##VIDEO ID:rmjhwyceVNs## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh sorry am oh okay I'll get Catherine seat I'll in trouble are we good okay all right we going to call this uh Metropol planning organization board meeting January 9th 2025 to order remind remind everyone to please silence all electronic devices uh Please be aware that the meeting is being broadcast this time IID like to ask you to all please rise for invocation and Pledge of Allegiance oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remember the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy andice for all will the clerk please call the role mayor black here canc Lance Smith here Mayor John Eric ho here commissioner Ronald E Oakley here commissioner Seth waitman commissioner Catherine starky commissioner Lisa jger commissioner Jack Mariano chairman Matt Murphy here thank you um okay it's time for public comment uh we do have someone signed up special guest of uh Comm waitman as Joshua speaker a minor therefore no identifying data is required speaker May State just their first name for the record hold up Joshua okay I'm Josh Patrick a student at Thomas E waitman middle school and I'm um here to present the Josh R Patrick sidewalk project which is extending the sidewalks down Wells Road curly Road and Boyette Road within the two mile boundary of Thomas E waitman Middle School Wesley Chapel high school and Wesley Chapel Elementary School I have a presentation um so right here you can see some overhead views it shows I tried to Circle where it ends on both sides of Wells Road um so it shows where it ends on the East End that's near the Bridgewater entrance and then it shows where it ends on the west side of the schools which is just after Wesley Chapel high school um I've talked to school administrators and they think that it would be also a good thing to add sidewalks at the Wells and curly Road intersection and the wells and boyet Road intersection for children who have to cross the street now this picture right here on the screen says a thousand words now first of all the student on a bike he is riding on this gap between the road and the grass now that Gap it's hard to see in the picture it's only about maybe a foot wide um second of all the car swerving around him having to go into a turn lane now if someone's not paying attention that could be a head-on collision or something worse and then lastly the 55 mph speed limit now it takes one distracted driver to take out a student riding in a small space like that and that's why sidewalks are needed my main point is that we cannot wait for the widening of curly Road for this to happen we cannot wait for these sidewalks to be added when I was in elementary school I was within a 2-mile boundary I rode my bike to school but that Community had sidewalks and a crossing guard I believe that every school in Pasco County should have these but especially waitman Middle School Wesley Chapel high school and Wesley Chapel Elementary School because that is the most dangerous one that I've seen so far if there are any comments at this time okay y go ahead if there are any comments at this time you can go ahead all right thank you thank you so much Joshua appreciate that and I think you're right you're right on the money with that and I know commissioner wait will be following up with you okay great presentation awesome presentation right on the time too your picture does say a thousand words that's right yeah oh one more yeah thank you for your time all right thank you uh do we have anybody else um for public comment in the audience come on up sir please state your name and address for the record I'm Charles Carry I'm at 16033 Wards Court St City Florida they not any Incorporated limits This concerns St Joe Road uh whether in the city limits it should be County maintained but unfortunately it's not we have a CT there near 22nd Street St Joe Road that was replaced but the payment keeps caving in or depressing I've called the city several times they look at it they do nothing about it this is really should be maintained by the county and you really need to widen that right away I hope this State's going to look at that when they change the inter intersection between St Joe Road and the 22nd Street so I I think the county should take over the maintenance of this road you cannot depend on D City to maintain this road thank you thank you sir do we have anybody else in audience uh we have anybody on online nope no sir all right I'm going to close public a comment and we're going to move on to action items um no advisory committee reports citizen advisory committee Sandra Graves welcome Sandra Graves do you need my address no okay somebody might want to come visit me um the citizens advisory committee met on Monday January 6th at 9:30 a.m. in the morning in land Lakes uh there was no public comment and AUM was present there were two uh action items that we voted on uh elections for board officers were held and James malow will continue for another year as board chair and myself will continue as Vice chair the board approved the fdot request for an amendment to the Pasco County tip to revise the project limits for fdot project to resurface I275 I75 from Hillsboro County Line to County uh Road 54 staff presented reports on the US 41 State Road uh 54 intersection overpass P DN study update and a request was made by our committee uh to add any kind of landscaping or aesthetic sort of um situation once that uh project gets um toward building uh a comprehensive uh operational analysis was provided by the CAC by go Pasco and go Pasco also presented an update on Go pasco's performance measures and administrative costs and our next meeting of the no CAC will be held on um February 5th so that was it a nice meeting comments okay thank you uh technical advisory committee Cynthia spidel welcome good morning Cynthia spidel representing the technical advisory committee so um our meeting was uh mirrored the meeting that you just heard we basically um elected our uh new chair and chair Vice chair for the year I will uh be the chair again for the next year and Ben cat bouti will be Vice chair um we also had a couple of new members a couple swap outs City Newport Richie swap somebody out um and then we did we also voted on the tip Amendment for the section I75 to be resurfaced um Craig Fox with the do came and gave a presentation of the I uh the 41 uh 54 interchange which is obviously a really big deal and an important project for uh Pasco County uh you are not going to be getting that presentation yet today because I believe that they wanted to um uh present to the no board after they have their public hearing at the end of the month however we did uh take a good long hard look at the intersection and The Interchange and one of the things that was of particular importance to the tech Tech advisory committee was the lack of multi-use paths on both sides of the 54 segment that's so 54 is going to be going over 41 41 has the constraint of the the train and the CSX rail line going north south so we wanted at a minimum to see a multiuse path on one side of the uh road to match the current resurfacing project however at most we would prefer in a best case scenario to have multiuse paths on both sides of 54 because the it's like 300 ft AR away and you'll obviously will have a chance to to look at it yourselves but it's really big so it's going to be really hard for uh pedestrians and bicyclists to maneuver from the north side to the South Side so we we feel very strongly that that's very important and also um the we would like the dot to look at uh some buffering opportunities and having some uh natural protections for the pedestrians and bicyclists on the multiuse paths so the technical advisory committee felt so strongly about this this that we voted to um put a letter into the record to make it official so we've been we're working on that and we'll probably get that to uh Craig Fox at the dot within the next week or so and um with that that's all I had happy to answer any questions thank you very much oh andp is looking for a new uh pedestrian and a bicycle person if the uh young student is old enough to work thank you very much thank you anybody okay all right we move on to bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee Brian Michaels yes uh Brian Michaels chair um welcome to 2025 so we did have a quorum at our meeting um we had our held our elections um myself uh was reelected as chair and DEA Mitchell was reelected as Vice chair um we approved all the action items on our agenda um and we did see the presentation from for US 41 and um State Road 54 um we did uh write a letter of what bpac recommends um if you want to show uh the current overpass that's proposed is a two-lane overpass uh bpack is recommending it that it be three lanes um and there is a written recommendation from bpac with several bullet points on why we need three lanes on that overpass um the last item I have is for uh safety so when pedestrians cross at night at at intersections they are very it's very hard to see pedestrians even if they wear bright clothes um and if they have tele uh if they have a cell phone the cell phones will have a flashlight so pedestrians will see a car half a mile down the road and they assume that the car can see them but they can't see them until they're like 300 ft in front of them so if they use the cell phone uh light on their phone and turn that on when they when they cross at intersections they'll be much more visible and hopefully it'll reduce some pedestrian uh uh injuries and accidents in Pasco County and that's all I have all right all thank you sir okay can move on to our action action items um new member appointments no technical advisory committee Mr Scott Perry good morning the the Pasco no staff recommends the addition of two individuals to serve on the no's technical advisory committee the staff recommends the approval of Mr William toner and Mr Robert teft to serve as regular members of the technical advisory committee Mr toner was recently appointed as the Public Works director for the city of Dade City and Mr te serves as a senior planner for the City of Newport Richie are there any questions Mr chair move approval second second all in favor I thank you thank you uh next up new member I'm sorry um yeah new member appointments n bisle pedestrian advisory committee thank you good morning board uh this morning we have a new member appointment for the bicycle pedestrian act advisory committee Miss Britney Marin to replace the Florida Department of Health in Pasco County this is an at large uh uh membership so she is replacing the previous person that had left uh can you review and approve Move Motion second all in favor I I thank you all right any your membership appointments by the mo board okay I'm back again uh so you every year customarily uh in January we go through and we do our new uh member appointments for our board uh committees that we have uh each board member is designated to one of our uh subboard such as the stpa the TMA the nopac and the TDL CB um we can go through well you know if you miss a meeting oh where you go is where you go Mr chair I moveed that we um appoint the the m members that are shown here in the amendment currently the same okay second second all right all in favor I I thank you thank you all right fiscal year 2025 to 29 Transportation Improvement program Mr Scott Ferry the Florida do district 7 requests amendment to Pasco County's 2025 through 2029 Transportation Improvement program to amend a project and the amendment consists of increasing the project limits for a resurfacing project on Interstate 275 I75 from the Hillsboro County Line to County Route 54 the total project distance will increase from 5.9 Mi to 9.8 Mi a change in length of 3.9 Mi and a 66.7 5% increase in total project length and this change is being made to include all the interchange ramps in that resurfacing project and you can there's a map up here in front of you where you can see the extent of the project limits are there any questions anyone Mr chair I'd move approval of this item second all in favor I I all right thank you sir thank you okay um go Pasco updates performance measures and administrative cost Janina elen hello good morning Jan public transportation director um due to the recent uh changes to the Florida statute section 34171 Transit Agency that receive fdot funding uh I'm sorry fdot Transit block grant funding are now required to uh disclose Transit productivity and performance measures uh reports in addition to that also documentation related to budgets and administrative um cost the vir documents are included in your packet and they will be updated and published every year and this is serves like a public announcement um to comply with this requirement and that's all for me right now okay any questions no AC needed on this one no all right thank you so much thank you and next one too next up next one too all right status report reports yes number eight as the comprehensive operational analysis okay yes so that's the rout study that I mentioned in previous meetings so this has been an intensive um project aimed at evaluating and improving our transit system Ryan Suarez um he's our consultant for from um kley horn and he has been leading this effort along with his team they have been collaborating uh with our uh team go Pasco team for the past year and today uh Ryan will be conducting the presentation with the final COA findings and recommendations uh to improve our um transit system thank very much good morning everyone Ryan Suarez with kimn it's a pleasure to be here is actually oh what do I got I'm sorry I also have slides although this young man over here is I'm heart act to follow so hopefully I can do as good a job as as he did uh again Ryan kimley horn it's been a pleasure working with the go Pasco team over the last several months um we have been working on what we call the comprehensive operations analysis um as Nina mentioned it's really just a route study an in-depth study um of every single fixed route and I'll describe what that is here in just a second of the go Pasco system these are the topics we'll cover um as I work through this um important here um what is um the route study what are we doing really there's two parts to this that are very important a focus on the short term what can we do in the immediate future this is a little bit different from what the uh the N typically does which is long range Transportation Planning what can we do within the uh this the next year in this case um and what can we do within the existing budget so we're not asking for new operator position we're not asking for new capital or anything like that how can we reallocate service and our existing resources to make our service uh more efficient so those are the types of changes that we see uh typically with this type of work there's a list here in bullet number three about what's all included in terms of the actual uh work that's conducted to get to those service changes so why are we doing this now well it's been a while and staff does work to update make schedule changes on a routine basis but this comprehensive kind of holistic look it's been a while since something like this has been taken up by the go Pasco team and that's where our team as kimley horn comes in and assists and supports and does um a lot of the grunt work to crunch numbers um and then decisions are made in coordination with the team and of course um uh through this public Outreach as well um things have changed since 2008 there's a lot of growth in the county there's a lot more traffic impact TA or service uh it slows buses down just like it slows traffic down schedules really haven't been adjusted to align uh with traffic conditions out in the field that was one finding and I got some numbers to demonstrate you know how that's impacted service um here in the uh in a slide uh later on Co also uh impacted uh public transportation throughout the country uh everyone took a hit some agencies have been able to recover um go Pasco has recovered but not to a point point where we feel um they need to be so there's some more information on that later um in terms of Route timing and schedules I mentioned that before uh that's really one of the biggest uh things we took a look at because of the impact on traffic conditions so what you'll see later on is a lot of scheduled changes and that's sort of a behind the scenes um fix that nobody necessarily sees because there's realignments there's lines on the maps there's a lot of stuff that goes into service reliability for those that aren't familiar with the go Pasco service this is the graphic this is what it looks like today we've got the county split into two parts which is the East County where we have two routes um and then on the west we have eight routes there is the route on State Road 54 the connector which connects uh the two parts the two systems let's put it that way all of these routes operate mostly in about six 60 Minutes every 60 minutes there's really only one route that operates at a better frequency level that's the uh Route 19 which operates on us19 here on the West side of the county that is the most productive route uh in the service so I mentioned the term fixed route earlier today what does that mean that's a that's a service that operates on a fixed schedule a fixed alignment it picks up and drops off at specific bus stop locations so that's a little bit different from the on demand service where folks call ahead to schedule a trip the on demand services that go Pasco provides right now are really eligibility Based Services you have to be eligible based on either income levels your age or if you have a disability so important here are some metrics how many folks are boarding our buses on the fixed route and the on demand service and also um service hours which really is a level of Service Supply so we got demand and Supply here right in terms of trips and service hour one metric that's very important for us in the transit industry is uh trips per hour right um it's really the level of productivity so how many folks are using our service for every unit of Supply that we put out there so if you take trips divide it by hours on the fixed routs side we'll get about 7 and a half now keep that number in the back of your heads cuz I've got a route by Route slide and you'll be able able to kind of Benchmark and see how well some of these routes are doing it's part of the exercise that we take in terms of evaluating service on the on demand service because it is a higher level of service we come out to your door and then drop you off at the door of wherever you're going um it's just not as efficient if you do the division there um it's about less than two per hour what's the budget the annual operating budget you see here this is how it's broken out in terms of local sources State sources and federal sources to your bottom left you'll see that $1 of Tiff equals $3 what go Pasco does is leverage local funding sources in order to match state and federal sources for so for every $1 that comes in from the Tiff really that equates to $3 total for the entire operating budget which is what most agencies do uh in this case it come it works out very well uh for uh for the go Pasco team and for Pasco County we put it that way okay so we got a big table here a lot of data we got the routes a description of where they operate um total trips by Route off to the far right you'll see that number that I mentioned that Benchmark for productivity trips per hour you'll see that there's some high performers and then you've got some low performers one of our exercises here with this study is to identify those low performers performers identify where exactly they're performing well and see what we can do with those resources uh reallocate them to more productive service or if there's something different we can do out there right on time performance I mentioned that earlier that was really the one that stood out to us uh the most there's a lot of work that needed to be done uh with improving the schedules and just to set again A Benchmark for on Time Performance we want to be within 70 or 80% you can see that none of these routes um at the time of our study or at the time of our data collection which was a period between March and June of last year so we covered season and out of season they just really didn't hit the mark we attempted to summarize our changes and convey them in a way that's uh just graphically just easier to understand so what you see here in this chart again is every single route and the type of change that's going to be appli to each again back to the schedules every single fixed route that we're keeping is getting a schedule adjustment we are doing our best to maintain at least a 60-minute schedule we don't really want to go beyond that after 60 Minutes it just becomes a much lower level of service and folks just demand just gets diminished after that so the realignments are important because we've removed certain segments of some routes that were unproductive and that also helps us maintain a proper schedule and stay within that 60-minute frequency um that we're trying to keep to you'll see some new routes here as well um down at the bottom um because we are converting a one of the fixed routes to an on demand service um we've got an extra bus we're going to assign that to a service in Crystal Springs um out of zeper Hills so that's some that's a benefit that comes out of uh of what we some of our work um the Route 54 we're splitting that up long routes are hard to keep on time the longer those routes are the more the greater the possibility of running into traffic issues especially on that quarter so we're splitting this up into three different routes um one on the east one on the west and then right in the center between Trinity Medical and Zephyr Hills excuse me the parking ride at War Wiregrass will just have one bus operating to maintain those connections we didn't see a lot of folks making that long trip between uh the two areas on that bus so we think this is sufficient um the last one here there are new ways of doing business and delivering service out there this is where this microtransit piece uh comes up oh let me go back to that and I'll discuss what that is um in just a second these are the lines on the map as opposed to what I showed earlier uh for the existing service so I mentioned the schedules and the behind the scenes work this is what typically folks react to but it's very important to emphasize here that a lot goes into uh developing proper schedules if we're reliable if we if we're on time um when we say if we say we're going to be somewhere at 6 a.m. and we're there every single day at 6:00 a.m. folks are going to find us reliable and they're going to ride our buses it's very important so microtransit as I mentioned there are new ways for delivering public transportation service uh this is somewhat of a not necessarily a novelty item but something that's being tested across the country in a variety different ways at different agencies and in different oper under different operating conditions so what it is it's an on demand service but it happens within a defined zone so if you're within the zone you schedule a trip and a lot of this is Technology based we'll come out and pick you up within the zone and drop you off within the zone so think about Uber but we're not going to take you all over the county or to the airport in Tampa we're going to drop you off within that zone so this is uh what we're suggesting to the team is a pilot project and that's the way it's going to be rolled out um the thinking is the US 41 quarter between uh the jail and utilities all the way down to the Walmart that sits uh in Land of Lakes just south of 54 um and with the pilot project we can test demand dep test return on investment how many people are going to use it and at what cost and if it works okay then maybe we deploy this somewhere else throughout the county um I think that RFP is in the works uh tentative date is up here as well sometime in the fall for a roll out so that's what we've got today in terms of COA changes again what can we do in the short term really a system reset that way we can set a benchmark for what we're going to do in the next 10 years you're going to hear more about a Transit development plan in the coming months uh that's going to be a separate team that's working on that but that's at that point that we can talk or this team can talk about um you know what more can we do beyond what our existing resources uh are capable of providing so I'll open it up to questions thoughts concerns reservations any I have any questions um I do on the on the microtransit you said it's like an on demand type Uber type um I I know they must have done it in other areas already how does it work I mean you just going to a single person or do you try and have multiple people pick up how does it exactly work to make it to make it efficient this will be a shared ride micro or yeah Uber trip is the way it would work in other words you schedule a trip that driver is on their way you know across the Zone but another trip comes in and um they can make that pickup as well so you'll share a trip with that person as well and if they have one or more the apps and there's so much flexibility now with the technology you can indicate if you need a wheelchair you have you some kind of Mobility device if you're with a second or third passenger so that way there's occupancy that's available uh within this vehicle that can match whatever the request is in order to match drivers to you know the trip request um and again there's a lot of flexibility in terms of the different vendors that offer these types of apps but it will be I think the go I'm not sure how the deployment will work sometimes the vendors come in and provide operators and vehicles and technology or they just in some cases they just provide um the application the platform and then GOP Pasco could provide staff and vehicles so there's again I think that's part of the pilot of what will work best and what would be most cost efficient do we do it with existing resources and just use the app or do we just turn key it and allow the venders to come in and do the whole thing okay and and just one other question if I could um on on the bus system we have now we don't have a real time app that shows the location of the buses and on our go passco fixed routes do we I'll speak I know we were working on it but I I wonder if that would help ridership yes that's the real time and that's coming um we're expecting to have that uh implemented by um June of this 2025 we're actually on the test uh testing phase we're going to start on that in the next couple couple months and then we will launch the the whole system because it's not just that technology there are other technologies that come along okay great thank you and yes we will expect right as she to go up with that of course yes thank you any other questions um I I had I said a Qui question this COA how often is it done is it a set time five years just as needed or best practices go ahead folks I mean it it's not a requirement right it's not um typically what I see every 3 five years for a COA okay yeah CU I'm just thinking especially about 54 and the way our count is growing I mean I can imagine it changes quickly you know year to year so as an agency they work regularly to uh adjust schedules throughout the course of the year but again this kind of a comprehensive look you know it varies it varies by you know what what the market tells you and if there's a budget issue as well sometimes okay at that point an agency will say hey we need to take a hard look at everything because we're constraining or we're coming in to to some new money or something like that so the TDP is something that is required every five years so that's tied to some State money so FD requires that you do it more okay thank you anybody else all right thank you appreciate it inter all right we're already down to other business man anybody got any other business anything like to talk about um next meeting is going to be um Thursday February 13th at 10: a.m. in West Pasco Government Center no they don't have the minutes so we skip past them yeah yep all right anything else will we journ all right you can Jour thank you yeah right [Music] [Music] and other Aquatic animals storm drains are meant for clean if you suspect an illicit discharge please contact Pasco County Department of Public Works at 727 834 3611 the 2024 two good Souls event unfortunately H took care of rearranging the way we're going to do things this year but there are more socks and shoes needed more than ever for all displaced victims in our community two good SS is probably the perfect name uh because of the fact that we see that an effort such as this is helping us get back on our feet it has definitely boost their uh uh self-esteem and I've watched their parents also become even more involved in the school when they see that a community and especially the school really does care about their students and I want to say thank you to the board of the County Commissioners uh County Administrator to the team they have collected an enormous amount of shoes this year I would just say uh going back to how it helps them succeed is their self-esteem I have two good words for two good souls and it's just simply thank you thank you very much for what you do for our students for our families and our community with that uh just a big thank you and uh we'll see you all next year for the 10th anniversary [Music] [Music] [Music] homelessness has many definitions and because our funding comes from the Department of Housing and Urban Development otherwise known as HUD we go by their definition it starts with people who are literally homeless that can include people who are living in Emergency Shelters