##VIDEO ID:wtY8MpfNmM0## good evening on behalf of the governing body of the city of Pake we welcome you to the October 1st 2024 city council meeting in accordance with chapter 231 public laws of 1975 adquate notice of this meeting was provided by resolution of the municipal Council adopted on June 18th 2024 setting forth the schedule of meetings for the year 2024 2025 set notice was published and posted on the city hall bulletin board by the office of the city clerk please please be further advised the public meeting will be conducted in person the zoom stream provided is for viewing only and is offered to the public as a convenience on September 18 2024 public notice and zoom instructions for this meeting were published in the Herold news and posted on the city of Pake website at www.city of.com Council agendas instructions are also available on the last page of this agenda please be guided accordingly roll call please councilwoman Melo pres councilman Schwarz pres councilman Garcia pres councilman monz and council president Sher pres shall we all please rise Heavenly Father we want to thank you Lord for allowing us to meet this evening Lord we ask for a special prayer Lord for this Covenant body for the agenda that's set before us this evening Heavenly Father Lord we also ask Lord for the world as you know there's a lot of Wars going on Heavenly Father we ask that you protect those innocent lives heavenly father and that you give a conscious word to those governing bodies so they can take care of the people heavenly father in your beloving name we pray amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all with the council's permission the Administration has asked that an addendum be included in tonight's meeting to be listed as 30A titled an ordinance amending chapter 243 of the code of the city Pake entitled shopping carts is there any objection to including this item in tonight's agenda seeing no lights we'll put it on the agenda uh our next order of business is ran numeral four um if you're at home and watching proceedings and would like to know more about what it is we're doing and why uh all of documents for tonight's meeting have been available on the city's website um there you can find all of the uh items that the council will be deliberating uh based upon information which the Administration has been so kind to provide um you will also get all the background material and all resolutions and ordinances and we thank you for your kind patience we are up to R numeral four on our agenda minutes of June 18 2024 are there any changes or modifications that need to be made to the minutes as presented by the clerk signal at this time is there a motion please to accept the June 18th city council meeting minutes motion to accept second motion and second thank you roll call please councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilwoman colong monz yes and council president Shar yes thank you May's report this the part I love the best thank you thank you council president members of the city council department heads that are joining us in person and Via zoom and all residents present and those that join now and later on I want to begin by uh highlighting on behalf of our governing body the city council my Administration along with our chief of police that we recently had police promotions right here in our council chambers we were able to promote three to uh captains from the rank of lieutenant and two lieutenants from the ranks of Sergeant we would like to give congratulations to our newest captains Captain castellon Alexander castellon Captain Patrick Bernett Captain Cordia Gary Cruz who yesterday became the first woman in the history of the city of pay to be promoted to the rank of Captain that has never occurred before want to thank all those that sent their support yesterday we want to also thank of course councilwoman mariss col monz president of the Board of Education Judith Sanchez and commissioner Abri baralis along with our councilwoman uh Tanya Melo and all the women in office but specifically for the words that were shared councilwoman thank you so very much and your encouragement towards uh newest Captain Cruz obviously she was not promoted based on that but we highlighted the fact that history was made and her proactive approach to uh policing and community service was really highlighted yesterday as was the efforts uh commitment and many accomplishments to ensure the public safety of our community in regards to the work of Captain Bernett and Captain castellon as well as both Lieutenant Robert canel Jr and Lieutenant Jason canel no relation no relation they they keep reminding me of but I just want to thank all of them for their efforts yesterday we were able to highlight them all but we were extremely proud to have that momentous occasion occur in our city and to be able to make history as well as uh highlight the efforts of uh our two lieutenants Lieutenant Jason canel a long life paake resident who has worked extremely hard to ensure that uh the initiatives the programs and the direction of our Visionary chief yes of our Visionary Chief yes Chief we know you were a former basketball player we got it no I know what you're talking about Chief I'll get to it Jason C most of you could have see him on camera he was trying to remind me of the plane but he was making a a motion that looked like shooting a jumper so kelman Dr Love appreciated that joke right there but back to I was saying Lieutenant Jason caner has been committed and I know we shared a mutual friend as did a councilwoman Melo Oscar raldi our state police passed on and so many who uh came from our years of graduation we graduated many of them went into law enforcement in J can I was among one of those individuals who truly took the job seriously and does it for all the right reasons and we're so very proud of his efforts I know that uh RBA Rick Fernandez knows him well as we all grew up together but uh I also want to take this opportunity uh councilman Sher uh you appreciate this uh lieutenant Robert canel joined us from Scotland via Zoom because he was at his brother's wedding and would not miss the promotion and the reason I mentioned uh council president Shay along with our city council is there always adamant that uh whenever we can we're want to make accommodations to ensure that we highlight family and uh we don't interfere with that and he even though he was willing to miss his brother's wedding for the promotion he said I'll miss a going to be pres we said no don't don't worry about it we'll figure out a way so I want to take this opportunity to thank uh Renee Renee who is doing wonders with uh assisting via Zoom it and our meetings he's really revolutionized our approach to uh to making sure that more people have access and can uh see the meetings and join in terms of events like that promotions and otherwise as well as our it Department Renee a graduate of seall University and P County Technical Institute and originally from our uh City but is particularly majoring in those areas and we were proud to have one of our own uh right here product of our community major in that area and we're seeing the benefits of it every single day I wanted to also highlight uh Tamara Morales and uh we recently had our Mexican festival and flag raising ceremony right here at City Hall we had approximately 15,000 attendance is that correct Chief about 15,000 he saids perhaps more but it was one of the largest attended festivals in the history of our city and we were extremely excited but I am most enthusiastic about sharing this to the city council kudos to our remarkable Police Department our DPW our fire department all that work together we had zero incidents we had over 15,000 people downtown it it was by far the largest attendant of these festivals in the last 20 years and everyone acknowledged it and it truly was a family event it had that the same tone from the beginning to the end that there was an opportunity for us to celebrate culture diversity bring communities together as we celebrate our Mexican Community but there was presence from all of our communities um our council president on behalf of the city council was present I was there we had a representation of County government and uh so many officials but when we consider everything that we see on the news social media of events you know of course every city has their ups and downs and situations but it's often the case that what goes wrong is highlighted and I wanted to share what went right and the very next day everyone commented how clean the park looked we uh we were consistently sharing with the community please help us maintain the park with DP did a fantastic job ensuring that our Parks were prepared for the very next day as school was opening and individuals would be using the parks so thank you to all involved I also wanted to share a bit of a difficult news but it's it's it's exciting it's just it's under a a little bit of of of a s umbrella with the passing of Congressman Bill pasel some people who aren't privy to this and I know our elected officials are the office continues to run uh his office is still in operation until January after the November and then they appoint a new Congressman because his office still runs many of the applications that were put in Prior they continue to Advocate on behalf of our city and we recently about uh two days ago received news that we were awarded $300,000 for the reduction in violence grant for the city of Pake and I know our chief is extremely excited about those funds as it will go towards surveillance equipment and other initiatives to continue the efforts have we seen or as we have seen over the last few years of reduction in violent crimes in the city we also received an additional $300,000 or 300 plus thousand from the do for infrastructure Investments that's over $600,000 coming to the city in the last two weeks uh from our late congressman's office I want to thank Ian for reaching out and sharing the good news and sending the emails I also wanted to share with our community that we are moving forward with the striping on how Avenue and then on maroe street of our parking spaces we have been monitoring that initiative and seeing great success in terms of uh making sure that we have designated parking spaces I also wanted to give an update that the efforts of our chief directing all of our police officers to remain Vigilant on how and Myrtle has resulted in drastic reduction of illegal parking in the areas that were brought to the attention of the city council and at their Direction followed up on it and I've been driving there every morning and I have seen less cars I think yesterday we saw one car there and we addressed it with the chief today they found three cars and they addressed it zero Chief oh okay I saw the three up the chief made this motion people so I saw three we're having problems with our Comm Chief if this was baseball if this was baseball I would have sto home and you would have said no I said stop at third stop at you guys in the men's leag I don't know what's going on council president I'm not sure but we're getting make signals here men's I'm I'm not sure about the signals but today the chief get he cars there zero cars today one yesterday I'm glad we didn't have any I wanted to share with our community that we have some upcoming events October 4th starting Wednesday night through uh Friday and the weekend we have our um observing Jewish community that will be uh subing rashash Shan or rather observing rashash Shana as well as observing yam kapor on Monday City Hall will be closed for Columbus Day so City Hall will be closed on Friday and on Monday also uh coming up we have our Italian flag raisings this month our Polish flag raisings this month we will be sending out the information to our city council as well as October is fire prevention month and this year council president members of the city council we will be highlighting the uh very concerning conditions that we have identified and have been an issue around the state and the nation of EVS um electric vehicles and batteries and them uh I guess spontaneously going into flames because individuals don't know that you're not supposed to directly plug or you're supposed to directly plug them into Outlet you're not supposed to use extension CES or surge protectors they're not made for that our fire chief will be educating the public throughout this month uh through efforts and in Services uh we're hosting a fire safety and Fire Prevention Day at our fire department we will be sending information out to the community and to the schools but uh considering how popular and how frequently we are seeing these electric vehicles out uh we will be working extremely hard to get information out regarding ebikes and E Scooters and we have a whole newsletter that we will be sending out because it is uh it is a real issue we've had a number of small fires and here's what's uh what's really a big issue council president members of the city council is because of the convenience of the electric bikes and scooters people are storing them in their homes they're they're putting them in their hallways they're putting them in uh in areas that are supposed to be clear for egress for exits and they're plugging them in and then when they're lighting up on fire they're causing serious fire hazards and they're not easily extinguished with water so a lot of people don't know um I have instructed our attorney to explore this and I want to share with the council the potential of us uh requiring through ordinance for all these new stores that are selling electric vehicles to have signage up explaining uh how you're supposed to plug them in fire safety rules and warnings so that when people purchase them they are aware of these conditions as of right now we have not found anything on the state level or otherwise um if only we had a representative in our assembly office who may consider bringing that up on the state I think that might happen look at that I'm feeling pretty confident that that might happen and Pake may be at the Forefront of again uh sharing information that would benefit the state we have October 5th our mental health awareness walk with our Pake youth Council as well as Saturday October 5th we have our Wilderness inquiry Cano mobile at dunde Island some of you may have seen on news2 this week the interview where myself and the mayor of Garfield shared about the epa's direction to clean up the lower 8.4 miles of the Pake River the potential dredging and capping and trying to mitigate some of the contaminations that occurred from uh the industrial businesses that were present decades ago and in fact contamination that occurred uh since as early as 1926 that had resulted in the US declaring Wildlife completely dead in our River we've seen so much investment Even in our Hughes Lake when we address as a governing body to dredge to clean it and now restock it and we've seen the water freeze over in the winter an indication of cleaner Waters we've had fishing going on and recently we were approved for a catch and keep from Hughes Lake we have always been Catch and Release but they have uh now approached us uh after uh the conditions of the fish and not not yet for all you Avid Fisher people not yet but we are moving forward on potential of catch and keep the fish so we will be bringing that to our city council on October 10th once again working with our assemblymen of the 36 legislative district y share we will be bringing Motor Vehicles mobile office to the city of Pake it's been a very convenient and useful Initiative for our residents who can't make it down in Motor Vehicles so again that's going to be October 10th from 9:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. also I wanted to share the Tuesdays and Saturdays from uh September 28th which just passed October 1st October 8th October 22nd the 29th all of these dates for Tuesdays and Saturdays Sig Wick and health clinic will be hosting uh not only flu vaccines there but opportunities for our residents who are interested to uh come in and receive additional Services especially for expected mothers 2024 general election vote by May we want to share that October 29th is the last day to apply for inperson at the county clerk's office for voting on November 4th as well as the last day to apply by mail for vote by mail ballot so if you're going to vote by mail understand that of course after covid many will automatically vote by mail you've been removed off that list so if you wish to vote by mail you must uh apply so that you can be readded to that list and be able to vote by mail um some of our ongoing projects our NJ doot our New Jersey Department of Transportation our Myrle AV improvements from Burg's place to Oak Street we're adding bike Lanes crosswalks intersections improvements and again painted parking that is the same for Mercer Street as well as our new traffic light on Pennington and acri Pennington and acri despite all of the objections and push back from councilman monk to not add a traffic light on a but I just want to see if it was there I say that for for because he's been advocating on behalf of that for years that he wanted more traffic signals more painted line so just wanted to update you yes it's it's it's coming now so we're excited to let you know about that at 199 Lexington Avenue members of our city council I wanted to share it's important for our community to be aware we have our latest 100% affordable housing project in the city and that is extremely positive news it is a Wonder ful project we went and inspected it and uh we continue these efforts a pragmatic approach to provide affordable housing with a a Balan again pragmatic but balanced approach that's what I mean by that in terms of ensuring that we incentivize and do not create conditions that uh May uh May discourage uh responsible investors from coming into our city and ensuring that they maintain their properties and do what they're supposed to do and I think historically this governing body and working with uh Community Development utilizing funds have been extremely successful and I want to thank my colleagues on the city council at our approach to provide incentives and to encourage responsible development that uh brings these benefits to our city with that council president I want to thank you for the opportunity to share the latest updates grants and approach from our city and I want to remind everyone who is watching tonight uh of course as as we pray always for the city and we consider upcoming holidays there's so much going on and I just want to thank our community for always being a community that supports one anothers or one another we are dealing with some trying times and news can be very concerning I think this is a a season where we are once again reminded to pray for one another to support one another and to remember and to a certain extent be grateful in fact great extent to be grateful and and consider the Privileges and Liberties and peace that we enjoy because others even today are not uh so blessed and we pray that that peace comes over the entire world so thank you councilwoman melow had impacted me your sobering words and most impactful words of prayers and I was just reminded with that as members of our community and I want to thank the council members who reached out tonight tonight psng will be doing work and there'll be areas from MAV from Tennyson and forward that may may have a temporary loss of electricity tonight um but will be all back on by tomorrow morning so if there are any issues please immediately call our City Hall phone number at 973 36555 one0 or the police department 9973 36539 but uh in conversations with our council president with members of city council I had reached out to psng to ensure that their scheduling is consistent in and understanding of some of our uh holidays and some of our diverse communities and why it would be a challenge if lights were off on specific days and to their credit they immediately responded and adjusted their schedules so I wanted to thank all of the council members for uh reaching out as well as psng for cooperating with us council president I believe that is the end of my report very good sir thank thank you so very much as always um a few questions if I may I I know that councilman love has his light on also um the first was in terms of the uh electric Chargers yes is there a plan that we've been given by the state or anyone else nothing this came about at one of my uh Department um meetings meet with the administrative directors on a weekly basis we were having conversations of fire safety and it came up that this is an issue EVs and that sparked into about a 30 minute conversation where we brainstormed uh potential approaches for ensuring that the community is aware trying to figure out if there was anything already in place and from the fire chief to police chief to others couldn't identify anyone who has reached out and realize that this is an extremely important issue to address so we haven't received any direction but we're looking to be proactive and we will reach out um council president to find out if there are any specific guidelines but we are very concerned because a lot of the users of these EVS or electric vehicles whether Scooters or bikes are young people and some adults and they use the batteries and unfortunately much like the space heaters that are uh illegal in many instances whether in your home or in office spaces you're not supposed to use them as because a fire hazard people just see them around so much they take for granted that every plug is okay one of the things that came out in that meeting and I think this is important and I'll add it because president at Home Depot or 99 Cent stores you can buy those Outlets that uh screw in like a light bulb I don't know if any of you have seen them rather than a light bulb you you take the outlet you screw it in you take out the light bulb and then you can plug something in our fire chief informed this though they are so they are never okay or approved to use because the light bulb or the electric Source D is not intended for the that is carried by whatever device you're trying to prove same thing is occurring with the EVS because most people assume it's a plug I can put it in anywhere these batteries are are bursting into flames and causing real issues in fact the fire chief shared that we recently saw about uh Three Fires locally because we have confiscated electric vehicles the chief has identified we've already taken some off the roads because of our approach that we directed if they're on the sidewalk so again we're we're working extremely hard to get the information out so the approach that we're doing now is we're going to send out letters through the schools to the community directly we're going to use the month of October to uh specifically uh raise awareness and then we have a few workshops and outreaches to the media to let them know what the chief is doing so in our efforts we will be uh we'll be working really hard council president to get the word out but we will reach out to the state to find out if there is any direction and if not I'm confident that there will be an assemblyman locally who will ensure that the state addresses this issue for the entire state of New Jersey yes mayor um forgive me I wasn't clear certainly your comments are extraordinarily timely um is there a master plan to have a charging station every block or two blocks is there anything like that oh for the cars yeah we are expanding um we're expanding Electric charging stations for vehicles the new parking lot as many of you have seen the progress they're working we're looking there we're looking to add in some of the additional parking lots that we created like the one on River Drive we have the ones on um on St Francis way we actually were recently awarded the Gold Award uh the Gold Award the city of p in the state of New Jersey for our efforts in expanding uh our e our initiatives with electric charging stations I think we went from 2 to six so far and we're going to add additional ones but the fact that we started with our employees was one of the reasons why we were highlighted because that has been the suggestion of uh of many of the environmental agencies because employees who have access to it are more likely to buy uh vehicles that need to be charged excellent yes thank you for the clarity mayor councilman love please just um I'm going to say this most of mine are comments you're very thorough with your reports um it's like a catch 22 we want to hear all this but then you you want to comment on everything but I won't because my colleagues will meet me outside um so I'm I'm going to kind of scale it down uh first um psng whatever the conversations with um PSG with u with you and your Administration has worked uh it was fantastic they they worked like three o'clock in the morning on our block whether you didn't she didn't even notice she we's like they did they worked at 3:00 and they were done well before the time frame um so it didn't interrupt much you know um I was sleeping councilman they also came and started fixing the polls remember where they left the dirt patches I think many of you have noticed and I I want to thank Paul Drake the representative I got to speak to him for administration directly um we we share with them the concerns of the community and they have responded immediately they didn't do the cement though that's not yet that is next but they have been fixing many of the areas okay awesome um and then two I just want to thank both you your Administration as well as the chief for being proactive and reactive um we we had a young man come to the podium last we talking about number 11 school and the issues I was going there with the public drinking I I promise you on Wednesday at Road pass and and the police were out there they were out there writing tickets and confiscating open alcohol so you know I mean I'm talking about that was like the next day so that's just awesome um and again somehow yourself and your Administration find a way under the leadership of CH of the chief for promotions uh I just want to say to the chief personally um it's amazing the the type of the caliber of officers you're developing I mean um time and time again these promotions I mean in the past you know we had some that we like oh we're B biting our teeth kind of with the pro but these individuals the Integrity um being knowledgeable their craft and their community service it speaks for thems El and and it's welld deserved so I just want to say thank you for your leadership and and and that development of officers and I think that's all I have oh the charging stations are there is there I don't want to make jokes like you but is there charge for the charging stations so presently no they're available to the public so okay and as to the promotions and I'll just add this as briefly as possible and we have pried ourselves on consistently promoting in order one two three according to need and I think that's extremely important because it highlights that promotions are based on Merit on hard work and dedication we have over the last seven years ensured that there's no politics involved we are extremely happy and though I am one who will often say that politics is a good thing I I don't immediately ascribe to the negative connotation always connected to it but what I mean in this case is we look at the numbers one two three we look at the need we have conversations these decisions are made in silos or arbitrarily they come as a result of serious conversation with the chief the need looking at the community data and then we make promotions considering how young our Police Department is we have sent perhaps historically some of the largest numbers to the academy as we had record retirements so having a young police force in terms of individuals that are out of the academy within the last five years and 10 years necessitated the idea of having a mature and experienced individuals in these positions of leadership so that the guidance and mentorship continues to support as you stated having great police officers and a kudos to our police chief and his administrative staff thank you Chief kman and while you you're saying that so I do know the answer but I want to make sure that the public knows answer Civil Service doesn't mandate that you have to be one no no as as mayor yes it is correct I can I can uh I can promote in terms of specific numbers but that's never been my Approach or the approach of this governing body I think we've always worked together to ensure that our direction is one that uh that is ethical transparent to the best of our ability and year after year we have received A+ rating on our governance from objective valuators of the state so we're working extremely hard we're far from perfect far from perfect maybe with the exception of councilman geogra and councilman shorts they're really close but uh the rest of us we fall so far short we are sorry Council woman Melo and councilwoman col monz but they are these guys are exceptional anyway as I was saying we do we do a pretty good job because we don't make decisions outside of conversations we work together and we try to remember that we're accountable to the residents of this city we we have a responsibility and a privilege to serve but the monies the opportunities the titles those who serve belong to the city and we're we're doing an okay job thank you thank you thank you any other questions for the mer time see none with the council counc councilman Mar forgive me I'm sorry sir thank you just regarding um PG someone came over with me this morning from he received a letter from pscg that they might actually shut it off the two October 6 next Tuesday I think or two and twoes I think October 6 or something not not only tonight unless it's unless they're areas they they have shared with us they expect all the work to be done tonight if there is any reason any issues that they may occur it is an additional date that they say they may have to do it so their goal like any project any development sometimes you run into some issues so they have dates scheduled just in case any other questions very good sir thank you n we're up to run the numeral six on our agenda hearing of citizens in accordance with the open public meetings act in js-1 said the council opens every public meeting for comments of the public however in accordance with njsa 10 4-12 nothing in this act shall be constru to limit the discretion of a public body to permit prohibit or regulate the active participation at any meeting therefore please be advised that the council will not entertain any comments from person persons who communicate obscene material make statements which are considered bias intimidation in which a person intends to intimidate any individual or group because of race color religion gender handicap sexual orientation or ethnicity or makes Comm comments intending to harass or speak any offensive language the person who makes these statements will relinquish their lettered five minutes for public discussion is there anyone who would like to address the counsil please if we can please have your name sir yes Joe coniss Senti council president my first question here is 208 208 bake Avenue and acri Avenue this I brought this up before there's construction work going on now they dig in making a Basement foundation and there's no safety no fencing around the property and like most construction sites that's my first question second question on tonight's agenda number 30 um relocating a bus stop on Broadway I would like to know which bus stop because there's several of them there my next question is at the last meeting I brought up about uh on Broadway I would say um illegal parking parking on corners and um I have a uh ordinance different ordinances on these issues standing standing and stopping I brought it yeah um then here's another one that I have chapter 2957 is about a meter uh time limit parking very rare that you got twoh hour parking there's people 24-hour parking on the same money they put in meters um that's the two big to have on that yeah um going on this issue is that we have a traffic division we have a parking enforcement and I don't understand why they can't do their job I don't see one Broadway at all very rare you see one Broadway you got all the bus stops everything they just nobody's giving tickets doing anything fire hydrants whole n yards um my last question I have here chapter 295 d76 parking in front of driveways I brought this up at the time when you changed the ordinance about driveways this tells you I'm sure it's still in the computer too um this tells you about a homeowner that has the driveway he would have to do an application and have at least three permits for anybody to park in front of the driveway and he's got to post a there's got to be a post sign I think it's five and a half yeah five and a half inches by eight and a half this way when people drive they can see that the sign is there and that is a parking spot so going with this and and my last question is your new ordinance how are people going to know that it's legally to park in front of the driveways if they don't have signs a officer can get a call he come by he give it he tow it normally they to them um these would be my questions tonight oh State very good sir thank you um Chief gizman the gentleman mentioned patic and AIG where the structure was taken down um are there any safety precautions that exist in that area we walk past yeah walk past that area that should be some type of barrier there's no barrier Joe Mr Cente this is not a given tape there's barriers there at that location to not let anybody walk that way but if you brought it up we'll give it a look make sure that that's a safe uh obviously our code officials construction officials have been there this particular project Which is far within the project and away from the sidewalk um it may not require the sidewalk to be blocked off and create additional issues of having people walking on the street we will have our code officials in construction go by again to reinspect and see if they need to require any additional barriers thank you thank you mayor Chief or or Mr Fernandez or mayor if you would like uh the gentleman mentioned relocating bus stop stops on Broadway yes so this uh we can't read locate bus stops without the approval of New Jersey Transit they approved it it is on Broadway and it's being moved to the uh near Boulevard going the south in southernly Direction okay thank you um you mentioned illegal parking on Broadway um and I have no doubt there is illegal parking on Broadway there's legal parking through the city and for that matter every city and I think the policeman trying to do their best but one thing appears clear to me is it always has been clear and I said that as the proud father of a police officer myself um and that is that government and police cannot do everything they don't know where everything is we don't have enough police officers um and what would really be helpful to us Mr kante and you can take the lead on this and you're the kind of guy who likes to take the lead I know that and that is to call the police department when you see something illegal and let let them know that it's there and they'll send a car over if they can or when they can but that would really require a step towards leadership which I think that you're more than capable of and I would commend you to to consider being a partner to get things done rather than just complain incessantly meeting after meeting after meeting on every picky and subject you can possibly find but your leadership is what I'm speaking about um you also mentioned uh parking in front of driveways Chief how's that going exactly if Mr conent speaking about a specific location but we haven't heard any any negative as to the ordinance was the monk the monk plan right if I remember correctly it's okay council president um if I may the um the question or rather the statement or I would say I I reject the premise of the statement um because our police are the first informed when an ordinance is passed by this legislative body our police would not tow a vehicle in front of a driveway because it would not be against the law to tow against the driveway in terms of the reference to signage or uh when people are allowed to park there may be some confusion as to the resident regarding parking permits and applying for parking permits and whether you can park in front of a driveway when this uh legislative body came together in its wisdom to uh add additional spaces working with our Administration the ordinance that allows for parking in front of driveways is something that provided many additional parking spaces for homeowners but again our police are aware so if someone were to call the police our police would not go to to them so it would it wouldn't be an actual scenario that would be an issue just wanted to clarify that good thank you mayor uh thank you Mr K is there anyone else who would like to address the council at this time seeing No Hands public portion there's a motion there's a second to close public portion R call please councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilwoman goong monz yes and council president yes thank you we're up to R numeral 7 on our agenda please ordinances for second and final reading hearing is required number one proposed ordinance 2462-20 in or and ordinance authorizing the private sale of property at 24 Broadway city of paic New Jersey to be designated redeveloper New Horizon Community Action Corporation pursuant to njsa 4A col 12-13 subc and mjsa 4A colon 12 A8 subset G is there a motion please to open public hearing motion and second to open public hearing councilman yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz councilman Garcia councilwoman col monz yes and council president Shar yes thank you ladies and gentlemen at this time the council is deliberating proposed ordinance 2462-20 if anyone would like to address the Council on this item or this and this item only we certainly welcome your comments seeing no hands I move close public there's a motion there's a second to close public hearing roll call please councilman mon yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman SCH yes councilman Garcia yes councilwoman col monz yes council president sh yes thank you on the ordinance please is there a makeer so move second motion and second thank you roll call councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz councilman Garcia councilwoman goz and council president Shar yes thank you the ordinance is passed yes sir very good thank you we're up to R num eight on our agendas Comm Communications before us numbers 2 through six inclusive are there any questions on 2 through six please time motion please accept 26 second motion and second roll call please councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilwoman col yes and council president share yes thank you all matters listed are under considered routine in nature items seven through nine inclusive are there any questions please on seven through nine separate on 10 council president I excuse me sorry you said n my apologies I caught you this time yeah you got me you usually get me councilman it's a pleasure to reverse roles and while I'm saying it I'm hearing you say nine and I still seven through nine is there a motion please to accept item s council president I'm paying attention thank you sir counc yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilman colz yes and council president Sher yes thank you on number 10 please is there a motion to accept number 10 motion and second R call please on 10 councilman monk yes councilman love exension councilman Melo yes councilman SCH yes councilman Garcia yes councilman colz and council president sh yes thank you very much motion is passed we're up to Roman numeral nine on our agendas tonight we have before us items 11 through 26 first if I may ask is there any need for closed executive session now thank you Mr Fernandez Mr Mayor none at this time coun thank you sir members of council very good if we can put number 11 aside on items excuse me I'm sorry on items 13 through 26 are there any questions please on 13 through 26 I I know what I'm doing I'm sorry CC pres on point tonight and we that means I'm not usually on items 13 through 26 are there any questions please on the resolutions councilman monk see you resolution 24 I just think um if I just we get an explanation of what what this program is as well as on the the back of the page is the budget however it seems that there's there's a calculation error here uh if you look at it's year one two three in the last column of total but there's one item that's called heat mon heat monitoring and data collection where is they're not totaling all three years they're just taking the the dollar amount from year three or year two so it's off around around 30,000 to project cost so which which line item uh heat monitoring and dat of collection not carrying across the total yeah it's not 20 it's should be 40 it should be 40,000 right the total is off because it should be uh 40,000 4,000 41,00 $30,000 I see I see that the miscalculation and then as to the Grant in the youth yeah yeah so as to the grant well the grant is 379,000 $ 6866 and what that is to do is to recruit and train two crew leaders from the ages of 18 to 24 and F four to five crew members from 14 to 18 that will work with DPW to maintain and water newly planted trees and collect data on community engagement and urban heat levels um as you may know there's such a thing as Urban heat Islands because of the number of uh Acres there are with asphalt within an urban environment so this funding is for these youth Crews to assist in maintaining the trees especially when they're um just planted because they need a lot of watering and attention and also kind of monitoring those uh type of heat island issues one of the great things in the city of Pake that you know we should tout in 3.2 square miles almost a 100 acres of our city is Parkland so that actually helps us with the urban heat but uh specifically more downtown uh with all the the lack of greenery there's issues where there's a couple of uh degrees hotter in these areas than not which then will allow us this analysis will then allow us as we're developing plans for example the road work that you're doing those Street trees now become critical and having Street trees to lower that additional heat temperature within certain areas within the municipality I mean I love the environment but I'm not sure exactly what if we're planting the trees anyway so what does this heat data exactly tell us we should plant more trees well it's gonna what are we so it's gonna tell you locations right not every location is made the same within the city of akake we're one of the things I love to say is that we're 3.2 square miles but we're as diverse as our population in land use right one part of town is significantly different from the other part of town and it's going to have for example our largest park you know Veterans Memorial Park that area has a is much cooler than let's say downtown by this area of town when there's limited access to trees so with the analysis let us know is what are the degrees difference and how can we address that to balance that that heat index in those areas as well as after trees are planted right and if you consider data collection and the opportunity to uh employ young people and get them involved in these new green job opportunities that will be available in the future but if we plant trees in the area and we have data saying registering the heat we want to go back and collect data to see what's been the difference after we planted the trees that's great and I mean if you P trees and it drops by half quarter of a temperature I mean that's but if I mean if you move you know quarter of a mile south right it's gonna be warmer right if you go if it's too hot you move up to Montville it's going to be cooler right yes I what what what are we going to do with this data I love spending money justifies how a tree change the temperature of my block but now what so I'm going to move I'm not going to move people will be more comfortable like what we doing this dat like what I think first the the grant so we always take the opportunity to make sure the public is educa and understand specific grant money can only be utilized for what you applied for so these These funds these 360 plus thousand can only be used for this and it gives us the opportunity to train young people in this area so utilizing this grant fund to uh do the collection data helps to justify the more planting of trees in urban areas so when we apply for Grant funds to say we need to plant more trees and at wonderful for athetics we can back it up with data to say that we're actually helping and contributing to the environment to lowering heat issues in specific areas and it helps guide it helps guide the mayor and his decision making and direction to us when we start doing different Park projects pocket Parks Street jobs so that analysis is what's going to help us due respect I mean if if one area of the city is a half a degree hotter yes you know what's that going to change the application so the application so here and and I agree with you it can be something that we can argue whether it's the park anyway any not because it's a half a degree but the funding let's focus on the funding if I may so if the if the federal government decides that especially with this and I don't want to say hyperfocus but this it's very very um deep or prec Precision type uh strategic scrutiny on all applications how they contribute to their vision and approach of grow green jobs of environmentally sound uh applications if they add this as a guideline to say if you're if you're adding this data you're more likely to receive the funds whatever they tell us we need to do so that we can get more funding so we can do more Parks add more trees we're glad to do it because they're giving us the money to do it I I do agree with you it can feel arbitrary why are you coming up but if we were using our money I would agree if they're saying we'll give you 360 plus thousand to to do this and then if we the data justifies we'll give you more money we're going yes you know that's a as long as it's not you know state state funds where you know the assembly any assembly people are involved because in my mind you spent $379,000 to figure out the temperature if some trees changed the degree in that and to train young people into the green jobs and to only plant out of $379,000 to only use of $379,000 $1,000 it actually for trees I real you spent $200,000 on trees and $150,000 on the job training for 14 year olds to 18 year olds as well as 18 to 24 year olds that will secure them positions in the future in these green jobs that there seems to be hundreds of millions of dollars being invested into the future for green jobs it will train them and give them the opportunity to be employed that's the specificity of the grant it's for this purpose it's not like we made it up to get jobs in the private sector or to or or who who's going to pick up their tab in year four salaries if the federal government's providing them jobs if the private sector provides them jobs we're going to do the training so it's a little bit like our federally funded training opportunities for CDL sora license these are the needs that we're seeing identified and giving opportunities especially in urban communities for young people to be trained in and get jobs they gave us a grant so we can train these young people in this area register um data collection they won't just be trained in data collection for trees they'll be trained for data collection in general which will give them a broad opportunity to expand uh certain skills that may be transferable in other areas so so how does this um in terms of the you know salaries is it is are there very clear parameters by the federal government how much money has to go towards salary how much money go through heat monitoring as opposed to supplies or as let's say you could spend instead of $10,000 $111,000 spend on on supplies spend $100,000 on supplies instead of four groups have two groups so the city benefits more for more trees right I don't want to be cute and say well it'll be even cooler but the fact that there's so many dead trees in the city so many hundreds of trees we've lost over the last couple of years and we rather to put more money towards beautifying the streets the landscape with more trees and cut the cruise down in half and benefit theity more over the past five years we've planted over 700 trees in the city we've actually planted more trees than we've lost and that's a clear data we have uh Mark Watkins from our DPW who is well aware we've also partnered with uh private residents uh one more arue our residents have certain level of privacy but residents in general I we done it and they planted trees as well where we facilitate the process but again I believe the focus of this grant is for data collection and job training and specific location identifying and then a portion for the trees but we have separate grants where we have received for additional trees in the city and it's specific uh to developing youth Workforce programs that's part of that Grant so I answer your question the CR the grant is dictating that and this Administration mayor if you would allow me has gone above and beyond any other Administration for hiring youth at different levels at different programs to grow their knowledge and when they're giving you money to do it why wouldn't you do it right we've done the intern program a few years back and I know council president was involved in this and I know we worked on it with uh councilman Dr love the the uh the apprenticeship programs with unions and trades where we were receiving funding and incentives to connect our young people and I remember that councilwoman Mela worked with the schools as well when we were trying to get the youth directly related but again the focus now or the direction seems to be in the group green jobs area that seemed to be in terms of the Biden Administration they put a lot of money in these new green jobs I think it's referred to as the new green deal sort of alluding to the the New Deal of before so when we saw the grand opportunity we applied because it gives us funds to uh train these young people in an area that seems to be uh the direction that the country is going for hiring young people and for communities like ours young people don't always get those opportunities for those trainings so it broadens their Horizons it gives them different options to apply for careers in college scholarships because not everyone is going for those areas and again it's data collection not just in this specific area obviously for trees but they're going to be trained on data collection reporting so there's so much that goes into them that would really train them up and give them great opportunities for employment if I may councilman I think you'll find also the state government to be very involved in this as well Governor Murphy has done several initiatives in terms of environment um and the uh the mayor and the business administrator I think have have hit the exactly correctly in the sense that we're looking for new technologies in terms of green jobs right and the job aspect in this case is infinitely more than the environmental benefit that the trees will bring the trees will get more trees that's for sure but on the short term at least we need these kids to begin seeing opportunities in Environmental Green jobs which are a path for the future so this grant covers all the costs there's no cost out of the city's budget including um I guess there must be special mon um equipment to measure the heat block by block right where's where is included in this job training opportunities usually come with connecting with existing professionals who provide the equipment we're not we're not equipped to train them necessarily on specific areas probably data collection but when it comes to the actual monitoring heat monitoring we would be working with agencies that would be involved with the grant so I don't foresee that we would pay the business administrator can so that we would pay additional funds out of our budget so that they can be trained by someone that's what the funding is for this is all inclusive and a lot of this data is collected Statewide and in fact you can it's readily available to the public that we use on the basis of the analysis and then what would happen is based on that um they create a plan and then after we implement the plan those organizations like the D and EPA reissue their heat island data and we use that and we continue so on and so forth they we're already doing it we we've just never had any funding or the ability to focus it in this sense um as direct as this funding is and specifically for the Youth so until until this time it's been you know licensed profession that have been up in an office that don't go door too or talk to our residents and talk about what they need or where they see shade and need and now we're kind of combining those two efforts um but yeah that Daya the the the overall equipment and all that is done by higher levels of government it's similar to our youth planning initiative that we do in the summer where we pick a project that already exists and then we bring in high school kids to be trained how to be planners they participate with professionals that we've already contracted out or receive grants in order to do a particular study in the area and then the additional money is used for their training for the hours for any additional work that that's going to happen with the youth so so this 30,000 that were short which longine item is that going to get taken out of the grant is 379,000 but this adds up to 400 look at uh this budget it was done by the department that applied for it so I'm going to have to sit down and redo the numbers and look at it I'll I can give you an answer next meeting but uh the grant is for 37 that one thing we know for sure is 379 368 and whatever that is we're gonna make sure it's budgeted so that we don't uh spend an extra dollar but we don't lose a dollar right so we'll just have to figure out and rework the budget because I I haven't okay thank you um what they did was they they put instead of I think it adds up if you look at it 54,000 and 11000 that would be 65,000 and then you add the 272 no no if you add the total 65 65 oh it's included you mean it's included already yeah I think it's included in the total but that's just just just that one line that the wrong number oh okay fine that could be okay that could be okay fine item 25 just a good explanation of what we're doing on 25 please 338 so that's the 40,000 that's the 40,000 so I think it's just a l just looking at Value I think it was added it just missed that total so the total is correct the total is correct the line item says 10,000 but it is 40,000 thank you may for catching it um 20 25 so 25 um and the mayor knows this one very well because he walked at multiple times with the Traffic Division this is for the brand new school complex that's on Parker Avenue and what it did to the traffic pattern in pickup and drop offs and sitting with the county the Traffic Division uh engineering firms uh this would do what's called a Hulk signalization system so think of all bells and whistles you know different timing different directions of traffic um how the flow of traffic is going to be at one hour during pickup and how the traffic is going to change so it's a completely inclusive and cohesive plan for the signalization on Parker Avenue along the corridor by the school from president to Monroe mayor how' I do did I answer that right I think you did excellent on behalf of the council and myself I think everyone knows I've expressed frustration before and this is not a judgment on the school it's just my frustration that oftentimes their approach has they have failed to include the city when they're building a new school or when they're taking an approach and then afterwards they come to us and say there are issues with traffic uh these particular areas have created issues in the community and we're going yeah we would have loved to have been involved in the conversation we've expressed it consistently with the school we're hoping it does get better but unfortunately and I think the dayon Avenue complex was a wonderful complex there are certain areas that were not considered and the city was not involved necessarily in those conversations whenever any institution in the City Works in silos I think it creates problems and that's why we're advocating for a parking deck on Parker AB uh looking to be more involved with uh with any future plans whether new high school or otherwise because uh again I've sometimes had to remind our colleagues over there that the city is not in the school the schools are in the city and that's important for them to understand that if they do not involve the council and the mayor it becomes really hard because we receive the concerns from the constituents the parents and the children but yes this study is to address some of those situations there counc yeah um just want to say thank you for taking an initiative um I feel the brunt of it dropping off my foro and it's a nightmare it is um dropping off and picking up and a lot of the parents actually walk some have to park blocks away in and I mean I can only imagine what the residents are also feel because you have cars blocking them and I mean it's it's definitely a nightmare but thank you for that but one thing is that I noticed is during the drop off and pickup hours I've noticed like um the trucks and maybe if we could probably look into during those hours for trucks not to especially because there's a lot of small children that's why we've addressed the the axles to try to limit the size of the trucks but the hours themselves we we have been working with a lot of the distributors in the warehouses we give them specific loading hours we tell them what time the schools are operating that's our most densely populated area of the city we have entrances and exits to Route 21 the majority of our warehouses distribution centers right there and a large number of our schools all operating within the same hours between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. everyone's trying to get to work get off of Route 21 or get onto Route 21 off of Dayton Avenue and and now of course with the potential deconstruction of the high school or rather the most probable deconstruction of the high school and the majority of those kids going in that same area we're gonna be adding about 2,000 students to that area I I have proposed that it will exacerbate pre-existing issues that we are already facing when it comes to traffic and uh lack of parking I've made the argument as to why the school in the state should be looking to fund the parking deck on Parker Avenue again and yes I I I will admit take a point of privilege expressing some frustration there are some in the school that say we should stay out of it they they are the school and saying I I propose to them we're not we're not talking about curriculum here curriculum is your business hiring is your business if it impacts the city it is literally our business and I am concerned that they're not speaking about this I reached out and I was told by the SDA directly we're not in the parking business we're in the school building business they are interested in building the actual building the parking is not an issue and I say not for you it is an issue for the city because when there's lack of parking you spend more time trying to find where you're going to stop to drop off your kid so you more likely to double park or stop and tell your kid to go and it becomes extremely hard when you have tractor trailers and these big trucks and everyone trying to get on Route 21 and us saying we're going to add thousands of kids downtown in the next two years so yes councilwoman we have a challenge but historically this governing body has been able to meet the challenges and I think we'll find a plan and perhaps encourage the school to work closely with us councilman love yeah and I I Echo Council melo's sentiments I'm glad um because there there were pre-existing uh businesses and and factories down there already and and it's really hard to go to people and say okay now that we built the School you you have to start you know telling your business and take a loss you can't have deliveries and and you're absolutely right had that been in the planning stage that there couldn't have been an opportunity to hear from these these uh people about what they need as well um to be successful in our businesses and and two I mean I talked about the businesses first because that's in addition uh the priority is the safety of our children and um and and and it's so funny that you say that because the way that it originally was presented the drop off and pickup was a lot different um and it changed in Midstream U blocked off some different areas um because initially division that at least I know um and I think it was present it was presented to the public as well that it was going to be ride in and and like a drop off system where the cars uh where you see a lot in Suburbia where where it's going to take place and immediately it it it changed so I'm I'm glad that we're getting involved [Music] in any other questions please on 13 through 26 inclusive seeing none at this time is there motion please to accept 133 through 26 move second motion and second roll call please councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz councilman Garcia yes councilwoman col monz and council president sh yes thank you on resolution number 12 please we've been asked for a separate vote is there a motion to accept number 12 please so move it motion and second roll call on 12 councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia STK councilwoman go monz yes and council president Sher yes thank you we are up to ordinances for introduction and first reading on number 27 please proposed ordinance amending the designation of restrict parking for disabled persons by NJ l number motion to accept for second and final reading at our meeting of October 15th Move Motion second and second roll call please councilman monk yes councilman love yes yes councilman Melo oh yes councilman SCH yes councilman Garcia yes councilman colz yes and council president Sher yes thank you on 28 please proposed ordinance amending chapter 2 95 of the code of the city of pic entitled vehicles and traffic 48 Bergen Street is there a motion please to accept for second and final reading at our meeting of October 15 motion and second roll call please councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilwoman gz yes and council president sh yes thank you on number 29 please proposed ordinance amending chapter 295 of the code of the city of pic entitled vehicles and traffic is there a motion please to accept for set down for second and final reading at our meeting of October 15th move it motion and second thank you roll call councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilman melow yes councilman SCH yes councilman Garcia yes councilman monz and council president Sher yes thank you please on 30 please proposed ordinance amending the city code of the city of to chapter 295 vehicles and traffic article 16 bus stops section 38 locations to relocate bus stop on Broadway is there a motion please to accept for sit down for second and final reading on our meeting of October 15th motion second and second roll call please councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilwoman col MZ yes and council president Sher yes thank you uh number 38 please this was an add on to tonight's agenda which the council had passed an ordinance amending chapter 243 of the code of the city P entitled shopping carts is their motion please to accept for set down for second and final reading at our meeting of October 15 Mo motion second second roll call please councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes councilwoman goong monz and council president share yes thank you payment of bills is there a motion please to accept the bills as presented by the clerk this is Roman numeral 11 Mo second motion and second on payment of the bills councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman Melo yes councilman Schwarz yes councilman Garcia yes Council goz yes and council president sh yes thank you administrator's report Mr Fernandez thank you sir Mr n the month of September from the 15th to October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month we also include all of our proud Hispanic and Latino communities in celebrating this month their contributions to our nation obviously our state and our local communities we will be hosting different activities to highlight the contributions and leaderships of members of our Hispanic communities and remind the public that still has some time uh that the vice presidential debate is tonight so stop by and check it out I think it started at 7 it might still be on if you get home I do believe it's at 9 o' it's at 9 o' you have plenty of time this Council has ended with giving you enough time and then counc president if I made one last report uh I know our police have been uh Vigilant in the issues of Ninth Street and downtown with the mattress companies and some of the parking issues I know that we still have some challenges at this council's direction we continue to address it I know that the the company stated they're moving in about a year for some residents that's not soon enough I know that some residents are going can they move next week but they will be moving in a year however we we have been addressing the issues downtown in terms of parking and we are looking at the relocation of some of the signage to try to ensure that the uh companies have uh appropriate usage of their parking lots as well as we've been sending fire safety and code but we will have a more detailed report next week's meet at the next council meeting very good thank you m any comments from members of the council if I mayc president Council please thank you council president um just now that we're going into like the fall with the wind the the rain um our main a area whenever we have um garbage that's put out a lot of it always end up up in the middle of the street yes as as you are aware I'm sorry CC woman did and I just want to make sure if we can I know that you were giving out the trash bins the containers yes yes and and we have placed more containers we actually received more containers we placed him out on Main Avenue I think that Segways into a very important Point some of you may have been familiar with the fact that New York hired a rat Zar a rat Zar to yes I know everyone laughed when it happened until the data came out of drastic reduction of mice and rats yes I took it very seriously once the data can that's all funing games until the data shows that it works then I'm very open to it I instructed our health department at a meeting two weeks ago to go explore and find out what they did uh today at the report they stated they did what we're doing more Trashman the going to businesses saying don't put your food out in bags you know ensuring that if you can uh minimize or drastically reduce the source of water and food the rats leave but something very interesting that I have instructed my um my team to explore and the purchasing department and our attorney is laughing because yes there are some legal issues that that we need to address but to the council's uh I I think uh benefit hopefully benefit as myself I was not aware of this so I'll share it with you there they I don't even know how to describe this so I'm just going to say it they're using they're using rap birth control they have been putting out instead of poison they have redirected all their efforts to put birth control which uh which accelerates the menopause process in female rats and then they're not reproducing and I was like well let's do that and then our attorney said well they sell it on Amazon our great attorney who then makes sure that we know that we can't just go and buy on Amazon and throw it everywhere because uh that yes right because there there are other animals and pets which I retorted my response was maybe we can combine our spade and neua program with our reduction of rats and just have birth control for animals everywhere she stated that may not be legally sound or prudent is is is is is this concoction uh harmful to animals great question so it is important that we take that very seriously as of right now New York is doing it so it's it does not seem to be an issue in terms of children or animals I think they must be strategically placed where rats May burrow underground you don't want to just lay it out on the streets we've already started initiatives with exterminators we've seen a reduction Market Street Main Avenue I was hoping that with the change of the Season you would see a natural reduction that is not the case so our efforts are working people have been cooperating thank you to all the residents that are watching the ones that are putting their garbage in their containers because when you put food out in bags sometimes whether a Ferro cat a raccoon when it opens and the food comes out it becomes a source of food for other Vermin and the borrowing we found out through education again and some information that the roots of trees considering all the planting of the trees that might spark additional conversations with C mon about the trees that's how rats survive they actually drain the water from the roots of trees that's why in certain areas we looking to remove some of the bushes the brushes and pav it that will greatly reduce our Ed pavers but this new initiative of the contraceptives it has drastically worked in New York and I'm hoping and I'm glad to share it publicly that some of our neighboring municipalities look into it but when I heard rat Zar like most of us I assumed they were going to address other issues involved in government but no it's uh it's dealing with mice on the streets so it's been working council president and it seems to be a minimal investment but it's effective so we're exploring and we're hoping to bring that information back but I share to councilwoman meals uh yes we've seen an uptake in trash in some of the businesses like uh the the extra savings businesses where people buy and then the packages and the boxes and everything on that out we are addressing it we're working on a plan through uee to have more vigilance especially with code and even these new special uh three and special two officers that are going up and down the commercial District to address businesses or issues of littering and giving out fines as well as DPW we're going early in the morning to cover it but we are addressing and we have more bins out I also I mean I don't know if it's Poss just within our business district garbage comes out at 7 p.m. and the gar garbage be picked up that night instead of leaving it over I explored that a couple of years ago actually it was about four years ago with this governing body I had proposed that we do night pickups and we did it we did it for a few weeks we started receiving complaints of the noise unfortunately especially in certain streets when the garbage truck backs up you get the beeping and some residents are going I don't want to be woken up at 3 o'clock in the morning to the sound of garbage beeping we've worked with the garbage company in terms of the school hours for them not to pick up garbage between 7even and eight during the school areas we also have to be cognizant that we're not their only municipality garbage companies have a responsibility to make it to all the municipalities and get to their dumping sites by a certain hour so whenever we're coming up with an idea basically we can't just throw a bunch of schedules out because it really disrupts their process and they have a Time they have to meet if if this governing body wishes to explore again the idea of night pickup which for the garbage company is ideal there's no traffic on the road no cars on the road they get in and out quicker it gives them more time to go to another municipality but be aware we will receive concerns of the noise whether trash cans bins or having to reverse into a one-way street with cars already parked because you're going to have more cars parked since it's overnight they're not on the road because they're parked on the street so man manuvering will be issues and there'll be noise but they will be able to get in and out of the city quicker I will tell you mayor compared to where we were just a few years ago um 20 years ago 15 years ago 10 years ago this city was dirty absolutely dirty and and so much has happened since then um the most basic of which I'm not sure but somehow people are being educated they're learning their understanding and DPW is doing a hell of a job absolutely amazing job compared to where they were thank you thank you Mark thank you so much for being here always at the meetings and always willing to respond to our Council and our residents thank you thank you may um any other member hearing none is there motion to adour please motion second motion and second to adour councilman monk yes councilman love yes councilwoman mow yes councilman schwar yes councilman Garcia Council MZ and council president sh yes thank you this meeting is turned