##VIDEO ID:dmbkMhMWU4s## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon we'll resume their meeting and we're going to go to item p78 oh yeah roll for everything need start afteron thank you Mr chairman nario Pito Planning Development economic growth uh item p78 is an ordinance establishing The Preserve at Legends Point Community Development District pursuing to chapter 190 Florida Statutes providing for authority and power of the district providing for powers and duties of the district providing for the Board of Supervisors of the district providing for the District budget providing for functions of the district providing for miscellaneous Provisions providing for an effective date this comes to you with recommendation to adopt the ordinance by roll call vote and to authorize the chair to execute the originals of the ordinance provided and we have proof of publication in the business Observer November 15th and November 15th November 22nd November 29th and December 6th 2024 okay very good any questions for staff okay this is a public hearing is anyone here from the public want to speak to item p78 see no one move approval second and roll call vote District one commissioner Oakley I District Two commissioner waitman I District Four commissioner Jagger I District uh three commissioner starky is not present at this time District Five commissioner Mariano I Vice chairman I motion passes 40 item p79 we have proof publication of the hearing of this matter at this time in the B times November 13th 20th 27th and December 4th 2024 thank you Mr chairman this item is an ordinance establishing Del Web River Reserve Community Development District pursuant to chapter 190 Florida Statutes providing for authority and power of the district providing for powers and duties of the district providing for the Board of Supervisors of the district providing for the District budget providing for functions of the district providing for miscellaneous Provisions providing for an effective date and this comes here with the recommendation to adopt the ordinance by roll call vote and draw authorize the chair to execute the ordinance The Originals of the ordinance okay any questions for staff any question or any public comment for item p number 79 okay a motion approval second and roll call vote district one commissioner Oakley I and District Two commissioner Wakeman I District Four commissioner Jagger I District three starky not present District 5 acting chair maranao I Mo motion passes 40 uh item number p80 we have proof of publication in the business Observer November 15th 22nd 29th and December 6th 2024 uh thank you Mr chairman this item is pde 25006 this is an ordinance establishing of the Kenton Community Development District pursuant to chapter 194 statutes providing for authority and power of the district providing for powers of and duties of the district providing for the Board of Supervisors of the district providing for the District budget providing for functions of the district providing for miscellaneous Provisions providing for an effective date this also comes with a recommendation to adopt the ordinance by roll call vote and authorize the chair to execute the original of the ordinance okay any questions for staff is there any anyone in the public would like to speak to item p80 seeing none move approval second and roll call vote district one commissioner Oakley I District Two commissioner waitan District Two commissioner waitman he's given an i he's got a thumbs up thumbs up for an i District Four commissioner Jagger hi District three commissioner starky non present District Five acting chair Mariano I motion passes 40 now we'll go to item p81 we have proof of publication in the Tampa Bay Times September 4th 2024 supplemented by an Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings noted that this was uh originally continued from the October 22nd meeting to today okay thank you Mr chairman this is pde 250011 this is an ordinance amending the Pasco County comprehensive plan providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use maps 2-15 and Sheet 10 changing from res one residential one dwelling unit per gross acre to Comm commercial on approximately 3.02 Acres of real property located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Jasmine Boulevard and Little Road uh this comes with a recommendation to approve the proposed comprehensive plan adopt the ordinance by roll call vote we have a presentation if so desired uh we want to see a presentation yes good good afternoon Amy toll with Planning and Development uh so the ordinance has already been into record today's uh amendment is the adoption hearing for a proposed comprehensive plan Amendment the applicant is proposing an amendment from res one residential one dwelling unit per gross acre to calm commercial on approximately 3.02 Acres it is located at the Northeast uh corner of the intersection of Jasmine Boulevard and Little Road there is a proposed companion uh resoning or will be a proposed companion resoning petition uh the applicant has acknowledged that on uh November 18th they would request a rezoning petition uh to C1 which is your neighborhood scaled zoning District so here is just a general location of the property being within the embassy District of the West Market area and the urban service area here's a contact map to highlight its location at the intersection intersection of jasman Boulevard in Little Road um as you can see there is a currently existing neighborhood scaled commercial on the west side of little road as well as some high density and low density residential surrounding it here's the aerial map of the proposed site the existing res one future land use the proposed future land used to calm there is uh the transportation network of being at the intersection of Jasmine Boulevard and little road little road is an arterial roadway Jasmine Boulevard is an a collector roadway there's also the little road trail that is uh running alongside Little Road excuse me and then the existing zoning district is currently P2 as noted the applicant uh did confirm uh that they would request a rezoning petition to C1 which is your neighborhood scaled zoning or uh commercial the following policies are consistent with the proposed comprehensive plan Amendment and with that we recommend to approve the proposed comprehensive plan Amendment and adopt by roll call vote I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have um I'll fire a couple of questions sure so in talking with I had met with the applicant um well you talked about how I didn't think gas stations would be a a good location for that uh use I talked about no car washes no self storage and obviously no live local uh I know it's a land use thing but is that going to be coming up when we talk to the others that they've agreed to that yes so um preliminarily the conversations had was the applicant was proposing a Amendment Comm uh pde or Planning Development economic growth's stance at that point in time was essentially to deny the request unless they were going to kind of restrict the uses to prohibit self- storage gas stations so on and so forth um at the local planning agency that was heard last month uh their vote was to recommend just a straight calm without the uh proposed deed restriction the deed restriction will be covered at the zoning stage um so that will be in with their recomend their request of a C1 zoning District rather than a C2 zoning District but the prohibited uses would not be at that point in time the only deed restriction would be for the live local okay so I know we get some public opposition um was handed out to us earlier and I see the gentleman Mr Rose is here to speak as well um I like to hear from the applicant and then I think my thoughts is and Jeff coached me on this but my thinking is that we hold back in here the zoning to make sure we get all the conditions in that we're protected you can't you can't um because they're proposing a straight zoning category so the comprehensive plan Amendment must be effective before they can before you can take up the zoning Amendment now the zoning amendment can as You' have done in numerous other occasions have a deed restriction which travels with it that restricts uses if that's the board desire so we can put those deed restrictions in now you can put those deed restrictions in when the C1 comes up you could actually probably put a Sub sub area policy in that restricts the uses David I think yes a Subara policy is the way a comprehensive plan future land use can be controlled so you could you could limit it uses within a sub area policy for the comprehensive plan Amendment if that's the board's deign okay very good and uh just a couple other things so the PO existing zoning district is still consistent or would be consistent with the proposed calm flu so um there's that to consider and then also Liam just made note that the self storage in a gas station would not be a permitted use by W in C1 it would be a special exception okay okay good all right where from the applicant right you can pass that um G I will pass the gavl and I warned everyone I wasn't going to make it P at 1:30 so no problem yeah thanks good morning Madam chairman and members of the County Commission my name is Cindy terany Terry pany planning strategies 128 East Tarpon Avenue and Tarpon Springs I am the authorized representative for the applicant who is also the property owner castang LLC I do have a document for the overhead in a little bit and I'll go ahead and pass rece we need make a motion receiveing file second all in favor I I think it's roll call vote on that roll call the receiving file you don't need a roll okay all in favor I and um Commission statement if you don't want to stay on I know you're not feeling well you're whatever you want to do I'm here now I think I'll take my presentation a little out of order to just address the issue of the deed restriction and the c1c2 and then I'd like to make some other comments um we did initially start with the C2 zoning district with a laundry list 15 or 16 items including live local that would be prohibited through the deed restriction and we were a little concerned about some use whether some uses were allowed by wri and C1 we clarified that with the staff that the things usage that we are interest interested in would be allowed by R and C1 and so as uh Miss hiler stated we did State at the Planning Commission that we would uh when we're ready to submit the rezoning which we're still a little bit um from that that we would request C1 um and I'm stating here today my applicant my the applicant and my client have agreed that they would do a deed restriction to prohibit gas stations car washes and the live local um we hadn't thought about the Self Storage but I I'm I'll double check with him when we take a break but I'm pretty sure that won't be a problem either so just to be clear when we do the rezoning application we would submit C1 should you all you know approve this application um so this is a plan Amendment from W res one to commercial the po2 zoning seem to be the less appropriate zoning district and long-term use for for a corner that's a signalized corner um Jasmine uh U excuse me little road is a urban arterial six Lanes of travel all turning movement at that intersection turn lanes for every turning movement Jasmine is an East West collector with two lanes of travel and then at the intersection it widens for turn Lanes um for all directions Jasmine connects from US1 19 on the west all the way over to Hill trop drive on the East to the east of the site a traffic needs assessment was performed by Pasco County for this case and they found that was done by your staff that little word is currently operating well below its capacity meaning the commercial development if approved would not negatively impact the operation of little road and of course as you all know uh if this is approved and we apply for the rezoning we would have to do a more detailed traffic study as part of the rezoning we've already got that underway when my clients cast and LLC purchased the site there are three dilapidated home uh houses on the property occupied by the homeless in addition to a homeless Camp because the property was fairly overgrown and had really been abandoned by the previous owner since their purchase my clients have demolished those three homes they've started to clear the site recognizing and there's more clearing to be done things got a little slowed down on this site due to the hurricane clearing that has been done so many other places that are really more important the goal is to make the tract the site attractive for development and become a property that will contribute positively to the city to the County's tax bace you would uh show that map that would be helpful can you turn it so that State Road 52 is at the top this is the exhibit that I passed out to you it's a fairly simple exhibit no one more thank you so much so what I looked at was little road from State Road 52 to Ridge Road it's a little over a two mile section we're about a little more than we're in the top third of that two mile section at this site um along that t mile Corridor every single major intersection as shown by the red stars has commercial zoning commercial plan category or Andor commercial uses so clearly the pattern of a major intersection with uh the inter section of little road with another major road the pattern is for commercial development at that corner those commercial Corners are the intersections of the following streets starting on the North State Road 52 the second one is Jasmine Boulevard that's this uh the site of this application directly opposite the plan Amendment on the west side of little road is a Walgreens store with C1 zoning going further south Grove Drive Fox Hollow Drive Embassy Drive Hilltop Drive Embassy Drive and Hilltop on side the west side it's called Emy on the east side of little it's called Hilltop Drive and then Ridge Road is the southern Edge should also be noted that at five of these six intersections commercial development is immediately adjacent to residential because your code has a variety of Provisions to install buffering between those two uses your staff is recommending approval of the plan Amendment and has found that the commercial plan category is a is appropriate for the site stating on page six and I quote the calm land use designation is appropriate at this location pursuant to policy 1.6.2 and the subject site meets the location CR criteria for an amendment to calm flu end quote the location criteria relates to Cal being appropriate at Major intersections of major roads and that's exactly what you have here today as I mentioned earlier uh we will uh when if this is approved we will pursue the C1 zoning with the deed restrictions that I've just talked about the gas station the self storage and the uh uh Car Wash and and of course to live local sit's really not big enough for multif family or any sort of residential development I know this commission is well aware that the county has detailed regulations that must be met in order to receive permits and develop the site these detailed County development regulations will hopefully result in an attractive commercial site with parking driveways Landscaping buffering storm water management and it will transform these unoccupied residential lots into a commercial site that will provide convenient neighborhood service services and return the site to the County's tax rooll in a positive manner which it clearly is not today we believe our commitment to request the C1 district with the deed restrictions that I've stated on the record will allow commercial neighborhood commercial uses at the intersection while also protecting the Residential Properties this site and these Property Owners should be eligible for the same commercial uses as exist on five other major intersections along this section of little road we respectfully request your approval of the plan Amendment which is consistent with your comp plan I thank you for your time i' be happy to answer any of your questions okay uh board members u Lisa did you have a question I was just can we pull that up like so we can have an aerial view of that I kind of want to see what it looks like that's why I always bring my iPad I know I forgot it on the people people see me on my iPad and I'm zooming in on on satellite starting at the top where it says State Road 52 all four corners of that intersection have commercial no I think she means the satellite an aial photograph I'm sorry yeah sorry about that while we that waiting for that Madam chair can I ask a question sure so C are you comfortable as our C County attorney just said if we did a sub area policy um comments in there with no gas station no car wash no sell storage and no live local are you comfortable with that if we do it that way we can I I I I thought I was hearing that you all thought a deed restriction was the better way to do it but if you feel the need for um you know the the sub area policy whatever whatever gets the job done to confirm what we're committing to we will do that we'd like to move forward today if that's possible more as quickly as possible because we have already done the rezoning um traffic study we've done the environmental study so we're trying to move forward if you all would agree to this today would the sub area policy hold you up if we had that written in or is there a lot to that I don't know I'd have to I would defer to the county attorney whether that happened today or at a different meeting or that it would be put into the resolution or the the ordinance that was that's being adopted I don't see yeah we might have to make some modifications to the ordinance but it can be approved today if that's the question okay that's the question thank you so do so I understand it you there would be a sub area sub area policy like there are for other areas in the comprehensive plan the future land use element and those three uses and the live local would be prohibited uses on the site is that what we're talking about if the board wants to do this through a subur policy yes that's that would be the direction I mean could it be done through deed restriction and is that is that the more common way we do it yes but it's really the board's prerogative well what's I just want to make sure it's done which way is which way would you recommend board is concerned about having those uses available in the comprehensive plan then the sub area policy would if if you want to make sure that those assurances are committed to today right it would have to be a subur policy okay the deed restriction we don't know when that's going to come right okay I'd rather do it today okay um any other questions while we're waiting for a map yeah I'm trying to pull it up on my phone right now commissioner Oakley any questions commissioner waitman do you have any questions you almost got to speak can we discuss this a little later if they're down or let's see you have comment left okay they can we could take public comment and then come back to you Lisa if that works commissioner okay we one sign map I could put on the Elmo if you just want the specific the specific area Mrs commissioner yeah I just I wanted to see like you know where the residential was located things like that so that may or may not be live there [Music] you know why do we we have this problem a lot I feel like we need to dive in why we get disconnected a lot that's a heads up for the guys is it the wiring loose wires while we're waiting to I will tell you the um I think you're asking where is the residential in relationship to the site um it is um to the east uh residential development exists to the east into the southeast um to the north it's vacant and there's a plan Amendment um pending um hasn't come to you all yet that's for residential and commercial it's a much bigger lot um the one person there were two people who appeared at the Planning Commission one of them was the resident who lives immediately adjacent to us on the north side of Jasmine and she said she was okay with commercial but she didn't want a gas station okay and the other gentleman lives on Hilltop um which is a good third of a mile to the East and then a little bit South on Hilltop Hilltop is runs north and south about a third of a mile east of the site and he had concerns about generally commercial and he may or may I mean I'm not trying to speak for them I'm just telling you what I recall from that hearing if they they may speak for themselves let me St to hear public comment right yeah we'll take public comment now then we'll thank you so much they can work on the map okay has anyone signed up to speak beside Mr Rose and do we have any Alan Rose do you have anyone online or or did you good afternoon Alan Rose 10221 Hilltop Drive in conjuction to this rezoning um something that wasn't brought aboard to the to the planning department is this is part of Golden Acres this is this is Golden Acres phase one lot two we do have this this particular lot they did not mention that this parcel is currently designated as a wildlife sanctuary by our by our covenants and you can see it I provided y all a copy it's in there the last two pages of our covenants they did not mention this parcel was part of Golden Acres phase one lot two with land covenants they did not contact Golden Acres Community I did they did not contact the budding property owner I stated I did the second the lady that was at the last meeting she was two away I went to the ab budding property owner he is not in favor of this resoning I went to our community members and I've got numerous signatures that we do not want to see this rezoned to commercial it will adversely affect our community and and everything that we are we have there yes there is and that's why you see that um a misrepresentative property uh stating Only highdensity commercial rezoning made sense this is wrong we have Driftwood Village Timber Oaks Jasmine Estates Cranes Roost and Golden Acres all local and all on Little Road you have all of these residentials on Little Road right near nearby so when they're fake making this seem like it's all commercial no it's in this particular area it's all residential Jasmine from Lake you drive West 3 miles through Golden Acres Phase 1 there are zero high density commercial properties just one Pharmacy that's serving the community little road from Grove Street North 3 miles to Star Trail there are zero high density commercial developments a church a charter school and a veterinarian all to support our community not high density commercials and please see the attached petitions I've provided asking for the board of County Commissioners to deny the rezoning required it it backs up to backs up everything I have said and the community has signed off on this denying this rezoning request this is all of our residents and they are in they are located within Golden Acres and we are we are asking that you deny this resoning request we're supposed everything's supposed to be a minimum of one acre and uh that's that's short and simple if there are any questions I'd be glad to to provide it to you but we have numerous signatures of all property owners and and residents within Golden Acres we do not want to see commercial Mr Rose I'm I'm looking at your um paper that you gave us and um nowhere does it say what lot it's referring to that's phase one it's all it's an all of phase one and that is Phase One lot two it doesn't say that nowhere does it say phase one lot two well okay I I we can't really go by this hang on I have the originals over here and I I I don't even know if that's do we follow these or no the these are these are deed restrictions on the property it's the covenants and restrictions uh says they were recorded in 78 I don't know whether they they're good for 30 years and then they were reaffirmed every 10 years thereafter and no one has has rescinded these so they're still in they're still in operation and then I've also and that's a civil matter between you and the property all right so we would have to sue them when they decided to do this yeah okay so that's where we if this is a I mean that's the deed restrictions bind the property owners they don't bind government regulation okay and then I also this is a list of all the properties these are all Residential Properties from uh on on Little Road from Grove to Jasmine from $1 million to 600,000 300,000 those are all on Little Road a budding little road coming up to this then you have all the long list of properties that's from this property all the way up to Hilltop and you can see all those properties from a million dollar to 400,000 you know what you're going to do to our property values when you put a a commercial high density commercial on our on in our residential area this is what I brought to you I I have a question for for staff can anybody tell me what this area look like dur during um if it took on water for flooding in that area no it's high our Wetlands were all were all high that's high our Wetlands were all high but there was the only place that had severe flip flooding was the uh was Bear Creek going under Oola and that's where this will also cause if it's hardened up will cause the water flow it flows from Jasmine to Bear Creek and out Bear Creek so everything from that side that's how that water flow goes so it will it will increase and this is also uh IID submitted something to you on the regarding it's U it's an impaired Waters and that this type of development is not supposed to be occurring on on communities with impaired Water Systems like we have Madame chairman just for the record uh we would like for the record to tie the item that you just mentioned that was presented in earlier public comment to this particular on the hearing of this matter at this time okay um would you like extra yeah we're just doing it of record thank you is there anyone else who wishes to speak to the board there's no one else signed up in and here's your map it's on my screen is it on your screen there it is okay so can you is it possible to zoom in Alan you're done thank you very much um I'm not I don't I can't tell which is the corner on this I think it's okay so right across the street is the CVS W the Walgreens um I'll I don't mind going ahead and speaking and I would say I don't agree with you that this is going to destroy your property values um what is it what if it's a daycare is a daycare allowed there would a daycare be allowed in this zoning not you Alan you're done thank you you're finished yes daycare would be part of so I I I would point out to you that we have a daycare right smack in the very middle of starky ranch and the residents find it a great um great benefit to them um and so I I think we've protected the residents with some of the uses that we've kept out of it yes I before you go into commissioner comments let's have the applicant rebut okay do you want a reut okay then you can go into discussion okay um just very briefly um a couple of things number one this is not high density commercial it's your neighborhood commercial District it's the lowest intensity commercial District that you have coupled with those deed restrictions that we've been talking about um second of all if we don't have neighborhood commercial in some proximity to residential people have to drive too far and that's the problem then you have more wear and tear on the roads you have more impact on roads you want people to be able to get to Neighborhood commercial go get a sandwich go get a a a thing of milk whatever you might need you and you want that close um commercial and residential can clearly coexist next to each other we see it all over the county I showed an example of um all places just in the vicinity on Little Road that it does uh and then uh finally I would just say that um I I think you know maybe Mr Rose is concerned about people uh leaving this site and going east on Jasmine and then going into the neighborhood honestly there's no reason for them to do that um because there anyone that's going to want to go north or south is going to get back on Jasmine go to the light and turn north or south on a little road so I think you know the impact on the neighborhood is extremely minimal um again with your buffers and all of your development requirements that are are in place and we think it can be a good addition um to the neighborhood and thank you and I'm again happy to answer any questions uh another comment you can reaffirm one of the things in our conversation you're talking about there's actually even a homeless population was in that property there was yes sir that you guys cleaned all that out as well as tearing down the homes yes sir U and if you if anyone has questions we'll go for go back to the board yeah but they were living in the houses they were living in the in the on the Lots because it's a pretty good size a 3 Acre property it was fairly heavily vegetated so it was a serious problem and my my clients own the property they're not under contract to purchase it they've actually owned the property and pursuing the Redevelopment of the site and and they've already done that work to clean it out yes sir thank you um for yes just as a followup on commissioner Jagger's question uh the property is extremely dry okay following the uh October 11th overflight and my client uh said that he didn't they did not have any water any flooding on the site pretty high there I think Point clarification which is that we can do the subur policy for the gas station the mini storage and the um what was the third one I forgot car washes but live local is going to still have to be a deed restriction for legal reasons because we're preempted so just wanted to make sure that was clear okay okay so whoever makes the motion all right so let me go let me just have a little more conversation with it so very familiar with the the neighborhood is a great neighborhood it is a commercial Corridor I think taking out the gas station car wash self storage it provides for a good opportunity for something good to go in there to actually help the neighborhood it's also going to help the major traffic going up and down Little Road Ro CVS is right across the street uh making this a less dense uh commercial I think is is a is a good move for the area I don't think it's going to hurt the area agreed okay well does some someone want to make a motion I'll move do I have a second I'll second with further discussion well um can you clarify with your motion that it includes the deed live local deed restriction no so it would be loal live local deed restriction is going to have to come back with the zoning oh but it excludes the car wash car wash as a as a use car wash gas station and stage and self storage and Amy was okay so with the with the gas station car wash and self storage in the sub are policy I'm well and if we could also if we're doing subar policies might might as well also say that it's C1 has will have to be Zone C1 as well yeah let's go with motion motion yeah good with a second there okay um roll call District district one commissioner Oakley I District Two commissioner wakan I District three uh four commissioner Jagger I District Five commissioner Mariano I District three chairman starky I okay um so are we on to 82 I don't know what you guys did so we have Pro publication of p82 uh in the Tampa Bay Times October 27th of 2024 thank you madam chair uh item p82 is PD 2520 this is an ordinance by the Pascal County Board of County Commissioners amending the Pascal County Land Development code section 604 Northeast Pasco rural protection overlay District figure 6041 Northeast Pascal rural protection overlay District boundary figure 6042 Northeast Pasco rural Scenic roadways figure 64-4 limits to topographic alterations and other sections as necessary for internal consistency providing for applicability repealer severability inclusion to land of vment code and an effective date uh this uh item was first heard this proposed uh ordinance to amend the Land Development code was first heard on November 12th 2024 uh that was the first hearing this is the second hearing therefore uh the recommended board action is to accept public comment and adopt the proposed ordinance amendment by roll call vote and authorize the chair to execute the ordinance Amendment this is a Land Development code amendment that is a companion to a recent future land use map amendment that was approved at November 12 2024 board count Commissioners meeting thank you okay board members any questions okay is there anyone from the we have no one signed up in advance okay or online do we want to have a motion I'm Mo second roll call vote district one Comm uh commissioner Oakley I District Two commissioner Wakeman hi District Four commissioner Jagger hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi District three chairman starky hi and just for the record that was moving staff's recommendation yes yes okay we'll take more of those b83 we have proof of publication of the hearing of this matter in the Tampa Bay Times November 13th 20th 27th and December 4th 2024 thank you madam chair item p83 is pde 2539 this is an ordinance establishing the angelene Community Development District pursuant to chapter 19 Flor of statutes providing for authority and power of the district providing for powers and duties of the district providing for the Board of Supervisors of the district providing for the District budget providing for functions of the district providing for miscellaneous Provisions providing for an effective date this comes with a recommendation to adopt the ordinance by roll call vote and authorize the chair to execute the originals of the ordinance provided okay any questions all right is there anyone here to signed up to speak to this these are CDD districts no one signed up or in line anybody in the audience wish to speak to this item no one more approval second uh roll call vote commissioner oaking I District Two commissioner wgan hi District Four commissioner joerger hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi District three chairman Stark I p84 p80 four we have proof of publication supplemented by an Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings uh publication Tampa Bay Times October 2nd 2024 thank you madam chair item p84 is PD 2550 this is an ordinance to amend the comprehensive plan from res 6 to ilil however since the publication of the agenda the applicant has requested a continuance to the January 28 2025 board County Commissioners meeting at new pori at 1:30 p.m. I'll take a motion to continue this was public for approval so is there anybody in the audience that wishes to speak this item I don't see where it said there's no one signed up seeing none I move Contin okay roll call vote district one commissioner Oakley I District Two commissioner uh wakan I District Four commissioner jger I District Five commissioner Mariano I District three chairman starky I P85 P85 uh originally published on September 4th 2024 and supplemented by app davit of certified mailings for the October 22nd 2024 board meeting where it was continued to today thank you madam chair item P85 is PD 2551 this is an ordinance amending the Pas County comprehensive plan providing for a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-15 and Sheet 03 from Ro retail office residential to Il industrial Light on approximately 16.84 Acres of real property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Diagonal Road and New York Avenue and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repealer cability in an effective date this comes with the recommendation to approve the proposed comprehensive plan Amendment and adopt the ordinance by roll call vote and there's a presentation of so desired uh board members would you like to see the presentation Madam chairman yes so this is my district this is actually a project I was familiar with but when I saw a diagonal Road in the intersection of it I got scared because I knew it was a dirt road there's no access to the diagonal road so I'm going to be fully supportive this coming forward but we already had a presentation on it and that that was the one question I had the couldn't quite get but I got okay um cuz we moved this right yeah we contined but all right um very comfortable with it so if there's no more questions is there anyone here from the audience who wishes to speak to this item is there anybody online no one online I'll take a motion move approval second roll call vote district one commissioner Oakley hi District Two commissioner Wagman hi District Four commissioner Ager hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi District three chairman starky hi p87 madam chair I skip no would you like us to start to do the procedures and then there are two resoning agendas regular and consent staff will present each application to the board of County Commissioners if staff or Planning Commission has recommended approval and there's no opposition the application will be considered by be considered by the board without further presentation if staff or Planning Commission has recommended denial or if there is opposition to the application the applicant will be given five minutes for presentation the opposition will be given three minutes for each individual or five minutes for a group representative and the applicant will be given three minutes for rebuttal any individual disagreeing with staff or Planning Commission recommendation or anyone wishing to object to any condition of the resoning May at this time request the petition be pulled from the consent agenda in which case that application will be heard under the regular agenda later on during the meeting otherwise all resoning applications on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion and vote if you wish to speak to any petition please give your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record these are Quasi judicial public hearings the law in Florida is that mere public support opposition of an application is insufficient for this board to take action please limit your comments to those criteria found within the board's Land Development code Mr clerk would you like to swear the public in at this time we'd ask that anyone who intends to speak to any of the rezoning items to please stand again anyone who wishes to intends to speak or anticipate speaking to any of the resoning items please stand at this time and raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony you will give in these matters as the truth so help you God please be seated and when you come forward to the podium for the matter uh for the record please indicate whether you have been sworn and state your name and address and please spell your last name for us thank you p86 p86 six this item was originally published in the May 1st 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay times for the hearing on June 18th 2024 where it was continued to August 21st where it was continued to October 22nd where it was continued to today and we're asking for a continuance today yes ma' uh this item p86 is PD 27783 it's a zoning amendment in the name of dijan and Gordana change in zoning from AR with conditions to AR and cultural residential district in the recommended action is to continue to a date uncertain do we need to take public comment nope okay so but I need a motion move to continue time certain time one now I need a second second I just a second um roll call vote district one commissioner Oakley hi District Two commissioner Wakeman hi District Four commissioner jger hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi District three chairman starky I p87 is also a continuance p87 was continued uh was originally published Tampa Bay Times August 28 2024 or for the meeting October 22nd 2024 let me make sure I didn't say that incorrectly it was published in the Tamp B times August 28th 201 24 for a meeting October 202nd 2024 and continued to today ADM p87 is PD 27818 this is a zoning amendment in the name of HCM Hospitality LLC which is a change in zoning from C2 General commercial District to mf1 multiple family medium density District to an mf1 multiple family medium density District this comes with a recommendation to continue the item to the January 28 2025 Bard County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 p.m. in newor move to continue time certain second roll call vote district one commissioner Oakley I District Two commissioner wgan he said I got it by uh online uh District Four commissioner joerger hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi District three chairman starky hi um p88 which is on consent we have proof publication Tamp May Times October 23rd 2024 item p88 is PD 25044 this is a development agreement for uh water grass mpud master plan unit development by ckb Development LLC proposes modification to the development agreement for the water grass mpud this comes with an approval uh a recommendation to to approve the development agreement Amendment and to authorize the chairman to execute the amendment uh if there is there anyone to speak in opposition to this any questions here okay we'll leave it on consent P89 item p88 we have proof of publication I'm sorry AP 89 um proof of publication in the August 28th 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay times for the meeting of October 22nd 2024 supplemented by Affidavit of certified mailings and site posting it was continued on the October meeting to today the the wrong number because I thought we did 88 yeah this is 89 89 okay okay um I yeah can you do a little presentation we can yeah okay uh item uh P89 is PD 27779 this is a zoning amendment in the name of sidik raat Ali it's a change in zoning from a C1 neighborhood commercial District to a C2 General commercial District in South Central Pasco County on the southwest corner of the unit section of Black Lake Road and Geneva Drive which contains approximately 0.57 acre we have Liam Devine planner two with Planning Development economic growth who will present make the presentation do you want to take that off of consent and do presentation just no I just I was just question the number I thought I have a question it's in my district and this is a result of a code violation so you're pulling it yeah I probably need to pull it okay go on the next now okay uh C P90 P90 uh P90 uh was published in the Tampa Bay Times July 24th 2024 supplemented by affidavit certified mailings and site postings for the September 17th 2024 meeting of the board of County Commissioners where it was continued to October 202nd uh 2024 where it was continued to today item P90 is PD 27810 this is a zoning Amendment the name of 52 realy LLC sr52 realy it's a change in zoning from an AR agricultural residential district to AR agricultural residential district p O2 professional office in C2 General commercial District in West Central Pasco County on the south side of State 52 approximately Half Mile West of land Lakes Boulevard containing approximately 8.84 Acres this comes with the recommendation to the board of County Commissioners to adopt The Zing Amendment and authorize the chairman to execute one original of the of the resolution okay um I I have one question on this and I'm not sure if it's this property but there's some property over there that has kogan grass on it before this gets developed will that Cogan grass be dealt with in the proper form if this is that that property that has it might as well pull it I'll just if she can say that they are going to make that as part of the record or whatever Barbera will height um 6327 Grand Boulevard uh for the applicant I think I learned at Planning Commission that you already have Reg ations on in your LDC to deal with said kogan grass on people's projects so we will comply with the code okay I've got it them thank you can I let my staff know that someone needs to go look at it because we've started developing in some land on 52 that has Cogan grass in it okay um this is on consent is anyone in the public want to speak to this anybody in opposition in opposition any board members seeing and leave it on consent yep we'll leave it on consent p91 p91 proof publication October 22nd 2024 supplemented by a David is certified mailings and site postings item p91 is pte 27821 this is a zoning amendment in the name of Patricia s derer Massachusetts commercial it's a change in zoning from a C2 General commercial District specific use for a commercial nursery and mf1 multiple family medium density District to a C2 Jun commercial District in the southwest uh part of Pasco County on the south side of Massachusetts Avenue approximately 960 ft west of R and Road containing approximately 2.80 Acres this comes with a recommendation to the board of County Commissioners to adopt the zoning Amendment and this how does this have the live local restriction on it if we're going to C yes okay um board members any questions is there anyone here to speak in opposition to this okay well on consent p92 published in the Tampa Bay Times notice was published in Tampa Bay Times October 2 2024 supplemented by affidavit to certified mailings and site postings itm p92 is PD 27830 this is a zoning amendment in the name of Coastal Life Investments LLC it's a change in zoning from a mf2 multiple family high density District to a R4 high density residential district in the northwest of Pasco County on the west side of the intersection of Marina Drive and New Jersey Avenue containing approximately 097 acre and this comes with a recommendation to the board of County Commissioners with an adoption to adopt the zoning Amendment questions is there anyone here to object to this right seeing none we'll leave it on consent and p93 is consent also okay p93 um published in the Tampa Bay Times October 23rd 2024 supplemented by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings for today uh item p93 is PD 27836 this is a zoning Amendment for a substantial modification to the water grass mpud by ckb Development LLC this is a resoning request to substantially modify the watergrass mpud to amend the prominade business center uses and to allow for the donation of a library site to Pasco County this comes with a recommendation to approve with conditions and is the companion zoning action to the development agreement that was heard earlier um board members any questions is anyone here in opposition to this seeing none we'll leave it on consent I'll take a motion for the consent minus is that P90 move on consent items second 89 89 P 89 okay uh roll roll call vote I didn't hear a second did you all hear a second second got it all right district one commissioner Oakley hi District Two commissioner Wakeman I District Four commissioner Jagger hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi District three chairman starky I could you please um go to the do you have a presentation okay let's see the presentation then I want to see it on the Google Maps L Divine Planning Development economic growth Department um for P89 pde 25- 7779 um it is the ukan zoning Amendment from C1 neighborhood commercial District to C2 General commercial District um the future land use classification is RO under the comprehensive plan and the applicant proposes to develop the property with a U-Haul truck rental business in conformance with C2 commercial District standards and section 1101 vehicle dealership and Land Development code regulations um the subject site is located in the southwest corner of the intersection of Black Lake Road and Geneva Drive located in the South market area and urban service area here is our context map so you can see the area okay and our zoomed in aerial um and I will note before moving on there was a Cod violation on November 16th um 2023 um the applicant was issued a Pas County um ordinance violation for operating a U-Haul business without an approved site plan um for commercially zon parcels and addition um the U-Haul business is not un allowed use under the existing C1 zoning so the um the approval of the C1 rezoning would allow the applicant to submit an application for a site plan and if approv would bring the property into comp you me C2 zoning C2 zoning so it's currently C1 right now C1 yes so they would have to have approval for C2 and then they would actually have to have an approved site plan to actually have that use because you do have supplemental regulations and 1101 that they have to conform to well that was my question yes so the what we're doing now is getting the right zoning and then they're going to have to put in the buffering and the correct and go through the correct because it's not the most attractive that road needs a little attention yes um so the surrounding future land use to the north is RO and PD to the east is RO and to the Is Res 3 and to the West is RO the surrounding zoning surrounding zoning um to the north is AC R1 MH and mpud to the east is R1 MH and R2 to the South is R1 MH and to the West is R1 MH and C2 on the subject site consists of a convenience store andall truck business on approximately 0.57 of an acre access to the property is from Black Lake Road and also from Geneva Geneva Drive there's no adjacent um trails and the applicant has voluntarily um agreed to record a DED restriction addressing live local concerns and this is coming with a recommendation for approval of the zoning Amendment from Planning Commission and Planning Development economic growth Department um do they plan on using that existing building which I think used to be a a a like a store right it was a it used to be a convenience store yeah convenience store um that would be a question from the app but I believe that's their intent because they still have a convenience stor business and I would be they would they currently have only a couple U-Hauls that they would like to rent from out there um is that store up to code um well since Code Compliance was out there and they did not site them for that I would assume it would be but I I don't know I don't believe there's any current code violations it's other than the one for the permitted use violation okay so the store is staying they're just adding this the store of what of what happens allowing allowing the U-Haul business okay so here's my standard question because you know I'm all about athetics what happens to the parking lot and the parking lot landscaping and the signage and all those things so they would have to come in for to meet all the new Landscaping codes that would be required when they have the U-Haul business so they would have to go back through that process I believe that um and I'm trying to remember off the top of my head but I believe that convenience store came in before a landscaping ordinance so that was that that building was permitted before we had a landscaping ordinance but now we're changing it yes so now it's it's going to have to come into to compliance when they submit their site plan okay I just want that on record I want is that the applicant back there just want y'all to know that I don't I think that's the applicant that we're going to get that that cleaned up so and um okay well those are my questions um is there any anyone in the public that wish wishes to speak to this um a question on storm water um are they going to have to comply with that as well because there there is nothing I don't think they this was built before there was any storm water regulations will that be part of the site plan yes okay but if they're not increasing imperious service surface they wouldn't be required to change their storm water system correct okay but it it is reviewed at site plan review um for storm water okay but I'm just flagging to the commissioner that they may be grandfathered on that issue okay all right um and there was no one else to speak to this so i' take a motion Mr starky yeah do you want to do something with drainage though can we add something um can you drop a pen on this site and let us look at it from Google or and I'd call for public comment again because you P it off consent all right well I thought I did but again is there anyone that want else wants to speak to this I think we have other code violations on that road that are you working with other property owners on that road we can talk about that another time time yeah because I don't think they're the only one thank and I'm thinking of renado where their restaurant used to be on the corner there Black Lake and uh Black Lake and I don't remember what it's called now Chesapeake maybe chairman yes commissioner if we approve this then um they will have to comply to what landscape review and all that comes back in compliance but not necessarily storm warer that's what if they don't change any U of the surfaces stays the same drop a they wouldn't be required to have any storm water in front of this property depends on over to the right Geneva to answer the commissioner's question it depend it will depend on what approvals they have way but I'm was concerned with the line of questioning the commissioner was going down that if they're not changing impervious surface and they have a valid Swift Mud permit they might not make any changes to R okay well well there is no perious is there it's all pavement well we no we can't do that what what what's going on is that a okay um well there's signed violations on the building we can see that um what do you want to do about storm water is there's nothing we can do it I mean you're not allowed to is that something you guys can work on uh should we should we have from the applicate can we see a little bit more to the right as well can you swing it around it someone has filled in the entire lot we've got this piece over here in the and it has a non-conforming sign okay hey uh Brad tippen plan development economic growth uh they do have to come in for a site plan that will include some of that storm water they'll have to show what's happening on the site so we'll take a look at it and see if there's any way we can possibly improve it within reasonable means without violating any grandfathering they might have and you'll look at when it became PID the site became paved because it may have been paved after it was built through Google you can look at that through Google Earth through the years yeah but we want all those sign violations cleaned up too Mr starky yeah how was how was the flooding in that area well the lake in the back um has some issues sometimes but um and it flows to the north I think we should have some drainage you have no drainage there whatsoever yeah I think they're going to have to look at that but they're not going to be able to they just said it well if we they can't they can do other things but they can't change the drain requirements are there now no what I said was they I don't know what their appr their old approvals are but I but if if all that impervious surface is pre-regulation we can look right now there's a it's likely that you couldn't address it this is a C2 zoning so it's ukian so you can't stipulate it either um well I'll tell you what uh when did Swift Mud come into being when did those regulations start 78 okay can you go to the you know how to go to the map and look in at at 1985 can you drop can we look at the property from 1985 and you can do that on Pasco map or may be easier so there there's going to be a lot to look at here yeah um there's a big chunk of of state right way across the front there uh facilities owns a big chunk across the back so some of the Green Space wait the state right away was given back to us okay County not so it's County right away if there was any on the not not not there but that doesn't mean that we filled it in correct but but it's just going to be a lot of moving parts that we'll need to look at to try and figure out this drainage situation but we will look at that when when they bring the site plan in we'll try and get it figured out see what we can do sh start uh yes commissioner waitman thank you may I'm concerned that we're going down a rabbit hole here and you know this business may not be able to afford all these improvements that we're trying to that this board's talking about um and I'm concerned with that this business been around a long time and I've seen a picture it's two U-Haul trucks and I don't know I'm not I'm not so sure that the juice may be worth to squeeze for this business so I mean there's some real that business has some financial decisions they have to make with regard to their business and I I I'm just not comfortable putting them in a position that that may may harm them especially if they're not in in in the room they I I just I'm concerned they may not fully understand what what's being talked about here and the price tag on it so that's all yeah and it's their choice if they want to continue if they want continue in the U-Haul business they're going to have to change their zoning and that comes with rules so um it's to the east of this Del side it's Geneva and black Lake move approval um I well hang on one second okay so so 145 so for clarity Shar starky so for clarity if the zoning is approved today and they get the new zoning and then they abandon the U-Haul business they may not necessarily have to go in and do do all this work I don't they they can make a business decision does zoning does does this zoning require them to make a significant business decision uh or will they still be able to operate as they are and just ask the the U-Haul buses trailers Planning Development economic growth Department commissioner waitman you you are correct the ronia today approves that use as a permitted use but it's only allowed once they have an approved site plan following the regulations so if the rezoning is approved today and then they decide not to move forward with the site plan they wouldn't have to make those improvements and they can operate the um business as is because that use that's currently on the property will still be permitted thank you for the clarification so they would be they would be able to get like qu or something like that right before to let them make their decision correct before they submit a site plan okay so even if they make the change they have the choice not to do it correct okay they will be able to make a business decision and that'll be up to them if they want to go forward and if they have to put a storm Warner pond in pick one of those they'll have to do that to go into that extra business so you can go to 2001 I'm move approval hang on one second because we want to see four 14530 okay now can you get on the okay I think it's I think you have some more research to do on this parcel it's 145 those those are all site planning decisions yeah that are administratively made the question before the board is whether or not they want to intensify the zoning from C1 to C2 and that's is the applicant here and I want to make sure they're understanding what we're saying do you want to come on up okay good afternoon yes you have questions my name is sadiki rafat r f a t last name sadiki s i d d IQ UI okay I come out 14530 Black Lake Road and Odessa Florida 33556 I open store 1989 before 54 running and I do well is business starting you hold when no have nothing this area 441 to I work for when I 21 years old come to write their open business and I never know Zone one and Zone C Zone a I never know that when have a conven store gas station I purchase hard work and done and when 23 fire department the guys come out and they say you have viation you know see give me viation for thing you know what I'm say mean this sign and this somebody complained I don't know what happened and she come stop by and she give me 27 violation and ask him to ladies what kind of violation you give me to me and she said you look at it I said Tony see maybe this okay Banner is not allowed to I go to move you when you mention to me which hand over for me you know and she left and after she come out check everything maybe whatever she give me time seven days and she come drop the whole viation she left the one viation and after she come back again and she everything you have U-Haul here I see I have U-Haul long time ago no today you know before jungle whole 50 fold jungles you know so no you know that to you know so 90 so let see give me starting here you have a s days move to U so how I go survive you know so that's reason I say I can survive seven days you know she said well you apply for Zone C2 you know I there Zone 2 and I never know the computer wise smart you know same you people do you know you know saying so this is is no you apply for only people asking you something you spons too you know so you get a plenty 120,000 uh 120,000 something you know what I mean so you did a volution so I said well I just find it some my friend helped me out to how to go change Zone zon too you know that's the reason I come to here and uul right now is Big 54 already open big uall company too I still don't make money I have three kid and wife I come to Pakistan to here 21 years old now is people falling my leg you understand that this is the I this only survive for you all now I'm no survive you all either you understand so how I feeling to hear I pay for tax regly I do everything and what you you do one ladies complain about it and give me I never sleep either $129,000 fine for what I there I don't kill nobody I know they're a murder I not selling drug you know mean so this way I look look like feeling look like there's no right I will I I'll say I'm a small business owner too and we have U-Haul on our property and you really don't make a whole lot of money no no no no no but no customer 54 already kill me 2002 you know Sayan now he sto neighborhood G with guys used to I'm making now I'm not making you whole money either what he's saying is so Black Lake Road was State Road 54 so he used to be right on State Road before and now he's in the back of it um I want to let you know and Mr Engle is sitting over there is that um depending on what you want to do and you have to follow the law we can't change the law for you but we I want you to know we have some grant money where we can may be able to help you with some thank you that's all I need I need a little bit help something you know I just survive for my family and with something you I'm no renting used to have more rent truck but now he have one year two truck why this 54 open big uh big land you already know and I don't making nothing money either so what I go to selling right the drug you know uh they don't have nothing to do convin have F on sign nobody can't you guys look at it nobody supposed to help the thing you know and restone right there too you know I leave right there with three kid so um let me ask my County attorney um what is the law and what do we need to do as I said if the board believes that C2 is the appropriate Zoning for this property then you need to Res Zone it if it if it's if he wants to continue with the U-Hauls do we have has to have C2 you have to have C2 that's I'm that's what I'm trying to say here and what that's going to trigger is some other things by law there's not things we can't make up the rules just for you I agree with but we will work with you yes yes I working that's the reason I come to here working on it you know so that's reason I come to here and you have figure out what I need to do best for me you know and best for everybody you know I'm a little worried we're opening a can of worms here Mr Lee just for the record were you sworn did you were you SW earlier today yes very good I did thank you I the true you know I'm 1989 to 35 years now I'm 60 years old going to now and still I'm running conven store you know don't have gas station or nothing hard can coming everything problem come I provide to help people you know and making three time from the table food okay um David did you want to say anything or did you just want to meet with them after okay all right okay Mr you made a motion yes I'll second further discussion okay discussion so I I would like to see as he comes forward David when you work with him and BR me too and I like we you going with Landscaping grant for for landscaping let let him apply for that what and whatever we can do to improve drainage let's let's go do that but it might help with we buffer the back a little bit too so more Landscaping that be better and and the site could look a lot better coming up for them and you know what when you put Landscaping in it helps with drainage yes too so okay um Ro anyone else wish to speak to this item chair starky yes Seth thank you ma'am so if this goes a C2 I mean this store is clearly in a residential neighborhood we go to C2 without any restrictions on it and say he decides to sell the the the property I mean I'd be afraid of what might come here in the future in the middle of a residential neighborhood with everything that the C Straight C2 zoning allows it's it's uh um commissioner wait let me tell you first it's not in a residential neighborhood um this is Old State Road 54 Frontage there's another road behind it and then the residential area starts but across the street from it is where um that development I don't know where it is in this stage but it has a furniture store there's a hotel there's restaurants um I think a drive-thru coffee shop of some sort so that I think right yeah yeah this is from 1995 right here I think um so cross the street is commercial um development and if you were all the whole front of this area it's all commercial but it's it's an area that um and and what this gentleman's talking about is they did a code they did a sweep down this road because a lot of these um properties have violations on them so but it's not residential okay um but he does have the question of C2 do we have a live local deed restriction and is there any other deed restriction that we need Liam so the only deed restriction on this one is live local um so it's not very big I don't see it becoming 57 yeah so I think we're safe there for the community because Seth does bring up a point with C2 mam chair yeah I think just they showed the zonings earlier there just a couple blocks up there's like two c2s up there yes there's light industrial further up too okay okay all right so we have we were under discussion roll call vote can we clarify the motion for the approving stff motion and Jack second I believe no are you clear on the motion okay uh district one commissioner Oakley uh District Two commissioner Wakeman I District Four commissioner Jagger hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi District three chairman starky I okay where are we now P94 P94 P94 we have proof publication of the hearing of this matter in in the November 6th 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay Times supplemented by an Affidavit of certified mailings on site postings good afternoon Brad tippen uh Planning Development economic growth this is pte 25-cu 06 it's a mining operating permit and conditional use Amendment request for K&M mine expansion mining operating permit conditional use permit Amendment for an existing sand and Lime Rock Mine with no blasting in an a Agricultural and ar1 agricultural residential zoning District Northwest Pasco County on the south side of County Line Road approximately 3,200 ft west of the Sun Coast Parkway uh containing approximately 149. Acres I do want to note we did have uh my understanding is they had meetings with all of the different Commissioners I don't know some of those were recent I don't know if the clerk's office got all of the EXP pares on those okay um what's that no presentation all right okay okay board members do you have any questions does does the board want a presentation oh do you do you need a presentation this is not a blasting mine this is a dragline mine this is an expansion of an existing mine am I correct correct this is an expansion of the uh existing mine um it is drag line uh there was one uh email that we received of concern from a neighbor uh before the Planning Commission but when we looked at that and the timing of it uh it was concerns about vibration that appears to have been related to not to the mind itself but to the actual Paving they did of their Entrance Road when they were compacting for the paving so that wasn't actually related to the mind I'm not aware of any other objections to that and I I personally listened to the Planning Commission meeting so I saw your presentation the presentation um I know there was discussion of possibly moving the the vision Road um is that still no matter what we do here today that's still a possibility of moving that road yes there will likely be another amendment to this in the future there's another piece of property that's owned by the same uh entity uh and it's just a little bit more complex there's some opportunities to do some good things with that property so we didn't want to bring that in now because that's going to take a little bit of time uh right now we know that that lime rock is in short supply it's needed for all the different construction things that are going on uh so we wanted to get this through as quickly as possible is this commission presentation now I have a presentation now I don't know if we need it I I don't need it we just said it all I think commissioner Oakley do you need a presentation I don't need a presentation commission waitman you no okay all right so is there anyone in the public that wishes to speak to this item lady back in the back and we have one ma'am well I can't see her so this is her this is your time oh yeah the applicant we'll let you speak I guess we'll let you speak are we put it on a map or something for you jack maybe this is a county park when he's done Madam chair Clark hobby hobby and hobby PA 109 North breast Street Tampa Florida Ben sworen I'm going to just reserve the balance of my time so I can hear what our neighbor uh might have to say and then I'll chat with you all then okay thanks ma'am if you would come forward please give us your name and address for the record and spell your last name uh Pastor Jen kowak 15925 green Glenn Lane Spring Hill Florida thank you for your time I had some concerns about this as I went through it I mean um you know there is a concern that you know the the way that this would be transported each of those roads are at Max Capacity my opinion I go there I drive through that area every day I don't know about anyone else but I definitely drive through that area every day some of the things that stood out to me that were of concern with regards to the uh community meeting um you know and just being honest I've been you know doing research and at this for a couple years now and have learned a lot but I think the reality of it is is that this is you know I mean way far beyond my certainly my pay grade and Beyond most of the neighbors you know understanding of what's going to happen and there are concerns with regards to the way that that the the sand the Limestone would be transported in addition to that as I was as I was looking at the community meeting um summary it says after an extensive discussion most attendees seem pleased um and then it says again did not appear to object to the proposed conditional use permit which isn't necessarily an absolute that everyone understood and again this is very confusing information the other thing that I wanted to say and and I brought this before and and my concern Remains the Same is that when I take a look at um Florida State statute those uh proposed ordinance or zoning changes that are 10 contigous anchors or more that there shall be two advertised public hearings on the proposed ordinance or resolution and in my experience shall means must it doesn't mean maybe it doesn't mean if you feel like this isn't a county initiated zoning this is an applicant initi it doesn't state that it has it says other than County initiated that's how the statute reads when I read it um and so and then again it states that it should not be in legal advertising space in the local newspaper and it appears to be that that's where this was advertised and again my concern is is that and and commissioner Mariano knows this to be true that people reach out to me uh because they're not able to attend and I do have the support of my congregation and the people in the community that I am able to come and present their their concerns and this is a major concern there is like all kinds of things going on on County Line Road there's residential development on both sides of the road um and and then you know you put this as an expansion in the middle and there are concerns that this just doesn't make sense um so I'm presenting what was brought to me the things that I'm seeing there is still a request of the community at least the ones that have reached out to me and I have a concern because there's other residents who have unfortunately you know Place their confidence in the decisions that are made and there's a lot that comes forward um so I don't you know minimize that there is a lot that comes forward but the concern that you know the things that happen outside of this meeting the things that are presented outside of this meeting um you know that end up not potentially being in their best interest we had a situation recently um close to the church on Kella drive and um there's a residential easement being used as a road for commercial dump trucks in this moment to support the development in the neighboring property and so you know that is where I would just ask that you certainly uh consider that when at a minimum there are 10 or more Acres that you would consider a a meeting after 5:00 p.m. um to the public thank you thank you and our County attorneys check the statutes on that requirements for 10 acres Clark and maybe I'll read it to the board ordinances and or resolutions initiated by others than the county that change the actual zoning map designation of a parcel or Parcels of land shall be enacted pursuant to subsection two if you go back to subsection two it is the normal ordinance adoption process okay so that that settles that one um robet uh Madam chair Clark hobby again just for the record this isn't even a zoning changes a conditional use permits that it doesn't even apply the statutes she's reading just want to uh make sure the board understands and our community understands as well this mine was approved in 2009 and we have only ever had one access out of the site that's our paved access out onto an arterial roadway County Line Road and that's where our access has to be the hall route is delineated on our mining plans and it's required in our conditional use permit conditions we have not so much as offered to change that over time because we don't think it's appropriate to go to the South where our neighbors are um we did hold the community meeting in accordance with the Land Development code and I stand by my summary that I wrote of it uh and and for the record if there were significant numbers of people uh objecting from the community meeting you would assume they would be here and they are not so they weren't at the Planning Commission so I'm happy to answer any other questions but I feel this mine has been in operation and and done a good job for many many years now and this is a logical place to expand it so Clark um this sand mine we had some on our Ranch back in the day um this goes to build roads it does and the limestone is used to build roads uh the county needs it we're actually completely out of sand right now and that's part of the application is to increase the volume of sand to be extracted and the Limestone yeah so this is madam chair I think commissioner Oakley may have a question go ahead um Clark the fact of it is you're asking for this more material to come out of this mine because you're going deeper right and you're going to do that without blasting you're going to do it with a drag line that's right and the fact of it is you're not going to double up the amount of trucks coming through here you're still going to keep basically the same number of trucks moving but you got more material to move out of this m that's right and it because of the way the term works there really shouldn't be a significant increase in the truck traffic out of the site but we already built the turn Lanes uh many years ago to serve the mine so and our traffic analys analysis shows that they're appropriate for what we're taking out one last thing I don't think I need to enter into the record but just for the public to know we did have geosonics come out and monitor our uh sound from the site uh within the last month and they've done that several times uh leading up to permit changes on the mine over time and we don't even violate with our regular operating um equipment the nighttime regulations even without a burm so we don't present any you know problems with noise we have direct access to an arterial roadway this is what you need to be doing when people meet you know the the community meaning the government and the development community and and homeowners in general need more sand and they need more limstone this is a logical way to do it and maybe one day this will go to widen Shady Hills Road County Line Road so uh and the trucks won't have to travel very far that's right commissioner Mariano yes M chair um you know in in these years I've had complaints over on 41 yeah with the lime rock mines there between blasting and everything else I haven't heard hardly anything with this whatsoever um to do this expansion I think keeps the price down with materials supply and demand so the more Supply we have the more the better chance we have get better pricing to go build as we're trying to do Kine Road as well and Shady Hills Road and any other Road as well so I'm going to move just to approve second and under discussion uh as I mentioned to Clark um wouldn't this be awesome if when they're done it can become a county park because I doubt that Mr collie wants to um colie KH right um wants to continue to take care of it when he's done Excavating so um with that it's a roll call vote district one uh commissioner Oakley hi District Two commissioner w hi District Four commissioner jger hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi District three chairman starky I okay um P95 P95 we have proof of publication of the hearing of this matter in the temp Bay times November 27th 2024 uh if I may ma'am uh back to P94 yes um for the record we only have expar uh forms filed from commissioner Mariano oh I think I had a meeting yesterday so it must be with my staff Clark my expert okay what it yesterday good morning afternoon good afternoon uh Madam chair Commissioners Jerry Williams public infrastructure fiscal business administration department and today I have uh piba 2583 a resolu Solution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida dissolving Highlands Municipal benefit unit consisting of seven distinct units as of December 31st and providing for an effective date and applicability but uh today we'd like to to withdraw this item and ren notice oh in the next calendar year what happened Madame chairman this is dissolving Yeah by resolution an ordinance oh we don't have a resolution so we need to bring it back as an ordinance okay okay all right we'll see you next time yes ma' do we need any motion or anything any public comment I mean we can ask for if there's anybody here for this item since it was a public hearing item but okay all right there's no one here so we'll go on to p96 p96 we have proof of publication of the hearing of this matter in the Tampa Bay Times October 23rd and 30th of 2024 good afternoon uh Nicholas lafis real property division um the real property team has received a petition to vacate a platted rightaway filed by Florida Department of Transportation the petitioner seek to vacate approximately 100 ft meet by 61 ft of undeveloped platted RightWay the um purpose of the vacation is to allow for fot Road RightWay Improvement project 4475 362 for US 301 from South us98 to hernand County Line vacating the undeveloped platted right away will not adversely impact any other Parcels there were no objections to this petition and the real property team recommends approval and I'm sorry I'm not familiar with how to click this uh to advance the presentation but there is a uh map demonstration right there so that portion in red would be the portion that would be vacated and actually fot owns the land all up and south of it uh Northwest and um South to the east side is the still um dedicated platter RightWay that would remain and they wouldn't affect any um there was no objections no no Property Owners objected and utilities uh have one issue and it was worked out with f aluminum okay is there anyone any board members have any questions waitman no anyone here wishing to speak to this item okay I will entertain a motion move approval second okay morning roll call vote district one commissioner Oakley I District Two commissioner Wan I District Four commissioner joerger I District Five commissioner Mariano I District uh three chairman starky I all right thank you very much thank you um do I was gone but do we still have Ralph I'm guessing you didn't get to Ralph okay R3 is it R3 yes Madam chair we didn't want you to miss me good afternoon Ralph Lair intergovermental Affairs officer you have the items we're about to discuss before you and no and no lobbyist here to give us a guidance Unfortunately they are not they were here earlier today but unfortunately uh two of our lobbyists had to uh go to other delegation meetings so they have left us so where are we in the legislative process so November 13th we had our legislative Workshop we went through our policies we got through those uh added a few uh couldn't get through our Appropriations though uh so that's what we're going to be discussing today uh next Monday December 16th we have a workshop over our Pasco County legislative delegation so we need to really be prepared um what we have for that meeting with them on Monday uh January 7th the Pasco County uh of 2025 Pasco County legislative delegation meeting will be occurring this part of our Workshop so we don't have to be there the only reason we'll actually have to uh be at the delegation meeting is to do our local bill which is under one of our policies and then the regular session starts March 4th that so as I mentioned at our Workshop we did go through and we uh we move forward with our policy proposals the county inmate medical costs the 911 fees the fuel taxing index the p uh pedestrian safety driver requirements uh live local and then we had uh added code enforcement Anonymous complaints and the nature C aquatic preserve okay So currently we have 23 funding initiatives and two new initiatives we need to pair this down uh and prioritize our projects in preparation for our discussion with our delegation members on Monday so what uh we did was after that Workshop uh the County Administrator went back with leadership we sat down and we looked at these Pro uh projects and he said let's priority I them let's let's uh kind of rank these projects and focus on a being hurricane recovery and resiliency projects and then B these are normally funded projects that you'll see uh every year and then see projects that we can hold off on uh and and and do possibly next next session um but really don't need to be moved forward this year so so we did that and we gave them again an a a b and a c category so we have our priority a projects Public Safety operations center which was $4 million High waterer uh rescue vehicle $375,000 fire station 4 for $7 million the East Pasco emergency shelter Recreation Complex and Community Center uh 20 million emergency portable generation uh generators for Wastewater storm recovery and resiliency 2,600,000 then we have our priority B projects Decon truck 600,000 double hammock 11, 53525 Sunlake Boulevard New Road section by Bexley Parkway to south of Wilton way the full amount of the project is 13,800,000 but we could go in and ask for planning and design for this year on that one then we have priority B and C right on on the fence and I can uh tell you the number one shelter expansion Veterinary Clinic I can tell you today they want to do that next year so we don't have to worry about that one today uh and then a pedestrian overpass at State Road 54 and the sunos parkway 2,883 th000 real quick question that one yes well I I'm going to pull that because she she is going to pull that one because Senator additionals Senator Hooper has asked for bouard and it's not even on here yeah it's on there when we get down there I'll get it's the additional project all right all right but I think we should keep it on there which one the well both of them but you know add the other one as well but that overpass is that the amount of money that we've got to come up with a difference no we have to come up with $6 million so I think we should go ask for six okay I I've had discussions with Nick um is this the time to discuss this quickly I mean let's go through them quickly and then if there's certain ones you want us to go back to and and we want to move them forward yes but my goal today is I think we need to get down to I know you all discuss is maybe one in each of your old's districts that would be five and then maybe we add an additional five projects up to up to an additional five projects on top of that I just want youall to remember that I didn't have a mask last year and so we said I would be District three would get a prioritization this year because there we didn't even submit one for me last that and so when we go on Monday our goal is to get sponsors for these projects we ask for that's going to be the determining Factor do we get sponsors so if if you if you don't mind let me go through or we can just say if you don't want to do priority C projects this year we uh we can skip those but I I I can go through the how they were ranked uh so we ranked the air vent truck the heavy rescue truck uh the Newport Corners recreation center and Mitchell Park renovation uh was ranked C Beacon Square um Sea Pines because of the uh how large it is and how many it's it's various sections Trilby road which we had applied for before and it got vetoed Bellamy brothers Road improvements and then over Pass Road improvements Luchi wastewater treatment facility Sea Pines Golf Harbor community submersible um motor control cabinets wastewater treatment facility relocation feasibility study Wastewater lift station generator receptacles and complete generator backup for utilities building the two additional projects can can while you're talking can you plot these these on a map please we do have the map that you have thank you in front of you where some of these projects if and and if you have a specific one would be considered countywide like the high water Vehicles where is the where's the M be right in front of you up put it up on the Elmo there it is all right thank you and then the two additional projects were um commissioner Wayman uh um spoke with staff the next one on the list for the school sidewalks is sidewalk curly Road from State Road 54 to Wells Road 1 m725 and then this one commissioner starky the road improvements on Trinity Boulevard um that you got with with Nick and then I think you said you spoke with Senator Hooper on for 2,810 $1,630 so now we can go back and if there's a project I never got we we did talk you were going to wait uh after you gotten back from the organizational session kind of get the feel of what was going on in Tallahassee you might want to share that I think we we've already seen memos from the house Speaker it's he is going to have a tight budget he has said that um going to be uh tight on the um on on the wallet and the spinning of the Floridians money and we appreciate that but we also know that they are going to do hurricane recovery and resiliency uh we'll probably see it definitely money go toward water projects uh and then it's that other that comes out of General Revenue and the trust funds uh that we will have but at the end of the day it's imperative that we do Whittle this down so we have a smaller list when we go with our meeting with her delegation and then see what they will sponsor um I I know that I already have commitment on the uh shelter for the east side with a a senator and a uh House member they've already uh spoke with that that's one that commissioner Oakley wanted to move forward on so I do know that so is there any of the a big project and and I've got everybody basically in line to move that project so but it's it's good for Pasco County it's going good for the whole area far as storm and we've just come through the worst storms will ever come through I hope so and um and number three the Trinity Boulevard one is at the request of Senator Hooper so so that's the new one that we just added on so so that would be the Trinity uh Road improvements uh for 2, 810,000 it's not a lot of money um but I do want to speak to what Jack was talking about with the bike pad overpass CU we're in talking with Nick and I don't know if he wants to come up to explain this but um so that's a Turnpike project not a district 7 project um and my understanding is so I believe this is M great we gave him the money how Nick would you mind coming up we gave him the money how long AG go to pay for it we had the money to pay for it but they sat on that money for years and now what we have a $6 million shortage what's what's the number for the one that we pay and we're paying for it ourselves so we're referring uh good afternoon Commissioners the overpass at 54 referring to the overpass at 5 yes yeah um we entered into an agreement I want to say it was in 2022 but that maybe older than that maybe 28 no that's Penny money from the first penny so 2018 um we gave dot district 7 $10 million and said please design and construct a pedestrian overpass for the Sun Coast Trail at the State Road 54 interchange that was um the intent was for them to do that project for us and have it built an operational in the interim the turnpike came along and said oh by the way we're widening the corridor and we're going to be adding Lanes to the off-ramps please don't put your your overpass bridge in a place where we'll have to tear it down when we build that stuff and so that that caused a little bit of delay um that but I'm I'm going to say I think it caused an unnecessary delay because when you had the two entities at the table they said you can go ahead and build your overpass just don't do it in our over here you have to put it over there and then it cleared the way for us to move on so I'm not sure we needed to have that delay after having that meeting so that was kind of eye opening sure I I can't speak to all of the delays that they gave us the go ahead prior to because they still haven't designed that interchange right but they said we could go ahead and build the overpass and what the m board was informed of this morning for the Commissioners that were a part of that discussion um was that the construction of the overpass at 54 has been delayed to fiscal year 26 because we're working out final issues with the design and then the um m board was also informed this morning by Turnpike staff that the turnpike is adding this was the one that caught commissioner Mariana's attention the turnpike is adding design of the widening of the Sun Coast Parkway from Hillsboro County to north of stab Road 54 to I believe fiscal year 26 as part of their just design funding as part of their draft work program for the update coming up to be adopted in July but that has nothing to do with our overpass according to them it it doesn't at this point in time because we have an existing agreement with district 7 with DOT district 7 to design and construct the overpass that existing agreement obligates us to pay the shortfall that's another thing there Jack which is why this item was even on the um potential legislative Appropriations request in the first place where we said hey maybe we should go to the legislature and ask them to help us pay this additional cost all that to say one of the options that the board could consider is asking the turnpike as part of the design of their widening and additional um construction of turn Lanes at the ramps to include the overpass as part of their project in lie of constructing it with the agreement we have with district 7 that would be a substantial shakeup and we don't have agreement from the turnpike to do that but that that would be a possible Avenue that we could potentially investigate and bring back an alternative analysis to the board at a future point and I didn't want to bring it this up with this guy this morning cuz this is not his level this is a much higher level thing so I'm like why shake the pot this morning um so I don't really know you know let's let's talk about it because I don't think it's fair we're paying for it um I think we should see if we have a shot I don't know if we bring our lobbyist pick one of the three and take them with us um but it would be a delay in the construction of that overpass but we could take the money that they have and build the one over starky Boulevard um which the developer is holding the land for us so commissioner Mariana so I mean over think back to ridg Road Extension was getting done we had an agreement that do the turn Authority was going to pay for The Interchange they came back and pushed back on us yes for what another $10 million yeah we fought back and guess what we won yeah I think we should go for the whole 6 million and put it right on them um and whether it be a combin with do helping out or Turnpike Authority let them both go but I I think you know we've got to look at with the appropriation share his district if anybody's going to try to find a way to get something done so be it if he gets it done this m this $3 million or $6 million total that's money that we can keep back in the penny to go build some other roads we need to schools Trails Etc and put the money back in where we want to go put it so I think it's critical we go fight for it and I don't care frankly because we get didn't get any money NE last year I mean let's let's forget about what happened last year it's gone it's gone but right now I think we could put all the ass out there and if we get a legislature that sees something just like they see the the project over in Dade City for the hurricane shelter let him latch on to it let him latch on to it whatever we get is going to help the the overall you know County Let Let It Be let's let's go find out where the hot buns are who's going to grab what so is that a legislative appropriation or is that a district 7 re and Pike refunding that's my question discussion you just had that would not be uh an Appropriations request with a member that would be a discussion though we could engage our delegation in when we say here's what we need help on and and explain that but it would not be a delegate and I think that would probably be a better shot of doing that and and and holding that off for a discussion where we we try to get them to help us to get that and they don't have to take it out of gr or the existing uh dot work plan okay I like that and and and I have another question for us and I think maybe we have to stop doing this why did we give them $10 million when it wasn't ready to go who got the interest on that is is it sitting in our bank account but and uh uh but with their name on it or is it sitting in their bank account for all these years usually when we do that they're subject to some kind of agreement we'd have to check and see I don't ever want to do that again I don't want to give them the money until they're shovel ready agre we could have put that money to use and paid for something you know we could have we could have stretched our money and now we now we're getting whacked with it to no fault of our own that's my okay so I I would agree then we will go fight for that we'll take our new Lobby team with us and but we'll bring it up at the legislative deleg to the legislative delegation we need a history on that mam chair to go for a little further so we got three teams and we got a federal team as well so they can guide us we know what we want yeah I think we asked for it all let them let's see the chips fall where the hot buttons are what can go maybe there's a pot of money for some fire station maybe there's a pot of money for a vehicle or wa are you saying keep it as an appropriation I I I think well I think we ask for it all however we got to structure it Let It Go but I would like to you know say that but we had a discussion with our our legislative uh uh our our lobbyist team earlier and they said you definitely need to pair this down this is too big of a request uh this is too much and this is you know you you can't go in asking like that for that for that much for all these projects and you really do need to pair them down so we listen to them they would have stood up here today and they would have said the exact same thing this is too many too many ask I I think we need to go in this one in a back door and I agree and that's what I think we can move forward with and then talk to the delegation and say Here's what we're planning on doing on this project and and see if we can get that project done but moving forward so we've got I'll stop you want to say something yeah no I I just to yeah we have about 140 plus million dollars with this entire list and the lobbyists were were very clear on hey we've got a pair of this down the house is looking to be fiscally conservative it's very it's been made very clear to us that emergency hurricane resilient type projects are going to be uh probably given the priority but which ones do we have that are so if you could put the slide with priority a back up there Tony and Gina um those would be the ones that we thought fell into that category and I guess I would I would say a couple of things on those real quick obviously we've already spoken about the East Pasco emergency shelter Recreation the public safety Operation Center is an interesting one because we have Federal money and sometimes being able to stack and leverage dollars is is something that is um could be a good thing so we've we're we're working on the design for the EOC the board just recently approved I think today as a matter of fact uh design funds to do conceptual design for a public safety operations campus so getting some additional money and to design those components pushes us that much closer towards a shovel ready project which is where quite honestly I'd like to really engage leverage the federal side of things to to get money for that you heard um director Guthrie even say we've got the oldest EOC um probably in the state especially for a county of our size it's it's it's time but but it's also a good opportunity to look at a public safety operations campus similar to what you see down in pelis and Hillsboro and that can solve solve some issues there um generators maybe um fire station number four I think um you know um they they traditionally have not really funded those but you know those are things we could probably be be guided on and talked to about and I can definitely tell you a high rescue water vehicle uh or two would be would definitely be a good thing so I mean I understood that fire stations were funded for fiscally restrained no not necessarily and and uh there were there was a list of uh fire station projects uh that were in the budget they did have them uh you know 50 50 match in which we have have that well as well we'll probably have to bond our portion that may come into question if you don't have the actual Dollar on the on the table um but there were several of those fire uh stations that were vetoed um so um but they are funded and I would just want to add that we are seeing different type of leadership from the house right that's correct that we're not used to so they are going to be running a tight ship they are like you said going to be watching every dollar so um this is not a year that we shoot for the moon because we it won't happen so so I think I think moving forward with these these priority A's at least to our delegation meeting would be would be a good thing now again we talk about Trinity we talk about I've seen sidewalks that have been added I've seen some of these pedestrian improvements um you know there's conversations that we can have right but a lot of those ones that kind of fall into the SE bucket are still pretty they're important projects they're big projects um you know we we do have other funding mechanisms in which we're we're approaching them um to commissioner jer's point it may not be the right year for that but I think if we start positioning ourselves on some of these especially the large one I think we could really take advantage of some potential federal dollars correct um um given how things have turned out so especially so that being said then if I would just like to add Trinity onto this and then that's why I'm saying so if we did priority a and then those two additional projects that would be enough for our discussion then on Monday which would be the sidewalk uh and the road improvements at Trinity Boulevard which you've already had that discussion uh also know that when we go in there Hooper will not be able to sponsor any uh Appropriations requests um so that will then fall to uh Burgess in engolia in the Senate uh or whoever Hooper chooses if he he gives it the blessing he can also pick someone to do it that may not live in our delegation live in our County um Can the Ted Appropriations chair also sponsor or does he have to delegate to sigle so he can uh we don't have the teds in our in our area um he's well he's a penel pel but some of us know him yeah yeah and he could he could do that uh he uh more than likely will not fund it the appropriation shairs normally do not put in a project but they do find members that may do those for for them and put them in knowing that it's for their District or a project they want so would you be good with that then going with priority a and then that slide moving forward for our meeting on Monday so I got two things okay uh priority B you got double hammock that's a storm water project Lally you heard me talk about this a little while ago you got storm water that comes down from the north Works its way down it passes like pineapple line where the f2a plant is it then works it down all the way to another intersection it stops there doesn't even get to Lake Chrissy and then it actually flows back up it's silted in all the way around then it swings out by the scenic drive which is by the gulie mall it is like a quagmire of waterways that need to get cleaned out and and fixed up that's a resiliency plan right um when I look at Sea Pines uh Jason I'm glad you're here y he is here so Sea Pines a project we've got all this funding in place already I think we've got already 12 million of the 18 million I'm seeing unless you got other things in there so I don't know what's in the cine thing exactly but with a project you've got two-thirds of the funding in place we've got one last leg and if not for the Army Corps holding us up for a permit right now we just started that project already so they're all great projects I just don't think we can ask what I'm going to say though that that could be a funding source from a different thing from general fund that's like an onoff Market appropri so I think with the commissioner yeah basically the the different funding buckets Ralph um you know is there you know you had mentioned you know specifically you'd also mentioned water projects I don't know if that falls into that bucket or would fall into that and and and let me also throw in this into the Mi if on the U Excel spreadsheet this is something that Jason would have to explain or uh talk to us about right now we need you know close to $2 million for design and um and permitting that could be this year's ask and then we go back in and more then there's uh or or he's got for to include for design and pering $1 million and then nine um the construction is 9,777 th000 what my question to Jason would be how long is it going to take to do the design and permitting could that would that take like a year or longer than a year before we could then ask for the construction next year it's a biggy good afternoon Madam chair members of the board Jason ml Public Works director um yeah uh commissioner Mariano you know this is a um an area that that is um in need of a a project like this um and you also know that we are facing some um permitting challenges on our west side of our um County due to the 404 issue that we have so we're trying we're trying to break that free so it's a little unpredictable to um exactly say how long pering will take right now um only because we're up against a little bit of um a wall that we're trying to overcome um so on double hammock you know typically design of that type of project takes up to about a year um the pering would follow pretty quickly after that in a normal situation and then we can go to construction about a year and a half two years um okay so we can ask for part of it if the ask is we do have the design and permanent cost broken out so we could ask for that um and then on if you'd like me to address SE Pines I could do that as well please um so the SE Pines ask that we have an there is for all three projects the SE Pines lefit drive and SE Pines local uh the two of those SE Pines and SE Pine and lefit those are both designed already the seines local is not designed there's conceptual plans on for all of them so we we do have a good idea how we can move forward with those and that they will work um and I'll just say that in our out years in our CIP we do have money for construction about about 13 of that 18 we're also leveraging Swift mod dollars we have about about $3.5 million in Swift M dollars that we would be able to utilize for this project as well for SE Pines or Double H um for SE Pines SE Pines and lefit both have about a million and a half million 7 for um if we only could ask for one and we only could ask for part of it which one well I guess I was just trying to think uh typically the Water Management District if you get additional funds they cut back their contribution so really when you gain if you gain 50% you actually lose I'll I'll address Mike's Point which is an excellent point um that I had my staff look at um you have to match Swift Mud dollars with County dollars only okay you can't match Swift M dollars with state or any other grant money yeah so to be clear from what you just said I think we got about 13 million already funded Yeah in our in our in our 5year CRP right we have about 13 million okay and then if I have that 13 million plus my plus my Swift mod dollars I'm I'm about about 5 million short but we but if we ask five Swift mud's going to take it it's not it's not a one remember the Swift Mud money that we have for this is only about 3.5 million of the full 22 million that we need to fund this project yeah but but we'd lose that what half of that then we would match the Swift money with our money right so I I wouldn't plan on losing any any any Swift money but here's the here's the thing if you're that close to get which part are they going to want a match with the state match or our match do we have that choice yeah I think it's probably worth a conversation with the water management with the Water Management District and to see what our agreements State because I think our agreements stipulate that if we get additional funding it it equally defers that happen on another project I've seen that happen before um off the top yeah off off usually it's off the top but so here's the thing I mean we have done so many great projects right us we were always in the news month flooding I mean I had a loop that took me six hours to do now I got to go to four four spots and I'm done I mean what we've done has been phenomenal and now they're changing this they're funding to go do water source Etc I think it's a good argument for the state to hear anyway and I think if we can get extra money from Swift Mud let's try for that let them go put the money up maybe maybe we can get it that way so we don't lose money and even if we did get 5 million and we lose two and a half you're still two and a half million better trying to get a project than that's desperately you ask for double double hammock instead of Sea Pines cuz you can't have both I I think if you did anything to keep it smaller let's get the design done for double Hammer because at least we can say we're going to get the design done and go from there but C is it's in it's imp pering right now with the with the for with the Amory cor holding up and I think with frankly with Trump and the administration in office I think we're going to get get that through I think it's going to turn so I think we should be going for the money to point so on the Fe Drive there may be an option that we don't even need to get a 404 um we're still trying to work through the details on that c Pines the regular project we need a 404 Le drive we may be able to avoid it um and then with this additional dollars from the state we could accelerate the project schedule as long as we can get our permits I this was Senator Simpson and represented Mariano worked on this a long time ago trying to get every home out of the flood zone that's how good this project is and that's going to allow us to then go septic the sewer to justify that better as well as doing the roads in there which I desperately need to but we need to make this first step is that anywhere near that Springs area of Northwest Pasco County it's south of there um I forgot what number it is on your map because we need to be making sure I think commissioner Oakley was on that board I went there once for you now commissioner Whitman's on that board that board has money they they they have money for septic to sewer and I'm not sure we've ever gotten any I know Hernando County's using it so I don't know why we're not asking for any of it that's your District Jack um it's it's in the upper upper corner is is the um is the arapa I believe portion of the spring shed um and there may be a I I don't want speak to this because I don't necessarily know for sure but there may be some septic to sewer um asks for that area that's what that's what they gave they gave a whole bunch of money into that area for septic to sewer conver Wiki watchi though and I don't think it could part of wi no we we have a I are we south of that yes yeah we're south of it well what you're talking right now is south of it but I'm just saying there's money for Pasco County in that Springs that's why that's why we have a representative on that board and right now it's commissioner waitman we we did get some money I think over in shady Hills allocated for it but I don't think this project touches that no I no I agree um I just telling you guys you had a lot of discussion and I got a little time thing here I got to go down to Tampa so pick one and what is the amount I think C's on best amount and I'll let you but you can't go for 18 million Jack no no that's why that's what I'm saying that number is too high we didn't need that money what's the design money design number no I need to well you need so the 18 million the design is done on Sea Pines yeah we imp permitting so we don't need 18 million is my is why I wanted to bring It Forward didn't you say we need like five 5 million would be my shortfall so so you got five million shortfall you ask for and here's the thing you can now say you get an $18 million project you just need 5 million for it I think it sells pretty well well we got Let's go ask for five and say it's an $8 million with representative from Hernando County would have to be your sponsor so then it goes back to if we're asking for five do we have the other five we've got 13 we go in for 2.5 in our CIP our five-e CIP we have I'm just using round numbers okay we have we have 13 million okay we would we have a $3.5 million Grant from the water manager district and we would need about another five to complete the project so that's those are those are how the that's how the money break out I could take it up with the Water Management District to make sure that all that works out fine make sure that our our agree ments are written that way and then again if we go in and we get money from the state and we already have a large portion of money from uh the Water Management District they're going to take half of that unless we and remove it off of the money you already have I think the best way to handle it is look we got 10 million of our own money we've got about three and a half or so from the Water Management District we're short five Jason why don't you go back look at the agreements and let's just make an educated guess on what what if any the state or the the Water Management District would take back if we were to get an appropriation and then we can kind of tailor that into into an action okay and and you know I I I know those are all important and but you heard today the people talking about Thousand Oaks in Trinity and you know there was there was one at one time this is kind of for you commissioner Jager and maybe commissioner waitman before your time there was a plan that Army car was looking at to hold back the anklet River um so that it wouldn't uh in a Heavy Rain event it would not flood the Trinity residents and and those those residents in that area where they spoke about this morning they are built 15 in below where they should be so they are in a bowl it's not a closed Basin because we we have an outlet that we spent millions and millions of dollars on um to get it out to the river however I will tell you and I have the video of it little road was a river we had to shut down little road which is an EV part of the evacuation route for panel County County during the hurricane it literally was a river going over the road and um so we're going to have to talk about some kind of solution for that area I don't know what it is um but you can't have little road going underwater so then for the purpose of our hang on go M shy so you and I sat in the committee for what three years four years 5 years we had the Army Corps in the room we had Swift in the room Congress rockus had Representatives it's all about there is conveyance before Trinity Heritage Springs they don't flood you come down the road Thousand Oaks does the flooding you go across the road after the BMP at CVS you go into Oakridge they got drains running through there yeah you know that they keep open the water flows the water's conveyed out to the gulf the reserve used to be backed up after that and we made them clean Swift Mud made them clean it out they don't even flood anymore either if we can get right now some help with the Army Corp and get a push going through to study it get something done we can get that water conveyed out it'd be a lot better shap I'm just saying we're going to have to do another study in that area and and what I'm saying is with Hooper in play I think we we lead on him to go help lead the way I mean we got to take advantage of that yeah okay so then for our discussion then with our delegation on Monday are we all good with uh the list on priority a I am you are yes with the additions and with the addition of the uh two addition projects and Sea Pines but not that se Pines not going to do double hammock but we need Jason to do his homework and then we will also have that discussion if time is you know available to talk about the overpass and I think that's a discussion we have though maybe offly with uh um the senator uh when we have that so then come Monday we'll be I don't mind telling them all that we can do that uh and then come Monday uh we'll be talking about our our policies uh one we will be seeking a uh a sponsor for our local bill that only requires the house I plan to ask representative joerger on that I just haven't had that discussion with him yet uh and then uh we will have the priority a projects the two additional projects we're working on the Sea Pines for our discussion and see what we can get sponsors for okay um in the future um I I do want to have a discussion about another subject that one of our residents brought up this morning and and and I'm having this problem in holiday and that is people living on other people's property and what are we going to do about it you know our our hands are tied there on 19 the guy's got a trespass agreement but we can't go in and clean it up and we can't force him to clean it up he's in Texas so we he didn't show up in court there's a warn out for his arrest but Texas isn't going to arrest him and send him to us so I really want I it's not fair to those people in Green Key it's not fair to the residents in the holiday and our hands are somewhat tied so I don't know if it's a workshop but I think it's going to take legislative change okay but I do want to talk about that and uh before I leave I will have our um Lobby team there as well on Monday for this and remember it's here um the it's here it's here yeah Oh I thought it was on the other side of the county thank God cuz I have a big day that day it's my annual cookie party are we good you're lucky I'm showing up actually I had to move it to the dinner for the first time in 32 years why don't you bring us samples I'll bring you some after because I'm not eating all those cookies all right where are we okay um we are on commissioner items so um commissioner Oakley um I enjoyed being um the chair room this past year and I appreciate everything everybody did to help me and all the staff appreciate everyone that does their part of this County that make things work and really quite exciting year if you go back through all the things we've done and and especially all the storms I've never seen I don't have we we've still got EOC active right so well we're doing active recovery we're not in one are we still pumping out on the east side or are we done with that uh I'll have to turn to Branford to give us the east side we have a number of operations that are still underway going yeah yes sir right but I appreciate everybody's help so thank that's all I've got you got this fire rescue graduation oh yes I did attend that I had um I'm trying to we had 20 uh uh new fireman we put on it's been working very well we have another 34 plus or minus I guess to add on to get all the fireman we need for dshift I believe is't that right jjes that sound right okay but uh very good program U the new Chief was there and and glory and did a good job um it really and and this um location of this seem to be nicer it's uh not as big as the one over on 54 but it's uh M Laughlin High School there that that seemed to fit it a lot better it's nice it's it's big and it's plenty of big for doing this and it it did work out pretty well so really appreciate being in there great um commissioner waitman is he talking thank you yeah I just wanna can you hear me just want to congratulate chair Oakley on having a successful year in his chairmanship and uh congratulations to uh sty and Mariana on on their terms also want to thank the planning staff BR tippen and his team for our town hall meeting with folks on there and cut off yesterday and uh appreciate everybody taking the time to listen and understand folks concerns with flooding and the impacts and the impacts of that and um that's about it just want to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and uh Happy new year thank you commissioner uh commissioner joerger okay I will go through these slides super quick we had a we had a busy um couple weeks so this was Pasco County's fourth annual adoption day so this little cutie and um her mama she adopted seven kids so it was absolutely beautiful and amazing at one time oh boy her story she just kept adding them all right so the next was Habitat for Humanity these were two home dedications the oliviera family and the Van Patton family they were right next to each other they went through their program together and now they've built their a friendship and they live next to each other so that was really exciting okay so this this next one was um Lake we had um Trinity Women's League come in and sponsor food so um we were in there serving food and visiting with the residents and we uh also partnered with Grace Grace's food pantry and provided 167 frozen turkeys from Publix wow nice yep and next slide I also attended the graduation so I won't speak on that but congratulations to all the cadets and and then my last Slide the reason I asked to um have this slide up I want to recognize Jeremy bevens from The Parks and Recreation uh he stayed late and this was not the first time he stayed late and he was helping us clean up we had a a huge Food donation go out to Moon Lake Park yesterday and we we had to serve probably 150 families last night with um fresh meat vegetables fruit Reds it was it was an amazing it was amazing thing and um the girls and I and even even Jeremy said um we're changing this community so the park is becoming just a great place to hang out and everybody gets along but I just want to give a shout out to Jeremy because he stayed super late and um this is like the second time he's done it so very thankful for that and that's all commission Mariana thank you we had a um great meeting last night with Leisure Beach they're very happy to see that the things were progressing well they were very thankful they actually first time I I've ever gone to a civic association meeting where they actually had a cake to say thank you it was it was pretty cool so there was a very celebratory mode they were very appreciative everything we've done uh one of the things that came up with these units um you know they can put an RV out there they're allowed to by law state law we had a problem at a a Leisure Beach meeting frankly where we had someone complaining that they were seeing sewage uh feal matter in the canals so we wanted to make sure that we made sure all these RVs are hooked up one way or the other so they've gone around they've made a lot of uh requests for that clarifications for it but uh JP I want work real close with staff they did a good thing going out there to create the awareness to what and why um there's one guy that couldn't actually find his hookup but understand what it means and commissioner o might know better but there like a honey pot thing you could actually use as well so I want to work with these people to make sure they're they're safe they had some requirements are were talking about not being able to put in the right away some of these lots are so small it's got to be in the RightWay well how do how do First Responders get around it can they well if it's so right there at the end of the driveway oh the picture right there that's the right away so they're saying they don't want them out there so if it's too close to the property line so I need to work with your team not only for this but for all around the county to make sure we take care of that um you do bring up a really good issue if this is like a fifth wheel yeah and so someone brought it there for them how are they cleaning out their suits so they got to transport it not to their Canal lot of them hook up yeah they let them hook right up hook right up to what the sewage the old the houses SE they're going into the right to the regular SE system or there's a truck that comes by well we just got to make sure that that people right yeah we want to make sure and and staff did a good job going through they had checking them out but again I think we got to we can't go by any rules as far as if it's on their property line we got to let it be because these lots are so tight up there um that beening what I mean keep mind they got to live there while they're getting Construction done so we got to be flexible to not go to what we're we're used to doing Longs are hooked up we're good uh to go forward from there do you have the Gary line plastic pictures so Gary L's plastic I mentioned earlier today what a phenomenal facility this is they've got Plastics that come in they there's pipelines go up and around uh these people here were like so ecstatic to be working in a nice clean new environment having work here locally um I'd say to stand out at the podium and kind of address the people just see everybody there going forward now the great thing about this company too is they came from New Jersey Tom Ryan did a great job with EDC going up there soliciting the business got them to come down here and the one fear where they had will we have enough workers and I will tell you they are so ecstatic that we could give them all the workers they need in then some the enthusiasm to have them come out there the company that this company here makes a lot of plastics they make frisbees water bottles all sorts of different things the company that's right beside them talk about like when you build one core industry another one comes we're right beside them is the uh height company I think they call it they're right beside them and they take their materials that are built and they go and sell them so what I see happening with them is that we can get them in contact with all our local people when they go buy the products they will go buy it through the distrib Distribution Company but they can know they're buying products right from here in Basco County doesn't have to come from China exactly instead of China comes right here so I'm very excited about helping them not only locally but regionally uh to do a lot of great things in here is there something my staff went there too um is there something we could do to help get the Plastics to them from our recycling great question so their suppliers right now that they have uh Supply them but I actually asked them to reach out to do just that to go reach out to who supplies them with the Plastics go take a look at what we have on our was recycled plastics exactly and that's that was one of the things like the parents that started this thing 61 years ago who were there they talked about how the dad got up and spoke and when he spoke he talked about how he he started one of the things he wanted to do was take recycled plastic and use it and that's what they've been doing so the companies that use like to do that too and I think if we can make a connection there I says we got space here I got an industrial park coming in we could bring you right down there make it cheaper and easier for you save your money and let you make even more money hire more people so yeah they they like that that idea as well great great thinking um so anyway so they're so excited I think it might be a picture with the ribbon been cutting itself or right before with the family that's all the EDC folks that were there full full team is that all you got okay there's the owner right there and again this is a family company his parents started this thing 61 years ago uh and then now this the sun took it over brought all brought the whole business down here and you know amazing building they got and they brought all their family grandkids are working there down too so family business growing Here and Now expanding in Pasco County so all that said I want to say Merry Christmas to everybody I want to thank U our whole team I want to say no matter where I've gone to talk about how we've gone through this storm people are super super appreciative they know the work the cooperation every step they know the tricky step we're taking right now with the damage assessment forms but I tell you what one of the things we did after just being up at fac and I want to give staff credit especially for the leadership to go and wave the fees where not every County's done that yeah I mean and I push that I say you guys it's the greatest thing to go do is your people know that you're trying to help them get through something so that is I think radiating through the state right now you may see more of that coming up but leading the way in so many things uh and in getting the work done I think I want to say just thank you all for all the great work you've done uh County Administrator thank you for those kind words uh commissioner Mariano couple of things first related to the storm uh we did receive um the 50% Advance on our estimated expenses so 24 million a lot of that is related back to the uh to the storm debris so we anticipate that being about a $50 million price tag at the end of the day so we have received $24 million uh back from from FEMA to help start the reimbursement uh process on that so that's great we're about 2third complete that uh that date for 100% reimbursement has been pushed back to February 10th I feel pretty confident that we're we're going to make that uh we've got a lot of crews out working and we're we're doing a lot of good stuff out there related and um I don't necessarily need a motion but just if I can at least see that we've got concurrence with the board um Community Development block grants so there is the availability of CBD gdr disaster relief money out there this is to the tune of not tens but hundreds of millions of dollars um the first step in that is for us to send a letter from this body to our federal delegation I have one drafted up for the chair that I would like to have signed they could be voting on packages as early as this week possibly through through the spring so I think it's important that we jump on this half of that money has to be used for housing but the other half can be used for infrastructure and other other important type of projects so you really do need a motion to authorize the chair to sign I mean I guess if they want to we can we can do that so somebody make the motion Ron's joined my staff so we're good move appr move approv move approval to send the letter and put the recommendation favor I I I did Lisa we got that last time yes thank you that's all um okay uh next is who it's one of you two okay County attorney I don't have anything General but happy holidays um will you be there Monday here Monday I will be here Monday all right um yes's office I do have have two quick things uh we uh clerk Alvarez SES would like to draw to your attention to item n131 which was the audit that our office performed to look at performed or agreed upon procedures for the pecard process and uh we would just like to inform the board that there was two recommendations and uh County management has concurred and is in the proc process of implementing those items so again the audit is in your packet and we thank the uh County for their cooperation on um all of that uh on an up note which was well that was actually good but uh I I'd like to read this statement from uh commissioner or I'm sorry from clerk Alvarez sols I'm pleased to announce that the clerk's office has been awarded the certificate of achievement for excellence and financial reporting for the phisical year ining September 302 23 this marks the 41st consecutive year that the office has earned this honor from the gfoa recognizing our commitment to transparency and effective communication of the County's Financial story gfoa States the achievement of um certificate of achievement is the highest form of recognition in government accounting and financial reporting and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management I would like she would like to recognize the hard work of her Finance team especially the efforts of Finance director mat Lazar and assistant Finance director Richard benstein and also like to recognize the other constitutional officers for their hard work and dedication in the annual Financial audit last but not least I would like to thank the County's fiscal and Grant Management teams for their help in the financial audit process specifically she would like to recognize Jessica blesser Christina MC uh mcgonagal director of Public Services Grants physical Services team Amy frell and her grants management team again we want to thank them for assisting Us in maintaining that award that um you've had it 41 years we don't want to lose it so congratulations um okay me um so I have um some very brief tourism Development Council updates we've wanted um oh well this is the P all right hang on a second um we uh have won quite a few Awards especially our our own Consuelo and I think we need to give her a resolution so I'll work on that um but she has won all kinds of uh local and national awards um we won an award for the best event of the year for small markets that was the Tampa Bay Christmas Invitational presented by the Florida Sports Foundation um we've hosted did all kinds of events um and we have with some of the marketing accomplishments we have an email marketing campaign that has been relaunched I'd love for you to go look at the website and see all the uh the changes that have been made we've got a company working on all those and our Outreach has increased dramatically and um some of the website enhancements are uh new engaging content scalloping prep 101 the remarkable journey of Bas scallops and some recipes for scallops so kind of fun um I attended the Pasco leadership lunch in like many of you and I will tell you it was very moving um when Dewey and Becky uh spoke about their son Derek and Becky just volunteers every week over there and they just they do an amazing job at Metropolitan Ministries and I hope you get a chance to drive by because it's really coming out of the ground nicely um my staff also attended the Gary line ribbon cutting um I I uh went to the that's those are the pellets that they use the Recycled pellets there on the left um I attended the no County Crossroad Symposium in California I'm going to talk about that at the next meeting um but learned a lot about Economic Development and recovery and emergency emergency management I mean they lost 6,200 homes in in a couple hours uh so what they've got went through what they've learned is there's some good Lessons Learned there um I want to recognize Corrections fire rescue and public safety for another successful angel tree program I think there may be a yeah there's some pictures there look at that benefiting Pasco County Foster and adopted parents Association they started this in 2018 with sponsoring 20 children this year they were able to fulfill the wish list for 108 children so that is a great job so thank you so much um Commissioners going forward you know when we when we sit on these boards especially these the the big e um Tampa Bay Water uh planning Council tourism um we need to inform the other Commissioners about the big items of what's going on so I'm going to be asking during the commissioner items for you to just give a one or two minute update on whatever is happening of note in in your meetings I wasn't able to go to the TMA meeting but in my meeting with Nia um she mentioned that commissioner uh councilwoman herac uh was very uh vocal against the um Regional no I think we need to discuss some plan of action with the Tampa City Council because I believe the mayor is for it um I'd hate for harded toped torpedo the whole Regional effort there's possibly ways we can move forward without s uh Tampa um we're going to get that information back to everybody but I heard that um that it was a not the best meeting with that I'm going to say U Merry Christmas to everybody but Commissioners I'll see you all on Monday and and whatever staff here so so chair yeah are you're going to do chair appointments for the in the January meeting and everybody everybody if there is a December meeting for any of the boards who's ever appointed now will stay oh there there's really when I look down the list un it's probably mostly going to stay the same I believe in continuity um but you know commissioner joerger's representing commissioner Bradford and there's some maybe some changes there and and it's not it's not Sunshine for me to talk to you about it so I'll talk to you about some of the CH potential changes so anything else okay all right oh oh okay no I do have one more thing I'm sorry I'm doing it to myself um this morning you know we hear we hear issues from our constituents and I think you know we need to acknowledge that and so I am very curious about have we strayed from the mission of connected city um we have asked for an update on vop as well where where are we because every time we approve something we have no idea how it fits into the overall plan because we only see a little piece of it so at some point whether it's a workshop or an R item we need an update on what was it supposed to be where are we now are we on the right path on on these big projects also um I have uh a question on on Shady Hills and what's the plan and especially if Fernando County's developing and they're using that as a connector to get through us I I want to hear what's the plan so that's what I called you about and I know you were busy well you're still in the meeting so you know I think when we hear our citizens speak loud like this we need to answer them with something yeah Commissioner of Mariano yeah and I think you're running the money and we've talked about conine roads coming that's going to bring even more traffic down to Shady Hills the project we just Community uh approved here in Del Web was part of a project that connects a sidewalk up to the schools there's another one going up to bony that we approved today as well so we're working our way up in the trail that road needs to come and the sooner it comes the better uh I don't know if it really caused any issues by not I think we grabbed all the right away we need with Del Web coming in on their side we just got to get it from the other side so I don't know if that was a big issue but I do want to say the K Estates I brought I brought it up twice to the board now literally I've been out there on site when they finished that development they actually took the ponds on the biggest pond the lowest Pond and it's less than two feet different from the height of a yard it's going to affect the neighborhood when all that impervious comes in it's going to affect it so as I had said I think we need to go look at what we're doing for storm water what we're doing is not going to work everywhere and on major events it's even granted that on a major event um it's not going to keep everybody else from flooding because it's going to topple over and go so if you created that impervious it's going to be a factor so I think it is something to go look at and it may be the the logic of using something like the we have Basin of special concern uh conditions maybe we need to put that condition in everywhere okay so I know that's garbage sorry my ride is going to lead me and I'll like all the Tamp you want to Jour yeah we're jour [Music] [Music] n [Music]