##VIDEO ID:cb7iTy07qoA## Peppers that's it lot more people here to live guys know I'm guessing there's nothing on consent anymore pump okay that's how you that's how we get him down easy agenda today yeah say that you got a minute because hey Chris they just added six new six new applications just added six more applications Richard Richard see him oh you know what I he's actually cleaning up from glasses I mean his is elevated we got got he owns a rental next door which is not elev yeah it prob I think least that's the best when you lose something and you have a sudden Epiphany we'll see high price classes I think cheaters start Frank get tell me to get rid of those anyway so those don't do you any those are not fling you know they of at you know his dad stayed in his house yeah that's what he said oh some people just don't want to leave I ask myself all the time is it the fear if you don't want to leave your house or is it the fear you're not going that's I probably probably both yeah how we doing David you ready ready whatever Denise you ready okay you like to call the meeting to order we would stand for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance IED to flag the United States of America for stands one nation under God indivisible liberity and justice for all mam clerk will have the roll call please here christop here John here Matthew monks D here Chris Williams here and chairman J here any approv for publication please the items were advertised in Day times from September 5th 2024 to September 1824 and by certified mailings site postings all right thank you very much apologize for calling him Madam yeah right he would have to make bring that up wouldn't you stay here minutes okay all right I'd like to welcome everybody today we're the uh Planning Commission we're appointed by the board of County Commissioners we meet twice monthly we serve as a local planning agency and hold public hearings and transmit to the board of County Commissioners recommendations on comprehensive plan amendments Land Development code amendments rezonings and conditional use requests Planning Commission is the final decision-making body for special exceptions certain appeals variance requests and certain alternative standard requests however final decisions may be appealed to the board of County Commissioners if anyone's in opposition to any development code Amendment resoning conditional use or any item where the Planning Commission trans transmits a recommendation to the board of County Commissioners it's important for you to attend the appropriate Board of of county commissioner meeting we have those dates available for you excuse me for those of you who are not familiar with the meetings uh we have three sections um uh briefly they are continuances uh consent and and the regular items continuances if they we have a request from the applicant or from the staff it's been our custom to Grant continuances unless there's extenuating circumstances and then we have a consent agenda and those are items where we have not received any comments or or concerns from residents or staff those will be read off one at a time if you have something on consent that you'd like to be heard today when I call it out uh please uh raise your hand and we'll have a P from consent and put it onto the regular items and those are the items will be fully discussed today applicants will have five minutes to make their presentation and questioners will have three minutes to State their concerns or comments and then the applicant will have an opportunity to come back up and um try to respond to any concerns or comments for those of you who intend to give uh testimony today um if you come in other words come up and speak if you would stand and raise your right hand please and be sworn you swear affirm the testimony you're about to give truth of of God I do all right thank you is anybody requested extra time den please no Mr chair no request for additional time okay for future reference if uh you needed extra time it's important for you to to let us know in writing request make a request at least 24 hours prior to this meeting we don't have any such request so we'll be holding everybody to the times we've stated if you have a cell phone or pager or something that makes a noise please put it in the silent position before we get started and before we start the regular meeting is there anybody here here to speak on something that's not on today's agenda okay we'll be with you in a minute okay I think that's it so um we can get started so let's let's hear on come on up then St your name everybody that come to speak if you don't know we need your name and your address before you speak and uh so we have everything on the record and we discourage any conversations from the audience because we can't get that on the tape and when they try to translate that in on the paper it just it makes it impossible for them to know actually exactly what was said so hold your comments until you get up here okay I can start you can start thank I used all your time actually yeah Nancy Hazelwood 34110 a nice place State City Florida I would like to respectfully ask the county not to accept any more applications in the Northeast rural protected area and abiding areas that are continuous to the Northeast rural area refinements to these areas are necessary for the stability of the North East rural protected area plan uh some of the things that could be addressed are conflict zoning landscaping design um commercial standards transition and density to within the areas without outside the rural protected areas and all of these things need attention and we keep having applications come in that don't fit into the plan and will will eventually be the demise of it thank you all for listening thank you all right Dena are you ready we have another person that signed for public comment your sub Blanchard says it's for public comment it's not okay thank you okay no one all right then good afternoon Mr chair Planning Commission members Denise Hernandez Planning Development e and economic growth Department we're going to start at item pc1 which is pde 27824 this is a zoning Amendment sand sand sandaran LLC uh the request is to continue the item to the October 17th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in Newport riching okay is the applicant president anyone here to object okay moving on to item PC2 that's pde 27738 zoning Amendment Evans County Line ad mpud master plan unit development on that item there are several ex parties um for the record and we will be um sending those to the clerk's office we have an exp party from Chris pool one from Chris Williams one's from commissioner Katherine starky and one from John Moody if there's any others because it looks like they're sending separate emails please let us know we'll just forward them out over to us on that item the request is to continue the item to the November 7th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in data City okay and Z pres anyone here to object okay following is PC3 pde 250018 this is a comprehensive plan Amendment CPA 2405 Ru area 4 and urban expansion area maps to adjust boundaries the request is to continue the item to the uh December 12th 2024 planning Planning Commission meeting and this one you're actually sitting as a local planning agency I should have stated that at 1:30 p.m. in D sittings okay is the applican president anyone here to object okay and that's the end of your continuances I'm actually going to move on to the addendum agenda which is apc6 I have a motion approve continuances move to continue items pc1 to the October 17th meeting in Newport Richie item PC2 to the November 7th meeting in Dade City and item PC3 to the December 12th meeting in date City second okay we have a motion in a second further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I oppos like sign okay so we're going to go to the agendum which is apc6 pde 27824 this is a zoning amendment in the name of sciteex NR Holdings LLC it's for a change in zoning from an AR agricultural residential district to a C2 General commercial district for the voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction that um limits so uses for the uses that are consistent with the C2 General commercial District it's also known as the live local act uh deed restriction comes to you with a recommendation of approval all right is the applicant present the applicant is virtually present okay anyone here to object I I should also State for the record that we don't have anyone signed up to speak on WebEx on any of the items thank you okay following item is apc7 pde 27823 it's a zoning amendment anod 54 LLC anod 54 LLC East it's for a change in zoning from a C1 neighborhood commercial District to a C2 General commercial district with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction that limits those uses to those uses that are um stated in the C2 District also known as the live local act a restriction comes to the recommendation of approval and on this one the applicant is also virtually present you say it's apc7 apc7 is the applicant present the applicant is virtually present anyone here to object see anyone moving on to the last item on your consent agenda which is apc8 this is pd25 7816 zoning Amendment old Pasco West mpud Master Plan unit development Mary elene Sharp and Maxine green this is a rezoning from an MP master plan unit development to a m to an mpud master plan unit development to allow for a for 99 single family detached units on approximately 7 6.55 Acres comes through the recommendation of approval with conditions as included in your agenda packet all right anyone here uh the applicate president anyone to object see any objections so that's the last one on consent the last one on consent okay there your motion motion to approve the consent or agenda consing have apc6 APC 7 and APC 8 second have a motion in a second any further discussion of the motion all in favor signifi by saying I I oppos like sign okay all right so we're going to move on to the regular item on your agenda which is item P4 and as my colleagues bring that item up I have a couple of things um that are house keeping items on this on this item this is pd25 C3 its conditional use Cynthia and barle Anthem net Inc Verizon Wireless this is for a 195 foot above ground level monopine wireless communication facility in an ER State residential district um there were several emails of objection that came in after the agenda packet closed I did uh forward nine of those to the Planning Commission members with you know of course the do not reply all and we these were also sent to the clerk's office in addition there was a correction to the parcel ID number I inadvertently it was correctly noticed um but I had inadvertently stated it was sub one so the correct partial ID number I will read it into the record 29- 24- 21- 00000000 d001 00000000000000 and that's a portion of that parcel in addition um this morning I also received a letter of objection from a person who lives at 14348 Willer Run Drive um so if I could please get that over to the Planning Commission members because that did not make the agenda packet okay motion to receive and file second Motion in a second all in favor signifies saying I okay thank you very much on that so this is pd25 cu3 It's conditional use for a 195 ft above ground level mount aine wireless communication facility in an ER District um that's a state residential and the pure land use classification is res 3 residential three dwelling units for GR Acer this it will consist of a 185 ft um wireless communication facility with a 10t lightning rod um as a monopine which will be suitable for the loc collocation of three additional carriers and this is proposed to be located within a within a 2500t fence compound area the overall parcel is 4.22 Acres uh the property is located in North Central Pasco County at the northwest corner of the intersection of St Joe Road and Mount Zion so this visual that I'm showing now um shows the surrounding zoning districts the actual the parcel is zoned ER State residential which is the zoning that is to the north and to the east to the South is the city of Dade City uh to the South East is a subdivision by the name of um West West Hill Estates and to the West is a subdivision they're AR Zone properties which are an acre and a half or greater and and it is the Willow Run subdivision this is the future land use um all res 3 but for of course the city of dve city and as you can see uh Swan Lake is to the South so access to the overall site is from St Joe Road uh to the wireless communication communication compound area will be through a 20-ft wide access and utility easement that is located off of St Joe Road this is the context map just showing the surrounding area this is a portion of the site plan that basically shows um the setbacks from the property lines um it is set back from the northern property line to the compound that is um 79 ft to the Southern Property Line 160 ft to the Eastern property line 449 ft and to the Western Property Line 165 ft this is the site the tower the tower site plan and the elev a um this basically shows you the fence compound area and the proposed landscaping and that dotted circle around there is the fall zone for the for the tower this is a photo simulations or a visual impact analysis this is required as their as part of their application they have to show at least four views so the the views are basically with with without and with so this is looking East on Mount Zion Road without the tower this is looking East on M Mount Zion Road showing the tower looking Northwest on St Joe just east of Mount Zion without the same direction with this is looking North on Happy Hill Road without and then with I apologize this and this is looking East on St Joe Road at Happy Hill Road without and the same location with this um item comes to you with a recommendation of approval with conditions and I am here for any questions that you may have okay any questions up here anything all right okay the applican president is this applicant present or virtually present present um not yet I don't think good afternoon Mary solic 121 South Orange Avenue site 1500 Orlando Florida I'm legal counsel for an Anthem net who is the applicant on this particular application um Miss Hernandez has done a fantastic job of laying out the facts of this case for you and evaluating it against your code criteria I don't have any additional facts to add for you at this time I do have a team of people with me today Jen Frost who's the project manager with Anthem net David Smith who is the RF engineer for Verizon Wireless who is the anchor tenant on the tower and David tlby who is the State Certified General real estate appraiser who G gave you that lovely 100 plus page report that's in your package about property values and then finally Harold Timmons who is with tower engineering professionals um I suggest that it may make more sense for these folks to talk to you after you've heard from the neighbors and um and then they can address any specific comments or concerns that come up before you open it up for public comment I do think it um that I'd like to say a few things to help frame the discussion today uh Tower sighting is more of a science than it is an art and and we don't relish taking applications through the that pack the house we try very hard to avoid this but sometimes we just can't when a new tower is proposed we start with the wireless carriers search area that is based on their Network design and that's science that's just science it's based on the RF propagation where the existing antenna locations are located what Heights they're at how the signal travels over the existing topography and Terrain and demands on the network and all of that boils down to a search area the tower developer then gets that search area and we have to find a location in that general area that's what I like to call blz and the b stands for buildable we first have to find a site that we can build we have to avoid Wetlands we have to avoid flood planes we have to avoid water bodies we have to be able to get to the side we have to avoid airports in their airspace so we have to find something that's buildable the L is for leasable we have to find a willing land owner we can't force anyone to allow us to build a tower on their property and unlike other infrastructure Builders like cities and counties and Dot and Electric utilities and gas line providers who can use the power of imminent domain to locate their infrastructure we have to find a willing land arm I think I get five and Z is for zable when we overlay those uh local government regulations over the search area we have to determine what we can actually get approved and what will allow us we have what what properties where we can meet all of the locational and performance criteria that are in the code so when we overlay these three things more often than not we can find a site that doesn't ruffle too many feathers but some cases that just doesn't happen and in the case of hand we were left with very few options and unfortunately we have unhappy neighbors um the site before you however meets all of the code requirements we meet every single requirement in your code we're not asking for any waivers no variants no relief from setbacks we're not asking for any relief from any County requirement so before you hear from the neighbors do you have any questions for me or any members of our team are you finished with your presentation yes okay anything from for the applicant at this moment and uh see what their concerns are Mr chair the first person I have signed up to speak on this is len Johnson okay Mr Johnson you just state your name Lynn and your address please please for the record yes sir good afternoon Mr Karen I'm Lyn Johnson 14552 Mount Zion Road uh Dade City which is just down the street from the subject site and I have been sworn we own approximately 30 Acres along Mount Zion Road including our home site and then some family company property Triple J Ranch several hundred ft down and all the way to the top of the hill uh at this point in time we have nothing but great views you will see that this subject site as they as they showed in some of the presentation is sitting in the middle of a pasture there's not one tree there's not a building there's nothing else between it and the road and the joining both both in front and in Back to the to the East and to the West home sites in addition to which in in the Dade City uh development that's going on across the street they're no residents yet they're building houses they're going to have I don't know how many but this this will be in their view in their normal view uh all they have to do is step out their backyard there's nothing between them and this uh do we excuse me do we have a map that we can put up that shows where the residential areas are okay maybe you could point out your area we're getting a full for so this is the new subdivision coming in that's a city of D City Annex property here like I said they have homes under construction a number of them and they'll look from here to there nothing between them and this Tower Mount Zion Road nothing between residents residents residents our property going of goes on up here and then Willow Run here again nothing between a95 Ft Tower with a Christmas tree on top I mean uh you know I don't really know what what purpose that serves frankly uh but the applicant said that they complied with all of the standards so the County's location standards for a tier three cell tower says they should be located in an area where the adverse visual impact on the surrounding area is minimized adverse visual impact should be measured by the presence and degree of the following negative factors a large amount of the facility is visible from normal views you can see it from everywhere you even saw it in their examples the facility is of a design material location or size that readily catches and holds a viewer's eye when viewed from normal views it's a 20 Story Tower it's if it were a building it' be the tallest one in Pasco County by far the facility is in the normal view of a person in a moving vehicle for more than a short period of time you can see it coming from here down from Hil Road you see it all the way just about up our road you can see it coming from uh from west to east and you can certainly see it again here the wireless facility is readily identifiable as a wireless Facility by the average viewer again uh you know the first 180 ft is a tower with the Christmas tree the facility when viewed from normal views appears out of place in the area it couldn't be we're out of place have 20 seconds go ahead there's an absence of existing visual impact from other uses in the area surrounding the Wireless Communications facility there's nothing else it's a pasture the scale height and bulk of the Wireless Communications facility is significant ific L greater than the other uses existing or allowed in the surrounding area there's nothing in the surrounding area except if you go a few hundred yards away there are a couple of trees there are no buildings there there is literally nothing between this facility and everything around it it does not meet the location standards and we would ask that you uh send a recommendation of denial thank you very much thank you any questions from up here no thank you very much thank Mr chair next person I'm hoping I'm G to State this name correctly is Pat guano Pat is there a pat here talk she does not want to talk okay all right following person is Alexandra Baker good afternoon my name is Alexander Baker 14348 Willow Run in Dade City um originally requesting the Planning Commission to accept my letter on the record in regards to P4 the proposed CU 2420 Vista Walk Tower um just to verify I believe it was mentioned that the email that was sent this morning is in regards to this letter but did want to ensure that it is on the record it is on the record they um move to Perfect all right I would and also would like to Echo Mr Len Johnson's remarks and express my concern and opposition of this proposal and also request a recommendation of denial thank you Y where are you located I am in Willow Run uh believe it's the fourth or fifth house to the right MH I was within the 500 ft requirement I Believe by the county um in regards to receiving a letter to that location okay thank you thank you very much I'm going to call this person again just in case she signed up for this particular item year sub Blanchard no okay so your supp will not be speaking okay following person is Nancy Johnson Nancy cabis Johnson not to be confused with Lynn Johnson no relation 14714 Mount Zion Road Dade City Florida thank you and I apologize in advance I'm nervous I had too much coffee and not enough lunch just no there's no need to be nervous oh sure there is here among friends so don't worry about it thank you this parcel of land in itself might be appropriate for a cell tower Anthem net has chosen this site because it would enhance their desired honeycomb effect with existing cell towers namely the one behind with Luchi electric and another near Highway 52 and Smith Road and it would provide better coverage to populous areas within date city limits to the East Vista walk into the South Summit View however this parcel of land where it is located and what is established around it makes it inappropriate this Tower would be less than 2 UND ft from two backyards and pool areas within Willow Run a gated deed restricted high value residential Community it will be less than 300 yard or feet from the amoli driveway the center of their young families activities and also another high value home the cell tower will only have minimal setback from St Joe Road the proposed six foot tall PVC P fence and shrubs will in no way provide adequate coverage to hide carrier equipment and blend a 190 ft tall tower into the surrounding environment it was stated at the neighborhood meeting the anthem net does not as of yet have the carrier designs and are looking at an initial maximum of four carriers but may add more down the line if the structure can hold them at the neighborhood meeting the question was asked why the cell tower could not be placed within the populace communities they are trying to provide better coverage to Anthem net stated that these developers have already received their entitlements the lots have been platted along with open space and drainage and there is no available space they continued to state that some developers are open to sighting Towers at the edge of or within their neighborhoods but these are already entitled prior to that point Vista Walk and Summit View could cont continue to appear before the Dade City planning board and Commissioners for changes to their original entitlements this is a 40-year lease for the proposed Tower Dade City Planning and Commissioners should provide this coverage for the areas they have annexed and developed if the county were to approve this coverage instead for City residents they should approve only a more appropriate site that does not negatively impact their own constituents in landscape because of this parcel's unique location the property value impact study reported by Lee paleri is largely irrelevant I'm almost done thank you you have another minute the two comparison Towers listed locally are set back from busy roads both of which are in Pasco County and provide coverage for populous areas within Pasco County namely marada and erson the third comparison Tower is in Spring Hill and is a cross Tower located a church who receives the least income from the tower real estate values listed regarding local projects do not exceed 289,000 the study then goes on to report on high value homes in Naples pertaining to a 75t tall tower built at an elementary school as well as Towers in Sarasota and Orlando all with dozens of homes and neighborhoods surrounding the towers currently this parcel is zoned estate residential or I heard earlier ER could this designation please be explained to us and what is the county what does the county Envision for specific historic Rural High value residential areas as such I've brought pictures of the homes taken from my cell phone and areas we are discussing as well as the current communication Towers in the Dade City area all of which show better compa compatibility to their immediate area we hope if the planning Commissioners are able to give a strong non reccommendation vote to their County Commissioners for this project they will do so all right would you like to submit those for the record I have a motion please move to receive and file second thank you very much thank you um just one question before you sit down I'm trying to make sure I understood what you said about can come back up to the mic um were you saying that if it was a different design that you would be less critical of it like if it was a cross or something no sir not at all I just want to make sure I understood what you were saying okay thank you thank you Mr chair the last person I have signed to speak please call to make sure that he is indeed the last person is Robert wellbourne Robert uh you the last person is there anybody else here to speak after Robert I don't see anyone okay right good afternoon Robert wellborne 14414 Willow Run d city um I'm here on behalf of myself I'm also president of the Willow Run Property Owners Association um to build on what some of the previous speakers have said this site is in the Stark wide open to decorate it as a tree is absurd because there are no trees around it that even approach the height of this this structure that's number one number two with the height of the structure and it's my understanding that they can add an additional 20 ft without any further procedure this structure should there be a catastrophic failure could impact St Joe Road it's not set back far enough from St Joe Road um and again it's my understanding that this site is being put in for the benefit of subdivisions that were annexed in by dat City and I also want to make another point that within the last 24 months those very same subdivisions I've watched two nearly 200t hillsides taken away one dump truck at a time which by the way has destroyed Happy Hill Road but um this creates a stigma Why Can't This stigma be put on one of those other stigmatized sites that's already been excavated in a mess made of why does it need to be on this pristine piece of property completely unconforming to the surrounding uses our neighborhood our home values in our neighborhood range probably anywhere from 700,000 to 1.5 million this has a greater Financial impact on our residents and our community which is just simply a 12 lot Community gated community and it you know it's just it has a more unfair impact to us financially because we have a greater investment and should our property values go down and also that impact would triple down to the county but you know the um the appraiser put in their report about other sites and other comparables that were used I want to go on the record as saying if you look at the cell tower on Island Boulevard that was put in a sight along a major thoroughfare Highway main artery Road high traffic it already has some kind of an economic impact on the buildings that are on that road there's also a large body of water behind it there's also large two 300-year Live Oaks that hide the equipment in the bottom of it and there's also a county waste or a freshwater treatment plant immediately adjacent to it so again it's on a property that comes already pre- stigmatized to take this property and stigmatize it with this I feel like is not the proper application and our community would recommend denial the application all right thank you for coming any questions I I just wanted to address the the height thing although it may be possible that they can add that height from an engineering standpoint they likely won't because anything above 200 ft they have to conform to additional FCC I'm sorry FAA requirements uh for airplanes so I know for a fact it has to be lighted at 200 ft and above so most likely um it's not going to get extended that's why most of these towers are under 200 ft I would also have one another question if I may present it yes in your map in your slideshow it shows the uh affected area or surrounding area I think is the way it's labeled and I noticed that you asked for proper certification and service on this I was never I never received anything and I'm very close to this site I think it's 500 ft is that right are you are you within 500 ft had it not been for one of my residents bringing it to my attention I wouldn't even know this project was going on okay thank you very much any other questions okay very good if there's no one else to speak uh would the applicant like to respond to some of the concerns thank you um commissioner pets you're absolutely correct we would have to add lighting to the tower but my client will agree to a condition of approval that the tower height not be extended above what has been submitted so that's 185 ft Tower with a 10ft lightning rod so we would agree to that that condition um there was a comment made about it not being far enough back from St Joe Road to not be a safety factor in the event of uh bad weather the tower is set back from St Joe Road 185 ft which is the height of the Tower and we're also having it engineered with a 60ft fall zone so in the unlikely event of Tower collapse it would fall within that 60 foot radius so it's not presenting a safety issue to either anybody traveling on St Joe Road or to the Willow Run subdivision to the West okay Denise can you pull up the um the joined property owner PDF I just want to point out the first Speaker Mr Johnson he does own quite a bit of property out there uh that's not um nope um that large red area that says same owner is Mr Johnson's amalgamation of properties but his home if you go to the third page of that slide his home is actually 1,900 ft away from the tower he he's quite a bit he's quite a distance away those distances are noted there um I'm going to have David tlby address the um prop the property values questions I want to go back to the sighting the walk sighting yes let's go through this just a little bit um let's get you all oriented do I have a pointer okay so um here's our zoning this all of that yellow is um p County that's our subject property um Mr Johnson was incorrect this property here that's under construction right now is still in Pasco County this area that's not got a yellow color is Dade City so here's our search area we're just a tiny bit outside there dat City doesn't allow Towers on residential zoning which all of that is so all of that's off the table this yellow here is the wetlands that are in the area so a good portion of our search area area has Wetlands on it in addition to flood zones and then so that leaves us with really everything north of um the flood zone and the Wetland areas Pasco County allows Towers in every single zoning category they're not deemed to be incompatible with residential development they're allowed as a conditional use in every category provided you meet the the the locational criteria so we didn't have too many choices the large this large vacant land here um land owner said no this is the uh this is all developed with single family homes the the bartho property was really all we had left and it you're they're correct there isn't any screening on it but we again we were left with no choices that's what we had to work with and the RF engineer will come up and talk to you about how search ring was derived how the who's getting coverage who's not getting coverage RF signals don't know jurisdictional boundaries they don't determine that we're going to provide coverage to people who live in Dade City and not Pasco County or Pasco County or not Dade City they just look at customers and they look at a community that needs service and I would think after Hurricane Helen we would all be a little bit more um receptive to the idea that we need strong and Hearty infrastructure in our communities so um who wants to go first RF before you before you change off that slide I got one question for you just what's the difference between the ring on the slide that you have up there now and the the search ring that's in the in your report it's the same well the one that's in the report Omnicom is that not you guys that that search ring that's our consultant yes that's correct he puts together Maps cuz they search the search ring in there and I don't know what the difference is is is quite a bit bigger than that search ring yeah the other thing I'd like to ask is who decided to put the branches on there your code we're not unsympathetic to the adverse visual impact and your code expressly states that a tree design is a mitigating design and is deemed to have less adverse visual impact so we followed your code and put in the design that your code says has less visual impact yeah that's I think it's a subjective opinion it's a lot of folks would think that I you know I I hear you I hear you but we 200 tall P I have to start with this this is where I have to start and that's what your code says normally what we've seen in the past where we've seen these monopine is when the residents specifically requested it but most of them are presented to us as monopoles at least from what I've seen you know the tower developer would prefer a monopole but we we respected the black and white language of your code cuz the other issue is is the potential microplastics and all the other stuff that comes with that right and I have um we talked about that in the previous meeting as well we did and I've got the letter from LS and the tower manufacturer the the branches are made from um PVC material similar to underground PVC pipes and they're stabilized and the manufacturer insists that it's not danger Dangerous to the environment I beg to differ excuse me but what was that that's the letter from um balmont Larson tower engineering the tower um manufactur file that yes you would ask us to receive and file would I'm sorry commissioner Bray would you please receive move to receive and file second thank you Mr William ma'am is this we have to vote is this site in the Northeast rural area let him finish the vote all in favor like sign okay go ahead joh I don't know whether she can answer it her staff can answer is this site in the Northeast rural area it is not as it's east of the Northeast rural area okay I got while we're talking about visual impacts and why you reference the code um as I look through the code this is this is a tier three Tower correct correct and if I go to one2 subsection 102.7 b 1 a the end of that section says adverse visual impact shall be measured by the presence and degree of the following negative factors there's 11 factors there and if I was rating that I would rate you pretty high on nine of the 11 I hear you but I want you to go all the way down to the bottom where it says normal views and you have a definition in your code that's pretty interesting normal views as used in this subsection means views from where a person would normally be present and be able to see the facility as well as the area of view in the normal view of the average person and here's the key then you have a definition of area of view it's measured as the area up to 15° above the Horizon and 30° left and 30° right of the forward view so that's meant to reflect what more of a line of sight analysis and more reflecting what you see when you're in your car looking this way when you're out in your yard it's not looking up we're not can you bring that photo back cuz I think i' beg to diff yeah subsection three that I just referenced it says the wireless communication facility is in the normal view of a person in a moving vehicle for more than a short period of time I I didn't have those simulations when I was driving over today but I can promise you if that Tower was there I would have been able to see it for more than a short period of time in anybody's definition yeah miles is there something you can do to better make that fit with the scenery I mean I I agree with Mr Johnson it looks like a Christmas tree stuck up on top of a pole it well we've seen bell towers I will suggest you I'm not sure my business partner suggested you could make it look like a water tower you're out in the country you could make it look like a grain silo and that truly looks like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree up on a pole we can I think the monopole the monopole is the best application the monopoles tend to just fade into the back flag pole the flag pole is problematic because it limits the number of antennas the carriers can get inside the pole and the heat they just will not use them so we've had testimony before this board that those flag poles can be properly in fact I think it was one of your own clients that testified that they could ventilate the flag pole canister David Smith yeah I think sizewise they can't get the modern antennas inside the flag David Smith um Verizon Wireless RF your address please David I'm sorry your address please uh 7701 East telom Parkway Temple terce Florida so with flag po um currently I'm not aware of anything that we have uh proposed through any of our our candidates that have uh have ventilation uh normally when we have a flag pole all the ones that we get they're enclosed and we can't put our amplifiers up top so we have to put the equipment at the ground which causes a lot of loss the coverage and everything shrinks so and and and as a result we have to put more Towers uh further down the line because they don't have the greatest impact versus the tower top putting the the radios up top okay so you're saying it's impossible what you're saying not saying it's impossible but in this for what we're trying to achieve if we did something like that we'd probably have to put another Tower um somewhere in between the other ones because it wouldn't wouldn't reach as far as that we're trying to gain um so like I said it just yeah it just it just shrinks uh the pattern because of the loss all the amplifiers at the bottom so um when we we we especially with the newer G Equipment um everything's integrated uh so we wanted to get the the the greatest latest technology with the best speed what stops you from like a bell tower that would be that would be up to Anthem net and the property owner okay so so why Mr Smith is after they brought up the the concept of optimal spacing what what is that I mean obviously we're dealing with 5G Towers understand they need to be closer together and the like but what is an optimal spacing for you know an off or another another Tower well it all depends right we don't have a flat um distance of like every so Miles we're going to put it it all depends on the Geographics right the amount of traffic the neighboring sites how how tall they are just because say both of them are at 200 ft and we put a site right in the middle um again the antennas are different they have different tilts we change the powers we what we do is optimize right so if the traffic's here we can pull the signal back have it pull off to the other site and kind of help out sorry about that can we Denise can we bring the Pas out back up do you want do you want to see his RF information well I'm just he want he wants to look at the map right now yeah so we just approved another Tower site that by my calculations is about to the West 1.3 miles away correct from this Tower going to the west to the West the Cris site is that the yeah the one that we uh when they move back correct they they move back up that's where I'm going with this is that I mean I understand we're dealing with 5G technology we've got you know we're you we need to get a tower TI tighter spacing of towers and and the like for for that technology to work I I get it but I'm struggling with the need for a tower a mile away from another Tower understand if if you look at the maps you can just see where our propagations are um we're going to we're going to pull up his RF I did but you know I'm recalling the propagation from that new tower also and Horizon's going to use both of this right exactly that's part of my question so wrong we just approved show show up in this map I that's I'm not sure if it does or not yeah that's what I'm trying to say it's on page 63 packet 63 shows both sides so what you're seeing now is the the current coverage plus the proposed coverage of the the uh site that you're reviewing now um so like right here this is the uh the current site that we're discussing and of course everything else around it is our existing coverage for our AWS band so you can see here the the purpose of this site is really to cover up to the north to the East and over here to the South and and Southeast with the new growth and development the other site that you're referencing is over here um and I believe it's on the uh next side or slide before where it shows how it fits in there and this one covers here here and covers these neighborhoods down here um as far as spacing and you're saying 5G um I mean everything's kind of moving up that way again that's just the technology the frequencies are stand the same um uh but as we transition with these new services that we're doing like uh home internet um the quality of signal so while we put more out there is for capacity and quality of coverage um so these new services that we have they have to have a better signal level um so we just have to beef up the network on that aspect plus with all the new growth and development it puts strains on existing Network and that's why we're building these new towers all right um anything else you'd like to say I'm going to have Mr tby come up and just address some of the comments that were made about property values do you need your report okay David tlby Lee powerder Incorporated 609 East Jackson Street Tampa I have been sworn in front of you you do have my report it speaks for itself it's been developed over years and years I've been studying this issue for over 25 years starting up in leyon County Jefferson County all the way down to CER County in Naples which uh one of the one of your speakers spoke about I've studied Urban Towers relative to commercial development and residential B I've studied rural towers as well this is probably you can consider a rural location but I want to draw your attention to three things one is 380t tower that Pinnacle owns right next to the new t uh PTC boyet Center Town development that was a rural Tower 380 ft tall guywire supported you can see it from miles and miles and miles so now you have we have a developer who's taken the risk of purchasing the land rezoning it gaining entitlements and now he's developing it as you know the infrastructure is going in now all in the shadow of a tower marada is now encroaching from the west and they're also in the shadow of this Tower the Far West houses in marata you know the Lagoon development you're very familiar with that on the far East side of Morada at curly Road and lard Road you've got a 180 foot tower monopole Tower Verizon tower and I've have confirmed that that tower has had no impact on any of the valuations in marada or any other surrounding developments just like I find everywhere there's no data and I'm talking about sale and resale data that indicate these towers are impacting values now let me the third thing I want to draw your attention to I spoke to your two of your appraisers Chris Poe and Dan vilia talked to them several times not once has your appraiser or any appraiser along the whole West Coast of Florida in into Central Florida has a property appraiser made a reduction in an assessment of a property commercial rural residential residential Urban whatever you want to call it because of proximity to a tower so you have to ask yourself how can that be when you hear of these residents speaking about these impacts the appraisers deal with the same issue I do Market data and there's simply no Market data that indicates and supports that these towers impact values you know a market is a pool of buyers not just one individual so the problem is is that you're talking about towers that were already in place so how can you tell they whether they impacted the value or not they were there when the home home buyer bought the home they W there was no impact after they bought the home well I don't I don't quite follow your I gave you the examp follow I gave you the examp tower was there I can see the tower I buy the home versus the house is there I buy the house and then suddenly somebody wants to build the Tower next to me I can tell whether there's an impact after if the home's there before the tower if the tower's already there and I decide to buy the home there's no impact because I'm I know it's there I've I've actually researched this issue so I've researched so have I I've researched existing you know existing dwellings when a new Tower came up and then you research sale and resale following the installation of the new tower I've I've actually researched that I've talked to the Realtors I've talked to the property owners I've knocked on doors so is there any just I I I've actually gone beyond trying to find some data that would indicate there's an impact that's always been my goal is there any data regarding time on Market same thing we deal with we deal with market conditions and Market time and you know all the time and uh I've researched to see if there's any extended marketing period with a house near a tower and there just simply isn't one occasionally you'll find a buyer very occasionally who's adverse to the tower it's existing Tower but again that' be me but again the market is a pool of buyers and there's these houses always sell and they sell within the same marketing time as you know the the other the other sales kind of within the same subdivision but let's say they're half a mile away or a quarter mile away with you know you can't see it at all so we have a letter that was in our that was submitted to us from Alexandra Baker and in her letter she says the US Department of Housing and Urban Development guidelines categorize cell towers as quote hazards and nuisances and HUD requires its certified appraisers to take the presence of nearby cell towers into consideration when determining the value of single family Residential Properties is that a true statement I don't really deal in res and and HUD valuations but even if it is absolutely you can report it why wouldn't you if there's if there's a cell tower nearby and you're appraising a house sure you can report it why wouldn't you but I've also you'll find this funny I've also talked to Realtors where a tower was right on top of a house and they said what tower I think you you made a comment that these towers tend to blend in I've knocked on doors with a tower that you can basically Reach Out And Touch of a resident said you know why did you buy this house you know this Tower is right behind me this one lady in Tampa says what tower I go let's walk out your front door and look at it if you live next to this Tower you think somebody would say that what if you live next to this Tower you think somebody would say that no my my my point is that they they blend in but I I hear all kinds of stories but no you'll see this Tower absolutely from a long way away I mean there I mean there's no question you'll be able to see that the bottom line is how many how many loans how many mortgages on properties are HUD mortgages you don't look at HUD you know how many homes are purchased under that program well I think what you said is that an appraiser would have to report that the tower was visible is that what you're saying and I don't have a problem with that take the presence of nearby cell to into consideration when determining the value of single family Residential Properties why wouldn't you you can do that but you're just reporting it but there's no data indicates can to have any impacts you're saying they're taking into consideration but doesn't mean that there's an impact that's exactly right well I I tend to take the common sense approach I've been in real estate business for over 50 years here I'm pretty familiar with values so in my opinion if I had that monstrosity next to my house it would impact the value of my property so if you think it doesn't then you're just making up a story so you wouldn't have a problem buying the gentleman's property that the tower is going to be erected behind there' be no l today today's market price I'm I'm telling and chairman I appreciate what you're saying I'm telling you that there's no data you cannot find any data that's going to tell you or show you that these towers impact surrounding residential values I've studied it I've studied it for 25 years you're not going to find anybody with more information about this issue with all due respect I don't care about the value at this point I care about their quality of life and if I bought that I wouldn't want to look at that giant Christmas tree well I'm just here to talk about valuation so well we're here to protect our our people that's our number one job yes sir so if we think it's not going to hurt the people who live here then we're going to be all for it but if it is I'm not telling you that right now so anything else no sir okay thank you I I'll just ask you this would it be your preference for a long continuance to go back and figure out how to find either another site or a tower which could be more compatible with the area or would your preference be a recommendation of denial we think we have exhausted the search for another property in the ring and um I hear all of you I hear what you've said I understand it I appreciate it you all know I've been in front of you many times and I don't um I don't often bring you a site like this but this one is what it is because of what's on the ground out there it's what we we had limited choices so I think we would um prefer to keep it moving okay well we'll uh yeah and you're not willing to change the configuration of the tower we can um I can I I've heard you why I asked the question right you mentioned the monopole might be might be amable to that or Bel Tower or something else Sil I'm sorry Mr Williams a silo as Mr Moody say we we can discuss that internally and if we decide to um modify our application I think we could still do that after today Denise could we not you can you can modify the application the the the actual um the way that the tower looks so whether it be a close M Mount ofle or or something else you can but the Planning Commission has in front of it today the application that they're reviewing I think that's why I asked you the question let me just confirm let me state that another way the risk you take if you try to change your application after it's gone to Planning Commission is the board may say we got a recommendation from Planning Commission that was based on a different application they may remand it back and say we want to know what planning commission's recommendation is on this new tower that's the risk You Take by moving forward on a something that may change after the fact we we can change it to a unipole but it's still I still have to get landowner approval on that i' move to recommend denial of the proposed application based on Land Development code section 1000 2.7 B location standards and that there is a significant degree of adverse visual impact as indicated in the code I'll second that and I I'll I just want to add that I understand and I I hear you 100% in the state of you know especially what of the emergency that we recently had and difficulties and the need for towers and you all the things we hear on these every time I mean more people are working at home there's more use for more requirements for usage for bandwidth for all that kind of stuff but in my opinion and the reason I seconded the denial was this just is not the right spot I mean there's too many visual impacts I don't care what kind of poll you have there to me it's still a significant ific visual impact for a a long period of time as you're driving down the road or as you're sitting in your house it this just doesn't blend in yeah I understand you may have exhausted some of the properties in the area but that may have been exhausted uh based on the price that you were offering so just something to keep in mind that uh more options may open up depending on how much you guys are able to offer the land owner you know there's a property to the north there's pretty heavily wooded it's about 80 acres I see it's in a trust uh so there's there's some spots around there I don't know you know if you conversed with every single land owner in that area but you know this is the second time I can well actually this is the third time I can remember the second time for your client that I can recall that they've appeared before this board both of which were controversial cell phone tower sites and I'm shocked that after the first hearing where just wouldn't give you would not attempt to compromise the look for the look of the tower I mean the proposals monopole or nothing and then you're going to do it again I'm just not quite sure that that's a good strategy going forward when you come before this board well I'm sorry that you feel that way Mr Moody I I've only been in front of this board with this client twice and that other site was a tree and um so may recommended denial that day too and I had I had a landowner adamant about a tree it was in the lease so at the podium I cannot make that change so I'm and I'm sorry that you you're choosing to penalize Anthem net going forward I'm not that has nothing I'm just making a statement that I'm shocked that that's yeah I want you to understand too we're not penalizing anyone we're just protecting people that live here I same thing I do for you if you live there Mr Moody gave you the option to do a continuance to try to readdress that and you wouldn't take that so can I just ask one more question yeah um I noticed that there's a number of utility electric utility poles wooden poles in this area would did anybody explore the option of doing small cell coverage and and if so why was that not an option David Smith Verizon um small sales normally are not that high they're about 30 50 60 ft and some depends on the municipality right um but in general in order to cover that type of area that we're trying to cover you would probably have to put 20 plus small cells in this place all the way up and down the road um that just it's just right but but they would presumably all be on those electric utility P poles and have less of a visual impact wouldn't they uh as far as the utility poles it it's some of them we put we partner with like duke or the electric companies and stuff a lot of ours are self-performed so we put a steel pole in the right away um but still it'll be in the right way but what would be the height of those small Souls whatever is approved for municipality like in Tampa we average from somewhere 35 45 ft seen some in Miami around 60 ft really depends on so but they wouldn't be much higher than what those existing yes utility polls that are there if if if that's what's approved for the for Pascal County again I'm not familiar with the realate that sound accurate to you yeah so basically um those would be approved by those would be allowed by right because there was that preemption that passed several years ago so they're under chapter 27 of our Pascal County code of ordinances so there there's a feasible way they could get similar service through small sales I'm not saying it's it's not well he said it is but it would take it would take 20 or 30 of them well they take a lot more than it's kind of like the way you look at it even though it's you say small sale it's basically a mini site so it takes the same type of resources I I know it's a little bit cheaper than than say a full size site here but we still got the fiber concerns right um we might might might not be able to get fiber at all all these poles or where we need them right so if we place them everywhere and of course they're going to have to be in the rideway um so what we're trying to yeah what we're trying to cover we're not going up and down the street so if we need to make sure we're covering these neighborhoods that we have right away access in those areas um again just high level not really sure where we are on the real estate side but from an R perspective I know that some of the challenges they have okay all right any other questions any further discussions yeah I I'll just chip in I appre and I've done work with them before you've done worked on our school board cell towers and I appreciate your work but as somebody who lives out here I I agree with all my colleagues I just think it I don't vote on this one but it just stands out just awful so I even if I did vote I would vote no okay any further discussion if not uh we have a motion we have a second no further discussion all in favor signify by saying I iOS like sign okay motion carries n the application does go to the board right yeah Mr chair before you adjourn I just wanted to bring the planning commission's attention to the noted item that's on the agenda which is the 2025 public hearing schedule that was adopted by the board of County Commissioners on September 17th I think it was um so just wanted to let you know that that's the public hearing schedule for 2025 where was where was that it is a a noted item on your agenda so it should be part of your agenda packet it's it's basically like three sheets with all the dates for 2025 so when Mr Moody was saying if would you like the long continuance I brought up the 2025 public hearing schedule um so okay that's what I had thank you P can lead a horse to water didn't come through in my packet I'll have to go back and look all right uh move to a journ we have a second second all in favor I okay thank you ways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollutants directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy environment for fish water foul and other Aquatic animals storm drains are meant for clean rainwater most other discharges are illegal if you suspect an illicit discharge please contact Pasco County Department of Public Works at 72783 43611 oh h a oh what we saw today a level of Devastation in our County that quite honestly I haven't seen in the 20 plus years that I've lived here and when I look across even the Bay Area you know living here my entire life uh a level of Devastation that I have not seen and while we could not have prevented the devastation itself right it is what it is uh what what was what was sad is is kind of watching people struggle trying to get out people that maybe wished that they had evacuated but but didn't uh I'm grateful that our first responders were were there and and and ready to to help folks get out but I mean we saw fires that we could not respond to we had people that were you know power is out it's dark water is coming into their house and they couldn't they couldn't get out you know the call from the 911 operator is we're going to get to you when we can at one point in the evening we had four 500 calls for service and maybe we were lucky if we could have answered 20% of those at the time um it's it's heart-wrenching and for those of us the OC I can tell you we we felt very very helpless but we eventually got into a good Rhythm and and and things started happening and then by daylight and when the waters were receding uh we certainly uh we were certainly hitting hitting our full stride when I went out there the immediate effect that it had on me this this happened in my County while I was driving around last night looking at flooding conditions I actually found myself helping residents out of the water and it really takes you back um the humanity I also saw um is is heart breaking and a little gut-wrenching because resident helping resident is what it all about and we saw people I saw people getting in boats helping people out getting people to the drop off points and it's it's a good heartfelt feeling that when I see it it it is humbling if I put myself in the situation I've I've either lost everything or I've lost a you know I've lost a home I've lost a vehicle um I I've I've lost a connection with with family I I would say that you know first and foremost you know folks just need to kind of just start you know sometimes they they just say if you start somewhere you can you can get going we're working on putting some resources out there uh for our citizens to help them you know from from Pasco County Government perspective one of the things that we're we're here to help with is is looking at debris removal there's boats out of canals there's boats in roadways there's abandoned vehicles on sides of Roads so it gave me an instant flashback back when I went to Lee County for Ian uh residents that started throwing all debris out in their front yard on the roadside and there's a special way to do it and it needs to be separated your white goods which are your washing machines dryers refrigerators deep freezers your Carpeting and then your furniture um they need to be separated because they're picked up at different times no they're not alone for those for those that are basically we we pulled out and have nowhere else to go living in shelters we're looking to set up points of distribution so pods as we call them where we'll have food and and water there available for distribution we're working with several not for-profits as well Red Cross and and other agencies to additionally provide other other other things of of comfort Aid and and support we're keeping our our hurricane shelter the fan shelter open uh for as long as we need to in order to help help folks that are that have been displaced uh and really have nowhere else to go uh at least have a place until we can kind of figure out what what it is that we're going to do we've talked even internally about trying to provide Mental Health Resources as well for affected citizens cuz let's face it this experience has been traumatic so I also want to talk about a little bit about FEMA so we have something called IA which is individual assistance what is met for the needs of the family that are affected in disasters uh female will come in they'll do an assessment and if the county qualifies it will open up residents to get grants to help establish uh fixing their residents unmet needs in their household and it's available to all citizens within the county our our first responder operations are are are nearing nearing a completion in terms of the initial crisis so they will be kind of moving back to their normal their normal Mission posture of of responding to your typical medical and and and fire related type calls you know our Public Works teams are going to be working uh again to help help remove debris but again we have to we have to begin to start transitioning and so we've sent out a lot of folks to uh assess County facilities and operations but first we have to take care of those basic those basic basic needs so our building inspectors have been out doing damage assessment uh ensuring that it's safe to have the power turned back on making sure that folks have those basic necessities I'm working with the power companies right now uh to ensure that that we get power turned back on those are the first first things but then we we transition back to business as usual hopefully schools will be reopened again on on Monday and and we can try to you know relive a sense of normaly despite having this this this massive Interruption and then we'll we'll continue to work with those citizens and help them help them recover in the best way that we can please visit my paso. or call our customer service line they'll be able to connect you with the right folks if you live in Florida you know it's not a matter of if a storm will come but it's a matter of when Pasco County prepares sandbag stations like the one behind me in several places of around the county before each potential flooding event sandbag locations are posted on our website and on the my Pascal app so you can be prepared for any storm that heads our way just head to myas.org and sand at each sandbag location leading up to the storm just remember all sandbag sites are self-service only now there's one really important thing you'll need to bring to the sandbag site it's one of these guys don't forget your shovel fill each sandbag about 2/3 but no more than 3/4 full so it will lay flat and act as a barrier make sure you don't overfill the sandbag you'll need enough room to tie off the opening remember Pasco supplies 30 sandbags per household and that should be enough to protect a garage door and two smaller doors to protect doors first lay down a layer of heavy plastic sheeting available at any hardware store make sure it's as high or higher than the stack of sandbags and that it covers the ground underneath the sandbags to create a waterproof barrier Place sandbags lengthwise along the width of the door overlay bags to build the next layer to make a higher barrier you can use this method for all types of doors following these steps can help create a barrier to protect your home from flooding damage remember check out our website my paso. download the my Pasco app and visit our social media Pages for updated sandbag location I headed the next big storm n la