##VIDEO ID:tQC4d7xB0u0## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] m [Music] [Music] n a [Music] n [Music] [Music] oh o [Music] h [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do you have squirrels do you have squirrels no my grandsons have have found the joy of Honey squirrels and eating them I'd like to call back the order of the Pasco County Board accounting commission meeting of September 3rd 2024 please silence electronic devices and mute your microphones um and this meeting is time is 5:15 p.m. please rise for the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen to the flag United States of America the stand naice for all where is he U Mr Clark would you please call the roow District Two commissioner waitman is is not present at this time District three uh commissioner starky here District Four commissioner joerger here District Five commissioner Mariana here district one chairman open here let the record reflect that we have uh four members in present and an um quum okay are we ready or I got to do mine first right all right all right this is the first public meeting for adopt the fiscal year 2025 budget for the board of County commissions of Pasco County Florida Citizens will be get uh be be provided an opportunity to speak during the public uh comment section U of this hearing chairman M verl do we have proof of notice of the I don't know what that is it's a different name they changed it notice of this meeting chairman and members of the board notification for this meeting was provided in the trim or the truth and millage notices mailed to each property owner Mr chairman for the record uh commissioner waitan is now on the dance okay thank you catch up in accord in accordance with the Florida statute 2.65 um is the recommended mil mill rate first issue to be discussed first issue to be discussed would be the recommended millage rate and the uh percentage of changes from the rad back rate m f um before we dig into this did we want to look at the PowerPoint presentation or do we want to just move straight to voting I'm okay either way Power Point Power Point okay Power Point all right so here's a quick agenda for tonight we're going to talk through the purpose of our public hearings a reminder on what our strategic goals and priorities were going into this budget cycle our budget assumptions that are underlaying our tentative budget what the overall tentative budget looks like our taxable assess values the way in which our general fund is allocated what our capital budget looks like and then the next steps in this process process so as a friendly reminder Florida statute requires that we hold two Public public hearings the first one is tonight and then the second one um will be later in September in two weeks and through this process we will adopt tentative millage rates and then the budget by way of resolution and as a reminder what's presented in front of you is based off of what you all adopted in July during trim and so you'll see those millage rates and then the associated associated tentative budget all right so our strategic goals laid out for us back in January small business initiatives and process streamlining pedestrian safety maintaining our Reserve limits across all of our major funds especially our general fund and establishing two new Municipal Services taxing units one for Parks Capital maintenance and one for roads rehabilitation services so again our budget assumptions in this tentative budget as it's presented to you right now is assuming no change in the operating millage no change in our fire mstu millage no change in the storm water assessment we're in the fourth year of our water and wastewater rates um and we are entering into year six of our 7 for S plan for our solid waste and then again as we just mentioned the establishment of the two new mstu all right so our overall budget for fiscal year 25 as it exists right now is $ 2.26 billion 1.25 of that is operating 4 100 million is capital about 46 million for Debt Service and then 554 million in reserves across all almost 200 funds all right so here's our here's a breakdown via pie chart so as you can see the better chunk is our day-to-day keeping our lights on operations um smaller chunk there for Capital little sliver for Debt Service and then uh slightly bigger pie for our rainy day Reserves all right so here's the breakdown of our budget via type of Revenue um so the revenue side of that Reserve is that fund balance that first biggest pie uh the next sliver that you see on the bottom is our adorm taxes so that includes our general fund taxes our fire mstu the two new mstu um the permits fees and special assessments so that's like fire inspection fees our building um permit fees charges for service that could be things like our um utilities and our solid waste and then what is our budget look like from the expenditure side of the house so you'll see our physical environment which again is a lot of our utilities and solid waste and then our Public Safety are big components of that up at the top are reserves so that's the expense side of that fund balance General government those are things like our other constitutional officers my salaries in there Mike salar is in there all right so final taxable assess value So based off our final numbers on July 1st it was a 14.1% increase in taxable or in Revenue based off taxable assess value increases so that was 47.86 more in Revenue the 40% of that allocation to the sheriff was a little over 19 million we saw an increase to our cras in just under a million and our increase to our other tiffs such as our Villages opacity Ina Hills and our truchi roughly $1.3 million increase and then that increase did generate roughly 13 more million for a fire mstu fund all right so general fund big picture so when we look at our general fund 90% of our fund expenditures are towards keeping the lights on and handling inflation so what that means is that's basically 90% of our budget is making sure that we can provide the services tomorrow that our citizens have come to expect today 4% is earmarked for what we've been calling requirements so these these are things like expanding the jail um setting up the dshift for fire rescue also on that list would be wage increases for our Corrections Officers for our firefighters and then our pay comp and class study for the rest of our employees 5% is towards Capital infrastructure Investments and about 1% is for what we call business plan initiatives or enhancements so those could be increasing levels of service or adding additional bodies to maintain levels of service all right so just another way to look at that 90% piece of our pie keeping the lights on about 52% of that goes to Public Safety so that includes the sheriff that includes Corrections fire rescue and then the administrative staff supporting our Public Safety Branch 20% goes towards General government so again that's going to be are other constitutional officers like the clerk um and then of course you guys got to pay for me sorry uh 6% is for culture and recreation and then her fund balance up there at 18% all right so back here you'll see that 5% Capital that's going to equat roughly 3.17 million the requirements that was 4% of our budget and then our enhancements that 1% of our budget that equates to 3.2 million all right so outside funding so these are all funded via the general fund and then just a reminder that anything that is bold and italicized are um mandates for us to pay the non-bolded non-italicized are at the board's discretion M mandated by mandated by whom oh State Statute okay thank you all right so here's how the Constitutional officer proposed budgets are sitting based off of everything that the board approved in July and then we've got um a breakout for the sheriff on the next slide all right so included in the sheriff's budget is 40 additional deputies the sheriff is funding 20 new additional additional deputies out of that his 40% increase and then the board is matching that with another 20 um and then part of the board's one-time expenses are funding armored SWAT vehicles and vans upgraded forensics unit a pole barn um startup funding for gap insurance designed for an Armory and then a restroom remodel at the gun range um and that number is a little bit different than the last time we spoke to you all um working with the Sheriff's Office we've come up with a $200,000 option for that all right and then just a reminder we're looking at a $ 1.8 billion 5-year Capital plan this does exclude general fund because we talked about that separately but the board will only be adopting fiscal year 25 we just like to show you our 5year plan and then this is a a more uh granular look at transportation engineering but it's still like a 50,000 foot view so by program um addressing capacity major maintenance um pedestrian safety intersection and signals all right so these are the tenative millage rates that the board adopted in July as part of the trim process and again just a reminder that the budget in front of you is based off of these millage rates all right so tonight is our first public hearing the second public hearing will be September 17th at 5:15 in Newport Richie at the West Pasco Government Center during the day I'll be presenting um a PowerPoint during the regular session and then we'll do the final public hearing and if there are no questions then I think we're okay to go back to this any questions seeing none okay so we're on page two or no Mr chairman yes let me bring it up now just so we have a discussion um okay we've got an agenda item we approved today to do a study uh for engineering with the company for the Hudson Library uh after we had a meeting today I talked to Sean Garvey when do you think it would get done he thought it would take about a year to do the full design currently we have that $12 million in the budget if we look at it to say that it's going to be a year before we even have the design to actually go start to build it I think we can delay that a year and do an offset uh maybe leave the millage where it is in a sense cuz we're going need to come back with it but maybe that let shrink the the road paving mstu down to a very significant number that that is a great idea I like he said the 12 million is already in the budget and you're sitting on it 12 million falls under the uh under the capital expenditures that Amy showed um so I think what the commissioner is proposing is a reduction in the Ping mstu millage and use that 12 million instead of funding Hudson Library use it to fund Road pay what does that take the mstu on the road Village down to we would have to calculate those numbers I would need some guid so how much are you talking about taking away from them msdu on the on the road pay well you had a $12 million savings you're still probably want to keep some of the St to you because you still get to pay off I would not recommend a level lower than what it takes to retire your peass debt at a minimum uh we would need to go back calulate that and come back with a a corresponding millage it would be significant reduction probably I know it's under 10 million it's probably 6 to 8 million we're talking around numbers nice it what would that number be do we know that number or we don't know that number I don't know it tonight I can start working on it how do we act on that tonight we have another hearing my my recommendation would be you hold the millage level and then we come back just hold it where it is until where it is and then we would come back to you with with proposed number at the adoption based on this on this guidance okay all right understand that but we would we would cut it to what to the number you find at the next meeting right with my understanding then is is and I'm seeing that saw at least three or four head knots um so we can still uh make a cut in that budget am till um till 17th right correct correct can't go up right you just can't go up from what was set in July but we can't go down but you got to realize in doing that which that's okay um in doing that there will be some roads that will be moved out further than no no we're just talking about retiring the past debt right just the debt of it the debt the unpaid debt so the main thing is you're going an mstu in place that we're looking at instead of having that MST going for the road paving you take the 12 million from the Hudson Library and you offset it with that 12 million okay so because because you're not you're not going to be able to spend the money until like October next year anyway so why would we want to carry that for a bill right now we don't have to pay it it's just like tied up money for a whole year this way we can use it to save money on the overall budget for the taxes that people have to pay okay all right chair yes no thought what's the P debt 6 million 8 million Justin Grant tells me it's approximately 6 m why don't we just pull out of reserves it's a rainy day fund just cut it from there one time expense done where are we on our mandated Reserve it's think those reserves if I remember right the reserves were a little bit less than than we normally would have it I think so your current Reserve I don't have the exact well your current Reserve levels right are are sitting uh slightly higher than what you your your current Reserve policy is however however C out that uh our recurring expenses do do exceed some of our recurring revenue and namely in a lot of our Public Safety agreements that we have done to pay for dshift and and other things so we anticipate drawing down those reserves in the out years in those correct but to commissioner wait's point it's a policy decision yeah chairman Mr when you say out years what years 2 3 4 what's your estimation FIS year 28 2028 yes 2028 folks we would we would be down to approximately 54 days Reserves at that point so that would be below your 60-day reserve oh I got another question on the library just thinking Jack um if if you took away your Capital money and spent it all this year where are you going to get it when you need it that's when You' have to look at doing the MSU and putting a number on it the next year at least you delay it a year before you do it and you might even decide not to do it at that point but at least what about this what if we take six million from your Capital Money whatever amount it is to retire the pbass debt and at Le and then that lowers the pbass but leaves you some of the money so we don't have to go raising taxes next year to cover it and we'll look for that other 6 million in many places I'm flexible how staff wants to bring it back but the main thing is staff bringing it back also there's a $12 million savings out there and commissioner wayman's idea is worthy of consideration as well so what we're asking is you bring it back to us and show us the best what's best suited for our citizens of Pasco count that's what we're asking for okay okay all right where am I at here all right so I think we're at the third time the first page says chairman so it starts with an accordance up with you I don't see the last thing chairman said was a statute 20065 the next parag is your name oh he oh we got through the whole one okay thank you all right so chairman we're here yeah I'm where we are we're going we'll get you you just you read that the PowerPoint so here bottom section first page yeah all right so chairman members of the board the aggregate millage rate as advertised on the trim notice with 10.26 45 Ms which represents a 13.34% increase from the aggregate roll back rate of 9.21 92 Ms three reason for the aggregate mill rate the reason the aggregate mill rate is higher is because the total taxable value increased between last year and this year generating additional Revenue Levy for the same millage rate table one in your handout shows the millage rates for the various County levies in a comparison of the recommended millage rates to the rolled back rates and the prior year adopted millage rates rather than read this chart into the record we have provided copies to each commissioner board records and members of the audience tonight I would like to ask the commission to adopt the tenative millit rats and total budget the Mill Rats adopted tonight are the maximum allowed by Florida law without mailing each property owner an additional notice the board can reduce the millage rates tonight through the final hearing on September 17th however the millit gr cannot be increased later in the meeting should the commission wish to modify the budget we ask that staff be directed to return on September 17th at the final public hearing with the desired amendments I'd like to give a summary of the general fund and transportation trust fund budget stating the tenative millage rates the percentage change from the roll back rate and the reasons for such a change the tenative millage rate for the general fund is 7.57 Ms which is a 7.07% increase from the r back rate of 7.73 the tentative millit rate is the same as last year's millit rate the county realized a 14.1% increase in taxable assess values over the past year compared to the current fiscal year the tenative general fund expenditure budget represents an increase of 90 94.3 million the main factors for this include fully funding the sheriff's budget request including 20 additional deputies implementing phase one of the dshift for rescue Personnel operating expenditures for the expanded Detention Center wage increases for the PBA and I unions and a wage increase based on compensation and classification studies for board and constitutional officer employees prior to action by the Florida legislator eliminated the requirement for a mandatory Transportation ADV Valor tax no Transportation Mill was millage was levied last year and we propose no millage be assessed this year for the Transportation trust fund I would ask that the board accept public comment and then vote on the general fund and the transportation trust fund Mill rates and Associated budgets the minimum vote required to Levy the general fund millage rate is a simple majority or three votes according to maximum millage rate calculations okay does anyone wish to speak to the board regarding the general fund and transportation trust fund Mr chairman we have folks signed up not specifically for a particular fund but for the budget in general so we would uh go to that and the first person signed up is Christy Zimmer name and address for the record christe Zimmer 3615 pinee Court Land of Lakes Florida it's a sad day we have to be here and ask you beg you to reduce the millage rate instead of constantly agreeing to the maximum a couple years ago Mr Wells was in here telling you you had a perfect opportunity to reduce it and you didn't you maxed it out again uh you're taking the you're actually taxing people out of their homes as a realtor I'm dealing with it every day between taxes and insurance people who have been here their whole lives are having to move out of the state because they can't afford to live in their homes in Pasco County anymore that is a sad sad thing even with our 3% cap on our save our homes your overinflated assessed values are not okay they're not fair and this has got to stop it's an election year do your constituents a favor do a reduction at least if it's a half ass plan do something because this is wrong you can't keep doing this to the taxpayers you've got forgivable loans out there you're doing tax deferrals Edison building my favorite one to talk about they haven't paid a diamond taxes since 2013 because they got a $1.5 million abatement you're deferring the impact fees for the developers you did you ever think if they were actually paying those on time and not 10 years from now or the tax abatements that you're giving out on the hundreds of millions of dollars of loans on the the economic development plans for all these forgivable loans how much money that would create in our tax base let's stop doing the giveaways and start taking care of the people who actually pay your salaries a six figure salary for a part-time job maybe look at yourself and take a pay reduction nobody out here gets that kind of money it's not okay you've got to tighten your purse strings you've got to cut out the wasteful spending we have to many people can't even afford to go to the grocery store because they have to worry about being able to stay in their homes please take some time look at this budget cut it where you need to cut it and save these people's homes okay thank you next up Chris Walsh Mr carbal do we defer impact pleas I'm not aware of that I know they're due at the time the certificate of occupancy you what when a CO is issued on a on a facility that is Win by by law yeah they they don't get a CO unless they pay their impact fees correct oh that's true we don't defer okay your name and address sir uh Chris Walsh 23 27 ciolo road Florida uh I won't take the the whole three minutes but congrats to thator she said everything that we all feel I'm um I'm a a member of the Board of Supervisors for the telegra Community Development District 798 homes we just finished our budget this year we were able to do our o m at the same level we did last year I'm asking you for the same thing that she said same thing you've got to figure out a way to stop constantly increasing property taxes or you're going to drive people out of here so that's all I really have to say to you I I came down here where my constituents back in t Vera and uh they all feel the same way and there's about 1,800 voters there so remember that come elction thank you okay thank you thank you Terry Shader good evening fellow Commissioners Terry shraer 31414 Pasco Road I have to concur with of the previous speakers I I I think it's time to reduce the millage rate I I you know applaud some of the discussion you've had but you know back in 2019 the taxable value for her for Pesco County was 27 billion it currently sits at 52 billion so and I don't believe you you've lowered the Miller rate to Comm commerate that that high value and the tax bill value but again there there's families that are struggling out there I can afford my tax bill but I know there's a lot of young couples out there that can't so I'm you to please please lower this millage rate to help these families be able to stay in FCO County a lot of times during your meetings you're always talking about affordable affordable housing you're making it very unaffordable thank you for your time thank you Cil Christian the same thing increases in taxes name and address sir oh sorry that's of Christian 5313 Parliament Ro new PT Rich I've seeing um the property taxes have gone up from 2021 to 2023 by 62% and now I'm seeing it going from from 60 from 2023 to 2024 now is another 35% I don't at this rate we not going to be able to to keep our proper so something has to be done about the milon rates millage rates and and other things to reduce otherwise we're not going to be able to afford to to keep our prop it's just clear and it's all so we have to do something about thank you um sir can I ask you a question s i real quick are you aware and I'm not an expert on this but on the other homestead exemption that you can put on your property can someone describe that one I didn't get that if I'm aware of County attorney County attorney can you describe the the extra home the senior homestead exemption we passed and let me ask if you have this and that's not this year that would be the next tax year next year but they but the that the board adopted an optional um $25,000 no $50,000 um senior tax exemption Property Appraiser's office has all those forms and all those calculations to see if you qualify it's income limited um but it but that would if you apply for it and and you qualify for it that would lower your assessed value of your property just like the standard Homestead ex exemptions so it's an an additional if you qualify yes and that's a just yeah but but if you look at a lot of the other states in this country once you reach 65 years old they start blowing your taxes I'm I'm going I'm going to be 80 tomorrow Happy Birthday and and my taxes just keep going up I have friends in Texas and some of these other places in Georgia where the taxes have cut 50% you know when I reach 6 and I'm still paying the full tax so it's hurting us on sir thank sir chairman say sir just a quick question are you Homestead in the property you're talking about this this one is not Homestead my son lives in this property it's not home it's not Homestead yeah not Homestead okay but but but at the rate at which is going up I don't that's it's unbelievable all right thank you sir next person that's all we have pre-signed up got okay coming forward Mr steel thank you I think this is the first time I've ever come to the county uh to talk and I I want to thank you guys for doing what you do and I know it's hard um but I got 35 phone calls today uh from residents that that live in my district and and I'm a state house representative let me give you my address it's on bayad road I don't know if I need to give you the specific address but 30545 um and so I I made it a point I actually went out got dressed I was outside actually putting poles in uh for my fence so I got dressed and came in so I want you guys to know mean it's important to me um we should do something you got the inflationary costs that are going on the the the properties are artificially inflated we all know that it's going to come back down as soon as Trump gets him back in office and and puts forward some of the things that we need to have done to reduce the cost so are they going to have to come back in and ask to have those values come down um which they will they'll have to apply yes they do I had to do it um they have to apply to have the value of their home to come back down so the reality is is we should take that step and reduce either the price the value of the home to make it back to where it was before we inflated it or reduce the mill rate to make it fair um and I just want to also verify that we have $540 billion in reserve that we're not going to have to have for 18 years we're going to be within our our range I'm sorry not 18 years 3 years from now 2028 I want to verify that and then it's a 14% increase but we have 18% we're putting into that reserve and I want to know how many people well that's what it was on the chart said we how many billion in no can you go back to that sure how much was it was it million 540 million sorry 540 million we're required to have two months of operating in case we have a hurricane or something it was back the other one you just passed it twice three times yeah third third time 540 there you go that's fine so so half a billion dollars in reserve I just want to ask how many people do you think in our district has Reserve remotely close to one month of their salary and I'm not saying we shouldn't as a as a government entity but at the time we're adding 18% and we don't need 100% of that we should adjust what we what we're pulling in just to help people out and that's that's why I'm here I'm not here to condemn anybody but I just want to make sure that you guys understand it it doesn't affect me it's not it's not going to affect me but it's affecting a lot of people in my community so thank understand thank you for your comments but can I ask you a question on the reserves just for all of us and I know this is your first budget meeting and your second one um in the reserves is also where you park some Capital money or some money for certain things so it's not necessarily all I know we try and have two months of operating right if something were to happen all right so we keep um we keep two months of operating expenses in what we call a restricted reserve and so that yes is your rainy day if a hurricane comes through or whatever we can still operate for two months and then hope that we get some kind of relief from the state or the feds and then we will keep some additional base off policy Direction and decision so like an example Solid Waste we had that 74 s plan and part of that plan was building up some Reserve so we could partially cash fund the waste to energy expansion and then Le leverage some Debt Service for the other piece of it and so we build up some reserves in our Utility Fund we build up some reserves in our Solid Waste when we know that we have those planned Capital expenditures coming down and you would see that in that $500 million number it would be a conglomeration of of both of those things yeah it's an aggregate Reserve I just wanted so so that reserve of 540 million the two months operating and these other items are in that same amount okay yes thank you oh excuse me Mr steel you can come back Dan what's uh what is our current general fund Target Reserve number right now it's for us and all the constitutionals currently about 78 million for two months two months or what correct two months of Opera okay all right and we're adding 18% to that Reserve every year that was on another slide right there that right there 18 no that that's just represents a total representative so if I took the total the total amount in the general fund and we have to report Reserves say like 18% of that total is actually TI Reser 78 million 18 Mr chairman right Mr chairman yes sir is Mike is the number 16.7% the target number yes sir the the target the the board policy Target that we we discussed in January was 16.7% which is 60 days out of 365 okay so what's the difference from that number to the number it's currently at 20 it's currently at 225% so it is it is higher as I mentioned before however part of the planned expenditures and that we have uh that we've already approved such as dshift for fire rescue additional expenses count on drawing that number down so by 2028 discussed with commissioner waitman we would be down to probably around 15% or about 54 days okay in 2028 based on projected expenses projected GR growth there's a number of assumptions that go into that okay yeah thank you okay Mr White chairman thank you chairman I guess this might be a question from cat attorney but if a local government sinks below the recommended 60-day Mark there's no penalty right it's just a best an accounting best management practice correct so we were to get lean and mean and and lean into it we wouldn't necessarily be penalized if we sank below that number a bit if for in the best interest of our citizenry as I as I recall this is a Gatsby standard right government the government accounting say gfoa GF accounting offic um and so no there there is no state law requirement that requires you to have that but that all goes into your bond ratings correct if you're not if you're not if it's not a bond if it's not a revenue bond an Enterprise fund Bond it's just your general operating Bond it it goes into the rate the the double a rating double A Plus rating that you've got um so there are side effects to lower in your reserve it it's not illegal for you to to lower there's no penalty on so correct you may have Bond or debt covenants that require certain levels those go in and effect and we have the best Bond yeah we have the best Bond rating right now I think no yes Plus+ that's the best one for government yeah if you go above that you're not putting too much money aside and it's wasteful right so which saves our citiz money by having that Bond rating yeah okay that covers questions uh is there a motion to adopt the tenative rate with knowing we're going to look at something coming back from staff on the 17th so move so I got a motion well second but we're going to have more discussion as we go after that was your discussion period Well we have a lot more to go through okay okay I got a motion in a second all those in favor is this roll call no no all right all those in favor say I I all like sign for oppose no pass 5 Z move on to so the minut rate for the general fund of simp Point 570 Mills County Commission MO is there a motion to adopt the tentative millage rate for the transportation trust fund of 0.0000 Mills happy to make that motion chair too I like a zero mill rate that's a good number Z happy to make that motion chair yeah could see that one I will now provide a summary of the fire Municipal service taxing unit budget stating the tentative military the percent oh you got a mtion excuse I got a motion second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 I will now provide a summary of the fire Municipal service taxing unit budget stating the tenative millit rate the percentage change from the roll back rate and the reasons for the change the fire Municipal service taxing unit fund has a recommended tax levy of 2122 5 Ms this represents a 7.98% increase from the roll back rate of 1.96 57 the increase in property values resulted in an additional 13.1 million in property tax revenue the budget includes implementing phase one of the DHI for fire personnel and a wage increase for the um iaff Union I would ask the board to accept public comment and then vote on the fire Municipal service taxing unit fund militer and Associated budget the minimum Vote for This tentative hearing is four votes okay does anyone wish to speak to the board uh with the fire Municipal Services taxing unit we have no one signed up in advance okay seeing no one no one signed up uh anyone in the audience wish to speak to the fire mstu see no one um is there a motion to adopt the millage rate of 21225 Mills for the fire Municipal service tax M Mr chairman yes um for the public that's here could we please explain what a dshift is because this is an increase certainly so the D shift in in its Essence so firefighters work uh typically on a typical schedule work a 2 24hour shift and then they have 48 hours off so that represents a total of three shifts right and a shift a B shift and then a c shift a dshift uh adds a fourth shift to that rotation thus the the the cycle time of the firefighters in terms of of rest uh recovery mental health is is cared for and there's also reductions in overtime as well as other expenditures because you have a a larger source to distribute the costs over but it does require uh increasing your Manning by approximately well 33% if someone coming up to say something no no he putting on his jacket that and then and then just a reminder to the board that in um adding that dshift there was also the elimination of the Kelly day because now you didn't need it the dshift would offset that extra rest day and that actual item saved us from losing 70 Public Safety people and fire and all during that past year when any lost three this year years prior to that we lost 70 Personnel a year to other counties since we've done this that's G away and now we're gaining for that shift so Mr waitman had thank you chair no no secret I'm box this last year just want to the last year just you know the story this the big push for this was for for wages um to make pay more hole and and bring folks in but also baked into this there's more than just wages there's other other operating costs and Technology it's it's a it's more than a funding source than just for wages so I just wanted to be clear I know the public thinks that it's it's just it was strictly for for wages and and part of that movement but there's there's a lot more in this um and if Mike I'd like you add some sunshine on that yeah I can add some color to that I mean the the um the increase in the mstu a large part of it was to fund dshift for work work stress reduction but also we are growing we are the third busiest Ambulatory Service in the State of Florida uh as such we need new equipment we need new stations and The mstu Works to provide funding for all of those fire related expenses so that would include outfitting new fire stations and in some cases we can actually use some of those funds to actually invest in fire stations and new equipment uh new ambulance fire trucks uh Etc okay and with our new fire chief who combed through his budget um and found a lot of savings we appreciate that very much and I think we are all aware that we don't have to have the prettiest fanciest fire stations in the country um and we can get some savings on uh some of our new fire stations and I appreciate all the efforts and value engineering all of that yeah I can tell you commissioner Chief Perez and Mr Murphy have already found ways to reduce fire station costs by well over a million dollars on a per station basis so that's that's good that's important okay Mr chairman yes I just want to Echo the same sentiment you did we we had such a high turn of a rate just like we had with deputies years ago that this dshift has now just shift at that whole calendar as well as we being our team does such a phenomenal job protecting our people it's now to the point where they're safer better protected and people want to come to work here I think we're probably the most desired station desired County to come to work for and that's a very good thing in these times where people are having trouble getting the services and protections they want for their lives yeah right okay all right par did we do a motion I thought it did we need a motion move to approve never take the vote second I got a motion and second all those in favor say I I all oppos like sign motion pass 5 Z okay I will now provide a summary of the two new Municipal service taxing unit mstu budget stating the tentative millage rates the percentage change from the roll back rate and the reasons for the change the parks Capital maintenance mstu fund has a recommended tax levy of 0.712 Mills this is the first year that this millage is proposed to be levied so there is no calculated roll back rate this millage rate will generate 8.2 million in property tax reeven Rue to fund Capital maintenance on the county parks I would ask the board to accept public comment and then vote on the parks Capital maintenance mstu militate and Associated budget since this is the first time this millit rate will be levied State statutes indicate that a unanimous vote is required to Levy any milit rate okay there's anyone wish to speak to the board on the parks Capital maintenance mstu come forward if you do hi my name is Janine Duffy I live at 5550 front drive in Holiday Florida um I know the parks are very important to the people that live around here but due to the increase in taxes and homeowners insurance um and the increase and everything else um we have to make Cuts somewhere I'd really like to see the Parks and Recreation get some sort of a cut uh we have lots of parks around here I understand they need some maintenance I get that um but pretty soon we're all going to be living in them um as a single mother um that helps take care of my elderly mother um you're txting me out of my home and I'm not the only one but I don't want to move so I'm going to stay and fight for it so please hear us out it is an election year thank you okay Keith you want comeing forward but I'm I'll make one statement there um when I was first elected 8 years ago we had TW we were behind 20 years in maintenance on our all of our Parks Co came along and nobody was outside nobody could be close to each other or whatever it gave Parks the ability to catch up a lot of that maintenance we had but it still the money is needed to take care of our parks and we have future Parks coming for future developments so I I'll leave it up Keith to talk about so uh the mstu that's present so Keith Wy director of parks recreation natural resources uh this is specifically to address what commission what chairman Oakley um called to attention is the zero um dedicated funding source for Capital Improvements so the go Bond the general obligation Bond back in 2018 got us $20 million worth of improvements that funding is pretty much encumbered and set to run out into the fiscal year of 25 so the mstu is intended to pick that Capital funding up um and continue the good work that we did underneath the general excuse me the general Bond General obligation Bond sorry so I remember um uh in the recession I think I was on the school board and we were cutting cutting cutting cutting cutting and at the county where they cut and cut and cut and cut was parks and libraries um to the point that it was just decimated I moved here 32 33 years ago and I'm a parent of four kids who played Sports in the Parks soccer football cheerleading it was very important to us my husband and I were youth coaches for 25 years um and if you imagine all the growth from caller Parkway West the first park that has been added in those 32 years is the starky regional park in 32 years and we're still not done with it we are just now adding the fields so we and just think of all the kids that have moved here and I can tell you our phones are ringing off the hook with thousands and thousands of parents whose kids have signed up to play Sports and cannot play we we we have a new little league complex a new Little League team I guess with no Fields um when was the last time we added a l complex in this County so well we we added the softball complex at at starky r for 20 something years and over 20 something years and more importantly uh to your point commissioner starky this is I was ask actually just reviewing the capital maintenance uh list for the the ending projects for the go Bond and and we're seeing cost increases to resurface tennis courts $497,000 uh replacing 30 40 year old concession stands over a million um and and I think that so in addition to the to the growth piece of of adding the capital facilities that we desperately need because of growth we're also on the verge of not being able to actually take care of the the existing stuff that we have in the ground today so when you talk about sad or athletic fields they don't have a forever you know life you have to replace them and in doing so a lot of our Parks um were built in Wetland environment conditions that require significant drainage improvements that costs anywhere between $1.2 to $2 million a field so when you when you start to figure out ultimately what it's quite honestly it's staggering even for me to look at the numbers and when you look at 37 Parks uh all across the County and and all each little piece the number does add up so uh to be clear I didn't actually have a presentation wasn't prepared to talk to this in too much detail so it's a little uh little rough in the opening but the mstu basically was presented off five or six years worth of work following the general obligation Bond where we looked at 20-year maintenance plans of every park facility and we basically itemized every amenity that was $1,000 or more and when it was due to be replaced we presented that through the budget process and the $8.2 million is specifically that number just to stay caught up just to stay caught up so one of one of the most telling one of the most memorable moments concerning parks to me was in this room when the parents from the little e complex that's somewhere here I've never been to it uh state city little e yeah when those two women came and said they were turning the lights on their field on and off with the 2x 8T 2x4 so they didn't get elocuted yeah do you remember that mhm yeah so we got some maintenance M Jagger so I'm a mom of five my kids grew up at the parks we volunteered put Play Down clean the dugouts things like that um I know how important parks are I just feel like with the state of the economy right now we can't add two taxes to our citizens um is there any way that we can help Parks out of our general fund and do that instead of adding a no talking from the audience please who you talking to Keith or M my looking it may be Amy but I was also looking at you no I mean so commissioner uh thank you so currently as as I think Mr Wy pointed out the the dollars or the level of investment that that Mr Wy is referring to is not currently budgeted nor available within the general fund at the levels which is you know which was presented to the board uh we currently make a a a very probably 1/8 of that level of investment um and you know if we were to not go forward with anything I would I would probably commit I would commit to the board to at least funding it at that level which is about a million a million three um of of dollars um of course if we talk about reducing General operating millage that becomes a more complicated um scenario but as in the current state of play um where where Mr wy's current budget is he's not budgeted for these for these items so we would we would have to find additional dollars within our general operating fund to fund some level of of Maintenance uh in in Parks right I just I just feel like right now you know we have no idea who our president's going to be and um things could really good or not so good so okay Mr wait thank CH things are tough now you know we're being asked to not just you know Sports Parks support Parks we all do I coach our kids go there grew up on lot of these same Fields but the structure if I'm going to vote on tax the structure of the tax is going to be sound and this is not a sound tax for many reasons this is approved now we get in a budget battle in two weeks we can end up gutting the parks and libraries budget that's easy peasy that's low hanging fruit this mstu as it stands today as it structured today thank you Lord does not protect a sound Parks budget for years to come and because of that it's it's vulnerable and I think if we're going to vote on a part Parks tax it needs to be an all-encompassing or as close as we can mstu where we pull all those Mills off the general fund and then cut those and then the parks Mill just set what it is and cut you know the balance off the general fund essentially restructuring the budget uh the general fund budget and then that parks that Park tax is is growing on its own as it comes and it adds a true long-term generational Lifeline to the Department and when times get tough and Boards future boards have to make decisions you know it forced those boards in my opinion to have to pull back layers of the onion and make more difficult decisions other than just torpedoing the parks and libraries budget I think this government needs to dig deeper and find find ways to control spending in in other departments that that were leaks may be if you will or under funding sources so if I'm going to vote on a tax it's going to be a good tax it's going to be a quality tax and have a generational benefit so as this tax stands today I will not be supporting it I would like to see no I would like to see a a tax for Parks a true way to fund parks for generations to come that are that are similar to what I described and this is what I try to to discussed number of months back when we discussed the parks mstu um Keith you know it's it's up to every Department to Advocate fiercely for their department and their people and I applaud you for it the m in the work that you all put in uh with every County department if if didn't go to battle and and try to get what you need then you might not be the person for the job so know that I am looking out for your best interest just in a different way and uh I thank you for all the work you do for our parks and our kids and our families but the way this tax is structured I I can't support it so I'm Mr chairman yes so i' like to say Keith you and your team do a phenomenal job and the way you've moved money around to take care of things that weren't funded to to make it happen when you had idle money uh I think you've done a phenomenal phenomenal job you're a great leader you got a great team thank you couldn't be couldn't be happier with what you're doing and the importance of parks is so critical um when you can keep kids busy and they're in activities they're going to be more productive better citizens families get it better everybody benefits from the park having said that I did ask Keith and he'll tell you I asked him not to bring it this year but he brought it and then when the discussions came and it kind of went through it I didn't kick it down but I fig we'll just see where the process goes let me say this about mstu and I don't like them and I'll tell you why right now you've got 91% of the population that you're looking to go fund this Parks we're working with the city of dat City right now we just took over Pine Hill Park and spent a whole bunch of money in Newport Richie I got two cities on the West Side P Rich Newport Richie that are blighted that we have to pay their money back on the cras so when you throw the burdens of an mstu you're burden the county people in a heavier way which I don't think is right years ago we looked at the sheriff's MSU that they wanted to do probably like 12 16 years ago the only the first hearing of that went through like nothing the second hearing one guy wrote one letter from Beacon woods and he said to me Jack why are you putting all the burden on your unincorporated County to go pay for this MSU for the sheriff it's not the best way to go do it so for different reasons commissioner waitman I agree with you're saying but MST is a tough way to go and it's something we need to go look at and again when I especially when I got two cras that we got to pay and we got a city newp Richie that we just took over a park that they had and gave gave him a building and now D City wants to work with us I think there a better way to fund Parks as well so I'm okay withman where we're going but I do want to see that we do take care of ke in the parks are down the road Mr White rebuttal well we're literally at opposite ends within mstu I I view an mstu the opposite of of you commission may I think mstu adds transparency and accountability to the fund citizens know what they're paying for and we as a board know where that money is going and what it's used for and it's not in the general fund where it could go all over the place so I guess it cuts both ways I just I view an mstu a little bit differently I view an mstu and government is more of a it's better disciplined I think my opinion there's better accountability and transparency to the fund um but I hear what you're saying and appreciate it Mr chairman Keith I've got a question Keith come up can I just make a statement to that though if I could you what can I just make a statement to what he just said just make a statement so in the transparency we used to have years ago there was a booklet about this thick it went light item to item where the money was going so maybe if you want the transparency that way that's a better way to go than Shifting the burden who was paying okay uh Keith prior to this MST you've been taking you've been actually getting a sum of money I guess from the general fun yeah correct so there's a every budget year there's been a process where um those departments that need to pursue Capital funding we would we would go through a list and a ranking process and quite honestly the amount of money that's available uh I always felt terrible going to those meetings because what I was asking for was usually two or three times what was available so when you're in there and you're you're sitting next to a peer like Mike shoemate for animal services and he's asking for x million for for a shelter and I need for my department to maintain my level of service $8 to10 million extra a year it's it's it's kind of rough so through that process through that education if you will we try to figure out another way and to be clear um it's my job I think commissioner wait it's my job to tell you all what the cost is how we get there honestly is is up to you uh and I want you to know that I respect that decision so if this isn't go through and it looks like it's not going to go through then we have issues in the near future probably that we won't be able to allow some teams to play because we're not going to have enough teams or faes for to fit on yeah at this point it' be more of a that unplanned where you have no you know no money set aside to take care of yeah e you wouldn't have anything to go to so if you step back in time a little bit when did we have the referendums that our citizens voted on 2018 18 when 18 yes sir 18 I thought that was right 2018 this county has some of the best citizens around that voted for that and pay those Bond issues and voted that's how we got the money to actually bring that maintenance back up to speed um but our citizens voted for that I I agree with what they did then we have good CI they have very good citiz I think it was the most popular 73% our citizens were will at the same time they had four items at the same time they had four items for voting for a referendum where we would pay those bonds back through through the citizens they voted for those but they were also given one item that gave them an additional $50,000 deduction on home state of property that was turned down by citizens when they could have voted that in for themselves they did not but they voted on refereum to help make these fields come back up to speed so so Keith what what is your I mean your maintenance budget what I mean what are you going to do how we going to what how are you going to fix anything because you don't have this in your budget because you counting on the mstu well after tonight we will we'll re prioritize our so that means how many millions are going to be cut from the sheriff or fire or whatever else that comes out of our general uh we we have to sit down and they have to sit down and go over there look look at the dollars and where it is you we we put money into other other programs such as reinvesting in our facilities uh we could look at less funding there I mean there's there's a number of options I just need to understand what the board's temperament is and I I think I it's not mine um but um no I I just think that it's been such a deficit for so long and if we're not paying it out of our other taxes we we have to find a way to keep our kids safe on the ball fields and I remember driving around and seeing the stadiums falling fall apart people couldn't sit in the stadiums at the ballparks the the Nets behind home plate were ripped and torn um wasn't a pretty state so what do you need a year to what are you going to be looking for from somewhere the average is what was presented is 8.2 million and I think when I originally presented the ordinance when when I originally presented the ordinance we gave tears because obviously we want the board to have choices in terms of what what could be done um again just it's it's all about perspective in terms of what comes online every year and what's needed and or and more importantly what what is what goes down that's an issue um we had uh Oak Ridge Park the lighting system went down is $700,000 now we could tell the the you know the organization that plays there that sorry we don't I mean in this instance we'd have to say sorry we don't have that funding so we don't repair the lights for a year we shut your league down I'm not trying to I'm just being honest like there the things that that could Happ at M field it happened actually last year year so when that happened luckily we had some reserves in the goond fund so we were able to kind of make that happen but right um again that money is kind of running out so and with fills being tight like they are you going to reach a point where your fees are going to have to go back up or you won't be able to provide maintenance for these areas yeah and that hits ever hard when that fee goes up so would um would any of the Commissioners consider a lower mstu number so that Keith can keep operating I was going to ask that question yeah CU I I hate to I hate to take it away from the youth that's already had it taken away from them yeah that's kind of not fair you got parents choosing to put groceries in a buggy or sending their kids out to play sports right now I you know you measure wants and needs and I'm pretty passionate about that and I I know the fields my parents grew up on a lot tougher than my generation the generations after me uh we got County attorney we're in a sue happy world but I think I think we'll make it I think we'll figure it out government will there's only business on the plan that has reoccurring Revenue you know every year and a lot of money comes in I have full confidence just like last year with Mike Fano coming in and covering the shortfall and the sheriffs I think we just we need to challenge ourselves and this is a situation that we're in every household in this County in America is figuring out a way to pay the grocery bill put clothes on their back and this is part of it and again this goes to prove my point you're right to Keith's budget why this mstu and why his budget isn't isn't safe and sound therefore I'm describing structuring a different way to capture funds for the park budget and this this what I just spent described 15 minutes ago I don't want to rehash it again we have other things to talk about um that goes to show how vulnerable his budget is and this is proving my point feels pretty vulnerable sitting here for sure to add a little BV to this to does it take four votes or three votes unanimous unanimous oh well it's dead we haden't got a motion we're not done we're not there yet and the final vote needs to be unanimous I you could move it forward but I mean that the the adoption of the millage has to be unanimous based on on this one discuss yeah doesn't matter how you vote so what if it takes five votes and you're against it then the rules you can make a motion and move it forward but it won't be what does that mean that you can take a vote and move it forward I mean I want to disc you would adopt you would adopt the millage as recommended or some other form of the millage that would be lower or the same as what is presented and then on the can be changed however from what I'm hearing from the commissioner I'm not sure that would be work that I would recover anything from so so you fall into the provision of the statute that this is a rate in excess of 110% of the a rate a rate in excess of 110% may be adopted if approved by a unanimous vote of the membership of the governing board of the county so but that's your final hearing adoption yeah but I don't know but it doesn't sound like we're getting there so uh Keith there's a lady behind you needs to speak M zmer I believe name and address again it's on the record Christy Zimmer Pine Court uh my question is this we have the penny for Pasco which is a substantial amount that was approved for 15 years the county gets the 45% and out of that 20% goes to El lamp Parks and Recreation infrastructure how is that money being implemented into what you're talking about isn't that enough money for maintenance that's a capital that's a capital infrastructure tax so it goes for only building new not for maintenance that's a capital infrastructure tax yes we building you he has no maintenance money there is no maintenance well well he has the go Bond but it's almost gone that's problem yeah there's no maintenance money so something else will be cut all right so let's see is there a motion U on the millage rate of 0.712 Mills for Parks Capital maintenance mstu looks like it's going to die for a lack of a motion in that case I would probably recommend that the board adopt the motion to set the millage at 0.000000 Mills so we can forward some so we got a moot motion to drop the drop the Mills to 0.000000 Mills for the parks Capital maintenance MST okay second um all those in favor say i i i n fails you say you have one two knes no no I voted but she voted me I voted KN you vot a name to zero fund Parks maintenance budget I voted a name okay so it's that motion passes for one so okay clarification Mr chairman you said the motion for zero funding pass 41 yes thank you okay and further clarification from the county attorney it cannot be brought back at this final public hearing Mill can't be raised that's right oh it's the next meeting okay all right all right the roads Rehabilitation mstu fund has a recommended tax levy of 0.518 for Ms this is the first year that this millage is proposed to be levied so there is no calculated roll back rate this millage rate will generate 24.8 million in property tax revenue to maintain the County's roadwork Network I would ask the board to accept public comment and then vote on the roads Rehabilitation MSU military and Associated budget okay does anyone U wish to speak to this item on MSU y we have no one signed up in advance no one signed up anyone in audience wish to speak to the paving mstu okay you have a question you no Jack were you want to speak I wait okay Mr wait any discussion thank thank you chairman I'm willing to support a level of mstu for this mstu but to do that has got to come to a commensurate cut to the general fund Mills so I'm assuming that box and match will go down at the second meeting but I'm willing to support some level of funding for the road paving mstu it's necessary uh it's an actually a piece of the business that County should be in in my opinion and Paving and maintenancing our roads and so I'm uh excited to hear what folks have to say and where we land on this well we've asked there's no one to speak to this so um again my name is Janine Duffy 5550 Front Drive Holiday Florida um I'm a little confused um we've been paying taxes for years um but our roads are severely neglected um I'm not sure where it's getting paid from is it my property taxes is it the gas tax that's supposed to help the roads is it the millage the new millage rate I'm kind of getting confused how many time we have to pay for roads that aren't being fixed I mean a sinkhole opened up in Holiday we have severe flooding uh you made it worse by adding a sidewalk to Grand Boulevard um I drive through a pool in our afternoon showers now it hasn't wasn't like that years ago was not actually it wasn't even like that last year all this flooding is current right so I'm just curious to to know what exactly is paying for our roads and our infrastructure is it the impact fees is it our property taxes is it the gas tax is it the millage rate I just I'm trying to grasp and understand what exactly is fixing our roads cuz nothing is I'll give you an answer thank you the mstu for this is 0.518 for Mills that's $51.84 for every $100,000 of value of a homesteaded home okay okay so the mean value of homes throughout the county are roughly $160,000 if you have less than is but that number equates to about 80 or $85 to go toward Paving of roads for the entire County not just like a past or all we're getting rid of peas because it cost your neighbors fighting against each other and those other things this does away with P but this uh like this rate will get us roads being paved a lot quicker than we had before because there'll be no bickering between communities and if everybody says 51% say they don't want to pay and and so they they vote it down then that road stays like it is in bad condition or whatever until you have to wait a year after that to get your road paved that's been a bad system and we've been in it for a long long time so you're blame blaming the old system on the neglect is that is that what I CU a lot of roads they would vote against I'm not blaming it on anyone the fact no I'm saying the old system your old taxing system you're the old the old system of paying for a road was really unfair because the people that if you were less than 50% of the people on that road and say you voted 49% of you wanted the road paves and the group against you didn't want to pay and it was 51% then it didn't get paid and had to sit there for a year well let and and and and it's done that year after year after year on a lot of properties and we got a lot of bad roads throughout the county for this also includes roads that can be paav when they're they're even dirt they could be paved if they fit in that order and I I think within 2 or 3 years we'll have a lot of roads that have been a long time waiting to get paved agreed now I understand we have people that are seniors and on fixed income and this is money M I understand this is money M what I pay I I meant to look at my sheet it's on tax your tax sheet now um on mine is probably $400 $500 that I'd pay every year one time a year every year to get all of our roads paved okay so that's the only way our roads get paved if it was yours so there's no penny for pasal funds that go towards it there's no money from Impact fees that go there never but Mr cabala can answer I'm I'm just trying to get clarification I understand sure sure so and and it's there's would be first let me just back up is to the types of Roads there's really two types of Roads there local roads which would be your roads that you live on and then there would be what we call arteri collector roads not withstanding state roads we'll take state roads like 54 52 out of this by the state uh you we collect gas taxes in the county that funds our public works department gas taxes really only cover about 2third of the cost of our public works department that is a revenue source that has been flat to declining for years as cars become more efficient in electric cars but I W go there the um the additional one-third of the Public Works budget comes from what's called a um a a tiff or a tax increment financing which is levied across the whole County anyways it's a long way of just saying it's a it's a dedicated funing Source on new taxes that that come in that is put into public works to fund Paving now how do we fund Paving we we fund we fund it from this this tip which really only amounts to a few million dollars a year maybe somewhere between two to2 to4 million a year more or less okay but we because we have a a special assessment vehicle this is the PS that the chairman was speaking about uh we don't use it to fund local roads we use it to fund things like we pave little road for example or or another another main road that everyone would use in the neighborhood the road that you live on current system is a special assessment in which case the residents would have to petition the board to tax them in order to fix the roads so there is no General Revenue that goes into fixing local roads it is up to you as a citizen to decide when you've had enough on your road and you can appeal to the board and there's a whole special assessment process so the commissioner has spoken the board the board is recognize it's it pits neighbor against neighbor neighbor and unfortunately by the time the road requires to be repaired um I can tell you I'm a professional engineer um it's like we talk about maintenance the road's too far gone and it's probably six times more to fix it so folks are lovy with a higher assessment what the road tax does is it is collected taxes for all roads in the count arterials collectors as well as local roads and includes actually a a large component of it is maintenance of roads to extend the useful life of the roads that is really the purpose of the tax is to extend life of the existing Road and provide dedicated finan for that and make repairs and of course do away with the special unwind the special assessment process and that's a lot no that's okay what it is but so to just to clarify our taxes in the past none of that was allocated to none of that was for you heard us um one of the first uh funds or votes that we did did it might have been the second one was um the transportation what's it called the the transportation trust fund where that would be the silo of money that we would because when we collect money it all goes into certain silos in government and our transportation Side Up is zero funded through your general through your prop adval property tax it's zero funded but we are going to fund it through this mstu but so you know so you're not pay any tax so when somebody says to you what am I paying my property taxes for if I'm not getting my roads fixed they need to be clearly informed that their property taxes never went to fix never went transport it goes back in history and history had it over here was a lot of grows and pastures and things like that but Newport rich and all were growing Leaps and Bounds and building a lot of roads over there where the the property owners over on this side mostly Farmers agricultural people didn't want to afford or couldn't for to pay for those roads being built on the other side of the county so that stayed in history until now and we've all realized I've been here eight years and I I hate a Peas I mean it it's just the worst system ever one neighbor after another and it doesn't work out well please understand that most people the general public believe that their property taxes go into paying for their and we know that yes we know we know that but that's not true so okay get the information out there about see when you when you do a p a lot of times that cost to you be $7,000 8,000 that you can pay over 10 years but with a new system if if you're paying say your house is on the lower scale and it was $85 a year that's all you would pay every year right I understand but on all Ro would be in good for 10 years that part you couldn't pay up front I don't know would just just before I end uh take away one thing when we are over by the 19 Corridor find ourselves being surrounded by lots of development that have brand new roads nice sidewalks and all of that please understand the frustration of the people that have lived here for decad and I agree with you we have them over here this is my district on the east side okay I've got some of the worst roads we've ever seen but let me give you this in mind new Let me Give an example this new system A lady called me or saw me in a restaurant here the other day and says well my when would my road be paved on this new Paving system and I said well I don't know she was asking about Passad in a road just just right out here and I question and I call our people and it's set up to be paved if this goes through to be that road is set up to be paved in 25 which starts October 1 who said I haven't seen the list you have to ask question metric system I'll let you know who to talk to but the fact of it is I was shocked it not only repaves the old part of pavement M part of that road is dirt and it paves that too it brings it all up right which it'll take a little time to get everybody but the fact of it is by starting it you get in a good situation in the future and it's just better for everybody so I hope you could take a drive over to Holiday during a rainstorm yeah I I just went through there that's her history so and the other good thing that this is going to do which we did not do in the past is we're also going to fix the sidewalk which the in Holiday there's a lot of problem because the flooding is so severe you're adding more concrete and it's making it worse so please consider we need drainage we need the sidewalks that are there that are all smashed up that need to be fixed we need drainage with the sidewalk yeah thank you for asking the questions thank you for answering christe zmer on record you tapped on my question a little bit how are these projects going to be prioritized and you said the one in Pasadena would be 2025 Lake padet Estates hasn't had any Paving done since the early 90s with a road paving assessment and we've lost some of our roads fix yeah I'm fixing give you guy that is going to come up here and tell you the truth about all this because it's scientific see some roads we have so you know some roads are not as bad as other roads so those roads that we can actually do a chip seal that road can lengthen its life by doing the chip sell it'll lengthen it out 5 years and improve that road other roads that are really in bad shape are going to be more expensive than that to be paid so do they get put on the back burner because they'll cost more they're all they're all looked at electron I'm going to let ramp come forward and he will uh describe to you or just one one of them but it's very important assistant County Administrator so we've talked about having the scientific uh meod that means we've tested all the roads in Pas School uh and we've used our pavement management system to rank all those rades so what we have is RADS that it's going to be cost effective to fix in the first year or the second year we go ahead and schedule those to be done so we try to do that as objectively as possible so we are being fair to everybody right and and they're they balance out in five districts five commissioner districts we all get some of our roads done it's going to take time but I'm going to tell you with this new system it's going to be much better than anything you've seen in the county far as pay and the roads that everybody's asking why can't I get my road paid even dirt roads will be a part of that system Mr chairman yes and part of the benefit too is when you have to do all the paperwork all the time and money to go do your petitions and all the stuff you probably add about 30% to the cost of the road as well now that all goes away it's just simply collected and allocated so um back to commissioner Whitman's question and I don't know if you're ready to answer it because I think we found a way to lower that mstu by taking some of the money from the library and paying off the debt so since he wants a number possibly now are we able to throw out a number where we can lower that lower that a little bit what was the six what was the number chairman for for clarification Mike why don't we go with with this conversation first that we spoke about so my my question to County attorney administrator Finance folks does the road paving mstu need a unanimous vote tonight to pass and does it need a unanimous vote to pass at our second and final public hearing it has to have two consecutive 50 votes that is correct it would require unanimous vote to establish some millage there's the recommended millage or some other number I disagree with the administrator but I mean as I said in in the previous one I think I read the statute to say you at this hearing it doesn't have to pass at a unanimous vote at your but you have to adopt it by unanimous vote unless you've heard something different from revenue I'll let Mr rol spoke with Department the followup question of that well let because I haven't had the conversation with Revenue that OMB has had there's two forms that we fill had to fill out that ask us for the number of votes and that's MMP which is maximum millage for this hearing and then the mm which is maximum millage for the final hearing both of those say five votes are required I don't I don't believe that's what the statute says but if that's the that's the standard that revenue is going to hire hold you to at that's got to be confirmed to me somehow because my agreement to doing this is the 7.57 MS that we previously voted on for the general fund I want to see a commensurate cut to that so we're going to have to open up the general fund Mills and vote on it a second time so do we go through all that tonight and potentially have two late nights or can we go through cuz we'll stay late y'all know it and or can we do it all in Newport Richie at one time so our recommendation would be to kind of hold here and then we can do math before the final hearing um in a less rushed fashion and more accurate and we can work through um so so hearing you and not hearing confidence out of our County attorney doesn't give me confidence that we're following the right process I I think what the county attorney is saying and Jeff I don't mean to put words in your mouth as he's saying tonight only you know he doesn't his his interpretation the statute is is a unanimous vote is not required tonight however a unanimous vote is required to final adoption on the 17th and general general fund bills can be open that up and discussed you can also that yes sir we would go through the same same discussion on the general operating millage and if the board wanted to adopt that the vote thresholds are different of course for General operating millage but nevertheless that would be a discussion that the board would have so commissioner tonight you're going to have the ceiling set that you can't increase but for the final you can still come down in the 17th that's that's what I was trying to say is I I believe that it's the final vote that matters and if you if you didn't vote for it on the final vote that would kill it it has to be unanimous so it doesn't I would I would recommend staying at the millage that we've advertised and you've always got the auor you power to turn the power to turn it down at the final turn my non-legal opinion I agree with County attorney but Department of Revenue did give us a different answer I was not do that Mr chairman yes and I go back too um I would rather see it come lowering the MSU down and this doesn't have to happen till the next meeting but I'd rather lower the M MSU down leaving the millage or it's at same for the same reason I told you 91% of the count is going to pay for these roads remember a lot of the money that's coming from this is paying for our materials too which everybody in the cities uses but no one's going to pay for it just as County people and I think it should be shared with everybody as much as possible well no matter what the number the the fund will be funded were before there was nothing so no matter what we decide on but there was a p we're moving forward but but there was a p is dangerous because you you the county can lean people's homes and take their property from them that that system is just bad it's just a bad system yeah but we're moving forward so we'll get there well so everybody understands we move this number down a certain number then you have to realize in the public G realize that you won't be able to pave as much each year unless that's back up sometime but if you lower it takes longer to get to your roads we already kind of pushed it out so it wouldn't be high we pushed it out yeah we already stretched it out with with this low number so we have not made a decision yet right chair on how we're going to fund the uh the remaining peos loans that hasn't been decided yet so I mean there's still as Mike Kabal say it's in the sausage making uh that we're not there yet right so you know but do do you want to set this Mage lower than the 51 point or excuse me point 5184 do you want to set that lower to go or do you want them to come back with a number to where do you feel comfortable I thought I heard Jack say he would like to see it reduced is that right but I'm comfortable leaving it where it is now just to go through and let's see what staff brings back there something dissected next mon I agree it yeah let bring back options we can't go back up yeah you you never know how tough tough sou is going to be and you never know that might be a work [Applause] mag Mr starky has Stakes back here so I'm good for a while it's not C but you're welcome to it if you all right is there a motion by the board to adopt a millage rate of 0.51 184 Ms for the roads Rehabilitation mstu and it takes five votes yeah and we're we pledge to cut it when we find out right what that number is I'm in Grant we're doing that yeah I'll make a Motion county attorney are you sure sure am I sure that you are you advising us the right way that we're not boxing ourselves in a Corners that way we can still he is do some work before he's like all my other attorney friends they told me not to act like an attorney so I don't I am I am confident that if you Levy if if you move ahead the the0 5184 Mills you have complete Authority at your next hearing to lower that or eliminate and the general operating Mills of and 7.5 and you're at the same you're at the same you've got that same discussion on the general millage at your next hearing as well see attorney that that I'm comfortable attorneys are human trust but verify it's kind of the way all right so I'll second Commission jer's motion okay I've got a motion in a second to leave it as it is we're going to relook at it on the September 17th all those in favor say I I I all opposed like sign it passes 5 Z okay um I will now provide a summary of the nine voter approved Debt Service millage rates these millage rates are levied to repay the debt service for the general obligation bonds to include two Tri es each for the jail project the Parks and Recreation projects and the libraries projects as well as three tranches for the fire rescue projects the nine individual millage rates are listed on table one in your handout rather than read this chart into the record we have provided copies to each commissioner board records and members of the audience I ask the board to accept public comment and then vote on each Deb service mill rate there is no vote requirement for these millage rates so a simple majority or three votes is needed okay [Music] all right does anyone wish to speak to the board uh regarding any of the nine Bond milit [Music] rates anyone okay seeing no one uh any discussion here with the board anyone online nobody nobody's online uh no we have no one onine no one online see no one will approval second you need one for each each Village so is there a uh a motion to adopt a m rate be sure of 0.256 Mills for the 2019 a jail facility Bond move of approval got a motion and second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z is there a motion to adopt a millage rate of 0.0204 Mills for the 2019b fire rescue Bond some move got a motion second all those in favor say I I motion pass five 5 Z is there uh a motion to adopt the millage rate of 0 point 0096 Mills for the 2019 sea parks recreation and natural resources V move approval got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion passed 5 Z is there a motion to adopt the millage rate of 0.0 got to be sure the Zer yeah 94 Mills for the 2019 D libraries Bond I think you need to reate that sir you lost a zero 0.0094 m one more time 0.0094 that's what 0.0094 Ms for the 2019 libraries Bond second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 is there a motion to adopt millage rate of 0.416 Mills for the 202a fire rescue Bond so move got a motion second second all those favor say I I I motion pass 5 z um is is there a motion to adopt a millage rate of 0.0 I'm sorry but this is faint typing they gave me here 0.0087 Mills for the 2021 a libraries Bond so Mo second got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 is there a motion for adopting millage rate of 01073 Mills for the 2021b jail bond new proove second motion of second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z is there a motion to adopt the village excuse millage rate of 0.0131 MS for the 2022a parks recreation and natural resources Bond move approval motion second and a second all those in favor say I I I okay um is there a motion to adopt a millage rate of 0.0044 Mills for the 20 24a fire rescue Bond so Move Motion in a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 m far all right I will now provide a summary of the remainder of the budget if you refer to table two in your hand out the budget total did change my team just calculated it so I'll read in the new number so that will be a variation from the table that's been provided but based off of the zero Mills levied for the parks Capital maintenance mstu we recalculated the budget and the aggregate millage so I just wanted to point out that what I'm stating is going to be a change from what you see so the budget totals 2 b254 m74 a,1 2017 I would ask the board to accept public comment then vote on the tentative budget there is no vote requirement for the budget so a simple majority or three votes is needed okay is anyone here wish to speak to the budget see no one approval second okay um where we at I will oh I got the so I got I got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z all right the actions you have taken today has set the tenative aggregate millage at 10156 Ms which reflects an increase of 9.61% above the roll back rate I will now read the resolution adopting the militri by title only a resolution of the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida adopting the tentative levying of adorm taxes for Pasco County for fiscal year 2025 providing for an effective date okay is there a motion for approval of the mo resolution adopting the tentative leving of adorm taxes for Pasco County for fiscal year 2025 so got a motion and a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 I will now read the resolution adopting the budget by title only a resolution of the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida adopting the tentative budget for fiscal year 2025 providing for an effective date okay is there a motion for approval of the resolution adopting the tenative budget for Pasco County fiscal year 2025 move appr got a motion second and second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 any changes made between now and the final public hearing will be detailed in a memorandum which will be provided to you with your agenda for the regular meeting on September 17th sta staff recommends the board provide Direction prior to the final public hearing regarding any additional amendments to the tenative budget as result of the memorandum mentioned above and any other amendments the board desires these changes can then be incorporated into the resolutions for the public hearing of September 17th okay this concludes the tentative public [Applause] hearing is it ring up [Music] County waterways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollutants directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy environment for fish water foul and other Aquatic animals storm drains are meant for clean rainwater most other discharges are illegal if you suspect an illicit discharge please contact Pasco County Department of Public Works at 727 834 3611 hey Tampa Bay let's come together to preserve water up to 50% of water used during spring months is outdoors on your lawn reduce outdoor water use and save big once a week watering restrictions are in effect know your day Tampa Bay go to mywater day.org at any given time 4.8 million people are being sexually exploited across the globe men women and children of all ages races and ethnicities are exploited for profit women and girls are disproportionately affected accounting for 99 % of the victims in the commercial sex industry over 300,000 of America's youth are at risk of sexual exploitation each year the US is one of the largest consumers of human trafficking victims worldwide when it comes to sex trafficking consumption means the purchase of sex this is a problem that we face right here in Pasco County when you buy sex you are contributing to the trafficking of men women and children right here in Pasco County it comes down to supply and demand there's simply more people trying to buy sex than there are those people willing to sell their bodies thus the opportunity for human trafficking to occur do you think people enjoy being bought and sold that they want to perform sex acts with strangers when it comes to buying sex we want to make sure the word is out there that Pasco doesn't buy it every law enforcement agency in Pasco County including the Pasco Sheriff's Office the Newport richy Police Department the zephos police department the Dade City police department and the Port Richie Police Department we are working together to arrest and help to prosecute sex buyers would you like for your spouse to find out that you're paying for sex would you like your kids or their friends to find out or your mother do you want your boss your co-workers or your clients to find out that you are buying sex how would you like to have a criminal record buying sex is punishable with jail time and up to a $5,000 fine we use state-of-the-art technology we have highly trained EXP experienced officers we are leveraging detailed intelligence and monitoring the online platforms that sex buers use all of law enforcement is working together if you're a sex buyer in Pasco County we will find you don't buy sex if you do you will be arrested [Music] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] h [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] --------- ##VIDEO ID:hTSEO9u8rNs## I [Music] got okay this time I'd call back to order the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners meeting of uh September 3rd 2024 please silence all electronic devices and uh mute your microphones I will proceed with uh public hearing starting with p49 Mr chairman members of the board we have proof and publication of the hearing of this matter in the Tampa Bay Times July 10th 2024 okay thank you Mr chairman uh item p49 PD 24279 is the uh ordinance for the tree preservation and replacement this item is being requested for 15 minutes to a date on C do you need a motion to continue uh uh yes move to continue second is it a Time certain no no time certain okay I got a motion a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z move on to p50 we have proof of publication and uh Affidavit of certified mailings in the times on August the 7th 2024 and by certified mailings and site postings item p50 is PD 2424 this is an ordinance amending the Pasco County comprehensive plan providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-5 and ch12 from res 3 residential 3 dwelling units per G acre and AG agricultural to PD plan development on approximately 100.8 Acres of real property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of us41 and Leland Avenue and 1.1 miles north of State Road 52 in a text Amendment creating sub area policy BL 7172 Fletcher and a map Amendment to the Future Landings map 2-9 adding sub are map 2-9 72 Fletcher and adding and providing for additional text amendments as necessary foral consistency providing for repealer cability and effective date this comes with a recommendation to approve the com or adopt the comprehensive plan Amendment uh and uh approve approve your by roll call vote and we have a presentation I don't know about you guys I'm having a hard time hearing yeah it's hard to hear you there M chairman I'm receiving a couple of emails from folks that they're having issues hearing as well watching online go ahead test test we can't hear you somebody needs to turn that up the end up or put the end up test you got to be closer all right that's better when you do that you want me to reread the ordinance title yes please re ordinance ending the Faso County comprehensive plan providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-15 and C12 from res 3 residential 3 dwell gross acre and AG agricultural to PD plan development on approximately 100.8 Acres of real property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of us41 and Leland Avenue and 1.1 miles north of State 52 and a text Amendment creating Subara policy flu 7172 Fletcher and a map Amendment to the Future map 2-9 adding sub area map 2972 Fletcher and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repealer cability and effective date this comes to you with a recommendation to approve the proposed comp plan Amendment and adopt the ordinance by roll call vote and there's a presentation if desired um yeah I think we need presentation I agree yeah agree but I'm waiting um okay something's that's out on p50 so what's what's the issue they're not matching this one that that the land that one was p49 so something's wrong in right yes 49 was the land was the tree you're right and p50 so I don't know what's going on up there but maybe go to P51 was 50 so may so what's the next one what do you have there youo number is correct so I think you go to the next slide next SL and that's the ordinance title yes okay so this is it yes so this is the location of the subject property in the Central Market area this is generally Northeast uh corner of US 41 and 52 uh just on the north and west side of pilot country airport The Proposal is a comprehensive plan amendment to change the future land use from res 3 residential 3 dwelling is for gross acre and AG agricultural to plan development PD plan development and the purpose is to allow for 160 Town Homes 350 multifam and 100,000 square ft of commercial and approximately 100.8 Acres uh the location as I noted previously is on the northeast corner of the intersection of us41 in Leland which is generally the uh Northeast uh corner of us 4152 as we'll see on the next slide here so 52 and 41 is just off the slide to the South uh and the subject property is outlined on the west side and north side of pilot country airport right here uh and there's the intersection that we've been have been noting 52 and uh 41 uh there are a number of trails uh that surround the subject site crossw access South Trail which runs along the US 41 and then of course the state 52 Trail down south uh along 52 uh this is uh the Wetland scenario that we're contending with in terms of developing the 100 or so acres and this is indicating the proximity of the subject site within the pilot country airport Zone and as I noted there are portions of the uh Fletcher sub area within the RP of the airport Zone these are the other MPS within the area on the west side we have tal Vera uh long leaf Grove MP is just to the South this was approved recently uh maybe a year and a half or so ago and then Sandridge and Tibbits um these were also recent muts that were approved uh or reapproved a couple months ago uh in this area these are the entitlements that surround the Fletcher subject site as noted 160 Town homs 350 multi family 100,000 commercial on the subject in taliva there are approximately 800 single family homes Enterprise Commerce Park um had has 235,000 non-residential 35,000 ft of non-residential uh 200,000 ft of heavy industrial 35,000 commercial the long leaf Grove mpud has 1,67 residential entitlements built into it uh not yet constructed 12 6,000 uh squ ft of non-residential uh and those are the immediate surrounding entitlements to this mpud uh this is a conceptual of the sub area uh the Planning Development Economic Department worked with the state with the uh property owners and the and the developers to come up with a conceptual plan that would illustrate the type of commercial development uh we could expect both on this block here and then if multif family does not have and also on this block that's uh additionally some other design features that we incorporated uh into the discussions was the rear loading of town homes and how that might uh be accommodated if Town Homes were to be established in other parts of the mpud that were interior uh to the to that development uh all of that information is taken care of within the mpug later on the agenda Mr chairman could just go back to the slide for a minute yes so along 41 the northern part of it um you've got those boxes that are the darker red that's where the multif family can go yes and down below it's a little bit lighter of a color and that's where the commercial or multif family could go yes okay thank you uh this is the existing future land use of the area with the res 3 on the west Western portion of the property and the AG on the Eastern portion of the property sort of at the end of the uh pilot country Runway this is the new future land use PD plan development being applied to the site uh these are the objectives and policies that uh conform this project to the comprehensive plan and then as noted we recommend to the border of County Commissioners that we find the proposed amendment consistent with the c of plan adopt the ordinance I will call Mr chairman I ask some questions yes um so this is just a comp plan Amendment change this portion of the project uh later on on the agenda there is an mpud today cuz I just want to make sure that site plan is binding first of all did a lot of work on that site plan um and then the next question I have is um if you could go back to it and maybe I'm sorry I looked at this last whenever I had my meeting with carala but I haven't gone back to it yet but this issue came up on our phone call today that I that what what is going to be in front of this project along 41 is it the sidewalk or multi-use Trail or or uh multimodal Trail path whatever cuz when I looked I don't I can't tell if there's anything there Mr chairman that's a question Mr I was going to suggest we actually listen to before we vote on this let's go do p58 and go through it then you can all get all the tech questions out yeah we can do that is that all right yeah we can let's bring 58 up p58 J okay good afternoon Li Divine Planning Development and economic growth Department this is item p58 before I begin um I do want to do some housekeeping I did receive X pares um for all Commissioners and um which will be submitted to the clerk's office and if we could for the record uh we have the hearing or public publication of this it item on the May 1st 2024 edition of the Tampa Bay Times in an Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings this item was continued from the June 18th 2024 meeting to the August 21st 2024 meeting where it was continued to today so item p58 pde2 24- 7739 in the name of Fletcher M Beauty this is an mpud zoning Amendment from AC agricultural district and r1mh single family mobile home District to mpud master plan unit development to allow for the development of 350 multif family dwelling units 160 town home dwelling units and 100 square ft of commercial and Associated infrastructure it's on the south side of Leland Avenue and east of US Highway 41 the subject site is located in the Central Market area and is outside of the urban service and rural areas here's an aerial view a little bit more of a zoomed in aerial view for you the surrounding future land use to the north is AG and res 3 to the east is AG res 3 to the South Is Res 3 and Ro and to the West Is Res 3 the surrounding zoning to the north is AC RMH and C2 to the east is AC and AR to the South is AR and RMH and to the West is RMH C2 and mpud as touched on before um in the previous presentation there are some surrounding MDS in the area um tooa approximately 850 single family homes um Enterprise Commerce Park which has 200,000 ft in industrial and 35,000 ft of commercial um and then the long leaf grows mpud which I'm going to make a correction from that first PowerPoint um there is 95,000 Ft of commercial 15,000 ft of office and it was approved for 350 Apartments here is our master plan okay is the what is the red the Red's commercial the red is commercial so that's where the commercial can go and then basically where the yellow is where residential can go and I'm going to show you um the conceptual plan right and then the blue is sorry go ahead blue is actually the rpz which is the runway protection Zone and then basically the dashed red lines that go out from there is actually the approach surface floor that is coming from your airport zoning ordinance that you approved about a year ago that's in Our Land Development code so those are required um protection areas for the airport okay where does the uh cuz I I've been getting several messages about people didn't mind so much the um Town Homes but they did have an issue with a multif family 350 units where where are they placed on this m so so yes I can well since we had the conceptual up I can kind of go through that is listed in condition one of your agenda packet um the this is a non-binding conceptual but the there is condition one that this map is nonbinding the conceptual is non-binding but the parcels themselves has very specific language on how it can be developed so the applicant wanted to have the option to use a loom um using a loom with a binding conceptual plan can sometimes be tricky because you basically have to have a conceptual plan for each option of the Loom so you would have to have if there's eight different Loom options you would have to have eight different Bing conceptuals with that Loom I don't know I don't know what you're saying really another way to think about this narus pto's playing playing development economic grow another way to think about how Liam just described it is that you have binding patterns that will move from one portion of the site to another portion if they uh elect to do the commercial for example parcel a and partiel B you if commercial went on partiel B then you would have The Binding pattern of parcel a imposed on paral B so you have this The Binding patterns that are able to move across the mpud okay what about the rest of it likewise like likewise so why can't we make this okay so it's somewhat binding correct the pattern is binding the place is yes so essentially staff um did agree that parcel D where you're having Town Homes right now and D1 um it would also be appropriate to have single family there so that would be a bit of a step down in density so having a loom allows parcel D and D1 to have town homes and single family homes now where you see um parcel C that has town homes and um multif Family Apartments so there we we understood that if you didn't want to have multif family Apartments there the loom does allow that conversion to Town Homes there so essentially where where you're seeing multif family that could be stepped down to town homes and where you're seeing town homes that could be stepped down to where you have single family and that Loom allows that but there is conditions on where that can be so you can't just have single family across the whole project you can't have um apartments across the whole project it it's specific to each parcel would those Town Homes be required to be rear loaded So 20% in parcel D and D1 would be required to be rear loaded if they go into parcel D I believe that jumps up to 30% but you're show you're showing far more than 20% in your in this in parcel D wait what's the white what's the light colored things those are Town Homes okay so the brown are the rear loaded and the brown are rear loaded and the let see if I have a pointer here so you you say that's 20% so on the conceptual has more there the mpud conditions just require a minimum of 20% I I I I'm having a little bit of heartburn that if if all this work can be thrown out the window yeah cuz we have met and met and met well the issue the issues I have is the fact that it's conceptual and it's like we're we're deciding something that may be built this way or may not be built this way but the fact of it is it's not engraved in stone we've seen so many projects that come in here and they show us beautiful pictures and you know I remember when when I was on a school board on the LPA and it was on 54 um and it was a beautiful commercial project that's not what we got yeah so um okay Mr Whitman thank chair Liam on your map can you show us where the line is where the what's it called the rural transition area is is that start right at leand so so yes above Leland Avenue which is right north of the site that would be the World transition area I mean for staff to bring up such a a dense project right up against you know cramming it in there which essentially that's my description I don't know if the applicant's here but we've talked about this an awful lot that's just a lot right up against it that's not much of a a transition the product here I'm okay with some of it I'm not okay with other pieces of it it it just doesn't necessarily fit with what's been built around it and what's going right up against it so um to go from as dense as possible right up to the rural transition area it's bit much for me it's a bit heavy okay Mr Mariana and to kind of go along with that a little bit um if you look at the retention Parcels next to the runway uh talk to the residents so they can speak about it when you have a long linear Waterway that's right there it's very good for birds to come in Birds geese I mean it's not very it's not helpful with when you have air air air air traffic parcel G needs to be changed as well so if we're going to talk about doing a change that's an area and maybe that can be incorporated to the side um and commissioner Stark you were talking about partial D and you were pretty emphatic as we're going through this through the land use as far as the rear loaded Town Homes the map shows us 75% is going to be rear loaded town home and we being told this only be 20% so I'm just wondering how did how did that shift happen so again this is a nine binding conceptual staff we have to pay attention to the non-binding stuff oh yeah that's do ear the money I'm just bring it out so we can address it okay um so staff wanted more um the applicant was very resistant to that um they needed the flexibility which is also why we have the loom we understand that they're next to the airport um and things may need to change because they're next to an airport so allowing that flexibility with alum and and unbinding but while still trying to restrict it in the conditions um staff thought was the best approach I go ahead well just a thought and I I hear what you're saying um about the it is it is it is a little bit like of a uniform as far as the density is up there but um but aside from that I would say um The Legend you know maybe the legend is binding and and the form of the development has to stay I I don't know I'm just trying to I'm not a planner not a designer but I'm I'm troubled I'm troubled that we're being shown something that we're probably that may not get when we've worked so hard to get something as a good a layout as this that troubles me because that's why I would that's the only reason I would be inclined to improve it approve it so I maybe we can hear from the applicant but um commissioner Marano it seems to me like they' saved a lot of land for the airport oh what they had no they did they got g h and G1 so I think that I think well we heard from the applicant on the airport study I think that I think they may have met that but we'll hear from them um I'm just very concerned that we can see a good layout and then that's not what we get so Mr chairman yes so so as far as the the the Airport conditions dictate what had to be preserved I'm just saying the on parcel G and G1 uh if you look at having the water wave right along is not a good idea you've got compensating storage on two other parts on G1 maybe part of it could be shifted over to there because you don't you don't want to have those like I said big waterways where flying birds are going to are going to be there oh just line it up more to the edge or something I don't know G you could slide over the the two yellow parts of the compos could probably take more maybe one could maybe they could be dry storage instead of wet so I mean there I'm sure with the applicant will address it we're talking about but yeah so let's hear from the applicant Mr chairman I believe we need to since we moved into zonings uh swear the uh parties yep do we want to do it individually or do for all the remainder zoning all so at this time any party who is wishing to provide testimony for any zoning manner coming up this afternoon please rise again for any zoning manner in addition to this one if you would please raise your right hand do you and each of you swear or affirm the testimony you will give in these matters is the truth so help you got thank thank you as you come forward to speak please acknowledge for the record that you have been sworn thank you okay let's hear from the applicate now good afternoon Christy barer with height design I have been sworn in Liam did a great job of summarizing the project and I'm glad that the concept plan is still up because I know you guys have a lot of discussions on that and we have worked very hard on this concept plan um this project we met with the county over a year and a half ago there was an airport moratorium we're obviously adjacent to Pilot country airport so let that slowed down the process quite a bit um we we you all transmitted the transmitted the comp plan Amendment to the state earlier this year last month we had the Planning Commission hearing they unanimously voted to recommend approval of the zoning to you all this month and in between all of that we have continued to work with staff on this concept plan the reason why it is not binding is because this is a mixed use project and the applicant will is not the deel veler they will be selling the project to a town home builder an apartment Builder and a retail Builder um so they need to have those end user Builders need to have some flexibility so in the sub area policies there's language that says higher density needs to be along us41 with lower density closer to the Airport runway protection Zone in the mpud conditions there's two pages of conditions and it like Liam said it's condition number one that explain exactly what can go in each of these Parcels so we broke it up into multiple Parcels so we could have specific uses whether it be a residential use or a multif family use and then also specific design criteria so in parcel a we're showing retail adjacent to us41 and also that internal Road those buildings in parcel a are required to be pushed up to those roads so that's in the conditions you'll also see along the Eastern Edge that there are some uh town homes or Carriage homes that would also be along that internal road with the parking lot hidden by those buildings so all of those are requirements so though this plan isn't binding there are very detailed requirements that just about make it binding we also worked with staff to say Well if you know there's more interest in town homes than there is for apartments we would like the opportunity to have less apartments and move some of those Town Homes over into parcel sea so in parcel B we can have apartments in commercial or we can have just commercial along 41 in parcel C we can have apartments or town homes in parcel d we can have town homes or single family detached so we're limiting the product to two different types of product um and then also like I was saying in each parcel there is language and the conditions that say those buildings must be up close to those internal streets so that you have that linear park space you have the buildings up front you have a nice walkable area we're showing you know a retention pond in a plaza park space and in parcel e and so you can see that again even though this is not binding it's very close to what it's going to look like because there's not much wiggle room in those words okay well man go ahead here's what makes me nervous those pink buildings that could be a car wash McDonald's it cannot be a car wash okay and it cannot be a um Self Storage it can be plop and drop with someone who wants a parking all around it instead of like that in a plaza so it has to stay as a plaza the buildings must be up against the roads with the parking lot hidden okay well that makes me feel better cuz I'm I just can't take what we've been doing um and I don't think anyone here would disagree with the ability to take the multif family and put it into Carriage homes Garden Homes single family any of this going down so there is maximum of 350 apartment units we are requesting a land use pancy Matrix but you cannot incre increase the number of apartment units you can only trade apartments for Town Homes single family homes or commercial square footage but I I I would I'm for me I would make it a condition that those rear loads that's the minimum that you have in your Legend you can't it's not 20% that's the minimum right there you've got Town Homes rearload 82 Carriage homes rearload 52 so that's the minimum that you can have in there and so the reason why we have a percentage in the conditions of approval 20 is nothing is because if the number of town homes increases or decreases then those numbers on the legend would change and the percentages would change also so we felt that a percentage mix was a better way to ensure that you would have a good amount of both types of product white thank you chair y'all really want to bring this in for landing don't you we really we we have worked very hard with staff they've done an excellent job I think we've worked with everybody in the planning department and I know that we have lots of expart with all of you so we we do want to get something built here very badly yes so and I very much appreciate everybody's your time and managing this but I'm good like I said with I'm okay with towns I'm okay with the commercial pieces but the the multif family I quote commissioner starky is is a unicorn and when I look at the map you're literally right up against the rural transition area it is tall it's high dense it doesn't necessarily go with everything that's been built built to date and going on within the area if it was single family product I'd be all for it I just I'm like I've told you in all means I'm good with 2third of what you have going on and I appreciate what's you know what the the creativity and the thought and the time you've put into this but I'm going to have a hard time supporting any vertical multif family with within this project it's just it's too heavy in my opinion for this little Nook so our apartments are capped at three stories town homes and single family homes can be two stories so it's only one story above the other product types we were requesting there's got to be a line maybe two story apartments and that's there's two story apartments they have them in in in starky ranch some of them have garages right and so if we did The Carriage Home product that would be a twostory apartment um in this application in the conditions of approval we are proposing that if it was vertical mixed use like the pink building in the northeast corner that that particular building could be four stories along US 41 that road is planned to be widened we feel like the height in the density along 41 is appropriate that we are a mile north of State Road 52 3 miles east of Angeline Ranch um and that you know other apartments have been approved in this area and again maximum 350 Apartments we did hear you and we have increased the opportunity for more commercial so again if apartments are you know going out of Vogue because folks can't get financing then it might be commercial that goes here instead of apartments or there's less of that right now we don't have a buyer or a builder so we're trying to keep it a little bit more flexible again if in the conditions it says that if the apartments go away if if more commercial is wanted that parcel B which is showing Apartments currently would mirror parcel a and those commercials would be commercial buildings would wrap us41 in that internal East West Road so we have Provisions for different options of either stepping down or or modifying the uses and it's only two options right so it's not like we can do anything anywhere in each particular parcel there's one or two options that you can have in that parcel and we think that gives us a the little bit of flexibility that we're looking for to help Market this site and actually get something built here rather then locking in this concept plan today and then coming back to you in six months or a year with an actual Builder that says I don't I can't build this this isn't in my portfolio so that's why we're trying to meet in the middle here yeah I've I've got problems with the too much too many apartments in this area so just keeps growing and growing but I've got heartb and I guess a lot of my folks that know me it got heartborne because they're always calling me about this project they do not like the mul family piece of this in fact I don't care for this kind of development like that that with those apartments and all out there next to the rural area um we still need to be very careful what we do with our rural area and keep our area as rural as we can this takes it away from that I think and so I just note that this is the rural transition area not the these passco there's nothing about this project that looks transitional at all it just goes right and so north of us is a transition area our project is not in the rural area it's up guess correct player to the board so I do have two documents if I you got two public hearings to do or but so I'll go back do the first first yeah so yes so you've got to bring this into for a landing as the commissioner said um is you're going to have to have a public hearing on the comprehensive plan and you're going to have to have a public hearing on the zone you can allow the folks to combine their times and speak to both identifying which it is which you're speaking to okay that would be six minutes person um or you can do the the comprehensive plan and then and then take a vote on that and then see and then go forward in the zoning and have another public hearing on that but you've got it you've got two different an ordinance and um and the zoning res resolution that you have to take public comment Mr chairman yes I would like to have a couple of things addressed still with my question I asked a little bit earlier yeah uh so along the runway with the water that's there I was talking to the people that will speak from the neighborhood um The Long Pond on parcel G is a big concern because ducks can get in there geese can get in there causing issues the parcel on the on the other side more so along the runway than the rest of it on the far uh east side is another concern as well and then you've got the two compensating storage areas can they be set where those can be dry areas instead of wet and shifted over to the compensating areas we pick up a little bit maybe shifts them elsewhere so I have two documents if I can submit them to the board move receiving file got a motion and a second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z so the two documents that are being passed out were emailed to each of you last week um they're from our airport expert as as well as our project engineer to discuss a little bit more about the ponds this item also came up at Planning Commission last month they are in the audience and so they can answer your technical questions but the compensating storage is a flood plane Pond and so that will be wet a portion of the year in the in the wet season and it'll most likely be dry in the drier season um but if you would like Doug sers can come up uh and speak to the shape of the ponds and the guidelines for FAA um so again we are not developing anything in the runway protection Zone and there are guidelines for the area just outside of the protection Zone what types of ponds can go there what shapes are better we also have boy on Parov here as the engineer and he can explain the edges of the ponds we're proposing to have a 4 to1 slope so that uh Birds I so that uh vegetation will not grow on the edges and therefore Birds would be less likely to want to land and be by that water vegetation but they can come up to answer your questions okay let me go to another question um so as commissioner starky said looking at this map is that does that show 82 reaload of town homes on it on the dark brown the legend says it does uh yes so but in the in the conditions you've got 20% is that number the same or is it can be higher or lower if it's 20% so the requirement is 20% rear loaded whether we do 160 town homes or if we use the loom and do 300 Town Homes the requirement is 20% of the total Town Homes would need to be rear loaded okay so it could be could be a lot less than what this shows right here how low could that number go so 160 is currently the proposed number of town homes So 20% of that would be 32 Town Homes okay so you're you're looking from the map we're looking at you're cutting over 50% probably 60% of what is shown here to what we wanted yeah to end up and so the important thing is we're showing linear parks and trails throughout here and there's a requirement in those conditions to keep those Park spaces and we talk about pedestrian connectivity and the reason why we have these Town Homes here is to make those Parks work so I don't think a builder would stop at 32 if it didn't make sense in their plan so here we were showing all of these internal because that's how the road Network worked out okay but again it's it's a very big concern as we we heard from us to so to see it get cut in a portion the way it's written and we try to work with you as far as giving you the Matrix compared to the concept plan but I think it's too big of a drop other question for you on the C on the multifam on your design here it shows 288 units in play but you want the flexibility to go to 350 why would you put that number up so much higher when you know we're trying to keep it limited so the 298 multif family units um in Pasco County language multif family also it includes apartments and these Carriage homes so we have we're showing 52 Carriage homes so those two number numbers combined is 350 and a carriage home is basically a garage with a apartment unit on top of it so like commissioner starky said those would most likely be twostory in would transition from the three-story Apartments twostory Carriage homes twostory town homes and so you're stepping down as you get closer to the project boundary I'm having trouble find in The Matrix I had it earlier but so if if you had set if we set the Matrix up um and used 298 from multif family separate the carriage homes for 52 is that a problem so again we don't have an apartment Builder we don't know if that Builder has a Carro home product that they would want to use so trying to keep that flexibility for that user I mean you you're hearing density problems at this point yes speculative okay Mr Whitman I didn't have my hand raised chair I thought a pencil like that well um you can see you can see we're having some angst here and I know you've worked very hard on this so I'm going to throw out some ideas and see if it sticks with my fellow board members looking at that Legend I can't I I don't have the conditions of approval in here so I just have to pretty pictures um that maybe mean nothing um I would I'm going to throw out there that if you guys want to see less in the multif family that you find a number when I did the maap it was 42 units per building so maybe you know maybe think of a a lower number that would be agreeable to you guys um and I would say or you could go down but you can't you I'm going to hold you to that Legend I mean no no no less than that legend that you're telling us here on everything else can you repeat explain the no less well you you and that you say how many Town Homes do you say there are total I believe well I think 60 the legend shows uh I know the legend shows 152 correct what what did you say your so we're proposing 160 as the so if you have 160 town homes and you say 20% only 20% have have to be reloaded that's 32 no but and here you're showing 82 I want 82 I don't want 32 um so Carriage homes rear loaded 52 I don't want any less than 52 in here I I don't want to see and I throw the pictures up there you can see what we've been building what sadly more is coming um I don't want to see our County filled with with product that looks like that it's just not it's not good for us it's not good for our citizens so um we worked really hard to get a good plan and I'm I'm very disappointed to hear that that all that time that I spent with you could be mean nothing so it bothers me chairman to to or County attorney thank you chairman so commissioner Stark is saying but the definition of the product of what we're approving it could be more Vertical Apartments it could be no well it's the same definition by our by our verage right County attorney with what is being presented here they're pitching different multif family options but it could be all of one type or one of all of another based on our County's terms the conditions of approval limit them to C to a certain extent I'm GNA let Liam deal with that versus but the conditions of approval set parameters so they can't but they do have a loom which means that they can shift things back and forth within those parameters so I can't tell you without doing a lot of math what what they could shift everything to I I understand what the question you're asking but they've got sort of a this is a hybrid that they it's as they've said it's conceptual but it's not conceptual because there are parameters and the conditions of approval um that may not get the board what it's looking for yeah um yeah but it's they can't shift everything into multif family if that's the concern commissioner waitman Liam Divine development and economic growth um so I I just I want to be clear on your question I think your question was can they use the loom to convert for more apartments that that's no they can't their Max is 350 they can't use but they're not showing 350 on here they're showing 294 I I understand that but I the way I understood the question was could they convert to apartment units that the answer is no using balloon so with the what you call them Garden style so so Garden style um is included in that 350 so we consider those apartments so Garden style which is how much can those so what's the the the lowest number of those that they could have that they could transition so what you say 52 of those how low can you they're showing 52 on how low can you go on those so so we can we count Garden um Carriage homes sorry Carriage homes exactly like an apartment dwelling unit they are they are the same by defition so and and a a carriage home because essentially they're basically um usually what happens and I live in apartment complex and I have Carriage homes in my apartment complex there are garages on the first floor there's usually four garages that get R rented out to individuals and then there are one a couple apartments above it so essentially it's working as a a a twostory apartment building um although it's a much smaller building um it it operates as that so essentially if your concern is could they have 350 um Carriage homes they they could because we consider those apartment units apartment dwelling units but they could go to 25 carage HS and increase their other rental by the opposite of that based on the loom yes or no when you're fluctuating around you have 52 no of what you're describing so if they dilute that and they only build half of them because they're they're trading product type you could increase the other style of multif family correct is that making sense yes you understand what I'm saying yes but I make me sound smarter than what I am but but well I would just add to that I would just add there's still a maximum of 350 apartment dwelling units no matter matter what there's a condition that limits to 350 no matter what they can't go higher than that okay so it's cat so we wanted to show The Carriage homes as another option to make sure that it was in the concept plan so then it Department Builder clearly had the option to have those type of units but what Liam and I agree on I think to answer your question is that no matter what the style of multif family whether it's three-story Apartments The Carriage homes a twostory apartment the maximum number of those units is 350 units say that again so so a multif family which would be apartments and we're we're requesting three story apartments unless the first floor has retailer office and then it would be four stories along US 41 so that type of apartment or a carriage home or if someone wanted to do a twostory apartment like you were suggesting commissioner starky any of those units the most number of units we could have all of that combined is 350 well I have a question for you on your Carriage homes okay if if if what you're calling a carriage home is a garage with the unit above it how is that different than a town home someone educate you what the difference it's combined and they're rented out potentially to a different individual so the garage could be rented to someone that has an apartment somewhere else in the development and a different person could be renting the residential portion as far as the Aesthetics from the street is it going to be four garages in a row I mean I'm looking at the Carriage Houses at starky and you don't see that at all so I don't know what your Carriage Houses I mean is that potentially what it could be just look like four Town Homes but they're rented so what we're proposing is those garage entrances would be internal to that apartment parking lot so when you're on the street you wouldn't see those garages you would enter the garages from that larger parking lot space but really it looks very much like a town home yes corre I would think so so somebody could have the rent that for their car yes but not necessarily be renting the apartment above that is correct interesting in some instances in some instances they may rench the garage in the residential portion together yeah but they would have that option and it would be the apartment Builder that's in your building Liam that's what it's like where you live I think The Preserve has some of those Divine yes um that that is correct in in my apartment complex they actually have buildings that are just dedicated garages elsewhere and then they have um the GU The Carriage Home Styles and it gets rented out to whoever rents it it's an additional fee in your your lease and you can pick and choose where you want your garage on the property I don't really see the difference between an apartment then in a carriage house just said seven apartment you got a garage yeah but person in the apartment not necessarily the person rting the garage yeah Mr Mar so it could just be that the height on the carriage home a little bit lower or would it be the same what what was the height allowed so outside three story so Carri one two so about same anyway I'm I'm sorry commissioner I didn't mean to cut you okay um I'm Mark woki on the uh represent the applicant on the carriage homes were you sworn did you I I stood up and said I did yeah yeah thank you I'm good um on the carriage homes uh there's typically no living area on the first floor it's a garage now there the two end units may have exess access to the one-bedroom apartment above it and then we may have a stack of twos where they have no barage where they don't have access to the garage so that's the big that's the difference between a carriage home and a regular townhouse that's always going to have probably a garage and then a small living area and then stairs up to the the second floor there will always be a carriage home is will have a garage on the uh first floor and as far as Aesthetics go um you know that's going to be those are rear loaded so they'll come in from the parking lot and then on the front we'll you know we'll have the they're going to have to match the multif family buildings or somewhat similar to all of that and and again if commissioner I know we've talked about density if there's an apartment number that you guys are willing to accept so we can move this thing along after a lot of work and commissioner start as well I'm sorry we disappointed you but two weeks ago at the Planning Commission meeting you liked it so I'm not well I thought it was binding I do like that well okay but now you're telling me that's not what well G I just sent you to uh really communicate that you know we don't have a lot of BL room and the only thing that's going to change this um would be you know we're not far enough long in the design to understand you know the technical reasons for I don't know how big the we have an idea of how big the renion PLS but that may change the one on the North that may be that may not work and all this stuff has to get moved round but we can only get move it around in the within those Parcels we've got I mean these conditions of approval if you haven't had the opportunity these things are there's about 85 of them and we're not we can't go in there and just start moving stuff around and plus the other check is Staff who was going to go that's a material change and it's not really we don't consider a technical you're going to have to go back to the board to get approval yeah so there's a big there's a big check there with your staff and they've been and I'm not saying they've been uncooperative or difficult we've we've spent a lot of time on this so oh I agree that's why I'm saying I mean we've been working very hard I was okay to go with the legend as a condition of approval and the layout concept but my fellow Commissioners want less density well and the other point and and I want to show you an email oh it's not Gina I said it to Gina okay and and Bo chrisy from height will tell you that that spine Road there the one that goes east west that really can't change or move much based on wetlands and distances entrances to the South so I mean there's like I said we're not this is really close and you're going to see something very similar that you might see the multif family buildings moved around but continue to be transitioned to the lower density area as well as cover the parking lots like we've been asked to do so if you don't mind this is a carriage house in starky ranch it's um and can you I think there's four units in there and I I just sent two pictures um there's another one another email and I don't know what's on the other side but it looks yeah I'm going to show you what's on the other side right it looks like this is the parking side this is the interior of the parking lot and that's the two street corners right so that is not a row of four units with all garages on the you said no living on the bottom but there's clearly living on the bottom in a carrot house so I that's why I'm trying I've never really asked for the definition of carrage house well it's I thought that's what car if you want to if you want to specify or make another condition of approval that we have to have living area or we have to we have to break that up somehow architecturally no problem we can we can figure that out I got Jack thank you chair all right I got Jack oh I'm sorry Jack you had a question you're okay all right go ahead Mr White HEK well you referenced our conversation I'm glad to hear that you put a lot of effort into commissioner starky's points and not in mine [Laughter] got him there there there's a I went to the Planning Commission there there's a lot of you in there as well and I appreciate no I appreciate that there's a lot of you in there uh again 2/3 you know I like the commercial aspect of it I'm okay with the towns Bower plate there's just a lot of more I'm not going to do the math for you I was pretty clear when we we met what I was hoping to see would like to see now we know kind of the lay of the land here right you kind of see what we want what are you willing to do is there is there a number of I don't want multif family period Well I I mean I like the towns which could be considered that but I don't want to see my preference bumping up against this transition period this is high dense product next to product that's very different than what this is if I if I went to if I went to 300 multif family because that's a MAG if I went to 300 multi told you we went through cars no we went through this in our meetings respectfully no I like to see either you got a town home product or single family home product commercial Frontage along 41 that's my opinion I don't know what the other four are I mean I never recall completely eliminating multif family as a I remember our discussions are going I'm not against multif family I just don't want well I see the tea leaves now it's not like you know we're horse Trading in these meetings right I don't like this 2third of it I'm there and that's I've been very consistent in my talking points on this so I mean that this is this is on y'all it's not on me to do your math and make your decision for you yeah okay I think we need to move to U move over to the public let's here from the public and this is a public meeting and what we're going to do is if you're as has anyone signed up at all no one signed up specific for the sign b50 p50 everyone's under 58 okay and everybody's sign up 58 so we're going to do we're going to hear from the public on both but when you come to that Podium state your name that you and your address and that you've been sworn and speak to if you say you're here to speak on 58 then speak to 58 and then sit down and we'll take you in order the way they're signed up yeah and if you have comments on both just say I've got comments on the comprehensive plan or I've got comments on the zoning yeah just say that when you come to speak if you want to speak toward both you can at that same time okay so the first that signed up and Advance Roberto Garcia my name is Roberto Garcia I live at 11 1581 pilot country drive I have lived there since 78 and I wasn't confusing till I go here so listen to you guys have you been SW okay so for sure go ahead um couple of items U first of all I'd like to explain to you all the ownership of that whole area you only have so much time so I understand but I have nine people behind me I'm probably going to repeat okay yeah so P country state is divided into three parts there's the airport there's an owner for the airport and there's P country Drive which all the home lots on that road are the owners and Driver L that's owned by the HOA so the biggest problem we have the first problem we have is the situation with that gate that gate right there the aess gate we don't want that gate we're not going to allow any cars coming up and down there we have enough problems with the general traffic people that come into the neighborhood are Uninvited go and take pictures of airplanes and all that so that gate right there the contractor can save its money we don't want it we don't need it well sir if there's a restaurant in there or something that you want to visit and you this way you can walk there or whatever without having to get out on 41 so I I don't is that a pedestrian gate and I think that's for for your neighborhood I understand commissioner this is public hearing the problem you're taking up his time all right the problem is that that road is used by airplanes and airplanes don't have a reverse line so how are you going to back up if you got people coming and going through there so the answer that we have is no okay that's it that's it I still got time right you still got time okay the second item that we want to talk to you about is a letter that you were supposed to give to all the people that buy property around there and I got a copy here that I can give it to you all that you're supposed to give it to the owners of the property that are going to buy some of those residents in there that there is a Runway next door that's been operating for 44 years 365 days 24 hours a day and it makes noise and you're supposed to sign that this came to my attention when some of the Neighbors on the neighborhood across the way from 41 came complaining to us and we asked him didn't you sign this piece of paper and the answer was no somebody forgot to give them this piece of paper and that's to protect us and them as well so I have the whole thing in here if you somebody wants a copy of that move receiving file second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass for zero thank you sir all right so some of the fellows are coming behind me are going to cover the rest of the stuff so we B you to death so I'll step down for that uh Robert you want to talk about the pwns what the ponds do you want to talk about the pwns all right I'm a pilot I fly out airplan all the time I've hit an airplane I I with my airplane I hit a bird a baset tra Hidden Lakes it made a big mess on my wing and that's because they had ponds on both sides of the of the rway over there when the birds pick up a a fish and they'll lead it in the on the side of the of the runway and you come in through there and you make noise they start flying and what happens they go up and that's when the hit comes in so those two items right there the one on the left and the one on the right you got to get them out of there it's not too bad today but if that rway ever gets extended and you got bigger airplanes and crash of those big up do that subdivision is going to create a lot of problems and it does happen let's look at the news every week you see a bird taken off of somewhere okay okay I cover that thanks all right Tom Cooper thank you sir Mr chairman yes while we're waiting Mike can you have um staff may copy that for all us that letter thanks okay state your name and address and if you've been good afternoon my name is Tom Cooper I have been sworn in uh I've been a address my address is 11628 pilot country Drive okay I've been a Pasco County resident for the last 3 years uh I live in Pilot Country Estates at Pilot country airport I own a private aircraft I fly regularly in and out of the airport I've been flying since uh 1979 I've over 45 years of experience flying many different types of airplane civilian Military and Commercial I've logged over 177,000 hourss so far uh I was previously a pilot the United States Air Force of 28 years military service flying all kinds of different airplanes while in the Air Force I worked as an Airfield manager I worked as a wing safety officer um I have experience on many different uh busy military airfields many different kinds of airplane safety investigations and air aircraft safety programs I'm currently an airline Captain with the US uh major airline I fly domestic and internationally all around the world uh I go in and out of all kinds of airports uh I've been employed with the airline for over 24 years I am also the uh elected one of the elected representatives of pilot Country Estates homeowners association uh we are located around the runway at Pilot country airport the uh pilot country HOA represents uh 65 Lots 55 separate lot owners and over 100 residents at the airport as the president of the pilot country states HOA I represent the majority voice of all of the owners property owners here at Pilot country airport I'm giving you a bit a brief background of my experience and qualifications not to impress you but I want to impress upon you the depth and experience that I'm trying to present to you today which one um first of all I'd like to address the uh timely notification of uh Fletcher mud development to the residents of pilot Country Estates I uh personally only received a not uh on one August of this year which didn't give me enough time to prepare for our previous meetings uh most of my residents in the HOA have the same problem secondly I have a couple of different concerns with the resoning to the a in north of an active public use Airport from agricultural to residential specifically using a reference from the Land Development code for Pasco County chapter 600 section 605 which stes the intent and purpose is to establish reasonable airport protection zoning regulations and implement the requirements of federal law and compatibility with airports in the county to protect public health safety welfare in the vicinity of the airport minimize hazards uh by rezoning to the north uh I think we're going to create more hazards than than we help at Pilot country airport and M Vice chair you want to give want to give me extra three minutes because he's speaking to two items yeah I'm sorry go ahead want give you extra three minutes okay I'm I'm almost finished um so by rezoning the areas to the north of pilot country airport we may unknowingly create hazards to the Future residents and to the pilots operating in and out of the airport uh third I have also been advised by several residents of our HOA that there are few problems with the developer site plan for this development specifically some of those have been addressed adding water Retention Ponds off the end of the runway uh of an active Runway which may attract migratory waterf as well as a gated access onto a private road which is owned by the resid in our HOA has not been authorized or consulted uh with any of our residents uh fourth as professional pilots and uh Airport residents of pilot country HOA uh we would all like to formally uh be invited and have representation at all future development planning meetings and any other uh rezoning adjacent to our airport and hopefully we can avoid and mitigate all these conflicts in the future and I have my statement and a statement from one of my uh HOA residents to a motion move receiveing file second got a motion second all in favor say I I I uh pass 5 Z thank you and my my office will reach out to you and we'll be contacting you about issues you're in my district thank you very much all right thank you see Michael Hoover this is your your District yeah I go all the way to 41 he got a huge District largest land largest land mass pass County I'm not going to say it's twice as much area in the whole County but y'all get tired me seeing it name and address and if you've been sworn I have been sworn uh my name is Michael Co I live at 11219 pilot country Drive Lot 17 in Pilot country states and thank you all for giving me uh courtesy of your time this afternoon I'm kind of sorry to hear how much work has gone into that plat with a couple of fundamental errors that they would have uncovered had they understood that uh pilot country airport is not a single entity it's actually three entities they are the airport the homeowners association and the owners of pilot country Drive of which I am won um the uh staff has apparently spoken with the owner's representative Stuart um Spencer Bass the owner is a mark twal hofen uh who does indeed have a home there but it's not his primary residence he has many other homes including a new multi-million dollar when he's building in North Carolina at this time the airport owner's sole desire is maximizing his return on investment the desire of members of the homeowners association and and all of the residents is to have a functioning Airport Community with a functional airport that will not be the case if this development goes as it shown at this moment it's been discussed several times about water fou off the end of the runway uh we did have a neighbor uh impact sandill cranes not too very long ago fortunately he's a multi thousand hour pilot who managed to return safely without any significant damage to Personnel but with tens of thousands of dollars of the damage to was air airplan were there those single family Town Homes Carriage homes whatever you want to call them off to the left it may not have been quite as successful as it was you still have a minute um I'm just going to recap quickly um the entities that consist together of pilot country airport are the homeowners association which owns Driver Lane that's the taxi way and Street to the West I'm sorry to the east pilot country Drive owners which are the owners of the individual Lots on that street the homeowners association which does a very good job in representing us in to Tom Cooper and the airport itself the staff needs to consult with the Home Owners Association not the they do not always represent our own interest can I thank you for your time thank you Paul Prince my name is Paul Prince I live at 11649 Pilot country Drive Spring Hill uh have been sworn okay I think one of Pasco County's slogans is uh open spaces and vibrant places I think you're going to have to post a sign at the beginning of that subdivision that says tight spaces and vibrating places cuz especially the people on parcel d are going to really hate the airplane's noise that is going to be taken off and Landing right next to them parcel D is definitely a bad idea uh the two Retention Ponds another bad idea um you're going to be displacing gopher tortoises and there's cows we like the cows that are there now we have a good time with the cows um just all around bad ideas to uh allow this to go forth I think a commercial development would be uh much more acceptable less loss of life if some accident were to occur and um we are a separate entity from the airport the airport owner uh does not speak for us sometimes he does but uh we are separate the homeowners association and the property owners are separate from the airport itself so uh we'd like to uh be included in any future planning thank you for your time can I ask a question thank you can I ask question okay well I'm going to ask them questions all have come up one by one okay however you want me to do it ask you okay are there any two houses two story houses in Pilot country yes um how but they're not in line with the runway and how close are these houses here to on the runway to the runway uh there's some stor there are some some two stories on the runway okay well you know I'm I'm I'm having a little strug there differ okay for you guys to live there but not anyone else to live there not even near the runway they're being in the middle of the runway and in the take off and Landing Zone because we're getting complaints now of people flying too low over the houses in taliva and we're getting noise complaints from them I spoke to the airport manager this morning and we we still receive those well you people can complain that doesn't mean that something's going to change well they didn't get the letter my son was a taliva resident until he bailed out and I wouldn't live in that town home right near the airport but I but I just you know there's twostory houses closer to the runway than the town hoses are to the runway um and I hey I have two Air Force pilots in my family um so I okay I think there's a big difference between living beside the runway and living in the takeoff Zone and the downwind yeah I mean I don't know what the right answer is but I just see a little conf here thank you sir thank you yes sir Rick Warner thank you County Commissioner and Commissioners uh my name is Rick Warner I'm this morning and I do swear also so address your address sir your address address oh I'm sorry uh 11710 pilot country Drive uh I live on the actual Runway and the commissioner some people have brought up the points today that really need to be considered and for those reasons we'd ask that we make the changes to my understanding the developer has never contacted the homeowners association or work with us at all which I think uh would be a good idea we're not against development we're into safety I'm a former air traffic controller and what you've created there is what's called a Kill Zone you cannot have that high density that close to the runway you're going to cause an accident I mean can you imagine nowadays a 12-year-old out there with a 200 mph drone what that would do for an airplane coming in the land what a lot of people that aren't Pilots don't understand is take off and Landing as Mr Prince was pointing out that's the most dangerous part of flying so you have somebody overshoot that Runway and you're going right into the high density area this is really not compatible with the area we're all in favor of development but but we're asking that the parcel G uh parcel uh G1 the G area to the left with that retention Pond and D has to be reworked I mean it's just a serious safety issue thank you all right thank you Mark bud name and address and if you've been sworn okay it's uh I've been sworn and it's uh 11748 Driver Lane Spring Hill Florida good got which is at p on the uh on the east side there been a res speaking to that mic sir been a resident there since uh let's see 2000 and uh Robert Garcia already entered into the letter that we got originally talking about statute 333 and the I'm sorry it's really hard to hear oops uh Robert Garcia already entered into that that letter when he first came up one thing that I wanted to uh just point out to you and then I got a picture on my phone if I can just come up there and show it to you the effect of a bird that happened to me two years ago at pile country you're a flyer you fly you you can't do that sir you can't do that can't put it we can't put it into the record unless we take your phone maybe I can uh maybe I can just understand you can email it to you can email it to you can you can put phone where we we'll give your phone back to you go ahead with your statement if you will so that uh oh there we go that did about 30 grand damage to that airplane if that had been moved over just a little bit to that air intake that airplane would have gone down so just think about taking off the airport and 6 Ines over taking that air intake out with the the force of that impact that impact was a force of approximately with a it was a buzzard probably about six pound 6,000 lb of force that went into that aircraft I was lucky that I was able to get back now if that had brought down that aircraft on the takeoff with the those uh could go on those homes those homes on the end of the runway there's nothing pilot could really do about that you know he might be able to avoid he might not so that's that's a problem with that kind of density that close to the airport okay so that's really the the additional point in in addition to my letter that's already been invented that uh you know this this type of thing can happen and I've been flying for over 40 years and that's the only time that ever happened to me so it's not that frequent but in Florida with the uh Bird activity it's much more prevalent than it ever has been so it's really all I got to add and I'm already done okay okay thank you all right thank you for your comments Anna henness I sure call Walgreens good afternoon I've been sworn my name is Emma hemness I'm of hemness Faller law at 30 9 North Parsons Avenue in Brandon Florida um I'm here predominantly as a flight Enthusiast and a a recent visitor to Pilot Country Estates um it was kind of interesting one of the first times I drove out there and I don't know if you get the full picture because it's not in the development plan not in the concept but the actual roadways are the taxi ws and so there's nothing quite as scary as you thinking you're in a pretty big car and you see this plane taxiing towards you you're not going to get in a a um a match of chicken with with this so the reason why I'm bringing that up is because that gated access there's not been a whole lot of attention um paid to that um particular Topic in this conceptual plan I keep hearing this this this afternoon about the conceptual plan is it's binding but it's not binding but might be binding if there's certain restrictions so the concern is is from the August 8th video and getting a transcript from that is a lot of the uh aspects of this the the residents in the community were not included they weren't included in the development and I can see how there's so much work that's gone into this but I was I heard in the August 8th video presentation you hear staffers from the Planning Commission saying well we've included everybody we've had numerous meetings and unfortunately the pilot country residents they get they show up for the very first meeting on August 8th and they're kind of in the dark they haven't had any input in this and they're actually private property owners that will be impacted by anyone coming in and out of that Community particularly the Gated access and if everybody believes that the Gated access is only going to be like a one-way Street that's not going to happen with that level of density someone's going to find a way to come on that taxi weight and they're going to have that look and play chicken just like I did the other day with you know thinking you're in a vehicle but you've got to give way to those airplanes cuz that's an active taxi way but again I think more importantly than anything there is a community here they want to work with everyone they want to be included they want to work with the developer they want to work with your staffers and I would just recommend that this not go through today just so that these other aspects can be worked out for the safety of the community Christopher bule thanks so much Christopher bule I'm a resident at 11934 Driver Lane I have been sworn in um I'm kind of at the end of the list of the residents that have spoken so far so they've basically summarized all points that that I would have uh brought myself of the gate the uh water fou in The Lakes the noise the liability and things like that the one thing I really wanted to highlight uh that Tom brought up and and Emma just summarized as well is um a means of us being notified I the HOA would be an easier way of doing that for not only this but anything going forward of future zoning issues just like Emma said so that we could be involved with the process going forward um my wife was one of the two people that did the majority of this speaking I think from um from the resident standpoint at last month's meeting uh while I was out of town and it was kind of a scramble because they knew about it about two days before so uh if I can highlight one thing um it's that there's a means of us being at least notified so that we can be a part of the process and uh be aware of these meetings so that we can participate as well but thanks for everybody's time okay thank you Mr chairman that's the last I have signed up that is present um we do have one online also is there anyone in the room the gentleman come and speak he's already SP oh if you've already spoke you cannot come up Sir no no sorry yeah yes sir if you hadn't signed up you can come forward and speak Mr chairman yes being we doing this for two public hearings at one time if he only spoke for 3 minutes couldn't we give him extra time if you want to make another point cuz you doing item 50 and 58 well no one no one signed up for 50 there's no one that signed us WebEx either we have one we have one but it it'll be coming up actually two webx is after those are here okay yes sir name and address and if you've been SW my name is Dennis herstein live at 11757 Driver Lane Florida I haven't Miss if you would please raise your hand do you swear that a't testimony you will give this matter is the truth so have you gone I do okay wanted to address the point that was brought up about you know multistory houses being on the airport itself and and not seeing the difference between houses there at the end the issue is is that this is an uncontrolled field we fly a pattern around that airport that's dictated by the FAA the traffic pattern is a left-hand pattern so anything deporting departing to the north on 36 there makes a left-hand turn directly over top of that development you will be at a couple hundred foot above those houses when you are making that left-and turn turn downwind which is basically on 41 or just a little bit to the west of 41 that's the major issue with protecting that zone so having that high density there like he says that's the most critical time is on climb out that you can experience an engine failure at that point there is no turning around and coming back to the airport the only thing you can hope for is to continue straight and to make an emergency landing somewhere straight in front of you and as somebody that has survived an airpl an airplane crash I can tell you it's very real and they typically end in a fire and you're talking about burning down several units now if you have them all tied together there so I'm not opposed to any kind of development other than high density if you want to do some commercial warehouse space that sort of thing it's going to be more compatible with the activity that's going around there like they said Pasco County Sheriff uses that runway on almost a weekly basis for training it's a lot of noise generated by helicopters the Air National Guard comes by there in blackhaw sometimes the late is 10:00 at night and hovers and lands in the middle of that Runway at night practicing coming and going so we at the airport accept that as part of living there most of us actually enjoy the traffic and and want to see the activity these people that are going to be unsuspecting that are going to move into this subdivision that nobody's going to probably notify them that it's there by the time they invest their life savings into a structure and now they're stuck so I would really like to see the zoning be changed to something that's more compatible with the current use our density is one house per acre the houses to the east of us are higher than that so a lower density would be much better suited for this this area here thank you thank sir so that's everybody that signed up had everybody in the room that want to speak to this item that hasn't spoke see you no one we go to WebEx we had uh one gentleman signed up for both 50 and 58 but I'm is not online at this time that's I want we have yes okay got to be on Q so we'll move on so um reot applicant applicant reell please come forward Angela halber hillward Henderson here for the applicants um at this time at this time it sounds like we're a lot further away than we thought we were after the amount of conversations we've had with staff with all of you and with the airport owners and have had multiple discussions um we thought we were further along but it sounds like we still have work to do um it sounds like the neighborhood wants us to have additional conversations with them and we respectfully request a continuance at this time and a 30-day continuance Mr chairman Mr Mar I want to I want to say thank you for that because clearly I tell I think the rest of us thought that anytime the abing community that you would have talked to him I I I knew you talked to the airport but I thought it was a given that you all did it so and our rules from what they tell me doesn't make make us do that but I'm going to say I think in the future we should take a look at anytime we have anything where we're going have some access management issues that neighborhood or proces besided need to be notified and maybe we need to look at that um so again I think you've heard all the concerns you want to address those I move to continue it would be the October meeting in dat city is October 8th according to my calendar and it would be at 1:30 or soon thereafter is same may be heard that would be the motion for with the comp plan Amendment p 50 and then I'll take another one on so this is one motion for 50 this motion is for 50 I second I got a second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 to continue on October 88 and then you need a motion on 58 move to continue p58 to October 8th 1:30 I second that okay I got a motion and a second all those in favor say I I I I I motion pass 5 Z so the vote be continued to October 8th okay thank you thank you now we'll move uh move back to P51 we have approved publication of the hearing of this matter in the July 24th 2024 Edition of the Tampa Bay TOs and before you start Terry for the uh pilot country if you will leave your address and email downstairs and the HOA also do the same thing with the girl that answers the phone her name is Cherry if you leave that number before you before you leave so I can contact you in the future okay all right [Applause] thank you Mr chairman nario PTO Planning Development and economic growth item P51 is file number pde 24336 this is an ordinance by the Paso County Board of County Commissioners amending the passo County Land Development code amending section 303.5 common procedures pre-application consultation section 305.7 neighborhood meeting intent and purpose section 42.3 use permit conditional uses section 5253 C1 neighborhood commercial District conditional uses section 52 5.4 C1 neighborhood commercial District special exception uses section 5263 C2 General commercial District conditional uses section 97.3 stacking spaces and drive-through facilities creating section 1106 Car Wash facility standards appendix a definitions and other sections as necessary for internal consistency providing for applicabil repealer providing for cability inclusion in to Land Development code and in effective date this is the first public reading or discussion of the ordinance so no action is required today uh I will proceed into the presentation so what I would like to do today is to discuss the journey uh in developing the proposed ordinance uh by talking first about existing conditions and observations then talk about consistency in terms of what the comp plan supports and lastly get into the actual proposed ordinance uh the purpose of the ordinance is to establish new Land Development code standards for cry wash facilities in Pasco County this was pursuant to a board directive that was issued last fall uh the frequency and location of low employment generating Car Wash businesses and County arterials and collectors created a public concern such that the DCC directed The Planning Development and economic growth Department to develop new standards to regulate the frequency location and the design of these uh and as I mentioned we're going to talk about the existing conditions the consistency with the comprehensive plan and then the proposed ordinance and then there have been uh extensive stakeholder uh Outreach and input received with multiple meetings from different different interests so to go into the existing conditions uh on the screen is a a map of the West Market area this is uh indicative of what's kind of happening across the county this is just a sample size if you will there's 25 freestanding Car Wash facilities across the county four freestanding Car Wash facilities in the in the various cities 10 self-service car wash facilities four hand wash service facilities and 29 gas stations with car washes as ancillary uh spread across the county that's the total inventory overall that's approximately 72 different types of opportunities to wash one's car oh yeah I'm a on this uh slide what you'll see here is the cross a small uh audit of the Cross County thorough fares that are crisscrossing the county North and South obviously we have a lot of roads in the county but here I'm particularly talking about those roads which go from county line to county line from the East side all the way to the coast so you have 11 approximately 11 North South roads which would include US1 19 Rowan midle starky Moon Lake alignment Sun Lake shavy Hills alignment us41 Land of Lakes St 54 Old Pasco alignment Bruce beeds boet McKenry alignment curly metal Point alignment hand cart moris bridge us301 and old Lakeland alignment those are basically the major nor north south roadways and then we have uh six major east or west to east roadways that would be the state 5456 alignment the State 54 Zephyr High Zephyr Hills bypass Island Boulevard and County 54 alignment rangeland Aaron cut off uh alignment Ridge and overpass alignment which those two actually don't connect but they run along a a familiar parallel just to point it out this is Ridge and it ends currently on the vision road map anyway at us41 and then there's a gap and then there's a pick up again right about at I75 continuous and then State Road 52 of course and then County Line Road along Hernando County and this is simply to illustrate which roads are moving uh across the county and this is kind of an important point to consider because uh these are limited frontages there are not that many opportunities for employment generating land uses to line up on these major cross cross county roadways and so one ought to be considerate of the types of uses that are putting themselves uh along these roads um back last fall one of the ideas was uh that uh car washes were low employment uh generating land uses but they were also um creating a certain visual that we potentially wanted to avoid including uh pictures like this where the various apperences are out front and visible to passer by traffic and essentially to the community as and also this which illustrates the wide expanses of land that they're picking up along these frontages plus the apperences that are out out in front and so one of builds are hidden behind the road yes quick question how does that meet our how does it meet our Landscaping code that's not us that's not us okay neither was the other one cuz that had an illegal s already figured that out the building this is sort of the direction see how my this is sort of the direction that the the board was looking at where you had the building near to the roadway and the vacuum stations and various other perces located behind terms of a horizontal layout for stand in car wash so in terms of the consistency analysis uh one of the things that we had to take a look at was what the comprehensive plan was Notting and so policy flu 1810 uh is the preservation of capacity for employment generating uses and policy Ed 162 is also a policy for the preservation of capacity for employment generating uses there are two different elements but it's essentially the same policy the comp plan notes that the county shall through the development review process ensure adequate land and transportation capacity is available for present and future high paying employment generating land uses so the development review process noted in the compehensive plan begins with the regulatory framework of the Land Development code and the provisions of the Land Development code establish the standards against which a review is conducted which is the review process itself establishing the proposed standards for car washes in the land of Vel code will ensure adequate land and transportation capacity is available for employment generating land uses because the draft Provisions will regulate and condition the design proximity and frequency of car washes on on the transportation corridors uh the proposing regulation for design and frequency as well as establishing car washes as conditional uses will enable the county to assess the impacts of such development and spread it out sufficiently to make space for impl Jing land uses along these corridors uh the proposed amendments are consistent with this policy in this regard policy flu 143 transitional land uses and policy flu 1.6.3 also titled transitional land uses simil same policy living in different parts of the compehensive plan um the comp plan is typically these policies are typically used to transition specific land uses between one another it is they're also used to ensure an appropriate Mitigation Of impacts us of Land Development code standards such as landscape buffers noise mitigation measures hours of operation Etc and the proposed amendments work to ensure an appropriate design relationship between in this case car washes and surrounding land uses and addition the policy also works to manage the Redevelopment of areas no longer appropriate as viable residential areas properties identified for commercial development or Redevelopment are typically understood as generally not viable or appropriate for residential development Alone um in understanding that a property is more appropriately designated as non-residential or at least mixed use also through 163 requires the management of said non-residential development or Redevelopment and the proposed amendment seeks to manage this uh the development in Redevelopment of sites for car washes and the application of the conditional use process and the new standards to ensure Mitigation Of impacts and reasonable transition between uses so the proposed amendments are consistent with this policy and then finally policy flu 144 which is residential compatibility buffer standards between residential and non-residential land uses this this policy intends to protect neighborhoods from the sensory intrusions of adjacent non-residential uses that may affect the long-term viability of those neighborhoods and the proposed amendments to Land Development code will condition and limit the sensory intrusions car wash uses will have on surrounding development whether it is residential or non-residential in scope this is often the case that car wash uses locate near to residential areas and are also adjacent to other non-residential development so this uh proposed amendment is consistent with this policy as well so uh moving forward then into the existing Ordinance one thing that we ought to consider first is a distinction in the types of uses that we're talking about so the proposed ordinance um began with a or with a design limitation and regulation associated with freestanding Car Wash so carh itself wasn't really defined in the land of unput we created uh and proposed a new car free-standing Car Wash definition an automotive vehicle service that includes a fully automated exterior vehicle car washing exterior vehicle washing that uses friction which could include cloth brushes or other physical elements or touchless equipment as Vehicles move through a washing tunnel fitted with a series of synchronized machines and providing a minimum of three vacuum stations that minimum of three vacuum stations at the end allows for the distinction between freestanding and what's not fre standing for example a gas station with an accessory use car wash they typically don't have uh vacuum stations certainly they don't have the the number of vacuum stations that a freestanding Car Wash use has uh there are a series of supporting amendments uh before we get into the proposed section 1106 these amendments are sprinkled throughout the land development code including in chapter 300 where we have a Prohibition on the waiver of preapplication or pre consultation meetings which is to say that if you're going to do a conditional use uh permit for these uses you have to do a prea uh it'll require Car Washers to have neighborhood meetings also chapter 400 has an alignment uh aligns conditional use requirements rather with the new zoning regulations because there is a a portion of the code that we're going to adjust in chapter 500 which is to make all car washes of conditional use in C1 zoning and all car washes a conditional use in C2 zoning and then chapter 900 uh this one's kind of this one was a tack on to this as uh since this project was going to move rather quickly but it didn't uh the tack on was to modify the stacking requirements for drive-through facilities for restaurants um it has nothing to do with car washers obviously uh the the intent here was to uh provide a site land friendly update the Land Development code in a quick way in order to enable the counting of car stacking from the pickup window of a drive-through restaurant facility and not from the menu board which would often cause the Tails of uh drive-thru cars go into neighboring Properties or onto the front of and then finally uh we created the definition which I showed at the very beginning so going into the actual ordinance I'm not going to go through all of the text um that's on the screen and read everything but if you recall the C1 and C2 will have car washes as conditional uses and what section 116.2 A is talking about is that in MPS that have C1 and C2 permitted uses it'll they'll need so you have MPS that often say we want the permitted uses that are outlined in the ukian zone C1 and or the ukian Zone C2 for example by changing them and moving them in the C1 and C2 zonings from the permitted uses list to the conditional uses list a lot of these MPS are no longer going to have access to a use that was previously in the permitted uses list so they've been moved out of the way for them um they'll need those muts will need a substantial modification to reinsert Car Wash back into the mpud this is in effect the same process uh as having as requiring a conditional use permit in the ukian zoning which is basically to review draft the conditions of approv hearings this was essentially the same process uh additionally this section is also prohibiting car washes in EC employment center future land use IL industrial Light future land use IH industrial heavy future L use TC Town Center future L use um these are all uh future land uses that are reserved for employment generating uses and again Car Wash is typically they tend to have two maybe three jobs associated with them and then um from a design perspective uh autoc Centric car washes are not compatible with traditional neighborhood development or Transit oriented developments or the compact Development Area is associated with Nix us STP production measures mudam over here about from from time to time which are less than autoc Centric in terms of the design that they're trying to propose Additionally the car washes will be prohibited in the connected City northern and southern inovation zones and Community Hub special planning areas one car wash use would be allowed per type one Villages of um Pasadena Hills Village type one Village previously specifically approved car washes in muds are Exempted uh to section 1106 so all of that's being talked about in 11062 a there terms of the applicability um this these are the four uh special you might I'm going to use the word exception but the special considerations in terms of applicability all proposed new car washes having approved s plan or approved building permit prior to September 17 which is the target approval date for this ordinance um that uh has not expired shall only be subject to 1106 uh 3d1 and then uh and we'll see what 11063 B1 is in just a second uh but just to cut to the chase so that you don't wonder too much it's basically saying that drive planes and parking spaces shall be clearly delated otherwise make sure your paint markings on the ground are U available for people to navigate your site uh all proposed new car washes with a pending site plan application deemed complete for content prior to September 17 shall only be subject to that D1 provision I just mentioned I'll propos car washes with a pending building permit submitted prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall be subject to D1 the painting provision I noted and any approved MPD with specific design location or site orientation standards for car wash only be subject to the same D1 provision that will not require a substantial modification to the mp uh this uh last portion of the sentence is a qualifier that uh Compares against what's happening in 116.2 which is saying that if your use was permitted previously but now is in find it finds itself in the conditional uses section you have to do a substantial modification because it it it mimics the conditional use process for in an mpud this uh provision here notes that you don't have to do that if you have an mpud that clearly talks about car washes and clearly talks about um the requirements that that car wash in that M will follow so they don't have to do anything essentially uh moving on in terms of um car the car one of the big things that happened at the Planning Commission uh was that the or the local planning agency required that all car washes should find uh should be subject to the conditional use permit process uh this created a little bit of a um an internal problem to the uh proposed ordinance because uh 116.3 were General design and U standards that were going to be applicable to all car washes at that point because there was no distinction being made by the planning or the local planning agency recommendation uh so in attempting to weave the Planning Development economic growth uh Department's Proposal with the local planning agency's proposal it was determined that 116.3 should only be applicable to freestanding Car Wash facilities which would meet the original intent of the ordinance to regulate that the various apperences the amount of land area used up by these freeing Car Wash facilities on our major corridors and unsightly appearance that they were presenting and so these standards talk about the horizontal design requirement for a free-standing Car Wash facility these are not applicable to a use such as a gas station which might have accessory Carwash uh with it uh moving along in terms of the seex again when when the two versions met at the local planning agency what came out was setback requirements that essentially imitate and are exactly the same as the C2 stepback requirements for any other commercial use so the other main thing that uh the proposed ordinance uh requires is that we'll screen all mechanical equipment so if it's on the roof parabas if it's on the ground somewhere Landscaping fencing that sort of thing uh importantly there is an allowance for car wash openings to face a rideway after orienting proper so there's a situation there's always going to be these types of uh situations where if the freestanding Car Wash facility for example is a corner lock um which however which way you turn the building is always going to be facing the RightWay and so the code does take uh does make allowance for car wash openings to face the RightWay there's ways that you can screen it without having to impede access into the tunnel that that the cars will move through on this uh slide and you can see here our D1 provision uh this is the drive lanes and parking spaces shall be clearly delineated making sure your paint paint markings are appropriate uh in this revision we're talking about screening vacuums and pumps in in C3 and C4 there and screening from residential areas finally here in Car Wash facilities so these are vertical requirements uh where we seek to avoid blank facades make sure that the buildings and the various apperences match each other keep a clean appearance that's the language that's being presented in uh 1164 A and B uh these uh design standards would be applicable to a project like a gas station that has uh an accessory Car Wash mainly because it doesn't deal with horizontal requirements it only deals with uh vertical requirements make sure you you look right uh it does not impede these businesses from presenting their brand more of the vertical requirements for the roofs various types of materials there's a lot of um variation opportunity given in terms of the materials that that can be used to create that visual distinction to BL theads uh Car Wash tunnels uh the interior mechanical equipment of the freestanding Car Wash tunnel shall not be visible from adjacent rights of this is a different provision to the one that I mentioned just a few minutes ago that talked about how the openings of the tunnels uh could face the right of way this is talking about vertical elements so making sure that you don't have those glass walls that fog up and create a lot of um visual some people don't like that look where everything is just wet and and foggy in doing so uh this is simply trying to avoid that that view into the mechanical systems of the car was and then moving along uh in terms of the chapter 300 which I mentioned at the beginning of the presentation this is just a language that's requiring pre-application consultation uh neighborhood meetings are required for car washes you can see that here at the bottom here's the uh conditional uses list uh that'll be present in the C1 and C2 zoning uh requirements so one of the things that happened at the local planning agency the initial proposal came forward with a proximity requirement there was 1 and a half miles separation between various freestanding Car Wash facilities the local planning agency changed it to say all car washes should now be conditional use permits we because we could better control proximity issue through a conditional use permit process that's what they voted on and recommended uh as part of that discussion the uh County Attorney's Office helped to facilitate the establishment of these additional standards that would be built into the conditional use criteria uh that the Planning Commission in the future on such a on a car wash proposal for example and board of County Commissioners could then assess and discuss how close a proposed Car Wash is to other types of car washes in the area um and what can be done about it so just to walk through those really quick because these are kind of new um it happened in the discussion of the local planning agency so all car wash facilities will be subject to additional review criteria and standards which may include but not limited to the following a demonstration by the applicant that there is public need for a car wash at a particular location proposed this can likely be accomplished by a market demand analysis an inventory of all car washes located within a 5 mile radius of the proposed location this to identify the saturation of what's Happening how many car washes are are located within a particular vicinity we saw the map earlier in the West Market area kind of showed the different U locations of the various car washes across the county uh noise limits appropriate to the surrounding land uses we have noise requirements and the qu of ordinances but if something wanted to be a little bit more stringent we could build that into the conditional use permit decommissioning plan was something that was talked about at the local planning agency extensively what's the plan for when these uses uh expire when they go out of business and we have a shell of a building that remains so this is something that could be established as a conditional use permit appropriate op of operation which is a typical requirement of many conditional use permits and then of course requirements for enhanced buffering Etc uh for the use all of this can be discussed on a case-by Case basis through the conditional use process process uh these are the require these are the conditional uses themselves uh in the C1 and in the C2 lists coming in as C under C1 and Q under C2 Zone uh this is the the drive-thru add-on that that took place so it's illustrating that the stacking SPAC is already to be counted from the pickup Windows not the menu boards and then the definition here at the end and so with that presentation I would request the board of County Commissioners accept a public comment no action is required today there were a number of questions that were submitted by uh interested parties uh as it relates to the uh Car Wash ordinance that's being proposed here today um those included questions that I tried to answer during the presentation um for example um if an if an existing MPD allows C2 uses but a developer wants a car wash he has to do a substantial modification and basically the answer to that is if there is an existing mud that has allowed C1 or C2 permitted uses it's relying on the ukan zoning to identify the permitted uses the ukan zoning District changes and moves a previously permitted use to a conditional use the mpds which reference the permitted uses of these idian zones no longer have that as a result to access that use the substantial modification is required to reintroduce it which is essentially is the same thing as a conditional use permit anyway you have to develop the conditions whether that's in a conditions of approval list or is a conditional use permit list and then you have to present it to the planning uh commission and also to the for commission same process um others uh were question other questions included uh the differentiation between 1162a um which required that substantial modification that I just talked about um but if you have a specific design do do you do you need to still go through that substantial modification the answer is no if your mpud clearly identifies that it allows a car wash and that it says that car wash is going to be positioned in this manner and it's going to allow these types of perces and and other uh pieces of equipment then they're free and clear of 11:06 you don't have to follow that um there was a a small typo at the end of presentation which we can fix um and then lastly the the other question I answered so um there any questions any question Mr White thank you chair Terry and David and team I'm very glad to see movement to our level on this this project it's you know clear that we have Car Washers all over the county you've seen my maps we've seen yours now I want to make sure before the second reading of this that we have all the Kinks worked out there's a lot in this ordinance where I just really my initiative was architectural design standards and some level of of distance requirement um and I think it's important that this board have the ability that we don't box ourselves in that I guess we through conditional use or however Engle step in whenever you'd like that this board has the ability to approve a car wash if it's if it's deemed necessary in the area in my thought process behind this was say the widening of 301 happens from 56 South and it's six Lanes or even 56 for example I don't want people doing u-turns and cutting across traffic to get to a service station or or whatnot so I know instead of boxing ourselves to just one and a mile and a half but have them to where it's safe 41 to 41 is Biden from 52 all the way to Hernando for example um so and then thinking about further on a on a decommissioning plan I I like the idea but other businesses go out of business a Wendy's goes out of business or Checkers goes out of business and they don't have a decommissioning plan it's kind of apples to apples there or they brand round up weed eat moow in the grass that's kind of a a a tricky tricky deal there if all a sudden we were doing decommissioning plans for one type of product over another I I understand it back in ' 08 when you know Market fell out we had car washes sitting around on 54 um just falling apart looking bad but there were other businesses too um so I think we still have a little bit of work to do before we we vote on this thing and I'm hoping that staff can get you know you all working together and get with stakeholders is especially the county attorney's office Mr Stein Snider maybe working and coming in at a higher level that way we can have some you know the business kind of thought process going into this ordinance that way it's it's a good product and we don't have to necessarily undo it later um and also like to see anything that the board has approved previously not be impacted uh uh by this ordinance I know there's there's ones that we've approved it um 52 or what's it called now okay Clinton and Prospect and that's used as our example and that group was a fantastic working partner of what if we're going to have a car wash in this County what we want it to to look like and be designed and and be moving forward I don't want this ordinance to hem up you know their next steps it's I want to make sure that what we have going forward is for the future so I'm very glad of all the work and hours y'all put into it and working with the stakeholders I'm excited to see uh the finished product here and I know you know all the folks out and about throughout Pasco County are as well it's we've heard it loud and loud and clear that hey what's up with all these these car washes and looking like P put golf car courses with sharks and all sorts of funny things so you know glad that we're moving towards a direction to make up our car wash product uh look a little more professional so thank you uh Terry I believe with with stakeholders and all in mind I think you've answered a lot of those questions prior to now if I'm not mistaken far as competition in the workplace neck rate on car washes oh you you mean as in terms of well I I didn't think you could have um a car wash coming in a corner and they have Monopoly on all four corners even though they don't own the land I thought youall address that uh it can yes it can be that can be addressed because if we require all car wash just to have a conditional use permit right one of the criteria that we discussed [Music] um number 10B here in inventory of all car washes located within a 5 mile radius if the board found that there was car washes on all four corners for examp well on all three corners now the fourth one was coming in for a car wash the There's an opportunity here for the board to really critically assess uh a fourth and say yeah maybe there's too many right here MH yeah that's why I was thinking you address that any other questions Mr chairman Mr Mayor know uh I'm a little concerned about commissioner wman challenging having put put golf courses out there so you want challenge the p p golf is that what you're saying we got to wa to go to get too many of those okay all right uh uh and I'm glad you brought up as far as having a six linee Highway having them across the way that was one of my thoughts too yeah having new two turns I'm I'm glad we're covering that I'm glad we're covering intersections cuz three is probably enough um so two is probably plenty but uh I think it's good to look at that the someone who's put the application I agree with that too don't affect that what does concern me a little bit as far as staff getting involved and doing a market analysis whether we need another one their business model is pretty much if you can look at what they do they pretty much go by subscription rates anyway so whether the ones right besided or not they don't care I don't think it's going to help the effect we want the distance of a mile mile and a half whatever it may be I think is probably the most important part of this whole thing going through next to your design standards which I like what you're doing there too um I'm I'm more concerned to that that in the market analysis I think it's would slow down the whole process uh not make it good uh and muds if someone's got C2 zoning and it fits um I don't know what type of anal you're going to do but I think we should take a close look at that as well if they're already approved for that's kind of like being pre-approved if it meets our standards to what we're setting for design I don't know how you keep someone from saying you can't put it in after after mpb is approved that's in the marketplace yeah okay this I I have I have that concern too and I think of all the work we did I see Mr alman's here on his on his plan I don't think was that an mpud that was yeah and it was specific okay and we we did a lot of specific rules on the layout of that one but you're saying you'd have to come back through again no no he that project was free and clear because the MP has specific it has identified that it will do a car wash and it has identified specific site design criteria in the MPV I I want to be clear though that there are many muds that I suppose you might say for convenience sake have simply said we will allow all C2 permitted uses and it that's it that's all it talks about in the mpud well the MPD is making a reference to the ukian zone and essentially piggybacking off what the ukian Zone has uh in the Land Development code so if that list changes there uh that means that it's no longer accessible to the mpud in terms of being a permitted use so that may sound unfair but it it's like I said previously in the ukian zone it's now a conditional use so anybody who had C2 before they're going to have it as a conditional use so if they want to do that they're going to come in to the Planning Commission and the board of County Commissioners to make their case for a conditional use permit if you're in an mpud you're going to do the same process except it's going to be called a substantial modification but they're going to come in they're going to the same exercise where they develop the conditions of approval the same kind of conditions of approval you build for a conditional use perit and then make that proposal to the board of county commissioner say we'd like to reinsert a car wash into this mpud with these uh conditions of approval and that's basically the same process as a conditional use permit okay okay and I have one more question one more um the did you say there has to be a neighborhood meeting yes is that part of what we require now on conditional use yes for conditional use because that seems very weird to me because you don't have a neighborhood meeting for McDonald's or a bank specifically for the car wash use as I pointed out here it'll be required I shouldn't say for all conditional per but specifically for the neighborhood meeting all conditional use prits must do a pre-application meeting no matter what but for a neighborhood meeting certain types of uses like car wash are um going to be required to have why um that's sounds just like discriminatory I I feel bad for the car wash people well is that is that stemming from the one that's in Seven Oaks is that the kind of the reason why where all a sudden the car wash popped up in Seven Oaks in business park in the business park where inside 7 Oaks it's on uh I'm not the west side of Bruce be Downs in 7 Oaks yeah okay well Bruce be Down's a big road yeah you ought to go see it all right I I'm not sure if it's going I guess it won't show up on here yet yeah probably will so so Terry Mr chairman yes so Terry so the project that's approved that the board approved however long ago at Prospect and Clinton yes this these terms and they were the Catalyst for how we got worked on all these architectural design standards and we're fortunate to have a partner with you know Circle cable and to work with us and go through renderings and all the examples they're set to close and move forward and they would not be impacted on on what we have have reading here today yes that's the intent of the language scroll back here uh here at the end a new car wash a new car I'm sorry well it works in combination so a new car wash to be located within one of these prohibited uh areas receiving specific approval as a use in an MPV approved by the board prior to the adoption of this section shall not be prohibited that car wash was in a Bop Village that's why it's included there in the in the prohibited areas and then the next well we have two of those but this board already approved what that's they'll be okay they'll be okay there and then this one here uh any approved M so this one's the all- encapsulating County Wide provision any approved UT with specific design location site orientation standards for car washers shall only be subject section the painting on the ground and will not require substantial modification otherwise they don't have to come in for for anything so why am I why are we hearing concern from vots that have already been passed I mean I would try to make it as clear as possible so that they wouldn't have to I just looking to go forward here and you know have good product going forward but you know this board's made binding decisions so it's going into getting better in the future and I just hate to see it's my initiative but I hate to see something we're working on have negative impact on something that we shouldn't have to be even worried about today that's right so again that that one at Prospect and Clinton is in the clear as relates to this okay uh thank you chairman all right um so there's no action today but this is a public hearing and I believe we have someone signed up to speak we don't have anyone signed up per se but we have one online but I believe Mr hobby is here Mr hobby wants to speak to this item uh Mr chairman Clark hobby hobby and hobby PA 109 or breast Street Tampa Florida been swor uh I I do not have any philosophical objection to limiting car washes I don't have any problem with uh you know requiring conditional use permit and C2 uh the board does need to be aware that there are a lot of people that adopted C2 standards in their MPS they probably thought they were going to have car washes as a potential use and those are going to go away now but my the reason why I'm speaking today is I'm hoping that we can sit down with your staff David Engel and his staff have worked very hard on this and the County attorneys have have worked on this hard but there hasn't been a lot of meeting together with the stakeholders and there's some language issues with this uh draft that we received last week that are still really problematic that's one example of it if you look at B4 it says if you have an approved MP with a specific design location or site orientation standards you do not it will not require a substantial modification to the mpud not a modification to the mpud we have an approved mpud I don't want to do any modification it just she'll say not require a modification and some of the language in the previous paragraph is also incons consistent with that so I know uh Miss will height and I would like to sit down and Cynthia spidel with the county attorney's office and with staff just to work through the the finer points of the language but I'm representing the seller and the one side over in Prospect and mcab and I worked on the other mpud on the other side that both have site design requirements and I've got to be very clear that those are still allowed and that we're not having to change our mpud um that's just very important and Cynthia and I both worked on the one that involves Mr Altman and his partners and you know it would be a shame if we're at this point if that language was construed to mean that we have to modify our mpud before we could proceed so anyway I appreciate your help thank you Mr chairman yes so Clark yes so even going through the conditional use would be part of a modification for an MD well that's a raising a different issue in the previous paragraph I I I would say to the board instead of requiring when someone has C2 but they don't have specific design standards you could simply require a conditional use permit be obtained from the board which has to go through all the hearings a conditional use permit is a lot easier to get done than a substantial modification to the mpud the filing fees the reports and all that stuff are exponentially more difficult so that's one of the things we discuss with staff but like I said that this is more getting into legal ease and the language not doing what I don't think the county even intends that it's doing well those my thoughts to by going to this substantial modification or any modification would entitle probably cost a lot more money compared to just disc for sure and there's no question about that so I think that's we should be looking to go that way Barbara will height 60 Barbara D soua will height oh I don't know Barbara will height 6327 gr Boulevard Newport Richie 34652 this has been a long journey we've been side by side with your staff Clark and I and Cynthia spidel we understand your intent we just have to make sure the language is reasonable and works and we'll continue um staff has said they would sit down with us and we actually offered I said look I'll sit down with you let's get in a room let's pull it up on the screen and let's fix some of these language issues we've seen a bunch of them um between Clark and myself I would say that I was surprised when I got back from my honeymoon that Planning Commission had pulled in all car washes do we really want to do that you all we're really clear about Standalone freestanding but now we have the 7-Elevens and their accessory car washes so now we're talking about every convenience store that wants to have a gas station excuse me a car wash now we're pulling them into this as well and do those people even know that that you know we've talked about it's been in the Press I don't really feel sorry for the freestanding ones because it's been in the press for a really long time time that this is something you were working on but I imagine there's people that have been working on like a 7-Eleven with a with a um car watch have no idea that this is going on we're pulling them in so I just kind of want to point that out I was really surprised by that because that pulls in a whole another group of folks um so the other thing and then that's Amplified by the fact that you have some really strong prohibitions here in Connected City and in vop he says you can have one well there's a whole bunch of places in Connected City I guess you'll have to just drive somewhere else you know drive somewhere else one connected City to wash your car but if you look at in in villages of Pasadena Hills you can have one per Village okay so now is that one Standalone or is that one just regular 7-Eleven with a car accessory Car Wash so perhaps if you guys could kind of weigh in on that and give some direction because this it seems like there's going to be a lot of unintended consequences with those strict prohibitions when the the what you're moving towards is a conditional use so you can hear these but some of those you won't be able to hear if you have this kind of language that's this strict in here and how you going to decide who's the first one who gets to be the first one that's a whole another can of worms the neighborhood meeting I've done a ton of neighborhood meetings in all my years and requiring that to be mandatory in every case just stirs people up um very difficult to do neighborhood meetings because people can't have their questions asked because you have people that feel strongly people that just want to get questions asked it's not a very good vehicle so your staff already has discretion if there's a use that people are caring about that want to participate neighbors want to participate when they get their notice staff says go do a neighborhood meeting you go do one or you just meet with the people that have shown interest that have questions so I think we're just going to make this a very very very difficult process Clark and I do make our living off a process so we're actually standing up here saying are you sure because we make our living off of process so just kind of think about that um again we want to come up with something that's workable and reasonable and you know all this is is time on your staff as well we have a lot of different things that was all I wanted to kind of point out talk about how we the cell tower ordinance so yes so there's I was was paying attention to Planning Commission when I got back I did listen and I guess there's the thought the decommissioning plan what I can hear what what Planning Commission is saying is in the cell tower ordinance there's a very spe there's very specific language it says if that cell tower is not used for 6 months it has to come down or the county can bring it you know Can U bring it down and then lean the property so I think that's what Planning Commission was saying um if I channeling what Planning Commission was saying in their recommendation I'm not sure the language is reflected here but there is specific language if that's something you wanted to do um or you if you're you're coming down going down a conditional use route I guess I suppose you could condition them we do to work on the way the condition conditional use standards you know may including but not limited to it's not really a standard so but I talked to David he said we'll work on that um but that's the thought it's not my thought I'm just telling you what the Planning Commission was thinking that perhaps that would self-regulate people to make sure that there wasn't a proliferation of where they shouldn't be but I'm not sure that that's I mean I know that's a perception that people think people aren't going into these businesses um with these big Investments and and making those decisions wisely so that's my input happy to work with your staff get this over the the goal line thank you glad to see you next time you come learn your last name we'll be okay that's we do not have anyone else signed up okay is anyone in speak to this item anyone see you no one okay online um Miss spidel Cynthia spidel M there you go and I'm here representing um the CC Prospect in Clinton Avenue everybody's been kind of rening so obviously I just wanted make sure we record that we support the um use exemption and one 6.2a that allows Le to continue in the type two Village because we are a type two Village and that only the um 116.3 D1 standard for the driveway markings that would all the additional SC that would apply um and it would not require any modification to sort of echo what point that it's ins substantial it should any modification so that cover P we want to just thank everybody for work on us and um allowing that extension to be clear um there's just two bigger items that I wanted to bring to your attention and that was um the fact that no alternative standards would be allowed so I just think that something like in our case and just having gone through this experience there were a lot of engineering standards that required placement of in certain areas so I think that it's a mistake to not allow alter in any circumstance I think those a little TPO that mentioned that cover that then in um the public need it would be really hard to establish public need and how you define public need I don't think the county should be in the business of competition is good for price um it's good for the citizens of P County and with that I'm happy to answer any questions and than very much for the opportunity to comment thank you ma'am um Madam Vice chair we uh the clerks office wants to make note uh that there is a exp party communication notification has been filed in this matter on behalf of commissioner wman okay and um does staff want to come back up or we you want to answer any questions or comments that we need um Nar P Planning Development economic growth uh I don't have any further questions we'll be happy to work with the stakeholders that just spoke uh and I think we're very close uh to a final version yeah okay well uh commiss Mariana yeah just one one question Terry as far as gas stations go I think the type of gas station that has it built right beside their building Etc is not a complete waste of space this has efficiencies to it I'm not looking to put those into this whole U protection I don't know the rest of the board with that I don't I don't have an opinion one way or another on those as far as location sighting mile and mile and a half if they can fit they can go to me I don't have a problem yeah yeah same are you saying I'm sorry commissioner just to clarify are you saying that the gas stations with the ancillary or accessory Car Wash shouldn't have to meet a proximity requirement wait which kind because like commiss uh Mr Alman had is a gas station with a full car I'm talking about the SE the one separate from the just have little let's say their gas station pumps from one side then off to the side they have the building connected to the building they have a s single Standalone one stall drive through and be done is there a way to dis discriminate those are the so-called accessory Car Wash okay so that's they're not included so they're well in the current draft we have included them but is it the board's desire not to consider them at all um I mean you can make them look good if there's some standards you're going to put in but I'm not looking to like put them into the uh distance things distance numbers we're talking about I okay well we don't have a proximity requirement right now it's just a a straight up conditional use permit for for every for all the uses okay the other thing also um about uh holding a public meeting I don't know I just think that like commissioner sari said other businesses don't have to do that so I don't really think that's fair I don't know what you guys think but I great okay I think it depends on where you put them when one popped up in Seven Oaks that cost that that surprised a lot of folks uh that one could go where it did um but again the board will have discretion right so yeah we'll we'll take them we'll take them as they come yeah Mr chairman remember it's one or two jobs per that's the yeah when you look at jobs per square foot that's that's what it gets me right but from what might be different the conditional use it is a public hearing so a town hall meeting but will be a public public we'll get a chance to voice their opinion on it yeah yes ask for a lot less cost than the modification process you have something here well I just to clarify commissioner Jer and commissioner starky commented on the requirement for neighborhood meetings right right okay just yeah so I think Terry I think if I can summarize I think the comment is since you're going to have a full blown public hearing on that out they don't they don't necessarily think a neighborhood meeting is necessary got yeah very good that's why he's an [Laughter] attorney why our attorney all right guess okay all right we'll move on to p52 and another item there is no action but it is public hearing so so on that last one when when is the next public hearing for the car wash ordinance we are looking at adoption September 17 2024 in new PA Rich at 1:30 p.m. September what 17th 17th yeah your next meeting in your okay uh Mr chairman members of the board on this item I believe we have an issue yes um okay so uh p-52 is an ordinance that would essentially expand the boundaries of the Northeast Ral production area um overlay District I should say however the advertisement was misdated and as a result where the Planning Development economic growth department is going to request a continuance the October 8th 2024 BCC meeting here at date City at 1:30 p.m. move to continue time certain second got a motion and a second for U continuance to October 8 I'll second yes sir okay Y and all those in favor say I I I motion pass [Music] 5 okay move on to b53 we have proof of publication of the hearing of this matter in the Tampa Bay Times July 24th 2024 item p53 is drd 24209 uh which is an ordinance by the Pesco County Board of County Commissioners amending the Pesco County Land Development code section 9052 e landscaping and buffering landscape acceptance maintenance and prohibitions appendix A8 definitions and other sections as necessary for internal consistency providing for applicability repealer providing for separability inclusion into the Land Development Co code in an effective date uh this comes with a recommendation to accept public comment and adopt the proposed ordinance Amendment uh by roll call vote and authorize the chair to execute it and there's a presentation of necessary okay your presentation good afternoon uh Brad tippen Planning Development and economic growth uh this was presented previously uh did you want to see the full presentation again I know we've met with each of you individually or did you just want to speak to some specific questions does any want to hear that or you got certain questions I I know we've got a long agenda today there's still a lot on there and we got a 5:15 so I'd like to he the presentation cuz some of my objections they just Chang and just put them into one phrase you're going to open up that door I'm going to okay two CS so this is uh what we refer to as the invasive vegetation ordinance uh we met with several different groups of stakeholders uh in different forums uh including horizontal Roundtable tdba uh and internal and other external stakeholders I assume that's not what you want to [Music] question so there there actually a number of of references to invasive species um I know there was a question about this last time uh in the the current comprehensive plan and current Land Development code there are a total of 18 different references to invasive species so one of the things that we did when we went through here was to make sure that what we were putting forth today in this one is not inconsistent with any of those others uh the majority of those other simply reference that you can't plant invasive species this is the one that that generally has uh the it's the larger paragraph that kind of goes into a little bit of explanation so this all stemmed out of concerns with kogan grass um however our ordinance doesn't specifically address Cogan grass alone IT addresses invasive species uh we had to do it that way because that is actually what's consistent with the the state and federal legisl uh that the different laws that are out there currently the different regulations that are out there uh all tie back into people that are developing property cannot go and plant bring put forth invasive species into the land that's essentially what the goal of all this all of this was um our original code was very short very succinct um and did not really go into a lot of explanation and did not provide any benefit or assistance to somebody that may want to actually try to figure this out do this on their own uh there was no quick reference point that uh anybody could point2 and say hey just look at this section of code it's there or look at this manual it's there uh so we added that and included that language in the ordinance itself to reference exactly where these these folks can go to find that information uh we heard the board uh the board was very specific uh about wanting us to directly reference the Fisk list instead of using the the kind of somewhat awkward chain uh that exists from the Florida Administrative Code through through the agricultural Department through UF to Fisk so we did that we made that change so that's what you see here as well we also changed the def we added new definition for invasive species to make sure that that was consistent with all the other uses we since you saw this previously we shifted the the paragraph related to Coen grass down and create a separate paragraph just for that uh because that one does have very specific Ford administrative code about how it is to be uh removed and and destroyed basically uh so we referenced that piece separately from the other pieces that we had on the invasive pieces that's generally it is there a specific questions you Mr chairman go ahead so why would you have to take Cogan grass but not the other things I'm sorry to why would you separate the kogan grass compared to the other invasive species be because of the extreme invasiveness of kogan grass there is a very specific uh for administrative code as to how it is to be destroyed how it is to be involves the transportation and other things with the the code grass so uh that won't be referenced specifically the other invasive species simply say uh you you can't do it don't plant invasive species uh so that's why we didn't go into as much of detail on those we referenced the list and that list does change periodically so I'm a little confused because if you can't plant them we all agree and that's that nothing's changing there correct but as far as having to highlight the removal of kogan grass compared to let's say Brazilian Peppers why would you highlight out Brazilian Peppers why would we not why would yeah why would you not because there's a specific process get rid of Brazilian pepper as well why would you high why would you highlight that too so we do have we do have references to all the best management practices for removal and and and destruction of those all of the different invasive species that are the key ones like that uh the again Cogan grass is is very detailed in the Florida administrative code I don't know that Brazilian pepper has that level of detail in it uh but there are different means and and depending on what combination of invasive species you have on your property there may be a better way to do it uh when you look at collectively over a site that may have several different types uh so we didn't want to call everything out and then have one conflict with another and exclude a way to do something okay and I do like the extra extra C protection I'm not being a to sell it with hay Etc so good addition there okay okay you know this is our first step into dealing with this I think that in the future there'll be some more discussions I think staff has gathered some ordinances from other counties and we'll in in a more of a workshop setting you can look at at it and see you know how what we want to do but we we have to get the Cen grass under control because we selling it as sod as we speak it's a good addition yeah [Music] okay all right any other questions do we need board action public hearing today is a board public hearing Public public hearing so we have anyone signed up for this jennif fi name and address and if you've been for thank you uh Jennifer C 25605 Apple Blossom Lane Wesley Chapel and you've had me sitting here so long I might just sit down again just to be just kidding I know these things can go on forever um you're going to be pleased with what I have to say about this I can see in this final version of the amendment that we're basically at the let's stop wait and see how this works stage I'm okay with that um there are some concerns that I still hold and I will continue to tell you about I am concerned that we don't call out when we put the best management practices into effect I would prefer to see that in the ordinance and I would prefer to have it say at site planning stage um but this is not a killer none of these things are going to kill what you're trying to do um again I feel that if you call out one invasive you should call them out all um the reason being each one of us has I don't know an air potato hatred or a Coke and grass hatred or a Brazilian pepper hatred this is your way of saying in this County the these are really important so I would call out all of them but again it's not a showstopper um I still don't see anything that addresses when how and for how long follow-up inspections should occur upon Discovery and removal of invasives I truly hope that the much referenced growth management manual actually covers all this I'm going to have to assume that does thank you for including the category one invasive species from the Florida invasive species Council it is based on science and it is reviewed every two years which is a very good thing for us because we will have a reliable list that we can look to its greatest Service as a list is it it names the baddest of the bad and basically if anyone thinks only concerned about Coden grass the way we've written the ordinance right now this list will dispel that assumption pretty quickly um bottom line I'm okay with this amendment it's more than we have ever done before to address this vicious cycle um it's a really good start I believe we will begin to meet the challenge of restoring our native environment and I truly sincerely thank you for caring thank you JN thank you you and you know for me one of the differences we're not selling Brazilian pepper and we're not selling air potatoes but we are literally selling Coen grasses saw so it's got to stop yeah y okay that was the only person signed up in advance all right so there's no action right no this is adoption this is an adoption this is adve to is there any anybody else in the audience that wants speak anybody in audience wish to speak to this item anyone else okay seeing no one anybody on webank no sir no one on webank okay so it's up to the pleasure of the board have a motion second okay I got a motion and a second all those in favor say I I roll call vote okay district one commissioner wag two I'm sorry District Two commissioner wag small or land mass but trying to give you District three commissioner Stark don't get Mya I District Four commissioner Jager I District Five commissioner Mariana hi district one chairman op I okay motion pass 5 Z we will move on to public hearing could we have the uh procedures be happy to Mr chairman there are two resoning agendas regular and consent the staff will present each application to the board of County Commissioners if staff are planning commission has recommended approval or if there is no opposition to the application the application will be considered by the board without further presentation if staff or Planning Commission has recommended denial or if there's opposition to the application the applicant will be given five minutes for presentation the opposition will be given three minutes for each individual or five minutes for a group representative and the applicant will be given 3 minutes for rebuttal any individual disagreeing with staff or Planning Commission recomend recommendation or anyone wishing to object to any condition of the rezoning May at this time request the petition be pulled from the consent agenda in which case that application will be heard under the regular agenda later on during this meeting otherwise all resoning applications on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion and vote if you wish to speak to any petition please give your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record these are Quasi judicial public hearings the LA Florida is that M public support or opposition of an application is insufficient for this board to take action please limit your comments to those criteria found within the board's Land Development code okay p54 and it's uh been requested for continuance we have approved publication of this matter in the July 24th 2024 edition of the Tamp May times thank you Mr chairman PTO Planning Development economic growth item p54 is pde 24782 6 this is a zoning Amendment Sun Coast Lakes mpud uh it's a request uh a resoning request from mpud to in mpud to allow modification to the previously approved mpud to reflect Memorial light and approv of secret revisions on 483 and half acres this is a request to continue to a date on C when's the date un move to move to approve the continu move to continue to a date insert move to continue to a date insert second I got a motion I got a second second is this roll call or not no not for the continue all those in favor say I I I all oppose Leon so none uh 5 vote pass this okay move on to U p55 and this is consent items we approved publication of this item in the July 24th 2024 addition of the Tamp Bay Times supplemented by an Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings okay item p55 is the zoning Amendment kakas West mpud sr52 limited partnership and gen holdco LLC this is a resoning request from an AC agricultural District between MP Dy master plan unit development District to allow for the maximum development of 155 single family detached dwelling units 67 single family attached dwelling units 168,50 ft of commercial support commercial and 125,000 Square ft of corporate business park Target industry Light Industry and Associated infrastructure on approximately 17748 Acres located in the central Pasco employment Village in central Pasco County and this comes with a recommendation to approve the conditions and authorize the chairman to execute and there's a presentation if you so like can I I need to see some of this I need to see the map CU that Mr cabala did you get the answers to my questions I think we can talk through the the easements and those things is that what you your your mic's not on Mike oh it's on there it goes yeah no I think well let's go ahead and give the presentation and go through the the various easements so the presentation will be by Mr William pillion senior plan okay good afternoon William million Planning Development economic growth this is pde 2475 97 cocak west and pewd location M roughly in the county just south the State Road 52 in the central Pasco employment Village this is a rezoning from agriculture culture to master plan unit development uh to allow for that maximum development of 155 single family detached 67 single family attached 168,000 support commercial and 125,000 ft of corporate business park Target industry and Light Industry on approximately 177.8mm Brothers intersection here's a location map is map reflecting Agriculture and the future land use map reflecting employment center here is a contextual map for you showing the entirety of the central Pasco employment Village you'll see the Swope MPD Eagles one and Eagle 2 as well as pal Meadow Ridge or Fort King just to the north of State Road 52 as well as the orange belt trail that runs along the southern portion of the central Pasco employment Village uh on the north side of the Swift Mud property you'll also see on this map there are two Vision roads that uh occur on this property Vision Road a and vision Road s uh both of these uh portions of which will be constructed uh with a subsequent development agreement submittal by the applicant here is the master plan showing both of those Vision roads as well as the Black Arrow to the South which highlights The Pedestrian connection to that orange belt Trail that that is covered in your agenda packet in condition 19 which specifies that the applicant will connect to the orange belt trail with a 12T multi-use path you'll see also that the red areas are support commercial the purple is that light industrial and the brown is medium density residential I highlight those colors because specifically this proposal is consistent with the currently approved master plan for the central Pasco employment Village uh okay well I'm going to stop you right there perfect because I see uh I'm looking at that map go back or go forward see where the road is the interior road is yes okay and I go back about three Maps there where's the road on that one yes so this uh so mapper that that layer is old the alignment changed when we approve well when you all approved eagle to to actually BCT up uh in this current alignment so that is the correct alignment right there yes ma'am okay cuz I was in a meeting and it showed the other alignment um which looked like the road was going right on the trail so um okay and I interrupted you so I feel better about that road now and I want to see a road I want to see a section of that road what it looks like um but keep going through your presentation absolutely so as I was previously stating uh the proposed master plan is consistent with the central Pasco employment Village master plan which now shows that realignment of vision Road s that was approved in uh 2022 corresponding with the light industrial placement the sport commercial placement I'm sorry let me ask you a question on this one what's that turquoise down there on the bottom of that yellow map on the I don't is that turquoise I don't have the key in front of me unfortunately I cut it off um I can pull that up for you cuz I see that it's there and then I see that that it's green and then I see that it's turquoise is that the Swope property I don't know what that brown one is at well okay so then then the Swope so the the Swope property does go under this property to the South along the orange belt Trail you can't see here but if I was to zoom in and this was on maper I don't know if if you can pull that off all right can you go back to that other map the one with all the colors not that one there you got turquoise there so I need to know what that is then you've got this green thing and then you have turquoise but I see in the purple there is no turquoise so what's going on there is is that turquoise and easement who can show me what that is and where's the easement in the purple this is what I've been trying to get an answer from staff for about 10 days now perfect I can uh I can pull that out for you I just cut off the key do you want me to continue or do you want me to before I vote on anything I need to know I just want to know what's going on okay perfect could that be swift mode property on that purple no no so I know the the purple for sure is that white industrial that I was speaking to I'm not sure off the top of my head the turquoise of the green I know I just want to know why that t that turquoise stripe is not continuing and that's I know it's I know it's not got nothing to do with uh cacus but I'm just talking to my planners about what the heck is going on absolutely I think it's a good question okay so there is one variation associated with this MPD from 90161 uh to not provide a vehicular connection to the South as previously mentioned that's where the orange belt Trail is so vehicular access uh wouldn't really be feasible but they are going to provide that pedestrian connection and with that that comes to you with the recommendation of approval with conditions from Planning Development and economic growth as well as the Planning Commission okay so I need to know what those colors are absolutely sorry guys for indulging me but I think we have a problem not on this one but Mr chairman I i' take public comment while you're waiting yes okay is anyone here to speak we have anyone signed up no one signed up this would be again for consideration this is a consent item so wouldn't necessarily be anybody signed up anyone in the audience wish to speak to this item seeing no one so we have no public comment cu no one signed up for it it's a consent item do you want to pull it off of consent and do the well there's only one other consent item I got one more consent on well it's off the consent cuz I'm asking a question oh yeah so that's normal hi uh Brad tipping Planning Development economic growth uh the when the project next door came in and the the actual Trail alignment was not fully confirmed yet we had the Tampa Bay Water easement that was along the south side of the boundary of CPE which I believe is that blue piece you're talking about and right next to it from the mpud that was there we've got another liver so that that could be wide enough if we needed to use it and it would allow the trail to come in and cut down to that road if that was necessary in the future because we didn't know the alignment of the time okay so um can you put that map back up that shows the turquoise strip there um so why is that not being shown on the property to the east that's strip cuz I know we worked on that easement with Mr what's his name and and I had to get a letter from St Pete I'm just curious I just want to be sure it's there yeah I can't speak to that with this particular one just for the one the that it's next absolutely all right perfect Willi verm million Planning Development economic growth so on the original map that's shown as um Swift Mud preservation that turquoise color just to Circle back to where we were but the the Reas that the that easan isn't shown on this map because the original like you said that uh that Vision Road s ran along there which took up that space once they moved it uh they didn't put that back on the central Pasco employment Village master plan per se but the easement was granted to the county through the conditions of approval and then subsequently was sent to the county attorney's office okay and um my understanding is we had one year to comment on either a 60 foot or a 30 foot correct and what did we say we wanted or did we comment at all I'm guessing we didn't because we don't have a Trails but so so what do we have what was the comment it was some someone told me in the conditions of approval we had one year to say if we wanted a 60ft easement or a 30 foot easement and a 30 foot easement was determined by the former County Engineers staff oh great to be acceptable what a surprise um and that was presented to the county by Mr southord okay because in my last meeting with Mr ER and the the uh the trans the transportation plan are working on this if that's her title um they said it went away so I just want to be sure it was still there yes so good good afternoon yeah uh Nick Ur County engineer um commissioner you're absolutely correct there was an obligation of the property owner to the east to either convey to us a 30ft wide easement or to sell to us a 60t wide strip of land for a half a million dollars with the choice being the counties as to whether we wanted to buy the land or accept an easement we chose to accept an easement okay so we still have that easement was not yet recorded there was concern over some fencing issues at the time when the easement was presented for board approval it is my understanding from our facilities department head that those issues have been resolved and that easan is coming back to you at the um we're targeting the first meeting in October so that that eement can be recorded along that property thank you very much I'm glad very so happy to okay okay so um there was no comment from anybody move for approve on oh oh okay I have one more question I'm sorry um do we want to use this I guess it's to us I don't know where to staff um do we want the de those those who are developing near here to build their portion of the trail or use put their Mobility fee credits towards that trail so we're not having to ask people like representative steel over there to fund it why why are we not making it part of the condition I don't know that take it easy on it it just won in I know I'm just saying I think we should be we should be having them build it it's an asset to their development and um you know otherwise we got to go hunting for the money it's fenced right both sides what it's not just wide open for people to walk straight out to it is it or is it fenced it's fenced on the south because that's the shers um property and their swiftland property we're North there we're north of there all right I mean the the short pto's Planning Development economic growth the short answer is that yes we can have developers build their segments of the orange belt Trail in this case and it can be done for Mobility fee credits on the bike pad portion of the fee from the bik I think we should be doing that I agree thank you okay so we want we want them to be doing that okay M Mr chair I just want to interject briefly as an engineering perspective to that question we do wrestle with the question is should we have developers construct a portion of a pedestrian facility adjacent to their Frontage the challenge we have is that a lot of times what they're doing is conveying rway to the ultimate footprint in our comp plan and then constructing a pathway with it with a vertical elevation that has not yet been established for the adjacent Parcels so when we have them build a piece of it we aren't sure at what height that piece should be so that it can be harmonized and compatible with the adjacent properties which is why in some cases it's actually preferable to have them give us the mobility fees as a cash payment and then let us go in and construct a continuous facility from meaningful termin so that we can work out the design issues and provide connectivity to Major destinations at the same time okay and what I'd like you to do is if that's the way you want to play this here be collecting those fees in a pot that said that it goes to their property and when you when the want when they come in then you build it then when you have all of them developing we pay for it we get it done and you have the money this particular case I mean we we are budgeting money and funds for for the trail if you if you restrict them right now you your Mobility fees are restricted by zones so that gives Engineering Services flexibility to execute the capital program where it's needed you want to start handcuffing that program you you can um but I mean we're using a combination of funds I believe for the orange belt Trail to include penny for Pasco funds I I think in this in this case while it's well intentioned Mr uran's discussion of it's it's not designed yet so to have to build it it makes sense let's use those ped and Mobility fee credits elsewhere and those Mobility zones where we might actually need the projects be my recommendation they're small relative to to your your transportation capacity Mobility fees [Music] okay just don't tell her that there's no money when yeah that's what you're going to tell me there's no money that the one that's I I know where the the beginning part of the orange belt is being is a suntrail is coming from the state with suntrail money and it we fought hard and it took a long time to get that money players of the board we've got about 40 minutes before this meeting's over we have to start a new meeting all right that's a discussion for another day I guess uh move to approve second got a motion a second is this roll call no you're in the you're in the street vote section of the agenda right now y all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 move on to p56 this item was originally published in the Tampa Bay Times June 26 of 2024 and continued from the August 6th 2024 meeting to today thank you Mr chairman nario Pito Planning Development economic growth item p56 is pde 24788 this is the is a zoning Amendment dat Mitchell's holding company Mitchell Clinton resoning to change in zoning from an R1 MH single family mobile home district and C2 General commercial District to a C2 General commercial District in East Central Pasco County on the northeast corner of circle be Road in Clinton Avenue on approximately 2.18 Acres uh this comes here with a recommendation to adopt the zoning Amendment also there was the nextar form submitted for commissioner starky on this project okay I have one question um is there a metal building sitting on this site right here Le Divine um yes there's currently a building on the site the um property received a um site plan approval and um a building permit to build that building um within the portion that's already C2 um so this is coming through with a cleanup zoning to rezone the back half so it's all one zoning oh because it Circle V it was C2 yeah I got you okay got you all right is there anyone here to uh uh speak this item as consent item anyone in audience to speak to it see no one uh move for approval second got a motion second all those in favor to say I I motion pass 5 Z move on to our P57 and our last item of the day I think yes last item of the day um P57 originally published in the May 22nd 2024 addition of the Tamp Bay Times and by supplemented by affidavit to certified mailings and site postings and then continued from the July 9th board meeting to August 6th where it was continued to today thank you Mr chairman yes sir this item is pde 2476 83 This is a zoning Amendment uh for Crossways mpud Crossways 301 by Crossways 301 LLC it's a resoning request from an AC agricultural zoning District to an mpud master plan unit development District to allow for the development of up to 40 single family detach dwelling units and Associated infrastructure and approximately 29.5 Acres located in East Pasco directly east of old Lakeland Highway approximately 2 2 miles east and 0.1 Mile North of US Highway 98 the applicant uh in the runup to this meeting has requested the item has requested a continuance for this item to the October 8th 2024 board county commissioner meeting here in dat City at 1:30 p.m. move to continue time certain second where is this location here before we get this is this is the one on the other side of 301 It's 301 Mr chairman believe this one one we looked at last month H yeah yeah there's P57 right I think we looked at this last month and we contined to this meeting that's right it's just west of 98 or just north of 98 on the west side of the road chairman oh this was that the one uh they W 40 either 40 Clinton and 301 this the one wanted more density than you w right with the oh that's well that that looks different to me I knew that product okay so what is the players of the ball what's the what's the deal we continue continue you're going to probably have to ask Republic in put anyway okay I'm good so the motion Contin October 8 H move to continue time certain October 8th 1:30 okay and I have a motion for that second okay all right got a motion and second all in favor this this was shown as an approval you might want to ask if there's anybody in the audience who wishes okay does anybody else wish to speak to this item seeing no one anybody on WebEx no sir okay all right I got a motion in a second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 that is the last item we had on today and then Mr chairman yes sir could I bring up an item that was talked about in public comment um about political signs let me I have one thing I need to do before we do that then I'll let you bring some and I have something y y'all destroy what's the lady name uh Dr Christine henerson ma'am when you come forward I'm going to let you speak okay I don't know who's telling you the wrong thing but public comments usually 130 Dr aners have your name and address for the record my name is Christine henerson I live in meal Point um I imagine you remember speaking to me about a year year ago when you were coming to visit our community which never happened uh ongoing problem in our community in m point um and I spoke to Kurt Browning's office today because I wanted to check to see if our County uh was doing some of the things that were being done in other counties of the State uh putting cameras on the side of school buses to see those that pass when the flag is up uh putting up monitoring systems at the crosswalks uh to show when people are speeding the last two months of the school year I witness 12 people on County Line Road going through when the red flag was up and children were getting off their buses uh we have a little device before sand pine on County Line Road and um just yesterday uh not yesterday last week um when school was in session Somebody went through and it flashed over 40 m an hour and the yellow light was on which is a 15 mph schools z um I have witnessed a couple of kids almost being hit when they were in the crosswalk State put up those nice red flashing lights child was in crossed one part of the road went into the next one and he had to jump back with his bike because two cars went around him with the red flashing light we had two KS here at the Intermediate School on Mansfield last year thankfully they wen't killed although we know in Wesley Chapel that there's been a child killed with his bike in one of those crosswalks a hit from them so when I called Kurt Browning's office they had absolutely no idea what I was talking about about the lights on the buses that record people go through the various things they put up that they catch theaters and they're finding them over $100 should be more going that fast in the Schoolboard yeah one more yeah one more and um so I was hoping that our County would be as Progressive as other counties in the state to prevent our children from getting run over speeding uh through schools own repeatedly and also uh it was reported on channel 8 news that in some communities over 600 cars have gone by when the school bus has their flly up so if any of you have children pray every day that they make it home because the drivers that we have we've even seen a police car speed not going anywhere I called the Sheriff's Office and they said they would talk to that squad car about speeding in the 35 M hour Zone before the came up you had told me commissioner that county has given a lot of money to the sheriff's department and we pay as our cdbs extra money to have off duty policemen monitor our road okay and just the last thing I want to say the other day I saw a gentleman in a wheelchair double ampute he looked like probably a bit he gone into the crosswalk and nobody would stop for him in the crosswalk so I went out to the end of the street and put my arm up are you kidding me you know and they just kept going on finally somebody stopped and this poor man in a wheelchair safely got to the other side there's not everybody looking and uh we also were told by one of our homeowners in one of our communities that there is a drug house in our neighborhood and they're selling drugs out of their garage they contacted Pasco police and said yeah we know it's there we're keeping an eye on it okay thank you thank you Chase you heard all that take care of it so we appreciate you uh Mr Mariana thank you Mr chairman I've got six copies here one for every board member including the county attorney and the clerk um it's a copy of the ordance that the county had passed back in 2011 about signs on during election times for early voting and in around uh and then the other one was you saw uh Christine Fitzpatrick give us a copy on the screen she showed us um I want us all to take a look at this because there's a few things that are going on first it'll say that your signs that are in the RightWay around the county they cannot be two-sided they also you can have more than one on any property that's out there so I will say there's lots of violations going on with that now this is completely different from how it's been done for 20 years that I know of so I don't know how they interpreting are they interpreting this new or not um I want us all to take a look at it and bring it back for conversation next week CU I would like to get this right away before the next election cycle starts ramping up especially we put signs up okay all right that's all I have Mike I got a copy for you in JP as well okay um I think chairman so the they're two separate issues exactly the the resolution is for your pro governing your property correct and sign ordinance is of General applicability to All Temporary signs we do think we may have come up with a solution that we were going to bring back in the glitch we'll be happy to talk about it in on the September because you have the little yard signs that are two sided right but I get I get what you're saying if they're the big signs by the road that they're one-sided but those little yard signs they're they're always double sided I think they mean signs like this that are put in a V well that's that that would be signs that would that's two signs I think that's what they mean I think they mean one sign with two faces and even if you took the 4 by8 and went back to back on the same piece it would that' be a violation so but I can tell you staff is addressing the issue and they're going to be taking care of it and bringing it forward to us take care so I'm sure all of us would like to talk before we have the next commission meeting to with us Mr so appreciate it thank you m sty yeah I um since we have half an hour I had a few things in my I don't have a half hour we don't start till 5:15 I'm going to take a break well I will too um so in Spokan which is a military town because they have an Air Force Base my uh son-in-law lived there twice um they uh they have this wonderful program and at no they do a um hey I'm they do um the achievement awards so everyone there's all different categories and I hope that we win one one day but in the department of personnel management employment and training category Spokan did something I think we should copy um Mr carbal they teamed up with the Department of Defense to offer County department internships to US military members uh better preparing them for the job Force after service and combating County Workforce Recruitment and and retention issues and it's a program called skillbridge I actually went uh to a military base I think in Pennsylvania with a congressman on a tour of Workforce training and what the military does um and a lot of people coming out the military have great skills that can transition into many of our different departments and so I think we should look into this skill bridge and see if we can't help our military um get some good jobs when they get get out yeah that sounds good um the second thing is uh something that happened in was in Clark County um oh here I have copies for you guys on on that you pass that down in Clark County I have this one too so pass this down um they adopted an ordinance ordinance making camping under certain conditions misdemeanor kind of like what our governor did a little bit here where you can't camp on a sidewalk but to me they went a little broader they said um they can't an ordinance making camping under certain conditions misdemeanors but eligible for Community Court which I don't know if we have a community Court um a special court for people with homelessness related offenses where they can engage with services to have their charges dismissed it bans camping between 6:30 and 9:30 p.m. on any County Road Street sidewalk or rideway any entrance to or exit from any county-owned building or parking lot and any county-owned or maintained building and parking lot and camping in vehicles during that time frame on County property is also banned camping on public property will not be allowed within 200 ft of a body of water on land used to operate a public water station Wastewater storm water facility which happened near me and they had to shut down the well because the well got contaminated from them having a you know using that land as a restroom um on the County Railroad we don't have one of those and the natural areas and it also bans unlawful storage of personal property in public places between 6:30 and 9:30 I don't know what that means after 9:30 anyway I thought this idea of a community Court um so so if we can you know get someone who's living on someone else's property into a courtroom and then have Services get a hold of them it could maybe we could help detour some of this and and move people in another Direction than just going to move on someone else's property so this was listed as another one of those best practices so I wanted to bring it to your attention CU I drove by that property on 19 again and there there are people living in the back on that property and there's still I have a picture but there's still all that trash right on the front of US1 19 and because it's public private property we cannot go in and clean them clean it up or kick them out so they are up to a $50,000 fine now because the fine increases daily but you know if he plans to abandon that property what does that that fine is nothing to us until it's leaned and we close on that lean but in the meantime we have a major major eyesore and a major road into the county so rest that's than okay that's it for me okay with that anything for jour