##VIDEO ID:xOIQPlm4rNI## okay I like to call the meeting to order please we'll start with the moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance moment of silence I pled ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic stands one nation under God indivisible andice for all right Madam clerk give we have the roll call please Jamie Gerard here Christopher here John Moody here Matthew m d here Chris Williams here chairman Charles greay here proof of publication please the items were advertised in the Tampa Times on July 10th 2024 August 7th 24 and August 21st 2024 and iated the certified meing and site postings all right thank you very much do we have a motion to approve minutes please motion to approve the minutes from the July 25th meeting second we have a motion and a second further discussion all in favor of motion signify by saying I I oppose like sign okay motion carries like to take a moment to welcome everybody today and um let you know that we're the Planning Commission we're appointed by the board of County Commissioners and we are here to uh make recommendations to the uh Board of County Commissioners um we make recommendations on comprehensive plan amendments Land Development code amendments resoning and conditional use requests Planning Commission is the final decision-making body for special exceptions certain appeals variance requests and certain alternative standard requests however final decision may be appealed to the board of County Commissioners if anyone is an opposition to any development code Amendment res zoning conditional use or any item where we make a recommendation to the uh Board of County Commissioners it's important for you to to attend the appropriate Board of county commissioner Meeting those of you who are not familiar with the format of our meetings um I'll just run through it quickly we have three sections first we have continuance it's been our custom to approve and a request for continuous if it comes from the applicant or from a staff member unless there are extenuating circumstances then we have consent items and those are items where we have not received objections from the staff or the public um and we'll go through those items one at a time if there's anything that we read that's on consent that you want to have uh heard today raise your hand as we read that item off and we'll be happy to pull it from consent and put it on with the regular items and the regular items are those items that we will be uh fully betting today and U and we'll have opportunities for the applicant and uh respondents to come up and uh ask questions and tell their stories applicant will have 3 minutes to make the presentation and then the U anyone who has questions or concerns will have have an opportunity to come up and speak they'll have 3 minutes and then the applicant will have five minutes to respond to those questions or concerns for those of you who who have your phones with you uh please take this moment to uh put them on the silent position so they want to interrupt anybody that's speaking and before we start the regular meeting we're want to open the meeting to for public comment on any items that that aren't on today's agenda is there anyone here to speak on anything that's not on today's agenda okay if you plan to give testimony today if you please stand raise your right hand and be sworn anyone who plans to come up and speak you swear our the testimony you're about to give the truth to help you guys right thank you okay I think I think we had one person that needed to speak for public comment did somebody raise their hand to speak for public comment Mr [Music] chairman there are two people that have uh signed up for public comment Nancy Hazlewood and Webster Baker okay this is Nancy I believe and Le Lester Baker is he here yes sir okay we'll go right after Nancy you go after her oh I'm sorry yeah sorry Nancy Haywood 34110 a nice place um I got a hold of this map of ecological quarters and I was looking at it and that's it and it's upside down right now but if you look at the bottom you'll see where all this is and for some reason there there's uh there's no Brooksville Ridge on it but that's a high recharge area and that's all our Hills out there and I'm hoping that's an oversight and maybe somebody can put that into this map of ecological quarters and planning units and that's all I got to say okay thank you thank you is there anybody from staff that would like to comment on that before we no okay what we're good all right come on up you state your name and address please my name is web today so I think I might ass sign the wrong list okay we can probably fix that is there something but it's something on the list that you want to speak about correct so it is on the agenda today I believe it is okay all right would you like me to just wait and yeah and we'll we'll call your name sorry than as long as it's on the list we'll get you okay so Dar I guess we can start thank you Mr chairman um first item on the agenda for today is uh PC2 which is a zoning amendment in the name of of Northridge mpud master plan unit development Northridge 829 LLC it's a substantial modification to increase the residential density from 700 units to 770 units uh detached and Villas on approximately 17815 Acres located south of and abing County Line Road along the Hernando County Line and 1.25 miles Northwest of the sun Co Sun Coast Parkway uh the request is to continue the item to the September 19 2024 Planning Commission Hearing in new Richi at 1:30 p.m. okay let's just continue on with is there anyone here that wants to speak on that one okay uh item PC3 right uh is an ordinance uh by the pass County Board of County Commissioners amending the pass count Land Development code section 802 tree preservation and replacement uh this item is being requested for a continuance to a date UNC okay is there anybody here to speak on this on PC3 all right I see no one uh the next item is listed as a consent item on the agenda it is pc4 why don't we take action on PC 2 and PC3 for move to continue items PC2 to 9 to the September 19th meeting in Newport Richie and item PC3 to a date uncertain second you have a motion and second any further discussion not all in favor signify by saying I I post like sign okay all right d thank you uh item pc4 is a zoning amendment in the name of Evans county line 80 mpud master plan unit development for Evans Properties Incorporated a resoning petition from AC agricultural District to an mpud master plan unit development to allow 300 multif family units and 1,500,000 ft² of light industrial uses on approximately 80 acres located south of County Line Road north and east of Lake iolo Road uh prior to this meeting the applicant has requested for a continuance to the next state city meeting October 8th what was that dating October 10 October 10th October October 8 October 8 October 8 yes October 8th and that would be here here at dve City at 1:30 p.m. so Mr chair since this was not advertised as a continuance I think that you're going to have to ask anybody who wants to speak today who cannot make the October 8th is it is that what you said Terry 8th 8th 8th meeting um they can speak today but they will not be able to speak again on the 8th everybody's entitled to 3 minutes to speak so get a pick today or the next meeting it's up it's up to you but we do need to at least ask if anybody wants it's actually the okay let's get this let's get this straight so yeah what is the date October 3rd October 3rd October 3rd October 3rd okay October 3rd so R rep what I said if you want to speak today you can you can get your 3 minutes to speak today but you will not be able to speak again and when this comes back on October 3rd so that's up to you okay ask question just wait a minute that's up to the chair all right so um is the applicant present do you have anything to say with regard to the continuance request good afternoon Mr chairman members of the board uh my name is Ron P I'm a senior principal planner with Coastal Engineering my address our address is 966 Candlelight Boulevard Brooksville Florida 34601 and yes we are requesting a one- Monon continuance to a date and time certain which I understand would be October 3rd in these Chambers dat cities to answer any questions if there are all right are there any questions from from the Das at this moment otherwise I'll ask for comments from the crowd thank you okay thank you all right is there any anybody here today that would like to speak today or would you want to hold your fire until October the 3 can we ask a question yes if you if you come yeah question I think you had it excuse me I think you had a question first would you I don't want to I just you have to come up to the microphone to address your name and address please I'm trying to be show everybody as much courtesy as I can I really do appreci I appreciate your your willingness to come over and be here so yeah no problem it's uh Kevin steel and it's 30545 bayad Road mhm uh my question is did they do a mailing because I've certified I heard that in the beginning that there was a mailing I I didn't receive anything I'm not sure if I'm in the mailing zone or not but it's less than for the continu me yes no no for this hearing the answer is yes they are required to do a mailing I did not receive a mail um well it is within a certain distance and maybe staff can address the required distance so that but they are required to do a mailing but we do they are required to post signs as well so that so that people know who aren't within that required distance okay does that answer the question for you back there or no no I didn't now you're have to come up to the microphone and we get your name and address please I normally don't need to microphone yeah but we do we do because it has to be on record so she know okay my name is Jerry Hampton I live at 18560 Hancock Bluff Road my question is is what is the purpose of the continuance for uh postponing this till October 3rd I believe is what you said yes that's what we said yeah there's been a request by the applicant and it's been our custom about the years if we get a request from the applicant or the staff for continuance unless there's some extensive reason why we shouldn't with it's our custom to approve those continuances and evidently there are some outstanding questions that need to be answered so they don't want to move forward without those those questions being answered so that's my short version of the story okay I understand that I appreciate that I'm new to this so I just wanted to know so and how to get on to a melon list or something so you can uh when we know when these continues or when these meetings excuse me I have to punish myself all right so where's the bay I apologize for no problem I'm used to that yeah no I just make sure that we're continuous so we can get contacted ahead of time so we can make plans and you know be available to come here and listen to these soal that's one reason why we suggesting that if we continue it it'll be continued to uh a date that would be in this room so CU that's probably more convenient for everybody that's here okay thank you uhhuh thank you very much anybody else okay we your name it address please my name is Webster Baker I live at 18293 towns and House Road uh I am an attorney however I'm here as a citizen and a resident of the area um I have some questions to add to the questions that you just mentioned going to be answered uh and I will not be here for the next meeting I'll be in Atlanta on business um has there been a traffic study done on the affected area of Spring Lake Highway and uh in in that area because I know that we had a traffic study years ago when a road issue on Dan Brown Hill the County Commission put forth the traffic study and that was 2014 and we had over 200 Cars a day just on that dirt road so that's something that I think they should address what about safety and lights location the Blandon Road Lake Iola and Spring Lake Highway intersection is a danger at this point already with traffic coming off of I75 there is a hill just to the North traffic coming south on Spring Lake Highway have they put forth any projected uh how to handle that there's an issue of traffic accommodation and traffic control the road wids there's going to be 1.5 million square feet of industrial Light industrial out there plus the potential for 300 residential homes but the industrial will generate truck traffic and how do they propose to handle the traffic as well as the uh I75 exit issues um what about County Services fire police Waste Services we have difficulty at getting County Services out in that area now and uh they made some accommodations or projections of how they intend to do that we don't have County waste pickup out there we have a private pickup where I live and so has that been something that's been addressed um what about the infrastructure of water and sewer uh how has that been accommodated um generally speaking the uh often time not generally often times um the county is willing to extend these services to for to accommodate the growth in in hopes that the economic development will help provide back to the county however um who's paying for these upgrades I mean uh the all the upgrades should be paid for by the applicant rather than the County residents um what incentives have been given is that the property tax stuff is an extension of because that's often an issue too property tax the reductions and waivers to encourage economic development in an area uh has that been accommodated and how is that going to affect the citizens that have already have a high tax bill and tax increases thank you for your time thank you very much appreciate you coming okay if you want to uh yeah come on up we need your name and address please and if you if you do want to speak if you want to come up to the front row so you can get up more easily whatever I just can't I can't take questions from the audience without being up in the micone because we have to record everything that's said and that that's a big job for this lady over here so that's why when you raise your hand I can't you know I can't recognize you I'm Stephen car yeah e y I live at 16033 Wards Court D City M so I'm right off of Lake kyola Road I'm very well familiar with this territory all my life you got intersection here with uh Lake ol road comes in with blon Road uh and to make a left hand turn Bon to Lake Olo you're on a curve you make there's no left hand line you're backing up traffic that's a curve with cars are coming around at high speed this is been talking about for years they're going to put a roundabout there's no timeline FR understand there's no money for this you can't do an mpud with this intersection this Antiquated intersection way it is without doing some improvement at least and also the gentan said about the sewer and water yeah we'll try I hope you're making notes back there cuz we're going to have to give some so I'm going to get what the county about this yeah it's a county it's not a state and I don't think you should be any Mass resoning until this in section has been improved thank you thank you very much appreciate you coming yes sir my name is Roger Snider my address is 34553 Blanton Road Dade City Florida well this was a surprise to me and I guess it's to everybody that's sitting here that this is going to be continued and not hear heard um everybody here has balanced their schedules to be here all you gentlemen the staff all these people here in this room except for that gentleman that just got up and decided this is too you're going need to speak into the microphone okay this is too hot a subject to handle right now you've already said first October the 8th now you changed it to October the 3 I'd like to know the time and i' request that it be held here not on the other side of the county well that's why we made an October 3rd so it would be here well I didn't know that well maybe you should explain that to the people Well we'd be happy to okay and remember to turn your phone off when you start the meeting I appreciate that too I I do apologize hi hi you going to scold me too no okay L I'm already 1 16331 Iola Woods Trail uh in the rural area changes to our land use really come down to two things water and poop this project is outside the utility Service District you cannot put 300 apartments on a well and septic that would not only be unsanitary but also a health hazard not only to them but to all of the residents surrounding that area as well we do not currently have a way to supply water to this project and there is no wastewater treatment system nearby that they can hook into so there's supposed to be no more package plants in the Northeast rural area that's one problem so even if you remove this project from the Northeast rural overlay you still have to get water and you still got to get the poop out so you're presented with a weighty dilemma many of you were participants in the process of creating the overlay that residents fought so hard for and has been actually held up as a national model uh if you approve this project you're going to be chipping away at the rural area yet again we've been watching it getting chunk chunk chunked away um if you approve it you're also doing so without any way to supply utilities to this project which I believe is contrary to State regulation therefore it would be really shortsighted to Grant this project with the current state of how utilities could be delivered this is part of the Northeast rural overlay and it needs to stay in the protected area it was supposed to be an employment center it was supposed to be lightweight impact upon the area it would not substantially increase the impact nor cause problems with the roadway or impact all the surrounding Wells remember just down the road a bit y all approved a high density RV park with a package plant and we know that package plants in the area just all a sudden had some bad releases and we know on handcart they just had brought um sewer water out and about into the waterways so also no matter what any traffic study tells you models versus reality we all live here we know what's going on with that corner and the only people that are going to be doing well off of this are LifeLight and the local hospitals and the trauma hospital all the way across the county um we already have a problem with our wastewater treatment facilities you have a package plant on Lake Moody we have wells and septic all around this project is just crazy so now you have to consider if there's a way to deal with all that poop from 300 homes and two uh warehouses we also have two warehouses in the vicinity sitting empty over Pass Road and uh over 52 they're just there's nobody there so why would we want to build two more warehouses so as you consider this project remember two things it really comes down to just water and Ro okay I keeps it simple can I ask the staff a question yes you certainly may has the applicant asked to be removed from the Northeast Pasco rural area nario pitos Planning Development economic growth no so you shouldn't believe everything you read on Facebook Facebook Miss Gilroy spreads false information that's not a request of the applicant okay thank you for that clarification okay forget of your name and address please stepen Couture I currently reside at 11 12119 Duck Lake Canal Road in dat City uh I just basically have a statement um my wife Nikki and I have been building what is our permanent home on 48 adjacent to Middle Lake Park and very close to the property we're discussing currently we have our herd of Florida Cracker cattle a Heritage breed grazing on our property while we build our home Nikki is a fifth generation from Tampa and I came to Tampa for grad school in the 90s and I never left because of the urban smalla Tampa we decided to permanently move to Dade City several years ago where we could live in an agricultural and Natural Area away from Tampa high density we were attracted to this particular area because of its proteced rural designation and the inability of it to be densely developed we now consider dat City our home and have also invested in the DAT City Historic downtown our current downtown real estate ownership is out of oo restaurant a brewing and the booksha buildings my wife currently serves on the D St City rack committee um we fell in love with our property because of its unique biodiversity it is situated on Middle lake and has four Springs that feed the lake we are surrounded by agricultural land and natural beauty most most of our neighbors have large parcels and livestock it is truly amazing what wild wildlife lives in this area we regularly spot alligators deer otter gopher tortoises and a huge variety of birds including flocks of turkeys and a pair of yearly nesting Eagles that eagle watches monitoring regularly last year Eagle Watch released two young rehabilitated Eagles in this area because of how well they expected them to do the current stakeholders May argue that this parcel is Transitional since it's closer to the interstate and not a busier turn but the interstate has already sliced through many important Lakes farms and wildlife habitats the current buffer is actually inadequate for the rural nature and environmental sensitivity of this area and intensifying the density would be considered Reckless this area was included in the northern Pasco rural Protection District for a Reason by people with an understanding of floor's environmental sensitivity and the need to have it designated rural land off limits to dense to development the planning was done over the course of 12 Years by conservative minded people to protect the land permanently not to have a couple of public meetings where a monetary gain Trump's environmental necessity this land was designated as a northern Pasco rural Protection District to do just that protect it this property is located within this sensitive plan area and needs protected as such at the current growth rate of Dade City these lands are needed more than ever otherwise where will the wildlife go will we have any Farmland left the beneficiaries of this proposed plan will only be the current owners of the parcel and the developers not the current residents farmers and most importantly the nature and Wildlife that that are found here our Wildlife population farmed land keeps being displaced by smaller and smaller areas of land available development cannot be reversed once this damage has be done been done I urge you to vote against this irresponsible request thank you thank you very much [Applause] appr and here's next [Music] Joan Kerwin 14286 Hancock Bluff Road State City Florida thank you this pc4 zoning Amendment violates our foundation of growth management code in the Pasco comprehensive plan this community contradicts the rural Northeast goals and initiatives of protection current policies are to maintain the Integrity of the rural Northeast including Lake Iola Road why would this community be approved when it directly conflicts with the Northeast rural protection Zone as a licensed marriage and family therapist I have strived to help my clients understand that what they say has to be congruent by what they do that all lack of consistent behaviors lends itself to distrust dishonesty and Discord which over the short term breaks trust I want to understand how writing the comprehensive plan under goals foundation for growth management 1f protection of Rural and agricultural areas can be changed when under principles and objectives for growth management 1.1b Pasco protects rural neighborhoods and effectively limits urban sprawl further under policy 1.21 comprehensive strategy for conservation regulations that protect listed species critical linkages and wetlands as this area is a fragile lacine and palest documented area policy 4.34 rural neighborhood protection in quotes Pasco shall continue to implement objective flu 2.3 protect existing rural neighborhoods and its associative policies policy 2.3.1 rural character areas as Lake Iola road is these areas shall not be treated as areas in transition that have the potential for future urbanization with these policies and the comprehensive plan you are clearly mandated to protect Lake IA Road and our rural Northeast Community residents of which I am one to condone this plan or any future plans by potential Carpet Baggers will be the obvious violation of the comprehensive plan and breach of public trust which could result in costly legal proceedings thank you thank you very much Mr chairman yes if I may ask the last speaker's name as I didn't catch it I'm sorry could you just repeat your name please that it wasn't caught yes ma'am Johnn thank you Joan Kerwin okay thank you very much Ian Watkins um 16728 Old Johnston Road um I was rised in this area my entire life and what I see Happening Here is um or a kid's future I mean I I I was able to purchase 20 acres and build a house on it for less than $500,000 a few years ago less than 10 years ago my kids they don't have that opportunity and you guys are taking it away from them if you approve this kind of stuff I mean all the high density development it's just raising the the price of property up they they're going to have an option of living in one of these apartment Builder buildings that they're building or or into one of the cluster developments I mean why can't they have the opportunity to have a you know be able to buy five 10 acres and not be right next to the you know their neighbor um but they're not going to be able to afford it because of stuff like this um I'm I make my living on development um I mean I'm a contractor and so I'm hate to sound like a hypocrite I'm not against building I'm not against development and stuff it's just that this this cluster development like why why in that area there there's enough of it uh why can't we leave that area you know for the original zoning like it is now if it's 5 acre or you know one home for 5 Acres let's leave it alone you know one home for 10 acres let's leave it at that so you got 80 acres you can get 8 10 acre Parcels on that eight homes eight kids that were born and raised in this area could have a nice piece of you know nice home on a nice piece of property but they they don't have that opportunity I mean you're you're just taking that opportunity away from them and it's not right um so I just wanted to one of the say thank you very much anyone else want to speak okay so I I'm assuming that those of you do want to speak will speak on the on October the 3r so Mr chair um I think we need at least ask the outan if they want to address any of those comments now or if they want to wait till October 3rd I'd like to I would hope that he'd address as much as he can now because I think the people that came here today deserve to have some kind of response to those concerns thank you Mr chairman and um I will follow your protocol uh and answer some of the questions I want to be careful that we're not hearing the case today since we have requested a continuance and have the opportunity Unity to enter additional evidence into the record on October 3rd and further answer questions and clarify the intent of the request may I proceed Mr chairman yes please do thank you um the first thing I want to say is that uh the request is not involved an amendment to the comprensive plan uh this site is located in a designated employment center I believe the employment center designation has been in the comprehensive plan since around 2004 2005 and the uses that we are requesting are consistent with that designation so therefore we are consistent with your comprehensive plan there was a question uh several questions about traffic uh we did complete a traffic study that traffic study was submitted to your county staff uh the county staff has approved that traffic study that traffic study did recommend specific improvements to Lake aola Road the applicant has agreed to those okay uh regarding uh Solid Waste uh we do understand that um when the property developed they'll have to have Solid Waste Service that's going to be the incumbent upon the developer and the end users to make sure they have that service regarding police and fire um your staff can clarify this but my understanding is is that the application was coordinated with those departments and uh we did not receive any comments back relative to police protection sheriff's office or fire uh relative to utilities uh we do understand that utilities are not currently available um the staff and the conditions of approval uh that are before you and will be before you on October 3rd uh provide the applicant uh with the ability to provide alternative uh public facilities if they developed prior to uh public facilities being available um we are also required to enter into a utility service agreement and connect to utilities when they are available the only other comment that I'd like to make is that um there is uh a list of mud conditions that are attached to the agenda that were formulated by your staff uh we have agreed to all those conditions those conditions outline um how development is to occur and what the applicant will be required to do when they do develop um finally um you know this is this is a long-term planning project and again we're consistent with the employment center designation uh which does allow us to plan for long-term uses on the property when public facilities are available and the applicant is ready to develop so with that I'll answer any questions that the Planning Commission could you address the question about how far out you did your mailed notice there's an Affidavit of mailed notice in your in the packet but it's not clear how far out you did your mailings uh my understanding is that uh our staff at Coastal Engineering did the mail notice and they did that mail notice in accordance with whatever your code requires do you remember what the distance was whatever is required by your code is okay I'll ask St that question after you're done it looks just looking at the map it looks like a th000 feet it's a th000 feet yes sir okay okay um is there any other questions Chris so just one question I'm not sure if it's for you or for Mr pitos but just the um entitlements in an employment center for residential so um the question is does the EC employment center future land use carry entitlements for residential and I know it does but I was just curious if there were percentages or how does that work there are percentages uh the comprehensive plan was recently modified to uh decrease the Mandate uh I believe it was M it previously mandated at 20% uh residential in the EC flu and uh now it is 0% but the maximum remains in place the maximum is 40% residential okay and that's for the entire employment center designation for each each one correct it generally works out that way yeah okay thank you Mr chairman may I also answer the question sure um the number of units is 300 which is a relatively modest number but the application and the mpud uh conditions uh include uh a matrix which would allow those units to be converted to an equivalent non-residential use sure thank you I just had a quick one um would you be willing it's up to you to address um the reason why you're asking for continu just for the benefit of all the people that took the time out their schedule to be here yes and I I do appreciate that people have been here and and taking the time to speak uh I hope they can come again in October and speak but I think the chairman uh summarized it uh pretty succinctly there are additional things that we want to address and they want to be prepared for public Hearing in October okay question Terry Terry this might this one might be for you but what was the timing of the um the EC flu versus the Northeast Pasco Northeast rural Pasco which which one was in place first uh off the top of my head I don't know which one was in place first uh I do know that both were in the same time period 2005 2006 that's my recollection as well that they were adopted around the same time time anything else okay thank you Mr chairman thank you so do we have a motion move to continue item pc4 to the October 3rd planning commission meeting in Dade City 1:30 p.m. second Motion in a second further discussion of the motion I just have one more question for comment to staff um Terry since there's a lot of people here that had questions normally your agenda memo says who wrote the memo um like who the primary contact person is for questions this one for whatever reason doesn't so it does have David engle's name but I'm guessing he's not the primary contact on this application so who is if people have questions who would be the primary contract for this application uh I could give my name nario pitos and then also Mr William Vilan senior planner is's in the back of the back of the room here today okay okay so people have questions they can contact one of you correct okay thank you have you for October the thir meeting 1:30 p.m. sir same time same Place same time same place same same B okay so any further discussion we have a motion a second any further discussion if not all in favor signify by saying I I oos like sign okay October the 3rd 1:30 right here do that like only game in town there's other things on the agenda so we have a forum on October 3rd I know some of you want to discuss if you please do it in the hallway we we need to continue the [Music] meeting I start thank you Mr chairman the next item on the agenda is a comprehensive plan Amendment the next item on the agenda is pc5 which is a comprehensive plan Amendment and you'll be acting as the local planning Agency for this item uh it is pde 24002 which comes in the name of cpass 2314 301 East PD it's providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-15 and Sheet 23 changing from Comm commercial to PD plan development on approximately 29.01.2012 7177 301 East PD and the map Amendment to the future language map 2-9 adding sub area map 2- 977 301 East PD this comes with a recommendation to the Planning Commission or to the local planning agency to find the proposed amendment consistent with the comprehensive plan by the Planning Development economic growth department and there's a presentation if so desired was this was this still on consent or it's on consent currently oh yeah okay anyway we have one more that's on consent and pc6 item pc6 is a zoning Amendment it is the companion am uh zoning action to the comprehensive plan amendment I just read it is in the name of 301 East mpud master plan unit development 301 East LLC it's a resoning request from RMH mobile home district and C2 General commercial District between mpud master plan unit development District to allow for the development of 200 Town Homes and 36,000 ft of commercial on approximately 29.01.2012 party Communications that needed to be read into the record there are expar Communications from uh planning commissioner gray Moody pets jardi and I believe there's also one for Mr pool correct although I don't have the hard copy of it yet and just for edification I I also we'll be submitting one for the previous uh pc4 that we just so that one you could submit you talking about the Evans one yeah yeah yeah we just submit that when it comes back on October 3rd okay okay I we're good okay so uh anybody here to talk about either one of those items if not uh we have two consent items um you have a motion move to approve item pc4 and item pc5 I think you five and six I'm sorry five and six I'll second we have a motion and second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I oppos like sign okay carries all right Jeremy you got off to easy today he did he thought this crowd was for his all the chops okay think we have one more motion to make motion motion to adjourn second all in favor hi hi Miss carries