[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning I would like to call to order the Pasco County Board of County commission's 10:00 meeting of May 21st 2024 at this time please silence all electronic devices uh please rise for the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen to the FL of the United States of America and to the republ for One Nation God indivis withy andice for all commissioner jger please approach the front of the uh room to be sworn in by state state of Florida 6 Circuit Court honorable Judge Chris Luso you raise your right hand repeat after me I do Sol swear that I will that I will support protect and defend support defend and protect the Constitution and government the constition and government of the United States of the United States and of the State of Florida and of the state of that I am duly qualified that I am dly qualified to hold office to hold office of the state of theti of the state and that I will and I will well and Faithfully perform the duties of County Commissioner of Pasco County the duties of County Commission County on which I am now about to inter now so help me God so help [Applause] I can step over here out of there family yeah my family does even talk I'm much if I invited them maybe my first all right all right commissioner Jagger will you please join us at the Das welcome thank you would you like to say something this time and sure I just want to say I'm very thankful and humbled to be here to serve District 4 um a little bit about me and just our family to Public Service my dad is a retired detective homicide also retired Navy um we grew up instead of before we went to theme parks we would go see battlefields and read names on the walls so public service is in My DNA and um I'm just very happy to be here and to be able to serve everybody I look forward to working with all of you okay Madam clerk would you please read the role yes sir District Two commissioner waitman pres District three commissioner starky here District Four commissioner joerger here District Five commissioner Mariano here district one chairman Oakley here better be known we have a quorum in place um at this time uh we move for um public comment citizens are given a uh opportunity to comment on any event or on our on our future agenda or before the board on business under the board's preview today's public comment will be uh handled as follows first we will take poped comment from those persons here in in person um then we will take public comment for those who have pre-registered on the web act and are currently on on Q we request that when you uh address the board comments are not directed personally toward a commissioner or a team member but rather uh directed at the issues this provides mutual respect between board members and the public after after um stating your name and address for the clerk a three minute timer will be activated after two minutes a single beep will indicate you have one minute left at that time U when when that when that two minutes is up then you will have a two beeps and you should close your comments webx participants will be uh disconnected automatically when their time is up Madame clerk do we have any people signed up for public comment yes sir we have four individuals signed up uh the first is Philip carheart if you can come to the podium and then if you'll give your name and address for the record oh yes ma' my name is Philip carart I'm a retired Navy chief bety officer and I'm also the founder of seer forti veteranos it's a nonprofit veterans organization where I try and help get brother veterans off the street Mr carart can you give your address oh yes 7041 coral reef driveport Richie Florida 34668 thank you you can continue since 1973 okay thank you continue I I have had a lot of ideas and through my entire college experience I was designing tiny homes because that's the new Modern Trend my professors wanted me to do it so I thought take it to the next level let's make those tiny homes for homeless veterans since I came home from college and I've been here in Pasco County everybody's now telling me that Pasco is working on a project just like this I'd like to be a part of that project I'd like to put my ideas to work I'm doing such good research right now I'm riding this scooter around Pasco County and speaking to the homeless people how did you get here what do you think it would take to get you out of here how can we get you some substance abuse how can we get you some VA benefits how can we point you in the right direction like some Basco officers did for me some 30 years ago I get emotional about it because it's important there should be no no veterans sleeping in the woods while we have the power to reach out to them and pull them up out of the gutter sorry I get so emotional but this really hits a home with me and I have the experience that I've been there and I fought my way back and now I own a three-bedroom house in MC Hills so I want to take my knowledge and my experience and help the county with your program to help and move forward and help our brother and sister veterans and get them up off the street I know of one guy that rides up and down on us 19 on a wheelchair a hand push wheelchair he's eligible for one of these he's a veteran at Fen Vietnam but because he doesn't have a place to live he wheelchairs up and down the sidewalk all day we don't need that these men fought they fought for our country they deserve our help got one minute to go second item on my agenda to tell the county about is the condition of our sidewalks and I read on the internet last night that there's funds available from the federal government in infrastructure packages that we could take away all of these trip hazards even take work release program take some of our inmates and let them come out and set them up with a couple of mechanics from the county and grind the bumps off the sidewalks trees have lifted the sidewalks up the handicap ramps leading to the street are death traps my elbows all tore up from tipping over on this scooter on one of them on Embassy Boulevard and I apologize for getting so emotional but that veteran stuff really touches home with me and I think my ideas of the tiny home community and even putting solar panels on the roofs of them to make them self-sufficient and make it a step program where they first get a tent platform to put their tent on okay I hope we can I thank you for your time and I hope we can put some of this to good use thank you for your comments and M Kathy Pearson is waiting in the back of the room in the red if you will speak to her she will see you at the back okay okay so the next individual signed up uh Cinda Crouch Miss Crouch name and address for the res uh for the record my name is Cinda Crouch and I'm representing David Crouch at the residence of 4115 Kristen Lane in land Lakes Florida he is a retired firefighter of 24 years with Tampa after retiring from As A Firefighter made it his life dream to preserve the nature as well as a landscaping of Land of Lakes he's well known in that part of the county he resides on 30 Acres that is a Wetlands Refuge as well as a wildlife refuge um the Commissioners have always done what they can to validate that as well as to preserve it we thank you for that in September of 2021 you met to put in um stipulation ations for the Oakstead development that was going on along our South border of the property in doing so it was stated that they would put in a 10- foot leave a 10-ft natural buffer for the Wildlife as well as preserve the wetlands that their um property would be touching since then they cleared that property of every oak tree every right down to dirt nothing left but dirt there was no preserving of the wildlife whatsoever or of the wetlands they've since put in a fence a long Joy drive along to the SPCA they set back that fence 25 foot along the border of our property both our easement and the South border that fence last week was put up on the property line with no buffer we asked that the commissioner help us in having your agencies push this code enforcement has tried without success please back your mandates and preserve our Wildlife we have now fwc's been out Eagle Watch has been out we have Eagles that have moved over from Drexel because of the um building there because of all the Oakstead we now have four other endangered federally endangered animals on the property we house four four um sets of deer that are now about to have their babies and just were crying at the highway day before yesterday because they couldn't figure out how to get back into their babies who were also crying this is a plea to preserve the last Zone 3 agriculture Wetlands Wildlife Sanctuary left in that part of the county that's please if I can plead to you please help us to preserve it before it's destroyed it's the last one left I thank you for your time and your attention could I get your address again because I'm trying to see where 4115 Kristen Lane which is off a joy Drive behind the elementary school there and it's behind you that was cleared in front of us I have the Arial shot if y'all would like to view it yeah can we keep that it's my only copy okay we'll we'll get a copy how do we how do we do that this is your District yeah you can see here that we're you need to stand at the podium thanks you can see here that we are red lined and red zoned and what your engineers have taught me that means that no one can touch that property line to preserve it because it is a zone three Untouchable piece of property the only the front part is dry the rest is all Wetlands would you like okay she's going to move to receiveing file yeah I got a motion thank you and and then certainly we want second second all those in favor say I I I okay motion can someone from staff talk to her CU I don't understand why we can't do anything yeah yeah I mean sounds like some fines are coming the fence along the easement should be pushed back 15 ft cuz where theyve put the fence is where our drainage ditch and our utility easen is that's a given there's also supposed to push it back 10t along the South border to allow for that Wildlife natural buffer okay JP will you meet her in the back and discuss everything with her thank you develop thank you looks like my okay the next the next individual signed up is Alan Rose I was thinking she said it was Oakstead Mr Rose name and address for the record thank you yes good morning alen Rose 10221 Hilltop Drive thank you newp Richie I just to Du today it's been a while been out getting better after some medical issues but it back to Coastal Pasco County uh right now our public beaches this is this is today's issue and what I've gotten a lot of feedback from people is that uh we need to pay some attention I've submitted the uh what I'd recommended in the past and uh currently we have 1,400 ft of public beaches uh the proposed Coastal plan that I've brought before you uh previously uh would bring swimmable and fishable Waterfront to 12,200 Ft funding is available $16 million from the state there's over 2 billion federal funds available you just have to go look for it and get it and then um this is annual funding and there are many more dollars available through various grants angot River currently is at 1,000 ft of a beach that would stay the the same Green Key currently is 200 ft The Proposal would bring it to 5,000 ft uh Brasher Park currently is at 200 ft proposal would bring that to 5,000 ft Hudson Beach is currently at 200 ft proposed proposal would bring that to 1,200 ft 1,200 ft the county just needs Coastal waterways infrastructure management to take this it's a it's a really long overdue our beaches people all want to go to the beach people all want to enjoy the Waterfront we are a coastal County and we have it's been 60 years since real efforts have been made to address our coast and when they did that 60 years ago they did Side cast stretching which caused many of these issues over time the uh sedimentation has all caused a lot of issues the flooding the repetitive flooding and everything that we've seen this can all be fixed and I know we're minimized on the Staffing we have that can go after this and the funding we can find the funding once we have the funding in place as long as the count is behind it we can we can get people to do the work for us there's an abundance of funding for this type of work we can go after endangered species because of our manatees and others the uh Coastal seab bird sanctuaries we have different things we can do and we can attach to these funds that are available and Achieve results for our County our coastal areas need attention thank you thank you for your comments all right and the last individual signed up is Shan Novar team morning Commissioners my name is Sean Novak and I'm seeking permission to use a boat ramp to remove pre-cut Timbers from excuse me need your address it's a 33027 St Joe Road D City Florida and we're required by our permit we're applying for from the D to get written permission for these things were fully insured were deemed non-commercial and we have um just half ton Vehicles very light duty one or two logs at a time if we get some and um that's it Sir Mr chairman I think this isn't this is a request that should go through the administrator's office oh okay it's not something that you should act on without any having staff fed it yeah if you will uh Johan are you going to meet with him out outside there and get his information okay thank you for your comment sir thank you Comm yes sir that is all that's signed up for public comment anyone in the audience wish to speak at this time see you no one uh WebEx no sir no one signed up no one signed up for WebEx so at this time we'll close public comments and we'll move on to resolution and we will start with resolution 331 one or one resolution one okay um is anyone here for National Nurses Week in Pasco County if you'll come to the podium come on up oh it is that's all right bring your whole team yeah bring the whole group okay coming okay so this is resolution number 24-12 4 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring May 6 through 12th 2024 as National Nurses Week in Pasco County whereas registered nurses in the United States constitute our nation's largest Health Care profession and whereas the depth and breadth of the Registered Nursing profession meets the different and emerging Health Care needs of the American population in a wide range of settings including the front line of a pandemic and whereas the American Nurses Association is working to chart a new course for a healthy Nation that relies on increasing access to primary and preventative health care and better utilization of all our nation's Registered Nursing resources and whereas professional nursing is an indispensable component of the safety and quality of care of hospitalized and non-hospitalized patients and whereas the demand for registered Nursing services will be greater than ever because of the Aging of the American population emerging health challenges the continuing expansion of life sustaining Technologies and the explosive growth of home health care services and whereas more qualified registered nurses are needed in the future to meet the increasingly complex needs of Health Care consumers in this community and whereas the coste effective safe and highquality Healthcare Services provided by registered nurses will be an increasingly important component of the United States healthc care delivery system in the future and whereas the 2024 theme of National Nurses Week is nurses make the difference honoring the varying roles of nurses and their positive impact on our lives nurses make the difference as trusted Advocates who ensure individuals families and communities receive quality patient care and services now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby declares May 6 through 12th 2024 as National Nurses Week in Pasco County and encourages citizens to acknowledge and thank nurses for the work they do done and resolved in regular session with the quum present in voting this 21st day of May 2024 motion move approval second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion passed welcome thank no thank you you and who wait a minute who's The Speaker for this group my name is Regina Marabella I'm of Pasco County uh resident for a number of years and I'd like to introduce Dr mariea okay she's the president of the Florida Nurses Association and she'd like to talk on behalf of the nurses okay welcome yeah good morning distinguished board uh my name is Maria I'm a doctor of nursing practice professor of nursing from Miami day College uh it is quite an honor to stand before all of you today to say thank you on behalf of the Florida Nurses Association and of course we have our Stellar uh uh director from the cental region for the Florida nurses um I want to acknowledge her Megan Maron who's doing an amazing job here uh uh for FNA uh the Florida nurses association's mission is to advance the nursing profession and to promote a healthy Florida so the fact that you're acknowledging nurses in your county nurses in your city I would like to say thank you we represent over 450,000 nurses in the State of Florida so thank you very much thank you you wait wait wait wait a minute we're going to get a y'all come back y'all come back y' it took you a long time to get here so don't leave so quickly because we do appreciate everything you do and without nurses a lot of our health care in this County doesn't go on without nurses I can tell you and doctors are very important but the nurses have the one-on-one with patients and take care of our seniors and all other patients that we've been through a lot and I know y'all as a profession have been through a lot especially through Co and then now and you're still getting trial day after day with new things popping up happening in our community but we uh very much want to thank each and every one of you and Mr waitman you want to speak yeah I just appreciate y'all making the trip up to beautiful Pasco County it's uh in my family I'm a dad of three young ones and we took advantage of nurses over the weekend helping my oldest get over a little speed bump but uh it was just pretty amazing you know the doctors often times come in last and so the interaction especially with little ones is with you all the nurses and uh just always courteous bedside Manor I mean you all set set the Benchmark of how service should be provided to families and patients during very stressful times so commendable profession and uh thank you for your advocacy and and I would Echo the same I would say um nurses are the the Workhorse of the health of the healthc Care industry so I'm very grateful for all you do I and I know we have a shortage and we're working here locally to to help with that shortage but thank you for all you do I have I have a daughter who's a physician assistant so um but she's military so she moves around a lot so she's actually a teacher right now uh for University of Washington but thank thank you all for your service speak recently I'm a mom as well and we had two surgeries and I just can't say how amazing the nurses were and you guys truly are the glue and the Comfort to all of the patients um just when you smile and you come in the room it just it means a lot so thank you Mr bring I'll go the other end of the spectrum as my parents get older I see a lot more of you nurses too and uh the care that they get locally has been phenomenal I appreciate your career that you've chosen and we want to just try to promote you as much as we can because it is such a critical need for us in the future too so thank you for your service okay I'm going to come down and we'll take a picture and if the rest of the Commissioners will stand up here behind us so okay who's in charge [Music] [Laughter] herebody right here thank you okay everybody right here now beautiful thank you [Applause] all welcome on board thank you so much thank you thank you irony the younger the young ones okay uh rs2 uh anyone here representing older Americans month in Pasco please come to the podium JS all right open good morning everyone this is resolution number 24-25 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida de during the month of May 2024 as older Americans month in Pasco County whereas there are more adults reaching retirement age remaining strong and being active than ever before and whereas through their wealth of life experience and wisdom older adults guide our younger generations and carry forward abundant cultural and historical knowledge and whereas older Americans are a vital part of Pasco County's demographic makeup contributing their time wisdom and experience to the community and whereas every citizen in Pasco County should strive to recognize understand and address the evolving needs of older adults and whereas older Americans improve our communities through intergen intergenerational relationships community service Civic engagement and many other activities and whereas communities benefit when people of all ages abilities and and backgrounds can participate and live independently and whereas Pasco County and the Area Agency on Aging of Pasco pelis must ensure that older Americans have the resources and support needed to stay involved in their communities reflecting our commitment to inclusivity and connectedness and whereas the 2024 theme of older Americans month is powered by connection which emphasizes the profound impact of meeting F interactions and social connection on the well-being and health of older adults in our community and whereas Pasco County and the Area Agency on Aging of Pasco pelis urges all Pasco County Citizens to recognize the contributions of older adults and join in promoting programs and activities that Foster connection inclusion and support for older adults now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby declares the month of May 2024 as older Americans month in Pasco County done and resolved in regular session with a quorum present and voting this 21st day of May 2024 Mo approval second got a motion second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z Brian you gonna be the spokesman I will for a brief minute good morning members of the board open Community Services want to First say welcome and congratulations to commissioner joerger we really look forward to working with you and serving the community in the future so congratulations on your appointment thank you also want to thank you commissioner waitman uh your service on the area agency board um is tremendous I want to thank you for your heart and dedication to serving our seniors in the community thank you very much for bringing this resolution forward and want to thank the board holistically want to thank you all for your support the team behind me the Pasco County Senior Services team has worked tirelessly to to serve the seniors of our community and your support has been tremendous also your support in fostering the relationship between Pasco County Senior Services and our biggest partner Area Agency on Aging of Pasco and pelis has been tremendous over the years we've done some amazing things to serve the seniors of our community um but this past year um that relationship and the services that we've provided to the seniors has seen New Heights and it's been absolutely amazing thank you for your support want to take a second too to introduce amarie winter from Area Agency on Aging as she has a few words to say too okay thank you Brian thank you um chair Oakley and our uh board member commissioner waitman and commissioner wer joerger we look forward to um working with you and helping you understand what we do at the Area Agency on Aging we are the coordinating planning and funding body for services to seniors and pelis and Pasco counties we've been in existence since 1974 and we've been partnering with Pasco County since 1981 so for more than 40 years we've been working together to provide services to seniors and I can't say enough about this incredible team and Kathy Pearson and the amazing partnership that we have um in the 50 years that we've been in service we have served 1.7 million seniors with at least one service in pelis and Pasco counties last year we served 69,000 people in these two counties helping them to stay in their homes avoid nursing home placement with a variety of services the number of seniors is growing in Pasco County we invite and we want to continue working with the county to make sure that there are credible and sustainable nonprofit organizations that can help us to serve our seniors we look forward in the years to come to having even more people standing behind us as our partners we thank you so much for honoring our older Americans this month and every single day thank you so much thank you you want to speak thank you chair yeah it's um we came into office it was a big you hear from a lot of folks on the campaign Trail and it was pretty pretty exciting to see this last my first budget cycle uh we worked through the senior tax exemption and what that means in this ever growing in expensive world that we now live in and so Pasco County is taking steps forward to help affordability for seniors uh within our within our County and I hope that folks out there who would qualify would definitely take advantage of of that exemption our board supported the highest level of exemption which is commendable also we had something to think about along with amarie and then with Kathy and and Brian about what's our next step and how to help seniors continue to live and afford to live in Pasco County and so excited to work can brainstorm through uh different affordable housing uh products and product types for our seniors here and where the appropriate place is to to have that type of amenity and you know with that comes folks who there's an article that Miss cabala shared and I shared with Kathy about older Americans going back into the workforce and quite frankly I don't think that's a bad thing uh they have a lot of experience that they can teach the younger generations and the responsibility and just showing up to work now they may not want to come back into the workforce but the economy you know kind of dictates that for some folks but there's true there's a true offering within you know the older life cycle that can still be a tremendous benefit to our County and our state so uh very commendable the work you guys do and uh thank you for for hanging with folks who are at the other end it's kind of ironic that I have this proclamation to do today but uh hopefully you know we'll make it we'll make it all the way through so thank you for all your dedication and your hard work to our seniors in Pasco County and pelis County Mr T um echoing all those things and I'm a senior it's funny we have our youngest one on that on that committee but um 4 86 this was 81 uh but gosh your numbers are tremendous and um and I know I know that your services are much needed and and we are uh getting we we have a lot of younger families moving in but we also have a lot of Aging population and um so I'm grateful for all the work that you do and I just mentioned you at a meeting last night and the services that you do if anyone needed anybody had them call the county and then we would affirm to you but um because it's getting a little harder for some of our seniors to um deal with the rising costs of services so I'm grateful for all you do okay M Jagger I just want to say how important I think your organization is because when we were younger they were the ones who took care of us and now people like you can give back and now we can take care of them so thank you okay Mr Marana thank you and I know commissioner Oakley when you appointed commissioner waitman um was of a strong need but as you as you might want to reconsider he he wasn't even born when we started this relationship with with are on Aging but am you've done a did a great job every step of the way your passion's always been there trying to get the right things done every step of the way and I think that relationship is going to grow in more importance in the near future as well so working with our team working with you is going to be critical so thank you for all your dedication to our seniors it's very important thank you Amar all the work you do I certainly appreciate that the more and more I hear and about seniors and aging I fit that scenario so I uh I would if I needed your services I would want to be living in Pasco County to get the services y'all provide that includes our staff and everybody involved with Kathy's group um it's it's a very important and it's getting more important I know we're going to have in the center part of the state or the county sometime we're going to have a new facility showing up so look forward to that and all that we do we do a lot but we there's always more we can do and we went the other day feeding seniors and breaks my heart that we have a list of people seniors that we feed every day but there's a list that are not on that list and it but it take it's like everything it takes money to be able to do that but it breaks my heart the fact that we can't seem to get get them off that list but I guess people continue to fall in those bad times and and need that service but more we can do the better that'll get so I look forward to not seeing that line behind the group in in front of them that are getting the meals that everybody's included and no one's left behind so but I appreciate everybody I appreciate all the efforts of the staff so very very important uh Mr waitman that's your sir you want to go down you want us to maybe a rest of us stay up here behind you whatever works okay make for a better picture I think good morning can't see Jack over there Bri where Brian he needs to be in a chair in the front I can't get into the doctor get my contacts out okay everybody right here please get my contacts out at lunch thank you looks good thank you all literally thank you on my eyes [Music] s now we're on RS3 all right so RS3 um is anyone here uh supporting National Automotive Service professionals month I saw Mr wall earlier you have your team with you this is County Fleet what a Jou he's trying to make him come join wow we have Lisa's signature on look at agre all righty don't be bashful come on come on up okay this is resolution number 24-12 six a resolution of the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring the month of June 2024 as National Automotive Service professionals month in Pasco County whereas Automotive Service professionals play a significant role in the efficiency and effectiveness of both government and personal transportation and whereas the National Institute for automotive service Excellence ASC is a nonprofit organization established in 1972 and its Mission includes improving the quality of vehicle repair and service by testing and certifying Automotive professionals and whereas Automotive Service professionals at the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners and other public and private organizations have a tremendous responsibility to ensure vehicles and Equipment are operable dependable and safe and and whereas today's Motor Vehicles are highly complex and equipped with more advanced technology than ever before requiring specialized tools and highly trained professionals to perform vehicle repairs and whereas the Pasco County Fleet Management Department is dedicated to offering preventative maintenance repairs bulk fuel storage refueling and acquisition services for vehicles and equipment to all departments within Pasco County and whereas the Pasco County Fleet Management Department recognizes supports and practices the ASC guiding principles ethics and commitment to Quality Service and whereas the National Institute for automotive service Excellence has designated June as National Automotive Service professional month to further expand the awareness of the automotive professionals role in providing essential services within government business and the monitoring public motoring public sorry now therefore be it res OLED by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby declares the month of June 2024 as National Automotive Service professionals month in Pasco County and urges all Pasco County residents to join in recognizing the role of Automotive Professionals in the government business and transportation done and resolved in regular session with a quorum present in voting this 21st day of May 20124 move to approve second and a motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5- Z all right who's our spokesman today yes sir uh good morning Brent Wall Fleet Management director um just wanted to take this opportunity to give a little bit more of a picture of just one of the examples of what um this organization has been able to do um included in your packets um know if you have a chance or opportunity to look at it is a chart um I love charts by the way but any anyway what this chart says is back in 2017 this department through the work of these individuals managed to maintain the fleet for a cost of $7.4 million and that is all the equipment and everything else that needed to be kept running now as you know since then the county growth has continued as much as anything else inflation has been through the roof and if you look at the blue line from that $7.4 million that's what the the uh billing would have been if we would have just accommodated the growth of the fleet and made no changes to um to our operations the tan line there is what that uh what that cost would have risen to if we account just for inflationary factors based on the Consumer Price Index and if we add those two in uh cost factors together you would get the red line of what that cost would have been but because this team has gone through on a regular basis reviewed their activities looked for improvements and just flat out done a whole lot more with less and just done better the actual billing or the cost of maintaining this this Fleet is actually what the green line represents overall in summary that's um taking in 55% uh increase in cost factors but yet only representing a 12% actual cost increase all told b u from 2017 to where we are projected to end this year that's a cost avoidance of $14 million that this team and others have brought forward so um just a real opportunity to take this month and give the team a real shout out for some recognition of a really really big accomplishment well um that's amazing thank you so much um I'm curious how many how many cars or and trucks do you maintain right now the number is right around 2100 wow and how many uh staff uh in your department uh total uh total positions in the department are 51 wow so um you know I think this is the first time we've ever had these guys up in front of us so thank it is I don't know a about your department but I'm so glad that um we're learning more about the great work that you do and you know something that comes to my mind and your your group here is pretty young um but I know um we we do have an aging Workforce and uh zephra Hill's high school has an automotive Academy I'm pretty sure it's Zephyr Hills and we've been partnering students um through an AM skills program with the utilities department and I wonder if we shouldn't be working with the zephra hills um Automotive Academy and and getting some of our students opportunities in the summer and maybe in future job um future job so let's let's work on that if you remember I brought that program back from my board meeting in Minneapolis at that that that County was doing so uh gosh I I'm going to come out and visit you guys and where where are you even located um you're kind of all over right uh actually we have a a location here on this campus in the back uh we have another one uh a newer facility on mckendry road uh where we're collocated with go Pasco okay and we have a facility that will be opening in the next 60 days about a half mile from here at the gayin Wilson complex to support our bus operation there all right well thank thank you again um I'm honored that I'm sponsoring this and thank you for the great work that you're doing Mr White thank you chair 2100 pieces huh yes sir you don't lose a single one it's uh no I come my professional life from a fleet based business so just absolute respect for what you guys do and keeping the operation running uh your preventive maintenance schedules and and keeping on top of those and doing it you know at a savings to the taxpayer of $14 million you know you guys be proud of the work that you do you're highly Sid after I'm sure you you know that within you know all industry public and private alike so appreciate youall hanging and tough and managing what you do uh often you know you guys are quietly in the background and not thought of unless a tire blows or something happens and then you guys have to have to get that vehicle up and running and um so yeah great work fantastic job uh Brent and team and hopefully we see more of you yes thank you for what you do and you know the the first thing I think of is just like you guys keep America running right so like you keep our trucks and cars on the road and deliveries to people and um like commissioner starky said just hoping like more students and you know choose that as a career um in their Workforce so thank you m Bron thank you Mr chairman you know I Mo was a few years ago you and I met Eric uh we would talked about the fleet plan what we're going to go do Etc and your plan was to try to get better vehicles in turn them over find problem Vehicles turn them over so part of the internal thing of looking at what to do was credit and I know the feedback from your team was critical in making those decisions as well uh when you just look at and I I I'm glad you brought this chart it's a phenomenal chart to think from 2017 to 2024 your cost have only gone up 8 and a half% is absolutely phenomenal 12% sir I did my number wrong I did my own division bottom right corner I took the 7.4 by .7 finance major a phen a phenomenal phenomenal change uh to what you've done and looking at it it's like that's the type of Premier things we want to do in this County to run more efficiently to run better and uh you guys are leading the way so thank you very much man you guys um really get it done when you think about that many vehicles and service and things of that nature that you have to keep keep up to speed on um I would imagine your serviceing vehicles every day so it's uh not just one one so but I appreciate everything of you done and our equipment looks great out there on the road I can tell you that and you're a big part of that the green line any uh any business anywhere in the county would want to keep a green line that's down like that is compared to what you're doing so a very good job and it's a good way of spending uh citizens money to take care of these this equipment and do it at a lesser cost so very important the administrator wants to say something yes sir thank you thank you Mr chair uh Brent team I just want to say thank you for what you do we we live in a Transit oriented economy uh Pasco County is a big place we're growing our teams would not be able to do one iota of work without your services you we're going to recognize EMS week here an ambulance does not roll out you know without without you know good good mechanics and things things are taken care of so just appreciate you guys doing that you do things well you do things things efficiently so efficiently that you know you're you're kind of taking one for the team if you will by by you operating efficiently and and as a it's a fund Enterprise within the organization you free up other teams budgets to absorb other portions of growth so it's just a shining of example of of the work work that you do that supports the whole so thank you for all that you guys do all right I'm going to come down and give this to uh you don't us to staying up here behind them you got quite a few there right there there you go okay everybody right here thank you looks good thank you all all right so now we're ready for RS4 okay RS4 is anyone here from Guardian ad lium representing Guardian liem if so please come to the podium good morning okay this is resolution number 24-27 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida recognizing the 35th anniversary of hero to a child whereas hero to a child Inc doing business as guardian adum Foundation of Tampa Bay was founded on May 19th 1989 and is celebrating their 35th Anniversary and whereas hero to a child was founded in 1989 as the nonprofit partner to the guardian ad lium Office of the six judicial circuit serving Pasco and pelis counties for more than three decades hero to a child has supported tens of thousands of children in a myriad of ways through their partnership with gal and whereas today the mission of hero of a child uh is to empower a lift and support children and young adults impacted by the abuse and neglect to realize a brighter future and whereas through their experienced team diverse resources and strong sense of community heroed to a child aims to create an environment where children feel safe supported and ready to conquer whatever challenges come their way and whereas hero to a child believes that every child in foster care deserves to have a service leader dedicated to their well-being and through strong relationships and collaboration hero to a child make sure that every young person receives the individualized attention and support they deserve and whereas in 2023 hero to a child funded emergency needs enrichment activities birthday and holiday gift celebrations an educational support for 2,767 children trained 13 34 gal volunteers care caregivers and service providers on trauma informed care educated 67s and gals about services available for aging out use created opportunities for 30 children to reunite with separated siblings and organize gal volunteer and staff appreciation events all made possible through Partnerships with local service organizations and businesses and and whereas hero to a child has an unwavering commitment to the children of Pasco and penis counties helping every young person in the child welfare system thrive experience stability enjoy their childhood and be prepared for success in life now therefore be it resolved by The Bard of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby recognizes the 35th anniversary of hero to a child and commends them for all that they do to help the children of County done and resolved in regular session with a quum present and voting this 21st day of May 2024 move to approve second got a motion second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z there spokesperson hi everyone um I'm Aaron aier executive director of her to a child and I wanted to thank you all so much for allowing us to be here today and recognizing the anniversary of this incredible organization we were founded 35 years Years Ago by a group of volunteers who saw a need within our child welfare system and wanted to step in and help to fill the gap of um items experiences and um just um love and support that was not being met by the state for the children in our child welfare system we still have thousands of children in the system today and that need still exists thankfully our organization has grown um significantly over the years and we have a large board and a small But Mighty staff supporting the work that we do um over the last 35 years we've invested millions of dollars right here into circuit six in order to stabilize and um provide for the basic needs and also the um special experiences for children and we could not have done that without the support of the community without the support of the commission um and we are so grateful and honored to be able to be here with you today so thank you for this opportunity and for acknowledging and recognizing in our 35th Anniversary thank you thank you for all all that you do in in the county with the kids and all in this District six so it's a lot of kids and a lot of lot of good things that you do for them because they they're out there sometimes and no one to have support and your support for them is very important so miss Dy yes uh good morning and thank you so much for being here and I I learned about this through a meeting I had with Mr fantino and I had not heard of this organization I'm very familiar with Guardian ad lium um but uh I just was um so impressed with what this organization does so I'm glad that you're here today and um we're getting some more word out about what you do and if people wanted to contribute H is there a place online or how how do you fund raise yeah our organization is um hero to ACH child.org that's our website um we actually have an event coming up in Pasco it's a a breakfast event on September 20 27th um so there's lots happening uh coming up here in our immediate Community but hero2 child.org or just I always take checks or cash or well change whatever it is we won't deny anybody make sure that we all get an invite to that and if you have a PDF I can put that in my newsletter yeah abut be happy to support you in the good work that you do thank you so much Mr White thank you chair herot toach child.org unfortunately you're needed you're needed so thank you for stepping in filling a gap and trying to advocate for those who can't advocate for themselves you know really are our most vulnerable and uh so thank you for being here today keep hanging tough and we'll do what we can to help okay M Jer I just want to say um I worked with atrisk youth for 10 years so so I I know what you guys do and you're in the trenches and um just thank you for being a voice to those children that don't have a voice so you are so needed and so valued and thank you Mr thank you and thank you so much for your service 35 years what an amazing accomplishment and as I bord said the work you do is greatly appreciated uh much needed and uh I put on my calendar September 27th yeah I did too okay I think we can all come down for this one yeah we probably can yep thank you all so much where is your event going be where's the everybody right here okay thank you looks good thank you all [Applause] okay um RS5 is National Emergency Medical Services week so I see lots of you in the crowd if you'll come and join at the podium good morning okay so this is resolution number 24-1 128 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring the week of May 19th through 20 25th 2024 as National Emergency Medical Services week in Pasco County whereas National Emergency Medical Services EMS week was first established in 1974 by President Gerald Ford making this year the 50th annual National EMS week and whereas EMS week is a celebration to honor the over 1 million EMS providers Nationwide for their service and sacrifices it is also an opportunity for fire and EMS Crews to continue to raise public awareness about the critical role of EMS in the community and whereas EMS week recognizes the members of the Emergency Medical Services teams who provide a vital public service and are on the the front lines ready to admin administer life-saving care and services to all residents in need in Pasco County 24 hours a day 7 days a week and whereas EMS system members daily hard work especially in potentially fatal situations dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness and injury whereas the members of the EMS teams engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their life-saving skills and whereas the EMS system consists of Emergency Physicians nurses skilled dispatchers emergency medical technicians paramedics firefighters First Responders Educators administrators and others who provide quality emergency care and whereas the 2024 National Emergency Medical Services week theme honoring our past forging our future calls for us to honor those who came before us while also looking forward building on their efforts and committing ourselves to forge a future for the next generation of EMS professionals to serve their communities and whereas it is important to recognize the value and accomplishments of Emergency Medical Service Providers and to honor them by designating the week of May 19th through the 25th 2024 as National Emergency Medical Services week now therefore be it resolved by the board of of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida the said board hereby proclaims the week of May 19th through the 25th 2024 as National Emergency Medical Services week in Pasco County and encourages the citizens of Pasco County to join in expressing appreciation for the exemplary efforts hard work exceptional service and dedication provided by the individuals who work for Pasco County fire rescue done and resolved in regular session with the cor pres and voting this 21st of May 2024 move approval second got a motion in second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 zero um we have a spokesman yes sir U thank you commissioner uh thank you all of you uh commissioner Mar thank you for sponsoring this resolution you guys have always been very very supportive of Pasco fire rescue and this resolution just goes a long way to show the men and women how much your commitment to is to us you know if it wasn't for your commitment you know the commitment for the County Administration you know Mr uh carala Mr Murphy we won't be able to do what we do we have one of the most state-of-the-art nationally uh accredited by our EMS systems in the in the in the area you should be proud of that and know that we have the you know the best of the best and it's because of your support that we can do that out of the 95,000 calls that we run a year the Lion Share of that is EMS calls and I'd have to give some credit to Chief Paula Coleman she does run that whole organization her and her small small crew of about three so she's doing a fantastic job but it's with your support that uh the men and women from Pasco fire rescue uh Chief press who's not here he's way on official business we'd like to say thank you for this recognition I'd like to say I I greatly appreciate your service uh as a first respond going out there in such critical times of people's lives means a lot especially getting the great service I know from years ago when we when I first started uh we started to focus on getting every one of the firefighters in EMS every single person want to get them trained duly and we we took that step I think we St took steps to kind of give you better living quarters to live in while you're staying there and proving safety every step of the way knowing that the better we're taking care of you the better you can take care of our people and the numbers are phenomenal to what you have done uh to service our people every step of the way and taking us to that level of Premiere as you've mentioned and it we're very proud of that and very very thankful for you guys so appreciate your service Mr Whitman thank here thank Chief gwy and everybody here today so Chief Coleman you're responsible for managing those 95,000 calls a year round of applause to her dispatch 95,000 stressful calls at least for the folks who are calling us calling 911 um and to hold the demeanor and the the car and the passion and to to get your folks out there to help to help our citizens or our guests in our county is just you know fantastic fantastic work it's truly a calling we're in the service service business and you know you see things that you can't unsee and we're all very sensitive to that so thank you all for hanging tough and having the passion and and chewing the career choosing the career that that you all have and uh we need you every day so thanks for being here and um I would say thank you so much as well and as I've mentioned before there's barely a time when I'm out driving around the county that you're not passing me by and um and pay attention to that I mean they are always going with me or against me and no doubt not a day I don't drive down the road to see one of the vehicles yeah so we're just so grateful for the great work that you do and helping helping our citizens here so thank you so much M Jagger yes thank you very much um you guys are our front lines the first ones you know on the scene um just thank you for what you do and um my son actually wants to be a firefighter paramedic so um I I look forward to maybe him having a ride along and coming to visit you guys so thank you Mr cavala uh thank you Mr chair I'll I'll I'll be brief just to build on this but you know I remember the first time when we started talking about this third busiest Ambulatory Service in the State of Florida third busiest in the state you know that's talking Miami Jacksonville Orlando you know even to our south of Tampa St Petersburg uh you guys again serve our citizens on probably what will go down as one of the worst days of their lives and so just thank you thank you for all that you do and that you continue to do to provide life-saving measures to folks it is it is one of the essential services that government can provide its citizens and so thank you for answering the call I want to say thank you than you very much I uh appreciate any any and all things that you do every day it's very very important and I'm not going to let him get away without speaking JJ's moving away from the mic but really what I'd like for him to say is what he told me the other day which I think means a very a lot for Pasco County Bo now I'm under pressure I don't know what I told you the other day my to do with replacement of firemen and yes uh Public Safety we are because of your support last year we were losing s on average 70 firefighters a year were leaving this department this year we're down to three wow we've seen a 95% reduction for your support So kudos to the board for standing up kudos to leadership for bringing this forward HR I mean we just one person can't take credit it's it really was a team effort commissioner jger we haven't done our Branch briefing yet uh my boss stole my you know thing about to tell you that we're the third busiest EMS but we have EMS uh firefighters working in college dorms right now just because we're waiting for a firehouse to get built there's a service need so they'll go anywhere uh and they go everywhere every day uh and I just am proud to be part of this this theme okay thank you very much all of you if you will we'll all go down and take a picture and well it's good here I don't want to recognize you okay everybody right here please thank [Applause] you one more one more doing this JP wait a minute how come Jack got two all right um RS6 um the building construction services team who helped on permitting assistance day if you will come join the podium saw the huge group of you you're going to really test my skills here with all these names at the end so good guys oh boy don't be bashful come forward all right so this is resolution number 24-12 n a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida commending the building building construction services team who helped on permitting assistance day in Pasco County whereas Pasco County Building Construction Services held build Better Together per permitting assistance day on Saturday May 4th 2024 to assist the citizens of Pasco County and whereas the event included permit education and application assistance help with online Pasco Gateway registration eliminating after Thea penalty fees on work done without permits scheduling inspections issuing permits on the spot and a Q&A session for any permitting needs from Pasco County Citizens and whereas the building construction services individuals who helped on permitting assistance day are Anthony M masterio first one Matt bad okay how about raise your hand when your name is called his Anthony that okay Debbie Bella fuy uh okay Courtney Burns me Melissa waner carara couch Carla Garlock John Lynch Jeff blastic Kelly fi saan Patel Dany Knight omero de Diaz Chris main Jeremy delier Deborah jck Katrina dosantos Paige mesk Megan McConnell Mike glazbrook Darius kones Paul Burke Kevin jck Mary shikano and JP Murphy and whereas Pasco County Building Construction Services encourages their team to build strong relationships with the citizens of Pasco County and whereas the Pasco County Building Construction Services team is helping raise awareness about safety in residential and commercial buildings and encouraging community members to do their part with compliance and whereas during the month of May 2024 in recognition of building safety month the Pasco County building uh services department has waved after the fact penalty fees on any work that may have been done completed without permits and whereas Pasco County Building Construction Services takes pride and excellence and service Excellence providing great customer service and serving the Pasco County Community to create a better future now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby commends the building construction services team Anthony mastrino Debbie Bella fui Courtney Burns Melissa Walger Cara couch Carla Garlock John Lynch Jeff blasich Kelly fi saan Patel Danny Knight homero Diaz Chris Main Jeremy delier Deborah Jade Katrina dos Santos Paige mesk Megan McConnell Mike glazbrook Darius kones Paul Burke Kevin jck Mary shikano and JP Murphy for their commitment and service to the Pasco County Community done and resolved in regular session with a quorum present in voting this 21st day of May 20124 move approval thank all right I got a motion in second all those in favor say I motion pass 5 Z JP I think you're up well first of all thank you madam clerk for reading all those names twice she did very good on the names you wouldn't want me doing that Mr chair board thank you welcome commissioner joerger um we're delighted to be here today we had a fantastic event we colored this event a a big success and and the interesting thing for a bit of background and my comments will be brief is this idea was born out of a meeting with the Shady Hills Community Association and we they told us about their residents having issues with Transportation digital divide issues quite frankly time off of work to be able to come to one of our offices and get some extra special assistance so we thought well can we take our show on the road and that's exactly what we did the team behind me uh came on on their precious weekend and and figured out a way we all found a way to go out to LC Logan Park set up a permitting office literally as you walked around the room left to right it is you started with licensing and you went around and and and we had many folks get issued a permit on the spot um so that that 10day time frame kind of turned into one day and it was it was a really great feeling to see all the folks behind me come to work with their full full heart to try to build Better Together work with the community and we had so much great feedback it was the first time I heard somebody walk out of a permitting experience going wow that was easy those folks were really easy to work with um and and it was great to see smiles and and the people behind you really um deserve all the credit in how they approached working together with our residents and we're we're trying to plan on doing some more of these events throughout the year um kind of all Geographic Reon regions in the community but uh big thanks to to them for all their hard work and um by the way it also showed that we could set up at about an hour and a half after a natural disaster to get permitting and help folks uh immediately so that was kind of a secondary benefit to that but thank you and thank you to the team Mr May thank you Mr chairman um you know I was so excited uh going out there a couple of weeks back to to watch this go on and to just see the excitement and whenever I got word that everybody had to volunteer their time to go out there they didn't have to go out there they chose to be out there that's uh and that experience uh is just phenomenal the attitude that you guys showed by doing that trying to help our people get through tough times and scary situations for them uh it means so much to them and and you know as we strive to be Premier I'm going to tell you all the things you hear a lot of good things about different things in our our different departments going on but the Step I think we took forward from from that Exposition there at Shady Hills is phenomenal um I I just can't thank you guys enough and I get it was great to see you guys so happy when you're helping the people I mean it was like you know just everybody everybody's in charge and everybody's happy so I think that attitude running this through building Better Together is is going to be something that's going to be your jobs I think are going to get better you're going to get more satisfaction our people are going to get better as as they go through and uh we took a tour of the facility yesterday uh thank you very much for that uh and I want to tell you when you walk right in you walk in there places to sit but there's someone to greet you right away you can walk in and then right behind that there's booths set up where we sit down with a tech one-on-one you look at the same screen the Tech's looking at the screen so it's completely interactive and if they're going through a situation where they can't get the answer and they need to talk to somebody else instead of you sending someone to another room and try to find another person to come back they now have the technology to sit right up on a screen kind of like a FaceTime with a screen almost the size of what's in front of us here to talk to that person while with the tech right there so the resolution of things I think is going to be phenomenal uh the other technology I want to make sure that you guys get it is a giant screen where you can go up on the on a board and actually P look at the plans pull them up one by one and you can blow it up isolate it and get the work done right then and there so I think for your work stations is going to be absolutely phenomenal the people are going to benefit and then Pasco just Rises up stronger and stronger so again I wanted to do this resolution because it meant so much to me to watch all that I have my assistant Sonia do nothing but take care of my calendar and work with things to go through I know it's going to get so much easier now so thank you all yeah Mr Whitman thank you chair you know volunteering your time is something special it's time that you'll never get back but you volunteered your time to help folks who are probably a little intimidated by the power of the government especially if they did something whether knowingly or unknowingly with a permit and a building structure and for for Pasco County to give them an opportunity to to help them in an unintimidating way and say hey no harm no foul let's work through this together really I think it just re-energizes or hopefully starts building uh credibility back into government in general and the people that work here and try to serve our citizens you know we take a lot of lumps government does government work uh I think the confidence level sometimes wains but programs like this and what you guys have done here I think have added you know hopefully starts to help build back significant credibility and their and their local government and the services that we provide and it starts with you all on the front lines and spending time out there helping people and and giving them confidence andur that what they can call and get help and not be penalized uh and you can work with them in a way that they they understand what to do and not do so appreciate all of you very glad that you're here today and um you know keep up the great work sty yeah I also want to thank you for donating your time and and and what a service you know we we all get calls from people who are buying or selling a house and and have run into this problem and it's very stressful at you know they appear at closing and they can't close and um I remember one of our sheriff's deputies calling me and they were it was going to be a Cascade of tragedies um with their with their issue so I'm really grateful that you took the time to do this and um whoever idea it was fantastic and I just thank you so much for your service M Jagger yeah I just think um you know it's a great resource for Pasco County I know somebody that was there that day and she had nothing but amazing things to say about the whole process so again thank you for taking your time and just for helping everybody yeah I can tell you that Mr if you don't mind Mr chair go ahead I'll wait just real quick thank you again for taking your time thank you JP and Anthony for your leadership and thank you team for for doing what you do day in and day out um you ensured compliance but you built trust you know based on you know going off of what commissioner waitman was you built trust into the community and it ensures our our objective our objective is Public Safety you are you were there you know no one no one calls to thank the IRS for enforcing the tax code right you guys enforce the Florida building code and and and it's okay and you know and again thank you for demystifying the process you know I tell JP you know all the time it's no PhD in Pasco so so thank you I I really do appreciate you guys uh you know Towing the line on this and making it happen let's do more well I can tell you that ever since I've been elected I've been trying to make this group better and better as we go and I'm finally hearing what I've been wanting to hear for seven years so I can tell you I'm elated with what's going on and what people are talking about because it's making it smoother I can't tell you how many less calls I get now on permitting and issues with BCS it's amazing I'm not getting those costs I should none of us should be getting those calls because you're doing your job we won't get those calls and I certainly appreciate way more than I can express how much I appreciate what you do and you step up and help things move smoother through building permits and things of that nature that in the zoning cuz people are concerned and they don't most time they don't understand but you're there where you can help them and and you're help for them may seem very small but it's very large in their eyes because it's a different world for them because they're not used to permitting they're not used to zoning and all the things that go on y'all make that life for them easier and better and you're doing that for the citizens of Pasco County and I commend you on a job well done and keep up the this is good work and keep up that good work so thank you um I'll come well no Jack go down and take a picture and we'll stand up here behind I just like to say mike carbella um you know since you took over this position and I told you how important this was to us one one of the big issues and you have done a phenomenal job putting a team together empowering them and uh JP I want to make sure the technology stuff we talked about that we have any trouble making sure that gets in the budget we want to make sure we get all the right tools for you guys to do a great job that you're doing uh just a quick thing too as you mentioned you know when commissioner o Oakley gets elated that's a good thing but uh this is an important group oh it is absolutely you know we had that we had one gentleman that I think you guys may remember he was down and I had met him at a meeting we had here on flooding and a realtor told me about this one guy had his house for four years and had a problem that was solvable but we couldn't solve it the way with things were set up this ansty thing that we had done gave them now the the way to get it done done that guy was so excited so happy to have that burden for four years on his life trying to do the right thing oh yeah and right we found a way to get it done and you guys were phenomenal uh the other gentleman I think the very first guy that come in I'll just be the last one I talk about but that guy walk in was so scared what he was walking into he walked out so happy and that was like the story the whole day all along so again thank you all very much great work okay we'll stand up here scoot over scoot down you get boss around all the time perfect thank you thank you thank you thank you Anthony oh oh yeah that was funny thank you tied her up now we'll move on to uh our next item which is time certain which our time certain run a little late but sure you want to get rid of the consent agenda before you take take the um oh yeah but we got to do that we can do that pretty quick you want to do that you okay with it mik release okay all right we'll uh we'll stop right here that's that finishes all the resolution so now we'll do the consent agenda I only have one item pulled which is item c31 uh pull and discuss and look for a motion for the rest items on the move to approve the consent agenda minus c31 second I got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z Now we will pull up uh c31 who's that under that's that I'm talking about the person outside yeah I know that yeah okay Mr waitman thank you waiting on you thank you chair yeah P c31 I think this is this is a program that the County's taken literally going to wait into to help homeowners that live on U private water bodies within this County understand what what they can do to help keep their water bodies healthy and uh so I wanted to highlight this it's a new program and talk walked over with the County Administrator and uh I think it's a it's a fantastic value ad to Pasco County and excited to get the word out about the program okay good morning members board um uh welcome commissioner Jager I'm I'm Jason mckl Public Works director um thank you commissioner waitman for for bringing this um to the attention of the board um mik carala and Branford have been very supportive of this program I wish I could take some credit for it but our environmental team is is doing an awesome job um bringing this to our customers to our citizens I would say we've built this program off of um a 20 25 year success um track record long story short I worked on this program when I was at Hillsboro County um Joon Mick our environmental manager he did as well and we brought the success of this program here to Pasco um this is this is a um a volunteer-based program so we're going to work with the community to to help them understand how to manage their water bodies I I would mention that we have about 6,000 water bodies throughout the county many of many of them people don't know what they are are they Lakes are they ponds you know so we're we're trying to help people identify what they are if they're a lake if they're a pond and then once we know that then we could take proper actions with our community to help them manage it using scientifically sound principles so that's the point of this program and we'll be unveiling it um immediately and once now we have the blessing of the board um we'll be bringing out to the community okay Mr chairman yes um I'm very excited for this program and I know uh I think Swift Mud you know has the the responsibility for a lot of these ponds but I think they have two or three people for Seven Counties or something and it's our our citizens just don't know their responsibilities with a lot of these ponds so um you know I have my two Leadership Council groups one for the holiday area and now I've started one for Trinity Odessa so um and these are the representatives from their HOAs and CDD boards and Civic associations and I'm going to make sure you're on my speaking circuit so we can um get this word out to to the uh community so thank you very much it's a great idea Mr chairman yes sir Jason I would to say you are doing a phenomenal job um you know we just had that one I talked about last week over Gulf Highlands and Palm Terrace uh we had done a great work on the trench work but then we saw when the water levels dropped down there was a lot of silt in there and you guys went in there and did a phenomenal job cleaning out that more as we go through our engineering designs and everything else forward what you did for those people are going to save them through the whole summer so thank you for all the great Ingenuity that you're using and the getting it done attitude that you've got thank you um can I come back again you can okay so Jason I don't know if it's you but I want to remind you all that I want to cover the pumps on Little Road Infinity it's very unattractive to have those temporary pumps permanently placed so just a reminder Mr administrator we actually removed them they're gone yes ma'am yes we removed them wow so their temporary ones aren't permanent anymore so we're going to bring them back if needed deployed when needed yes ma'am okay isn't that great that we haven't needed them in a while I guess it's good and bad we're in such a drought but okay well that eliminate that problem thank you very much all right we're good move approval on c31 chair second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z thank sir okay now we'll move to U r37 47 47 excuse me go and take a look at that again see the numbers right here today cuz I got one reading 48 I heard they saved the best for last well I heard that but I don't know when that's going to happen don't worry I'll get you back for that good morning Commissioners I'm Stefania Dewey executive assistant to County Administration today we celebrate the spring 2024 graduating class of Pasco Citizens Academy over the past 11 weeks I've had the pleasure of witnessing a group of dedicated individuals who not have only shown great interest in our local government but have also demonstrated exceptional intelligence and curiosity the participants had Direct access to pasco's elected officials constitutional officers and County team members they learned about programs and services budgetary limitations day-to-day operations and toward various facilities throughout the county last week we gathered at the historic Pasco County courthouse and spent quality time with chairman Oakley I recall him saying there's no better place to live than Pasco County I share that sentiment and just want to add that I am very proud to call Pasco County my home and workplace with the board's permission and before we present certificates I'd like to ask some of the participants to come up here and share about their experience okay that' be good and you can all come up at once if you'd like come on whoever wants to speak can come up at once don't be shy I don't think they're Shy cuz I uh remember all of them playing good parts in the courthouse so good morning Commissioners my name is Michelle Davis I just want to thank you as Commissioners because if it wasn't for your establishment of this program myself as a resident and obviously everybody else we wouldn't have had the opportunity to learn and have so much of the background oh sorry so much of the background of what you and staff do for the county and it has far exceeded any of my expectations thank you so much thank you good morning I just want to say that um the opportunity that we had to visit facilities maintenance uh the sheriff's department the uh Solid Waste um I can't say enough about the Citizens Academy and the problem I think is that it's not promoted enough people knew about this uh this wonderful program by the way Stefan did a wonderful job in communication with us we have all the all the uh have all the power points and uh just the direct contact and the um the communication with the directors any assistant directors Animal Services you know elderly services I can go on and on but if you're going to take some time to learn about the county and not these let me just finish by saying this the questions that I have that that people have when I talk to them about Pasco County and its growth is why why blank if you want to know the answer to those questions come and join us Academy you'll learn a lot so thank you very much thank you by the way he had the hardest part he had to play me so a lot of I'm familiar with a lot of you as a real estate agent it is very difficult in Pasco County in this day and age but I want to say taking on this uh Citizens Academy was an eyeopener for me I thought I knew a lot about the government and how it worked I knew nothing um and I'll also I'll repeat that over and over again this is the best program out there I just wish more people knew about it thank you guys Commissioners Oakley uh commissioner Oakley we had a budget of $100 let me tell you that was a tough chore had in your last week cut did you cut um programs are raiseed taxes so I just said to the other um people in the class that we are glad we gave a dollar to our ambulance driver on the recommendation of somebody that was the hard task when we had to fill your shoes and your seat so thank you for all you do thank you for everybody that spoke at the class on behalf of the government and it was it was eye opening so thank you we wish more people would see it so if they join this program they would and you understand why when you hear all the questions and emails but y'all were able to understand that after you I think we have someone else who wants to speak yeah come on good morning everyone so I'll start by saying Stefania you did an amazing job she put up with us for 11 11 weeks uh and you guys were uh very open to just hearing our comments you know our concerns answering questions and staying later than you probably should have you know in a number of sessions but I moved here from Hillsboro County in September of last year very good and I remember telling a coworker I happened upon this program so I uh my fellow participants and I are on the same page where I think this needs to be not that you can make it mandatory for people who move here to do it almost promoting it a little bit more I happened upon it by chance and it's been phenomenal I one of the things I intended to accomplish being a new resident of Pasco County was Finding ways to one learn about the community and find ways to participate in the community a little bit more and this program has opened my eyes to the various different services and areas that I can probably do so so I thank you guys for doing that for your openness and for um allowing us the opportunity to be here as residents um so thank you for that and for this program and I'm sure we all look forward to finding ways that we can be uh supportive in this mission for making Pasco camp count uh great we should have if we don't have I love you Pascal County shirts because I know I want one thank you oh here's the uh I think she's an actor in her past history but she did a very good job you me yes you no I'm I'm not an actor but you did pretty good as I've had some professional training I I would Echo everything that my classmates um have said and it's been great to get to know them as well I moved here four years ago and I knew it was a good decision for my family to move here to Pasco County but I didn't fully understand why it was such a good decision until I took this class and I also didn't feel totally settled and at home in my new community until I took this class it helped me really r found out um setting my roots I guess I would say again so um I've always thought that you don't know what you don't know so you better be inquisitive and willing to learn and I learned so much um about the county it's been wonderful and um I know I can be an ongoing learner because um I'm using the website I signed up to get notices about things that are post posted to the website um I've been watching podcasts um to to learn about different things that are going on in the county and I've started watching the TV channel uh in the morning when I had my coffee so um thank you very much for all you're doing to try and make it possible for us to access information learn and feel at home wonderful good come on don't bash everyone um I think the um the transparency of the Citizens Academy is refreshing because I feel like a lot of us don't have access to the information that we learned here and it's important for us to know all that about our community and these two inspiring women are the ones who got me here because you guys to the Pasco Chamber Commerce women's meeting yeah yeah and I actually sat right next to you and you guys both did presentations it was awesome and again it's not advertised enough so if you guys hadn't come there I might not be here today but thank you for that and thank you all for having us and you guys too [Music] everyone this is actually my second time in a row back to back taking it so um for anybody it's not just for newcomers I'm born and raised here Second Generation and uh I recommend anybody that is in this County to take it because it really is you get to learn a lot you you get the department heads you get to ask a lot of questions that you seek answers to and you might not get every answer answered but you know it really is a blessing and you get to meet great people you know I had Derek last time he was all right since he's in here but we got the better [Laughter] one hey you got you like the RO and then Eric obviously um he he's got great leadership he's the man and uh appreciate him and there's just a lot you meet a lot of the everyday people who have are very passionate about what they do and U you know those are the people that like you guys said the the mechanics it's it's the everyday people that show up every day to do the job that's who we need to like always be grateful for and thankful for because if it isn't for them this whole thing shuts down it you guys honestly are useless no offense it's the people no I'm not being I didn't mean it in like a disrespectful way you're probably right just they're the ones that really are the machine behind everything and and I definitely recommend you should take it since you said you didn't know about the Departments because I I started it actually and I've been to many of them but I've never visited Fleet did you guys visit Fleet on one of your days we visit every Department you I recommend it yeah and um it's pretty awesome and and Stephanie is great I'm gonna get out of here now because I took off a lot of time Stefania um thank you for for running our program and um you know I've always said when we started this that nowhere do you really learn what local government does and if you if you had it in school it might have been one day or two uh but I don't really learning much about how local government functions so we're really um proud of this Academy we used to do it one one time a year and now we're doing it too but our and we will work on um spreading the word I have a few ideas but I would say that our our CL our gra our graduates who have participated in this are our best cheerleaders to help us recruit more people so um because we think an educated populace helps the county um helps us all move forward so if you uh would talk about this to your friends and peers or your Facebook page or whatever um we'd love to you know have waiting list for for our class because we want as many people as possible to learn about what their local government does so thank you all for taking the time to go through it m chair thank you for your support yes sir I'd like to say commissioner starky this was a brilliant idea of yours and staff has done a great job executing every step of the way uh Derek did a great job starting us off and Stefania great great accolades I don't know what this guy's talking about but you do phenomenal but uh we thank you all for doing it and I think we do need to go put something out there just the testimony we just heard now should be the next podcast let's get the word out so thank you all very much for taking the class taking the interest in the county because we all work hard at what we do and try to make sure we're making the right decisions and input from citizens like you helps us make great decisions over and over again so thank you all hey just so you'll know I don't pick on people unless I think they're the bestes to the top but a great group I enjoyed being with you the other night it was it was fun so okay I think they have a format for us to shake hands yes okay um I also just want to add if Mike carala will pay me my hourly rate I'll go join the guy at Firehouse Subs and flip a sign and we'll get but I really just love this program um yes so if you would please come down and we'll go ahead and start the passing out of the certificates okay yeah class when I call your name please come up for your certificate and then gather in front of the deis many there's 14 we have one that couldn't join us today Brian Paris Connie Luc DEA runman Don relle Jacob fantazi Jamie Lynch K Annie Reid lady Gonzalez Reyes [Music] Michael cook Michelle Davis Patrick store Susan Kano and Tiffany Bogart and if the class would come back up I'd like for everybody to be in a group photo trying to make up to you oh yeah everybody good thank you [Applause] all you're welcome okay can y'all do this in five seconds or less or I'll try so we're at uh R 47 is that right 48 for 48 how do I get any numbers all mixed up all right 487 was the was that group graduation yeah well I had them listed okay so this is the last one we have on regular the regular agenda okay all right Mr good morning Mr chairman nario pitos planning and economic growth wanted to say welcome to commissioner jger thank you good morning um today we're going to talk about new Pasco County public hearing signs a few months ago the board of County Commissioners requested a redo of the types of public hearing signs that we use and we have we're doing this kind of old school halfway um we have the existing pasel County sign behind me it's about 24 in in width by 36 in in height and you can see a couple of interesting aspects of it a lot of blank lines a lot of it is handwritten uh the way applicants fill this out is they fill in and then they X out as public hearings progress through the process it's a one- siiz fits-all type of sign today we're going to uh introduce to you a new Pasco County public hearing sign the proposed sign is is 36 in tall and 44 in in height it allows for a little bit more space yes and to that effect we do have updated attachments for you all that we can submit for the record as well move to do we have to do that from if it's from staff yeah well make move if you wanted as part that's really up to the clerk's office if you want it as part of the record it's okay okay okay so the are going to sort of show the type of sign that can fit in this Dimension and we'll walk through it in just a second and just by reason of comparison the Hillsboro County public hearing sign is just a little bigger at 39 in by 48 in so with that will put up the actual size behind me and you can see um what's new with the new sign and this new sign has been developed by the planning and economic growth Department in coordination and collaboration with the County attorneys office as well as the county administrator's office so I'd like to thank those offices as well for their help and what's new here is that you can see a new vibrant color scheme has been introduced larger size uh in the overall sign type uh as well as larger sizes in the fonts and they're actually more legible because it's no longer handwriting it's all typed font um and we'll walk through these are all going to be PDF documents with drop- down menus for applicants to select to make their choic and then take to the printers to post to print and post on their site importantly we've also added a QR code that'll allow people to take pictures of their of these public hearing signs and actually navigate to the pasel County website and uh obtain the information associated with the public hearing signs um Terry can I ask you a question yes so that was interesting so so the the applicant gets a PDF and has a company print these yes oh I I never knew that part of this so we'll get to that in a second I'll explain how the logistics of it works so there are a number of product types that planning brings forward to the board of County Commissioners and each of those product types have I call them product types that are different types of projects right uh different product types that are brought to the board of County Commissioners and each of those have different types of public hearings that need to be uh heard and the number of hearings is different for each one so we have comprehensive plan amendments we have comprehensive plan amendments small scale we have rezonings and conditional uses we have special exceptions alternative standards variances and waivers and we have appeals each one of these product types will have their own PDF sign so it's no longer a one- siiz fits all but a very customized uh approach so that the public can be fully informed about the exact type of product or project that is going to be heard by either the board of County Commissioners or the planning commission looc planning agency and even The Villages of Pasadena Hills planning and policy committee here's an example uh of on the overhead of a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment you'll notice a local planning agency meeting line and a board of County Commissioners meeting line these are all drop down menus well the dates are drop down menus that can be selected as well as drop downs to illustrate from what type of category or or in this case future land use designation to what other type of future land use designation is being selected behind me is what is the normal comprehensive plan process and you'll notice there's three lines there which sort of illustrates the point that these are customized this is a an application of a resoning public hearing sign and see the terminology has now changed to Planning Commission and also uh a little bit more description about what can actually take place with regard to the zoning uh project that might be heard and as I said Planning Commission and board and County Commissioners these are the um various product types that are brought forward from time to time that are associated with The Villages of Pasadena Hills this is going to require us to produce a specific sign type for vop again comprehensive plan amendments resoning special exceptions so on and so forth and you can see in the vop public hearing sign there's a bit more activity take that takes place you have to go in the case of a comprehensive plan Amendment you have to go to the vop planning and policy committee then you need to go to the local planning agency in the case of a large scale comprehensive plan Amendment if it's greater than 50 acres for example two Board of County Commissioners meetings so you can kind of see how many different types of meetings a particular project needs to go through and how the old sign was a bit difficult in communicating all that information to the public so um that's the presentation of the new sign we'd like to get your feedback and and understand uh the board's perspective I I okay thank you CH Terry and team I tell you this is to add this level of clarity and transparency for projects coming in the Pasco County I think is fantastic I think the only thing that's missing from the new sign is a picture of Mike Coral's face on the top right but uh but no great great work here this is uh it make make folks to see what's going on easier and they can come and and uh participate in the process so good work yeah I think I think this is really uh good um and I love the very ability that you have there so I think our citizens will really appreciate this so good job and commissioner I did forget to uh mention that this would be a sign that would be filled out by the staff or excuse me by the applicant staff would make the prescription to the applicant say this is the this is the process that you need to go through so here's the PDF template that you need to fill out and then the applicant would make their selections and then go to The Print Shop print their own sign take it out to their site post it on their property okay right yeah sounds good good Mr Mar you want go first okay I think it's great and um it's very visible so you know especially like for us over 50 club that can't see very well um I I think it's awesome and you did a great job on it uh Terry I know I brought this idea to you a long time ago when it's been taken a while a long time to get here and I want to say what you've come up with is phenomenal I think it's something you can post that sign even if it's flat to the road people can see that going by which is huge uh the visibility and now they know what to do um I'm going to say I just struggled a little bit I just went to the the code and I tried to log it but I couldn't get to the exact thing so if you would just take a another look at that or sit down and show me but I don't if there's an easier way to do it but exactly how to get to look at the amendment this something might we just have to tweak just I just like just clicked on it so maybe it's me but um I love the idea I think it's absolutely phenomenal what you've come up with um so thank you so much thank you commission okay are we asking for uh approval all right phenomenal yep well then so's no vote no vote at all y'all just go to work yes sir we'll we'll be I'm good with that as soon as we work out a last minute detail we'll start uh implementing these new signs and you'll start seeing them around the county y just let us know when it happens Happ so we know tremendous that' be good uh so we do our pH now uh no I don't think so when do we do the photo oh when do we do a photo of of the commission right now sir right now and we'll adjourn for for lunch and be back here for public hearing at 1:30 okay oh [Music]