##VIDEO ID:7GqxAz2K_6I## um on behalf of the city council we welcome you to this regular meeting of August 20 um Let me give a warm welcome to the community of for to speak on make sure you name of the list uh we're about to start this meeting uh Madame cler please call the RO yes president good evening everyone call for municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday August 20th 2024 councilman ABD thank you Mr President thank you Mr presid Mr President this evening pray has been rendered by Reverend she's an associate Minister Second Baptist Church which has been followed by the flag salute led by councilman honorable Michael Jackson of the First Ward let us pray let us pray Heavenly Father we're so grateful to be here tonight we're thankful God that you have allowed us to come before your presence one more time and we're especially grateful to to you God that you have entrusted us with an awesome task the task of overseeing your creation we thank you for every member of this city council we thank you for how you continue to lead them and guide them we ask oh God that you would Empower them with wisdom knowledge and understanding of exactly what you will have Patterson to be you've given us the blueprint in your word we thank you God for understanding that A house divided against itself cannot stand and so we thank you Lord for bringing us together to work together for the betterment of your creation we thank you for you have entrusted us with this awesome task and it is our will it is our desire to please you in it you be glorified in all that said and done this evening in Jesus name we pray amen amen thank you Al to of the United States of America and to the repic from which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please stay stand now let's do a moment of silence for troops and for those that lost a loved one in our community thank you you may be seated M cler please Reas the St of compliance yes Mr President statement of compliance with the open public meetings law for 2024 2025 today's meeting date is August 20th 2024 scheduled time is 700 p.m. adequate notice of this meeting was compiled and disseminated in accordance with the open public meetings law in the following manner one the annual notice of regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council was compiled for the year 2024 2025 honorable July 1 2024 two a schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly transmitted honorable July 1 2024 to the nor Jersey Herald News the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the pay County pulse Dominicana news Lisa International and special the parison press the city post news tap into paron the weekly bangler Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such not notices three the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was prominently posted in the lobby of City Hall first floor in the place reserved for the announcements of this type four the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly filed with the municipal clerk and five a copy of the schedule of the regular meetings of the Municipal Council was mailed to any person who requested and paid the fee authorized by the open public records act Mr President thank you Madame clerk now let's do payment of Bill councilwoman Davila thank you council president good evening everyone good evening Patterson uh to my colleagues we have a payment a summary of dispersements uh in the amount of 7 million 8948 1961 um this was a payroll week so that amount was 5,775 3621 uh the stature expenditures the majority of that over 600 was for figa and Medicare uh and other um small expenses um if there isn't any questions I move for payment of Bills second here was by counc second by Council roll call man cler on payment of bills yes Mr President roll call and payment of bills in the amount of 7 million $894,000 1 councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson no councilman urin yes councilman valz yes Mr President my vot is yes M cler thank you the votes are six yeses one no two absent payment of bills in the amount of [Music] 7,894 896 And1 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk can we do the agenda M clerk I president councilman Jackson I know we uh we've already taken a vote but I still would like to get some in an inquiry uh there's an amount that's paid to National War main a little under $400,000 is that payment for the entire year or is that just a uh one of the dispersements that we pay to that company thank you for your question councilman Jackson councilman um um Mr CFO it's five different invoices I believe I can email them to you counc counc do do we have a and estimate what those five invoices would this you mean this payment here is five invoices or this five additional no five invoices I believe over the top of my head one was 88 one was no no no I I'm sorry I don't require breaking we can send you can send that to me at a later date what I'm asking you is is this the entire amount that we pay out to this vendor or is this one of other of of a few other dispersements that's one of a few other dispersements so this $379,000 is one of a few other dispersements yes we have not to exceed with them for I believe 900,000 so the the yearly contract doesn't exceed a million doll correct can you send that to me please the ones that you're talking about that that comprise of this payment as well as the um the uh the other uh supporting documents for the for the 900,000 Mr s send that to entire Council uh uh mad clerk I don't um number 10 to 51 is a conscent agenda let's proceed with the conscent agenda yes Mr President all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routined by the council and will be enacted by one motion the items listed under the consent agenda are numbers 10 through 51 any item may be removed from the consent agenda by the request of any council member and if so removed will be treated as a so move was move by councilwoman Dava second by councilman B council president uh council member last I want to remove item 27 uh table to further discussion 27 remove it or item 27 Li for Al LC F banquet is in the fifth War M cler let the record reflect we're moving item 27 we're taking item 27 out of the agenda yes sir for later meeting yeah it's for later meeting um if you could have the Hors uh contact me please yes um we need to discuss some issues in the area quality of life thank you counil roll call the consent agenda roll call and the consent agenda as amended please note for the record that item number 27 has been removed councilman abdalaziz thank you madam clerk to the public and the residents in the city in the Sixth Ward um in this consent agenda is the authorization of contract for the improvements at um Columbia park on 21st sta right next to the Boys and Girls Club if you've been there you've seen that Park um hundreds and thousands of kids utilized Boys and Girls Club and the residents in that area that borders the Fifth Ward will not have a new and approved Park uh with the approval of this these contracts and equipment so my vote is yes thank you thank you councilman abdalaziz councilwoman cartton yes Madam CL thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver yes thank you councilwoman Dava councilwoman Jackson thank you Madame cler um two things um Sor Javier is a um well I I'll touch on that later uh just to the members of the public I'm sure there's various items here that are worthy of being supported resolution honoring Classic Auto Body for 30 years the business of patteron I mean I could pick out several others but the item I just questioned that we just paid a bill on where we have a a vendor for National water main uh cleaning we pay this vendor out $1 million a year we have as in the city we have two trucks that actually do the same thing that this company does but the two trucks are not consistently manned and not consistently on the road we pay this company $1 million a year where we could have pay an an entire team team of employees where this truck these multiple trucks that we owned will stay on the road consistently but this is how we bleed out so when we just carelessly or you know just uh blindly move to uh support things and not stand in protest of things like this happening is how the the city continues to be in the condition it's in a million dollars to pay a third party company which by the way that third party company factored in that ion is a is a profit say 30% 30 to 35% is well over close to $400,000 but yet and still I had items that was placed on the agenda for the workshop agenda and council president yet again refuses to allow my items to move forward just leaving me no other choice but the file for legal action now I represent the public whether I represent a portion of it who agre agree with me or my residents or whatever the case might be my constituents that I represent do not and should not be disenfranchised by my efforts being undermined it no council person whether they're a council president or not has the authority to unilaterally decide not to bring items forward but some of the items that I bring that I made an effort to bring forward just for the residents for the members of the public to understand is the item to increase the speaking time at the podium from 3 minutes to 6 minutes since now we've cut the meetings in half that means they've diminished your time at the podium to express your concerns in half so I've made an effort to make an amendment to that that that uh uh ordinance it wasn't included it was excluded from the today's agenda the other item was to share in in the the penalties for dumping obviously this Council we took action voted to increase The Dumping fees to $10,000 if it was done more than one time I would be surprised as much dumping that goes on in the city of patteron we had we lacked the ability to find out who's doing it well the administration does so what did I do I figured out a way how do we help let the public allow the public to help us let's give 50% of the fine to anyone that's outside with their telephone that can videotape photograph or record anybody illegally dumping how many of you would be happy to get $5,000 increase if you're able to find someone that's dumping how many of you send me videos of people dumping and yet nothing happens to them police officers have pulled I have the videotape police officers have pulled people over doing in within the act of dumping and they still have not been fined they still was not prosecuted and penalized so while some of us celebrate moving the city forward while it's just is it's in the most deplorable conditions I've ever seen and dirty as it's ever been this Council continues to come here and vote in the affirmative of items that don't have an impact on us while the items that I write don't make it to the agenda I just wanted to make sure I brought that to the attention of the public Madam clerk on that note my vote is no thank you councilman Jackson councilman urin thank you councilman urin councilman VZ before I vote Madame clerk yes sir take notice of councilman Jackson requests Madame ba take notice of councilman Jackson request regarding that bill that we just paid about he compare about the two trucks that we have take notice but I would like to see what is the real scope of work of that company that will make a difference because if our two trucks and employee are not certified to do some type of jobs we had to contract out so if you could give me a highlight of the scope of work that that company is performing then we could have a clear idea when we vote for an item to payer bill regarding the item that I just removed uh we're not going to discuss it today I requested that um the owner um get in touch with me to uh talk about the quality of life in the area um xx and Madison Street yesterday was a scenario of another Shing and um and I'm not going to set um if moving forward to put things in a place that is already a a problem of quality of life so um if he guarantee me that quity life is not going to get worse then we can move forward uh saying that I'm voting yes at a conscent agenda thank you councilman villz Mr President thank you m clerk just before my vote Qui a quick explanation that The Dumping legislation that was my legislation before when people used to be cashed dumping garbage in the community they used to go to court and they used to pay him $125 $200 I was the one that bring that got the legislation back and increase the fine to up to $10,000 fine and minimum 2500 that's the amount of that's the penalty that people will pay we have a $1 million to uh allocate it to buy cameras and this question is to the administration MBA we need a stat of what's going on what happen with that amount of money $1 million to buy camera we need cameras in those location we know the location that people people are using for dumping in the community those camera are very needed we have inspectors in our community they have to go after those people that are dumping garbage every day in our community I know we catch a few people but it's not enough dumping is a big problem in our community and another note if you any council member introduce a legislation that wants to put them on the floor it is not Ved by the committee or by legal I send it back to the committee and I send it back to Legal that's the the right process of doing business in the city and I'm not here to block anybody with that being said say my vot is yes M CL thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses one no two absences the consent agenda is hereby adopted thank you m clerk mad clerk let's move to item number four on first reading yes Mr President item number four is a first reading ordinance no public hearing is required it's an ordinance of the city of pison in the county of Pake in the county of Pake state of New Jersey fully unconditionally and irrevocably securing the payment of the principle of and interest on the revenue bonds W Street Parking Garage project and any notes issued in anticipation thereof in an amount not to exceed $50 million to be issued by the parking authority of the city of Patterson for the purpose of providing additional security therefore and determining certain other matters in connection there with development item Mo move was move by council member council president Mendes councilman and second by councilwoman Davila roll call M CL on item number four roll call on item number four first reading councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman dava yes councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk so members of the public this is a the city of patteron city council doing a guarantee on the parking authority and the upcoming uh construction project and although I support this because the count the parking authority has been a responsible agency I I will use every moment of time instead of requesting time for the council president I will use every moment of time to educate you clearly on on things that are transpiring notice on the last item I was talking about the council president uh introduces a potential item to spend more taxpayer dollars for a million dollars for cameras when we already have you the members of the public with cameras everywhere some of you had ring doorbell cameras some of you dve around with the with dashboard cameras some of you everyone has a cell phone camera but instead of sharing the the the proceeds with the public we'd rather spend another million doll and think that we can put cameras everywhere when we know they're dumping everywhere we're not going to be able to sufficiently suffice that lastly I'll just make this point council president you should study up on on on the uh the laws and how they function because the requirement which states clearly in fol act and in our Charter in our uh bylaws there is no such requirement that requires an item by the council to be vetted by legal and or attend any committee it doesn't say anything about that it says any council member can place any item any item on any Workshop agenda the Friday prior to the workshop agenda and any such item shall shall be included on the regular meeting agenda for a vote that's that's how things work so if you talk about process that's just an excuse for keeping councilman Jackson's item off of the agenda but I'm happy to support this and please stay tuned for the next public service announcement Madam cler my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman urin um Madam clar I know our council members speaking about the illegal dumping and I know it's a regular issue uh last I me yesterday last Monday yeah yesterday morning um the committee sat down with the DW director to find out that what's happening with $1 million were allocated to p these cameras for illegal dumping and we're told that this um million dollars were not in Public Works hand at this moment is going to be dealt by Public Safety now again as my council person already mentioned and got attention from Madame be we really want answer from Madame B that this is not public safety issue that we are speaking about we speaking about illegal dumping so we need this money in public works and to make sure that this camera is in action it's about 2 years this money is in hold so uh we expect the answer from mam B with that being said I I truly support um the project in our hand item number four uh about 750 uh spaces Garage in W Street and uh thank you our executive director of parking authority for everything you do my vot is definitely wor to this item thank you councilman urin councilman valz for more than five years this uh the scope of work even in picture drawing from that site have been in the table finally we could to see it moving forward director I always have as a chair of statutary agency never had doubt of any project for the past eight years I've been sitting as a stary chair um and your team doing the work like I said in in your honory of the building of the park and garage you don't care care only about your residents the parking authority you care about your employees and your future investment in the city of patteron so I congratulate you and your staff uh to make this happen moving forward you know something sounds good sometimes and I analyze it and um and I say okay what's the legal part of it right I know coun Jackson want to put an ite in regarding compensating those individual that are more cameras than the one that we are going to purchase legally right we got to put money in cameras that are monitored by the department legally that monitor and it could be Pro the evidence as a prosecution in court and the judge will not deny it because it's a is a government uh uh property right but a cell phone my possession I got I catch somebody dumping I send it to the director the director issue a ticket to that dumping that person get charged that person has a good lawyer I am the third party he's the third party everybody's a third party the person in the cell phone is the last person is going to say I don't want no problems I just give you the video to to do what you have to do you have a drop case in court because whoever submit s for evidence had to be a witness that they took that t and time and what they use for prosecute a person that sounds good let's compensate them how many how many of them want to go to court and say I'm a witness I took the picture I took the video and let's prosecute the person so it sounds good but the reality is others so corporate Council I understand that he put a resolution or ordinance in place it never came through probably was not better through through legal please give us the legality of it for we could have form the community the right way because if I didn't discuss something about that then we putting things out there but me thinking a little bit further people send me videos and sometimes I tell them don't send it to me you go directly to the police because you are the witness you took your phone and you are the one involved so saying that my vot is there congrat to Antony Perez thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you madam clerk the parking authority has been has been the right partner for the city of Pon for many years under the leadership of our director Tony Perez we have done so many project together we have a phenomenal collaboration parking authority has been there when the city need the parking authority and now we're there when the parking authority need the city so I'm looking forward to support this item on first reading and also on second reading as well with that being said my V is yes mad clerk thank you council president the votes are seven yeses two absences item number four is hereby adopted in first reading public hearing and second reading will be at the regular meeting of September 17th 2024 thank you m cler number seven M cler council president uh councilman ABD yeah um I just want to just ask you and Madam clerk could we please enforce the two minutes for Council Members when we're on roll call yes please thank you thank you councilman it's really needed in order for us to go through the whole agenda that we have tonight item number seven uh Madam clerk please yes Mr President item number seven is also a first reading ordinance it's ordinance amending chapter 373 of the code of Patterson to regulate service provider contracts and project labor agreements it's sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa Ms council president president Alex mandz councilwoman Marissa daver councilwoman Ruby an cotton councilman MD Ford Udin councilman Lou VZ and co-sponsored by councilman Allah Al abdalaziz [Music] second move by counc President Mendes councilwoman Dava councilwoman K uh uh and Council M second by Council as well got number seven discussion discussion council member this is in the first reading yes yes um um council president before in the workshop I would like to see if they could point out if this is not including is not going to include private developers you want to answer that private want to answer private developers it's in the it's in the resolution and can you point that out that is I believe it's a specifi within the body of the resolution but we will double check on the next Workshop by cler take note of that um to double check the line item that that do not include private developers which is not included council president this is specific to public funds correct okay so so we we all good on that Council but we double check on the next Workshop because we're voting on first reading on this item right here and leg was here roll call on item number seven roll call on item number seven for first reading approval councilman abdulaziz thank you madam clerk I am gladly here to support this item um for our Union brothers and sisters that get an opportunity to build um and and and be involved when it's built by unions it's built right it's built the right way it gives workers protection and um and to make sure that poni and union members get first Dives on these big projects and at the end of the day it's a good economic tool because they bring back that money into our economy these are residents these are local pay County greater P County areas so uh my vote is yes and I'll stay I'll stay with them my 2 minutes thank you two minutes thank you councilman abdulaziz councilwoman conon thank you madam clerk I just want to say before I um vote that this is absolutely a wonderful thing that we're doing here for the city the only thing I'm going to start working on is that we need to lower that amount that 5 million we need to bring it down to 3 million 2 million we need to bring it down CU now all projects are $5 million so I'm I'm going to work with our state reps to see how we can lower it down to 2 million 3 million because a lot of projects are not $5 million and as I stated last week that you know I've been a union rep for 22 years shop stward so I understand the importance of and I said it to the gentlemen there you know being in the union you're able to buy a house you know go on vacation send your kids to college because they pay very well and so it's for for for you guys to want to come here and do this with our city I truly truly appreciate everything that you're doing you got my full support but my next role is to talk to our State Rep to bring that mount down because if we can bring that mount down then we can have more work for you guys in the city here with that being said thank you for coming and doing this for us Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cartton councilwoman Dava so I hate to kind of repeat right but I have to right because as well I've been part of a union for 30 years I've been part of the executive board I've been the president and I understand the importance and you know when we had this meeting uh and I'll repeat it again since last week we were not televised um our chair of DPW along with council president myself and councilwoman Kon were in this meeting where we sat down and we discussed it those were the four and we said we need to bring this to the council so we can get the full support because I don't think anyone here would not support this um I asked that question about the million and it was said you got to speak to your state reps because this is something that is a state statute so you know I along Will Champion along with my uh dean of the council councilwoman cotton uh to go where we have to go speak to whoever we have to speak we're not afraid of going to Trenton all right and to make sure that um our pisoni because I I'll be very honest you know and sorry that I'm saying this you know but the gentleman touch my heart the one that's from Patterson product of Patterson who's the president of one of the labor unions I mean when he spoke and he and I asked him about the number of people that are in the Union in Patterson and that they go to them and say why can't we work in Patterson you know it's because we don't have this agreement so I am again in full support as I told you from day one I want to thank you for all the support that you give our community as well and that is I can keep saying more but I'm going to stick to my two minutes so with that said okay okay my vote is yes by the way my minutes are not up yet but thank you councilwoman Davin have 45 seconds councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk I'll do my best to go over my two minutes because the hypocrisy that exists in the city is troubling let me say that again it's like when you act church tell your neighbor the hypocrisy that goes on in this city is troubling Mr Mr Jackson can you please just stand for a moment please so let everybody see who she was talking about I didn't just call him thank you brother I didn't I didn't just call him Mr Jackson just because to point him out but that is my cousin and the work that he does is commendable and the work that I do has been consistent so we wouldn't have to beg the state the L the rate from 5 million to 2 million because guess what there's plenty of jobs here that are well over5 million how about hinchcliff Stadium at $110 million that was nonunion that was n Union that I fought that I fought that there was only three Patterson residents there and they was talking about well you there's not a lot of Union guys and it was over close to a 100 guys that was led by uh Mr Barbie uh uh um there was plenty of guys that was ready to to uh uh take on that on that job how about uh on Fifth Avenue where the patteron Housing Authority in the city of Patterson did a job there where the rat was set up outside in front of Fifth Avenue development that was $97 million you don't have to look for projects that's over under $5 million we got plenty of them that's over that threshold well over that threshold I can keep going but I'mma save some of my two minutes for some of my other public service announcements listen I support you guys 100% of the time that means when you're here that means when you're not here 100% of the time my votes are consistent Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Val councilman Jackson councilman urin so um it was my first meeting as a chair of the public works department and with the um Union the PLA and I I really would say that uh that my first as the first uh meeting I would say I I was really impressed by the presentation of the union and um as our Council uh fellow council members mentioned that we had indepth discussion about $5 million we we asked question can we not uh encourage or go down uh with the numbers and since it's a State schedule we can't do that however we definitely one thing I really liked about it which is uh they will oversee the projects and they will make sure that there is no fabries of not no pick and choose uh with with uh bidding and also they will have the uh job feere in our city to make sure that our people getting the priority to get positions the IM will train them equip them as a as an example one of the person was there and he sitting right there one of our proud Patterson and who's working as a security guard but now he is one of the Ian person and of the top top level so this kind of encouragement and example we going to set through this IM agreement with us so I definitely support that and I I I believe that par will get benefit out of it with that being said my word is yes thank you councilman would councilman valz so I don't have short memory for the past eight years we've been discussing um having conversation and comparing private developers coming to patteron and those developers not all of them but some of them that we all know 70% of items that they purchase for their construction they purchase in Patterson 40% or more they hire from patteron I'm talking about private developer subcontractor from Patterson those private developer does that we I am witness of that and we having that discussion in the past why then project that are not private developer that are funded by or supported by Municipal governments tax credits etc etc they're not doing the same thing you know I recall councilman Jackson's going through the through through the area of the construction of the Henley stadium and he used to bring out how many people from pison was living uh was working there probably one or two or three but then four five six seven up was from not from town and and and that was a a little discouraged for us because every time we approve a project the first thing is that those individual when they're going to present to us they say we going to hire patteron people and the last thing they do is that last thing they do is that I mentioned in the workshop everybody knows I was raised in the Bronx I was I'm a New York guy came here 33 35 years ago and I always will support the unions local unions and people that care about those little ones that bring put to the table now thanks God we're not an election day or election year we're not this will be full of signs and everything and all that stuff but we supporting this I got up speak to the Corporation Council we could do an amendment in the floor about those five million because we're not going over the state statute but there's a discretion that probably the municipality could do they could um Bring It Forward and have the legality to it to lower it to $3 million like Council woman uh stated so I direct the question to him in private he's going to search it and he's going to come back probably before the second reading probably commend it to $3 million as requested so to be the legal part I believe if we don't go over the state stue it's okay we could because this is going to be local Municipal ordinance I think we could put the money where we want all right so saying that congratulations first reading my V is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President U thank you madam CL first of all let me let me take this time to thanks all the member of the members of the union for being here at this legislation just supporting this legislation I've always speak about how important is to be present at the committee meetings and yes we met I met with councilwoman DAV councilwoman R councilman and myself we spent a good amount of time with the Union going over this legislation and this legislation is about creating job better pay for our pis resident opportunity for our community and that's the reason why you see that this governing body is in full support of this legislation we voting on first reading and I'm looking forward to support this and I will make sure I'm very sure there's going to be a full support across the board second read with that being said my vote is yes M clerk thank you you thank you council president the votes are seven yeses two absences item number seven is approved on first reading public hearing and second reading will be at the regular meeting of September 17th 2024 thank you m clerk now we're going to start a public portion um members of the public um we're going to start a public portion there's a list M clerk uh please give us the list of the pisonia that are speaking of the public portion you have 3 minutes and respectfully I will ask you to stay within you 3 minutes right after the 3 minutes I will respectfully ask you to move and let the next speaker um you know use the three minutes um and I respectfully remind everybody that we not allow any profanity and any lack of the coral in this chamber uh so when we ready Madame clerk let's call the first Speaker yes Mr President I didn't get this sheet yet everybody sit down has how many speakers do we have mad clerk 13 so we have 13 speaker uh let's call the first Speaker M cler our first speaker is Rich oretta or Coretta Rich corsetta hurry up where's the mic how you doing tonight how are you good I'm good you good I you I remember you you look familiar you have your three minutes say your name for the record please uh Rich coretto cctl go ahead sir you could speak have you oh oh no I want to thank the council for for the uh for the honor tonight having me here um I was born raised played and coached in the city of Patterson and that was back in the day and when Patterson was Patterson when you had the muckel and the McCullum and all those guys that's where I was moodies and those guys but you know and I'm proud of it whenever any asked me where you from I say Patterson I went to school in Mississippi I'm from Patterson I was always I'm always from Patterson I live in Wayne I'm from Patterson this is the town I'm from and I thank everyone for having me here Marissa uh who I know from Bay Community College excellent very nice woman who helped me tremendously I recruit a lot of players getting missions so you know I have a lot of help a lot of help along the way can't do it alone uh and Miss C Miss C who uh made a so rest her husband Eddie was a very good friend of mine we played little league and Junior development baseball together he was always the best player on the other team I'm the Farmland de right Farmland deir who's the best player but uh thank you thank you thank you madam clerk next speaker next speaker G grer g g g Madam clerk next speaker Eddie ales stay your name for the record you have three minutes please be reminded that you only have three minutes you please conclude in three minutes thank you I know and with me you will stick to the three minutes of the people that FL you name for the record name for the record um good evening Patterson good evening everyone uh I want to talk to tonight uh about a video that I made about uh the president I'm not surprised that he decided to take his break down but anyway uh I'm still going to say what I need to say I made a video and he called me and threatened me that if I didn't take out that video he would take me to cour well I'm still waiting to be served cuz I'm not taking down the video video it's going to stay right where it is the reason that it was so upsetting to him is that in that video I mentioned uh something that has been written about which is a a vehicle that he purchased with a uh stolen title in the state of Georgia and I mention that the mayor Andrew Sayad has called the criminal many times he got very upset and so I say in response to that a few people call me and they asked me Eddie what has he done to you why why why do you feel this way about uh Mr Mendes what has he done to you and the answer is nothing he hasn't done anything uh but let me tell you why it is that I do what I do on March 31st I m is called in a newspaper article a dictator in June 12th 2020 Insider New Jersey I quote Mendes called on city council to investigate Major's abuse of power again quote uh the the maor used police officers to intimidate harassed and suppressed the Hispanic vote that's a big issue March 1st 2022 inside of New Jersey wrote an article title s denounces Mendes TN of criminality you see why I'm going with this that's why I don't like him it's because he cannot be trusted it's because Mr Mendes has betrayed the Latino Community he has betrayed us and he has betrayed the city of pison is because he is the worst thing that we can have on that Council has nothing to do with me it's not personal has to do with the city of pison and it has to do with a bunch of clowns that are running this this this city that's it I mean I I have nothing against him I don't care I couldn't care less about him but that's why I say what I say this guy has betrayed our community this is what he said that the the the S Administration super pressed harassed and suppressed theic Madam clerk next speaker sir sir listen sir hold on listen for a second so listen m al Listen by theuse your three minutes that's why I did not Mr Reverend bever thank you to the public everyone has three minutes please there's a clock right here utilize your three minutes I'll will use my discretion if I'm going to if I allow you to have extra time I'll allow you to do it after all public speakers speak it's not fair to the people waiting behind you they are waiting patiently so if you go over your three minutes and you want extra time wait till the end and we'll give you an extra minute at the end after all the speakers are waiting patiently and following the rules please say your name for the record and please be reminded you have three minutes thank you good evening I am Reverend Beverly Pearson standing with me is Minister Wanda pie we bring you greetings from Pastor Sean C Evans senior and the Second Baptist Church community located in the fourth ward of the city of Patterson fellow citizens of this great city as we have entered an already historic election season now more than ever should we take advantage of our right to vote a right our ancestors died for after all as we were told this could be the last time we're able to vote the social justice Ministry of Second Baptist will be on hand to give out voter registration forms applications for vote by mail ballots and assist in making sure you registered to vote in upcoming elections we've already begun this crucial effort and will continue to be available to everyone in need of this assistance until the voter registration deadline please share this information with everyone you know and remember it's your right for now thank you Reverend Madam clerk next speaker Wanda P good evening stay your name for the rec you have three minutes good evening again W pie what I did notice real quickly was that um last week even this week there's a lot of movement on the public part of the this um form but anyway so everything that's been spoken about that's been brought up in Council meetings and what's going on throughout the community has been going on for eons and years okay there's always conversation about it there's always we're going to do this about we're going to do that but there's no Effectiveness there's no changes there's nothing getting better there are no Solutions it seems like we come to the meetings we hear about the million dollars here the 9 million there the 500 million there no solution for pisant no solution okay so we got The Dumping that's going on we got the not modif not no modification of the the um bu garbage there's nothing but there's always talk talk talk okay so then also during the past election for councils we got a a a a not even a good turnout the reason why the people don't want to vote because they don't they don't see a change that would be happening okay we can say what we want we can do what we want but no change is evident there's nothing in the forast especially and it is no to not to anybody we are tired of politicians not not you per se or or those of authority asking us to do their jobs we don't need to be doing their jobs we don't need to tell you who's dumping paper the cameras and see who's dumping paper somebody the mind the cameras the citizens should not put their lives at risk doing the job of the P the police doing the job of telling you nothing because our lives at risk when we come up here you're asking us to tell who doing this and who doing that that's not our job there with millions of month dollar are going to DPW let's speak about DPW put some money and give them overtime because each railroad track Broadway by um Kentucky H um Hamilton AB at East 18th Street Goan AB up at East 18th Street government or dumping is growing it's growing growing growing so while we're communicating about it everything is getting worse the dirt is growing the filth is growing when are we going to do something about it and the community people have been helping they have they have been helping even with our ministry we were getting together people to go to each track to pick up and get to give DPW the money they deserve most of the people on DPW staff has been there for E of years and then also one more thing in Clos with my 31 seconds is that I was up on the thousand block past of St Joe's they get four street sweeping cleaners a week four first word four first W and po bo don't get that they get four street sweeping four downtown Patterson gets cleaned up every night let them do the same give the people the money to work give the people the money stop asking the public to do your job putting our lives at R not your jobs but the jobs of those who are getting paid thank you thank you Mr speak clerk Jesse a my name is alada um I have a concern with uh parking on 119 Godwin with um The Neighbors on 123 they own the house but they have about like five or six vehicles that they own and they're always taking up a parking spot there whenever someone trying to go out there they're already out there first looking for parking and Tra and you know telling the their family members how to park the car they leave spaces in between so that they're other cars that that come at night so they can park there I have photos and videos of everything I've been to the um City call about three or four times trying to talk to someone about that and they no one ever reached out to me called me or anything so that's why I came over here to see what we could do about that cuz like I don't understand that like they literally told my girlfriend that since they own a house they have the right to have parking their instead of her I don't understand and even their our neighbor her neighbors complain about the same thing that they have to find parking far away from their house when these people their neighbors have five cars and park anywhere they want but they choose to park right in and they have a driveway and everything so I don't understand why they're saving parking for uh for their family members so that's my issue with that so I don't need a three minutes that's all I need I have pictures and everything I know they told me not to take videos or anything but I have pictures I don't know who I could show that to or show it to you okay so can I talk to you after or all right and and if you could just give the clerk the information and councilman also do will address you and next pick on a clerk next speaker is Janita correspo good evening to all good evening my name is my name is janito Crespo I'm from patteron I've been here all my life I'm here for the fact that I am a professional singer I'm at a tree a musical for Frankie re he's our father of salsa I shoot a video here in pison when I went to take uh the permit in City Hall at that time Joe to was the mayor inviting him to the office to make it real short I'm going to make it real short I tell him that it's a shame that we don't have nothing about him here only luk cello and I told him I wanted to name a street after him I wanted to name a high school after him and also make a monument with its on the works I spoke to this person a while ago okay I mention his name at the end I told him everything that I was doing it seemed like everything was okay but but at one time the person said I told him about the monument and he said oh no I have somebody in Puerto Rico already making a monument I said who he say set is a known radio station in Puerto Rico So I says well let me call him up to see what's going on oh no don't call because it's a secret it's a secret so what I did was okay no problem I emailed them a uh I emailed them and I called them personally and they told me I don't know who this person is okay now came that K in Robel Clement's Park name it Frankie R in the meantime this person knew that my intention was to do something about Frankie race papay Sala in Spanish I got it right here to make it short I only got 40 seconds now someone called me that they're going to name the street after him I was never called never mentioned I'm not getting credit but that person is getting all the credit Mara spoke about this in the past Mr Jackson Alex cotton I work for the post office so we got Memorial Day weekend and Veterans Day all of y'all usually be there and we spoke about it even to the mayor okay I'm not getting credit at all and that is he's a liar he betrayed me his name is l valis i don't have no for help next speaker man clerk next speaker is n Robertson uh good evening uh thank you for your service first of all I know it's not an easy job good evening thank you good evening um a couple of things number one on the consent agenda I want to thank you as a friend of his for uh honoring the memory of John Ming he was he was a great citizen of this of this city and he was really somebody who documented so much of what happened here I I worked with him oh 40 years ago and and as a matter of fact was was talking to him about another yet another project uh the second thing I want to say is that I'm here with my wife Peggy Robertson we both grew up in South Patterson I grew up in Elizabeth Street she grew up on oan street and um no matter how far you go from the city you will always come back we see that generation after generation after generation I went to school number nine so did Peggy I went to Kennedy High School right [Music] QB as as they say on the east side that other High School I also work I also worked for the Patterson parking authority which was on tonight's agenda and I wish uh our brothers and the unions knew I was a Teamster there because I was just a kid and they said you're only coming here part time you don't really need to join the union I said I come from a union family so I joined the union my father was a transport worker he drove the number 74 bus down Main Street for many years my mother worked in the silk Mills and so she was Union as well I'm here to tell you that we had some very serious concerns I came back to Patterson from practicing law in New York City and a big skyscraper but that's not the kind of law I wanted to practice I wanted to know I want to help people and that's why I came here and I came here and went to the Rogers building which is at to Market Street which is where the Patterson Museum is got involved with that Peggy was recruited she started working for them in 1986 she has been working in that building for 38 years and that building is in very sorry condition and she is now the executive director of an organization that was taken to court by the city once in the 90s once in the 2000 I think that was 2014 uh saying that it wasn't being taken care of but it's not true this is not this is not aimed at the city council at all because I really don't know how much the city council knows about it but we encourage you to visit that building and see some of the conditions there because you have something on the agenda today uh for half uh well let's see $500,000 to start some uh design work uh and I and we we favor that but you have to see the dangerous conditions that are there now thank you Senator thank you m speaker b cler g grer good evening good even just to piggy back on what the gentleman said as far as John Ming I've worked with Mr Ming for 20 years recording the City Council meetings before any of you guys and ladies got on the I remember we used to have to throw the cable out the back window cuz we had a mobile truck that we would hook hook the Cs up to so that's my one memory on John main but what I came here tonight for is I heard earlier Mike mentioned about the fines for illegal dumping get with nor nor had a program like that where you can text it in there wasn't asking people to s In Harm's Way but the folks that turned them in got a portion of the fine and in that section of North The Dumping let's say it was 100% it went down to like 15 because people knew that there was many eyes so check your nor on that uh my next one is the train track as you know the train tracks I'm still like confused like DPW was doing it at one time and now the responsibility is back to where it should have been in the beginning like over the years was DPW paid like extra money Ruby you shaking your head like right okay the city but I want to know like there was men and women that was out there doing hazardous work which they taken care of and I'll wait for my answer uh the next thing is the bat pickup I said here and told you guys when you rote that out that it wasn't G to work but I want it to work so this is what I want to propose let's go W byward let's I hear the mayor said Patterson is picking up let's really pick up let's do word byward let's take every person from DPW and say if you see it pick it up no matter what street is on where it's at but we we're not going to announce that to the public cuz then we have other towns up in the trash just pick two days and say if you see it pick it up just throw it in the back of your truck bring it to the yard let's clean up patteron and then let's try to work on that that system that they have cuz right now it's out of control my next thing is you guys know how I feel about Barber's Park I'm happy that the work is being done in Barber Park but I'm very disappointed that Barber Park did not receive a new sliding board like every other Park in the city that was renovated the same old sliding board is in the a I was informed that DPW went and power washed that's unacceptable the children in the fourth world deserve everything else that everybody else get the fence that's on Bradway I mean that's on Fair Street and from of park that has not been replaced I challenge all the council members you can meet me there tomorrow and we can do Ro councilwoman uh cotton was there with me already but I challenge you guys to come with me and see that does not look like $1.2 million my last thing I heard the Bell February 11 2021 the mayor did a press conference in city hall with uh njde saying that they was Loan in the city of Patterson camon it's 2024 y'all I have not seen not one camera for illegal dumping you said you raised the F of $10,000 tell me five people that you caught and hit them with that $10,000 fine thank you brother and as I walk away councilman you guys can discuss this the $19 million uh for the recreation center I have not heard anything else about that thank you brother G next speak Nicole Jackson good evening my name is Nicole Jackson I'm here representing my father Norman Jackson who owns the house the property corner lot on one at 136 17th Avenue and East 23rd Street two things I called the DPW which y'all seem to be having a problem with and asked them to prune back the shade tree that's on the 23rd Street that hangs over his property they have yet to do it in 3 years I recently called I want to say two two weeks ago let's say three I spoke I spoke to the secretary in that department I asked her who the person was uh that handled shade trees they said she was on vacation she would be emailing me um the following week never got an email I asked for her supervisor the secretary said I'm not allowed to give you his name or his number and I said excuse me but isn't he not a public servant and I am the public why am I not allowed to have that information and all she could say was he I am not allowed to give you his information so that's a problem that's a problem I'm a Patterson School teacher 17 years y'all can get any kind of information on me so that's a problem the next problem that I have is that the the parking which is a problem all over Patterson but the parking between 17th AV and 18 a is a problem okay just like the gentleman two gentleman ago said there are cars lined up um there are houses I know for a fact there are houses with more than three families in them and every one of them has a car currently right now there is a four houses that down where some uh someone owns a 18-wheeler truck and he has parked his truck up in the driveway alongside of the house which blocks the sidewalk my father is a owner of his house he is blind he is a veteran and he only goes two blocks down the street to get a sandwich two blocks up the street to play his lottery tickets he cannot cross the streets because they Park a l they Park uh cross the crosswalks the grad crosswalks they park in front of the fire hydrants and now with this gentleman or whomever drives that truck he parked his truck up against the driveway uh up in the driveway against the side of the house and it hangs out onto the sidewalk um I have not seen any quality of life police officers come through my father's neighborhood and it's all always a problem with the parking always a problem with the parking that he cannot cross the street he cannot walk up and down the sidewalk because the sidewalks are blocked thank you thank you Mr P CL Jasmine Williams she didn't put it next speaker Jasmine Williams look like is not here so let's go and speak on to councilman Bill McCoy might come back very good brother good evening um honorable council members um McCoy city of Pon um 20 years on the municipal Council representing the Third Ward um I'm delighted to be with you this evening I I just wanted to stop by to thank everyone for their uh tremendous support that we received during the Jamaica day and Gospel Fest on August 3rd and fourth thank pardon thanks to the yes rain and all um we were able to dance Between The Raindrops and waited for the rain to stop with a fantastic time vendors did a great job and great opportunity thanks to the council members I recall councilwoman Davin counc Udin that that stop by Corporation Council um St by and be with us along with um the mayor and all of the city of patteron and had a great time so I want to thank you for that I too wanted to comment on the two uh memorializing resolutions that you have on your agenda this evening principally firefighter Lyn Talbert coach Bulldog who coached my sons um and a lot of other young people in the city of patteron I I think the city of patteron hold him a debt of gratitude it's a great loss for our city he was a fantastic firefighter did eroic deeds and I still believe and I'm troubled that the city did not love him um as much as he loved the city um his experience with the fire department was not the best and um but I'm happy to see tonight that it will be forever recorded um the honor and tribute that we give to him for a life of legacy of support and dedication to young people who coached and advised them and advised me and yes G um I was there from 2000 with the cable truck in the back portable and the and the cables going through the window and all of that Mr Ming and that's what I call him was an exceptional you human being um never saw him upset always encouraging always uplifting and and excellent in his craft and executing that so I commend you this evening for recognizing that I did see your video on the clean up of the the tracks and I I do believe that the bulk collection is a problem and continues to be um it's not every day that you're going to see that kind of assistance from the company I think it's a shame we have to address homelessness and the concerns the mental health issues that drive some of that problem in our city and try to resolve the bul pickup situation Mr orales um um you know you talk about the Range Rover and I saw we have even with our Police Department have that problem and I'm hopefully that we'll be able to resolve that as well good night ladies and gentlemen God bless you good evening um before the clock starts at 3 minutes I would like to request a little bit more time and as well I would like to request to have that time now and not at the end of the meeting you have 3 minutes Mr P do apologize we have 71 item on the agenda that we have to discuss you have 3 minutes okay I I understand your point that you made that you let into but when you said you have 71 agenda items this goes back to something that I brought up to you guys 30 days ago about the I'll pause while councilman abdell aiz speaks but you're not going to do that while I'm at the mic don't do that you got a Flo surprise don't ever do that okay understand something C can we can you do me a favor can we start the clock back 3 minutes again 3 minutes I'm not going to tolerate disrespect you will not you will not being start in 3 minutes the reason why I said that is because 30 days ago I was here and I said to you guys hey you want to cut the meetings down and cut them in half the public deserves to have our time to address you doubled to six minutes if I have to wait 30 days to come and meet in front of a board like this that is totally dysfunctional it's not fair I have to wait 30 days to come here to address you guys about something that none of you guys will deal with I brought up items when I was here the last meeting none of you have addressed those items not one item I came here I asked you guys about the data where's the data you haven't produced it yet councilman abdalaziz said hey the the the public voted for this board to make decisions like cutting meetings down for us I beg to differ the public needs you to ad advocate for us that's not advocating for us you're doing a favor for yourself by cutting these meetings down okay now next thing I'm not here to compromise with you guys you guys think you're elected officials that's something on TV we're talking about a city that's rif with filth this board as well as this Administration failed the taxpayers here with this garbage collection issue I knew it before it even happened because when you had your director here and you asked how are you going to deal with bulk and the director said we're going to take care of that and the certain council members said yeah but how are you going to do it we're going to get back to you but we're going to take care of that you know what that is that's a failure in the real world nobody does business like that please come on there's crime everywhere you have you have all these parking issues I brought that up 30 days ago you have all these handicap spaces nobody has done any analysis to find out why we have a problem with parking that leads me into the next thing I sent all of you guys an email about making the zoning board and also the um the planning board meetings public they should be on TV and they should be on YouTube I sent all you guys emails not one of you responded not one so you can't come to work 100% of the time you can't be responsive to the public and guess what if you only have 13 people that attend these meetings you're telling me you can't give the public an additional three minutes when you only have 13 members here in the so-called third largest city of Patterson I mean come on this is the third largest city in the state of New Jersey three minutes and you're telling me you don't expect this room to be full it's a lack of respect you guys have no respect you have no respect at all and the problem is this continues to get kicked down road because when you make a mistake you fail to address that mistake councilman Udin with all due respect when I spoke to you on the phone about the meetings being cut down you said Mr Price they're being cut down but guess what the workshop sessions are going to be televised they're not time said they're not suris that's the point what I'm saying to you guys is listen when you make a promise to the public we demand that you hold true to that promise and stop disrespectful if you want people to respect you do your job and do it the right way speaker what we need thank you Mr Price I need to find out from you why won't you consider the six minutes thank you next speak cler Tom Kelly Tom Mr Tom Kelly my name is Tom Kelly for those of you don't know I'm the president of the P County Central labor Council I represent 25 5,000 union members in Pay County many of them reside right here in patteron and I just want to get up and say I appreciate you know that the support you've guys have given this project labor agreement in patteron um a project labor agreement is the most effective mechanism you have to make sure you're getting the best bang for your buck and the best product at the end of the day it also ensures that workers are getting the best pay and benefits they can get and they're working under the safest conditions and ensures careers for patteron residents and that that's B county is the I don't know all years know this it's the birthplace of Labor Day it was born right here the idea of Labor Day was born here in Pay County in patteron for machines Union the gentleman mentioned the silk Mill before silk strike of 1913 turning point for unions in this country so it's it's how I propose is it that you'll have a project labor agreement in Patterson supporting union workers here um just so you know on a on another side how ingrained we are in this community maybe a month ago two months ago we took 150 kids from patteron school 2 to Jackal game at Hench Stadium we go Martin de we played Santa there every year for the last five years we bring Santa we bring presents for all those kids um what's the food bank right there uh no the other one father English father English 20,000 PB of food to Father English every Thanksgiving so we're ingrained in this community and now we feel more like it's reciprocated because of these project labor agreements and I speak of and I know I speak for my brothers in the trades that we really appreciate this and this is going to be beneficial to everyone and it's going to make Patterson A Better Community like I said this is the birthplace of the Labor Day Parade come out the Labor Day Parade will be at the American labor Museum they're honoring you know Brian Jackson and myself and um Sue butter Butterfield Butterfield um and you know what believe me I'll give you a shout out for what you are doing here so thank you very much thank you thank you there are no more speakers motion to close public motion C Mo to close by counc D second by councilman roll call M cler to close a public portion roll call to close a public portion of the municipal Council regular meeting of August 20th 20 2024 councilwoman carton going to start the CL councilman Udin councilman abdalaziz okay councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk let me just um I just want to comment on a couple of the items that were here um and Roger you talked about the buck and we talked about um The Barber Park and that was the lowest bed and we need to go back and look at the B that was the lowest B I look at contracts I sit on another board and I see 304 $50 million contract so when you look at something it it may not seem that way but um that's I would look at it some more but I just want to remind the audience out there too that um even when the contract did come up for Phil Co I was the one that voted no uh because as as I went to a convention down in Atlantic City I spoke to several um garbage U garbage company uh and they all explained to me that they do not want to pick up buck and actually roselli was the only one Suburban who would pick a buck but and I could see that if I'm not picking up Buck I can see where the problem would have come in uh but what I think what's happening now is that they know that they're not picking up buck and nobody's watching and everybody's just dumping they they're just they I mean you ride by somewhere they know there's a sof out there you ride by somewhere there's a TV out there I live on 27th Street they dump in front of me front of my house one night I caught them I made them put them back in their car you're not going to dump you know but sometimes you know and I can understand you can't be a um you don't know what people going to do because right now we're living in a a different type um world with people sometimes I don't understand but I also want to say that um it is a portion election Wanda Pride Rend Pearson Second Baptist Church we got to do everything we can to make sure we get the vote out that's coming up I also want to say to you Norman Robinson I've known you for a really long time and you've been a team so you've been in this community for really really a long time and I want to say happy that you came out tonight um to speak about different is issues that we're having here also um I know Nicole Jackson cuz she was a teacher when my daughter was at school 13 and actually is she's still here she left uh she's an art teacher she's been here 17 years and so we need to really look at some of the stuff I remember talking before tractor trailers you can't park in the driveway I don't care if you do own the house you should not be parking a big tractor trailer in your driveway um I'm going to stop because we only got the two minutes left but I would say more later on when it's time for me to say it Mr Price I will call you up again um for some of the issues that you have Todd Kelly thank you for being the union person thank you for being here um with that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver my V is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk um uh Madam clerk I don't know if Miss Jackson left her phone number if we have her number I would love to be a to contact her okay think good I would appreciate you share that uh so G I have an enormous amount of respect for you and I appreciate the labor and the work that you do but um quite frankly I think that uh we all should be treated with a certain level of equity and um and I I I agree I think that as a courtesy you should be allowed to be extended um to speak about the concerns that you bring forward because everyone knows that you're a Stern Advocate but I don't think that you need to be treated any differently than someone like Mr Price who has equally have shared a great deal of years in this community he raised his family here he's a taxpayer here for Mr Price to come to the microphone and be disrespected in the fashion that he is and rushed off the microphone by the council president is an absolute embar harassment council president you're you're you're the most disrespectful person that I've seen share that seat I've had the opportunity to witness many Council council members hold the seat and never be disrespectful in that fashion um he's you know coward is is a is an understatement when a member comes forward to speak um uh negatively about some when they get up and leave the room they don't care to even be to address the person that cares to speak about them in the meantime our community continues to be disrespected because we have people who are at the will who feel as if it's sufficient to be disrespectful to members of the public we forget that we actually work for the public we work for the public I take every phone call I take every measure of criticism every measure there's not one person that could ever point out that they came to that microphone or they called me and they had something negative to say about me and I didn't address it directly but what was done here tonight was an embarrassment that depending on who you are and depending on what it is you have to say you're valued more or less than the person who spoke before you Mr Senator I my my respect and appreciation for you is enormous the fact that you have more history to talk about in this community is is to be commended I've watched PE people like Mr Tom fuscaldo who has shed many many nights of uh sleepless nights for this community be disrespected because he wasn't saying something that was favorable to the people who was in control of the microphone members of the public do not deserve to be treated that way and they are not treated that way in other communities where it's functioning properly you can't go to Woodridge where the where the the council president the mayor is a professional is is a working engineer who owns his own firm and members of the public come there to address the issues and they take the time to listen to them they're not rushed off but here it's done differently because people don't want to be criticized ized on their failure now coach you said when patteron was patteron translation when patteron was a good quality place to live when patteron wasn't such an embarrassment you know what I I was going to put up a post about this but Tom Cruz I believe it's Tom Cruz Tom Cruz I had a the privilege to watch a movie on Netflix and gee I don't know if you saw this movie movie Tom Cruz and Holly Berry have a movie that just came out on Netflix it was just featured shot two years ago and it's supposed to be in patteron they talk extensively about how they had to get out of patteron Hol Berry talks about how she became an agent she had to leave and how you know hey you just chose to stay there where Patterson is now being depicted in movies to be S such a deplorable place to live that it is your job to just get out I had a young man today get my car and you know I had a privilege of talking with him because he played for w grows at at uh East Side High School the young man's name is Jay and he's like you know I got into some some trouble I went into uh was I got incarcerated now I'm just trying to find a job while the council president talks about programs that is going to build jobs I'm sitting there fighting losing my hair because we allow $110 million to be spent and we don't guarantee that our young people are given opportunities for employment but you want to cut people's microphone off cut mine off I challenge you to do that because you're you're not willing to face the truth you're not willing to face the hard facts Lenny tobert G as we talked about the work that he's done you know the countless days of him coaching and and and and how we say how the city doesn't love those people who loved it as hard as they have the Blood Sweat and Tears that Lenny Tower were put into this community right disrespected by the previous not the current fire Administration CU I'm sure those guys they always at his services in fact I didn't make it they called me he where where are you I was out of town and they love and respected the work that Lenny talber did not just as a fireman but as a coach who coached and mentored many many kids for years well we got the same stuff going on right now there's a young man who is a police officer in another town grew up in this community Senator you're going to want to hear this one this a good one grew up in this community his mother still lives in Riverside Towers he's a cop in Essex County he's been a not just a coach but a sponsor my kids I used to coach with this organization my my son used to play there I was coaching volunteering he is not just a coach who volunteers his time but he also spends his own money in his program called the Wildcats they have over 250 kids they've expanded not to just be a football program but a cheerleading program not to just be a football and a cheerleading program but now to be a girl softball program and that girl softball program is flourishing is doing very well for the first year they were very competitive competitive this year how about this coach was approached by a patteron police officer at the park who is making demands threatening the officer the officer says wait a minute I'm on the job they didn't even give him the he said I don't care what where you are now DPW provided barricades for this coach so he when he goes there the coaches could park in a certain space this cop felt it was necessary to not just harass him but to threaten him to write him summonses you should be go as an officer who's employed here in this community making money youed to say coach how much water can I bring back to the field next time for you and you volunteering giving your time your money your energy for these kids kids no they don't do that we chose it necessary they recorded the the the officer and how disrespectful he was to a guy that's given his Blood Sweat and Tears and his money back to our community so wild cats if anybody wants to sponsor be a sponsor to their program please do these gentlemen not only do they put in their time they put their money where their mouths are there used to be PBA here in this community how many police officers from the Patterson P Police Department are coaching in this city how many zero you know why I know because I'm a coach I've been volunteering for years with various uh uh uh programs I sponsored giving my money zero there is no PBA in this in this city that coach none but we're wondering why is the community in the conditions that it's in why do children I have a young man who play at e side now looking for employment when we have projects that are hundreds of millions of dollars here we're proposing a a a contract for a project manager for under a little under a million dollars he has to be there they got to be on site 20 uh uh fulltime to monitor the contractor that you're paying $9 million like come on where do you make this stuff up at so I take criticism very well and I know you said that it's not our job to to do the the meaning the public and you shouldn't be putting yourself at at Harm's risk but guess what we we approved this legislation for $10,000 fines they can't even give you a report on how many people was actually caught and as G talked about in nor how it is very effective you will be less inclined to dump if you knew around every single Corner somebody could potentially be recording you not watching you recording you that could then anonymously because in the legislation I talk about being anonymous reporting this anonymously sending it to Internal Affairs and listen I got some people that say I don't care if they knows me they'll be out in the open yo what you what are you doing because there's people that have done it somebody sent me a video the other day on somebody recording them yo I'm I got you on a film that person should be rewarded with half of the penalty so brother price I did not answer you because you already know why I stand on those issues I fight in the front in the foreground on those issues that you talked about not only do I fight on those matters I'm in total agreement with you so it I I felt it you know I get those you know I respond periodically to those group text messages where no one else is responding it's crickets look at what's going on here for the public portion you're not important and they're telling you you're not important they're the ones that made this this created this this initiative to reduce our meetings by 50% so I wrote the the the the amendment to extend the talking period from 3 to 6 minutes and council president again disrespectful y removed it from the agenda oh it has to be vetted by legal what are you talking about it's the council that makes the decision we can decide not him he's not the all authority he doesn't have he doesn't even understand his role that's the problem here people get a title and they start calling you with their title it's not Mike Jackson this is council president Mike Jackson what does that mean when the job that you're doing is is is getting an F but people think moving this city forward they use these Buzz words I'mma sit here every single night and I'mma expose it I'm going to expose his incompetence I'm going to expose and talk about it every single night he went out and did a live video the other night on the flooding taking place on 11th Avenue and we G to come up ask him what his plan is he says we're going to collectively get with the administration come up with a strategy and do what what exactly are we going to do I tell you what we're going to do we're going to spend more of your money then we got to go out and hire more professionals pay them millions of dollars that don't live here we're bleeding the city's bleeding and if anybody supporting these kinds of activities you should be ashamed of yourself because this is the reason why and if you're not voting you made a comment on how people are disenfranchised they don't vote anymore that then you're the problem too if you're not voting but because of what's going on here then you are the part of the problem Madam clerk you're never a part of the problem you're always making Solutions and I appreciate that while other people are are are doing the exact opposite so with that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman Udin good evening Patterson uh those who are here those who are watching us live I thank you for joining us and those are here absolutely thank you for uh caring about Patterson um so many of our resident mention about issues and particularly I would mention about the ball pickups I would say we have in house ball pickups we do not have fully CED DPW at this point and as I had mentioned earlier today that even yesterday morning we sit down with the DPW Department with and also the PWD committee that how can we make sure that whether we should have more more manpower more trucks in the department to make sure that we have uh all pickups taking place how it should be not should be scheduled by the people but we should have our own schedule to collect the trush or we should go to forbidding whatever action we take but we have to be efficient on it and we came to a point that whe we have we need to buy more trucks and and hire more more employees in the department to make sure that in our in-house services are equipped and we can provide services to all single every single Street in a in a in a scheduled manner not scheduled by the people but in the time being I you said that we have to educate our people to make sure how they can schedule online and until until we are fully could schedule online and so that the deput we can collect the trash on the weekend Saturday Sunday but again we are working on it just know this been yesterday I was working on it tomorrow you're going to sit down with again with the administration to push for it to make sure that we are fully equipped we have enough manpower so that we can collect trash on the weekdays not on the weekends that's one thing I wanted to work on and I I just want to the stents to know that we are working on it we are working hard on it uh second thing about the parking issue this is a this is a common issue to our city and as uh uh two or three of our cons our resident mentioned about uh resoling the parking no one can reserve parking on this street there is no such thing that I have to park or in front of my house is is just for me to park there's no such thing in the city of Patterson so no one can disserve our parking about the truck parking uh we have we we actually amended an ordinance last year which is uh any talk commercial vehicle cannot be parked on the city street uh which is uh weigh more than 4,000 and and again uh one of my coun one of my colleague from JFK High School Miss Jackson mentioned about the uh big truck parked on the driveways again um we I definitely will drive by and if I see this I'm going to definitely take picture and address it they cannot really do that we have to send the inspector to make sure that they issue Commons that no one can do certain things and it's happening and I I do agree that we have in our city street we see regularly commercial parkings but they should not do that we need more enforcement low is there but enforcement is important at this point uh Mr Price I I want to uh mention one more time that when I supported the current calendar my first condition was that I want televised Workshop session with that condition I supported it and I mention again last Workshop which was not televised I'm talking about last Tuesday I mentioned in this meeting that I want to make sure that T's Workshop session I I said that and I am I want to again I'm saying it I spoke to the council Pro Ev today to make sure that our Workshop sessions are televised I first the workshop session should be televised because before we make the decision people need to know what what are the items we discussed in the council meeting so that people can make their voice hard about certain items and I'm expecting from next council meeting next Workshop session will be televised that's all I can tell you so I I said it but again when I voted for it that was my condition when I voted or supported this calendar so I definitely on it if if council president doesn't want to go to televis Workshop session I'm going to move forward to four days council meeting last do two days live and two days our workshop with our life you know otherwise and and as he mentioned today that he's he's going to go to telis Workshop session so Mr surpris I'm on it and you know this I'm I'm really fighting for this uh second thing um I again I thank everyone uh the movie my Council fellow Council uh Michael Jackson mentioned the union I recommend everyone to watch it which was um casted by Mark Walberg and halberry so it's a great movie where uh Mark wber was portrayed as a great patteron so you can watch this movie definitely with that being said my would yes to close thank you councilman urin councilman valz some movies are good but I want to relive reality in patteron we should have a reality show here first of all I spoke to Mr Jackson U her father lived in 17 Aven in East to2 east2 3 sorry and I address her personally because I did forward all those complaint before even she come in here to zoning to py and other quality of life issues to the property department and I'm gave her my phone number so when she have it in the moment so she could call me and I take a action right away Madame ba um through the chair Madame ba a lot of this concern regarding block or trucks cabs illegal cabs illegal buses illegal dwelling you know you had to set a um n inspector uh program that without violating the law or without making people uncomfortable in their inspection they could perform this type of of of inspection there's two areas that is real concerning is the U housing inspectors and also the taxi inspector there's a lot of jimy Taxi out there there's a lot of illegal taxi Park double Park taking the uh uh the legal taxes work so you need to look into that to see if you could schedule or reschedule them at different times on the night for they could take care those complaint that comes uh resent comes here daily not daily because now we have monthly meetings but that concerns come through the uh city office uh Council Office and that we could address accordingly a lot of people thinks that we are inspector we cops we are this we are that we are legit everybody sometime we go out of our way right Mr G he could test that sometime we go out of our way our function to address this quality of life we don't got guns we don't got handcuffs we have we don't have a ticket book we just address accordingly how the complaint comes sen Robinson uh uh do notice um since 2016 I'm aware of the situation of the museum as a statutary a uh chairman uh we sit down we always look into see what is needed uh moving forward in that um Museum in that building we have seen it we we go in there we see when it raining the uh The Falls is inside that building when uh no when when it's summer there's no no AC when is uh when it's uh winter there's no no heat um and not even the grass is cut so you know the parking lot is tremendous and I recall when the city um was demanded by Court to invest and I believe in uh 2016 or 2017 the city bunded money uh to make some repair I don't know if they fulfilled that we had to follow up that MBA to see uh I don't think it was in your tenure or when you got the job here but um that that transaction occur uh in the past administration and um and it was the lab it was I believe was the museum and also so the 111 uh Broadway police station was involved in that bonding for fix and repair I have a big list here of uh one two three 11 bullet points that I did when uh when cilman Jackson was addressing what the PBA is not doing and what the police is not doing I could mention a lot of things that the Paran Police Department through the PBA and through the pison community police they doing our city so residents of pison you need to participate the PBA conjunction with par police department give back to the community such as Summit program to to the Explorer Program number one Community event in front of headquarters book bag giveaway Community block parties sponsor concert to the youth for Women's Conference and Men's Conference event through the police department they do to drive to the police department Halloween events to the police department they go B bowling with of cop go bowling with a cop those program have been successful in our city through the police department shopping with a cop that are that are program that the police department had created for our kids in the city of Bin it's up to us to announce it to the residents in our Ward to they could participate our Witnesses I witness it every time they do an event through the police department and to local PBA now the big question is here if they want to give them their money the fair enough question will be let's ask the administration to give them a fair contract give them the pay that they deserve like new gave them the police like Joseph City gave the police like Brookfield they gave to their police and let's give them the right salaries and the right money and they probably could invest a little bit from their money to the community given a fair contract Madame ba to shair Madame ba you know I have received a couple calls this past week that we are holding council president I don't know you receive calls that we are holding the contract of the police department let me say this and I say loud and clear if there is been a settlement an agreement between the police officer Union and administration we haven't even discussed it I haven't discuss I don't see it in finance Finance haven't seen it we as council member we haven't seen a contract yet we don't know the agreement and to hear police officer saying that the administration is blaming us that we holding that contract that's unresponsible it's unresponsible now what I know is they've been five six years without contract five six years without contract and what I know is right that they only given 2% rats and they only given one year retroactive that's why you see cops leaving that's why you see cops leaving the city of patteron for better job three figures four figures and other cities and with the amount of of job are less than patteron less than Patterson so when we go to lift the morale of a police officer is giv a fair salary a fair contract and that they can invest in the city of Patterson their money if they have enough beling the police department and putting down that department that works hard and protects us while we were sleeping is UN call Madame ba Madame be you need to take serious because probably in two years you're not going to be working here but all the police officers got a career in the city of Patterson and they need to stay here serving and protecting the city of Patterson um but don't blame us if you don't know how to will give the right salary to the police department of the city of Patterson I will not stand for that um there's other issues that have been brought up here I will name it little by little later on because there's in a resolution um council president I I'm trying to look in the agenda as to the appointment of the commissioner that Council woman will we kind recommended is here tonight council president if it's in the agenda tonight is not here I'll that's supposed to be in this agenda that's supposed to be in this agenda council president for that I could batch for that I could I could fight but we we could have the conversation later why it was removed um saying that council president um Madam Clerk my word is yes thank you cman valz Mr President thank you madam clerk let me try to be brief within my two minute to address some of the members of this community but I want to stop by saying that brother G it's easy to build this difficult but it's easy to destroy it's easy to destroy you just need to you don't need anybody to you don't need to collaborate with anybody to destroy a person to destroy a project to destroy a city to talk back down about any person you don't need you don't need help you don't need to collaborate with anybody it's easy to talk negative about the city it's easy to complain that's very easy but it's difficult to build it's difficult to get things done because in order for you to build you need to collaborate with others you need to work with other people to build not every not everybody have that ability they choose to destroy and they choose to talk negative and that's understandable because those people that would never learn how to work with other people to get things done that's a that is the reason why when we spoke about the labor agreement I spoke about the committee and how important is to get the job done at a committee and come together and spend hours to get things don't need to bring into the front into into this into this agenda we're investing over1 million on the resurf on resurfacing Road in the city of patteron that's on this legislation I haven't hear the community speaking about that there's a lot of project that we should talk about and that that we should concentrate but once again it's easy to destroy and I'm very happy that people pay attention about my social media I like that they pay attention about my social media what I do how I look the tie that I the suit that I wear I don't care I don't I don't it's fine with me the Su if I if I you know if I change i l or not that's okay with me but I just want to tell you you're wasting your time because it's not about me it's about the seat I'm a happy person I'm a positive person I collaborate with everybody to get the job done in the C Pon it's not about me I'm always happy and I'm always positive and I'm always ready to work with the for this community that's the reason why I get things done I was the one that update the legislate that that got the legislation back and put it down up to the maximum Fe of $8,000 a minimum of$ 500 now we have $1 million allocated for camera and that's an I ask the administration to give us a report that's how we get the job done in the city dumping is a problem I'm already I've been working with Administration DPW having meeting after meeting to resolve the problem to find a way to go off for a bit getting the DPW uh Department more resource more equipment to get the job done that that's what I do as council president that's what I do as a counsilman I'm a community leader and you see me out there I'm not only recording the the the uh the floting of the street of the 18 Avenue I know that we already allocate funding for Bren Avenue there's a project on the way and the reason why I said that I'm working with Administration is because I call Administration and I ask for a report on that project that's what I do I go out day and night to get that job done for my community to represent my constituents and that's what I do and I love to do so with that being said I don't mind that people are checking me and because it's not about me I don't pay attention about that and I'm a very happy person that I get the job done I'm going to continue working with anybody in this Council to move the city on the right direction there's a lot of work to be done and one day when people say that pison is a horrible place that nobody can leave I will say that pison is a great City Pon have the best history in this nation the first industrious City and Pon One day is going to be the best city in the state of New Jersey what the best city in the state of New Jersey and when people say that people cannot move know not leave here put your property in the market and you will see how many offer you're going to get in the city of patteron just leave it at that uh Senator I've been advocating for the museum forever the museum is a beautiful building with so many history the history of the city of pis is in the museum I know there's some funding to fix the parking the parking l is a hassle and but we having that conversation at the DPW committee meeting every time we talk about the different building in the city the museum it's on the it's on the top of the list we got to bring the building back we got the great FS we got that the momentum of the C pison is on that section and the future of the city of patteron is in our history we're going to continue working to make the city a great City dumping is a problem we already working to resolve the problem of dumping the ball pick we already having conversation to go out for a bit if probably working handling we already have that conversation parking in the city of Pon and this uh Madame ba I really want you to send an email and I will send that email to the OIC and our Pon Police Department parking illegal commercial truck they should not be parking overnight in the city of pison we have so many commercial vehicle that they using a residential area to park overnight taking the parking lot away from the resident and that's been a big problem I see huge truck parking overnight and we're not enforcing the law and I'm going to say enforcing the law is going to be the key for us to get the city on the right track so with that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you council president the votes are seven yeses two absences public portion of the municipal Council regular meeting is here by closed thank you mad clerk let's start with the No Agenda mad clerk Council um councilwoman Davila yes councilwoman you have a request and it's about mad the request of a councilwoman it's item number 58 we have the honor is here present I know um it's passing 9:00 let's take item 58 before we start with the nonos and agenda from the beginning yes sir item number 58 is a resolution honoring Richard Coretta a paronian who was inducted in the New Jersey Hall of Fame everyone needs a hero it's sponsored by councilwoman Marita Dava it's a city council resolution 24 colon 523 second by Council second by Council Bless councilman UD roll call cler on item 58 councilwoman count and councilwoman count also M cler let the record reflect councilman shahim khik from the second war is join us at this time okay sir thank you roll call on item number 58 for approval councilman abdalaziz thank you madam clerk I'm not going to use my two minutes my vote is yes thank you councilman councilwoman cotton thank you um Madam clerk I just want to say this is absolutely wonderful to be inducted into the New Jersey Hall of Fame um as a pisoni you know it's truly an honor to um even be inducted so I just want to say Council woman Dava um thank you for recognizing him being inducted Madam clerk with that being said my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver so before I vote um I want to first you know congratulate you rich corsetta coach as I call you since I met you uh 30 years AG okay uh working at the state County College um I was we actually found each other on Facebook again after a few years right and I was reading and I came across thank you to everyone who congratulated me on the selection of the New Jersey Hall of Fame everyone needs a hero at American Dream next to MetLife Stadium when I saw that you know I started thinking about the years and all of the students that I would recruit to assist and for them to play for p County College and there's so much more I can say there's a lot said here of all of the work that he's done but at the end of the day you know I like honoring Patterson paronian and although you he may not live here he is still here he visits here just like our Senator as well and you know I thought it was it would be an honor for the city council to actually also you know through resolution um honor uh Rich coretto so coach I want to congratulate you and Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman davet councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk um coach great T by the way I don't know you been hanging out of T awesome tan um and I'm sure if if I had to the uh privilege to play for you I I would have probably been a better basketball player wasn't that great anyway um but I do understand and we we we spoke multiple times and your passion for the for the children of Patterson is is resounding um I've truly respected and I appreciated um the years and years that you have contributed to the city my my father being a coach and my you know it's just in our in our blood and giving back to the community and endlessly I I I'm forever grateful this is a small token but um it's well overdue and I appreciate the work you're doing Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman khle congratulations coach my vote is yes thank you councilman K councilman urin coach first of all um as an educator I I feel how important it is to coach our young gener and you have served our youth for 38 years in different capacities high schools colleges and this young minds will always always carry you we salute you for everything you have done and we always wish you a good health uh congratulations on uh being whole family New Jersey and also honoring you here in the city council my vot is yes thank you councilman urin councilman Valance coach thank you for everything you do and continue doing I encourage you if you want to be our coach to see how we could play a game here congratulations my vote is yes thank you councilman vet Mr President coach congratulation we're proud of you my V is yes thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one absent item number 58 is hereby adopted thank you congratulations yes well well deserved um M CL let's start with item number 52 on that order yes sir item number 52 is a resolution designating Summer Street between Essex Street and Park Avenue to also be known as Frankie RS way is sponsored by councilman Lis VZ and councilwoman Marita Dava it's a city council resolution 24 colon 517 um move move by council member l come by Council and council president Mendes council president uh before you move forward yeah before you move forward I want to add you as a question answer on this resolution than2 roll call on item number 52 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Dava oh she sorry councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk um this is another item I think is well overdue uh this uh this gentleman and and his accomplishments in in music is enormous and the fact that um the city this city is actually responsible for um not only for his success but also the trials and tribulations that he experience as well knowing firsthand I had my my my mother's siblings um spent a great deal of time they went to school together they hung out together and the drugs and things that were so prevalent in the city like we owe we owe him so much more than just a street naming you know but um his talent and what he's managed to do with his music and be a world renowned world renowned um where his music is still played at almost any party uh a Hispanic or Latino party his music is played all the time no matter where whether it's in Ecuador Mexico Dominican Republic Puerto Rico wherever he is his music is is played and that speaks volumes it came right from here right from patteron on the streets of Patterson living in very hard life and um you know it took many many years but um he's his family and and he deserves so much more but Madame clerk my my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman KH my vote is yes Madam clerk councilman Odin yes councilman valz Frankie Riz PR Puerto Rican born and raised in Patterson as councilman Jackson stated he traveled around the world and I recall that some of the songs that he always men mentioned patteron when he had the chance to say patteron I'm from patteron New Jersey and and let me let me say this loud and clear I got a good relation with the TOA family Frankin Reed family in 2016 there was a project from this individual and yes we spoke to sat and sah from Puerto Rico has a studio under Frankin re's name but nobody like to join protocol they said that they will do something if the family agrees on it I had no phone number from the family from media family from Florida only from here so that died a little bit regarding the statute of Frankie re I had an idea to put Frankie re statue in Roberto Clement Park one of the size of it but that don't come free they had to get funding so this gentleman came here speaking and saying that I'm a liar I don't never had a conversation with him at all when I dedicated to kazeo frankly Reign and I put it at cazo Roberto Clemente it was because in that time 2016 it was not allowed to put a name under no one that had previous incidents with the law and that's what they tell me but we're not here to praise what happened in the past we're here to move forward so the time to name Frankie ree Ray in the city P had come today the family is aware the celebration is coming forward and um I'm doing this with the family and we're going to get together with my colleagues to do a good celebration Summer Street at Summer Street between exx and Park Avenue frankly re family deserve this frankly re family memory have to live forever this settlement was banned blocked from the toola family and Frankie family they don't recognize him so the reason I'm saying it because everybody could come here and bad but the real story is the real story saying that we go celebrate council person council members when the time comes out with the family and we're going to do a nice presentation at the name Street uh saying that council president um also Madam cler um the family asked me that councilman Jackson um um ask them to be also sponsor on this resolution last week I want to put him as a co-sponsor of the resolution as Council amand also my word is yes congratulation to the family thank you coun Val C councilwoman Dava so to the end she was sitting there my colleague to the right is getting on my nerves cuz he wants he didn't say it but he wants me to I mean meaning double right you know cuz you know he he wants to continue to say South Patterson South Patterson and where he was um um where his funeral and where he lived but um just bringing it back to you know what we're voting on today um I want to say something about the gentleman that came because this gentleman did come and and he did have a conversation with me and he did address me and I think at the end of the day you know there are individuals that can have ideas and they can talk to us right but the reality is is that it's a council function so the a council person has to sponsor it right a council person puts it forth it goes through a committee and so forth so you know I want to thank councilman veles because you know as soon as um you know especially when Puerto Rican you know Heritage comes or you know we're raising our flag you know is when we come together and we really start thinking about those individuals that you know know came uh that were part of tonians either through music you know through through um education or or or you know uh private sectors public nonprofits and so um I want to thank him for putting this forth but I do councilman VES I would say that this gentleman has been and has been given tribute to Frankie Ruiz and I think that he should be part on that day let's make sure to send him an invitation to let him know give him a a a um I would say even a session I mean because we're going to celebrate it we can have him sing um he as he has a tribute family say no oh well so with that said you know that is the the wish of the council woman but at the end of the day if the family deems it that they will be the ones inviting people then again but please let it be known that this function is a municipal function so although we work with communities and families at the end of the day it is a municipal function and so I believe in loving on people bringing people together you know bringing people to the middle even if you don't like me it's okay but let's work together if it's you know something that's going to move forward you know and make sure that you know we stop with the division and the attacks because there's so much going on in this world and you know in our city that you know I always say the city needs love the city needs love and we just need to love on each other and respect each other even if we don't like each other so with that said you know I'm happy you know to be part sponsor of this today and I'm looking forward to the day that you know we move forward are we going to do it for his birthday councel V for his birthday Council woman I know but I want to know cuz I want to put it out there that you know soon this soon soon as this by the end of September we're going to get together yes my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver Mr President thank you m clerk it's definitely a great honor for me to support this legislation be a co-sponsor Frankie re as they call him de Sala uh his patteron history and it's definitely an honor for us to rename a portion of this tree under his name looking forward for the celebration and may God bless his family with that being said my voice is yes m cler thank you counc yes councilman I would like a moment to reconsider my vote please yes sir please go ahead so I'm not going to reconsider my vote because obviously I support this family this for a point of clarity and this is to to the public I have never Senator never I've been elected over 10 years I have never ever called anyone let alone would I call the family to ask for them for me to be placed on somebody's uh item as a sponsor I've had items that I've written myself I've written and I wouldn't even move them I've never done that so I don't know where that information came from but as far as me calling anyone to ask for them maybe the family requested that I be add it and I'm and I'm grateful I appreciate it I think I mean I'm not going to decline normally there my Council colleagues will tell you I would decline no I do not want to be put on Frankie Ruiz stature is enormous and I I'm very proud to have you know I have Puerto Rican Heritage as well so I'm proud that the family asked for me but I would never never call anybody to be added to a piece of legislation let's I just wanted to set that record straight Madam clerk you already know my vote is still yes thank you thank you councilman I want to reconsider my um council members no no because I I cannot I cannot please be I can yeah brief that's when you notice we have a blessing ordinance that we are going to name a street under somebody that contribut a lot to our community put in Puerto Rico put in patteron putting the music and and still people continue playing his music in different radio station I'm not here for controversial this gentleman got up AG with the family outside took a picture with him because I got the picture and they came and said that councilman Jackson asked them to be part of the resolution all right thank so today today unless I misunderstood them but this is the blessing that we have today so only because I want to work with my colleagues you want to do a show like this and some some important thing that we doing today so Madam clerk my is going to be yes and Community wake up Community wake up wake up wake up my my word is yes C thank you councilman valz the votes are eight yeses one absent item number 52 is hereby adopted thank you let's get back let's get back to business M CL Idol 61 is the only us it that we have let's let's do item 61 see the director and member of the USU yes Mr President item number 61 is a resolution of the city of patteron authorizing the submission of a request to the New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zone Authority for a clean collection project in the city's Urban Enterprise Zone in an amount not to exceed $ 46,7 195 s cents move move move by council president second by Council clerk roll call and item number 61 for what number we council members it number item number 61 yes 61 61 ccan come on whatc point of orders police council members Council woman sit down Council sit down council members Council woman Council council members council members council members counc council members council members thank you come to it's just incredible we have so many items thank you it's incredible we have so many items on the agenda so many items on the agenda important it important item that really are going to make a big change in our community I want I want the resident of the city of Pon to just view what happening over here the level of disrespect on this Council I don't number 61 showing and viewing no you don't have over Flor I'll take the floor I'll take the floor we don't have talking about is how he came over here put his hands in my face threatened me didn't say anything walk all the way over here yes mam it 6 say anything you didn't call for theorum put his hands on me put his hands on my face and you just say one you just say one thing that out president you should be holding he walks over here puts his hands his hands in my face threatens me you don't say anythingk the police don't even come over until I stand up what is that that what does that say he stood over me for most for a good amount of time threatening me sir and you didn't my V is yes madame clerk thank you coun councilman Odin Council pres councilman Jackson we're voting on item 6 to1 sir okay thank you madam clerk sure that's how we get control the Enterprise Urban Enterprise Z once again I mean are absolutely abely correct absolutely correct the the the the criminality of what goes on here gee had I walked over there I would have both officers Army the administration calling for it he comes over here puts his hand in my face makes a threat council president doesn't say anything nobody moves until I stand up now I'm just supposed to let somebody stand over top of me and continue to continue to threaten me but you already know what what would happen and uh you know it's just it's just comical but I I would remain steadfast I'm here to continue to expose this the high level of corruption people could talk about it and complain about it and I I I I will continue to be uh truthful in the effect I don't care what he was told I've never called anyone and ask for my name to put on be put placed on anything nothing I don't do that I've never done that and for somebody to uh say that uh on a public form and not be uh not be interested in in being checked all he had to do is apologize say you know what the family conveyed it to me this way but you going to say say that I did something I don't have any photographs in my phone with anyone anyway Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you I'm second yes M thank you councilman Jackson and just a reminder when we speak not to speak too close to the microphone it muffles and it gives an effect for the public thank you council president thank you m Clerk and I just got I just want to remind Council MJ that I'm not you babysitting uh you are a grown man you are a councilman elected by the people you're supposed to be here representing the resident of the first war I'm not here to babysit you or or any council members you act and now want people to look the condition the level of disrespect that you and all the council Khali do in this chamber you you like to talk for 10 15 minutes expecting me to uh interrupt you for me for you to start debating with me that's not my job my job is to get this agenda done and it's a shame that we have the Reconstruction on River Street that we have $1 million on resurfacing into the city of patteron and we have this action over here acting like kids my vote is yes M CL thank you um council president the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 61 is hereby adopted over 60 seats council member Council council members let me allow me to take action on this item and it will move forward council president I'm just going to 20 seconds I'm just going to say this because councilman VES did approach and he came here now he came by me to show me so I just need to I need to put this on record as well he showed me a message from the family that said exactly what the councilman said regardless and I believe councilman Jackson because he's never asked but the family did say so to me it seems that the family wanted him to be B I just wanted to say that that is what he showed me on the phone thank you councilor item 66 item number 66 is a resolution authorizing the award of contract to Smith sand asphal construction company company a for the 2024 Citywide Road res servicing program supplemental to bid number 24.2 3 for the engineering division of the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 colon 531 by council president Council second by Council roll call it 66 roll call on item number 66 for approval councilman abdalaziz councilwoman cartton I'm a pass with them pass councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson pass I don't see it on there councilman khik I am not passing there many many roles in the city of patteron specifically in the second world are on this uh Road resurfacing project um and my vote is yes madame clerk thank you councilman K councilman Udin we definitely want our uh road to be resurfaced as you know there so many of our streets are in really in a bad condition so many uh many of the streets have a lot of pool so I think slowly if we can move forward like this and res surface uh all theu that are in need um and and I think this is one of the agenda that very important to support my vot is yes to um to this item thank you councilman urin councilman valz we are voting an item 66 for approval sir yes Madam clerk um I think we should be moving forward with this road surfing uh program um the residents of east 21 between 20 Avenue and Park Avenue are waiting for that street to get resurfaced and um they've been asking me um when they going to start so hopefully this move forward uh my vote is yes thank you councilman valz back to councilman abdes thank you madam clerk uh to the residents on Florida Avenue Michigan Avenue at Timothy Street um this is a contract to award Madame B I hope this gets done during The Fall season before it gets too cold there's a tight time frame our engineer is there Mr engineer hopefully these roads get repaved before November that will award in this contract today so hopefully it gets done during the fall U my vote is yes thank you councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk since we talking to the engineer uh I have requested and this this is maybe my third time saying this that Montgomery Street and Summer Street got to get done I was down there this Saturday with a block party U giving out book bags and you you had to look down when you're walking that's how bad the street is you had to look down or you be step in a hole or fell in or broke your ankle something so I requested it and I'm requesting it again when we get this done I want Summer Street and mcgomery Street to be done first I'm requested it a third time that they got to get done Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman conon conman Jackson thank you madam clerk so again listen I'm I'm uh the Sesame Street one of these kids are doing his own thing Anthem is definitely where I'm where I'm going to stand and remain steadfast talked about it last week on how we're allowing for these jobs that we're Outsourcing that's that the money is leaving our community there not providing job opportunities for local people I spotlighted how there you know you can just Google it a machine to Mill the road is about $150,000 this contract is for for over a million dollars 1 point4 something like that I'm not in favor of anything that's sending money outside the community they can continue to cheerlead for that but I would not support any of that stuff moving forward Madam clerk my vote is no thank you councilman Jackson Mr President my V is yes M cler thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses one no one absent item number 66 is hereby adopted item number 68 M clerk item number 68 is a resolution authorizing a second contract Amendment for the qualification SL proposals for the design and permitting for the Reconstruction of River Street RFP number 2022 30.1 for the division of engineering of the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 col 533 solute second M by council president Mena second by Council M and councilman Udin R call M cler on item 68 R call on item 68 for approval councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cartton thank you madam Clerk had spoken about this last week and um um and I sit in other um committees and on other boards and um this is extremely a lot of money and my vote is no thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman councilman jackson1 again M thank you madam again uh from here moving forward any outside contracts that's taking money outside the city to pay enormous amount for for nonresidents to continue to work while we're not providing job opportunities locally I would no longer support Madam clerk my vote is no thank you councilman Jackson councilman K my V is noram thank you councilman K coun councilman urin so uh regarding this amendment it it does look like that it's a big change to uh these two amendments we sit down with the public work department along with my other uh council members who were in the committee uh council president was in presence as well if you notice that this this amendment is is a big change that's why I know it looks like that we should not support the original contract was 151 uh8 and then is turned to another sec first amendment was another 56,000 and second amendment was again I said not exceed 7 $81,000 which is this particular number is going to give an um uh contract to oversee this project and it's not just one person is working toward this project but a numbers of employees are going to work at least one is going to be onsite always to make sure that the work is taking place in quality of like quality of work is taking place we can save this money by not you know supporting it that's true however we might lose money on the long run when we we are having this big project uh to reconstruct the River Street so I think this is worth one to support it to make sure that we have we have reconstruct we reconstruc rers sheet in correct Manner and also save money on the long run so I definitely will support that my vote is yes mam KK did you say yes coun yes I said Thank You councilman urin councilman valz so we read all the we ass uh why the original contract was 151,953 it will tell them in the first wear ass what is it for and the first amendment was $ 56,58 and the First Amendment uh number one it would say what was that for but this one uh $781,000 $84,000 um it's clear says in a Ford Warehouse what is the purpose we be we asking for a project manager for this River Street to make sure that everything runs smoothly everything runs according to scope of work and also include proposed Improvement include that are not limit to construction of new storm water inlets manholes and piping cleaning televising existing sewer pipes sewer lining and reconstruction Concrete Construction of ada8 Cur ramp or all rollways intersection rway Milling with fa and restriping River Stree as it is so if we start reading the right thing and when we had the wish list in front of us and we start asking the administration we need a project manager we need this we need that and then comes to us then we vote no then we're going backwards so we want to see moving forward River Street we want to see that the residents of patteron has a decent road to go through all right that have been everybody being complaining about River Street and the residents in the area from first W third W and also fourth W deserve a street that it could go through I don't think this is a a uh something that uh should not be supported uh me sitting in the uh DPW committee chair for the past eight years no understand what are the Reconstruction that we need in our streets and our road so my vote is yes thank you councilman valet councilwoman DAV we are voting in item 68 for approval so I don't know how my colleagues voted but I'm going to say this I've been on this Council and I've stood alone on on some um items because when I believe that something needs to get done and it's the right thing to do I support it we need to get this done we can't be saying to our constituents we're going to get it done we're going to get it done we're working with the administration and then when it's before us we're not supporting it I will say no more item 16 my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver Mr President thank you m clerk extremely important item reest three the final uh legislation before the company start working on this project the Reconstruction of the sewer and also the Reconstruction of River Street this company is going to overseas this project from the beginning to the end from a to c uh this is one of the most important project the city of Pon has been crying about rivus 3 uh for many many years and we're going to get it done now I've been very vocal about my concern and my concern is being addressed the engineer is here I've been requesting and making sure that this the city of patteron the engineer work with PC and with P valy Water Commission to make sure that they replace all the pipeline that they have to replace on re Street before we fix the road I would I'm not going to see I don't want to see R Street being fixed and they any of those utility company going back and opening those road to fix and replace any pipeline I've been very vocal I know they working on and I'm looking forward to see this project uh step by step as I mentioned I have a lot of passion for this legislation we investing over $9 million on River Street and I'm looking forward for this project to be completed next year and for the entire C patteron to celebrate that we not going to have the nightmare of driving into to River Street because now it's a roller coaster so with that being said I'm looking forward to see the company start the work as soon as possible last but not least information is key I request the administration to make sure that we work that to work in collaboration with this Council to for to inform all the Resident that leave of River Street and also business owner I know we're going to have a lot of detour it's going to be we're going to have a lot of challenges but we need to know we need to let the business owner on River Street we need to let them know where we're going to close their section and how the work is going to be done so that's going to be the next step um of information for all the riv stre and for the entire city of pison because River Street is being utilized by not only the people that live around River Street with that being said my vote is yes M cler thank you Mr President Madam cler I'm going to reconsider my vote please yeah you want the vote no you don't mam clation we a leg Council before we open m isian so after after C I need a opinion about about the reconsideration from Madam clerk if someone reconsiders their vote it has to reconsider the vote on the record correct yes sir so they have to change their vote correct yes or they can after negotiating they can still remain there's no neot there's no discussion right so as a reconsideration the vote on the record right now is a no vote if I want to reconsider it they have to reconsider and change it it's not a discussion amongst colleagues explaining your vote thank you Council there has to be clear de um understanding so thank you madam clerk as cman Jack says she's a parliamentarian thank you for U your ruling great I'm happy we got that out of the way cuz no one can force anyone to change their vote reconsideration does not entain your consideration language council members he's speaking over me and I have the floor language is very important should understand it clearly words matter reconsidering is not call for a change but what I can say is this is the the the idiocracy that plagues the city this is the stupidity that plagues the city this contract is just about 10% of the contract for the PID roll resurfacing one almost $1 million it's $200,000 short 1 million 750,000 whatever it is right for a project that's not even going to take a year Community devel we can go out and hire a experienced sophisticated engineer to be the most the highest paid employee of the city for 27 $5 $280,000 and we're still saving money we can hire a full-time engineer and let's say we we want to pay him handsomely we paying $400,000 a year a full-time person who is clear and and and and uh knowledgeable in these areas as a matter of fact I'll take it even further we have people who work for the city of patteron in the fire department not going to name any names multiple people who are competent enough to oversee this job we can pay them a stien we're going to spend close to a million doll for somebody to drink Dunkin Donuts coffee and eat donuts on in his vehicle for the majority of the time to go and watch them uh uh uh dig holes place them at uh uh uh piping and then comp the the uh the concrete by the way they will be overseeing or watching over the contractor that we're paying $9 million for if this if this isn't stupidity then I don't know what is you can't show me this going on in any other municipality Madam clerk my my vote is a resounding no thank you counil Jackson councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk um my concern was and I stated it maybe last week or a couple weeks ago that um I and I said it to the engineer that um um all these um make sure that you work with Pake Valley Water make sure you work with Public Service make sure you work with all of those um uh companies to make sure that you don't uh once you do these roads that you don't have to go back and open up and I will give you an example I pleaded with them not to pave gwin Avenue said there were two buildings that were going to go up on gwin Avenue do not pave gowin Avenue they didn't listen they paav gwin Avenue next thing you know they digging up gwin Avenue two buildings went up on gin Avenue now you got to do so we want to make sure that that and I stated to the engineer that this is what happening but to me um when when you look at and and and and believe me um I know we need a project manager I know need somebody watching because you know what sometimes you don't know what they putting down in there if you don't have nobody looking at it cuz I remember going to a couple places and I say to contractors you see all these windows somebody's in there watching you working around all these homes and they got windows and people sitting in those windows and and sure enough they'll pick up the phone and say you know what they doing something they shouldn't be doing and they'll call me then I have to call somebody cuz I don't know what's supposed to go in there but they do but we would to me I think that we can get someone for oneir the course to watch that project to make sure that it gets done Madam clerk my vot is still no thank you councilwoman cartton yeah the votes are five yeses three NOS one absent item number 68 is hereby adopted thank you man item number 69 item number item item number 69 is a resolution authorizing change order number one for the 2021 state aid Road reserving program bid number 22.2 n for the engineering division of the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 calling 534 second move move by council president councilwoman Davila councilman khik and councilman uh bless and second by councilman roll call M clerk on item number 69 roll call on item number 69 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cartton thank you madam clerk this is the item that I spoke with the engineer Hors for couplings and caps and all the other stuff that they got to use for uh doing the reserving uh Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cartton councilwoman Dava yes thank you councilwoman Dava councilman Jackson no thank you councilman Jackson councilman colleague change order for $2,213 my vote is yes M thank you councilman colleague C man urin my yes thank you councilman urin councilman valz so this is the second one uh that will help the first one that we just voted so we needed this material we need this work the scope of work is here and to the first one move forward this one is needed so my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you m clerk with ID 69 plus a 66 and 68 we have roughly around $12 million of resurfacing in the city of pison this is the job that we're supposed to be doing in the city of Pon this is the job that we've been calling for our city our RADS are destroyed and we got to take action we got to sit here have a discussion effective discussion and approve this type of contract I have no idea why any elected official will say no to this type of project but with that being said we got to get the job done and my vot is yes thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses one now one absent item number 69 is hereby adopted item number 70 mad CL item number 70 is a resolution authorizing a contract with Clark Kayon hins for for architectural and engineering design services for The Limited Rehabilitation of the Rogers locomotive Works erecting shop for the Department of Public Works engineering Division and the Department of Economic Development historic preservation commission Public Works resolution 24 535 by Council second by Council and counc roll call M CL on item number 70 roll call on item number 70 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman KH yes councilman oudin yes councilman VZ Senator D um senat my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President my vot is yes M clerk thank you the votes are eight yeses one absent item number 70 is hereby adopted item 71 mad clerk item number 71 is a resolution authorizing the award of contract to fil coart Corporation for the collection of solid waste no bulk rebid number 22.17 for the city of patteron Department of Public Works for the period of September 1 2024 through December 31st 2025 Public Works resolution 24 call 536 by counc by counc discuss discussion councilman colleague number 71 uh Madame Madame B um what is this contract up to the last discussion we had I thought it was is going to we just going to extend it till end of the year end of this year but um on this resolution I see it is uh up to next year 2025 and also um what's the update on the B pickup situation thank you Council M colleague um bar thank you council president andc what's the plan for B pickup not the situation so regarding situation is so regarding this contract this is to complete um the the the initial periods that was that were part of the bidding process you know for so this contract um it goes through December of 2025 um so from this point forward so it's the the October as you could see the 27 months from October of 2024 through December 31st of 2025 and then we still have two additional option years after that this is uh kind of the pretty standard formatting for when you do um kind of bulk contracts that they you have multiple years and then two option years that the municipality can choose afterwards um we're continuing to have conversations about bulk I I do understand that there are um keep talking that there are you know numerous questions about what are going to be the next steps I know that the mayor has had conversations about um examining all options whether it's you know fitting and looking at how the city could pay for that so we're continuing to I know have those conversations and the mayor is having those conversations with the council members individually this is really just focused on the contract that we went out to bid for and that there was the litigation regarding and that we've been operating under our emergency contract and now we have to award the official contract council president um you finished counc no and was what's the plan for the Bard pick up any plan any future plan or there are continued conversations I know there are council members are kind of at a a couple different thoughts regarding this and I think um there's been some conversations in the committee there there's been some convers in DPW committee there's been other conversations in finance we're we're going to continue to listen to what those are and and to to move forward because we have to continue to um find a way to address the services but also that we can afford it with the money that we have right now thank you councilman counciling thank you counc president so yesterday I hosted a um I say emergency meeting with the committee members in the public wor Department to see whether the art money is going to be helpful to the public wor Department to uh solve the issues about B pickup situation uh uh we we had actually a long meeting uh with uh with Department uh director and also the supervisor Mike Jackson where we spoke about how we can be effective if we provide in-house services and they were speaking about another additional uh truck purchases and about 15 plus or about 15 more employees to be hired for the Department there was one way we spoke about where we found out that in a year we I mean including three trucks we we might have to we might need about $2.5 million and so I'm going to talk to the committee members one more time to see whether we can sit down with the administration including Madame ba to uh propose is what we are thinking and what how effective would it would be to purchase more trucks and hire more employees for the Department to provide effective services at least four or to five days in a week to collect the Box uh from our city street if not we have to go for bidding uh as of now uh whether we say people to uh schedule or not is still not effective yet you know I understand in in the meantime we have to educate our people how to schedule online um since we do not have any other options however this is not the solution so um I'm going to talk to the committee members and see see if we can sit down with you sometimes this week and I'm going to I'm going to reach out to you to uh share our concern and what what's concern shared by the uh deput director that how they would be effective uh to collect the Trust inhouse Services I I definitely want in-house Services if it is effective if not then we have to find find different different options so um I definitely will reach out to you after I speak to the committee members Council presid um Council Council M Les thank you council president so to the residents of patteron we've been having conversation since December or November last year when they came up to us and they said that we need to have saving in the garbage collection disposal the administration came forward with this tremendous plan that presented to the DPW Committee in good faith we listen to that conversation that Madame ba is alluding today since November and we spoke about the book of the city of Patterson we spoke about how this is going to work that was back in November last year still on January February March April May July now we are in August and still the administration you could hear the administration saying we having conversation the residents of patteron are Tire convers ations they dump us to council and saying what are you guys doing they not in the street talking to the resident saying it was our decision to present a council a weak plan a weak plan that is not working and it went towards conversation we even sat in DCA meetings with conversation we the council that are out there dealing with the residents of patteron concerns and complain and we the council that are out there looking how people when they they kind of throw away the the bul they dispose it in different area of the city we the council that deal with the residents every day don't want to hear conversations they want to see action action we the council still and I was thrown out of the office when they I put a nice beautiful idea okay because they didn't like it so they spell me from that meeting and they took me out because we was our plan was better than the ba plan the ba plan is we saving money but the reality is we're not saving money what we have is a dirtier City that's what we have with this B situation now last meeting I spoke and I say I will vote for a contract that goes alone with a contract for bulk that canot happen one day to the other we know whoever knows about procurement and bits and put proposal we know that canot happen from one day to the other but I spoke to the mayor I say mayor please at least at least in before November we need to get this problem resolved they talking about two trucks three TRS now I have the chairman sitting over there talking to the ba okay because now the new chairman is trying to get convinced by the administration that the conversation needs to continue but meanwhile meanwhile the residence of person needs the mattress the sofa the living room set or whatever picked up from front of their houses and make it accessible to them the service the service accessible to them the commercial coders in downtown cannot hold it anymore they lower it the six days to two days garbage pickup and administration still wants to have conversation we one of this say we're not going to have a Dominican parade or Peruan parade or or or Puerto Rican parade the next parade we going to have a rat parade in the City downtown let's see if Madame ba could have one of those beautiful poems that she gave and Alisa rat could be killed with those po but right now right now the residen of patteron needs action and that action cannot be no longer conversation about this B situation in the city of Madison she make me laugh but it's true I got I got videos of big rats coming out of stores out of stores in downtown out of those restaurants why because they holding the garbage in the back room because there's only two garbage days collection and this company is trying to do their best they got contracted for picking up garbage but if they got reduced from 68 to2 we got a serious problem serious problem look at that toown if you think that you and you deserve a downtown that we have today then go with the conversation Me Myself and probably other colleagues our tire conversation want to see a a clean downtown and we want action so man ba I don't know how convincing you're going to be still with this C conversation Sol and action action I love your words Council action come with solution councilman action come with solution council members and for us is serious we roll call council members we call we're in discussion sir discuss I'm sorry go I'm sorry any what time we are in discussion because we want to see a better downtown we want to give the right service to the residents and the issues here is not the garbage collection contract the issue here is the book that was eliminated from an original contract and they sell us that it was going to be a saving and still the number do not match when they went over the overtime and then they say there's a big cucko a big monster that every time they want to do something they mentioned DCA DCA DCA so have DCA come here and tell us sit down here and tell us that we cannot do this or we cannot do that I I'm I'm I'm a little bit continue upset this BX situation is killing me because I'm out there Madam ba all of us we are we we are out there we are out there counc and I want to make sure that this situation get Sol you know we need to we need to vote on this contract we we are in violation at this point because this company is working without contract we're in violation at this point so let's prevent a lawsuit thank you council president sure thank you I know councilman didn't spoke I have councilman d that haven't had a chance to speak but let me just give me a minute stay with me for a minute and and let's be clear on the discussion that we have uh yes this is a contract that we approving is for filco it's for the regular garbage collection um fil is being extending month after month after month waiting for us to uh settle this contract and voted this contract that they rightfully so were the lowest and responsible B now the only choice that we have is the world this this contract to fil they're doing the work now with the ball pick up the last conversation with that I have with Administration in the beginning when the administration decide to do the scheduling uh pickup uh of the bulk I've been against that project since the beginning because that's not working it hasn't been working um we have the data more than 50% of the people they continue putting a stuff out there uh Furniture mattress and they're not scheduling during the weekend we have pison with a bunch of mattress furniture the city looks filthy it's filthy people are tired of this situation and that need to be resolved I know we we voting on this and our responsible decision was to be voting on philal Contra now moving forward what needs to be done I put a plan in the beginning I make the recommendation to the administration now to take the scheduling away and set a set the schedule for all the residing in the city of pison if you tell me that the first week of the month the first monay of the month is my time to put the the furniture and the bulk up there I will have a set the schedule that never happen and we continually pushing the resing and forcing the residing to uh schedule the ball pick up and what happened is that our resident they putting all kind of furniture out there mattress the FI the city is filthy and I need to be resolved schedule is not working we have to go out there for for a bit and we have to get a company a private company who handled the bow pickup obviously the administration it doesn't have the M power to do the ball pickup from Monday through Friday Saturday Sunday should not be the time for the city to be picking our furniture around during the weekend the city is supposed to be clean for our The Outsider to come into pison enjoy the restaurant enjoy the Great Falls the museum and walk around our city and look our city nice and clean that have to be the plan we should not be we shouldn't have public work during the weekend going after picking up Furniture it's not happening it's not working and the city look horrible and this is a very serious problem that a resident uh are going through the scheduling it's not working now I have a conversation and my recommendation to the administration is to go out for a bit and in closing why we cannot use our money we could buy equipment with money the money that we have from the state but we cannot use that money for Manpower now in order for us to fix a problem my recommendation to the administration is to fix a problem with the scheduling set a a a specific day for a resident to put the furniture out there that way they could pick it up until we get the company who's going to do the B pick up in the city of par uh coun so to my colleagues and I understand that this is very it's a passionate thing for all of us right but what we have in front of us is filal collection of solid waste we're talking about bulk that's not here we understand the issues but let us right now understand that we were in litigation they won the bid and they're coming here before us could you imagine this Council not supporting this measure and the garbage not getting picked up already with the issues that we have so all I'm asking my colleagues is to please understanding and council president yes you said it we in the finance committee spoke to the administration spoke to the ba we've spoken to the mayor that we need to do something about both but what we have in front of us and and I hope that there's no more repeating of what has been said let us vote on this right now thank you very much counc president counc council members council members I know I know I have three I know I have councilman I have councilman khik and I have council member list um briefly I open the M please be brief and uh the before you vote you're going to have the opportunity to make a comment please I have councilman councilman KH and Council Council thank you president I'll be very brief on this um Yes again uh we are not voting on the B pickups however we are not just speaking about just SE conversations but we need a a solution for this when we uh voted for filco B filco uh we knew that they are not going to collect the boxs we knew that so we cannot really blame them not collecting bugs but it's our it was our resp responsibility to collect the B from our C Street and that was DPW but they were not well equipped not do they do not have uh enough trucks or Manpower so my point is and that's what we are working on and I I definitely want to tell the ccil members we cannot just blame the administration if Administration do not listen to us or do not listen to our suggestion then why don't you block them I'm I'm exactly saying exactly same thing if we come up with suggestion and we feel that this is something is going to be effective let's work together with the administration if Administration do not care about us or do not do not want to bother listening us then whatever they come up with let's vote no on this we have to come to Middle Point I'm not saying we are standing against each other but come to a middle point where both Administration and Council working together as you know that's that's that's what I'm I'm exactly speaking about now I think we should support fi C we need a trust to be collected from City street box is a separate issue then we find proper solution for this work together with the administration and let's move forward with this with and also uh councilman Bel mentioned about the um 10th of September downtown area to days uh trash pickup we had four days before item number 61 today is supported this is because we need to purchase uh a truck and also hire more employees to go back to for's collection of trucks from our commercial Corridor so uh that oh we not voting uh that's that's that's all council president thank you councilman Udin I heard you we heard you on this side now Council KH thank you oh KH now you going to hear me councilwoman uh when is this uh emergency contract current emergency contract with the filco is uh uh finishing Madam Madame be council president and councilman uh khle that it goes through through um September so that's why this resolution is for October 1st can we extend another emergency contract we cannot no why not that the the reason why that was an emergency contract was due in parts of the litigation that litigation has been resolved and now we have to move forward with the either yes or voting no for the the contract as what what's going to happen I'm I'm going to ask question I'm not going to make it just a uh statement out there uh what happened if this Council reject this uh to award this contract then we will not have a approved vendor for trash pickup that's no well we contract get awarded we don't have to award the contract it comes in front of the council that's that's what is portrayed out there oh we must award this um contract that's that's that's what it seem like well we don't have to do we have a second another option if we don't um we we would not have an approved for trash contract council members I'm I'm I'm I'm not finish uh cuz B pickup is somewhere connected to the solid uh waste pickup as well the reason it's been eight months since we we started this B pickup it has not been working and I don't think it will work inh housee our director of DPW came in front of the council and he said the DPW department is ready we are equipped we have the Manpower we should be able to collect The Bard pickup it's been 8 months it is not working and also I had a meeting with with the administration uh with the mayor the mayor said what we going to do we're going to extend the contract of filco to end of the year meantime we put out a bill one without book and one with the book and see what's the big results come in then as the council will decide but tonight I'm come to the meeting I see a different resolution this extension is until next year that was my last conversation um with the mayor so obviously we don't have a second plan and I believe we do we can extend and another emergency contract till end of the year corre meantime we look at the other option um that's all Madam thank you councilman um um councilman K I have Council and right after councilman of the before go ahead Council mes so let me and I believe um um Mr legal uh Department uh Mr bu you could probably uh clarify this the reason that we gave uh legal a ex emergency contract is because they was in court liberating the the case right and that's why we did an emergency contract now now the court is not involved in this is the council and administration we have done emergency appropriation because we don't have a budget approve we had done emergency contract because the bit Falls so nobody was bid before with RI I don't know why M be left what you oh okay oh okay she's there so in the past I remember with roselli because there was not a lot of participant and we didn't want to go with with with roselli only we gave an emergency contract to roselli and we extended emergeny contract few times when they didn't agreed or this side or that side so she saying no I don't think is because we in court with them that that is the pass I think the desp the the the problem here is Administration and the and the legislative body I think that an emergency contract is met it in this case um Corporation councel knowing that the emergency contract is not because they in court not because that's final knowing that the the disc is between us and administration because the bulk can weone this vote for this contract they still working on the contract up to October 1st okay let corer Council answer the question let me finish they still working up to octo September 31st all right September 31st September 30 was 31st whatever can can can they continue one more month because they have one more month and then next Workshop the administration could give us a resolution to go out and bit for the bulk okay there and you put hold this for another month and honor month by Monon contract there's a question on the floor by there's there's two thing both month by month contract into is matter of is resolve and through emergency contract if they want to we got the question now Madame ba and Corporation Council after you answer the question I have Council mava and Council ABD before and councilman abdal before Corporation Council first yes very very briefly thank you council president um and thank you councilman valz for that inquiry so first and foremost um this is not qualify for an emergency so to extend it um would uh be untenable at this time and I'm trying to pick my words carefully because uh this may lead to litigation and so if Council wants to have an executive session on that we can and I can fully inform the council additionally I just want to remind Council that this is the wiing B this is the winning bidder thank you um they have met the qualifications they've gone through the process it's gone through litigation and so Council um again I want to choose my words very carefully uh would be hard pressed to not award them the bid um at this time and so again given some of the legal intricacies here and the potential for litigation if this does not pass I cannot uh expand more fully than than I have thank you thank Madame I have nothing to add that that's exactly what what I was going to note Corporation Council can you you talk to council please okay uh and and go ahead Council and Council before no no wait a minute give me a second I have Council counc counc coun and right after we ready we ready for and councilman after that we'll take action councilman um Madam VA and to my Council colleagues first and foremost I am now going to make a phone call or send an email out to my residents in the Sixth Ward and tell them that we cannot pick up your garbage I can only imagine what the residents are going to do when they call me and say my garbages are picked up right now I can say they're running late they're around the corner I could only imagine what they're going to do to me if I say oh we didn't award a contract we don't have a num uh G GRE just imagine how the streets would look if we didn't have a company pick up our garbage the biggest thing my Council colleagues and I would like you guys to listen Council valz and Council udine and Madame ba the biggest issue is we need to start looking if we want to bring in bulk we have to take something out I found out from my business owners that are opening businesses in other towns there's a reason why there's only one company that bids to do this service and there's a company in my ward big Sanitation Company they don't even put in to do the work here and they said we won't we don't want to deal with the commercial pickup the streets commercial the tonnage and they said we're one of the only towns that picks up commercial so I asked some of my residents and by some of my business owners they open businesses in South Patterson on Main Street and they open businesses in Clifton total they have multiple businesses so I asked the one guy like you were with me that day we're uh counil mcle was actually lives in the second ward the family so I said you who picks up your garbage in TOA he goes I pay $80 a month and the company picks it up when I spoke to other sanation so what happens is the city if you open up a business what the city does do to say hey if you're a commercial entity you have to hire these 10 companies and then for you to open up business they pay up your garbage you pay for it that will give millions in savings for garbage pickup that maybe we could add bulk in because we're taking something out so we used to have commercial pickup residential and bulk all together one contract we want to save money we sacrifice the bulk what I'm saying to Madam ba CFO and know we have a garbage consultant Believe It or Not IID like to see if we follow the other methods of towns New York City does it so you can't tell me it's just a town New York City 100% ask anybody you go to the city of La you with mayor Adams go to New York City you'll see a sticker on every single business it's a sanitation sticker if a business doesn't have that sticker on their window they get shut down they call they pay monthly so call to doing business just like for them to get Verizon that's for for them to pay we need to look at that I know my residence Mar you Council D you sat next to me when he says I pay $90 a month for the same business I don't want to put his business out there you know it's a very successful business many of you guys been there the for the same business he pays $90 a month in total no no no no no South and in South Patterson and in South Patterson he pays zero so we need to look at a um a plan and the way it works we're not hiring more people we're not collecting the money from the businesses what the council does it says these are the 10 companies if you and it makes it competitive because now there's more companies and guess what when we say it's just residential pickup in the city of Patterson you may have 15 companies bidding instead of just one you may have all these other companies that do sanitation and then guess what when there's 15 people it's competitive they work better right right now think about it they they throw my garbage they throw my can I can't do anything to we have no one else we're not going to pick up gu look right now this contract in front of me who else we're going to go to so our backs are to a wall Madam ba that's my request I know originally we thought of making a fee that we collected please look at the model I know Toto has it I think Clifton has it I definitely know New York City has it um and look at what they use what the count the council puts caps on what these companies could charge to businesses so it's not like a Runway every year it'll say $25 for this 30 so they we keep control of it's just an idea to try to um alleviate the tax burden and give a service of the bulk pickup thank you um vote let's vote last but not least well say she no council M she's ready for vote so I Council M too okay thank you um council president I just want to say that I mean we have I have asked this question many many times um picking up even apartment Builders I'm going give you an address 365 12th Avenue awful awful and the city picks up their garbage 60 units 400 Broadway the City picks up the garbage 45 units so we got to like start saying to apartment buildings and like I said businesses they got to they got to have a company to come in and every time I ask this question they said they said c have to reimburse and Corporation Council I'm not sure but they said there's a law and I ain't going to say no name that we have to pick up everybody garbage here in the city of Patterson can you research that for me that we have to pick up everybody garbage businesses apartment building 100 units 150 units that we have to pick up their garbage so now you can see why you know we got to pick up their garbage and they need to pay for and then they actually would call me when they don't go get their garbage when they don't and they got the the thing that you dump into the truck and and all that so C I think that we need to have to pick pick up all of those um garbages but um I can't you know sometimes people say okay uh do we pass this contract or do we vote for this or do we not vote it you know my thing is that if you vote no and you can vote Yes you going to be picking up somebody's garbage so you ain't picking up nobody garbage cuz you ain't got no truck so I know you're not picking up nobody garbage right but I'm just saying just I mean this is very difficult to throw this on our residents thank you yeah thank you cons c m cler roll call M cler yes Mr President roll call on item 71 for approval councilman abdulaziz thank you madam clerk Madame ba please in CFO this gives you a year to look at how we could amend this like I said the original package used to be commercial bulk and residential all together this one we took out bulk we hear our residents concerns now we need to revisit maybe we got to take out commercial that gives us room to put bulk back in this is something that everything needs to be on the table visit some of your colleagues in other towns visit some of the sanation companies call them up see what they're doing in in other towns because I know for a fact some of these companies do not pick commercial and Wayne and all these other stuff so my vote is yes thank you thank you councilman abdalaziz councilman woman cunon thank you madam clerk I just want to say when when this came up the first time I did I voted no the question now is if this contract do not pass who do we have out there then we putting the weight back on DPW again no no we're putting the weight back on DPW to pick up um um garbage instead of buck now um do do we want to do that this contract would go what happened is that um they took us in court we had to wait we finally settled we got the word in court now it's back up to bed this is contractors for another year and four months they got to go out to bed all the contracts that we have for garbage here always gave the option of two years sometimes I say be careful what you ask for because you don't know what you're going to get and they complained about roselli they complained about Suburban but they picked up MH be careful with you asked for MH Madam cler with that being said my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver I cannot see us not having uh a company pick up our garbage I can't see that um I think you've heard enough Madame ba Mr CFO okay um have a good night I'm sure that the mayor is probably in Peru looking at YouTube yes um but truly you know this is something what we have in front of us is to authorize this award to filal for collection of solid waste so with that said um my vote is yes say thank you thank you Madame clerk um I believe couple of years ago go with rose eari everybody was everyone was complaining about complaining about the pickup and we are in the last um second of awarding a contract and the same R red rck came up oh we going who going to pick up the uh garbage our street going to be filthy blah blah blah but it's been like I said is we are into eight month and the only complaint not only me most of the residents of Pon is having is about those trash outside the bulk pickup out there we've been talking about is since we started in January we are into eight month and I don't see any Improvement until I see a Improvement I will um support any of those um measure of bulk or or solid waste pickup councilman Al abdulaziz has a great point I need to see this the action and like I said the administration the mayor mentioned we're going to extend the contract he told me directly we're going to extend the contract till end of this year end of December meantime we'll put out a beit out there with the bul pickup for bul pickup uh and without bul pickup up uh that's that's I guess is afterthought now afterthought now my vote is no thank you councilman KH councilman urin so uh I have stated earlier that um originally when we gave the contract to FCO that was without collecting bugs and now we are giving extending another 16 months uh until the end of the 2025 we need Solution that's 100% that that our uh city is filthy at this point because of not collecting uh BS from from the residents we are telling or educating people to uh schedle online and then DPW will collect them it's not working that that 100% now if we do not support this item today then who's going to collect regular trust from our street DPW I you say not I'm not blaming the DPW they're most hardworking departments one of the most hardworking departments I say but they are not they don't have enough manpower they don't have enough equipment to do their jobs on top of this if we do not support this item then regular trash collection would be on their shoulder and they will definitely fail to do that so I I don't want to see the city is even more over the time we definitely need to find solution for the B pickups again as I have mentioned earlier that if we want inh House service we have to hire more people as we spoke yesterday with the director of the deput department he said if you have about another 15 more employees in his department and five more trucks he is fine he can do it in four five days in a week or we have to go for bidding so I definitely think that we need to move word we cannot just stop and uh let City to go uh on on negative Direction with that being said my vote is yes thank you councilman urin councilman valz so we have a resolution authorties a war contract to filal Casting Corporation for the collection of garbage Solid Waste garbage Solid Waste Madame ba no bulk for the city of pass and Department of Public Works for the period of September 1st 24 through December 31st 20 20 25 so going back on September 5th 2023 this company was awarded this contract not even a month afterwards that was awarded they went straight to court to challenge this award December 31st was the last day of roselli serving our city of 2023 December 31st 2023 I recall that that was a long weekend from Thursday all the way down to January 1st that turns into a Monday why I'm saying this is not the fall of philal Cardon corporation that the administration gave a poor plan about the bulk it's not the fal fault that they Chang the days of collection without notice it's not filal for it's not filal for that they changed the zones without notice to the residents it's not the physical fault that the downtown receive two days a the six and they didn't receive proper notice still is not FAL for that Administration is in Allis world still in conversation to get this working the bul they in the Lis World they don't know what to do and they putting the burden in us and the taxpayer the city of patteron if the taxpayer the City Pass was receiving the service in downtown that they to serve then they could be charged commercial but the idea of the administration through the ba is we need to charge them because if not we go raise taxes that's the excuses every time they come to us if we don't do this we need to raise taxes we need to raise taxes we need to raise taxes and what she don't realize is that we raising the rats in downtown we racing a lot of issue with this B but it's not the F of fical card incorporation they was contracted to pick up garbage solid waste and they are doing a great job you know what is what they do do you know what the administration is doing uh Mr abush because you get the hit because she leave you know what the administration is doing the city Patterson is giving a bad name to fil it's giv a bad name to filco when I googled this company in New York before they come in front of us there was A+ in service in New York that's why it convinced me I sold the trucks I saw the quality employee have and that convinced me that filco is going to do a great job in the city pass and they doing a great job in the city P but Patterson under the ba decision Mrs katheren long is giving a band name to filal company but filal company is doing the job and saying that I'm going to honor I going to honor this contract my vote is yes thank you councilman Mr President wow thank you Madame clerk thank you um let me just quick solution for this situation I don't 7 any um this contract need to be approved was the lower in responsibil we've been going month after month extending this contract we're not a litigation no more it's our responsibility to award this CRA to filco planning simple and that's what we're doing tonight now I'm Corporation Council um Mr CFO Javier for the next Workshop I need to see a resolution for um to go out for a bit on the ball pickup I need to see that resolution on the network shop we're going to go over the the resolution to go out for the B pick up and get a company who correct the problem that thep DPW cannot do it because we don't have them Empower to do it now we need a resolution to make sure that we Council council members Council I'll reconsider my vote if I see a resolution next week I'm you you want me to I haven't voted I haven't voted C you want you want to reconsider you want for my vote go ahead but go ahead you finish then then no but he you go ahead you have to be brief Council yeah I am B like our council president mentioned if I see a resolution next week that we're going out for a bid for bul pickup I am reconsidering reconsidering my vote for the garbage pickup for the filal company to yes thank you councilman colleague thank you um thank you councilman uh councilman he changed his vote but he vote yes thank you councilman that was a smart and the right decision that was the right thing to do because sometime we like to talk about popular things out there but we're here to do the right thing and we all know what happened we hear Corporation Council he spoke a little bit between the line if we don't award this contract to filco who was the lower and responsible business and responsible B that's this is business 101 now with that being said we're supporting this it's on the record it's my recommendation to the administration and to Corporation Council Mr CFO I need to see a resolution for go to go out for a bit for the B pick up on the next Workshop we're going to have a discussion about that and we're going to be voting on the next meeting to correct the ball situation at the same time Madame ba Madame ba and Corporation Council and CFO Javier we have to work hard to correct the problem that we have in the city council members I'm council member please we have to work hard until we get the company who's going to do the bulk to correct the problem with the garbage that we have and the furniture out there in the community we have to it's all it's our responsibility as a city as an elected official as a leader of this community so we need that meeting and we need that resolution for the next workshop with that being said my vote is yes M clerk than you I want to reconsider you got yeah but you know okay I could do it on the next please thank you um council members now let me let me announce the votes please so the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 71 is hereby adopted thank council member just a minute council member council member just a second now now let me let me go over that we still have second read reading and all the item on first reading and also we have item on the non consent agenda can we work together to take care the non conern agenda item now from the beginning which is the number 53 I have 53 545 so let's start 53 M cler on that order until we finish the concent agenda if you want to make any comment you can make that comment within your vote within the two minutes and I will help us to finish this clerk let's do item 53 item 53 is a resolution designated the week of August 31st through September 8th 2024 as Dominican heritage week sponsored by council president Alex Mendes councilman Lis valz and councilwoman Marissa Dava co-sponsored by all remaining members of the council city council resolution 24 callon five second second move by council president Mendes and second by councilman and and councilman mov it was moved by council president Mendes councilwoman DAV Council second by Council roll call on it 53 roll call on item number 53 for approval councilwoman Dava I'm looking forward to uh the flag raising on August 31st at 12:00 C Hall uh following then the gala on September 5th and the parade on September 8th my vot is yes thank you thank you councilwoman Dava councilman Udin thank you Madame clerk I just want to wish my Council colleague councilman valz a happy anniversary he's actually rushing to go home as so everyone please uh keep your comments short and so we could get out of here as soon as possible Right council member Les my vote is yes thank you councilman khik councilman urin my vot is yes thank you councilman Ur councilman VZ thank you councilman KH for the two tickets to Puerto Rico we leaving tonight Council KH great thank you for those tickets and oh I forgot also the hotel that he paid for me tonight Jesus [Music] ubl Dominicana God bless the Dominican Republic and God bless everybody that is joining the Dominican Republic let me uh mention that Dominican Republic have been a good investor in the city of Pon through their residents that come here also we have a a melon pop because the Dominican Community call us patteron right and that's that's good thing [Music] so yes okay um I know men is going to repeat the same thing I say but um my is yes thank you councilman VZ Mr President thank you Madame clerk I'm very excited very excited attention patteron August the 31st Saturday 12:00 p.m. we have our flow racing in front of City Hall um we're inviting all the community um the 52 nationality to join us uh to raise our flat our Dominican flat in the city of pis so right after that we have a toast for the for the domican community in for the city of patteron at the r Factory starting at 2:30 we finished the FL racing we're inviting the community to the r Factory to have a toast for the Dominican community and the City of patteron the unity in the city of patteron moving forward September the 5th the the great Gala that amazing Gala that I know we all going to be there in September the 8th one of the biggest paray in the state of New Jersey or the biggest paray in the state of New Jersey um please join us uh like every year may God bless Dominican Republic may go may God bless the city of patteron and our the president of the Dominican par Miss El Santia who is doing a outstanding job uh organizing this event like every year so I'll see you 31st at the flly racing and right after um 2:30 we have a toast at the Art Factory my Bo is yeser thank you Mr President councilwoman C wear voting on item 53 oh what number item 53 Dominican um Heritage week item my vote is yes Madam CL thank you councilwoman cartton so the votes are six yeses three absences item number 53 is hereby adopted thank you m cler item 54 item 54 needs to be amended it should not be the week of the 17th it should be the week of the 24th to the 30th no uh we're going to leave it on 17 Council women there's a reason for it okay council members I know um go ahead just read it council members read it okay item 34 M item 54 item 54 item 54 is a resolution designating the week of August 17th through 23rd 2024 as Puerto Rican Heritage week sponsored by council president Alex Mendes councilman Lis VZ councilwoman Mar sadava and councilman Michael Jackson co-sponsored by all remaining council members res city council resolution 24 callon 519 move by council president Mendes council member Les Council woman Davila second by Council woman Ruby K roll call Item 54 roll call on item number 54 for adoption councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Dava I'm very proud uh to be part sponsor uh designating the week of August 17th through the 23rd um as Puerto Rican Heritage week as that is my maternal uh Heritage um the reason I requested for it to be changed uh the city council Municipal function of doing the Puerto Rican flag raising is on Saturday this Saturday the 24th but understanding that councilman valis um did his night out and in addition uh gave recognition to um certain Puerto Rican Pioneers uh and he also did uh in the Roberto Clemente uh Park he also raised the puan flag um I'm I'm going to I'm okay with that so you know with that said I'm looking forward you know to continuing celebrating because we started celebrating on the 17th uh with councilman VES and the Roberto CL Park uh but I'll continue my festivity ities um until this Saturday although you know I can't stop being Puerto Rican you know that's just my other side but anyway with that said my vote is yes thank you thank you councilwoman daver councilman khik thank you Madame clerk I hope to see the pican parade come back near future soon my vote is yes madame CL thank you councilman colleague councilman urin so Patterson is a tapestry of diversity and we would like to um and every single nationality is leaving in the city of Patterson plays an important role and we would like to celebrate everyone's every nationality's heritages and cultures and would would like to support this Heritage week for Puerto Rican Community my is yes thank you conman Udin councilman valz so our original date racing the flag was going to be August 17 the city hall that's when we started to celebrate like every year for the past 52 years the third read of August some disy came forward but we resolve it the Puerto Rican flag is going to be raised in in the City Pass in the 24 that's the Puerto Rican flag Rising but we want to leave in August 17th because that's our week in the third week of August if we move it for another week we lost that third week of August and I'm not going to allow that I'm not going to bump the Dominicans I'm not going to bump the equatorian I'm not going to bump no community and nonetheless bring somebody because they want to blame somebody we are Puerto Ricans I am Puerto Rican united we are more and when I say united we are more because Puerto Rico have been the bridge for many individuals to come to the United States and not only that Puerto Ricans are married with Dominicans Puerto Ricans are married where the quorans Peruan peruvians Cuban afroamerican Puerto Rico have grow in different Bloods we Italians Irish m m matter inba with everybody in the world we are the best DNA that's what that's what the science says the Puerto Rican had the best CNA is a mix of everything so saying that we going to celebrate we to continue to celebrate and we have have patteron Su stay we oh I forgot better we can get married with Bangladesh too you know we have a mix everywhere that's why I say that united we we are more and Jamaicans Jamaicans matter of fact Jamaica has AOS from Puerto Rico that's right so you know that little island 100 by 35 have created a big impact in the world so saying that [Music] yes my is yes thank you councilman valz council president Mendes council members we all know we all love our ancestor let's let's be brief let's so so I'm looking forward to uh and I really want to invite all the resident of the great City parison to the Puerto Rican flat racing ceremony in front of City Hall uh commissioner Eddie Gonzalez uh uh the last year he did a phenomenal program I really love it it was really great I know they always have something great um some they put something great together every year so this uh year at 12:00 p.m on the 24 and counsil M is going to be there as well we are going to be there celebrating um you know the flat racing uh of the Puerto Rican community in the great city of piso so let's be there at 12:00 let's enjoy this great moment all United the city of pison my vote is yes mon cler thank you Mr President the votes are six yes it's three absent enses item number 54 is hereby adopted thank you m um mad cler council member item 55 is the um it's a honorary from councilman Jackson I don't know if he left but uh I will move it I will go let me move to it 56 to give an opportunity for him to sponsor the person item 56 mad cler item number 56 is a resolution honoring Julian Kazar ponciano for 40 years of service in media outlets in New Jersey and New York as a journalist sponsored by councilman Louis V city council resolution 24 call on 521 second move by Council second by Council D roll call on item 56 roll call on item number 56 for approval councilwoman carton thank you madam CL um councilman bz celebrating 40 years of service in media Outlet in New Jersey congratulations Julian Madam clerk 56 my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Davin felic julo for your 40 years of service in several media outlets and not just one but several in New Jersey and in New York as a journalist as someone who has a degree in journalism in public relations you know I definitely you know being in in that um I just lost my TR of thought being in that profession okay for 40 years means a lot so you know with that said Thank You councilman VES congratulations my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman khik thank you Council D for breaking down the resolution my vote is yes thank you councilman K councilman urin my is yes M CL thank you councilman Udin councilman valz Mr who Mr julan Pano a good friend from the community 40 years service dedicated impartially to the community and Reporting those uh making communication through the journalist and he doing a tremendous job you know uh probably you guys don't match the name with the face but probably if you see him you say oh it was you sen julan [Music] thank you councilman Mr President I thank you m clerk definitely julan Cala have done an outstanding job in our community a wellknown uh person in our community that has been dedicated so many 40 years of service um is incredible so congratulations um this is your time this is your day and we wish you much success and may God bless you uh and continue blessing you with long life that way you can stay in our community for 40 more years so once again congratulations and the next is going to be Rafa Gale from wosa my voice is yes B cler thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences item number 56 is hereby adopted thank you mad clerk item 57 mad clerk item number 57 is a resolution it's a memorializing resolution honoring The Life and Legacy of Lyn Tolbert formerly of patteron New Jersey sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims and Council woman Ruby n cotton city council resolution 24 colon 522 second move by Council C second by Council Council Dava and councilman roll cler on it 57 roll call on item number 57 for approval councilwoman cartton thank you Madame clerk I just want to say to the family of ly Tober uh he was one of our Patterson finest at one time but he also um was a great bowler he he bow with me on Parkway Lanes um and I just was honored to be able to honor him in his life and Legacy of ly Tober um Madame clerk um and I will reach out to the family and when we can present this to them um to his wife Madam clerk my vot is yes thank you councilwoman carton councilwoman Davin yes thank you councilman Kik yes councilman Udin yes Mr President the votes are five yeses four absences item number 57 is hereby adopted item 59 M CL item number 59 is a resolution honoring the nx4 for their talent and commitment to curban youth violence is sponsored by councilman Lis valz city council resolution 24 call 524 second by counc second by councilwoman uh councilwoman D and Council M roll call and item 59 roll call on item number 59 for approval councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Davin yes 59 councilman khik yes councilman urin yes councilman valz DNX yes sir uh those you are doing a great job in music um doing a great job curving the crime uh through the music and my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President my vot is yes M cler thank you sir the votes are six yeses three absences item number 59 is hereby adopted item number 60 Madame clerk item number 60 is a resolution memorializing The Life and Legacy of Johnny Ming Jr is sponsored by councilman lisis valz councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims and councilwoman rubyan cotton co-sponsored by all remaining members of the municipal Council city council resolution 24 colon 525 move by mve by councilwoman Ruby C councilman BL and second by Council woman D I want to add councilwoman D Madam clerk to um as a sponsor with me with valz and councilwoman Mims and myself councilwoman Council council president can you give me a favor um can you add everybody as sponsor said Jackson here he ask but us okay council members do that if you're going to you do all that the request this is a resolution sponsored by the entire Council are we agree roll M CLA item 60 sponsored by the entire Council yes Mr roll call on item number 60 as amended coun woman cotton I just want to say to um you know we're doing this resolution roizes and The Life and Legacy of John M I started here um when we had us cable and I was under the Michael Taylor uh uh he taught me how to do the videos like what you're doing Raphael um so I learned how to do that and then I met Mr M which is wonderful I would see Mr me just about every day uh in passing maybe we speak one or two minutes at a time but you know he was an extraordinary extraordinary man and uh it's just sadden for all of us that he is no longer with us here um so we do want to memorialize him Madam Clerk I'm going to miss Mr Ming because his he has so many things that he wanted to get done um documentaries and on everything I know he wanted to do the documentary on the Ambassador drill team um it it it's still going to come out some of the things that he would have liked to have gotten done Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Davin I am so happy that I was able to be part and Witness you know um John eing Jr get the highest honor that you can receive in the city of patteron which was the key to the city and you know thank you for the council members that put this forth this resolution to memorialize him he was the kindest man I don't think I ever ever saw him upset and you know he would be here with us for many hours and you know I always I would always look up you know when I was council president because he was always curing me and you know sometimes my colleagues would go on and he's like the tape is done it's done but anyway with that said you know I'm happy that you know we are uh you know memorializing his life and his legacy and you know to his family once again my condolences um in full support my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Dava C thank you madam clerk I'll always remember him by his smile he always had the smile in his face I love the picture my vote is definitely yes madame clerk thank you councilman K councilman urin so um John M we absolutely he is an extraordinary human being and we always are thankful toward his Services he provided during his lifetime for the city of patteron I express my sincere condolences to the family and we always pray for his um depart so with that being said my vote is onely yes thank thank you councilman Udin cman valz Mr young man I know you up there in heaven you did a lot for youth you did a lot for the people in p no matter what color they was no matter what nationality they came from no matter what flag they carry yes was my neighbor for many many many years and uh um we visit that basement a lot his family deep in our heart always smiling those that know Mr Ming his eyes the way he look the way he speak and the way that he used to give advice it was unique and those that knew m ming knew when he was upset yes knew when he was upset the differ me getting upset is that he never show it he never show it but he he's human he used to get upset but never show it and that's a good thing I could get upset and probably show it more than anybody but Mr me to the family my condence that's it rest in peace my brother that's it rest in peace that's it I wish my word is yes thank you councilman VZ councilman M thank you m clerk um councilwoman Mims always say that you have to give flow where you can smell it and it and it was a pleasure I was there when Mr M has the highest honor which is the key to the city handled it to him I still remember that smile um he he was a a Phenom phenomenal human being always love loving everybody he just love human people he just L people in general um and and as my KH mention I never see him upset he always he was always was able and ready to work with everybody um when I became councilman large in 20 2014 I started working with him it it it was a pleasure it was a pleasure to work with Mr Min I want I want to express my deepest condolences to the family um you know I couldn't be at the feeling that I was out of state uh taking care of business uh working on my company um but it was um it was definitely a pleasure to work with Mr Min may you rest in power Mr Min and I want to say thank you to the family for sharing him for so many years uh with us with the city of pison with that being said my vote is yes van cler thank you council president Mendes um before I announce the votes as well I just want to add that my colleague John Ming was one of Integrity yeah um an individual with unimpeachable character and he's nearly missed may his soul rest in peace so the votes are six yeses three absences item number 60 is hereby adoped thank you man I don't 6 62 6 item 62 is off as per um item 62 is office for director Silva councilman we need you we have3 62 the amending the 2024 Municipal budget it's off as per directive 62 okay off okay fine it's an resolution amending the budget thank you let more item 63 B cler item 63 is a resolution authorizing the award of contract under competitive Contracting to Associated appraisal Group Incorporated for Property Appraisal Services RFP number 2024 D15 for the division of tax assessment Department of Finance Finance resolution 24 callon 528 so move move by Council second second by Council M 63 council president discussion Council so this is a company that's good U uh council president M ba this is the same company that we do for for the Revol no no and yes council president um this is the contract that we do annually to support the tax assessor's office in their normal everyday work and litigation tax and everything correct so when the people want to um for example appeal the taxes administrated or whatever they the one that goes and do the assessment of the property no they they don't do that they represent the city the people are doing that they do they do that separately and they go to the county assessor's office and all okay um Madam Madam um ba council president to uh to to the share to Legal um there was a resolution in support of a tax of a tax uh agreement with brother brownone according to according to the law or the stipulation that agreement if the individual or the company is not up to dat in the payments um they supposed to not get the U The Settle settlement on it can you highlight me on that to bring a resolution I want to bring a resolution moving forward to give 30 days to this uh individual to catch up with his uh payment of the resolution that he complied to say that he was going to do the payments and he haven't done it mad can you when you could bring that forward there's a request on the floor uh but now council members item 63 no this is the thing council president I want going to be if she could be able to come and P It Forward okay can you put in the record mad that you could bring that forward council president if you want to work with the legal department or coun Administration it's not I understand um but I think this is a separate issue no you're talking about we talking about eval I'm sorry just a minute just a minute council member mad ba says that if you want to put a resolution together you want legal we put it together we bring it I'll put I'll put on the floor this is point of order point of order point of orderest I I ask for point of order because I think that if any council member has an issue okay or or a a um I would be careful probably recuse yourself I mean you if you have an issue with an enti no the issue is let me let me say this give council members council member let me set the floor council member let me set the floor discussion because we still have second reading and first reading item council member please this resolution 63 has nothing to do with none other stuff the resolution Sy three only we hire the legal company that is going to work with the tax assessor office in the city P it has nothing to do when we have the discussion I'm saying saying I'm saying when we talk about it up tax assess office when you say about tax assessive office I assuming that this individual that is going to be contracted to work with the tax assessor office also going to do numbers to be what they do what they do council member is what this company do pis is that they represent the tax assessor office when they go for litigation at the county level to uh for those tax appeal that's the only job of this company now we're looking forward to the resolution um uh Javier to the company that is going to do the reval Citywide because that's where we have the problem we have a lot of tax appeal because we we need to do a reevaluation of all the property CIS and that's a serious matter that need that need to be addressed but item 63 have nothing to do with that it's a simple legislation that we do every year for a legal company who work with the taxes Sol let me rephrase the question Leo can you draft a resolution to anybody that's behind in uh responsible in paying the taxes or agreement through resolution that we did in this Council to put an up to dat in 30 days Corporation Council thank you council president thank you thank you councilman VZ for that inquiry so um I will look into the matter and work with our tax collector um to see what steps uh could and should be taken on the item you identified thank you thank you thank you Council mes and Corporation Council just a point of clarity this is like oneone business I if I'm lay on my taxes a third party come in and buy and buy my taxes and I get a tax Le on the property this is a there's no we don't even have to need to have this conversation taxes members of the public if you lay on your taxes a third party will come in and buy you taxes we should not we don't need to do no resolution uh for people to pay the taxes on time it's PL and simple and we have a lot of people that they do very well buying taxes so my recommendation to any Resident of the city of pison is if you're behind and your taxes find a way to get up to date because you're paying a high interest rate for those people that buy you taxes especially council president when person got an agreement from this Council to pay to pay a lum sum and I I hear you council members but council member L I hear you but that's PL and simple if you own tax it a third party will buy you tax and you're going to have to pay that third party a high interest uh interest on that debt that you have or they will do foreclosure on your property after 2 years which is another legislation that we approve roll call on item 63 roll call on item number 63 for approval councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman DAV yes councilman Jackson yes councilman VZ looking for for our resolution my V is yes thank you my V is yes councilman Udin sorry didn't see you Mr President my vot is yes P cler thank you so the votes are six yeses three absences item number 63 is hereby adopted item 64 M cler item number 64 is a resolution authorizing tax collection to conduct Electronic Tax sale Finance resolution 24 529 so move move second is move by councilwoman Dava second by council president amend this roll call by clerk roll call on item number 64 for adoption councilwoman cotton U let me just ask is the list have you have the list ready yet Madam ba not yet how long would it be um we can have it probably by the week after next week okay and and council president as we discussed the the list we're still allowing people to pay so we want to have that list be as you know shrunk down as possible so okay U madam my vote is yes thank you councilwoman carton councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman urin yes Mr President um my vot is yes M cler okay you the votes are five yeses four absences item number 64 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item 65 item 65 is a a resolution authorizing amount of STX sales fees charge to delinquent property owners do on tax sale Finance resolution 24 callon 530 so move second move by councilman Dava second by councilman roll call cler it 65 roll call on item number 65 councilwoman cartton I just have one question um Madam ba uh when does the notice go out like a week before two weeks before um one this passes the notice goes out probably in two weeks and then yeah so you're going to you're going to give them like two more weeks to pay no no no they get uh the tax wouldn't be until like November I believe the third week of November the third week of November okay so they have up until that time yes okay my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava yes thank you councilman Jackson yes councilman Udin yes councilman council president Mendes are my V is yes M clerk thank you so the votes are five yeses four absences item number 65 is hereby adopted thank you mad clerk item number 55 Madam clerk item number 55 is a resolution honoring the work and integrity of councilwoman Esther Perez is sponsored by councilman Michael Jackson City Council resolution 24 col 520 second it was mov by councilwoman Jackson second by councilwoman councilwoman D cler can I be added to this as a co-sponsor why you denied me Council let the record reflect that c will be add councilman so you denied me right I as co-sponsor she will be adding at the resolution as a sponsor or co-sponsor as a co-sponsor as a co-sponsor thank you roll call on the cler on it 55 roll call and item number 6 55 for um adoption councilwoman cotton thank you madam cler I just want to say uh I've known councilwoman Essa Perez for quite some time um she's an outstanding personent lovely lady um nice job councilman Jackson congratulations um councilwoman es Perez for being honor for your work in the tragedy that you have done in the community Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman C councilwoman Dava um I want to thank councilman Jackson for adding me and the reason I asked that um I've known councilwoman for many many years through you know the school system uh she's been an excellent leader um she's Patterson all right although she's a council woman and it saddens me to know that you know she'll be retiring from the council uh she won't be running again um so thank you for putting this you know forth it's so nice that it's being done right during her PTO Rican Heritage week uh she is a proud boriqua um and I just congratulate you um my vot is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you Madame clerk um many of us know you know the outstanding job she's done as a as an educator as well as an elected um official you know for me is more than that it's about her Integrity it's about her willingness to say it's not important for me to be elected if um one I'm not going to be treated properly and two I'm not going to be respected and if she can't be effective as a as an elected person that was stood out the most to me and uh I appreciate the level of Integrity that she renders and offers to the uh to the public and um you know enough can't be said that she refused to um to uh to bend uh uh when it comes to her integrity and that speaks volumes not the fact that she is Puerto Rican not the fact that she's uh lat L Latina not the fact that she's well part of the fact that she's a lifelong patteron person who's had an great impact on our community but more importantly CU she's an outstanding person and and and her Integrity has been unmatched with that being said mam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman Udin so councilman Paris is a public servant by profession and passion I had an opportunity to work with her in 2011 at school number five and I know how hardworking she is and again I absolutely honored uh for the opportunity to get chance to work closely with her and more than 10 years ago and we still are good friends and she is a good M even before I W to the election she sit down with me educating me on many things and she she calls me uh and and educate me on many things that she thinks she need to share with me so I always respect that and value that conversation she always does and again uh my is yes to this item mam clerk thank you councilman Udin Mr President my vot is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are five yeses four absences item number 55 is hereby adopted thank you man clerk second reading let's do item one and two item 67 um we missing 67 yes item 67 my apologies but C that's the last one on the con agenda sir yes item 67 is a resolution authorizing change order number one for the repairs and reconstruction of the McBride Avenue Firehouse parking lot bid number 2308 for the engineering division of the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 calling 532 so move second move by Council mava second by Council roll cor discussion councilman Jackson how much is theid the change the change order6 council president roll call it all right another question roll call man cler on item 67 roll call on item number 67 councilwoman carton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman Udin yes Mr President my V is Yes Man cler the votes are five yeses four absences item number 67 is hereby adopted thank you mad clerk let's do item second reading one and two together all handicap um establishment M okay one two on second reading there's only two so we have two two on second reading one and two have two second reading items no problem so the item number one first is a second reading ordinance public hearing is required is an ordinance establishing handicap parking spaces at various locations on County Roads 24 42 East 18th Street 98 Halen Avenue 496 Union Avenue 386 T Avenue 556 Market Street 360 gy Avenue 75 Madison Avenue and item number two is also an ordinance establishing handicap parking spaces at various locations on City roads Public Works ordinance 2431 429 TOA Avenue 143 Mill Street 372 East 3 5th Street 59 7th Avenue 178 Carbon Street 113 Carl Street 165 Sheridan Avenue 257 Liberty Street 180 Walnut Street 124 Maple Street 18 Walker Street 686 East 25th Street 215 Lawrence Street 351 6th Avenue 217 21st Avenue 74 Thomas Street 17 Goan Street nine Park Street 255 21st Street 175 East 31st Street 453 East 26th Street 420 East 26 Street 366 9th Avenue 129 Rosa Parks Boulevard 4 Jane Street 82 patteron Avenue 41 Arlington Avenue 15 18th Avenue 6 664 East 22nd Street 18 Barnet Place 71 East 22nd Street 65 Plum Street 115 Maple Street 360-370 77 Avenue 453 River Street 3 Garrison Street 58 17th Avenue 61 Martin Street 213 5th Avenue 132 Jasper Street 136 Butler Street 1080 East 24th Street 36 East 20th Street 265 East 21st Street 818 East 22nd Street 128 East 21st Street 335 15th Avenue 584 East 27th Street 572 East 25 Street 388 East 34th Street 449 East 31st Street 480 Park Avenue 425 Park Avenue 61 Henderson Street 25 Rockland Street 20 Sheridan Avenue 29 Sheridan Avenue 22 Belmond Avenue 151 Fair Street 235 Rosa Parks Boulevard 156 East 17 Street 35 cifr Street 136 nicab Baka Avenue 56 PTO Avenue 107 Madison Street 123 Madison Street 355 Summer Street 449 East 21st Street 143 22nd Avenue 374 15th Avenue 582 East 25th Street 660 East 28th Street 272 Hamilton Avenue 125 Carl Street 531 11th Avenue 299 East 31st Street 48 7 East 29th Street 36 Ry Avenue 123 jenesy Avenue 167 Sheridan Avenue 171 8th Avenue 288 Rosa Parks Avenue Rosa Parks Boulevard 172-174 car street and 262 Harrison Street by Council councilman UD second by councilwoman Dava R members of the public our public hearing is that open for item number one and two second reading seeing none move to close seeing none move to close by Council Davin and second by councilman roll call to close a public hearing on item one and two M cler roll call to close a public hearing on items one and two councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava I know that we're closing uh but this is for the public uh the second reading ordinances establishing these handicapp parking spaces Please be aware and just know that they go through a process through their medical doctors through the state and they get their their handicap designation and then they come to the city and they put in their paperwork and they're vetted so um we heard a lot of establishing handicap parking spaces so um I want to make sure that the administration um Madame ba that the the administration all right is making sure that we're establishing all these but that they need to be going back and you know making sure that the ones that move out or whatever are removed um so with that said closing the public hearing on these two second reading ordinances my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson yes councilman urin so um it is it is a concern in our city that um there in some street are you say especially in the second world there some there is no space without um handicap parking and I understand it's a State statue we cannot really do much but I would urge our uh residents that if you do not need please do not request one and if you do not use one please reach out to the dep dep department and inform that you are not using it or someone is not living in that particular address so again this is you know parking issues every single corner of the city of Patterson and we are finding a way to elevate the situation my vote is yes thank you councilman Udin council president thank you mad clerk it's um this list is alarming it's over 60 um close to 70 um handicap parking space to be added I understand that it they go through a process um and and um through the Disability Act we should not um you know stop people from requesting they have the whole the right but I would like to encourage public work to look those area that are not being utilized properly to retain to to bring those area to back to the genda of public parking is extremely Li extremely limited if you and if you have the privilege to have a handicap I would encourage you to use it correctly if you're using it your handicap to uh you know save space for other inspector will they they out there and I would like to encourage public work to enforce the law because that's a privilege and parking is extremely limited and we have over close to 70 Spa my vote is just on the closing of the public hearing on this matter thank you council president the votes are five yeses four absences public hearing and items number one and two is hereby close roll call CL on item one and two roll call on items number one and two for approval councilwoman coton I know it says um establish not councilwoman c yeah for approval it says establish I just want to put on record Madam clerk Madam ba um you got one on here that I have question about but I'm going to look into it but I'm going to vote on 15th 18th Avenue what's the street my vote is yes Madam thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava yes councilwoman Jackson yes councilman Udin yes Mr President I what says M cler thank you the votes are five yeses four absences items number one and two are hereby adopted thank you madam clerk item number three on first reading Madam clerk item number three is a first reading ordinance no public hearing is required it's an ordinance amending chapter 212 of the parison code to be entitled filment permits it's an Administration ordinance may I have a motion please more more move by Council second Council discussion Council Roma sorry then I'm going to do this all right because I am all about I like seeing Patterson in a good way right and absolutely we have you know this filming permit that we have not amended in a while and I want to just quickly because I know our fees are were very minimal right and I we had several conversations about doing some increas because when they come here you know and I'll give you an example today was perfect I had no parking for me to park right to go to work I paid for parking today I said okay you know what so I want to make sure that the city is getting if they're coming in here um for filming that the compensation to the different um um businesses in the area and to the city that there's compensation because I know we can't handle what they um pay the different businesses because at the end of the day that's a um that would be like a a contract between the business and the um the filming company um so just quickly because normally there's there's Crossings and I could see what the amendments are but um I can't see that yes uh council president it Council um M ba yes the the main differences are the fees on page four or four where it talks about the basic filming fee increase to $500 the permit fee going to $750 and then the daily filming fee now at $1,500 so you see those changes and it shows in Brackets the former fee so the the former was 300 300 correct okay the the basic filming permit M and then the expedited one is 70 750 which was 500 okay and the daily filming fee 1,500 from 750 um so did we check with other municipalities on what their fees are was there a comparison that yes that I I don't have that information because the chief of staff did that um but he did check to kind of make sure we we were in line with other municipalities um again this would be something that uh a lot of the film industry people would say you know they don't want us to increase anything just because it keeps us more competitive but we understand this is the balance that we're trying to find exactly what you're saying we want people to come but we should be getting compensated fairly um well one of the things that I that I do see and that I've seen all right um is that I've seen seen them you know go to the businesses and actually you know buy the lunches the foods I mean so you know they're pumping into our city so that that is one thing you know I don't want to be seen as that we don't want to we don't want filming in the city of Patterson right um and I also do know of some businesses that receed very good compensation um thousands okay for you know two three days of filming so um all right I'm good anybody has Council um Council woman mad Madame B um mad I me uh I I think I don't know I don't know if this legislation all time sensitive is this legislation but I do have some concern I I and I have complain of business owner that they've been basically shut down for three days because of a filming without any compensation right in the third I have business that call me and they they got okay they got the permit and they go in the closest Street for 3 days and that person stay basically out of business for 3 days so before we approve this I got to make sure that when Council speaking about business that being compensated that and I never hear about that and I and I need to I need to make sure I need to hear because once we get the permit they could close any section without without giving any uh compensation to the business based on where because that's that it's not in the legislation it's not in the legislation that they have to come say business owner by closing the street so it's not if it's not in here how that take place no well that those our side conversations inside agreements um and there if I own a business like on the First Avenue there was a business if I own a business and they have a permit to close the street I I you know how I how the business owner could stop them from closing the street and blocking him from doing business for two three days well what we stopping him I I think there might be a distinction between the closing and the Street there it's very rare that streets are closed there might be blocking off of parking um because the streets we you know we kind of have to keep them open as as thorough fares even when we do filming around City Hall it's intermittent closures for the most part there might be one or two blocks that we can route around and so we'll close the the part of Ellison from Washington to church or something so can we add here that that need to be added I will tell you they close first avenue Route 20 first there's a business there that was closed for like three for three days and he couldn't do nothing about it they didn't compensate him for that on that section that was that business got compensated thousands of dollars because of that okay so so all I'm saying Madam B that if business will be compensated at least that there have to be a su stipulation the legislation I think this is where it gets into a a difficult area where if if you do start start mandating that and it's it becomes very un you know unfriendly to filming if it's something if they feel like there might be something that you know that they just meet the criteria of something um and all of a sudden it's it's increasing their cost now I think most filming like like we've been talking about they have been working in that informal way if let's bring you know let's have a further conversation about that area that business owner so we can get clarification and then we can make that that doesn't happen again if it's a Perman issue they W get the unless president I'll give you an example uh the college has a uh Scholarship Foundation which is separate from the the college right um has its own board and so whenever they want to use a part of the college right they want to film inside of um Hamilton club which is basically they'll compensate that deal is drawn out with but that's a private that's a private entity well we're not private I mean that's a college I mean we're public no but we're we're different no but what I want to say is that they compensate so they'll say all right per day you will receive this amount and that goes into that scholarship fund because it doesn't go into the the budget I understand if this is not time sensitive we should go back to workshop and have a the Deep discussion about this so let's move let's move M let's take number number three of the of the agenda until we'll have further conversation yes so president Council M Jackson just add up add on to that um it's um it's disappointing that the items that was considered to actually Target what the results of this legislation would be would be excluded how do we not have the information pertinent to these other municipalities that's being um mirrored if you would so I mean this is going to be brought back I'm hoping that it's going to be more uh of a complete uh uh presentation that that is that's definitely correct um council president if I councilman cotton thank you um um I know they had the filming um today downtown and um they made it very difficult especially for our technology guys which they didn't want them to come by City Hall the pickup boxes and the deliver boxes and all of that so I think that it to me $500 a day uh I hear when I go downtown you know a lot of those businesses are not getting compensated so uh we need to know who who is getting compensated because they had like blocks today that you couldn't Park like blocks thank you blocks like block and consuming they they they bring the restaurant they bring their kitchen they don't spend any money in our community that's not that's not they have the whole trailer C that's another story we'll have that on the let's move to item number five on first reading Madame clerk yes Mr President item number five is capital ordinance providing for various seral utility improvements by and in the city of pison in the county of Pake state of New Jersey and appropriating 3,6 3600 3.6 3,600,000 therefore from Grant proceeds received person to the federal American Rescue plan to pay the cost thereof it's a finance first reading ordinance so move so move move by President Mendes and Council mava sen second by Council um roll call Mad cler on item number five roll call on item number five for a first reading approval councilwoman yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson this is an example of how the community who was heavily impacted by covid sees little to no um return on this what what was was what it was meant for you know now at the last minute you're going to see a lot of these covid expenditures because they run to expend the money before it goes back and it's it's going to be uh interesting to see Madam cler my vote is no thank you councilman Jackson councilman Udin yes Mr President thank you uh M clerk you know our sewer is is one of the biggest challenges that we have in the city of patteron with a little bit of rain we have um most of us uh as the street in the city of patteron floating uh Madame I've been very vocal about the situation on 18th Avenue for many years we've been going through a such a difficult time every time it rain 18th Avenue get flooded I know we spend we allocation some funding for brillan Avenue that will impact 18th Avenue so I need a I need a report on what's the stat on that MBA but I definitely I'm in I'm in support of this uh number of the 3.6 million to be invested in our SE because that's the biggest problem that we have right now without being said my vot is yes SP clear thank you Mr President the votes are four yeses one no four absences item number five is hereby approved and first reading public hearing and second reading will be at the regular meeting of September 17th item number six M cler item number six is a first reading ordinance no public hearing is required it's for Capital ordinance providing for improvements to various Broadways in and for the city of patteron in the county of P state of of New Jersey appropriating $82,400 therefore from Grant proceeds received person to New Jersey Department of transportations fiscal year 2023 Municipal and program to pay for this cost thereof it's a finance ordinance um it was move by Council D second by councilman U discussion is this discussion Council I'm sorry sorry um Madam Madam ba is this um oh I'm looking at the wrong thing is roadway not Broadway roadway right to various yes it's it's various roadways the title is it was incorrect on the agenda correct this is the annual um NJ doot Grant okay right we s we take it in through uh Bond ordinance and then we're able to expend it is this is this the um the transportation um um piece that they just started back again this is the uh 2023 Municipal aid program so this is for carile North fth and East 37th Street okay all right okay thank you um Madame clerk thank you madam ba thank you Council woman roll call man cler on item number six roll call on item number six um councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson yes councilman Udin yes Mr President my V is yes M clerk thank you the votes are five yeses four absences item number six is adopted in first reading public hearing and second reading will be at the regular meeting of September 17 2024 thank you m clerk Mo motion to adjourn so move second move by Council and second by Council so what about item number eight to close sorry Council we have two items items number eight and nine oh yes true wait a minute for reping handicap repealing handicap yes um we have two ordinances to repeal handicap parking spaces and counter all the repealing or A9 okay yes sir so yes my apology let's do a night together yes sir yes sir is that the most important item number eight is a first reading ordinance no public hearing is required it's ordinance repealing establishment of handicap parking spaces and counter roads 714 East 18 Street 696 Broadway 52 lafat Street 410 Madison Avenue 315 Madison Avenue 68 Belmont Avenue 155 Halen Avenue 245 totoa Avenue item number nine is also a first reading ordinance repealing establishment of handicap parking spaces and various at various locations 814 East 22nd Street 180 Walnut Street 67 Montclair Avenue 404 East 30th Street 420 East 26th Street 7 Marca Street 698 East 28th Street 17 Pennington Street 351 TOA Avenue 96 lion Street 94 Bloomfield Avenue Avenue 63 Sheridan Avenue 124 Madison Street 239 19th Avenue 869 East 24th Street 144 North 9th Street 19 Queen Street 656 East 24th Street 217 Pon Avenue 398 susex Street 144 Liberty Street 10 courland Street 208 KY Street 132 Jasper Street 114 Beach Street 833 East 19th Street 3 60 17th Avenue 638 28th Avenue 362 17th Avenue 287 East 27th Street 18 North York Street 4617 Avenue 650 East 25th Street 9 Park Street 814 East 19th Street 25-27 Cliff Street 120 East 27 Street 173-185 Sharman Avenue 73 22nd Avenue 927 East 27 Street 1266 th Avenue and 185 Rosa Park Boulevard by councila second by Council C roll call by collect on item 8 and n roll call on items eight and nine for first reading councilwoman counton thank you madam clerk this is uh ordinance of repealing and I looked at the the addresses and I know for sure three of them have moved so U I'm glad that our guys are are staying on top of this Madam clerk my boot is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava let the record reflect 89 are repealing um handicap sign my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Dava councilman Jackson yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman oudin yes thank you councilman Udin council president Mendes thank you mad clerk 27 item um 27 SP reporting those 27 spot they will be back to the general public to be to use it so once again if you see any handicap that is not been utilized properly call to the P public War call your council members call the city because we don't have parking space in our community my vote is yeser thank you Mr President the votes are five yeses four absences item number nine is adopted in first reading public Hearing in second reading will be at the regular meeting of September 17 2024 thank you m clerk we now conclude our agenda move to close by Council Davila second by council president Mendes roll call B clerk yes Mr President roll call to adjourn the municipal Council regular meeting of August 20th Council woman cotton thank you madam clerk I just have a few announcement I want to make first I want to say congratulations to Mona Freeman who is the sister to commissioner Valerie Freeman who played in Las Vegas um this past weekend uh and she played in the APA it's called the APA Pool tournament out in Vegas and her team came in third place from the state I want to say congratulations Mona Freeman for shooting pool in Las Vegas uh and representing patteron because you are a pisoni also I want to announce that we will be having our grand open on Barbara Park on September 3rd with the mayor and our Barbara Park committee we also going to be doing our national out on September 7 we're going to do a a uh grand opening of Barbara Park which will be done on September 7th also I want to say to Madame ba if you can I need to know um um the breakdown of the funds for Barbera Park especially the playground that was not bought in like it should have been and how much money that was if you can get that to me that would be appreciated I want to know because we did not get the playground equipment also I wanted to put on record too about getting this stage that should have been in the in the in the specs also I want to say that I want to say congratulations to sha mandre who will be opening a business in the fourth ward she's going to open on Saturday September 24th at 10:00 a.m. the address is 2:15 Rosa Parks Boulevard and it's called a better market and you're going to find that her vegetabl is going to be cheaper than at grocery stores I have brought many items from her um she has meat I believe it's chicken but mostly is going to be vegetable so if can come out to her grand opening on um Saturday March 24th at 10:00 a.m. at 2:15 Rosa Parks Boulevard also I want to say to some people out there are always blaming council members um for for them not getting their checks or they're not getting paid I just want to say to to you all out there um whatever is presented to us is what a payment of bills that's what we pay you can't blame council members um when you're not getting a check is you can't blame council member whoever supposed to sub the bills we have Javier there also I want to say too that um you know there's quite a few people coming to the office and as everybody know I'm always I'm there like most time in the afternoon and um and I can say did have Madam clerk our secretary Sophia and all of them are always there doing as much as they can and I want to say to you ladies um a lot of calls come in that has nothing to do with city council stuff and you have to direct them to the right Department um that they need to go to and I want to say I appreciate you ladies Madam clerk Sophia um for for for directing people to what department they need to go to also if you want to I'm having my fourth annual golf outing for the EDG count Foundation is going to be held on Monday at the perner um golf club uh also I've been blessed to have someone to come in and if you have not played golf you really need to come out and try because if you get a hole in one you can win $10,000 so if you haven't signed up yet please do uh and that's Monday August 26 at um shotgun is at 12:00 and we start registering at 10 o'cl uh also I want to say to um and I know some people are probably saying it's not the responsibility of the community but sometimes I think that we have to do some of the things and I know I do that I have um I have started a program five or six years ago uh adop in a catch basing um with with the rain they came down again today last this week you can clearly see that we need to do our best as a community to keep our catch Bas and cleaning so if you would like to join back with um she was part of it Martha with uh adopting the catch basing I think that we need to try to bring that program back together I want to say tomorrow at brookley Park explorers with our Police Department is going to be doing a food giveaway at brookley Park is going to be um starting at 10 o00 back Goya too right and then gorya is going to be there too to give away food uh I want to say to the three um Community groups in my ward for the fourth ward we had three book back giveaways in the fourth word on Saturday I want to say congrat um to Historic Calvary Baptist Church they had a wonderful book back giveaway with the bouncy houses with the food uh with uh entertainment so once again also cre Temple and Hamilton Avenue with Reverend um Moses McKenzie um they did a book b giveaway I want to say the community does do a lot of things and we need to say thank you to those Community people to those churches that do this I want to say also Jeffrey Robinson of Jay's carat did an excellent book bag giveaway and he had excellent food um he's known for frying his fish what they doing well I look I ain't said nothing nobody don't say nothing I ain't never said nothing to nobody when they talk councilwoman do not say nothing any I want to say congratulations to the organ that did boot back give away in the fourth W Calvary Baptist Church with Reverend ler and Reverend will cre temple with Reverend Moses McKenzie and of course Jeffrey Robinson of Jay's car was watch I just also want to say to everyone out there uh I had something else but I don't know what I put it but um but there's so much there's so many activities Oh today I went to um uh at South Patterson at the library they had a class there uh community policing councilman DAV was there with me and they are teaching the kids how to be Chef so there are so many activities going on only thing we need you to do is please if you see something just enroll your child into some of these programs coun hey don't say nothing um just enroll your children there's so many activities going on uh out there so those are the two things that I need you to do Madam clerk for me um you said what I love you I love you too but y'all can talk all night long nobody don't say one word I don't say one I just want to say please all the events that I said to you tonight please come out um support some of the organizations that's that's here and once again I want to say Madam clerk Sophia I appreciate you thank you for all what you do because I see how you in the office every day um putting things together and to my technology guy I appreciate you look at you you got to break this room down God bless you guys I love you guys you do a lot of work madam VA Corporation counsel Javier have a good night and of course our court reporter our minute taker Amina Amina thank you everyone have a good night God bless you anything I said you can always call me at the office I'm always there thank you God bless you all have a good night forth for of entire city of Patterson good night my vote is oh my vote is yes Madam thank you councilwoman CT councilwoman Davin so since Council woman took 10 minutes and making all the announcements I won't but I will congratulate Shaya mandri right and how great that she's going to the fourth ward sometimes when someone says no to you what it means is next opportunity uh so I'm very happy you know for her uh for commissioner Freeman's um sister as well um to come third at the state level I mean that's that's awesome y um so the the last thing I will say before I say good night Madame clerk Sophia to everyone here thank you for um all that you do um I know that it's hard um but lastly I'll say this that I expect to see all my Council colleagues at the Saturday's Puerto Rican flag raising it is my understanding that it starts at 11: not 12 um but so let's just confirm that you know with um if we can please um confirm that it's 11: and not 12 all right uh good night p my votee is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk the only concern that I have is councilwoman cotton you forgot to mention what's the status with your uh nominee for the patteron Housing Authority um that's been lingering for quite some time sure you can continue back on I'll yield the rest of my time to you madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman urin again thank you P thank you those who attended today and watching us live until now uh I thank you all and I thank our staffs for this um uh meeting to uh be telecasted um expecting that next Workshop session will be to devised um and with having said my ab is yes to close thank you councilman urin Mr President thank you m Clerk I will not take 10 minutes you know so but uh but you know what let me take this moment to thank our pison Police Department every minute I every meeting they're here with us we have a lot of new police officer in the city of patteron when you see those police officer please you know greet them talk to them encourage them they are the one out there putting the life on the line to protect our community uh and and thank you Rafael and the IT department you guys doing a phenomenal job it's not easy you guys and every you have to put everything together and bring everything apart thank you m clerk thank you so very much sopia we love you and we appreciate your job you also have to bring all the staff from City Hall all the way to Rivers side vest um we praying mad clerk that we could finish Bame that we could finish that chamber as soon as possible for us to go back in the house let me take this time to invite my my to and the entire city of Patterson to my school supplies giveaway we're going to have have a the school supplies giveaway and a block party for the third world residing and the entire city of patteron this Saturday the 24th 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at biami Star Park brilant the 19th Avenue let's have a great time let's come together as one community and once again if you need to get in contact with councilman Mendes you could reach out to me on my cell phone 973930 1436 may God bless the city par my vote is yes thank you m CL thank you Mr President the votes are five yeses four absences the municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday August 20th is hereby adjourned good night pson thank you