##VIDEO ID:w02Gt8yMm1Y## now I'd like to call to order the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners 10:00 a.m. meeting of September 3rd 2024 at this time please silence all electronic devices and please uh rise to for the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen to United States of America to the stands na God indivisible andice for all Madam clerk would you please call the road District Two commissioner waitman pres District three commissioner starky here District Four commissioner joer here District 5 commissioner Mariano here district one chairman Oakley here that' be known that uh we have a quum all members are present um see uh now is time for public comment citizens are given an opportunity to comment on current and future agenda items coming before the board uh and on other business under the board's perview today's public comment will be handled as follows first we will take public comment from those persons present here here in at the days um then we will take comment from those that are pre-registered for WebEx and or currently on Q we request when you we request when you address the board board comments are not directed personally against a commissioner or a team member but rather directed at the issues this provides Mutual support respect between the board members and the public first um after stating after you're stating your name and address for the clerk a three minute timer will be activated after 2 minutes you'll hear a single beam and we'll indicate you have one minute left when your time is up two beaks will sound and you at that time you should close your comments those members come uh speaking on WebEx when their time is up will be automatically shut down uh Madam Clark do we have people pre-registered or registered here at public comment yes um I do have a few signed up we'll start with Costas kakis and the next person signed up didn't put their name but it's for the Fox Ridge followed by Nancy Hazelwood followed by Christina Fitzpatrick thank you good morning my name is kakis I came here to speak to you about the light on Ross Lane and little road and thanks to Mr um Oley commissioner Oley I spoke with the right you know person I got an update but please keep it in in your minds that it was voted a couple years ago and we need it there it's a safety issue as soon as possible also I need to speak to you in regards to the to the assessment on the paving uh we were told in a couple meetings that the the uh the assessment was going to be only for people who don't live in gated communities and they don't already pay uh you know uh payin or butle assessment in those communities I received my uh taxt assessment for this year and I see it um it needs to be you know uh discuss because we don't want to be paying double taxes on something should you know we should be paying only one and please keep it keep it your mind I you I've known you know most of you for a long time we have a lot a lot of retirees in this community we can't keep on going up every year on taxes again and again we have plenty of growth and the impact fees will be paid by the people coming in thank you all right thank you for your comments um I just have the name is um written down was public comic uh comment and foxbridge mstu I don't know who signed up if you could state your name and address for the record and then begin good morning my name is Kevin Wright my address is 3715 Tac Drive 33543 and uh I'm here to express uh gratitude on the part of my community for selecting me as part of the oversight for for our uh MTSU uh we're very concerned about the drainage issues in our community and uh I want to uh Express gratitude for the uh board continuing to have a relationship with our MTSU and our oversite committee so that we can work out the problems going forward uh the basic problem is this new river goes right through our community we're a legacy subdivision that's been there for many years uh as we have new subdivisions that are built up around us of course this is going to put additional pressure on the New River drainage area and we want to make sure that those things are maintained properly over the years and perhaps improveed so that any additional drainage problems that crop up can be handled with the funds that are allocated appropriately the basic issue in our race was if you want to call it that was is that some of the folks who were running for the uh MTSU believe that our MTSU should be dissolved and the money returned to the taxpayers and normally I would be in favor of that except that just didn't handle our issues so I'm looking forward to working with all of you going forward and making sure that uh uh the new development uh are um good neighbors and we're good neighbors as well if you have any questions of me right now no we can't it's public comment no but the gentleman who would talk to you is outside talk to someone else I going to direct him I'm going to direct him Branford is outside that door talking to another gentleman and he can listen your issues there for your neighbor okay all right thanks again for opportunity to make public comment and uh all right uh as far as the last issue on the the roads I want to Second what the last gentleman said uh Pasco County has a lot of retirees my wife is retired and disabled and uh tax increases are a real problem for us try to keep tax as low as we realize that yes sir he's right outside the door all right we have Nancy Hazelwood followed by Christina Fitzpatrick Nancy Hazelwood 34110 a nice place couple of weeks ago some people in Northeast area got a new from Tampa Bay water that they were going to do testing if well field could be put in the north eal protected area plan they sent out a survey with the nurs asking what the resident concern with the project would be such as economic and environment or similar concerns not asking whether we wanted it there or not uh the survey was also online for 2 weeks on further investigation I found the plan had been in the works for over a year and they were going to determine where in the Northeast R area it would be before the end of this year the wellfield is supposed to take fresh water from the aquafer and mix it with brackish water and possibly in in inject what's left over from the brackish water which is salt back into a very deep level of the aquifer Tampa Bay says the objective is to supply water for the growth coming to the east side of the area we hope they are talking about Dade City in zepher Hills I and my neighbors have a couple of objections to this why were we not informed of this in a timely manner some of us asked for a community meeting from Tampa Bay water and heard nothing back everyone in the rural area is on well and septic it is part of what helps us stay rural of course we are concerned with large amount of water that could be pulled out we have already watched ponds and lakes dry out in other parts of the County Tampa Bay water is estimating 9 million gallons a day from the Northeast Royal protected area Northeast rural area is in the Brooksville Ridge High recharge area and the green swamp that supplies water for three counties with already a lot of dependence for water in Northeast rural this makes it a strange place to pit to withdraw more water Northeast R suppos to stay rural the community wonders if this wellfield is a way to attract high density development into Northeast rur we could be assured this is not the case if you add something to the Northeast rural area plan that says it will not be used for running water in any development in the rural area Tampa Bay water is two board members sitting on Tampa Bay water is two of you all sitting on their board we'd like to know why that project wasn't brought back to us in a timely manner so I would like more information coming from this board especially when it involves Northeast Ro and I don't see I am hoping that yall please do something to protect us out there instead of letting intrusion come about without a say so from your public thank y'all I appreciate your attention is David Allen here on account call okay uh if you would I think branford's still outside there go out and speak to Branford he he should know something about that okay I want to hear the or Nick do you work on some of that Nick's in engineering but he can he can get your questions but to be real short it's future use nothing nothing anything current okay all right Christina Fitzpatrick name and address for the record Christina Fitzpatrick pursu to Florida statute um I'll keep it sealed thank you and if you can put the full code ordinance up there please today I'm here to discuss the sign ordinance 40616 this this sign ordinance was updated in January 2024 and is objective to any new candidates due to the changes of Code Enforcement due to all these changes code enforcement was unaware of which parts of the signed ordinance needed to be implemented I have been to code multiple times during this past election season and code did not know which ordinances to follow and not enforce if it also stated up as you can see on number six temporary sign shall not be double faed three number one temporary sign of any type or Banner not prohibited by this code on each residential lot non-residential establishment having a CO or a vacant lot and then the second one they should have a setback of 5T from the right away this also okay so it states one sign per location or business this States we're also only allowed to direct one sign therefore the ordinance is violating our first amendment rights in Pasco County if citizens were able to were to abide by this ordinance that means Pasco County residents would be unable to support any local candidate and the presidential candidate due to be limiting due to being limited to one sign and again single-sided this ordinance also takes away the citizen abilities to place our presidential campaign signs on our front yards due to the fact every side is double state is double-sided as Pasco County Citizens in Pasco County the sign ordinance needs to be updated sooner than later and prior to our next election in November it needs to be consistent and fair across the board for all candidates in addition and previous elections we obtained lists of where we were allowed signs to be located this season we did not receive a list but continued to use the same locations in the past as long as the signs were behind the power lines we were safe to go now I did put signs out which were behind the power lines and they were removed I spoke with court enforcement now they're being told they have to be 5 ft behind the rideway and in on private property and behind their fence but one must take out the Property Appraiser's map or the Pasco mapper Map Measure online the distance from where the right away is and back as code enforcement was taking out tape measures to measure all of this after discussion with code enforcement officer I personally pulled up pulled up the Property Appraiser's website and made sure my signs were 5 ft behind the RightWay now my signs were removed a second time on Moon Lake Road code enforcement a week later was then told to stand down as more people and other candidates obtain their signs a week later and as of now those signs are all up and down Moon Lake Road but for one candidate they are to follow one rule and one ordinance and for others they are not with all this being said it violates Pasco County's First Amendment right and okay to finish up time's up and lastly what I would like to say is if we have code enforcement going out and pulling on people's personal property and pulling signs down and destructing and defacing per people's personal property that is a huge concern code enforcement should not have the right to destroy anybody's priv finish your comments your time's up thank you thank you next Mr chair I don't have anyone else signed up is it anyone in the audience wish to speak that has not spoken here today on any issue public comment okay WebEx so one person previously had registered but they're not signed in okay so we have no one on WebEx so nobody on WebEx all right so this time we'll close public comment and we'll move on to the consent agenda and on the I've got a pool sheet uh c17 is pull and discuss c28 pull and discuss c39 pull and discuss c42 pull c43 pull c46 pull C starting over I guess C5 uh pull and revise C8 pull and revise C20 withdraw c38 withdrawn c41 withdrawn uh c44 withdrawn are there any other items that the board wishes to pull at this time from the consent if not I'll entertain a motion to consent agenda okay I got a motion second and a second all those in favor say I I okay we'll start with U c17 Pull and discuss thank you Mr chairman when going over this item with the County Administrator was brought up to is this a mandatory fee do we get to look at what we're getting for coverage um and I didn't have the details but maybe we got some more details today hi Amy Ferell budget director with the office of management and budget here in Pasco County um so to answer your first question yes this is an unfunded State mandate uh Florida statute 40 6.08 is where um local governments are instructed to fund the medical examiner so we could one option we would have would be to have a medical examiner dedicated to Pasco County but we contract with the one in pandelis and that we have found that's actually saved us some money over time and commissioner wa you had pulled the two so I did sty says this is this is the first time a double pull yeah okay right out of the gate what your question I just when I saw it I just I guess similar to commissioner Mariana I mean do we have $2 million worth of deceased folks that we are responsible for in Pasco County or are we offsetting some of pinel's cost that's just that's just a lot of money and that's a lot of folks and I don't think I I hope we don't have that many folks dying on so it is just our deceased um and then so it's those who pass in Pasco County if they pass somewhere else uh it's that local jurisdiction's responsibility um if they pass in a jail let's say that's not owned by the county but run by I don't know zepher Hills Zep Hills pays that fee so it's just County people passing in CCO County and depending on what jail it might be our cost it might not be our cost and they could live they could live someone else but if they pass this counter that money is for that right and so to give you some from a work quantity standpoint so I pulled the July invoice there were 43 autopsies 78 cases 424 cremation approvals 44 scene responses 62 transports 28 body pouches please don't ask me what that is I'll I can do some research but I don't know off the top of my head uh 261 lab exams and 42 x-rays that the medical examiner performed for Pasco County do we have a breakdown if these are visitors residents inmates I just $2 million is a lot and that's a lot of folks I mean the statistics you just read obviously are what they are I just bit perplexed by by the number and how to how to budget for that um I mean I don't like this rule anyway with you know someone's in Hillsboro and they're up here visiting and something happens to them our taxpayer has to foot the bill um I don't know how we maybe the same happens if one of our right or wherever I just think it's a I just think it's a silly rule some some areas have more visitors than others right so I could just see you know more people more issues more more chances of issues so okay Mr chairman I'm part of the heartburn you you and you've all heard me say you we talking about how dangerous US 19 is pedestrian Crossings or people getting killed and I've asked you know do we do op Toops find out people on drugs or whatever the case may be we can never get that information but I still got to pay a $2 million bill so I would mind continue this and do more inform get more information on it um it is a very high number it's grown up steadily but if there's a way to we can find a way to cut back to what's going on with it um I'd rather take take a look unless we're Bound by time we have to do this today can that be done so what's before you today is an amendment to the fee schedule so the contract would still be in place if we didn't approve it it would be with the current fee schedule and I can reach back out to the medical examiner and get some more information for you all move to continue two weeks second got a motion second uh all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 thank you Amy next is c28 pull and discuss thank you Mr chairman reason I pulled this item is I heard about this project coming up through the estro was going to be great for us um when I look at the numbers it's a lot higher expense than I thought we were going to have to pay um even the total bill is higher than I thought um you know the grant funding from one part of it's 170 the next part's 150 and then we've got to put in 179 on top of that uh and 71 for design and permitting we got a grant from the pot two money the BP restore act money for $8.5 million the first set of funding in that they started out with the uh in Tampa at the bay itself with some baffle boxes um I just talked to Maya from the Estuary as I saw this item um this morning and I don't think it's a hurt to delay this a little bit maybe we can talk about a little bit more but if I can avoid spending $250,000 of Pasco County money and if the Project's gets delayed a year or two I'm okay with that it might even save the Ester some money for other things they can do with the money uh there is a time constraint on these two grants that they have but again if it's an allocation from the Consortium where they can get the whole thing and paid for you might be able to save 250 grand for our taxpayers and if you could talk more to it then um hi everyone I'm Jonah makech environmental manager for uh the environmental division of Public Works here in Pasco County um there would be no significant issues on our end to delay for a couple of weeks um you know obviously we uh you know in order to stay on schedule we wouldn't be able to delay too long um but it's terms of the Grant I don't think that would be an issue um we will have to have some discussions with the Yer program about uh what other funding sources may be available um I think the uh restore money that you're referencing would be under their purview to distribute so so we'll have to see kind of how that works out with uh with with their their timelines and their plan well I'm comfortable with the purview of their they're taking a look at it because frankly it was my idea pushing this thing forward it's something where the estuaries have joined together uh is with a coastal component now so I am not worried about getting the money from that part um like I said there would be a little delay to it but I think it it's worth taking a look at so I'll move to continue two weeks uh on the item okay I got a motion um under discussion commer Mariano I did go to the event where we had the box that that was it right and the amount of junk that was one side of the water to the other was amazing so I hope I do think it's a worthwhile project so I hope we find a way to continue yeah so if I could on that one there was a tibidy barrier uh that was a different type of Grant oh yeah the baffle box this this this baffle box got three different containers to it that take the sediments but then inside has got a container just like the other one where it takes all the trash ahead of time to yeah and I've seen you know living on the water I see the effects of not catching all that stuff I hate the Delan but I want to I want to make sure we explore this quickly if we can save the money then I want to save the money okay okay I have a motion in a second all those in favor no oh you did I thought I okay we got two seconds but uh M jger second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 Z move on to u c39 to pull and discuss Mr chair I just want to say this is a program a long long time coming great to see it that it's going to help for senior housing uh so it's going to be a great addition I'm move approval second all right got a motion and second on c39 all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z move on to uh C4 42 for pull Nikki Mr chair um this is uh not to it's really just pull to discuss my office received the original document this morning not enough time to review it just ask that um when you do approve it just approve it subject to clerk review okay so I need a motion move uh c42 subject to uh cler's review second and I got a motion on second all those in favor say I I I I motion pass move on to c43 P Nikki thank you Mr chair the same uh similar situation just received the originals today just need time to review it so please um approve subject to clerk review move uh c43 subject to cler's review second got a motion second all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 move on to C 46 all right that similar situation received the originals this morning just need time to review if you could please approve subject to clerk review move uh c46 subject to clerk review second got a motion second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z thank you move on to uh C5 call and revise morning Mr chairman nario pitos Planning Development economic growth uh item C5 is task order for the Villages of Pasadena Hills p credit registry and we are requesting to revise the scope of services currently on the agenda to accommodate updated it technical requirements the updated technical re U requirements are dated September 2nd 2024 and add an additional 12% increase to the overall cost so the uh 5-year cost of the item item goes from 76810 to $791,000 um there is funding within the vop development administration review liabilities account to cover the increase in cost uh and I have the updated ITP requirements to submit for the record move to receiveing F second okay all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 Z okay chair got a motion go ahead just speak this time C5 you know Terry and uh Mike I'm very glad to see this with as vop comes online that we make sure everybody who's making significant investment into the project that folks are protected and can make the best financial decision for them as possible so I'm I'm I'm glad to see that we're making sure that um you know these credits are managed appropriately so with that I'll move approval of C5 second okay a motion in second for approval all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 uh move to C8 pull and revise Mr baxer good morning board Andrew Baxter Facilities Management director yes there is a table on page two of the uh memo and it lists the construction at $6 million the all-in total should actually equal $12 million for this entire project right now we're just asking for the approval of the design which is what this memo States but that table is incorrect and needs to be adjusted little questions Mr chair well what was the motion so what was the motion so all in the total is $12 million on the table the whole project to build the library M current say .5 Mr Mar so I talked with the County Administrator I was looking pulling this item myself um for a different reason just to discuss it when I saw the $6 million and had staff aware of it that's why they pulled it for that reason but uh you know coming up and we're going to look at the budget we it's in our budget items that are coming up for $12 million right um at this point with all the things that are going on as far as the the the hurt people feeling if we delay this project a year or two might not be a bad thing to get through um some tough times that people are feeling so we're going to be talking about it later on today so I was going to pull it just for that discussion so I don't mind if we continue this for a couple of weeks uh go to me after the meeting but I think it opens up for the discussion point I was going to try to bring out anyway so Harvard Jolly maybe we could look at doing some phasing of the projects um I don't know but anyway I'm I'm continue waiting on this one I think is it urgent to do this today but I think if we have a budget discussion we have time I want to pull pull the trigger on this right away Mr back we have time to do this um so this is the agreement for the design we could certainly if the concern is really about the cost of the construction um we could certainly have that discussion with the design firm to see about how we could phase that over time um but we we would like to move forward with the design at this time which and the only issue I see that you when you when you wait and and times are but people are looking for that Library your citizens in your District are very much wanting that the more longer you wait the more that possibly could cost you MH so you actually save a certain amount of money by trying to push forward rather than trying to hold up so I also think you know you get if you have design work done and complete it enhances your ability to have shovel ready projects so if additional funding sources were to become available you've got a project so in other words spending the the small amount of design again to Andrew's Point um if the board does have budget concerns they can address them as as we go um as well as having a potentially shovel ready project should grants or other things be available too in the future it's good to have the design work done is my point okay all right I'm going to move approval but I do we do have this I would like to have a discussion with them right at the start 10 yeah so I got a motion commissioner starky seconded oh starky seconded thank you uh I got a motion to Second all those in favor say I I I motion pass 5 move on to C20 uh withdraw c38 withdraw c41 withdraw what this is the easy part c44 withdraw okay so that takes share of the consent agenda I got to get my vote in the right place there are no resolutions today okay all right we go to the regular G agenda and start with item R 47 presentation only oh there's my Budd Ralph welcome thank you good morning Ralph Lair intergovermental Affairs officer uh this morning uh at the day as I have placed uh the material I'm speaking about at your uh uh seat so this is just kind of a uh an update where are we with the 2025 legislative agenda uh August 20 I mean August 1st uh in preparation for the 2025 legislative session which begins March 4th 2025 I ask the organization to provide me with any funding initiatives or policy proposals they would like for the board to consider for the legislative agenda for 2025 today September 3rd we're having a legislative discussion with you all discuss a timeline those policies and uh proposals that I've received to date and any funding initiatives I have received to date the plan is then on October 15th we will have a board workshop and this will be the opportunity for all those items that have come um before us uh we'll have staff uh within the organization come and talk to you about those so you can take those into consideration um to see if this is what you want to include on the 2025 agenda so we'll have policy proposals funding initiatives and then you'll decide on those initiatives to include on the 2025 agenda Mr chair I have not sent my list in yet and and I know that none of you this just a start this is just a start District 3 didn't get anything last didn't get to ask for anything last year so I was going to get there I it's going to get there this is a year to ask this is year we can probably say we won't have any uh um caps on the number that we submit if we're going to ask we're going to ask these next few years um because we're in the um posture with the Senate um our on Senator Hooper is going to be the appropriation chair and he said the same thing if we're going to ask might as well ask him the next few years of course he can't be the one to do the asking so let me uh let me tell you what I've I've been working on so it is on my list one it it is my list if you let me get to that oh well when you get to it I'll get to you I I'll I'll put you up so so that'll happen on October 15th uh the next thing and this is new this year uh for November 13th or 15th landing on a day um so we can find a location we will then um meet with our legislative delegation and have a workshop there that way we can interact kind of discuss with them what's the date we're looking at November 13th or 15th uh to do that and then the location to be determined so uh this will be the opportunity where we sit down over legislative delegation and go over those I know they have some issues that uh they have on their plate so again we haven't we haven't gone to print yet uh this this will be the uh last bite of the Apple to have that discussion of what you all would like to see on the agenda uh and and uh get their input uh at that meeting my plan is then by uh we receive all that information we'll have review we'll do cleanup and then uh by the beginning of December I put December 2nd just as a date to have on there I will then go to print uh committee weeks start in January through February uh and then like I said session starts March 4th and ends May second so to date the next sheet that we're going to talk about are the funding ini isses which includes the issue um chairman that you've included on there um and and want to discuss and our policy proposals if you want any information my plan will be and after I've received all the information the proposals and the initiatives we'll review them uh uh Mr carala and uh senior staff and I will review and then I will send those out so you'll have those in advance before uh the workshop um so you can uh then go through those but again I'll just go through these briefly if there's one you want to discuss uh thorough uh Mr chair or any of the other Commissioners I'm happy to do that so uh from fire rescue we received a funding Initiative for a new Decon truck a new air vent truck uh a heavy rescue truck uh they've asked for uh starting to build for fire station number five uh a new shelter expansion for our Veterinary Clinic with uh animal services uh a a new uh water uh or Wastewater Treatment Facility in the Luchi area uh an East Pasco emergency shelter Recreation Complex and community center this is the one if you'd like to go ahead and discuss now we can do that I'll go ahead and discuss so I know you have all probably heard back that city was a little disappointed in Pasco County cuz we didn't pay for pay a big part of uh Center across the tracks over here at Irving James Irving uh Rec Center over there the problem was is we felt like we couldn't get enough children to go across a new four-lane highway and a railroad track to get to use that Park so with uh commissioner Woodard from from Dade City and and and Keith Keith Wy with Recreation we met in my office and we decided we would work together with the city to build a new center and it first came up about using Watson Park and and in the process that was that was Olympic swimming pool is going to be uh basketball courts and some other items for recreation for for in dat City us share with a city and they had funds to be able to put put part of the money in then it came up with uh Andrew Baxter came in our meeting uh later meeting uh Miss Woodard was not there at the time but suggested that maybe we put this uh this recreation center and shelter at Fort King and Florida Avenue where the VA is right now where the VA offices and let the VA be a part of being in that building all the time and fix it where there no sound from the recreation part that would affect any VA coming in we don't want that to happen so we would make sure that happened but it' also be a shelter for the East Side very similar size and all as as a Fano Center on the west side as I know I'm not the only one that's heard them but uh Randy magard and Danny burus both been talking about we needed a shelter we needed a place for a venue for us have meetings on the east side other than this building and this fills all those bills that we're all talking about where what what is the crossroad Fort King and what Fort King is where the VA building is I know Fort King and Florida Avenue it's right and it's right next to at elementary school and the Pasco Junior High School right in that area so if we needed extra parking on that and and the county owns a land if we needed extra parking we could reach out to the schools there close by in the evening or so if we needed extra parking there and all those are good but let me ask you is that part of our Park master plan or are we jumping well it's it's part of a a plan with that and we'll get Keith come we've got a beded Parks master plan not that I don't think this is B I understand but this is part of and Keith can come speak speak for part an emergency shelter would you need and it's also an emergency Shel just like forano we've been having outcry for that for a long time and then we've always been trying to find a place that we could actually have that we could have meetings too off campus here so it's multi-purpose so we'd have that so it' be multi-purpose be a lot of recreation you'll tie into a lot of students and people here in Dade City and in Dade City I want to talk to Miss Woodard she's on board I'm sure the chief would be on board uh Chief Walters I've spoke to him of about that issue but it's you know what got me started was first they they talked like we didn't want to help them in in the city but the fact of it we got started and thinking about it it's something good for all of us well sure all the it's not just just because it's here in my district but it's for everybody on this board we get this finally done so Keith if you want to you can kind of tell some of that how we got started with the city sure so Keith Wy director parks recreation natural resources commissioner starky to answer your question yes it is included in the capital plan that was tied to the impact fee study that the board approved last year so it's not an additional project it would be we'd be moving it from the Burks Park location to be collocated to benefit you know quite honestly just more residents ultimately in the DAT City uh greater area and uh I mean commissioner Oakley I think you you described the history perfectly uh we were talking to the city of dat City about seeing if we can partner with them to assist their improvements over at the park that they um that actually they own that we manage um a lot of discussions with the community residents and um ultimately I think this is this is going to be as commissioner Oakley stated the best for everyone at the end of the day if we can get it off the ground so I hope that I um I don't think I was I was not a county commissioner when you built the Fano shelter I think it was part of the LPA or on the school board and I remember but I remember commissioner Mariano wanting that roof to to be 2 feet higher so they could play basketball and I was very unfortunate that that the County Commission did not approved to go two feet higher so that that could have been used for that so I hope in this building that we don't make that mistake if this is able to move forward that's already included yeah so so the the general concept moving forward would be that it would be uh gymnasium double gymnasium with activity rooms multifunctional uh throughout the year so that way we don't have a 40,000 foot facility sitting vacant 2 miles or a mile and a half away from another 35,000 ft facility so just again com combining all the uses and we won't we won't Andrew and I will make sure that we don't uh we don't make that mistake at least not on our watch another question kind of or thought you know we seem to get vetoed a lot and does this have a higher chance of going through if it's coming from the city of Dade City than Pesco County I don't know all right I'd look at the history Randy Randy M representative has got on his number one list Danny burgus for the Senate has it on his list Mr Hooper is aware of it and um also I've got um summer with uh Gus B racket's office and we got VA a part of it they're looking for some grants they're reaching out now to look for some grants to help in funding of this building and so all the players that need to be players you're also a part of it so did you reach out to represented steel for the house uh I did not because it's Randy May Randy ry's District ry's house in his district okay and then um and they've been talking about a shelter over here in a in a venue for us for two or three years it just so happened we were sitting around a table in my office and it came to by I said well this is a perfect place to have that venue and also have for shelter and it's high enough and basketball and have it be high enough for basketball uh has always been a part of it and how I really got started on this was the fact that Ralph came to me and he says oh um we're not going to do five projects we're going to we're going to allow y'all to have three I said well I'm going to pick a good one then I don't want to pick one one and just like picking a sidewalk when it's not approved that that bothers me this is something we can all be a part of and even if you have another project somewhere in the county and I would think we would this is a very big project that stands for all of us so so I'm going to go ahead and just correct one little thing so like we did last year we started out originally saying we're only uh going to have three projects one for the central one for the East one for the West we ended up with four because the state said we have one that we would like you to take over so we ended up with four that fourth one was one that ended up getting funded um where our other projects did not um again as I mentioned put under date city as I mentioned um at the beginning um I I I think we'll just we won't uh set a cap like that so you know one in each area or additional projects we could have multiple projects this year if we're going to as we're going to ask in these next years can they go in un under Pasco County and date City no we don't we don't here's what I will say about that project go through if it's going in here on this type of a project this is one where we can anticipate funding from local both County and city state and federal because of all the um uh activities will that will be done in that in that building and who it uh represents so it's a it's a partn USDA yeah and so again the federal uh so but but it it truly is a county we want the county to uh will own the property and own the buildings so not the city um they'll have some other ask I'm sure okay okay so I'm going to go ahead and move on uh the next one is not really a an ask that we will be seeking but we'll include it on our agenda and that's for uh the Hudson Library uh the plan is we will be um applying once it's uh out on the street for the library construction grant program uh we did have a library on last year but as you uh may remember uh the governor ended up vetoing that pot of money uh so all those people who applied and were to receive the grants uh did not get those funds so we just want to make sure that the legislature is aware that we'll have a project on there uh or maybe even two um the next one um received a request in for the expansion of Sunlake Boulevard for two uh from two lanes to four lanes this is a Metro project proposed um when we start doing these I want to see these on a map to see what we're talking about okay and then uh the next one proposed two-lane road connection with overpass bridge this is a kind of a followup Metro did they didn't get all the funding they asked for this last um session so they're going back in again um proposed overpass Bridge uh for $3 million for one bridge I'm going back to the Metro Sun Lake Boulevard ask first of all as you know and I've said it if we're going to if we're going to be asking for a project it needs to be not a developer project but a county project um but is it not more important important for us to connect Sunlake to 54 than to widen the little bit that's the bit that's there I mean what's what's a priority for us we have some contractual obligations to do widening as part of the Angeline and the de uh the connection of Sunlake 254 is in the works Nick May I agree with you it is a priority to have that grid completed good morning Commissioners Nick uren County engineer um the answer to the question do we want to widen Sunlake and do we want to connect it to 54 is yes we want both and we are simultaneously pursuing both okay we do have a contractual obligation as Mike noted to um reimburse Metro for any portions of Sunlake that are widened within the Angeline project prior to the end of 2028 after that we give them Mobility fee credits for widening if it occurs at because of their work we are also adding the U extension down to Bud Beckley Parkway into our 5-year CP which is part of your Capital Improvements um program that is scheduled for approval say I'm sorry say that again we are adding the construction of Sunlake Boulevard from the southern Angeline border yeah South all the way to Bud Beckley Parkway okay as a two-lane road as part of our Capital Improvement program program meaning we will do design in year two RightWay acquisition if necessary in year three and then construction beginning in years four and five did we move that up in our priority list at the mo is that number one on the no the uh so I'm going to be C candid with you that the interaction between the list of priority projects that the no board adopts and and the approval of a capital Improvement program that this commission adopts is complicated the the inclusion of of of a project of especially a County Road Project like Sunlake Boulevard on the list of priority projects at the N makes that project eligible for potential federal dollars and or state Grant funds that we could ask for such as a county incentive grant program or a transportation Regional incentive program Sig or trip funds that we could ask for from district 7 so it's important that we have our project the extension of Sunlake on the list of priority projects approved at the mo that but approval on the list of priority projects does not guarantee funding it makes you eligible for money but it doesn't guarantee that you are going to receive money from the state or from the federal government what we're doing with the capital Improvement program is we are allocating the dollars entrusted to Pasco County to specific projects over the next 5 years okay so we're saying we have we have Mobility fees we have gas taxes we have Tiff funding we have penny for Pasco funding available to us we think we can accomplish the project with those resources but we would gladly accept state and federal money for the extension of sun Lake Boulevard should we choose to pursue those funds we haven't yet so I'm I'm looking at our County attorney and saying we have not submitted an application for federal funding for sun Lake Boulevard because that there there are consequences to declaring that at this point in time so we are intending construct it with either County resources or state resources at this time and we're we're going to continue to advance that in our 5year CIP all right so we had in our 5year CIP the widening of Trinity Boulevard and it was taken out and no one could give me a date and I'm telling you the residents of Trinity are wondering what happened and there's a lot more traffic on that there's a lot of traffic on try Boulevard as all of yall know um and the road is actually falling apart um so I got I got a question on how we found money for Sunlake but where's Trinity and then I also have the question on rangeland which do asked us to accelerate um because it is the reliever for State Road 54 um so where are we on on rangeland then I know we're doing a route study but I haven't heard or seen anything of it in a long time we are we are in full U Speed Ahead on the route study in this case it is a a project development and environmental study being done compliant with federal regulations to allow us the opportunity should we be able to secure them to use federal funds on the rangeland boulevard project again not guaranteeing we'll get money but we are positioning ourselves to be eligible see this is part of my question to you and to Ralph about and I had lunch with Hooper about we're trying to you know I'm trying to figure out if I should be asking for range land which will relieve 20 to 30% of the traffic on 54 as you know what 54 shut down last year with the oil spill um it was a disaster since there's no other road but one road on State Road 54 if something happens and it gets blocked so um can we ask for design money and will that would that mess up the Federal Grant application um I know we tried to cut it in pieces and they said no you got to do it all as one to to apply for a Federal grant um so where are we with as far as rang link goes we are in the process of doing we're concluding the the planning study the planning project development environmental study that's going from essentially east of gun highway to use a locally known Western Terminus all the way to umex Bexley Village Boulevard yes so we're going to get across Sun Coast Parkway build a bridge over Sun Coast Parkway and get all the way to Bexley village with that project design is funded in our Capital program over the next 5 years design is funded in year two RightWay acquisition in year three and then again Construction in years four and five so we are planning to accomplish that project with again County resources now the reason we do Appropriations is because all of the predicted resources over the next five years are just that they're predicted resources so we think we will have enough to accomplish those two projects with the money that we anticipate receiving over the five-year period but if we can secure secure State funds or federal funds to reduce our costs first of all it allows us more flexibility with the actual resources that we receive so if we get less than we were predicting we can still build the project because of the federal and state dollars we secure externally second of all it allows us to do additional projects and this kind of brings back to the conversation about Trinity Boulevard where we have a lot of infrastructure to construct as we try as we're racing to keep up with growth and development in Pasco County we are constructing Transportation facilities countywide northeast southeast northwest Central all all over the place there are projects competing for dollars and so when we present to you a capital Improvement program we are doing our best based on the data we have on approved development and existing use of the roads to show you where we think those dollars should be put in the next 5 years it's a complicated process it is absolutely data driven when we present a list of projects to you we think that that is the best allocation of resources but we also acknowledge that this is a it's an interactive process and that you have your ear to the ground you know where infrastructure needs are maybe being overlooked by data and so you're hearing from constituents hey what about Trinity Boulevard and so in response to that we've done a very detailed analysis and I've got it in my inbox I'm supposed to be looking through it of the intersections along Trinity Boulevard from pelis County all the way up to 4 to determine where can we add turn lanes and or through Lanes to make that Corridor operate at its maximum efficiency we intend to do a partnership project with Public Works to say let's add capacity at the intersections and resurface the roadway to provide a a comfortable driving experience for the people on the corridor we are working on that so that's in the pipeline as well since Senator Hooper's number one project that he wants to get done is fixing the East Lake corridor um that this Trinity Boulevard seems to tie in um with that fix and maybe that's Ralph maybe what I should be looking at is so are you far enough along that that can be my legislative ask because he's I know he's got it in for pelis County for East Lake and um Tarpon Springs Boulevard you know it backs up you got it's seven lights before you can go through sure so you all haven't experienced this you don't want to experience this but if you live in Pasco and you have to go work in penel County it's a disaster it's and no one will come have dinner with Senator Hooper because it's the same thing in the reverse so he's working on a fix I think they're going to three lane or they're doing something down there and I just wondering if we shouldn't tie in we can certainly expedite the definition of a scope of work for Trinity bull so that if you wanted to consider that as part of your Appropriations request you could do so that would be I'm going to make one more comment I I have provided information to your County Administrator and hopefully we'll have opportunity to share with you the impact of asking for Appropriations on projects that we don't have that's right designed oh and so you you know just setting expectations where if we ask for an appropriation for a transportation infrastructure project that we haven't be on design on yet the process to getting that project designed and then awarded for construction is time consume that's what I was it's it's going to be a two to threee time frame whereas if we ask for Appropriations for projects that we have loaded into the pipeline and that are more much closer to shovel ready meaning design is complete or near complete and we don't have to buy property from anyone in order to go to construction we're much more we're much better positioned to consume appropriated funds in in a Construction contract in the time frame that they would be available okay so we have one that's un designed and almost ready to go which is the overp the bike pet overpass at 54 in Sun Coast can we ask for help with a portion of that and then take the money that we had in there and put it somewhere else is that a smarter idea absolutely we are we are close to um needing construction funds for the shortfall at those two overpasses at both 54 and at 52 so we have just as a reminder to the governing board to the Commissioners we we have an agreement with fdot where we have paid Upfront for the estimated cost of design and construction for pedestrian overpasses for the Sun Coast Trail as they cross State Road 54 and as they cross State Road 52 we've given them approximately $10 million for each of those two locations because that was the anticipated cost to design and construct those bridges way back when the agreement we have with fdot which I think was EX Ed in 2018 but again I'm keep in mind I'm I joined you in 2023 so some of my you know my history is not as sharp on the older stuff um it obligates us to pay the shortfall if design ends up being more or construction ends up being more than dot when they get a bid back for construction of those two Bridges can say to us here's the bid amount here's how much we have from you the difference is X and we need you to write us a check for X in a very short amount of time that's what our agreement obligates us to do right now if we were to seek an appropriation for those two and they are intended to go to construction receive bids and and be let for uh the bidding process later this year for 52 that maybe spring of at this point later I think 52 jumped ahead of 54 I think 52 is going to be in the summer of 25 and 54 is anticipated to be in the later part of 25 December of 2025 so if we are to be know notified at that time of of shortfalls and we have a legislative appropriation saying here here's $4 million or here's $6 million we could use that money to plug the shortfall and then instead of having to write that check out of our County resources we could put those County resources toward another project um the last thing I'm sorry um but the last thing I needed to know about was the sidewalk that was asked about last year and I Ralph I could not tell from what you sent me what the heck is going on because um my ask last year that didn't make it into our County but um project list was the sidewalk from um I think Trinity Boulevard up to Mitchell Mitchell High School and Mitchell Middle or Seven Springs middle I don't understand because when I look I I see a sidewalk so um but there's a there's a mess going on there now that they changed the times and our office is getting a lot of emails about traffic backing up um on Little Road for a long ways and um and that so Ralph what was the project last year with Nick after this and then we'll we'll we'll discuss that project one that I received it she this area okay and provide an item and the parents are saying there's no Safe Way for those kids to go because there's no crossing guards and so and maybe it's just as simple as getting them some crossing guards and they'll feel comfortable using what's there I don't know but I need to get with you guys cuz literally we got maybe 50 emails on it we'll get okay Mr chairman yes uh I think it' be a good idea and I've talked with Meg Harding from the school board about this is let's get together with the school board uh maybe a district by district and kind of find out what are their priorities as well and let's go find a work together with them this year in Tallahasse he going to try to get these sidewalk projects done that need to get done yeah and I and I am concerned that they're not building the sidewalks they're supposed to build they all over all over they don't have the sidewalks in front of their property and they're supposed to build their sidewalks so I mean we're supposed to connect to them so I think with all of us together I mean for example Shady Hills we had a senior project coming in Del Web we had to make from their property all the way up to the schools there's still a gap going to the north because there's nothing for Development coming in but I think like I said all these things sitting down together and going as united front to say we need this stuff done might help us get Capital money we otherwise wouldn't wouldn't touch and but go ahead no I was going to say commissioner there is a working group that is established where we we do work on that and we we do chip away the school board's priorities um but more is always better I think a little bit little bit robust especially if we line with our own U Schoolboard member districts to kind of out maybe each pick two or three that are the most important to us to to go forward to to that point there's a list which is what we've been advocating on on um Parkway it just happened to be the the the most dangerous school where the Pine View Middle I mention there were two phases second phase was vetoed um and then I think the number three on the list was in commissioner star District so I I'm going to support sidewalks every year until I'm no longer a commissioner and just chip away at the school boards list from 1 to 25 and wherever it falls in the in whoever's District well however but that that's how I'll be supporting that do they have a list yes yep oh I'd love to see that list but I know one on Pasco Road is a uh sidewalk that we're actually doing within that uh Pasco Road widening I think we're doing that that sidewalk there shers yeah yeah we're doing that I saw that in not sidewalk and a multi multimodal yeah yeah so anything else Ralph I mean yeah we going to get to the policy so policy proposals um uh so far I've received County inmate medical costs this is one we did last year uh we also submitted this uh to fac this year for their discussion I spoke with them the other day so uh uh in a few weeks they'll be having their policy and Innovation U meeting and I'll be up there for that I know commissioner Stark you'll be up there you were still debating on that so we have a couple of uh issues uh the other issue that uh we submitted to fac was a 911 fee increase uh my counterpart analyst reached out to us and said this is an issue we're submitting would you all be willing to submit it too ran it by the organization and they came back and said yes it's a good good issue um we've been bleeding every year paying out of general fund uh to pay for the uh 911 issues that um have been capped by the state uh at 4 since since 2014 uh indexing local option fuel tax same kind of scenario with 911 this is one where the state uh has an indexing on their local option uh or their their fuel taxes but we do not so theirs go up every year ours do not this is what helps pay for your infrastructure so where do you get it from when you have that shortfall your General Revenue um we had a propos proposal submitted by our um pedestrian uh commissioner start you're aware of this one the president of uh bpac is it the president oh oh yeah on um yeah that Bri Brian is it Brian yeah yeah that's a good one a pedestrian safety issue that he submitted again these will be issues that we'll discuss at the workshop we'll have people there to talk about it in depth um so uh again I will get those to you uh in the next week or so so you'll have those readily available so you can re start to review um the other one you're familiar with this is what we weren't able to accomplish last year and that's the live local land use exemption we got the the um tax exemption portion taken care of so now we're going to go back in and address this issue um I think our legislators now realize that and are willing to possibly carry within our own delegation so that's a good thing um Mr chairman yes um Ralph we definitely need to talk about this at fact because there are more and more counties that are understanding the challenges and I think we'll have more help this time and we shouldn't be the tip of the spear again but this is you know as you know this is why we were vetoed so badly last year and that's why I'm suggesting Dade City yeah um but yeah we need to see if we could we need to fix this but let's see if we can be a coalition and not just man carrying the weight State on our shoulders yeah right one question you know last year there was a Metro product for a walkway was that part of our safety issues for that walkway because I did not think it was but it came through the county it did come through the county but no that was within um Metro's property on Angeline so that was something a pedestrian bridge what I'd like to do I don't I don't mind having a project they have but I wanted one that like Nick was talking about if if we're obligated to pay for some of these things I want those asks to be if Metro's asking I want them to be together rather than than one way or the other just I mean we can ask for our things but if Metro is going to ask for something special they can't and they do that's cuz we sign on you remember they got their sidewalk across the roadway last year and they submitted those with our name on that yes that's the point they submitted those with our name Pasco County yeah so so uh I've asked them uh they will participate as well so they can come and talk to you about those projects that they are seeking for next year the only issue I had on that one was the fact that they if you talk to a legislator up there or something we didn't get things they said oh yeah you did you got this walkway across these roads well I didn't think that was something we were asking well there's there's walkways to nothing nothing because they didn't Trails sidewalks so I don't understand it so I don't my problem is I don't want to see us lud sidewalks that we need for safety of children sure and our citizens yeah over something like that if it's something that fits both uses and we're both we're obligated as so I don't mind that that's fine yeah and I think that way we're working together not separate yes sir Ralph's point they're going to be the it sounds like which is good we haven't had that kind of cooperation cou years all right I have backrack I missed the second one U Got a policy issue Ral just if I could Mr chairman um back to the live local as well with regional planning Council I think one of the reasons I was nominated was because our stance on live local I think we should try to reach out together to do a presentation with all the regional planning councils as well including the meeting that comes up in January I'll get with David Engle and dve about that okay thanks um I did jump over one another policy issue is for a public record exemp for misdemeanor and probation always thought they already included but apparently they were not so we'll we'll try to go uh in and see if we can get that done this year uh and this one on code we got to get that through and then the last one uh we're revisiting the code in Municipal enforcement to allow for Anon Anonymous complaints um I I think even our legislators are hearing now from their own constituency about the problems and I think it might be an issue that they might are willing and are receptive to revisit this year uh don't know if it'll pass but willing to uh revisit and that's it as of right now any other questions that's a lot of policy from us and that's a good thing that's our job that we have increased you know through the years and have come up with more ideas and I like to see that that's you know rather than just asking for money you know uh uh but we see dayto day you know whether it be changes that have occurred already that we need to go back and revisit that have had a negative impact on our County or we see ways that uh just a tweak in the uh legislative uh in the in the language uh of law will will help uh us to do our jobs smoother better chair yes thank CH Ral we're working with budget folks on a spreadsheet that kind of lists all of our unfunded State mandates separately as we go through this budget process it's going to be interesting to see what we find in maybe out of that some of these unfunded mandates can bring policy discussions with our with our folks and show what is actually it's costing so could be a fun exercise and I'm hopeful something good may come out of that it really is and and the good thing is is our our our budget people they stay on top of this every year because they know it happens uh the cost shift down from the state back to the local area and um you know they can at least tell the uh the constituent and see we did not raise taxes or fees local government however you have to take care of that that's your problem now it's not our problem and and it builds up over time and so these are issues that then Whittle away at General Revenue uh that you all deal with uh with your regular operating fees and and then you how do you make that shortfall up every year so it'll be a good discussion hence the double pull this morning okay other questions we're good all right thank you sir yes sir uh now we'll move on to the next R item is our 48 and presentation only good morning Commissioners Mark Bellis organizational Performance Management I always like to start this presentation with a u little story and some of you heard it four years ago but uh bear with me it it makes a pretty decent point the um I see you changed my title slide okay got you so I grew up in in Oakland I know commissioner starky remembers this story because she had similar experiences but as I grew up uh There Was An Old Theater that we used to go to on rainy days and it was an old theater because they only played the movies that you wouldn't see at the at the new theater uh B movies I think they called them at the time and it was kind of nice as a kid you could spend a couple bucks and for all all day along in the rain instead of sitting outside you could watch movies now I I don't remember any of the movies that I saw there what I do remember is that these were old enough to have what they call movie tone news reels embedded in them little black and white blurbs of different things going on a lot of more war footage there was one that was a cat playing pingpong but the one I remember the most was of a an Archer and his name was Howard Hill now at the time 20s 30s 40s he was the best archer in the entire world I saw in this footage where he could be taken out to a grassy patch put a Target 50 feet in front of him take out an arrow draw it back and he would hit the bullseye every single time he was absolutely incredible I actually saw him take out a second Arrow once and he split the first Arrow right down the center of the shaft he was that good he was amazing the very best now I'll make a bold prediction here I could take any one of you at the deis or anyone in this room I could take you out here to the grass I could set up a Target 50 ft from you give you bow and arrow and in 2 hours time I get any of you hitting the target more consistently than Howard Hill could on his very best day to two hours any one of you challenge accepted Prov provided provided two things commissioner provided two things one we blindfold Howard Hill second we turn him around so he does not know know in what direction the target lies silly right here's the point I thought you were going to give Mariano a crossbow go that's kind of playing for that good solution so kind of a silly story right but the the point is this no matter how good you are how can you hit a Target you cannot see the Strategic plan is the target for this organization it is your target that we are going to execute and the bullseye is a premier County so that's what we're going to talk about today it all starts with our mission serving our community to create a better future sounds simple but it's what we do here in Pasco County Government it's why we exist it's what the community depends on us to do what we realize is that in order to have this kind of better future three things foundational pieces have got to be in place first we have to be able to provide a sustainable foundation for health safety and Mobility that Foundation is everything and if you look across the 58 lines of business we do here at Pasco County Government most of them are focused on providing that foundation so really if you if you consider the sustainable Foundation is the piece that has to be in place or you have no community at all now once you do have this foundation in place the second thing you can do is begin to enhance quality of life so we are able to provide Equitable Human Services social cultural and recreational opportunities for all no matter where you are on the Spectrum from having a particular need to wanting a park or library or something like that now we also know that the underpinning for all of this the underlying support is economic prosperity and so we Define that as uh supporting a su sustainable increase in community income and investment economic diversification and expanded opportunities for all so that's IND idual as well as businesses so these three pieces have got to be in place to ensure the future of Pasco County so how do we develop a plan well first we we we found it kind of interesting that Pasco County really exists to meet people at their point of need and the way that this particular plan is set up does exactly that you can see it it lines up uh perfectly with maso's hierarchy of needs so I think as a County government that's that's incredibly responsible that that we're able to do that so where did the plan come from how how did it get designed we uh put together a team of incredibly talented people three of them are actually in the room here today that have been working on this for uh several months you met our consultant Patrick Iber he worked with each of you early on in the process and the challenge or the the um charge of this team was to look at the three Focus areas and help to find and understand what our biggest challenges are to achieving those three big pieces and I mean immediate challenges so we had a workshop with all of you to help Define that you gave us uh great ideas and thoughts allowed us to then go back and do an environmental scan so that we could verify and validate what the causation was behind some of the issues that we're seeing and then from that we needed to build uh some sort of adaptation in other words the Strategic plan is a way for us to address the challenges that we are facing right now to creating that better future and that's exactly uh what this team has done so the basic setup of the plan very simple it starts with a mission and vision and those are achieved through the three priority areas now the next step as I mentioned was to determine what the challenges were you as a board gave us uh your thoughts on this you'll see they're up there we've run them back by you again to validate that we're on the right track with that but when we look at the creating a a thriving Community what are our biggest challenges that we're facing right now as an organization well really in the face of rapid growth it is maintaining the demands of public health and safety that's that's just enormous you hear about the fire stations needed you hear about response times you hear a lot of uh about the roads half of what we talked about today is really about that in the face of growth and of course the idea of being a resilient and sustainable County well into the future is also another big challenge that we're facing right now those are the pieces that challenge that most foundational part of the Strategic plan now when it comes to enhancing quality of life there's some big pieces we've got to address too we've got to reduce homelessness we've got to address that it's not going away we know that we see that you hear about it again we we hear about it today uh the uh the other part of it is we realize that that for a lot of folks we want we want Equitable Services so even access and availability of the type of services that people want cultural educational recreational social opportunities we've got to we got to put a a greater focus on that to make sure these things are available to to folks in their point of need whatever that need happens to be and of course you also hear heard some of this today and the the challenge of balancing the natural environment and urbanization it's a big challenge so these are again are big pieces they are strategic by Nature they're the they're the what we intend to do in a minute I'll talk about the how tactically we intend to do that when you look at driving economic uh prosperity for all big people p is right there meeting affordable and tainable housing needs we know that's a huge issue we've got to we've got to focus on on changing that we still have stress communities you heard some of that today as well we've got to address the needs there and we want to do more to support Small Business and Entrepreneurship because of course if we talk about creating jobs and creating economic s sustainability that's a huge piece of it so these are the challenges we had shared with you uh we we feel very strong that those are validated so there's the the what we intend to do when we get a little more granular we have to set the targets going back to that that trying to hit the bullseye and the goals that we have are designed to do exactly that for each of the three Focus areas there are three challenges that are going to be addressed by three goals these goals are what we intend to achieve between now and 2030 so you we'll talk more about that in a second but just to walk you through these when you look at thriving Community we intend to improve the capacity and capability of emergency service responses there's going to be a lot of tactical pieces that make that actually happen you heard some of that today thereal fire stations those type of things protect vulnerable critical assets and communities from extreme conditions that's what the office of strategy and sustainability is focused on you've seen some of the projects that we have going on right away we want to ensure that Pasco County is in good shape well into the Future and another one that we realize is that so much of what we want to do is going to be around policy and and some policy updates and changes so we want to ensure that the 2050 gets done pretty quick and we want to speed up the Land Development code that that it's time for that we you hear the you hear the conversations all the time we want to get to where our policies are consistent with where we want to go as a county so we want to speed up the process of of redeveloping that as far as the quality of life goes we want to make homelessness rare brief and nonrecurrent so there again it's uh it's something that we have to have a very specific focus on and you've heard some really really passionate uh folks that are addressing that here in the organization we wanted all ways and continue to increase availability and access to the resources and opportunities that people have around Recreation and culture and social events and so forth and we want to ensure protection and conservation of natural ecosystems little bit bigger piece there than it was a little little micro last time so big picture type of thing there and as far as the economic growth and prosperity increase the supply of affordable and attainable housing inventory now keep in mind that every one of these goals have specific kpi measures so key performance indicators this one is a literal number of increasing the number uh in that inventory so we uh we know exactly what we're doing and how we're doing on it we want to support the Redevelopment of the stress communities maybe revise the Harbor's plan do some things around that and increase support of Small Business and Entrepreneurship these are the big picture pieces this is the what we intend to do to address the challenges that are absolutely uh on us right now so how does this actually get deployed if you think about the Strategic plan as a Target the big strategic piece itself there's a couple of things to consider the majority of the work we do in the organization again goes to achieving the three Focus areas the thriving Community the uh quality of life uh and also the economic prosperity so everybody in this organization is contributing to achieving this strategic plan we all have a role to play no matter what business we do or job we do down to the all the way to to the folks in the front lines they all have a role to play we all do in this the so so the the idea is that if you do not have a goal that is specific to the work you do maintain course and speed continue to improve your processes you're doing fine just keep growing growing your business business doing the things to provide your levels of service if you do have a goal in the plan that is requires your work or your focus in your department or your function to do what it means is that there is now a greater Focus to achieve the things that you are already being held accountable to achieve so it's actually good news if you've got a goal in here that says we want to address homelessness for example because when it comes to prioritizing resources Eric and I had this conversation both you and I provide support for lot of the forward- facing things and we realize that if it's in the Strategic plan we have to prioritize our folks to help achieve that in that team so it makes sense you have availability more resources more Focus uh business plan initiatives things like that this all is taken into consideration because it's focused on achieving your strategic plan so those are the two pieces there everybody contributes to this every single person the organization it just depends on in the cycle if there's something specific that we need to help you with in your area to uh to address these pieces we will be uh reviewing performance internally very often looking at numbers to see this is what we're doing how well are we doing it we need know but there's also going to be transparency to this one we're going to have not only an internal site where're using powerbi to look at all the numbers to support what we're doing but we're going to have an external site too where the citizens can see how are we doing on these things are we doing what we said we would do so there's a lot of a lot of accountability and transparency that would go with this and we will have a very robust two-year review cycle of all of this so we will come back to you to see have things changed is the environment different have we done enough to achieve something here or is there something new that came up a pandemic whatever that has thrown us off and we need to refocus so that'll happen on on a two-year cycle so I wanted to give you the the the overview today we'll ask you on the 17th to uh to adopt it it'll be on a consent but we have between now and then to if there's additional questions or or any other information that you need from us know that this is a more agile strategic plan than we've had in the past because we've learned some lessons about how quick things change and we've got to be agile as a as a County government to address the things that we need to when we need to do that so any questions from the board any questions Mr chairman Mr Marion Mark years ago we did the uh reviews and we had the reviews you had updated like three different segments one was was the last time we did that and when we do that again uh long time ago you're right but that we would like to be able to come back to the board and and give that at least uh if if uh I I'll say at least twice a year if not quarterly so I think even annually didn't find but just okay again we find to see what we did what we did before what we achieved what we didn't achieve and what's still on the list and where we're going absolutely sir and the that' be good to hear you will also have that dashboard that you'll be able to look at as the rest of the citizens to see how we're doing on things but you'll get the behind the scenes detail from us so thank you for that yes okay any other question no I'm just glad to see this I think it's got a lot of U metrics in it that we can really get our hands on so that's good to see beautiful I I will tell you that the the collaboration not just with the team because all five all the branches were represented on the team uh working on this the the Strategic plan development committee but they also consult the department heads who are going to be doing this work and we're engaging a lot more people across departments across branches to really make a difference in this so I do I do Wonder um you know I have my uh Leadership Council meetings I do the have the uh har the harbor South which is the holiday all that area and now I have one for the Trinity Odessa area and so I wonder if it's possible to make a little trifold of our the county statistic plan that I can hand out to the HOA members that they could take back glad easy that the public can you know and all of us when we have speak engagements can let them know what we're working on very glad you mentioned that commissioner because that's a piece I forgot we will be producing a handout a leaflet of a little brochure that we'll do exactly and then it could have a link if they want to learn more maybe absolutely come to the website perfect you bet okay any other question okay cool thank you thank you for your support yes sir okay that ends our regular items we'll move on to uh old miscellaneous business and we'll start with Mr waitman thank chair good Sean's still here so it started is a uh a customer called us about a book a couple of books in our library system and the books that that they found were in the easy readings picture book session section of the libraries for little kids this book is rated prek to third grade and so there's three copies countywide I'll pass them out and y'all can read them as you wish but it what you don't think it hits close to home is adult conversation in our kids environments about transexual all the things that go on that people figure out in life as they get older and so our office once we looked in was brought to our attention we asked the library team to do a full review and got with Mr Cala Miss Pearson and Shan McGarvey I can't tell you how grateful I am for how serious the team took this exercise and here we can pass this down this you know these books look harmless parents started reading this to their their kids and so he went through the exercise and so far there were 96 books found with similar verbiage for the uh young adults in Ju in 4 were juvenile which is how they're classified so 130 total we compared the list to the Florida Department of educations objection list um and there about there were 100 books that matched that um criteria so Pas County Library System had at least 30 additional books on top over and above and so they're currently running Sean and his team are currently running audits here pass them down the third one's missing somewhere but it's it's is this the same one yeah same one but there was one there was it's the same one it's one in each section of the county there's one in central East and West parts of the county of this book so easily readible for you know across County so we're doing an audit to see what what books were there and this message is really a PSA to all the parents and grandparents out there that look you please be vigilant to what your kids and red kids may be reading um we live in a a very busy busy world and you can't ever tell if you look at these books they look quite benign they look harmless um and so what I'm hopeful to do with with with Sean's leadership and Kathy is remand as we find these books remand all of these this material back to the library board or whatever the appropriate policy is and have them vet thoroughly vet these books and then see what the library Advisory Board the members that we appoint feel that they're appropriate not they have a list the objection list from Florida Department of Education and other material to see if this these this reading material is appropriate for our littlest to you know they're all minors in my opinion till they graduate high school uh so it was just disturbing it hit close to home it's the same book and um I felt that the need that we need to do a public service announcement and that folks you know pay attention to what you read pay attention to what your youngers are looking at and uh again I just appreciate Kathy and Sean and Mike the seriousness and the Prof professionalism that your staff have showed during during this exercise and um I look forward to seeing what we come up with and then engaging the library Advisory board and see what they have to say so I don't know if any other board members feel any type uh on this and and if professional staff has any other comments so Mr Mariana this is extremely disturbing I think we had this conversation about 2 years ago getting certain books out that was brought to our attention uh why this is in our library is beyond me I don't think we need to wait for a committee I think we need to get on this thing right now this is this is this is absolutely horrendous yeah M Jagger um I just want to thank um commissioner rman for spearheading this because I completely agree we have to get these books out of our library I think we're going get an answer yes sir Sean McGarvey librar director uh those books have been what is called uh sus suppressed and uh removed under review so they are currently not on the Shelf so and all the titles that the commissioner stated have been also suppressed from the catalog and removed at this current time so are they still in our schools uh I can't speak to that ma'am um we don't control that I can't so he controls the library May commissioner here so the Florida Department of Education has their objection list and I'll get my office to email that out to everybody and so from what our research shows the school system follows I guess this objection L rules Pasco County libraries is under our purview and so what sha and his team have done is you know compared this list and then found some above and beyond as we're looking looking and and reviewing so this is completely our this board's jurisdiction and um we can make a decision that we see fit I'm ready to make a motion you're ready Mr chairman yes sir so we have set up a process for these books to be vetted um I would highly encourage the board to allow that process to work state is currently being sued by the Publishers of yes some of the some of the the materials that are on the objection list um so I would the process was set up for a reason I'd let that process um work its way through okay Mr chairman yes you we a motion for the process or is it set up to process been you all approved the process um a year ago two years ago sir two years ago okay like I said I thought we had dealt with this thing so I'm glad there was suppressed but again right okay long as on the shelf for now good process there is civilian oversight board on it and they will begin the review process okay well when we hear back from them please let us know okay good job all right thank you okay I got a list you done done all right so Gina I have some photos I think so I'll look to see which ones you put up first I'm going to try and go through them kind of fast oh I had the pleasure of being a celebrity guest at the community service council's chopped event um we we won yay and uh wait a minute you cook uh my son and I cooked yeah and we would have won a whole bunch of them for two little tweaks but we won the appetizer and we won the overall money coming in I got to tell you if you get asked to do this it's a lot of fun it was a lot of fun although that that tenderloin looks like beef jerky we didn't use any tenderloin what tenderloin it's a canoli that looks that's a canoli it was it was a joke oh no because I was given a piece of tenderloin but I didn't use no it wasn't T steak I did not use it but those we had to do uh breaded muscles Frozen breaded muscles not in my Rec anyway that was a lot of fun and that money went to the community service Council um who makes a big dinner Thanksgiving dinner and um it does a lot of scholarships okay next picture What's um okay you know what I'll leave this for you to talk about uh commissioner Oakley because you went to both of them but that was a a great tour that we went on and I I'm going to be going to pelis county says well um but um I missed the pelis county because I was at the governor's conference on tourism um and uh that was very interesting and I one of the things that I came out of it was um Sean I'm glad you're here because I want to um tie our tourism Council in more with the cultural Council and work on some joint projects I want to a presentation of what other counties are doing in I just want to make sure we're firing on all cylinders yes sir U shanar Li director yes ma'am we have a meeting next week and we can bring that up to the CAC as we discuss it all right and I I want to make sure some of the those meetings get on my schedule so I can attend so absolutely ma'am okay um all right we have a a video thanks Sean we have a video um that I'd like you to see that my staff has been doing a little research on you know we don't we cycle glass here in Pasco County which drives me crazy it's all over the state in the ingia and everything yeah so watch this CU you see what other people are doing I'm going to use this equipment here behind you to turn glass into sand the whole process starts here with the sh by 12w Crush module the glass will get fed into the hopper it will vibrate down through the ja pressure where it's crushed to about 3/4 in minus then it comes up this discharge conveyor under a cross belt magnet and the cross belt magnet will pull any steel Lids or caps from the screen and kick them off into a separate bin the crush glass then falls into the speed Hopper here where it can be evenly metered out this vibrating feeder on the Bott bottom onto the conveyor belt up the conveyor belt into our 16x2 Hammer M the hammer will do the fine crushing where it takes the colet size glass and crushes it down to sand through our 0.8 mm stream to keep the dust down water ders can be installed or a drip of water added to the Hammer M which will greatly reduce the dust while keeping the final product that works really really well we can take all that scrap glass steel caps run it through the equipment I we turn it into a really nice glass sand this is about 70% passing 30 mesh and 50% passing 50 mesh look at that I can squeeze it my hand is not sharp at all there's no glass shards in there it's all nice and rounded it's just nice sand we've sold these to municipalities government cities for sment plants islands where they're crushing their glass and using it for Beach rehab this stuff is really really cool you can use this stuff for sand blasting Beach remediation there's a whole list of other things you can do with this Crush glass and it works really really well and then here's the seal that came out various tops and legs and beer caps pulled right out the neet did a great job if You' like any more information on the equipment you saw today you can find our contact information okay that's what we should be doing with our glass this is what Disney does with their glass and they do their trails and their landscaping and their beaches and whatever with the glass so I'd love for us to look into this they make money with it that machine is not very expensive at all so want to throw that out there what's what's the price you know huh do you know what the price I I think Katie said 6 million6 $6,000 I don't know if she'll text me um if she's listening maybe she'll text me but let's watch this video now this is where we can get the money from okay watch this throwing away an estimated $68 Million worth of coins every year one waste companies on a mission to collect all that Loose Change Fox Business is Jeff flock is live from that facility in marville Pennsylvania this morning Jeff talk about one man's treasure another man trash another man's treasure this is a company called reor you're looking the trash that has been in they they don't sea they actually in and then I think the most important the most interesting thing they're finding in the trash coins look at the round Hol that's where coins are dropping through the St here to come down here and show you just what's happening this by the way is what it looks like when it comes to them this is incinerated trash in there come over here and look what's being sorted out again some of it is stuff that just you would take little pieces of metal with in your trash in here I'm seeing pennies these are pennies largely and over here I'm seeing corners and what I here we have is a series ofed materials this about particles where we need to get theat the hard million M right here and it doesn't look like come over here one last thing I want to show you before we get away and that is it being was and then it comes out looking like actual money it is money St you get millions of dollars of coins out of we absolutely do but here that's not all we do the coins is of a small piece of our story B piece is alls recy absolutely so we Milli keep the stuff out of the land Harting real money Urban farming Mike yeah what's going on with our money what that is what do we do that Mr my understanding that some of our our iron and feris materials do go to that facility so I don't know what the the details of the of the agreement are we do run our recycling program and uh it is taken down to a materials facility down in St p and that's where we stopped touching it so well I want to find out what's going on with our money maybe that's how we keep our price per ton so I choose not to throw it away personally well I hope that we're getting it yeah I hope that was that was shocking how much money is we'll get you some details on the progam all right I got one more video Mr chairman if I could so let's go back to that machine oh I don't have a solar power video so the machine that uh breaks down the bottles to GL to to sand you know years ago we used to do it uh years ago we looked at machines that actually took it down to the smaller chunks not to theine first time we seen the fine one but I think that is definitely what we need to go do yeah um and I think they see bring some items back up to us yeah it's a I mean um and and uh Katie said there's a there's grants for that Dr Bellis knows where the where to find those grants for that machine oh that's awesome yeah yeah okay um I'm going to skip the solar power one today and I'm going to go to um well I'll go to that photo and then I have something else and I'm going to pass these out to you guys uh I don't know how many copies I have so um um next this is this is a house on Patriot Lane it's next door to the hoarder I sent this to some of you guys um this gentleman's is interesting when you talk to him he just wants to talk how he's the king of Switzerland but um this is his front yard and this is his fence and you know we don't have fence permits so you know is this Allowed by code it reminds me of that metal fence in your District that every time I drive down 52 I just wonder how that can be legal to have pieces of metal laying against something with all those cars behind it but this is his fence and that's how he gets in and out of his house up and down that ladder that's in District Four so oh District Four okay that's your problem we're going to talk about that um uh I'll have photos at the next board meeting um but that cannot be legal is and I just want to know if it is that this is how you get into your yard and um I think um Brad told me you're not supposed to have a six foot foot France across the front of your yard and I've got it all over in my district one just went up on Seven Springs Boulevard a Rowan so who's watching out who whose department is to watch out for people I think they call it making compounds um putting these six foot fences above the in the front of their yard but surely surely we have to do something about this all right um what I passed out to you something that's been bothering me for a while and it really came to a head because I think we have a little issue with angelene and and um uh the power company that doesn't want to bury the lines is it angelene that wants or Moffett Moffett wants their power lines buried but I know that my brother went through Hurricane Andrew um and after that you know they were without electricity for weeks in Miami all the power lines have gone underground in Miami da County and they it it took them a while but they kept they got them underground this is so Florida Power and Lake 90% of their new distribution lines that they install are underground um too uh 50% of too's power lines are underground mostly in areas of new construction what about M who who covers that area that is with Luchi and they don't want them to put them underground and listen I hate driving by these nice developments and seeing the power lines in front of it and then they can't you know they look ugly then you can't put the trees and most places you guys if you ever Drive Sarasota you you drive down there Jeff you see that the new developments have the power lines underground local distribution lines are required in manate and Sarasota to be underground by why are we not doing that why are we not doing developments your local distribution lines are very in this particular case I don't know if we're talking about transmission which is higher voltage which is yeah more expensive to to protect but do we require local transmission lines to be underground I don't know the answer I don't think we do where I live mine are underground yeah it's better for them to be underground but I don't think we do I don't see a new development or new neighborhood with power speaking but uh my understanding is and I'm going you know commissioner it's your district and you might talk with them but I I was it was brought to my attention that there's this disagreement happening and mfet would very much like their lines to be underground and um but if we don't have this rule that all these other Counties have I think we need it um I'll reach out to David Lambert and ask him yeah and okay I think that'll be it for me I'll leave the solar power for the next time M Jagger okay um do I have a picture all right so um oh yeah yep we were all here the Department of Health Pasco County premier's new dental office uh we attended the ribon cutting ceremony for the Department of Health and premier's new dental office they did an amazing job with the building it's absolutely beautiful they have a pediatric center and they're going to be able to provide service to people that don't have insurance and are medically underserved so very exciting Premier has a dental office in that building yeah yep yeah all right so I got to meet Nikki and her team I got the new commissioner um tour and it was pretty I enjoyed my time there all right next slide so this is a fire in Moon Lake a family that attends riveridge high school three kids um the mom and the children were living in a shed um soez um one of my first phone calls and I want to give a shout out to the firefighters and firefighter Charities they immediately got this family one week in a hotel so um just their rapid response was amazing um the outpouring from our community has been incredible um we've been able to raise funds and gift cards and just provide shelter um and a new development is is the mom um is looking at a mobile home right now um somebody generously in our community has discounted it um by a lot so um they may have a place to stay like permanently so do they are they going to move the mobile home to this lot they can't okay that's what I was wondering nope they can't and the mobile home is already on another lot um it was just very sad cuz the kids the kids were like well okay we're here for a week mom and where are we going to be because they truly lost everything but you said they were living in a shed yeah yep that's so just just a shout out to firefighter Charities and our amazing Community Pasco really came together to help this family out did someone do a GoFundMe page because I was looking through the not right now firefighters are going to um set up a um a link for the family cuz we'd like to help okay yeah and that's all I have district for what started the fire right youle pictur just sent over to you okay Mr Marana yeah got just a couple of things um see what she's coming up with first that was the Oasis pregnancy center right down the street um the we had we had to move up to a Lobby because there was so many people there a really really great turnout representative maggot steel were there as well and next one is Premier Healthcare uh what a what a what a Awards event they had you can see the usual sponsors had been Health HCA Florida Florida Blue my road Rec called actually uh they were doing a tremendous presentation of what they do for people and uh I'm going to get the slideshow forwarded to everybody to take a look but I think there's one more picture it just shows you it was a packed room so uh they are doing a phenomenal job and I know we're looking to try to help them further to go through it but the way they highlighted what they're doing and why they're doing it was very important that's all I have did you get to stand up commissioner Maran under 45 all right Mr kabala yes sir Bo of indul just a couple of items here uh first and foremost we were approached by the uh folks from Safety Town to engage and considering taking over that operation from from shareff from the school board I believe it falls in line with our community ction programs within the fire department uh however I do think it would be prudent to enter into some kind of agreement so I would just like board just this just a motion for for me and County attorney to kind of sit down and craft up an agreement to bring back to the board for for future consideration regarding potentially taking overation okay you need a motion yeah some right got a motion second on a second all those in favor say I I I I you motion pass 5 all right just a couple of couple of recognitions actually our our community development team was was recently honored uh with the new construction rental development award at the Florida housing coalition's uh uh conference so our developer bird song uh did a great job of of constructing 88 units of affordable housing at the Tanger Square uh in the Coalition the Coalition of the homeless so just uh well done uh for our housing team led by Jeff mckitrick and and and uh Marie three young so we're very Fally proud about that so just just to show that to the board that development is wonderful things I also would like to recognize our purchasing department as well they had uh they were recently recognized as one of 49 counties in the country uh to be met with the achievement of excellence and procurement award so again it just goes to show that uh you know the team is you continuing to do great things out there um I think we've mentioned this in the past but our community system uh with the uh Federal Emergency Management agency we were I guess upgraded even though we went from uh I think we went from a six to a five uh which actually results in um I want to say 25% reduction uh a total of 25% reduction in what our resides can pay in flood insurance so that's that's almost $4 million in savings uh to to Residents as a result of those efforts and a lot of this you know hats off toy management of BCS folks a lot of just documentation processes and paperwork so um we're we're trying to hit that sweet spot of of getting to a four I think after that you really have to make some adjustments in your codes which which could add to some cost so but right now uh the team is working very very hard to try to bring those costs down for for our citizens um and the last item I want to bring up it's it's with great sadness that uh I just I want to bring it up but Doran Packard who's a former employee she retired a few years ago there's a resolution that was passed she' retired because of you know a battle of cancer she did pass away um and it just if if you just indulge in a brief moment of silence for her she meant a lot to Dr Bellis his team um but she'll be sort Miss okay that's all I is all right thank you Mr stste I don't have anything generally good board is that thank you Mr chair I have one item um back in July um you actually the board U presented a resolution to Patrice Monaco McBride who was the retiring um Inspector General at the time and I just wanted to introduce the board to the newly um appointed Inspector General with my office Christine ciano would you mind just stepping forward real quick um just a little bit of background with about Christine she has 12 years experience in auditing and Leadership Christine previously worked for the FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission office of Inspector General the Citrus county clerk's office and our office as an internal auditor in addition she mentored directed developed and trained Junior Auditors in her leadership roles at the Citrus Clerk's offices and most recently as the IG manager in our office um Christine holds a Bachelor's of Arts get this in Japanese how fun is that um from the University of Roch Chester and is a cert and a certificate in management studies she possesses many skills that align with the needs of the positions such as auditing and investigating risk assessment project management and strategic planning she also obtained certifications relevant to the position she's a certified fraud examiner a certified government auditing professional and a certified Inspector General auditor these certifications take many years of experience to attain so without further Ado um I wanted to introduce Miss Christine ciano good afternoon chairman Commissioners County attorney and County Administrator I appreciate this formal introduction I have met some of you but not all of you um and as Nikki already spoke I have some technical background but I am extremely grateful and very excited about this role to take the Baton and be the next Inspector General um interestingly enough there was some really good tieback to the presentation on the Strategic plan there were three key words in there that that had some resonation with me and they are change which we're all faced with um agility and objectives so those are three key components of what our office has has endeavored to do is to serve you and the Departments and as much as there's a technical aspect to what I do I am definitely a people person so I really Endeavor to uh Forge New relationships with County management that's already started grow the ones we already have and um look forward to to a continued partnership where we can be of service to all of you and I thank you very much for this opportunity welcome to Pasco so thank you appreci you got a very important job to make sure everything falls in line like it should for our citizens so very important job and I will do my best to serve you well thank you for being here thank you and thank you thanks so much that's it that's it all right I think I got a picture or two up there maybe there we go I spoke at the uh new health department building over in Hudson and um always bring this up but this new facility offers a lot of services to our citizens of Pasco County and uh just couldn't be any more proud of of the team there that they have and the train has done a great job and uh taken over there for the health department and done a good work for all of us but it's very important that office serves a lot of people with very low means to be able to do some of the help things they get to do I mean but they cover that for them but the fact of it is up all over our County we have many different Hospitals and Clinics and doctor's offices coming in our County and I always speak to that and the fact of it is the benefactor of all these hospitals and the clinic here with with the Pasco County Health Department all they all the benefactor is the citizens of Pasco County and I think thank all of them for all they do to have the best health we can for our citizens in Pasco County so Mr chairman yes I want to thank you all your Commissioners for showing up for that one I couldn't make that one was a family family wedding it was at so I couldn't make it but thank you for showing really big thing of if you saw in the agenda in the agenda earlier today we had the selling of the old building for the health department too so that money goes back into the county to go for things that's good all right then um what else we got here oh this one here we have the uh attend the pine Ellis and Hillsboro County public safety operation centers I can tell you uh Miss starky Miss pineis County but it was a much newer facility that actually uh I say much new I think it's been an operation about 10 years but very very fresh very new they built and pineals they built for their future needs so they had room to grow and and had dormatory and that type thing because when you're in this building then those operations go on 24/7 so people had to be able be housed in there and then also they have area for food prep and things of that nature for them while they're there and then um we went over to hillsbor County very well-run uh office there also same as the same as pells County fact of it is they're they're fixing they're busting at the seams cuz they built theirs more on U what their needs were at the time and not so much out in the future and now they're having to have to make some changes and improvements so I know I wasn't supposed to but I did tell a few of the fireman there that they could come to Pasco County so that's a normal I I can't help it I just have to do that every now and then so but we have a lot of Public Safety and fire people joining in more classes in October we'll have another class and it's growing yep we're getting more and more people come to U Pasco County for in in the past 3 or four years not last year but the past three or four years we' lost 70 Public Safety people and so we'd always hire to catch back up after you're losing 70 a year to other other departments and counties nearby the fact of it is last year we only lost three and so we we made up that three and added a 29 additional with a class of 32 and then since then we've had a class I think it was 27 the last class so these are all new employees coming in Pasco and looks like to me we're in a a different scenario than we have been in the past and we're able to keep our employees and that's thank all the board members for all they do to help get the right things for the public safety and and all of our folks you know to be able to stay and work for us and they can live and work here and play so it's a great thing to see him not leav in Pasco County we've had him go the opposite way um then I U got to speak of Citizens Academy with uh Public Safety of the sh fire rescue on Wednesday August 28th and a great group of people and and they really um they really are very interested in what happens this the citizens Advisory Group that they come and they U they're interested and they're I'm telling you they are finding out a lot of lot of information they actually did showed us a demonstration with a SWAT team and and uh with a Kine and I don't it was practice but they had a muzzle on that dog but that dog he took that guy down pretty quick and uh it's a good thing he had to muscle that guy would have been eaten up but but I did explain some of the issues about our new Paving way assessment to The Advisory Group that a lot of them didn't understand the gentleman afterwards he was here today on the front row he came up to me afterwards and says you know I really didn't understand but I understand now about our Paving assessment how it works and uh it's amazing what it'll do when it start so I think I think that's all I have and at this time we'll break for lunch be back here at 1:30 for public here so this is n --------- ##VIDEO ID:yPcGt1gHKoA## [Music] [Music] e 3rd 2024 at this time please silence all uh electronic devices and please rise for the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen I pled Al to the flag of the United States of America and to theic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all Madame clerk please call the RO District Two commissioner waitman present District three commissioner starky District Four commissioner joerger here District Five commissioner Maran district one chairman Oakley here uh let everyone know we have three Commissioners here which is a quorum and we're ready to start business so we will start with uh hearing item P1 clerk we announce uh proof of publication yes Mr chair item P1 was published in the Tampa Times on July 31st 201 24 okay good morning Mr chairman and members of the board I'm Kevin fisa Pasco County Solid Waste director item P1 is a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida establishing annual disposal assessments tipping fees and other rates and charges for the solid waste disposal and resource recovery system next slide so this is year six of a plan 7-year disposal assessment increase it's designed to support uh the significant growth the community has seen which is causing the need for an expansion of our waste to energy processing equipment thank you um our waste of energy construction pro project is underway and it's expected to be complete by late 2026 in addition to uh this necessity we Al we also have an expiring per power purchase agreement back in the late 1980s uh Pasco County negotiated with Florida Power and we had a long-term power purchase agreement which is expiring at the end of this year the energy Market is much different now and that is creating significant headwinds for the waste energy Revenue source so this annual assessment will help soften that negative blow as well as support the maintenance and repair of our existing Solid Waste infrastructure and the 50% waste to energy Expansion Project this multi-year plan which was developed in 2018 certainly helped prevent any rate shock um we have seen a lot of stress in local Community Markets with uh Solid Waste Disposal uh some of our neighboring communities are seeing upwards of $40 year over-year increase in residential costs um some of those neighboring markets have had actually had to go back and put a lot of money into their waste to energy assets just to restore their um production right getting them back to Reliable operations I'm PL pleased to announce that is not the case for Pasco County the existing plant runs extremely well this funding is to expand its capability not restore it so again this is a $7 assessment increase which translates to a $6.39 tipping free increase year-over-year the imposed tipping the uh proposed tipping fee will go up to 9764 and the proposed residential assessment per eru will go to 107 final rates will become effective October 1st 2024 and as you see in the next slide uh these residential annual costs fall well within the low end of the range from waste to energy communities you see a couple of the locations are set as proposed Pasco County Lake County uh City of Tampa some of the other communities have already set their rates but in any case we are certainly in a good spot in comparison of our total cost of service to our customers so with with that the recommendation of solid weight staff is to approve the resolution establishing the proposed annual adjustment for the disposal assessments tipping fees and other rates fees and charges that fund the solid waste disposal in resource recovery system in addition to authorize the chairman to execute the two original resolutions for the board uh direct board records to distribute and set forth the distribution section and authorize the County administrator or designate to sign the final Ro role certification authorized staff to release the final role and related information to the property appraiser and tax collector okay uh at this time the record show that commissioner Mariana is at the deis and am present okay thank you um are there any questions make a comment yes sir um you know I would say the board well Pasco County years ago made a phenomenal move getting into this waste energy business um converting your ways to go saves space saves a lot of energy creates a lot of energy that could can do a lot of good it's unfortunate we don't have the same support we had years ago the same contract but it's still a great way to go rather than using up space over and over again and hopefully in time federals will actually see it one thing I'd like to to see us do in the future a little bit more is to get the word out and that means if we got to go to to the schools to the children to get them to kind of get fired up a more more recycling the misnomers that used to happen years ago like the plastic was still good to burn because it would create good energy well if the blast plastic Burns too hard it hurts the plant and they got to shut it down quicker so to increase that productivity to help us get even a higher yield I'd love to see you take it to the next step coming up to let's find out and I think all those Commissioners we' go to places as well to HOAs Etc to to to move it up and I think with the progress we made with Condominiums that are now starting to get bins out there uh different retail establishments they understand that if they do recycle more they can cut their actual bill down that they have for disposal as well okay got it thank you all right um i' like to ask for a motion it's public excuse me public hearing is anyone here to speak to this item I do have one person signed up uh Miss Christina Fitzpatrick state your name and address for my name is Christina Fitzpatrick and for Florida statute I was a former Guardian at Liam and I wish not to disclose my address to the entire County thank you um over the years they had increased $7 over the past s years and of course we're in year six the cost not only covers in the letter that we had all received the disposal assessment tip and fees and other rates and charges that fund the solid waste disposal and resource recovery system in accordance with the provisions of Pasco County the purpose of the assessment is to generate sufficient funds to cover operations maintenance costs and meet this service coverage as required by Bond Covenant and support the capital cost of the County Solid Waste Disposal system right there the word Capital costs these are additional expansions are necessary to keep up with the growth to keep up with being able to dispose of the track CR and I am concerned if we are having new growth and everyone's always wanted to talk smart growth then why is a new growth not paying and helping towards the expansion instead of all of Paso County Citizens having to Bear the costs of the new growth for the incin incinerator um there are other ways to cut costs one consider the roll back and reduce the millage as listed on our property appra um as our forms through the new growth and increased property values where the where is the break even analysis if we have additional households that are coming in to help contribute towards the $100 or the $17 where is the break even do we need to in continue to increase $7 every year when all this new growth is coming in and paying these additional costs um I'm going to jump down in an overall picture of establishing taxes cutting costs reducing millage there are ways to reduce the budget for example a few years ago I had mentioned we were paying $5 million in overtime expenses you have one more minute thank you and overtime expenses for firefighters it was we were able to hire an additional if we were able to hire an additional 40 firefighters at $86,000 fully loaded benefits that would cost $3.2 million therefore saving Pasco County taxpayers $1.8 million the overtime went to6 million and it has now since Pasco County has hired all the new additional firefighters has been reduced to 3 million so Pasco County great job we Sav $3 million we need to start reallocating funds necessary where they need to be in addition I would like to mention one more thing about New Growth if you have a new fire station that costs $10 million a fire truck that costs 1.1 million you have an ambulance that costs $500 to $600,000 and you add those numbers say $12 million you divide it by the 15,000 households that service 30,000 residents in Pasco County that means the cost should be $799 and if you add for inflation if I can just finish up if you add for the inflation over the 3 to 5 years it would cost probably about a third for inflation would be $1,100 Pasco County Fire your times impact fees are3 26 Pasco County is paying for the additional costs and our citizens are paying for the new growth thank you is anyone else signed up Mr chair I have no one else signed up anybody on WebEx I have no one on WebEx okay is anyone else in the audience wish to speak to this item see chair you got a hand over here oh come forward state your name and address for the clerk my name is Alan Rose 10221 Hilltop Drive Newport Richie Florida and uh just along with what previous presenter said our taxes this is just to give you an example of what's happened to me personally my taxes 2016 I purchased my home my taxes were a certain rate today on this new tax bill my taxes have now gone up 500% in that time frame I went from 50 56 cents per square foot to now $2.50 per square foot on taxes so just be a little smart about what we're doing I know I agree with everything we're saying having this is a smart move but just be cautious about how we spend our money that's it all right thank you is anyone else in the audience wish to speak see a no one pleasure the board move approval a motion and second all those in favor is this roll call or not it's not it's not all those in favor say I I I motion pass uh 40 okay uh this concludes concludes this we're going to now um reconvene at 10:00 for the regular BCC meeting today okay thank you Mr chair this is the item and other aquatic animal expect an elicit discharge please Department of Public Works at 7278 [Music] he n [Music] oh [Music]