##VIDEO ID:otFNG2xWD0U## [Music] evening um at this time I'd like to call back to order the meeting for uh the final 2025 milit rates and budget budget hearing would you please um silence all electronic devices and stand with me for the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creat make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible and justice for all [Music] mam clerk uh please call the row District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky District Four commissioner joer here District 5 commissioner Mariano here district one chairman Oakley here let me known that we have all five members here today and we have a quorum [Music] um now we have the procedures to adopt the final 2025 millage rates um budget hearing uh second public hearing SE September 17th which is 515 in Newport Richie okay this is the final budget hearing to adopt the fiscal year 20125 budget for the Border County commissioners of Pasco County Florida Citizens will be given Pro will be provided an opportunity to speak during this public comment um portion of the of the hearing and does the clerk have a proof of publication uh yes sir proof of publication in the Tampa Bay Times on Sunday September 15 2024 okay in accordance with the Florida statute of 2065 the first issue to be discussed is the recommended military and the percentage changes in the rowback rates I can go ahead evening Commissioners Eric Brighton boach assistant County Administrator for internal Services uh chairman members of the board the aggregate millage rate as advertised on the trim notices was 10.26 45 milli Ms which represents an 11.34% increase from the aggregate rolled back rate of 92192 Ms the reason the aggregate millage rate is higher is because the total taxable value increased between last year and this year generating additional Revenue levied for the same millage rate table one in your handout shows the millage rates for the various County levies and a comparison of the recommended millage rates to the roll back rates in the prior year adopted Mill rates rather than read this chart into the record we have provided copies to each commissioner board records and members of the audience at the first public hearing on the budget the board of County Commissioners adopted a budget based upon the millage rates used in the trim notices each property owner received the only change from the proposed budget set in July to the tentative budget set during the first public hearing is that the board reduced the park Capital maintenance mstu from 0.712 Ms to 0.000000 Ms I'd like to give a brief summary of the general fund and transportation trust fund budgets stating the millage rates the percentage change from the roll back rate and the reasons for such a change the millage rate for the general fund is 7.42 N2 Mills which is a 5.08% increase from the roll back rate of 7.73 the millage rate is a reduction from last year's millage rate and is a result of the board's direction from this morning's board meeting the county realized a 14.1% increase in taxable assessed values over the past year compared to the current year the general fund expenditure budget represents an increase of 87 million the main factors for this include fully funding the sheriff's budget request including 20 additional deputies implementing phase one of the dshift for rescue Personnel operational expenditures for the expanded Detention Center wage increases for the PBA and iaff unions and a wage increase based on a compensation and classification study for board and constitutional officers employees prior action by the Florida legislature eliminated the requirement for a mandatory Transportation ADV valorum tax no Transportation millage was levied last year and we propose no millage be assessed this year for the transportation fund I would ask that the board accept General accept public comment and then vote on the general fund and the transportation trust fund millage rates and Associated budgets the minimum vote to Levy the general fund millage rate is a simple majority or three votes according to maximum millage rate calculations okay does anyone wish to speak to the board regarding the general fund and transportation trust fund M do we have uh people signed up we do sir um so I am going to call um you to the podium I'm going to kind of do it three at a time so if you hear your name just stand in line in the order that I call you when you come to the podium please give your name and address for the record and then you can speak um you'll have your three minutes all right so the first three that I'm going to call are Christopher Nelson Peggy burn and Daniel laugher name and address for the clerk hi my my name is Christopher Nelson I'm uh 2200 Branding Iron Court Trinity Florida um I'm the vice president for West Pasco girls fast PCH Softball Association um I'm here on behalf of the general fund for the parks and wreck of this um our League's been around for over 30 years we moved from oakd to starky Ranch District park um thank you all for voting for that field to go in there um we went over there under the stipulation that you know parks and recck was going great and everything's going great we get over there and we got one field taken away cuz baseball needs one of the fields well that means that we don't have enough baseball fields apparently CU we were supposed to have four Fields go from two to four so we could increase and now we can't increase we have over almost 300 girls signed up 22 teams left last year just for our West Pasco girls fast fet alone you know so it's great houses are being built but the infrastructure needs to be along with it and I don't think parks and Rex infrastructure has enough money and enough resources for them to do what needs to be done right now our youth is the the Next Generation you know um if our youth doesn't have anywhere to go where are they going to go they can be on the streets causing trouble they can be at computers there's sex tracking there's Predators I'd rather have them at the ball fields or in some kind of a youth program doing something the other thing is I mean there's 45 baseball fields and 12 girls softball fields I mean I think girls use Sports is getting underrated in this whole entire thing you go down to Drew Street in pass in panel's County whole entire street is girls fast pitch softball ESPN puts on a girls fast fast pitch for the whole colleges down there you know I mean they bring in all that stuff there's just a lot that we could do me and my wife went up to the Dixie national meeting we secured the bid for the 2026 World Series to come here to starky Ranch District park so we now have the world series coming here we can do a lot we can help PCO County but we need help from Pasco County to help parks and wck and parks and W to help us in order for all this to happen and it just doesn't seem like there's a that's happening it seems like there's a disconnect somewhere along the pathways because you know we've tried we're doing everything and it just doesn't seem to be working we're getting Kickback saying there's not enough people to do the fields there's not enough enough this there's not enough that we don't have this we don't have that so Parks W needs money your time's up no no he has another one more minute got they need the money um I was looking you know families are going to be moving in you know like I said I we secured 2026 we can bring in state tournament we can bring in World Series we can bring in tournaments we can bring in all this stuff but we got to have parks and wreck and we got to have help in order to do all this stuff so I'm I'm asking that you help what I enjoy which is the the Youth of our next generation and help us to help them have Parks and Recreation athletic fields and everything else to go to so that we can uh continue what we're doing so thank you all for your time and I appreciate it thank you thank you we will try again next year I'm sorry it went to zero but we'll try again next year go ahead next name and address please hello my name is Peggy Burn b y r n e123 363 East Point Drive Dade City so the millage rate proposed is an increase it's too high the answer to that should be no perhaps the reality of what homeowners are facing has escaped all but Commissioners waitman in Mariana everything is going up folks and our infrastructure is inadequate TCO need only ask for more money and it seems to be given for the record it's not the taxpayers job to help Tico perform better the last rate increases were so it was prepared for Hurricane Season since little of those monies were used for that the rate should have decreased it did not now we have the sheer stupidity of comments like this rate hikes will help insulate customers from higher costs it's just ridiculous and we have to wonder if that CEO obviously had gone to the same world word salad school as kamla Harris also uh since Tio foreign owned uh Corporation the county gave them an interest free loan the last time they should have been told to go and get an American Bridge Loan like w American companies do so why is everything going up in this County the answer to that seems simple overdevelopment under the guise of a master plan there are many residents that have attended both planning board and County Commissioners meetings where every public comment was against what was being presented you the Commissioners voted for them time and time again we have lost much acreage in the rural protection Zone to developers like Wilton Simpson who buy the land cheap and then get it reson by his friends that would be you in order to fill his coffers we need a moratorium on building so services and infrastructure can catch up we can then charge Developers for all of the upgrades they require not just some of them and taxpayers are left to clean up the mess go going online it is particularly offensive when you the Commissioners list the core values of Pesco County including this little gy we place our citizens and customers first that is baloney and frankly it means that the County Commissioners are ignoring the wishes of their constituents and are indeed violating the core values of the county please do not think that taxpayers have not noticed we have and you would be wrong I hope that you'll look at your costs in the future and live within your means you are making the taxpayers of this County have to live within their means people that are born and raised in this County and I've met quite a few I'm not from here it saddens me to see people telling me and hear people telling me they have to move out because they can't afford to live in this County that is through the management of what the County Commissioners are doing here please find a way to reduce your costs but do support things that that support safety like the police and obviously the Corrections Officers that are here tonight safety is pivotal for every body thank you CL my name's Daniel laugher I live at 1425 Jutland drive in Trinity and last year I paid $4,300 for road repaving in front of my house now in Pasco County the roads will be included in the tax bill this year so my question is I will be getting will I be getting a refund because I made a full payment for the roads that under the new tax law I would have paid for 10 to 15 years worth of taxes if the new tax law goes into effect this year I will be paying double taxes for years I also heard people who decided to put over 10 years with a lean on their house will be taken off and they'll start fresh with a new tax law the lean taken off and start I'm a retired on a fixed income and it's not fair to be double charged when we take the money out of our little savings thank you Commissioners thank you you want to address that yeah well we can but yeah because someone else may have that same question go ahead and address we can address that during the presentation if the board likes okay okay so the next three individuals signed up are Jessica H Haskins follow by Stephanie pulk then Joseph Laro Jr name and address for the clerk my name is Jessica H Haskins it's 13725 reindeer Circle Hudson Florida go ahead um I'm I'm here on behalf of the Nature Coast bolts Football Association um we are a little new an upcoming football organization out of Shady Hills we have been operating out of Elise Logan I'm not here to complain I'm not here to beg for anything I just want to show our appreciation that we've been able to purchase a dilapidated league and now turn it into something that's been such an inspiration to Shady Hills Shady Hills is not an affluent neighborhood we have been bringing tons of kids into our organization we started last year with over 90 kids we took those 90 kids and we took an U team to the state championship and won second place we also have our cheerleaders who went and won regionals from our success we are now at 159 this year with sponsoring over 30% it's over $15,000 of our funds that we are paying for these kids to be there that are off the streets what we're asking for is just a little bit of help to see if we can update Shady Hills back behind the baseball fields other than our commissioner I'm not sure if you have been back there it is a Little Slice of Heaven it is so peaceful back there we are there five to six nights a week with these kids and we have our concession stand our concession stands doesn't have screens our flies are coming through and some of the food that these children are eating that's their only home-cooked meal at our concession field at night um we are in need of our scoreboard that is going to that needs to be fixed because we have our first home game coming up and these kids love seeing their scores on that scoreboard but we don't have that we don't even have pads for our uprights so we don't know if we're going to get fined from our organization if we don't have the pads on there and we understand that we're going to make do we're going to keep going the league is up and running another thing we wanted to bring forth is since we won the second place in the state last year that Elite organization has asked us to host a spring tournament which brings in over 5,000 people on a weekend and to do that in Shady Hills would be incredible but we only have one Fe which we understand but we can Branch out but I can't imagine all the hotel all the restaurants around here what that would do for 3 months of games so we're just asking if you can go visit it see what you can do to help us out if not we understand but we want to make sure that these kids have a safe environment and make sure that our league grows immensely because we are all about sponsoring the kids that we don't turn anybody away even if we don't have that fun we're out there shaking the helmets we're out there doing fundraisers as much as we can but we just wanted to say thank you for allowing us to go in there and we'll make do with what we have but if there is any way that you can help us update it to make it look like baseball that would be amazing I appreciate it thank you for is your email and contact information on the sheet because I will get in touch with you I will come visit I appreciate it thank you the name of your organization uh Nature Coast bolts and I get some ideas for you okay thank you thank you what you do go bolts thank you you have her name there I do got one or two here hi I'm Stephanie P I'm the president from D City little league and with me is Melissa Scher sorry Melissa Scher vice president of Da the league um I'm not sure if what we're here to talk about has already been discussed and that's I'm piggybacking off the first people that talked um we have been running dates we have not been running dates little league but dly little league has been in the system over 70 years um over 40 years ago we were given a little piece of property off um Jee Nelson Boulevard called Burks Park um we have we had 325 student not sorry I'm a teacher too 325 players last year made us 26 teams functioning off four only four fields of the nine that we have there are we say nine there are technically eight because field six became a soccer uh field but of those eight fields we were only allowed to use four we were told that having eight teams of so of softball was not enough to Warrant having two fields for that um we have been told over and over during the district tournaments that we host the regional tournaments that we host how great our Park would be to host tournaments um when I've reached out and asked about how to go about doing that we haven't really gotten much information on that but it's something we'd like to do and something something we'd like to offer and as the previous person said it brings in a lot of money not just for our league but for the county for the hotels for the restaurants but there are things that we need to be able to do um we are fighting for our Park versus adult players adult leagues and Trav ball travel ball and what's going to happen is if we don't really get a better I don't know handle over our park and over our Fields we're going to be overrun by travel ball and we're not going to be able to sustain you still have a minute you still have one minute um we do need people it's hard to talk to anybody at you know at Parks and Recreation when everybody leaves at 3: um we just found out that on occasion we can ask for someone to stay on the weekend like if we have a tournament or something but it's really hard to run a Le when you can't really talk to anybody after 3:00 um when we've had issues with people coming in and being disrespectful or trying to take over the league um park that is being rented out by us or other use other things like that um we gave up our batting cages we were told that we would get new ones we don't have new batting cages we have no place for them to warm up on the below acre or the below fields that we have so there's just a lot of things that we really need your attention on and hope that basically just to get our Fields back yeah all all eight of them as much as we can okay thank you we'll try again next year okay y good afternoon Commissioners my name is Joseph Lardo I live at 4651 Sawgrass Boulevard Newport Richie Florida um and congratulations commissioner jger on your victory in the primaries um I feel a little embarrassed to be here for my little problem that I have but I think that it will Encompass more things if I get this out basically it's going to be involved with road paving again um let's see I moved here in 88 I've been in the house that I'm at since 98 so 26 years um Debbie hit in 08 I think it was and the roads got demolished they came and resurfaced in my area Cypress Lakes which is Mitchell Boulevard that area and they neglected to do my road I have all the documentation and all the paperwork and Google Maps and all that stuff but basically the road didn't get done and then over time we have documented over a thousand Vehicles a day traveling by my house so much so that I came in last year and requested a three-way stop sign be put in at Cypress Lakes and sress which the county did realized it needed it and they put it in just to kind of slow traffic down but they didn't do anything about the road paving and all that now we have of course the rainy season has come and we have a debacle with the roads as you know I know everybody's on the east side taking care of the flooding Zer Hills and they're kind of not doing the west side right now fixing potholes and whatnot but what's happening is the road's crumbling up uh patching it's just not going to work anymore and I know that we have reassessed the way we do our Paving I think what I would like to do is at least find out if I can get on the list to get my road paved and the surrounding area paved correctly and my question to you guys is do you have a schedule for road paving do we have any of that going on because maybe I just need to go right to traffic which I've talked to him before and Road and Bridge I can't really get an answer out of them because they'll say well it's six weeks out before we can patch the road and we don't know when your Road's going to be paved but there's a schedule is there a schedule is there somebody that I could talk to in rad and Bridge other than bother and the manager I'll have somebody take care okay I appreciate that that's all I have thank you very much all right thank you ramford okay next person so the the next individual did not leave their name but the organization is Florida free state followed by Daniel Hagen and then Janine Duffy my it says on file sir can you give your name that was my address but I gave my name my name is Brian Paris it says my address is on file but uh anyway uh Brian Paris on file my address I I disagree with raising any fees against we the people we've already struggling in this economy it's ridiculous I know if I'm a small business owner that if I ran my business like you guys run the county I would be in default so I can't go to other people and say hey can you help me with my bu mismanagement of my business skills because oh I just spent too much and then I would have to show an audit how come we never get an audit from our government of where our money goes we're taking in the most taxes we've ever taken in in the history of this County and we're watching our land be destroyed that's someone who's from here second generation I've watched my County get destroyed I know I know this is supposed to be a government of the People by the people and for the people I know it's not though because it's a it's a government of the development and the developers it's disgusting what is going on man this is ridiculous our tax paying money where it says in the Constitution actually is voluntary is supposed to go to public safety and infrastructure and yeah we should pay all our First Responders and thank God for them and I appreciate them and and thank you each and every first responder for your service but it it is not supposed to go to oh let's let's develop this and do that no and it's also infrastructure one of you guys stated last year it takes eight years to get a road done why aren't we developing on the same timeline I feel like I live in New York Pasco County it's ridiculous soon we're all going to be on top of each other hey man man you got I know we're in we're we're peasants now and we just have a little bit of food but you got this maybe Mar with you like it's ridiculous we're all going to be in Parks sleeping we we need the parks so in case we do have to go sleep in them it's ridiculous come on man in this economy we shouldn't be raising nothing on anybody there's people out there barely getting food you see on Facebook post all the time hey you know I'm trying to feed my kids has anybody got a few dollars but yeah here we're going to raise fees and taxes on people come on man it's really and then last year one of yall stated during the China virus lockdowns that you guys never locked anybody down or forced anybody to wear masks this isn't obviously for the people who were elected after that so but from small business owners we closed for takeout only during the China during the virus mandates around 40 days per guidelines and then open after that 25% capacity then 50% capacity we definitely took a hit one of my employees Kristen Parish was off laid off but one of you stated that you never shut any businesses down and we're never forced to wear masks and that's a lie I'm calling that out you're wrong because people were shut down and then this is we got to develop I'm actually and then I stated we shouldn't we should have a moratorium on development but someone also stated that's illegal well what's illegal is taxation without representation and we need to not develop so much right now it's ridiculous this I know um all right thank you comments yes sir you continue clapping then you might have to be leaving the room so go ahead sir uh my name is Daniel Hagen I'm here to represent the uh Police benevent Association um good evening County Commissioners on behalf of the um address 12484 wait wait you might be prend oh are you protected yes should be yeah you're protect excuse me I don't need to know where you live that on behalf of the police benevolent Association I would like to express our sincere gratitude for your unwavering support to our Corrections Department your dedication to ensuring that our correctional officers and staff have the resources they need to succeed is both invaluable and deeply appreciated the work we do is challenging but it is only made possible by your continued support and the fact that you have recognized the importance of investing in public safety your continued commitment to providing the necessary funding Staffing and tools directly impacts the safety and well-being of not only our officers and staff but the entire Community we know the public service requires tough decisions and we are incredibly fortunate to have leadership that prioritizes the well-being of both our personnel and the public that we serve your support allows us to create an environment where our correctional officers and staff can do their best work for our community each every day once again thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to the safety and success of our community thank you thank you uh Miss Janine Duffy okay there you are Janine Duffy 5550 Front Drive Holiday Florida 34690 um I actually just have a bunch of questions whether you answer them or not it doesn't really matter um I'm looking for are more itemized expenses and um you know all the way down to what our our trucks how much gas they use or what the salaries are or where all the money actually does go where can I find that information where can everybody find that information um I don't I can't seem to find it on the website um or anywhere around that um also I know you've heard about the condo crisis so I'm curious how many people um here in Pasco County are now suffering from those insatiable assessments and how many of those people are elderly um I also would like to uh say that I spent my Saturday night kidf Frey uh listening to the affordable housing Workshop I hope you all remember it it's really fresh in my mind you were explained for for quite some time even though it was May 3rd I believe May 21st you were deeply explained how bad the affordable housing situation is in this County for the people that work at these convenience stores and these fast food restaurants and the school bus drivers and the teachers and the people that clean your houses and so when when you decide to raise anything you need to realize that you're part of what's going to put people on the street more of them a lot more of them thank you thank you for your comments okay so the next three individuals signed up are Tom salato Melissa Jones and Christy Zimmer good evening Commissioners uh my name is is Thomas salato 18235 floralton Drive that's in Spring Hill 34610 that's Pasco County side um there's been a lot said already that I don't I'm not going to repeat so I'm going to abib a little bit but my home many homes in this County have aged 40 years or more have seen a significant increase in property T taxes in value thus creating a significant increase in the property tax assessment this without consideration of any new homes being built where is the surplus of that money going and can we be more credential in the use of that Surplus and funding developers have received a record number of tax savings incentives and impact fee deferments commercial businesses have received forgivable loans with 0.5% interest rates unmet conditions with no accountability this loss of tax revenue has put the additional tax burden on the residents Pasco County is no longer a county where we need to incentivize any building we should be controlling our growth not jeopardizing our rural landscape and we should be preserving our natural resources there stands many vacant buildings both new and old that can be incentivized to improve repurpose and renovate without the environmental impact that new construction has been having on our County as you review the budget today I would ask that the commission consider not increasing taxes again over the last six years my tax bill has increased 30% with the proo proposed tax increase considered today my tax bill will have increased another 10% from last year the affordability of paying my taxes is not my issue I must make it afford I make it affordable because I must when discussing today's budget items please consider the sacrifices other families are making or are they creating additional debt to help pay their bills and just get by I support fire and rescue I support our jails and our Sheriff's Department those Services we need our County Parks it's a very low amount we should also be considering that we need to be looking in other areas to trim to make C pasker County a better place thank you hi my name is Melissa Jones I live at 2615 buffam place in Holiday Florida 34691 um I want to pay you back off of what he had just said um about the taxes I too my my taxes have significantly uh increased also um in Holiday we have a a really a safety concern um we a high crime rate there um I know that I I live in a culdesac I know not too long ago I was mowing my front lawn and I had somebody um come into my yard um he had a cell phone saying that somebody was trying to kill him and he needed a place to hide um I told him to call 911 um I know that there's been a lot of break-ins um car break-ins um there doesn't seem to be any you know patrols I don't know if it's because we don't have the funding for it um also the infrastructure if you take Sunray the potholes are huge on a certain section of SunRay um you kind of have to avoid them because you'll blow your tire out uh there was also a sinkhole that or a depression that had opened up on Darlington just past the the bridge um and that seems to they covered it up with with with rock it hasn't been paved over or anything like that um so it is kind of hard to get home to I me unfortunately for me work from home and I'm not out that often but when I do go out I I want to be able to utilize the road without my car you know breaking um a tire or whatever the undercarriage um those are those are my main concerns um I'll make it brief this is my first rodeo um thank you Commissioners I appreciate it okay thank you for your comments good evening ladies and gentlemen my name is Chris de my address is on your record I am a realtor of 37 years we are taxing our people out of their homes the people who are having to sell right now are because their taxes have increased exp potentially along with their homeowners insurance granted that's not your Balo but the taxes are the assessed values that we're working with right now are grossly inflated and even though we may have a 3% save our homes cap on there it's not not helpful when the assessments are so high it's not forgiving at all your forgivable loans and the tax abatements are creating a bigger impact and burden on the taxpayers parks I hear these people complaining that they're not getting the money for the parks yet we have three line items for parks where is the money going if you're going to spend millions of dollars to purchase the property at 52 and 41 that pinelis County owns under e lamp using Park money that we don't need to have to purchase that because they're paying us taxes on that land why would we want to buy it why aren't we diverting that money back into the recreation facilities in the Parks where it belongs we don't need that property for El lamp I don't know if that one's still on the table but it has been for a long time two years ago Mike Wells came to you guys and told you it was a good time to reduce the millage rates but y'all decided not to and got greedy and decided to keep the money and now with all the overburden of the super development that's going on there should not be a question of a tax-based need but yet the current residents of Pasco County are having to put that bill I would suggest that we tighten our purse strings cut out the wasteful spending I don't know what other person in this room is making 100,000 Plus on a part-time basis like you guys are so we all need to cut back maybe we should start with you thank you no so there is no one else signed up there are two on web XS do you want to take those first before you call for the public first is there anyone in the room that would like to speak that did not sign up come forward and line up okay and and when you come to the uh Podium name and address for the record uh and then you'll have your three minutes okay thank you sir good evening everybody my name is nagesh and my oops okay my address is 341 southw l Chapel 33543 so I am the President of Tampa Premier League we are an organizing body for Cricket and we have been doing this for last uh 7 to 8 years I understand all the economic decisions you take and the inflation and all those things but we have been in the crisis situation since we started we have been playing Cricket on a marshy field a catchment area basically where water gets and collected there are a lot of portoles and there's a lot of things that are going on we started with about six teams and now we have moved to 60 teams 60 60 we have constantly asked for help with the cricket field for the last 8 to n years and we have been just not getting that help um we have been requested for youth tournaments and youth people that the hous is getting built on 54 56 and so on so forth and uh the population has been increasing but there is no support to play the sport uh all Cricket is now an Olympic sport um it has been part of the World Cup United States have done well in cricket recently and uh when we have seeing so much of population growth and demand growth but there has been no support for Cricket so I request the County Commissioners to think a little bit for the cricket as a sport as well because we have been trying to play cricket in Pasco County and for all the houses that have been growing there's just one Park which is Wesley Chapel District bu which have we have been sharing it with other sports and apart from that we have been playing on the mar land which is not fit to play cricket but we still playing there because we don't have any choice so I request uh all of us all of you to just look into it in your budet decisions and we are there to help you out as well so that is my request thank you thank you for your comments it's Ryan prior at 8931 Elkmont Lane Westy cap Florida um my name is Ryan PRI and I'm the owner of a prior baseball farm um just really here to just talk a little bit about the parks in general um been a business owner been in the community about 20 years uh been in business 15 years um doing baseball we work with thousands of kids throughout the year uh in baseball and softball um one of the issues that I have with the parks in general or just needing more Parks really at the end of the day are things like when registration starts and this is a perfect example at Wesley Chapel registration goes out to the communities or the players from the previous season they open up registration registration is open it's closed within 10 minutes because the previous like it was fall season they mark it to fall season spring is filled up so any new residents coming into the community are locked out Wesley Chapel I know right now probably has two to 300 on their waiting list okay so those are two or 300 kids that were losing to hillsbor County not getting engaged and this tonight might not just be baseball this could be lots of sports I don't know um I'm speaking on behalf of the the baseball community so that's just one scenario of not having facilities uh for kids as an outlet um one of the things that I believe in in within my company is that if there's a problem there's an opportunity so what we've done is we've actually started the prior farm league we Pilot We piloted the league in 23 we launched it this summer uh at L Lakes as a satellite we had 135 kids in the program so we're running Seasons outside of of the Little League seasons and now we're going out and reaching out to the little leagues and meeting with them to see during their off season if we can run our farm league which is a different format which I won't get into it's a development program for education and for development within the sport so it complement the leagues to put the kids back into the leagues better equipped to play um that's just trying to solve the problem when the fields are not being used we try to use them and develop to complement the leagues because that's the best we can do um but we do need more parks um in the in Pasco County in general uh for a lot of the sports and the cricket guy I've watched him play cricket down there for the last seven years cuz we're on soccer turfield sometimes uh playing as well so they do they play cricket in the marsh so uh hats off to them but we do need more Parks um around Pasco for the kids thank you very much thank you hello hi my name is Kenneth hpower um 9130 drizen Lane I lived here for for my whole life pretty much I've actually worked here for over 25 years I've done tons of people's houses and I tell you this is the worst time I've ever been around um most of the people I talk to now can barely afford to be here um most of them are leaving I can tell you that most of the properties I work on um usually they're leaving or they're fixing their house to turn around and sell it um because they can't afford it no more uh the insurance is too high um I guess your property taxes are being raised where um it's ridiculous even my property tax I think it's a joke um I thought you know when we buy house you know after we pay it off I I thought it was ours but I guess we're have to pay taxes on it I don't know where that came from I thought this was a free place but I guess it's not I'm realizing that more and more every year I can tell you that um I didn't have too much to say I just I have a lot to say but you know I never been up here before um this is my first time but I tell you it's uh really oddd that you know a lot of people have to go through all this half the people I know are older people that can't speak for themselves so I'm kind of up here for their behalf um because they can't get here um I wish that you know you guys can consider um thinking about that before you you know raise your property tax because you know after after this well I can tell you I'm probably going to move because I ain't going be here no more because I tell you what the property the taxes is too high in my insurance I don't even have insurance I don't because it's too high um I might as well save that money wait till my house burns down and I can rebuild it myself instead of having to do it and that's how I feel about it um but you know whatever you guys think I hope you guys come up with a good agreement to figure out what to do because I don't even think this tax is Justified but you know um I'm here for the people that can't talk so um I hope that helps you guys out and makes you gives you a better decision on your judgment thank you thank you no clapping but good job for your first time yeah hi Lisa mer 16331 IA Woods Trail um as I was watching the budget hearings previously the workshops and things that we've been going through it seems like I mean this is a fairly sizable budget for a county we're a large County but this is still a lot of money and you've heard today from a lot of residents who are telling you that the way that we are spending our money is not meeting their needs uh I spent the weekend in needy mck pulling out stuff out of a creek that no one could seem to figure out how come we can't get the creek to flow and uh it's apparently no one's responsibility so the water's not flowing which means it's backing up and it's flooding residents homes I've been out to other people who are watching as we allow developers to live their properties that water has to go somewhere they're the low spot their back fence for their cattle is so far underwater you can't see the fence posts so somehow and they look at me and they say I'm paying taxes I'm paying for storm water I'm paying for all these things and yet my life and our quality of life doesn't work I'm also talking with a lot of residents who are telling me I can't stay here anymore I just can't I can't afford it I can't get here so on top of that we've also seen a lot of our um housing prices for affordable housing Skyrocket uh our median house price is $369,000 people can't afford that as affordable housing so they can't live in our County they work in our County but they can't afford to live here which means they aren't part of our community and that's wrong so as you I know you're not going to be able to do much today because you've already been through so much of the process but as you move forward I hope you'll stop stop and think about where the money is being spent and what you're hearing from people as to what they really need what they really want because we aren't meeting that need thanks thank you for your comments person have ncy Hazelwood 34110 a nice place it's nice to see yall in a different venue um I've got just a couple of short and sweet things to say which is I'd like to see the development community pick up Parks and Recreation and do a lot more for this County also I was wondering if anybody had given any thought to opening up some of the schools to extra over after school activities for the people here thank y'all okay thank for your comments everybody uh we have two on WebEx do you want to move to WebEx okay yep um so the first one on WebEx is Gina bleo miss bleo you there see your name up here miss bellio if you are speaking you are on mute okay now can you hear me I can name and address for the record and then you have your three minutes okay this for Mr and Mrs Bello the address and the address is 2382 paraban way in Wesley Chapel Florida okay thank you um and this is a uh a townhouse it's a small townhouse very small only 1300 square feet and when I purchased it they told me the price was going to be $4,400 for the taxes now I'm looking at 5,100 which is a big gigantic difference and I'm really not happy with that because I hardly use the place I'm only there maybe three times three times a year which is three weeks in a year I don't use the schools I don't use the jails I don't use the libraries I don't use anything over there so why should I have to pay all this money if from I hardly even use the place is my point you know you have to finish your comments please uh is there anything else I should say or any questions that you have no we won't we won't talk back and forth It's your comments your time to speak my okay all right I mean it's just I think it's too much to pay for for something that I hardly use and um I don't think it's fair you know especially now I'm out you know I'm out of work because I broke my foot so I'm out of work for a while I don't know I just hope I can go back uh you know I don't know what else to say I mean I like the place but I just think it's too much money and too much of a big jump of a tax increase well you know it's too much all at once I could see a small increase but this is way too much I mean I don't know what else to say that's my main point I don't use the parks I don't use the jail I don't use the the the libraries I don't use the schools I mean I hardly use the place so I don't see why I should have to pay all this money and I'm I'm hardly there you know I'm only there a few weeks you know few weeks in a year and I just think it's just too much too much of an increase way too much so I don't know what else to say to you if you have any questions please ask me well thank you for your comments okay is that it that's it yes ma'am okay so I just wait to hear from you through the mail or something we still have time on the clock okay I should have had my husband join me for this let me see if he he'll he wants to say anything can you hold on a minute Larry your time's going to be up if you you want to say anything about the Florida house complain about this big increase big old inor uh she I think she's been disconnected so next person all right she calling from uh out of state paring way I don't know um so the next person signed up is Vincent Gano on WebEx Mr Gano are you there sir if you are speaking you're on mute hello Mr guano you there I heard him I heard him but he's gone if you are there um make sure you're unmute unmuted and then your name and address for the record hello there you are speak hey how you doing okay but give us your name and address for the clerk yes my name's Vince Scarano my address is 8204 Laura Delo drive for Richie so I'll keep this brief I was here last year and you did come down a little bit in the millage um it took five hours I think you all remember that uh I'm a retired policeman I don't get coal increases and given the fact that my homeowners is doubling next year and uh maybe at least we can come together to uh lower the millage just a little bit and not make this uh so difficult this year um that's all I have to say thank you all right thank you for your comments sir you're welcome okay got everybody on web that's everyone on WebEx I see a gentleman that walked up were you in the room when I asked everybody that was going to speak in the room come forward yes sir and you didn't I I was going speak well I'm G to give you time to speak because you deserve we we need to hear what you're going to say okay thank you name and address for the record yes sir I'm John Michael Moren the president of the Pasco County professional firefighters my address is exempt over the last decade I've committed myself on behalf of the members to developing relationships with County leadership forged in trust and transparency administrator carala assistant County Administrator JJ Murphy remain engaged with us and subsequently have taught me how to better balance the needs of my members the public safety branch and the rest of the county departments under your purview it is not lost on any of us that the taxpayer provides our livelihood hoods and we have an obligation to be good stewards of their money I am confident that under the leadership of JJ Murphy and his staff the fire rescue budget is operating as lean and as efficiently as possible not withstanding the unprecedented growth we are enduring and the unrelenting need to provide emergency services to an exploding population we will continue to work together to exploit alternative funding sources whenever possible to alleviate the burden on the citizens last year we secured the afg grant for retrofitting our fire stations with direct source diesel exhaust capture and have continued those efforts this year the department received a Firehouse Subs Grant to purchase new swiftwater rescue boats and additional grant funding from the opioid task force that will expand our mobile Integrated Health program by providing Medical Care and resource tools to our most vulnerable patients along with the International Association of firefighters we will continue to advocate for the safer Grant request for 24 new firefighter letters and will continue to lobby for state level appropriation requests that prioritize Public Safety we have experienced success by working together and look forward to continuing to build our relationship we acknowledge and respect the difficult position you are in as elected officials especially during these trying times and we will do all that we can to help thank you as always for your continued support of our proud Union firefighters yes sir thank you thank you for your comments yes sir okay that's all that is everyone everyone sign up all right we'll move forward U is there any discussion by the board Mr chair I it might be appropriate just for the for the public to perhaps see the presentation that we put forward if if the board would like that would be good yes sir Amy Ferrell budget director with Pasco County's office in management and budget and I'm going to um show a brief presentation about our final millage rates and budget for fiscal year 25 as a result of the earlier conversation that the board had today all right I'm on all right so our agenda here it's it it'll be pretty light so we're going to touch base on what happened at our first public hearing then we'll do a quick recap on what happened during the earlier session today and we'll go over some fiscal year 25 budget highlights and recap of the long process that got us to hear um show you the tentative millage rates and then how those morphed through our earlier discussion today um through the county administrator's recommendations and then the board's Direction and then um proceed with the rest of the hearing all right so our first public hearing was two weeks ago on September 3rd at that time the board did adopt zero Mills for the parks Capital maintenance mstu and the board directed staff to come back with some scenarios that included establishing a roads rehabilitation services mstu while also providing a reduction from the general fund revenue and so earlier today the board did vote to direct staff to come back this evening with a general fund millage rate of 7.42 N2 which is down from the 7.57 Mills that the board adopted last year the board also directed us to realign $6 million from the Hudson Library project to the paving program and so those changes will be reflected in the slides that we now will see oh and the roads rehabil rehabilit thank you rehabilitation services mstu millage rate um the board gave us direction to set that at 0.452 for tonight's hearing which is down from the 0.518 4 m it was from July and the first public hearing and I do have a slide later on that will show you what that translates into in terms of reduction thank you Mike all right so our 25 budget highlights so I'm sorry can you go back one slide yes ma'am we also took $6 million from a capital project and moved it over yep that's the library to help with the paving yep yeah just want to make sure we say that yeah yes thank you I do all right so our 25 budget um a big piece of it is continuing to provide essential Premier Services that the community has come to expect from us we're also prioritizing keeping the public safe with the sheriff's operating budget jail expansion Personnel so that way when the um or that's the slow build up so we can staff it once the Full Construction is completed and we're continuing to grow our fire response capability we're maintaining a competitive compensation for our team members to make sure that we can retain strong talent and higher strong Talent um we're also streamlining our development and expanding our infrastructure we're investing in our road infrastructure in the right way by getting rid of the old pvas program and moving to this um mstu and we're also being good stewards of our existing infrastructure making sure that we're providing those Timely reinvestments included in that is facilities and also that bullet right above right so making timely reinvestments in our road infrastructure to make sure that our people are safe when they're driving and our First Responders are safe when they need to get out there and respond and help our citizens all right so if I take our big budget and I break it down into some key components right so the biggest piece is our operating so think of our operating in terms of things like ensuring our team has the appropriate tools to successfully and efficiently complete the tasks throughout their day they have PPE necessary when they're out in the field think of things like safety vests so they're clearly visible when they're on the side of the road um think of steel toed shoes that will keep their feet safe think of stretchers that'll safely get people from accidents into ambulances while also keeping our first responder safe and we'll pivot to Capital another one of our big pie chunks so when there we've got things like a waste to energy plan expansion we've got wastewater treatment plan expansions Road capacity projects sidewalk projects storm water projects just to name a few all right so if I now look at the revenue side of our budget that bottom gray slide is our advm taxes so that's our general tax that's our fire mstu or roads mstu if I were to move up that's clockwise so the the larger blue our charges for service that's things like our water services our solid waste our ambulance transport fees um the permits fees and special assessments that's the green little sliver right there so that's things like B building permits and plan review fees things like that all right so now if I pivot to the expense side of our budget so that green pie slice that's our physical environment that's our water utility Solid Waste storm Waters in there um the public safety piece that lighter blue to the bottom right that includes the sheriff our Corrections Department our fire rescue team if I keep moving to the other big piece under General government that's things like um it infrastructure and maintenance Facilities Management our constitutional officers save for the sheriff um and some unfunded State mandates come out of that big pie all right so let's hone in on our general fund so that is um by and large one of the biggest Revenue sources in there is the general tax so if you look at this big blue piece plus that yellow sliver that says inflation that part of the general fund budget is making sure that we're able to continue to provide those Premier Services that our community has come to expect from our team the green sliver 4% those are things that we have labeled requirements those are Staffing the jail expansion that's the fourth shift for fire rescue that is our compensation and study that is our wage increases for our Corrections Officers and our firefighters per their contract the 5% grayish blue that's our Capital investments from the general fund and then a small sliver of what we're calling enhancements think of those things as positions to meet growth a department might need a few more staff members in order to provide the same level of service or maybe there's a new program that they're looking to do all right so now if I were to break that down into types of services provided you will see that 52% of our general fund allocation is for Public Safety so that's Sheriff Corrections our fire team and our administrative team that supports our Public Safety Branch then we've got General government which is what I had listed before it infrastructure and maintenance facilities management our other constitutional officers unfunded State mandates um culture and recreation that's our parks and libraries all right so the first bit on this list are some of those unfunded State mandates that we had talked about anything that's bold and italicized would fall under that um unfunded State mandate the rest on that list are things that the board has decided to fund all right so we do now have of our constitutional officer proposed budgets um most of them saw some increase except the supervisor of elections next year's an off cycle so um as per usual we do see a decrease on those off cycle years where he um doesn't need as much for his operations all right so the sheriff's budget includes 40 additional deputies the sheriff is funding 20 new deputies with his 40% of his increased budget and the board is matching um another 20 deputies for that we've also included some one-time expenses like SWAT vehicles and armored Vans upgraded forensic unit resources a pole bar to keep his equipment safe um starting up his gap insurance funding all right in this budget is a we've got a five-year um Capital Improvement plan to the tune of $ 1.8 billion budget but remember tonight we're just adopting the fiscal year 25 amount which is that First Column we we like to present the 5-year look but we do adopt on a um single year basis now if I were to break down our transportation engineering Capital into um large buckets by type of work you can see what we're putting towards capacity think New Roads major maintenance multimodal that's a lot of your pedestrian sidewalk things like that bike trails um safety and intersections and Signal updates all right so this chart here are the tentative Mill rates from the first public hearing now like I said based off this morning we are coming to you with a final adopted budget recommendation that decreases two of the millage rates on this Slide the first operating General millage that has come down and the roads rehabilitation services MSU in the fourth line that one has also come down all right so earlier today the County Administrator made a recommendation to decrease the general fund operating millage from 7.57 Mills to 7.42 N2 the board voted for me and my team to come back with a budget to reflect those changes the um Mike do you want to go over your recommended sure I I'll just recap what I what I had mentioned is you know um we had um we had gone back for the board's Direction after the first public hearing and and listening to what the public and the feedback that the board had given uh with with the idea that we needed to go ahead and make some reductions um in in in spending and so we uh we took a deeper look at our our Tiff Paving funds I won't get into the detail of that but those are funds that would have ordinarily been utilized for road paving we knew that with the parks MSU coming on board and the board's uh prioritization of Public Safety that uh we we felt that we could fund additional deputies for the sheriff uh to to help satisfy his ask he requested a total of 60 deputies in his in his his budget I think between the board and the sheriff we were able to forward 40 deputies which I think is is a fantastic uh nod to Public Safety but we also took an even deeper look and uh recognized that um while there was while there's still this additional need in public works for Paving repairs landscaping and those types of things that uh it would be prudent to go ahead and and and curl back $35 million on a recurring basis back to the taxpayers and so that was that was the first point we also look to op imiz the timing of our Public Safety staff members and so we are expanding the jail we will need to hire more Corrections Officers we are opening new fire stations at a at a pretty rapid clip uh however the timing of of construction and hiring uh we took a very deep detailed look at how we could make those timings work even better uh it's it's already a factor but we we looked at that and I felt comfortable uh on a recurring basis cutting back an additional $2 million back to the taxpayers on on that front with the understanding that with future valuation increases we will have to pay for those at some point in time but but I think for the time being we can we can do without uh reducing new Investments again uh there is a lot of important things that that I think that we need to do uh but there are some things that can wait so cut a little bit into the facilities reinvestment budget that we had set aside uh that fixes things like air conditioning uh that that does does a lot of things for our current public buildings but you know uh taking a little bit of a 20% reduction in that I I think I think we can we can do without and you know handle those things on an emergency basis if we need to as well as those enhancement that that that Amy was talking about um you know what we we don't have to hire all the new staff that we necessarily need we can do a little bit more uh with with what we currently have all of that in conjunction at the same time not making any reductions to the Constitutional budgets again the the sheriff needs additional dollars to do to do his job we are not recommending we we touch any of that and as Amy astutely pointed out 90% of our existing budget 90% is already going towards public you know those those services such as Public Safety our facilities management our parks and our libraries um half of it going to Public Safety in in and of itself we estimate that even though that's about a 7 and a quar million dollar annual savings uh that over five years with a compounding effect of growth it actually equates to about a $43 million savings uh to taxpayers over the the next 5 years uh by making that that simple reduction so we heard what you said uh and uh I'm I'm happy that the team was able to help answer that call next Slide the uh the remainder the remainder then of our discussion focused on the the um road paving mstu and that that Paving mstu millage is a significant reduction than what was originally proposed and Mike yes chairman go ahead and for the gentleman that asked about is Paving a Subs he's already pay yeah I want to cover that actually and I'll I'll hit on that in just a second so uh again the board was presented with options again we have A2 billion doll Road problem in this County uh the current the current means of of Paving that is the citizens must vote to tax themselves uh if they want their roads fixed and that is put the board in between disputes with with citizens and folks making the calls to when a road should be paved or not paved our public works department has an excellent program that they have developed through this road paving mstu to basically take take that uh and and use a science-based approach and do Road re rehabbing when road rehabbing is needed so in other words we may not need to go and completely Mill and repave a road we can simply use Rejuvenation strategies which are pennies on the dollar compared to complete Road reconstruction and and repaving projects which again I think one of the gentlemen that came forward talked about a $4,300 uh past assessment for for for his share of the road uh you know the cost to do a reju that that could be the cost of an entire rejuvenation for an entire Street versus a a uh a reconstruction project to answer the question regarding pvas this board also directed us when we were adopting uh the new pvas program to retire pvas and to avoid sort of that trap of double Taxation and so as such past loans actually we haven't even put them on the roles this year uh those P basses are not on there and so folks will not be taxed again for the road for those that paid in advance like this gentleman said um whatever amount um would would be remaining on on a normal payment plan that amount we we have an administrative process that we will develop to refund those dollars so for example I wrote down $4,300 for this particular gentleman if that was a 10-year p and let's say he was one year into pay it the rest of his neighbors were one year into paying technically he would be $430 would be technically spent because that's what his neighbors would have already paid but the difference between the $4,300 and the $430 that remainder would be refundable because that's essentially what we're refunding is those that opted to not do those that opted to do a payement plan I hope that makes sense but basically it's the unpaid the unid his head yes okay good uh but we'll we'll have an administrative process for that that'll be be developed to go forward board on that so um I see the board may want to have some discussion so Mr whitean thank you thank you chairman Mr so when folks receive the reimbursement the example you're using with the gentleman in the crowd is a is it plan for the clerk to send them a check directly I don't I don't have the details yeah I don't have the details on how we will do that I mean I I you know we're we do recognize that we need $6 million of of money up front to do those refunds so I mean I I assume there would be a cash outlay Mr chairman if I can yes sir there the clerk would not be just figuring out who owes money or who's owed money and sent checks there there will be an application process where somebody applies for a refund from the county and and then County Administration sends that request to to the clerk's office and a board check goes out out to them issuing them that refund thank you Mr County attorney well I certainly hope that should this thing move forward that we don't have to wait for folks to apply to get their money back that they you know we do some sort of PR campaign that way folks can can get what's theirs uh back in their pocket yeah we'll we'll have that advertised on the website and how that administrative process will will go forward thank you yeah so ultimately where we um during the during the course of the discussion this afternoon um the 0 452 uh Mills would generate I'll just say approximately 19 million of money that would be utilized towards Paving again um you know every every amount is is substantial when it comes to doing that I believe uh Mr mckl stated that that would pave approximately 65 miles of local roads and 10 miles of arterial collector roads for next year which is inclusive of a almost was remiss the the red ction in one of the library capital projects right so the Hudson Library renovation was part of a voter approved General obligation bond prices went up we weren't able to afford to do that so we've added that to the capital plan but we've reduced the budget by six million and are looking to add that to Paving so essentially um performing at a higher level of of paving at least for next year um but but still trying to be sensitive to where where that rate is set um so uh and then of course then the board directed uh us to reduce the general fund millage uh as recommended to 7.42 N2 next slide just a comment chair and just also that including just to tell everybody um in that uh Paving budget there is uh they will be doing sidewalks as well so that's been a big concern with the schools and kids walking and so that will happen as well and fixing some drainage we we have a number correct Road related range we have a number of we have a number of programs and again uh the need is is longer typically like I said we have A2 billion doll problem in the county so well if we can tackle it $20 million at a time great um I I do think that uh this will be one one one tax that you will see that uh the results of that publicly yeah so this this slide here kind of shows where we started and where we have ended up um so if you look in July which is when we set the the actual trim and this is what is published on everyone's tax notices we started with a general fund millage rate of 7.57 um a parks mstu and a roads mstu you can see uh you can do the quick math what the cost per $100,000 of taxable value is on that during the first public hearing the board adopted zero on the parks mstu so that $17.12 um was was was reduced uh immediately uh during this morning session when we came back and and what we're proposing to you from where we started is is an additional additional reduction in the general fund millage as well as what was proposed on the roads mstu so essentially the board the board has um looked at reducing uh $42 52 cents per $100,000 of taxable value as a result of of the public hearing process and and understanding uh the budget this point I'll turn it back over to Amy okay all right so then here is the table of the updated millage rates and like we said um the two that changed was the General operating and the roads Rehabilitation mstu from what had you had been seeing throughout the budget up to this point all right so any further board discussion any other discussion see man I sent um Mr carala a page from how Florida Count's compare and I've got one more and I I'll send it straight to you Dan D rilla yeah so sending you one more um I just wanted the public to see this because I um and I think you hear a little bit about the struggles that we have as County Commissioners when we we know that people have Financial challenges but we also know we we have a responsibility to provide services so we work very hard up here to find the right balance and it's not easy um it's not easy so um I this is um from the how Florida counties compare it's done by Florida ta tax watch they take the same information from all the counties it's not always able to be Apples to Apples um but let me just say Pasco County is the 11th largest county in the state of Florida and we are different from many other counties because we don't have any big cities so in in other cities say Tampa Miami oh Miami dat's different um Orlando the city May fund their parks and Rex department and their libraries we don't have that here I don't think we have any cities that really have any parks where kids go play football or baseball or any of those things it all falls on the County government so we're a County government that has some responsibilities of a city so as the 11th largest county in the state and I'm sorry it's so fuzzy this says average total property tax millage rates we are can someone pick it out from8 we are 28th all right go to the next slide patient he is our assistant budget director he's usually in a spreadsheet okay this one is oh no you went too far because I got to read that header sorry per capita County government property tax levies that means per if you took the population and you divided it we're the 11th largest county we are where are we 30 30th um and then the next one please so I want you to look at the the cultural and parks and re department on the right hand side again 11th largest county in the state we fund our Parks Department at 47th there are we are the we have the 47th smallest budget I mean there's 46 counties ahead of us with larger budgets so we're doing the best we can with with what we have we really are and um it's not easy it's not easy to craft this budget we work on it for eight months we're we are we are a conservative County and we try and put out the best bang for the buck that we can here in this County so that was what I wanted to say commissioner okay else see have no more construction um discussion um is there a motion to adopt the rate the millage rate for the general fund of 7.4 292 Mills so move second I got a motion in a second is this roll call no it is not no all those in favor say I I all oppos like sign hear none pass 5 Z okay all right is there a motion to adopt the millage rate for the transportation trust fund of 0.000000 Ms you want to make that one I I'll move approval that's a good one there chairman move approval all right I got a motion and a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z yes ma'am I will now provide a summary of the fire Municipal service taxing unit budget stating the tenant military the percentage change from the roll back rate and the reasons for the change the fire Municipal service taxing unit fund has a recommended tax levy of 21225 Ms this represents a 7.98% increase from the rolled back rate of 1. 9657 the increase in property values results in an additional 13.1 million in property tax revenue the budget includes implementing phase one of the DHI for fire personnel and a wage increase for the iff Union I would ask the board to accept public comment and then vote on the fire Municipal service taxing unit fund millage rate and Associated budget the minimum vote for this hearing is four votes okay does anyone wish to speak to the uh board regarding the fire Municipal service taxing unit there's one public wish to speak there is no one signed up and no one on WebEx that's different from who spoke earlier oh can he speak again on these items yes it's it's a separate public hearing okay on this particular one is there anyone wish to speak to this item okay um with that is there a motion to adopt the uh rate of 2.12 225 M Mr chair y 2. 2 21225 Mills for the fire uh Municipal service taxing unit Mr chair may I yes commissioner Stark Comm made motion I'll second the motion uh Mr John Michael no uh no battling this year but thank you guys for for all you do that goes without saying we thank them all the time for the help they give our sentences okay I've got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I uh the same sign on May or okay seeing none five it pass Five to zero I will now provide a summary of the two new Municipal service taxing unit mstu budgets stating the millage rates the percentage change from the roll back rate and the reasons for the change the park Capital maintenance mstu fund was not approved at the first public hearing and then and therefore has a tax levy 0.0000 Ms um this is the first year that this millage is proposed to be levied so there is no calculated roll back rate I would ask the board to accept public comment and then vote on the parks Capital maintenance mstu millage rate okay does anyone wish to speak to the uh board regarding the parks Capital maintenance mstu that went away that went away it's zero so that went to zero so we have no maintenance for any part on for a few Future Park so okay no public comment seeing no one uh entertain a motion approval I got a motion uh a motion to adopt the MERS rate of 0.000000 Mills for the parks uh Capital maintenance MST so I have a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I reluctantly okay all oppos like sign seeing none hearing none uh passes 5 Z the roads Rehabilitation mstu fund has a recommended tax levy of 0.452 Mills this is the first year that this millage is proposed to be levied so there is no calculated roll back rate this millage rate will generate 19.4 million in property tax revenue to maintain the County's roadway Network I would ask the board to accept public comment and then vote on the roads Rehabilitation mstu military and Associated budget since this is the first time this millage rate will be levied State statutes indicate that a unanimous vote is required to Levy any millage rate okay is there anyone wish to speak to the uh roads Rehabilitation mstu seeing no one um is there a motion to adopt the millage rate of 0.452 Mills for the roads Rehabilitation mstu so mooved got a motion second and a second all those in favor say I I I I all opposed like sign he none motion pass 5 Z I will now provide a summary of the nine voter approved Debt Service millage rates these millage rates are levied to repay the debt service for the general General obligation bonds to include two tranches each for the jail projects the Parks and Recreation projects and the libraries projects as well as three tranches for the fire rescue projects the nine individual millage rates are listed on table one in your handout rather than read this chart into the record we have provided copies to each commissioner board records and members of the audience the total of the nine voter approved Debt Service millage rates is 0.241 Ms this is a decrease of 0.316 Ms from the 2024 Act ual millage rates of 02717 Ms I asked the board to accept public comment and then vote on each Debt Service millage rate there is no vote requirement for these millit rates so a simple majority or three votes is needed okay does anyone wish to speak to this item see another one oh hold on there for General obligation Bond military does that include Library there yes one yes name and address all right name and address when you get to the podium Brian on file Brian Paris on file um I think we should actually fund the parks over the libraries myself personally most people can get books online these days more people I see using the parks to exercise and you know just to get out and you get you know people need that that's a good mental break just to be able to hear the birds this is bonded indebtedness this is not their budget it's not a budget it's not the it's not the this is this is the voter approved bonds that went to libraries Parks fire rescue and jail so it's not about raising the millage then it's not one that we approve okay well either way we should still fund Parks over libraries I mean we're past that okay well whatever I'm I'm sorry sir next year thank you okay uh all right so so yes sir for purposes of the audience this is the the four voter approved General obligation bonds that the that the board that voters approved the board took to funded these projects with bonded indebtedness this is paying back those Bond holders that gave the county the money at the millage rates that were necessary um based on the dollars that were received so it it is it is an obligation of the board to basically pay off their car loan on these projects and I believe this was in 2018 they were all issued it the the the public approved it in 2018 and the years that are on this are the actual tranches of funding that were taken incrementally to fund projects whether they were in Parks whether they were the jail whether they were fire rest but it was our and I think we got the greatest citizens in in Pasco County because they all approv these by vote to the public and it wasn't something we did it was something they did and they love our County just as well as we do we got the best citizens ever in Pasco all right so can I just um can I have um our um County manager Mike can you explain uh to the public that uh we are putting some money in Parks it's just not in the form of an mstu yes um yes commissioner so as part of the budget when when the parks mstu in its current form failed and the board wants to take this up next year um you know to to kind of look at look at alternatives to it uh we we did make sure that we restored money that we would have reallocated back to the parks budget so uh while it's not not probably nearly what would have been generated under the parks mstu it still restores the parks budget to where it was to make sure that there isn't a a reduction in where we are and that was about 1.3 million so about a million to do uh restorative Capital type type projects through our Parks as well as another $300,000 uh to do Parks maintenance okay thank you for clearing that up I just wanted the public to know that there is money going to Parks but not that was going to be 8 million realiz 1 million we we also got a Parks impact fee approved that when the new homeowner or new person moves in and they bring their kids and they're adding kids to all the fields we have an impact fee with parks that will help build those fields in the future so in the future on the short term we're going to be a little short of Maintenance but in the future we've got got to readdress that one day but we are get going to get in the money but people that don't live here right now will be paying for the new parks yes sir that's correct the board board adopted a higher impact fee to assess new development uh for the investment in Parks that's reflected in the Parks Capital program right uh that that has been adopted with with budget there were some folks worried about that when when we were getting answer questions one comment and also just looking out for the citizens because we heard you and we did not want a Parks tax and a road tax so we took that into consideration as well okay all right is there a motion to adopt a millage rate of 0.256 Mills for the 2019a jail facility Bond move Pro second I got a motion second all those in favor say I I I um those votes same sign hear none it passed 5 is there a motion to adopt the millage rate of 0.0204 Mills for the 2019b fire rescue Bond Mo approve second second got a motion in second all those in favor say I I all oppos like sign motion pass 5 okay is there a motion to adopt a millage rate of 0.96 Ms for the 2019 C parks recreation and natural resources Bond move second I got a motion the second all those in favor say I I those opposed like sign hear none motion pass 5 uh is there a motion to adopt the millage rate of 0 0094 Ms for the 2019d uh libraries Bond so move second I got a motion second all those in favor say I I I all opposed like sign here none motion pass 5 is there a motion to adopt a millit rate of 0.0 416 Mills for the 2020 a fire rescue Bond approval okay I got a motion in second all those in favor say I I all opposed like sign hearing none motion pass by Z is there a motion to adopt a millage rate of 0.0 0 187 Mills right 0.0087 oh okay 0.0087 Mills for the 2021 a libraries Bond sub move second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I all oppos like sign here none motion pass 5 Z have is there a motion to adopt a millage rate of 01073 Ms for the 20 21b Jael Bond move second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I all oppos like sign hearing none motion pass 5 Z is there a motion to adopt a millage rate of 0.0131 Mills for the 2022a parks recreation and natural resources Bond so move second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I all those that oppose like sign hearing none motion pass 5 is there a motion to adopt a millage rate of 0.44 Mills for the 20 24a fire rescue Bond so move second motion is second all in favor say I I all opposed like sign hearing none and motion pass 5 Z I will now provide a summary of the remainder of the budget if you refer to table to in your handout you will see by you will see the revenue sources and allocations identified by type without regard to individual funds as stated prior to any action taken by the board tonight the budget totals 2 b249 m943 4177 net of inter fund transfers I would ask the board to accept public comment then vote on the budget there is no vote requirement for the budget so a simple majority or three votes is needed okay uh we will now receive public comment on the budget does anyone wish to speak to this item see see no one um I will entertain a motion to adopt fiscal year 2025 budget as outlined by staff including those adjustments made uh since the tenative public hearing uh presented to the County Commission uh at its regular uh meeting earlier today so move second I got a motion and second all in favor say I I I all opposed right sign hear none motion pass 5 Z the actions you have taken today has set the final aggregate millage at 9.85 97 Mills which reflects an increase of 6.95% above the rolled back rate I will now read the resolution adopting the millage rates by title only a resolution of the board of County commissioners of the Pasco County Florida adopting the final leving of adval taxes for Pasco County for fiscal year 2025 providing for an effective date okay is there a motion for approval of the the resolution adopting the final uh leving of uh ad taxes for Pasco County for the year 2025 so moved got a motion second second all those in favor say I I allo oppose like sign hear none the motion pass 5 Z I will now read the resolution adopting the budget by title only a resolution of the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida adopting the final budget for fiscal year 2025 providing for an effective date okay is there any motion for approval of the uh resolution adopting the final budget for the Pasco County for fiscal year 2025 so move second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I all opposed like sign hearing none motion pass 5 Z this concludes the final public uh hearing to adopt the final millage rates and the final budget for fiscal year 202 25 tip TI any other thing good ready where's our recycle B --------- ##VIDEO ID:LPHjBgGz_Wo## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what what was that the mic's weing on and he wanted to say that we were going to Del minut okay we back in 1950 L it good morning she this mine C thank what do you think about this it's got to be yours John will be here at noon you can ask him yeah that's your fact my fact [Music] although it is interesting my water's to that side my what my these go with this this [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Music] all yeah yeah of course Angel Torres as said that you asked to get a few copies there's five of them there that's our St Pete college student uh the public policy Administration program Angel he said he spoke to you he said asked for 5 I did okay all right [Music] 12 was there somebody who asked for time for a presentation for college something about I given [Laughter] that's what that's about [Music] ready are they ready ready working good morning I I would like to call over uh the board of County commissioners of meeting of 10:00 a.m. shortly thereafter meeting of September 17th 2024 at this time please uh mute all electronic devices and will you please rise with me to say the Pledge of Allegiance in the [Music] prayer oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the LI the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen flag of the United States America and to the for it stands nation indiv and jce for all Mr CL uh clerk please call The rooll District Two commissioner wgan pres District three commissioner starky here District Four commissioner jger here District Five commissioner Mariana here district one chairman Oakley here let be knowed we have uh five board members here and have a quorum um at this time is time for public comment citizens are given a u opportunity to um comment on any current or future agenda items coming before the board and all businesses under our preview um today's public comment will be addressed address as follows first we will take comment from those in person and are here in the room then we will take public comment from those who are registered pre-registered for a WebEx and are currently on Q um we request that when you address the board comments will be directed not personally to a commissioner or a team member but rather to the issues this uh provides mutual respect for the board members and the public after uh stating your name and address for the clerk a 3 Minute Timer will be started after two minutes a single beat will will indicate you have one minute left when your time is up two beats will sound and you should close your statements at that time uh for those that are on WebEx there will be automatically disconnected uh Mr Clark do we have anyone signed up to speak on public comment we have quite a few signed up at this time um Nancy gray is that an alarm what's that good morning good morning Nancy gray 8502 Adonis Road Newport Richie thank you for the opportunity this morning we've lived in Pasco since ' 89 we're now in our retirement home over the past 10 years we've had storms filling up Dear Lake in the backyard overflowing up as high as 75 ft into our yard the county pumps it down for short periods of time but then it takes months for the water to go down out of the Yards we lose our property for up to 6 months at any given time two years ago Gan at Public Works was able to rent a pump and it was used for 1 hour turned off as that was flooding other communities we asked why and can we be proactive nothing came of it March I sent an email asking please don't give the car wash on grave a CO until they address the drainage they're flooding the neighbors across the street before they open the car wash it's in their garage it's in their front door they now have Foundation damage cracks in their walls floors ceilings and now trusses are separating one unusable bedroom is moldy and sinking another bedroom is sinking the water runs from the car wash around their home through their home eroding around and all of it gets dumped into Deer Lake three small children and they can't use their backyard that's fenced in because the water's up they tried dealing with the car wash when they were first building it it was shaking it was cracking their house now the water has destroyed it repairs are now over over a 100,000 and they've not addressed the roof yet lawsuit's been filed she's gone back to work with three little kids March Nick with County engineering emailed Public Works developmental review regarding the car wash they were going to get back to us they forgot April Gina sent an email to developmental re review they forgot Gan is wonderful to work with she's an asset to this County but she shouldn't have to be a mommy to others to follow up to make sure they do their jobs we feel like we've been a community that's been forgotten and we want to know why I contacted Gina 3 weeks ago now for a pump before August we had a lot of work done around the lake and in our backyard the lake was down 5 ft at that time now the lake is up almost 50 ft into our yards they put a pump in but they won't turn it on our Garden's damaged we've been waiting out in 3 ft of water raising things up we have animals that will be underwater our garage will be underwater before they pump in put a pump in before they pump it if they're using the imminent danger if we were in Crane's Roost they would have pumps in those Lakes right now anticipating the water to go out that is not imminent danger they don't have any Rising water they have no pumps the only difference this year is the car wash we're asking for a solution as our County Commissioners please turn the pump on and can we please come up with a solution thank you for your comment thank you JP you have someone that can meet her outside about that car was thank you call the next person Skyler Alexander yes sir move to receive file second got a motion second to receive and file all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 go ahead sir name and address yes uh good morning Commissioners and chairman Oakley my name is Skylar Alexander I'm with Habitat for Humanity of uh penel West Pasco in Al um Hernando counties um I'd first like to thank each of you I know um personally at public service does not come without sacrifices uh so thank thank you all so much for your continued commitment and dedication to serving our communities um I'll be really quick here each of you should have already received an email um but I wanted to personally invite each of you to our um upcoming Pascal elected build day uh that day of service will be taking place October 9th in the morning from 8:30 to 11: um and of course we have our one and only representative Brad jerger um hosting that event so I'd like you to just if you have time take a look see if you're available uh you can reach out to me my information's right there at the bottom of that but this is just an incredible time to roll up those sleeves volunteer your time and of course help a Pasco family right here in the area so thank you all so much and I hope to see you there all right thank skler David cadero name and address for the clerk good morning uh commissioner board and commissioner Oley uh my name is Dave cadiro I live in San Antonio my address is 10919 collar Drive uh I've been a Florida resident for about six years uh little background uh this is the first home I have owned in 30 years simply because of life I started work when I was 11 I couldn't child until I was 68 I'm no longer 68 but with the proposed anticipated high-end budget I have in my hand to be very blunt in a civil fashion uh I'm getting hammered like so many other seniors and there are some that live in Pasco County I don't know how many but there's a few tens of thousands there is such a thing as a f fixed income I didn't retire at 68 after working 55 years plus to dip into my burial savings to maintain and keep my home lately for the two Commissioners uh including the late uh Mr Bradford whom I voted for and supported since I work both elections in the last two cycles uh I do not see to this point um responsible expansion with the assets we have when I turn around every corner between 54 56 and 8 miles from my home and every tree is being stripped for development that if I'm not mistaken this board has approved I know I'm not alone I'm not begging I'm simply asking that you acknowledge my prayers that you will listen to limit budget anywhere you can because another $300 to $500 out of my family budget of one uh will put me in Peril that's just not fair I know you represent a lot of people I know you do not have easy career path with your service that's very well acknowledged but there's a herd of people out here that are getting nailed left and right I'm just one little family of one but I ask your consideration to trim this proposal anywh you can in a best you can fashion to help some of us folks on limited incomes cuz there are a whole herd of us thank you very much for your time thank you make sure you sign up for the uh extra Homestead for next year as I will thank you ma'am uh Wanda C uh C coff good morning good morning everyone morning I live at my name is Wanda chazov I live at 6608 status Lane Newport Richie which runs off of green King I'm here to address three things I'm here to address the flooding that we can't get out my neighbor can't get out to the to the grocery store he's a one leg man on a scooter this weekend the flooding was all the way up past my house I've been this is my second time to be here to address the flooding I've had Jack at my house he showed up at my door on the telephone with me also I'm addressing that we have homeless people that live in the woods they're breaking in our homes and stealing stuff and everything can't get them out third thing I caught 96 cats in the Green Key area two weeks ago for the TNR program green keys and festiv with cats also the parks are we're being notified by the parks that we need a trap in there we have one trapper in Pasco County that does the trapping and it's a volunteer we need help and we need help the flooding like I told you jack I showed you pictures we can't use our septic tanks because the water's so high up that we can't use them we are half a block from the middle of Green Key where sewer can be accessed to but we're all so claimed a private road but the flooding keeps us from doing anything to our road because the water covers everything and eats asphalt out we need your help to stop the flooding we are on the county line we do not have no carts on the North side we have about two blocks that is on the south side which is Newport Richie we have not one ditch not one cver that goes from 19 to the Green Key Park to let our flooding stop and we need your help y'all got a $2.9 million uh grant for the end of Green Key that said y'all was going to put pipes in there about eating up the water lines and the gas lines y'all ain't started no project y'all didn't include us you didn't do anything we were not included and we're just down the street so I want some help I'm here as an advocator and to speak out for my neighbors that are all senior citizens we need need your help thousands of people that are moving here every single day and they get treated like kings out here at Trinity and Wesley Chap and all because they got a little more money I'm sorry that I was sick and I don't have the access to the money that they have if so I would have paid my street already free of charge to all my neighbors if I had the money but I don't have the money so I'd like to ask for your help y'all are the board my taxes are paid and they're paid current so I would like some help and I'd like to hear from somebody to do something and they can't do like what's going on in St P put the pipe to the golf then what do we do all the water comes up to pipe then we're all flooded again so we would like some help along with all these other people that are here that's got a flooding problem that they can't get addressed I thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you I will be advocating still for cats I'll be catching cats and I don't get paid one dime thank you all right thank you Mr chairman if I just really could uh right we've got funding and we got two projects right around Green Key that we' funded we're at 60% design I've told Wanda this as well she is fired up because she she's getting flood out continually so the help is coming uh it's going to take a little bit of time and Wanda thank you for all you do for taking out those cats and we will look at that Homeless Problem again all right no ma'am can't talk from the audience thank you next person a little help with this uh last name Scott that'll help right there at Oakley Avenue I'm not sure if it's a k or an H Scott Keith 7106 Oakley Avenue Oakley Avenue yes ma'am oh that's funny yeah I think probably first representative from that area right or somebody to come here from that anyways um s you said the last name was Keith Keith Ki t h yes sir right okay thank you I'm here here to address the poor road conditions I mean it's it's been horrible my wife and I have been residents and homeowners on Oakley Avenue for 20 years since 2004 and the only thing I've seen in the change is it went from being labeled as a private Street to now we have the green and white letters or whatever now it's your road uh the only light on that road was put on by my wife and myself so I mean there's been nothing done whatsoever the road is horrible uh We've made Community efforts to try to get people together for the funding you know to try to get the asphalt fixed we've made efforts with filling holes we're not professional road crews or whatever so it's not working so I'd like to get that addressed if we could and U the speed it's a 1200t road and you get people running down there at 35 miles an hour and when I stop them and I ask them you know what what's your problem residents and uh they're like oh it's listed as 35 on Google so that doesn't seem to be too fair to the homeowners there you know you got people running 35 miles hour at 12200 ft so that's it I just want to know what our you know if you guys got us on a project plan right uh what what the deal is if we can get help and what it would look like y thank you all right ramford you got somebody to talk to him yes sir next person uh Karen Thompson is Karen Thompson uh jeie Atkins morning Commissioners thank you for your meeting this morning I'm Jeanie aens and I live at 12810 kitten Trail in Hudson and I'm in Jack's District uh when my husband and I bought our property in 2000 and we built our home in 2004 after we retired our home is on over an acre and it's zoned AR with one residence per acre at the time we purchased our property in-law suites were allowed uh currently we decided that we might want to put an in-law suite in the back and we came down and spoke to the Planning and Zoning commission and found out that they're no longer allowed that it has to be attached to the house using the same air conditioning system and what our plan is is we wanted to put something in the back for ourselves so that my son and his family can move in our house and we can now be in the in-law suite in the back kind of dovetailing into what everybody else is complaining about is about the price of homes and Elder Care is just going up and it's unaffordable and unacceptable for a lot of people so my request when I was speaking to the Planning Commission they said well they're no longer allowed but the commission is reconsidering them so I'm here today to ask you to please reconsider allowing in-law suites at a reasonable size so that people can have keep their family members close by my mother lived with us for nine years I cared for my mother and my father for the last 12 years my mother just recently passed away she lived with us it was fine but it would have been really nice for her to have her own little cottage in the back so she could have felt like she retained a lot of her own independence rather than being right in with us so that's my request is that you please reconsider allowing on properties that have enough room so that the setbacks are still within coat from the all the neighbors and have a separate living quarter for family members thank you thank you for your comments and we've been looking at that issue yeah so should be here already but it's not thank you great thank you uh Pastor Jen kerok good morning Jen Kwak so uh 15925 green Glenn Lane Spring Hill Florida from the Shady Hills area first I would like to thank commissioner jger for putting forward the resolution as um declaring September as National Recovery month in Pasco I appreciate that very much that is a big part of the work that we do out in Shady Hills um I also came forward today again to advocate for a couple things the first thing is I would like to invite each of the Commissioners out to the Shady Hills area um to to see what exactly is going on there on Shady Hills Road with regards to the traffic um I had emailed each of you separately with regards to a situation that happened to me personally during the time of day when kids are being dropped off by their parents parents are bringing their kids to school and I was actually ran off the road by three FHP vehicles um that were accommodating an oversized load coming down down Shady Hills Road driving past all of those schools and so just I would like for you to come out and see exactly what it is you know this was around 8:00 in the morning um I'm a very experienced driver my husband might say otherwise but I am a very experienced driver and um I was I was scared um there so you know when we first started talking about the development in Shady Hills this was the primary concern with regards to dump trucks and and big oversized loads coming down Shady Hills Road and not having the availability to provide properly the transportation route for those oversized vehicles um so we would love for y'all to come out and just take a look there's videos all over uh Facebook um um on the Shady Hills Florida um site on Facebook Take a Look Linda Farmer has you know videoed I've sent videos before we really would sincerely appreciate it because I know that if I was a parent taking my child to school just in that one moment I I would have been terrified mainly for my kids' lives and there are kids that are sitting on the side of the road waiting for their bus at that time as well well so you know inexperienced drivers could have come and honestly taken a child out so I please ask you to come and take a look at that road and all the traffic that's happening there physically thank you very much thank you for your comments thanks Reverend Maryanne kman good morning bre just got here Maran C 18118 Porsche Place Shady Hills Florida who's in charge of the bridges that go over Sun Coast we have three or four of them that J Hills one's off of Bowman I recently went out to those bridges and walked around them I recently found out that my son tried to kill himself in those bridges I was able to go totally here's a road here's a bridge here's the other side of the bridge that drops I was able to go totally on the opposite side of that bridge I also found out about three other teenagers that tried to kill themselves in that bridge there's nothing on top of them there's nothing on the side of them I went to that bridge to tell the devil they didn't win my son's in the Army right now there are many young people who ride the Sun Coast on their bicycles they deal drugs on the Sun Coast They Ride bicycles there's people trafficking that go out there to the kids and they're able to get to these Bridges so is there anything that we can do if we can get someone to go down there and take a look at the bridges so they're not so accessible we're actually going to write signs and put them on The Bridges of Hope Shady Hills everybody's talking about what's going to happen with the law when they're not allowed to be out there in public our homeless at Shady Hills as you know has already been disrupted all the woods they used to sleep on are gone now they're hanging around certain areas and they can't get to us because the bus doesn't come down to us we recently last night dropped somebody off at the hotel we're a tiny little church but we're there at the Forefront we don't stop I didn't get home until 12:00 last night waiting for a girl to get put into a hotel room think about the little guys when people write grants maybe we don't write a perfect Grant thank you very much I'm I'm done right is that my be no you have another minute no you got one more minute we might not write the perfect Grant but we're doing the work two weeks ago we brought another girl in she's in Jericho homes I've been there 10 years our success rate for just the church it's possibly nine to 10 people who are clean think about that that's a church of more than 25 members people have dropped them off so they stay at AR gazebo Bayer's dropped them off here what are we supposed to do with them we still take care of them couple of times we had to give them blankets and pillows and put them in lawn chairs it was 30° that night that was two years ago so now next time a church writes a little Grant and asks for help is because we've been doing the work for 10 years not for our glory for God's glory 100% it's for God's glory thank you for listening to me God bless thank you you have someone to speak to her about the bridge well that's that's doot but I have an idea oh it's the state road Coast Park parway oh he can talk to her then okay Lisa Moret name and address for the record I'm surprised it's not on a barcode on my head uh Lisa meret 16331 Iola Woods Trail that's Dade City candidate for County Commissioner and a perennial thorn in your side admittedly uh I have three things I'd like to speak to you about this morning in public comment one I would like to encourage you to take next year's schedule of meetings off the consent agenda it's an election year this is something that we've been talking about quite a bit on the election Trail you've been handed a recommendation from a court judge saying that you are out of compliance with meeting at 1:30 on Tuesdays you should have at least one of those meetings occurring at 5:00 p.m. so that residents who work can be involved in the process now I know the County Attorney is going to tell me I'm full of it but you did have a recommendation from a judge in a decided case which you lost I'd also like to bring to light that you've cut off access to aella on the pre app process for residents um that's been a Lifeline for us to be able to actually get ahead of what's happening in development in this County it seems like it was a cherry-picked idea I think that um there's a little bit of Retribution in that decision and it also is a public records violation so I would hope that you would change your minds and open that back up for us and third I've been inundated RW Crest since I declared my candidacy asking for people across the county for help on various issues because they haven't been able to get anyone to return their calls and I think that um it's really important that you listen to Residents one a simple case in point kind of similar to what a young lady spoke to ahead of me uh you get a an email every day every business day for over a year from Norm Cary over in our district he works with FAL Catz he's letting you know that the funds that are set aside for TNR are being used inappropriately he's being told that to bring in a feral to be spayed or neutered he has to make an appointment and he can't get an appointment for about 3 weeks now you figure the math on that with a feral cat so I know you probably want to write them off as just a guy that's a crazy cat guy with a grudge or something like that but he's bringing to your attention a very significant problem and I ask you to look Beyond personalities and listen to what residents are telling you so I would like to say shouldn't you all be serving the people that bring you to the dance and pay back part of your and pay part of your paycheck um it seems especially with the asella situation that you're setting it up that you're just responding to developers because developers aren't happy that we know about the preout process when it happens so again looping back I'd love to see you take that asella back and put it where it was where we can access it in a timely fashion thank you thank you that's all we have signed up in advance okay is anyone audience wish to speak that did not sign up come forward I got someone coming I thought Branford was coming forward for a second yeah branford's busy leave bford alone he's busy yes sir name and address for the record my name is Ronda Weaver uh let me think 15737 Greenland Lane CH Hills Florida 34610 um I'm here about three things I'm with chitty Hills Mission Chapel I'm also with hope for the children Ministries I've been with them for nine almost 10 years now um I we work with teenagers that are going through all the hard stuff and everything in this but there are teenagers and young kids that go to Ellis Memorial Park right there on the corner Shady Hills and Greenland Lane we also have all the ball fields there it takes 20 to 30 minutes to get out of that road sometimes there's no light there's no nothing it's very dangerous cuz kids walk up and down that road from the school to go to the park and to go play ball and there's no light there it's very very dangerous and I'm asking that you guys look into maybe putting a light in there it makes it easier for the traffic going in and out of there and also maybe putting a sidewalk for the kids to go from Cruise Lake Middle up to that area where the park is at because there is no sidewalks that's very very dangerous also I lost a daughter to um a drug un overdose and then later I lost my son-in-law to the drug overdose and left my granddaughter behind um people need help getting off drugs going to court and going to jail it's only temporary fix and when they send them and say they have to go to rehab it costs money and a lot of people don't have the insurance to go to the long-term position facilities I think that we should have a facility where people can go for at least 30 to 60 days and not just three days and then say okay we'll put you on this drug to get you off that drug it needs to be a long-term um goal for these people because they can't get off drugs without it just telling them put they put them on some boxing or they put them on something else that's still another drug they need to be in a facility where they can slowly wean off everything cuz all you're doing is putting them back on the street and putting them on another drug you're not really getting them off drugs you're just putting them on another drug um so I think we should have some kind of facility for people that don't have insurance can afford insurance to get off drugs um my daughter went to rehab three days is not enough and like I said all I did was put her on another drug to get her off a drug and it's still a drug and that's not what they need they don't need drugs to get off drugs they need long-term monitoring Health Care to get off the drugs and that's all I have to say all right thank you for your comments yes ma'am we also going back Karen Thompson thank you that's all that's signed up okay anybody on WebEx and none on WebEx none on WebEx okay this time we will close I see a gentleman getting up okay going the other way so we'll close uh public comments and then we'll move into believe we have our resolutions first resolution resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring September 15th 2024 to October 15th 2024 as Latin and Hispanic Heritage Month in Pasco County County whereas in September of 1968 Congress authorized president Linda B Johnson to designate September as National Hispanic heritage week in 1988 the observance was expanded to a month-long celebration from September 15th until October 15th by then President Ronald Reagan and whereas the month-long celebration is dedicated to the culture history and contributions of Latin American and Hispanic countries and includes festivals art shows conferences and Community Gatherings throughout the United States and whereas the celebration begins on September 15th to coincide with the national Independence days of Guatemala Honduras El Salvador Nicaragua and Costa Rica and whereas Hispanic and Latino Americans have made a lasting impact in Florida both socially culturally and economically including flying to space being elected to public offices such as mayor Lieutenant govern governor and Congress becoming prominent singers film stars and athletes and whereas there are approximately 6,1 127,50 Hispanic and Latino people living in Florida and Hispanic and Latino Floridians are the second largest racial and ethn ethnic group in the state making up 28.7% of the population and whereas Hispanic and Latino fidan continue to contribute to the state's economy and labor and Entrepreneurship the Florida state Hispanic chamber of commerce estimates that more than 64,000 Hispanic owned businesses across Florida that contribute to over 90 billion of Florida Florida's economy each year and whereas during Latin and Hispanic Heritage Month we recognize the importance uh important presence and contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans in Pasco County and we celebrate their Heritage and culture now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby declares September 15 2024 to October 15th 2024 as Latin and Hispanic Heritage Month in Pasco County and calls upon public officials Educators and citizens to observe Latin and Hispanic heritage month with the appropriate ceremonies activities and programs denan resolved in regular session with the quum presid and voting the 17th day of September 2024 a motion approval I got a motion second second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 do we have anyone with the Hispanic group here today with us come on forward we're wondering I know we have plenty of Hispanic in Pasco County that County yes great deal so I am not Hispanic but I am here representing Pasco County schools and um as you all know our Hispanic and Latino demographic is growing tremendously in our County and we certainly see it in our schools and Pasco County Schools is working really really hard to continue to engage um and just support these families especially in academics and our board signed a proclamation at our last meeting recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and we took it upon ourselves to extend that support to the bard of county commissioner so we are very very grateful to our honorable board and our chairman Oakley for supporting this resolution and just continuing to show support for our Hispanic Latino families and this is a a team of mine that I actually pulled from Hernando County and they have been working with with me to throw some events around our school district to just recognize our Hispanic families um that are within our schools we have a wonderful event in Dade City at RB Cox Elementary School on Saturday October 5th from 2 to 6 PM um it's a Hispanic heritage celebration and we're it's our first first in our school district um and there will be many more to come in the years ahead and we're just grateful for your support can we have your name for the record sir sorry uh my name is Matthew stoning okay well Matthew um we we certainly appreciate all you're doing and our Hispanic population in Pasco count is growing as we speak because I think I heard a number of something like 70 to 100,000 folks from Hispanic background that are in Pasco County they're very well known to be very hard workers and and do great jobs whatever they they attempt to do for their living so they do work very hard I know that for a fact so that it's all good does anyone else want to speak besides Matthew or you good okay uh if the board come down we'll take a picture okay all right ready one more [Music] it's better your [Applause] they're in the back there we had to cut somewhere lights I guess was it all right let's move on to resolution two resolution number 2489 a resolution by the board of County Commissioners and pass County Florida declaring the month of October as manufacturing month and October 4 2024 is manufacturing day in Pasco County whereas October is nationally recognized as manufacturing month and national manufacturing day is observed on the first Friday of October throughout the month manufacturers across the county host students teachers parents job Seekers and other local community members at open houses plant tours and present presentations designed to Showcase today's Advanced manufacturing technology and high wage career opportunities and whereas during national manufacturing month and Manufacturing day we commit to strengthening and supporting the manufacturers and hardworking manufacturing employees of today as well as manufacturers of the future and whereas the priorities of manufacturing month are to change the perception of careers in manufacturing to reflect its true status as the most advanced high-tech industry in the country reestablish the us as the global leader of manufacturing education advocate for education and job training policies that strengthen the US manufacturing Workforce and Inspire the next generation of Manufacturers and whereas Florida is taking steps to diversify its economy and strengthen its Workforce by establishing a plan to invest in skills-based educ ucation to make Florida number one in Workforce education by 2030 so the companies can continue to draw from an outstanding pool of talent and whereas Pasco County is fortunate to be home to many great manufacturing businesses some of which are world leaders in their respective Fields the Bay Area manufacturing association and amskills whose mission is transforming lives and strengthening communities through Technical Training and appren es and whereas by working with educational institutions the board of County Commissioners and local manufacturers have and continue to work together to to connect with future Generations build the next generation of man of Skilled Manufacturing employees take charge of public image of manufacturing and ensure the ongoing prosperity of the whole industry and whereas manufacturing month and Manufacturing day serve as opportunities to recognize all professionals agencies and organizations who bring value to Pasco County's manufacturing industry and economy now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby declares the month of October as manufacturing month and October 4th 2024 as manufacturing day in Pasco County denan resolved in regular session with the qun president voting the 17th day of September 2024 move to approve second got a motion and a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z Miss Starkey uh well good morning and thank you for uh being here today you know this is a special day of the year for me when we when we uh lift up manufacturing and it's so important to me and to many of us in America that we know how to make our own things and um I'm just so grateful that all this work by Bama and others are being done to help um help our local manufacturers grow and um that we are attracting more and more manufacturers here to Pasco County so um I'm really grateful that you bring this to us and ask us to sponsor this and I'd love to hear you all three of you speak this morning good morning and thank you it is with great pride and gratitude that I accept the proclamation uh recognizing October as a manufacturing month in Pasco County on the behalf of RJ manufacturing I want to express our thanks to Pasco County Board of Commissioners the Bay Area manufacturing association and skills and all the who played a significant role in recogn recognition manufacturing is more than just a sector is the backbone of our community and the engine that drives our local economy as a manufacturer base here in in Pasco County we are deeply honored to be part of the crucial industry which continues to shape our future and provide countless opportunities for growth and development today we sell celebrate manufacturing month we also celebrate the remarkable individuals and teams who work to who work to bring Innovation and quality and excellence and to the Forefront of our industry our workplace embodies the spirit and dedication and craftsmanship and it makes our products exception thank you once again for this honor and for your ongoing support in manufacturing in our community sir can we have your name for the record oh my name is Bobby rosson in your company CEO of R manufacturing thank you yep thank you Bobby thank you all I'm Beth gallik with the Bay Area manufacturers Association and as we step into manufacturing month it's the perfect moment to reflect on the vital role that manufacturing plays in our economy and Society manufacturing jobs contribute significant significantly to the local economy by creating employment opportunities this is vital for reducing unemployment rates and supporting a stable job market a strong manufacturing sector helps helps diversify the local economy reducing resilience on any single industry and providing a buffer against economic downturns according to the economic policy Institute for every 100 direct manufacturing jobs in the manufacturer of durable goods another 744 indirect jobs are created and this is annual celebration is not just about showcasing our industry's advancements and achievements but it's also about fostering our next generation of innovators and skilled professionals during the month of October we schedule manufacturing tours for local students throughout manufacturing companies all throughout Pasco County overall manufacturing jobs in Tampa Bay not only support individual career growth but also contribute to the broader economic and Community Development enhancing the city's overall prosperity and resilience thank you once again Mr amskills themselves here good morning my name is Tom Adano CEO of amskills uh first I want to thank you all again for your vision and uh for looking to help our manufacturers in this industry a lot of people have no idea what manufacturing is or that they have these jobs right in their backyards and they may be uh in one career and don't realize that they could actually uh increase their skills as well as their income through manufacturing so uh am skills of course was created specifically to help our manufacturers in the Pasco County area and um you know we've got 21 adults right now going through a boot camp at our facility who will be uh interviewing in the next two weeks so the that program so for adults it's not just about uh our youth but manufacturing month is geared to our youth and I think that's critical that we show our youth the the opportunities that they have for their future and we do that as you know we are currently which you may not be aware of we we are now offering uh technical training classes to homeschool kids we have homeschool kids coming to our facility we're working with Charter Schools and we are working with our Pasco County uh school system and we're happy to say we are about to expand from one high school to three high schools in Pascal County where we will have a standardized curriculum uh across the the the program that kids can access and that'll be starting next year so we're very excited about it and the last thing I just want to mention um on November 9th we are having a community event at our facility because we want to again spread the word about manufacturing get people to know about our facilities and how manufacturing can help uh help them right here in our community explain what the community dat party is a little more um just November 9th is uh from 9: to 2 we're having a community event we are inviting other nonprofits so we would like it's meant to help bring uh other nonprofits uh together uh as well as the community to make them aware of the amp skills Workforce Innovation Center that that we have in holiday and there'll be Hands-On things kids lots of Hands-On lots of uh fun stuff to do yeah for sure Tom I certainly appreciate all each and every one of y'all do uh with your different groups but Tom you remember eight years ago how quiet it was in the AM skill world so I do remember and I I remember and I appreciate all that commissioner starky has been doing to help push you along and carry you with her in a lot of different places a lot of place I mean you've come a long way and it it's doing great things for our County so and the Tampa Bay area so anyone El want to speak all right I'm manufactur thank you Mariana yes this is this is an exciting resolution thank you commissioner starky and and commission starky you and I started on this project about 20 years ago when you were on the school board and I was a commissioner and just trying to push this forward and how you've elevated this uh has been phenomenal and Tom the leadership you've shown has been incredible um bringing opportunities home is what we talk about they they said it was it was probably like five or six years ago at Regional planning Council they were saying it was like 32,000 jobs could be filled instantly if we had the training that was out there so what you're doing is critical uh Tom knows that you know I'm continually trying to get people to him he keeps on tell me they're full so I think we need to get more funding to him to train these people because it's instant it's instant jobs so what you're doing is phenomenal it's it's it's it's incredible at the EDC Awards we had one one uh of the award winners was worried about when he was going to come to Pasco County he said can you get me the employees I'm going to need that'll be trained and it was so cool to hear him say at the EDC awards that you delivered what you said you got me the workers I need to get them trained to get them going that's the type of thing we got to keep on doing this is what's this is what's driving the economy as you say the target Industries you build the base for those first jobs it's not those first jobs you're creating it's all the other jobs that come behind it as well and does solidify the economy so thanks for helping us become either the number two or three County ranked as far as commercial development in this in the nation so thank you for what you're doing okay El all right so let's let's take a picture with everybody and we also have a a big dinner October 10th it's the Bama no it's the bay what's who's it's the am skills in Bay Area manufacturing we're having a dinner at October no 10 10th yeah uh at our fac as well so you all are of course invited ready see all right let's go on to the Res three resolution number 24188 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida recognizing September as National Recovery month in Pasco County Florida whereas Behavioral Health is an essential part of overall wellness and our community recognizes that with support people can and do recover from substance use disorders and mental health challenges and whereas National Recovery month which started in 1989 is celebrated each September excuse me to increase awareness and understanding of mental health and substance use disorders and to celebrate those who have found Pathways to Recovery and whereas Pasco County is committed to supporting prevention recovery and the efforts of individuals and organizations dedicated to reducing the stigma associated with addiction and mental health disorders and whereas Pasco County experienced over 1100 overdoses last year with 289 of those resulting in fatalities and we resolve to recognize that people can and do recover when given the proper support treatment and resources and whereas pasal Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention and the Hope shock have partnered to establish a prevention and Recovery Resource Center aptly named the alwayss center in Newport Richie providing a uh critical hub for prevention education Recovery Services support and Community engagement and whereas recovery is possible and attainable with the right support including treatment peer support and a strong Community Network we recognize the strength and perseverance of those in recovery as well as their families friends and the professionals who support them and whereas by Prov by supporting recovery we can reduce the incidents of Overdose support healthier communities and provide individuals with the tools they need to rebuild their lives contributing to over overall well-being in Pasco County now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida the said board hereby recognizes September as National Recovery month in Pasco County done and resolved in regular session with the quum president voting the 17th day of September 2024 move to approve second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 zero welcome welcome thank you guys or thank you not welcome welcome to us you're doing fine proud here we all do that we all talk that kind of lingo so we're good all right so good morning Commissioners I want to start by expressing our gratitude to the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners Pro for proclaiming September as National Recovery month in Pasco County and for passing a resolution in its honor this important action is a powerful symbol of your commitment to supporting individual and families impacted by substance misu as we all know recovery is a journey and we have community support and we know Community Support is critical it's estimated that more than 20 million Americans living in recovery from substance use disorder in Pasco County alone many individuals and families are working each day to overcome the challenges of addiction and find their path to Wellness this is why we work together to open the new prevention and Recovery Resource Center the always Center in Pasco County your leadership in recognizing National Recovery month sends a clear message to everyone in our community recovery is possible and no one should have to walk this journey alone your support empowers organizations like Alliance for healthy communities and the Hope shot to provide essential prevention and Recovery resources that make a difference in the lives of so many on behalf of the alliance for Healthy Communities asap's Coalition the hope shot and all our partners thank you for standing with us in this effort to build a healthier stronger and more compassionate Pasco County thank you thank you m Jagger well I am delighted to sponsor and recognize September's National Recovery month this is a time to celebrate the incredible progress made by those in recovery and to highlight The crucial importance of mental health and substance disorder treatment I would like to commend ASAP and the Hope shot for their collaboration in establishing a prevention and Recovery Center right here in Newport Richie named the Allway Center I had the privilege of touring the center and witness firsthand the outstanding work they are doing their dedication and supporting individuals on their recovery journey is truly commendable and makes a significant difference in our community let's all take this opportunity to raise awareness and continue supporting efforts that contribute to mental health and Recovery thank you for everything you guys do you are much appreciated thank you we appreciate you and we welcome you to our board of directors we're on the record right yeah Mr Mariana good I appreciate all your efforts um this opioid problem that we've had for years has been uh devastating to many many families touched all of us at some point or another um and it's not people's fault to get stopped in these things when they were overprescribing and then people get started on it the Surgeon General uh said at one time at at a no conference that it say it could take five days to get hooked on these things that's how dangerous they are so it help to be a rebound is something that's critical uh I was happy to get on to see the Hope shot in the facility uh I was very impressed with the enthusiasm uh got to see one of the one of the folks that was in there that was looking for help as well and uh it triggered me to actually call uh our Personnel director um when you've got felonies it's hard to get work again uh and I think it's something that we need to go take a look at and Barbara Hinman actually says she's going to take a look at it to sign out okay someone's got hooked on drugs they got a record normally that shut out from getting work but we can't do that it's just too many people out there so Barbara's looking at different ways to go look at it to you know if you if you had felonies or that involved cash that would be one thing but if it was wasn't they would try to work around it so we're going to try to work in the county to try to bring those people in even to our own fold to work with us uh as as County employees and if we can help with the school board maybe we can look at some of the folks to maybe get jobs as bus drivers it's so desperately needed so so there's going to be some things Rock rocking around that we can try to work on and we try to work with you to help you give that hope and and give that success to our own citizens so greatly appreciate all you're doing thank you so much um so I was able to tour the Hope shot yesterday um and I gave one of the Flyers you gave me to this woman right back here um so uh yeah I was very impressed with what you're doing it's certainly needed sadly in our community and so I'm very grateful for all the work that you're doing and I look forward to more collaboration with you guys thank you all ma'am we didn't get your name for the record I'm sorry I apologize Missy Quail coordinator for Alliance for Healthy Communities okay se you want to say anything well I guess I'll just pile I guess I'll pile on the accolades but more importantly just to the folks and during and during public comment too Pastor Jen and your team thank you for not giving up on people thank you for not giving up on our youth and no matter what stage of Life folks are in it's incredibly important for so many different reasons so thank you all for your drive and your passion to never give up on folks and we're happy to be there and support where we can thank you and we certainly appreciate everything you do and if we will uh if you'll go down in front and have a picture with them Miss Jagger and then the rest of us stand up here behind them so this it's supposed to give you information you're not going to break m not working [Music] up some f all right here we go ready one two and three and we got it all right thanks [Applause] guys saying but this isn't working 100% that's not working is there is working all right's go to uh res four resolution 24 ca24 5166 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida thanking the corporate sponsors and volunteers of the 2024 scallop Fest in Pasco County whereas the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission extended the Pasco County scallop season to 40 days in 2024 and whereas in celebration of the extended season staff worked with the Pasco County parks of recreation and natural resources Florida Sports Coast and West uh West Pasco ctoa to host a for weekend scallop fest with music music Fun and Sun at Sunway uh Sunwest Park and whereas the 2024 Pasco scallop Fest took place at Sunwest Park in Hudson and span multiple weekends from July 19th to August 10th 2024 every Friday and Saturday and whereas the 2024 Pasco scallop Fest featured live music food trucks and fireworks every Saturday night from 5:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. the goals were to keep the event free to the general public promote the scallop season support local businesses promote tourism and most importantly promote important Charities that serve the members of our community and whereas scholarships for the event totaled $128,000 beverage and scallop plate sales totaled $1,682 192 $2,375 was paid for parking and 30,000 was raised for our three sponsored Charities and whereas we greatly appreciate the following sponsors for their generosity in donating to the event including our presenting sponsor Advent Health Sun West Harbor toown brw HCA Florida Healthcare Ripa construction reworld formerly cavant us water with the Gucci River Electric Cooperative Waste Connections Pasco EDC Moss construction patriotic fireworks Florida Sports Coast Synergy ad Specialists chairman ronal Le Oakley commissioner Jack Mariano and commissioner Katherine starky and whereas chasing Talent Productions coordinated Stage Sound and Lighting for the event and booked talented performers including event MC Christopher John two excited Duo Trey Dei uh uh Bobby frisan Twisted revolvers Greg Billings and stay up lats Bob hban bearded Brothers Adam stackpole du Duo Firefly shadowax Fire and Ice Naser the Naser Ben Elder band uh Beach Boys The Hitman and the Embry brothers and whereas volunteers include members of West pasker satoma steps to recovery for parking assist assistants commissioner Mariano staff Sonia Walling and Colleen Weaver Elaine Smith and others from libraries and Christina cordon and others from Parks and Recreation and whereas due to the success of the event Pasco County can present checks for $110,000 to three Charities West Pasco suoma Parks and Recreation summer camp scholarships and steps to recovery now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida the said board hereby thanks the corporate sponsors and volunteers of the 2024 scallop Fest in Pasco County done and resolved in regular session with a quum president voting this 17th day of September 2024 move approval second I got a motion in second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z welcome thank you Commissioners Christina cordone assistant director parks recreation and natural resources um as you can see this event was a large coop operation between all the sponsors and all the volunteer agencies so I would like to present um Mr Daryl from The West Pasco seroma he'll speak a few words and hand us everyone a check hello uh darl Hing I'm president of West Pasco seroma we're a small but growing community service group that was established in 1971 right here in Newport Richie and for over 50 years we've done several events uh like this so um and and that's in that's because uh over 30 years ago uh we have F uh start the uh Speech and hearing Foundation which started very small providing Health hearing uh help to the local community uh but over the course of 30 years and through the leadership of Deborah ginsky which is here uh her and her staff has has really grown that Foundation to be a Statewide health and hearing uh Services uh so we're very proud of that and uh we're very proud that uh we work hard to to support their efforts so on behalf of the club and on behalf of the foundation we want to uh thank uh commissioner Mariano for including us into his vision of sun west and the scallop Fest and everything that's involved with that getting the community together uh for some good food good music and good times is always a good thing and as a result helping many uh Char charitable groups is uh is only a plus so thank you you commissioner for including us into all of that my pleasure Mr chairman if I could yeah I'd like to say this was something that you know I'll thank Mike Wells to get started with the scalping season he got SE several years ago I tried before that couldn't get it done so when he got it done as a boating Captain I think that really helped a lot with fish and wildlife to to get that through uh when we got the 37-day season uh a couple years ago that was great but we got it so late we could and I tried to do the scol Fest then but I couldn't pull together this year fish and wildlife when they gave us 40 they gave it to us nice and early to go work on it and I'm going to give a shout out because I was over at Safety Town and uh while I was there uh Adent Health was sponsoring an event for our firefighters and their families and uh I got to go on stage before Ryan quadal from Advent health and I saw that there were a big sponsor with it and I said to Ryan I say Ryan before I get up there I say I want to do the scull Fest thing I gave him a quick little 30 seconds talk about it as I want to do this here but I say would you like me to be able to announce to these people that you're going to be able to sponsor all these kids all these families to be able to go there for free no no pressure and uh Ryan goes yeah I would so we did and I tell you you know to help our uh firefighters I wanted to go further with our First Responders deputies Etc to go further and so many times when you go to a certain events that you can get to the event but then it costs more money to go in and you can't maybe not afford to go Etc and I wanted to make this a tremendous tourism thing for the county cuz is an a great opportunity for us so I wanted to try to make this free for everybody and I'll tell you all the sponsors that were listed down starting with Advent health and when you get like two hospitals sponsoring like HCA Bay at point to come behind them to sponsor two that tells you that you get something going on that people are grabbing on to so everybody that contributed greatly appreciated it and I want to say the way sir Tomo was able to step in and it was kind of funny like it was a two thing going because I was thinking of Deborah first to go talk with her when I heard about Sira could do this type of thing and then uh Christina mentioned Elaine Smith so between the two together reaching out to your phenomenal phenomenal group I tell you West Pasco do thanks for having me there the other night it was so awesome that you know you wanted to thank me and I can't I couldn't thank you enough uh what you guys did showing up every day uh putting the hard labor in the Hudson and and uh just letting our our sponsors feel so welcomed uh I think we're going to go on with this event because every sponsor I talk to wants to do this again uh and I want to see this keep on going and let this really be a big event and hopefully it's going to raise good money for the community create good awareness and good economic development for us um Sonia Colleen you guys are incredible every step of the way uh whatever had to be done I mean now I had the edge with Colleen because I've seen her run big events with Green Building from many years ago uh before I know her in a previous life uh and she did a phenomenal job to so I knew she was up to the task as stressful as get trying to bring it all together with a a tremendous you know Christina you you and your team Keith what you put together with Parks Kathy absolutely phenomenal the cooperation those guys were just out there every day whether it was helping ctoa helping the Shelf sick get up for the scallops whatever the teamwork that went in the cooperation which is everybody just pulling together day after day and and just hanging there through the tough Reigns we would have here and there I I just can't tell you how awesome it was thanks thank you ja if I could say a word just quickly I'm Harvey Reinhardt I'm the secretary treasur of West Pasco and we have a fourth check because what we do with our fundraisers when whatever we get we give 75% of it to the foundation for the kids to hear so we'll be presenting that check to Deborah too a be good very good is there a check is there a Check Yes we have like four four checks to go no the the board what's are the boards for that yeah just got read with the checks all right I did make some large checks yeah that's good H we have a check for the Pasco Board of Commissioners uh that is for summer camp scholarships for $10,000 wow we have a check for steps to recovery for $10,000 wow check to West Pasco for $110,000 S Toma 7500 of that's already spent for a good cause for a good cause for satoma speech and hearing Foundation of Florida okay anyone else want to can we um do can we do this more often I mean it pays off if you do the right thing so but I I appreciate everything y'all have done I mean you've really walked to the Forefront and with Jack's pushing and all the the scallop season and all and I know you got to get out and get scallops and be out in the open there and and sunshine and all that I tend to not do that so much and I go by Publix and get my Scholars but uh I don't enjoy all those activities you share with a lot of people and that that's very much an active uh item in what you do and a lot of people love being out there so it it means a lot to our West Coast and in Pasco County and our citizens here l so we love scalloping and uh I it was just really neat that you know it stinks that it was shut down for a little bit but you guys totally adapted and adjust and got scallops from where did you get them from the Atlanta Coast okay the Atlanta Coast and well I mean I knew it wasn't from here right so uh right so and um I look forward to going next year so that'll be great Y and and I want to say great job to all of you I mean amazing I are you going to show show pictures or I've seen some pictures but it it uh I'm just so happy for the success of the park at Sun West it's a great addition to the uh community and I appreciate all of you stepping up and I I'm sure this is going to be annual and it's just going to grow and just get better and better so um great job congratulations y yep congratulations sure well I fantastically huge congratulations to everybody and thank you for all your hard work and thank you for giving back now there the pictures up there awesome there we go yeah our our there goes there go okay yeah wonderful that was a lot of band very nice oh yeah and all the bands were yeah all the bands were awesome what kind of crowd did you have out there we had a nice little we had a nice little starky blueberry Selsa there by the way everybody loved that oh great or Jack you want to go down and take a picture there we'll stand up here behind you FKS you can't stand in Fr justas we have some very tall citizens in the county good can you see can you see him I want to make sure's in the photo yeah get your head in between than if you can all right a couple here one two and three nobody congratulations [Applause] I don't know why these things aren't working congratulations great job yes sir Pasco mapper is not working either the total 375 what they raised 37,500 bucks yeah good job please leave out the rest hey Mr chairman yes sir so one of the gentleman just walking by me just says you many kids you've just helped so thank you thank you all appreciate it well thank you for all the push you put in it really paid off so thank you very much so all right uh that ends our resolutions for this morning uh we move on to consent I have a pull sheet I have uh C9 pull and discuss C11 pull and revise C12 pull and revise c113 pull and revise C6 pull and revise c29 pull and revise I got another page here uh c42 pull and revise c58 pull and revise uh AC ac1 38 pull and c57 uh withdraw is there any other items from the consent agenda that you wish to cool seeing none move approval okay got a motion to approve second and a second all those in favor say I I I I how many eyes we get four h four four well I didn't hear four I only heard two okay uh motion pass 40 uh at this time we'll start with C9 C9 um discuss I think Anthony Thomas and Mark bis is going to come up this is a grant that just a it's going to be presented to the board as in a public public way and I just want to say that uh you know Anthony Mark you guys are doing a phenomenal job um this Grant and I'm sure you're going to touch into it would have cost a lot more money but the way Anthony has set this thing up uh saving us a whole bunch of money and the way I like to the way I call this the mapping and Mike Carell you like this I call it underwater topography go ahead Anthony yeah um yes as commissioner Mariano explained this will be at no cost to the um taxpayers of Pasco County uh this initially would have been in the area between $2.7 and about $3 million but we are getting it for $52,000 um it's Petry um that uh we will be doing be filling in some Vital Information that we will have that'll definitely push forward into future uh what we can do along our Coastline to strengthen make our Coastline a lot more res a lot more sustainable with future projects with accurate data and Petry that just to say at least um our citizens are going to very much benefit from the decision we'll be able to make and we can tell what the Tide's going to do and how levels of the flooding would be so that we can move our citizens out ahead of time and everything's about safety so that's very good for for what we're going to do here in in the west side is know about these hurricanes know what level of water is possible to happen and be able to make prearranged determination of where they go or if they need to go ahead of time and it can't get any better than that that's a great tool for helping our citizens on the west coast of Pasco County so and providing real lifetime data during a storm um be provided with some of the things that this project will do will definitely help our Emergency Management Department exactly what you said Mr chairman right y very good so Mark Mike um I want to thank you both for making sure you keep the Superstar going he's doing a great job for us move approval thank you second very excited all right got a motion in second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z thank you sir thank you sir uh move on to C11 uh pull and revise good morning Mr chairman nario pitos Planning Development economic growth C1 is the 2024 interlocal agreement between pasu County and the City of Dade City to address Transportation capacity impacts and the establishment of joint projects we're revising the agreement uh in section three there was a minor revision made to delete the requirement to hold impact fees in a separate account and then in exhibit a of that agreement um under the state federal allocation for morning side for the morning Side Drive project project uh we added the $14 million in exhibit a okay approve I got a motion I'll second with discussion and a second with discussion so one one of the things that does say on there is there's no funding required so we're not bound by this but with this like a agreement we're trying to move forward on so this will be further discussed and brought things back Mr chairman this is this agreement is designed to there legislation passed the session that that our impact fees if cities and counties had had impact fees we needed a joint agreement this is beating the October 1 deadline for that legislation so that's it's our impact fees will be used where we've been using our impact fees their impact fees will be used in the municipal limits and but these are the projects that correcting that okay were so we don't have to go through the more onerous process that the state has put into place okay okay all right need a motion you have a motion second already oh got that's right motion and second um I have so all those in favor say I I I I motion pass 5 z uh next one is C3 uh wait a minute no C12 Mr chairman uh narius PTO Planning Development economic growth this is a similar item to the previous one this is the 2024 interlocal agreement between Pasco County and the City of Zephyr Hills to address Transportation capacity impacts the establishment of joint projects similarly section three was updated to delete the Mandate or the requirement for uh holding impact fees in a separate impact fee account um and then that was in the agreement language and then exhibit a for joint projects the city projects have been added to the list so we we have uh for pretty Pond Road and Wire Road the city allocation of 1.5 million green Slope Drive and doy Road the city allocation for $300,000 us301 andard Road the city allocation for $900,000 Island Boulevard and Fort King Road the city allocation for $900,000 County Road 54 and Wire Road 12th Street the city allocation for $300,000 us301 and Geer the city allocation for a million Fifth Avenue State 54 in Court Street the city allocation for $30,000 St 39 in chansy the city allocation for 1.3 million and Copeland Drive and chansy Road the city allocation for 50,000 these are all various projects that are outlined on the on the sheet as well on the exhibit a move approval second okay got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 move on to C13 Eric good morning Commissioners um C13 was uh pull advised to add a confidential document to the file it's one of our technology vendors so that has been done move it to approve second I got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I I motion pass 5 Z thank you thank you everyone uh c16 Andrew bter good morning board members Andrew bter Facilities Management director uh c16 we originally put this in uh and the language was asked to be revised to make it uh clear that this is an agreement and an exempt uh purchase um and so previously it only said exempt purchase so with that change to add that language not only to the agenda title but also the body of the agenda memo we recommend approval okay move approval the not to change okay got a motion second and a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z move on to c29 good morning Carrie Roberts purchasing excuse me purchasing director um item c29 is being pulled to revise a scribers error on the distribution list and also to add another name to the distribution move approval the noted change second a motion second all those in favor say I I motion pass Five Zer move on to c42 good morning Commissioners uh Panos cones assistant director for transportation engineering uh uh item c42 is for the design of a traffic signal at Stater 56 in laana Boulevard uh unfortunately at the original packet we had the wrong attachment for exhibit a which we corrected with a revised packet you have in front of you so the revised packet has the correct xut a moving for with the new pack package to it second okay got a motion in second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z thank you uh c58 good morning Keith Wy director parks recreation national resources the distribution section of the memo had to be revised to only reference One Construction Bond not two Mo approve a motion and second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 z uh c57 C5 I'm sorry is that you no c57 was a with withdrawal oh excuse me that's withdrawal AC 138 is yeah okay uh this is a request from the clerk's office just to clarify the uh final recommendation that it it'll be approved contingent upon Clerk's review and execution following signature by the County Surveyor and Report the FL that is on AC 138 oh okay oh this is it this oh skipped it all right move approval AC 138 second all right I got a motion in second all those in favor say I I I okay skip it some yeah Mr carala has a walk-on that is a companion to the AC 138 oh okay thank you sir yes item um this item is uh memo number teed 24 4361 it is the recording of a plat with a performance guarantee for Two Rivers LLC it's two rivers parcel F2 Phase 1 230 Lots on 88.57% and it was important to get this moved on okay just a clarification for the record the handout indicates 360 but it's actually 361 that is correct that is an error thank you yes thank you okay move approval second got a motion a second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z that concludes consent consent we'll move on to just right somebody's coming Amy's coming so sure I am hi Amy Ferell budget director with Pasco County's Office of Management and budget um so I'm here to present final adjustments on our fiscal year 25 budget uh there were some minor adjustments and updates made to these slides this morning so I am asking that you accept the revised version into record thank you Gina move to receive and file second got a motion second to receive and file all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z all right so today we're going to um do a recap on our first public hearing then we're going to go over some fiscal year 25 budget highlights and um just remind everyone of what's built into this budget as it stands we'll review the tentative millage rates and then the County Administrator is going to give a recommendation based off the direction that the board gave during the first public hearing and then we'll close out with the next steps all right so two weeks ago we had our first public hearing on September 3rd and the board adopted tentative millage rates and a budget at that time the parks Capital maintenance mstu um did not pass so that is at zero levies and so that has been um adjusted into the budget that's going to be presented before you and board directed staff to provide scenarios for establishing the roads rehabilitation services mstu to include uh reduction to the general fund revenue and so that's the recommendation that Mike will give you guys in a few minutes all right so budget highlights so just to remind everyone at the core of the of the budget especially when we're looking at that general fund budget and we're talking about um what those different components are we just wanted to remind you that the biggest chunk of our budget before you is continuing to provide those essential Premier Services that our citizens have come to expect right so making sure that we're still able to provide those same levels of services tomorrow that everyone's gotten used to um we are prioritizing keeping the public safe different uh initiatives and expenses in the budget related to that are the sheriff operations um the jail expansion personnel as we're expanding our jail operation we are building up their Staffing model so that way they can open um and we are growing our fire response capability we're also main maintaining a competitive compensation by going through a comp and class study this year for our team members and we are streamlining development and expanding our infrastructure and we're also looking to invest in our public road infrastructure the right way through the paving mstu um replacing the old P system and then of course we wanted to make sure that everyone was aware we are trying to be very good stewards of our existing infrastructure by reinvesting back into those facilities all right so our rather large budget is made up of four key components so we've got our operating budget which is over half of it right so that's maintaining daily operations um we're looking to invest roughly $400 million into Capital infrastructure um we've got roughly 45 million towards Debt Service and then we're um then the rest of it makes up our reserves uh a big component of that is our restricted reserves in order to maintain things like Bond covenants and um operating should there be an event like a hurricane that stops operations but we still need to keep moving right all right so the revenue that we're looking at so again these are big high level groupings of our revenues by what we call function which is type of Revenue um so that big blue piece of the pie that is our fund balance the next largest slice is our adval orm taxes so that's our general taxes that's our fire mstu and in there is the roads mstu tax based off of the millage that was set in July and then reset at the first public hearing um when you go to the lighter grayish almost blue charges for service that's the next biggest um piece of the pie that's for things like our water service or Solid Waste Service things like that so then if you flip it over and and look at the expenses again at those big chunks of type of expenses um we've got culture Recreation that's our parks and libraries Human Services thinks think a lot of what Kathy Pearson's group does in public services um physical environment so that's going to be your utility your Solid Waste Public Safety that includes the sheriff that includes fire rescue that includes Corrections the next bigger piece is General government so in that lump that's things like our it infrastructure and maintenance Facilities Management our constitutional officers save for the sheriff is in that pie and that also houses um our unfunded State mandates that we talked about a little bit two weeks ago all right so let's drill in now a little bit to general fund so that big blue piece and the yellow piece that those two pieces of the pie are what we need to continue to provide those high levels of service that our citizens have grown accustomed to right so the yellow that speaks to the the inflationary pressures that the general fund is feeling in terms of the costs of things being a bit more expensive 4% is are things that we're calling requirements in that we're looking at the um expansion of the jail operations adding the fourth shift for fire rescue in there's that compensation study that we were talking about also the union wage increases for the Corrections Officers and our um fire team that 5% that's capital infrastructure and then the 1% are things that we're calling enhancement so think of those as um like positions to increase levels of service or sometimes even maintain levels of service just to compete with the growth that we're seeing all right so another way to look at our general fund Public Safety makes up 52% of the expenses coming out of the general fund General government makes up roughly 20% and again that's our it infrastructure and maintenance facilities constitutional officers save the sheriff and again those unfunded State mandates and then we did want to uh just remind the board and the public that we do have a list these are some of those unfunded State mandates that we had talked about and then there's also some um some Investments that we're making at the board's discretion all right so we now do have all of our constitutional officer proposed budgets we received the tax collectors last week um right on time with State statutes and this is how they are shap taking out so you'll see that um most of our constitutional officers are also impacted by inflation and things like that um next year will be an off cycle for the supervisor of election so in true fashion he does trim his Budget on the off cycle and we appreciate that all right so we had talked earlier about some of the Investments that we're making into public safety so specifically here are some of the Investments that we're making for the sheriff's budget it does include 40 additional deputies 20 to be funded by by the sheriff's 40% of our tax increase and then 20 to be matched from um the board's contribution to his budget we're also looking at some onetime expenditures for an armored SWAT vehicle um armored Vans some upgrades to their forensic unit a pole barn to help house and keep the pieces of equipment keep maintain some longevity um starting up gap insurance for his team um and then looking at remodeling trying to find a solution for their for their currently temporary bathrooms at the gun range can you go back I need to see the new revised price on that bathroom so that did come down from 825 to 200,000 yeah still a lot of money no SP all I'm saying so almost build a house for that so I don't part my understanding is that part of the the cost requirement has to do with getting connected to the sewer system yeah for one for one bathroom what why can't we do the kind of bathroom I'm sorry that we did at Sun Coast Park the Sun Coast Trail and starky Trail where it's a environmentally conscious composting bathroom is very nice so I still I still want you to look at that yeah commissioner will these are planning numbers at this point with with no design other than just a a user requirement you know that was you know the the original budget was just based off of some concession numbers that we had these are again they will be refined and and we understand that the board and the sheriff want a cost- effective solution out there and that's what our facilities team will do I do I want to see the compare and contrast in the price of those two types of bathrooms thank you heing Capital to dig a little bit deeper this shows you what we're looking to invest for capacity for major maintenance multimodal pedestrian type things like sidewalks safety intersections and signals all right so these are the tentative millage rates that were set during the first public hearing the only change from what got adopted in July is that that Parks mstu is set at zero Ms and then just a reminder to everybody from the the jail projects Deb 2019 and Below those are all of the general obligation millages that way we can pay back the annual debt Services associated with the referendum that passed in 2018 all right thank you Amy um at the at the public hearing the board Direction was after the board had listened to the public comment board Direction in my mind was was very very clear on what we what we need to do you know last year as we went through the budget process we scrubbed a lot of budgets Midsummer and to to make sure that budgets were were done efficiently and I would say coming into this year I think we've we've provided a lot more transparency I think than has ever been provided uh to the board to to kind of walk hand inand as we as we work to develop this this budget which I think is really kind of kind of set the standard for for where we wanted to go and so as Amy said 90% of our budget is currently providing the premier level of service stuff that we are already doing uh for our citizens so when you really look at where do you make reductions it it becomes a very a very daunting challenge but I was happy with our team we we went back and I again had the team kind of look and see where is it that uh looking at new expenditures what what can we uh what's really must be done critically today and and more importantly what what can wait um and and how do we realign this this budget to make the challenge of of what the public is feeling so I'm I'm pleased to recommend here a reduction in the general operating millage from 7 .57 Ms to 7.42 N2 Ms uh that that reduction um will will result in the savings and and I want to walk you through how we got there so if we pass a Paving mstu those are dollars that would would go to pave not only local roads uh doing sidewalk work as well as you know arterials and collectors because it is it is roads for everyone our our Paving funds are typically funded we take it from the uh tax increment financing District that the board has into the transportation trust fund we knew early on that there were going to be reductions in that if we passed a Paving mstu so I was comfortable early on taking $2 million and pushing that towards Public Safety to hire additional deputies for the sheriff and the sheriff reciprocated in return with his his additional dollars to to do another 10 deputies overall of his 60 Deputy asked I think the board could be very very proud of its investment in public safety with 40 new deputies out of those 60 which is unprecedented um um since I been here in the county um but I we looked even deeper into into additional programs and what could we do on the public work side and so there was about $3.5 million doar of additional recurring expenses that I feel that at this time Public Works can do without uh over time if as as operations expand if we need to consider it with additional expenses then that's fine but I think right now the the time is to give that money back to the taxpayers so we can take an additional three and a half from that also we look at uh we looked at optimizing the timing of several hires for Public Safety right we are expanding at a rapid Pace we have a jail that is about to come online we have new fire stations however the construction and the timing of new hires doesn't always align and so when we took a very very critical look we already looked at it and op I felt we had optimized it the first time but when we really took an additional critical look at it to look at see what our what what the market environment is and what we think we realistically can bring in in terms of hires I felt comfortable making an additional $2 million uh reduction in general fund spending with the understanding that while that's not cutting a recurring expense like the like the first one uh it's deferring a recurring expense but if you know with growth those things can become priorities and requirements in the future so there will be future expenses but I think today we can go ahead and afford to make those reductions furthermore when you look at our new Investments and these are these are the enhancements and some of the capital items and we are comfortable you know coming off of that perhaps down to that middle number thank you of in in the 0 4052 that would provide some additional relief over what was proposed and again would would retire pvas and make um make a serious Dent uh into into what is our road problem so you would see a lot you would see more Rejuvenation uh roads getting uh getting repaired sidewalks being repaired uh and those things of those nature so that would be that would be our recommendation at this point but it is the pleasure of the board and I'll be quiet now and enter questions and let the board discuss okay I'd like to say something about mstu it's on on Paving I think of all the calls I get in my my office all the calls most of those calls are about Paving and our pbass system we've had in the past has been so terrible the way it puts neighbors against neighbors fighting on who wants to pay and who don't and most of the time all the peases in the eight years I've been here most of them fail only a few are passed that their neighbors and all are agree on and and get their roads paved so something has to be done to do that and P is so bad about putting a neighbor against a neighbor that it's a terrible way to pave and even in some areas that are very um not not as wealthy or poor areas of our communities they need their roads paved too but they don't need to go through P Vass that really puts a lot of expense on them and most of it ends up on their property because they can't they end up not paying but the fact of it is we need to get rid of p and start some somewhere in this area um of Paving roads for the future because that's the big you heard it today and of course we got flooding issues too but we've worked on flooding issues for a long time and we've corrected a lot but there's still more to do in there but roads that need paved all over our County no matter what district we talk about is very very important to the citizens and I I agree that nobody wants to pay but we all have to pay something I'm going to pay more than most people on mine but I was in tune with the fact and I told Mike when he presented that to me I had already come off the point 5184 to the fact that I would be in green to 040 because it would reduce on a lot of citizens that are on fixed incomes but instead of being that Medium price of a home of 160,000 over over the county it reduce from being like $85 a home to like $64 a home that's the savings and I think it it's like if you fig close numbers five that's like $5 a month overall and I think that helps all the citizens and will continue helping us all get the paving done that we need done for our Citizens We're trying to be a premier County with with all that we do we need our roads better and I have y'all laugh at me but I have half of this County I still want 50% of the paving and the fact of it is I have more of those bad roads in my area than than others do but also I realize that Mr ariser and Lisa and Jack are they have the same issues and we would equally share in those Paving throughout the year that's upcoming and that even includes roads that are partially paved to them all being paved with this new system so that's my thoughts anyone else all right well we're at a 12:00 time this is this is a little bit more important conversation in my opinion than the lunchtime meeting uh thank you chair oakle yeah I'm preliminarily I'm happy to land between the 0 4 and the 0.12 area as the day day goes on a point of clarification with private roads if you're not in a CDD and you live on a private road that's already paved and those folks are paying into it would the is would the county still be able to have those I guess County Attorney question uh a a contract with the folks that live there to maintain their Road since they're paying for it or would that just strictly be with the cdds this a couple of questions and I couldn't answer answer the question so say you own a road it's a private road uh say minor Ral subdivision so to speak and it's paved down and they're paying into the system they're not a a formal CDD how we discussed if a CDD for example could if their bonds are paid off off they could theoretically you know gate their Community because there's no longer a benefit to the public since the Bond's paid or potentially come into an agreement with the county and have a contract and maybe turn over that road for maintenance to the county would that same principle happen in for all private roads or just formal governing bodies like cdds so I don't believe you can expend public funds on private roads um what we had talked about in the past was that a CDD being a governmental entity could enter into an interlocal agreement with the county to take over the roads if both sides agreed to that that didn't they would still be public roads whether they were in the CDD or would not be in the CDD um the folks who live on private roads are paying into the mstu because it is not ju this mstu covers roads that are not just those private access roads but are roads that they would utilize outside their development right okay that's my thought thank the clar you're saying listening to our citizens one of the things that we are hearing loudly um is about sidewalks and um kids having a safe way to get to school and I'm I'm with you guys you know I I'm somewhere in the middle as well um between the 19.4 um I don't know if I'm comfortable around six maybe six to eight um but somewhere in there so we could help get that problem resolved as well um because some of that money will go towards sidewalks so um Mr chairman didn't we take the money for arterials and collectors and added into this pile so it's 6 M million a year I can't imagine imagine you Paving anything more than arterials and collectors yeah yeah Public Works has a lane mile I believe the original plan was somewhere around 140 Lane miles of road which would be a mixture of local roads arterials and collectors our current program I Branford is what 3 to five million annually on there won't be anything left for local Road for local roads so anything anything close to there would mean that we probably would not touch local roads what we would do is uh you know Public Works has a plan to spend a majority of the funds in terms of Rejuvenation so rejuvenating roads is much less expensive and that that's similar to changing the oil on your car right so it's it's cheaper preventative maintenance however there are still a number of Roads uh that you see that require Mill and overlays uh we just approved micros surfacing contracts which again they're they're all progressively more expensive so as I mentioned before you have a$2 billion issue when it comes to roads and road paving estimated in in the county uh to maintain them uh the level of funding will simply dictate how fast we get to them can um Mr chairman yes we do have a 12:00 time certain I agree this is all important discussion um but we can continue this discussion later on in our meeting this afternoon I I'd like to uh make a motion that we can we recess and start the 12:00 meeting we have a lot of Industry partners that are here and people online watching so we need to really get moving Mr chair I'd like to get like one sentence in yes all right thank you um and as we l talking about doing the roads better I think that spray J technology I want to make sure that we do have a line item coming up for that which I know staff can work on that so the roads last longer and go better right uh as far as the schools and the and sidewalks of safety I'm going to make my priorities coming up uh some some as far as doing those joint projects with the school board so when we go to we go be together and I think if we took one year to focus on that it would be phenomenal um I do think Mr starky you're right we've got to be and commissioner Oakley as well we've got to be up higher in that middle category to do something because part of it's going to be paying off some of the difference to help with that as well as I suggested I think at the last board meeting uh I went to Regency Park Library yesterday uh went through it just to kind of get the feel what the improvements were I think we can do a lot better than the 12 million I I would be happy to take 6 million of that project and put it right into the roads as well because I think if we show people that getting these roads done it's going to be a lot easier for the future for down the road right understand thank you yeah and just so you know that I know we're stepping stepping into a lot of things coming forward and we are taking care of some sidewalks where there's there's been some gaps and we're taking care of that in our in our process going forward so just one other yes last thing is that we also have to remember with our road conditions that our First Responders can get to our all right so we'll adjourn this meeting and I think you just need to recess it recesses oh excuse me and if we have maybe about five minutes to help them get prepped that'll be great okay thank you so we'll do that and if you've if you're on a list or been received an invitation for this lunch meeting you can stay but anyone that's not it's open to the public this is a meeting of the board of County Commissioners it's open to the public you can't we don't have Lun for the other people I understand but you can't you can't exclude them okay all right recess that's what it read I know but I went through this you want a Sunshine Law violation what's that you want a Sunshine Law violation you can't exclude people chambers that was my dire I'm R I'm a so I I was I had this discussion that that they said it had come from you when I when I took it off the okay sorry I mean when we we redid the agenda age ARG e pop out and pop back in that's a troublemaker right sorry I tried we got got to get on the mic and every get get I mean they should have told them to grab their lunch Commissioners grab your lunch and come back in we're on a time time we got minimal time here if it's 20 million I'm not going to vote for it what go to 6 million 6 million you can't do anything I W not you won't have any money to pay 6 million want million what yeah and then what then what you pay and then nothing not even colle material he told me he took that money out of and putting it into that that mstu so he'd have to put it back into the the other what's you going to cut to put that back in that's your problem I'll try and articulate that as best I can Ron Ron did you get your lunch did you get your lunch yeah I don't mind if that's e e e e David you ready to start yeah I'm ready to start I'm ready to start start I don't know where the other board sure everyone knows they can get a lunch well if they were on my list they can if they wer on the list they can't okay times of essence though good morning uh or or good afternoon David Engel yeah Planning Development and economic growth director I am very happy today to introduce Joe MOSI he's the principal of urban 3 Urban 3 is a advanced urban planning consultancy and what they do is they actually use our data and using a proprietary model they three-dimensionally map the land use implications to our financial he so I'm going to turn it over to Joe now and I think you'll find the presentation provocative and informative thank you all right thank you welcome thank you um um I'm from Asheville North Carolina I don't know if y'all have been to Asheville um I got a daughter in um Flat Rock oh sweet H Asheville all right did you go to Asheville when it looked like this this is Asheville from the 1990s Asheville was the second largest city in North Carolina and it fell flat on its face in the 1920s and we essentially boarded it up um this is a shot of Asheville from 1996 um and our attitude was we weren't a city we're rural mountain people we don't care about what what our downtown is this isn't who what we want is a community I ended up working for this real estate developer his name is Julian price um if you visited Asheville and um gone to some of our restaurants or or uh entertainment venues we're responsible for a lot of those so we were doing is putting 25% of his wealth into starting businesses and 75% into starting business uh build fixing buildings and it was real simple stuff this was the old Asheville heart hotel that we converted into apartment also started the Met props bookstore in in the basement of it what we were doing was essentially understanding how cities are operating but trying to explain these to folks what does it matter for you what does it matter for everybody behind me what you do here in your community what does it matter for you all when you make budget decisions you just had a a great conversation about that and a lot of things are linked to what we ask for as a community and what we have to pay for very similar for Real Estate development and I raise that question to you because we're 25 billion $25 million real estate development company in the city of Asheville so what does that mean to the citizens and if you look up the word incorporate in the Oxford American dictionary it says to constitute a company a city or other organization is a legal Corporation so by law um for the City attorney um the the city is incorporated Pasco County is incorporated the state of Florida is incorporated and in fact um when Joe Biden was vice president he said this on the Steven Cole Bear show the United States is the largest corporation in the world this is the way the American system of government operates it's essentially a corporate government a social Corporation if you will it has to have a cash flow so in my city at 14 billion dollars that's the taxable value of Asheville is seven times the value of Ted Turner does Ted Turner just look at Facebook and make decisions does Ted Turner just listen to some random complaints and make a decision of course not he's taking that feedback but he's also looking at the data on what he can afford as a business right this is business and how you operate your community so my city the state I don't know if you know this the state made it illegal for my city to Annex land so those acres are all that we have we're the only city in the state of North Carolina that can't Annex Land by the way uh thank you state of North Carolina um but that's how our state operates so those those widgets those components of dirt are essentially all that we have and we should look at it like a product uh when when you talk to Farmers Farmers all talk in agricultural terms about economics of Agriculture so what's the crop yield per acre the labor per acre the water per acre stuff like that so this is a build that we rehabbed um thank you city of Asheville for the street Tre the the the street Furniture um somebody actually accused us of being subsidized because the city he did the streetcape project and we're like all right fair enough we didn't pay for that right the garbage can the bike rack two benches in the street tree we put in retail at the ground floor office at the second floor and residential above that so we took the taxable value from 300,000 to 11 million so what the community got was 3,500 what's that can you say that again just that sentence again which which one but we are we we put in retail office and residential and took the taxable value from 300,000 to 11 million that represents 3,500 more taxes on that property that entity was there that crop was there we just fixed it right and in fixing it we pay more taxes so go out and buy 3, 500% more garbage cans we don't care and again this bias that people have about what Revenue generation is and where it comes from people would say to me well Joe that's $11 million we've got this Walmart that's 20 million fair enough that's double the value right if you just look at that number that's double the value but we didn't realize that it took 34 Acres of our farm to make that crop happen versus 0 2 Acres of our building so it's really apples and oranges if you're taking the gross value right so per acre Apples to Apples we're producing 100 times more property taxes double the sales taxes a lot more residents obviously and more jobs well what I found in doing this math is that a lot of people take biases toward the math and they look at gross numbers without doing a comparative analytic to see Apples to Apples do you all get that this is just if you stack them up side by side which would you rather do so you're getting more jobs more residents more revenue and less land I want you to realize this isn't scary math here this is basic uh Middle School uh math matics so think of it this way if if I were to say we've got these cars here and and I own this Ford pickup truck that gets 650 miles per tank what would be your reaction if I said it get 650 mil per tank you know that sounds weird right we just say oh Joe all tanks are different sizes we don't do tanks we do gallons and you say miles per gallon the numbers just changed and we should all be driving BMW ASAS sorry to the Prius people but BMWs are more uh it's also a little bit more dangerous if you have a head-on on that thing you're pretty much dead but um you know it's the numbers show it's 70 m per gallon that's more efficient so we do this for a $3 commodity we should do this for a million dollar commodity right understand what you've got and by the way Pasco County can't Annex the next County over that land is all you've got so we've done this all across the country 41 different states Canada Australia New Zealand and when you stack up the numbers this is what you see for every dollar of single family tax somebody out in the county is paying to the county their brother or sister in the prime city is paying about five times that to the same county here's the Walmart there's the mall this is a two-story building a three-story building and a six-story building so I'm not showing anything that's in the high-rise code here this is all below high-rise but it shows you as you stack your stories and as you mix your uses you build potency in your community or another lesson here is our great grandparents used to build this stuff because it made economic sense we've sort of gotten away from that without understanding The Economic Consequences and when I first started doing this stuff about 10 years ago people used to say to me they're like dude what's your problem why do you hate Walmart and that was the takeaway that like because I have Walmart on there everybody's got one right um is the assessor here in the room hope so he's supposed to be here okay um two is here okay well I I presented at the International Association of assessing officers conference I don't know if you all hang out with assessors on your daily basis but it was probably the squarest conference I've ever been to no offense there's a bunch of math nerds they're super awesome it makes a planning conference feel like burning man um but this guy got up at 8:30 in the morning and did this amazing presentation on how cheap Walmarts are let that wash over here for a second I mean I'm thinking this is incredibly brilliant you've got 3,000 assessors in the room and you prove you have a cheap building assessors are agnostic if it's low value it's low value it's not their fault this is how the system operates right so I thought that was smart now as a former staff from a government when I was a zonian administrator in West p and Beach I was sort of having a coronary because I was like how is this guy getting away with it like he's basically saying I'm going to pay the lowest taxes in your community and you're going to be okay with it right so I went up to the microphone and I asked him I said Mr trell what's the useful life of one of your buildings and he goes 15 20 years we designed the building to depreciate it as fast as possible we'll pay as little taxes as possible on the way out we'll build another building to depreciate again we start that cycle over again don't hate the player hate the game but you better understand the game if you're going to play it right so is that good for you for your corporation is a 20-year commitment good for you make sure you're balancing that out and if it is great but a 20-year commitment is a life cycle of a cat we at least mourn the passing of a cat this is a joke it's okay to laugh I'm a dog guy I I'm I'm making this point because you have to think of the longevity of your corporation so if you can't see what's going on in your corporation if you can't see the money that's leaking out of your bucket you don't know what to fix it or how to fix it um you know I I was talking with your planning department there's a presentation I did last year where I talk about can you see finance and I made a joke about how to see things um and I don't know if you know this about puffins but they how do you ever ask how do puffins find sardines um puffins find sardines because they they can smell farts um and what puffins do is they're going after the sardines and what the sardines are doing they're eating Krill the Krill are eating phytoplankton and when Krill phyto plank in they off gas or fart um and so a scientist figured out well I can M I can map this right so this is the map of the ocean on the left and on the right is when the phytoplank and are off gassing you can see with the map what's going on right that's what the puffins see right they can visualize that off gassing and that's when they show up and go after the sardines so our attitude as a company is if I can do that in science can we scientifically map and model your community to see what's going on the reason why I did this is back in my community I've got two voters out in the county for every one voter in the city and back in 2010 when our when our state stepped in and attacked our city they actually took our water system away they took our airport away they threatened to liquidate our Charter um but probably the most insulting thing was when our state representative called my city assess pool of sin and you know I'm on the Downtown Association board and we're like really you know play your politics but are you really going to do that with our community so this is my County 450 square miles I've got non- taxable out here this is Mount Mitchell this is Mount pisos they don't pay me taxes I don't care about it right just to be crude I've got green is low value purple is high value so up here in in a big IV you can see it's green it's low value but you look at this big purple splot right there that's the builtmore estate the builtmore estate that one house is worth $100 million youall have $100 million house in this town no of course not and when the cesil show up at our community we all genuflect and thank them for their money but a $100 million house is really an unfair way of looking at it because it's an 8,000 acre parcel with $ 180,000 foot house on it right 180,000 foot house that's like the biggest gas tank ever and I know that because it's the biggest house so rather than total value let's look at value per acre the map just changes and I'll show it to you in 3D can you'all tell me where downtown Asheville is it's that big Purple Mountain shooting off the map so we showed this at our at our state of the downtown of the dress to our County friends and and cousins to our city peers and we asked them we said well that's fine that we're producing wealth for your community how about a thank you card how about a box of chocolates we're more than happy to produce that wealth for our community just don't hate on us let's have better politics in our community so on on right you can also see our little cousin of Black Mountain that's a little village of 13,000 people yall can see where it's downtown is right there popping up off the map so my for my friends that live out there in Fairview who think they pay a lot of taxes they have no idea what we pay in County taxes in the downtown so it's sort of on us to communicate that and share that with everybody so that we're all in this together this community needs to survive together remember I'm a shareholder of my County so our attitude is to show this and not just talk about it visual iiz what's going on economically in your community and I would also argue that most people don't understand or they misunderstand Municipal economics you all know this when you when you deal with conversations I sat here through this meeting with folks asking for y'all to pay for their roads so here's the question does their community in their neighborhood actually cover the cost of the road that they're sitting on that's a really simple question do the math on it and see um this is by the way when I was working in Florida this is a book that I found in a garage sale this is an elementary school Florida textbook from 1959 it's called the city the town and the country so you've got the city on the right here's the town and there's the country you can see on the spine it says T this is the teachers guide this is the third grade textbook so kindergarten you learn about your house first grade the school second grade the neighborhood third grade you learn about Regional planning did y'all do that 1959 this was a class textbook here in Florida um in the book this is for the teachers section so for y'all are teachers to talk to the citizens the CH the children in the class learning about all this stuff you have to explain what's going on in the budget and how it operates I love this while patterns vary from state to state counties are usually responsible for Education Library Health welfare uh agriculture conservation Etc in studying the functions performed by your county you will no doubt find there's a duplication of services and overlapping of jurisdictions and a lack of coordination between the county and the local communities within it do youall have that problem you actually have sever several of your city peers here to be part of this you are coordinating but in most places you don't do that I remember when I was working in West Palm Beach and the county told me is we're working on downtown that they're doing work for the county not the city and as somebody that's a county taxpayer I was kind of floored that they would say they would have that attitude in Palm Beach County against the city of West Palm Beach but here's the lesson plann it's one of those Dick and Jane kind of books you can see the coloring what's going on um it's painfully white I'll say that it's also a little bit misogynistic the girls are shoved out in the hallway for some reason but you see what's going on there's a new school gets built there's even more kids that go to school so in blue right here this is what you ask your third graders give four good reasons for building a new school and your kids talk about what infrastructure we should have another desk you know Equity everybody should have a desk in the space in the room maybe get another teacher this is about how you build things right on the right hand side you read about Mr Canfield he he lived next door to the Allens he didn't want a new school he said our taxes are too high now if we build a new school we'll need more teachers and everything else we'll pay still higher taxes that is indeed true when you buy stuff it costs money right can't just have everything we want here folks so in in blue this is what you ask your third graders why would some people be against paying higher taxes third graders used to have this conversation we've gone to a place now where we've lost this ability to have a Civic understanding of how things operate we turn things into fights without understanding let's kind of have a rational discussion about this to understand what's happening and and and I think the main point in this book that was my takeaway is is this point here remember too that many children whether urban and rural and regardless of region are tragically limited their knowledge of their world and their world's largely the space in which they live and operate people will talk about their neighborhood there was a point about the um uh paying for roads uh that are outside uh City attorney made or County attorney made this made this point that you even though you're in a private road situation there's a public road system that gets you to your neighborhood there isn't some catapult that shoots you there right you have to pay for that whole system but people will only fret about their neighborhood which is fine but y'all have to think about this larger area and how it's all tied together this is how the system works so our work in Florida is experienced about um I want to say it's like 17 or 18 counties the nearest one is Hillsboro that we work on I'll go through some of these things and some of our lessons uh one of the lessons is the basics of City economics your state is different uh a little from most places so and when I say local property taxes or local Revenue I'm saying city and county combined so for Zephyr Hills or date City and Pasco the majority of your taxes come from property taxes you have a little bit of sales taxes and this blue stuff is State transfer or things like that um if you're on the right hand side of this chart like Louisiana Arkansas and Alabama you generally don't want to be there so thank your blessings in Florida property tax is more of a control system that you can actually see the land use relationship between revenue and expense when you have sales tax what happens in a recession nobody's buying a boat a TV a car so all of a sudden you can't afford your city it's really tragic to see what happens in in Arkansas and Alabama um so for Florida um you also have a couple of other weird quirks um you have a a property cap through the save our home and also the save our homes Amendment um so commercial can grow up to 10% and then it hits its ceiling residential goes to 3% or CPI which is over lower of the two quick little confessional this happened in 1992 I was living in Miami at the time I actually voted for this um I was stupid I shouldn't have done that I was a renter it didn't do anything to benefit me right because the renter is going to be paying still at that commercial rate and not I'm not a homeowner but there's a quirk to this um so commercial is growing at three times that of residential but this is a great chart from Bard County in blue this is the during the runup to the recession that's what's going on with the market value so if you're a taxpayer you're following the red down there that's your assessed value and it's kind of awesome that you're not paying what the market would bear on your house that feels good as a property owner that makes kind of a logical sense as a homeowner to be a little bit not taking the heat of a Marketplace that sounds good but what happens in the recession everything craters and then the market takes back off again but notice what happens with the recess with the assessed value it can't climb as fast as the cost of things in the marketplace so when you all have to pay pay for or ask your County Manager to pay for asphalt or concrete or a police car is it following the blue line or the red line it's following the blue line but your revenues are restricted back to the red line there's this weird perverse incentive in Florida that you actually have to add more people to be able to afford yourselves because when you cap things you put a lid on your pot for your Revenue that's the financial calculus that y'all are stuck with every state every county in the state so the CPI and 2020 in 2022 was was uh was um 7% yall remember we're talking about inflation but your revenues were capped down to 3% because there's this lid that was placed there that it couldn't follow inflation so there's good and bad that comes with policy decisions just understand the ramifications of those choices so here's what's going on with with uh with your with your cap rate it wasn't 7% it was three and meanwhile this is the cost of asphalt from fdot it's averaging 5% growth over a 10-year window if you look at just the Federal Reserve rate on on asphalt from 2021 to 2022 asphalt went up 30% so just talk to your Engineering Department and ask them what does it cost for us to to buy this stuff and make sure that when your citizens ask for New Roads and new pavement they're under they're aware of your costs are going through the roof you can't put a control on this there's no save our homes Amendment for the asphalt industry right um you also have pretty crazy stuff you have this uh agricultural tax loophole I could rent a cow and put it on my property and get a tax break on it um this is Okala Florida we went ahead and mapped their Community this is all their Agriculture and so we thought well okay if if you're renting cows and doing this in in in Okala you're essentially taking away the revenues that come in meanwhile the the city has to pay for the roads and the pipes and everything else to go buy it um but you know we thought that those three Parcels right there in the middle of their City probably not Farms you know so it's just you have to understand the financial calculus of what the state policies do to take away you have you called y'all talked about unfunded mandates there's also what your state does to take wealth away from you by its state policies and this is one of them um but one of the interesting things about this map if you look at the footprint of single family physically versus multif family versus their revenues so single family takes up 19% of the footprint of the place it produces 33% of the revenue so that's like a one and a let's call it a one and a half gain in value when you look at multif Family it takes up 3% yet produces 11% of the revenue so what you find with multifam is three times the potency of its footprint right that's the economics of that land use in its production uh from a tax standpoint this is just spatial analysis that we're doing here to show that land that you have is limited this is another joke this doesn't work for people under the age of 40 I know that but um I'm a nerd um the other thing that we find is I don't you all know about new urbanism um we did a project in Walton County Walton County has the um sort of the the archetypes of new urbanism in Rosemary Beach Al Beach and seaside um they were all designed by by DW pler zyber and you could see how they pop off like mountains here now remember this Coast all has the same Frontage it all touches the G it's all got the same water access but you see that the land use changes the economic Returns on that so in Florida you have this kind of edge condition it's not just in Walen County it's all across the whole state that's the value of of uh of of the of the water basically um but here you can see Gulf Town Place peaking out at 69 million an acre this is what you'd expect to find on a Florida coast a big condo Tower with uh with all the amenities at 85 million and and then this little three-story building in in uh in Alis Beach is 158 million an acre now I wouldn't pay that for that property but that's what somebody did pay and the value set on that property because of the context and environment that it's built in that walkability adds value um to show you three properties side by side just up between Alice Beach and Rosemary Beach there's this kind of uh halfway done place called uh called seest Beach so there it is all the same stuff all the same strip on 30A all the same opportunity for wealth creation this is averaging 8.4 million an acre to show you the value of design this is Alice Beach it now bumps up to 12.7 million an acre it's got a peak value of 158 versus 50 um and then this is Seaside at 84 and rosemary Rosemary is 100 acres and it's a and it's a $2 billion real estate development asset C there on 100 acres which is a phenomenal production at 18.2 million an acre so we just understanding the land use effect of design and placemaking um and I would argue that the reason why these three do better is because they're designed better they have a commercial core that's walkable they have a different form that produces value um so just to compare Rosemary Beach with its sister which is literally the next parcel over so 100 acres versus 100 acres uh Inlet Beach pulls an average of 7 million an acre versus Rosemary 18 um in new urbanism everybody jokes that this is okay Joe this doesn't make sense because this is just wealthy phenomenal rich people on the on the on the coast um uh but looking at at Seaside versus sandest again this is a conventional condo Resort Community versus Seaside which is a walkable Resort Community again both Resorts um and just stacking them up side by side the total value is more for Sandestin but the value per acre because it took 220 versus 70 um is 1.6 versus sorry you can do um I'm missing the slide here sorry about that let me skip ahead um you can do five Seas sides in sandest from a land area standpoint so this isn't about being rich and famous to do this I'll go away from the coast for a second to go to Nassau County um this is uh Emelia Island off the coast there's the thing called Emelia park that's in the middle of that strip there um so here's Amelia Park it's a new urbanist development 2.6 million an acre and just going literally a quarter mile away uh to the will hardy neighborhood again 87 Acres only pulling 1.5 million how you lay the land out has a direct effect on the on the value and consequences to it here they are in 3D um also in Nas County we grab some stuff in toward 95 uh a development out in kalahan Calahan is uh would be like date City for y'all it's like out pretty far away um and then an Amelia Park the the new Urban is Project here's the the Nassau nassauville stuff there's the roads it's got about6 miles of roads to it um this is the road area is a footprint um so the value per acre here is about 1.5 million the average house value is about 500,000 so so this is a more wealthy neighborhood $500,000 houses um this is a less wealthy neighborhood um it's got about A4 mile of Street and the houses here are about half that about 260 in value and then this is uh some housing in Amilia Park and the roads that it has and again all these places have roads and have value this one's 540 in value um and about 33,000 square feet of of roads here they are stacked up with each other so $460,000 houses $260,000 and $540,000 houses this is the average value per acre 4.7 million 1.7 million and 1.5 so the low wealth neighborhood is actually more productive than the high wealth neighborhood does that make sense y'all follow me there it's just look at some basic stats on your properties to see what's the economic reality of what's happening there um so for each square foot of Road in each Community the average home uh has about $6 in property value $5 in property value or $16 in property value as you lay infrastructure you should be asking the questions about the return on investment or if you're going to be subsidizing something make sure that you can afford that subsidy and and write that down um finally outside of Florida uh this is something that I thought would be very similar for what you all have to deal with with Tampa Bay um this is a community a county outside of Atlanta down it's called fyat County it's southwest of Atlanta um uh Dan Cathy the owner of Chick-fil-A uh basically built a town um so this is the 2019 model that we did here's the start of his town that he's building it's in the city of fville and fville has encouraged that growth and worked with Dan to build this plan here um so that was 2019 we went back out in 2024 and um here's the layout of the plan it's got a little Main Street here it's got some higher density houses some town houses mixed and a lot of mix of uses of single family over here so multif family Main Street across the street here is uh Marvel Studios where they do all the Avenger movies and they're doing this next phase over here this is on the right is some example of the housing stock that they're doing averaging this these little guys are averaging 9 million an acre which is kind of crazy um 13 14 million for these duplexes um town homes so just a a kind of a windshield survey of of those communities and here's the the Main Street stuff what's what's important here is it's all integrated so the rising tide raises all boats when it's all connected um so here here it was in 2019 here it is in 2024 it's shooting off the map now remember the county is yielding Revenue off this too it's not just the city that's getting this but the city's getting wealth the rising tide raises all boats if you will um here's Peach Tree Village uh one of the what was perceived as a as a valuable property is only about 900,000 versus these tow houses at 4.3 million Twisted tacos killing it at seven um and then Dan's projects peeking out at 21 million an acre so just to compare and contrast them uh fat County's total value was 15 billion back then it's now 23 billion and a great majority of that is the wealth that Dan's generating um and that new Mountain that he's building there as y all grow think of opportunities for growing new places that add wealth like this so you're not just doing this kind of like rash of development that they have over here by the highway where you're getting a lot of growth but not a lot of value density does that make sense it's a lot of horizontal infrastructure there um so Dan's Project's gone from $48 million of total value to $362 million and so he's far outpaced all of fat County in growth over that period a factor of six let's say or five um and every other typology of subd development inside the county as well even including fville the city um so this is the growth as they've gone from 2019 to 2024 and is projected once he adds this other phase he's going to be close to a billion dollars of of growth there um another stat to give yourselves is what's the footprint to financial potency this is something we do with every community so the foot print of trth um barely showed up is if it wasn't less than 1% of the County's area but it produced 3 call 310 of a percent of value that's a one:1 ratio of physical footprint to financial footprint they've grown that to 1 to six a typical downtown you want it to be a 1 to six ratio of physical footprint to financial footprint for the city um and then this is where they're headed now this is for the entire Village is going to be a 1 to 14 this is phenomenally productive for the community and the countyy is going to benefit too because the County's not in there building the streets or Paving the sidewalks for trth that's all being handled by the city of fville and and Dan's development so just to compare it we're just like let's grab Peach Tree City since everybody thinks it's awesome it's 8.2 billion in total value you can do this many Peach uh trillis um about 26 trillis in there on that same footprint and if they did I know this is kind of just sort of a joke cartoon but we just want to stretch people's minds these are choices that you have and you develop your community they could have had 12.8 billion on that same land use and this isn't to say that everybody should go live in that Village or everybody should live in a townhouse but you have to provide that opportunity in your community and the market is there to do that um oh by the way in when in even with this um we included the 3,600 Acres of parks that trth has the 7,000 Acres of Studio space think of the employment numbers there now you can't have 7,000 Acres of of Marvel Studios but just again as exercise he's got jobs there too that's this low green pad right there so the story here is build more towns Dan loved this joke by the way um let me kind of skip ahead here um back to back to Florida examples I I did a a presentation about this this is Gainesville and one of the things that Gainesville is done as a diagram or should say alacha county is you can tell start to see where they're they're they're Shifting the control of land where they're trying to keep agricultural preserve areas as well as open space Preserves on the east side of of Gainesville is heavily um restricted because of the wetlands and on the West Side they're trying to keep control of having an agricultural belt around the City now the city has Spilled Out a little bit over here into some sprawl but there they have this kind of like satellites of villages around the main star of of Gainesville um this is maybe something to think about as you look at your county RIT large what are the towns and villages on what are their shapes if you look at uh mopy mop mopy I can never pronounce mopi um or Hawthorne you can see their little main streets popping up so inside of those communities they should have their own shape the shape of Gainesville is probably a good example you have downtown and they've basically grown their downtown to the university here's Florida here's the University of Florida that's the only fraternity that was kicked off campus right there they should perhaps do more of them um but it's a joke this is their economic generator and they're growing to it and also using that opportunity to grow their own wealth which actually subsidizes their neighborhoods on the North that are low wealth generation and that's just the reality of how they operate South Florida we all know what that looks like um I went to school at University of Miami it's changed a lot since I've lived there but you can see pretty much what you'd expect a lot of value on the water and then it just flattens out like a shag carpet and just spreads out and wastes all that land um Broward County could have learned from Dade County and they put their faces flat in the sand when I was when I was going to school in the 80s and look what they got same damn model all Coastal value nothing going on back there past 95 what's phenomenal to me is there are 24 cities west of I95 can you see where any of them start or end no um this is the Paradigm of Florida development which is we'll just draw a line and we got green stuff on one side and people on yards on the other this does not work when you add it all up if from a long-term model standpoint it may work from a like a sugar high where it's an immediate return but this is how you build sprawl and and stuff that basically just doesn't work from a transportation standpoint um it also doesn't work from an open space and a nature standpoint um on the left is uh Dade County and on the right is um uh Broward County just as a comparison here's Coral Gables um and Coral Gables is 50,000 people it's got a density of 4,000 people per square mile so that's just some stats on Coral Gables this is Davey uh Florida which is in Broward County did y'all know Davey is bigger than Coral Gables by two it's 110,000 people and it's almost as dense or actually yeah it's almost as dense as as Coral Gables just looking at those stats was mind-blowing to me I would have never thought Davey was bigger and denser and as dense as Coral Gables but look at the economic model where's downtown Davy in that model where's the purple spikes where's the red stuff it's got It's built no economic potency so they've done all that development they've got no Revenue to pay for that long-term effect um even worse just across 395 or 595 this is Plantation Plantation is 92,000 people and it's actually way more dense than Coral Gables at 4,000 people per square mile and again ask yourself the question look at those models where's downtown Plantation in that model so the shape of the city financially you can see it in the models you can tell where downtown Coral Gables is compared to what's going on in this kind of conventional sprawl here so this is how Coral Gables laid itself out back when they were orange groves in the 1920s you can see the grid you can see the pattern you can also tell where they're starting to build their downtown over here and this is what Plantation looks like if you're not asking questions of development patterns that developers will build what they think is is right for the community they're not going to build what you need for long-term effects so another example this is this is my downtown of Asheville side by side with pompo Beach's downtown yall don't have to have a master's degree in Urban Design to tell the difference in the architecture of these two places look what we've built in the 1920s versus what pompo beach built post World War II and they're actually bigger than us at 112,000 people versus Asheville at 95,000 and they're double our density would you have thought pompo Beach Florida is double the density of Asheville it is or one and a half times let's say so this is a lesson that I have for all Florida communities learn learn from South Florida I wouldn't say you know South Florida is full of a lot of bad examples of what not to do in your community but if you don't set up policy to avoid that stuff what makes you any different um and the reason why I bring this lesson forward to you is um let me kind of Jump Ahead here we did Hillsboro and it's kind of comical that on the west coast they're like well we're just not them I I did a project in Coler County and I said to them I'm like y'all look like Broward County in 1980 and they were offended and I was like no you are like get in a bus don't listen to me just get in a bus go drive over to Broward County and talk to their County Commissioners but how is this any different this is this is Coler County look at all that development out there this is this this whole rash out here is called Golden Gate Estates that stuff will never pay for the amount of infr structure that's out there you know and it's this stuff is just barely more productive than Farms now an ear of corn or a strawberry doesn't call the police a neighborhood does so once you build th those subdivisions you're going to get all of the services that are commure with that development there's an expectation from a community that you will provide services but can they afford it uh this is Hillsboro County so this is Tampa we're doing a project down in wama which is down here and working with the county about what to do with the exurbs um the most potent building is the Bank of America building the most potent building in Plant City is crazy cup killing it at 24 million an acre I I thought that was hilarious a two-story building is crushing it and it is there it is popping up um and then wama is trying to build its downtown so looking from the West Eastward to wama Brandon and Plant City these are just the economic productivities of these places now again wama is mostly AG culture they're trying to thicken up in here um plant city is a more of a traditional City you can tell where its downtown is versus its suburbs look at what happened in Brandon Brandon developed 88,000 people out there as a census tract and is still not a town it's not a city it's not a place it's 88,000 people this is almost as big as Asheville uh plant city is half the size at 40,000 you can tell where it's downtown is so this is a lesson that Hillsboro County didn't do they didn't work with Brandon to build up its places the most potent building in Brandon is the extra space storage place at 6 million and a town house in why mama is the most potent but why mama is trying to change their their trajectory if we think of the profile that you see a horizontal part of a city and you see a mountain that pops up that you should have in any Community as you're downtown or core um what if Brandon had a core what would it need to get to uh versus why mama and just there's what why mama needs to get get here's what Brandon should have um from a from a core standpoint so they way underperformed um in their development pattern um from somebody that worked in real estate development if you don't ask me to do something or if you don't provide a financial incentive for me to do something I'm going to find the financial incentives to take advantage of my wealth and may take advantage of take away from your wealth does that make sense I'll underd develop and then leave you with the bill for all the roads and streets and it's again don't hate the player hate the game this is the game that I have to perform as a real estate developer um so finally one last example is Okala um you have all of this development going on it was kind of wild to just drive around Maran County and just see all these horse farms flip to subdivisions and it was like they're trying to do work in Okala but they're basically competing against Okala with all these subdivisions so you have all this new stuff rashing around this is part of the villages down here um but what was crazy to me is they kept on saying they're the land area of Rhode Island and they only had have 1 2 3 four five towns inside their area here's Maran County here's Rhode Island at the same scale could you imagine going they're about half the population of Rhode Island um and they only have five cities in towns Rhode Island has four like 40 cities in towns we we tend to allow growth in Florida without ever thinking about what we're building you you have you have census tracks that are bigger than your biggest city in your in your county so does that census tract um Land of Lakes 32,000 people um Zephyr Hills is only 17,000 does Lando Lakes have the ingredients to make Place does it have its own community centers and Commercial areas where people can walk does it have neighborhood restaurants are you doing this stuff and learning from Zephyr Hills or um NPR that you can translate those same ingredients into those places and that's a conversation to have that they should be having there as well so what's going on now is there's all this rash going on out here and this is the best that it's ever going to do is when it's new and then it's going to get calcified into that long-term reduction once the save our homes and everything else starts to kick in once people's portability starts coming over to Okala they're going to start to suffer um that's the revenue side I'm going to close with some um cost side we did work in Springfield Missouri this is one of their local billionaires his name is Jack Stack he wrote a great book called the great game of business he's super awesome and I love this quote this is what he says about private business a business should be run like an aquarium where everybody can see what's going on what's going in what's moving around and what's coming out government should be the same way transparently we need to see what's going on so this is the revenue in Missouri this is again a high sales tax place so the community has run mostly off sales tax a little bit of property tax so we stack the property tax on top of the sales tax this is the Bass Pro Shops World Headquarters right there killing it from a sales tax standpoint and there's its property tax but check out their downtown doing way better they actually have a second downtown so both their downtowns are crushing the Bass Pro Shops let the data tell you what's going on in your community so here's the revenue stack of stacking it all up this is the revenue side we did their costing model um just a is the finance officer in here one of little quirks in finance they they may be watching online but they're not sitting in here because he he knows okay um Finance officers by their Municipal standards list roads as and pipes as assets when I talk with Finance officers I show them my computer I've got a van at my office or my office itself those are assets to my business the building the van and the computer I can sell you the building the van and the computer can Pasco County pick up its roads in sellon Hillsboro no that's a liability it's not an asset right you should look at it financially differently so when we look at people's roads what we're doing is we're looking at when they went down so these are all the roads in um uh Springfield Missouri and look at all the roads they built in 1970s well guess what those have a useful life they have a life of about 50 years every 10 years or so you're going to be doing reming any kind of resurfacing there's new technologies that come in but generally you're going to have to fix that road in a big scale 50 years out um so that's when the the first rebuild comes due so this is what you have have to look forward to in the future um this is the this is the second wave and this is the third wave and they're sitting right here right now we're not adding any more roads to their system we're like this is what you're dealing with this this future wave is going to be a problem roads last forever you know their their liability is forever they don't last forever so this is the road liability and pipes uh government expenses basically their General physical plant shoved into the ground and the revenue sitting on top of it if you turn it sideways like it's a boat floating in the lake this is the revenue coming out of the ground and this is the cost for that neighborhood or that area um so if you net in any business you're going to do this they've got $446 million of Revenue against 497 million of cost right there that's telling you they're upside down financially that's a deficit so this is their net position with their net deficit so you're going to have some winners some stuff that's producing and they have a thin layer of subsidy across the bottom of the model this is the top view of the model so again when you have a in their case a model that's built off of sales tax it's going to be the sales tax stuff that's going to float the whole city So 20% of the of the land use is covering 80% of the subsidy this is the bottom view of the model um and again this we have these same models for property tax based places uh we did one for for why Mama um it's just as you stretch people out it becomes more expensive um and this is I call it the Brady Bunch slide but basically residential low density medium density high density mixed use or commercial and mixed use low density medium density to high density and and these are the the net sticker prices of each of those so because residential is so low taxed in their Community it's subsidized the most because it's just not selling anything um on the flip side it gets cheaper with the density that goes up because you just get less infrastructure when you do this for property tax places is the same thing we always see that top row as a negative um I want you to realize this isn't rocket science that we're doing here this is just academic not even academic it's just basic math principles but we're up against politics we're up against people that say well Joe that's great I want low density you know just most of us have grown up in single family houses most of us live in single family houses we were we were sold something that we thought works and no one did the math on it and it's tantamount to me saying I I want to be six foot tall and have a full head of hair I think you all should pay for it you know it's like you can't afford it not when you do it at scale so there's old math actually goes back to did you all know the Nixon Administration published on all of this stuff so this was discovered in the 1960s and the Nixon Administration true conservative said you know what we're just going to give people the damn math and they produced this document called the cost of sprawl in 1973 it's a six volume series on all the economics of this we're just doing it with new technology so let me just jump ahead I know we're at time are we we're at 47 minutes do you want me to keep going um David are we at time did we go to 130 or well you still have you still have another 10 minutes and then let me just show you something um we find weird stuff in the system this is uh this is Cheyenne Wyoming this is just land value prer there's no buildings in this picture so just land value perak or how it's valued if you look up here in the upper left this is how you'd expect the world to operate everybody's dirt is the same value um but we do these because we want to see what's going on over here this is telling us either the assessor made a mistake there's bad math in the cam model somebody had a bad day I don't know but that that shouldn't be that discolored but when I was presenting I said what's going on here where this is $155,000 an acre under the dirt under the mall and when you cross the street in the same zoning District it doubles to 40,000 and I'm standing in the room it's like 8:00 in the morning we're in the library and the assessor raises her hand and just yells out she goes you don't understand and I'm like what am I what am I missing here and she goes well they have more land the more land you have the less the less people that can afford a large attractive land so we have to give it a discount because there's less people in the market that can afford that I'm sorry that was the mayor's that was the mayor's reaction the mayor starts laughing and I'm like wait hold on a second if it's bigger I get it it's cheaper for me like does that work that way with other limited Commodities if I get a bigger diamond is it cheaper and she goes well no that's our standard oh Lord I'm like where did the standard come from she goes I don't know I'm like well what about this Fell's got three miles of streets around the property versus this Fell's only got 200 feet she goes we don't count the infrastructure is part of the valuation that's not our standard and it just kind of dawned on me like why would you build an economic system without like when Apple sold me this phone it I had to pay for the metal the glass I knew that I was paying for it why would we set up a government system that had this kind of Disconnect just seems kind of weird to me so the reason why I was at the assessor conference was to ask them by the way their magazine is called fair and Equitable and I asked them how is it fair and how is it Equitable to have this system in place to their credit they're like it's not I'm like where did this standard come from did did Moses deliver this to you like is this is this how it came to you and they by the way this joke killed them at the assessors conference and I'm not making this up they said you need to find Larry Larry would know so I track down Larry and and I'm walking him through all this stuff and he goes well you know it's probably has something to do with agricultural purposes but now that you point this out it's doesn't make any sense it's not fair and Equitable it's just going to take a while to get through the system but we probably need to change it oh how many conversations have you all had without understanding this kind of conveyor belt that you're on that's making economic decisions for you so we don't know how the sticker gun is working we don't know how pricing is going and I'm going to close with this example in Asheville so okay I'm going to flip from a consultant to a taxpayer now my city and my County adopted reparations I knew they weren't going to do anything about it so I volunteered my company and they did a Victory lap in newspapers about how awesome they were which is cool but I want to do the numbers to help my County understand this we had a history of red lining I don't know if youall know what red lining is but redlining was a standard that was put in place by the FDR Administration the the American Housing Act changing mortgages from seven years seven-year mortgages to to 30-year mortgages the federal government made us all single family house house owners because they were trying to change the depression that's how it all happened but they made us all adopt maps that were based on four colors green is good blue is okay yellow is declining red is hazardous you were deemed hazardous by uh mostly ethn ethnicity um your infiltration of immigrants and in the 1930s those were Italians so watch out I could take your real estate down watch out for me or uh if they you also had to measure your negro population now as an Italian I can change my name I could also pass is a white person a black person can't change their skin so you find black neighborhoods calcified from 1934 to 1968 when this was finally deemed unconstitutional and that affects communities is that a that's a loan a loone risk map it was a it was a the homeowners loan corporation it was basically a risk map um and what it did is you were you had protected loans if you were in the green neighborhoods but you didn't have protected loans if so folks in black neighborhoods could still get loans but it's usually through a predatory system um often times you would find that if they missed a payment the Creditor would take the bank the their their house away this is why you see a lot of um uh um vacancy in in black neighborhoods and communities um y'all didn't have a map here because you didn't have enough people uh but Tampa had one um there's you know they were used in other methods so our query was is this also baked into our our tax assessment system so here's a map of race in my County um if you zoom into my city there's this big old hole right here that's the builtmore estate um and what a lot of people don't realize about the Vanderbilts is they built a big subdivision called builtmore Forest it's still 99% white and across the street is the city of Asheville and that's a neighborhood called Shiloh uh my friend Reggie uh lives in Shiloh and the time we did the analysis I mean sometimes you can't make this stuff up Sydney Powell lived in builtmore Forest so thank you Sydney we grabbed her house um here's Reggie's house and here's Sydney's house so looking at the land value per acre this seems reasonable her dirt is worth more than his dirt right when you look at the building however his house is worth more than hers and I sat down with my assessor and I said look walk me through this I'm trained as an architect how the hell is his house worth more just look at the pictures and he had all his biases came out he like well she's got more square footage I'm like oh houses are like toilet paper the bigger the house the cheaper you get come on now um that means he's paying more County taxes per acre but here's the kicker we do reassessments every four years so from one assessment to the next his house is doubled in value past hers and on her property card she's renovated and he hasn't so what's happening here just just talk with me through that talk me through this um at the time we were doing the analysis the New York Times published uh this oped piece covering a University of Chicago report where Chris Barry was seeing the same Trend across cities all across the country um and basically I call us a J curve the lower the value the higher your assessment the higher the value the lower your assessment um so your state law says you should be uniform in taxation right so everybody's charged the same military but if you bend the assessment it's going to change how we're paying taxes right so here's how that works this is a house the computer cam model assessed this house at 190,000 191 it sold in the marketplace for 150,000 so that was overvalued by a factor of 27% that's called an over assessment in a sales ratio so the computer can't get it all right um that's what that one did here's one where the computer got it pretty pretty close so that's a one ratio and then here's one where the computer was off wow by 50% okay so you've got what you see here is over accurate and under assessed so let's take the whole housing stock of my County stretch it from end to end break it into 10% buckets and this is called a longitudinal analysis which is you're looking at it all together in buckets and saying what's the average screw up in each bucket it should be average it should be the same across the model what's going on in my county is this so because they adopted reparations what we said in my county is like look you're over taxing the bottom 40% to the tune of a million dollar in overcharge and undercharging the top 60% which is which I am part of 6 million so that means the average sub the average reparations fund should be about 7 million bucks let's move forward on that our law says that the true value of a property should be what someone was pay for it and what somebody would buy it for right so here's a house in uh one of those black neighborhoods on the South Side this is what is assessed at here's what it's sold for so be it not for this transaction this individual is paying 16% more for their government right they corrected it with a general partial review down to 100 that's fair here's another one now the general partial review is the human goes in and corrects things okay these seem to check out with the state law to go to a higher wealth neighborhood we have to change scales here's what it's sold for here's what the computer assessed at so I sat down with my assessor and I said Mr Miller if my child brings home a test score of 50 on a test I kind of want to know what went wrong so could you show me how your computer model is this far off now as a taxpayer this is why I don't necessarily trust the process because with the test score we all see it right there this is what they reassessed it at and if you think this is a just cherry picking here's another one my my this last one's my favorite the the moral courage to bring it up one whole percentage Point boy that's awesome um so there's five people on on the left supporting the subsidy of one house on the side of a mountain um on the right and again let's just be aware of that subsidy let's talk about that is that what we intend in our community is this what we want to happen and we said to him we said look use use ezri software we use it this is it we ask the computer show me land change in one year and this one property pops up that person is being absolutely screwed fix it you know let the model show you where your math is wrong you know don't leave it up to the property owner to figure this out zooming into my neighborhood notice what's going on in my neighborhood and we asked the assessor we're like what's going on right here and he goes well that's a different tax Neighborhood code I said so inside my neighborhood there's different neighborhoods and he's like yeah and I said who drew that map he's like I don't know this is something that's just been in the machine going so I'll show you the difference here um two properties side by side the dirt under that house went up 3 36% across the property line it only went up two 100% how's that happening and again it's I'll tell you as a city planner uh monford Avenue is where the street car ran in the 1920s that's where all the rich white people lived on the street car their help lived a couple blocks away so that Legacy effect of how we treat folks from the redlining standpoint rhymes with how our assessment process works so back to Reggie's neighborhood notice how everything's level that's called gentrification it's not my fault you know it's your fault you moved in that neighborhood and you set the new value so therefore everything's that value right that's that's what that's what I was told about that neighborhood gentrification happens there cool when you cross the street and go to the richest neighborhood in my state why was there two transactions and it didn't affect the rest of it I don't know uh this this house right here is 22 Acres on the Blue Ridge Parkway it's 16,500 ft house designed by Addison Meisner uh 2021 2011 the house value was 4 million bucks 10 years later the house has lost a quarter of its value how is the wealthiest neighborhood in my state losing value um I joked that we should start an urban renewal program for the Chads and Cassies of the world they really need our help um this is the definition of blight right it's losing value that's a joke um it's also way undervalued this is about $25 million property so just testing built more Forest uh about 55% of the house are losing value for a net loss of 40 million bucks so there's a transference that's happening right if if the value is dropping that means we're losing tax dollars we're losing $4.4 million from that one neighborhood which could pay for 111 School teachers so don't come back to me and ask me for a tax millage rate raise to pay for teachers when we're losing the money um so they're losing 4 million bucks and we're overcharging Shiloh 1.5 million I just want to put that out there because there's matters of equity and questions we're not asking that we're playing this kind of kubuki act on how we talk about communities but not understanding the full Financial effects and I pulled the uh the report on on y'all by way I call this reverse Robin Hood um basically taking from the the poor to subsidize the wealthy um and for Pasco County this is your rep report from now again this is 2022 data um but this should be a straight line and basically your bottom desile your bottom your poorest 10% are overpaying about 230 bucks while your wealthiest 10% are underpaying about 11,000 according to that report now this is maybe I wouldn't say this is confirmation of a bias but this is just maybe a place to start and ask the questions um to see what's happening in your system to become more literate about your about your assessment process um so to close there's new technology there's ways to look at this stuff but we tend to practice government like a like an old rotary dial cell phone or why I said cell uh rotary phone some people some people don't know what these look like right but this is how the world operates now you know so there's there's Technologies at play to do this um there's ways that you can you can we can do this math um going forward so thanks for letting me do some math with you that's it thank you so much I think I need another class or a drink or a drink right so now's the time that we can ask him questions I believe right um go ahead well you know we we're 90 what 95% Incorporated so I really wanted all our cities to be here I see Richie is here I don't know what other city is representing well the Debbie's not here but she's sent her economic yeah and what about zephra hills and dat City over there so to me it just one shows the importance of helping our SI cities to grow that adds value to all of us and and how do we I've always said where is downtown Land of Lakes you know and and I'm I'm always talking about walkability and and density and I just think the number you know the numbers here show how important that your development patterns are and I think we have a lot of work to do there is um one of it's and it's you're not the only place struggling with this challenge um and I think what happens is once you change the window of time and cities do this because they've been around they they' kind of have suffered through good and bad Cycles so they're a little bit more literate I wouldn't say they're the still the best it understanding that pipes do break roads need to be replaced because of the legacy of what was left to them in the 1920s or whatever so it's a it's that 50-year window that you have to get past and unfortunately for a lot of American cities we've only been growing on fire post World War II so we've laid down a pattern without understanding the long-term consequences and if you read any literature from the 1950s no was thinking of this long term it was just like we're going to do something different and we did it we did a great job but we didn't think through what's now being left to us and our kids and our grandkids um so we're the we're the the children or grandchildren of that wave of development without understanding the long-term consequences but cities because they've been and if you go to the Northeast they've been along even more so they're making more advanced calls this if you looked on that map we we we do very little work in the Northeast because a lot of times people are like yeah we we get it we're already working with our financial system and it's think of us like adults when we were 20 did we ever look at the fat content on a pizza no I was eating pizza every day now if I eat pizza every day I'll have a heart attack you I wouldn't make it out of this room I never checked the fat content yeah I've never checked that either I have but I don't eat pizza every day I have to because my family's got a history of heart disease but I know that more as I get older you know than than as a 20-year-old so it's just a matter of thinking of your place and time Mr chairman yes so you had a map up there I think was Peach Tree City is that the one outside of Georgia Peace Tree City is yeah Southwest outside outside Atlanta like Atlanta Lilith what say the one with Lilith comparing it to Lilith TR trth I'm sorry so I've been in pet Tree City and that Community was it looks rural all the way around but they've got a golf cart community that connects like every cult got a go golf cart path running through it you can actually take it from any one of those places and go to the downtown area to go through um so to say it's not welldeveloped it's high-end residential development tremendous demographics uh no crime great place to live my daughter Lauren said years ago she's I'm going to live here Dad because I want to be able to take my golf cart and go to Dairy Queen uh what we did so you know I I I I hear what you're saying as far as the property values maybe some generation but when you look at the demographic that change from going that high density with some of the apartments that we mayave around you drop down the value as far as what people can spend as far as demographics and that that creates what you're going to bring in if you don't have the high-end residential as well where Executives want to live it's going to be tough to get uh straight in so I appreciate your concentrations and the and densities to it but it's it's not an end all to all the thinking we need to put into our our calculations sure but if if you go to Peach Tree City and then go to trilli and it's not that Trill doesn't have any high-end yeah folks you know it's just they they do and they've got like back to Rosemary Beach Rosemary Beach is ridiculously high end 's Beach is even worse and those folks live in way dense environment like European level density so people will make different choices based off the environment but it's just okay Peach Tree City right now is a wealthy Community they have the demographics you mentioned it's fun to go drive around in a golf CT golf cart I'm a numbers guy I'm looking at that map going there's not a lot of Revenue that's coming out of that rash it's just all yellow to me right so it's all hit the same level of value but it's got this tremendous amount of infrastructure under it that it hasn't hit that first useful life yet let's go back to Peach Tree City in 2040 and see how it is you know when I when I go to places I grew up in the Rust Belt so like people in the Sun like we have let me just let me show you an example the town of Gilbert Arizona Prison Town Gilbert Arizona is 273,000 people and it's called the town of Gilbert psychologically what does that put your mind in when you're doing community decisions they're thinking about town problems they're not thinking about there City they've got City problems they haven't built up their downtown um I showed them this this is Southbend um we did their work in 2016 and 2017 and one of the things that blew my mind was their pipes so their population grew until 1960 and then they just stopped they lost studer Packard to Detroit and their population dropped you can see they kind of flatlined this is where they're at no growth this is their pipes going in the ground from the 1800s they're building a community they're building their pipes out everything's cool and I'll drop a boundary when their population stops I showed this to my mother my mom's got a high school education she never went to college it's not that she's not stupid she just never had the access to education that I've got and I showed this to my mom and her first response was well that looks stupid I'm like yeah Mom so this is their pipe growth in blue indexed against their population growth in Orange this is what they had in 1960 three lift stations and two blocks of force man for the engineers in the room Force Mains are super expensive so are lift stations lift stations cost a million dollars a pop $50,000 a year to fix them each year and maintain them so this is what they had and now they have grown to this this is their new boundary so just to wrap it up in 1960 they had 133,000 people three lift stations and about a third of a mile of Force main now they have 22% less population this much force M or lift stations and this much force M they's paying for that who's paying for that they dropped their population and they increased their costs by a th and 6,000 this is going to happen to peachree city until they can regenerate they haven't built a density to be able to pay for what they've got so feels good to drive around all that stuff but it also feels good to be a 20-year-old eating pizza let's go let's go back to your your map you just showed this one that's fine so when they started in the core they kept it tight their big mistake was all these long spaces where they haven't built if they just built and contined to grow out and kept it tighter they' have been much better off correct or also don't go build off in a wetland you know because then you're fighting Mother Nature the developer is going to drop that lift station in and turn around and divide it by everybody's house build house Lots they're all going to pick up a little piece of it in their mortgage but then you're going to get stuck fixing it so that's that's kind of the the actually when we did this presentation the engineer she was like waving a hanky she was so excited and she's like I've been trying to get the the council to understand that I can't afford this stuff and we're like why haven't you shown a map you know just help people understand this stuff so let me ask another question so if have you been up and down this 19 Corridor all have you seen much what's what's up and down there not a lot no so we've got a lot of uh infrastructure put in place but we have strouble let's say with the rebuild coming through that's where probably I think one of our biggest struggles in the county what do we do there what should we do there you've got single family homes on the ground on the coast you've got some other things have been elevated up but you still get that struggle of even a long 19 how do you elevate up how do you get going better yeah like uh let's go back to Hillsboro um we actually let's just stay let's just stay with trth in uh if if I were to advise a suburb what's that it's a it's a it's a county like ours fake kind of yeah they're outside of outside of Atlanta um now what what they what they did that was smart and I think this is more to d uh um um to to Dan's point he he brought in the Studios studios are are very low generator because they're just big dumb boxes but they brought in a lot of high wage employment with all the people doing CGI effects and actors and actresses show up so there's this kind of cash flow of folks that he's importing wealth which is super smart the tradeoff is you're not getting a lot of Revenue out of that because it's just cheap but if you had that high if you got those high-end producers they they can then go fund what's right beside it correct they're buying the housing nearby um and it's you know folks with high salaries because they're doing computer generated stuff you're getting a lot more of that than you're getting in Peach Tree City Peach Tree City is all strip malls and I mean they're jobs but they're not they're just retail sector jobs um and they are what they are so I think I think the long-term effect there is going to be a problem now what you find here is this is this weird kind of dog leg that comes out of the city of fville so fville is learning that they've sort of missed an opportunity in their own downtown to grow it up now it's not really their fault because the state blasted two state roads through the middle of their downtown that's kind of choked off any walkability so they that's a different problem think of this as silver Buckshot not silver bullets it's going to be different solutions in different areas so they the county needs to back the city of fville on those State Road rebuilds in the in the downtown now it's not going to be the County's project that's the city's project right but the county is going to benefit if the city grows up right right and so it's it's it's they're working together to do that but you also have to look at South County and say we need to have a plan here because this will eventually change too or around Peach Tree City that this stuff is going to fill in this is Fulton County so at Atlanta's just like right here so this is going to eventually get hit with something once once Atlanta changes but you can learn from trth in this case and they built a compact walkable Community with vertical mixed use yeah thank you for uh all that you've given us today it's a lot to think about but there's there's more David what what are your plans for well thank you very much time is up for the lunch and session Joe will be speaking to some stakeholders up in Mike's conference room for a breakout and brief presentation and I want you to know that this is all context driven we are a unique County and we don't have a one-sized fitall solution here but this really establishes a a baseline for consideration of our future land use and emphasizing Redevelopment of the West side where the core infrastructures there and we need Housing and Development and tax revenue so thank you very much great time thank you very much appreciate [Applause] it uh before we start the afternoon we'll um we'll take 5 minutes so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] way on [Music] Commissioners won't get done [Music] [Music] if I've got three of you we can start [Music] give me a heads up before you [Music] start start I got I got three Commissioners so we're good Miss I now would like to call back to order the Pasco County board county commissioner meeting of September 17th 2024 please sign our electronic devices and mute your microphones uh we will proceed with public hearings starting with ordinances um item 64 I believe is first we have proof the publication of this matter in the August 7th 2024 edition of the Tamp Bay Times supplemented by Affidavit of certified mailings and site posting thank you Mr chairman nario pitos Planning Development economic growth item p64 is an ordinance to amend the comprehensive plan uh to change the future land use from Comm to PD on a property that's at the North and Southeast corners of the intersection of us301 and Ron Oak River way uh this item is being requested for a continuance to the October 8th 2024 BCC public hearing at 1:30 in Dade City move to continue I had a motion in a second all those in favor to continue say I I I okay pass by Z next move to the next items p65 we have approv publication of the hearing of this matter in the temp Bay Times of July 24th 2024 thank you Mr chairman item p65 is pde 24336 this is an ordinance by the Pascal County Board of County Commissioners amending the Pascal County Land Development code amending section 303.5 common procedures the application consultation section 305.7 neor neighborhood meeting intent and purpose section 42.3 use permits conditional uses section 5253 C1 neighborhood commercial District conditional uses section 5254 C1 neighborhood neighborhood commercial District special exception uses section 5263 C2 General commercial District General commercial District conditional uses section 97.3 stacking spaces and drive-thru facilities creating section 1106 car wash facilities standards appendix a definitions and other sections as necessary for internal consistency providing for applicability repealer providing for cability inclusion to Land Development code and an effective date um I made a presentation on this at the last Board of County Commissioners meeting in Dade City on September 3rd the board of County Commissioners provided uh input on developing some changes to the proposed ordinance that was discussed the version that has been passed out to everyone today um updates what has been included in Civic clerk that version addresses freestanding car washes only so the accessory uh car washes that would be associated with gas stations is no longer being considered as part of this ordinance uh it requires conditional use approval for new car washes free-standing car washes proposed to be included within an mpud a C1 or a C2 commercial District not withstanding any provisions that might be contrary in the Land Development code um we had previously proposed requiring any new car wash within an MPD to be processed as a substantial modification so everything is now to be uh conditional use that's the intent the standards proposed under uh 402 2.3 conditional uses have also been amended to reduce the inventory radius distance submitted by applicants so previously we had a a provision under the conditional use requirements that said you had to look at all the car washes within a 5 mile radius that's been reduced to a 1.5 mile radius to keep with the original intent of acknowledging what kind of car washes are within a certain proximity of a proposed Car Wash uh and then finally the board noted that neighborhood meetings were not necessary for car washes as they would come before the public hearing process as a conditional use anyway so that has also been removed we can go through a full presentation but that's the uh update since the last meeting and we have worked with the stakeholders to accomplish uh these amendments any discussion yes I have one question um under the applicability um uh and in reference to vop I know we have a gas station that also has a a car wash it's not a drive it's not a building that you drive through but it's a free standing car wash with a gas station I want to make sure that's still that's a one per Village that's I me that c that counts yes that's that's built into that into this code okay because you define it says where one freestanding Car Wash is permitted per Village but are you going to consider and I'm thinking of Alan alman's Corner um that's a that's a car wash like the freestanding ones we're talking about plus a gas station it is not a gas station with a little drive-thru building corre so it's it's a hybrid and I think that should count one per Village otherwise we're going to we're going to be messed up because those are that's not what we wanted in in those Villages as you just saw in that presentation so is the question is that car wash facility that's in Village a of V pH okay to be there is that what you're asking I'm I'm saying that that we need to count okay she wants to make sure that a type that that type of car wash yeah counts in this ordinance as a that particular one you've Exempted You' you've Exempted but if future are developed that are of that model she want she's asking if those would be captured those would cor commissioner is that because you said you're taking out the that it's only freestanding car washes but that's a freestanding car wash with a gas station commissioner I might be able to help the the way freestanding Car Wash is defined it's it's done by the number of vacuums that they have it's not based on whether they're next to a gas station or not okay so that would count as yes it counts it counts as a freestanding car wash because of the number of vacuums perfect has at the car wash not it doesn't matter whether it has a gas station next to it okay that's that's all I I'm then I'm comfortable so it's one per Village okay all right any other discussion okay and this is a public meeting and is anyone here to speak to this item Mr hobby Mr chairman Clark hobby uh 109 North breast Street Tampa Florida uh I apologize I wasn't planning on speaking but actually uh commissioner starky is raising an issue that I should have caught the the other day and it's in the limited applicability section A4 I believe what she's alluding to and the way this should read is that there should be a limited applicability for any approved mpud that has specific design location or site orientation standards for car washes not freestanding because until today we didn't call them freestanding car washes so if you your mpud like Alan Alman and one other that I have have specific design criteria that we came up with you know most of these are fairly recent then those only have to meet a very limited part of the code so I think that's the one change I would request I don't see offand that there would be a problem with any of the other sections David does that keep the intent of one privilage I think so but I kind of need to see the language the CLK is talking about okay Mr chairman yes sir so if you strike the freestanding or you just consider it as a regular car wash I don't I don't see what the difference would be I think what Clark is trying to say is that this doesn't directly affect to Mr starky's question I it's still one per Village yeah he's talking about the exemption for that already already approved MPS and he's saying that we should strike the word freestanding for number from A4 and just say car washes I don't necessarily have a problem with it because the theory of A4 was that if you already had an approved NP that specifically had design standard for car washes you you wouldn't be subject you don't only be subject to very limited parts of this code so I don't I don't think it's a problem we we've intended to vest the muds that had specific design standard for car washes okay don't know that it matters whether it's pranan or not but the only one that would be stricken would be sub4 a A4 yes the word PR standing from A4 there also appears to be a numbering error in that section where you've got two A's on this in the version that was passed out so that would be B4 that would have free standing struck in the second line chairman yes thank chair Mr so wouldn't a back stop to that be because it's conditional use the board would have to bless it anyway up or down for the new car Wares yes they're all requiring conditional uses but we specifically Exempted any Mudd were they they they went out of their way to list Car Wash as a use and staff developed design standards for that car wash use because yeah they had already been through a more a process similar to what we would do for conditional use approval so we were trying to vest the muts that where staff had already done a more detailed review of the car wash use so but to answer your question on a going forward basis yes any new car wash any new freestanding car wash would require a conditional use approval whether it was in C1 C2 or in an mpud that had not gone through that more detailed process so for this change the motion would be accept the ordinance as it states with amended what removing the word freestanding from yeah is it B4 or A4 I'm not sure B4 okay all right it's remove he want Clark has ask us to remove one word which I'm okay with it's the word freestanding from B4 okay so my motion would be wait a minute Public public hearing and then you can make your motion um I know Clark spoke but is there anyone else in the audience wish to speak to this item we do not have anyone signed up or online okay so seeing no one come forward then ready for the plge of the board move approval with the noted changes of the second a going to B and and section four going taking out the word freestanding second okay I got a motion a second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 z um now it's time for public hearings V it is a roll call vote okay roll call District Two commissioner wman hi District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner eer hi District Five commissioner Mariana I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z move on to to public hearings just read Mr chairman would you like me to read the procedures I would there are two resoning agendas regular and consent staff will present each application to the board of County Commissioners if staff or Planning Commission has recommended approval and there's no opposition the application will be considered by the board without further presentation if staff for Planning Commission has recommended denial or if there is opposition to the application the applicant will be given five minutes for presentation the opposition will be given three minutes for each individual or five minutes for a group representative and the applicant will be given three minutes for rebuttal any individual disagreeing with staff or Planning Commission recommendation or anyone wishing to object to any condition of the resoning May at this time request the petition to be pulled from the consent agenda in which case that application will be heard under the regular agenda later on during the meeting otherwise all resoning applications on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion and vote if you wish to speak to any petition please give your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record these are Quasi judicial public hearings the law in Florida is that mere public support or opposition of an application is insufficient for this board to take action please limit your comments to those criteria found within the board's Land Development code Mr clerk would you like to swear the public in anyone who is anticipating uh giving testimony in any of the resoning items to be heard this afternoon please rise raise your right hand do you swear affirm that the testimony you shall give in these matters shall be the truth shall help your guide thank you you can be seated please when you come forward to the podium announce with your name and address and that whether you have been sworn thank you okay p66 we have proof of publication of the hearing of this item in the August 7th 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay Times supplemented by affidavit is certified mailings and site post good afternoon Commissioners Denise Hernandez Planning Development and economic growth item p66 is pd24 7764 it's a zoning Amendment 301 East mpud 301 East LLC it's a resoning from RMH and C2 to mpud the request is to continue the item to the October 8th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting meeting at 1:30 p.m. in D City move to continue time certain second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I okay move on to p67 p67 proof publication Tampa Bay Times July July 24th 2024 item p67 is pde 24 7769 it's a zoning Amendment meor for LLC for a change in zoning and from AR R and C3 to C3 the request is to continue the item to a date uncertain move to continue to a date uncertain thank okay I got a motion second to continue all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z p68 this item was published for hearing at this time in Tampa Bay Times July 10th 2024 this act actually was uh published in July to the August 21st meeting uh and continue to this date item p68 is pde 24780 6 this is only amendment Lake Shore Boulevard LLC the request is to continue the item to the December 10th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 p.m. in Newport Richie move to continue time Shon second got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I I motion pass 5 move on to p69 P6 69 also was published for hearing at this time in the Tampa Bay Times July 24th of 2024 item p69 is pde 24 7810 it's a zoning Amendment the name of 52 realy LLC 52 sr52 realy sorry it's sr52 realy LLC uh the request is to continue the item to the October 22nd 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 p.m. in Newport Richie move to continue time certain second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass uh to be continued uh p70 and this is our first consent item C publication and the Tamp of day times uh July 10th of 2024 supplemented by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p70 is pde 247740 it's a zoning amendment in the name of residences at Rolling Hills MP master plan unit development Dan nio Properties LLC it's for a rezoning from mf1 multiple family medium density District to an mpud master plan unit development to allow a total of 132 multif family units 104 senior units 3600 ft of medical office and a minimum of 3,000 ft of retail on approximately 9.87 Acres comes you with a recommendation of approval with conditions from the Planning Commission and the Planning Development and econom ecomic growth Department specifically there are conditions 46 and 47 that um deal with the land use um and Zoning exemptions uh or preemptions sorry in the live local act and also the ADV valorian tax exe uh preemptions in the live local act I have a question on this all right we pull it and go to the next item p71 p71 is continued uh from the August 21st 2024 meeting at which time uh proof of publication was presented item p71 is PD 24779 to a zoning Amendment sashen K Shaw and chesta sarmila is for a change in zoning from an ar1 agricultural residential district to a po1 professional office district with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction to install a 6' High masonry wall along the southern property line with landscape landsc aping as required for the Land Development code um on the outside of the Wall comes here with a recommendation of approval from the planning and development Planning Development and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay Landscaping should always be on the outside of the wall right and I thought we fixed that years ago we did um are you questioning on p71 we no we did but we wanted specify it in the no I'm not I'm just saying that they're having to specify that the Landscaping I mean that's ridiculous I'm sorry that we even have to call that out to our staff specific in the this is a public hearing so is anyone here to speak against p71 see no one leave it on consent move to P 72 proef publication of the hearing Tampa Bay Times July 24th 2024 supplemented by affidavits of certified mailings and same post p72 is PD 24789 a zoning Amendment BMC 9 LLC and black marlin Capital LLC it's for a change in zoning from an r1h single family mobile home District to a C2 General commercial district with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction uh that specifically states that the uses are those uses that are specifically in the C2 uh General commercial District also known as the live local act deed restriction comes through the recommendation of approval from the planning development and economic growth department and the Planning Commission okay all right uh is anyone here to speak against this item see no one it remains on consent and move approval the consent agenda yep okay so that be uh 7172 for the approval yes okay forent got got a motion second and a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass we go back to uh p70 yeah M starky um just that in talking with staff on this one they worked very hard on this site plan and um I just want to know how we make this site plan either binding or very close to binding and this is something that we have to be careful about because we see we work hard to get a good design and then that isn't what gets built because it wasn't binding so how do how do we do that and maybe it's in the conditions of approval but I I don't think they are in my conversation with staff Mr PTO uh Nar PTO planing development economic growth um this particular concept plan is being controlled by its dimensional standards yeah uh so uh typically there's a condition of approval that's built into the uh into this project uh our code places a 150 foot setback on industrial property when it's adjacent to residential development uh in this particular project we've worked to split the difference and establish 75 ft of that 150t setback on the res residential property that would mean that uh parking has to occur between their building uh that their their Western most buildings and the Western most property line which pushes their buildings to the east which then forces them to have the buildings up along the street well I'm I'm fine with that along the street I mean don't we want that yes so this is very near to a uh a binding concept plan based on the dimensional criteria that are built into the conditions of approval uh if you want further um uh the um that red dotted line that's a pedestrian yes those are the The Pedestrian networks within the property okay and those are binding yes okay and um then we have access potential future access to whatever comes South and we have uh connection to the east over on the right hand side and a cross access on the southwestern corner there that stays yes okay then I'm okay Mr chairman so what would be the problem with adding a condition that says that the that the PDP PSP that's submitted should be in substantial Accord with the conceptual plan submitted with his rezoning right that's what I was going to say if you wanted to add a condition to say that we could add that okay absolutely yeah all right pleasure of the board uh make that motion with the conditional comment public comment is anyone here to speak uh against this item well it's off we have no one is there an applicant here anybody wish do you object to the new condition oh look at here name an good afternoon Justina Gail 200 forward planning and design 200 Pine winds Boulevard we're okay with the condition okay thank you okay all right move appr with the bonding condition second I got a motion second all those in favor say I I I I motion pass 5 Z thank you okay move on to p73 we have proof publication of the hearing of this matter at this time in the August 14 2024 and August 21st 2024 editions of the Tampa Bay Times okay good afternoon Joshua Allen Crafton from the Real Property division the real property team has received a petition to vacate an unplanted utility easement by Robert Nelly of Hudson Florida the purpose of this vacation is so the petitioner May construct a garage on the east side of the property there were no objections to this petition and the team recommends approval okay this public hearing is anyone here to speak to this item we have anyone signed up none signed up none online none online see no one move approval okay second I got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 z p 74 we have proof the publication of the hearing of this matter in the Tampa Bay Times on August the 28th 2024 good afternoon Commissioners Paula baralo Support Services uh this item p24 is an assessment resolution of the board of County commissioners of Pasco County authorizing and adopting non-ab valorium special assessments within the county limits for the purpose of benefiting assessed properties through enhanced Medicaid payments for local Services finding and determining that certain real property is specifically benefited by the assessment collecting the assessments against the real property establishing a public hearing to consider imposition of the proposed assessments and the method of collection authorizing and directing the publication of notices in connection therewith providing with certain Authority other authorizations and delegations of authority as necessary and providing for an effective date uh we do have with us uh here today um Colleen erns from adanto Healthcare Ventures uh if you require any more information we have a presentation the same one that was provided to you during the the ordinance hearing I your pleasure uh this is a public hearing is anyone ever to speak to this item we have none signed up nor online okay seeing no one move approval second got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z thank you that concludes the P items we'll we'll move back to um I think we were talking about a budget back to our budget yes okay I think that's pretty important so well when we last met uh we were having some riveting discussions if I can there we go so just uh I think we was back under under board discussion however just as a reminder um I had recommended some general fund reductions to about seven and a quarter million which would result in a uh reduction in the general operating millage from 7.57 to 7.42 N2 Mills um and with that we wanted to get um board Direction on the paving mstu primarily just because the budget team can go back now and and actually prepare the actual budget documents um if if the board is you know willing and ready to make that call obviously it's non-binding until that uh until the vote actually occurs this evening but if we could have um you know unanimous consent on where we think we want to land with that barring your taking of public comment it would be it would be certainly helpful uh to us so I had I had heard commissioner Mariano had brought up um um curtailing about $6 million from the Hudson Library project which which I'm comfortable doing we we can go ahead and and uh take that from a $12 million project to a $6 million project um in the oute that would be a one-time Capital ad I think is what the commissioner was was trying to go to to whatever millage that we set so by example if we were to set the millage at 0 452 for example um you would add on an additional $6 million to that so it would essentially be the equivalent of the0 5184 original program that Public Works was recommending uh for a millage of 0452 but that would only be in the first year but it would be something uh to get started it certainly would help retire the past debt and and allow more Paving to go as I mentioned before um it's a$2 billion doll Road Network issue we have in the county the amount of dollars that are put towards it um really will just enhance the the speed at which Public Works gets to those roads and and makes visible meaningful progress I think for our for our citizens so I guess if if the board I guess what I would like the board to perhaps have some other discussion is to give me an idea of where you want to land with that millage rate for the paving mstu so so if I may I want I understand it so that 6 million he's talking about that comes off the0 5184 so sir what it is is it's there is a capital project in the budget for fiscal year 26 for the Hudson Library it's worth it's currently estimated at $12 million we would reduce the bud for that project by 6 million so the six we would we would set aside $6 million less attempt to design the project that brings a mill down or what does that no sir it this does not do anything with the millage all it does is we would we would just simply pave roads with it is what the commissioner okay is asking I got it would be a one time it would what I'm saying is for year one of the paving tax it would be equivalent to the 0 5184 millage in the first year if the board were to adopt that 19.4 million of course the board can adopt lower millage uh if it if it likes and we can add 6 million to that number as well the only point being is I think the commissioner would like to add more money to to the paving if we make a reduction in the paving Mill so if you if you bring it down to the 4052 then that six would go in into Paving on top on top of that that was that is what commissioner Mariano is I believe I don't want to put words in the commissioner's mouth but I believe that's what what he is suggesting similarly if you adopt 39 Mill and that's $18 million we would add six to that so I simply would just like to get the board to provide me with some direction on if these millages are okay so we can make the adjustments to the budget y I understand that I just want to be sure I have good understanding of it other board M Mr Whitman thank you chair i' be remiss that I can't see a fellow in commissioner over there for that I'm I'm in the Gap I'm in the Gap now we're good golden gift gift that golden gift down there know commend you and just want to say thank you for really thinking this through and and finding some money to to help this program um you know moving six off a project like the library you know we all it's a big deal so just want to say thank you for that both are both are very important y yes and I think what he's showing and what he's telling you back one is he actually realizes that the library could wait that year but this Paving to get away from PS itself and get into the new system our residents are going to be very happy with new citizens and those calls that come in when is my road going to be paved we'll be able to determine that through Roden Bridge with Bradford and and we'll have those answers for them and that's going to be a total different story than what we've had in the past so yeah okay any M starky well I'm I'm just not sure what are we at 4.4 or 044 are we at 0.49 what are we what are we looking at well my recommendation at this point given what I've what I've heard and seen would be to recommend 0 452 for the paving mstu uh with the addition of the $6 million of one-time capital from from the uh Library project and then set the general operating millage and budget as I have outlined at 7.4 292 okay I I can that's a big help yeah I think that's good I I I just really appreciate you scrubbing even more um especially in with 8 Days um um I think you know last year we rolled our millets back just a little bit and I I think it's good that we're rolling it back just a little bit uh well we're rolling it back more than we did last year um we have to be careful but the fact of it is it's not affect any our constitutional or U we do have to be careful because very very much a plus so we have a lot of big bills coming I mean I don't know where we're getting the money for this Courthouse um that we need to build and our jail is going to be full the day it opens which Courthouse well eventually we have to build that Courthouse We Kick the Can we can kick it kick it kick it but at some point they're not anymous you know so but I understand it's a lot of money it is that does drop our level of service on the roads to what cuz at 24 we were we were you know even at 0. 51 we had it was a conservative level of service so now we're we didn't go with the Cadillac program no but that at0 518 actually will you're going to get a great return out of your roads being paved so okay so it's no W um usually takes uh a couple of years for the level of service to drop you know because we are currently at satis satisfactory mhm so you know what is going to happen probably in about 2 years or so if we continue at this same level two three years then the level is going to drop service level is going to be dropping you know we we did hear that going to be money is here and the cost of Roads Paving is going like this so at some point we may have to have another TR up but did you want to talk because I know I thought we had it at like 20 years 25 years 30 years with the amount of money and so all right Justin Grant director of public infrastructure fiscal and business administration I won't get too detail into Lane miles we'll let Jason talk about that but I will highlight that the two plans you have here in front of you just to kind of level set because I know we've talked a lot about this over the last couple months and I know the county administrators outlined them uh perfectly that this was originally our silver plan and then we were going down to the Mills that we had suggested in the bronze plan and so with that um the first the FY 25 Lane miles was about was over 100 with silver and we take us down to around 75 in that first year so that gives you kind of an idea what that 75 Lane miles corre and does that does that include collector arterial and local I just want to make sure everyone understands that it's this is not all going to local this is all the roads excellent point commissioner I know County attorney you know before we broke for lunch right in the morning session uh line that the the legal structure of the unit does include local arterial and collector roads so all County owned and maintained roads would be included in the yep okay it's a good program okay all right well I think we've landed on bronze it's a start it's a start chairman yes sir thank you chairman and so when if this thing were to pass how soon do we get the share of the public SE stack rank list of of projects I'm assuming that we have something out there because I heard someone say they had a road already ready to go I was wondering how that happened they have a list they have a list they're ready to go should I talk it's going to take a little longer well good afternoon Commissioners I'm Jason mckel Public Works director um I I just want to say thank you so much for all your careful consideration of this and thanks to Branford Mike and everybody for all the you know work that's been put into this and Leadership um but everybody we talk to in the community is super excited about getting this project off the ground um there's there's every person I walked outside with today and talked to is super excited about you know where they where they might be on the list and and just so you know um we we do have a list and we've worked through multiple lists from one year to three years to 5 years on every scenario you could possibly think of so we we're ready to go so and and commissioner starky to answer your questions specific speically in the first year it'll be 65 Lane miles of local roads and 10 miles um Lane miles of artillian cor artill collectors okay and then after that next year it goes up we'll be able to put more into the program all right question um so there are uh quite a few neighborhoods that took the step to go through the pasas program and some failed and some went through and asked to be rescinded so uh knowing that this new project was coming through so knowing that we had residents who went to all that trouble to try and do the PS are they on the top of the list so remember I told you last time I was here there's a science based approach to this right um but there is some room to look at some of those communities and and the good thing is many of them their PCI score does put them on the list for the three-year time frame so many of them will get put on our on our first um threeyear list I have a question okay because if they were willing to come in and pay for their roads to get fixed that must mean they have an issue with the mhm sure they do yeah Will citizens be able to is there going to be a place where they'll be able to see which lane is being or which roads are being done and if their road is on there yeah it's a great question we are we are working um internally right now to update our website once we get through this process um with with the board we are going to bring our website live with our um with our projects online so it's fully transparent and the community could see what road is is up um for Paving and you know what the dates would be just in case there's M and inconvenience and people delayed for work so they'll know um if any of those issues will arise and we'll work with our Pio office to make sure we're communicating with the community okay yeah that's good okay any other questions okay I'm I'm comfortable with bronze okay we're comfortable with bronze yep you I'd like you to vote on it if that's okay Mr chair to Jack honestly thank you for I would like to have board direction to in this case uh set the general operating millage and budget as I have outlined here today to 7.42 N2 and set the paving MST millage uh and budget at 0 452 with the addition of $6 million from the Hudson Library project to be applied to next year and whatever Jeff thinks I missed for the per for the purposes of the budget hearing tonight yeah that is correct for the purposes of the budget hearing tonight recognizing we will present that to you again for adoption and consideration after public comment that's retiring the pvas debt as well that is correct um since can I ask another budget question I don't think there's a motion on that do you need a motion on that that's what we're trying to do move to approve that motion second and I got a motion and a second does it need to be roll call or do we no you can all right all those in favor say I I I motion okay like sign for nay seeing none it's 5.0 5 to zero okay so congratulations what happened to Parks um budget what are we doing so the uh we're not cutting grass anymore yeah so the the P the park no so the parks fees on so the parks mstu of uh did not uh did not receive the the required number of votes so that millage was set to zero um we did reinstate parks's original so Parks has been carrying approximately uh a million dollar for Parks maintenance um which is what the MST would have paid for plus an additional $300,000 annually for field maintenance uh I have reinstated that in the Parks budget so the parks team is is level uh where where they're at today and then I think during the budget Workshop probably starting in January I I'd look to some board guidance on how we want to address Parks coming up in in future years okay all right what else we need to do good I'm good for now the budget team will go back and um put together things that helps immensely and uh and present the budget do we go up now to where David angle is are we invited up to those committee reports still got oh committe report a little bit of meeting a little bit after that I think we do I know that's more you forget yeah it's the long-term health of the county I just got to find out where I'm at here I think we're done with everything okay oh I gotta go CH you can just start with commissioner sty okay I'm ready no that's all right I think we're going to go back to our regular items no no we're on it we're done with regular items we are done sir I thought we had some regular items but I don't see them okay all right so I want to uh staff to come he said start with me okay um uh leave him out I had I finally got to host my Harbor South leadership council meeting again it's been a couple years since we had one this is where I bring all the HOAs and uh Civic associations member leaders together and um appreciate all the staff that that that spoke Jessica did a great job they all they all did a great job um and um I think it was uh everyone appreciates learning all the information about the county and thanks Chase for speaking again um also as many of you did I enjoyed uh attending the Pasco EDC 36 annual Awards honoring honor they honored the Phillips family and of course the uh companies that moved here most of which are manufacturers and by the way um I went and introduced myself to the CEO of Gary line and and he was with talking with another award awarde um jtd I think and jtd had talked about how they'd gone to amskills loved it um and is going to be a sponsor at the manufacturing dinner on October 10th and we hadn't been able to get into Gary line for some reason and Gary line came over and he wants to be on our board that's how much he loved it so so very he was very excited to uh learn about the program and we continue to help our manufacturers here in the county um I did attend the pedc trade mission to Vancouver oh I let me see if I put it in here um because the words are so big I can't I I have to read it off we um we went to the University of British Columbia to the um let see where it is to the univers the university has these um facilities um let's see if I can say what's it's a Quantum Quantum Computing lab trying to find the name there um well if you go back one sorry I don't have it oh here it is the Stuart bluon Quantum matter Institute um you see mayor caster and mayor Welch and there was um Hillsboro County pelis Pasco Tampa clear waterer and St Pete were all on board this was the kind of like the political track and then we had companies that went on the gold key track um but this this Quantum matter Institute so only a few of these in the world and um they've been working on this computer for 10 years and it's it's I taped it it's way over my head but you'll see a you'll see a picture on the next page right there that's one of their um machines that they built there it's wrapped in a lot of parts of it are wrapped in foil CU they have to keep the temperature constant but um that's the mayor of Vancouver down at the bottom left um very nice guy and then the next page we were we were at the Canada's imuno engineering and biom Manufacturing hub no not there what I'm sorry what back one um oh maybe I didn't send in a picture with the doctors but we had a great meeting with them and got to share about Moffet um and all the can because they're doing cancer research here and immunotherapy research and um and they did not know about our 700 acre uh they've heard them off it but did not know about our 700 acre Life Sciences Center here so um we will be inviting them down and um they work with Max plank that's down in South Florida if you know Max plank a German um German uh Research Institute but uh we're looking forward to uh great relationships with with their scientists and they have a lot of spin-off companies from the research they do at the University and for example right next to this building is a building where they um developed part of the stuff that went into one of the vaccines for um I don't know which one it was uh but one of the vaccines that a lot of people use for covid so anyway there they also are doing very Cutting Edge research so that was very good um what else um I'm sorry that I missed the Fallen police officer Memorial but I just send my staff um Ron great great thing you did for the county thank you so much for for taking that on it's all about what the county needs it's not not what Ron i t i tackle that but I'm going tell you Craig laort told me one time he says he saids you need to be careful I how you talk to a volunteer and I said well you need to be careful what you volunteer for yeah that's that's a wonderful that'll be there for push for three years I pushed so a great job so great job um as I mentioned before uh Katie and I toured The Hope shot yesterday and um great program you know the lady that came up here and talked about the two children that she had lost from drugs where I went was I didn't know the Hope shop was here I went into my office and got one of the pamphlets cuz she didn't know about them gave it to her because that's a place where people like people who are recovering from drug and think she was talking about was FD is State Road oh what I what I was wondering on that if they're hanging out under our under the sun coast bridges um and doing illicit activity why don't we see if we can't put some cameras under there and then we could have an eye on it and then maybe send law enfor I don't know if you get there time certainly we could have some some game some cameras under those bridges they're not hours not our bridges but we can talk to someone about if that's where ilal I'll out AC happening I'll reach out to secretary GW yeah why not put some eyes on I'll do that yeah and um because they may not even be aware of that I mean yeah sometimes had idea things get past you without you thinking about them it's kind of funny but where she was talking about was exactly where I had them drop the pen might have been at the M meeting where where that long that long Canal is in your District that go comes out of mic Town that's the bridge that she was talking about was right down the street from where that where we dropped the pin um solar power just um my staff as last time I showed you how you can turn glass into sand um has done some research on solar on really doing more work with solar power and I think we should always be looking when we're doing buildings to be adding solar panels to the roofs and um working on generating our own electricity for our building so I think we really should pay attention to that there's grants out there for that and that's it for me okay I'm heading to fact tomorrow morning at 7:00 in the morning Pensacola okay I was going tonight but you couldn't fly around that's right I had to stay for a budget meeting Jing M Jagger okay so the um I attended the ceremony honoring former commissioner Gary Bradford the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel recently honored former County Commissioner Gary Bradford as Local Hero of the year in a ceremony held at the Tampa Bay Premium Outlets on September 9th it was truly an honor to speak at the event celebrating Gary's remarkable dedication and the positive impact he has had on our community his unwavering commitment to public service and his tireless efforts to improve the lives of many are truly inspiring this recognition is a testament to his hard work and the lasting difference he has made in our lives that was September 7th it wasn't the nth on Saturday you're right September 7th I'm sorry but you're right it was close very close very good job and that was that was beautiful looking at that the wall of Local Heroes was very moving so next I did a ride along with Captain David Garo we hit all the stations in District One wow so yeah yes and the 911 Center quite few yeah so there's quite a few so the uh building on the right the black building is their new training center so if you look at the the picture on the left with the chains they put wood in there and set it on fire so then um the trainees get to feel the smoke and the Heat and they actually see the fire um from the beginning to the end and the white fire truck is their newest truck which um was pretty cool we got to see the brand new station white TR um that came online and it is really beautiful I encourage the um public to get out to their family event because um when you see these um fire msus and things like that um you're really making a difference in uh with the firefighters and their living conditions some of them went from all sharing a space like didn't matter if you were male or female um in beds to now they have dorms so that was really great to see where's the white truck oh gosh I district one yeah I just I don't remember what station it was okay the next slide then I did a ride along with Corporal Ortiz and that's a little cutie Milo so um Milo is a therapy dog he is just good for like pets and belly rubs and just feel good happy um so Deputy orti is also he goes he takes Milo into domestic situations into schools into all all anywhere mental health related and um he also we were in Lando Lakes and they got a call that they needed a drone so we had to hurry up to Trilby um so I wasn't really thinking I was going to have this big exciting day and I ended up getting a bulletproof vest and um traveling at high speeds M of fact my my son said he goes he didn't know I was on a ride along he goes mom why are you doing 90 miles per hour right now so um yeah so that was exciting and um it was it was good to see you know that the sheriff they really do need more money their drone their drone team is super small so they needed to add to that and they also had to wait over an hour for to get a boat they were looking for a gentleman in the river so it was nice to see trby uh yeah yep and uh they had Hernando there as well so both counties were looking for this gentleman but it was great to see the sheriff the 911 and um fire so it was a great week and especially on 911 so that's it for district four big Gator very good got a few pictures if you would pass those down river all right jack so with the um West Central Florida Grill scouts at Camp Indian EO Tamp Bay Water did a presentation on the wonders of water uh they got a really nice education how about there um a nice little plaque they put up for the kids to study uh that was the program if youd flip through a couple Pages uh there's the head of the West Central Florida Girls Club the Tempe water representative um i' tell I really if you would stick on that next next slide there so that girl scout promised really just like struck me just hearing it um On My Honor I will try to serve my God my country to help people at all times and know by the girl Scott Law the girl Scott Law I will do my best to be honest and fair friendly and helpful considerate and caring courageous and strong and responsible for what I say and do and respect myself and others respect authority use resources wisely make the world a better place and be assisted Every Girl Scout I'm a Girl Scout and my my two girls were uh um and it was funny we're out there with a group of people and there was a bunch of guys out there and my girls have been out there before I think I probably dropped them off twice but never get to go inside the premises really so they had to drop them off and turn around and then I I said to the guys that were there says I don't know how you guys rate but somehow you get inside here good luck to you but that was a it was a great day out there it it kind of educates him all about water how to preserve it and uh one of the things tempay water did is they put an Iration system out there to take that little Daisy Lake that's right there to keep it clean to the girls when they go paddle boarding kayaking whatever uh go next slides there's some of the pictures of what's going on in there they got all sorts of little activities in there that was Daisy Lake that was out there keep on going okay I did go to that Fallen law enforcement memorial that was uh one of my fellow Deputy one of my Deputy good friends Tim henigan from years ago I hadn't seen him but uh again that that statue commissioner Oakley uh for what you guys selected for you to get that done is just just super impressive so I'll say thanks again there's a picture of all of us and siroma um so so I went to their club and I tell you it it was really spectacular talking to them all the way through it that's a picture with myself Chief JJ were out at the uh 911 golf tournament they had out there for firefighters they sold the tournament out in like 38 minutes wow I mean just it was packed it was hot all day long what course is that uh that's Plantation Palms okay uh got next one and there was a picture all the firefighters in there uh and I tell this something I didn't even know existed and I just sent you a copy of the different locations it's called Gracie's food pantry yeah established in 2013 um Gracie started this just to try to help some seniors out so they go into Henda Village they go into Brentwood they go into Sun Valley uh down in Tarpon and they go to Landing of St Andrews and what they do with these seniors is they do it once once a week once a yeah once a week and they go into their club houses where they give them refrigerator space storage space and they get uh donations from all sorts of places like Publix gives them fresh bread Sprouts give them fresh bread they got some sponsors which I'll show the sheets here in a second but all these seniors that struggle to try to make the bills especially in the past few years as inflation's gone up they give that a really nice quality food and they pick what they want so it's not like you just kind of get in line and they're going to give you a bag and then maybe you get what you want or not you pick what you want and what it does it helps these seniors be able to make their food budgets every single every single month uh if you keep on going next slide that was that first was St Andrews you got humaner out there that's helping them seniors in service that's helping go ahead uh archwell all these people donate to help out this is a group down in hasienda um now give you an example in Henda they own their own uh I don't want to say trailer where mobile they they only own units down there but they're paying some of them $1,000 a month in rent so try to imagine a senior that maybe has planned to like buy their property and be able to afford it and now all of a sudden the costs have gone up how do you make ends meat graci's does a phenomenal job helping these people make it uh and her son is on the far right there Ed Ed great guy um I'm going to be trying to work with them in the future to kind of give him some space that we may have in the building across the way before it gets torn down maybe for a year or two uh this a surplus vcle that they could probably use to move this food around CU they go from place to place to go matter of fact Gracie herself is spending $58 a month on storage just for food because her home is too full which she can't fit anymore so I want to try to relieve some of that pressure from them uh keep going and I was at the Sugar Plum Academy in Hudson what a neat little place this was mean they had a nice sign sign for me but I was able to read to them u a little book we gave them a little Playdoh when they were done I think they're more excited about the Playdoh than the book but it was all good uh I signed each one of them for him came tell tell them a little bit about what's going on uh keep going just a few more pictures of the kids what are they teaching you uh well I read the book called The Guff make believe uh book but it was kind of funny at the end right I keep going is that all okay all right um that's good and and uh yeah I was I was at Hope shot too think they're doing a great job as well trying to help people get along as well so that's all I got thank you I did forget one thing hello what's your name again oh she's a person after my own house sorry I know this is a great check her I totally forgot so this family in Moon Lake had a fire and they the the family lost everything and the community oh yeah came and blessed this family and um the firefighter Charities had them on in a hotel for a week and then uh we got grant money available for two other two other weeks to get them in a hotel and now they are moving in today to a new well to a mobile home the community donated Furniture first month's rent and pretty much every single thing they would need for their home so it they went complete success story so thank you to wuchi River um for their generous donation and to every one that um helped this family so and these three kids are so excited um to have a house remember are they still in the same area or Yep they're still in the same area okay yep so it was just a great story and I'm so sorry I forgot to um mention that sorry good stuff that's good all right uh Mr kabala just real quick sir you as as you're all aware we take cyber security very seriously here at Pasco County uh doing a lot of a lot of training and a lot of good things and I always remind our new hires that we as individual users are sort of the weak Link in that we we don't want our government uh system here to be taken down it would grind a lot of things to a halt uh so I'm really pleased to announce that our own Chief Information officer and IT director Todd Bailey uh was awarded a national level award by the public sector cyber security uh Summit for uh being an outstanding collaborator and partnership uh with with those agencies in advancing cyber security awareness uh just just know that uh your your it team is is certainly uh parrying uh cyber attacks on a daily basis uh it it really amazes me just how many entities are really trying to break in and take down our data uh among other things so we're very very proud of Todd and the leadership that he provides to our information technology team to continue to keep things Cutting Edge so well done Todd that's all sir very good job Mr Stein Steiner I do have stuff today hey um this is a reminder you should have received from your purchasing department um the RSQ for the state lobbyist and the federal lobbyist um they you are acting as the selection committee yourselves rather than having an administrative um selection committee and by taking that role you cannot have contact with any of the proposers once the proposal goes on the street so you can't have um so those firms who are soliciting that business can't contact you you're in the co sort of cone of silence um you can't have any contact with them until after a selection is made and um and if they and if any of them do try and set up meetings through your through your staffs uh refer them back to the purchasing director she can handle any of their questions about the solicitation and the terms so you can't have any contact with them you can't have any contact with them about the proposal about the proposal it's not about the proposal same thing with Sunshine right yeah okay and if they try and slip it in that will disqualify them when did that go out [Music] uh like how long are we talking Ralph Mr well Ralph's back there too he woke him up all right Ral I thought you'd already left he's flying out so okay the federal went out at the end of last month uh State went out the week after uh the evaluation date that you'll review both federal and state is October 23rd and then you will do interviews and have presentations on November 1st soent down on the street now currently it's on the street so currently you shouldn't be have you shouldn't be having contact right when when do we get this I saw it but I it's popped up I don't see it right now did I come out today it came out yet I think that your dates the dates that you're going to have the meetings were put on your calendars yesterday or the day before so they uh the uh Carrie sent those out today but we had a hold I got over your staff earlier a couple weeks ago and we had the hold on those dates so they are officially now on your calendar as of today so October 23rd and November 1st you're looking at it all day for each other thanks um and the second second item is just briefly in this morning's public comment uh one of the speakers indicated that you were required to have after 5:00 hearings by State Statute um that's a misinterpretation of the statute um statute that only that only applies to County initiated rezonings and your reason and and the changes to the Land Development code code but even in those instances there is a provision that says that the board of C that at least one of those two hearings can be held after at least one of those hearings shall be held after 5:00 pm on a weekday unless the board unless the board of County Commissioners by majority plus one vote elects to conduct the hearing at another time of day you some time ago p uh adopted by motion the that you wanted to have those hearings during your afternoon business with the with the rest of the public hearings um even even saying that section the section that the normal B the most of the business that you do um which is applicant rezonings doesn't come under that provision at all which is why you only have one hearing you'd have if an applicant rezoning would have to have if this applied would have to have two public hearings and it doesn't so I I don't and in fact there has been no case that we have lost on that issue what was what case was she even talking about I I believe it it the case that she was referring to was the summary judgment in coastline uh which we did the litigation assessment meeting two meetings ago I guess um which the same statute was referenced but what the court found was that we hadn't advertised it in the right section of the paper not that it was it was a hearing that was required to be after 5 o' um so I wanted to you straighten the record out thank you and that's all I have thank you all right uh the only thing that we'd like to mention uh just for the record and for those that are very interested in the presentation the urban 3 presentation due to the way the presentation was made the clerk's office does not have a copy uh of the presentation and in fact the majority of his presentation was verbal I mean it was showing um but it's not like there was a PowerPoint and his presentation P that so any anyone who is wanting to get a copy of that will probably need to go to the YouTube YouTube or the uh board meeting in order to be able to get the full benefit but normally we get a lot of calls saying we want a copy of that and in this particular case we're not going to be able to provide that I I've been pinged by a lot of people who want a copy of it and so I just told them to go to YouTube on yeah that's it yes sir thank you all right thank you now I have about 20 items um which one we got here so I was asked to go to the memorial out at the uh outlet mall and speak U on behalf of Gary Bradford honoring him as one of our Local Heroes uh very impressive very I mean it really touches your heart when you think about what we went through with Gary and um he would be very thankful that Miss Jagger's here in his seat today I can tell you that she's fulfilled his not totally his shoes because he's a different person but uh she's done a good job while in his absence so but he he's a great great individual then we'll move on to the next slide here's where we pushed in and um September 9th we pushed in is that right I don't think so oh September 9th is right that's on a Monday we pushed in a truck a new truck there at um station 25 there in Zill was right by the the city courthous city council offic there and uh it was great thanks for all the horses that are actually in that truck to help us push that back into that cuz it was uphill so there's no way we could do it like in the old days and the push in a lot of people never realized the push in was uh way back in time in history those were H drawn tanks and things of that nature for to fight fires and so if they got a new tank or whatever they didn't the horse is not very good at backing up and pushing something so they actually uh unhook the horse from the carriage and the tanker and and then push it in that that goes back in history that's that's historic and and firefighters and what they do when they get new equipment at the same time and I didn't get a picture of it but same time there was a ladder brand new ladder truck sitting outside at that station uh this this one this fire truck here or yeah this fire truck here it ran about $964 th000 the ladder truck I believe the number was somewhere around $1.6 million and uh look very nice so they really we have really a lot of good good equipment for our firefighters and thanks to all all that they do to help our citizens throughout the county so move on to the next item where am I at here oh this is our this is my meeting on the east side of Pasco County I last you weren't here I referred to you several times Mr St I I'm sure you would I up and came up oh yeah but no I always pick on you but I I certainly appreciate everything you do so um the fact of it is that that we discussed a lot of things and Miss Jer and um Jack Mar were both in this meeting with me but I ended up most all the talking cuz we're in East Pasco all the cities belong in district one over there so it really um it it and it I couldn't remember where we had the meeting the year before but it was out at the uh College out there at Wesley Chapel and it was a huge room and you remember how far apart we were from talking to well this venue here really worked out great where where is it it's at AAS building right there fa yep so that's that's a great thing that's coming so then move on to the next pictures here's the following officer Memorial um I've told y'all the story several times um the fact of it is we went Randy blanket ship and his wife Shannon went went with me to give a check back to uh mberry ball team that the couple was looking after the mbery uh Little League took all their money out of their accounts and ran with it they didn't get very far gry judge chased them down and got them so um we didn't realize at the time and Randy called me and saw Grady's uh talk about that and then we he called me he said I'm going to give him my money back and I said okay I said why don't you give him 5,000 I'll give him 5,000 and we'll do it together so that's how we got over and looked at we actually started got thinking about you know two or three years prior to just like five years ago we were shown a picture of what the memorial was going to look like and all these things and then you hadn't heard anything for two or three years and the fact of it is we walked through Grady Judge Memorial right in front of the sheriff's officer in Poke County what a what a impression it makes and he has actual officers that have passed their complete uh bronze figures of of them even with the dog and um for the guy to kill the dog and the officer but uh it was it was remarkable and got me start I come back called Craig leor I said what's going on oh co stopped her funding I said how much money do you need and he said oh probably 60,000 and I said nope call me tomorrow and let me know exactly what you need he said well all our funding stopped I mean I let me know what what you need tomorrow and he did he said well we probably need $100,000 I said Okay a week and a half later we gave him the money for $100,000 from 20 donors and I'm probably the only one that realized what I did but if you were there and notice I had M jger read the donation names and it was for a reason and my reason was I was actually honoring her office her her seat in her District standing in behind Gary Bradford which would be more than proud to have been there to do it himself but in fact I was honoring him by using her to read those STS and a lot of people don't realize you know now but um I thought a lot about Gary Bradford and he would very much be proud of that because his life was about law enforcement and safety and things of that nature so I think it was fitting for her to read those names and that's why she did read them she didn't understand I didn't tell her that story so but that was purpose behind her reading the name for his office your Class Act Mr chairman and thank you for that I'm got to run to a Consortium meeting uh you got to do what I got a golf Consortium okay and I want the last thing I have is I want to thank everybody that helped in in being there or helping out with the staff and every everybody that helped provide for the things I went to I mean even the push in of the truck the uh cities and County meeting there at IUS the setting up of that and IUS allowed us to be able to be there and that that setting it was very good and worked out very good so it takes a there's no I in team it takes all of us to do the right kind of job for our citizens of Pasco County so I'm very proud of our County so all right I have a question for David and for all of us and I realized it again yesterday driving um around in my district um and it's seven an example that I would use today is Seven Springs Elementary School on Mitchell old Mitchell Ranch Road um we have a sidewalk going along the road on both sides I think it's on both sides and I if you go if you drive through there Genesis School is right across the street a lot of kids are walking to school um and the sidewalk the sidewalk goes to the school there's two driveways going in maybe you can pull it up on the on the map and then the sidewalk continues on and goes to State Road 54 well there's a lot more development that's come in around there and um the the school has never put in their sidewalk and um I brought this up to Ray Gad last year and I don't think they're doing anything about it but the school the school district has a responsibility to put in their own sidewalk so if you're walking past the school and you're going to go to say you want to walk to dinner across the street um at um bricks 33 or whatever there's no sidewalk in front of the school the same as that it's happening in a lot of their properties around the county they've we build a sidewalk to the school then they they a lot of the schools they they never put them in so old Mitchell Ran So it's it's north north no you're going the wrong way it's on it's north and now um okay over there to the left West now North there's the school zoom in it's up in the northeast corner there keep moving there it is zoom in to the put the no put the school in the middle of the screen you're you're no to your Mitchell Ranch Road where it says Mitchell Ranch Road there there's the school if you could zoom in see the sidewalk there goes in front of the fgua facility I think that's theirs it stops when it gets to the school there's no sidewalk in front of the school and that stop starts again once you get past their property and you know they they talk to us about bringing sidewalks to their schools but they're not building their sidewalks and I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be doing theirs I don't know D you were asking me or you okay um I think we need to get Brad to help answer this question because my understanding is that they are supposed to be putting inside right that's what I thought too we do review site plans for schools and so my understand is they're treated like any other development which is required to put a sidewalk in front of their site but I'll let have more information that I not provy to yeah but is that something we're missing on the inspect do we School some of these sites may have predated oh good our review of them but I but I'll let Brad weigh in more okay all right Brad Brad tipping um yes that's exactly I I believe these predated uh some of the language and the interlocal agreements and other things about infrastructure within the rway around the school so they don't have to come back in and put their sidewalks who who's responsible to put that sidewalk in we would do that as part of our program yeah that's not even our property we're going to build sidewalks on other people's property um so has any so they okay can you go to the um what is the what is the school on Old Pasco Road can you pull that one up Cypress Cypress Creek High School yeah can you pull that High School up is high school and Elementary or middle school maybe yeah and did we land that active Transportation planner from for pedestrian yeah yes we did okay yeah we're actually putting in part of that sidewalk part of that's why I spoke to earlier about the uh widening the road that we put in a sidewalk that the ser by the school okay so go go to the road zoom in on the road where's their sidewalk that's brand new yeah that's isn't that the um that's not the college no that's that is the school board that is the school district property and there's no sidewalk so I don't know who's supposed to be checking off on these things but it ain't commissioner starky keep keep this picture up cuz I'd like to discuss something while we've got the schools you know since schools started back we've had a lot of issues with traffic and children and and Roads not being able to handle all the cars cuz more than not in the older Schools they're not allowing to walk the student to the up to the door of the school to go in parents can't do that they're required to drive them to the front door and it's created more cars more cars and there's less children riding buses now that have been in the past but the older schools like on Centennial Road or San Antonio they do not have a traffic pattern that lines up cars to stack to where it doesn't create a problem with the road this school particular school is one of the newer schools and it does have stacking of cars it should have a sidewalk in ref front right it should it probably should too but the fact of it is um that's the difference and that's what you're hearing about a lot with traffic all at Centennial School my daughter works there teach uh kindergarten the principal walks up to her and says I know who you are and I know who your dad is I need him to fix my road well the fact of it is that's not our place to fix his road and he's one of the older schools that are living with this traffic issue which is really terrible in the morning and in the evening it actually flows out into 301 out out before you turn on Centennial going into that school can you um this particular this particular has stacking but and but still can you if you could zoom out I am a curious how these kids on this side of the street get to the school so there's so okay there's a sidewalk into there and then so they have to come out of their neighborhood and cross is there a light there yes yes okay all right and can you can you go south again there's keep going oh that's kind of crazy all right well anyway that's School District supposed to put in the sidewalk I'm positive one thing I this is a Brad and maybe even a Nick question but there have been instances where if the County's about to do construct a road and put a sidewalk in as part of a county road project that we won't make the school board do it because going to tear it up because we exactly we'll be tearing it up when we do the road winding and that makes sense this is a section of Old Pasco Road that I believe that part the road wi yeah okay so we're building along with again that's that's a Nick or Brad question but there are there are times when we don't have the school board do it for that reason okay yes Brad tipping again yes that is exactly the reason uh there's a 10-ft trail across the street where the actual residential homes are that gets them to a safe Crossing at a signal to get across the street that was the interim condition uh while we're waiting on this road to be to right all right um Brad what's going on with their parking lot that doesn't have a shade structure for every 10 cars they don't follow under your code they follow under srf yes so they don't have to that that would be my my yes having done this for 30 years that would be my guess yes local because of potential security issues and other things we don't actually apply our code to their interior of their site they actually use srf standards and those aren't the same standards okay now one other thing that I got not about to you Brad um another thing that came to my attention yesterday I had individuals reaching out to us on email about the condition of mital high school they're not able to drop kids off in the morning and the gates are locked secure and have to be to a certain time because you don't have personnel there to when a gates open it's got to have security and personnel there to handle that and those Gates have be open and shut and that was that was brought on after I had answered the guy and was looking into calling the school the principal actually came out and sent out an email of exactly what had to take place because the they were I think the guy's problem is is his job starts about the time he's got to drop his kid off and if he's there a few minutes early he can't get kid in so but they have specific regulations for opening those Gates and you you know doors to the school and there's got to be an officer or someone there taking care of being able to walk around watch kids in that school so but that's School regulations that's like all the time we get questions about what do we do about this Schoo or that problem or issue and actually it's Schoolboard issue so U we have a very good working relationship with the school board and we've been able to handle some of those logistical issues as well and I try to handle them as best I can and Y rayad usually ends up on my phone in the past not anymore yeah not anymore I'll miss him so I don't know who took his place anybody know that yeah um Miss it's a yeah Betsy oh bet she's very good okay yep anything else we will can we adour now you you would is you advertised advertis advertise separate meeting for so yeah so it would be you adour this meeting you'll have a new meeting at 5:15 we'll adjourn this meeting and have a new meeting at 5:15 [Music] [Music] Pasco County waterways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet Wass wash into gutters and stormm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollutants directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy environment for fish water foul and other Aquatic animals storm drains are meant for clean rainwater most other discharges are illegal if you suspect an elicit discharge please contact Pasco County Department of Public Works at 72783 43611 [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] today we're out here with pcpt and we are training um our dogs our puppies to enter and ride a bus we are on the parrot Transit bus and the regular buses we've learned about ramps and stairs and lifts and um each of our puppies had an opportunity to go up and down and into the bus and ride one for some of them it's the very first time there are a lot of sounds and feels of a bus like our fixed route you can feel the ground shaking there's a lot of movement you hear breaking sometimes you break a little quicker there's a lot of noise with other Riders on the bus a lot of people getting on and off so there are a lot of distractions and this is a great way to teach the guide Dogs how to interact with customers and also to get used to the noises and feel they may have on the bus so this is Andy Andy is an 8-month-old Labrador Retriever uh it's very rewarding for us as a family to take part in this um it shows my daughter a lot of responsibility and how to kind of give back to the community um not only your time but an animal that's going to help somebody with a disability these dogs have many career choices ahead of them and they're the ones that choose the career we try and introduce as many opportunities to them as possible but ultimately it is the dog that will um choose the career it is very difficult to find Opportunities where you have a group of 10 dogs that can go on and off buses and um pcpt really gave us that opportunity today and we appreciate it so much [Music] finding Rover is an application that is used both on website and smartphones and you can download the app or use the website to upload photos of your own pet to help find them if they become lost and the way it works best with us is that when those animals are being found as Strays by our Animal Control Officers or being brought in by another member of the community their information is automatically being uploaded to finding Rover system their pictures are automatically being uploaded and if they see their pet they already know where they can go and find it I think one of the interesting things about our organization is our ability to help the public we have so many different ways that we can do that one of the most special ways we do that is being able to reunite pets with our owners and anytime we can get some technology a form of technology to help us do that is incredible and with the finding Rover app we personally at Pasco County Animal Services have been able to reunite pets with their owners based on facial recognition technology which that's some space stuff right there but we make it work and we get animals back into their homes and it's absolutely incredible not only for the animals but for those people as well the application for finding Rover is a free application for smartphones you can use any picture that you find on your Facebook pages on your private pictures anywhere that you have them if you're using your phone it'll open up your camera roll and you can choose the photo that you'd like to use [Music] [Music] [Music] we get on scene um there's a man stuck in the hole it's uh the hole is probably I'd say 10 ft around he's in the middle of it we started rigging systems to attach him so we could secure him from sinking any further into the into the hole me and firefighter Watson we jump in a brush truck and we head over uh we get to the scene and we see just a a guy you know chest up in the dirtt and mud we see Captain beers captain or firefighter Suarez digging away just trying to save this guy's life at that point we started doing buckets 5 gallon buckets we were throwing a bucket in the hole and they were filling it up down there including the victim he was helping us fill the buckets and then we were hauling them out by hand and by rope and then uh moving that water as far away from the hole as we could reassured the guy that he's going to be okay and then you know we just started digging and rigging I don't think he knew this the seriousness of the situation initially until he started seeing a lot more people show up the floorida sand crushing on them the Water Rising and lowering once we got the vacuum truck in there we were able to keep the water pretty constant level about his waist deep Shoring up the the hole from collapsing on us securing the escavator that was there it all came into play like clockwork when it collapsed into him he ended up being basically in the kneeing position uh or the praying position um in the hole so he had no leverage to to move his legs at all we all wanted to be in there to save this guy and that's just the firefighter mentality we we want to be there when it happens it it just seemed like the the amount of work that we were doing we weren't gaining any ground um basically everything that we were pulling out of there the walls were just creeping back to to where he was there is times where you start you know thinking wow man it's getting dark might start raining Florida thunderstorms that could be disastrous it was good to see the relief on his face once his first leg came free you could you could see that he knew that we got him we got him free the the whole neighborhood was around everybody cheering screaming just Joy it's complete joy we immediately put him on the stretcher and uh Baylake got him out of there quickly we're constantly out training trying to improve our skills amongst our own agency and multi- agencies we we constantly go to different counties and municipalities to train and it it all came in in fact and it worked out saved this guy's life here in Florida we're no stranger to rain and Pasco County Public Works wants to show you how we're working to improve drainage along your roads our crews work hard to keep your roads in great shape and you'll notice after a heavy rain we often see ponding or standing water on the road that doesn't easily drain away ponding can be a problem for a couple reasons most important importantly it can be a safety issue because when you drive through standing water you can start to hydroplane and lose control so why does ponding happen in most cases it's because the shoulder doesn't slope away from the road so the water doesn't have anywhere else to go Pasco crews are always on the lookout for these problem areas and have a relatively easy way to fix them most Pascal roads that have water ponding problems have a sod curb where the Grass Grows Right up next to the road our crews use this