[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] [Music] e e e e e e e e e e ready okay like call them me order so we can stand for a moment of silence and the pledge of allegiance aliance to the flag of United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all all right Madam clerk could we have the roll call please Mr Jamie Gerard here Mr Christopher P Mr John Moody here Mr Matthew M Mr Derek htet here Mr Chris Williams here andair Charles Greg here thank you Pro of publication please the items were advertised in the Tampa Bay Times on May 1st 2024 and June 5th 2024 or by Affidavit of certified mailings and site boing all right thank you we have a motion to uh approve the minutes please motion to approve the minutes second can I identify those minutes uh April 18th 2024 a motion and second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I post like sign thank you so um anybody who plans to give testimony today or come up and speak if you'd please stand raise your right hand and be sworn please stand be and raise your right hand we sworn do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give is the true you got thank you okay I want to just uh give you a little bit of information about the meetings in case you haven't been here before we're the Planning Commission we're appointed by the board board of County Commissioners and we meet twice monthly serve as a local planning agency and we hold public hearings transmit to the board of County Commissioners recommendation on comprehensive plan amendments Land Development code amendments resuming and conditional use requests plan commission is the final decision making body for certain alternative standard requests however final decisions may be appeal to the board of County Commissioners if anyone is in opposition to any uh recommendation that we make to the County Commission it's important for you to attend the appropriate County Commission meeting we do have a list of those meetings if you're uh interested you can get them from the uh staff up here for those of you who aren't familiar with these meetings we have three sections usually we have continuances uh and those are items where the staff typically or the applicant has requested a continuance for any number of reasons it's been our uh policy to Grant those requests for continuance unless they're extenuating circumstances we have the consent agenda and those are items that where the staff or we have not received any letters or notices of objection or questions and uh they go on to consent we go through there's one at a time if there's something that's on consent that you like to speak about as we read it off uh just raise your hand we'll pull it from consent and put it on the regular items and uh those regular items will be discussed in full uh the applicants will have a chance to come up and tell you what their request is for um the members of the audience who have signed up will have a chance to come up and um State their concerns or their questions and then the uh applicant will come back up and and try to answer them the best they can um applicants will uh have three minutes to make their presentation and respondents will have three minutes to ask their questions then the applicant will have five minutes to respond to those questions if uh the um uh applicant has requested in writing at least 24 hours prior of this meeting for extra time um we may grant that extra time I don't think we have had any of this time no request Mr chairman okay thank you um we also allow for uh uh public comment if you uh if there's anybody here that wants to speak about a subject not on today's agenda um before we start we'll invite you up to to speak to whatever it is you it's concerning you please put any phones or beepers or anything like that on silent position so we don't interrupt somebody that's speaking so uh before that then uh is anyone here to speak something that's not on today's agenda okay I don't see anyone Mr chair just for the record we did have someone signed up to speak on WebEx but that gentleman is not on okay thank you all right so I think we covered everything and we can begin thank you good afternoon Mr chair Planning Commission members Denise her herandez planning and economic growth Department we're going to start with item PC2 which is p24 7739 it's a zoning Amendment Fletcher MPD Mary L Fletcher vocable trust and Richard D Fletcher the request is to continue the item to the July 25th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie okay and I think that's the only continuent request yes sir it is all right so do I have a motion so moved second have a motion in a second and the applicant present okay anyone here to talk about this one all right all in favor of of the motion signify by saying I I I oppos like sign following item is PC3 Peg 24779 7 it's a special exception in the name of R andj properties of Pasco Inc disbro duplex it's for a special exception for a duplex in an R4 high density residential district comes through with a recommendation of approval with conditions as included in your agenda packet all right is the applicant present here to object the applicant is not present applicant's here I'm sorry he's here he's present he's present he has s right there okay thought you're hiding back there just it's okay anyone here to object okay see no objections move to the the next one item pc4 is Peg 24779 it's a special exception in the name of St Verina Coptic Orthodox Church Inc St Verina private K through 5 school for a special exception for a private school in a C2 General commercial district and mf1 multiple family medium density District comes here with a recommendation of approval with conditions as included in your agenda packet all right is the applicant present anyone here to object see no objection next next Mr chair item pc5 which is Peg 24779 will be pulled as will item pc6 which is Peg 24779 to and also pc7 which is Peg 7777 will be pulled as well we are doing so well we're now moving to item PC8 on this item you are sitting as the local planning agency and that is Peg 24218 it's a comprehensive plan Amendment Cass 2322 Earnest Drive it's for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use changing it from Ro retail office residential and res 3 residential three dwelling units per gross acre to Comm commercial um if you would please take public comment on this item and we're asking that you find it consistent with the comprehensive plan and recommend approval to the board of County Commissioners okay who's here to speak on this one anyone okay do I have a motion um it's on consent right yes that's the end of your consent consent motion to approve uh items PC3 pc4 and PC8 on the consent agenda second Motion in the second all in favor signify by saying I I I oppos like sign right so um Liam Divine will be presenting item pc5 but I just wanted to let you know that once pc5 6 and pc7 are presented we would like to move on to item pc1 ahead of item pc9 please okay whatever you say just being your master of ceremony here you're the master of everything okay good afternoon I hope so Liam Divine planning and economic growth Department before we're done um this is pc5 let me go back when um peg2 24- 7790 in the name of bayonet land LLC Gardens it is a ukan zoning Amendment from mf1 multif family medum density district and rezoning to mf3 multi family high density District the future land use classification is res 24 under the comprehensive plan and the proposes to develop the property with 294 multif family age restricted um dwelling units with 50% of the units being set aside for those incomes of 80% um or less Ami um in conformance with the mf3 multif family high density District standards um and the subject site location is on the southwest corner of the intersection of Lake Shore Boulevard and Dallas drive and Community Court approximately 600 feet west of 5 age Road the site is located in the West Market area and the serban um urban service area here is our context map of the area here is our zoomed in aerial and our surrounding future land use to the north is RO res 6 and res 24 to the east Is Res 6 and res 24 to the South Is Res 6 and to the West is RO and res 6 the surrounding zoning is PUD and mf3 to the north to the east is PUD mf3 and P2 to the South is AC PUD and to the West is mf1 and mf2 the subject site is undeveloped on approximately 19.98 Acres access to the property is from Lake Shore Boulevard and Dallas drive and the subject site is Loc located um 660 ft west of a um plan conceptual Trail along 5A and this is coming with recommendation for approval with deed restrictions as provided in your agenda packet um I'm going to list some of the deed restrictions um there will be a maximum of 294 multif family dwelling units there shall be 147 affordable dwelling units set aside for those incomes of 80% or less there shall be 114 age rest restricted 55 plus dwelling units um the 180 units that are non-age restricted um shall be a minimum of four stories in height um and all age restricted dwelling units shall comply with LDC section 13021 D um and it also includes the live local um restriction for um tax exemption as well and again this is coming with recommendation approval from planning and economic growth Department I'm here if you have any questions okay anybody have questions and Planning Commission members just to add to Liam's fabulous presentation that those deed restrictions are basically in order to comply with the sub area policy for bayonet Gardens which is flu policy 7.1 73 thank you Denise does the sub area policy include the minimum height no so where that minimum height is coming from is actually coming from the timing and phasing and trip generation so I believe they're around a little less than 1,200 daily trips so by doing midrise instead of low rise um it actually reduces the number of Tricks trips so if they did low rise under the it code um they would generate more than 1,200 daily trips and would trigger an MPD reone do you have an explanation for that why the height of the building would affect traffic so I'm not a transportation planner or expertise I'm sure somebody is here who can answer that but that is coming from our it code you live higher you're less likely to go down and get in your car I mean when you have to leave you have to leave but door Dash door Dash okay yeah makes sense well is there a transportation person that's going to yes we have folks online I don't know um and and they're all elevated in order to speak so whoever would like to speak on this item just unmute yourself and please explain afternoon this is Stacy Burgess with development review Department um can you rephrase your question again I do have the information up in front of me what was your question I think Liam Stacy this is John Moody I think Liam answered the question I do have one question out of curiosity the okay it category that allows or reduces traffic for higher rise apartments how old is that study this study let's see when does the it manual say the studies were conducted and where let me see you're not you're not referring to the um Otis the online it you're you're referring to what the applicant has provided I don't know in the it manual they genuinely tell you that the rates were esta lished based on X many number of studies conducted during these years in these locations got it so what I can do is if you guys can come back to me I can load up on there because I'm here in the study but I would have to go back online and I can get that information for you and just kind of come back to me with that sounds good okay okay all right thank you so much any other questions if not the applicant present thank you Shelley Johnson 6400 Madison Street and I have been sworn um yeah we are in agreement with obviously the deed restrictions um and all of the additional things that they've included in those deed restrictions because it is a ukian um we have been at work at this for a while we do have that Subara policy that's applicable and it is in compliance with that so but we are here my client is here and we're happy to answer any questions shelle can you just help me clarify sure a couple of things I'm trying to figure out the math here it's 147 affordable dwelling units for income at or below 80% Ami a minimum of 114 age restricted 55 years age or older and then the 180 that are non-ag restricted 55 Agy old or shall be a minimum of four stories in height but there's only 300 or 294 units I'm trying to understand okay sorry yes because you can have some that are age restricted and affordable um okay so I think you might have just answered my next question and that is going to be are the 55 years of age or older reserved for elderly or older people because I'm older than 55 um could have F me 80% of Ami I'm sorry say that again I think you just answered the question so not all of the age restricted units are for 80% Ami correct so potentially you could have you would have 140 hypothetically I don't know what that exact unit count I I don't even know if the applicant would know that at this point but you you could potentially have um you would don't speak from the floor can't get that on the record you would have to have a um 147 um 80% or less some of them could be age restricted some don't and then they could potentially have market rate Apartments as there as well I see okay thanks all right okay anything else for the applicant okay let me just to follow up on Mr Moody's question let me just ask the applicant in reality are you just going to be building one building that's at least four stories that's going to have all of it in it is that um that I don't know so I would have to ask my clients come up to answer that question but um and it will all be affordable even though you know our Lu allows us to have a little bit that's not affordable in market rate so it may end up that way I'm not questioning what you committed to I'm just asking in reality are you really just looking to build one building that's got all of these units or you going have multiple buildings Sean Smith 1949 blue Pond Drive I'm work from McDow housing Partners uh so we've already submitted uh site plan application we'll be following up with building permit application for the phase one this is going to be done in three phases so phase one is 114 units it's uh will be all senior 55 plus all affordable 100% at 60% Ami or below um and so and then phase two will be somewhere between 100 and 180 units and then if we do a phase a third phase it would be to you know to get to the 294 but as of right now it's a minimum of two phases and possibly a third okay so you are building three different buildings then yes sir okay thank you are you saying that ultimately regardless of what the approval but ultimately all of them will be affordable that is our that is our game plan or less Ami yes sir I mean that's that's primarily our business is uh doing Workforce and aable housing so um yeah that would that would be the goal but the first phase is 60% Ami or lower yes and Senior okay yes sir okay anything all right thank you very much all right I think that's it for the applicant and do we have anybody else here that wants to speak do you want to speak yes on this item we have Thomas Cook signed up to speak okay Thomas Cook Thomas Cook is who we have signed up to speak on this item John John John burad I'm sorry I apologize Thomas Cook is on the next item I apologize sir good afternoon uh I just had a couple questions before you get started we just need your full name and your address John William brette Jr I I live at 852 Woodbrook Court Hudson Florida thank you an now you've been sworn um is an actual recent traffic study been done I don't think we know the answer but we'll ask that excuse me let's just go ahead and ask your questions we'll make a note or he'll make a note and then we'll get them answered for you all right is there been a wildlife impact study done because I have coyotes in my neighborhood that have been displaced there has been some clearing in land already and will there be a natural area buffer between Lakeside woodlands and these new buildings a four story building not really going to matter they're going to see over it anyway MH my concern is for my community I happen to be the president and I would also like a completion date on phase one okay okay and will there be amenities for the affordable housing that's not 55 plus for younger families like playgrounds stuff like that because right now I have three communities using my stuff our stuff we have a severe traffic problem in our neighborhood everyone cuts through it and I'm afraid that it's going only going to increase and I think I done enough damage so all right we'll try to get those questions answered I'm I'm sure he was making notes there I hope he's making notes and he can respond to your questions okay now what is the Ami one last question what is the Ami in my area annual average median income is what it stands for yeah I know but what is well depends on which threshold you're talking about my area what's the dollars well there's 60% of Ami there's 80% Ami I believe it's I think he's asking what's the mean you know like 70,000 or something like that 70 but we work off of a County number not not not neighborhoods and it's about $78,000 a year 78,000 80% for the household they would have to no that's that's the average monthly income for a for typical Pasco household okay so and and it's 60% of that yeah I think you mean yearly income yeah not monthly that would be income that's annual income which is at 80 or 60% of Ami there's two different phases he was saying so there was one the first phase was 60% Ami and then the second phase was 80% well the deed restriction requires it to be 80% of Ami correct 80% that's if he wants to do lower threshold he could but the County's not requiring anything less than anything less than 80% okay thank you chent thank you just just to give you a scale of magnitude half the half the employees in Pasco County make 80% of Ami or less yeah I know I know many Pasco employees okay okay thank you thank you okay is anyone else if not you want come up and respond to this specific question very specific question yeah thank you shelle Johnson 6400 Madison Street and I have been sworn again um to answer the traffic yeah there was an updated traffic study that was done for the ukian zoning um for the numbers that are in front of you today um as far as a buffer I think if you look at the aerial on this site it's actually surrounded by rideway Lakeside um Woodlands Boulevard and drive and then Dallas drive on the other side it kind of sits in an island but of course when they you know do their site plan they're going to have to comply with the landscape buffers along those rideways so there will be a landscape buffer um pursuant to the county code um I think the other question was with regards to the any of the um units that are built that are not age restricted um those phases of course would have to comply with county code if there's you know neighborhood parks requirements and those kinds of things so those would all be built in internally to the site um so I don't think there would be any question about them utilizing other neighborhoods uh parks and things like that I think is what the question was um they have their own Rec ation facilities yeah yeah they would have to if for you know per the code if they're you know especially on the non-ag restricted portion of it as far as when the building would be completed I'll have to let my client answer that question I don't have an answer to that okay sure with the traffic study did it require any off-site road improvements or access improvements um it did not trigger any substandard road or off-site improvements and then the access obviously they look at that at site plan in terms of any access improvements but I don't believe Steve um indicated at that point there had been any so no turn Lanes or anything like that I don't yeah I don't think that's been drilled down yet but will be obviously when they go to site plan but yeah there's no it didn't trigger any substandard road it was under the threshold so and I I know the answer to this too but I know the um gentleman that came up spoke mentioned uh Wildlife study oh I'm sorry yeah we did do a cultural assessment on this part particular property and we also did a wildlife study so both were submitted to the county and reviewed so okay you want to come up again sir and give us your estimate of completion date yes so as I indicated oh sorry Sean Smith 1949 blue Pond Drive um so as I indicated earlier we've already submitted a site plan application uh to your question uh Mr Moody uh during the pre-application process there were comments made about the condition of Dallas Road and we've already been notified that we are going to need to repave uh grind down and repave all of Dallas Road all the way to 5A which is well past our site right I mean our our site stops 800 I'm sorry could you repeat that because he was involved in conversation sir I'm sorry sir this is material to your question you not oh so yes uh I was just saying that during the pre-application process we did receive comments uh from traffic and they they did indicate that they would want us to um grind down and repave all of Dallas Court from our site to 5A so that is you know something that we are preparing to do um there were no comments regarding Lakeshore uh but again you know our site plan has been submitted we have not received um full comments yet so when we do if that's you know if that's and something that comes up we will we will deal with that well class buffer is going to be required around the site I'm not sure I apologize Mr Gray do you have any idea John or Jamie so Dallas Drive actually becomes Lakes Shore I'm just looking at it yeah so yeah so Dallas and then and then the rest is yes Lake Shore all the way up to 5A okay just clarifying we'll be redoing all of that along Mr Gray the answer on the buffers I guess Brad can correct me if I'm wrong along the street plages there're a type D D1 buffer and then I'm not sure exactly on the answer were they abut to Lakeside Woodlands but I see that their property line that AB buts Lakeside Woodlands is going through a lake and I'm guessing they probably can't they're not going to plant a buffer in the middle of a lake and we've also purchased uh the the red outline only shows the original 19.9 Acre Site but to the South the those other two Parcels uh we've already we're under contract on those and in our site plan that's already been submitted that will be a master retention site with a walking path for the entire Community um again so there will be no no buildings going there uh that'll be strictly a large 7 acre retention pond um that will be that will serve as the master retention for the entire three phases or two phases however we develop the 20 acres and then also have a walking trail and benches uh that will be you know accessible to the community so are the building plans already designed yes uh we are our 100% set which is what we would submit uh is due from our um uh architect on uh July 12th so that's four story building yes sir it'll be one four-story elevator service building and then a detached uh roughly 5,000 ft Clubhouse swimming pool um pickle ball courts uh of course I think we brought up the the neighborhoods and Recreation we'll be maintaining all the Green Space that'll be required we've been in connection with Pasco County uh the whole time uh Miss Chay I believe her name is and um yep so uh regarding the he asked about the listed species uh as as Miss Johnson pointed out we did have that done we you know came back clean with the exception of a lot of gopher tortoises and we are currently in the process of working with the fish and wildlife to relocate those and uh and what those expenses are going to be so okay anything else uh not from me anybody else up here no thank you JMA thank you very much okay I think we have your answer from Miss Burgess on who on the line M burges yes so yes so for the it it's based on 11 studies for Mid rise and 22 for the low rise so that's what it is providing for multif family I I don't think we can hear you too well so can you try again please okay it's okay so for it there are 11 studies for the midrise and 22 for lowrise did that come through okay yes and the midrise was the four stories and up uh I believe so I I kind of limit it with the the uh information in front of me but that's what I have right now it's just kind of giving me and did you have a date when those studies were completed just because of um the resources that I have in front of me it would take a while so I'm sorry that I don't have it just at hand so but for right now that's what I can give you you know just a an idea for right now okay thank you anything else John anybody there okay all right if there's no one else to speak um here our motion violence is deafening well I'll just say something I'm I'm I'm a little frustrated with the whole traffic thing that that we're going to have a minimum of four stories and height because of some it declaration that I think probably some of us up here think is baloney that midrise Apartments four stories generate less traffic than three story apartments and my preference in deference to the neighbors is to limit the height to three stories not four stories but the gentleman already has invested in the building plans and it's kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't well and I would I'm just going to comment though in response that he's building an affordable housing project he may need that density and that height to get to the rents that he needs to get to I I understand that but that doesn't mean that we have to just ignore the concerns of the neighbors too so that but I think the logic is if there's any logic to any of it is that you know if you live on the fourth floor you're going to do you're going to go back to your car and drive somewhere as infrequently as possible just because it's it's going to be less attractive than if you're on the second floor or the first floor I mean I I don't think the it makes assumptions about people's behavior they actually watch it and they count traffic in and out of these things in my experience a lot of these studies were done 30 years ago and you know they may not be current and they may have been done in you know some crazy location out from 100 miles from nowhere unfortunately staff can't tell us right now what what that's the case but well I can't help but wonder if there's some of these midrise structures that they studied were in urban environments that didn't really have a lot of vehicular travel what I was trying to find out is what what you know what's the nature that was the reason wasn't because it took them too long to get down from the fourth floor it was the areas they studied just didn't really have a lot of vehicular travel just because of the environment Urban environment they were in well so let's go back to why the purpose of why that assumption was made it was made for purposes of a traffic study so it may be that even if they assumed three stories that it would have showed the level of service on the roadways was fine anyway so I I'm not sure this is it seems like almost an academic I understand you're concerning about wanting to limit the height but in terms of the traffic study it may not have made a difference whether it was they assume three stories or four stories I mean we don't have Steve Henry here to confirm it is he here or available um I guess we can ask Stacy would the traffic study results have been any different Tracy if they had assumed three stories she still there she's she just yeah I'm still here I was just kind of looking through their study I on this side I'm just having trouble with the it the uh website because we usually get that information on there but I'm just looking at their study and I wanted to look at V over C ratio and let's see here as far as the capacity you know for what we're looking for on five 5A Road they're they're like 0.51 for the road so they're H using half of the capacity on that 5A road so he you're saying that there's adequate capacity regardless of how many stores they stories they assumed at this point with the limited information that I have right now that would be my assumption that they would still be able to to do that but I would have to you know sit down and look at that a little bit more but I'm just looking at the capacity David hey this is as I I'll try to answer your question so based on the trip gener Essen you cut out yeah Essen hold on a minute David this David um Mr chairman I I just wanted to ask a rhetorical question of our traffic engineering uh folks uh from a planning context we're aware that age restricted housing especially senior citizen generates less trips per household and was that taken in account in timing and phasing that's a good point well I the timeing the phase analysis is in our packet and I think it was I don't know so I don't they can answer themselves but the applicant testified that the reason they agreed to the minimum of four stories was to avoid being forced into an mpud that didn't have to do with whether or not they needed to do Road improvements or okay I understand what you're saying and to answer the question it's um on page 27 of 115 of the of the traffic study um it did account for um for midrise and then also senior adult health housing yeah it looked like the senior adult housing it was about 0.25 trips per unit per day and then the multif family was 39 trips per unit per day so it was a little bit of a higher trip count for the 180 multif family uh portion of the project well maybe that's my personal issue but this isn't an mpud and I probably Denise can probably just put this to bed for me but this is the urban service area absolutely I was about to say there's no height limitation no there's no maximum Building height in the urban service area for multif family projects or commercial projects I'm just saying I I hate to see us use values out of some book to make arbitrary decisions like that minimum I think it is what it is so is that a motion I move it is what it is I will move to approve I've made my comments thank you I'll second that have a motion and second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I like sign okay thank you [Music] [Applause] Liam Divine planning an economic growth back you again you're in the hot seat again um pc6 p EG 24- 7792 in the name and I'm going to apologize now how I say this but I'm going to try my very best um sha sain K and S Le [Music] Shira It's a UK cleaning zoning Amendment um rezoning from ar1 agriculture residential district to P1 professional office District the future land use classification Is Res three under the comprehensive plan and the applicant proposes to develop the property in conformance with the P1 professional office District standards for development the subject site is located on the south side of State Road 54 approximately 400t west of Meadowbrook and the site is located in the South market area and the urban service area here is our context map here is our zoomed in aerial the surrounding future l juice to the north east south and west is all res 3 the surrounding zoning is AC and MPD to the north to the east is ar1 to the South is ar1 and to the West is ar1 the subject site is undeveloped on approximately 0 41 of an acre access to the property is from State Road 54 um and the subject site is located adjacent to an existing um State Road 54 trail to the north and there are no deed restrictions with this rezoning and this is coming with a recommendation for approval from planning and economic growth Department I'm here if you have any questions okay any questions all right is the applicant present is there anyone here to object okay good afternoon uh Sandra Bradberry Northside engineering which is 300 South belra Road Clearwater Florida um the owner of the property would like to put a medical office facility on the site since it its only access is on and off of State Road 54 the uh owner believes that this would be a perfect place to put it there um is a big easement behind the property going to the neighborhoods to the south of the property I am here to answer any questions is there like a site plan for the medical office we submitted two to staff to um let them review either one of those choices would be amendable to the owner let me put this can you put the aerial up so we can see let me try to ask the question a different way thank I the site's 0 41 Acres and medical office is a heavy parking user so I'm just trying to figure out how much medical office we're talking about by the time we provide the parking and the retention it would be for a single doctor's office and uh with the site plan we did present we did show adequate parking for that square footage what I can pull that one of mine to if you guys have an aerial that you could yeah maybe just I don't care to I don't want to review the site plan or see I'm just trying to get an idea are we talking about a th000 square feet of medical office or I'm pulling the preap notes to see what was Pro I think that's what you are speaking of the preap notes I'll give give me about two minutes sure is that an access easement behind there that's what I was wondering what what kind of easement is that for it looks like it's a and is that access easement a improved right I can't tell is it paved it's actually a drain adment so your access would come from 54 this property to the neighborhood to the South so is that a ditch yes it's a ditch and the applicant was amable to put in 2,800 square ft up to 4,600 Ft onto the site okay would have adequate parking for both and how was it accessed off of State Road 54 okay directly from 54 any other questions no all right thank you thank you L hear what the uh questioner has to say you have if you have questions come on up and introduce yourself and give us your address Liam Divine I just wanted to answer the question really quick you asked how many parking spaces it was 14 spaces um in the conceptual they provided with their preapp and it was one adaa including with that just trying to get idea the scale of this thing since it's a small lot that's all so if we have your name and address please Thomas Cook 17260 range Tre Road been SW as well uh I just wanted to stand and and voice my opposition to uh to this consent agenda the uh this lot is residential in a residential neighborhood was owned in a residential neighborhood we've lived there for quite some time have been residents in Pasco County for quite some time it is a vacant lot and we've always had been understanding that we may have neighbors there but not a office uh the property can be resed and then sold uh once it's res sold we don't know what's going to go there could be a medical office could be an engineer could be a methodone Clinic uh that drainage easement is a small ditch which is dry 80% of the year uh I'm the immediate neighbor adjacent to that my kids play in the yard we have no issues within our neighborhood uh and I don't have any issues with our neighbors I'm not opposed to having something there I just ask that we not have commercialized buildings within our neighborhood there's no uh no buffer of of there's no wall I mean typically when you have a a neighborhood that's built and adjacent to uh commercially or or professional office spaces there there's a separation and not just a a twoot lull that flows water when it rains um those are my primary wh which property your M mine is the immediate one to the South okay and then 17 2 2 rain tree and has staff shown you the site plan I have seen it from another neighbor neighbor does the site plan the conceptual plan include buffers no it was just concep okay I I the only problem I have is I just can't quite conceive of somebody wanting to build a home on State Road 54 I understand that I do understand that it seems to me that if you don't allow some alternate use then you're going to re what you're really doing is taking somebody's property and not paying them for it I would say uh this property is also to the east of meow Brook not West and that's semantical but if you look to the uh actual east 300 feet there are residential homes that are on on State Road 54 that are a part of the same Community I assume they've been there for quite some time they have been that I'm St 54 is probably two lanes back my opposition is is more based on I'm not I'm not listen I understand and I get it that they there may the property there may be some other you know Financial benefits and wins to that is not into that if if this property were rezoned for office how was that going to affect how do you think that's going to affect you I I think it depends on what kind of office she said it's a doctor's office a medical office it would be resed and and proposed as to be a medical office but could be sold as well it could be a methadone clinic it does could be anything I'm I'm just saying my my issue is in the in the in the separation between the residential community and and the office space is my primary concern is there anything well I I'm going to ask staff when you're done but I mean is there any kind of protection buffering screening that would assuage your concerns I I mean if I couldn't have a neighbor which would be my ultimate I'd rather have a neighbor than an office but if I were to have to pick I would ask that something be contingent upon you know some kind of a wall or barrier as they do down roads in highways if you're going to make that a commercial a commercial area and I don't think that there are certain buffering requirements with commercial constructions that's why he's asking that landscape uh an 18 a 36 in Bush on an 18in Mound which is is hardly a buffer between a residential and Commercial area right I agree with you on that that's okay thank you any other questions okay I have a question followup question for sta what would be the buffer required by code thank you hey uh Brad tippen uh development review Department uh that'd be a type B buffer so that's a six foot screen included in that so that's either a fence a wall or a BM BM hedge but six feet high collectively at least six feet high correct and I'll remind the Planning Commission that unless the applicant agrees to deed restrict this to something more stringent you can't require them to do something more stringent M right to ukian ukan okay I apologize that um you guys don't have the concept plan up there is a retention Pond behind the building buffering us from the neighbors to the South um and of course we would comply with the restrictions of the type uh B buffering if that could be zoomed out you will see that there is just to the uh east of that um probably not even 700 yard away there is um offices on that same side of the road on State Road 54 MH um that's the reason why we brought the idea of the medical office to the zoning commission is to make sure that we were following some other precedences that had been set in that area and uh like I said there is a retention Pond to help buffer any noise of any sort and also we would be complying with the landscape type buffer as well understood type be buffering okay any other responses you would like to give us that is it question they interested in making it a medical office yeah okay just interesting how the property to the east and west of it it's owned by the dot it's bright of way property correct East and West yeah on both sides both sides of the road or both sides property is owned by fdot Denise well for for for my purposes my personal feelings is I wouldn't vote to approve this unless there was a solid wall between this property and the residential property and I think that's a reasonable request um I think it's not reasonable to say that you have to put a house on 54 but it is reasonable to ask for substantial buffer and if a wall is part of that requirement I think we ought to require a solid wall a solid wall instead of the six foot fence that's on the uh right but I think the County Attorney needs to clar can you clarify how that has to happen daveid yeah if you are willing to agree to something more stringent than the code we'd have to do a deed restriction the property would have to we can't impose a condition on a ukian resoning so if if you're amenable to that you'd have to agree to destrict the property to add that additional requirement is that something your client's willing to do I I would believe so my only concern is with there being a ditch behind there that wall could very easily restrict if there was flooding from that ditch being able toage Ranch wherever it needs to and um obviously we would keep our storm water on site but with the drainage of that ditch I don't we don't know where it would be considering to go if there was consider everybody's required to keep their own water on site so that that wouldn't matter and all I'm saying is we can do what we want to as an or as a group but I won't support it without a wall so I mean I would tell you that they can turn concrete blocks sideways under a wall every at certain spacings to allow water to pass through that that's not uncommon or put notches in the bottom of the wall or whatever if that's actually a problem can I can I ask Liam a question yes um Liam the there was a pro there was a resoning that came to the board very recently I think a couple years ago where it started as commercial same same neighborhood the board denied commercial and basically said they would only approve office I think it's the one referenced in 9C of your agend of our agenda um so there's a prent for approving office in this area my question is was any additional buffering required for that one I I don't I'm asking I don't remember I can't recall off the top of my head but if you give me a second I could pull it up and and confirm that cuz that's the one I I don't know if the Planning Commission remembers but when it was proposed for a commercial we had a packed room mhm um the board denied the commercial request and then when they switched the request to office we had little little to no opposition right for the one to to the West I understand that the gentleman's concerns I'm just letting you know that there is a precent the board has decided that office the is the appropriate use for this area not commercial I agree to answer that question there's no deed restriction attached to that rezoning from 7516 okay thank you okay give me a second maybe it just wasn't finding fact number two while they're looking it up if you most definitely require the 6ft wall we will ask the um client to AD mean to that but we would prefer a 6ot privacy fence there're a little bit easier to maintain and repair still working on it no we have the answer so there isn't there wasn't a specific deed restriction regarding um landscaping and buffering there was a deed restriction that basically limited the building height to a two stories maximum on that one Goa all right I think we weed our concerns U is there a motion yeah I'd make a motion and and I'm in agreement with you Mr Gray that I think the least they could do is agree to construct a wall and it sounds like they're not sure if they want to agree to that today or not so what I do is move to continue them till we're back here in Newport Richie again to so that they can have time to decide we would agree to the six foot wall we just would prefer to do the privacy fence instead okay is that you like to amend your motion or okay if if the applicant well I mean I'm just going to ask the applicant Point Blank I need you to because this is a voluntary deed restriction all right so are you willing to deed restrict the property to require a wall yes and is that wall just on the south side is it south side in the no I I would hope that it would just be on the South Side um like you said do owns the other two as my at some point time they might concern yeah become available for sale and if our client purchased it then they'd have to come back before you to ask to have one of those two walls torn down in order to okay so I'm going to withdraw my motion and then I'm going to ask you one more question yes sir so the do owns the property to the east and west East West and have they ever made an offer to purchase your property have they no that's that's that's what I'm struggling with is it's just a weird doughnut hole of property that yeah but I think and as you can see do doesn't use both of those properties there's one of them that is um pretty original vegetation on it compared to the other yeah it's just weird how from a planning perspective it's well I whatever okayi there I would make another motion to approve subject to the applicant agreeing to the deed restriction to construct a 6- foot masonry wall to buffer the neighbor on the south side only on the South Side yes I have a second no second any further discussion not all in favor signify by saying I hi hi post like sign okay done excuse me chairman can I get a little clarification on that from my team when it comes to review is that the six foot screen within the tip B buffer as a six foot wall or only a six foot wall it it's the type B you're going to require a type buffer requirement to but the screen has to be a 6ot wall okay thank you well of course that's for the board to decide but yeah okay where good afternoon Tammy Snider planning and economic growth Department which one are we on now sill Ridge mpud Peg 24 7777 it's a zoning Amendment from R1 MH single family mobile home District to an mpud to allow 2 23 single family detached dwelling units um on approximately po 4.39 Acres it's on the west side it's in in the West Market area on the west side of l Road about 825 ft north of the West Pascal Government Center citizens drive and 2900 ft south of Ridge Road here's a location map that is the brand new VA Center directly across the street we've got another shopping center coming into the north of that here's a context map the current zoning districts it's r1mh pretty much all the way around it except for the commercial to the east here's a master plan pretty simple and with that we recommend approval with conditions to the BCC I will note that there is a variation request um to not interconnect to the West because of the residential little um mobile home park that we've got going on there um and they also want uh A variation from 522.com quality of this project um and they also want relief from the strict enforcement of PM 26 because it requires 40 foot wide lots to be rear loaded um and th designed in a tnd or in a 55 plus Community um and due to the affordability aspect of this and the small size of the mpud it's requesting relief from that so that they can be front loaded but it will be required to follow all the other conditions in PM 26 we see the side plan again that's the site plan the master plan yeah lot of detail there mhm just 23 little Lots gotcha going to have some retention and they're not required a park because it doesn't have over 25 Lots can I ask David a question sure and it has to do with the PM 26 thing it how do you deal with like and I'm going to use the wrong term because the code sets up alternative standards for Land Development code requirements and variances for zoning requirements but this is a policy memorandum how does that work I don't think that technically it requires a variation or alternative standard but I think Tammy's just including in the agenda memo to disclose that they're deviating from the policy memo it's not I don't think they're legally required to but she's doing it as a courtesy to the Planning Commission and board that so they know that it's a deviation from PM 26 so then the question that I have is can any other developer come in and ask for a deviation from PM 26 in theory yes even PM the PM 26 memo even says that people can request now I will tell you that if as a general rule I don't think the board looks too favorably on deviations from PM 26 but they might make an exception for this project because it is an affordable housing project and and I'm not saying we shouldn't I I just it's just a curiosity question about how policy memoranda are enforced or not enforced or what their legal Effectiveness actually is so it's basically a board direction for staff to implement certain requirements and ues but the board doesn't have to always follow that policy if they don't want to okay and staff and I think staff is correctly noting that it's a deviation from the policy so that it's not nobody thinks they're trying to slip it through I not not and not saying that they are I just didn't understand how it worked okay thank you here the applicant [Music] president you're busy today aren't you yeah thank you shelle Johnson 6400 medison Street and I have been sworn this is a habitat um Community for 23 single family residential units um just in case there's any questions they um service the population that's the 80% Ami um and these are um owned in fee simple they are not rentals so if there's any other questions we'll be happy to answer them are these are these mobiles is that no they're single family residential okay site belt thank you okay anybody else have a question if not we have a motion we we do have two folks signed up to speak on this one okay uh Miss Valerie uh Ferrari I think it says I apologize and Alan Daniel Valerie Ferrari 7747 Calabash Lane Calabash is emn and blueberry it's a horseshoe in Calabash is right down there it's all a dirt road the dirt roads flood out all the time we've always been told that we're only allowed one place per half acre out there that part of the land is out there we were not expecting nowhere near 23 Poli B sorry I'm nervous little upset too I'm 23 places eight or nine would be bad enough the traffic there's only one way in and one way out if you're going south you have to go down emans all right and if you're going north you have to go we have to even go around to Blueberry to be able to cut across Little Road get into the little turn lanane where the VA is and then do a uturn around the VA the traffic cannot handle 23 houses in there it can't the traffic would be so backed up there would be so many accidents there are no lights we always thought they would put a light there plus the fact that we're all septic out there and Wells what what's that going to do to the the neighboring Wells you they could be hitting into our wells and everything I would like this considered I'm am nervous but thank you that's okay okay thank you very much can we zoom in on this a little bit I look about three 3,000 ft up afid heights yeah I'm getting nervous fall you guys go ahead I was just going to see if I can get there and our taxes in the roads what are they going do you can't speak from the I'm sorry you can't speak from there that's all right Valerie Ferrari what are they going to do about our dirt roads they're holy enough as it is you can't go down those roads over 5 miles an hour on either Road and we'll try to get some answers for you tamy SN again um I do know that part of their substandard Road improvements they will have to improve both emens and blueberry drive up to their project entrances so that part will be taken I am really not sure how many people from this development will want to go west to the internal roads they'll probably just want to head out to little road so they're going to be required to be paved is that was just saying yes sir and is there any deed restrictions that go with this this mpud what do you mean well the applicant appears to be Habitat for Humanity are these are we being assured that when this is developed that this is going to be a Habitat for Humanity development not just sold off will they will be affordable yes to be clear let me answer the question correct Tammy's right there's a requirement that to be affordable below 80% of Ami it doesn't necessarily have to be habitat that develops it but they'd have to if they sold it it have to be another affordable housing provider and that's locked in for 30 years I believe is what the condition says I'm not aware of any NP will restricted to a particular owner but we do restrict Things based on affordability which that's condition 40 requires that so if somebody buys one of these units and then they resell it they still held to that same 80% Ami requirement yes for there's a 30-year affordability requirement yeah and there's restrictions placed on the homeowners too in order to qualify to even buy one of those habitat houses no but to Jamie's question I'm curious about that too so somebody that makes 70 or 75% of AMA Ami buys this house what happens if they sell that house must they sell that to somebody who else makes M yes for the 30-year affordability period how's that assured five owners down the line how is that assured we we make them record a land use restriction agreement I see okay that ensures it will remain affordable if the applicant wants to correct anything I'm saying they can they're welcome to no that's correct it'll be it's in our conditions of approval and we will have to do AUM so it continues down through the title but it know that is the intention it continue to be affordable obviously pursu to the county RS so maybe I don't know you can answer this question or not I mean past experience with Habitat for Humanity is they get the homes at little to no cost they have to work to help build the things but this is not the typical this doesn't sound like the typical Habitat for Humanity project here how so good afternoon well they're talking about income restricting these homes it I I I it sounds like they don't necessarily have to do what we know as a Habitat for Humanity project they could just sell these lots to people and build houses and as long as they make less than 80% Ami sell them as an affordable housing project not what we typically know as habitat I'm not saying that's a reason to deny it or approve it or one way just curious yeah so so uh good afternoon um commission uh Sean King 7237 Little Road I'm the chief strategy officer for Habitat for Humanity and leading this development just for the record um we do these developments throughout our service area and our our community um it is different from the traditional single family residential infill that you may see in in neighborhoods however it is not different from anything else we do programmatically uh we're about to celebrate our 900th home tomorrow uh we have a big celebration so i' welcome everybody it's going to be in pelis and Largo but anyways throughout those 900 homes one of the principles of habitat for humity is a hand up not a hand out so the only difference between our homes and homeowners is that they are afforded and provided a 0% interest mortgage they buy they purchase the home from from Habitat to do to do so they have to qualify one of the qualifications is income the second one is willingness to partner and that's where really The Sweat Equity comes in so they go through 3 they have to do 350 to 450 Sweat Equity hours that's building their home and in this development their home their neighbors and and whatnot they also have to do 36 home buyer education classes obviously heavy on budgeted and financing being a good neighbor community policing everything uh maintenance um so we really are trying to set them up for long-term success if the home is resold there will be a land use restriction that runs through uh as uh Miss Johnson said runs with the land so a Lura agreement we also have the first right of refusal to repurchase the home so if they do want to sell uh they need to move they need to downsize whatever they have to come to us first and generally speaking we'll repurchase the home and then Place Another habitat homeowner in in that unit um so that's kind of high level uh just for the record of kind of how our our program works and and we're eager uh to develop this property I can't remember is there any restrictions to how soon they can sell the home or having to repay subsidies or anything like that when they sell yeah so there's not any restrictions uh for how soon they can sell the home what there are is there are restrictions in place about the equity so we protect the equity because the last thing we want and I think anybody wants is somebody getting in the home and then quote unquote flipping it right so for these homeowners it's in all of our mortgage docks there's what we called a shared Equity provision and they don't really receive any of the upside of the equity for at least 10 years while they're in the home and then it's incremental after 30 years that's the goal of our program is is kind of intergenerational wealth and wealth creation through home ownership so once they pay off that mortgage free and clear and and they're out of the land use restrictions um we're hopeful that they've been a longtime Community member they have a little Nest Egg uh and and they can you know put that towards retirement kids college funds whatever it may be uh but that's really the the point of of what we do can I add to that which is normally these projects also try to qualify for impact fee and Mobility fee reductions and we impose requirements on them that if they sell the home for a non-affordability [Music] [Music] raise money for Habitat it's a fantastic organization and it you do what uh you say you do you give people a hand up and and really give people chance to home ownership that never would have had the chance to otherwise so that's exactly what we're trying to do thank you for doing the good work you guys do but to Mr Moody's point I I applaud habitat as well but they're not the only nonprofit that does this so hypothetically if they sold to another nonprofit that does the same type of program that would not be inconsistent with the the conditions of the zoning understand just a different animal haven't seen yet is there anybody else Mr chair so for the record we do have Mr Allan Daniel that also signed up to speak I I turned around and asked and it seems that he is not going to speak can you please verify that that's the case Mr Daniel are you in pres are you present okay you're not speaking he doesn't hear you okay I can't hear anything I really don't know what's going on okay well are you Mrs Daniel are you his wife or can you verify for us that he's not going to speak yes I'm Valerie Ferrari he can't hear you I've worked for Mr Daniel Mr Daniel has at least eight properties out there there's another property owner Steve Grady he's uh he owns the upper part of Emmons he's had a stroke he can't speak all right but what we're what we're worried I've worked for a habitat too by the way I used to work for ma'am this was not an opportunity for you to get up and but but the half acre thing we're we're only allowed one place per half acre there You' had a chance to speak the question the chair asked you was if you know this gentleman does he want to does he want can't hear the conversation and he doesn't know what to say can you ask him whether he wants to speak I did he doesn't know what's going on because he cannot hear the conversation so he doesn't want to speak okay thank you I did see a gentleman in the back though that raised his hand sir you got if you want to speak you got come out I didn't it's fine okay well then we'll have you arrested I it's okay you didn't sign up but were you sworn okay did you swear in I did not okay let's get you sworn in do you swear affirm the testimony you're about to give it the truth that be go yes thank you Richard Gardner 7732 Calabash Lane I live actually across from Allen I think what they're doing is fantastic the concern is the roads they are roads they do flood out adding 23 homes on 4.3 acres does seem like a little excessive I don't know how big the homes are exactly um it's getting in and out we put the vet center across you have AM Vets right there on the corner um what that causes is people coming in to drop off goods for AmVet they don't even see us coming onto emans and there's almost accidents there daily they pull right out um we thought a light was going to go in there may or not that would be our biggest concern is the amount of traffic coming in and out okay you know and you heard that they're going to pave those roads right yes sir um but again visibility I know personally when you turn right out of emmans you can't go right you have to go right and then come down to Citizens and take and do the the UI um right actually right there on that corner they fly with those electric bikes mhm there you cannot visibly see coming out of there um okay it is a concern for the roads can you guys put the one foot too Contours on that Pasco mapper map should be natural features I think or storm natural features yeah zoom in a little emons and blueberry are Pasco County Roads Calabash is a private the county does come in and smooth them out with the lime rock it rains it gets BS that's I I welcome the it's lower than the surrounding neighborhood it's just the people getting out onto Little Road [Music] mhm okay it's higher than Little Road many in many places no but I the neighbors have talked about the road flooding and I'm going to be asking if they've got to do substandard Road improvements are they correcting the flooding on the road [Music] I'm good with the map we can ask Essen to confirm but my understanding is that 91.4 does require them to fix existing flooding when they make substandard Road improvements you want to ask us for there I if he's if he can confirm that that'd be great well can staff ason is that you hello so I do also want to say that the their engineer of record is also on and I have elevated him just in case if he would like to speak as well maybe he can answer the question well let me just ask it a different way is the substandard road mitigation Act ual construction prop share payment in this case it's actual construction okay so it should help to mitigate some of that flooding that you're talking about okay yeah there's a retention Pond across from mvet um just off of M's right there actually mhm but you may want to ask the engineer if the if he's being elevated whether he's going to accommodate the drainage from the sub stand root improvements within his site he probably knows that okay you just asked him can he answer I'm here John uh and can you guys hear me Coastal Design oh Paul yeah go ahead you guys can hear me yes yes I haven't been sworn if you if you need to do that do you swear orir the testimony you're about to give is the TRU so you God I do thank you um so we we are at the beginning stages of design um we do have your name address I'm sorry your name and address sir oh Paul manual cultural Design Consultants uh 7026 Little Road okay all right go ahead Paul we we've got you know a conceptual plan that does include drainage one of our drainage ponds is Right adjacent to IMM and we have another uh drainage pond that's um next to Blueberry um so there would be some runoff that would come from those roads um but that are a little elevated over our site anyway they would naturally drain into that area so I don't think we have a problem you know accommodating that in in the improvements we're making the road um I I do know that those improvements do include um you know we we'll look at the uh structural numbers for the road that exist there today um move those to County standard all the way back past our Entrance Road those will be repaved and widened it need to be to meet County standard okay part of blueberry Lake which is a swamp um it's in the Magnolia Valley Water I know I pay extra in my tax yeah there's a pump or something down off of Ridge Rowan slash and it still floods in my back um so again if we Elevate and we move I just want to be sure that it's not going to flood more or well all right I I'll try to help you and the engineer can answer for himself too our County regulations and the Water Management District are not going to allow them to displace flood waters Okay so so if they go in and they fill all the low areas in this site and I expect that they will they're going to have to excavate other areas so that the water displaced by that fill has someplace to go without going on your property or on the road and they're going to look to make sure that flood elevations aren't increased in the area but I'm looking I think he provided a satisfactory answer as to that they would address the flooding of the roads with the substandard road mitigation so okay will there be Wells John this is Essen can you hear me now yes we can is it be served by County Water County Water and Sewer was having some mic issues it'll it won't be Wells and peptic it'll be County Water and Sewer they can't on 40 foot wide Lots they have to have water and sewer okay were you trying to say something I confirm that PA manual again I do confirm that we are we are planning for water and sewer u s through the county yep okay that should take care of the concerns about the wells okay yeah all right about thank you about light that's that's going to have to be traffic and all that number of accidents have to occur thank you very much for coming up appreciate that thank okay I think ESS was trying to say something I don't know if he wants to finish yeah David can uh sorry I was having mic issues I hope you can hear me now got you yes yes so uh even though I did not review the specific substandard Road uh uh analysis but our standard condition states that it the road shall be improved to County standards which includes addressing all of those issues that you were just talking about flooding structural number of the road the width all of that okay thank you that's good okay yeah thank you okay yeah sure you're welcome I'm sorry about the isue having I think we've got all the information we need to make a decision if somebody will make a [Music] motion Geral please geez somebody going to step up or I got to make all the Motions I'll make a motion to approve I'll second Eugene any further discussion of the motion not all favor signify by saying I hi hi po like sign hey we need to take a break anybody I'm it's up to you I don't you need a break thinkk I'm good remember she's going to just drink slow Chuck I'm sorry go ahead David no I'm just standing up for pc9 pc9 we're going to do 10 first though right David Engel planning and economic growth director we would like to ask for a 30-day continuance for pc9 to the July 25th Planning Commission meeting in Newport Richie the reason is we've had some last minute stakeholder engagement on some language refinement and we'd like to bring it back uh with consensus thank you okay thank you very much D I'll move to continue the item 4 30 days to Newport Richie second I'll second and David just this is my input I have several comments on this issue too if possible I would like to be involved in this um discussion with the staff well we certainly sir we we did reach out to the Planning Commission members and if you want to continue to engage we'd uh explore that with you very thank you thank you thank you David all right so we have a motion we have a second forther discussion all in favor signify by saying I oppos like sign very good and now Doren Roy will be presenting item pc10 good afternoon commission dorine Roy planning and economic growth item pc10 proposed amendments were previewed by the horizontal Roundtable interested parties on April 11th and were presented to the horizontal Roundtable interested parties meeting on June 19th 2024 um this is a table uh for the reasons in the chapter I'm going to for time I think I'm just going to skip through the table you have that in your packet but I will cover a couple of the items in the red line chapter 400 permit types and applications section 402 42.2 c4d uh these codes particularly pertain to um submittal requirement ments for cultural and historic resources item d a phase one cultural resource assessment including the following project scope archival research and identification of sites adjacent to the subject property identification of research design and description of field methodology field work and Analysis of the findings and conclusions we are adding the survey shall be no older than 10 years and shall be consistent with current crass phase one criteria or be recertified by a consultant all recommendations made by the consultant shall be implemented by the applicant uh this is mainly to make sure and ensure that County and state criteria are met so Qui quick question Dorene yes is the cras pH if I'm understanding this right the cras phase one criteria is the sentence above the underlined sentence or is there more specific criteria I don't have too much knowledge of these things they're they're very minor you're looking at the red line is what has been added let me not understanding my question I'm asking what are the cras criteria it says it either has to be less no older than 10 years old and be consistent with the criteria or be recertified by a consultant I'm trying to understand the the difference between meeting the criteria and being recertified by a consultant some of the some of the crft reports are very old we have several dris that are very old in the county uh with muds some of these crass reports are very old they are 18 some of them 22 uh even ukian zoning we've had projects come in where the crass report was quite old so we just want to ensure that the criteria also meets the state criteria because now we for instance we had a project come in for Workforce housing recently this year the crash report they were submitting was 22 years old so therefore the when you're trying to meet the state criteria the state is going to because the property was Workforce housing they receive state funding they going to require the state to comment so the shipo office will comment Mr Moody if it's if it's okay can I add uh to what my colleague is in um answering so there is a section in the Land Development code which is section 809 cultural resources so Bas so basically that section provides direction as to what um cultural resources are required so basically it's cultural resource management standards and Facilities Management published by the division of historic resource ources and conform to rule 1-46 or rule 9j 2.43 Florida Administrative Code so the standards are within those rules is there go ahead Terry clearly want to say something oh okay all right um You can't read his sign language you know no I didn't take that in school um so do you want me to continue or yeah okay all right so just minor edits and as you can see the red line we are replacing the word identify in several of the code there are particularly seven that um State this to identify any registered or recorded cultural resources on the site so that's part of the submitt requirement we want to change that because archaeological site do not um follow um the sunshine laws because because of looting so we don't want to identify identify kind of indicate locate it you know show the location so we just want them to list so you have several other codes here in 403 it's basically the same thing Mass grading mining operating permits construction and demolition debris disposal facilities operating permit and yard trash processing facilities then in chapter 800 under natural and cultural resources protection the uh 89.2 generally we are removing that reference to a website that is no longer active uh 8094 standards for surveys and Analysis uh again the same language we are adding the time limitation for the craft 89.8 historic cemeteries specific requirements uh we are changing the language to read we ambiguous the cemetery boundary shall be identified by a qualified archaeologists the new boundary shall be marked and any buffer re recommendation shall be shown on the submittals we've recently had three projects come in uh that include a historic Cemetery or are adjacent to a historic Cemetery so we are relying on the experts recommendations for those uh Rec recommendations in requirements of buffering find the proposed ordinance Amendment consistent with the Pasco County comprehensive plan and recommend approval to the board of County Commissioners uh the hearings will be for the first reading in August August 6 and August 21st for the adoption if there are any questions that trying to understand the kind of the context and the need for the the change in the code so you've had some projects come in that were either included or near cemeteries and then you mentioned a Workforce housing project that the cras was 20 years old was staff of the belief that there were some new or undiscovered cultural resources there that no the uh we are making sure and ensuring that the state criteria is met along with County so the state criteria uh they not only look for uh the crafts report being they look at the methodology that is used so the state uses a different methodology and with their module three uh standards so if it isn't to that standard especially when it comes to a project that receives State funding they look at it very closely they review uh whether it has especially something that is over 10 years old they look at the craft report very carefully what was your question again Mr Moody I'm just trying to understand the context there's just isn't something I thought was like high on the priority list of things to address I'm curious what's what's precipitated the need to change the code that that's all is that nario Pito planning and economic growth essentially the change for the C reports is to pursue the most recent methodology used by the state um we can we can make an adjustment to the text to clarify that we use the most recent methodology by the state that way we don't have to deal with a 10-year increment issue um but that's that's effectively what the this text amendment is pursuing just just to get it consistent I mean just a question if if you have a site and and you have educate me if you have a site and you have a letter a clearance letter from the from a shipo letter that that shipo letter expires that clearance letter from the state office expires yeah they they don't longer give those letters out anymore they stop doing that the reason I'm asking a question is and I know this affects a lot of a lot of property in the county where you have and I know I asked this question and I did get a response and it was a response that came back something the effect of if there's structures and now all of a sudden they're over 50 years old or something but there there's a lot of big projects in the county that have historic they're pasture land there there are no structures there's nothing there these projects have been entitled these projects have had these cultural resource surveys done on the entire property the property's been split up now it's being sold off be it 15 20 years later nothing is different on this property yet they're required to spend not only the dollars but waste the time that it takes to go back out and redo these studies to look for historic artifacts that in my not to my knowledge didn't show up in the last 15 or 20 years so that's why I'm I'm just trying to understand why we're going back and and revisiting this and adding this provision back in the code I think he asked the question better than I did that's correct yes yeah it it's basically we can't we don't know when the state changes their methodology that's that's the whole thing we want to make sure that we are keeping in line with the state criteria because we we don't know when they change their criteria they they don't put a uh a Time stipulation if you will on on the crft reports they just look at how the method ology was done in the crass report and if that original crass report was done back in 2003 I guarantee you it doesn't it doesn't hold water today okay so just let me ask what's the effect locally so if they're going to do development they end up having to go get a permit from the Water Management District and if the Water Management District thinks there's cultural resources they're going to refer it to the state so are we is this a duplication of effort that maybe isn't necessary not necessarily well what would be a circumstance where it is because they also they also look for historic structure so getting back to what Mr Gerard was saying is that I mean they're looking for also they don't just of course there's no not going to be any more artif act or like Mr Gerard mentioned uh the indigenous peoples of course you know they've already found it if it's already located and there's usually the master site file in in the state office right we we already know it was it existed however in the local area they're also looking at the structures that are now coming into their historic 50y year or older so they include that into that area I I understand but I'm what I'm getting at is ultimately another state agency is going to deal with this what's the necessity that we need to do it at the county level and I'm not saying there isn't a necessity but can you point out to me what is the County's necessity to do this it has toine with State that's that that would be my answer right what I'm getting at is we save the taxpayers a couple of dollars if the state taxes state state agencies are taking care of these issues with state tax dollars why do we need to do it here at the county level with County dollars re yeah it is yeah then you have to know the LGC I I think the the intent for the county is firstly it's a compliance matter and it's an ability to track and and uh stand up a historic preservation activity within the county so I think the way that the proposed language um is written we could probably adjusted so that there isn't additional work that needs to happen but that simply that the C be re confirmed that it's up to date with current state methodology and then we can uh ensure compliance is met it seems L but it's it's it's not intended to recreate a whole process for the for the applicants or for any applicant to come in and have them redo the trying to make sure old reports are in compliance with the new methodology yeah essentially so that's that that why couldn't we write the language to say that that's what it says and that's what I was trying to understand I the time limit was reaching for that but I think there's a better way to State it which is we should use the most recent methology I just I still don't I don't feel like I got a clear answer as to what is the County's interest in this I mean like I said ultimately when you go to the state agency for your storm water permitting if they believe that there is any cultural re and I had this happen recently on a project where I applied to Swift Mud and one of the comments I got back is that some site file was identified and that I needed to submit to they actually notified the state department of historical resources or whatever they're called that that's what they found and then I was required to or my client was required to retain an archaeologist and go out and do all kinds of samples and provide that in our response back to the district and what I'm trying to find out is what is the count the states doing this why do we need to do it again here at the local level that's all I'm asking what what well what danger is there to the county by allowing the state to handle this issue rather than us locally right I I think that the CRS report is a state mandate so it's ultimately going back to the state but I also think that the cultural resources are local and so the local jurisdiction ought to be aware and understand what it has um present within the community uh right now we don't have uh other than simply checking for compliance and ensuring that the state methodology is in order that they've done everything according accordingly there's there isn't a direct program but there can be a program in the future if all of our C has been documented locally and we understand the uh and we understand it all to have a complete program we don't have such a program just yet so why burden if we don't have a program why burden an applicant with that because we have to build the database for it I mean Terry I guess I guess the point here is is I know I think John knows and and you and your staff all know everybody's plenty busy and we seem like we're creating work all I all I can say to that is just a minute all it's not we're just not creating work for staff we're also creating cost for the citizens that doesn't need to doesn't need to happen the work's being done at the state level anyway you know there's been we've had two cases today with dealing with affordability of Housing and I listened to the board's workshop on housing affordability and you know what I was shocked not to hear when I listen to all of those discussions no one's ever asked why is housing not affordable no one's ever asked that question or attempted to ask that answer that question and here's an opportunity to reduce the cost of providing of you know the cost that goes into a development there's already a state process to deal with this why duplicate that and add to the cost we want to solve our affordable housing problem let's let's start looking at the costs of the housing you know and every time we pass another regulation there's another cost and that's why in October starting in October then if you want to pass a regulation you're going to have to provide an analysis of this cost the state recognizes this too maybe this is a good place for us to start well Mr chairman yes if I may also add one of the um the C is a valuable resource when we're looking at the development of a site to understand the cultural activity that's present on the site and how we might address development as it is proposed right there there's been a number of projects in recent memory at least where the CIS report played a a central role in understanding how development should proceed on a particular site okay so that's that goes to the nature of my original question give me no one's been able to tell me how does that affect us locally you're saying that that may be the case what is that right so the the CRS report based on the data that's in there is going to indicate to us perhaps certain conditions of approval that we may want to impose on a project but that's also part of the database building that I mentioned earlier the give me something I kind of visualize you said there were recent projects and that the CRS played an important role what was what did you find what was the role what Park did this do I mean it's you have you have a cave study there so that cemeteries yeah projects typically projects that are near to or at Old cemeteries um there was uh the project that was proposed for a while at ank River Park um that report uh was used uh in the understanding of how things could fit on that site um that's the kind of activity that typically a c report will help with identifying Terry I think everybody understands the value of a cras report but I mean what what's changed in the last 10 years that would make a a study 10 years ago not as important as a study that was updated IND Mounds at ancl Park have been known for decades or centuries this isn't new information that's what I'm saying that the 10 years that the proposed language is uh suggesting we should remove that reference and simply say that if the cras meets all the criteria that the state requires all all that you would need to do is have the consultant or whoever validate and say yes this meets all the the re so that means for every project no matter what I got to go to an archaeologist and get them to certify my report that was just completed six months ago yeah that's my question that that is the that's going the other direction no well what I'm trying to get to is the point where someone says that this is a uh fully updated C that meets the current state standard if somebody validates that then it's fine if it's it's been validated once and then you bring it back well this was validated in 2022 it's good to go but that's where I want to get to but what I'm hearing is if I if I buy a School site and I bank it and I I get a crash when I buy the School site and now I build the school 12 years later I've got to get a consultant to re basically redo that crass or confirm that I have to pay a consultant to confirm that that crass is okay well not not necessarily well I don't understand how you say not necessarily because that's what the code says right here we're trying to meet the criteria so with the state criteria not our but how is not necessarily the answer to that question because that's what this says unless you're proposing modified language well that's why we're gonna okay so we're open to the modified language but who's confirming that because it sounds like I have to pay a consultant to confirm that help with the language okay but that's my question are you confirming that or here's my idea Barbara will height 6327 Grand Boulevard Newport Richie I've enjoyed my afternoon here I have nothing on the agenda it's been lovely and yet you're still here and yet I'm still here wanted to say my piece on this so maybe I can leave so one we came we came across this in one of my C's been a couple years I think and so I learned a few things during that and I learned that the standards changed in 2010 and so the methodology to make sure that you're catching all the cultural resources changed so I think the concern there is to make sure those are important things the cultural resources our cultural resources are important so to make sure that the the updated methodology was used to to check to make sure that we catch all these things so how many problem with that but I do have a problem with 10 years because it's just arbitrary it's rolling so we always got to go back if it changed in 2010 let's find the date it changed and say because we need to make sure they can implement it after that date in 2010 you're going to have to if you're before that date you have to come in and recertify which is just you and they already changed it and so didn't have to be the original professional can be any consultant because professionals retire and die and all those things so it's any consultant and you're what you do is if you're before that date you just have to recertify it so so it seems like if you you have a date certain that we can apply and we so we and we know that okay it's important that those get recertified or redone I think you could catch it now staff doesn't want to keep track of when the if the standards change again that's on them so that's why they put the date in there so that they it can roll and they don't have to keep up with whether there's change at the state level but I think the date and then if they want to update their ordinance again if the standards change again they can change the date or whatever so that's my practical approach to kind of balance here between the two their their desire and need to have it to know about these important resources from a land use perspective but also trying to make it not so onerous on us applicants and I don't think we'll see a lot of situations where you know our C CR is are that old but I think if you practically do those two things any consultant can recertify and you put a date certain in your ordinance I think you'll have a balance I think that's what Terry was trying to get around with the whole date certain thing is just saying the most recent yeah but then we don't know what it's not imple you can't Implement that if it hasn't changed since 2010 is that a true statement that's what professionals told me I called some people it's not like they're changing it every year right yeah no it's um I mean it sounds like it's a pretty infrequent change I like much better having the idea of a date certain in there agreed and it makes it implementable on all sides that's my idea thank you thank you who's getting the invoice I'll get back to my computer okay can I hear some motion here so the other just gonna so is that I mean I like Barbara's idea is that feasible with you all and that's what I was trying to describe but yes okay all right okay thank you just different words yes one last question just out of curiosity these ones that involve cemeteries I mean was somebody proposing to develop over a cemetery or I think they made a movie about that uh there was one project uh we recently had two residential subdivision projects come in on larger uh part of larger mpod projects and uh one it particular included a cemetery with on Mark Graves um in the parcel itself and it actually extends to a an out parcel that wasn't part of the crass report but it's suspected that there may be burials on that property as well so there were specific recommendations uh that included a 164t buffer to ensure that and included as part of the design of that property that residential subdivision as part of the Green Space open space that's good that's what I was trying to get to I sure okay let's get to it motion so what would the proposed language be to set that date we don't know that date though of when the last update was made to the crest 2010 well that's that's what Barbara thought you know based on what she had heard I'm sorry say it again yeah I mean Terry I'm assuming you're looking for a date is that right that'll get to a date pretty soon I want to move to continue we we we can find the exact date that's listed in the state statutes and put that into the ordinance to get the date certain that we've been talking about we we suspect that Barbara may be right January 1 2010 2010 but we'll we'll confirm it and then input the state statute date into the proposed ordinance language uh in time for the board meeting okay so it will read something to the effect of if it's if the C was completed prior to that date and our a consultant will have to certify that all the standards were looked at okay okay was that is that a motion that's a motion I'll second the motion a second further discussion all in favor by saying I I sign okay motion carries you doing the next I okay okay thank you Mr chairman nario Pito planning and economic growth uh Adam P1 is a Land Development code amendment to section 1105 self- storage facility standards um this section This Land Development code amendment was mandated by the board of County Commissioners at the January 9 2024 U Board of County Commissioners meeting where they directed staff to initiate changes to section 11055 General design guidelines for self storage facility standards to remove the complete prohibition of open RV boat storage in the transit Corridor north of State Road 52 for that portion that's in the urban service area specifically um this amendment has gone through the typical review process through the ordinance development team and was presented at the horizontal round table on April 17 2024 um this amendment was predicated on a December 7 2021 BCC adoption of ordinance number 2176 which made freestanding recreational vehicle and both storage facilities a special exception use in C3 i1 and I2 zoning districts and although free standing recreational vehicle bolt storage facilities are not in employment generating use to be put into C3 i1s and i2s uh each application for special use or for special exception use requires an individual review of its location design configuration operation and the public need for particular uses at the particular locate location that they're proposed in addition uh the special exception is individually individually conditioned and you can impose additional requirements to ensure um that such a use can fit Within These zoning districts um one of the major one of the main special exception conditions um is that we uh we can impose Sunset Provisions in order to ensure potential use of the C3 i1 or I2 properties in the future so it's it's a form of it's like a land banking strategy of sorts that was uh incorporated into the Land Development code in December 7 it gives C3 i1 and I2 uh Property Owners an ability to use their land until such time that there is some uh interest in it uh on the overhead I have the extent of what's uh proposed um we have amendments to correct various scri reserves which I'll I'll show you a flavor for that an amendment to Define the corridor setback and address housekeeping matters so there was one additional Amendment we that we've tacked on to this board mandate just to clarify how we measure the cordor setback um for self- storage facilities and then there's the actual main Amendment which we'll talk about um in just a minute so this is the uh self storage facility design standards these are all the corridors that uh a lot of these guidelines in section 1105 apply to specifically the area that we're talking about um in this amendment here see if I can there it is who's driving you okay so this is what the area we're talking about here north of State Road 52 essentially up until this point where Shady Hills crosses Sun Coast Parkway so it's a very narrowly defined code amendment to enable the various i1 and C3 properties that are along the Sun Coast uh additional um opportunity for RV uh boat storage next slide uh this slide is illustrating just the flavor of some of the scrier ER errors that are being adjusted throughout section 1105 it's basically spelling out the word section um that sort of thing 11054 is illustrating the definition um for the corridor measurement so when we're talking about being set back from a corridor we're talking about measuring from the right of way line into uh the private property areas uh so that's there for clarification that was always the intent and how things were uh implemented previously it's just being clarified in the in the ordinance and then this is the actual proposed ordinance um back to that real quick Terry just a quick for clarification so you measure it from the right away is that mean from the existing RightWay or any proposed RightWay sometimes they have to give right away because of the corridor preservation uh it's going to be from the proposed RightWay if there is that sort of dual RightWay scenario where we know where the proposed rway line is it's going to be from that point because the intent is to preserve the RightWay frontages for employment generating uses so well Terry if that's the case you may want to say the from the edge of the transportation Corridor or something instead of RightWay because I Mr Moody's point that could be construed as either existing right away or future so you might want to just come out and say Brad you going to say something yeah I have a recommendation can we use the the term the ultimate RightWay uh based on the trip gener or based on the land uh comprehensive plan tables that's s of I I'm okay with that too but if you just use the existing term you're going to yeah yeah have the ambiguity that Mr Moody reference yeah we can change that add the word ultimate is that is that the word that's actually used in the comp plan BR ultimate well yes and it's um just because depending on the the rough proportionality some of it may be preserved some of it may be dedicated with a particular project that comes in so the the RightWay kind of ends up in different places over time but we want to measure this from where that ultimate will be so that in the future that Frontage is preserved so why don't we just say that we'll use the term that's in the comp plan I don't know if it yeah we get we get the point but I think they just need to research what the exact term is that's fine I'm good with that okay um so the the the amendment to section 1105 that the board mandated in January uh is what's on the screen is number three there it's adding it's first clarifying within 250 ft of the corridor to make it consistent with the image that I showed previously there was a typo in the text but also to add the following sentences so it describes the area that I just showed on the map along the Sun Coast Parkway for the segment of that Transit Corridor that is north of State 52 and within the urban service area open RV boat storage may be allowed as a special exception within the 250t corridor setback if the parcel or that portion of the parcel is zoned C3 the name of C3 i1 the name I2 all required landscaping and screening may be more stringent than required by the Land Development code by virtue of special exception conditions the special exception use may be time limited the sunset that I mentioned earlier and so that's the that's the language that was presented to the board of County Commissioners to which they agreed that we should make it move through the uh process seems probably like that might be a great way to handle car washes too we request that the LPA find the proposed ordinance Amendment consistent with the comprehensive plan and recommend approval to the board of County Commissioners so moved have a second I'll second any further discussion just that there's a big difference between RV and Bo storig and car washers you do know that right harvy and boat storage is very easy to remove as an interim use compared to a car wash well make it a conditional use maybe you could have some Provisions to demolish them if they become abandoned for a certain amount of time but we'll discuss that at another hearing I'm just saying that I think there's a good rationale for how they're handling RV in boat storage because it's easy use to to reverse if you in the future well certain metal buildings that are just bolted to the ground aren't hard to reboot we have a motion in a second we already continued that item public comment called yeah public comment public comment do we have a public comment do we have a public Barbara may want to say something or Clark Clark you have a date certain [Laughter] Barbara Clark nothing no I'm good no okay all right all in favor I I opposed all right thank you we should have started with that one David Mr chair we need to get you up there more often you're quick see Mr chair i' like to make a motion to adjourn if that's the way you want to be I he a second second I do all in favor thank you everybody [Music] Pasco County waterways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollutants directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy environment for fish water foul and other Aquatic animals storm drains are meant for clean rainwater most other discharges are illegal if you suspect an illicit discharge please contact Pasco County Department of Public Works at 7