##VIDEO ID:8IZPxfaA5Go## really his wife is birthday his wife birthday uh-oh we can't open up anyway thank you thank you Rafael good evening um welcome um council members and resident of the uh general public to our Workshop this Tuesday September 10 at 6:30 p.m. um so let's start this meeting with a prayer um Council Mims um since we since we uh this this Workshop is televised council members is televised and Council woman I would like to start this me with a prayer prayer is always needed in the city of P sure can we just bow our heads and close our eyes God our Father we thank you because this is the day that you have made and so we rejoice and we're glad in it from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same your name is worthy to be praised God we pray that you will continue to lift up this great city of Patterson which we call and refer to as a city of righteousness we pray for the mayor the administration the city council all our employees all of our residents our children as they are in school and some that are transition into high school and college God we pray for safety in this community we pray for a better quality of life we pray for better amenities we pray that our city will be better God we pray for those that are sick and shut in those that are going through in their bodies and in their minds and in their spirits that you will lift them you will heal them you will deliver them we pray pray for those that are grieving oh God that you will be the glory and the lifter of their head and now God we pray for this meeting on tonight your word says in 1 Corinthians 14:10 let everything you do be done decently and in order so we God we pray for order peace and structure in this meeting on tonight and this is our prayer in Jesus's name amen amen amen thank you Council men for that there's no way of starting immediate better than with a prayer putting God first in the middle of this of this meeting we have a very extensive agenda um council members we have um 79 item 80 in total so but we're going to start let's start with public work our director Billy Rodriguez here and today it's a um let me do the roll call yeah we have cour already yes yeah roll call M clerk yes yeah we have five call for municipal Council Workshop session of Tuesday September 10th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver present councilman Jackson councilman khik councilwoman Mims here ready to serve councilman urin councilman valz serving Mr President my V is yes M clerk thank you Mr President I'll notate the statement of compliance with the open public meetings law for 2024 2025 tonight's meeting date is September 10th 2024 the scheduled time was 6:30 p.m. adequate notice of this meeting was compiled and disseminated in accordance with the open public meetings law in the following manner one the annual meeting notice of regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council was compiled for the year 2024 2025 onor about July 1 2024 two a schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly transmitted onor about July 1 20242 the nor Jersey Herald News the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the pay County PS Dominicana news Lis International L special partisan press the city post news tap into patteron the weekly Bangla Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices three the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was prominently posted in the lobby of City Hall first floor in the place reserved for the announcements of this type four the schedule of the regular meetings and workup sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 4 2025 was duly filed with the municipal clerk and five a copy of the schedule of regular meetings of the municipal Council was mailed to any person who requested and paid the fee authorized by the open public records act Mr President thank you madam clerk um since we have quotum council members let's do payment of Bill Council mavila council president thank you very much good evening Patterson good evening to all to my colleagues um uh we we have in front of us the summary of dispersements um for a total of 27,1 68,4 46.9 I want you to look at where it says general government 4,788 456 with 86 C the majority 4.5 of that is for health insurance if you go down you also have Capital fund we have a, 899 411 37 800 of9 of that was for Barbara Park 274,000 of that was for peniton Park we go down there was a twomon payment of1 m73 73,8 3984 made to the Board of Education this week was a payroll week and that payroll was for the amount of 5,555 52,0 $158 making a total of 27,1 168,50 4690 Bills second was moved by councilman Davila second by councilman Mims I got a question um discuss Council woman K right after Council counc wor about okay um is Javier here um cuz what I I need from jav here is I see the payment here to Barbara Park I want to know uh exactly how much was paid so far was that the only amount paid because we still had some money left over um that was not used so I need that pay was 89,000 we had 1.3 that's what I'm saying no no no no I'm saying this I'm asking I'm asking her where's the rest of was there another payment made that we didn't know about okay that's what I'm asking is there another payment that was made that we did not know about uh Barbara Park um they haven't sent everything yet so this is what they just sent the 800 huh this is what they built okay um my next question is to Javier I'm looking for a payment here for ceasefire I don't see it on here again um that will come under the opat grant money uh where they paid out to certain agencies um um working in the field working on the working on the streets um it was tday um that was supposed to submit those which item there was already a resolution done and we had July 24 July 2023 to 2024 no 2024 to December what number was it um 24 Madam VA on the agenda it was number 40 okay okay and do they have all the organizations in here that U because some of them have received money already and some of them have not that's what I'm looking at I don't see cease PR on here so Council woman Captain let's move to yeah they need to because it was more than these organizations I remember yeah now I'm going to have to go back and find my first resolution where we awarded these organizations I call them boots underground organizations that walks the streets to help people with um problems with drugs and alcohol and and I know it's been it was more than that I don't remember the other one but I need to find out what happened with ceasefire I'll I'll to follow up okay thank you coun c u Council mes question about payment of bill um my my question is this is going to be a a new norm and every time that we could to uh present a payment of Bill we could to announce where the money is going towards parks and uh that's a new Norm that's a that's a new Norm that we going to announce where the money goes for different parts or or is because U we need to announce it because this is the first time I hear that she's not doing this money go to this park this money go to that Park this go over here on one thing I could say is director Rodriguez good afternoon may you please uh through the chair director that's only because it's outline um the reason you know I want to commend DPW for the hard working this past Sunday in the parade you got I could speak whatever I want Council will make council members council members Council M let's ask for the floor and please this is the beginning of this meeting we have 80 items on the agenda correct let's be uh you know let's let's you know Council M Le please continue so I want to commend the DPW uh employees for the hard work that they did to keep our street clean especially in the section of e high high school I know the superintendent is happy to hear that that that street was clear enough to start school the next day the the payment for the project manager of River Street um is here today um they already got the payment or when when it's included okay um I know that the chair of Finance mentioned um this payment goes to barara park this payment goes for this park um I believe the um can you give me a status uh when the fancy company is going to start the back of Roberto Clemente a status please all right thank you Council thank uh Council M so I just want to U put it on the record the only reason why uh the chair Finance mentioned the two parks is because if you look outline on the summary of dispersements uh there's a line item for Capital funds and she was outlining it because it totals 1.9 million so she wanted to make sure that people understood what those items was for for Barbara Park and for the work at Pennington Park so that's why uh that was um outlined it's not a normal occurrence but because it's a capital fund line item we thought it would be necessary because a lot of times in our meetings um it's questioned what are these items for and what it entails so it was a discussion in our finance committee um and we thought it would be necessary to make sure it was um brought here to light and um very transparent thank you council president thank thank you councilwoman um explanation um so item so Public Works item number 43 through 55 through 56 can we vote can we vote on payment bill so let's start can we vote on the payment of Bill President we have to adopt the payment of bills roll call M CL payment of Bill moving counc president roll call for approval of payment of bills in the amount of 27 mil1 168,50 4690 Council woman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson no coun woman Mims yes so uh previously it was outlined a lot of the uh information but I wanted to um just highlight that a big portion of this bills list is for the Board of Education to make sure that our children continue to receive a thorough and efficient uh education um as we know they are now uh fully funded um which uh the governor and the state has um moved to do that and I'm really happy about that and then Health the health insurance for our employees is here so I think it's very important that we make sure that these items are done and of course if you look through there's other items as well but those are two of the biggest pieces on the bills list my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman Udin yes councilman vet yes Mr President thank you m clerk as you here we have a large premium for the Board of Education and also our vendor they definitely deserve to get paid on time with that being said my V is yes M cler thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses one no two absences payment of bills in the amount of 27 million1 68,4 4690 is hereby adopted thank you madam clerk since we have our director uh on the mic so item 43 council members resolution authorizing the mou between um the conservator of pison and the public work that should consent or regular direct no no no no no no no it's not in a package can I have it please before we move forward which one you 43 43 43 do you have copy of 43 side anybody has it I don't have my pack maybe they weren't given to us since it's not under the package um m cler you have a copy item it wasn't provided to us it wasn't provided so let's let's keep it on regular while we getting all the body of the resolution director can you tell us a little bit about this uh just give me one second Council mes we don't have it council member please ask for the floor that way we could conduct the meeting effectively Council council president Council MZ can you give us a highlight what is this so run through it to see what we have in here is time sensitive okay council president I would recommend this go back to committee um because we don't have it here he don't know if it's time sensitive and he don't know all the detail on it council members president I I agree um Council you will go next I I will leave it on regular until at the body of the resolution if there's any concern of any council members so we always have the time to send it back to the committee but for now since we don't have the body all the resolution we live it on regular council with MES no I was going to um request the same thing because this is just a memorandum of so it's I mean if it's something that's going to help with the wildlife and exactly exessive trees and the debris then we need this right so and I know you're making a face like mim's got it I don't even have to have the resle it just speaks for what it is so we just keep it on but make sure we have the item so we can read it before next week counc Council so I wanted to State the same since we don't have uh another Workshop meeting in this month it's better to keep in regular if uh council members have any question we have chance to ask questions regular meeting next week so iend totally agree totally agree with you also Council Ming counc president council president counc second so in other words if you look at the valid point that I brought in the resolution is not here was not supply it was not discussed in committee um the director plain says that he don't have all the details on it now we have to wait a month or for the next week uh to make a decision if this is beneficial to us or not um memor understanding you you need to look if there's any Financial involved you know um and so we could have that discussion if it's if it's the case I know it's preserving Wildlife or whatever it is but you know what is the the back and forth on it what what is our responsibility what the responsibility of them and U we could make a a smart decision on it because everybody could do memor understanding but what we getting back what we we going to give back to them things like that director when you get that information please share that information with the entire Council yeah so as soon as we get it we'll go over we review it if theou is something that really benefit the city we will keep it on the agenda otherwise we'll move it out for now stay in regular okay so let's go item 44 let me just m yes please thank you council president to director I believe if I'm mistaken um director that might be that um um that nature thing that they trying to do on Fear Street it might be that where they're trying to develop like more like a r Garden um um I don't want to say 100% sure saving water like you know run off and the water run off and that's more the green infrastructure that might be part of it but I'm not 100% right now so I want to say yeah might all right we going to leave it regular yes we will leave it thank you item number 44 uh director resolution authorizing a contract consent consent which one 44 council president no council council member just a minute councilwoman uh councilwoman Mims so um item 44 and I want to commend this is now first of all um we have to change it this is the Janette Thompson Park so I would like to have the reso updated corporate oh he's there Corporation councel for item 44 this park was renamed to the Janette Thompson Park so I want that item to it to reflect that but in addition I think this is great proactive planning for the retaining wall design calculations and stability because there is a structure of a wall that that has to be uh uh properly uh calculated and structured so that it does not have the foundation to fall so I think this is something that's definitely needed because there are steps that are behind where they're building this park and I'm I'm glad that we're moving proactively to make sure that safety is a priority but can we just update this to reflect the Janette Thompson park instead of Clinton Street Park thank you coun let that record reflect mad clergy and Thompson on the body of the resolution um councilman uh um good council president thank you so very much so we have discussed about this item and uh in the uh committee meeting as well and whoever were in presence we all um agreed with this that this is a Time sensity matter as well before anything else happen I think we need to construct that and uh thank you Council woman for correcting the uh rename that that happened few months ago correct um I think we should rename and um uh give a shout out to her as well every time we mention that Park all right thank you council member so so item 44 um I have Council Jackson right after councilwoman K who's going first Jackson yes okay recomended consent I just want to remind everyone too I'm not sure how long it's going to take for them to uh fix that wall there but uh for right now um Janette Thompson Park is scheduled to have the grand open on October 22nd I just want to put that on record it's scheduled to be having the grand open on October 22nd thank you director got thank councilwoman councilman Jackson director so um this is actually saying resolution authorizing a contract so this went out the bid yeah this is uh from the uh 18 um Engineers you guys approved we gave it to uh I think three of them and this is the uh the one that we chose so which retaining wall is this it's the one that when they removed all the shrubberies that was there they found the wall behind they thought it was just trees but there's actually a wall there and we have to stabilize that wall so it doesn't come down what's the um any this the amount for this part I have 37300 so and this is I mean because we're we're we're at the tail end of the project and they're just figuring out now that the wall needed to be uh no this is it just took time to um do an analysis they had to do test on it um soon as the project started we found the wall all right thank you thank you councilman president coun um councilman um Bess yeah council president I I believe it I'm not mistake we passed a ordinance here or resolution that anything under 45 don't not need to go to bid so this is a quote that they submitted because we we supposed to not do RFP or bid on something under under 45 this was added to the original contract that they had oh to to okay okay so you're supposed to say Amendment other the contract no if it's added to it is supposed to be amended the amount no no but this is the thing he's saying based on what he's saying is added to the the the contract that was existing so this this this amount read the body of the one two three four so the fourth whereas it says as a results of the last resolution this that last resolution created this resolution okay so who had the contract right now um same the same people so we supposed to do an amendment of the amount of money the one in isue that he received a different Work Director a resolve evaluation if if is it is it's not supposed to be a change of order there like we do every time and um no different work it doesn't work that way when Harry saal is not here but yes well we explained it in committee but go ahead chair so councilman I so when we discussed about this item does totally new new item we discussed about whether we should move forward or not and we all felt importance of it it's not really something is happening or it's justjust to any other work that's taking place in the park so it's not part of any other um inter action taking place in the park so I don't see it's a part of uh or any change order that should be amended so so council president let me correct something Council Council just give me a second let councilman didn't finish I will get back to you and then before we move forward we already agreed to put this item on consent 44 but it's it's uh we just got to make sure that we got the appropriate language on the body of the resolution I totally agree with the director but let me councilman right after you finish I will go with Council M Les before we continue go ahead just to restate that um I was told and we discussed that this is this is something that's that's totally the need of the time it's not that something is taking place currently and we are adding or changing anything correct so therefore I believe this is not a change order or any Amendment this is something totally new and that was presented for um a bid and this is the this is the one was awarded to so um C council member just give me one minute I'm wrong uh dor will correct me on this director Sor When you mention you went out for a bit you did the bit on the group of engineer that we approved that was the bit took place on that on the line correct scop service went out to three engineer services so it went out for a bit Yeah okay well within the yeah it is a contra so I think council member we could move forward Council let me make my statement please council member BL so past practice director and the last one was River ases Park they find out that something is needed at River a park the guys came back and said we need to do an amendment and because they find that uh the scope of work change or more money had to be put on it and the worrying of the resolution was amended and it was a change of order there um because they find that the the the chair was not the proper one or whatever it was and they went back and say we need to change and add this and the amount change this company is getting $37,000 $3300 uh 37300 because they find that some they need a retaining wall no there's a retaining wall there already this this this resolution director can you explain this resolution was approved by a purchasing agent on the 8th of August Harry's not going to certify anything that we're doing wrong he will not let us put a resolution on that's illegal he will not let me put a resolution on that's going to jeopardize city of Patterson everything in this resolution is done the correct way thank you director council member please let's move on to item 44 there item 45 item 45 council members resolution authorizing additional appropriation uh for the contract it's consent councilwoman consent item 45 resolution authorizing addition appropriation for the contract with Route 23 autoo for vehicle repair and maintenance um Department of Public Work Director there State Contractor we just um we had more anticipated work that we used them for so we just um consent council president consent council member it consent item item 46 resolution authorizing a contra Amendment Amendment for the qualification proposal for the design permission consent council president so I I need to just uh speak a little bit on this councilman councilman Council let him do the talking he the chair goe Council thank you councilman I like that I I mean um I'm just saying everybody know they to chair I'm trying to follow my councilman um coton thank you councilman so uh yes I I like to uh thank our uh director and also uh all the committee members including council president that when last time we spoke about the uh ARP money and we wanted to see how uh properly we can use this money and we called an emergency meeting um with the DPW committee and we decided that we are going to use some portion of the money to purchase more trucks uh for the department and also if you can hire more people to make sure that DPW DPW department is functioning well since we are the DPW is covering inhouse providing in-house services for B pickups so we want to make sure that if we really keep it inhouse we we need more trucks to purchase and more people to hire so we are pushing for this and I thank all the committee members and the director Corporation Council for the last minute call and showed up and came up with the idea that we need to purchase two more trucks so I I really commend that thank you Council thank you Council my mes so I'm confused no this is this is not for that so that's what I'm saying like this item specifically says it is for a design and permission for a study for the recreation center I'm sorry that's what this it you're talking about the wrong idea so my bad okay we talk 45 right talking about I'm sorry 47 where we at I'm looking at the 47 and reading 46 no we're 46 we're 46 Council right what I said about 47 counc president not yet Council now we moving to item 47 Council okay I don't council president councilwoman K was was waiting for my understanding is that if I may Billy director uh I uh resolution number 46 is this to continue the study yes for the the department of Recreation on where to put a recreation center this is an amendment resolution it's an amended yeah Amendment resolution yes it got to be regular because I mean you I mean it's still they still talking about um the recreation center at the police station I mean we got to get past that because it's not going to be able to go there so we need to get past putting that Recreation Center at 111 Broadway it's just not going to but just that's but it's unregular but I'm saying that's what this resolution is about continue to study for the recreation center for where we should be able to put a recreation center correct director yes item 4 counc so director this is the same individuals that came and uh to the public forum about where you want this Recreation and you hear that is this yeah so this is the same individual now uh this is being paid by ARP money uh yes this Co is unregular okay it's unregular it's un regular so council members so moving to item 47 council members regular regular yeah so 47 this is what I speaking about two trucks so yeah no 47 is yep regular can I get on 47 can I get the list it's on the resolution okay oh no the solicitation okay item 48 council members this is for the this is for the bathrooms and the park John on the spot you go consent yeah council president um um uh director um this this Johnny on the spot or whatever Johnny on the spot needs to do a better job in those uh portable Johns on on the fields man it's like can we increase the time they they clean it yes thank you council president thank you Council amen M so I don't have an issue it should definitely be on consent but I would like to put on record for Madame ba and to our director that there should be a study done for the parks at what it would look like to have some bathrooms in some of these Parks I know it might be a lot but I think we should look into a feasibility study and to determine in some of these Parks how much would it cost to put some um bathrooms there versus a portable pter John so if we can do that um I know later on in this agenda we have some upgrades to the bathrooms in Esa Park which will um we'll move forward as well but I want to look into the other parks that there will be some level of bathroom units in the park so if we can do that Madame be just to put a study together um to see what that would cost thank you council president thank you Council M uh count 48 mad clerus consent council members item 49 consent consent consent item number 50 consent consent 49 Council woman resolution authorization of water cont to MOS lighting for the installation of new lighting equipment at East Side tennis court we need we need that in the tennis court the lights and just um to the me um just something just make one question for the director council president phly will you please explain to them about that tennis court at East Side park I got so many calls that it's not a regulated tennis court can you please explain to the to the audience about East Side Park tennis court thef itself is is a regulation Court the the the issue that people are having is um is the back end of the Court where slopes down we're putting together a proposal now to to fix that so people you know they don't have to step off the court and to Anchor the Nets but the the the court itself is is regulation than D director dor I know we we out of the half million the $500,000 we have 140,000 plus less that we use it for the lighting now all so we still going to have money left over to cover the that scope of work that you mentioned now we should yes okay okay so that's definitely the oun council president Council Ms is it possible that we can build like a small um maybe a SP small storage space for tennis rackets where like if people want to rent the rackets they could do that is it possible that that can be built in with some of the money that's left over in east side park yes to go through the um the um historic I don't know we could probably put like a little shed like a shed that they can have a lock and key with okay so Madame ba can we take a look into that I know it has to go through the historic um preservation and East Side neighborhood association as well but I think it will be great that there's a storage space cuz we have um one of the gentlemen oh he will kill me that came to the meeting and he really pushed hard for the tennis courts and he's going to be doing these he has some programs with our youth so I think it would be great that we had a storage facility where there we can store those rackets and our youth can um participate so we can look into that to get that approved through Ean neighborhood and the historic I think that would be a great uh addition to our recreational opportunities let's stretch let's stretch those do director so we we have done a phenomenal job at e side park with the tennis court finally we're going to have the lighting the right Lighting on the tennis court that way people they could play a little later and ni so item number 50 was going s item 51 council members uh council president before you go too fast um yeah you're going too fast we go no I I they mention consent you have a question about item 50 sure know okay it oun and I yesterday to be the chief along um deputies uh we did a walk through they had a great presentation of um what that our dispatch sorry our dispatch deserves nothing but the best they really want to go and if anyone has already taken that tour it was when I tell you I mean topnotch all right and in addition to that um there would also be cost savings because we would have to not we would have to I think part of what the chief along with the ba discussing the administration is moving our uh Studio to the basement and doing it all full not having to pay those monies that are being paid um to the PRC councilman Jackson did you get your response we own the building not remember the um Regular yeah so item number 50 is going to be on regular council members any other any other question councilman Jackson so with regard to this facility um there's a lot of unanswered questions there's hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions of dollars that was allocated and spent there have asked for reports on that spend expenditures for very very very long time Council I mean um Corporation Council Madame ba I have requested it from you on numerous occasions where's the expenditure reports from the business incubator where's the money that was spent there it was over 40 plus million dollars that was spent there and if we are the owners of the building how is that so when did we make a purchase when did the uh uh title change how much did we purchase it for who did we purchase it from what funds was utilized for it there's a list of questions that still unanswered and although um I'm excited that the uh the chief is proven to be you all that we thought he would be a great leader in in in and motivating you know to have a meeting with all uh nine or 10 white shirts where everybody's kind of an agreement it speaks volumes um all his guys are supporting him because he's you know you know he's actually um you know displaying great leadership but still there's a responsibility a fiscal responsibility that this Council still Bears so how are we spending $400,000 a year or whatever we're spending on 77 um Ellison when the same entity that made the purchase of that building was the entity that owned the building that we're going into and um uh I I don't recall authorizing those payments so I mean there there there's a lot of things that need to be done before we just simply um Overlook all the uh uh stealing that went on there's a great deal of money that was there there's equipment that's there um where's the purchase receipts for the for that equipment um how what's the plan to offloaded how does the tax players recoup their money um before we wind up just giving it away to somebody's uh uh uh friends and you know there's there's there's a lot of responsible activity that needs to take place um so I'm expecting that we'll have some answers well I'm hoping but I don't expect that we'll have answers this item needs to go on regular thank you councilman Jackson and Madame ba this item so we'll be voting on this item the next regular meeting uh please provide that information to to the entire Council an email and bring copy into the meeting to the next meeting in case of members of the public has some also concerned about that that way they could get the the answer that Council M Jackson is requesting um counc so councilman BL uh you know good point uh councilman Jackson uh and good questions I'm requesting all this information more likely it's not like a we want to ask for an audit on this on this project because it's not it's not clear yet um where we going with this investing from the past Chief into now so it will be more beneficial also have an audit and everything the finance the process the contracts everything you know because because I question the mayor myself that we have spent millions of dollars in this in this place so you know and uh at least this is going to regular you know at the end I could to have a a million doll question but I see a lot of items here that brings that million dollar question thank you council president um item 51 council members um a resolution authorizing the solicitation forbid RFB for the road res ref in program so I want consent these are all third W streets that's solicitation Council item 51 uh what what was that these are all Third Ward streets to be resurfaced so what that means consent 51 what what that means council members councilwoman C you have a question all right item 51 consent item 52 is another solicitation of bid for resurfacing that will go consent what happened council president council member what happened way back I remember that um there was a movie and there was a compromise to uh resurface the parking lot because they damaged with sand and all that stuff what happened um with that agreement that that movie company agrees to resurface they never did um director billly I don't the mov I don't handle the movies that was an agreement no an agreement with a movie I never hear about that well because you wasn't not you wasn't here you was um you know you was not in the committee meeting so um I I recall that when they put all this dirt in there for I think it was with Westside Westside Westside Story cleaned and I brought it up and I say wow they they they really damaged our parking lot and even they they even damaged the in that time the arm and they they put a nice beautiful arm on it but they didn't pave the the the parking lot you know I just want to know because there was an agreement there and they never came back Mia can you investigate if there was such a type of agreement yeah council president I I do not believe there was an agreement for that they did resurface all the parking lots and you know for the parking authority between City Hall and Center City Mall um but they that was never part of the plan but I do believe they um provided some funding to replace the arm yeah um that was used in that parking lot which before before that we did not did not have a functioning arm and then they gave us the money to have a functioning arm after thank council president um Council M um as per the previous request from councilman valz I think the council was owed a detailed outline of all of that work that was done based on um what happened back then whatever they did uh and what was what the what was the end result so if they're saying they put dirt or whatever and they did some work we should have a detailed outline of what they did and what the cause Factor was so we can have that provided to us by the next council meeting and that would be great Madame B please provide us with that information before the next um council meeting that will be taking formal action on this council members item 53 is a resolution Council council president yeah uh council president thank you so this particular item I want to thank uh the administration and Billy this is the splash path for bear track Park which I've been advocating for for a long time and I'm so glad to see that we're finally moving forward so to all of the youth that live in that area that advocated yeah director Ramirez we're going to have some water in the park so I'm excited about the water that's coming to the park uh the neighbors will be very excited I knocked on all the door and there a lot of a lot of students and as soon as it's in I'll be the first one to Splash in the water consent council president not not only you Council myself I have a splash challenge with the council people but definitely Council has been a pleasure to collaborate with you and this matter at the park is really needs some improvement and this going to be perfectly yes my councilwoman Council come on I'll pick I'll pick you up Council MAV and take you to the park just make sure with the splash pad that the water runs off down towards director Ramirez's house all right all the all the runoff across the street could go right down that that way what is that East 24 send it down towards his that's the plan counil now you got it that's director make sure you take that that request you know I'm skip take that request CC memb director uh counc um I I I I'm happy that this par is getting a a water splash and and other parts have gotten too but you know the Roberto Clemente Park uh sprinkle system is always clocked um we need a a new one too we need a new one to everybody goes through Mark stre and see what's going on they create you know it's get cloged it's get awful so uh put it uh put it in D list if the ba allows you to look for money uh the ba has the ability to uh identify money uh to also get a a nice beautiful um uh Splash system in the Roberto Clemente Park council members item 54 is a resolution authorized in a contract for the purchase and installation of the fence at the Recycling yard they need a gate they need a gate that that's G consent so item 55 resolution authorizing the water contract for V vendor for request of the qualification architector engineer service for the division of engineer Department Public Work item 55 consent consent 65 item 65 no um 55 65 I I don't I don't 55 65 55 on regular let's let's have it on regular 55 I know there will be some question before we voting on this item council members so item 65 mhm 65 no 55 5 we on 65 55 is going to regular 65 right now 65 65 65 you 65 we did 55 regular but his next one is 65 he's 65 Public Works 55 so 65 56 um C 56 is a consent 65 resolution authorizing the war Contra to Adam Brothers Construction for the East Side Park Roller Rink resurfacing um that's consent consent counil president Mike Simons I hope you're watching yes the roller rink is coming back Mike Simons consent which one is that the roller rink no where we what we jum from 55 56 council members as a request for councilman Jackson myself 55 it's regular and 65 it will be in consent council members right what about 56 56 consent yeah oh oh he doing public work now oh so 65 all right okay we going fast R yeah um 65 consent 72 council member resolution authorizing a contract Amendment for architector engineer design service for the proposal Communication Center on pan Avenue that should go on regular yeah again regular yeah okay here we go regular for the Packer truck the what 73 72 council members regular 73 consent this is for the uh the rail lad Packers this is for the uh yeah the um get mistaken cuz uh you probably going to see another one this is for the back of the truck it's not for the chassity the chassity um we didn't we didn't meet the uh the time requirement we still got a couple days before we can put it on a resolution this is for the Packer part of it not the Chassy okay thank you so item 74 council member resolution authorizing a contract Amendment for the purchase and delivery and installation of the new so we could get back to condition unit a city hall consent so we could get back to City H hold on there's an amendment here council members give me a minute councilwoman C 72 is regular council president 73 cons council president okay Council just give me one minute you will go next Council if you allow me counc now councilman count on 72 we agree on regular 73 in consent and now we're on 74 Council yeah council president last time we was here to approve a contract for the installation or removal all right uh and original contract was 168,000 700 I recall councilman Jackson doing some math and and and ask for the pounds or whatever of the dimension of the of the AC now now they come to amend it yes what what is the why is the amendment the amendment is for um direct where City Hall where the chambers is at there's no duck for the return the the space between the ceiling and the the chambers acted as the duck for the old system now that we're removing that we have to add the duck or we won't be in compliance so this is the amendment to add the duck work for the returns for the a the hbac system okay so so that's good to know but um I recall the company that was here that did a free job for us they they they the one that studi this no what you know HV need this we need that that's not a part of this he's talking about uh Council Ming yeah thank you council president uh councilman B is referring to the last presentation about the HB system uh that that's totally different uh I believe uh separate than this this one that was about all the municipal buildings yeah so it's not it's not specifically about City Hall thank you well we going to find next after this coun 74 let's have 74 regular council members I want to make um councilman Jackson yes sir being removed no uh we're we're removing the unit next week so once the unit gets there in between the chambers there's a floating ceiling in the chambers so in between the floating Chambers and uh the floating cying and the actual ciling that acted as the duck work for the old system can't do that no more so now we have to add the duck work to the system that's there in order to return to put the return in wait minut so you're saying between the ceiling and the roof the exterior roof between the ceiling and the exterior roof there's ex it's not the exterior it's the four floor roof so I don't know what's what's up there I don't know what's but it's a ceiling then is a floating ceiling it's about maybe a twoot space okay and what's what's the issue we have to add duck workor now because in the past that acted as the duck work in the past what when they built the when they built the system years ago that that space acted as the duck work for the return oh the space acted as the return yes understood so so um so now what is the the uh the um the increase in the in the bid what is um what number is it 70 because I don't have 70 uh 74 hold on give me a minute Mike I mean councilman sorry it's a little over 63 let me get you the exact yeah for how many linear feet of duck Works Pennsylvania that's Pennsylvania air flow is it I had it actual proposal is not attached to the resolution right now Mike but I get councilman but um I get that to you tomorrow yeah please I would like to know all the spec specifications the uh the linear the the the amount of duck work that we're supplying for $60 plus th000 and if you can send me the entire um bid I would appreciate it all right thank you coun Jackson yes 74 will go on regular uh 74 74 is on regular council members item 75 is a resolution authorizing the world contract to fail remains under the New Jersey contract to replace the gas pump comp um at the Department of Public Work should go consent this should be consent this is where the uh the the perpetrator the perpetrator that could have consent agree this is where what where T the uh DPW um garage or the gas gas pumps that uh when they broke into DPW a few weeks ago this part of well changing the whole thing now but he burned the actual cut offs and like the the control panel for it all that burnt in the fire and and was uh council president um C counc uh uh what is the status on Investigation the uh the field yeah the field I don't know but we're having we're having uh some discussions with some other people that's uh coming out to that wants to fix the field and I won't say who right now but uh once that's they want fix yes once that's 100% ago I'll let you guys know all right but let's council member let's let's stick let's stick with the agenda that way we could just try to move forward us 0 president so council members we all agreed that 75 will go on consent Council M just quickly happy birthday to your wife have a good night director thank you appreciate it item 76 consent council members you you lucky director you're lucky no it don't 76 no it's yeah should be remov I no it's not it's 's parking space there's a mistake council members council members there's a mistake resolution established in 50 minute not 5015 just a 50 minute 1515 parking space for the following Lo there's two business on that location and it's hard it's right by the um right by the seniors we can't do that to the seniors that's that's this my first time even hearing anything about it I sent an email to council during the public work uh committee that go that go to go to committee council member this is not time sensitive there's two business that could go back to committee you could analyze it's a 50-minute parking space councilman Jackson if you have if you want to speak now or we could send it back to committee whatever you feel okay we send about 76 not time sensitive we send it back to committee yeah CC before you take off I apologize bill and I know this is this doesn't necessarily fall under your purview but as the Director with Recreation falls under yes I'm very concerned I got a call on my way here um I I saw some footage with Kennedy's uh soccer team playing at the stadium as well as the football team that should be playing there and it's it's an away game for for Kennedy High School you know they have no signage in the building is no markings on the field no other high school in the state of New Jersey who plays in their home field Stadium doesn't have any markings on the field Ruckers is there being represented there uh there's a number of different entities being represented there our high school who primarily owned or should have had first rights to to a refusal to that stadium is playing play playing away games while they're there b bad enough they don't get the they don't have any accommodations they don't get to utilize the uh the locker room spaces but not to have markings when teams are coming into into this to patteron to play against our high school that's an embarrassment I'll talk to Benji about it all right uh how does Benji have anything to do with that do this is do for pison public school I mean from for how how's director going to have anything to do with Bri well well uh DPW possibly would either mark the fields or contract out the stadium has their own um electronic U marking system they have their own it's a city it's a school district facility not a city facility hen so once again I'm placing it on record for whoever is accountable as I said to the director when I first started my statement it may not necessarily fall under his purview but everyone in the city of patteron council members who represents the children who play here should have a stake in making sure that when they're on the field playing they have a home field representation and that we're not just selling off something that the taxpayers paid for everybody's making money off of it and our kids that play at henu Stadium where I did win a state championship is not being fairly represented so huh I don't this has nothing to do with P all last season under the same conditions the same circumstances do public works all last season and I said something and I got a phone call about it I I got a another phone call about it today and you know hopefully people people who live in the community will have would take issue with this as well you know you don't go any place else and and not have your name in The End Zone your name on the scoreboard and something I know there's a digital scoreboard but there's more to that every other entity that has not put any a dime into into the stadium is reaping a reward there there their their names are on the wall and Kennedy High School is not there um thank you couns no um no director I think you're absolutely right where the city doesn't have a thing councilman Jackson I think you're absolutely right our school should be represented in that stadium and I would just want to ask my colleague um have you reached out to any of your Co F or people that you know from the Board of Ed have you made your issues or concerns to the board of ed athletic directors uh Board of Ed Commissioners that are supposed to handle the the things at the stadium president uh just a minute uh Council councilman captain please I have councilman D and councilman Jackson ask for the floor and I only ask council president before he I want to give the FL to council M Jackson to ask I only ask because when people watch it looks like the city council is the one that didn't put Kennedy High School on on hinchliff or this this city I I can speak for myself we have no say on what goes on at that Stadium it's a school district facility so I actually agree with councilman Jackson our school should be represented there and I'm only just say the the question should be asked to our Board of V Commissioners to our uh uh local school leaders the superintendent or whatnot that yeah we see Ruckers there we see this there ads on the scoreboard but we don't see I'm going there Friday night for a football game MH and I'm sure he's right it's going to look like a a neutral field because there's nothing from the schools the school but I want the public to know that we like the director says we don't maintain it we don't clean it up we don't book it out that doesn't come anything from the city council car thank you president councilman Jackson council president well obviously I mean in having a number of young people who play in the city of Patterson that I've coached mentored I have relationships with the athletic director of course I've spoken to the various parties involved and of course including school board members everyone makes it clear that they everyone's passing the buck we don't make the decisions it is this Council that oversees the activity of the administration is this council's is this Council council members it's this Council that gave the approving vote to turn over the stadium to all of these entities that are making money off of it it is its council's responsibility to make sure that the best interests of our residents are always being put first and as they they have not been the entire time for this this Stadium project not for the jobs that was not created not for the first opportunity to play there first we sold it off to a a a minor league baseball team that we don't know how much we're paying for it is the the money that was utilized for the repairs came through this Council so now to say we don't book it we don't reserve it we don't have anything to do with it everything that happens in the city all City business comes through the purview of this Council if the council so chooses not to to uh act then that's the the the the uh the discretion of the council but I have asked for on a number of different occasions an audit on the expenditures that was spent there it was never presented to me because I have not been supported by members of this Council so when you're talking about the $110 million that was that was just given away and what we've gotten our kids didn't even have have the decency to get the name of the school in which they play for put place on the field so whoever's responsibility it is whether it's yours and you have relationships and you can make it happen whoever choose so chooses to make it happen it needs to happen because our kids who play there should not be feeling as if they're playing on on the visitors field um they don't have access to the locker rooms there's a lot of things there that Kennedy High School does not have a priority for so whatever needs to happen whoever needs to hear it I'm still requesting those expenditures I'm still requesting copies of the contracts with all entities involved um you know we've had uh instances where illegal parking was take took place up there where the entity who we've um authorized to to give everybody else permission was charging people to park on grass field lands that's not authorized for parking and this Council turned the death eye to that as well so I'm pointing out some of the obvious things that we already know is going on so everybody to act as if we don't have anything to do with it so be it council president Council council members before we continue we finished with public work at 7:45 see a few um children's from our our community in the um in the audience visiting us I know they wants to speak so it's 7:46 I'm I'm I want to start the public portion can you be brief yes brief but I know you table you table number 76 just just for the future council president anything that has to be endorsed um enforced like establishing 20 minutes 15 minutes whatever had to be an ordinance not a resolution um just just an answer to that Council Bless the chair public War councilman Udin came to me I sent an email to councilman Udin for the request and I also gave him a call and he came to me and apologize because they never they didn't have time to go over this item on public War I was not aware of that just just give me a minute since it's my is my item so um he apologized to me because he didn't have time to go over in public war and it's fine it's fine with me but need to continue the conversation no no no counc you're not going to shut me down I'm pointing out a legal matter here legal matter here is council president we hear you there is an ordinance I want you to look good that's why I understand there no need there's no need to the second thing is council president hold on we in a free free country I think I got the floor I got the floor I got the floor council president I got the floor so so so council president that item is going to be sent back to committee I understand that now that but a resolution is not is not needed there ordance second and uh can you may I finish council president no you finished all right so uh just to the record um I just called Brian from hinley Stadium um I took the concern of councilman Jackson and um if he wants um are going to meet with him tomorrow to bring your concern councilman Jackson to have Patterson well represented in the field he said that will be no problem to use the locker rooms and all that stuff so we could have the conversation tomorrow at the HL stadium so if if you want to counc U councilman Jackson I want to work with you on this if if you want to put a little memorandum to together what you really see I could take it to him and deliver it to him and and and we work together on this it's it's easy so so so so so councilman Udin now that councilman Udin is here once again item 76 Council mudin came to me before we continue because there was no need to already mention that we're going to table this because I have no problem this is not time sense said it I sent an email to council Ming as the chair of public work and I give him a call but he apologized to me because they didn't have time to go over this item I was under the impression that the item was discussed at the committee and that's the reason why the item is on the floor we send it back to committee M make sure that they follow up and they work on that it at the committee and we bring it back with no problem now it's seven councilman Jackson who wrote it that's uh so it's by title only because they working on the resolution who wrote it legal is the one that have to go to the part so legal wrote this on the agenda is the way this items presented no it's presented by title because they don't have the body of the resolution but who wrote was presented by title who wrote this by presented by title myself I I make the request okay and the request went to apparently went to the committee and it's supposed to be here simple as that it's not here we send it back no I understand I understand we but you're not following the process I understand we're sending it back now but okay you wrote it you placed it on the agenda you you utilized your uh your Authority your unilateral decision making authority to place this item on the agenda which was not properly um uh researched or uh uh vetted you also made a numerous number of mistakes of 50 50 minute parking um that was not that was not my mistake so I asked you who wrote it that was I I I called the clerk Department I give them they and they they put they put they put it on I didn't s EMA writing this I'm I called the clerk and I told the clerk this item was discussed in the committee please place under the agenda resolution established in 50 minutes no 50 Park I didn't WR it physically I called because I follow with an email so I follow the process unfortunately PA chairman didn't have the time to complete it we send it back to committee simple as that so so the the clerk the it was a mistake 50 no I understand that's fine mistakes happen all right the clerk also presented it as a resolution as opposed to presenting it as a as a uh ordinance as well as I mentioned councilman Jackson I called the clerk did the clerk make the decision to place councilman Jackson so you tried you tried to create chaos for a 50-minute parking space and I'm not going to entertain you let's go let's go to public yes you tried to I'm making a the point is I have presented multiple items of which you have been excluding from the agenda okay I've done extensive research where there's never been any clerical and or foolish mistakes as a resolution being confused for an ordinance you continue to exclude my items off of the agenda including the item to um resend the the street vacation without without legal precedence no no legal precedence no no documentation saying under what Authority has these ite have these items been and I'm just pointing it out I'm pointing it out not just to yourself but to public I don't want to interrupt you you are interrupting me but by Flor going over I'm not staying all night I'm staying Within part the legal committee you're part committee and the entire time part of the legal committee but you don't go to any committee meeting talk to Legal that you reest when I write my item the problem is that you don't want to to any committee list here you are talking over me making the same you want same excuses again what can we do he's a member but what I'm pointing out is your incompetence I'm not you're supposed to be a legislator you're supposed to beat but this is the kind of mistakes you don't know what the difference is between a resolution and an ordinance it was a compensation to the clerk department and so now the clerk's fault mistake happened I called the clerk and we have a conversation I'm sorry madam clerk did he ask you to present it as an ordinance or he actually presented as a resolution um just for clarity I guess the um the request came in when I was out so I'm not sure whether it was requested as an ordinance or a reso I um it's my first week back at work so when the request came in I wasn't proiv it to it was and members of the public so please allow me coun it's 7:52 I really wants to start public portion I see a few kids here in the audio so M clerk uh counc let's counc president uh to to Mr B uh Bushi uh council president just to help you out here a little Co Council Corporation Council cor C Council councilman councilman uding based on my experience at chair at DPW we have 15 minutes parking 30 minutes parking one hour loading zone from 9 to 5 I would recommend when we discuss this look into it between instead of putting 50 an hour because a cop yeah 50 60 is 10 minutes after oh it's 15 it's 15 oh five oh okay that that you see you see how mistake happened I say 15 now they go to an hour so that kind of stuff please council member we have 80 80 items on the agenda can you council members allow me to open a has been table already it's been table so it just uh let me open public portion how many speaker do we have tonight we have six speaker so every speaker you have three minutes to address this Council um so in a respectful way please uh make those three minute effectively so let me call the first Speaker man CL first Speaker Linda Moa good evening council president yes good evening good evening Council name and address please okay uh name and address Linda MOA 107 God wnav good evening how are you good evening good evening Council um members I'm Linda MOA I'm a mother of two with one on the Spectrum um speaking on behalf of my family and our community we're here tonight to address the life critical uh issue of excessive noise loitering and violence in our neighborhood for the past few months every Thursday through Monday mornings after 11: p.m. our resid I'm sorry ma'am can you wait one second officer can we close that door please okay speak a little little close to the mic that way sorry okay for the past few months every Thursday through Monday mornings after 11: p.m. our residents and surrounding blocks are played with loud music from vehicles and open containers drunk fighting and just Inc considered people steam stemming from one of the neighbors uh uh one of my neighbors um uh neighboring block sorry um my kids have already witnessed two to three shootings already and fear for their their life and and I fear for their life and future as a mother with PTSD um manic bipolar episodes depression Suicidal Tendencies this is an ongoing issue uh threatening to do all my progress that I've I've worked on through the years my heart device implant makes a stress lack of uh sleep lack of sleep a life uh critical condition I have evidence and footage of issues is including interactions of uh officers when they finally arrive in some occasion very unprepared and unprofessional despite my cooperation with law enforcement in the past providing video and footage when they requested um and I Pro you know I don't hesitate to comply too many officers have failed to respond and take an issu the issue seriously I acknowled the town size and limit limited resources but that's no excuse for responding to these urgent calls in one incident the officers were called several times between midnight to 2:00 a.m. but didn't arrive until well after 6:00 a.m. um and many times they also have not shown up I urge the council to take immediate action increase police presence and Patrol particularly during these Peak disturbance hours Implement Implement noise ordinance and enforce existing laws collaborate with Community organizations to address underlying issues designate our residents and surrounding blocks as a quiet Zone invest in recreational centers with youth programs to keep kids off the street and away from gangs um the mayor's million dollar hundred million investment in Parks is meaningless if our kids AR aren't safe to use them let's focus on supporting organizations that help people stay off the streets and invest in recreational senses to provide posit a positive future for our youth and Community I beg uh of you please help us restore peace in our homes and ensure our safety and well-being Our Lives depend on it we need real change not just promises thank you for your time oh thank you y next speaker mad clerk Bridget Eric you have her address her address her address is yes I have her address okay okay ready good evening everyone good evening evening commissioner you greetings from Patterson Public Schools I'm representing uh family community engagement um their address Patterson Public Schools district is 90 Delaware Avenue and Patterson New Jersey um I'd like to invite you to our annual um every year I'm up here inviting the council to our annual back to school parents back to school event um Flyers should be in front of everyone I gave um a couple of them out hopefully they distribute the Flyers uh um it is crucial it is crucial to support our parents every year we welcomed our kids back to school um last week and this week we um in the 21st and the 28th will'll be welcoming back our parents uh this year we will have um a different platform we'll have a district leaders uh giving presentation on those areas that we need to address like attendance like academic success uh like um parental involvement in those particular things so it would be great um if you can use utilize your um uh different Avenues of contacting individuals posting on Facebook social media and different um areas to invite the parents and it will be super great if you can show up on one of those days the 21st of September um will be at Patterson steam which is our old um donasco our old Patterson Catholic um in case of rain because we will have entertain we will have the popups and everything outside will'll be moving it to um Eastside High School um to have it inside if it rains um we offer transportation we offer um free food uh we offer translation we offer we even babysit right we we're we're rolling out the carpet because we want our F our families to be welcomed um on the 28th it will be at John F Kennedy um we again we invite I'll I'll be sending the information out via um email um if you can um assist I've asked um councilman uden and um to please uh your community make sure that they um um know about it um and I also have a big poster for um councilwoman Dava if you can put that in um down P pay County Community College to let the parents know okay all right so if we can put that down um down there um it would be greatly appreciate it okay all right and then um I'm take my Patterson um hat off and then I wanted to also and I hope you got an invitation to prospect Parks um annual day which is this uh Saturday on the 14th uh we will have our annual parade that goes down uh Brown Street um all the way up to the park I have the distinct uh pleasure of being the Grand Marshal so I want to personally invite everyone out to march with us and that will be this Saturday starting at 2 pm at Manchester Regional High School to which I am the commissioner so I thank you I thank you again for all of your support thank you so very much thank you next speak man cler Deborah Hannibal and congratulations good evening Council good evening Madam clerk good evening Deputy Clerk and the new secretary hi and to the administration good evening evening uh the first thing I would like to talk about is the importance of registering to vote if you're not registered you still have time the deadline to register is October 15 this is an historic election M I don't care what side you're on but you want to vote it is your right it's your responsibility agre uh so that's what I'll say about that and if you want to go to vote411.org you can go there you can find information about how to register to vote you can check your voter registration and uh in the next couple of weeks you'll find information about who's running we have a school board election here coming up in Patterson and it's important to get out the vote all elections are really local so you really need to make sure you vote in your local elections um I'm a paronian and sometimes coming here it just hurts my feelings to just see the disorganization and to see how what looks like to me how we're wasting money money that could be used for our kids for instance can you hear me okay I said as a patteron a pattersoni and somebody that was born and bred here in Patterson when I come here I'm sad and I'm disappointed cuz we should be about the business of Patterson when I hear DPW come up here and we're talking about now we need to make to fix the tennis courts we already spent money for that like in my home in my budget when I'm having something repaired I want it done right the first time because that's all the money I have to allocate for that repair so I make sure that whoever I contract knows what they're doing right it makes sense what was the other thing I mean the repaving I'm afraid for that because you need to have people at the table from the very beginning you need to have the the water company you need to have PSC andg all that needs to happen beforehand this isn't really I would think rocket science but it's good business practices so we need a good business manager in this city somebody that really understands business because it seems like every every project is a redo and even the in the the with the police we have uh the new uh police officer in charge but we still have issues here and as far as responding uh I talked about uh someone in the First Ward that was calling a 100 people called nobody came and then they were told to call the council person these little girls right here I know them they're sweet little girls they should not be terrorized in their neighborhood this is trauma that we're putting on our children and then today I see there's a special zoning meeting tomorrow to build a 96 unit uh housing uh like apartment complex and Patterson we do not need another multiple dwelling without a new school we need schools there's overcrowding in our schools schools are old and dilapidated we need a new school so we shouldn't allow anybody to build anything else unless they promise to build us a school we need to ask these developers to build us a school and these recreation centers you're right councilman I'm sorry councilwoman cotton we need to have one in every Ward if the six work can build one we should be able to build one in every Ward I I have I'm telling you I walked all over this city but if I had children today I'm not letting them walk downtown if I live on East 32nd Street or if I live on uh Cosby a I'm not letting them walk it's I don't wouldn't feel safe from walking from Godwin a and walking to Broadway you think I'm going to let these little girls walk there no we need somebody that's thinking and caring about our children it it needs to happen now enough is enough and the bullying that goes on even a broken clock is right twice a day and how no I mean I want you to learn I mean if you need a workshop or whatever to learn how to work together the the goal is who are we here for why are we here you need to know you're here for this city and for the residents and get on the same team I used to be a youth coach and I won because we knew it wasn't really about winning but it was about the cooperation and working together and that's how you win we're going to continue to lose if we don't learn how to work together so thank you for allowing me the extra time thank you next speaker M clerk James Roy James ramse no is that Ramsey okay hello James Ramsey please Ramsey okay yes good evening yes uh I'm here my name is James PoBoy uh I'm here here to represent the east side I got some nice friends on the east side uh between Hamilton and Rosa Park if uh from time to time I I observed about 50 to 100 cars coming through there they disregard that stop sign we need a red light there not no stop sign okay and uh also uh you know like I said it's it's it's it's shameful that that that this scenario keeps happening here you know I don't want nobody to get killed there on Hamilton and uh Rosa Park so you know please take action and also we have a major major problem here in this city I don't know there Danny drug CL clinics here in this city drug addicts find just find they just rampant we need we need some some serious serious business here some serious business to take care of the these drug addicts and stuff people just laying out in the street dying and nobody seem like they care okay this is business okay serious business we need to take some serious serious action okay amen bless you thank you thank you next speak man clerk Joel Keys Jr Joe keys patter good evening brother good evening at the last meeting councilman abdulaziz said quote in a democracy we also have free and fair elections and the voters have spoken and elected us to make decisions for the next two years so that is what democracy is the key word is democracy and on May 14th there's no better way to see democracy in action than the elections and that's what you have unquote in one of my earlier speeches I quoted the following from Dr kwami Tor quote you vote once in four years and that's your political responsibility that's the height of Bourgeois propaganda making the people politically irresponsible thinking their responsibility is limited to a one-day vote well politics is every day every minute so the vote alone has never meant anything unquote the purpose of the bring democracy to Paran movement is for the people to organize and mobilize as a United Force so that we could serve our interests and not always depend on politicians or the government a few weeks ago Casey Melvin posted a video of some brothers from North Main Street who took the theory of the bring democracy to patteron movement and put it into practice I will read the transcript for you if you still need to see the video but first I will read a quote from another earlier speech that correlates to the message the brothers from North Maine are sending in their discourse quote we have 300 houses of worship in the city of patteron and we're hopeful we can include them in this movement our mission is to organize our people and these house houses of worship have already accomplished that they're organized our goal is to create coalitions among as many of these houses of worship as are willing to participate unquote the first Speaker from North Main Street said quote we on North Main between AR Street and Clinton Street We just cleaned the whole block so look what we doing is we're extending an invite to every block man we'll come clean up we'll put it together put y'all little team together we got our team we'll come out there and clean the block that's how we extending our peace man unquote second speaker quote nice and short you help your community your community helps you unquote third speaker quote yeah we did all that work today the community came out and gave us water drinks snacks you know that's what we do for the community unquote fourth speaker my man pop quote man C y' fing block F or that unquote fifth speaker hey yo I love this block I ain't even going to lie we dirtied it we got to fix it unquote six speaker my man maik he was supposed to come down here he was running late he may still be on the way Mama once said Work Hard Play Harder we work together we stay together this how we create Unity man look around man we don't got to get paid for this we bring it together as one let's go man next Community we coming there unquote first Speaker quote get in tune we on the something this the beginning you got to crawl before you can walk unquote lastly about a month and a half ago I saw councilman Jackson in a pickup truck with a helper cleaning the First Ward so I talked to Billy already he on board I'mma bring the rest of those Brothers down here and all you uh leaders of the houses of worship hopefully you'll welcome us cuz we coming and hopefully we can organize something and get a cleaning Community started or committees to set off this bring democracy to patteron movement thank I just want to shout out the uh sound team I was watching on TV the sound is pristine I complimented him thank you thank you thank you so very much next speaker mad clerk Rabia m good evening good evening board members my name is Ria mad and I live in patteron since 2001 and my kids were born and graduated from from patteron schools um we were very unhappy about when marijuana was legalized I'm speaking about the marijuana selling in our Stores um be they legalized it and they smok in it right by my bedroom store window by my kids little B bedroom and now I heard they do they want to legalize selling it in our smoke shops where our kids get on and off school buses to schools um we are I mean me and my community are not happy with this decision and if I may add something to the lady who spoke spoke before me um we need some more parking on our streets I live on Sussex I'm 50 years old I've been yelled at screamed at cursed at called the police on just because I parked two minutes in front of someone's house and if you want to park in Patterson just go and get get that handicap uh plaque card and it's before building all those buildings and I'm sure each one of those renters they have two or three cars or visitors they come and park on our streets and when I come from work or com in from Philadelphia from visiting at 11: p.m. I can't find spot to park I would need to park six seven blocks down walk in by myself so please noij one is selling in our smoke shops and help us with the parking thank you thank you let's speak M Clerk quen Johnson Quincy Johnson Quincy thank you good evening um I'm here on behalf of um I would say a family business of mine um is in 52 Madison Street um Pass New Jersey it's been in my family for 16 years now um now I'm 35 and I'm now the manager of the bar for the past three years um we've been shut down or you know barely open looking for entertainment license um I've been going back and forth to the City Hall um I paid my my licensing fee in June um I applied for an amendment in August but I have relationships with some of the ladies that's there so my first time coming here I was told that prior this licensing was probably on you guys agenda or came across some of you guys and it was pulled off so I haven't been open in three months I'm just waiting to see or hear or find out why now this is a a business that's small business and we are Patterson we want to protect and know push small businesses this in the this is my family so this is something that we we run and ourselves so this feed Generations so this is getting hopefully passed on to me before it dies so I just want to know what is what is the limitation or what's the problem or the holdback it's a bar/ lounge where repasses family come from from let's say down the hill North fifth the main to over on East 39th know we are big there's no drama there's no no issues there have no been police called to my bar for any disturbances inside my bar so I would like to know if anyone know any counsilman from that war let me know what is holding us back like how come we haven't heard anything positive from you guys letting us know why we're being zoned out or blocked out from you know providing for ourselves we're not making no money what what's the name of the bar fusion fusion lounge Banquet Hall F fure launch okay ped it last correct correct P okay so so council member no just a minute just stay stay stay with us here you know it go through a process he was here Council M let pull it he might have some reason behind and uh after we go over and then we'll bring it back but stay stay with us council president uh Council me um let council members let me finish one I think he's the last speaker that's why I'm let me finish the public portion now everybody will have a chance to speak the last speaker that's why I asked for just don't leave stay here so um yes so I'm really not sure of why it was pulled and you know um I would like to hear that but if it's something because for me when when the owner comes and you speak on behalf of your establishment to me that gives it a right that it should be put back on the agenda and I'm going to request that it comes to this agenda and we vote it vote on it next huh is in the agenda tonight yes okay so is on the agenda and now that you're here I'm praying it will not be pulled cuz for I just want to say for myself I am for business in the community I'm not sure why it was pulled I mean that I don't know why I was pulled but it if you're saying this is something into a business where there has not been any issues or any concerns as it relates to your establishment we should make sure that we continue to have business business has flourish in our community we know that we just came out of the pandemic people lost a lot of money so if it's on here I'm just asking um my colleagues that it will remain here and that we will vote it for it to remain next we'll be voting on next week on Tuesday memb Council council president may I please uh gentlemen I think we have a relation um um you have called me for issues um regarding I have never talked to you personally there's a owner of the building that in the same corner on Madison Street and that's happened to be my mother yes your mother yeah they call me when they dump garbage and all that stuff there is a good relation I have with them what happened is that last meeting I don't know if my colleagues recall I say I would like to pull this application to the next meeting until I have a conversation with you because that same night there was a shooting and two people got shot so okay but but I'm not saying it came up from your future plays or whatever I know the whole entire activity around around those buildings I'm not saying that you you're a bad neighbor okay what I was trying to do is get your information never got it I saw Madame clerk that day that why we pulling out into I speak to the owner okay because we want to preserve the quality of life issue in there around there you aware that a 15-year-old girl got kill in the same corner is not not your fault but it happened because the Gathering on the area the corners etc etc so this is when I get a new entertainment license and when I get new license uh whole license I like to have that conversation because your business will be a successful one if we work together I don't know if you notice that since the shooting into now there was about five six light Po out and I called DPW pcng we put the light lighting back and it looks brighter so nothing wrong with your license nothing wrong with your establishment is a relation that I always built for the past eight years here that I have with the business owner to work together at the same time if you have cameras tap it into the patteron police department that we work together you know no no offense have I have anything to say um um like I said I've been there for 15 16 years my mother bought that building when I was a teenager okay if anything has happened or transpired in the past couple years of anything's gotten worse has gotten worse from they say these apartments being built up in certain areas the traffic has started to become and that's not traffic coming in like you said it's not me so I understand what you're saying correct those are traffic St those people sitting in literally around that corner store and in front of that building corre that has no relations or correlations with that bar was I haven't finished council president I council president I haven't finished counc presc members I will definitely ask you respectfully let's be brief there there's a there's a there's a probably the gentleman came to raise his concern is in the agenda okay thanks God I going to give you my number if you need my assistance your councilman in the area I know your you're good intention to open a business and run it the right way I know it's my intention to to work with you for your business to run properly apprciate it's a hot spot we install cameras okay to make the neighborhood safe and I know the problems of that building and it's not the tenants I got dpw's employee that lived there but I got individual that come outside of the fifth War to do their stuff there and um py knows about it and and and the owner of the building remove his security because the budget so I'm trying to work with then to make sure the quality of life uh uh get preserved in the area um and thank you for coming but there's no problem with your applicationid move forward yes Council M so let me say this because first and foremost it should have never been removed we have it should have never been removed when when businesses are doing their due diligence we cannot hold them accountable for people that are outside or there shooting incidents it has nothing to do with the business in in and of itself and if we have an issue with a business owner we should call them in so they they can come and state their case so that you're not out of business for 3 months imagine if someone did that to us and we were out of business or out of funds for three months you should not have had to come down here you had no issues with your business your business has been operating and running so I want to apologize to you because we should not do that and I'm asking council president that in the future if there are issues with any type of businesses or license or renewal that we we deal with it at that time so that no one is out of business no one no one can afford to be out of business for two months one month and three months so I want to apologize to you because it should not have happened that's number one I apologize to you because you've been in this community for a long time your family's been doing business here and chose not to go anywhere else which should be commended and I'm asking council president it's too late tonight I wish I would have known cuz we would have had this on special meeting and voted on it tonight but it's too late to do that but on Tuesday council president I'm asking if his item could be the first item on the agenda that we can approve him first so that it will be done and it will be over with so I want to apologize to you I am your councilwoman at large please reach out if you need any help there's three Council people at large here as well as your councilman whatever you need please reach out my apologies I hope your family is watching should have never happened thank you you're welcome councilman councilman Jackson right after Council councilwoman CT so uh I mean and you already know I spoke to your mom multiple times over the weekend she called me with the concerns about this item as would would I would I would advise you and I'm going tell tell your mother you need to file a suit against the city for loss of Revenue because they had no reason for holding you back from operating these activities that take take place around your business you're not accountable for it in fact your business suffers because of the lack of due diligence by this Council by the administration and failing the community and allowing for these areas to be overpopulated allowing for these these circumstances to continue where your business has difficulty with your patrons finding parking spaces and Etc the list goes on and on so what happened here was the taret you were you were you were targeted for whatever reason because when there's other businesses that operate that don't have zoning approvals that do illegal expansions you have members of this Council that go there participate and they never hold up those licenses so there's a lot more information that I can't provide to you because what happened to you was unfair it's unjust and it should never happen should never happened that way and there was no justifiable reason oh I wanted to your license could have gone through if he had a ongoing relationship with you with you and your family as he so claims he would have went down there play and and paid you a visit and asked you what are some of the challenges that you're going through how can the city the municipality help but that would have been a Mot point because the municipality does nothing to help businesses in this community especially local homegrown people that have put their Blood Sweat and Tears on the line and made many sacrifices throughout the year so you know I we'll we'll continue to have this conversation I'll have I'll speak to you and your mom as things go forward but I definitely recommend that and I will be in full support of that whatever Rue that you lost that you guys were were were subjected to because of the actions of this Council it should be uh it should be noted so keep that in mind I appreciate the time you know you item will'll be voting in next week that's going to be one of the first item to vote in okay brother so councilwoman C okay um Mr Johnson don't leave yet um so so Mr Johnson you're saying that um since they didn't renew your entertainment license yes ma'am that that they would not let you open so basically I'm I'm a bar/ LNG I'm restricted so I'm not allowed I'm not allowed to have no DJ right right because of that so baby show birthday um gills things with car bookings I'm not allowed to have cuz you know what happened and it has happened before where where we had not voted on entertainment license but they still was able to operate so now did somebody come there to you they saw a DJ in there and they say shut down yes okay may go ahead May 31st was the last time um I tried to operate on event the cops came ABC and I got all my license was was in order this that um they they told me the cops told me if they catch me open with the DJ I'll will be cited and so what I've done is I probably open once for let's say college football and that was last week I'm not getting traffic because I've been shut down for so long and and litigated no parking so if I have no parking and I'm not allowed to have a live DJ no one's coming to me right right so in other words the ABC police officer came yes they they were called someone said they they were called or giv a tip yes okay they really got to get to the bottom of that because I hardly ever see a ABC police officer going to a establishment looking for well looking for uh entertainment license on the board you know I never this you're the first one that I'm hearing that has happened to um so we're going to get to the bottom of that for council president yeah we're going to get to the bottom Mr Johnson because you cannot you canot function because you really function because you have a DJ and that helps your business by not being able to have a DJ then you couldn't operate yes ma'am I see what you're saying thank you Mr Johnson councilwoman M and I I look with glasses on and off I'm confused because this item is not on the agenda what's the number I'm I'm looking let me let's just make sure it's 39 it's not Madison Street it's Madison Street yes alah LC all right so council president just just so council president thank you Council council president so can we put it on consent so so council president Council I have the floor so so right after council member remember we have to close public portion I know so I'm just asking that council is requesting you ID to be in consent it will automatically pass so you don't have to there's no need for discussion on this item so just let you Council so council president I don't know what's the agenda but there's nothing wrong with you and me and your business now your property is 35 ex's Street correct 352 so I'm going base what I'm reading here okay right 35 ex's Street I don't have no problem with the business in the back and that's the one that you are looking for entertainment license right that is named 52 Madison Street yes when when when we get these documents I read a call of service that are in 35 ex stre and I don't have no problem with you sir is the call of service of Gan fight noise complaint etc etc I'm not saying it's you I'm going by what the record shows no councilman here cannot get can get upset if I want some them to look into a little bit deeper and have a conversation with you to preserve the quality of life they cannot get upset and trying to say why we remove this that we go against your pro listen I never go against no business in the fifth War I'm not offended thank that's a good thing to hear that's why I say when this was removed to have a conversation I never got your information from the application never received the information I have it in my hand but never receive I never receive your number I I know that your parents call for um The Dumping that they do between the church and the property okay and I take care of that but when I look into this is having a conversation will you have a conversation with a new business owner that comes where you live that you know that probably you need to talk to him like want a good neighbor it's the same thing I'm doing here I I've been here for 15 years you've been a councilman for so I've been here 36 years in theity I get that that's what I'm saying we have a relationship thing so when you said that you had a relationship with my parents or my mom per se so you know we're not new so when the times that we are open and if the shooting was on a Tuesday and Wednesday I'm never open a Tuesday and Wednesday corre I'm only open on Friday and Saturdays every once in a while I'm open on Thursday bookings for gender mostly mainly on Fridays and Saturdays I'm never usually open on Monday Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday rarely a Thursday then we go forth so I I joural business hours strictly mainly Fridays and Saturdays correct the other day I passed by there you was open and with no music I know no ABC no ABC officer should go to your propertyid point of order point of order put a point of order yes I'm calling a point of order this item has already been um moved to consent there should not be a go back and forth with the residents of this community he's my cons you trying to s he Rec holding Rees council president and and the other thing is Sir apprciate it thank you apologize you whoever brought you with the wrong information you got the right information today who brought him who brought here he just said it that anybody R call to close the public portion please yes Mr President roll call to close public portion of the municipal Council work of Tuesday September 10 2024 may I have a motion sorry it was move by councilwoman Davila second by councilwoman and councilwoman Mims roll call clerk to close a public portion roll call to close a public portion councilman abdulaziz thank you madam clerk um to the speaker that came from sus Street talking about cannabis and being sold in smoke shops or whatnot I don't think there's anything on the agenda regarding expansion of cannabis Reta retail licenses I know not on smoke shops not not on not on smoke shops but it's still it's yeah so that's I think that's what she was reiterate not about smoke shop the expansion of Canabis cannabis she said being sold in Smoke Shop so let let me clarify because I'm receiving the text messages from many six W residents there is word that there're that they're are to expand the offerings of cannabis licenses for retail retail meaning recreational stores or whatnot so yes my my residents are against it being sold in retail and they're against in smoke shops gas stations and in the corners so that's what I think she came to speak about so I hear you loud and clear thank you my vote is yes thank you councilman valet abdelaziz I'm sorry councilwoman carton Madam clerk I've been very nice to you please I know please I'm all the way over here I know you hear his voice a lot but anything else pleas my apologies cman councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to speak on um with Bridget with the Board of Education um the importance of the uh parents participating uh with all the activities in the schools I mean I'm going from after school program to sports event to clubs uh everything that's in the school we need to be able to um participate I think that U I think that we need that Open Door hopefully that this year that there will be that Open Door um where they will allow parents to just you know come in I remember back in the day where um and I wish we can get back to that again where I as a parent was able to sit on school leadership team where I was able to sit on interviewing for teachers that were wanted to be that wanted to come into the schools um so to me those are important things sometimes that parents need to be more involved um and we should have I just want the board Ed to be more open open and about letting the parents come in let the grandmothers let the guardian let everyone come in so I appreciate you coming down doing saying that for us that we need to be and even for those I always say to people we don't need to have a child in the school to participate I say to people all the time I go to games I go to clubs I don't have a child in public school system no more but I still participate I still go to events and that's so important I say to the community let's let's continue to do that um just go to the event who fussing I'm sorry uh I I appreciate you coming and congratulations on being the Grand Marshal yes congratulations uh Ramsey you had Ramsey he left already though but I know I noticed that on Hamilton Avenue and I will U make it a point about Hamilton Avenue Rosa Parks bullot because they're like flying from 12th Avenue all the way down to Hamilton Avenue even though it's only a two block but they're like speeding really bad um I want to speak to you um Keys Charles um uh with you talked about Casey Melvin with the p and healing Community um they have been out in the streets trying to clean up um trying to get our young people U more involved I find that we have to do our best to get our young people involved um to let them know that they are important um that we need to be part of um something we need to be part of thing what I find sometime um child is that um I say to people you can be um someone don't need to be your family member that can really help you and and and it could be an outside person it could be anyone that can help you it don't necessarily so if you understand the issues and things that are going on is so important that uh we're being involved I know they're honoring some children tomorrow at the pass and healing at 4:00 uh for all the ones four o'clock for all the ones that did the doing the summer Initiative Program um doing the street cleaning um just going out and speaking so I know they're doing it at 100 Hamilton Plaza tomorrow Patterson heeling at 4:00 so if you can come because I find that kids our young adults need to know that we appreciate them and that we want to be there for them when they need to get some help um also I want to say to um uh Quincy uh with um they're going to you know I you're the first one I heard about what happened but um um I happen to be in the office today where I have a liquor store on 12th and 22nd and they've been shut down like they've been down for some reason we don't know why then we really figure it out I remember going there um and what happened was the the owner lived in another country but he had his kids operating and the kids really didn't know what to do and I said to the kids you got to go learn how to operate a tabin but see you already know how to operate a tabin because anybody else would to continue on but after he did what he said you know that you could not do that so we definitely it's on the agenda it's going to get done so to me I it is sometimes you wonder why certain things happen but I'm happy that you came down to talk about it um because it's so important that we kind of know too sometime what's going on um because I remember I mean I had to tell on some lior stores today cuz they backdoored they selling liquor after the 10:00 and you can't sell alcohol at at 10:00 and take it out you can consume it inside but you can't take it out so you know you still got them Tab and bars that did that trying to do whatever but I just want to say I appreciate you coming down uh and for Deborah Hannibal you are so correct we got vote We Got Tonight I wish we could have been out of here to see the debate but I can see that we're not going to be able to be out of here my kids is taping it for me um so but Deborah Hannibal there's you know there's so much that needs to be done we got we got elections coming up we got all kind of elections coming up and you talked about repaving um you talk about the police officer charge and I know um we really don't have anyone here tonight but from the police department but um it is about caring about our children uh I got one more thing Madam clerk um not Madam clerk Madame ba I need to reach out to Public Service you know what Public Service did they put a a light pole in the middle of the sidewalk the light pole is supposed to be to the curb it's in the middle of a sidewalk that you have to walk down the street Madam clerk I need to reach out to Public Service it's on Rosa Parks Boulevard between 12th Avenue and gowin Avenue I can't think of the number the house number but I can't believe that they put a light pole in the middle of the sidewalk it should be to the curb so I need you to check that with that being said Madam clerk um my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava thank you very much so this Workshop is being televised so I'm not going to say what I think somebody said I know what I heard uh the young lady that came and talked about the situation of parking which we understand but she specifically said that we were going to be legalizing selling cannabis in smoke shops nowhere in this agenda is that in this agenda item 63 and the director of economic development is here and when we get to that if we get to that she'll be able to speak on that those are amendments that need to be made and the reason for there are few issues going on with the three letters of support we didn't give license is the state gives the license the state the people in New Jersey over 72% voted to legalize cannabis we are not legalizing it's already legal in the city of Patterson as well over 70% voted to legalize cannabis so with that said please let us not you know go out there giving this message that we're going to be legalizing if anything we are working on some stuff and I know councilman Udin uh was one of the individuals that talked about you know possibly doing something so we can charge all these smoke shops that are popping up okay a fee just like a license an ABC license okay that would be cannabis for the city that would be revenue for the city of Patterson there are people right now selling illegal cannabis illegal and the reason for it is because the three entities that received the letter are not able to because there's some situations in our ordinance that need to be amended so we talk about all this stuff yes there's also a a a request for consideration to amend up to six this Council has the final say it could say in the amendment in up to six licenses right letters of support but this Council has to decide that so let us not misinform the community so I don't want to talk about cannabis right now but I needed to mention that because when we come here and we say on that microphone that this council is going to be legalizing cannabis to be SM um sell sold in smoke shops that is not true okay in addition there's also if this Council decides not to go with the amendments there has to be another ordinance in place to allow for the planning board through its planner and the um zoning officer to be able to sign off so those three entities that received can move on and do what they need to do in the Amendments also we did not have in the prior ordinance we did not indicate that you have to have a certain amount of time right we need to have that in there because if you get a letter of support from this city and you a year a year and a half the reason for this is because this city right now is in turmo cannabis is being sold it's being laced okay to our children and if you at least can go ahead and put it in a in a fashion where you are able to um regulate okay it would be different but with that said we're not discussing this item right now we'll discuss it later to the gentleman uh that came from um 52 Essex or Madison I lived there for a few years right in that building 43 Madison and Morton okay um I've been to your your business I went to a book signing in your business I've been there a few times a few years back okay um all I'm going to tell you is the process for anyone wanting a new license or a renewal it goes through licensing it goes through a process you pay your fee it goes to the admin to the ba the ba brings it to finance the finance committee reviews it and then we bring it to workshop and any council member here especially if they're Ward like so there's three of us that are L are large that represent all of the six Wards but if a councilman where this sits says I'd like to pull this because I want more information they have the right to do that okay now it's back on here he must have gotten all the information we had discussions in finance so no council member here at least on this side over here tried to pull this all right but the councilman of that Ward if he had questions he is allowed to do that that is the process all right um to Bridget thank you for all that you do I've been working with you for quite some time all right many years ago uh working through the college all right with your parents back to school nights you're great um uh you also do conferences I mean I want to bring that back because you know that used to be great you used to even use the college for that um we will be there as we always have been to support I think it's important yes it is a back to school for our children but children don't come alone they come with their parents so you know we'll be there also providing information as well because I think it's important that a lot of entities don't realize that you know you have something great right in your backyard right free tuition and so many other things and grants and so forth so the college the most important see in Pay County Community College is community uh and I I think I'll I'll rested there anyone else the young lady also that came you know uh from Godwin um definitely my heart goes out to you I'm going to share my number if you ever need anything directly I like to give my personal number you can call me text me and I will assist as um as it may deem necessary all right and to Mr Joe Keys Professor all right I'll be there as well Casey reached out to me um and you know I've also worked with with some of the um individuals you know through getting them back into school geds and so forth and I think it's important that we show them the support you know they're doing a great job they did a great job this summer and you know they reached out to us and you will definitely be there tomorrow at 4 o'clock right uh and I think that's about every other and you know to miss Deborah Hannibal I know her as well and I know she becomes very passionate and it is true you need to go out and vote you need to be registered to vote and it's important that you know who your V voting for and if they stand for you and just understand not always you know sometimes we got to take some difficult stances you know on this side this city we receive transitional Aid we just got approved $27 million right that's not enough that's just to keep us afloat so we don't increase that Levy more than 2% because we have thatou that says you have to do that because we receive that money and with that there's also some other items what are we doing to bring in more ratables into the city to at least stabilize stabilize um I also wanted to just say I know that the director left um Billy Rodriguez they did a wonderful job the Patterson Police Department did a wonderful job um this Sunday with the Dominican parade the 35th year anniversary uh through its president Elsa Mantia and everyone that's part of the institution they did an excellent job if you speak to OIC they'll tell you that there was no incident during the um parade uh unfortunately not having a festival people sprung out and they called it the Dominican parade After parties which took the name of the entity right and it made it seem as though you know those were being ran by the institution and that was not so and I think councilwoman MIM said something that's important just like what she said you know sometimes things happen in your area it may it may or may not trickle down from the inside to the outside we don't don't know that you know I'm I'm Pro business I Am pro development but I'm for right development and right business so you know with that said thank you very much Bridget I'll see you this weekend well not this weekend the 21st and the 28th this weekend Saturday Saturday is the four there's some I know there's a few things going on on 14th YMCA has an event as well back to school as well so okay with that said M cler thankk you so much my vote is yes to close the public portion thank you councilwoman Dava councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk so the the the current practices are um you guys get to come here and address your concerns and if there 100 speakers if it's five speakers um in the past your concerns are addressed right then you go speak to a person who can actually facilitate the council held the administration accountable in the past we no longer do that now that that that condition is circumvented by you say your peace you sit there like the young lady she just she had a comment to make and which should have been addressed by everyone and she obviously left before so obviously there's no back and forth communication but just by a recognition of shaking your head did you provide any additional information this this week that was not provided the prev when you submitted your application just to shake it shake it ahead did you provide any additional information all of the information you've been going through the process for 15 years I hear people saying there's a process a process of which you're very familiar with correct okay so you went through the process just like multiple other lenses on the list the same did but you were pulled off since then you weren't you did not provide any additional information but all of a sudden you have a resounding uh note note of support from many council members you should never have been pulled off your business was not cited with any violations you know what happens is people don't understand how difficult it is to run and operate a business in the city that has the reputation that it does but they will celebrate when you fall you understand so instead of helping you making things easier for you now the council just put in place a measure to reduce our number of meetings so therefore we can't take action to another 30 days so that automatically shuts you down for an additional 30 days now 30 days later you come here it's not quite 30 next week next week will be 30 days you come here to have the same issue addressed that was never issued to begin with but this Council that's responsible for your business this council is responsible for this this letter that you're requesting in order for you to operate without any violations right who sat here and didn't have a concern for what was going on with your business so that's just a that's just a point that I'm making you understand so we don't so the members at home members of the public at home and everybody here doesn't get fool because language is very important language is very important people say different things it's not what you say to me it's how you treat me is how what I had to endure based on your treatment right so to the young lady that just talked about the Cannabis situation okay so everybody may not be may not be as well versed on the specifics are we allowing cannabis to be sold stores the fact of the matter is we're expanding the the the the opportunity for more cannabis to be sold in our community and then what we're doing now is we're making amendments for specific businesses that have made purchases in places where it's not permitted for sale but now we're going to make amendments to accommodate them see some businesses get preferential treatment and some business businesses get treated the way that you have people can say oh my God and make faces and do all of that stuff as they want to but the facts don't change the facts don't change so when you see certain things placed on and various members don't even understand or know that that is taking place and then there's uh uh opportunities sister GRE for certain measures to be altered to help certain businesses this the type of stuff that I'm talking about where the Homegrown businesses don't get those measures of concessions in fact not only am I G to not going to make a concession to make things easy for you I'm going to make it more difficult for you so therefore trust me you need to consult with an attorney and talk about the loss of wages whether loss of Revenue whether it was only for 30 days or not but this Council took an action without a measure of yeah every council person does have the ability to have concerns and possibly pull it if there is something to be concerned about but obviously there was nothing to have been concerned about you didn't provide any additional information you guys didn't have to prove that it wasn't you out there with guns shooting up the block so why was you why were you being why were you being chastised or prohibited from conducting regular business when other businesses weren't treated the same way and trust me you have a very strong case now the young lady who was uh uh speaking about the um I'm not sure if you if if if she's together and this is another reason why it's it's shameful how we we um we've maneuvered the the uh the practices to make sure that people's concerns are not hurt so I I'll wait for her but and I'm sure miss Hannibal is listening so to the residents of the community to um um uh Bridget I mean this is something that's probably going to be interesting to you as well there's a a measure that's coming forward soon brother Keys as a person who grew up in Christal for Columbus projects right where we're giving a developer $130 million we're giving him access to money that's being designated to our community and it's a it's a sum of $130 million of which he is going to make more than15 to20 million in a developer free which that will be free money for him this the same person who made a $30 million developers fee when they re when they did the the the uh the Christopher hope facilities that's there now that has done no maintenance there if you go there and you speak to some of the residents that live there their air conditioning units don't work their units are falling apart they use the cheapest materials he's building at a rate of more than $400,000 per unit when the national going rate is $175 $150,000 per unit so he's building at 400 plus th000 per unit not a build he's rehabbing but to build these are the same numbers that I've presented to this Council time and time again the Fifth Avenue project that this same person has done the 50 Belmont this person this is a this is another grab steal and grab opportunity in our community and people are allowing for it to go through by saying we need better house yeah because he was derilict in his duty to not take care of the facilities so when you look at all of those housing those roow houses on North Third North Main Bridge Street Jefferson Street AR Street all of those those are his personally owned properties North Main you see the the the deric conditions that he keeps him under he never Cuts he cuts the grass maybe once a season he doesn't take care of the garbage there the fencing is all banged up there's a few units that have been burned down they've been left there for over a year because he's waiting for this money free money that the city is basically guaranteeing for him to go out and grab a large sum of it is tax credits and he's going to walk away not only with the 15 to20 million in his pocket but he's also going to make that $300 plus ,000 per unit in construction cost that's being overb Buu it is it is thievery it is thievery now the reason I brought this up because Miss Hannibal and a few um members of the public talked about it how we're being overpopulated and the city should not allow for any more development without providing schools I again presented a plan to the council where I showed them in Jersey City for $120 million project the city of Jersey City required the developer to put 20% back into the community that 20% was a sum of $25 million that they built a school with so cities like Jersey City understand so they're being responsible if they're going to let you come into the community and put and inundate the community with with four 500 plus units they're going to require you to build a school we have not done that in fact there's a request on the table now out of the 14 million 15 million that he's getting in the developers fee plus the construction the request for 60 Temple which is the recreation center was put on the table for $5 million and he said absolutely not I will not give any money back to the city of Patterson now at 2 million that meeting is going to take place at the next uh PHA Housing Authority uh meeting I'mma provide you with that information we need to show up over there and if they vote in favor of that every person who appoints somebody to that housing authority and every person who sits on that housing authority should be held accountable because what is he returning back to the community for all the money he's making and then after that he's the one that's task to manage the facility and collect the rents so it is it's something that we all definitely need especially somebody that grew up in that area and ask them to refute whatever I'm saying they cannot they cannot because like anything else that I present is facts and I know you stepped out for a moment I wanted to address your concerns and I too will be at your uh your disposal um obviously everyone is offering their number you know I'm I'm uh uh willing to make sure that whatever extent I need to go to for you on your behalf because it's it's it's embarrassing it's embarrassing and as I was saying as you were outside the room you know you used to be able to come to the council and have your concerns addressed when I first sat in the council when there were more responsible council members and abundance of more responsible council members when you came to the podium your concerns was was was addressed at that moment if it meant the ba had to take a moment out to go talk to you or someone else the the the the chief of police the director of Public Safety now you know you get the three minutes you Ramble On hopefully somebody heard you but to wait for an excess of 3 to 5 hours and then someone show up at 6:00 a.m. and be disrespectful that's that's unacceptable that's unacceptable now if you're on my Facebook page you'll probably see I'm up at 3 in the morning while the Patterson Police Department is Towing people's cars for being too close to the crosswalk or too close to a stop sign or two vehicles that's owned by the same owner is mixed up with the the the handicap license plate so they would rather ride through the community at 3:00 in the morning with six tow trucks and two police cars towing hardworking people's vehicles that have no place to park because the city's deric Behavior left the community with no parking spaces so the police department would rather ride around the community and tow your vehicle in the middle of the night so you can't take your kid to school in the morning you can't go to work in the morning and it's going to cost you an additional $300 they would rather do that than be able to respond to people that's making phone calls that need police response at 3:00 a.m. for somebody playing music all night long and I've been I've had a back and forth a continued um uh debate with the current OIC it is the administration's fought for losing control of our police department now we have a state representative that's there that have no concern for the the the the the issues the real pressing issues of our community because if somebody that's paying an excessive amount of rents again that the administration allowed to get out of control now has to pay a $300 uh toe that'll put a family in duress so you know those thing these are the things that's unacceptable these are the things that I've been touting the entire time I will continue to do that it's unfortunate you have to come here and spend excessive amount of time with your children just because you're being mistreated at home we are all entitled what everyone continues to talk about quality of life when is that going to appear in Patterson when the city is filthy it's garbage everywhere it is the the potholes we celebrate one street getting getting uh uh uh uh paved when your car tires are being damaged every single day by all the rest of the blocks is not being paid the violence in the community is at such an all-time high while they're talking about a 13% % reduction I just had to go assist the young man that was shot uh in July on Broadway who lost functions of both of his hands and we're not rendering the support that our community members have to go through because we are busy taking care of the concerns of the developers watching them leave out of our community with $15 million in developers fees and $30 plus million in construction fees this an embarrassment and and on those items Joe as usual I was the only one that voted against it 17 Acres at 5th Avenue $97 million over there now they coming back for a redo not even a new construction rehab for $130 million and I asked for the reports the expenditure reports again which was never been provided as the stadium has never been provided $110 million or more illegal activity but look you can hear a pin drop councelor Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilwoman Ms um so first and foremost as I always do every meeting I want to thank the public that is here in person and watching um on tonight for our workshop and our first televised Workshop meeting to the mom with your children coming out is to be commended I work in um education I'm in the schools every single day and I know how hard it is to bring your children out but I agree loud music is a serious issue in our community and Madame ba I would like to get a detailed outline on how we as council members because when they call to the police department sometimes it takes an excessive amount of time for the police to come and what they've been doing is reaching out to us as Council people to try to get the police to go to these particular are for the community I've given um some of the reports where I had a a woman who was calling all night until the very morning and I sent it to um OIC Abasi so he can see the record of reports and that's successive and she sent the video of the music um of course Saturday was no exception for all the other events that went on and it's just every weekend so we need to get a detailed outline report from the officer in charge and how do we address it because when the residents are calling and then no one is showing up what is the next step like is there a hotline are there supervisor on duty maybe the supervisor's number can be given to the council members so we'll know who to reach out to to ensure that someone um someone shows up especially um and it doesn't matter what neighborhood but we don't want our children to suffer or have traumatic experiences because of these loud music I people sent me videos over the weekend where they had 20 and woofers I mean just sitting on this on the ground in front of houses I mean look like robots and they were just playing music all over and people they were calling and calling and nobody showed up and I mean it's bad for us cuz we we're not the police but we get the phone call so I would like to see a a report and a procedure um and and possibly o I see if he can do some type of video commercial or something goes out a robo call or something on the access channel to let the community know it won't be tolerated and what needs to be done because there is a law in place we have to enforce it to Miss Hannibal you had some great points I've been saying it from the very beginning one wck Center is not the answer there's no way if you live in the city of Patterson that you can even fight for one rec center with all the issues going on all the quality of life all the turf wars that are going on where people can't even across forget up to Hill down the hill now was across the street from each other so if you're saying only one Rec Center then something has to be questioned because we have a lot of situations in our community and I've said it before and I'll put it on record again we could partner with the Patterson public schools and that way we can have multiple Recreation opportunities for all of our residents all over the city which would be a safer safer opportunity and a greater plan which would be less money so I'm going to put that back on the record again for R um it's been statistically proven in the first third and Fifth Ward that that's where a lot of the crime is happening um first third first fourth in the Fifth Ward where it's happening so we have to make sure not that the others don't need attention but we have to make sure priority goes in the first fourth and fifth and then it goes to the other to make sure that all of our residents and our children are safe when it comes to Bridget congratulations on being recognized as the Grand Marshall I will not be able to be there my grandbaby is turning one years old and so I will be at her first birthday party Happy Birthday Malia um to um the young lady she left but I'm sure the message will go out and show watch who talked about cannabis I have been a strong opposer of the Cannabis and and as a mom grandmother and educator we all know someone that smokes marijuana like if you don't know them you know of them but my thing is we need to put safeguards and things in place so that it's not happening right next door to your house it's not happening we we approved three in the past it is on tonight to up it till 6 um I've had my objections so nobody can say well she changed her mind no my mind has not changed I think we have to make sure that we take care of the quality of life in our community first before we add additional concerns in our community we can't just keep rolling out the floodgates and and rolling out the red carpet and then our community suffers everything is a great idea first oh I think it's great we should do this then all of a sudden we have a lot of homeless this is a great idea and then we have vagrants all of that started off as a great idea a lot of money came with it but money creates problems so we have to be very careful and I know they keep saying well we got to find a way to raate to find money for uh ratables or to fill the gaps if weed or marijuana is the way to find the money we have a problem cuz we only get 2% so are we getting our problems resolved or we helping people get rich cuz 100% minus 2% based on my math right children 100 minus two is what 98 so we get 2% they get 98% so I'm trying to understand the math so I I'm not understanding the logic of anyone saying you should push for cannabis cuz we gonna make a whole bunch of money no they're going to make a lot of money we're getting 2% and other problems hello somebody do the math I mean I am a little smarter than a in the first grader I thought I think she likeed that I like the young people so we got to think about that 2% 98% who's benefiting not Patterson a lot of these people are not Patterson residents last but certainly not least thank you tell your mom Gloria I said hello and thank you for her passing the torch and keeping your family's leg alive thank you for just coming back out and and um even the licensing department giving you the data to come I didn't know who you were tonight and I was like let me find out who he is and I'm glad you came and spoke at the mic and it'll be on for approval next week my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Mims councilman Udin thank you madam Clark good evening Patterson uh those who are here those who are watching us live uh thank you for your time when you come here make your voice hard or you watch us on live and spend your time it means that you care about Patterson um one thing I I do agree with one of our uh resident who me uh Miss over that we are building residential building and it's growing every day and this is actually welcoming the population in our city over crowded classroom when we are not able to provide Educational Services recreational services to those residents We are failing to get real business in our city that's our crisis when you fail to get real business we are trying to get other type of business that is trying to say that this can fill up the Gap that's not the case I before I go to this item I want to um thank commissioner aric for your um and your Department's um uh support to uh involve our parents in our school system is very important and as a Patterson Public School educator I know that how hard it is to reach out to a parent many parents I 80 plus per parents do not care what's happening in the school system and whoever get involved we see that children perform better so I think your effort means a lot in our student population and we commend that and I I and other council members will definitely support your report and we want to see more parental involvement in our school system and for my knowledge and this is for Corporation Council and I need explanation for from you Corporation Council later on that when the business owner uh is in process of recertification of his a license my understanding is anybody including myself may have questions or I can search if I have any inquiry about any of his uh you know business related or recertification doeses that mean that he has to stop his business and wait for recertification what does the legal stand for if legal says that yes in terms of process he has to stop his business then we have to update this ordinance so we want legal stand on this I think this is totally unfair that someone is in process of his license recertification and he's he stopped his business because he's waiting on us to certify his business so I want to hear what's the legal stand if we need to we need to correct that this is not the only business owner came here but we have we have seen that in the past and we don't want to see anymore in the future that someone stop the business because whether we are delaying we are searching on something that's not business owner's fault so we have to work on this to make sure that no one stopped their business once the someone stop business does does not mean who what kind of business it is once you shut it down putting back and bringing back to the customers are not easy Once you lose the customers customers go somewhere else to get the service so we have to make sure that we are providing support that needs these businesses to get from us now come to the point that where we are talking about the Cannabis and I from the very beginning was standing against it for a few reasons KES does not just come with money it comes with a lot of problems and because of this our neighbor towns none of the neighbor towns if you go look at the surroundings Clifton Woodland Park or Prospect Park almud Park who else B area none of them has approved any license at all now when I became the councilman about two years ago and right after a few months this scavis license came to the council residents showed up here made their voice hard Still Still we approved few licenses now my question to the director who sitting right here and whoever is supporting these licenses that tell us what kind of benefit so far we received from those licenses that we approved year and a half ago anything not at all we approved the licenses these licenses are not in function at all councilman Jackson is correct that we are trying to adjust our zoning ordinance which is the distance 300 ft to 200 ft decrease from um the uh educational institution or house of worship and also with that ordinance it says there's no distance requirement from residents so it can be placed anywhere right next to your door now it is true that we are trying to adjust with these businesses there are they are waiting to start their business so we are trying to adjust our elves according to their demand it should be on the other way that they should adjust their business according to our ordinance now there are two parts of this ordinance that we want to increase the numbers of licenses and at the same time we want to decrease the distance from the resident from the uh Educational Institute and uh house of worship and zero distance requirement from residents there are two different things we do not even know what's the benefit we are expecting from those licenses we do not even know without knowing we are just trying to give away licenses and and how foolish idea it is to give you like this that's that that's all I can tell you instead we can we can see that the license we approved what what kind of benefit we are getting from them if we say it's really benefit uh getting benefit for the city we can think about it before seeing any benefit at all and allowing more license to be approved I don't think it's a good move of course when we will speak about it we'll speak details but again we need to bring the real business we cannot really um say that to cover the cost cover the gap or not having t in the future we have to approv um canas I think this is totally wrong idea we have to come together to make sure that we can bring real business in our city our businesses are losing are getting out of City because we are we fail to provide services as an example I I have mentioned multiple times if you go to downtown the stores are closing every month one after another because let's say there's a dollar store paying high rents and there's another uh someone selling products on the street making stations so those who are paying high rents taxes they are losing business because the other issues on the top of this if someone call in the police department for any kind of service that need it takes three to four hours someone to get back to back to that call so many things that we are failing to provide services that should be addressed that's how we can welcome the new business that is supportive toward our city thank you councilwoman uh Dila for uh mentioning that one of the ordinance that I was working with mon shate University a group of researchers regarding uh the bay products licensing process and is it's not going anywhere Madame B I need your attention to this the bay products that are selling in our city is not in control there's no licensing requirement we do not know who's selling who's buying at this point the teenagers in our school system are carrying B product in their hands and CD do not know who is selling or who is buying at this point now the ordinance that was drafted by the group of educa uh group of Scholars from mon State University they showed uh if we have licensing process how much money we can Revenue uh we can make out of these licenses and how we can control those uh products reaching out from our underaged people's hand so this is this I I'm I'm I'm putting it back to your attention I I want to see this coming back in the future uh agenda because we need this they also showed that I know I understand that it comes up with additional cost which is we have to hire people to enforce the code I understand that but they also showed that if we hire three to four people we still can make about $300 to $500,000 after paying the employees so I think this kind of coordinat that uh came up with thoughtful and research-based idea I think we should not just hold it or slow it down I think we should move it move it forward so with that being said Patterson uh we have to work together but just know this just making money like this we have to understand that when we are approving Canabis it comes up with so many negative items if we say that if we approved Canabis retails it means that we are going to control selling products on the street that's very wrong if we sell products on the stores you will see someone is purchasing from there and selling on the underage people's hand because we are not controlling the city who's selling who's not and it is our failure when we we fail to fail to apply all the CES that we have we have ordinances we have regulations on the paper nothing nothing in reality so we have to work together on this Patterson those who came here thank you so very much for for coming here making your voice hard if we work together trust me Patterson will move forward one day thank you my V justment thank you councilman Udin councilman vet so so so okay the gentleman that came here earlier saying that was a clinic and Rehab um establishment or places that people could go there's a extense um program at St Joseph hospital and they could go there there's a lot of referrals to different agencies um and they could get treatment at the same time and um there's a lot of resources I could testify that and and give testimony that uh Joel Ramirez the Director of Human Services of our city um gave this list and uh to me and I guess they gave it also to my colleague that requested when we had to assist homeless and we had to ass addicted people in our city so we refer them to St Joseph or any other agency that the county has so uh saying that we're not doing nothing we do a lot and um we cannot enforce them to take treatment uh we just advice them where to go where to get the treatment is it their right to to accept or deny um witness that we call the EMS we call the ambulance to assist them and sometime in the spot after they get uh medicated they decide not to even go to the hospital to get treatment so you know a councilman that is always out there has has to get involved in a lot of stuff that probably other people don't see but those that know that I'm visible uh they could see it um St Joseph Hospital referrals um 973 754 2000 um and they will direct you to any Clinic that St Joseph had for any PE person that is addicted or need help counseling a suide watch or whatever they they need there um regarding the smoke shop cannabis cells and uh licenses and who had the right who don't have the right uh council president you know you heard the sentiment of all the councilmen so you should table this it and not discuss it today and not bring it back because if they they already they already Express their self they who who everybody expressed their about cannabis about the the licenses and this and that and that this is not good this is not good this is not good so why discuss it tonight let's table it and and and and and and definitely we get out of it matter of fact I should bring back the ordinance back to uh ban all the uh U um all the situational license to see if if the mayor decide to veto in a week at 4:30 in the afternoon on a Friday and when Mondays there's no work so you know second the administration the administration have put this in our shoulders we have to deliver what is right for the community out there you know and um we don't want to lose more youth we don't want to lose more kids in our schools look at the records of an emergency room at the emergency see room the amount of patient that goes overd those with cannabis marijuana at the same time and and other things injected to uh to make them happy that's why you see them walking like zombie out there you know they' be mixing all this stuff uh science have proved that cannabis is not enough they they need other things and um is alcohol whatever is it will pump it up so council president you know to not delay the EM Al and not have the director here explaining it beside all the item that she have we should table all both um both um um hard work that they did to trying to convince the council uh to approve this uh extra license if if if the administration want to push it another way you know let's uh put it one in in the second war close to the ba house probably works there um the uh so so that's that's regarding cannabis um and and and I I got to stand solid on that everybody made the comments I guess it was discussed already no discussion on it should be table council president um council president it yeah it should be table you know so let me table those two item council president let me let me table those two items I bet you I will receive council members please respect the floor Council council members please we in the cling of of the public portion respect the time of each council member everybody spoke let council member let finish and I and let me use my two minute before we continue counc so so so I made a motion a table of those two item of cannabis and um and and now we're councilman we're in the close of the okay I'm so excited because I was already convinced with the negative of of the Cannabis so so please um 52 Madison Street the gentleman is still here sir I still want to have a conversation with you um um based on some things that I have in my phone that just got to me while I was speaking this tele this TV is televised you know this meeting being televised and I get a lot of information but it's good things that we could work together to make sure that your business is a good neighbor with the community as you are as you are okay um council president uh and I hope the administration I hope the administration read this article uh council president yes I hope the administration had the chance to read this article today that came out patteron spent 200ks to fix up a park for kids drug addictives use it and people dump trash patteron spent $200,000 to fix up a park for kids drugs addict use it and people dump trash you could go on the tape on the on the past meeting how many times you hear me talking about Roberto Clemente Council woman right Roberto Clemente Roberto Clemente council president Roberto Clemente Roberto Clemente right what I'm saying is that what I'm what I'm saying is what I'm saying is that I read this article and And the reporter didn't had the chance to speak to me to tell them what every all the job I have done to keep the park safe all right and the amount of call of service uh of that I make to to keep that Park safe and and and at the time I leave the meetings late from here and drive to Roberto Clemente Park and I sit there to wait till the cops to show up to clear up the park I just mentioned today about the water I didn't even know about this article but DPW council president DPW takes time to clean the park DPW takes time to design the fence around the park it takes time to put up the fence and I I spoke to the director today to see to get me the status because that fence supposed to be all the way around the park uh fence it so we could maintain and fix the cazo we cannot do that unless we don't secure cure the park okay and who dumped there the people that want to dump there we clean it they dump uh this young lady used to work for um um recycling I believe was the coordinator right and we used to clean the clean Community remember we used to go there and clean the park 200 bags of garbage we pull out once okay so we maintain my I I maintain my Roberto Clemente Park and uh people use the park and uh unfortunately little things sometimes reporters and I'm not going to put muraza in the reporter but he should call the people that knows about what's going on in the park and people that really work on a park but uh it's good to the administration could read uh this article to see how they could help the residents especially it's spectum you know uh uh artistic kids park to see how they could P more money uh put more resources in there like I said earlier in the in a in a meeting uh that we need the same things that other Parks get and Roberto Clemente Park council president I'm not going to delay uh more more than other people have delayed this meeting but but I just want to um be clear in something this past Sunday the Dominican repu the Dominican Community the the fil dominicano of New Jersey had a tremendous parade a beautiful parade a beautiful parade we had 160 cops assigned into that parade unfortunately you know the the parade ended at 3:00 in the afternoon what happened in the outside of the skirt of the city and other blocks it don't have to do nothing with the respectful community that we have in the Dominican Community the police did their job that was Mar the police did their job and they doing the job they not the is the Police Issue a statement about about that they guarantee the safety during the parade of the residents of pis and they did a great job I just posted a video this morning about thanking the police DPW Ems for the hard work to keep uh the peace in the city of passing things gets out of control outside of the organizer or the organization that performed the parade and I I I Reed a lot of calls two days before the parade about the parking why was restricted why is this what is that so you know Abasi um um Abasi is the one in charge of police the police men and women of the police have done a tremendous job and I and I commend them to to maintain uh uh the peace in in a lot of areas but the the culture of conduct of some communities that's the one that we have to address in the future um the ordinance on the book the law is is already written so you know well we need more cops one thing that we really need is to see this famous contract that the administration approved with the police to move forward and then get ready for the other one to get approved councilor president I probably have to leave after this um um um P portion uh yes but I did a motion to table those two items because you s of sentiment you don't have probably you I don't know but table it because has some more discussion down the future and make sure that it it it's going to work because we cannot work like that if Marissa has five more vote that are not us to wait till 2026 so and then we probably and and councilman V you are out of order do not call me you call me Council woman DAV Council m it is not my item couna coun woman at large Mara she could other five more members from another Council for we just closing we're just closing the public portion council members can we yeah we only closing an am no but we're not we're not making any Amendment we're not taking anything out we're not removing we're not tbling oh so you going entertain it no no after listen let's close the public portion and if we open up and we going to have the discussion the reason why of it it's on the agenda is for each council member to put your input and say what you feel about it and let me finish council member councilman and after that we table if we have to table it and we make the decision as a body I don't think that it's appropriate to be attacking other council member because the council member agree or isn't support against that's that's I mean that's not professional I I I don't want to say nothing else but it's a shame it's shameful and it will look like Child come on this is a governing body that run in the city we have 80 items on the agenda and thank God hopefully we're agreeing a lot of the item on resurfacing a lot of the project the third war and different city but we'll still have to finish agenda council members and if we and and please let me allow me to say this if we stay on the on on the agenda and you don't speak for two three five minutes on every item we could finish the the agenda but now some council member after this have to leave and I have to finish agenda with the clerk that's not what we here for we here to finish the 80 item that we have and go over and if you have a concern you could speak up it's it's right to speak against cannab I'm I'm against the C license I'm already I and I say this before I'm against but that doesn't give me the right to attack the council me the council or the councilwoman that is in favor that's not my job it's not my job that's not your job we here has a body and and and you know what we sending a really wrong message out there because the way people look at this governing body is that we all against each other election for the mayor is two two years away I don't know what's going to happen next year saying the mayor please council members listen we have three council members that running a large or maybe two maybe one running for mayor it's okay it's okay but guess what when you sit here and stop talking about politics do business that's right you've been elected to do business that's it he the show is good for him thank do you know why council president and let me say this council president nothing against you come on order point I know you don't have nothing against me coun nothing against you coun Council it's not against me I understand I council president I know that's what I'm saying I'm look at the time I go to speak the the people from back there uh from the beginning of the row spoke Marissa spoke about 10 minutes of 15 councilman Jackson spoke about 20 and I get here and I say what I have to say is a problem you know why I say it tomorrow all right you vote your vote com that's why I haven't vote I haven't vote I haven't vote that's that's why when I get interrupted I going to say the same thing I didn't vote have you noticed I didn't voted why I got interrupt it and lay back a little bit so Council Council council president with all your respect apply the rule across the board don't apply every time you want to say something something sounds beautiful whatever but apply the rule across the board saying that Madame clerk my V is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you Madame Clerk and and and I think I do believe that most of my Council K agree that I'm a very a very fair person I don't take size I give everybody opportunity to express the themselves how they feeling how they voting but you need to respect you Council KH it's it looks so bad on TV it looks so bad out there when we disrespect us like nothing listen we're the role model people elect us to serve this community and to run the city because we actually run the city it's not the mayor every project have to be approved by this governing body all I'm saying is that let's be respectful each other let's leave politic aside so imagine elections two years away from mayor council member at large they they will be running if we bring politic into this governing body I don't know what's going to happen with this city as council president respectfully all I'm asking all my council colle is to respect each other I could say yes on an idol if I feel like that I want to support that Idol and my Council KH could say no but that also give us the right to disrespect each other we look like kid here and we sending the really wrong message we got children from our community here and they looking our the way we conduct ourself the way we're disrespecting oursel and it's really sad I don't know if you get it but it's sad and it's concerning to me because I could debate with any person any item over here when you talk about cannabis I let everybody speak because I know most of this governing body are against cannabis what can we do they have the right to vote against and somebody have the right to vote in favor but that doesn't give you the right to disrespect people and on my if we if we concentrate into the agenda we will finish those 80 idem and we will be able to move the city forward whether you like it or not River Street hasn't been fixed in 40 years now we fixing River Street and it took us a lot but we fixing River Street today I stopped by the company that we hired to oversee the project how staff on the scene looking at that whether you like it or not we making a lot of improvement we're not we're not perfect but if we work together we could do a better job serving our community we're not going to accomplish anything by fighting against each other because it's not about us it's about the people it's about the responsibility that we have with this community brother your license is going to be approved as in consent as council president one of the thing that I tried to do is to put all those license on consent because I have full uh confidence on the clerk department and mad clerk when we get a license here Madame clerk already went through the whole process once you submit all the document it's already submitted at the clerk Department I I try to put everything in consent that way we don't pick and choose who we want to question and who doesn't now if any council member could be the first word the fifth word say I want this Idol to be pulled I give them the respect but now in the beginning when we tried to pull thei I say no it's going to stay un regular and if we have any problem we pull it that's the way you should be doing with the licensing we're supposed to support local business and I was supposed to be here for so just moving forward I want to take one minute to say I want to say thank you to the library and the director flaming last week I had my school supplies give away we gave a school supply to hundreds of children and the job that the that the library uh and the director is doing is amazing with that mobile Library I was so excited to see children running into the library into the mobile library to get a book to read it that's what we got to do if we concentrate on those project we will have a better Community Council say said it before I've been supporting that and I've been speaking that since 2018 um about utilizing the school very soon we're going to have a Shar Services agreement we're going to have a meeting to have the discussion with the school district to utilize the school building to bring those after school program to bring things that really fix and help our community a lot of parent here they have they don't have the right to help our children with their homework we got to start thinking about those after school program that support our children that's the job that we're supposed to be doing here so in in in brief um uh Madame m ADBA in every meeting I know we have director Rodriguez we have the health department director um um Joel Ramirez sometime we I don't see Public Safety here but every meeting Madame ba I need all the directors sitting on the front line when we get the public if they have any concern the director they are the key people to address those problem because when she called me for assistant I call the DP I call the public safety director I call the chief I call whoever I need to call from the pison police department but when you come here and you see the Public Work Director you have a problem you could address in directly because he's the person that the administration hired to get the job done so moving forward in the meeting when the Public's coming you're going to be able to address those director write down on scene give them the information because that's what we do when you call us we call them and we call the administration that way we could be more effective I don't agree that we're here just to hear you speak for three minute and nothing gets done after that I don't agree with that that's not true but now we I try to we try to do the best we can so we have to include the people that make the decision on there so we that being say Madam clerk um to my third war resident so we have a list of item on the agenda that we already move for for vote next um on the next meeting and and my vot is yes M clerk thank you council president the votes are eight yeses one absent council president um public I just wanted to just for the record you made a statement um that I don't I don't think you should have made and that is addressing me and saying that I support six licenses all right because that is not and again we continue going on the amendments are up to okay and this Council will take action and the only reason that item is here you are correct it needs to be discussed as a as a body so it goes through a committee of four it shouldn't just stay there the rest of the council members have the right to have make their statements if they the support it or not I'm just going to say this to you I know what's out there and on a personal level I can tell you what has happened to me and my family by individuals going out there buying illegally and almost dying I prefer to see something done right as it's something that is legal already and this city I don't see any money coming in right but when you look at the one entity that we have on Route 20 and we get over 2 million three could you imagine another two three four million more just to make sure to stabilize so you made that statement and I wanted you because you said councilwoman Dava support six and that is not necessarily true thank you very much council president thank you Council woman and and yes I have councilman Jackson right after councilman Odin so we're going to have a discussion about item C 63 and 64 which is can of that way we could agree on what how we're going to move forward with this and if we doesn't if he doesn't have the support it will not be on the agenda on the next meeting sure but I have councilman Jackson we go you go next so just being fair to the public and to the young ladies the two young ladies I I hope you're watching closely because the things that you see outside in the city the decisions of how those things are are are managed happens right here everyone you're looking at is responsible for making decisions that impacts our city so if there's garbage all over the place everyone sitting here has a hand in doing that so is it's it's very disappointing and I want to address a couple things very quickly council president just that a few people had spoken about because um uh if we're going to applaud the job that a director does we're going to come here and we're going to praise a director the library director for a job well done this council did not provide the library with zero this Council provided the library with Zer doar last year in his budget we cut his budget so if we're looking to support the directors who are doing these jobs that that support our children our community we can't just come here and and say great job thank you and then our actual job what we're responsible for doing is providing the funding that allow these individuals to go do their job last year we cut 100% of the library director's budget how does that sound yes that is true yes that 100% that that the city is tasked to provide we did not provide him Administration this Council and his administration did not provide him and when he comes forward to present his budget we'll see if that's not the case but how do we say that we're favorable for the kids and we praise the job that people do but yet when it comes to providing funding for the task that they need to take on we don't do it we don't do it so and and and lastly councilwoman Dava with all due respect yeah everybody's in is entitled to do and and and and and make decisions how they seem fit but I want to ask you members of the public if you're a business owner do you tell your employees in fact we got a business on here do you tell your employees I'm going to pay you a range I'm going to pay you either $10 an hour or $200 an hour and I'm going to let you choose every single employee you have is going to to say hey my job I'm doing is worth $200 an hour while they home eating popcorn watching television if you're going to provide a range just like we provided the administration with a range for raises guess what they did they gave themselves all the top of the range it's not even about a range the the plan is already in of what we're looking for so we're not doing this we're providing a range that range is going to allow the public to be screwed over over because we're not here to provide people other people opportunities to make those decisions we're here to make those decisions we're here to provide the pay increases we're here to provide the number of licenses that we understand our community can sustain by us saying we're not giving licenses yeah but you can't sell unless I give you this approval I don't care where you get license you can go to the moon and come back with a license but you cannot sell in my community unless I give you the approval and I'm not giving you the approval unless there's certain factors that's involved that means the the zoning restrictions that's in place we're already adhering to them so close to a church another establishment Etc but no what we doing is we're circumventing it and we're us using language to say we're not doing that we're just doing ranges then we put the the onus on on the ba we already know what what the intention are there when we gave those pay increases ranges the next day they signed up to the to the to the top uh uh uh level of of compensation to everybody except one one director but anyway i' rest there I mean people don't be fooled by language the responsibility happens here what you see outside is because of what happens here or what's not taking place here and if you believe that that this City's moving forward then hey keep believing thank you council president yes um um so Council thank you council president um earlier 63 and 64 earlier earlier I had a question to The Corporation Council regarding uh regarding the renewal of the licenses that if we Delay from our end for searching or any findings then do the business owners have to stop the business and wait for us to for the approval what's the legal stand on this and the business owner is right here and uh we we have seen that multiple times that people come in here because of our delay or whatever findings we spend some time and does it does not mean I feel this totally unfair for the business owners to stop the business or close the business and wait for us for recertification so what does the legal stand uh if you can explain Corporation Council should any kind of license um what's direct the director you guys are discussing an item and you didn't even call the director ask in Corporation Council regarding Council there a question um on the floor for you from uh councilman yes thank you council president um thank you uh councilman un for that inquiry um i' I'd like an opportunity to look into that and provide you a written response resp um and guidance as to um the status of a license once it expires and whether or not the business owner has to shut down or continue or can't continue to operate I will note that an entertainment license is just one part of the licenses needed to operate a business thank you okay um so so council members item 63 item 63 is the ordinance amending Patterson code chapter 172 cannabis license this is the item that have the three license increasing the three to sits and reducing the fee the 300 to 200 uh I I see I have the director the economic director is there so and so there's two separate item uh director so are we doing the one by one yes so we you don't need the director the opportunity to just speak and then we you can say table and that's it but give her she's been sitting here for hours she should have the right to speak as a direct council president Council no I was just asking like the one item is to increase it up to six six licenses with the reduction of having it within 200 feet of someone's home I don't know why we would need the direct maybe the other one is one that she can speak on but that one to me is it it speaks for itself I mean I mean Council it's your your call Council but that one definitely speaks for so council members director welcome how are you director so uh all right so director in front of us you have two there two pie so you have two legislation for cannaby item 63 OB obviously you see the concern of the governing body that the reduction of 300 to 200 ft away and increasing the license from 3 to six doesn't have the sport and you have item 64 which is an ordinance amended the municipal CT of the city of patteron chapter 43 zoning land and development to include cannabis so I know I know so we need a lot of details on 64 but if you want to articulate 63 you you so you're more than welcome to do so if I may council president um so there's a couple things that I just want to highlight um that I heard mentioned throughout this evening um that I would like to touch upon but I think um what I've done is somewhat outlined um my thoughts that kind of coincide with the conversations that I've heard today so I just want to run through just a quick outline and then I'll go into my talking points if that's okay okay correct all right so first um you know I want to acknowledge the concerns the young woman that was here earlier I do want to address that um that'll be the first thing I talk about but secondly I do want to um clarify the ordinance that's actually in front of you and then I want to also speak to some of the benefits um and also touch upon some of the um other items that were kind of misinformed that I just want to provide additional clarification on um in addressing the woman that was here earlier and I'm sorry that she's still not here but you know I recognize that um not only is this a matter of policy but I do respect the fact that it also touches on individual beliefs as well as their value system so you know I do want to say that especially to the community we certainly hear the concerns but a lot of the information that everyone um has been paying attention to unfortunately is somewhat misinformed the state has actually approved over 30 well actually over 30% of municipalities within the state of New Jersey have opted into cannabis which indicates that people recognize this to be a revenue generator but also that it tackles public safety issues and I want to touch on that shortly but um 72% of individuals throughout the state of New Jersey voted on legalizing cannabis the state our governor you know is the one who endorsed this legislation um one of the things um why this legislation was introduced was to control and to regulate the way drugs are are sold in this in this in the state actually throughout the country so it was a way to kind of eradicate the illegal drug Market by making this more regulated and more controlled so that the children are are much more safer this is a public safety matter and it also addressed it the systemic issues that our you know communities have faced when it comes to arrest records and being indicted for criminal drug for drug charges related to cannabis drug sales council president sure uh I I I I was going in the direction because we know the backdrop we're just we right we we voted all of that down before in the mayor veto we we're specifically about this it that shows for letters of support there's no Distance by um resident home it's 200 ft from school that's what I want the public to hear what is here before us that they're trying to put it 200 feet from your children's school they could put it right in your backyard that's what this item is doing they could give up to three more licenses that's what I want the public to hear all that backdrop we know that already this Council was not an agreement with that the mayor beetled us we are now at this point where we're with that language and now tonight we're looking to amend that's council president I commun with that being said director I want to get into so with that being said we already know what's going on with item 63 and and you hear the sentiment of this governing body I don't think that we have to go over uh and reat it right on what we already say most of this govern govern body they don't agree to reducing the from 300 feet to 200 feet from church or school they don't agree with that also they don't agree from increasing the license from 3 to six we already have that so idem 63 is out of the question is out of the question right now so it should not be done the agenda for next meeting now item 64 how item 64 is going is going to impact the three licenses that we gave it out and where are those three licensing and what can we do to resend those licensing can you elaborate on idol 64 well it ties in it ties in respect on the table right so it ties in respect y to item 63 and so there needs to be a full discussion you know on all of the proposed changes so what you guys have mentioned are only a segment of the changes that are in this ordinance so I would like to go through all of the proposed changes so so so I will say this and I say this at the uh I I mentioned it to the state I mentioned it to the to the state monitor the administration and I expressed myself and I told him if we really want to move forward with the decision that we took to give out three licenses we should make an amendment to control those three licenses you should not tach the new legislation from 3 to six because you already see and know that we don't agree to increase the number of license number one and also reducing the 300 feet to 200 that's out of the question so we don't agree on that now what can we do what type of amendment can we bring to bring to get control of those three license that we gave out and now we don't know whether well you can amend the ordinance to put a time frame as to when they are able to move forward so that is part of the initial that is part of the Amendments that are in this ordinance okay God okay so the question that I have for you and I will open the floor to my Council college so you're telling me is that by voting item 64 we regulating the three license that we already have and and or what you say that they're connected 63 and 64 are connected so they're all tied right so in order so in order for the item to be presented before the planning board you have you're you're amending all of the ordinance and then you're submitting it to the planning board to approve to allow it to be adopted in the municipal code and you're changing the land use laws exactly so so I will tell you that I was very clear of my how I feel and I'm only I'm only one vote even though I'm council president my Council KH they could speak from theel but I was very clear and I expressed my concern let's control and let's work on the three of that we already we have and let's make Amendment and control that portion not connected with the sits because as you see this this counil does not agree to increase the number of license and we also don't agree to reduce the fees from 300 to 200 so we're going to have to table both item since you say that we cannot vote on 64 without 63 no council president so request to change the distance is so that it correlates with what the ABC license regulations is already state so it would be in in alignment with our ABC license rules that's that's it so could be it would conform with the liquor license laws all right no so director so the last question council member after I open the flo for Council M Council and and Council mavila you can't because so let me ask you a question so you what you're telling me is that we cannot make Amendment on the existing three that we gave out without without bringing the ingredient of bringing the of you know putting going from three to sit and reducing the feed that we cannot control because my concern is that we approved three a three letter and we don't know we're in limbo so as a business owner that already that decision is already made as a business owner you cannot telling me that I'm going to make more money if I increase the number of franchise that I have from three to six if if I don't have any number of the three that are operating I might have to close two I might have to close one but we don't have any any number we cannot compare um with anything no I'm not being confusing so I AG so the initial ordinance did not put a time frame as to when those letters of support expired that was the issue so I would like I'm sorry okay no no no I I already director has the right to finish every other director coun counc I will open the floor for you you could ask the question okay fine I got two other council member but let me speak because I mentioned this to the DCA to the administration went to everybody so what I want to see is that an amendment of The Three existing three and how we could how we we control those three because as you said it before we give out those license and there's no time frame for them to operate it just open but guess what you know the amendment I only want to see the amendment on those three I don't want to deal with anything else because the decision that we took was to approve three nothing else correct so you guys took the position to approve three license three letters of support those three letters of support were issued Council has the ability to resend those letters of support without an amendment oh nice so so so so no no no council member we're listening to our director so what you say director is that we have the power to resend those three license without what without the power without correct so you are the legislative body you have the ability to award and authorize any letters of support that go out related to any cannabis business you also have the right to resend those letters of support council president okay so now I'm going to open the floor to my Council Cali now now we having a conversation so so since we hear that we have the right that we could resend those three licens now then we could start we could have a conversation counc president she didn't she didn't say that council president no no so so so let me let me open the floor to my Council Cali I have I have I have councilman uh Udin I know I have you councilman and I have councilman Val and councilman Ms councilman ABD uh buin thank you council president um director so I'm not speaking about the the request of the increasing the numbers of the licenses since you got the I'm sorry down this amendment the subst amendment we can still proceed with updating the zoning code with the current ordinance with the yeah and it'll with the current and it'll just update the zon code with the current ordinance based off the current right of the current requirements saying it's the issue correct because it doesn't right so it eliminates the need for them to go before the Zone exactly no so if if I'm just saying like I'm want to give you an opportunity like so if they vote this one now the subst of amendment we can still proceed with 64 because that's the adding licenses that's not doing anything other than updating the zoning code just that why let me know if you need anything thank you sure um dor so um I'm not asking the question about the increasing the licenses because you already know where the council members are standing my question to you and I want straight answer for that uh is one of the portion which he says we are going to decrease the distance from educational institution and the orip location from 300 to 200 ft and there is no one more time there's no distance requirement from residents my question to you what are the incentives behind decreasing this distance and no distance requirement from the residents and I'm just going to the location in the ordinance because I so the again the change in reducing the distance so if you look at the zones in which cannabis is going to be permitted we're talking about the i1 I2 two which are largely industrial so there's L um technically not many residential units in those areas the MU is the is the area that does have residential um buildings throughout in the MU area so in essence reducing from 300 to 200 aligns again with the ABC requirements which is currently you know used across the state in terms of being a recognized guideline as to what the preferred distance is I'm sorry and from one one sta to the other no so well our current ABC reads where it's um from houses of worship as well as schools and daycares one to the sure council member I know council member let me know when you finish counc so uh director respectfully um you didn't answer the question by the way way what I'm trying to say is that when when the amendment says there's no distance requirement from residents it means that I can expect there is a canis location right next to my door that's what we have to expect that's not how the ordinance reads now if that's that does not that's not how the ordinance read if you look on so go ahead and I'll read it it says distance from places of worship or schools or legal residence no no class of license or cannabis business shall operate within 200 ft legal walking distance as defined above from any place of worship or a school providing education for grades kindergarten through 12 or any legal residence as defined above however if there are no such places of worship or schools or legal residence within said distance at the time of lure then subsequent construction or conversion shall not affect the license's right to operate that's how it reads thank you dor can I read something now yes so I'm going to read the fifth paragraph of ordinance uh number 63 it said additionally modifying the distance requirement which currently require each license to be 300 ft from schools houses of worship and Residences such as the requirements would become 200 ft and would not apply to distance from residences what does that mean so that is so again so this ordinance was was not drafted by me so that is actually an oversight and would need to be amended no I see it here it's in the fifth whereas Clause correct so that's so that's incorrect and that would need to be stried out that's that I don't know I'm reading what I'm reading and I'm stating what it is on the paper and this it came for us for discussion I am very concerned I'm very concerned about the residents of our city and our next Generation okay right now if you just telling everyone if you go to the great for the great location to spend your evening just spend some time there and you can smell the canest right now and now you're telling me that I'm going to spend in my living room smelling canz that's what you are telling me no so again it's a contradiction to if you look at the Clause that I just stated it so that is an actual error and would need to be corrected so it's it contradicts what's further um listed within the ordinance okay in terms of the distance requirements and the zoning so um Council ABD thank you councel good evening director and good evening so I ask my Council col just one second I ask right now I know this is an emotional gets very emotional amongst communities and which is all right this is what government is right the debating so director my questions is not pro cannabis uh against cannabis right this is strictly a data driven decision now right we're in front of us to expand the number of licenses correct correct from three up to six up to six yes so when I in my field of Education we look at data that drives decisions so we approved three uh this Council I didn't support this item so but there was letters of support and the state has granted licenses for the three correct correct so and this is my question when we expand anything you should look at the data how much revenue has been created by those three establishments so Revenue was generated based off of the licensing fees that they paid oh no no I forget about license fees the application fee I'm looking at now sales because we get 2% correct so no sales has occurred since those letters of support were issued however the city received revenue from the application fees that they submitted take away the application fees I know we get that right away but application fees are one time Revenue shop correct so there's been no annual generation of any Revenue so there's no Revenue why no no no no I'm talking about the three rise was grandfather so director I'm asking the this question because usually when you expand anything there's proof of concept I understand you want to be proof not just of concept proof of success right proof say wow these three have generated the the the city an extra $2 million that we should expand so we get more money but right now you're tell me we gave three and we those three licenses Zer in sales correct so there's a couple issues that need to be introduced to make that statement kind of true so there were internal issues with some of the operators and so they were not able to move forward because of internal dispute so that ruled out two of those individuals and again the way the ordinance was originally introduced which predates me it did not the distance or location also did not allow them to move forward which is why the amendments are needed so and and that's and that's my biggest concern with this because you don't want to expand anything we don't know what clientele will come in with three stores open we don't know what traffic comes into a neighborhood that has it we only know one cuz rise is the only one that's open we don't know that opening three more doesn't generate Revenue it just dilutes the revenue because now there's more options or I may be wrong having more could have more sales revenue do you see where I'm coming from I don't have that information right I don't have that information I don't know you're right internal disputes it looks like none of them have opened up it looks like there's a lot of issues that that we have that should be taken care of first like hyp in a perfect world I think the city would have would gave their three licenses three businesses would have opened up there would have been a presentation in front of me saying these three establishments created 50 jobs for paronian these three um establishments have zero calls to services from the police department these three establishments have been involved in the community and sponsored numerous local establishments and helped out churches Z so I don't know if they're going to do that right we we talked about giving it to community people they're going to be in the community my colleagues so I don't disagree with you I think the initial ordinance was flawed which is why there needs to be an amendment to that ordinance so colleagues council members and I'm going to wrap up here in the reason I and I want to divert the the debate you're on the right track from the pros and the cons of cannabis to usually getting real data in front of us before expanding I don't know if this is a success or a failure because they haven't opened up just imagine if these three establishments opened up wherever they're going to open up right just imagine and then we one council meeting we could have a hundred residents complaining about it right and we just expanded it to other parts to the city like I said R could be on the pro side right you came in here and have a 100 residents that have high paying jobs that are seeing what you're saying about the equity and social justice and all that and turn their lives I think that will sway me to go from where my stance is right now yes right and that's where the debate should be the debate should be not to fix a flawed system by expanding fix the floor system to get the three up and running and then bring a success story over here and show us that truly works right now I don't see it I see one from my from my perspective rise I I haven't seen any issues any calls I've seen local people there I haven't seen it with the expansion of the three first that's how an expansion goes one successful three successful then you go to six right now we have one successful and to be honest with you I have three failures right now because they couldn't even get it open they could even open up the door right correct and I do I don't disagree with so so I have so I have I have coun u m no but I have I'm going L Mims bz uh councilman Jackson and then you and then and then you CL and then there you go so so so director you know I I think councilman Del I mean he just he was right on point that that's what I've been requesting for month since we meet like listen show me the three the data of progress and Improvement of three I'm not saying that we we got to close it down and I've been asking for that if we concentrate on on that we will make progress down the line but we don't know the call for service we don't know the reaction of those three and to make a responsible decision and and by by opening three that's that's what we should be doing right now and that's a conversation that we should having uh Council Mims um Council B so I I don't want to believe I I don't want to belab the point but uh former councilman Tom Rudy used to always say anything goes in Patterson and I know we try to be optimistic to believe that it's not a true statement but the more we see and the more that happens it makes you become a Believer you come out of optim optimism and you become a realist to really see all of these things that are going on when it comes to the origination of this this was before you director the origination of of this cannabis in the language this Council said councilwoman C this Council stated that the language was not fullprof and we wanted more time to do that we voted it down the mayor Vito and we are here and we are now here hold on and now we're here we've approved three support letters we're not receiving any um funds correct correct council president I'm requesting that both of these items be tabled until we're able to bring it back with the right didn't they go into Economic Development whatever did they go to committee all right council president what these items yes there's a table on the floor council president the Flor point of order there's a table on the floor we can finish talking everybody going to have a chance council members I don't care counc they don't come to Economic Development meetings therefore this is why it's here president I may I have the council member you Council C so coun there's no to tell because it is not a voting section we move out of the so then let me finish so the reason why these items should not be here we have three have we done a cause benefit analysis council members please what councilman was a CA benefit analysis done no were any additional safeguards or measured put in place to amend the ordinance that is currently for the three that support letters no so again have we done councilwoman have have we done have we with the three of support have we sent out any literature to the three license to identify where they are in the process there you yes absolutely so I I'm I'm not I'm you're still going down your list yes I would like an opportunity to respond I feel like fine that would be fine for the three applications we have approved three support letters for three applicants and we to date over a year and a half ago are receiving zero dollars zero we're only supposed to get 2% but we have not gotten any money for three that's been approved so I just don't understand mathematical logically and sensibly why would we expand when we have not received anything we have not received nothing at all so to expand it not only to expand and then we're changing the land use laws to accommodate possibly whoever else is coming cuz you don't change something unless you know somebody else is coming and they need this requirement so that that begs you know that puts other question questions in mind who are these people and then we have to think about the residents how many residents that are watching and they're probably watching a debate so they'll watch this tomorrow presidential debate but just think residents right because this is televised just think if this were to pass they could be in your backyard that's not true they could be next to your children's school and here's the I'm Prov it's being stated that it's not true but let me tell you why it is I have the floor let me tell you why it's true we have smoke shops and our Patterson Police Department has cracked down on smoke shops that were selling marijuana so to say it's not true that means the data and the crackdowns that our Patterson Police Department have done are not true the smoke shops are operating illegally so they are not regulated by the state at all it whether they're illegal or not we have an opportunity right before us to say we've approved three do we expand we know the three we approved we're not receiving anything so why would it make any sense to say give us three more that doesn't make sense this the three that director I have the floor council president director let's just wait for for our councilwoman to compl that way you could respond she could respond afterwards I'm talking to she can respond after I'm just saying to expand it up to to six right cuz you may say we give it one or two more but they're saying up to up to six so that means possibly three two how long before we don't get any more money from the other three it's been 18 what 18 months at this point we haven't gotten anything three what level of enforcement is there a plan from the police department that says with this program we'll make sure that we're going to monitor that these shops are not over this footage or whatever and they have a lot of issues now because they they don't have enough police officers so how do we expand without a good Public Safety plan without there's a public safety plan to make sure that that that um the footage is correct what rulers will they use no so the engineering department goes out and they do the measuring no I'm saying after after it's done I'm talking about the enforcement piece not the measuring beforehand because when they break that law and they're below the footage that would be a part of enforcement the engineers is not going to go out and say they're violating that's enforcement that's what I'm talking about cuz before that of course someone will have to measure but once they violate that goes to our police department and they're not going to do that we know they're not going to do that I I don't think a a police officer can ride around with a ruler in their car and say you're Bel the footage we got to shut you down they're not going to do that so well the engineer does but what if it happens and they go beyond or lower than these things happen we know how it happens but it's just like any other zoning violation and inspector laws are in place to protect communities and to safeguard um properties and homeowners and and spaces that's why it's in place so for us to go and to amend that on top of trying to go up with the retail license it is just it's so amending to increase does not mean you're also giving them out right now giving you the ability will a director I'm telling you look on this look they have a list we have a this is before you that's what I'm saying is before you came on there is a list of waiting and applicants have come here and some have called whoopy was promised whoopy was promised gay money look look don't new owners and M I may have to make some phone calls these people were promised and some people were paid and that's what's going on that was before you came on director and we have is a list so the problem the question is even if we said no we're not going to give up to three yes yes it is if it gets approved all three are going to be given cuz we denied the six and then it was on the agenda for 10 agreed and this is the fourth time this has come before should come back that has come before this the third time is a charm the fourth time means it's wrong but but I think well it's concerning because we can't get consensus and my thing is we need forward but you know why my director this conversation is needed and this is a workshop and this is the place for all to have this debate in order for us to make a informed decision and the public also to know where we stand and and what's the next step because we talk we've been speaking about canab outside this Council and now tonight is the night if we don't we agree to take send this back and not put it on the calendar and the agenda that's what's going to happen but everybody need to speak and and see how how they feel it council member L thank you council president give an opportunity to respond thank oh but I'm not going to I'm not going to I'm not going to director it's not your fault no it's before you was way before and you inherit the wrongdoing from and a mess and I'm trying to clean it up ex you're trying to clean up but you know what director you your wrest may speak by your your your work and your education speak by your and and and in the future you you leave the city you will get better job and better pay than the city giving you right now with all this baloney that put in your hands let me let me say this Integrity correct you know uh in 2022 I believe it was June 28 2022 I drafted an ordinance to ban 06 license category in the city of patteron why because the commission of cannabis didn't had it right they didn't had no idea what was going on and that's why a lot of city was opting out and when they was opting out I was getting information that why C City didn't want it they want to preserve the quality of life I came up with the ordinance um Banning 06 category license all of that and it passed the mayor in 20 uh June June uh 28 at 4:30 in the afternoon veto it 4:30 in the afternoon he veto because he knew oh hold on 4:30 in the afternoon and we received the message at 5:00 at the time I called the clerk in that time they was home barbecueing because the 1 of July and the weekend was long okay to see if I could gather quro room to to to to go yeah six vote but it was late it was a long weekend I recall it was a long weekend I was frustrated because the mayor did not respect the will of the council and the Cry of the community that came against it it was packed and we made the decision not based on religion we made the decision based on the quality of life of the city yes and that time we were short of police officers now the administration came up saying we need to m in the middle councilman and councilwoman Dava approached me to work with her and we met in the middle three license of each 10 they probably they promised you something and we didn't took the money and then they started accusing us like if it was our fa that they failure like councilman ades it was our fault now now we're here on 63 this entire ordinance fell in front of us because we'd say that we could increase three more licenses because there was a dispute out there that they say that they give money to the city that they take the check and they said now we had to correct it right then we ended saying okay let's have 300 no they put 200 it fails now they brought it back with the same menu again council president with the same menual now on top of the same menu they you know what you know why I feel disrespected council president that I spoke and I said that let's increase it 500 no 500 we cannot do it so let's put it 300 they come and say you know what we could to keep it 300 they brought it back it's not your fault it's not your fault they made it lower now now they made it 200 no they put in 200 and I wanted 300 and they put it 200 they keep it and not only that I I express myself that the Cannabis retail should be operated by Only commercial light industrial or industrial and now we have M M M miuse you know what is 100 feet from here where the office is at and then from there to that wall is 200 okay and if my house is in the middle I could have one here 100 200 200 I got to be surrounded of a stor of cannabis now I have Parks re I have more seniors building than anybody I have more schools than anybody I have more liquid store to anybody I got more Church to everybody but all of them we had to fool it up you know what I'm saying we had to work on that okay but let's be honest it's not going to work our city is so populated we don't have no room for schools we going to have room for is I could mention four or three stores of smoke chops that have been raided in the Fifth Ward now you stated that the state is the one that regulated that right but no no the state regulates legalized cannabis retail shops not yeah but the smoke shops they could go to the state and ask for a license of smoke um uh sell cigar any any product of tobaccos or whatever that's what they sell there any product tobacco smoke shop but not cannabis correct okay so who regulate the smoke shops after the state uh honor that license of smoking you know smoke to sell cigarettes retail cigarettes or whatever tobacco product not cannabis it's the state but we the city of pass had not put Z sonification in them you know what they did they say okay hold on my store is under a residential building is a mixed use the zoning officer over here in the city pan say hold on before that was a library or whatever a a bookstore I don't care councilwoman C council members please Council BL I have a store a matter of fact I have a restaurant in the first floor and a residential in the top that is considered mixed use the individual say decide not to have the restaurant that somebody comes and buy that restaurant and decide to put a cannabis store a retail store because it's mixed use from the corner Straight Street to Summer not not summer to Bach Street you got 200 feet Here Comes somebody open another one on be street from be Street to Roberto Clemente Park there's another 200 feet here another one to come and open open another one right now I don't want that in my ward I don't want that in my War now what I recommend M Madam they Haven not take another the recommendation of this Council I understand that you stated Council uh director that we could resend the letter of support we could resend it you have the ability oh I got the ability we could take it to vote uh legal uh uh Mr Mr uh abushi um as the Director stated we have the ability to resend the three letters that we have uh honor or give to those uh individual intention to open a cannabis retail store here we could can you draft a of of of a recent uh ordinance to resend those and also bring back the Cannabis ordinance that I created to ban 06 license on the city of patteron and when we end know that we will Ender that c BL let me I got no no you guys let me see this now here we go the dancing around here we go to dancing they don't got it together the administration don't got it together the council is giving idea to purer the Quality life we see that we don't fit here now I put strict ordinance strict order into this hold on councilman you can do that so you want to sell yourself and dash politic on this do it but this is not going to work I saw it coming in 2022 it was not going to work it was not going to work now we got all this individual fighting over there because one had 10% the other one had a 10% the other one had 20% and the big guy is in California sitting seeing us fighting over here because they making a big bucks thank you counc no you're welcome I haven't finished so yes councel please wrap it up last I don't C2 and C3 not not against not against no one that want to invest in our city if I will have a million dollars probably I will get another kind of business that will contribute more to the residents will contribute more to the Fai base our city it will contribute more to the uh population students that we have it will contribute more to the taxpayers of the city of patteron I rest in this now we have councilman Jackson very good so unfortunately director you um taking a grunt of what um failures came before you but here's the the irony many council members are talking about specific things like data driven decisions this Administration has not presented any data whatsoever on any of the items of any issues in fact we hired a specific person specifically just to uh accumulate data paying them $100,000 a year which you know we tell that oh it's not taxpayers dollars coming from the college no data has been provided in fact this Council has been derel and their respon on our responsibility because we haven't even had the uh uh the year in in review the the state of the city address that talks about the conditions of the decisions that's being made so we made multiple decisions in fact this was one of them councilman bz is right because I I was one of the few ready to convene where other council members weren't answering their phones conveniently when the mayor vetoed this this item we should have it should have been vetted further it should have it should have been um um you know uh scrutinized a lot better and now what what happened was they made promises to all of these other potential licensees that's just the reality the owner of Mr G's he has an establishment he already put together across the street from his other business and it doesn't fit the requirements so now we want to make the Amendments and the mayor who already understands that he's on his way out thought for some crazy reason that he was going to get Den know for the congressional seat which obviously that's not the plan so now it's all about a money grab before we get out of here so it's unfortunate that you find yourself in this in this situation I would like to give you an opportunity to respond not just to what I just said but to some of the other concerns just out as a matter of respect no thank you but um this is going to be um uh critical so if you don't mind go ahead no it is and and thank you Jackson I appreciate um you giving me some you know time to kind of respond to um some of the comments that have been shared again this was meant to really be an opportunity to have a constructive discussion because we haven't had one since this was introduced last year you know and so to get consensus has been very difficult um because I've introduced meetings some council members show some don't but the information has been made and shared you know since I arrived last October um the goal was to really try to move this forward because it is an economic driver the city can reap benefits of it provide that we make amendments to the ordinance the ordinance needs to be amended for anyone to move forward to be honest um and so we have to figure out the best way to do that you know three letters of support were issued um and so unfortunately those operators have not been successful in moving forward for various reasons whether it's not meeting um the distance requirements or possibly because of the um in you know the feud that's taking place internally amongst the owners nevertheless you know the request to amend to expand is only up to six licenses doesn't guarantee that those six licenses can be issued again this governing body is the one that is responsible for issuing those Li those letters of support and they also have to conform with whatever application has been submitted to the state CRC that the state CRC board is the one that ultimately gives them the authority to be able to open and operate in the state of New Jersey the letter of support is just was giving them an opportunity to do so in Patterson um and again you know you have the ability to resend those letters um but you know there were a lot of issues that were you know unfortunately that were not done correctly in the original ordinance and so this is an opportunity now to correct those wrongdoings and move forward so that we can see the success of what you know this was intended to do so that you know I'll leave it at that well I'll just say this and and I I'll wrap right here council president I'll just say this directly in response to what you're saying right if the mayor and the administration was more responsible and was willing to sit with the council at that time and vet out all of the issues that we're seeing now we wouldn't be here right now exactly but no in the final hour in the dead and night his effort was to veto the council's discretion at that time the council said we're not ready this needs further vetting this needs further discussion this needs Community input the mayor took it upon himself to utilize his his authority to veto it and and council members was ducking behind the table and didn't take their what we could have done at the time and counteracted the veto but no so both parties on that side because there's many people that's sitting on that side that's now wants to you you you you you Rush the game and now you want to change the rules So This falls on the mayor's shoulders allow him to you know deal with his decisions that he made and you know I think the the uh rushing it again without any thorough um uh uh thought or feedback input from the community where has if we're talking about data right where has the data driven information feedback from the community had where has that been implemented it hasn't even been considered we want to override what the community's perspective is and we just want to put certain things in place knowing that we're not even going to be here our time is limited here we're making decisions that's going to impact the community on a long-term ongoing basis without even having to sit down with the community members a group of people came here tonight to discuss their concerns and they're automatically shunned off by saying oh no that's not true whatever they believe is the is is is the case those issues have to be addressed and obviously that's not your your job but yet again another failure by this Administration and not taking the concerns of the community you know at heart to begin with I rest thank you council president sure councilwoman so director I want I want to thank you I know since you came on board you have been trying your darnest to make sure to make this ordinance right you soon after you came you said there's some discrepancies there's certain things that were discussed weren't discussed but you also said I understand it because even the state didn't have it all together and you even shared that with us the committee at least those that attend attended the meetings um so I want to thank you and I apologize for you not being given the opportunity for you to answer because I know that you were trying your best and you can hear here as councilman abdell delaz stated the three it is true where are they right I I addressed the administration I said has anybody reached out to find out what's going on because we can't do that right but the administration through your office as the Director you can do that right um but no one has allowed you to speak on all the other things that need to be amended on that ordinance so I know that you said that we can go ahead and resend if we want it I am a personal I stand here and I say I will not be doing that I will not be voting for that because I am not going to be put in through litigation because that is not part of our ordinance but part of it that you have now have addressed it is that now it would be part of the ordinance that you're given a time frame correct and if you don't pick up within that time guess what legally we have the right so right now corre you know you know you weren't able to speak upon that today and the additional things understanding some of my colleagues with the Fe I am a personal you know I'm not trying to scare nobody no it's not coming to your backyard but clearly it is of close proximity so you know I it's there has to be a give and take with this all right but I understood what you were doing um I don't consider this a fail administration because that would mean you're a failure and I don't believe you to be a failure all right because you were put in that position to do a job you've been trying to do it for the last Almost year okay and it is us this counsel that has not allowed you that opportunity and that's why you're here today so all these individuals my colleagues putting out stories out there this is all Davila pushing it I didn't even know that it was on today's agenda did I or I did not you did not oh thank you so people want to make it seem but that is not the case now I will say this in committees I have stated I can't be the only one to be listening to this stuff you need to bring it council president didn't want to bring it he didn't want to we sit in DCA meetings where we are told you need to have the conversation you're the council president address all your colleagues so this is why it's here it needs to have the discussion but what I've heard today about some of the things that is being said and the twist is sad because it's not allowing you to do your job so all said and done amendments should be done certain things the council you can see it's not going to pass this up to six which they keep you can have the language there the council has to support it and vote it up or down right but in addition to allowing all those other amendments like making sure that there is a time frame for each person that should be it so if we Amendment if we amend it we can go back and say you know what we've given you an opportunity we've made amendments you're not grandfathered it anymore because we've given you enough time but we're not even doing that but we want to go ahead and resend all right so so so Patterson I'm letting you know right now we have a director of Economic Development who was not here prior for all this getting done she's trying to make it right and it's unfortunate that we cannot allow her to do her job and bring it forward to us because we cut her off we don't allow her to answer questions and we can't do a CO cost benefit analysis on something that right now we just issued right so there's nothing there right so when you say what's the revenue the applications well you know how much poal is still there and then the other piece too is that you also inherited how many applications on a queue correct right CU there's like nine that's the reason for this so quote unquote to try to make it right but that wasn't you right correct so so I wanted just to put that on record because I have been very passionate with having the conversation and having it as a whole and we have not been able and then when we come here you know you got half my left side who all want to run for mayor right so they're going to attack this Administration and I'm just letting you right now Mar DAV Ain running for mayor I'm running for reelection God willing we don't know what can happen cuz you know we just saw some changes you know cuz I believe that the one above has everything written down on who's going where so I just wanted to thank you for that counil I appr you I know you didn't put all the other things that need to be amended but maybe that this Council can consider if you leave it at the three and make the changes leave the feet and you know council president who knows what could happen so so so director I wanted to thank you so director I I know yes go sure just just give me a minute counc member I know I have two two of my Council KH that want to do their final uh throw the final piece on this conversation I just want to thank you I know how professional you are I feel very Comfort uh comfortable working with you I trust you I believe in you um this process has start wrong I'm not I'm not here attacking well I never sit here playing politic yeah you you see a lot of different people playing politic I say it but not me I'm here to do the right thing for the city I'm here to do what is the best for our community because at the end when I go to bed I want to make sure that I that I took the right decision and that I did my job the job that people elect me to do that tomorrow if I run for some for another office I do my I do politics I do my campaign outside I know how I know how to win election I've done it many times all I want to say is that I was very clear with DCA and with everybody if we want to get this done we have to make the right Amendment let's take those the three to sit out let's take the feet away when we approve the original Three we approve it with the condition that we're going to change with the condition that we will change the the 300 to 200 feet otherwise they will never qualify so I think that your job right now is going to be to go after those three license and make the amendment to make sure that they are in compliant whether we resent it because they don't qualify or whether they start their business because we already approved those three I don't believe this is it sounds good it sounds good for politic to go out there and talk oh let's resend all those license I ask you the question because based on my knowledge about business I've been in business for over 20 years I've been in the private sector and I know very well that if the a municipality give me a license I got two license from the state and if the municipality come back to me and try to take those license away from me I will suit them and I'm going to win because we don't have anything in place any timeline any time window so those council member that talking about resending they run and they just playing politic I'm going to say it like that I will be very very clear so my advice to you is to go back uh make those amendment to make sure that we keep control of those three and finally we will see those three in place operating and then we could come back and talk and see how we're going to move into the next level so I think that the conversation of cannabis should end right here because we exactly know what we want we know exactly what we agree on the reason why cannabis is here because I want it here I want everybody to talk now we all clear we all know what we want so now you have a better way to concentrate your effort on to no thank you council president thank you Council thank you uh councilwoman C you want to I'm sorry um director yes thank you um council president I just want to say to you um director um it really you know you came in afterwards see sometimes the only problem that I have with with changes you put too many you too put too many in there like if we need need to change um if we need to change the feed or we need to change that it shouldn't be all muggle in together with with with with with all the other ones now um the only thing that I see here too that in um um have we returned the money to the other licenses that apply um for those that I think the first thing we need to do is return the money to those other six Li that apply we need to return their money we need to turn their 30,000 because we don't know when they're going to be able to get on wait a second yeah go ahead right that's the first thing now and as as as they said before the three that was on there what do they need to get done you're not going to increase because what I find is that I'm looking at this ordinance and it's like four or five changes in in the one ordinance I think that that that's too many you need to what do we need to correct reason yeah so the reason for um I guess the amount of changes that are in that ordinance is to really correct all of the issues that were wrong with the first ordinance so that we don't have to continue to come back before the council committee to make these amendments so it was a you know a one shot let's get everything in and let this be the ordinance as we continue to move forward I mean you got to make all these changes for the three that we got in correct we got to correct all of that correct there was no time frame that was in the first I don't see time frame in here I see the time frame is in there I see the 300t to 200t 300 feet 200 feet um right that changed but there's also change to um the fees that you know in case of violations there's changes in those fees there's also the 1080 day um requirement that they would need to complete everything um and be operational that's in there um there's also the ability to deny applications there's also the ability to request additional information um and also um just more accountability and transparency in the process to be honest let me ask you something I see here first offense of $1,000 we going to 5,000 correct and then I'm just saying but then we at second offense we got 2,000 we going back down to a th000 um why why would we go down so if you look at that one right so it's so it was a decrease of $1,000 um for the first offense and if you see that the second offense it's even greater it got $2,000 and then a th000 per day correct so the first right the first fine the first violation they incur fine up to a th saying okay so you're saying everything in here for this number 63 and I'm going to read it really good that this 63 is to correct the three that we approve all these items in 63 I'm asking your director correct is to uh the the item for 6 three it'll permit the three you and you going to take out six you're going to take out six and we're going to concentrate on the three we're going to concentrate on the three licenses that were already issued and we got all the stuff that you have in here now is to is to correct for the three that was issued correct okay I see what you're saying because even to go to 300 feet to 200 feet that that's not going to go I can see that um it's just but I got to really um but then you would take that out but I wouldn't even go low for for for violations I wouldn't even like go don't go lower than that um and my second request is you need to return the money for those other licenses that apply they need the city needs to return their money okay understand that's um and and I councilwoman m is next but um director thank you director thank you and thank you councilwoman C that's a very good point director we want to make sure that whoever deposit check they send those check back now in all fairness when we start this process there was so many some there was a lot of misinformation and it's clearly stated that in order for you to apply you have to submit the payment and if you didn't qualify would you get the money back and people used to go to the counil I already make by payment yes you have to make a payment in order for you to apply for the license but it's important let's send those back and let's work with the three that we already have correct let's work on those Amendment okay and Council right up so um this will be my final point on this matter these items are being removed thank you council president as they need to be removed but um I'm grateful that when we were receiving payment from these applicants that I advocated to make sure that if they pay their money they can be reimbursed because in the initial process they were not going to be able to get their money back so whatever that list looks like because they've come to the mic they've um attacked us they even stated that they would take us to court because they're losing money because of us they're not losing money because of us because the Amendments had to be has to be made when we were in the finance committee it was clear in finance that we were not on board so I was very shocked when I got the packet to see that it was on the agenda I was shocked to see that so I'm not sure how it got here after in our finance committee that it was stated I Know Myself uh uh council president Mendes as well so I don't know how it got to the agenda from the committee to here so I apologize to you director because this was way before you came on I know how frustrating it is that you're trying to push and Advocate but to the community at large I have not changed my stance I've been the same from the beginning I talked about the footage I even talked about it when the applicants that got the letter of support I was quite questioning how are they going to get it and they were below the footage I questioned that and it was approved anyway I questioned that so now for them to be where they are and the need to have it reduced is a concern and I'll put this on the record if if it's felt that well me shouldn't be on finance committee take me off cuz I'm not going to be a yes vote and a no vote for the community never who ask if it needs to be if it needs to be if I I'm not talking to you Council no I'm saying if they feel like me taking my stand for the community um nullifies me being on the committee take me off cuz I don't need to be on a committee when I need to fight for the community this language was incorrect from the door we said we needed more time so we could get the community involvement and we voted it down the mayor veto as you heard I was one of the people when valz made the call I was on board cuz he needs six votes I was one of those people as well that was ready to go and have another meeting so we can override but you need six votes but to the community at large Madam um we have to be concerned we have a lot of issues going on in our community and I know there's so many things we could talk about but we've been on this item for hours talking about cannabis when we have people that are being killed in our community there are robberies going on in our Community loud noises disturbances over 150 vacancies in our schools with no teachers we have a lot of issues going on in our community and the in the bulk of our conversation tonight was on cannabis that should make the community even take a pause to say what is going on that should not be the the conversation that we're even discussing and I get it that you want to push it because that's what you're trying to do but that should not be something that is at the Forefront of what happened we got to clean the streets they are filthy we got to clean them dumping I feel bad for DPW video after video picture after picture DBW have to come off their route and go where people are dumping and stuff and I'm looking forward to those cameras coming that we've talked about for a while that the cameras will come and catch the perpetrators and we can enforce the law but until those are the main priorities and on the table this is not even something we should be discussing I get it that people want it but all those people that are on the um that's been waiting for a long time I think a letter should be uh written to them saying that you've been waiting for a long time and they can get their money back because their their Money's been here for a long time based on the the uh Excel sheet that we received in the past and I want to put this at at at close you can always do a CA benefit analysis whether revenue revenue is being generated or lost or none being at all there's no such thing as you cannot do a c benefit analysis you need to do that to determine if it's a benefit for our community in and of itself should have been done from the door and at this point now that we've given three uh support letters and we have not received anything we definitely need to do it to make sure that we're putting uh making the main things be the main things in the city of Patterson because Patterson has a lot of concerns and I'm sure the residents that will watch after the presidential debate on tonight they will agree with the sentiments of what this Council has stated thank you council president for the healthy discussion but I I am not going to support this our community deserves better than thank you councilwoman and with that being said the item 63 and item 64 it's out of it's out of the agenda um director I want to thank you and this conversation was needed to take you know this conversation was needed to see what was the uh sentiment of this govern body no absolutely so I'm looking forward to see those Amendment and just I'll go back to you in a minute and just on the record um because uh we we got to make sure that we send the right information whoever spoke about whoever spoke about resending those license without making the right amendment is wrong we cannot do that we got to fix the problem we got to um reorganize and make the amendment in order for them in order and and right after we could hold an accountable and say listen you got this time window you haven't done nothing with license and it will be res sended back so let's work on that process let's get back and let's do things the right way from the beginning okay council member I tried to I know there's a few council member that have to leave but we have all the items on the agenda so let's take care a few more item and right after that Madame Clerk and I will go over the agenda brief thank you council president uh director so I just want to say that I commend your professionalism and dedication for the Department I truly meant it and you're a great ass said for the city that's absolutely correct I know the whatever you are coming up with with you're trying to correct the wrongdoings from the past that's a very truth you know that and I you say you stand for whatever right for the city of Patterson that's only request to me in the past when we approved three licenses the previous director offered people that we are going to allow you or have more licenses and he got money from the people that that's what happened this Council failed this Council voted NE for six licenses second time the PBS director came up with 10 licenses on top of this we had that experience what I'm trying to tell you is this if you just focus on correcting the past it's not going to go anywhere I would say just focus on whatever is correct for the city of Patterson and it is very true that you agree with me that when we have three licenses approved if the those who are holding those licenses if they cannot move forward forward I think we should have held the conversation with them and give give some kind of soft or hard deadline that whether you have to effect or uh you know go on operation or or we have to offer the next who on the line but I definitely would request you that those who are holding money they're calling you definitely as a director but just know this they're also reaching out to the council members that we are holding their money for that long so I us say correcting the past is going to be a wrong decision for you you they're going to present you as uh you know someone who is not correct actually you are amazing and I say you show your amazing job here do not try to correct whatever happened in the past because we all know what happened in the past when we approved the uh three licenses the same day we had four or five applicants right here in the council chamber were asking us what happened to my application and none of the council know what happening here and then they we found out the C their check so it means that we are selling products when I do not have products so do not try to sell that anymore stand on whatever right for you so I you know this for your counc because I really commend that because I know how professional you are thank you so thank you no thank you all um I appreciate the feedback thank you director council members before um Council M leave I know um so item 21 is on regular and I will take care the rest of the agenda with u h on council president hold on hold on hold on if we could stay council members listen so we're five here so Council if we could go quick um so we could definitely make some progress let me start from the beginning uh I don't on second reading we all good um I'm sorry council president if I'm sorry that's okay you know uh I just want to in a particular way um see if you might have any questions for explanation for Vista Park and the Great fallsa Bridge we have director aredi who's been here um this evening and especially since there's such a big if if we might be able to tackle it tonight then he might be able to he would be able to answer any questions that it could be on John Franco and and I me and I'm was like I'm excited because I haven't seen John Frankin in one one of our meeting in a while so I yeah they go regular we know that it's a grand funding and the money Frank the bridge go to the other side and you know you cannot through there so so so council members let's take item 22 and 23 who is um related with historic preservation with John Franco item 22 is a resolution of needing uh in support of the application of haxon blue 24 LLC to the New Jersey Economic Development Authority in connection with the development of an affordable housing project in the city of pis regular thank you economic uh item 223 is regular regular thank you and resolution item 23 council members resolution authorizing the solicitation of a bid for Patterson Vista State Park Improvement project bid number 24 that St for the division of the historic preservation of the Department of Economic Development John Franco would you like to elaborate on those two item since this is a workshop and if you want to elaborate 20 22 and 23 they both are regular but if you would like to elaborate on those two item if I got a question just a minute so Council M I have John Franco on the front so if you want to elaborate and if we have any question then we item 22 regular and 23 regular they both Economic Development that's good did uh I got a question did they uh coun I got ccan Captain first I'm sorry no I was okay so so she adding okay so John Franco before if you want to elaborate on item 23 you let me open the floor for you before we ask any question and if we don't need to ask any question so we could move on I got a question goe thank you count council president thank you uh uh council members so this item is about um uh approving for us to go out and solicit bids for the Vista Park uh project that we've been working on for several years now um the the funding mechanisms took some time to put together uh I want to point out that no uh city funding is being included in this project for the award of contract or for the soft costs it's all strictly um state and federal funds uh for this project it is state owned land we don't have it here the um project is uh the Patterson Vista State Park and uh the city has had for a while an agreement with the state park uh service about you know getting this project done and getting this land improved so I've said I you know last time I was here quite a while ago talking about this project I wanted to remind everyone that the state of New Jersey purchased this land about 2017 and it's the largest addition of open space in terms of uh area to the city of Patterson um since the 1880s since the purchase of our two large Parks West and East Side Parks I'm confused Franco talking coun just give me one minute before I just got a quick question before I open the floor to the council to my Council col I ask this question I know this is part of a n the national park um Vista Park is not it's not outside of the boundary of the national park okay exactly okay I just want to make sure that since all is all there it's all connected okay and and and this is a part of the historical yes SE part of part of the park is in the historic Zone yes okay thank you um so so counc mes uh so you telling me that 22 is tied up with 23 no they're not they're separate they're going to be on the same uh track for bidding and the same uh project track for construction uh but they're different projects and um they're they're to be looked at you know voted voted on differently so this is not a situation where you need one before the other I'm sorry council president this it's actually numbers 23 and 56 are the ones that um John Franco is discussing so 23 Park and 56 is the foot Bridge 23 I don't have 23 here so no um no I don't have 23 I got 24 25 and this is uh 33 right mhm oh 56 now um Franco uh do you believe that okay this is the one 23 okay Joe Franco yeah this one yeah but we're in 23 Vista Park right now do you think that this this this this this this land has some problem way way way back do you think this land is contaminated I'm not sure what your being B in your there was a housing project there that was knocked down decades back okay so you are you saying that you think the housing project has to do with contamination uh I think the I think the No No but let Joe uh not Joe U Franco I believe the project did not kick off the right way because it was contaminated the area they didn't finish the project there do you think it's because it's contaminated the land I have no I have no knowledge of that I can't I can't comment either way because when we went there um about two years ago three we was up there we did a press conference and everybody was talking about the residential part of that place there that they knocked down or you think that it was knocked down and no having to nobody could build houses or whatever because it's contaminated again councilman I I can't comment about that I don't have any knowledge of of the fact I can say this though what I what I what I do know is the state of New Jersey purchased that property with uh State funding and there is a due diligence process that they go through and they purchase any uh lands and part of that is to evaluate uh any contamination of the land what do the CLE what's the scope of work for that a bit the scope of work is contained in the memorandum that I provid the back onsite part parking toilet facil wow we getting toilet there sh yeah we we fighting we fighting for toilet and our Parks PVE uh well council president should I continue with the no no excuse me excuse me director just just excuse me uh Frank council members council members no no no no council president to council Council let me bring Council council president I'm still speaking with him uh I understand but he asked he he he addressed me let me repeat you that I open the floor counc he say council president should I continue so he's ignoring me and going through you I'm still having finished with you Council director okay can I finish Council has the floor when he finish with his question then we're going to move on with any coun Kali so just you know I would support any project you put forward right you know that there's no secret on that so when it comes up to this I want to know I'm more details because that place is being empty for the longest who's going to be operating you know that we know uh we did hli stadium close to it you know we we need to know who's going to be operating this how it's going to be all this green beautiful looks that the scope of work I saw it right uh what's your rough investment in this if we go to bit what do you think uh do I have to disclose that I'm trying to protect the bidding process okay okay so let's believe so may believe it comes $10 million uh do the city have the money to uh to invest in that bit well it's none of the funding that's queued up for this construction project is city funding yeah but the say oh it's on City how much do we have now it's not on city land either it's on state own land okay how much we have now that we got Grant well that that's the same issue I mentioned if I mention that then it'll contaminate the bidding process okay all right I mean I can tell you the sources of funding it's just a few different sources the state yeah there's there's State any federal funding there's Federal funding through the land and water conservation fund and is it going to be tied up with the Great Falls well it's outside of the boundary of the national park but it's within the boundary of the of the historic district so actually to answer your question it's nearby but it's not directly tied in with uh the the national park all right um thank you coun um um um so director just want to say I just want to make a comment on the design it's beautiful it's amazing I mean that that view from there it's incredible um so now and we have the senior building we have the stadium this area is really need of a Redevelopment I love the design my only concern and this is outside our purview because it's a private property is the old building facing Toto Avenue that if that building will be rehabilitated the whole area will be um in a different shape but I hope I hope that the owner of those property bring a project back to the city to renovate it and make the whole area look nice I want to thank you this Idol will be on regular so we'll be voting on the next meeting for that so I appreciate your time thank you councilman they approve it they approve a new 506 director resolution authorizing solicitation of a bid for p of Great Falls pedest that could consent so we good yeah I appreciate it thank you director thank you council president content so so I have director Ramirez here no what happened with the Huston Blue 24 so director Ramirez all consent service director council members just a minute all concern so from 24 director uh to councilman what about 2 27 uh director R can you come into the mic oh he not doing that director so so I know those item those um you have from 2425 26 27 they went through um committee they all they will be in consent if you have any comment good okay thank you director so 24 25 26 and 27 council member will go on consent happy birthday director so so council members saw 29 which one okay so 29 consent council members consent okay 30 any question 30 consent so 31 council members consent consent so 32 total a row consent consent um 33 consent consent so we have license following the it that's so they they'll call they all should go on consent and 34 on consent they all coin operat also as well council members um 35 consent uh 36 are consent that's right there thir award beautiful business councilwoman Dava thank you for attending at the Grand Opening of this beautiful establishment beautiful thank you thank you7 thank you for inviting me consent oh yes are you missing you was out of town wasn't out of 38 consent 39 consent 39 was the gentleman that came on on on tonight consent uh so I don't from police I know that Council Council exactly Ms and Dava you both went uh through those item 41 42 and 40 what about about 41 42 the movie the movie industry we haven't got that yet oh no where is it council member just a minute uh it's what oh I don't belong to that committee anymore they kick me out I think I think the only question so you agree that 40 41 and 42 all should go on consent it's a 44,000 for all all five of these so we went through public work already um Billy I mean um director Jamal Joel that's we're in police he didn't do okay I'm looking at 40 but that's police okay that's right well I guess you part um I was just wondering if that 43,000 is for all five of those agencies what about 6 can we put in regular I would just refer to what it says in the the resolution yeah I know I see it but you don't have number 40 huh I didn't we're talking about number 40 40 yes yes it's for all is coming let's so it's for each of them no award to exceed an amount more 43,000 for each of them yes oh it's for but that's it's a not to exceed amount okay the not to exceed amount is 43,000 for each oh that would be for each yes okay so if everyone's okay which one Council we we we agree council members on police the three item they will go on consent we already went through public work1 41 can go consent as well that is yeah but read the read the item what's the item 41 is a number authoring through already to Total Primary Care Center for Medical physical testing for the Department of Public Safety we fats H and that's basically the same that we use so they can get tested fre 42 councilman that way they could 42 resolution authorizing the first option year renewal contract with network communication international corporation for the inmate cord fee telephone system that's when they all right it's those are the three item consent if we move to 42 we we went through public war and item then we move to item 57 which is a resolution authorizing a memorandum of understanding between the city of patteron um community core and various service provided this is law the law department now what number we on which one 57 oh7 I thought we said that that was going to go on La Department going consent consent uh council president where is the one for the movie uh fees the first reading okay council president uh can you do me a favor uh because because what happened is we're going C Council listen we we're going in order on the agenda we and I don't if we move quick and fast and we stay and we concentrate on the item we will be able to get there and we'll be able to finish agenda so so we got start so yeah but who's wrong because I'm reading the agenda you already in 50 Sunday I'm looking for that you say we already did it no no no no so remember uh public work we going through all the item of public work we went to 56 which is economic development which is in consent 57 the law department is in consent now we are it it St exactly so we're on item 58 consent consent yeah item number 60 is resolution honoring lose Posada on the 40 years of service of the patteron free public library of the city of Pon I would like to um be a sponsor on that you could put as a CO yes so who is I like to be a sponsor and also counc sponsor okay so Council by cler will be the sponsor and myself and I and and I'll myself also as well ask me at least council president I ask for the floor Council so I just want to put it on record that this council did not take 100% of the budget from the library if you take 100% budget from the library they would have a zero dollar dollar budget that did not happen um I do commend the work of director Fleming who has found and has worked tirelessly to get a lot of Grant dollars um and some matching from uh this Administration voted on by this Council but we did not reduce the library budget by 100% I just want to put that on some of the direct some of the board members were watching and they know that it's notc president thank okay so and the facts is that um the director and they board on trying to get more funding to the library thanks God that we received a million dollars of Grant of this past week that we going to receive it but the administration had to understand that the library needs the money and the budget to support whoever they cut the library was the administration it was in US 6 when we go to uh when we go to discuss the budget they cut it back deal they cannot do nothing unless the ba tell them what to do so what we requesting is that that this Administration this year in their budget present a responsible budget that reflect Recreation budget and also Library budget okay uh we cannot macro this city the city keep on growing and we need to put the service to the residents I know that I cannot say this in her office if she threw me out her office too so um but I could say now public here on this on the situation and council president um the the this budget coming forward a screen I know that people are saying that we receive $27 million no we receive $2 million extra in transitional Aid in total 27 but that transition a they use it when they can't not because when want to it's when they can't and they had to justify it now okay so I don't know I don't know what part I don't know what part you're getting on it just give me a minute but they still they still listen stay with me for a minute counc stay with me for a minute so Council Kali I understand that we're excited to talk about the budget that's a conversation that is coming no no but listen let's continue let's continue we have we have a few more item before we finish this agenda yeah let's continue so we item 61 is in consent if we all agree yes consent 61 I would like to be added as a sponsor to that one as well which one it's a resolution h tomasina dunan on her retirement from the patteron free public library and dedication into the city of patteron C councilman could be Coons come on council president they could be Co well I'm the one sponsoring look at the resolution it's not the number here it's not here but it's in the body of the resolution I'm the sponsor that's why I'm asking why the GU don't it's like my item that's not here as but I'm it's supposed to be I got a package okay look it's here council president it's like there's a few items that because of the back in forth and not having all the info the agenda but in the body of the resolution it says who the sponsor is and if we need to add someone of course that's all right I mean it's not here but it's okay so so so we' Makes the Dream Work are these two going on regular regular regular no they so so so they council members we agree 60 on regular and 61 on consent or you [Music] want identif understood 6 61 regular man clerk so we're moving we're moving into first reading no 66 give me one second remember let's take let's take it 62 I I'm not consent 66 consent this is first reading right now6 let's keep let's leave the first second first reading what I'm saying council president is that we've already been through this Rodeo you have the authority anybody that wants to speak you allowed to give them there's no need to put six minutes for each person so so 6 62 62 and then the other ones were removed 63 and 64 removed I didn't say nothing so so so so council members so council president so now since we have a the a conversation about cannabis right and you saw the dialogue it's important this is a workshop right and this is the place for all to have to have this discussion everybody should be in public now let me be let let's talk about this six minute but because the councilman that is a sponsoring it's not here now I want to hear all my Council K when I remove it so I want to hear no so let me let me be fair let me let me finish let me finish council member now auth let me finish council member since we agree council members sometime on a regular meeting we have 20 speaker 25 just think about this so let me say this Council you want to be fair you want to be fair counc counc can you allow me to just just come and send 25 times six how many hour we're going to spend how long it's going to take uh that doesn't even make sense that doesn't even make sense we're going to move it but so council president yes Council okay okay council president so you know let let's be honest right let's let's be fair the the the councilman has the the curfew to the the the right to put an item in the agenda it was advertised in the workshop and first reading if you don't want to agree on something let's do this let's put it to a vote everybody vote Yes up and down and that will send a message if they agree or not 62 I know it's going to be but put it to a vote that's why I'm saying put it to a vote M so you're keeping it okay we keeping it we keep 62 mad cler we keep 62 um no no we keep 62 on regular and we'll go for a vote counc council members council members council members listen the councilman he been trying to put this item on the agenda increasing the time for 3 to6 let's go for a vote because if you believe if you believe that we're going to be more effective allowing a person to come and and speak for 6 minute you have a serious problem serious problem put it to a vote the televis the meeting is televised anyway anybody that want to vote on it go on the floor no so and to the resident of the great city of Patterson there's a resolution on the floor there's a c wants that wants a person to come here and speak instead of 3 minute to six minute so he been tried to this democracy on Tuesday we're going to vote on this Idol if you against you vote no if you're in support you vote Yes and then and then he don't have no 66 you go to 66 yeah so item 63 and 64 we already passed we don't even we remove it mad CL it's being removed um 64 is been in consent I 66 64 is 65 is consent 66 this is information technology Madame ba she consent 66 Madam consent 67 consent gohe 62 consent we don't need it item number item number 68 okay this is my item just which one I am the the um 68 is my item go I I am uh the uh sponsor councilwoman cotton and councilwoman M will be co-sponsors um I went to high school with all all of them um class of ' 89 um we were in the movie together um and can you me is someone that I respect and it's something that I think the guys deserve it they are Patterson they still live here they work in our Patterson Public Schools so this is why we're honoring them a regular Council woman right so do you want to be a co-sponsor too yes no now no question Council woman so Council will be a coor I'm sponsor Council counc counc woman question counc yes uh due to the GPS and Google Map riff Road will throw out the road the word Road why we can put the road is his the the group used to be riff Road or is rift their group their group is named riff so they thought oh riff all right okay riff all right but the word Road and GPS s it's going to throw away the E 24 council president I am going to keep it as riff Ro as the request of the group as well as their manager okay so your your request is being honored it's going to stay the same making sure that police know that we have so that'll go on regular sponsor with you 69 thank you so item item 69 councilwoman Ms asked me to add um her as a co-sponsor and also councilwoman Davila council president president um Council I want to be also co-sponsor and also correct something to to put his to put his complete name William and council members M clerk um let the ver reflect item 69 which is a resolution Destin 9th Avenue between his 28 and 29 to also be known as Congressman Bill pasc way billly let William William Willam so let's make sure the put that we put because Bill isation so and put should also be fixed as well yeah the word honorable council members you could uh so let the record reflect the council Ms councila and Council and they will be Co co-sponsor no why co-sponsor record let me put it on record go ahead councilman at that time let me put it on record so everybody would know yeah let me put it on record 697 they both go they both go on regular Madam clerk okay okay let me put it on record council president that my husband Eddie cotton was the first africanamerican deputy mayor under under Bill pascarell in 1996 along with Jim gallinger and the duties of my husband was TV Land Eddie wrote Congressman Bill pastorelle speeches nice so I want everyone to know that he was in his office until he went to be Congressman beautiful so he was Eddie cotton was Bill pascarel right-hand person that he went to thank you council president thank council members I think you needed to Council woman DAV this is mine so let me let me there's a correction that I need to make on the floor as this is a request that came in I've been working with uh yako now for their entire 25 years okay um and it should 77 should be it's it's not American citizen but it's immigration and American citizenship organization which his initials are yako they are located they used to be in p and they're located now 301 um in Center City Mall in Main Street M Street and you know um they're going to be celebrating 25 years of service scholarship award okay um but this this organization and and and I think our director you know they they've worked very closely with us with Alo you know they do a lot of um assistance with immigration free citizenship drives and so many other things um and I've worked very closely with them for many years so it's their 25th anniversary so I just wanted to make the correction that it should read immigration and American citizenship organization its initials are i a o apost 25th anniversary and scholarship award ceremony thank you Council so 77 will be on regular mad clerk um 77 will be on regular item 78 that's councilwoman Ruby C councilwoman you consent no I do not agree with that okay okay okay okay Madame clerk resolution appointing does Bradley as a tenant representative to the P Housing Authority go regular and I want to be a co-sponsor council woman can I be as co-sponsor on this no I told him he you can yes I'll be out as a co-sponsor thank you council president yes and with this s since um and I I don't want to just delay the process but Council KH if you look what we did with this we went through a process if you think about it Council woman C submit the resume um uh of uh of Dolores Bradley so we spent a full week a month through the process nobody appli so you know nobody appli so she was the only one now moving forward in the future Corporation Council moving forward in the future I believe that this will be the right appropriate way if there if there is a if there's an appointment that belongs to the entire Council any council member have the right to submit a resum so what Dolores Bradley was she submit the counc woman submit the wrestl we wait four weeks nobody appli for this now she is the one so if if we have a second person the council president but I have to also say councilwoman has an appointment no it's not me this is a tenant so we going to get five Council votes hear you me council members we going to get five votes it's a counil it's not R let's move forward 7 year regular council president council president council member thank you uh through the chair um council president you know that I did submit a candidate and I withraw it because Council woman uh Ruby K proposed hers so you cannot say that we didn't propose you even asked me about my candidate I say I will draw it no it's true okay he had and it's true you you you would draw a councilman but we wa so I submitted I submitted one and I sent the the resume to my office and it was already submitted right but when Ruby kind submitted hers I decide to talk to her and she say good councilman whatever you want you I do because I'm not going to put an experienced person like Mrs Bradley and somebody that has less experience in housing in this position she agreed and that's why I remove her and I then from that point on I express all my support to Dolores Bradley and that's why I respectfully ask councilwoman Ruby K to ask me to sponsor on it too and we also went through the process and we wait the time and she was the one and even though any other person will come she's the most qualified she is the one and moving forward years from now I think we will appreciate this process because anybody will have the right to submit multiple name and we will go over to the process and give equal and fair chance to everybody to submit a name and let me say this council president uh before we we we we move on this uh and I want to say this in loud and clear Council the me as a statutary uh chair of of of uh of this housing right I see that the people that works there the employees the director and the people that I deal with that I speak to it the the board I have a good relation with all of them and they Affair across the board please do not divide the this city through a agency or a function that anybody had to do when we appoint people is because we are smart enough they are smart enough to do the job and we appoint them let them go let them do the job and I think that that that housing authority will move forward with this board that they have thank you counc let me let me take this quick moment also to thanks our director the queen of housing IR magor for cleaning the re uh the Heritage Place empty L it's totally cleaning uh so it's cleaning so I've been on top of that for the past 6 seven month now we're going to fence it now we're going to go around we're going to fence it we're going to put a fence and we're going to wait the Board of Education to work in partnership with the housing authority to build the project that is needed on that location but now it's clean to my third War uh constituents it wasn't me but I was working directly with the director IM magor and she came through and she cleaned the side now we're going to fence that out so that's what teamw workk look like so director director kudos to you thank you so item 79 resolution making application to the local Finance board for the es this needs to go to local finc pres give me a second council members on council president this is item we discussed this today councilwoman Mims and I were um today in finance uh she discussed briefly that this item has to go to the local Finance board yes we did have um the individuals here I know they're going to be speaking to councilwoman since you weren't here we didn't want to proceed with the whole presentation um but council members this item should go on regular council president just a minute Council Le I'll open the floor to um uh to Madame ba um before we before we open the floor Madame B if you want to elaborate on item number 79 79 sure yes so 79 and 80 are are connected you have the titles there and we will have uh the final ordinance in your take-home packets um they were just finalizing numbers with our bond counsel and our um financial advisor so that we're getting the most upto-date interest rate any of the um you know kind of the the to make sure that the bond is exactly what we need it to be because it also is as you can see with 79 it's part of the local Finance board application so when um when we review answer any questions here that's first reading then it goes to the lfb then it comes back for second reading after that application council president very good very good Council M ba what what what 7980 7980 how much is uh tell us in the credit card how we doing on that our deps so this is this is not the same of of a uh a bonding like our other bonding that this is taken on by county Improvement Authority this is an energy savings bond so then it gets paid off by the Energy savings that are put forward as well as the capital investment from the city so the total project for this is going to be just shy of about $6 million so it's a decrease after hearing the council's feedback from last go around which was a little over $7 million and it's using trans supplemental transitional Aid as well as um $2 million in ARP funds to make the a capital investment and then the rest the bond is then being paid Down With the Energy savings so it's not on the city's credit card in the same way since when you uh Corporation Council sorry I I I I stopped you going up since when you be dealing this with since when I mean the the Energy savings Improvement plan has been going on for about probably about three years two and a half years okay uh when do you know that you're going to uh make the application refunding Bond and and the other one to the state when you knew it because I I don't even see the I see a title only yeah as as I just explained the process you will have the the final ordinance by this Friday because you're you'll be voting on it next week we get criticized here because we cannot put titles only it we don't have a a a resolution paper draft to read and isn't that but you could do it but one of the reasons why coun you could do it in presented councilman VZ I'm I would just like to respond um we asked asked you if you wanted to meet with the the people from esep we provided you opportunities to do so we didn't hear anything any feedback no because so we're going me out of your office last time I was talking I will ask you to leave my office every time you yell like you have been doing you disrespectful you me keep Madam Madam ba with all your respect I respect you for the past eight years anger that I have seen repated you want to pull me you want me to pull me in the same level that you be fighting with councilman Jackson I'm not going to fall I'm not going to fall in that procurement with you okay okay not not because you don't like what we tell you you get an attitude Council you get an attitude you have a look that you want to kill us I'm not going to do and and I going to accept that respect council members council members forg about it she threw you out one time oh two yeah okay so so so council member item 79 is on regular last item it's on first reading es I ordinance go for first reading and this is the last item no it's not no no no council president it's it's not the last item because my item okay uh my street naming 20 okay counc president going on regular item 20 just give me a minute counc coun I I really have to I really have to finish is a resolution to rename maret Street between Memorial driet is in honor of we got woman council president council president I had the floor when I was addressing about these two items Council we get we get criticized we get criticized at council members to just put drafts or or or or title only like it happened before you got criticized before you put the title now the administration is doing the same thing nobody could tell her why we don't have a draft here we could ask them right now so so so Council I'm going to repeat you what I say in the beginning when Council council member can can can can you listen to me for a minute on item 79 when we have the EM the memoranda of understanding we didn't have the body of the resolution I say it we're going to leave it on the agenda and by the time you get the body of the resolution if you have any question you going to be able to reach out to the administration if you have any question you're going to be able to reach out to the director and we will still have time to say no let's take it out out of the agenda and that's going to stay on this on this item so I'm trying to be fair across the board and Madam bpress by title we will have the body of the resolution we'll go over we could send email we could make phone calls and we could be in connection connection with the director and with a VA if we have any additional you had to read you had to read the emails that Madam ba s and and and and when I read those emails you can see the anger that she had when she write emails this goes for you too this go for you too this go for you too it's so sad and you know what I'm tired of seeing you too so sad but all right so so members of the public Madame Madame Madame clerk I have a request on I don't on the renaming of the U Ninth Avenue uh with the name of Congressman Bill I want the whole Ninth Avenue that was that was something that no no no you can't do that council president council president we have council president as someone who's a vice chair of Street naming all right which it didn't go but I'm not going to be in opposition just know that we've always given it's always been two blocks no we go up to two blocks Count coun Council president it's always been the norm that when we do renaming that we give two blocks so the one that I'm doing actually is is it's a very long block but it's yo I don't know if the governor gave the ru 19 completely and it's not complaining but normally it's okay so we not we have so we have the two block motion to adjourn this meeting no counc hold on hold on we're not counc we finish number 11 block regular number 11 council president let me get number 11 yeah so number 11 council president council member no before you put it it's in first reading but I want to do an amendment 21 can you add um C Dava as well is already up there too can I get thein so on first reading council members Council what's your Amendment okay the amendment on number 11 is is going to be at follow council president um wait a minute one second she's doing 21 at councilwoman DAV as well no this is the other one this is not 11 21 is denouncing and opposing project 25 2025 need to read that 21 is on regular I know but I was okay but I want to do an amendment before it goes to First reading Madame ba okay so Madame ba you just gave us where's the letter of the uh the explanation that you gave it LO in my pal here can can I have one please I got to read it why is that the fees um no yes hold on I got it I got it I got it I got Council woman hold on I got it council members please one at a time Council has the floor as soon as he finish I know he'll be brief and then we could continue oh where is it the the memorandum of the the feif on okay yes let me do the amendment okay Madame Madame ba we're g to put the fees the same one that has Nork yes no Nork we G to put the same fees that have Nork with the third largest city in the city of Patterson okay and we are going to compare we're going to be in the middle of both of them nor has 500 basic filming period permit for $1,000 expedite permit we're going to put the same one to have Newark you're talking about revenues let's start from there so what is your question councilman huh so so my I had a question I have request want them to be lower I want it higher you you say n has it 2,000 everything that n has we going to put it here you only have here um on the body resolution $750 I believe is I saw here so should this be Revisited until we're ready no we've been back for Council we've been back so so let's wait let's wait M if you want to talk about it when you vote mad if you think about the taxpayer of the city of pison you should be on my side right now you just stayed in the floor today earlier that they repave all the parking authority parking and they didn't did us they didn't did our parking lot and now we have to invest the money in that parking to fix it they didn't damage our parking lot so yes they did man yes they did I don't know I don't know if you like uh um uh that type of dustry but I wanna I want to talk about you going from 500 to 750 I believe okay and it's with all the million dollars that those people do and you know how many Revenue the the city of patteron lose of those businesses they say oh no the the businesses around are going to get benefit you know what they do they do the whole crew they bring food trucks they bring everything they don't shop in our stores they don't eat in our restaurants that's a lie all those restaurant have to close down if they have a moving shooting in the city of Patterson okay but then they want to come and and and put the low fees this is one of the things that you should increase not go after small business owners increase it as nor be fair to the taxpayer that have stores in downtown you know the last time they blocked the street back here the behind not back here but in City Hall okay it looks good when do you have the time to see one of those movie you don't even recognize this pison because they changed the whole structure okay we we recognize the Westside Story because at the end was the building from the city hall but and they Dam they damaged all our streets what are we getting back oh we understand the cops get overtime we understand that EMS get overtime but the business owners all those street blocks we are we have a heavily traffic Road in the city of parison heavily traffic Road and when you decide to do all the movies in downtown you're not thinking how many Revenue we lose in the meters unless you hiding something unless you're hiding something because do they pay do they pay the meters do they pay the meters to parking authority do they pay the meters to parking authority do they pay the meters oh my God so question did they pay the meters at the parking authority council members it's a fair question okay while while she take your time to answer let me open the floor to one again once again Patterson as a finance chair these are things through process okay councilwoman Mims myself council president we sit on the um and councilman colleag the reasoning for this and the reason reasoning of why it's a little less than nor is that the administration felt the ba that we can be a little competitive right so to a certain extent what councilman LS Vel is saying in terms of you know being the third largest city so you know we're not constantly filming all right when we talk about fees you know what we need to do we need to amend the fees that haven't been amended for 25 years in the city of Patterson under the Board of Health or Health and Human Services that's what it's going to bring Revenue but we're looking at some something that is not going to continuously happen and just to be a little competitive so that's why because nor is the largest and nor you know we we don't have a standalone filming um Department you know we rely on one person right and so you know one person one person who's the actor oh the mayor is the act one person that does all the the the the processes you know and please it is not true there are people certain businesses that do get compensated that if they have to shut them down they do get as a matter of fact they get sometimes more money they would have Pro and I don't need to prove it it's in the books all right that's what I'm going to say I'm leave it there but the reason to my colleagues the reason for this was that when you look at the amount you know nor is a little higher so then we would go a little lower so we can be a little more competitive if the council feels that they want to be equal to norc I I believe equal didn't work so let that is the reasoning for not that this this this Administration or this ba is pocketing money because this is what you constantly hear about the mayor and and getting money please let us not let us not the rhetoric that is being said let us support what's right council members and increases need to happen this it this item is going to be on First raing and this is my recommendation who the reason why the item was pull it was because of me I did that and my concern was the community and the Bon as Pres my concern to the VA about compensation how this company will work with those business comp that was the reason why I pulled this idem and it's back here if there's any recommendation please send an email to the VA with any amendment that way we could I'm doing Amendment floor on the on the on on the not Amor anybody so this is what I say and it's a little bit discouraged to hear my colleague new newk listen if you agree and if you agree and right y so yeah if rightfully so we could definitely be competitive to Noah there's nothing wrong with that so listen we're not going to add so much red tape we're not going to ask so much red tape on the on the legislation that it will be impossible for people to come and use our city for filming don't don't don't just don't you know that's a multili industry now being compatible with newk get nothing wrong I mean patteron is growing over 200,000 people let's let's add that Amendment on the r that's not going to kill anybody and let's move on first yes can we agree that now can I have a motion to close move it was move by councilwoman Dava second by Council r r call to close this this meeting good night R call to adjourn the municipal Council Workshop session of Tuesday September 10 say good night motion C Council woman yeah we moov it was moved by councilman Davila second B second it was second by councilwoman B move by councilwoman DAV second by councilman BL okay councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to say to um um I'm going be real quick um I want to thank everybody who supported the fourth annual egg cotton Foundation golf outing that we had on August the 26 it was a very successful event um also we had a beautiful time at the Barbera Park um grand reopening of the park and please you must come out to Barbera Park on um it's on Fair Street between Rosa Parks Boulevard and cow street so please if you must you must come out um also I want to say that um I'm also um part of my church is new am church and we're having a uh a brunch for women on October the 5th so if you're able please reach out to me uh if there's anything that I said tonight that you needed to reach out to me please do I'm always at the office um or or you can call me on my cell phone at 97385 51571 the number again is 973 8515 71 I just want to say um um that also um that we're going to be uh occupying Barbera Park on Wednesdays again like we did before Madam clerk um with that being said I want to say to you all out there have a good night Madame clerk Madam um our new lady in the house detri Paula and also our Deputy clerk um um Phyllis Riley I appreciate you ladies dly and like I always say whatever I can do to help you in the office I am always there available to help you guys out also to our Madam ba to our um Kathleen long to our finance um CFO uh how how be here have a good night you out there in TV Land everyone have a good night and God bless you all out there thank you madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman DAV yes oh he CL me so before I I close I just want to say you know we had a hefty agenda today good conversation um this is what it's about having healthy dialogue we finished the entire agenda all second you know readings are going to Second reading first readings items were removed we did what we came to do today uh thank you and you know apologies to our Clerk and our deputy and our assistant because I know that it becomes a little confusing at times because we're all speaking and can't hear us all at the same time so I want to thank you and Madame ba you get beat up a lot you know um and I will say this there are times I do not agree with you on certain things but I have to say that you know what you do your work you don't have to agree all the time we can disagree but do it in a respectful manner so I want to thank you you know um for always always answering the call um and you know having these meetings that are important these committee meetings my colleagues are very important because a lot of the things can be hashed out in a committee meeting and then you just come and you vote or you can say your sentence or two so the community can know um you know thank you Mr CFO because even on weekends when I got questions he got to come find me so we could discuss uh a bills but anyway no an a serious note to everyone good night thank you council president we finished at midnight Hallelujah um sorry to the community that I cannot be at tomorrow's 9911 event um as you know uh work duties um do not allow me to do so so um have a good night my vote is yes to close thank you councilwoman Dava councilwoman Mims so Patterson first and foremost let me say happy birthday to my granddaughter she will be one years old on tomorrow so I am super excited well on Thursday cuz it's it's Wednesday on uh tomorrow Thursday she will be one years old so I want to say happy birthday to Malia happy so tomorrow morning I will not be able to make the 911 ceremony but I will be Healing Collective at 4: and any events for the weekend I will not be present as well um to uh Elsa Mantia great job on the the Dominican Gala and the parade um as you do every year I was not able to make make it this year um but I will be definitely when I get back making sure I drop off a donation um to the great event and to all of the festivities um to the community at large let's continue to stay safe and unified and love on each other um to our Madame clerk our Deputy clerk our secretary Madame ba Corporation counsel IT staff our Council council president let's keep unifying let's keep building and not battling let's move the city forward and tonight was the presidential debate so I'm going to go home and stay up so I can watch what took place on tonight make sure you vote there's some some really important elections coming up starting from our local school board we have our Senate race uh we have a congressional race P County Commissioners that are running um and our president so make sure you research the candidates and you make sure you vote um Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin thank you Madame Clark thank you everyone uh to uh make sure that our from now our uh Workshop session is going to be televised and I truly believe that televising Workshop session is one of the important thing that started today because at least people know that before we vote where we are standing what do we think I think it's going to give give the resident an opportunity to reach out to us share their voice on any item we discussed today so I would really um uh thankful for that day that we are televising Workshop session from now uh thank you Patterson let's work together to move this for City forward with that being said good night everyone thank you thank you thank you your vote C vote yeah yes my vote is yes thank you councilman Udin councilman valz was good uh council president I was going to I I I was going to direct the ba but she's uh too busy over there now Madame ba put the C put the camera what she just say put the camera what she just say okay I say I call you through the chair through the chair I say through the chair I say through the chair there's a there's a resident complaint ladies and gentlemen I know the camera was not hidden to her you see the attitude that she had that's how she tried to treat me in her office one thing I say my mother taught me to respect females and I go respect them from day one that I was born probably when I have knowledge that I have female my mother thought me respect a female I was raised in church and the first thing they they cha they they T me in churches to respect females I'm not going to dis dis the ba but you could notice that she thinks she could disrespect me and I'm not going to accept that with all the respect that she have I respect her B we do business but she taking personal the things so ladies and gentlemen this is what we deal in this city that's why we are where we at right now you know and I have to be careful what she said because as always there's toxic environment in the second floor and she start from her I say councilman Jackson you say no I'm Louis M mad Madam cler thank you for your service thank you for enjoying your vacation you came back for this thank you good night good night councilman my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you um members of the public since we are on TV mad Madame clerk I have a very important announcement and Council Cali I have a very important announcement as we all know we will go to the AR as uh as we all know we start the project on River Street I was visiting the project today we have the company that is on charge to oversee the project but due to the fact that we start the project on River Street we're going back to 77 Ellison Street attention Patterson councilman don't pass by by the TV so so Council woman you going in front of the camera so so so patteron let me go back on so so we're going back on the next meeting is going to be back at 77 Ellison Street members of the public we're going back to 77 Ellison Street I know it's been it's been difficult to our mad Clerk and the staff that they have to come here with all the all the staff uh all the equipment all documents also Raphael and the IT department so and to the um the next meeting the next meeting which is the regular meeting we're going back this is the last meeting at this location on River Street so we're going back to 77 Ellison Street the weather is much better it's not that hat I was I was there with Raphael and and definitely we're going to be able to operate there I want to say that sometime it's difficult but we finished this agenda with 80 item and as council president I just ask for us to be respectful not to disrespect people not to disrespect Council KH the administration we're definitely going to be able to agree and disagree but let's do what with respect the resident of the city of Patterson elect us to make the right decision for a city it is not about us it's about the people I'm con I'm conly going to repeat this that way we could just conduct ourselves in a better way and if we could be more brief in our comment Council K when we have those meeting we could accomplish a lot more please uh and and just last but not least uh thank you to all those resident that attend my back to school suppli giveaway it was an amazing God bless the city of pison Elsa Mana the Dominican pray was amazing I enjoyed from the beginning to the end I know there was some incident that was isolated that were not related with the Dominican parade uh Dominican parade was amazing was incredible we got so many uh people enjoying this parade and being participating also it was great the weather was amazing God you know God bless us with a beautiful day last Sunday to have one of the best Dominican parade ever in the great city of patteron congratulation to all the organizing like you say councilman M let's keep working together to move the city in the right direction God bless you P so my vot is yes thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences the municipal Council Workshop session is see everybody journ we're going to vote down