical of pictures y'all seen I'm sure before heavy rains you know will cause these go ahead and show the next one please you know patch upon patch and then um the sides of the roads are you know bad too um that's my first point I have six points total um and of course many times throughout the years we've actually had the potholes connect and form a trench all the way across the road so it's practically impassible um Pasco County code uh that we have shows that a neighborhood of our size 456 private Parcels if you'll show that the the the county code requires our road our neighborhood to have two accesses this is the county code Realtors have told me that even though some of their clients liked our neighborhood they chose not to buy because of the condition of the road um the most important point I think is the condition of the road that affects emergency um Services emergency you know medical emergencies St Joseph's Hospital North down in Lots Lake Fern I excuse me van dijke road is the closest hospital to any place in our neighborhood we on the south would go south over to Del mayri and down to Van djk those on the North would take the Sun Coast down um I I I just want to say that road is in Hillsboro County correct yes yes it is commissioner and I have talked with that commissioner but um uh commissioner jger this is now your District um I'm happy to fill you in on you know bford to yeah but I've been trying yeah this is about from 2015 you and I correct when you're are my commissioner yeah you want to meet her in the back and and or have someone meet her back there handle her thank you good morning thank you thank you that's everyone we have signed up um we do have one on WebEx we have one on WebEx okay so um okay let's see if there's anyone is anyone left in the audience that wish to speak this morning to public comment if you haven't signed up you could come forward now you don't get to oper you don't get two opportunities I just you can't speak you can't speak okay I didn't know if I can make a clarification no sorry have your buddy do it have your friend there do it no come for it state your name and address for the record Gregory hick 123000 Bear Creek Lane Hudson Florida 3466 7 good morning everyone I'm I'm speaking today on behalf of Dr Eddie Williams from Pasco Hernando State College and Recovery round table and what we have wanted to do is bring it to your attention and make a proposal to possibly put a voted member of the Round Table into the opioid task force onto their board we have um many individuals would that are like minded with everything that's going on uh professionals people working very hard in this battle against our opioid pandemic and we are trying to get one of our members unto this unto the task force that would be voted in and this is um pretty much what we would like to see happen if if it's all possible if it could even be considered it would be um greatly appreciated by all of us that are involved and uh Kathy's outside is she yeah Paula is there Paula could you uh meet this gentleman in the back and talk to him about his issue there with the opioid she'll meet you back there thank you so much guys have a great day yes sir next welcome good morning everyone I'm Gina ficaro um address my address is 14140 peace Boulevard Spring Hill Florida it's on the Pasco side and um I am here today because of the last meeting um I understand that um they wanted to try to close my church's food pantry my pastor has been in Pasco County for 16 years this is First Baptist Church of Hudson and to get rid of the homeless okay only 10% of the people that come are homeless we feed over 300 families and we do preach the gospel El every week we are fortunate that we have an East and a west campus but they both preach the Bible my pastor is very passionate about what he does and he saves a lot of people including myself I've been working at the church's food pantry volunteering at the church's food pantry for eight years now okay when I started we had maybe 30 35 families a week that we used to do now we're doing close to 300 sometimes even more families not just people families so figure out some families come there's nine some families come there's 10 okay these are not uh all homeless people these are a poor and our middle class families just trying to make ends meet that's all they're trying to do my truck is full of baby formula yes I'm even getting baby formula for these parents when we can I was fortunate enough another Pastor from another church gave me a box of formula I will bring it to my pantry for tomorrow's giving out okay and yes we do have mamas in the woods too which is sad okay there's no reason for that not in our country not in our County okay I know we can't save the world but we can make this place a little bit better okay the um homeless epidemic is not just a homeless epidemic iic it involves opioid epidemic um the uh um mental health and yes even human trafficking I know nobody wants to talk about that but no little child ever got said I want to grow up to be homeless or a little girl I want to grow up to be a prostitute nobody's ever said that I'm sure okay this we're doing this for the grace of God and that's all thank you thank you Kathy me we'll send someone in the back to meet with you ma'am hi um my name is Elma key ke and my address is 18005 Eagle Lane and I also live in subdivision 10 that includes CER Pines and also meow Brook Estates and I'm just here to make a comment uh about the fact that I I guess the current code requires any subdivision of more than 450 homes or 401 homes to have two Public Access roads right now we only have the one and if and the second one is just by the efforts and the generosity of our owners they repair potholes just to keep it passable but it could easily become impassible if you know the current owners are no longer able to donate their time and money and so I wanted to bring out a point that you know as Linda previously mentioned let's say a fire truck can't get in the the one Access Road is closed both of them are closed and you know a emergency vehicle can't get by and somebody somebody's house burns to the ground or you know a death occurs that was needless then I don't know I'm not an attorney but I would think that you know uh someone might try to sue the county too for for not you know bringing the neighborhood up to the current current standards of two access roads and I'm also a realtor and as Linda stated yeah the one Entrance Road that's you know maintained by the owners it's pretty pretty rough and it does affect the values we have homes from 300,000 up to one that recently sold for 1 a.2 million and I think if that road were repaired and maintained correctly then I think all the values would increase and development would go in there to create other $1.5 million homes so it would increase the tax revenue and that's that's all I have to say thank you very much yes ma'am name and address for the clerk good morning my name is Terry iolo I live at 17540 d line L Florida um I started working I'm here on behalf of Sierra Pine subdivision I was the original president of the homeowners association when in the N late 90s we formed the association primarily to take care of the road unfortunately it were the residents that didn't want to be assessed for that project that made us fail I spent many hours working with Hillsboro County they were open to the idea of taking the road unfortunately it fell through by our own residents I'd like to bring your attention that there is a road perpendicular to Sierra Pines about a 100 m um 100 feet to the east that is zoned by penel county that um is there for the benefit of the wellfields so there are situations that counties own um properties in other counties we do need you to consider our situation we've worked hard to try to do the best job we could as a subdivision we have and we disbanded the Homer Association primarily because the liabilities that only a very small portion of the community accepted so we had to disband the homeowners association and let whatever happened happen here we are again we need your help I hope that we can accomplish this thank you for your time thank you Mr chairman can I say something real quick yes I did go out there and explore um and I took someone a staff member it might have been Matt Campbell I can't remember who to look at the opportunity to take that wellfield road that that's in the St Pete owned wellfield and connect it to 54 cuz it it connects and you can actually go up mebrook and then then come over onto that road and it's a new North South Road taking pressure off of 54 so I'm happy to show that to you or someone if they want to you know explore it but I think it's a it's a good idea someone yeah we'll have someone check that out thank you name and address for the record Pastor JN Kwak uh 15925 green Glenn Lane Spring Hill Florida 34610 I just want wanted to come to support actually miss F Caro's um understanding uh you know as pastors we kind of have to stick together and since her pastor isn't here uh God moved me to come and speak on his behalf without his permission so um you know there is an idea that food pantries um are bad there's an idea that we are giving away food and that helps to support the homeless being in that area and I can tell you as I have met folks that go to Gina's church I know the folks that go to my church we have opened it up to the county we have opened it up we have collaborated with the county we collaborate with the local organizations such as the Continuum of Care which is the county has representation there as well and I would just you know hope that the Commissioners would support um you know whatever need uh arises we know there's a significant need um for answers to where we're going to move these folks um they are still you know we move them to Hernando they're going to come back we move them to pelis they're going to come back we move them to Hillsboro they're going to come back there is a greater need and so I just would hope that as as we have the opportunity to obtain funding to do the things that are needed the the the care you know case management you know for for my church food is just the way to bring them in and then when we get them there we help to minister them I have I'm just going to say it out loud I have put people in my car and got them to detox I've got them to rehab I've got them to counseling you know and I believe these are the things that Pastor Steve is doing if I'm res representing the correct person I know that that's what he's doing and he's collaborating with other folks besides you know his church members and I've I've talked with many people that have benefited so I am happy to talk with anyone with regards to the ways to improve to connect um I go to the COC meetings you know I'm actively involved and I do express my voice as many of you understand and agree with that thought so I would just ask that you you know do what you can if there's an issue with regards to that food pantry that is outside of their control that you would support an effort that would allow them to continue to do work to assist folks to get on their feet thank you thank you for your comments Kathy did you already speak have you spoke to this lady meet her in the back she'll come meet you in the back is anyone else in the audience wish to speak at this time seeing no one we'll go to webx okay so we have a uh Mr Chris Shepard online Mr Shephard are you there can you hear me I can hear you if you'll give your name and address for the record sir and then you can speak my name is good morning Commissioners my name is Chris sheeper I live at 17715 Driftwood Lane loots Florida uh I'm here to talk about the Sierra Pines Boulevard um twice how it works is my father and myself and a couple other people once a year maybe twice a year we get we use my dump trailer and we go down to Ajax where we get asphal and uh we use donations and we patch that road like I said said once or twice a year we've been doing it for the last 10 to 15 years now and it's getting so bad that you know the road so deteriorating that you know we just can't keep up with putting Band-Aids on it and we're using people who drive down the road and donate stop and donate money and we have a uh my mother keeps the account and that's the money we use the donations to patch the road but like I said we're using my truck and my equipment the last 10 years that it's just getting so bad that we can't keep up anymore with it and uh it's not just the residents that use that road when we're patching it I see you know the the postal post office uses it Amazon so like I said it's just getting so bad that we can't keep up with it anymore uh that's just really I wanted to you know tell you how bad it's getting um but that's all I really had to say okay thank you for your comments it's not our it's not it's not in our county is that is that a County Road no it's in Hillsboro County hillsbor oh that's all Hillsboro I keep saying we don't pay not our road the problem we have is we don't pave roads in Hillsburgh County so okay anyone else no sir that is it no one else then uh we'll close public comment and we'll move on to resolutions rs1 okay let me make sure I have the right one in the right order stand by yes I do okay so is anyone here um any of the students receiving the first place award for um water awareness poster contest if you're here please come up and bring your families with just come stand up at the podium hello six all right okay we're all here maybe the students want to come up closer to the podium I don't know maybe not maybe they're shy there we go yeah all right I'm going to go ahead and read to go ahead and read the resolution okay this is resolution number 24-14 a resolution by The Bard of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida recognizing and commending Pasco County elementary students receiving first place for their respective grade levels in the 15th annual water awareness poster contest whereas Clean safe and sustainable water resources are vital to Pasco County's economy and environment and its citizens and whereas the steps we can take to protect and preserve our water through educational Partnerships and positive actions are encouraged throughout Pasco County and whereas the water awareness poster contest was developed jointly by Pasco County utilities and the Florida governmental Utility Authority fgua with the guidance of the Pasco County School Board to Champion Water Conservation education and whereas students are given the opportunity with the assistance of dedicated Pasco County School teachers to explore steam science technology engineering art and Mathematics Based Teaching materials that expand their knowledge of water related topics through artistic expression and whereas this year 1,229 posters were submitted with more than 21,000 entries submitted from Pasco County elementary schools since the program's Inception in 2010 and whereas winning posters were selected by a judging panel that included representatives from Pasco County Utilities the fgua and Community sponsors and whereas the posters chosen displayed exceptional artistic Merit creativity and Clarity of message and is representative of students at various levels of learning from kindergarten to fifth grade now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby thanks each participating student and teacher for their dedication in promoting water awareness through Pasco County and congratulates first place recipients alah Hesh Camila Rodriguez Sienna Carney Lucy Fernandez Christian montia and Ariana EMT for their outstanding achievement done and resolved in regular session with a quorum present in voting this 18th day of June 2024 move approval second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I I motion approved 4 Z welcome we have a speaker out there for this group darn morning Phoenix mckenny Pasco County utilities water conservation coordinator I'd like to thank everyone here on the board for your continued support of this program for the last 15 years working with uh Florida governmental utilities Association we've had the opportunity to work with a lot of really talented students sharing the information about the importance of water and water conservation and we appreciate your ongoing support and we congratulate these talented students they always amaze us with a really outstanding work that they present to us very good very good yes sir David aack with fgua the Florida governmental Utility Authority we just want to thank the bccc for hosting us today in Reading of the resolution we also want to thank the 43 teachers that participated in the 17 schools that participated in Pasco County and also the sponsors without their contribution we wouldn't have gone 15 years strong we're looking forward to the 16th year coming up in the year to come and to our students the ones that placed first second and third and the first place students that are here today coming to be recognized for their efforts with 1,229 students that did participate we have four students here to be recognized and with the 21,000 posts that have been submitted since 2009 it's been an incredible achievement this is when we take Art and Science and couple them together and they've developed learning and then visualizing and creating something really special so we're looking forward to doing it again next year yeah great job do any of the kids want to say their names and what school they go to and introduce yourselves hello my name is Siana Carney and what grade are you in second okay who who wants to go next my name is Lucille Fernandez and I'm in third game I'm in third grade sorry English we have our first grade or kindergarten first grade okay my name is CA okay hello my name is Christian Mona I am four grade okay do we have the fifth grade nope fifth grade didn't show up okay um and you're David Allen I Am David Allen utility director so just really quickly what grade are you in David I don't know yeah I'm still trying to figure that one out coming out a free day You' be all right what what I this fantastic partnership with with the sponsors and the community um with fgua uh the one thing I just did want to mention is would invite not only the Commissioners but everybody who's here in attendance today as you're walking out the the first through third place posters um are out in the lobby so please take a look at those um just fantastic artwork and I'm sure these parents are very proud of of the work that their their um kids are doing so thank you okay uh I know you've learn a lot about water since doing the pictures and the painting and we appreciate you learning all that but but I want to bring the point that you know when we have two day a week watering and the weather gets real dry and outside you need to turn that water sprinkler off and go to one day do you know that we save in Pasco County we save and and actually the Tampa Bay area we save 30 million gallons from being used every day by going from two days a week water and to one which is very it's amazing and getting a rainfall of one half to two inches in our in our area with our Three Counties we also can draw out of the rivers and water bodies up to 60 million gallons a day to go back in the reservoir to have water for our community so we conservation is very good and I appreciate everything that you kids have done and to learn about just that so thank you Mr White thank you chair you had to add on to Chairman Oakley statistics chairman don't isn't 65% of the water used to water plants fresh drinking water is't that the rough statistic 65% of water used to water the Lawns what is it 50 50% of the water used to water your grass and flowers is good quality drinking water that we use we need to survive so water conservation is incredibly incredibly important and just very proud of you all for taking time to understand how precious of a resource our water is and uh thank you to the parents out there for for cultivating interest uh in this subject matter in your kids because um it's a conversation that we'll have our entire Liv so congratulations to everybody who who who uh participated in fuga and the team good work and happy to support you guys next year M stkey yes I've always I've always enjoyed this contest and congratulations to all of you um artists out there and the parents for getting your kids involved in this and I will for sure go go check it all out but we're we're happy to have you here congratulations M Jagger well congratulations guys I was wondering if one of you could share with me um how on your poster like how you can conserve waterer I think that's perfect because I think at least three if not four of the students here have prepared statement they'd like to make before oh good it's a pop pop quiz can can someone turn the mic down for her pleas pull the mic down there you go there you go the end bends the very end of it bends the end of the mic bends down we have the micop there you go hello my name is Sienna Carney and I represent Shader Elementary I'm here to speak about pollution pollution is not good for for the environment it's not good for Animals the water Earth and many other things that is why it's so important to protect our environment I think that if we work together we can stop or reduce pollution to create a safer and Cleaner World for ourselves and everyone in the future Earth and nature needs our help thank you for your time have a wonderful day that's amazing would anybody else like to share no no okay come on up good morning everybody I am for I am chrisan mtia for GR elementary school today I want to talk about my my drawing about taking care of the water water is very important because our life very drop counts so with my drawing I want to Rise um every our ran say among people to take care of it and have a better life on the planet thank you for your time this is my drwing great job well if one of you has a copy of your poster I would love to frame it in my office so congratulations and great job guys okay is that everybody we can make that happen for you commission thank you okay uh if you come forward we get pictures and guess we I think you had one that maybe decided she want did we miss somebody yes come on up there you go um thank you my name is Lucille Fernandez and I'm in third grade and I'm representing for the School Countryside Monas and even though I don't have a page to talk about anything I've it's just an honor to be here and about my art I tried to create it to represent the water cycle and how we recycle water and keep this planet healthy and if we can keep on doing this together do the things the fundamentals to help this world I think there would be a less chance that there would be apocalypse well said well yes great job does the board want to stay up here there seems to be a lot of yall stay up behind on little ones in front good how are you I know that's a pretty I CEO engineer I we have extras I'm stand right right in here looks good thank you all great work congratulations [Applause] thank you okay we'll move to resolution two okay Mr tambasco you are up sir [Applause] 35 how many years all right he's not even 35 what's the [Music] deal it's all about you sir okay so this is resolution number 24-1 142 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida commending veto tambasco for third 35 years of dedicated service to Pasco County and congratulating him on his retirement whereas veto tambasco began his career with Pasco County uh with the facilities management department as a painter on September 25th 1989 and will be closing out his career as a facilities maintenance supervisor and whereas veto's outstanding work ethic was on display and evidenced daily earning him the respect of all constitutional offices Pasco County departments teammates and citizens and he has proven himself to be a tremendous leader to those he served and whereas veto worked diligently throughout Pasco County using his Proficiency in many different trades conducted early morning inspections and responded to emergencies at all times of the day or night to ensure safe and well-maintained buildings during the pandemic veto LED his team in responding to special requests to keep everyone in Pasco County safe and healthy in the workplace and whereas veto and his team have completed countless renovation projects and and have received accolades due to their exceptional work for example at the West Pasco judicial Center veto and his team remodeled the breakroom and transformed it into a beautiful Modern Cafe and whereas veto's ability to guide his team and understand their potential is what sets him apart as a leader as a result veto has received constellation Awards the 2018 and 2021 internal Services leader of the Year award the 2019 star performer award and the 2021 Pasco County leader of the Year award and whereas on June 28th 2024 veto will retire from the facilities management department and will be greatly missed by all who got the opportunity to work with him now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby expresses its deepest appreciation to veto tambasco for his 35 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Pasco County done and resolved in regular session with a quorum present in voting this 18th day of June 2024 move approval second and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 4 Z well welcome you do you have a team here with you just sir if I may I would like to say thank you to my wife and children for being here and support me all these years I want to say thank you to a he took over the department and changed our department to Andrew for continuing that change Jesse berar I know he doesn't like to hear it but the best manager I ever had had by far great person great worker and the greatest team of techs anybody could ever be honored to work with these guys are great we have two from the same department and we were going to do them together they can have separate photographs but and where's Miss eile where's Miss eileene let's let's bring her up as well is she in the same Department yes yeah oh special thanks to eile for all these years and everything else with facilities thank you swe out let's let's go ahead and read her resolution too we're going to read would you like me to read E's too and then okay yeah let's do that all right Miss Eileen come on up let me get the right one okay here we go okay this is resolution number 24-1 143 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida commending Eileen dubet for her 11 years of dedicated service to Pasco County and congratulating her on her retirement whereas Eileen dubet began her career with Pasco County with utilities department on September 16th 2013 and ended her career as a facility support coordinator with the facilities management department and whereas eileene has displayed outstanding work ethic excellent customer service coordination skills and the ability to multitask allowing her to Excel and earn the respect of all constitutional offices Pasco County departments and customers and whereas I leaned work thoroughly on many support tasks such as scheduling vendors and technicians to make repairs to buildings and structures to keep everyone safe and healthy in the workplace and using her proficiency to prepare and organize information and reports in support of Department maintenance budgeting and planning needs and whereas Eileen provided a pleasant and helpful experience to everyone and used her skills to shine during emergencies and storm events as she worked to assist the facilities maintenance supervisor and other team members and whereas eileene has plans to continue serving her community by volunteering at an animal shelter during her retirement and whereas on May 31st 2024 Eileen officially retired from the Pasco County facilities management department and will be greatly missed by all all who got the opportunity to work with her now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby expresses its deepest appreciation to Eileen dubet for her 11 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Pasco County done and resolved in regular session with a quorum present in voting this 18th day of June 2024 move to move for approval a motion and a second all those favor say I I goodness gracious what a great day is the whole department here yeah can I say something real quick eileene can you not retire until after Hurricane Season because it sounds like you're very valuable yeah what do you know that we don't know lady filling in for me will do just fine if I may say one more thing I know Eric does not like to hear this sorry pal but I told you I was going facilities is the best department in Pasco County by far [Laughter] sorry well I have a feeling that it's a close race on all departments and past through County because I feel the same way about each and every one of you so miss starky you want to say something well I just want to um congratulate both of you and um veto um you've had quite a career with us so um I know we're losing another really good one and uh I hope you have wonderful plans um here in the future and um we thank you for your thoughts on volunteering back with the county and wish you both um the best and there are so many of you down there but I'm going to come down and give these and then everyone else can can stand behind does anyone else want to say anything sure I just okay we haven't worked together for long but thank you thank you both for your 41 years combined dedicated service Pasco County and you know obviously the show of support from your teammates and colleagues uh tremendous turnout and appreciate all of you all supporting those who get to retire and hopefully we keep that formula going and everybody everybody gets to the retirement uh at some point in life so enjoy your time thank you for all you've done for us and uh congratulations did you have something else to say congratulations enjoy retirement and thank you both for your service to the county thank you I would congratulate both of you on your retirement I know it's it'll be different not having to get up and come in to work so I'm sure that you've trained people laterally and and Below you and to do that work for you to step up in that that position so I know facilities does a great job and I know on the east side every time we call we we get things done so it's it's really uh great to have the kind of people we have that work in facilities so pretty amazing the work they do and be able to match up things at times when we change a few things so it really works out great so thank you so go ahead and come up here and we'll uh get a picture everybody come on yeah the Expendable guys up [Music] here you will great job all right [Applause] guys hey by the way who's working today mrug [Laughter] [Music] that's right here that works had some good ones today oh wait you see the presentation at 11:30 okay that ends resol is correct it does yes now ac90 um um Jeff how do we deal with ac90 to walk on is this part of the consent is this part of our I've never seen AC that I got should I go through okay we missed it last meeting so okay so Now's the Time uh that ends our resolution so now is the time for our consent agenda uh I have a pool sheet that has uh c as pull C7 withdrawal C12 pull and revise c16 withdrawal c33 pull and revise n67 withdraw had so many on the sheet is there any other items to wish to pull to uh revise or discuss I don't have the um a pull sheet I don't have a pull sheet did we just have I have nothing like to see what that was do you have a cop copy okay share it we can share it maybe they don't know we're supposed to any other item C7 um2 we couldn't hear on the record because it was too loud in the back so do you mind rereading that for the record okay I'll reread this it be fineas all right on the pull sheet I have C7 withdrawal C12 pull and revise C c16 withdraw c33 pull and revise and C or n67 withdraw uh is there any other items wish to board member wish to pull if not I'll entertain a motion for the rest of items on the consent agenda i' I'd make that motion to approve making sure we have that um AC one including including the adendum including the addendum second okay got a motion second all those in favor say I I I I that motion passed 4 Z we'll move on to well c7's withdrawn Mr Baxter C12 pull and revise yes thank you Mr chairman members of the board Andrew Baxter Facilities Management director um we are revising this memo the uh title included a decrease of 36121 uh as the reduction however it should have been inclusive inclusive of the reduction in scope uh that was also part of this project and so the decrease now will be 265,000 and so that closes out this contract coming in under budget and then that returns to the CIP program right okay I'll spend it got a motion move approval second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I I I motion pass 4 Z move on uh c16 is withdrawn c33 is pulled and revised and comes Mar we have two copies here one signed one unsigned okay good run up there good morning Commissioners for the record Marcy esberg director of Community Development uh this is um these are agreements for the groundbreaking that you uh came to yesterday uh so uh we did have to make two Corrections uh for the unsigned agreement for Magnolia Oaks uh we removed the Pasco County Florida federally assisted housing Inc DBA from the first paragraph of the agreement and we corrected page page numbers 42- 45 the revisions to the signed agreement were correcting the page numbers 46 through 49 okay approve second we got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 4 Z I'm sorry I had to miss that groundbreaking I know it's been a long time coming my goodness it certainly but you'll be there for the Absolut ribbon cut absolutely 18 months I'll be stopping by all the time I drive by there all the that's a great project so okay that ends we're moving around here pretty quick [Applause] so 36 is it times certain at 11:30 certain and then you have 37 which is a bid protest okay that yeah we can do that so we do 37 r37 yes sir good morning Carrie Roberts purchasing director for the county um we're here to to talk about r37 the bid protest of the County Administrator decision for safe Corporation award to Rossman Enterprises DBA magnogrip Corporation for the bid number ifb Kem 24-38 for direct source diesel exhaust capture systems for fire stations there's no funding on this item I'd like to uh put into the record that we did replace one of the documents you had in your packet um the document takers document has been replaced with uh the new one that you have in front of you there were no other changes than that um so um board members this is the bid protest um the the timeline for the project was as follows we put out a we open bids on February 6th of 2024 we received two bids one from Rossman Enterprises that DBA and magnogrip and sair corporation on um 35 of 24 we met with magnogrip as the low bidder um that was staff met at the fire station to go over their bid to make sure that it fit fit the specs and to make sure there were no outstanding questions staff present included facilities and fire and purchasing on 318 we issued the notice of attent to award to magnogrip as the low bidder on 325 uh purchasing received a timely protest from safe air on 4:15 the County Administrator denied safe Air's protest and then on 4:29 of 24 safe air requested a review in front of you all as the board of County Commissioners the protest that was dated on 325 um it was submitted timely uh the safe air protest has stated that magn grip's product did not meet the specifications that their product was inferior and unproven and may create a patent infringement the County's response dated 4:15 was that we denied the protest uh County Administrator denied that protest safe air then responded back to the denial of the protest on 429 um they requested um that they come to you to um review the protest County staff then engaged a third-party engineer engineering Matrix as an independent third third party to review the product against the specifications to make sure that it was in line engineering Matrix Inc determined that magn grip's product did meet the specifications our recommendation at sta as staff is that you uphold the decision by the County Administrator to deny the protest by safeair per section 2124 G2 of the purchasing ordinance we do have both magnogrip and safeair here to speak with you today if you don't have any questions for me we'd invite safeair as the protester to speak first okay any questions see them not I can come up please state your name and address for the record so hi my name is stepen Burge my address is 709 South Harbor City Boulevard Melbourne Florida and I'm here on behalf of safeair and this is m Mr Wayne LS the CEO of safe has some uh packets he'd like to hand you have re file got a second I need a second a second I got a motion second to receiveing file all those in favor say I I motion pass 4 Z thank you need okay okay so first of all thank you uh Commissioners for your time um I'm going to try to keep this short we only have a few minutes I'm going to go over some things and we also Mr Wayne CEO and Mr Reggie Smith imagining partner if you have any specific questions um but I'd like to go over the highlights of our protest um safe air is the leading provider of Al air filtration systems and inv environmental products um with regards to this protest I want to highlight two of the products the first is airs controller this is a patented controller um that measures carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide levels and if they're too high it provides email and call uh notifications to warn people I mean these are going in fire stations go other places but this is a life safety issue um to to monitor these these levels um and safe air is the Sole Provider of ply movement products um with regards to that they have what's called their MX nozzle it it hangs down at the end of these hoses and it connects to the exhaust of the the equipment um and that'll come in uh uh important in a little bit but those are two uh key products they have others but those are two key products related to this protest I'd like to point out um in 2017 the county after looking around uh began working with safe air uh to determine how best to uh retrofit all of the fire stations in the county um with safe Air Products um as part of this safe air went around to all of the fire stations um they created you can see there's engineering drawings including um electrical drawings of every fire station in the county because that's the work they put in ahead of time um they also worked with the county to create the FEMA Grant and and to submit that and that's the funding that's coming for this proposal is from a FEMA Grant or at least 90% of it um and also as a result of this they were awarded as a subcontractor um five of the new fire stations to be installed uh there still working on some of them they're not all installed yet but five of the fire stations are being installed with safe Air Products additionally new vehicles um are being installed with to be compatible with safe Air Products I mean these are things that they're doing that we're moving forward um and just to to put it in perspective approximately $540,000 has been spent by the county so far investing in safeair products uh within its fire stations or will be by the time this is over with existing contracts um however after the FEMA Grant was awarded um the County bid out the rest of the 20 fire stations um as a side note uh before I get into the issues with with the magnet grip bid um if safe air is not awarded this contract magnet grip and safe air they are not compatible there's no interoperability so the equipment that's going to be equipped with uh magnogrip uh uh equipment they won't work in the safe air fire stations and vice versa so you're going to have an interoperability problem with the existing ones that you've already done um if safe air is not awarded this and I also did want to point out that Pasco uh county code allows for direct Soul Source contracts um to keep standardization across its system and that's a permissible thing that the code allows um but after the bids were evaluated uh the the staff decided that magnogrip as the lowest bidder um would be awarded the contract it an appear and you'll see this as I I go through that that the issue solely was related to price um there are two issues with the magn grip's bid the first is that it's not responsive magn magnogrip cannot meet the bid requirements um and this is in I don't know if you've read the letter it's included in your agenda packet um I'm just going to try to keep highlights but there's a requirement in the bid that there be a controller that monitors carbon di carbon monoxide nitrogen dioxide levels and sends out emails and phone calls if they reach unsafe levels that is a requirement in the bid as we stated safe air has a patent for that technology magnogrip cannot provide the requirement that's in the bid we believe that the county used safe airs other stuff that it was using for uh these existing five fire stations to come up with its bid but the reality is absent a patent infringement lawsuit magnogrip cannot deliver the county the bid the the the requirements that the bid stated it would that they just can't do it um the a copy of the patent is included in the agenda packet items that we submitted to you this isn't um you know something we're just making up this is a real patent it's been litigated before it's a valid patent um and and magnogrip cannot meet the bid requirements and as such it's not responsive um you will not get the requirements that the requirements that are in the bid magnogrip cannot provide um and I've cited again some case law in in the letter to to explain the importance of responsiveness and and that non-responsive biders should not be uh awarded contracts um the second issue is responsibility um I I'm sure the commission's familiar with the issue of low ball biders um in fact as I understand it there was a a uh one of the fire stations being built there was an issue with the general contractor um uh going bankrupt a low ball bid couldn't complete it let the bonding issues um it's an issue it's a big issue when a bidder comes in with a low ball price and then you you're left with either the bid not being able to be completed or significant amounts of change orders that cost the county significant money time and effort um and and along those lines the reason we know that the bid is low is because as part of this original this 5-year 2017 process in these engineering drawings um my client reviewed all of the electrical panels and you can see in each of those packets there's a drawing and then there's an electrical drawing um many of these Stations don't have adequate their breaker panels and I have Mr Lutz can can fill in some of the details but the breaker panels are full um there's no room for additional electrical and it's going to require um electrical plans electrical design and electrical changes which requires engineering um again I I will let uh Mr Lutz come after me and and explain some of the details but we're talking about approximately $240,000 in engineering plans in each of the city specific permits that need to be accounted for that as from we can tell from the public records we've received magnogrip did not account for at all um this is going to lead to you know again either change orders or failure of the of the contract um during the if you look at the actual bid and what occurred and this is in the letter as well um there are 20 stations um the as part of the bid process only nine of those stations were visited and inspected um so magnogrip is not aware of what's at the other 11 stations and what's required as part of it's processed beforehand safe grip is aware or safe air is aware and they have the engineering drawings to show it and those are included in the packet we gave you um overall we would really request that that you review this information and determine that uh magnogrip is not a responsive or responsible bidder and award this to safe air um alternatively we would request uh that you reject all bids and order a new bidding that takes into account the issues we're bringing up I me because this is a life safety issue for firefighters this isn't uh you know we're not putting trees in Parks I mean this is this is life safety equipment for firefighters and fire stations this is a big deal and and with that you know if you're you could also table this issue tomorrow at 10:00 station 20 our clients are giving the demonstration on how to use their new product you can go watch that everything I said you can review I we have we have backup in there and and you can do your own investigation look at this is a big issue um with with with life's on the line so if if if you are interested in what we've said you know at the very least table this issue do some investigation um and and then come back and revisit it if you need to but otherwise we would ask that uh you find that magnet grip is not responsive or responsible in award contract to Safe air um and I have Mr Lutz for any questions and myself as well okay any questions well I have some questions but I think it's more to staff than yeah the good morning morning my name is uh Wayne Lutz I'm Chief Executive Officer of safe air Corporation in the uh supplying of uh fire stations for nearly 45 years uh where the largest men manufacturer about 85% market share in the country um we've been working with Pasco County uh for 4 years uh since uh station 38 where uh with uh Flashman Garcia we basically did the engineering to evaluate how we were going to do the stations they continued on that uh process of uh setting up the specifications that best suited the firefighters in Pasco County uh so like uh my attorney said uh we are under contract right now for uh 20 which will be starting up uh tomorrow uh 17 which was the bankrupt uh contractor that we basically uh got involved backwards with the bonding company so as far as knowing the details of Pasco County there's nobody greater than us that understands your fire stations inside out and for low Bud contractors um and magnet grip does this all the time they'll come in low boil it and they'll change order you to death uh in ending I'll say this we're so confident of our product our product will have a 100% warranty for the life of the equipment no questions asked so that's just like a bumper-to-bumper warranty you'll have no skin in the game we were the ones that basically gave the uh the uh pricing for the grant which was $1.4 Million to let that money go and not use utilize it to the best of your ability and our ability is a waste of federal taxpayer funds you want only have 10% of the game so think about it again we invite you to see what we're doing at uh station 20 tomorrow and we appreciate the time thank you thanks sir thank you staff come back [Music] okay do you fail the um Mr chairman we're getting if I could interrupt I think for process we would I would rather you have the um Magna magnet grip present first and then and then ask all your questions of okay of staff I didn't there name and address for the record good morning my name is Greg roach 11449 Deerfield Cincinnati Ohio 45243 I'm the director of sales at magnogrip um I have a short statement I'll read that and I'm happy to answer any questions good morning magnogrip has been designing selling manufacturing and installing equipment to provide clean air to its customers since 1982 we've revolutionized the industry by replacing pneumatic connections to fire apparatus with with Magnetic connection with a magnetic connection nozzle that quickly became the industry standard our americanmade and American-owned family company has equipment installed in thousands of stations Nation Nationwide magnogrip is the manufacturer of its products and sells direct to its customers magnogrip is proud to sell direct to Pasco County and all of Florida we're also pleased to serve Pasco County by meeting all specifications set forth in the invitation to bid for the direct source capture system for the fire stations within the county we are happy to address any specific concerns or questions regarding our proposals or points within the protest received by the county otherwise we've enjoyed and already and looking forward to working with the county and the fire department thank you okay so you have any questions for him or you staff to come up and we'll ask them question I don't know if it's appropriate to say will you guarantee that there won't be change orders we we've met specifications within the ITB and we're happy to go through that point by Point um I I do have a few notes um that's impossible for me to say to say that answer um at this point well I think our bit our purchasing agent coming up okay um yes ma'am along those lines we did reach out to the references provided and there were no concerns from the other clients about excessive change orders or failure to meet spec okay um I guess I do have a question um if we have one style in some of the firehouses how does does that affect a style in a different Firehouse it's my understanding that there's an adapter but I'm going to let Chief Perez explain a little better okay good morning Tony Perez fire chief at Pasco County fire rescue good morning no so I was at that meeting at station n with Magna grip and that was one of the questions that was presented and they we went through the meeting we did a Hands-On uh this player demonstration they had an adapter that was able to attach to the the prime event system that would capture that exhaust um so we went through those went that was the cost of that adapter part of the bid or is that an addition that was part of the bid for the stations that currently have the pent system so when we started building these fire stations through facilities and and the negotiation and collaboration Prime event was included in that so now that we went out for a bid and we were granted the bid and we went to the lowest bidder magnogrip came in first place or or won the bid or was awarded the bid um so that's where we met with the gentlemen from Magna grip and we went through this this process of station n and did we use the other company's drawings to go out for the bid no ma'am it's my understanding that when we were a we were going for the grant award we did asked for some specifications uh we did ask them for a quote I'm sorry they provide us a quote we did not ask them for drawings they offered the drawings to fire department staff they sent the drawings but those drawings were not used as part of the grant process and um are we losing $1.4 million what I no ma'am we're we're taking advantage of the Grant and it will be for the awarded amount okay I guess those were my questions I'm not sure about the specific of the grant if we can use the remaining money on the table for anything else that's a that's kind of outside my perview okay and not from there you need to come up to M you can't answer from back there the money can be used as long as it's within the realm of the project uh again at that point that is decision between FEMA and the county um but but the money can be used for any number of things in fact you can also go back to FEMA and say we request to use it in a totally different way it takes a little bit more paperwork but in terms of using the money for the uh the remaining money in terms of um the scope of the project it's it's it's it's typical but um that's all okay chairman yes Mr White thank you chair this is I guess a procedural question well two question but one's procedurally so safe air has been doing business and Pasco as a sub to a prime contractor yes sir that's their involvement here yes sir so because a sub a prime contractor picked a sub safe's argument is simply saying because they were a sub now the County's handcuffed in having to use them because at no choice of our own they were picked to be a sub on other projects so if that's the case that really is a hindrance to the procurement process and getting bids if systems aren't compatible correct and then you're looking at you know potentially Soul Source opportunities which then eliminates the opportunity for a competitive bid that's concerning to me for one because these are high dollar infrastructure project forestations so you have any comments on this scenario yes sir so we do not specify unless absolutely necessary the name brand of the system we typically tend to use performance-based specs where we say it has to accomplish X Y and Z that way any system can fit the need in this case we are able to utilize their system with an adapter that hooks in so we are not so sourced into that one system okay and then next question is for chief so Chief do you have any concerns with the staff recommend recommendation for the awarde any concerns to your troops that are living there working there with using the system as compared to the other no sir no concerns thank you Chief you're welcome so there's a savings in this bid yes sir the a magnet grip system is $1,598 77 and the safe air bid was one $1,560 th000 okay wait say those numbers again roughly $400,000 savings about $440,000 yes ma'am and I that gentleman's standing up so I think he wanted to we gave magnet come forward to speak yes sir come forward I recommend you folks like I said I've been involved I was one of the members that got FEMA afg Grant started for back in 2002 uh if you don't believe or do believe whoever you want to believe and that's why we're coming to you call Kathy Peterson at fuma headquarters on K Street in Washington and ask her about using supplemental funds left over and you will get an answer and it's not his answer thank you well I don't want to lose 1.4 million to save 400,000 so I guess I think we need that answer ma'am we're not going to lose the funding the the bid specifications at the bid process we're going to be awarded the grant amount we're only going to use 1 Point 1.1 million on it on this project but we had supplemental funds left over there there's about 300,000 left we can use it for related systems so we don't have to use the entire amount in one F swoop with this B we can use it for related so we're not going to lose the award okay yeah thank you chair as the specifies yeah I I just going forward I guess is best management practice within this process if there are potential conflicts between equipment that Subs use that could interfere in a bidding process I guess let's not be naive to that uh and that way there's not a conflict that way all equipment if we get a better price on one brand over other they work seamlessly in concert together and it sounds like this will happen here um and basically we've been told that this basically same type equipment right yes sir well so I appreciate safe A's uh commitment to Pasco County and keeping firefighters safe Across the Nation it seems and doing business here and we welcome friendly comp comptition in our Market we want the best contractors that we we can in Pasco County but with that I'll I'll make a motion to uphold staff approval I'll second it got a motion a second second yeah that would be that would be to deny the protest correct correct okay that's the motion to deny the protest and I have a second to that okay all those in favor say I I all oppos like sign hearing none it passes 4 Z okay thank you your group here because item 38 would be the award oh okay okay so change motion for this one and we're back director and chief Tony Perez fire chief for this item it is r36 the award of bid number ifb 38 I'm sorry 38 ifb Kem 24038 to Rossman Enterprises Inc EBA magnogrip direct source diesel exhaust capture system for fire stations um the presentation is basically the same if you have any questions I can repeat the numbers if you'd like but you have all the information in your packet we just request award move approval on R38 motion second and a second all those in favor say I I motion passed for zero all we move time we got Mr chair um all the recipients and participants for your 11:30 are here if you want oh they are here so we'll bring them forward we're good Reinhardt H Reinhardt yes r36 and there she is okay all right this is very special I'm sorry Jack's not here he'll watch the video um later have a video or don't don't you have a presentation yeah yeah well he'll watch the video of this this is um live on YouTube I think it's YouTube okay cool yeah you thank you um good morning yes still morning we'll lighten it up a little bit but we do right important message also so my name is Reinhardt Cy and I'm here to talk about a international project from the Rotary Club of Newport Richie and Rotary International um why are we here we have a project that was built on the relationship established between Pasco County and gersheim in Germany and my goal here is to create awareness about the German dual education system where practical training in a workplace and theoretical education at a Vocational School AR combined and how we might be able to use that here uh how we got there is that Pasco County and germersheim District have a relationship already which included visits by County officials from Pasco to Germany and student exchanges between River Ridge and uh G gersheim schools and Commissioners have a special interest in this particular region of Germany because it's the high-tech region where Mercedes and seans and cariz and companies like that are settled uh so we had a two years ago I think it was uh we had the German ambassador Andrea seagull here and uh we signed the document of friendship between Pasco and uh uh the gersheim land chist uh where do I their government land Crist is their government where where do I fit into this uh a couple of things one I do manage uh a local business here in Trinity which is uh defense and Industrial I am a product of the Dual education system I'm a member of the Pasco EDC Global competitive committee where we're trying to bring companies into this County mainly International companies and I'm also a member of the Newport Richie rotary and serve on that internet National Committee so uh gersheim is a town city in the South southwestern part of Germany on the uh near the French border um when I heard about all this going on I decided I needed to go there and see if we couldn't also have a friendship between our rotaries so I went there and I was welcomed and we created a friendship between the Rotary Club of germersheim and the one of Newport Richie as you can see on some of these pictures it was lucky it's also a beautiful beautiful area wine region of uh of Germany and and I think yeah France is right over those right on the on the on the French border so you can pretty much walk or bike there and so it's it's uh it's beautiful and and so so why are we doing this uh one we're doing this for these two guys we wanted to make sure they see something they would have never seen and I'm sure they'll talk about it and it's uh it's a great experience that they will probably uh remember for the rest of their life but I also had another motive from my Pasco EDC part of it Pasco as you guys will know is somewhat of a bedroom community and only 6% or so of our tax base comes from industry and when all your taxes come from residential where you have basically a balance you're never going to be rich so for industry to settle here whenever I talk to companies uh uh the first question they ask me is if we move here will we have access to Skilled Workforce the answer used to be no the answer now is well we do but also we are training skill now we have am skill we have Marchman we have schools like that where we're training a skilled Workforce so now my answer to them is yes and um the reason we we picked Germany again is because they are just the The Vocational leader Germany and Switzerland in uh uh in in this type of training so the goal here was for Newport Richie and Pasco sponsor young professionals to intern in Germany learn about their apprenticeship programs when they come back they can tell us a lot of things about how wonderful it was over there but also how professional those trained people are um first thing what we started last year we took two young people from gersam brought them here had them work in Pasco companies and um this worked out great and then we send them back and then this year we went and sent those two guys over to Germany in May and we're here to um learn about their experience and let me sum this up though um yeah Pasco could benefit from a more diverse tax base where industry is a larger portion and for industry to come to Pasco they require access to Skilled Workforce we can create skill by educating talent and the schools that we have in place for that are there they need to be properly funded they need to be grown and and my job is to want to raise awareness with the community with the students but also with the board um very important that we do this we had this year last year we have a great opportunity it's unintended consequences everybody was talking about forgiving student loans which is put a focus on student loans when I talk to the leaders of uh Marchman or or or am skills were in the past they had a real problem even getting kids in because the kids didn't know the parents didn't want it now they are they have capacity they're full because people realize you can go and go through a training program get a well-paying job and no student loan so I'll let these guys talk a little bit um I think before Mitch comes up Tyler um Tyler's here representing am skills um can you talk about the program that Mitch went through before Mitch comes up and speaks maybe a little bit Yeah my name is Tyler um project manager with am skills Tyler mudano Tyler mudano um Mitch went through our program 2017 um and it is a program designed to help individuals to learn new skills to get exposure into the industry of manufacturing and uh we run a program it was it's not the same program he went through we've uh changed it a little bit but um it's a onewe boot camp program where we we introduce individuals to again different Hands-On skills and in electrical and mechanical and um it's geared towards Pasco County Utilities um and so last week we actually held another program with 12 students um and Mitch came came through and was able to give them some insight into how he went through a similar program and is now employed with the county and has a very you know great career ahead of him because of that and so this program again is designed to help people to get into uh Pasco County utilities to manufacturing jobs to launch a career and um it's and these students that went through a program last week now have an opportunity to be they're interning with the county and that could lead to a career for them and so we're here to hear Mitch story on you know with how his trip was with Germany but also to this is an example of how he went through a similar program and was able to then come back and teach some of these younger uh adults you know what this could lead to so congratulations to you and and we're happy for your successes all right which one of you is going first and and did you send us photos you guys have photos I okay awesome okay I'm Mitchell Wilkins with Pasco County Utilities I work as a lead Pump Station mechanic um I started am skills around 2017 it was a Tuesday Thursday kind of thing where after school I uh learned how to use hand tools CNC Machinery um pretty much just to work with my hands for about 3 to 4 hours each day I did that for about 2 hours and I had a 3-month internship with Pasco County Utilities I worked with Wastewater on the east side of the county I worked there for three months and the boss liked me so much he told me that he wanted to hire me but I didn't have a high school diploma because I was only about 17 so I had to finish high school and the day I got my diploma I called the boss and I told him you know I would like to work here and I started that next week so I've been working with Pasco County utilities for about four years now um I love it I'm enjoying it you know you can't really beat the benefits or the or anything like that you know but um I worked with enery Su West over in landow Germany and that's me driving a a Mercedes uni MOG an 8speed manual was really cool I haven't driven anything like that before yeah um so they were working uh they do water uh natural gas and electricity and they have um special fittings that we don't really use um we have compression fittings that are th red these uh push right on they're like Quick Connect fittings and um I thought they were really cool just because it just seemed very simple and easy they're very organized over there which I really like you know um they have uh wraparounds to repair pipes which I liked was a little bit different than ours CU we have flipar around studs which are a little bit of pain to work with when you're hanging down in a hole with a harness and trying to Wrangle it with one hand you know that allows you to just hold it down one hand and hit it with the impact and it's a very quick repair very inspect uh inexpensive um and I just thought that was a great idea um that's an example of when of the lift stations that they don't have very many lift stations in the area uh in Pasco County we have around 822 lift stations that we manage on the west side I manage around 100 by myself and we have about four mechanic Crews on each side um they only had 10 it was a very small area you know but it's cool to see the differences of what they do versus what we do um this is one of their water services it's very similar to what we use um they have two back flows similar to what we use as well um I just uh helped them with that job they were putting in a door on the house and the water service was in the way so they had to relocate the water service so we had to dig a trench outside and run that inside and a lot different from what we do because we don't really do the customer side in the county so going into a customer's house is a little bit different you know and especially since they have basements and we don't around here I've never been in our basement before you know little scary if I'm going to be honest you know um the big issue that we have right now within um our department is that uh we've been trying to secure pumps that would fit our uses but the issue I believe is we're locked in with a contract with h Barnes and hydromatic and those pumps are inexpensive and they work but they don't fit our application a lot of the time the issue is a lot of people they flush down flushable wipes and grease and rags and stuff like that which clog up our pumps and they cause up ragging which causes us to come two three times a week to pull these pumps and clean them wheo is a very good brand that we started using but we're having issues securing funds to be able are you a plant go on MIT I'm just but we really like these wheelo pumps because they have recessed impellers which prevent the ragging from happening and we would really like to start using wheelo pumps in the area this is a small water pump they use for metering purposes but they use ksv pumps and wheo pumps over there which they're very happy with and I would love to make the switch to Willow just because they they work very well I love it this is an example of how their um the repump systems work uh I just thought it was cool because their control panels look just about the same as ours just a little bit different in a sense but uh the issue is I couldn't read most of the stuff cuz it was in German you know that was a big thing I wish I I did before I went on the trip is learn a little bit more German I had to learn as I went but um we had a lot of free time while we were over there as well where those pictures uh I put mainly work pictures there that's funny I was expecting Germany pictures I I'm happy to go around and show everybody I probably have over 1,200 pictures of the trip just because um yeah my mom she's she's big on pictures and I'm not so she she told me she'd be very mad at me if I didn't take pictures so I made sure I took plenty of pictures I didn't I think that's the last one I put on there Mitch it was your first time flying right yes ma'am I've I've never been out of the the country I've only been out of the state twice my whole life and I've never been away from the house more than 4 days so it was a big big change from being away from home after three weeks and it was a beautiful country but I got to say um after the second week I was already missing home you know once once you live in a country your whole life especially this country you learn to love it and you know no matter how good another country seems you never can really leave home you know but um we had a lot of free time luckily between their federal holidays and uh time after work you know um and their work week is shorter right yeah they work 38 hours but a lot of their shifts are a lot longer and so they end up with a surplus of hours near the end of the week so their government requires them to actually take a half day on Friday so we got out on Fridays which is very nice um we got the wine festivals we visited castles we got to see the local cities which is very nice Stevie and I out of our own pocket we decided to go to Paris France we went for a weekend there we got to see the Eiffel Tower AR the Triumph you know you know uh it was it was an amazing experience and we really really were happy with the opportunity to do that you know especially with something I've never really done before it was a different process for sure you know it's awesome that you went great yes ma'am I appreciate it yep now I hear from Stevie all right you guys have questions for minut or you want to wait till Stevie's done no we'll wait after I wrote my speech down otherwise I would have forgot things um I do have pictures um we can either show it while I'm talking or I can go over them after um but good morning my name is Stevie merup and I currently work as a vettech for Animal Services I was sent to work in tier clinic in Germany at the end of last year we actually had willham he was on one of the slides in the past um stay with us here and he talked about all the things that he got to see and do over there so when I heard I had this opportunity I was intimidated and very excited um willham actually greeted me there the day I landed and gave me a tour of the facility um and made the transition into work despite the jet lag very smooth and easy um this institution stands as a Beacon of Hope and healing embodying the best of Veterinary Care technology and compassion when you enter this German animal hospital you immediately notice the attention to detail and efficiency that is the Hallmarks of German engineering and medical practices the scope of services offered at the hospital is truly remarkable from Wellness exams to complex surgeries and Emergency Care the facility is equipped with Cutting Edge technology um the investment underscores their dedication to providing the highest standard of care Germany and and Europe as a whole tend to be the first place new machines and medicines start out in our medical field for example May of 2023 the US introduced a new drug called leella it's an osteoarthritis medication that is in an injection form given to your dog and repeated monthly however this same drug has been used in the UK and Europe since 202020 with amazing results while working there I was able to scrub in on some surgeries and Shadow and others the hospital had multiple surgery Wards a dental suite and 10 plus doctors of different Specialties surgeries included anything from the routine spay and neuters to Advanced Orthopedics and everything in between one thing that set them inside from any other hospital I have ever had a pleasure of working at is that many things were done the same day no matter how advanced the surgery was if the doctor was available working at Animal Services rabies is a huge part of what we monitor for Public Safety our Protocols are strict and we work closely with the state lab on possible exposure protocols and testing this was a major difference when over in Germany their rabies is not a threat um it is not mandated to have your animals vaccinated for rabies unless they're being transported in from other areas that are not open uh border policies this is because Germany considers them to be rabies free due to no outbreaks um beyond the advanced technology and medical expertise what truly makes the hospital special is the compassion passion and empathy shown by its staff each team member understands the deep bond between pets and their owners they offer not just medical care but emotional support guided families through both joyous and difficult times with kindness and understanding I learned that a German animal hospital is much more than a place of medical treatment it is a sanctuary of compassion Innovation and unwavering dedication to the well-being of animals it exemplifies the best of what veterinary medicine can offer and it stands as a testament to the profound connection that we share with our animal companions um on the days that were holidays or on the weekends like Mitchell had said rotary club members would reach out to us and be our guides around Germany we hiked mountains explored many different Castles visited Cathedrals and embraced the history that is Germany where we stayed was considered Wine Country and even after a long hike you still hydrated with wine not water Germany was filled with great food great wine and great beer I learned very quickly you don't just say no to anything when offered try it all even if you don't think you will like it still try it I also got to explore France on my days off due to being so close to the Border we spent a day in strawberg Amy one of the Notre Cathedrals a night in renberg at a block party eating Flamin and even drove 5 and a half hours for a weekend in Paris and Disneyland couldn't pass that up this trip allowed me an opportunity to connect with my late grandmother's childhood best friend from when my great-grandfather a lieutenant general for the US Army was stationed in Germany during World War to I heard stories about them rollerblading in the General's house sneaking into movie theaters on Bas and traveling trains across country alone at 10 years old um just to be able to see each other for this connection I will always be grateful um for this opportunity the program created for me so uh so what so what is this that you're taking a picture of tier link teer CL so that is the outside of my clinic um the CL was extremely large um that's the name of the clinic um Clinic uh so that was just kind of the visual I tried to take one from the other angle but all you saw was giant glass doors you couldn't see the building cuz it was so large um and then I know right there is actually a plasma machine called plasma machine it regenerate stem cells they use it daily on animals with injuries um a lot of the time like skin lesions um that's just what it looks like inside um that was one of the surgery WS that was actually the orthopedic one there's a giant TV in the back and you can actually either put up the surgery that's going to happen or they can make the enlargement bigger so while they're working on the animal they can also see it on the screen um that is an endoscopy room so just like in humans we're able to do that in animals and we'll go down their nose or throat and be able to see the insides and take samples um that is what they call the cat Detention Center um it is last so the cats cannot Escape um it is very open so they can also see if you need help um that is one of the eight surgery Wards they run two tables in that Wing that is also the visual if anyone wanted to watch it being done there outside those glass doors very cool and then that is actually the dental Ward there was about seven tables they do x-rays um surgical procedure jaw removals um everything in that little room um Dental are not considered clean so they want to keep it separated from everywhere else um that was a catheter and pulling blood from it um Germany is very good with their waste usage so we actually didn't use syringes or needles when we full blood it's actually a catheter placed in the vein and then you let it drip into your blood tubes and then that's me again well I am uh I am so excited that you had this opportunity and we plan to keep this going um for sure so uh and and Reinhardt thank you so much for for your um putting this together really and uh and I I know we'll welcome two German young professionals sometime next year and we'll reciprocate I I hope so we have to talk about that and um and I actually hope to expand this maybe to some other countries we need to um get back with Bill and work on our friendship agreements um I'd love to have one in Switzerland as well uh but do any of you want to say anything I just think that sounds amazing what a cool experience and um just the culture right the huge changes yeah that's awesome I'm so glad you guys got to do that and I hope too we can expand it to another country because sounds amazing I I will say that the um the German fellow that came and worked at our animal uh clinic or he mentioned that we could use some facil some upgrades on our facility so I have to put a plugin for him yeah so um I think we're in the works on that we we we are in in design or we have some money for Designing something um but I I don't think our facilities now that was a private facility not a public facility but no doubt we can always do better so well I'm glad you all enjoyed it I enjoyed seeing your pictures and all from it so I know you all had a great time and a learning experience you you'll never forget it so it'll stay with you a long time so hopefully we'll have that same experience in the reverse for others so and then us be able to send more in the future great so we used to do this exchange with riveridge high school's German um language program but uh before Co just before Co or during Co they they killed it so um gers shine was sending us high school students and that frankly they sent more over here than we were were sending over there and I wanted to help fund raise to send more of our students there but um that program ended and so um I think it's very smart to switch to these young professionals um and I I'm certainly going to do all I can to keep this program going we you all are going to be contacted by a gentleman from the na offices in Washington DC because they're going to be doing a story on this in the in their publication um that will I think coincide with our annual meeting cuz when I brought this up at our board meeting out in California um they ran over to me and said oh this is so unique I don't think anyone in the country is doing this can we do a story on it so um his name's Charlie and uh I think it's a 414 number but you'll you you should probably be getting contacted from him today and and Reinhardt you too just wait when you don't say anything thank you close close it out here you know Stevie Mitch thank you'all for going above and beyond not that this opportunity you would have said no to but going to Extra Mile and getting an outside true outside perspective of how we can make doing business here doing business and then working here in Pasco County the best that it can be for our folks and Reinhardt thank you for taking our folks under your wing and showing them a great time and for the bosses out there for allowing you know your understudies essentially to go out into the world and see what they can bring back to home and how how we can Implement best management practices to make our work lives uh even better so glad you guys enjoyed your trip and um it's exciting to hear what you all had to say and hopefully we see what what comes of it in the future all right thank you very much oh our administrator wants to say no I just well one thank you guys for doing that amazing amazing stuff appreciate the shamess budget plugs those were those those were I know it's not customary to necessarily take photos after after regular items but I wouldn't mind doing it you got it would be good it would be good to have something like that come we'll come down and take a be great thank you perfect thank you [Applause] okay I have one item I want to finish up here before lunch so um we have received uh from the Department of Revenue uh what this say Department of Revenue which states the uh County governing body should be the one that appoints the chair and vice chair of the VAB board uh value adjustment board um and we did that within our own VAB board but we found out through Mr SE CER that actually the our our Comm board is actually the one supposed to point these so I'm serving as chairman and Mr Whitman is serving as Vice chairman so if I could have a motion for that then what was the motion so motion would be to appoint myself commission as the chairman of VAB commissioner waitman is the vice chair of va all I'll make that motion okay got a motion a second all right and a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 4 Z okay um your anything not wa I'll do that later okay all right um that brings us up to have any open I'm good I've got good I have oh wait loaded up I say I I share my time with my you'll share your time you skipped me all these you know I skipped a lot of things all right if you can do it six minutes let's go what do we have first oh I wanted to show you some of my um successes not mine the county successes in um getting new Landscaping put in in places where it has died so if you're driving around 54 and 19 which is they started the commercial code team started on the US 19 border moved up um the highway way and then down 54 you can see uh unfortunately there aren't before and afters I guess but you can see where um well I see trees missing in that Walgreens we'll talk about that in a second wait a minute maybe that was before but um but great job and um I'm looking forward them to going up little road one of these days so here's some more okay this the code team this is the yeah the Cod team yeah it makes a difference I really makes a difference from it being dead and missing and you know it's like your house the first thing you see is curb appeal and this is the curb appeal of the county um next we had our um annual Cleanup in uh holiday and uh thank you to St Vincent dep Paul Catholic Church where we staged uh we we did not beat Moon Lake you know I'm a very competitive person and I was trying really hard I probably should have brought some of my garbage um you shouldn't wish for that might want to be the opposite of that I You Wish For Less we got close though does anyone remember how much Moon Lake had close Jack's not here um no we did get kind of close 32 uh almost 32 and a half tons so I don't know if Jason's here but um I want to thank them all for coming out on the Saturday um we had quite the operation going and um we had a big pile of metal a pile of brush um and uh hazardous materials and the trucks just coming and coming coming um we did go I guess we don't have a picture I we did go and clean up the that hoarder that I've shown you photos of on Patriot Lane we were able to uh with a grappling truck get everything that was out on the street except a van that was full um so I appreciate that they went down down to that neighborhood and at least cleared off the street I can tell you the stench was unbearable I I feel so bad for that neighborhood okay next um thank you to my staff for attending Mission storage um they are located on State Road 54 behind crave cookies this was one of the first ones built um after we enacted the new rules that you had to have some retail or commercial up front and then the storage would be in the back um and and they uh they have something unique they that sets them apart they partner with local nonprofits and raise money for them throughout the year so um thank you to uh to Mission stor you can see Congressman Bill ras' office is represented and many others so um that's that's right here on 54 um let's see oh I was very uh very happy to attend the uh vopal Ministries ribbon cutting I know commissioner you were there as well um great morning yeah it this is such a wonderful project for Pasco County and the community especially West Pasco um Dewey Mitchell's son as many you know passed away uh two years ago now and uh they um they sponsored this welcome center with a very generous donation and Derek was Mitchell was a very special person who had a um get all choked up a very big heart for his community so they want wanted to honor his memory and uh named this welcome center after him and um so a lot of wonderful people in that picture and and commissioner joerger is there as well and if you look to the left of commissioner joer joerger that's my friend Jeff marpel he's the CEO uh of Florida for uh Rooms To Go and they're they're donating all the furniture I mean that's just they just have such a wonderful wonderful um charity going they when we had that hurricane a few years ago um and a lot of our residents got flooded up in the Hudson area uh some of you might remember they donated a bunch of furniture which we staged up at the um Fano hurricane shelter and families were able to come up and get beds and dressers and dining room tables and sofas so a big uh shout out to Rooms To Go Okay um this one I I couldn't go to either but we already um mentioned this the Magnolia Oaks groundbreaking off of uh Massachusetts this has been uh a long time coming and um I am uh I'm so grateful this project finally finally got off the ground yeah they're turning dirt here they said yeah I think they'll be done in 18 months what is what I've been told so that's that's wonderful I think it's how many units do you all remember 77 77 one store units one two and three bedrooms for our veterans so and big shout out to with Luchi I thought it was 73 but oh I've got here 77 but okay um with Luchi River Electric Pasco County Government Pasco County Housing Authority and Congressman Bill Aris um okay next is a uh something I came across riding my bike with my husband on the coastal Eno Trail and as you know we have a shortage of of boat parking uh in the county so uh on Saturday mornings it can be very crazy out there at the ano River Park and I was very dismayed to come across at least 10 trucks who took took up three spaces three spaces and then a whole bunch of them took two so um I rode my bike over to the depuy's trailer and uh he wasn't home but his wife directed me over to the um the maintenance shed for the parks department there at the park and I spoke to a gentleman and I I hope they went I asked them to go ticket every truck every everybody who was parked incorrectly and frankly I think that this guy should be getting two tickets and um yeah no he he should only be taking one space and he took three and and so I am I talked to Mr carbal about this yesterday but I would like us to every day be ticketing the people who are parking incorrectly and if they I don't know if we can do this Jeff but if if someone gets multiple tickets can we revoke their permit for parking here do we we regulate we have a do we have a per permit program for parking we do no I'm pretty sure that we do and you can pay an annual fee or you can pay every time you park okay I thought we gave up on that program after the after the down turn but I thought if if we have an annual pass and we and we have frequent violators we probably could pass something that would terminate it but the thing that you're going to need to do if it's not and I can't tell from these photos is you're going going to have to set up an area for separate boat trailer parking and provide adequate parking for the boat and trailer or the car and trailer together this is only this is only boat and trailer parking here okay it's not the other parking it's only boat and trailer yeah well it appears that there are regular cars parked on the other side they all have trailers behind them you just can't tell from my phot yeah it's hard to see um but every every single spot that was a ail available to be parked safely was full and so that's what was really frustrating when you see so many of these um parking spots that were needlessly okay unsafe to park so well we're looking and see what kind of rules we have on that um okay let's let's cut it right here we for lunch and we'll see you back here at 1:30 [Music] waterways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass