##VIDEO ID:az12sJbYe6A## he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] he [Music] this is I have a mugs but this is a travel mug so it's Char it's charged and it stays hot at what temperature you set it for a long time yeah I my my son got me my first one as a Christmas present and I I I have them all over the place and I get them out as gifts it's the best thing ever so 144° I like my cof that's h i I was going to start [Laughter] it you could but I understand good afternoon we are here and ready to start the public hearing for 1:30 which I'm a minute or two after that and I don't know what happened to my works okay I got it I would like to call call back to order the Pasco County board county commissioner meeting of August 6 2024 please silence all electronic devices and mute your phones we will proceed with uh um public hearing starting um with ordinances and item 52 we're starting and so you'll know ahead of time I am pulling item p63 when we get to that item okay Mr chairman I thought you were going to start with p58 no I didn't make that change so CH you said 63 it's pulling no I'm pulling that item but I'm starting with p52 is that the first item I was just informed by the agenda coordinator that we were moving 58 up front well I think the chairman would have been the one that would have moved it but I didn't I'm just thinking that way I don't know Hospital people here for 58 you have all the hospital people Executives here for 58s okay so on better advice than I had myself we will go to p58 if that person will come forward we will get it taken care of sorry sir that's all right I don't care all right good afternoon Commissioners Paul ralo Support Services item p58 is an ordinance by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida creating a section to be numbered chapter 94 Article 4 establishing a local provider participation fund providing for the authorization of non- abalum special assessments to be imposed levied collected and forced against real property owned or leased by private for-profit and not for-profit hospitals to fund a non-federal share of supplemental payments benefiting hospitals providing Health Care Services to Medicaid Indigent and uninsured members of the Pasco County community providing for the procedure for adopting the annual non-ad valorum special assessments to be deposited into the local provider participation fund providing for the authorized uses for the local provider participation fund proceeds providing for severability providing for areas embrac providing for inclusion in the code and providing for an effective date and we have proof of publication of hearing of this matter in the Tampa Bay Times July 17th 2024 okay this item comes to you with a recommendation of approval we do have a presentation for you if it is the board's pleasure all right all right we have Colleen erns from atlanto Healthcare Ventures who will be doing the presentation today okay colen might be good for the public to hear what we're doing I think good thing thank you uh my name is Colleen Ern and I'm with otono Healthcare Ventures that is a company that offers technical expertise in the area of accessing reimbursement for care for the Medicaid population and for the Indigent and uninsured in a nutshell our goal in working with the hospitals here in Pasco County and around the State of Florida is to ensure that every citizen has access to Quality Care regardless of income and so we're here today to talk about an opportunity for Pasco County to partner with its hospitals and to work to ensure that the federal tax dollars our citizens are paying here in Pasco and across the State of Florida come back into the State of Florida to facilitate access to care for [Music] everyone so historically Florida's hospitals are limited in the reimbursement they receive when they're providing care to the Medicaid and Indigent population typically when a hospital performs a procedure for someone who qualifies for Medicaid that's an individual who is low income and who has a qualifying disability or condition or is in a qualifying phase of Life hospitals in Florida were only able to get about 60 cents on the dollar in reimbursement for those services so every time that a hospital was providing these Services they were losing 40 cents on the dollar in actual cost so a $110,000 labor and delivery and in Florida one in two births is a Medicaid birth but a $10,000 labor in delivery procedure would result in in the hospital losing $4,000 out of pocket because they were not receiving reimbursement to cover the full cost that problem of course is compounded by the fact that hospitals are only receiving very limited reimbursement for charity care so for the individuals who walk in who are lowincome and do not have any form of insurance hospitals were writing off these costs as Charity Care that amount Statewide resulted in about a $3 billion loss every year so these were limitations on hospitals these were difficulties in November of 2020 Governor DeSantis included in his recommended budget direction for the state's Medicaid agency to seek Federal approval for a program to help address this problem that was known as the directed payment program and the function was to help access federal dollars that Florida had historically left on the table and to use those dollars to help narrow the reimbursement Gap the dollars follow the patient now of course the issue was was how do you come up with State dollars to bring in the federal dollars how do you come up with the state dollar that qualifies for federal match and the answer to that was looking to local governments to collect from the hospitals only so to Levy a special assessment only on hospitals not on any other business not on any individual citizen but to collect C from the hospitals in the jurisdiction those dollars then serving to unlock federal dollars helping hospitals to narrow that reimbursement Gap so essentially the governmental entities like Pasco County if you choose to proceed would collect these dollars through a special assessment against the hospitals only those dollars come to the county the county submits them to the state and then those dollars qualify for federal match again dollars Florida hit his historically left on the table and then those funds follow the patient so hospitals receive a reimbursement increase getting them closer to 80 cents on the dollar for Medicaid services and taking them into getting some reimbursement for their charity care instead of the historical 1% that most hospitals received it will be about 8% so again not solving the problem entirely by any means but helping hospitals provide this Quality Care uh so Pasco count now has an ordinance before it that would establish this assessment on hospitals only now nobody gets a bill today the hospitals will bring a rate recommendation before this board at a later point but this is the framework creating this assessment uh Pasco is not the first County to have this opportunity in 2021 15 jurisdictions started with this program and they've all come back in fact it's only grown so by the end of this year we could have a total of 26 jurisdictions at the time the slide was created Okaloosa was just considering they've now scheduled September 3rd to be when their vote on the ordinance uh would be decided so 26 jurisdictions doing a program just like this assessing the hospitals helping them access the federal match the hospitals will be before you again September 17th that's when they'll bring the rate recommendation the board will vote on that rate recommendation and if you decide to proceed that's when the hospitals get the bill again those dollars come to the county go to the state unlock Federal match and help the hospitals continue providing this type of care then October 1st is when the county essentially messages yes State of Florida yes State Medicaid agency we in Pasco County want our hospitals to be part of this program we do intend to Levy the special assessment we do intend to help our hospitals access those federal dollars now this program is of significance to the hospitals in Pasco County letters of support were signed by all that would be subject to the assessment and here today in the room we have representatives of bay care and from Advent Health uh speaking for all of the hospitals in Pasco County we have Mike Merl he is the president and CEO of Zephyr Hills Dade City and conon uh the Advent facilities there Mike if you would mind good afternoon commission good to see you this afternoon commissioner Oakley and the rest of the uh Commissioners it's a pleasure to be here with you this morning and uh as Colleen mentioned my name is Mike murl and I'm a CEO within Advent health and I'm also speaking on behalf of my CEO colleagues within Pasco County Hospital colleagues within Pasco County this afternoon thank you for uh for considering this proposal and I'm speaking on behalf of them in support of the local provider participation fund ordinance that you are considering today this ordinance will allow private hospitals like ours to provide care to those in greatest need by unlocking Federal funding to address our charity and uncompensated Care private hospitals and Health Care Systems across Pasco County provide critical he needed health care services to our local community Florida's growing network of local hospitals special assessments has been a tremendous success generating funds to support hospitals and bould bolster Regional economic impact at no cost to Residents or businesses this funding provides hospitals within Pasco County the ability to meet the growing needs of our underserved community and provide highquality care to patients within Pascal County so again thank you for your support on this matter and we incredibly look forward to working with you together within the County on this critical program thank you are there any questions any questions no well I well I had asked um her if we would we would see anything but no it's just between you and the patients and the FEDS state right that's correct the the dollars are distributed by the state of Florida so after they get the federal match the dollars are distributed by them to the hospitals with with the limitation that they follow the patients they track the volume of care so when Advent health is providing care to Medicaid patients or to lowincome uninsured those dollars are designed to follow those patients so it's designed to incentivize and increase access to care I wish we were doing this earlier so I'm glad it's coming to us yeah thank um I did mention that at the national level I was trying to get the name of the um of what it's called and maybe that County attorney could help me but uh when someone is arrested and they come to our County jail and if they're on federal um medical benefits they're they're um ended and they could be in there for months they could be in there for weeks but their their Federal benefits are ended and so are their families so um at the national level I've been working to fix this and so as the national Sheriff's Association we've managed to fix it to the point where States who susp end those benefits get to have their get to have them reinstated but States who suspend benefits um know we're not taken care of yet so love for you to take that on too U because it costs us millions and millions of dollars and I think it really adds to recidivism when people who are jailed and aren't getting their medicine um when they get out you know they they go right back be good to get that fixed once and for all okay yes from Mr Mar to with you everybody to get change I think with your say and grou probably get together yeah when it was presented to us we all felt the same way we wanted this to happen and and to tie that Gap together that that hospitals weren't without that money so it's very important for y'all we know that so thank you okay thank you so much thank you so with that do we take a motion hearing public this is a public hearing anyone here wish to speak to this item before we take a vote seeing no one come to approve I got a motion to approve chairman yes just for point of clarification we have provided the clerk's office with a revised effective date for the ordinance that is consistent with excuse me consistent with your board motion um allowing them to file an electronic copy rather than a certified copy excuse me Jeffy if I may also add we also have a Revis release that's also part of your packet today okay uh also I forgot to ask we have anybody on web X that wish to speak or not to speak to this item to this item okay so with that I'll accept a motion I did I did a motion and I think someone second I a second and I'm under discussion that that policy that I was talking about that we're trying to change it's called the Medicaid inmate exclusion policy okay so I have a motion in a second all those in favor call V uh roll call vote uh District Two commissioner Wagman I District three commissioner starkus I District Four commissioner jger I District Five commissioner Mar Al I district one chairman Opa I uh that brings it to a 5 vote and it passes so thank you thank you now we will move back to p52 Mr chairman we have appr the publication of the hearing of this item in the June 5th 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay times thank you Mr chairman narius PTO Planning Development economic growth um I item p52 is peg2 24336 this is the ordinance to create section 1106 Car Wash carash facilities standards is requested recommended continuance to the September 3rd 2024 report County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 p.m. here in D City move to continue time certain second got a motion and a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 move to uh p53 we have proov the publication of this item in the Tampa Bay Times June 5th 2024 and there's no action required on this item that's correct item p53 is peg 24320 this is an ordinance by the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners amending the Pasco County Land Development code amending section 42.2 zoning Amendment mpud master plan unit development submittal requirements section 43.1 preliminary development plans resent IAL submittal requirements section 43.2 preliminary development plans non-residential mixed use submittal requirements section 43.3 preliminary site plans submitt requirements section 43.7 Mass grading submittal requirements section 4043 mining permits application requirements section 44.4 construction and demolition debris disposal facilities operating permits application requirements section 44.6 yard trash processing facilities application requirements section 89.2 cultural resources generally section 89.4 standards for surveys and Analysis section 89.8 historic cemeteries specific requirements and other sections as necessary for internal consistency providing for applicability repealer providing for superability inclusion into the Land Development code and an effective date this is uh this action require there's no action required on this item for the board of County Commissioners as this is the first of two public hearings second hearing uh will be held on August 21 2024 1:30 p.m. and we can do a presentation if there's a desire okay and there's no action today on this item except is there anyone here that may not be at the next reading of this no no no this is this is your first of two public hearings so yeah so so this is first of two public hearings does anyone here wish to speak to this item today see a no one Mr chairman yes I I wouldn't mind seeing a presentation do what now I wouldn't mind seeing a presentation even if it's brief just to go through it yes I haven't really been briefed on this I um so the proposed amendments the land of alur are for historic and cultural resources this would be land of Amur amendment number 71 um these are the dates on which this has gone through the horizontal round table and on June 20 it went to the local planning agency which found the proposed amendment consistent with the comprehensive plan and recommended approval to the board of County Commissioners um these are the uh changes that are being proposed to the Land Development code survey shall be consistent with current state cultural resource assessment survey phase one criteria effective as of August 15 2016 and subsequent updates a c created prior to August 15 2016 shall be reviewed by a consultant and recertified if it meets said standards all recommendations made by the consultant shall be implemented by the applicant this is this particular Amendment generated the most conversation at the local planning agency to make sure that uh we got the date correct on the cultural resource assessment survey and what needed to be done once a uh C Phase 1 was in hand uh the rest of the uh amendments uh are uh less substantive than the initial one it replaces some language uh instead of removing the word ident having the word identify removed and replace with list and or add or or record the information because we don't want to identify on maps or plans where the location of archaeological resources might be might might be and this carries through basically through multiple uh sections of the code again the same language in chapter 800 with the c uh survey it's repetitive throughout the code so all the different code changes are being updated this is the actual code language that's uh proposed within uh the amendments in the packet as I read it in the table and you can see the types of amendments uh that are scattered throughout the code uh fixing certain vocabulary 40 3.2 40 3.3 40 3.7 they all carry very similar uh text amendments and again the same thing in chapter 800 um the Planning Development economic growth Department uh recommends you accept public comment no action is necessary this uh item for today and this will come back to the board again on August 21th you satisfied with that you need more I'm good okay okay all right so is anyone there's no one here to speak today of this item seeing no one coming forward anyone on web X not for this item not for this item okay we'll move from this item to p54 uh we have proof of publication of this item July 10th and July 28th 2024 editions of the Tampa Bay Times and for that last item just for purposes of the record the second hearing is held is to be held on August 21st uh 2024 at 1:30 in Newport Richie okay thank you Mr chairman item p54 is you want now peg 24396 this is an ordinance by the pass County Board of County Commissioners amending the passort County Land Development code providing for amendments to section 132.5 School impact fees to make such section consistent with the 2024 School impact ke study and to adopt such study to increase the amount of school impact fees providing for additional amendments as necessary to ensure internal consistency providing for applicability repealer cability inclusion into the Land Development modification and an effective date uh this is the first hearing of the proposed ordinance before the board of County Commissioners and I'd like to introduce Mr Ray Gad Deputy superintendent of the school board good afternoon Ray Gad deput superintendent of schools 6504 witheral Loop Land lak Florida 34638 uh I don't think there's very many opportunities where we're all together but I want to take a moment to introduce you to our board who's almost all of them are here except one and that's Alison Crumley Cynthia Armstrong y colen bwin Megan Hardley our chair Allison Crumbley our coach here and we also have our CFO with us Tammy Taylor assistant superintendent Monica is Betsy assistant superintendent yeah Chris Williams our planning director and then also in the back don't hold us against us but we have our consultant with us I'd like to accomplish three things today I'd like to summarize how we got here um then I'd like to turn it over to our consultant if you have any questions and then our board chair would like to make a closing comment if that's okay with the commission um before we conducted this study we brought the builders in for a face- to-face meeting and first thing we asked them is there anything specifically you want us to look at and we had a robust conversation about impact fees you know how those robust conversations go so we spent a couple hours discussing the fees with the builders and frankly I was amazed when we got done with that meeting one of the builders looked at all of us and said you know all of our kids need good schools so we conducted the study after we conducted the the study we held a zoom call with the same group of Builders a few days later they approved the impact fees as we're going to present to you today or as you have in your packet um at their board meeting uh we were recently recommended for approval by the Planning Commission and um it's an incremental increase which I know that you're familiar with I'm guilty at the Planning Commission I was doing our consultant job and telling you all about the study this time I'm going to let our consultant do his job after all we're paying him a lot of money and I invite you to asking tough questions we want to get our money's worth out of you so without further Ado Carson Vice with Tish advice friends like that who needs enemies right welcome uh just uh Ray is a really good friend of mine and it's my pleasure to uh to be in front of you today Mr chairman members of the the commission we have a presentation I'll be respectful of your time and get through it quickly a little bit about us we specialize in Impact fees and fiscal and economic impact analysis we're based in Bethesda Maryland and Boise Idaho and we've done quite a bit of work in the State of Florida particularly as it relates to school impact fees um in terms of the methodology uh we have three components part of this study uh we have the construction of traditional classroom space a land component and also a component for buses uh we took the incremental expansion or consumption based approach which is the standard approach for impact fees it's very formulaic in terms of how it defines levels of service it looks at you what is the average square footage of a classroom or a student seed at the elementary middle and high school levels what does it cost us to build uh additional square foot of space what does it cost us to buy an acre of land Etc and as you probably aware from other impact Fe discussions for for the County's impact fees that you know one of the things we have to guard against with the impact fees is new development pain twice once through the impact fee and then again through other forms of Revenue and so we do have three credits uh baked into the methodology that is the future payments on existing debt uh future penny for Pasco sales tax revenue and then future local Capital Improvement millage uh that would be used for uh Capital expenditures related to school capacity uh you know part of the the show or establishing the Nexus is we have to show that the school district has been growing in terms of enrollment and that growth is going to continue uh if you see here at the bottom table we are projecting an additional 13,700 students over the next 10 years within the school system uh we also have to determine what the demand is from different housing units and so we calculate calculate what we call pupil generation rates or student generation rates and those are shown at the top of the table and those are that those numbers are based Bas on geocoded data from the school district's uh GIS system and as is the case in most communities we work with around the country uh single family units generate a higher number of students than mobile homes and and multif family units uh that is the case here as you can see a single family unit generates about uh 385 students so in other words what that means is for every 100 new housing units you just expect to generate about 39 additional public school students so this uh table is a little bit outdated given the the date of our study I think there's an additional school that's being contemplated but but at the time of the study there were 4160 additional planned student stations over the next five years now what we do with that is we look at those enrollment projections you saw on the previous slide and plug in those uh additional student St stations to look at you know what is our enrollment to capacity at the end of the 10-year period And even with the planed student stations at the K through 8 level uh the district would still be at 99% of its uh capacity at the end of the 10 years uh although there are not additional student stations planned in the next four to five years at the high school level it is clear from this table that there will have to be additional student stations in years 5 through 10 because you can see here that this the the high school level will be at 100% of its available capacity at the end of the 10-year period so here we're going to talk about the fact the cost factors used in the analysis and for land rather than speculate on what the district would have to spend on land in the future we look at past uh purchases uh which total 200 uh two 237 Acres uh at a total cost of about $14.2 million and that's results in a weighted cost per acre of9 9,846 we also look at recent construction costs uh for four different uh projects and we uh get a weighted average of three $361 a square foot and then we also look at uh what is the inventory of the district buses and what does it cost us to buy a bus in today's dollars and we get our cost per student that way so this table here summarizes the factors that you've seen in the in the other in the previous slides working our way from the top we see the student generation rates and then we apply those cost factors for the construction cost per student the land cost per student the bus cost per student to get that gross Capital cost you see in the middle uh then we deduct from from that cost those credits to get our net costs uh per per student at 37,45 at the k38 level and then 30731 at the uh 9 through 12 level so this table shows the maximum supportable fees in green uh you may be aware that there were some changes to the state's impact fee statute three or four years ago which limits the increases in fees to 50% unless you go through a a process called demonstrating extraordinary circumstances uh as you can see here the the total fee for single family exceeds the 50 % so we're statuto limited to $2,492 uh then at the M multif family at 6576 in a mobile home uh the statutory limit is $ 6,666 this shows the proposed fees Which single family is is less than the the uh the stat or the the maximum supportable uh again the changes to the impact fee act uh state that any increase above between 25 and 50% has to be implemented in four equal increments uh so this shows the proposed uh uh implementation schedule for all three housing types and in year four uh it would it would uh kick into the multip or the maximum amount of or the recommended amount of $1,328 6389 at multif family and 6477 for the mobile home UNS and with that I'm happy to uh answer any questions that you may have about the study any questions from the board M Jager I just want to see the slide again where it um had the different cost per square foot for the different locations I that one hopefully kick back in here nope sorry okay thank you thank you it should be about five back I think uh that's one no no go back the other way there you go is this the slide you're referring to yes just curious what why why is it such a big price difference between foot like you take the 294 to the 490 right right and and I may beg assistance from staff but in our experience it's cheaper to to build a complete school because you've got a bigger footprint and it also includes you know the the athletic complexes those facilities where if you're doing an addition it's a more it's a more concentrated uh effort and it doesn't have those other elements that sort of bring down the weight at cost per per square foot so typically additions tend to be more per square foot in our experience than an entire school got okay all right thank you for the presentation any other question thank thank you chair we go to the the housing stock breakdown rates please mean the student generation no the multifam resident single fam and the last one mobile it close to the end the rates or the actual the rates so is there a way to bump multif family and decrease single family and I say that because live local acts looming out there and it'll be there for a while and I I'm kind of of the of the mindset if live local is going to be hanging over our head that we we bump these impact fees for all the multif family product we offet it with the single family I I'm generally I'm going to speak gen generally a big picture of our overall impact fees we keep pushing single family impact fees and increasing them to what they are I'm just goes back to the affordability of the of of the single family home and having family being able to afford a home and the potential erosion of the single family home ownership value that we all I think in this room share that's kind of a a a a tough one there so is there a way to bump the multif family and decrease the single family Mr chairman complicated yes if I think I'll handle this for you yes sir um no Lifeline the answer is no um the the problem is that the law with regard to impact fees and I'll let U Mr Bice elaborate a little bit is that you have to treat all types equally so he's done and in an an analysis he has generated fees based on the impact of what those types of units generate and so you while you could lower them all at the same you know you could you could do 85% of value of of what the study showed you can do 100% then you have the state statute that kicks in but you can't charge multif family more to make up a decrease you want to have in single family it that that will create a challenge point for your impact fee as a whole and uh it would not be my legal advice to do something like that about you're saying we can't is what I'm kind of hearing you advise not to no my you can you'll be challenged you'll lose want there's your choice I mean that that when I say I advise it that means that I don't think that there's a way that we can defend you on it um you can lower them all proportionally but then that's not going to get the school district the amount of money that they have budgeted for their for uh their school construction but you have to when you do that you've got to do them all at the same percentage you can't pick and choose and we can't legally justify higher fees for multif family mobile home the number I mean the study doesn't support Mr chairman yes so one thing that could be a factor though that would you could justify if a apartment complex comes in and gets a 75% tax break yep you can justify there's a difference of what what the cost is of that project coming in so it may not have happened yet with one but if one does come in I think we should be able to find try to find a trigger for that because it is a risky situation that's out there right now only if the school board is using taxes for construction it it would not you might be able to make that argument but the dollars they are collecting for operations wouldn't be wouldn't be appropriate for impact pce anyway so you'd have to do you have to do a balancing of the construction dollars that their millage is going to agree so can you you figure out how much construction dollars are going toward the schools based upon this it's got to be part of your factor in there know complex that's that would vary on a Case by casee basis as well yeah Mr Gad said he wanted you to earn it today and you've already credited the the capital Improvement millage within the the study itself also or discounted the fee based on that future stre of Revenue I have a question on the multi family okay M AR um the multif family is Apartments Town Homes garden homes town home technically is a single family attached unit so single family incles detached attached unit so town home would be part of that oh interesting yeah so it's duplexes Apartments Condominiums because Condominiums a duplex is multif family but an attached town home which has to D to do with the census definition and whether they share a common wall or not and your ordinance will Define the different types of our towns are pled yeah so um and on on multif family do we distinguish between studio and three-bedroom or is it average out the average the average unit size or the average unit so you take you add up how many three bedrooms there are and how many studios doesn't matter if it's one bedroom or three bedrooms at the same rate for the school well how legally they get away with that because the studio is probably doesn't have any kids where a three bedroom does so legally how do you justify um there is no problem uh legally it's it's more of a you know the courts fall on the reasonableness test and some jurisdictions choose to do impact fees by size of home or number of bedrooms some choose to do the traditional single family versus multif family versus mobile home uh so fees are done both ways just a matter of preference Mr chairman yes so to try to dissect this would be really tough to try to fight it would be even tougher probably take more time in money I think the key would be that we we Unite with the school board to go fight this live local in the future yeah I was just trying to get educated U well I would say that um I think I haven't received one letter one call from anybody uh in opposition to this um I think we have a great working relationship with our school board unlike some others and um I I like the way that this has broken out in four years and I think you know the work's been done for us and I think we should move for approval second I got a public hearing there's no action today oh no action today no there's action today no there is action but you got to wait okay well the chair wants to speak and then we have public thank you I appreciate it good afternoon as mentioned I am Megan Harding I do serve as the chair of the Pasco County School Board we are very grateful for all the support you've given us in the past and I appreciate you allowing me giving me the time to speak this afternoon this afternoon I wanted to take a few moments and make some comments on the impact fee proposal this increase will assist us in keeping up with the construction cost in our ever growing school district and as you know our county is growing at a very rapid rate so this would assist us in that the impact fees will also allow the school district to balance new school to support New Growth while allowing us to renovate our existing school with Penny funds both of these are equally important the Planning Commission voted unanimously to support this proposal as well and we're very grateful for that the board wanted to take a moment to thank the Tampa Bay Builders Association for their support and strong stance that good schools build good communities we have worked together with the phas and approach over four years so there is not a huge jump all at once again on the behalf of the county on behalf of the Pasco County School Board we appreciate your support so we can Contin to serve our communities and Prov provide the world class education that all our students in our community deserve thanks right thank you and this is a public hearing is anyone else in the audience wish to speak to this item today and there's no action required today on this item this is your first of two public hearings it looks like from I'll have to get Terry or somebody to confirm it looks like your second hearing is on August 21st 2024 or at in Newport Richie at 1:30 or as soon thereafter is Mr chairman yes just a one further point the the key to this is not it's not a tax on people living here it's tax on people coming in so it's making growth pay for itself right it's it's kind of like our we're buying new homes it's on those properties so as we grow okay um anything else from the board no no action is required no one come forward to speak anybody on WebEx to speak to this no sir okay all right so we'll move to item p55 we have approved publication of this item of the hearing of the item at this time in the April 17th 2024 edition of the tampion bay time IEM p55 Naros Planning Development economic growth item p55 is drd2 2436 this was an ordinance to create inv basic species Management program uh the recommended board action is to withdraw from consideration no further action required wait wait wait is this our invasive yes there's a why is it there's a different ordinance following up on this one you're going to do a different one yes okay and we're going to get done for October well I don't understand why we're withdrawing it not just fixing it I believe that answer is coming forward have new Brad tip and development for you uh yes there are we actually have kind of changed the direction on it so keeping this original going down the path with continuances was going to be confusing further down the road so we didn't want to do that we just withdraw this one and we're bringing the new one for okay and when when will it be in front of the Planning Commission uh I don't know the exact date but it's it's not going to be substantially Delay from what I understand not to not going to be there it's going to Planning Commission I believe tomorrow uh Thursday okay so it's it's still on track okay and you guys hang tough okay Mr chairman yes when when do you expect to show the board the new version uh individual me yeah I think you're going to show the plan coming up I think we should have seen it already but yeah okay I will make sure that we reach out to each one of you to to have those discussions thank you yeah okay all right thank you so this itams withdrawn so ready for p56 okay we have proof of publication on this item uh in the July 10th July 17th July 24th and July 31st editions of the Tampa Bay times thank you Mr chairman ADM p56 is peg2 24400 it is an ordinance establishing The Hope Innovation District pursuing to chapter 190 floa statutes providing for authority and power of the district providing for powers and duties of the district providing for the Board of Supervisors of the district providing for the District budget providing for functions of the district providing for miscellaneous Provisions providing for an effective date uh this comes with a recommendation to adopt the ordinance by R call vote and authorize the chair to execute the original okay and there's a presentation if you'd like okay this is a public hearing is anyone to speak to this item we have one person but I believe they're probably a representative um of um Jonathan Johnson okaycome name and address for the rep Jonathan Johnson 107 West College Avenue tall Florida 32303 with the law firm of qch rock on behalf of the applicant we're just here to answer any questions and appreciate all of your staff's time and assistance to get us to this point Mr Mr Johnson just a question as far as like this CDD coming through one of the things I've tried to work with staff and I know all of us are concerned with and try to get it done is the connection of sun Lake Boulevard going uh to the South it's not a lot stretch is that part of usd's objective to to fund it or so uh we do have a number of roadway dollars included uh as potential projects in the petition I don't know whether that specific roadway is included or not okay I hope you work with our engineer and get back with us because we do think that's a great traffic reliever so be happy to work with you I think we're building it my beef is we it was built without any sidewalks or any bike multi-use path on the first half of it and probably not the most attractive Bridge I've ever seen I I we definitely want to work with you so that on your half of it we do something a little elevated and I mean in style and substance understood commissioner I'll make sure that we follow up yeah okay any other questions for you no I would move approval it's a c District it's a public hearing public hearing it's public hearing uh is anyone signed up for no sir only Mr Johnson okay uh anyone else audience wish to speak to the item seeing no one anyone on web x no sir okay then public comments closed privileg of the board move approval second got a motion second all those in favor say I roll call vote oh excuse me roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman I District uh three commissioner starer I District Four commissioner Jagger I District Five commissioner Mariana I district one commissioner chairman oi I motion pass 5 Z move on to P57 uh again this item uh appeared in the uh notice of the hearing of the this item appeared in the July 10th July 17th July 24th and July 31st 2024 additions of the Tampa Bay CH item P57 is peg 24412 this is an ordinance establishing the Pasadena Ridge Community Development District pursuing to chapter 190 floorida statutes providing for authority and power of the district providing for powers and duties of the district providing for the Board of Supervisors of the district providing for the District budget providing for functions of the district providing for miscellaneous Visions providing for an effective date this comes to you with a recommendation to adopt the ordinance by roll call vote and there's a presentation so desire well I U Mr chair I have a question go ahead um first some I think I've really seen this map I guess we have some partials in the middle who didn't opt in is that what's going on there yes [Music] so is that a I see that they're separated by this little narrow split is that a road well we'll get the answer in a second yeah it's going to be interesting how they're going to expect those folks to I mean are these going to be private roads in here we we'll let the uh the applicant speak to it okay good afternoon Jonathan Johnson 107 West College Avenue T Florida qch Rock also on behalf of the applicant so we do have uh four Parcels that are included within the internal boundary uh that we don't own uh nor do we have the owner's consent to include them at at the present time uh we have identified two of those Parcels which are you see in Blue uh as future expansion Parcels because we do have an option on those so we have the ability to acquire them and include them in the future um in in reviewing And discussing with your staff the criteria for creation of the district is sufficiently contiguous sufficiently compact the statute does explicitly contemplate uh that you may have out Parcels within the boundaries of a district you just have to identify them uh so we're very comfortable that the development has approved under the existing PUD uh can proceed and that the district can serve its function to finance own and maintain the infrastructure uh regardless of whether those out Parcels ever come in right um so on the the top right um parcel it looks like it bisects like a ranch um like the um Ranch yard just from my experience of our Ranch yard is that it looks like some of the some of the buildings are in your property and some aren't it's just kind of odd I I mean I'm going to vote for approval I just I just never seen anything like this so I those I think those are as identified in petition are owned by Evans properties um I I can't really speak to whether there's a the building current status um but but there are not proposed to be included at the present time oh so um I want to ask the County Attorney I guess these are um identified by um boundary line you know legal boundaries because to me it looks like it's splitting that person's house in half so I don't understand how some of house is in it some isn't or property so is that there may there may be a boundary dispute between between owners but the way the petition should be filed is that all of the owners who are who are being subjected to the CDD are petitioners and those who are not who are who have not signed who have not given their consent are excluded um so I can't I mean this could be a GIS error um I I see what you're talking about is the the Bold yellow line goes down through what looks like the middle of a house but yeah um I would be happy to speak to that I mean uh what we have is is a graphic uh and it does have you know very thick lines um if you look at the legal description which is attached to the petition and is also therefore incorporated into your ordinance um it does specifically describe the properties we have 100% consent from all of the owners of the property who are proposed to be included within the community development District uh as well as the um ability in the future to bring in those expansion parts once they're acquired so there is no existing home that is being split by this uh by this legal descriptor line I think what we just have is a graphic where we have you know broader lines than otherwise would really be indicated if we drew it as precise we wouldn't be able to see it on the map okay and um County attorney I'm talking about you know the where those four squares are in the middle they're not quite squares trapezoids whatever there's two that are hatched I'm talking about that property right there it's like going right through it that's what I have aern um but I I agree with Mr shot the petitioner is the one who has the most at risk I am sure that they have calculated where their ownership ends and we have indeed and I think what we just have it's it's it's hard to show the line of that looking so thick that it looks like it's going over that but we're not including any property that we don't have consent nor are we splitting in existing and that doesn't come back on us that will come back on them if there's and and for those people to access their property they they will come in on your roads I don't the roads with the roads that are that are within and financed by the CDD those are all public roads there's no access restrictions over them so there there should be no impediment whatsoever for anyone accessing their property and and I'm guessing they access it from that road that runs parallel that that's going east west and your construction can't keep them from coming to their it will not keep them from accessing the property at all I just I've never seen one with Parcels in the middle like that remember this is a financing vehicle so if the plan of development the MPD which I'm assuming you've since they're showing a boundary you've already approved would would be what would allow them access or not you they they can't cut they can't cut historic access off unless they provide other access correct agreed totally on behalf of the petition okay those are all my questions we have no one else signed up no one else signed up is anyone in the audience wish to speak to this item move to approve okay second got a motion and second is this a roll call roll call roll call vote did you have a second yeah I did second right okay mar mar commissioner two or District Two commissioner wman I District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Jer I District Five commissioner Maran I district one chairman up I motion pass 5 okay we'll move to uh p59 we've already done 58 that's correct is that right that's correct p59 uh we have proof of notice of this meeting by affidavit from by mail and posting by the applicant Mr chairman would you like me to read the procedures I would like to hear the uh rooms for the public hearings yep there are two resoning agendas regular and consent staff will present each application to the board of County Commissioners if sta if staff or Planning Commission recommended approval and there is no opposition the application will be considered by the board without further presentation if the staff or Planning Commission has recommended denial or if there is opposition to the application the applicant will be given five minutes for presentation the opposition will be given three minutes for each individual or five minutes for group representative and the applicant will be given 3 minutes for rebuttal any individual disagreeing with staff or Planning Commission recommendation or anyone wishing to object to any condition of the resoning May at this time time requests that a petition be the peti a petition be pulled from the consent agenda in which case that application will be heard under the regular agenda later on during the meeting otherwise all resoning applications on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion and vote if you wish to speak to any petition please give your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record these are Quasi judicial public hearings the law in Florida is that mere public support or opposition of an application is insufficient for this board to take action please limit your comments to those criteria found within the board's Land Development code Mr clerk would you like to swear them in please if those anyone who is Desiring to give testimony in the resoning matters if you please rise are there anyone other that are Desiring to give testimony in these matters do each of you swear or affirm that the testimony you will give is the truth so have you got that it please confirm when you come to the podium that you have been sworn thank you all right item p59 good afternoon Commissioners Denise Hernandez Planning Development and economic growth department itm p59 is p24 7597 it's a zoning amendment in under the name of kacis West mpud sr52 limited partnership the request is to continue the item to the September 3rd 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in dat City okay um pleases board for motion move approval move continue continue move to continue second to continue second I'm the second time certain okay September 9 time certain uh September 3rd 2024 1:30 dat C okay uh all those in favor say I I all oppos like sign okay motion passes 5 Z move on to the next item would be item number p60 and this is the start of our consent items first consent item B6 um Mr chairman at this point we have no one signed up to speak to any of the consent it uh correction on item 63 we have an a person signed to speak Charles Hall understand we'll take them one at a time do you want to do proof of publication for p60 publication on p60 May 22nd 2024 addition of the Tampa Bay times thank you item p60 is PG 24353 this is a development agreement Dew East m PUD master plan unit development pting Homes company LLC this is we're requesting that you approve the development agreement to design permit and construct improvements to water grass Parkway and Wells Road in exchange for transportation development free credits um this item we did add an addition to one of the exhibits which um under your attachments is listed as as exhibit B the applicant has decided to call that Exhibit C but it's just an addition to that exhibit that was provided to the clerk's office uh this uh was presented to the Pasadena Hills planning and policy committee on June 5th 2024 and it went to the local planning Agency on July 11th 2024 we ask that you approve the development agreement okay is anyone here to speak against this item see and no one we move on leave it on consent and move to p61 approve of publication Tampa Bay Times June 26 2024 item p61 is P2 24783 this is a zoning Amendment under sa development Partners LLC for Change and Zoning from a C2 General commercial district and C3 commercial light manufacturing district with specific use to a three commercial light manufacturing districts um with the applicant has agreed to record a voluntarily agreed upon deed restrictions that request that require a step out to the West sidewalk connection to the north and those deed restrictions that are um specific to the live local act this comes to with a recommendation of approval from the the planning and development economic growth department and the Planning Commission is anyone here speak against this item um against no but I have I want to make a comment on the one that was before I don't need to pull it but I want to make a comment the one before but you finish this one and then I'll come back to is anyone here to speak to this item seeing no one it remains on consent uh p62 approve for publication Tampa Bay Times June 26 20124 item Pak 62 is PG 24788 it's a Zone Amendment um under the name of Dave Mitchell's holding company Mitchell Clinton resoning for a change in zoning from r1mh single family mobile home district and C2 General commercial District to a C2 General commercial district with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction related to the live local act comes here with a recommendation of approval from the Planning Development and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay is anyone here to speak against this item um I see no one I have a question and I on p62 yeah and and it would be the same to the one before um CU this is the area where and I asked this in my meetings with stack this is the area where the do in the county that we did not put in the multi-use pack have we determined which side of the road that's going to go on at this area is going to be on the North or the South Side when we go to connect this to 301 because on this is on the North side p61 is on the south side it's got to go on one of those two sides so I just want to make sure we're reserving the land that we need for that multi-use P Liam Divine planning and economic growth department so there is currently so going back to p61 um you're were saying that's on the South Side there's currently a 12T wide multi-use um path already in existent that was just put there and that's on the North side however it stops at curly road and it does not continue on so after curly road going east um which is where p62 is on the North side um there's just two 5ft sidewalks on both side um I don't know if it's been planned for I can tell you it's not currently in the CIP plan well that's a problem because we've already met with do and we know that they have the RightWay and we're going to talk about at the N meeting to put it back in from curly to prospect on the North side we don't know I think it's coming across the street from prospect on but someone needs to make a decision here and for you to not even know I mean oh I'm so frustrated that that we're so peac meal that we we're trying to reserve this land commissioner if I might Clark hobby hobby and hobby PA have been sworn this is not that section of 52 at all this is on the west side of marata this is not near curly this is about 2 miles away from the section you're talking about this okay so this one wait which one this this is west of marada just west of marada where the old broken down uh I think it was like some kind of warehousing thing was there but there's a multi-use path in the area on the North and then there the path required by connected City that are that's what the the conditions and the deed restriction are about are building the path connections that are required by connected City okay so there's already one on the North side I I think we're confusing two of the items which is p61 and 62 so I think we're on P6 two okay well I asked a question on both so not all right so P so 61 is okay 62 is what you're currently looking at on the area right so I'm I'm asking staff I'm asking my planners I'm asking somebody when we fixed the mistake of when we stopped the multi-use path at Curly from Prospect East which side of that road is it going to be on Mr chairman you want to just pull this UNC consent and then we'll talk about it because we pull give chance to pull up a bigger map all right then they can figure out who's going to who's going to tell us what the plan again you asked staff for the answers before this meeting uh I did not have a meeting on 62 I had a meeting on no I don't have a me I mean you've gone over these items but you said you asked staff you didn't get an answer so I have a problem I thought I asked had a meeting on this Mitchell one and I asked that is that this Mitchell yeah Mitchell but they but I didn't have an answer Denise you have some I just said it has to be addressed but no one's addressed it that's my problem I I think we have a few people in in the audience that can assist with um including but not limited to our County engineer um so is just being are we pulling that from consent item p62 yeah why don't we do that all right and I believe the applicant is um is on on WebEx on that one that's Barbara will heighten so that that is the end of your consent agenda um uh P because p63 has been pulled by yes and there's someone signed up to speak on that one as well and I did want to make a comment on the road the road on the first one on P p60 p60 just one when I look at that I know it's too late I I talked to Mike gin about this and others this road section it is 142 ft that is that is such a lot that is a lot of land and and I and hey I'm all for you know I want the multiuser Trail on one side and sidewalk on one and but to have from the edge of the road um all the way over 29 ft uh you're you're going to have to be running to cross these streets and here we're trying to build walkable communities and I believe these Road sections are crazy expensive and I think we made a mistake in these um to to look if you look on on the right hand side or the left hand side it's 29 ft from The Edge to the side already under construction oh I why why did we do that I Clark you yeah I believe all these Road sections are based on the Villages of Pasadena Hills plan so that's already approved within that V barn or whatever they say um I just think we were way way out a line to be asking these guys to build roads like this personally we would have been a lot better with more roads and smaller roads and a grid than having these gigantic you got traffic okay Mr angle David angle Planning Development economic growth the road cross-sections are part of the vop plan yeah we've retained Bill Oliver to do a new study for vop to ascertain if we could reduce these roadways and uh I can't I can't speak to this because it's already a given but in the future and next year we'll have new new recommendations for roadways yeah I think um I think we need to do and I guess p62 is a p because there's just want to let you know there's sidewalks on both sides of U side yeah supposed to have the most used trail on one of those sites so I I want to pull that for discussion so so you've got 60 and 61 I think for approval so you're pulling 62 now I'm sorry which is the I'm confused she she wanted 62 pulled pulled yeah so I I mooved to approve 661 I got a motion second a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 on p61 P p60 p61 now p62 what is the question okay so presentation for p62 Li Divine planning and economic growth Department p62 PowerPoint unless we don't want a presentation no I just all I'm asking is we we you know so I the I think the the question might be better suited to your transportation engineering department right um because that would be with the CIP and extending that I can just tell you where the current Trail stops at curly Road it's on the North side yes I'm so so I don't know if they would continue it on the North side but I don't think there's any plan to but that question would be for your for Ted okay this is why we need that trail person hire welcome Nick hi I'm T hey Nick uh good afternoon Nick you R County engineer the question is are we gon to build a wider sidewalk on the North or the South so you're aware I think um the multi-use path which was supposed to be all along the north side of 52 connecting to the 301 Trail was narrowed was stopped at curu by some someone's decision not ours um we had no knowledge that someone decided to stop that um so uh we met with do we've talked a couple times with them that we want it to continue and they have said they have the right away to continue it on the North side from curly to prospect but from prospect on to 301 there's there's more challenges and it was thought that it needed to go my understanding my recollection was that it probably needs to go on the north side of prospect so we've been reserving that every time a project comes through we've been reserving side of north side of what I'm sorry south side of prospect south I mean 52 Clinton Bay whatever you call it from Prospect East Clinton Avenue yeah the old Clinton um and so we've been reserving that every time a project comes through here um I just wanted to be sure if you guys have had further discussions that that is where where it's going to go I'm going to ask on every piece that comes up on Clinton because I don't want to have a project go and then we then we have to stop then then it goes from a multi-use path to the sidewalk multi-use path so Mr chair I I guess the the best response I can give you at this point in time we don't have a design for the pathway east of prospect putting it on the North or the South side but there is a condition of approval on this resoning that requires them to convey right away from the center line of the road consistent with with our comprehensive plan WID which would give us the option to put a pathway on the North side should this resoning be approved and this and this petition conveys the land needed it keeps our doors open y keep the door open that's all I'm asking hold on M Mr chairman yes but who's going to pay for the sidewalk shouldn't we have them paying for it I I I don't think that's you know I don't know if that's been determined yet but at least we got to make sure we have the land to do it yeah I agree with that but then this we're making all these other developments put the trail in or put the sidewalk in that should be part of their development agreement it should be something in front and that should be done at time of construction not after the fact so if we think we want an eight or 12 then we have the right status for it then let's let's ask for it now you know we don't have that one person in charge of all of this right now I do believe they they've interviewed someone about to hire someone so it's not me Mr chairman you've got I don't know that you've taken public comment on this but you've also got an applicant online that probably wants to address this um the same one 62 okay volume can you hear me yes can you hear me yes hi Mr chairman Commissioners height so this property is already Zone SE along Clinton Avenue and there's already a sine approved along Clinton Avenue that sets out the requirements for development along Clinton Avenue what we're doing here is a clean up because we have a parcel under single ownership that has split zoning we have a commercial land use on the entire parcel and we have split commercial and residential so this this action is to reone the residential portion which is to the back of the parcel um so this we really don't have ility to effectuate anything other than what Mr your County engineer said which is already in the staff right up we don't have any ability to effectuate this we already have the project already has a through sight plan it's got a requirement for conveyance rway and ultimately all we're doing is cleaning up a split zoning situation on this property okay you know when when I look at the maps when when we look at the maps that are in our um uh in the application on on one map it goes all the way to the edge of Clinton but on another map there is a gap um between the parcel and Clinton it so it's a little so commissioner I been happy to continue this so I can be there in person and we can go over this with staff and have a little better answer and presentation to you if that's acceptable we'll continue well if that if that comment if that comment that the County engineer said is in there that if we do if it if it is coming on that side then there's land for it that's all that we need I don't need any that's what I mentioned a minute ago Mr CH that's fine too the DED restriction in your package just scrolling down just head it up hey Mr chairman will he looks at that yes uh Barb yes congratulations but this is no way to spend the honeymoon I did show your picture I did show a picture nocy I'm teing this up I'm happy so we can come back let's be all be comfortable everything I ask you to do is something that you're comfortable doing so I'm fine continue to the next meeting in D City and we'll we'll bring it back and give a little more make sure we can answer your questions move to continue so she can get back to her honeymoon second so let's still a public hearing do anyone want to speak to this item today or when it comes back D City at time certain so if there's no one there the the motion would be to continue to September 3rd at 1:30 or soon thereafter in D City so move second got a motion a second all those in favor say I I it's continued now now it's what commission 7 o' go have dinner 62 bye thank you congratulations okay we will move forward to um p63 proof publication in the May 22nd 2024 addition of Tampa Day times supplemented by Affidavit of [Music] c um Nick can I ask you a question are we allowed to talk during this hey chairman no you have ask him a question okay Mr chairman back on okay 9 minutes okay uh Denise Hernandez Planning Development and econ economic growth on this item just wanted to do a housekeeping before Mr pitos uh does his presentation there are two exp partes um that will be submitted to the clerk's office uh one from commissioner Mariano and one from commissioner Jer on this item thank you I need to clarify that um U the public notice also that this item those postings were made for a previous meeting which was continued July 9th to this meeting so this is a continuation of a previously posted meeting okay p63 thank you Mr chairman item p63 is pg24 7683 it's a zoning Amendment Crossways mpud Cross by Crossways 301 LLC uh the proposal before the board of County Commissioners today is to change the zoning from AC agricultural District on the subject property to an mpud master plan unit development there are two future land use designations on the site the minority uh future land use designation is RO retail office residential is just a very tiny sliver on the North End and the majority of the proper Is Res six residential six delling unit per gross acre the purpose of the mpud initially came in to allow a maximum of up to30 single family homes uh there is a second alternative or option to uh the the purpose of the cpud which is to allow a maximum of up to 40 single family detached dwelling units uh on the total 29.5 acres and we'll talk a little bit about that uh just a minute here the location is on the northeast corner of US Highway 98 West of old Lakeland Highway this is where it's located in Pasco County it's on the Southeast very Southeast side of uh D city right off of us98 we zoom in a little bit further and we notice that on 35a yeah it lays on 35a not 98 yes correct old L Highway uh and we zoom in and we can see that it's right off of Old lak Highway and 98 is just south of it it is approximately one mile east of dat city as you travel down uh 98 we have the Triple J mpud which is just to the east this is a res 3 mpud that has approximately 600 plus units approved for it back in 2006 nothing of that development has been built to date uh and just on the east side of of old Lakeland Highway is the CSX rail line and right away zoom in just a little bit further to see what's the zoning here right now cuz I thought you said it but I didn't quite AC agricultural District okay all right that's what I thought and this is the actual zoom in of the subject property um Lakeland Highway is just to the east as we noted and then you can see the CSX line uh messic road is just to the South uh the property does sort of stretch or make a Reach For It U but it does not get to us98 this is the existing Z short of short of 98 it does not quite reach 98 so it doesn't connect to 98 there on that not not as the partial lines are okay uh this is the AC zoning District on the subject property here's the future land use situation majority of the site is res six as you can see and then the very sliver on the top here is partly in Ro uh this is the conceptual site plan uh indicated within the mpud in a north south orientation uh this is essentially showing the road layout that the project is going to uh have regardless of whichever option they were initially considering 130 single family homes or the 40 half L uh this is it turned on its site so you can actually read the uh plan now North is to the left uh same plan as before with the uh Road network uh this was the initial idea with regard to the 130 single family detached homes where in blue is where you would have had the 40 foot wide Lots uh and in red is where the 50 foot wide Lots would have been uh the breakdown of those entitlements are as such here you would have had in in the first option option A you would have had 40 foot wide single family detach slots uh equating to about 65 units and another 65 units at the 50 foot wide single family detach lots for a total of uh 40 do my match right no 130 uh 4.4 dwelling in this per gr secer all homes on 40t wide Lots would be rear loaded uh prior to this meeting however the applicant has uh relayed to the Planning Development economic growth department they are uh in line to do option b uh which would be the Halfacre size single family detach Lots which would mean that they would only get 40 Lots on the property that would reduce the density down to 1.35 GL units per acre this is an update uh to the project uh as we've been preparing to bring this the board count Commissioners uh if we go with option b we'll have to uh update the conditions of approval of the Mudd and possibly bring back just a a quick revision to illustrate that nevertheless we can delete no utilities at all no utilities here at all water sewer anything right there's no capacity no no capacity at all for this is it is it it's not a part it's still in the county is not a part of any uh annexation of Dade City or anything of that nature that is correct unincorporated p okay um the takeway from the surrounding conditions analysis is that the triple JMP is just to the West at 636 dwelling units as I noted earlier um and along Old Lakeland Highway there is a dedication of rideway that will eventually be needed RightWay varies a little bit but all of it will have to come from the west side of Old lakon Highway because on the east side is the CSX railroad so any further widening of old Lakeland will need to come subject property um at least along the extent of the project site this is likely to be somewhere between 20 or so feet and maybe 30 ft of additional ride away that will be determined more precisely at the time of preliminary development what is sness um ultimately the applicant agreed to volunteer architectual controls in introduced in PM 26 um and we recommend uh that the board of County Commissioners approved the planning commission's recommendation to adopt the zoning Amendment with the provision for the applicant to pursue only one option option b which would allow entitlements to build 40 single family detach units on Halfacre size lots that would utilize well and septic systems this on your agenda memos is alternative Motion One well my my problem with this this project right here is the fact that there's no water over here at all uh Halfacre tracks with well and septic I think it too close and this is sitting out at the rural area that's going to look like a subdivision out in no man's land because of the rural area and nature of that area that's by old l Road so I if if we did well in septic I'd want to see at least uh 2 and a half acre lots or better to be a rural nature okay any questions from anyone anyone I think we have somebody signed up to speak Charles Hall well um I do have a question if you don't mind coming back up I saw something called A J uh a develop is that a development near it when you showed the pictures yes what what is that it's a residential development um Triple J Ranch mpud was approved for 636 dwelling units in res 3 flu back on November 8 2006 see other side and I can show the area there it is and that so what is that per per did you say Res three it was Res three so it would be three dwelling units per gross acre or less and it probably is much less the size of the property problem what I can't hear you given the size of the property which second County Pump House do they have water and sewer out there as well no no and um and then next to it is that a mobile home park it's called country air Manor where's it at um it's it's that that white stuff in the middle there yes that's so what what are they is that a mobile home park on Sewer Septic I mean they're on they WR how did they get septic like that they've been there for decades many years oh God that's got to be a mess no they have it on pack oh they have their own plant they have a plant yeah package plant the density of trip which has been allowed WR yeah the density of the triple JM QD is approximately 2.6 bu units per gross AC and this one is 1.3 this under option b it would be 1.3 it's less than it's not it's less than across the street okay let's let's hear from Mr Hall Mr all I don't believe that you were sworn previously so if you would please raise your right hand you swear affirm the testimony you will give in this matter is the truth so have you got I do name and address for the record please I'm Charles Hall 10,1 old Lakeland Highway D City go ahead sir okay uh thank you for allowing me to come and spend a few minutes to express my opinion and concerns I will not be eloquent I don't do this for a living uh approximately 30 years ago my parents gifted my wife and me an acre of land if we should decide to move from P County back to Pasco County where I grew up this is family priv did it give us name and address um was TW about 25 years ago my wife and I decided it's time for us to move back to Pasco County and we began to BU to build our house and we were told you have to have a 10 acre minimum for a house back then we went to the County Commission the we applied for res zoning and they granted res Zoning for two separate adjacent acres of land for one house for one acre the second piece was that we had friends that would want to join us up here since that time we have inherited and been gifted additional acre which includes the Crossways proposed development [Music] things well in and doing our research preparing to to sell some of the proper it got time for us to to get rid of part of it so we decided to sell two or three 10 15 acre pieces of property so people could build a house have a it would fit the rural setting with a decent house maybe a barn with some cows goats whatever we went at to the planning Council the Planning Commission over in Newport Richie they said the we can sell the 10 15 acre pieces of property the first person can build a house sub subsequent people cannot build a house because it would be a subdivision which they said there is a way around it it will be expensive and take a long time so we we eventually sold 292 Acres which is going to be the proposed Crossway subdivision we know things are going to change but we we still have concerns and questions we're concerned about the water table if it's 40 single H single family houses or if that's 130 if the water table drops below our well level what are our options another concern is with all the the development that's going in along Old Lakeland Road there's going to be a lot more traffic and what are our options for our Ingress and egress from our property and I guess that sing means my time is up you have 1 minute sir yeah have one minute left okay well those two options are the main ones those two concerns the water and our Ingress and egress to our property are the main main issues right now okay my suggestion would be that you approve minimum 5 acre lots if that will happen I don't know is it this your property yeah no it was sold was ad to he sold the 49 and they they did make they have agreed to put in an 8ft block wall divide separating the development from our property which we do appreciate that but we still do have the other concerns so that's that's your 10 acres just south of that property right yes it's 11 acres or 11 right well I see a bunch of mobile homes south of that property one house he's got he's got about one one lot there Leb maker lot I don't think he wants 120 homes to the north side of it so that looks like a barn that is that a barn and your neighbor is this recycled can business there's another uh property between us and the recyclers is that a residential property across the street from you no that's it's a business well I personally think a half acre is okay um 40 40 homes isn't going to make a big difference on Old Lakeland Highway well it does when it's rule Mr chairman is this part of the East Pasco rule protection area no it's not but it's it's in my protection area because I get calls every day from my citizens over there not wanting these kind of uh developments to pop up in their neighborhoods when they're got a rule setting just like Mr Char has Mr Mar so is his time up or is he still going is his time still up are you finished sir are you finished up yeah okay your three minutes is up Mr well my opin my opinion is is the county I don't like what the county did to us we were zoned one house to 10 acres we are in a rural setting and now it turns out you want to allow what 4 and a half houses 4 point what houses per acre um I you know I'd love for staff to address that if it was 10 it no way fits the rural setting right splitting okay okay Mr Hall your time's up thank sir thank you sir thank you the other persons I have signed up fore I got a question over here so don't we usually have the applicant come up at some point yes shouldn't the applicant before you take public comment yes yeah what happened there uh yeah I believe the other person signed up are wait no we haven't had the applicant speak yet I believe they're representing but I thank you Shelley Johnson 6400 Madison Street and I have been sworn just to give I I've been listening to the comments and I will address Mr Hall's concerns about the water table as well as um the surrounding area and what's being proposed if you look at this development it's actually north of Crossways there's actually pretty intense Industrial Development already around this property the north side has Transport Services there's two operations that are running you know some tractor trailer operations to the South you have I think the commissioner mentioned rnl Metals which looks like it has some pretty heavy operations is going on it's a recycling of metals um across the street you have Pasco Fleet which is another Transport service with semis and they've got some pretty significant stuff going on on that property and of course Triple J um which already has the 636 single family um approved developments you know once there's some water and SE that comes out there you do have south of this property I think that was what you were pointing to appala Trails and Sunburst Hills which are residential developments they're on Halfacre lots and they are on well and septic um the reason we're fine with option b and and your comp plan permits it is it allows up to 49 units to be on well and septic in these subdivisions your actual comp plan policy provides for that utilities has signed off on us going to well and septic and of course we're under the 49 we at 40 um so you actually have a comp Caan policy that permits us to utilize well and septic and and given the various concerns that were raised that's why we decided to go in that direction um as far as the water table I know that a te is around or he maybe to answer some questions but um obviously any Wells and subject that has to go through d as well as um probably some Swift mun permitting I'm know better on that but um obviously they're not going to allow any Wells to impact you know someone else's Wells on their property and again your comp plan allows for this um so I think some of that's probably been taken into consideration in terms of what's okay for you know health and safety but um there is significant Industrial non-residential Development around this property there is happen take lots already existing around this property they're on wall and septic um our traffic study didn't show any impacts to into Lakeland old Lakeland Highway um you know the level service is good with or without this development um and of course access management as far as turn lanes and stuff will be dealt with at the time of engineering but um we would like for support for staff's recommendation on option b given that your staff supports it your comp plans supports it um it it really based on what's actually really going on out around this property on the ground is as what's planned long term um it really does um seem to be a good good option for us so we would ask for your support and I'll be have to answer any other questions um Mr waitman thank chair you cite the businesses but the businesses that are in this area they are trucking businesses but they're not running at the volume of traffic that a highdensity neighborhood would run on a daily basis uh these businesses have been around a long time they're well established and anybody who's familiar with this area knows you know a lot of them are Over The Road Trucking Company so they load up and they take off we hours morning or what have you so I'm more inclined with Chairman's thought of two 2 and A2 acre home sites for this general area if we're going to go residential um if not residential ideally it's a it's a it's prime time for job creating location next to other businesses um so I'm I'm kind of aligned with the chair and not aligned with staff's recommendation on this I I have a question well let's let's finish the public comment because there may be so is anyone else here wish to speak to this item that has not spoken is anyone on WebEx no sir not side okay now back to the board and we'll uh have any questions yeah can you um can you go close can you um go to yeah what is the property that is facing 98 this one over here that has a house um okay see where that little piece comes down on this property the the proposed yeah what is that property to the left of that corner there right on the left here at the bottom what kind of zoning is that this one yeah there's about three homes or there may be trailers I see mobile homes I see I was put in there years ago so it says mobile home subdivision um and it's there's four mobile homes there and I mean no I'm looking at the property praiser site I don't know what is actually there because it looks to me like there's more there than it's actually on the property pra s it's a AC zoning huh that's that's the same zoning as the other but it has 1 2 3 four five six at least six maybe seven homes on it how's that possible I was done before our time that's existing Denise Hernandez Planning Development economic growth we we have not searched it but we could look to see if there's a non-conforming use determination if there's a a pre uh pre- datings zoning December 1st of 1975 situation going on there I mean I if you give me a few minutes I can probably see what I can find if that's something that's that the Board needs to know yes okay so I'm looking at Google Maps and I see 1 2 3 four five six houses on let me see how much land that is would you like you can't talk sorry sorry um how big is that lot 11.78 that propert that property you're looking at there was approved many years ago maybe 30 or so years ago uh Mr Keith was the owner of that at the time had his home there and he put in those other he got approval to be able to put in the other four or five mobile homes and they were Ryals and helped him in his livelihood but I was done commission 30 years ago that those have been that was approved over 30 years ago yeah um but I don't I I just think it's very inconsistent to say they have to be if you live out here where these folks and he can have you know multif family um and then you got Industrial across the street actually the best story I've heard is should we consider that is that best to be job creating rather than houses I think that but I don't think it's fair to say everyone else can have that kind of zoning across the street you got R three you got the mobile home park but this guy but you're in a rural area so he has to have two and a half acres that I I I think we be very inconsistent with that kind of ru Mr chairman I can't help what what was done 34 years ago when they set that up the fact of it is it's there and we're living with it we don't have to keep having 40 and 50ft lots and Halfacre Lots in the rural area where the way of life out there is rural Mr chairman yes and another point to it that's on us98 this road this parcel doesn't connect this no that property doesn't the property we're talking does not connect so it's a different but those it's a different Road those trailers right there are 98 right there the trailers are 98 these are not that property is on 35a which is the old Lakeland Highway right on the east side of that road plus the railroad tracks on the opposite side of that road so the consistency part doesn't drive with me that it's a different roadway different type of roadway right any other place yes ma'am what what was the staff's recommendation for the Crossways mpud the staff recommendation was to approve the planning commission's recommendation to adopt the zoning Amendment which would allow entitlements to build 40 single family detached units on half excise L yeah I I'm still I think that's very consistent with the neighborhood um I don't how you Sor I don't know how you come with that conclusion out of the rural area and there's nothing else around there well you know what when they approved Oakstead it was in the rural area too look at it now so um so we keep building but half you want to half acre is not dense 40 foots I'd say that's pretty dense you're talking about well and sepy that's half acre lots on that piece of property and put 40 Lots that's that's a lot of well and setic those are shallow Wells are not deep well what is the plan for utilities up there what they're proposing well and septic on the no no what is the County's future plan the city that's in the city I think the city would tie in this would end up yeah we don't have we don't have water sore out that area we get pass count utilities at Hana with the Pesco County Utilities um that part of the county is far uh away from any Central water or Central sewer that we have right now uh we are assuming uh um low density which is really I mean we're it's not going to be served by water and sewer in this area the only water close by is the Sunburst wealth which is really uh just south of this project and it's at maximum capacity right now we don't have any room to provide for this project and that's where we ended up deciding that this cannot get water right so is that what's keeping that Flying J or whatever that property was that that's what's keeping that other property getting developed so I'm not sure about the density of Triple J you talking about Triple J Triple J Triple J is is probably one septic so oh I got you um but uh yeah we uh we are at maximum capacity right now and it's just serving the area around that Sunburst Wells on 98 there is a 12in water main that serves that area and um I see day City keeps annexing on the other side are they working their way cuz once they Annex it it's going to be 40ft lots front loaded um are they working way this way too D city they're quite some distance they're they're short of this proper okay well those they City doesn't have water sewer either for yeah for the ones they they I'm not sure miss Jagger I just want had a comment that I'm I'm going to go with you commissioner Oakley just because this is your area these are your people you getting the phone calls and um I I'm not found that there's no water or sewer so so in terms of the date City anex ations I don't know what their annexation plans or priorities are um what I understand right now is that our map isn't showing the DAT City boundar the extent of the DAT City boundaries they have descended so to speak to town Zen Road in US 8 that's the furthest extent south and east as a crow F that's not very far from this property but right that's about a mile they still have D city has annexed a lot of property out this way toward 98 to the south of date City and they don't have supply of water or sewer for for connecting to any of those properties so they can't even have projects new projects inside that Annex uh City area because they don't have water and sewer for that's the same thing that happened to the west of date cities some they do some they don't so they don't at this time so thinking a big picture so we don't waste a lot of people's time is is it the is it our intent to take all this land that is not developed in this area and down Zone it so that I mean no you're you're not talking about down zoning you're talking about higher density no I'm asking if it's for 10 right now if if all this land that's out here are we wanting it to be 2 Acres or more per unit cuz I don't think what what all what's in the comp plan now out there what's the plan it's agricultural land the the particular area subject site itself is res six res six on the east side of old Lakeland Highway you have agricultural rural which is point2 dwelling unit per gross are how many I don't know why I can't hear you I'm sorry on the east side of old Lakeland beyond the CSX Corridor it's the future land use is agricultural rural which is2 dwelling units per gross acre to the south of the subject site so that's half acre lots point no point no that's over an acre lot that's 5 acre lot 5 acre lot to the south at the inter at the bridge here hello [Laughter] shake it harder I don't know well at the north at the North uh east corner northwest corner of us98 and old Lakeland Highway right where they come together uh you have uh ilil future land use industrial Light surrounded by ro retail office residential which has a max density of 24 dwelling units per gross acre along that that node right there surrounding that is res 3 and then to the north again you have more industrial Light future menus I think I think I think in applications like this it's good to see the overall picture of the area that we're talking about truck trucking so I can tell you it's R most of it was Grove land and and pasture land but it it it's rural when you look at it so was our Ranch so is my blueberry farm but it's res y'all decided to change it it's no we don't have to change it it's res H it's res n but it's a blueberry farm it's it's multif family but it's a blueberry farm so just cuz it looks like that zoning was changed it was egg before that so the these are the future lers categor well there's two different levels here so here you have a red three which kind of wraps around to the South barely see there the red six uh District if you will where the subject property is in Ro I out here I to the north and all this is uh at the agricultural rur on the other side but on this side it's six dwelling units per the acre and you're proposing two dwelling units one point what 1 1.3 I don't know what basis you're denying it on I think it's too dense for the area that's in but it's res six Serv there's no services all but but they're allowed to do well in septic on a half acre or larger I I'm not a land use attorney looking at my attorney what I mean I looking at if if the board believes that this is not the appropriate timing or it's not compatible with its surrounding uses the board may deny the rezone and leave it at at AC or whatever it is now just if if we're talking about it you have a line of businesses Trucking operations on the west side of old Lakeland Highway right at a major intersection with 98 improvements going east towards Lakeland I think it's better suited for a job creating site personally than residential right there but if we do go residential uh higher density isn't going to cut it half acre but it's it's prime location for potential for Commerce well if chair has any thoughts on on that opportunity not if he wants it to stay a it just to me it just doesn't seem the timings right for this so uh there's a lot of lot of land that hadn't been made in higher density coming out of date City before you get your way out here is that date city where it's dark blue it says annexation right there yes that might be some of their new annexation and how how far is that about one mile 86 miles one mile I just don't feel it fits for for the timing what we're talking about now Mr chairman yes sir um like to ask the applicant if they would be willing to go to the 2 and half acres so the question is if if you would be able to go to 2 and a half acre sites I mean I think from the applicants perspective um you know they they're already the site can allow under R six 176 units so they're down to 1.3 units per acre they're they're actually 40 units versus 176 units which is what the land use permits so I think they're to the point where they're you know there's not much more that they can carve out of this in terms of reducing density I think they probably would rather I can ask them they're not here I can check with them really quickly but I think they may want to just go ahead and you know move forward with whatever the board's recommendation is and go from there I mean I think you're looking at denial if it's if it's denied you're going to wait a year to come back right right yeah that's saying what about one acre yeah maybe you know one acre versus half acre I mean 2 and 1/2 acres is quite large for you know what's going on around this property there is you know a lot of um more dense Development coming online there's you know dense development and in Dade City there's the I think as the commissioner pointed out some stuff to the South that's you know a little bit denser it's you know they're on half AC or Lots on W and septic so to go you know given we're on this side of the you know the the rail line um and it is R six you know maybe one acre lots they would be okay with that but 2 and half acres is just kind of out of character but obviously you know we're going to go with whatever the board's recommendation is because we do want to move forward so sh there's stuck on residential only yeah this has been residential because it's red six what we have what I was mentioning back there is to do non-residential on this piece you'd have to do a a flume Amendment so whoever would have to come in would have to go through a whole you know future land use amendment in order to do anything nonresidential on it which you know I don't know that that is feasible so I still I I think through it but I still can't U support that 2 and a half acres possibly but nothing nothing more dense than that in this area I'll be happy to answer to the questions yeah I mean we would you know one acre would be better than two and a half acres but um you know they do want to move forward so whatever the board's recommendation is you know that's what we're going to go with that's you know we want you all to be comfortable and it's your choice so but we do think that it's significantly reduced at 40 units under rest 6 cuz we are literally at 1.3 units per acre so what would two and how many would two and a half acres give you um I don't know done the maap on that I probably cut it in half almost 20 some units there isn't any even at the 176 units um the traffic study that was done by Elizabeth Rodriguez um there's nothing even at 176 unes which of course is not what's before you today it was not triggering anything in terms of level of service on Old Lakeland Highway so there was no issues there either it'll give us 12 units 2 and so we did agree I know Mr Hall had had the question about the wall we did agree to an 8ft wall on that on that uh southern end adjacent to his property he did request that so we did agree with that as well so um we're good with all the conditions of approval if you just want to remove condition a um I think there's a lot of good stuff in there that's you know will be good for the county and is you know part of subdivision approval so we're fine with all those conditions to remain I'll make a motion to approve with 13 units how many 13 tough to build half a unit Why 13 tough to build half a unit that's a ODOT number can I answer commissioner starky's question from earlier on 2.33 Acres so according to our historical Maps there were three mobile homes on that property so our 1975 maps and two homes on that property so a total of five units on that property per our 1975 Maps so it would be like a legal non-conforming yeah there's six on there I'm looking at at it on Pas yeah it's been like that a long time 34 one one owner and there's at least one unit there that was from 1958 crazy I remember when they did it but I don't remember uh I wasn't here for the activity on so all right I have a motion this it's D without a second I didn't get a second on 13 units I'll make a motion for 15 units why I like light industrial on this thing it's res six doesn't matter it's aligned with Trucking operations everything at a US Highway intersection yeah next to rail no massive Improvement ra on the other side it is but but you also have going south going Southeast I mean it's a it's a prime intersection for Commerce in my opinion you got the expansion of 98 going Southeast andake doesn't matter if there's a water and sewer for for a you get a package plan Mr chairman now we we don't do package plants now yes sir it's aack maybe we talk to the applicant about and continue this and maybe talk to them about doing a board initiated Flume amendment to go that way take the expense away from them encourage them to go this way here you could get the job creation if they're willing to do so is that a motion how do we do this this is a first I want to bring the appli up to make sure this is what our c plan changes will fixed what goes where so would be a motion to continue um to your next to your next to next meeting in in D City but I I assume the commissioner wants some Buy in that there'll be discussion over that I'd like to hear i' like to hear from the applicant onor we're talking about if we continue this item back and if we did a board initiated comprehensive plan amendment to go to a light industrial so you would have the expense of that we would take care of it yeah I did I wanted to talk to um my client about it and so if the continuance would be in order so we can try to get everybody comfortable with this idea and speak that would be fine I'd be happy with that they're unfortunately they're not they're traveling what's the next meeting and date C September September 3rd move to continue to September 3rd second and that would be at your 1:30 at the 130 meeting thank okay got a motion in a second um all those in favor say I I I I okay uh 5 so we will continue to September 3rd uh next item is this is p p64 yeah I don't think we need a presentation let's just have her uh announce it and then we'll vote on it because this is just a pastor right yeah well we'll do more than that because we go to some public hearing yeah Mr chairman you have approved the publication of this matter in the 10 B times July 28th of 2024 all right Amy frell um budget director with the office of manage management and budget for Pasco County item p64 or om 2441 is the BayCare Health System tax equity and fiscal responsibility act application in public hearing um if the chair would like to ask for any public comment okay anyone signed up no one signed up okay is anyone in anyone in the audience wish to speak to this item Mo we did have a uh reservation signed up but there is no one online at this time okay second the motion okay a motion second to approve all those in favor say I I I motion passes thank you five thank you that was the last item we have on here Mr chairman yes can I just bring up two quick items um well well I one I was trying to get an update in schol season well I want to get an update in the scholar season I did get it when they did the studies the only location they identified was an issue with Rabbid key which is immediately south of the enclo river once you enter the gulf so we should be close to getting some type of opening of the scalp season again uh I'm going to reach out to our state legislators as well as fish and wildlife to try to make that happen um and just one of the one point I'd like to bring out I didn't think about it much but um the item we had on the tourist Development Council today I'm going to recommend that we go back to and especially on these big items that any any item that's going to come before the board especially anything like that magnitude should hit the tourist Development Council too and should hit before it gets to this Bo I mean we we we're pressuring the situation move quick and we should have the time set to where they can hear it they can bet it and then we can get a recommend recommendation from them so all I got okay Mr chairman just yes I know the clerk has something but um just for purpos of the record you consent 129 which was an addendum that was included in your consent agenda motion correct corre me correct yeah correct I just want I just want the board to realize that that's not that I'm being told what to do but correct my position has always been that if there's an addendum and it's an addendum as a consent item you approve it with your your consent item but I have that but I've had questions over the day about whether that has been so we cleared that up now yes okay thank you for for the record that was AC go ahead uh Mr chairman for the record um as we all know the County Administrator uh initiated a resolution for local state of emergency last week in response to uh the weather event um for the purposes of the record we would just like the board to note resolution number [Music] 2417 de uh uh declaring the state of emergency in Pasco County that was executed by the County Administrator as and included um as noted as part of this agenda approve second motion second all in favor say I I I okay thank you um anything else for the good other than the fact that I appreciate all our staff members all of our employees um things are going great in Pasco County and we certainly appreciate everything you all do so you know it's not easy at times but a lot of things are not easy but when you get to the end uh we're going to be a better County a better Premier County for for all of us so thank you that we J [Music] discharges are illegal contact Pasco County Department of Public work11 hi I'm Kurt Browning Pasco County Superintendent of Schools I lead the charge to provide a worldclass education for all students and sucess in college career and life however achieving this success can be difficult for the student who has been removed from their home for their own protection and placed in foster care or another out of home placement alarmingly right here in Pasco County there are almost 1,000 abused and neglected children in the child welfare system children in foster care often experience multiple placements and consequently May attend several different schools in one school year making it difficult for them to achieve academic success what can you do you can help by becoming a guardian at Liam volunteer children who have a guardian at Lum do better in school and are more likely to find a safe permanent home sooner to learn how you can help call 727 834 3493 or visit hero to a child.org our children and their success matter to me I am for the child are [Music] you quality of customer service has been outstanding Beyond satisfied absolutely Beyond satisfied it's a completely different mindset it's a completely different approach the County's been taking extra care and working together with us and a team approach I think that pastel county has made strides in development of procedures and programs to where we have a relationship built with them so when I do call uh we have somebody that we know each other by name and we have an opportunity to get in front of our problem so important that the customer service within any organization evolves with its customers and I think Pasco County is doing a great job of that the other thing I've seen is that there's more interaction between the county staff in the community at large we have an opportunity to talk with people because we go to the vertical codes and the horizontal codes meeting looking at something and saying yes I can help you and I understand what you want to do and and I'm going to help you do it um that makes all the difference in the world listen in the past 5 years the changes that have come to the permitting Department the planning department the zoning department are completely different um just a breath of fresh air it's it's nice to walk in and see a smiling face and shake hands with someone and and then when you make a phone call and picking up the phone and and you're talking to someone and they're finding you answers and and they're getting you the answers that you want and you need it's just it's it's a great feeling all Commissioners all five Commissioners I know very well and they all have focused very hard on customer service the attitude is is that we are your customers and you need to be treated like a customer and that's exactly what Don Rosenthal says every time I hear him speak I think Pasco has a great future future of Pasco County is so bright it's it's in a perfect location it's right where you want to be it's exciting to help build the communities that we live and work in I think that Pasco County is going to lead the region I think one of the best decisions we've ever made is to better accommodate what we do for our clients in Pasco County and the County's staff has been the Keystone for that success [Music] --------- ##VIDEO ID:fkgQDbHRojg## [Music] [Applause] [Music] n e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] Board of County Commissioners 10 a.m meeting of August 6th 2024 at this time please silence all electronic devices and uh please rise uh for the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one way one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gufts amen amen unit States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all okay so instead of going by what my uh word say I won't say madam cler I see Mr CL would you please call the role yes sir uh District Two commissioner wigman pres District three commissioner starky here District Four commissioner Jagger here District Five commissioner Mariano here uh district one chairman Oak here that be known we have a quorum present uh uh now is the time for public comment citizens were given an opportunity to comment on any current F future current or future agenda item going before the board and other business under the board's prview today's public comment will be handled as follows first we will take public comment for those folks that are on here in person then we will take comment from those who are pre-registered for the web act and are currently on Q we request that when you uh address the board comments are uh director not personally toward a commissioner or team member but rather at the issues this provides mutual respect between board members and the public after uh stating your name and address for the clerk a 3 Minute Timer will be activated after 2 minutes a single beep will notify you that you have 1 minute left when your time is up you will two beeps will sound and we ask that you close your comments at that time uh WebEx participants will be disconnected automatically when their time is up uh Mr clerk uh do we have someone signed up for public comment I believe we do not have anyone in the room signed up but we do have uh online participants okay um is there anyone in the room that did not sign up wish to speak at this time for public comment if you do you just come forward don't see anyone coming forward all right we'll move on to our webx John marrow Mr marrow please state your name and address John marrow uh Lyn or Vance Anderson please state your name and address I believe that's Mr uh marrow trying to come up right now with that number Mr marrow you're are muted s we're not hearing you at this point let us check the level okay Mr marrow we're hearing you now please proceed okay it took me a second on mute sorry my name is John marrow I live at 4621 Road Drive in Newport Richie I'd like to thank you guys for allowing me the opportunity to address each of you and I'm very excited about the land that you acquired on BR Avenue for the homeless the reason I'm excited is my bu business partners and I have a passion for not only helping the homeless the transitional folks but also the folks we can educate back into society and Home Ownership we believe that the issue at hand is bigger than just homeless and unsheltered it's about education and giving people a hand up not a hand out we're working at municipalities to eradicate this issue globally and we believe this is more than just build a few rapid response shelters We Believe by building a community fully equipped with a a community center and three B housing that in 10 years when we have done things will look very different than they do today we l to work with PCO and solving this issue that has been gone for way too long and that's it just thanks for your time [Music] and thank you sir um ly or Vance Anderson uh we're not seeing them online at this point is that the only people left yes that's the only one signed up okay seeing no one coming forward on the WebEx uh we will close public comment we'll move on um to our resolution uh Mr Court would you please read the first resolution yes sir resolution number 24156 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida recognizing Suzanne wankowski for 30 years of dedicated service to the Pasco Economic Development Council whereas Suzanne rowski has been devoted to the Pasco Economic Development Council and its mission for and vision for 30 years demonstrating unwavering commitment and dedication to the enhancing the professional landscape of Pasco County since beginning her career with them in 1994 and whereas over three decades Suzanne has supported programs such as investor relations office management Budget Finance and has played a pivotal role in the planning and execution of all major events for Pasco EDC including the annual award Wards netfest the holiday social and many others and whereas Suzanne has been the office goto for all questions and keeps meticulous historical information documentation recordkeeping and has served as a mentor to many team members over the years and whereas since 1996 Pasco EDC has assisted companies through business expansions and relocations resulting in nearly 3 billion in capital investment and over 21,000 new jobs in Pasco County and whereas in 1980 Suzanne studied at Taylor Business Institute in New Jersey during which time she worked for an eye surgeon Dr John Norris as he was developing cataract surgery with Dr James B gills and whereas prior to joining the Pasco EDC Suzanne worked for Pasco uh I'm sorry for St Leo University as a public affairs coordinator where she completed her business coursework in 1993 and whereas Suzanne has been with her high school sweetheart John wowski since 1975 and will be celebrating 43 years of marriage together in September of this year they have a son named Michael a daughter named Lisa and a grandson named Elliot Suzanne and John enjoy spending time traveling and with family and friends and whereas Suzanne's commitment to the betterment of Pasco County throughout her extensive career has not only bolstered economic development in Pasco County but has been an inspiration to many and has shown true passion for her community now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby recognizes Suzanne wowski for her unwavering commitment to the positive economic growth of Pasco County by serving the Pasco Economic Development Council for the past 30 years then and resolved in Reg session with the Forum president voting this 6th day of August 2024 move approval second and a motion second all in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z welcome thank you I truly truly appreciate that I can't believe how time has flown by and I'm really not that old I don't think started very young well you're like some other people that are retiring I think they still have a lot of time and effort to give for this County and appreciate all that you've done but we're welcome you to stay home so few years that's what I was wondering to you've been there 30 years it's not a retirement it's not a retirement I I just wasn't clear about that yet so we're celebrating quite a career yeah that is great Mr chairman and and commission thank you again for joining us and recognizing Suzanne um three decades is is something you don't hear about anywhere these days and uh um we love her and we so happy that you guys are with us to celebrate um those accomplishments but she is the go-to in our office uh not just from an office manager standpoint there were two employees when she started and we're up to uh 13 now I mean so you know it's not easy um but she's she keeps us straight she keeps me straight which you know is a big difficult job uh and she's a friend to people in our organization too so um thank you again for for recognizing her and sharing the love Mr White thank you chair you know I first heard about it just with all the retirements we've had coming down the the pipeline recently oh suzan I'm not retiring I'm not retiring and I was like oh fantastic you know great we're just getting to honor and recognize you for your 30 years of service and like Bill said people don't stay around in a in a workplace that long so congratulations we're glad you're with us andad glad that you're going to keep hanging out for a little bit longer Mr St same I think uh I can't I I don't think I could count how many emails I have um with your name on it and it was Suzanne and I who worked on the um party for the at 4G Ranch that's now a a big deal for um for the pedc in the county so Suzanne I'm glad you're not leaving I'm sure they'd be devastated um but congratulations on such a long career my hats off to you for staying in one place for so long I've never done that this is the longest job I've ever had Miss Jagger well congratulations on 30 years and also on 43 years of marriage both are huge accomplishments and thank you for staying around and uh thaning Pasco amazing okay Mr Marana soan I can't believe it's been so long I know and uh from from what you've always been you've always been that as I say the go-to person every step of the way and Bill it makes your job and your team's job a lot easier when you get someone like her in that position just taking care of things and making sure the eyes are dotted Jesus Christ and that that helps quite a bit but uh I I wish I'm glad you're standing it's so cool that everybody was worried about the same thing I was is she retiring so that that's a testament how great you are and what you do so we greatly appreciate you yeah well certainly thank thank you for all the time you spent here with the county we're better because people like yourself that spend that kind of time with the county so it keeps us moving and Keeps Us close to being Premier so um I was with my company 51 years before I stepped away I've been here on my 8th year so there's you got plenty of time left so so thank you Mr we thank you for everything uh do you have family members here with you too today or staff and my husband is here all right well have him come forward too he can come up but we'll come down and take pictures and uh they're welc welcome to join us in those pictures [Applause] everybody right here first thank you okay we have no more resolutions for this morning so we'll move on to the consent agenda uh I have a pull sheet with C10 withdrawal c24 withdraw uh C 13 pull and revise c27 pull and revise c28 pull and Revis does the board got any other items I wish to pull is that pull on there what number was that pull 45 please okay all right C 45 all right I entertain a motion for the rest items left on the consent agenda submit second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I'll oppose like sign motion pass 5 z uh now we C10 has been withdrawn c24 is withdrawn uh C13 pull and revise yes sir morning Mr chair members of commission Eric Brighton boach assistant County Administrator for interal Services C13 is a task order for pre-construction services for the Nottingham Public Works facility uh because it's pre-construction Services bonds are not needed and so the revision is to eliminate the last sentence of the recommended board action and with that I'd ask the board uh approve with the recommended change okay entertain a motion move second got a motion and a second uh all those in favor say I I I motion pass by 5 move on to c27 yes sir good morning Commissioners chairman Alex parns County Surveyor c27 and c28 are also my team and mine um we are these are here for a recommendation for pull and revise unfortunate clerical errors um and so we we want to make sure that we don't hinder the process when things are outside of our normal flow of our procedures all of the papers have been revised and they're all here and already been delivered this morning uh this is why we recommend a full and revise and it should be good to go okay I entertain a motion for c27 Mo approval c27 got a motion second a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 now I entertain a motion Force 28 yes c28 uh is the same situation um I call them unfortunate invert uh inadvertent CL clerical errors and so all of the documents have been corrected they are here there's no hindrance on the schedule we recommend pull and rise okay I just have one question okay question and um let me see if I can answer it myself here it says um what is the Sun Coast multi-owner what is that um sorry I'm not familiar with the Sun Coast multi-owner LLC oh um is the is the developer that is the developer company okay not for me all right I move to approv sorry got a motion in second uh I didn't hear a second I didn't hear a second second okay I got a motion on second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 move on to Mr Mar On's item c45 yes Mr chair i' like to have uh Mr Thomas come in to give us a presentation on this good morning Mr chairman fellow Commissioners Adam Thomas tourism director Pasco County uh c45 is a request to amend the restated ground lease agreement at the Wiregrass Ranch Sports Campus of Pasco County uh the hotel ground lease at for the residents in Marriott Wesley Chapel so before you today is a request to appr the ground leas and the amended um the amendment to increase the uh ground lease terms to 2100 um on WebEx with me today is uh Michael berth he is the vice president of um pet tree group who is the new developer for the sports park property hotel okay okay M Mar well when we put this lease together it was very favorable terms um I had some people in the marketplace that did done funding on their own financing on their own that they thought it was a really strong deal wonder why we would would have done it just the way we did it uh and we did it the proper way but the terms are very favorable this extension all the way through um is a very generous extension and I had trouble with it even though we got some Provisions coming and they're going to help us with accelerations for increasing the rates as uh things will will dictate but one of the question I asked Adam is what is the average daily occupancy rate and ell what was the number uh currently as it sits right now for um the year 2023 it's at 58.8% in occupancy and their competitive set right now is at 74% so what we're doing in terms of the ground lease to help offset the average daily rate is to help out with the ground lease agreement at $40,000 a year currently it's at $25,000 a year we're going to 40 next year with some escalators built in every 5 years depending on Market studies um at 3 3 to 6% So currently as it sits right now the ADR is at around $180 $189 don't use acronyms just so I'm sorry yeah average daily rate my apology average daily rate is around $189 for the year so when these events come in we are seeing leakage over to Hillsboro County because of the rates being too high so we negotiated the terms on the ground lease to help offset the rate to help bolster occupancy therefore generating additional Revenue per available room for not only the hotel but also for the county so let me ask Michael a question Michael I know with apartments in the area they go through and they look at all sorts of numbers to what's in the marketplace how they set their rates to probably maximize profit more than anything else um with your rate so low at 58% and I've talked to other Hotel years years ago they were like 90 95% occupancy in the Wesley Chapel area which is why I think so many hotels came in you're at 58% it's such a low number um I want to try to work with you on this but I I need to find some way that we can get that number up higher and I don't I'm not even satisfied with 74% I think the number should get higher this is an ideal piece of property I want to see it filled because this is an asset that we've got it should be different than hotel we should shoot be shooting close to 100% but I want to know how you can how you how you how you set your numbers up to get to only 58% when the market at 74% thank you all um so for cont the asset now for a week half figures are not based off of our operations but off of the prev this is part of our business plan in uh in our underwriting is right siiz of Mis occupancy comparatively to the competitive set um you know there clearly a a difference in average P rate uh with versus our own and ultimately here that point the premium location is the premium property you know for Contex we uh we own and operate 85 hotels across 28 States over 11,000 rooms uh We've invested $1 million in the hospitality industry over the last 15 years we are you know we have our own taxes management company we work with our management company as well as the as the brands in this case marott on Revenue management specifically maximize those occupancy average daily rate and Rue for available room to you know to to ultimately um you know make sure that we are running the property as efficiently as possible uh on average the residents in um you know should out perform it's given comp set of he uh and there's no reason again based off of the product based off the location next such AI there's no reason the property performing as it as it was currently under the previous ownership um and again our our idea uh as the ask that based of our experience with the product type uh within the Tampa area is to actually this is this is somewhat counterintuitive to what how we typically underr a deal but it's a lower rate considerably in year one in order to drive off be right size our Revenue perail correct Mr bur this uh commissioner Oakley um I am interested you have uh the actual number average room rates in that area I would assume and your target is going to be try to match that so you can increase your uh room room stays and percentages so so this right now is just a guesstimate but you think this possibly the change of that room rate will would move it on up to 80 or 85% possibly well so so typically in in Hospitality there's a bit of a Tipping Point with regards to occupancy the goal is is ultimately not to run 100% occupancy unless you know uh those those last couple rooms are charging someone a premium from a rate perspective so the sweet spot for this type of of asset is probably given given competitive set I'm looking at uh I'm looking at the competitive set right now just I've got G data pulled up so our competitive set for the for the TR 12 months in in June 2024 competitive set is running 73.4% and we're running uh right at 65% so if you look at the recent trends of the property the the previous management and again these two numbers represent the previous ownership we closed on July 23rd um so we again we we are still very much getting uh getting our feed W so to speak at the property level um but the previous management was already starting to employ this strategy there was a consider considerable increase year-to dat in occupancy comparatively so if you're looking at the numbers um the property for the year-to DAT period uh is up 20% of occupancy uh at at just a 1% bumping rate so they they're starting to they were starting to understand where the uh you know where where the trends in the market were settling and it already starts to somewh employ our our own business plan as we go forward so again our goal is not to run 100% occupancy it's it's impossible in in a market like this and most markets kind of outside of like you know Manhattan uh or approximate to a very busy airport um the idea here is to is to find that sweet spot uh and and maximize those occupancies um you know as well as average daily rate to make sure that we are running the property uh as efficiently as possible we're ultimately fiduciaries to our investors as well um you know we want to be good stewards to Pasco County to WI our grass we're we're incredibly thrilled to be uh to be owning and operating this this asset uh we see the potential we're excited about the expansion of the of the fields uh and for hopefully subsequent expansions of the of the facility Mr chairman thank you for the answer yes sir Mr and I and I appreciate that I understand it's a business you're trying to make money as much as you can but we have a responsib to our investors the citizens of Pasco County so we invested in this property to try to get it to a a high occupancy rate and I think the deal that we cut before um and maybe we should have more specifics to it we should be shooting for a higher number and I know from his experience talking to the people that were were running these things in Westy Chapel in this area without even being on premises they were running close to 90% some 95% occupany I'm not even looking for that number U but what I'm looking for is I want to get as many people in those rooms as reasonably possible so that number one they're not commuting from Hillsboro coming up here spending money in hillsbro coming up here put clouding up our roads anym than up here I want that thing as full as it possibly be I don't mind giving a sweetheart deal in a sense but I want something in return to show at least I'm going to generate more s more uh tourist money by having more people in there I'm going to have a bigger economic impact by having more people in there so as much as your sweet spot for your investors I don't think it's going to align with our sweet spot with our investors well um what number do you think is I I think at least 80% 85% we should be able to get in contract and and you know if if a market thing happens like a CO a hurricane I'm willing to adjust from those numbers but on a regular Market event I think we should be looking to get that number that's it's a reduced rate that they have this property at it's at a prime location with the thing and and by the way we still need to do more because we still got to go build a garage out there the parking out there in a big events youve guys been out there it's crowded as heck we need to do some so we need a partner in there too to to work on uh you know getting a parking garage whether it be extra revenue or you partner with us something's got to happen out there the way it's set up as well from from an occy perspective our our interests are completely L we're trying dri as many people to that hotel as possible the last thing that we want to do is see leakage into hillbo County or anywhere else uh our our incentives are completely align based off of the current occupancy in in that market I think looking today getting to 80% 85% I think it's going to be difficult uh it it should you know as as uh as things continue to improve uh our interests are completely L we we don't want to see any leakage to uh any of the counties we want to keep as much business in the immediate area as possible well I'm I'm going to disagree with you just because as you say you're sweet spot you're trying to maximize your profitability for your investors we're trying to maximize it to the best economic benefit for Pasco County that means more people more heads and beds in that location they're spending money in our area they're off our roads as well which frees up congestion as well so ours are going to be different and that's okay but with this deal that you're looking at to get from us I want to get a number to what we can go for as far as a higher occupy rate than even just the regular market rate that's what I'm looking for okay Adam so commissioner you're you're 100% right we we want to fill capacity and fill occupancy at that venue specifically because of the investment that you all made into that Sports Park property we're doing that on the event side and the structure of our events we are at 83 no I'm sorry 92 events last year we're at 118 events this year we're driving demand we're already getting people we're getting our uh hotels filled I'm sorry we're getting our teams here our hotels aren't being filled because there is leakage over into Hillsboro County because of the rate so this this deal is helping to subsidize some of that rate in and with hopes to boost that occupancy so we are getting the traction here we are getting the teams here on an annual basis and we're seing an increase in events our goal was to have 80% of the the calendar filled um the sports campus we're at 87% in climbing so we are getting the teams here we are getting the traction here we are getting the demand here we're just not getting them into the hotels because of the rates structur and exactly so the rates structure they've got to bring their rates down to get more people in there CU they're competive market so just like you're saying you're doing a phenomenal job you canil your whole team bringing people in the like this is supposed to do like we designed to do right now these guys are taken over granted the other guy before they're the new guy but the numbers again for the market to what's out there and I don't know how broad-based the 73% is as far as what the market is I'm just saying knowing the high percentage in Wesley Chapel what these hotels were that we should be striving for those numbers and with what you're doing driving in there everybody's going to want to stay in there if they can if they can afford it but if they price it too high they're not going that's why I say that sweet spot it's different from our alignment they're want to maximize the revenue I get that but that doesn't align with us we need to get more heads and beds and the more people stay in there that's less traffic all around I I think you're going to find out this year with Adam and his team what they're doing and the events they've got coming in you're going to see an increase in that hotel without any changes uh that are going to push that numbers up and I think with these changes we we'll be comforable they'll push those numbers up and we got more events coming so those automatically those numbers going to be up cuz there's not going to be any lag time from you know doing a lesser number of events last year to a higher number this year that's going to push that oxy higher so M sty Mr Mariano I mean they're in the business to make money why wouldn't they be setting hotel rates that would fill their hotel so I'm confused because obviously they want to fill their their hotel Mr chairman yes so and I like I said they are in the business for making money we're in the business to maximize our tourist development dollars investment we benefit more when more people are in there so do they they hang on they benefit no they benefit more when they maximize Revenue by keeping a higher price their higher price is what's keeping the the room rate down I'm trying to get it to where we're going to get to a higher number and if other people in the Wesley Chapel Market which I'd love to look at that study if those num if they're higher like 80 85% we should be looking to that number so may maybe a way to tie it into the market in the Westley Chapel area I think we're looking at that number can that and maybe this is not done in contracts and I understand they have a deadline I mean they're under pressure for their financing um and I think David Goldstein work they worked on this but um is it possible to say that the the room rate must be competitive within x amount of dollars within a certain uh Geographic area I'm going to have to defer to Michael on that one because that's that's that'll affect his business and bottom line so I'll all defer to to Michael on online yeah and and listen I I think ultimately our what we're talking about our interests are very much aligned we are you know we're professional Hotel operators we we utilize Revenue management through our owns through the brand you know again we're we've been in this asset for 10 days uh we are already rightsizing the operations I think that ultimately again our interests are very much alot we want to maximize occupancy at this hotel we're not going to do it at the uh to the detriment of um you know of the business if if rate in a given week is X we're not going to charge it 2 x we're going to charge with the rate with the market will be um in order to maximize our occupancy in this in this hotel I mean again this is this is our this is our business this is our you know we've got a full operating platform we've been operating hotels for 15 years we've operated this exact product type in very similar markets across the country um you know this this is this is our core competency and and we feel like we're pretty good this we've been doing it a long time we've made Investments all over the place and when we invest in a given Market we're not just there to to maximize our profit like ultimately our our interest um both from a county perspective and from a be stre perspective are maximiz in their and and we want to be good Steward of the asset we want to be good stewards of the of the wi development and we want to be good stewards of the county because ultimately that's that's going to help us maximize our business um you know and and obviously the uh um you know the ability to throw room chairman yes sir thank you chair Adam in the in the contract is there a change in law call claws in there if we see something shift in the market do we have the ability to capture the increase that commissioner Marana says a year or two 12 24 months from now current no sir so 5year term right um it's a 25y year Amendment to the the ground lease with options of three additional options for 10year renewals so it takes it takes it into 2020 uh 2100 but there are extensions that can go to 2070 if if need be so there's no opportunity to do every 12 24 month say a rate review working with Michel and you guys every five years well Michael would you be if we did a rate review in every 12 months to make sure that the the board somewhat concerns there I'm just looking to get to make a happy medium I personally I think it's been odd that the government's in the hotel business but I digress on that point but I think this thing needs to get across the finish line and and let you guys go to work but I just want to make sure everybody's comfortable with this contract uh I I feel like that 20 every 12 months is a a little too soon for a business operating like this so about 3 years I'm just throwing something I'm not going to say I understand the hotel business I'm just throwing something out there again I'll have to defer to to to Michael on on that okay so we we we've worked uh in tandem with uh with the tourism board uh with the county attorney's office over the last four months to to craft this agreement I I think when you if if the goal here is to maximize documen the asset uh at the expense of of rate to make sure again that the property or the competive set in general is not overcharging I think if we're looking at a 12 month recet that directly leads to potential increases and out again ultimately that LE payment is is to to the the commissioner point that LE payment is uh is part of our profit L patment and ultimately if that if that least payment becomes overly owner RIS at the current rate structure rates inherently will have to to rise I think the way that we've structured it specifically I mean again going back to our first conversation with David gold with Adam with it was Center the on the sensitivity of of average daily rate at this property with the with the kind of mindfulness to make sure that you're not you know creating some borous rent structure that ultimately will lead to necessitating us to have to increase rates uh at an accelerated rate to cover those those pays Mr chairman the whole Genesis of of the of the amend Le based off exact point that commissioner brought up Mr Mr Marana so Michael I tell you I wish this had come before us one-on-one interviews to kind of look at this thing ahead of time uh especially when we just had a contract we had to end because it was a bad contract for us it cost us a bunch of money so before I go to another contract extend it all out I want to make sure we're in good terms have you looked at the what what is your opinion as far as the market I I'm not sure if I'm going to get a good answer or not from you but as far as the the price that we're charging you how does that Co coordinate with the market as far as a balance out there compared to your other properties yeah I I think it's I think it's absolutely commiss again with uh with with the ground r i mean and I'll be honest with you you know we typically shy away from from resold assets because of um because of of owner police payments I me we we've done a significant amount of diligence we paid uh a very aggressive price uh on this asset based off our belief in the in the long-term viability of the of the property of the expansion of of you know Wire Grass uh Ranch of the growth of the Wesley Chapel and Pasco area uh Pasco County uh areas at large we've studied extensively through third parties through our own research the macroeconomic trends in the market we this is a this is an asset that we have a significant amount of conviction in that you know if we're talking a half million dollar lease payment that obviously changes the profitability and and the viability of um you know of the asset I think in general when you're talking about just on a on a pure marketability uh basis you know that the the you know the market looks at least uh fairly differently than it does simple as do we internally and I think this is this is a um you know is a uh down the middle of the road lease it's obviously with a a government authori those are the type of Le hold that we uh that we feel comfortable with uh because of that there's no it's not it's not privately held you're not dealing with 12 month R escalation uh you know that that starts to become a snowball rolling downhill and again the payment become oous and it's got to come you know you got to figure out a way to cover it um at some point when those when those numbers do become large and it's not through occupany unfortunately is rate I think again looking at the economics of the lease looking at the economics of the extension uh the extensions that we're requesting we miror the current uh economics uh and accelerators of the extension we think they're Fair uh and we think they're applicable to to all parties again the idea here is to uh create a partnership going forward we work very closely with the tourism board we're excited for the the prospects of of the ownership of this asset uh and the growth of the market well I'll say commissioner wait I think you bring up a good thing I'd like to take a look at it it doesn't have to be every year I'm okay even with three years to take a look at it again to see how we're doing before we uh go on I think you know I respect what you're trying to do um the Marriott brand is a great brand to have as well so I'm I'm all for that I just want to make sure that we take care of the investment we've made as well because we've got to go out there I don't know if you thought about this but I I don't think the I think the parking's an issue out there we still got to deal with that issue and if we have enough Revenue we can actually offset some of that but I want to make sure this deal works for us and I want to be locked in again giving you guys an extra 25 years and 35 years on top of that that's a long way to go without being able to claw back to say okay we don't like what you're doing because if your numbers still stay at the low numbers or even if they're at the market numbers we still may want want more uh and could expect more with the premium of the asset depending how great a job ad Adam is done with his team Adam the the parking issue and concerns we share the same concerns the hotel sh shares the same concerns uh everyone at the sports campus shares the same concerns even our events owners share the same concerns in terms of parking because now you're now you're dealing with the visitor experience right so that is going to be um identified in the in invitation to negotiate that's currently closed out so hopefully the said prop U uh bids on the invitation to negotiate will actually come with um a plan to handle the the parking M Mary um just uh looking at your photos online and I I don't think these are stock photos but I um I'd love to have the opportunity to talk to you about putting some very tasteful photos of Assets in Pasco County in your hotel so maybe Adam and I can um meet with you and help Market some uh some of the fun places to go see and and activities to do in the county we we would welcome that opportunity all right so with that I'm going to move for approval second with the change to three three years or five years years okay do want now what you we did we did a change to look at the rates in 3 years versus 5 years okay I have a motion in second second is is this a um is it a roll call Vote or just normal vote normal vote normal vote okay uh clarification I believe there was a second from commissioner Wakeman and then you called for second didn't call for another second but she's she didn't hear Mr Whitman I don't believe M no I didn't sorry m starky had the motion and Mr waitman had the second all those in favor say I I I all oppose like side okay motion approved thanks joh all right thanks Michael all right that ends the uh all right thank you uh now we'll move on to a regular agenda and I have two items but they're on a Time certain but we're ready to go Bill all right we'll start with 50 R 50 good morning again and um Commissioners I'm really excited about the item that's following this one so I'm going to go pretty rapidly but before I even start I just want to comment on the um uh the County's response to uh to Debbie uh was was wonderful I think our emergency management team uh our elected officials uh fire department Sheriff's Department continue to get better and better and better at this and the calls on the EOC go really smooth and as an economic developer for people to see us meeting today business as usual send some powerful message to companies that are looking to come to Florida because it continues to show our resiliency so kudos to everybody in the room um it's my pleasure to present to you display the displays now not working okay so I guess I'm going to do charades here from the uh Pardon Me Do they have it in their packet should okay what do you have the presentation in your packets I don't uh I didn't put that background in my I don't think I have this is on on your r yeah R50 I don't have a presentation I can look online no there no it's not in your agenda electronic agend or can you email can you email them are you able to open her she emails you okay I'll go ahead and get started while while she's doing that um and um so first normally uh as I present our quarterly uh report for uh the Pasco EDC and this would be for quarter three of year 24 um usually start out with our wins our capital investment and our jobs and I'll be doing that again today and we'll actually see that number increase by the end of the day today uh currently we have seven wins uh that's new projects located to the area 774 jobs which um is just about half of our goal right now awesome iMagic no more charades and then $250 million of capital investment we've already uh hit our goal for new capital investment and again that impacts the the ADM tax um takes the pressure off our residents by having more of that adorm from commercial bill can you go back to that is that 14 is that annual or is that to date to date to date so we want to have 14 but we have seven yeah so usually the end of the year uh is when most of them come in you like I said you've got something coming up today as well too that that number will continue to to grow and that as a goal I think last year we finished round 12 okay and uh you'll be surprised or happy to see that the majority of them are still in advanced manufacturing our leads in our Pipeline with all of the focus that we put on life sciences and it and business Professional Services with our offices uh Advanced manufacturing still coming through strong so that's another one that has a bigger multiplier for us active leads right now 127 active projects 130 you know we like to see the leads bigger than the project so that that's actually a funnel um so it does make us a bit nervous when we have less leads than active projects but have 130 active projects is um is is beyond normal usually we have about 35 to 40 Projects so uh we are busy training programs and working with our existing business um we continue to go out meet with companies we had 18 company visits this last quarter 74 uh to date and that's where we get to go talk to the companies find out what their obstacles are look under the hood see how we can help them uh and lots of times it's Workforce you Workforce is something that you all still hear on a regular basis of either people can't find good help or the right help even with 1,200 people move into the state every day uh Workforce still continues to be one of our biggest priorities and it's a good one because we get to keep those workers here regardless of the company's day or not um telling the story you know 2.3 million in earned media value over the quarter that is where other people are telling our story so again we're kind of the hired help when we tell the story yeah uh we can do lots of press releases but when other people tell that story that's even better better yet for us and uh the website keeps getting lots of views six almost 177,000 uh this last quarter most of them were looking at Smart Start ready sites uh and of course coming from States like California New York Virginia Georgia and Texas several of those states have uh the same thing in common High tax and they want to get the heck out of there so uh we're getting their attention and they are they're looking at at us uh have about 12,000 followers on social media engagement um about half of them are over half of them are actually engaged uh in and having conversations with us online um we'll never be at the same number of the sheriff as long as we don't have canines and dogs but uh um we're getting there and it's important because this is our locals that are are hitting this to find out what resources we have available and then uh attending events uh and getting out in learning more about the business as well as networking with our peers uh we've had 15 events and trade events uh seminars and conferences 11 presentations to local industry organizations and business group six and that's uh everything from naop to si uh to crew some of those large organizations that are our partners or multipliers and then most recently in the quarter we hosted a strategy session in concert with the county uh on June 13th ernston young as you know has been hired to do the economic development strategic plan uh with David Engle and his his shop uh we brought together several of our Business Leaders 33 key stakeholders came together to provide input about the growth of the uh our economy the types of programs we need to be looking at and they're represented by some uh some well-known names that you all know Tio energy Kar Bayer Duke uh commercial asset Partners adur group and many more so a success they got lots of good feedback uh at the strategic planning session and that's something that you're going to hear about again here in about two months and stakeholder so we're up to 92 investors uh that's a private sector investors our biggest investor still is one that's you guys um but 92 investors on the private sector 483,000 private sector dollar raised six new investors just in the third quarter alone so uh that's where people appreciate what we do they understand the growth of our economy and they we leverage private sector dollars to do things that other people can't do oops before I go further let me mention a couple upcoming events um well this happen because I think we were scheduled originally for last uh meeting so July 24th we had the Pasco count the industrial update well ended uh sellout crowd at the Hilton Garden Inn and then September 5th is our 36 annual Awards 36 36 yeah yeah all these numbers are getting bigger um and that is going to be at the instructional um Performing Art Center the phsc IAC as we call in Wesley Chapel uh we still have tickets available and sponsorship opportunities so I'll go in real quickly also segue into the penny for pass agreement um ready sites you this is this is the program that uh that we put a lot of money into and it's been five solid years of building that up to get the sites that we have over 2,000 acres of sites and we've had a couple of them off the market already Amazon up on 52 we also celebrated bedo and Zephyr Hills uh earlier this year in October and uh little foreshadowing probably a little announcement following this about another ready site uh you can see that we have another one that has come online personally one of our best sites in the county and that's at Double Branch at 52 and I75 very strategically located you all approved over 3 million square fet of industrial entitlements there um that's huge for the communities in East Pasco but also our drive to Market uh that will be a super Park meaning that uh they're actually selling pieces of that to bring in more than just one or two big companies uh one of our ready sites was chosen as a finalist and uh uh again you'll hear more about that on the next item and then we've had visits of people kicking dirt going out and actually seeing the sites uh all throughout this summer we've had 19 inquiries about the sites 19 responses to rfps that's where site Consultants ask us about U um what we have available for their projects and we're able to include these sites into our responses to those uh proposals and then uh presentations to consultants and developers 17 um that's the people that bring us the projects and then seven site visits people actually getting in their car visiting the site um we went out marketed uh this internationally so international program continues to grow uh select USA is the annual conference that the US Department of Commerce and the foreign commercial service through the embassy worldwide bring uh prospective investors uh people looking to move their companies into the United States they bring them to Washington each year uh we exhibited as part of our Global Tampa Bay Consortium and we had our own booth which was busy every single minute um really good uh response and it wasn't just because we had Tampa cigars in the booth um that was a a really nice flavor because they've heard what is continuing to go on in our community and see us working together as a region really paid dividends uh we hosted a regional familiarization tour from uh Germany um somebody that uh was looking to bring more companies here and we've schooled them up on all the things that we have in the area and then we've got a trade Mission coming uh September 9th through the 12th and U that is to Vancouver British Columbia we've got some Pasco companies going commissioner starky is going representing uh Pasco we also have Commissioners from Hillsboro and pelis and Mayors from each of the counties as well and I almost had a new company they're very interested but they're already in Europe that day but um I'm ask for you to meet them they're doing international business in blood spattering oh well I think we'll get them with first yes yes we'll get them together with first and the no they they came from the Sheriff's Office okay they just left there and went off on their own and they've got some Global business going on project exter I don't know if don't tell anybody um sorry so we continue to work with those companies to take them abroad 43 counseling sessions over the quarter um trade missions we got a little uh asteris next to it that is the one goal we have for the year will be in September at the end of the c or fiscal year and then we've had six uh trade related events and uh enhanced marketing so that's telling over and above the story especially as it relates to the penny uh we marketed ready sites at most of these s a bio conference uh that was attended in San Diego and we had five um Smart Start testimonial video campaigns uh reaching over 164,000 people I've got some cool stuff about Smart Start I'll tell you just a second but uh Workforce connect had their Pasco 50 and uh the report in the discussion was about mitigating business risk and Workforce Trend so here we are in that season where this was very timely uh we had 18 annual existing industry visits and um the uh uh uh advisory team continues to meet to discuss what the needs of businesses are in using our connect op uh application on our website executive success program uh ended up part of the building and sights tour they went around and saw all the assets we have so that they can tell our story as well and then uh they celebrated with the graduation um with graduation graduates from Advent Health greater zepper Hills chamber SKF development St John's partners and South Lake signs of Tampa uh so if you see any of them in the streets ask them about Pasco they will tell you a lot uh about what they've learned and then I hinted that Smart Start had something really cool uh couple things one we finished a um course a 9we co-starters course called co-starters for causes and you might recall back on our annual conference last year our annual Awards event I mentioned that we were going to actually train up our nonprofit Community because they weren't able to scale as fast as our businesses to meet the growing demand of people moving in here so we scholar shipped uh 10 companies to come through um not nine of them ended up going through the whole course and graduated with co-starters to learn how to run their nonprofit more like a business and to scale better as they meet the growing demand of of service needs in Pasco County really proud of that one because that's not necessarily our bread and butter but we depend on those service providers here in our community um because it's about the whole Community we're looking for sponsors for next year to do a couple more cohorts like that we're looking to do at a time of our nonprofits in the community uh we had some workshops uh on AI and we actually attended uh soft week uh Special Operations Forces Week Big used to be sopic down in um in Tampa most of the um exhibits were around AI about oneth of them were about ai ai is quickly moving into almost every industry sector so this next year one of our task forces might also include AI Mr chairman Mr Marana you know I attended the industrial Workshop commission wait you were there as well right and what I liked on the discussion was the talking about AI which a realtor did not know of uh that we had been doing for like 16 17 months so we had talked about setting one up Bill and I didn't know you had done the other two but uh as far as you along I would love for you to get with JP Murphy get together and let's go plan one we can make it broadbay so everybody in the Community knows what we're doing promote it hype it up and and make it a big event so they can understand how we've taken these steps to use AI for our own permanent process which I think will help us even more so yeah I think I think it's important the public knows that uh that the County's embracing AI for things like permitting and things that we can do um to increase our speed and efficiency so awesome uh and then lastly this is the one of the coolest backs out there we had uh three of our Smart Start uh businesses from our incubators actually move into brick and mortar so that's the goal of what we do with our startups is to not just get them up and going but get them to the point that they're into market-based space in the community um and those include Lily Education Center AL Brewery and Mexican craving so if you get a chance stop by spend some money there help them out with their uh lease payments and congratulate them on uh how they've graduated into real space and what is Mexican Cravings do you remember it's a restaurant yeah oh it's a restaurant yeah okay very good yeah yeah so so our food incubator of course is um in in dat city has been turning out a lot of great yummy stuff uh um I don't know how our staff manages to stay fit to be honest with you they're sampling everything uh lots of events through Smart Start we continue to offer events 742 participants already this year uh for Smart Starts so when people ask what you're doing for small business and startups this is what we're doing we're helping them grow we're giving them micr loans three of them to date so far 115,000 and we're providing counseling 414 counseling sessions that's not therapy that's counseling them how to do better business and to help them not make mistakes and with that I'll uh I'll stop so that we can hopefully get to the the next item but let me ask if you all have questions as well question I'll just say comment bill again you you you guys do a phenomenal job um have you've provided such great energy coming here having great people Suzanne the team you've developed has been amazing um and I appreciate your helping out with the schola Fest we had two of the uh restaurants from there yeah presenting and get a chance to get their name out in the community which is great thank you Bill for your presentation very informative and we're moving forward we keep moving forward so yes indeed that's great were you that um select USA our team was Turner was and so I'm I'm a little curious um and I was put back on the international economic about Task Force at Mako as Vice chair again um but our Focus this last year and you've come on on some of our national calls was to um help Commissioners from counties around the country uh learn how to attend and make select USA profitable for them so we had quite a few new County Commissioners go there and actually make some deals on with they they would each brought some staff they didn't have Booth but um there were some deals made out there but someone was standing by the restroom I don't know um but I wondered if they came by our booth because I asked I asked them iqu our booth and say hi well we can check the attendance cuz we captured all the names so um I wouldn't be surprised we were very visible right next to the Florida booth and Florida continued to send us uh business all day long as well lot of it because of the talent that we have too um you so we've got a lot of people that are out training other communities on how to how to work better uh it's my goal to get to a select USA I just I haven't made it yet but um I I just it's a bad time for me May next year may okay all right thank you all right let's let's move on to R51 yes David's going to be David ready good morning David Angel Planning Development economic growth director you for the board today for consideration is an economic incentive agreement with confidential company BSD um I'm going to just overview the company and the project bill is going to introduce the name of the company and introduce you to some of the management leadership here and then we'll we'll finish up and for a recommended vote of approval the company provides integrated software Services engineering products and automated solutions for the building industry so this a good fit here here for for the company the company has decided to consolidate uh facilities in Largo in the city of Tampa moving 125 employees out of those cities to Pasco County with an additional 25 newly created jobs the project will be situated on 111 acre piece of land on Paul espb Canan highway just north of chela Road near the industrial area of the Z Hills airport which the board is invested capital in there for Industrial Development in the past I've uh attached a location map on your agenda memo so you can see where the company is situated the the the project will generate approximately 480,000 ft² of total industrial space and it will be a capital investment of $ 77.6 million the average wage of uh the employees that the board will be uh requested to provide incentives is $ 71,2 a year that's 125% more than the average wage here in Pasco this year and the project will contribute $183 million a year to the gross County product the incentives recommended by the uh Pasco Economic Development Council as follows the total is $33,150 th000 uh not to exceed $75,000 to create 25 new jobs the reason why we're not incentivizing all the jobs is that we don't poach from our regional partners and we're disincentivizing for the new jobs coming to the company there's an adval equivalency Grant of $2,975 th000 paid out over 10 years it's 50% so the county will receive the same amount of money net to the general fund and the employee training Grant is not to exceed $100,000 so at that point I want to uh give the microphone over to thank you thank you David and uh you all know I'd be remiss if I didn't say it's a great day in Pasco County right um to have another announcement uh especially at one of our ready sites continues to say hey we're doing it right this is the right stuff that uh uh we're creating in terms of product but especially Testament to our our Workforce um this particular company uh has been around since 1955 and um they have have over 5600 employees throughout the world they are a birkshire haway uh company traded on the New York Stock Exchange um under BR rkb uh since 2001 they've had a record of continuous growth and Innovation it's my pleasure to announce that mych is the newest company to come to Pasco County uh in a partnership with uh Pasco County County Board of County Commissioners and the City of Zephyr Hills this is another one of those projects that we work together with the city uh you heard about the incentives that were offered from our County uh the city earlier passed a similar incentive uh with 50% on their ADV valorum which is in the spirit of true partnership to work together this closely resembles the bedo project in that these are creating some very very good jobs in the area where we desperately needed on the east side as well as a 400,000 ft building uh in zepper Hills I'm extremely proud of the partnership that we've created and to speak on behalf of the company I've asked a couple of the individuals um Mr Ryan Cook who's in their North Carolina office and Joe Sebert who's in their Missouri office to join us virtually to say a few words they had planned to be here yesterday in person their flights were cancelled so thanks to uh uh the clerk and the team they were able to to get them wired uh to join us virtually so Ryan or Joe I'm not sure which one of you want to speak first they're both on mute there we go Brian I can I can speak first I'm not sure if there should be video as well no oh there we go there we go you you are able to see me so um first off I would like to thank all of you the the County Commissioners and and everybody in the room there um for your consideration for this project and for your welcome to the area um we're excited about the opportunity of building this this new site it will be our Southeast Center of Excellence uh in Pasco County there um the as mentioned previously the site will bring together and expand our our lgo Florida Camp operations um we feel like this site was perfect for us you know some important factors right from the beginning were the the direct access to rail and then also the um the proximity to our Workforce that that is there in water campus we intend to to retain as many of those people as possible um but during our first visit to that area we quickly recognized you know the small town field there in jeer Hills um family oriented it seemed like a hardworking community and we feel like that culture perfectly um throughout throughout this process the feel that feeling has just continued with our interactions most notably with Tom R and and Billy F there and Zer Hills and then their respective teams I mean everybody's just been more than willing to to jump on and help help us push this thing through the Finish Line um so yeah overall we're just really excited and and thankful for for your welcome and your consideration and also I I did want to want to make mention that uh mayor Melanie mson is here with us as well too uh from the city of zepher Hills uh again in the the spirit of part partnership but I'd like to offer her the opportunity to say a few words to welcome Mar thank you appreciate you allowing me to take a couple minutes as you know we have worked to preserve the chansy Road Corridor as our manufacturing and this is this is a great partnership we've worked with Tom for a number of years um um on these ready sites and this is a great testimony of how pedc the county the city can all work together to bring these jobs and these companies into our community so we want to thank you for your support and we're excited to bring this company we want to thank Ryan and his team for choosing us and we know that yes we are the small town field and we will welcome them with open arms y and you happen to be in district one just to bring that up who District we welcome in district one I can tell you was there someone else online that wanted to speak did Ryan did Joe want to say anything hello can you guys hear me yep yes great thank you I'm Joe director of project management in MCH again I ech what Ryan said we considered a number of cities and counties within Florida for this new project and we are happy to have picked the site here at se Seer Hills in Pasco County and again we recognize the small town F and the Coalition with Tom Ryan and the City of Zill so as Ryan said we're excited and we are ready to hit the ground running and uh and get things going thank you Joe we're looking forward to it we want you to be wildly successful and make lots of money and hire lots of people um and with that I'll turn it back over to so that okay you all can officially do [Laughter] something thank you the professional staff uh recommend this item for approval thank you okay love oh darn I was going got a motion second a second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 welcome to past County thank you very good all right that's all of our regular items for the day uh at this point we'll move on to um miscellaneous business uh commissioner waitman excuse me would you like a grou to send oh yeah oh yes we will come forward and we'll come down and get a pick yep we could Photoshop them in with squeze [Music] okay everybody right here than you than than [Music] [Applause] good guy I think of better things okay we will now go to uh that's all of our regular items we'll move on to miscellaneous business commissioner waitman you're up front all right thank you chair few things that um July 9th I don't think we have any pictures do we July 9th um Advent Health broke ground on a new er uh on 54 like the one at 54 veterans so many of them but another one popping up we have coming on uh 54 in Wiregrass so congratulations to Advent advent's got quite a few uh ground breakings are doing here in Wesley Chapel we just celebrated the new Family Medicine Residency practice uh commission a was there commission Mariano joined in and um where they're recruiting uh Physicians to come and come and work and stay with the organization and soon be cutting ribbon on going uh the expansion of the main uh section of the hospital uh that'll be coming up soon I think hope everybody received an invitation we're we're adding another floor uh to the middle section so Advent health is is growing um in west of chapel and excited for them uh chair Oakley and I visited Saddlebrook uh for a lunch and learn and to see how everything was progressing going on with the new uh management at Saddlebrook and we learned that Saddlebrook is now the pick ball headquarters for the United States so we have y yep so the pickle ball organization moved their outfit to um to S Brook and they're right here in our backyard and um July 24th uh Tampa prium outlets and the Simon group uh donated a substation for the Peso County Sheriff's Office and for no rent they've added a room to the back and money for a blood hound named Simon of course and so uh thank you to the Tampa Premium Outlets and Chris Durant and everybody there for Their donation to to Pasco County so a lot of good stuff and uh lastly I want to thank Branford and his team Branford and Jason and Barrett and Larry Al alade uh fig everybody knows fig Robert Pope Trevor Williams Chad ruin and Matt mcferson uh for helping out with flooding issues and working through the challenges and Ling Oaks um you know storm events are stressful and we just can't thank everybody enough through you know leaving your families and and working through the Storm at all levels so thank you everybody and um that's all I have Mr chair okay thanks sir Miss sty um well somewhere in here I have a picture but um I was oh yeah there it is how about that one I was uh happy to um of course attend the no conference in Tampa and and um Mike carbal came and attended my um I heard I heard your session went very well yes those are it was very interesting it was um the the lady next to me is like the number two person at nassa at Kennedy Space Center and um female engineer it's always fun to see someone achieve success at that level and the gentleman next to her is the head of um I don't remember quite his title but he's with loed Martin and um and and uh we talked about Workforce and Manufacturing and I think uh we had a really good session at the end there you can see Tom Adano was there um speaking about am skills for Workforce Development and we had a packed room so um it's good conference it was great to showcase our city the weather held out really well and um little hot but I think everyone had a really a great time um Sonia I just sent you some pictures there so okay so this is uh wavy Edge um from the storm as you guys know this is our trouble spot in the Trinity Thousand Oaks area um got a little nervous I was down there yesterday and the residents were uh getting in touch with me um got within 8 ft of that one house that backs up to that pond on Little Road where we had those pumps are there again but um Jason um Jason's here Jason and I were communicating and they were able to uh open the gate out there commissioner Mariana if you remember all the bmps bmp1 cuz it was it was closed um and we're going to talk about this after but for some reason during The Heavy Rain event it was thought that we needed to close it not open it um which runs backwards from what I remember with all our task force we changed that years ago cuz it was set up that way but we said that doesn't make any sense we haven't changed it so yeah so um so they did open it yesterday and if you see the next picture um then you'll see uh I just got this this morning um it went down oh you didn't get it okay so it it that water is mostly gone so thank you so much Jason um the these folks were having heart attacks last night but especially that house that's over there on the right they they get water in it all the time but they escaped um having water in their house M St just just a question if have we looked him to put the drain in there where they drain that out stay this is where we have the pumps on either side of little road by Generations church and right next to this Pond I didn't take a picture of it on Little Road and we have buried a line um and I was asking for the pumps to have little pump houses on instead of leaving two pumps permanently sitting on the side of the road they we actually had taken the pumps away um which they said a couple meetings ago and but we brought them back um it's a it's a very challenging area um it's the whole Community is built 15 in too low it's a long story I remember that yeah but um we haven't had water in the culdesac in over 5 years so this is the first time I've seen it come back um I think uh they did draw down the water ahead of time I'd love to know how much you know I want to meet with the our staff just to go over over what we did here and make sure that we're on top of it so we don't get this um again it was starting to come up in other areas um in the community as well and they just had so much trauma here that they had they had a lot of anxiety two of these houses have their own two of these houses actually have their own pumps going and they're pumping from their backyards into the culdesac to keep the their houses from going underwater the one on the left is and then the that White House over there has had their own pump going as well so um just a trouble oh you can see you can see the pump he didn't use it but you see on the right hand side there the blue the little blue p uh line that's his pump um but they try very hard to keep the water out of their houses so with their own pums um uh then um I had the my husband and I travel to Scotland and to the azors and do you have those pictures no why not okay come back to me I got to resend them and yeah I'll I'll come back to those pictures this work on your time so okay I'll try again so there's that one got that one that one I no it says they went to you we have time I'll let them come back to me I'm going to resend them go ahead commissioner okay umer can you come back to her thank you oh no I okay so um I attended two Habitat for Humanity home dedications the first dedication I had the honor of handing over the keys to the home to the I family um these dedications are so amazing and all the Sweat Equity hours these these uh people put into their homes and just how grateful they are for the program and to own their own home I attended the emergency service recognition ceremony that's the next slide okay that one's the Baton family sorry okay there's the Emergency Services um it was nice to recognize and hear all the stories at who handle the high priority calls the Lifesaver Award the stor award and the tenure Awards these people just make a huge difference in our community so I'm very thankful to all of them and that was great to um go to so our next slide um this is an issue with County storm water retention maintenance and large trees first I'd like to thank Barrett Joe from public works and Mike Woodward who is our arborist for joining me on the site visit to address a couple of concerns from our constituent first there's a piece of County property storm water retention that is not being properly maintained behind his home the county is having a hard time getting back the property with the large Machinery to maintain the property progress is being made I believe they currently have two of the three easements required to get the larger equip equipment back to the site there is also a large beautiful tree in the back uh that big huge tree it's on County property so right now we're kind of in a dilemma we're going to trim some of the trees back just to secure his home um our fifth slide is this was an accessibility on Trouble Creek and grand um again I'd like to thank Barrett for joining us on another site visit the visit was concerning an individual who lost its ability to drive due to sight and relies on his scooter for Mobility there are no sidewalks on MacArthur and antonet Street which makes him go south to Trouble Creek and East to Grand he feels Crossing at Grand and Trouble Creek is dangerous he is also asking for additional sidewalk on the west side of Grant we're in the process of navigating this but this poor gentleman has to it takes him like 10 minutes just to make one turn um and I'd like to give a shout out to JP Murphy um who helped me address some concerns yesterday and um get some people uploaded in the portal and one of them was a fire chief from Plant City I don't have a picture to send to that I uploaded but his whole neighborhood was underwater and there was um a Transformer issue so just thank you for him and his team and their quick response that's it all right thank you y uh Mr Mariana thank you Mr chairman I think I got some pictures coming up too okay um I want to say um when the storm was we declared the state of emergeny by the governor than than us I want to say it staff did it the right way I want to say that uh getting together with the team all on that Palm Terrace area where had been flooded out for several times before we're able to get with Swift Mud is is it right in here so we able to get with Swift Mud on the line we had D on the line and we try to look at the two Pawns in the left where the two stars are to try to get some access to water going in there those pwns are sitting dry now as we decommission this we couldn't get approval with d to allow that to happen but they did get we did get the approval with Swift Mud to go take this whole spray field area here and start taking out some dirt um from the 3:00 in the afternoon we talked about it from the time the uh official declaration from the county they had I I say 25 trucks lined up uh they had two back hes ready to go putting a plan to place too they took out probably over 600 truckloads of dirt before two days were so when the storm hit it could take that capacity I'm going to the pictures show which I'll show you later on where that red line is um was all backed up so there it was from yeah stay right here first thanks so this whole area here from where you see the the red line on the spray field all the way up to where it says arberdale drive that whole area there was like underwater all the way down to the corner from the corner went all the way up past the second star up the street a little bit by taking the ACT action from the Declaration which we did something similar with hurricane Michael 7 eight years ago with Governor's approval to the state of emergency by digging that out it saved all those people from flooding out and we're not even done yet so I think on most major events as we finished that off that is going to be a tremendous project it's going to work to keep those people dry and after years of just suffering all the way through the pictures you'll show just kind of show from before and afters there like the same streets nice now dry after the storms uh that was a pictures from before the previous storm you can see on the far left that's all the way up the retention we Dr dug before which was great wasn't enough to take the storm it shows you the next picture kind of the middle one doesn't show you too much but now the digging that went on on the far right side and the and the other side it kind of shows you the right side was done first it was dry that's the picture afterward in the left side where the storm came in so all that water went in there and it's still being held as of yesterday afternoon but at least it didn't get on the street uh keep on going if you could and this is yesterday I was like it was funny like the night before I sent commissioner a picture of Oakley of I of him and I in 2016 out uh working on storm water stuff I sent him the picture and I was actually went through the areas which I'll show some other pictures and I thought I was pretty well done in the area other than the green carryer area which I know they were working on and I uh I was going to head over to your side to try to take a look as far what was going on out there right because I was was watching the bands were heavy on the east side but we were like escaping pretty much yeah so instead I got a text message from a friend who's on olar and she was like hous is underwater Steve lucart former School Board member principal uh he was underwater uh in the yards a little bit in one of the houses so I went down there to take a look and there was like a new pipe they had put in that was kind of looked like it was silted in blocked out so we kind of dug that out a little bit the Water started flowing and then I called uh uh Jason up and Barrett up and said hey we to get a crew down here to go take a look at this thing so they came down after we opened up just a little bit of a flume going they come down here with a little little truck which I'll show you in a second and they cleaned that thing outout the Water started flushing within probably 2 hours it dropped down 6 in from that ho yard area and was hiding out toward the gulf look at the guy on the far right side this is what our storm water team does I didn't get his name cuz once he was done he was like out of there but I'm telling the whole team's in there he's in there checking a dra a train going through making sure it could clear out uh so he's got to go put waiters up to here going through there going in there who knows what's in that water and that guy's going make it happen and I'll tell you I'm going to give a shout out for uh Larry elade is's new with us that same area right in there Larry's like trying to find CU water didn't like was flowing from the other side Larry gets down in his regular shirt reaches down under to figure out if there's water flowing or not and that led them to go say we need to definitely clear this out and they cleared out three more pipes we're waiting for the City Newport rich now to go finish it off but I want to tell you that team uh I'm going to mention Bradford Jason Joseph uh Barrett as well as Larry Tim and Jay in their whole team members out there were just on the spot looking and finding Solutions and made some great things happen to get that water to flow and another Street happened above so we still working in that area but more to go I remember I remember back in 16 walking through a lot of water puddles I mean we were almost knee high oh yeah walking in that water over there with you that time I'm going to what you what I show you these next pictures the project Gulf islands that we just got done I'll show you these here I think coming up next so it's not still that way is it oh I'm going to no it's I'm tell you it's it's I tell what we're doing out there we're not done yet but what I know we're not done yeah what we have accomplished has been phenomenal if you could go the slides so that's Timber Oaks I used to flood all the time oh yeah uh there's a nice little Memorial there but that whole thing all the water is being held right in and instead of that areir always going underwater we used to when I first started the storm water team they had there to work with us and what they've done there what we did with that project there working fantastic go to the next one um that there's an old picture uh from way back when as far as when we're working out uh uh down the street that's actually oh that's Steve luk car's post okay I got next picture so here's a code issue coming up that we're going to deal with and I've already sent this to the staff but see that tree that's leaning right there that could fall in the guy's house right beside it the roof ball is up so we had actually helped out a lady from Beacon Woods when we had a similar situation so I've reached out to Mars unit team to find his way to get the grant that there's a trailer on the far right side of that picture um and then on the far left side there's that house picture that's of a abandoned house there's another house beside it that have homeless living in it on the back trailer on the far right picture there's all sorts of rats that are in there so we're going to go take a look at that for health reasons as well uh and team is working on it right now go ahead next picture scholar Fest was because of the storm we canceled it Friday um but uh it it actually turned out really well because with the scul and thank you Commissioners for for sponsoring and supporting sun west cuz having that extra parking that was great uh everything's been going great out there the the food people were actually Chef Trey and Chef arlet they were both phenomenal the scalp dishes were like Immaculate uh so we still got one more weekend to go we'll see how the weather goes yeah we'll see how the weather goes we put have Beach Boys on I think on Saturday and then Amry Brothers to close it out with a gigantic firework show cuz everything they did do Saturday they're going to put in the show on Sunday okay I mean the Friday is going to come I've heard I've heard it's a lot of fun it's it's it's really good I tell you the the band's uh chasing Talent has done a FAL job picking the right people so it's it's been well received everybody's bit to see it uh go to the next picture there just a picture of some of the people out there having a good time um so this G Fest so we didn't have you when we canceled the Saturday the event we had already ordered the food because we knew Friday was going to be iffy we thought Saturday was perfect so we kind of like shifted a little bit of food for Friday to have enough and then Saturday we had to cancel it because the way the weather was changing so in doing that uh so no scops and I call up first Advent Health to see if they wanted to have the scallops I could bring them over to them whatever and uh they said no we can't do it because I di dietary things so I called HCA up to see if they they wanted the scallops we bring them over to them so Sally Seymour the CEO there was just so phenomenal to work with and and everything I've done with her how she's taking care of my family Etc uh so I call her up and I tell her about goes you know I'd like to do an Employee Appreciation thing so she bought the sculp so we don't even lose any money bought the sculps to take care of her staff so go and show the picture U so there's all the people there that she fed that day and there's the the chef on the on the top right there but all those people are so happy talk about morale building and it just it just felt so good for so many ways to know this hospital is taking care of its people shown appreciation which we were trying to do as well with this colest as well as our First Responders but for her to take that extra step in the situation and I would have just given them to her just because they didn't want to see them go to waste but no she wanted to make sure we took care of the steps to recovery our own Park scholarship program and the ctoa that they stepped in and took care of the whole thing and we we stayed there served them probably like an hour and a half we had it all all cleared out and everybody was thrilled you cheaper to buy scallops at public spend the gas money and the boat and all that activity you do cost a lot more money but that is more fun than just going to Publix and buying your SCS that's right but if you want them to eat yeah you know so is that the last picture of that one a little bit more there they are the different dishes okay so I'll get the toast second but I just want to say with the scallop season we are work with fish and wildlife to make sure there was a big collection of uh a dangerous chemical in the shelfish right yeah at end clo uh we're going to do more testing we may know in another week or so they said they'd be flexible as extending the season out but right now we're still a standstill for right now as we test be a little careful about Open Season backup after you've had that so yeah and want be careful and and like I said it was a concentrated area and we think it was because of the dredging was down the ano river that pushed a lot of boom out uh higher than normal but I still think that to the northern part of the test come out that we should at least do the northern part of the con but we'll wait to see how it goes so I just want to say uh Sonia Walling my my Aid uh has been taking part of toast masses I don't know if you guys have ever gone to this but really cool what they do as far as the speeches they give and they gr the grade the the the grueling part of this whole thing was like pretty cool like they grade you on every type of thing delivery content uh not repeating yourself not saying I or anything else you know all that stuff these guys were doing great and I'm sitting down watching and they asked me if I wanted to do it I said I'm going to watch a little bit more and when I watched them later on it didn't work out or I got to speak but it was so fun to watch them I got went to them later on say and I'm glad I didn't speak but really cool that goes on right here and it's and I think it's great skills developing with our team that they go do this phenomenal but great it's great to see what they're doing and what else do we have okay that's it okay so I got one one thing um oh did you not those pictures from uh Gulf Highlands so let me say this with Gulf Highlands you've seen them like flood out with the project we had I sent to Tin I was sending to person okay so I just want you to hear just I I wish I could show you the pictures but but literally Gulf Highlands and Grey Birch we had a u area which just has flooded for years and years between maybe sinkle fills and just bottom of bottom of basin where they always flood out and nowhere to go we started pumping up to a high uh area where we own land and it was D as can be what we did was a major project we gravity fed from both ponds from one to the other to the giant Pond and it goes in there and that pond was probably less than I'll say the whole base was almost full but it didn't go up that high so it was like plenty of capacity that job was so good every street now that they put the Finish just finished the second pavement dry as a b home every single street that would normally be underwater so I'm going to tell you my Jason Branford your your whole team what you guys have done executing has been absolutely phenomenal so these people don't suffer like they used to so uh I want to say that one last thing I have uh Fairway Oaks uh they were part of the Estates the lyx Golf Coast part uh took a took a look with them as far as what they needed to get done they want to go clean out all the dead trees and debris that's out there uh they want to do it later on in the fall they were going to do it in August I says I think you're better off waiting well it's not as hot see if people can make it so they're going to delay it a little bit uh John Batista put an estimate between 2, and4 uh $2,000 $2400 to take all the Tipping fees off it and I said I bring that to the board to see if we can wave those fees for them uh could keep part of my cleanup budget or whatever trying to do it low budget but if we could uh if I could make I'm going to make a motion that we take the fair WS fees up to $2,400 get waved on their clean up coming up you can't wave them re you can reimburse them from the general f don't that's a motion that's a motion I got a do I have a second second and a second all those in favor say I I I okay motion pass 5 Z all right thank you it's all okay uh M sty you got your got some pictures to go through real fast um just you know I'm very big about cycling and trails so um I wanted to show you the trails that my my husband and I rented bikes in Scotland and we biked Cycles whatever from Edinburgh to Glasgow 5 and 1/2 hours me and hundreds of other people cuz that that trail was full of people it was gorgeous how wi that true we're actually going along a canal that they dug in the 1700s you can see the canal boat on the left um it used to be for Commerce but now um they've redg these canals and there are a lot of Tourism boats and private boats that go up and down these canals all around Europe actually there's a couple more pictures in in this right this is where I got my cough though cuzz it rained on me in the last hour M um this is uh us going over a um what do you call this uh what do you call it where the water's up high no well there's a lock on here but no it's an aqueduct it's an aqueduct I think it's the second longest aqueduct in yor um but you couldn't you had to walk it it was too bumpy to write sadly when I filmed it I turned out I was filming my hand and my jacket and not this scenery on other side so you can't really see how high and how cool that was um next picture uh that's more of the trails with the beautiful flowers all over there's restaurants all along the way we stopped and pubs we stopped and had lunch I didn't put that picture here next picture that's the aqueduct that we went across and then this is uh we did the same thing in the azors um we rented bikes and and a guide and we um did this bike ride around uh a um Caldera because the aers are very volcanic more pictures that's just heading up to the that's where we biked to up to that Rim that was not fun I almost quit that's kind of The View when we were up top and the last picture oh that's the view from up top so it's beautiful but that they are building their cycle tourism as fast as they can and in the azors and next picture is this is the reason why I was in the azors this is Miss barbar will height who is now Mrs Peter dusa um that's Barbara coming down um at a city hall there in her in her wedding dress so um we'll congratulate her the next time we see her but she's still she's still there um enjoying her her new wetted Bliss so um okay uh the next pictures are this is a piece of land that's on US 19 it is the old Helen Ellis um Walkin site uh it has um kind of been abandoned by the property owner he didn't pay taxes on it for 3 years and uh someone has now bought up the tax receipts but here's my problem we cannot serve this guy it's an LLC in Texas to get in there and clean it up and um if you could see what it look like I have some older pictures we are getting so many complaints in my office um I have some older pictures from over a month ago if you could cycle did you yeah um but it's so much worse now they're building like houses on there there it's just like this whole village of garbage debris and and people living there and it just blows my mind this is right on 19 when you as you come into the county that we can't do anything and so um south 19 or North 19 because we don't have a trespass agreement with the the land owner who's gone awall um we're we're going to be able to I guess we're going to try and sight the people that are living on there um now the county has cleaned this this site up once and we've leaned the property but I don't know legislatively um is it Jeff is it too big a is it a constitutional issue that we can't do something when someone is trashing property like this and living no no water no sewer no electricity cannot the health department shut it down I mean do we have no tools to clean this up it's been months that I've been dealing with this I'll have to get with with Sam and Jessica it would seem to me that there's a there's a health code issue that that could be pursued um my my latest comment from Jessica is we cannot enter private property to clean the junk and debris without either a court order allowing us to do so or permission from the property owner okay and we can't find the property owner no no property owner has abandoned the property hasn't PID the taxes not responding to anything we could fly someone out to Texas and maybe try and find him at his office but it just seems that counties need more tools in the toolbox to deal with problems like this okay we should be able to get a unless they're they're clearly the person is clearly not anywhere where they can be found I but you there are ways to find people so okay I will get with my team and see all right like I said this this is not this these are not representative of how bad it is right now on on 19 thank you did I have another picture oh no but I had a note um I to staff I drove down little road yesterday when I was driving to like at Thousand Oaks and and all of that and I also drove out to Oak Ridge and looked at the the outfall there um little road is at 54 north of it it is just one big pothole after another I don't know what happened but like that section by the Walmart it's it's World War II in that area so is that our road or is that Dot's Road I feel like it's our road yeah so it we're going to need some some kind of big repairs out there it's really just falling apart right out there at that intersection thank you thank you um Mr bright moach do you have anything in your duties today uh yes sir first I'd like to uh thank the board for his tolerance and patience dealing with a pinch hitter today as County Administrator uh however uh did want to highlight some of the bullet points from Hurricane Debbie response and know many of you have talked about the good work Public Works has done it also was a big team effort from Emergency Management 911 fire rescue PSO those are the heavy heavy entities involved in this one so I want to say thank you to uh those elements of the organization for their response and dedication over the weekend all that being said we got about 6 to 10 Ines of rain across the county Peak winds were in the upper 40s we wound up Sheltering 22 people at the hurricane shelter during the event that's been closed now however and we've exended the voluntary evacuation order however even though the EOC is back to level three in monitoring there we are still keeping an eye on the ancl river it's projected to Crest tomorrow or the day after um and then we're still working some of the areas that commissioner jger commissioner Mariana mentioned we got a call this morning about a city's wastewater treatment plant that we're working to assist so the team's still actively engaged I just want to thank them very much for all the work they've done and continue all right thank you count attorney uhoh he's got something today yeah I do um I have uh um two litigation matters that need a litigation assessment meeting um I am hoping to do it at your next uh next board meeting in August um we contacted your assistance and it looks like 9:00 a.m. is the best time on your calendars um I think I can do them both together as one project or not one project but but one litigation assessment meeting the cases are Embassy Center LLC versus Pasco County Florida and Coastline Boat Lift covers Nature Coast LLC and Jeremy gamble uh individually and Rebecca gamble individually versus Pasco County uh both of these involve uh Land Development code issues um and litigating various provisions of Our Land Development code um and and I am going to seek uh advice as to how to proceed on those both okay need a motion or anything for that meeting no I just we've asked we've asked that your that your assist your assistance log that time um I tend to unless there's an objection we will uh schedule a court report for that okay for that time period all right thank you anything else nope all right thank you Mr clerk nothing from uh from the clerk at this time okay I appreciate it um goes to me and I've got all kind of stuff I've been to Alaska I've been to I almost hate to say it I've been Washington DC so oh is a is that up is that out there um okay so we'll start with these pictures how about that so these These are the what I've been waiting on 2 and 1/2 3 years and been working at along with the uh Fallen officer Foundation is the delivery of our Angel uplifting a fallen officer it arrived uh on July 18th as it tell you there so you can see how we were lifting it you'll see more pictures there were on top so on top of the stance it's there now it's cover oh we're going to have a dedication ceremony for this on 911 and I haven't determined the exact time yet but it need to be somewhere between 9 and 10:00 or 9:11 here um for the dedication of this Fallen officer Memorial so it's been a long time coming um I think the following officer board has been working on this for um somewhat like nine years before I got started working on it and I've been working on 2 and 1/2 uhoh so there she's flying in on top it's pretty amazing when you look up close there's so much detail on this uh Memorial it's just really amazing how much detail the artist had and I looked at the the artist was here of course cuz he's always nobody sets his uh statues he does it he comes and does it himself and then he puts the final code on the on the Statue but I got looking at the angel of course of course I made joke that why wouldn't it a man angel angel instead of a woman and everybody said everybody wants to be cuddled by their mother so I got my answer pretty quick from that so but and looking at the face on the Angel and the the artist had his wife and daughter here I can tell you their face that daughter and that wife that look very much alike different ages of course but they're very much alike they're the face on that angel oh so uh very nice uh and very nice you know work and getting there so so happy and proud that that is actually here so it's one one of those good things and I got involved in it two and a half three years ago I'll just give you a brief story uh Randy blankers ship and myself were headed down to sheriff Grady Judge's office in Lakeland and of course we walked through his memorial for his Fallen officer memorial for his deputies and officers there and and po County uh so we went in we were our reason for being there is uh some folks that were running a little league down in mbery had stole over $99,000 from the Little League the person running it from this little league group this community so Randy had saw it on one of gry shows I guess about what had happened and he he called me he says you know this happened down there this is terrible and so he he said said we I want to give that money back and I said well I'll tell you what if you let me be a part of it I said I'll go along half with you so we gave them a check 5,000 each Randy and myself made $10,000 so they we went down to Gray's office just to present those checks and that was for little league organization down in uh mbery and so they got that but they also had insurance and got their money back through their insurance they covered their monies but for a person to steal from a little league organization is uh it's pretty low so yeah yeah but Randy out going to make sure that that wasn't going to stop them from being to help kids in that area um so on when we left we walked through the following officer Memorial and we see the statue of a man a deputy and a dog and of course that's the one that uh gr Jud made the statement on national TV that why did why did they shoot him 101 times or something of that nature and he says I guess they ran out of book yeah like they needed more I guess but but the fact of it is that gentleman they were they were shooting actually uh was armed um all they could see with his legs under a tree big tree limb where he was hidden in there and and they just took him out because he was armed he could kill another deputy but he killed a deputy and and his K9 on on that and and those statues are there at that Memorial in pop County and he actually he from the same artist he got another s he has five fallen officers lifesize statues in his memorial for Pope County there and it was they received that the day before we received the angel here so um and we've never had to follow an officer Memorial we working on for I guess total about 12 years and probably have wished and wanted it sooner than that so but Randy and I got involved when we saw that and I started asking questions because the board had already seen a presentation of what we were getting but it just never seemed to happen the years kept going by so I reached out to them and they they needed some money and um they said there because of Co their money had dried up and they were not able to um to raise enough money to finish the project and I said well how much money do you need and uh they said oh probably 60,000 or something of that nature and I said I tell you what you think about that number but tomorrow you come back to me with the right number a good number so you're sure that that will take care of it so he came back the next day and he said he needed $100,000 and so Randy and I reached out to friends of ours throughout the county that cared for citizens of Pasco in this Memorial just as we did and asked them to give us $5,000 as individuals not as a county commissioner as individuals I have some people that didn't give it's okay it's their choice and um but the fact of it is we got that $100,000 in a week and a half that the money that was going to this organization they couldn't raise anymore cuz it dried up but it didn't dry up for people that care about uh Pasco County and what we do here and what they wanted to be a premier County just as well as we do and they there are different business owners throughout the county that are part of this this project so um it's it's so thankful for all they do I mean many many people stepped up and gave toward this Memorial it might have been in work or materials were paid for but a lot of it was free the the work actually put in was free was given to the county for this Memorial so there's a lot of people that had a lot to do and touch touch this more but I've been going nuts for two and a half years three years to see that this statue arrived and it just took forever gr Jud told me he says the company you've chosen for this statue is the best company and best artist that you could pick to do this Memorial and the fact of it is they're also the slowest to get it done I said well that part I believe and after seeing it he was very much right in in the fact and you will say the same thing once you you see it placed there and for the many many events happen in the in this County in the future toward this Fallen ALS Memorial just represents a lot of heartfelt thoughts throughout our citizens and and our County so we got to be very grateful and thankful for all the citizens and all that we try to get done sometimes it doesn't work out right but a lot of times it does and this is one that took a long time to get here but we're going to be here and not on 911 it couldn't be a better time to dedicate that here at this courthouse so look forward to we'll have that message for out very soon um commiss Oakley yes sir I want to commend you for uh seeing this thing through putting your heart and soul into it reaching out to your friends to make this happen because it is a this is going to be a great tribute for many many years to come so thank you for your service helping out thank you but I didn't do it for that I did it for uh my citizens in Pasco County and and all of us we all want this happening if I have brought it to a group vote here at this day we'd all voted yes so we're all part of it not just one person no but Texas I there's not an eye in team and I'm so proud of our team and all they do uh throughout and every time we get a chance to do the right thing we it comes Forefront and we do the right thing so um nothing I wanted to reach out to uh and I did or personally I called uh Andy fosa and I call Andrew Baxter and thank them um and their staff and other members probably even Eric or even Mike kabala and what they did to the Dade City thanked me the other day for the quickness of getting two pumps here in Dade City and the fact of it was the pumps you you can't beat timing timing is everything the pumps actually came from the state at the very time they were asking for the two pumps and so we diverted their destination to Dade City rather than maybe the other side of the county those two pumps came in there was timely manner but uh chief of police and and the City of D City are very thankful for uh the awareness and the timing that we were able to get those to them and you can't be timing you don't make that kind of timing up CU took me 3 years I would have had this done three years ago if I could make up that kind of timing but sometimes timing just works right so a lot of times it doesn't CU I've got issues about flooding and other things that need to help some people and then and the timing is just not right I know that what the solution is but sometimes you can't get to construction some of that moving quick enough for our citizens to help them and some blood issues so um now let's see what else I had uh I attended with uh the Boys and Girls Club up with W Simpson Pasco County Sheriff's Office to deliver uh backpacks and school supplies to children on Friday July 19th and that went very well um lot lot of kids there a lot of backpacks um it's really great to see when these kids come through line and receive a backpack here's who sitting there but W and I went up and Vis will so really a lot of lot of good people in the county a lot lot of good things that they're doing so okay then the next uh oh and I had the opportunity with also I think with the commercial waitman we we toured Saddlebrook and uh got to see some of the new models and uh parts of the building that was on uh July 23rd and that's that's I've lost any PR I think it's the last item I had but we were able to do this and uh um it really celebres coming on fur because you remember they were talking about we don't know how many people that are private owners that are going to okay the remodel of all these different houses or the apartments most all of them have stepped forward to remodel so the Project's really going well we spent a lot of time on getting this right I Know Jack spent time out there we all did working on that but it's really coming to fruition it's going to be something very very nice out there at Saddlebrook so what we want in our County and saddle Brook's been around a long time I helped build the golf course originally with the reference when they were out there so I had bulldozer we had a sign there I had check on every day so we dug out some of the around the holes and push the dirt around so to make that golf course but I'm not a designer we just had to equip so I wouldn't claim to do any of that so it's not the Palmer Course anymore commission Marano it's the Oakley the Oakley course Well Ron oakle no no no I don't take claim to not signing that golf course I can't hardly play it I'll leave that up to David Eng he he can play it better than I can no pressure David okay with that uh so so you'll know I plan on our regular board meeting to be done around 3:00 today hopefully sooner so I'm not going to be a long day we got items to cover but it seems to me like we can cover them and we'll have ample time to do so the right way so uh if you're not prepared please be prepared when you come back at 1:30 and we'll uh take a break at this time for lunch thank you [Music] Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollutants directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy environment for fish water foul and other Aquatic animals storm drains are meant for clean rainwater most other discharges are illegal if you suspect an illicit discharge please contact Pasco County Department of Public Works at 72783 43611 [Music] if you qualify as a special needs client your emergency go-kit should include everything you need to maintain your care regimen and Optimal Health this includes all your medications once a disaster declared Floridians May obtain an extra prescription refill even if you have recently filled it that's important since you should bring 10 days of medications to the shelter ideally bring the original pill bottle since it has your name the prescription number the medication name and dosage as well as the names of both the pharmacy and your physician if you need special food or medical supplies bring those with you have enough oxygen to get you to and from the shelter safely and don't forget bring your concentrator or nebulizer while packing grab your glasses hearing aid and batteries wound care supplies Prosthetics Walker or wheelchair along with a pair of socks and closed toe shoes it's very important to carry copies of contact information with you as well include the names and numbers of family members doctors your Pharmacy Home Health provider and your oxygen supplier bring your insurance card your photo ID and a copy of your care plan if you have a do not resuscitate form pack the yellow original form the most important thing you can bring is your caregiver a cut will be assigned to you so ensure the person taking care of you brings their own small air mattress bring supplies for your service animal if you have one and watch our pet and cl of kid video so you know what to pack for them planning and preparing ahead of time can help lower your stress level and will keep you organized that allows you to remain healthy during an emergency there is no bedside Nursing Care at the shelter but there will be assistance available planning on your part ensures a smoother stay so pack that special needs go kit now if you have any questions call the Pasco County Emergency Management staff by dialing 727 847 8137 Pasco County continues to prove it's a perfect place to start move or grow a business the county is the heart of one of the fastest growing areas in Greater Tampa Bay it offers the right mix of open spaces and vibrant places close to Modern flourishing communities nationally recognized beaches and easy access to Major interstates international airports Rail lines and deep sea ports Pasco is the place to go for a streamlined regulatory process which provides entrepreneurs with the tools necessary to start nurture and support growth of businesses of every size in today's world many of our youth and young adults have no clue what they want to do in life we're helping them to change