##VIDEO ID:sVh_k12yWgc## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] they get a stocking with a grad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right good afternoon I'd like to call to order the Planning Commission meeting of December 12th 2024 this time if we can all stand and for the moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance alance uned States of America the it stands Nation indivisible and justice for all Madam clerk can you call the role J Gerard here Christopher here John Moody here Matthew M here D richardo here chair Charles okay thank you okay uh the Planning Commission is appointed by the board of County Commissioners and we meet twice a month the Planning Commission holds public hearings and transmits to the board of County Commissioners recommendations on rezonings and conditional use requests the Planning Commission is the final decision-making body for special exceptions certain appeals variance requests and certain alternative standard requests however final decisions may be appealed to the board of County Commissioners the Planning Commission also serves as the local planning agency and as the LPA this body makes recommendations in regard to the consistency with the adopted Pasco County comprehensive plan of proposed comprehensive plan amendments and Land Development code amendments if anyone isn't in opposition to any comprehensive plan Amendment Land Development code Amendment rezoning conditional use or any item where the Planning Commission transmits a recommendation to the board of County Commissioners it is important that you attend the appropriate Board of County Commissioners meeting um I think we have three sets of me meeting minutes to approve motion to approve second okay that's a motion to approve the minutes from the August 8th August 22nd and September 19th Planning Commission meetings correct motion a second any other discussion all in favor I I oppos motion carries okay now we will take public comment on any non-agenda items um so if you're here to speak to anything that's not on the agenda now is your time before I ask though we do request that when you address the Planning Commission comments are not directed personally against the commission member or team member but rather directed at the issues this provides mutual respect between the commission members and the public is there anyone in the audience here to talk on public items that are not on the agenda chairman if if I may we have several people signed up for general public comment we do have a list if you don't mind oh perfect um I will note before we go we don't have anybody signed up on WebEx for General Public comment or any of the items today on the agenda the first name I believe on the list is Amy PCH and forgive me if I say okay when you come to the uh when you come to the podium please um state your name and address and then I do need to if you plan on giving any testimony today if you can please um stand and raise your right hand so you can be sworn you swear for Testimony you're about to give love you go okay good afternoon I'm here today to speak on the per oh I'm sorry Amy P toric 9152 Kenton Road Wesley Chapel I'm here today to speak on the purpose and intent of the comprehensive plan for the connected City my concerns are that within the connected City comprehensive plan Amendment certain policies are not being met within the special planning area specifically the community hubs Zone this Zone intends to create a unique centralized education Recreation and open space system that is well connected to each special planning area zone and serves and complements the entire connected City development the community Hub Zone shall be characterized by a potential mix of residential educational recreational Civic cultural and Resort type uses centered on a central amenity King Lake a few of the planning principles goals for the connected City are one a connected City promotes a healthy lifestyle through planning decisions that support physical activity and movement as well as access to Fresh Foods the connected City must provide infrastructure that supports Wellness as part of of the daily routine this includes opportunities for and access to walking and biking to local commercial areas parks and recreational uses schools and Civic institutions brush local grown produce and Clean Water and Air parks that provide physical space and Associated public infrastructure to accommodate a range of passive and active physical activities should be part of these communities policy land use and and design 4.16 States integrate view corridors natural habitats and natural Open Space Systems into the design of the multi-purpose paths multi-purpose trails Urban plazas Parks playgrounds community centers and educational entertainment and cultural buildings this policy aims at using design strategies to not just protect nature but also integrate it into the built environment so that it becomes an integral part of the everyday live and work experience within the connected City policy land use and design 4.18 enact Land Development regulations that allow and encourage land uses activities and infrastructure to increase access to healthy food and water within the connected City special planning area zones the land uses and design of the built environment should be such that it provides multiple options for eating healthy nutritious food this could be achieved by incorporating within the connected City overlay Community Gardens rooftop green houses or Gardens on-site gardening Corner Grocery Stores edible landscaping farmers market and other strategies that are dedicated to producing healthy local food options second one is to create authentic social Gathering spaces providing locations for social interactions is essential to creating vibrant communities it's well documented that social networking is a key factor in the success of innovation districts these spaces can take form in Parks coffee houses libraries and other Civic spaces farmers markets Community Gardens and so forth a connected City must provide a series of social Gathering opportunities by encouraging uses that attract people policy lud 1.20 creates authentic social Gathering spaces that are well integrated into neighborhoods and employment areas strategically local at comfortable walking dist distances are connected through safe and comfortable pedestrian bicycle and neighborhood vehicle links are um easily accessible by people for deferring abilities and I have a little bit more but I can have someone else yeah if you can have somebody else because we do need to limit people to three minutes thank you thank you I believe the next person on our list is Jennifer sorry yes that's all right hi I am Jennifer McLoud I live at 31201 Tindle Road and I'm just continuing where Amy left off um policy uh 4.21 develop mixed use areas that employ a combination of land use and design strategies to create vibrant attractive destinations that provide a variety of social Gathering spaces providing locations for social interaction is a essential to creating vibrant communities these mixed use areas could include a combination of squares Parks plazas tot Lots playgrounds fresh fruit Outlets excuse me cafes or other shopping or entertainment based uses that bring people together it is well documented that social networking is a key factor in the success of innovation districts compact Transit accessible technically wired mix to use communities that promote Innovative thought and economic social development promote planning decisions that protect the natural environment not only should development plans be sensitive to the County's natural resources and boundaries but the county should encourage the use of low impact development techniques to address storm water runoff and water quality implementing these initiatives would offer a wonderful opportunity for our children and neighbors to come together as a community fostering and supporting an authentic healthy lifestyle thank you for your time and consideration today thank you sorry the second Jennifer hi Jennifer McCarthy 8819 Kenton Road so I guess I'd like to discuss how the current residents of the connected City have been treated the last 10 years so we've been coming to these meetings for 10 years I've spoken to you you probably maybe recognize me I don't know I got run off the road my road yesterday my private non-county maintained road because there's construction traffic coming from marata nobody will take this approach and and nobody will help stop it it's a single Lane Road nobody helps try to keep traffic off of it and as this area continues to grow it's not safe for me to leave my house so one issue there is that the development is not keeping up with the infrastructure so you guys are going to build a new Kenton Road okay great well that was approved two years ago there's no new Kenton Road um everybody's continuing to cut to cut up our road when we were talking with Commissioners and 10 years ago with what was it Ted Tim when of the te's when they were when this and Pasadena Hills was getting they're like you know there's going to be step UPS if you guys decide that you're going to stay great we want properties like yours we won't put things directly next to you that are going to impact you you're not going to be next to town homes you're not going to be next to four story apartments but guess what is getting approved next to our properties so we can't build within 20 ft of our property line but you guys can take 150 acres directly next to us and then they can build up to 5T so things like that shouldn't be happening there should be some sort of Step Up in in the density and I just don't think that that's a that's been that's happened so you know we want to be good neighbors the developers say we they want to be good neighbors to us they have not been nobody has all you're seeing is unfortunately more for salees signs then you have people that work for the county a director going on CBS News and saying anybody that lives in the connected City that's not part of a development should just plan to pack up and move so CBS News a year ago never I I wrote email after email to him he never responded back to me because I wanted to speak about his public comment um so this is you know Amy and the other Jennifer you know spoke about what the connected City should have been and that's a vision and what is there is not if you guys if if you not you guys but if everything is is the the last Parcels if these are all approved there's no way where are we putting the libraries where are you putting the parks where are you putting these Open Spaces it was the only thing I was maybe kind of excited about right like my six-year-old might be able to have friends in the neighborhood that she because there's some things going close but you can't nothing's accessible the park Wesley Chapel District the board what one meeting the board of county commissioner said hey the park Wesley Chapel District park you can't get there on golf carts people try and if you've driven down that area it's incredibly dangerous so why not have a park in that area to accommodate these people um and and everybody I I mean so again I think the vision needs to be looked at it hasn't been it's it's not what is there um so that's that's that's my point is that I I think this needs to be paused until this is reviewed and I think any anybody looking to develop in this area should be not just responsible for their parcel but including a spec on how this fits into the big picture so thank you for your time thank you the next person on the list is David Torino my name is David Torino I live at 9350 Kenton Road I've got a problem with your water I've had a problem with your water every since you started to develop across the lake my property's been flooded my property is 3ot above high water mark right now my dock has been flooded and destroyed you guys told me wasn't you guys but I was told by some of the the Commissioners I won't mention their names because you don't want me to mention name but I was talk to two of them I wouldn't get a drop of water on my property I didn't get a drop I got feet of water feet I haven't been able to get back to the lake back there and that's what I moved there for I moved there I bought the land in 85 I moved there in 95 I built a a beautiful home that I was going to retire and die in cuz I love the fish that's but I built for I haven't seen that Lake in eight years eight years of my life is gone I love the fish gentlemen and I haven't been able to and that's not right you guys told me that I would see a drop of water one comes out there say man somebody dropped the ball that's not helping me not helping me at all I want to get back there that's my G thank you the next one on our list is Chris Torino Chris tral 9422 Kent Road that got much more to say to what he did except that the water went under my home this time I went through two hurricanes the water didn't come up on my property har it was gone within 2 3 weeks we don't have two three weeks no more we go months we used to mow to the lake ain't mow to the lake in eight nine years now yeah I don't know what you you know everybody says we you know they come out look at it say well you got a problem that's for sure but they don't do nothing and it keeps getting worse not better you keep building and it gets worse that's about all I can say add to him thank you thank you the next one on the list is Steve Stanley oh you're not for general public comment you're for PC okay so the next one on the list is Nancy Hazelwood Nancy hawood 3411 a nice place that came up pretty fast um I've got a Litany of things uh first off they're deciding to put a well Field in the Northeast protected area and we don't need it because we're all in well and septic and we have large lots that help keep us R and protect it so we are not liking that and now we're hearing they might want to put a waste for treatment plant there too and it wouldn't be for us it'd be for developing Northeast protected area which it that's not what we bargain for when we exchanged it for Pasad H um I was wondering why the board continues to listen to the same people who represent development communities when they have failed over and over again to follow through with what they have promised to do on their projects and it has been agreed on and is in the application by the board and it isn't followed through something else happens um maybe it's where a road was supposed to be not put and they came back and decided to put it there again even though it had been voted so that the citizens wouldn't have to have their little Community with a lot of traffic this reflects back on the boards yall said that this was going to be this way and now it's not if you want your word to stand for something this needs to be remedied somehow uh I have a couple other short things I would respect respectfully ask probably planning for the 10th time over the last 15 years for the planning staff to work on conflicted zoning in the Northeast Ral protected area we're running into it again and so one of them is that things are coming up in the rural area plan like employment centers and there's no conditions put on it it's a conflict zoning within northeas Ro and has the capacity to again make high density in Northeast drill and more sprawl we don't have it yet we're probably the one place that doesn't um one more here no P white y'all are lucky thank you thank you n so the next one on our list for general public comment is Phil single Terry TI my name is Philip single ter live at 8723 Kenton Road back in their 1980s my wife and I brought our small family and lived out there very rural we moved out of Hillsboro County to get away from exactly what's happening to us right now there's nothing we can do with that's already happened with the erson property the cannon property but what I see going on now is the development that's going to happen across the street from us we do live on a private road and it's only a half a mile long these gentlemen used to live on a private road but the county came and bought it and no one maintains our road I have multiple trees on the fence line and the Developers promised us who bought that property that they would not kill any of our trees okay well it's my understanding now that somebody else has bought that contract and somebody else is going to do it so I was wondering if they were going to be able to honor that contract another thing too is the developers that are going to develop the property across the street from us where a four lane the new Kenton Road supposed to go is going to be elevated 3 feet now we live at the bottom it's not much of a hill but there is an incline in the property value I mean the yes the EV evolation and the water does come down into our property so we got three feet coming on our East Side you got the fer property down on the other end of Kenton going to be elevated when they develop their property and you got property being developed now on tendle and close to tendle so what you're basically doing is you're pushing all that water into a bowl which is going to affect Jennifer these gentlemen here everybody that lives on that road and that could mean that we may have to get flood insurance right now we don't have to have flood insurance and that could cost us the value of our property we've been through multiple hurricanes I have never never seen the damage that these gentlemen have gone through on their property King lake has never flooded like that so I'm just thinking where is this water going to go when you elevate the surroundings of our property I hope you all uh just take in consideration that the people that are building these things don't live here they don't care the Planning Commission is supposed to look out for the people that live here not just for the people that are trying to build there so if your engineers can do something to make it look make it more livable than passable talk about the traffic one second coming down elim the other day I was turning on our private road I had to make a left-hand turn there's a golf cart track on the on the side of the road cars are passing me on the golf cart track I'm going on a private road I want to put up a gate thank you for your time thank you so the next person I have on my list is christe Zimmerman would think by now you would know good afternoon gentlemen it's so good to see you first of all I want to say thank you thank you for volunteering your time to be planning Commissioners some of you are on payroll some of you are not you take away from your businesses your personal lives to be here and do these decisions and it's not always easy and you do get a lot of crap thrown at you threatening lawsuits and such so I just want to take the minute and say thank you for your time we appreciate you believe it or not hearing these people talking about you don't see what the long-term impact just just for the record just your name Zimmer 3615 Pine con Court they just got to get it recorded okay thank you hearing what they're saying about you may not realize the long-term impact of what you're approving and what you're hoping they're going to actually follow through and do with let me give you a couple examples Connerton been there while been growing for a while not just the storms flood air and cut off now the rain we we had yesterday which was just minutes flooded air and cut off again during the storms and the Big Time flooding the tractors never stopped out there they're piling up dirt they're creating more problems and the flooding is not going to get in is not going to end it's going to get worse for those Comm those people who have lived there for many decades I know many of them the other one is the project at the corner of call your Parkway in 54 the shopping center where Publix is now the deal was okay it was a horse farm woodsby farm you're going to build this to look like a horse farm and they put topiaries out there that were required as per the plan it looks nothing like a horse farm now the topiaries have been long gone nobody's followed through nobody polies these projects nobody makes them do what they say they're going to do you pass it but where's the the followup where's the The Authority that says you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing in these communities that we approved because it's not happening and we the people out here are having to bear that Brun thank you thank you so the next one on the list is Kim brly and I just want to make sure she wants to speak on General Public comment Kim briarly 8946 Old Pasco Road and I'd like to start by thanking the people who let me know about the meeting since I wasn't noticed of the meeting and I have a little bit of problem being noticed of things that are going on like right near me so thank you to those who let me know um I'm going to piggy back on a lot of the things that were said and then I'll speak again later as well but um every time something gets built in the general area of my house it's built up several more feet than it was and like the Fishbowl scenario was perfect I keep saying I'm at the bottom of a valley because we've had storms before and nothing impacted my property like what we just had with Helen and Milton and it I've never seen anything like it and I just I can't imagine if we lose everything we have flood insurance that doesn't get you your thing back it gives you what somebody feels like your things were worth and I don't want to go through that I'd like to have everything slowed down until we can actually figure out what's going to be good for the county and what's actually going to push out the citizens who love this County and make them move somewhere else when they don't want to they want to stay where they bought and love and so I'll speak again later but thank you I appreciate it thank you okay so the last one I have signed up for general public comment is Michael polter and we did give Michael extra time as requested yesterday thank you sir Michael pic 10 minutes 9152 Kenton Road but I'm representing the Pasco connected City residents group oh perfect thank you young way so I'd like to talk about the comprehensive plan for the connected City but before I do that I would like to point out all of our friends and neighbors and family East County and West County that were flooded out and some are still flooded out and have still not made it back to their homes they are in our thoughts and prayers and we're not going to forget about it we all need to stand up and keep that as a hot issue going forward so that we can provide accountability to not just future residents but the current residents second item is I'd like to thank you gentlemen because I do not envy your position you guys have to balance a lot of things on your table on your plate and I do not envy your positions and I do appreciate all of you for trying to work with us and find the best for current and future residents as we balance these things out what I'd like to touch on is where we're currently at with the connected City its development how it has developed and what was promised prised to the residents and the future residents years ago the the group that I'm representing by the way is now 681 members as of 10 minutes ago and I'd like to thank a bunch of our neighbors for showing up and speaking today about these issues there's a lot of individuals that didn't know today's meeting was going to happen and um I promise we're going to continue to push forward for proactive ways to meet the needs of all of our residents for those at home that don't know the connected city was started in 2015 with a Senate Bill part of this Senate bill with the basis of it being a pilot program for the state in coordination with Metro developments the connected city was going to be established as a pilot program the oversight for the project was going to be pushed or given to local Authority because of the level of experience and knowledge of local authority to overse see the project that's kind of important as we go forward here in 2018 I believe it was the master plan for the connected City I believe that's the year that it was published and given National Acclaim and won its awards for how amazing of an opportunity this was going to be to develop in Pasco County this is an overhead spba zone map you gentlemen know there's five districts the northern and southern in inovation zones Community Hub the urban core and then the business district I'd like to give some credit to Metro developments because the southern Innovation Zone and the northern Innovation Zone primarily our housing and they've done a beautiful job there's been some hiccups we found some roads that they forgot through roads that they forgot to build I don't think that was a necessarily a Metro developments issue maybe some accountability issue maybe some uh oversight that we were missing in those projects I.E Kenton Road That was supposed to go through to overpass prior to any developments on the existing Kenton Road a number of items in the master plan include putting people first healthier Lifestyles sustainable living local healthy food as the young lady before mentioned outdoor areas vibr open air meeting places for the community recreational locations for the community Hub this is straight out of the master plan and it highlights some of what the young lady before was speaking about with Community Gardens farmers markets open recreational areas large open areas where the community and its developments all of its residents can come together and meet and live life together outside of just walking into more pavement and non-permeable surf surfaces these are some of the pictures that were sold and marketed to us and it looks like a bunch of happy people it sounds great we want to be there too with them uh some of the pictures from the marketing the Community Gardens the open areas the recreational areas this is straight from the marketing for marada I'd like to highlight miles of well-maintained trails that connect residence with the Great Outdoors the area around marada is known for bird watching and is home to beautiful native flora and fauna this is the first example of where I'd like to start highlighting where we're missing the intended purpose and intent outside of Mara across the street from it is the Sand Hill development it's already approved it's already happening there was one existing stand of Timber about 12 acres and it was Century Live Oak standing Pine and Native Citrus this week this is what it looks like that's where the birds were the amazing Birds flora and fauna every tree you see in the picture is being knocked down and burned so that we can make a 10 acres storm Pond not sure how necessarily all of the purpose and intents are coming together there's specifically with the pilot program straight out of the master plan it's supposed to highlight libraries Emergency Services law enforcement etc for our new fire chief we do not have a fire station designated for the quote 100,000 people the connected City are going to bring in the connected city fire station is on the west side of I75 and I can't imagine a fire station on the other side of the interstate in correlation with the San Antonio fire station and the east of erson fire station can accommodate Emergency Services inside the connected city with the density we're referring to so there's no fire station on the table it is not in the master plan this is what we were sold for the business district these are some beautiful buildings for the growing high-tech high-paying jobs and and businesses that we were hoping to bring in what's being marketed commercially right now is 75 Logistics it's going to be 5.5 million square fet of industry and targeted distribution centers over 2 million square F feet is going to be distribution centers I'm not sure how many people still haven't figured this out yet but Amazon and every other Distribution Center is going to automated services so if we're going to bring in employment in an EOD the Emer the employment opportunity District we should be considering industries that are going to bring jobs with them and not eliminate the jobs while they're tying up the ground space in the same area right down the street from it in the middle of the connected City we have a commercial ice rink on a two-lane dirt road not sure how this is responsible as far as our planning goes again these are the districts and to highlight the southern Innovation Zone even though they've done a beautiful job is a centered with a private fancy community pool the northern Innovation zone is primarily the metro housing fancy private community pool we're not invited there by the way and the employment district and the Urban business Court the not business Court the Urban Court the Urban Court is important because if we dig into it a little bit this project received National Acclaim in 2018 two years later Pasco County decided to put a multi-million doll Fleet Operation Center where we're supposed to have the high density business core the urban core this is where the coffee shops the four story buildings are going this is how we spent our money in Pasco County 2 years after we're supposed to be rezoning and planning for the urban Corp this is an overhead of what was built the community Hub is what's really on our mind right now because it is specifically where the on-site gardening farming Etc is supposed to go which includes a lot of recreational area in the outdoor space where the different developments for the Hub can come together I'm going to have to zoom through some of this so I apologize but this is where the Civic cultural recreational outdoor and the gem King Lake which we've now figured out can't be included for public use is supposed to be hubbed around the district Park we were promised has been reallocated to the east side of Pasadena Hills and from the heart of the connected City that's 10 miles away the item from the intent and purpose for this project were to get cars off the road I'm not sure how many golf carts are going to go 10.6 miles to get to our district Park this is a picture of the future school and it includes Sports programs that's going to be important this must have been a local designer because the building right there looks like the 100-year storm already happened because it's got water on three sides of it division zero outlines what this was supposed to be about Okay the reason the school I wanted to highlight it is important is because Pasco County was given the instructions to not burden Pasco County residents with the expense of this pilot program the school is designed now from what I understand Mr tanell maybe you can help us is now designed to be a charter school I cannot find Charter School in Pasco County that has a full sports program they can't afford the property and so they don't they can't afford the sports programs they don't have it so if we're going to Charter out the school and the high school there that's supposed to serve the connected City how are we supposed to do this without Sports programs without the recreational area and without the Open Spaces that are all supposed to go into the Hub really quickly just to I will make this quick I promise can you help me young lady I'll go right back to it yeah just back back back I'm sorry while she's getting there the connected Hub uh let's go back right there stop thank you okay so just so you gentlemen can be on the same page with me this is the the community Hub every red box is already packaged for developers or current housing all of it except for one parcel the parcel on the top left where the gray stars on it that's the last remaining parcel that has not been already rezoned for purpose and everything else is housing we have not received any recreational or open air space that's the last one left it's going to be a Hot Topic I promise the people of the connected City are very passionate about being given what they were promised when this came around that's the overhead as we zoom in a little bit that one parcel touches four different districts from the con connected city so we are asking you to please keep in mind with the community Hub we have not been given the recreational area the open space the outdoor pavilions the Civic centers and this could all be incorporated our group would like to come forward in the near future and present an alternative development plan for that parcel which includes one of the beautiful Pavilions that Amy spoke I had on her Powerpoint earlier can I steal that picture by the way um boardwalks to protect the three Wetlands the Community Gardens we can we have a plan that would help restore the Integrity of the project as a whole if you will work with us in trying to make the last piece of the pie work for the community thank you gentlemen for what you do thank you gentlemen for your time thank you for allowing me to go over and we really appreciate you guys thanks for working with us very well thanks Paul Liam is there anybody else that was our last person signed up in person for general public comment okay s yeah go ahead and come on up and this just I know you qued in late this is just public comment for anything not on the agenda if you're here to talk about anything on the agenda you have to speak when the item comes up and then um give you a second when you get up here I don't think you were here for the swearing in so when you get to the podium I'll need you to uh when you get to the podium I need you to raise your right hand and be sworn please youir the testimony you're about to give is TR so helpy God and then please state your name and address Tanya riddlesworth 8734 McKenry Road [Applause] this is um I think going to be the new slogan if we don't change something if you can see here disconnected City we are no longer going to be the connected City we will be the disconnected City unless something changes you guys had a great plan or the state had a great plan Metro had a great plan I don't know who came up with it first but um it was a great plan and I was there at the meetings 10 years ago um before I bought my property I was nervous about buying it went to those meetings um I was sold on this this great concept this idea that looks like it would be a fantastic place to raise my family um it is not turning out to what we thought it was going to be it's a lot of homes a lot of Apartments um you're building this double Branch uh it doesn't look like it's going to be a great Town Center where we we're going to want to go it looks like it's just going to be distribution space um we don't know where the green space is going to be just like kind of everybody's kind of been saying here where's the green space so we have uh the Wesley Chapel District park we have a park in The Villages of Pasadena Hills those are not in Connected City so if that was what you guys had intended of doing was saying well you've got these Parks over here and over here then that should have been told to us not you're going to have green space within the connected city um as you can see from the map that was just shown the particular parcel that will be discussed later is in the center of connected City would be a great spot to put a park um I don't want to really speak too much on that cuz I know that's specific um but I also wanted to mention uh about the roads um there are a couple main roads the Kenton Road and mckendry road that are main through Roads connecting the South part of connected city with the northern part of connected City and currently there's still dirt roads with um no kind of line timeline in sight of when those are going to be fixed I know Kenton the developer is supposed to fix out when they build the um the property PR there but uh mckendry Road there's nobody that's set up to pave that road you've got a major double branch on the north side of the road connecting what will be a hospital on the south side of the road and a dirt road in between and I guess until the residents decide to sell which maybe is the intent that road will remain a dirt road because you guys have decided you're going to just leave it to the developers to PVE it when those residents sell to developers which we don't want to sell I guess some people might but there's many of us that don't want to sell so is that going to remain a dirt road connecting these two major things um I just want to mention there was a development a while back I think it was a couple years ago I don't know if you guys remember it on Hol road hle I don't know if you remember that development uh real quick but um at that time you guys did deny the resoning there because you said the um Road was subpar the homes I think it was like a 106 homes that were going to be built next to rural community did not go in line with the um Vibe of the community and the agricultural type of properties there uh you guys actually voted to deny it um to to not approve that resoning and so I think that you know that kind of mindset needs to be brought back here to the connected City and you know not approve things that are not in line with the idea of the connected City the green spaces the libraries the community um so let's just get back to that idea that you guys did approve a couple years ago all right thank you Tanya thank you okay that's it yeah David do you want to say a few things yes thank you I'll be very brief um my name is David Engel I'm the planning and economic development director for Pasco County I'm not here to reute uh the comments that were made I'm just here to update the public as well as the commission on some of the things that are taking place that are attempting to address some of these perceived problems and issues that the public has uh number one uh the board of County Commissioners is requiring now that binding concept plans be submitted with MPS to hold a level of accountability on these large planned unit developments we're working uh vigorously towards uh a definition of binding plan and we will be presenting that to the board shortly number two uh the storm water situation has ravaged many areas of the county according to the National Weather Service um be the the the level of rainfall from Milton exceeded the 200-year storm event statistically we realized that the climates are changing we had Debbie we had uh Helen and then Milton all you know in the ground was saturated was no place for water to go the the board has directed us to map out through our GIS system where the damages and the board will be holding a workshop shortly to talk about ways that we could step up our regulation of storm water management to mitigate these problems in the future um thirdly on open space and preservation and U and the way we we develop property the board has directed us and we will have a a more aggressive tree preservation and mitigation program in front of the board for adoption in the next 60 days we're just finishing up on the uh increased fees to the development Community uh on the business district in Connected City I I I you know I we had the board meeting on Tuesday some of people came out and spoke about um the fact that uh we're not maintaining the connected City employment model but they weren't aware that on that board consent agenda was an approval for double Branch to increase their entitlements by $3 million Square fet moving away from the distribution model and and advancing life sciences and advanced manufacturing so they did that the county didn't pay them an extra nickel so they're going to reprogram some of their marketing strategies and also there is an active entertainment Gathering component of double Branch it may not be visible to you but it was approved in the the original mpud and we are proceeding with planning and design of that we're also Al working vigorously and connecting Tindle Road through vop in Northern connected City to get people to the jobs and people to the entertainment and entertainment and that's underway right now also so um that's basically the overview again I'm not trying to rebuttle anybody I'm just trying to keep the information current and constant and uh I heard U this week that the board has invited Metro development to come in and give us an update on connected cities so that'll be at a public meeting thank you David Frey um I think about a year ago the board asked for a workshop on both the Villages of passing in the hills and connected City and to the best of my knowledge I realize this predated you but to the best of my knowledge those workshops have not occurred yet so is there a plan of action to for the board to kind of hear an update on where we stand in Connected City we stand just said we've uh there was an invitation sent out to Metro development to appear in front of the board and give us an update and discuss the fact uh you know what's going on in the ground and how we're going to accomplish the ambitious goals of connected City number two on Bop the board has directed a workshop on their the financial plan but uh we're we're convening an analysis using Bill Oliver as our consultant to evaluate the financial plan and report back to the board and we're working on that right now sir okay excuse me if I would I was just going to say if anybody you know during the meeting we could talk afterwards if anybody wants to speak with me as far as the school things and also our door is open our phone lines are open you can call us uh go to Pasco schools departments planning department and we'd speak to you about anything so please contact us anytime you want us to talk excuse me Mr chair yes um I believe we still have one more person for general public comment I don't know if you're still accepting general public comment absolutely not yeah go ahead okay while he's getting sworn in is there anybody else that walked in late that did not get sworn that intends to speak all right by yourself you swear the testimony you're about to give is the TRU of God feel like I'm getting married but my name is Roger Mendoza I'm 8941 Kenton Road um I'm literally bordering the south side of the faza strip the faza ranch where the the Hort is going to be uh I'm going to start with this this little thing and I'm going to basically kind of end it with it feeling feel like we're not really being listened to I don't know if we how much we can say about the green things and the Green Acres that we want and the the things that we really want but the things that we've been promised Etc I don't think we've been actually been listening to I've been leaving there for about 14 years and um we have a nonprofit that we that we run from our home we've been losing a lot of Revenue because of not only the flooding people can't get down a road we have a private road as well as part of like where uh there a single ter is have a prior Road in that Half Mile Stretch and it's hard to come down that road especially when there's a lot of water and there's a lot of uh uh degradation to the road as well but U part of it is that one of the things that is that they put in the fossil is they're going to be putting this plastic wall PVC wall and have you guys walked around and I even walked around maybe like driven around and see seen all those PVC fences all over the place we have kids in our in our autistic uh they're autistic and they're prone to go into water there's going to be a 400t retention pod like literally on the other side of that fence literally in the side that fence so how would you have that in the conscience of not only you yourselves but uh the Commissioners and the developers if something happened to a person or a kid that was wanting to go to water you know I don't have flood insurance just because I don't have a pool I don't have a lake behind me or anything like that but I want to be able to um use my land as nature because that's what I bought it for you know I bought it for nature and we all want to be in nature um like Mr single ter you know make sure you pay respect to the trees you know what I mean so that's something that we ask for and from the last meeting um not only from the F of a prii I know that there's kind of changed and there's like a second segment going on etc etc we're supposed to have a dead end from our private road all the way to Elam but somehow it changed on the next one where it says we're going to have a pass through from Kenton Road from our private road back into Kenton Road you could just imagine how much the traffic is that people trying to bypass the new Kenton Road to get off into our private road and then go back in that's going to make us a nightmare and not only that but uh a lot lot of us have businesses at our houses we have livestock at our houses we have kids at our houses and we I don't even close the gates anymore because my kids just run they have 10 acres to play with you know what I mean so part of it is that we want to have nature to be nature and we want to be listened to and we want to have those things that we're promised to us to be fulfilled thank you thanks for coming out anybody else from anybody else in the audience okay anybody from here want to say anything okay and I I do want to thank everybody for coming out I mean your voices have been heard um as David stated in the things that he said the county has heard um I know the the board heard you guys at the last meeting when you made your presentation at the last meeting I know we we brought this up at at the last Planning Commission meeting that was here about connected City issues and about wanting to see the the overall picture in a whole rather than just the individual projects in a Buble so um your voices are being heard um things are being looked at and uh just you know we appreciate you being here so with that um we're going to move on to the public hearing portion of the agenda uh for those of you that have not been at our meetings before um our meetings are typically broken up into three sections there's a continuous section those are continuous items and there are two continuous items on the agenda today then we have consent items um those are items that uh recommended for approval and and unless they're pulled from the agenda will be approved all at one time there's seven of those items and then there's a regular item portion of the agenda which there's one regular item on the agenda today as well uh if you're here to speak to anything on the agenda uh inperson participants and participants attending through weex which I don't think we have any today um if they pre-register to speak they'll be notified by County staff when they are permitted to speak applicants will be limited to 5 minutes and other participants will be limited to 3 minutes unless additional time is approved at least 24 hours in advance um when you come to the podium again please announce um the following before you start speaking and please state that you have been sworn or acknowledge that you've been sworn please state your name your address and the agenda item number agenda title that you'll be speaking to and then the three or five minute timer will start okay so U Madam Clark do we have proof the ad for advertised the T Bay Times September 18 2024 October 23rd 2024 November 6 2024 and November 27th 2024 by affidavit by certified Mite thank you my apologies sir sir all right Liam you want to start yes good afternoon Liam Divine Planning Development and economic growth Department um item pc4 pde 25- 7848 um it is a special exceptional request in the name of 52 property LLC travic care board and RV storage sr52 this is coming with a request to continue the item to January 9th 2025 um to the PC meeting in date City at 1:30 okay is there anybody here to speak to this item okay pc5 pde 25- 7651 it's a zoning amendment in the name of tall timers mpud Extreme Team 41 LLC this is coming with a request to continue the item to the January 9th meeting in 2025 um PC meeting in dat City at 1:30 p.m. is this a staff requested continu o I believe it is I believe it is but I can confirm that if you want is the applicant available to confirm they're okay with their continuance CU we asked the applicant directly could they re when we made a motion for a continuance the last time we asked would 60 days be more applicable and they said they would be ready by today um if you give me a moment I can find out let me see if it's in their agenda P I think Patrick's coming to save the day I don't know about save the day but maybe provide an answer um there were specific conditions that I think we needed to work out in terms of potentially timing of construction of the non-residential component um and I think we're still working through what that condition looks like and I think between staff and the applicant we need more time to figure out what that looked like very okay so but Patrick just to confirm the applicant is okay with his I assume um because the question was was this initiated by staff with the applicant was it sure is so and just to be so Gavin who is the the Planner on this he's out with the flu um so I'm kind of picking up the pieces a little bit on it um I'm not quite sure uh if it was applicant or staff requested um so was the applicant aware of the continuance I believe that yes it's been communicated to them okay are they here or online no I do not believe they're here okay all right okay this that all the continuance items that is the two continuance items yes move to continue items pc4 and pc5 to January 9th meeting in Gate City second all right motion and a second any further discussion we ask for if any was here to comment on PC 5 me do you have comment on pc5 I I didn't know if we asked is there anybody here to speak on pc5 I'm sorry you're correct Matt I did not just to be clear since it was noticed as a continuance you don't have to take public on very okay we have a motion in a second no further discussion all in favor I I opposed motion carries um pc6 we have somebody who has signed up to speak on this so pc6 will be pulled pc7 pde 25- 7785 it is a zoning amendment in the name of New York Avenue Business Park LLC Diagonal Road Business Park it's a change in zoning from R2 low density residential district and C2 General commercial District to i1 light Industrial Park District it's located on the Southeast corner of the intersection of Diagonal Road and New York Avenue this is coming with a recommendation for approval okay is the applicant present is there anybody here to speak on the side PC this is pc7 not pc6 no problem you here to speak on pc7 I'm sorry I didn't hear you so you're here to speak so we're going to pull pc7 yes we're going to pull pc7 okay PC8 pde 255-7839 it's a zoning amendment in the name of Sarah Jones barnyard rezoning it's a change in zoning from AC agricultural District to a AR agricultural residential district it's on the east side of Power Line Road approximately A4 Mile North of freeze Hill Road this is coming with a recommendation for approval okay is the applicant present is there anybody here to speak on this item okay um pc9 you're sitting as the local planning agency um pde 25-15 a comprehensive plan of Amendment cpath um CP pal cpal CPA 24- 05 State Road 54 office providing for a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map 2-15 and Sheet 21 changing from res 12 residential 12 dwelling units per gr acre to um o office and con conservation lands on approximately .95 of an acre of real property located on the north side of State Road 54 approximately 150 ft West of Camp Indian Head Road and State Road 54 intersection this is coming with a recommendation that the LPA find that the propos amendment consistent with a comprehensive plan okay is the applicant present yese is there anybody here to speak on this item okay pc10 you're also sitting as the local plan planning agency pde 25-47 it's a comprehensive plan Amendment Cass 24-8 Wesley Chapel professional office providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map 2-15 and Sheet 22 changing from res 6 residential six dwelling units per gross acre to Comm commercial on approximately .94 of an acre of real property located in the southeast corner of the intersection of vidiian way and State Road 54 this is coming with a recommendation that the local planning agency finds the proposed amendment consistent with the comprehensive plan okay is the applicant present is anybody here to speak on this item okay we'll keep it on the consent um pc11 we do have some um housekeeping to do um there was an update to attachment one from your agenda package of the second map um updating um the proposed Hudson Waterworks Wellhead map um and as well as map 2-1 attachment two of your agenda packet which is exhibit a updating that map as well that has been provided to the clerk's office and should have been provided to you but I will make sure staff passes that out to you with those Corrections can we get a motion to receive in file Mot moot a second since there was two motions all in favor I oppose motion carries so pc11 pde 25-61 is a comprehensive plan Amendment um CPA 24-6 Wells wellfields and well head protection area map providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future map future land use map 21 Wells wellfields and well head protection area providing for additional text Amendment as necessary for internal consistency this is coming with a recommendation that the local planning agency find that the proposed amendment consistent with the comprehensive plan again you're sitting as the local planning agency okay is the applicant present this is staff's Staff initiated how about is there anybody here to speak on this item okay so we will pull that one from consent as well um pc12 we have somebody signed up to speak on that item so we would need to pull that and then um p13 is already a regular item okay so the consent agenda is PC8 pc9 and pc10 that would be the remaining consent agenda the remaining consent agenda correct yes okay do we have a motion move to recommend approval of items PC8 pc9 and pc1 as as our consent agenda second motion and a second all in favor I oppose motion carries so we are going back to pc6 um pde 25- 7845 in the name of BDI properties us LLC tle Wells Road this is a special exception request for a daycare center and veterinarian clinic um the current zoning is AR the future land use Is Res one the applicant proposes um the applicant is requesting to develop the property with a daycare center for 160 children and a 4,000 sqare ft veterinarian clinic in conformance with the AR agricultural residential district standards it's located on the south corner of the intersection of Wells Road and curly Road it's located in the Central Market area and is outside of the urban concentration in rural areas here's a zoomed out aial here's a little bit of a zoomed in the surrounding future land juice Is Res one and res 3 to the north to the east south and west is all res one the surrounding zoning to the north is AC a and MP to the east is AC and to the South is and West is a the subject site is undeveloped on approximately 2.08 Acres there used to be well there there used to be a mobile home on the site um the use proposed for a daycare center and veterinarian clinic are both special exception uses um under AR under the Land Development code and I would actually note that the site actually already has an approved special exception so this would be um modifying that that approved special exception is from August 11th 201 four from Planning Commission that approved a 200 student dayc Care Center in for this site so this would actually be a reduction of 40 students here's the concept sorry here is the concept plan and this is coming with a recommendation for approval from Planning Development and economic growth Department okay is the applicant present want one second good afternoon good afternoon um I do have a presentation but staff did a great job if I can just say a couple words sure name and address and then just acknowledge as you've been sworn sure okay um good afternoon my name is Ross einter I'm with colar engineering and design I'm representing um BDI uh properties for item pc6 and I have been sworn um the property is located on the southwest corner of Wells Road and curly Road um as Liam said a special exemption was already granted on August 11th 2004 for a 200 child Day daycare facility within the AR zoning District um our request today is to modify this special request to reduce the number of students from 200 to 160 and then add the uh use of Vet Clinic um no other changes are being made to site plan storm water anything like that just the use is going to change um and we agree to all the conditions within the memor um we ask you to approve this special exception in accordance with staff's recommendation approval and I'm here for any questions okay thank you is there anybody here to speak on this item Steve Stanley uh 31145 Alyan Drive West the Chapel Florida 33545 I happen to own the property right next door to this and I really don't want it there because of the trash the smell the garbage I work for uh veter Aran I do AC work behind the scenes it's filthy when you walk in the door it's fine and D you that's what you see but behind the scenes it's filthy it's nasty it's sticks and I don't want that in my backyard I'm 85 ft from that where you want to put all of this and I don't want it there it staks I don't want the Riff raft that's going to come through there I want the trash that's going to be coming in on my property which I've already get enough of that from Wells Road I don't need to have it from from commercial building right in the middle of a residential area we don't need that there go down the road a little ways where all that commercial stuff publ and all that is down there you can put all that there you don't need to put it in the middle of a residuary and I don't need a parking lot there my girlfriend owns the next property over she don't want it there um she wanted to know if she can write a letter to y'all because she wasn't able to get off on work to get here to do this but she wants to write a letter stating hers considering her property is literally right up against it my property is the L where the it comes up it makes the L where it's about 30 ft away from where it connects to their property that's my property is the L right there we and then on top of that can we put a map up oh I see sir while they're putting the map up so is it accurate to say that you your primary concern is the vet clinic not the daycare center well the daycare too because you're going to have a bunch of people dropping off kids at all certain times of the day and and I got traffic it's already so bad you can't even get out on a loyant road onto a curly road because of traffic and then you going to put all of this there yeah just to be clear the the daycare center is something that was already approved for this site well yeah no one even said anything about that until I found out about all this I I'm just saying it's that's an existing approval for the site I'm I'm that's an existing approval for the site that was approved in 2004 so the site is permitted to be a dayare daycare center today well I can't help you on the daycare part but as far as the veterinarian part I don't want it there it sticks it's it's it's it's bad you're going to put all that in my nose in my yard and I don't want that there it's going to be disturbing my pce when these dogs are barking and yelling let me I talk loud I'm help let me try to help you for a second I'm going to ask the County Attorney I can't hardly hear you sir when when we are ask has to consider a special exception we're given a sheet with six criteria on it of how we evaluate whether or not to approve or deny or request for a special exception I don't know if somebody from staff or maybe David can explain to the gentleman what those criteria are I understand you may have an objection but your objection has to fit into one of these reasons that we are allowed to deny a special extion on and I don't see that you think it stinks is one of the listed items but there are other items there okay and that's one of them if you can talk about something like that sir sir sir please the microphone so they can catch everything the clerk has to record everything I'm sorry okay yes sir but I mean there's there's other Alternatives than just this and like I said my girlfriend wants to write a letter to y'all too she's the one her property is actually butting up up to it and she don't want it there either she has more stronger feelings about it than I do so um we wanted to know if it was permittable for us to give you a certified no right letter or whatever from her she wants to send it and get her opinion in on this yeah but to address Mr Moody's point though I mean there are some of the criteria that do either directly or indirectly get to what the gentleman is complaining about I mean for example number three talks about the site having suitable access incress NE onsite parking and loading erors and mentions Refuge collection which he's complained about that and then number five is deals with or cause other significant problems or un adjoining surrounding properties which is apparently what he's asserting so I mean I I mean any I understand he's not pointing to those criteria but there's a way to take his comments and and have them apply to those criteria and also sir I also I have a u medical marijuana license and I grow plants and you're putting a daycare within the list the short period of place of we're supposed to have distance well again that the daycare use was approved in 2004 okay so they're not here today to ask for the daycare center use okay I don't want to go to jail because you build a daycare on top of my marijuana plan but sir I when did you I mean this daycare center has been approved since 2004 when did you place your well that wouldn't matter because they just legalized where we can get the the the license within the last two years that approval already existed at the time that you left your marijuana approval well yeah that's what I'm saying it's overlap but it's still the point of the matter is I still live there I still had the plants I still have the car so whether it was approved or not I'm still there okay sir I'm only pointing out that yeah just saying I don't want to go to prison because you put a daycare on your decision to get a license for a marijuana facility next to an area that was proved for a daycare that was your decision not their decision well there was nothing saying it was a day care even coming when I when I moved sure it was approved in 2004 it's it's public record that it was approved in 2004 and there people living there in 2004 so how did they approve it when there was a residential living there the same way they're here asking for approval today for a special exception they went to the same they have approval for a deare at that at that that so I'm not moving yeah did did you have anything else to add sir no sir I just I just wanted to make sure that and I want to clarify about the letter what M girlriend can she can mean she can send a letter into development department well I mean but okay but this is a special exception approval you are the final decision-making body and so unless that letter is before you today and unless you're willing to or continue this so you can receive it this is the fact finding hearing so there's getting a letter to was after the fact after the fact it's not going to do any good right after the fact okay got unless this gets continued for some reason all right it won't matter whether they she sends when will this be decided today today unless there unless it's continued it'll be decided today all right all right thank you thank is there anybody else here to give public comment okay anything from can I don't know we the applicant rebuttal just I don't want to forget that well let me ask staff the question because the applicant may want to rebut and I have a concern with the driveway to Wells Road is shown on the site plan and David I realize that a special exception these aren't B are these binding site plans no they're not binding I mean you can impose a condition to make it binding but generally they're not binding and can we impose conditions regarding access yes I think you're good so my question has to do with it appears we're showing a full access drive to Wells Road which would require somebody looks like perhaps the applicant's proposing shortening the left turn lane because when I look at the aerial photograph someone who's going westbound on Wells Road and would would turn South into this development would have to cross an existing left turn lane to do that the site plan doesn't depict that but the aerial photograph appears too and in this case even in the site plan they would be turning left across the taper or the the gore area to the left turn John would that not come up at the access management analysis as part of the site plan or I don't know I assume it would and that was why I was going to ask the question of Staff first I don't know at what level has the ACT has Transportation looked at this R TI is going to speak to that okay we have one of our access management reviewers here that's going to speak to this for all right good afternoon Stacy Burg's Transportation planner with development reviews Services um to my knowledge when I looked into a seller I did see a site plan for this but for a different project so under my impression I'm thinking that this project is in the special exception process so I haven't seen a site plan for it for that particular project I see it here but I just thought they were coming in for the zoning part of it so if I was reviewing this for the site plan part based on the Land Development code they would have to have access on a local Road based on our Land Development code if they got access on the collector then they would have to come in for Access alternative standard so so well okay so the only potential concern I have with that comment is that there clearly they did a substandard roadway analysis and determine that the local Road alone aloan is sub standard and if that was going to be their primary access I would have think that you all would have required more than just a proportionate share because there's a there's a finding number 14 that says that they're just going to pay fair share for that road that's what I looked up the person who reviewed this I was looking up the information and I would assume that because of the trips that will be using that location they had to use the um had to come up with a mitigation versus fixing it based on on the requirements I understand that but if if that was their only access are you saying that they could don't have to improve it I mean I get why you would only make them pay a fair share of their primary access as Wells but if their primary access was aloan are you sure that they wouldn't have to make actually improve the road for this one looking at the information it looks like they are using both of the um access to one on Welles road which is the collector and based on the trips that they will be using on the that local roadway it's because they're producing less than 100 daily trips so because they're producing less than 100 daily trips on a county maintained roadway then the requirements is for them to pay the fair share that's kind of my point is I understand why they would generate less than 100 dealer trips if it's a secondary access okay but when you got up here it made it sound like you may not even allow them access on Wells Road because it's a it's not a local Road it's a collector road so is Staff okay with them having access to Wells Road or not well from my understanding this may have already taken place I'm just kind of on the downstream of this project so if I was reviewing it for the first time and looking at it I would ask them to have access on the local roadway and if it's substandard and they weren't using the collector then they would probably have most likely have more um than 100 trips which would probably make them have to to improve my concern isn't whether or not and and I understand the access management rules that we want to go to local roads first before collectors and I'm not sure whether I agree or with that but in this particular case I feel like a right in right out driveway at Wells Road would be a much safer option than potentially people backing up attempting to make a left turn across a left turn lane this site plan does not depict what's on the ground if you look at the aerial photograph that left turn lanane goes beyond where that driveway is or at least it doesn't what is shown in our report so I'm thinking that a right in right out driveway at that location is a better option okay I don't want to cause a traffic one of the things on our list to evaluate in a special exception is whether we think it creates a traffic problem that's the traffic problem I think it creates so yes this this body does have the ability like David was saying you can you can impose that you can make that a right in write out or you can say no access there at all and then that would then change the the to the South that we would want them to actually make the improvement from their driveway over well I think I would I would tell you personally speaking if it's going to be a daycare center probably multiple access points might be appropriate but I don't want to have a dangerous access point understood and you know this uh the vision roads the the the curly road is actually going to be having a little bit of some change in the traffic flow there with with the new vision alignment so uh we need to take a lot of different things and count's a lot of moving Parts on it so it kind of depends on the timing as to that level of danger and kind of how it plays out uh but we can certainly work with them a site plan with whatever you guys decide and this will still have to come in for a site plan at which point in time it will undergo access management analysis correct sir we need you if you're going to speak you got to speak from up here sorry about that sorry R col your's engineering and design um we I'm pretty sure the site plan is already almost already through which means the access management and the TI has already been approved because I can't submit this application until both of those have been approved okay sir there's a finding a fact number 13 hopefully you read the agenda memo it says access management analysis shall be performed at the time of preliminary site plan or preliminary development plan so that leads me to believe they have not done access management analysis you may have done a timing and phasing traffic analysis or or staff determined that it was exempt from that okay but this finding 13 says that access management is going to be looked at at the time of site plan okay site plan is in and it has been in for a while oh you submitted a site plan before you even had a special exception correct okay yes and has it gone through axis management review I if it's part of the site plan process yes they've seen it and do we have comments back yet yeah we're I'm pretty sure I have like a almost approval letter like it's a I got a um with a full access on Wells Road I mean is this the site plan yeah this is the same site plan that's gone through site plan well okay just to be clear that was his risk that he assumed yeah I mean if if you if you this body says that you don't want him to have a full access on Wells Road it doesn't matter whether he submitted something already I mean that's I agree with Brad if you want to condition this on it being a writing right out you have that power to do regardless of what he's already submitted I wish our traffic consultant was here cuz she did a whole traffic study and I'm pretty sure worked with the county to figure out that a right in write out would work best for Wells so that's why we did the right in right out but that's not what's shown yeah yeah it's just shown right you take a right into the what stops somebody from making a left from westbound Wells Road to southbound the rules of the road technically I mean well I know I know I know but I watch people run red lights and stop signes all day long exactly but you know we can only do as you know as much as we can well you could put a pork chop in that driveway and stop somebody from turning left I mean that wasn't brought to our attention at the time so I mean we can look at it but the traffic study and the county suggested a write in and write out which is what we did if that's a concern Mr M you could make that a I of approval that they install a pork jop well I'd like to hear from I'm confused cu the way this whole memo is written I mean if it doesn't really give any indication that there's a site plan approval done I mean there's rough proportionality for RightWay preservation um has that been completed say one more time I mean so so there is a there is a finding that it says at the time of site plan they might have to dedicate additional RightWay for curlyy and Wells I I suspect that was not made a condition approval because there was no rough proportionality done in connection with the special exception but presumably there would be in connection with the site plan approval so was that done so what's what's uh being discussed here there was an approval for the previously allowed use on the site so that's the one that the site plan that was in so this one brings different uses to the site so there has not been that evaluation as part of the site plan per se okay okay so they don't have a site plan in for a veterinary office schol correct okay well that would probably affect Ro proportionality on RightWay dedication sir I mean can you clarify because we're hearing two different things here yeah I am honestly filling in my boss is on a plane flying back so I'm I'm trying to do the best I can um I believe they are correct where the use for the vet is not technically allowed yet because of the special exception so if you were to approve that then that would change the use of that one building and if not that would be both child care but that also could affect the access management analysis too right but the the the child care is more intense than the vet clinic so it would be less intense with the vet okay well it's definitely going to affect rideway dedication so did you know if your client preserved the rideway that's contemplated by finding 16 which is 40t from Wells and 73 ft from curly um I believe that's I believe so well I I mean I I find it hard to believe that there's an additional 35 ft there that you're not going to need for your use on the curly road side yeah I where you going to put your pond or maybe even your playground I mean yeah yeah I know I see what you're saying but I mean the the measurement right there from Center Road to the property line is 37 ft and there's 73 ft I believe required possibly 73 ft from Center Line if it was roughly proportional but I from what Brad's telling me we didn't do a rough proportionality analysis because we didn't even have the full uses is that right Brad the the site plan that we're reviewing doesn't have a vet off office on it sir I I mean I don't want to be rude but that's what you got up and said was a little bit of a misrepresentation I mean you made it sound like you had a site plan that this site plan was about to be approved by our staff with it being a daycare yes it okay well that's a little bit of a bigger Mission you understand that right that you say oh I was going to get a site approved but it doesn't have the vet office which is the very thing that we're seeking you're seeking approval for today right but it's you understand how that's a little misleading to the Planning Commission I can see that yes but the vet clinic is less intense than the child care so it it would be anything it would be less traffic it would be less activity okay but it definitely affects rough proportionality and RightWay dedication requirements okay what do you think about a continu then you can get your expert here engineer and answer all the I'm I'm again I'm doing the best that I can and I'm sorry for misrepresenting um well the other advantage of a continuance is that maybe you can meet with your neighbor and have a discussion about his concerns and maybe there's some additional buffering you can put in maybe there's some conditions you can commit to in terms of you're going to treat your waste so you there's no smells of protruding to the okay adjacent property I mean there might be things that you can agree to with your neighbor so that you don't have somebody here objecting okay so maybe that would be a good chance for you to have that meeting with your neighbor okay then we can can we continue to the next meeting or how well I is there anything is there anybody else one other comment on this is it looks like that there's slipper property that that access to from Wells it's actually Pasco County owned property up on the North End there that the uh the wells um Road access Ingress erress extends through oh is is that is there an access agreement through that or is it it's count I mean if it's County RightWay they have the right to well is it RightWay or is it a parcel I think looks like a parcel it's owned by Pasco County facilities well but okay but all all property owned by the count is in the name of Pasco County facility so it could be for RightWay so I don't know the purpose of it maybe Brad or somebody in his team know but um if it is right away they in theory could put their driveway in our rways I mean they get a RightWay use per okay I I just don't know the purpose of it so maybe Brad knows oh yeah it appears to be a sliver of additional rideway that was obtained by the county we have that corner piece yeah so they would be allowed to connect through there okay and look like it was done to accommodate the turn Lanes Wells and presumably they may be dedicating an additional rideway maybe I don't know if that's occurred or not so the the site plan shows one foot of additional rideway on curly because of the realignment of curly through here going down uh I forget the name of the new road but it's going to realign some of that traffic to the major road so this piece would I believe be 80 feet which would be 40 feet from Center Line so they were creating that 40 feet from center line through this approval that they have now for okay so are you telling me that they only need to dedicate 40 ft from Center Center Line that's my understanding based on the document okay well then your agenda memo probably needs to be fixed I I okay I'm just saying we shouldn't be telling the Planning Commission at 73 ft if it's really 40 we will look into that and take care of that okay I I think also there's a is there a contradiction and the conditions 13 and 14 we're basing the exemption from the timing and phasing on 50 less than 50 peak hour trips and the required mitigation of 14 is based on more than 100 daily trips Peak the difference is daily versus peak hour perfect okay thank you okay anything else from up here I was just looking at that extension to I guess it's going to go further to straight off to the East and if if that road doesn't get built I would like to have it more it would be instead of a may it should be a sh because that two-lane road is just it's been there forever it probably needs to be accommodated as a larger road so just as far as speak that that maybe at the next meeting the first condition six is have a May a shall well keep in mind that's a finding a fact yeah okay you're talking about for the for which road curly it has may may set aside well the reason it says may is because usually at the time of special exception staff has not done the rough proportionality analysis to show that it can be required the wrinkle here is that it's all news to everybody up here that they apparently already submitted a site plan where we would normally do those things okay then the wrinkle to the wrinkles apparently the S planine doesn't even include the vet office so these are all reasons that probably should be continued so this can be figured out yeah I would recommend you continue this there's a lot of issues is there a motion Mo to continue chairman if I may I just want to provide you the next dates okay so the next state city date is January 9th and then a 60-day continuance would be February 6 in date City 1:30 p.m. 30day be sufficient do you feel like 30 days would be sufficient get everything answered so move we continue to January 9th here in date City okay I'll second that all right motion a second to continue this to January 9th in Dade City all in favor I I oppos motion carries L Divine Planning Development economic growth Department pc7 I will wait for the PowerPoint pde 25778 5 in the name of New York Avenue Business Park LLC Diagonal Road business park it is a ukan zoning Amendment from R2 low density residential district in C2 General commercial District to i1 light Industrial Park District the future land use classification as of Tuesday December 10th was approved for I light industrial um the applicant proposes to develop the property in conformance with the i1 light Industrial Park District standards it's located on the Southeast corner of the intersection of Diagonal Road and New York Avenue it's located in the West Market area and urban service area here's context map here is our zoomed in aerial the surrounding future land use to the north is i to the east is RO to the South Is Res 6 and to the West is RO the surrounding zoning um to the north is a r to the east is C2 to the South is R2 and to the West is C2 RH and R2 the subject site currently consists of tractor trailers parking and approximately 16.84 Acres access to the property is from New York Avenue and this does have a voluntary deed restriction addressing live local concerns and this is coming with a recommendation for approval from recommendation for approval um from Planning Development economic growth Department okay is the applicant present good afternoon Barbara will height 6327 Grand Boulevard Newport Richie I would just um wanted to highlight that yesterday the excuse me on Tuesday the board of County Commissioners changed the land use to industrial Light so the land use on this is industrial Light this is the companion zoning to um i1 not sure what the issue could be but I'm here to uh find out as well thank you okay thanks Barbara is there anybody here to speak on this pastor Jen Shady Hills commission chel 15925 green Glenn Lane Spring Hill Florida um the only concern that I really had about this and um had I seen Miss will height yes I would have spoke to her about it it just was concerning that it was Tuesday it went before the board and it wasn't advertised for today and to be honest I was just here for another meeting and so if somebody did have an issue or did want to speak to it um it would come before you and they didn't have the opportunity potentially and it wasn't um I know that the November was rescheduled um but then Tuesday it was there and nothing was really brought up so in all honesty it was a little confusing and I think it would be not for nothing a great opportunity if the county would work with this property owner for housing for transitional living that is all thank you thank you okay you need to can I ask her a question Barbara she said you don't you're good I just want to ask her a question Barbara or Pastor Jen okay you made the suggestion that the county would should work with the applicant for transitional housing why would this site be optimal for transitional housing versus some other site uh this site actually would be very optimal because of the location there's hotpots where one of the highest I think top three probably for overdose fatality in the State of Florida and um this location I you know as I advocate for this type of project this type of thing um what continues to come around to me is that there is no property in the area close to these hotpots um you know and there people dying in this area the at the board meeting some lady was talking about shooting the homeless people I think I heard it so you know when I saw this I thought potentially it would be an opportunity for the land owner to work together with the county to do something in that Arena okay Barbara will height wouldn't it make more sense to look for property that's for sale than to come up here and try to stop our or comment on our resoning um look for properties for sale approach the county and put something together but to pick off a agenda an item that somebody's bringing forward for their property makes no sense to me thank you thank you anything else from up here if nothing else to have a motion anyone I'm sorry that pc7 pc7 yeah move to approve item pc7 a second a motion in a second to approve pc7 all in favor I I oppose motion carries are we we moving to pc1 now yeah pc1 we approved 8 n and 10 y pc1 good afternoon ibro Stevens Planning Development economic growth Department presenting pde 250061 a comprehensive plan amendment in the name of CPA 246 Wells wellfields and Wellhead protection areas this is a staff initiated comprehensive plan map of Amendment updating map 2-1 of Wells well fields and well head protection areas to include Huds and Waterworks during the process the city of an San Antonio did approach us to include a couple of their Wells Al the the wells are located south of New York Avenue the southeast corner of the intersection of Bolton Avenue and little road as well is south of Darby Road in the city of San Antonio this is um the location map we are in the west as well as the North Market areas and here's a visual of specifically where the well is located the Hudson Waterworks wells will have um this is the map showing the wells specifically with a 200t buffer and then this is the city of San Antonio Wells with a 500 foot fixed radius this is an updated version of map 2-1 Wells well fills and well hair protection areas to include those Maps I had mentioned and we previously received and filed the updated Maps which are the ones in the agenda package online now correct that is is correct yes sir so just to sum it up these are wells that aren't mapped under the County's current wellhe head protection regulations they were they're Wells that we basically missed originally and we're adding them that is correct yes okay the proposed amendment is consistent with the following comprehensive plan policies policy con 66 establishment of Wellhead protection areas policy con 167 the ground water prot protection ordinance and creation and with that staff recommend a local planning agency find the proposed amendments consistent with the comprehensive plan I will be happy to answer any questions I don't think this item was pulled by the Planning Commission no there was a there was there was somebody okay um I do have one question Richard go ahead yeah just Cur are there any other independent utilities out there that we don't have Ma on there and is there a plan to get them on the map I would like to bring in our public facilities to answer those question thank you good afternoon my name is arel Rivero uh I'm a project manager for Pasco County Utilities so we are currently working on um doing a comprehensive study to update this uh comprehensive plan map and uh we will include all the things that uh we need to include at that point okay does that answer your question or did you I well I guess I just want to know if there were other utilities out there that are not on the map and you're going to make an attempt I guess to put them on there at this point this is um what we have and we are as as I say we're going to perform a study to see if we missed anything else okay thank you thank you any other questions I don't know if this is one you can answer but on the on the map of the proposed San Antonio Wales we showing a 500t radius on the proposed Wells there's two existing Wells SE here without a radius do they need to have a radius on that map could you repeat the question on the on the map we were provided for the the new San Antonio Wells there's 500t Road radius is shown on the proposed two Wells there are two existing Wells on the bottom that map without a radius shown think bring the map she's bring who's looking into that are they pulling the map up is that what you're doing that's the one yeah it's going to be it's the last map in the package it doesn't yeah I mean I'm with Matt doesn't look like there's any radiuses shown on those existing Wells just on the proposed ones well while staff looks into that can we hear from the public and then maybe they can come up with an answer while public speaking okay Christy zmer address on file I am not opposed to protecting any well filled area that's critical and Paramount to all of us however what I am subject to complain about is we are given only the information that is on your website for these meetings to be able to access the maps to be able to access the information what these issues are about where I have a problem is when people come in and show present to you guys at the last minute different information that we're not given and I'm not okay with that the people that come in here at the last minute and ask for a continuance aren't there rules that you have to give certain amount of notice for these continuations people leave their jobs all day to be here to talk about these issues that are concerning to them but I have a problem when they just pop in extra maps and extra information that we don't get access to and that's where I have a problem please protect our well Fields thank you Chris and I agree and I I think I mean recall this is this came up because it was an item where this well Fields these well Fields weren't mapped and and there were no Maps so this is being made part of the map so we can do precisely that so thank you uh good afternoon Amy tol with Planning Development economic growth so this is the map that I think you're referencing um this is just a location map the intent of this map was to highlight the 500 fixed radius we're not removing those two Wells are existing on the overall map it is on that map this is just the location map so we'll fix that for BCC make sure that it's it's shown there accurately and then Jamie yes that was correct so the intent of this amendment um was actually brought to us approximately a year ago or so um with a project that was over on the west side so Hudson Waterworks um they did have mapped Wells but we did not have them on our map uh we did hire a consultant to evaluate the actual uh 5year and 10year Wellhead uh paths for that area they've concluded their uh results this is the result of those uh changes so Amy can you make sure that the updated maps that were handed out to the Planning Commission today that before this goes to the board those are put online so that the public has an opportunity to see the updated Maps sure yeah absolutely thank you okay very good anything else from the public anybody else here to speak on this item I'll just say I was pleased actually I had read the Wellhead study and association with the prior resoning a couple of months ago so I got an advanced Peak at this and my conclusion and actually consultant states with and I agree with it they did a much more conservative analysis than would have been required by just our comprehensive plan so we're actually protecting more than what we our plan might require to you good very good all right nothing else any a motion I Mo to approve second motion that's for the amended maps with the amended Maps cor okay motion to approve in a second with the amended maps all in favor I oppos motion carries all right everybody good need a break push through let's go to pc12 all right Amy tol Planning Development economic growth the item before you is pte 25- 0062 it is a comprehensive plan map amendment to uh or oh I'm sorry I thought we were doing this one first my fault one moment sorry about that I thought we were doing rural areas first okay um so this is actually the uh pte 25- 0062 it is a comprehensive plan text Amendment um in the name of CPA 24-11 uh Adu text Amendment so again this is a text Amendment to the comprehens a plan we are proposing a text amendment to chapter 2 uh appendix section flu A6 chapter 6 and the glossery to add Provisions that allow for accessory dwelling units within the comprehensive plan um again proposing are changed to chapter 2 and chapter six the glossery here's a visual representation of what's being proposed in the ordinance essentially we're adding the red underlined language within section flu A6 which allows for accessory dwelling units to be permitted um as but they will not uh be counted towards density so that's the intent of that language additionally in all of the applicable future land use classifications we've added accessory dwelling units may be considered so it opens that door up to enable accessory dwelling units within any uh future land use classification that allows for single family detached units so Amy just a question is the details under the detailed circumstances under which we would allow these will be in Land Development code correct so the intent of this is to act as a companion with a a uh ldca that will be presented to you in January we are also updating policy hsg 2.1.5 accessory units uh previously it it stated Pasco County shall explore new alternatives to create affordable housing opportunities such as accessory units in residential zoning districts and within mixed use projects we are proposing the language to Now read in order to create additional and affordable rental living opportunities and to provide greater flexibility for homeowners accessory dwelling units shall be permitted in flu categories that allow single family residential development subject to regulations uh designed to limit impacts and protect neighborhood character additionally uh in your packet we currently have the proposed uh definition in the comprehensive plan glossery however uh after further discussion uh there was some clarification that needed to be presented with respect to quote unquote independent units so this is the alternative that we would like to propose instead uh we are updating or kind of Cl further clarifying the uh glossery intent uh to read dwelling units are not the primary dwelling unit but are contained within attached to and or detached from a single family dwelling in the same zoning lot again uh adus will also be further defined in the proposed ldca that will be coming to you in the new year Amy just one question when you refer to the same zoning lot I'm assuming that means it can't be the accessory dwelling unit cannot be subdivided from the primary ding unit I believe that is the intent yes okay Amy I have some questions okay so when I read the proposed amendment to each of the flu categories that allows for single family development it says accessory dwelling units may be considered correct when I get down here to the housing element I'm sorry because I'm scrolling down here can you put that back up this says they shall be permitted in flu categories that allows there's a big difference in my mind between may be considered and shall be permitted that's that's a fair point um I think so in the intent of the policy we are ensuring that it is permitted um but we we could align it with may may might make a little bit more sense here um our next next case coming up is where we have a conundrum in the comp plan too and this appears to create one right um yes the intent is to allow for adus to occur in the future land use classifications um it's not a requirement well but this what I'm saying is this one would infer that it is a requirement so I think I think it's a simple solution if you change the shell to May yes it probably solves the problem unless Terry do you have yeah NCT speaks supplying development economic growth the the flu category is broader than the policy so if if a development comes in and decides under that flu to put in adus okay they made this decision the Adu therefore shall be permitted permitted T I still think May would be better I mean because my understanding I don't I've not been involved in the details of these regulations but I heard there was some possibility that some of them might be special exception uses in certain circumstances and so that's more of a discretionary approval so probably shouldn't say shall if if or if the board decide to make them special exception uses in certain areas so so I think and to be consistent with the other language I think it would just be better to change sh to may I don't think it hurts you in any way you're still saying that they're they're allowed in all in all single family residential development can be allow it can be allowed but sh is a kind of a strong word I mean it makes it sound like you have there's never going to be any discretion and I I just think I think Mr Money raises a good point that it sounds more discretionary in the other policies and it's probably better just to change your sh to May here the other question I know maybe whether I should be asking Amy or Terry or both of you the idea that accessory dwelling units will not count towards the density what's the rationale for that let me elaborate further the reason we make evaluations and limitations on density is because density has effects density increases traffic density increases Demand on the portable water system creates more waste water requires other additional for instance we had the sheriff in here during the last meeting who says for every 400 new dwelling units he need another two deputies so there are demands of our infrastructure that are created by the addition of dwelling units and I'll give you an example so a sewage pumping station in a subdivision that's designed to accommodate the number of houses that are designed in that subdivision so let's say I go into Gulf Harbors is one built what 60s and 70s the sewage pumping stations in golf Harbors were designed to accommodate the number of lots in Gulf Harbors now all of a sudden 40 or 50% of the people in Gulf Harbors decide to close in their garage or build on an accessory dwelling unit and I have all that additional sewage flow going to pump stations which weren't designed to accommodate it I have additional impervious surfaces creating storm water run off running into infrastructure that was never designed to handle that so I'm not sure that not counting it towards the density makes much so I might be able to help stop on this one I think part of the problem is that there and there's I think staff was intentional the way they wrote this this is subject to regulations designed to limit impacts okay so what you're talking about are impacts and my understanding is these ads are still going to pay all p impact fees all right um and and the Land Development code will have criteria where you could address those impacts the problem with you saying it affects density is you might Force somebody to have to do a comprehensive plan Amendment just to get an Adu and we actually had a case recently um where somebody actually had to change the entire boundaries of the Ral Char the Ral protection are and add a unit just add a single unit I I mean so part of the reason we talk about affordable housing part of the reason we have affordable housing issue is all the process you have to go through to get an additional and so I think staff is sensitive to your concerns about impact which is why this language says we're going to create criteria in line of elment code to address those impacts but I don't think we want to force Mrs Smith to go have to go get a comp amendment I would agree with you I don't want to force Mrs Smith to get a comp plan Amendment but if I'm buying a 500 acre tract with a res 9 or res 12 land use all of a sudden I can put two residential units on each lot and actually I don't see any limitation here there could be three or there's no limitation on the number of accessory dwelling units on a lot in this plan so all of a sudden res 9 is actually res 18 well I mean or res 24 Is Res 48 well I'm sorry res 24 probably doesn't allow for the single family but the but the res 9 or res 6 becomes res 12 by default well but I think you have the Land Development code that's coming along where that staff you could put a Land Development code requirement there wouldn't be more than one additional accessory unit for each lot and so the land you can use the Land Development code to protect these concerns that you're raising that if you don't do something in the comp plan though in theory that one unit they're adding could put them from res 3 to Res 4 and now you're making somebody have to go amend the compl to get res6 to add a single accessory dwelling unit I mean I I understand your concern but I'm not sure why it can't be addressed in the Land Development code and we're currently working on the Land Development code um to facil to back this or to implement these changes in the comp and I don't want you to take my questions wrong I will tell you that in general I support the idea of allowing accessible dwelling units subject to regulations designed to limit impacts and protect neighborhood character there are a lot of people who need to because of the cost of housing there are a lot of people who need to how their college Age kid they need to bring in their elderly parent I will tell you that in my own neighborhood 90% of the properties surrounding mine have illegal adus that consist of everything from a pre-made shed that you can buy on the side of the road with a window air conditioning unit put into it to RVs and campers old mobile homes that just show up I've even seen people buy RBS and campers and then build structures around I'm amazing that I'm amazed that a code enforcement officer can drive by that every day and not see it because you can clearly see it from the road but so I understand that there's some need for this I am I have some concern that we could create density in places we don't necessarily want to create density but I I hear David it would I to me it would be helpful if we had had the proposed Land Development code amendments to go along with consideration a comp plan Amendment but in general I'm not opposed to the idea of Adu and my recommendation would be if there are areas of the county where we think we should have heighten sensitivity to adus it may be a situation where you say in those circumstances it requires a special exception approval or it has to come through some public process now you got to be careful with that because even that's a cumbers process for a lot of people but if it's really a scenario where you think this needs heightened protection we can say in that circumstance it needs some special exception oral use said I feel more comfortable seeing it with a companion Land Development code Amendment just offand one of my own concerns is for instance we have a primary unit on a lot and then we have accessory structures on Lots generally we think of those as sheds pool decks pool cages there an accessory dwelling unit that's detached an accessory structure in other words can my neighbor now build an accessory dwelling unit 5T from my property line when his setbacks would otherwise be 50 ft in my neighborhood so so is there all things that will be addressed in the land of elment code right I mean I think that's valid points and I know staff knows but John won't forget I I I do think that St really all they're trying to do with this is make sure that I understand we're trying to pave the way I said I would feel more comfortable and I didn't say I'm going to vote against this today by any means I'm asking some questions and I I'm hoping to hear from the colleagues up here how they feel about this too just that was some thoughts on density I don't think that additional density comes without impacts and I don't want to rush into something and have a bunch of un unintended consequences for something that I actually think is potentially a good idea anyways you've answered the questions thank you anything else from up here we excuse me Mr chair we do have public comment okay we do have people registered okay now take public comment so the first one that I have on the list is Nancy Hazelwood Nancy hazewood 34110 a nice place I'm on record too um all right so I'm I've been reading through this planning commissioner Jenna memoral my first question is how houses play out in the northeas Roo area and um so one of the things I'm reading are benefits they offer flexible Living Solutions help maximize property use and can be a source of rental income for homeowners well I can just see somebody wanting to put up more than one on their property especially if they've got like a ranch three or four you know how's that going to work um it says on on after that says encourage infill development well so you got a green space you can infill it with these now I like them but I would like to see one on one acre something that lets the land out especially in the Northeast R maybe you can make it like that in the Northeast R area plan um also policy 101 .3 residential compatibility transition encouraging clustering is appropriate to limit impacts of residential the development on Jan agricultural open space um it says that it would not hurt that area I don't think it's going to protect it in any way this just looks like another way to add add things to the RO area instead of leaving the open space so I'm not liking that either and then under that the um proposed amendment to allow accessory dwellings this is supported by policy 1.10.3 I don't see how this will not have a adverse effect um Mr Moody you were starting to say something about uh what could happen with the densities and everything and also that it would have an effect you'll need more there'll be more traffic and so that will encourage more amenity so these people are going to need Publix a dry cleaner filling stations is along with the utilities you were talking about so I I would like to see a lot more on this especially I'd like to see how it's going to fit into the northeas Roo protected area I think it's kind of scary the way it's written up thank you thank you Nancy the next one I have on the list is Kim briarly Kim brly 8946 ol Pasco the road on record um I'm confused as to how an additional dwelling won't impact the density it's a dwelling it'll have density I'm also confused about a lot of these places don't have parking already people get tickets for parking on the street in their own neighborhood that's going to add to all of that and as much as I think it might be a great idea to put your mother-in-law in the shed mine lives with me and I I get it um I just see it as a source for um it's true I see it as a source for airbnbs which a lot of people are against I see people's yards ending up looking like a campsite and it just looking very transient and are these being permitted or are they just having them dropped off by sheds to go and then they run some janky electric and then before you know it there's a big old fire in the neighborhood and I just I don't think we have enough information on it to do that but I do think that it's going to affect the density because it it has to there's going to be people there additional people so so I want to address that comment a little bit about because Mr meting raed a good point which is that some of this is occurring already probably illegally and part of the reason it's occurring illegally is because we don't have a zoning regulations that allow for it and so if we actually adopt zoning regulations that allow for it it will have to go through a normal permitting process comply with the Florida building code and there will be a process for these folks to add a properly permitted accessory dwelling unit if it's not permitted they're just doing it anyway illegally and then it becomes an Enforcement issue for the county and do we want to kick somebody out of their shed or whatever they're living I mean so you ra some very valid points but I think part of the reason we have these unpermitted sheds where people are living is because we're not allowing it currently I see it for an opportunity for it to be taken advantage of so that's where I'm looking at with the density and parking well I think staff that's their job as part of the land of omode to make sure that those regulations don't impact the character of the neighborhood and and whatever that policy says we talked about earlier yeah those policies provide a pretty strict rule book for them so they have their hands full and they're taking notes regularly sure pretty busy Mr dutter right behind you is taking the lead on this right P you're going to address all these concerns in the land of code I don't have anything else thank you so the next one we have on our list is Christy Zimmer Christy Zimmer and address on record correct me if I'm wrong David didn't we already go through a granny shed ordinance many years ago no yes the only the only place there have been a few muds um that have allowed for accessory dwelling units but I do not believe we have any regulations that would allow some in just countywide regulations that would allow for these type of units many years ago this was brought up and it was called The Granny shed and there was an ordinance involved and I want to say it was in the mid90s and the restrictions were very clear and I'm looking at this and and again I'm not against or oppose to an in-law quarters or you know a dwelling of some sort small for your college kids or your parents or whatever along those lines but I think that before you approve any of this the Land Development code needs to be put into place as to what you're actually approving and I think we're kind of maybe putting the cart before the horse because I'm looking at this and ranging from 200 to 1200 square ft of living space that's a DW that's a house that's a three-bedroom two bath house in Lake padet South my concern is I'm from Lake padet Estates we have no HOA we have no rules we're Bound by the county we're third to half acre lots mostly we already have people who have built detached garages with apartments on top that are looking down into people's yards they're housing people they're using them for airbnbs yes they're illegal I don't want the whole neighborhood to turn into this and I remember that that other issue when we were talking about it there was no income allowed on these dwellings that it had to be a relative or extended family that it couldn't be just open to the public and rent to anybody but if you have a question of what this will turn out to look like go drive through town and country and see what all those dwelling all extra dwellings on their property and the impact of the density is we're not you're approving these projects with X number homes X number amount of traffic but if you approve this you just double everything and you need to put teeth in it that says one per property don't allow them to put three four five 6 10 on the property that's not going to be okay and I think with some of those prote that are put in place ahead of time so the people know it probably wouldn't go against the grain so much but right now this is like an open-ended situation and the single dwelling unit then becomes a multifam unit so as a realter how do I Market that oh I've got a single dwelling unit but you can rent this other property out and back that becomes a multif family dwelling unit not single family I think there's a lot of issues on here I don't see how it's going to fix fix the affordable housing issue by no mean unless we all take in a homeless person off the street to put in there and they're not going to be able to afford to pay any rent but I think you need to put some more teeth into this before you approve it thank you thank you Christie um the last one that I have on my list is Mike poter Michael pic 9152 Kenton Road Wesley Chapel I believe that we should support intergenerational housing Point Blank we have to take care of our families not everybody can afford to put family members into assisted living we also need to take care of our children the rural district has its argument about what Miss Hazelwood and Miss Zimmer Miss Zimmer are talking about she kind of stole my thunder because as a realtor I'd love to take you to some listings in Town and Country Hillsboro all right I know that area very very well and this scares me because this sounds unregulated and a loophole for it to be exploited and I'm going to give you an example I've been through plenty of properties there where the garage a two-bedroom home the garage is turned into one apartment whether or not it has a kitchenet the home is its own unit the covered patio becomes a third unit and then a shed in the back becomes a fourth that is a density issue that is a that is an impact issue and this really scares me when we talk about for Revenue purposes the reason is we are all expecting the best of people we are expecting the best of I need help paying my bills and so this way I can convert my garage turn it into a secondary income stream to help me make my mortgage payment that's fantastic there's individuals out there that are going to invest in properties and as the property owner they're going to put the adus in they're going to do the conversion and then they're going to turn around and they're going to rent out all four units and I fear for places like Port Richie Newport Richie and Hudson where one driveway is going to turn into cars parked across the the entire front yard four different what's going to become transient housing situations being allowed unregulated and I'm very sensitive to transitional housing Pastor I'd love to talk to you about East County because we need to do some things out there as well especially for the homeless okay but this seems to me like it's going to be an unregulated loophole that can be exploited by any slum Lord out there and it could potentially destroy traditional neighborhoods specifically in West County that the current parents and grandparents live out there they've lived there for 40 or 50 years is it fair to them for the next door neighbor to now have four potential non-related rent paying parties living next door to your grandma and grandpa that's not fair and the impact portion which has a significant a significant portion on this is our schools in capacity and if we're not going to include these adus with any form of impact occurring in the neighborhoods we have a problem what I would like to recommend is you need some of us from the actual population to come together potentially as a citizen advisory committee to help you figure out a streamlined way maybe this needs to be special exemption but this cannot be exploited as a loophole for individuals to profiteer off of Good Intentions thank you Michael a couple things for for all of you that were here today first off this is a comp plan Amendment this isn't the Land Development code yes sir okay there there's further work to be done on this if if this passes here today it then goes to the board which I I recommend you all go to the board to voice your same thoughts um but keep in mind this does come back as the Land Development code amendment that they mentioned still has to come back that's going to have all the teeth and all the the requirements that that you guys have all brought up so just wanted to make sure but to his point and it was the point I was trying to make there's still this issue of whether or not we're counting it as density and I understand the outside case that David brings up but I'm looking at and I'm not looking at an existing neighborhood is counting the density I'm looking at the future neighborhood hey look I just got this property I hired Barbara willhide over there she changed the density from res 3 to Res 9 and now I can have accessory dwelling units and it's really res 18 or or more because we don't actually know how many ad if that's assuming only one Adu is allowed on each of those lots well that all that goes back to the development of the of the teeth in the Land Development code so I will tell you on that point and some of these have actually come to the Planning Commission every single MP that we've approved that is allowed accessory dwelling units has said they do not count towards their density I and and you all have approved some of these I want to be clear I'm not going to say we're not and I actually didn't get into this but I was actually going to ask about there was an amendment to the Gateway Hub proposed in here is that a new entitlement for adus or is that one that was already because I do remember I think some discussion on adus being allowed in a certain portion of the Gateway Hub but I saw that that was one of the underlying sections in this amendment I mean it almost doesn't matter whether it was Gateway Hub or any I I've seen every mut that is allowed adus and I don't think there's a single one that has said that it didn't did it counted towards their density well so somebody wants to come no I want to be clear though they all do say that they had to pay impact fees and by the way that's that's great to his point about schools we just adopted are those adus included in the traffic studies when we're looking at the traffic impacts for that development they're paying Mobility fees I don't care but there's still the traffic and at the end of the day at the end of the day they don't collect those Mobility fees until those houses are built and they're granted a SEO and what we're hearing from the public is their their these people are driving on these roads that aren't actually going to now we we built all these houses these people are all now driving on the roads and they've now paid their Mobility fees to pay to build a new or widen a road but it takes 5 to 10 years to build a road so now we put adus in it and we've made even more traffic out there that's using a road that may not get widened to a sufficient State till five or 10 years from now and I'm again I a problem with any new Housing Development we approve it want to be clear that is a problem that's a problem of our system but I don't want to to you know make that problem worse by all of a sudden not counting the adus towards density and there may be some argument for this but I'm just not sure I'm there yet that's all what's what's the benefit of us approving a comp plan Amendment ahead of an LDC Amendment so I guess I was going to ask Amy that question is the reason that sir with all due respect you're going to have to sit down um is the reason that the comp amendment is predating the pre in the Land Development code is that because it has to be transmitted to the state is that why it's ahead of the landine development code uh yes so this is a series of three public hearings um so you at the end in February we will be bringing the Land Development code and the comp plan Amendment together but this is three public hearings so the Land Development code is proposed to be presented in January which will be around the transmittal time of the comp plan Amendment the other reason for at least from our county attorney's recommendation is to ensure this language is in place to make sure that the LDC changes are consistent with the comprehensive plan so so Mr Moody I I get your point but I do think that if that shall is changed to a may there's really nothing that obligates the board or the Planning Commission to adopt any land of elment code that allows even if you say staff brings you a land of vment code Amendment and it basically you hate it okay the Planning Commission hates it public hates it the board hates it as long as the complain doesn't mandate these to occur I don't think there's any harm in adopting the comprehens of plan saying it it can be allowed it may be allowed it'll be may be considered that's effectively what this complain amendment is doing assuming you change the shallow to amend correct so I mean the problem we have right now can we give so let me just give you an example okay I realize it may an extreme example but it appears that even the public can have concerns about this that if it's a child who's in the accessory dwelling unit that that should be allowed well there may be circumstances where you'd have to go get a compl plant Amendment just to allow that because it's a separate dwelling unit and if it's if that counts as density they may have to go get a complant Amendment from Res three to Res 6 just to allow their child to live in the back well explain that one David that makes no sense on its face live on an individual lot we approve routinely lots that are 45 ft wide they're 4 thou some of these are 4,000 square ft okay okay well okay it's probably unlikely to happen in Res three but we're that's what I'm getting what could happen is res one okay where I think it's more likely to happen is you got a res one one unit per acre they want to add an accessory Drilling it for their their child they're they're stuck and where my concern lies is and I'll just site my own situation I live in his neighborhood zoned AR that's one dwelling unit per acre but my future land uses Res three okay so you got a one acre lot all of a sudden I can have three houses on my 1 acre by by flu designation I understand that there may be a Land Development appending Land Development code amendment that would restrict that but that's not before us today we don't know we haven't seen that I think it would be helpful if we could see the the whole picture at once and although I understand the the idea that the county attorney's office says will you approve the comp plan today and then that sets the table for you to find the Land Development code Amendment consistent with the comp plan there are often times where we are presented with a comp plan Amendment and a companion resoning on the same day and we get to see and I actually wish that would happen all the time but it would be it's helpful to see the whole picture I even think that goes to some of the connected City argument out there we need to be able to start seeing things in the big picture being the big picture so Mr chairman I say something please yes I really appreciate all the comments here we had not planned on facilitating a complant Amendment but our our Council suggested as the proper procedure I have reviewed the draft Adu ordinance it's a working internal draft and a lot of the questions that are outstanding can be answered with the ordinance draft for example restricting the size requiring that there be a fullsize uh kitchen unit in these in these uh places and maybe we could explore managing the population with it an Adu per square footage setting up some standards and there's only going to be one Adu per property we're not going to allow or perit multiple adus so I I appreciate that David but see that's why I say it would be helpful if you can bring that so that we can kind of see the whole picture yes that does give me some comfort and I think that probably gives some of the residents comfort that have made comment too that at least you're limiting it to one and on the 1acre property that's got a flu of Res three you can't put three two additional units on it that's helpful but there's this is a It's A New Concept I'm not against the concept but I don't want to run headlong into this only to figure out we made a mistake shortly thereafter and then have to Circle back to fixed and once some of these things are on the ground they're unfixable forever so but that was that was kind of my point is that the complain if it says may and if it say can be considered there's no obligation for us to do anything and I'm fine with that my issue my particular my issue and I don't know where the rest of my colleagues stand yet I've probably been monopolizing more than my time my issue is about the density I agree with you on the m so um since this is a board priority project may I suggest if the commission would entertain adopting the revised language to the comp plan to May uh we could set up a workshop item at the next board agenda and start reviewing with the commission the nuts invols of our draft ordinance yeah again my I'm fine with the May that that works for me the bigger issue is whether or not the Adu counts against the dens the allowed density by by the flu designation I don't like I said there's a if if we're going to allow one Adu per property res 6 is actually res 12 res 9 is Is Res 18 do I think every every house in the neighborhood is going to have an Adu initially no but to Mr pak's point gez I can tell you that my little enterprising mind's going along and you're exactly right man I'm going to be an Airbnb millionaire with all the little Ted sheds I'm going to put on my property and rent for $500 a a week during scallop season so I will tell you to me the reason I'm not concerned about this because I've looked at it from a devil's advocate perspective to me the worst case scenario is you just don't allow these by right you make them special exception conditional use approvals I don't know if that's what staff's going to propose that's not what's before us today I understand but to me that if if that's the concern that there's going to be areas where this this could really cause problems you could make it a special exception or conditional use approval at which point they would be reviewed on a case-by casee basis I'm not suggesting you need to do that I want to be clear about that we can't do that in a comp plan Amendment but you could in the Land Development code well yes I understand but the and even on the density issue you you you still have can tackle whether accounts toward zoning density I mean that could be addressed in the Land Development code I think the primary reason staff is doing this two reasons one is that they can't adopt an ordinance that's then found to be in consistent with the comp plan so they have to have some do something in the comp to make it consistent but also to prevent you don't want to have a situation where a Mrs Smith on a res one piece wants to add something for the her child and she's now forced to not only maybe she has to get a special exception approval but getting a complant amendment is a big deal it's a very long process to go through and I do think that most of the concerns that you're talking about could be addressed through the land involment code and possibly special exception process if necessary they if we approve this now we do get that situation next month so we when whenever this there's this gap between even if you approve this now they're still not allowed just to be clear the land unless the land of Elma codes amended these are not allowed currently except for those few mpds that allow them so does this speed up the overall process of getting these allowed and regulated if we approve this today together ites it does it it stops somebody to have to potentially get a complant amendment to get an Adu but it's not but it's not going to allow them as a right or anything if because until the Land Development the comp process is a little longer right so I'm just trying to put all the timeline in my head if it's we're approving this this is there's a process for this to get approved I thought I heard we're going to see the ldcs before the final approval of this well I'm not sure you'll see the complain again you will see the Land Development code yeah we will see the Land Development code before the final before the board approves the comp plan I think that's accurate right before the board approves the compl you'll see the Land Development code but you won't the compl won't be coming back to you right that is correct Amy to but I guess my point is is as long as you change the sh to may you are not forced to do anything the board is not forced to do anything it's just allowing it to happen if we come up with appropriate regulations for them I also caution you that if you know when local governments don't do enough to allow for these types of things that's when the state legislature comes in and says it's like live local or we local you know that's when we start getting bad state regulations because we haven't done enough on our own to address the housing crisis and so we I think we need to do something affirmative otherwise the state's going to come in and say Ad use all out everywhere we don't give a damn what the local government state legislator is doing a good job of making condo owners homeless right now too so I so I'm just saying it's it's a this is staff's attempt and our board's attempt to affirmatively do something so the the state doesn't come in and tell us what we have to do yeah and to Echo David so the the flexibility in the language is what allows the LDC to implement that so the intent of the comp plan is to set those guidelines the LDC would then set the standards for so that's where the May comes into practice where it still allows or considers an Adu in these land use classifications but like moody or commissioner Mr Moody uh sorry uh said that it shall is more of a a regulatory terminology whereas May offers that level of flexibility and by by the way there's a very good example of this where with homebased businesses where the legislature just basically told us you shall allow them doesn't matter whether they're generating additional traffic impacts or whatever all the things that we talked about today legislature just came and said you have to allow them so yeah my prediction is if we don't do something on adus we may be in the same both there and since it's not a required component of the zoning District right now now or the LDC then it's just almost like a a placeholder until those standards come into place yeah and but I also add that it's those kinds of horror stories that go that when you tell Mrs Smith you got to go get a compl amendment to get your your home for your child those are the kind of horror stories that make their way to the legislature that causes bad laws to occur okay very good well I think there was a lot of good things brought up in the discussion today yep uh anything further to add I was just going to mention we're going to we're speaking with the county um County Attorney's office we're going to be speaking with this about the schools and stuff just is the impact so we're in conversation with them yeah the other thing I would just want to say is with the with the LDC when it comes that I I just don't see it when it is it comes to us and we're going to approve it that same day I do do we used David we used to do like the introduction of a of of ordinances and then we'd have an introduction or you know what I mean where you have like if if you want a more thorough I mean sounds like Mr engle's offering to have a more thorough sort of Workshop type discussion of the Ed ordinance if that's what he's offering and that's your desire does we in theory could have a it could be put on this agenda as a discussion item before you're asked to take action on it and I don't know if that's a Mr engle's offering or not I think it'd be a good idea because I can't see us it coming to us and adopting it on the same day there'd be too much so to talk about and we have had some ordinances in the past and I'll say parkings one example um they probably they're probably probably wor yeah they probably could have benefited from some Workshop discussion before they came to you as an action item but yeah but I'll defer to Mr Engle I wasn't sure if that's what he was offering or not well we are offering a an advanced discussion of the ordinance draft we are have a process called ordinance development team and we're we're bringing that ODT team the draft ordinance but we can do it concurrently with your review and your involvement um i' love you know and I I spoken to chair gray on several occasions we we think we we'd love to have some workshops with the Planning Commission so they can assist us in these projects let me ask this and maybe maybe Terry you can point out an example if I'm wrong and I'm thinking about something David said so my particular concern doesn't have to do with the May and shell I'm I'm fine with the May it has to do with the density he points out we don't want Nancy hazelwood's neighborhood neighbor down there that owns one acre to have to go get a comp plan amendment to get an Adu if if ny's neighbor had one and a half acres she'd be entitled to 1.5 units does that round up to two under today's comp plan not this proposed amendment that's my understanding yes it does so the only case where somebody would be forced to get a comp plan amendment in res one to allow an Adu would be where they owned less than 1.5 Acres well if I may so the comp plan density calculations will round up um but they still have to fit the local zoning I understand that I I I understand that but but I I use res one as an example but you could have a similar situation with ag AGR I mean there's other compline categories that have density limits in them that or it could be an issue I I agree with you that it's unlikely to be an issue with res 3 res 6 res 12 because in most of those cases the developers aren't using most of their density anyway they're probably so then can I I guess what I'm trying to find is a solution that doesn't put an undue burden on somebody that lives in res one or AG or AGR but doesn't all of a sudden turn res 6 into res 12 that's a big jump listen when you own two acres and I've got one house on it and I throw an accessory dwelling unit on it that that impacts probably not so bad I'm more concerned about the res 9 area and all of a sudden that becomes res 18 that's an impact that I might not be out with the tolerate or a lot of people might be not so but zoning can always be more restrictive than the comp PL John we're not impacting that with this thing today right it's that one particular statement that I have about it not counting against I mean if a dwelling I'm just trying to figure out how is a dwelling unit not a dwelling unit not awell I mean I guess in theory accessory dwelling unit it's actually not a dwelling unit I guess in theory we could change along to say it should not count towards comprehensive plan density well that's the way I interpret it to me okay but I mean but it that's all stop was trying to accomplish us with this is to make sure that I get it I'm just telling you where I'm not comfortable with it it doesn't mean I'm not going to support it either just tell again that comfortable with maybe at this point you just need to get somebody to make a motion to change sh to May and move on right I think I think we've talked about this enough can we get a motion I'll make a motion to to approve it with the change from shall to May I'm comfortable with the fact that the ldca that's coming for is going to have all the the right components to to control it for a second a second all right there Motion in a second no further discussion all in favor I I oppos motion carries all right we got one more item does anybody need to recess be some strict zoning regulations when you we take a 5 minut recess please e e e e e e for e for we force AES right that's what I awesome all the r Stu awesome well you did have an item said the bo support she was to call something out haveed one where did Liam go well this this last item is not the end anyway but we he had another Amy who's who's handling p13 are you doing P3 are you doing P3 I just she knew it was to go f do tell regular there honestly I didn't think going to go that far is is is is it either regular because there's opposition honestly don't know well I will tell you that the one lady that's right all right you ready David David go ready okay last but not least p113 okay uh Amy toll Planning Development and economic growth so the item before you is pte 25-18 it is a comprehensive plan Amendment uh in the name of CPA 2405 rural area 4 and urban expansion area maps The Proposal before you is a map amendment to Maps uh 2-13 and 2-22 uh this is proposing to remove the rural neighborhood protection area from map 2-13 and add or amend the rural uh expansion area to a rural Ser or I'm sorry the uh expansion area to a service area on map 2-22 so some history of what is currently going on and then we'll go into some U visuals so in 2006 the county adopted a map 2-13 rural areas which basically created four Geographic areas to protect different types of rural rural character areas so we have the Northeast rural area which is rural area 1 we also have the rural protection area the rural transition area and the rural character area additionally in 2010 the board also adopted What's called the urban concentration area the urban concentration area consists of both the urban service area and the urban expansion area the intent of this area is to ensure that the higher levels of density and intensity are prioritized within those areas with sufficient infrastructure in place uh Additionally the urban service area is your full urban service area where those densities are going to be concentrated intensities concentrated the expansion areas were in place to think of future development patterns and ensure that those INF that infrastructure is in place to expand the urban service area within that that uh Geographic boundary the difference between urban service area and urban expansion area sure just rewind a little bit sure urban service area has the infrastructure in place to accommodate a higher level of density and intensity Urban expansion area is is a vision to expand the urban service area basically saying we see that development is going to happen in this area but we want to make sure that the infrastructure is is in place before moving forward I can give you the full story because I what happened the full story is that when Pasco County went to adopt certain service area it actually included the expansion area as well correct but the Department of Community Affair is objected to not the urban service area boundaries but the area that called expansion they didn't want it to be part of our urban service area that being said it's still part of the urban Mobility fee District it's it's okay but the key is that the infrastructure is in place okay to accommodate the level of density so it's a vision to expand those densities in those areas essentially the urban service or the urban expansion areas are primarily along your major like I75 corridors um so this one in particular is your I75 corridor then there's one in the east side of the county over by 301 um so there's only two areas that are expansion the rest is urban service urban service area well Urban concentration area which is your overarching umbrella for those two is your west and south market and is there a criteria for the infrastructure which must be in place uh the policy just states that there should there's adequate infrastructure in place and then you have to come in for a comp plan Amendment from urban service area to expansion area and my only point was that but for the Department of Community Affairs this would have just all been urban service area and this Department of Community Affairs was disbanded like a year later so I'm not sure there's any material difference as at least as a relates to Pasco County between the urban service area and the exper urban expansion area it it we there're all just called and I think the the whole thing is called the urban concentration area correct we treat that as our Urban area of our County regardless of what label you put on right so the intent is to prioritize those higher densities intensities within that area because there's services to accommodate that I understand okay all right um so here's a visual representation of the rural areas I did copy the policy in there for you to kind of understand the direction that we're going so policy flu 2.3.2 is the establishment of the rural neighborhood protection area um this is the policy that was established in 2006 so Pasco County shall recognize rural neighborhood protection areas as defined in map 2-13 rural areas as areas that include existing residential neighborhoods that deserve and require special protection from the intrusion of urban uses densities and intensities I want to highlight um existing rural neighborhoods in this policy so just a closeup of what the area is um proposing so as you can see the green is your area 4 which is your neighborhood protection area the hatched area is your overlap so you can see where that inconsistency is now created so rural areas um so this is your overall area 4 area 4 currently consists of uh 17,41 2016 Acres The Proposal right now is to uh amend or adjust 628 Acres so as I noted the rural areas or rural neighborhood protection area is intended to protect neighborhoods existing neighborhoods so as you can see the yellow or the light coloring there that is a cyp Cypress Creek preserve all of this land is owned by Swift Mud additionally under that the future land use classification is a combination of res one and conservation lands so the res one is potentially um not going to be developed because it is Swift mud lands uh additionally there's another visual that shows you where the wetlands kind of meander through this area as well so the Highlight for this is to identify those existing neighborhoods the intent is to preserve and protect existing neighborhoods um so here's one neighborhood that we is intended to be protected we also have identified another neighborhood here so it's about four or five different neighborhoods in the general area um additionally I did look back and uh picked a couple Lots Within These subdivisions these sub divisions predate the establishment of the rural area so they were in place prior to right now 2000 so around 20000 I've got there's one from 78 94 so these existing rural or these existing neighborhoods within the rural protection neighborhood area predated the establishment of the rural areas so here's your Wetland so it kind of gives you a further picture depiction of where those neighborhoods are located how it relates to the Swift lands that are protected as well as well as conservation lands in the area these are the four protected areas so this is the map that is being proposed um so this is our map within the comprehensive plan the proposed removal is highlight above and then we go into the conflict of the urban service area so here is the uh urban service area so again rural areas created in 2006 urban service area or Urban exp Urban concentration areas created in 2010 so in 2010 the board prioritized these areas for density higher levels of density intensity ensuring that the infrastructure and services are in place for those areas so policy flu 9.1.0 Urban expansion area any areas in the urban concentration area which are not initially included in the urban service area shall be considered as future urban service area expansion area or yeah expansion area uh expans expion of the urban service a shall be accomplished through the comprehensive plan Amendment demonstrating compliance with applicability provisions of state and local law so the intent of this and I'll go back to kind of this visual of well I guess that's not a good one um I wish I could highlight I probably should have put up the slide so as you can see this area this is the area that's being proposed there's already a higher level of density that's been um uh constructed platted approved we also have um another portion of it so this development was already approved and then it kind of cuts off the bottom of it so there's no real boundary or intent this area is predominantly a Res three or higher um and then the area to the west side of Bellamy brothers or old excuse me Old Pasco Road is resan or lower so again the rural areas so Urban expansion area we have coordinate coordinated with our utilities department to ensure that that the change would be compliant supported by them as well we do have support from Pasco County Utilities ensuring that or identifying that services are already provided as you can tell most of or a portion of this I'd say maybe about a third or 2third of the proposed area is already ploted and services are already in in place for them so policy flu 9.1 .7 this is the proposal so we are proposing to change the urban expansion area to the urban service area Pasco County uh urban service area pursuant to section 1 163 6.31 16450 Florida statute shall be the urban service area identified on a map so the proposed amendment is also consistent with with State Statute this is the overall map 2-22 showing the proposed change from expansion area to service area I'd like to just highlight this is the other expansion area we not considering that at this time these are the policies that they are consistent with and with that we recommend the local planning agency find the proposed amendment consistent with the comprehensive plan and I'd be happy to answer any questions so you said utilities says that the infrastructure is in place to provide urban service correct what about the road uh excuse me so this is currently on um Old Pasco Road AB buding I75 so I haven't had any issues with the infrastructure on all Pasco Road but we could identify potential expansion CIP I'm just sorry to say that again um if there's so if it's on the LRT CP or the CIP what the proposed expansion is but the infrastructure currently is in place to accommodate the level of density because the density is essentially already been approved what's the allowed level of density in the urban service area um while the urban service area it's it depends on the future land use so it's all the future land uses that fall within the urban service area essentially res 3 are higher we do have some res ones I guess in there as well but it's it's any future land use classification within the urban service area uh the urban service area or the future land use changes do consider your long range Transportation plan rather than any like timing and phasing zoning impacts so it envisions your I think right now out to 2050 okay anything else up here for yeah can you go two slides head yeah right there uh yeah I was just looking at that and I see angelene and all those developments on 41 are not in there correct I'm just wondering why they're not yeah currently those were not part of yeah okay yeah angelene for yeah references this so I think Bexley is down here so Bexley is in the service area why is that I'm not sure all goes back to the urban service area it goes back to yeah I mean at the time Angeline was approved it really had no infrastructure just so we're clear um so and so it was put into the sub it's not any rural area to be clear Ang it's in a Suburban the suburban suburban Mobility fee district and market area so it does we do Envision Suburban level development for angelene mhm it's just not Urban servicer okay and and Angeline is also a planed no it's not to say that if Angeline once it has Services throughout all of Angeline is it possible it could be added to the urban service area yes that's a possibility so David I got a question was there any discussion if you were around back then she read a comp plan policy that was the purpose and intent of the rural area and then all of a sudden we decide that policy was that it's a rural neighborhood protection area okay and they deserve and require special protection from the intrusion of urban uses why would you have ever placed an urban expansion area over it and doesn't the naming of it now as an urban service area conflict with that particular policy why is that policy of any less importance than having an urban service area policy I think what Amy's I think said but it seems to me there's two way so I'll try to rephrase what Amy said I I think the she she was basically pointing out that the 10 of that polic was to protect existing neighborhoods and this area is not was not an existing neighborhood at the time that area 4 was included in the comp plane and it has since developed with Suburban or Urban level intensities and it's was it was includ it was included in the urban expansion area because the board had an affirmative desire to include the I75 Corridor in the urban service area for both residential and and employment reasons so thank I also suspect that the area east of this is Old Pasco right yes that because of its proximity to the interstate the board never felt that it was going to ever really be protected because of its proximity to the interstate so what constitutes an existing neighborhood if I live on 5 acres and my next door neighbor lives on 10 acres and my other neighbor lives on 5 Acres there is that an existing neighborhood what or what is it well I I don't know what was there before Damie can you are their houses there today that were there in 2006 we should be able to look at an historic area and figure that out Nar Pito planning devel Planning Development economic growth um the four neighborhoods that we're talking about have a particular land use or Land Development pattern uh all of them are platted they have streets if we were to zoom in on each of them you would see the distinct a distinct subdivision that's basically developed only a subdivision is a neighbor that's the pattern the consistent pattern between the the four red circles there when we go to the east side of Old Pasco the development pattern is different it's not the same as the other four addition all right so this is what I'm trying to ask and I'm sorry if I'm not asking the question in the right way what is different on the east side of rur of old Pascal road if I live on the east side of old Old Pasco Road what's different about where I live that doesn't deserve the protection that those other four circles do there's not a organized and developed subdivision Land Development pattern like the other four areas so but isn't that what makes something rural yes okay but this is not intended for simply rural protection but rural neighborhood protection so it has to have the characteristics of the neighborhood what's defined to us right now is what's showing on the that but that's okay but but can we focus on the area under the specific area that's trying to be removed and yeah that's what I'm asking about okay and what he's I think if I'm understanding him what he's saying is unless you're some platted subdivision you're not a neighborhood well and I tell you that if you want to go out by Shady Hills or up in Hudson there's a lot of up unplanted land and I want you to tell those people that live out there that that's not their neighborhood but I'm not sure that the area that that's under review Falls within that I believe it's now been approved for Suburban or Urban level Res three that's the difference every bit of the land Out There Is Res three east of old Pas your area that you're talking about is not Res three levels of I mean so so that's why I said we need to focus on that specific area that they're asking to be removed it it has now become a Suburban or Urban level of density that is not consistent with rural anybody's definition of rural whether it's your definition or Mr pto's definition I'm not suggested I'm trying to understand what that that is I'm not saying I disagree so so I don't think that anybody would suggest that res 3 is a rural level of density well the future land use on my property is if you want to drive down my street it's pretty rural in our comp plan that's the the other major distinction for the area is the presence of utilities there's no utilities in my neighborhood commissioner Moody with all due respect we need to focus on the land that's I understand this is not your neighborhood are there Utilities in every available to all of these properties on on Old Pasco Road they are they're all there to day according to the capital okay program project just trying to understand that I guess let me just ask this question a different way putting aside how you Define rural neighborhood protection area and what it's original purposes in your opinion Mr pitos is this area based on its existing approvals and land use is it a rural area uh based on the future land use it's Res three so I would not it would not be defined by the comprehensive I based on its infrastructure as well and based on the infrastructure would not be defined as Rule and and the inclusion in the urban concentration area as well okay okay okay think uh move on to public comment um the first one we have on our list is Kim BR Michael phoric I'm on record I want to find a specific slide for you I didn't know if it was left or right I'm sorry there we go right there how do I use the pointer on this thing all right thank you I'll go short gentlemen I promise can we just get rid of all of the rural protection areas in the county I mean let's why have them it was already pointed out that in the rural protection area right where the pointer is right there we already approved and have put into place increased density which is having a direct impact on all of the infrastructure for here why protect an area if we're not going to protect the area that's my first question why say we're going to protect the northeast or the North portion of the county or District 4 if Angeline's going to go in in a rural protected area I don't think angelene is going in a rural protected area sir on the map with the utilities it it's just I just don't want you to misstate anything that's all and I appreciate that okay but shouldn't we have to redefine prior to approving the density that we're going to impact an area with first the reason I say that is I travel Old Pasco Road 3 to 4 days a week it is already at capacity and I'm surprised we don't kill more people out there the lighting is terrible there's turns all over the place it cannot handle the current traffic and we haven't even brought into the discussion all of the adus that we're going to allow on both sides of the road now if we're not going to protect an area in all of the homes that were there in 04 prior to any of us having discussions they were protected for a reason if we're not going to stand by it I just don't understand why we're going to Pretend We're protecting it doing this is going to set the stage for additional density from 54 all the way to 52 and as commissioner Moody mentioned the road there I believe the answer was it's not even in the plans to expand it the road there can't handle the current density much less Old Pasco development the developments that have already been approved D and if we can't handle what we currently have how are we going to set the stage for future approvals to increase density and developments without restriction because that's how it happens in areas like rural protected districts I I it just doesn't make sense Mr chair I I I would point out a couple of things real quick um we have a conf here and the underlying zoning is R3 in fact uh we have a road Improvement project on the CIP to widen Old Pasco Road up to the high school in the school in the Middle School up there and we have sidewalks installed and it's already zoned R3 um we're just we have a conflict that we wanted to remove R3 we're not we're not trying to uh cut into the rural protection area or the rural neighborhood protection area already there's an established Lous policy on the area in question it's already in the urban service area we have utilities we're widening old Pastor road we have sidewalks going up to the schools and we're just wanted to clean up the map basically I didn't say I was against this question good good point D explain what it is okay um Kim brly 8946 Old Pasco Road it's all on record um I live on Old Pasco Road if there's ever an accident on 75 my road is a parking lot I can't even get out of my driveway because it's stopped in any given Direction um and that's not counting school buses and everything that adds to it right now um I do feel that my my home being on 5 Acres with my animals my chickens and everything we're in a neighborhood I talk to my neighbors regularly they have acreage also um we get together we help each other out with Fallen trees we do things that people in the cookie cutter neighborhoods do we just have bigger yards doesn't make us not a rural neighborhood it doesn't make us that we shouldn't be protected um I think it was set up so that we would be my home was built in the '90s it was exactly what was supposed to be protected um is your home on Water and Sewer I'm sorry are you on County Water and Sewer no I have well and septic is there water and sewer adjacent to the boundaries of your property um I my neighbors don't have any I think it stops at kind of where the light where the high school is I don't know that there's any further north than that stop light um there's nothing there and Old Pasco Road doesn't even have a shoulder so if there is any kind of an emergency an emergency vehicle can't even get anywhere because there's just no it's Woods you have to go off the road into the woods there's nothing there when the traffic is stopped and it happens about every other day now so it's already really bad um if something's already been made in R3 we can't can't unring the Bell um but I don't see any point in making what is already not comfortable absolutely excruciating the storms flooded my property terribly I can't imagine what's going to happen if there are multiple town homes and things like that thrown onto an adjacent property that we're not going to have any permeable surfaces I'm going to be that surface I'm going to be where everybody's water flows um I'm not asking anybody to make huge changes keep the protection that I was already given keep the protection that my neighbors were already given we are just asking for that I don't want you to make any needer I just want to have what I bought the way of life that I bought and that's it thank you thank you the next on the list is christe Zimmer and for the record that is the last name I have on christe Zimmer address of record who puts Urban against the Swift Mud property who puts Urban over a rural overlay protected overlay why have rural protected overlay if you're not going to pay any attention go ahead and develop the Northeast area go ahead and slam it full of houses with these developers go ahead and put in a new toilet to tap or whatever you want you're destroying our rural communities I'm a realtor been doing this since 1987 I've sold a lot of those homes to people that got out of the city got away from the urban what happened to Suburban I've heard you mention it but there's no Suburban in between the urban and the rural protected areas what happened there it's ridiculous why buy the the rural American Dream lifestyle invest their life savings or go into debt to be in the rural area only to have those with more money come along and try to change it it's time that we not consider the money involved it's time we start thinking about the people who have already invested into this community we're putting we're stealing their lifestyle and their dreams for what they've already invested into Pasco County because the developers threatened to sue us how about class action lawsuit from the citizens for taking away what you already promised us and we've sold to them it's not okay Pasco County made a mistake in 2010 by creating this overlay Pasco County can fix that by granting what they've done remain and put it back to its rural area Commissioners have one job they create ordinance they can also repeal ordinance and they can amend ordinance and I would highly recommend that you make a recommendation to the board to please put this back into its rural participation like it should be Pasco Road is not a a conditioned road to handle the amount of traffic it's already getting in the very least how about a moratorium on any further projects until Pasco Road is improved appropriately thank you oh Nancy you you didn't sign up I'm just kidding go ahead what's another three minutes so n wouldn't my name's on record too chrisy um all right so everything everybody has said the public I agree with I think this is setting a bad precedent for all the rural areas uh this type of thing is where Pasco basically loses his Integrity by telling people people this is a rural area and then just kind of forgetting it so if you're going to do this what are you giving back to the people you're taking away the rural area my understanding of this amendment was a mistake was made it's conflict zoning and um by Pasco County but we the people shouldn't bear the blunt of your mistakes so how about this idea this is not the first taking of the rural areas so why don't you give us back more rural areas and if you're going to take one give one back because you need your Ral areas in Pasco County they're essential to your water I think what chrisy says correct you ought to find a way to keep it in there but if you're going to take it well give us back some land give some money to EAS and let them put it on us thank y'all thank you David did you say that Old Pasco Road is under construction for widening or in the process yes we have we have a widening program now in first phase in they constructing uh four lanes from south of the Brooker site up through the intersection of overpass Road and they the and they have a capital plan to extend up Old Pasco Road to four lanes up to the high school area I don't know what the CIP schedule is I know that we we have we have sidewalks going in now and there's other work so we we we had a case it was a year ago almost to the day here in this room where we entertained a case and this was an issue it was brought up as an issue I'm not sure that we resolve the case this conundrum of the maps well the answer your question sir but during that during that case there was testimony that there was no money there were no plans for old Pascal road that we were looking at something out Beyond five maybe 10 years is that has that changed since the programming is is scheduled for construction in 2025 just to the high school though yes we are under not the entire L we're under you know environmental rout studies and design to construct and widen the whole Pasco Road from the south of the Rooker site down to Western Chapel Boulevard that's a that's the last like how far out is that um I believe probably three to four years to start construction on that and I'm just on the C on the CIP and funded excuse me is that on the CIP and funded I can't answer that I believe it is you're talking if he's the segment he's talking about that goes to the high school I think the answer to that question I'm asking about the rest if you're talking about north of the high school I don't know I don't believe that's in the 5year CIP there is no plans for north of the high school at this time no they may be in the long range Transportation plan but I don't know that it's in the right that's what I thought I remembered from the hearing last year was said that was not the immedate plans are to widen to the high school okay all right and we're saying the requirement to go from future Urban expans from Urban expansion to urban areas to have infrastructure in place meaning existing right yeah but I mean technically a two-lane road can be infrastructure I mean I understand it's probably substandard infrastructure it it's still infrastructure I mean I I I can't I I can tell you there's areas there's other parts of our urban service area that have congested roadways certainly so I can't tell there's no guarantee that our entire urban service area is going to be uncongested at all times no certainly not I'm just just if that was the case then we wouldn't have an urban servicer I'm just right and I mean but where I'm at right now is I tend to agree with a lot of the public comment this was rural area we there were there was no uh comp plan Amendment for those densities that aren't ruled that are already there if the infrastructure is not exist I don't you know we say it's a it's a conflict will we created that County created that conflict if you're living there I don't know how it doesn't feel like they're taking away rural area or taking away rural area cuz we we liter they are um but that but that side of the roads Res three the other besides res one was it Res three when we made it rule protection area no no but that's not what we're here ask just I understand I'm just trying I mean I I think you rais a legitimate concern but it probably should have you probably never should have changed it to Res three if there was an issue that exactly and that's where there these folks are coming from is at some point to make that R three there should have been a comp plan amendment to do that I would right there was there was a complain amendment to jange to Rose three at some point but that would have been in conflict with the rule of protection or no it depends well my guess is I don't Terry do you know when it was changes to Ros three was that before or after the urban expansion area was placed over it and I think I heard commissioner Moody mention earlier there two ways to fix us and I think what's the other way to fix us that you see well well there I want to be clear though I'm not comfortable with us taking away res 3 to appr proper that we've already given it to no one I don't think anybody suggesting that right but I don't know I guess the inherent conflict is not necessarily the urban expansion versus rural it's the res 3 versus rural David I can answer that the res 3 was established when the comprehensive plan was established it's original oh it's original correct do we do we know how do we know how I mean we keep saying the mistake was putting Urban expansion but maybe the mistake was putting rural protection over an area that was res 3 uh the res 3 expands all the way up to County LA or state red 52 so there's a whole swath of res 3 that that expands from overpass to 52 that's original so they envisioned res 3 in that area back in 1989 I think the issue and what I was trying to get to with my questions about adding this to the urban service area was one the requirement to be in the urban service area as the infrastructure is in place but in that urban service area it was to prioritize the creation of additional Urban densities meaning we want to go from res 3 to Res 6 or res 9 or res 12 out there that's why we want to change the map red to the urban service area if it's all res 3 that's already there and we're happy with res 3 there's no need to change the map the purpose of changing the map is to open the door for greater density in the area well that's when we asked St how did this originate like I mean what caused staff to want to make the change change in the first place do the property owner have concerns with the way it was mapped currently for the urban service area versus the rural area no I understand how the urban expansion area was put over it because I was here when that happened my question is this conflict between it being designated rural and urban expansion what made staff want to fix the conflict what what what caused what was the origin of this desire to fix the conflict there there was an application that had come before the Planning Commission and the the discrepancy in the maps was identified and the application was to do what again because I'm sorry if I don't remember yeah I think it was for Town Homes the application was for it was a year ago okay sorry that's probably I don't remember okay the application was to change to Res 6 to allow a future mpud or zoning to to allow the development of town homes but I will say as someone who was quite was I think the guy that seconded the motion that night although we recognized there was this conundrum in the comp plan I don't feel like it was that the board decided the case based strictly on the conundrum of the comp plan I think that I think the discussion centered around that the area wasn't right for res 6 at the time and we said and we and we said remember we said if they might have come in for res 3 and done something single family detached we probably would have looked at it a different way it's that we thought town homes and res six Was A Bridge Too Far given the character of the area I'm pretty sure you can back on the tape and we had some discussion about that you're right but I don't know that putting it in the urban expansion area necessarily requires that you to change it to Res 6 res 3 we have lots of res 3 in our urban service area that's not an uncommon condition but so then what's the purpose of putting this in the urban service area the urban service area is to prioritize more urban densities like I said says it's already res 3 well then you can just leave it the way it is today what's the problem you got res 3 you want to make it urban service area so you can make it res six res 9 res 12 res 24 Terry or whatever ones we adopt in the 2025 plan Terry what's what's before us today is to remove that portion of the rural area correct and to change the urban expansion area to Urban service area right correct so what sounds like correct me if I'm wrong is your concerned with making the urban expansion area urban service area or removing the rural area no all I'm I haven't actually said that I'm concerned with I'm saying that that's what I'm sorry that's true I'm saying that that's what it appears the intent is is that a correct statement the intend twofold right Terry that's what he just said she said the purpose of the urban service area was to prioritize Urban densities well we already have Res three there's nothing to prioritize if that's Urban unless you want to prioritize res 6 res 9 res 12 res whatever just to provide the urban Services Terry let me ask you a question is this already in the urban Mobility fee District turn check because I was here when these boundaries were set and to a large extent the fight over the boundaries at the time those they were set was about Mobility fees because yes and the board was very careful about saying these are the areas where we want to have lower Mobility fees so we are going to encourage growth in these areas and they they made a conscious decision because there was actually at one point staff was kind of objecting to including the what we called the fingers the fingers up the Sun Coast and the fingers up the interstate Urban standard because it was really just going to be the West Market area and Southern Pasco County but the board made a conscious decision to include the fingers up the Sun Coast and up the interstate because they wanted lower Mobility fees and urban levels of density that come with those lower Mobility fees along the interstate and Sun Coast cdor I can't tell you whether that was a good or bad decision okay from a planning perspective but the board made that decision and to say that it was an accident I don't think it was an accident I was there because some of those finger staff was fighting with the board saying we don't want to add those areas to our urban service area and the board said we want them part of our urban service area so it was not an accident the board made a very conscious intentional decision to urbanize the interstate Corridor and urbanize the Sun Coast cor I'd also like to add that it it follows the same boundary as the South market area which envisions the same so the South market area runs along State Road 54 and then up those two spines so 589 and and I75 so essentially the urban service area or Urban concentration area is implementing the vision of the South market area that establishes the criteria for the level of density and intensity there was also the other Urban expansion area mention we weren't including at this time why is that teror did you get the question the question is why there's a there was a second Urban expansion area that was shown on the map that we aren't including at this time to include into the urban area why why are we not including that one now uh that area is a much larger uh area what we know about the finger of I75 is that there's quite a bit of development that has been recently approved uh the Gateway Hub is at the North West corner of I75 152 P Pesco Town Center the double Branch development and connected city is at the southeast corner of I75 152 um and there's a lot of development happening around the overpass interchange as well so that whole area is filling in quite a bit a lot of utilities have already come through uh to service that development pursuant to the urbanization that the urban expansion area was envisioned but as I said originally I'm not sure there's any material difference between the urban service area and the urban expansion area in terms of our regulatory framework they're still they're both the urban concentration area and they both have the same Mobility fee district there there's no the fact answer to your Mobility feed question yeah he answered it's part of the urban Mobility feed District that brown color you see on the screens okay that's the urban Mobility fee standard so it's already in the urban Mobility fee district and and I realize that most of the people sitting here today were not here when we had those fights and discussions with the board but it was it was discussed far more than whatever decision was made to put rural protection over that property I can guarantee you that the discussion about putting Urban on the boundaries that they are was a far more extensive discussion by the board County Commissioners than the original decision to put rural there and we're I mean I mean I I Can't Tell You Why the board did what they did but but it was it was a vigorous debate about these boundaries of the urban service area and I remember Richard Garen getting up and arguing with the board we don't want to go we don't want to include these fingers he he was emphatic we need to draw the line somewhere we can't have fingers of urban going all up everywhere in the county and the board said we want these to be Urban and to be clear we're making a recommendation to the board for this this is to go to the board as well it goes to the board correct theard yeah that's all everything we do other than special I I just don't want I I feel like some people are arguing that this was a mistake to put Urban over this piece of property and I guarantee you I was here it was intentional not a mistake so I probably called Barbara up here she Barbara was here when I was the mistake was more than not removing the rural yes and the oversight was not removing the rural at that time that I understand that which is what we're trying to do today so then the question becomes do we want to make it or is it appropriate to make it urban service area where we're trying to prioritize if I understood the comment right where we're trying to prioritize additional density in the area is that am I correct in the understanding of that Amy it's confusing because we got Urban expansions and urban concentrations and urban service areas and but that's what I'm saying that label I please do not put too much into that label what's the necessity to have three because DCA made us have three that's the only reason we have three the concentration area is the overall and the underne if if if it's called Urban concentration area it was intended to the board wanted it to be Urban whether it's has a sublabel of urban service or Urban expansion is only because the Department of Community Affairs said we got too aggressive on our boundaries for the urban service area so we had to relabel part of it as Urban expansion and a year later the department of commun Affairs went away all right so what was the reasoning that they said the county was too aggressive iive in expanding the USA into that area at that time based on what I hear what Amy read I can only assume it's because the infrastructure is not in place that's that's the part well I also I will also tell you at the time that was done a lot of the new planning things that have happened in this area that Terry just talked about did not exist we didn't have double Branch we didn't have Gateway Hub there's a lot of new development that has been planned and approved since DCA made that decision without so and the interstate has been widened since that happened at the time that happened I believe the interstate was not in its current configuration so there's a lot that has occurred since DCA made that decision I don't know the DCA first of all they don't exist anymore and they probably there's no there's no state agency to object to our boundaries anymore but even if they there was I'm not sure they would object for example they objected to the Eastern extension as well we've since buildt State R 56 East that did not exist when DCA objected so I can't tell you that that decision would be made the same way today Mr chairman I have a question can can we put on the map with the um MPS and an aerial and just zoom into that area is that a question over there want to see MPD layer and then the aerial layer then take off yeah take off the and just kind of zoom in there there's a large undeveloped track there to the right of the uh the cursor yeah can you zoom in just a little bit more above that yeah so that can you go up a little bit to the left that property there it's a large land area just south of there you're you're good just that open area there just to south of that so could they come in and develop at res 3 today this open area of land there I'm sorry which open land is it no no no no no no the coiti lake yeah right there right yeah right there I believe that's a an old land that's land okay so that's not going to be developed that's landfill and then go a little bit to the South and they're just all these little so what would happen if it was going to be developed you'd have to buy up these pieces and de I mean what I'm trying to get at is the odds of this being developed is very slim I think because you've got a bunch of small acre or not small acre but there's they're single devel yeah and so what's the IDE what's the possibility of that going then to the South that you got a wetland well apparently we had an application a year ago to do that very thing that was the one there was that a had loock is on had lock out on headlight okay and what was it for Red six red six for Town H okay all right and we denied it well we recommended yeah so we could do that again if it came in again yeah we're not changing the land use here we're cleaning up a map yeah that's all we're doing thank you I did want to one more thing I wanted to say I was looking on the um the CIP map and the one that's on the County website shows I'll read it off Old Pasco Road where is this let Old Pasco Road widening two to four lanes north of County Road 54 to State Road 52 it has condu construction which is the seat for fiscal year 2627 and I got that off the website I don't know if that's in stone what are those limits again 54 to north of County Road 54 to State Road 52 widening two to four lanes Old Pasco Road yeah without having the County engineer here I can't I know that that there's been discussions about immediate plans to build it to the high school and I think you all may have been participating in some of those discussions in terms of yeah we built I mean the from the high school it's all done forland but I'm just saying we I I can't speak to I think it is being done in phases yeah so okay it's possible that that second phase is in rcip I don't know yeah but I'm I'm fairly confident that the first phase will be bringing to the high school down to Wesley Chapel bouard they're just doing PD and now so it's makes sense that 2027 I can put on the screen but it's a good point Mr tanel which is that this road is a priority for the board of County Commissioners the board has recognized that it's got there's a lot of development occurring on it and that it's in need of widening so it is a high high priority for the board we'll show on the overhead really quick just so what are you pulling up here Terry just so we know this is the um Capital Improvement program uh the green line is indicating the 20 year construction year 2025 for Old Pasco Road um which basically goes to the high school and then South to the purple line there uh that's also a wiing um to four lanes if you click on the purple line Patty yeah and that's a 2028 construction here for the purle 2028 and question n Nancy unless somebody wants to call you up I you've already had your chance so that you know the policy and Terry does this mean that those there's the funding has already been allocated for the that's within 5 years 2028 so does that mean the funding's been set aside for that road or if they're identifying a construction here so very high likelihood that that's the construction that's that's it it it would not be on our CIP map if there wasn't funding allocated to it I don't know project management this year may and how far does the purple go to that should go down to 54 wasley Chapel yeah wasley Chapel that's yeah4 I get that and we're also widening wesle trle Boulevard too okay that this is that's actually the most helpful thing I've seen okay anybody ready to make a motion more questions so to put something in the urban service area the infrastructure needs to be in place I'm not sure the infrastructure is in place but I'm now for the first time seeing when we were here a year ago we were told that this section of Old Pasco Road is 10 years out this map tends to indicate it's 4 years out that makes me think differently than I might have thought a year ago did you say there's no regulatory difference essentially between urban expansion area urban area in terms of the I don't I mean Terry can come tell me if I'm wrong but I don't know that our comp plan treats them they're both part of the urban concentration area I don't believe there's any regulatory difference unless I'm missing something and they're both in the same Urban Mobility Fe District but I staff can tell me if they think that there some material difference between the two I think traditionally in in previous uh applications that have come before this body and the B County Commissioners the urban expansion area has been treated as the same as part of the urban service here that we are we are intending to we anticipating Urban style development to fill this in and that's exactly what's taking place over the years but this is the first time we've seen that there's a plan to build the road sooner I don't know what's changed but case when we were here a year ago we were talking like 10 years well I will tell you what part of what d drove it is the opening of The Interchange okay well nonetheless it's that's different yes okay all right that's a different consideration and there's an industrial park as d we'll tell you that the Rooker industrial park is which is opened and so there's a need to get more free traffic Mobility fees though the urban service area Mobility fees are less than they're less than Suburban or rural fees so you pay less Mobility fees when we actually have to build you a road to support you think about that but you're trying to limit the roads you have to build by concentrating the development there I I don't want to get into all that's I don't either that's that's a 2our discussion start probably a two month discussion David but next time we update our Mobility fees we'll happy to have that conversation with you how about that to me that makes a difference that's a difference we had I I recall the discussion last year when we were voting on the case and I recall the newspaper article about the discussion when we voted on the case and turned around what we see today we were we were told by the applicant you should approve this because this is all going to be a four-lane highway and we said no no what we see here today is a two-lane Rural Road and we were told at the time that where there was no evidence presented at that hearing that there was any imminent plan to widen that road it wasn't on any Capital Improvement project but if it is on a CIP which if you're telling me that's what it is that's diff that's a different situation than what we looked at a year ago if the road to me if that roadway widening is imminent I don't know how if you're going to have a four lane divided road that it becomes m not practical or impractical not to look at the higher density along that roadway I can tell you this they built a four-lane roadway in front of my property I'd move well if I could add to that this property is also has the interstate on the east side of well you weren't here last year but we talked about that I I remember in my discussion and I actually went back and listened to it before coming to hear today I also said I recognized what was going on with connected City on the other side of the interstate that that was going to be a highly urbanized area so I my only point ising in that area it is somewhat difficult to protect a piece of property that has Interstate visibility it's hard to protect the it's roal character that's that's my point what I mean again all we do is cleaning up a map here we're not changing anybody's density that whole discussion can be had again I I understand that J Jamie I understand that and I think for for those of us that work and operate in this world we operate in the world of land use entitlements and land use and land developments the people that are sitting in the audience don't I get it to them this is you're taking my RO area right and I think it's that's important plan Amendment again and the reason I brought up the mobility Fe issue is I think it's important is because our board intentionally had higher Mobility fees in the rural area to help protect the rural area that that was an intentional decision by our board yeah I and so said it was a two-hour discussion right but but my point is that they designated this area for urban Mobility fees which means they weren't trying to protect it for Rural levels of density if they had they would have made it the higher Ral fees yeah I'm not it where these people should be coming up and outr is if the board tries to lower the fees in the rural area because that to me is a more conscious decision to say now we're opening up the rural area for more development I I I'll just say this the mobility fees get passed on to the homeowner so the developer doesn't give a damn whether whether or not he pays High Mobility fees or low Mobility fees so whoever came up with that coam Mania idea was oh you Mr M if you'd been here when we did it you would you would have thought that we were killing land owners by putting rural yeah putting them in the roal mobility feed District so I agree they just pass it on in the price of the house I'm just saying that the people that lobbied for those fingers didn't feel the same way that you feel otherwise there wouldn't be two fingers there I'm not saying I don't support I'm just saying if you're going to develop a four-lane roadway there then I'm not really sure how you protect the area anymore if that is imminent it's different for me it's different when we're talking it's 10 years out that's a different story than then the people who live there have 10 years to enjoy their property before a highway remind to the Jeth Rotel song of farm on the freeway here um before the highway goes through their Farm but if it's imminent if we're only four years out that's a pretty short time to build a four-lane roadway I can tell you that my world then I do think differently about that it maybe it should be designated as part of the urban service area so the chair asked for a motion are you making a motion what's the keep waiting for a keep waiting for a motion come on somebody I haven't heard any of you guys make one yet either okay cuz I know what the problem is you're looking at these people going what are you going to tell them when you make the motion all right I have a feeling Mr Jordy would have already made one if people was the chair well he's the chair I'm just telling you that because of that fact that's different that's different evidence than what we had a year ago that's right that would persuade me to include this to approve the comp plan Amendment yes I'll make a motion to that effect you can take that as a motion but that's why I think differently about it than I did a year ago it wasn't until Mr pedo showed me the purple line on the map that's the big difference okay we have a motion on the floors or a second yeah I I will second that and I think that you know uh Mr tanella made a a good case that you if we're going to protect this area more we can do it at a zoning level and I think that's you know we're talking to your point Jamie we're talking about a map correction here that should have never been made in the first place we shouldn't have to be correcting this so with that I will second it okay motion on the floor in a second is there any other discussion not all in favor I I I close motion carries that was our last item on the agenda I just want to assuming we are finished here um I just want to wish you guys um happy Holidays happy New Year and we will see you January 9th in Dade City thank you for youre thanks Liam you're done with work for today Liam I'll move to a Jour second all in favor oppos motion carries Richard how did you get the Short Straw today yeah yeah [Music] [Music] waterways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollutants directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy environment for fish water foul and other Aquatic animals storm drains are meant for clean rainwater most other discharges are illegal if you suspect an illicit discharge please contact Pasco County Department of Public Works at 72783 43611 hey everyone it's Jordan from Pasco libraries and I can't wait to share my picks for this month's Morning Blend book club my first recommendation is she sores trailblazing female pilots in Florida by Bridges Del Pont this book offers a captivating look at the remarkable women who helped shape the history of Aviation with Florida as a Central stage for their groundbreaking achievements from performing daring aerial stunts in the early 1900s to serving as wasp pilots during World War II and later flying military jets commercial airlines and space shuttles 14 female aviators are celebrated for their bold and diverse contributions to Aviation this well researched and inspiring collection not only honors these women's accomplishments but also shines a light on Florida's significant role in their Journeys it's a mustre for anyone interested in aviation history next up is a fun book for the whole family 50 true Tales from our great national parks by Stephanie Pearson is a collection of real life tales that celebrate the beauty and diversity of America's national parks from The Amazing return of wolves to Yellowstone to the inspiring story of the Bransford family at Mammoth Cave each story brings a unique p piece of History Adventure or nature to life the book covers everything from incredible animal behaviors to moments of human bravery all tied to different Parks across the country with beautiful illustrations it's a perfect read for families and young readers offering a great way to learn about these incredible places last but not least our youngest readers will love fox versus Winter by Corey Taber in this wintry detail The Lovable trickster Fox is feeling lonely as his friends head south for the season or go into hibernation desperate to avoid the cold and isolation Fox decides to fight Winter by making snow friends but it's just not the same then he becomes friends with rabbit who loves the quiet Solitude of winter this sweet story is perfect for teaching kids about loneliness the desire to belong and the importance of taking quiet time for themselves Pasco libraries wishes you a season of great reading you can read a story you can go for a walk so why not combine both Welcome to our story walk here at JB starky Wilderness Park we have installed a new story in our story walk check out this new seasonal theme title the very last Lea by Steph Wade and illustrated by Jennifer Davidson where you'll learn about Lance the Cottonwood leaf and how he must face his fear of falling with the change of the seasons the story walk consists of 18 reading stations positioned along a 2 Mile Loop along the way you'll also learn some fun facts about the changing colors of leaves the outdoor reading experience allows children families and people of all ages to read a story while walking walking along a nature trail head to the back left Trail of the playground area follow the purple Trail blazes and you'll be on your way a special thank you to all who partnered with libraries to make this project possible Pasco County Parks Recreation and natural resources the friends of the Pasco County library system and AER Corp [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi I'm anley with Pasco County pavement management people always ask why can't you pave roads faster well the process isn't as simple as it seems we use two methods which you can see here they're called milling and Paving and full depth Reclamation and soil cement what does that mean exactly let's break them [Music] down 90% of our Paving projects are done through milling and Paving which takes about 2 weeks depending on weather and the length of the road we start by grinding and removing 2 to three Ines off the road then we sweep the road to remove fines fines are small particles of asphalt or lime rock next we spray tack which is a mixture of oil and water onto the road surface to make sure that the asphalt bonds to the road surface then we apply a layer or two of asphalt ever notice steam rising from the asphalt that's because it's strucked to the work site at a whopping 325° or hotter next we drive a steam roller over the asphalt to make sure the surface is flat and smooth and that's it now let's look at the second Paving process Pasco uses which usually takes a bit longer our geotechnician team drills into the roadway at the job site and takes samples to a lab to help us determine what mix to use then we create a mix to use on the road from materials we Salvage from the pre-existing Road a machine grinds 10 in into the road base feeding all that material into a giant mixing machine where it mixes with other ingredients before being spread onto the road the surface has to be set for a few days and then our team returns to the site to test the road's strength if it gets two thumbs up we grind 2 in off the base sweep the fines and add the tack and lay the asphalt so those are the two ways Pasco Works to make your commute a whole lot small smoother Public Works inspectors are on every job site to make sure there are no bumps on the road so to speak we follow tough guidelines and high standards to keep our roads drivable for years to come to learn more about Pasco Count's Paving process please visit my [Music] passcode.on Pasco County Superintendent of Schools I lead the charge to provide a worldclass educ ation for all students and to ensure each student achieves success in college career and life however achieving this success can be difficult for the student who has been removed from their home for their own protection and placed in foster care or another outof home placement alarmingly right here in Pasco County there are almost 1,000 abused and neglected children in the child welfare system children in foster care often experience multiple placements and consequently May attend several different schools in one school year making it difficult for them to achieve academic success what can you do you can help by becoming a guardian at lium volunteer children who have a guardian at lium do better in school and are more likely to find a safe permanent home sooner to learn how you can help call 727 834 3493 or visit heroo child.org our children and their success matter to me I am for the child are you microchip you've probably heard the term but you might not know what it is or why it's so important the chip has the same information as the tag on your pet's collar but it's easily injected just Under the Skin So a quick scan of the Chip And we know who they belong to when a lost dog arrives at the shelter a microchip implant can triple its odds of being reunited with its owner we know how important getting lost dogs back to their owners is for our community and we're here to help you can schedule an appointment to visit our lowcost microchip clinic and in just about 10 minutes get that microchip implanted and you're good to go once your pet is microchipped or if they already are make sure to keep all of your contact information updated like your phone number your address and your email address and make sure it's updated with your veterinarian as well remember one simple microchip can get your Lost Pet back to your home and make sure it's safe with you and your family for more information on microchipping or microchip appointments visit my paso. pasas the 2024 two good Souls event unfortunately hurricane Helen and hurricane Milton took care of rearranging the way we're going to do things this year but there are more socks and shoes needed more than ever for all displaced victims in our community two good SS is probably the perfect name uh because of the fact that we see that an effort such as this is helping us get back on our feet it has definitely boost their uh uh self-esteem and I've watched their parents also become even more involved in the school when they see that a community and especially the school really does care about their students and I want to say thank you to the board of the County Commissioners uh County Administrator to the team they have collected an enormous amount of shoes this year I would just say uh going back to how it helps them succeed is their self-esteem I have two good words for two good Souls and it's just simply thank you thank you very much for what you do for our students for our families