##VIDEO ID:xL_CRWXvpqQ## oh this is not feel free funny good morning I would like to call to order the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners 10:00 meeting of December 10th 2024 at this time please silence all electronic devices uh would you please rise with me to for the invocation and pledge relance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen to the FL of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all Madam clerk will you please call a roll District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner onine thank you Mr uh commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky here District Four commissioner joerger here District Five commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley here oh did I say um let it be known we all have a here with four members present and one online um next uh Mr Stein Steiner will you uh please go over today's proceeding regarding the rig organization of the board today is your annual organization the role of chair to conduct elections will be performed by the clerk and comproller um the current chair hands the Gabel to the Clerk and elections for the chair and vice chair for the board of County Commissioners shall be conducted as follows the clerk shall call for nominations for the full board for the office of chair nominations and the and uh nomination nomination does not need to be seconded uh clerk will announce commissioner X has been nominated for the office of chair or are there any further nominations and call for a second time once the chair is decided the chair will conduct elections for um Vice chair and second Vice okay thank you your hands okay I um I now open nominations for the office of chair are there any nominations I nominate commissioner starky okay I have a nomination for commission starky a seconds not needed but thank you okay are there any further nominations for chair Nom all right hearing none I'm going to close nominations and since there were no other nominations congratulations commissioner starky I got to do that you got to do that I got to I got to do the gabble only time I get a hold G let me get out of the way here did I just do that come back it goes off every time you plug something okay all right okay this time we will entertain a motion for vice chair I nom Nate um for vice chair commissioner Mariano okay are there we don't take a second right no are there any other nominations no all right at this time then commissioner Mariano welcome your nominations are closed my nominations are closed and welcome commissioner Mariano thank you very much so at this time um we would typically call for public com got one more we a second VI chair second Vice chair and I'll make procedural rules I'll make a nomination that Miss joerger will be the uh second Vice chair well I I'm going to nominate that Seth be Vice chair so what now I can make a nomination no yeah you you can make a chair can make chair can yeah and then Robert through chair can't make a motion chair but during nominations that okay yeah and and I just make that just because of because of courtesy of length of service here not that you wouldn't make a wonderful VI Vice chair are there any other nominations okay so how does this work we vote on the first one first yep okay and you can vote for yourself correct yes okay okay and Mr waitman you can vote for yourself um so this time I would uh take uh vote on commissioner waitman I mean commissioner joer for second Vice chair okay I'll vote for myself then so we have I do it do it as raise of hands okay raise your hands for commissioner jger two okay commissioner waitman all right all right so it's commissioner waitman as is the second Vice chair okay um are we done with that now mhm we are done with that now when did we say we were going to have a second Vice chair we had trouble getting a quum we've uh we've discussed it during the year we've had uh two or three occasions we brought it up that we may need one and so by doing it then we' okay kind of do away that problem we had before you were the second Vice chair and moved up to I didn't remember might move up to um so now is the time for public comment citizens are given an opportunity to comment on any current or future agenda item coming before the board and on other business under the board's purview uh today's public comment will be handled as follows first we will take public comment from those who are here in person then we will take public comment from those who have pre-registered for a WebEx link and are currently on Q we request that when you address the board comments are not directed personally against the commissioner or team member but rather directed at the issues this provides mutual respect between board members and the public after stating your name and address for the clerk a three-minute timer will be activated after 2 minutes a single beep will indicate you have 1 minute left when your time is up two beeps will sound and you should close your comments WebEx participants will be disconnected automatically when their time is up Madam clerk before we go to to your list we're going to have a presentation uh from I think it's w because we always like to get money first good morning we we we bring greetings from Santa today so uh I just want to say uh congratulations Madam chair on your election to the commission and our vice chairs we greatly appreciate your service to our communities as are aware the co-op with Luchi is member owned uh we are owned by the community that we serve and since our Inception we have returned with this Capital Credit refund over a half a billion dollars back to our members so that is a significant uh U uh milestone for the cooperative and on behalf of our board of directors and our employees we want to say thank you to Pasco County we work hand inand with your team each and every day and uh to deliver critical needs and services to our citizens and uh we just look forward to another prosperous year and uh um and uh we want to present you all with a check for $354,500 as your fair share of our Capital credits that we've refunded this year we refunded over $23 million in capital credits to our members across Pasco Hernando Citrus Sumpter and P counties uh not only with that our rates are are significantly lower than most utilities throughout the State of Florida so we're very proud of that and we couldn't do that without the hard work and dedication of almost our of of 600 of employees that we have and uh we're growing the cooperatives making over a billion dollar investment in Pasco County over the next 10 years and you all may be aware the new power plant that's being built that power plant is owned by seol Electric Cooperative and who owns seol Electric Cooperative with Luchi and eight other Co co-ops throughout the State of Florida so in order to meet Pasco County's growing needs uh we will be investing heavily in infrastructure in our County which will provide significantly more tax base uh uh to this community and we will certainly continue to invest in our communities as we do all over uh so thank you I'd like to introduce John mccardy our district manager John's been with the Cooperative over 32 years years and he helped train me at the co-op when I was on the line he was my journeyman so all my bad habits on the line came from John but he's here right here locally in Newport Richie and will do a great job for us and if you ever need anything and you always can reach out to me directly but John here is your local contact uh to be able to to uh do anything that we need to do right here in the west side of the county so and and I I want to thank you for the check but I know this board thanks uh your company for the great service you provided during um hurricane Helen and Milton and how you stepped in and helped the other power companies is very admirable so we greatly appreciate it you're welcome uh commissioner marianao yes uh you know David John I I just can't say enough great things about with the Gucci electric what you guys do for the community has been amazing uh this storm is just another one that you've gone through and you had everything in place uh you set up a clear communication line so we could call put put the information with staff who would get to you and and sometimes you guys were so quick and so efficient the other people didn't know that you already done the work that was they were waiting on um SE Pines just recently where you had gone up there but what you guys do for the community is just amazing I mean youve guys have made Innovative strides to try to help Pasco grow which has worked very very well you help our community with all the scholarships you give out and you guys don't know this yet because it just happened yesterday but there was a local citizen right in the middle of uh the Hudson area that had a a couple of trees right on the canal but they're a little bit too tall to be able to get a regular ladder up to to get to uh put a call it to David and John and and within 4 days they're out there put the lights up and now Hudson in the heart of the near Clark Street near Lonnie Lee you you'll see a big tree with a a lot of lights around the whole Community is going to celebrate on Wednesday night so you didn't have to do that wasn't wasn't a long time sequence for you to go do it but that that effort that you made in the community just to make it a little bit better for this season is just greatly appreciated so thank for all you do yes also I want to thank you guys prior to the hurricane I had a family uh that had a fire in your in head with Luchi and I called you guys and and you came through within a day and um help that family out so I really appreciate that okay um go ahead Comm please David I certainly appreciate everything you do in our community and the work you've done in years past and even when Mr Brown was there you were part of all those actions and did a great job during the storm you uh shine like the biggest star you'd ever think because y'all were very very prepared and you could tell the work that you did it moved very smoothly through getting things back to order so we certainly appreciate all you did in that effort and that effort that you put out to help others so very very well noticed so thank you you're welcome commissioner all right we're going to come down and take a photo right yeah one two three okay all right at this time we will take public comment do we have anyone signed up Madam chair we do um I will I got quite a few so I'll I'll call you up in names of three so you know who's on Deck we have Lisa morti followed by Michael sorry I don't know the spelling of the name but it's polter maybe and then Julia um I don't know how to I can't really tell but I think it's May Barack but if I Crush that I'm so sorry oh did I say it right okay there you go um Miss meredi are you here I am okay please come up um and when you come to the podium please remember to state your name and address and then you may proceed with your comments hi I'm Lisa mer 16331 IA Woods Trail Dade City Florida um I wanted to come to speak today because we've been following the connected cities project Opa is presenting their report to the legislature about how that has progressed sort of a report card and with a lot of the flooding that we've seen over in that area and with the Tall Timbers project coming up for hearing um there's quite a few things with that project that we have been watching that we feel are out of alignment with what the mud says so I'd like to bring your attention to that also um the Swift Mud standard that we use for flooding um the state leg the state regs do not say that we have to use Swift Mud as our yard stick we choose to do that and I would like to encourage you to find a different standard to use because it seems that that standard really doesn't meet the new weather pattern that we're in every storm is unprecedented each time we see one and the flooding that we've seen the folks that are over in places like conon Aaron cut off Fort King Road um over near morning side still underwater many of them so we haven't got the right standard in place and I'd like to encourage you to maybe consider using some of the standards out of fot Which is far more extensive and maybe evolving how we handle flooding in the future um I'm also very concerned about some of the Reckless development that's going on developers are ignoring the things that you've asked them to do in many places across the county and so consequently we have some crazy things going on you'll hear about one of them from a resident with K development where they've just decided that her property is theirs and no push back we need the support for residents from you and we need the support from our planning Division and our County offices I would like to really say that the planning office has been very responsive and we appreciate that that they've listened to us and that they have uh taken the time to sit down with us and and really hear what we're trying to say so uh I would encourage you to take a deeper look at the things that are going on in development after they've passed through your decision-making process because many of them are not following the very things that you asked for thank you thank you we don't allow clapping here thank you so um if when I when I called your name if you just come right on up so Michael I believe it's polter and then Julia I don't know if I'm going be able to do it again um Bart and then John Kane there's an overhead to go with this thank you perfect my name is Michael ptor I'm representing the Pasco County connected residents group we're now coming together and going to be a much louder voice with this connected City issue my address is 9152 Kenton Road Wesley Chapel 33545 thank you as Lisa just mentioned aaga put their report to the state that's based on County reports the last one was 23 and I'm not sure currently we would receive amazing scores if they came down here and took a look at what we were doing with the connected City mpud we are missing our vision and values of what was handed out to the county and to the residents back in 2015 on what was going to come here for the community this is a map of the spa zones you can see there's five districts we all know it's the business or EOD northern southern Innovation zones the community Hub and then the urban business Corp over half of your principles are based on health Wellness outdoor Parks meeting spaces living a healthier lifestyle it's in the mpud your mpud very clearly defines that there's a need for Community Gardens farmers markets a district Park outdoor vibrant meeting spaces that abut and work with the schools that are going to be put into the connected City to make a healthier lifestyle for everybody It also says that these parks are going to be the bridge that brings all of the community developments together and brings it in relationship to the other districts of the connected City this is the picture of the school and the high-tech building buildings that was sold to us these are pictures that were sold to us that the beautiful business district is going to become unfortunately the EOD the 965 acres is being advertised as 5.5 million square fet of distribution and Industrial 2.5 million square feet is going to be specifically distribution we're going to have a truck stop I'm going to skip ahead here but this in your mpud master plan specifically States we will have a district Park everything that I highlighted earlier and that those areas would be in the community Hub and it's so important it's also stated and protected in the North and South Innovation zones every one of these red squares is already rezoned for developers putot housing in there is only one parcel of land it just happens to be Tall Timbers remaining that could be used for your District park and everything that's stated that this the defines the community Hub it also abuts the urban core and connects with three of the districts directly so this parcel could actually fulfill the definition that you put forward on what the connected city is supposed to be the reason that we feel this project right now would not receive passing scores is because the EOD has turned into distribution the southern Innovative district has turned into a fancy community pool the northern Innovation zone is another fancy community pool and in the urban core right now one5 of what was supposed to be deemed in 2015 by legislative action as the urban core 1if of that area in 2020 we turned into a multi-million County Fleet Management Facility we have a fancy oil change station for more Trucking right in the middle of the urban core we knew that that was supposed to be zoned for urban core and what we're doing as a Count's not fulfilling the I'm sorry uh your three minutes are up but ma'am thank you very much much I didn't I was engrossed uh julus bartin 26 45 Meadowood Drive Newport Richie Florida 34655 and I'm here today to just say that the C 11 Penny for Pasco funds um should not go to subsides a developer uh penny for Pasco would be better to help our First Responders that helped us during the Hurricanes would be better to help with storm water resiliency with upcoming climate disasters and also to help with our schools to give increase in salaries for our teachers the first responses our police officers and our teachers have a lot of trauma and I'm nervous so I'm going to stop take a deep breath I know this happen you before it's okay you can do it than you I know practice makes perfect okay all right we have John Kane followed by Larry Conwell followed by Al Hillary I'm John Kane um I need your address sir uh 6041 Florida Avenue Newport Richie Florida thank you 34653 um I came to speak on the development also I mean I I hear from everybody I don't so I don't think it's a secret we Fast and Furious in our County anybody's lived here long time understands the big change I'm concerned about the method I I know we're not going to stop the development I'm not gullible I I know that kind of money rules and that's what's going to be but I think we should set up some guard rails we had a lot of land cleared out and the method that they used was kind of archaic they they just clumped all the trees up and they burned and that burning went on and it was is you know these these Parcels of land even though they're big Parcels they're they're in the midst of of already existing homes and schools and hospitals there's old people there's children and we got ppms going up in the air we got large plumes of smoke traveling with the wind going everywhere it it to me I was kind of shocked to see it especially in this day and age I was a forestry student years ago and I have to tell you the technology now there's no reason for that you I talked to somebody from DP because I thought that we were kind of restrained by state standards because that's what I heard from the county any time I I put it out there complain was that well this is a burn State and this fellow from D assured me that every County runs it different and that you have the right to run it different and you could bring in an air curtain incinerate you could demand that these developers bring in an air curtain incinerator and you would never see any smoke you would never send any parts per million up into the air um it it it would keep the air clean it would keep our water clean it it's good for the citizens good for everyone's health so I I would ask you to please look into doing that maybe form an ordinance for demanding that that when they come here to our County uh that they use an air curtain incinerator it would benefit them too to be honest because it burns everything really fast when you throw everything in there it's almost like a wind tonnel and it just it just burns up the trees at a faster Pace it wouldn't be smoldering all night long like it does and blowing over different housing areas in Newport Richie so I I like I say I'm kind of surprised we haven't done it already but I'm I'm going to ask please look into that we don't need to do it this way we consider your citizens more than you do the developers that's what I'm asking you to do thank you thank you good morning good morning my name is Larry Conwell and I live at 35 659 Stella vast Drive in Zephyr Hills and I'm here uh looking for consideration or direction for an intersection that has been busy let's say uh it's the intersection of at RS Silverado Ranch Boulevard and Island Road and um it's the problem is is that that is a very busy intersection people uh block the intersection so the two roads can't get onto the main Drive of Island Road many accidents have been there so way I understand it is that I did talk to one of my representative offices they said that there's going to be a stoplight in 2027 uh in the meantime uh I would request for some consideration or Direction uh that some signs that could be put up to say Do not block the intersection they have that on um uh Morse Bridge Road and chansy uh there was buy there but it's it was said do not block the driveway I guess on that part there the other thing is is that at least I don't know if this is a possibility but when you come off of Dean Derry Road and I'm talking about in zepher Hills onto island road heading west I guess it would be there is a speed limit sign this says 55 mil an hour that might be great back in the day when the development wasn't so prevalent and there wasn't so many houses and traffic to at least consider maybe changing the speed limit sign to like a 35 or a 45 that's all I have thanks for letting me speak and um have a great day thank you and our traffic guys are listening so thank you very much thank you so um Al Hiller I think he's making his way up then we have Jerry ringsby followed by Wanda chasnoff good morning morning morning uh my name is Al Hiller I live at 13013 booby Court beautiful downtown Hudson Florida uh congratulations chairwoman I had to change things around here while the seat was popping around um on behalf of many of the people of Pasco County uh I want to thank you for all the help that you've given us during this disaster time uh chair will woman uh starky uh commissioner Seth Whitman uh commissioner Ron Oakley and commissioner Gary Bradford if you may have noticed uh I didn't recognize one of our commissioners this is because he is the commissioner for District 5 this is where I live recently After the Storm I found I found him helping two veterans in their 90s cleaning and removing debris from their house from the storm he has been at most Association meetings in his district answering questions and reassuring people that Pasco County was there to help them and rebuild their homes he works tirelessly for past County in District 5 and he's always looking to the Future commissioner Mariano I'd like to present you with just some of the letters and notes that the people of your District gave to me to give to you um move to receive and file I guess I'll take a motion it's I can't take a motion if it if it's what for the commissioner then it in the record commissioner wants in the record and while you out there this is commissioner joer took M commissioner Bradford she was phenomenal out there phomen every step way a lot of veterans there for missing you yeah she you're called but for your chosen but she did a wonderful job like I've said to Jack many times if you're not doing your job you're not hearing a lot of complaint thank you Commissioners for what you do for us we appreciate you coming and and saying what you did thank you Jerry Rings ringsby followed by Wanda chasnoff followed by Irene um I think it's Wellen maybe I think it's Jerry Kingsley is that what that is oh I don't know it could be a k or an R I'm just went with the r cuz it looked more like an R that's fine my name is Jerry Kingsley uh 1509 kinsmere Drive uh Trinity Oaks Florida um I am here uh because of uh Storyland I'm not sure if that's on the agenda I heard it was I don't really know um 20 years ago I addressed this commission some of you were on the commission back then 20 years ago was the first time my house flooded um and now uh this is the fourth time that it's flooded um a little over two months ago we had a natural disaster but what followed that natural disaster to me was gross mismanagement of our our infrastructure um I was I work for a small construction company I am out in Gulf Harbors that's a natural disaster what happened by me again is gross mismanagement of our infrastructure I know we need to grow as a community and I'm okay with that but not at my expense my neighbor's expense and everybody in that part of Pasco County um so I'm begging you please let's fix the infrastructure before we continue to grow you guys promised it you promis it all the time and you cannot keep doing that I I heard this think about two months ago how can we forget about that already all of that because it's not me it's not my cheese not my cheese means well it didn't affect me and it probably didn't affect any of you up there I don't know didn't affect any of you personally it affected me personally this is the fourth time used to be this this is a 100-year event a 100-year event a 100-year event we've changed it to a Thousand-Year event now how many hundred-year events can happen in my lifetime so we the associate the citizens are pleading with you please do the right thing fix this infrastructure it it has got to be fixed you cannot think about what you're going to do if you saw pictures and I'm assuming and I know some of you were out in the community two months ago think about what that Walgreens looked like what that church looked like there was a river in front of there and we're talking about growing there I'm for the community growing my kids are older now but not at my expense so I know we're early in this but even if this Storyland thing is a story I don't care you still have to fix this infrastructure it cannot continue to happen again this was it was isn't a natural disaster you can say that it is but it's not it was been mismanagement if this was the first time it happened I'd say oh my gosh but this has happened multiple multiple multiple times on again a lot of your watch and and the everybody out east where that new money's coming from they're high and dry not everybody I know there's some but a lot of people out east they're high and dry thank you and please fix that thank you thank you very much next good morning my name is Wanda chazov and I live at 6608 status Lane good morning board I'm here on good and bad okay the bad is I live on green key off of Green Key Road we have a wooded area that homeless people have overtaken yesterday we had an event I'm re building my house and I'm unable to stay in my home and so I come to my home every morning and I've been helping the senior citizens that live on my street to get every everybody's house back together I went there yesterday morning and I was humed by the people of the community about that they had been kept up all night by the homeless people screaming for help they called the authorities no one came I got there I called 911 I said we need somebody here and I found out that Colleen of Mr Mariana's secretary had gotten a permanent trespass on this property Well everybody's upset because we're trying to rebuild our home and we're fighting with the homeless people and we can't get nowhere we need some help with the county to do what needs to be done to get them out of there they were there this morning they went through there there was nobody there because they go to the church for breakfast every morning no sooner than the co enforcement man left there they were even the guy that they took out yesterday that was naked out there in the woods and everything holler help all night long they took him out and an hour later he was right back there we can't continue to live like this and try to put our houses together we're all senior citizens I'm 66 years old I can't continue to do this I need your help to make the man who owns the property do something about it clean it off fence it off do whatever you got to do stop putting the taxpayers in Jey because these people are dangerous they bounce syringes and everything else there it's got to stop if not I'm going there with a gun and I'll make sure it's gone so I'm asking for your help and I want to rebuild my house I've been there 17 years and Jack you've helped me as much as you can now I need the board to help us the rest of us thank you thank you I'm going to ask the rest of the folks who are um going to speak to line up because we have a very full morning and so I need to we have we still have a lot of people on the line so if you would call them and we'll get you to start lineing that okay we have Eileen I think it's Wellen Welch okay thank you sorry nice nice to meet you first time I've ever let me hold on just a moment I'm going to call all the names first okay please get me five okay we'll do the first five um Mary Lou Kaiser Lisa V villio I'm sorry I said did that wrong um and then Alan Rose and Peter de Deo okay if you're unable to stand for that period of time just let us know okay let's go name and address I'm sorry my name is IR Welch I live at 5119 Green Key Road I live right next to this homeless Camp place that Wanda was talking about I have a video of what these people listen to I arrive again cuz I'm I've been flooded I live in the tan hotel and I come every morning to set up my new home I'm trying to set up a new home for an autistic child and myself there's two people that live in that home it is very dangerous there's needles everywhere we have traffic of 20 people different people that I counted coming every single day on bikes in and out in and out I've seen drug transactions I haven't even moved in I paid December's rent and I am stuck cuz you know what the rental market is crazy crazy high or not available I am blessed that I have this home and I want to make it the best home I can for my child and this is not safe if I played this video with this man was hooting and hollering you'd be like what I have it can you like to hear it can you just send it to us when you're done speaking will it is bad and it's dangerous I'm I'm in fear of my life there's an elderly woman she's going to speak next with an again another autistic child and we live cross and next and this is we have to deal with this it's it's bad the trash I picked up 16 bags of trash singly by myself there's syringe needles in the alleyway but I can't let my child walk outside my gated house because we don't know if he's going to see a needle they're everywhere I mean I I've never lived I'm I'm from Boston and I've I've lived in the ghetto and I have never seen as much needles in this area this is bad Green Key can be beautiful that area is one mile from a beach I was so excited to get that property and it I I told everyone I'm moving a Green Key that's the response no you got that's got to be fixed green key is beautiful I'll just let you know that we're going to have a discussion on what we can do with private property owners and trespass that's not the only I feel like I'm I got lucky and moving in a nice place and then it turned out it was a nightmare right thank you thank you we'll work on Mary liser followed by Lisa ver virgilio I knew that g was pronounced something differently then Alan Rose then Peter Deo I'm going to call the ones that have signed up and then um after that then anyone else can line up behind them because I believe there's others in line that I did not call and then we have Nancy Hazelwood followed by Robert uh Richie and then a pastor Jen and I always pronounce your name last name wrong Carol wac oh I did it right okay and then after that then you can line up if you have other public comments that didn't sign up okay good morning Miss Kaiser I want to thank you all for listening to me um I'm Mary L Kaiser I'm at 6518 Westside Drive but I also own the two lots that's right on Green Key um which is my yard uh so I have three pieces of property okay I'm this was my dream was to be a snowbird in this late time of my life because I'm from Kentucky winners are tough it was just a dream of being here words it's warm but when I came here three years ago I found the property but of course I didn't know uh what I was going to be content with u seeing because I'm in rule Kentucky with no neighbors and no screaming and no drugs they may be in their homes but not right in my face so I'm right across the street from this homeless creatures they're in and out all the time every day it's not 10 people it's no telling how many people's going and then I'm right in my that's my yard they're right across I can it's almost shake their hand it's been going on it's been going on ever since I've been here for three years I try to come in the winter I try to come in the winter and in January but this time I had to come quickly because of the flood and um so I've been here longer than I usually am I'm usually not here till January but um the uh the epidemic we have there right by the u u alley they live behind my fence they live behind my fence they live across the street um and I'm from a state a little country town that our property is everything to us our children our property is is everything and we've got our investment there I came here the place was all grown up and I seen there was a little problem with EP with the epidemic of homelessness but man oh man every time I come it's more and more and there are people I guess that buys their proper property and they buy to be a ride off but and they're not paying any attention but uh you come in and and miss and poop on my you poop and do your thing on my property in Kentucky you won't be there long you know and when we had this flood and I'll end with this when we had this flood and I had to come fast I had just had hip surgery and they released me to come right on because I want to save my property my I mean that's my old age uh investment is what I have and that three pieces of property there on my address says Westside Drive but I'm facing green key right across from this this epidemic of creatures okay I came fast and the mess that you see from this is unbelievable and I we need something done I mean no one should no one should invade we'll take we will take it up okay thank you good morning my name is Lisa virgilio I live at 14104 little Ranch Road Spring Hill the Pasco side otherwise known as Shady Hills um I'm proud to say that I live in Shady Hills someone in my immediate family has lived there since 1980 lot has happened in 44 well 45 years um most notably the development projects I'm sure you're all aware I used to be able to shower do laundry and water my yard all at the same time now I barely have a a trickle my aquafer is is negatively impacted and has been compromized by the growth I'm not the only one and I'd like to know how I'm supposed to fix it when I know it's all a part of the development going in the developments that have been approved I'm not opposed to growth and I'm not opposed to advancement my opposition at this point is how much growth is being allowed in the Shady Hills area Shady Hills is more or less 29 square miles and in 2020 the population was 11,690 that population number is about to explode there are apartment and homes and car washes and storage units all that are all currently being built or planned again I'm not opposed to growth but please slow it down Shady Hills Road from 52 to County Line Road has only two traffic lights which makes it basically a Speedway I watched accidents happen and there have been several deaths to human and livestock on Shady Hills Road I don't have children at Marella or Cruise Lake Middle or Shady Hills Elementary I don't understand how with a clear conscience developments are developments are allowed but there are no sidewalks there's not enough traffic lights and the roads are not wide enough to accommodate the new growth coming in I see children daily near all of these schools and frankly I'm afraid of them afraid for them and their parents it would only take one misstep by a child for a tra tragedy to happen the blatant disregard for the health and well-being of Shady Hills residents should be a top priority before allowing new housing developments and new businesses according to the Pasco County Commissioner's website under service Excellence it states that you are that you serve to make the community better that you place the citizens and customers interests first I don't see that no disrespect but I see the almighty dollar coming first there has to be a middle ground somewhere and frankly I can't imagine why so much development is being allowed without Road widening sidewalks and traffic signals with all of this development Shady Hills is about to lose the Florida charm that Drew most of us there I may not know everyone who lives in Shady Hills but what I do know thank you very much you almost got it thank you no problem Mr Rose Allen Rose followed by Peter Deo followed by guys come up just a little closer I need every second Hazelwood followed by Robert Richie and then Pastor Jen carak good morning I have documents for for the board I'll take a motion I'll move second all in favor I not foring I know this is alen Rose 10221 Hilltop Drive Newport Richie Florida I know you used to see me on Coastal waterways issues that's my specialty today I'm here on something different I'm here here representing my community of Golden Acres presently I was at the last uh planning board meeting and the owner investor that's purchased the property uh Golden Acres phase one lot two and this is this is on your agenda today p81 uh phase one lot two represented to the planning board the need to to uh convert this property from residential to high density commercial again what you're here if this is a public hearing this afternoon that's when you should be making your comments okay I thought this was public comment I should bring this to pre-worn for that or just bring this afternoon it if you want it as part of the record of that hearing that's when you need to make your comments and now board can take them now but if it's a quasi judicial item that's when that's there's a time and place for these comments okay well then I apologize see you this afternoon all right we'll hang on to these thank you hearing starts at 1:30 good morning my name is Peter Deo I live at 7134 Orit Lake Road Newport Richie 34653 uh this is regarding the Orchid Lake Road and subdivision in or lake there's a there's a lot of traffic going down that road and a couple of kids almost got hit I almost got hit walking my dog uh it's there's a couple of schools back there and it's we put a petition in for uh speed bumps but it got denied because there wasn't that many people that were signing for it but there's rentals there people trying to sell their homes and it's like a highway it's like call it US 19 that's what you should call it because they come down the road and doing 40 50 m an hour I know there two signs on the road one says 30 at the beginning of the road and one says near School 30 over there but they' rushing to get to the school in the morning it's like a zoo I called the sheriff's apartment multiple times they said they Patrol the area I haven't seen one patrol car there they they said they gave 39 violations I even called District 4 Lisa I believe it was and I put ask her about it and she tried to help and she couldn't do it and I told her I was come here to talk to these people about this issue it has to be done something has to be done and then another issue I have is uh the roads in AR Lake Village are falling apart I have pictures here I took pictures I walk around the neighborhood it's like like potholes all over the place this year I Haven been living here 39 years in this area and in that community and I watch the community grow and everything but it's just falling apart I can't see a community go go to garbage like it is you know it's you know you I don't know what to say on this Mr Branford could you meet outside with him and um talk about Road calming devices and see if Orchid lake is on the paving assessment schedule thank you I thank you very much thank you next up is Nancy Hazelwood followed by Robert Richie followed by Pastor Jen Kwak and then anyone else who did not sign up Nancy Haywood 34110 a nice place it's nice to see you over here instead of over there it's a bit of a change uh first I would like to thank you all for arranging a meeting with Tampa B water it was very insightful for the citizens of Northeast rural we are very afraid that if a wellfield is put in the Northeast protected area that we will soon have a wastewater treatment plant and then the rural area can be developed at high density Northeast R now has only well in has only well in septic because it takes a bit of land and that's what's helped keeping us rural there so we hope you will give that matter some attention and keep us rural out there um I have another question and I know yall don't answer questions Mr Oakley's told me that a few times I was wondering why the board continues to listen to the same people who represent the development Community when they have failed quite a few times over and over again to follow through with what they have promised their projects go on and nothing is done even though you all passed it with conditions it has been agreed on and it is in the application by the board at public hearings this affects this board we see this we see you all voting on this and then when it comes to fation it's something completely different if you want your word to stand for something in this County it might be behoove youall to make sure that the applicants either follow through or maybe you could just quit listening to them after this happens three times maybe it's shouldn't they shouldn't be up in front of you again I was at Connected City's first meeting and if I remember correctly they actually promised to do the jobs first I don't think we're seeing that thank y'all thank you next hello uh my name is Rob Richie I live at 15814 antler Lane in Shady Hills and I represent the residents of Shady Hills with our concerns about the uh rapid development in the area I like Linda who spoke before me on behalf of Shady Hills uh do not deny that change is inevitable I've lived in Shady Hill since 1976 and I've seen it cycle multiple times what I'm concerned about is the lack of infrastructure planning for the area Shady Hills Road is a super highway during the operation the daytime hours and that's not counting any of the development that is now currently underway the majority of the traffic and I've unofficially checked on it 90% of it is Hernando County traffic so how many residents in Pasco County in Shady Hills now and future have to be affected or killed the future residents because of this uncontrolled traffic I was recently in need of emergency services within the last month I live 2 miles from the fire department it took them 30 minutes to get to me I coded in the hospital because of the delay and all I ask is that there be something done why not at least a caution light at little Ranch Road and Shady Hills Road I've brought this up before in in an unofficial meeting um there's not that every other fire department has one we don't and obviously there doesn't need to be a caution light directly in front of the fire station on little ranch road but can we have one on Shady Hills Road I've been in traffic witnessing the emergency vehicles trying to get out and they can't and motorist where do they go they have to pull off the road the shoulders are so soft due to the fact that we have no sidewalks due to the fact we have no Trails we have nothing so the four-wheeler traffic and the pedestrian traffic has to share the road or use the shoulder I witnessed just the other day a woman in a wheelchair who was homeless being pushed through sugar stand on Shady Hills Road to her homeless camp that shouldn't be and I I just implore you all to please consider the growth and the future of of this growth I know 2 to 5 years Shady Hills Road is is going to be even worse and it's not on the schedule so think about what we might do to at least help with the pedestrian traffic and the bicycle traffic that has to utilize Shady Hills Road not here to complain about the homeless they're there they're going to be displaced as the development continues and we understand that but we have to do something we have to be better for the future growth Shady Hills Road probably can't be widened right away and and even the development that the the Del Webb Community has I'm driving by it yesterday when we do decide to widen Shady Hills Road it's got to go west so what is to the west side because the Del Web sidewalk is already within 15 fet of the edge of Shady Hills Road so now the cost of widening Shady Hills Road will be quadruple because the power lines will all have to be moved we had a perfect opportunity to to utilize setbacks with these developments beforehand and we didn't and now the developments are going to be built so we have to go west so it's going to cost my tax dollars and everybody tax dollars more to widen a road that could have been planned for in advance thank you very much thank you thank you good morning Pastor Jen uh kowak 15925 green Glenn Lane Spring Hill Florida and the Shady Hills area um and today and as last time I was before you uh something was on my heart so today James 116 do not be deceived my beloved Brethren every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and in my opinion my humble opinion it is a good gift to be placed in the position that each of you have been placed in with the responsibility to advocate for the citizens of your counties of your community the the place where we are today Pasco County and these good gifts come from the Father of Lights with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning of his own will he brought us forth by the word of Truth so then my beloved Brethren let every man be swift to hear slow to speak slow to wrath for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God and so I'm here today not to bring Wrath of any particular person but to attempt to bring forth the righteousness of God and it as we as we continue to come to these meetings and and as the gentleman who brought forward the connected cities uh plan and I think he said 2015 and as I know that there's a woman at the local Transportation uh disadvantage Transportation board meeting that said that they started to ask for the widening of Shady Hills Road in 2005 which was her first time serving in the capacity on that board and and every meeting that I come to I come with with you know the hopefulness that as we come forward and as we come to the table to collaborate that we will be heard and I do not want to see people hurt and I don't mean to bore you Comm commissioner Oakley I do not want to come here in in Wrath but it is a great concern that the people feel like they come and they're not heard the people feel like that they can't go to their Commissioners and be heard and I appreciate all of the meetings that I've had with those that I have met with with commissioner Mariano commissioner waitman commissioner starky and Comm commissioner Oakley I appreciate that sincerely but I really just plead with you to consider everything that you hear when it's brought forward and as these developments and as these decisions are made that you consider it a good gift thank you very much from God thank you for coming next is there anyone else after this gentleman that wants to speak they need to get in line cuz I I have a Time certain and I'm going to honor it cuz I have to leave after that and commissioner Mariano you'll be running the meeting for the rest of until lunchtime till after lunch come up to please please stand up closer to the mic all of you thank you good morning my name is sha gr I live at 8205 tangent Square um Tang Square Apartment I came here probably like a couple of months ago after the hurricane stating that I was being evicted I thank you for the um your county for assisting me with the rent also um as speaking to Residents they said some saying they was there a couple months and they never got eviction and I'm trying to figure out what made it a different you know my one time being late that they immedi vitim me also it's a lot is going on I feel you know that I was discriminated against basically you know as I talked to some resident like oh I was two months say have adicted me oh lady like at the end of the month she was able to pay her rent but you ADM adicted me I feel it's not right you know what I'm saying what's the purpose of your program building these properties and then you want to evit people you go to the to I guess I looked up with had funded them the sh program they go to them saying they want to help the homeless people okay if you trying to help the homeless people why you trying to admed Vic them what's the purpose of you building the community you know I'm just so tired of you know like I said before I speak on the board I go to t house I help fight for these funds for these properties to get this money and I can't get I'm getting like like they don't just don't care you know what I'm saying I'm feel like I'm going to give up I'm start speaking for them to get these funds to build these properties and stuff like that I speak on news media TV you know I go to T I've been to Washington DC to get funds for the properties and then you want to evict us like that you know I I just don't know what to say I'm just overwhelmed I'm stressed out I'm tired you know what I'm saying it seem like nothing's working you know what I'm saying they get these properties and do people any kind of way I I I heard that this lady said that she had her husband was in the hospital they adicted her okay it's don't something need to plan need to come you know what I'm saying This Disaster displaced us it's not like we miss rent like Miss a rent like cuz we wanted to cuz we we just don't want to work we miss rent because of the storm I have an eviction on my record because I got displaced for my job Kathy is there someone that can speak with her out okay I have they've been assisting me they've been assisting me I appreciate them for helping me and stuff like that but it's a point I'm speaking for other people how they do people with disabilities it's not right you getting these properties for what I see people on the property have company trucks on the property why they have company truck of the property they they they over income I'm pretty sure but you not evict to them okay she'll she'll speak with you that's that don't make no sense you know what I'm saying people that really need the property you know they taking advantage other the property when they have companies I don't know if they going up under other names and stuff getting the property I see so many company trucks on that property that's not right thank you okay come on good morning my name is Eric Johnson I'm from 16210 K Drive in Shady Hills I'm here to speak about the cor estate's development behind the property that I have um there is a problem with myself and my neighbor we have an access that goes to the property that they're developing um when this was discussed there was no mention at any point of putting in a road there and when I say a road there's a significant elevation difference the front of my back the front of my yard to the back of my yard is about a 14ot difference and they pretty much matched the road to match the front grade all the way back so I have a four roughly 14t berm on the west side of my or east side of my property with a retention Pond behind that that's been built up uh we have reached out to planning we've reached out to the Commissioners and there's a conflict of stories that's coming back somebody somebody made a comment well the land was up for grabs this is the deed can can someone close that door back there this is the deed for the property that I've had since 2002 and I assure you it's not up for grabs absolutely not when I hear the conflicts between the different agencies within the county from comments from the Commissioners and the fact that when you put your sign up for the U resoning of the parcel it was blank that's a lot of shenanigans all right none of us are opposed to growth but it's not going to be on my property at my expense they took down a 300 year oak tree without so much as a door knock they took down my fence without so much as a door knock they're out there at 3:00 in the morning pouring concrete they are out there on holidays weekends they don't care I care I raise my my son's in that house and my grandson's in that house three generations it needs to stop you are the stewards of it you need to take charge thank you very much um we're going to discuss this property later thank you good morning morning uh my name is Bruce coper and I live in 8426 Coral Creek Loop and I'm here to talk about the Beacon Park development um my house is right next to the hall route for the development they've been doing it for about 2 months now and when they first started they uh tore down a bunch of trees and put up fencing um and then they started the development so uh we've had a lot of suit in our land um we've complained to our HOA and and recently they have been trying to put down water to to make the suit uh problem on our Properties or less and I thank you for that when they put the fencing up um they went a little bit too far when they were digging and they actually dug on my land and but my next door neighbor has the backyard full of grass and it's nice um when they were doing the development I did talk to some of the people saying Hey guys you're on my land can you at least just fill it in I don't care about that but it it's a safety hazard right now uh people that are doing um uh maintenance on the property or even the people that mow our La is it is it just a hole there and I'm worried that uh because it's on my property uh I may have I might be liable if something happened so what I'm really asking for I guess and I I went to our HOA uh recently our chairmans have changed uh very recently so I got to get to the new chairman now to re uh talk to them about this problem but it's a safety issue and I'm I'm worried about that and anything that Mr Mariano can do with our HOA working with the development would be appreciated thank you very much JP can you meet with him as well CU this is the same one we talked about a while while ago but might be more information you get so thank you thank you all right is there anyone online that wishes to take public comment I don't believe we have anyone online for public comment corre okay um because we have an 11:15 time certain I'm going to take up the um consent agenda now you have an 11 and an 11:5 oh the 11 was withdrawn okay so we'll go on to um the consent agenda then we have an 11:15 time certain then we will go to the resolutions okay all right um I have in front of me a pull sheet I have c27 C c56 c66 c68 c26 c35 and c62 are there any other polls from the agend c33 for discussion c33 okay you got 27 56 66 and 68 are all being withdrawn right and then you've got the others some pull and revise is there anything else okay I will'll take a motion on the consent agenda move approval second by roll call Sorry by I can second it okay roll call district one commissioner Oakley I District Two commissioner waitman I District Four commissioner joerger I District Five commissioner Mariano I District three chairman St Okay C 27 56 66 and 68 are withdraws c26 and guys if you're going to speak please be ready cuz I we're pressed for time here so Whoever has c35 and c62 please be ready good morning board Facilities Management Andrew backer facilities director speaking um c26 is being revised to amend the way it's being uh discussed to uh delegate authority to the County Administrator and then also the distribution section has also been revised slight um but with those revisions this is basically the the restart of construction for the East Pasco Senior Center so approval Second District Five commissioner Mariano I commissioner Mariano I District three chairman starky I C6 uh c62 morning Commissioners Ryan Gwen fire chief c62 is pull and revised to just clarify some language instead of utilizing the original agreement we actually named out the agreements that we were signing and authorizing move approval second all in favor district one commissioner Oakley district one commissioner Oakley District Two commissioner waitman I can visually see him say I District Four commissioner joerger I District Five commissioner Mariano hi District 3 chairman starking I up c33 for discussion c33 for discussion I just want to pull in this is the cras that we giving out uh money to the different cities I I especially want our staff to go back to the table with Newport Richie Port Richie and go look at which ones are actually blighted properties which ones are not and see if we can get some concessions as we did years ago to remove the properties that are top quality properties that don't need to be into that that's a burden on the taxpayers so I'll move approval second roll call vote district one commissioner Oakley I District Two commissioner waitman I cannot visually see him anymore District Four commissioner joerger District 5 commissioner Mariano hi District three chairman starky hi okay we're now going to take up our time certain sorry sorry those of you are here for the resolutions um but we'll get to you in a second so could those that are here for the 11:15 time certain that's amskills and University of Florida and whoever else wants to attend please approach the mic I think we have some board members here and a welcome to the Pasco County Board of County Commission so we don't usually have that much public comment but coming from the storms and all the things happening here we had a full morning of it up our screens just went out oh okay so um good morning uh Tom does does he have to do name and address okay name and address for the record thank you do our Proclamation oh um yeah we can do the proclamation first the resolution the resolution yes yes ma'am I'll go ahead and read the resolution resolution number let me make sure I got the right one yes 25- 062 resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pascal County Florida recognizing the 10th anniversary of amskills whereas amskills was formed in 2014 as a Florida not not for-profit organization established as an economic development initiative to help manufacturers recruit train and sustain a skilled Workforce with the mission of transforming lives and strengthening communities through Workforce training and apprentic for youths adults veterans the uniquely abled and the economically disadvantaged and Ras am skills has spent the last decade transforming lives by providing Hands-On technical training programs designed to prepare individuals for in- demand careers in skilled trades and Manufacturing andraz the amskills career directory boot camp program has helped hundreds of adults by offering a unique immersive experience that prepares individuals to meet the needs of local employers fostering a skilled Workforce aligned with industry demands and facilitating the launch of new careers and Raz amskills has pioneered first ofit kind programs for adults including Youth and adult pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs and offering nationally recognized micro credentials and Industry certifications for Machining Robotics and mechatronics is that correct okay which have set new standards for Workforce Development and created Pathways to success for individuals of all ages and and backgrounds andr am skills has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to Youth Development by establishing a scalable High School Workforce training mod model started at anot high school and set to expand to two additional schools in Pasco County in 2025 designed to assist our public private and homeschooled students overcome difficulties in implementing Career and Technical education and providing students with practical skills industry recognized certification and a clear path to career success and Raz amskills has expanded its Community impact by constructing the first amskills Workforce Innovation Center a 15,000 squ ft Advanced manufacturing training facility in Holiday Florida the facility is intended to to spark Redevelopment and training opportunities for underserved residents providing greater access to resources and support for economic revitalization of the region andraz over the past 10 years amskills has served thousands of people AG 13 through 72 becoming a vital resource for businesses students and job Seekers and contributing to the vibrancy and economic stability of Pasco County now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby recognizes amskills on its 10th anniversary and celebrates the accomplishments they have achieved over the past 10 years and looks forward to the future as am skills continues to transform the lives of members within our community done and resolved in regular session with a quorum present and voting this 10th day of December 2024 thank you I'll take a motion move approval second roll call vote district one commissioner Oakley hi District Two commissioner waitman District Four commissioner joerger hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi District three chairman starky hi okay good morning and welcome morning my name is Tom madano and the president CEO of am skills and I just want to thank uh the Pasco County commission for uh your foresight 10 years ago you all uh really saw the connection between Workforce Development and econom uh Workforce and economic development and essentially that is why we are created to help uh with that specific area while our primary P purpose has been to help the manufacturing industry we first focus on the person and that results in helping to fill these much- needed jobs in this industry and others we are a 501c3 um and as a result of that we've been creating Solutions specifically to identify what are the problems that are facing in our schools as well as recruiting in these industries and trying to come up with solutions that address that as a result we've created a pathway that clearly takes somebody who has no skills or has no idea about these valuable in skill uh uh Industries and careers and help them not just get into the industry launch a career but also continue to upskill to help uh them get to higher wages as a part of this journey we've uh achieved numerous National certifications that are recognized by these industries we've received articulation agreements with our local colleges we've established the first Florida Department of Education pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship in several of our occupations in the advanced manufacturing industry many of our youth today have no idea what they want to do they're not exposed anymore to the careers that are actually or different careers that are available to them in the trades as a result of that we've been able to establish numerous programs that help to excite them help to make these type of programs aware such as our youth camps such as build a 3D printer Camp uh we have career Discovery days where we have high school and homeschool kids come over uh to learn about the different careers we have uh partners with Pascal County and the utilities Department to help create a pipeline uh for your own utilities areas we also have created uh technical training programs for uh homeschools and this is something we' recently launched launched and are looking for that to expand in the future uh lastly as we mentioned earlier um we are expanding our high school program we will be having uh three high schools and starting in the year 2025 in Pascal County which will these will be geographically uh located across the county so that students can uh get to them but also to be a standardized curriculum that'll and and providing support to the teachers who are a part of that you all have heard about our high school or excuse me our boot camp program for adults this is a great uh two- week expedited program to help people who are looking for new careers or to change their careers and and results in getting right into ex uh existing uh jobs or new jobs that they haven't pursued before as a result of that program over the Year this just this past year we've had issued over 300 uh certifications of Industry recognized certifications and a result of the people we've secured jobs for hundreds resulting in over $15 million of economic impact to our community you mentioned that our we have our uh Workforce uh Training Center that we've launched just this last year uh and coming up on this Saturday we are actually inviting you all and our commiss and as well as the public to come to the first holiday career excuse me the first holiday Community block party we this is meant to help get people to come out to learn who we are and to um to learn about the careers but also just to enjoy the uh the holiday season to close I just wanted to make a final announcement of a special uh announcement we're looking we're always looking to the Future um we want to again thank our commissioners and uh and our board members we who we have several uh with us today as well as our community and DC joerger who is an amatr partner with us and essentially uh to close I want to make our final announcement um we are very proud and excited to announce that we have created a collaborative partnership agreement with the University of Florida Florida semiconductor Institute uh this is a amazing opportunity for us to expand our youth programs as well as our career Discovery boot camps and other programs uh not only locally but also throughout the state I want to invite uh Dr Jack Judy who's a deputy director of Workforce with the University of Florida's Florida semiconductor Institute to say a few words followed by Mr Leroy yansy who's the chairman of the amskills board thank you very much we welcome you uh Dr Judy good morning yes uh I'm Jack Judy I'm a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Florida but today I stand before you as the deputy director for Workforce Development at the Florida semiconductor Institute which has a mission of making Florida the world leader in specialty electronics and packaging and we have a major research Mission but also this Workforce Mission although we may be stationed currently in Gainesville we have a state Statewide View and we've been partnering with Advanced teams and thought leaders across the state who we see uh to to to work with to develop new ways of engaging with this Workforce uh across the state and and growing it to the level needed for our semiconductor industry which is uh actually quite Advanced and to make it even stronger as it's growing to meet the national International demands for its products um and so uh yes we've signed anou with skills and are excited about partnering with them to promote its development of the kind of thing we we need to perform this kind of Workforce Development and to help disseminate it across the state so I thank you for your time and your vision to support that effort and uh our partnership with it and we look forward to sharing the outcomes going forward thank you very much and now we have our our chairman of the board good morning today marks a significant milestone for Workforce Development in Florida as we celebrate a transformative partnership between Florida semiconductor Institute and an skills together we are addressing the urgent need for a skilled Workforce in the rapidly uh growing semiconductor and microelectronics industries which are vital to us to the US economy and global global competitiveness through this partnership we're not only equipping individuals with critical skills but also providing Pathways to high wage high demand careers that can transform lives and strengthen strengthen communities we're proud to stand alongside FSI the University of Florida and amatol in this mission to prepare Florida's future Workforce together we are building a pipeline of talent that will ensure Florida's leadership in the semiconductor and microelectronic sectors for years to come thank you to the Poke County commission for Pas I will correct you I appreciate that to the Pasco County commission for recognizing the importance of this initiative and for your continued support of Workforce Innovation we're excited about the opportunities this partnership will create for individuals families and industries throughout our great state thank you thank you so much and I actually we have some other board members so if you want to introduce yourself um you guys come on up introduce yourself and then we're going to take a photo beo Nelson I'm on the board of M skills for a number of years and it's been an amazing uh Journey so far not the least through the work of of of of yourself Kathy and and and Tom so uh excited about the future excited about this new agreement with uh uh the the UN University of Florida and really uh uh we're determined to stay in Pasco County by the way and VI was CEO of metler to and um Dr McGee hi guys uh Joe mcge uh I joined I'm skills board just recently particularly because of some of their initiatives were special needs kids uh I run a robotics company and I've asked Catherine to look at doing the development and training for the people we need to scale that company so thank you thank you as anyone else want to introduce themselves okay all right well um we're gonna come down and take a photo with you all if commission and congratulations on your 10 year anniversary commissioner Mariano and commissioner starkley thanks for your desicated uh involvement with this from when you were on the school board 20 years ago to now all the way through um as as I've been very supportive as well to try to help grow and and I think what you guys are doing the phenomenal and I'm so excited to hear about the semiconductor Institute involvement um you know I has been a great partner Florida Association counties works very closely with University of Florida when I see this coming up and Tom you and I have met with developers uh and now that John Le's in school I think there's a huge opportunity if we can make it work to go right down from Hudson High School the campus that's right there you've got 160 acre park with some other industrial land right around it that's going to be growing right to it uh we think it would be a phenomenal place to grow train right from there as well as uh other features to it so I'd like to make sure we do explore that uh we know the tan Bay partnership years ago said there's at least 30 some odd thousand jobs out there that could be filled if they were trained to go forward so I know every time you guys are are training people there's a job created so we want to make sure we keep on pushing that every step of the way um and something we brought in a few years ago was Pep and Academy from Hillsboro uh got some great things there that could could we could work Cooper too those kids are amazing uh they can do repetitive tasks when they know what they got to do they're awesome uh we've seen them uh put musical performance on they're out of this world uh so I know that I'm glad you're tapping into that because it's great Joe's son graduated from Pepin and St Leo okay so that I mean just phenomenal opportunities that now that kids who were kind of Left Behind now can go and live great productive lives just came from the Gary line uh ribbon cutting yesterday they had projected to do I think it was 400 jobs 300 jobs over 3 years in less than 9 months they filled 600 jobs now interesting 40 or 50 came from the Bronx to come down to live here but the rest was jobs from around here so we know this great opportunity there to work with and um to to what you guys are doing this is very exciting stuff and I want to just say I know this board is 100% behind what you're doing and we want to help you even grow bigger and stronger whatever way we can okay we'll come down for the photo resolution sign okay yeah we'll okay you guys stand behind and I'll come here all right ready one two and did David to get thank you very good relase okay so now I have a challenge because I have to leave and David Engel is supposed to leave too because we have an event with these guys so um David David how long is your Wire Grass presentation because I we still have these guys over here so okay well I'm GNA I don't even know how to how to commissioner starky I just wanted to clear one of the items that's on regular agenda is is yours it's r74 it was for time certain 11 but I just want to make sure that the record's clear that you you're saying that this one is being withdrawn yes they the the uh robotics team had a competition okay thank you um I'm not sure which one to pull up Madam chair yeah I give a suggestion I think you should do the yass one first because we all need to have that discussion the others if you had to leave it would be all right we'll pull up sorry guys we have not done resolutions yet I just wanted to point that out um however the chair would like to to manage that usually resolutions are done before regular I know but um I have to leave they need my vote so we pull David up okay David's supposed to leave too so as soon as he's done with that good morning David Engel planning and economic development director approximately 40 to 50 years ago Wesley Chapel was a quiet Crossroad in our community blessed with a robust Citrus and cattle industry and in fact one of our commissioners at a citrus stand in Wesley Chapel and he was known back then as the mayor of Wesley Chapel on Oakley today and this month in particular consumer affairs has designated Wesley Chapel as the best place to move to in the State of Florida 50 uh High population centers were evaluated across the state for safety affordability economy Health Quality of Life and education and Wesley Chapel is number one and in fact and kudos to our Pasco Sheriff's Department it's second in the state for the lowest crime rate in the state so that's what Wesley Chapel is today and today we're we're going to probably undertake one of well we will undertake a uh project that will Define and create a downtown for Wesley Chapel and it's known as Wiregrass Legacy the project is located uh bookended North and South by chansy road to the North State Road 56 to the South it's contiguous to the Wiregrass Sports Complex it also is contiguous to Orlando Health to the north and um the Raymond James site is approximately um 7 o' to the star on that map the property is known as M7 M7 is in the designated drri approved mpud it consists of approximately 130 acres and it is located in the urban ser service area the project um that we're that's before the board today is for phase one of Legacy it consists of 150,000 Square ft of office development primarily two 75,000 foot Office Buildings a hotel and conference element of 15,000 ft of conference 150 room hotel we have 150,000 square fet of entertainment uh retail and shops as well as restaurant and lastly we have a vertically integrated midrise urbanized construction and um the project is uh designated and I uh here on the site plan this is an illustrative site plan of phase one and after I speak uh Wiregrass Ranch will be here to um showcase tordy Gallison Partners architectural rendition of this project cordi Gallison part ERS is one of the Premier placemaking architectural and Urban Design um firms in the country they've done wonderful work here at Celebration over in Orlando as well as magnificent work in Alexandria Virginia and um and there are some they are a premier design firm so the ad the adalum um aspect of this economic incentive proposal is to allow um for 50 million square ft of ADV valorum rebates how that works is the developer will pay their taxes and then the following year some money of that tax payment will be made available to incentivize this project at no time will they ever take more than 50% of the net cash flow going into the general fund the purpose of this $50 million is to incentivize and help Finance $845 million in public infrastructure structure uh the maximum rebate period is up to 30 years and this is a a very important component of this project Wiregrass has agreed to preserve and maintain 1,455 th000 square fet of office and light industrial as as part of this incentive package and to to reach the goal of obtaining $50 million in tax rebates they have to build much of this office and get it seed the net annual general fund Revenue during the rebate period at full buildout the county will enure $2,671 th000 uh the annual gross County contribution is $575 million and this project will generate directly 4,900 uh employees the induced effect would be about 7,000 new jobs here for Pasco County now I'd like to invite Wire Grass up Scott Sheran is here I believe Scott uh Clark hobby the attorney and also the porter family thank you good morning Commissioners Scott Sheridan with vir grass Ranch here speak on behalf of Legacy wi grass Ranch as as David just talked you through waiting for my slides to come up here as David just mentioned to you as we sit here today wire grass is less than half built out it's probably about 35 40% built out we're about 1.4 billion excuse me just getting over a little bit of the ick about 1.4 billion of tax base today we generate over $10 million a year in County operating Revenue um to the county today as we sit here again less than halfway develop um David showed you where where Legacy is kind of represented by the star right in the heart of the project um immediately adjacent to the new Orlando Health Campus you know less than half a mile walking distance to the Wi graph Sports campus um and easily accessible to all of wi grass Ranch kind of in the center of the project there we go uh so this is our our our site plan this is maybe a little more illustrative than what David had showed you uh again what we're developing is sitting on about 30 Acres again David's touched about all the retail the the office um residential and so forth that quantity of development is typically developed in a Suburban form of development on about 80 to 100 acres within Pasco County so we're doing it on about 30 acres really pushing for vertical density true mixed use and an intensity that I know we're all looking for uh to the county to um to continue to use to capitalize on these public funds and infrastructure we can not build this project without your partnership there's no way we could we could possibly afford to to develop this and to force the development Community to to Really Embrace this this uh this form of development as David touched on um this is a 30-year timeline in the Eda we did a financial analysis uh and shared this with with David and with staff some time ago um if we if wire grass was really developed in a more conventional mpud scenario as we all know significant amount of residential not that much um office and Retail and so forth um and then we looked at it also as we're tend tending toward and are already facilitating and that is higher density residential uh more office more retail obviously significant health care we project and and our we presented this to the staff we project that over this 30 year time Horizon the county will actually see over $280 million of additional ad Valour more and benefit over that timeline period from creating more projects like Legacy within M grass Ranch I know this is consistent with prior discussions you've had with the folks from Urban 3 from Asheville and as we study the the land use benefits of of pushing density this is a bird's eye view of what we envisioned for for legacy you ernston young you recently adopted the ernston young uh economic growth program strategy and uh we are wire grass and Legacy particularly are squarely aligned with these goals and objectives one of those goals was a continued diversification of the economy and increasing growth in higher wage High um traded industry jobs and and sectors and also building a Workforce that was responding to the Future employment needs of Pasa County life sciences and medical obviously were significant drivers and the most significant element of that report and largest sector for economic growth we will have over 1.4 million square fet specifically tailored for this purpose this agreement specifically sets that aside as we stand here today currently we have over $570 million being invested of private investment going in to life sciences and medical within Wire Grass Ranch $570 million we have we have an additional $185 million of projects that we are currently working on in the permitting process or in the queue within wir grass together over the next few now and over the next few years that's over $750 million being investment being invested in wi graphs and life sciences and professional office services um and we're only getting started and that's not including a lot of the prior Investments we're all aware of from Advent health and Florida Medical Clinic and so forth so Orlando Health is is kind of the Southern anchor to to Legacy Wire Grass FR they will have an additional 150,000 ft of medical office on their campus their thousands of employees will be uh within walking distance of of legacy and we have worked very closely with them to collocate them with and they they were act actually very much involved in our Tori Gallow planning process to to come up with the original vision of legacy and their campus being integrated into into what what we're trying to build here here you'll see a a just just a couple slides and I I'll show you a video here in a second uh here you'll see a couple you know walking PRS from The Wire Grass borns campus over to Legacy to enjoy lunch we have a planed entertainment venue that's within the the heart of the project for concerts for plays for different shows that could be uh either inside the entertainment venue and also spill out into the common area into the green space and obviously a very much pedestrian focused walkable design to to all of Legacy a food Hall ernston young also set goals to strengthen the the the talent Pipeline and we're significantly focused on that with phsc no doubt you're aware of their their alliance with um Orlando Health and Advent and continue to grow their their uh nursing program and just imagine all the nursing program and students that can come eat at The Wire Grass Food Hall on a regular basis as well within Legacy this is a view standing you know standing at our one of our four five-story balconies looking down into the uh the common area within um all walkable that uh planed to to serve the residents of not just of wiass ranch but obviously of Greater Westley Chapel and Pasco County again this is standing in on top of that entertainment venue looking down at at this uh our common Green Space our our main Gathering area I think the most important um objective and goal of the ernston young recommendation was to elevate the County's image and create a quality of place and they specific I'm going to read to you I know you know this but I'm going to read to you they said establish a funding mechanism to support high impact developments that contribute to live work play environment for Pasco County These funds could be used for Green Space within a mixed use development capital for New entertainment or sports venues or developments that could bring increased walkability vibrancy and tax revenues to the county that is exactly what we believe Legacy Wire Grass Ranch will do play the video please now we have a video instead of just still images we actually have a video fly through to show you of taking you down through the community put together by our partners at Tori Gallas so this is looking South you can see Orlando Health in the distance there in their campus which is actively under construction again this is phase one you see some of the four or five story office buildings that are contemplated there within the heart of the project again a food Hall that'll uh anchor that public space restaurants clearly walkable this whole area is actually planned to also be shut down so the whole area can be uh for vehicles so the whole area can be pedestrian friendly you'll see there's a trail system that comes out of our Trail Network to the east that ties into into the uh into downtown Wesley Chapel and Legacy that's our off uh hotel with um conference facilities there on the right hand side of your screen we're contemplating 150 um room Hotel there to help anchor this space obviously a lot of etertainment lot of food and dining within this uh within Legacy our jewelbox cubes as they're called these small isolated high-profile restaurants in the center of the project and you'll see the only parking that you see is just a little a little bit of parallel parking this entire project almost the entirety of the project is instructed parking garages buried behind the buildings that's the way we're creating this dense intense Urban landscape with um with the opportunity to develop vertically and get this true mixed use and we have to really push this within the marketplace so I know you're press for time so in consideration uh we again we believe we're squarely um consistent with your adopted growth program strategy Together We Believe working together with you all we can Elevate the image in place of of uh Pasco County with with Legacy Wiregrass wrench and of course we would appreciate your continued support here to answer any questions you may have um gosh that's awesome um board members any questions commissioner marianao thank you mam chair and I want to say why W grass you know meeting with the porters many many years ago when they came back with their dreams about what they wanted to go do I was very impressed with it I saw a video much like this when they were going to do the yass mall um and I'm going to tell you what they brought out was exactly what we saw in the video so I know they'll deliver and I talked and it's unfortunate we didn't get a chance to talk ahead of time yes sir um because I I would like to have a longer discussion with this but I'm thrilled with all the commercial aspects of the whole thing the only concern I have is the way the structure is as far as Apartments go you know when when I see shows and my wife watches all the time between all this real estate in New York California wherever these cities are and how people own properties are spending 500,000 maybe a million whatever they're creating their own wealth and you get people invested in the community rather than just an apartment where when that money is paid the apartment guy makes a lot of money but the people don't have anything to fall back to I want to see people be able to come in there and start with small grow their wealth personal wealth and go and go and go uh I don't know exactly and again one of my questions we sit down when we were going to sit down was to talk about you know what are we going to do as far as like helping the nurses start with like a one-bedroom uh grow to a two-bedroom go to a three-bedroom without having to rent but to own have you got any plans in there where that can be looked at we've we looked at that we obviously affordability is is a is an important part of all the workforce to to your point you know nurses students and so forth or or within Wire Grass as it is um Legacy Wire Grass Ranch this project in particular will be an expensive project um now that being said we have the opportunity to set aside some Workforce units no doubt we can look at that with our partners and um we can we'll also have multif family in and around and adjacent to Legacy as well across the street on 56 Up and Down Bruce downs and so there's definitely those opportunities within Wiregrass Ranch as a whole the entire 5,000 Acres if not specifically within Legacy wi grass Ranch on just about 30 Acres there definitely are within wire graphs because what I'm looking is again and again I think people you're going to have some Highline doctors that will pay a lot of money and can pay a lot of money to own a property and they're going to want to be like right there and that's it happens around the world I want to see how we can make this happen here can we make it happen here and frankly I don't mind if we even stretch out the term set more different monies up gave you more Hotel space whatever it may be to help it make it work but I want I want to see I don't want to just see more Apartments coming in those people come in come out and go I want people invested in the community I want them a chance to start small grow their wealth so they can start with a one bedroom move to a two-bedroom move to a three-bedroom and and and if they choose to go to that lifestyle staying right there so be it I mean the demographics are phenomenal in why in the in the whole wesy Chapel area that's why that area is grown that's why things have come um but again I would like to see something in in a component to where we can get it where people can actually own property in there not just all apartment rentals yes sir we'll work on that Commissioners any other comments uh wi grass has been showing us great things all along ever since you first started so I believe this project the way it's worked out to be is going to be it will be a legacy because it's going to be a a great project right in a center of wire grass and and there'll be a lot more coming because of this project so thank you and um I'm going to agree I want to thank you um for working with David and um you know if you were here this morning you heard some comments on protecting the taxpayer's interest and I I TR truly believe we have done that part of the penny for Pasco is for economic development and in my mind we are um we're building the downtown of Pasco County here and that that's important we don't just want low density sprawl everywhere um we need to have some centers like this and um I think that you guys have methodically uh shown um great stewardship of your property and um and I'm I'm excited for this um I kind of agree a little bit with commissioner Marano that it would be great if we could find some ways to add some kind of um facilities that provide ownership but I don't see people building condos anymore I don't know what's what's happened to that world I don't know if it's the the new laws up in Tallahassee but we don't we don't see condos being built anymore we do see Town Homes but but uh anyway I I will vote in support of this I do need to go quickly so commissioner Oakley quick move approval okay I'll second with discussion okay Madam chair can I can I just craft the vote what we're asking for please okay well before so let me before do that just quick discussion so just a little further discuss before you go further so Scott I'm willing to work with you to to contemplate more if to go to this rental component uh you know condominiums on the water anything 3 miles in has got all those new state laws that's causing prices to drop internally they're still strong just s a graph that condo price is still Rising outside of that all around the state if you needed more incentives to go forward whether it be term amounts Etc I'm willing to work with that to try to make that component work cuz I think that builds even a stronger fabric when people know I'm going to raise my kids there I want I I want to live there Etc I want to have that option to it rather than just having the rental thing so happy to work if we got to craft something later I want to get I'll be supportive of this going forward but I want to just put that in your window to try to find a way to make that work and know that we I'm willing to work work with you yeah absolutely trust me we would love to have more invested residents in the community not just with the wire gr with the in Legacy so we're absolutely willing to work with you on thank okay thank you uh we're asking today that the board approve the economic development agreement term sheet that I prepared and it's in your packet authorized the county attorney's office and office of economic growth to draft a formal Economic Development agreement authorize the County Administrator to approve and execute the economic development agreement on behalf of the board and once fully executed we will memorialize uh that and provide that as a noted item in your agenda to maintain board transparency thank you all right so we've got a motion and a second and um we have roll call vote district one commissioner Oakley I District Two commissioner waitman I District Four commissioner joer hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi District three chairman starky I thank you very much okay um now I have to go um commissioner Mariano will you please do these two resolutions real quick yes and Abby Miss Abby congratulations pass G yeah I'll pass where's that Gab right here rs1 clerk had it you never hiding and I I'll probably be late for 1:30 so he's going to start the meeting I'm sorry where are we rs1 thank you sorry just a moment while I get organized here all right I'm ready so I see everybody's up here already so I'll go ahead and get started I read resolution number 25-60 a resolution by the board of County Comm commissioners of Pasco County Florida recognizing Lane Mendelson and Abby Mendelson for their generosity in the two good Souls shoes and socks Drive whereas Lane melson is a distinguished member of Pasco County's business community and has been a dedicated supporter of the two good Souls shoes and socks Drive since 2021 and Raz Mr medson and his family's deep philanthropic involvement in the campaign has played a crucial role in removing barriers to educational success for some of the County's most vulnerable students and Ras Mr Mendelson's commitment to giving back to the community has been instilled in his daughters fostering a new generation of confident self- assured young women who will one day become leaders in our community and Raz Mr mson and his daughter Abby mson have displayed an unwavering commitment to improving the lives of Pasco County students in need and whereas through their participation in the two good Souls shoes and socks Drive since 21 they have generously donated 1,493 pairs of shoes and 2,14 pairs of socks ensuring that children in our community have access to proper Footwear and whereas their contributions not only meet the immediate practical needs of students but also Foster a sense of dignity belonging and overall well-being among the recipients andraz Mr mson and Miss aby's dedication serve as an inspir iring example of selfless community service and Phil philanthropy encouraging others to step forward and support those in need and Ras their efforts have made a lasting impact and countless on countless students and families in Pasco County creating a ripple effect of kindness generosity and support throughout the community now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby recognizes Lane medson and Abby mson for their extraordinary generosity and commitment to the two good Souls shoes and socks drive and encourages others to follow their lead in supporting our community Denon resolved in regular session with a COR pres and voting this 10th day of December 2024 move approval all in favor say I um roll call or no oh roll call yeah district one commissioner Oakley I District Two commissioner waitman hi District Four commissioner joerger hi District Five commissioner Mariana hi and District 3 chairman starky is is absent okay all right commiss rley okay man what a great day it is a lot of kids in their school systems all are going to receive a lot of socks and shoes because of all your good work Abby Abby is one of my little girls that I uh been noticing a long time her parents uh Lane and Mandy both have given both their daughters a great opportunity in in the country they do traveling together and and many different areas and uh these girls are the whole world out in front of them and they will continue doing great things in Pasco County and in their lives in the future so so grateful for all of you and your family the way you way you work with each other and and actually give them the opportunity to uh see the world firsthand as young people a lot of people don't get that opportunity but also Rachel and Abby both give that opportunity and we thank you very much for that go well I had just heard about your project and I was so excited I was like I want to help out put me down I'm volunteering and then the storms came so I look forward to helping you guys Abby I think what you're doing is amazing and um I would love to help help you guys on your next year so whether it's a box at our business or anything we can do to help you guys so congratulations and thank you for all the work you do so much you know Lane and Mandy what you've done raising your two girls uh just amazing your dedication to the family just as is incredible um Mandy you remind my daughter Lauren when she saw her project that was going on and she wanted to help out and she jumped in and uh made something great happen and uh having your family behind you has got to be great I know your sister wishes she was here uh we were actually talking to Lane back and forth I say well she's got a physics test in the morning all right what about in the morning what if we switch it the afternoon can we make it go to get to have the whole family together but uh it just worked out Rachel couldn't met I know she's done some great things as well and been great in the community but um very proud of you Mandy of all the great stuff you're doing we know you can do some great stuff too right anyone else want to say anything else so commissioner I really wanted to highlight uh their efforts because with leaders in the community like Lane and Mr hakeim who will come after uh we could not make this happen we're taking away a concern from our children and thank to Lane's uh involvement and his daughter uh We've collected over 3700 shoes this year um and actually we just received a donation $5,000 to get additional shoes and socks for the kids of Pasco County thank you Lane for your generosity um we could not do this without you I tell you Mandy when I was Mandy when I when I was growing up every year before we'd start school we drive from our town to another town where they had a like a Converse factory and every year our family would all get a pair of sneakers they weren't very expensive but they were brand new for us and it was it was great to start the school year off with a new pair every year my parents made sure we did that uh so I know what you're doing here is just phenomenal work so go say a few words hi my name is Abby Mendelson this is my fourth year doing two good Souls um I'd like to like inspire people and it feels so good to donate to people who don't have as much as most of us have and I'd like to thank my father and our family business for also helping uh thank you for letting me be here all right God bless right I just want to say thank you to all of you and uh to Mr cabala for all of the support and also miss Kathy um it's obviously the reason we're giving is to make a positive impact that's the primary goal but my secondary and maybe even uh more meaningful goal to me is that Abby and that's that's my legacy and uh I'm working to inspire them and teach them so that they can be lifelong residents in Pasco and make a positive impact for generations to come and uh you know Abby has joined me on two good souls and many other things so has Rachel but individually they've all also done their own thing so you know aby's donated her hair you know a couple of times to uh an organization that makes wigs for children with hair loss Rachel and Abby have both done that um uh Rachel is raising a steer for the Pasco County Fair this year and she's going to give a portion of her profit I don't know if she's going to have a profit but she uh she says she's going to give a portion of her profit to a a charity in Pasco so that will be our next uh uh Treasure Hunt is to find who's in need and what's in need and um we're uh now for our the fourth quarter our donation is going to be to uh Catholic Charities uh to help the uh senior citizens who've been affected by the storm so that's every quarter we're making a a charitable donation focused in Pasco and that's that's the next one so I just want to say thank you for your support thank you all and look forward to doing more good things in Pasco all right thank you you join me down front we'll take pictures everybody step back just a little bit for me all right ready one two and three and we got it got no clue okay and so because these things don't happen in a vacuum right we leverage these Partnerships and we get people together um but before I get started I really want to say thank you to our property appraiser Mike Wells for his support uh also Morgan Laval uh in his office Nicole O'Neal Who this would never happen without her um all of these Partnerships um make a difference and so Mr hakeim has been also a pivotal part of allowing us to leverage funds to make sure that we can uh achieve better results year by year um and with the storms we didn't know if we were going to get enough shoes and socks for the kids of Pasco uh but we did and it was thanks to also his participation so with that um if we can recognize call too thank you this is resolution number 25 jacqu and your wife please come up to the podium thank you that's good no to the podium yes to the podium I'm sure you'll want to say a couple words after this thank you resolution number 25-61 a resolution by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida recognizing Jac hakeim for his generosity and contributions to the two good Souls shoes and socks Drive whereas Jac hakeim is a distinguished businessman philanth philanthropist and educator who has demonstrated unwavering commitment to the well-being of the students in Pasco County and the Tampa Bay Area andras Mr hakee has made significant contributions to the two good Souls shoes and socks drive a charitable initiative that provides shoes and socks to Pasco County students in need ensuring they receive one of the most basic necessities for comfort and success in their academic and personal lives and resz his extraordinary generosity has gen has great L impacted the lives of countless students who otherwise might face challenges due to lack of proper Footwear allowing them to dis to focus on their Education Health and overall development and whereas Mr hake's Phil philanth philan that's a hard word for me to say today philanthropy sets an inspiring example of community leadership and dedication to helping the less fortunate and reflects the core values of compassion selflessness and service through his generosity Mr hakee has developed Partnerships with the office of the Pasco County property appraiser Mike Wells Lane mson and his family and the Pasco County Public Services Branch andas through his involvement in education and community service Mr hakee has not only provided material assistance but has also demonstrated his commitment to fostering hope and opportunity for the Youth in Pasco County andraz his contributions Have Been instrumental in ensuring the success of the two good Souls shoes and socks Drive year after after year thereby helping alleviate the struggles facing by un un I'm sorry the struggles faced by underprivileged students and promoting quality and dignity for everyone andrz Pasco County formally recognizes and honors ja jacqu hakeim for his outstanding contributions to the two good Souls shoes and socks drive and for his continued dedication to the welfare and advancement of children in our community now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby recognizes jacqu for his ongoing generosity compassion and commitment to uplifting and enhancing the lives of Pasco County's most vulnerable students done and resolved in regular session with a quorum present and voting this 10th day of December 2024 Mo approval second roll call vote district one commissioner Oakley okay District Two commissioner waitman hi District Four commissioner joerger hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi District three chairman starky is absent we certainly appreciate everything you do for us um it takes many people over a big County like we have today to do exactly what you do in stepping forward and helping out in these occasions with the two good souls and such a good cause for the entire County to work like we did and it actually is great that it could even be carried out because of the storms and issues we had during that time but it was very much a success again like it has been in the last few years so but you're a big part in that success and we certainly thank you for all you do whoer so first of all congratulations and thank you um I worked with Title One kids for 10 years and I actually would ask some family members and friends if they could specifically donate shoes for our kids because it like their self-esteem you know they need they need clothes without holes they need shoes and it's just very much needed and um those kids really appreciate it so thank you he youim fellow rotarian um you know I remember way back when when Mike Wells made an introduction Kathy Pearson was super excited about the whole project going on and you're stepping up with your tremendous generosity this program's grown and and you were part of the original kickoff off to to make it go so we greatly appreciate what you're doing for the community every step of the way so thank you like to say a few words yeah sure um first of all thank you Board of Commissioners for the recognition it's an honor uh I want to thank my wife because without her I can't do what I do um she actually likes me to be outside the house so I I tend to to spend a lot of time in the community but also I want to thank my good friend Mike Wells he's U opened up so many doors for me in the community that um he knows that I'm passionate about so um like you Mr Mariano we grew up we didn't have a whole lot but it's it's one of these things that giving back to the community is extremely important and I wanted to thank Abby because she's really the example for us to continue this process and of course my good friend U Miss Pearson here uh who really um spearheaded this whole process and showed us the way way and uh I will tell you uh I promise you 5,000 pairs of shoes next year so that's what we're going to do wow thank you let's go down for a picture yeah let's front for pictures yeah and maybe when we get done with this picture we'll bring the Mendon up we'll do a picture with everybody together too all right phone here sorry guys and one more all right one two and three here we go with the phone and for camera here yes and we will now take a break till 1:30 for the public hearings ajour Pasco County waterways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollutants directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy environment for fish water foul and other Aquatic animals storm drains are meant for clean rainwater most other discharges are illegal if you suspect an illicit discharge please contact Pasco County Department of Public Works at 72783 43611 welcome to Pasco County the fastest growing County in the Tampa Bay Area the Pasco Board of County Commissioners is a high performing organization with 2700 employees representing 57 lines of business serving nearly 600,000 people over 740 square miles and we're always looking for talented people to join our team this is your opportunity to help make your community a better place to live work and play if you're ready to be part of a great success story consider a career with Pasco County Government recently recognized as a top workplace for 2021 opportunities include careers in utilities Public Works traffic operations Solid Waste Animal Services public transportation Information Technology libraries Parks Human Services Recreation and natural resources Administration Senior Services Fire Rescue 911 Fleet building construction services code enforcement planning environmental science and so much more plus our benefits package is tough to beat we offer employee wellness centers Health vision and dental benefits paid holidays and tuition reimbursement just to name a few we are local government reimagined we're Progressive Innovative and in many areas Pasco County is leading the way want to learn more about what we do and how you can be part of it visit my paso. and click on job and volunteer opportunities our team is more than 2700 strong your neighbors friends and even family members come join Pasco County and make a difference every day