##VIDEO ID:kJ5svmavCy8## are we do we need five or okay jump I can't believe he's call me right now we'll get we'll give it a minute hey bud for parking lot oh no we don't have a set price cuz the lights are so you know cost wires are different you know size different depends on you know what parking lot you're in you know um yeah was a look at it 10:00 we did say they running behind I know well okay all right well just won't do it we'll tell them hey we'll do it we'll get it Sav for you and do it but it's going to be ex yeah okay let me run cuz I got to so since the first bump it if he doesn't show up in time and this is the the Citizen Academy Okay C okay okay all right all right let's get rolling T I said Tanisha I apologize I hope I was right I maybe I got it wrong okay I said tiisha we just call you T I said okay was without so cute I I think I'm in the right seat what's the right you guys are no you had the right something like something like I try to get away from the occasion this is my quiet timeone we got a Tyrone how she get P oh yeah ready okay how you doing sir that's not fa how you guys do all right I'm good you're special got take a picture you're special ideal that ack he could be aity I can I can I can pull would she could these guys out of control all right good morning the Metropolitan planning organization board meeting of August 8th 2024 is called to order I remind everyone to please silence our electronic devices Please be aware that this meeting is being broadcast after its conclusion a video of the meeting will be available on the County's website at this time I would like to ask you all to please rise for invocation and Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen amen I Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all U Madam clerk can we have the roll call please Mayor Scott black here Council Lance Smith here Mayor John ER here commissioner here commissioner commissioner Catherine starky commissioner Lisa Jer here Jack Mar here chairman Matt B here thank you um okay we have um call for public comment do we have anybody that would like to speak please please come up sir please state your name address Charles K 16033 WS Court dat City Florida essentially a lifetime resident of this County and I am driving on St Joe Road I am horrified by the conditioning of the cany roads and I'm sure it's the same in the west it's awful getting worse and worst ever since the state turned these roads over they've been deteriorating wow and now what the heck is going on I guess we need higher gas taes so I don't know what you guys are doing these roads are getting worse and worse St Joe Road is 21 years old repavement it's fall in the park and another thing why taking so long to fix a csection over here a rant and S Joe Road that dog leg has been away since 1920s and now they're going to do something about it because sorry about the growth in the car and that's not going to start construction 26 you Chang the pl from roundabout to a traditional but the state is still in charge of that even though they give it turned over 52 understand I don't know if you have anything to do with that but that should have been done 20 years ago as I'm thinking as I'm coming in here but these roads are in bad shape somebody takes a responsibility does up by Road especially with the exposive growth just car thank you thank you sir anyone else like to speak I'm it's public hearing all right we'll close a public comment now may I say something yes commissioner I'll address that because we've just just the commission has just voted in a new way to pave our roads and pay for Paving our roads instead of a pvas and the gentleman's very right about a lot of our roads they're being delayed and getting paved throughout even the east side all over the county uh and they are getting in they are in bad shape and they're going to get better because the way we pave roads now in the future uh every Homestead of property in the county not in the cities cities on a different program with the city governments so in the county there's a charge in the future of 51 point $51 884 per 100,000 value of a hestad at home the median value of a home in Pasco County is 161,000 plus or minus so the fact of it is that equates back to what you'll pay annually instead of doing a pest you'll pay annually uh roughly $85 to $100 for a home at that price and so so the fact of it is the pvas has gone away the past system was put in because in our past in the 50s 60s 7s a lot of growth was happening on the west side of the county and you had Citrus Growers and all over on this side and Farmers on the east side of the Pas they didn't want to pay a tax for roads being paved on the west side of the county so in fact this new system will will change that we all pay forever Road in the county in the future but it really is min what if we don't want to pay for these big long roads on East Side those of us who live on the West Side well you already got your so I mean the fact of it is you were one of them that uh voted for this new system we needed to do this but but I think also there was a big Bill coming on the east side cuz if you lived on on bayad say and there's 100 homes and it's four miles long how much is that going to cost you cuz it's per house per eru right oh it's it would have been the fact the fact on the on the pbass system it was unfair it actually put neighbor against neighbor voting against them where they want to pay the money to pay the road or not and most times it it failed so what the gentleman was saying he's right A lot of these roads have been delayed and being paid because our people out in there wouldn't I mean you'd have you could have 4 9% of the people in that neighborhood want that road to be paved but 51% voted against that PS it did not happen and that's what delayed a lot of Paving throughout the county this system all of us can be proud we're all going to be paying for roads all over the county and I think that's the way you do it in your cities mhm yes yeah we were one of the rare counties in the country that did it yeah we were only one of a a few left doing it in a p system so most everybody else had gone to a taxing system so but the tax is minimal so if you have a higher value home you're going to pay a little more but it's not that bad to be honest with you so okay I just want to answer his his issues and he's very much right in what he say thank you for uh explaining that U we did we didn't have anybody sign up did we I forgot to ask okay UNL me is anybody is there anybody else want to speak other than the gentleman so all right doesn't look like it if not then you're closed all right uh we'll close that portion all right we're going to move on to our uh approval of minutes Mr chair approval second all in favor I opposed all right and now we're going to go on to our uh no advisory committee reports first is the citizens advisory committee uh Miss Tena Goram good morning um I'm going to review the uh July 31st 2024 CAC committee report we held our meeting we had Quorum we reviewed the CAC meeting minutes of 65 20 2024 uh we also review the no board report from the June meeting no board June meeting we took action on the following items to recommend it to the board for approval the tip roll forward which will'll be hearing today the commissioner for transportation disadvantage uh Grant in the amount of 35,000 we also did the public participation plan and limited English proficiency Plan update we reviewed that with the consultant from exp with Casey KY and also I will go back to the item that I did skip over which is the annual uh committees and board schedule we were looking look at it as a CAC all the Committees and the CAC had recommended changing the committee schedule from 1 to 2025 to6 for the Committees because it falls on the holiday week when everyone is returning and then the following year which is way in the future uh is which is uh 12:30 of 2025 those committee meetings to change them to5 2026 and that is all for the CC committee report any questions anyone all right thank you oh sorry Tena we we talked about the uh 8141 for the no is that like after when the school board starts when kids start back into school correct and when we do that item here we could that's where we would bring it up for the board if they would like to change that to 822 I think is what we discuss okay after schools first anyone else move approval second all in favor I opposed thank you um technical advisory committee Cynthia spidal uh good morning Cynthia spidel um the technical advisory committee met on July 31st and our agenda was pretty much identical to what tenia just presented for the bpack um so you know went over our minutes we did the tip roll forward um and then our action were the same as Tena just mentioned the commission for the transportation disadvantage um the no public participation plan The Limited English proficiency plan and it was just really nice to hear the efforts that everyone makes to encourage public participation and to make sure that everyone is included in the long range planning for uh for the area and then our most longest discussion was over the meeting schedule for next year so we opted to cancel the December meeting and because we figured we meeting in January anyway for the following year so that was about it and I'm happy to answer any questions that you might have or anything that you would like me to bring back to the technical advisory committee thank you thank you uh next up we have um bicycle and pedestrian advisory committe oh yeah can I so what exactly does the technical advisory committee cover so it's all the technical experts I'm there on uh representing the Pasco EDC for their seat that they have but it's basically a forum um and I I actually really love being part of it um but we have traffic Ops there we have um go Pasco I almost said pcpt we have go Pasco there and it's just a forum for us to kind of get and we have Dade City comes um Newport Richie the school board and it's just a forum for all of us to go over what's going on we get all the presentations from the do we talk about the technical aspects of that and then we make most to which eventually then come back to you sometimes we we tweak things or we condition it and then it comes back to you like that with our recommendation of so do you look at um say intersections that might be better suited as roundabouts is that um it they have that has come up um back when 301 when dot was presenting 301 we talked about that um the realignments and the roundabouts that and pertaining to that so it does come up so so is it a Proactive or reactive kind of technical advisory well is we have a specific agenda every time so we pretty much focus on that but there's always a a forum for the committee members to kind of discuss open items with each other so like go like the last one go Pasco brought up some concerns about the posted speed limit being 45 on 52 um and also um he brought up the prior meeting some backlogs along Old County Road 54 um over in the West side over by by us um on the west side of little road okay and then you guys make recommendations and then they come to us I just haven't seen very many and I like just today and I texted Nick on this coming here I came up 52 or Clinton Avenue whatever we're calling it um turning left on Prospect it's a it's a flashing yellow light so we were all the way back up like 20 cars and trucks and because you have to wait for an open than to go I I in order to get here on time I may have gone through a a changing yellow to Red kind of we got a pict that that's exactly that's exactly the type of thing that someone would bring up at our committee meeting and then traffic Ops would note it and look into it or as an example so but we do we have made Mo we have made recommendations that you should have gotten like for example about the regional no board you know we made specific recommendations we certained looked into certain asps in the to be changed so that have back to you okay I just want to get more educated on what you're you should come to one of our meetings I might do that there's one usually we meet in Stark we always meet in starky Ranch at least once once every couple of months so that would be a good one to come to I believe that I believe that light turns green if you're there in time it does it turn green if not it'll go back red and then be flashing never oh you think there's a dedicated turning light if you go up there you're the first one there and you're sitting there before it changes I think it does turn green for a while it but if no one's sitting there it goes to a flashing yellow correct and then you have to take care going through I just went through it yeah there were a lot there were maybe four or five ahead of me but there were 15 behind me that did not make the light so yeah when I got there this morning I was thinking boy I wish there was a dual left here yeah yeah it was very tempting to go on the cross strike but I didn't do it Mr chair I had I had a quick question you you mentioned um State Road 52 and the 45 miles hour Zone and I think the scope pack that had the concern about yes they wanted it faster than 45 I'm guessing yeah and then obviously we had a little discussion about it and it turns out it was designed for much higher and then of course we were talking about how you should plan your roads for the design speed you want to achieve as opposed to designing them for a higher speed and then posting lower because that's just going to encourage speeding so exactly we had discussion about that one of my concerns too you know when you have a two-lane road that's 55 mil hour and then you make it great as a four-lane road but then you take it down to 45 you seem to be defeating your purpose and I was told that some of the reason was because in curved areas that you have to have and and a lot of it is curved you like on some highways there's no curbing I I thought it was just temporary but do is here so hopefully they can question but yeah I thought it was just a temporary thing and then when it's all finished and done I thought it was going to go back up at least that's what I thought was going to happen but I'll defer to dot on that I'd like to see it it seems like well on 52 whenever you get to the west of Moon Lake Road it seems to go down to 45 also or you know when you're getting in that area just unless that's changed in more recent years but thank you Mr chairman anybody else yes to touch on that too I I I agree with the speeds the higher the speeds we have the way these roads should be set up moves traffic better the slower speeds don't make sense if that meant taking away more curb and G would make sense we' save money on the road construction number two and efficiency of the roadway number three so yeah with well if if that's the reason why I I don't know if it's well we can find out well we get do Nick you want to come tell and I'm going to hand it over to do it gets rough hey we're going to move right on up to the top it was more it was more fun picking on cynia though yeah I mean so if the overall question is the determination of speed limits it's it's not just the curb and gutter um it's uh land use it's uh access management number of driveways it's uh there's a lot of things that go into it um so it's not just the curbs and what happens is the curb is the physical manifestation of the context classification and so if it's an urban uh context um then you're going to see the curb and so it's not that the curb's causing the slower speed it's that the road is an urban road so it has the curb so it's not you know it's not that the curb dictated the speed but we were 55 before or you know what's wrong your name oh Justin Hall fdot district 7 sorry about that normally I'm good about that I'm like they all know me at this point um sorry what was the followup well you know I I realized you know parts of this are entirely new roadways you going through areas where there had not been roads before but when you had a two-lane road going 55 and then you get a four lane that's 45 and I realize you know with four lane passing you get a few more hazards but still it just seems to you know yes some of it's the approved development um some and that that makes a difference so when we when we're going through that process we look at what's approved and so even if it hasn't been built yet but if there's like a major Housing Development coming that's new traffic volume that we're going to anticipate to be there and before you didn't have that I mean 52 was a very rural road yeah high speeds were not a problem but uh the traffic pattern is changing on 52 with the uh um approved development now listen we we can go back we do speed studies all the time if if it if you don't have a trend of accidents and we do a speed study and everybody's going faster and the road will facilitate it you know we make those changes both ways you know faster and slower based on what we're seeing but I can tell you that the 45 is a direct result of the approved development and what we're seeing out there even before the development comes correct it's based on approved development but it's already approved right CU we've already approved development on that road where you're talking about it's coming in that speed but it's based I mean I can just tell you we we design everything based on the approved development approved with a development agreement or approved in a res zoning or what stage when it's approved and adopted by the county so but what what is approv like if you have like a PD if you have a um you know if they come in for rezoning and they get approved for you know 2500 homes we take that into account but they may never get built or it may be Generations before they get built I mean we and we make adjustments based on I mean that's why we do these regular modeling updates that's why we do all these things I mean we we harmonize regularly and I mean you know the speed limit as long as the robe is designed for the higher speed the speed limit posting uh can be adjusted um and there there's statute there's wall behind that but um it can be adjusted based on speed studies so but Mr those develops are moving dirt out I mean I'm just going to say this I mean I'll tell you this uh what we're seeing on 52 is what we saw on 56 when we built the extension we built the 56 extension and then uh probably within 6 months of us building that they were turning dirt there were houses going up oh yeah in 52 we're saying the same thing the um distribution centers and housing developments are going in I mean they're turning dirt out there so yeah that's correct Mr chairman yes commissioner I'd like to have dot take another look at 52 on the other side from let's say little road over because since that's been multi- laned and the speed sometimes been down to 45 um literally there's no development change there and the speeds are still staying low so I don't know what's approved coming in that would make that happen but I I think that that should get relooked at because that that could be a much smoother running the road if it would had had more speed to it and we can do that we can do a speed study take a look mhm okay all right thanks thank you anyone else good thank you sir um I think we have to have a motion on this item do we have to have a motion for this report it says approve yes or no no just the AC say approve though yeah recommendation I mean it says it here that's why I it says approved so I don't see it on mine for the minutes above but we approve the new member just we skip just the action it she's going to do it under her Section oh no it doesn't say approve under committee reports on the one which one is all right then bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee uh DEA Mitchell no good morning everyone DEA Mitchell Vice chair um similar to what you've heard from our other committees this morning um we did have Quorum and approved all of our action items including the tip Amendment um transportation Transportation disadvantaged Grant agreements um upcoming meeting schedules of PPP and the LEP one thing that I would like to mention um especially is a thank you to our committee chairman Brian Michaels who in advance of pedestrian safety month which is coming up in October of 24 has worked very diligently on on the project red light stop for pedestrians so if you're um unfamiliar there was a change at the state level where signalized intersections previously had had a yield to stop when a pedestrian was entering the crosswalk that has now been modified to be a full stop and that vehicle must remain at a full stop the entirety of the time that a pedestrian is in that crosswalk um he has worked not only with our Pasco law enforcement state law enforcement agencies but also with surrounding counties to try and do joint marketing efforts to ensure that we have drivers education to this issue um as well as making sure that signage is being updated from the yield to the stop so we're very appreciative of his efforts in that and wanted to make you all aware thank you um I'm Mr I'm going to have some bike trail questions but I in comment was going to lead to the end are you staying unfortunately this morning I'm unable and Tina's not here Tina is here yes Tina's in the back okay so um uh but one question on the bpack um because my appoint one of my appoints he's gun the flag he's traveling a lot right now so um he's very concerned about his inability to attend but did the rules change that he can attend by Zoom no unfortunately Zoom is still not permitted when it comes to to the approval of action items I believe that was a change that was done countywide we did have a lengthy conversation about membership at our last meeting um namely as we very much appreciate Gunther's um all of his insights obviously being an avid cyclist and having been on the committee since its Inception um we do also understand that our committee rules insist that after three absences someone's membership is evaluated what we would like to do then is invite those who have valid opinions to come along as guests and obviously make those opinions okay so we cannot participate by Zoom no ma'am no all right so I'll have to look for a new member for my for me um it's going to be hard to replace him alter yeah he could be the alternate he could be Al okay all right I'll work on that okay thank you commissioner and now you know we have two committee members Morgan and Gunther I was part of the beack when it first started with PCO as well and we've talked to Morgan and Gunther about that they can be alternates and as any person they have that opportunity to provide public comment at any of our meetings as well um and they will always be a part of this committee no matter what it's just very important as we have action items that we have a quum and that was discussion that we have and he's got projects that are not here so he's gone a lot okay questions any questions anyone thank so much thank you all right we're going to move on to our action items uh first one is a new member appointment no citizens advisory committee U Mr Denia Gorman executive director of the no will present this item uh please state your name for the record thank you tenir Gorman n executive director this morning we have a vacancy on the CAC and District 1 currently and we would like to replace the we would like to fill that position with Mr David West he is in the commissioner oy district and commissioner oy does approve David West to filling this position I'll make a motion this is D City's this is our city representative and U Mr West has served as the alternate several years at one time he was the actual member he stepped back uh to allow uh Steve from First National M Pasco to serve and now he's moving back in to the position so City commission has approved um Mr West to be our appointment to the um citizens advisory committee and so I I would move Mr chair that we appoint Mr West second second any discussion he's there all in favor I oppos motion passes all right thank you okay uh T Gorman n executive director uh we have the pasal no tip roll forward Amendment this amendment comes from fdot annually every year they look at the previous fiscal year in this case it is fiscal year 24 projects that need to roll over into the new uh tenative work program for fiscal year 25 through 29 the projects are place in your packet they'll be rolled over into the new tenative work program schedule and also Al the amounts so prime example we have the overpasses in there we have um Hernando County l Road for example so all those projects will roll over into the next um technical program year asking you to review and approve I left I left my package at home um is there anyone here that can email me or you going to put it up here because I I can't see anything on it anymore it's right up here okay if you want to go to the and we went over this this is rollovers you said yes roll forward roll forward com move approval second any discussion all in favor I opposed thank you all right next up we have transportation disadvantage planning Grant agreement M uh Lori oh I'm going to mess it up it's okay good morning Lori um the no is seeking your approval for the transportation disadvantage planning Grant agreement to support LCB Staffing and essential planning activities it's our yearly grant that we receive move approval second discussion all in favor I opposed thank you uh next up we have our no boarding committees meeting schedule 2025 draft um Tania Gorman please state your name t Gorman executive director hearing a lot from me today uh annually we come to you to bring our no board and committee meeting schedule for adoption this is currently the draft I met with many of you over the last week to discuss our schedule for uh for 25 can you believe 25 already uh we while looking at the schedule we were noticing some date conflicts especially with the committee meetings we've reviewed those as said as discussed earlier with the committee um the committee review they were stating that on one two in January of 25 we're moving that to6 and in December all the all the which is actually the January committee and boards but the way it fell on 12:30 that would be again the week where people are at vacation and as New Year's Eve is coming up we move that to6 uh however we do have October and November committee and board meetings and we also have an August board meeting with commissioner Mariano mentioning that it is back to school week that week so we may want to move it to the following week which is 8:22 to have that meeting um so at this time I'll open it up for discussion with the comments that were presented Mr chair um and we had the league of cities conflict sometimes does anybody know the date of that it is that middle of the month August 14th this is for next year I can I can probably get you an answer before the meeting is out I thought legal cities was the week before uh the 14th we're meeting next week meeting next yeah that's yeah um for for 2024 I can get you an answer in the next few minutes I'll send something up to my contact T thanks Scott sure I believe we also have anel okay we also talked about the um in March looking at what the school board had for their vacation week to make sure we didn't do schedule that same week as well it was it was the week after so we're okay y we're but I don't what what conflicts do any of us have who has school AG kids here yeah but you do yeah what what one left two two still in the yep okay and I think it's good for our workers too that may have families too so oh that's true they're not as old as us or me anyway don't rush them please that's what happens when we get a youngster on the board good balance yes balance so is there any date changes that are needed other than we're looking into League of cities good is August is every is are we looking to change August dat or are we okay with August I think we're waiting to hear from Scott he's check for August 14th is the date under consideration so hopefully I'll get an answer back in just a second um well we can approve pending the August date and then I could bring it back in October and we can review at that time and make sure it's updated for the final I text in memo style so it takes me longer okay so Mr chairman yes so so we're look at we changing the January date back a week yes 216 we're going to leave the March the way it is August could stay just the way it is depending on League of cities and we're going to eliminate the December meeting the December meeting will be on 15 of 2026 okay so the January of 25 is on the 6th uh the January 2025 I'm sorry yeah the Jan the January 2025 is on 16 the January 5th of 2026 1 15th 2026 is the January meeting I'm sorry 1 15th 2026 26 yeah it has it has 12:30 on the bottom it says December mine says 18 18 mine says eight that's that's your board meeting oh and then the Committees are before it all right so the same thing about the January meeting and 2025 you get the same issue with 2026 it's still during the vacation weeks and we changed it January the January 2025 meeting it's on the Committees are on 16 the board is on 1 n okay so now I just messed that up on one n Mr chair committee meetings on6 you already had it but so this is wrong well no oh you time the top yeah Mr chairman yes Comm so if I'm looking at the 2025 meeting if we're not going to do the December meeting at 12:30 shouldn't it just be like dealt with next year what the what the January meeting date is going to be because you're not going to have two meetings January no no the the top the January meeting is for 2025 that one that's okay we going move that back a week I got that right and then the December meeting we don't have a December meeting that should just say January of 202 well just eliminated because it's going to be the following year you're going to cover anyway so just say there's no meeting in DEC there's no me like July it's a little foreshadowing of course yeah that makes it sound better there's no meeting in December correct Mr chair I had move approval based on the discussion and also ttention on uh Scott finding out about the August meeting second any more discussion all in favor I opposed thank you okay next up we have a major update passpo public part participation plan 2024 Casey kiry please state your name for the record good morning everyone I am Casey KY and I work for expp engineering and I am one of the general planning consultants for the N um I've had the privilege of doing public Outreach with the Pascal no now for uh about 10 years and it's a privilege and an honor they really go above and beyond as an no for all the events that they partner with so the request here today is to adopt the current public participation plan um it went out for the 45-day required public comment we did not get any comments because it's not Project Specific it's overall saying the no recognizes that they do Outreach and sets the goals for that so um very very active and successful no and I'd like to seek adoption of the plan going to get a a motion I'll move to approve second any discussion any questions all right all in favor opposed thank you thank you I'm going to stay up because I'm the next one also okay limited English proficiency plan do I need to State my name again uh Casey kby for this this item as well um this is also another M required activity the federal government requires each M Across the Nation to look at what their language issues are through the county um Pasco has had no changes we really uh everything in Pasco County stays below the Safe Harbor requirements even Spanish we're only at about um maybe up to 4% at best um do you want to show that graphic real quickly Stephanie see if that pops up so that gives you an update as of the 2022 American Community survey that even with Spanish within Pasco County you're at 3.48% and the federal government requires anything 5% over per language for the no to be aware of that it really is to help the no be uh ready for a public meeting and have services so nothing changes we're just going to reopt it we refreshed it with this the census information um the no as I said goes above and beyond uh when we do safety events we've done two safety events in Dade City this year we've been down course to ZR Hills we've been all over the county it's fantastic but because it is safety and we want to serve the people who are there they we always have Spanish translators just in case so that everybody is served regardless but what this is telling you as an noo they already meet the letter of the law as far as federal government is required and it's updated and we're just asking for approval to uh adopt the new demographics that go with that so I'm seeking approval of the second discussion questions all in favor opposed thank you thanks everyone all right all right next up we have our go Pasco update please state your name for the record good morning uh Nina Elin go pasal director I'm just here to give you a quick update on what's going on in our neck of the woods so so um just to start with the wrers ship so we have um increased our wrers ship so far for this year before the ending of the FIS fiscal year we are increase is of 4% compared to last year so uh we are transporting about 55,000 people on a monthly basis uh uh this is on fixed route and in regards of our capital projects that we started about a year ago so um we start with our rout study um currently they data was collected and is being analyzed by our uh consultant so um we are expecting um some realignment on some of the routes as well as that maybe some um adjustments to to current routes and resources will be allocated to a different route um and that's what we're we're we're looking at right now um for uh we will be conducting an Outreach for this and um you will be notified so we can get some input for our stakeholders as well as for the general public buop improvements um we are um working really hard to um U improve the bus stops and make the ADA compliance right now we have about 11,000 no 1,122 bus stops throughout um Pasco County and only 40% are ADA Compliant uh we just finished a couple big projects in um Canton uh State Road 52 and Madera and on 52 on US1 19 we upgrade some of those bus stops and uh uh we are currently in design for our bus stop located at us9 and emerald and we meet with Hernando County the rout come and meet us there so that's very important since we actually are transfering people from Pasco and Hernando vice versa um we also enter into a contract for our its intelligent transportation system uh this is going to be for um data collection from our buses and also um voice annunciators and real time information and this is something that I mentioned before we got into uh we signed a contract we had our kickoff meeting last week next thing is our Discovery phase so the vendor will come and look at our um buses and this and and from there we're going to start installation this is to be completed in Spring 2025 hopefully there is no push back and we go live by then um L acquisition we purchased two lots uh one in new I'm sorry poran another one in zeph Hills for our transfer station uh we're waiting for do uh funding is going to be funding this PR this Pro these two projects and use some of the mobility fees that we have and uh we will go into design hopefully uh October and uh this will take up will take about 6 to n months and then it's construction so we are about two years away so this will be our two first our two first uh transfer stations we don't have actually one course ly um and lastly I have um our Gan Wilson um that's our Administration and operations facility um this has been this building is pretty much um old and so we're looking to renovate and expand because of the growth of not only you know the system but also uh in regards of the staff so it's something that we also work in and that will be fully funded by FDA and that's so far my that's it and our update to you have any questions Mr St um do we have electric buses no we don't so I see all these other counties getting these federal grants for electric buses why why we we uh we approach by it the this the situation was that they were giving us only $300,000 when a vehicle is about 1.3 million dollar so we have to come up with a match but it's not only the fact that you need a match for that vehicle but also is the infrastructure this have to be a countywide um effort or initiative because each of those um uh Chargers or U sites are about $300,000 that we will have to install throughout the county in order for the buses to be charged when we fill up the buses with diesel once a day it lasts for the whole day with electric vehicle we will have to charge at least two to three times and it takes three to four hours depending on the type of chargers that we will get in order to charge those Vehicles okay so you're saying the the grants that the other counties are getting only paid for onethird of the bus well for example it what we were looking at was just to get two vehicles we have 35 Vehicles total so two vehicles really wouldn't do anything for us other Counties have they went for example psda bought 70 70 vehicles but they already have 7 or 70 70 70 and um or and they already have that implemented so it's easier for for them to go out for this type of of uh of um uh funding sources in addition to that it's not only the vehicle but we also have to think about mechanics right we need the mechanics to specialize on that type and since it's so new um it's hard to to right now it's even hard to get mechanics even drivers so that's also comes with the training it's not just buying the vehicle so it has to be an initiative that we as a whole have to uh start to does Hillsboro have electric buses no they have CG gas they use gas and they have uh that was something that they implemented probably I will say 15 years ago and we Ed diesel they we use thisel yes yeah M it last longer it lasts longer yeah okay Mr chair yes thank um thank you for coming today I appreciate it um and the city this year in the budget I went ahead and asked for money for bus stops in Zephyr Hills in coordination with Pasco County because I took the the planners we took trip and I just saw if you're trying to wait for a bus in July in Florida you really need a shelter of some kind if and if we really want to encourage people to use a bus we need to go ahead and invest in making it comfortable to use a bus so that was something that we're working on I want them to uh to budget the next four or five years see if we can get everyone in Zer Hills with a shelter the other thing too is look at some of your bus stops to and from them there's no sidewalk the grass is grown up and we need to work together collectively to try and make it a little better uh to get to these shelters um but one thing I was going to ask you and this is something I asked Kurt several years ago a realtime app like uber oryt is that what you're saying the consultant was going to work on uh well it's not like not Uber or LIF but yes it's a real time information so if you're at a bus stop or you're close to a bus stop you will be able to pull out the number and it will tell you where your bus is this exactly so you can you know uh calculate how long you have to get to the bus stop and to your point in regards to the shelters yes we have already um part of our Ada uh Improvement program it uh it's also includes shelters in some locations we put shelters it's based on ridership we already have an established model and style and color so it will be a stand it's a standard throughout the county right so and my team is working with with your yeah and I appreciate you working and the other thing the buses that we rode were were great I mean the drivers were great they it was a very nice experience so thank you thank you we we really we have been working on um replacement our vehicles and last past two years we we got 10 like the ones that you saw so hopefully every year we're going to be obing for more so thank you thank you m well yeah I had one more question left in my packaging too you going to wait on there I I can go after well I mean you were talking but I had my hand raised I know but I said I had two questions and I ask one um so and this may be the same who knows I met with um JJ um our person over Public Safety and they mentioned and I think you're in discussions with our jail folks when they let people out of the jail they have to walk 8 miles to get to a bus stop so um what what can we do cuz that's just not a good good we just had U meeting last week about it I'm going to be looking into but years ago we used to have Route 41 and um it was right around uh I guess they implemented right around um 2019 before Co so what happened is that with Co head there was no ridership the ridership never built you need about two two years to see you know the rers ship increase whether the the route is is a good route and is you know it's performing well and but that route did never pick up because of that so what about you seeing the transportation disadvantaged um little smaller vehicle to go there twice a day or something but um those you have to um meet the criteria to utilize those funds um they have to they have certain criteria in order for us to book those trips plus those trips have to be scheduled at least 24 hours typically when they are released they are released right on the spot within an hour there are no no but I I think this the discussion that we had with um what Captain Jenkins what's no what's her what's her name yeah I think is it Jenkins yeah Jenkins um is maybe uh that they would even though people get released if they didn't have a right they could that we could have two two time stops a day one in the mid morning one in the late evening that's what we're discussing to have like an Express so I suggested that smaller van transport yeah those vehicles are designated for demand response so to do that we would have to utilize fix R vehicles to go up and down because he had to be open to the general public so uh although we will turn around and at the correction area correction site to go back on 41 so we're looking into that okay yes okay my question is uh you start off with you're going to build two new bus stops mhm but you had to go into engineering yes they have to go in why AR why aren't we using a engineered bus stop that we would use everywhere with the top oh in regards to the shelters yes we already have a shelter we we know what type of shelter uh the the the situation is the design of the actual concrete pad yeah because it depends on the elevation and where it is sometimes there is uh we will have to relocate bu stuff based on the drainage based on the uh s well I I just think we need to make things uniform so that we already have the engineered plan that would go on each of those when it comes up saves that time mhm and you wouldn't do engineering unless you had the money but if you did one that that fits all occasions yes maybe a little tweaking you can get to permitting and construction quicker and these be quicker for our citizens so that was my thoughts okay thank you we'll we'll consider okay mayor ho thank you Mr chair um you mentioned the transfer station going in Port Richie I'm assuming that's outside the city limits where exactly yes that's on Fox Hollow Fox Hollow where the fleet um the fleet Department used to be I don't know if you're familiar with the the you mention there was another one going in somewhere around there as well or I'm sorry there's another city in Z Hills when there is a what is a couple of blocks from the city hall yes north thank you thank you any other questions Mr chairman commissioner just uh as you may want to look at these but we had one in Beacon woods and commissioner Stark had one in trouble Creek where we had it became home shelters so be careful at the design make sure the benches have the blocks in them so it doesn't create a significant yeah they're yeah MH yeah um just quick do you remember the um the range or the mileage for those electric buses for that grant program uh I have it but I can get it for you because we did we did an analysis in order you know each vehicle like I said is a 1.3 million while a regular diesel vehicle is 600,000 so that's how much how much times it take to recharge one of those buses you that uh for what we did it took about 3 to 6 hours it B on the type of charger kills a lot of your days Plus getting the parts yes and people be able to work on it other Counties have the issues with standing water sometimes you at a bus stop and you have to pick up somebody and the the battle is are under so once the vehicle is out it's out of commission you have to go and get a to truck so it's it's a lot to go yeah I was going to say I mean from my experience uh seems like the bigger you go the the less practical it is um for the vehicle I mean I have I have a couple and one of them is like a a 350 van and literally the mileage is like 100 miles on it so you have to plan your route you know closely um and I have one that gets like 270 mile range um but as soon as you put a tra on it cuts it in half so you just have to be you know yes it depends on how heavy the vehicle is and yeah so I mean we don't have you know the luxury of having that many vehicles as a backup so other agencies have it so they can switch around but for us it will be very difficult so it's it's not operation what's the uh cost difference between electric bus and Diesel mhm for the implementation I'm sorry the diesel bus runs what a million dollar the bus those buses are about 600,000 a diesel bus is around a diesel bus is about 600 I would say 650,000 the bu that we currently are getting so the electr is the is about 1.3 milon oh yeah we're going to drive for we're going to stick with these lesses for a while yeah oh we we we did the homework we look into it I mean I don't have this information right now for everybody else perfect the technology yeah let them get it all and they will run forever yes I mean we have buses right now that they are like 15 years old and they're still running you know and then you can take them and turn them into houses we talk about actually we we talk about it tiny houses I only in starky range go ah sir just one thing real quick um several years ago and I going to say it's about 15 years ago when we were working on a street skate plan in downtown D city with the black lamp post the black trash receptacles the black benches um the public transportation your your department was very good to work with us to make the shelters black to match everything else that we were doing so you know a lot of everything else in the county is green but I just wanted to bring that to your attention again why it's black back in D city with the shelters and that if there is any future maintenance plans if something needs to be changed out we would greatly appreciate that you help us stay with our color scheme with our streetcape and keep the shelter black we appreciate it so much that the county was willing to work with us at the time that we were um going through that street state so yes and thank you because that we work with your team your Public Works team regardless of our road uh that we had an issue and they were very receptive and helpful so thank you thank you I just want to make sure you were aware of that too because that was before your time with the county and we just want to make sure I us to work here many years ago so I remember I put those shelter thank you m Mr chairman yes commissioner is there any conflict with mayor black promoting the fell black in D City my residuals from that are very little yeah it's been that that many years you know it's down to almost nothing now since he's going to take this information back I'd like to tell Mr Black to carry this back to day to to make more open space more eie friendly sidewalks or places in and around in the city that would be better and let's try to find a flower that blooms all the time cuz everywhere I travel up north all I see is the prettiest flowers ever we have so much Hees here we can't have flowers like that it seems like so I would wish we could do that to our city so that's be good and all over the county actually so yeah yeah that was that's we like having the Planters downtown and it is always a challenge keeping them um stocked and flowering and yes and we go through phases where it's this one is the preferred one and then another one comes along and we're working with a group of merchants too so lot of people involved in it oh yes good I was going to see if we let the record show that dve City's got high maintenance yes yes yes they do we're always glad to host everybody in the county here in downtown they too keep it for you all all appreciate thanks anybody want anybody else good good thank you so much you than all right looks like we have no status reports or presentations um we do have one item on there for other business and I I think commiss Mariano has something else too um and I have some questions hello you have questions okay questions questions yes our date for the Flor Le cities Conference next August August 14th through the 17th so yeah it's generally right in the middle of the month so August 14th 17th of 2025 I think that M last year we will get that change thank you yeah um Miss ten Gorman is asking for approval to hold the December 5th 2024 no board meeting in Dade City as opposed to the prescheduled Newport Richie location secondary option is starky ranch theater in Odessa oh I don't like that at all you don't have to come I need some Westside folks trying to give options I was trying to give options due to a scheduling conflict uh we cannot hold the normally scheduled uh West Pasco the NBO December board meeting in the West Pasco Government Center so we do it at starky Ranch we we we can do it at starky Ranch but I want bring the option to the board today to decide where you'd like to hold it this is our lrtp adoption so it is a very important meeting that we must have and we must have Quorum I'll put that out there now um that's why we spent it up a week early so that way we could all be uh there so I just wanted to know uh preferences and then we'll go according to uh scheduling availability what date what date is it December 5th December 5th December 5th of this of 2024 yeah so would we like to have it in D City or I don't I'm not sure I'm here one second yeah where sty ran or y'all can be there but I will be having a good time I will be in California sorry n for your job's here I'm sorry yeah well I won't be here director's meeting in Sonoma County um and I can I I can zoom in but I can't vote uh yes you will be able to the board does have okay I'll zoom in anyone else have a conflict you can zoom in and vote cannot vote cannot vote yeah but I can comment got said that I was want to comment I understand the video the video UNL me is is good but the audio is cut out on that all right so which which location starky starky fine it supposed to be over there yeah hey just just a question is it um are the city council chambers available to be used for these type meetings or no cuz you guys got a decent facility that can be used there I'm sure we could we wanted see why we couldn't we just always use the kind of bigger rooms but but there Newport Richie's got a pretty ours is Rel small but theirs is decent size an option if you want it okay it doesn't matter me cuz I'm not going to be there all right I'll put it down I'll put it down as an option I'll be mhm new forie Council yeah why not do it in new why don't you look into that and we'll all right I'll find out today and get back with you all right okay thank you all right now is that close enough for you yes that's that's perfect I figured you guys myself might pass find it all right um did you have something Mr Mariano no under okay I got under pass does are you did you have something uh underp pass Cody or okay we can talk about it uh so status of the underpass Cody River and uh between Newport Richie and Port Richie currently mayor uh Hoover and I had a discussion uh earlier in the week about Cody River and uh we are looking at trying to revive it uh the project but there's still a lot of um unknowns such as the rideway and catches um also the multiuse trail path um there's the project significantly also the funding uh there's no memor of understanding between the cities um who would lead the project are you coming to the county um there's just a lot of unknowns right now still with this project so um I believe mayor Hoover had said that he would like to revisit it at the end of the year when he had clearer picture of how to proceed forward with the I'm very supportive um and uh just what do we need to do to act on it I mean we need somebody kind of coordinate it all right so we've been trying to coordinate this for like many many years this is something that's safety it's 19 uh you guys have an opportunity now that catches has bought the marina beside working a swamp with them which is you guys have to do we can't do it right um to me if you can make that happen that would be a great kind contribution to not even worry about the finances but literally people are ding Crossing roads still the most dangerous Highway this is an asset that would help Traverse from both cities to to help boost the area I I really don't see why you need to wait a year till the end of the year to go do it it's like let's get this rolling let's get government out of the way and and come together and make this happen but you guys you guys are the Crux because without cat's cooperation your cooperation it's going nowhere that point is like it might as well be off even off the list yeah so so actually Tim L reached out to me yesterday want to talk to me and some of them actually talked to him after this meeting I don't know if it's part of that or not but we've already had the conversation and obviously they're they're looking to um uh submit vacation of Bridge Street there which what you're kind talking about so we've we've had these discussions it's just a matter of them moving forward with their their stuff so we can talk about it yeah it seems like you have some good leverage there it's a it's a great trade-off it's a win-win situ situation yeah yeah so no it's it's yeah we're on it I mean I don't I I don't recall saying we wait till the end of the year I mean it's well well that's when we do the call for projects for the next um list of priority projects and the next tenative work program so that's kind of that's where it falls that's I have a question um is there any anything in the works for in Grand bridge in the City of Newport Richie say I'm sorry I said is there anything in the works for raising the bridge oh funny you said that you're talking about the US 19 Bridge no Grand Boulevard Boulevard isn't that that's currently under way it's very low yeah it's it's right now we're it's a it's County bridge but they are going to redo it and so the city was going to kick in the difference to raise it 5T or approximately 5T um I think it's still a go it just kind of pushed out a little bit I think hello good good good morning nicken County engineer uh the raising of the Grand Boulevard Bridge is a county Capital Improvement project being done in partnership with the City of Newport Richie we are under designed right now to increase the vertical clearance of the bridge by as many as 5T we're going to try to match the vertical clearance at Madison to the extent we can some Upstream Downstream challenges that we're going to be working through with the city in order to maintain access to the parcels to the north and south of the bridge uh that's that's what I wanted to say about Grant and we do have construction funding lined up fiscal 26 or 27 sa that was my next question so and we have submitted just so that the no board is aware we have submitted a bridge investment program Grant application that is a Federal grant program that is available for bridge Replacements like this we have a um I'm going to impress me on the details I I I believe we have a medium rating um medium medium high rating for the grant and so we hope to receive good news that we will receive some funding from that grant program but we are going to proceed with the construction of the bridge regardless we would like to see the federal dollars buy down that cost a little bit so would that be are you saying like 2627 2627 for Construction Construction that's correct uh if I could go back Mr chair yes to the proceeding discussion about the underpass at 19 and I I would do want to make sure that the mo board is aware we have been coordinating with the city of Port Richie on modifications to the intersection of us19 at Grand Boulevard to improve safety and operations adding separate turn Lanes on the East and the west side we are absolutely working in collaboration with the city to see that project come to fruition that may allow for the ability to also U request do permission to let golf carts cross at that location is part of the not the purpose of the project but maybe an ancillary benefit of improving safety and operations at that intersection so we're working with the city on that just having conversations with do and the U audience right now about the underpass component I wanted to make sure the no board is aware that the underpass of of uh construction of an underpass on the US1 19 Bridge is a penny for Pasco project it's on our penny for Pasco project list so we have funding available through the penny for Pasco program to advance that we're going to be working out some potential scenarios where as far as leading and funding for the design of a bridge under the US1 19 corter so we'll see if we can't move this from talked about for years to actually under design and moving forward to implementation and then I I just have a quick comment that I'm I'm happy you brought up the golf cart because I was going to bring that up because we can have somebody on a a mobile scooter cross 19 but they don't want golf carts cross 19 it's an it's an AR archaic rule that yes the state has and we're a we're a uh Waterfront community and we like to ride our golf carts and so M so mayor going going back to that conversation and our conversation Jack so obiously the Grand Boulevard just update on that we're expecting that engineering to come back anytime now so we'll have numbers and stuff on that project so hopefully that be moved forward um on the underpass um and just I ha to put you on the spot but I had asked you a couple meetings ago you're going to get back from me don't remember seeing anything so I apologize if you s it um on the the getting down to the underpass that's dots with bank coming off 19 and I think the question i' I'd ask was is what can we do there do we actually need to get some of the parking from catches in order to have that Ingress or are we able to do it on the the deal to easement yes so they just told me this morning I was actually following up on that so we do have to take I think it's 12 parking spaces Justin Hall fdot district 7 uh so yes we would need to take 12 spaces from catches to be able to do that okay so there is no Avenue to use there's quite a bit of Green Space there that for a sidewalk I think would would work but yeah there's not um just based on the way that that um approach to the bridge is designed there's no way to eat into that so we we can't do that okay and then I'd heard there was I guess some kind of issue about going underneath the bridge all together with DOT is that not true is it no I mean when we when we did the feasibility before uh the logistics under the bridge were more width based on if we were going to facilitate golf carts and pedestrians and so that's where the problem is we were getting into the situation of were we going to creep into where we had a coast guard issue but now that that's not the case we don't have an issue what's not the case about having golf carts going under right now conversation now is just bicycle and pedest no so the obviously the I think it's a smarter way is keep the golf carts on the road have them cross at 19 with the Grand Boulevard which that's been that we're in conversations about that about the golf cart Crossing on Grand up above and then send all the people bikes and stuff out Bridge would be that which then solves a lot of design issues and cost of wellow yeah um I have may I jump in commissioner just planning a seat I know it could be um a long way off but uh we were in a meeting with the mayor and Newport Richie and others on a project on the other side of the river from catches and um just wondered one day if we wanted to look at that 19 Bridge being elevated because it keeps a lot of bigger boats from coming under and so I just want to plan a seed that's that maybe we keep that in our minds and include uh a pedestrian component to that as well to get from one side of the river to the other there there is funding out there for stuff like that but how I mean how old is that bridge over the river I'd have to get the exact date I mean I can tell you it's not structurally deficient which is uh what unlocks a lot of the funding is when a bridge crosses into structurally deficient so it's not deficient but I can get the age yeah um in fact we could we could come back the next meeting and present that information but I will tell you I mean just based on the um the way US1 19's constructed in that area and and you're in a curve going into that bridge I can tell you that will be expensive to raise that bridge I mean I I don't know dollar amounts but I'll I'll just tell you because you're you're going to be raising the profile of the Road as well um quite a ways back to tie that in and then you're going to be tying into driveways and properties and I just just know that's not going to be an easy or quick Reet to go up you have to still to go up you got to go back okay so I I didn't know the condition of that bridge but yeah I I'll we can report back on that um and we can just take a quick look at that but um yeah I can tell you just based on grades you're going to have to go back quite a ways to tie that back in because of the speed on us9 and what is the pedestrian um access going over that bridge on 19 I'm not sure I'm not familiar it's a sidewalk there is a sidewalk both um I don't know how wide it is you probably six foot I'm going to guess yeah so along the same lines obviously there's golf car Crossing is is needed across that bridge and I know that they they use it there and probably shouldn't technically um but people do it obviously um so I think if we do something with the bridge we would need to accommodate that would be the time to address it if we reconstructed the bridge cuz to add it in would yeah and you might as well just replace it or maybe there's a a new just pedestrian way to get across just thought or a pedestrian golf cart way to get across but I will with next meeting we'll come back and just in this portion kind of the informal in the meeting we can give you kind of the year the age of the Bridge condition Etc things like that just so you know maybe what a timeline would be for replacement based on just maintenance level it was just you know dreamy no no great and follow on with with additional information you may be aware of whatever Al she's been petitioned by developers to uh develop that area and we're working through our zoning and and stuff that we have going on um obviously one across the bridge we talked about what's going on potentially in the on the other side of the bridge um could be significant growth in that area so okay um sounds good yeah I mean I yeah I apologize I didn't get back to you I just got that information so anyway no problem Mr chairman commissioner um so I think we we had plans initially drafted out and I don't know if the mayor had seen those I'm sure you have from the first how they're going to lay out the the bridge the path Etc the overlays been a while I think okay seem so that may help but I'll I'll say this whether golf carts are allowed in the conversation or not we want to build that thing as wide as we can going especially under that bridge for the corners that are there anyway because it's whether it be bikes golf carts that may Traverse let's be realistic may not be permitted for it but it's going to happen but you want to make it as as you can safe safe as you can going around there yeah and I think that was the I think the issue was when we started to get into golf cart criteria you know putting curbs and things of that nature that was where we started to get too wide but I mean I I would agree with you I think as long as you you can widen as much as you want without getting into that Coast Guard the world yeah yeah we we would be agnostic to that as long as we don't get into the Coast Guard issues we wouldn't care is a height an issue there that because it's you w't have a vertical issue it's the it's the width it's you won't have an issue with vertical clearance good thank you thank you Mr chairman you're welcome okay Mr sty you might as well stay up there she's not Mr chair I I just need to just point a privilege I have an 11:30 meeting at City Hall we're having another emergency City commission mean taking care of some issues from the recent storm so I'll need to leave here in just the next few minutes so that be the reason for my departure if the meeting's still going look at your local huh that's right I just walk a couple yeah all right I'll try and rock and roll here um first question and I know this is an Tina maybe you need to come up too but um so we've been we've had the money for the overpass at 54 and Sun Coast the bike pedestrian um for quite a while and every year it goes by gets more and more expensive we learned recently we thought we had to wait we thought we had to wait and it would be part of the re re the wiing and whatever project Sun Coast is doing there but when T when Tania and I met with them with they said no we we don't have we're not dependent on them we can blow and go now do we have to wait till that you know if they decide if it's going to be a Divergent diamond or a clover leaf yes so we at this point we're moving forward with design we're not waiting on anybody for anything um I think the challenges on those projects and I I get 54 and 52 over for passes confused uh one of them we have an issue with the overhead electric this just their timeline to relocate their utility which we're pushing that envelope Duke Duke yeah so we're pushing that envelope getting them to move uh we got plans over to them so they could review and see where they needed to move um so I think I think that one's 54 and then um but yeah as far as waiting on Turnpike or waiting on internally waiting on no we're not waiting on anybody uh we're in design okay we've been in design a long time correct yeah so there was a period of time where we were working out logistics but I'm saying at this point you're right now we're not we're not waiting on anyone we're finalizing the design and I I I just don't know letting dates off the top of my head I don't know if anyone does but yeah we can't I can't hear yeah May and December is what you saying and I'll come back I can give you the exact dates because I've been pushing our team to advance that schedule okay um will that include a revamped um trail head and restrooms there and are we coordinating with you the developer of that property is coming is getting ready to come in the only thing I'm aware of in the design is the actual Bridge itself tying back in and connecting the trail through I'm not aware associated with that project like the actual dot project that we're building restrooms or anything like that there may we need to have conversations then because right now we just have the those two porta potties yeah and they're nasty um and okay so that was one question and I do want us to work with the developer that's coming in on sadly with the big box on that corner we tried to avoid that because that's not the highest and best use but we we can't they got they got what they need I guess okay so question that just so you know too I will say I'm appreciative you know a lot of people don't understand the relationship between us and Turnpike but you know we are all you know one FD and so they've been working with us too on how to bypass the trail during construction to keep it open uh even when we're building the bridge so they've been working with us on how we can utilize some of the shoulder of the ramp to keep it open so we're appreciative of that all right um what is the timeline since we I think we have the money to go on 52 as well so are we already in design on that one correct yeah I think uh they're they're about five or six months apart um and it's just going through utility conflicts and everything but uh yeah no we're under design on that and same Des same designer same PM they're working on both of them okay um so we um very happy that we got agreement that we would put an underp a pedestrian underpass on State Road 52 and your um is it possible we can show everyone where that's going to be um if if they can pull up uh Google Earth or whatever uh uh but what's real important um with that investment is that there's a sidewalk on that I know I know the multi-use path on State Road 52 is on the North side M and as you know we didn't program in that sidewalk on the South Side so um I did uh the County Administrator and I did have a meeting with Brian sleary from swiftmud that's the right name right yeah Swift yeah yeah yeah um because I think that's kind of Bri Armstrong Swift what Armstrong Brian Armstrong yeah yeah cuz my neighbor is Brian yeah I get that's why I get him mixed up with Mr Armstrong um I don't know who's in charge of this who is talking to Swift Mud about maybe putting the sidewalk and their property is that us is that you I just don't want that would be the county that be the county correct yeah where we're at is we're building the trail on the North side we're doing the road work we're going to facilitate The Pedestrian underpass but building a supporting facility to the South and the connection to the underpass that would be on the county okay and Nick is here right yeah yeah he's here Nick's here okay he'll I'll ask him to come up next um all right so um the multi-use trail that got stopped on Clinton Avenue um I met with you and secretary Gwyn at the ribbon cutting and other times and we discussed that there is the RightWay availability on the north side of the road between Clinton and prospect prospect yeah there is intermittent RightWay available yes yeah so what is the plan and who's working on it um that would be you guys would have to prioritize a trail and then we put put it in there's not a plan right now to build that trail for that short section okay so so that's something that our County engineer has to plug in well I mean that or a conversation just here about prioritizing that through the no I mean whatever there's multiple routes you could go whichever route you'd want to go okay so I just want to make sure we have these discussions yep yeah I mean I think First Step would be just to do a quick Trail feasibility which um I mean we could do that the county could do that just to kind of identify where the p points will be I think we should do that I'm so sorry that we didn't connect to 301 Trail I just can we look at it going to 301 Trail when supposed to go to 301 exactly so Prospect for 301 and you know I think who who knows after you get past Prospect what the best route is um and someone needs to look at that how about this we will take on the trail feasibility and then we will report back to the sport and we'll go there the goal is is connect it to the their their trip goes north south and thank you m thank you Mr chairman I and I think when this road was first talked about the trail was supposed to be there yes and our previous engineer or where somewhere else pulled it from that so that feasibility should have been part of the initial design yeah the the problem though is when it was removed obviously the design was changed based on the fact that you're not having to facilitate a trail isn't that the craziest thing ever yes so I mean you know cuz that when you're designing I mean everything all the elements are located based on what you're designing so whenever that element was removed then you designed for a sidewalk you place your utilities where they need to be based on Where the Sidewalk is you place your drainage based on the relation to the sidewalk so I mean it is unfortunate that that element was removed I I would in the future you know when when some of our staff makes those kind of decisions and we have a policy up here we need to know about it because we had no clue they took it out none I mean I will say that the collaboration communication between us and your current uh County Engineers is good that I think we're all on the same boat I think we're all doing the same thing here so anyway okay um the mid block Crossings on state mod 54 okay where are we with that for the Coast to Coast Trail yeah which locations um Tina um it's would be the crossing and Trinity and then I think we have a crossing over by Community Drive or somewhere you she'll have to help me on that one I'm not Tina Russo staff to NP um the two crossings that you're probably talking about one is are you talking about the starky boulevard n block that was supposed to happen with the resurfacing That was supposed to be East yes starky Boulevard um that's a separate the other one is part of the orange belt study which would be at Community um drive or to the east of there that was part of the orange belt study alignment okay one's part of resurfacing um where we move it to the east um to avoid that intersection at starky Boulevard that was part of the resurfacing and then the other one is part of so what's the start date on that so the I mean the resurfacing I believe is either underway or soon to be underway that's why I'm asking what what's the start date I'll get the exact date I'm not sure of the exact date but that Crossing is part of that resurfacing project and just so you know generally they would complete it at the very end of the resurfacing so they put in the cuts and everything but when they do their final pavement they do their final striping for the crossing okay um so just want to make sure that there is coordination going on with my engineering staff and you on on how we're putting that sidewalk on State Road 52 from the Sun Coast East yeah and just so you know I mean and this is information we'll be a to share with the county I do have our engineer this is something we had committed to in the past determining what would need to be done to put the sidewalk on the South what the impacts would be and everything so we are doing that our our engineer is actively you know laying out the design of what the impacts would be to like our ponds drainage Etc so I mean we will be able to share that with the county and um I'm hoping making sure that our staff is making sure that every developer that's coming in on the southide is putting theirs in because Angelina has not put theirs in yet yeah that's I mean that's the key in these corridors when we've seen that if you can have the developer do it that's the best case scenario um and obviously they're already working on their infrastructure so them putting the sidewalk in you know it's easier for them than for us I don't even know if they did it in front of um Mar marada marada did they put a sidewalk in in front of their project I have to go back and look you're talking about on on the new 52 alignment on marada cuz the new 52 alignment on marada we have a sidewalk and they tied in I mean the old 52 I don't know I don't know so it's you know someone's someone's dropping the ball um okay so if you could look at the uh underpass the location um guys it's to the is that 75 no that's Sun Coast oh Sun Coast um it is to the east of that right um because I had a meeting with a project along there and the planners had no clue that we had approve this so I just need to get this to our staff yeah Nick and I just talked about that we're so we're we're in the engineering phase so we would share that just like we normally do through our ERC process with County do you remember where it is it's at the one preserve uh Connor Connor preserve Conor preserve just pass 41 so I think it's right wait uh yeah it's on the other side of 41 right yeah Conor Reserve yeah keep going keep going east keep going east please I think I saw where it is I think you have a it's in a bin in a road keep going keep going keep going it's right in is it right there Zoom uh no um there's Secretariat yeah it's a little Pasco Trails there secretar it's a little bit further east I mean you're it's right in here maybe where it has that 52 there's Conor preserve right there where it says 52 yeah cuz there's the wildlife Crossing and The Pedestrian Crossing is immediately parallel to the wildlife so just for everyone's edification we do have a pedestrian underpass coming right there woohoo so as of right now that we have no sidewalk on the other side so you have to hike to it but the plan is for um a trail to go on up and connect to the crossbar and albar um Wilderness areas so uh and also people on the South Side here can choose to cross there and get on the State Road 52 multi-use path to go east as well as the one the or that's not the orange belt the orange belt is coming through Cypress Creek and then up and then uh across so but we're very grateful that we were able to work this out so I I just think you guys should plug that in and every road you build is how how are other users going to get across it's cheaper to do this than all those over yeah the problem here I mean we were fortunate here by elevation that we could do that um and and a lot of times we don't have that capability you know a lot of times for us to do that the The Crossing would be underwater so um this is just a rare situation where we just had to adjust the road profile slightly to make it work but in a lot of areas the dollar amount you would take to reconstruct the road to go under it is cheaper to go over so I mean that's kind of a i I'd say it's a misnomer of The Pedestrian underpass it's cheaper if you have the vertical clearance to make it happen yeah in some places yeah but if you don't have the vertical clearance then the going over is the cheaper option so it just depends yeah this is one where it is cheaper to go under so mayor who yeah why we got this visual stuff and apologize to the minute taker I'm going to jump back to the the catches property discussion can we pull catches up on the on the map you mentioned there's 12 parking spaces that would be needed for the this area just in case I have this conversation this afternoon I want to and they be have to they'd be have to willing to get right yeah I just want make sure understand which ones you're talking about I don't know do you guys have some kind of map Drawn what you would need or I mean I can get you an exhibit for what we need I mean I can get that emailed over to you yes I need that okay and assuming it's the the the parking space is closest to the the water it is it's the parking space is closest to the approach to the bridge right so if you run parallel to US1 19 it's those spots that are parallel to us9 next to 19 oh maybe you better pull a map up then I I make sure it was clear I was think it was and the lows on that land yes well the part of it the do easements the rest of it yeah so you zoom in so honestly when I was talking about the the amount of Green Space along through there you see there's quite a bit and you know as I walk as you get down closer to where you would go under the bridge kind of where you see that little uh jettison of four or five cars there four cars I guess um where it opens up a little bit um that's the narrowest spot but even that it's it's for a sidewalk to go right along that parking I thought would be good say you can't do that yeah no cuz part of it is it's the width right so we're trying to get as wide of a facility as we can through there and it's not that you're widening and taking the whole parking space but what happens is if I take 3et of the parking space then the parking space no longer is viable it could be for golf cart yeah well and that's the thing bicycle or golf cart I think yeah so you can repurpose the space you can even go to like a different type of parking you go to a parallel parking you could go but as far as the way the parking space is currently configured there's 12 spaces would impact so you are you talking about the the the 12 space starting with the ones closest to R River there yeah so what you would do is not the first probably not the first two but you would you kind of see there I've got like an arrow head there where the parking lot's kind of coming to a point that's that's what you're impacting on your way out and there's a utility that I'm working around okay so basically 12 from that sign yes so if you come on just this side of the sign that's the sign right yeah that's the catch yeah so if you go two spots this side of the sign and then go 10 on the other side of the sign nor or south of the sign what's that sorry two spaces North two spaces that be South closer to the river 10 going so basically the first two on on the south side of the sign and then 10 going back you're basically cutting them in half I can get you I'll get you give give me a drawing yeah yeah so they can see how much of the pavement we're taking it's not like I said it's not we're not taking the whole parking spot yeah how soon can you get that to me okay give us a week yeah but at least you know as soon as possible I really want to get jack off my tail a little bit if you give us a week we can give you a shape are that will be and maybe even add the parallel parking whatever you you think to give them well that be catch is doing that yeah they would have to they would have to tell us they'd have to redesign that space how they want it cuz they may not want a parallel spot they may want golf cart parking they may right so I mean I don't I don't want to dictate to them what they do with their space yeah if they if they can know exactly what is needed what they'd have left great but you certainly can horse trade vacating that road with getting the sidewalk in anything possible I didn't say that in public um do we have I have one more thing go ahead uh and just I was checking my phone as I was getting ready to go but um I had an email from someone who had a conversation with some people over West Chapel um many months ago when we made the announcement we're going to look from uh taking from over past to 301 to extend that connection which is kind of where Ridge Road could eventually go to the overpass into change and I push that we go take a look at it uh in that time I've taken drives out there myself recently just had a cell tower that was in that same area as well with the intricate part of that neighborhood with the wetlands that out around there um as a county or no I don't think would do it but I want to I'll just say publicly I am not looking to make that connection anymore from Ridge Road at 41 to 75 I think it's just too hard go through you destroy the neighborhood so I'm going to say that publicly and I don't know if Nick you're spending any more time or looking at it but your your help was showing me how it would have to go I just be do too too detrimental so I'm going to say I don't think be any direct that I was still spending energy on it but I'm not looking for it if anyone else want to comment that to take the rid Ro extension from 41 I said I should think we should take a look at 75 making that connection but you'd go through thator would have just too tough the Swift Mud properties in there as well so yeah I don't want him to spend any more time or energy on it I just if no one has any objection to it well I I I would object to that it matters but uh I mean it's obviously that is a uh would be a huge Plus for that area to have a way to get over 75 was just a pain in the neck I mean when we got that Ridge Road Extension just to get to the 589 was like heaven um to be able to get 75 would be great especially be evacuation and stuff like that it's but I know it's it's tough path through there if there's any kind of alternate way to get there I I I again I've looked at it extensively looking past to the neighborhood going through S my property with what's out there too difficult be too disruptive so much as I was looking for it cuz I from the get-go I I'm saying I want to abandon it so I'm not pushing it so um I I just WR have a couple more things yes commissioner sorry we still have 20 minutes um can you put that map back up uh I did want to show you guys something and Jack I started to show this to you yesterday then we got distracted if you could pull up Cruz Lake um and I don't know of Tina if you've ever seen this uh but I had an interesting meeting yesterday with uh nectarios pitos and another planner while I I'm doing a presentation at the Uli breakfast thing next week I think and so in preparation for this um we're putting together a map that the county doesn't have right now actually and it's a map of the trail system and the map of the say multi-use um I can't remember what Terry's not um a multi-use commuter system like alternative use so you know some trails are recreational and there's a lot of multi-use paths that people use to get to work as a matter of fact when I left the M when when I left our board meeting the other day I watched the Kid come out of the um Burger King at Sun Coast and 52 and get on electric bike and go down the sidewalk on 52 to go to go home I was going to look at the orange belt trail behind the Target and that day I'd seen three people using a multi-use path to get to work on on electric bikes so I I think that whole segment of society is growing and we need to be ready for it so if you could zoom out on this Cruise Lake uh in this area there is this canal I remember working with Swift Mud on this when I think I was on the Swift Mud board then for horseback riders that have been using this zoom out a little more and uh and and somehow it got close to them I was able to open it back up but I I don't even know what this is now can you can you put can you move that to the left to the west to the West no the other way sorry that that way and go north um okay see where it says Trojan town and student Acres can you zoom in on that okay do you see this this canal this channel it's owned by Swift Mud Here Comes Brad uh no okay it's owned by Swift Mud I'm jump on that can can you follow this it's see it ends in Cru Lake but could you follow this North it goes on up into Hernando County there and airs okay okay stop it stops there it airs now if you could go back down and I want you to drop the little man um on the bridge you have to go down further the bridge that goes over it right keep on no well that one would work you can drop it right there by M Town on the road on the right on the right on the right no go over the you're not on the property keep going to the east please please drop the man over the little path the green pathway you don't want to go there it'll be on the road he's free get run over it goes right there right can you can you drop a pin just click on it you know what I'm trying to do maybe zoom in would it be easier I want you to see what it looks like so right there on Wilson Boulevard please drop drop it where it says Wilson no oh my goodness I I must be doing it there we go okay hey um well you're you're too far you're not on it you you need to move a little no I'm sorry you got to go north and east you got to do it that's what I was thinking you you can do it right there see where it says sun go back down see where it says Sunny Acres see where the road crosses it right there no is is that what's going on why why can't she not put it over the the ditch no go and go east go east there's the ditch a canal Channel whatever it is and put it right there on Bowman right on the bridge there okay that's what it looks like perfect um kind of so I don't see why we can't have a multi-use path coming down the shoulder on one of those sites and that's something I'd like to pursue with um Swift Mud is Jack is this your territory uh I'm on yeah the side of 41 this that could be a beautiful way for people to be able to do Recreation through with very you know you know and I saw your pictures from Europe right the what the pictures from Europe along the aqua that was kind of neat so I'm sure the concept's very similar yeah but I I got to say in time I'm okay to do that but I will tell you I've just got the 5A Road Trail done that goes out to 19 now in front of the hospital up above I love to see the connection going across to go down Old Dixie Highway we've got a section of road where they going we have golf cart pass going in there matter of fact I was spent 2 and 1 half hours with the people at se Ranch last night talking about different issues that was one of them where they want to be able to use a golf cart say but they want to be able let's say go up to sun west on a trail when you go up Old Dixie right now once you're past New York Avenue you've got a narrow two-lane road with canals on both sides Swift muds get the property on the side I want to see that get done my next property if I got to do a nor north south one would be Shady Hills Road that's getting a lot of extra traffic lot of industrial land Gary's Plastics coming in there don't don't discount this be even a gravel Trail right I think I think it'd be phenomenal I'm just saying if we got to put an order of things to do that's probably third on my list well I mean I could ride my bike on that now if it was if we were allowed to without them doing anything I so I just think we should have a conversation with Swift Mud to open this up for recreation I don't I don't even know the purpose does anyone know the purpose of this thing at one time maybe it was taking water down to Cruz Lake but it's the mes is that the mes I don't know how to say it Canal can is that what that is I think that's what it is a what it's it takes water from all the way from hand all the way down yeah down to beer Creek I wonder if it ever gets water in because there's no water in Inu lake so but so that's one thing I wanted to show you the next thing I wanted to uh show you um if you go to the orange belt trail go to the Target and the orange belt alignment got pulled from um the agenda on Tuesday but I was looking at this and um oh actually I have I took a photo of this I'm gonna tenia how do I how do I um send you a photo I want you to put up just email it to me okay so so staff is um working on this map as I said that puts together the current trail system and um the multimodal system in the county um and so we were looking at the vision Road networks and I looked at the vision Road plan for the area around the Target and that's what I want you to put up there because I think this is the controversial area of the orange belt Trail not 100% sure um but do you have it it's just it's just passco map or what the vision Road overlay on it if you want to do it that way did something happen just need picture it's just a photo it's a photo of Pasco mapper with the vision Road o on it sorry I didn't know take do you want to just pull a pasal m want to schedu for an agenda I I I don't know it's taking so long is it not work I just pull up pasal mapper and put the vision Road over it I mean I don't know what's going on tonight tonight oh there we no that's not it I don't know what that is oh that's the that's the canal the sh Trail yeah switching computers to get it up that's interesting that's the that's the Google car Shadow uhuh seriously just pull up pasal M and um go to the Target at 72 75 and 52 please was one of loots well I don't think you're going to get it like that the intersection of 75 and 52 52 or 54 52 or 54 it's 52 and 75 someone someone help yes that's why just pull up the intersection of 75 and 52 okay maybe I should have said the flying Tre oh my God so what what I did in for Richard for this this scenario is I I have a full-fledged drive and so I can actually join the zoom and I'll share via zoom and they can pop it up on there it's real easy yeah well I should have I should have sent this over earlier my bad where are where are we what what state is that okay if you want to just tell me what you're thinking yeah so I have the map in my head there you go and I have it in my phone I can share it with you Nick um so I I went out and I had taken a picture of where the orange belt Trail stops now which is Pasco Road and and target has built the target distribution center has built their section of it and um Clark hobes group um hindes is getting ready to build their section on the other side and I heard I was told yesterday they're coming they're going to build the park coming under the overpass and connect with the target um portion but I would like confirmation on that because the target part doesn't go to the the highway it stops so so who's building that link but um I know when we looked at the vision map it the there is a vision road that continues on Pasco Road where Pasco Road turns to the north mhm and it comes down and comes down and connects to Har Hartman I think it's Hartman yeah I um so wouldn't that be the alignment for the orange belt to come is that the proposed alignment so this would be helpful to happen on the screen we I shocked at what's going on sure I have my story is we we need to ensure that the vision Road Network the lines on our GIS layer are consistent with the development approvals that been granted by the County Commission yeah so so that that property has not come in for development well but the target distribution center the lines don't reflect what has actually been approved and now constructed and so we've got to get that part right first so that we can see how the connections will be made on the east side of that and that's what I wanted to show that the there it is okay okay we all right so there is the vision road going through the target distribution center and that's what I was mentioning obviously the the vision Road will not follow the dash line on that graphic because that is now a building so since the road is coming up um on the North side uh is coming over then then we need then we'll be coming down through these two Parcels to get back to Hartman correct that that is an alternative that we are evaluating for the orange belt Trail yes so it needs to get get from the north side of Target to Commercial Drive Extension that's correct okay and then down to Hartman which is that East West Road that's at an angle that is a public road right Hartman thought that might work no yeah that just makes it dark I don't know the all right so you're talking about how do we get from here yeah I'm looking at the vision road that gets to Harman right right right this area right in here that you see you see where the black dotted line touches Hartman right there NOP right there that's just yes we are evaluating that as one of the options for the orange Bel Trail so um so when when and if those two Parcels come in for development they have to accommodate the vision Road in some form or fashion yes but what I mentioned is development approval has already been granted to this area which realigns this road to the east side and allows this Vision road to come up on the North side of the target distribution center uhhuh and how is it connecting with the Commercial Drive Extension exactly I'm researching that right now with our alignment team to ensure that what we have already granted approval for and what we are now assuming can be true in the future are are harmonious okay and and the reason I bring these things up and especially the point like Jack what you're just saying a Ridge Road extension not continuing on we're going to be a county of a million people before we know it we cannot only have two East West Roads we have to have all these other Roads connecting to other roads otherwise all the traffic's going to be on 52 and all the traffic is going to be on 54 and no one's going to be able to move so these interconnections are super important um to our road grid and our our vision Road Network we we really should be evaluating that all the time to make sure we have a gritted community otherwise we're going to have a double decker 52 and a double deer 54 in 100 years from now and who wants that so um that's just a really important connection understood okay that was it that all sorry for the pain sorry anybody uh have any other other business Mo to ajour Mo toour next meeting October 10th NPR and wild like