##VIDEO ID:pnLdBx-MJak## [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] onbit almost nobody here I have I should go through the whole scenario I don't know if you really want to skip it I'm okay with it I'll just touch on it my bad that's fine CP notes version yeah tell Barbara to turn her phone to the silent position yeah I know go you can brag about your trip now see you can make us all feel bad happy for you though I heard you extended it a bit uhhuh I'm keeping track of you but she still participated in the planning commission me yeah I know from many miles away we're good together we're good okay all right like to call them into order welcome to the Planning Commission meeting all of you in attendance uh we would stand for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance [Music] I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all trou am's here now we can start Amy's here all right okay so welcome to the Planning Commission meeting uh we have a roll call Madam uh clerk please J here Christopher P here John Moody here Matthew muns here Derek hunet Chris Williams here chairman Charles Bray here and the uh proof of publication please the items are advertised in the Tampa Bay Times on July 28th 2024 and August 8th 2024 or by affidavit a certified mailings and site postings all right thank you we have minuts to approve nope okay then let's not approve [Music] them okay so um think since we have a limited class here today uh we're going to have some abbreviated instructions um uh but welcome to the Planning Commission meeting we are appointed by the board of County Commissioners we make twice monthly and uh we serve as a local planning agency and hold public hearings and transmit to the board of County Commissioners our recommendations on a number of items uh if anyone is an opposition to anything we discuss today or feel free to please contact the uh Clerk and get the dates of the next County Commission meeting where it'll be discussed and be sure to attend that uh County Commission meeting for those of you who haven't attended a meeting like this before we have three sections we have continuances we have consent and we have regular items we will uh go through uh uh continuances first then consent items and then regular items if there's any anything on consent that you'd like to have discussed today um when I when we read them off please raise your hand and we'll have it have pull for discussion into the regular items and all the anything that's on regular will be discussed fully today so um do we have anybody here that that uh is here to talk about something not on today's agenda if not I I don't see anyone is there anyone on online here discuss anything Patrick no not nothing okay okay um and I don't believe there's anybody that's requested uh in writing a an extended period to make their presentation is that right Patrick okay correct all right so anybody that every anybody that's here that's going to uh remain in the chamber during the meeting please sign B your phone if you haven't done it already I'll check mine too it's F okay and uh other than that I think we're ready to start so you have the floor all right great we will start with uh pc1 which is a uh withdrawal so this is an appeal withdrawal for Lan links Incorporated appeal of the determination of October 8 2021 that tree farm Timber use Andor other agricultural activities are not principal permitted uses in the beacon woods and beauty d nor in the R4 highdensity residential district Northwest Pasco County generally located on the north side of Hudson Avenue at Morning View Drive and that comes to you with recommendation um recommended Committee Action of withdrawal from K consideration no further action is required all right thank you very much so that's withdrawn pc1 is is withdrawn is anybody here for that one okay see no one okay uh and I'm going to back step here slightly I don't know if I introduced myself I think that's important yeah gotcha uh Patrick dutter um planning assistant planning Services director thank you okay uh on to PC2 um PC2 and PC3 are related um so PC2 is the zoning Amendment it's a continuance for 301 East MPD 301 East LLC rezoning request from RMH residential mobile home district and C2 General commercial zoning District to MPD master plan unit development to allow for the development of 200 Town Homes and 36 um th000 squ ft of commercial on approximately 29.01.2012 with the PC3 as well PC3 would you like me to read PC3 now M uh PC3 is the comprehensive plan amendment that supports the mpud uh so it's comprehens plan Amendment continuance uh Cass 2314 uh 301 East providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map 2-5 and sheets 23 changing from Comm commercial to PD plan development on approximately 29.01.2012 at the Northeast and Southeast corners of the intersection of us301 which is G Boulevard and row Oak Riverway and a text Amendment creating Subara policy flu 7.1.7 s-301 East and a map Amendment to the Future land use map 2-9 adding subber polic subar map 2- 977 uh 301 East and this recommendation is also continuance to the September 5th LPA public hearing at 1:30 in dat all right so do I have a motion on the both continuances please move to continue PC2 and PC3 to the September 5th meeting second second we have a motion in the second all in favor signify by saying I I oppos like sign motion [Music] carries s okay uh back to Portugal huh uh the next two items are going to be read by Miss Lauren Flynn um with planning Services okay thank you hello how are you can give us your name and for the record Lauren fling planner 2 with um Planning Development and economic growth the new acronym again um so I have two amendments that I'm bringing to you guys today um they are companion amendments and I wanted to give you guys both of them at the same time just because it gives you better background ground on what's Happening um so the first one I'm going to start off with is the comprehensive plan Amendment it is PD 24354 um rage parcel or C pass 2409 rage parcel there we go so the this amendment is going to be a flu change from res 3 to Res one um we're also going to be doing a couple map changes to ensure comprehensive plan consistency so we're going to be changing map 2-22 urban service area map 2-13 rural areas map 2-18 South market area and map 2-21 North Market area the intent of this amendment is to allow for the development of an mrss A Minor rural subdivision to divide the 41 Acre property into two different lots and it's on Bellamy brothers Road uh north of the intersection with 52 so for the LDC mrss is are only allowed on the AG AGR and res one flu CL classification so in order for the property to do an mrss and needed to change to Res one um in order to do comprehensive plan consistency we were removing it from the south market area and the urban service area and we're adding it to the Northeast rural area and the North Market area just to make sure everything's consistent within the comprehensive plan and the Land Development code and we don't have any inconsistencies with visions for the for the area um like I said at the beginning there's a companion LDC Amendment uh with this one to to modify the Northeast rule figures uh 6041 6042 and 6044 to add that 41 Acre parcel to the Northeast rural area the subject property is currently in the South Market area and this is our aiel uh it's 41 Acres like I said it's north of the intersection of State Road 52 and Bellamy brothers Boulevard uh existing future land use Is Res 3 proposed Is Res one this is the South market area map with the proposed removal of the 41 Acre parcel this is the addition to math 2-21 which is the North Market area and then we have the removal from the urban service area it's technically in the urban expansion area of the urban service area um but we are planning to remove it from there and we're adding it to rural area one or the Northeast rural area so we find that the proposed is consistent with the following comprehensive plan policies and closely aligns with the intent and the vision of the res one flu and the policy flu one policy flu two11 Northeast rural areas as it adds 41 rural acreage to the Northeast rural area and we recommend that you find the proposed amendment consistent with a comprehensive plan that's the first one so quick question for you on this one Lord certainly not opposed to it but um reading through the agenda memo it's stating that we're going to make them bring utilities over 7,000 ft up to the to the property that is that correct I did see that I'm not sure if utilities took into consideration that is the Northeast rural area because in the Northeast rural there isn't that requirement to or they the vision of the Northeast rule is to not have the uh Central actually isn't there a comp plan policy that we won't extend utilities the Northeast rural area11 that's what I thought cuz we're making them bring it all the way up from 52 I I would guess if that was the right I don't I don't believe utilties took that into consideration when they were looking at it they probably just looked at the probably want to correct that in the agenda M I do have a related question to that because I think if it had been AG I'm not sure utilities would have made that comment but what was the decision because I think they're only building two units right or two only building to what was the reasoning for going to Res one as opposed to AG or AGR um I think the argument there was just that it was a a lower jump um I don't think there was a and probably maybe the lot sizes but I know that even with ag or AGR you would still be in within that lot requirement because I believe AGR is 5 acre lots and AG is 10 acre lots I'm curious why the need we're going to split this it's a 40 1 acre parcel into two Parcels correct why the need for an MRS subdivision yeah so they did not qualify for the one free split with the parent parcel so the only the easiest option was the we might have missed one so lots greater than or equal to 20 acres within res one and res 3 if you go to LDC 700. 3 if you're making a 20 acre lot split in the res one or Res three land use category you're exempt from planting I was going by the recommendations given at the prea meeting from zoning and also from the tech team and they all recommended the mrss for the the client I'm I'm not opposed to doing this or putting into the Northeast rural but this just seems like a long way to go they were exempt and we just we went through this with something Mr Gray and I worked on together earlier in the year MH same thing right Patrick anybody can you address that why they're doing an mrss as opposed to proceeding under an exempt well they don't need to they're exempt they can go split it they can go record this at the property appraiser this afternoon without us doing anything yeah I'm just playing a little bit of cut just pling a little bit of catchup on this one um not quite sure yes that exemption exists um I I haven't specifically looked at this project so I don't know if I can give you my answer right now unless one of the Lots they doing is going to be less than 20 that would be the one excep but we don't know is the do we know if that's the case the other question is you said they didn't this was the third parcel what was the size of the pre previous split because a split of 40 acres in the res one or res 3 would have been exempt as well these all would have been exempt splits yeah well I mean sure I think there's a few code exemptions that you could have relied upon for that initial split usually the the one that it's pursued is if you're parent parcel you get your one pretty split that's what everyone hangs they hat on um then outside of that there are other exemptions that could apply which I think what I'm getting at is in res had they made a 40 acre split they would have been exempt so there's no counting that as a split against calling that a first split it was an exempt split to begin with sure and I've already had this discussion with Mr Stein Snider on another project okay yeah I I again don't know too much about the project um but I think it's you're raising very valid points and something we should potentially talk about again I don't have any objection to this or putting something in the Northeast rural area or just curiosity question what's the application fle fee for a comp plan amendment I mean they got to hire land use attorneys and pay application fees and for no reason for nothing and delays time well I would also add that generally we try to discourage that the res one flu cuz it's considered like a sprawl luse category I mean typically we either want it to be Urban level development Res three and higher or rural not we generally discouraged the proliferation of more res one yeah I think the main reason we did res one was because of the surrounding res one in the area and one the res one also helped get into the Northeast rural area so it is that more rural residential classification but still technically residential but I didn't know if our applicant was on were we able to get an answer I mean if they if they say that they want to do something smaller than 20 acres then then agree then there's Pro then that's probably the proper thing of what they had to do does anybody know well my personal opinion is we're here and there's no need to hold them up but if they want to not go forward to a County Commission meeting and then rezoning or whatever else comes next after this well I mean a minor sub a minor R subdivision is still a sub Division I mean there's still and Patrick probably explain I mean it's not like it's no work to go through minor Ral subdivision I agree to do an mrss they have to submit a preliminary development plan to development and review so there's even more cost and you're going to hire an engineer to do that and okay yeah does the on yeah so Len Johnson is the um one of the attorneys with the applicant so I was just going to ask them if with this Ms were you guys planning on doing a lot sizes that were less than 21 Acres or 20 acres I believe can can you hear me yes hey yes this this is Lynn Johnson uh Johnson Pope Law Firm 400 North Ashley sweet 3100 in Tampa uh Theon Mr Johnson I'm sorry I need to swear you first before you we get testimony so if you could be sworn please yes sir I trust you're raising your right hand so I am do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give is the truth so help you go I certainly do yes there we go where we go uh if you look back at the at the history of this uh you know I kind of feel like at at this point we been banging our head we we thought there had to be a simpler way to do this the the answer to your first question is there was no intention of doing anything but splitting into two lots it one one already exists there's one house already there the whole purpose behind this was to allow uh our client's son and his family to build another house on this 41 Acres uh we had the approach initially I thought this would be a parent track and we really wouldn't have to do anything we had multiple uh meetings and correspondents back and forth with staff and we're assured that that wasn't workable that the uh there had been a prior split of a paral to the South and that we could not otherwise split it without going through this process and and that's why we're here and if we if we can then uh we'd just be delighted to do that well can you answer the question of what your lot sizes will be there's there's no intention to do anything but two two lots of 20 plus acres okay and I would actually say that that's actually a moot point because if this last split was 40 acres it was an exempt split it didn't count so this would still be a split of a par this would still be a parent parcel which he can split one time anyway all right and I and I'll I'll tell you we were advised otherwise um about staff along the way putting aside that issue because apparently that has that discussion has occurred and apparently somebody determined it didn't qualify as app parent parcel but I guess I'd like to hear the the answer from anybody who to explain why they didn't proceed under the 20 acre [Music] exemption I don't think pretty clear Mr Moody makes a very good point says Lots greater than or equal to 20 acres then the res one and res 3 flu are exempt the applicant saying they're doing lots that are greater equal to or greater than 20 acres yeah I mean there's a very good chance that maybe we we didn't catch that in the review um which is possible um and I'm sure we could like take a closer look at that uh after this meeting to see if that is an exemption that can absolutely take an advantage of May maybe there's something we're not thinking of um assuming that is confirmed then I I would think that this probably isn't needed can we can we recommend this for approval and have them check it so that I mean if we approve it there's no harm no foul for us it's only that they've had to the poor owners had to hire Mr Johnson here and pay the fees and suffer the delay and I guess what I would say to staff because Mr Gray and I have already had this discussion please speak with County attorney Stein Snider who's an expert here in the plating laws or platting rules in our County and he can explain this to you when when things are exempt and what still qualifies as a parent parcel because we've seen this now happen on more than one occasion well you know I think um these are mistakes that can happen I mean nobody's perfect and but I do think there's a there are some things we should think about about and in terms of what to do here if we approve it they're going to have to go go forward to the to the County Commission and go through the process right they don't have they can withdraw it can't they they can withdraw it but they also have paid a fee yes well I will say that even if it does get changed to Res one and gets added to Northeast rural that exemption still applies even if it's res one yes so I'm not sure that there're any worse off I mean other then they Down plan the property but I mean well right but presumably they want to okay with that they would be if if we went forward with the procedure on the table they're giving up a future land use entitlement that they may or may not want to or may regret giving up sometime in the future I'm sure the people in the Northeast rural Pasco area would be happier that we're putting land back in but right I mean that's clearly that's a decision that they'll have have to make with their Council yeah I mean they could always withdraw the application my only point is that the exemption you point out would apply also apply if it was res one yes so I me from a platting standpoint I'm not sure they're any worse off if it gets changed to Res one I get your point that they may be right losing overall density but it again that's that's something they can work out privately with Council and I'm not saying it's you know listen mistakes happen I understand I agree with Mr Gray but I just we need to remember that these proceedings are costly they're time consuming and they're costly and so we just hate to see someone you know throw money throw good money after bad as they say yeah I mean I personally I'd just like to you know I think we need to show some consideration as a county for if we do make a mistake and we can make consideration is at least at least refund their application fee is that possible David it is but that's not a call I can make that's something I understand Patrick may have that Authority now I don't know with his new position I don't know what Authority I have um so we we're reading through the exemptions piece of the code right now just timeing to wrap our heads around a little bit um Amy point points out that the code section that we're relying on right now the introduction to that is uh divisions of agriculturally or residentially zoned parent Parcels into but this parcel had already had its split therefore is not a parent parcel I understand that but in their future land use category this parcel is 41 Acres so it would have been a split greater than 20 acres therefore it was that split was an exempt split as well but that parcel that was split I think was 10 acres just that 10 acre piece if it was a 10 acre split I would agree with you it's not exempt but right now I thought this was entire parcel was 40 41 Acres but I think they're saying originally I see so you're saying that this was originally a 50 acre parcel and 10 was split maybe that's what I'm that's what like then I would agree with you about that so they do they do have a lot that was split to something less than 20 so um again I I wish I had the the read book so I could see it um but I believe it was that 50 acres they split off that 10 that Patty has highlighted there um which basically made them not apparent parcel any anymore and then if you're trying to retroactively apply this parent parcel I don't think you can this the split I think that's the key fact sure all right then do I have a motion I'll make a motion voting on one or two all of them are we're just voting on pc4 right yes well they're tied together well one's on consent and the other one is the other one on consent too it's a LDC Amendment yeah so yeah yeah motion to approve pc4 second okay and like sign in the negative anyone no okay all in favor hi hi very good done now the next one pc5 C5 is the LDC a companion amendment to this where we are modifying the rule um area boundaries so 6041 6042 and 6044 to add the 41 acres to the Northeast rural area um the proposed amendment was presented to the horizontal round table on July 17th 2024 this is the existing figure the proposed with the 41 Acre parcel right at the bottom corner there same with this one existing 6042 proposed with the little parcel there existing and proposed and we the recommendation is to find the ordinates consistent with the Pasco County comprehensive plan all right anybody else here to comment on this no okay any any questions from up here all right motion so moved move approval of pc5 motion is second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I oos like sign okay thank you that's it all right Patrick see yeah things get done much quicker when you're here shortest meeting ever under is there like a closing ceremonies that we do we didn't left we didn't want to award you with a medal for you know your all right so anyway uh anything else you need to bring up I don't think so Amy anything anybody nothing all right then let's here motion to adjourn motion to adjourn all in favor I hi okay okay may going to ask for the other one [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] County waterways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollutants directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy environment for fish water foul and other Aquatic animals storm drains are meant for clean rainwater most other discharges are illegal if you suspect an elicit discharge please contact Pasco County Department of Public Works at 72783 43611 hey Tampa Bay let's come together to conserve water when it rains or rain is in the forecast skip a week of watering and save up to 2500 gallons of water once a week watering restrictions are in effect know your day Tampa Bay go to mywater day.org [Music] so I'm hanging out in our Medical Department today and we are actually preparing to do some routine surgeries both for our kittens that are actually moving on to their forever homes but another thing that we also do while we're here in our Medical Department is we do also work with several injured pets as well we have one kitty that's here right now she actually came in with a partially fractured jaw and she's actually very very happy and very sweet um but while she's with us we'll make sure she gets some really good pain medication and getting taken care of and then when she's ready and feeling good we'll make sure she finds her forever home we also have several kitties that are under medical Foster right now we are actually watching from day to day she has a little bit of a eye thing going on here but we're watching her she's in medical Foster right now and as we go from day to day medical will decide if she does need to have her eye either removed or if there is more medical treatment that can be offered for [Music] her so we're hanging out in our treatment area and this is where our animals are anesthesized and then go ahead