[Music] all right good morning everyone the M or uh organization board meeting of February 8th 2024 is called to order I remind everyone to please silent all electronic devices at this time I ask you all to please rise for invocation and Pledge of Allegiance a merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repu for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Madam clerk U have the call the rooll please City Commissioner SC here coun here mayor herey commissioner Seth waitman commissioner Catherine St commissioner G Bradford here commissioner Jack Marano here chairman Matt Murphy here thank you okay we're uh call for public comment do any have anybody signed up for public comment anybody would wish to speak all right seeing none we're going to move on need to get the uh approval of the minutes we are seeking Board review and approve approval of the revised meeting minutes from October 12th no board meeting and the minutes from November 9th 2023 no board meeting Mr chair move approval second all in favor I I motion passes next we have our Mo advisory committee reports uh we have our citizens advisory committee is Mr mow here or I don't see Mr so Mr Kors good morning uh we had a lot of good discussion at our January 31st uh CAC meeting I'm just going to focus on two of the the items that generated uh the most discussion the first was the uh innovate Pasco 2050 lrtp socioeconomic data forecast presentation we got a lot of good discussion I appreciate the CAC members engag engagement on that um most of the discussion revolved around the how the data is created and who participated in that data creation process and you're going to hear a good deal about that today also the other um item that generated a lot of discussion of course was the um us I mean the um 2024 um performance measure safety targets and you guys are also going to see that today a lot of good General safy discussion and also the r for the targets and what we're doing to to meet the targets because without without the the rationale and what we're doing the targets are meaning so there was good discussion I appreciate the CAC members for that there any questions any questions thank you uh next up we have technical advisor committee Mr Clay Watkins good morning Clay Watkins Pasco County uh Transportation engineer in department and Tac committee chairman uh our meeting probably wasn't as talkative it sounds like as uh morning most of our conversation was based off of the performance Target reports uh some of our conversations more like how the implementation would go as we further go along and then there was another additional conversation on how ebikes were would be figured into that equation and it sounds like that still stays in the PS um then we had a lot more conversation sort of after our meeting uh because there was a email read in regarding um School cues and how it affects roads and sometimes dangerous situations so we got into a lot of conversation on the pickup lines and queuing inside of um the rideway so that's mostly our our conversations any question any questions anyone all right so thank you thank you wel uh bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee Mr Brian Michaels good morning morning my name's Brian Michaels I'm the chair of uh bpac um so we had an 11 item agenda um couple of the highlights were uh they had a safety event at Hudson Academy um where they gave away 180 bike helmets and gave a safety uh pedestrian uh presentations on safety um the other item that's uh um was a big Improvement was uh uh fot is doing two US1 19 midblock Crossings near State room 52 that are scheduled for design that'll include um Mid block pedestrian signals these are going to be push button activated signals that they will only uh work with uh pedestrian pushing the button but there'll be full P signals um Pasco is also hosting the Tri County meeting February 15th at starky Ranch and uh starky Ranch TLC yes and um I would just like to add uh the safety message from bpac this uh meeting is uh think once think twice and walk at the cross please use the crosswalks thank you any questions I have a question Mr sty so where are these mid blocks coming on 52 and and where's where are we with the the one on starky Boulevard that's supposed to move over I can't answer the starky one but it's Jasmine between Boulevard and uh plene drive it's a 5.5 uh 5.28 Mile Stretch of roadway uh includes resurfacing sidewalk traffic signals uh signing pavement markings lighting and Associated draining safety improvements but maybe fot is here maybe they can answer yeah cuz you said mid block crossing right yes is this like for a sidewalk or um there's not a there'll be a push it it's uh what's going on our screens all confirming good morning um fdot is putting in the mid block that's just um uh is it west of the uh overpass that's supposed to go in they said they're going to give you an update on it at Community okay well I'd like to know where where we are with the um starky with the Sun the coast to coast midblock Crossing on 54 right that's going right community on 54 they're going to provide an update for you no the one not that one that's that is way way to the west of the coast to coast that that one would be for the orange orange Bel belt Trail I'm asking for the coast to coast midblock Crossing that would be U right now it crosses at starky Boulevard in 54 okay it's supposed to be kind of over by where the um power cord is yeah they they're going to provide an update for you because they don't have an update at this time okay else anyone we're good all right all right thank you thanks Brian all right um that should be all of our committee reports we're going to move on to action items um number one is Tampa Bay no merger presentations Mr Tania Gorman it's me good morning work here we go so this morning I'm going to come to you about the Campa Bay uh merger uh we've been talking about this over the last year so I'm sure everyone's pretty comfortable about it's going to be a pretty comfortable about this discussion all right so the purpose of this discussion is to um review today's information and bring it back to the TMA on the 16th so we could have a more robust discussion going into the next round the next year with the stakeholders and citizens um and also this was requested at the previous um TMA so again as we go into this discussion remember this is not exhaustive this will not be solved in one day um these are just some of the things that the npos the three of us came together and said let's at least start the discussion with these basic principles so that way we can have a better discussion moving further down the line it also will help us clarify what a portion me we're thinking about who's sitting on the board and so forth so as we said previously the last time we met the board um no board requirements is 5 to 25 voting members um the exact number is left up again to the Osment and the committee but it's a Max of 25 and a minimum of five um the members shall include elected officials of um general purpose um and May and may also include members of a statutory authorized planning board um and F do must be in uh a non- voting advisor Mr chairman yeah sorry commission uh on that slide there yeah can you go back one when it says Equitable Geographic population ratio basis what exactly does that mean meaning it goes by the apportionment plan and how when we do the desial census what does that look like based on population so I came to you about uh two or three months ago and I said okay here's our apportionment after the cial census that's what that means after the senal census we do an apportionment plan so it's straight population it doesn't matter about land mass right it's population but again remember that you can have Max of 25 and minimum of five you could say Okay per the population it's 17 but we can go higher we have that option so just so you guys know you're not locked into okay yes if we did the apportionment this is what it would be you have Max and minimums okay topic number one board size um we're going to do this in ranking preference so that way we just have an idea you're voting on the ranking preference not necessarily the actual um board size so that way when we go to the TMA the TMA Representatives knows that this Pasco This Is How They um how they are going to discuss and this is what we are for with board size so option one small board five to seven voed members this one is um some of the highlights easy to manage uh simple allocation of seats um opportunity for more committees challenges how do you um how do you have the board side is subject to change because it's really small a small board may not adequately represent the county and also trying to meet Quorum that wouldn't exactly be representative with it option two medium uh board 9 to 15 members that's kind of where we are now so we have that feeling right now um this was consistent with all three board sizes um with the TMA groups um population ratio uh based on seeds could result in a cleaner distribution um it more thoroughly represents the counties and the cities um and opportunities for robust advisory committee participation again challenges it may not be as big to cover the three vast uh mpos that we have and um it would require more coordination lastly a large board 17 to 25 um and right now just to let you know for panel has 13 board members they have redid their apportionment plan which is currently waiting to be approved by the governor to go up to 19 they wanted to include more of their cities in their no board and then Hillsboro TPO at 16 board members just so you have an idea of the current board sizes and how many do we have we have nine well we could have nine we could yeah people um so that is uh the large and again if the highlights there you know it does have a equal a really equal distribution um and you could increase if we had the legislature so let's say we did want to go higher we would have to have the legislature um update that um but again challenges it's it's a challenge to manage logistically large boards as you all know sometimes um there's various um uh different discussions and so it might be harder to manage but it is representative of all the counties all right so I will leave it to the discussion right now of rank your preference and then we'll take action um question commission yes so right now if I wrote the numbers down right it's 32% pelis 19 Pasco and 51 Hillsboro is that right 49 Hillsboro 49 Hills the percentage the Sens population yeah it's 3249 32 for pelis 49 for Hillsboro and 19 for Pasco County so how often do do we look at the population number every 10 years after the decennial census by the time we come around for the potential merger we'll be close to another um desial another sensus coming on board okay so so so it's every 10 years it would be readjusted is that is that in requirement can it be readjusted every five years just curious I believe per legislation is every 10 years for the N um and that is when we do our apportionment plan now if this happens prior to the desial census I don't know if we'd have to wait until we got to a desend census or do it as we were doing the the actual merger I'm pretty sure we'd have to do the abortion Min as we were doing the merger because we have to do the bo board composition by population size and what and what was the number that they used that we're using for the 2020 for our population do you know 564 th000 because we're way past that right we're way past that we all know that we we know we have we're at the 600,000 Mark and Beyond at this point um and also you know with covid and getting those numbers we know that there was some some information maybe could have been um elevated through that uh because of the The Way co hit and you know some people may not want to answered their door and be counted in the census so we know there was some issues with some of those numbers but we're way above 564 th000 do you want to go back to the actual I'm sorry there we go so Mr chairman yes sir I'm I'm comfortable I think with the uh midsize board that would play out but whatever percentages get work out best is is fine um I think with hillsb getting 49% they can figure out how whatever they want that gives them a little more flexibility I think if it go too large it's it's hard to get anything right yeah I I would agree with that okay Mr chair was can you and the midsize was 9 to 15 members is that right mid size was so would we want the higher amount of that I mean like on the 15 side of that is that what we're thinking or are we just are we just recommending medium size and then right we're recomending the size right preference of size because I'm I'm just did 15 and basically that get Pasco three you know n would be two I mean 753 something maybe it's going to be something like that um Pasco and pelis are working very well together we are and um it it seems that for some of our comfort if when you add pone panelas together it's a it's a majority number I'm comfortable with that I do think things are changing in Hillsboro and they're realizing the value of of this Regional mpo now um so more than what we had in the past um there's been some you know new folks coming in um so I'm feeling much more positive but I still like this assurance that it's so we would want whatever pasal pel add up to to be able to equal a majority I see um just to inform you don't put that in the paper no no absolutely not to to inform you I did secret gotcha I will I doly noted um I did have an opportunity to attend the special TPO board meeting that uh Hillsboro had for the Tampa Bay TPO marger discussion it was a good meeting they had lots of good discussion uh it looks like they're still on board to you know coming together and and trying to do a regional no um and as you know the city of Tampa would always love more representation um that was kind of their main discussion but they had a very good discussion and so um I think we're able you know for this next year at the very least to keep the discussion going and then um hopefully we can move into more actionable plans can I ask another question yes good um what might a timeline be like if you know since we're we're moving on this path what would be our Optimum timeline for implementation I I'm just wondering if if you if we have this pipeline already that has to be addressed so when do you think we'd be coming together well we s to the legislature was by 2027 is when we would want to be assembled um to actually have the merger occur so um you know we're already in 24 so we're only a couple years away that's what that's what we sent in the um the package just to make a comment about as far as Hillsboro goes um I think the Three Counties working Better Together than ever yeah um agreed we just did a passco we did a Tampa Bay days at the legislature and it was it was well received um I think there's a lot of good bonding coming on so I'm very optimistic that no matter what we're all going to work together es I think the way legislature was talking they are going to try to allocate all that Hillsboro sales tax money collected they're going to try to make sure they make a motion through the legislature to direct that money to go into hillsb which is going to be a huge game changer for that transportation for transportation yeah okay oh the referendum not refunded or not refunded just put put it into Transportation as designed and we we support that 100% so from what I'm I'm sorry is there any other comment oh I was going to say so is that is that acceptable everybody to go with the option two median board 9 to 15 everybody agreeable with that one one thing I wanted to mention on that metro plan and Orlando has nine members right and they have three I believe seminal Oola and orange if I'm if I'm memory surger let's see I had U yeah six for orange one for Oola two for seals what I counted but um I how how much do you think they'll be using that as a model in terms of if we say 9 to 15 and using nine with metrop plan Orlando would they think we ought to be nine too or or would we have that when I do the math at 9: we don't have a majority right so I wouldn't say that's why I'm saying we might want to say if if we want to go median board we may want to specify we want to see 15 yeah yeah we want to push the medium as far as you can right okay if if they're using you know we we tend to talk about what metrop Orlando's done a lot through the years and now coming together regionally they've been able to accomplish this that or the other but they're doing it with nine and so we if we want to push that model we do want to specify but we want 15 Goa um and I I I'm going to presume that we took small off the top we took that off the list yeah that's what Hillsburg did as well um they took it off they said we're only really discussing option two and option three large so we'll we'll say the first option option two is your most preferred option three is second in and run ring but I I would like to see that stated that Medium is preferred but we'd like to see the maximum of 15 it could also be um 13 643 if it went that you know 643 753 but not to minimize it is what I'm saying yeah right don't take it down to the lowest I I think it would be to our advantage to to ask for for more than yeah the higher number absolutely or it's close to the highest Mr chair yes would it would it be better to go the large that way you don't have to worry about making sure you at the max and the medium you can get the small into the large and then that's also gives you some room to I mean just could say large that mean it be 25 well you know large is Max of 25 you could have right that would solve the problem of not having enough of the medium so thought on that um perhaps it's it's 15 medium to start and at the 2030 census we re we relook at everything and have keep it open that we start with the medium with the option to go to large at the census does that make sense well everyone else would have to agree with that too right the other this discussion is going to carry on further we'll just give them a range so the next step so just kind of like let's let's cut out what we don't want to see and get closer because these discussions are going to keep on going so a fir firm number so can we just take the action on the prioritization would that be possible for um recommended action of preference two and then subsequent preference three everyone good with that um can I ask another question because just thinking about um quorums and um we if if there's a member and they can't go uh c will there be alternates and can they be voting alternates that is something we can write that's important it is important right that's that that's something we definitely can discuss when we writing into our our I think we need to have that um also Hillsboro TPO brought up what if um I think or pelis brought up what if we can do online um in case of emergency or have that option given to us since we're spanned across Three Counties so there are things to look at as we go along okay but I just think having that insurance of having an alternate be allowed to vote is would be important for as the minority yeah so I move move approval of option two being our top priority option three the second priority and no consideration of option one correct all right got a motion on second all in favor I I all right pass wow that was I am I'm encouraged yes absolutely big money coming our way and looking back I may have been wrong on my metro plan numbers I apologize I was realizing there was a few more pages there but I yeah it gets a little confus using there um topic two role of Transportation oper operators so please consider the appropriate role for both local and Regional Transportation operators in the Tampa Bay TPO should local and Regional operators be treated different or the same please rank your preferences so when we go into this discussion we want to look at a few things keep in mind that Hillsboro and uh Hillsboro TPO and Ford pelis they have actual Transportation operators on their board um current ly um for pelis the City of St Petersburg City Council person represents PSTA um and then also for Fels board as the countywide planning Authority and no board so when we're going to this discussion currently right now in the no board we don't have any transportation operators so when we're looking at um local versus regional right now we have the Planning Commission for Pasco County that's one of our local entities and then we have go Pasco as our transportation op operator which offers five Regional connections um especially in uh two in um two in pelis and one in Hillsboro uh which is in the TMA um the regional oper operators is Thea um and I don't know if if everyone knows this but Thea uh in 2014 has the ability to go outside of hillsbor County to to do uh projects however currently there is no project that is outside of the Hillsboro area so keep that in mind um Port of Tampa Bay and then the aviation Authority is also a regional entity Mr chairman commission um brt does that account for a project that they yeah the bus Rapid Transit right that was going through charta yes charta is dissolving so we can't use TARTA no but but I'm saying the brt was a plan that was outside the county is that something that is factored in here or or not as far as what they could do as far as as the yeah um we would have to ask them I don't think so because I think it was with TARTA and it was going to be with FD don't don't think about TARTA okay just think about the plan I'm not sure I would have to I would have to ask them to see if they could actually do that the brt yeah we'd like would you I definitely look into it because currently on US 19 we were um canas and Pasco were working to actually see if we could put um the regional Rapid Transit down 19 that was currently the discussions the study concluded um and then now we were trying to see how we could work together to make that happen so that's what the brt switch from so that's currently kind of on the table in discussions but we have um we we have taken that that 75 route to I mean it's been studied and we've done what did we get up to the environmental where how far no we did that did not go to environmental we got up to the environmental so I mean it's and then it was um voted t b uh board voted against it and then that's when we came over to have discussions with pascone and pelis I don't think we voted against it I think Hillsboro wouldn't let it happen on part of their property and that was before this past election yes it might be a different story it might be it might be so moving on to Transportation operators and non- voting advisor status um so this op this option could allow operators both local and Regional to have a voice on the board irrespective of a board size um and so when you just kind of moved so when you see that um with Aviation and um and the Port Authority how would you like that to be taken out of the apportionment size do you want it off the top which would mean the seats for regional operators would be filled first with the remaining seats allocated by population among individual counties um or would you like it taken you know out of the the seats that they have commissioner you know at 19% I don't think I want to give up any of my seats for an airport report I do think it's important that they get represented but I think Commissioners from East like Harry Cohen who represents the airport if they if if Hillsboro wants to go put something in for them or their cities so be it if pelis wants to put in for their cities or their smaller airports so be it but I don't want that to affect our push M our percentage Yeah and I think the city of Tampa has someone on the Tampa Port Authority and then may have a commissioner as well right and that's another discussion so when you're when we're saying if we were to take it off the top and then what who would sit in that seat would you want another commissioner or would you want a non-elected official because then that commissioner would have another more representation as a commissioner representing the Port Authority or um the aviation Authority that's just some food for thought I I think it would be maybe um a little bit fair if it was a non-elected so that way there's equal representations of the elected and then representation of the actual entity so just some food for thought when you're going into the seats and who sits where well looking if we if we went with a 753 if one of those seven was a non-elected Port Authority person and the airport was a non-elected um and the Thea was a non-elected that would still give them three Commissioners for Commissioners so I think it just comes out of the Hillsboro Mr chair what what do you guys well I think it's up to them because it really doesn't matter to us as long as we maintain our 19% but I mean so it's up to them if they want to have it non you know either have it non voting or have a commissioner represent one uh or place them on there but we're just saying we don't want to give up any of our spots in the total amount right I mean right that's they or add or add to that number you know they get x amount based on population however they allocate it what do we care y I agree each County figures out what they want on their on their board how they want to do it as long as they have the number so I will POS this as um if if everybody chooses the seats of who they want without us all agreeing then I it could that pose an imbalance in some situations just food for thought um because that was something that we were discussing amongst the staff directors you know if hillsbor just chose what they wanted on there in Pasco and panell there everybody have different a different variation of what their board seats would look like and then that may create imbalance if we don't do it now but that's why I like having each one of these Regional um operators have one in the seven and then um and then they would still have four Commissioners or three County Commissioners and one city council person however they want to divide up the four remaining M but I don't care how they divide it up right I really don't I mean they can pick however they want to set it up I have no problem with whatever they want to do how I don't I don't see an imbalance what I see is they're going to choose what they want and I want them to choose who they want there if they want to have the port the airports cities May step in ETC so be it let them decide give them all the autonomy to make that flexibility I'm good with that I don't see any problem with imbalance I see it their choice okay that way we can control ours too same thing okay all right so recommended action we're going to take the port naviation off of Hillsboro seats seats of pment I think it's our advantage to make sure we have a non-elected regional transportation person on there I'd much rather see Joe leano and Mr Anderson and four Commissioners then seven Comm you know seven elected officials who have to worry about their votes and whatever I think it's I saw you shaking your head I they I mean I I always leave it to the policy direction to the board but um that's just some of the that could be a possible replication later down the road that you will have now more elected officials over on Hillsboro possibly representing if we include um because at that point if we take it off the top um of I we take it out of Hillsboro's a portion then like you said they can choose who they want to on their side if you take it off the top you may have more unifying you know discussion since it's off of the top of the whole number if that makes sense cuz I do think the port and the airport um folks think pretty regionally they do I don't know much about the Hillsboro the Thea I know they came and spoke to me once a couple years ago when that authorization went through but they're definitely looking at a bigger a bigger through a bigger lens because the port not just is not just for Hillsboro it's for all um all the the entire region um so is the airport I mean how many of us fly out of Tampa International when you leave U we usually don't go down to pie and you may go to Orlando depending on where you're going so it's a huge Regional entity does the Thea have taxing Authority how do how do they I mean it's Authority so I believe they have taxing and bonds if I'm correct I guess they told they told the roads that they build right that's interesting I don't I'm just throwing that out there to me I see the advantage of at least two of those seats going to one of their authorities and and again our our percentage is small and I think frankly with the census done now well you're done a few years ago we're actually hurt by what we should get for percentages to minimize your percentage I wouldn't minimize that percentage well if you if you have a hill if you get no I take it out of the they sevention okay so still out of the seven but yeah so give them the flexibility just keep the percentage of the same okay I thought you were going no no I was saying out of the seven that Hillsboro has two of them have to be from one of these two or three would have to be one of these Regional authorities so what do you call them you're suggesting option three then that they'd come out of their portion right our screens are out of against yeah I'm okay with the verbage because I like the word could well not making them do it could yeah I'm I'm for option three option might be right about that because there's some consistency in having the same like that the transportation operator the airport guy their uh elections come and go people change but at least you might have some consistency as far as a direction for the airport of the port so maybe it does make sense you and he and that person is following the direction of his airport board not the commission board hopefully you know I mean I know there's a commissioner sitting on that board but and all those people are Regional typically Regional thinkers thinking and I think Jack's right is the could leades all right thank you all right future abortion and topics um one of the RO what we'll be talking about next is um how we well this is what we just discussed about filling independently do we want to fill our seats independently or do you want to do it regionally do all have that discussion um we'll talk about small cities um how we want to represent those um keep in mind this it won't again this is not exhaustive if if there's more ideas that come through it's up for discussion um there's a lot of things we can do with the cities um and then specific memberships to consider do we want to have weighted seats rotating seats so there's more conversation to come all right any other questions or discussions well I I would just say that I'm sure all the counties feel this way that um we want to be sure that all our our cities are still have a voice and I think um that that we're going to have certain kind of committees right that we'll have subcommittees just like metrop plan that you brought up they have several subcommittees and I was way off on my numbers I apologize there were several other pages there they have um 15 elected officials um and then five um groups Expressway Authority uh commuter rail Aviation Authority Orlando Municipal advisory committee which is their elect officials and then the Sanford Airport and three of those five are elected and then they have five non voting members their CAC fdot CMI Airport uh their Tac and their transport transportation system man so they have 20 members with five non voting and um five of those in addition to the 15 as I mentioned were three of those were elected so um they have 20 plus five non voting we hadn't brought up the idea of having non voting uh that's another option the airport district 7 of course and I don't know who else could be non- voting members well I think that I think do is one anyway yeah they are by legisl but if I guess we have to see how Hill shakes out on their seven in the metro plan they are voting members of the Expressway Authority commuter rail the Orlando Aviation Authority the municipal advisory committee um and then the Sanford Airport those are the added five and three of those five are elected the rotating seats could give you the option to rotate out um again that that would be a lot of fun trying to figure out that schedule but that is an option so you have um representation uh because we'll have the smaller kind of piece of the pie as you'd think but I think you can get representation various ways um as we go along um even though we're smaller we're small But Mighty so you have the option in there to make you to make us more robust in the conversations or the representation so I I I think um don't be dismayed by us being smaller I'll leave it at that that Municipal advisory committee was one of those five as I mentioned in addition to the 15 regular and so that probably is a rotating person probably but they are voting that Municipal advisory committee Mr Marano yeah I'm comfortable with however like hillsb would want to do it if they want to go non voting as well I'm I'm flexible to that too I think they should be at the table and not to not to vote as that's that's an option if they want to keep their percentage of the months they're elected so be it um as far as like your question here about future dis discussions um I'm going to say as far as like who picks who sits on the board I think kind of like what we do with TMA right now let's for who wants to go who can go and they go and if we have a set up where as commiss Stark I think mentioned if you have alternants behind it so that if someone can't go to a particular one or get those windows uh then we can fill it in with another person and and I think the no board can can fill that and just should get the flexibility to that every year if they choose to okay I have that written down and the next TMA will be February 16th at the airport yep um Friday morning Friday morning y so this all this information that we've discussed here um our representatives from our Pascal board will go there and bring this information forth and have discussion at the TMA right thank you right that's important that we have representation at that meeting yes and even if you're not on the TMA it's fine for you to come and be a participant because it's going to be very important meeting so I will not be at that meeting so I'm telling you now oh okay well it's got to be more than me are you going to be there I mean I'll be there I'm the chair yeah I'll be I'll be there okay I'll go also why does this keep going on and off it's it's all of us mhm we got to like put a like tape that in or something sorry okay yeah this got to be a better placement for this box do oh our our screens are going on off on off on off the little uh I keep thinking I'm kicking it concerning yeah I was wondering that um all right so moving on to uh number two innovate Pasco 2050 long range Transportation plan Mr Scott fa good morning board jeez it's still doing it just that's okay just leave I am pleased to report that work on bmo's 2050 long range Transportation plan which is known as innovate Pasco 2050 continues to progress well the no staff and the no's consultant team recently completed the pl exist existing conditions summary and in the next week the pl the study team will begin an analysis of the County's roadway level of service data between 2020 and 2050 which will allow them to identify existing and future anticipated roadway deficiencies the plan team will also begin develop in the transportation Improvement project revenue forecast which will enable us to determine how much money we anticipate will be available for transportation improvements over the life of the plan the plan team will also begin an update of the plan's policies goals and objectives and we'll also begin development of the needs plan with for the study which will be a very exhaustive list of all the identified Transportation needs in the county from current day up to the Horizon year of 2050 for the plan this morning Mr William R Transportation Planning consultant with kimley horn and Associates is with us to present the final transportation PL socioeconomic forecast data for population and housing up to the year 2050 and he's going to share a little bit about the methodology that went into the forecast the the socioeconomic forecast data is very important because it is incorporated into the regional travel demand model and it is used to to determine where all the growth is going to be occurring and where the future roadway and other Transportation improvements are needed so I will let Mr R speak with you good morning William R kimley Hornet Associates I'm a resident of Lakeland Florida and that's one of my offices as well it's a pleasure to be presenting before you today U Mr chair it's your pleasure um I can give you the long version or I can give you the shorter version of this presentation I know that many of the board members I think have already been um um had a presentation in terms of the methodology so it's your it's your pleasure in terms of how in depth you want me to go would we like the long or the short everyone we don't need the methodology okay all right the meat yeah very well all right so um the thing I'd like to go and primarily focus on and um um so you know I've been doing this work for um off and on for the um Pasco no and for many of the no other npos in the State of Florida for over the course of the last 30 years this is not the first forecast that I've prepared uh for a long range Transportation plan um as a board I always consider one of the most important things that you do is adopt your County population that will be used in the travel demand forecasting model So to that end um I have the um control totals that are being used and I will say um in my 30 years of doing this work I've never had so much discussion in terms of the population control deal as I have on this particular um forecast there's been a lot of discussion back and forth between County staff your Economic Development folks and also the local jurisdictions so where um things have landed in terms of population um uh going from a basee population of about 562 th000 um growing that population all the way out to million 18,000 in the year 2050 which represents about a 457,000 um increase in population to put that in perspective um the the University of Florida um as an agent of the state develops um population and it develops population forecast every year for Florida counties they produce three forecasts they low a medium and a high forecast generally speaking in the past the guidance has been used a medium forecast or at a minimum you should used a medium um I will say if you go and you take a look at those forecasts in the past that been produced they're consistently low in high growing counties particularly a county such as Pasco that's adjacent to another larger you know major um uh kind of County that's building out um so historically speaking in the past the population that's been used in Pasco um has been either an average of the Bieber medium and high or the high forecast this particular forecast is about 11,000 more um than the bber high forecast I feel confident and recommending to this board that that's the number that you go with um uh as we look at this and how this is used in terms of forecasting the transportation demand if we're a little overly optimistic we don't have a 2050 plan we have a 2053 plan and that's okay the same improvements need to be made the the uh same type of development is going to take place if we underestimate it then now now now we're shooting low um and that can be a real problem so a lot of confidence in terms of the population side of this forecast at this point in time um and again this gets updated in another five years when you do your 2055 plan in terms of um employment um a pretty dramatic change in terms of the employment nature um if you drove in distance through the county you can see why um this county has changed over the course um of the last 10 to 15 years um so the 2019 employment um uh came in at about 187,000 um that is increasing to uh uh 424,000 uh roughly which is an increase of about 237,000 over that time frame I will highlight the fact to you that you'll see that um the employment is is more than doubling okay um whereas the population isn't why is that a fundamental demographic shift in terms of your um population that you have here a a a a old you know you have a much younger population um but I have also watched over years as you've developed a threshold that you can support other employment activities okay so you know when we were doing this 20 years ago we didn't have a wire grassp we didn't have that type of um economic item we didn't have some of the the facilities and resources that you now have and now you have those things and that growth is going to continue to happen um the employment forecast is also um uh can I make a statement yeah so have you guys factored in what might happen with this new live local plan that just passed the Senate yesterday so um well that was actually a glitch bill in there the live local was already a factor that was in place I mean I will say that as it relates to counties and potential impacts I would foresee that the impact would be a little bit less to your county oh no um as as as it would be to maybe some others okay well they your way off way off I'm G tell you what happened yesterday I had a national industrial developer in who does spec and uh light industrial buildings um and they made an offer on a property on State Road 52 um near where the power line goes through I don't remember the name of the development or the the ranch and and they um wanted to build tens of thousands of square feet of spec a really nice product and they said the real estate agent said oh we have a live local project coming here on this industrial space and the industrial developer said well we can't off pay the same amount as an apartment complex would so they had to walk away from their plans there and um he told me they talked to a CEO this is a a family held company they're in like 10 or 12 States He said how are we going to compete in Florida when we have to compete for industrial land against an apartment Builder so I'm going to say it's devastating so so I'm going to say this glitch bill which again still doesn't address affordable housing whatsoever it's all high income stuff I think you need to go recalculate what you've got for numbers here to what's really going to happen because what we may have is a much higher population coming in than which you've got even forecasted now and you're going to probably see Less jobs right here as well okay if this plays out the way we think let me um so let me clarify my comment in terms of the impact okay um I'm developing these forecasts for 10 counties in the State of Florida currently the mix of vacant land the nature of the mix of vacant land um and some of your other counties like we take poke for instance oroso or manate um they have very very large portion of I would say industrial land that is underdeveloped um tends to have older uses on it and at least short term the trend that I've been seeing those have been the properties because of the proxim proximity to the existing Urban core where the land values or otherwise much higher where you're seeing that push for redevelopment yes you're going to have that happen that being said we're looking at numbers that are forecasting out to the year 2050 there's a lot of averages that are built into this there's a lot of different things that are in play um so um in terms of industrial the growth that was identified um on that was out to about uh 53,000 about 53,500 that was just the industrial component the the more substantial component in terms the commercial is at 50,000 the service employment is at about 134,000 and in conversations with your Economic Development folks they are directing us to show an increase in the employment to population ratio which makes sense because it's happened it's happened in the last five years Alone um in terms in terms of that shift um it is just board's pleasure the changes I will comment that this particular item is a Time critical item in terms of moving forward because right now this is holding up the overall um transportation planning effort in the region Mr chairman I'm okay with continuing with this but I sure would like for people like you to get with the relevant people in the state and take a look at what they're doing to the state I know that um someone from fa told me that when this bill was first introduced last year um the revenue estimating conference said it was going to cost the state $100 million and um they increased that to $800 million and I am sure that's going to go up on their hit so they have totally missed what's going on and the E economic forecasters need to take a dive into how we are wrecking our state with this one so um this is another example of preemption on the part of the state legislature it certainly is just the comment in terms of the bill and the and the folks involved um one of the things I'm I'm uh just rolled off as being the vice chairman the Chamber of Commerce over advocacy and government Affairs down in Lakeland uh we actually had the Senate we actually had the Senate senator who sponsored this legislation not the current glitch bill but the original legislation had them come on and basically were kind of holding them the task because one of the major issues that many of the local governments are are are facing um not necessarily the conversion of land being an issue but then just the need to provide the level of infrastructure particularly in the way of utilities they're Associated because what you have to provide for a for a warehouse is order magnitude different than what you'd have to apply um you know if it was 500 you know you know apartment dwelling units and that's been one of the areas that many of the local governments you know have expressed yeah and how's the school district going to plan now um and this this not you know this puts this puts housing where they weren't planning on it and it also Cuts their adval or so and the Water Management District so where's our Cooperative funding money you know it's going to get whacked so I it's it's misguided I mean good intentions bad bad roll out so anyway back to the data we're looking at to me it's Antiquated already with this new thing that's going to change we don't know how bad it's going to get but I can tell you there's probably about 19 counties that are jobs poor like Pasco County again trying to change it that all this conversion of Industrial and Commercial space in mixed use is now going to hurt our our our Graphics corre right here so instead of having people work local they're going to be driving further that's going to affect the region more as well so I would I would love it if you could just take another dive into this to figure out what's really going to be with industrial Commerce commercial and service because of these changes that are coming up the potential even the potential if if it changed in numbers like 5% 10% whatever that number is I think we should look at the real number and then we can actually share that with our state legislators to say look this is what has happened here a study we had done before but now with this change we're going to relook at this data and see what the actual effect is I I mean just have just this chart right now with what just happened it's going to be even more devastating so I think we should somehow I don't know how how to make the motion what what exactly to say but I would like to get this data looked at again if I if I may make a recommendation just given the time critical nature of this data um what might be reasonable is for the purposes of the current snapshot in terms of doing the regional travel demand modeling for the long range plan which in the case of your county has to be complete in June June and this is February um would be to either um go with this current data and direct the staff to take another look at it yeah or to provide specific guidance if you want us to go and reduce the industrial and service employment or all the employment across the board by 10% then then um I can go do that this afternoon um but at this point we need specific guidance in order for this to be able to move forward so I don't want to change the data I don't want to slow the process down but I do want to have this afterward looked at and restudy then come back with the numbers just for our own consideration even though we don't act on it but at least to show us what the difference would be frankly you should do it do that for all the counties that you're working in because really should I mean it's going to be interesting to see how many it's a mix many of the other counties there are things they actually like about it um and and obviously in other counties and and communities are going to be things that you don't like I mean a lot of other counties um that have a lot more of this older Antiquated industrial that tends to be located um proximate to the urban core um that land is much more valuable typically um for other uses and there's other areas that are better suited in their communities in terms of industrial and what the industrial product that folks are looking for but if somebody came in the do a land use change and changed it to residential everybody would come out and be opposed to that particular development you know you say more valuable but these apartment complexes are not going to be on the tax R so that in the short term you're right 35 years is that short term I guess that's short term and someone like yours in my in my ability to build roads and trails and fund the sheriff that's very long term I mean very short term very immediate uh when we start taking these hits and you may not know what's going on here but the apartments here are at 120 Ami which is more than market right so they can raise their rents still come off our tax RS it's I would have thought P County was near in the same place as us so that's interesting um can I continue with the the rest of the employment breakdown so in ter in terms of the growth the uh you'll you'll see a bit more growth um on the um industrial side um than you do on the commercial that's following just the general Trend um more of us are ordering stuff online as opposed to going to a brick and mortar store you disproportionately are going to have more commercial employment than other counties but just because you've been traditionally lacking um those those those activities so yes you you you can buy an Ali in Pasco County now and not have to travel another to to another County so um but that industrial also includes the warehousing and distribution side of it so those those drivers fall underneath the industrial category and then the most dramatic increase and shouldn't be any surprise would be in the area of service employment service employment includes the finance Insurance real estate Professional Services education and medical all fall and government um all underneath that umbrella and that's where the most dramatic um in increase and again um uh more than doubling the amount of service employment uh within the within the county so those are your current snapshot in terms of control TOS I will say in terms of some of the issues that you are bringing up they're very legitimate issues concurrent to the development of this data here has been coordinated with your county staff who's working on the development of your of your comprehensive plan um update and obviously those types of land use changes are probably a great discussion to happen at that level as opposed to maybe the transportation side of it because um we're just largely dealing with the transportation influence of things whereas all the other issues in terms of providing all the other public services you know fall underneath the realm of the comp plant any additional questions or discussion relative to the U population employment control tots okay um so the thing I'd like to just kind of focus on now is just the uh the distribution um of the dwelling unit this is not a density map okay so if a very large Zone has a a goodly number of growth being added it will make a very large area seem like it it it it has a disproportionate amount of growth so this is not a not a density map um the the allocation of growth has been driven largely by the approved development information that's been provided by the county staff and the municipal staff um and so that is reflected here in terms of this distribution you can see probably no real surprise um you know you know a lot of the growth and development in the Bexley the north of State Road 54 um area um the whole area on the East part of the um County East of 75 um particularly um north of State rad 54 um and then also some uh growth along the 52 um Corridor and again this is largely driven by approved development this is not something that a Magic model is allocating um it is is reflective actual um development um We are continuing to wrap up some adjustments in terms of the allocation of employment and anticipate actually meeting uh with your planning staff um later today um to make some adjustments but it's been something that um been reviewed pretty intently um and they are um continuing to guide us in terms of some adjustments that they like to see um in terms of next step is ultimately um just finalizing and and and and and kind of doing a little bit of balancing in terms of the the forecast and wrapping up that review effort um we also are completing the allocation of hotel motel um units and School enrollment we're actually meeting with the school district this week um to discuss the um School enrollment side of things and then we will finalize the report and transmit the uh final set of data uh to the Florida Department of Transportation and their consultant uh forther use in the tribal demand forecasting model and with that I'm available for any additional questions you might have question an action item no very interesting V to approve okay all in favor I I I thank you very much you have a pleas day very interesting thanks for the dialogue appreciate it U Mr chairman yes I have to leave in about 10 minutes I don't what what's our number for a quorum I have to I'm going to that luncheon at the fairground I got think five so I think we got it 1 2 3 okay and I need to leave at 10:45 so I'll be here for 40 a little bit longer okay I I hate to throw myself into too but I have a um meeting with one of my insurance companies in Okala at 12:30 so I'll be leaving about 10:30 is the commissioner coming back have is commissioner move quick so you know what are the most important things on here that we need to vote on just to be sure all right next up 2024 system performance report can I make a motion to approve number six someone say second where six we're appointing someone to the TAC oh second all in favor I got that one done okay all right good morning this is uh usually one of the more important discussions that we have uh about safety but just um for time and for Simplicity today I have uh Focus this presentation on the performance measures uh on the targets and then if you guys if the board has other questions uh other general safety questions I can certainly um take notes and bring those back to you guys at a at a later just gy general safety presentation so we'll go ahead and get into the performance measures so why do we report performance measures well the uh federal government requires the state uh Department of Transportation and also npos to report safety measure targets annually and it's just a way for us to track our our progress or lack thereof uh on um the quest of reducing fatalities and serious injuries so the Florida Department of Transportation adopts uh this year or in 2023 they adopted their targets on August 31st of 2023 so for us that starts the 180 day clock for the no to adopt our safety targets uh and those are required to be adopted by February 27th uh so that's why um typically February is our uh performance safety measures month uh in 2024 and for the last several years the no uh excuse me the Florida Department of Transportation adopted their target of zero for 2024 uh the Pasco no along with uh Hillsboro and pelis we actually one of the few npos left that still adopt our own targets uh so we we support the Statewide Target of zero but we also adopt our targets as a way of tracking our performance um toward reducing fatalities and serious injuries uh also safety performance measures are the only measures that apply to all public roads um you guys saw pm2 and pm3 measures last year for pavement and Bridge and also for reliability those measures only look at the national highway system uh so safety actually um analyzes crashes fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads so we make this caveat every year and I'll make it again the the current 5-year average goes from 2018 to 2022 so any data from 2023 is not Incorporated in in our performance measures so we're always basically looking you know these are backward looking measures so we're really not taking into account uh Investments that we've made in 2023 or any projects so that's always a caveat so we look at what the five performance measures are there's number of fatalities and number of serious injuries those are just the raw numbers um those are not affected by the rate there's also non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries and those are lumped together so you've got bicyclists pedestrians fatalities and serious injuries uh all grouped into that performance measure there's no rate for non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries just because there's not a good measure right now for um person miles traveled so that's just uh the raw number that you'll see for that performance measure there's also the rate of fatalities and the rate of serious injuries and both of those are based on vehicle miles traveled uh they're not based on population so now we're going to actually look at the trends we're seeing for each one of the uh performance measures for the last um few fiveyear periods uh here's the average annual fatalities and hopefully what you will see is that peak in that 2017 to 2021 period uh where we're down 1.3% between the the current 5year average and the previous 5year average and hopefully this is this is the top and we're beginning to see the trend downward uh that Trend will be a little more obvious when we look at the serious injuries um so hopefully this is the beginning of a long Trend down for annual fatalities for the fatality rate it's down a little bit more um than just the average number of fatalities because our V DMT is going up and our just our raw fatality number is going down uh so that percentage is actually down 3.4% from the previous U 5year average to the current and again that rate is based on 100 million vehicle miles traveled not population so this is just a a general geographic distribution of the crashes uh this generated a lot of discussion at at the CAC uh of course we've got 19 uh US1 19 that's a problem but I think from this graphic you can tell that this is actually a countywide problem of f of fatal crashes 19 represents about 15% of the crashes throughout the county um but again this is a countywide problem so for the average annual serious injuries you can see it's a much more substantial uh Trend downward hopefully that we're going to begin to see with the fatalities also so this year for the just the raw number of of um serious injuries were down almost 8% and again the trend is similar for the serious injury rate and again we're we're down more substantially with the rate because again our VMT is going up and our serious injuries are going down so we're down almost 10% for the serious injury rate and again here's just a a a graphic representation of the of the serious injury crashes over the the last five years and again this just reinforces the fact that this is a countywide issue so we need to focus on on all roads throughout the county so this is that number that's kind of lumped together for the pedestrians bicyclist fatalities and serious injuries uh it's a little different shape of the trend you can see we have two kind of Peaks and now and now we're we're on a downward Trend again so we're down 2.2% uh for When comparing the the last two fiveyear rolling averages uh I will say the the bicyclists in this in this um number represent about 40% of the number pedestrians about 60% and then serious injuries are 70% and fatalities are 30% when we break it down what we're seeing would the um non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries commission um I've asked this for like the past several years about these pedestrians have we looked at how many of them are maybe on drugs or whatever as far as walking out along especially on the 19 caror well we did do we did do uh that as part of our 19 study just internally in the staff and we did present that the problem that we have when we look at the crash reports is a lot of them are just not tested so I I I believe we presented at least 50% of them I'll have to go back and check check but again so many of the crash reports there's no there's no test given um so any number that we do present is probably under estimated just because a lot of them there is no test so there's no data on that so does anybody check to see where they live like what their address is is that ever reported yes that is on the crash report for us that would take you know that would take going into every crash report looking seeing where they're from which which we can certainly do um but it's it's time intent but we can do that I mean I I think it's important to know um you know you can't do the drug test okay but if you if you have why can't we do the drug test I'm well maybe you can but with the with the data we have right now we can look at if there's an address listed if there's no address listed that may tell you that they were homeless if it does have a regular address that would tell you that maybe they're not homeless and at least from there you might be able to see something well we we did look at it and part of the problem too is you may have an address for say next of Ken and that is that's not yeah that's not if they have like no address then you may have something else to to go with well even our homeless sex offenders are given an address um I don't want to get into that publicly but yeah they they may be homeless but the state makes them give them an address so yeah I'm not sure that would be accurate and we've actually only really dug deep into the crashes on 19 and just about all of them did have an address so the issue is then you got to parse out whose address is this you know and that gets into I'd be more interested in the drug thing I think it seems like I remember having this conversation you know years ago about this and I I was surprised too that they didn't test them all but it if there's a reason why they couldn't or I believe it is in well I don't want to speak without knowledge yes that is part of it um I'll do a little deeper dive into that and see I don't believe I think it is a state statute but I'll I'll double check on that so we have we have thought about those same questions how what is the percentage of intoxication or homelessness and it's we found it difficult to get accurate information based on the crash reports the crash's not going to get you to do an notop you figure it out well even when an aops is done it's not because of HIPPA uh I'm not sure if we could get that information but we we have investigated this and we'll continue to ask the same questions cuz we somehow the data's got to be got got I mean sometimes you come across these Hollywood stars they get hooked on drugs whatever and they die for different reasons and we've heard some recently that those studies come out to to what they found so if they can do it I don't I don't see what the problem is that's a good yeah well we we will continue U to try to answer that question because we've we've posed it ourselves I mean the definition of insanity is it's just like repeating the same thing over and over again it's a different result if you get this data that you can't even use to really find out what the cause is and if you find out the cause it puts us in a much better position to do something about it yeah it does and just from looking at some of the details of the reports you can you can read between the lines I would say um you know to try to get an idea if there was if there was some kind of intoxication but for the majority of the reports there just is no there's no tests given um and and so that data has lost okay keep moving right so again this is our uh this is just a graphic representation of the non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries of course you can see 19 uh and we can also see some in zeper Hills too which is a little bit different travel patterns little bit different pattern than the than the motorized fatalities and serious injuries so we've gotten this question the last few years so we always include this I'm sorry can you go back one second sure I just want our staff to be looking at um that orange dot I'm thinking that's duck slooh in 54 we seem to have a lot of fatalities right around in that area and what you know what are we doing to improve that I just throwing that out there I'd like to talk to staff about that I think that's where that is so this is our vehicle miles travel this is just on the state highway system for uh 2022 again this is backward looking data one year but we can see our VNT is increasing you can see the the co low there and we're you know we're slowly probably starting to Peak in our VNT also and this is pretty comparable to what Hillsboro and pelis were seeing in their increase in VMT also so there's a lot of data on this chart this is a comparison of the um Florida Statewide performance versus the Pasco noos performance um a couple of things jump out um we are kind of diverging from the state in a good way and our in our amount and percentage of decrease uh that's a good thing but we're also you know we're almost two times over the state over the state number for the rates of uh especially serious injuries so we've got some work to do and bringing the numbers down but the staff is encouraged by the by the percentage decreases that we saw this year and actually the the Pasco no was one of only four no planning areas that saw a decrease in all of the performance measures um so we feel like we're making progress uh however if your family member or you had a loved one or your friend is involved in one of these crashes then we're then we're not performing very well we've always got to keep that in mind that you know we we talk about these these as numbers but but these are lives and every every life on those maps and in these charts is affected by dozens of people so we've got T tens of thousands of people that are affected by these crashes every year so we know we've got more work to do and the targets don't mean anything if we can't if we can't talk about how we're addressing our goal of low of lowering the fatalities and serious injuries I'm not going to talk about all these but we're we're planning on multiple scales um to try to to try to reduce our fatalities and serious injuries I will talk about the last one uh the safe streets and roads for all Safety Action Plan we're very excited about that Grant we're working to procure the grant funding right now um hopefully that will be completed in the next couple months washingt and that that is that's going to be a big deal for us this is something that we need uh we're expecting this to really identify ify projects that are going to to really help us in this endeavor of lowering our fatalities and serious injuries so this is an action item these are the 2024 safety performance measures targets that were that we're requesting the board approve uh last year we started a 10% reduction uh of the current 5year rolling average and we're going to ask for that again uh we feel that 10% is achievable and also realistic um it's it's aggressive I think the other um other npos in the area probably about 5% so we're aggressive but we do feel like this is achievable in light of the time sequence we got I'll move approval second all in favor I I motion passes thank you thank you um Jack and I are going to Washington on I'm going Friday you going Friday Friday um we plan to speak to is it do up there whoever the road people are in Washington fwa yeah Do It um so if this is something you'd like us to advance then we're happy to take some stats with us some handouts certainly I know we're a little crunch for time but as part of the the comprehensive Safety Action Plan Grant there will be a you know part of that as a as a a good um board message about reducing fatalities and serious injuries and this 10% is is a is a good yeah but showing how high we are how more dangerous our county is compared to the state I think is a telling story that we need some help with pedestrian overpasses and other things mid block Crossings and I mean the the proof is in the numbers right there by the way we're also going to be talking about that bridge on Grand working to try and get some federal funding oh awesome thank you thank you all right next up we have a fiscal year 2023 24 unified plan planning work program Amendment M Lori yes good morning Lori Shader with Pesco M um T was confirmed at the January 11th board meeting which triggered an am an amendment that was needed for the upw so that's what I'm asking for your approval is to update the key all in favor I thank all right MP technical advisory committee we did that one oh we did that one all right go Pasco good morning go Pasco director how are you all doing today so I'm just here to show you a provide you a quick snapshot of our writers ship over the years um between um 2022 and 2023 we had an increase of uh 133% of our ridership and for to 24 we are projecting so far 5% this is a good sign for us because this means that that we are on our way to to meet those um to reach the preo level on our rers ship with that I also wanted to share with you guys that um last presentation that I did in August 2024 I mentioned that we were working uh to start uh several projects so I just wanted to go over a couple of them because we initiated them and we're already on our way um last Tuesday at the board meeting it was approved the agreement with kimley horn to conduct our comprehensive route analysis so we're going to start uh working with them um we have a nine month turnaround for this project so we will be back and provide you with information and recommendations for for for that for our system also we initiate our buop Ada improvements along us19 uh 301 and uh we'll be um upgrading some uh bus stops in chel Luchi area um we also began our um conversation with a u vendor for its system which is the on board technology uh we will be purchasing um passenger counters automatic passenger counters on all our whole Fleet of 35 Vehicles we also uh will be doing the AVL automatic vehicles um locators and the most important will be the real time uh information app for our Riders which we will let them know where the bus is at a specific time and due to the recent um bus operators OFA that are happening in in in the nation we decided to go with a camera system that will be left look so we will be able to to look at what's going on uh on the buses on Real Time front back in our offices they will this will help our supervisors to you know immediately uh go and assist our our bus operators and with that also you know collection of data that currently is uh collected manually but um we'll we'll look forward to to this new uh system lastly um we are well there are two more um we will be uh moving forward with a mobile ticketing which will be a virtual pass for our writers to be able to not only use their paper pass and money but also uh an app that they can you know show that they purchase their past and like I said lastly will be our multimodal transfer stations we are looking at two locations one in p and the other one in Zer Hills we will be um um currently we we identified the locations we working going through the agreements to acquire those two sites and uh hopefully start design soon and and construction at this time we do not have a transfer station the only one that we have is in front of the in seph Hills is in front of the city hall but unfortunately that's just a pull out is not a location where a driver can use a restroom and and people can actually Riders can actually wait for the bus and safely transfer from bus to bus and uh the other one um the other issue that we have is the Mall as that you you may know um it's been redeveloped right now five routes are meeting at that location so we need to to find another location to to have this uh transfer of uh people you know in a safe environment and that's it for me I don't know if you have any questions any questions we good right thank you thank you all right we don't have any presentations so on other business uh Mo advisory Council um G yes can you put the fire up oh I can do there we go so it's here once again the mo AC weekend Institute for our elected officials it's a great way if you're new on the N board to attend and learn about the no and its functions um and how we do processes and it really is great uh weekend to go out and really learn and also interact and uh engage with other MP board members uh you have two dates up there the Florida hotel conference in Orlando and then the Renaissance Tampa International um in in Tampa sorry um March or may I highly recommend to go if you're interested please send me an email um and the N will go ahead and take care of your accommodations for the trip but it is really a really a good uh weekend of learning uh for those who are new to the N board thank you update on that mid Crossing you're talking about okay Brian Hunter with fdot I will send commissioner starky an email since she was the origin origin originator of the request but um that construction project the resurfacing that'll include The Pedestrian Crossing is going to kick off sometime in Spring of 2025 so you know the March April time frame so and then it's probably got aund a year of construction time frame so we'll be opening it in about a year and a half two years all right questions well thank all right thank you all right looks like that's it does anybody have anything else just bring one thing up um at the board meeting yesterday we actually did an approval of a project up at Sun West Park and we've also got progress on fixing a lot of storm water issues up there one of them being an apartment complex that's going to be coming in and I know on the west side of the road with Swift Mud properties Etc we're going to put a trail up there eventually but I would think that n should probably look and talk with the developer that's here that's coming in and and try to make sure we get a nice wide Trail on the other side as well where is this at Sunwest Park uh so I would say from let's say Gulf Drive from Gulf drive all the way up to Old Dix on Old Dixie Highway all the way up to the park you should get with the developer that's coming in because once those apartment opens up and there's even more traffic going up there um we do plan on the like I said on the west side but if that developer is coming in the commission's pushing to get all the developers to come in and put trails in front of their property and I would say we should look at that but even taking it all the way up thank you thank you anyone else good all right new Jour good thank you thank [Music] you