##VIDEO ID:c-uINnQ3QxY## [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] there's Jack aard we get them all right welcome uh this time I'd like to call back to order the Pasco County board county commissioner meeting for August 21st 2024 please silence all electronic devices and the first item we're going to take is we're going to ask for uh Mr Gad to step to the podium and any it's not a pee item it's an ass you come for if you want your family up there your family can come with you can come with you surprise surprise surprise yeah I love them I love them love surprises I should have hid them in my office so that you didn't see them is there a chocolate cake somewhere I haven't seen any chocolate cake oh and by the way this since a lot of you are here joining us now after lunch we have this mood lighting today we were talking about putting a spinning ball up here that that actually uh adds to that but uh yeah it's it's going good and I think the lighting is working perfect so so with that I would ask the clerk to please read the resolution resolution number 24171 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida commending rayad for over 40 years of service to the the Pasco County School Board and congratulating him on his retirement whereas Ray Gad was appointed as Deputy superintendent of Pasco County schools in 2012 and overseas Administration operations uh leading and learning support student support services and finance and whereas rayad has served on the boards of the Pasco pediatric Foundation advisory Council wacovia Banks of Pasco University of South Florida colle cative for children families and communities Pasco Hernando Catholic Charities National Conference of Christians and Jews Florida Coalition for children Youth and Family Services Gulfside hospice the Angeles Florida AEL Inc the Commission on mental health and substance abuse and Advent conon and whereas rayad is the past chairman for the central Florida Behavioral Health Network a former trustee and Pasco her State College and has served on the Pasco County Planning Commission and de development Review Committee and whereas rayad was instrumental in the original campaign to pass the penny for Pasco to help fund Pasco County schools in 2004 and whereas ragad has received the Lawrence D waser humanitarian award of the Jewish National Fund in Tampa Florida Coalition for children's chairman award Florida Association of schools psychologist presidential award Pasco County District supervisor of the Year award and was recognized by the parents for Quality schools for leadership and whereas rayad has received received his bachelor's degree in social and Behavioral Sciences and his master's degree in Behavioral Science from the University of South Florida he is a licensed psychologist and is certified by the national ass Association of school psychologists and whereas ragad has been heavily involved in numerous projects such as penny for Pasco impact fees land acquisition Kirkland Ranch Academy of innovation Ang jelene Academy of innovation starky Ranch K8 Cypress Creek Campus phsc ipac Land of Lakes Heritage Park Bandstand and the Pasco Education Foundation and whereas Ray will be spending his retirement from the Pasco County school board with his wife Kathy pecket as daughter Casey Armstrong and his son-in-law TC Armstrong and his two grandchildren Khloe and Ty now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida the said board hereby commends Ray Gad for his over 40 years of service to the Pasco County School Board and congratulates him on his retirement and resolved in regular session with the quum president voting this 21st day of August 2024 move to approve second a motion in a second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z welcome thank you very much I um it was quite a surprise I knew something was up when I was told my daughter would be sherring me to the meeting today um I greatly appreciate it and it's been a privilege and honor to serve bco County and it's been a real privilege to work with the County Commission through the years we've had a great relationship the school board and the County Commission and I think that's because of the cast of characters trying to work together and make government better every day thank you for this recognition I appreciate it very much yeah don't leave hey got come back okay leave I'm up now back up here we're not we're not done with you uh you may be done with us but we're not done with you H yeah no we certainly as long I've been I'm in my eighth year and you've always been a a person to reach out to and talk to about the school system and what's going on and what's going on just in Normal local things we have going on but I certainly appreciate you being there when I when I'd call so uh we're our hearts go out with you when you retired because um it's going to be hard to you know feel that feel your shoes CU it you've been so so important to to the board and to the government in P in Pasco County appreciate it so M sty um Ray I'm really happy to sponsor this and surprise you with this and um you know the very first time I met you was actually in this room when you were working on the penny for Pasco and um I don't know if you remember that but I remember that and um I got to uh get to know you better when I was on the school board and I I called Ry um my Handler because they assigned um get an award for that they assigned one of their top administrators to each um School Board member at the time I if they do that now and um Ray got got the challenge of me so um we really had fun um working together uh and um when I was on the school board and and later here and in other endeavors that we've worked on together and it's just been such a privilege and an honor to um work with you and to call you my good friend and I am um I'm so glad there there are other people here to honor you today and we're going to have everyone come up for a photo but um this is the least we could do for all your service to the to the community thank you not just our County the Tampa Bay Region commissioner white such a leader thank you uh chair you know Mr Gad commissioner starky seemly on our way to four more years and we might have a job opening part-time at least no in all seriousness um I don't know how many folks you've probably mentored along the way but your mark on Pasco County is made uh for my generation and probably Beyond in my kids so thank you for your dedication your service your countless hours of work and collaboration and being a mentor and being there for for any anybody uh in the public space so congratulations on your well earned retirement and congratulations to your family as well thank you commissioner Jagger congratulations I work for the school board for 10 years so conations to you too thank you so I know all the um amazing things you've done and all the people you have mentored and thank you and I hope you enjoy your retirement thank you Mr Mariana thank you Ray you've been amazing all through your years uh you've always like been on top of the situations whenever you came to us with something you wanted the commission to work with you on you always explained it eloquently and professionally and uh all great lots of lots of great ideas so thank you for your service and I I wish you well in your retirement thank you Jack Mr cabala guess I'll pile on to the accolades Ray we' worked together in different capacities since I've been here at the county for 10 years and it's always been just a little bit it's always been a pleasure though working with you and the team on everything and uh it it truly is arm in-arm and and working together uh towards common goals and so I'm just thankful for that and you know you you have everything to do with that so appreciate your leadership on those fronts okay so so we have a wait a minute oh clerk oh absolutely as Mike said and he he has worked with you in many capacities as of I in my various position have held with Pasco County over the years and under three different clerks I believe and uh so not only I want on behalf of Nikki uh I want to extend to you but um again it's uh just been a pleasure being uh being working together with you for the betterment of Pasco County and the schools and thank you so I feel really bad we didn't get chocolate cake um um we can work on that privately um but we have a framed copy for you and I know we want to take some photos so let's do one with the board and you and your family first and then everyone else who's here come on up and we'll we'll take some bigger photos because there are other people here to honor you that work that work we're going to come back some exra I know you probably have so many things hanging on your wall already but here's a new one for you thank you all right so school board members and some of the others Barbara I know you're here Sean I was coming um CL anyone else who wants to come up up here that SP with Ray professionally okay just squeeze in a little bit side here David go go in a little bit more or maybe on this side all right one two three another one two three awesome awesome [Applause] congratulations gray don't see that much anymore all right thank you Mr chairman okay oh we're good uh now I get to apologize again to you U I apologize that we put that in front of your item so so now we get to call you backup on uh we're going to go for item p58 thank you Mr chairman uh nario Pito Planning Development economic growth item p58 is peg2 24396 it is an ordinance by the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners amending the Pasco County Land Development code providing for amendments to section 132.5 School impact fees to make such section consistent with a 20124 school impact fee study and to adopt such study to increase the amount of school impact fees providing for additional amendments as necessary to ensure internal consistency providing for applicability repealer severability inclusion into the Land Development code modification and an effective date this comes to you with the recommendation of adoption of the proposed ordinance by roll call vote and Mr rad is here to speak to to the item and we have proof of publication of the hearing of this matter in the Tampa Bay Times July 10th and July 28th 2024 okay all right Ray Gad Deputy superintendent of schools 6504 West area Loop Lander lak Florida 34638 for before I jump into impact fees if I could I'd like to go back to the previous moment and make a quick comment one of the people that's on your staff that has always been he doesn't know it but a mentor to me and a an incredibly helpful person sharp on the details and patient with me especially when I was younger in my career was David Goldstein and I want to thank him for being a partner with us on a lot of projects um relative to the impact fees I'd like to make a couple comments I know this is the second reading also know that Tom wybert was here this morning to talk about impact fees relative to kind of the big picture um The District School Board is not ignorant about the total amount of impact fees not just our impact fees your impact fees we have one impact fee and that's an impact fee to build houses and as David will tell you the district school board never comes back in for a cost of living index because we're trying to keep our fees down and every time that we do come back in for an impact fee I always call David and he'll tell you that and I said David do y'all have any impact PES coming up in the county because I don't want to get in your way because I know they're important to you and in fact probably six months ago maybe seven months ago I called Mr carvalo and I told him the same thing I said what do you guys got going on because we don't want to get in your way we know that those are important that they're kind of the lifeblood for your system so we have tried to keep our impact fees down by not doing cost of living indexes which might have been a mistake because um then the state came along and put in the law that you can only raise impact fees every four years so we kind of got hammered in that legislation but we're very very sensitive to the fact that young people want to buy homes and so we try to keep our impacts as low as we can but we also know that young people want good schools for their kids and so that in buying that home they're looking for good schools and schools that aren't crowded and schools that have professional teachers the public in Pasco County has recognized that as well they came out and supported the latest penny for 15 years uh they've also they've done this three times now twice for 10 one for 15 um they've also supported us in our efforts to raise teacher salaries so we feel like the public in general is happy with their public school system and that they want to see us continue to build good schools and deal with overcrowding um we didn't put on the agenda the impact fee study because we gave it to you last time but if anybody needs it we have extra copies here that we can distribute that said I think all of you recognize we have school board members here Cynthia armst string Megan Harding an ex- one who I guess just can't stay away Alan Altman I thought he re he was here for your resolution and um of course my team which you all know Betsy Chris Williams and so as a team we're willing to answer any additional questions you might have for us thank you very much okay any questions from the board nope just that you missed Al Hernandez over there oh Al Hernandez he wasn't here at the last one so he came to this one um I would just say that um it's a pleasure when a a County Commission and a school school district gets along so well and it benefits um our citizens greatly and I think it shows in the quality of life that we're offering here in Pasco County and the quality of our schools and you know we're not insensitive to the cost that everything we we do up here um has a ripple effect but we you know we have these responsibilities and if you were to go to FL how Florida counties compare and look to see where we are in the rankings of what it costs for you to live here in Pasco County you would see we are just doing um tremendously against our peers so we're still a very affordable um well-run system here and I'm I'm really proud of all the work we do together and this is important I'll be supporting it Mr Whitman thank you chair for overall big picture discussion kind of have a bit of a difference of opinion on affordability in Pasco County today our impact fee today is $3,440 that's the highest on the highest Zone a b and c and when we add this over the next four years it'll compound over 34,000 and the other impact fees that this board is looking at coming out of line we're very quickly going to be approaching probably the $40,000 Mark which is more money than some folks make a year and I'm concerned with our fee structure that it's going to erode away the opportunity of home ownership for folks and um as much as it's important to balance what our schools need and the needs of of everyone else I just want to put it put into perspective that our impact fees are are starting to be pretty heavy and going up and going up and going up and spoke with Mr carala about this about taking a look at the zones and and just different ways of restructuring and I think I think we need to have a workshop or whatever the process is sooner than later as prices keep going up whether people can afford a home or split up some property and have another family Homestead we we think a lot of all the new folks coming in but there's a lot of folks in Pasco County who who are are here and looking to upgrade what what they're currently doing and so as much as I appreciate the study of the school system um and the work that they do instead of phasing in $4,000 over a period of time I've kind of landed on a $2,000 immediate impact to try to hold hold something down I I wish in the for our staff in the timing of this schools to me are a bit more important than our parks and we just approved a $3,500 impact fee for our Parks I'd have much rather seen the school impact fee come forward and weigh that heavier than parks and so as we go through this budget cycle uh we talk about the the the potential the parks tax and what we have to restructure that and maybe find a way to back down that Park impact fee and offset that some way and give more to the schools we're just going to you know in short order the impact fees going to get pretty pretty darn heavy and uh I'm just concerned concerned about that so well talk on some of that the uh impact fees that are being placed is because more and more people moving into Florida moving into Pasco County and with that uh there's a demand on schools to get bigger and better and there's there's been issues of start of the school this year that I've I've heard from different schools that it's gotten a little bit better but the older schools haven't uh been engineered to handle a lot of the stacking of cars a lot of people are being delivered in cars now where they weren't before and they're not riding buses like they used to but the older schools have been all over all over the county have been affected by more and more car traffic and the new schools and I talked to Ray about this last week the new schools are being engineered to handle the stacking of cars for they have that delivery and that pickup and Mr goldstein's primarily responsible for making sure we do that y yeah he's a he's a numbers man for sure without a doubt I thought he was a forensic attorney at one time but he told me no he just has to be able to substantiate everything that he says and numbers to be able to prove it and and go forward with it so and I appreciate that he knows the numbers very well and U but in fact the impact fees are affecting more and more people coming to Florida is calling more and more demand not not only on schools but also our Parks so we see that across the county and and the new people coming in they're bringing more and more kids and we've got to be able to handle cuz I can tell you what they're not coming in here if they don't have the activities and the schools for their children to go to and good schools uh they wouldn't be coming here so we've had a a good system here in Pasco County with schools and teach the education of these kids and that's part of why people are coming here so this impact fees are affecting those mainly those people that buy a new home or do these things those are those prices are going to be in there but uh that's just part of what you got to do and it's going to happen in the future if you decide to change from one house to go to a larger home and you build it you're going to have to pay that impact cuz you're actually putting a new Homestead in a new place so we all have to pay our part as we go so anyone else want to say yeah I juster I agree with um commissioner waitman with you know schools are top priority we've got to make sure we get our money to schools and um I agree maybe back off the parks a little bit because um we we just can't be hammered by all these fees at once because we also have the the mstu for Paving and it's all going to add up so but I am all for you guys getting the money part of part of our system in in our in our wreck and other issue in Recreation their demand is so heavy on our uh Sports complexes and all that that we had to have that impact fee to be able to provide for children in the future and let me tell you something when you tell them there's no room for them to play on the field you got a real issue with your residents when you tell them that so you got to provide for that it's a shame it has to be that way but to do the right thing in the county you have to have money to do that there's no other way to get that money but those people coming in and bringing more students and more uh people playing sports and things of this nature we've got to be able to provide that or I can tell you they expect that so my daughter's a soccer mom she can tell you all about it oh yeah I'm sure we've had a lot of discussions about soccer and and other sports maybe would you guys be willing to open like your outdoor basketball courts and stuff like that in the afternoon for the for we we have always said and this was one of the things that that I did when I was Miss starky's Handler that um we worked hard on joint use projects and of course the starky K through 8 is a joint use project now they're tough we're working Kinks You know because there are Kinks about when people use it and stuff but when you innovate there are always always issues that pop up that you didn't see coming um David Goldstein and I wrote The Master Plan mostly David for the starky K through 8 and we tried to think of everything we could and I don't know how many things have come up since then David that we we have a meeting coming up that's right so we're always open to talking to the County and right now I think we have three or four schools that the county is using Bayonet Point long leaf uh ano I think there's one more Chris do you know Trader where we're sharing our playgrounds and ball fields and we're certainly open to doing more of that okay I thought is starky one of those to I mean well we have do a lot of things there with starky with the library and all it was kind of built that way that's right so that that's been good and it's been a good partnership for the county with the school board very much so all right Mr chairman Mr chairman oh I'm sorry ja thank you um the people that are moving in here are coming in for a quality of life the people are expecting to keep things up to up to Pace the people already living here don't want to be paying the bill for those people that are coming in right uh I've been a proponent of the impact fees uh there was one time when the economy dropped it was like trying to create jobs we I looked at lower them but when it got down to it it was really basically you've got to keep the schools going you've got to keep them where they can put their infrastructure in place because that is the bottom line and when you the schools are going and I'm happy to know that we' made so many improvements on collocation commissioner Stark you and I talked about that for 20 years now and it's getting better and better we got to keep it going that way as well and commissioner bring up a good point these new schools they've also got to be able to take their traffic better cuz right now with the extra travel Travelers that are going into the schools it's backing up traffic on on major roadways all over the place right so that's got that's got to be addressed as well but uh you know when when the the Tampa Bay Builders Association steps up to say they can support a phasing in of it that's a good thing um if you want to take a look at the parks and maybe bring it back to phase it in a little bit too we could we could relook at that but we've got to keep the fees going on both ends kids need the place to play when you've got the kids that are actively going out they in in playing in sports the tired they are when to get home the better they sleep the better they do in school the better they perform across the board and it's been proven everywhere uh so quality of life is important impact Fe you is going to make development pay for itself and that's where it should fall not the citizens that live in here right now okay you had something else well I just wanted to agree with you um on on how important it is and Lisa you haven't got those phone calls yet but they're coming for the parents whose kids want to play in sports and they can't because there's no fields and we we've gotten that on there's no Little League fields there's no football fields there's no and now we have other sports coming we've got Lacross Cricket's coming so um girls flag football it's coming Olympic sport we we are we are decades behind in building our new park sadly um but that you know that's what happened when we had the crash uh in the early 2000s just so uh per capita total property tax levies for Pasco County now this is 222 23 the Statewide average is 2,000 Pasco County is at 1,165 where the 11th largest county I would say maybe soon to be 10th largest county um and we are 42nd um so we are way down the list on how what we do on the school district um levies again we are the 11th largest county in the state Statewide average is 784 pas county is at $434 where that's 45th in the state and the last one that I I think um always can be U very interesting is um let's see I just took a picture of it so let me take let me go there um and that is uh the oh I did I hid the title but it's it's the amount of taxes we charge per I think it's $1,000 of income the state average is $33 and Pasco County is 45th at $23.44 so we're still fiscally conservative here um and I and I I get what you're saying it's because I have I have kids who want to buy a home it's harder and harder to buy a home but if you're living here and you're in a home you're get you're getting pretty good bang for your buck though I know things are getting harder and harder inflation's killing everybody but we just have to have schools and and um I would make the motion to approve the school board impact fee Public public he public oh public hearing okay all right uh it is a public hearing I'd like to ask if there's anyone here that wishes to speak to this item we have no one signed up sign anyone in the audience anybody on WebEx uh no sir okay having no one then entertain a motion I I do want to say we did get a letter from the Tampa Bay Builders Association in support of the um school board's initiative and they appreciate that they have phased this in um over four years to um to help and so with that I make the motion to approve okay I have a motion and I'm going to second the motion let just a little discussion okay I get a second I just say discussion just as you take a look in the room there's nobody here opposing this because the people going to pay it aren't here and I will tell you in all my years they haven't moved here yet they haven't moved here yet in all my is going around at different Commissioners they wonder how we get our things paid for and they look at our fees how's that going how's it going and again with Tampa Bay bills Association saying they're okay with this they're graduate with the phase in uh it tells you that they know we got to pay for it and if was one one lady years ago told me she had just moved from Hillsboro up to Pasco and the reason she moved she's she knew that we had impact fees in place and we have schools well built for our kids as they were growing up right okay I got a uh Motion in a second is this roll call yes sir and that's a roll call vote District Two commissioner Wagman a respectful nay District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner jger I District Five commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass four to one okay now move on to uh p59 Mr chairman we have publication of this matter in the April 17th 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay times for its original hearing on June 18th and was continued to today okay thank you Mr chairman item p59 is drd2 2436 it is an ordinance intending to create the invasive species Management program which is being requested to be withdrawn to be followed up a subsequent ordinance and an upcoming uh board county commissioner's meeting date okay so you were withdrawing do we need a motion to withdraw it nope it's withdrawn it's withdrawn okay move on to uh p60 p60 was advertised in the December 20 2023 addition of the Tamp Bay Times of for the January 9th BCC meeting where it was continued to February 6th 2024 BCC meeting where it was continued to March 12th 2024 where it was continued to the March 26th meeting where it was continued to the April 23rd 2024 meeting where the transmittal was approved the adoption hearing was continued from June 18th of this year to today item p60 is Peg 2424 uh this is a comprehensive plan Amendment changing from res 3 and AG to PD on 100 acres on the Southeast inter corner of the intersection of US 41 and Leland Avenue 1 mile north of State 52 this is being recommended for continuance to the September 3rd 2024 BCC Hearing in date City at 1:30 p.m. okay have a motion move to continue second okay move to continue to September 3rd and a second all those in favor say I I I all right move on to p61 proof of publication in Tampa Bay Times on July 10th 2024 for today's meeting item uh p61 is peg2 24379 this is an ordinance uh considering tree preservation and replacement uh this is being recommended uh for a continuance to the October 8th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 p.m. in dat City move to continue second okay I got a motion in second to continue to October 8th in dat city um all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z move on to p62 p62 uh was advertised the Tamp Bay Times June 5th and July 28th 2024 and we have Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p62 is peg2 24218 this is an ordinance amending the Pascal County comprehensive plan providing for a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-15 and ch22 from Ro retail office residential and res 3 residential three dwelling units per gross acre to Comm commercial on approximately 2.06 Acres of real property located at the corner of State Road 54 and Earnest Drive and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repealer cability in an effective date this comes to you with a recommendation to approve the proposed comprehensive plan Amendment and adopt the ordinance by roll call vote and there's a presentation if desired okay this is a public hearing has anyone signed up to speak to this item we have no one signed up in advance nobody on WebEx none none on WebEx does anyone in the audience wish to speak to this item seeing no one more approval okay I got a motion to approve second and a second all those in favor a roll call vote I don't believe is roll call required on this yes ordance ordinance I'm sorry I was on the wrong uh District Two commissioner waitman I District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Jagger I District Five commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 move on to p63 get Mr chairman members of the board we have proof publication of the hearing of this item in the Tampa fade times June 5th and July 28th 2024 item p63 is peg 24320 this is an ordinance by the Pesco County Board of County Commissioners amending the Pesco County Land Development code amending section 42.2 zoning Amendment mpud master plan unit development submittal requirements section 43.1 preliminary development plans residential submittal requirements section 403 3.2 preliminary development plans non-residential miix use submittal requirements section 43.3 preliminary site plans submittal requirements section 43.7 Mass grading submitt requirements section 44.3 mining permits application requirements section 44.4 construction and demolition debris disposal facilities operating permits application requirements section 44.6 yard trash processing facilities application requirements section 89.2 cultural resources General generally specific requirements section 89.4 standards for surveys and Analysis section 89.8 historic cemeteries specific requirements and other sections as necessary for internal consistency providing for applicability repealer providing for severability inclusion into the Land Development code an effective date this comes to you with a recommendation to adopt the proposed ordinance by roll call vote okay this is public hearing is anyone here to speak to this item we have no one signed independent band nor online Okay um is anyone in the audience that didn't sign up or would like to speak seeing no one uh approval of the board no approval second I got a motion and second all those in favor by roll call vote District Two commissioner wman hi District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner jger I District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z move on to item 64 proof of publication in the June 5th and July 28 2024 editions of the Tampa Bay Times item p64 is peg2 24334 this is in ordinance by the Pesco County Board of County Commissioners amending the Pesco County Land Development code amending amending section 1105 self storage facilities design standards section 115.2 applicability section 11054 corridor specific design standards section 115.5 General design standards and other sections as necessary for internal consistency providing for applicability repealer providing for cability inclusion to Land Development code and an effective date this comes this is the second reading and comes to you with an recommendation to adopt the proposed ordinance by roll call vote okay has anyone signed up to speak to this item as public hear we do not have anyone signed up in advance nor online okay does anyone in the audience wish to speak to this item to didn't get a chance to sign up repard seeing no one pleasure of the board uh move to approve second got a motion in second all those in favor by roll call vote District Two commissioner wman I District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner joerger I District Five commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z move to item 65 item 65 we have proof publication in the July 24th 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay Times okay uh item p65 is drd 24209 uh this is an ordinance by the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners amending the Pasco County Land Development code section 9052 e landscaping and buffering landscape acceptance maintenance and prohibitions appendix a definitions and other sections is necessary for internal consistency providing for applicability repeat dealer providing for severability inclusion of the Land Development code and an effective date uh this is the first hearing and Mr Brad tippen is here for presentation okay good afternoon everyone Brad tippen uh Planning Development and economic growth uh we have the basic presentation on this uh just to give a little history on this item uh we we did have a much larger uh uh kind of plan in place to deal with invasive species uh but after we got into it we realized that that was going to be something that we were going to need to work on much longer so uh we decided to dial that back and we worked with the Planning Commission uh and the county attorney's office and came up with some language uh to make what we currently have in the code now a little bit more usable uh it creates a little bit more balance where it it it helps our our Code Compliance folks to be able to work uh with people that want to voluntarily fix some situations that may be happening on their property that they didn't really have the ability to do well before uh and also clarifies a few few different things that are in that uh in that code section so that's basically the history I just kind of talked about we did discuss this with the various stakeholder groups and we did withdraw the the prior one which was what you heard earlier today so this is uh a really related to a a comprehensive plan element to uh to use native species and to avoid introducing invasive species into what we're doing as we're developing here in the county um the language that was previously in our code uh did not really address how you would dispose of the invasive species and we have a few different ones kogan grass in particular uh that really needs to be disposed of in some very specific ways or else they can create problems for neighboring AB budding roadways County lands and and their neighbors in general uh so that's what the the language was changed for that's too small for me to read so I'm have to read off of this one [Music] same so essentially what we did was we had two separate pieces that we we changed we added some language to section 95.2 e uh which is a code language that exists today that allows uh requires people to remove invasive species from their property whether they're developing or whether they're an existing land owner uh we put some language in there to clarify what that means and how that occurs uh and then we also updated the the definition actually we provided a new definition because the definition of invasive species wasn't clear before so those are the items that we actually changed you have the red lines of that in your packet I we did not put that in a slide here okay and again no action is required um oh today this is just the the first discussion on this item first reading if anybody has any questions or anything they would like to discuss related to it I can answer some questions okay well my agenda says to approve but uh yes the agenda was mistakenly said to approve this is the first reading however first reading uh it will be uh scheduled on the 93 hearing for Action was there anyone have any questions well I'll I'll reserve my comments till after some of the public speaks here Mr chairman yes so I'm glad we're adding kogan grass and and dealing with that that's a specialized thing and I'm glad we're addressing that I think like that's where this all started M but I've got to tell you we the county own lots of property that have lots of let's say Brazilian Peppers Australian pines Etc there's some on rways a road that actually holding vegetation in uh that's not a bad thing I just had a guy in Hudson actually tear some Australian pines down and he's actually getting fined which we'll address it and fix that but it's it's hard to do all these things and right now I've got a development Highlands where we took down some trees this past year that were on a property hanging over people's property that might have damaged fences uh before the storms come in we took care of that but right now there's actually Brazillian Peppers parallel to that on the same type of plot of land and we're saying well we're not responsible to remove that so I think anytime you pass a law to exempt yourself from it is a bad thing and until we're ready to go remove every single one that we've got as well uh we really got to take note of that are we exempt from this so I don't know that we have Exempted the county from this and I believe our Public Works team actually has their own policy that they've done that's that's in line with with what do does related to these six I don't know if they're here to speak to that or not well I I I guess I am going to have some questions and and um I'm going to ask Keith Ry who heads up our natural lands to what they do with the property they buy because I can tell you um we just bought Gul Harbors with them the come come on up the community um that you know the old um golf course and we are working with natural lands to uh jointly take out the invasives and the Brazilian pepper so I've never asked what you do on other properties but I think you guys have a management plan for invasives on County property I think Keith's got an answer for you right now I I have an answer Keith Wy director of parks recreation natural resources department so it's it's mixed so in our Parks we have bmps integrated Pest Management plans that we put in place um same thing with the environmental land property that we purchase same thing not an easy task not something you can do quickly uh it's very costly um uh so yeah we I think in and I know Public Works is not here but they also have an sop that Brad mentioned that they're attempting to do what they need to do in the right way I don't think that the focus of this change is saying that this is an easy assignment it's just giving the staff and the team the ability to address it uh if I if I'm correct Brad during the development application process process it's not necessarily to Target single family homeowners necessarily it's it's how you would do this through the development um application process and there's a lot of other programs countywide that in terms of education and just that single family resident that I think are also in place that that assist this is just one one piece of of a very large um overall program Mr chairman yes so don't we already have these Provisions in place to not allow invasive spey on new development so yeah so that that kind of evolves through this whole process I don't know if Brad wants to speak to that but um but I as my participation in this is that the section that I think we're talking about amending right now it lack the clarity to necessarily it it provided the the ability but lack the clarity for us to pursue it so the the proposed changes in front of the board today is to just add a little bit of clarity to that uh that pretty much correct yeah uh you're exactly right commissioner there was language that that was in there pre previously unfortunately it was it was more if you think of the the carrot and the stick it was kind of the stick type of language um and what we've done is we've changed it to allow a little bit more of the carrot so this allows for if something does come up and and and Code Compliance needs to actually have a discussion with somebody uh there are some ways to to better do some voluntary fixes uh that don't turn it into a formal procedure and proceeding uh that wasn't in the language previously uh this does also exempt the uh residential uh single family lot owner so is this whole thing all about development it's not about existing properties yeah's let's try to share let's try to share I think that would be helpful you can put that on the Elbo and you all have this in your packet as attachment a Comm Marana yes that's correct it's it's not intended to to create a large over reaching program it's to be very specific to the developmental application process um and you know we we didn't have anything that any anyone was looking out for and I I got a call well you know I've been talking about the spread of coke and grass for a while and then let's try and get it before it gets so bad like some other counties are eating up with it um I got a call from a land owner in from Dade City and developer that said hey you've got someone on 50 2 that is selling kogan grass as sod and you guys need to get out there and stop them right away and you know what we couldn't do it we didn't have any rules to stop them and so I don't know where that those rols of kogan grass went but they went to some development and um and uh and now someone's going to have a big headache and it and it's really not going to be fair to the citizens in that District in that if it's a CDD or whatever they're going to have to clean it up because the state law does tell you you have to do something with it you can't just turn your eye to invasive species so um so we want to try and you know raise awareness and let and let people know if you have something especially something as a Bas of kogan grass you can't go spreading it around and um and certainly can't sell sod as grass that is infested with kogan grass so um I think it's a baby step um I think we'll talk about more things later and we'll see what other counties do cuz I had um one of our Engineers that works in the county told me that he got um they have property in Hernando County and they got red tagged for Brazilian pepper so Hernando County does allow you to have Brazilian pepper on your property so um and I'd be very interested we have two former Swift Mud members and I was Swift Mud member Swift Mud doesn't allow it on invasiv in their properties right no nope and neither does dot so um you know at least we're doing something getting a little more proactive I think but it's not an Overkill by any means and yes we are coming in line with with those state agencies as well there's uh Department of Agriculture uh and also D Swift Mud and fdot all have regulations that are are similar to what we've we've put in here it's it's in a in alignment yeah Mr chairman thank you um you know kogan grass I I we need to address it I'm glad we are I think it's important the other things you get into I mean Brazilian peppers I think we need to I'm okay addressing that too but keep in mind we do have a lot of it as well we do we got to some of the other the trees that are on there um was it camper tree was on there I mean just some of them they're not great trees but they're trees that are growing to to removing everything and I will tell I don't know about you guys but I'm getting a ton of calls all on Little Road with all the development just got cleared out oh could have left a lot of stuff there um some of those could have been camper trees other trees but as we look at that I'm I'll look at this over the next two next two weeks but um I'm I'm going to be cautious to go forward yeah I I do think we already have something in place do that doesn't allow the pl the planting of camper trees that is not on our approved list for developments right correct I mean we don't allow them to plant Australian pine Brazilian pepper camper trees they're they're not allowed to plant those yes we have a specific list of of the natives and certain Exotics that are allowed to be planted with new development uh and then everything falls under those categories federal and state related to the invasives that you cannot plant so we don't necessarily call those out today um that's what's part of the pieces that's missing from from what we have in our code right now yeah and remember that with kogan grass um it's going to it's going to take over and it's going to everything else is is going to be gone because no trees are going to grow in it no other grass is going to survive in it nothing else will grow and it nothing eats it it cuts you up when you walk in it it's not a good thing to keep spreading in the county Mr chairman one more question okay one more question has the Tampa Bay Builder Association looked at C and put a comment to it yes the Tampa Bay Builders Association was involved in some discussions we had these uh talks they've seen this and we didn't have any negative feedback directly from them all right I'd like to get something from them before the next meeting to see if they approve or disapprove and I had lunch with them last week and they were fine with this yeah I think they're on board really yeah I believe they they verbally did say that they would be reaching out to the Commissioners but I I didn't receive anything okay but I can get something from them all right so this is a first reading we got some public comment [Music] so I received an email last night is this item 59 the right one 65 59 invasive species yeah they may put it I can read this out loud if you would like to hear it good morning on behalf of the Tampa Bay Builders Association we would like to express our support for item 59 which pertains to invasive species ordinance on today's agenda for first reading tbba has been working closely with the staff over the past few months on this issue and we appreciate the balanced approach that the staff has presented the approach focuses on the main issues with invasive species especially as it relates to kogan Gra tbba is committed to doing all we can with our Builders and staff to eradicate this invasive species we kindly request you continue to move on to move this on to the second reading we are more than happy to answer any questions sinceriously uh sincerely Edward Briggs vice president government and relations yeah thank you okay uh is anyone sign up to speak to this item yes sir we have two uh folks signed up uh Laura starky well this is a first I think you do know you do know if you speak this time you can't speak the next time right now she they speak next time this oh this is this Land Development code they get two two bites of the Apple in on these well good Laura starky my I have a residents at 8240 Plath Road in newp Richie okay um yeah I I'm Laura starky I'm owner of Heartwood preserve conservation Cemetery in Trinity and the former director of conservation lands at my family starky ranch back when it was still a ranch uh in both of these roles uh extending over the past 20 years I have been responsible for managing invasive species on our lands um I'm really happy to see this ordinance being brought up it's long overdue management of invasives is crucial to caring for any natural lands as any land manager knows whether they're from a public or a public agency or from a private land owners's perspective which is my experience um our developments line up to these natural areas that land managers are managing um so we don't want to ignore the problem thinking it's just an issue for Swift Mud or uh fish and wildlife or parks and wrecks and natural resources that only exacerbates the problem protecting these border areas what we call the Wildland Urban interface are like protecting your borders from Invaders so even though we do have the agencies we have you know Keith Wy and we have Swift Mud doing a lot of work to manage invasives it's really important that we manage them in the in these uh development areas um just taking from a personal ex example and personal experience also as a resident and business owner in in Pasco County uh the starky ranch development which has done such a beautiful job with Landscaping using Florida native plants it's just beautiful there the their Parks their Lakes their walking and biking paths they're enjoyed by so many people myself included um but when I walk past the wetlands which were very dutifully protected as they were supposed to be um they're just choked with Caesar weed Peruvian Primrose kogan grass other other um invasive species so um so it's happening and we've got more Development coming I want to commend commissioner starky for her work and and bringing this up and I'm seeing other support for it as well on the kogan grass but I would just say it's great to Target kogan grass but let's I would really recommend you don't stop there because while it's currently number one on the top 10 in list of invasive species worldwide um it's not the only one so I would urge the the the um language to reference not just a definition of invasives but to also reference uh the Florida invasive species Council which maintains a science-based list of what's up to current you know up to date at the time which right now is kogan grass and a number of others but that's going to change over time hopefully we'll get you know globally a better handle on Cog and grass but you know 10 years from now it may be something else that we don't we're not even looking at right now um so that change that list is going to change and grow so I would just encourage that uh the language use um you know a reference that's science-based what was the name of that Laura the Florida invasive species Council you pay her to say it was for normally called the Exotic Florida exotic something but they they've updated their name for it so thank you thank you thank for your comments Jennifer CI name and address the clerk Jennifer CI 25605 Apple Blossom Lane Pasco County Westley Chapel hey there miss how are you I'm well thank you don't take that off my my time better um my opinion of this invasive ordinance today amendment to section uh 95.2 I got to put my glasses on it has some flaws that I think we could address and the flaws I believe could lead to some unintended results in other words I think this can be strengthened number one although it is good that the best management practices for maintenance shall be included in the development review manual there is no indication of when such practices are to be applied initially the action of identifying listing and planning for removal should happen in the site planning stage and I believe we should state it in the ordinance number two if you call out one invasive then call them all out and the reason that's important is we we have invasives like soda Apple Air potato Brazilian pepper and others um or better yet as Laura said specifically reference the Florida invasive species Council category one list these are the worst of the worst this would be more focused than the current reference to the IAS AG list which is too broad and doesn't rank according to damage done my friend Eva Bailey scientist who is serving on your elas committee and who is out on an assessment today said to me and I'll quote the justification for naming the list is that it is based on science and evolves with new data and stays up to dat end quote so the third thing I want to say is yes kogan grass is bad but as the revision stands right now only naming kogan grass will lead to the permission by Omission behavior that some attorneys and developers will not hesitate to use and finally where is the followup in this ordinance will it be possible to condition the invasive action required who's going to check when will we check and for how long will we keep watching I'm glad you're attempting to address pasco's invasive plant species I think this is a good start but I do believe we could tweak this and do a little better thank you thanks a lot Jennifer anyone else signed up or no one else signed up and no one online nobody okay anybody in audience wish to speak to this item uh no action requires any discussion we have before we move on can I um can I Su suggest though that you take into heart some of the suggestions that were given and then um let's talk about them at our second reading and um you know see if we need to make these changes because they they make sense to me I I agree I AG both speakers had some very good points to consider Mr chairman yes sir you know we were briefed on the other item that was going to come that got pulled to be replaced with this so I think we should get briefed before this comes back to us as well with the changes do that all right very cool thank you so this is the first of two public hearings the second hearing will be held on September 3rd 2024 at 1:30 p.m. in Dade City D City yeah and as you're driving look at all the kogan grass it's popping up as you going okay all right now it's time for public hearings uh Mr Shin would you please read the procedures be happy to Mr chairman there are two resoning agendas regular and consent the staff will present each application to the board of County Commissioners if staff or Planning Commission has recommended approval and there is no opposition the application will be considered by the board without further presentation if staff or Planning Commission has recommended denial or if there is opposition to the application the applicant will be given five minutes for presentation the opposition will be given three minutes for each individual or five minutes for a group representative and the applicant will be given 3 minutes for rebuttal any individual disagreeing with st for Planning Commission recommendation or anyone wishing to object to any condition of the rezoning May at this time request the petition be pulled from the consent agenda in which case that application will be heard under the regular agenda later on during the meeting otherwise all resoning applications on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion and vote if you wish to speak to any petition please give your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record these are Quasi judicial public public hearings the law in Florida is that mere public support or opposition of an application is insufficient for this board to take action please limit your comments to those criteria found within the board's Land Development code this is for the zoning items you have other public hearings on the on the agenda okay and Mr clerk would you like to swear them in yes at this time anyone who wishes to provide testimony to any of the zoning items if you will please rise and raise your right hand again if you intend at any point in the zoning matters to provide testimony please rise raise your right hand do you and each of you swear or affirm the testimony you will give in these matters is the truth so help you God thank you and you can be seated as you come forward as Mr Stein Snider said just pre please conf confirm that along with your address that you did receive the uh wor Swant who's that what is it okay we'll start with item uh b66 b66 we have proof of publication of the hearing of this resolution um in the Tampa Bay Times August 7th of 2024 good afternoon chair Commissioners I'm uh Jerry Williams from public infrastructure fiscal administrative Administration uh Department admin services manager so today we have uh Pippa 24376 a resolution by border County commissioners of Pasco County Florida dissolving Carpenters run phases 3 and 4B street light Serv service areas as of December 31st 2024 [Applause] so for this dissolution it was actually presented to us by the homeowners association so the homeowners association currently manages the other street light service areas within the community so they requested to uh to take the responsibility back for this service area so of the service area there are 31 street lights 189 parcels and the energy provider is Duke and this is just a depiction of the street light service area so the recommendation uh accept public comment this seems like a no-brainers anyone that's up to you consent after okay so this is a public hearing um and um I'm assuming that based on this the homeowners association will either pay the power bills or they will be the light Duke will turn the lights off correct sir so the uh so the county will Rel linqu was responsibility of this on December 31st 2024 and then the home homeowners association were assum responsibility that okay do we have anyone this public hearing is anyone signed up for this item we do not have anyone signed up by in person or online for this item okay is anyone in audience wish to speak to this item seeing no approval we got a motion to approved second and a second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z move on to p67 oh excuse me we're going to move over to the start of the consent items and go through them before you want just to do consent or continuances you want to do the zoning items all how many of those we got we get three continuan and then you move on to consent might as well just do the do the cons to the just continuances and consent sure sounds good so you're talking about doing p68 start with p68 through the contingences this item was continued from the June 18th BCC meeting where it was continued to today good afternoon Denise Hernandez Planning Development and economic growth item p68 is pg24 7739 zoning amendment in the name of Fletcher mpud this is a staff requested continuance to the September 3rd 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 p.m. that way the PD and mpud go on the same meeting okay uh need a motion to continue to time certain second okay got a motion second all those in favor say I I I I motion pass uh 5 move on to P 69 originally published in the May 1st 20 uh 20124 edition of Tampa Day times it was continued from the June 18th BCC meeting to today item p69 is p 24 7783 zoning amendment in the name of the Yan and Gordana V it's uh the request is to continue the item to the October 22nd 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie to continue time certain second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass by Z move on to p70 p70 was uh advertised for a hearing at this time in the Tampa Bay Times July 28th uh 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings provided item p70 is pg24 7806 a zoning amendment in the name of lakes Shore Boulevard LLC the request is to continue the item to the September 17th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie would you continue time Ser second a motion on second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z move on to P 71 p71 was advertised June 5th 2024 and July 28 2024 and we have been provided with an Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings and this is the first consent item and I believe I heard earlier that we wanted to P was it p78 um I think have you got your concerns yeah I I that concerns have been resolved oh sure okay what number 78 I'd like to have that pulled oh you'd like to have that pulled so we pull that and then come back to us okay for discussion all right the first item is uh p71 so so p71 is PG 24777 7 it's a zoning amendment in the name of Sand Hill Ridge mpud master plan unit development Habitat for Humanity of penis County it's for a rezoning uh from an r18 each single family mobile home District to an mpud master plan unit development District to allow for the development of 23 single family detached homes and Associated infrastructures infrastructure on approximately 4.39 Acres with uh variations as stated in your agenda packet comes to with a recommendation of approval with conditions from the Planning Development and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay this um is this is a public hearing is anyone here signed up or wishing to speak against this item we have no one sign up yep okay no one sign up nobody on WebEx and no one to speak against it remains on consent and we move forward to p72 p72 again proof of publication Tampa Bay Times June 5th 2024 and July 10 2024 and an Affidavit of certified mailings and sight postings provided on this item p72 which is Peg 24779 it's a zoning amendment in the in the names of sha sashen K and sarmila sha it's for a rezoning from an ar1 agricultural residential district to a P1 professional office District we staff is actually requesting that this item be continued to the September 17th 2024 bard of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie on this item there was a request from the Planning Commission that there be deed restriction attached to it and that deed restriction did not make neither the finding regarding the deed restriction nor the deed restriction did not make the agenda packet so staff is asking for a continuance so the I'd withdraw this from consent and come back and okay we'll come back and this is p72 we'll come back to at the end okay okay all right going to p73 proof of publication in the June 26 2024 of the Tampa time item p73 is PG 24779 it's a zoning Amendment kapali Edmund ripo for a change in zoning from an r1mh single family mobile home district and a P1 professional office District to a C1 neighborhood commercial district with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction uh limiting those uses so to those uses reserving the uses to the uses that are consistent with the C1 District it's also known as the live local La deed restriction comes you with a recommendation of approval from the planning and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay is there anyone uh here wish to speak against this item seeing no one we remains on consent move on to p74 proof of publication Tampe times July 10th 2024 item p74 is pg24 7800 it's a zoning Amendment Pasco Window and Door plus more LLC for a change in zoning from an R1 MH single family mobile home district and C2 General commercial District to a C2 General commercial district with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction that reserves those uses for the uses consistent with C2 also known as a live local act deed restriction comes to with the recommendation of approval from the planning and economic growth Department uh development economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay this item is anyone here to speak against this item seeing no one it'll remain on consent okay p75 p75 uh proof publication temp May times July 10th 2024 and by affidavit and C of certified mailings and site postings item p75 is pg2 24781 it's a zoning Amendment affordable Secure Storage for change in zoning from an i1 light Industrial Park District to a C2 General commercial district with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction that reserves those uses were those uses consistent with the C2 District also known as a live local deed restriction comes to the recommendation of approval from the Planning Development and and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay is anyone here to speak against this item seeing no one it will remain on consent move to p76 p76 uh we approved publication temp Bay Times July 10th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site posting item p76 is pg2 47802 zoning Amendment Hudson group Partners LLC sr52 storage retail for a change in zoning from an mf1 multiple family medium density District to a C2 General commercial district with voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction um limiting those uses to those uses consistent with the C2 District also known as live local act deed restriction um comes here with a recommendation of approval from the planning and development and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay is there anyone here just speak against this item seeing no one it remains on consent we move to p77 p77 Tampa Bay Times July 10th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p77 it's a zoning amendment in the name of Anthony Gedo for a change in zoning from an AC agricultural District to an i1 light Industrial Park District with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction um reserving those uses for those uses consistent with the i1 light Industrial Park District also known as the live local act Eed restriction comes to the recommendation of approval from the Planning Development and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay is anyone here to speak against this item see a no one it remains on consent and I believe that's the end of your consent agenda y did you do some we'll entertain a motion on the consent items Mo approv second I got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion passes 5 Z let's go back to p72 for that continuous I think so do you just need a motion or do we have to take public comment what do you we have to take public comment and what was the date it was being continued to the date of continuance is September 17th 2024 1:30 in Newport Richie so if anybody is here and wishes to speak to this item that cannot be here on the date that Miss Hernandez just announced um you are free to speak now if you speak now you will wave your rights to speak at the SE later the September meeting uh 17th 17th yes 17th September 17th uh meeting for this item so is there anybody in the audience who wishes to take the opportunity to speak to this item item now we have no one signed up either online or in person okay wish to speak to this item okay yeah it would be a motion to continue time certain move to uh continue time certain September 17th new right second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I I motion passed 5 Z move on back to P which we pulled is a p78 right um p78 is pg2 24785 it's a zoning amendment in the name of Ls mamus blue blue sky storage for change in zoning from RMH mobile home District to a C2 General commercial District um as the parcel is Comm future land use commercial and the applicant proposes develop the property with a freestanding recreational vehicle boat storage in conformance with the C2 General commercial District standards for development in section 1105 of the Land Development code which is self- storage facilities um design standards I'm not sure that we did the proof of publication announcement Campa Bay Times July 10th 2024 Affidavit of certified mailings and site posting thank you okay so the site location is within Central Market area not within the the urban concentration area or any of the rural areas um the is the context map uh to the west of it is a mobile home park to the east of it is um Shady Hills uh Drive Shay Hol yeah and uh let's see this is the aerial of the property as stated the parcel has a future land use of Comm commercial and the current zoning is RMH it currently there are agricultural Pursuits on the property it's approximately 2.4 Acres um sorry about that it's Moon Lake Road I don't know why I thought it was Shady Hills Moon Lake Road which is a county maintained artero road that has 80 ft of rideway and it's adjacent to a conceptual planned Moon Lake Road Trail and um we are recommending that the um Board of County Commissioners approve this item and this comes through with a recommendation from the Planning Commission as well of approval okay um this is a public hearing so is there anyone to speak to this item we have no one signed up or online I does anyone in the audience wish to speak to it seeing no one that it goes to the board on discussion thank you chairman Den if you go back to the map please of course so Moon Lake is uh redeveloping and developing so looking at this road longterm with Road wide ride of possibly expansion the mobile home part behind it could potentially be sold into the future I don't have an issue with this use today but I'd like to Sunset the use put say 15-year time time limit on there and then that way if if you know things continue to evolve in this area that we just don't have storage sitting on a potential four lane right on the front of a four lane highway so I'd just like to put a clock on on it what now what do you mean by that you can yeah we can put 15 year where's Mr Engle I'll give him the credit for this one so we were discussing the use we were discussing the use there's different scenarios where they can be what it is for a period of time and then is sunsets and within that period of time there's significant rideway on Moon Lake it could become four lanes and then you have storage door storage sitting right on a main thare it's it's a pretty way pretty pretty Road and behind it it's all it's one owner these areen an individual hom so it could evolve into something so if we set this up for perpetuity I just I just think it could evolve to something potentially bigger and better and leave options so talking it over with staff like well it's not necessarily inappropriate to put a a 15-year time on it and then when it's up then it can be readdressed or the owner can can do what they want so I just don't want to make a make a decision in long term as the Moon Lake Area grows and and and you know improves that we don't have what we've been trying to get better at in this County sitting right there on the on the main roadway okay so it's not a vertical storage facility this is boats and RVs boats and RVs just open well that's sometimes a placeholder for something else so that the whoever owns it is getting money until it yeah I'm not saying no to the yeah I I like your approach yeah but this is you yeah Mr chair um we have done that in the past for special exception uses and there's been a number approved that way however this is a ukan resoning that you're not going to be able to just condition now the applicant could add that to their deed restriction they're already doing a deed restriction for live local but that would be up to the applicant to see if they're willing to agree to that we have standard language that does what you're talking about that we've imposed on some special exception approvals but we I would want the applicant to get up and say they're willing to add that to the deed restriction I I agree and the other thing I'm going to ask for is and maybe it's already there is that they cannot put a chain link Bob wire fence across the front of Moon Lake Moon Lake Road Mr Mariana thank you I was first intrig intrigued by it because I haven't seen that done by the sport so interesting to put the time clock on it but one thing that that I do like better is by taking it away from the RMH which we don't want to see it there anyway it does at least keep it in a different zoning which is going to be something when they get ready to develop when the needs there it's going to happen anyway long as they can't build structures and it's just regular RV so you're actually helping stimulate it by not putting a clock on it as opposed to doing something now is the owner of this property the same owner as the mobile home park behind it this Miss mcus is in the audience I don't believe that she owns a mobile home park behind it you need to come come forward when you get uh state your name and address okay um Nancy mcus 10919 Moon Lake Road Newport Richie uh ma'am could you confirm that you were sworn that you took a yes I I thank you um uh in couple of quick comments before you go any further one um the mobile home Park is not owned by us now but it was developed by the mcus um in 72 so we've been there since 1972 and our hope is that we were to do this RV boat storage um just so we had some income to hang on to what we have because we are the 200 so Acres behind this um so um and so that's what I just wanted to address we really um we've been um people have come to us and said hey we want to buy your property we really enjoy being there um and really haven't had any plans to develop and the other thing is you do plan on widening Moon Lake but that's been on the books a long time and it still hasn't happened I don't know where it is now but um you know I I can't Bank on what's going to happen in the future but I hope to stay there for a very very long time okay any questions for me well I guess I guess my question is for staff which is which is better I mean to commissioner Mariano's point we're not denying we're not we're not you know you're in a good spot but I guess the goal is to prevent vertical potentially vertical storage and have architectural design standards and you know things that make it look looked and act like a better a better use of the of the of the place so um so what you're proposing is that we just do RV storage open for 15 years and then Revisited is that correct that was with my conversation of Staff based on the evolution of Moonlight Road as we you know as time goes on in that way it's complimentary to whatever the potential whatever happens at the RV park behind it if that owner decides to sell it or what have you to to something maybe bigger and better um I just didn't it's it's a prime location you have a great spot and I hope you very successful with it I just want to make sure the decision we make today sets it up for for you know you all and the site for tremendous success for for the county as well so if you if if if you think it's your area so what on the B but I really I mean really changing from RMH to a C2 is a good thing and if she's just going to keep this when the Market's right for her to to make a change he's going to make a move until then you're not putting any pressure any guns on it just it's a simple thing it's it's a good thing to go to C2 I think okay right we'll leave it as it is um I do have a question because is that a mobile home Community or a travel park no it's a mobile home uh par uh Park Mobile Homes um I believe it's supposed to be 55 and up and uh currently they are um yeah and the one NE then just there's another one Imperial Oaks which is right next to it and you know we're act behind all that okay and um you know it's a tough because boy you sure don't want to see this on a main arterial road but you know what they're really needed there's a big shortage of RV and Boat Storage um so I'm I'm torn a bit but I do think it's good to get it to see too um but I want to Liam is there the I don't want chain link and Bob wire um and it's not I would say this I'd love to work with the county on what is the best look for it okay we want it to be good and secure and that's one reason chain link no you got to put a fence around it right oh yeah but not we would like to work with that with we do the site development we didn't go through the site development first because we wanted to make sure in fact we could do it you know chairman yeah chair not to get into it where we at with when we kind of horse traded up here to take a look at at the fences when you have storage you need something a lot more secure than a vinyl fence right so for these folks to feel safe and confident of having leaving their property here at this site they're probably going to need something the strength of chain link and they covered covered with some nice buffering or what have you so where are we at with that modification to the ordinance that way this site's successful yeah I don't know I I've seen several different ones the good quality chain link fence that's 50% opaque I personally we we think that's a good fit we've we've looked around at a variety of them Pasco County her I'm sorry my question was to to staff that wasn't pressure on you may or may not ordinance we had a requirement that across the front of a major road it had to be a decorative metal fence which is frankly the the metal fence is where the rods go straight up and down and you can't climb over those a chain link fence you can stick your foot in and climb right over I know it's for staff so but I know that um we would work with you on that that's what I want to say we're getting somewhere okay so two two things um to state so 1105 which is the section that they have to comply with specifically states that chain link fence that razor wire and similar materials chain link fences um should not be allowed there um Additionally the um it states that they have to be screened from view from all property lines that are adjacent to rideways by a 50% opaque fence or wall between 6 and 8 ft in height so it's already embedded in the code okay and then to answer the question regarding the changes that the board asked us to do which is on on Industrial properties and um to state that they're Co coded you know vinyl coded fences um that is going to the LPA on 917 I I'm sorry on 919 uh the BCC for first reading on October 8th and the BCC for adoption on October 22nd so it's coming your way very soon okay well so they'd be able to have pretty decent security that way they could get customers and yes okay okay players of the board all right move approval second got a motion in second all those in favor say I I I I okay that pass next is a regular item but we're going to go back cuz I think I missed an item and I leave an item back here so you've got 67 yes which is the the msbu go that okay 57 57 60 67 excuse page 15 page 15 Mr chairman members of the board we have proof publication of the hearing of this matter in the Tempa made times on July 28th 2024 good afternoon Commissioners Christina cordone um assistant director parks recreation and natural resources before you today is a resolution to establish the final assessment rate for the Oaks Park msbu um a little bit of backstory to this project so the property is currently Zone mf1 um and it was approved um to build 102 um units apartment units apartment units uh on March 25th 2014 the BCC approved the um an item to proceed with the acquisition of the property and to establish an msbu in June 20 on June 24th 2014 the bccc adopted ordinance 14-10 that ordinance established the boundary and the msbu for the property after that ordinance was adopted um there was a pause on the property because several legislators wanted to um apply for State funding to see if they could secure funding um so the residents didn't have to be assessed for the property and um unfortunately all those legislative asks were vetoed so that funding was not received by the state so after that happened uh in September 2021 um our department took a uh an agreement to the board to establish the inter local agreements for the tax collector the property appraiser one was already established in um in August 2022 um we presented a resolution to establish the final rate of the msbu for Oaks and um at that board meeting um we received direction to confirm the boundary and potentially explore um Surplus in the property so after that um our department worked with the facilities Department to look at poten Avenues to Surplus the property um and Facilities presented an item in September 2023 to Surplus the property um however um at that board meeting we had several residents um that spoke up and they wanted to kind of keep the original intent of the property which was open space um Park element so um here today um is us bringing this item back to the board um after we received the direction to um not Sur plus it so for today um the msbu would be um $142.8 and that would be to reimburse for the acquisition cost of the property at $3 million and some maintenance and overhead costs for the first 15 years um and then after that the um assessment rate would drop to $25 um and that would be for basically maintenance and overhead costs um in um after we we um looked at the boundary we ultimately ended up uh hiring a survey and mapping entity to confirm the boundary for us because there were some questions on the boundary so the legal description that was approved in ordinance 14-10 um that B that legal description was given to a mapping and Survey entity and so they confirmed that this was the boundary that was approved in that ordinance and so ultimately that led to the msbu boundary having 1705 units and so before you today is um bringing you back the recommendation of moving forward with the msbu I just have one question because I heard this morning in a public comment that someone stated they thought the boundary was not correct so the boundary we're being presented today is correct correct the boundary that you are presented today was confirmed by a mapping entity um they took the legal description that was approved by the ordinance and that was what determined that that shape that you see here today all right Mr Jim okay yes so as the person talked and you if you're looking at the map you see the the red area right across the yellow line this property is that what the lady was talking about today do we know one public comment Keith Wy director of parks recreation natural resources I wasn't here for public comment commissioner so I'm not I'm not certain what she was saying is like there's some properties Closer by within the half a mile that weren't included meanwhile other places on the outside were and she was outs I think she said she was outside and she was still included so as much as the ordinance may be written correctly is it the way it should be and what would be the I mean looking at it why are those interior proces like left out is it access or is it yeah we we've been we've been investigating that question for I think for quite some time so I have actually the memo back from 2014 and I'm just going to attempt to paraphrase and read from that memo because I think it gets to the to to the question commissioner um the the boundaries basically the boundaries were determined by the neighborhood park definition that was in the comprehensive plan which ultimately basically gets to trying to serve uh residents providing a service within a half mile walking distance of the property but only 50% of all of those in question and based on us reviewing this multiple times and confirming the legal description that Mrs cordone uh uh just uh discussed we feel that it meets the intent of the original you know the original boundary that was created it it does appear that that's why we get these questions all the time but based on the original intent back from 2014 the existing plats at the time when this was ordinance was created we feel that it's it's accurate so I think the term Sho as far as as the crow flies right but if we were talking walking distance that could explain the difference it it could okay okay Keith B based on what Christina said you you all have compared the ordinance legal that was adopted by this board in 2014 to the people that are in the assessment role and they match that's correct yes can't speak from the audience [Applause] um I so you can't speak from the audience sorry um okay any other question about all right this is a public public hearing so do we have people signed up for this item yes sir we do have um several uh first one on my list is Cindy Fargo Cindy Fargo 5030 gallon Drive Newport Richie Florida 34655 after over 10 years of objecting to the propriety of this msbu we welcome the fresh eyes of two new Commissioners on this issue we trust you read our objections in detail we reaffirm our contention that proceeding with this msbu and related annual special assessment is illegal unethical and fiscally irresponsible this msbu was not necessary there is no reason to have individual Property Owners on the hook to reimburse the county for paying off a developer 10 years ago from County General funds the big bad developer is out of the picture the county has owned the property since 2014 and has had the ability to recoup their General funds immediately by changing the zoning and deed restrictions to ensure reasonable compatible development and selling the property at a significant profit the value of the property has increased substantially in 10 years we recommend the parties who are demanding the property remain undeveloped purchase the property outright and Annex the property to their common areas to own control and maintain in perpetuity this msbu was established as a funding source to recoup General funds used to pay off the developer it was never about providing an essential service to the targeted Property Owners as required by statutes we contend this is an abuse of the be C's authority to establish an msbu and the special assessment is illegal taxation placing an undue tax burden on Southern Oaks Property Owners while providing the communities of Heritage Lake and Riverside village with unjust enrichment we are in essence paying for and maintaining additional common areas for their communities although the county retains ownership of the property Southern Oaks Property Owners already have 127 Acres of common area to maintain they have paid paid in excess of 1 million in HOA assessment fees over the past 10 years and maintain their common areas including approximately 30,000 this year to make necessary improvements to their storm water retention Pond system we have no need to pay for or maintain additional unimproved areas located outside of our community the continued lack of transparency regarding the establishment activation and plan commencement of special assessments over the past 10 years is scandalous the terms of this msbu have not been properly presented to targeted property owners and they never had the opportunity to vote on this issue at any stage reaching into someone's wallet without permission is a crime this msbu should be voided we notified the BBC two years ago that we fall outside the prescribed 1 half mile inclusion for this mspu and should be removed from the special assessment tax roles we're 75 miles away that's not within a half a mile anyway we uh request our two objections that were timely submitted on August 13 be read into the record thank you thank for comments next person next person signed uh and again I believe it's Jean selli move to receiveing file second got a motion second all in favor say I I motion approved five V yes ma'am good afternoon I'm Jean saell 5030 Gallatin Drive Newport Richie Florida Southern Oak subdivision my late husband and I retired to Pasco County in September 1993 the prices of new homes were reasonable property taxes were low lowcost homeowners and auto insurance were available and utility costs were affordable fast forward 31 years later I'm 93 years old we seniors are fac with huge increases in all of the mentioned costs of housing plus the soaring inflationary cost of food and other living expenses seniors living on fixed incomes have difficulty adjusting to this new reality even some younger neighbors with two- wage earners are questioning if they can afford to stay in their homes any longer many seniors are forced to take out reverse mortgage loans to cover their living expenses and now the BCC wants to add to our financial Pain by activating this msbu which does not provide any essential service to Property Owners of Southern Oaks the county is planning on adding to our taxes for Road M maintenance the block walls surrounding our subdivision are crumbling and need repair replacement in the near future this would require a substantial increase in our homeowners association fees can we count on surrounding subdivisions to pitch in on these costs I think not sell the property to a developer subject to reasonable and compatible restrictions or allow Heritage Lake and Riverside Village to purchases from the county if they choose it has been 12 years and we are getting tired of this whole botched up mess void this ill-conceived Oaks part msbu thank you next person signed up I'm a little confused I believe Charlie Chuck aol.com Ace and your last name and name and address please sir yes good afternoon my name is Charles Eldred e l d r e d thank you I live at 9824 Kingsport Avenue in Newport Richie in Heritage Lake I was involved in this project I think we go we really go back to about 2005 but when we made this agreement in 2012 and 13 it was my understanding that that we were going to get this money from the count U from the state uh from to uh Mr Mr corkran and Mr Fano but that didn't come by come to true so uh it was my understanding that probably by 2015 we were going to start paying this debt off and I'm really in favor of uh of the msbu um but at the it's been going on so long in that amount of time Heritage lake is probably 75% of the people at Lake have no idea what this was all about way back in 2005 up to 2013 and uh I I'm really not happy with the uh 6 631 thou, $650 uh interest fee on this 3,00 $3 million I really think the County's got to look at this and uh make some consideration ations because of the amount of time it's been since 2012 to 2024 of collecting this money because like I say at Heritage Lake probably 75% of the people have no idea what this was all about back when and I know it goes back to 2005 I'll answer any of your questions you have any I I I I'm not sure it was 2005 but were you part of the we are 5000 strong back in the beginning yes okay yeah all right much 5500 strong 5500 yeah we did a lot of work yeah thank you for your comments sir thanks so much next person we'll answer the interest when everyone's done William day William day 9248 Nile Drive Riverside Village Newport Richie um invasive species I think I can put the Oaks on that list because that's the name of the apartment complex uh with four story buildings encompassing that 40 acres of land I don't think a lot of people realize what we stopped in that group 5533 going on about 10 years ago not in my backyard this has been going on I don't know know what happened if it falling through the cracks we could have been 10 years into paying this or however the time period was it's a beautiful piece of land I understand all the controversy around it but uh I don't they were talking about bus routes going in there they were talking about the can imagine the hundreds of people and the amount of traffic going in and out of there there is an opening on the east side of Amazon drive that goes into that we can open that up to to mitigate some of that traffic if you'd like okay uh as far as zoning goes it's zoned for and I don't know the terms multi family building or whatever uh another idea and this is coming personal I'm not speaking for the group I'm talking personally single family the county wants to sell it off put individual homes in there not four-story apartment buildings with all that traffic and buses right in the middle of a neighborhood okay it's been going on too long it needs to come to an end you guys are know you you see you've seen a lot of us from the 5533 group up here um let's end this particular invasive speech he's talking about the other uh thing that we talked about with uh that growth thank you for your time thank you for your consideration thanks for coming today thank you James Conan no clapping please James Conan my name is James conin I live at 4704 lacrosse Court Newport Richie Florida when I heard this was a a p was supposed to become a park and a park is paid for by the whole County not just a little small development and it was supposed to be a park what happened make your you have to make your statements we don't talk back to you on a public comment excuse me just finish your statement so that is my statement it was supposed to be a park why is it the whole County paying for it okay well we'll answer that when everyone we'll answer when we get to our discussion thank you uh Fred kuchi Fred kuchi I live in Heritage Lake 9109 katwal way I've lived there for the past 28 years and in Pasco County the last 45 years I'm against the charge and why am I Against The Charge well Heritage lake has 932 units or homes it's a 55 and older community the majority are probably 70 80 and 90 years old I'm 92 myself however I think we should not be paying this extra tax I don't care how you look at it it is a tax because it comes on a tax bill Heritage lake has as I said 932 the $3 million that the county purchased here makes the charge for Heritage Lake 1,999 uh 99900 $9,000 okay we're paying almost $2 million for the property the balance goes to those in Riverside and those in Southern Oaks it's not fair a few years ago you went to the state to get some funds and you fell uh we fell flat on our face our commissioners our Representatives didn't do so well however we could try that again but the county owns this property I don't think there's anybody here that would buy or get a house and pay for it but not have an ownership and here we are 175 people paying for this property but we don't have an ownership so I'm asking that you take this off of the tax bill if you want to make a park out of it fine you own the property you can can do whatever you want with the property and just take it off and don't put that burden on Heritage Lake Southern Oaks or Riverside thank you no clapping uh next up G espa uh G Ash uh 4723 Portland Menor Drive Newport Richie I live in Heritage Lake um I spoke on this a year ago um I am one of the new guys uh in the subdivision I've only been there a year um I understand nobody wants to pay money okay I'm I'm in support of this this thing but nobody wants to pay for it uh nobody can uh thinks about uh what's going to happen to their property values uh when a 100 apartments are built on the in their backyard uh nobody thinks about what it's going to do to schools into into the traffic um I appreciate having the green trees and I appreciate I'm I'm about a block and a half away from the from the trees um I appreciate the wildlife that comes out of there um all I would ask is that um I I I know about operating costs and overheads I'm an accountant and so I I assume I haven't seen the numbers but I'm assuming these numbers are derived from allocations I don't see where you're going to be spending a lot of money on that property uh I don't see where you spent a lot of money on that property okay um so I would just encourage you to uh uh proceed and uh finally put this thing to bed thank you Mr chairman that's the last that we have signed up that are present we do have uh three um three persons online there are some people that did not sign up that wish to speak line up behind the podium come forward yes sir name name and address for the records I arrived late do I need to be SW no this is not a sworn public hearing okay fine my name is John Russell I live at 9652 Cavendish Court in Heritage Lake I've been living there about 5 years if you look at your little plan up there the Red Square yes right on the north side of it right in the middle of that that's where I live and we already talked about the zoning which I think is multifam mh5 something like that my question on that is will that zoning be changed to either a preserve or a park zone so that's question number one but for some of the other people here that one when one thing we need these protections for besides if you build know 40 multifam ones in there that's going to be 3 to 400 Vehicles A Day More in and out of there we do not want Heritage Lake going through to Amazon drive or that would put through traffic in there with all of our Walkers and bicycle people and so we want it to stay as is I also uh want to work on the invasive species but also to be able to give home to the wildlife that's there currently every morning and evening we have about 11 or 12 Deer that come right on through our yard and there are at least 10 endangered or threatened species that live in there I would like to see that 41 Acres protected for all of the future I do not personally mind paying that $142 I think that is very reasonable thank you very much thank you Marcus co uh 9304 M Drive Newport Richie Florida 34655 um 2013 I was in Afghanistan fifth tour between Iraq and Afghanistan sorry um I agree with paying this money I don't want to see four story buildings we see it everywhere drive down 54 that's all you see anymore I went to high school here I remember when it was Country Roads everybody loved it now we just approved Avalon to put the apartment buildings why are we putting more up in the same Community I have no problem paying $144 but as Avon paying it they were approved to put 65 Apartments there two years ago because I was in here with a lot of the people I see out here fighting in but the aboard saw it appropriate to put more apartments up so are they getting tax from that from the days that it starts right now like the rest of us are we being fair and impartial to everyone that stands I understand some people are older I'm younger I've got a long time left I understand I'm going to be paying on it because I bought my house to be to come back to where my family lives my dad my aunt my uncle I'm invested in this community but if we're going to be invested in the community the the board has to stand behind us how are they standing behind us I thought it was going to be 5050 what the portion of it was paid for the community was going to pay half and the board was going to be paid half that's what I was told when I bought my property would it have stop me from buying there no I love my community I love my neighbors hell half my neighbors don't even know my name but they know my dogs they know Rohan they know Riley well they knew Riley but they know them by just walking up I will tell you the amount of uh traffic that has changed coming through my neighborhood and I live on Nile it's it's not an open-ended Street people fly down there I'm at the point now I'm about to come in and ask if we can put speed bumps on my street cuz people are going too fast on it I get worried that my dog's going to get hit I yelled at one guy he backed up he wanted to fight me because I was outside talking to neighbors and we got kids out there what do you do when you put 104 more people in there how many cars is that if you have 104 units that's what two per apartment right two more Vehicles there's three exits out of that Community if you try to look them up you've got Nile you've got Heritage and then you've got to go all the way down through the bottom to get to starky there's three exits you can't do this thank you for your time and consideration thank you no clapping you're going to have to say that a little more fortunately call good afternoon I'm Marita Lasser I live at 9457 and I'll drive and I have been a resident of Pasco County for 57 years wow um I've seen Pasco County from the Sleepy Town to what it is now Urban Development is good but in the right places our neighborhood I've lived there for over 20 years has been plagued with flooding and this is a real essential part of why I have fought for the development of the msbu the msbu is important to the residents that surround that area because any building is going to require elev a of the property that's located in msbu when that happens it will flood most of the homes surrounding it because we were not required to build at a higher elevation above the flood plane I fortunately have never been flooded out but I've seen the water I have the 55t wide or the 50t wide Canal behind my house that is not maintained properly it is a drainage Canal that runs through five communities that surround that area I have seen it flood I have seen Amazon flooded to the point where in 2012 tropical storm Debbie covered the roads Amazon Drive was the worst there was we had a commuter who was trying to go through through there and his car actually went off in a 8ft deep ditch and a neighbor pulled him out of the water it's dangerous if we build in that area you're going to have to do millions of dollars of uh additional work on the utilities and I don't know how you mitigate the flood problem we have but I've been with 5533 strong since the beginning I was an officer and I've watched this whole thing and I have worked for my community so please everyone understand that this is for the quality of the neighborhood we don't need more development in that area we can't carry it we don't have the roads or the sidewalks or the utilities for it um thank you for your consideration I'm willing to pay the the money that it takes to keep our neighborhood quiet and peaceful for the kids and the people who live there miss uh Miss lassor are you did you sign in as Marty I did and I apologize I over my nickname is Marty thank you all thank you're welcome thank you no no clapping I did not sign in and I did not s you're fine ma'am name and address please for the record my name is Miriam Butler I've lived at 4347 jenese Lane in Riverview Riverside Village Estates for 24 years and when I first started appearing before you to talk about this property my hair was black it has been it has been a long time and we have presented all kinds of evidence about drainage about Wildlife about traffic um and I'm not going to go over all of those details again right now but a few months ago Marty Lasser and I were interviewed by a reporter from Bay news9 and we walked the field with that reporter and at 4:00 in the afternoon In the Heat of an afternoon a herd of six deer walked right by us across the field so there we see that all the time we enjoy this wildlife and I see Neighbors from Southern Oaks and Heritage lakes and over on patrici Drive and River Chase people use our neighborhood all the time to walk through and enjoy it and to pass by the park and some of us go past the no trespassing signs that are still up there and we enjoy the part the land itself um we some of the people have talked about no transparency but it's been real transparent from from my point of view in fact we're getting tired of coming here and talking about this agre so um we re and I can also speak I'm I'm the president of the HOA of our little neighborhood has 96 homes and I know that my people want to pay this tax we want the peace that we presently have to go as undisturbed as it can as whatever the future will allow but we want want this park we feel it it's um a benefit to us and to anybody who is within walking distance please approve it thank you all right thank you for your comments got to stop my name is Robert Rock I go by Bob 9417 Stone wallain Newport Richie Florida I'm one of the original members of the 55 5 33 group going way back when along with Marty and Bill back here and that um and uh for some reason it seems to me that and I had heard some rumors and we know that the uh the guy who apparently made out in in this whole deal was a guy by the name of Chris shurer who uh who sold the property to uh I believe uh or bought the property and then and then and sold it to the county and had some uh it's supposed to be been some payments made uh and so on so on but anyway and I heard I'd heard some rumors that some of that money had went through Went to went to the Sunset Beach and I said I can't believe that that some of that money would go to Sunset Beach and I still don't believe it to this day but nevertheless we heard I heard the rumor on that and as far as the msbu is concerned want to thank Katherine starky who bought us a year last year uh and when to P push it off till this year and and now looks like it's going to hit us hit us this year do I like it no can I live with it yes uh but I'd like to see this thing uh uh come to a close and get this thing behind us and uh and then so and thank all those who were involved with with this uh atrocity over the last few years thank you 10 years I think thanks Bob Commissioners I'm Nancy Xin 4715 Portland Manor Drive in Heritage Lake I'm tired of coming back here I really want this over with it's not fair that some people are going to have a hardship paying this but $143 frankly is the better of the evil that could be if you're building there we don't want that plat Roo is going to affect us too boy is that going to affect us please let's get this over with vote on it get it done so we could go home and I don't have to come back here anymore thank you Palmer black 9818 Kingsport Avenue in Heritage Lake um I've been there for 13 years and we originally the what we thought was going to be was a park paid for by the county um and I understand now we're going to pay for it and if it is a park anybody can go to it so why do 1700 homes have to pay for it really there's a lot of flooding in the area and I understand these people down in Riverside have that issue why not lead the set of park or use a as storm water area let the drainage be made better for everyone who lives around there because even Heritage Lake Boulevard in a really bad storm has flooded over there's been a a a lake over it so I think that's another option um can I pay $145 yes I can but there are a lot of people and I agree with Southern Oaks what do they have to do with that Park they can't can't even walk there so it I don't think it's I can't walk there I have to go all the way around to if I want to use the park so I I really think this is a county issue they should have the park they should pay for the park or use it for the betterment of drainage in the area which is necessary and I I have to say I am very concerned with all the bilding NS going on little road if that's going to change any kind of drainage which can happen look at those people down in Sarasota um I think that would be a terrible thing so I really think this should be looked at again uh for the betterment of everybody in the area thank you thank you for your comments that's the last one L that right is this the last person that's from peing that hadn't signed up last but not least okay my name is CJ Movic I live at 4905 Sandpoint and I'm in Heritage Lakes let's talk about something we all are worried about money how much money did the county save by not putting in a four-story lowincome housing facility in a landlocked piece of property that has no access to the mean roads how many people would you have put in there low income how how many people would have required public transportation how many people would have had to come through the roads that go through a 55 plus Community two other communities what would the roads have looked like how much would you have had to put into the roads to maintain those buildings all right what about the police presence that you would have been called to in that Community how how much money did you save over the last 10 years by not putting that in there now we are talking about invasive species we have got a blank piece of property that could be an incubation point for Invasion species how much money is that going to cost us as taxpayers H you're looking to every one of us in this little corner of property to pay off what the county already own forget it I mean get rid of it it's not going to do you any good you're talking about impact fees you want schools this isn't a viable piece of property that'll build on I understand that it is also sinkhole prone that's why the developer no this is going into a sorted rumor that the developer got rid of the property because he couldn't build on it he found out that he had sinkhole problems with it okay public transportation now what is the advantage to putting a park preserve in there we are all having this thing from the state we went in there to get a park but wait a minute the gentleman just recently said how many species live there in that area we can put that as a preserve we can save it for our children to see this how many of you have seen turkeys Fox Hawks owls we have I've seen it I had a coyote walk through my backyard look at me and say hey bud here I am so we need to protect those green areas you're spending what kind of money to go ahead and put preserves out here in the county for a green belt to keep the species here hey if their species go away so do we the quality of our life will be reduced and this is why and by the way okay I got two seconds your time's up okay I came here in 1974 I lived in the county for over 40 years then I moved into this facility in 15 so I'm one of the late comers to this one but I would have been on that committee right thank you very much thank you here's your last yes ma'am this is our last speaker welcome address name and address for the good afternoon my name is Kathleen King I live at 9542 Danville Court in Heritage Lake I'm a newcomer I'm only here eight years I retired here I was looking for peace and quiet and I got it I didn't even know about these 41 Acres that were behind the home that I live in I will never use this as a park I took of drive on my own just to see where it was and it's nowhere in walking distance to where I would go to this park is the msbu tax the better of the two evils of it being developed yes can my senior neighbors afford it no if this is going to be a park I agree with the previous uh commentator that said that this County should pay for the park and that's my statement thank you for listening thank you very much I think you have three online or do I have three online uh yes there are um I believe three online and then one is trying to I believe um if he cannot connect to call via phone he did connect okay so the first one we have is Mandy Jacobs okay she's on okay Miss Jacobs you can go ahead and um speak and please say your name and address for the record good job M Jacob sorry I was muted okay I apologize Mandy Jacobs 9237 Amazon drive we are actually just up the way from the area in question for development um we are newcomers to the neighborhood we've actually just moved in here this year um my concern is that if it is developed into a multif family complex what does that do to our as everybody else has stated property values maintenance costs Safety and Security um everybody has already mentioned the increase in traffic this area is for my opinion it is a safe area people are able to walk through the neighborhoods and adjoining neighborhoods fairly safely um but there is traffic and the cars do fly through here I know that there are several children who live in this area and I'm afraid that the increase in traffic would just reduce the availability for these kiddos and other people who live in this community to be safe Outdoors while they're enjoying the beautiful space um we have also seen several you know animals and other Wildlife creatures that have ventured out of that area into our front yard so you know that's great that is something that my little guy gets to see and it's it's beautiful I think that that's something that we should definitely preserve thank you thank you ma'am uh Julie Harrison Joe tadino hello my name is Joe um I live at 4908 Sandpoint Drive in Heritage Lake and uh I sent a letter to uh Miss Gina Jeff uh regarding my opposition to the mspu and I wanted to know if that letter uh has been received by the board and can be used uh to be placed a public record for this meeting I think it has yeah we got we got a couple yes that one has it has and will it be read into this uh into the record it'll be received and filed so the people who are uh listening right now will not be able to uh hear what my letter has to say to the board it we don't write read letters into the record we receive and file them if they the board has received them they've read them that's that's the process you have three minutes to make your public comment got two left that's all okay thank you thank you once once again calling Julie Harris Maria bch there you go Miss bar we not hearing [Music] you not there last call Julie Harrison Maria B there is no one else uh signed up oh well we got one joining here's somebody go ahead yes my name is Maria barch I live at 4625 Cav dish Drive in Heritage Lake I'm a newcomer to the community about six months in and I can see the land in question from my backyard I am in agreement with the majority of the Heritage Lake speakers that have spoken today it is a beautiful Wildlife Area I'm very concerned about the flooding and the infrastructure uh problems that may occur as well and I'm opposed to building on that property is that all ma' that's all all right thank you for your comments that concludes those that have okay signed up all right uh Mr White thank chair so not done this before it's kind of a mix mixed bag if y'all can hear me how raise your hand if you're in support of the mstu please be be and then in so for it uh opposition just one hand okay so we heard we heard a number of different things about you know the taxes and and the impact on your pocketbooks last last uh budget hearing this board passed a senior tax exemption of an additional up to up $50,000 if you've lived in your house for over 25 years and based on your income you could potentially receive an additional $50,000 exemption on your home and it sound like some of the folks May at least meet the time requirement and if you do please contact the Property Appraiser's office to see if you qualify and you can receive that level of savings on your taxes and that's some good work done by our board and it's gone into effect this year uh a speaker mentioned some new eyes on the board and Ste outside and discuss this opportunity with staff and I'm just going to throw it out there so we have 41 acres and we talk about the affordability of living and we're trying to figure out age restricted living product senior living and we have grants and money that need to be spent what's the thought of taking this 41 acres and doing single story duplexes for affordable housing I'm just just wait just it's just not an option that was out there we heard a Litany of things it sounds like it's a no but we were but we were but we were challenged we were I was challenged as a new board member with some new eyes and Viewpoint and that's a real problem that we have the solution to that is there's no tax the problem is there's building on there another issue is it's not high so anyway I figure I pitch it out there to the board just a general idea of fresh eyes on what we have there and we hear you so I throw that out there we have money it doesn't sound like people are in agreement but the wheels were turning and listening to folks and it's kind of a balance of Both Worlds um and I just open it up for General discussion uh but please if any call the property appraiser and see if you guys qualify for the senior tax exemption that's that's real and we did that and then the other I'll I'll leave it open for the board thank you chair um um um that was a good point about the seniors Mr carala on our new one for the road paving is there also something for in income does anyone remember didn't we do something for income there I don't believe there is no okay no ma'am well um Jos I've been at this from the very beginning sorry commissioner I will say that there is some relief on existing peases so if there are I don't know what the status of P would have been in this in this area in this area I don't remember if we did any in there but if you are currently paying a past which is the old road paving system we are taking that off of your bill and and the county is going to be taking that over um so as some of you know and I'm so glad to see some of the um original 5533 uh folks that came to this room in red shirts filled it up lined the walls it was a thing and um just for our newest Commissioners and you're not going to know this history Lisa but this was a a la a leftover piece of property within this development that Mr Shear actually inherited in his divorce um and it had um zoning zoning rights on it that were multif family as a matter of fact a whole lot of this was Zone multif family but developed a single family in the middle there so it was a very very unusual circumstance I will say um all of this area River Crossing um Southern Oaks Cattleman's Crossing and all the neighborhoods in here were developed as something known as a subd so at the time of um the development process in the state was that if you were doing um a property and Jeff you would remember what was the threshold 10 th000 homes well no it so it was based on population and so back then it was probably a thousand homes for Pasco County and if you were at 80% if you were below 80% of that thresold you could get away from the drri process and so there were a bunch of 999 that's what this was Lot homes yes that avoided the some of this property that was bought uh came from family um some of the most eastern property came from starky Rance actually and you know it was allowed so what can I say the developer did it in little pieces and he avoided what happens when you do a dri back then which was coming up with a road Network um School impacts and Parks requirements so that is why none of these neighborhoods have any parks there's no Park in Southern Oaks you have Retention Ponds cuz my kids played football in your dry Retention Ponds uh because there's there are no parks in this in no Community Parks no neighborhood parks no nothing that's that is not with in the what we consider a walking distance or a a comfortable bike ride within the community if you were building these today for every 100 homes you would have to have an acre Park and what is the current Park in peki and each one of your houses would be paying this much towards building parks in the in the county for me to give this this uh statement right now considering the comments earlier I know but go ahead it is $3,450 per dwelling unit but none of these houses built paid any park impact fee because they were all built before that time so what happened the developer came in he had the rights to build multif family on here I think it's 160 or 170 apartment apartments right in the middle of this neighborhood which was crazy and we didn't want to approve it but legally the only thing we could vote on was the site plan and it actually you couldn't vote on the site plan yeah we couldn't even we we really our hands were tied but it went 32 against and commissioner Mariana was here and he will tell you he got personally sued by one of the toughest attorneys in the State of Florida David smoker because you can't they broke the law the three those Commissioners literally broke the law and got personally sued actually okay I'll correct you on the facts from the attorney the the three of the Commissioners got a letter of an intention to sue under 1983 the federal civil rights act for basically not following advice of council and the board reversed the vote yeah so there was no there nobody got no one got sued but they were under the thread of suit it also wasn't David smoker it was Robert Lincoln yes oh that's right I thought I was smoker boy um something happened just as tough as smoker so you know I I orchestrated this deal I said to the to the developer and to the community we have to pass this we don't want to doesn't make any sense to put apartment complex in the middle here um if are you willing to sell your property to the community not to the the county but to the community because they they took a vote and they said we'd rather have a park and pay for it than apartment complexes so that is how the deal happened so it wasn't the county buying a park because they they this is not where they would put a park um this was the community saying we'd rather preserve this property for the community benefit than have apartment so the county loaned this community the money and we have been through this many times we have these people have been coming up here like every other year um pitting neighbor against neighbor um it's not it's not good it's not healthy we decided at the last big hearing it's going to be a park um and um we started the msbu and now we just need to finish it as far as insurance or tax we have not put any tax on this property correct there's no tax so that 3 million has is just still 3 million so we've been eating it they said interest and I mean interest that's I don't think we have any interest on there it comes 05 interest so oh okay 0.05 is the interest assessed and Mr Grant just uh told me a little bit ago that the standard assessment interest on well actually on other standard assessments is 7.5 or 7% so this one is 05% I don't know if I got that right but I think okay you know what I'm going to say yeah I think we need to eat the interest it it it's part of our fault that this isn't done yet so I would I I'm going to make a motion if it's if it's legal that that be taken out um that has acre for this sitting here all this time okay we Mr yeah we have not accured any interest on this to what's this oh you're talking about on the assessment moving forward so we haven't AC crewed any all right um storm water there's no storm water we looked into that there there's no storage there um that's kind of why you flood there's no ability to put Pond this property is wedland yeah um so I did the interest and so no no money went to Sunset Beach that $3 million went right to the developer because we bought that property for him and have been holding it for this community ever since y Mr Mariana CH I I appreciate both Commissioners and commissioner way you always come up with unique things to bring out but I think it was pretty clear what they were saying uh La last year I think it was last year or the year before we actually went out and actually looked to the market to see because we thought the property had gone up enough maybe you'd have enough for single family homes maybe enough for town homes and neither one was going to cover it so we kind of you know brought we're going to bring it back again this year um this board was working with the state legislature real close we thought we had a lot of power and we did to try to get that done um and we we waited I think two separate terms to try to get it done because they were convinced they were going to get it done um for those who you didn't know about it I mean this is something that was like a wide open conversation you frankly maybe you should have been notified I don't know but um we did want to make sure that we protected it so that it didn't go to somebody else that could flip it and then put something on there because the rights were there so I think we made a good move getting it and I think it was good for all other the county especially with a lot of things that have gone on um the reason we didn't assess it is uh just for that we've done this similarly in Gulf Harbors we've done it similarly in Timber Oaks which where they had flooding and they had development concerns that was going to go in uh there was one point at Timber Oaks are actually going to fill in a pond and go put development on it as part of their plan was we didn't do that Magnolia Valley we bought that we haven't assessed them in msbu either which is something hopefully will come up with a better plan but commissioner starky I think you're right and I think this is something is an exceptional situation we've had it so long we're going it we don't want to do anything with it and the way people have seeing all the development around it if we can slow down development so so be it especially right here so I think your idea of going with no interest is brilliant I was going to go the same way but I'm going to give you the brilliant call uh just to cut down the cost so with no interest on it uh to sweeten it a little bit more I think if we stretched out the term from was it was it a 15-year term what we're going to look at 15 years I mean let's go to let's go to 30 years and stretch it out so the payment is less the money's going to come back in the car offers it's going to go um and at least it makes it better and more palatable for everybody to go through it I wouldn't I wouldn't go that long um because time value money you know that 3 million can't buy us back what we could have bought with it 10 years ago um so I I wouldn't I wouldn't look to go go that far but um I I see our administrator kind of concerned do you want to speak up on this I mean you can we have to be careful what precedence we set so been 10 years um so I mean it at the end of the day it's it's the purview of the board we certainly um you know would not want to set a precedent on on these various mbus that this board has adopted over the years of just forgiving but you would want your terms to be be consistent with that I think 15 20 years those types of things are are probably okay um interest I mean 0.05 versus zero I I would argue they're probably mathematically almost the same so you know I mean I I think we could we could probably live with that and then you know move forward I don't know what the component of your maintenance costs would be because I know there are issues sometimes with vacant land and maintaining it and yeah uh currently it's the that the maintenance assessment is around $25 um as a part of the total total proposed today uh and we just did some quick uh spreadsheet math if you took down if you took it or extended it to 20 the payment with no interest is around 119 is that the number 119 per household from 142 going from 15 to 20 years I'll go with that I don't think it's makes a big difference every little bit helps he a seniors out here commissioner waitman has his hand up well waiting on y'all to finish oh Mr White thank you chair so REM what did we purchase this land for way back when 3 million 3 million yeah 3 million 3 million yes and so we're they're only going to be paying off 3 flat correct well in addition to the to the maintenance assessment that we talked about that's about $25 as well to maintain it per resident per year yes correct that's the Allin number Keith yes okay I'm I'm also reminded here as well that just for by way of comparison the timber Oaks assessment which is a storm water project it's about $112 per residence so you're 119 and we're paying off Gulf Harbor in 5 years correct yeah you had Elm money too though what you had Elm money without two though Mr Whitman and then commission mayor what was your what was your proposal on time did you give a specific number I don't think you said 30 in years I said 30 but if it went to 20 and that was more reasonable 20 helps I can go with that does it matter if we're not charging interest well it does to every every msbu that's coming it's it's a it's a precedent setting right they're all having an interest and others are paying interest so what's so you know this one typically they're 15 but Timber Oaks Again by way of comparison is the longest one and that was set to 20 as well so what's the interest rate they're paying uh I can't tell you off hand I just I know it's it's $112 Mr Grant do you remember the interest rate yeah I believe Timber Justin Grant director of public infrastructure fiscal and business administration I believe I believe it's around 1% or less I believe it's around 1% or less is what temp Rogues was aded do you know what har is playing paying I I do not Keith do you okay um proposed is 100 and and a portion of that is the payback the actual Capital acquisition and the remainder is is for the maintenance portion but what's the in is the interest that I don't have handy yeah so we need to be consistent so so to in in in the spirit of being consistent with these scenarios that we're facing if there's no interest on this one then I think we need to look at the other deals we've made and make them all uniform across the board uh because of the precedent setting nature of this um I'll leave it at that it's hard to say because they're all different like Timber Oaks they had growth ises that were coming in where they wanted to get some stuff there was a battle to that was happen there was also proof that the flooding that was going on could be minimized if we didn't do it so that was a different one and that took a lot of construction Etc the one with Gulf Harbors if you look at it you've got we paid for the land but we used El lamp money as well now this an isolated piece of property this is an isolated piece of property it was used that was a lot of vegetation out there Etc so that's why you use Elm money so you can't say they're treated the same cuz they're a little bit different and whether be 05 or whatever I think it's just a little bit of Goodwill with all they've been through all the stuff they've stepped and they were willing to go for it from the get-go we pulled back on it because the state legislators so it's not they're not the fault to go forward and I don't think we are either but it's just it's it's they're all different scenarios the others were executed right away this one hasn't been and if you look at the demographics from what you're hearing I think give them a little a little bit more slack with this unique situation I I I don't have any problem justifying it so 20 years at zero interest 20 years zero interest and just the maintenance fee and the maintenance fee sure ke can your um well this is general fund money not Parks money right so um CFO County Administrator I'm I'm sorry my my intention was diverted this is this is general fund repayment not Parks repayment where Gulf Harbors was uh El lamp repayment M um so 20 years no interest are that's that's fine yes okay I'll make that motion second all right I have a motion second just just to correct the record um commissioner waitman made a comment about your adopting of the senior homestead exemption which commissioner waitman made the comment about the senior Homestead EX extion that was adopted by ordinance correct it it goes into effect in the 2025 tax years so the trim notices that you have will have received won't show that extra um and and you need to apply for it so that that's you you need to talk to the property appraiser about that for the 25 tax year it's not not in the 24 tax year yeah okay no sir can't talk from the audience um sorry so this is in my district and um so we'll plan a time I'll plan a meeting with the different HOAs that are in the area and we'll we'll we'll have further talks about what you guys want because this is your Park so that's what we did at Gul Harbor so we have a the other comment that I'm sorry the other comment that came up though is and I think the board had already committ committed to this is will the will the zoning be changed proper I have that here and and I think that the board has always discussed changing it it's just the last year or the year before we were talking about putting it out on the market so right yeah and and I think that we you know the parks team can assist continue to assist if that's the direction of the board to pursue a landage change obviously if this if this going to be a park no one around here paying for this mstu should be worried about about it changing and being a five-story multif family unit down the road cuz we're taking that off it's going to be open spaces aart so what would it change to we would we would work with the planning team on that um okay and we'll parks in open space yeah category most likely and the county will take on that not the community doesn't have to take that on no that that would be a county initia okay well County initiate if I could take take this 41 Acres away from this is this 41 or 40 how many acres is it it's it's yeah approximately 40 acres 40 yeah I'd love to have it my backyard but I can't move it so you could Something Beautiful to have if you're near that that'd be great and just um chairman if I may so so the parks team did did communicate with the presidents of the HOAs um and we we had conversations about what they would want to see in an upcoming assessment whether it be you know the repayment of the loan and general maintenance and additional improvements and the general consensus at that time and and again we're talking to a handful of people not 1,700 homes was let's just get the assessment secured and the general maintenance locked down and to your point commissioner starky we can meet with the community in the future and use that msbu as a vehicle similar to Gulf Harbor of how if there was a desire to do some improvements I heard commissioner jger say pickle ball courts or something whatever that may be um then we can have those discussions at that time okay have a motion in a second it it could be a shade structure and a grill and some tables you know something for neighborhood cookout all right so I have a motion by commissioner starky and commissioner Mariana of believe second yes sir okay all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z so okay thank you yes thank [Applause] you this oh the scav doesn't work very good for clapping so but thank you now we have uh one more item in the P items the last item is a uh p79 p79 79 quiet please quiet please quiet please got the bay left number work what number are we on 79 p79 no no sir no sir you can't ask the question I'm sorry but that part's over we'll have someone walk out with you and answer your question there you go thank you sir sorry about that p79 we have proof publication in the Tampa Bay Times uh published June 5 2024 and July 10th 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailing and site postings Liam Divine planning and economic growth Department p79 um peg2 24- 7790 in the name of bayonet lands LLC and Bayonet Gardens it is a ukan zoning Amendment from mf1 multif family medium density District to mf3 multifam high density District the future land use classification is res 24 under the comprehensive plan and the applicant proposes to develop the property with 294 multifamily age restricted apartment dwelling units with 50% of those units set aside for those incomes at 80% Ami or lower um in conformance with the MFD multif family high density District standards the subject site is located on the Southeast corner of the intersection of Lakeshore Boulevard Dallas drive and Community Court approximately 650 ft west of 5A Road and it's located in the West Market area and urban service area here is our contextual view here is our zoomed in aerial the surrounding future landies to the north to the north is RO res 6 and res 24 to the east Is Res 6 and res 24 to the South Is Res 6 and to the West is RO and res 6 the surrounding zoning to the north is PUD and mf3 um to the east is PUD mf3 and P 2 to the South is AC and PUD and to the West is mf1 and mf2 the subject site is currently undeveloped on approximately 19.98 Acres access to the property is from Lake Shore Boulevard a county maintained local road with approximately 70 ft of RightWay and Dallas drive a privately maintained local road with approximately 70 ft of RightWay um the subject site is located approximately 660 ft west of the plan conceptual 5A Trail um and this project has a voluntarily recorded or voluntarily agreed to deed restriction as provided in your agenda packets and this is coming with recommendation for approval from Planning Commission and planning and economic growth Department I'm he if you have any questions Mr chairman yes Mr this is a project that's been trying to come on for about 20 years uh all and I tell you it's right it's really close to usest 19 really close to a shopping mall um with food Etc um really close to HCA B at Point Hospital because the trail was just built and being constructed right now was what gave it bonus points actually let it come forward nice so this is going to help a lot of seniors a lot of low income uh they can't afford this is the affordable housing that would um maybe a Senate President might like to see so I'm going to I'm going to say I I fully support what what's going on here same if you don't mind I will add that trail is um scheduled to be completed um July 27 in 2025 well they've got about 90% of it poured so it's going to be a little quicker than that that's awesome yeah I mean we could have this done in like two months they've moved on it way ahead of schedule okay this is uh public hearing is anyone here to speak to this item or anyone signed up to speak no sir we have no one signed up or online okay anyone in the audience wish to speak to this item see no one move approval wait a second sorry before we do have some housekeeping and I forgot to mention we did receive um an expar communication for commission marianao which will be prided to the clerk's office okay all right Mo approv now got a motion second and a second all those in favor say I motion pass 5 Z next item is a regular item which is number 58 or 57 R 57 David welcome where you been welcome chairman Oakley and County Commissioners um I'm David Allen I'm the utilities director and I'm just going to tee up uh the presentation we have a presentation for you on this one and uh basically what's being presented before you is a $2.2 million Grant from Florida Department of Environmental Protection to allow um eligible residents in South Central Pasco to upgrade their septic systems to an advanced treatment system in so with that I'd like to introduce uh both Garrett Van Lent he is our uh utilities policy analyst as well as his supervisors here Cisco pavz and both of them were instrumental in getting this grant together for us and so I'd like to turn it over to them thank you only there hello Commissioners my name is Garrett vanlent I'm with the uh utilities here to present on septic upgrade incentive program a little bit of background on the program a variety of legislative initi initiatives in the past couple years have established Basin management action plan areas or called Bap areas which are environmentally sensitive springshed areas so what ends up the nitrogen the phosphorus that goes into the soil in this areas ends up in Wei watchi uh Springs which is to the North in Hernando County uh lately there's been further initiatives by state to solidify the maximum amount of nitrogen and phosphorus and other chemicals that go into the ground in these are areas and this grant is a response to that this grant will help us eliminate nitrogen by encouraging homeowners to upgrade their septic systems to have nitrogen reducing enhancements um the this grant has been offered to other counties that have bmath areas in the springi a location map has the area this is the Wii watchi Bas and management action plan priority Focus area highlighted in yellow you see to the South it's 52 to the north it's the county line over East it's Highway 41 and in the west it Sun Coast Trail then transitions into Shady Hills Boulevard so this is the area in which residents can qualify for this septic upgrade incentive program to have their SE septic systems upgraded this is in District 5 like uh Mr Allen said it's a $2.2 million Grant with FD for Department Environmental Protection there is no matching or local funds that are going to be required from this grant um the fdp would reimburse Pasco County Utilities monthly for the money that comes out of our pocket for these reimbursements to the homeowners we would offer $10,000 to homeowners um to assist them in upgrading their septic tanks typically this uh project costs far more than $10,000 it could be in the T in the in the 15 area depending on their septic tank and the upgrades a variety upgrades they could choose from this is a pass through Grant the grant funds go directly to septic installers and we'll get into that in a second and Pasco County plans on subcontracting the administration of this grant to uh a a subcontractor that we'd hire a little bit of the process of this of this program the homeowner first would confirm via our website that they would qualify for the program to qualify you just need to live in that priority Focus area it doesn't matter what dwelling you have or little size of your lot this is about the septic tank so any any septic tank is eligible for the program then the homeowner would choose a septic installer of their choice a licensed septic installer or plumber the septic installer would then apply for the program they would submit initial packet of information including uh permits from Department of Health uh if if applicable um electrical permit from the building Administration they would submit their business license number and their State registration they would um include a vendor application form similar to uh what you other Counties have uh in their processes then once they apply for the program our program administrator would take a look at that approve uh application either approve it or deny it to move forward eventually the septic upgrade would be completed by the septic installer then they would apply for reimbursement from the county by a second packet information that includes proof of work done uh pictures inspections uh and a uh proof that the homeowner has paid the balance anything over $10,000 then the again the program administrator would approve or deny that second packet of information um the county would reimburse the septic installer and we would get we would request reimburse of DP on a monthly basis we have a timeline uh we're working with the purchasing department after you of course approve the the grant we would submit to fdp and then we would seek a program administrator us the purchasing Department's um processes uh we expect this to be early January uh based on our c with with a purchasing department and we would have communications plan to outreach these folks have an online presence that would cater to both homeowners who are interested and septic and SARS looking for further information that's my presentation today I'm Mo for questions if there's any any questions thank you too tired of questions yeah Mar all right Comm commissioner Mariana all right um so with all the people you're going to be going out there looking at septic systems it's prob quite a big number to me if you're going to do this one by one by one I don't think you get the bank for the buck you could for the people if you had one list out there of the people that wanted to get it done you compiled that together and then put it out for a bid for someone to go bid on all the work in one shot I got to think there'd be some savings there have you looked at that approach has considered it no we've based this model on other successful counties Hernando County for example has an incredibly successful program so we really built our program based off of what currently has worked with counties uh but we can look into that and get back with your office later on I mean what is the what does the boy think if you have if you're a contractor you can go bid on like doing a 100 jobs don't you think you can can put your resource together to go from one to the other to the other and do it more easily are they required to uh hook up no this is SE this is different from SE to sewer this a septic upgrade where the homeowner would actually get their uh septic tank to be better at treating nitrogen so that's why the area separated but however you would be correct if we can get a whole neighborhood and go in and get a contract yeah that's what I'm time I know it's not sep I'm just saying if you're going to get one guy who can bid on like 10 of these jobs in one shot or a 100 of these jobs he can put a whole team together simplify his cost and I got to I got to think I Sav money I just wanted to clarify what what your approach is commissioner are you suggesting that the county contract with the septic installer or are you suggesting that look if a neighborhood gets together and they can kind of self-promote and hire someone there's a difference because if we're managing the work you know our our administrative costs will will go up and we do take on certain risk and liability with it that I don't think we really want to do well yeah even if we can somehow coordinate for them to go through to put the bid out let's let's say you you put it out there okay here's what we're going to go do yeah have a meeting public place who wants to get it done subject to what the costs are and then once you get the numbers together you can then say okay let's go put the bid out and see who wants to wants to bid on it see where the numbers come in and those that want to sign up sign up and those that don't don't but at least they got a chance to do a group bid and I got to think it's got to save money I don't necessarily have a problem with with kind of assisting uh homeowners association with just information and allowing them to do their thing I I would I would want to talk more about if we were to manage it so I think from a communication perspective Mr Allen yeah I just just the other the other thing to consider about this particular program what makes this unique is that these are public dollars that are be going onto private property and typically with those kind of projects they would be within the the county um areas of responsibility if you will but these are are typically the responsibility of the private property owners and that's why we decided the recommendation was to have the homeowners then coordinate directly with their contractors that they choose so that they could get out they can get bids out and those types of things but I think that you know certainly one of the things that we could look at is is you know the the feasibility of doing a larger bid this to to potentially pre-qualify contractors and get a set price on that so maybe the approach could be we we announce it by the way this is fantastic great job getting this money it's it's something we talked about trying to get money so fantastic with that but may maybe just having a public meeting with everybody to show them what we've got rather than going through the letters Etc there's there's a couple of good places up there you can probably probably have a meeting uh present it to everybody show them what's going on not only invite them but invite contractors so maybe when they do well forbid maybe they get like three bids and a guy can look at it maybe that's the way to do it but but again getting a big meaning get everybody together it be uh it' be up to the private homeowner to select their person they want do that a lot of them will have their preference on a sep person and you and you thereby you may get a guy who looks I'm GNA get all this business if I keep my price low so when I give my bids out I can do that that may without us touching it you're talking about a lot of members of uh having questions and how they handled their own particular situation right this way you're educating people um so how are they going to get their customers I mean who's is the Septic company going to go door too are you going to go with mailers how are people going to learn about this because I could see if we gave territories then diff different septic companies could go you know do the marketing and sign up the people so I I see Merit in all different ways um but so I'm curious how they're going to find out about this yeah so we in we're thinking about a Communications plan uh mailers to folks and online presence for both homeowners and septic installers uh we're talking to our web development team and our Communications team about how our best to do that but we do plan a robust communication strategy for these folks and it's up to them to pick the sepan star they would like but we also want to let the sepic installers know this is happening so they may be get they may get a little aggressive to let people know um I have a question on aseptic tanks and I've talked to a number of people about this and I don't know how we do it or what the state rules are but what are the requirements for people to be sure their septic tanks aren't failing I don't not know the answer to that question ma'am but I can get back to your office with the answer to that with I can talk to do and and get back does anyone in your department know because this is this is my little problem I don't I think it's unregulated it it's the health department that is in charge of so um you can sell your house and it has a 30 or 40y old septic field that's probably not working and we don't we don't require at closing or uh a a a a check of the closing of the septic system that that's part of the inspection period of the house that the home turn it privately so they can they can choose to look at it if they want it's part of the checklist but that's done and then there can be concessions on do I need a new septic they can negotiate US during the inspection period That's A Private Matter but if um I actually had one that failed and had it replaced but well you did to decide once I came up the conclusion with a plumber that hey your set Tank's failing and it's not doing what it's supposed to it actually backs up on you so but if you didn't or it could be could it be draining stuff out that we don't want it to be draining out which is probably what's going on up here that the state's willing to pay for those the issue was it just quit I just I just think maybe the legislature someone needs to have their eye on septic systems and the failure of them and um just so everyone remembers up here we have yet to do one septic to sewer conversion in Pasco County close but we're getting some thanks to representative Jer and our staff who put a a grant in do we know about that Grant yet it's actually in this neighborhood where this park is we have not heard it's we're going to find out pretty soon we have not heard back yet officially but um I think I think the plan with that Grant is is is more of a package overall thing with with also with the um oh you're talking never mind you're talking about the F I'm think I'm thinking I'm talking about we have two we have a couple of different areas that we're really working with um State and and federal uh funding for septic toour okay well we'll know soon if if that one is going to be successful all right is this a require a a motion or who's chairman Mr Mayor H us well a move approval with this what I would like to recommend we do is let's as you said your mail is up and everything else let's go have a public meeting though so we can address it make it known to all the people let it known to all the inst installers that would do this type of work get them all in the same room together so when they're done they can figure out what they want to do to Market themselves and decide who they want to get to at least yeah if any board members would like that extra awareness could provide promote good savings yes sir without entangling the department so move approval second motion and second motion and second uh all those in favor say I I I oppose like that five pass Five O thank you gentlemen great job thank you yep we have uh gotten to Old business believe it or not I think have we is there not sure a question is is there any way I could go first cuz I have an appointment at 520 doctor's appointment is that okay okay all right awesome thank you so Le will'll go first and then waitman will come in behind her okay so I attended the Pasco County fire rescue graduation ceremony there was a total of 26 graduates 23 firefighters and three paramedics that were pinned we welcomed and are proud of these men and women for their commitment to service and our community our next um this was really an amazing um tour we visited the always always Center along with Kathy Pearson and we visited and T um it's located in Newport Richie the center marks a new Milestone of Community Health and well-being the first prevention and Recovery Community Care Center in our region they were extremely um just we were blown away and very impressed so anyway way we can support them would be awesome so they do great work there and then um oh we got to visit the animals um I'd like to thank um Matthew for giving or Michael for giving me a tour of the animal services shelter in Lando Lakes the pet services that are available and the cleanliness of the the facility all the toys I mean these these animals are as spoiled as it gets for being in a shelter they have like peanut butter in the conks and they're frozen and they get treats all day and I I really was just impressed um how how great the facility was um I really wanted to take home that dog in the picture um he was super cute and also just one last um shout out to Kathy Pearson and her team we had a family that was waiting on a disability check their hotel was going to expire the next day and Kathy and her team were able to get four more days in a hotel to where they could get their disability check and they weren't on the streets and I mean their kids were super young so I'm very thankful and grateful um for her team for that so and that's all for District 4 Madame Vice chair you're you're up sorry all right all right think we have a picture so um last week uh chair Oakley and commissioner Maran and I went to Advent Health Wesley Chapel and they're expanding a vertical expansion uh on their Hospital which is which is pretty neat a little bit of skyline about to happen here so beginning now and should be ready in late 20125 uh Advent Health Wesley Chapel will go from 169 beds to 193 uh with room for two more 24 bed units um and addition they'll in addition they'll have a couple more operating rooms and a couple oscopy Suites uh which is which is which is pretty neat so continuing to grow healthc care and expand uh services and um it's it's pretty exciting to see that the Advent in their forecasting of building their structures for for growth and capacity to to provide quality healthcare service to our citizens so pretty neat to be the groundbreaking and a fantastic crowd and um the board was there to to cheer them on and uh you know with the with the view of wire grass and the in the porters you know it's it's where it all started so good stuff happening uh for Advent Health Wesley Chapel that's all I have all right I think I have some pictures um let's see what we got here I think we have start with Patriot Lane at least that's what's on my commissioner items first um if you remember Patriot Lane in holiday was my hoarder who is still in jail for selling drugs um but that's what it looked like and this is where we are today um the bank that repossessed this did not realize that they were the ones responsible for um knocking that down demoing it they thought we were the ones so they will be demoing it getting a permit and demoing it soon but I'm so happy that that neighborhood doesn't have to deal with this but I can tell you there's one growing two blocks to the east that I have to keep my eye on commissioner Mariano I heard you have a pretty horrific one up in your I think it's your District too so um I I just want to find a way that we can be able to deal with these a lot quicker than how we have and maybe we need to have a little meeting with the health department see how quickly we can bring him in because you can imagine the rats that were running around this neighborhood and you the smell was horrendous so um next I was uh on a panel for uh the stimuli August stimuli breakfast that um was focused on Pasco County um that's me Bill Cronin was the moderator 7:30 in the morning can I say uh in in downtown Tampa um Bill Cronin was the moderator and um next next to me is uh I can't remember his name now for oh my tag is backwards next to me is John Hopkins um the guy who's in charge of the hospital that will be be being built in wesy Chapel and next to him is the new guy John who will be who was in charge of the um mfet um Spiros build out so um it it was I think it was almost sold out the room was packed and lots of lots of uh Good Vibes for Pasco County um next um US 19 this is that land that's right there in 19 just south of Darlington that I have been um fussing about and I can't tell you how many calls we've been getting into our County and how many hits the county has been taking on social media for letting this grow and grow and grow and fester but again here here's another thing it's private property we could not contact we couldn't find the owner the owner hasn't paid taxes on this property in 3 years he lives in Texas it's an LLC um he finally responded to um to something from the county and boy I'd have to have Katie to remind me and she's gone now um he had 14 days to clean it up or we were going to come in and do it ourself um and I don't remember how we were getting permission to do that but here's the thing is that now we've done this two or three times so um I'm going to be suggesting that we just foreclose on our leans because we people can't expect the county to be to be uh the ones in charge of this and so um obviously doesn't care about the property any anyway but um code doesn't have the money anymore their budget's done so it's going to have to come out of general fund or something to pay for the cleanup um but I would ask that we could just move this to for Clos on the leans you know how that works J Murphy we did make contact with the owner the owner did give us a trespass violation trespass agreement so out there with our new sheriff leison to ensure that the property STS STS clear of but who's cleaning it up say he would clean it up as well and also pay the back so if that gets sorted out in the next 14 30 days that okay you might want to tell them someone else has three years of tax deeds on on this property we did the about seven days ago we have seven days left on the act of violation okay but it it was just horrific what was going on there um so um well I was going to talk about signs um well I'll bring this up here so as we're as we're working its way through a new sign Ordinance one of the things that we do um with the tree mitigation trust fund is we have a program that helps pay for the planting of landscape in businesses so the grant goes up you know 20 thou 10,000 20 30 40 they put in is matching um and we have that ability to do that with landscaping and I'd like to suggest that we come up a way come up with a way to have a grant to help some of these people who have these non-conforming um signs on strip centers um or any sign but to help them um as they transition from the old signs because those only have a certain life and then they they start falling apart and you can see broken abandoned ones all over the place see if we can help them to um to take to become conforming and you know perhaps that lies in in David Angel's Department under economic development but I just want to plant a seed that I think that's something that we should think about um uh I attended the Citizens Academy kickoff um um big class yeah if you all uh Jack was there too if you have the opportunity make sure that it's put on your calendar as an FYI and then if you have time you can pop in um I don't how many sessions are they going to have this time there's 11 11 it used to be four so it's a big commitment from these people and uh we have one that's going through it for the second time got a lot of realtors in there Gordy Zimmerman's wife is going through and I've thought that was pretty smart so I've told some of my realtor friends it would be really smart for you to go through this class and as you're selling our County to people who move here you can you can explain it better how local government works and and what we do here um the uh let's see I attended the global competitiveness committee and uh we will be celebrating again International um business day in February so I'll be telling you more about that and we'll we'll have an event and uh last year when we had that event we auctioned off baskets and that's where we got the money to help pay for those two young professionals that went to Germany so um this is something we want to promote every year and and build up our international business Community uh Sunday night I attended the Advent Health ball I didn't understand why there's a ball on the Sunday night um started at 4:30 in the afternoon and but then uh when there I realized 7th Day Adventist Saturday's you know holy day for them yeah so their partying is on Sunday so it ended kind of early earlier than most balls would and started earlier so um what else I think that's I think that's all I have for today oh wait I had a meeting with DOT carala Nick and some others um and I just wanted to tell you just a little bit about that uh we have had multiple accidents on 54 I have a constituent who's been hit twice in front of Trinity Hospital on 54 apparently people drive out the in some somehow they're mistaken they're going wrong there the other place uh Brandford where did I say it was duck slooh in 54 we actually had a high school killed there yes yeah a lot of accidents there so I am glad that you and do are going to work to um see what's going on there and if we can make sure that um that it's not continuing to be so dangerous thank you that's me okay Mr Marano thank you Mr chairman um I want to start with Branford and your team U Mike and David as well David Allen they uh did a phenomenal job with Palm Terrace um after this before the storm they took advantage of the executive order to be able to go out there and clean out they took out hundreds of truckloads of dirt and then finished up with more to I will say just do a phenomenal job cleaning that whole place out and other other than just pitching the road a little bit maybe some sod those people are so thrilled to have after years and years of flooding over and over again when we couldn't help them now that we could help them we did I'm telling you they just thrilled uh the grey birge irar project workout perfect too so that whole area uh is really getting elevated um Mike Carbell and I talked about uh taking a look at our change of use applications uh we retail establish coming to the county especially along 19 the requirements to bring everything up to a current code is devastating it takes a long time may not be necessary so Mike's going to be looking at that possibly bringing it back to us uh I know JP is working closely on a lot of different things um Boat Trailers in yards in Hudson area give you an example we had the storm that was coming in and people got the boats out of their um canals to put them safe safely on trailers they didn't have room to go put them beside their house cuz the Lots aren't big enough before we passed the ordinance about that these homes were built set up so that it it wasn't it wasn't an issue then from the ordinance was passed many years ago now these people for example 2 days before the storm comes in they put the bow trailer in the yard they don't have a thing lined up to to move it anywhere and codes out there sighten them made no sense they a warning I'm telling they gave him citations they they did us they were doing a sweep on area because some other problems were out there and frankly I think every commissioner if they want to sweep they can have a sweep but to go spend resources on just disrupting you could you could site so many hom in this County all over the place do we really want to do that and if an area is designed for voting I think we're looking at and I know Jeff is looking at because of those reasons just stated but Jeff the sooner we get that the better [Music] so um so I basic I sent you a I sent you a memorandum in your name um we can I can forward it to all Commissioners but um if the board authorizes it this is a Land Development code Amendment it is not in the code of ordinances um and the motion would be I'd like to have the board direct planning and growth and economic growth bring back a Land Development code amendment to allow Boat Trailers meeting the following conditions and I have based on the email that one of the constituents sent it's lot is described on the Property Appraiser's property information card as sfr Waterfront boat trailer in good working order trailer shall be currently registered grass under trailer shall be kept at the same height as the remainder of the yard storage of the material or items other than the boat shall be prohibited storage of any other materials or items other than the boat shall be prohibited uh the lot is 5,000 ft or less with sidey yard setbacks of 5 ft or less making parking of a trailer impossible in the sidey yard so moved well I I I tell you what I'm going to check with my boting community and see how they feel about it because they don't little you know we have to we have to see so this would not this would just be to have staff bring something forward to you that had those conditions if that's what the board want wants to do I you know that's we can't amend the Land Development code by motion so and I think commiss star on on the water on the water five foot setbacks I don't think Gul harbest is any they're on the water they're not keeping their boat in the in the in the back they do but sometimes you're going to work on it sometimes you'll have it so okay I am a little confused I'd like to ask code here um who what's is that JP okay I'm pretty sure because this this happens to us in Gul Harbor where um not very often but sometimes people have their boats in the front and they're working on them or whatever and it's my understanding they get a warning first and it's seven days that hey you your boat's in the front yard you got seven days but they don't site them they get a warning um but if they have gotten a warning and they went back that they would get a CIT get a citation yeah but it's not immediately you have seven days but but if it's a previous violator I think codes Pro uh codes T if there's a if there's has been a warning at that property for that violation the second time around they don't have to give them another warning so so we have short-term rentals in our neighborhood and sometimes people bring their boats and um there's a house across the street from me where they'll come they bring their boat and they leave it in the front yard for the week um someone comes by gives them gives them a notice let's just say this is hypothetical um code comes by that renter is gone but the next guy's there and it's a different boat what happens okay because I know my community don't like people coming and bringing their boats and keep them in the front um that it well it's this was commissioner Mariano made a motion there was there hasn't been a second they got got his hand up they got discussion commissioner W has got his hand up though go ahead thank you chair what's oh this is another rule that code enforcement is going to have to police what's the point of passing it if we're not going to be able to police it we can't afford to Poli we we're not policing what's on the books now so we keep adding this is I know this is a different point but we had more and more for code to do and we have these rules but we don't police them what's the point in creating another rule this is an exemption to a rule that's already in place we already have that rule so we're going to go harder they're going to have to go measure the the lot so it's going to be go ahead commission Mar I'm trying to understand keep mind you said 5 fo setback and I think Lots were 5,000 sare ft one tenth of an acre so I don't think there's any Gul Harbor neighbors you got to worry about so this is something for Hudson that they have smaller Lots there smaller canals up there and then a tougher situation up there they want to see it where they can actually do what they used to do when they properties were developed years ago this will just let them do what they used to do if if I may so commissioner waitman the the general rule in the Land Development code is you can't store things in the front yard of your house except it except if you're parking in the driveway and so some of commissioner Mariano's constituents have boats on trailers but because their sidey yards are so small they can't it and the rule is you can put them in the sidey yard if it's below the front of the H behind the front of the house and this is most jurisdictions have the same the same rule um so the commissioner asked me well and there there has been some email traffic whether there was a way to carve out these smaller lots that are in Waterfront communities that's what this was about I'm not weighing into the policy I'm just presenting it I'm more for I can than I can't so take a look at it that's all I want to do take a look let's take a look at it take a look at it well I guess I second it is that the formal formal formal language I'll second to take a look at it take a second to look at it it is a motion to look at it yeah to bring it back have planning bring it back I got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I I nay I don't like ugly I'm okay I just can't vote forly um is he are you all de no I I got a few more things yeah I got a few more things I do want to say I've heard a few different comments about the fire stations we built um the one at headson looks great it's going to be coming in uh Seven Springs as well comments I've got us to look at if we can find ways to cut expenses on them we think some of the architecture that may have been required is costing extra cost to us that may not give us any better of an end product but something fancier so uh I've asked them to staff to go look at I think it's just something we should be aware of and uh something to take a look at well I just a little bit about that in fire stations uh I think the new Chief Perez was talking about the fact of instead of looking at building one fire station at certain time we would bring forward maybe two or three fire stations and have them bid M at the same time so that we can not continually go up on each price of each fire station by bidding them separately but do it kind of together is that kind of what you heard Mr K yeah I mean there's a number there's a number of things I'll let Mr Murphy kind of talk about some of the things that we've already done and then obviously procurements and other issue that that the facilities team looks at but I I think that's a good way to look at things I mean they brought back a community fire station you know that did not have regular firemen and and uh put it in service and gosh I think last year did 900 calls or something so to relieve the other fire stfe so commissioner thanks for bringing that up we have taken a uh comprehensive approach of this we've cut I think a million dollars out of the the station design uh most of our stations are now going to go from four Bas to three Bas I keep the 90 ft but not every station needs four Bas to the chairs point we're looking at areas that had two stations planned uh and instead of building to we may build uh like kind of a super station in between the two right uh as they're looking they're looking at response times um and Road access uh so we're we're looking at all those things and as I said I think I think the price we got from facilities of our car vs of the future stations is over a million dollars per station moving forward in savings that we're kind of value engineering what was previously on station 17 and Hudson and kind of going back to what we really need what happened what happened this brings us up but what happened to the station that the contractor by way where where is that station it's it's it's that's station 17 and and that should uh be complete by December I believe and I think the commissioner's point is also looking at how we design the form of the station and certain certain architectural treatments right may may provide Savings in other ways and so I think this value engineering stuff that JJ's talking about and working with the facilities team we we hear what you're saying and and understand and again I want to just have the conversation I knew the chief and JJ were working to save Millions as well but I just want to throw those things out there too so so I'm very pleased way JJ you're working the chief's working so uh with Eric as well so I just want to let you know the conversation I had so good um I was with a constituent yesterday and we talked about the PACE program MH and how uh property tax collector Fano just cut him off I think it's a good move yeah um I and the there were some real issues there sure and the lady had a very good point that I just wonder I want to bring it to you and with everybody is there a way that we can look at all these complaints where people lost houses and get buried that we can look at uh see if they've violated enough to what exactly how to say it but predatory lending practices and go take a look into that to see if there were any violations or anything we can help the people with I'm not sure that that would be in the board's realm really I mean that if it's a crime if it's predatory lending and it's a crime then that would be within the state attorneys we could certainly research the is there some sort of a cause of action there and and do we need could we refer it to somebody but I don't know that it's something that my office would be counil representing because we set the program up it's now been cancelled I think if we can find a way to coach people to what they could do then we should take a look at that so with your expertise if you can guide us a little bit maybe sure next Mee think about we can we can take a look at that and bring it back on that on the September 3rd meeting okay um one more a couple more things campaign signs um I'm glad we had to change in leadership with the code um I had signs I put myself up within the telephone poles and they started you map pages and started taking them out hours and hours of time to go with my signs I put them in place myself and I put them inside to make sure they're inside the utility poll so no one else would make a mistake line them up myself and I had like 11 of them total pilled out once one set once that's set I want to say Mike and JP a great fixing it it went on I just want to make sure we don't get in the situation again are you take a look at I didn't understand you are you saying our staff took them out yes I I heard this from different people's there were some on our property at rangeland in starky and someone took them out no could have been code I mean we've got to really control what they're doing it's it's the new sign ordinance so you know the new the new sign ordinance sign we only allow you to put one sign on any one piece of property we only had one and you but I'm you've got properties like over in D City take Clinton Avenue and 301 there's property there that there'd be five or six ISS along that that's all the same property and they didn't I mean code didn't go take them out but that's more than one sign what our sign ordinance calls for is it one sign per person no one one sign property I didn't know that went to that's a rule I mean it's ordance so we I think we should bring that back then so okay so we adjusted the sign ordinance to comply with the Supreme Court case of Reed if you may if you recall which said we couldn't distinguish between political signs because it was speech and commercial signs I think it's a dumb ruling um but that's what the US Supreme Court said and so when we brought that last Amendment back to you temporary sign you were given the ability to have a temporary sign on one temporary sign on one piece of property because you didn't want Banner signs all over the place right so that caught political signs in that saying it it it's all a temporary sign um we can we can look at a adjusting that but you're going to have to adjust it for other kinds of signs too can I can I suggest something I'd like to test the waters in the courts on that I say we go ahead and do the political signs and if someone wants to sue us we take it on CU that's crazy you know well they've been doing it so I me yeah it's everywh everybody's doing it and we're going to be S having situations we're going to be putting the signs out in the same place too that can you imagine a code enforcement person taking your sign my sign and starky sign down I can't imagine that oh did it I mean CU I get I get pictures of not because they're not doing right like our ordinance says but the fact that we're over them so in a sense it really puts us at odds which which it really shouldn't and I don't think it has because I don't think cod's actually been out there doing that oh they have they they they changed using from telephone polls for utilities to using map Pages where they look at it which is not even accurate they could be 5T off doing it literally I put them out commissioner Oakley myself with I know they were good and JP even knows one of them that was down the street that he knew was good and they yanked it so do they tell you did they tell you I I I I no well they didn't tell me I had to go find out I knew they were we've given code some pretty good written guidance on how to apply the rules so I let's let's test out let's test it out that General we probably will with you and I probably so and as you know when you're actively campaigning other things too so I will tell you the Landscaping ordinance talking to people with the way we have it set up with all these trees that are right now in place that are hit in the power lines have to be trimmed trimmed and trimmed we really need to go look at this ordinance again because I've got people that will not and you go up and down 19 talk to Rich Jenkins he went through it they will not put the stuff back back in they don't want to because they're going to block their viewers seeing their businesses and they're worried about it and if you need to I can get a few people to come in there and tell you what they're going through what they're feeling but literally the way we have it I want to make the place look good but the way it's set up right now if you block the view of a business you take away the value of that property one person was telling me we don't have many jobs here because people aren't do as much business there as it would because you can't see what's in there I'm going to disagree with you we're not doing much work there because it's ugly and who wants to drive on that road and spend any money now I've been I just got compliments last night from a couple of business people that were at the watch party of that they hadn't driven 19 in a long time and they they were somewhere in Newport Richie for some event and they said hey we haven't been on 19 let's drive south and they were really surprised at how much better it's looking and I have four new businesses moving in I have a hospital I have some coffee drive-throughs I have people spending money in the holiday area and revitalizing it so I think when something's run down decrepit looking and ugly people aren't going to want to put a business there so I disagree with you well but I'll say agents in the center medians I tell you I got so many compliments with all the trees the palm trees and everything else going there that is that made the whole place look great going up and down but I'm just telling you people that buying a piece of property they can't be seen with their business they don't know what it is who would plant trees that you can't see in our property there's a whole list of trees that you can plant like palm trees and things that you can see the property just fine so that's someone planting the wrong tree so go back to your ordinance that we put in place right we put it in place we say you got to maintain what you permitted if you change it you got to go re redo it reapply if you want to change it and make it better make the things up we we actually have a landscape in fun I think that helps some businesses do redo some of their Landscaping I'll I'll show you pictures of some of the um grants that have come in in holiday and and what they've done to improve the area and we get we're getting Thanks for for for caring uh let me throw this idea out so right now if you change it in this one business we have to spend 90 grand to redo all their trees some of them in the backyard right nobody's going to see it from the street it's in the back of the building that's next to another building that's next to a pond and we'll makeing them redo that too it's it's like just a little bit too extreme but maybe if we're going to do this instead of being an 80% maybe just make it 100% if it's along the arterials in a business I got one last thing uh Hudson Beach you heard the gentleman talk about the swing that broke right to replace it and this like if we place two of them because the other one's on schedule uh it would cost 14 just over $1,400 and they can put two brand new ones out there and if Hudson comes with a new improvements coming up that's projected they can actually take the swing out pull it away and put it back later so you don't waste the money either yeah so I make a motion we spend up to $1,500 to replace those swings absolutely what a great amenity for the community we got a motion in a second yeah all those in favor say I I I what about what about the picnic table I'm working on those I'll find out I bring that up Reserve thank you that's all I have that's it um will I have a question on that on that Hudson is is there a plan to Spruce that up and make it nicer looking at the resir committee meeting Thursday we're going be tomorrow we'll be bringing it out those are really cool pictures but if you see it in the big screen it's even better okay cabal I'll save the accolades for next meeting but I just want to let you know I did just extend the local state of emergency for Hurricane Debbie to August 29th we still have some late and flooding issues out east and up in Hudson that we're still addressing and want to make sure we capture that that's all you know and I'm going to add to that before I go to Jeff but uh the fact of it is Debbie is still affecting some of East Pasco County really yeah around zepher Hills and all I mean we got issues with flooding and and people have uh either block ditches or places that we could move water to I mean they've changed I mean they come in so I'm not getting water on me anymore so they'll build something that fill up the ditch that used to bring the water on through and now it's not allowed to come through so it's backing up on people you know on the west side of it so but there's still issues with Debbie and people talk like well Debbie was nothing but it's there's flood issues still happening around East Pasco County so how many houses in in Hudson got water in the house I never heard a number I'd have to talk with Emergency Management I don't have the exact stats and figures in front of me here but we'll get you a report yeah what wasn't the um also the uh a lot of people don't realize Jack and I know but uh we were sitting with about 2.1 billion gallons in the reservoir and because of Debbie we have built that back up I think it's 8.7 billion with putting in it um 200 million gallons a day pumped into the reservoir which that's mindboggling when you think about two 200 million going in every five days we put a billion gallons in that Reservoir yeah so it's pretty amazing we and we still have some showers around lately so that's that water's still coming so but Jeff you have something I took enough time your your time this morning I'll I'll pass all right uh no sir thank you okay um you got some pictures over there for me I went and spoke at the uh graduation for for the uh firefighters and I gave them a story and and I know the two of you of great know a lot of people that that story was the fact that we had a an emergency with a guy that was out m in his yard and he had a heart attack so our our team fire team went out and EMS went out and took care of him got him to stable and then moved him on the hospital but after they got all that settled those firefighters came back I mean that was a great story back when it happened it must I think it was somewhere three to 5 years ago yes three four years ago um but that was a great St and I told that t that new graduating class that they were fixing to enter an elite group of people that are the best of the best and they should be very proud of of graduating and being a part of that group so and we keep adding we don't have any more classes graduating right now but start of the new year we'll have glasses started back to keep we've added um I think 51 one new positions we've added in the last with the last two classes so very very good that we've added those and then um Advent Health oh yeah Advent Health uh they were adding to the north uh Wing they're adding three more stories and to the South Wing they're adding two more stories of building which they were prepared when they originally built the building they could add these uh different stories on top of it they're gting I think 72 new beds and here's what's amazing I mean there there's a real need out there because they had 18 people in emergency area waiting on rooms wow and just think of all the hospitals we put in and I mean what's really amazing and you and saying that and I've always sent this every time it seemed like I talk at Advent health I'm telling them that all these other hospitals coming in it it makes them and pushes them with the uh fact that the they're working to be the very best every hospital that comes in wants to be the very best well the fact of it is for the citizens of Pasco County that's great for us because that gives us the ability to have the very best care here in Pasco County because all the different hospitals are striving to be the very best and I've say this several to times but Eric was was part of the he was the MC that started all this with the this program he had to come back up and say oh commissioner you made me say this but we have three hospitals that are three star and I think one's a fourstar but they're already they're leading in their their fields so it's it's a good thing all these different units have come in and different different groups I mean Friday we get some more um uh a new dentist office coming over here and a health health department clinic so coming to I believe it's around Hudson area if I'm not mistaken but I'm supposed to be there to speak on Friday so but those are all real good things oh and we met U when we're at Advent we met the uh Wilbur the chief barking officer they have there he pretty neat um what was it I thought I had something else um okay oh yep I talked about Debbie issues we had with Debbie so and I I continue picking on bramford because he wants to do his first road of the new year I think he wants to do in starky's area instead of mine I don't know why that is why he's picking on me so but I let him know that I'm noticing these kind of things so next I don't know he'll be building roads over here in Jack's District so but the fact of it is it's a great program um what are you doing the new Paving you're doing some okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah boy I I drove on she didn't know what she's getting over there don't tell her bre maybe I can go and sneak it back over my way I I I at lunchtime I went to Pepin and Orchid lake is just falling apart I don't see been in there BR bad but I can't say enough about all our staff no matter what the department is um there's a lot of positive things happening in this County and I mean it's taking I've been here I'm in my eighth year and it's taken to about now to a lot of these issues of being addess that I started working on back when I first started I'm slow I guess so took me 12 year 12 years to get a bathroom at Sun Coast and it took me five years it took me five years to get wi Road PID took five years to get wi Road pave now they tell me they going to get me some other roads pretty soon so sounds like Mike's getting a lot done oh oh and what is real positive is the fact that and thank you fdot putting a light at Wire Road for me and they told me it was in engineering and the light was coming within about 2 hours of me asking for it pretty good so but it's all about safety the fact of it is this particular intersection on the east side at w Road and and 301 this year there's been four deaths there so that's not going to stop we have older residents that live there and come out on that road and it's just a dangerous intersection yeah but talking about time it's not a crosssection it's just one road coming out to that so yeah talking about time to get things fixed I mean all the storm water projects taking years and years and I tell you we've done such a great job on so many of them yeah and only because we took over the F2 planet planet prom Terrace it took us a total of nine days of work to fix the whole thing actual work get the government out of the way call the ersery order and Branford and the team some we used to days wait some areas we used to wait in the water and came over and waited we first got elected oh it's pretty amazing we don't necessarily hear those issues like we used to yeah because we actually all we were all working together on I I have a question for Branford um so you've decided on a roundabout for dubus and starky so does that so the light that's there I know there's a shortage do you take the street light out and put it to use somewhere else um usually if you well yeah we have it takes a long time to get a street light the uh it actually takes a long time to get masted arms so yeah yeah yeah that's but you you'll be repurposing those lights um did you take a look at starky Boulevard's what I asked you to look at when you're driving home yeah I did we can we can talk about it it's odd it is I feel feel we're going to have racing going on again in another place which is already happening at the merge um in front of the market only if there's a slow driver ahead of you I had a motorcycle pass me on the dotted yellow line flying where he wasn't shouldn't have been passing so it's happening out there I didn't know that we're done right um no not yet but now we are [Music] [Music] --------- ##VIDEO ID:7L2KRRb18Kc## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning at this time I'd like to um come back to order with the uh Private Client meeting special meeting special meeting at 9:00 to finish that would um County attorney please read the uh on on behalf of the chairman the the the private attorney client meetings to discuss litigation strategy in the cases of Embassy Center LLC versus Pasco County Florida case number 51-22 4-ca d851 DCA ax WS Florida 6th judicial circuit and Coastline both covers Nature's Coast LL see Jeremy gamble individually and Rebecca gamble individually versus Pasco County Florida number five case number 51202 1- ca-2 028 92- caax WS Florida 6th judicial circuit have concluded um as the board is aware um you cannot take action at a litigation assessment meeting on the embassy Center LLC case we would like a motion to authorize the county attorney's office to counter offer up to $100,000 payable only if the non-conforming sign is removed or made conforming within one year with sign permits issued to the tenants in the interim as discussed in the litigation assessment meeting so i' entertain a motion um qu question question is that in agreement with the way we wanted to pay that money what you just said yes you're authorizing us to negotiate those details with then I will make that motion okay I got a motion I'll second I'll a second is this set to be roll call or no it just okay all those in favor of the motion say I I all oppos like sign n so I've got uh four eyes and one nay so the motion passed four to one and in the in the case of Coastline boat covers Nature's Coast uh we believe we have adequate direction from the board in the litigation assessment meeting by consensus to move forward with uh a proposal on that case Okay so there's no motion needed for that no motion is needed and you can move into your 10: a.m. agenda all right so at this time I'd like to welcome every everybody to our would normally be our 10:00 meeting but I hope everybody enjoys the mood lighting that we have today it's a new trial system just before you open up to 10:00 we'll just need to switch over in the system thank you you want to switch that over and let me know when you're ready thank we good not yet got to pay the [Music] bill no no pressure I said no pressure all right thank you Mr chair all right uh good morning morning would like to call to order the Pasco uh Pasco County Board County Commission meeting of normally at 10:00 and I don't know what time we have 10:4 10:14 and uh of August 21st 2024 at this time please silence all electronic devices would you please stand with me for the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you madam clerk would you please call the RO District Two commissioner waitman here District three commissioner starky here District Four commissioner joer here District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I here um with that we have a quorum present all five members of the County Commission are present here today um so now is the time for public comment citizens are given an opportunity to comment on any current or future agenda items coming before the board and other business under our perview uh today's public comment will be as follows first we will take public comment for those in person uh and are here uh then we will take public comment from those who have pre-registered for a web uh webx link and are currently on Q we request that when you address the board comments are directed not personally uh against a commissioner or a team member but rather uh directed at the issues the this provides uh mutual respect for our board members and the public after starting your stating your name and address for the clerk a three minute timer will be activated after 2 minutes a single beep will go off leaving you one minute left to finish your comments um at the end of that two beeps will go off and you should uh wind up your comments to the board um are there any folks signed up for public comment this morning um Mr chair yes we have um individuals signed up and I do have three individuals that are on WebEx so I'll go ahead and call the first three who signed up I have have Michael tantalo uh Tom Wilbert and uh Jerry pekow sorry if I pronounced those those names name and address for the record yes it's Michael Tanto address is 100044 Lake View Drive Newport Richie 34654 uh I would like uh to hand these pictures receive file second got a motion of second to receive and file all those say I I I motion pass [Music] 5 should I I wait for you to receive the P pictures my wife and I are a 28e uh residents of Pascal County and we retired 12 years ago uh we enjoy going to Hudson Beach almost every day to to read and uh there's a swing seat that faces the water which we could read and look at at the Dolphins the Swing Swing seat broke uh I asked the uh about it being replaced uh and uh I was told that uh it was not in in the budget uh um also uh there picnic tables in each of the pavans and the two years ago uh each of the Pavilion are are missing two tables at least two tables out of each of the Pavilion and I was told two years ago that they were in for repair but they still haven't been fixed or or replaced and uh I feel uh that uh Hudson Beach uh is a beautiful beach but uh as you can see at at the pictures if it's going to not be maintained and it's going to end up looking like an an abandoned uh Park uh that it's terrible uh uh for the county to uh allow this neglect uh to the county park thank you all right thank you for your comments sir we don't answer back on public comments we will have someone look into it yes I'll have an agenda item for it later M barison will talk to you yes good morning my name is Tom Wyber pull that mic down pull the mic just pull it down good morning my name is Tom Wyber I reside at 2316 San Bay Drive and holiday um I'm here this morning on behalf of the West Pasco board of realtors the Realtors would like to express our opposition to hiking or raising impact fees at this time the um if the builders could go ahead and guarantee that impact fees would not hurt the county and would not take away money over the next few years well if they could guarantee that they would give us the money back that would be great um so you know reimburse the county for losses and most importantly not pass the buck on to potential buyers and in and possibility raising cdds or you know charging them CDD fees real estate development is one of the main drivers of our economy um and yes we realize that different departments and services uh rely on the impact fees to support their activities but based on the current real estate environment High interest rates the higher Insurance costs those are not under control we don't know if they will be under control and even higher taxes on new construction that in many cases the buyers they don't even some buyers don't even realize that after they purchase the property those taxes are going to go up on them they're not being they're not being informed so raising the impact fees does nothing but drive up the cost of the housing in our community Realtors strive to protect the value of the home of home ownership and the great joy of a family owning a home and building generational wealth I found out about the issue a couple days ago we do oppose it if there is something we could do where it's not such a a hit right up front maybe it spread over time period that would be great but at the same time we just oppose um raising the impact fees so I just want to say thank you so much congratulations on the Commissioners that had nice victories last night and have a great day thank you so much for what you do thank you for your comments next person he's coming oh he's coming yes sir I'm Jerry he at 7500 Lily Pad Court and Hudson congratulations are in order um I'm sure that you're aware that the the governor the leader of the Republican party in our state is leading a strong opposition to Amendment four he was in Tampa and at length uh exposed this deceptive extreme proposal to amend our Constitution and um this is an amendment that has been financed by Planned Parenthood ACL you um George Soros and out of state funding that it's going to radically change the atmosphere of our state it will leave unborn without protections it will overturn such a sacred thing as parental rights in this surgic surgical procedure and it lays a dangerous precedence for other surgical procedures as well then but it will also cost the state significantly in terms of litigation cost uh right now another state is pressing uh there's litigation to have Medicare funded abortions and this would lead the way for that and uh there's there's a multitude of reasons I'll leave others to to give some of those details but what we're asking what I'm asking is for you to join the governor and others who recognize this is not only a poorly crafted uh costly deceptive Amendment but it's an affront of the culture of life and it's an affront to the recognition that we're created in the image of God it's a an affront to the idea that life is sacred and when this kind of thing passes all our lives are diminished all our lives become endangered and so we're asking you to uh just encourage Pasco to be a life affirming place to to live but also to be a leader in uh encouraging that life that culture of life here in the State of Florida by joining the governor by joining uh CER County by joining Hill Crest County and the and unanimously adopting a resolution opposing Amendment four I do have some uh some copies including the Coler County uh Amendment which might help you in framing uh your uh I'm sorry resolution so you change should you choose to do so you want to hand those in yes uh move to receive and file second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 thank you for your comments sir okay anyone else in the room wish to speak then maybe have more signed up oh you got more signed up okay I thought you only had three no sir okay um Valerie LEF France followed by Leonard Lord followed by Peter castellani good just name should I'm Valerie L France 9731 Sandstone Lane Port Richie Florida 34668 good morning at your July 9th board meeting a resolution recognizing the partnership between The Runaways animal rescue and Pasco County Animal Service Services was presented protecting the lives of these animals is commendable we represent the lives of The Unborn children in the womb we are the voice for the voiceless according to the agency of healthc care administration this year alone from January 1st to July 1st 36,2 21 babies were aborted in Florida we are asking you Commissioners to adopt a resolution opposing extreme pro-abortion Amendment four which will be on the November ballot I hope you had a chance to review the resolution that was sent to you the Florida's heartbeat protection act has protections for the W the woman and the child including a 24-hour waiting period and sonogram requirement parental consent for minor seeking an abortion clinical safety regulations and abortions performed in person by a medical Direct by a medical doctor or an osteopathic physician in part Amendment four says that no law shall prohibit penalize delay or restrict abortion if Amendment four passes the heartbeat act would be repealed these protections would be removed I'm wearing a replica of an unborn baby 10 week old feet this pen represents a 10we old unborn baby I have have I'm holding a model of a true replica of a 10-week old baby in the womb an unborn baby Commissioners lies are at stake and the time is at hand I and we humbly ask you to adopt this resolution opposing extreme poor abor poor abortion Amendment four within the next 30 days and please keep Life Alive thank you very much thank you Leonard Lord Peter castellani followed by Victoria Bailey yes sir Leonard Lord 9525 Sunbeam Drive Newport Richie Florida I was up about two this morning and you know just wrestling through what I share with you encourage Pasco County to to stand for life and I went over the legalities and then I was kind of tired and I thought well maybe I can rest a little while and when I laid down I had a dream and that dream came from what I'd read each day uh I read what the Lord said to the Kings over in the Old Testament to read his law every day unless they pervert judgment so I try to read it every day and I had read about about uh how Israel had went into uh fornication and immorality with the moabites and how there was a plague and it was stopped by fahas standing up and stopping them from committing it and how it was righteous for him and then it went on to talk about the shedding of innocent blood how their children had been sacrificed to false gods and when I saw innocent blood to think don't let innocent blood be on the hands of us here in Pasco and then it went back to what happened when is a child there if you read the account of the birth of Jesus Mary when the angel spoke to her about our Lord being born he said your cousin Elizabeth is 6 months with a child when Mary went in and spoke to Elizabeth it said John the Baptist that baby leaped in her womb at six months old and then Elizabeth by the word of the Lord says when the mother of my Lord spoke this baby leaped in my womb what is that saying that's saying the Lord is recognizing and elizabth was that Jesus Christ was our Lord the moment he was conceived and John the Baptist his cousin was leaping so life is there and so we have to stand up that they have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness so don't let Pasco County have innocent blood on their hands lest say no to this and say Pasco County is standing up for life thank you very much and God bless you thank you good morning good morning I'm P castellani I live at 20804 Orchard Town Drive in Land of Lakes Florida mostly you know me personally uh I am the founder of Oasis Pregnancy Care Centers where we have helped over 8,000 families in our community right here free of charge and these families are families that need help on our desperate situations but the answer is not to terminate their pregnancy their answer is to get help and we provide help across this County and many of you I know have supported our agency and I thank you for that so today as people before me have asked I am asking you personally as we are all created in God's image to pass the resolution ution to go against the heinous Amendment 4 that would wipe out everything that we have done as a state as a community as people in the last 10 years so I'm pleading with you as God's people to not let that happen I know where a lot of you stand and I thank you for your stance um so I'm going to be short others before me have spelled it out so please don't make my job any harder we are still here we're going to still continue to fight for life so please pass that resolution thank you very much and God bless thank you Victoria uh Bailey um Kila Nunes and Pastor Troy Peterson we'll be next good morning Victoria Bailey 1512 can berly Court Trinity 34655 okay good morning um it's an honor to be here this morning I'm a Pasco resident of three months and I'm very excited about it I only moved from penela County but I kept coming to Pasco and I just fell in love with the community and the people so it's an honor to be here this morning my first time as a new Resident I am here to speak up for Amendment four um I'm a stepmother I have uh two daughters and I have uh four grandchildren and I'm very excited I just became a great grandmother and my granddaughter is um she's 23 and when I asked her um I said so tell me Natasha you are going to have this baby aren't you and she said Grand V how could you possibly ask me that question and I said well I gu miss those few years of taking you to Bible study paid off and so I'm very proud uh to stand here and ask you and um thank you for your service um I'm here because of this community and the people and it's because of the leaders that make the right choices so I'm here to ask you to sign that resolution um I'm very very excited to be a member and I thank you for your time and your service and please pass the resolution that we vote no on Amendment for thank you very much thank you Kila Nunes Pastor Troy Peterson followed by Pastor Jen um CAC sorry okay good morning I'm Kayla Nunes I live at 9067 Sunshine Boulevard Newport Rie and I'm here also at asking you guys to please oppose amendment number four the only one who has the right to take a life is The Giver of all life the creator of all life and um I believe that he has entrusted you guys with the opportunity to stand up for what is right and what is lawful under the true and original Law which is God's law and as a mother also God has tasked us or as parents that we are responsible for the children he has gifted us with so taking a parent's right to not be involved in such an important decision as ending a life um that is alive just as it's been already um declared here is something that a parent should definitely be involved in because our children need our guidance in something that important and so again that amendment is uh very um inconclusive is not the right word but the right word doesn't come to me right now so it's it's not clear enough that um it leaves too much to interpretation it causes too many things that um may go wrong in a situation like that and so we have the responsibilities as parents as lawmakers as God's children to choose life so please oppose Amendment form thank you thank you thank you Pastor Troy Peterson pastor Jen KAC and Reverend Mary and km welcome good morning uh chair Commissioners and staff congratulations Lisa and commissioner Mariano for your Victory last [Music] night you know it was months back uh Anthony Verdugo Christian family Coalition has asked me to lead this you know getting our commissioners to sign a resolution I thought man I don't I don't know if I can I can do that and uh so I called Valerie and she's been the one working on this amendment for stuff and she's done a great job um you know we met with Liberty Council and commissioner Mariano thank you for uh meeting with us about the other thing praying in jesus' name and and the resolution and everything like that uh the re resolution is pretty simple it's all written out right here if you like copy I can give that to you second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z thank you is I was praying this morning I'm like what what am I supposed to say you know when God always gives me scriptures praise the Lord because I'm not really the sharpest tool in shed but if I take a look at God's word I understand it won't return void and the lord gave me this scripture out of Ezekiel uh chapter 33 again the word of the Lord came to me saying son of man speak to the children of thy people if when he seeth the sword come upon the land and he blow the trumpet and warn the people see that's what we're here today to do is is to warn see the enemy he he comes to kill to steal and to destroy but Jesus Christ has come that we have life and life more Abundant Life Starts at conception as Pastor Leonard shared about John the Baptist leaping in his mommy's womb when he knew the Christ had been born in verse 7 it says so so loud son of man I have set thee a Watchman unto the house of Israel therefore Thou shalt hear the word of the Lord out of thy mouth and they shall War them warn them and so it's a calm word that turns away wrath right I'm not threatening but I do know that if I don't let you all know about this then blood will be on my hands and I believe wholeheartedly that you all want Pasco County to be a premier County and so one of the ways we can do that is we can follow the leadership of colard County and Gilcrest County and Trenton city council and we can sign that resolution and stand with our governor to vote no on Amendment four thank you for your time thank you Pastor Jen carac and then Mary uh Reverend Mary an SM good morning Pastor John Kwak 15925 green Glenn Lane Spring Hill Florida 34610 um to begin with I want to say that and I want to let everyone in this leadership group because it's not just y'all it's people here to the left to the right I want you to know that at Shady Hills Mission Chapel we pray for each and every one of you each and every week we pray for our local government our state government our national government and our world government leaders because I know personally that that is very important I also want to thank each of you but most importantly commissioner Mariano uh assisted with advocating for a job fair um to take place at Shady Hills Mission Chapel and uh has connected us with Mr angle and other folks so we do give thanks to you for that because we know that in right now the the the environment that we're in there is a significant need for people to have jobs um so I do thank you for that um I also know that through our efforts and I have learned that you do not start with the federal government I have learned that you don't even start with the state government but you start with the local government leaders and so I'm standing here today as you each are my local government representation I I appeal to you as well with my colleagues that you would absolutely consider uh what has been how Amendment 4 has been written and that you absolutely consider the resolution um that they have presented you with um I'm also asking and advocating that the Commissioners um consider having one meeting per month Board of County Commissioners meeting one per month after 5:00 p.m. to assist in getting the involvement of the entire Pasco County um constituents that you serve I would be grateful for you um considering that I wear my purple in uh in respect and to honor overdose prevention month with many of my other colleagues we give thanks to you for that recognition for your support and your continued support of recognizing the DraStic need for um this abatement program and supporting those organizations that have the ability to assist those that are struggling with substance use disorder um um also the first thing that I said to each of you on the first day that I came before you very nervously I I said to you as God had provided it to me you will harvest what you plant and so I want to remind you that the seeds planted in this room and the Dade uh City uh room that you are planting seeds in Pasco County so I'm asking you to take that with God thank thank you for comments Reverend Mary and kuso I'm sorry if I pronounced your last name incorrectly you did a great job on my last name that's good morning I Reverend Mary K 18118 Porsche play Spring Hill Florida 34610 I have no idea what I was going to talk about till I came up here but when I turned around and I looked at the agenda and I actually totaled all the money that's going in for drug rehab in continuation I thank everybody that's out here because we work really hard together the problem of this agenda there is only one place for children there is nothing else but one place on here for children the children that that I'm dealing with right now out in Shady Hills Road they don't go to school they're getting high there is nothing it's not just Shady Hills it's everywhere there is nothing for children if we can all come together as one CU we all have the same idea I've been 34 years sober my career was 11 to 25 years old cuz I was one of those children I am 60 years old and the sadness behind all of it is nothing has changed we're using the same programs we're using the same ideas we're nothing but Band-Aids we have to think out of the box and there's a lot of people out here that think out of the box we have to think out of that box we have to think that they use their phones it cannot be the same CU it's not going to work there is only one one uninsured place for my peeps homeless I'm in Shady Hills we're getting 19 I have sat out in that parking lot for 5 and a half hours they work hard it is hard work it hurts our brain when we go home because we're taking on all all of them all their souls everything that they're talking about we need to come together we need to come together there is so much money in this $3 billion do and each program does the same thing we need to look at that thank you very much and God bless thank you Mr chair that's all that I have who signed up anyone in audience that did not sign up uh wish to speak at this time seeing no one we'll uh go the WebEx okay I have uh the first individual on WebEx I have ches uh diglio hold on just a second you'll be elevated morning uh my name is CH [Music] digo am I being heard yes sir we can hear you go ahead and State name and address for the record and then you may begin thank you my name is chis diglio the address of the property is one one no 1251 I'm not even sure oh 15215 US Highway 19 it's a commercial strip center small strip center and what else do you need from me oh that um that's fine your name address and then you can begin your comments great thank you well thank you Commissioners for giving me the opportunity to speak I've been dealing with the Pasco County building department for almost two years I had a tenant enter this property first I'm a disabled veteran I have Parkinson's disease I rarely rarely get to um the location but anyway about two years ago I had a tenant move into the property he opened up the ball between two units uh the building inspector caught him and fish fine and told him that he needed to get a permit instead of getting the permit he just left the building and left me holding the bag so to speak so I've been trying to get a permit to put back what he destroyed and I haven't been able to get this about two we three weeks ago my daughter who's an attorney sent a notice to the head of the building department and within two days we had a conference call with him and several other people that were on the line at that point they told us exactly what we needed to do to get this permit we've done it and so now I get a we send over the plans to the building department as they instructed us I get a call two days later saying well we need three copies not two there's one delay after the other in the meantime I spent $250 to have them carried over there there because I've been getting fin $150 a day about until just recently because I put the building up for sale it's been nothing but a headache for me I've lost so much money on this building that I'm just grateful to get it sold even at a loss so that I don't have to deal with these problems anymore it's been a huge problem for me on August 15th I sent the uh Commissioners all of you a letter explaining my position uh I don't know if you got it but I'm going to read it because it's brief my name is CH diglio I'm a 76y old 100% disabled Vietnam veteran I have dementia and Parkinson disease I own a property at 15215 US Highway in Hutson Florida I live about two hours from the property I have an outstanding building violation which stems from a tenant who signed a lease and did work on the interior without a permit which was done without my knowledge or consent when the building inspector caught the tenant he was given a stop work order rather than getting a building permit the tenant abandoned the property and left me with the problem which I wasn't aware of for several weeks after my problem for which I'm asking help with is that I've tried for almost two years to obtain a building permit to comply with the stop work order I just became aware that I have been accumulating a fine each day my dilemma is that I can't fix the problem without without a permit and although I rep repeatedly try to get a permit I'm still being fed daily I had a conf okay okay uh next um individual on WebEx is Christopher um Lee freed sorry if I mispronounced it you're being elevated just hold on one moment hold on just a moment okay all right it looks like he left um our WebEx link the next individual is Lynn Anderson hold just a moment while you are elevated okay Miss Anderson you can proceed uh we cannot hear you if you want to un unmute your end and then state your name and address for the record go ahead and unmute I'm unmuted now can you hear me yes you can okay good I'm Lynn Anderson with my husband Vince we live at 940 Warwick Lane in Heritage Lake in Newport Richie Florida and I did email my objection to you on August 5th so you should have that in front of you uh we are OB objecting to The Oaks Park msbu assessment we made this same objection in August of 2022 and and at that time you tabled it until more research could be conducted but you did not change the boundary map and that is our objection the Oaks Park boundary map was unfairly drawn 10 years ago in 2014 by the gis department now I was advised by Christina cordin natural resources superintendent that those within a half a mile from the closest point as the crow flies would not be in the ass mment but I calculated it using the Google Maps distancing feature and you'll see that in the email I sent you we are clearly outside of the half a mile requirement as is the rest of my fellow residents at the Cambridge Commons Village inside of Heritage Lake we also noticed that the uh boundary map does not include Villa del Rio they're not listed at all in the map yet they are only one4 mile from The Oaks Park so we object that the gis Department drew a map which includes the entire Heritage Lake complex even though there are those of us outside of it and there are other closer complexes not included two years ago we requested you to redraw the boundary map and you did nothing and we are back at the state again two years later at the very least vill Del Rio should be included in the same assessment which which would of course have the effect of lowering the annual amount for everyone in fact I even talked to Keith Wy back in August of 22 and he agreed that we were outside of the half mile requirement and should not be included so at this point we hereby request to be removed from the assessment on the grounds we are not within the half mile requirement and we also request that other complexes who are much closer be added to the msbu boundary map thank you thank you and I just want to check one more time um is Christopher on the WebEx okay no he is not so um Mr chair that concludes all right that concludes uh public comments so we'll close that section and we'll move on to resolutions and let's go to rs1 all right if you are here for Guardian Fleet Services um their partnership with Paso County Fire Rescue please step to the podium I believe we have quite a few members here today but but you heard a little bell and some of them had to leave yes I will go ahead and read the resolution resolution number 24168 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida recognizing Guardian guardian Fleet Services Inc for their partnership with Pasco County Fire resue whereas the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners ERS is committed to ensuring the Safety and Security of all those living and visiting Pasco County and whereas Pasco County fire rescue pcfr greatly appreciates the support and Partnership of local establishments to assist in the mission of continually advancing the public safety capabilities to serve the community and rasg guardian Fleet Services Inc is a Florida based Towing recovery and specialized and specialized Transportation provider with over 30 terminals throughout Florida Georgia Kentucky and Texas and as guardian Fleet Services Inc routinely provides readily available resources that allow the pcfr Special Special Operations Division to generate real life scenarios that provide authentic specialized training in diverse disciplines otherwise unattainable without the emergency response and whereas pcfr Special Operations Personnel are continually advancing their knowledge and expertise in areas that have and will continue to save lives in the community because of their partnership with Guardian Fleet Services Inc andrz the Pasco County fire rescue Department wishes to recognize and express sincere gratitude for those who coordinate these efforts in the shared mission to protect and serve the community andwest Pasco County recognizes light duty manager Kevin Moore of crocketts Towing heavy duty manager Andrew Cornelius of Crockett's Towing area manager Chuck Ruth of American and import used auto parts Ro operations manager Jason Chase of American Recycling Solutions heavy duty Duty operations manager Mike Swanson of crocketts Towing and terminal operations manager Ken nean of crocketts Towing and res and as we and whereas all team members of Guardian Fleet Services Inc have been supportive and professional in this incredibly valuable partnership and provide Pasco County with over 100 Vehicles including tankers buses RVs and passenger cars for specialized training scenarios andraz with the assistance of Guardian Fleet Services Inc pcfr obtains an extensive Supply of resources for vehicle and Machinery rescue operations and Technical Level Training allowing over 120 pcfr members to receive a certification in vehicle machine rescue now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby recognizes and expresses gratitude to Guardian Fleet Services Inc as a vital provider in enhancing the Pascal County fire rescue Department's capability to generate authentic specialized training scenarios that has and will continue to save lives of Pasco County Citizens and visitors done and resolved in regular session with a Corum present and voting this 21st day of August 2024 move to approve got a motion second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5- welcome do we have a spokesman or several spokesman we have several first of all good morning Tony perz fire chief morning fire rescue thank you for thank you for the support commissioner Oakley and um just acknowledging one of our community stakeholders and the impact that they've had in our community as you can see along the wall the the the show of support from our special operations divisions these are all the me the men and women that are out there on the front lines and as you can see through the slideshow just some of the scenarios that they were given to work through but I want Chief Hudson our special operations Chief to come up and just give you a few stats on how impactful this partnership has been for our members here at Pasco County okay thank you welcome thank you uh for the opportunity to recognize the board the people in the gallery and the people watching at home first and foremost uh we want to take the opportunity to thank these men right here who have done more than their lion Sheriff presented us with the uh the things we need to get our job done for the citizens of Pasco County so I want to say thank [Applause] you a special operation we collaborate we collaborate a lot not just with crocketts but with public works with superv trucks to run trenches uh we have DOD contracts we work with United States Coast Guard to do some really cool stuff um but these guys here we're representing them now we're telling them thank you so yeah 100 cars in the last uh I took this spot in December and they have uh they have really stepped up to the plate and done the work VMR is vehicle Machinery rescue it's actually a two-e class it's operation and technician so this technician portion that you're seeing on the screens right now takes into a complicated level of extrication of the vehicles it takes us into running uh different types of welders plasma cutters torches um and these guys are the best so I can't say enough about them so I'll let this guy say some more about them okay K morning everybody thank you for your time short and sweet it's our pleasure and our honor to continue supporting uh an organization that has as much Integrity as Pasco fire rescue does uh we look forward to continuing the relationship going forward and uh look to see how we can Boggle their minds with the new scenarios in the future thank you very much I'm sorry could we get your name for the record thank you my name is Ken neand thank you okay anyone else speaking or somebody bashful or what no they're all good they're all good thank you all right well thank you and we certainly appreciate everything that y'all do for our Citi here in Pasco County and I know they support you because a few years back they they all voted in through a our elections that that they support you and bring on new fire stations and a lot of good things that happen and and you know the board's been working together to uh bring you up to top top of the list and basically um you're very much making us a premere and the safety issues you give us that protect our citizens um go Untold I mean they just continue to match up to what we expect out of a premier fire uh Department that we have here and thanks to Chief uh Perez being here and being a part of that but it takes leadership even those ground Crews that go out it takes a lot of leadership from the lower level all the way up to the top to do the right job so and we appreciate our the fact that you here to help us also with our fire department and providing safety for all of our citizens we certainly appreciate that any uh well um I I would Echo uh the commissioner's words and that's quite a that's quite a setup you have there I it's it's amazing I hope you were doing this in cool weather because I bet it can get very hot out there I wouldn't want to see a car in a bus I can tell you that yeah just just last week I think we saw lots of cars overturned um in the area cars in uh you know in the trees um so I'm very grateful to see that you do these kind of um practices and it's pretty crazy so um what what is that long metal tube thing that's aess oh semi trer W so well I I didn't know you did all this so I'm glad you're bring it to our attention and thank you to all our partners who uh participate in this and um help our our firefighters and First Responders to be so well trained so thank you very much Mr whitean thank you you know for the setup like this you all ought to compete in the Florida man competition it's that's going on here looking looking at the at the setup but uh no it's fantastic to to practice scenarios that we don't you know normally think about and uh your training uh shows and how you guys respond to customers and thank you for having a a great partner uh in our training processes and help us get creative on any wild scenario that may happen where our folks need help so appreciate everybody here today M jger I just want to say thank you guys for all you do and um you guys are truly the front lines and um just thank you and if anything you guys need you know we all have you so let us know Mr Mariana thank you this is very impressive to see I've done a couple of the training missions with you guys as far as going out there and see what goes on but this is such a high level that's such a critical thing to be able to clear the debris off the roads to keep even more accidents from happening so uh this is tremendous to see and I'm glad you're doing it thank you okay um if y'all come up and other people come to the the rest of the commissioner stand up here behind us I'll come down we are going to have a long [Music] day 11 yes [Music] please out all the [Music] New Jersey to to yeah they're all out that part was that was fun when we come on in come on in oh we got him up here yeah that's a first holy cow stand up on the desk [Music] oh wait wait wait run run maybe they got to get down in front yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] app in order well you know they they like gone down on front I think now what is this it's a one of the resolutions Community Development Grant I think wow that'll cut you morning I don't think we've had that many here before it's a record that's a record unofficial but yeah Mr chair we have a Time certain at 11 okay which i' prefer that you take the consent agenda up and then and get to that we still have a lot of resolutions too did I have concern agenda so we've got got a time starting at 11: we've got the rest of the resolutions and we have consent time certain at 11: can we get an abbreviated report at 11: can we get an abbreviated report at 11 it you okay that's perfect uh so we go is which one's this the second item here which is the time R 54 P four is time certain yeah okay abbreviated an abbreviated R50 all right let's move on to rs2 hold on we're going to do the resolution first or you want to do consent and then go to resolutions we got to get them done before noon do you want to do the time is certain before after uh let's go ahead and time certain now okay and just do very briefly very briefly r52 um so as they are walking up um this is the semiannual Investment Portfolio um presentation we have Scott Stitcher with pfm uh he's a he's a director with pfm and um pfm manages a portion of the investment for the county and then we also have the finance director from my office Matt Lazar and our office manages another portion and they will both present very quickly on each portion how about that um let me ask this question would you like a um a market update before they get into the presentation um the you know investment Market Financial market update that's usually what they do so I'll leave it to the board Mr chair to determine if you'd like that first yes it' be fine okay then we'll go ahead and proceed okay thank you all right we'll do our best to keep this short good to see you Mr chairman Commissioners Madam clerk Scott Stitcher with pfm Asset Management uh trying to be brief on the economy is pretty tricky but I'll do my best here we'll characterize the economy as uh seeing moderating economic growth uh first quarter reading came in at 1.4% the initial reading for 2q at 2.8% we've seen inflation continue to Trend lower towards the fed's target of 2% it's very encouraging as well the labor markets continue to be very strong although we did see the unemployment rate tick up during the quarter to 4.1% breaking a 28mon streak of being below 4% and then more recently it ticked up to 4.3% uh the consumer continues to drive growth which is good consumer makes up two-thirds of growth in the US economy so an employed individual continues to have money in their pocket is able to spend although we are seeing some cracks some slower spending I think higher prices uh and and falling uh consumer savings rates are starting to slow spending but we're seeing growth uh nonetheless uh the fact I mentioned that the labor market continuing to loosen a little bit uh the FED now is having to focus on their dual mandates and that is full employment as well as fighting inflation I think people had forgotten that since for the the last two years the FED has been hyperfocused on fighting inflation and and raising interest rates I say all this with um uh good news for long-term fixed income investors as we when we look at performance we'll look at the income that's now being received in the our portfolio uh as well as this the port or uh Investments that that Matt is going to touch on here in a second so let me let me stop there it was a quarter in which uh interest rates Rose since that time interest rates have fallen considerably which should work in your favor uh when I'm visiting with you the next time that falling interest rates are going to equate to uh bond prices going up so that's a very abbreviated version of what's going on in the economy any questions thoughts concerns that okay move forward all right uh so to keep it brief county has money we're investing money and and you guys are seeing a return um thank you sounds good right that's what everyone likes to hear so where we are at right now the unrestricted portfolio so that for the county which is not tied to debt Covenant stands in about $1.4 billion we have that further broken down into both the short and long-term investment so shortterm being anything less than 90 days long-term greater than 90 days and so just to kind of keep pushing through here where is it what does that mean Matt short-term Investments $363 million of the County's unrestricted portfolio is currently in the short-term Investments averaging about 36 Days of maturity long-term Investments sit just over $1 billion and we're at about 379 days of maturity what does that mean that means we are kind of tying into what Scott was just saying the feds are confusing us all and they kind of scarce a little bit but we are starting to see a navigation from that short-term earnings to really pushing out longer out on the curve and the county is set up to experience just that so um that is the good news what we want to also put put out there for you guys is in the last quarter for the quarter end of June 30th the county uh saw realized earnings of $9.8 million um which means year to date we're about $35 million so we're projected to have a second consecutive year of being over the $40 million Mark which is amazing news considering a couple years prior we were barely getting to $10 million um really on this slide uh just to kind of not reiterate what you're already seeing but I do want to point out the Florida palm term that is the Investments uh in which we invest x amount of dollars at x amount percent and we get that we're getting that guaranteed return um we're going to expect another $1.4 million here through the next of the end of this fiscal year in maturities and we're already looking at guaranteeing the county $20 million with what is maturing going through 2025 which the good news is is not knowing what the Market's going to do it gives us that little bit of buffer kind of as we go through any questions here yes yes so looking at the unrestricted long-term investment statistics I have two questions one um I see this Central Bank where is and who is Central Bank Central Bank is is a local bank uh over I believe they have a location in loots and Hillsboro but it is that we have a certificate of deposit with them um okay well I've never heard of them but um um and then I'm and then First National Bank of Pasco ye z00 um what's going on there that there were're not yield at Cost expected yeah that all looks strange wouldn't it right no so it is we are earning uh about 5% return on that that is a typ on there we did not give First National Bank of Pasco uh $10 million just to hold on to okay well that's good but um something I want to ask is and it never occurred to me until now is that when we're investing in these banks with this amount of money I'd like to know what they're doing back to the community as far as charitable participation so if we're going to participate with them they need to be you know given back in the community and that would be one of my um um checks when I'm deciding which bank I'm going to put my money in so I'd love to know what they're doing what they're charitable giving to Pasco County chair has been yes ma'am and we do understand that so when we do uh perform our due diligence we do kind of sit down with all these Banks and ask those types of questions Well we'd like to see it I think yes ma'am all right Mr Mariana uh commiss sh exactly was going to pull out that 0% so I'm glad you glad you mention it but I will say I'm more concerned about rates and what we're going to get back for the taxpayers to help to keep taxes down than I am with the we're what they're going to do with let the business run I don't want to control it okay all right yeah but all things equal oh yeah all right and then this will be my last slide here and then we'll see if there's anything else you guys want to discuss but you'll also see this repeated in your board packet we gave you the quarterly investment summary that the finance team produces for every quarter and what you're seeing here uh is the county as well within the restrictions placed by the investment policy so the gray outline is the maximum limits and the blue fill in section is exactly where the percentages stood as of June 30th so the finance team monitors the investment policy as well as Florida statute and this is kind of where we currently sit um you know we usually see that local government investment pool in Florida prime number creep up during October through December as tax revenues come in but that's where the finance team really kind of focuses to make sure we're not exceeding the allowable limits and any questions on that okay thank you nothing else you guys are good this is the okay thank you good report thank you very much all right um in the process of saving time because seems like we're running behind today on things let's move back to the uh consent item and take them up now I have a full sheet with c22 uh withdrawn c48 withdrawn uh c49 withdrawn c25 uh pull and discuss c34 pulling discuss and it looks like uh c46 is that to p and c34 um that'll be just really really brief for me and I'd like to pull p78 it's you can't pull it I I can't discuss it that's public hearing if it's what is it is it it's the storage um yeah that's your afternoon public hearings oh okay it's on con it's on consent then but pull yeah we'll do that okay uh is any desires on any of the other C uh consent items seeing none move to approve the consent agenda Mr Mr chair the um motion to also approve the addendum item for consent which is what's the number what's it is AC 121 add AC 121 to my motion to approve go with the second all right I got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion to pass wait 40 uh okay now we'll take up the first item to pull and discuss is c25 who has that that was you it's under your name um it's next item good morning Mr chair Commissioners nick youen uh County engineer okay so this was pulled by the commission do you have a question you want us to address or do you want us to just give you an overview of the project well I just want want to know the overview of the project and um uh Mr ramford and myself have got to have a meeting and I'll talk to him about that out on Bellamy to discuss what we're doing in the future on Bellamy Boulevard well and and to be clear we are designing safety improvements for the Bellamy B Bellamy brothers uh Boulevard corridor from State Road 52 all the way to Hernando County we're very excited about the investment in the safety of this Corridor I think Commissioners have noted a number of crashes recently as as recently as earlier this year right that we would like to prevent any future reoccurrence of those kinds of incidents from occurring scope of work for the project is to uh reconstruct the entire roadway with the 4ot paved shoulders to provide for Lane recovery so for Lane departure crashes well we'll have that recovery area we're also going to be providing the tactile response of the rumble strips on the edge and center line of the road so that we can give a a very tactile feedback to drivers who are who are um depart from their expected a lot of the crashes actually been happening because they're allowing passing along that strip and it's very dangerous we got some side roads at night I've driven that at night it's terrifying and and we have illuminated Chevrons as part of this project so that we can guide you through the S curves on the corridor we have additional Street lighting that's going to be uh deployed as part of this um right it's going to be a fantastic Corridor we're really excited about the investment that and these improvements need and and I know Federal Commissioners we've all heard about different issues out on B me and and I just wanted to pull this so everybody's made aware of what we're doing to correct this issue and then Branford and I we going to have another uh community meeting out that way so we can take care of some is let them know what we're doing that that is part of our design scope of work both to collect feedback on the kickoff and then to communicate the specific scope and schedule of the project as we get closer to finalizing the design and ready to advertise for the Construction contract I will mention to the commission one of the things that we areay paying close attention to just take Shameless opportunity for this plug we're paying close attention to in Pasco County is the investment in improved safety for our two-lane somewhat rural roadways that exist within portions of Pasco County there's a lot of attention being paid to that on a Statewide scale there are federal safety dollars that come to the State of Florida to the tune of about 125 million every year that can be used for Investments on two-lane roads like these the state has been making a priority to address their two-lane roads throughout the State of Florida with some of the similar treatments that we're doing on Bellamy brothers and we are definitely in conversations with district 7 and with Tallahassee to see if we can't secure some of those Federal safety dollars for improvements on other County Roads that we would look to make projects happen on those going forward so please note that we're excited about Bellamy brothers and we're definitely paying attention to opportunities for other people's money to make our transportation system safer for all the people of Pasco County I appreciate that that's that's very good and I know the board knows that we work very well with secretary gwy with district 7 and uh actually partners and we really we partner together a lot so actually uh they're going to bring a light to wire Road in 301 and the design has already been started and uh and we'll get a light there uh thanks to fdot so that's coming so um if you want to there's four deaths on that actually intersection yeah if you wants to stay there for 34 I I I just have a quick comment um that's mine that's the one that's next okay um it's just that um oh move to approve c25 second got a motion a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass by Z all right on c34 I just I had some challenges with AECOM I'm going to tell you uh and a project um that is um one a Vista Lane and um and it kind of slipped by uh everyone's notice that nothing nothing had happened in over a year and so um I asked for the next aeom contract to come up just to remind them and I talked someone from aom called me and remind our staff that even when you're working on a little project we got to have some kind of timer so that doesn't get forgotten because months and months went by and and nothing happened and the residents really want their roads Road paved and we were trying so hard to get it done before the rainy season um so um with that I would move approval of c34 second all right got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z okay move on to uh c46 thank you Mr chairman and the reason I pulled this I just wanted to just have a quick comment to it because I think it's phenomenal that Firehouse Subs has their Foundation uh which is giving the county $331,900 two years ago we uh noticed a gap in coverage uh along with the sheriff's office we had over 120 rescues of victims pulling them out and evacuations um one of the gaps that we saw was the inflatable boats so as an agency we took the time to write a grant to get these inflatable boats into our Arsenal so we can serve the citizens if we have another flood emergency more likely we will have another flood flood emergency so that's what it's going to um it's not a matching Grant nice it's straight from their their Firehouse to us our Firehouse so okay I'm going to go get a firehouse so that's good I'm glad I'm glad I eat lunch there about every board day uh over here so so while c46 is the item you're talking about the description on your pull sheet is not is for c45s but but we are talking about c46 out okay move to approve so I have a motion and a sec a second second okay all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 thank you guys so my agenda was an old agenda so they told me it was corrected but I'll fix that thank you yeah I had written on mine the right item so it worked out so that uh ends C items um close consent and move back to resolution two okay um if you are here for international overdose awareness day please come to the podium Co this is kind of purple you're on Deck I'm kind of got purple mix it's not even close to purple there's nowhere close to purple there is purple in there I I absolutely see purple I don't see it I'll go ahead and read the resolution resolution number 24-17 resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pascal County Florida declaring August 31st 24 as National overdose Awareness Day in Pasco County whereas the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners observes International overdose awareness day to raise awareness of the overdose crisis honor those who have lost their lives to overdose and acknowledge the grief of families and communities affected by this devastating issue and Ras community members and organizations resolve to to unite in reducing the number of overdoses in Pasco County which experienced over 1,100 overdoses last year alone and 2 89 of those resulting in fatalities andr through combined efforts from First Responders treatment providers recovery Advocates policy makers and implementers we work to educate and encourage our community to treat substance misuse and overdose as a critical public issue a critical public health issue that affects individuals from all walks of life and whereas we affirm that those affected by substance abuse disorder and overdose are sons and daughters mothers and fathers brothers and sisters who are deserving of love compassion and support and Ras we are committed to increasing awareness of Overdose prevention reducing the stigma associated with this disorder promoting harm promoting harm reduction strategies and expanding access to treatment services with a firm belief that collaborative efforts are key to achieving these goals and Ras we recognize law enforcement Personnel First Responders medical professionals and Recovery Advocates who are doing the critical work on the front lines working tirelessly to reduce the number of Overdose fatalities and provide life-saving interventions and connections to care in our community andas Through the approval and support of the pasel County Board of County Commissioners the opioid task force has recommended over 8 million in funding to create and expand initiatives aimed at providing evidence-based tactics that support effective treatment prevention and Recovery Services and has several community members and organizations participating in the prevent the prescription drug committee meetings the recovery Roundtable meetings and other community gatherings seeking to create Partnerships and meet gaps in Services encourage all Pasco County Citizens to participate in lighting their homes and public buildings in purple to honor those whose lives are lost too soon and in recogniz and and in recognition and support of those in long-term recovery and Raz the P County Board of County Commissioners acknowledges that only together we can strengthen our collaborative effort to combat this crisis in our community now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby declares August 31st 2024 as International overdose Awareness Day in Pasco County denan resolved in regular session with AUM president and voting this 21st day of August 2024 approval second all in favor I I I um motion pass uh welcome this morning and um we're probably going to have to be pretty brief um but I just want to say um thank you for um bringing this to our attention and and I as a I'm sure my fellow board members all know someone or have a family member that's been touched by this so um it's very very important that we continue to work on this problem and um very I'm I'm thankful we're getting the opord money I'm very sad for the reasons why we we are talking about it today but um thank you very much and if you want to say something brief yeah then thank you commissioner I'm going to leave it to the people who are actually doing the work on the ground uh they want to have a few words try to be quick um P County Commissioners and officials I want to express my sincere thanks for recognizing International overdose awareness day it's a profound significance for our community this day not only honors the lives tragically lost to overdose but also marks the beginning of recovery month uh a time when we come together to raise awareness support those in recovery and and fight against the stigma of addiction your acknowledgement today is a powerful Testament of your commitment to addressing the EP iic had on and it brings hope to countless individuals and families who are affected by substance use disorder as we embark on recovery month it's important to recognize that recovery is more than a journey it's a movement that is gaining momentum right here in Pasco County for those Commissioners who haven't yet toward the prevention and Recovery Community Center where some of you we have sometimes uh scheduled and some have um but if you haven't yet we' extend a warm in invitation to the center is called the always Center uh it's right there one block south of Main Street on on US 19 um by recog this um I'm sorry this Center is a testament of what community and collaboration we can achieve when we come together with a shared Purpose By recognizing the problem we can begin to create meaningful solutions that offer more resources hope and opportunities for those striving to reclaim their lives together we have the power the power to transform our community and making Pasco a place where recovery is not only possible but is celebrated thank you for your lead ership and for helping to make Paso County a better safer and more compassionate place thank you thank you yes good morning um I just wanted to say quickly my name is Kelly Rodriguez I'm with Alliance for Healthy Communities I'm on the prevention side so as Justin mentioned we have a prevention and Recovery side of that always Center um we have two coalitions Pasco ASAP and our stand youth Coalition so we are wrapping in the youth and what we do um we know that uh the recognition today not only honors those we've lost but strengthens our resolved to provide hope and support to those affected and their children addiction does not discriminate there are brothers sisters Aunts Uncles parents and friends and by shining a light on this critical issue you help us move forward with Renewed Energy and determination your leadership ensures that we continue to prioritize this cause and work together towards a future with fewer overdoses and Greater Community resilience thank you thank you starky you go down and I'll come down and they'll stand behind and where's the uh it's right there over there [Music] okay and then I'll let you pass why don't you come stand here in the middle and I think I'm coming on my birthday to tour y per [Applause] okay we'll move on to um RS3 50 RS3 yep all right um if you are here for the 50th anniversary of the Community Development block grant program please come to the podium that's a small one oh stick them up here like this all right Mr chair I'll go ahead and read the resolution resolution number 24-1 169 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida recognizing the 50th anniversary of the Community Development block grant program whereas Pasco County's communities are the foundation for providing a high quality life for its residents and whereas past County's Community Development Department has demonstrated a dedicate has demonstrated a dedication to homeless initiatives the revitalization of neighborhoods production of affordable housing and support of Community Partnerships and whereas the Community Development block grant cdbg program was created through the enactment of the Housing and Community Development act on August 22nd 1974 the con the consolidation of eight categorical Federal programs into one block Grant ushered in a new era of Federal grant making devolving Federal responsibility for urban issues to local governments and providing funding certainty for communities and whereas for five decades cdbg has been the most effective and flexible Federal resource used by local jurisdictions to support low to moderate income LMI populations allowing communities to begin and Implement strategies tailored to meet local needs and priorities an Raz cdbg helps preserve affordable housing and expand the affordable housing stock contributes extensively to public facilities and implements to infrastructure helps addressed a bride range of local uh Public Services needs and helps communities tackle economic conditions and whereas a need for cdbg programs continues to grow in 1975 594 entities received the program's first allocation and in 20124 more than 1,245 state and local governments received annual program allocations an increase of 52.3% and West Pascal County became an urban entitlement County in 1988 and has received almost $98 million in cdb cdbg funds to date and Ras in the past 36 years Paso County has utilize cdbg funds to build roads and sidewalks building roads and sidewalks build and renovate public facilities for nonprofit agencies acquire and rehabilitate affordable housing and serve our low to moderate income households with much needed public service now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby recognizes the 50th anniversary of the Community Development block grant program and the significant impact These funds have had on our community done and resolved in regular session with a Corum president and voting this 21st day of August 2024 move to approve second got a motion second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z Marcy good morning Commissioners Marcy esberg director of Community Development I want to thank commissioner joerger for sponsoring this resolution today and for all of you for joining 1245 cities counties and states around the country celebrating uh what is tomorrow the 50th anniversary of cdbg uh cdbg really is nothing more than a tool it's money that's coming to our local government and it's how we use it uh to serve our low moderate income families and households that really does make a difference and so today I just want to recognize all the people that make that difference first to the Commissioners uh every year we bring these projects to you you projects and programs that you have to approve so thank you uh for caring thank you for listening and thank you for supporting those projects and programs secondly I'd like to thank our uh partner agencies because as I say often when I go out to speak uh the work isn't being done just with our office it's being done with all of our Community Partners and what a difference they make and not only that they do the work but they do something that's really critical and dear to the hearts of every government official and elected official they bring leverage to the table so they're not only using cdbg but they're bringing private funds they're bringing philanthropy they're bringing volunteers years they're bringing State funds to the table so they're leveraging for every dollar that cdbg is coming into the community they're Leever leveraging sometimes three and $ four dollar and so what a difference that's making so I do want to thank our community partners that are here and lastly our County team really uh the every day they're kind of the unsung heroes of the work that we do uh in Community Development when I meet with our team members the number one thing say is we're here to make a difference and that's why we're here but they do so much more because they need to know and they make sure that the money is spent correctly and timely and uh when we do that then more money comes in so that's what they do and they do a really good job of it I also want to thank some other departments though that may be not sing here and I hope they're listening uh we get a lot of support from Public Services Grants and F uh and our clerk's office they make sure that the bills get paid a lot of work is done and uh for those of you that might not know all of our work is reimbursement so that means the money has to be spent before we pay it so it's so important for those bills to be paid and be paid correctly and the county attorney's office I want to give a shout out to Robin Rogers and before her Jordan wolf Graham they've done a phenomenal job all the work is done with contracts and agreements and they make sure that that's done right so today we're recognizing the 50th anniversary cdbg is often called the building block of our community the building blocks and so you all now have a commemorative paper weight to remind you that uh that cdbg really is a building block especially for those of us in Pasco County thank you so much yeah Marcy thank you for everything you do and all your staff and the untold Heroes behind us all that show us that that in team there's no eye because this whole uh County Administration and all our staff are a part of making everything be Premier here in the county so we're very appreciative of all everyone's work and what they do so it's very important a lot of people think they get hidden beside but they're just as important as the first person in line as the second last person in line so miss jger yep so I am thrilled this is my first resolution to sponsor uh the 50th anniversary of the Community Development block grant program over the past 36 years the funds from this program have made a tremendous impact on our community and I'm proud to see the continued growth and positive changes it Fosters in District 4 alone we've seen remarkable projects come to life thanks to the cdbg support Lake Lisa Park the new Habitat for Humanity subdivision off little road and the steps to recovery project which is building emergency and transitional house housing for homeless veterans on Trouble Creek are just a few examples uh moreover the transformation of the Boys and Girls Club into a family shelter which went on to win national awards in its Testament to the program as far-reaching benefits I was also like to thank the opportunity to recognize Marcy and the entire Community Development Department their dedication and commitment to improving the quality of life for our residents is truly commendable thank you for all you do to make our community a better place for everyone thank you m I could say a lot but we have very little time so I'm going to keep this very brief um I too uh you know she said she said it so well thank you so much for all you do and in my district you know we wouldn't have am skills because they they were the starting starting otus for us to be able to buy that property so we're forever grateful and so many people have now have careers um and are being able to pay their bills um because of the cdbg grant that you guys gave us so thank you very much that's good Mr May thank you yeah we've seen over the years that uh cdbg has done a lot of great things in the community Tommy town was one of the first major project when I started many years ago that without cdbg wouldn't have happen so thanks for all the great work you do okay Mr White thank you I just Echo the board sentiments all right thank for your hard work dedication and loving care of all those in Pasco County okay Mrs Jagger would you go down front and take a picture with them we'll stand up here in the back so thank you oh they came prepared I thought everyone was going to give a speech I'm like you can't do it today sorry we put our um we put our little things up here look at that they won't see those no we thought we did a good we had a good idea but no one's going to see we can hold it magy glass everybody's a part of it I have to go to pep um so like I'm if we go over I I have to leave so see leave got one more I oh we have a lot more we have a lot of RS but not worried about the ours ours can come later we're not doing all the ours okay we'll move on to uh resz 4 all right if um if you're here for the Hudson High School jrc leadership and academic bow Team please come to the podium yeah wonderful I'll go ahead and read the resolution resolution number 24- 167 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida congratulating the Hudson High School Jr jrc leadership and academic Bowl team for winning second place in a national competition whereas the US Army Junior res reses Officers Training corpse jroc is one of the largest character development and citizenship programs for youth in the world and whereas jrc Cadets learn the values of citizenship leadership academic competition and college opportunity an RZ JC teaches a curriculum that offers challenging academic content and real life experiences to help students develop a sense of personal responsibility as they move throughout the different stages of life and res the Hudson High School jrc leadership and academic bowl jlab or is it jlab jlab okay much easier for me jayab team was one of the only teams in Florida to qualify for the jlab Nationals in 2024 an RZ the JROTC leadership and academic bowl jlab is a nationally recognized academic competition in which cadetes test their knowledge and Leadership skills through comp competing in a series of rounds against other jlab teams and whereas the jrc leadership and academic Bowl consists of Hands-On science technology engineering and Mathematics activities and a highlevel trivia event which ends in a service on service final event an Raz the Hudson High School JROTC leadership and academic bow jlab Team won second place at the J laab Nationals out of, 1600 schools and 314,000 Cadets and whereas the team the team members of Hudson High School's jrtc leadership and academic Bowl are Eliza Jones Gabriel Carpio Victor Papadopoulos and Nava nardone now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby congratulates the Hudson High jroc leadership academic Bowl team for winning second place at the jotc leadership and academic bll Nationals denan resolved in regular session with a quum president and voting this 21st day of August 2024 move approval second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I okay um Mr Mariana thank you Mr chairman well congratulations to think of only two schools out of Florida to go and then you compete against 1,600 schools with 314 Cadets what an what an impressive thing to get to second place so congratulations that you should be very proud We Are thank you I I I didn't even know they had this going on but um can I can I say that your um uniforms are magnificent and I'm very curious what all those all those medals are and that must be heavy um yeah they two of those medals they all got competing at the competition so one's the Marshall medal and one is the MacArthur medal very cool well I have a family in the military so I appreciate you uh participating in the JROTC did I say it right yes and um congratulations on your wonderful uh accomplishment would you like to add a few words I just would like to thank the the commission for recognizing the students it means a lot uh the third place team was also from Florida so the two Florida schools did represent wow but uh unfortunately New York beat us so we want to go back and beat them next year oh yeah definitely I think there's enough room for all of us to go down yeah let's do okay that'd be great take picture more item so oh yes we'll hurry down or take a picture yeah we got them pictures I'll join too yeah got to have him in there yeah and then one more for the commissioner's Facebook oops I think I'm Miss commissioner [Applause] w we are pH yeah thank you for taking pictures I appreciate all right we will take um R56 R5 Mr chairman this is a resolution of the board of County Commissioners supplementing the amended and restated resolution 22-1 142 adopted on May 17th 20 2022 authorizing the issuance of not to exceed $80 million of aggregate principle based on the Florida half-cent sales tax Improvement revenue bonds series 2024a and I will not read the rest of this title wow good that's a short the timing the timing's helped you a lot so Amy Ferell budget director with the Office of Management and budget here in Pasco County I'm here with um om 2439 and as the County Attorney um was saying this is our resolution to authorize the issuance of the Florida half cent sales tax Improvement Revenue bond series 2024a um in a not to exceed amount of 80 million we're also asking you to approve a budget amendment that will put um the cost of issuance budget in place as we work through the sale and the bond closing that budget will be in place to make all of those payments and also Award of bid to Bank of America Securities Inc as the senior manager and RBC Capital markets LLC as the co- senior manager for financial advising and underwriting so what is that $80 million going to get us well it's going to help us finish the expansion of the jail um we're estimating those costs to be roughly and I'm rounding up a little bit for the sake of easy math um $43 million to finish that project out and then $30 million for our Villages of Pasadena Hill super Park and then we've got um some buffer in there because of the timing as you can see the timing we're not going to sell them until September so we needed a little bit of buffer in the not to exceed amount and then here are some of the important dates we come back on the 17th for pre-closing we did just have rating calls last week and we'll get those we're scheduled to get those results tomorrow and that's the end of my presentation unless there's questions okay any questions I don't see any questions all right so this a item we need to vote on yes move for second so I got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 this authorizes the chair and the administrator and the County Attorney to to sign the bond move forward with theond and sign all the appropriate right that's part of the motion and this is the last one of all those that were approved is that right no this is the this is not this is not a general obligation bond this is a bond you were bonding the half cent sales tax revenue that you get back from the state okay so it's the Geo bonds we are done with all of the draws yep or Tres yes that was the last time I got to come hang out with you guys about bonds okay okay time we which is why the jail is being funded by this there was no more in the goo to to draw from okay did we vote thank you did we vote all those in favor say I I think we did I motion pass 5 Z right thank you okay thank you um how long is item 55 thank you Mr chair r55 I'll be very very brief but uh wanted to recognize our media relations and Communications team we've been here before celebrating um teley Awards which which recognize excellence in uh in video and television across all typ the screens um but we've never really won a Gold Award and I'm happy and if Sarah Andrea and her uh andir sorry and her team can come up um happy to announce that we actually did win both a gold and a bronze in the interest of time I only will only show you the gold winner um but um it's called a stinky story and how Pasco County is turning poop into profits so go ahead and roll it that's good [Music] Pasco County's Solid Waste Department is always looking for ways to help the environment and keep things out of our landfill hi I'm Shannon Kennedy with Pasco County Solid Waste Department one of the projects we're very proud of here in Pasco is how we handle our biosolids so let's just call it what it is a bio solid is poop it's flushed down the toilets and eventually ends up here we have our very own public private one-of-a-kind biosolids processing facility that turns biosolids or poop into commercially available fertilizer we paid for and built the facility which is right next to our West Pasco resource recovery facility and Merill Brothers operates it Ted Merill is the co-owner of Merill Brothers he's been in the solid waste business since 1982 our Pasco County facility is our newest and it is state-of-the-art we bring in nearly 50,000 wet tons of product a year and through our specialized process we produce Florida green fertilizer at first the sun does most of the work we spread out the biosolids on our Greenhouse floor and shurn it up with the tractor and Tiller large ceiling fans help to dry out the product as the top layer dries we till it again exposing the wetter material from underneath it doesn't completely dry out in the greenhouse so we also use an oven belt pasteurizing process we blow hot air up through the biosolids belt and through the product drying the biosolids even more the result is a highquality class AA byproduct registered with the state of Florida as a fertilizer this process saves Pasco about $250,000 per year Merill Brothers is a great partner and this project is very successful both commercially and environmentally farmers use the fertilizer to grow crops and grasses for grazing animals it's also used for compost and to grow sod and fruit trees around the state most of our fertilizer is soed to local Agra businesses so it's even more of a win for pasco's economy this is just one example of how Pasco County and the Solid Waste Department are using innovative ways to minimize impacts on our landfills benefit our environment boost local businesses and keep our waterways clean thanks for watching and head to my paso. to learn more about how we're serving our community I'm always floored I think I could talk for hours about that project it's amazing but uh you know the video and the promotion of it is is certainly great I mean producing videos and things like that could normally cost tens of thousands of dollars to do that on the outside but we're able to do that just here so our star is here as well I see very good we've got some rips from from Merill Brothers but I would just ask Sarah do you have any words you'd like to say and and Mr chair if it's okay i' would like to indulge the board with the picture on on this with the board if that's fine after Sarah speaks thank you board Sarah and public information officer for media relations and Communications I just want to say thank you to the board and and and to all of you for your continued support of our division and our team um I want to say thank you to County Administration Mike Joanna uh Dr Mark Bellis for all of their support and Leadership to our team and guidance and of course the assistant County administrators it's it's our departments it's our branches it's the 57 lines of business that we collaborate with on a daily basis to tell our story and to tell the great things things that happen in Pasco County on a daily basis so um our our friends at Solid Waste are behind us Shannon who was the star of our our our video um and like Mike said all of our videos are produced in-house it's our small team Aaron our videographer is on a shoot right now he couldn't be with us um but we we produce shoot write the scripts and do all that with collaboration with with the department so thank you to everyone thank you Mike thank you Joanna uh have you guys like thank you but I had one question when did we start this cuz I remember doing the tour actually the project was was I think originally negotiated back in 20145 is is when we we got underway construction I think I guess I took a tour in 16 when I went around there so yeah that's good tell hav yet but I want to does it smell yes yes smells good you have something to say yeah I want to bring some CEOs but I don't want to offend them all right yeah it's a it's a great project it does smell like crazy but I'll tell you what what they do is phenomenal saves us a whole bunch of money environmentally it's great um and we had the Jord danan delegation over uh a few months back that they were very very impressed with it right you see meral trucks up and down pit2 all the time so we I watch them so it's but any else take picture I'm G to take the all right let's come take the important on all right picture [Applause] what were those earrings oh that's f face [Applause] [Music] of the break I need I think we've done a pretty good job catching up so but we're going to actually wait on our 57 till after the public hearing this afternoon so we'll break down for recess for lunch and then we'll be back at 1:30 for public hearings [Music] depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollutants directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy environment for fish water foul and other Aquatic animals storm drains are meant for clean rainwater most other discharges are illegal if you suspect an illicit discharge please contact Pasco County Department of Public Works at 72783 43611