[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it was just announ recently I didn't know it was i' heard through back channels but I don't know ex okay I'd like to call the meeting to order please if you'll stand for a moment moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all all right Madam clerk can we have the roll call please Mr Jamie here Mr dley here Mr John Moody here Mr Christopher P here Mr Richard canel here chairman Charles gr here and proof of publication the items are the item was advertised on April 3rd and by affidavit all right thank you very much so uh I think we have minutes to approve motion to approve the minutes from the March 7th meeting second Motion in the second further discussion on the motion all in favor signify by saying I I okay motion carries i' like to welcome everyone today we're the Planning Commission we're appointed by the County Commissioners and we meet twice a month uh we serve as a local planning agency and we hold public hearings transmit to the board of County Commissioners our a recommendations on comprehensive plan amendments Land Development code amendments rezonings and conditional use requests Planning Commission is the final decision-making body for special exceptions certain appeals variance requests and certain alternative standard requests however final decisions may be appealed to the board of County Commissioners if anyone is in opposition to any development code Amendment rezoning conditional use or any item where the Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the County Commissioners that it'd be important for you to attend the appropriate County Commission meeting for those of you who are not familiar with the format of the meetings we have three sections we have uh continuances we have consent agenda and we have regular items continuances are items that are uh where we receive the application and either the staff or the applicant requests a continuance for any number of reasons it's been our custom to Grant continuances unless they're out of the area or some some extraordinary circumstance um and then we have consent agenda that's items that are on our agenda and we have not had any objections or any notices from the public that they want to have it discussed so we're going to go through we don't I don't think we think we have one item on the agenda today which is very unusual but typically we' go through every consent item and anybody that wanted to have it pull for discussion raise your hand when we read it off and we'll we would do that then the regular items and those are the items that are be fully discussed today at this meeting um so applicants typically will have three minutes um to make a presentation uh the respondents will have three minutes to State their questions or concerns and then the applicant will have an opportunity to come back up and and try to respond to those concerns um the I can turn the page here they were very good at this um typically if there's been a request and writing at least 24 hours ahead of this meeting for additional time uh depending on the situation that normally it's granted uh this is an opportunity to silence your phones if you have a phone with you please put it on the silent position so you don't interrupt anybody and when they come up to speak and before we start the meeting we have the U we have an opportunity for anybody who is here to speak about something that's not on today's agenda to come up and speak and we can make note of those things and put them on the record um so is there anybody here to speak and something that's not on today's agenda Mr chair we we do have Alicia Shram here to speak on something that is not on today's agenda okay you want to come forward give us your name and address and RAM and um State your case s she yeah we'll get them all sworn okay before you start M sham um we're GNA just uh swear everybody in that may come and speak today so if you think you might want to give up and give get up and give testimony today if you'll raise your stand and raise your right hand and be sworn please do s Mone you're about to give as a help you I do okay thank you my name is Alicia Shram um I live um do you want my whole address yes ma'am yes 4353 Dewey Drive Newport Richie Florida 34652 thank you so I've come before your committee um with um two items um going to try to get it done in three minutes and um it is about code violations so in 1982 Pasco join Pasco County joined FEMA and FEMA had flood regulations for any flood zoning in the in the county and Pasco County follows those codes those codes um in some of our neighborhood when people did um requested from the building uh Department uh uh permits for codes they were often not closed codes we have multiple now and the realators um have not been disclosing the codes either and aren't required by hard fast law for disclosure and so I bought a home recently um uh in Pasco County didn't know about the code violation and I bought the house two years ago and so when I went to sell the house is when I discovered that we had a code violation from the appraiser from the bank and so I can't even sell the house right now because of the disclosure the lack of disclosure so I am in a lawsuit involving all three realators the owners as well as two real estate agencies we have multiple codes in the county so what I've done is I've looked at real estate in Pasco County and what they did in 198 2 when they joined FEMA when Pasco County joined FEMA so it would help with some of the insurance um uh a cost Etc and you know insurance companies are lead leaving the State of Florida for this very reason is that they granted in homes only from 1982 and back anything from 82 forward that was built and my home was built in 2002 it was remodeled in 20072 2008 and your building inspector came to my home because I called him cu the house was up for sale and then I took it off the market immediately when I found out about the code violation from my realtor and I had bought this home from the same realtor who was selling it she never disclosed that code and neither did the owners so what I'm wondering about is when are we going to be or what is the um Pesco County's um building inspector's responsibility for getting these codes CL closed so if you open a permit let's say for a shed okay and you want a shed and you're in the flood zone they're not going to allow you to have a shed so not only does the owner have to go back and close that permit but the county doesn't do anything about it now I'm not criticizing the county okay but I think that the Appraiser's office and the building code um Inspection offices need to um help us out with that they're not finding the owners otherwise I probably would have known about this and we have a lot of open code violations in this County okay and it's a simple computer program probably already available to the Appraiser's office that all the codes would be either closed and that we would have to grandfather in those homes for the last 20 years my home is 202 you know it's now 2024 so 20 some years ago this permit has been open this long and no one including our wonderful Pasco County offices and I can't say enough about how well you guys do your work when I came to this County it was amazing that I came here for my driver's license it's a Well oiled machine I can't say enough about how well you do such a great job I know you listen to a lot of complaints but this is a pretty serious one because this is a very serious lawsuit it's the only way so I have 1,700 Square ft of of livable or what you call heated space the house was advertised as 3,4 Square ft with one extra bedroom in one bath it is all illegal had the county done something to close the code after let's say a year or two years even you know when you're building a new home that code should be when you're remodeling a home it's not going to take you more than a year or two to remodel that home it's not going to take you more than a few years and we know that it takes a long time to build a house you know because I know I lived uh close to starky Ranch when I first came I have friends that are waiting four years for a home but this is these are codes so when I went to some of the Realtors and looked at some of the homes that they had in my neighborhood in The Woodlands they were not disclosing these open code violations I came down to the county building looked up the codes for these houses and they're all illegal so I I feel like we either get grandfathered in you know that we can amend you know our regulations and at least anything that's older than 20 years or 10 years or even five that we get grandfathered in as well because we have a lot of people coming to the State of Florida right now that are going to be Buy these illegal homes with no knowledge I was a nurse practitioner how would I know anything about open code violations I have learned so much with this lawsuit and I do need you know to address this so that this doesn't happen to somebody with their life savings your home is is a is one of your biggest investments in your life I'm going through a lot of stress right now and I don't think it's called for I think that we could have avoided this by approaching it from a county and a state regulatory and that we get those codes closed or that we grandfather these homes in that are already there my house is not even insurable with open codes so if we get into a hurricane my house blows down I lose my entire investment so let me understand do you have a home that was built up and then they finished off the bottom they did after after FEA after we joined Freema in 1982 in 2002 the house was built and in 2007 they remodeled this downstairs completely and that open code has been open since 2007 and and those those downstairs units probably a lot of people don't know maybe they do know but they're not insurable so I mean that that should give people a big clue right off the bat that they're and so the real ilal you know are selling these homes um there is a state law that you have to disclose any open code violation and that's not being being taken into consideration when they're selling the homes remember we were in a big glut of selling homes in Florida two years ago or three years ago before the interest rates went up and so because you grandfather the homes that were built before FEMA then what are we going to do with the last since 1982 to present when these codes aren't even closed by the county and the county has a lot open right now not just in my neighborhood but in every neighborhood that they've done this type of remodel that's in a flood zone so in this case there was never a permit pulled right it was just permit was pulled oh so they pull perm open since by our building department I'm surprised pulled a permit to finish out the downstairs which is not allowed on a builtup home exactly or that if you're going to remodel that you remodel with the standards that the county has established that they shouldn't have you know that if you're going to open a code with planning okay and and a permit from the county and they look at that and say no you can't have this then the county closes that code immediately because they don't approve of any of the flood zone disregards in the planning or the architect or well it should have never been pulled the permit should have never even been issued in the first place it was and it was right if if that was the case and it's still open yeah you know since 2007 well I'm you know I regret you're having that trouble I know it's it's a big concern I'm sure it is and uh unfortunately this this board has no control over that we don't have it's not something that we regulate um but maybe somebody in the county is or somebody in the county that can give her some advice on who to go see I'm going to provide Miss shom with the information for building construction services so she can reach out to building construction services and see if that can be handled through there they are the people that Chris came I don't remember Chris's last name he's one of the chief inspectors for the county he came in 5 minutes to my home that's why I'm saying this county is doing its job he came and said this entire downstairs is illegal and the permit was open and never closed by the county so it's been bought and sold three times since then without anyone noticing this code violation until my realtor discovered it from an appraiser that somebody had made the offer on the house when I was when I was is selling it so did this Chris did he offer you any suggestions so they're also being subpoenaed you know from that level um for the information Chris pretty much made my case for me because like you said the code a should have never been open with the with the remodel and and their plans and so they put a a bedroom and a bathroom they changed the footprint of the um and and again when you do anything like that if you change the footprint of the house if you change the if you if you put a plumbing electricity AC in you must have a permit the county closed some of those permits they closed the AC permit but they didn't close the building permit they shouldn't have even had AC down there the type of AC that is in there it just means the person who pulled the permit didn't get the final on it they didn't get the final inspection done to close the permit so in 20 12 the county destroyed all of the records and went to computer there are no paper records on my home so again you know I'm not suing the county obviously but again we you know because you're all protected a certain amount but it could be included in the lawsuit and I don't want to be part of a problem I want to be part of the solution that we can avoid this and I think the only way we're going to avoid this is to approach it from the county commissioner's office and have them work with us who's in charge of you know does the county commissioner who who approved us to go into FEMA is it the Commissioners that joined that that recommended that we join FEMA so that we could lower the insurance cost but I mean when we're we're talking about County aren't you all a rulers of the county so to be clear this is the Planning Commission yes this is not the board of County Commissioners so I think a lot of what your your comments are directed probably should be directed to the board of County Commissioners because that is the board that regulates the Departments that you're talking about whether it's the building department or code enforcement this particular group actually has no authority over the building department or the code enforcement department or even the decision about whether we're part of FEMA or not I see what about code enforcement this this this board does not dood not you guys this board makes as Mr Gray started the meeting what their duties are they generally make recommendations on new land use proposals so somebody wants to rezone their property or change the comprehensive plan um or SE very the make decisions on variances and special exceptions and those types of matters but not the matters that you're speaking about and then one other issue is um and I did talk to Patty about this for this meeting is that code enforcement for signage do you do code enforcement for signage we don't do code enforcement La they don't yeah they occasionally somebody will come and ask for a deviation from the code which this body would hear sure that's a case by case basis but if you're talking about enforcement of the existing code this this board has no authority to do that so who would I go to for that there's we have a county code for M Department okay super and they report to this our assistant County Administrator for development services the County Administrator and ultimately the board of County Commissioners okay well thank you for your time I appreciate it and thank you for your help thanks for coming we're we sorry you're having the trouble no I I want to I want to make a difference in this County the one thing I advice I'd give to you though is when you explain this to the board of County Commissioners you probably need to be clear when you're saying code because that's a little bit confusing when you make that statement there's a difference between a code enforcement action or code enforcement complaint and a building permit and you're kind of lumping them together so it's kind of hard to understand which your when you say open something's open I'm not sure whether you're talking about the building permit being open the building permit is still open or there's a active code enforcement action that's open there's no code AC there's no action on the code violation right now okay but when you typically when you say code people think code enforcement mhm so just you might want to well it was want terminology when you're explain it's kind of like you were saying there's an open permit not an open code and then maybe there was a code violation be because of there's an open the illegal structure there was an open permit and so you may have two open cases you may have an open code violation as well as an open permit that was never closed before I think it sounds like I agree with you it sounds like you're saying that the building permit still open I think you're it's better for you to describe that as an open building permit as opposed to open code what it is is a building permit that was never closed because I think the building permit comes with conditions that it expires if you don't call for the inspections within a certain and this has never expired either it's still open well it it had to it normally expires in six months well it's nothing wa unfortunately there nothing that we can right well let's not waste your time officially advise you on so I don't want to give you the wrong advice uh David is the County Attorney so he can wonderful yeah but I I would urge her to talk to our building department I will and if you're not I mean ultimately you could address the board of County Commissioners because they do have authority over the issues that you're talking about right well the building department is the one that helped me you know with the case and they're helping me with the case you know in you know in suing the owners and the and the Realtors unfortunately but I would go to the as as David that I would go to the County Commissioners and state your case they're the ones that make the decision and we appreciate you're bringing up the larger issue too so sorry no don't be sorry I appreciate your help and if I may for Miss Shaman for the Planning Commission um Cassandra SE Sebastian who is commissioner starky's legislative Aid is going to assist you as you come out of the of the room super thank you and this is and this is the information for Mr Murphy would the bu Construction Services but it sounds like you have spoken to them already I have and they came right away were just like I said this county is doing a great job oh good thanks thank you thank you for coming thanks your three minutes is up by the way okay good afternoon Mr chair Planning Commission members Denise Hernandez Planning and Development the one and only item on today's agenda is peg2 24776 it's a special exception in the name of John Uki it's for a special exception for duplexes in an R4 high density residential district um the applicant has requested Ed a continuance to the June 20th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie we do have several residents signed up to speak um so I'm not sure if the planning if the Planning Commission is inclined to to grant that continuance so request from the applicant for continuance um then perhaps we can provide the um rules for those who may not be able to speak um on June 20th because perhaps there are other engagements that they may have so okay very good anybody that wants to speak today um you can if you can't make your on what is the date again June 20th 2024 1:30 Newport Richie in this you could speak today but you will not be able to speak again when this comes back on June 20th other words you don't get two bites at the Apple so but we understand that some people some of you may not be able to show up on June 20th and if this is your only chance to speak then you can get up and speak to the item so just as a show of hands how many people think they might want to speak today so three people Four Hands okay Mr chairman Barbera will height 6327 Grand Boulevard Newport Richie uh for the applicant I requested the continuance and um I did so because I could see that we are have interest in what we're doing and I'm sure a lot of people just they may have concerns but they might also just want to know what we're doing so I recommended that my client um have a neighborhood meeting I'm hoping that a lot of the people have have signed up so I can reach out to them um but that is what my intentions are I wanted to say that um to you all that's my recommendation and that's why we've continued it out 60 days we're not just asking for 30 days so that we can reach out uh to the neighborhood um and talk with them so I'd let you know that and put that on the record thank you thank you thank you and Barbara is it safe for me to assume that even though we have a few people speaking today that you're going to hold back rebuttal until June that's correct okay okay [Music] um for those of you who do want to speak today do you want to hear the presentation from the county first do we need to move to continue okay it's really up to you all if you want to move to continue an hour or wait till the folks speak I it's possible somebody can say something that might the date at which you continue it to so I don't you may want to wait so let show of hands who who would like to hear the presentation from the county show of hands okay all right is that is Liam gonna do that he is he's just escorting uh Miss Shram to speak to the legislative Aid okay so he'll be right back while we're waiting on Liam some of you that raised your hands I know that you did not get up to be sworn so could we go and swear anybody that wants to speak today needs to stand up and be sworn in by the clerk so could if you intend to speak today please stand up raise your right hand so you can be sworn [Music] in okay you're welcome to come up front here and sit so you're handy once it's your turn to speak we're just waiting for our presenter to come in and and uh give you the details of the application have a seat he probably didn't realize he had to it's okay I could start it you can start good absolutely again Denise Hernandez Planning and Development today we're going over item PC2 which is peg2 24776 which is a special exception request uh by John isuki four duplexes in an R4 high density residential district so the future land use classification is res 6 residential six dwelling units per acre the applicants are proposing to develop the property with seven duplexes so there'll be a total of 14 units uh single family detached and uh it's in conformance with the R4 high density residential district which states that special exceptions um that duplex units are special exceptions in the R4 high density residential district it's located on the south side of smokey Drive approximately 125 ft west of Blue Pine Circle this is the site location which is shows the site within the central market area it is outside of the urban service or concentration areas areas and they're not and it's not in the rural area this is the outline um showing the entire parcel um it just shows that the parcel is generally within the Sugar Creek drri uh former drri because it was just a fairly recently rescinded area um it is surrounded by several different neighborhoods which include Shadow run Village um it shows the location of Sugar Creek uh Boulevard in proximity and uh State Road 52 and as well as a subdivision by the name of Woodland Village at Shadow run this is showing you the context map so the area within 1,000 ft of the proposed use this is the areial map showing that the access is uh through Smokey future land use which is res 6 six dwelling units per gross acre the the potential for that and the existing zoning which is R4 and it's surrounded by PUD a plan unit development District it's a approximately 7.06 acrs it's undeveloped um access to the property is from Smoky Drive which is a county maintained local road that has 50 ft of rideway and it was part of the Sugar Creek uh development of regional impact which was rescinded in 2023 by the board of County Commissioners this is the concept plan as to where the duplex units will be located or proposed to be located on the property which are in very close proximity to the road so on along the northern portion of the property and staff recommends approval with conditions again we're not recommending approval with conditions I apologize I'm used to doing a full presentation uh this is uh we're asking that the out that the item be continued to the June 20th 2024 uh Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie and of course I know there there are some residents that would like to provide public comment today all right thank you Denise Denise one question yeah Denise um do either one of you know how many units they could get on the the property if it was if they were detached in other words in the absence of the special exception how many single family detached units would they be able to put on the property I can answer that question they can get approximately based on res 6 because um R4 is higher density than res six so you're capped at the comp plan they can potentially get 42 units I'm not sure with the wetlands so not not taking W only based on zoning purely based on the zoning 42 units okay how was the number arrived res 6 6 * 7 is 42 that that for the proposal there's seven duplex units and one single family how was that number arrived at perhaps Liam can answer that question thank you Denise thank you lamb Liam Divine planning and economic development um that would be from res six so again zoning looks at your overall um from their conceptual showing what acreage from their property was actually Wetlands that's how that number came up so they took the Upland acreage from their conceptual so they couldn't actually build [Music] 402 so that would they would have to have a wetland delineation survey which isn't required at this point so when they actually get a wetland delineation survey to get the exact number of Upland acreage then they would be able to get that so since there is a wetland on the property they wouldn't be able to get to the total 42 now if they have a wetland delineation survey and all of a sudden there is no Wetland on the property their their maximum density would be 42 I'm getting it based upon the estimated area of wetland the allowable units is 15 correct okay do you have any other questions is that is that why one unit ended up being single family the rest of duplex correct to to stay at that number all right thanks for thank you okay so for those of you who would like to to ask questions or make a statement please come forward give your name and address yes good afternoon my name is Jonathan Fister my wife an and I live at 12635 Blue Pine Circle in Hudson I'm here today to speak about our concerns regarding the rezoning and development on a project SE 7768 when we first bought our home 6 years ago we discovered an ecological Oasis in our backyard which abuts a Wetland Conservation Area every day we experience new Wildlife Adventures as we look into the conservation area behind our yard we see a wide variety of song birds many stopping to visit during migratory periods but some of the Main Stays are pated woodpeckers a family of barred owls and a family of barred owls although pated woodpeckers are not endangered they are not commonly seen or heard so having them present daily is a special treat barred owls however are a protected species there are several laws and regulations protecting Bard owls and their habitats especially in Southern States including Florida and since Bard owl's favorite meals are squirrels and mice that helps keep the rodent population under control we we also regularly see Florida model ducks and ducklings which are not migratory Ducks whose protection is the responsibility of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission other species that are threatened and and or of special concern that inhabit this Conservation Area year round or during migration are swallow tail kites sandill cranes little blue herens Mariah's marshen and snowy egrets when we learn that the proposed development is either on or adjacent to the conservation Wetlands that are part of the area behind our home we became quite alarmed when we bought our property we were immediately informed that the conservation area behind us meant no development period when we added to our home a Pasco County official had to verify that our small project would not encroach upon the wetlands behind our yard we are determined to respect and protect our our wetlands and our Wildlife Pasco County touts the phrase open spaces and vibrant places we trust that the county really means what it says and then it's not just meaningless rhetoric if this project goes forward we will be watching to see if the county stands behind the protections of our threatened Wildlife I guarantee I'll take it personally if the woodpeckers owls deer egrets great blue herand and other species disappear simply to line the pockets of another developer the conservation area is there for a reason I'm asking you to not betray our trust in you yes I am concerned about bird beaks and duck bills I suspect however the developer is only concerned about dollar bills and finally our area is zoned for single family residences and includes considerable Green Space surrounding the homes granting this zoning variance violates the intent of the original zoning and defers only to the desires of a developer to maximize the return on his investment at the expense of the entire neighborhood thank you all right thank you excuse me do we have any questions it's uh it's customary that we don't clap or yell or anything like that so you know I appreciate your enthusiasm but try to hold it down is any questions for the person that just spoke all right next who would like to be next again your name and address please Vince kefir 12505 Smoky Drive um I'm not I'm right off I'm in a cultis and I did what he says exactly the only thing that I have really concerned about is traffic among everything else um moved here for the same reasons we were kind of like told that there was just going to be single family homes here um my only other concern is like I said traffic uh it's already atrocious as it is being with an HOA uh as of Monday I resigned one of the other issues that we've had in that in that same area on that road is that the other end was another person that you guys okayed uh that the county okayed to build on there was which is church SL daycare um to this to this day that was five years ago it's an atrocious I've I've we as a board we tried to sit there and talk to this gentleman about getting it taken care of you guys signed or somebody signed out from the county I don't know if it was and his friends with somebody from the county he's had issues big time I just don't want any more garbage on on our streets or in our neighborhood like that that's my that's my main concern and I'm sure 100% of everybody would back me up on this we don't need this here thank you okay thank you next hello everyone my name is William Nixon and I live on 12524 Smoky drive me and my wife we've been there probably about 12 years um you know what this gentleman said the wildlife it's 100% accurate what he's talking about same thing with Vince one of our main concerns we live on Smoky drive that street it's just a small two lane Street it's a neighborhood street shadow Lakes is a deep restricting community and it goes into Shadow Ridge whatever that goes where they want to build it most of the people that live in that area they don't go out of their main thing the reason why there's dips in the road there's stop sign they turn out of there they hit our street to go to work wherever they're going it's a straight shot and the traffic is already it's bad it's increased tremendously over the years and we have a lot of kids here a lot of Wildlife they speed up down the road and all that so that's one of our main concerns and it just if you could just actually see it and be there I'm it just does not belong there okay and we have a really good Community everybody's great and we're just trying to keep it that way as far as U it's balanced there's just no room for that it's just not meant to be there's other places all over Florida like that would be better fit that's about it really okay well thank you for coming thank you appreciate it is there anyone else that didn't raise their hand okay all right so when we get back together on the 20th anybody who didn't speak today will have an opportunity to speak then and uh raise your concerns the meeting will be in this room on the 20th so we right right back here hopefully by that time um Mr will he will have had an opportunity to arrange a neighborhood meeting where you can all uh get face to face with the people that are involved on both sides and see if it can anything can be worked out if not we're going to make the ultimate decision uh on the 20th so uh we appreciate your participation and we appre appreciate you coming today and being here and uh I'm sure that uh we'll work out some amicable solution so um anything further from the county Denise no Mr chair thank you if not do I hear a motion to continue so moved second there a motion and second to continue any further discussion on the motion if not all in favor signify by saying I I I oos like sign motion carry okay June 20th June 20th yeah think correct June 20th 130 p.m. um the same room Square all right well thank you very much appreciate you coming so Mr chair before you adjourn Denise were you going to cover the fact that we have a new Planning Commission I was going to but do you want to kind of tag team on it we can go ahead go ahead you you start okay all right so um why we wait just a minute until sure of course thank you can we uh can we uh ask you all to go talk out in the other room so we can he we're now going to talk about other business not related to this item sure going to get together us and we're going to talk about it to come back to you guys right and you're going to decide right you got it perfect perfect perfect summary all right thank you appreciate you coming Troublemaker I my best somebody's got to do it all right great so I just wanted to uh let the Planning Commission members know that at the last board meeting at the last board count County Commissioner's meeting commissioner waitman appointed uh Matthew muns uh to serve on the Planning Commission uh for H for for h the his appointment to the Planning Commission that that his appointment will begin on May 2nd uh 2024 which is the next Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in Dade City um some many of you may know who Matthew Ms or Matt muns is uh but basically he is he's an engineer so now we'll have another engineer on the Planning Commission boy too many Engineers um he uh I'm feeling really lonely I better bring three Chomps um he actually served on the planning board for the city of Dade City um and I believe he may be resigning that that seat and um he's a a PE and currently works for a company called Kennedy jenss and he has a uh he has more than 10 years I think at this point probably 13 years or so of experience uh with uh Florida base utilities and if that if the name muns is is sounds familiar um I had the uh uh the privilege of working with his father Bill muns who was the chief assistant County Administrator in the 90s and the 2000s and probably even in the very late 80s as well so um so we'll uh we'll get to meet and uh Matt Matt muns on May 2nd David anything no You' handled perfectly the only other thing I want to say is that um this Smallwood this is her basically her last day that she's going to be joining us why did you not tell us that we would have like done a celebration here have a CH we have some CH we got our choice green or red red on too she's accepted a position with the state attorney's office so unless you all get into troubl congrat you probably won't see her again so stay out of trouble so you don't we'll miss you and I don't want to see you again we don't see you again we scared her off from land use so maybe one day she'd rather deal with criminals than you all I can understand that we're harder to deal [Laughter] with so we wish her well in our new Endeavors yes good luck congrats all right all right so I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor I I okay we're out here not [Music] [Music] waterways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollutants directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy environment for fish water foul and other Aquatic animals storm drains are meant for clean rainwater most other discharges are illegal if you suspect an illicit discharge please contact CCO County Department of Public Works at 727 834 3611 hey Tampa Bay let's come together to conserve water when it rains or rain is in the forecast skip a week of watering and save up to 2500 gallons of water once a week watering restrictions are in effect know your day Tampa Bay go to mywater day.org [Music] are you one of the nearly 50,000 veterans who live work and play in Pasco County our team at Pasco County Veterans Services is here to help you and your family making sure you receive the benefits you deserve from filing compensation and pension claims to crises and Aid and assistance we're here to serve you so all of the veteran service officers here in Pasco County are retired from the military we all come from different backgrounds different branches of the military but we all bring forth the experience and our expertise just through things that we have gained from our own personal military services you should come in and talk to a veteran service officer if you're trying to put together um any type of claim that involves the VA I just think the team is great here very uh caring that's for sure and um they put there all to help you you get total attention from them when you do come in which is awesome we can help provide you with the guidance we can help you put together the paperwork and we can also give you a status and update on your claim after it's been submitted so I have had veterans that that came in with $5 in their bank account and once their claims get approved now they're getting a monthly taxfree benefit of over $3,000 a month that's huge sometimes we can do it over the phone we can do it over a video but it's it feels more personable when you're sitting there across from some someone who probably lived the same life you lived and they is more it's more understanding to your needs and your wants give them a call find out uh if you can come in have your documents with you ready to go and they'll they'll help you [Music] [Music] so I'm hanging out in our Medical Department today and we are actually preparing to do some routine surgeries both for our kittens that are actually moving on to their forever homes but another thing that we also do while we're here in our Medical Department is we do also work with several injured pets as well we have one kitty that's here right now she actually came in with a partially fractured jaw and she's actually very very happy and very sweet um but while she's with us we'll make sure she gets some really good pain medication and getting taken care of and then when when she's ready and feeling good we'll make sure she finds her forever home we also have several kitties that are under medical Foster right now we are actually watching from day to day she has a little bit of a eye thing going on here but we're watching her she's in medical Foster right now and as we go from day to day medical will decide if she does need to have her eye either removed or if there is more medical treatment that can be offered for [Music] her so we're hanging out in our treatment area and this is where our animals are anesthesized and then go ahead and prep for their surgeries so like somebody like this little sweetheart we would go ahead and they' be working with our medical team and working with them and be having their exams done while we're here so not only are we doing surgeries on our kittens today but we have several dogs that are also going under for surgery as well one of our pups here she had pups of her own just a few weeks ago all of those puppies have now been adopted she's now undergoing her surgery so that she is spayed we don't have any more babies being born she was a very young Mama to start but now she can worry about just finding her next home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] microchipping you've probably heard the term but you might not know what it is or why it's so important the chip has the same information as the tag on your pet's collar but it's easily injected just Under the Skin So a quick scan of the Chip And we know who they belong to when a lost dog arrives at the shelter a microchip implant can triple its odds of being reunited with its owner we know how important getting lost dogs back to their owners is for our community and we're here to help you can schedule an appointment to visit our lowcost microchip Clinic and in just about 10 minutes get that microchip implanted and you're good to go once your pet is microchipped or if they already are make sure to keep all of your contact information updated like your phone number your address and your email address and make sure it's updated with your veterinarian as well remember one simple microchip can get your Lost Pet back to your home and make sure it's safe with you and your family for more information on microchipping or microchip appointments visit my paso. pasas [Music] wondering why planning is so important to the health and prosperity of Pasco County some of these pictures represent historical sites that have been preserved some represent New Growth that is changing our County from the present and into the future and some represent the reality that Pasco is a diverse and cultural County significant to our state and our citizens what are the possibilities for Pasco County only you along with our planning and development team and elected officials can decide the outcome of Pasco for years to come follow us on social media for ideas on how you can participate in making Pasco the perfect place to live work and play when I spoke to the officials here they were on scene before I had arrived they indicated that at least the winds were clocked at 60 M hour that that came through some of the damage that had occurred it ripped the roof right off the entire facility screws and all just ripped it out destroyed the carports any attachments sheds snap trees so there was substantial damage for 60 mph wind so this one here was rather close as you could see it removed it it removed the entire roofing system but left the insulation and that's what SA saved his structure actually from getting substantial damage they have it tarp now to secure it the insulation as I indicated stayed intact but the remainder of the roof and carboard has been placed in the [Music] backyard and I walked out tried to open the sunro door and the rain was going this way so I shut the uh sunro door step back a few feet feet and it went pop one big boom that was it we realize that the winds may pick up tomorrow so we'll be back out here again checking the structures again to make sure everybody's safe but this one here we'll keep an eye on just to make sure it's uh it's safe for the occupants to be inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] they serve as I did to fight for our freedoms we here at go Pasco want to return the favor by serving you go Pasco offers all active duty military and Veterans unlimited free rides on our fixed route buses when you step on the bus just show the driver one of these forms military ID Card DD Form 2 valid VA card V on your driver's license or go Pasco veteran ID go Pasco where veterans ride free [Music] [Music] finding Rover is an application that is used both on website and smartphones and you can download the app or use the website to upload photos of your own pet to help find them if they've become lost and the way it works best with us is that when those animals are being found as Strays by our anim Control Officers or being brought in by another member of the community their information is automatically being uploaded to finding Rover system their pictures are automatically being uploaded and if they see their pet they already know where they can go and find it I think one of the interesting things about our organization is our ability to help the public we have so many different ways that we can do that one of the most special ways we do that is being able to reunite pets with their owners and anytime we can get some technology a form of technology to help us do that is incredible and with the finding Rover app we personally at Pasco County Animal Services have been able to reunite pets with their owners based on facial recognition technology which that's some space stuff right there but we make it work and we get animals back into their homes and it's absolutely incredible not only for the animals but for those people as well the application for finding Rover is a free application for smartphones you can use any picture that you find on your Facebook pages on your private pictures anywhere that you have them if you're using your phone it'll open up your camera roll and you can choose the photo that you'd like to use here in Florida we're no stranger to rain and Pasco County Public Works wants to show you how we're working to improve drainage along your roads our crews work hard to keep your roads in great shape and you'll notice after a heavy rain we often see ponding or standing water on the road that doesn't easily drain away ponding can be a problem for a couple reasons most importantly it can be a safety issue because when you drive through standing water you can start to hydroplane and lose control so why does ponding happen in most cases it's because the shoulder doesn't slope away from the road so the water doesn't have anywhere else to go Pasco crews are always on the lookout for these problem areas and have a relatively easy way to fix them most Pascal roads that have water ponding problems have a sod curb where the Grass Grows Right up next to the road our crews use this machine called a grater to shave off about 3 ft of sod running along the road this creates a slope allowing water to run away from the road our crews also use a loader to scoop debris and a sweeper to clean the work site then finishing touches are added like new sod or stone to prevent the fresh soil from washing away and just like that ponding is gone and your roads are protected this easy cost-effective fix doesn't alter the rights of way or affect your property in any way thanks for watching and please visit my paso. to learn more about how Pasco is working for you hello I'm Josh Taylor from Pasco County fire rescue thank you for joining us when medical emergencies strike First Responders will always do what it takes to access the home and reach the patient sometimes that means that we have to break a window or force a door as a last resort we want to make sure that all of our options are explored before doing any damage to your home but if forcing entry is our only option we may have to do some damage this video is intended to show you and your family options for allowing firefighters access to your home in times of an emergency while this list isn't all-inclusive it's intended to show you the most common options for emergency