##VIDEO ID:_zkBWGvVaWQ## good evening on behalf of the governing body we welcome you to the October 15th 2024 city council meeting in accordance with chapter 231 public calls of 1975 adequate notice of this meeting was provided by resolution of the municipal Council adopted on June 18 2024 setting forth the schedule of meetings for the year 2024 2025 said notice was published and posted on the city hall bulletin board by the office of the city clerk please be further advised this public meeting will be conducted in person the zoom stream provided is for viewing only and is offered to the public as a convenience on October 2nd 2024 public notice and zoom instructions for this meeting were published in the herble news and posted on the city of Pate website at www.city of.com Council agendas instructions are also available on the last page of this agenda please be guided accordingly roll call councilman monk councilman love president councilman Schwarz president councilman Garcia pres councilwoman col monz president and council president sh President should we up please rise Lord body come together to make decisions and consider what is in the best interest of all of this we ask that you would guide us conversations in our give us wisdom compassion to do those things that honor you again serve the greater interest and good of all that's bless this meeting thank you I pled of new to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic stands indivisible andice for all Mary you'll excuse me please for not mentioning but there are a few things in this world that I'm convinced of and one of them is that you can do a benediction and an opening like uh good evening uh good evening mayor members of the council ladies and gentlemen um welcome to tonight's meeting is if you would like copies of our agenda for this meeting are located directly out of council chamber Doors number one or you can access them on our website the city's website where you'll be able to see everything that the council was given and has been given by the administration relative to tonight's meeting and relative to deliberating the various issues that have come before the city at this point we are on the agenda REM numeral four mayor's update thank you thank you council president members of the city council department heads and all present that are joining us in person and online I want to share with our community that our work in terms of striping parking spaces continues we have just finished how Avenue with the angled parking spaces the first few days council president members of the city council and our residents as you can imagine were a bit challenging we were excited that at the end of the week and earlier this week we received Communications from businesses non for-profit organizations and residents expressing their appreciation the striping of the parking have resulted in slowing down the traffic increasing parking spaces as we continue in our initiative to expand opportunities for parking through Innovative practical and economic umly sound initiatives throughout the city so we were extremely excited about that if you travel from Muro Avenue beginning all the way down from Highland going all the way up to how Avenue you will see that we have begun doing the Ada ramps and the bicycle ramps as we're getting ready to uh repair the roads and also strip for parking there I also wanted to share that if you look right across street from City Hall the walls are beginning to go up on our parking deck which will bring 300 new parking spaces available to the public we're excited about that initiative tens of millions of dollars invested in the city of P I also wanted to share that our traffic light has uh started going up on at GG and Pennington so you'll see the work there in our city wanted to share that our community Suka is up at Third Ward Memorial Park as we begin the holiday for observing Community it begins tomorrow evening I believe if that is correct tomorrow evening which is Wednesday night I also wanted to share that today is the last day of Hispanic Heritage Month Hispanic Heritage Month which is celebrated from September 15 to October 15 we've recently shared data uh on the recent census of the breakdown of Hispanic communities in the city of P according to the 2022 data which recently released demographic information of every group according to uh 2022 over 550 thousand residents in the city of P identify as being uh of Hispanic or Latino Heritage I won't go through all the numbers but we'll share as we want to encourage our youth to always uh have accurate numbers when they're doing their reports and many Reach Out always asking the city so we've been referring them to the census of our Mexican population the US Census identifies over 21,000 residents of our Puerto Rican community over 6,000 Cuban um 377 counting our business administrator 378 while he's working here I'm sorry I couldn't help that one of our Dominican community 16,29 of our Central American a total 2,437 including Costa Rican Guatemalan Honduran Nicaraguan Panamanian Salvadorian of our South American over 4,000 including Argentinian Bolivian Chilean Colombian Ecuadorian paraguayan Peruvian or iguan which uh has one Mr Walter Porto Venezuelan and other South American as well as other Hispanic or Latino 744 Spaniard over 30 and I share that the Hispanic Latino Community is not a monolithic a homogeneous Community they come from different races faiths backgrounds and cultures you may often find a group of individuals that you'll look at and assume they're part of a specific race or group they are and they can also Hispanic and of Latino background so we're excited but today being the 15th like I'll share their um Hispanic and uh Latinos who are of uh of African descent of European background I have neighbors who are observing members of the Jewish Community who are Argentinian uh and speak to me in Spanish you have individuals from many different groups South Asian or Asian from all over Latin America so today is the last day being the 15th and we have celebrated throughout this month our Hispanic communities also wanted to share that on Saturday October 5th 2024 our youth Council held their mental health awareness walk and this year we had over 200 young people participate in this walk to raise awareness to fight against the stigmas to uh educate the public in terms of important resources programs and initiatives assisting in this area on Saturday October 5th we had our canum mobile and our third annual Native American festival at our dunde Island downtown by Wall Street we're extremely excited to continue as we have a wonderfully diverse Community celebrating all of our backgrounds groups races our history present and looking optimistically and extremely excitingly into the future we also held on Wednesday October 9th with our chief of the fire department Patrick trenos our annual fire prevention open house and council president this year we had the largest number of participants from our schools over 800 students came by they went through our uh our simulated fires and smoke in order to raise awareness of appropriate practices and for the very first time we added the EV station it was covered by the news as we continue to educate the public about electric vehicles and the dangers because you're not supposed to plug them to extension courts or to surges and we've had a number of uh fires around the state and the country country uh where they spontaneously go into flames and since so many people put the the electric scooters in their hallways it creates a real fire hazard in terms of erress or people trying to exit the building so we continue in that campaign to educate and work with our council president his other role assemblyman share to have this addressed from the state level on Thursday October 10th we held our grand opening of the police substation at 129 Pake Street under the new command of our recently promoted Captain Captain Bernett and the leadership of our chief of police chief Lewis Guzman on Thursday October 10th we also held our New Jersey Department of military and Veteran Affairs medal ceremony at 135 Summer Street at our daav VFW and American Legion uh veterans and families Resource Center where many veterans whether they came back from uh Vietnam or otherwise had not previously received medals so we the opportunity to recognize him working with the federal representatives and the state representative former commissioner of the Board of Education and historian for the uh VFW auxiliary uh Miss Evelyn Robinson was present to make sure she recorded every aspect of it when she woke up after my speech I said did you cover it she said we were recording because my speech was too long no I'm just messing with you thank you she I appreciate you laughing at that bad joke but we were extremely she said cut them off on the mic anyway as I was saying it was a wonderful ceremony we actually had I I believe uh one of the chief who used to work for the US District Attorney come down from a from South Carolina to hand out the medals so it was a she was a Pake resident of Dominican descent so we were extremely excited to have her and the directors president along with Deputy Mayor Minnie uh Austin have we keep saying Minnie hither cousins we forget she's a newly W mini Austin our Deputy Mayor on Saturday October 26 we will have our home medications at the 135 Summer Street Council Members council president we are excited to announce that the veteran housing program above the VFW all four apartments are filled and we will be celebrating that through HUD providing affordable housing opportunities for our veterans also want to share that on Saturday October 19th we will have our cops and Bobbers not cops and robbers cops and Bobbers and hooks and ladders which is our fishing program with our police department and our fire department where they will bring out young people and families we just stocked Hughes Lake again with a number of fish and people are truly enjoying coming out with our police and fire to fish on Saturday October 26 we will have our family Fall Festival trunk or tree at Third Ward Memorial Park starting at 3 pm where you could join us for a funfilled family Fall Festival featuring a special Trunk or Treat event where families are invited to enjoy a day of festive fall activities games prizes delicious food pumpkin patch train rides and safe trunk or treating from decorated car trunks our ongoing City projects we are mobilizing additional Ada ramps or uh Americans with Disability Act and these are those curb cuts for wheelchairs throughout the entire city as well as continuing to connect our River Walk This Week our river walk off of South Street in our downtown area as we continue to invest and capitalizing opportunities with open space with natural resources creating environmentally sound areas which uh promote the connection with nature and our youth especially in proximity to our schools we continue to move forward with the funding to unite palaski Park and dunde Island Park we're extremely excited with the investment there uh I believe that is the extent of my report if anything else comes up if there are any questions we'll be more than glad to respond thank you very much council president members of the city council mayor thank you so much as always for uh the breath and depth of your sharing um two or three things if you wouldn't mind you mentioned uh fishing at Hughes Lake yes uh the fish can I eat the fish yes well now actually there's been yes this is what's interesting so the state has recently uh shared with us that we are clear to be a catch and keep we have always been a catch and release they have tested the waters the investment that we did in the park uh in the last seven years has resulted in them testing the waters and saying that it is safe so we're recently uh being identified as catch and keep so we're working on that to allow individuals to go and fish and keep but it does make it a little bit challenging as we're going to continue to restock the lake but we've been excited and you actually reminded me of something council president I know that every council meeting I share the upcoming events at activities to the council I had a conversation with the council president and uh we will be sending the dates and flyes additionally to the clerk and trying to remind sometimes there's events that I know we mention during my updates and then a couple weeks go by and council members go when did this happen I'm like at the last council meeting I said we're gonna have this event we'll have this activity but the dates go by really fast so we'll try to make sure to send it on a calendar um I know many of you know that our our Kathy my assistant recently uh retired which was a wonderful we will try to coordinate that that was an issue in our office but I know that I update and tell all the council members and I know at the last meeting we mentioned with the chief about our substation we mentioned with the uh upcoming events and activities and now with the cops and Bobbers and the fall festivals but please if you can and I know we'll share it um are we sending these to the council with the dates Citywide to the can we send this bulleted with all of the dates let's let's have our staff send that to the council I think that would help out in terms of the council meeting so you have a copy and then you'll keep the dates we also Rene sends us andette sends as well as information as well as our city cler we're get all due respect I put the the failure and the owners of responsibility on me and not on not on you of course or Administration we just have to yes that can promote Council awareness you know is obviously appreciated sure it's to the community council is always working on all of these events and activities and uh I think we've been blessed with having so many activities recently I think we've had like three or four a day council president so we get represented um representation everywhere but even for the community U we're working on making sure that the dates are all listed on one specific portal on the page so everyone can follow the dates of activities coming up it's a it's a pretty wonderful problem that we seem to be facing yes sir Council presid I I just want to comment I did take advantage of the canoe you did go canoe I went canoeing I had a phobia I did not run a canoe but um the setup and this is uh to both the police and the fire that that made it so much easier to to get over my phobia knowing that the fire department was was right there on right there on their boat just in case and and then and then part of my phobia I was ashamed a little bit because most of the water is very shallow so only thing you have to do is stand up if you f fall off the boat but it was a great experience it's become one of our more popular events we've had individuals come from all over even different counties to participate in the canoeing in the Pake river which highlights uh the excitement that we have over the investment to uh to clean up the lower part of the Pake River so we're appreciative of all of our Representatives including assemblyman and our federal Representatives that are fighting to ensure that we can get those monies and address that issue further to that thought you mentioned the River Walk yes could we would you mind sharing just a little bit about the Riverwalk where it is and where we hoping to be definitely so we're at Pake River by dundy Island Park uh which actually connects and if you go down South Street some of the development whether Tom Market Street or the properties there and I want to I want to commend the leadership and work of our business administrator Rick Fernandez we've been able to negotiate with our developers um as they continue to grow to give back to the community in one way or another and one of the ways that we've been pushing is their investment to beautify to add aesthetically to our city whether it's they're adding uh bushes trees Greenery but most recently to expand on our Riverwalk Bergen County right over the bridge whether in Garfield are also providing a Riverfront walk so we've been working with the county to connect their Riverwalk to the Pake Riverwalk from dundy Island palaski Park to East Maroa right behind our senior center so this ideally and I it doesn't perfectly connect but it's a beautiful wonderful walking path that goes from around dunde Island Park that will connect to the park behind marro Street with the senior building is and then once you get past dund the island can come around by South Street and go around the right in front of the uh River and we recently had a meeting today talking about the pavers that we're going to put the colors and the design so it's in our downtown area council president from maret Street South Street going all the way down uh by uh I believe it goes down past a street 10th Street but there's some disconnect and then it connects to dundy Island and then right over Monroe it's what we call uh East Monroe or the the end of the park by palas what is the other name North palaski we refer to it as everybody has a different term for and then it connects to the Bergen County uh River Walk on the other side thank you coun uh just um a little um issue that that um I see coming back down there is the uh setting up tents and the homeless in that area um and what are we doing about it because we we we've invested tons of money in it's it's extremely beautiful down here it's one uh families are enjoying the kids and I would I would hate to see that kids are you know a little frightened by walking the paths and and going down there with with that issue going that is a great point and I'll share some of the approaches I want to thank our Police Department our DPW we've been going around the city and addressing it we explained that uh individuals have an obligation to request permits if they want to camp out but you cannot have unauthorized tents in the city so they get confiscated uh we we must take a very pragmatic approach considering the legalities in addressing individuals here's a real Challenge and I I'll be very clear with the council and with the community we're we're in a bit of a of a dilemma where other municipalities may push individuals and then to a different municipality and then we address it and it becomes sort of this back and forth these are the months to be become much harder so if you consider in the summer there are many jobs available Landscaping construction opportunities day jobs what we often refer to so people are able to find those jobs and then they pay for rooms as the seasons change and those jobs dry up and people no longer have those funds they don't have the money that is available weekly to pay for those rooms you start seeing an increase in the volume that's happens every year during the fall and the winter we have a resource center not a homeless shelter but a resource center available for individuals our Human Services go out our police offer opportunities to take them to resources such as uh shelters and other municipalities connect them to addiction programs through our mailbox program in the city of Pake we try to connect them if they have benefits Social Security veterans programs but it is a a challenge and a dilemma we see throughout the entire state of New Jersey we continue to address it we've recently approached shopping carts our police and our DPW have been confid skting shopping carts I'm sorry yes you'll see an ordinance on our agenda as our business administrator will reminding to adjust the shopping cart ordinance we've been confiscating them because they do not belong on the street they're only supposed to be at shopping centers to address in this manner but as mayor I'm always very direct with our community and our Council and I want to tell you you cannot arrest the homeless problem away exactly you cannot enable them we tell the municipality um leaders residents please don't go and bring food or money you're only enabling and encouraging individuals stay in the area we're working as a city to take them from the streets and tell them where they can get help sometimes individuals well-meaning council members will come with sandwiches or donuts and coffee and money and we're going you're you're working against the city you may not intend to do so you want to help out but what you're doing is you're encouraging people not only to stay in area but to call others every Wednesday they bring sandwiches and money here or every every Friday they bring coffee so as a city we're telling them they can't and then sometimes churches faith-based institutions not for profit they're trying to do good but they're making it more difficult for us to remove them we've had the police go out and tell them they can't be on public property sometimes they try to go into private property we've changed lights um to make them brighter less conducive at night so people aren't sleeping out there we've been clearing the benches we've added certain dividers on the benches to make them less conducive for one to sleep on them we're doing everything that we can but the truth is we we are we are limited we cannot arrest them we we cannot force them to come off the street so we continue to offer the assistance and ensure that we're not creating an environment that incentivizes individuals to want to stay on the street thank you any questions for just one note I wanted to to add um it's my understanding I believe that the newly elected president Mexico is Jewish yes the newly elected president of Mexico is uh Jewish of Jewish background of Jewish desent and observant so it highlights Hispanic heritage uh we we had a a great conversation with the uh with the specific uh director who came from South Carolina former Board of Education commissioner EVN Robinson who uh stated she is uh she is of African-American descent but of Hispanic ethnicity so the Hispanic Community comes from so many different faiths background with a Jewish Muslim Christian atheist agnostic whatever but it's again it highlights there's a there's no just one group in the Hispanic Community there's diversity and we get extremely excited to celebrate it thank you Council other questions not question but I know it might be a little too early but it's always great to let the public know if you can let us in on a little um about the anchor program I'm sure that both yourself and the mayor are having a like a workshop at the school you can mention that I believe Wednesday yeah Wednesday October 16th we have the anchor application assistance hosted by assemblyman sh who holds an uncanny resemblance to our council president along with mayor La I'm going to make that joke forever I just love it all right please join us and uh you will receive application assistance for property tax relief rebate programs application deadlines are November 30th and eligible homeowners and renters can receive up to $1,750 $1,750 we will post this up on the city hall website and I'm glad you remind me we also had our Italian flag raising this uh this weekend on Saturday we celebrated our Italian Community we had our Italian flag raising where we honored um someone you're familiar with council president uh former assemblyman Paul De atano along with u deputy chief Gentile or as he mentions that we need to pronounce genti I said no one has ever called you that but we'll do it today if you insist so we did I've never heard anyone but he did share that background and we also assisted with the uh Polish American parade with police officers I believe we sent them to New York to assist with Holy Rosary and father Stefan so those were two other additional cultural um communities that we celebrated in our remarkably diverse city of paain but yes the anchor program please come by to this program you be receiving up to $1,750 in return thank you if I yes sir there's no charge to apply um there'll be uh people available councilman in terms of Spanish and English of course the forms are now available in Spanish um we've all been trying to make a concerted effort and I must tell you within the 36 District which I have the privilege to to represent and Trenton as you know pic really stands out as as the best if not of the top five in terms of alerting the public in terms of the availabilities and um how to how to do things and get them done but we are coming to a November 30 closedown so we want to make sure that everyone is in process who would possibly can be how about those that have applied but never heard anything if they haven't heard anything um I would suggest that you ask them to uh call uh a district office of the leg ISL in my office certainly be free to take any phone calls we'll find out what the status is and get back to the person usually within a day or two okay thank you thank you ma'am council president if I may I actually just recall that I want to make sure we highlight this our city clerk did a fantastic presentation at our high school along with her staff Katherine was with her and our Academy to encourage young people once again to sign up to be poll workers for the election because we are in desperate need of individuals to work the elections it is a non-political position which uh pays up to $300 a day on election days and there are four elections a year and up to nine days for an election with early voting so you can make $2,700 just working the election helping people to uh to vote or just directing them where to go after doing the presentations in an online presentation the clerk did a fantastic job convincing people to sign up today we had a number of students Madam clerk how many high school students were present at the workshop today for the training 47 47 young people were certified for two years they are eligible to work any election in Pake County whether Clifton Wayne tooa Ringwood they can make uh just in one election alone up to $2700 and if they worked all the elections over $5,000 before prom as high school students which becomes very useful or to go towards College we're also working to connect them to the potential of college credits for working in terms of of uh civic's engagement it is a new law that was passed a relatively new law that allows them to earn college credits for working the election so we're extremely excited and then we got a number of residents that signed up so thank you Madame Clerk and to your staff for your hard work in uh encouraging and bringing this information to the community thank you mayor are there any other questions to the May at this time seeing none if we can move on to our agenda R number five hearing of citizens in accordance with the open public meetings act njsa 1041 at SEC the council opens every public meeting for comments of the public however in accordance with njsa Tim 4-12 nothing in this act shall be construed to limit the discretion of a public body to permit prohibit or regulate the active participation at any meeting therefore please be advised that the council will not entertain any comments from persons who communicate obscene material make statements which are considered bias intimidation in which a person intends to intimidate any individual or group because of race color religion gender handicapped sexual orientation or ethnicity or makes comments intending to harass or speak any offensive language the person who makes these statements will relinquish their allotted five minutes for public discussion if you would like to adjust the council so we invite you uh to come up we ask that you limit your remarks to 5 minutes and 5 minutes only and please share with us your first excuse me your only your name would anyone like to address the council please good evening everybody my name is Miroslav I am from 9th Street of Pak I am 35 years on the street and like a six month ago we did bring up in here problem with the King matresses which on are locate on our street and up to this time it looks for us nothing was done so we would like to see some something some action from the from this meeting or or the previous one but that's all what we see there is only support for that business really operation which one was going on on the big parking clot which one is attached to the business right now was moved on the sidewalk and the street and they are unloading door very door used very D mattresses which one can contain bed buxs and another insect probably even can contain Corona Co covid viruses or anything else and the operation is going on nonstop on the sidewalk and the and the street uh any any call to the police to do anything about it they're refusing they don't want to do nothing they are only attacking the resident if they don't have a chances to give us a ticket or tow the cars away and complet completely remind the blind eyes or anything what is going on that 53 ft trucks long big ones are going still on opposite direction and uh even few days maybe like a two weeks ago the two police cars was on the intersection of the pic Street and N Street watching the street work and the big truck was backing up they remind both of them blinds they didn't do anything it's so danger for us for people for a kids are we going to wait until they're going to hurt somebody or they're going to kill somebody or they're going to spread some kind of a diseases on the streets I we do not understand why the business which one has a big parking lot like at the beginning of that business was in use right now all all of the operations special are loading the used and the Dory mattresses is has been moved on the sidewalk and the street I by myself request police officer a few times to open up the sidewalk because we need to use the sidewalk because the employees let's say 20 of them they are coming to the truck to pick up the mattresses going back and it's like could be for one truck two hours like that we need to use the sidewalk and why we have to take a risk to get something from those Dory mates H the operation would it request at least to cut the hours of the operation they're operating every day including weekends after 6 a.m. the trucks are already on the street we need to take also a rest it's impossible that I don't know somebody like that maybe it's good idea be to to find the spot some for that business where where you have the houses and your family are living we have enough of that business and nothing was done uh in October 6th they called the police the police came in to four four cars and gave a ticket maybe for six the cars they didn't want to hear anything from the residents about complaints about that business nothing they have keeping Focus only on that business and in meantime also was like a 16 parking spaces was erased for a no reason one of them is on a Wall Street from the bridge to the entrance to the church I am 45 years and N9 Street and always that parking spaces have been in used right now last three months have been erased probably to make the happy the business owner easier to make a ter that should be not like that they should if they they need to really be in there they should operate on the big parking lot which one is attached to that business not at the sidewalk and the street very good sir thank you very much your time almost done uh Chief can you f I know the gentlemen and several members of the community uh were here before so it it actually is a work in progress we we've been down there several times and and met with the business owner the uh the business is moving out we had a conversation with them they're moving out but for now uh there has been an increase in traffic over there for many other reasons besides the mattress location um but we have also looked into setting up ordinances for the the weight of trucks that go down in that area I think that once um that is instituted let's say or enacted that'll help out significantly council president if I may and I know that the resident had stated that nothing had been done I just want to clarify on this very agenda the ordinance that we had committed to do on the axles uh you can find that right there on ordinance seven ordinance number one um ordinance second and final reading so I I just want to share it specifically which number is it number three four number four so we we made a commitment to have an ordinance to address the weight of these trucks to outlaw them we had stated in the previous meeting that it's a legal process we have to make a law that the council would have an ordinance and then it could be enforced but I know at the last meeting Council uh president individuals came from Ninth Street even highlighted Captain Bernett for his efforts to address the area so we have been addressing it we understand that people feel it isn't quick enough but we we have to operate within the law so this changing of the law now gives the police the enforcement Authority you know to State these trucks don't belong there but we we also stated it to the group when they first came that we were going to do this and it's on the agenda tonight so there has been a response maybe many aren't privy to the process or didn't recall but we we said we would do this approach and it's being done right now the council is following through with the ordinance and if the council votes in the affirmative to approve it the police will begin to enforce these trucks and these trailers not being allowed there thank you council president thank you m so that Mak sense to you the bottom the bottom line is you're looking for change um we're looking for change as well the administration I think has done an incredible job to come up with some really novel ideas and very quickly the problem is that they they legally cannot be implemented until they're passed before this Council and and supported by the mayor and his administration the ordinance takes effect 20 days I'm sorry 20 days after it's published so 20 days after so if the ordinance passes tonight we have to add 20 days but after the 20 20th day at that point the Can the police can take that active role that we're looking to happen in the meantime Chief is there anything more that can be done I mean this is problem is is is so harmful to the community I would just encourage the residents to to call us I don't be uh I think that the police is not there to help you the police is actually there to to to keep the uh Community safe um and at times it seems some trucks that go into that area and can't make that turn as far as officers issuing tickets to to cars that are residents there that's inappropriate that has to be looked into so I assure you that that'll be looked into but um the when like I mentioned before there's all kinds of trucks going on there for many other reasons um but as far as that business um they're moving I mean that's that's the good part of this in a year yeah they're slowly migrating over to uh Street obviously the concern is I don't have the pleasure to live on N the problem is you've got to we're telling these people they're going to be dealing with an unbearable situation for another year until the other one moves that's OB not work if they cannot load from the street over the sidewalk it's simply enforcing that they're supposed to be doing it within their parking lot if it is a loading zone we understand that the the transportation of the mattress from the vehicle to the business blocks the sidewalk but unless they're placing it on the sidewalk it is a legal activity like any other business when you're loading you have to take it from the street into the business I think the question at hand is if it's not a loading zone they cannot load there and block the sidewalk so the police are able to come and say either put the truck in the parking lot or stop this activity and go and that that has to be made clear so I believe Chief if we can clarify that to the police there is no scenario where they should be loading in a non-loading Zone and blocking the sidewalk for hours when they're supposed to be inside of their parking lot and if there is an identified loading zone that could be brought to the council for the council to consider whether they want to eliminate it or address it but as of right now I do not believe it is a legitimate loading zone so they should not even if they appear to be legally parked and we understand that the issues that are already existed there were only exacerbated by a street selling where shoppr right used to be they used to be able to park there they rented it that is no longer available they construct that's out of our control it's not our property that was a private agreement with a private property owner and the trucks so the trucks can't park there now they're using the sidewalk we should be enforcing that there is no excuse for it so if they cannot load there we must enforce it with the police that is the only direction that we need to follow absolutely so what can this gentleman and his associates and friends and neighbors going back to their homes tonight what what should they have in mind what should they be expecting tomorrow and for the next 20 days until the ordinance is is legal to be implemented and and for the next 12 months until there there's some movement on behalf of that business so so the police department will will go down there in the morning it's from when I went down there with with traffic we'll go down there and we'll we'll surve survey the uh location and and enforce some of the things that that were brought up uh the loading zone it's the mayor is correct um that that business um in the time that we were down there we saw all the traffic that was going and and the people coming down the one way and and things of that sort we were down there for an hour and we saw three cars attempting to make that turn because they didn't want to go around or or Vans or whatever it was so we I can assure you that uh we'll be responding to that location the new substation downtown in the U Wall Street the additional police mies okay that's perfect there'll be two officers assigned there tomorrow morning I guarantee you that to clarify for the council U or Urban Enterprise Zone we are recently adding police through an initiative in order to patrol our U it was approved by the state so we can now hire and utilize police for our Urban Enterprise Zone or our commercial areas in Wall Street is a designated U Zone that's why the chief can now assign police officers directly there beginning tomorrow Council please yes um in our ordinance is it possible to probably implement the the delivery time to be maybe from 7 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and even in maybe the weekends I mean I don't I don't know how the business is operating seven days a week and I'm sure weekend is where families are home I think councilwoman we read the ordinance because we were looking for ways to resolve this issue and I think the the ordinance say does have a time period where you can and cannot make deliveries I'm I'm sorry not make deliveries but it's I can't remember the language off hand but it then leaves an opening or um the ability for deliveries for businesses the challenge councilwoman and our attorney would be able to answer whether ordinances could be changed it's not so much the hour but the location see they have a parking lot so whether they're doing it from seven to five or a different hour they're utilizing the sidewalk in the street to load so they shouldn't be doing this at any hour so I think obviously we could considered times and what would be um most effective in in minimizing the disruption of regular operations in the area but it's really the location and that's what we need to address yeah they have they have the parking lot the the trailers are being used are so huge that's why this counts when its wisdom is passing this ordinance or rather considering it I believe has intention to pass it which would restrict these uh vehicles of this size to even be in the area that will obviously give the police the opportunity to enforce because not only should they not be loading the police will say you don't even have a right to be on this street and that will get the word around very quickly that if they don't want to deal with the police they should be inside of the parking lot thank you thank you very much is there anyone else who would like to address the councel yes ma' I'm I'm sorry M Gra I'll leave that God knows Evelyn T Robinson 2226 Street um also president of the VIN Village Community Association um I have a couple of comments but I'm gonna ask them really question say what I have to say and then I could get the response afterwards um thank you to the mayor and administration for opening that substation before you had the official opening they were up and down Pake Street we love like look at the cop they were going in and out of the buildings um talking to the business owners talking to everyone they like hey how you doing how's and I loved it and we even um myself and Millie Valentine my one of my building reps we went inside and met with them and um it we we welcome them to come on six Street and U meet with us come down any time and um so I I'm very happy about that the bus um I saw he had something about bus stops I just want to mention that please have the officers Force it's against the law to park and a bus stop big sign parking police up they walk right by cops there and I'm telling you gets worse in the winter because the snow that's out there so we have to stand I'mma I tell youbody T stands for Transit not ter resta as it should be you stand in the street because the cars are blocking and the buses don't see you particularly if those SUVs the big cargo vans and they don't see you and particular downtown I'm glad you mentioned about the trucks and all because it is horrendous going down the Stak Street and particularly in the after say like the 233 forget it it's it's really bad you're on the bus like when is he gonna are we gonna go down the street or what do I cook dinner on this bus what's going on and because it's that bad that's how much tra the traffic is really that bad so I'm glad that's going to be addressed I know what he's talking about I live on Sixth Street so I know what he's talking about I mean up then I'm sure you're aware um but please they've got to enforce the bus stops because we're we're standing there hoping that the slush everything from the cars are not going to Splash on us while we're standing outside standing waiting for a bus to tag him down um thank you for the Sixth Street bus stop I wasn't here to be able to sit thank you so much but now people are upset because they're G take away to Fourth Street both stop so folks are upset about that um but there a way to win I got six Street on the corner I'm like we good she's happy she don't care about the also I have to say the M when they put the six Street stop they removed the one on fourth in front of the juice bar and I was on the bus I called the bus on Wall Street and an elderly woman who was on there before me she had to get off and the gentleman would not we realized that the stop was gone that meant she had to go all the way up to Market Street and walk back down with H grocery car that was not acceptable and I think the mayor they moved it past the driveway so I was in front of the grocery store but now that bu stop is still there so thank you very much for that um veterans house um please explain to me afterwards the ordinance about new apartment buildings providing parking spaces for their residents we have a we have a problem we have 116 six street we have 116 Apartments between 200 226 we only have 82 parking slots we all know the way things are now folks have two cars and I have one family has three because each the mother father and the son we've had a couple of our residents who lived on six Street they moved to the new buildings on further down the new ones they don't want to pay that 125 the landlords are charging $125 to park in the in the park l so what do they do they come right there between and they come and they par there so that's taking even more away from us and so I know that one time six Street was under the housing authorities six and they passed it because that's when we when we all did a a petition to turn it into a one way and so everybody saiding yes it is no it isn't who does the who does the plowing that needs to be settled we need to know who actually owns and operates 6 because what we would like to do is now have from 200 to 226 to be just for residents who live at Vin Village because and that's something the residents we we've been going around and that's what's come up to us um because we don't we don't have the parking what is the ordinance what is the law for these if they're if we're letting them build and they're providing but now they're going to charge $125 the rent for two bedroom is already $ 22 and $2,300 and now they want to be greedy enough to pay to charge $125 a month for parking that's not right it's not fair I don't think it's right so your time is up that's that okay my time wa thank you very much we need and I see you parking you're providing parking all over but we have the parking spaces for downtown we don't have any thank you for now forgive me for cutting you off you not pardon forgive me for cutting you off you not no that's okay very good thank you Miss ggs answer my question good I'm sorry please questions council president the parking were added by dundy Island by Fourth Street uh we did the parking lots there I do want to clarify Just for information just because we we've learned this recently I'm not saying this is why it's being done certain individuals are limited in terms of subsidized uh uh housing of how much you're allowed to pay for an apartment an example let's say you're only allowed 1,500 provided to you to through a program of Section 8 but the apartment is 1,700 if the owner identifies the additional 200 for parking you're now allowed as an amenity to use your section 8 and still qualify for the apartment some who have been providing uh apartments in order to qualify people of low income either add a fee for pets or for a parking space and then this becomes an opportunity it's not always the case but sometimes people ask why are they charging for parking it allows some people with subsidized uh housing to apply for the parking opportunities I know the business administrator wanted to share a little bit in terms of the answers council president if that's all right so additionally and uh going along with the mayor's vision and what the council's approved is uh it's about another 100 maybe like 100 120 spaces that are going to be about 50 to 60 right on right on the backyard of uh reeland and then another 50 or 60 down at the at the dead end uh where the old railroad tracks were so the mayor was adamant to make sure that the project had that and the idea would be that residents could get over night residential permits if you may recall the mayor proposed and was approved downtown has a residential parking permits to avoid people from other towns parking downtown and that would carry over into these new hundred and some spaces right now we're currently waiting for the State uh to approve the permit it's in the dp's hands to approve the bill the permit for construction and once that happens those parking is tied into the Riverwalk the mayor was talking about and the first pedestrian bridge in the city that would create the railroad that goes from our Riverwalk to the Garfield Riverwalk so that's all together in that one project that would bring at least another hundred parking spaces literally right between palaski and dundy Island Park for the residents including the strip parking on Hudson to increase the parking spaces as well as the parking lot that was developed on Fourth Street to add the additional parking spaces but I would say that the business administrator uh with the council's direction we'll look into the property on vand to see if this was a previous ordinance and perhaps uh we can bring back some kind of report to the council to see what approach we can take to help ensure that the residents there have access to parking I will state to reinforce um Mrs Robinson's point in our meeting today council president our chief of the fire department expressed a very alarming concern that even the fire trucks coming from downtown can't get through the street fast enough because of these long trailers which again highlights the importance of this ordinance that the council will pass because it will not allow these long trailers to be on the road they're not just holding back residents and buses it's very concerning they're holding back our fire apparatus from being able to travel out of our Jefferson um headquarters to respond to a fire so we're very appreciative of the council passing this but thank you for H we do have parking initiatives through the work not just with my office but working with the city council to try to expand parking opportunities and through the permit we've seen less cars coming from out of town but we will continue with the expansion of parking opportunities our latest one is a potential parking deck on Park revenue that we're looking to get funding for on Parker thank you we got them all I think the bus stop was the only one if we move it to Fourth six get said if we move it back to six fourth will be upset that's I'll leave that to the council to decide mayor I must tell you that the responsiveness is extraordinary please M grece even Renee GRE 23 ason Place Apartment 6C first of all on um August the 20 Saturday August the 24th uh spear Village gave their back to school school supply giveaway I did not have the opportunity to come last month but I'd like to thank the following people the PBA always providing the ice cream truck the fire department for coming out and cooking hot dogs and hamburgers for our children Council persons Dr Terence love and councilwoman Marissa colog Martinez for adopting kids and making them so happy with book bags and school supplies um colog that um the family that you gave that generous gift card to really needed it really needed it they said to tell you God bless you it was a helpful situation we pre-registered some of our residents to Mayor Laura thank you for those gift certificates you gave we gave it to the persons that were in need um I'm often asked um who needs stuff and it's two different lists it's the needy and the greedy we try to give everybody wants it but everybody doesn't need it and we try to provide those who needed so we want to say thank you on behalf of the residents of Spar Village however we have a lot of concerns at Spar Village on last month at the safe houses Authority Board of Commissioners meeting residents and myself as a spokesperson we had asked the housing authority to defund the police department because the 100% of that contract money comes off of AMP one spare Village which is the only traditional public housing existing in the city of Pate reasons being when little children seek me out and tell me police officers are disrespectful I'm a Believer child that have not even left number six school yet they don't have no reason to seek me out to lie to me that's number one part of our reasons is um disrespectful treatment we receive from these police officers and the unhuman treatment we have had officers so in the last month or so I saw about 22 different tapes of officers standing by while residents live at Spar Village being attacked by Outsiders we hold to the fire because of our lease and nothing is being done and we are taking steps towards that I did have a meeting with executive director Ron vinia today about this subject because I think he wanted to calm me down because it's meeting is tomorrow but we are persistent because that money could be utilized to uplift our community instead of being treated disrespectfully by people we are ultimately paying M GS thank you for comment if I may ask did I hear you straight did I hear you correctly when you said that the Breeland board passed a resolution to defund Police Department no I I want I want to get it clear no I didn't say anybody passed the resolution I say residents all 383 of us agree that the police need to be defunded from any funds that's coming out of spare Village and one's money that's what we ask for thank you which is a half a million dollar thank you ma'am anyone else like to address the council please yes sir hello hi good afternoon uh thank you for seeing me today on Tuesday really appreciate you guys having me with my kids I brought them today um um I know you guys saw my son his name is BR president I'm gonna ask you to speak a little bit louder please okay hi can you hear me and we need your name for the record my name is Freddy Perez thank you sir no problem I live in 1829 Street and I brought my kids with me today because as you can see um it's hard um with the babysitting situation and me and my wife we both work in healthcare so um I wanted to say thank you for having us today and allowing us to speak with you guys directly I really appreciate that opportunity uh as you guys can see I brought a card we walk on average between three to five blocks every day to get home at night between 7 to 8 because my kids have special needs so they go to speech therapy um they go to um adapical therapy find motor skills therapy for speech delay and like uh HDH and unfortunately you know I have to take them to these therapies three to four times a week I have three different kids so I have to take them um parking I know it's a it's a problem in paake I know the city is definitely like um it's full we have a lot of citizens you mention all the statistics thank you I just I just hope that we can have better communication like if there is any way that we can improve the communication because I feel like a lot of the problems in the community is because of a lack of communication and like it could be something simple like the board that you posted in front of city hall with like meeting minutes forms sign up activity to sign up I feel like there's a lack of communication and they could be like a sign saying parking hours between these hours to these hours will not be allowed it could be something so simple like that like for example my car got told that day that the gentleman was speaking about earlier that couple cars got got told my car was one of them it got ticketed and told I just got out of work after working 12 hour shifts I got home my son is sick I was up all night with my son and my car's gone in the morning and it was already 8 o'clock in the morning and we couldn't go to church on Sunday because I had to go get my car and then I had go take my son to the hospital you know it's it's not the fact that I got told I understand it wasn't parked properly I understand that we got to pay the ticket I understand we got to pay the fine for the troll truck it's just like if we had a a sign that said between these hours it's not allowed it's fine as least at least I know because the the problem is the owner says one thing the tener tells another thing like for example we had a previous tenant before this tenant took over that particular unit his name is Peter he said as long as I'm not there you guys can park anytime because he was willing to work with the community and the community was willing to work with him so if he will come for any reason he will call one of us he will notify us hey guys I'm coming please move your vehicle out of the way so I can come do my job and leave we will be there we will move our cars everybody knows everyone in the community because we're a close Community um I'm actually the newest person and I only been in the community two years but most of my neighbors been in the community 26 plus to 30 years in the community so it's very easy if we just communicate better I just feel like we have to find a better way to communicate either with signs with particular time of parking or like more signs like the permit parking and even if it's for example public pace for example public spaces like Parks churches or like a public space that is after hours that is closed already for the community I was wondering can we do anything to help since we already have everyone register on that area can the register residents from that area use those spaces because they're just Clos they're just sitting there Clos and empty and those would I feel like those places would alleviate the stress from people parking on the wrong spots like people like instead of blocking Corners fire hydrants top signs I feel like those public spaces that are closed at night and people already register and have their permit and have their decal posted why we can't just use them if they're just they're available and they're just closed at least to alleviate the stress because I feel like everyone is trying to make the best out of the situation like I just I just bought a wagon for my cars for my kids to make it easier that that's just for the kids imagine if I got groceries it just I'm just trying to make it like communication has to be a little bit better I just hope we can find a way to make it better you know we can make boards we can make signs we can put a QR code we can put a community outreach program some [Music] something cutch you off I'm sorry Mr oh no it's okay you might want to stay there I have a feeling there you might get a question the councilman love your life yes I just said a few questions um I'm just curious why did you get to I was Park in the space that I was told I could park between uh those night hours overnight until 8:00 a.m. and then I at like the gentleman said at 6: am the trucks were already outside so they had call the to trucks so I didn't have any time to even get out and get my car moved so so I'm curious um because you you did yes so is there signage there or there's sign saying that no parking allow anytime that's what I'm hoping if we could just because I feel like the city's saying one thing the tenant saying a different thing the owner saying a different we just have a sign that says between these hours please do not park that way just just to have clear communication because I feel like the message is not getting across I just want to and again I would never just say that's not my responsibility I'm just trying be Clarity um you did park near a sign that that said no parking in time yes for the business but the tenant that owns that space he used to tell us you can park here until this time or I will reach out to you guys and let you guys know if you guys need to BU V vehicle but now we have a new tenant that took over that unit and he's the one saying you cannot park at all well like that's what I mean the sign would would just make it easier justun City not not the city itself it's just it's just because everyone's saying different things so I just want to I want to have it like clear communication for everyone all right and I just wanted to comment on on something that one is and two would cause even more chaos and that's parking in religious institutions B based places and or businesses uh what we assume is after hours right because there could be funerals there could be sessions there could be um activity that's going on now they would go through same process of trying to figure out whose car is which at that particular time and then we know some people will say okay they they don't usually do anything on Saturday so they and Sunday so they might leave their car from Friday to Monday right which would cause those those places um some gaves right I'm sorry will cause them you know um problems in terms of trying to have their function and what they are so that's something that the city and I'm sure the mayor and our business administrator is going to talk to that something that I know we do as a council okay just wanted to those things thank you councilman Council M please thank you council president maybe what you guys can do as residents is contact those Faith PA and ask them say look the days that you guys are not in operation can we park there as a community and they can give you because again it's private property the city can't really tell them or mandate them to allow you guys to park there maybe if you guys as a community can speak to them and say look um Friday Saturdays Sundays when you guys are not utilizing it or even after hours from 700 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. can we utilize them you guys can have an agreement that the car will be out of there therefore you can avoid you know being towed and stuff like that I think you mentioned conversation goes a long way but that conversation has to take place with the with the owners of those private properties we unfortunately we cannot mandate them to do anything like that it it is their property thank you council president I wasn't clear maybe you guys can help me or through the council president was this a parking in front of a a garage a driveway I heard the the gentleman State the the tenant owns the parking space and I know we have handicap spaces assigned to individuals or is this a parking garage where they were they parked in front of the entrance and the Tenant called if we can get some clarity Mr peris can you help us out here it's a garage it's a garage on what street on Ninth Street yes okay and in terms of the reference to parking public parking spaces dundy Island Park is a county park through the agreement that they would maintain it so they close the park evening so we that's why we're creating the additional parking on the other side which will provide public parking spaces for the residents right in the area but dund the island we can reach out to the county however they they have closed that off and then I believe this Council in the past has pushed that individuals who will toll vehicles for parking violations must post that they will toll vehicles I know this occurs on parking lots perhaps uh we could explore with the attorney through the council whether any any parking space that is restricted if it is to be enforced and for lack of a better term I know the connotation is strong but on threat of Towing must identify can be told and that may be the communication that the resident would look to because if you know that you can be told now you have no excuse you park there you knew you could be told because no parking sometimes means you might get a ticket and it sometimes means you get told perhaps we can consider telling some of these owners they are required to put up signs you can be told if you do not move your vehicle would that be something that we' be open to or can we explore that with the attorney I I think the administration's discussion with the attorney would be very valid as well as uh other possibility of excuse me of legislation or implementation the difficulty is as you know Mr per as well if not better than anyone else and that is there's there's just not enough parking spaces and that's you know and the mayor with his initiatives have created I I can't believe it's been so successful but it's still not enough and that's why we need to be supported in so much of what he's doing in terms of car parks and and striping and everything else which adds a space here a space there a 300 spaces somewhere else I mean it's we're trying to get it done oh I know it's a work in progress I know the city is growing I know we I just hope we can get more space somehow but thank you thank you Mr P is there anyone else who'd like to address the council please yes sir my name is Boris John maluta I live at 218 President Street right across the street from the Ukrainian school which I attended from 1959 I'm 76 going to be 77 in December thir and I have a a situation that the the church decided to knock down the neighboring two houses next to me and demolish them and replace them with a 44 unit apartment house the problem is I've been living I've been going to that school and I we purchased my parents purchased the house in 1961 I've been living there all my life for 62 years or whatever it is uh the situation is these houses were this was a a Van Winkle's Farm in 1875 there was a map in it in the library I noticed it from the river all the way up to Lexington Avenue uh on that street between Highland and the and President Street and uh M the the Morland family uh the Marines Morland purchased Lots in there on that on that farm and they subdivided into Leonard Morland and uh they had five Lots uh right where my house is five houses they built them in the 1890s now no days there was a depression in 1892 so what happens is people got paid a dollar a day 10 cents an hour maybe even 8 cents an hour except for their craftsmen who made the stairs and the materials they used they weren't aware of ASB bestas in plaster and and in even when the World Trade Center fell down it's silicon dioxide it's in the column the periodic table under carbon but it's once it goes in into your body it doesn't come out and so I work for Manhattan rubber we used to put asbes in in the engineering department in the brake lining division that was Building 54 before that building was used by Marone in 1900 to make his Wireless thing so it's a lot of history in there but anyway I'm familiar with asers they used to F silica silica is also silicon dioxide but the various kinds of as bestes are are round circular spheres or spikes the spikes are so deadly they go through your skin and stay in your body forever nothing can get them out well if they knock down these buildings they're going to have dust and my property is right next to this the school the Ukrainian school is uh borders the private road called Schneider court and the apartment building there was built in 1922 I believe it was the Blau family it was the lawyers for that family but they sold it to Kan and Cain sold it to several other people and then Mr heppel bought it for $3 million sold it to several rabbis in from Brooklyn for $5 million but then there's a private Street there's a school at I it's 212 then the building that was bought next to it in 1952 by father balinsky who came from Detroit and waited 40 four years from 1948 to 52 to buy that building for the for the sisters and then the next building was built was uh my my father purchased in ' 61 but then the next building six two6 was the elderly Jewish M gentleman who who belonged to the nursing home benai Israel nursing home which became the second building for the Ukrainian Catholic uh grade school and so uh it says Ukrainian American school on it but uh what happens there the current priest wants to have some money coming in they rented out the parking lot for for $30 a month to a parking space for cars on the street because there's hardly any parking like you mentioned for this gentleman and then they then then then it ran up to $60 a month $50 a month and now the contractors had trucks in there for $100 a month and then he decided to clear them out out clear out the building and make an apartment house if they these two houses are filled with material that it has its best in it the plasure that they used they didn't know about best best in 189 192 how deadly it was a a doctor of environmental medicine actually did research on ASB bestus in Pay County in Patterson in fact I called up the uh Channel 4 NBC News and told him that uh Hanrahan of ABC had a environmental scientist check out the the World Trade Center itself has not only sand uh dust but as best as linings he also had mercury in the lights so it became a Mercury mine when it collapsed so people were were dying and then Christy Whitman all she could do and I I notified them and I told them well they were afraid to say anything about it but I said hram and an environmental scientist said he wouldn't even go into the World Trade Center because he has best now that that's recently built you know in in the 20th century but the the the buildings there you'd have to water them down with water with the with the fire hoses in fact there was a fire and there's a fire hydrant right by in front of the school by the building at 2011 the the large apartment house 18 built in 1922 and so what happens is uh the water will get contaminated with the asbest it doesn't go away it goes into the river they contaminate the river if they have to house it down and and the land will be and the other thing is traffic it's up on the hill there's two Hills here that's very dangerous Ascension Street and South forgive me sir I five minutes I cannot the traffic let me just one more sentence no sir okay I'm no sir everyone has given five minutes and five minutes only okay so we very much appreciate your coming down tonight very much appreciate I learned so much from your comments yeah okay I understand I what you're saying have people to step down from the podium please okay thank you very much Mr thank you and we might we may strongly suggest that you speak to the DP um in terms of the State Department of Environmental Protection as well as the federal for their work in this area which I'm sure if they don't know about they need to be appraised of so I'm not your five your five minutes is over thank you thank you very much thank you very much yes sir Joe conen uh council president going back to uh the last meeting I would say is there any studies or anything being done on Irving Place with the illegal parking on sidewalk my first question my second one here is bus stops double parking crosswalks corners um there's been officers out there a few times but after a while the rest of the day all the cars are back again um is there any way it could be enforced to get tickets out or I don't know do something with this this is on bus stops sir yeah bus stops crosswalks everything you name it everything's on Broadway you could you could go through a couple books if you give out tickets a day my next question is was there any studies made on bake Abby and vanh by the train on paath that's falling apart and no lighting at all you got when it rains you get the water when it snows you get icicles that's how bad it is my next question here is on uh Gregory and Mertle Avenue the city city um Park I had the uh DPW and stuff they put signs up but now we have a little problem I don't know if the chief could uh uh front it or the parking uh um enforcers or somebody on uh you have uh Jehovah Witness on how Avenue so he look for parking so they use that spot without reading the signs says no parking and then you got people that's too lazy to go into the lot for the med clinic and they park in that lot so you have cars parking on a sidewalk in that area there my last questions that I have I noticed the last meeting and I noticed this meeting on the agenda about messaging boards I don't know exactly how many there is I don't know there's 10 15 messag in boards throughout the city but I I would like to see that more in use so in other words these are talking about all these demonstrations with the ebikes and all why can't you put it on the migan board to let people know you cannot use extension cord with batteries you know common sense a little bit um then you have other issues you have garbage issues let the people know that you got to use garbage cans instead of uh putting garbage bags because because all all the rats throughout the city there quite a bit um and then there's other uses that it could be used for uh these are my questions tonight good deal thank you sir um you mentioned on Irving Place illegal paring yes there is the one side of the street uh bus stops you mentioned it by crosswalks again there's not enough parking um you asked in terms of if there's been any studies done in terms of the the train under the pass my Pake pass yeah um you mentioned the difficulties on C Avenue with the Jehovah's Witnesses no Gregory and mytle there's a city lot there small lot belongs to the city and they just put signs there were no parking because they park on the sidewalk so Nobody's around everybody's going to use I'm sorry forgive me is that Jehovah's Witnesses or is that the Church of Latter Day Saints no that's Jehovah Witness as far as I know on how having you all right I'm pretty sure it's I'm I'm pretty sure it's the Mormon Community but is Jehovah Witness on how Avenue there okay course from the firhouse and and your last point was in terms of messaging boards to alert people to uh some concerns Chief can you help us with those areas that gentleman spoke about in terms of parking uh Irving Place uh where bus stops are trying to get in um Highway Avenue so he's brought up these issues in past meetings and they've been all addressed the U officers that walk up and down Broadway have been issuing a lot of tickets uh for the bus stops not just on Broadway but I m throughout the city so and then the other point Joe that you brought up concerning murle and DPW we cleared the area DPW put up the signs and now you're telling me that Jehovah Witnesses are for parking yes yes I can not imagine any sure they are it's open been address they don't have a parking lot we we'll give it a look but all all the issues that you brought up today Joe have been addressed yeah but after you guys leave I don't know if they there all day long the cars are all back again what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get the statistics on this I'm GNA get the numbers on this and and because I don't have them on hand but they all these issues that you brought up have been addressed well they're still there I mean something that the B and the mayor brought up about the pictures they've actually been directed by myself to go issue summonses on on at the bus stops how from the last meting how often as often as possible I'm not gonna have a give and take gentlemen you you had your time to speak the chief has answered thank you very much sir anyone else like to address the council please good evening counselors good evening counselors uh my name is er sir if you could speak much louder please it's hard to hear you my name is Eric Alo I've been on Ninth Street for 28 years um recently my um agent my home owner my home owners agent gave us a call and told us that uh home own the home M owner Insurance had Skyhigh it went Sky High du to the commercial building and because of the mattresses she had to uh let us go she had to cancel my homeowners insurance because she doesn't do they don't do commercial she says now you I have we have commercial and residential and that it went up very high and we've been I've been where like for 12 years and I've been living there for 28 years and she canceled us because of because of the commercial building she says y due to them where you live is now commercial residential so she told me you know she you know take a look at it and find out what she wanted me to actually do was ask the um the mattress people what insurance they do they do they have for the commercial and if they paying it then why should we pay but if they're not paying then we're gonna be involved with them and like I said she cancelled me because she doesn't do commercial and I've been with her for over 12 years so that's that's the problem there for I have to look for homeowners insurance and that block with like I I've been there 28 years and you know it's been the same uh another thing I would like to address is um on Ninth Street when you're coming out on the left it's very difficult like to pull out even though you have a yellow lines there people Park and it's hard to see the cars coming you know going to Walmart maybe that's easier but making is pretty hard you have look look and people just you know just driving recklessly um just basically it was just that that my homeowners insurance got cancelled because of this and all she asked me to ask the councils for them to show that they paying homeowners insurance yeah I mean for commercial for commercial and not put it on us I was just told that this week that we have to find another carrier that's pretty much it okay thank you thank you sir I I don't know um what the city's response could could be to this it seems to be A Private Matter um we thank you for coming down we thank you for sharing with us anyone else like to address the council please see no hands I move to close the public portion second motion and second to close public portion roll call please councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilwoman colz and council president Shar yes thank you we are on the agenda remal six ordinance the second and final readings hearing is required number one proposed ordinance 24614 and ordinance amending chapter 317 zoning schedule of regulations part three of the city of Bic introduced at the September 5th council meeting is there a motion please to open public hearing move second motion and second roll call please councilman love yes Council woman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes Council MZ yes and council president share yes thank you ladies and gentlemen at this time the council is contemplating proposed ordance 2461 isone like to address the Council on this item and this item outl see no hands move the PO councilman love yes Council Melo yes councilman schw yes councilman Garcia yes councilwoman colz yes and council president Sher yes thank you on the ordinances there maker please move it motion second second roll call please councilman love yes Council woman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilman col monz yes and council president Sher yes thank you number two proposed ordinance 2463-20 an ordinance amending the designation of restricted parking for disabled persons by New Jersey license plate number is there a motion please to open public hearing second roll please councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilwoman colz and council president Sher yes thank you ladies and gentlemen at this time the council is contemplating proposed on it's 2463 is there anyone who would like to address the Council on this item and this item saying no hands I move to close the public portion second motion to close dra call please councilman love yes councilman yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilman and council president sh yes thank you one the ordinance please move second councilman love yes councilman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilman colz and council president sh yes thank you number three please propos the order 5464 d24 in ordinance amending chapter 295 of the code of the city of P entitled vehicles and traffic parenthesis 48 Bergen Street and parenthesis is there a motion please to so moving council president second motion and second councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilman MZ and council president Shar yes thank you ladies and gentlemen at this time the council will be contemplating proposed ordinance 2464 d24 is there anyone who would like to address the Council on this this item and this item only saying no hands I move to close the public portion second motion to close in second roll call please councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilwoman col monz yes and council president Sher yes thank you on the ordinances dur make pleas so move it second councilman love yes councilman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilman monz yes and council president Sher yes thank you that was on the ordinance yes yes next please number four proposed ordinance 2465-20 an ordinance amending chapter 295 of the code of the city of P entitles vehicles and traffic is there a motion please to open public hearing move second motion and second roll call councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes Council MZ and council president Shar yes thank you at this time ladies and gentlemen the council will be contemplating proposed ordinance 2465-20 is there anyone who' like to address the Council on this item and this item on me please say no hands I move to close the public portion second Motion in second to close public portion councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilwoman colz and council president Sher yes thank you on the ordinance please is there a maker right second you motion and second on 2465 councilman love yes councilman Melo yes councilman schwar yes councilman Garcia yes Council and council president Shar yes thank you number five please proposed ordinance 2466 d24 an ordinance amending the city code of the city of P chapter 295 vehicles and traffic article 16 bus stops section 38 locations to relocate bus stop on on Broadway is there a motion please to open public hearing some more second motion and second roll call please councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman schz yes councilman Garcia yes councilwoman goom monz and council president Sher yes thank you ladies and gentlemen at this time the council is contemplating proposed ordinance 2466-20 is there anyone who would like to address the Council on this item and this item only stand on hands I'm going to close public for second motion and second please councilman love yes councilman Melo yes councilman schw yes councilman Garcia yes councilwoman col monz and council president Shar yes thank you on the ordinance please is there a maker move it motion and second rot call please on the ordinance councilman love yes councilman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilman col monz and council president Sher yes thank you uh is is there a motion to pass we did no we're on number six opening six I was close number six please on on the roll proposed ordinance 2467-20 an ordinance amending chapter 29 243 of the code of the city of mic entitled shopping carts is there a motion please to open public hear motion and second please second wel call please councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes Council MZ and council president sh yes thank you on the ordinance please so Mo second councilman love yes councilman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilman colz yes and council president shair yes thank you the ordinance is passed that was the close we just closed now Ord to vote move move second motion and second to make C love yes councilman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilman colz and council president Sher yes thank you the ordinance is pass yes we are up to ring R 7 on our agenda Communications items 7 through 12 are there any questions please on 7 through 12 seeing none at this time is there motion please to accept 7 through 12 move and second roll call please councilman love yes councilman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilman col monz yes and council president Shar yes thank you council president forgive me the interruption I just want to make a note that councilman Monk Is online I'm not sure if he's being muted but I didn't notice he is online councilman okay thank you mayor um we have before us items 13 through 18 and 20 through 24 are there any questions please on 13 to 18 and 20 to 24 see name at this time is there motion please to accept 13 through 18 and 20 through 24 some motion second and second roll call please councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia Council MZ yes and council president Sher yes thank you on item 13 alone I'm sorry 19 alone is there a motion to accept 19 motion and second Ro please on 19 councilman love exension councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes Council okay and council president share yes thank you we are up to resolutions a on our agenda we have before us items 25 through 36 first if I may impose on my colleagues uh on 25 is there a need for a closed executive session no council president thank you Mr Fernandez no council president thank you sir Mr Mayor none at this time thank you sir members of the council seeing none if we can take 255 off and go from 26 through 36 are there any I need to yes councilman please yes so um number 19 we only had three three votes we need one more no it's not is why do we need Susie do we need do we need we need to obain so I'm just want to make sure because we had two obstain and it was there there are some areas m'am as you know I'm sure that do require uh more than four votes or more but this is not one great job thank you items 26 through 36 are there any questions please sir see n see no lights at this time is there a motion please to accept 266 there a move second second motion and second please councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia councilwoman colz yes and council president Shar yes thank you ran num nine ordinances for introduction first reading number 37 an ordinance amending to designation of restricted parking for disabled persons by New New Jersey license plate number is there a motion to accept for set down for second and final reading at our meeting of November 7 Mo motion second and second call councilman love yes councilman melow yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes Council MZ and council president sh yes thank you REM numeral 10 payment of bills are there any questions on the bills please see no Li this time is there motion please to accept the bills as presented motion second and second thank you councilman love yes councilman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilman col monz yes and council president sh yes thank you administrator's report Mr Fernandez none at this time sir thank you sir Mr Mayor no councel nothing very good thank you are there any comments from members of the council seeing none at this time is there motion please to adjourn Some Mo second motion and second to adourn R quote please to adourn councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman SCH yes councilman Garcia yes councilman colz yes and council president sh yes thank you this meeting is adjourned s