##VIDEO ID:XDkHoydT6sY## good evening on behalf of the governing body of the city of Pake we welcome you to the August 6th 2024 city council meeting in accordance with chapter 231 public laws of 1975 adequate notice of this meeting was provided by resolution of the municipal Council adopted on June 18th 2024 setting forth the schedule of meetings for the year 2024 2025 said notice was published and posted on the city hall bulletin board by the office of the city clerk please be further advised this public meeting will be conducted in person the zoom stream provided is for viewing only and is offered to the public as a convenience on July 16 2024 public notice and zoom instructions for this meeting were published in The Herald news and posted on the city of Pake website www.city of.com Council agendas instructions are also available on the last page of this agenda please be guided accordingly please councilman love presentent councilwoman Melo present councilwoman Schwarz pres councilwoman Kong monz pres and council president share president share we please rise Council Heavenly Father continue blessing our city um thank you for giving us this day please guide us in the decisions that we are about to make today and please guide our councilman Garcia who's going through um um a loss today please guide him and give him some peace with this I ask that you continue to bless us amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and it stands godible andice good evening everyone if you are watching ing us from home or wherever you might be not in council chambers we remind you uh respectfully that you can get a copy of the council agenda through the internet through the city's website there you will find all the uh resolutions ordinances Communications that the council has received from the administration uh from the mayor's office uh with which to uh make appropriate deliberations um it is raining outside and thank everyone for watching tonight mayor it's a pleasure to see you I know that we have a a night out is tonight National Night Out is tonight so we had to move it because of this uh the weather they're in the indoor facility right across from our Craig Iron Head Haywood field there's a number of families there with vendors the P County prosecutor's office certified angels and many more are gathered there right now that is great that is great I wish we were there as well am maybe we opposing you uh for a quick update sure so as I've already stated council president and members of the city council those watching and those who are with us in person we have National Night Out I just left there and the children are having such a wonderful time I want to thank the State Police Department obviously all those participating our PBA our chief who is here this evening but the department is there with trucks as well as our fire department there are many bouncy houses um I believe that is why councilman Schwarz and councilman Melo aren't here presently they're in the bouncy house I think I saw them at school number 11 council president sorry to have to tell everybody what's going on I tried to tell them to get out they didn't want to put their shoes back on anyway like I was stating our National Night Out is going fantastic allow me to just uh make a a little bit of a of a detour for my regular reports to update the Council on an incident that occurred this week we had a major fire on School Street it was at 10 School Street which impacted nine Apartments over 27 individuals were immediately displaced because of the fire the two adjacent buildings in closest proximity to the primary structure were buildings eight and buildings 12 they were deemed of concern because of the collapse of building 12 or rather building 10 in between building 8 and building 12 so the residents didn't immediately go back in as of yesterday residents were able to go back into building 8 residents in building 12 are being assisted through our Human Services as well as our relocation office and the Red Cross most of the residents in the primary structure receive their full security and additional funding from the Red Cross we continue to Advocate on their behalf to try to facilitate any applications whether from the state or the county the governor's office reached out in regards to the storm um and the fire because they both occurred at the same time and there was concerned whether or not we needed help but thanks to our firefighters our police Mutual Aid including East Rutherford Garfield wington Clifton Patterson who came over to assist us the fire was able to be contained in the primary structure and none of the other buildings were immediately affected by the fire there's some water damage but I want to thank the governor's office for reaching out and offering assistance we're going to continue to see what we can do in terms of funding for the families or any addition help and our relocation officer has been assisting in helping them find new apartments because building 10 was a complete loss I wanted to share the last uh Thursday or rather a couple Thursdays ago we had a press conference with the p Valley Water Commission requesting all residents to please allow the Pake Valley Water to do the work in regards to removing the lead pipes I know that for some residents there are concerns those who are watching live allow me to clarify I want want to stress this and say this as clearly as possible these individuals are only going inside in regards to lead pipes they are not there to inspect your apartment they're not there to find out what's going on with your kitchen your your bathroom or your basement we have people for that these are not those individuals but I only say this and I add a little brevity just to make clear that it's important that you cooperate assist the city and the Pacific Valley water through amazing legis ation our assemblyman LED assemblyman Gary share for historic funding through uh funding and resources we receive from the federal government through the state and being managed by the Pacific Valley Water Commission this comes at no cost to the residents however if you do not allow P Valley Water to remove these pipes it will cost you up to $10,000 to do it on your own it is a requirement everyone must have these lead pipes removed you're can allow them to do it for free or you will end up having to pay for it later on but it is a requirement we are obligated by the state to remove all of these pipes and replace them so please assist um when they come by if you have any questions as to credibility or validity of any uh letter or something that's left on your door you're free to call us here at City Hall you can call our PA police department at the general number 973 36539 you can reach out directly to Pake Valley Water Commission and verify that your address is an address that they're removing the pipes but please reach out and cooperate it becomes extremely important for all of us um on July 29th we had a trade show for the inflation reduction act the IRA which uh provides specific uh payments directly to those who invest in clean energy and climate and we have seminar here where we invited the Board of Education as well as government officials not for-profits faith-based institutions for initiatives ranging from whether you're doing EVS electric vehicles whether you're doing charging stations or putting solar on your roofs or buying an energy efficient vehicle you can receive between $7,500 or up to $440,000 back I know that through our purchasing agent Doris through our chief where we're looking at some of the vehicles that we already purchased energy efficient through some of our stations our charging stations we're looking to get reimbursed for funding so for many municipalities it's extremely important we were the very first city to have the trade show the US Department of Treasury chose the city of Pate in New Jersey to be the very first city in New Jersey to present this information so we were extremely grateful next week we're going to have um a few events in the city but uh this week the family Festival starts at Wednesday Rainer shine and it's going to go on for the rest of the week Friday we have a fair with the county the state and the municipal government brought To Us by our assemblyman Gary Sher so we want to thank him I want to wish our RBI Baseball team uh good luck they are presently in Florida participating in the regional World Series for RBI they made it through the semi-finals and the finals I want to thank Victor who is always at the very Forefront of it commissioner Danny Rodriguez and so many others who came together to wish them a farewell as long as well as councilman mariss col monz who participated in a fundraising trip to uh Atlantic City she puts the fund in fundraising um I don't know how much everyone else raised but I but I can assure you and put on the record that councilor Marissa cologne lost money on the blackjack table so anyway those are reports that we received from atantic City on Friday August 9th we're going to have the New Jersey Motor Vehicle mobile office here at City Hall again in collaboration with our assembly men's office on Sunday August 11th we're going to have our car show in the park in honor of Mr Will Smith there'll be a special dedication in continuing with his uh his legacy in there on Friday August 16th we will have the Dominican flag raising for Dominican restoration on Saturday August 17th there will be the Family Camp camp out that was rescheduled because of the thunderstorms that occurred this weekend so we had to move it it will be the 17th on the 18th Sunday we will have our annual book bag Drive I want to thank our human services our PBA all of those who have volunteered all those who have assisted to donate book bags it becomes such an important Initiative for the children returning to school also wanted to let the uh Council know as well as the community that we receive the gold level electric vehicle adoption leadership certificate for the city of Pake we earn this certificate for our Wick health clinic right across from our Pake City Hall this recognition highlights Pake commitment or P's commitment to sustainability and clean energy initiatives the gold level certification places forsake among New Jersey's leading municipalities in promoting EV adoption and environmentally friendly practices all right um wrapping up our back to school event our kid City coupons we received over 300 coupons worth $25 each for Kid City to give out to needy families to help them buy uniforms to go back to school as well as school supplies I want to thank Kid City for partnering with us once again this year and our city of Pake for our parking deck was awarded to uh the construction company and it will begin this week for 310 parking spots noticed to be provided and proceeded notices were given as of August 1st to all of the residents as you can see many of our police vehicles have been relocated and many of the parking spaces around the city will be utilized for employees for that year as we complete our road improvements include Mercer Street drainage our roadway improvements include Broadway from Grove Street to Prospect Street Main Avenue from Pake Street to Washington Place Washington Place all the way to Williams Street the intersection of Main Avenue at Prospect Street Pake street from Main Avenue St Francis way Williams street from Pake Street to Washington place and we've already began um or begun the process of striping parking spots through engineering through our DPW through studies we've identified streets that are more conducive and we've begun stripping we did Hudson Street and we have a number of streets moving on so I want to thank Mark Watkins who is present our superintendent of our DPW our New Jersey Department of Transportation local Aid infrastr uh infrastructure fund for Myrtle Avenue roadway improvements will include Milling Paving parking striping Ada or Americans with Disabilities Act ramp and bicycle lane amto avenue from Burg's place all the way to Oak Street in the second ward our 2024 New Jersey Department of Transportation Safe Streets to Transit bid has been opened and it will be open uh to August 21st for new traffic signals at p inton ab and acri ab intersection improvements at monrose Street and hope AB Ada American with Disabilities Act ramps at Maine Westerville acri and park in sheno park at third wart so we have a number of Street infrastructure and signage projects going on in the second and in the third war in the upcoming weeks council president members of the city council that is the extent of my opening report if there are any questions I'll be more than glad to answer ma' it sounds like some tremendous things are going on a lot some uh some difficult the fire was very very challenging it was a stubborn fire but I'm glad to share that not a single life was lost not a resident and there were many pets not a single pet the immediate response of our fire department the heroic acts of the firefighters who joined them ensured that the fire could be contained but through the police fire residents and all emergency responders and First Responders everyone was accounted for I I wasn't clear y forgive me sorry when I said that it sounds like tremendous things are going on I was forgive it but I was excluding the fire and the effects there's so many programs going on are people participating many even right now with this rain I left the indoor facility to come to the council meeting it was full with children and families so we're excited that people are taking full advantage of all of the activities where their family camp out whether the onewe uh Carnival festival with mechanical rides and number 11 School whether our various Rec recation programs ranging from learning how to cook Dance Play Sports track basketball football soccer and so much more there are many many activities as well as our intern program in the city where individuals connect with some of our professionals ranging from our Engineers to our business administrator the department heads in order to consider future careers in government AB questions for the minute thank you sir thank you very very much we're up to hear citizens in our agenda ran numeral five in accordance with the open public meetings Act njsa 10 col 4-1 at SEC the council opens every public meeting for comments of the public however in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-12 nothing in this act shall be constru to limit the discretion of a public body to permit prohibit or regulate the active participation at any meeting therefore please be advised that the council will not entertain any comments from persons who communicate of seen material make statements which are considered a bias intimidation in which a person intends to intimidate any individual or group because of race color religion gender handicap sexual orientation or ethnicity or makes comments intended to harass or speak any offensive language the person who makes these statements will relinquish their lotted five minutes for public discussion is there a motion please to open heing motion councilman monk yes councilman love yes Council Melo yes councilman schw yes councilwoman col monz yes and council president sh yes thank you ladies and gentlemen uh the council would like to invite anyone who has any comments or statements that they'd like to make [Music] oh yes Joe kind sent the 170 Broadway council president um I want to bring up about the lead the lead pipes I don't believe the lead pipes is a problem I believe the problem is the water the water has been said already by water company and by other companies out there that it causes cancer maybe not to everybody but some people but I've been hearing a lot about this lead you know children getting sick people getting sick but I don't see nothing nothing uh no no list of how many children or anything that uh people affected by lead pipes they've been around forever I'm still here or you guys are still here Le pipe's always been around our oceans are in bad shape our water system is in bad shape but nobody wants to uh recognize it that's why you got to boil your water at home what are they telling you all the chemical that's in the water that's the problem you could believe it you could laugh you could do whatever you want um my next question is it was brought up at the last meeting I brought up about the rent leveling board the mayor made a statement saying that they have meetings and and they have a uh they have a um what do they call them uh uh members for the board um I would like to know when did these meetings uh take place my next question is Gregory Avenue or Mur Avenue the illegal parking on a sidewalk I brought this up at the last meeting it's been two weeks the mayor said he was going to look into it I contacted the Traffic Division nothing's nothing's being said and they never got back to me uh my next question I'm sorry I have that address please Mr that's Gregory Gregory Avenue and Myrtle Avenue um my next question is Pake Avenue the train underpass the place is full and apart bad lighting bad everything there the water if you go there after the rain is going to be dripping down under the railroad tracks and then tonight you're saying that you're gonna have a concession stand over there how are you gonna have a concession stand if the place is terrible who's going to eat out of there I know I wouldn't because the place is in bad shape the whole area um this weekend I was out and I'm noticing Thursday they got the carnival in uh priser Columbus Park and I've noticed on uh intersections on newspaper stands they got their posters uh light poles they got their posters electrical boxes they got their posters I mean I think you want to have a clean City it's horrible every every body knows every year this is a little city they know there's a carnival every year so I mean putting signs on intersections and on uh on uh uh Whatchamacallit uh lighting and and telephone poles and all this it's horrible these are my questions I have thank you sir I admit Adit that find many of your questions to be statements but let me try to address them if I could um you made a statement that you don't believe that lead pipes is the problem that the problem is in fact uh the Water um I will admit to you that from what little I've read on the subject um I believe I can say with some confidence categorically you are wrong your science is wrong every scientist worth a nickel would tell you that but we should not allow facts to confuse the discussion and I want to thank you for once again underlining that where's the list you got a list or you got a website sir sir you finished you have a website for your information finished your comments I know you can't answer me you finished your comments I'm make those statements how many children did you say 4,000 Mr coniss please step down thank you very much have a nice day anyone else like to address the I'm the the second there a motion as second to close public hearing roll call please councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilwoman colz yes and council president sh yes thank you we're up to R numeral six on our agenda ordinances for second and final reading hearing is required number one proposed ordinance 2455 d24 an ordinance amending chapter 317 of the code of the city of to to add article 7 Municipal exemption for zoning regulations the Administration has asked that we table this motion till September 5 for a number of reasons um is there a motion to accept the administration's recommendation and table proposed ORD 2455 d24 to September the 5 there's a is there a second pleas motion and second roll call please councilman monk yes yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes yes councilman Schwarz yes councilwoman col monz yes and council president sh yes thank you uh the ordinance is tabled number two proposed ordinance 2456-20 an ordinance amending city code of the city of pay chapter 258a Stone water control is there a motion please to open public hearing second motion and second R call please councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilwoman col monz yes and council president Sher yes thank you ladies and gentlemen at this time the council will be deliberating proposed ordance 2456 -24 is there anyone who like to address the Council on the the seeing No Hands moove the C public portion second motion of second to close public portion councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes yes councilman Schwarz yes councilwoman goong monz yes and council president Sher yes thank you uh on the motion please is there a motion to accept it second motion and second Ro call please councilman monk yes yes councilman love yes councilwoman yes councilman schwar yes councilman monz yes and council president Shar yes thank you we're up to R numeral seven of our uh agenda this evening Communications item four assembly share one how Avenue submitting an application to hold a community Fair toic City Home on August 9 2024 and 11 a.m. to 2: p.m. contingent upon departmental approvals is there a motion please to accept number four only motion second and second roll call please councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes yes councilwoman Schwarz yes councilwoman colong monz yes and council president Sher for reasons of possible conflict uh I abstain from the vote item three five through nine are there any questions please on council president three separate three separate thank thank you very good sir any others let's do three number first number three is there motion to set number three Mo and second on three only councilman monk yes yes councilman love abstention councilwoman Melo yes yes councilman Schwarz yes councilwoman colong monz yes and council president Sher yes thank you on items five six 7 8 and nine is there a motion please to accept 5 6 78 motion second and second thank you roll call councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilwoman col monz yes and council president Sher yes thank you items 10 through 13 on matters considered routine and nature are there any questions please on 10 through 13 seeing none is motion so move second second thank you roll call councilman monk yes yes councilman love yes councilwoman mow yes councilman Schwarz yes councilwoman colz and council president Shar yes thank you we're up to resolutions room eight on our agenda number 14 is a resolution authorizing closed executive session Su do we need closed executive no council president thank you m' Mr Mayor none at this time Council thank you sir members of the council if we can uh take 14 off the agenda if I may also draw the council's attention respectfully on item number 20 a resolution awarding contract through negotiations emergency repair of traffic signals awarding Allan briway electrical utility contractor Inc hourly rate of 166 per hour equipment cost 38 per hour and percentage markup above whol sell cost of Parts 20% I informed by Council that we need a 2/3 majority which means of all members present we have six here one is one member is not that would be uh fit the category if there is a full vote are there any questions please on items 15 what through 33 what does then we just said for 20 what are we number 20 we need a 23 affirmative vote for the rec for the resolution to pass which means all six all six members on the all six members present at this meeting yes okay question 20 what does equipment cost an hourly rate on equipment question M councilman miss an hourly rate on equipment cost May I'm sorry I'm just trying to hear the question are you saying what the hourly rate that's 166 no it says equipment cost is $38 per hour and percentage all right we have our business administrator on the line yes I'm I'm here can can you guys hear me that's yes we can I didn't know you were listening into the meeting I know you were not feeling well Mr business administrator thank you so much for being here can you address yourself recky to number 20 please yes of course so if I understand councilman Schwarz question correctly um the equipment cost is specialized equipment that we don't have that we would have to go out and rent for them to conduct the work that they needed because these are uh traffic signals so if we do need one of let's say the special trucks with the equipment it would be at a $38 an hour cost thank you Mr business administrator we've had this in other resolutions as well right in terms of um equipment cost yes yes but this one this one's a unique because we would originally only do it on a um which this is still a perne basis but we never had a contract and this actually would save us a ton of money we've been following the same process for years but without this contract um we felt that we were not getting the best price and now I'm happy to tell you that this is better than what the original rates we were getting but it was it was bid twice and came back over budgeted and then it was negotiated to this better price no I'm sorry I maybe I wasn't clear I was just saying for the equipment cost being included I think we had something like that with um Delgato when it was for the sewage that's correct something yes because it it very expensive for them to house that equipment all right I just wanted to make sure thank you I was curious thank you Mr Fernandez are there any questions on the resolutions is presented yeah yes council president councilman M thank you um I have a few questions I'll start off with number number 19 number 19 a resolution award concession services for the concession stand at the paic train station yes yes so it's the the resolution is very general um doesn't Define the amount of work that's going to be done there it doesn't doesn't Define how many square feet um will be given to that's being being given to this vendor uh doesn't Define uh who's responsible for the exteror of the building who's responsible for snow plowing salting uh it just like to get some more understanding of of this resolution Mr Fernandez can you help us with this yeah so normally that's not in the resolution that's in the contract so I could tell you that it is in the agreement and there's maps and everything um that are made part of this the city of Pake in this case is more of a pass through New Jersey trans it uh similarly which this is not the first time they've done this they've given us the ability to bid the project out so the city is bidding the project but it's a it's a New Jersey Transit facility we originally had the ability to store stuff there and then through many negotiations I know this is uh a project close to the mayor's heart Mr business administrator if I may this occurred um in other municipalities like nework it Still Remains responsibility of JY transit to ensure the maintenance of the area and all those who leas would have had a contract with them so the same expectations of Maintenance of work would remain as previously yeah and and the the project has a two-year construction buildup it's a full gut rehab of the interior of the space because it is not right now it's just four walls so the bidder has to completely construct the project from from scratch council president what the business administrator was referring to the space that is um put aside for this project it is already in use it was already in use as storage um the work that will be done will not impede or interrupt in any way those who utilize the train station to uh transport whether to work or otherwise that that's correct mayor and if anything it brings a greater amenity to the ridership uh providing something they haven't had probably since the Inception of that that building being constructed you know over a hundred years ago and how about how about the parking what it does to the parking for the people that use the train is is this similar Mr Fernandez to the the concession stand in in a third word Park the and palaski and every part council president the same as every concession stand we have throughout the city just to to give some perspective a couple years ago we had the concession stand closer to the tennis courts the one by the baseball field unfortunately that location was not um very conducive for uh concessions in terms of it being far away from the majority of the traffic so this area after consideration and you just Transit did a deep study to consider whether they would want to move forward compared to other municipalities and where they strategically placed concession stands they overwhelmingly came back with support for this project in the city excellent thank you mon yes um hello you hear me or not we can hear you Council okay um the other the other question has on item uh resolution 35 so this is is ordinance for first reading councilman oh one second I'm sorry this is this is a ordinance yes I'm sorry this is an ordinance yes correct okay I'll wait I'll wait on this did you wish to come in on 35 councel I could I could I could wait until we get to the ordinances it's it's fine okay very good did you have a additional questions sir uh no I have no I have no further questions on the uh resolutions very good are there any further questions to from 15 through 33 hearing none is their motion fees to accept 15 through 3 we have one didn't we have one oh okay I'm sorry some move I apologize second motion and second R call please councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman colong monz yes and council president Sher yes thank you we are up to ordinances for introduction and first reading number 34 proposed ordinance amending the designation of restricted parking to disabled Parsons by license plate number is there a motion please to except for sit down for second and final meeting reading at our meeting of September the 5th at 7 p.m is there a motion please move motion second and second thank you roll call please councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilwoman colong monz yes and council president Shar yes thank you up to number 35 please an ordinance proposed ordinance for sending Ord 221 16-19 and adopting a Redevelopment plan for 141-155 Broadway blocks 2203 Lots 3 4 6 and 7 in the city of paic New Jersey is there a motion please to accept for second for set down for second and final reading at our meeting of September the 5 Move Motion and second and second councilman monk did you have a question on this yes please thank you thank you council president yes so typically when in the past we've had you know uh residential homes that are being redeveloped um in redevelop to creating this Redevelopment plan usually we we're putting in um you know permitted uses is you know multif family right maybe maybe you know if you'll get something commercial on the first floor that's been very very typical with numerous uh r plans that we've seen and this one there's a lot of new permitted uses that are being included in this plan including um governmental offices on any floor Studio galleries any floor Medical Health Services any floor uh restaurants any floor business professionals any floor ret service establishments any floor you know so how does how does why are we incorp bring other permitted uses um over here and and and in addition how do the how is the parking being calculated here that instead of just having residential units uh which is usually you know is a formula of per beds one bedroom two bedroom how is the par parking for this uh plan being calculated being that you could have on any floor offices that'll obviously use up a lot more parking than residential Apartments Mr Fernandez can you help us out on 35 so this has actually not new um that that was actually taken from the original ordinance that's being rescinded so because this is uh Broadway and there's many different uses all up Broadway that have complete 100% commercial buildings we wanted to keep the opportunity that if they wanted to convert it to a solely completely commercial building they could which those uses are consistent with a czone and CR Zone which is the underlying Zone and that's why that's there the uh parking calculation is actually based on the square footage of the facility but in Broadway not for this case but just for the council's edification a pre-existing commercial structure on Broadway is exempt from parking under our ordinance this would not do that in in fact uh one of the reasons we're so excited about this amendment is that the developer was able to acquire two additional Lots uh H hence the amendment that would now include a greater number of parking as well as because it was done so long ago now we can include the affordable housing components and the electric vehicle components that were not in the original plan so this would really change uh what the original plan was for to a much better much more comprehensive inclusive plan because now there's additional space to make this project even better so so what are the requirements for parking here um so it the backup is there give me one second let me just pull it up uh item 35 okay so parking for this facility is as follows um Studios and one-bedrooms are 3/4 of a spot two bedrooms are one and a half three and four bedrooms are uh two spaces per unit there will be no Apartments greater than four allowed uh affordable units Studios and one bedrooms are three quarters two and three bedrooms are one space per unit four bedrooms are again two spaces per unit which was not the case in the original plan the original plan if you recall it was one of the original plans when we first trying we were first trying to entice development if the council remembers this was a fully uh tax exempt property owned by a house of worship and we were able to negotiate a subdivision to get it back so that we can do a Redevelopment plan um so this would actually put us put these properties back on the T tax rols uh that were once eliminated as well as dilapidated properties that have been boarded up to the point of being boarded up with metal sheathing because of the number of uh squatters and break-ins that were there right but there is no um but there's no requirement for the commercial it does say here that uh the planning board is here given the authority to wave and and all of uses parking requirements in the Z development plan if a parking structure where surface parking lot with adequate capacity 500 ft of subject use but there's no requirement for parking for commercial so if it's so if it is not specifically stated the underlying zoning orbit ordinance applies so it's a square footage requirement so it's based on the use so in our ordinance it's based on the use the commercial use and the square footage of that use okay so this this Redevelopment plan will not override any of the current zoning requirements no that's not what I said Council uh okay I I I did not say I didn't suggest just you said it I'm just trying to stand so what happens is in a in a Redevelopment plan that which is which is specifically stated supersedes the underlying zoning ordinance all other terms that are not here are referred back to the underlying zoning ordinance well it it does Define it defines what the parking requirements are but it's all based on apartment so I can make it I can make a case that that I only have to put parking if have these apartments but if I have any I don't have any Apartments I don't need any parking so that AR make that case that argument they would have to make with the underlying zoning ordinance because there are the The Silence of that requirement right makes you have to look at the underlying zoning or councilman um I I just again I'm uncomfortable you know without without it specifically saying anything in here um it does talk about you know other parking waivers and it just says here in item number four that applicants are strongly recommended to obtain off-site agreements but doesn't say that they're required to do that so I just want to know that legally we are fully covered here that the parking requirements will for res for commercial space office space whatever might be is not that this does not supersede our current zoning requirements Mr Fernandez so I mean if you want I can just add a section that says uh commercial parking requirements as stated in section 31753 of the zoning code I could just add that one sentence under parking okay fine okay just councilman Mar would that be satisfactory yeah yeah I just want to this Clarity that's all you know this Clarity of what we're passing because you know parking is always something which is on our mind so fine as long as it's it's very clear so we don't have to come back and debate it lat later on or or you know have other people interpret it differently Mr Fernandez if we can ask that our September 5 if it's the council's disposition to approve the ordinance if you could present the ordinance in its amended fashion yes sir in fact I I have to do that anyway because that's the version that has to be presented to the planning board at Wednesday's meeting so I will make that at next Wednesday's meeting with that change on it and then it'll come back with a recommendation with that change in it very good sir thank you thank you Council yeah that's that's all thank you are there any other questions please on Council no I have no I have no further questions I'm sorry very good if there be no other questions is there a motion please to accept 35 for second final reading at our meeting of September the 5th some motion and second thank you roll call please on 35 councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Kong monz yes and council president sh yes please number is 36 please with the council's permission an ordinance approving an amendment to the city of pic's Redevelopment plan for property designated as block 103 Lots 6 and lots 6 and 20 on the official tax map of the city of pic and located at 99-107 and 1134 Street in the city of paic New Jersey is there are there any questions please on 36 hearing none is there a motion please to accept 36 for second and final reading at our meeting of September the 5th motion second second roll call pleas councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman col monz and council president Shar yes thank you uh payment of bills are there any questions please on the bills is presented by the clerk seeing no lights at this time is there motion please to accept the bills as presented motion motion second second thank you all councilman monk yes councilman love yes Council Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilwoman colon monz and council president Shar yes thank you uh we are up to administrator's report Mr Fernandez it is wonderful to have you on the phone thank you council president none at this time very good Mr mayor council president today Valley Bank held a seminar for our seniors at the senior center uh to discuss prevention of fraud for our seniors extremely um unfortunately a popular uh I don't even know if that's the appropriate word because of what it canotes it continues to happen around um cities in our state where seniors are being taken advantage of they receive phone calls they're being told that they have to pay a bill out of their account they're giving their account information so we're grateful to have partnered with Valley bank today to have held a workshop in the senior center to educate our senior citizens directly we will continue to do so I want to thank uh Pablo Rivera from Valley National Bank for coordinating this we also were able to give our free food bags that we secured with Valley National through Goya to needi seniors and we will be hosting a special event with Valley Bank coming up um to have a community fair and make this a broader approach in educating the community that's it excellent oh well if I may I want to congratulate the chief and the fire department once again on the promotion of new sergeants 10 new sergeants that are on the seat uh recently promoted in our P Police Department thank you excellent thank you m'am members of the council just uh three notes if I can uh with your permission number councilman Melo we all hear that you're not feeling well at all and you've stuck with us throughout this meeting and we thank you very much for your for your persistence and and your dedication and Mr Fernandez the course the same of course applies to you we know that uh you're not filling 100% and for you to spend time with us is is very uh very kind and generous and as the last Point um at approximately uh 8 o' there'll be boats outside to take everyone home I guess we should be thanking God for the rain um is there Mo at this time is there a motion to U adjourn Mo motion and second R call please to adjourn councilman Monk yes councilman love yes Council Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes Council monz and council president Sher yes thank you this meeting is a chairman