[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Denise Hernandez on the screen designated [Laughter] hitter she hit you that's right ready okay okay I'd like to welcome everybody can you hear me yeah okay like to call them meeting to order let's stand for a moment of silence in the Pledge of Allegiance [Music] pledge allegiance of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all okay I'd like to welcome everybody again um Madam clerk we have a roll call please Mr Jamie here Mr Christopher P here Mr John Moody here Mr Matthew muns here Mr Derek tolet here Mr Chris Williams here chairman Charles gra here and proof of publication the item advertised in the Tampa Bay Times on May 1st 2024 June 5th 2024 and July 10th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailing Insight listings okay thank you I don't believe we have any minutes correct so for those of you who um haven't been here before um we're the Planning Commission we're appointed by the board of County Commissioners and we meet twice monthly uh we make a recommendations uh and whole public hearings re recommendations to the board of County Commissioners as to comprehensive land amendments Land Development code amendments rezonings conditional use requests the plan commission is the final decision making body for special exceptions certain appeals variance requests and certain alternative standard requests however a final decision may be appealed to the board of County Commissioners if anyone is in in opposition to any development code Amendment resoning conditional use or any item where the Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the County Commission it's be important for you to attend the appropriate County Commission meeting those of you who aren't familiar with the um the stages of the meeting we have three three areas we have continuances we have consent and we have regular items uh continuances are where the staff or the applicant has requested a continuance for any number of reasons it's been our tradition to Grant those requests unless they're extenda circumstances uh we have consent agenda and that those are items that we'll go through one at a time if when we read the item off you want it to be heard you want discussion or you have a comment about it raise your hand and we'll pull it off the consent agenda and we'll put it onto the regular items and that is the third uh area is the regular items and those are items where we where we have people here to make a presentation and others that may want to speak or ask questions about those things um applicants will have three minutes to make their presentation and uh respondents or questioners will have three minutes to ask their questions and then the applicant will have an opportunity to come back up and respond to those questions and uh then we have uh area time before we start the formal meeting uh we're going to ask that is there anybody here that um that needs to speak on something that's not on today's agenda Mr chair we do we have Jennifer cinii who would like to speak uh during public comment okay we'll have that very shortly Miss SNY if you might just wait a minute so uh with regard to the applications that will be heard today if there has been anyone who's made a written request at least 24 hours prior to this meeting for extra time it may be granted but I haven't received any requests are there any requests Denise we do not have any requests for additional time okay thank you very much so this would be a great time to put your phones on silent position so you won't interrupt anybody and uh guess I better check my own wouldn't want to get in trouble with the chairman no throw myself out okay so for those of you who plan to give testimony today if you'll stand and raise your right hand be sworn do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give is a truth so help you done okay thank you okay missini would you like to come forward please state your name and address please for the record into the microphone for any of those who do come up and speak today uh we need you to not speak before you get up up front because we need to record it all so we need to speak in the microphone that's why we need your name and address so go ahead Jennifer CI 25605 Apple Blossom Lane Wesley Chapel I'm here to give you your invasives lesson however before I start I want to tell you that I I am confused I understand that you want to do a good job and give good advice to the BCC but Florida State statute 163 317.00 section c is clear that when you sit as the land planning agency and review proposed ldcs ldrs or amendments there to you vote only as to an item's consistency with a comprehensive plan unlike when you sit as the Planning Commission under LDC 204. one where you have much latitude to discuss to um rewrite to condition to recommend to opine on many things when a staff is given a board directive to establish a program for controlling invasives they write a proactive program it comes to you to vote yay or nay on whether it complies with our comprehensive plan asking staff to continuously rewrite and now ref focus on a provision in the landscape ordinance means you have effectively tried to write this ordinance yourselves in my opinion I respectively suggest that this is not your job in my opinion the reason 95.2 Section 5 has never worked that's the Landscaping ordinance is that it is an afterthought in the Landscaping ordinance with your changes you have pushed the invasive control back to a reactive unsupported Code Compliance function again a mere footnote never expected to be assessed as part of a site plan not proactive not a program not anything effective I told you on July 11th to remember two things go for toruses and pollinators that's because go for tortoises are important to over 300 species like the burrowing owl the Gopher frog Eastern indigo snake Florida pine snake and previously Eastern Diamondback Snake I know a lot of snakes but they are very important for keeping rodent population down which is often a vector for diseases it's all connected just like the little fish that gets eaten by the big fish the loss of habitat through overdevelopment is excessive but invasives are good at killing habitat also including gopher toris habitat the invasive ordinance was an attempt to set up and call out a more formal program to control them making a minimal change to 95.2 section 5 is assuring its obscurity once more it will be lost I respectfully State mistake and you reconsider a proactive approach ex excuse me thank you please respect the timing everybody else has to all right thank you who who's next that's the only person I have signed up to speak for comment but if you can check to see if anyone else would like to please is there anyone else that would like to speak on something that's not on today's agenda okay thank you all right good afternoon Mr chair Planning Commission members Denise Hernandez planning and economic growth Department the first item is pc1 which is Peg 24787 it's a special exception in the name of Lakeshore Boulevard LLC the request is to continue the item to the August 8th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in dat City okay and the applicant for that item is virtually present okay is anyone here to speak or object okay next one following item is item PC2 which is Peg 2477 A3 it's a zoning amendment in the name of Deon and Gordana banovic and it is to um it's for a change in zoning from AR with conditions to a uh District the request is to continue the item to the September 19th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie and what was that date again I'm sorry September 19th 2024 130 Newport Richie okay is the applicant present anybody here to object okay see no one item PC3 is Peg 24 7800 it's a zoning amend in the name of Pasco Window and Door plus more LLC the request is to continue the item to the August 8th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in D City and is the applicant present anyone here to object see no objection following item is pc4 which is Peg 247 739 is a zoning amendment in the name of Fletcher mwd Mary L Fletcher revocable trust and Richard D Fletcher the request is to continue the item to the August 8th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in dat City okay is that applicant present anybody here to object see no objections on pc5 you're sitting as the local planning Agency on this item the it's Peg 24354 comprehensive plan Amendment C pass 2409 for the rake parcel the request is to continue the item to the August 22nd 2024 local planning agency meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie say it again on the date I'm sorry August 22nd 2024 1:30 p.m. Newport Richie all right and anybody here to speak on this one I see no one following item you're also sitting as the local planning Agency on this item pc6 Peg 24413 it's an ordinance by the by the board of County Commissioners modifying 604 the Northeast Pascal rural protection overlay District boundary and some maps within 604 the request is to continue the item to the August 22nd 2024 local planning agency meeting at 1:30 p.m. in Newport Richie okay anyone here to speak on this one see no one on pc7 you're also sitting as a local planning agency it's Peg 24336 it's an ordinance modifying the Land Development code um creating standards for car car wash facilities the request is to continue the item to the August 8th 2024 local planning agency meeting at 1:30 in dat City all right is the applicant present anyone here to speak on this one okay on the following item PC8 you are also sitting as the local planning agency it's peg2 24379 it's for an ordinance modifying section 802 80 802 tree preservation and replacement the request is to continue the item to the September 5th 2024 local planning agency meeting at 1:30 in dat City okay anyone heard to speak on that one see nothing that's the end of the your continuance items okay just a question Denise um a a lot of these venues seem like they're off so we have date city where it's a West Side thing and vice versa looks like pc1 PC2 PC3 pc5 pc6 all of those are kind of flip-flopped so was what was the reason right so pc1 there is a rezoning that's going together with that one and we wanted to keep them um to to keep them so that they end at the at the same Board of County Commissioners meeting okay um PC2 is actually um on the correct side um what was the other one I'm soorry oh yeah I'm sorry Northwest I was reading Northeast so uh PC3 PC3 um that is another one that we want to it'll it'll go to the board meeting at the correct uh location I suppose um it's a it's a cons it's a consent it's a consent item as at this point in time typically we do tell our applicants because there is the possibility of folks can sign up to speak you can also do things on WebEx if we tell the if we tell our applicants that if it's on if it's a uh regular item we usually continue it to the side of the county that it's more close closest to um the other ones which I guess are pc5 pc6 uh those will have a BCC meeting on the east side as well um it's just an LPA meeting and those are um actually the uh they're they're extending the the maps for the Northeast Rural and one is down comp planning to Res one from a higher density was there another one I'm sorry uh no that was at five and six was the only so okay does that resolve your questions then yeah I just want to make sure we have okay opportunity for the public to speak on it so we can have a motion please I'll make the motion as long as Denise will confirm my dates sure confirm pc1 to August 8th PC2 to September 19th PC3 to August 8th pc4 to August 8th pc5 to August 22nd PC 6 to August 22nd PC 7 to August 8th and PC8 to September 5th confirmed second you have a motion to Second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying i i o like sign okay all right we're moving on to item pc9 which is Peg 24781 a zoning Amendment um affordable Secure Storage for a change in zoning from an i1 light Industrial Park District to a SE to General commercial district with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction uh to limit those reserving those uses for those uses within the C2 District comes here with a recommendation of approval all right is the applicant present anyone here to object see no objections following item is pc10 oh and I should also mention that there is no one signed up to speak on webx on that item and and on any of the items for that matter okay item pc1 is Peg 24784 it's a zoning Amendment Anthony G it's for a change in zoning from an AC agricultural District to an i1 light Industrial Park District with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction reserving those uses for those uses within the i1 district comes here with a recommendation of approval and is the applicant present anyone here to object okay pc11 is Peg 24782 it's a zoning amend mment Hudson group Partners LLC sr52 storage retail for a change in zoning from an mf1 multiple family medium density District to a C2 General commercial district with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction limiting those uses or reserving those uses for the C2 District uses comes to with recommendation of approval all right pc11 is the applicant present anyone here to object okay PC2 is Peg 24785 it's a zoning Amendment Under LS LS mcus blue blue sky storage for a change in zoning from an RMH mobile home District to a C2 General commercial district with voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction Li reserving those uses for those uses consistent with the C2 District comes here with a recommendation of approval pc12 it's applicant present anyone here to object is there somebody raise their hand back there no no okay all right PC excuse me pc13 is p24 7806 to zoning Amendment Lakes Shore Boulevard LLC for a change in zoning from a P2 professional office and mf2 multiple family high density districts to a C1 neighborhood commercial district with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction reserving those uses for those uses consistent with the C1 District uh comes here with a recommendation of a approval and the applicant is virtually present I'd like to hear that one okay we'll pull that one pc13 we go to the regular items and uh the following item is pc14 and that's peg2 247740 this is a zoning Amendment residences at Rolling Hills mpud master plan unit development Dan nio Properties LLC it's for a rezoning from an mf1 one multiple family medium density District to an mpud master plan unit development to allow for 132 multif family units 104 senior apartments 3600 ft of medical office and a minimum of 3,000 squ ft of retail uses on approximately 9.87 Acres comes to you with a recommendation of approval with conditions as included in your agenda packet and those conditions do also include the uh conditions related to the live local act okay the applicant president anyone here to object okay and that is the end of your consent agenda okay so uh do I have a motion to approve the consent motion to approve uh pc9 PC 10 pc1 PC2 and pc14 under the consent second have a motion in second any further discussion of that motion all in favor signify by saying I I post like sign okay motion carries Mr chair what would you like to do would you like the presentation on pc15 or would you like to move on to PC 133 uh let's just do PC 13 okay thank you good afternoon Liam Divine planning and economic growth Department this is um pc13 Peg 24- 7806 in the name of lakes Shore Boulevard LLC it is a ukine zoning Amendment from P2 professional office and mf2 um multif Family high density district and it's rezoning to C1 neighborhood commercial District the future land use on the subject site is RO under the comprehensive plan the applicant is requesting a reone to C1 um for the purpose to submit a special exception to develop the property with a freestanding boat and RV storage facility um in conformance with C1 neighborhood commercial District standards and the special exceptions conditions of approval of course um the subject site is located on the west side of Lake Shore Boulevard approximately 233 ft Southwest of 5A Road the subject site is located in the West Market area and the urban service area here is a context map for us the nearest Trail is located along 5 b road which is to the um Northeast here's a zoomed in aerial view the surrounding future land juice to the Northeast South and West is all is all Ro and the surrounding zoning to the north is mf2 and C1 to the east is PUD to the South is MF 2 and to the West is R2 the subject site consists of a one-story concrete block building which was formerly used as a notary and fingerprinting um service office um access to the property is from Lakes Shore Boulevard and as stated before the nearest Trail is 5A road which is about 260 ft Northeast and this is coming with a recommendation of approval I'm here if you have any questions all right any questions John I don't have any questions for staff I'll let the applicant make their presentation all right anybody else no okay all right so if the applicant would like to make a presentation on the application the applicant present hello uh yes online go go ahead okay hello um my name is AA Russo the address is 10009 Gallant Lane and that's Tampa Florida code 33625 I am an EI working under the responsible e Michael Hoffman and I'll be representing the applicant and and advanced engineering Consultants the proposed project involves resoning three Parcels which are a total of 3.62 Acres from P2 and mf2 to C1 the purpose of the rezoning is to accommodate the addition of a freestanding recreational vehicle and boot storage facility while also keeping the existing medical office um that's currently on the site for LDC section 5254 self storage facilities and free stain standing recreational vehicle and boat storage is permitted within the C1 zoning as a special exemption use a special exemption has been applied for concurrently with this rezoning and will be attending the public hearing for that on August 8th as you've heard uh the adjacent parcel to the Northeast is currently zoned to C1 demonstrating the commercial compatibility within the area we believe this transition aligns with the evolving needs in the community and brings a mix of commercial and Professional Services while maintaining the surrounding land use patterns um there are approximately 1.22 Acres of Category 3 Wetlands on the site 25 foot Wetland setback has been included um to mitigate potential impacts retention will also be provided on site to accommodate for the digital impervious there is a separate entrance for the RV and boat storage facility which will have a gate and also a fire truck turnaround for emergency access and they requir 75 foot separation from the gate to the RightWay has been considered as well um the property is going to follow all C1 standards as well as provide a p type D landscape buffer to the north south and west and a type D buffer to the east um we are aware that the special exemption application is contingent on approval of this rezoning staff has found this approvable and we finally request your approval as well thank you for your time and I'll take any questions okay questions so the reason I pulled this is I don't feel like it's appropriate to hear the zoning without the special exception request that that is the reason that they're asking for this rezoning in other words what if we don't approve the special exception request maybe we didn't want to approve this change to C1 from po I'm particularly concerned to see the site plan for the special exception because I see that access to that site can be somewhat hindered to from the location of the median opening on Lake Shore also Lakes Shore is in deplorable condition the condition of the road is deplorable to say the least so I don't want to deny this request today but my personal preference would be to continue this to when we hear the special exception so that we can hear the two cases together and then vet the special exception and determine whether or not we want to change the zoning okay Liam you want to address that if I can that' be great thank you um so there was a noticing error with the special exception the resoning was um notice properly the special exception had an error there was a typo um our request for the special exception um application was to the eth that would have been brought before you before the rezoning goes in front of the board of County Commissioners so essentially you could still hear the special exception before the board hears the rezoning and that was intentional in case for whatever reason there's added conditions or the special exception does not get approved the applicant could withdraw their resoning application for consideration I understand that but I don't think that gives the Planning Commission the opportunity to vet the case and make a recommendation with all the facts before it agreed understood okay thanks Liam um all right is there anybody else in on the floor out there that has a comment question anybody here further if not John I'd move that we continue this case until the August 8th meeting in dat City I'll second that have a motion in a second Is there further discussion on that motion does that affect noticing at all are we good there does that affect noticing at all it does not affect noticing okay all right so we have a motion in a second any there's no further discussion if not all in favor signify by saying I I those like sign okay that'll be contined to when States all right [Applause] so chair the following item is pc15 the lighting is it the lighting the lighting mood lighting I guess yeah yeah is that what know how to com is that what they call they do this more often what is it nmpc 15 um the school impact fee okay thank you I believe this is being presented by Mr Gad good afternoon Commissioners um I can't resist making a personal comment I'm an avid quell Hunter and I have very little Sympathy for the Eastern Diamondback rattler [Laughter] with they don't taste bad either I've met three of them in my lifetime I don't want to meet anymore yeah that's more than enough this is my last to ra this is the third impact fee I've worked on and I'm retiring in September um the people that are with me today have done all the heavy lifting and I just wanted an opportunity to dress the Planning Commission one last time I want to tell you who's with us we have over here our assistant superintendent bet Betsy who's done a lot of heavy lifting on this impact fee Tammy Taylor our CFO and our outstanding Vice chair on the school board Allison Crumbley um we also have Cynthia Armstrong here I think a lot of you know on school board never heard of her never heard of her she's been a great friend to the school system and col colen V from Central p we also have two of our oversight committee members on the um um pending for Pasco oversight committee and that's you towns and who I'm sure you've seen here before yes we have and Tom scco Who currently shes our ping for Pasco oversight committee the last time we um commissioned a impact fee study was 2017 that was the third one that I've worked on I'm proud to say that in every impact fee we passed three of them um the builders Tampa Bay Builders associ Association at one time it was the Pasco Builders Association has stood side by side with us at the podium in front of the County Commission and supported our um fee the same is true today I thought Edward Briggs was going to be here he represents the Tampa Bay Builders Association I don't think he's in the a he's here he's Ste out he stepped out well he's on a phone call but he's here but I know that he has sent you the letter of support from the Tampa Bay Builders Association I want you to know that before we commissioned this study we brought the Tampa Bay Builders Association into our office and asked them is it was there anything in particular we wanted to focus on was there anything in particular that they wanted us to do relative to the impact fee study and they had a few questions uh we took those to heart we completed the impact fee study then we had a a zoom meeting with them and about four to five days later they voted in an open board meeting to fully support the impact fee the impact fee is incremental at ,000 a year and as you know the legislature has changed the rules related to impact fees so that impact fees can not exceed 50% of the difference between the existing impact fee and the new recommended impact fee we fall under that and we're doing an incremental impact of ,000 a year if you ask where did that come from it was arbitrary we sat down with the builders and we wanted to stay under the statutory limits and $1,000 a year looked good now we have not met with folks from the multifam apartment business um they don't have local representation as far as I know uh but they have a group that comes out of Miami and as a I think somewhat humorous aside David Goldstein will remember this and 2017 when we increased the impact fee the multif family folks showed up here and said it would be devastating to the construction of apartments in Pasco County I find that humor given what's happened since 2017 and we have not met with any folks from the mobile home Community uh our impact fee consultant is here with us today Carson Bice right here uh we paid for him to come here so I invite you to ask him the toughest questions you can possibly ask him um he tells me he's good at dancing I'd like to see a little bit of it there you go where's the music Chris Williams and Betsy can both tell you what we're facing in square foot cost I think there's every one of you up there knows what we're facing in terms of square foot cost over the past 10 years our square foot costs to build a school have almost doubled in 2017 we paid $178 a square foot to build Cypress Creek Middle we we are now running around 330 335 and we actually built a building not long ago that was around 390 a square foot so the impact fee is very much needed and I'm pleased that the sales tax passed again um because I think it will help us keep up in Pasco County relative to growth so without further Ado I'd like to bring Carson Bice up if you have any questions for him and I I have a couple questions Mr Gad okay so how many years have you been with this School Board now over 40 years over 40 years H I thought you'd beat me out well I think I'd just did still I'm I didn't quit yet no I I just wanted to uh say in front of everybody you know how much I think we all and especially me appreciate the work you've done over the years you've always been a great person to work with you've always been considerate of everybody's concerns and and you've done a master ful I think and a very professional and courteous uh job uh with the with the school board and taken real heart into to the uh betterment of Pasco County and I think it's really a credit to to you and and to all the people that are here with you today to uh to say thank you and uh I'm sure we'll find something for you to do you know in the coming months and years so just stay stay tuned well ditto to you because I feel the same about you Chuck thank you very much thank you so much an institution in this community I've enjoyed working with you thank you man okay so who's the next [Music] victim thanks Ray I'm Carson Bice with tishler Bice we're based in Bethesda Maryland and Boise Idaho and I'm assuming I can yeah there we go right next to each other what's that Maryland is Idaho right yeah a lot of diversity drive to work a lot of diversity uh between the two states U anyway the joke in Boise is is that California's fifth largest city there California which is why we have an office there so uh a little bit about us uh our firm is as I said was based in Bethesda Maryland and Boise Idaho we have a unique specialty on cost of growth issues specifically impact fees and infrastructure financing strategies as well as as fiscal and economic impact analysis and we've done more of this type of work than than any firm in the country and we've got considerable uh School impact fees experience here in the State of Florida uh a little bit about the Pasco County School impact fee uh nothing has changed relative to the components that's within the calculation it does have uh the cost of construction of additional classroom space uh it also has a land component and also has a component buses uh we use what we call the consumption based or incremental expansion approach very standard for impact fees particularly schools where we take a snapshot of the current level of service as it relates to uh you the size the average size of like an elementary school uh student seat what does it cost to build that seat what does it cost to buy land Etc uh and then we also have to guard against new development paying twice through credits or offsets uh so as part of this calculation uh we've been very generous with the credits and have actually given more than legally that we we would be required to do but we want to air on the S the side of being conservative so we have credits for future payment on on existing debt issuances uh we have future capital outlay and Debt Service Revenue a credit for that a credit for future penny for Pasco sales tax revenue as well as a credit for uh future local Capital Improvement millage Revenue uh as the first step in in conducting an impact fee analysis we have to determine what the demand indicators are and for uh school capacity it's the number of public school age children uh per housing unit and so we calculated these student generation rates shown in the green column here by type of housing unit using geocoded data provided by the school board so it is Pasco County specific it's not the the US Census uh public use micro sample data for the County it's actually based on uh the geocoded data provided by the the school board and then by applying uh these student generation rates to the increase the projected increase in housing units over the next 10 years we are projecting an additional 13,700 uh school students in the Pasco County School System so this slide here shows planned permanent capacity additions uh and the focus of these are on the first or the initial 5 years and I'll get into that here in a second uh but there's three or four projects here uh with a total uh additional student seats of 4160 and one of those the Dayspring Angeline is a charter school that will receive impact fee funding and then what we do is we program in these plan capacity additions and then compare that to the enrollment projection and it's kind of kind of hard to read from here but there's there's two circles here and that's why I brought my computer with me so I can actually read you the numbers but with the planned expansions over the next 10 years at the K through 8 level uh even with that addition of 3560 public seats not including the charter school seats uh the the K through 8 system will be at 99% of capacity now if we didn't add any of these seats at all we would be at 105% capacity although we don't have additional student seats programmed in the CIP for high schools it's clear uh from the bottom chart that additional high school capacity will be needed in the next 10 years and we expect the school uh District to come forward with plans for additional seats whether they're classroom uh additions uh or a Brand New School uh but we would be at 100% capacity uh uh at the end of the uh the 10-year period without addition seats uh here's the component for land again we like to be uh conservative with our assumptions and rather than project the future cost of land uh we look at what is the district paid for over the last four or five years either through purchases uh or or land that's under contract or through impact fee credits and so we've got five examples here with a total cost of 14.2 million uh for a total of 237 acres and so that results in a weighted cost per acre of 59,800 and then we have also have a cost of construction and that is based on these planned uh uh projects uh we've got a weighted average cost of $361 a square foot when we look at these four uh capacity additions and and then finally there is a cost for buses within the uh the analysis and we look at the total inventory of buses and what do it cost to purchase tomorrow uh or today uh which is $137,600 and we get our cost per student by comparing that to existing enrollment and then finally uh this table here walks you through from top to bottom basically it's a summary of all of these different slides that I've shown you to date uh the top part of the this the slide shows the student generation rates that we discussed in the beginning and then we walk ourselves down through these levels of service for PK through 8 as well as High School in terms of the cost per uh uh student for uh building construction the cost per student for land the cost for buses and so we get that total that gross Capital cost per student of 53,5 198 for PK through 8 and 46879 at the high school level and from that we then deduct those credits that I mentioned uh and so we get a uh net local Capital cost of $337,450 uh for the PK through 8 and then uh 37 3,731 uh at the um uh K through or 9 through 12 uh fee level so the next slide is the Maximum supportable Impact fee and so uh Mr Gad mentioned that there's a statutory limit uh the ACT impact fee Act was changed about 3 or four years ago which limits the increases uh for impact fees and it also limits the the how often you can do the studies you have to do it or the fees have to you can't do a study except for every four years and some jurisdictions like Oola and a few others were doing them every two or three years but you can see here in the green column the maximum supportable fee for a single family unit is $1,613 uh multif family is $657 and mobile home is $666 and the changes to the impact fee act state that if you're going to increase the impact fees between 0 and 25% they have to be done in two annual equal increments if we're going to go between 25 and 50% it has to be over a four year or four equal increments and as you can see here in the sort of the salmon colored uh column that we are exceeding the 25% increase for all three housing types and the statutory limits are there shown in blue where the maximum supportable was 136 613 but were statutorily capped at 12492 and finally as Mr Gad mentioned there was negotiations with the home builders and this shows you the recommended impact fee compared to the maximum supportable and The statuto statuto Limited fee and so we are proposing these th000 increases Over a four-year period so the single family fee would be 900 or 9,328 in year one and would ratch it up to $2,328 by the end of the fouryear period uh multif family would be capped out over the 4year period at 6389 and a mobile home at 64,000 or $ 6477 and with that I'm happy to answer any questions that the Planning Commission may have I I had a couple yeah go ahead go ahead I thought he couldn't have done that good a job he's good but not that good right um one could you explain the the credit for existing debt payments because it almost sounds like um that's a payment being made by the school board out as opposed to money coming in so is that Revenue that's coming in from existing goo bonds or so if I C if I pay an impact fee I'm also paying property tax that goes to retire that debt but also property tax in the future that may go to retire future debt and I'm also generating sales tax money that you're going to use to retire bonds as well okay uh or or use for school construction so uh the ex the existing debt credit includes debt that's being retired with sales tax bonds as well as uh certificates of participation and and U bonds backed by property tax then there's a credit for future Revenue which would be future sales tax that you could use for capacity and future local Capital Improvement millage that you could use for future capacity so it's a decrease in the payments that the school board's making on these General Obligations okay and then the other question I I had was um on the uh I think it was a previous slide where it's showing the maximum sure change maximum change is 50% but um multi family mobile home you have it at 35 and 30% so I was just curious why that was listed there the statutory limit was listed lower so the statute so we can't we can't increase more than 50% without corre providing for extraordinary circumstances where there's a process you can go to and some jurisdictions have done that so the ma while the maximum supportable is 13,633 if we cap it at the 50% it's 12,499 right yeah I got that yeah but the two the two below that so the cap would actually the statory limit would actually be higher than what's being recommended right okay so statutory limit on that actually $8,000 for the multif family for example right okay so that's just an incorrect number in that column no I think I think I think you're are you're just asking why didn't we go to the max well no I'm just asking why the statutory limit was listed as lower it was listed as 35 and 30% that's not that's the percentage change not the statutory limit the increase right but so the the total is 6576 and so the current fee is 48 uh 44 the difference was 1,692 Carson I can maybe $2400 would have been the stat saying that the statutory limit is actually higher than your maximum supportable fee for multi justify it we can't justify the understood yeah understood yeah thanks so that was that was only you know I just thought that was the numbers were off so all right yeah so one question Mr bu you mentioned that day spring angelene is eligible for impact fees is that because of kind of the unique nature of it with Angeline's public fees you know Fields being there is that is that typical for charter schools to be able to get impact fees uh well there was a change in legislation that now allows that okay now I haven't seen it widely used used and I don't know the particulars of why this one is is receiving the impact fees perhaps Chris or Mr Gad could answer that one of us can I'll let Mr Gad you don't want to fall in that trap do you by the way Mr Williams could easily explain that um the Pasco County school board has taken a position that we don't want to be unfriendly or in opposition to Charter Schools and Charter Schools can help us with growth and so oh three or four years ago we started reaching out to Charter Schools and one of the things we are trying to do is control the type of charter schools that we have in our County so we reached out to Homegrown effective Charter Schools like Dayspring and said would you want to enter into a Cooperative relationship with us the statutes allow impact fees to be used to build charter schools so we now have agreements with a couple of charter schools and they're interesting agreements and I don't want to go into too much detail but you might say public money or impact fee money is being used to fund these Charter Schools but we also have contracts with them that say should they fail for example or go bankrupt that those schools return to us we have what's called a stepin agreement and we are unique in the state in terms of what we are doing with these schools um we're probably only going to do two or three and see if it works out um a lot of the builders um in particular I don't want to single them out but lenar has for example a strong relationship with Charter Schools and so we've worked with them um and our feeling is is that if we can boost the local Charter Schools like do d then we keep the big corporate charter schools out of our County and we can have a closer working relationship with the local folks here in the community uh and so we've started this um process uh we you probably won't see anymore for years because we want to see one actually get up and running so that we can make sure it works we have maintenance agreements with them Insurance agreements with them Cooperative curriculum agre agreements and sharing agreements with them but um we are unique across the state in terms of doing this we're not the only one that does it but our system of for doing this is very unique and the contracts that we have are very unique does that answer the question does that basically work as a almost like a lean on the property for the impact fees that are paid so if the charter school fails then yeah absolutely comes directly back to us and and we even have little things things in there like cuz there might you know the charter school might want to go out and expand but if they want to go out and expand they have to get our permission because we don't want to be assuming they're dead so say a charter school goes out and gets a second mortgage because they want to build a building and then they fail and we've got5 10 million in debt if we take that school back over so we actually have contracts with them where they basically have to come to us we allow them to operate freely as a charter school should but we're not going to allow them to put us in a debt situation so we have a lot of little agreements like that in the contracts yeah I mean I think that's a great system honestly I I will thank you for making Day Spring Angeline your first one because my family will personally benefit from it so it's appreciate that okay sorry you saying you can't vote on this I guess I guess that's and you know I will tell you um we recently had a controversial one which is was a Patel school because we gave them some land to build a school and I realize why it's controversial it's Unique and different people have different perspectives about Charter Schools but to build a high school these days you know you're talking about anywhere from 6770 million to $100 million and so we recently agreed with a charter school to give them a little bit of land and they're going to spend $50 million building you know a school which is $50 million off our books and at the end of the day I think it's important to remember that charter schools in my opinion are here to stay and many of them are doing a great job especially the day Springs of the world doing an incredible job and what a lot of people don't know is that some Charter Schools kind of even though there's a lottery they cherry-pick their kids I think last time I looked at dpring they're lowincome population was about 42% and they are notoriously an a school Am I Wrong from what I understand that's correct I'm on the angelene side so I benefit from from the athletic field at the yes great complex and that's a new experiment as well so uh we think we're safe the taxpayers money uh we're going to find out pretty soon well Charter Schools already share with uh the voucher program so it only makes sense for impact money to go there as well good job Ray all right thank you okay and I think that's exactly what you're going to say right Chris correct yes I mean the and the one thing I would emphasize is that when we do these again we have a steeping agreement if a charter school comes and we don't have a part any kind of relation with them and they fail then then we're having to figure out where are all those kids going to go but with these where we are trying to control a few of these um if they do fail and we're not necessarily anticipating they are but if they do we get we get the building we have a place to put all of those kids yeah teachers still have jobs yes yeah that's right and for those of you who don't know there may be a few of you who don't know Chris Williams is a representative for the school system on our board so and we depend on his wisdom to point us in the right direction that's right oh [Laughter] boy okay is there anybody else would like to speak Allison just briefly welcome by the way thank you for coming thank you Alison you always do such a good job I appreciate you saying that likewise um 10811 panicum Court I assume you need that and uh thank you honorable uh chairman gray and uh attorney Goldstein and honorable members appreciate it I'm I'm going to recap on a few things and I appreciate my fellow two of my fellow board members being here because we are all so strongly uh behind this and I just want to remind the proposed increase will assist with keeping up with our construction costs and our growing School District we now have almost 90,000 students in case that's a new number to you when I started here Gulf High and they just built Hudson so quite we've come quite the way impact fees allow the school district to balance building new schools to support New Growth while allowing us to renovate our existing schools with the penny for Pasco funds as you know both are equally important and as someone who went to high school on double sessions and the 4515 plan don't let that for anybody else it was not good for students we appreciate the support from the Tampa Bay Builders Association and their strong stance that good schools build strong communities so again just thank you very much on behalf of my board appreciate it thanks you said you're at 990,000 now nearly that includes Charters yeah nearly 90,000 now I know so growing every day thank you guys so thank you all so much we really very much we appreciate what you do thank you okay anybody else like to speak welcome good afternoon uh chairman gray honorable members of the committee uh almost like old times you was chair I was seated in one of those and Ray was over where Chris was but today I Hugh Townson 9701 Herman solo Drive Newport Richie Florida 34655 uh rise to speak in support of this impact fee back in 2017 I was vice chair of a committee of citizens Builders and School uh Personnel that worked out the details of the first impact fee or the impact fee at that time before the pandemic before the increase that we now see to construction we need to keep up to dat and increase what we're looking and what we have been receiving in order to provide quality education to our students um I uh at Fair disclosure I'm Vice chair of the U penny for Pasco so I see how the money is being utilized and indeed properly utilized as a slightly funny aside anyone that doesn't want to pay the impact fee can easily buy an existing home both my children bought existing homes both now have built brand new homes in starky but my oldest daughter and her husband went out to dinner with my wife and I just as we were concluding the impact fee in 2017 and they had some great news to tell us and I had some great news to tell them that we negotiated a deal well they started first and they told me they were just looking into and signing to build a brand new house in starky ranch I picked up the dinner tab that night but everybody's happy my grandchildren are going to starky everything is wonderful and I truly hope that we can put this on the books and move forward so that we can continue to have excellent education here in Pasco County um any questions uh is that mean you're buying us all dinner tonight well if you all are going to buy new and build new homes thank you very much it's great to see you again great to see you again thank you anyone else Mr chair Commissioners Edward Briggs 3812 Coconut Palm Drive Tampa Florida representing the Tampa Bay Builders Association I don't want to take up too much of your time but did want to come up and speak we just appreciate the opportunity from Ray Gad his wonderful staff the board members to work with them comprehensively on this they came to us very early on which I know is hard when you come to the Builder to say hey we want to raise impact fees everyone kind of freaks out but we appreciate the opportunity to work with them we think the compromise given to you all on the phasin is really well we understand the importance of schools in our community for for us and for our buyers and everything so thank you so much for having us be here today I appreciate you coming thank you very much good afternoon my name is Tom scarco I live at 1549 Arlington Nots Court Trinity Florida 34655 first of all I want you to know I told uh U Townsen to keep his presentation very short because he likes to talk I am chairman of the uh penny for Pascal oversight committee uh what you all have heard uh the committee has already heard uh and uh I'll keep my comments short uh I too as a member of the penny for pasal oversight committee and all the committee members MERS we urge you to uh approve this increase in the impact fee funds thank you thank you thank you all right anyone else all right that being the case so on this item you're sitting as a local planning agency we're asking that you find the proposed ordinance consistent with the Pasco County comprehensive plan and recommend approval to the to the board of County Commissioners on this item the first reading is scheduled for August 6 2024 at 1:30 p.m. in dat City and the adoption is scheduled for uh August 21st 2024 1:30 in Newport Richie all right have a motion item pc5 second I have a motion and a multiple second all in favor signify by saying I I I OPP like sign okay motion carries tough raising taxes but unfortunately inflation's affected everybody so and that includes buying schools and property and everything else so got to do what needs to be done take care of our kids well I'll send you my share of the [Laughter] bill okay thank you very much everybody I appreciate it uh is there anything else Denise that's all we've got not I hear motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second okay all in favor gone [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]